#who's the fairest necromancer of them all
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stormwifewrites · 28 days ago
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🪞 mirror, mirror ✨
Art for Eternity's Gaze
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ladycreatrix · 2 years ago
Graveyard Set Up
(@whumpster-dumpster Thank you for the prompt. These are my OCs, so despite me believing that no one will, I have to ask that no on use them. Thank you.)
Tumblr prompt: Grave robber digs up the wrong patch and discovers someone who's been buried alive.
Zane wiped both his sandy hair and the sweat away from his face. The cool dry air of the desert night felt refreshing as he dauntingly climbed out of the exhumed grave. Tossing the shovel to the side, Zane looked to his scrawny business partner. "Your turn, Freddy".
The copper haired man looked over to the other with excited pewter eyes. Grabbing a weathered medical bag, Freddy rushed past Zane and to the edge of the hole, "so what exactly am I taking off of the old bastard?"
"I need the right arm, right leg and head of this man," Zane panted, sitting on the ground to catch his breath. Pulling out his small journal, Zane read the contents aloud. "The head already has a buyer. A necromancer I think. And I need the limbs for something I'm working on".
With a simple nod, Freddy hopped into the grave with thud.
Zane took a minute to gather himself before taking on his next task as the lookout. Slightly cursing himself for picking poorly during their coin flip. Rules are rules, he thought. This was how the job was with a partner. Ever since Freddy joined with him in his more shady endeavors, Zane had been getting more done. Grave robbing was already hard work, but having an assistant that was actually intelligent and can carry his own weight was a relief. 
They decided flipping a coin was the fairest way to split the work. One would dig and fill the grave back up and stand watch for the guards while the other took what they needed from the grave and stood watch while the other dug. Given that there was someone always on watch, both Zane and Freddy agreed that the work was evenly spread. 
The familiar sound of the casket giving way drew Zane from his thoughts and the unexpected gasp made him jump to immediate panic. He rushed to the grave to see Freddy standing over the open casket.
"There's a woman in here!" Freddy panic whispered. "And she is still breathing! Fucking all-mother, she's alive!"
Zane peered around Freddy to see a young dark haired woman curled up in the casket. Her bloodied fingers matching the claw marks on the inside of the shredded cloth lid. Her breathing was shallow and uneven. Much longer in the grave and she would have met her end Zane guessed. The sound of clanking armor and hastened footsteps sent Zane's panic into overdrive. The guards should be making their rounds in another thirty minutes, not now. Unless…
"Freddy grab the girl and let's go! We've been set up!"
"Why should we take her? It's kidnapping!"
"If we get caught with her here, it's attempted murder! If she comes with us, we can ask her who would want to put her in some old man's grave. Probably the same people who wanted us to dig this old man up".
Freddy shrugged, not arguing with that logic. Together, both men hoisted the unconscious woman out of the grave and the three escaped capture. 
Zane always assumed that he and Freddy were going to make enemies, but being set up was completely different. 
The men got back to their home safely and Zane started to care for the woman. Between his medical history and Freddy's help, they were able to mend the woman's injured hands. Her breathing and complexion improved by morning, all they had to do was wait for her to wake. 
Freddy and Zane had so many questions. Hopefully their new house guest was willing or able to answer them.
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thessalian · 4 years ago
Molly!Warden vs Ostagar, Again
Sten: Why are we wasting our time on this man? And his quest for a battlefield long since lost?
Molly: Look, you want pragmatic? Cailan was wearing some really good armour and it’s a morale-killer for what human armies we manage to collect if the troops see that really good armour on a bunch of fucking darkspawn. We’re going.
(Later, at Ostagar...)
Molly: Alistair? You know the workings of darkspawn better than I do: why are they still all here? There’s nothing left to taint, there’s nothing left to kill, but they’re just ... here.
Alistair: This was an important battlefield. Maybe the archdemon wants them to protect this ground?
Molly: Sten was right about one thing; we abandoned this spot ages ago, and Loghain’s pulling men to fight so-called traitors and imaginary Orlesian threats. If they’re waiting for armies to kill, they’re going to be waiting a good long time.
Wynne: I know that tone, Molly...
Molly: Well, it’s impolite to make people wait. Let’s end their long, boring wait. With pointy bits.
Wynne: *sigh*
(Still later...)
Alistair: ...ow...
Molly: When I tell you there’s a trap there, you do not just run ahead! Especially not when you know damn well that you’re going to be staring down a nug-humping ballista!
Alistair: ...sorry...
Molly: Look, I like your face uncrunched. And the rest of you. Now hold still while Wynne fixes that broken ankle. Which looks ... ow, shit, yeah, Wynne, hurry it up...
Wynne: I ... may need you to hold things ... together, while I knit them.
Alistair: Wait, hold what things together?!? And I hope you don’t mean literally knitting because I know it’s your hobby but-- OOOOOOOOWWWW!
