#whumptober 2020 progress
a fanfic writer questionnaire that you should absolutely do
Filling out my own questionnaire :) For funsies.
Name(s): Lurkinglurkerwholurks
Where do you post fic? AO3, with Tumblr crossposting
Primary/current fic writing fandom: BatFam
Secondary/past/rotating fic writing fandoms: MCU (3 fics) with secondary tags on the BatFam posts to Stranger Things, Tenet, and Queen’s Thief.
Are there fandoms you write for but don’t read, or vice versa? I don’t read any of those secondary tags. I don’t write but very selectively read Star Wars, Star Trek, and FMA. (I used to read TAZ but don’t anymore.)
How long have you been writing fics? Since March 2018. I posted my first fic that April.
How many have you written? 91 (holy cow)
How many have you posted (complete or incomplete)? 91. One of those is incomplete and one is in progress. I have fragments of a couple more, but not enough to even count as half fics.
What’s your word count by year? Not totally sure because my two big fics stretched across multiple years. According to AO3:
2018 - 83,394
2019 - 102,244
2020 - 164,370
2021 - 114,915
2022 - 79,981 (so far)
But with the understanding that Nature and Nurture (109,065) started in 2018 and ended in 2020 and The Return (52,589) started in 2020 and ended in 2021.
What was your first posted fic? Mother Bruce and His Baby Birds
If you write in more than one fandom, which is your most popular? BatFam. By far.
What is your most popular fic by bookmark? The Return. 2,496.
What is your most popular fic by subscription? Also The Return, lol. 1,171
What is your longest fic? Nature and Nurture. Word count listed above.
How long did it take you to write it? Published dates are from 5/3/2018, to 3/5/2020. SYMMETRY. I can’t remember how long that first chapter took me to write, though, and I had the last chapter written at least a week before I posted it.
What is your shortest fic? Choose - Lose. 699 words.
How long did it take you to write it? Less than a day. Maybe less than an hour, even. I kind of went into a writerly fugue state and banged it out.
How many series do you have? 14. That is so many.
Who’s your most commonly tagged character? Bruce Wayne (66)
What’s your most commonly tagged relationship (slash or &)? “Tim Drake & Bruce Wayne” and “Jason Todd & Bruce Wayne” are both tied at 16. I... don’t think I have any /.
What’s your most commonly used other tag? Whump (26). Thanks, Whumptober.
Was there a fic or writer who inspired you to start writing your own posted works? @audreycritter​ and @unpretty​. Unpretty intrigued me with a Batman I didn’t hate. Audrey reeled me in with CEC. But also @starknjarvis27​ because I wanted to surprise her.
What do you remember about writing your first posted fic? Nerves. So many nerves.
Is there a fic or fics you’re most proud of, and why? I answered that here and the full answer is way too long!
Is there a fic you would redo completely if you could? Mother Bruce. Not because I don’t like it (I do! very much!) but because it was my first fic ever. I’m a better writer now, for one, and also while I think that BatFam is a nice BatFam, it may not necessarily be my BatFam, you know?
Is there a specific detail (setting, interaction, quirk, dialogue) you stole from your own life to use in a fic? Oh gosh, so many. I steal little bits and pieces from people I know all the time, because those tend to be the things that give the fictional people I write about texture. “How did you ever think to make up ____.” Eh, if it’s a small things, odds are I didn’t. I can’t come up with an example right now, but when I do, I’ll ETA.
Is there a line in your fic that makes you smile/snicker/chuckle every time you remember it? I give most of my best lines to Jason, but Tim’s breeziness never fails to delight me. “His therapist would call that a red flag, but que sera sera, YOLO, and so forth” is a classic. Also Bruce’s flummoxed “Did you just try to batarang me… with me?”
Is there a line in your fic that makes you sad every time you remember it? lollllllllll. Well. I have 6 works tagged “I Made Myself Cry,” so. But Damian’s I’m sorry I was difficult. I’m sorry I didn’t know how to be a good son. I’m sorry I was such an awful brother. I’m sorry I made you so angry. Please don’t be sad for too long. Please don’t forget about me. still hits hard.
Are there any story ideas you’ve considered but are too nervous/intimidated to attempt? What are they? Yes. No spoilers, but one of these days I’m going to recreate a specific scene from a specific non-DC show that has stuck with me for years.
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bereft-of-frogs · 4 years
Tumblr media
six(ish) sentence sunday (I think I skipped a few more there/52)
11 October 2020
“You know what this is?” Pierce asks. With the gag, Loki cannot respond. “You’d think it was revenge, and sure, that part’s going to be good. But you’re the future. You’re an opportunity. For us to make advances we haven’t even dreamed of since 1945.” The year means absolutely nothing to Loki. “You’re our new shot at greatness.”
A pretty speech, Loki thinks.
[I’m up to 15 prompts done for whumptober! Over halfway, if you count all the in-progress fics up, I would say. since there appeared to be some enthusiasm for the fic I’ve long been threatening to write, I thought I’d share six(ish) sentences from that. it’s not the original HYDRA Endgame AU I started a while ago, but it’s a HYDRA Endgame AU that’s a little more pure whump, so I thought it would fit in well for whumptober]
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"I got snot all over your shirt. I think it's ruined now," Aramis mumbled without really making an effort to mitigate the damage by lifting his face from where it was pressed against the fabric.
Athos snorted. "I can think of worse things to have befallen on my shirt."
"Like that time when d'Artagnan decided to smear your shirt with honey as a prank?"
Out of context Whumptober WIPs
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queenangst · 4 years
so,,, how's your whumptober wips doin rn👀 im very eager to read your fics
chapter 1 of fic 1 is being posted in the morning! 
i have a writing and posting schedule set up for myself. for now i’ll share that fic 1 (4 chapters total) will be posted over the following 4-5 days.
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noperopesaredope · 3 years
Fics That I Really Like A Lot
So, I just wanted to make a post uplifting some really great fics I’ve read/am subscribed to or still keeping up with. I like to let people know about other creators, and I just wanted to mention some works I think people should check out.
(Note, this post was made on Sep 2, 2021, so when I say something is recent, I mean compared to when I made this post)
Tangled the Series Fics (Mostly Varian Fics):
Walls of Stone (Finished)
Varian and Whumptober 2020 (Series) (Finished) (Sidenote; I really like this author in general, but there is just so much great whump and extreme angst in this series! Says they are but a humble freshman, but I say they are a very skilled freshman!)
How Pneumonia Stopped a Stubborn Alchemist from Descending into Villainy (Finished)
Screw Treasure, I got Trauma (Finished)
Tangled One-shots (Series) (Finished? I Think?)
