#who’s gonna be jughead and who’s archie though that’s the real question
ajohnhughesmovie · 2 months
honestly the best ending for cobra kai is for them to pull a riverdale and everyone’s fighting to erase the concept of karate from entering the valley because obviously this isn’t benefitting anyone
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go-ldy · 4 years
Oh man, your tags have me wondering: if you had complete creative control, how would you run Riverdale season 5?
Ooh, such a good question! “Complete creative control” is a lot of responsibility in this show. As a first step, I would probably outline the character journeys and arcs first and then try and figure out how to use the plot to serve those arcs. Riverdale is such a plot heavy show that often its biggest failing is that its character arcs tend to suffer or get pushed to the sidelines.
But based on the little we know from season 5 so far, here is what I would do:
Keep the time jump, but make it five years rather than seven. Seven is  such a long time for these characters to be separated. Is it plausible that they are still drawn to each other after seven years apart? I mean, maybe, but more believable after five years.
I would have Betty and Archie be done and over with before the time jump. Make it clear that they will always have a special place for each other because of their past and shared history, but whatever romance they thought they had is not there. I would not keep it alive post time-jump other than the fact that they are both regretful as to the damage it did to Jughead and Veronica.
I have no problems with most of the characters being in dark or difficult places after the time jump. In fact, it makes sense. If life is not going well outside of Riverdale, that could explain what draws them home to the people they parted ways with after high school. Plus, it gives all of them a journey and a reason to reconnect with each other. Like, why would they ever come back to Riverdale if life was going well? Stay away lol. 
I like the idea of Jughead struggling with writer’s block and how to make it as a writer. LBR, “making it” as a successful writer is difficult, and even more so in this day and age. I don’t mind him being in a failing relationship either. I am 10000% against him becoming an alcoholic though, would ditch immediately. Jughead has seen the ravishes of alcoholism on his father, and I have always interpreted him being as rabidly anti-drug as he is as a reaction against his parents. Against FP for his alcoholism, and against his mother for her drug dealing. Really hard for me to imagine him then succumbing to an alcohol addiction - especially if the development as to why and how occurs entirely offscreen. And I don’t think it is necessary, at all. Jughead can be in a dark place without the alcohol addiction.
I am so here for badass FBI!Betty. I see her struggling to stay within the confines of the rules of something like the FBI. Betty Cooper loves to do her own thing. She will break into cars/houses/filing cabinets when she is on the trail. I don’t see her stopping for things like “warrants” or “the chain of command.” I would have there be real consequences to her for not following the rules. Does she get put on probation at the FBI for failing to follow the rules? Maybe have to attend a disciplinary hearing or two.
Ultimately I would have Betty have to choose - follow the FBI’s rules and potentially let a lead slip away or follow the lead knowing it will probably mean the end of her career? U know Betty would recklessly follow a lead at the expense of her career, and I would be here for it.
Betty and Jughead would get drawn in together almost immediately over what the big season mystery is - whether it is the mothman or Polly being missing or whatever. Who cares as long as they do the investigating together. The investigating would be fraught with overwhelming sexual tension. Lots of longing looks when they think the other person is not watching. I would have them conduct surveillance in a lot of tight and cramped spaces where they try desperately not to touch each other because every time they do, it is a jolt to the system. It would also make them cranky and snap at each other - again, because of all the overwhelming tension lol.
It is hard to be fair to Jessica, but I think it would be important to do so as much as possible. I could see Betty and Jughead reconnecting really quickly, and Betty even thinking that there is a ~moment between them before, bam, Jughead comes clean about his live-in girlfriend (who is back wherever he lives, but not in Riverdale). I think if the purpose is for Jessica to just be an obstacle, I would not keep the relationship going for long. That would not be fair to her. I would have it break down within a few episode - two or three? And for long-standing reasons other than Betty. Betty is maybe the final straw, but this is a relationship that was not going to last.
For Veronica, I am not opposed to her strolling back into town with a husband. But I hope the husband is not a complete tool. Like, maybe he could be good looking and they could have a lot of chemistry? Doesn’t mean he can’t be up to shady stuff or there is a reason for their relationship to break down, but I would like to see Archie have to fight for Veronica rather than get the benefit of looking better by comparison. I am okay with Archie hating Veronica’s new beau as soon as he lays eyes on him though lol.
I would probably end Choni and get Toni a less toxic relationship but that’s never gonna happen so....
I would love more screentime and storylines for Reggie. I think Charles Melton is so great and so funny. It would be cool to see him form a relationship with someone other than Archie. Perhaps he and Jughead could be buds. It would be fun to see him get sucked into the mothman mystery with Bughead. An odd ball dynamic, but one that would be fun! 
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imreallyloveleee · 4 years
thoughts on 4x15
another good one!!! it’s almost annoying how enjoyable this 4x14 - 4x16 stretch is, because it’s proof that they can make this show watchable for more than 3 minutes at a time, if only they put some effort and planning into it. anyway
- this episode addresses the eternal question, “what the actual fuck is wrong with Alice Cooper?”, and the answer is: everything
- how much fun do you think Mary had going “don’t answer that Archie. don’t answer that Archie. don’t answer that Archie” in response to every single question FP asked him in the interrogation room
- i love Toni’s expression when Cheryl apologizes for calling Jughead a hobo, twice
- Hermosa shows up in at least 3 scenes to be like “ho ho ho, guess what Veronica, i used my incredible private investigator skills to discover [thing]”. i am literally writing this 20 minutes after watching the episode and already cannot remember a single thing about this plot other than it exists
- oh, and that Hermosa gives Veronica a fake passport that must be made of tissue paper, because Veronica shreds it into quarters with absolutely zero effort
- lest anyone’s memory start convincing them that Donna and Bret are a couple of criminal masterminds: the two of them have a loud conversation in which they discuss Jonathan smearing Jughead’s blood all over a rock, with the door to Bret’s dorm room open. lol
- speaking of Jonathan, the Bunny Corcoran of Stonewall Prep: Donna clearly killed him for some perceived slight. WHAT WAS IT?
- Reggie’s brief talking head scene is so great
- Kevin’s, on the other hand, is not. “Betty and Archie are predestined...but even Betty isn’t crazy enough to date Archie if Jughead were alive.” what does that even mean, Kevin
- Sweet Pea is in this episode. unnecessarily aggro as usual. do we know if he’s back in season 5? i hope not
- Hiram shows up at Jughead’s funeral to fire FP. L O L. this guy.
- imagine you’re a random Serpent attending Jughead’s funeral, and then his girlfriend starts reading a scene from a Sherlock Holmes novel about two men wrestling one another over a cliff.
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- it’s a “Serpent tradition” to have your closed casket funeral in your living room, fyi
- watching Donna slap Bret in the face is great! i’d like to see more of that.
- Cheryl goes to find Veronica in the bathroom because she “deserves to hear it in person” that Betty and Archie were kissing, even though Cheryl just sent a blast text of it to the entire school that somehow magically excluded Veronica, Betty, and Archie only
- watching that scene where Veronica pretends to be angry at Betty and Archie, i realized we’re going to have to watch that scene all over again in the prom episode, only the emotions will be amped up and real this time. i hate it. i hate it so much
- but back to things i love: Donna goes all the way across town to Riverdale High just so she can tell Betty what a nympho she is to her face. 12/10
- THERE WERE THREE MILKSHAKES, BRET!!!! Donna is just so fun in this episode. she’s got a lot in common with Jughead, who is also prone to falling down conspiracy theory rabbit holes that then end up being correct
- Betty and Jughead in the fuck bunker, omgggggg. she made him a new beanieeeeeeeeeeeeee. that’s gonna come back and punch us in the heart, guaranteed. the way they look at each other in this scene just melts me.
- I’m very happy that Jellybean was in on the conspiracy, because it’s too heartbreaking to imagine her really thinking her big brother was dead the whole time, plus she probably had a lot of fun hiding secrets from Alice
- this episode ends on Jughead getting really excited about some info Veronica found about Donna (is that what Hermosa was talking about earlier? i just tune out everything she says) and turning to the murder board, which has now migrated to the fuck bunker somehow. it’s so delightful. we missed you Jughead!!!
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jugxbets · 3 years
ALS Chapter Two pt 2
a/n: didnt fit in one post so i had to separate it. will probably do it again with other chapters.
"No, nothing like that.. if i tell you, will you swear you won't tell anyone? Like anyone at all? And you won't ask questions until i'm ready to talk?"
yes, of course. On my mother's pearls. What's wrong?
Alex heavily sighed. "I need a plan b pill."
She heard Veronica lightly gasp on the other line.
<i>o-okay, ill get it for you as soon as I can and we can talk later.</I>
She hung up. She had tears streaming down her face and she didn't even realize. She was scared that if she waited any longer, she would end up pregnant.
Moments later, Veronica texted her to tell her she was outside.
She rushed to get there, getting a questioning look from her dad, who was in the living room.
She walked outside, where she saw Veronica waiting with a paper brown bag in her hands, with her face filled with nothing but concern.
"Thank you." A wave of relief ran through Alex's body when Veronica handed the bag to her.
Veronica nodded. She was debating whether she should ask or not.
Alex took the box out and shoved it down her shorts. She covered the very noticeable box print with her shirt the best she could. She crumbled the bag, and threw it across the lawn.
"You can't tell Archie." Alex whispered.
Veronica nodded once again.
"What happened?" She finally asked.
Alex rolled her eyes. "The obvious."
"But why didn't you—"
"Not here, Veronica." Alex cut her off. "My dad and Archie are inside."
"Does this mean we're friends again?" Veronica gave a small smile.
Alex smiled back. "I guess."
Veronica squealed and hugged Alex. She returned her hug.
"Just don't go breaking Betty's heart. She's had too much of that from stupid Archie." Alex rolled her eyes.
Veronica nodded. "I won't, I promise."
"Okay, well thank you, once again." Alex said with a kind smile.
"For sure, and hey, if you need a 'test,' you know who to call." She joked.
Alex laughed. "Just go."
And she left.
Alex raced back upstairs to take the pill. She took it as instructed.
She let out another sigh of relief, possibly the last one of the night.
She started undressing herself to get into her pajamas. She noticed her waist was bruised. She took a better look in the mirror.
Yep. Bruised.
She huffed. She decided not to think too much about it and continue getting ready for bed.
She fell fast asleep.
School was boring the next day. She was sad that Chuck didn't even acknowledge her.
Her heart dropped when she saw Veronica exceptionally close to him in the student's lounge.
She didn't say anything about it and sat on the counter next to Jughead. She began blasting music through her ears, not listening to what any of them said.
Although, it didn't matter how loud she put the volume up, she can still hear Reggie trying to play detective.
She rolled her eyes.
"It's called necrophilia, Reggie. Can you spell it?" Jughead snapped back.
Alex tried holding back a laugh but failed terribly.
She stopped laughing when Reggie launched himself at Jughead. Archie stopped him.
"Hey, shut the hell up, Reggie." He pushed him.
Alex jumped off the counter.
"Archie.." she scolded.
"What do you care, Andrews?" Reggie asked, sparking up some more tension between the two.
"Nothing, just leave him alone." Archie simply stated.
"Holy crap." Reggie said, in a surprised tone. "Did you and Donnie Darko kill him together? Was it some sort of pervy, blood brother thing?"
He got closer to Archie's face.
Alex tried getting in between them so it wouldn't get physical but Jughead held her back.
Then Archie pushed Reggie again.
"Archie, stop it." Alex demanded.
Reggie paused for a second before he launched himself completely at Archie. He pushed him into the vending machine, causing them to break the glass.
Jughead didn't bother to hold Alex anymore since he tried getting Reggie of off him. Moose got up and grabbed Jughead.
Alex was going to step in as well, but Betty was on her feet by then and she insisted on holding her back.
They fell on to the floor where Reggie punched the living daylights out of him.
They ended up back home. Alex gave an ice pack to Archie for him to put on his face. Where the bruise was.
"You're such an idiot." Alex snarled.
He sighed.
"Ooh." Fred interrupted.
Both of their attention went to him.
"I hate to ask this, but did you get that in a fight with Jughead?" Fred asked carefully.
"No. It was with Reggie." Archie assured him. "It's a long story."
"I think I can tell it pretty quick." Alex interjected.
"Not that." Archie cut her off. "Jughead and i, we were disagreeing about a girl."
He sighed. "Because there's this girl.."
"There usually is." Fred interrupted.
"But it's not about me and Jughead, it's about me and this girl." Archie elaborated.
Alex's face scrunched up. "What girl?"
"... no one you know." Archie hesitated.
She scoffed.
"Alex, will you give us a moment?" Fred turned to Alex.
She rolled her eyes. "Whatever. I'm gonna go for a walk."
She headed out.
As soon as she stepped outside, she got a text from Chuck.
From: Chuck
Come over?
She grinned and walked on over to his house.
It was the night of the Pep Rally. The first game the cheerleading got to cheer for. She promised herself she would be the loudest for Archie.
Even though he's been acting weird lately, she wanted to let him know she was there for him without telling him directly.
She jumped up and down with her pom poms, despite her still being sore from the night before.
She saw Jughead by the bleachers and approached him.
"You alright?" She called out as she ran up to him.
"Never been better." He sarcastically responded.
"I saw how Moose grabbed you. I was just checking in." She shrugged.
"Thanks." He blandly said.
She nodded.
"Nice outfit." He chuckled.
"Shut up." She laughed.
She saw Archie approaching them from the corner of her eye.
"Can you give us a minute?" Archie asked Alex.
She blinked. "Uh, yeah, I'm gonna go back to the field. Enjoy the game." She smiled at Jughead.
He tried his best to smile back.
She ran back to the cheerleaders. They continued to jump up and down, and cheer.
It physically hurt Alex for her to be this perky.
In the back of her mind, she had hoped Jughead and Archie would make up.
It started drizzling. She groaned. She hated rain.
She shook it off and continued being peppy. She couldn't get yelled at by Cheryl in front of anyone.
It was time for the cheerleaders to get in formation. The principal introduced the mayor.
She went on to talk about how lacking the heart of school spirit wasn't the Riverdale way.
She continued with her small speech, that Alex had already began tuning out.
Cheryl looked out of it. Alex could tell she was trying to keep herself together.
Mayor McCoy eventually introduced the cheerleaders and her daughter's band, Josie and the Pussycats.
Everyone cheered.
They started performing. Everything was going smoothly.
The song ended and so did the performance.
Everyone cheered again.
The cheering continued when the coach introduced the football players.
Alex heard and cheered as loud as she could.
Archie smiled at her.
Cheryl saw Archie and couldn't help but lose it. She ran off inside the school, leaving everyone wondering what had happened.
Veronica followed her.
"What happened?" Alex asked Betty.
She shrugged. "Lets go find out."
Betty ran, leading Alex to the building.
They walked into the girls locker room where they saw Cheryl sobbing.
They both felt bad.
"I'm alone." Cheryl continued to sob.
"You're not alone. It's okay." Veronica tried to comfort her.
Alex shed a tear. She saw Cheryl's real pain that night. She couldn't imagine losing her own brother. Looking at Cheryl made her realize that she would die if Archie was gone like Jason.
Cheryl went in to hug Veronica and sob into her shoulder.
Betty zoned out.
Eventually, Veronica advised Cheryl to go home. She obviously wasn't in the mood for a pep rally. Cheryl ended up taking her advice.
The girls went back to the football field and acted like nothing happened. The game went on and finished.
Betty was looking at Veronica like she missed.
"Go talk to her." Alex nudged her
Betty sighed.
She approached Veronica. Alex followed.
"Hey." She began. "We saw you and Cheryl."
Alex nodded when Veronica looked at her.
"Not many girls would've done what you did." Betty admitted.
"I know I wouldn't have." Alex confessed.
They chuckled.
"Full disclosure. I've had my share of emotional breakdowns." Veronica also confessed.
"If you're not doing anything, do you wanna go get a milkshake at Pop's with Alex and I?" Betty invited her.
"Are you sure?" Veronica laughed.
"Yeah." Betty assured her.
"Guys, I'd love that." She accepted.
They smiled at each other and walked off.
They went to Pop's where as promised, they got some milkshakes.
"Betty.." Veronica began. "Can we make a vow?"
Alex looked at them with curiosity.
"Sure." Betty shrugged.
"That no matter what, no boy will ever come between us again." Veronica continued.
Betty smiled.
"Thank god for that." Alex sarcastically said. They laughed.
The chimes of the door caught their attention.
It was Archie and Jughead.
They all awkwardly smiled at each other.
"Do you guys want to join us?" Betty offered.
There was a moment of silence.
"Yes." Jughead broke it. "But only if you're treating."
They laughed. Alex slid down the booth so Betty can make room for Archie. Jughead climbed into the other side of Veronica.
Veronica introduced herself to Jughead.
He did the same, where she furrowed her brows and smiled at his name.
They all talked and laughed amongst each other for the rest of the night.
It was the Monday. Everyone was in Biology.
Chuck was in the same class now and he ignored Alex. She tried not to take it so personal but she couldn't help it.
"Hey, you okay?" Jughead noticed.
"Yeah." She shook her head and chuckled.
Jughead narrowed his eyes.
The Principal Weatherbee and Sheriff Keller walked into the class.
Everyone's attention went to them.
Cheryl suddenly stood up.
"You're here for me, aren't you?" She softly said. "Because of the autopsy?"
Everyone looked at her.
"We don't need to do this in front of your classmates, Cheryl." Weatherbee said.
"It's all right, Principal Weatherbee." Cheryl assured him. She put out her wrists for them to hand cuff. "They'll find out soon enough."
"Now that won't be necessary." Keller said, chuckling.
"Wait, Cheryl, find out what?" Veronica interjected.
"That I'm guilty." Cheryl's voice broke.
Everyone's eyes widened and gasped.
They took her out of the classroom and into the Principal's office.
Eventually, everyone found out that Jason didn't die on the Fourth of July. But that he had died over a week later.
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arsenicpanda · 4 years
Riverdale for the ask meme!
Ok, the Top Five Favorite Characters meme, coming right up!  You know, this is getting increasingly hard to answer because I’m bad at ranking things, although the top two remain consistent.  Still, let’s jam!
5. Gladys Jones: I love Gladys.  I never thought I would at first because she makes such a bad impression in season 1 and then the complete absence of her when Jughead almost dies left a bad taste in my mouth.  I thought it would be impossible for Riverdale to make me like her, but damn is she charming.  And the second she was like, “Ok, Penny, you cut out my kid’s eye, which means it’s Vengeance O’Clock, get ready,” in a way that was such a great parallel to Jughead’s scene with Penny in 2x09, she just completely won me over.  Of the shady parents, she is definitely my favorite as someone who is clearly Trying at this parenting thing but also failing miserably on like every level.  Also, Jughead is so, so clearly his mother’s son, and I just love their similarities in mentalities and the way they go about things.  And she’s also such a delight to watch, just played absolutely perfectly.  The way she’s such a bad mother but also clearly loves her kids and will fight tooth and nail for them is just so goddamn interesting, she absolutely fascinates me.  Please bring her back in season 5, I want more Gladys.
