mamawasatesttube · 1 year
Thank you so much for continuing to provide excellent Kon-tent during these Kon-tentious times. I hope that this Kon-troversy leads to a renai-Kon-ce ☀️
of course :) i will kontinue to provide the good kons. please enjoy him feeling pregnable
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hmslusitania · 2 years
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I received for solstice— a glorb (glow orb)
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vinelark · 4 months
the way tim wanted to tell kon 'i'm robin' in chapter 4 but the reveal actually ended up being 'i'm tim drake' ...the isms of it all bro...the juxtaposition...the importance of being tim drake. thank you for writing 😭😭😭
the importance of being tim drake indeed!!!
@starry-eyed-guttersnipe i hope you don’t mind me sharing a snippet of your comment, but you articulated this way better than i did in my own head:
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tulipfromtheinternet -> tulipthinksthemummyisagreatmovie
Tagging a few people so i dont confuse them when i show up wearing a new url😂
@novemberhush @homerforsure @rewritetheending @fleurdebeton
@mistmarauder @theyarnmaidstale @hmslusitania @starry-eyed-guttersnipe
@honestlydarkprincess @thekristen999 @ghosthunterbuck @sibylsleaves
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elwenyere · 2 years
WIP Game
I was tagged by @starry-eyed-guttersnipe​ and @insertmeaningfulusername: thank you so much, friends! <3
Rules: Post the names of all the files in your WIP folder regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it!
I’ve made an executive decision to include only those WIPs on which I’ve made at least some progress since the last time I played this game, because the creative chaos gremlin giveth and taketh away.
Fake Imperial Husbands (Codywan)
Pirates AU (Codywan)
X-Files AU (Codywan)
Between Two Lungs (Codywan)
No Survivors (Melshian)
Compromised (Melshian)
Daughters of Ferrix (Andor)
Open tags for anyone who would like to play! If you’ve got WIPs you’d like to chat about, consider yourself tagged, beloveds. <3
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dannilea · 1 year
I was tagged by @hmslusitania and @starry-eyed-guttersnipe to list eight shows. I think this is a get to know me meme? Anyway, here are my eight hypefocus shows in no particular order
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Avatar: The Last Airbender
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The Wheel of Time
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CSI: Crime Scene Invesitgation
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MacGyver (2016)
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Doctor Who
I'm gonna tag @impossiblepluto @12percentplan @panchostokes @mechazilla94 @demonicsoulmates and any of my other friends that want to hop in!
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fcntasmas-archive · 3 years
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lap cat void
the way i would give my LIFE for coraline you don't understand, madeline, look at her. she may be a lap cat void but it's only because she fills any and every void in my life
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loquaciousquark · 5 years
Oh my goodness all of the moments people have submitted are fabulous and making me want to reread all your fics immediately. For me, the two moments that stand out most quickly in my brain are 1) in River Stone, when she breaks it all open and tells Fenris she loves him, and 2) in the Princess Bride Drabble you did, when Hawke has Fenris on the rock and flames dripping down her fingers and her sleeve riding up and I can picture it SO CLEARLY and listen I just love your writing so much!
AAAAAAAAAAHH thank you! I mentioned this in a previous post, but I spent a very long time on that moment trying to make sure it felt right and true and genuine, because like the first river scene it was a major linchpin of the whole fic, and nothing worked if that scene didn’t. It also became surprisingly important to me very quickly that the return of her feelings needed to be small.
The Tranquil branding was so big, you know? Violent and loud and bright and hot and a very big, noisy scene with a lot of moving parts and external forces acting on Hawke. I wanted--I needed, really--the return to be the opposite of that. It needed to be some small, silent, internal, accidental moment where one thought just slid into the next like water, not realizing where it was heading until we were suddenly--there. It was the only way the self-imposed barriers could be broken; they had to be broken from the inside, and they had to be broken by something small and delicate and harmless, because any obvious attempt to crack through would have only made her harden her defenses more.
Ack, I’m surprised I remember all this. Sorry for the essay!