Voluntary Manslaughter (Finished)
I’ll Always Lend an Ear (Finished)
Drown Your Past, Burn your Future (Series) (Unfinished, but still going strong)
Scars of a Child (Series) (Unfinished)
Unrelenting Silence (Finished)
Where was the happily ever after? (Finished? Unsure)
All our Dreams (Down the Drain) (Unfinished)
Not All Falling Stars Grant Wishes (Finished)
Alchemy Lullaby (Series) (Finished)
Insignificant (Finished)
Second Chances (Almost finished)
The Pawn Decides Its Fate (Finished)
Unsaid Emily (Finished)
Today, Today (Finished)
The Pride in Your Eyes (Unfinished, but still somewhat new)
Monster (Finished)
You Are Enough (Finished)
An Alchemist’s World (Unfinished, but the first four chapters could definitely work as a standalone fic, so, in my eyes it’s finished)
Too Smart for Your Own Good (Unfinished, going strong)
To find the Sundrop (Unfinished)
There’s More in You (Unfinished)
The Science of Love (Unfinished, going very strong)
Season 2 But Gayer (Unfinished, going strong-ish)
On My Honor (Series) (Unfinished, going extremely strong with consistant updates)
A Prince and His Bodyguard (Series) (Unfinished, going strong)
Rocks, Wolves, and the Moon (Series) (Unfinished, going strong)
Return to Me (Unfinished, going strong)
Perilous Night (Unfinished, possibly discontinued, but worth a bit of the read)
Nomad (Unfinished, author is working on multiple projects, so IDK)
No Reward for Second Place (Unfinished, but fairly new and somewhat well updated)
Oath of the Lawbreaker (Unfinished, possibly discontinued)
New Quest for Varian (Unfinished, fairly new)
My Dear Son (Unfinished)
Insignificant (Finished)
Indentured (Unfinished, same author as Nomad)
Enter the mind, remove the sins (Unfinished, going pretty strong)
Darkness exists to make the light truely count (Unfinished, going strong. Updated about every month or two, with consistency)
Creeping Crystals (Unfinished, but going somewhat strong)
Blood of My Brother (Unfinished, going as one of the strongest in its fast updates)
Cyclorama (Finished) (Companion to Blood of My Brother)
Chemistry in Motion (Unfinished)
Away from Home (Unfinished)
Alone? (Unfinished-ish)
It’s just a mild inconvenience (Unfinished, possibly discontinued)
Gauze in the Wound (Unfinished, pretty consistent last I checked)
Blood Makes the Knife Holy (Series) (Unfinished, but each part could work as their own fics, and it’s still going)
A Progression of Events (Unfinished)
He Needs Me (Unfinished, going strong)
Or So They Though (Unfinished, going pretty strong)
The Long Road Back to Home (Unfinished, hasn’t been updated in a bit, but is pretty long and each chapter could take about a couple months to finish, and even longer if the creator is stuck/has other fics. Still worth the read)
The Road Home (Different) (Unfinished)
Reunion at Sea (Unfinished, going strong)
Elements of Angst (Unfinished, probably updated soon)
Arson (Unfinished, every time it think that maybe it’s been discontinued, it comes back)
Unconventional Family (Unfinished, possibly discontinued)
To find the Sundrop (Unfinished)
Wayward AU (Comic) (Unfinished, pretty consistent)
RWBY (Mainly Oscar Fics):
It’s Venomous (Finished)
Will you stand and be brave or be broken? (Finished)
Oscar Gets Himself a Coat (Finished)
Who You Belong To (Finished)
Imperfect Light (Finished)
Shell (Finished)
Blood on Both Hands (Finished)
Tell Me that I am a Fool (Finished)
If i believed in destiny i'd have to hunt it down and punch it in the face (Series) (Unfinished, can have the occasionally long hiatus, but the creator comes back)
Is Oscar okay? no but the answer is b (Finished)
Running From Memories (Finished)
Rescue Me (Unfinished)
Souls of Love and Bravery (Unfinished, relatively consistent updates)
Revert To Last Save File (but it's the wrong file) (Unfinished, but still going)
Broken Body and Souls (Finished)
Camp Camp:
David’s Family (Unfinished, possibly discontinued)
Horror Camp (A little too much child whump for me, but it’s very whumpy) (Unfinished)
Inconvenience (Unfinished)
Still Here (One of my favs) (Finished)
Hetalia (Mainly America and Canada Centric):
Recovering the Broken Pieces (Unfinished, possibly discontinued)
Hetalia 2020 - WWIII and more (Unfinished)
(More fics in the crossover section)
She-ra (Quite a few Kyle ones):
The Chronicles of Kyle (Unfinished)
Sunflowers (Finished)
She-Ra: In the Wake (Unfinished)
Princesses and co. work through their issues (Unfinished)
What is Heard (Cannot be Unheard) (Finished)
Long Way Home (Unfinished)
The Hollowed of Etheria (Discontinued. For now at least. Author might revamp it)
Hordak and the Orphans of the Horde (Unfinished)
Big Sis (Finished)
Ex-Horde (Finished? Pretty good on its own though)
Prisoner of Conscience (Unfinished, still going strong)
Tales of Arcadia (Mostly Douxie Fics):
The Immortal Bonds (Unfinished, going strong)
I Can Make RotT So Much Worse (Unfinished, going strong)
Not After 900 Years (Finished)
A Different Path (Finished)
Half-Remembered (Finished)
Shattered Timelines (Unfinished, going strong)
In the Fullness of Time (Unfinished, updated recently)
One Last Time (Unfinished, updated recently)
Tales of Arcadia Watch Trollhunters: Rise of the Titans (Unfinished)
Crossover Fics:
Sold (TTS/HtTYD) (Finished) (Author is really good at angsty oneshots that should be made into full fics)
Varian’s Mysterious Transport (TTS/Infinity Train) (Unfinished, unexpected updates)
Of Rocks and Robots (TTS/Big Hero Six) (Series) (Unfinished, very consistent)
(Like the moon) I'll sway the tide and lead you astray (TTS/HtTYD) (Unfinished, haven’t read in a while)
Heathers and other fandoms react to stuff (Multifandom Crossover Fanfiction) (Unfinished, confusing update schedule, not every fandom gets much spotlight, still incredibly fun)
Chemistry in Motion (TTS/Big Hero Six) (Unfinished)
The Weight of Both Worlds (Hetalia/RWBY) (Series) (Finished) (My favorite fic ever)
Infinity (Hetalia/BNHA) (Unfinished, possibly discontinued)
G8 china in UA, 1-S class! (Hetalia/BNHA) (Unifinished, possibly dicontinued)
That Which Makes Up This Land (Hetalia/ATLA) (Unfinished, author is editing and reposting all their series, which could take about a year, but it will be back)
A Waterbending Quirk (ATLA/BNHA) (Unfinished, going strong)
Other Fics:
Earth is Odd Enough (Sanders Sides) (Unfinished)
UA Faculty Tiktok OCs (BNHA) (Webtoon) (Check out https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=63lWYueDsek&t=208s, she’s amazing) (Unfinished. The Tiktoks, on the otherhand, are very much still going)
Harry Potter and the Lack of Lambsauce (Harry Potter) (Finished)
Grinch x Tony the Tiger (You know) (Unfinished)
Flowey is Not a Good Life Coach (Undertale) (Finished)
It Wears a Mask (MCU Spiderman) (Finished)
A Different Fate (Harry Potter) (Finished)
A crack in the glass (eye) (ATLA) (Finished)
Identity Saga (MCU Spiderman) (Series) (Unfinished, author is very dedicated to fic and is incredibly determined to finish it, so highly unlikely to be discontinued)
Bakery Enemies AU (Miraculous Ladybug) (Comic) (Unfinished, going strong)
Authors I Like:
AquaQuadrant aka @aquaquadrant (probably know them if you’re in the Varian fandom. Ridiculously talented)
bethhigdon (in the TTS fandom and the Big Hero Six fandom, but also other stuff)
Cate_9xBlue aka @cate-9xblue (known best for their TTS fics)
Royalsciencenerd (Writes amazing TTS Varian fics)
HoneyxMonkey aka @honeyxmonkey (Writes TTS fics and talks a lot about Tales of Arcadia on their blog. Has some great ideas)
Sand_wolf579 (Has a large and varied catalogue)
ExploretheEcccentricities aka @exploretheeccentricities (Lots of TTS fics)
ShadowSnowdapple aka @shadowsnowdapple (RWBY Oscar fics that are amazing)
Widowfics (Great TTS writer)
AMax76 (Wrote the amazing Blood of My Brother)
violetsaren_tblue (has some great TTS fics I like)
Time Traverser (Excellent Hetalia America and Canada Fics)
Aloneintherain aka @captainkirkk (Just started reading their stuff, SO many excellent Spider-Man fics)
So yeah, just giving some appreciation for all the fic creators out there and their creations!