4. Toni Topaz: Ok, so this is kind of cheating because I’m more talking about Toni as we knew her in season 2 and a little 3a, y’know before she became just a side character to Cheryl, and just as a concept.  Which isn’t fair in terms of ranking, but damn if Toni isn’t interesting in concept.  Her clear and easy bond with Jughead is so interesting because neither of them seem like the type to make friends easily, and yet they were both like, “Ah, someone like me.”  Toni is great as a character who doesn’t take shit from anyone, even her friends (excepting Cheryl, which does and does not work for me depending on the scene), and watching her with Jughead, a character who is also done with everyone’s shit (excepting Betty) but also so full of it himself and indulged by most of his friends (I say that with love), is so fun.  Like, I really wanted to see more of that and more of her friendship with Sweet Pea and Fangs, just more found family, please.  And she wanted to do well in school and get out of Riverdale and I would like more of that!  And also I would love to watch her get to know Betty, just watch this person who clearly hates people wearing masks of any kind get to know this person who is so used to using her masks would be so interesting.  And her brief friendship with Veronica!  I would like to know about that as well.  Vanessa Morgan also just brings a great attitude to Toni that is so entertaining to watch.  So yes, I love Toni, she entertains me greatly when she’s actually allowed to, and I would like more of watching her interact with prominent characters other than Cheryl again.
3. Donna Sweett: My vengeance quest queen, how I love her.  Donna is so conniving and clever and cutthroat, and she’s just amazing.  She has a Mission and a Plan, and it is a very long, very complicated plan (one might even say overly complicated), and I loved watching it.  God, watching her interact with Bret was the best, the way she just shut his shit down and commanded absolutely everything was a delight.  And her position as Betty’s nemesis was the greatest, like what any amazing foe for Betty, just two women on clear missions and elaborate vengeance quests.  And she got away!  I’m so glad she got away, even if she didn’t get everything she wanted.  Please bring her back with another elaborate scheme or as an unexpected and untrustworthy ally, I miss her.
2. Betty Cooper: Best girl, hands down.  Betty is the kind of ruthless, intense lady with a heart of gold and a sweet smile that I’ve been waiting for.  She seems so nice--and is nice, although not as much as she is polite--but has such great hidden depths.  I love watching her journey from someone who is trying so hard to fit into a box to someone who is like, “Yeah, this is who I am,” excepting her worries about her Darkness, although I really want to see her accept that part of herself.  I mean, she accepts that she’s ruthless in her methods socially, but she gets skittish when she gets tempted toward violence, and I find that such an interesting, fine line.  I suppose it’s more a matter of control though; when she gets angry in a fiery, violent way, she gets out of hand, as opposed to her cold fury, which she has complete control over.  Betty has serious anger issues, especially in the beginning when she seems unable to accept that she can get angry, and I love watching her learn to embrace her anger in a way she can control.  Is she still the sweetest to the people she cares about?  Absolutely yes.  Would she completely ruin the lives of anyone who went after those people, especially Jughead?  Also absolutely yes.  Which is so interesting to see in a female character who isn’t also a villain.  Like, she is effectively our real protagonist, occasionally sharing that title with Jughead (I know the show seems to want the protagonist to be Archie, but like...the main plot always goes to Betty, Jughead, or both, and when Betty’s plot is more to the side, it’s given a lot of weight).  Betty is interesting and different, and oh, how I love interesting and different.  I’m so glad she gets as much screentime as she does, although I wish that came with less suffering.
1. Jughead Jones: Best boy, no questions asked.  I love this loner weirdo outsider who just desperately, desperately wants a family, and watching him accept that part of himself has been very interesting for me.  Jughead cares about things very deeply, although he’s also picky about what those things are, and I just love watching him care, whether it’s about people, his community, or Truth in the broader sense.  And once he sets his eyes on something, he, like Betty, is like a dog with a bone, just completely relentless, and I find that so endearing.  Just look at him try to save the Southside and Riverdale!  Watch him try and help Betty find her sister!  See him try to succeed at Stonewall and reclaim his family legacy!  Observe as he tries to solve this great mystery of the Gargoyle King and G&G and all those Shenanigans!  He’s great, I love him.  Jughead is a delight because he has an outer layer of grumpity grump, and then an inner layer of sweetheart, with an undercurrent of crazy person.  I don’t know if I would call Jughead a good person, but he certainly is a caring person.  Also, he’s just absolutely insufferable in the best way, I love him.  I’m so glad that he, like Betty, gets so much focus, although I’m not psyched about the complete downturn in fortune that’s coming with season 5.  Like, he started the show with absolutely nothing--homeless, on the outs with his best friend, his dad drunk, his mom and sister gone, just alone--and now he has come so far--he has a home he shares with the love of his life, he has multiple friends, his sister is home, his dad seems to be on the wagon (I think?  It’s unclear, I think they often forget FP is an alcoholic), he knows his mom loves him even if she has to be on the run or something, and he even has a future outside of Riverdale.  And he’s about to lose a chunk of that and also seem to be in a pretty sorry state, and like...that is a bummer, my friends.  I just want good things for him, y’know?  Still, I assume he’ll start to rebuild his life, but like...it’s gonna be rough to watch him start from the bottom again.  But yeah, I love him and his complexity and also his relationship with Betty and his family and the Serpents and just--I just love him, he’s my third all-time favorite character.
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staliasjeronica · 5 years
Riverdale S4 Ep14 Thoughts *Spoilers*
- Imagine walking into your house with nothing on and being found by your parents lmaooo that’d be so awkward…. at least Veronica and Betty look good (as always)
- Seeing Betty break down like this is so nice to see because it shows that she’s not as put together (or perfect) as they try to make her out to be, and that could have been an interesting plot for “Dark Betty” but they’ve pretty much run that into the ground with random bullshit that makes no sense so umm :(
- People were raving about “Veronica being a bad friend” (Even though she’s only ever been a good friend to B despite B treating her awfully) when all she’s doing is asking questions, as you should when you find your friend holding a rock that killed your other friend… But God this “perfect murder” bs is so dumb like??
- Betty, inviting Kevin back is even more suspicious because you never talk to him anymore lmao but sure 
- Archie really thought his mom knew about the murder somehow lmao???
- So ten minutes or so before the episode (for me) aired, people were saying Mary is bisexual or a lesbian or something without it being confirmed why would you guys get my hopes up please—
- Veronica going off 🥺🥺 Cami is such a great actress we love to see it
- God this faking Jughead’s death thing could have actually been interesting but they had to ruin it. Like there’s not even a clear reason what the fuck is even going on or why with the Stonewall Preppies. Like, is it all just to create “the perfect murder” because if so that’s so boring and dumb….
- NOW THEY BRING UP BETTY DROWNING CHUCK??? At least they didn’t make it sound like it was a good thing like last time. But I’m glad they kind of showed that Archie has also put Betty on the same pedestal Jughead has where she can do no wrong and she’s perfect, but Veronica, who’s actually seen the dark side of Betty, knows at least a sliver of what she’s capable of. I know they won’t actually tackle that or use it and make it an interesting, well thought out storyline, but a girl can dream for this show to have SOMETHING going for it.
- The whole reason why this storyline is so fucking boring and everyone wants it to be over with (not only because it’s only about Bughead and Betty like always) is because it makes no sense and it’s so over the top. It’s a shame they tend to destroy all the possibly good plots.
- Now Betty is lying to Charles… typical.
- If they actually made Betty be the one who killed Jughead that’d be incredible because she’s gotten away with so much bullshit and it would be such a twist. But the writers are too far up her ass so :/
- Someone actually beating Betty at “her own game” and bringing her down a peg? Love that, wish we saw more of it. The only few times we ever got it was when Sweet Pea rightfully called her out for using the Serpents, and Veronica when she finally stands up for herself.
- ARCHIE WAS ABOUT TO CONFESS NOOOO BETTY WHY. So we get a Barchie window scene but it’s Betty (who came out of nowhere like how would she know does she have his room bugged or something?) commanding Archie to not tell his mom smh Barchie’s were ROBBED
- Imagine Jughead’s dumbass telling his almost-sister girlfriend about his plan but not his SHERIFF father………… like the smartest thing would be to get his dad’s help and not some impulsive girl who never thinks before she does shit. (On this note though I’m making a Jeronica drabble/short story where Veronica helps Jughead fake his death and it’ll be much more interesting than this forced, cluttered bs so be on the lookout!)
- HOWEVER the Souphead and Jughead discourse is pretty interesting because we’re not sure whether they pulled a PLL (even though everyone hated it) by bringing in someone we’ve never heard of before and having them be the culprit (aka the “Jughead” who died), or if Jughead is actually dead and will start playing as Souphead (which would be really really good) (by the way, us Jerronica’s claim Souphead so um we can just alter our headcanon a bit if that’s the case)
- Betty stop pretending that your mom and your future step dad are dumb… just tell them what happened Jesus Christ
- Veronica 🥺🥺🥺 I feel for her because my mom’s in a somewhat similar position. Oh… he wants her to get along with Hermosa??? Maybe his illness is real because I was thinking he was gonna be like “it would be nice if you stopped going against me” which would obviously be a fake out but he chose to ask her to get along with Hermosa instead……… interesting……..
- DON’T TELL ME BETTY’S DUMB FUCKING ASS DIDN’T HIDE THE ROCK WITH HER AND JUGHEAD’S DNA ON IT?!?!?!?!?!!?!?!? And you call Betty the detective lmaoooooooooooo If Veronica was in charge this wouldn’t have happened lol
- CAN YOU JUST LET BETTY GET ARRESTED SO THERE’D BE AN ACTUAL INVESTIGATION INTO THIS BULLSHIT?!?!?! Also not Charles, an FBI agent, lifting up evidence they’re switching in plain view…
- THE STONIES RUINING VERONICA’S CHANCE AT COLLEGE?!??!?!? BITCH PLEASE WHY ARE THEY DRAGGING VERONICA INTO THIS?!?!? Suddenly it’s not Hiram, but the preppies………??? God I’m so sick of this
- Veronica is such a G like Betty has treated her like trash and she’s still here for her. Also, every time Veronica comes into the plot with a plan it’s always thought out well and she just… always comes through but Betty is the girl with the plan??? make it make sense luv
-  If they make Charles in on it for some reason or some how that would be interesting but really sad because I like Charles and Falice deserves better.
- If Donna is the one who actually hit him, wouldn’t there be her DNA on it too???
- BETTY MAKES ARCHIE GO?!?!!?!?! GOD POOR FP THOUGH NO— lmao so people just let Bret and Donna go up to the door okay…….
- Imagine if they actually handled Jughead’s death storyline well and made it enjoyable and interesting, imagine how great it could have been instead of this forced, boring bs sigh
- The fact that they don’t let Veronica mourn Jughead smh… also can we stop with the fucking infuriating detective!Hermosa we already have Betty and that’s awful enough.
- So now Betty only wants to get rid of Donna and not Bret??? Fucking WHY??? This isn’t about her being better than sleuthing and being a bitch than you, Betty, this is about Jughead, your step-brother boyfriend. Also, Betty you ain’t scary or badass and never (scary, she has had SOME badass moments) have been
- Hey, Betty’s wearing Jughead’s jacket… that’s low-key cute but you didn’t hear that from me.
- Why they put Varchie together in one cell and Betty in another?? lmao what—
- So I think Archie did tell his mom, and now the parents are in on it and the arrest is just to make the preppies think they’re safe/slip up… anyways thank God that’s over
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ms-maj · 5 years
Thrill Me, Chill Me, Fulfill Me
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It only took three weeks to get six songs in, it’s cool. This one ended up being way harder than it needed to be. Song(s) that make you want to dance- Time Warp (or really any song from Rocky Horror). 
This is also the part where I heap copious amounts of gratitude at the feet of @theheavycrown​ for making this cohesive and also for the PERFECT graphic. She is best. 
“I can’t believe I let you talk me into this,” Jughead tried to get comfortable in his white boxer shorts and undershirt— he’d drawn the line at tighty whities—but without his beanie, he felt exceptionally exposed. 
Betty looked at him, wearing nothing but a thin satin slip and a bra that looked equal parts uncomfortable and sexy as hell. “I did no such thing. You were a willing participant when we discussed…”
“It’s hard to say no to you when your mouth—” her finger came up to silence him. 
“We’re here for Kevin, remember? It’s his first performance outside of Riverdale High and we promised we’d support him,” her finger lingered on his lip until he nods, smirking she slowly dragged it down until his eyes narrowed and he nipped at the tip.
Jughead could say, without question, that The Rocky Horror Picture Show was not his scene. He’d seen the movie, or parts of it, just once and decided pretty quickly that there was a reason it was a cult classic. He’d heard that it wasn’t the film, or the show, per se, but the event. The spectacle was what made it so special. Sitting in an auditorium full of half-naked people who ran the gamut of ages did not assuage his initial fears. Nor did the prop bag in his lap. (Why exactly did one need a rubber glove AND playing cards?)
But, Betty’s easy smile made being there just a skosh more palatable. The theater was dark, intentionally, he was sure. It was atmospheric, the din; the fraying curtains, the worn seats, the broken lights lining the aisles and running across the spanse of the stage. It had the faint underlying smell of decay he associated with places people refused to let go of. It lingered in every corner bar or old department store. It was the dirt and the dust embedded so deeply into the fabric of a place that removing it was practically sacrilege to the patrons. 
He could understand the appeal, wanting to preserve a piece of history as it was remembered. Just looking around at the crowd with their many costumes, some presumably older than himself, would attest to that. 
And being the cinephile he considered himself to be, he thought that being part and parcel for one of the biggest cult events in history would be more…
(Finish below the cut or on AO3)
“You made it!!” Kevin sashayed up the aisle to where they were seated. Betty, in all her scantily clad glory, leaned over him to stand and greet their friend. She did not return to her seat, just perched herself prettily on Jughead’s lap.
Kevin looked every bit in his element. Of course, if you were playing Dr. Frank-n-furter, you’d have to be damn good, and completely confident in yourself. He was assuredly both of those things, with his stocking-clad legs and red pumps. His black-gloved hands rested against his corseted waist as he apprised the group.
“I love that Archie looks the most uncomfortable even though he and Veronica are the only two in your group that are wearing actual clothes,” Kevin laughed as Archie flipped him the bird from their end of the row.
It had somehow been decided, if he remembered correctly between Betty and Cheryl, that the couples would be dressing as Brad and Janet, through the various stages of the film. Veronica and Archie got wedding Brad and Janet, Toni and Cheryl were dressed like the mannequins from the end, and he and Betty, underwear. 
“Who’d have thought Jughead Jones would come to Rocky Horror as anything but Eddie?” Betty threw her head back as his arms tightened around her midsection.
“Those Veronica’s pearls, Kevin?” 
“Of course,” he winked back. “I hope you’re ready for this, especially you virgins!” Before Jughead could question him, Kevin was headed back toward the stage and Betty was sliding off his lap and back into her seat, an indecipherable look settling onto her face. 
“Hey,” Jughead started leaning closer to Betty, “what does he mean virgins?”
She shrugged innocently. “Guess we’ll find out.” She pointed to the center of the stage where Kevin was now standing.
“Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, non-binary and gender-fluid friends, and my sweet, sweet transvestites, welcome, to Rocky Horror!” Kevin transformed on the stage, he owned it, he was Frank. 
The crowd whooped and hollered.
“It’s been brought to my attention that there are several very special virgins in our midst tonight,” he said, stalking across the stage toward the side of the theater they were seated at. 
“What are you gonna do to ‘em, Frank?” Jughead heard yelled back, a smattering of voices throughout but most surprising, three from right next to him. 
“We’re gonna pop your cherries real good tonight, virgins!” Jughead could feel the blood drain from his face, stark white aside from the crimson lipstick V that adorned his cheek.
“Betty,” he said lowly. “Please tell me this scarlet letter isn’t going to lead to my very public humiliation?” 
“C’mon Jug,” she cajoled from beneath the thick veil of her eyelashes. “You like a little humiliation.”
He growled without meaning to. “I like to be the one doling it out, Elizabeth, you should know that by now.”
Her soft hand landed on his thigh. “Maybe you’ll just have to make me pay for it then.”
Eyes narrowed on the half-naked marvel next to him, he ran his tongue ran across sharp teeth before his mouth settled into a ravenous smirk. The words in his throat died as the house lights went down and the spotlights hit the crowd. 
“All virgins—those of you who were marked upon coming in—please make your way to the stage!” Kevin’s voice cut through the haze, snapping Jughead back to the present and making him painfully aware of the torturous glint Betty’s eyes had taken. He noticed more than a few people making their way to the stage. Veronica had stood pulling Archie up behind her, inching their way toward him; the aisle.
“We’ll see if you’re smiling later, poppet,” Jughead didn’t miss the way Betty shivered when the words hit her. He let Veronica and Archie pass before standing, raising a warning brow to his girl and stalking toward the stage. 
He could hear them: Betty, Toni, Cheryl, cheering for them as they hit center stage, but with the spots firmly affixed back to the production, he could barely make them out in the audience. 
“Look at this collection of delightful little V’s. Aren’t they just the cutest?” Kevin was wedged between an ever-increasingly anxious Jughead and Archie who, fully clothed, was enjoying being in the lights. When Jughead scowled in response to Kevin pinching his cheek, Kevin moved down to Veronica who preened under his attention, much to the delight of the crowd. “Don’t they just look good enough to eat?”
A chorus of delighted cheers ran through the audience.
As the lights followed Kevin down the line, the crowd became a little easier to discern. He could feel Betty’s eyes on him, even before he could fix her location. From the stage she looked absolutely in her element, shouting out random things along with Cheryl and Toni, looking way too comfortable in her underwear. He hadn’t been too happy about that if he was being honest. No one else was supposed to see her that bare, and yet, the possessive pride that swelled in him when she caught every passerby’s eye was enough to let him overlook punishing her for that particular offense.
Her smart mouth was another story. And so was this. Whatever this was.
And then he felt it. Something awkwardly large, not firm exactly but not soft either, something that prickled at his skin and pulled at the hair was thrust between his knees.
What he saw when he looked down is red. A balloon. A glance down the line assured him that he wasn’t the only one in this particular predicament.  With the quirk of an eyebrow and an impressive flourish, Kevin produced a giant hatpin; his eyes took on a wicked glint and he was standing at Jughead’s side. 
“Time to get rid of those pesky ol’ cherries!” Kevin paused and faced the audience. “One! Last! Time!” They all shouted in unison.
The ‘pop’ of the balloon Jughead was prepared for, even if he did jump a little. The moans from Kevin as he went down the line and took care of the rest of the balloons were also anticipated. What came most unbidden was that Jughead seemed to actually be enjoying himself.
It was probably because the whole process wasn’t half as humiliating as he’d imagined it would be. Or maybe he was just realizing he was one minute closer to being back in his seat. One scene closer to excusing themselves from their friends. Just a few more hours before he and Betty were back in their quiet little apartment (quiet until he had her screaming that is).