Molly: You know... (stab) ...I can take the hurlocks... (stabslash) ...and the genlocks except that one asshole who raises the dead... (flurry) ...and even the shrieks were understandable... (dumps some poison on her blade) ...but the bit I really hate... (stabstabSTAB) ...are the fucking spiders! (impale)
Wynne: If it helps, those do seem to ... somehow ... be darkspawn spiders.
Molly: ...that’s the opposite of helping but okay...
(On the battlefield)
Molly: He raised the fucking ogre. Wait, what’re those in its...? oooooh shit yeah ALISTAIR! Go share a kill with your mentor, so to speak.
Alistair: Wait, what are you going to do?
Molly: (yeeting herself at genlock necromancer-thing) Hey, JACKASS! Sorry to interrupt your Undead Dance Revue but your throat and my knife have a VERY PRESSING ENGAGEMENT!
Alistair: ...right.
Stabnation: *ensues*
(Much later)
Molly: Here. *offers Duncan’s sword*
Alistair: ...No. You should keep it.
Molly: But he was your--
Alistair: I have ... *sigh* ... my father’s. You and Duncan fought in a similar style. And anyway ... I don’t know what I’m doing. You never seem to have any doubts and that’s what we need now. Those should go to the ranking Warden ... which right now is you.
Molly: ...Erm...
Zevran: I will learn to live with the disappointment, my fair Warden, so long as you allow me to stare luridly at you when we converse.
Wynne: As much as they need to put duty first, I am not having you treat them like a stage play at market. *grabs Zevran by the ear*
Zevran: Ah, fairest Wynne, if you wished my company in more private surroundings, you had but to ask! Although the dragging has something to recommend it. A forceful woman is--
Molly: Wynne, what was it you were saying about younger men in your bed?
Zevran: Ooooooooh... Tell me more!
Wynne: .........If you weren’t the best chance Thedas has, Molly...
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razieltwelve · 5 years ago
Division (RWBY AU Snippet)
Death, Little Death, Zwei, and Drei all looked at the plate of cookies. The cookies were the last from this particular temple, and all of them were still feeling a little bit hungry. It helped that the cookies had been baked by the finest cookie-maker in at least several mortal centuries.
“I suppose we should split them evenly,” Death pointed out, silver eyes narrowing ever so slightly. “There are six left, so we should each get one and a half.”
Little Death, who wanted more than just one and a half cookies, did what children both mortal and divine had been doing since time immemorial. She pulled out the puppy dog eyes. Given how adorable she was, and how much Death was a pushover when it came to her daughter, the older goddess did the smart thing. She grabbed Zwei and brandished him at her daughter.
The dog immediately replied with his own puppy dog eyes, and there may or may not have been a rip in the space-time continuum as quite possibly the most adorable young goddess in the divine realm found her puppy dog eyes facing the originator of the expression. Of course, Little Death wasn’t about to give up. She picked up Drei, and the three-headed dog unleashed his own puppy dog eyes.
And unlike Zwei, he didn’t have just two eyes. He had six.
Alas, Little Death and Drei had made a crucial error. For Zwei was no mere dog. He was the Watchdog of the Abyss, one of the most powerful of Divine Beast in Creation. His puppy dog eyes were on an entirely different level, and the younger pair were soon forced to admit defeat.
“Heh.” Death smirked. “You two have got a long way to go before you can beat Zwei.” However, her smirk faded as Zwei turned… and directed his puppy dog eyes at her. “Seriously?” She summoned a cloth and tied it over Zwei’s eyes. “There. Now, I don’t have to worry about…” She trailed off as Little Death and Drei resumed their cuteness-based assault.
Several more cloths later, and Death was finally safe.
Or so she thought.
When cuteness failed, Little Death demonstrated that she was Bureaucracy’s daughter just as much as she was Death’s. The young goddess pointed out that as a young goddess, she still had plenty of growing to do. Wouldn’t it be better for her development if she got more of the cookies? After all, Death was already full grown. She didn’t need the cookies as much as Little Death did.
Drei added his own argument. Everyone else only had one mouth to feed. He had three heads, which meant he had three mouths to feed. The fairest division, in his opinion, would be to give him three cookies - one for each mouth - and for the rest of them to get one each.
Death pointed out that even if Drei had three heads, he still only had one stomach. Likewise, if Little Death was so eager to grow, then Death would be only too happy to procure some wonderfully healthy vegetables for her.
It was at that point that Death realised she had made a grave miscalculation. While she’d been arguing with her daughter and her daughter’s dog, her dog had made off with the cookies.
“Zwei…” Death vanished in pursuit of the dog with Little Death and Drei right behind her.
They arrived in Bureaucracy’s realm to find Zwei sitting on Bureaucracy’s lap. The dog was eating three of the cookies while the goddess enjoyed the other three.
