#whoever created this name is a true genius
zephyrins · 6 days
today I learned that Shen Qingqiu/Shang Qinghua ship is called cumplane I cannot breathe
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afoxysunny · 2 years
So every time i listen to The Greatest Show from the greatest showman (this version specifically if you wanna check it out) i have to think about the circus episode of Lazytown bc my brain is rotten like a villain number one.
So today i want to finally write down some of this au that has formed in my head
Au where Robbie is an actual Circus leader and the kids are actually part of his circus
Let's start with Robbie Rotten, Ringleader of The Runaway Razzle-Dazzle. Rumor has it that he built this traveling circus up from nothing after running from a life where his ingenuity and flare for the dramatic where never appreciated and even forbidden, though nobody knows if that's actually true. His circus almost seems like a different world where neither physics nor time seem bound to their normal, boring behavior. Much like the name of his business and mysterious backstory imply, his fellow performers are all young children who, for one reason or another can't or don't want to go back home. Everyone has a weirdly descriptive name for their act and personality so, much like Robbie Rotten himself, surely they wear fake names for fun and flare.
Now let's go through the kids in alphabetical order
Ella Rotten - for all that's known she could be related to Robbie though people also say she was probably just the first to join him. She never says a word and does most of her talking through dance. While Robbie announces the shows she underlines him with grace and motion that should not count as language but everyone understands somehow. Behind the scenes she also helps a lot with organizations as she is incredibly charismatic
Jives Junkfood - stronger and taller than any other performer though apparently the same age as most others. His act involves some nice visual comedy and storytelling about healthy food giving him super human strength. It is said this obsession with food is a nod to the neglectful family he left behind when joining the circus. Off stage he helps mostly with carrying equipment and setting stuff up
Penny Pestella - some call her obnoxious and loud but nobody can say her magic shows aren't incredible. She is dramatic and hyperactive, knows exactly how to get attention on what she deems important and uses that perfectly for her tricks. Apparently she used to be a beggar and thief, trying to get some money going as her parents surely didn't. Her main job off stage is marketing their next shows in the new locations
Pixel Hyperbyte - a technical genius who quickly replaced Robbie himself with taking care of lights and music. Together those two are unstoppable at creating the woldest gadgets for any fantastical act. He isn't a performer himself, more a helping hand in the shadows. Rumor has it that he built the headset and arm cover he wears himself to hear again and properly use his arm in the first place
Stephanie Splitz - a phenomenal gymnast and dancer, even able to compete with Ella. When these two and Penny perform together on special occasions word travels farther and wider than the circus ever could. A jack of all traits but a master of none? Stephanie seems to excel at most everything she tries out and therefore quickly became and invaluable member of the whole circus. Apparently she joined the circus after her family sent her away when they didn't feel like they wanted to give their child the time of day anymore and instead of going to her politically powerful relatives she became a performer. Though, who would ever believe such an obvious lie, if she really was part of an influential family they certainly would've found her by now
Stingy Spoilero - another one rumored to be a descendant of a rich family, if that was true it was no wonder nobe of them came to get him though as his act was mostly based on making a comedic farce of rich man's stereotypes and a lot of physical comedy with the help of whoever wanted to play the sensible everyperson for Stingy's character to bounce off of and juxtapose. Despite supposedly having been kicked out of a high society family for not being talented enough in business he usually mans the ticket sales and other expenses of the whole circus without any issues
Trixie Troubleby - an unusual and rash girl, fearless and daring. She walks the tightrope like she's on the ground, throws knives without any show of it taking effort or concentration and even sometimes performs with Jives to prove her strength as well as gladly playing the villain for anyone who needs one in a set they want to perform. While talented in many physical areas she lacks the grace and grandeur her fellow performers like to put on. It is astounding how little is known about this powerhouse, though some whisper she must've run from a family completely opposite of her nature or else there would be no reason for her to not work a normal job.
Ziggy Zweets - the youngest of the performers and therefore not yet allowed on stage. He might be the most enthusiastic in the whole circus though and will help anybody there with everything he can, building on every skill he has until hopefully he will find the performance for himself. He definitely has the knack for putting on a good show already and simply needs to refine and calm himself which lead to many in the audience believing he joined the circus without a good reason to leave home while just as many speculate such a happy young boy would not leave home without something horrible to hode in his past
This post is a Kilometer long but we have one more person to cover
Sportacus - a wandering hero, as little tying him to one place as the wandering circus he was sent to investigate. A couple sent him there to find their sweet zweet son who ran off for absolutely no reason they could imagine. Sportacus tries to join the circus to find out why so many children would not go back home and if they're in danger in this circus taking them so so far away. But when he gets to know all them and this found family they have together he has to face that sometimes someone's parents aren't the best to grow up around
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tgrailwar-zero · 10 months
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Class: Avenger
Gender: Male
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Height/Weight: 181 cm / 65 kg
Source: Historical Fact
Region: Europe
MANA CHARGES: [ X / X / X / X ]
The Avenger of the Azure Faction of the Solar Cell Holy Grail War.
Going by the title of the 'Grey Messenger', the mysterious figure that visited Mozart before he died, the stench of vengeance and decomposition cling tightly to the soul of this Heroic Spirit, with misfortune befalling whoever stands against him. As the (supposed) final Servant of the Blue Faction, he wishes to wage war against the emboldened Red Faction. A war that will almost certainly lead to his demise.
As due to his madness and twisted sensibilities as an Avenger and an emissary of death, he sees no issue with the cold-hearted actions and reasoning that continue to stoke his ever-vengeful flames, for even if his body is destroyed- death is forever inevitable.
He reveals his 'True Name' as Antonio Salieri, Mozart's close friend and fellow composer. However, when the wunderkind Mozart died, rumors that Salieri had slaughtered the genius out of jealosy began to spread, tainting his reputation and name for centuries to come. In truth, Salieri was an innocent man with great musical talent who took many students during his lifetime, and created his own great compositions.
But now, he is an Innocent Monster. An entity that both is 'Salieri', and also can never be 'Salieri'. A man of lies and wildfire, forever set to suffer in his own self-denial and contradiction. The only constant is that now, he is Death.
Strength: B
Endurance: C
Agility: A
Mana: C
Luck: B
Avenger (C) - A skill that collects hate and turns it into power. Avenger will receive more hostility from others, but in turn gain energy.
Oblivion Correction (B) - An Avenger never forgets. As long as the name of his hatred remains, he will forever burn. He will never forget the man he is supposed to kill, Gottlieb Mozart.
Self-Replenishment (Mana) (C) - A Servant possessing this skill will endlessly regain a small amount of mana over time until their 'revenge' is fulfilled.
Innocent Monster (EX) - An entity made of the rumors that 'Salieri killed Mozart', despite Antonio Salieri being an innocent man. Due to this, Salieri can only be summoned as an 'Innocent Monster'. This skill is subtly fused with the 'Self-Denial' skill.
Lamenting Exterior (A) - A blood-red Mystic Code that surrounds the Man in Grey. The manifestation of the reaper-like figure that visited Mozart and prompted the composition of the Requiem. A Mystic Code with an aptitude for slaughter, allowing the Grey Messenger to tear through anyone in his path.
Wildfire (B) - Rumors that spread so violently that they were more akin to a curse. The Avenger Salieri can turn the malice, defamation, and all manner of vile, disgusting rumors surrounding an individual into his own strength. In addition to weakening the mind of the target, it also functions as an intense mental attack that can instantly kill those without power magical defenses.
NOBLE PHANTASM: Dio Santissimo Misericordia de Mi
'Dio Santissimo, Abbi Misericordia Di Me'... Our Lord in Heaven, Take Pity on Me...
A dangerous, Anti-Army Noble Phantasm. All of his violent, magical energy is coagulated into a killing intent that is impossible to restrain or even hope to control, and unleashed through a grandiose song of destruction that rends both mind and body apart. An impossible sound, rivaling the magical music created by the great Mozart, though Avenger will never be able to truly acknowledge that fact.
It activates without regard for friend or foe, causing havoc on all those that hear it, even breaking away at Salieri's own 'self'.
...A Noble Phantasm that can only be reached by the Innocent Monster of rumored wildfire that is Avenger.
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lollo-sw-br · 2 years
Guardians SW One-Shots
Lydia Mi-rae (Poppa Wheels's Guardian): A brilliant inventor! (Remake)
Lydia Mi-rae is Poppa Wheels's Guardian and she loves to invent new things with old objects together with her cousin Lollo, both always together creating something new and unique building a friendship that transcends generations.
Lydia also tends to build things with her cousin Lonnie, who she is very close to as well, but Lydia hid from everyone, even your Super Wing, but only Lollo knew of their shared passion, that she loves working with old-fashioned mechanisms. because she was afraid of being ridiculed by her, and people don't understand her, leaving her greatest passion hidden under lock and key.
Lydia was in the mechanical workshop of the Mi-rae Palace next to Lollo, that had found an old pocket watch and Lydia already knew what to do with such a relic.
- Lollo, I analyzed this watch and it is actually a very old invention! - Said Lydia - this watch is a tool to control time.
- It controls time in every possible way: slowing down, accelerated, paralyzed and time traverling - Added Lollo - and it is written: Timer Clock! and it's damaged.
- Let's fix it then, my specialty is with antique objects - said Lydia - what are we waiting for, let's build!
Hours passed, it was a piece there, a gear here and finally the Timer Clock was ready.
- We are done! - said Lydia - It was so much fun Lollo!
- Really Lydia, it was amazing - said Lollo - pity we can't show the invention
- Quite true - said Lydia - we don't want to be the victim of jokes, but we will use it when we need it
- Alright Cousin - agreed Lollo - Hide the Timer Clock! Quickly!
At that moment Lollo realizing it was getting late, they decided to head home and Lydia put the Timer Clock inside a box, For anyone to find out.
- Let's go home Lydia, It's getting dark - said Lollo
- Just a minute! - Lydia said verifying that the invention was safe - You're right lol, see you tomorrow Lollo.
The next day.
Grand Albert and Poppa Wheels went to Mi-rae Palace's mechanic shop to fix the broken Telephoto Transformer in an accident.
- Grand Albert, fetch me a screwdriver please - asked Poppa Wheels
- I think there must be one on that shelf - said Grand Albert - I'll check
Grand Albert pushing aside a cardboard box, saw a strange yellow box next to the screwdriver he was looking for, In order to increase his curiosity, he took it off the shelf and placed it on the table. Soon, Poppa Wheels asked:
- What is that? - asked Poppa Wheels
- Let's see it now - said Grand Albert opening the box
- It's an old watch! - said Poppa Wheels - And it is written: Timer Clock?
- Wait a minute. This watch belongs to my grandfather! I probably lost it - said Grand Albert - besides that watch is an invention! Like my Telephoto Transformer! And it looks like there have been improvements.
- Your grandfather created this? - Asked Poppa Wheels - Whoever who made these improvements is a genius!
Grand Albert took from The Trunk the Times Past a magnifying glass and can identify the names of possible inventors who reset the Timer Clock.
- How wonderful! - said Grand Albert surprised - They are our Guardians! Lollo Ji-Hye and Lydia Mi-rae.
- This is amazing! - said Poppa Wheels - I didn't know that Lydia also had skill with old objects!
- Now a question... - said Grand Albert - Why did the two hide it from us?
- I think I can answer - said Poppa Wheels - Lydia is probably afraid that her sisters will judge her for working with relics, since the Mi-rae Clan is futuristic, that's why she hid this gift even from me
- And Lollo will probably help her with that, as they both share this gift. - disse Grand Albert - being your partner with projects of this nature.
- We must talk to them - said Poppa Wheels - They got it all wrong
- You're right - said Grand Albert handing the watch to Poppa Wheels who accidentally dropped it
- Oh no! - Exclaimed Poppa Wheels - the clock broke!
- Let's take the watch to repair, - said Grand Albert - I remember when I accidentally broke this watch in front of my grandfather, I thought he said ground me, but he said it was just an accident.
- I take care of Lydia's improvements - said Poppa Wheels - you take care of your camera
- good idea - said Grand Albert shy and embarrassed
The afternoon...
Lydia and Lollo arrived at the workshop, in the early afternoon to test the invention with the improvements they made and didn't see the box where the Timer Clock was, so they started to worry.
- The Timer Clock! - said Lydia - it's gone!
- And now cousin? - said Lollo - if someone discovers the invention it will be a disaster!
- Let's look everywhere - Lydia said. - This invention cannot be loose by WingsView.
- Look Lydia! The Grand Albert's Telephoto Transformer! - said Lollo - How did you end up here?
- And Poppa Wheels star key! - said Lydia - They were probably together fixing the Telephoto Transformer
- If they both got the Timer Clock - said Lollo
- We're in trouble - said Lydia - we have to find them quickly!
- You're right cousin - said Lollo - we can't leave the Timer Clock in their hands, mainly Poppa Wheels
- Here we go! - said Lydia leaving the mechanic shop together with Lollo looking for his Super Wings and the Timer Clock.