The newly devirginized were released to the raucous crowd, Jughead walking back with much more fervor than he’d gone up with. Maybe it was the ritualistic nature of the whole thing. The cherry popping or the dressing up or the audience participation lines that so many of the patrons knew. He only knew that the energy was palpable, it flowed through the space like electricity, crackling and sparking all around him as he finally sat back down. 
Betty was watching him from the corner of her eye, he could see her jaw clenching from biting her cheek, presumably to keep from smiling. “Something amusing, Elizabeth?” 
Their eyes finally met the moment the opening number began. She shook her head. “Nope,” the pop of her ‘p’ struck him like lightning.
“That’s good to hear because we’re already at ten when we get home, poppet. Five for knowing what was going to happen here and not telling me, and five for how much you enjoyed it,” Jughead sat transfixed, watching the graceful curve of her neck stretch as she sucked in a ragged breath. “Now watch the show.”
Her pretty, pink tongue slipped between plump, pastel lips as she turned her attention back to the stage. Before long, she and Cheryl and Toni were tossing lines out with the best of them, helping their virgin friends with their prop bags and truly embracing the spirit of Rocky Horror.
“So! What did you think?” Betty asked as soon as their feet hit the pavement. Archie and Veronica were doing the Time Warp as they walked out the door with several other revelers, Cheryl and Toni, now wrapped in heavy robes, were singing their best Touch-A, Touch-A, Touch Me’s, all-in-all he’d have to say the night was a success.
He stopped, wrapping his arm around her midsection and pressing his large, flat palm against her stomach. “It was something.”
Leaning back into his embrace, she turned to their friends and asked them the same.
“Well,” Cheryl started, tossing her crimson locks back behind her shoulder. “It’s Rocky so, I can understand how the production value could look like it costs less than a Jan Terri music video—”
“Get Down Goblin is a classic!” Archie interjected from behind, dancing his way into the circle. 
Cheryl turned to Archie, crimson-tipped fingers menacingly pointed in his direction. 
“Be that as it may, Ginger Rogers, I was simply stating a fact.” 
They kept at their squabbling for a while, the four of them sniping back and forth with no real venom until they grew bored of it. Jughead was just happy that the attention was finally off of him and his girlfriend. His hand crept higher, pressing her tighter to him as it came to rest fully on her ribcage, the other played with the band of her slip, fingers fluttering against the soft skin there.
Leaning up, Betty’s mouth landed at the juncture of his neck and ear. “You ready?”
The heat of Betty’s breath juxtaposed with the cool October air left trails of goosebumps down his already exposed skin. “Yes,” his voice had taken on a gravel-like lilt as the hand at her hip squeezed tightly. 
“Then let’s split, my creature of the night. I wanna be dirty.”
“Hot patootie, bless my soul,” he loved how it felt when she laughed pressed up against him. “Now tell our friends goodbye so I can take you home and remind you how good girls behave.”
The words were barely out of her mouth before he had turned them down the sidewalk and toward the subway station. It wouldn’t be long now before they got a taste of just how much pelvic thrusts could drive you insane. However, if that was insanity, Jughead Jones wanted no part of being sane. 
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mca-attack21 · 5 years
Riverdale: Deadly Definitions 6
Here we go again, I hope you guys are enjoying this series. Let me know if you want to be tagged. Feedback is always appreciated. @l4life  
Find the other parts here:    Part 1    Part 2    Part 3    Part 4   Part 5
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The next morning Betty came over to apologize to Archie. The two of them walked to school together and were good again. Veronica had decided to call a truce with Cheryl and was also befriending Josie. Jughead had continued to piece clues together about what really happened the night of Jason’s murder.
That day during Lunch, you and Archie decided that you would work on music before school starting the next day. You were both excited and nervous. You 100% would do anything to help Archie no questions asked. But it was undeniably nerve racking for you to share something like this with anyone. 
After school, you went to Andrew’s construction and Mr. Andrews explained in better detail what he needed done. You spent the majority of the time just trying to organize everything. Occasionally you would answer the phone, it was all easy enough. Afterwards you had him drop you off at Pop’s where you ran into Jughead.
“Hey, whatcha up to?” you ask.
“Just trying to figure out what Jason was running from” 
“I mean if you were a child of the Blossoms, wouldn’t you want to run away too?” you joked.
“Yeah, but why now? What happened to make him choose now to get away?”
“Maybe he wasn’t running away as much as he was running to something” you ponder.
“Maybe. Oh well, I’m done for tonight.” he said as he closed his laptop, “How was your day?”
“Pretty good. How are you and Betty doing?” you wink.
“What is that supposed to mean?”
“Oh, don’t think I haven’t noticed the  way you two look at each other. And how you too have started doing your own investigations.” 
“We are just friends.” he answered.
“For now” you replied.
“In that case, what’s going on between you and Archie?” he asked.
“Nothing, I’m just helping him with his music”
“Sure. But just remember what happened between him and his last music tutor” Jug laughed.
“That is so not funny” you chime in smacking his arm.
“I’m just saying.”
“I think he likes Veronica anyways” you reply bringing the conversation back down.
“I wouldn’t be so sure.”
When you snuck back into the school (which is where you have been staying since the Drive-In was shut down), it was around 3 am. You went straight for the music room. As earlier stated, this was both exciting and nerve-racking. You loved music, but you had never performed in front of any of your friends before. So, you sat at the Piano and warmed up with some showtunes. Eventually, you pulled out your songbook, it had been a while since you sat down and just wrote music. You were running through a song that you had written, when you were interrupted.
“Wow, how did I not know that you were this good?” Archie asked.
You were so confused. What was Archie doing here in the middle of the night? But then you looked down at your phone. It was 7:15. 
“I was just screwing around. Anyways, I’m going to grab us waters. I’ll be back in a minute.” you answer.
“Okay, I’ll get warmed up,” he smiled as he set his guitar down. 
You quickly made your way to the closet where you were staying. You fixed your hair, changed shirts, grabbed some gum, and the two waters before heading back to the music room. 
“Sorry that took so long, the vending machine didn’t want to take my money,” you said as you reentered the room, “so Archie, what exactly are you wanting to get out of these sessions?”
“I don’t exactly know. I’d like help taking my lyrics and turning them into actual songs. So I guess I just need feedback, and suggestions.” 
“That works for me, let’s hear what you’ve been working on lately.” you smiled.
So then Archie began to play. You just listened, he had an amazing voice and was already so good on guitar. As he finished his first song you were in awe. It was so refreshing to hear someone sing about something that mattered. 
“Well, what did you think?” he asked shyly as he set down the guitar.
“It was amazing Arch, it needs to be polished and there are a few lyrics that are off rhythm, but it is so good. You really have a talent for this”
“You really think so?” he asked
“Yes I do. Now do me a favor and sing it again but without the guitar” you say as you hope on the piano. You then proceeded to break down the entire song, and then you played/sang it back to Archie. This allowed him to hear first hand which parts sounded slightly awkward. You started writing down his lyrics and bouncing ideas off each other. Before you knew it, the ten minute warning bell for first period sounded. 
“Wow, I can’t believe it’s already time for class. This was amazing Y/n, thank you so much” he said as he stashed his guitar away. 
“It’s no problem Archie, I’m glad I can help”
And this was your life now. You spent your mornings with Archie working on his music. You went to school like a normal student. And then you walked to Andrews’ Construction. After organizing all of the paperwork you started working on a promotions campaign. You redesigned the business cards, created a free website and uploaded a portfolio of the various jobs they had completed. You answered the phones and helped Mr. Andrews create pitches that were customized to target the specific jobs. You also organized the work schedule and did anything else that Mr. Andrews needed help with. For him, you were nothing less than a godsend. You had already got them two bids and it had only been a week.  
You were at lunch with your friends when Cheryl approached you. “Here. My mother has decided that you are all invited to JayJay’s memorial. Even you losers.” she said towards you and Jughead. 
“I get that she is mourning her brother, but does she have to be such a bitch” Veronica said under her breath.
“Agreed” Betty chimed in.
“Well, I don’t know about you guys, but I’m going to have to buy something to wear to Thornhill.” you directed to the two of them, “you guys want to go shopping tomorrow?” 
“I can’t. My mother is still mad about the whole Archie thing” Betty answered.
“You know I’m always down for retail therapy.” she smiled.
So the next day you both went to the mall before you went to work. This was the first time that the two of you were hanging out alone.  
“I bet that you saw malls in New York that make this mall look like a dollar store,” you commented.
“That is very true” she laughed.
“So I’m guessing that it is safe to say that you miss it?” you ask as you look through the dresses.
“Parts of it. I miss being a family and I’m not gonna lie the luxury of it all was grand. But I don’t know the people here, while simple, are real. It wasn’t like that in New York” she reminisced.
“What do you think of this one?” you asked holding up a black t-shirt dress. 
“It’s okay, but why don’t you try this one on,” she replied, holding up a simple but beautiful black dress. You grabbed it and held it up in front of you. It was perfect. But then you ventured to the price tag.
“It’s great Veronica, but I can’t afford it.” you reply putting it back on the rack. 
“Nonsense, it’s my treat. I insist.” she said, “Now go try it on” 
As you had learned, you never argue with a Lodge. There is no point, you won’t win. “Are you sure?” you ask.
“Yes, it’s the least I can do after you have extended your friendship to me” she chimed, all but pushing you in the fitting room.
You tried on the dress and were in love. “What do you think?” you asked as you showed Veronica. 
“You look amazing. I have done it once again” she laughed.
Next, she forced you to find a pair of  heels. Her argument was that it would be a crime to wear such a nice dress with average shoes. On the way up to the cash register Veronica had grabbed some other small things. She placed all of it on the counter and pulled out a card.
“Seriously Veronica, you didn’t have to do that” you said as you got into the car.
“It’s fine Y/n, just consider it an early Birthday present.” 
“My birthday isn’t until next month” you laugh, “Seriously though, I owe you one. If there is ever anything you need let me know.”
“Okay, and now moving on. What is between you and Archie?” she asked.
“Nothing, we are just good friends who are working on music together.” you answer.
“Sure. The same way that Betty and Jughead are just friends.”
“I’m serious Veronica, and even if I did have feelings for him, I’m pretty sure he likes someone else.” you add.
“Really? Who?” she asked intrigued. 
“I’ll give you a hint. She is new in town.”
“No way. There is no way Archie Andrews has a thing for me.” she said in disbelief. 
“He hasn’t explicitly told me so, but still it’s kinda obvious.” you say as the car slows to a stop.
“Do you want me to drop off your bags somewhere?” she asked realizing that she still had no idea where you lived. 
“No, I’ll hold on to them. Thanks again Ronnie.”
That night you went to the school and showered. You tried on your dress again, this time with the shoes. You looked through the other bag, Veronica had also bought you a necklace and earrings along with simple make-up palettes and perfume. She was good, you hadn’t even seen her grab half of this stuff and you were right next to her.
The next day you accompanied Mr. Andrews and Archie to the Memorial Service. Archie had decided to give Mrs. Blossom Jason’s old jersey. She was almost in tears over it. Everyone sat down as it was ready to begin. Before Penelope could begin speaking, Cheryl burst in wearing the white outfit she had worn the last time she was Jason. She gave a speech about how she missed him and failed him and then was dragged off by her mother.
And from there things were only going to get worse.
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fivescuddles-blog · 6 years
fantasy | betty cooper (smut)
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a/n: I’m so sorry this took so long ah! I’ve been really busy lately but I hope you like it! this is honestly the smuttiest thing I’ve ever written wow
requested: "It is now my job to have all the gay female bottoms out there literally die. So Reader is the bottomest of the bottoms and is also a Serpent who acts all tough and serious but one day she's very silent and that's because she can't get her head out of the gutter after she saw Betty in her mechanic clothes and um...Reader just grabs her and kisses her after the race and the smut ensues? Anyways, could you make reader just a teeny tiny but short than Betty. I SOJSJWNWKWKAKSIIDJDW YOU🐙👀🌈" - @lilistolemyhart
characters: betty cooper x fem!reader, veronica lodge, archie andrews, jughead jones
word count: 2,113
summary: reader's a bit hot and bothered after seeing betty in her mechanic uniform and therefore, betty decides to help her out ;)
warnings: VERY detailed wlw smut, a LOT of swearing
Her hands glided smoothly over your skin, her gaze inviting.
“What do you want me to do to you, hm Y/N?” She smirked, staring into your eyes, her teeth tugging at her deep red lips.
You moaned breathlessly, squirming as you felt her touch on your inner thigh, hiking your skirt up your leg.
“C’mon baby, use your words,” Betty whispered into your ear, her breath tickling your lobe.
You were finally able to choke words out. “T-touch me,” you murmured, snaking your arms around her neck and pulling her closer. She responded immediately, her hands going straight to your waist, gripping you firmly but softly, her soft hands feeling like silk against your hip.
“My pleasure,” Betty giggled as she began to leave small hickies down your neck, her fingers inching towards your core.
“Y/N? You okay?”
A voice brought you out of your fantasy, making your freeze in your tracks. Betty stood by the side of you, looking at you intently yet worriedly. “You good? You seem… distracted,” she stated, reaching a hand towards your shoulder. You immediately pull back.
“N-no!” You say, jerking back slightly. You cursed silently in  your head. “I-I mean, no, I’m fine.” You smile weakly up at the blonde, forcing back the blush that you felt settling itself on your cheeks.
Betty faltered, bringing back her hand quickly. “Oh… if you’re sure then,” she muttered before shooting you a quick smile and walking a bit faster to catch up with Cheryl who was a couple of paces ahead.
You sighed silently to yourself, shaking your head at your idiotic fantasies. It wasn’t like you were a very sexual person, you were actually quite innocent… most of the time. It was Betty. She just… did something to you. Made you think the dirtiest thought no matter what situation you were in. And ever since your interaction with her earlier, you knew you would never be able to talk to her normally again.
It was a couple hours before the race and you’d been talking with Jug about the whole thing with the race, you personally believing that it was a bad idea. Eventually, you’d left him, rolling your eyes at his stubbornness before walking out into the garage. And what you saw would be present in your head for weeks.
It was Betty. Only it didn’t look like the usual Betty. In this particular situation, she was wearing some denim overalls with a really light pink t-shirt underneath. A very not-Betty outfit. But my God, did she pull it off.
You were speechless to be perfectly candid. You’d always though Betty was beautiful, hot even, but this made you see the blonde in an entirely different way. Her long blonde locks were pulled back in a messier ponytail than usual, her forehead glistening with sweat as she wiped her face with a tartan flannel. Oil stained her shirt, streaking her forearms as Betty traded her screwdriver for a wrench, kneeling down by her toolbox. A few strands of a hair were framing her face, flat against her sticky skin. Which only made you think of other ways you could get that girl sticky.
Of course, you tried to play it off, acting like you weren’t even phased by what you saw. But you were no actress. Betty knew what you had been thinking of and boy, did she have some tricks up her sleeve.
Throughout the entire match she did everything she could think of to provoke you. She flirted with Ronnie, pushed Cheryl’s hair back behind her ears, hell, she even bent down in front of you to retrieve some “dropped” item or another. But, this honestly had the opposite effect that she wanted. She expected you to be begging for her at this point, wishing for her to be between your legs. But you stayed wilfully silent, averting your eyes whenever she came into your vision. It wasn’t hard to notice what she was doing and you were determined not to let her get away with it that easily. But to be perfectly honest, people were beginning to get sick of all the sexual tension between you two.
“Listen Y/N, if you wanna fuck Betty, you should just get it over with and save all of us the trouble of watching you two flirt like you’re on your honeymoon,” Veronica teased you, quirking an eyebrow as she waited for your response. Though your response never came.
Before you could open your mouth, Jughead and Archie came zooming over the horizon, coming into vision. It was soon learnt that police were coming to the scene soon. Panic ensued.
Betty quickly jumped into the car with Jughead and Archie, reaching out her hand for your to join her. The four of you were soon speeding down the road, desperately trying to get away from the scene before the cops came.
“That was way too close, man! Why didn’t you tell me?” Jughead complained, attacking Archie with his words.
“Because I knew you’d try and stop me!”
“Duh, because it was a stupid move!”
You and Betty exchanged a look as they went back and for, their biting words filling the car. It wasn’t long before Betty finally spoke up. “Hey, guys. You can just let us out here.” She smiled as you came to a stop outside of your house.
“You sure? We can drop you off at yours, Betts,” Jughead offered, clearly still irritated at the ginger sitting beside him.
After insisting that she was fine, yourself and Betty exited the car, watching as the two sped off, leaving the two of you under the scorching heat of the summer sun.
Betty turned to you with a suspicious smile on her face. “Sooo… aren’t you gonna invite me in?” She smirked, hands on her hips.
Your breath caught in your throat as you nodded lightly before letting the both of you into your house (after fumbling with the key for quite a bit, getting nervous under her stare.) You both stayed in silent for a while, soon ending up in the living room, sitting down on the sofa. Not gonna lie, it was kinda of awkward.
You honestly couldn’t take the silence anymore. A blush gathered on your face as you took a deep breath, trying desperately to pluck up the courage to make a move. That was until, you felt a soft hand caress your own, taking your hand out of your lap and holding it gently. Your head shot towards the girl sitting next to you, disbelief evident in your eyes. “Betty, I...” She smiled at you, squeezing your hand in hers.
Your lips collided with hers, a collision of passion and tongues. You melted into her, feeling her kiss back immediately, snaking her hands around your waist, your own flying to the back of her neck. Her lips moved roughly against yours, deepening the kiss and soon pushing you down onto the sofa, straddling you.
“You think I didn’t notice? Huh?” She muttered breathlessly, trailing harsh hickies down your neck. You whimpered. “Yeah? You think I didn’t notice you staring at me all day today? Hell, you’ve been staring at me for months, haven’t you?” She smirked, her hands slowly dragging down you body, her soft touches tickling your sides. “I bet you got wet from just making eye contact with me, hm?”
You were shocked to say the least. Who knew that sweet Betty Cooper was such a dom behind closed doors.
“Answer me, love, c’mon,” she coaxed, biting your lip as she went back to attacking your mouth. “Use your words,”
“Y-yes!” You were finally able to push out accompanied by a breathy moan.
Betty giggled. “Aw, you’re such a dirty girl… Let me guess, you got a mechanic kink? Hm? You like seeing me all dirty with oil and sweat, yeah? I wonder what the sweat reminds you of...” she teased, beginning to unbutton your shirt, ripping it off along with your bra. “Oh love, you’ve got a pair on you,” she gasped, latching her mouth on one of your puckered nipples before you could get a word in.
A breathy moan left your mouth. “Betty! Oh fuck, what if my- my parents get home?” You uttered, pulling her closer by her smooth shoulders.
“Well the, they get to see what a-” Lick. “-dirty-” Kiss. “- girl their daughter is,” she smirked, pulling back from your chest. She then pulled her attention towards your legs, which were pressing against eachother tightly. “Let’s see how wet you are for me, my love,” she said as she hiked your skirt up your thigh.