“…” Death’s eyes narrowed ominously, as did those of Little Death and Drei. “You’ll pay for this treachery, Zwei.” She paused. “And so will you, Bureaucracy!”
X     X     X
Author’s Notes
Heh. Nothing like some time with Death!Ruby and her kid. Luna (the kid) takes more after Ruby than Weiss, but she’s not afraid to draw on some of that Weiss-style arguing when she needs to. Unfortunately, Zwei is the perfect combination of cunning and cute. He just so happens to use his cuteness so often that people forget how dastardly he can be when he puts his mind to it.
Some of you might also find Little Death (Luna) a bit familiar. There’s a good reason for that. She is heavily based on Young Death, a character who appears in two of my collections of original short stories, Divine Assistance and Divine Interference. If you enjoy my fan fiction, you might want to check out my original fiction on Amazon. I’ve recently released a new story there called Two Necromancers, a Dwarf Kingdom, and a Sky City.
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princessalethea · 5 years ago
Once Upon a Ghost
Just in time for Women in Horror Month!
It’s always fun to have a new release out in the world — Happy Book Birthday to Once Upon a Ghost! This anthology contains my story “The Ghost of Beilstein Castle.”
Twenty dark and ghostly faerie tale retellings from the bestselling authors in the award-winning Once Upon Anthologies series! Push open the creaky cellar door and prepare for chilling re-imaginings of your favorite tales. But beware! Blood and revenge, creepy haunted houses, and evil magic lurk within the pages. Are you brave enough to venture in?
A HUNTER’S MEMORY OF WINTER – Annie Bellet Ka is a hunter for hire. She’ll kill anything, for a price. But her newest job will require more than just a bullet… for her prey is already dead…
HAUNTED – Kay McSpadden The old Bayer house might be haunted, but that doesn’t keep the little golden-haired girl from going inside–again, and again, and again.
FAERIE SONG – Anthea Sharp The Pipers have rid the city of vermin, but their music hides a dark magic that only one courageous girl can break.
FORGIVEN: A Djinn Wars Story – Christine Pope Celia Graham might have survived a deadly plague, but that didn’t prevent her from becoming a ghost doomed to haunt her opulent home for all eternity.
WHAT MAGIC LIES BENEATH – Shawntelle Madison Long ago, a bog witch killed Everbelle’s brother. Now the memories of him haunt her–as well as his ghost…
THE GHOST OF BEILSTEIN CASTLE – Alethea Kontis From a riverside castle in post-war Germany, a tormented young American widow recounts her ghostly adventures with a dead bride, a fiery-eyed hellfrog, and a lost treasure.
SNOW WHITE BETWEEN TIME – Julia Crane After eating the cursed apple, Snow White awakens in a strange land. The sun and moon have disappeared, and her only friend is a red-eyed wolf.
QUEEN JOANNA.- Kate Danley Thrust into a loveless marriage of state, Queen Joanna discovers her new palace is home to dark secrets…
RAPUNZEL DREAMING – Yasmine Galenorn Sometimes beauty–and the obsession with that beauty–doesn’t fade. It just transforms with time…
WHAT TALES SPECTERS TELL – Kasey Mackenzie Amelie Baudelaire faces off against the cruel Necromancer who saved her life two years earlier. Now he demands her most precious prize of all–her firstborn child.
THE DEVIL’S DUE – Melissa Marr Never cross a devoted sister, especially one fond of sword fights and sea-faring.
THE BREMEN SHIFTER BAND – Debra Dunbar Geriatric shapeshifters in an assisted living facility discover with the help of Elvis’ ghost that they’re never too old to Rock and Roll.
THE BANSHEE OF LIATH WOOD – Jenna Elizabeth Johnson Kye of Haebach Heath must enter one of the most haunted places in all of Eile in order to free a maiden from her dark curse.
THE GHOST QUEEN – Nikki Jefford When the King of Gloria offers gold to anyone who can present him with the fairest bride in all the kingdoms, two necromancers resurrect the loveliest woman to have ever lived.
IMMORTAL PORTRAIT – Colleen Gleason Frost Elite escort service’s Shep arrives to meet a new client in the hills of Hollywood, and poses for a deadly photograph…
TO BE REMEMBERED – Jamie Ferguson After her brutal murder centuries ago, Ilona haunts the forest with her newfound sister nyavka, luring men into the woods–and to their deaths.
THE SOUL CAGES – Phaedra Weldon When her treasure is stolen, the vengeful Sea Goddess destroys the country’s ships and takes the souls of their crews. Only one woman can save them.
ELLA AND THE HAUNTED HOUSE – Sarra Cannon Descended from a long line of ghost hunters, Ella is forced to spend her birthday in a haunted house with her horrible stepmother and stepsisters.
THE THORN KING – Alexia Purdy Trapped in a scorched rose garden, Riley finds himself in the domain of a malevolent creature cursed by a dark magic ready to claim him as well.
