#whoa finally a doodl
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remitoffee · 11 months ago
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did those ears suit his highness?? 🐰🥰
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yikesharringrove · 6 months ago
Billy's always loved libraries.
He fucking loves books, has since he was a little kid.
But he just loves everything about them.
In California, he loved the air conditioning. He loved the fact he could find some random corner and not have to go home for hours and hours. He loved that he could read whatever he wanted for free. He loved that if he didn't actually take it home with him, his dad couldn't give him shit for the books he read at an alarming pace.
In Hawkins, it was a place to hide.
Nobody expected Billy Hargrove to be tucked away in the very back of the library, his nose in a book.
And to be fair, he hadn't expected Steve Harrington to be in the library, either.
Billy didn't even know his name the first time he saw him.
Steve had a cart next to him, and was reshelving books, humming quietly to himself.
Billy was fresh to Hawkins, and all he knew was that this town was shitty, and that boy was absolutely beautiful.
In a few days, when he was finally enrolled at the high school, he learned the boy's name.
Steve Harrington.
The stories about him were so different than Billy expected. The tales of the wild party boy, the wannabe bully with a short fuse and a shitty right hook.
Everything he had seen in the library was contradictory to everything he now knew.
Steve wasn't much of a presence at school. He was quiet in his classes, often daydreaming out of the window, or doodling sleepily on his meager notes.
Billy sat one row beside and two seats behind him in calculus, and he had noticed the large red grades at the top of each of his assignments. The low scores and the come see me! scrawled in the teacher's writing.
His ineptitude at school fit somewhere in the middle of the two Steves Billy had come to think about.
Mean party animal Steve didn't care about school. Didn't study and smirked at failing grades.
Library worker Steve blinked tears out of his eyes and stayed behind in class to explain to the teacher I promise, I studied so hard. I don't know what happened, I studied every night last week.
Billy had decided, he liked both versions of Steve. He liked the one with a snarl on his lips and a glint in his eye when Tommy H. said something fucking stupid. He liked the one who showed kids to the childrens' section with a soft smile and gave them a high five when they found a book to check out.
It took a few days for Steve to become aware of the shadow in the library, following his every move as he went through his shift.
The new guy at school. Billy Hargrove.
Metal head lady killer. Who gets into fights and flirts with everyone with a pair of tits.
Who sits in the library and reads Emily Bronté.
He smiled at Steve when they first made eye contact across the reference desk, and Steve thinks he must be imagining the wink thrown his way.
Billy had spread out on one of the desks near the back, his calculus textbook open, notes strewn about.
They had a test the following day that Billy was studying for.
Steve had kinda already accepted the failing he was probably going to earn.
But maybe...
Steve's shift is up in half an hour.
Luckily, Billy stayed put where he was, Walkman headphones over his ears, pouring over notes and example problems.
Steve knocked on the table top like a dork.
Billy looked up at him, and whoa, his eyes are so blue. He pulled his headphones down.
"Hi, uh, Billy, right?" Steve's face felt hot, but Billy just nodded. "Um, we're in the same calculus class-"
"I know. I've noticed you in there."
Steve rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly.
"Yeah. Well. I suck as math, and-"
"Do you want to study with me?"
And Billy liked the look on Steve's face. The eye-crinkled grateful smile. It was in between the Steves he knew. It was kind, but he laughed at himself easily.
"Thanks, man. I appreciate it. I mean, I'm stupid at calculus."
"Nah," Steve liked the way Billy brushed off Steve's insecure commentary. "This shit is hard. You wanna do some practice problems?"
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merakiui · 14 days ago
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skully j. graves x (female) reader cw: nsfw, retail au, smoking, modern au (no magic), cheesy workplace romance, may be ooc (some creative liberties were taken for various aspects of skully's character and may not align with characteristics shown in tnbc event), characters written as 18+ note - skully returns for another season of work at fellow honest's halloween store. is this the year he finally musters the courage to confess to his cherished coworker, or is it going to be another year spent with his nose buried in his poetry journal? // split into three parts due to size. read part one and part two.
Fellow saves everyone from the nail-biting tension by not scheduling you and Skully together, which takes the duo out of his prized Dynamic Duo. Now you’re just a disaster. Skully doesn’t fade into obscurity, though. Rather, he’s ever-present in your thoughts. You think about him when you drag yourself down the halls at school, occasionally sticking your head into the drama club or the music room in hopes of spotting him. You’re not sure why. You’ve never had anything to do with either of those spaces, but now you’re haunting them like a pesky poltergeist in search of something just out of your grasp.
That’s what it feels like to have this cavern open up between you and him. As if you’re confined to separate worlds. You dwell in the realm of the dead and Skully exists in flesh. It’s impossible to cross paths like this.
No one seems to know of him either, which makes him seem more cryptid than he actually is. When you interrupt a drama club meeting with, “Which one of you nerds knows Skully J. Graves?” they blink owlishly at you.
You’re beginning to think he really is the ghost and you’re actually the living person.
You’ve considered visiting him during one of his shifts, but then you’d be no better than Salad Fingers.
This is so lame. Why do I care so much? I shouldn’t, you think, scrolling on your phone while Rollo does inventory for Fellow. You search for Skully’s number before remembering you never exchanged contact information.
“Your moping is bringing sales down.” Fellow raps his cane against the linoleum to get your attention.
“I’d argue it’s bringing in more business. Not often the customers get to see me without my usual swag.”
“That’s what she’s calling it?” Rollo mutters from behind his clipboard.
“Miss (Name), it pains me to see you in such a tizzy. Skully hasn’t been any better, I assure you.”
You perk up at the mention of him. “What does he say? Does he talk about me? Does he hate me? Should I disappear forever and never return to this town?”
“Whoa, whoa! Where is this coming from? Honestly, the youth are so complicated nowadays.” It’s a whack from Gidel’s hammer that sets Fellow straight. “Ahem! Right. What I meant to say was that it’s obvious this situation is causing a fair bit of trouble for both of you. These conditions limit your ability to work as you normally would. As your boss, I should only intervene when it’s truly detrimental, but as someone with a brain I think we’d all benefit from a quick solution to this mess.”
“Believe me—if I could wave my magic wand and fix this, I would. But we can’t just kiss and make up. I hurt his feelings.” You run your finger over your phone and catch your shattered expression in the cracked screen. “No amount of apologizing can undo that.”
“You ought to know he asks after you.”
“No, he doesn’t.”
“It’s true,” Rollo adds. “Incessantly.”
“Why?” When all three of them look at you like it couldn’t be more obvious, you throw your arms up. “No one answer that. I’ll take you out back and curb you if you do.”
“I won’t speak on Skully’s behalf, but I believe it’s rational to assume he would never want you to disappear.”
“And he certainly wouldn’t hate you. Goodness, I don’t think that boy has the heart to harbor hate.”
“No, he does. He definitely does,” comes your and Rollo’s swift correction.
Gidel opens to a page in his notebook, where he’s doodled you and Skully holding hands in a heart. It reminds you of the flower wreath, which still resides on your desk even though the flowers are beginning to curl up and wilt.
You groan and slump in your chair, arms hanging limply at your sides. “Halloween’s in two weeks! If I can’t find some way to make it up to him, he’s gonna spend his favorite holiday sad and miserable.”
“Heartbreak isn’t something you can simply mend with goodwill. It’s a process. You heal over time.” Melancholy descends on Rollo’s face. You get the feeling he’s weathered the woes of a broken heart before. If anyone understands loss, it’s Rollo Flamme.
He loves me and I crushed him.
“You don’t think I gave him false hope, do you?”
“You couldn’t have known.”
“Even though it was as clear as glass to anyone looking in,” Fellow murmurs, and you choose to ignore that. “Well, what’s done is done. Cliché as it sounds, you can only move forward from here.”
You lift yourself off the chair and stretch. “I’ll grab the broom and get to sweeping.”
“Don’t bother. We won’t do all of that tonight.”
“Ooh, looks like someone was bitten by the bug of benevolence. How sweet.”
Fellow chuckles and collects the completed inventory from Rollo. “You’re free to go. I’ll see you tomorrow. And, Miss (Name), try to get some sleep.”
Immediately, you open the camera on your phone to check for any noticeable signs of sleep deprivation. Finding none, you scowl at Fellow.
“Not funny. I actually thought you were being serious.”
“But you checked.”
“That she did,” Rollo notes with a small grin.
“Because you—ugh. You could’ve just said my shoes are untied.” You click past the both of them in your Mary Jane pumps. “What does it matter if I’m losing sleep?”
“Are you?” 
“I’m not. Shut up.”
You’ll bury yourself alongside the worms and maggots before you confide in them about your recent sleepless nights, each one punctuated with a replay of your fight with Skully and all the ways it could’ve gone differently had you just been honest.
There are two sides to your honesty: the lies that can pass as the truth and the actual truth—the truth you were keen to shelve ever since it cropped up.
The truth that feels a little like the onset of…
You won’t dwell on it or the profound consequence it has on tonight’s dreams.
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You’d praise the convenience that is small town logic if it applied to Skully. In this foothill town enshrouded in trees and mountain peaks, everyone knows everyone. Students only have one choice for university, and it’s a dinosaur-aged institution that’s probably seen every era and more with countless graduating classes having been fostered in its brick walls. If you’re searching for someone, you shouldn’t have to look very far. Inevitably, you’ll stumble upon someone who knows someone who knows someone who can get you into contact with that person. Everyone’s stapled into the paper chain here.
Everyone except Skully, apparently. 
It continues to baffle you that no one—not even any of the students in his classes or club—knows of his existence.
“Skully J. Graves,” you stress to the head of the drama club, who stares absently in reply. “He’s literally in your club. White hair, glasses, tall, kinda nerdy but overall really sweet. Does any of that ring a bell?”
When you’re met with silence from him and the rest of the club, you smack your hand against your face and groan. “Jack Skellington.”
A murmur of collective consideration sweeps through the group.
“You mean that weird guy who keeps to himself?” a girl pipes up.
You give her a censorious look. “You’re gonna hafta be more specific, girlfriend. You’re naming, like, a decent chunk of the school’s population.” 
“Always has his face in his books,” another offers. “Not really friendly, that one. Definitely on the quiet side.”
“And he’s usually scribbling stuff in a journal during club meetings, right?” a third student asks.
“Yes!” You clap. “That’s my guy!”
“Ohh, you’re talking about Halloweenie,” the head of the drama club says, snapping his  fingers once the descriptions finally click.
You’ve known Skully to go by all kinds of nicknames at the shop: Skulls, Skeleton, my boy, and (from snotty Salad Fingers), Prince of Darkness. This one, however, is brand-new. You don’t need a thesaurus to get the general gist of the meaning behind that self-explanatory name.
“What do you want with him?”
Apple-red lips curl up into an impish grin, and you lift your finger in shush. “It’s a secret.”
“Well, good luck finding him,” he says with a snort. “Halloweenie’s practically a ghost when he isn’t working on props for the shows. He could be anywhere on campus.”
The rest of the club confirm this with mechanical nods. It’s so synced it’s almost like they’re a group of mind-controlled marionettes.
I can’t believe none of these losers know where Skulls is.
You remember browsing the drama club’s website with Rollo. Skully was noted as an ordinary stagehand there. Once more, it seems like fate is having a grand time keeping the two of you apart. Maybe it’s better that way. Maybe you don’t deserve a friend like Skully.
Before you can sink into self-deprecation, you whirl towards the door. 
“You come by looking for Halloweenie a lot, y’know,” a member accuses, arms folded like some hard-boiled detective. “You into him?”
What the fuck? Why is everyone assuming that?
“Nooo—oh, hey! What’s this?” You point to the poster pasted on the door. The words Drama Club Presents: A Thrilling Tale of Treacherous Love and Music! are printed in fancy font above an infamous mask. “Is this what you’re putting on for this year?”
“For Christmas, yes. It was either that or an actual Christmas play. Like ‘A Christmas Carol’ or something equally festive. Majority wanted the charming and dangerous Opera Ghost.”
“Good taste. So where can I audition?”
“Can you sing?”
“In the shower.”
“Can you act?”
“What is life if not the stage we play on?” you counter, stealing a philosophical page from your boss’s book of esoteric wisdom.
The head of the drama club isn’t impressed. To be honest, you’re not either. An actor’s life is not for you.
“Why? No offense, (Name), but you’ve never been interested in us or the work we do. You’ve gotta have passion and soul to put yourself on that stage—something you so clearly lack. If you’re only doing it for Halloweenie—”
“That stings, Prez. And here I was ready to dazzle my way to stardom.”
“Sure.” He rolls his eyes. “If you have no other business with us, have a good day.”
Are all the presidents in this school hard-asses?
Sensing your presence is no longer welcome, you wink and take your leave.
Now left to aimlessly wander the halls, you think back on Skully’s lamentations from before: I was all alone before you moved here—nothing more than a quiet, transparent existence.
You know what that’s like because that’s exactly how you lived when you were growing up. There is no trick to surviving the devils of childhood. You just have to hope that if you’re silent enough they’ll leave you alone. Because hiding beneath the covers only works when they’re figments of your imagination. When they’re very real and oh-so-tangible, they can dismantle the seemingly impenetrable blanket fortress you put so much faith in.
If you lived as a ghost back there, then this dreary town was your resurrection.
Perhaps she, sitting solitary on her throne, is lonely just like me.
Skully was right. As it happens there is no truth in being accessible to everyone in your infamously obnoxious, effervescent way. You’ve built yourself up on flowery lies—a faux Spider Queen who isn’t so venomous as she’d like everything to believe. The (Name) who smiles and flirts, who holds every bed partner at arm’s length because she’s too scared to let them into her embrace, is a phony.
The Spider Queen is scared of loving and being loved.
That’s why she strings everyone up in her web, never letting them know what hides beyond gossamer strands woven so meticulously thick.
Because once they start to disassemble her messy masterpiece they’ll see its flaws and insecurities woven into unmistakable patterns.
Get it together, (Name). No way were you about to throw yourself into a school play all for some guy! Be more swag and less dramatic.
But just as you admonish yourself with that, a discordant note rings out. You failed to realize you were traversing random halls until now, where you find yourself in a desolate corner of the building, just outside the music room. Shaken from your self-doubt, you peek into the room out of plain curiosity…and immediately come to regret it when you spot a familiar head of white hair.
His back is turned to you, head bowed, and he plays according to the sheet music propped in front of him. You linger in the doorway to listen and it hits you then—what he’s playing.
A piano rendition of “The Music of The Night.”
Transfixed, you allow yourself to creep in closer. The soft, soulful melody lulls you into a state of serenity. Watching him and his fingers waltz along the keys, you can’t help but feel like you’ve missed your chance. What that chance might’ve been, you don’t have the guts to name.
Just when he’s about to reach the chorus, he misses a chord and the entire piece falls apart.
“Consarn it!” He slams his hands down on the keys.
You wince at the strident smash that echoes through the room, but nothing is more jarring than his language. You’ve never heard Skully, the quintessence of chivalry, curse so openly, even if it’s very 1800s. But after your argument with him, you’ve acquainted yourself with his temper and all that boils within it.
“It needs to sound just like the song.” The sound of shuffling sheet music follows. “If I can’t get past this chord…” He sighs and taps a few keys in random succession. “My dear will never be impressed with my lousy performance.”
Your heart flips over in your chest, knots itself like Ouroboros, and then collapses into your stomach. Any confidence you had in approaching Skully vanishes in a blip. Of course he’s still into you. Why wouldn’t he be? Rejection and a few weeks of separation aren’t going to undo years of infatuation. Silently cursing the world, you press the heels of your palms into your eyes, realize you’ve just ruined your eyeliner, and drag them away with an aggravated breath.
