#whoever has been working on her videos is incredible
pruneunfair · 2 days
different medias ways to promote internalized misogyny: an essay.
Do you remember any of those "Me vs other girls" templates that people nowadays use for yuri art? the type that are so painfully cringey that you think whoever made it is just messing around. We think that it just died down when everyone matured but that's not the case, internalized misogyny is still rampant in media that promote it in a subtler way. One of them is of course Otome isekai, the genre of isekai taking place in a fantasy/historical romance book/video game within the stories universe.
everyone knows the good old classic shojo tropes that haven't been popular in years. A female lead who is pure and sweet, a handsome and powerful male lead who will save her with marriage, at least one other guy who will fawn over said female lead, the best friend with the personality of 2016 quirky memes, and of course the evil villainess with a design that is very obviously designed look evil, villains with a Ursula or the evil queen from snow white vibe if you will.
for a long time now in the manhwa community, one of the most popular tropes is an isekai/regression of a villainess who is hated by all. This likely isn't the very first one with this idea but villains are destined to die is one of the most popular with this trope, and it worked. Penelope still retains a level of evilness even with a new soul to keep up with the fact that the OG Penelope was the villain. The og fl Ivonne isn't exactly demonized either, her body is being possessed by a demon named Leila and her soul is stuck in a mirror so no woman is one archetype. VADTD was a phenomenon and it got people into the idea that a villain could be as best a protagonist as a heroine. The community however, had a problem. Even though it was made explicitly clear that Ivonne was not at fault, there were tens of hundreds of the novel readers who still blamed Ivonne instead of Leila. This is not the fault of the author of course but it would be a warning for what would come.
ever since that trope has become very popular due to the nuance it could give. Eventually someone came up with the idea that the typical pure and sweet fl would be the evil one instead, it worked for Cozy Glow so why not here? these fl's ended becoming ogfl's who were pick me's, cruel, crybabies, and most of all: incredibly stupid., this even went to stories that aren't within a novel by using characters who had that sweet angel vibe. They could never hold a candle to the new badass girl bosses because they're old school and like all the other vabid rich ladies. This idea alone wasn't bad but it has been watered down to the point of unoriginality and even writing a mess of a story. They want people to actually hate the ogfl for hurting the misunderstood former villainess and to do that, you'd think they would write them as these calculating manipulators who were not to be fucked with. At the same time though they want to prove how awesome and perfect their new protagonist is and there is a misconception that flaws/mistakes=weak female lead. This results in not just Mary-sues your expected to take seriously but also pathetic villainesses you can't even consider a real threat.
Here's an example of the watered down white lotus trope: Cosette Weinberg from Actually I was the real one. (the manhwa, AIWTRO novel is not as bad)
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While not being an isekai but a regression story, Cosette defiantly is meant to resemble the sort of long lost royal daughter who shows up, gets bullied by the "fake" daughter and unlocks her own super epic power to become the best in all the land. In reality Cosette is dead and a demon is controlling her body and being able to use her elemental power is a mere bonus in controlling her body. Since she is a demon you'd think Cosette (or Ragibach) would be a terrifying menace which.. she was portrayed as at first. But she's the basic bitch pick me! so she should never be allowed to win even a small argument, because how else is Keira gonna be a girl boss? it'd be too bothersome to just let Cosette grow even more secretive and calculating so the suspense can actually be felt. The story was so obsessed with Keira being the perfect feminist power girl boss that they forgot that Cosette destroyed the world in the first timeline with ease and grace when they portray her as a screaming idiot who can't make smart decisions. It does the exact same thing that the old style did by inserting a woman to be a foil to the woman your supposed to like. This escalates to even women who support Cosette being villainized even if they don't know what she's like. Such as a maid named Mina, a poor girl picked up off the streets and essentially being used as a tool for Cosette. She commits all these evil henchman crimes for her master with her younger brothers safety and comfort being used as a hostage. Mina ends up getting deported and even suggested to be lashed 50 times for obeying someone who gave her no choice and instead of it being part of the cruel truth of the era, it's just supposed to be karma. Something similar happens to the antagonist of the villainess turns the hourglass Mielle, where she is effectively rendered too stupid to be a threat
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This however doesn't stop at the villainesses being dumbed down, the fl Keira suffers the same flaws that the stereotypical shojo fl suffered from. In the novel Keira has no love interest, in the manhwa she has 2 guys, Joseph and Erez, who are into her and she can't decide who she likes more (it's probably gonna end up being Erez). her family was actively shoved to the side for more romance scenes where Keira becomes a crumbling mess. In the novel Zeke had a bigger role. So in the manhwas attempt to emulate the novel they just backpaddled on their efforts to fanfic write it with feminism even though the original was already pretty progressive for Keira.
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Now Cosette is a product of the bad writing of a adaptation that feels more like a fanfic given how severe the changes are but at least for the most part, Actually I was the real one was mediocre
There is much worse. If you know me or my account you probably already know who is next. The Infamous Rashta from the remarried empress
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Even if you haven't read remarried empress, the trashta nickname became incredibly famous for the white lotus villains of other manhwa. Rashta is a twisted version of the cinderella trope: the poor abused but also very gentle looking girl who finds her prince charming and becomes a queen.
This girl was a slave sold in childhood, and while her backstory is purposely kept in the dark because they don't want you sympathizing with someone they consider a whore who deserves everything that happens to her. It doesn't take much rocket science together to piece what happened. Rashta had been SA by one of her masters and got pregnant with her first child, she gave birth alone and her newborn baby was taken and replaced with a dead baby to emotionally scar her even further, It is implied that she was assaulted again before she runs away and she meets the emperor who makes her his concubine. For the rest of the manhwa her whole story feels like torture porn. Another one of her masters comes back to blackmail her using her child, her value being based on how many babies she can make, everyone basically hates her, her only friend is actively arranging her downfall, her final master becomes known as a sweet little sister of the empress Rashta used to idolize, her daughter is taken away from her the moment she was born, and at long last, she dies alone known as the most evil empress in history. This isn't even mentioning her age. It's never confirmed other than she is an adult but in the eastern empire it's time to debut as an adult at around 17 and given her design with the big eyes which are usually given to the younger characters. So this really sets up even sadder connotations knowing that Rashta could be as young as 17.
Now, how does this story get away with having a punching bag with THIS many tragic elements like this to make the fl Navier look better? well by making her egregiously evil, she can never make smart decisions in street smarts despite it contradicting her rough and tumble backstory, if there's a character your supposed to like getting away with terrible acts, just have Rashta rip out a tongue or betray a friend to entertain the masses! It'd be hard to feel bad when the character in question is going around looking to kill/ ruin the lives of innocents. While the novel did a better job giving Rashta more traits than just "haha I'm a slutty hypocrite" it's still like the manhwa.
I already made a post that goes more into detail about Remarried empresses internalized misogyny that you can check out below, or you could go onto my archive, there's a lot of remarried empress centered posts there too.
Like Keira, Navier isn't as revolutionary as the story wants you to think.
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In season 1, Navier wasn't the worst fl ever. She worked hard as empress and while her personality was still a tad dull she seemed to have more character traits then she does now. After that she's just there, she's barely doing anything outside of sitting there looking pretty and getting pregnant with twins. We barley if ever see Navier even doing anything to deliver moments that make her interesting. She doesn't even do anything for her problems even after getting ice powers. It's all her husband and brother that just kill or threaten everyone who criticizes her, Navier barely feels like a main character at this point, she's a side character in her own story. She isn't the badass empress the characters tell you she is, Navier is just another empress who is basically the dream wife for a man in the 50s since she doesn't even need to love the man if she happens not to, she just wanted an empress title so she can feel like she has a purpose. Once again an example of a backpaddling of an attempt at a woman with more than 2 character traits.
The attempts to make you hate a specific character for not being "unique" even come across as embarrassing and even downright childish. Such as the case with her. The trope of the saintess sent as a commoner turned ugly
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Diana's case is similar to Rashta's, as in they try REALLY hard to make her hateable even when it starts to lose logic. At first it made sense to call her out on abandoning the common folk when she became crown princess but when you actually read this piece, the hatred for her is centered around the fact that she was upset that a guy who loved her killed for her and she cut him off. Sounds straight out of an incels revenge fantasy. Most of the time Diana isn't even that evil, she has a lot of flaws and certainly isn't the greatest person but she's also not the devil incarnate, yet every time the story tries very hard to make her awful for rejecting a man. She has pink hair, she's angelic looking, she comes across as sweet and dainty yet she won't date the first guy who kills for her? well then that makes her a cruel bitch for not validating the impression she gave off to everyone.
but if you look like the worst gender bent of Therdeo possible with a lot of money to obnoxiously throw around then your super cool and not like the other gold digging bitches! 💅
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Hestia is literally what these og fl have been reduced to except she's put in the protagonist position making her 10x insufferable to follow as the leading lady. She purposely provokes Diana hoping to get a reaction out of her so she can humiliate her as revenge in Cael's name without the plot even trying to say that Hestia is not in the right for attacking her husbands ex. The entire point of my derelict favorite is criticizing protagonist centered morality which I would be all here for if they didn't forget all about when writing the supposed feminist icon Hestia who literally attacks a woman and acting like said woman was at fault for her favorite character killing himself, she is literally the pick me girl that everyone claims to hate until she looks like she is a badass when she's not, she's just another case of a poorly made attempt at something "new". Thus Hestia was doomed to teach little girls attacking other women for petty reasons was okay as long as they were basic enough and not into the same boy band as you.
This one isn't as terrible as the last 3 but I'm the queen in this life is a subtler but still an example. Isabella is the deconstructed trope of the favorite child rich girl beginning her new exciting life with handsome men and easily the best into turning into a villainess thanks to the spoiled upbringing and at first... It worked until it flopped just two chapters later.
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Like Cosette and Mielle, Isabella is supposed to be this really smart white lotus who manipulated her way into the top but now.. she's just a spoiled brat who cries whenever she can't get her way. She isn't even utilized. While Isabella is pure evil it's the fact that OTHER characters are condoned or given proper moments to shine as smart villains who can get the job done or even be seen as sympathetic and shippable. Ceasre is a good example too because even though he teamed up with Isabella in the last timeline, the later chapters are implying that it was only Isabella and Ceasre was just manipulated. They even give me daddy and mommy issues at the same time so now the commenters think he deserves a second chance even after he SA Ariadne. In fact... I don't there are any other female characters in this comic who are complex, stay alive and are not Ariadne. There was Arabella and Margarete but they got killed off, Sancha isn't so bad but she's still just a follower with nothing much left to her, Lariessa is just there to be the stereotypical crazy ex to make Ariadne look better for not being desperate for a man, Malleta is just a plot device to make things happen and eventually die herself and Lucrezia is basically just Lady Tremaine but worse.
What I meant by not as bad as the last 3, I meant that here in I'm the queen in this life, Ariadne is actually written decently. She actually makes her own decisions, she has a life outside of Alfonso, and she isn't totally insufferable. With her it's more centered around the Narrative trying to say she is ugly to be relatable when it's clear she's not.
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quite a few times characters will point out how big her boobs are and how "scandalous" it is. Isabella says they hang like a cows udders, they become a prominent point of scandal when her dress tears at a ball and for some damn reason Isabella gropes her own sister.. So why is all that weird attention to detail even there? Because they want more ways for Ariadne to be sympathetic but they still want her to be conventionally beautiful so there goes any chance at actual relatability when it can easily be interpreted as Isabella just being jealous that she is flat chested.
The only other female characters that aren't leads or pathetic villainesses in this genre are typically the maids whos only personality is being a perfect yes-man that validates jumping on women they don't like either by yelling at them for not going head over heels for their boss or by assisting in ruining their lives.
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and if the maid isn't a bland character with blind trust, they're written to be comically evil because once again, their jealous women who only want what the lead has.. and well. This ends up being justified
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So is manhwa the only forms of media Internalized misogyny and double standards that runs rampant?
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Personally, I am a firm believer that Miraculous ladybug played a role in instilling young girls with this kind of mindset that any girl who isn't a yes-man to you is lying, bratty and general evil bitch thanks to Thomas Astruc's gross views on what feminism is. He's the kind of guy who thinks that if you put a woman in pants and write her as the best hero of all time then that's feminism. First of all, Marinette's entire personality devolves into a rabid stalker for Adrien which is justified with ass pulled trauma in season 5 yet Chloe, who is a terrible person with trauma and chances to grow is somehow worse than a god damn domestic terrorist. 2nd of all, any woman who is also into Adrien is basically hunted down by Marinette like a PG-13 yandere, Kagami is targeted by Chloe and Marinette for being with Adrien and her relationship with him dies almost immediately not to mention that the fandom called her cacagami for months after season 3's release, hell they even pair her up with "I'm just a misunderstood boy with a dead father" Felix who looks identical to adrien.
