#who would have thought I would be having a mental breakdown over a jinyoung ass hair color change
dalkyum · 9 months
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231230 🌟
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keullaesigbeogeo · 3 years
GOT7 Reaction: When They Hear You Say, “Don’t Waste Time”
 Jackson Wang:
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Jackson walked towards the door to see what you were doing in your room all day. He tried to push the handle down to open it, only to find out that it was closed.
“Hey… what are you doing in there all day?” He called through the door. You freaked out, quickly changing your clothes and picking up your phone.
“I’ll call you back.” You tried to whisper, hoping he wouldn’t hear. “But please don’t waste time. I need it soon.” You opened the door quickly, tossing your phone on the bed.
“Who were you talking to?” Jackson pushed passed you towards the bed, picking up the phone. Your eyes widened before you ran towards him, hanging onto his arm, trying to steal your phone back. His eyes narrowed before he started looking through your contacts. “Who’s Seonghyun?” He started scrolling even more, wanting to see what was up.
You bent down, trying to get your weight to make him fall down. He didn’t. 
“You even talked to him for over an hour!” He carefully pushed you off of him before running out with your phone. You stood there, stunned before following him. 
You both ran for about ten minutes before he stopped in front of a house. “This is where that Seonghyun guy lives, right?” He knocked on the door before someone finally opened it.
“May I help-” They started their sentence, only to be interrupted.
“I need to see a guy names Seonghyun… I have to talk to him.” Jackson’s face was starting to look sad, but he kept it in.
“But that’s me?” The girl holding the door open answered. Jackson’s head whipped towards you. “I thought you were talking to a guy.”
You shrugged, still panting from the run. “You didn’t ask me.” You laughed before walking up towards Seonghyun holding your hands out. “Can I have it now?”
She nodded before going inside and grabbing a box before walking back out. “Here you go. Remember to wear it soon, I want to see pictures!” She handed you the box before closing the door on both of your faces.
“Well… that was a nice walk in the park wasn’t it?” Jackson asked while slinging his hands around your shoulders. 
You snorted. “I guess you could say that. I can’t believe you actually bothered to look at her location… but at least this saves me the time of coming here later.” You moved your free hand to his back, clutching back onto him as you both walked.
BamBam ( Kunpimook Bhuwakul):
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“Hey, are you done yet? Or do I need to come in there and help you?” BamBam shouted through the house.
“Wait!” You moved the phone away from your ear. “Give me a minute.” You brought the phone back towards your mouth before whispering. “So I’m taking that you understand what I’m talking about?”
“Yeah, when do you want me to come over?” Their voice was low, like they were doing something illegal.
“Anytime before the end of the week, just don’t waste time.” BamBam quickly barged into the bedroom, grabbing the phone out of your hands. He moved it up towards his ear before speaking.
“Hello, this is her husband speaking. Now if you don’t mind, I’m going to teach her a little lesson.” He cut the phone, setting it on the table before speaking to you.
“You know that that’s my-” You started to speak before he cut you off.
“I don’t care who it is.” His eyes narrowed. “What did you mean when you told them to not waste any time?”
You tilted your head. “Well, they wanted to come over so I-”
“Why would you bring someone over without telling me?” His voice was desperate, wanting to know what you were doing without telling him.
“Because it’s my mom?” You were starting to question whether BamBam was okay. His face started to get very red before he grabbed your phone. He started scrolling through your call log before he saw who you were talking to.
He threw his head back, silently screaming. “Give me a minute…” He sat on the bed, throwing the covers around himself before having a mental breakdown.
You giggled before grabbing your phone and taking a picture. “Mom would love to see this.” You whispered before sending it to her.
Park Jinyoung:
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You sat on the couch, talking to your friend. You guys were talking about your boyfriends, and how you wouldn’t trade them for anyone.
“There’s this one guy that I really like though…” Your friend started to talk. You wasted no time in piling them with question.
“Name? Age? Are they nice? Will they get along with me? Do you really like them? When will you confess? Can I be the godmother?” She pushed her hand on you mouth.
“I’m planning on it. Maybe sometime today, I’ll see them at the party we’re having at work anyways.” You looked towards the time before quickly pulling your friend up.
“Then go get ready! What are you doing here with me? It starts in three hours! So get your pretty ass ready, don’t waste time!” You pushed her out of the door, making sure she was fully out safely before walking back inside towards the couch, sitting back down.
You turned your head towards the right, screaming loudly when you see Jinyoung sitting there, staring at you.
“What the fuck are you doing?” You shrieked, still scared.
“Don’t waste time?” He pulled a knife out of his pocket, at well as a cloth. 
He started cleaning it, making sure it was almost spotless. You nodded, scared at what he was going to do.
“Yeah…” Your eyes were fixated on the knife, not moving.
“Don’t waste time in what?” He scraped the side of the knife on his hand, making sure it was clean.