Delicate fingers were soon invading between your legs, dancing over your underwear before plunging underneath it. Your back lifted from the sheets as you sighed, feeling her fingers breach your pussy.
She moaned possessively. “Fuck, Y/N/N, you’re so fucking wet for me, babe,” she whispered into your ear. “What would you usually do when you’re this wet and you have no one to relieve you, hm? Do you touch yourself?” You screwed your eyes shut, a dark blush settling on your cheeks. “You do, don’t you? Wow, you’re such a dirty girl… Now, the real question is… do you think of me when you touch yourself?” She continued, biting the lobe of your ear in a teasing manner as her fingers plunged themselves inside your core, making you moan lowly.
“Y-yes, Betty! Yes, oh fuck,” you respond, gasping as Betty’s fingers pleasured you.
She chuckled, pulling her fingers out from your pussy and drawing a disappointed groan from you. But that soon changed as she ripped off your underwear, gazing at you in the eyes as she did it. “Is this what you think of? Me fucking you senseless? Burying my face into that sopping wet pussy of yours?” She laughed as you nodded desperately, scrabbling at her arms. “Beg, sweetheart.”
You closed your eyes in embarrassment, humiliated after her seeing your so desperate. “Please, Betty, I… I need you,” you murmured, clenching your legs together tighter.
“Louder, babe. Where, hm? Where do you need me? Describe in detail what you want me to do to you, Y/N,” she stated, staring you down with though intense green eyes. “Or you won’t be getting anything.”
“O-okay! I… I want you to-” You averted your eyes, your face now a deep red as you reflected on your situation. Lying on the couch completely naked with a fully clothes Betty Cooper, the girl you’d had a crush on for months. About to be fucked senseless. “I want you to fuck me, Betty. I want you eat my fucking pussy like the d-dirty girl I am,” you finished, you cheeks glowing in shame as you looked up at her.
The pride in her face really made it for her. The familiar smirk appeared once again on her face. “My pleasure, babe,”
And with that, she buried her face between your legs, licking and tongue-fucking your core. A loud moan left you as you felt her working your clit, softly biting at your labia and around your pussy lips.
“Fuck, Betty! Ah, ah shit!” You let out, your hands intertwining with her blonde locks, gently pushing her further between your legs. You felt one of her hands leave your thigh as she moved it between her own, fingering her clit over her underwear. This only made the pleasure increase for you, watching the girl you liked getting off on pleasuring you.
As her moans increased so did yours, feeling a hot pool form towards the bottom of your stomach.
“Betty. Fuck, Betts, I’m close,” you gasped, your back lifting off the bed slightly involuntarily, giving Betty a much better angle to continue fucking you with all her will. “Betty… Ah shit, you’re so fucking good at this, oh my goodness,” you praised as you got closer, your grip tightening on her hair. “Betts, I’m gonna come… fuck, oh fuck, Betty!” You exclaimed as you let go, a wave of pleasure flying through you all the way to your fingertips. She helped you though your orgasm, yours bringing on her as she moaned between you legs. The aftershocks began to come down, the two of your completely exhausted after the events that had unfolded. Betty finally gathered the strength to pick herself up, slowly and gently pulling you towards her chest, holding you as she fell back onto the pillows of the sofa.
“We should do this again,” she giggled as she felt you slowly drift off into a slumber, her eyes soon closing as well.
Let’s just say, your fantasy definitely came true.
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Request: Kind of an odd request, but Scooby-Doo AU one-shot with established couples Varchie, Bughead, and Cheryl x female reader. It has nothing to do with the show’s plot. Archie is the leader and trap maker. Veronica is the danger prone damsel in distress. Betty, Cheryl, and reader are the geniuses who decipher the clues. Jughead is a food obsessed coward and serves as bait for Archie’s traps with his dog Hot Dog, who can talk for some unexplained reason and has Scooby’s famous speech impediment
“Have you read the newspaper today?” Betty asked as she sat down at your usual table in the library. You were all supposed to meet here to do your homework together but right now it was only you and Cheryl. Jughead was eating like usual, Veronica was reading a magazine, Archie was nowhere to be seen and Betty had only now just walked in.
“Nobody ever reads the newspaper anymore. Everything’s online now.” Jughead replied making you all laugh. 
“Shut up Jughead. Don’t you have a burger to be eating?” She replied before returning to the rest of you. 
“We haven’t read the newspaper today. Whats happening?” You asked and Cheryl squeezed your hand. Betty smiled excitedly and put the paper on the table. 
Local teens catch the ‘black hood’ 
The title read and you all smiled. 
“I can’t believe it was the janitor terrorizing the town.” Veronica shook her head as she re-applied her makeup. 
“You doing that for Archie?” Cheryl teased and Veronica rolled her eyes. 
“Shut up.” 
“How’s Hotdog?” You asked Jughead who was stuffing his face with food. 
“Still upset.” He replied while he chewed. 
“That is disgusting.” Betty complained. 
“You should finish eating before you talk to someone.” Veronica added, just as disgusted. 
“What do you want me to do? Y/n asked me a question. Its rude to ignore people.” He argued and Betty and Veronica rolled their eyes while you laughed. Cheryl was flipping through the newspaper while you and Jughead continued the conversation. “Like I was saying. He’s still upset because we were used as bait. Again.” 
“I’m sure he’ll get over it.” You reassured him and he smiled. 
“Yeah. I suppose.” He shrugged before continuing to eat. 
“Betty?” Cheryl asked concerned. 
“Where did you get the newspaper from?” 
“It was wedged in my locker.” She shrugged. 
“And you didn’t think that was a little bit odd?” 
“Its Riverdale. Everything’s odd.” She replied. “Why?” She asked worried. All of you had your attention on Cheryl. 
“Whats wrong babe?” You asked. 
“It isn’t over.” She said quietly. 
“What do you mean?” Jughead asked nervously. He’d put his food down and made his way round the table so he could see what you were looking at. 
“Look.” She pointed the article about the ‘black hood’. “The first letter of every paragraph spells ‘its not over’.” 
“That could just be a coincidence.” Veronica suggested. 
“There’s no such thing as a coincidence.” You, Cheryl and Betty said at the same time. All five of you were reading the article over and over again, trying to find anything else. 
“Why you all hunched over a newspaper? Haven’t you ever heard of the internet?” Archie asked making all five of you jump. “Okay? Whats up?” He asked. 
“Look.” Betty pointed to the newspaper. 
“Its not over.” He read aloud. “Is this from the black hood article?” 
“Yep.” You nodded. 
“Great.” He sighed.  
“What are we going to do?” Veronica asked, moving closer to Archie.
“We’re just gonna have to figure it out. Again.” You said and they nodded. “My parents won’t be home til late tonight. You can all come round and we can see if there’s anything else. You never know, if this is in here.” You pointed to the newspaper. “There could be more clues in it.” 
“Okay. We’ll meet at Y/n’s at 6.” Archie decided and the rest of you nodded. 
“Do all of us have to be there? Won’t it be better if its just you guys?” Jughead asked anxiously. 
“Yes.” You replied. 
“All of us have to be there.” Cheryl added. 
“Fine.” He grumbled. “Hotdog is not going to be happy about this.” He finished with a sigh. 
“Okay, what do we know about the Black Hood?” Archie asked. Everyone was gathered at your house. You and Cheryl had gone straight after school and had gone through the newspaper to see if there was any more clues. Once everyone else had arrived you decided to try a new approach. 
“They say they want to cleanse the town of sin.” Veronica replied and Archie smiled at her. 
“What’s a sin though?” Jughead asked. 
“If we’re talking biblical, literally anything. Anybody in this town could be next.” You sighed. 
“Technically me and Y/n are sinning just by being together.” Cheryl added and looked at you sadly. You squeezed her hand and gave a reassuring smile. You knew she had been worrying about the black hood.
“We need a plan.” Archie decided. 
“We could think about it literally.” Betty suggested and you all looked at her. “What are the 7 deadly sins?” She asked. 
“Errr.” Jughead started and you rolled your eyes. 
“Pride, greed, lust, envy, gluttony, wrath and sloth.” You told her. 
“Yeah, I have no idea what any of those words mean.” Jughead replied. 
“You don’t know what ‘and’ means?” Archie asked sarcastically and you laughed, including Hot Dog. 
“Like you know what any of those words mean.” He replied and glared at Hot Dog.
“We all know that both of you know what greed means.” Veronica rolled her eyes. 
“Anywayyy. We’re getting away from ourselves.” Betty interrupted. “So, when the black hood first started terrorizing the town they said they wanted to cleanse the town of sin. If they are still out there then thats means they still want to get rid of the towns sins right?” 
“The most logical way to do this would be to start with the 7 deadly sins.” You added and she smiled at you. 
“So, all we need to do is figure out who is guilty of any of the sins and then they’ll be next?” Jughead asked. 
“No.” You, Betty and Cheryl replied at the same time. 
“Everyone in the town is guilty of probably every single one of them sins. We need someone to pretend they are so we can catch the real black hood.” Cheryl said with a smile. All of you looked at Jughead and Hot Dog with smiles on your face. 
“No! No way. We are not being your bait.” Jughead stood up and started to back away from you all. “Not again.” 
“I can’t believe we’re doing this again.” Jughead sighed. He looked around the abandoned house you were all hiding in. It had been a few days after you had been at your house and Betty had continued to get the newspaper shoved in her locker. The black hood was trying to send a message. There had been a secret message in the articles about the black hood, that spelt out where and what time to meet. 
“Its your fault.” Hot Dog muttered. 
“Is not!” He argued. 
“Is too!” 
“Shut up!” You whisper shouted from where you were hiding. 
“You’re gonna ruin it!” Cheryl added. 
“Everybody shut up. I think they’re here.” Archie shushed you all.
You all waited in silence for them, however you were distracted when you heard a loud pitched scream. 
“Veronica!” Archie shouted and ran towards the sound. 
“Archie!” You called after him. “Come back!” 
“Its not safe!” Betty added and started to run after him. 
“Jesus Christ.” You muttered and got out of your hiding position. You helped Cheryl and made your way towards the noise. Jughead and Hot Dog followed sheepishly behind you. You turned the corner and sighed. The black hood had his arm around Veronica’s neck, and Archie and Betty were stood beside him with their hands up if surrender.
“Great! The gang’s here!” The black hood said excitedly. His black balaclava sent you even more on edge than you were so you grabbed Cheryls hand. 
“Let her go.” You told him.
“Sorry.” Veronica mouthed and you nodded your head. 
“No. I’m still cleansing.” 
“And you need her to do that? Listen, I know you’re weird but I didn’t think you were that weird.” Archie replied and the black hood took a gun out of his pocket, pointing it at Archie and Betty he then gripped Veronica tighter and you moved further towards him. 
“Just let her go.” Cheryl repeated and he laughed coldly. “Please.” 
“Like I said, I’m cleansing the town. And this group is full of sin.” 
“Like what?” Veronica asked offended. “Ow!” She shrieked when he gripped her tighter again. 
“Well, like dear Betty said, the seven deadly sins. Lets see. Who should we started with?” 
“Why do villains always like theatrics. Get to the point.” You rolled your eyes. 
“What are you doing?” Cheryl whispered. 
“Don’t wind him up!” Jughead added. 
“Betty here, is envy.” 
“Envy?” You all asked. 
“We all know she’s jealous. She thinks Veronica is prettier than her.” He replied and you all looked at Betty. 
“Betty? You’re beautiful.” You, Cheryl and Jughead said at the same time. 
“I think you’re prettier than me.” Veronica looked at her sadly. 
“Sorry.” She mumbled. 
“Please. Shut up all of you. You’re about to die.” He rolled his eyes. 
“Veronica, you’re pride.” 
“Hey. There’s nothing wrong with having pride in your appearance.” She argued. 
“I don’t think thats entirely it.” Betty replied. 
“Y/n and Cheryl. Do I really need to say what yours is?” 
“Being gay isn’t part of the 7 deadly sins. Everybody knows that.” Cheryl replied. 
“And even if it was. I like living my sinful life.” You added and Cheryl nodded. 
“How sweet. Love’s young dream. Shame you’s are gonna die.” 
“Mr Black Hood man?” Cheryl asked and you smiled to yourself at how cute your girlfriend was even when she was talking to a mass murderer.
“You’re flys down.” She nodded towards his crouch. Once he was distracted you motioned to Veronica and she kicked him in the crotch.
“FUCK!” He shouted, letting go of Veronica. She stumbled towards Betty and she caught her while Archie tied him up. 
“Where’d you get that rope from?” Betty asked. 
“I always carry spare rope.” 
“Why?” Jughead asked. 
“Just in case stuff like this happens.” 
“Oh.” He nodded. 
“Now.” Archie started, pushing the man on to an old chair. “Lets see who the black hood actually is.” He took the balaclava off him and your eyes widened. 
“Old man Cooper!?” You all exclaimed.
“But, you’re our neighbour.” Archie gasped.
“Yeah. You help my mum out with the shopping.” Betty sighed.
And you help my nan out when she needs odd jobs doing around the house.” You added and Cheryl placed her arm around you.
“But why?” Veronica asked.
“Because this town is full of sin. Everybody has sinned in this town, we need to start again. The only way to do that is to cleanse it of sin.” He snarled.
“You really need to get a hobby.” You mumbled and he glared at you.
“I’m sure there’s plenty of hobbies he can do in jail.” Archie replied and dragged him towards the waiting police.
“Byeeee.” Veronica waved him off.
“I can’t believe that he thought murdering people would cleanse the town of sin.” Jughead shook his head.
“Really, its adding more sin to the town.” You added and they laughed bitterly.
“I would have gotten away with it, if it weren’t for you meddling kids!” He shouted as he was pushed into the police car.
“Well thats rude.” Cheryl said offended.
“We do not meddle!” You shouted back.
“We investigate!” Betty added.
“Yeah.” The rest of you agreed.
“And you’re stupid dog too.” He shouted again.
“Thats just plain mean.” Veronica tutted.
“You’re not stupid Hot Dog.” You reassured him.
“Hot Dog?” Archie asked.
“What are you eating?”
“We didn’t get any pizza. We’ve been in this house for the majority of the evening.” You said worried.
“Where’d you get it?” Betty asked.
“Errr. The floor.”
“Ewwww.” Veronica squealed in disgust.
“Thats gross.” You laughed.
“What do you expect? He is a dog.” Jughead defended.
“But you’re not.” Cheryl replied and pointed to the pizza slice in his hand.
“Shut up.” He hid the slice behind his back. “What do you expect? We haven’t eaten in like…two hours.”
“Have you heard? Jughead asked as he approached the five of you. 
“Heard what?” Betty asked, pulling her attention away from the homework you were all doing. 
“About the Gargoyle King?” 
“The who now?” You replied confused. 
“The Gargoyle King.” He repeated. “He looks like a big tree and he haunts your dreams.” 
“If he haunts your dreams and looks like a big tree, why don’t you just take a hedge trimmer to bed?” You asked and everyone laughed apart from Jughead. 
“Ha. Ha.” He deadpanned. 
“Are you sure its haunting people’s dreams or is that something you’ve heard and then exaggerated?” Cheryl asked and Jughead remained silent. 
“Apparently it hangs around in the forest with its following of people who worship it. Whatever it is, it tries to coax teenagers into doing dangerous things.” You explained. 
“How’d you find that out?” Jughead asked.
“Googled it.” You shrugged. “There’s loads of articles online about teenagers ‘worshipping’ the ‘gargoyle king’. They then go into the forest and are never seen again.” 
“Well that’s not good.” Veronica mumbled and you all nodded in agreement. 
“Why haven’t we heard of this? Loads of these kids went to school here.” Cheryl asked, reading over your shoulder.
“We have.” Betty replied, now looking at her own phone. “We’ve heard of the gargoyle king. The urban legend. He lures teens into the woods and they are never seen again.” 
“Oh yeah. My dad always told me about that. He would tell me never go into the woods with anyone under any circumstances. I think he only told me that so I wouldn’t go with any boys.” You laughed. 
“No chance of that happening.” Cheryl teased and kissed your cheek. 
“We’ve also heard of the teens that have gone missing. We just never connected them. I think Kevin knew one of them.” Betty continued. 
“Joaquin.” Cheryl said sadly. 
“Maybe we should talk to him. Find out if he knows anything.” You suggested. 
“Me and you can do that if you want? It is lunch after all.” Veronica asked you and you nodded.
“Me and Betty will try and find more on the gargoyle king.” Cheryl said and kissed your cheek. 
“I’ll go talk to some people. See if anyone knows anything else.” Archie said and you all began to split up. 
“What about me?!” Jughead called after you all. 
“Do you wanna help any of us?” Betty asked and he shrugged. 
“Do you wanna eat?” You asked. 
“Always.” He replied with a smile.
“Try and come up with a plan for afterwards.” Veronica called after him as he walked towards the lunch hall. 
“You all know thats not gonna happen.” He replied and you all laughed. 
“So you knew Joaquin?” Veronica asked and Kevin nodded sadly. “Can I ask how well?” 
“They were sleeping together V.” You whispered and she nodded. 
“Oh. Sorry.” She apologized. 
“Its fine.” He shrugged. 
“Do you know anything about the gargoyle king?” You asked. 
“Just the general stories that everyone knows.” He replied. “And what Joaquin told me.” 
“What did Joaquin tell you?” Veronica asked. 
“Well, do you know Ben and Dilton?” He started and you both nodded. “One day, Joaquin overheard them talking about the gargoyle king in Pops. He asked them what they were talking about because they sounded quite panicked and he was worried about them. They told him that they had been researching him because their friend Ethel had gone missing after trying to find him.” 
“Yeah?” You and Veronica asked, leaning closer to him. 
“A few weeks had passed and Joaquin had decided to help them. A few of his friends had gone missing in the forest so he understood what they were going through. He became more and more obsessed with it as the weeks went on. He wouldn’t eat, wouldn’t sleep. Would constantly be coming up with different theories about it. The only thing he would talk about would be the gargoyle king. And then one day I went to his because we were supposed to be having a date. When I got there, it was empty. I was worried about him because he promised he would be there so I looked around to see if I could find where he had gone and on his bed was an invitation.” 
“An invitation?” Veronica repeated. 
“For what?” You asked. 
“To meet the gargoyle king.” He replied and you and Veronica gasped. 
“What happened next?” You both asked. 
“I checked the invite and they were meeting right then. I tried to stop him but by the time I got to the forest it was too late. Someone had been walking their dog just outside the forest, they had thrown the dogs toy in the forest so the dog went in to get it. However the dog didn’t return with its toy, instead it came back with a bloody t-shirt. The owner called the police and by the time I got there it had already been cordoned off and the police were starting their investigation.” He finished and you both sighed. “As soon as I got there I could sense that he was gone.” 
“We’re so sorry.” Veronica said sympathetically and you nodded, patting his shoulder lightly. 
“If you don’t mind me asking...” You started cautiously. 
“Y/n?” Veronica asked warily. 
“How do you know Joaquin actually went in?” 
“Y/n?” Veronica gasped. 
“I’m really sorry. I am, but how did you know he went in. You never actually saw him go in.” 
