#whoever put gifs of that movie back on my timeline this is your fault
The Intern | Part Five
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Summary: You move to New York to focus on your art but end up working as an intern at Stark Enterprises
Chapter Summary: it’s the night of the fundraiser ball, a night that will change your life forever
Pairing: Tony Stark x Reader, Peter Parker x Reader (friendship)
Word Count: 2803
Warnings: gets kinda intense towards the end
A/N: for the purposes of this story Stark Enterprise is set out like an office building in New York and the story does not follow the same timeline as the movies. Reader does not know Peter is SpiderMan. Also, spelling and grammar is not my strongest skill so please be kind :)
Part Four | Masterlist
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When you arrive at the location of the fundraiser ball, Tony gets out of the car first and walks around to open the door for you. He holds his hand out for you to take and you get out of the car, thanking him. You take a moment to brush down your dress and he presents his arm for you to hold onto. You walk together up the steps towards the grand building and the man at the door ticks your names off the guest list before opening the door to let you in. Tony gives him a small knowing nod as you walk past.
Once inside the building you feel a sudden wave of anxiety hit you. What if this event goes horribly wrong, it would surely be your fault as the one who helped organise it. What if no one bids on the items at auction and no money is raised? Tony gives you arm a small squeeze.
“you ready?”
Then another thought pops in your mind. What will people think when they see you and Tony walk in together, arm in arm? Will they judge you? Will they think you only got this job because you’ve been flirting with him? You push all those thoughts out of your mind. You’ve worked so hard to make tonight happen, you are not going to let anything ruin it. Especially not your own mind. You take a deep breath, turn to Tony and smile.
“lets do this”
You make your way down the grand staircase into the ballroom where already a lot of the guests are waiting. A few turn to look at Tony, and then at the girl on his arm.  You spot Peter stood over by the wall, all dressed up in his suit, talking to MJ who looks almost unrecognisable out of her barista outfit. Peter gives you an excited wave and you smile back at him.
When you reach the bottom of the stairs you're instantly crowded by press flashing their cameras at you both and asking for statements from Tony, mostly about this evenings event but you hear a few questions asking who you are. Tony holds his hand up and they all stop to listen.
“You were invited here tonight to report of the fantastic charities were fundraising for, not to look for gossip. I will be answering questions later on this evening but for now, I have to buy my wonderful PA a drink. Excuse us.” He says and they all watch as Tony walks you past them all in the direction of the bar. You're stunned at how much control he has over them and relieved that he got you out of that overwhelming situation. You wonder how celebrities must cope having paparazzi and press following them around.
The bartender comes straight over when you reach the bar and Tony orders you both some drinks. As you wait you look around the room at everyone looking lovely in their fancy tuxedos and ball gowns and you smile. Suddenly you're aware that Tony is watching you. You turn to look at him, leaning against the bar looking like someone out of a James Bond movie in his tuxedo.
“what?” You say when he just continues looking at you.
“you really do look beautiful” he replies and you blush.
“well I must say you do look rather dapper yourself sir” you say putting on a posh voice. Tony laughs.
“sir? You haven’t called me that in a while” he takes the drinks from the bartender and hands you yours.
“can you believe I used to be scared of you” you laugh and take a sip of your drink.
“and how do you feel about me now?” He smirks and takes a drink, looking at you over the top of his glass. Is he flirting with you?
Before either of you can say anything else Peter appears next to you with MJ.
“hey y/n. Mr Stark, sir. This is MJ.” He says confidently and you find yourself feeling proud of him.
“I hear you’re the one I have to thank for the exceptionally good coffee?” Tony says.
“thats me” MJ replies taking a bow.
“look after this one kid, she’s a keeper” he says to Peter who smiles awkwardly and you take another sip of your drink to cover your laugh.
“as much as I am enjoying embarrassing you Peter, I’m afraid my duty calls. People to greet, awful jokes to fake laugh at…” Tony says and you roll your eyes playfully “nice to finally meet you MJ, this kid don't shut up about you” he pats Peter on the shoulder and leaves. Peter looks like he wants the ground to open up and swallow him whole.
“lets get you guys some drinks eh?” You say as you get the bartenders attention. “soft drinks only” you clarify, remembering they’re both still underage.
You give them their drinks and the three of you head over to a seating area in the corner to chat.