“Is someone there?”
Skully turns on the bench right as you stumble out of sight. Your sneakers squeak on the tiles as you make your escape, darting around a corridor just in time to avoid the confrontation. That’s all you’re good at. Salad Fingers’s criticisms play in loops. You hasten your steps. Running away.
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Rollo’s slender fingers work deftly to lace up your corset. In the background, faintly pouring in from the kitchenette, Halloween music plays. 
“Tighter,” you hiss at him, bracing yourself on the edge of your vanity desk, hips jutted out and ass raised high. “Make it so I can’t breathe—like I’m getting disrespectfully choked by the latex. None of that ‘Love Me Tender’ shit. I need to be fighting for my life in this fit.”
“This is foolish. You should prioritize your comfort over…whatever this is.”
“Aww. You really are an angel, looking out for me and my lungs.”
In retaliation he yanks on the ribbons and the corset cinches around your ribs, effectively stealing your breath. You crumple against the desk with a wheeze.
“Is that tight enough for Her Majesty?” he asks, smirking at you in the mirror. 
“P-Perfect…” You raise a weak thumbs-up. “Thanks, Uriel.”
Rollo rolls his eyes. He looks every bit the modest angel in pure-white robes with accompanying gold accents. The look is finished off with feathery wings, a halo headband, and a pair of open-toed sandals. He adjusts one of the aureate cuffs around his wrist and scrutinizes his reflection in the cheap material. Conversely, you’re dressed as a sexy succubus, all red, tight-fitting, skimpy latex and matching thigh-high stockings. The costume came with horn hair clips, an attachable tail, and a pitchfork. It was your creative idea to accessorize with a black choker, sheer, lacy gloves, and suede knee-high heeled boots. You even got your nails done for the occasion, and they drip in grisly patterns of blood splatter.
“It’s missing something.” You pull Rollo against your hip so he can see what you’re attempting to visualize.
“Your makeup looks fine, (Name).”
“Not that.” Your blunt-toothed, smiling reflection peers back at you. “Oh, I know!” 
You rifle through your makeup box to find them: the packaged fangs you swiped from Fellow’s store just the other day. Your boss graciously gave you and Rollo the day off after it became clear he wasn’t very willing to shell out holiday pay. Knowing your erudite roommate, he would’ve debated Fellow into his grave until he budged. Day off or holiday pay? It would’ve been his losing battle no matter which side of the argument he fell on. 
Gleefully, like a cannibal ripping into a corpse, you tear open the plastic and fit the fangs on over your teeth. 
“What do you think?” you ask, flashing a wicked grin at Rollo. 
“Appropriately hellish. Anymore and the Devil might come up here to give you his regards.”
“Aren’t I just the luckiest girl?” You giggle and nudge him. “You’re not half bad yourself, Bible Study.”
“High praise coming from Satan’s Sweetheart.”
“The Devil wears imitation Prada.”
“‘By all means,’” he quotes, draping a fuzzy jacket over your shoulders, “‘move at a glacial pace. You know how that thrills me.’”
With a snicker you follow him out the door, playfully poking at his back with the pronged pitchfork to hurry him along. He swipes the car keys on his way.
Paper lanterns and strands of amber-hued lights are strung up on low-hanging branches. In the very center, hollowed out into the ground and circled with sizable stones, is a bonfire pit. The flames lick towards the stars, wavering in time with the bass thumping through the trees. If you didn’t know any better, you’d think the swaying silhouettes were monstrous fiends gathered for Halloween night.
Having left your jacket in the car, you’re quick to pull Rollo towards the refreshments. You’re desperate to warm yourself with a few drinks before you make your way towards the fire and the throng of bodies. Rollo, while not the partying type, is very particular with his preferences, so you don’t expect him to jump at the sight of beer. It does, however, startle you when he slides the cloth covering away from the basket draped on his arm to reveal a bottle of sacramental altar wine.
Sometimes you forget your roommate can be cool.
“You’re the best.” You pull him against your side in another hug. He doesn’t fight it. The yellow-orange glow casts shadows on his face, obscuring his pleased smirk. “I cherish you, you know that?”
“Yes, well, I can’t allow you to indulge in this party slop.”
You squeeze him once before releasing him from your constriction to grab two cheap chalices. After checking to make sure they’re clean and haven’t been tampered with, you stride over to Rollo. You notice he’s eyeing the pit warily, his haunted expression looking much more cadaverous in the firelight. Gently, you shake his shoulder and step in front to intersect his view of the fire.
“Hey, you okay?”
Rollo shakes himself out of his head and loosens his grip on the bottle. “Yes… Yes, I’m fine.”
You want to trust him, so you hold out the cups. “Wanna say our prayers and indulge in the Body of Christ?”
He taps your head with his fist, features drawn in a humorless lour. “Bread is the body. Wine is the blood.”
“My bad, Father.” You pout at him. “Forgive me for my sins and transgressions and everything else. I’m just sooo unholy.”
He spends a quiet moment staring at you—long enough that it has a smile spreading on his lips. He breathes a soft laugh. “What a peculiar choice of words for a demon.”
“Even more peculiar for an angel to be drinking on the job.”
“I suppose that makes us even.” He unscrews the cap and pours a generous amount in both cups. You watch the scarlet liquid slosh within. Capping the bottle, he tucks it away in the basket and takes the cup from you. “Merci.”
“A happy Halloween to us.” You raise your cup and his bumps against yours in toast. “Are you ready to be dead on your feet for tomorrow’s shift?”
“Only undead,” he replies, following you to a fallen tree. “I’m driving, so I mustn’t become too much of a zombie.”
“Who cares about coherency? Live it up tonight! We can sleep in the car. I’ve got pillows and blankets in there.”
“Mhm,” he hums around the plastic rim.
You plop down on the tree trunk and take a gulp, smacking your lips in approval. “If it’s cold, we can just cuddle.” You bump shoulders with him.
“I’ll pass. The last thing I need to earn is more of Skully’s frosty envy. I’d like for my plants to survive winter, if possible.”
“Ugh, right.” Your gaze drifts to your pitchfork propped against the tree. “I don’t know what I’m gonna do. I mean, I almost joined the school play for him. That’s bonkers even by my standards.”
“As if the club would allow that.”
“They hate me for my potential.” You click your tongue. “How can I make this…not worse? Because it feels like all I’ve been doing is making it significantly worse.”
“You should have a proper conversation. One that isn’t senseless screaming.”
“He was inside me, Rollo. How the hell am I going to have a ‘proper conversation’ when that’s our history?”
He peers into his chalice, contemplation burning behind his eyes. “Well, I wasn’t expecting you to lay with him. ‘Disprove his alleged crush,’ she said and then proceeded to do the exact opposite.”
“I mean, I don’t want him to think I hate him or that he has to avoid me. That’s not it. And I wasn’t trying to sound so cruel that day. Stuff just slipped out unchecked and he wasn’t listening. It’s not like we can go back to being friends with this whole cloud of unrequited romance hanging over our heads.” Sighing, you draw circles into the leaf-strewn ground with the tip of your boot. “I wish things weren’t so complicated. It’d be easier if he was terrible through and through, but he’s not.”
“What makes it so complicated?”
“His feelings.”
“Are you sure that’s all?”
You narrow your eyes at him, perplexed. “Why? Is there supposed to be something else?”
“What about yourself?”
You chug the rest of the wine in your cup. It burns the back of your throat and straightens out your thoughts. Not so much your heart, though. Rollo takes his time pouring to give you a moment. He even offers you half of a baguette from the depths of his basket, which draws a snort from you.
“What? You can’t drink on an empty stomach. Last time you did that, you sullied the car with your vomit. It took days to clean and freshen up the interior.”
“At least it was pink! That’s much prettier than non-pink barf.” You shake your head, unwilling to argue old news. “Thanks for your concern, Little Red Riding Rollo, but I’m not hungry.”
“I’ve brought an assortment of jams and cheese.”
“Oh, my gosh,” you say around a high cackle. Rollo doesn’t see the humor in any of this, but he still manages a pinched smile. “You’re amazing. The best roomie I’ve ever had.”
“I try.”
“Okay, Father, I yield. Break the bread and let’s give thanks.”
Between sips of altar wine, you and Rollo munch on pieces of baguette spread and topped with strawberry jam and nettle cheese. 
“Why me?” you ask around a mouthful of bread. “I know Skulls isn’t sociable at school—drama club told me all about the unlikable Halloweenie—but I’m sure there are better candidates for him to crush on. I’m a mess. I can’t garden or look after houseplants like you do. I can’t do any of that cute shit girls do on their socials—like live aesthetically or be effortlessly adorable. I don’t think I’m Skulls’s type.”
“He said I’m the only one who’s ever understood him, but isn’t that what friends do? You and I understand each other and we’re friends.”
“Somehow that’s different.”
“How? What makes it different?”
Rollo shrugs. He looks like a mouse as he nibbles at his bread and cheese. “Perhaps it’s because my relationship with you is nothing like the one you have with Skully.”
You scowl at the crowd of dancing, costumed partygoers. It’s only different because of love and sex.
“Putting that aside, what makes you think you’re not his type? Have you ever considered what his type might be?”
You hadn’t given it much thought. Skully has never mentioned love and its variations at work. That’s your job—to complain about and commend all of your flings and situationships whenever it’s necessary. To flirt with customers who look wealthy, attractive, or like they’d be good in bed. To aim for a phone number or an exchange of socials when they’re funny, sweet, or just annoying enough to seem charming. Your list of past lovers is as long as a photo spread in a wallet.
“If we consider his poetry,” Rollo says, as if pushing you towards a cliff you don’t want to jump from, “his preferences aren’t so elusive.”
Even though there’s no reason for it, you feel an unusual warmth climbing up to settle under your cheeks. You hurry to tilt your cup back, putting your mouth on the same lipstick stain from earlier.
“So what sort of type is the Spider Queen?”
“She’s meant to be you, is she not?”
But you’re not sure what he sees in you—in the Spider Queen. You annoyed him during the first real conversation you had, back when he was just fifteen and you were an angsty eighteen-year-old trying to look like she hadn’t just gotten disowned by her family. What changed in the four years since then? You remember he absolutely hated the Halloween party and spent the entire time scribbling in a journal. You wouldn’t be surprised if the entry about his first impression of you was written that very night. He has every right to despise you for your rowdy spirit. What he sees in you, you clearly can’t see in yourself. Maybe you’d feel less guilty about the situation if he hated your guts, but that’s not the case.
“I don’t know!” You groan. “Maybe he’s in love with the character he’s created and not me.”
“I highly doubt that.”
“Do you have candy in there? I need something that’ll mess me up and make me forget all about this.”
I need to stop running away and face reality.
“I’m certain the alcohol will do the trick.”
And it is. You haven’t kept count of how many chalice-sized drinks you’ve had, and at some point you’ve even swiped the bottle from Rollo’s basket. 
“Shall we address the facts?” he tries again, and you’re tempted to listen because he’s logical enough to sort through the emotions. “Skully is in love with you, a truth too blinding for you to notice, but we were all wearing sunglasses.” You smack him for that and he clears his throat. “Right. The two of you went on a ‘date’ and it ended in bed. You’ve told him you don’t love him. Really, (Name), if your feelings don’t match his, I see no other reason to stump yourself.”
And isn’t that the truth?
But there’s a niggling sense of something more that you can’t confront. You push it down to make room for the wine.
“I need a cigarette.”
“From one vice to the next. Very clever.”
Your acrylics tap anxious pitter-patters against the glass bottle. A distraction would suffice—anything to take your mind off of Skully. If you could saunter into the crowd and fall into the arms of a temporary thrill, you would. It’s what you plan to do as your eyes survey the crowd, cherry-picking faces from the firelight. And then, just past the flickering flames and undulating ghouls, you see him.
You stand up so quickly that you lurch forward. The bottle almost slips from your grasp. Rollo catches your arm before you can fall.
“What?” Rollo blinks up at you in bewilderment. “(Name), sit down. You’re drunk.”
“Piss off. I know what I saw. Someone’s come as the Phantom.” You throw your head back to suck down the rest of the wine. “And it takes more than that to get me tipsy.”
“Congratulations. How’s the liver?”
“Ha-ha-ha,” you snap, sarcastic. “Unlike you, I’m about to tongue it with the Phantom. Not many can say they did that on Halloween night. Be back soon!”
“No one else is trying to accomplish that!” he calls after you, but you only catch part of it as you beeline for the fray.
Pitchfork in hand, you weave around kissing couples and clusters of friends. You have your sights set on the mysterious Phantom, his back turned to you. You call out to him: “Hey, you!” but your voice is lost in the deafening beats and the ecstatic, tipsy whoops from the partygoers.
“Excuse me! Pardon,” you hiss, pushing past a witch and a knight. “Move.”
You’re nearly there. But then someone knocks into you, and you stumble into another person. He catches you with a whistle, his palms strangely slimy.
“Hey there, little lady. Looks like it’s my lucky night. You sure you’re not actually an angel in disguise?”
You scrunch your face, looking past him. The Phantom is gone. “Fuck!”
“At least introduce yourself.” He laughs and spit speckles your cheek. “Then we can get there, yeah?”
“You want an introduction?” You slam your heel on his foot and are quite pleased when he draws back with a curse. “How’s that for angelic? Happy Halloween, asshole.”
Equipped with a mission, you disappear into the darkness. Stapled to your feet, your shadow stretches into the trees behind you. In hopes of locating the familiar mask or cape, you whirl to and fro. It seems like you’ll never find them, and for a second you wonder if they’re a hallucination birthed from your tumultuous feelings. Of course you’d be imagining the Phantom after that day in the bookstore with Skully. It’s like he’s everyone you look. How could he not be? Halloween is his day.
You hope he’s happy, even if it’s only for tonight.
This is a waste of time. I’m going back.
You pivot on your heel…and there he is. The Phantom of the Opera, hunched over between the trees, his gloved fingers splayed against the rough bark. The exact opposite of dignified and mystifying. More of a mess than a graceful, gothic beauty. Your mouth drops open, and then you cringe when you hear a not-so-musical retch.
He’s sick.
“Uh, hi…” You inch closer. “I recognized your costume. You’re supposed to be Erik, right? The Phantom. You know—that guy from the opera?”
He wipes his mouth on the back of his hand and turns to look at you, woozy and mechanical. Your heart rushes into a gallop when those infamous orange eyes fall upon you. Even with the mask hiding half of his face, you know it’s him. You think he’s worked out your identity as well because he straightens to his full height on unsteady feet, as if he’s been slapped sober. The only indication he’s inebriated is the way he sways like a spinning top on the verge of falling over. 
“Ah, um. My apologies. You should go first.”
“No, it’s nothing.” You wring your hands around the length of the pitchfork. “Um. You… You came.”
“I was looking for you.” He gestures to the crumpled can at his feet, sheepish. “Found that instead.”
Skully twists the hem of his cloak in his fists. “I wanted to wish you a happy Halloween and show you my costume.”
His costume? You remember he told you and Rollo he was going to dress up as something scary, and while the Phantom is technically a fearsome villain… It’s not the first thing you’d think Skully would go for. Did he dress up for my sake? What if he had another costume planned but changed his mind after—stop that. Don’t go down that rabbit hole.
“But you hate parties.” You poke at the can with your pitchfork. “And you don’t drink.”