At night returning to the mechanic shop
Lydia and Lollo searched his invention and his Super Wings, all over WingsView and when they were about to give up, found their Super Wings who called them Mi-rae Palace's mechanical workshop
- Lydia! - said Poppa Wheels
- Lollo! - said Grand Albert
The two stopped and were without reaction and replied:
- Poppa Wheels? Grand Albert? - asked Lydia - what are you doing here?
- We were behind two - said Poppa Wheels - and you?
- Just looking for something - Lydia replied awkwardly.
- Are you talking about it here? - asked Grand Albert showing the Timer Clock inside the box
- The Timer Clock! - said Lollo - So he was with you two?
- Exactly - said Poppa Wheels looking at Lydia with her head down.
- I can explain - said Lydia - But please don't judge me Poppa Wheels
- Judge you Lydia? - said Poppa Wheels - I have nothing but praise for you my brilliant inventor
- And did they restore my grandfather's watch? - said Grand Albert - I am very grateful
- Like this a brilliant inventor? - said Lydia - but I'm not like the girls of my clan, always futuristic
- But that's what makes you special - said Poppa Wheels - you are unique and be proud of it and don't hide your projects, your sisters and cousins ​​would love to see what you can do, in your own way.
- Seriously Poppa Wheels? - said Lydia - neither Lonnie nor Loddie would laugh at me?
- Lydia, Cousin! - said Lonnie Arriving - I would never laugh at your projects, by the way, I'm curious about the Timer Clock wide you and Lollo restored
Lollo was embarrassed, so Grand Albert said:
- You also don't need to hide your projects next to your cousin - said Grand Albert - I remember Lailla and Luddie, with their projects together,and I'm glad it helped to fix the my Grandfather's Timer Clock
- Did Mom and Aunt Lailla do that too? - asked Lydia - I did not know...
- Yes, looking at you two together - said Poppa Wheels - is like going back in time and looking at Lailla and Luddie ready to show off a new invention.
- It's good that we inherited the gift of our mothers - said Lollo - thought we would be ridiculed for doing that.
- By the way, we fixed the clock - said Poppa Wheels - Brand new
- And we fixed the Telephoto Transformer that was broken in the mechanical workshop - said Lollo - and we also improved it
- Thank you my Super Wing - said Lydia - Do you want to sign too? After all you helped a lot
- Thank you Lydia - said Poppa Wheels taking a pen and signing her name on the back of the Timer Clock - You too Grand Albert, you helped me to fix and improve the clock too.
- Thanks Lollo for fixing the Telephoto Transformer - said Grand Albert - it was really in need of some repairs
- It explains why the clock is a little different - said Lollo - Please, you can sign my Super Wing, After all, you are the grandson of the True Inventor
- It will be an honor - said Grand Albert
- Now promise me one thing Lydia - said Poppa Wheels - don't hide your inventions from anyone
- I promise my Super Wing - said Lydia.
The end......
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dreisstuff · 2 years
The Da Vinci Code
Novel by Dan Brown
Published on March 18, 2003
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Critical Approaches Used for Criticism
Formalist Criticism
The literary work utilizes a lot of complex and hidden text meaning. It requires analytical and great problem-solving skills. Clues and logical ways of thinking are greatly important in reading the literary work making me think that the book was made for highly intellectual people.
Below is the plot breakdown where we could see the elements of the story.
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New Historicist or Historical Criticism
The literary work dealt with the history of Christianity. It draws fans to the theory of the Holy Grail truly being the holy bloodline of Jesus. Some of the history and ideas presented on it are true and some are false. This created a lot of controversies and disputes.
Psychological/Psychoanalytic Criticism
The literary work contains characters with questionable actions and decisions, making me question sometimes, why would they do such things. The antagonist Silas for example being an Opus Dei follower is instructed by The Teacher to locate the Holy Grail, killing whoever is needed to be killed to find it. This made me provide deeper analysis to better understand the character.
Reader-Response Criticism
The literary work questions the Christian faith but it doesn't fully grasp pushing you, the reader, to do such things. It only provides ideas and information that would be handled to the reader to decide, interpret, and reflect on their own self-conviction.
Sociological Criticism
The literary work focuses on the beliefs and values of the majority of society, Christians. It created a lot of controversy and arguments because others deemed it disrespectful, perceptive, or simply fun. A lot of cultural issues were tackled in the novel that fans and not fans find intriguing.
Feminist Criticism
The literary work delivers some female influence. It responds in many ways to new thinking about women in western culture. In the novel’s estimation, Mary Magdalene was a strong, independent figure, patron of Jesus, cofounder of his movement, his only believer in his greatest hour of need, author of her own Gospel, his romantic partner, and the mother of his child. The feminist interpretation of the novel is not to reduce its literary value to political value but to be of great help to further studies on this novel.
Book Review
The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown is the second novel in the Robert Langdon series, though it's undoubtedly the most famous and popular. The title itself, "The Da Vinci Code," grabs your attention and likely played a significant role in the book’s widespread popularity. The name “Da Vinci” immediately evokes thoughts of genius, mystery, and the Renaissance master’s iconic works like The Last Supper and Mona Lisa. By pairing Da Vinci’s name with the word “Code,” Brown suggests that hidden secrets are waiting to be uncovered, sparking curiosity and intrigue. This combination of historical resonance and the promise of a deep, enigmatic mystery naturally draws readers in.
In this novel, Robert Langdon is called upon once again, this time due to the murder of Jacques Saunière, the curator of the Louvre and the grand master of the Priory of Sion. As expected, another secret society and another conspiracy that could threaten the Church are at the center of the mystery. Langdon teams up with Sophie Neveu, a police cryptographer who also happens to be Saunière's granddaughter. Together, they work to unravel the cryptic clues left by her grandfather. The narrative also follows the actions of Silas, an albino monk, who is responsible for the killing.
What makes The Da Vinci Code and the Robert Langdon series as a whole so compelling is Dan Brown’s ability to weave together history, art, and symbology into a thrilling narrative. Brown excels at creating puzzles and mysteries that draw readers in, making them feel like they are uncovering hidden truths alongside Langdon. The way Brown blends fact with fiction is particularly fascinating. He takes real historical figures, artwork, and locations, and crafts a story that makes you question what you know about history. For instance, the idea that famous works of art like Leonardo da Vinci’s The Last Supper could contain hidden messages and secrets is an intriguing concept that keeps readers hooked.
Another strength of the series is its fast-paced, cinematic style. Brown's writing is highly visual, which makes the action scenes gripping and the mysteries even more engaging. In The Da Vinci Code, the chase through the streets of Paris, the secretive meetings in darkened church halls, and the race against time to prevent a monumental discovery from being made public all contribute to a sense of urgency and excitement. This, coupled with the intellectual puzzles, makes for a book that's hard to put down.
Even though The Da Vinci Code does revisit some of the themes and devices from Angels and Demons, it's still a testament to Brown's storytelling that he can keep readers on the edge of their seats. The series has a formula that works—a mix of thrilling chases, shocking revelations, and intellectual challenges. Each book takes this formula and applies it to a new set of mysteries, often involving different aspects of history or religion.
Despite some predictability, the series remains a great read because it continually explores new ideas and challenges what we think we know about the world. Whether it’s uncovering secrets hidden in ancient texts, deciphering codes embedded in art, or revealing the true purpose behind secret societies, Brown has a knack for creating stories that are both entertaining and thought-provoking.
After finishing The Da Vinci Code, I didn’t feel compelled to continue with the rest of the Robert Langdon series immediately, but that’s more a reflection of my personal preferences than a critique of the series itself. The writing is solid, and even if some twists become predictable, the journey is still enjoyable. For many readers, the thrill of solving the mysteries alongside Langdon and the rich tapestry of history and conspiracy theories makes the series worth continuing.
When The Da Vinci Code was first released, it seemed to be everywhere, even making the list of all-time best-selling novels. If you enjoy mysteries with surprises on every page, this book is a great read. While it doesn’t introduce anything radically new, it’s still a thrilling experience. I would recommend it so you can judge for yourself if it lives up to the hype—and perhaps even dive into the rest of the series to see where Brown takes Robert Langdon next.
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daniella100 · 1 year
Celebrating Fall, live from I forget the name Bakery in Los Angeles. Welcome Fall! Welcome longer nights! Welcome cooler temps and welcome sports! NFL rocks already and NBA to rock soon. Life is great!
I was doing a monologue last night about the Importance of God. God gets a bad rep. Religions that manipulate its power. The history of these religions, some of the shit they’ve done is sickening. The dogmas, forget it. I’ll address God as IT just to leave the stigma behind. IT is the magnificent power of creation, this endless universe, the beauty of this planet, the goodness in people’s hearts, etc etc. It’s Creation. Far from cheesy, I find IT highly pleasurable, take this donut I eat. It’s a perfect creation. Whoever created it is a genius. Gluten free ,dairy free with the best ingredients, you taste their quality. Sugar powdered to perfection with the right touch of blueberries in it. Ah divine. How about the ocean? The desert, the night, the day, the flowers. It’s beautiful.
The importance of acknowledging the existence of this unbelievable power. Why? Because it’s the most powerful life giving force of all, why would you not befriend it? I’m clueless if tablets fell from heaven for Moses, I have no idea if it’s true or not, but I see creation all around me. The Universe is what matters. This life giving force, it’s infinite. I can only talk about our Solar System how it works in unbelievable harmonious ways. Have you ever had an astrology chart done? It’ll blow your mind. How numbers and planets play out in your life. An astrologer that never met you will tell you many deep things about you. Where does this knowledge come from? This is a tiny sample of the mastermind behind it all, but my point is include IT in your life. Ask for IT’s help. It’s fun. Fight with IT if you feel like it, demand from IT, I have many times; I bet IT multiplied fishes, haha, it literally is small fish for IT. Look at the images of the Universe, holly cow. The power to create it. Imagine what’s out there for us to explore. Frankly IT rocks. IT is not cheesy. I love IT so.
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monika-apexart · 1 year
Monika Rycerz in NYC, Day 20
Wednesday, July 26th
Today flew by! Despite a good morning and a visit to the Central Synagogue where I found some hope when the guide quoted ‘whoever saves a life, saves a world’, today I felt somewhat annoyed and fed-up.
I just came back from my evening activity, which was a book launch at The Strand Bookshop just around the corner. I don’t recall ever attending one, so I was really excited for it. The title of the book is ‘The Karma of Success: Spiritual Strategies to Free Your Inner Genius’ by Liz Tran. What shall I tell you…it was cheesy. Sorry! I mean it was pleasant, but that’s about it. Obviously I haven’t read the book, but from what I gather it’s about the law of attraction, and following your instinct, and believing in yourself, and writing a gratitude list everyday, and blah, blah, blah… Simply put, yet another self-help book. Now, that’s all ok, the more interesting question here is WHY it creates such a strong negative, sceptical reaction in me? Let’s see… Am I against all these things? Uhmm… not really. I might not be fully sold on the law of attraction, but I think it’s important to be grateful for what I have (which is gratitude obviously). Now, believing in yourself is a whole other story and perhaps that’s where the issue lies - it’s easier said than done and HOW one actually turns on that switch is where the real work is. Well, maybe the answer is in the book. 
Also I’m fully aware that I was that person many many years ago, seeking, reading self-help books, searching for my call, looking for my true self, so I get it. And I’m all in for people finding their paths, succeeding in what they do, that would make a much healthier and happier society. The only thing is that I don’t think that those self-help books were of much help - quite the opposite, more of a cause of disappointment with myself, because I lacked confidence and none of those books could give me that. What really got me to where I am today and I’m not saying it in a way that I have it all (not at all), is years of therapy, week by week, giving time to myself, allowing myself to be vulnerable, being honest with myself, learning about myself. Today I realise that maybe I don’t have everything that I want, but I have everything that I need.
I’m missing home.
P.S. I listened to the latest episode of the Reset podcast (great name btw!) by Liz Tran and it sort of confirmed my prejudice.