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basicallyjaywalker · 2 years
My name is Rook, I am a trans man and use he/him pronouns, and I've been obsessed with little lego ninja men since I was 9 years old and CN's advertising got me to watch the Green Ninja reveal episode. This blog is the product of that special interest taking over my life in 2020.
Here are all the creative endeavors I've undergone as a result!
150 Follower Fictravaganza!
Optional fics due (for prizes) October 15th! Winner will be selected afterwards.
Click here for the collection of completed fics!
Recognition (Pixal | Fluff | Canon-Compliant | Completed) (Made for Ninjago Fic Fest 2024! Please check out all the other awesome works here)
Starry Eyed (Mana (Lloyd x OC) | Fluff | AU | Completed)
Whumptober 2023: Ninjago Edition (Multi Character | Whump | Canon & AUs | Completed)
Arms (Bruise | Hurt/Comfort | Canon-Compliant | Complete)
OC Info Sheets:
In progress! Doing a little revamp <3
Other stuff under the cut!
#rook's lego addiction: any lego sets i get and build will be under this tag + me just doing lego shit in general
AUs and Fic Planning:
Stay tuned!
Fanon and Lore:
#mt's notes on elemental powers: are my notes on my interpretations of elemental powers, both the ones I made up and canon's! (currently a WIP series)
Watch Me Watch Ninjago:
#rook rewatches skybound: my skybound rewatch, watch me lose my shit
#rook rewatches possession: my possession rewatch! watch me lose it over characters and not writing this time
#rook rewatches hands of time: my hands of time rewatch! not very intense tbh
I did not liveblog the other seasons but if/when i do a rewatch i might!
Other blogs:
gonehyperfixating (general fandom blog)
chesspiecesquish (stimboard blog, currently inactive but looking to restart it)
Lastly, a standard DNI applies. Racists, homophobes, transphobes, xenophobes, terfs/"gender critical feminists," misogynists, islamophobes, anti-Palestine, basically if you're a bigot you can disrespectfully fuck off
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pandora15 · 3 years
I am participating in Whumptober this year!  I will be updating this post with links to tumblr and/or AO3 for each prompt as the month progresses, so if you want to keep track of all of my Whumptober fics, this is the post to check!  I’ll be keeping this post pinned throughout the month, if that makes things easier for you.
I will be posting a fic every day in October (hopefully) at 12 PM EST, and then reblogging at 8PM EST, unless there’s a change in schedule!
Click here to view the prompt list for this year.
If you’d like to see my Whumptober masterlists from previous years, here is 2018, 2019, and 2020.
Day 1: “You have to let go.” - Tumblr
Day 2: Choking - Tumblr
Day 3: “Who did this to you?” - Tumblr
Day 4: “Do you trust me?” - Tumblr
Day 5: Betrayal - Tumblr
Day 6: Bruises - Tumblr
Day 7: Numbness - Tumblr
Day 8: “Definitely just a cold” - Tumblr
Day 9: Tears - Tumblr
Day 10: Hospital - Tumblr
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quietlyimplode · 4 years
Mine: (also tagged under #my fic) do NOT repost my work anywhere (don’t be that person, a reblog is better and far more kind)
Whumptober 2023 Masterlist - AO3 - The Language of Flowers and Silent Things
Whumptober 2022 Masterlist - AO3 - Leave Everything But Your Bones Behind
Whumptober 2021 Masterlist - AO3 (Survival Guide) (The Way Home) (For here what is, what is must be)
Whumptober 2020 Masterlist - Rescue Me
Marching On - Avengers (2012) - AO3
different names for the same thing (part 1)
different names for the same thing (part 2)
Completed Series (How Natasha came to Shield)
Travel Through The Shadows With Me :
https://youtu.be/0pgyrD236wM (video for the series by a very talented friend)
Part 1: Summon Your Courage (Natasha & Clint)
Part 2: Invite your demons to tea (Natasha - with a side of Clint)
Part 3: Kiss the Dread
Black Widow Fest 2024
Black Widow Fest 2023
Black Widow Fest 2022
Black Widow Fest 2021
2.47 // nightshift
Excavate - Moments in Time - All the drabbles and one shots that have no place anywhere else
Clintasha Advent 2021 Masterlist
Clintasha Advent 2020 Masterlist
Short Ask Game (drabble fic)
Hard Luck - Natasha x Reader (to be placed on Ao3)
Bad Things Bingo (1) (2)
Leave everything but your bones behind (team fic/Clint/Nat implied)
The Judas Tree (Natasha & Clint/ Maria & Nat)
The Way Home (Clint/Nat)
Impenetrable (Nat/Clint)
Don’t let me fall (Clint/Nat)
Watch the sky (Clint/Nat)
Ok I believe you but my tommy gun don’t (Clint/Nat)
The Progressive and Cultural Learnings of Natasha Romanov - Ao3 (Clint/Nat)
Ten Thousand Hours (Clint/Nat)
Light Shadows (Clint/Nat)
Next Step (Clint/Nat 100 word drabble)
Natasha & Yelena
For here what is, what is will be (Nat & Yelena)
Night Drive (Yelena & Natasha)
Forged (Natasha)
Teach me how to be at peace again (Natasha. Yelena)
Tony & Natasha
Survival Guide (Tony & Natasha (Pepper/Tony and Clint/Nat))
Cosmic Love (Clint/Nat/ Tony & Nat)
The Way Through (Nat & Sam/ Maria & Nat)
Silver Linings (Nat & Steve & Tony/ Clint/Nat)
A Universal Truth (Nat & Tony/ Clint/Nat)
A mark, a mission, a brand, a scar (nat&tony, Nat& Steve and Clint/Nat// avengers as a team??)