His eyes glaze over. You watch his lip tremble. “I’m sorry. I… I thought that if I… If I could just—” He inhales a rattling breath. “If I was more like you—like Mr. Rollo or any of your partners—you might… Y-You might want to—” He breaks off from that sentence with a choked cry and sinks to his knees.
“Skulls…” Lowering to his height, you reach out for him, hesitate for a strained breath, and then gingerly peel the mask away to reveal his teary, snotty face. 
“I’m so s-sorry,” he continues, his voice breaking more and more. “I yelled at you. I wouldn’t listen. I pushed you into a corner and provoked you, and that wasn’t right. I was no better than Salad Fingers.” He places his palms on the ground to steady himself. A sob shudders through his body. Salty globs pool along his lash line and slide down to his chin, landing in steady drops on the leaves below. “It’s not fair. It’s not fair, not fair, not fair! All of those undeserving people who get to behold you! Those… Those foolish, idiotic bastards—none of them are worthy of you. I don’t understand. They never see you. They’re so attached to flimsy, vapid pleasure that they don’t even cherish you properly. Why?”
You manage to find your voice then. “I don’t care about them. I mean, I did. I always care. Just not like…that.”
“So then why? Why do you let them—why won’t you let me—”
Love you?
“Skully, you’re drunk.” Hardening your heart, you stagger to your feet. “Now’s not the time for this.”
Running away again. Typical, Salad Fingers jeers. She’ll eat your heart if you aren’t careful. Save yourself while you can.
You swat his influence away.
A twig snaps behind you. You almost don’t hear it over Skully’s sniveling.
“Do you know how many fools have been pointing me to ‘Grandmother’s House’ whenever I ask after you?” comes Rollo’s voice, every accented syllable threaded through with annoyance. “I’m sick of this asinine nonsense. It’s not even funny. I’m very clearly an angel, and yet everyone thinks I’m on my way to see—oh, Skully’s here. Ahem. Pardon me.”
“It’s just not fair,” he’s mumbling to himself, over and over, like a broken record. He doesn’t even acknowledge Rollo’s arrival or greeting. “Not fair, not fair, not fair.”
“Is he…all right?”
“Does that look ‘all right’ to you, brainiac?” You knock Rollo upside the head with your plastic pitchfork, and he rounds on you with an indignant glare.
“You tell me! I only just found you.” Rollo can’t hide behind his handkerchief, so his frustration is on full display. It twists his features into something loathsome.
“He’s drunk.”
“Clearly.” Sighing, Rollo stoops over him. “Skully, can you hear me? How did you get here?”
He pans his bleary gaze over to him and sniffs. “What’re you supposed to be?”
“God’s little lamb.”
“That’s not terrifying at all.”
“It is if you carry the guilt.” He takes a harsh elbow to the ribs for that, one he begrudgingly accepts with a scoff. “You should go home, Skully.”
“Did someone bring you here?” you ask, peering into his face. It’s hard to imagine him willingly coming with a friend or classmate.
Actually, it’s hard to imagine he came here at all.
He lifts an unsteady arm and gestures in a general direction. “Bicycle,” he says.
A silent debate mushrooms between you Rollo, wedged in the space where your eyes meet.
“He’s a liability,” you whisper after pulling him aside.
“A liability to your love life, maybe, but we can’t just leave him here.”
“I wasn’t saying we should! I just don’t think it’s gonna help if he comes home with us. He’s not thinking straight. And last time he was there…”
“So we drop him off at home and his parents can handle it. I know the way.”
“They’ll kill us. Are you looking to be lectured tonight?”
“He’s nineteen.”
“Doesn’t matter. That’s their baby—all two-hundred-something centimeters of him—and he’s drunk off his ass on Halloween night.”
“He risked a scolding all for you, didn’t he?”
“He…” You groan, unsure of what to say. “I’ve never met a guy like him. He’s in another league of his own.”
“And I don’t suppose he’s ever met a girl quite like you.” Smiling, Rollo cocks his head playfully. “You’re meant to be.”
“I’m meant to punch you in the mouth if you keep talking stupid. Just—ugh, fine, whatever! You carry him back to the car. I’ll get his bike. He can crash with us tonight. A slumbie is safer than getting him and ourselves in trouble with his parents.”
“So the demon’s secretly a good girl.”
“All that altar wine’s going to your head and making you cheeky, ‘God’s little lamb’. I guess you do care for your friends after all.”
Index pressed to his lips, he hushes you. It takes a few minutes of coaxing and “Lift your head, Skully. How else are you going to look up to Jack Skellington?” before Rollo manages to get him to his feet. He’s all gangly limbs as he drapes himself over your roommate, clinging like mildew to a damp corner. Grunting with the effort, Rollo hoists his arm over his shoulders and Skully flops against him like a worm.
Before the two of them begin the hobble to the car, Rollo asks, “Will you be okay on your own?”
“I’m the Devil. There’s nothing I can’t do!” You wave your pitchfork around and flash a fanged smirk. “They don’t call me God’s strongest soldier for nothing.”
“Uh-huh. Well, be safe. If you’re not at the car in the next five minutes…”
“Yeah, yeah. You’ll exorcise me on the spot. I hear ya.”
Rollo turns away then. “Could you be any more boneless, Skully?”
“Why, of course I can! Does this help?”
“Wha—hey! Don’t go limp! Stand up straight!”
After locating his bike and wheeling it through the woods to the car, where you and Rollo work together to load it in the back, you both head for the driver’s side.
“I’m driving.”
“No, you’re not. I am.”
“You’re drunk.”
“Don’t think I didn’t see you merrily sipping your little God juice like a sailor.”
“You had more than me, and it’s not ‘God juice’. It’s sacramental altar wine, sourced from the finest—”
“Blah, blah, blah. My name is Rollo Flamme and I—”
“My wonderful, spectacular, amazing…deeeaaarss,” comes Skully’s slurred voice. He pokes his head out from the back, half-leaning out the open door. “I can drive.”
Rollo stares blankly at the very inebriated Skully.
“Yeah, go on, Rollo. Let the Phantom drive. I trust him with my life.” You stick your arm out and present him with a cheerful thumbs-up.
“Skully, sit back down. And don’t even think of getting sick in the car.”
“Yes, sir.” You hear the click of a buckle and then, miraculously, he passes out.
“Walk a straight line and I’ll let you drive.”
“I got this. Watch.”
You shove your pitchfork at his chest and, looking to make sure he’s observing, walk along the strip that divides the road from the forest. It doesn’t feel like you’re doing it right, your feet blurring and crossing over each other clumsily, but somehow you think it must look straight to Rollo. Once you’re thirty paces from the car, you whip around to hear the verdict.
“Well? Straighter than straight, yeah?”
“About as straight as a rainbow. Now get in.” He opens the passenger side for you and tosses the pitchfork in the back next to a snoring Skully.
Wordlessly, you perform your staggering walk of shame back to the car. The drive home is punctuated by the sophisticated notes of Indila’s Mini World album. The song’s instrumental—the one where you can only parse the lyrics love story—reminds you of a music box. You sink into the worn polyester seat and paint yourself as a princess in a grand, glittering palace. Waiting for you in the gardens, haunting your head like your very own gothic ghost, is the too-tall, dorky Phantom of the Opera.
Maybe it’s the alcohol—it’s definitely more than just the alcohol—but you feel warm thinking about him. So warm you forget you’re not wearing your jacket.
Fuck. This altar wine is really hitting. How are they not partying during every sermon? Oh, wait, they only drink a pinky’s worth. Laaaame.
“I think, if I were to murder someone, I’d get your help getting rid of the body.”
“Please don’t,” Rollo mutters, awkwardly lifting Skully out of the car with your aid.
“Don’t ask for help or…?”
“Don’t make me accomplice to a crime and don’t murder anyone.”
By the time you’ve carried Skully up the stairs to your door, you feel the mawkish beginnings of affection weighing on your shoulders. That, and Skully’s arm.
“Hey, Rollo?”
“What for?” He fiddles with the keys in the dimness, half-listening.
For being my friend. For never getting tired of me even when I’m nothing but trouble.
“For being my roomie.”
His hand stills. “Don’t be foolish,” he says, clicking his tongue in chastisement. The key twists in the lock. He pushes the door open with his foot, revealing an apartment cloaked in shadow. “You said it yourself. We’re a team. We need to stick together.”
“How else is rent going to be paid?”
He exhales a short, authentic laugh. “That’s the million madol question.”
Skully is deposited on the sofa, snoozing away like it’s the middle of winter and he’s hibernating. After locking the door and flicking on the lights, where you then proceed to hiss like vampires as said lights burn holes into your eyes, you and Rollo roll your stiff shoulders.
“We should stay indoors next Halloween.”
“Agreed. Maybe introverts know what they’re doing. This was exhausting.” Plopping down on a nearby stool, you work to remove your heels. It’s more challenging than it seems, what with alcohol muddling your motor skills. “My feet are killing me.”
Rollo pulls the fridge open and pokes his head inside for mindless inspection. “Hmm. Whose turn is it to buy groceries?” 
“Mine, probably.” You toss your boots across the room and flex your toes. “I’ll do it tomorrow.”
“We can survive a little longer. At least until the middle of the week.”
You snort. “So are we leaving Skully out here? Should we call his parents?”
“I doubt they’re worried. Not truly.” Rollo shuts the fridge and comes to stand on the other side of the kitchenette peninsula. “It’s a small town with a middling population, and the majority are harmless elders.”
“But what if they think he got murdered?”
“Because someone’s itching to put Halloweenie in his grave. Sure.”
“Okay, fair point.” You glance over your shoulder at Skully, his legs hanging over the end of the armrest. “He’d make for a difficult corpse.”
“If two of us struggled to drag him back here, imagine how much more burdensome he’d be undead.”
“Ooh, a zombie. Something tells me he’d rather be bones than rotting flesh. Just like Jack.”
“Somehow—“ Rollo drums his fingers along the countertop— “I feel it’s poor manners to talk so morbidly of our very alive and well coworker.”
“Mm, probably.” You swivel in your seat. “More importantly, where’s he gonna sleep?”
“I’m keen to leave him here. We’ll dim the lights.”
“Kinda rude to make him sleep on the most uncomfortable couch in the world.”
“It could be worse.” Rollo walks around to the wall opposite of you to lower the switch. The lights lessen in their intensity, from searing to merciful. “Besides, where else is he going to sleep? There isn’t room on my bed.”
“He can sleep in mine,” you say without thinking, and you really aren’t because he looks at you like he can’t believe he’s hearing you right now. “He deserves a comfy bed, at the very least… It’s not gonna mend heartbreak, but it won’t give him stiff joints in the morning.”
“Where will you sleep?”
“On the floor.”
Rollo raises a dark brow. “The (Name) I know would never sacrifice her comfort for someone else.”
“For flings, fuck no. But he’s a friend.”
“All right,” he concedes. “Let’s get him to your room. He’s staying there, though. I’m not going to move him anywhere else.”
“Roger that, roomie.”
Like before, the both of you lift him from the sofa and, taking care not to disturb his slumber, transport him to your room. He’s lowered onto your unmade bed. You move with absolute precision, undoing the clasp around his neck to pull his cape from his person so it won’t tangle around him in sleep. And then you drag a fluffy quilt over him. His fringe falls over his face in a way that reminds you of Sleeping Beauty…only if she had been pie-eyed and prone to vomiting in the hours before her eternal slumber. He looks less of a prince and more of a pale monster.
Sleeping Liability.
You wince. That sounds a lot like something Fellow would say. You’re too young to start thinking and speaking like your boss.
It’s then when you realize you’ve been staring at him like you’re about to lean in for true love’s kiss.
“Are you going to bed?”
“No, I’ll be up.” Rollo rubs his tired eyes and stifles a yawn.
“Try to get some sleep. I’d say let’s watch a movie, but I don’t think I can stay awake for another hour.”
“Don’t force yourself. We all need the sleep for tomorrow’s shift,” he says, but you suspect he’ll be up late into the night and he’ll wake just as early.
“Ugh. Don’t remind me. I guarantee Fellow’s gonna be just as sleep-deprived as we are. Gidel probably kept him out as late as he could for trick-or-treating.”
Shaking your head, you begin to pick off pieces of your costume. The detachable tail, the horns, the little fangs. You prop your pitchfork against the vanity desk.
“So we all have valid reasons to complain.”
“I’m always ready to be a hater. No fair we have to go into work after a fun night. Why couldn’t he be nice and give us tomorrow off as well?”
“One can hope.”
“And one does.” You open your closet and retrieve a few spare blankets from within. “Good night, Rollo.”
“Yes. Good night to you as well.”
His footsteps pad down the hall to his room and then you hear him ease the door shut. It’s not even a minute later when your thoughts begin to buzz in your ears. You busy yourself with spreading out the blankets and creating a comfortable place for yourself on the floor, listening to the low hum of a fan in place of soothing music. The fairy lights strung around your bed shine soft light on the snoozing Phantom, who’s curled into your bed like it’s to become the chrysalis that envelops the squishy, vulnerable pupa that is Skully.
You don’t want to think about it. About why he was here tonight and why he came dressed as one of your favorite characters. And the last time he was on your bed was when…
Blotting that memory out, you snuggle into the blankets and rest your head on a sizable plush you’ve swiped from the end of your bed. If you can sleep all of this mess off, you’ll have a better time making sense of it once morning dawns.
That was your plan, but now that you’re in the position for sleep, eyes closed and mind racing, you find yourself unable to settle down. You turn one way and spend the next few minutes in your own head, tossing around Skully’s motives and what everything means. Maybe you’d sink into slumber if you were contemplating brain-bruising philosophy, but when every route leads back to that complex, confounding feeling it leaves your body crackling with nerves.
Shifting over on your back, you gaze up at the ceiling. “I’m sorry, Skully,” you whisper before you can stop yourself. “Salad Fingers was right. I’m only good at running away. I’m the best at being the worst. I’m, like, super, pathetically, abysmally bad at romance. I don’t know how to do it or what it means to feel it. I… I’ve never given myself that chance.”
I’ve spent too long pushing everyone who’s ever tried to love me away. 
You feel around blindly for your goat plush and hug it to your chest. His name is Mini Rollo.
“The truth is that my worst fear isn’t even thunderstorms. I hate those, too, yeah, but it’s love that scares me the most. Which probably sounds really silly to you because you’re so…full of it. Full of love, I mean. And I was afraid. Afraid that you’d found something about me that’s worth loving. I mean, you kinda saw through me from the very beginning and not many people do that. It made me feel so itchy. Like, what the hell? Who does this guy think he is, solving me like I’m some lousy cube puzzle? How’d you do that?”
A weak laugh tumbles out of you then. You’re not sure where the humor is in any of this. Maybe you’re just laughing at yourself.
“What scared me most, though… I caught myself considering it. It’s all I’ve been able to think about, actually.” You bury your face in Mini Rollo to save yourself the embarrassment of addressing a dim room with an unconscious audience. “I really don’t know how you do it. You’re like an infection. Or, uh—hold on. That came out wrong. Ugh. Just as bad as the lice poem. What I meant to say is that you’re so good at making me feel happy. So I guess that means your energy is infectious?”
Sighing, you shut your eyes and place yourself in the memory of that day, swapping cruel cowardice for a real confession. Mini Rollo’s soft head is tucked beneath your chin. “No one’s ever danced in the rain with me before to chase away my anxiety. And they’ve never made me their muse or written pages and pages of poems about me. They’ve never made me smile and laugh as much as you do. They certainly didn’t come to my door to give me an entire handmade flower wreath. That’s the stuff you’d only find in romance novels. You’re seriously one of a kind.” You force another sad, pitiful laugh. “I don’t deserve you or your love. If anything, you’re the cool one. Definitely way more than a fly.”