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Success Stories Interview of The Future Creative Fiction Genre Part 1 At Least 13 to 15 Points Episode 11 Becoming A Self Published Author And Stronger Moneymaker AuthorPsychicInTraining SeriesCelestial Spirit Guide of Imagination Power, Wisdom BrainPower Genius Development, and Passion andor Love Development
Success Stories Interview of The Future Creative Fiction Genre Part 1 At Least 13 to 15 Points Episode 11 Becoming A Self Published Author And Stronger Moneymaker AuthorPsychicInTraining SeriesCelestial Spirit Guide of Imagination Power, Wisdom BrainPower Genius Development, and Passion andor Love Development
Success Stories Interview of The Future Creative Fiction Genre Part 1 At Least 13 to 15 Points Episode 11 Becoming A Self Published Author And Stronger Moneymaker AuthorPsychicInTraining SeriesCelestial Spirit Guide of Imagination Power, Wisdom BrainPower Genius Development, and Passion andor Love Development
Successful Manifestation of Career Money andor Storytelling Success Creative Fiction Genre Permanent Lifelong andor Long Term Resident of Virginia Series And Essence of Passion In Multiple Areas of Life
intent: I Stella Carrier channel creating heaven on earth happiness unity faith hope while also fulfilling an intent to be helpful with my fun writing therapy of creative fiction writing
Alias names andor alias gender names given to protect the identities of the personal and professional life allies of those interviewed
Greetings my alias name is “Saulity Academy of Wizardry” and I am a celestial spirit guide of the essence of passion and tapping into your inner genius, I only have between 5 to 15 minutes in earth time to share some of what I know because within 2 hours from now in earth time I have been asked to teach a celestial class on imagination combined with ancestor spirit guide and higher self communication in the celestial replica realms of Virginia, California and a third east coast place I have to keep secret for now even though all three of them are in celestial replica duplicates of earth based shopping malls, yes many of the earth based writers who I make contact with are surprised when I relay this to them though what is in these “celestial shopping malls” are different from what is currently on the earth realm though some of what is going to be available by the year 2109. For instance currently it is obvious common knowledge that there are food courts across multiple shopping malls within the U.S. In various “celestial shopping malls” there are things that I have been asked to keep secret for now though one thing I am allowed to share is that there is a various psychic/intuitive and celestial school type of court inside a celestial shopping mall that one can go to. For instance a celestial shopping mall might have 8 different areas styled after a food court area though representing one of the schools each that one can learn at (celestial school of happiness, celestial school of muse writing, celestial spirit guide training school, celestial psychic knowledge, celestial and ancestral and spirit team ally communication both on the celestial spirit realms and for helping earth based loved ones still residing on earth) and many more to numerous to mention with at least three celestial psychics hosting each school, what I am allowed to share is that the recent video where an earth based person saw that someone experienced a major earth based money win after communing with a passed over loved one in their sleeptime dream is more common and possible than one realizes, it is just that celestial and earth based manifestation technique is only now becoming more known on the earth plane though it has been known in the celestial realms for over thousands of years in earth based time
I Saulity Academy of Wizardry have been asked to confirm that it is true that whoever one is intimate with takes on that energies challenging and good karma for the rest of their current earth lifetime and what this has to do with passion development is that awareness of this idea and how this plays into passion development means that merging with someone’s energies in this way almost always guarantees that you are a part of each others lives in some way for the rest of your current earth lifetimes so it is of the utmost care consent must be taken because sometimes two people are in each other’s lives for a whole earth lifetime even if they were just mere acquaintances this current earth lifetime because they had been intimately involved in their most recent earth lifetime together. It is common knowledge among many intuitives on this earth plane, however you would be surprised at how many married people both with children and those who are voluntarily childless are shocked about this both when they try to move on from either secretly andor not so secretly loving someone else or trying to play matchmaker for a suitor that they are ok with seeing with another (regardless if the love was unrequited or mutual). Anyhow I have a celestial imagination class to teach in 13 minutes earth time so here goes the info that I am alloted to share in the timeframe that I have
Focusing On Any Money Magick andor Manifestation Practices Related to Money help manifest both the essence of passion and inner genius especially when a person consistently focuses on a money savings goal for at least 3 times a week. For instance if a person makes at least 3500 dollars a month after taxes, focusing on money saving at least 2400 dollars within 9 paydays (getting paid twice a month) helps manifest the essence of passion and increased nurturing and encouraging spiritual soul tribe members. Even just the act of writing this out on a paper and looking at this at least three times a week helps. If feasible try to set a 5 to 9 month target goal of when you might do a side hustle, work a second job andor any other additional money way that comes intuitive which brings me to my next point
At least three times a week for 30 minutes a day focus on both intuition development and communing with ones celestial spirit ally team either via meditiona sleeptime dreams andor automatic writing andor for aspiring writers incorporating this into astral traveling to celestial spirit realms in meditation andor sleeptime dreams can also help with storytelling goals One earth based person of the age of 64 who I Saulity Academy of Wizardry helped, helped them to a course helping them to travel in both their meditation and sleeptime dreams to a celestial spirit realm location of both Iceland and a place on the eastern coast of the United States. They were able to commune with their passed on late adoptive father and passed on late adoptive mother that met them at a celestial replica location of a university and gave them an idea for both their storytelling, fun ways to add the theme of passion to their storytelling, how to write in both ways and places that multiple story characters both awakened and increased their inner genius and wisdom and psychic abilities and ideas for their pen name and other ideas that helped the person being helped by their passed on adoptive parents to manifest their short story being adapted into a tv episode, movie and readership of at least 5000 people that haas helped them recently manifest 99000 money dollars after taxes which gave them the freedom to place in a two year financial freedom options and money saivngs accounts.
Start Time Thursday Friday 24, 2023 by 1059pm
Completion Time Thursday Friday March 24, 2023 by by 1136pm
my youtube comment to Celebs On How To Manifest Part 4
This One Mind Coaching youtube feature of Celebs on How To Manifest part 4 has some spiritually powerful and helpful ideas, for instance the idea of how a firm decision manifests opportunities even that reminder helps me to intuitively understand how some of my original plans went even more smoothly than planned even when some well meaning people might have been wondering if I was aiming too high, the gratitude list of at least 3 ideas and other multiple features of this youtube video featuring multiple celebrities/famous people make them fun and motivational to watch.
Celebs On How To Manifest Part 4 via One Mind Coaching youtube with at least 18k views uploaded approximately at least 1 year ago
my comment to The 3 Life Changing Ideas In James Clear Atomic Habits via the Thomas Frank youtube channel
The 3 Life Changing Ideas in James Clear Atomic Habits via the Thomas Frank Youtube channel contains a terrific variety of examples that goes with the Atomic Habits theme. Luckily, this youtube video gives an idea boost on where to start on compounding the atomic habit theme.
The 3 Life Changing Ideas in James Clear Atomic Habits via the Thomas Frank youtube channel with 493k views approximately 2 years ago as of Monday April 10 2023
my youtube comment to Early Action vs Early Decision via SuperTutorTv youtube
my most recent youtube comment to Eye Of The Tiger by Survivor
I admit that this empowering and self confidence bolstering Eye Of The Tiger re-emerged on my mind when I unexpectedly heard it play on a local radio station earlier today.
Eye Of The Tiger Official HD Video via Survivor Band youtube with at least 877 millions views uploaded on youtube approximately 13 years ago as of Monday April 10 2023
my youtube comment to Emotion in Motion by Ric Ocasek
This Emotion In Motion song by Ric Ocasek is musically charming and captures the range of emotions of being in love in a multi faceted and from the heart type of way.
Emotion In Motion song via Ric Ocasek youtube channel with approximately at least 8.8 millions views listed to have been been uploaded on youtube approximately 13 years ago as of Monday April 10 2023
my youtube comment to Early Action vs Early Decision via SuperTutorTv youtube
This Early Action vs Early Decision What Does It All Mean via Supertutor TV has some informative details regarding admissions.
Early Action vs Early Decision via SuperTutorTV youtube 94k views as of approximately 4 years ago as of Monday April 10 2023
my comment to City of Norfolk Volunteer Opportunities via NorfolkTV youtube
This youtube link of the City of Norfolk Volunteer Opportunities is both inspirational and informative.
youttube video uploaded around December 19 2014 pertaining to Volunteer Hampton Roads
my comment to Take An Intuition Walk
This youtube video of Take An Intuition Walk is very insightful and helped me understand why I unexpectedly received an answer to a personal question about something that was on my mind when I did the intuition walk and this video reminds me some of the reasons why this happened and I only wish that I would have had a small notebook and pen to write the details that immediately came to mind when this happened though fortunately this video reminds me to record tonight what time this occured how many miles I had walked when this happened which brings me to the caveat , however the caveat is that this video helps remind me to start recording the answers that comes to me when this occurs via writing it on a piece of paper and intuition journal and allow myself extra time to do so because I was originally in a hurry when this unexpectedly occured in summary I am grateful that this online video was made available both to help remind me what to write of what came to me earlier today and also for both present and future reference.Show less
Take An Intuition Walk via Lynn A Robinson youtube channel from approximately at least 5 years ago as of Monday April 10 2023
my youtube comment on the Psychic Medium Jennifer Hall youtube channel How To Do Automatic Writing
The reminder to continue to work on my vibration, go inward, gratitude etc. for this youtube segment of How To Do Automatic Writing for Healing, Guidance and Spirit Communication via the psychic medium Jennifer Hall channel are definitely some of the elements I realized I had to be reminded of because I have been receiving important signs to explore automatic writing more frequently I am in the process of being more consistent with making the time because of some of the other goals I have that also require some of my focus, though this video helps remind me that making more frequent time for automatic writing would facilitate some of the other goals even the ones that are more time sensitive.
How To Do Automatic Writing For Healing Guidance and Spirit Communication Jennifer Hall Psychic Medium youtube uploaded on March 5 2019 with approximately at least 32,669 views as of Monday April 10 2023
my youtube comment to How To Make Money In the Navy Reserves
This How To Make Money In The Navy Reserves via the Navy Transition Coach YouTube contains some informative tips. I’m lucky to have two people who are gungho/enthusiastic in helping me with navy reserve professional options and I admit curiosity indirectly influenced me to broaden my awareness of some of the ideas mentioned in this video.
How To Make Money In The Navy Reserves via Navy Transition Coach youtube channel at least 7000 views approximately at least 3 years ago as of Monday April 10 2023
my youtube comment to Good Vibrations by The Beach Boys
I confess that this creative Good Vibrations song by The Beach Boys metaphorically took a hold of my music listening soul when I recently heard this song on a local radio station less than 7 days ago and when I unexpectedly heard this song again earlier today while at a restaurant. The brilliant lyrics and merry sunny music create a feel good type of timeless song that appears to be around someone andor knowing someone who is spiritually boosting for a person’s soul andor spirit.
Good Vibrations official music video 6.6 millions views as of approximately 6 years ago as of Saturday April 8 2023
my youtube comment to Early Action vs Early Decision What Does It All Mean via Supertutor tv youtube
This Early Action vs Early Decision What Does It All Mean via Supertutor TV has some informative details regarding admissions.
Early Action Vs Early Decision What Does It All Mean via Supertutor tv youtube 94k views as of 4 years ago as of Saturday April 8 2023
my youtube comment to What God Told Her About Energy Will Shock You Penny Wittbrodts NDE via Shaman Oaks
This Shaman Oaks feature of Penny Wittbrodts Interview pertaining to her near death experience, what she was shown about God and energy, the insights she picked up pertaining to forgiveness and how both interacting with the world and people regardless of beneficial it is perceived publicly are among the multiple eye opening and helpful spiritual insights.
What God Told Her About Energy Will Shock You Penny Wittbrodts NDE via Shaman Oaks youtube channel 1.7 million views approximately at least 1 year ago andor longer as of Saturday April 1 2023
my youtube comment to What Superpower Do You Have via Sonia Choquette youtube channel
I’m overjoyed to access this Sonia Choquette superpower video to be reminded of some of the mystical and powerful abilities latent within us
What Superpower Do You Have Sonia Choquette youtube channel with at least 7.6k views from approximately at least 6 years ago as of Saturday April 1 2023
my youtube comment to I Uber’d People and Let Them Keep The Car via MrBeast youtube channel
This I Uberd People and Let Them Keep The Car via MrBeast youtube is inspiring in a happy way and thrilling to watch, the look and pleasant surprise on the faces of a multiple number of people featured in this youtube video are priceless especially considering it may take a while for someone to save up the cash to pay for a car loan-free even if the person’s job is a well paid job. Though on the bright side-this MrBeast youtube video helpfully gives me some money ideas to keep in mind for both present and future reference in a hope inspiring way.
I Uber’d People and Let Them Keep The Car via MrBeast youtube channel 99millions views from at least 2 years ago as of Saturday April 1 2023
my youtube comment to Everyone’s Psychic via Nanci Danison youtube channel
This Everyone’s Psychic youtube discussion by Nanci Danison is definitely the spiritually encouraging video that I am happy to have accessed tonight.
Everyone’s Psychic Nancy Danison youtube channel with at least 12k views from approximately 12 years ago andor longer as of Saturday April 1 2023
my youtube comment to the spicy I’ll Make You Feel Good song by K7 from approximately 3 years ago andor longer
Regarding K7 I’ll Make You Feel Good song-I first heard this bold and innovative song during my teenage years during local radio and for whatever unexpected reason I got into this song again by around the 2008 timeframe when I was residing in Norfolk Virginia.
I’ll Make You Feel Good song by K7 via the Tommy Boy youtube channel 56k views from approximately 4 years ago as of Saturday April 1 2023
my youtube comment to How To Make Money In The Navy Reserves via the Navy Transition Coach youtube channel
This How To Make Money In The Navy Reserves via the Navy Transition Coach YouTube contains some informative tips. I’m lucky to have two people who are gungho/enthusiastic in helping me with navy reserve professional options and I admit curiosity indirectly influenced me to broaden my awareness of some of the ideas mentioned in this video.