After about an hour of talking and laughing with Peter and MJ, Tony appears behind you and puts his hands on your shoulder. He leans forward so he can talk to you.
“I have someone who wants to meet you” he says and as you turn to look at him Steve Rogers sits down on the sofa next to you.
“good evening y/n”
“hi” is all you manage to say back, feeling slightly starstruck. Right in front of you is the face you’ve sketched so many times. His jawline really is perfect.
“Tony tells me you're quite the artist, I cant wait to see what you’ve painted for the auction tonight”
“yeah y/n’s paintings are wonderful, but you should really see some of the stuff in her sketchbook. Now that is interesting.” Tony teases
“oh no no, no one wants to see the stuff in there. Just full of doodles really” you respond shooting Tony a look, he winks at you.
“hey cap?” You hear someone call and Steve looks over then back to you.
“ah I gotta go. But it was lovely to meet you y/n. I’ll see you around.” He stands up and looks at Peter “good to see you again kid” he says, and you sense theres some history between the two of them.
Peter smiles awkwardly, sinking into his chair slightly. Steve walks off in the direction of whoever was calling him and Tony takes his space on the sofa. He nudges you.
“i’m sorry but that was brilliant. You're face was priceless” he laughs
“you couldn’t have warned me he was going to be here? When did you even add him to the guest list?” You respond
“I wanted it to be a surprise”
You punch him playfully in the arm, and turn your attention to Peter.
“you didn’t tell me you knew Captain America?” You say and he looks startled.
“oh, I don't really. uh, we just… kinda met once” he stutters and you look confused. Why is he being so secretive?
“ladies and gentlemen, the auction is about to begin. Please take your seats” The announcer calls from the stage. Tony stands up and holds his hand out for you to take.
“m’lady” he says trying to sound like a posh British butler.
You hold his hand and stand up. You walk over in the direction of the stage and find your seats. Peter and MJ sit next to you. Once everyone is sat ready the announcer starts speaking.
“ladies and gentlemen, thank you for coming tonight. Before the auction starts I would like to invite to the stage the man who made tonight possible, Mr Tony Stark!”
The crowd start applauding as Tony stands up. He turns and give a wave to everyone before heading up to the stage and taking the mic.
“thank you, thank you everyone” the applause dies down “tonight is a very important night. We’re raising money for some really important charities and we’ve got some great items on offer for you guys tonight so make sure you get out your wallets and dig deep. Before we start I do have some thank yous I need to give out. Firstly thank you to the owners of this amazing building for letting us use it tonight. Thank you Richard for hosting the auction.” he gestures to the announcer stood at the side of the stage who takes a bow “Thank you to my incredible PA y/n for working so hard to arrange all of this. Everyone thinks its me that arranged tonight but she’s the one who’s done all the work really. Without her this wouldn’t have been possible, so thank you y/n” he points you out in the audience and Peter gives a loud ‘woop’ next to you. You can feel yourself blushing. “and lastly thank you to all of you for coming. Now let’s spend lots of money!” The audience laugh and applaud as Tony makes his way off stage back over to sit by you. He squeezes your knee gently and whispers “sorry if that embarrassed you”
“its fine” you shake your head and smile at him.
— — — —
“and now we come to lot number 24 in the auction. A painting made and donated to us by a miss Y/N Y/L/N”
You feel your heart flutter with a mix of excitement and nerves as your painting is bought on stage and the announcer walks over to remove the sheet covering it. You take a deep breath and hold it as the painting is revealed, wondering what people will think of it. You sneakily look at Tony’s face to see his reaction at seeing it for the first time, but he just stares forward at the stage expressionless. Does he not like it?
The bidding starts and a few people raise their boards to bid. The price is slowly creeping up, but not by much. Suddenly Tony raises his board.
“five thousand dollars” he shouts confidently and your mouth drops open in shock.  You hear a few gasps from members of the audience, and even the announcer himself looks amazed.
“wow! Generous bid there of five thousand, do I head any advances on five?”
Everything after that was a bit of a blur and before you knew it the price was up to seven thousand. It seemed people actually wanted your painting. Tony stands out of his chair, raises his board and bids ten thousand dollars.
“oh my God, y/n!” you hear Peter say in amazement next to you and he excitedly nudges you.
“ten thousand going once, going twice” the announcer bangs his hammer “sold for ten thousand dollars to Mr Tony Stark”
The crowd applaud and you bring your hands up to your face in shock, laughing. You cant believe that something you painted just sold for ten thousand dollars. Even though you wouldn’t see any of that money you didn’t care.