You’re my Pumpkin King.
“Never mind. What am I saying? Ew, ew. Gross. This is so…yuck.”
Stop talking. You’re making it worse, (Name).
You yank the blanket over your head and stuff down whatever else is threatening to spill out in this moment of alcohol-addled vulnerability. Although you’re not sure how much of that was liquid courage.
Is love supposed to feel so…itchy?
Like a sweater woven from coarse wool. Like an irritating bug bite that’s just out of reach. Like an allergic reaction. 
But then that same love is also so welcoming—a blanket fresh from the dryer, a flattering poem penned from the heart, a dance in the rain. A distinctly Skully-shaped love, one that’s cradled in the cobwebbed confines of his heart. 
You don’t want to run away from that—from him.
Warmed by these revelations, made weightless from the truth, you drift away on a stream of waning consciousness.
Good night, Skully.
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Morning trickles through the mountains, bringing with it strips of sun that shine through the thin part of ratty curtains.
Your body is strangely light when it should be heavy with a skull-crushing hangover. Even your mind, which is normally fuzzy and filled with an unshakeable pressure in the dawn of last night’s chaos, is the shape of a Zen garden. You think you hear movement in the kitchen, but your sixth sense tells you it’s still too early and so you roll over in search of Mini Roll, who somehow slipped from your embrace during the night.
You find Skully instead.
He’s squished in the space between your bed and the nest of blankets piled around you, and it leaves you wondering how he managed to get down here. From how soundly he slept last night, you didn’t take him for a restless sleeper. You realize then that his eyes are open, watching you, and suddenly nothing else matters.
“H-Hey,” you whisper, cringing at the roughness in your voice.
“Hi.” His voice is no better. More of a crow’s call than fluttery birdsong. “Good morning.”
You’re not sure what to think at first. Is this real? How did he get on your floor? Why is he here? Where’s Rollo? Where’s Mini Rollo?
You reach out; your palm hovers over his head. To save you the trouble, he leans into your hand. He feels real. He looks real.
“There’s only 365 days left until next Halloween,” you blurt.
Skully blinks at you. “364.”
You start to smile. He follows your lead.
He’s real. It wasn’t a dream.
“Um… So,” you start, but he reels back before you can get the rest out. 
“S-Sorry! I’m sorry! I’m much too close.” He scrambles to sit up, but the sudden change in position has him gripping his head. “Spinning… Oh, I feel ill… Please give me a moment and then I assure you I’ll be out of your hair.”
You bare your teeth in an awkward, sympathetic simper. Welcome to hangover hell.
“Why were you on the floor anyway?” you venture, sitting up with him, and then the shitty feelings descend. You hiss out a colorful word.
You realize you’re still wearing your costume from last night and, even though you think you should wrap yourself in a blanket, it’s nothing Skully hasn’t seen before. He’s seen all of you, as a matter of fact, and the knowledge of that sends a timid tremor ricocheting through your veins. You feel like you need to cover up now, as if you’re somehow exposed in your skimpy latex and sheer stockings, and it’s a ridiculous thought. The time for diffidence and modesty has long since passed.
Skully refuses to meet your stare, opting to gaze at a boring corner of your room instead. “I…” He sighs. “I heard you last night. And shortly after you retired… Well, I was struck with a jubilation like no other and I…”
“Rolled right off the bed?”
You picture it then: a squealing Skully squeezing the pillows and kicking his legs out, tangling himself in the sheets, every nerve alight with celebration.
“I’m sorry. I would’ve moved, but I feared I’d wake you if I wasn’t careful. You looked so relaxed… I couldn’t bring myself to risk it, so I remained there until now. Oh, but I promise I didn’t do anything untoward while you slept! I’d never!”
You exhale through your nose. “I trust you, Skulls.” And then you stiffen. “Wait. You heard me? H-How much?”
“All of it?”
You flop back onto the floor and muffle your groan in your hands. Not how you’d been hoping to start your morning. The hangover, you can handle. No problem. Whatever’s going on between you and Skully? Big problem. Massively heart-sized problem.
But you’re not going to tuck your tail and flee. Not this time. You’re better than that.
“I think…” Skully hesitates around the mouthful perched on his tongue. “I acted rashly last night. You saw such a terrible, immature side of me—and on Halloween, no less! There are no words in the dictionary to describe my shame.”
You remember his drunken meltdown. It’s not the prettiest image, but there’s no one else in this world you know of who’d go to such lengths for you. 
“You’re upset. I get it. Alcohol will do that to you. Makes you ten times more of an emotional wreck than you already are. I would know.” You’re not sure where you’re going with this, but you peek through your fingers at him and hope the tenderness in your tone hits its mark. “What I’m trying to say is that I’d like to try. If you don’t mind. If you’ll have me.”
I think I understand now—what I want.
“This. Us.”
He stares at you with dinner plates for eyes. A few seconds of silence bloom between you, and all throughout it he’s growing more pink-cheeked.
“We don’t have to! I mean… I completely understand if you don’t want to after everything. I’m a mess and I haven’t treated this situation very well, but I’m willing to give it my best shot. Fellow always says there’s only one way out of a ditch and maybe—”
Skully’s outstretched arm is in your face next. You follow the length of it to find his encouraging expression. Tentatively, you place your palm in his and allow him to help you up from the floor. You sit in front of him on your bed, and it’s as if you’re the last two humans on the planet.
This is new. The anxiety and the nervous sweats. The rushing blood in your ears. You’ve never felt this way before.
Then again, you’ve also never done any of this before. It’s all instinct; you’re treading the path projected by your heart this time. It’s every bit the terror you imagined it to be, but it’s exhilarating and refreshing all the same.
He’s still holding your hand. When you look down, you notice it’s shaking. You can’t tell if that’s from you or him, but it settles once your fingers interlock. 
And then, before you can prepare yourself, he’s yanking you towards him. The force of his pull has you falling, and your arm shoots out to prop yourself above him. 
“MayIkissyou?” he babbles, hurrying through the question so it’s pronounced like one gasping breath. And then he catches himself. “Forgive me. I’m just…so relieved! Oh, I was terrified you’d hate me and think I was a rotten person.” He’s tearing up, but you surmise these are happy tears. “I thought we’d never end up together. Like in ‘Sally’s Song’! I thought we were doomed. I thought I wasn’t the one for you…”
“No, I couldn’t ever hate you! You’re not a rotten person. Never. I—” think I’m falling for you— “I’m feeling things for you. Like in-my-heart things. Good things. That’s a horrible way to put it, I know, but I promise I mean every word. I’m just not as eloquent when it comes to these things. Compared to your poetry, I probably sound so dumb and—whoa!” 
His arms wind around you, and he traps you in a tight embrace.
“(Name)… My darling.”
He sounds so serious… Wait, wait. Holy shit, holy shit, holy shit! Don’t tell me he’s gonna say it? The L word! I don’t know if my heart’s ready. It wasn’t the first time he said it. Will I be okay? This is fine, right? It’s normal. It’s just…love. Aaahhhh!
“I’m pleased we’re so close.”
“Uh, yeah. Me too.”
“Without my glasses, I can scarcely see anything. You’d be nothing more than an indistinguishable, blurry shape. A beautiful shape, of course, but still impossible to discern!”
Never fucking mind.
Hand in hand, you emerge from your room as more than friends. A couple. Lovers. A pair. So many florid titles you could probably fill the remaining pages in his poetry journal with. You’re not sure which one you should use to describe you and Skully. You’re used to temporary affairs. But this—what you have with him—feels like more than that.
Us. It’s us, you decide, and it’s the cheesiest thing but you’ll be damned if you deny yourself this newfound sweetness. 
Skully’s wrapped you up in his cloak. He’s also still clad in his costume, and he made quite the fuss about yours just moments ago.
“Now that we’re together,” he said with a childish pout, his face burning red-hot, “I don’t want others to see you like this. It’s selfish, but I can’t help it. I want to preserve these lovely sights for myself.”
“It’s just Rollo,” you argued. 
“Especially Mr. Rollo.”
You find his possessiveness endearing. Maybe you’re crazy for thinking that, but it’s addicting to be wanted so robustly and appreciated in full. Honeymoon phase be damned. You want to giggle and blush over everything Skully says and does, even if it’s complete nonsense. He could tell you the moon is made of cheese and you’d turn gooey like fondue. 
“Good morning, you two,” Rollo greets, a cup of coffee cradled in his hands. His pale lips quirk up knowingly. “And what a good morning it appears to be. Gidel and I are due for a payout.”
You level him with a glare that could wilt lettuce. “I can’t believe you. Your greed sickens me. Isn’t gambling a sin?”
What happened to being honest examples for the youth, Fellow?!
“When it’s a gamble you have every chance of winning, does it truly count as such?”
“It does if you’re betting money! And even Gidel got in on it? Are you serious?”
“Fellow owes him new art supplies. The fancy kind.” 
“Well, if it gets the kid his crayons…”
“Might I ask what the bet was for?” Skully pulls out a barstool for you, ever the winsome gentleman. He seats himself beside you.
“Whether you and (Name) would get together on Halloween or Christmas.”
“In that case, my sincerest congratulations to you and dear Gidel! Isn’t that wonderful, my love?”
“H-How do you know we’re together? You don’t even have evidence to confirm…” You trail off. Skully props his elbows on the countertop, a moony look softening his eyes.
“Surely you’re not as blind as you are dense.” Rollo glances between the both of you, as if asking, Are you seeing this shit?
Before you can snap back with defensive vitriol, he sets a paper bag down. A sugary peace offering awaits. It works a little too well because you forget everything he’s ever done at once.
“Pastry day! You’re the best, Rollo.”
“I’m aware.” 
“It looks and smells divine! Thank you graciously, Mr. Rollo.” Skully fishes something from out of the bag. “Shall we share this croissant, my dear? In honor of our first meal together as a pair of love-doves.”
Whoa. That’s so official. Hearing that is…really nice, actually. Kinda huge and a little scary, but nice.
“Skulls, I’d say let’s do it, but I’m way too hungry to go halfsies.” He’s quick to wither at that, his cuteness a weapon you’re unable to fight. You giggle and lean it to peck his cheek. “How’s that instead?”
“Not even a dozen sugar cubes could compare to how sweet you are.” He clutches his chest, swooning like a fanboy struck down by Cupid. “Aah, I adore you most ardently.”
Rollo fills two mugs with what’s left in the coffee pot. “There’s tea if you’d rather that.”
“It would be rude for me to turn down your hospitality. If it’s not too much trouble, tea would be much appreciated.”
“More for me.” You take hold of both mugs and are instantly soothed by the warmth bleeding through the ceramic. The caffeine will ward off the rest of whatever hangover symptoms might be encroaching.
While Rollo fills the kettle with water, Skully searches through the bag for a pastry that suits his tastes. You’re already licking your fingers clean of croissant crumbs. 
“I must thank you for allowing me to stay here through the night. I apologize if I caused you any trouble.” Skully bows his head. “You must forgive me. I don’t quite remember much of last night’s escapades.” 
“It was nothing. We weren’t gonna leave you in the woods.” 
“We considered it.” Rollo sips idly, unbothered by the now distraught Skully. 
“Don’t listen to him. Rollo’s being morbid on purpose. We’d never do that to you.” You take Skully’s hand beneath the counter and squeeze it. “We almost dropped you off at your house, but we decided against it at the last minute.”
An awkward chuckle rumbles through him. “I owe you more than my gratitude.”
“As long as you’re safe and comfortable, that’s all that matters. Make sure you let your parents know if they’re asking after you.”
“Mr. Rollo… Your kindness precedes you.”
“Rollo has a big heart today,” you tease around a bite of pain au chocolat. “He bought sweets, he made coffee, and he’s so chatty. Must be a lotta money Fellow’s coughing up if you’re in a good mood.”
He rolls his eyes, quietly amused. “We all have reasons to be pleased.”
You suppose that’s true. It’s a happily ever after for each of you.
“Oh, that reminds me!” You turn towards Skully. “Give me your phone. There’s something I owe you.”
He relinquishes it without a second thought, which allows you to input the digits for your number. You should’ve done this a long while ago—back when you first extended your hand in friendship—but as they say there’s no time like the present. You can move forward with this. It’s a stepping stone in a new direction!
You catch a glimpse of his contacts while you make one for yourself. He doesn’t even have ten contacts. Of the few saved, you spot his parents—named Mama and Papa separately—and then Rollo and Fellow. And then there’s the latest addition: you. You’re not sure what to call yourself, so you simply leave it as your name. You’re certain Skully has plenty of contact names in mind already. You won’t veto any of them because you’re positive they’ll stick.
“There.” You hand him the device. “My number’s saved.”
With a gasp, he stares at the screen with wide, disbelieving eyes. “Oh! Oh, how splendid! I will treasure this gift forever.”
“It’s not that special,” you start to say, but the rest of the argument dies in your throat. It is to him. Very special. You don’t want to take that away from him. “Don’t hesitate to text me. I’m always down to chat.”
“I shall text you every morning and night without fail. And every hour between then, too.”
“D-Don’t overdo it!”
“She says that, but she’ll enjoy every second of it,” Rollo cuts in, setting a fresh cup of tea down in front of Skully.
You hide in the ruffles of Skully’s oversized cloak. “I never said I was opposed to it…”
To think I was missing this all along. This warmth… It’s so sweet.
You waste the rest of the morning away with the both of them, laughing about whatever you can remember from last night’s Halloween.
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 “It may not have been very successful, and it certainly wasn’t my ideal Halloween,” Skully explains to Fellow and Gidel hours later, both of them rapt, “but it didn’t end in complete disaster.”
“All’s well that ends well,” Rollo applauds.
“Of course you would say that,” Fellow grumbles. “To be loved is to be changed apparently. What a scam.”
“Ah, that’s right. Seeing as our resident lovebirds have taken to the nest, I do recall someone owes me the sum we agreed upon. And Gidel is awaiting his art supplies. It’s only fair, no?”
Gidel, who is brimming with excitement on Skully’s behalf, a supportive mirror image of his joy, snaps over to give Fellow puppy eyes. To really sell it, he digs around in his pockets for a few halves of crayon. Your squirming boss is looking everywhere but at the two of them, sweating from head to toe.
“Gentlemen, gentlemen!” Fellow lifts his arms in timeout. “Why must we let our desires lead us? Shouldn’t we learn to live as minimalists? Repeat after me! Hi-diddle-dee-dee! A minimalist life for me.” When no one follows suit, he drops to his knees in desperate prostration. “Best two out of three? We can bet on whether they’ll stay together long enough to get married or if they’ll split along the way. How does that sound? Just peachy, yes? If we’re in agreement, just name the terms and then we shall see! I’ll double the payout. Gidel, you can have an easel and oil paints. Isn’t that much better than a few measly crayons? And Rollo—my fair friend, surely you’d rather pay rent for the next five months rather than just one?”
That was fast. He really has mastered the art of begging like a bitch baby, you think, folding your arms over your chest. A few customers glance at the spectacle, curiously attracted to the obnoxious whines of a grown man.
“You made a bet and you lost. I’m merely here to collect my promised payment, as is Gidel.”
“How’s about you get yourself something from the store? It’s on me!”
Rollo surveys the store and the major half-off sale that has descended over what’s left of this year’s stock. “I don’t celebrate Halloween.”