Hawke's heart thunders in her chest. She presses a palm to it, astonished, bewildered, terrified beyond  words; Fenris's hand comes with hers, his fingertips pressed to her  skin until she knows he must be able to feel the chaotic beat that has  no place within a Tranquil. It is difficult to breathe but she forces  her lungs to fill, her gaze to pull back from the shuddering muddy mess of her mind to the true things she can see in this living moment:  Fenris's hand, on her hand; his chest, heaving as if he has run too long  without rest; his face, gaze fixed on her like a drowning man sights a  guiding star, his eyes lit in an agony of hope.
"Hawke," he breathes, and touches one trembling thumb to her tears.
She  draws in a too-thin gasp of air—and something cold and clean catches  hold inside her, lifting free of the last heavy places in her heart in a  wild rush of white-feathered wings, soaring on the unfettered swell of  gladness and relief and love that course through her as thoroughly as a fresh salt wind off the sea. She says, sob-thick, joy-thick, "Fenris."
And oh my gosh, that little ficlet! I still remember how HARD it was to map the DA characters to the world; even now I’m not satisfied with my initial ideas and occasionally revisit them as I’m falling asleep, just because they usually transfer so well to so many crossovers. Still, I was really pleased with how it felt coming out (although I remember someone teasing me it was too serious given the source material, OH WELL), and while I have little patience for stories only about very long separations I am very weak for the emotional reunions afterwards. Plus, angry Hawke is always viciously satisfying to write, and occasionally I find myself taking to her journal to vent my own frustrations, haha. (There’s a reason Eppie’s particular demon is Rage!)
She is on him. It does not matter that he has bested every one of her captors, that he carries his sword like it is of one piece with his heart, that magebane still flickers in her blood—her rage totally consumes it, burning away all weakness in the impossible, unbearable storm of grief and fury surging inside her. Her fingers wrap around his throat; his eyes go wide as she shoves, somehow catching him off-guard, his weight on the wrong foot, his sword useless as she topples him to his back on the boulder behind him. His head slams against the rock; his throat whitens under her crushing grip as she kneels over him, robes snagged on stone; fire reflects in his eyes as she jerks her other hand back, her long sleeve riding high as brilliant white-hot flame begins to drip from every finger—
Lightning-fast, his hand closes in a vise around her wrist. His breath sighs out in a rush, his eyes locked immobile, staring, to the worn red band bound there, where it has been bound for three years.
His head falls back against the stone. His mouth works—and then, words out of memory so faint and distant she cannot grasp them, can barely hear them for the blood beating in her ears:
He breathes, "I am yours."
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bluegrasshole · 8 years
@starry-eyed-guttersnipe a réagi à votre billet “@ all check please writers… accents are not interchangeable in french...”
I'm trying to pronounce amèlie and my brain hurts
i have a friend whose name is aimélie and it’s basically just pronounced emily but i have a hard time with it lol
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glorious-spoon · 2 years
WIP Wednesday
I was tagged by @hetrez and @starry-eyed-guttersnipe 
This is from the time loop fic, chapter 3, which has been fighting me but HOPEFULLY will be done by the end of the week.
“Okay, so go through it again,” Nancy says, leaning over the notebook that Max dug out of her backpack. The front of it reads, Mrs. Klein - 9th GRADE BIO. Max herself has retreated, not quite leaning against Lucas but standing close enough that their elbows bump. Her fingers twist and untwist the headphone cord. Kate Bush’s tinny voice echoes up from the speakers.
She meets Eddie’s eyes, then looks away quickly. Eddie gets it, despite the sick lurch in the pit of his stomach. If Steve is telling the truth, which unfortunately Eddie thinks he is, they’re both dead people walking today.
“I already told you guys everything I remember,” Steve says. He looks exhausted. “It’s not like I can just write it down. It’s a total reset, every time.”
He rubs at his bandaged side, winces, and drops his hand.
“You need someone to take a look at those bites, dude?” Eddie asks. 
He’s not sure Steve will even acknowledge him, but Steve glances sideways at him and says, hoarsely, “Why, are you offering?”
I’m not sure who’s done this yet, so if you haven’t, consider yourself tagged, I’d love to see what you’re all working on! 