Lila wasn't even doing anything worthy of Ladybug humiliating her. She lied about being related to a superhero and being besties with Ladybug, got close to Adrien and talked smack about Ladybug. Shitty but not worth Marinette transforming for the sole purpose of embarrassing Lila for daring to try and take Adrien from her as if he's a object. They can't even utilize the girl later despite being allies with Gabriel. Zoe isn't even a damn person, She's just someone's wattpad self insert to show up, be the perfect new girl and replace Chloe using the power of kindness.
but the men? Gabriel is destroying Paris as Hawkmoth and abusing Adrien as a dad? Oh it was just for his wife, remember him as a tragic villain who was trying to be a good dad. Felix tries to forcefully kiss Marinette and gives all the miraculous to Gabe? He's got daddy issues let him live happily with Kagami. Andre is a pos father and abuses his power for either his or his daughters gain? He wouldn't be like that if Audrey didn't use her womanly charms to force him to give up his dreams to be a Politian. See all the damn excuses put up. Not to mention Ladybug rejecting Cat noirs advances is considered her being harsh and mean thanks to the proof of sad music playing and the constant shipping of the two by other characters.
One of the most popular webtoons that is universally hated now as well
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Leuce was the first wife of Hades in Greek mythology whom he loved until her death and she became a poplar tree in Elysium. In Lo, Leuce is bastardized as this gold digging nymph who wants to ruin a relationship. She exists for the purpose of making Persephone look better because she home wrecked for superficial reasons therefore Hades grooming Persephone is fine because at least it is for "love"
Persephone's kidnapping was the literal center of Demeter's Hymn on the pain mothers at the time felt when their daughters were kidnapped and sold to marry powerful men and while it is often rewritten in a way where Demeter is over-protective and Persephone just wants freedom, LO does it the worst. The worse part is that it is pretty well known that the relationship between Hades and Persephone is inspired by Humbert and Dolores from Lolita given that some panels are eerily similar to the Lolita movie. Somehow Demeter is still the most evil one since she isn't making it easy for Blue Humbert to get with her 19 year old daughter. To give you an idea how big the age gap is, Hades was already thousands of years old when he gave Demeter a gift for her baby shower...
And Minthe, who in Greek myth was a mistress of Hades that got too cocky and was turned into a mint plant by Persephone, was the first girlfriend of Hades who got treated like shit by his family members for being a nymph. She gets emotionally cheated on and is considered crazy when she gets upset about it. Everyone rubs it in her face that Persephone is with her boyfriend even after she stopped getting it on with Thanatos the moment they became official. She still gets turned into a mint plant and the trauma Persephone caused her had no consequences.
all 3 women pit against eachother, 2 demonized for not being the "good" kind of woman and 1 being actively groomed and taken away from her mother and it's supposed to be a positive moment.
Its all this and more that has damaged the thinking of hundreds of thousands of girls and women into suspecting that any other woman is out to get them if they feel inconvenienced, it encourages the pick me girl mindset that pits women against eachother while the men who encourage it sit back and watch and it downplays the shitty actions of abusive men while blowing womens flaws out of proportion. Nowadays if a female character is introduced that isn't the lead or a loyal maid, readers are already out to call her a bitch and wish for her downfall. Helena from kill the villainess is an unfortunate victim of these consequences.
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We could all do so much better if we realized how stupid it is to constantly pit women against eachother for no reason.
Thank you for sticking around for my little essay.
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moonbyulz · 1 month
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LISA - NEW WOMAN feat. Rosalía
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harrieatthemet · 2 years
in which Zane Lowe pays a visit and Harry’s a D list celebrity in his own home.
She’s so excited.
Regardless of what the circumstances may entail, she’s got an incredibly uncanny way of assuming everything is about her. The accumulation of faces, some familiar and some not, the propped up studio lights meticulously scattered throughout the first floor of the house, men with video cameras; it all has to be a backdrop for her. 
At least, that’s the impression she's under. Exactly what it all was for remained a mystery to her, but it didn’t matter. A precise reason was merely unimportant. Besides, she was too busy relishing in the adorning of passerby’s; the cooing and compliments of adoration, all the musing at her outfit (the outfit she picked, a ballet ensemble overflowing with enough glitter to blind anyone within a 2 mile radius). 
She hates being spoken to like a baby, regardless if she still is one, but she’ll allow it from the man crouching down in front of her “Who did your hair, sweetie?” 
It’s a compliment, so she’ll let it slide. Additionally, she’s taken notice to the audience around him; a grouping of people that have now trained their attention to the smallest person in the room. Her. And she’s not going to disappoint them, either. 
The man smiles ear to ear, a mic hooked to the collar of his shirt and two phones sandwiched in his palm. He, and the crew behind him, lets a string of aw’s out adoringly as Angel Baby grimaces shyly, running her pudgy hand along the hair hanging off one of the bows from her pigtails. 
“Daddy does my hair,” Angel Baby’s voice is soft, and she grins a littler harder when the man mewls at how adorable she is, “he wuvs the bows.”
Putty in her hands; Angel Baby is no stranger to working a room, especially adults, and knows quite well how to play up the chubby toddler bit to win the heart of whoever she may need to. A victim, you call it, and Harry’s a repeat offender. She’s got Zane Lowe on the docket now, too. 
“Bubba,” Harry’s exhale glides across the kitchen, like a sigh of relief, “where’ve y’been? Think Mumma might need help outside, should y’take a look ‘n see?”
Absolute buzzkill. Subconsciously she knows everyone’s here for him. Camera’s go up and the posture across the room gets a little stiffer, more proper. Zane straightens out the bend in his knee until he’s standing upright, looking down at angel baby instead of eye level like before. 
On the heels of an album release comes the stress of all that entails; interviews, press, tours, deadlines, so on and so forth. The past few weeks Harry’s been a ticking time bomb, much edgier than usual. A perfectionist by default (and by habit), he’s a stickler for doing everything precise and exact. Ultimately, that must be why the house is exceedingly tidier than usual and he’s ready to scurry Angel Baby out of camera shot. She’s got other plans, though. 
“No, please.” She smiles because, well, she said please like Harry taught her. 
Manners are very important; please and thank you are a must.
“Bub,” now Harry is standing beside Zane, his glide from the other end of the kitchen quick and with intent, “m’loving how polite y’are, but m’not asking. Daddy has work t’do and-”
“I don’t mind if she stays,” Zane interrupts, his body turning towards Harry, “if that's cool with you.”
Angel Baby’s absence in the yard is enough for you to assume that she’s somewhere inside, stirring up trouble and tap dancing on Harry’s last nerve with an innocent smile and a doll in her hand. 
Which is exactly what she’s doing: working his last nerve. She’s put together in an adorable package; the outfit, the pigtails and bows, a chubby little face and the sweetest puppy dog eyes. He knows all too well how she plays it up to get her way, but he knows she’s got the menace tendency hidden underneath no matter how thick she lays the cuteness on. 
“Alright,” He wants to seem chill, everything’s fine. He’s Harry, he just goes with the flow, “totally cool, yeah.” 
It’s music to her ears and now she’s surely got everyone right where she wants them, which is basically eating right out of her hand. They’ve got the cameras trailing right behind the trio, her hand wrapped snuggly in Harry’s as they walk out towards the patio and settle by the pool. 
The skipping as she tries to keep up with the two men double her size surely has to have the possy behind her swooning, but she peeks over her shoulder ever few skips just to be sure. And she side eyes you once she notices you just off in the yard, arms folded across your chest with the look. In an attempt to spare her a stern reprimanding from her father (which is never really stern, honestly. He intends for it to be but ‘She's just too fucking cute, can’t yell at an angel like tha’!), you mouth a quick ‘behave’ to her before she shrugs and looks away. 
“I know it’s a strange place to start,” Zane shrugs, throwing one leg over the other, “but I noticed your nails.” 
Your stood just behind the camera and, yes, the general aura of the physical setting up is quite relaxing; the calmness of the pool, the warm breeze of mid-June, the sun beginning to take it’s break before the moon can step in to take its place. So you should be figuratively patting yourself on the back for such a romantic execution of a backyard landscape, but instead your completely zeroed in on the mischievous toddler perched arrogantly in your husbands lap. 
“I think f’me, like-” and right on time, Angel Baby wastes no time in jumping in.
“M’wearin daddy’s nails,” she states proudly, extending both hands as if she somehow needs to provide proof, “’nd they’re glitter pink.” 
Zane is good with her; patient and kind as he pretends to do an astonished double take. He even turns it up a notch to feed her ego, like he’s never seen pink polish topped with a coat of glitter. 
“M’love,” Harry hums, adjusting one of her lopsided bows, “Y’mind if I jump in?” 
Harry’s trying to be patient, you know he is. He absolutely adores angel baby and under any other circumstance, he’d be happy to be just another side character in her show. A puppet on strings, you call it, but he’s never minded until now. You can tell he’s a little edgier than usual; this album is different than others. It’s special. It’s transparent. It’s vulnerable; He’s vulnerable. 
She recoils, hands falling back into her lap as Zane and Harry traipse on in conversation. He’s become much more comfortable, his body relaxing into the chair and his words free-flowing. But now you’re edgy, because that silent baby in his lap is revealing just how bored she’s becoming now that the attention has shifted off her. A little more fidgety now, she is; swinging her legs, paddling her hands up and down on Harry’s thigh, even pulling a few faces and mimicking Harry when he talks. He’s so caught up in conversation that he doesn’t catch on to how restless she’s growing. But you do, and you’re eyeing her as she lets out a small huff. 
She’s gonna open her mouth. 
“No matter what it is, kind of.. you know, the dust or-”
“Actually I'm 3 years old,” she cuts Harry off again, sitting up right with a matter of fact expression etched on her face, “so I’m not a baby. Oh ‘n I have two dolls.” 
Zane’s laughter is boisterous, and he nods to make sure she knows that he was definitely not under the impression that she was a baby. And now that she’s managed to weasel her way back into being the center of attention, she’s divulging Zane in a very descriptive recounting of last weeks dance class when she almost threw up. 
Harry’s oggling you from the seat, eyes wide as though he is loudly telling you to intervene without causing a scene or rubbing her the wrong way. But he’s also quickly realizing that he’s second best under his own roof, especially as he notices the guy behind the camera adjust the focus and angle a little bit closer on Angel Baby as she drawls on about how hard it is to tie her Gucci sneakers. 
“Wait,” she stops mid sentence, putting her hand up to tell everyone to stop before she tugs on the sleeve of Harry’s sweater, “I want a snack.” 
He whispers something in her ear, well aware that everyones eyes are firmly planted on him while he mouths something unreadable to the squirming toddler on his knee. Whatever it is he said seemed to do the trick, because he lets his shoulders de-tense a bit as Angel Baby wiggles off his lap before nodding to you to head towards the kitchen. 
“Don't worry Mister,” she calls to Zane, “m’just havin’ a snack.” 
She scurries off, her head down and arms pacing exasperatedly as she embarks on a light jog out of camera shot and scurries past you to b line it towards the patio doors. What follows is an eruption of laughter from the gaggle of folks in your yard, a soft chuckle and shake of the head from Harry.
“She is such a ham, (Y/N)” one of the film crew compliments, “is she always like this when there’s people around?”
“Absolutely,” your laugh is breathy because despite how irritated Harry’s getting, it’s like someone packed his personality into a tinier body “she’s her father’s daughter.”
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fuckyeahbaldursgate · 11 months
Viconia - Plot Support extraordinaire
Just to preface this as I don't want this to seem like I am hating on BG3 as a diehard fan of the original series because I really do love BG3. I've completed it twice now and think it will absolutely be joining my annual rotation of BG1/SOD/BG2 playthroughs but it has its problems, much in the same way that the originals themselves have problems as well.
So after my Sarevok post I wanted to treat Viconia to the same critical analysis as unfortunately I think she also gets the short end of the evil plot stick. I get it, evil characters can be hard to get right but again similar to Sarevok, in my opinion, her character regresses to evil Shar mook number one rather than actually being Viconia. Worse still she's entirely at the mercy of being wrapped up in ShadowHeart's backstory.
Anyway this is a bit of a deep dive into Viconia's issues in BG3. Spoiler warning for both BG3 and BG2.
1. No Grey DeLise.
Again, similar to Sarevok, another prolific voice actor that has done recent video game work seemingly not approached for the role. I can't help but think that some of this is down to the rushed nature of act three generally and Larian just having to get whoever they could for the job in the time that they needed it. Unlike Jaheria and Minsc there's no attempt to mimic her original VA or get someone who sounded like her so she ends up sounding completely and utterly different.
This version of Viconia sounds haughty and stuck up which while the original Viconia VA has a degree of arrogance, she is also pretty sultry. Haer'dalis even comments that she has 'the throaty voice of the most expensive courtesan' and Viconia deliberately plays on the stereotype of the sensual female drow with certain male party members for her own benefit e.g the male Bhaalspawn, Edwin, Sarevok and even Anomen (I cover this a bit here and here).
2. Her in game design...just isn't great.
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Let's be honest, combined with the voice, Viconia's design basically makes her unrecognisable. She looks like a generic old drow lady to the point that I did have 'Is that meant to be Viconia?' moment when I first met her.