Gidel shoves the broken crayons at him. Neither is going to budge. It’s amusing in the way an old sitcom is, but the way they interact with each other makes them look more like puppets than people.
“Aaaaghh! You’re unrelenting!”
“Just give Rollo his money and Gidel his art supplies.” You prop your feet up on the counter, your back poised against the wall. Skully nods in agreement. “Begging only makes you look worse, Fellow.”
With a growl, he pushes himself up onto his feet. “Yes, yes. I suppose you have me cornered.” And then with a woeful sigh: “Skully, my boy, couldn’t you have waited until Christmas? The holiday is right around the corner according to every marketing scheme ever. Halloween isn’t even remotely romantic!”
Skully gasps, scandalized. “It is if you’re Lord Jack and Sally! Halloween is the most romantic holiday! Have you never heard of traditional gothic romance?” He huffs and turns his nose up. “You have much to learn, Mr. Honest.”
“You’d be ill-advised to argue Halloween with the Phantom of the Opera,” Rollo says, holding a hand out. He scowls behind his handkerchief. “My money, if you would.”
“All right, fine. Don’t give me any more trouble, you hear?”
“Perhaps next time you should have more faith when placing bets.”
He stuffs a handful of crumpled bills in Rollo’s palm, grumbling all the while. You watch your roommate count each one, double- and triple-checking to ensure it’s the correct amount.
Gidel blinks up at him, hammer raised in threat.
“Yes, Gidel, I’ll get you those supplies. You have my word.” Fellow heaves a withered sigh. “You little devils are so conniving.”
“You love us. Don’t lie.”
“We cherish you, too, Mr. Honest!”
“I suppose you’re not impossible to tolerate. A semi-sensible boss,” Rollo agrees, pocketing his well-earned cash.
Fellow huffs, face tinged pink, and refuses to look at any of you. “You’re all nothing but trouble. I can’t believe I’ve put up with you kids for another year. How many more can I take?”
That’s right. Halloween’s over. The store closes in a week, you realize with a start. It went by so fast, and so much has changed.
You look at your humble work family—because that’s exactly what they’ve become in the time you’ve known them—and feel a smile stretching. These are your people. Misfits who have struggled to find their footing in the world. You watch a smirking Rollo and Gidel playfully push all of Fellow’s buttons, with Skully occasionally chiming in with a comment of his own, and you can’t imagine working minimum wage with anyone else.
If someone told you you’d end this season with love, you’d have laughed in their face. Back then, the mere idea was preposterous! Lust has always been your prerogative—loveless desire placed on a towering pedestal, far enough from the blooms of romance cluttering at the base, desperate to claw their way up into your heart. It’s not a joke or an aversion anymore. It’s real. Your first relationship that isn’t built on intermittent sex.
You wonder if you’re still stuck in last night’s Halloween, drunk off your ass and on the verge of passing out. Maybe you did and this is all a surreal dream—a fantasy spun from the silky strands of your heartstrings.
It’s not. Thank the stars it’s not.
There’s a lot you don’t know about romance and what it takes to maintain a relationship with sentimental stakes. You’re not an expert and neither is Skully. Perhaps no one is. Perhaps there is no such thing as experts and perfection where love is concerned. It’s a mystery—one you won’t be investigating alone.
Glancing at Skully, who’s still without his glasses and has been squinting at things from afar ever since this morning, you realize he looks different like this. In his Halloween costume—something he wore exclusively for you—and with his autumnal eyes uncovered by his trademark shades.
He’s cute.
And he’s all yours.
What a magical thing.
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The sticky, sweet smell of sugar cookies and gingerbread umbrellas the apartment, cloying like dew on grassy lands in the first rays of sun. A cinnamon-scented candle mixes with the natural scent of the balsam fir positioned in a corner of the sitting room. It reeks of Christmas in here—of commercialized cheer and festive fun—like Santa Claus crash-landed through the door and spattered against the walls in a smattering of good tidings and season’s greetings.
Rollo was against a real tree at first, grousing over the mess and all the work, but even he couldn’t remain a grouchy Scrooge for long. He always softens around the holidays, which makes it easier to exploit his tender heart. And so together, while blasting a playlist of Christmas tunes at full volume, you hung ornaments and strung lights and garland along the full, fragrant boughs.
“We used to do this a lot,” he told you as he placed the star at the very top, and you turned the speaker down to hear him. “Before my brother… Ahem. My father would lift him onto his shoulders and he’d be the one to put the star on the tree.” He smiled at it, his eyes glazed in reminiscence. “And what a luminous star it is.”
You pulled him in for a reassuring side hug. “It’s gonna be a good holiday. Your brother would love it. He’d like that you’re carrying on the star tradition, too.”
Rollo hummed, and for the next few minutes you stood and admired the tree in peace.
Now you’re weeks into December and basking in the break from school. Normally you’d take this time to catch up on lost sleep, wasting the hours away into late afternoon in a comforting cocoon of blankets, aimlessly scrolling through your phone, but today you’re up plenty early. Excitement buzzes through you, even more so when you sniff the air and come away with all kinds of mouthwatering smells. You jump out of bed at the sound of “Last Christmas” and throw on a slim-fitting white sweater and a red jumper skirt with fur trim. After gliding through your makeup routine, you pucker your ruby-red lips in the mirror and fit a Santa hat on your head. It matches the peppermint patterns on this month’s set of acrylics.
You find Rollo hunched over the counter, wearing an apron and garnishing the Yule log with red currants and fondant mushrooms. He sprinkles icing sugar over the cake to give the impression of snowfall.
“You’ve outdone yourself.” Whistling, you examine the counters crowded with all kinds of dishes—some native to Rollo’s hometown and others from your favorite recipes. “Santa’s Little Helper works so hard. I hope you got some sleep.”
He smacks your hand away when you reach to pluck a berry from the cake. “This is nothing. Besides, I’m almost certain Skully’s going to bring snacks.”
“Probably.” Pouting, you cradle your hand and feign hurt. It’s ineffective against the no-nonsense Rollo Flamme. “You should’ve seen the way his parents lit up when he introduced me last month. You’d think he was telling them about how he won the lottery or something—the way they couldn’t stop gawping. I guarantee they’re sending him over with a tray of something to repay the favor.”
“Good. And I hope that Fellow sticks to his promise of bringing an appetizer.”
“He will. Gidel’ll make sure of it.” You sniff your wrist and frown. “Do I look okay? Am I overdoing it? Too much perfume?”
Rollo glances at you. “It’s Christmas. Everyone overdoes it.”
“I know, I know. But… I dunno. It’s my first major holiday with Skulls and I don’t wanna look like I’m trying too hard.”
Rollo places the glass dome over the cake and sets it off to the side. “Isn’t that the whole point?”
“You’re not helping. Do I look nice, at least?”
“You look very nice.” And then he ducks down to check the cookies in the oven. “Why are you so worried? Skully will appreciate you and your efforts regardless.”
“That’s just it! What if I look just okay? I’m not saying he has to drool over me, but if he shows up looking like a prince and I look like a bog monster—”
A sharp rap at the door shakes you out of your spiraling ramble. You and Rollo look between each other and then at the door. He starts for it and you throw yourself into his path to intercept him. 
“Wait! I’m not ready. Put a different song on—something to hype me up. Like Michael Bublé’s Christmas album! I need his confidence.”
“(Name), you’ll be fine.”
He strides past you, but you race the rest of the way to get to the door before he can. Wrenching it open, your heart sprouts wings like Icarus…and then immediately burns away at the sight of Fellow and Gidel. Temporarily relieved, you usher them in with a welcoming grin.
“Happy holidays!” You bend down to Gidel’s height and ruffle his hair. He beams up at you, his face half-hidden in a scarf that seems to swallow him whole. “Are you excited for Santa, Gidel?”
He nods and, digging through his pockets, pulls out a crumpled list. You read through the shaky misspellings (and the added corrections from Fellow) and your heart melts. It’s so wholesome. He wants art supplies, carrots for the reindeer, a new sewing kit for Fellow, books, a new hat…
“This is a great list! I’m sure you’ll get everything you want and more.”
“Now why can’t there be a Santa for adults?” Fellow huffs. “I’d love for the big man to come down and shovel my walkway or pay my bills. Winter Wonderland, they say, and yet I’m more frozen than the tundra!” He shakes himself out of his coat, which Rollo gracefully hangs on the nearby rack. He takes Gidel’s winter wear next. “Merry Christmas, both of you. I’ve brought apples.” Looking quite proud, he holds out the bag.
“Nice to see you, too, Fellow.” You lean in to embrace him and he returns the gesture merrily. “I hope the winter’s been kind to you and Gidel.”
“You’re too kind, dearie.”
“You didn’t think to do anything with the apples?”
“Now that, my fine friend, is where your imagination comes in! An apple is a very versatile fruit.” Fellow plucks one from the bag and, after shining it on his sweater, takes a greedy bite. “To some, it’s just an apple, but to others it could be candied or turned into pie. Limitless possibilities.”
“Hmm. Well, thank you for this. I’ll wash them and put them out with the rest.”
“Make yourselves comfy,” you add.
“Oh, and by the way… Would you assure (Name) she looks the furthest thing from a bog monster?”
“What’s this about a monster?” Fellow peers at you, incredulous, while he helps Gidel out of his winter boots.
Embarrassment flashes through you. “N-Not important! Don’t listen to Rollo.”
“She’s fretting over her appearance.”
You bark out a sudden laugh. “Who said anything about that? Me, fretting? No way. I’m just…conscious of today and everything. You know how it is.” You wring the hem of your dress. “It has nothing to do with fretting.”
The three of them—yes, even Gidel—look on with mutual disbelief. Fellow’s the first to break the silence.
“You’ve been together for—how long has it been now?—a month or so, and now you’re afraid of these things?”
“It’s been one month, three weeks, and three days, actually, and I’m not afraid.” You scoff. “Christmas is a big deal for couples. At least, I think it is. If the movies are to be trusted—”
“Miss (Name), take it from me—”
“I’m not sure I want to.”
“Holiday romance is a scam—ack!” Gidel jabs Fellow in the side for that. He clears his throat before carrying on. “But! But, but, but—I’ll be the first to tell you that that boy loves you more than anything, be it during the holidays or on a regular day. Bog monster or not.”
Nodding quickly, Gidel points at you, poses like Skully, and then forms a heart with his hands. 
“Based on what we saw of his poetry, he’d probably salivate if you became a monster,” Rollo says, and you can’t refute his claim. “So what’s really plaguing you?”
Sometimes you hate how easily Rollo can read you.
“I haven’t told him I love him. We’ve been together all this time and he showers me in it—it’s obvious—but I haven’t been able to say those words myself. I don’t know why.”
You miss the way they all facepalm.
“I don’t want him to think I don’t feel the same—because I do! I love him to bits. Just…how? How to put those three words into a sentence, and how to say that sentence to him?”
“‘I love you, Skully’. Easy. Wouldn’t you agree, Gidel?”
He stalls around a nod.
“If only.” Rollo sighs. “You show your appreciation for him in other ways. I’m sure he understands.”
“But I think he’d like to hear it. Anyone would.”
“Lucky for you, Skully isn’t ‘anyone,’” Fellow remarks, patting you on the shoulder.
Still… It’d be nice to say it.
Just then, a rhythmic knock resounds. You look to Rollo for help, but he, Fellow, and Gidel have retreated to the oven to pull the cookies out. Why it’s a two-man-plus-spectator job, you don’t know.
The door opens to reveal Santa. A much thinner, lankier version, but Santa nonetheless. With a beaming smile and a hearty chortle, Santa Skully announces his arrival.
“Merry Christmas to you, my dear! You look as lovely as always.” He grabs hold of your hands and pulls you in, kissing each of your cheeks in turn. “Simply ravishing.”
You’re hot down to your toes. The cold air from outside helps regulate your temperature, if only for the moment.
We literally went on a date last week and yet I can’t stop myself.
“You look very handsome, as always.” You tug him down to your height to return his smooches with some of your own, placing one directly on his mouth. You linger long enough to leave him reeling with rekindled cravings. “I hope I’m on Sandy Claws’s nice list this year.”
“Let’s see,” he teases in a singsong, pretending to unfurl an imaginary scroll. He scans it for a few seconds and then leans in to whisper, “Sandy Claws says you’re just shy of naughty, but we can arrange a solution.”
“It won’t be an easy fix.”
“Then aren’t I lucky to have a wonderful soul such as yourself to call my own? A little naughtiness never hurts.”
Fuuuuck. I love him.
With a giggle, you release him and pat his suit down. “Everyone’s already here. Let’s get back inside before we freeze.”
“We wouldn’t want you to become Frozen Charlotte. Beautiful as you would be, I quite like you warm and alive.”
“As do I.”
You step aside to let Skully in. He hauls a red sack through the door. “Good day, wonderful people! Happy holidays and Merry Christmas!”
“Skully, my boy, you made it!” Fellow slinks over to shake his hand. “A very merry one to you as well.”
You shut the door to keep the cold out and watch as he takes his turn greeting everyone.
“I’ve brought gifts for everyone, and my parents sent me with a treat for today’s gathering. They send their well wishes and regards, each one baked into this tantalizing treacle tart.” Carefully, he pulls it from the bag, wrapped delicately in foil, and passes it to Rollo. “It’s my mother’s own recipe. I wish I could take the credit, but unfortunately I’m still learning how to bake.”
“I’ll be sure to send them a card to express my thanks.”
“Why, I’m honored, Mr. Rollo! They would love nothing more.”
“Ooh, a tart? Now that sounds scrumptious. What say we tear into the food, Gidel?”
Gidel agrees with two thumbs raised.
“If you fill up on sweets now, you’ll never have the appetite for dinner,” Rollo scolds.
“By the time the food’s done cooking, we’ll be plenty hungry. And we have lots of stuff to do to pass the time.” You make a vague sweeping gesture with your hand. “Decorating cookies, making gingerbread houses, watching movies… It’ll be fine.”
No one’s going to argue with that. And even if they were about to, the delightful Christmas music puts everyone in bright spirits.
While you and Rollo prepare the main courses, Fellow, Skully, and Gidel clear the table to make space for trays of now-cooled cookies and gingerbread. A rainbow of frostings and various toppings are set down next.
“A very smart use of your guests’ labor,” Fellow comments, but he doesn’t have any credibility when he’s clearly putting his soul into crafting a little bow for his gingerbread man. And then he catches Gidel’s arm before his sleeve can drape into one of the bowls. “Be careful! Now what have I told you about rolling up your sleeves when you’re going to be working?”
He sets his cookie down and turns in his chair to help Gidel fold his sleeves back. He’s given a grateful smile in return.
“What do you think of mine so far, dear Gidel? I’m recreating Lord Jack’s terrifying likeness in cookie form! Ooh, are you decorating yours based on Mr. Honest? How darling!”
Skulls, you’re a delight. I hope you know that.
“What is it?” Rollo asks.
“I’m thinking,” you reply absently, gazing at your reflection in the oven. The Christmas ham cooks within. 
“How dangerous.”
“I really like him, Rollo. It’s one thing to show it, but I want to be able to tell him. I want to say it and not feel so…insecure. Yeah, that. That word fits.”
We’ve gone on dates, we kiss, we hold hands, we have sex. He tells me I’m pretty and I melt. I give him all kinds of things because I like spoiling him. I’m going to spend Christmas Day with him and his parents. Everything we do is lovey-dovey, so why can’t I say it? It’s not like it’s a forbidden phrase.