Movie Night (Clint/Nat/Laura)
First Meetings (Natasha/Laura + Clint)
Promptathon Fic (Clint/Nat/Laura)
Five Christmases (Clint/Nat/Laura/Yelena)
Clint/Nat/Bucky / Bucky/Nat
Outrun the Night (Clint/Nat/Bucky)
Après Moi (Bucky/Nat)
Natasha & Steve
Flicker Beats
Wanda & Nat
Grief is a thing with fangs
x x x x
Natasha Romanoff Masterlist of Fic Recs - Version 2.0  - Page 1 / Page 2 / Page 3 / Page 4 / Page 5
Masterlist of @whumptober2020
Drabbles 1/ 2/ 3/ 4/ 5/ 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 11
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ruinedrainbowpooka · 3 years
Me: >hasn’t finished Whumptober 2020
Also me: So I have two fics in progress that hit over 31 Kinktober prompts and I’m gonna do Whumptober 2021.
Also also me: Uhhh eventually I’ll have all this done
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embyrinitalics · 4 years
Whumptober 2020 No. 8 — “Don’t Say Goodbye”
Masterlist Word count: ~2020 Universe: Ocarina of Time Pairings: Zelink Rating: K Themes: Character death, grief, loss, time travel Read on ao3
Link held Zelda in his arms the day she died.
Her lips were too pale, her pulse too faint, as she rested her head on his shoulder. She felt so fragile and feather-light it made his stomach twist.
“I have loved every moment of this,” she whispered, her eyelids heavy and her smile distant. “I wouldn’t change a thing.”
“Rest now,” he said, laying his cheek on her hair.
But she knew better. She always knew better.
“I’m sorry we have to say goodbye,” she sighed, her eyes vibrant and glistening to the last, and he tried to swallow his heart down out of his throat.
“Then don’t say goodbye.”
She took her last breath in his arms, and then she was gone.
They buried her alongside her mother and father in the Temple of Time. Dignitaries came from all corners of the country to pay their respects, and the kingdom declared an official period of mourning. Bards and minstrels wrote songs. They said she was the fairest, kindest, wisest ruler Hyrule had ever known. They said she would never be forgotten. And Link spent the whole ordeal fingering the blue instrument in his pocket.
Because there was so much he would change. He wouldn’t have let her put him off when he said she seemed more tired than usual. He would have brought doctors to diagnose her condition earlier. He would have torn her from her work and forced her to rest when she insisted on being stubborn. He would have brought her to the healing fountains when she was still healthy enough to travel.
He would have saved her life.
So, one night, riddled with grief, he brought the Ocarina to his lips and played.
There was a rush of magic, every molecule in his body palpitating as they scrambled to compensate for the displacement. But outside of the way he couldn’t seem to catch his breath, nothing seemed to have changed. He was still in their room, in the dark, the town outside the window glimmering with stars and lantern light. Maybe, with the Sage of Time gone from the world, the Ocarina had lost the powers it once had.
But then there she was, standing in the doorway in her night slip, splashed with candlelight as she set down her chamberstick.
“What’s the matter with you?” she asked, braiding the end of her hair with a bemused smile on her face. “You look like you’ve just run a mile.”
He crossed to her and kissed her, breathlessly, reverently, whispering her name wherever he could in relief. She slipped her arms around his neck, her braid tumbling loose and forgotten, and smiled against his mouth.
“What’s gotten into you?”
“The date,” he breathed, hands biting possessively into his waist. “What’s the date?”
She told him. It was five weeks before the day she died. That wasn’t much time.
He had all the castle physicians brought in, even though it was close to midnight. They all took turns measuring her pulse and feeling for fever and checking her throat and her eyes while Link paced like something feral at the foot of her bed.
They told him she was in perfect health.
“You’re not fine,” he had hissed, after she put a stop to his near-violent tirade and dismissed the terrorized doctors. “You’re sick. And you’ll be dead before autumn’s end.”
She crawled under the covers and coaxed him into bed beside her, and he put his arms around her and told her everything. He told her how quickly her condition had progressed. He told her how the country had mourned. He told her how he was going mad with grief, and how he had come back to save her and to save himself. He told her over and over again how much he loved her.
She went with him to a fairy fountain the next day, bathing in its healing waters and letting the fairy spirits sprinkle her with magic. She ate well. She rested often. She cut her workload in half, and then again when Link still wasn’t satisfied. They spent every waking moment together, and the rest nestled in each other’s arms.
But exactly on time, her symptoms appeared, and just as the trees turned bare, she was gone.
He laid a kiss on her forehead, whispering apologies and promises, and played the Ocarina again.
The next five weeks were more disciplined than the first. A cup of blue potion with every meal. Bathing at the fairy fountain as many nights as they could get away. Even visiting the Great Fairy more than once, asking for magic, or wisdom, or a miracle. But she still declined, her life draining inexplicably away and Link forced to watch it again, powerless to change it.
“I’m sorry we have to say goodbye,” she said, like she always did, and he was still listening to her last breath as he brought the Ocarina to his mouth.
He spent the next five weeks studying in the library, researching symptoms and illnesses and treatments and cures. He spent the five weeks after that gathering all manner of strange ingredients, eyeball frogs and odd poultices and Great Fairy’s tears, carefully trying to work out a cure—did she feel any stronger? had her appetite improved any? was it any easier to breathe?—but nothing ever changed. He started the next cycle by asking her what he should do, hoping in her wisdom. She told him to stop playing with fate. But he couldn’t leave well enough alone.
So he played the song again, and again, and again, and watched her die again, and again, and again.
It wasn’t long before he lost count of the songs, the weeks, the deaths, the restarts.
“You need to let me go,” she had told him once. More than once. Sometimes rosy-cheeked, curled up in her night slip in his arms on that very first night. Sometimes pale and weak, on the very edge of death. He always pressed a lingering kiss to her hair and told her the same thing.
“I’m sorry. I just can’t.”
So the weeks bled into months, and they bled into something else. It was the same scenes, the same days, the same arguments, the same grief, endlessly repeating in a cycle he couldn’t vanquish and that he wouldn’t break. It was a strange way to live. Zelda said it wasn’t living at all.
Link stood by the window, staring through the spangles of dust glittering in the sunbeams and fingering the Ocarina in his pocket.
“What are you thinking?” she asked, her voice small and feathery.
“You die tomorrow,” he murmured, tracing the smooth, reassuring porcelain with his fingertips. “I was thinking about what I’ll try next time around.”
“I see.”
He turned, glancing at his wife where she was cradled in a veritable cloud of white pillows. “I’m sorry. That sounded callous. I haven’t given up on you yet. I’m just…”
She reached for him before he could finish, ushering him over wordlessly, and tangled her fingers in his as he sat on the edge of her bed.
“You’re tired,” she said. “I can see it in your eyes.”
“A little. Nothing to worry yourself about.”