Now I appreciate there is minor controversy with Viconia's original BG2 portrait (which is probably the most recognisable image of her) because the artist actually used a famous porn star as the base for it.
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For info, this was a common practice at Bioware at the time as they used to use lots of different images as bases for portraits. They finally got into legal trouble for it in NWN where due to various copyright claims they had to change quite a few portraits.
More recently, I think that Beamdog actually did quite a good job of recreating a faithful adaption of her original portrait in Siege of Dragonspear while presumbably navigating the original copyright issue.
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In comparison to her BG3 portrayal, my first impression was she looks incredibly old. Now as far as I'm aware we've never been given a canon age for Viconia but we do know she was around for House DeVir being defeated by the Do'Urden house so she has to be at least 100 years old by the time of BG1... but her character level is between 2 and 6 (depending on the party's XP) so a relatively inexperienced cleric. With that in mind I definitely assumed she was on the younger side (maybe 200-300?). Either way 5e elves can live between 750 to 1000 years although there are instances in the Forgotten Realms books of drow living to over 2000. Now tack on the additional 120 years for BG3 in my mind it would definitely put her in the middle aged category but not necessarily anywhere near the end of her life. Critically she would be aging much slower than Jaheria but with those wrinkles she looks WAY older than her. I honestly feel cheated of an interaction between the two about how hagged and old Jaheria looks in comparison to herself.
In terms of her outfit, although initially she wears the Sharite mask and hooded outfit, which is good for concealing her identity, we eventually end up with Viconia in a spider adorned dress. This seems like a strange choice given the spider motif when she literally stopped worshipping Lloth for Shar - maybe she's being ironic? The lack of armour,when she's a cleric that knows there's a good chance she's about to have a fight seems kind of stupid. If you do choose to fight her, she then looks entirely comical in her light dress accompanied by an enormous oversized shield and mace.
For me though this really identifies her design problem: her leather armour was a critical part of her original design. Given that we only see portrait style headshots of BG characters, the decision not to include her leather corset with the three straps and the head band is really what makes her unrecognisable. It would be like removing Minsc's head tattoo or Jaheria's braids or Sarevok's armour (which even with all the problems I talked about in my post, at least he got to keep that).
My hope is that some enterprising modder out there makes a more BG2 accurate version of her in future. Larian, please give my lady her leather armour back or maybe even a justicar outfit!
3. Ignores her BG1/2 alignment, motivations and twists her original epilogue.
Now I do appreciate BG3 deliberately assumes that the events of BG1/BG2 are a little bit fluid, which Jaheria confirms this when she talks about the bards that tell stories of her slaying gods or bedding them depending on which one you listen to. But the game goes onto confirm certain events in Viconia's history that don't really make sense:
A.) The game confirms that Viconia did travel with the Bhaalspawn but not for the entirety of the game. Minsc informs you that after trying to dissect Boo she was expelled from the group. I have to admit this story didn't gel with me at all because it implies Viconia is some sort of chaotic evil idiot (reminder: Viconia is neutral evil with a 16 INT score and 18 WIS score in BG2) who would deliberately provoke a giant raging berserker man by murdering his beloved pet. Like that's the sort of thing I could see Xzar (who is completely and utterly mad) doing but not Viconia. What benefit would she get out of it? Maybe it would be a good tribute for Shar but that would be a pretty short term benefit. In fact in BG2 Viconia offers begrudging respect to Minsc for his effectiveness in battle, she knows he's powerful and she wants to be on the right side of that. Minsc for his part does what he does with many of the female characters, particularly in BG2 and makes her a proxy substitute for Dynaheir offering to protect her. That's not to say she won't insult people (Aerie and Jaheria or characters who she perceives as weak often get the brunt of it) but she's generally smart enough to stay out of an actual fight. Important to note that in any of NPC conflicts that end in a fight in BG1/2 (e.g. Kivan, Ajantis, Keldorn) it's never Viconia that's starts the fight.
B.) The Waterdeep cult.
In Viconia's epilogue, which you only get if you kept her for the end of Throne of Bhaal and you didn't romance her, Viconia goes on to do a few things which you can see below (obviously massive spoilers for BG2) :
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So it feels like Larian has taken the first part of this ending but nothing else, which really leaves a lot of questions. We know Shar isn't entirely happy with Viconia based on her diary entries so why is Shar still giving powers to a woman that basically killed a whole bunch of her followers? Why is Viconia still working for a goddess that hates her? Why is she so accepting of Shar's plot to groom Shadowheart as her replacement? Why on earth hasn't Viconia got the fuck out of dodge, which is pretty much what she has been shown to do in the past? And this comes neatly onto my next point.
4. Viconia is just a plot device for Shadowheart.
I love Shadowheart and I love her arc but honestly Viconia being the Mother Superior just felt like a way of inserting her into the game in a way that didn't really fit especially when Viconia's diaries in BG3 show that she knows that Shar intends for Shadowheart to essentially replace her as one of her prominent followers/chosen. The whole plot ignores two critical points about Viconia and her backstory:
Firstly the reason Viconia left the Underdark in the first place was because she refused to sacrifice a child to Lloth and Lloth turning her brother into a drider after he saved her from being sacrificed. Now Viconia is many things, she's self serving, cruel and dedicated to her own survival at the expense of anything and anyone else (quintessential neutral evil through and through) but at the same time she threw away her position, caused the downfall of her house and got most of her family murdered to save a child. You're telling me she would then willingly go along with Shar's plan to deliberate plan to kidnap and repeatedly torture a child for YEARS whilst also training said child to replace her? My girl doesn't have many lines in the sand but harming children definitely seems like one of them. I actually wandered whether Shadowheart not liking to harm children / prefers saving them is not just about her being a secret Selunite but also a potential a hint of Viconia's influence.
Secondly, that plot seems to ignores Viconia's other primary driver, which is to survive: it's why she leaves the Underdark, it's why she travels with the Bhaalspawn, it's why she worships Shar and it's why she murders an entire cabal of Shar's followers after one person betrayed her. Now if we ignore that she has qualms about children, you're telling me that she would instead essentially train her replacement to be an amazing cleric who is 99% likely to murder her? I'm pretty sure Viconia would have tried to kill Shadowheart way before her becoming a justicar or simply skipped town as she has done before.
The alternative?
Personally I would have liked to have seen Viconia ultimately involved in a plot to overthrow the Mother Superior or maybe doing something even crazier like going after Shar herself out of revenge following her fall from grace after the events of the Waterdeep cult. Maybe she works with the Absolute to get her revenge and keep her divine powers - hell who better to help Ketheric with the Nightsong in Shar's temple then an ex priestess of Shar?
If not the Absolute then Shar's got plenty of enemies and Viconia has converted before. Maybe she could have joined the team to achieve a particular goal while giving fans of the original series the opportunity to have one of the original evil characters to join the crew. I would have loved to see the contrast with Minthara who is still fairly fresh from leaving drow society and a complete blunt instrument compared to Viconia's more subtle ways. Maybe Viconia would take the paladin under her wing, maybe introduce her to a new patron god (something I don't think is ever explained is how Minthara still retains her divine powers given neither Lloth or the Absolute are fueling them anymore). Shevarash the elven god of revenge, would be a fantastic fit for both of their back stories (which would also be a nice little throw back to Viconia's heated / sometimes fatal arguments with Kivan in BG1) presuming that Viconia could get over her disdain for the elven pantheon by that point in the timeline. The fireworks with Jaheria of course would be grand while Minsc I feel would be very conflicted given his mind's tendancy, as noted above, to sub in any female magic user as Dynaheir.
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The start of this week has been nothing short of incredible!! We've recieved such amazing work so far - loads of art, fanfic, edits and even a playlist!! Can't wait to see what else you all have up your sleeve 😍
Happy World Book Day to everyone!! Tomorrow, we will be celebrating Hana's love for books and exploring her tastes in reading! Becoming "well-read" was a skill her mother Lorelai insisted she cultivate, but it soon grew into a passion and in some ways a source of comfort for a lonely young Hana! It allowed her to give free rein to her imagination and conceive new worlds for herself!! So tomorrow we will celebrating Hana and her passion for reading!!
Our other theme this time is AU! The sky is the limit for this one. Imagine any alternative universe (whether just for herself or her with whoever you pair her with) and how Hana will respond to this environment!! Surprise us!
Any content is welcome!! Fanfic, fanart, edits, moodboards, interactive, media, headcanons, screenshots, playlists, meta...even screenshots of your favourite scenes would be great!! Our only requirement is that the content is centered on Hana, and that the depiction of her is positive. You can also send in WIPs in case you don't complete a work!
You can also send in a work on the days following a particular theme - this is no pressure for it to be put up exactly that day! We will also have an extra week for anyone who still needs time 💕 May 4th will be our final official date for entries (to incorporate into our video!) but HLAW will still be open for entries for the rest of the year until the next event!
You can find this year's full list of prompts here!
Be sure to do the following when you make your posts:
1. Use the tags #hanaleeappreciationweek and #HLAW in the tags (along with the day you made the post for - #HLAW Day 1, #HLAW Day 2 etc)
2. Tag @hanaleeappreciationweek, and hosts @lizzybeth1986 and @sazanes in your work!
FAN CONTENT BLOGS are instrumental in keeping the fandom alive - with events and fun activities that encourage us all to contribute and create. They have also been amazing in their support towards our character events. Do check them out to see all the new incredible events and prompts coming up!
@choicesficwriterscreations - Primarily fanfic and fanart (no AI allowed). Check out their rules and roster of events!
@choicesmonthlychallenge & @choicesaprilchallenge24 - Any and all content welcome (No AI content)! They have a collection of prompts you can use for the month of April!
@choicespride - Any and all content is welcome, as long as it is centered around queer characters and/or themes.
@choicesflashfics - Primarily fanfic under a 2500 word count. Every week they use new dialogue prompts. The prompts for the coming week will be out soon but the current week's are here.
@choicesholidays - Any and all content welcome, as long as it is centered around one of the holidays listed! Currently, they are hosting Spring Fling!
@choicesprompts - Mostly fanfic preferred! You can check out their current Round Robin event here!
Happy Hana Lee Appreciation Week, everyone!!
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useramor · 2 years
of firefighters and french toast rating: G | word count: 2k
the one where dr. salazar and eddie's will lawyer are best friends (disclaimer, patient/client confidentiality? nonexistent for story telling purposes. pls ignore <3)
Aline Salazar didn’t often spend much time thinking about her patients. She went to work, took care of people’s hearts, sent them back into the real world, and when she went back home she made sure to leave all of their life stories in the hospital. It wasn’t a weight she needed to carry.
If she let herself get dragged down into the heart problems of Los Angeles, she’d drown.
So she does a good job at separating it. She has her wife at home, her two girls, and a small black cat that likes to curl around her ankles when she walks through the front door. She has her life at work, her coworkers that drive her up the wall a little bit but who she’s secretly incredibly fond of, and the secret stash of Reese’s peanut butter cups that she keeps in her office.
But she has to admit: the men of the 118 tend to linger in her mind. 
The women, too. Hen’s well known. Badass paramedic who’s performed some tricky operations in the back of a moving ambulance. Aline’s heard the stories. 
She’s never been in her office, though. Hen’s heart seems to be relatively intact. 
Aline knocks on wood, just to be safe. The 118’s been through enough, they don’t need to send yet another member of their team to her. Keep them on the other side of the hospital doors; Aline’s starting to worry.
It’s Eddie that she thinks about most. Or, not most, but he’s crossed her mind more than once. Especially after Buckley got brought in after being struck by lightning, and one of the new doctors was complaining that Diaz was yelling at them as they wheeled him through the hospital doors. 
Aline didn’t snort, because that feels a little rude and dismissive, and she does her best to not be either of those things, but…
It’s Buckley and Diaz. She’s seen them on the news—hell, she’s pretty sure most of Los Angeles has. They’re not celebrities or famous, but really (unless you count hospital fame, because, seriously, how are these men not dead yet?), but Eddie got shot in front of Buck. The video of Buck throwing him over his shoulder has just under a million views.
Honestly, Aline doesn’t know how she didn’t recognize him when he came in for his panic attack.
It was probably the girlfriend that threw her off. To be fair, the girlfriend seemed to be throwing Eddie off, too. 
And, yeah, that’s the reason he’s stuck with her more than most. 
She shakes her head. The only reason they’re even on her mind is because Evan Buckley just left her office. Because the man got struck by lightning. 
Seriously, she can’t tell if God or the universe or whoever wants the 118 alive or dead. If it’s alive, they’ve sure got a twisted way of showing it. It’s getting to the point where, if Aline didn’t literally have access to their medical files, she’d probably assume they were supernatural at this point. 
Currently, she’s in her car, on her way to meet up with her best friend for Monthly Mandatory Monday. It’s something Melanie came up with when, during her time in med school, they went almost six months without seeing each other, despite living in the same city. Melanie, her best friend since high school, decided that was unacceptable. 
So now they clear out one Monday every month to get dinner and catch up. They usually see each other more often than that, considering life is finally in a place where it’s a little more settled, but the tradition stuck. 