Tony sits down again and turns to you.
“I told you I wanted something to brighten up my office.”
“you could have just asked me, id have painted you something for free” you say, still laughing.
“oh. Is it too late to take back my bid?” he jokes, putting his arm around your shoulder to hug you.
— — — —
After the event is finished Happy drives you back to your apartment. Tony opens the car door for you and walks you inside to your front door. You unlock the door, step inside and turn around to look at Tony.
“I think we can call tonight a success” Tony says and you nod
“yeah, we did do good didn’t we”
“you did. I meant what I said up on that stage, tonight would not have happened if you hadn’t been so dedicated to making it work. Im really proud of you y/n”
You blush and look down at the floor.
“hey” Tony says putting a hand under your chin to gently lift your head up to look at him “you should be proud of yourself too”
You nod slightly, looking into his eyes. He moves towards you slowly, eyes flicking down to your lips. You have plenty of time to back away, but you don’t. And neither does he. You close your eyes and your lips meet. He moves his hand to the side of your face and you bring yours up to behind his neck, pulling him in more. The kiss naturally comes to an end and you both pull away slowly, looking at each other smiling.
“now get some sleep. We’ve got a long day of clean up tomorrow”
“cant wait” you joke sarcastically
“good night y/n” Tony starts to walk away.
“good night Tony”
You shut the door and stand there for a moment, taking in everything that happened tonight. It went so much better than you could have imagined and you did feel proud. You go to bed smiling.
— — — —
In the early hours of the morning you're woken up by a crash coming from the living room, like something had been knocked over. You lie in bed for a moment, presuming it was nothing but then you think you hear something else and you sit bolt upright listening carefully. You get out of bed and slowly creep towards your bedroom door, opening it as quietly as possible. Peering through you cant see anything out there so you continue to tip toe out the door. You walk into your living room and notice your window is open. You must have forgotten to shut it and the breeze knocked something over. You walk over to pull it closed and suddenly feel an arm come around you from behind, restraining you. You try to scream but another hand covers your mouth.
”got her” you hear the male voice say.
You kick as much as you can as the man with a mask covering his face throws you down on the sofa, holding you down.
“get the shot” he says and another man in a mask appears next to him holding a needle with some sort of liquid in it. You continue to try kick and scream but its no good. The other man pushes your head back and you feel a sharp pain as the needle jabs into your neck. He starts injecting the liquid into you but is stopped half way as he’s suddenly thrown across the room. The other man holding you down gets up to try fight but is soon sent flying too. You sit up and see Spiderman coming to help you up.
“run y/n, find somewhere to hide! quick!” He shouts as one of the men starts getting back up. You do as he says and run back to your room, grabbing your watch off the bedside table and climbing into your small closet to hide. You pull the door shut behind you and sit on the floor, swiping at the watch face to bring up the alarm button just like Tony had shown you. Your hands are shaking as you press the button and hold the watch close to your chest. After a few moments you hear the sound of fighting stop, then you hear footsteps running into your room. You bring your hand up to cover your mouth, trying to quiet your breathing not knowing who is in your room. The closet door flies open and Iron Man stands looking at you. He immediately crouches down, removes his helmet and Tony pulls you into him tightly.
“its okay y/n, I’m here. I’m here. You're safe.” He can feel how much you're shaking as you sob, struggling to catch your breath. He releases you from the hug and puts his hands on your shoulders. “breathe y/n, I need you to breath. okay? Can you fo that for me?”
You look at him, tears streaming down your face trying to focus on him. He tells you to breath with him and you do, not taking your eyes off him until finally you're breathing stabilises. “Did they hurt you?” He asks full of concern but before you can answer someone else runs into your room calling your name. You look over to see Spiderman stood in your bedroom doorway without his mask on. You squint through your teary eyes and recognise the face.
“Peter?! Why are you dressed like… you're the Spiderman?!” You say, finally realising the truth.
“I can explain” he blurts but stops talking when you start screaming and writhing in agony. You feel like your blood is on fire. You don't know what’s happening to you but you hate it. Tony tries to get you to tell him what’s wrong but you cant speak.
Then everything goes black.
Part Six
Taglist: @brownbuble​, @star-trek-is-my-lifesource​, @shookie-shookie​
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