How To Make Money In The Navy Reserves via Navy Transition Coach youtube channel with at least 7k views from approximately at least around 3 years ago andor longer as of Saturday April 1 2023
my youtube comment to These Are 6 Signs That Your Higher Self Is Trying To Contact You
I am truly glad to have found this spiritually meaning These Are 6 Signs that Your Higher Self Is Trying To Contact You via the Slightly Better youtube channel, two of the signs I am more frequently and unexpectedly experiencing in relation to my higher self intuition coming in more frequently especially more positive synchronicities and other signs
These Are 6 Signs That Your Higher Self Is Trying To Contact You via Slightly Better Youtube channel approximately 114k views approximately 3 years ago as of Saturday April 1 2023
my youtube comment to the Please Forgive Me song by Bryan Adams
This Please Forgive Me song by Bryan Adams showcases music versatility and emotions of love and vulnerability in an imaginative way.
Please Forgive Me by Bryan Adams via Bryan Adams youtube channel 725 millions views approximately 14 years ago as of Saturday April 1 2023
my youtube comment to the fun Raspberry Beret song by Prince
Raspberry Beret by Prince & The Revolution is a sensational and memorable 80s lively music energy type of song.
Prince & The Revolution Raspberry Beret via Prince Youtube channel 58 millions views approximately 5 years ago as of Friday March 31 2023
0 notes
ryoskuna · 4 years
⭑ promised eternity | hades!sukuna x persephone!reader au headcanons (PT 1).
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A/N: ... yo... i would like to say whoever threatened to send me toe pics, a-plus, bc you made me release this into the wild. * insert megumi meme face here * but this is just HEADCANONS for a hades!sukuna and persephone!reader-esque universe, and because y’all are as thirsty as I am, it includes some SFW and NSFW headcanons. grab your water bottles, and I apologize for my subconscious now. (cause it’s always on auto-pilot and giving me wild af ideas.) We shall all thirst... over OG form sukuna as well, because ,, well, big daddy, do i need to say more???  also this is some seriously fantasy like au , sort of, it takes place during sukuna’s original time as a curse, when gojo’s ancestor was after him, and hints wildly on that, and also will hit moments where the sorcerers are of course, hunting him. feel free to give me your thoughts and ask questions, because i love you all.  onward to the THIRST! ( also side note, promised eternity is the name of the potential series that may come from this. ) 
this is part one of the headcanons, and they’re all SFW.
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being married to the king of curses is not easy. it’s awkward at first, and then later on, comforting at best. to have someone who believes in you, roots you on (even if he’s kind of mean about it at first), is better than having nothing. you’ve been looked at for so long as a “curse” for your untrained cursed energy, that to have someone who sees potential in your “god” given gifts instead of spite (or only useful in preventing a raid) is refreshing. and unsettling at first.
speaking of that, sukuna basically rescued you from your village. for the entirety of your life before him, your cursed energy has gone unchecked, untrained.  so it fluctuates with your emotions. it’s useful when you summon your wrath to defend your village or when your untrained reverse cursed techniques help the crops grow— but any other time, you are known as a curse. your emotions grow sad or you grow angry, and people die accidentally. ( hence your harbinger of death nickname. )  sukuna, during his many trips to your village for taxes and the occasional “recruitment” of healthy women and me, he has noticed you. and he has noticed your vast amount of cursed energy. it’s all but too easy for him to command the head of your village to hand you over — your parent(s) have no say. 
sukuna is generous enough to compensate them, and the head of village. it’s one of few kindnesses he’ll show, besides eventually to you. sukuna will never tell, not till much later on, that he noticed you in every visit he’s ever made. that you deserved better than the mockery and scorn of your people. he offers to burn them all for you, but your mercy says otherwise.
speaking of when he came to get you, he was 10 feet tall, dressed in a black montsuki kimono and hakama. all four of his arms are on display, and all four of his eyes are on you.
you, are in a shiromuku, complete with a wataboshi — you and your mother (or a village woman) made it, but it will not be the last of your “bridal” gowns as you travel through at least five villages before arriving at sukuna’s fortress-like palace. sukuna has prepared you both a uchikake style kimono (adorned with pinks and reds), a hikifurisode style kimono (black, but also adorned with whites and golds and reds)— lastly is the Tomesode, which you arrive to your new home in, adorned in pins and signs of your new status. it’s here you discover you are not meant to be a mistress, you are meant to be a wife. his wife. his first, and his only (or at least he’ll try to keep it that way).
sukuna does not make time for much. rumors of him are notorious of his over-indulgence, guided by only his pleasure and displeasure, which is slightly true.  but he makes time for you. you aren’t like the others he’s taken in his time, whether for his entertainment or to be in his service (you are not his toy as he has a habit of disposing of his playthings once they bore him); you’re his wife, but you are also this powerful being, who if trained, will become even more powerful. if you were a sorcerer, you’d rival him — but you are his equal. 
he tries to make you feel that way by shrinking down to your size. he drops his 10 ft height (even through he can grow larger), to 6′8 or 7ft (pick your preference). it helps him watch the way you fight him, and he’ll change his height to help you train to fight enemies of different sizes.
sukuna’s loyalty to you forms in the midst of gifts. he’s lavish and again, over-indulgent. before your lips ask for it, somehow you already have whatever you desire. however, he also realizes, the more that he’s around you that gifts don’t make you happy (as pleasing as they are). being in his company is what makes you happy. oh, and sukuna’s very careful to touch you. his strength knows no bounds, until you touch him. you have to be the one that touches him first. it’s a brush over the knuckles, your tiny hand wrapping around his big one.
the way you manipulate plants to your advantage as a defense will never not amaze him. the way you use vines to wrap around him to capture him is genius, and the sneak attack you give has gotten better. he’ll still tease you ask “is that the best you can do” with your hits to provoke more of your strength, and he’ll give praise at the end, in his own way. (more touches.)
sukuna’s untouched garden becomes yours as one of your wedding gifts. it’s yours, and all the servants know it. everyone on his grounds knows it is yours. 
you haven’t realized it since your arrival, but there are female servants that are your handmaidens, but for the harem that sukuna supposedly keeps — you have no idea where they are. it isn’t till one of your handmaidens inform you that he freed them with compensation. it’s not an uncommon practice for him, you’re told. he does not keep anyone against their will, and he never forced the girls he kept to do anything. for him, war and fighting made his blood rush just as much as sex could.
you and sukuna’s cursed energy manages to mingle to create a rare flower, one that turns from a gold color to red at the tips of the petals. he later tells you that beautiful things can come from destruction, and it makes you think of yourself, and who you’ve become with his guidance as you look into his eyes.
the first time you sleep in his bed with him, he lays still on one side of the bed (which is unusual for him) until you beckon him closer. he meets you halfway in the middle, where you lay your head on his chest and listen to the sound of him breathing. he’ll never admit it at first, but the comfort you give to him is startling, but welcomed. he wraps two arms around you, but it isn’t until you’re sleep that all four hold you gently against him, as if those four arms are shields to keep you safe.
He admires your strength and the various ways it shows itself. He has since your “wedding day”, when you shed no tears at being taken from your family. When you told him “do what you will”, but also in your rage he tapped into when you wrapped thorny vines around him when he provoked you by calling you “a murderous curse of a girl”.  He apologizes for this comment at some point, while you two lay together in the garden.
he presents to you a crown, shaped after the marks on his forehead (preserved through a picture painted on a fan). it is two horns towards the ceiling, made of black metal the color of obsidian. 
sukuna enjoys towering over you. and more importantly, once it no longer startles you, you enjoy the safety that his height reminds you of.
the form of trust sukuna has with you is seen by the servants when assigns advisors to you, as well as teaches you how to deal with trials when they come forth. you are his rose with thorns now, and you know how to use them.
someone speaks ill of sukuna? you are reminding them of their place: “speak ill of your king again with that tongue of yours and i’ll take it”
OKAY BADASS, and sukuna is all for it, just “that’s my s/o”
and lord, the pet names this man has for you: “my dove” “my love” “my moon” and you with: “my sun and stars” (thank u got)... he’s got a lot of pet names.
he likes to hold you on his side for some reason, whenever he can. honestly, he just likes you close.
basically, you’re tough as hell and powerful as hell and you grow into your added strength and he loves it.
987 notes · View notes
torikaku · 3 years
Hello! Thank you for writing at my request! I had to hold back my laughter so as not to wake everyone in the house, as it was too amazing 🤣 Can I request headcanons where Jade, Malleus, Idia, and Rook will also react when the King of Memes makes fun of them (and their dorm leaders in the case of vice dorm leaders)? Thank you for considering my request!
Link to the post that is mentioned.
I'm glad you enjoyed it :') Here's your next request. Thanks for waiting~
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It's most likely Floyd who tells Jade about something interesting happening near the bulletin board. It really intrigues Jade and goes with his brother and Azul to look at the situation. He is no less amused than Floyd who laughs at the memes that make fun of Riddle -- the poor dorm leader seems to be going to strangle the merman.
He smirks at the jokes until he notices an irritated Azul. Looking closely, he spots memes that make fun of Azul. Floyd laughs his ass off at them. Poor octopus is now on the verge of tears.
Looking closely at every meme, Jade's eyes stumble upon memes about him, namely, that compares him to some anime butlers. Oya-oya, it's quite interesting, isn't it? Even he doesn't go untouched by this mysterious King of Memes. And now, Jade is burning with impatience to find this very person.
Finally catching you, Jade is pleasantly surprised that it is namely you who makes all these memes. Your appearance is quite deceptive, isn't it? In any case, he really enjoys your memes, even that about him. Your imagination is impressive, Jade is looking forward to see more from you.
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An excited Lilia tells the rest of the Diasomnia squad about memes on the bulletin board which makes all of them look at what is happening there. But Malleus doesn't really get it? Like, it's quite specific humor, and it's the first time he deals with it. But the rest of the squad seems to be amused, so he tries just to smile at the jokes.
Until he hears a loud voice of Sebek who yells about how the author dares to disrespect his Young Master. But memes about Malleus are quite inoffensive (compared to the memes about the others), like "Malleus: looks like can kill you, but is actually a cinnamon roll" or him without horns and "tarou but no tsuno", or kneeling Sebek and "I believe in Malleus supremacy"... okay, the last one is only about Sebek.
But Malleus doesn't look insulted, he's just curious who stands behind all these jokes. When discovering that it is you that famous King of Memes, Malleus is sincerely surprised. Like, he didn't expect you to be that brave to make fun of him, but he assures you that he's not angry with you. Quite the opposite, Malleus is curious how you create memes and asks you to show more of them.
Maybe Malleus will make his own memes, inspired by yours? Who knows, but I clearly see that Lilia will laugh his ass off by his son's sense of humour, Silver is no less amused than his old man, and Sebek is made to play along, even though he doesn't really approve of such jokes that make fun of his Young Master.
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It's most likely Ortho who tells his big brother about the situation at the bulletin board. It intrigues Idia so much, so he even in person decides to look at what fuss was made about.
Idia must admit that whoever made these memes is a genius. How did he himself not come up with the idea of making fun of his fellow students? He giggles at every picture on the board. Until his eyes fall on the memes about himself, and now he looks less pleased.
These memes are mostly about his hermit style of life, obsession with games and anime. The memes hit the nail on the head, but it's not really a pleasant feeling for him to admit that they are true. Ortho pats his older brother's back, trying to cheer him up, saying that he loves Idia no matter what.
All this time, it is you who stood behind the identity of the King of Memes. Idia must admit that he has some respect for you and what you did. But still, he humbly asks you not to make memes about him and in exchange, he will share some of his ideas for your future memes.
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It can be seen that Rook clearly enjoys the situation like the rest of the students, in spite of his dorm leader's annoyance. The author of the memes even uses French in the jokes, which makes Rook even more delighted by the sense of humor of the King of Memes.
Rook looks forward to more memes, he even laughs at the jokes about himself, not taking really any offense of them. But Vil is not pleased by the memes about himself, so now Rook's aim is to catch the famous King of Memes. And Rook is glad to take on this task, since he's curious himself to find out the identity of the author of memes.
Of course, being a hunter, Rook is the best person who easily and quickly finds the culprit. When catching you, he's surprised yet delighted that it is namely you. You were already an interesting person to spy on observe, and now you amazed him even more.
Even though Vil scolds you for your memes about himself, Rook winks at you and says that you can continue making memes and show them to him, because he really enjoys them and wants more of them from you.
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animeangsteng · 3 years
A bad idea
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ᴺᴼᵂ ᴾᴸᴬᵞᴵᴺᴳ : A bad idea
⋘ 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑑𝑎𝑡𝑎… ⋙
Warning: swear words, smut (not explicit: mention of make out/sex), Canon violence, broken bones, fainting, mention of past torture/experiments, quite possibly spoilers, canon divergence
Pietro Maximoff x reader
█ █ █ █ █ 100% *Tuning complete*
I admit it.
Running at full speed against Pietro, Clint and whoever that woman was wasn’t my brightest idea.
