laromp3 · 5 months
I Like It Heavy - Halestorm
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joelletwo · 4 months
the way i see it, [x] That's not how you see it you formed this opinion off of a clip you saw
gkjhsf phenomenal reddit interaction buried at the bottom of a thread
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kafkaoftherubble · 6 months
I've finally gotten the hang of gba sprites. I'll probably do Lyndis after Edith cause you're so excited about her
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WHOOOOOAAAAAAA!!! Ira has red hair?!
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Whoooooaaaaaaa Marina Sirtis is the new Mossad director.
Deanna Troi runs Mossad.
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aria0fgold · 5 months
One more Lady Irene and I can get to colouring, like my gooodd??? I started this yesterday evening and I'm already nearly at the colouring stage like whoooaaa...... WHOOOOOAAAAAAA... That's amazing...
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junkyardromeo · 3 years
livin’ on a prayer always goes hard omfg
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maleksrami · 5 years
me: i’m okay
my brain: *slaps table* WHOOOOOAAAAAAA! i do *slaps table* fuckin remember, that’s CRAZY! babe, what the fuck???? why were you over there???? *slaps table* that’s fuckin!!!! i DO remember, babe!!!!! *slaps table* that’s f- yeah yeah yeah!!!! *slaps table* okay cool!!!!!! *slaps table* okay, amazin! amazin!!!! *slaps table* that’s CRAZY, baby!!!! aw respect, babe!!! wow crazy! *slaps table* fank you! fank you!!!
me: no i’m not
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uhzuku · 3 years
Don't do it. The relinking makes me want to uninstall from life. (but honestly do it. It's a freeing feeling)
but in all honesty i’ve done it once before; yeah, it sucked ass, but i really like this url and i’ve got it save already ahdjsjsjs
i’ll probably do it this weekend !!
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sunflowervol69 · 3 years
whoooooaaaaaaa who are those two new members of the band in the smth seth meyers performance..........
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snubbull-femme · 3 years
my body is the most bullshit thing on the planet. i can wake up get out of bed take my meds and do all my other normal routines without getting nauseous for no reason but as SOON as i put an english muffin in the toaster it’s like whoooooaaaaaaa champ what do you think you’re doing???
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deftonesdickrider · 4 years
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jonaswpoetry · 4 years
whoooooaaaaaaa some time in the last week or so I passed 5000 followers and only just noticed! thank you so much you awesome people :D 
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pumpkachubby · 5 years
Pumpkaboo Hunting: Part 1
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A new arc for this new year! Who is this person? What is he here for? Should Sven help him? Read it here in this first chapter of 2020!
I love helping other people… but I didn’t expect this to turn out like this.
That day I was doing some errands for Crescente’s mother, Agatha, who needed a couple of supplies for some spells, she is so nice to me, she even started to teach me some magic, it seems I have a natural talent or something like that.
As I went out of the store ready to go back I saw an strange person: He had white hair with a long beard and dark horns, he was wearing a brown outfit with a green cape over his left shoulder, tied up with a familiar emblem but I couldn’t decipher where I had seen it before. He looked confused looking at a piece of paper in one hand while he brushed his beard with the other. When he noticed that I was looking at him he quickly ran in my direction, faster than I would have expected with his large frame. He stared at me for a moment until he realized it was a bit too close (I didn’t mind though)
“Sorry, sorry, I have seen a lot of litwicks but I never saw one so absurdly huge like you, sorry sorry”-He said in a deep voice, that sounded similar to someone I know but I couldn’t decipher again –“Whoops, I did it again, sorry, I have been told that I have the bad habit of being quite rude, it’s not on purpose I swear! I really sorry!”
“Oh, no worries” – I said trying to avoid laughing at that absurd amount of apologies – “hm, not wanting to be rude myself, can I ask you… what are you exactly? I have never seen a person with such horns”
“Where you living in an old manor in the woods disconnected of the world of what?”- He said, but I should have made unconsciously an odd facial expression because he looked surprised and worried. Indeed, I lived in an old manor with master Knoll for years and I didn’t knew much of how vast is the variety of pokemon races exist, and even though I have become a person and started to get a lot of knowledge in the past years, I’m still surprised by common things such as pokemon races.
He cleared his throat and presented himself
“My name is Gregory and I am a gogoat” – He said proudly. I always find it funny when a person introduces themselves like that, yes they share genetic information with a pokemon race but they are not a pokemon ,technically speaking, not a natural human but not a pokemon, an hybrid whose reason of existing is still undetermined and studied by the people of this world.
“Ah gogoat, uh… I had heard that name before when master mentioned he rode some in Luminose city but I have never seen one before.”
“Oh they are wonderful beasts such as myself” –He said raising his chest –“I know you are a litwick but I don’t think I have heard your name yet.”
“Oh, yeah. My name is Sven, and for some reasons I have only been living in this world for a little more than a year, so please excuse my lack of common knowledge and sense.”