Her phone pings with a text where it’s sitting in the cup holder. She checks it at a red light. 
Are you on your way 😁
ETA 10 min
She gets a notification that Melanie liked the message, putting her phone away when the light turns green. 
It takes her closer to fifteen minutes to get to the restaurant—a little French bistro that’s definitely more suited for brunch, but Melanie’s always insisted that food should not exist within societally constructed time frames, and if she wants berries and french toast for dinner, then she will have them. 
Frankly, Aline’s always down for some well made, fluffy, cinnamon-y french toast. 
“You, Dr. Salazar, are late.”
“You, Ms. Green, didn’t have any actual clients today.”
Melanie shrugs. “Mondays are paperwork days. I did not realize there would be this much of it.”
“That’s because you didn’t pay attention in class. Pretty sure anyone who goes to law school knows there’s gonna be paperwork involved.”
Melanie, unsurprisingly, has nothing to say to that. 
“Anyway, how was your work day today?”
They’re briefly interrupted by a young girl coming by to take their orders. They don’t even need to look at the menu, both of them getting the same thing they get every time they come here. 
She comes back with their drinks quickly, telling them with a polite smile that their food will be out shortly.
“As you were saying?” Aline turns back to her friend as the waitress walks away. 
“Work? How are the hearts of the citizens of LA doing today?”
Aline chuckles, pouring water from the pitcher the waitress left into a mason jar. 
“You remember that firefighter that got struck by lightning? I treated him today.”
Melanie perks up. She’s got an odd fascination with the LAFD. 
“I feel like LA has some of the weirdest fire fighting accidents I’ve ever seen. I doubt Montana has this much excitement with their fire department. Just off the top of my head there’s been that weird blimp incident—didn’t realize blimps still existed, by the way—, two years ago all of the animals at the LA zoo were released onto the streets, we had a tsunami. Did you know the last time a tsunami hit the United States was in 1964? In Alaska.”
Aline smiles. “I did not know that.”
“Well, now you do.”
“Tell me about the firefighter. I saw some coverage of it on the news, he looked really familiar.”
“Pretty sure he’s been on television multiple times by now.”
Melanie takes a sip of her spiked lemonade, because her best friend has the alcoholic drink preferences of a high schooler. 
“Probably. What about that other guy you saw a while ago? The panic attack one, have you seen him since?”
Aline snorts. 
“No, but I’m pretty sure the lightning strike guy is his boyfriend.”
“Wait, didn’t he have a girlfriend?”
Aline nods. The waitress appears with their food, smiling kindly at them before leaving again. 
The first bite is perfect, as it always is. The homemade syrup from the berries mixing with the cinnamon-sugar of the french toast is heavenly. She didn’t even realize she was this hungry until the flavors hit her tongue. 
“God, this place is so good.”
“I know,” Melanie agrees. “Back to what you were saying?”
“Yeah, he had a girlfriend, but I’m pretty sure his panic attack was because of her? Probably some heavy repression and internalized sexuality issues. Not that I’m speculating about someone’s sexuality, but as a gay person who only realized her sexuality at thirty, I recognized some of his panic.”
“Classic. And he’s dating lightning strike guy?”
“I think? I mean, I’ve seen them at the hospital quite a few times. They always seem very friendly, I guess, for lack of a better term, and I heard through the grapevine that Eddie—panic attack guy—was yelling at the doctors when they brought the other guy in.”
Melanie lights up. “Man, why are Eddie’s so—I don’t know—weird? I have a client, his name’s Eddie, too. Did I ever tell you about him?”
Aline shakes her head no, sitting back in her chair knowing she’s about to get an earful of Melanie’s rambling. They’ve been this way since they met. Aline was shy and quiet, kept to herself. Didn’t know anybody at her new school after moving to LA with her family from Florida. 
Melanie saw her first day of Sophomore year. She was loud and bright and hilarious. All over the place and terrible student, but incredibly smart. They sat next to each other in biology. Aline helped her cheat on her exams, Melanie invited her to tag along to games and parties, and they’ve been sort of inseparable since. 
And one thing about Melanie that hasn’t changed is that she can talk for hours. Lucky for her, she has a best friend willing to listen. 
“Okay, so, this is a few years ago, okay? Setting the scene, it’s—huh. I don’t actually remember what month it was, but it was unusually cold and rainy. This is relevant. This guy came in, he had made an appointment over the phone, and I told him I’d have availability in about two weeks, but he said it was urgent, and that his schedule is unpredictable and asked if I could squeeze him in the next day.”
Aline’s eyebrows raise. 
“I know, right? Felt a little rude the way he was so snippy over the phone, but then he comes in and stiltedly spills his entire life story. This guy is, oddly enough, actually, also a firefighter and an army vet, and he’d recently experienced yet another trauma. Remember what I was saying about rain? He’s the guy that got trapped in that well years ago.”
“Oh wow.”
“I could tell it was serious, even though he brushed it off. You don’t go to a lawyer with an impending sense of doom and urgency if what you experienced isn’t serious. Whatever, I didn’t push.”
Aline snorts. She’s not sure there’s a world that exists where Melanie doesn’t push. 
“Shut up, asshole.” 
She throws her napkin across the table, and lands it firmly in the potted plant beside Aline.
“I didn’t say anything,” Aline says, raising her hands in surrender.
“Your laugh did. Whatever, I didn’t push. I didn’t. This was the cagiest man I’ve ever seen. I had to ask him what he was there to do about three times, because he was so shifty about it.”
“Well. What did he want?” “Okay, more backstory, this man is a widow with a son. He has extended family that he’s supposedly close to, but he wanted me to update his will. So that, in case of emergency—and, seeing as he’s a firefighter, those happen often—, his son would go to his best friend.”
Aline frowns. “Okay? Like a godfather? That’s not that out of the ordinary, is it?”
Melanie grins like Aline just fell for the set up hook, line, and sinker. 
“His best friend? Completely unaware. Eddie asked me not to contact him or anything. And when I said you know, he could refuse, this man looked me in the eye for the first time that entire conversation and said with more certainty than I have ever seen anyone possess he won’t. I swooned a little. I hope those two figured it out, honestly.” 
“That’s…wow. Yeah, I hope so, too. I’m just glad my Eddie seems to finally be dating Evan. The lightning strike guy. They’ve been through a lot together.”
Melanie pauses, lemonade halfway up to her lips. “Wait. Evan? As in Evan Buckley?”
Aline blinks in confusion. “Yes?”
“Holy shit, I think we’re talking about the same Eddie. Evan Buckley’s the guy in his will. Diaz? Firefighter with the 118?”
Aline throws her head back and laughs. “Yes.”
Melanie raises her glass and waits for Aline to do the same. “To the same idiot firefighters that happen to be paying for both of our bills.”
Aline snorts. “What you said.”
The rest of the dinner passes by too quickly, the way time between them always seems to. They talk about everything; Melanie shows her all the options for birthday gifts for Aline’s oldest daughter, Aline asks what TV she’s watching now because Melanie has the best taste in sitcoms, and it feels like minutes but it’s actually hours by the time they ask for their check and leave. 
“See you this weekend, right?” Aline asks.
Melanie scoffs. “As if I’d miss Maia’s birthday. I need to maintain my position as her favorite Tia.” 
Aline pulls her in for a hug when they reach the front of the restaurant. Melanie’s already called her uber, and Aline told her wife she’d be home in time for them to watch an episode of Extraordinary Attorney Woo. 
“Hey!” Melanie calls out as Aline’s walking away. “If you see Eddie anytime soon, tell him congrats on finally getting it together and telling Buckley.”
Aline laughs. “Will do, Mel.”
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sarcasticsra · 2 years
I cannot stress enough how much everyone should watch Starkid’s A VHS Christmas Carol if you haven’t seen it yet. It’s pretty short, only about 45 minutes, and it’s truly one of the best adaptations of A Christmas Carol that I’ve ever seen.
No, seriously. I think it has even surpassed The Muppets Christmas Carol for me. That has been my favorite Christmas movie since I was a child. My mom and sister and I used to watch it every Christmas Eve. I still love it dearly and it is an amazing adaptation that I’ll defend to my death, but you guys. You guys. A VHS Christmas Carol is just THAT GOOD.
It’s done in the style of 80s music/videos, which is delightful. It’s an opera, so it’s all sung through, which I love. And it’s so good!
Let me enumerate the ways. Spoilers to follow. (Can you spoil A Christmas Carol? Once a story becomes public domain does that exempt it from spoiling? Idk, lol. Spoilers for the show, anyway. Also for Avatar: The Last Airbender. …I promise there’s a path.)
1) Bah Humbug! - Song number one and it goes hard right from the start. It is everything an opening number should be. Dynamic, sets the tone, and an incredible fucking bop. The interactions between Scrooge and Fred and Scrooge and Bob are done so well, too. You so quickly get a sense of their characters. Obviously we know their characters because this is a story that has been told many a time before, but it does it so well that you would immediately get them even if you were an alien who had never in your existence been exposed to A Christmas Carol in any capacity. That’s impressive to me. It’s not relying on the familiarity of the story to do its character work.
2) 3 Spirits - I love the tone of this song. This is a Marley with true regret and pain who is absolutely pleading with Scrooge to take the chance he’s being given. It’s less “scared straight” and more, “I need you to understand this like you’ve never understood anything before.” Marley becomes a character in his own right as opposed to merely a backdrop for Scrooge to react to. That’s a theme with this adaptation. Characters who are pretty flat in a lot of adaptations seem so much more like real people in this one. Also, whoever decided to cast Meredith as Marley here is a fucking genius. She’s so goddamn talented and she really shines here. The emotion, the weight. Gah. Beautiful. The interplay between Marley and Scrooge is incredible as well; these are two insanely talented performers breathing a new life into tried and true characters, and you really feel the relationship between them.
3) I’m The Ghost - Christmas Past is so pointed and snarky and incredible, making Scrooge come to certain realizations. “Huh, little boy left all alone. Oh, your sister died so young. Didn’t she have a son though? Why are the employees so happy, this party didn’t cost much? Thinking of something? Okay, last stop, buckle up, it’s all your own doing.” I love it so much.
4) That Scrooge - You guys. You guys. They’ve done what I assumed was impossible. They’ve done what even the Muppets couldn’t. It’s a Scrooge-Belle breakup song that isn’t the most unbelievably boring and bland thing you’ve ever heard in your life. Belle is a fucking person! She has a personality! She’s very clearly stating her case, that he’s changed and she doesn’t like it and does he have anything to say? No? Okay, bye! THE EMOTION IN THIS SONG. Scrooge starts singing not just with her but to her! All the things he didn’t say before! And then he starts singing angrily about/at his past!self for being an idiot! You actually FEEL THINGS about this relationship. It was a deep love and losing it super fucked him up! I have never before seen Belle/Scrooge done as well as this one (1) song handles it.
5) Christmas Electricity - Get ready to have this song stuck in your head for ten thousand years. This song is, I believe, the standard classical definition of “a fuckin’ bop.” It’s so high energy and exciting, you really can understand how Scrooge gets so caught up in it himself. You also see more of Fred in this song and, again, he’s a person! He has specific motivations for why he keeps reaching out to Scrooge. Corey’s Fred is hands down one of the best performances of this character full stop. He took what is usually a bit, side character and made him a full human with understandable thoughts and feelings. They gave the Fred-Scrooge relationship such incredible emotional weight because of it. I think that’s one of my favorite aspects of this adaptation.
6) Priceless - Here we see the Cratchits enjoying their Christmas with an incredibly sweet song about having little but feeling like they have a lot. I really like the way this song feels a bit cheesy (goes with the whole 80s vibe) but they also feel like a real family with some silliness and some sweetness and Bob’s wife having very strong opinions about Scrooge that he’s too polite for. Also “listen to this key change out of the bridge” goddamn just show off constantly how freaking talented this entire cast is, why don’t you.
7) The Final Ghost - I probably have too much to say about this song. It’s my favorite, which considering this entire show is pitch fucking perfect, is really saying a lot. Dylan Saunders is truly one of the most talented performers I’ve ever seen, and his Scrooge is so, so good. It really shines through here. His interactions with Christmas Future show him mirroring Bob from earlier (he has a line that’s almost an exact quote of a line from Bob in Bah Humbug!), correcting himself, and trying to be respectful/humble. Subtle displays of emotional growth even before he gets to the truly scary parts. The song is of course a darker tone, as is correct for this part of the narrative, perfectly setting up the finale song. We get Scrooge overhearing about a funeral no one cares about, the same man being robbed after death, and this death bringing actual happiness to people. Throughout it all so far Christmas Future only speaks in a wordless melody, as is apt. Scrooge asks for tenderness connected to death and is shown the Cratchits mourning Tiny Tim, which breaks him, and he asks who the dead man was from earlier. Still wordless, Christmas Future leads him to a cemetery, and that wordless melody perfectly transforms into an eerie, ethereal, “Ebenezer Scrooge.” The fucking amount of sheer EMOTION Dylan packs into Scrooge pleading for his soul, that he is changed, and the final bit of narration… fuck, you guys, it’s so good. I love all of the “scene” parts of this song so much. It all builds so perfectly.