LITTLE FLAME – Devon Monk Avens is not powerful, she is not a witch. But she is the last hope to save the world.
The post Once Upon a Ghost appeared first on Alethea Kontis.
from Once Upon a Ghost
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kurtty-drabbles · 6 years ago
Snow White AU
N/A: So, a conversation leads to this. I love dark fairytales  and I love the mythos of Snow White, some explanations here: No Dwarfs will be used, I read many versions where the Dwarves are creepy that I get a bit miffed now, so, no Dwarves and THE Queen and Kitty aren´t related, Kitty is not the lost princess, she´s a simple maid that is caught in this madness.
@djinmer4 @sailorstar9 @dannybagpipesarecalling @discordsworld @look-ma-no-hands336
In the Kingdom of Quarela, a place ruled by fair rulers, a Queen is considered the most prettiest woman in the land, in fact, her beauty was so legendary that Kings fight to marry her, of course, the winner was the king of Quarela.
However, her beauty hides her thirst for power, Quarela is a kingdom that thrives and prosper for mutants and humans, and this makes them in the centrefold of many political debates.
The Necromancer is a powerful ally, but, the Queen was under the impression he would take her as his pupil, take he did, but, not as a pupil, however, as a proof of his good will, the necromancer gives her a gift. A mirror, a magical mirror can answer her answers.
And the mirror remains in the place as the kingdom grows and blossom even more, meanwhile, Kitty Pryde a maid that has the luck to enter in this profession, at least, is what she used to think.
"Pryde" the maid chef called Kitty waves at the maid, they finished the breakfast and is time to do her chores "I´m here just a minute" she is running to reach the others, maids, when she passed by the hunter. A man covers by heavy clocks and holding a dagger on his hands.
The Queen asked for the mirror, daily and obsessively, how pretty the woman truly is and the mirror never falter in the answer. "You´re the prettiest one" and that answer always makes the Queen smiles and everyone benefits on her good mood.
Even Kitty, the new maid, who does her chores with the other ladies and everyone have a good time, until, one day, as she´s ready to do her chores once, again and again, passing by the hunter( always covered with his clock) things change.
"Pryde, sorry, this time, the Queen has different orders, you´re to stay here and do...nothing," the maid chef said and Kitty is confused.
Meanwhile, the Queen is on her chambers demanding a different answer violently as her fist bleed(she punch the magical mirror and only she got hurt) "mirror, mirror on the wall, tell me who is the fairest of them all"
"Not you, my queen" the mirror replied over and over until as the Queen demands more information "Is a woman working for you, her beauty, intelligence and strong will is far more attractive than anything the Queen could hope to imagine" the mirror repeats the information and the Queen stays in her room for days.
She keeps reeling in her mind about the woman, who could be? Until a name drops in her mind. "That new maid, Kitty Pryde, is she...it can only be she" the Queen speaks madly and banned Kitty Pryde to do her chores for more days.
"Mirror, mirror on the wall, tell me, confirm me this for me, your master, is Kitty Pryde the prettiest woman in this land?" the Queen´s beauty vanish as her skin is unwashed, her hair is untamed and unravelled and her lips are dry as well with dirty bags under her eyes.
"Yes, Kitty Pryde is the prettiest woman in the land" the mirror replied making the Queen hurl in pain and rage, while this happens the necromancer laughs at the show having no idea who Kitty Pryde is.
The next day, Kitty Pryde was called by the Queen herself, and the encounter was not pleasant, actually, the castle is no longer pleasant as the woman send the other ladies away. The Queen looks enraged at the mere presence of Kitty Pryde.
"Can I help you, your majesty?" she made a bow and speak with a reverence and respect. The Queen hated her tone of her voice. So sweet and kind and so youth....youthful she is no more.
"No, return to your place, now" the Queen order and she notices how some of the guards look at Kitty how they used to look at Kitty and she knows they won´t dare to kill the prettiest woman in the land.
The time flies by, and the Queen sends a message to the necromancer, one of the best assassins in the world, she has a request for him. The man arrives in court without any ceremony. The Queen is still raging about Kitty Pryde.
"I want you to take this woman, Kitty Pryde, take her to the forest to pick the flowers and then I want you to remove her heart and bring me her body, I shall feast on her organs and blood" the Queen has a demented smile on her face and the necromancer hardly cares.
So, the necromancer takes a good disguise and is head to where Kitty is. The woman does not speak as the man, ginger that is smiling too much for her like. Takes her to the part where has many flowers and said if Kitty wanted to pick flowers she can do.
As the woman gives her back, the necromancer is ready to do his mission, however, Kitty was faster than him and taking rocks on her pocket she throws at him. And, fearless, kick the dagger the man was planning to use and is using her own knife to press against his neck.
"What the hell are you thinking?" Kitty mutter between her teeth as her eyes gaze upon his. The necromancer is far too impressed to care for his neck.