“I didn’t have to. I saw the bloody t-shirt the dog had found. It was the one I had bought for Joaquin’s birthday the previous week.” He explained sadly. 
“Oh.” You sighed. “Sorry.” 
“Its fine. I’m glad I could help.” He forced a smile. 
“Again, we’re sorry.” You repeated.
“For everything.” Veronica added. 
“If you ever need to talk to someone. We’re here for you. Whenever you need us.” You reassured him.
“Thanks. Just telling someone has made me feel a bit better.” He replied and you both nodded. You and Veronica started to walk out the library but you held back. 
“Kevin?” You asked. 
“Do you still have that invite?” 
“Yeah.” He replied. “I’ll give you it later.”
“Thanks.” You smiled and started to walk out. 
“Y/n?” He asked and you turned around. 
“Be careful.”  
“Hey guys.” Cheryl smiled as she walked into your house.
“Hey.” Everyone mumbled and glanced up from what they were doing.
“Sorry I’m late.” She apologized. “I had homework.”
“Its fine.” Archie shrugged.
“We haven’t really been doing that much.” Betty added.
“Jughead and Hot Dog aren’t even here yet.” You motioned to the amount of food you still had.
“What have you guys been doing?” She asked and sat beside you.
“Well, I’ve been looking at the invitation Joaquin got. Its fascinating. I know the gargoyle king is evil and all but he is remarkably good at calligraphy.” You complimented and she laughed.
“Me and Betty have been helping Archie go over what other people said about the gargoyle king to see if there’s any similarities.” Veronica smiled.
“What do you want me to do?” She asked.
“You can kiss me.” You suggested and she giggled.
“Gladly.” She replied and kissed you.
“Hey guys!!!” Jughead shouted as he walked through the door.
“Its a good job my parents aren’t in.” You rolled your eyes and he laughed. Hot Dog followed him in soon after and started to sniff the air. “Foods over there guys.” You pointed to the breakfast bar without even looking up.
“Thanks.” They both said at the same time and made their way over.
“You got one too?” Jughead asked, stopping in front of you.
“One what?”
“An invitation.” He pointed to the invite on the table.
“You got one of these?” You asked and he nodded.
“Yeah! It was on my bed when I got home yesterday.” He smiled before going to get some food.
“This is bad.” You stated and they nodded.
“Jughead. What date does it say on the invite?” Betty asked.
“The 23rd.” He replied.
“Thats the day after prom.”
“You would think if you were going to try and get teens to do stupid things, prom would be the ideal day.” Veronica wondered.
“You don’t need the gargoyle king to get teens to do stupid things on prom.” You mumbled.
“Why invite Jughead? Why not us?” You asked.
“Well. I suppose he’s more impressionable.” Cheryl suggested and you all looked at him and Hot Dog.
“I know you’re talking about me.” He said.
“Sorry.” You all apologized.
“Meh. Its fine.” He shrugged before going back to eating.
“Jughead?” Archie asked.
“Yeah?” He asked whilst crunching a mouthful of Pringles.
“Don’t go to meet the gargoyle king.”
“I wasn’t going to any way. He doesn’t seem that fun to hang out with. Not like you guys.”
“Actually.” You started. “This could work in our favour.”
“I think I’m getting a plan.” Archie smiled.
“Awww. You look beautiful. Purple really is your colour.” You complimented Veronica and she twirled on the spot.
“Hey guys.” Archie greeted the group.
“Don’t you look handsome.” Betty teased.
“What the hell are you wearing?” Jughead asked through a mouthful of burger.
“The buffet table isn’t even open yet. Where did you get that from?” Betty asked disgusted.
“Went to Pops before hand.” He shrugged. “Now, back to my question. What are you wearing?”
“A suit.” Archie replied confused.
“What are you wearing?” You asked and pointed to the coat he was wearing.
“Jeans and a t-shirt.” He shrugged and unbuttoned his coat. Betty and Veronica rolled their eyes and the rest of you laughed.
“You do know where we are right?” Betty asked.
“The school.” He replied and she huffed.
“I think she meant the event.” Cheryl corrected.
“Ohhh. Thats easy!” He smiled. “Its a party!” He said excitedly and Betty groaned.
“No!” Betty started annoyed.
“Its…” Veronica interrupted. “Its the Spring Formal Dance.”
“Oh. I knew that.” He replied.
“Really?” The five of you asked.
“Yeah. Thats why I brought a tie.” He replied happily and held a tie up.
“You’re supposed to wear that.” Archie pointed to it.
“I know. But I didn’t think it went with this t-shirt.”
“Jesus Christ.” Betty mumbled.
“Swiftly moving on.” You changed the subject.
“Why do you have a purple tie on?” Cheryl asked Archie.
“Wait.” You squealed. “Are you going together?” You looked between Veronica and Archie with a bright smile. Both of them nodded shyly and you squealed louder. “You guys are so cute!”
“He asked me the other day.” Veronica blushed and you all smiled. 
“I knew you’s two would get together. It was only a matter of time!” Betty smiled at them. 
“Lets dance!” Cheryl grabbed your hand and spun you around making you squeal. “Have I told you, that you are the most beautiful girl here and that I love you more than anything. I adore you.” She smiled at you and you blushed.
“I love you too.” You replied and she spun you around again. “You look perfect.” You complimented her. “You really do take my breath away.” You added and kissed her sweetly.
“Miss Lodge, will you dance with me?” Archie held his hand out to Veronica.
“I would love to Mr Andrews.” She smiled and grabbed his hand. Betty and Jughead stood beside each other awkwardly.
“Don’t forget to keep a look out for you know who!” Cheryl shouted at the rest of the gang.
“Voldemort?” Jughead asked confused.
“No!” You all replied.
“Tree man!” You told him.
“Ohhh.” He replied. “Do you wanna dance?” Jughead asked nervously, turning his attention to Betty.  
“You wanna dance with me?” Betty asked.
“Of course. You look amazing.” He complimented and she blushed. “Plus, we’re the only ones left. We look kinda sad just stood here.” He added, and Betty’s smile turned into a frown.
“Screw you Jones.” She muttered and stormed away.
“What did I do?” He asked himself.
“Betty?” Jughead asked. You had all sat down for a bit to take a break from dancing and so you could eat. 
“Yes?” She asked annoyed.
“What exactly have I done that has annoyed you?” 
“What have you done?” She repeated loudly and the rest of you looked at them. 
“Yeah? I just asked that.” 
“You asked me to dance with you because we were the only ones left.” She said angrily and you all sighed. 
“It was a valid point. We did look kinda sad just standing there.” He argued. “But I did think you looked pretty.” He added. 
“Sure you did.” She sighed and crossed her arms. She turned her attention away from the Jughead, instead focusing on the couples dancing. 
“Go on.” You nodded your head towards Betty but Jughead just shrugged. 
“Just kiss already. We all know you like each other.” Veronica teased. 
“I do not like him! He’s an idiot.” Betty exclaimed.
“And I don’t like her. She’s a nerd!” He argued and Betty gasped offended.
“Betty we all know, for some reason that you like Betty. And Jughead, we all know that you like Betty. I mean how couldn’t you.” You winked at Betty and she laughed.
“So. Why don’t you ask her to dance?” Archie asked. 
“And not just because you’re the only ones left.” Cheryl added. 
“Fine.” He took a deep breath and faced Betty. “Do you wanna dance?” He asked and held his hand out to her. 
“Fine.” She agreed, but you could tell she was trying to to smile. He pulled her up from the chair and they walked towards the dance floor. 
“Thank god for that.” Cheryl mumbled. 
“Okay. I’m in a dark scary forest, trying to find a scary tree man that is probably going to kill me. This is fun. This is normal. This is great.” Jughead mumbled to himself. After prom you had decided to go back to yours (like usual) to go over the plan for the next night. You may have left out the bit about Jughead going into the forest alone though. “Tree man?” He asked. “I got your invitation. Are you having a tea party or is it a buffet situation because I have had a lot to eat already?” He rambled and looked around the forest. He turned around and screamed at the sight of the gargoyle king in front of him. “But thats okay. I’m sure I’ll be able to eat.” He laughed nervously. “You know tea parties are usually a lot more fun when there’s more than two people.” He added and the gargoyle king moved towards him. “Or not. I get it. More food for you. I get that. Sooooo.” What are we doing here?” 
“King. I found these lurking by the woods.” Two men dragged you, Cheryl, Veronica and Archie with them. “I think they were spying.” They threw you to the ground and you groaned. 
“Could you be a bit gentler next time?” Veronica asked sarcastically. “Do you know how much this outfit cost?”
“Shut up.” One of them spat. 
“Wait. I know you! You’re Dilton. Was the boy scouts just not exciting anymore?” You asked. 
“He said shut up.” The other one said. 
“Joaquin?” Cheryl asked. 
“Why Joaquin? Why are you worshipping the creepy tree man? Like Dilton I get, he’s a bit weird, a bit of a loner. But come on. You’re cool. And you had Kevin. He’s heartbroken without you. He thinks your dead.” You shook your head disappointed. 
“Shut up.” He repeated. 
“Is that really the only thing you can say?” Cheryl asked. 
“Oh hey Jughead.” You winked at him. “Fancy seeing you here.” 
The gargoyle king waved Joaquin and Dilton off, they nodded before walking further into the forest. 
“Soooo. This is fun.” You said awkwardly and looked around. 
“And I thought Sundays with my family were awkward.” Cheryl sighed. 
“Ha. I’ve been to them and they are awkward as hell.” You agreed and they laughed slightly. “Hey! Get your twigs off me!” You shouted, the gargoyle king had gripped the back of your head and pulled you up. “Oh boy.” You mumbled when you saw a knife. 
“Y/n!” Cheryl cried, the rest of the group moved closer to you. 
“Its fine.” You reassured her. “I’m fine.” 
“Please don’t kill me.” You pleaded. 
You heard footsteps and shouting and you were quickly dropped to the floor. The gargoyle king was screaming in pain, causing Joaquin and Dilton to run back. Archie and Jughead grabbed them and restrained them as you stood up and restrained the gargoyle king. 
“Thanks for the extra rope tip Archie.” You said and he winked. 
“No problem.” He replied. 
“What the fuck is that?” Veronica asked.
“A hedge trimmer.” Betty replied. Her gaze followed the rest of the groups to the floor, where a pile of twigs lay. The ‘gargoyle king’ stood beside her.
“That was so cool!” Jughead smiled and moved to hug her. “Ah.” He sighed and motioned to her hands. “Maybe not.” He moved back a bit. She laughed before dropping the hedge trimmer to the floor and moving to hug him. “I’m so proud of you.” He mumbled and hugged her tighter.
“You all thought my hedge trimmer idea was stupid.” You mumbled and Cheryl smiled at you.
“I thought it was genius.” She reassured you.
“So did I.” Betty agreed and you high-fived her.
“I think we’re forgetting about something.” Archie interrupted.
“Oh yeah.” You all muttered.
“Who is the gargoyle king then?” Jughead asked.
“Wait!” Veronica stopped you from unmasking them.
“What?” You asked. 
“Are you okay?” Archie asked her.
“How are we going to find out who it is?”
“What do you mean?” Cheryl asked.
“Well. Its made of twigs.” She replied.
“Betty. Get the hedge trimmer again.” Jughead told her.
“No!” Everyone shouted.
“I’ll just take the mask off!” You said.
“Mr!-” You all gasped. 
“Wait. Who exactly are you?” Jughead asked. 
“Hiram Lodge.” 
“Yeah, I dunno who you are.” 
“You ruined my drug ring a few years ago. You guys took it down. I thought I’d get you back. You ruined me.” He replied through gritted teeth, his hand clutched his arm that was bleeding slightly. 
“Why do all this?” Archie asked and gestured around.
“Because I thought I would use what you love most against you all. I created a mystery and you just had to meddle.” 
“Yeah. Yeah.” You interrupted. “We’ve heard the whole meddling thing a few times now. Well. The police are here. Great timing. Take them away.” The police officers nodded and took the three away. 
“So…” Archie started.
“Has everyone finished the chemistry project we had?” You asked.
“Yeah.” Cheryl and Betty replied.
“We had a chemistry project?” Jughead asked, slightly panicked.
“Yeah. Its due tomorrow.” Archie told him. “Me and Veronica only have a little bit left to do.” He added and wrapped his arm around her waist making her smile. There was a moment of silence as you continued to walk back to the van.
“Do you all wanna come to mine? You can finish it there.” You asked and everyone agreed. However Jughead remained silent.
“We’ll help you finish it Juggy.” Betty said with a smile and held his hand.
“Thanks.” He mumbled.
“We’ll help you start it too.” You added and he smiled brightly at you.
“Thanks.” He smiled at you all and you laughed. Cheryl held your hand tightly and you kissed her cheek as you got closer to the van. Hot Dog came running towards you all and knocked Jughead over making the group laugh. 
“I wonder what its going to be next.” Jughead wondered out loud once he stood up.
“You’ve just jinxed it now!” Veronica complained and hit his arm lightly.
“What?” He replied confused. “I was just wondering.”
“I was hoping that nothing else would happen.” Veronica explained.
“Its Riverdale. Something is always going to be next.” Betty sighed.
“Yeah. But I wouldn’t have it any other way.” You smiled contently.
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Forget About It ~ S.P. (part 5)
A/n: I didnt go to sleep after all... So yeah um here's the next part OOPS. Also I didn't realize I already have a part five so I wrote this whole thing and then found the part five aId already written except I liked this a LOT more so, here's part five rewritten! Hope you enjoy it :)
Warnings: Bullying is the biggest one tbh. Isolation.
Word Count: 5000+
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You know there are some days when I really feel like this could work. Like you and I are finally gonna get it right... Then there are days like today, when you make me wanna tear my fucking hair out!
My first day back to Riverdale High was rough. The paperwork hadn’t taken long, but I had gotten used to South Side High, where expectations were low and no one gave the teachers the time of day. Where drugs roamed wild and everyone had the insignia of some gang or another.
Which means I’d made the mistake of wearing my Serpent’s jacket, to begin with.
Everyone was glaring at me. Every single pair of eyes of every single person I cane across threw daggers at me mercilessly. It was only a matter of time before Cheryl Blossom got her claws around me.
“If it isn’t Judas herself!” The red headed cheerleader greeted far too brightly. “Et tu, Brute?”
I rolled my eyes. “Do you want somethjng Cheryl, or are you here simply to get your kicks in because you need a distraction from the lack of your own pathetic, sad existence?”
Perhaps I’d been too harsh. Cheryl wasn’t like anyone in the Serpents. They all hesitated to strike back. They saw when they’d been defeated and were smarter about the approach, even if said approach was waiting until you were alone to strike. Because, unlike in the North Side, if you attacked someone in the South Side there would always be someone who stood up for that person. You mess with someone, you mess with their freuds or family. Or worse, the gang they’re in- which is the same thing, except a gang will rip you apart.
On the North Side, everyone was fighting for themself. Even if I hadn’t been an outsider here, no one would have stepped in. But, since I was a ‘Judas’ as Cheryl had so eloquently put, not only was no one stepping in, but they were thriving off of it. When I insulted her, they all turned on me with equally nasty looks and it made me feel small and in very much danger. Cheryl thrived off of it.
“Keep your head down, Serpent.” Her mockingly sweet tone had dropped to a hateful, dangerous curl. “You’re in bulldog territory now, and we’ll eat you alive.” She walked away and I was reminded of the day Sweetpea Gad come to my house to face down Archie and Reggie had told him the same thing.
I looked around and saw everyone mirroring that same look in Cheryl’s eyes. I tried not to look too terrified as I kept walking.
The day continued with everyone giving off an attitude like that. People made large circles around me in hallways and classrooms alike, squishing together so they could be as far away from me as possible. Two kids tripped me, and a third tried and failed. Shoulders slammed into me in the lunchline and eyes followed me everywhere. The traiter North Sider turned Serpent had returned, and no one was happy about it. They had made it as clear as I had.
Finally, I got some relief from school when Jughead called me. After talking for a little while though, I nearly lost my crap on him. "FP got out and you're only telling me this NOW?" I demanded.
I could FEEL Jughead wince. "He needed some time to get readjusted and have some space... Plus, you do too. How are you holding up on the North Side?"
A sigh escaped me as I tried not to reveal how anxious that question made me. It had been going... not well, to say the least. "Don't change the subject, Jones. You could have told me at least! I need to know what's going on in the South Side, you guys are my family. I'm going to lose my MIND if I find out something major happened and I missed it because no one's talking to me."
"No one's talking to you?"
My mouth audibly snapped shut. "I...” I worked my jaw in an attempt to loosen it. “No, they're not. Not returning my calls or calling me- I'm in the dark here..." I sighed, pushing a hand through my hair.
He paused. "I called to tell you they're throwing a party for my dad. I wanted you to come." His voice sounded tight.
"What's wrong Jug?"
There was a quiet that stretched long enough to make me anxious. "Penny's still on my case."
"What?" I snapped, tensing.
He rushed to explain, maybe to soothe me, but he just couldn't do both. The explanation would only make me more upset. "She targeted Betty. She has a video. It's- a mess. I don't know what's going on with everybody else but I just need you at this party okay? I know I've been distracted and told you last minute but you're still one of my closest friends, Y/n." There was a pause and his tone lightened. "My dad complains that he didn't get to enjoy your cooking." I smiled. "I didn't realize how much you... helped things, around here. I miss you."
My voice was soft when I responded. "I'll be right over Jug. Maybe yell at Fangs to get off his ass and come pick me up." My smile fell. "Or I can... I'll figure it out."
Another pause. There was so much tension and awkwardness. I absolutely hated it. "I'm sorry."
My eyes closed. "I know." Forcing my tone light and trying to ignore the false note in the words, I chirped, "See you soon! Can't wait to see that karaoke machine- maybe I'll get someone to go up there with me." We exchanged our goodbyes and hung up. I moved from the pillows and blankets on the floor of my room to the door. The room otherwise remained completely untouched, just as it had been when I very first left it. I still couldn't find it in myself to touch anything. Especially now if anything, with everything going on at school. Even aside from that, it still felt invasive, but now it also felt dangerous too. This was a life I could so easily fall into. Fade away into. With my friends ignoring me for some reason and Archie and my dad only too eager to bring me fully back to the North Side, I made my statement clear. I was a guest in this house, not apart of even this room. I could see the hurt in my dad's face but I couldn't bring myself to mend the situation. There was no going back. This wasn’t my home anymore and it never would again.
After grabbing my Serpent jacket, I headed toward my door. I was going to North again and between that and this house, the tension never left my body. It was starting to become infused into the make of my very muscles. This jacket was the only comfort I had. It caused problems, but so far there wasn't much chaos about it since I didn't speak out about the bullying and no one else made as much of a scene as Cheryl had. I'd gotten through lucky so far.
On my way out of the house, I heard Archie and my dad talking. Despite myself, the tone of their voices worried me and I paused, listening. They were still my blood after all...
"So I take it things didn't go so well with the four-letter-word, huh?" My dad. My eyebrows came together. Wait, what?