“How long have you been doing this? Trying to change the future?”
“I don’t know,” he murmured. “A few years, maybe.”
She arched an eyebrow at him, like she could sense how conservative an estimate that had been. “And how many times have I tried to talk you out of it?”
He smiled grimly, leaning to press a kiss to her forehead. “Too many times. If it’s all the same to you, can we skip it this time around?”
“I can’t remember the last time I played that ocarina,” she sighed wistfully, and he nodded.
“It’s been a very long time.”
“Can I play it?”
“What makes you think I have it?”
She scoffed weakly. “You never let it out of your sight. And you’ve been fingering it in your pocket for the last half an hour.”
He produced it, smirking, and laid it gently in her hands. She cleared her throat, setting the mouthpiece to her lips. The note came out shaky, and she had to cough before she could try again.
“Let me,” he said, but she shook her head, setting her lips against it again.
“You don’t know this song.”
He didn’t. It was melancholic and aching, full of beautiful refrains that lingered on long, low notes and ended in a climbing dissonance that never resolved. It sounded like grief. It sounded like the piece of his heart that was still screaming from losing her the first time. It sounded like being lost. Like being lost in a cycle that wouldn’t end.
He looked away, towards the sun streaming through the window, not sure he could stand to listen to the rest. Not sure he could stand to hear how it ended.
And then he heard the porcelain crack.
His eyes jumped to the instrument in her hands, to her eyes, blue as the summer sky, vibrant and glistening to the last, as she struck the last, resonant, high note of the dissonance, as high as the Ocarina would play. Then light poured out of spidery veins that spread from the windway to the toneholes, and it shattered before he could so much as shout.
The porcelain rained down in bits and pieces into her lap, and Link dove as if to catch them, panic rising in his throat. He traced the jagged edges, trembling, knowing there was nothing for it. Knowing that what the Sage of Time had chosen to destroy could not easily be put together again.
“No,” he begged, pawing at the fragments, desperately trying to piece them together anyway. “Goddesses, Zelda, what have you done?”
“Please don’t waste our last day together being angry with me,” she whispered, her mouth twisting as she tried to force a smile and tears tumbling down her face.
He swallowed fury and panic. She was right. She was always right.
“No, no, of course not,” he breathed, gathering her hands up in his and pressing a long, lingering kiss to her knuckles. “I’m not angry with you. I’m just…”
Lost. I’m lost without you. Please don’t go. Please.
“I’m sorry, Link,” she whispered. “I can’t stand the thought of you doing this to yourself anymore. I just can’t. Please understand that. I want you to live your life.”
His lips pulled down and his brow peaked, eyes shutting too tight as the weight of it struck him, as he finally gave way to tears and told her the truth.
“I can’t. I don’t know how to live without you. I don’t want to know how.”
“Yes, you can,” she said, reaching up to cup his cheek in her hand. “Find the courage.”
“I’m so sorry, Zelda,” he quavered bitterly, covering her hand with his own and holding it close. “I’m so sorry I couldn’t save you.”
“Don’t be, my love.” She mustered a watery smile. “It just wasn’t meant to be.”
He gathered her up into his arms gently, and she tucked herself under his chin, resting her head on his chest the way she liked. He shuddered at the hauntingly familiar sensation of her shallow breaths, of her hand resting too softly against his neck, and leaned his cheek against her hair.
“I love you,” he said, and he felt her sigh.
“And I love you. I’m sorry we have to say goodbye.”
“Then don’t say goodbye,” he whispered, the words falling from his mouth like the last leaves of autumn.
She took a breath. And then she went still.
He held onto her for a long time, still not ready, for all his running, to face the end of the song. The resolution to the dissonance. He just didn’t have the courage.
It was a fitting punishment from the gods that only now, when he was powerless to alter it himself, did time diverge from its unchangeable course.
It had taken her a day early.
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theoldguard-recs · 3 years
He guys! Do you know any fic where we get to see Joe and Nicky's reactions to Andy's mortality, maybe have a talk about it with her, help her with her gun bound or just being protective of her after that??
Hello!! I am so sorry it took this long to reply; if this kind of fic is still of interest to you, I ran a quick search with some different tag combinations and found the following. Please note these haven’t been read thoroughly, only skimmed to see if they might be of interest to you; your mileage may vary and please read the tags / use discretion!
If anyone else has recs, please feel few to add them to this post!
On the Threshold of Eternity - Ailendolin - Complete, Teen, Graphic depictions of violence, ~17 000 words. 5 + 1 fic. “Andy’s mortality changes everything for the team.  Or: Five times Nile sees Nicky taking care of Andy after she becomes mortal, and one time she sees Andy returning the favor.”
just to keep you warm, just to bring you home - JuliaRose12 - (podfic available - recorded by perfectsymmetry18) - Complete, Gen, No archive warnings apply, ~12 000 words or 1-1.5 hours listening time. “In hindsight, Nile is almost surprised by how little Andy, Nicky, and Joe hide from her.Or, Nile learns, one person at a time, all the little ways that Andy, Nicky, and Joe comfort and care for each other when things fall apart. And as it turns out, the things she learns make becoming part of this family easier than she ever would have imagined.”
Progression (Years 25, 26) - Squintern - Complete, Gen, No archive warnings apply, ~6000 words. “Best case scenario, you keep running jobs with us for a few more years until you finally admit your failing stamina is too much of a hindrance in the field and gracefully live out the rest of your life waiting for us to come home -- Or, three conversations about acceptance.“ This one seems more about emotional processing
Old - WarriorOmen - Complete, Teen, no archive warnings apply, ~3000 words. Hospital fic. “Andy is just so goddamned old.. Maybe it's not as sad as it sounds.”
Good Old-Fashioned Healing - aravenwood - Complete, Teen, no archive warnings apply, ~1000 words. Field medicine, bullet wounds. “Andy’s not ok the first time she’s hurt after losing her immortality. None of them are.Written for the Whumptober 2020 prompt "field medicine".
stay, don’t leave me - demonicneonfishy - Complete, Teen, no archive warnings apply, ~1000 words. Febuwhump, concealing injury. “She’s not used to the constant pain, and at the same time it’s become an old friend in a matter of days.” 
Some tags I found useful were the “Mortal Andy” or “Protective [character]” while searching, and hurt/comfort filters! The platonic Andy & Joe or Andy & Nicky tags also helped somewhat. I hope some of these might fit the bill or help you discover new fic!
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gumnut-logic · 4 years
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A Nutty 2020 recap
Okay, 2020 was a doozy of a year, both personally and world wide.
In Australia, it started with the continent literally on fire. My wisdom teeth packed it in and then I stepped on a bee and ended up with a foot infection that crippled me for a week. I had dental surgery which I woke up in the middle of and a week later COVID hit the planet and we’ve been in March for most of the rest of the year. Work became an emotional challenge that literally broke me in places it had never broken me before - and I had it easy compared to the rest of the world!
But! During all this, there was Thunderbirds and Thunderfam and thank goodness for that.