"Fraun, the Queen orders me to kill you, she´s jealous of your beauty" Kitty does not seem flattered and Kurt can understand why. "it was nothing personal, the woman wants to eat your heart and drink your blood to remain beautiful and if I don´t return..." Kurt made a pause and gulps showing fear of a situation that will never happen.
Kitty frowns at him and removes her knife. "I´ll run away, I should have done that ages ago, and you" she points her knife at him "you should use an animal instead and maybe consider changing job"
And with taking she runs away without ever looking back, leaving the necromancer, who is still under the disguise, far too impressed at the situation.
Kitty run and run, until, her feet stumble into a small cottage in the forest, it was clearly abandoned judging by the decaying state the cottage is. Kitty can´t run forever and as she knows she´s out of Quarela´s propriety, she somehow believes to be saved...for today.
The Queen is deliriously happy with the present the necromancer gives, even goes to eat the heart in one go, however, the mirror still says Kitty Pryde is the fairest of them all. "No, is impossible, I eat the heart, her heart."
The mirror then replies "is the heart of an animal you eat, Kitty Pryde is still the prettiest woman in the land" and the Queen is raging again.
The next day, Kitty Pryde is on the cottage cleaning the mess and making habitable. The animals of the forest decide to help her(deep down, she wonder if the mirror is correct and if she´s the prettiest woman in the land as an only pretty woman make animals obey in such fashion, then again, beauty is a curse too)
"Hello" the necromancer appears wearing no disguise and Kitty is awry of him. The animals seem to be aware of him too. "You´re the new resident of this cottage?"
"Maybe, maybe not" she replied having a knife behind her back and Kurt raises his hands saying he wants to talk, and make a far curious question "do you know who Am I?"
"NO" she replied without hesitation and Kurt is cutting loses here. A good act can take you to any place and Kurt talk how he was wrong by the Queen, she orders him to be exiled and he is living in the forest. His tragic tale seems to have moved the animals and Kitty.
"My name is Kurt Wagner, and yours?" he asked.
"Kitty Pryde and I too, lost everything, because of the Queen" she then tells her tale and is crying and while Kurt is evil, he can´t help by feel bad about this, well, is not like there are never innocent victims in his pranks before and besides, Kitty is alive and fine. There´s no time to cry for the past.
The Queen asked for the mirror more answers, but, for the first time, the mirror is completely silent, meanwhile, Kurt and Kitty are talking and getting to know each other. Kurt forgets his little prank.
The mirror is now only a mirror and the woman went fully insane. She knows magic, well enough to locate Kitty Pryde and kills her, she disguises herself as a hag and goes off to the location of one Kitty Pryde, sadly, the woman never notices Kitty wasn´t alone.
Kitty is living in the cottage has almost a month, and she knows where the town is and manages to get a job and the cottage is far different from before(and the people in the town likes Kitty and she´s not alone) Kurt, for his part, does not need to worry about his disguise with Kitty as this town is  funded by him. They can play along.
"So, you´re a wizard that research?" she asked amused offering him apple pie and he gladly accepts "how that?"
Kurt takes a piece of the pie greedily and comments his job, to be honest, he never lied about his profession, per se, only omit certain details. "Well, I got to know lots of places and people, while I´m under this exile, I can work around my way to see more of the world"
"Do you miss home? your family?"
"I never had a home, Katzchen," his tone is sincere and memories of the past surface again on his mind, Kitty, gentle once noticing his expression, take his hand into hers and only says nothing as this is enough for him.
Suddenly, a hag shows up and Kitty goes greet the poor woman while Kurt shakes his head at this amateur attempt. The woman offers an apple to Kitty, but, Kitty not knowing is a ruse, speak she has more than enough apples.
Kurt is annoyed by this, and, tired of the old prank. So, without caring, he throws a spell on the hag and the woman let a loud shriek and quickly morphed to the Queen.
Kitty runs away from the woman and Kurt has a charming smile on his face. Using a spell the man, let the Queen try to cast a nasty spell, but, Kurt happy for this little spell of his now has an appropriate response to act in a more violent way.
He burned the Queen to the ground, while, Kitty hugs him and locks away. It takes one minute, tops, to burn her completely, but, the smell remains. Kurt is smiling, while, Kitty is still hugging her.
"Is ok, Katzchen, she´s gone" Kurt promised. And Kitty slowly looks into his eyes. "Is it over?" she asked still hugging him.
"Yes, Katzchen, is over, we´re free of her. We can have a life together...if you want" Kurt speaks in an understanding tone.
"I´d want that, Kurt, you´re now my fuzzy prince charming" Kitty states lovingly.
This all started with a joke, but, in the end, Kurt, the necromancer ended up founding Kitty and has no plans of letting her go.
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mikeellee · 4 years ago
N/A: Evil Witch Kitty, a poor Snow White, and EW Kurt is doing something. I think.