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mamawasatesttube · 1 year
rewatching the “Young Justice” show (yes those are scare quotes bc it’s a fun show but whatever it is, it’s not Young Justice lmao) for background noise while I work, and omfg when Miss Martian meets “Superboy” for the first time she changes her uniform to match his colors and tells him she likes his shirt.
just. the writers room like “ok we’re gonna turn this into a Big Romance we need a cute opener what’s the most romantic thing you can do… oh I know!!! changing your colors to match a teammate” GUYS???? HELLO??????
man and the way tim does it out of devotion in the face of grief is so much more intense and everything too. literally what was the heterosexual explanation for that. (i mean i know it's Haha What A Strong Male Warriors' Bond #JustGuysBeingDudes #WhoNeedsWomen #WaitNotLikeThat kind of deal but. come ON...)
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hmslusitania · 6 months
@starry-eyed-guttersnipe and I are having a mostly normal evening going forward and then every once in a while one of us goes “Evan buckley kissed a man — like a good real kiss!!!!! — live on television?!???!?!!”
And the insane shrimp emotions start anew
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buddienights · 3 years
OKAY so, Part 12 is up! It can be accessed from the link on the pinned post (or scroll down to the next post on this here blog).
I am not tagging you all directly on it, because it is...basically just smut and I wasn't 100% comfortable just like, tagging you all in that. So! Have this extra opt-in step.
If you want to be removed from this list or added to it, let me know. In some cases, you had requested to be tagged, but tumblr did not allow this. If you are blocked from searches/visibility by the toggles, you cannot be tagged. And in some cases, even then, because tumblr's code was written by chimpanzees with typewriters who were trying to recreate Shakespeare but hit on this first instead.
@theavengers-chef @buckley-s
@frdrkchopin @haajjr @lovebuckanyway
@tulipintulle @buckactuallys @fraddit @wilddragonflying
@thespectacularspaceace @weewoolesbian @elanebutterfly @scarletyeager @webbgirl34 @artificialheavens @favouritealias @frdrkchopin @like-the-rest-of-la
@sybbiequeendiaz @leothil @cosmic-marauder
@gaycaroldnvrs (I know you said you'd fixed the tag thing, but it's still not showing up, I'm so sorry)
@thatsmyverb @bedlamatdawn94 @mollylynn04 @spotsandsocks @waywardrenegades @cosycrescent @telecinebibliophile @punk-bitch-michael @anthotneystark @rosezii @silverdancer @1msorry1tsm3 @theladyyavilee @mytearsricoche @oneawkwardcookie @paxbe @colormeconscious @clau4696 @beesbeesfearfear @stuckyevanstanfan @lovingeachdayasifitsthelast @seacoloredeyes @starry-eyed-guttersnipe @lilythesilly @eddito @himbodiaz @timothyonlyfans @aehmttw @captainwilldameron @raemarr @bucksbuddie @jensenwashere @diazactually @rebexxka
@slamminscreendoor @enemyanemonee @nottheblogurlooking4 @myownworstenemyyy @babytrapperdiaz
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tulipfromtheinternet · 3 months
Tagged by @kinkykinard and @letmetellyouaboutmyfeels mwah✨
Tagging @mistmarauder @sibylsleaves @hmslusitania @starry-eyed-guttersnipe @fleurdebeton
@homerforsure @fireladybuckley @freebooter4ever @thekristen999 @theyarnmaidstale
No pressure in doing this!🌺💃
And if you’d like to do this and I didn’t tag you please do it and tag me so I can see!🎉
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elwenyere · 2 years
last line meme
I was tagged by @cactusspatz and @jules-of-the-crown: thank you so much!!!
The Rules: share the last line of your work in progress, then tag as many people as there are words in it.
Here’s the last line I’ve written (from Pirate AU):
“Is that concern I hear, Captain?” Kenobi asked.
And here are some no-pressure tags: @adiduck, @brigittttoo, @frostbitebakery, @galateagalvanized, @hawkeykirsah, @lttrsfrmlnrrgby, @goddammitjim, @starry-eyed-guttersnipe, @tinnaris, and anyone else who would like to play!!!
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mattcullen · 8 years
starry-eyed-guttersnipe replied to your post “y'all i lost 3 followers after reblogging that mario lemieux post are…”
good riddance to bad rubbish
fucking true bro
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