We saw the end of Thunderbirds Are Go :( but boy, we revelled in it and met Jeff and continue to explore the possibilities this amazing show left us with.
Scrolling through my archive shows just how active we have been. Admittedly it is through a lens of me, but there is just soooo much stuff created by the fandom, it is frickin’ amazing! So much fic and art and screenshots and gifs and wow, it is such a colourful journey looking back.
As for me...
The other day I had one of my nieces in my studio and was showing her how I did my stamping. She is only little and quite innocently informed me that her Dad says ‘Auntie Nutty never finishes anything’. Some of you may know me well enough to know that I have an issue with this very statement which has haunted me since childhood. I suspect I have an undiagnosed case of ADHD and it has been a battle throughout my life to keep my focus on something long enough to finish it. I have developed techniques and strategies and have made a lot of progress.
So, to my father who started this stigmatism and my brother who is apparently still holding the damned flag, here are a few stats on how I performed in 2020.
I started 65 stories in 2020 (including We’ll Be Home for Christmas which was partly written in 2019, but I’m claiming it for 2020 anyway). That number only includes fics above a thousand words because I archive smaller ones differently and can’t be bothered adding them up.
Of those 65 fics, I finished 53! Fifty-three complete fics ranging from 1000 words all the way up to 68,232 - my second longest fic ever.
I currently have twelve WIPs on my plate from 2020 plus The Hero from 2019. (there are a few from the previous two years, which I’m not counting right now, but then I’m not counting the completed ones either :P ).
So bro and the person who commented on one of my fics complaining that most of them were unfinished, you can go stick that in your craw and smoke it :P
That is a total of 374,808 words in one year!
Apart from fic, I also completed seven TAG artworks and three moodboards.
All the while holding down a day job and running my own business and being a mum (my poor wild children whom I neglect) and a wife (poor, poor hubby). So there! ::gets haughty at imaginary father person and crosses arms in defiance::
But I couldn’t have done it without the support of our wonderful Thunderfam ::hugs you all madly:: I won’t name names, but you know who you are and I love you all for it.
In 2020, we launched FabFiveFeb, International Rescue Relief, WorldWindows, Sensory Sunday and a second Fluffember. We had Pen & Ink Week and Whumptober. We have created sooooooo much this year. A year that saw the end of the latest reincarnation of our favourite show and saw so many challenges on a RL level. I know some of you literally waded through shit last year ::hugs you soooo, soooo much::
So despite 2020 being a bucket of worms (and that is insulting worms, cos worms are quite fascinating), we, as a fandom, and me as a writer, have both achieved quite a bit. And to draw on the tiny rays of sunshine from a very stormy year, we should be proud of what we have achieved despite it all.
And excuse me while I give a few pertinent family members the finger :P
(complete with both Mummy and Daddy issues)
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bereft-of-frogs · 4 years
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Six(ish) Sentence Sunday (????????/52)
18 October 2020
“Who’s there?” he asks again. The top book again lifts up and drops down on the pile with a soft thud.
Loki narrows his eyes. “I do not know who you are, or what you want, but you’d best leave before I’m forced to banish you.” He’s not sure he has the power within him now to banish the spirit, but hopes the threat is enough. The book does it again, lifting up and dropping down. “Show your-”
The book flies across the cell, slamming hard into the opposite cell wall. The pile of books collapses and the subtle pressure of a presence vanishes.
Loki has never been afraid of ghosts, but now, in his cold and quiet cell, a chill travels down his spine.
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Porthos could remember feeling this helpless only once in his life; when he had returned to his tiny shack and found his Maman unmoving, unresponsive. He had cried then, he cried now.
(Whumptober WIP extract)
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luninosity · 4 years
2020 fanfic round-up post!
My general sense, before I start actually finding fics etc, is that I wrote about the same or more words overall in 2020, versus 2019...possibly more fanfic, but more original, too...possibly less Stucky (again) and more Evanstan? It’s also been a wonderfully collaborative year, both pro and fanfic! I love collaboration, and this year I got to play with brilliant friends both old and new!
And, surprisingly, probably I wrote slightly more Cherik - and I finished off TWO series I've had unfinished for *years*, one Cherik (the ‘compromise’ stories) and one Evanstan (Like Sugar, finally, completely, at last) - so I feel accomplished! (Not 'rain on tin,' though. Dammit.)
And I wrote for one fandom (Leverage) I'd never written for before! And of course there's the whole glorious massive epic that's Character Bleed, published in 2020, though I've been working on that for a while!
I’ll make a separate post for original fic, though. So...on to...
The Fanfic! Stucky Whumptober 2020 - Stucky Edition, M overall (individual chapters vary), 11,473 words. The collection of individual (some linked) shorts from the Whumptober  challenge! This was fun, if tiring - I wrote more fanfic in one month than I had in ages! Lots of hurt/comfort, near-death experiences, etc.... Evanstan Evanstan Round Robin 2020, E,12,497 words overall, but my chapter's 1,313 words. The annual holiday collaborative masterpiece! So full of wonderful emotion and pining this year - such a delight sharing this love and creation and fandom with everyone! would anybody recognize, M (mostly for implied dynamics/Sebastian's fantasies), 3,329 words. The meet-cute at an obscure art-house movie AU! my best, to keep you satisfied, E, 8,058 words. Co-authored with the marvelous @thebestpersonherelovesbucky! Delightful collaborative established-relationship porn-with-emotions fun, in which Sebastian's earned Chris's undivided attention. Sea(son) the Moment, E, 4,606 words. Co-authored with the splendid  @musette22 & @paper-storm ! Quarantine coping mechanisms, otherwise known as: that fic in which Sebastian watches Chris's internet cooking videos, and falls in love. Color In The Picture, E, 6,033 words. Unrepentant fluffy loving kink, with soft helpless Seb role-play kink. Lift You Up Over Everything, E, 11,410 words. The semi-sequel to the above - can stand alone, but it's what happens next - and my 300th work (currently) on AO3! Also probably among the kinkiest fics I've written, what with the sounding and watersports and all. Extra Sugar  - My Evanstan epic fic-baby! I added chapter 32 - the final chapter! in 2020,  which brings the total to 112,579 words - which means, doing some math,  that's + 5,046 words! One of my 2020 goals was to finish off this series, completely, entirely - and I have, and we're done. I'm still so amazed by this whole universe that I somehow made, and by the fandom response to it. *hugs you all* A Place Not Far Away, E, 38,160 words. My Evanstan autumn fluff (and porn!) fic! I'm so thrilled people love this one; it was one of those stories that just wanted to be written, and kept flowing, scene after scene. Whumptober 2020 - Evanstan Edition, E overall (individual chapters vary), 16,050 words. The collection of individual (some linked) shorts from the Whumptober challenge! More hurt/comfort, near-death experiences, etc.... Cherik Whumptober 2020 - Cherik Edition, M, 1,415 words. Just a little sick!Charles hurt/comfort fic - ah, the memories, so much like one of my very first-ever fanfics! And Heaven Only Knows, E, 6.653 words. Finishing off the compromise series, which has been in progress since 2013! I'm so proud of just...well...finishing it. And I like it - it's an XMFC fix-it, of course, because the series is, with Dom/sub dynamics and fun with powers, and maybe my writing style's shifted a little over the years, but that's okay - it's a good ending, full of hope. Leverage Whumptober 2020 - Leverage Edition, T,  2,163 words. I'd never written Leverage fic before, but I do love the show and this trio, and a friend asked, so I tried! I really like how it came out - I love the dynamic here.