7a) The narrator. - This isn’t a specific song, I just want to call out how excellent the narrator is through the whole show and how perfectly the narration ties the whole show together. It’s one of those things where it goes unnoticed because it’s so perfect, but if it were bad you would definitely notice. You need it to be there and understated or a lot a falls apart, but it can be such hard balance to strike. This show nails it.
8) Christmas Day - The finale! And what a finale it is! The energy is a perfect contrast to the song before it as Scrooge delights in being alive and having time to make things right. His joy is palpable as he goes about his day, buying Bob a huge turkey, making an incredible donation to the charity he blew off the day before, and showing up at Fred’s. Guys. This scene. Especially when I watch the live, but even sometimes just via the soundtrack, this scene just fucking perfectly, beautifully guts me. You know how in Avatar: The Last Airbender, Zuko has to go on his whole narrative arc to eventually join the right side, and along the way sort of betrays his Uncle Iroh, aka the only good father figure he’s ever had, because he’s a traumatized teenager, and eventually he meets back up with him and starts stumbling out an apology and Iroh just sweeps him up in a hug without a word, and you sob because it’s perfect? That is the energy present in this, what, 15-second scene, just this incredible emotional buildup and payoff accomplished in a scant 45-minute runtime. It’s truly wondrous. The finale, as all true finales should, calls back musically to previous character beats, and ends on the perfect bookend to the opening number. It’s just so, so immensely satisfying.
Tl;dr - this musical has made me feel more Christmas-y than I have in a long, long time, and I have listened to little else in terms of music since I watched it two weeks ago. (It was literally the only music I had listened to since then until right now, and that’s only because I’m in a van on a road trip to my sister-in-law’s for Christmas. While I would have been perfectly content to listen to this soundtrack on repeat for the entire 8-hour drive, I also recognize that the four other people in this van do not have my particular flavor of hyperfixated ADHD brain and probably would not appreciate that, heh. Thus I played it once and then other music. Compromise!)
But yes. Seriously. It’s so good. Gah. Go watch it!
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mdhwrites · 7 months
Jumbled Thoughts: Romantic Rivals With Spy x Family
"What do you mean you love him!? You may be best girl, the tsundere and the one who spends 90% of your screentime with him but I'm in love... With..." "You want to go get a drink as a consolation prize?" "Yes please." And then I'm going to poison her drink so he can be all mine!
A lot of good, long term romance works have what can easily be identified as the romantic rival, regardless of how actually effective those rivals are. A character essentially designed to be an obstacle between the main couple and true love. There's a lot of forms this can take and luckily, anime has given us two great examples recently with Spy x Family's Yuri and Nightfall... But first let's get a few things out of the way.
Despite my bit at the beginning, a romantic rival actually doesn't need to be a direct competitor. Quintessential Quintuplets' romantic rival is the 5 girls' father and it'd be real creepy if he was actually trying to bang him.
We'll... We'll get to that. No, instead the point of a romantic rival is simply to be someone who has to lose if the main couple ends up getting together. Their happiness and desires are essentially impossible if the main couple's happiness is achieved. That's why they're a rival since there can only be one winner. The most direct way to do this is with someone else who loves one of the two MCs but it can take on a lot of forms.
Secondly: For them to be a rival, they do actually need and investment in the potential of the two MCs being together. The best rivals are likely going to relish in destroying what might have been just as much as they'll enjoy either capturing the one they love or dooming them to misery. For their role to function though, they can't be unaware of what they're doing. Otherwise, they fall more into cruel twists of fate or comedic interventions depending on the severity of the moment and the tone it's portrayed with. Like Joe from Big Time Rush moving for her work isn't because her agent is a romantic rival, whoever they are doesn't care about the romance going on, it's just business. One that tragically breaks up the head of the band and her.
We did get one hell of a song out of it though. (Yes, I loved this show as a teenager and still think their music slaps incredibly hard. Also, I'm linking this video because it portrays more what happened but I do think the 2020 acoustic version done during lockdown is better.)
Another thing necessary for the character to be a rival though is that they are inherently a bad option. While one could call all the girls in your typical harem romance rivals to each other, it's better to call them contestants. They all have a real, viable case for taking that spot of best girl/boy, both in the hearts of our MC and of the audience. You are supposed to be okay with any of them getting with the main character. They are simply a competing ensemble.
A romantic rival is a villain. Even when not explicitly portrayed as one, you're supposed to want them to lose. They VERY rarely are real people besides maybe a sob story but that's not really the point of them. Romantic rivals are meant to elevate something into soap opera levels of drama, not for a nuanced discussion of love. A way to heighten the stakes and force the cutesy, potentially eternal lovey dovey elements of a work into what will be an even more satisfying conclusion.
Or for some EXTREMELY funny jokes. Speaking of, let's get into Spy x Family.
Nightfall versus Yor.
Yuri versus Loid.
Or, er... Well, see, why these two are so useful is that we actually have an incredible romantic rival and one that mostly entirely falls flat on his face in the role and is arguably the worst element of the show to me. As such, let's start with him: Yuri. Yor's baby brother.
He is a member of the secret police, the best at what he does despite such a young age and has a sister complex. Like... 80% of his character is sister complex. 19% more of that is screaming about his sister and then 1% of him makes you remember "RIGHT! This guy actually claims to be a functional human being!" Yuri's inability to actually function as a person is one of his biggest flaws because that single minded obsession makes it hard for him to really have more than a handful of jokes, all of which just increasingly become more stale (at least for me) as the show went on. That's a real shame too because as a rival to Loid, he's actually about as good as you could ask for.
See, while I have problems with Yuri, his failure in this role actually has a lot more to do with Loid than himself. A rival is meant to push the couple out of their comfort zone, potentially make them fuck up and do something that will upset the other, or challenge some aspect of a person's love for their partner. Loid... Doesn't have any of these traits. His whole gimmick is being the man with a thousand faces. To have so many layers, you'll have cried an ocean by the time you get to the core of this onion. That also means he has no comfort zone to push him out of, only fuck ups because of himself and...
Well actually, this is the one way I think Yuri does screw up as a potential rival to Loid. He makes big declarations about whether or not Yor and Loid's love is real but his love isn't real either. He doesn't actually know his sister. He doesn't engage with her genuinely, just like Loid doesn't. He has this nostalgic, permanent image that would take literally seeing his sister kill a loyal citizen to the country in order to even crack. That's not actually more genuine than Loid using her like he does. The only difference is that one will never ask Yor of anything and want to stay by her side while the other will only stay until the job is done. It'd be much more effective, in this role, for Yuri to genuinely know his sister and be able to call things out because of the genuine care versus Loid's artificial care.
Otherwise, what Yuri really does is be a reminder of the world these characters exist in. Someone who genuinely can NEVER find out the secret between the main couple, that they're not married nor actually in love, or else Loid is a dead man and Operation Strix is over. That's because Loid is an enemy of the state so while Yuri would lock him up for the wrong reasons, he is still one of the few people who could actually cause trouble if only he knew the truth. Too bad Yuri has been a spy for like an entire decade less than Loid and so Loid can run circles around him also making this tension somewhat tenuous at best.
He is only a threat in essentially the same way anyone is. In that he cannot know the secret. That is the exact opposite of Nightfall, Yor's rival.
Nightfall is a fellow spy from Loid's agency. She actually was a pupil of Loid's and mistook being told you can't have emotions on a mission to mean she must deaden all emotions. She is also a super spy on a similar level to Loid, making her the idea working partner for him.
But that lack of emotions is also why she can never be Loid's romantic partner. Yor is a bundle of energy and a precious cinnamon roll who wears her heart on her sleeve and couldn't help but be earnest even if she tried not to be. She is exactly the sort of warm, open person that Loid needs to ever make him consider retirement. To peel back the layers so that he can one day be himself instead of one of the many faces that he has. She will only ever love Loid... Not Loid's job or codename: Twilight.
Immediately we have the reason why these two contrast and why you will never root for Nightfall. Nightfall loves Twilight. Loves the image and ideal of Loid as this unstoppable super spy who she could essentially conquer the world with. Who she could help alleviate the woes of before they both get back to work. She'd be devoted but to all the wrong needs of Twilight. We even know she has the skills with which to do it, something Yor very clearly lacks as putting her in the kitchen is a surefire way to attempt mass genocide.
Not to say Yor is incapable of challenging Nightfall in a more practical way like how Loid entirely destroys Yuri. Yor is still superhuman in her physical capabilities which is why despite how clumsy and dumb she can be, she's still a very capable assassin. It's just that being an assassin is essentially all she's good at, besides empathy that is. Yor's care runs deep, just like how deep the tennis ball she sent into God only knows where is or the ball she played with Anya with when she did her own signature shot. Since Nightfall can't convince Loid to drop Yor due to her wifely duties, she does only have this and one other tactic to use against Yor and here she fails ENTIRELY.
The other one she's a lot better at. See, in her eyes, Yor is a bad wife. Yuri thinks the same about Loid but as a bad husband. Unfortunately for our cinnamon roll, she does not have Loid's confidence or the homely skills to back that up and so questions about her capabilities, especially with a smooth motherfucker like Twilight, shake her to her core. Luckily, she has the empathy and care that helps with Anya and makes her not just a good wife but what is even more important here: A good mom.
Here is where we get Yuri's last failing. See, a good romantic rival should be like any good villain. They oppose not only the couple but the whole premise and theme of the show. Yuri and Nightfall both do actually attack the themes to some extent by asking for stagnation and pulling the two back to their past where they will be trapped in the violence they have known all their lives. This is attacking the Spy part of the title. Only one of them actually says anything about the Family part of it though.
The most disappointing moment of the entire series for me was when Yuri finally interacted with Anya, Loid and Yor's adopted daughter, and hated her. Now, admittedly, his goal of arresting and killing Loid would pretty much certainly mean Anya's death too since she was adopted by Loid. Best case scenario for Anya if Yuri wins is going back to the orphanage but... That's the same case for if the operation that brought these three together fails in anyway. He adds nothing new with this that the base premise of this being a sham family doesn't already add.
Meanwhile, Nightfall knows from go about the operation and her opposition to Yor is specifically so that she can take the place of Loid's wife for the operation. This introduces two new elements that very, VERY few other characters can so directly. The first is that if Nightfall wins, it dooms Anya. Her desire to keep Loid as Twilight, rather than as himself, means that the warmth that Yor and Anya are forcing out of him will likely shrivel back up and die so that when the operation fails, Anya will go back to an orphanage and the family will end.
You also might have noticed that I said WHEN the operation fails, not if. While we haven't gotten it in the anime directly, we know a lot of Loid's methods for getting Anya to succeed fail and Anya at least likes Loid enough to try. Yor has made monumentally better strides in getting Anya to listen, be better and try harder than Loid ever has because, well... Anya is six. She doesn't need a cold, calculating spy, she needs parents and Yor's earnest and honesty makes her a great parent who is constantly trying to do the best for her child. From the brief glimpses we get of what Nightfall would try to employ as a parent, we have good reason to assume she'd fail just as hard as Loid has and so either Anya would run away, happy to be away from a family that no longer has Yor's warmth and has a slowly deadening Loid, or she'd be sent away once the stress and pain of that environment crushed her.
It is a unique threat that quite only someone from Loid's agency can present and it's a much more interesting reason to hate Nightfall and want to see her fail than Yuri just hating Anya regardless because he sees her as an extension of the sister stealer. It makes her a genuine villain that the regular populace can't replicate. It also allows her more dynamism as she'll do whatever she has to to gain the place of Loid's wife, even act kind to Anya, until finally she no longer needs to. She's a spy after all and this is her mission.
There's one other element here though I want to give a shout out for that is actually easy to overlook for romantic rivals: I want Yor, Twilight and Nightfall to be in a polycule. For Loid and Nightfall to finally have a real conversation and fix the lesson that has poisoned Nightfall so thoroughly. For Yor's kindness to help Nightfall see herself as a real person and not a slave to her image of Twilight. Hell, I even do want to see Nightfall be able to help shore up Yor's skill weaknesses and give Loid someone who can 100% understand his worldview, even as they both fight against keeping up those barriers. Nightfall is mostly a joke, mostly played for comedy but her genuine care for Loid, and how much it devastates her to fail, makes her into a more complex, sympathetic villain who you don't want to see be splattered on the pavement.
I... Well, I won't say Yuri is such a bad character that I want him literally dead but if he got shipped over to this world's version of America for the rest of his life, I would not miss his presence. He is a creep, a man child and quite frankly the best ending for him is probably to literally never be able to see his sister again so as to grow up as a person. Even that implies I even care enough to want to see him grow though as two seasons in, I don't really care. He has ONE truly great sequence that shows his potential and even it shows his critical flaw as a romantic rival: It has literally nothing to do with Loid or Yor. He is only an interesting character outside of the context of those two.
And for a narrative role who's whole job is to complicate and add excitement to the context of the main couple, that makes him a complete failure. So for as great as yuri is in most contexts, make sure you don't write the character Yuri if you're trying to make a good romantic rival. Not unless you wish for night to fall on your story and leave it in the dark.
