colonelmooseturd · 9 years
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i visited my sister today. i couldnt fit the entire lyrics on the door B(
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gmanmufnn-blog · 11 years
Hello beautiful person! Once you get this, you must share five random facts about yourself and then pass it to ten of your favorite followers.
Hey, I’ve had this in my ask for about 3/4 months now bout time I do it.
I love peach tea, it’s a shame we don’t have Snapple in the UK
I’m a Scorpio, look it up!
I’ve never broken a bone in my body
I have one month till my 20th birthday
I have a glow in the dark sperm, & a Domo face on my keys
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weeping-who-girl · 11 years
Promo List 8/8
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Peter Pan :)
Peter Pan: What is your (mental) age?
I have no idea but I just took a mental age test for this and it says I have the mental age of a 28 year old!!! I’m only 18 (19 on friday!). I honestly don’t feel as though my mental age is 28 though. Honestly it can be anything between the range of 5 to 20ish depending on who I’m with ;P
Send me a fairytale
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colonelmooseturd · 11 years
I was tagged by the darling that-flighty-temptress-adventure
The Rules:
Answer the 11 questions given to you by your tagger.
Ask 11 more questions.
Tag 11 peeps.
Tell them they have been tagged.
Questions for Me:
1. What is a book you want to be made into a movie?
Audrey Wait by Robin Benway. I read it a couple years ago and it's my go-to comfort book. It's got likeable characters, hilarious (I mean literally laugh-out-loud-til-your-sides-hurt) dialogue. And I just think it would be a really cute YA girl power rom-com.
2. Celebrity crush?
Ha. Ha. Ha. Don't you mean crushes. Because there are so many. And most of them are middle aged men. I'm not ashamed. I'm a little ashamed. Anyway. Rupert Graves. The alien beauty. Tom what are you Hiddleston. Felicia Day. Anna Kendrick. And oh god there are so many more.
3. Song that makes you happy whenever you hear it?
Anything by Owl City. His music just lifts my spirits.
4. Favourite song? Favourite song lyrics?
I really love Alone Together by Fall Out Boy right now. As for lyrics (do they need to be from the same song?) Because the lyrics from Chad Sugg's song 25 mean a hell of a whole lot to me.
5. Favourite quote in a book?
Gah I'm so bad at this I can't think of anything.
6. Put your music on shuffle. Don’t give me the first 5 songs, give me the first line of each of the first 5 songs. (Yes, I am obsessed with song lyrics, thanks for noticing.)
- I was left to my own devices
- Now I'm in town, break it down, thinking of making a new sound
- In the spring we made a boat
- Is this just an illusion
-Lovely girl won't you stay, won't you stay, stay with me
7. Do you have any tattoos? If so, what are they? Do you want any more? If not, do you want any at all?
No, I don't have any tattoos. But I want a few. Shakespeare's "Words, words, words." (I know, cliche, but whatever it means a lot to me). And/or one of my favorite lyrics of all time "Being brave ain't as fun as you think" from Chad Sugg's song 25.
8. What are your least favourite words?
Pickle. I hate the food, I hate the word. Get it away from me.
9. Marvel or DC? Favourite superhero?
Overall, Marvel. But my favorite Superhero is Batman (he's about the only one I like from the DC universe). I'm boring and I don't know enough about comics I'm sorry.
10. All time, number one favourite ship?
This is an unfair question. Hwaaarg. Okay. Um. Probably Johnlock, really. I mean, it's really hard not to ship those two. And they really are the perfect duo.
11. I don’t think this one gets asked enough…. How are you?
Actually, I'm going through a pretty crappy time in my life right now. But I'm just taking it day by day and just trying to stay focused on the things I need to do.
Questions for you:
1. What is your favorite animated movie?
2. If you could have any fictional character as your best friend, who would it be and why?
3. What's going on in your life right now?
4. Would you rather be a Queen, Emperor, Prime Minister of Canada or President of the United States? Why?
5. What makes you smile right now?
6. What book are you currently reading? Or want to read?
7. What's a movie quote that means a lot to you?
8. What's something on your mind you think people should know?
9. What was your favorite cartoon as a kid?
10. Would you rather have a pirate ship or a submarine?
11. (Stealing this from Katie) Put your music on shuffle. Tell me the first lines of the first five songs that come up.
The 11 lovely people I’m tagging:
1. whostherewhoknows
2. lifeasarealgeekgirl
3. grouchythefish
4. ghirahims-left-shoe
5. theconstantdrumming
6. setsukoy
7. melmody
8. morganeilish
9. starry-eyed-guttersnipe
10. suckitwithstyles
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