I mean, I did worse but this definitely makes the top 5.
But let’s go back for a minute, shall we?
I am... does it matter?
I’m sure you know my name already so let’s get on with this.
In case you were unaware, I’m a speedster.
I can move at an impressive speed, as can my mind.
Unfortunately quick choices aren’t always the right ones so my brain (and I’m blaming it all on it) sometimes makes the wrong choices.
One wrong choice is the one I told you about above.
Other examples will come, don’t worry.
The thing is: I had a power and I wanted to put it at good use so what did my mind think?
Let’s become super-heroes!
Supposedly it should be easy to become a superhero, right?
You couldn’t be more wrong.
In a world of superheroes like the Avengers the sector became a rather full one where newbies struggled to become well-known, even in a little reality.
Just kidding.
Firstly, I’d have liked to keep my identity secret, thank you very much, and, since more or less normal people don’t usually keep super technologic hero costumes in their wardrobe, I decided to just wear a hoodie and a mask and doing things so fast, people would barely see me.
Can you see the problem?
I acted so fast people didn’t even see me so I became a ghost.
Not literally, luckily.
I mean, I almost died loads of times during my career but that’s to be expected.
Oh, no.
They thought I was a real ghost.
And, as much as the lack of visibility didn’t bother me, being compared to a dead man (or woman or whatever they think the ghost is, or was) isn’t usually pleasant.
Luckily for me I got my chance to shine soon enough, thanks to Ultron.
Unfortunately for my house and Sokovia’s capital... Ultron happened.
Do you need me to jog your memory a little?
In short Ultron is a human-hating robot created by the genius millionaire, playboy and philanthropist Tony Stark aka Iron Man.
Cool, right?
And he (the robot, I mean. Not Iron Man) decided that my lovely city was the perfect starting point for his “let’s kill humanity” plan.
And, by the way, creative that much?
Why is everyone always so fixated on killing humanity?
How about spiders?
Kill the spiders!
I mean, it’s always “let’s kill humans” and usually for such ordinary and old-as-time reasons.
Be creative, bad guys!
But I digress.
What does the self-proclaimed guardian hero of a city do when said city is under attack?
They protect it, right?
And so I did.
Or at least I tried.
What I didn’t expect when going against a glorified robot (which, by the way, was strange enough on its own) was fighting (and losing) against its two lackeys.
In my defence they were a witch and another speedster.
Weird, right?
I think my eyes almost popped out of my head when I saw the other speedster.
He was hot, I can give that to him, but his partner’s (whom I’d then discover to be his sister) mind control thing didn’t exactly sit well with me.
Not a fan.
Just like I hated the whole “let’s kill all humans” ordeal, which they actually didn’t seem to mind.
Do you know how exactly I survived?
I don’t really know why they chose that name.
Was “Saviours” already taken?
Anyways, true to their name, they appeared only once I had gotten beaten up quite a lot already.
And then they got their asses kicked too but let’s skip that.
Not exactly my (nor theirs for that matter) most glorious moment.
I’m not quite sure how, though, the speedster and the witch then joined us.
Maybe they realised Ultron was bad.
Or... I don’t know.
He didn’t give them candies?
I don’t know, guys.
Go ask them if you want.
The fact is that, for some reason, they joined our (good) side.
Not that I’m complaining, of course.
Chatting with a hot and nice guy you just met is definitely easier when he isn’t trying to kill you, just so you know.
It tell you from personal experience.
Safe to say, we got along just fine.
His name was Pietro Maximoff and the witch was his twin sister Wanda.
Apparently their parents died and then they got their powers through experiments and torture.
And from then on, I considered myself lucky because my backstory isn’t that tragic.
To be honest most the heroes I know have a tragic backstory, now that I think about it.
Anyways: me and Pietro became quite friendly in no time.
Especially if you consider making out before a battle after knowing each other for practically less than a day getting friendly.
But what can I say?
Some may call it a bit hasty but I didn’t.
Ever since I had speed related powers the whole world was too slow.
And meeting someone who went at your same extraordinarily quick pace was amazing.
We flirted, kissed and made out after chatting.
Easy as it sounds.
He was hot, I think I’m hot.
He was nice, I’m probably quite nice too.
So yeah.
And really, at that time we didn’t exactly think about deep feelings.
We just knew we liked each other a lot and we kinda felt like hormonal teens.
And I hadn’t had a romantic partner for ages.
Nor did he, I think.
I doubt Nazi-like experiments leave space for dating.
Anyways it was time for the big finale!
The one where we either died or... won?
I mean, we could have died either way in all honesty.
And we almost did!
But let’s rewind a bit.
After getting called by Hawkeye, who was rather in shape for being an old man, let me tell you that, me and Pietro began doing our thing, running around.
Luckily for Sokovia (and all humanity) we did have a goal.
We began telling everyone to move and go to the Shield’s... flying boat?
I think I told them all something like that but, in my defence, I never saw anything like that.
After being amazed by the amount of budget Shield had for 5 full seconds I went on with the second part of the plan.
Fighting robots without getting killed.
Actually the “don’t get killed” part was more of a personal goal than real instructions Captain America gave us but... it was a really important goal for me.
Until I saw Pietro trying to shield Hawkeye and another woman from some bullets.
Now, I didn’t know him that well but I knew that neither him, nor the other two, were bulletproof.
So I did the only thing I thought smart: threw myself to move him.
And spoiler alert: it was a really bad idea.
Because I forgot I wasn’t bulletproof either!
And it probably must have looked quite comical from the outside (I mean: Hawkeye shielding a woman, Pietro shielding Hawkeye and me shielding Pietro? That was a damn matryoshka!) but at the moment I didn’t think about it.
Though I didn’t plan nor think about it, my speed released a wind that pushed Hawkeye and the civilian (I always wanted to say that) out of danger.
Thank god.
And luckily both me and Pietro avoided the bullets.
Unfortunately I threw myself at him with such speed that we both went crushing against a wall, and probably leaving a print too.
God, I hope they leave it as a monument to our sacrifice.
And I felt my bones crushing.
I can’t imagine him.
I then heard a scream, as my body burned in pain, and then nothing.
We died.
Just kidding!
We survived!
Ultron was defeated and me and Pietro survived!
Which, on my end, could be considered a win on all fronts.
Except maybe Ultron’s.
Plus I finally got my own big debut as a real super-hero: I became an Avenger!
And so I began to live with some of the Avengers and the Maximoff twins.
Wanda wasn’t so bad.
We could say we were friends.
The problem is: liking the only person who had always been by her side, her brother, could be considered a good reason for her to dislike me.
And I couldn’t even hide it!
She was a mind-reader or something like that!
How the hell can I keep my crush secret?
Anyways, remember when I said I made out with Pietro?
Yeah, it wasn’t a one-time-only thing.
In two weeks (or maybe less) we began dating and it was amazing!
Every day we would go race around the world, chat, kiss and do whatever we’d like.
Plus he was a real romantic at heart, other than just a flirty hot former bad guy.
And he had an accent to die for.
I probably had a similar accent too but his was just... wow.
Heaven right?
The downside?
The above-mentioned problem: his sister.
She was really protective (and excessively in my humble opinion. I mean... I’m a good guy. Not... I don’t know... a killer super smart robot who wants to destroy humanity. Just saying) of him.
Did she ever find out?
And for once it wasn’t my fault.
It was on Pietro.
He accidentally forgot (how do you forget that?!) that she could read minds and so he began to fantasise about me and our last night together (and I don’t envy her. I mean... I wish I could see that too but seeing my non-existent brother’s fantasies? Not as pleasant, I suppose).
And apparently he kept thinking about how much he loved me.
And I probably did too.
Think about me loving him.
Not loving him.
I loved him and of that I was sure.
Anyways, that’s how we ended up running away from the delicious food Stark had ordered for us (though we took another quick bite before going) and from Pietro’s furious sister.
Did she ever calm down and accepted the fact that we were dating?
I believe so.
I never returned long enough to catch that but Pietro seemed calm.
And she wasn’t trying to kill me anymore so I suppose that’s a good sign.
Talk about complicated (future) in-laws.
But did we ever stop running around, creating trouble wherever we went and stopping world-ending threats together?
Not a chance.
So if you ever see two super-fast trails of colour?
That’s probably us.
And we said hi, by the way!
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Facebook thrives on criticism of "disinformation"
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The mainstream critique of Facebook is surprisingly compatible with Facebook’s own narrative about its products. FB critics say that the company’s machine learning and data-gathering slides disinformation past users’ critical faculties, poisoning their minds.
Meanwhile, Facebook itself tells advertisers that it can use data and machine learning to slide past users’ critical faculties, convincing them to buy stuff.
In other words, the mainline of Facebook critics start from the presumption that FB is a really good product and that advertisers are definitely getting their money’s worth when they shower billions on the company.
Which is weird, because these same critics (rightfully) point out that Facebook lies all the time, about everything. It would be bizarre if the only time FB was telling the truth was when it was boasting about how valuable its ad-tech is.
Facebook has a conflicted relationship with this critique. I’m sure they’d rather not be characterized as a brainwashing system that turns good people into monsters, but not when the choice is between “brainwashers” and “con-artists selling garbage to credulous ad execs.”
As FB investor and board member Peter Thiel puts it: “I’d rather be seen as evil than incompetent.” In other words, the important word in “evil genius” is “genius,” not “evil.”
The accord of tech critics and techbros gives rise to a curious hybrid, aptly named by Maria Farrell: the Prodigal Techbro.
A prodigal techbro is a self-styled wizard of machine-learning/surveillance mind control who has see the error of his ways.
This high-tech sorcerer doesn’t disclaim his magical powers — rather, he pledges to use them for good, to fight the evil sorcerers who invented a mind-control ray to sell your nephew a fidget-spinner, then let Robert Mercer hijack it to turn your uncle into a Qanon racist.
There’s a great name for this critique, criticism that takes its subjects’ claims to genius at face value: criti-hype, coined by Lee Vinsel, describing a discourse that turns critics into “the professional concern trolls of technoculture.”
The thing is, Facebook really is terrible — but not because it uses machine learning to brainwash boomers into iodine-guzzling Qnuts. And likewise, there really is a problem with conspiratorial, racist, science-denying, epistemologically chaotic conspiratorialism.
Addressing that problem requires that we understand the direction of the causal arrow — that we understand whether Facebook is the cause or the effect of the crisis, and what role it plays.
“Facebook wizards turned boomers into orcs” is a comforting tale, in that it implies that we need merely to fix Facebook and the orcs will turn back into our cuddly grandparents and get their shots. The reality is a lot gnarlier and, sadly, less comforting.
There’s been a lot written about Facebook’s sell-job to advertisers, but less about the concern over “disinformation.” In a new, excellent longread for Harpers, Joe Bernstein makes the connection between the two:
Fundamentally: if we question whether Facebook ads work, we should also question whether the disinformation campaigns that run amok on the platform are any more effective.
Bernstein starts by reminding us of the ad industry’s one indisputable claim to persuasive powers: ad salespeople are really good at convincing ad buyers that ads work.
Think of department store magnate John Wanamaker’s lament that “Half the money I spend on advertising is wasted; the trouble is I don’t know which half.” Whoever convinced him that he was only wasting half his ad spend was a true virtuoso of the con.
As Tim Hwang documents brilliantly in his 2020 pamphlet “Subprime Attention Crisis,” ad-tech is even griftier than the traditional ad industry. Ad-tech companies charge advertisers for ads that are never served, or never rendered, or never seen.
They rig ad auctions, fake their reach numbers, fake their conversions (they also lie to publishers about how much they’ve taken in for serving ads on their pages and short change them by millions).
Bernstein cites Hwang’s work, and says, essentially, shouldn’t this apply to “disinformation?”
If ads don’t work well, then maybe political ads don’t work well. And if regular ads are a swamp of fraudulently inflated reach numbers, wouldn’t that be true of political ads?
Bernstein talks about the history of ads as a political tool, starting with Eisenhower’s 1952 “Answers America” campaign, designed and executed at great expense by Madison Ave giants Ted Bates.
Hannah Arendt, whom no one can accuse of being soft on the consequences of propaganda, was skeptical of this kind of enterprise: “The psychological premise of human manipulability has become one of the chief wares that are sold on the market of common and learned opinion.”
The ad industry ran an ambitious campaign to give scientific credibility to its products. As Jacques Ellul wrote in 1962, propagandists were engaged in “the increasing attempt to control its use, measure its results, define its effects.”
Appropriating the jargon of behavioral scientists let ad execs “assert audiences, like workers in a Taylorized workplace, need not be persuaded through reason, but could be trained through repetition to adopt the new consumption habits desired by the sellers.” -Zoe Sherman
These “scientific ads” had their own criti-hype attackers, like Vance “Hidden Persuaders” Packard, who admitted that “researchers were sometimes prone to oversell themselves — or in a sense to exploit the exploiters.”
Packard cites Yale’s John Dollard, a scientific ad consultant, who accused his colleagues of promising advertisers “a mild form of omnipotence,” which was “well received.”