"When I'm with Veronica, as dark as things get - and they've been getting pretty dark - she makes me feel like... everything is gonna be fine. She makes things fun. I don't wanna lose that."
My heart seized. He had said he loved Veronica? Was he really so lost to them? "You won't," my dad assured. "You just have to give her some time. And space. You're a great kid Arch. Really, get out there, have a good time." He began moving but I was frozen in place. "Take the pressure off."
Our eyes locked as he entered the hallway. Why was he encouraging it? Didn't he know how dangerous the Lodges were? Was it being around the Serpents that had made me so painfully aware of the twisted North Sider who was rich and so in power as I sat alone at night thinking how about all the danger and drama we'd had in Riverdale? How much Veronica hated her father? How much she had changed and given into him since he'd been back?
My father came to me, placing a hand on my shoulder. He didn't know what I was thinking exactly but he must have got the gist because his words hit home. "We all take our own path, Y/n. If Archie can find some stability and happiness with people his age, who am I to stop him? Really." He paused as I mulled over that. "He could use his sister right now." My lips pressed together. He sighed. "I know everything that's happened, but... he's been so lost since you've been gone. You gave him a purpose and he gave you security. And now..." He shrugged, his hand falling away. "Maybe just ask him for a ride? Where are you going by the way?"
I flinched. "Sorry, I was going to ask on my way out. Um, Jughead's having a party for his dad-"
My dad nodded. "I've heard. Be safe, okay?" I nodded. He left with just that and I stood alone, on the stairs, thinking.
When I looked up again, Archie stood there. "I'm going too. You... want a ride?"
There was only a second before I mumbled, "Sure."
The car ride was absolutely silent. No nervous tapping, no conversation- not even any music. It was like we were both terrified to more more than necessary, even to breathe. When we got there and he parked, he sighed. "Y/n-" I wanted to bolt and he seemed ready for me to do so and for his words to be lost to me. But my dad's words came back to me and I forced myself to stay. I was... curious. I wondered where this boy who used to be my whole world stood as I lost my footing in the world I thought I knew. It seemed every time I was sure of myself the rug was pulled from under me. Why not go for another fall? He looked at me, unsure if he should continue or not.
A breath escaped through my nose. "Truce?" I asked, holding out my hand. He looked at it, smiled at the childishness, and then took my hand. There was a little release in the cement wall between us. It became a little thinner. The distance shortened, just slightly. We both smiled and then I slipped out of the car, returning to one of the places that felt like a real home. My smile grew to a grin.
I didn't find Sweet Pea before I found my brother on stage with his girlfriend, both singing and the tension between them tangible.
So the problem hadn't been solved yet.
"Mad World"? Really? I stood in my place, my heart filling with sadness. They ran off the stage and I almost followed them.
But then Betty got on stage.
I froze, eyes wide and lips parted. A second later my attention snapped to the people around me. My eyes landed on Sweet Pea, who chuckled. My heart exploded in my chest. Why was I suddenly sick to my stomach? My eyes landed on Jughead next. He wasn't looking at me but before I moved to his side I heard Alice Cooper whimper, "Oh my god." When I reached Jughead, my hand touched his arm. He looked away, his jaw working. And then to top it all off, FP Jones announced very dramatically that he wasn't retiring after all.
There was suddenly so much heaviness in my chest and I turned and left, moving outside.
Archie and Veronica.
Archie in GENERAL.
Betty and her- her Serpent dance.
FP was coming back to the Serpents after all.
The way Sweet Pea has looked at Betty Copper.
My friends all going dark on me, cutting me out of their life suddenly because I wasn't around to remind them I existed anymore.
Jughead was upset, shutting me out, and I could do nothing to even slow his steady fall into whatever darkness he felt consuming him.
The whole world was falling apart and I had been desperately trying to hold on... but my fingers had slipped and I was lost again.
I didn't wait for Archie. Like I had done so many times before, just as recklessly, I stormed out into the night in a known dangerous part of town, by myself. I didn't get far before I felt a hand wrap around my wrist. I turned around, startled, to see Sweet Pea.
His smile faded as he took in my expression. I pulled away from him. "Y/n?" He didn't move, unsure what to do about me turning my back as I faced away.
"You know, this sucks." I took a sharp breath in, closing my eyes. "My father's heart is breaking because I'm turning into everything he fears. My brother lost another person as we both make reckless, desperate decisions to find stability and security. My best friend is being slammed in the face as his mistakes bite him in the ass. And my boyfriend-" I spun around to face him. "Has been ignoring me." Sweet Pea frowned. "My entire school is turning on me because I'm proud of the family I'm apart of. The family that is suddenly shunning me? GOD, what is this?"
He moved closer to me, wrapping his arms around me. "Hey, hey, slow down. What do you mean I'm ignoring you?"
"You haven't answered any of my calls," I gasped, trying to hold back tears. "I've been really alone and it's only been a little while but I'm so scared over there. I needed to hear your voice..."
His arms tightened around me. "I'm sorry. I've been busy with school and the Serpents are having a hard time with Jughead and Penny and with FP getting out of prison. My brain has just been super preoccupied. And I've been missing you too. I'm used to having you in person. We didn't ever text or call before- I just have to get used to it. I'm sorry, Y/n."
A sigh came from me. "Everyone around me is hurting and I can't do anything to stop it. To even begin to help. I'm worried, Sweets. I'm so worried..."
"I know," he soothed. There was a pause. "What did you say about school?"
Instantly my heart fell into my toes. I tried to play it off. Making a problem out of a bunch of idiots wasn’t going to do anything but make everyone feel worse. "Nothing. They're just being self righteous, dumb North Siders as usual." I pulled him close. "I miss you. I miss the South Side. The Serpents."
I pushed out all the stupid things I knew I didn't have to worry about. Archie wasn't my concern anymore. If our relationship was mended then fine, but for now I was still done with him. Sweet Pea's look at Betty, as well, was more of amusement than interest. I knew that, looking back, with my emotions a little clearer and with his reassuring hold to calm me. The Serpents weren't ignoring me. It was about perspective again. What I saw in the moment, with my silly emotions and jumping to conclusions. There was a real problem that I needed to focus on. Jughead. FP. Penny.
He rubbed my back. "What are you thinking?"
"I'm thinking that I need to focus. I'm letting too much get to me." I shook my head. "One thing at a time. How have you been?"
I could hear the smile in his voice. "Of course that's your focus." I smiled too but at his next words it grew weaker. "I've been miserable. It's so cold and uncomfortable, sleeping without you. And we've been dying without your cooking. Your smile and your voice and your laugh and your hand in mine. You make the South Side so much better and I just- really miss you."
My hands tightened around his shirt, fingers pressing between my chest and his. "Sweets?" He hummed the question without saying the words. I bit my lip. I wanted to say it. Thinking about Archie and Veronica only made me want to say it more. But Archie and Veronica also made me more scared to say it. The three words. Those three damn words. "You're amazing. I'm glad we're together."
He paused. A long time. A VERY long time. "Y/n, I..." My eyes widened. The tone of his voice- was he going to say it? "I think I'm in love with you."
Oh. OH. That was so much deeper than 'I love you'. Even with the hint of question it still resounded into my bones, shaking through my body until it tingled in my toes. I was suddenly filled with light that buzzed in my system, waking me up and super charging me. I looked up at him. "I love you," I whispered, my voice cracking. "I'm in love with you." Our eyes locked and it felt so insanely right that our bodies both locked up right there. "I'm in love with you," I whispered again.
The words broke the spell and he broke into the brightest, most contagious grin. His lips found mine and everything was wiped away. Just like in those moments before, it didn't matter. Penny. FP. Jughead. Archie. Betty. The Black Hood. It could all wait for later because in this moment, nothing dark could exist in such pure happiness. The darkness of night seemed to morph around us, the stars and moon and artificial street lights and the lights from the Wyrm all becoming brighter, softer, warmer. Maybe we were young and this wouldn't last but who cared?
I was in love with a boy who was in love with me and despite the raging dangers of Riverdale, that's all that mattered for now.
We slowly parted, our foreheads pressing together. Archie spoke and I slowly looked over, still dazed. He spoke quietly, his eyes not meeting mine. "I'm sorry... but it's time to go home." He looked so defeated that my little glowing paradise was dulled, just a little. But I didn't frown, just nodded.
Turning back to Sweet Pea, I pecked him softly. "Call me when you get there okay? So I know you made it safe."
Ah, there was that glow again, at full power. I nodded. "Of course."
I might as well have been floating as I made my way to Archie's truck. I got in the passenger seat, the air inside it stifling. Archie was dark, oozing despare and agony and struggle. I was light, radiating joy and excitement and fulfillment and ease. My bright mood fought with his heavy one but I didn't notice it. I was stuck on cloud nine, Sweet Pea's kiss and words echoing in my mind to make everything so wonderful. The light and dark fought for dominance until we reached our house and Archie parked. There he finally gave in, letting my light infect him. "Why are you in such a good mood?"
I turned to him. "Sweet Pea told me he loved me." I didn't think about the words. They just came out of me. I was beaming and floating and brilliant and somewhere in my brain I worried that my success where he had failed would be like a slap in the face. I worried that he'd lash out at me and it would be ruined. "He said it and then I said it back and it felt so RIGHT." My hand went through my hair again and I sighed, melting into my chair.
Despite my distant concerns, Archie smiled. "That's amazing, Y/n." He paused. "You seem so happy there."
"Of course, it's my home. My family."
That did hurt Archie. I think both my success and my rejection were too much for him and his face crumpled. My happiness fell and I began to reach out a hand to him, lips parting. But that felt so wrong and it dropped before it even really begun reaching. Just a twitch.
I had been so ready to give him up... how did one begin to close a gap that was so incredibly wide? How do you compromise with the perfect North Sider I used to be and the South Side Serpent I now was? The... North Side Serpent? Was that who I was now?
We didn't talk for a long time. "I'm sorry, about that night. I shouldn't have left you. I shouldn’t have been out there at all." He couldn't look at me. "I'm so sorry."
"I'm genuinely glad what happened the way it did actually." He looked at me in surprise. "Look Archie I know that you're carrying the weight of our family falling apart on your shoulders, but you know what? Don't. I was weak before. Easily broken and walked all over. Now I'm strong. I have a family that doesn't just overprotect me but also lets me protect myself. They make me stronger instead of just... letting me be weak. I have a boyfriend who I LOVE who loves me and a home I feel safe and comfortable. I know our family isn’t as strong but this was the best thing that could happen to me. The Serpents are... fun." I cringed at the word. "Not always, but when they are- I don't know. It's like how you are with Veronica. What you said to Dad earlier. They make everything else disappear. They make it feel OKAY. And I know that I'm losing you, but it's not because I'm choosing the Serpents." A realization hit me and my eyes went wide. "I'm not a South Sider." The words were soft, remembering that night with Sweet Pea where he begged me to understand. Now I finally did and it was amazing. "I'm a NORTH Side Serpent." My back straightened. "You want to worry about something? You don't want to lose me? Stop regretting my time with the Serpents. Stop treating me like I sinned just because I'm not depending on you to function anymore. Appreciate that I've grown and that I'm strong now and love me for who I am, as I am. Not who I was. Not how strong I made you feel with my weaknesses. Accept me as I am, and maybe we won't just become strangers under the same roof." With that I left the truck, slipping inside the house.
I found my dad first. When he saw me, his face light up. I knew he saw it in my eyes. In my posture. In my hands and my smile and in the air around me. "How was-?" He cut off as I slammed into him, clinging to him. He gasped in surprise and then wrapped his arms around me as well, rubbing my back. "You okay?"
"I'm amazing," I whispered softly. "Everything is coming together, and... dad, I'm SO sorry. I'm sorry I shut you out and tried to be a Serpent and not include you in my life just because you're a North Sider. You're the best person in my life and I'm SO lucky to have you. I love you."
My father's chest shuddered and his hold on my solidified. "I love you too, Y/n. I'm proud to be your dad. I just want you safe. Okay?"
I smiled. "Okay."
"Do you promise me?" He asked desperately, pushing me back to hold me at arm's length.
I hesitated, meeting his eyes. "I can’r promise to be safe, dad. Even ont he North Side, things are dangerous and twisted. But-” I quickly added as he seemed to defalte in resignation. “I'll be careful. That I can promise." My smile faltered. "Duty will call, whether it be Serpents- or maybe even Betty or... Archie" he frowned at my hesitation and the odd look on my face at my brother’s name, but seemed to also acknowledged that I had included him at all. "But I will be careful."
He sighed. "I can... agree with that."
We hugged again and then I was off to my room. I texted Sweetpea to let him know I was back safe as I took off my shoes and jacket. When I finished, I jumped into bed and wrapped myself up in my blankets for the first time. The bed was actually comfortable and much nicer than the floor, but I was painfully aware of the absence of Sweet Pea where he should be - had been before I'd left - next to me. This had been the first I’d slept in a bed since I’d come back to the North Side. It felt weird not to have him there too. I pushed it away and pulled a pillow to my chest.
So it wasn't perfect. But it was quite nice all the same. I fell asleep better that night than I had since I'd been back.
Unfortunately, the next day, it was back to Hell. And the kids didn't give me a break.
Cheryl Blossom wasn't even the worst antagonizer. Tripping me, calling me names, insulting me, saying "it" instead of "she" as they talked crap about me loud enough for me to hear it, slamming doors in my face, pulling my hair, throwing harmless things at me in class, laughing ridiculously loud at me if I did ANYTHING even a little wrong... it was endless. They became more and more creative each day. Tripping in the hallway on purpose and slamming into me. Objectifying me loudly to anyone nearby. Banging on the bathroom stall I was in. Someone left a note in my locker telling me to go back "where I came from" as if I wasn't born and raised on the North Side.
The staff didn't help. Literally. I finally told them what was going on, showed them the note, asked for something - anything - but they pointed out that they couldn't punish the whole school or gave them excuses or straight up called me a liar.
I was getting bullied. Brutally.
It was only getting worse too. Halfway into the week, someone slammed their shoulder into mine and I dropped the three books I was carrying. I paused, honing my self control as kids tittered their laughter around me, before bending down. Someone whistled and I swallowed, the back of my eyes burning with tears as I picked up one book, two. As I reached for the third, someone kicked it out of my reach. I slumped in defeat when, suddenly, a hand reached down. My eyes widened as someone picked up my book. No! I looked up to see the commotion around me frozen as Archie moved to me through the students. When he looked at me, his expression was dark and angry. We hadn't talked since the conversation after the Not-Retiring-After-All party for FP and I wondered if he was mad enough to lash out at me for it. Everyone seemed ready for the Andrews sibling show down. If Archie treated me like shit I would never get another break. They’d have all their reasoning and I’d truly be hopeless. If my own brother did it...
He offered me his hand and it took me a second to realize it was to help me stand. I took it, speechless. My book still in his hand he looked at the students around him. "You think this is funny?" His voice carried and I froze, in awe. "You think this is OKAY? Because she's small? Because she's a girl? Because she's not lashing out? Because she's taking this? Because she's a Serpent?" He glared at the people around us in general. "Touch my sister again and watch what happens." He turned to me, putting an arm around my shoulders and guiding me to a more private place. I stared at him. "Are you okay?" He asked, finally offering the book. His face was gentle and his voice was soft. He was only concerned.
My eyes watered. "I..." My voice cut off. His expression twisted with pain.
"I'm so sorry Y/n, I didn't know it was like this until I saw it just now. Why didn't you tell me? Why didn't you tell the staff?"
"They won't do anything about it. Because I'm a Serpent."
Archie's pain mixed with anger and frustration and heartache. He saw the tears in my eyes and relaxed, settling in worry. He opened his arms and I slammed into his chest. He held me, soothing me with soft shushing and rubbing my back. "I'm here now, okay? No more North Side attacks. I'm here too." There was a pause and then he whispered, "You were right. I won't fight your battles for you, Y/n. But I will be here to have your back. Okay?"
I nodded, relaxing against him. "It's so good to have you back, Arch."
His hold on me tightened. "It's so good to be back." We hugged for a little bit longer before leaning away. Class would start soon. "Want to have lunch with me later?"
My smile warmed. "I'd love that."
He grinned. "Perfect. Come on, I'll walk you to class." He let me wipe my face clean and we waited a second for the both of us to calm down before heading to class. We chatted, casual and pleasant. With him by my side, no one bothered us. In class no one talked to me still - no one even sat next to me, a circle of empty chairs separating me from the rest of the students. The teacher ignored my raised hand and snapped at me for interrupting if I just said it out loud. But, also left me be. And it was all because of Archie.
That lifted my heart a lot. Gave me some hope. Maybe my brother wasn't as far out of my reach as I thought.
FTL: @alexa-playafricabytoto @chipster-21 @bitchyseawitch @justanotherdaydreamersoul
Story Tags: @reblogserpent @xprblmatcprincess @black-kitten-imagines @foolsgoldxo @90skpophoe
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go-ldy · 4 years
what are your thoughts on the likelihood that the riverdale writers' room is taking advantage of our...unique world situation to refine or redefine their plans for the rest of s4 and the beginning of s5? (this feels like a leading question lol)
I have been contemplating this since yesterday and I am not sure that I have a very good answer. When the set first shut down early, I wondered if RAS would rethink the time jump plans. I thought that might be especially the case if season 5 ended up being only 10 or 12 episodes long. Maybe that will still happen depending on when they can start filming.
But it very well sounds like they could be filming again in Vancouver in the next month or so. I think that probably gives them enough time to do a full season (barring a second shut-down). RAS has already gone public with the fact that they are doing the five year time jump and I don’t really see him walking that back lol.
He said he was listening to Vanessa and that they would do more for Toni next season. Time will tell. I hope he has taken it to heart. I tend to be of the view that all secondary characters on this show suffer in terms of screentime and development, but Toni for sure sticks out more than anyone. I want more for her than another season of following Cheryl around saying “babe.” So I am hopeful. But also I will believe it when I see it.
Beyond that, I don’t know how much Riverdale plans things out? I mean, some things are planned out. Clearly Jughead’s death-by-Stonies arc was planned out but otherwise I get the feeling that Riverdale works by throwing darts at a board and occasionally someone being like: “YOU KNOW WHAT WOULD BE FUNNY?? EDGAR ON A ROCKET. THAT WOULD BE FUNNY.” I mean, correct. But also it is hard for me to predict their ~grand plans.
With regards to the Core Four, it would be tempting to say that RAS et. al. heard the blowback to what went down between Betty and Archie and are changing the ~plan. The thing is, though, these writers are incredibly tapped into fandom. They always knew what kind of push back they were going to get. And it made Riverdale a huge conversation piece for a few weeks, and I think they liked that too even if some of it was quite critical.
I have always felt like Bughead is the most protected relationship in Riverdale (YMMV on that, that’s just the sense I’ve had over the years). I’m still not entirely sure if they are gonna break up over this or not! Like, who knows!! Post-finale, RAS was talking about how their big challenge was going to be long-distance at difference schools and they would have big conversations about their “future.” LIKE, IS IT. IS THAT THE BIGGEST CHALLENGE. WHO KNOWS.