“Well, Eun wanted to confess to her crush so I was telling her to do it quickly… Why do you even have a knife in the living room? Take it to the kitchen!” You stood up, pulling him with you towards the kitchen. “By the way, why did you want to know?” You grinned. “Were you jealous?”
He snorted. “What do you mean jealous? I’m Jinyoung. I don’t get jealous.” You nodded your head knowingly.
“Okay then… want to go get ice cream?” His head shot up towards yours, his face showing his excitement.
“Yes! Let’s go!” He started to run outside the house.
“Wait!” You called him. “The knife!” He looked at you.
“I’ll just take it with me. We’ll get through the line quicker.” You laughed at his logic before running behind him.
“Wait for me!”
Mark Tuan:
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“Well, don’t waste time!” You let out a gasp as you laughed, talking on the phone. “Yeah, I understand. Get going. Remember to tell me how it goes!” You cut the phone before turning around, walking towards the doorway.
“Stay there.” You turned around, meeting Mark’s eyes. 
“Okay?” You watched as Mark got up, pulling you closer and sitting on the bed, patting the spot next to him.
“So who were you on the phone with?” He asked you, placing his hands on top of yours.
“Oh...him…” You purse your lips. “I was talking to Hangyeol.”
He stared at you. “Who?” You furrowed your eyebrows.
“Hangyeol… my brother?” You were confused at what was happening. “You know who he is… you met him not that long ago…” He nodded his head, which obviously showed that he was confused.
He got up and grabbed his phone, scrolling through his contacts. “Ooohhhh, the only guy other than me who wasn’t married yet.”
“Yeah.” You nodded your head. 
“So why did you tell him not to waste anytime?” He asked you, getting closer to you.
“He said he’s going to propose to Aera. Isn’t that cute? I’ve always seen them together.” You clasped your hands together, fangirling like a true girl.
Mark just nodded his head before kissing you on your forehead. “Just don’t scare me like that again.”
“Huh? I scared you?” You were confused. How the heck does he get scared now but not when there’s a spider?
“Nothing.” He hugged you, pulling both of your bodies onto the bed. “Let’s just stay like this.” You nodded your head, snuggling into his warm chest.
Jay B ( Lim Jae-beom):
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“Yes, thank you so much.” You calmly spoke through the phone.
“Do you think you could have it by next week or earlier.” The voice asked you through the phone. 
You nodded your head. “Yeah, I believe I should be able to do that.”
“Good, just remember the motto my father went by, ‘Don’t waste time’.”
“Don’t waste time?” You repeated after him.
“Yes, there you go. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have some other calls to take.” They cut the line immediately after speaking, not allow room for any questions.
“Who was on the phone?” Jaebeom waltzed through the door happily.
“My boss.” You replied quickly, checking to make sure you didn’t have any unread emails.
“Are you sure?” He was still smiling at you as he grabbed your phone and looked through it before placing it beside you.
“Is that enough proof?” Your eyes were still fixed onto your computer as you talked to him.
“Yeah, but you know that ‘don’t waste time’ thing?” You nodded your heat at his question. “Well, I’m not going to.”
This got your attention. Your whole body turned towards his. “Don’t waste time in what? Aish, don’t tell me your going to break up with me…”
He shook his head quickly. “No! Why would you think that? I just wanted to do this…”
He pulled your computer away from you, placing it near your phone before laying completely on top of you. His arms hugged you before he flipped your both over, you now on top of him.
“I’m not wasting time, am I?” He asked you. You shook your head, staring at him. You suddenly dropped your head on his chest, letting out a sigh of relief.
“You better not break up with me… I love you too much.” You whispered, hoping he wouldn’t hear.
“Aww!” He almost screeched in your ears. “I love you too!” He squished your body on top of his.
“Hey… I think my chest might become chutney…” You let out, trying to breathe.
“Chutney?” He asked you.
“You don’t know what… nevermind.” You moved down to hug him properly, not wanting to ruin the moment.
Choi Youngjae:
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You sat down on the couch next to your mom. “Please hurry up. The faster this is done, the better…”
“Well, I’m trying so be patient!” She smacked your leg while applying the cream.
You whined, holding your thigh. “Mom!” You looked at her with sad eyes. She snorted before smacking you lightly on the head.
“Sometimes I wonder how you popped out of me…” Your head turned faster than ever towards her face.
You pointed towards your burn. “Can you apply it now? Don’t waste time…” Your mom’s eyes darkened before she raised her hand to smack you again.
“What’s going on here?” Youngjae opened the door, making you quickly straighten up your shorts.
“She’s-” You started to speak before your mom cut you off.
“She’s not letting me apply cream on her burn… can you do it?”
You stared at you mom, looked at Youngjae, then back at your mom before sighing.
“Mom… I believe you can sp-” She cut you off again.
“See? She really wants for you to spread it!” She got up, stuffing the cream in his hands before walking off. “Tata!” She sang as she walked off.
You both watched her retreating figure before Youngjae moved towards you on the couch, sitting down.