Snow White is the fairest of them all. A curse. A blessing, as people pay so much attention to her beauty-no one knows Snow for anything else for her beauty- Snow reads heavy books of ancient magic, all eyes are on her pretty face. No one even noticed the book, no one even pay attention to the oranges that are now apples in her hand.
Snow took one bite of her apple and her grimace is noticeable-of course, her beauty remains even with such expression- shaking her head, the young girl is taking notes mentally.
Next time, use more concentration...I wanted a real apple, not a mixture of apple and orange.
By the way, Orange and apple together do not body well.
As Snow is back to her room, the young girl is reflecting on the mirror´s words.
Her heart is the fairest? No, no. His exact words were:
“Her Majesty the Queen has the Most Beautiful Heart of them all.”
Snow White remembers the time the Queen made Snow watch an execution. The details are fuzzy-Snow was 10 years old at most- the woman said the man-sniveling and begging- tried to kill her and was a threat to the kingdom.
At that time, Snow didn´t believe, as well other people. It was easy to label her as evil
Now, Snow White has some doubts-bitting her bottom lip slightly- there are some holes in the narrative of "the queen is mad and evil" first off, if she was so evil as she would torture people for her own pleasure, why that man was the only one she ever executed?
And if she does have a secret torture room, that is supposed to be a secret, how everyone knows each detail of a room no one ever saw?
And mostly, if she is so evil and so envious of Snow White´s beauty, well, why not kill Snow herself?
"Something is not adding up...and I need guidance!" Snow has no friends, per se, so it´s not wondering she talks alone from time to time. No one finds it odd thanks to her beauty.
Taking a small mirror-the dwarves made for her. It was a gift for a job well done. They don´t care for her beauty, only her magic- Snow closed her eyes really tight, holds the mirror as if her life depends on it, and repeats the magical words.
"I want to speak with the first necromancer, I want to speak with the first necromancer" she repeats those words over and over again focusing on the image of her mentor.
"Hey, hey...I´m here, you can stop the mantra" the reflection is no longer Snow, but rather, a woman with chestnut and curly hair, wearing a black dress and a boring expression on her face. "What my little mentee wants this time?"
"Advices...if possible"
"Ok, if this is about sex...I can " Snow turns a deep shade of pink. She shakes her head violently. The first necromancer laughs at her expression. "So, what advice do you want?"
"Everyone always told me my step-mother is evil but lately I´m thinking otherwise..."
Kitty blinks. "I´m not here to see this woman...I can´t say if she´s evil or not"
Snow tries again. "She was so vain, she always stays with her magic mirror" Kitty arch one eyebrow and crosses her arms. Yes, Snow notices the hypocrisy. "and the mirror said she has a good heart...is it possible the mirror is influencing her, or I was wrong about her all this time?"
Kitty stays silent for a moment. "Again, I´m not here. I can´t assuage the situation...it´s possible you´re mistaken about your stepmother all this time or the mirror is controlling her. Not impossible, mirrors have this power. The only solution is for me to take a look"
Snow beams at that.
"A look in secret. The mirror nor queen must know I´m coming...I want to see everyone at natural"
Snow nods. "I would crack a joke here about nudes, but, this is not the time"
Kitty rolls her eyes and the conversation is over. Snow now has to wait and see if the Queen is indeed a good woman or if she´s a product of the mirror and thus a slave of its desires.
Snow recalls some stories of evil necromancers who would do that. Ensure women and making them do their bidding, then again, a woman doesn´t need a magical mirror to do evil things.
Snow side glances at her books. Magic can be used for good and bad, it´s all about the perspective.
"One day, I´ll be a queen. A queen that can do either good or bad..."
Snow White’s stepmother was obsessed with her vanity, always looking into the mirror to ask it the same question nearly everyday. Day after day, Snow White hears the old rhyme again and again, never understanding why her stepmother would continue to ask it if the answer was always the same. Curiosity getting the better of her, the princess steps in front of the glass, asking it one question: “Mirror, mirror, on the wall, who has the most beautiful heart of them all?”
And the mirror’s answer shocks her: “Her Majesty the Queen has the Most Beautiful Heart of them all.”
-Mod Krystal @krystalanh16 on instagram
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pathfindernerds · 7 years ago
When things go perfectly
So last night, I started running a World of Darkness game based off Garth Nix’s OId Kingdom books (Sabriel, Lirael, Abhorsen, etc) in which, very suddenly and unexpectedly, the Old Kingdom shifted places and came here, to our world, just north of where the PCs go to high school. Once they went across the Wall, I had plans for them to become various special things (Werewolves, Mages, Changelings, etc) as a result of Free Magic awakening in them. I had given them stupid Buzzfeed-style personality quizzes to decide what they became, since I thought that would be fun. The results were a Geist, 2 Mages (one Necromancer, one Theurgist), a Werewolf (New Moon), and a Changeling (Fairest (Flowering), Winter Court). There’s one other player but since he was absent this week and will be next week, I’m not gonna say what he’s becoming.