I think that’s a pretty good year in fanfic - didn’t get to ‘rain on tin’ (grrrr...priority in 2021! I swear! but you can’t force it...) but I did finish 2 out of 3 big things, some of which have been in progress much longer! And I tried writing some new characters, and writing with some new friends - and some old ones, of course! <3
I’ll make an original fic post later, too, but mostly I wanted to say thank you to all of you - you’re why I love fandom, the sense of community and shared love and creativity and passion and generosity and mutual joy. Thanks for sharing it all. <3333
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mshermia · 4 years
LYKHIW Timeline - WIP Page
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Welcome! This post records the status and progress of my work expanding my Post-Endgame (MCU) series to “Like You’d Know How It Works”.
I left the cinema post-Endgame incredibly mad and disappointed. After I aired my immediate frustration with the movie in two One-Shots, I decided for my own peace of mind, I had to try and salvage the mess that was Endgame somehow, because I simply like the characters too much, not to. A week after I started writing, I published the first chapter on AO3. About a year later, I felt the need to expand on the original fix-it. I have and will continue to add to this timeline, writing different adventures that will mostly focus on Tony Stark and Peter Parker.
Genre: MCU fanfiction
The Fix-It
Like You’d Know How It Works (completed)
Setting: sets in right after the battle at the Compound is over, supersedes the concluding events of Endgame.
Premise: Straight after the battle is won - or lost, depending on your perspective - Peter tries to convince the Avengers to save Mr. Stark by going back into the Quantum Realm.
Tropes: time-travel, quantum realm, protective Peter
Mood: grief & loss, hope, family
Someone had organized this room at Metro General hospital for them to sit and talk. Sitting was not an option for Peter though. He couldn’t bear to sit. He couldn’t bear to have anyone look at his injuries either, not when there were more pressing matters to attend to.
“You said that whatever we do in the past will not change our present!” Peter’s fist hit the table with a crash. They simply weren’t listening. His face felt grimy and tight in places where the dirt from the battlefield stuck to the tears he had cried over Mr. Stark’s body. Maybe he should have thought of washing the traces off his face before confronting a few of the Avengers and Doctor Strange. It might have made him seem a little more collected. A little more rational. “That’s what you just said!”
Chapters 9/9 | 42 K | Teen and Up
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Follow-up Shorts and Multi-chapters
Just Outside The Door (completed)
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Setting: Days after Tony was brought back from the multiverse
Premise: Peter did it. He found his mentor and brought him back, but sometimes it all just seemed too good to be true. Sometimes, his mind played tricks on him and he just couldn’t sleep, wondering if he had really brought Mr. Stark back or if it had all just been a desperate dream.
Tropes: nightmares, PTSD, protective Tony, Whumptober 2020: No. 23
Mood: fear, working through trauma, comfort
There was only silence in his room now unless you were to count the frantic beat of his heart and the deep shaky breaths he sucked in and blew back out. It hadn’t even been a nightmare this time, not truly. He hadn’t really fallen asleep in the first place. Exhaustion was tugging at the edges of his consciousness and that’s where his thoughts had started to spiral.
Mr. Stark was okay. Peter was… he was pretty sure of that. He had succeeded, had brought him back home and now he was okay. But there was a little voice in the back of his head that kept nagging, that kept telling him that maybe… maybe he was wrong. Maybe it had all been a delusional dream, too good to be true, Peter wishing something into reality that was unobtainable. He had seen his mentor die after all. He had died right in front of him, the memory etched into his memory, right there whenever he closed his eyes. Dimensions, time travel… was that really real?
Chapters 1/1 | 4.2 K | Teen and Up
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Nothing Left To Lose (in progress)
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Setting: 2 weeks after Tony was brought back from the multiverse
The reversal of the Snap added an additional 3.5 billion people back to Earth’s population. 3.5 billion more people to house somewhere, 3.5 billion mouths to be fed, 3.5 billion people who return to a world that was not expecting them to ever come back.
Tropes: food shortage, starvation, looting, blurred lines of good and evil; Whumptober 2020: No. 3
Mood: anger, desperation, conflicted who to help 
Tony groaned, rolling his stiff neck from one side to the other as the gate clicked shut behind Pepper. “Remind me again… Why did we agree to this?”
Pepper didn’t bother to send him a scolding look as she wrapped the security seal around the gate’s locking mechanism. “Because we’re good neighbors?”
“We are?” He smelled like damp fur. When did wet fur and barn animals become his life? “Since when exactly? Was there a house meeting? Did I miss it?”
“Mh… do you need a reminder of the process of negotiation?” She took a step towards him, one hand twisted in his shirt pulling him close against her, their lips almost close enough to touch. “You smell like wet alpaca.”
He pulled in an affronted gasp. The hand that was still holding his shirt pushed him away from her, her lips stretched wide in amusement. “Come on, Cesar. Maybe I’ll remind you after a hot shower.”
Chapters 1/2 | 3.4 K | Teen and Up
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Unnamed WIP (unpublished)
Setting: 4 months after Tony was brought back from the multiverse
For months, Peter has been commuting between the city and the Stark’s remote cabin in the woods. But now that life in NYC has regained some normalcy, he really wants to show Morgan what the greatest city in the world has to offer.
Tropes: power outage, panic attack, PTSD; Whumptober 2020: No. 27
Nope. “Not going down that rabbit-hole, Parker,” he muttered to himself.
“What rabbit-hole?” Morgan was sitting opposite him, munching on the cookies Pepper had put out.
“Nevermind.” Peter scooped two tea spoons of sugar into his coffee, then added another one just to be safe.
“Mommy says coffee corrupts the soul.”
“Please, like you even know what ‘corrupt’ means….”
Morgan tilted her head to the side, just like her mom would do. “I know it’s not nice.”
Peter gave her a look. “Well, your dad says it’s the elixir of life.” And Mr. Stark would know. Peter gave his head one hard shake. Tony. Tony would know. One sip of the black brew and Peter’s teeth hurt. Definitely too much sugar. “Okay, remember what we talked about?”
Morgan sat up straight, her eyes wide. “Ask mommy first!”
“That’s right! Make sure you use those puppy eyes, too.” Morgan nodded along enthusiastically while he quickly nicked her glass of milk and poured a generous potion of it into his mug. “We wait till, you know, till Tony’s gone downstairs or something and then—”
“And then you’ll ask me what?”
Chapters -/2 | - K | Teen and Up
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Christmas Eve - At Peace (completed)
Setting: 5 months after Tony was brought back from the multiverse
Just a couple of months after they defeated Thanos, Tony and Pepper throw a Christmas party. Instead of a partying kid, Tony finds his Spiderling outside in the snow at the grave he has been trying to ignore ever exists.