It's kind of fun how much romance anime I've watched in the like past six months. It's still only three series, Kaguya, Quintessential Quintuplets, and Spy x Family (the last of which is SO many genres) but it did help me have some actual examples when I finally sat down and wrote this. Also, I'm currently poking at theoretically going back to my roots and writing a harem story, though also keeping it PG-13 like my current stylings so honestly, have any anime recommendations for me?
Also, this is probably another Jumbled Thoughts post that goes too much into the example, even if highlighting how Nightfall is a good contrast to Yor is so important to understanding what a good romantic rival looks like.
I have a public Discord for any and all who want to join!
I also have an Amazon page for all of my original works in various forms of character focused romances from cute, teenage romance to erotica series of my past. I have an Ao3 for my fanfiction projects as well if that catches your fancy instead. If you want to hang out with me, I stream from time to time and love to chat with chat.
A Twitter you can follow too
And a Kofi if you like what I do and want to help out with the fact that disability doesn’t pay much.
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that-ari-blogger · 11 months
AJR's Camera (Maybe) Man
So, The Maybe Man (written by @ajrbrothers) came out fairly recently and I genuinely love this song and the music video that accompanies it. So, I'm going to do some analysis.
This is a song about being unsure of oneself, and the camera work and visual symbolism really play into that.
Let me explain.
WARNING, The lyrics of this song include some mild cursing. If you don't like that, you are under no obligation to keep reading.
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Let's start with the two most obvious things here. The art style and the camera work.
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This video has an incredibly roughly painted style. It's incredible, but its reminiscent, at least to me, of a layered acrylic style. This is exactly as it sounds; paint is added on top of itself to form this incredibly rough style that is both refined and unrefined at the same time. There is a cognitive dissonance when looking at this style, and that dissonance carries over to the images. This is someone looking at their life and what it could have been. The song keeps going "I wish I was... but if I was..." It's an unrefined idea that gets more complex as the protagonist looks closer.
Next there is the camera work, and I can't really show you this in a still image. The camera is shaky, as if the cameraman is a novice. But because this is animated, it cycles back to being intentional, its a choice that links back to the novice thing. Once again, this is a song about being unsure of yourself, so the camera work is unstable too.
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Ok. I love this opening shot. Immediately you notice two things. One, the protagonist is tiny, but centralised. You know this is a song about them, but you can't make out any detail. You need to look closer to find out who your main character is. The second thing to point out is the houses in the sky. They are out of reach, unobtainable. And if the protagonist ever actually gets there, they won't fit in, because the houses are upside down. Who is the right side up here, is it the protagonist? Or is it the houses?
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This (in case you missed it) is an homage to another AJR album cover. That being OC ORCHESTRA
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The point here is two fold again. Obviously its the protagonist looking back on his life, but its also looking back on the duality that this image represents. The light and the dark of life. The happiness and sadness. What is a person but a collection of memories walking around grasping for meaning. This is a protagonist looking at themself before they start looking elsewhere.
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The shot then reverses, now its whoever at the end of the street looking back, accompanied by the line:
I don't want to know what my friends think
My reading of this is that while the protagonist looks back at their life up to this point, they are wondering what their past self would think of them now.
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Wish I were my dog out on the lawn
I'd be so glad when I hear you come home
But if I were my dog, I wouldn't live long
I'm sure gonna miss her when she's gone
Guys. Really? Out of the gate? AJR songs always make me tear up, but this is one just looks me in the eye and watches me while I cry. Come on guys. Why are you so good at this?
I think that this moment and verse are about the innocence and simplicity of youth. The protagonist wishes for that simplicity, and watches it fade before him. Innocence doesn't live long, you become more world wise, and you lose that comfort.
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Here we have a dream being immediately darkened by fear of loneliness. Its someone acting, and being dynamic with their posing, but the second the camera pans out and the lights and other effects become visible, the fakeness in other words, the protagonist assumes this quiet demeanor. Arms by the sides. Reserved.
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Once again, we get this close up of the face, and you see tears. You get told they are fake, then you get told they are real. And you can't visually notice the difference, because that is the penalty of putting up a mask. Nobody can tell when its the real you.
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I don't have much to say about these shots. They are simple, and they work.
It's a song about being weighed down by your thoughts, so that's what happens. Its a song about feeling like you're drowning, and there's a visual of someone drowning. Visual metaphors don't have to be subtle to get their point across.
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The protagonist is trapped here, that's what this image is trying to get across. They are in the dark, lit only by this tiny window that shows the sky. Even when he is literally above it, he still longs for the outside world.
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Once again, the protagonist is in the centre of the camera, so you know this shot is about them, and they are framed by this staircase and the light coming from inside, a place where they are not. And you could say to this: "You know this is about the protagonist because they are the only one in the shot" and that leads into my next point.
There is no-one in this entire music video except the protagonist. Usually, AJR music videos have at least Adam and Ryan to join Jack in the visuals, to bounce off his energy. But here, they are conspicuously absent. You don't have anyone to foil off the protagonist, nobody to show their character. You are left with a character who you don't fully understand, just like they don't understand themself.
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Suddenly, an eye appears. This is spooky, and to be fair, my first reaction to seeing this would be to drop the bottle as well. But the symbolism here is pretty neat, in my most humble of opinions. It's another person looking at the protagonist. Or is it.
If I was cocaine or a bottle of Jack
I'd get invited to every frat
But when you get old and your good days have passed
You'll only want me when you're sad
The protagonist is saying "what if I was this bottle?" And they are looking at themself.
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These are three images of the protagonist watching their life go past. And remember what I said earlier about people. Once again, this is just the protagonist. In situations where there should be people, or animals, there is nothing.
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These two verses are brutal, and I love them. The protagonist wishes for power, and skill, and all of their dreams, but when they get what they want, they would still not have any of the people. They'd be too big for that. Hence how big they are in this image. But...
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I don't need to explain why this shot is cool. I am but a simple fool, I see stars, I like. But take a look at what the protagonist is seeing. Even though this protagonist is the size of a planet, they are still tiny and alone. Every speck of light in that sky is tens of hundreds of times bigger than the protagonist. There's a whole nebula just sitting there. It doesn't matter how big you get, there will always be something bigger that you can't have.
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I wish I was me, whoever that is
I could just be and not give a shit
Hey, I'll be whatever makes you a fan
'Cause I don't know who the hell I am
If you spend enough time trying to please people, regardless of whether you are a musician, or an actor, or a student, or anything else. You stop being you and start being what you think people want. You lose track of yourself.
This shot returns to the beginning, as the song reaches its pre-chorus. There is a lull, a time for self-reflection, even more than the rest of the song. It's a return to square one, reminding you of the song's opening question, who is this character?
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That transitions into a blank void with just the protagonist in it. It is empty, there's nothing there except them. He is alone with his thoughts.
But first, you go through this transition, as the light fades, everything merges into one, like a mouth, that abruptly closes, as all of the protagonist's thoughts swallow them.
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Then you get this, a sequence of the protagonist running through the locations already shown in the song, all of their memories, all of their life. And there's something interesting there. When you run, you're either going towards something, or away from something. What is happening here? Is the protagonist running towards the end? Or are they trying to escape the present? What is happening here?
The lyrics here are also fascinating. It's the song slows, and grows quiet, and then:
One, two, pandemonium!
Its the sudden existentialism, the sudden crisis, the sudden fear. Because that's how that feels. You are sitting there and then all of a sudden, your brain decides to start thinking and you can't make it stop.
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This is what happens when you run too fast through life. You lose control. You stop running, you start falling. You become unable to change your trajectory and the only way you can gain any semblance of agency is to slow down and think, but that is painful. That means you have to hit the ground. That's the thing about falling. The fall is never the painful bit, its the sudden stop at the end that scares people.
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So, what is this song about?
I think this is a song about imposter syndrome. Not specifically the details and the nitty gritty, but the feeling that it gives a lot of people. This isn't a genetic disorder or a disease you can catch, this is something that can strike anyone, and make them question who they are. It's the existentialism that is part of being an adult.
I leave you with this Peanuts comic:
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Being a kid is about not having to worry, its about the innocence there. But when you become an adult, you don't get that anymore. You don't get to sleep in the comfort, you have to stress, you have to work out who you are, and why.
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sukimas · 2 years
thought wrong! 7, 12, 32?
7. That's a really hard ask. Most of my favorite stuff about FE isn't per se the characters, rather how the story applies to them (for example, Ishtar would be the most boring character in the world were it not for the situation she finds herself in.) But probably Naga? I mean, we don't really get to see her much at all (outside of heroes which doesn't count) but she's eccentric, has very different morals to human beings while still being unquestionably and even self-sacrificingly on their side, and makes a lot of mistakes/questionable decisions. The Tiki thing, non-interventionism in human affairs except when she personally is cool with it, giving people dragonslaying weapons just in case (the valentian falchion was given long before degeneration began at the very least), absolutely NO compromises we are taking human form NOW, "have you considered suicide, fell vessel?"... all while she ended up exhausting her power and eating shit to save the continent of Jugdral, created the Binding Shield to protect humanity for generations, will literally come back from the dead for 5 minutes to save you if you have unutterably fucked up your shadow dragon save file (and just for fun in new mystery)... She's really neat and I like her. Also her dragon form is cool and I will never never never forgive yusuke kozaki for awakening's divine dragon designs.
12. Thracia deserved to be released earlier than SEVERAL YEARS INTO THE N64'S LIFESPAN. And it deserved better than being treated as esoteric and unplayable thanks to a bugged translation patch for twenty years. TF?rururu. But it's one of the best games in the series, not particularly difficult and a fun challenge with a guide, and has really interesting mechanics and an excellent story. Yet it is continually overlooked even by people who play Genealogy (the second most popular game in the series in Japan, by the way). Very sad.
32. I'm pretty positive about the current direction the series is taking. Engage was developed mostly before 3H released and IS saw how positively people reacted to the tone in that one- the story is still more serviceable than many in the series, and the gameplay is some of the most fun I've had outside of Thracia or RD. I personally hope that future games have more varied map objectives, go further into giving the Avatar agency (since at this point, the avatar is just a normal lord again rather than the weird shit the 3DS did) and perhaps even allow them to have their memories, put an increased emphasis on worldbuilding and villain character development and keep comedy strictly to supports (the latter of which this game mostly does well but there are moments. timerra meat song). Of things that I think probably won't happen: I don't think that the games will ever have some of the really good bits of the kaga sagas, like esoteric character interactions for insane PRF weapons. Of things that could happen: I'd really like conversations on maps to make a comeback; 3H had them to some extent, but nothing like Genealogy, and I think they often do better work at character development than an entire support chain thanks to their relevance to the current story beats. I'd also like more unique boss conversations a la POR/RD. Basically, I think IS's writing chops are solid, but they need to be a little bit more ambitious with how they deliver their ideas without thinking "being more ambitious" means putting too many routes that you can't finish in your video game. Also please keep whoever directed Engage around solely to tell all the other potential directors if the way they're writing women is weird. This is the most normally women have been written in any FE game besides Tellius and it's incredibly refreshing. I don't know if Tei or Nakanishi is the one responsible for this, but by god. Women are written like people, in story and in supports. Revolutionary.
Overall: Keep what was good about Engage (which was a lot) but be more ambitious in terms of how you deliver the story. I think broadly "you're a young lord on the defensive against a greater foe and you fight an evil dragon at the end" is a perfectly fine FE story (Kaga certainly seems to think so, as it's the only story he's ever written); the difference is in how you tell that story. You can be more experimental with the types of stories you tell if you want, but it isn't as necessary as simply delivering that story well.
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There's a home video of young Diane Disney climbing on a door frame and then falling over, whoever is recording immediately drops the camera to go check on her. So your headcanon about Walt running around to look after his kids has some ground to it! The video is 'MY DAD WALT - Diane Disney Miller' and it was posted by A.G ARTIVISION, the timestamp is 2:37
I sat down and watched the whole entire documentary sorry I haven't been answering questions lately health decided to take a plunge,
But it is incredible how similar my writing was to how it actually was. According to Diane, that I have it with him and Mickey, Mickey constantly following his Dad around and always being near Walt the duo inseparable.
And the way Diane describes it being a playground that's how Mickey remembers it and that his own kids treat Disney and Disneyland, even animators kids into modern day are still allowed to run around the animation division it's why there's locks on the doors if they're working on a project they need to keep Secret.