I also made up a system for Charter Magic (which those familiar with the books will know). Basically, I got a little box and filled it with a bunch of random but useful (or at least interesting) words. Then, when they were baptized, they drew one at random (except for one character who got 3 because they had a dot in Occult). They could then use those words either on their own, or in conjunction with others’ casting to cast Charter spells. I want to stress again, the words were drawn at random.
The Necromancer got “Death.” The Winter-Court Changeling got “Snow.” The Force-Magic Mage got “Lightning” and “Open” and “South.” The Athlete (who was soon to become a Geist) got “Distance.” The Werewolf got “Lance,” which admittedly isn’t a super great fit, but isn’t a bad fit. The other, who has yet to be revealed, got “Rabbit” which, again, not a perfect fit, but also not a bad fit.
They spent about half the session casting spells based on these and discovering how the magic system works, and then at the very end of the session they all awoke as their new selves and I passed out their new character sheets, and they were all pretty amazed at how the words they drew randomly fit pretty damn well with their new powers.
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thataspdfeel · 7 years ago
that book list I promised
//rubs my grubby hands together happily
Boy howdy do I ever have some book recommendations. This would’ve been posted earlier but mobile decided to go fuck itself. Just a heads up, this is gonna be long
I mostly read series because tbh teen fiction is some of the best. It tends to take the most risks with both style and characterization. (Granted, it also tends to fall risk to some of the worst tropes imo like abuse stalker creepy guy is hot cause he loves protag)
Anything Garth Nix has ever written in his whole life. He’s one of my favorite authors and tends to stick to series. Keys to the Kingdom is 7 books and the first is Mister Monday and you read in order of the days of the week. No really. You’ll see why. His Old Kingdom series is 5 books and a short story so far and starts with Sabriel. It’s about necromancers who keep the dead down rather than raise them. Like I have the biggest boner for this series it’s not even funny
Terry Pratchett is my absolute favorite author of all time (besides Shakespeare) and he’s written over 50 books. You don’t have to read them in any particular order but he does follow characters across books sometimes. I recommend starting with Monstrous Regiment, Small Gods, or Going Postal first. If you want to start in chronological order, I think The Colour of Magic was written first
If you’re patient, read the whole Lord of the Rings series from The Hobbit onward. Tolkien sucks his own dick and describes clouds for a whole page cause he’s a world builder kind of writer. I haven’t had a chance to try the series again but I remember enjoying The Hobbit. Just know this is a very tedious option and may result in more boredom
Less boring is The Chronicles of Narnia but there are a few books that are just an absolute bear to get through. I recommend this right after lotr because these stories are a result OF THE SAME DRUG TRIP because Clive Staples Lewis (no really that’s what CS stands for) and Tolkien were college roommates. And because Narnia is a fucking fun place to visit
George RR Martin’s Song of Ice and Fire cause it includes more detail than Game of Thrones and because I’m always a slut for kingdom musical chairs and dragons
Speaking of dragons, The Inheritance Series which is Eragon etc because it’s like lotr for people who can’t stand reading about a cloud for two pages, almost entirely action. Plus, in one of the books, they (Eragon and Saphira) do a couple of really stupid, slightly offensive things to the elves and admit their mistakes which I thought was cool cause it feels like sometimes protagonists don’t apologize in books
Chris D'Lacey also writes these REALLY COOL books about dragons called The Last Dragon Chronicles where these ladies make dragons out of clay and I’m 90% sure The Fire Within is the first book. There are at least 7 and I really need to catch up
Angie Sage writes about a boy named Septimus Heap who’s the 7th son of a 7th son and those books start with Magyk and there are at least 6 maybe 9. They’re fucking awesome and full of magic and adventure and I’m pretty sure he gets a pet dragon somewhere
Suzanne Collins also writes a lot of great stuff but I REALLY like her Gregor the Overlander series. Think Alice in Wonderland with a guy and no drugs and it’s awesome
Anything Rick Riordan has ever written in his life. I love love love the Percy Jackson series and he also wrote Children of the Lamp which is the bomb dot com about djinn children
Douglas Adams has a whole Hitchhiker’s Guide series and The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy is the first and it’s just bonkers and loads of fun. Basically earth gets blown up and the protagonist has to deal with it. An absolute riot
James Rollins writes the Blood Infernal series about vampires and were-beings not just werewolves. The first book is Sanguine and the protagonist’s best friend is a werewolf. The first two books don’t have much to do with each other aside from being in the same universe but book three picks up at the end of book one and ties them both together. I’m pretty sure there’s sex
I’d also recommend anything Edgar Allen Poe or Shakespeare ever wrote. I know that’s more Classical Canon or whatever the fuck but honestly? Delightful. Same sentiment for Stephen King
I can’t remember the names of all the series I’ve read but these I definitely do. So onto individual books!