“WHOOOOOAAAAAAA!!!!! DID YOU CAME FROM ANOTHER WORLD OR SOMETHING!!???” He said, very excited –“DID YOU CROSS AN ULTRA HOLE LIKE IT’S BEEN REPORTED IN ALOLA?? OR SOME OTHER WAY???.... Well that explains your curious sense of fashion; I love it by the way… THIS IS AWESOME!! If only I haven’t come here with a very important mission I would love to know more about your experience…!!”
I didn’t knew how to react to such a joyful response, and the fact that he mentioned that there are more ways of coming into this world besides of the mirror intrigued me, but what caught more my interest was what was in his way to explore his own personal interest.
“What do you mean by mission?”- I asked.
“Oh yeah, I’m looking for someone, I have a very important message to deliver… or rather, “We” are supposed to, but I lost track of my friend this morning… I tried to call him but it seems his phone is out of energy”
“Oh my, that’s terrible!”
“Oh not really, he may have a bad sense of orientation but I’m sure he is fine, the problem is that I’m not the best with names and I can’t remember properly who I am supposed to deliver this message, all I know is that he is a pumpkaboo”
“Well… that’s gonna be hard, there are tons of them in this town, but some are my friends so maybe I can help you! What else do you know that may help?”
“Hm… we arrived yesterday, we had an address but it seems it was outdated since the person moved from that house a couple of years ago, but the new owner said the previous is still living close, probably my friend went to look for him but since he took the paper with the name on it… maybe if I know who the message is for, I can find my friend too”
A pumpkaboo who changed his address in the last years… luckily I know that some of my friends have done it.
“I know some who have moved to a new house nearby, probably is one of them! I’ll list one by one and you tell me if the name rings, ok? First it would be Harold, he moved here a little before I came into this world, he is a professional photographer.”
“Harold…? Hm I know the name had an “O” somewhere but a photographer you say… that doesn’t sound like someone very strong; my boss said he would be a big and strong person”
“Well, if you say strong, then it’s probably Rompt? He came back after a short but successfully wrestling career, he is living by his own so maybe you had his family address?”
“Oh it’s not my cousin.”
“WAIT WHAT!!?? YOU KNOW ROMPT?? I didn’t know he had a cousin, but wait, aren’t you two of very different species…?”
“Our grandpa was a ditto, so… You know what I mean, right?”
“Oh, yeah, I know haha.”
“I didn’t know he came back after all this time, we haven’t spoken in a long time, the last time I saw him he just broke with his boyfriend or something like that, and he looked very down at that family meeting… is he good now?”
“Oh yeah, he is a very energetic and happy person, a bit tough sometimes.”
“Glad to know that, hopefully I’ll make a quick visit when I’m done with this job, would you mind giving me his address? But please let’s focus on the person I’m looking for…”
“Oh yeah, of course! Now… I don’t think Koh has moved to a different house, for what I know he has always been living here, and he evolved recently…  I guess the last option would be Petrov?”
“Petrov… Petrov… Yes! That’s the one I’m looking for! Do you happen to have a picture of him? Just to avoid any confusion…”
I took out my phone and showed him the picture we took on the Christmas party. He looked quite surprised at Crescente’s size, but looking at Petrov below him made him look satisfied.
“Yes! That’s the one I’m looking for! Would you mind if you can take me to his home?”
“Of course! It’s very close!”
As we walked he mentioned how the town haven’t changed much, he came a couple of times when he was little, visiting Rompt’s family, apparently they used to play wrestling a lot when they were children, so hearing that he went back to it even after his early retirement from pro wrestling made him quite happy.
When we were close to the house I started to think if it was a good idea to bring a complete stranger to Petrov’s house, I tried to send a message but he had not seen it yet so I sent one to Koh in case he was with him.
I could feel Gregory wasn’t a bad person but I got curious about his mission.
“Mind if I ask, are you by chance some kind of postman?”
“Hahaha, oh not at all! I’m what people call an adventurer! I’m more of a healer but I work in a guild, getting all kinds of requests. I like helping people so I do all I can, from finding lost pokemon to fight gigantamax out of control. This time it’s a very important mission requested directly by our boss, wanna know what it’s called?”
“Pumkaboo Hunting”
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37q · 5 years
whoooooaaaaaaa bro i just had the biggest epiphany
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dontblamethewitches · 4 years
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battleofzbands · 7 years
Quotes by AP students
“I couldn't swallow fast enough“
“That's why I don't suck“
“Why do I always sneeze when I eat? Maybe I'm allergic to food?“
“I wonder if water is afraid of the dark?“
“Is Pluto a state?“
“Chico the state?“
“Do you ever wonder what makes string spin when you hold it in your hand? (As she spins a string between her fingers)“
“What if your bone got itchy? How would you itch it?“
“Eyes are the windows to seedless grapes.“
“I looked at you and I was like whoooaaa, but the you looked at me and I was like whoooooaaaaaaa. And then I saw your eyes and I was like whooaaa they look like grapes!”
“*What era were the warhawks from?* World War Twelve?“
“Cult of true womanhood- that sounds like a ritual for the first period.”
“K is my favorite number. “
“Wait, if we're taking a road trip, don't we need an adult with us because we're crossing the border into San Francisco?”
“No hablo español. Wait, was that in English?”
“Why don’t they have sad smiley faces?”
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