In the 50s especially though good Lord you can hardly find a photo of Walt that doesn't have Mickey in it in their world, along with Oswald because it's not well known but in 1951 even in our world, was the closest Walt got to reacquiring Ozzie's rights and their world of off the animation table Oswald being alive and wanting to go home with his dad especially with his loss of Fame was enough for Universals CEO to finally give in,
The way Diane explains her dad is awfully similar and that house on Woking Way is actually the house that Mickey lives in with Off the Animation Table when Walt Lillian and the girls moved Mickey and Minnie took over Storybook on Woking Way making it their home,
So the house seen in those videos is the house they still live in to this day in Off the Animation Table,
And Mickey and Minnie have even raised their own family there 10 children only one did pass which was their Eldest Anne Marie of SIDS but the nine others starting with Eleanor they all grew up in that house as well in their world
It goes Anne(1973 died 3 months) Eleanor(1975) Olwyn(1985) Yuki(1990) Marian(2024) Walter(2027) the triplets Xandra Dara and Arthur (2031) and then little Primrose(2042)
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celeste-hiro · 9 months
Big Celestia/Chihiro/Celeshiro headcanon post:
Wanted to compile a bunch of my headcanons here:
Starts off cold towards the class as in canon, but warms up to them. Becomes fiercly protective of them since they'rw her only friends
If she catches people bullying Toko, Chihiro, Taka, Hifumi, Makoto, etc she will retaliate
Is trying to come off super cool but is actually incredibly awkward. Most of the class still think she is cool after bedriending her
Extremely eager to show off her knowledge about her interests. Will just infodump on whoever is willing to listen.
Cries a lot in secret
Very insecure about her body and appearance
Also insecure about her interests that aren't gambling and European culture. Only Chihiro, Hifumi, Makoto, and Kyoko know she's into things like manga and video games. The rest suspect she's secretly a nerd.
Speaking of also prone to gamer rage and she's very thankful the dorms are sound proof
Secretly a My Little Pony fan. Only Chihiro knows because they made a joke while they were hanging out once about her name and noticed her panic. She took her first name from Princess Celestia. Also why she calls the others darling after befriending them.
If Byakuya's not around she'll be one of the first to offer to pay. She is bad at showing how much she values the others so she compensates with paying for meals or tickets to places
Basically kind of a bitchy Rarity once she has gotten over herself and connected with everyone.
Sews her own clothes, and eventually starts making clothes for the others with a discount on comissions
Gets roped into the obligatory D&D episode by Hifumi
Comes from a family that lived in poverty, got bullied as a kid as a result
Part of the bullying was being called a loser over and over again
Why she ends up being one of the first to stick up for the others
Has learned some self-defense to protect herself since she spends a lot of time illegally gambling
While she does drop more and more of her persona as time goes on, and is more authentic with everyone she still prefers the Celestia name and fancy clothing. They help her feel comfortable in her own skin.
She's only really comfortable using Taeko with the rest of Class 78, and even then not when they're out in public
Absolutely unable to cook well
Will start arguments with Byakuya, Leon, and/or Mondo for the fun of it.
Her and Makoto kinda confide in each other about how they feel like fakes next to everyone else.
She has read every single one of Toko"s books multiple times.
Ocassionally she will correct Hifumi when he gets something wrong about an anime and whistle innocently when people are stunned she knew that.
Makes the time to go to events the others are doing like Sayaka's concerts or Hina's swim meets.
Once she went with Hifumi to help sell his doujins. Ended up with Hifumi punching a guy in the face for creeping on her.
Sakura and Mondo also worry about her going to seedy parts of town to gamble and have discreetly followed her to make sure she's safe
She enjoys challenging Kyoko to various cars games
She also ends up enjoying discussing history with Taka
While at first she really hated Yasuhiro she did end up finding he could have surprisingly good advice from time to time.
Trans girl. I accept any hcs on their gender. For me personally I just see them as a trans girl who compensated by trying to fit into a mold of manliness before realizing and accepting her identity.
She still likes to work out and try to get stronger.
Into making mods for video games
Has been into just about every embarassing fandom at one point or another. Superwholock, Homestuck, Undeetale, MLP, Steven Universe. She was overjoyed when she found out Celeste was too.
She will also haplily offer to pay for the others when Byakuya's not around. Her programming skills have made her a good amount of money, placing her just behind Celeste's wealth and 3rd highest overall
Also can not cook at all
Has a terrible sleep schedule, will need coffee as soon as she wakes up
While she identifies she/her she still doesn't have many feminine typical interests beyond the clothing.
Bottles up frustrations and anger, lets it out online in arguments.
Genuinely admires all of her classmates
Besides Makoto she is the most popular person in her class
Cries a lot too, but openly
She has written a program for each classmate that helps with their talent in some way
They kept it a secret for a long time
While keeping it a secret everyone thought they were just crushing on each other and kept trying to get them together
They kept playing it off pretending not to get it
Kyoko knew from the start
When they finally let the others know it was after they had an argument that was their first big argument.
They like spending a lot of time together in their dorms watching movies/tv, playing games together, being affectionate, and talking a lot
Because they both have a lot of hang ups they end up comforting one another a lot.
Said this before but Celeste ended up trauma dumping on the first date.
Celeste also had a panic attack prior to the date
In general even though it seems like Celeste is the cool mature one, Chihiro is the one that's more mature
Chihiro is drawn to Celeste because she thinks she is cool, that she is protective, and admires her willpower
Celeste is drawn to Chihiro because she loves her optimisim and friendliness. That she is not judgmental, and is always willing to listen to her ramblings
After they reveal their relationship they get a lot more affectionate in public
Chihiro also basically moves into Celeste's room.
Because Celeste forgets to lock her door a lot, they have been walked in on by every single one of their classmates at least once
They get married pretty quickly after graduating
While they don't really want to have kids the old fashioned way, they do get very adoption happy and they tend to spoil the kids. They might even run a foster home
Among them is Kokichi who Celeste likes to playfully have compete against Kyoko's protege Shuichi
Kyoko nor Chihiro even realize there's supposed to be a rivalry going on
Chihiro and Celeste are very cuddly. They find it difficult to get to sleep without touching the other in some way
Celeste makes Chihiro clothes for free
Because neither of them can cook they order take out a lot.
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19thperson · 4 months
19th's June 2024 Steam Next Fest Impressions - Day 4
Day 0/Day 1/Day 2/Day 3
You are a wizard with word magic in a shitty wizard school.
In the overworld, that translates to typing out random words to get various effects. In battle, word fragments bounce around the screen, and you have to form a word with whatever you get to handle the situation.
As per it being a comedy game, my experience was making the wrong choices on purpose to see what happens. There doesn't seem to be any actual damage system, so it's just do whatever until you progress.
At it's height it is the best of early homestuck or problem slueth, laughing at the absurd consequences of an obtuse system. At its worst, the jokes feel incredibly forced. It's a land of contrast.
Biggest complaint is that I wish you could redo fights. I often found myself ending one early and wanting to see the other outcomes.
Mind Over Magnet
After years of telling people how making videos game works, youtubesman Game Makers Toolkit made a video game. A puzzle platformer about being a robbit and throwing your magnet friend around.
From the demo alone, it is... entirely cromulent.
It has puzzles that are puzzles. It's movement is smoothment. Nothing surprising, nothing disappointing.
It is a video game equivalent of a bowl of really good cereal or oatmeal with some effort put into it, with fruit chunks and everything. It's perfectly filling and enjoyable, and then you go about the rest of your day.
49 Keys
Apparently, this is an adaptation of a well received italian puzzle book.
It plays like an attempt to mix the classic text adventure style and the modern adventure game style. Most everything is text description with sparse illustrations, but interaction is done by dragging inventory items onto relevant paragraphs.
The plot is that you are a dominican priest or some other church official. Your teacher had not only been into church stuff but also astrology and occult stuff and would teach whoever had an ear. Church didn't like that, but he came from a wealthy family, so the best they could do is exile him to an island to continue his studies in peace and not corrupt the other clergymen.
On his deathbed, he sends the player a letter saying "hey I'm about to kick the bucket, I got a project I need finished, and I only trust you to do that." Which judging from the art and descriptions is some Lovecraft shit.
Unfortunately, the demo never gets to the lovecraft shit, ending right when you find a way to enter his house. While it didn't clock as "Scary" yet, they've got the historical fiction voice down, nailing the balance of antiquated sounding speech while still being easily legible. And they've got a good UI to add to that atmosphere.
Of course, the hot demon lady color spreads on the steam page kinda clash with that.
Curiosity piqued but expectations reserved.
Raining City: Millions Recollection
Gotta admit, I recognize it's sort of an unfair expectation, but after being burned by multiple chinese VN demos in previous next fests, it's nice to see one that's been translated to competent english. Not perfect, still has some pronoun switching, name inconsistencies, and some weird phrasing sprinkled throughout, but it was a naturalistic reading experience. I could consistently follow what was meant without much effort.
This is a supernatural mystery thriller. Lu Xuan is a member of a secretive group called "The Agency." She returns from a mission, expecting to relax, only for a mysterious lapse in memory to occur. When she wakes up, she's covered in blood, and there's a pure black hole in her hand. thin black lines wriggle out, spelling "100,000,000."
Before she can figure out what's going on, she's attacked by a creature that seems half dessicated corpse and half withering tree. After it rips off her arm, it regrows, with a few million dropping from her hand number. Thus starts her descent into the supernatural, as the new supposed "wealthiest woman in the world."
From the first two chapters the game has given, it's set up a lot of threads at once. The hand hole, the agency, a mysterious pawn shop, an unusual beached whale incident, the implication of a cult/religious group, multiple characters having simultaneous gaps in memory.
The cast feels well varied in both design and character voice, and I really like what the character designer is doing. I am guessing the backgrounds are based on photos because there's a nice sense of lived-in detail for a lot of them.
Definitely going on my wishlist.
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shoshotodo · 1 year
Healing Light |1|
Word Count:  2,551
Warnings: mentions of blood; mentions of near death
Summary:  Iyashi Akari has been hiding a rare quirk almost all her life, but when an absolute idiot decides to play in traffic, she can’t just stand by and watch.
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I never expected my day to turn out like this. I never expected to wake up in the hospital with the principal of a school I'd only ever dreamt of attending and some guy who looked like he'd rather be in bed than here, standing over my bed talking to my incredibly stressed-out mother. My name is Iyashi Akari, and until recently, I was just an average junior high student.
My day started out normally; I woke up on time, had an uneventful day at school, and started walking to the train station the same way I always did. What was different, was the group of boys from the school nearby. They pushed and shoved each other and laughed so loudly and obnoxiously that I had to put my headphones in to avoid listening to them, and not even 5 minutes later, I could hear them screaming over my music! I irritatedly removed my earbuds to remind them they should respect the people around them more when I realized it wasn't even them screaming. In fact, they seemed to be frozen, staring intensely at the intersection in front of them. And when I turned, I saw him. 
Someone, likely one of the kids from the group next to me judging by his uniform, had stepped into traffic and gotten hit by a truck. He was bleeding so heavily that the blood was already pooling around him. I could hear people screaming for an ambulance and for the rest of the traffic to stop. And without thinking, I dropped my phone, backpack, and everything I was holding and ran to the boy bleeding out in the middle of the road. I placed my hands on his unmoving chest and activated my quirk, emitting a blinding bright light. And when the light faded, the last thing I saw was the slow movement of his chest; the last thing I felt was the stickiness of blood between my fingers, and then everything went black.
⠍⠽ ⠝⠼⠁⠍⠼⠑ ⠼⠊⠎ ⠠⠊⠽⠼⠁⠎⠼⠓⠼⠊ ⠼⠁⠅⠼⠁⠗⠼⠊
The next time I awoke, I saw a white ceiling and bright lights above me. I could feel someone gripping my hand a bit too tightly. And I heard two voices I didn't recognize and one I did. Slowly looking to my left, I saw my mother sitting beside me, holding my hand, looking more stressed and worried than I'd ever seen her.
"Mom?" I spoke, my throat dry and raspy.
My mother gripped my hand even tighter. 
"You're awake. How do you feel?" she asked, searching my face.
I chose not to answer her, instead gradually sitting up, holding my hand to my head in pain. Only to be met with a man in a suit with disheveled beige hair and dark eyes who looked like he hadn't slept in years and a white rat — if you could call him that— Standing at the edge of my hospital bed. I looked at my mother in confusion.
My mother cleared her throat, "This is—"
"My name is Nezu," the rat, Nezu, cut my mother off, "I'm the principal of Yuuei, and this is Yokumiru Mera. He works with the hero public safety commission." He gestured to the man standing next to him. 
"We're here because we saw the viral video of you saving that young man a couple of days ago," Yokumiru spoke sleepily. "We believe that due to the rarity of your quirk, you may be a good fit to become a student at Yuuei and begin training to become a hero."
I stared blankly at him momentarily before speaking, "What do you mean days ago? And what video?" 
"You had been unconscious for about two days." Mom spoke softly as she pulled out her phone, "And as for the video…." She showed me her phone screen, and I watched the young boy I saved carelessly walk into the street. Whoever was holding the phone turned just as a loud crash sounded. After a moment of viewing the sidewalk, the camera was turned back just as a blinding light consumed the surrounding area. The light died down just in time to see me collapse in the street. 
I looked at my mother in shock, "And that got posted online… and did you say it went viral? Is that boy ok?" I said in a rush.
"He's fine, thanks to you," Nezu replied.