Today’s scientific persuaders aren’t in a much better place than Dollard or Packard. Despite all the talk of political disinformation’s reach, a 2017 study found “sharing articles from fake news domains was a rare activity” affecting <10% of users.
So, how harmful is this? One study estimates “if one fake news article were about as persuasive as one TV campaign ad, the fake news in our database would have changed vote shares by an amount on the order of hundredths of a percentage point.”
Now, all that said, American politics certainly feel and act differently today than in years previous. The key question: “is social media creating new types of people, or simply revealing long-obscured types of people to a segment of the public unaccustomed to seeing them?”
After all, American politics has always had its “paranoid style,” and the American right has always had a sizable tendency towards unhinged conspiratorialism, from the John Birch Society to Goldwater Republicans.
Social media may not be making more of these yahoos, but rather, making them visible to the wider world, and to each other, allowing them to make common cause and mobilize their adherents (say, to carry tiki torches through Charlottesville in Nazi cosplay).
If that’s true, then elite calls to “fight disinformation” are unlikely to do much, except possibly inflaming things. If “disinformation” is really people finding each other (not infecting each other) labelling their posts as “disinformation” won’t change their minds.
Worse, plans like the Biden admin’s National Strategy for Countering Domestic Terrorism lump 1/6 insurrectionists in with anti-pipeline activists, racial justice campaigners, and animal rights groups.
Whatever new powers we hand over to fight disinformation will be felt most by people without deep-pocketed backers who’ll foot the bill for crack lawyers.
Here’s the key to Bernstein’s argument: “One reason to grant Silicon Valley’s assumptions about our mechanistic persuadability is that it prevents us from thinking too hard about the role we play in taking up and believing the things we want to believe. It turns a huge question about the nature of democracy in the digital age — what if the people believe crazy things, and now everyone knows it? — into a technocratic negotiation between tech companies, media companies, think tanks, and universities.”
I want to “Yes, and” that.
My 2020 book How To Destroy Surveillance Capitalism doesn’t dismiss the idea that conspiratorialism is on the rise, nor that tech companies are playing a key role in that rise — but without engaging in criti-hype.
In my book, I propose that conspiratorialism isn’t a crisis of what people believe so much as how they arrive at their beliefs — it’s an “epistemological crisis.”
We live in a complex society plagued by high-stakes questions none of us can answer on our own.
Do vaccines work? Is oxycontin addictive? Should I wear a mask? Can we fight covid by sanitizing surfaces? Will distance ed make my kind an ignoramus? Should I fly in a 737 Max?
Even if you have the background to answer one of these questions, no one can answer all of them.
Instead, we have a process: neutral expert agencies use truth-seeking procedures to sort of competing claims, showing their work and recusing themselves when they have conflicts, and revising their conclusions in light of new evidence.
It’s pretty clear that this process is breaking down. As companies (led by the tech industry) merge with one another to form monopolies, they hijack their regulators and turn truth-seeking into an auction, where shareholder preferences trump evidence.
This perversion of truth has consequences — take the FDA’s willingness to accept the expensively manufactured evidence of Oxycontin’s safety, a corrupt act that kickstarted the opioid epidemic, which has killed 800,000 Americans to date.
If the best argument for vaccine safety and efficacy is “We used the same process and experts as pronounced judgement on Oxy” then it’s not unreasonable to be skeptical — especially if you’re still coping with the trauma of lost loved ones.
As Anna Merlan writes in her excellent Republic of Lies, conspiratorialism feeds on distrust and trauma, and we’ve got plenty of legitimate reasons to experience both.
Tech was an early adopter of monopolistic tactics — the Apple ][+ went on sale the same year Ronald Reagan hit the campaign trail, and the industry’s growth tracked perfectly with the dismantling of antitrust enforcement over the past 40 years.
What’s more, while tech may not persuade people, it is indisputably good at finding them. If you’re an advertiser looking for people who recently looked at fridge reviews, tech finds them for you. If you’re a boomer looking for your old high school chums, it’ll do that too.
Seen in that light, “online radicalization” stops looking like the result of mind control, instead showing itself to be a kind of homecoming — finding the people who share your interests, a common online experience we can all relate to.
I found out about Bernstein’s article from the Techdirt podcast, where he had a fascinating discussion with host Mike Masnick.
Towards the end of that discussion, they talked about FB’s Project Amplify, in which the company tweaked its news algorithm to uprank positive stories about Facebook, including stories its own PR department wrote.
Project Amplify is part of a larger, aggressive image-control effort by the company, which has included shuttering internal transparency portals, providing bad data to researchers, and suing independent auditors who tracked its promises.
I’d always assumed that this truth-suppression and wanton fraud was about hiding how bad the platform’s disinformation problem was.
But listening to Masnick and Bernstein, I suddenly realized there was another explanation.
Maybe Facebook’s aggressive suppression of accurate assessments of disinformation on its platform are driven by a desire to hide how expensive (and profitable) political advertising it depends on is pretty useless.
Image: Anthony Quintano (modified) https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Mark_Zuckerberg_F8_2018_Keynote_(41793470192).jpg
Cryteria (modified) https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:HAL9000.svg
CC BY: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/deed.en
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mymadmedleyw · 3 years
(ao3), belongs under Certain Moment of Time, could be read independently, just as each for the days will be shorts, but all together forming a whole picture
(As this is the last chapter within the 'Going Angst Week 2021', a little reminder about the right order in reading the chapters chronologically (I suggest CMOT link): 4, 6, 2, 5, 3, and 7, 1)
tw: miscarriage
Blood. One could say after seeing it many times, sensing its rusty, salty odour within the air might have lost the sensibility to it after a while. But it never ceased on the weight if it was about loss, about death.
Then it always changed to the horrible, suffocating disinfectant scent with the white surrounding and the sound of silent sobs. Just as this time. They didn't even dare to count for how many occasions they ended up here, broken and devastated.
"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry…" mumbled for like the thousand times the hollow voice. "It's all my fault, I shouldn't have- I shouldn't have-" the sentence trailed off by another chuckling, squeezing hard on his hand that was holding hers, never letting it go.
Every attempt, every hopeful try led back here and- and it just twisted his heart, seeing, again and again, the slightly greyishly paled skin that years ago was beaming. Years ago…
Suddenly the picture of the small child in her arms came back, like that could have been a mirage. Sadly, he was well aware it wasn't, that happened, but- what he had done wrong?
Vlad pressed his forehead on her, taking the same question that he was asking from himself during the past few years. Why he hadn't told her? It was the same damn question, but with a different meaning this time. Time… yes, that it was.
He clearly could remember the day in the hospital bed, staring at the black and white photograph, bringing for them good news again… and then he couldn't tell what had happened, but he had woken up with years of memories in his mind and- and then as he had sat up, holding his throbbing head someone put a hand on his shoulder, asking with the greatest concern if he was okay.
It had needed hours to understand it wasn't a dream, and by lunch – made by the most amazing woman on the Earth – his mind settled too.
As much weird it was, but this was the truth. Madeline Masters. His wife. Also aware of his state – that they, according to his new-old memories, together tried to keep at bay. He knew he lied to her about its seriousness. That she only was informed about the simply side-effects: floating, invisibility and intangibility, sometimes glowing hands – but she had no conscious about the rest, about the other form… (which learning from a memory surprised Vlad too).
He kept then on with that lie, just as with the other one too, that somehow, he remembered a time when everything was different.
It worked for years. To tell the truth, Vlad forgot everything after their first positive test, even after the second, or the third, but-
Then he didn't dare to count. He couldn't recall anymore the days when she was happy – except in that other life. He slowly was destroying her, breaking the sweet image of his love… He tried to tell her several times to give up, but as much as stubborn she was, like feeling she should have been a mother, she never listened.
Then he eventually had run some tests (surprisingly facing with the result wasn't even his worst day, because his worst day was now…). The accident in the lab, five years ago ruined his biology. It was his fault. Vlad had been on to tell her, several times really, that they- that they wouldn't ever have a child, but- but he had been afraid. He still was afraid. He was a coward, fearing to lose her, so then he never told her, but now…
"Daniel…" a hollow, weak breath was formed into a name. "I thought- I chose- I really thought this time…"
"It's okay…" Vlad whispered, fighting against the suffocating guilt.
Daniel… he almost could imagine a view of a boy with her kindness, smartness and maybe with his steel bright eyes, and-
A soft sniffling broke the silence in the room, he knew it would take days and weeks to calm her down (or months, especially that this time she really had hoped…). But then she would return to her obsessed determines, again, not giving up until she would be able to fight for it…
But Vlad couldn't watch it, not again. This time, it had endangered her life too. He just couldn't let it happen, not anymore… especially as the date slipped into his mind. It was the same as on the letter, containing the black and white picture of their second child… she would have been expecting her second and-
He bit his lips as hard as it drew blood, rusty, salty and sinner. The sound of the woman, the so loved Maddie died away in a faint snuffling, undoubtedly dreaming about a great life he couldn't give her… Even though Vlad was conscious of their reality, he still wished to fulfil her dreams…
Wish… suddenly his eyes snapped open, remembering word-to-word to his half-mumbled sentence before everything had changed and he had woken up in this dream (nightmare…).
Would it be that easy? –Vlad wondered, sceptical about such childish way, but then he grabbed on it, tight, as ridiculous it sounded, and he'd have literally killed to make her happy. So then, he opened his mouth, already putting together what he wanted to say, and then-
"Won't work." stopped him an abrupt voice, then the owner cleared it. "I set the rules with Desiree. She is not allowed to grant any timeline-altering wishes, unless I allow it." Vlad blinked at the sudden presence of someone else, searching with his eyes immediately to catch the person, but there was no sign of anyone, just a quiet ticking sound was telling someone was definitely there.
A moment passed in silence, making Vlad wondering about if he hallucinated the voice, but then it spoke again. "Clockwork, by the way, Master of Time – though it's rather a given title than a name. Theatrical, isn't it?" Vlad scoffed at the unmistakable enjoying waving of the words, whoever this ghost was – because, based on the invisibility it was undoubtedly an unearthly creature from the other realm –, he clearly was amused by this scenario.
"What do you-?" Vlad started, frustrated by the spectre's presence and mocking.
"Want?" was Vlad interrupted. "From you? Nothing… albeit your stubborn wish created a glitch that didn't suppose to exist. A knot, that tangled the flow of events, blinding me. In short," the ghost took a break. "you scarred the time." well, that definitely sounded like a lecture… but then, the title slipped into his mind, along with the accounting for: Master of Time.
"You can make it back…" Vlad pieced together. "You can change on the time, change on this all." he couldn't tell if it scared him or filled with him hope, but definitely that drew out a way – more like an alternative – after the wish-one. For a short time, the ticking skipped a beat, like the ghost would have been stuck on a thought, but then talked again.
"Yes, I can change on this all." was Vlad's sentence, almost exactly repeated. He didn't have to be a genius, to feel it wasn't an admitting. "But I won't." was it added, not even a second later. "I might be responsible to watch over the timelines, and every single outcome, but on this, I am afraid, I can't do anything. You created it, it's your duty to fix it, and decide." Vlad stunned. Decide what exactly? This or- that? It wasn't an actual question, he could give the answer easily, but-
Suddenly he averted his gaze from the space where he suspected the ghost was floating invisibly – getting on his nerves by that – then he looked back to the woman, gazing at his wife, and gently got out a long curly lock of hair that fell into her face. She seemed so calm, pale, yes, shattered by the tired wrinkles under her closed eyes, and…
"I see you already made your decision." Vlad heard the cursed voice again. He didn't have to guess to know his eyes were burning red, clenching his jaw and fighting inside to not lash out at the ghost, transforming to his other outlook and end the ghost, it that was even possible in case of a timeless existence. Was it really counted as entertainment for him? This?!
"It's not a decision." Vlad spitted.
"No, it really isn't." said the ghost sternly, accompanied by a sound that gave an impression like an old clock would have been adjusted, bored by the current discussion as if it had been something obvious, or expected. "But I am seeing no future over this certain moment, neither in this time or your original one. Just imagine, how it could be to be blind after millennia. Curious, I was for centuries to learn what it caused. Well, it turned out it was just a desperate hybrid's wish, fighting against his true nature, cornering himself to endless suffering than accepting the new him… comical, isn't it?"
It felt harder and harder to hold back and stay unmoved listen to the words, but as much as he loathed hearing it, if this Clockwork could mean the solution from this, then-
"Besides, what happens now, how you decide, is beyond me, I can't see through it, until it happens." defined the being, at the same time out of nowhere a swirling green-ness formed in the air. It was similar to the Proto-Portal, which Vlad had seen many years ago, but this was enough big for anyone to walk through it. "It's either this time or the other one, the knot you created still makes the connection available. But it has to end. Only one could remain."