It was for most of your life, though, and that’s the crux of the problem. The phrase has negative connotations. It’s been weaponized in the past, a verbal dagger meant to carve at your chest. Even now, a month into your relationship, you can’t tamp down the surprise whenever Skully lavishes you with that three-word phrase. Over and over, as if it’ll imprint itself on your soul if spoken enough. He means everything he says—each iteration of fondness. You wish you could be so unfaltering in your approach. You wish you could just scream the words because they’re trapped inside your ribs and you desperately want them out. You want Skully to know.
“I’m glad everyone can come together like this,” you say instead, and thankfully Rollo doesn’t press the matter. “We should get together to celebrate the New Year, too.”
“So long as our schedules align.”
“As if Fellow’s gonna be too busy for a free meal.”
For the rest of the day, you decide it isn’t worth it to sweat over the complications of love. You can do that after the holidays. Or later tonight when you’re alone with your thoughts in the shower. Either way, now’s not the time.
I’m too pretty to stress over this.
Somehow it works. You’re beginning to wonder if procrastination (alongside a dusting of delusion) really is the solution to all of life’s issues. Maybe not a long-term fix, but it provides temporary relief from the demons haunting your every thought.
I’ll say it once I’m ready, you catch yourself thinking hours later while Skully feeds you. Mindlessly, you open your mouth to receive another spoonful of whatever’s on his plate. There’s not a time limit on stuff like this. It’s not like I have to say it today or tomorrow or two weeks from now. 
“I really should capitalize on Christmas…” Fellow announces, mostly to himself, as he peers out the snow-frosted window. “This town grows so soft during the holidays. It seems far more profitable than Halloween.”
“We can dress Lord Jack up as Sandy Claws and have him pose in the very front!” Skully suggests, pausing midway to accept a bite from your fork. “Wouldn’t that be marvelous?”
“Hmm. There’s potential.” A flicker of mischief spots Rollo’s green hues. “You could play mall Santa and listen to everyone’s Christmas wishes.”
Fellow laughs and cuts into the slab of glazed ham on his plate. “Sounds to me like someone’s offering to stand in as an elf.”
“That’s what I’ve been saying!” You slam your hand down on the table. “He’s Santa’s Little Helper! Who’s with me? Gidel?”
Said boy is looking at Rollo with hope painted across his youthful face. Any initial objection Rollo had promptly vanishes at the sight. He sighs loudly behind his napkin.
“Ask me again next year and then we’ll see.”
“I didn’t hear a no! Did you, Skulls?”
“We can all dress up together! How lovely!”
“Then it’s settled. Santa’s Workshop will open for business next holiday season!” Fellow raises his glass in toast, and the rest of you follow suit.
“Cheers to that!”
Some time later, while you and Skully exchange gifts with Gidel, Fellow and Rollo slip out of the room. You don’t realize they’re gone until it’s just the three of you, Skully’s chatter filling the space and tricking you into believing there are more people present. It’s not like them to scheme so collaboratively, and they’re not going to pick at the desserts. Suspicion crawls up your back and spins its web in your chest. Those two are up to something. You’re sure of it.
“This one’s for you.” Skully’s voice draws you back to the present. He hands you a tiny box with a bow. “From dear Gidel.”
“For me? Oh, that’s very kind of you.” You peel the lid back and lift a beaded necklace with an accompanying drawing from inside. It’s of you and Gidel holding hands, happy smiles and flowers all around. “This is beautiful! Did you make this yourself?”
He nods, face flushed with pure happiness. You fasten it around your neck, swelling with pride the whole time.
“It suits you well. An excellent job, dear Gidel! And your art looks exquisite. You’ve captured my darling’s radiant smile.” Skully pushes his gift into Gidel’s hands. “Here—open mine next!”
The packaging remains intact for all of five seconds before it’s shredded to pieces. Inside are an artist’s sketchbook and a how-to art guide. Gidel’s mouth falls open at the sight of them.
“I thought you could use something a little more professional. Notebooks are great to start with, but a real sketchbook suits our budding artist even better!”
He hugs both books to his chest and then, setting them down, throws his arms around Skully. 
“You’re very welcome! I await the masterpieces that shall soon grace these pristine pages.” He places his hat on Gidel’s head. “Nurture that imaginative spirit of yours and never stop creating.”
“Miss (Name), would you be a dear and come here for a second? Rollo needs you for something,” Fellow calls from just down the hall.
And then Rollo, in a hushed hiss: “Fool! You’re supposed to call Skully first!”
“Oh, pish-posh. They may as well be one body, the way those two fawn over each other.”
“Just be quiet!”
These idiots… you think and shake your head, amused with their antics. 
“I’ll be right back.”
You kiss Skully’s cheek and pat Gidel’s head, and then you’re rising to your feet to tromp down the hall towards your bedroom. You’re not sure what to expect when you round the corner and find the both of them there. And nothing’s amiss. Your suspicion triples, and you cast a dubious glance between them.
“Okay, you two, what’re you doing? It’s not like you to plan…whatever’s happening here. Hold on. What is happening?”
“Call it a Christmas miracle, dearie.”
“Or a favor. Whichever is sweeter on the tongue.”
You roll your eyes and that’s when you spot it. The mistletoe hanging from your doorframe.  
“All right, Gidel, you can bring Lover Boy over!”
Right on cue, Gidel drags a sputtering Skully along. 
“What’s this about? Dear Gidel? Mr. Honest? Mr. Rollo?” He looks at each of them. “Is this a surprise? Am I meant to cover my eyes?”
He’s brought in front of you. Gidel grabs both of your hands and forces them together.
“Merry Christmas, you two,” Rollo says as he departs for the sitting room, where a few gifts still linger untouched beneath the tree.
“Three words,” Fellow reminds you with a hum. He mouths them to you as he passes: You got this.
Even Gidel offers you an encouraging thumbs-up before he, too, skips after Fellow.
“I’m not sure I follow…”
“Look up, Skulls.”
He turns his bespectacled gaze skyward and gapes at the mistletoe. “Oh… Ohhh! Did they put this up for us?”
“Seems like it.”
Awkward silence gathers in the hall.
“Should we kiss?”
“We should kiss.”
“Ah, sorry. You first.” You shrink away, but Skully holds firm to your hands. 
“I would be honored to kiss you.” And then he squeals. “Aah, it’s really mistletoe! My first kiss under the mistletoe with my sweetheart!”
He leans in, but you’re not ready. You can’t kiss him until you’ve told him. Until you’ve uttered three magic words.
“Skully, wait!” 
He pauses. “Is… Is something the matter?”
You steel yourself. “I… There’s something I want to tell you.”
“I’m listening. You can tell me anything, my dear. Anything.”
“Okay. Cool. Good.” Where the fuck am I going with this? Words. Love. Right. “I know we haven’t been together very long—I’m hoping we stay together forever—and you’ve always been so expressive about your feelings. Heart on your sleeve and all that. But I… I’m not the best at this and I know it’s painfully evident, but I’m really happy to call you mine because you get it. You get me. And I guess I’m the luckiest girl alive to have someone like you. No, not guess. I know I’m the luckiest. Wait, that’s not the point I’m trying to make. Ugh. This is so rambly. Sorry, sorry. The point I’m trying to make is…”
I love you. I love you more than I’ve ever loved anyone and I need to say it. I need you to know.
Skully’s hand grasps your chin and turns your head back to face him. The contact—his warm palm, soft fingers, gentle, magnetic touch—reminds you of why you feel these things. Tongue-tied, buoyant on a sea of clouds, always strung up in the wonderful web that is romance.
“I’m sorry I’m so bad at this. I wanted to say it the first day I realized it, but I couldn’t. I was scared and maybe I still am, but I want to tell you.” You inhale a deep breath. “Skully, I… I really, really… Really, really, really—”
He sweeps you against him, his lips on yours for but a breath. “I know,” he murmurs, closing his hand around yours. “I love you, too. And until you feel comfortable saying it out loud, I’ll continue to echo the sentiment. Now and onwards.”
You stare at him. The first tear tracks down your cheek and then another. Before you can stop yourself, you’re crying. He smiles in that sweet, sympathetic, Skully way. It sculpts your heart into a candle, and the wax organ weeps all over your ribs. Messy. But you wouldn’t have it any other way.
“No fair… You’re too cool and I’m a mess.”
Thumbing your tears away, he cradles your face in both hands like a saint. “The Spider Queen is always cool and so is my darling (Name). I will always think so.”
“Even when I’m a dreadful mess?”
“Especially when you’re a dreadful mess because that, too, is beautiful. Dreadfully beautiful.”
“You’re seriously amazing… I adore you, Skulls.”
Glassy-eyed and sniffling, you yank him in for a starved kiss underneath the mistletoe.
You might not be able to say those three words right now, but this comes close.
It’s love all the same.
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isaacarellanesismyhusband · 5 months ago
i love that you draw me
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pair: Fred Weasley x reader
requested by anonymous and anonymous
heyyyyy :)))Could you do a Fred x Fem! Reader? where the reader is an artist like absolutely amazing . and she does art all the time whether it’s just doodling on an assignment or full blown masterpieces? And she’s not popular but well known? and Fred knew her, as in they only talked in passing. And one day in class he had seen her doodle on her paper and was like ‘woaaahh that’s super good!’ And she was just like ‘oh this isn’t anything. It’s not as good as my other stuff’ And Fred is rlly interested in art, but wouldn’t pick up a pencil or quill to draw because he knows he’s not rlly good. But he loves to watch y/n draw and paint. and like he’d save up for Christmas to buy her some supplies. Nothing much but she thought it was so sweet. She would make him little drawing, whether it be him in class or playing quidditch. He was her muse, and he absolutely loved it
Heyy, Could you do a Fred x artist reader? 🥺🥺
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Fred Weasley had always been aware of you, the girl who spent more time doodling on the corners of her assignments than paying attention to the lessons. You weren’t exactly popular, but everyone knew you for your art. Whether it was a quick sketch on parchment or a painting hanging in the common room, your talent stood out.
He’d never really spoken to you beyond a casual “hello” in the halls or a shared joke in passing. But one day during class, Fred found himself sitting near you, close enough to glance over and see what you were doing. The professor was droning on about something Fred couldn’t care less about, but you? You were completely absorbed in your sketch, your quill flying over the parchment in swift, graceful strokes.
Fred leaned over slightly, trying not to be too obvious. His eyes widened at the intricate design you were creating, the way your hand seemed to bring something to life with ease. “Whoa, that’s amazing,” he said before he could stop himself.
You looked up, a bit surprised but not embarrassed. You just shrugged, glancing down at the doodle like it wasn’t anything special. “Oh, this? It’s nothing,” you said casually, “Not as good as my other stuff.”
Fred was floored. If that wasn’t impressive to you, he couldn’t imagine what your “real” art looked like. He watched as you absentmindedly added more detail to the drawing, almost like it was second nature. “Well, if this is ‘nothing,’ I’d love to see what your other stuff looks like.”
You smiled a little, the corners of your lips turning up in a way that made Fred’s heart skip a beat. “Maybe one day I’ll show you.”
From that day on, Fred became fascinated by you and your art. He’d find himself looking for you in the common room or during meals, always hoping to catch you in the middle of a sketch or painting. He loved the way you got so lost in your work, your brow furrowing in concentration, your fingers smudged with ink or paint. Sometimes, he’d sit beside you quietly, just watching, completely mesmerized by how easily you created something out of nothing.
Fred wasn’t much of an artist himself—he could barely draw a stick figure without it looking ridiculous—but that didn’t stop him from admiring your talent. You seemed to love the fact that he enjoyed watching you work. Sometimes, you’d even talk while you drew, explaining what you were thinking, how a certain line could change the whole feel of a piece.
It didn’t take long for Fred to start saving up for something special. Christmas was coming, and he wanted to get you something that showed just how much he appreciated your art. He wasn’t sure what to get at first, but after sneaking a few glances at your supplies and asking around, he finally decided on a small set of high-quality inks and a couple of sketching quills.
On Christmas morning, you were surprised when Fred handed you a small, neatly wrapped package. You weren’t expecting anything from him, but the second you opened it, your eyes lit up. “Fred, this is... this is amazing!” you said, clearly touched.
Fred rubbed the back of his neck, trying to play it cool even though his heart was pounding. “It’s not much, just thought you could use some new supplies.”
You smiled so warmly that Fred felt his chest tighten. “It’s perfect,” you said softly. “Thank you.”
After that, you started making little drawings for him. Nothing big—just quick sketches of him sitting in class, or playing Quidditch, or laughing with George. You’d hand them to him casually, as if they were nothing, but Fred treasured each one. He loved the way you saw him, how your art captured moments that he didn’t even realize were special.
He became your muse, and it felt right. Every time you handed him a new drawing, Fred felt this strange mixture of pride and awe. You saw something in him, something worth putting on paper, and he loved it.
One evening, as you sat together in the common room, you were finishing a sketch of him mid-laugh. Fred watched you closely, the firelight flickering across your face as you worked. “You know,” he said quietly, “I love that you draw me.”
You looked up, a bit surprised. “You do?”
Fred nodded, a soft smile tugging at his lips. “Yeah, I do. I may not be good with a quill, but I love seeing myself through your eyes.”
You blushed, but the smile on your face showed just how much his words meant to you. And as you handed him yet another sketch—a simple, heartfelt portrait of him leaning against the Quidditch stands—Fred knew he’d keep every single one forever.
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Rollo ttsum headcanons? 👀
THIS REMINDS ME 😭 I saw a really cute doujin of Rollo + his aide and VP running into a Rollo Tsum and then deciding to take care of it for the day…
Curiouser and Curiouser…
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… It’s uncanny how closely the Tsum looks like Rollo. It even has a teeny-tiny ring (can that even be removed?????), a teeny-tint hat, and teeny-tiny dark circles under its eyes. Whoa, it even has a teeny-tiny handkerchief to hold to its nose when it feels totally disgusted! o.O
If you ask Rollo what his thoughts are on the Tsum, he’ll pull out the handkerchief and make a dismissive comment about how it’s such a meddlesome creature. (Rollo refuses to acknowledge that it is cute and that he’d fight anyone that hurt it, no matter how much he is pestered to confess.)
NBC Aide-kun and Vice President-kun instantly become massive fans of Tsum!Rollo--
It’s early to rise!! Before your alarm clock can wake you up, Tsum!Rollo is already crawling on your face and bouncing on your stomach, indicating that you should wake up right now. (… The sun hasn’t even risen yet.)
Despite looking sleep-deprived, Tsum!Rollo has a lot of energy—most of it being dedicated to being mad of its far larger peers. Sometimes its anger is so great that it vibrates intensely and radiates warmth like a little portable heater.
It likes to crawl into the folds of Rollo’s hat and stand vigilant as a self-appointed lookout. He scolds it and tells it not to, but it doesn’t listen—it only listens to its own set of self-righteous morals.
Tsum!Rollo likes sitting around in quiet, peaceful places not doing anything in particular but soaking up the ambience. Be careful where you step in the Mirror Chamber or the library, you just might accidentally squish the poor little thing!!
For some reason, animals love bullying Tsum!Rollo. The pigeons chase it around, peck at it, and steal its hat for sport. Lucius hisses when Tsum!Rollo is close. Even the usually behaved Hearslabyul hedgehogs and flamingos push the lil' bean around. Something about Tsum!Rollo is just so... bulliable...
It likes flowers; Tsum!Rollo can be seen waddling amongst them on sunny days. It has a fondness for red ones, sometimes picking them in its stubby little hands to pass off to Rollo. “I see that you can appreciate the finer things in life.” He accepts it with a small smile, but inside, he’s wearing a far more wicked grin.