I, Coriander by Sally Gardener set in 17th century London and has to do with a fairy world if I remember correctly
Fairest by Gail Carson Levine about a really ugly inn keeper’s daughter and it’s kind of a retelling of Snow White (She wrote other stand alones but I haven’t read them. Based off this, though, I’d recommend them)
Americanah by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie about a girl who immigrates from Nigeria(?) to the US and it’s just really really good
Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe set in Nigeria(?) right when colonialism happens. The first part is pre-colonialism and then it gets into the beginnings of it and all this happens within the lifespan of one man. Trigger warning though for mentions of abuse, explicit child murder and explicit suicide. Like it’s a good book but it’s gonna be a rough ride if you don’t know what you’re in for
One Hundred Years of Solitude by Gabriel García Márquez is good, if tedious. It’s a Latin American book so the story is circular and told in spirals. I literally have no other way to describe it. Also don’t ignore the family chart at the very beginning because people get the same names across generations and it’s absolutely hellish. Trigger warning for incest, I think rape, definitely abuse, and a baby gets eaten by ants at the end which is more gross than anything
Black Rain by Kuroi Ame is about the bombing of Hiroshima. I’m pretty sure that’s all the trigger warning you’re going to need
The Lone Ranger and Tonto Fistfight in Heaven by Sherman Alexie is a collection of short stories about various Native American characters living on a reservation
Black Elk Speaks by John G. Neihardt is about a Blackfoot medicine man who finally talks about his life but it’s less interview and more John interpreting things so this needs to be read a little critically
Lame Deer, Seeker of Visions by Richard Erdoes is a book where a Sioux medicine man talks directly to Erdoes from a Native perspective about various things from sex to politics. Was a joy to read honestly. Very enlightening
Hagakure by Yamamoto Tsunetomo basically entails the way of the bushido or the samurai code more or less. Kind of technical but I enjoyed it
Blood and Chocolate by Annette Curtis Klause is about the werewolf protagonist trying to fit into her pack and figure out how to be a teenager. There’s at least one graphic mention of death (I think). It could also be suicide) so heads up
The Silver Kiss by Annette Curtis Klause is a vampire romance set in the 90′s and has absolutely nothing to do with the other book and was definitely something I loved. The protagonist watches her mother waste away from illness so avoid if that’s not something you can handle. Apparently, there are more stories (which I’d LOVE to read) and I’d recommend them just based off the two I have read
The Spook’s Apprentice by Joseph Delaney was amazing and I’ve just found out it’s a series not just a stand-alone so I know what’s going on my to-read list. It’s about an apprentice to The Spook who puts down evil things that hide in the dark. Kind of spine-tingling so if you don’t do horror, don’t read when it’s dark. It’s not horror-horror but if it’s not your thing, definitely read during the day
A Rose for Emily by William Faulkner is the only thing Faulkner ever wrote I can possibly stand. It’s a short story and the time is out of order but I still liked it
The Yellow Wallpaper by Charlotte Perkins Gilman is also a short story and my absolute favorite
Also not a book, but I greatly enjoy the Puritan poet Anne Bradstreet but not everybody does because 1 early American literature and 2 Puritan but that’s something if poetry is up your alley
Black Beauty by Anna Sewell is about the life of a horse set from the horse’s perspective. No seriously. With I statements and everything. I thought it was very interesting. (I was also like 8)
White Fang by Jack London is by wolves. I don’t remember much more than that because of how long ago I read it but it was probably decent since it stuck in my mind
The Whipping Boy by Sid Fleischman is about a prince’s whipping boy which is a thing because you can’t spank a prince directly so you have to punish somebody else. V interesting
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory by Roald Dahl was very enjoyable. I like Roald Dahl anyway but the concept of a chocolate factory was awesome. I also read it before I saw either movie and before the remake
Frankenstein by Mary Shelley is pretty good but skip the epistolary at the beginning and read it after if you want to spare yourself some headache
Dracula by Bram Stoker is a classic and just really fun and I can definitely see why it’s a classic
The Ocean at the End of the Lane by Neil Gaiman was really interesting and honestly, I’d read anything that man writes after I read that
The Help by Kathryn Stockett is even better than the movie but there’s abuse mentions in it like even more so than the movie. If you haven’t seen the movie, heads up for graphic depictions of miscarriage, racial violence, and I don’t remember if the one death mentioned is graphic or not but it’s a heavy book
I’d have more but I can’t remember their damned names right now and it’s bugging me. I also have obscure video game recs because I’m one of those indie freaks. They tend to really draw me in
Also, if you like manga, I’ve read like idk how many series but a shitload and the day onemanga shut down was the day my soul died
Anyway, I hope this is fine. It isn’t even the half of what I’ve read. Like I spent almost all of my childhood reading and I enjoyed most of it. I just wish I could remember book names. Their stories are floating around in my head, just not their names. If I remember any more, I’ll probably add to this list
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