Vlad swallowed, lost in the neon colour, like an unescapable doom that followed him everywhere. He remembered his time, his muscles still could recall the seizures, the endless days in that hospital room, and reading about his friends' perfect life against his… the ghost was right, he had been desperate, now he could control his other side, but it could be only thanked to Maddie, this Maddie… in that other world, he was nothing but- he was literally nothing… here, now, on the other hand, he had the love of his life, but still-
Suddenly, he put together no matter how he'd choose, what path he'd take, it would turn his heart a stone, destroying by the ghost's words the other time. But then, he took a glimpse at the resting woman, at his Maddie, silently sleeping unaware of another being's presence in the room, only lost in a dream-world her mind created. For a moment, he wondered about the possibilities, about the alternatives, but then, hard, Vlad realised it was out of the question.
He never felt his limbs as heavy as he stood up from the chair, earlier placed beside the hospital bed, to mean support Maddie after the loss... And he never felt more hatred towards anyone – even towards Jack – that now took over his entire body about the ghost.
"I really hope, you are able to see your so cherished future now." Vlad cursed, the sourness and hurt suffocated him from inside as he took a step towards the greenness.
"I do." acknowledged the Master of Time, but not spilling anything else, what it would mean or how things would turn out. But Vlad knew even if the ghost was aware of some outcome, he wouldn't be informed about those. As Vlad disappeared behind the gate between the two realities, he took himself a promise, to somehow, when everything had settled, whatever it would take, he would find Clockwork and claim justice.
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rosaliestark01 · 4 years
Like Father, Like Daughter
Tony Stark x Daughter!Reader & Peter Parker x Stark!Reader
Requested by @ritiizzxxx : Hey I have a request can u do it where reader is Tony Stark's daughter and he has kept her a secret n when she was 15 and graduated from MIT and started creating her own tech then Tony decided to let the world know about her daughter. and also can u add some scenes where she's being sassy and sarcastic my father with all the Avengers.
Warnings: Swearing (maybe more than usual), fluff (kinda), and a bit of violence.
A/N: I’m not 100% sure if this was what you wanted, but I really hope you like it. As usual, I don’t own any GIFs and credit for the GIFs go to owner.
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“Tony Stark, is it true that you have a daughter?”
“Is it Y/N?”
“Is Y/N Vulpine?”
Tony should have known that sending you to college at a young age would have major repercussions. You were already an intern at Stark Industries and after graduating at the top of your class at MIT at only fifteen year years old, he should have know that people would start to suspect something.
You majored in Physics and Engineering, just like him, but you also had a Masters degree in Business and Finance. Obviously, people would make the connections between you and him, but he never expected people to make the connection between you being Vulpine.
“What are you working on?” You looked up from your work station to see your dad walking up to you. 
“Just something that analyzes an opponents fighting style and predicts their next moves and what their weaknesses are,” you say. You knew that you dad had created something similar, but not to exactly like this. 
This automatically analyzes the way an opponent fights and tells you the best way to beat them in any area of combat. It would alert you if their form was ever off and would tell you the best way to use their weaknesses to your advantage.
Yep, you were definitely his daughter.
“I’m planning on installing it into mine and Peter’s suits so that we don’t repeat what happened in Symkaria.”
“What happened in Symkaria?” You freeze, suddenly realizing what you let slip. Your dad wasn’t supposed to know about Symkaria. You and Peter had agreed not to tell anyone about it because they’d probably never send you on a mission to a foreign country again.
“It was a disaster and you don’t want to know.” Your dad seemed to accept that before clearing his throat.
“So, listen. I am so proud of everything you’ve achieved,” he says. “You’re tough, smart, amazing, and-”
“What did you do?” You eyed him suspiciously. He tended to go overboard on compliments whenever he wanted something or did something he wasn’t supposed to. 
“What? Nothing. I was just going to ask how you felt about the public finding out who you really are.”
You thought about it for a second. You were ready to let the world know that you were Y/N Stark, but at the same time, it could cause major problems. Just like how Peter’s made up name is Spider-Man, your is Vulpine. Vulpine was meant to be mysterious, mischievous, and somebody nobody knew anything about. 
It made thing a lot easier when nobody knew who Vulpine was. You didn’t have to worry about people coming after you or your friends. Not that you couldn’t handle it, but the last time somebody found out who you were was a disaster.
“I’m not really sure how I feel about it,” You say thoughtfully.  “I’m nervous that if they find out I’m your daughter that they might find out about me being Vulpine.”
“I know.” You knew that he understood where you were coming from. He had stopped trusting telling people that you were his daughter after someone had tried to use you against him. “I’m nervous about that too.”
“Y/N, the download is complete,” you AI says in a gravelly voice. 
“What was that?” Your dad asks. “Did you make your own AI?” 
“Yes, I did and his name is Cas,” you giggle, knowing that that your dad would know what you were talking about. Modeled the voice exactly like it sounded on TV.
“Like that guy on TV?”
“Yep.” You become serious again, because you needed to turn the topic back to the serious conversation you were having with your dad. “Anyway, before to tell the world that I’m your daughter, we need to figure out how to keep my Avenger identity a secret. People can’t know that Vulpine and I are the same person.”
Your dad had ended up setting up a meeting will all of the available Avengers. That included Clint, Natasha, Steve, Bucky, Sam, and Peter. 
“We could say that Vulpine went on a vacation?” Clint suggests. He earns a few looks from people around the table for suggesting something so out of character for Vulpine to do.
“Why would Vulpine go on a vacation?” Peter speaks up. Out of everyone in the room, Peter knew the most about you and Vulpine. You were partners after all. Besides, Vulpine definitely didn’t seem like the vacation type. 
“I don’t know?”Clint said as he looked at you nervously. “Even mischievous superheros need breaks.”
“Right, because that wouldn’t be suspicious at all,” you say. Around the table you see Nat, Steve, Sam, and Bucky nodding their heads in agreement with you. Under the table, Peter gently squeezes your hand.
“I thought it was a good idea,” Clint pouts.
“What about a look alike?” Peter asks. “While Mr.Stark introduces you as his daughter, we could have a look alike do something on the other side of the city.”
“That could work if we find someone who looks like me”, you say, nodding your head thoughtfully. “Wait a second!”
“Peter, remember when we went to that Fleetwood Mac concert in California?” You ask. Peter smiles as he remembers the time the two of you spent in California. It was good timing because there weren’t any looming threats, Peter’s school was on break, and crime in New York had been pretty nonexistent while you were gone.
Excuse me, but when was this?” your dad asked. You really need to be better at keeping these things from your dad.
“Yeah, and we made clones of ourselves so that nobody would notice we were gone for a whole week!” Peter, ignoring your dad, says excitedly. You couldn’t blame him. You and Peter had a really great week.
“You made clones of yourselves?” Steve finally pipes up.
“They’re more like interactive holograms that we downloaded our daily routine and personalities into.”
“Definitely her father’s daughter.”
“I’ll take that as a compliment,” you smile. 
“Normally, I would ground both of you for running off for a week” Your dad starts.  “but I’m impressed so I’ll let it slide.”
“Peter and I will probably have to go digging through my lab to find them first, but I’m sure we could get them ready.” You look at Peter, making sure he was okay with that.
“Great. You two do that. I’ll go schedule a press meeting.” The meeting pretty much broke up the second your dad left the room. You and Peter walked hand in hand to your lab that was right across from your room. You usually kept it pretty neat and tidy... except for the storage room. 
It took about twenty minutes longer than you expected and Peter had to do most of the heavy lifting, not that you minded.
“I just realized how useful these could be,” you say as you and Peter begin to set up the ones modeled after yourselves. “Just think of all the prank we could pull everyone.”
“They could also be useful on missions. Like decoys,” Peter tells you. You may have graduated college when you were fifteen, but sometimes you wondered who the actual genius in this relationship was.
“Pete, your a genius!”
“Says the girl who graduated from MIT when she was fifteen,” Peter blushes. 
“Says the boy who is way smarter than he let’s on,” you say back to him. Sometimes it was like he didn’t know how smart he really was. You knew for a fact that he is probably smarter than all of his teachers combined.
“Enough flirting! Just find your freaking clones!” Sam yells as he walks past your room. 
“After what happened in Symkaria, I can flirt with whoever I want!” You yell back. Yeah, Symkaria ended up being a disaster, but at least it was the push you and Peter needed to confess your feelings for one another.
“But just me, right?” Peter asks.
“Just you.” You plant a soft kiss on his cheek before the two of you get back to work. 
The next morning, you and Peter sent your “clones” to Brooklyn while you and Peter went to the press conference that your dad had set up. You couldn’t believe how crazy these reporters were asking. It was a lot of one talking right over the other so you couldn’t understand a single thing any of them were saying. Finally, your dad had somehow managed to shut them all up
“You all ask if Y/N is my daughter, and it’s easy to see why.” Your dad gets started on the speech that Pepper had made for him, but then he puts the cards down, planning to talk for himself. “She is gifted, talented, probably smarter than me, and an overall amazing person. She has created tech that I have never even thought of and she’s been an intern at Stark Industries since she was only eight years only. Y/N Stark is my daughter.”
“Is Y/N Vulpine?” a blonde reporter asks. That causes the other reporters to stark buzzing out questions too before your dad quiets them again.
“Y/N is not-” Before he could finish, you spot an all too familiar looking face. Freaking Symkaria.
“Fucking shit!” You say, letting your frustration out before the Symkarian guard pulls out a sword and approached you and your dad with it. Peter tries to stand protectively in front of you (you’re pretty sure he just wants to get back at the guard for what he did) but you push Peter away. He doesn’t have his web shooters or his suit.
Luckily, you were trained by both Nat and Bucky. Each time the guard swung the sword at you, you were able to dodge it with ease. Working around the guard as he kept swinging at you, you sneakily removed his belt. After you had it, you wrapped it around his hand that he held the sword with, effectively causing him to drop his weapon. 
“You will never get away with what you did.” The guard hisses out at you with his German-like accent. “Prince Adonis will have his revenge.”
“Seriously?”You dad asks looking amused. “Whatever happened to ‘the world must never know’”
“That was before I was attacked,” you shrugged. There was no way in hell that people would believe that you and Vulpine were two separate people now. You literally just disarmed a Symkarian guard on live TV. “Would you like to do the honors?” you ask you dad, giving him permission to tell the world.
“The truth is...” he begins but you decided, for dramatic effect, to interrupt him.
“I am Vulpine.”
A/N: Again, I’m still not sure if this was what you wanted, @ritiizzxxx​ , but I hope you still like it.
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pink-literature · 3 years
freer by chisomkanma
In this generation we are freer. We do not appreciate this for our knowledge of the painful past in our heads is shallow. In this generation we are freer. Freer to love who we wish in the shadows of curtains that reflect on the naked bodies intertwined in sweet unison. Freer to dance on the shores and never be considered mad but to be envied for our peace. Freer to bask in our vanity to the point that we earn our livings from it. Freer to diagnose ourselves with the pain that aches our soul and search for cures. Freer to soar to high lengths politically and unite or tear apart the word with our radical thinking. Freer to go against gender idealisms and make for ourselves what we were truly called to be. Freer to scream down the man when he forced us to suck under the tits of restriction and ideals. Freer to go against orders and be made the hero for it. Freer to think past religion and sects and worship ourselves instead.
We never appreciate it. We never know the joys this privilege holds. As I read the histories of the less popular heroes, unlike the known stories of he who made a country independent or he who sailed around the world, I realized we have so much more to be appreciative of. Once upon a time a woman was told she could not be an author in the heart of the Eiffel and fought till her name was heard. Another man had put to jail many a criminal but was never given the recognition because of his colour. A woman stopped the killing of twins in the west of the African plains, going against the crude traditions. The women who faced torture in the behind the bars for they dared to ask for their fundamental right to vote. A couple, white and brown married in the first legal attempt to love. A woman who’s child was stolen from the suckle of her tit because she loved another woman. The poet and writer jailed in the midst of his creative genius for he saw the fair skin of the mature golden haired lad to whom he gave all his love. A married man wore his wife’s dresses in public for the sake of the little game they played for the sake of erotica. Rich history we neglect, distracted by vanity.
So we must remember; when she storms into conference rooms filled with people awaiting her presence and is welcomed with hearty cheers. Her skirt hugging her curves for that is only her choice of cloth. Never taken less serious for we are judged now by what we have to bring to the table and not the way we dress. The toxic masculinity steaming down so the open mindedness of a man shall finally set in and allow him function properly. When she steps up the podium to give a speech to the whole world and it stops for she is loud and proud and her words through the atmosphere resounds.
So we must remember; when he can walk through the world with his hands in his pocket without being shot down for fear he holds a weapon. Abolishing the belief that the darker the skin shade the more the evil that lies in it’s pores. Right now it only seems the darker the skin the more pain and trauma anticipated only for the response of the world. When race is no longer what guides our ways of life. And we all merge into the beautiful colours intentionally created to live in complete unison. As we no longer rate each other by stereotypes but stay restoring our cultures and adapting new ones together as a race and a family. As we no longer put each other at different ends of an incomprehensible food chain and are free to move and dream just for the face that we are human. When we realize there is only once race, the human race.
