#whoa. /vpos
koduflower2000 · 9 months
WHOA /vpos /lh
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@sillyosclover :D
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whoa our post blew up whats it at? 100+ notes? you have no idea how happy that makes us /vpos
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Something Small Part 4
except it’s probably not small bc its 1am my anxiety is wack and I’m losing the plot bc of it, anyway
So in MC universe, there’s this thing where every almost single player will always have a type of death that hurts them the most. It can be from very common deaths like anything fall damage related to somewhat specific like burning to death whilst fighting another player/mob. It does get a little bit funky when things like cave spiders, witches, withers and ect get brought into the mix though. Anyway! There is a tendency for a lot of people to claim that they don’t have “one”, and for it to immediately break out into argument. It tends to be dismissed on the claims of “it probably isn’t here yet/or happened yet” or just out right lying. It’ll also piss off the people who believe that the Painful Deaths are meant to be reminders to Players that just because they respawn, doesn’t mean they’ll respawn forever and that one day they will have a Final Death and finally meet Lady Death. It’s also believed, somewhat on the flip side(? Kinda like a branch off ig?), that the deaths are meant to be Her way of ‘telling’ Players to rest.
Painful Deaths are strenuous as HELL on Player code/data. Unlike a regular deaths, you essentially have a coin flips chance of respawning with some sort of injury from it. And if there’s still no physical injury? Still have to deal with the leftover echos of pain from it, not to mention forms of fatigue and exhaustion. It’s not uncommon for someone to experience their Painful Death and then to crash for upwards of a week after the fact. Not including if they die from it repeatedly. Oh and forgot to mention, potions will not work in repairing these injuries; You actually have to rest and actually bandage them an shit. That’s also kinda fed into the ideas of “when you experience your Final Death, it will be in the form of your Painful Deaths” and “If you experience your Painful Deaths too much, you’ll experience a Final Death”.
Now, otherwise, the way a Players code chooses its Painful Deaths is kinda unknown. For some, it will be stemmed from trauma, it’ll be based of fears, some hybrid based thing (like water and endermen), and for others it’s nonsense. A player can (unfortunately) have multiple. Also experiencing Painful Deaths too much, while having a chance of leading to Final Death, can also lead to permanent injury if you’re not careful. Whether from stressing the code out too much, or from being an idiot and not resting afterwards. Also, think of the chances of not having a Painful Death similar to that of never having a headache in your lifetime.
Okay, so back to LifeSteal because I kinda just went fucking crazy w/ the world building and lost the plot(again).
Because of how strenuous Painful Deaths are on the body and the fact that they can lead to permanent injuries and potentially disabling a person, there are rules around it, which are taken seriously. Intentionally causing Painful Deaths to another Player on the server is a BIG Fuckin No-No and will lead to consequences like a serious talking to and bans. While it will mostly be accepted as okay if something happens in the heat of battle and or on accident, it’s still an accepted policy that the two players talk it out and that the heart (generally) gets returned to the injured Player. Parrot will not mess around with things like Painful Deaths, as he tends to lean into the more ‘religious’ mindset that even one Painful Death has a chance of being someone’s Final Death. Painful Deaths will actually be talked about at the beginning of each season, to remind and let Players new and old, what someone’s Painful Death is and to also let others know if they found out mid (or outside of) season what it is.
And a small list of painful deaths, because I haven’t figured everything out quite yet:
Zam’s is things related with Withers (-minus the skeletons). While withering normally feels like hell, if Zam gets hit with it from a wither, he swears it’s 20 times worse. Whether he dies from withering away or from an actual wither blast, he’ll normally have to deal with a combination of either cold pain, numbness, or straight up no sensation in his limbs or chest, on top of any potential broken bones from the blasts. He learned this at the end of Season 2, and while managing to hold it together during the fights, ended up passing out afterwards. Even if it didn’t actually kill him, he was still out for quite a bit and in agony for awhile afterwards.
Branzy’s is just regular tnt, however he doesn’t remember it. They don’t even remember mentioning it to the other members at the beginning of Season 3. They were in for a hell of a surprise when they died to Ro’s tnt, much less when Ro apologized for it and gave the heart back later on. Branzy, while definitely having some issues with pain, had more issues with dissociation and such after the fact. Accidentally or not, cheating death still has consequences
Clown’s is dripstone. It was not happy to learn about this. And is one of the reasons why it wants to get back at Zam and Vitalasy so bad. Petty or not, it did use its time spent resting plotting how to get back at them. Per its own words: “they didn’t know, which is fair, I didn’t either; however it still hurt like hell and hey! It’s content”. It has said that the pain feels red hot and that it feels like there’s still bits of stone imbedded within its leg despite (luckily) no physical injury. It definitely still had some leg issues after the fact though.
Not so sure about Parrot, I am thinking something kinetic energy related cuz bird.
McClutch is an odd bag. I can’t decide between the death being so hyper specific that it’s almost impossible to get or him actually not having a painful death.
And for the others, I haven’t ‘found’ one yet that actually works or fits. It’ll come eventually though (… or not. I procrastinate like a mfer).
I also apologize if there’s any large gaps between the paragraphs?? I don’t know if that’s just some sorta visual bug on my end or if it’s actually still going to appear when I send this in. Also if there’s any typos. Either way. If you could please give me an anon name or something, I’d greatly appreciate,,, but uh I started writing this at 1:10 AM, it’s now 3:40AM. Imma head out-
That’s it, that’s the ask!
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