foodforthoughttarot · 4 months
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My first attempt at making a spread. What does anyone think?
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foodforthoughttarot · 4 months
Just picked up the Tarot of Dragons and I'm super irritated. 1- for such a huge box, these are quite small cards, and they're a little on the flimsy side too. And 2- the Fool and the King of Swords, so the first and last cards in the deck, must have been warped slightly by the packaging. They split the deck and stand out clear as day.
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Anyone have tips on how to fix this? Do I just put them under something really heavy for a while and hope for the best? Sigh.
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foodforthoughttarot · 4 months
Everyone who plays around with Tarot cards long enough winds up with a “bad” card that they love. I just barely persuaded my husband not to get the Ten of Swords tattooed on his body; traditionally, it shows a corpse with ten swords stuck in their body and means “utter ruin,” but he thought that if it took ten swords to kill you, then you must have put up a pretty good fight.
honestly this is the most badass ten of swords interpretation i've ever heard.  i'm stealing this
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foodforthoughttarot · 4 months
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In love with this spread I pulled as food for thought today. Some days it's a real challenge to get the cards to work together, but this one is a dream. Made me spend the day considering how I can be a better friend to my partner, asking myself to be brutally honest about whether our division of labor in the household is fair and how I might be difficult when I don't need to be.
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foodforthoughttarot · 4 months
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King of wands / Eight of pentacles / The sun
King of wands in the first position two days in a row? Weird, but the shuffle will do what the shuffle will do.
Hard work gets boring. It's not a dramatic training montage set to music, it doesn't move at the pace it feels like it should, sometimes the rewards are way further out than it seems like they ought to be. Often it doesn't even give you the dignity of feeling like hard work that you can feel heroic about- it really can just get boring.
It's easy to feel like if we just find the right hobby we won't have to go through all that effort. Find the one thing you're magically good at, the one thing that's easy, and it's all smooth from there on. But even if you find what you're good at, what you're passionate about, the hard work is going to find you somewhere in the middle and you'll have to buckle down.
Oh, but it's worth it. It's worth it! There's a certain kind of joy that only comes from sticking it out for a long time. There's a well earned sunbeam waiting for you on the other side.
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foodforthoughttarot · 4 months
Welcome to 'I have opinions about cards' Episode One
Today we have the Golden Art Nouveau tarot.
Let's start with some nice positive feedback.
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Heck yeah The Sun, look how happy this kid is! Look how pretty the horse! How absolutely bursting with golden sunshine the whole image is. Kid even has a jangly anklet for extra joy. A+ love it.
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Seven of Cups. Ok, firstly, I love the little dragon, he's great. But... The cup in the back center? With the light source behind it? I'm sorry, I cannot take this spooky little ghost in a sheet situation seriously. I thought it was a mushroom at first but no, spooky sheet ghost.
Kudos for accuracy, I demand RWS accuracy in my decks, I know this deck didn't invent the spooky sheet ghost. Nonetheless I cannot keep a straight face.
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Judgement. Points for sense of grandeur and scale! Very lovely! But the lady in the back center IS doing some kind of interpretative dance. Maybe that's the first thing I would do if I was raised from the dead too, I don't know.
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foodforthoughttarot · 4 months
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King of wands/ The star/ Three of wands
We have a great amount of fire and creative potential here- mature and competent on one side, fledgling and determined on the other. In the center, connecting the two: hope.
It's almost impossible to get from where you are to where you want to be without hope, and it's so painfully easy to become dispirited in this world. But if you get there, if you become stronger and more experienced, you can do more to help the people around you. Hold on to hope, to your dreams and ideals. It's worth it. It's the only way forward.
Why yes I do love hopepunk, why do you ask.
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foodforthoughttarot · 4 months
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I love this deck, but it is hard to photograph! The cards are so glossy that every little bit of light reflects off them.
The fool/Eight of cups/Eight of wands
We have a lot of energy here, but where is it going? On a journey- an important one that makes big, fearless changes.
The Fool here is walking away from something that seems good enough in search of something even better, and he's walking with confidence and faith that it will work out. How have you been where the Fool is here? Do you need to walk away from something that seems good enough because you can do even better? Do you need to rev yourself up with energy and go for it? What safety net do you have waiting to catch you when you step off that cliff- confidence in your skills, friends and family who will be there for you, or maybe the support of your faith?
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foodforthoughttarot · 4 months
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Nine of pentacles/Page of wands, Ten of swords/Knight of cups
Have you gotten into a rut anywhere in your life? Maybe you earned your way here by fighting tooth and nail, so you feel like you have to keep it because you fought so hard for it. But eventually anything can grow stagnant even if it was all fire and energy in the beginning.
Ask yourself where your heart and emotions are now, what you feel passionate about now. Give yourself a talking to- what needs to be let go of, even if it hurts, and where does your heart lead you next?
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foodforthoughttarot · 4 months
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There is such a thing as caring too much, being too passionate about a project or a person. Are you going overboard, stressing yourself out? Fixating?
Don't underestimate the power of a plan and help from friends. Take a step back, look over your situation. Ask someone you trust for help in getting a clear eyed view. Make a plan about how you can approach your project or that person and stop being so consumed with emotion that you lose sleep and sanity.
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foodforthoughttarot · 4 months
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Are you holding on to something that hurt you instead of letting it go? You can't move on until you stop overthinking it and wiggling the pain like a loose tooth. Change and new life wait on the other side, they do, honest they do. There will be a new dawn. But if you want to get there you have to stop reopening the wound by dwelling on it.
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foodforthoughttarot · 4 months
I'm finding myself desperate for a non-woo, non-supernatural tarot community, and if you can't find a community anywhere all you can do is start to make it yourself, right?
Maybe someday if this blog collects a few followers we can start a discord or something.
What I believe about tarot:
*can help you understand yourself
*can help you reflect on a problem in new ways
*cannot tell you what someone else is thinking
*cannot tell you what will happen in the future
If you feel the same, good news, we're friends now. Pleased to meet you.
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