Tropes: anger and grief, blame and fear, no prompt
Mood: wholesome, family, frustration
Tony narrowed his eyes at him. "I mean it!" For good measure, he took a healthy gulp from the cup, positively burning his throat in the process. But it wasn't until Harley threw his hands in the air and turned his back in defeat - for now - that Tony allowed his face to cringe at the sting. Those little trouble makers were not helping with his heart condition. Speaking of trouble... "Where is Peter?"
Harley crossed his arms in front of himself, his mind clearly brooding on a new strategy. "No clue."
Tony's next sip of the hot wine was a lot smoother than the first. "What do you mean, no clue?"
"It generally means that the person doesn't have any information about the subject that you are—"
"Alright, short stuff..." Tony's eyes were searching the room but the little spider was nowhere to be seen. "A bit less of the asshole routine please?"
"Listen, if you want me to babysit, same rules apply as they do for Morgan." Brazen in his brattiness, the little shit ladled a good helping of mulled wine into a new cup. "I'll need a heads-up and generous compensation that I'm happy to re-negoti— Hey!"
Harley tried to hold on to the cup that Tony once again just plucked from his hands. "You've had enough of this!"
"That one is for Rhodey," the boy scowled.
Chapters 1/1 | 3.8 K | Teen and Up
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The Winter Air (completed)
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Setting: 6 months after Tony was brought back from the multiverse
Tony, Peter, and Morgan spent a winter day outside the Stark residence.
Tropes: accident, hurt Tony, hurt Peter, Whumptober 2020: No. 13
Mood: fun to fear, injury, accusations, blame
Well, it wasn’t that easy. Because things were apparently never just easy in the life of one Peter Parker. Turned out, there were still some assholes out there. Not the Thanos-kind. Not for now at least. The regular kind though and Peter for one saw absolutely no reason as to why anything should have changed in his responsibility to stop them from being assholes.
His aunt somehow disagreed more often than she didn’t. Annoyingly now though, she managed to drag Mr. Stark to her side a lot more than she used to, too.
Peter shook his head at himself. Tony. T-O-N-Y. It wasn’t that hard, was it? He still slipped up every so often. But as much as that bugged him, it was the others who bugged him even more. Colonel Rhodes and Hawkeye among them the most willing to tease Peter about it. Him, and Tony too, for his mentor never commented on it with more than a crooked smile. When it was just the two of them, that was often the only indication for Peter, that he had said it again.
It made the times when it really was just them so enjoyable. A new ease between them. They had never had this, this kind of bonding. Sure, they’d spent time together before everything had gone downhill on their little space adventure, in the lab or on a normal earth-bound mission. Not like this though, not like Peter staying over at the Stark residence for a few days at a time. Not like him sliding along-side Morgan on the ice on the lake, trying to catch Tony. Not like Morgan falling over and taking Tony right with her and the way Peter’s stomach hurt from laughing so hard when Mr. Stark’s sweet little Morguna drowsed him with two full hands of snow and he just hadn’t seen it coming.
Chapters 3/3 | 14 K | Teen and Up
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Unnamed Multichapter WIP (unpublished)
Setting: picks up where The Winter Air ended, 6 months after Tony was brought back from the multiverse
First time all of the Avengers come together after the Snap was reversed. With Tony retired, Peter has to find his place in the team and learn to work with the other Avengers without Tony. Tensions are running high with the events of Civil War still largely unresolved and lingering resentments stemming from Peter’s multidimensional rescue mission to save Tony.
Tropes: Avengers mission, mistrust, growing as a team; Whumptober 2020: No.7
Tony’s eyes went wide. Was it possible that…
“Hey, FRI?”
“Good morning, boss. It’s 10:16 am on February 5th, 2024. The temperature outside is—”
“Yeah, just… can you stop for a moment?” He waved her off. “Send Dory out to the lake, would you. There’s some stuff still lying out there on the ice.”
“Right away, Sir.”
Tony watched as the little blue drone circled the lake, getting closer and closer to what he was sure were the Spiderling’s clothes still lying out there, where he had taken them off to—
“Hey, what are you doing out of bed!”
Despite himself, he twitched as Pepper made her way into the room. She had pushed the door open with her hip, balancing his breakfast on a large wooden tablet.
“Here, let me—” Tony stepped towards her, arms at the ready to take the tablet but she held it out of his reach.
“What do you think you’re doing? Get back in that bed!”
Chapters -/- | - K | Teen and Up
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There... And Back Again (in progress)
Setting: about a year after Tony was brought back to life
Premise:  The Starks drive upstate to the old Mansion where Tony grew up. To Tony’s horror, the trip takes him and the kids a lot further down memory lane than anyone could have predicted.
Tropes: time travel, Howard Stark’s A++ parenting; Febuwhum2021 Day 12 - Who Are You
“Pete, seriously…” Tony looked up into the review mirror trying to catch his eye. “Can you not? I don’t want Morgan up all night, terrified of some dumb ghosts.”
“Come on, it’s just a story, Tony. Morgan knows I made it all up, right?” Peter winked at her, then wiggled his eyebrows in a way that seemed kind of familiar.
“Yeah, daddy.” But Morgan was full-on ignoring Tony, her eyes on Peter trying to imitate the wink and wiggly eyebrows he had just sent her way. “It’s just a story.”
He could do little more than groan as Peter continued to spin a tale of spirits and witches, ancient pacts and promises that had to be kept, ransoms that the spirits had vowed to retrieve.
“It was a night very much like tonight,” Peter continued, his voice low and full of dreadful foreboding, “that the witches broke that pact they had signed with the blood of the innocent…”
“Morgan’s gasp morphed into a giddy giggle while Tony could only rub a hand across his brow and mumbled, "Blood of the innocent, give me a fucking break…”
Chapters 1/3 | 4,4 K | Teen and Up
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Are We Out Of The Woods Yet?, (completed)
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Setting: 4 years after Tony was brought back from the multiverse
 Peter takes Morgan into the depths of a National Park so she can collect samples for a biology project.
Tropes: Peter & Morgan, protective Peter, hurt Morgan, hurt Peter, Whumptober 2020: No. 12
Mood: disappointment, mistakes, anger, angst, comfort
“There are so many reasons why online classes are better than going to school.”
Peter shook his head. “And there are plenty of reasons why learning in school with other students is preferable. How it helps retain the material better than—”
Morgan groaned without even looking at him, her nose in the air, eyes on the leafy trees above them. “You can learn the same things at home, only then you could have dinner at night with us instead of in your stinky room in Boston.”
“Hey,” he craned his neck to see where she went, then walked after her. “My room doesn’t stink.”
“It’s a boy’s room.” She said it like that alone was a valid argument, when it couldn’t be further from the truth. In fact, the girl’s dorms he had been in—
He stopped himself. Not the time and place.
Chapters 2/2 | 8 K | Teen and Up
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