Tsum!Rollo glares at other Tsums and people in general; it can’t talk, so it seems to stare judgmentally at others instead. If its SUPER upset, then it’ll approach with its tiny staff and smack you with it to demonstrate its anger.
The little guy’s so enthused about bells! Hand it a sleigh bell and Tsum!Rollo will happily (and aggressively) chime it all day. The incessant sound will be forever burned into your head.
It enjoys cleaning. Because Tsum!Rollo is so small, it can’t scrub down an entire room, but it sure as heck will try to!! It’ll ride its own little scrub brush around, giving the floors and dust a deep cleaning. If it's not careful, it’ll slip off and crash into the soapy bubbles, emerging as a fluffy white yeti. You can also find Tsum!Rollo polishing any metal it comes across and washing down stone statues (the gargoyles appreciate it).
Tsum!Rollo loves grapes! (Unfortunately, its size only allows for it to get full on a single one.) It hangs around like a dog begging for scraps as Rollo eats his lunch. When it comes down to the final grape, Rollo sighs and hands it over to the Tsum. It happily absorbs the orb right out of his fingers, leaving Rollo stunned and wondering how Tsums eat without a mouth. “It must be the devil’s design…”
It tries so hard to take notes using a quill. The feather, however, being as droopy as it is, keeps smacking Tsum!Rollo’s hat or face as it bobs up and down with each written letter. Tsum!Rollo preserves though—it wants to finish this doodle of a city on fire! (“… It has surprisingly violent thoughts,” Rollo notes. He quietly approves.)
Tsum!Rollo actively refuses to enter Diasomnia. If you try to take it to the mirror, it’ll squirm out of your grasp and dash away, hiding until it has emotionally cooled off.
If it spots Malleus in public, Tsum!Rollo puffs up like an aggressive cat and rushes to tackle him into submission. (The same goes for other boys that anger Tsum!Rollo enough, but most of his rage is dedicated to Malleus.)
When Tsum!Rollo uses his UM, it becomes a literal little fireball…!
Rollo uses his Tsum!self as a stress ball (which the Tsum doesn’t seem to mind for some reason). Sometimes it inflates to a much larger size and he buries his head into it to scream in frustration.
After a long day of shenanigans, Tsum!Rollo has tuckered itself out. It lulls off into a gentle sleep, swathed in the moon and the stars of Rollo’s full-sized handkerchief. “… Silly thing,” he murmurs, holding it close to his chest. “That you are able to live this burden-free existence is truly a blessing.”
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silver--scar · 6 months ago
Once I get the smaller projects done, I'll switch over to be more OC-centric for the time being. It won't be a complete change, as I'll still post doodles and such here to feed you monsters, but I gotta give my other blog some love ⁽⁠⁽⁠ଘ⁠(⁠ ⁠ˊ⁠ᵕ⁠ˋ⁠ ⁠)⁠ଓ⁠⁾⁠⁾
Because honestly moving over to @thesouthparkmisfits will mean I get to experiment more! Such as animations, animatics, comics, and creating/exploring the characters
And also I want an excuse to draw other ppl's OC's cough cough whoa who said that
With that all said and not done, have an image of Evan and Ant as I work on finalizing their designs AGAIN :]
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Look at themmm ╰⁠(⁠*⁠´⁠︶⁠`⁠*⁠)⁠╯╰⁠(⁠*⁠´⁠︶⁠`⁠*⁠)⁠╯
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kisscara · 2 years ago
11: a suspicious offer? [fanboy!scaramouche x drummer!reader] ⎯⎯ heartbeat rhythm series
a/n: the song lyric i used is from roselia's song R :3
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"what do i do!?"
you cry out, wiggling your fingers. yoimiya continues to tune her bass while checking up on you. "what's wrong?" she queries, still fixated on her own instrument. "my drummer gloves are worn out," you say, the said gloves resting in your palms. multiple holes are seen through the cotton and most of the threads have come loose.
yoimiya exclaims, "perfect!" she gives her bass a test run by playing her signature riff. your mind goes hazy just from watching her fingers skillfully move from fret to fret. "so buy a new pair," she suggests the obvious and sends you a smile.
you stammer out, "y-you think i haven't tried that!?" you cross your arms and tilt your drum throne back and forth, mumbling, "i have no more allowance money. i spent all of it on that repair for my drum when it fell down that long flight of school stairs two months ago."
you add, "and i can't go to my parents for help. they said they'd let me drum in our band as long as i didn't ask for any favors." you bury your hands in your hair out of frustration. "the thing is, these gloves are commonly in the range of thirty to seventy dollars."
yoimiya gasps in surprise, "whoa, really? now i'm kind of glad i only have a pick, hehe..." she lightly giggles and you laugh at her light-hearted attempt of cheering you up. hu tao skips up the stage steps with a bag of fast food.
"hi, hi! are we finally going to be able to practice with yun jin and ayaka today? they've been so occupied lately," hu tao mentions, placing the paperbag on a set-up table upon the stage. you hurry over and takes a deep whiff of the food. you sigh in content, "wanmin restaurant delicacies!"
yoimiya replies to hu tao's inquiry, "ayaka, definitely. she's just getting the council president to help her get her keyboard and she'll be joining us in no time. but yun jin... i'm not sure. i don't think any of us have heard from her lately. she's always talking to madam faruzan about the offer for (name)'s solo debut."
a few days back, you told them about madam faruzan's proposal. of course, none of them liked the idea of you leaving them behind to begin a one-person thing. it would be so boring and dull on both ends. but the madam is a very difficult person to deal with, so it's only natural that yun jin is still trying to talk her out of it.
hu tao frowns, "poor yun jin, being the leader must have a lot of responsibilities." she looks elsewhere and furrows her brows. "i still don't get why i couldn't be the leader," she suddenly jokes out of nowhere, emitting a laugh from both you and yoimiya.
"hello, everyone. sorry i'm late." ayaka's soft voice cuts through the light-hearted atmosphere as she carefully closes the school doors behind her. in one hand, she's holding her keyboard bag, causing a little limp in her walk when she heads onstage.
hu tao squeals, "ayaka!" she rushes over to give the flustered girl a hug. "we haven't gotten a practice with this much members in a while," you playfully comment. ayaka begins to set up her keyboard after getting out of hu tao's aggressive embrace.
"have you finished writing the song though?" ayaka lightly prods, trying not to pressure you three. yoimiya giggles and takes out a lined paper with numerous doodles and odd phrases. "in the end, we weren't able to... i wish yun jin was here!" the blonde wails in a mix of frustration and sadness.
ayaka takes the paper and analyzes it. in the top left corner, there's cute little chibi versions of the members wearing their stage outfit from the blooming symphony performance. she's guessing you're the one who drew it judging by the handwriting of the label beneath the drawing saying, '5O5 supremacy :3!!'
then within the lines of the paper, there's a few sentences.
ayaka murmurs, reading aloud one of the phrases, "your song is dignified. flowers are blooming profusely." she beams up at the others. "this line is pretty decent compared from the... erm, other ones. we could use this as a starter!"
hu tao hums in pride while holding onto her shoulder and swinging her arm in circle motions, "that's me!" yoimiya claps her hands, "yay, hu tao!"
you distinctly say, "for the rhythm, i was thinking we could do something like this..." the other three lean in to listen to the speed and sound of your sticks against the drums. "it could start off slow and we'd gradually get into it after the intro."
yoimiya's eyes light up in excitement, "ooh, yes! we're making progress!" hu tao smugly remarks, "don't get ahead of yourself. we're not even sure if this will sound half as good as our practices with yun jin. plus," she gestures towards you, "(name) needs new drumming gloves. it'll affect their performance if they don't use any."
ayaka solemnly frowns, "is that so? you know, you could always borrow money from me or my brother." you pout, "i could never, aya. not again anyways. both you and him have done so much for me." hu tao's lightbulb goes off in her head, and she advises you to get a part-time job at xiangling's restaurant.
"c'mon, we'll do it with you!" the scarlet-eyed brunette is practically pleading on her knees. you scoff, "you just want to see me mess up people's orders, don't you?" hu tao looks elsewhere, sputtering, "pfft, what makes you say that?"
"is there a problem here?"
the sound of his voice instantly made your heart skip a beat and flutter within your chest. all four of you look towards the male standing in front of the stage.
scaramouche narrows his eyes and places a hand on his hip while using his other hand to tap his chin, "you know, i haven't been seeing much work getting done with this performance. could it be, i've made a mistake in offering you this opportunity?"
hu tao resists the urge to stomp down the stage and smack him right in the face. she merely crosses her arms and sticks out her tongue. yoimiya nervously says, "we're getting a ton of work done, don't worry!" scaramouche corrects her with a sinister smile, "i think you four are the ones who should be doing the worrying."
ayaka gulps. you stand up from your drum throne and pipe up, "it's my fault we can't get proper practice today. it's just that my gloves have worn out to the point where i can't use them, and i've always played with them, so-"
scaramouche knits his brows together in a state of somewhat disbelief. "is that all? you might as well just buy it off of the student council's school funds. it's related to the school festival, is it not?"
you tense up, "i mean, it is, but it's a little too shameless of me to be doing that..." you scratch your cheek with your index finger while giving ayaka the anxious side eye only to see that she wasn't doing any better from where she was standing. why is he so scarily brooding?
scaramouche tsks, "fine. the most i'll offer is tagging along with you to buy the gloves. i know it's stupid but only then could i see if you're actually buying those and those only. and if you don't want to agree to this, then suit yourself. i hope you're happy with letting your band down."
yoimiya covers her mouth and frantically glances between you and scaramouche. "it's like watching a drama," she whispers to hu tao. you're hesitant before nodding as a reply to scaramouche's proposal.
just how will things go, being alone with him outside of school?
tags: @mariusvonhangme @scaramoo @mikismusings @rizakari @akagism2 @sakiimeo @ohmyfinggod @aethersluvrr @scarafrisbee @kaoyamamegami @liliumaraneae @dreamsofminnie @starfart19 @kunisbeloved @luhvashh @makiswrld @kyouzki @mimissubway @loucaroarz @theblueblub @angelunatic @shinjuuz @thenightsflower @coquettemaiden @thefandomcrow @cotton-eee @lovely028 @hrtswinter @duckyyyx @kissingkzuha @dazaisboner @adeptusx @tomotofu @yukiipc @httpspatholvr @star583 @soobasaur @dr8amy @scaraapologist @raideneiari @rvoulte @esquevl @pyrrhicgaze @tjjjrsj @enviouspeanut @d4y-dr3am3r @aromaticism @undecidingfate @idontwantoeatspicy
taglist is now closed as i've reached the max tags in a single post. (50/50 tags occupied + officially removed users whose names aren't linked)
what happens when you, a talented and well-known drummer across the web, grow an intense crush for the student council president, who's also your number one fan? from annoying sisters to nosy bandmates, the next event that happens is always more chaotic than the last!
© kisscara
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heal-the-ashes · 6 months ago
i drew the first one (the ranlay one) at like.. saturday's midnight... i decided to not disturb it and i decided to also leave it there anyway, i like doodling the mask of chaos is super funny to me too. look at how low effort it is. LOL also whoa, i get to finally add the tag that it's my art this time... (i am not tagging hershel. that is... not worthy of being tagged in my opinion LOL)
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[ image description: 4 different pieces of randall ascot from professor layton. all just depict his head. the 1st, in the top left, is him and hershel layton albeit poorly drawn. they look happy and appear to be smiling and laughing. the second, in the top right, is randall glancing to the side. he looks serious. the third, on the bottom left, is randall happily talking about the mask of chaos; the mask and two speech bubbles are to the left of him. the speech bubbles have scribbles, only to indicate he is talking. the fourth is randall looking to the side again, but he looks happy. end image id. ]
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verslxt · 2 years ago
radio shows ~ r. suna
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“i currently have y/n miya, world renowned model. sister to msby jackal player atsumu miya. and dating ejp rajin player rintaro suna”.
you smiled at the introduction to yourself “i’m so glad you could have me on”
you knew atsumu made everyone listen to this. osamu probably had the tv on watching the livestream. and suna was most definitely listening to it.
“so do you know of anyone who is listening to the show currently” the interviewer asked
“uhm yes i do actually, and i have one correction to make to your introduction. i have my brothers listening. hi atsumu and osamu. and i have my fiancé suna listening”
suna had preposed to you at a family gathering at his families house. atsumu and osamu already knew but not everyone knew. you talked it over with suna if you could say you two were engaged or not and he said yes
“oh wow, how long have you two been dating?”
“well he was in 1st year of high school and i was still in junior high. when i finally got into high school he asked me out. to homecoming actually”
“how did he ask you out”
“a sign. oh my god this boy had everything planned out. i was a cheerleader for basketball during the time. so i helped the volleyball team by being their manager. atsumu made me to do it. i’m not that mad about it anymore because i met suna from it. he used our golden doodle to ask me out. i still remember what the sign said too ‘if my puppy dog eyes don’t work maybe nini’s will’. oh my god poor nini he put a sign on her that said ‘hoco with suna?’. i said yes because i loved nini. nini is now 6ft under”
you felt your phone buzz. you knew it was suna. you smiled a little bit
“your smile is so beautiful”
“thank you so much”
“we’re going to cut to a song. what do you think we should play, y/n”
“let’s play an inrarizaki favorite. ohmami by chase atlantic”
“with maggie lindemann or just normal?”
you thought of suna saying ohmami. this boy loved the song. he loved doing some special activities during the song. you felt your phone buzz again
“bitch, i'm fuckin' styling yeah ooh-ooh-ooh, oh yeah whoa”
you picked up your phone
rinnie<3🥰 your doing great baby 🫶🏽
y/n ❤️ thank you baby 🫶🏽
dumbass 1 😐 ohmami really?
fucking dumbass 🥱 yea, lost my virginity to it 😶
dumbass 1 😐 EWWWWW
fucking dumbass 🥱 YOU ASKED
the song ended and the interview picked back up
“i love that song so much”
“me too. now, do you and suna ever want kids”
you smiled. you and suna have been having this conversation since you two got together “yes we would. we only want 2 of them. and if i carry the twin gene then we may have to go through pregnancy once”.
“what’s your favorite song currently”
“i have a few actually! mine by 1nonly, r u mine by arctic monkeys, problems by mother mother and needed me by rihanna”
“y/n miya a mother mother fan?”
“oh and get scared”
suna taught you all those bands. other than a handful. suna really made you into who you are today
“can you do a perfect accent?”
you start in a perfect british accent “well funny you say that”. then you switch to an australian accent “i can do a kermit one too”. and that’s when you switch to kermit “well i say where is miss. piggy. i swear i lose that girl more than i lose my mind sometimes”.
you laugh, you knew atsumu never knew you could do those. so he’s probably surprised. you and osamu yell at each other in an australian accent. and then you and suna go around the house yelling in the house in the kermit accent
“do you know…the muffin man?”
“the muffin man?”
“ThE mUfFiN mAn”
the interviewer laughs “now we know ms. miya can do accents perfectly. now if you weren’t famous what would you be doing”
“ohhhh i would either be doing cheer for the msby jackals or be a massage therapist”
“what would you name your boat if you had one”
“oh goodness, now me and suna have been wanting a boat since like forever. and we decided we would name it the beayatch”
“what’s the dumbest thing you’ve gotten injured from doing?”