So we must remember; when she cuts her hair and ties her bosom in a cloth so tight it holds each breath. As he applies the finishing touches to his makeup on his way to work. When we realise that we have the freedom to be whoever we wish to be and appearance, like art, is a way of expressing the true self one chooses to be. As I walk in the store with my sisters and brothers to buy a pair of heels for the party we are to attend. As she decides to go topless to the function.
So we must remember; when we spend weekends where ever we wish for religion is no longer being forced down our throats like hard hot coals. When we flow free through the universe choosing to reverse who ever and whatever we wish. Going to church only to have true connections with our lord. Bowing at the temple for we knelt down on our own accord. Singing at the shrine for the songs of the gods touch our eyes as drops of true satisfaction graze the ground. Or standing still and soaking up the energy of the universe with each breath. For we choose this, it was not passed down to our generation.
So we must remember; when he stands at the corner of the crowded room with loud music playing in the background and his eyes meet the love of his life. When they both meet in the center of the room hand in hand and spun to the beat that played as the crowd cheered in acceptance as it would every couple. When their beards grazed as they went in for the slow dance, the first one they would have. The one they would recall in fond memories to their children and grandchildren for generations to come. The one they would recall at family and friend gatherings as smiles light up the table in imagination of the beautiful story. When they toast to a good life on their wedding day, each of them splashed with the colour of the rainbow.
So we must remember; when they march to the center of the war that the strong headed have irrational spun to fight radical anger with radical peace till all is won. When we come up with treaties that are followed and the new generation war leaders become peace conductors. When each sect drops down the fire and ice to coexist with much pain but too many joys at the end. When head wraps, long garments, and green army cloth are laid down on the floor to dry up all the blood. When the splashes to be heard hitting the concrete could only be the rain and the bangs in the sky heard far and wide is thunder.
So we must remember; as the mutilation stops and the education drops. When the girls with covered hair sit with smiles on their faces to learn what is said in school. All sexes with hands held reading the texts for the words taught. When the abduction of fellow man starts only for the reason that they are another culture. When world domination is not the only goal and we only wish to live sweet lives in body and in soul.
So we must remember; when the words flow from the tips of her fingers. Vigorously typing whatever she feels without fear of what the elders would think for she is free from their scorn and backward ways. They only scorn with jealously for they wish they had only realized this freedom sooner. As she goes on to publish best sellers of collections of thoughts that everyone believes in. As she is the medium of expression for many who stay afraid, quiet and silent. She knows nothing lurks in the shadows but a better tomorrow where freedom is even freer and our ideologies do not stop us from achieving true peace.
So we must appreciate our freedom for what it is worth. Be thankful to our ancestors for what it cost. And with all this beauty we shall soon burst. And peace and unity to all the world.
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spcncershybrid · 4 years
Misunderstanding-Spencer Reid Imagine PART ONE
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(Summary: When your brother Elijah comes back to share some news a certain genius can take it the wrong way especially when you haven’t told him your family background.)
Spencer Reid X Fem!Mikaelson!Reader
(A/N: The case portion is not the best. I'm sorry I gave up halfway writing it that’s why it’s so rushed. Also I created an instagram account for this blog!)
I walk into the bullpen greeting JJ and Penelope as I head over to my desk. I look onto my desk to see a giant bouquet of roses sitting on top of it with a small card. “Awe did Spence get you those?” JJ says, placing her hands on her face as she gushes about the flowers. “There’s a card, read it. Don’t keep us in the dust.” Penelope says getting closer. ‘-Hope you're free soon. E.M’ I read on the card. “Who’s E.M?” JJ asks. “I have no clue.” I lie as I shove the card into my desk. Why would Elijah send me flowers? “Why are you all gathered so secretively?” I hear Spencer say as he gets closer to us, tugging at his bag. “Your girlfriend has a secret admirer boy wonder.” Penelope says excitedly. “No I don’t Pen.” I say glaring at her playfully. Spencer shifts uncomfortably. I walk over to him giving him a peck on the cheek. “Don’t worry about it.” I whisper to him. He looks down at me smiling softly. He really shouldn’t worry seeing as the flowers are from my brother who the whole BAU has no clue about. I hear footsteps walking over to us and someone clear their throat. “Case?” I say smiling as I turn around to face Hotch. He nods as we all follow behind him. “Agent Mikaelson nice flowers by the way.” Hotch says, smiling, breaking his cold demeanor. I shove my head into my hands laughing as I sat down in the debriefing room. “I heard our fav BAU girly got flowers, kid how do you feel?” Derek says walking in putting his things down. Spencer grumbles an answer before Penelope gives us all our files. “Okay my fine superheroes our case today is just at our backdoor in Mystic Falls, Virginia.” Penelope says walking to the board with her remote. “Ten bodies were found burned and scattered in the Mystic Falls Cemetery.” Penelope says confused. She flips through the crime scene photos. “A cemetery really?” JJ questions as the outside photos appear. Now I can guess why Elijah sent the flowers. I pull out my phone and text Elijah. 
-I can see the occasion the flowers were needed for.
-Sorry for the dire circumstances whenever you are available I can pick you up
I place my phone back into my pocket as the team continues talking and creating theories on the case.
We all enter the jet grabbing our usual in air items for the small flight. I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket. I place my water and chips down as I head over to the back far away from the team. “Yes?” I say answering the phone. “This conversation will continue in person but our dearest mother is back.” Elijah’s voice says through the phone. “Really?” I questioned not expecting my suspicions to be true. “How is everyone else?” I ask. “They’re adjusting and creating a plan when you land tell me.” Elijah says back. “How’d you know I was flying?” I ask, smiling slightly. “Some may say our family has marvelous hearing.” He says. I hum in response. “I’ll tell you when I land. Bye.” I say quickly as I see Spencer walk over with my drink and chips. “Who was that?” He asks as he hands me my things. “No one Spence, it isn’t really important.” I say smiling at him. “Want to cuddle? I know you sometimes hate quick landings?” He asks, sitting down next to me. He raises his arm and I immediately cuddle into his side smiling. “Awe they are so dang cute.” I hear Emily whisper over to JJ. “I know right.”  JJ whispers back smiling. I smile softly at their words although they weren't meant for my ears. I feel Spencer kiss the top of my head. “Stop.” I say softly. “I can’t reach your forehead at this angle so next best thing.” He says laughing.  
We head over to the sheriff’s station and are greeted by Elizabeth. “Hi, welcome to Mystic Falls BAU team. I’m Sheriff Elizabeth Forbes.” She says greeting us. “Hi I am SSA Hotchner. These are SSA Rossi, Jareau, Prentiss, Mikaelson, and Morgan. This one is Dr. Spencer Reid.” Hotch introduces us all.  She leads us to a room to set up our things and exits the room. “You do know this may be supernatural.” I say exiting the room, walking over to her. “Of course.” She says smiling at me. “My family will get to the bottom of it secretly.” I say smiling back. “I heard a bunch of stories about the Mikaelson family. You don’t seem ruthless.” She says tilting her head. “Well I can control my bloodlust and before I was turned I was considered the nicest in our village. Without my humanity can be a different story.” I say matter of factly walking to the room with my team. I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket before I enter the room. “Hello?” I question. “Lovely my older sister!” I hear Rebekah’s voice exclaim through the line. “Bekah? What do you need first Elijah now you. Let me guess Kol is coming next.” I say laughing slightly. “Who’s Y/N talking to?” I hear Spencer’s voice say. “Look Rebekah, I have to go, I have a case.” I say quickly. “In Mystic Falls I presume.” She says. “Yes I’m guessing it was mother. Elijah said he’ll fill me in later. Now can I please get back to my job.” I say hanging up the phone. I walk into the room catching the eyes of the team. “Sorry about that my cousin is...apartment sitting.” I lie. “Do we have anything to go off on about the case?” I switch the subject quickly to not get more questions asked. “Well Garcia is running some background information on the bodies. Only two were identified.” Derek says eyeing me. “That’s great.” I say looking at the information. “We're just about to interview the identified people’s families.” Derek says standing up. JJ and Spencer follow him out. “So who really was that?” Emily asks me as the door closes. “I don’t know what you're talking about Em.” I tell her looking away from her. “If you say so but please don’t hurt Spence in the process.” She says. “I won’t Em trust me all of you have it wrong.” I say placing some pins on the board. She hums and turns to the board placing her own things on it. Emily’s phone starts ringing. “Yes Garcia.” She answers. “Okay I’ll put you on speaker.” She says pulling her phone away from her ear, placing it on the table. “Okay girlies so, I already told the rest of the team but we have a lead on a guy named Damon Salvatore. Someone tipped him off as a low level arsonist. The team is headed to his house but they said you guys are closer to him.” Penelope says then hangs up the phone. Damon? Really? Who got him involved? “You coming?” Emily says peeking her head through the door vest in hand.
“Damon Salvatore! FBI!” Emily says, knocking on the door. “I’ll head to the back .” I tell Emily as I sneak to the back. “Okay Damon I know you can hear me.” I whisper. “Can you tell me why the feds are at my door” I hear him whisper back. “My family is having some issues. I guess you were framed, or someone got compelled but take the fall then I’ll help compel you out.” I whisper back. “Why am I not surprised.” Damon whispers. “Just do it Damon.” I whisper, scolding him slightly. I hear the door bust down and my team's footsteps echo around the house. I enter through the back meeting Damon’s blue eyes. “Let me arrest you.” I whisper. He rolls his eyes and turns around. I quickly cuff him and exit the home handing him over to Sheriff Forbes. “Your family owes me.” I hear Damon whisper. “Yeah yeah.” I whisper back heading into the FBI van. We make it back to the sheriff's station with Damon being held by Sheriff Forbes. “When we leave you can compel them.” I say walking towards him. “Of course. Tell Barbie Klaus I said hi.” He says, smirking slightly. I nod and walk over to my team as we all gather our things to head to the jet. 
We all walk into the bullpen setting our stuff down at our desks. I see Spencer swiftly type something into his phone before shoving it back into his pocket before exiting the bullpen. “Delivery for a Y/N Mikaelson.” I hear a guy’s voice say from behind me. I look over to see a man holding a bouquet of orchids. I see the team clasping their hands together looking excited. Next time I see Elijah I will end him. I walk up to the delivery guy and stare into his eyes. “Whoever sent these flowers you will return them and tell the person I didn’t want them.” I say compelling him. The delivery boy exits the room with the flowers. I hear my phone ding. Think of him he shall message. Great Elijah again.
-I’m outside
-I’ll be there now Elijah
I grab my bag and exit the room making my way to the elevator. I head down and step outside being greeted by my brother's car. “Stop sending me flowers this morning was enough Elijah.” I say opening his car door. “I didn’t send any after this morning.” He says looking towards me. “Then who sent them.” I say confused shoving my bag into the car. “My guess it’s him.” Elijah says pointing behind me. “Y/N!” I hear Spencer exclaim as he holds orchids and my phone in his hand. I hesitate slightly looking at Spencer. “First it was the flowers then the secretive texts and calls. Is that him?” Spencer says running a hand through his hair. “What?” I asked confused. “Is he the reason you sent my flowers back?” Spencer questions shoving the flowers in Elijah direction. “That was you?” I ask piecing together the situation. He messaged the flower delivery guy while we were all in the bullpen. “Don't act like you didn’t know you told the delivery guy to give it back!” Spencer says, raising his voice. “If we leave now we can make it.” I hear Elijah say stepping out of the car. “Make it where Y/N.” Spencer's voice cracks slightly as tears pools his eyes. “I can’t say where Spencer.” I tell him sadly. I can’t tell him about my mother; she'll probably kill him. “If you get in that car don’t bother coming back.” Spencer says walking to me, handing me my phone. I hesitate looking between him and the car door. Elijah steps back into the car. “Sorry Spencer.” I whisper, grabbing my phone. I step into the car and shut the door leaving Spencer standing at the sidewalk. Elijah starts to drive off turning up the music slightly. I look at the side mirror seeing Spencer throw the flowers in the car's direction and drop to his knees. My heart breaks at the sight. I broke his heart. “You and your boyfriend seem to be in the middle of a huge misunderstanding.” Elijah says breaking the silence. “Should I just come clean and tell him?” I ask, sighing heavily as I look out the window. “Do you love him?” Elijah asks, looking towards me. “Yes but I never told him about our family and us being the originals. This whole mess makes me want to skip town and just let him have a normal life without me Elijah.” I say looking at him. “If you love him and trust him, tell him. I envy your semi-normal life, we all made a vow to each other but you still managed to live your life.” Elijah confessed as he stared back to the road. “Yeah well thinking and acting mortal doesn’t necessarily make me one.” I say sadly as an unknown tear slips out. I hear multiple beeps go off from my phone indicating a bunch of messages.
Pen: What did you do to Boy Wonder?
JJ: What happened between you and Spence?
Derek: Did you and kid have a fight?
Emily: What did you do??
Hotch: What happened between you and Reid?
I shut off my phone sighing at the influx of messages. What the hell did I do?
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