"And let me get this straight, now you want to invite me to join Yuuei and train to be a hero? I don't have a quirk particularly well suited for heroing. I've never been taught how to fight either, so I'd be much further behind than my classmates, and besides, I've heard that the practical exam for the hero course at Yuuei is notoriously difficult. I don't see how I'd manage to pass it." I rambled.
"Well, you wouldn't be training the same way as the rest of your classmates, for one thing. You'd mostly be training under the healing hero Recovery Girl. Along with getting combat training from your other teachers. I won't say that it's going to be easy for you by any means, but it'll be worth it in the end." Nezu explained.
"And," Yokumiru yawned, "the commission and the board in charge of Yuuei agreed to bypass the practical exams for you, so as long as you pass the written exam -- which, given your grade history, I don't doubt you that you will-- you'll be officially accepted."
"We were told that Akari should hide her quirk," Mom started, unsure, "because of the likelihood that villains would target her. But now you expect us to willingly sign her up for a school that publicly displays its students and their quirks for the world to see. All that will do is ensure that villains will come for her!"
Nezu just smiled sadly. "I'm afraid in reality it’s the contrary. Due to the video of her healing the young man going viral, now there's nothing you or your daughter can do to stop villains from coming after her. If she enrolls in Yuuei, she will at the least be trained to defend herself and anyone else who may get caught up in the crossfire." 
My mother took a sharp breath before whispering, "I see."
Nezu turned back to me, "So Akari, after hearing all we had to say, what do you think? Will you attend Yuuei, study under Recovery Girl, and train to become a hero?"
I never thought I'd become anything of significance. I was taught not to use my quirk, to hide away. In fact, I'm sure that if my mother had her way, I wouldn't have saved that kid. I'd have waited for the ambulance like everyone else... I'd have pretended not to have the ability to save him. I certainly wouldn’t become a pro hero. She'd have me do something more "practical" like her. But…I've always wanted to help people, to take away their pain and give them a sense of relief. So to be given this opportunity? A chance to do what I've always dreamt of? Under Recovery girl of all people?? I couldn't pass this up if I tried. 
I let my mother's hand go, stared Nezu directly in the eyes, and spoke with as much determination as I could muster, "I'll do it." 
Nezu smiled, and Yokumiru sighed, "Now that that's out of the way," he began, already turning to leave, "I suppose we ought to go and allow the doctors to do their jobs. We'll make sure to send you all of the relevant details. All you need to do is pass the written exam next month, and you'll be good to go."
"I look forward to seeing you at my school," Nezu spoke as he walked out the door.
I looked at my mother, “Where’s dad?”
"He had to go to the clinic today. He’ll be here later to take us home… but Akari, you know you don't have to do this," she said lowly. "I'm sure they'll understand if you choose not to go through with it. We can call them back and tell them you thought about it some more." 
I shook my head, "I want to do this, Mom. I want to use my quirk and help save people." 
Before she could respond (and likely try to convince me to change my mind), there was a soft knock at the door, and in came the Doctor. 
"It's nice to see you awake, Miss Iyashi. I'm Doctor Hiyama, and I suppose I should be saying thank you," he said, "thanks to you and your quirk, the young man you helped is very much alive."
I rubbed the back of my neck sheepishly, "I doubt it's all because of me. I mean, the paramedics and the doctors in the hospital must've fixed what I couldn't." 
"No, the young man was uninjured by the time the paramedics got to him. We sent him home the same day. And given how extensive his injuries seem in the video..." he stopped himself before continuing, "As for you, you were brought in to check your vitals and ensure everything was alright. After an examination, we concluded that your quirk had simply drained your energy, and your body just needed fluids and rest. You should be good to go home by the end of the day today should no other symptoms arise."
"Thank you, Doctor." my mother spoke, nodding.
“You’re more than welcome,” Doctor Hiyama replied
The moment the doctor had left the room, Mom turned to face me again.
“Akari, you shouldn’t have–”  she started before another knock at the door interrupted her. I (thankful for the interruption) called out for whoever was knocking to come in. The kid I saved, who, now that I’m getting a good look at him –not covered in blood or almost dead– doesn’t look much younger than me, walked in and immediately bowed.
“Excuse me, I’m sorry to bother you,” he quickly spoke, “ but my name is Orokana Kodomo, and I need to thank you for saving my life. If you hadn’t healed me when you did, I would’ve died. So thank you!” 
“Really, there’s no need to thank me,” I responded, “I just did what anyone with my quirk would do. I didn’t even think about it.” 
“Still! If it weren’t for you, I’d be dead. I’m forever in your debt!” he said, straightening himself so he stood at his full height.
“No need for that! All I want in return is for you to avoid stepping in front of moving vehicles from now on.” I stated quickly, waving my hand in front of me.
“Heh, yeah. I think I’ve had enough of that to last me the rest of my life.” He mumbled sheepishly. “I shouldn’t take up any more of your time. Thank you again for everything.” 
⠠⠁⠝⠼⠙ ⠼⠊⠍ ⠼⠛⠕⠼⠊⠝⠼⠛ ⠞⠕ ⠼⠃⠼⠑ ⠼⠁ ⠼⠓⠼⠑⠗⠕
Later that day, I was discharged from the hospital and sent home. When we got in my father’s car, Mom finally said what she’d been trying to say since I woke up this morning.
“Akari,” she started, “ You shouldn’t have rushed in to heal that boy like that. You should’ve let the paramedics do their job. All you did was place yourself in unnecessary danger. What would you have done if, the moment that video was posted, villains came for you? If you were attacked right this instant and kidnapped. Would they be gentle as they force you to use your quirk whenever they thought it fit? I-”
“I can’t sit there and watch someone die just to protect myself!”
“It’s possible that he would’ve survived regardless! The paramedics–” 
“Would’ve been too late! I’m sorry for worrying you, Mom, really I am. But I could never live with myself if I had stood there and watched him die!” I said firmly. 
My father, who’d remained quiet as he drove, finally spoke, “Honey, you couldn’t have honestly expected her to not do anything in that situation.“
My mother sat back in her seat in defeat. “Of course not, but… I don’t want her to endanger herself just to save someone she doesn’t even know. What if that had been a villain in disguise waiting for someone with a healing quirk to come save them so they could kidnap them!”
Dad sighed exasperatedly. “See, now you’re going too far. Everything is going to work out fine. Hey, maybe you’ll be making her merch someday!” 
Mom didn’t respond.
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The following month was honestly a whirlwind. It felt like everyone in Japan had seen that video. Everywhere I went, I could hear people whispering about me. Suddenly, I became one of the popular kids at school instead of the one no one spoke to unless they had to. I spent most of my free time outside of school studying and looking for excuses to use my quirk. After some testing, I realized it’s much easier for me to heal someone when I eat healthily and sleep at least 8 hours a night. I won’t lie and say I enjoyed switching all my sweets for healthier alternatives. Mom has been trying to pretend like she’s OK with everything, but I can tell she’s still upset about the idea of me becoming a hero. I guess I’ll just have to show her everything will be fine in time.
When it finally came time to take the written exam, I was more nervous than I had ever been. Even afterward, I felt like I couldn’t remember a single answer. It was like everything I had ever been taught was just gone. I was almost certain that when my letter from Yuuei finally arrived, it would just be them telling me I must’ve been the stupidest 14-year-old they’d ever seen and I shouldn’t be able to function. In fact, I was so sure that I had failed that when my father came home holding the letter, I couldn’t even feel a little excited. Muttering a small thank you, I took the letter out of his hands, entered my room, and locked the door behind me. I slowly peeled the seal off and watched in surprise as a small metal disk fell out and hit the floor. A video started projecting just as I leaned down to pick it up. 
“Hello! I am here as a projection!” a voice loudly said.
“All Might?” I questioned as I slowly sat on the floor, staring at his face intently.
“ First of all, you passed the written exam with flying colors! Great job! You didn’t get a single question wrong! And on top of that, you showed a tremendous amount of heroism when you rushed to save that boy, so allow me to be the first, Iyashi Akari, to welcome you to Yuuei! I can’t wait to be a part of your journey to becoming a pro!”
The video shut off and left me sitting on my bedroom floor in stunned silence. I looked inside the envelope I was still holding and pulled out the letter inside. I quietly read through it and heard a knock at my door.
“Akari?” I heard my father say, “Have you opened it yet? What’d it say?” 
I stood up, opened the door, and held my acceptance letter up for my father.
“I got in. I’m going to Yuuei.”  
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dead6ite · 1 year
GUYS !! omg my last post got kinda popular…. some new followers HELLO !!!
i’m glad everyone liked my (correct) opinions
i’ve been thinking of a few random hcs that i will be sharing here
fade and omen LOVE cats. they spend hours watching cat videos together and their messages are full of cat videos, barely any actual conversation. of course, they’re still very good friends and talk a lot, just mostly in person
so i saw someone say that cypher knows when ppl are dating bc he will make their room codes work on each others door…kj going to see raze and putting in her own by muscle memory, not realizing till late that night like. WAIT A MINUTE.
fade and yoru RARELY interact. but despite everything they exchange a nod and a fist bump every once in a while. trans solidarity
gekko is just such a sweetheart. he loves cooking for everyone and whenever someone’s down he’ll bring them their favorite dish
i think all the agents love sharing their culture, and sometimes get into lighthearted banter about how certain things should be prepared. they also teach each other dishes, and viper has learned a lot. viper has always been a good cook, but shes really broadened her horizons
brim reminds me of those white dudes who genuinely love spicy food and claim they can handle anything. agents try to make him tap out by giving him increasingly spicy dishes. it’s a thursday night activity. they all wait around intently for him to tap out, but he just happily eats it all and thanks whoever cooked it. everyone sighs and disbelief, and ponders what to make next week
ok now i’m rambling about food because i love food
do you ever see those videos of weird ass white people concoctions like “what the fuck is that” or like the most yeehaw ass food you’ve ever seen? yea, that’s brimstone. he makes venison (deer sausage) cheesy potato salad, casseroles. everyone has actually come to love his white people cooking
they have karaoke nights and drink till they’re silly!!! cypher sings careless whisper with harbor and it’s INCREDIBLE
fade djs. that’s all
phoenix makes music too, and sometimes he and fade have talked about DAW preferences, and things of the like
astra holds weekly meditation classes every tuesday and skye is the FIRST in line every week. bright and early!
i’ll wrap it up for now,,,
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crytidsprinkles · 9 months
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I was unaware Aquaman 2 was releasing last month. I found out or probably was reminded because I forgot by my mom mentioning it to be (she enjoyed the first and LOVES Jason Momoa).
The bizarre behavior towards Amber Heard and Depp frankly continues to permeate public discussion, conscience and culture. To the point there are still people bemoaning, shredding and ridiculing her. And frankly it's quite tired.
Cases of abuse requires understanding and education, not knee jerk reactions, parasocial clamoring and armchair commentaries (including body language experts to pseudo pop psychologists).
This isn't Crime and Punishment, holding people accountable for abuse in the way people are currently going about it would mean Depp and Heard getting the same treatment, they aren't.
This acknowledged, I would love to have a chance to view the film with Meera having a much more active role. I've already heard much of Amber's screentime has been cut and it does impact the film. I was so excited for the fight scenes and based on the hinting at other versions being shot, I think one with Meera's role and arc not being minimized is the stronger movie.
And at minimum if not in theaters, give people the alternate cuts on dvd/blu ray. Let there be a choice. The situation shouldn't mean the project suffers or is taken out on Heard (especially when it's not being taken out on Johnny).
Whoever was involved with the decision to whittle Heard's role down only made matters even more magnified and a focal point, when it could have been handled much better, with care and sensitivity. The lack of support or understanding at least also speaks poorly of the studio and any team members this applies to.
Especially given so many other instances in entertainment of people openly committing, accused of and even charged with abuse who Hollywood has no problem continuing to work with. It's quite hypocritical, and simplistic.
The trial happened, some of us witnessed it, some made skits, commentary and some steered clear. I chose not to watch the trial while it was happening or a majority of the posts/videos people created. I found nothing about it amusing and thought people choosing "teams" and going so far as to call it that incredibly strange behavior.
I paid attention to the impact to victims/survivors and what those with expertise or careers in the field of domestic violence or any related to. I listened when people spoke of the power imbalance, PR team, prior charges in UK and much more.
Some people were and still are so invested in this team sport like, and misogynistic nonsense they'd never admit now they were deeply in the wrong and caused a lot of harm. This isn't a game or fable, there's no winners, losers, good guys, bad guys.
It's the nuance and complexity of human beings and awful situations. I'm saying any of this because I know it will come up or someone will want to open their mouth about it.
Here's some great videos to compliment my comments:
TW: Ableism (unhinged and idiots are terms used) barring this, it is an very salvageable video.
In closing I'll say it should but didn't concern everyone that so many incels, reactionaries, garden variety misogynyist of all sorts (and not just men) as well as abusers standing right alongside them while the general public dog piled.
It reveals greater issues within societies as far as talking about abuse, abuse cases, survivors and we have a long way to go.
The public needs to learn and progress, so one day our world addresses trauma, harm and violence with thoughtfulness, knowledge, RESTORATIVE JUSTICE, radical love and critical thinking.
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