If Bughead do break up, my assumption is the plan was always to get them back together again post-time jump and I don’t think that would change. I was talking with @thatiranianphantom about this last night, and really there are two reasons for my assumption: (1)  This show is way too lazy to introduce OCs  and develop Betty and Jughead in relationships with other characters I mean it can barely manage romantic relationships outside of the Core 4 never mind characters they would have to create from scratch; (2) Riverdale honestly sucks at slow burn, and it moves at 100 miles per hour.
I feel like now I’m just rambling and not answering your question. I guess my answer is: I don’t think they have changed much although hopefully they do better for Toni (#justiceforToni) and possibly they will be constrained by real world events if the season is dramatically shortened. 
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fxngsfxgarty · 5 years
a new kind of empty // a new kind of silent
sweet pea returns to riverdale, and everything has changed.
inspired by 'bloodied up in a bar fight' by aaron west and the roaring twenties
also read it on ao3 here
The jail cell is cold, and Sweet Pea can smell wet dirt and gasoline on the breeze that blows in in intervals, whenever someone opens a door down the hall. Every sense seems heightened here, his skin prickling with goosebumps, his head pounding, each small sound making his whole body twitch with anxiety. His nose is still bleeding when he dabs at it, something smarts in his chest when he breathes in too deep. There are cuts on his hands that probably need stitches, but won’t get them, because who will foot the hospital bill?
He’ll take the scars and run with them, just like he did with all the others.
He should never have come back here. Dreams don’t mean shit. Dreams of Riverdale have always been nightmares, there’s a reason he left, and now he curses himself silently, for ever believing that one good dream could mean that things would be different. Riverdale may be a home, but it’s also a hell. He left years ago - almost ten long years now. Last night was supposed to feel like coming home, but he’s slowly coming to realise that home isn’t the asphalt on the streets, or the familiar routes between the schools and the trailer park and the diner. Home was always the people, and he doesn’t know the people any more.
Mom moved away not long after he graduated and disappeared. She’s got a one-bed, first-floor apartment, upstate in Poughkeepsie, close to her parents and where she grew up. Sweet Pea’s always felt bad for keeping her away from there, since she always talked about wanting Riverdale to be a better life for her kids. He stayed there with her for a little while, on a mattress on her floor between couches and hostels, but it was never going to be for long. He can’t keep still, can’t sleep at night, and he’s given her enough grief in twenty-five years to last a lifetime. He already cashed in all his favors with the few friends he keeps around. So back to Riverdale had seemed like the only option.
He regrets it now, as he lays back on the hard cot and looks at the bars and the concrete wall beyond. He regrets getting off the bus, being met by damp gray fog, and thoughtlessly shrugging on his old leather jacket for warmth. The snake patch is worn and faded, but it still fits, perhaps better than ever. He always said he’d fill it out.
He wishes he hadn’t stopped by Pop’s, because it isn’t Pop’s any more. It’s not even La Bonne Nuit, because Veronica and Archie got back together, left after graduation. They’re in Chicago now. Sweet Pea sees Veronica in his mom’s fashion magazines sometimes. She and Archie are at this gala, or that show, or being hounded by paparazzi at a bar over cocktails. He’s not really sure what they do, but it must be nice to be happy.
Pop’s is a Dunkin’ Donuts and the smell from the parking lot makes Sweet Pea feel sick.
Really, he should’ve stopped there. Found a place to crash for the night, maybe called round to the Joneses’ place to see if FP and Jellybean would let him stay. But no, he hadn’t come home to hide away, and he’d rather be out all night than run the risk of seeing Jughead, and Betty, and both sets of Cooper twins - Polly’s two have got to be almost teenagers now, and Betty and Jughead’s girls are nearly three. Sweet Pea remembers their smiles beaming out of the family Christmas card and it makes his chest hurt in a way that’s nothing to do with his bruised ribs.
That was how he ended up back on the Southside, on a barstool in the corner of some dingy, crowded dive. He remembered the lights being red and the beer room-temperature and tasting like the lines hadn’t been cleaned in a while, but he’d kept drinking it anyway. Kept glancing at the door, half hoping a familiar face would walk in and the other half praying that nobody would. He didn’t need a game of twenty questions - how’s life been? what have you been up to? where are you living now? - but god, he could’ve used the company. Even just a smile. As he continued to drink, he’d let his eyes wander, taking in cracks in the walls and broken bulbs, groups of men young and old clustered around a pool table or a couple of booths. Not a lot of women. But Sweet Pea wouldn’t have wanted to bring a girl here either, not when he saw the way some of the guys looked as they watched the redheaded glass collector weave between tables. She kept nodding his way, and he could only hope he was at least smiling a little in return.
He’s still not really sure where it started to go wrong, which creak of the door signified the beginning of the end. He just remembers the pint glass being knocked from his hand and shattering on the sticky floor, as an unseen grip yanked him to his feet, and the whole bar going silent as his vision filled with a face that should’ve been familiar but wasn’t quite there. A couple of broken teeth, bloodshot eyes, greasy hair. Whiskey on his breath, a smell that jolted Sweet Pea back to early childhood before Dad fucked off to god knows where. The hand on his throat pulled him back twice as fast. “Thought we ran Serpent scum out of this town, long ago,” the face snarled, and Sweet Pea winced. So that’s why there’s nobody here. He’d never really considered that they’d lose the whole town when the last shreds of kids that cared ended up lost too. “You bastards aren’t welcome.” Sweet Pea could only blink, not sure how to reply to that. “You hear me? Get the hell out before we make you like we did the rest of your junkie, murderer friends.” The man spat in his face, and Sweet Pea snapped, shoving him back into a table.
That was when hell had broken loose, and the girl behind the bar was yelling. More hands came, grabbing at Sweet Pea, but he’d never forgotten how to throw a punch. Blocking them, though, was a different matter. He’d never forget the feeling of his nose breaking for the third time, spilling hot blood over his lips and chin, blood he spat at the closest assailant when he got too close. He doesn’t remember what he said, if anything at all, over the screech of chairs on linoleum floors and the breaking of glass. He recalls throwing up his arms to protect his face when someone shattered a bottle on the bar, sending shards flying everywhere, and he’s pretty sure that’s when they took him down.
It had felt like the kicking and beating would never end, until it did, and he came to in the back of a cop car, handcuffed with blood and tears mixing on his face.
It was just after midnight when they brought him in, and it’s almost three in the morning now, according to the clock on the wall. The hands feel like they’re taunting him as the minutes crawl by. He wants to sleep, but it’s an effort to breathe, and he’s just a little scared that if he sleeps, he might not wake back up.
Nobody’s pressing charges, he knows that much. The guy that processed him at the desk recognises him from Riverdale High. “I wouldn’t have come back, if I were you,” he’d admitted, getting Sweet Pea to sign his name over, and over again. “You don’t want trouble from those guys. Another run-in and they might kill you. You got a place you can stay? Someone I can call?”
It had taken him seventeen minutes of running through every name he still knew to even come up with one, and the phone number attached to it that might not even still be connected. They haven’t talked in years. But there’s nobody else within reach that might even be tempted to come. So Sweet Pea had him try, but so far, it looks like nothing, and in the end, he does fall asleep. It’s late, and they’ve said he can leave at ten tomorrow.
Leave for where, he’s not sure. He doesn’t remember if he had his wallet when he woke up in the car. He sleeps, fitful and restless, but there’s nobody to care when he cries out.
When he wakes, it’s to an officer opening up the holding cell. The bars crash against each other and it’s all Sweet Pea can do not to cringe back into a corner and hide as the pain in his head reaches a crescendo, a hangover and a possible concussion and two blossoming black eyes all rolled into one.
“Come on, time to go, buddy. Your stuff’s at the front, and there’s a guy out there. Says he’s come to give you a ride.” Sweet Pea squints. A ride to where? Still, he follows the officer out to the reception area, picks up his jacket and wallet and phone, his keys to all the homes he can’t go to and a bike he wrecked beyond repair. He hesitates, before choosing to keep the jacket off, and just hanging it over his arm.
Someone touches his shoulder. “I’d put it on if I were you. It’s gonna be a long ride.” He freaks out just a little, spins around to the source of the voice, and he’s really, really glad that there’s a desk right beside them because if he didn’t have something to lean on he’d fall.
Fangs is taller than he used to be. He and Sweet Pea are a few inches off being eye to eye, not a head’s difference like the last time they saw each other. He’s gotten broader, too, and that’s good, because the next thing Sweet Pea does is more or less fall against him, shaky hands wrapping around him, and Fangs hugs back so easily it’s like he never left.
Sweet Pea’s breath evens out, for the first time since he got back to Riverdale. “Fuck,” he breathes, and that makes Fangs laugh. “C’mon. Let’s get you home,” he murmurs, finding Sweet Pea’s hand and squeezing it, tight. His hands are still just as cold as they always were. “Home?” It doesn’t feel real. “Yeah. I got a house over in Greendale. You can stay as long as you want.”
“I missed you,” Sweet Pea tells him quietly, as they’re walking out to Fangs’ bike.  “I know,” Fangs says simply, but he walks close to Sweet Pea’s side. “I missed you too.”
As they pull out onto the street, Sweet Pea’s arms are wound around Fangs’ waist, and he hopes it’ll be a long drive, just so he doesn’t have to let go.
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to-write-ornah · 6 years
Not So Happy Birthday part 2.5
A/n: woohoooo this is a lot for me to post in one day and hopefully it'll become a habit (probably not but we can hope) anyways, enjoy this until I get part 3 out!
Warnings: none? I don't think?
You gently shoved your hands into the pockets of your oversized jacket and stepped inside.
The smell of burgers hit you as you walked in. Pop smiled at you, and you gave a polite nod, looking around for Jughead. You saw him sitting in the farthest booth to the left of the door, scowling.
'Oh great,' you thought, walking quickly toward your best friend.
"Hey Juggie," you greeted with a smile, sitting down across from him.
"So, is that your boyfriend." He said, irritation seeping into his words.
Your smile dissapeared as you groaned. "Jug, please don't-"
"Do you even know who that is? I'll bet you don't. He's in a gang, Y/n. He's not a good guy." He was staring right at you now, and his gaze was so intense you had to look away.
"Jughead, please stop." You sighed. "You don't know what you're talking about-"
"Oh I don't, do I?" He leaned back and crossed his arms. "He's only in the same gang my dads in. You know, the one my mom couldn't handle so she left-"
He paused and gave you a strange look. After a moment, his expression softened and he ran a hand down his face.
"Right. Sorry. You wanted to talk to me, not have me berate your boyfriend." You sent him a light glare for the last part but shook your head.
"It's fine, Jug. But you have to promise to hear me out; no getting mad, no leaving before I'm done."
He studied you for a moment. "Deal."
You took a deep breath. "I'm a Serpent."
His eyes widened and he sat straight up. "I-but you- why would- h-how-" he sputtered.
You sighed, shaking your head. "Want me to explain?" He nodded vigorously.
"Get ready for a monologue," you joked. "Okay, so it started back when my mom died."
"You mean when the Ghoulies killed her," Jughead interjected.
"Right. After they killed her. Well, do you know why they killed her?"
He shook his head.
"My dad used to be a Ghoulie."
Jugheads jaw dropped.
"He was only in the gang for a few months when he met my mom. All 'Romeo and Juliet' style. Basically, he dropped the Ghoulies to be with her. Now, obviously, the Serpents didn't trust him. Like at all. So my mom told them she would take responsibility for him; if he did anything it would be her fault. I guess they were good with that, so he got to join the Serpents. Except, they still didn't trust him. He didn't get any real jobs, nothing legit. He's been a supply runner since he joined. So basically, when my mom died, he told me that the Serpents wouldn't protect me anymore, pretty much because of him, unless I joined. And they definitely wouldn't protect Bace."
"Who's base?" A female voice asked behind you. You spun around to see a group of teenagers sitting at the table behind you. Betty Cooper, Archie Andrews, a brunette boy, and the raven haired girl who had spoken. Jughead groaned behind you.
"I told you guys I was coming alone." He emphasized the last word.
"Yeah, but you never said we couldn't come." Archie shrugged.
"So back to my question: who's 'base'?"
"Bace," you said, glaring at the table behind you, "is my little brother. And he's currently missing. So if you'd all get out of here, I can finish talking to Jughead and get to looking for him."
"Bace is gone?" You turned back to Jughead as the group behind you exchanged whispers. His face had gone slack, the only visible emotion was the shock in his eyes.
"Unless your 'friends' leave, we're gonna have to wait to finish our conversation." Jugheads gaze snapped to the teenagers behind you.
"Please, guys. Leave."
"Wait! We can help." Betty offered. "We're good at solving mysteries."
Before Jughead could stop you, you whirled around and glared. "No offense, Nancy Drew, but I don't need you and the Scooby Gang to find my brother. One, it's none of your business, and two, I know the people that have him, and they will kill you. Just leave."
Jughead gave them a pleading look. "Please, guys."
You turned back around and sat down, waiting until you heard them leave to address Jughead again.
"Sorry about them." He shrugged. "They think they're helping. They don't realize that they have no idea what's going on."
You sighed, bringing you hands to your face. "It's fine."
Jughead stared at your hands and you suddenly realized what he was looking at. You placed them on the table, bloody bandages and bruising on full display.
"Jug, look it's not-"
"How the hell did that happen?" His voice was hard. "Y/n who did that."
"I did, Jug." He looked up, surprised.
"What'd you do?"
"Hit a tree." You dismissed. "Look, Jughead, it's not just that Bace is gone. My dad is dead. We found his body yesterday."
Jughead covered his mouth with his hands.
"Y/n, I'm so sorry."
"It's fine, Jug." You shrugged. "I wasn't that close to him anyway. I'm just worried about Bace. I let him go on a supply run with my dad, and they never checked in. Everyone thought that my dad just stopped at some crappy bar or cheap casino and got wasted, so nobody looked into it until they were gone for almost three days." You shook your head. "It's my fault."
"It's not your fault." Jughead stopped himself before he could grab your hand, and reached for your arm instead. "You couldn't have known that would happen."
You shrugged. "It still happened. Anyways, that's what I needed to talk to you about. I didn't wanna be lying to you anymore, and now I'm not. I need to go." You stood, and Jughead stood with you.
"I can help." You paused at his words.
"How, Jug? You're not a Serpent. If we're being honest, you hate the Serpents. You really can't do anything. But I appreciate the offer."
Jughead shrugged. "I really wish I could help, though."
You stepped around the table and hugged him. "I know Juggie. Thanks."
You stepped back and turned around, sending him a smirk.
"Mind grabbing my phone for me? I've gotta get to the Wyrm."
Your best friend merely rolled his eyes and handed you your phone.
Twenty minutes later, you and Sweet Pea were pulling up outside the Whyte Wyrm. He got off the bike first and took off his helmet before helping you with yours. You sent him a smile as a thank you.
The bar looked the same as it always did. Music, Serpents playing pool, getting drunk at the bar. The atmosphere hadn't changed one bit. Which you had expected. Your dad wasn't very important to the Serpents. Only a few people would care he was dead, but the majority would be concerned about Bace. He was funny and charismatic, and always nice to people without being a pushover. Every neighborhood has that one kid all the adults love, and here, that kid was Bace.
You and Sweet Pea were walking toward the back room when a pair of arms wrapped around your torso and squeezed you tight.
"Y/n! I'm so glad you're okay! I was worried when we showed up last night, you looked pretty rough."
You pulled back and turned around, smiling at Toni when she came into view.
"Hey Toni. Thanks for coming last night." You looked over to see Fangs quietly talking to Sweet Pea. He stopped when he noticed your gaze and gave you a smile.
"There she is! Glad you're okay, Y/n/n. Although those hands look a little banged up." Fangs winked at you.
Toni grabbed your left hand, holding it up so she could see it.
"Shit, girl, how hard did you hit that tree?" You gave her a sheepish smile.
"Does everyone know about that?" Sweet Pea chuckled and pulled you into his side.
"Don't worry, babydoll. I only told Fangs and Toni."
"Hey, we kept quiet," Fangs put his hands up in surrender. "But, they are waiting for you in the back."
"We gotta go, princess." You waved goodbye to Toni and Fangs as Sweet Pea guided you through the crowd and into the back room.
Tallboy, FP Jones, and a few other older Serpents were gathered there, speaking in hushed tones. They all stopped the moment you entered the room. You shoved your hands back into your pockets.
"Y/n, it's good to see you." FP greeted. You nodded to him, separating yourself slightly from Sweet Pea.
"I know why I'm here, so let's just cut the bull shit. Nobody cares that my dad died, the only thing anyone's worried about is who did it and where Bace is."
FP raised a brow. "And do you know who it is that killed your father?"
"Sure as hell do. You all do. He might be the new leader for the Ghoulies, but he's not gonna forget old grudges. Especially if he had a chance to 'fix it'. Malachai had my dad killed and the Ghoulies took Bace."
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@wishingforahome @chipster-21
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fanfics4all · 6 years
A Lodge Between Us: Part 10
Request: Yes / No
Request are closed <3 Have a nice day/night
Archie Andrews x Lodge!Reader
Word count: 2781
Warnings: Nothing I think
Y/N: Your Name
Y/N/N: Your Nickname
Summary:  You’re Veronica Lodge’s little sister and are dating Archie Andrews. You’re nothing like your sister, you don’t care about the riches and you don’t follow your parent’s orders blindly. You become close with the Southside and want to stop your father but your father has gotten into Archies head and is the devil on his shoulder.
A/N: This took me so long to write because my sleep schedule is fucked haha! Protection and Not One Of You Anymore will be up tomorrow!
If you want to be on the tag list for anything (My series fics, specific character fics, or just all of them) All you have to do is send me an ask and I will add you!
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
(Not my photo, credit to whoever made it!)
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The holidays were over and it was back to business. My parents were having more meetings with Mayor McCoy and my sister and I were doing whatever we needed to help them along. I was happy I was now included in the business, I finally felt like I belonged in the family. I was in my room getting ready for school when my parents walked in.
“Y/N, do you have a minute?” My mother asked.
“Just checking in. See how you’re feeling about things.” My father said.
“Ah, checking in to make sure I’m still on board with the quote-unquote plan? Don’t worry, I am.” I said.
“You’re gonna be at ground-zero, Y/N.” My mother said.
“Yeah, in the eye of the potential hurricane.” My father said.
“That’s what you said when Veronica wanted to take me shopping in SoHo during Occupy Wall Street, and we were fine.” I said and they looked at each other.
“Dad. Mom. Trust me. I’ll keep everyone in check when the news breaks. Veronica has the Northside and I’ll take care of the Southside.” I said and they nodded with a smile. They left and I finished getting ready. I was dressed in white jeans, a white tank top, a red jacket, red heels, and red earrings. For makeup, I put on a reddish pink lip and a pink eyeshadow with a wing. I left my hair down and brushed then grabbed my bag.
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Veronica and I went to school and I went to my locker to put things away. Once I was done I started walking down the halls when I was stopped by a voice.