“how much time do we have. let’s see i got dropped by osamu and atsumu trying to do a cheer stunt. now based on their muscles at the time you would think they could hold me up right? wrong they dropped me so hard, i twisted my ankle and now i can move my knee cap anyway i want. another time i was cooking dinner and suna was in the mood if you know you know. and he sat me up on the counter and we kinda forgot to turn off the burner”
“how is it like dating suna”
“after noon naps. i get so greatful for them sometimes. uhm this boy can cook really good, he and his mom used to cook together all the time. so he picked up recipes from her. it’s really fun, i’m glad i get to marry him”
“awww, we’re going to go to a song but don’t leave yet we still have burning questions sent in from you guys! stay tuned. now what song should we play”
“oooo problems by mother mother”
“problems coming up”
you picked up your phone and texted suna
y/n ❤️ am i doing good
rinnie 🥰 your doing great baby
y/n ❤️ love you rinnie
rinnie 🥰 love you too
the interview picked back up. and she asked you the one question you were hoping she wouldn’t ask
“so there have been a few rumors of suna cheating, what have you two done about it?”
"“oh, now the pictures that were leaked of him cheating was when we were in high school. that was his girlfriend before me. and we do some checks on our phones, we just ask each other to see mine or his phone when we feel like they are acting weird, but one day he denied me to look and then he told me after he preposed why i wouldn’t let me look. it was because he was texting osamu about it, and he was acting weird because of that”
"oh, so he wasn't really cheating"
"no, he wasn't"
you knew suna would never cheat on you, he loves you way too much. and you love him way to much to cheat on him as well
"oh that's all the time we have with ms. miya"
"oh wow that passed by quickly"
~time skip~
"mhm you smell good" suna said shoving his face in your neck as you texted atsumu
"thank you rinnie"
"what do you want for dinner?"
"anything really, i don't care. as long as its not sushi, i'm pregnant"
suna picked you up so fast you dropped your phone back onto the couch, showing that you were talking to your mom and not actually atsumu.
"oh my god are you actually pregnant?"
"yes rinnie i was just telling my mom"
"i love you, i love you, i love you"
"i love you too rinnie"
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pttucker · 1 year ago
When I slowly closed my eyes, it felt like pages were floating up right before me. Ancient pages, with traces of someone already having doodled on them. ⸢In that moment, Kim Dokja made up his mind. He decided to personally write the story that didn't exist in the original.⸥ I began jotting something down above those pages. One page, two pages – every time a page flipped by, time went by, too. Fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth… My fingers disappeared one by one every time a scenario was cleared. They would regenerate some time later, but their size would always be smaller than before. I used those fingers to write the revelations – on the ending Yoo Joonghyuk from the original desired, the conclusion I wanted to see, the mistakes I made, and things I gained new understandings of. All these stories gathered as one, and soon, became a Story. And so, just how long passed by like this? I slowly opened my eyes. ⸢Eventually, Yoo Joonghyuk of the 0th turn had reached the final pages of the scenarios.⸥
Whoa whoa whoa
Dokja wrote the entire 0th turn?
I mean, he's basically been "writing" all of ORV through his actions, but this is the first time we've seen him literally write. I feel like that's a pretty big thing.
Also, I'm really worried because not only is he very obviously destroying himself little by little to do this, that's not really what is role was supposed to be? I think???
I mean, Oldest Dream did create that other worldline and interfered with it in his own way (such as Dokja being very lucky, being Joonghyuk's sponsor, etc) but this feels...over the top.
Not good, not good.
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aur0raaura · 2 years ago
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Twin Princes AU
Part one | Part two
Buy me a Ko-Fi!
AAAAND SCENE! Wow wow! I didn't expect for what was supposed to be another doodle comic...end up with me putting a lot of effort-!
Life got in the way plenty of times- making me take quite a bit to finish this...even contemplating on just putting this on hiatus and just do something else-
...but I did it! I didn't let any discouragement, nerves and bad feelings get to me.
Now I'm sure many are wondering- HOW did this come to fruition? Simple: my friend pointed out that my next comic should focus on Kyurem's involvement in this! Many were wondering what sort of role the old dragon played after the previous comic (Family) and the art piece that accompanied it (The Giant Chasm)! So I went for a more artistic approach to this, making the artwork look like a tale at first, but then shifting to a more crude and cold atmosphere- I was going to polish these last nine pages, yet my friend would tell me that the sketchiness helps with the narrative- and honestly, she was right! Thus I tried to add some subtle sketchiness on pages 7-11 on part one! I wonder if people noticed that detail...? Anyways, time for some fun behind the scenes stuff...!
Here's the very first concept of my Original Dragon design, including his human form!
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You can tell I did some adjustments in the final product, but I really wanted to make sure this dragon had characteristics of the tao trio in some way, plus-- I wished for him to have a unique sort of feel- kinda ethereal? I also gave a teeny bit of eastern dragon influence because...well...tao trio. The tail is actually inspired by a plasma engine!
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It's why I gave it a bit of a swirl to it- ...kinda reminds me of ice cream- His human design...well, I wished to make sure he looked like the princes yeah-? He is their dad after all! So I made sure to reflect that- Same with his clothing as well! Ah right...I should show the design of our princes yes...?
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WHOA WHOA WHOA-- those faces... Hmm... I wonder if people can start piecing together why this au is called the "Twin Princes AU" with this and what was told in this comic...? The design in itself was conceptualized by a rough idea my friend sent me a whiiiiiile back, but asked me to refine it further! Make it fancy, royal, elegant--!! You get the point. XD Though this is the finalized design i came up with as I brainstormed this comic! I hope I could convey how magical yet refined they are! As for Kyurem....oh my! What a reveal as well huh?
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What a throwback....! I drew these a while back!
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Well, there's certainly some familiar design choices...! And another clue to this whole puzzle- unless some of you have figured it out! Let me know through my ask box! ;D
I really didn't expect such a warm reception towards this au me and my pal cooked up last year. To think mixing concepts from our ocverse (GUARDiANverse) with pokemon could work so well...! I suppose fantastical elements mixing with another fantastical setting aint such a bad idea...! This AU has kinda expanded since it's conception... to a point of having other stories of other characters that take place in this version of the pokemon world!
Though for now, I may need a bit of a breather. 20 pages was QUITE the endeavor! Yet...that doesn't mean I wouldn't be opposed to tell more of my tale in other ways! Shoot me an ask, tell me! Who knows, I may answer with a doodle comic! For now, I'll just slowly cook my next idea! Maybe I should give the witness to these tales some spotlight...? I dunno...but honestly, feel free to shoot asks. Well, I hope you all can be patient with me in the meantime!
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microraptorreactor · 11 months ago
I feel like dumping out my box of OCs like one would do a box of lps so very long post filled with very many doodles ahead!
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Reference for my Rainworld oc, Lost! He's an idiot kid I made for one joke but now he lives in my brain. I think I made this reference for him last year? Idk I don't remember. I'm just now realizing that Lost snuck into my V2 characterization lmao.
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Elysium art of various ages! Made between 2021-2023 I believe. This is the oc I made before I knew what Ultrakill was and everyone thought I was making an Ultrakill joke. Tbh if it wasn't for the fact that I MADE Elysium and have their early sketches I wouldn't believe they weren't an Ultrakill reference either. Speaking of which, here's some animations from when Elysium was both a quadruped and a model of robot instead of an individual. These were both made for a class in 2021.
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VERY old art (2020 I think? I wasn't using my screen tablet yet) that I normally wouldn't include if it weren't for the fact my friends would explode me if I mentioned Elysium and Lost without mentioning Nerve. She was an anxiety-ridden warforged cleric who got tragically sent to the vampire realm. Whenever Nerve comes up in discussion one of my friends brings up how I made him cry with her final speech. I don't remember tf I said lmao.
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Art of my His Dark Materials OC, Zurial! Art would have been made 2022 onwards. I made her WAY back in 2019 before Hazbin Hotel even had a pilot but unfortunately now she looks like a Hazbin angel and I feel weird drawing her. Which is really unfortunate because I love her dearly, she's one of my favorite OCs. She's also the only oc I have who I've made a plushie for. Why did my character design have to accidentally look like the works of famous youtube animator Vivian Medrano T-T
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(here's her plushie btw. I'm really proud of it lol.)
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Here's Niphit, one of my Warframe OCs! Some of y'all might recognize her as my AO3 pfp, but her design has changed since then. The bottom reference sheet is her most recent design. She's kind of conceptually similar to Baeri/Sleet/-31 from SftBT, in terms of hacking shit and having a snout and teeth. Biggest difference is that she is a whole ass hivemind, usually pretty harmless, and also considered pretty young.
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Shameless CR:K fanchild OC. Her name is Golden Parmesan Cheese Cookie (Parm or Parmesan for short) and she's also, like, an AI copy of a dead person. Or a dead person's soul trapped inside an eternal simulation? Either way she's got SO many issues. I have a massive chatfic wip from when I decided to try writeing something with her.
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Okay I know technically this is a Homestuck OC but I like to say she's a Hiveswap OC. Because I played Hiveswap and loved it but never read Homestuck. Anyways her name is Vintan she's a yellowblood.
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Whoa an original character! Yeah this is Corion, they come from my brain. I have a whole story concept about post-apocalyptic robot cowboys (and human cowboys) that I've done a couple doodles from but never written down. Corion serves as a sort of living taxi, guiding or carrying people across the wasteland. They are a secondary protagonist, I don't think I have art of Pike and Amelia, the actual protagonists. One funny fact about this universe is it contains a character named V1 (pronounced Vi, still written as V1) who I can no longer use for obvious reasons.
But yeah! Ramble over! Not anywere near all of them I just wanted to talk about my brain children XD
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kurtmustdie · 1 year ago
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Been a hot minute since I’ve posted sketchbook pages mmmmafjkskfowicc
1st- some Hobie doodles I did one morning I uhhh… don’t remember what led to these I think I was just bored in class and still waking up (like the headshot though like whoa?? Also the writing on the top is just me keeping track of my place in the Spider-Man 2099 comics don’t mind that—)
2nd- some more doodles cat Miguel that’s all I have to say
3rd- finally drawing my Spider-Man OC for once I’ve been neglecting him for no reason I’m so sorry— I drew him right after he was taken in by the Spider Society because he had an awkward phase lmao
4th- more doodles of him I’m really happy with these expressions and poses they fit him really well
5th- more warriors au doodles probably because I can’t get it out of my head that Jess would (depending on if this is her first child or not- I assume it is) come to Miguel a lot for parenting advice SHE WOULD SHE TOTALLY WOULD THEY ARE BEST FRIENDS.
And the 6th one is just a zoom in of my 3 favorite drawings I did >:)
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cytharat · 1 year ago
✨ people I wanna know better! ✨
tagged by @visualtaehyun and @kinnbig thank you <3
Last Song? it was one of my playlists on shuffle so let me check
Favourite colour? look you can't ask me, a bisexual, to choose any one thing. It's impossible I'm sorry I love them all. All of the colours. Yes, even that one. I am not choosing just one when I can have a full rainbow ok and you can't make me
Currently watching? I haven't really been watching anything that is currently airing, but I'm still slowwwly catching up with I feel you linger in the air which I love with my whole entire heart ever since I read the novel. Jane and I are also watching Kiseki: Dear to me and Moving on our weekly date nights. Other than that there are a few things on my to watch list that I want to get to but haven't found the time and energy to start yet. The struggle is so real hhhh
Currently reading? tbh I'm having a hard time concentrating on anything rn, but I finally got my official Seaven Seas translated Guardian copy a while back so I'm kind of sort of re-(re-)reading that
Last movie? Jane and I watched Inhuman Kiss 2 the other day! And you know what that means ... the spooky season is upon us ayyy :D
Sweet/spicy/savoury? I mean it depends on my mood, really. But I suppose if I had to choose only one I'd go with savoury. Give me that umami
Relationship status? tumblr user @pharawee has been the light of my life for *checks calender* 10 years now?? whoa
Current obsessions? I guess Baldur's Gate 3 is still holding my heart and soul hostage. ...yeah
Last thing you googled? my city's stupid annual parade thing is tomorrow so I had to google all the bus detours and whatnot to figure out how the fuck I'll get to work lmao super exciting stuff
Selfie? lol
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I won't subject you to that
Currently working on: uhh keeping it together, mostly lmao no idk I have a few irons in the fire, but I don't think there's anything worth mentioning because that makes it seem like some sort of Big Project when it's just some random silly doodles. Well, and the KenBig AU fics of course, they are still an ongoing struggle
tagging uhhhh @sotc @kruk-art @plushchimera @uldren-sov @jiaoliqiao @aikinn @punkeduppirate @fismoll7secinv @riessene but absolutely no pressure obviously <3
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birdstooth · 2 years ago
lol jk thought I’d show some of the process here in case your other favs aren’t online and u have a couple of min to waste while waiting for the bus
🎵Down once more to the dungeon of my black despair🎶
On the left, u have janky first draft, and on the right, u have less janky second draft😅. Depending on how much time I spent on draft 2, I might do a final cleaner version, and then then add colours :)
My hard limit for a doodle/comic is 3 drafts for reasons that I will go into below, but basically I find that if I try too hard, it triggers the perfectionist demon and then it’s not fun anymore lmaoo
For me, 2-3 drafts is the balance between making something I can look at without cringing, and still have fun drawing lines and shapes.
Also it’s ok to have a very very, objectively bad first draft. My brain is like Swiss cheese so if I spend too long trying to get something down on (virtual) paper by making it look nice, half the idea floats away before I can make a record of it.
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So first of all, since this is the unofficial website for ppl with crippling anxiety (roll call! 🙋‍♀️), just thought I’d say: if u are on the fence about posting your [content] online, go for it!!
I used to look at all this really cool [content] (art, writing, photography w/e) and be like “wow, that’s some good content! I’ve got a long ways to go before my content can reach that standard!”.
Or sometimes, I would see amazing content with very few notes and think “whoa, if this extremely accurate recreation of the Mona Lisa made with used gum found under park benches has only 12 notes, it’s not really worth posting what I have, right?”
But then at some point I decided that it was easier (for me) to make stuff that was vaguely funny instead of “good”, so I stopped trying to draw the perfect shapes with the perfect shading, etc. and just went with like, the minimum accuracy required for an object to be recognizable lol.
I’m not saying don’t chase your dreams or whatever, but try not to force yourself into a style or content type that doesn’t suit you. I have a short attention span and a zillion ideas, so for me, it’s actually much more satisfying to make these goofy little doodles bc I can do quick sketches between procrastinating at work, or while I’m watching my dinner rotate in the microwave 🥲.
When I was in my “every drawing must be perfect” phase, I would spend hours on making sure the proportions were realistic, and the lines were clean, and spend days or weeks in a single piece. Some people are suited to this kind of work and have the patience to see it through, but for me it was very unsatisfying and sapped my motivation so I decided to be realistic about my abilities + the time I have available to improve my skills (I think this is very important bc u might have the patience and the work ethic to practice, practice, practice until you are at the top of your game, but if you have a job or school or other obligations, it might not fit into your schedule) and do a kind of compromise.
Yeah, I’m still envious of other people’s content and no, I don’t think my content is the BEST I can do, but it’s a balance between doing what I like and getting satisfaction out of it. Sometimes, if you push yourself too hard, you end up hating what was supposed to be a hobby, u know?
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void-of-the-moon · 1 year ago
Random doodles bc i finally drew sum
(Character on the right is by @andellaheartz )
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Younger Spotify talking abt their cousin (yes that is a Miku shirt) (Youtube Music is by @twittypet )
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Whoa Scott Pilgrim?!
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aspects and prospit/derse things
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And now every class of these mfs
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Thats all
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