“Y/N/N…” I looked behind me and saw Archie walking up to me.
“Hey.” I said with a smile.
“Hey.” He said and placed his arm on my lower back.
“Did you tell anyone about my dad’s hospital bill?” He asked.
“Hmm, did I? I may have mentioned it to my mom and dad in passing.” I said with a smiled and turned towards him making us both stop.
“They wanted to help. And they have the means to help. What, is your dad upset? Are you?” I asked.
“Upset? Y/N/N…” He started and chuckled, he was wearing the biggest smiled.
“I am crazy about you.” He said and I leaned in to kiss him. While we were still kissing I pulled him into the student lounge and then we pulled away. We saw Betty Veronica, and Kevin talking.
“Students of Riverdale High…” Principal Weatherbee started and Archie and I sat down.
“...This is your Principal speaking. E-mails have been sent to your parents, but effective immediately, Southside High School is shut down.” He said and everyone started talking and gasping.
“And its students will be transferred to other schools in the district, including this one. I believe the statement we’re releasing will address your concerns and theirs.”
“Okay guys, let’s not overreact.” Veronica called out.
“You should be receiving it shortly. I’m sure you have many questions. But it goes without saying, we are welcoming these students with open minds, hearts, and arms…” He finished informing everyone and then got off the PA.
“Wait, what doesn that- What does that mean?” Archie asked.
“It means Jughead’s coming back.” Betty said.
“Betty, are you ready for that?” Kevin asked.
“Of course. We’re fine.” She said and we all just kind of gave her a look.
“But why is this happening now?” Archie asked.
“Who knows.” I said with a shrug.
“It’s probably some bizarre, Byzantine town ordinance we couldn’t possibly understand.” Veronica said and I rolled my eyes. God she sucked at trying to lie to people.
“In the meantime, let’s just treat them like they’re from the Northside.” I said walking into the middle of the room.
“Who’s in? Hmm?” I asked with a smile.
That night Archie came over and my parents invited him to stay for dinner. I couldn’t have been happier, the plan was coming along great. I didn’t agree with it fully but at least I could try and stop it if I needed to.
“Well, thank you for inviting me up.” Archie said.
“Not at all, Archie. There’s always room at our table.” My mother said.
“I wanted to say thanks for helping my dad they way you did.” Archie said.
“We were happy to do it.” My father said.
“He would’ve done the same for us.” My mother said.
“In return, though, Y/N and I have put together a welcoming committee for tomorrow’s arrivals, and we were hoping you’ll stand by our side, Archie.” My sister said and I glared at her a bit. I would not use Archie in any way.
“But don’t feel like you have to.” I said.
“Yeah… Yeah, sure.” He said and Veronica and I smiled. Her’s was real while mine was hiding my worry.
“Uh, Mr. and Mrs. Lodge, what do you think about Southside High closing down? I mean, it’s so close to the SoDale project, isn’t that, like, bad for business?” Archie asked and I glanced at him confused.
“Drugs, gangs, and violence. That’s bad for business, Archie.” My father said and my mother nodded in agreement.
“So investors like the St. Clairs are fine with it?” He asked.
“Archie, um, the St. Clairs aren’t investors anymore.” I said.
“Oh.” He said.
“Not after what Nick did to Cheryl.” I added.
“Yeah, whatever happened to that guy? Did he ever get charged?” He asked.
“You know, we’ve severed all ties with the St. Clairs. I don’t think we even called them after the accident.” My mother said.
“Accident?” Archie asked.
“Yeah, Nick St. Clair had an accident driving in Vail. Or was it on the slopes? You know, I’m not sure.” My father said.
“Is he... Is he okay?” Archie asked.
“Well, you know, from all reports, he’s recovered enough to be back at what was it? Greenwich Prep?” My mother asked.
“Yeah.” My sister answered.
“And may we never hear from him again.” I said.
“Mmhmm.” My father said holding up his wine glass.
After dinner Archie went home since we needed to get to school early to great the Southsiders. Veronica and I went to bed and the next morning I decided I was going to dress more like how my Serpent friends saw me. I figured it would make the transition easier. I put on a  long sleeve gray top, a pair of jean shorts, and black boots. For makeup, I put on a dark red lip and a very cute dark eyeshadow.
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Veronica went to school before me and I was going to meet the Serpents outside of school. Since Toni and Jughead were coming along with some others. I wasn’t telling Veronica that I was meeting them outside so she was going to think I’m just late.
“Y/N!” I heard a girl call my name and then I was attacked with a hug.
“Hey Toni.” I smiled hugging her back.
“At least with you this hell will be bearable.” She said and I smiled.
“Hell yeah, you guys are gonna make this school so much more fun.” I said and the others that were following her came up to us.
“You guys know each other?” Jughead asked raising his brow.”
“Yeah, how could you forget I use to go to the Southside all the time.” I asked him confused.
“Oh yeah.” He said and then gave me a side hug.
“So my sister set up a welcoming committee and I’m sorry in advance for the annoying speech she’s gonna give.” I said as we walked into the school. Veronica and Archie looked up and saw how I was dressed.
“Y/N, you’re late.” Veronica said.
“I was meeting them outside, giving them a little warning about your speech.”  I smirked and she rolled her eyes.
“Anyway, on behalf of the students and faculty here at Riverdale High, welcome to your new school!” She said happily. Toni gave me a look and I just shook my head.
“To ease this transition, I’ve set up a registration desk where you can get your locker assignments, class schedules, and a list of sports and extracurriculars.” She said and Archie wrapped his arms around me, I looked up at him and smiled.
“We encourage each and every one of you to drink deeply from the cup that is fair Riverdale.” She said and I rolled my eyes again.
“Alright, enough of that weirdness. You guys should just grab your stuff and I’ll show you around.” I said.
“Stand down, Eva Peron and sister!” Cheryl said. She walked down the stairs with Reggie and others following her.
“There’s the school spirit I so fondly remember.” Jughead said sarcastically.
“Cheryl. No one invited Fascist Barbie to the party.” My sister said.
“Wrong, Veronica, no one invited Southside scum to our school.” Cheryl said crossing her arms.
“Listen up, ragamuffins. I will not allow Riverdale High’s above average GPA to suffer because of classrooms that are overcrowded with underachievers. So please, do us all a favor, and find some other school to debase with your hardscrabble ways.” She said and I just raised an eyebrow at her and crossed my arms.
“Why don’t you come over here and say that to my face?” Toni said stepping up to her and I smirked.
“Happily Queen of the Buskers.” Cheryl said stepping closer.
“Okay, guys.” Archie said stepping in between them. I placed my hand on Toni’s shoulder and she looked at me. I just gave her a smirk and she glared at Cheryl.
“Everyone, can we just put our Northside-Southside differences apart and start over? A new slate?” Archie asked and Reggie placed a hand on his shoulder.
“Umm, you don’t speak for the Bulldogs, Andrews. And need I remind you, these greaser-snakes showed up at your place trying to kick your ass.” Reggie said making the tall Serpent, Sweet Pea step up.
“Happy to finish what was started.” He said but Jughead pulled him back.
“Alright, alright, chill out guys.” I said and Archie pulled me to him.
“Alright. That’s enough pomp and circumstance. Everyone, let’s get to class. Now!” Principal Weatherbee said and everyone scattered.
“You traitors picked the wrong side.” Reggie said and Cheryl took Archie away. Veronica and I were helping the students with everything they needed. Toni texted me and told me they were in the student lounge. Veronica must have saw because she pulled me, Kevin, and Josie with her in that direction. Toni saw me and smiled. I walked over and sat on the armrest of her chair and winked at her.
“I don’t think we’ve properly met. Veronica Lodge.” My sister said holding out her hand to Toni.
“Of the Park Avenue Lodges.” Jughead said and I laughed.
“Toni. Topaz.” Toni said shaking her hand.
“Oh, like the purple-colored gemstone. Love it.” My sister said and I rolled my eyes.
“And I’m Josie McCoy. Formerly of the Pussycats, now just Josie. And this is Kevin.” Josie said.
“What’s your name?” Kevin asked.
“Fogarty. Or you can call me Fangs.” The shorter Serpent said.
“Your last name’s Keller, right?” He asked.
“How did you know that?” Kevin asked.
“Joaquin and I used to hang out. He talked about you all the time.” Fangs said with a flirty smirk.
“You guys!” Principal Weatherbee shouted and pointed at us.
“Yes, you, come with me. Now!” He said and we all got up. We walked into the hall where he stood with Reggie. On the floor was a badly painted snake.
“Which of you defaced our school seal with this graffiti? Weatherbee asked.
“This is what they do Principal Weatherbee. They tag their turf.
“My God, Reggie, could you be anymore transparent?” Veronica asked.
“Seriously, that barely looks like a snake.” I said rolling my eyes.
“Effective immediately, no gang behavior of any kind will be tolerated at my school. As of this moment, no more Serpent jackets.” Weatherbee said.
“What?” The Serpents asked.
“Are you kidding me?” Jughead asked.
“No more Serpent jackets! All tattoos are gonna be covered. Possession of any gang paraphernalia whatsoever will lead to immediate suspension. Are we clear?” He asked and everyone just stared.
“That’s all.” He said and we all walked away.
The next day Jughead didn’t listen and caused some trouble. Now he’s suspended, all because he wouldn’t take off the jacket. Why? Who knows. All the other Serpents did. After school My sister and I were called into my father’s study. He and our mother sat us down.
“Weatherbee told McCoy who told us the integration is not going well.” Our mother said.
“Reggie’s just being Reggie.” I said.
“But he has made gang-wear a flashpoint. The Southsiders need to start looking the part. So I propose a charitable donation to help out the fashionably misguided.” Veronica said and I shook my head.
“I think that’s just gonna make things worse.” I said.
“No, it’s a good idea.” My father said and I rolled my eyes of course he’s think it was a good idea.
The next day all the Serpents were wearing weird preppy school uniforms. They were so awful, I thought my sister had taste. I didn’t have time to worry about that right now, I was meeting Archie in the music room.
“‘FYI, your insane boyfriend just ambushed me in my dorm room. He broke my nose and was foaming at the mouth. Hope you’ve had your shots.’” I read Nick’s text I got last night.
“I can explain that.” Archie said.
“By all means, Archie, I would love to hear why you went to New York behind my back and attacked Nick St. Clair.” I said annoyed.
“I wanted to beat the hell out of him after what he did to you after that stupid party!” He said sanding up and I stared at him shocked.
“Who told you about that? Because the only people that know are me, my sister, Nick, and-”
“I did.” Cheryl said and I turned around.
“I told him. I told Archie the truth about that staph-infection for a human. And… I convinced him to pay Nick a visit.” She said.
“Cheryl, why would you do that?” I asked.
“Classic shake-down. I wanted money from Nick, and I thought Archie could convince him that reparations were in order.” She said and I looked at Archie.
“My only regret is that I betrayed your confidence, Y/N. And for that, I’m sorry.” She said and I nodded.
“Hey…” Archie said and I turned to him again.
“I’m sorry, too.” He said and I sighed.
“I should’ve told you.” I said and we just stared at each other.
After school Veronica and I went home but I was meeting Archie for dinner at Pop’s. I walked to Pop’s alone and he was already there and ordered for the both of us. I sat down and stared at him confused. Something was off about him.
“Something’s off with you.” I said and he looked up at me.
“I mean, call it girlfriend's intuition, but, you’re hiding something.” I said and he sighed.
“I wanted revenge for what Nick did to you, that’s true, okay? I swear.” He said and I raised an eyebrow at him.
“But, there is one thing I left out…” He said.
“I knew it! What?” I asked.
“The reason I visited Nick in the first place. Cheryl was blackmailing me.”
“Pardonne-moi, blackmailing you? How?” I asked.
“On the night of the Black Hood… Cheryl saw… Cheryl saw me and Betty kiss.” He said and my eyes widened.
“What? When? Why and how?” I asked.
“It was after you dumped me and Jughead just dumped Betty. Nana Rose had Just told us this crazy story about Betty’s grandfather and it just happened.” He said.
“You and Betty… kissed?” I asked shocked.
“It was that crazy, out-of-control night, Y/N/N. Literally 40 minutes later, the Black Hood was burying me alive.” He said and I sighed.
“You and Betty… kissed.” I said.
“We haven’t talked about it since. I don’t think either of us are ever gonna talk about it again.” He said and I sighed. I reached for his hand after a minute and he looked back up at me.
“It’s okay. Do you know why? Because I believe you. You’re being honest with me, and that’s more important than a single, my-life’s-in-danger kiss.” I said.
“I love you, Y/N/N.” He said.
“I love you, too.” I said and we kissed. I had to believe everything was gonna be okay...
Tag list: @jojokoko0717 @lilaqueenquinn @lonelydoode @les-bio-lie @tashy-bear @xrosesareredx @herokyolachan @ashwarren32 @hollie-blogs @schisbro87 @lover-of-books-and-teas @nerdygaloresposts @alex--awesome--22 @teenwolfbitches2 @genius2050 @drw0301bieber @southsidefandoms @emo-godess-loves-you @hiya-imthatgirl @answer-the-sirens @mindsetjupiter @averysinclaire @mittelerde1999 @sweetest-peas @rousewriter @jjkingston @k-is-cray @nadiagazecka @widowsgirl @nixdunbarhale @nixdunbarhale2 @mysticrebelwerewolf
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lovedinapastlife · 6 years
Riverdale React s3e6: Manhunter
Cult recruitment in class and masturbation as an alibi. Only on Riverdale.
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First of all, Jughead and Betty look like Archie just told them he’s gonna use their bunker to bang Veronica. Do you see that consternated sweat and her far-off look? Wow. Serious business.
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So of course Sheriff Minetta doesn’t go to the person he KNOWS is involved because her dad saw her there (Veronica) and instead asks TWO questions of the whole class. This town’s police force. Seriously.
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Reggie seems like he’s dealt with interrogations ENOUGH for one lifetime haha. Maybe him and Jug trade tips for evading abusive parents and being caught doing nefarious activities
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Aw, he kissed her brain. I am WEAK. WEAK, I say!
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Ooh is this the Terrible Parents Club? I think Fred Andrews and Tom Keller are the only ones who haven't done something awful to their kids like PUNCH THEM IN THE FACE WITH LIES. And actual fists! Also, Sierra, why are you sitting with Mantle when your future hubs is at the bar?
Hiram’s “none of your business” was hilarious though, especially considering it’s a life or death situation directly related to him. Daryl Doiley loved Penelope and wanted to ascend? Did NOT get those vibes in the flashback, and Alice seemed to notice A LOT of people hooking up. Penelope seemed to like Sierra and macked on Fred in front of Doiley soooo yeah.
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I want them to replace all the Archie flyers with the infamously bad black hood flyers. "Have you seen this man?" Serial killer lettering and extremely not useful pictures, like Archie as a baby or wearing his football helmet
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What the heck is on his refrigerator? Is that pic on the bottom right Jughead EATING? Like they can’t just look over and see him doing it all the time? They can print a zoomed in photo of Hot Dog but not Betty? And is that...FP and Gladys on top even though she’s been gone forever? Someone zoom in so I don’t strain my eyes trying to make sure that Juggie was consuming something edible. Also yay for B checking on her man without being summoned
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“SERPENTS DON’T SHIV SERPENTS!” God, Joaquin. It’s like an UNSPOKEN rule. Let’s pull this switchblade on you though. Pretty sure you defected to Gargoyle Gang so it’s ok. (although did anyone else hear Fangs gently shushing Joaquin that it’d be okay? my heart is broken)
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Hiram’s definitely looking for the panic button to get Jughead out of his office. Or he’s already pushed it and is thinking, “WRONG LEVER, KRONK!”
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Did anyone else think it was sweet that Hermione's password is always Veronica's birthday? But damn, girl, clean up your desktop! Hiram could literally name a document “SECRET EVIL PLAN” and you'd still spend five minutes scanning for it. Daughter follows daddy’s plans to jail. Ironic, no?
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Betty brings a pen AND paper for her interrogation like a proper detective, unlike Jug who just brings a marker and a knife. Also Betty’s face is my face when Keller implies she should be grateful he never bothered with a real murder investigation because it’s POSSIBLE someone she knows like her mom could’ve been the murderer. This town is like 200 people total! Do your JOB, man! No wonder Hal had no qualms stealing his case files.
Wish Kevin wasn’t babysitting Archie so he could help. At least HE’S pragmatic and could assist the investigation. Was I the only one thinking, “Maybe you shouldn’t get your DNA all over a murder scene, Archibald?” But his mental capacity is about that of a teaspoon most days. Later when Fred’s standing where Archie was I felt SO BAD. Think of your daddy, Archie! Think of Vegas! They want to go with you! Tom + Kevin’s hug is so good later. Good dad moments! Hugs are good! I want more!
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Joaquin! Nooooo! My Joavin plans are RUINED by this beautiful, super flawed pawn being sacrificed on the altar of storytelling. I mean, hopefully kissing Archie was worth it? RIP
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Sierra and Veronica have matching cat smiles and I love it. Let’s take down the establishment!
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Oh no no no nooo shadow man (in retrospect, was that FP being weird and trying to see if the lights were on in Betty’s bedroom?) LOVE the Scream throwbacks with Skeet but can we stop hugging Falice and go get the gargoyle king?! A buncha branches shouldn’t be able to run that fast!
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Why does Veronica wear capes with dresses? They have no pockets. Where is your chapstick, let alone your phone? I love how it’s dark in this super expensive penthouse and Hermione and Hiram are just casually drinking in formalwear with murderers and a drug/death game about and Hermione’s like, “Hm? You were in jail? I thought you said you were going ‘out?’ WHY AM I OUT OF THE LOOP?”
Wouldn’t Polly protest Betty’s incarceration at Sisters of Quiet Mercy? And wouldn’t B know the way out anyways? Ugh the plot devices. And then to have Jughead be trying to call her as she's being taken away. How dare you, drama. I have faith in Betty and her bobby-pin picking abilities. She needs a frickin’ emancipation, as do half the kids in the show. Let’s burn Quiet Mercy down with Cheryl and Toni roasting marshmallows over the flames.
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Veronica got CUPCAKES, Archie. The least he could do is show up! Oh the dramatic phone drop! That was rough. Archie’s an idiot and does not deserve such a good investigative team/support group atm. Isn't V confused that Betty didn't show up for her friend? I feel like B would be the first person besides her lawyer that she’d call after successfully snooping and to celebrate with cupcakes. I need my B+V scenes!
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Looks like we’ll be getting some Jughead and Archie bro scenes instead which is like, FINE, WHATEVER, and eye roll worthy from the previews for 3x7. I’m guessing Jughead is just assuming Betty has not been abducted by murderous parents or the Gargoyle King in her investigation. It makes me mad that he endorses running away from his problems and other people. HAVE NEITHER OF YOU LEARNED THINGS? Go back to school!
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I imagine the Gargoyle King poses “nude” for these art classes at Quiet Mercy. Someone send me fan art. Or don’t. I don’t know if I handle it. What do you think?
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