“Don’t waste time… why did I think that you were with another guy for a minute?” He asked you, meeting your eyes.
“Another guy? What do you think I am?” Your voice came out offended, which you were.
“My girlfriend.” Your face got red before you held out your hand.
“Here, I’ll apply it…” You waited for him to hand you the cream.
“No, it’s fine. I got it.” You stayed still as he slowly rolled up your shorts, his hands lingering on them for sometime before they moved towards the bottle of cream.
He slowly squeezed it, making sure you saw it before applying it. You shivered at the newfound temperature.
“Don’t worry, it won’t be that cold soon.” You looked at Youngjae confused.
“What do you mea-” You suddenly blushed at as you felt his hands slowly brush against your panties.
You saw him smirk before he got up, closing the cream. “Now if you’ll excuse me, I should probably rinse the extra cream off.” He walked away, leaving you with your red face.
Kim Yugyeom:
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You held your nieces head as you burped her before setting her on her bed.
“Come on Chohee. You have to wake up early tomorrow.” She just giggled before sucking on her thumb. “Don’t waste time.” You picked her back up, bouncing up and down, hoping that she would fall asleep.
You continued for a little more until she finally fell asleep. Just as you were going to place her back on her bed, Yugyeom walked through the door frame.
“Don’t waste time in what?” He whispered, making sure not to wake Chohee up.
“Falling asleep…” You said, glancing at him before placing Chohee on her bed.
“Then how about you don’t waste any time?” He asked you before clinging onto you.
You stared at him. “Excuse me?”
“I mean… Chohee’s asleep.” He replied.
“And?” You waited for him to continue, even though you knew exactly what he wanted.
“So now it’s time for my baby time.” He pulled your towards your bed in the other bedroom before laying down. 
He held his hands out expectantly. You smiled before coming onto the bed behind him. You placed your right leg in between both of his legs before spooning him.
“Is that better?” You asked him. He nodded his head.
“Yeah… can we do this more often?” He asked you.
You looked at him weirdly. “But we always do this whenever we both have free time.”
“I mean when Chohee’s asleep. There’s no need for you to watch her when she’s sleeping. It’s not like she’s just going to get up and start walking…” He reasoned with you.
You shrugged before pecking his forehead. “You never know. That kid might seem cute, but is a devil on the inside.”
Yugyeom shivered. “Tell me about it… she even takes up my cuddle time with you.”
You just giggled before pulling his towards you, patting his back.
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fantastic-bby · 3 years
Pairing: Reader x Jinyoung (ft Mark)
Word count: 1.7k
Genre: Fluff | Comedy | Best Friend!Jinyoung
Summary: After a massive break up, Jinyoung thinks that the medicine you need might just be revenge.
Prompt: “I didn’t get soaked wet through walking to your house for you to say no to pizza. I have beer too. I know you’re sad, so let me in.”
Warnings: Mentions of cheating | Mild vandalism (?)
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You should’ve known. The moment you saw your partner—now ex—gawking over the person you both saw at the gym was a dead giveaway and you hate yourself for not realising it sooner. Or maybe you hate yourself more for putting so much trust in him. There was always something that your ex did that made you doubt your entire relationship and it makes you wonder why you didn’t see all the red flags until you saw the two in his bed.
Your first thought was to rant about it to someone, but who were you supposed to tell? You can’t tell your siblings, they’d be on your ex’s ass in seconds. You also didn’t feel close enough with the friends you made at work, which left you alone and yearning for someone to comfort you. It was only when you heard the doorbell to your house ringing that you realised there was one person you could rely on—the person that you actually didn’t want to tell.
Your phone lights up beside you and you wipe your tears with the blanket in your lap to see the screen clearer.
Jinyoung: I know you’re home, loser [23:51]
You feel the tears building up in your eyes once again. Why did Jinyoung choose to come over now? Out of all days and all the time he had before, why did he choose to come when you felt like you were at your lowest?
Jinyoung: (Y/n)? I can see your living room lights Open the door I have pizza [23:54]
You see, Jinyoung was someone you met mutually through a friend at work—his name’s Mark—and you clicked pretty well with him. The only problem was that Jinyoung always seemed to catch you at the worst times, which made you feel bad because he always shows up whenever you’re having a breakdown or plotting some form of revenge on your coworker who decided to take your lunch from the pantry. Thunder claps and lightning flashes from outside the window to your bedroom and only then do you realise that it’s storming. Which means that Jinyoung’s standing at your doorstep in the pouring rain.
Jinyoung: I didn’t get soaking wet walking through the rain to your house just for you to say no to pizza. I have beer too [23:59]
You stare at his messages, debating whether you actually wanted him to see you like this. He doesn’t even know whether or not you’re crying.
Jinyoung: I know you’re sad Let me in [00:04]
You force yourself out of bed and down the stairs of your home to open the front door. Jinyoung stands at your doorstep, water dripping from the strands of his wet hair and sliding down his face. In his hands are a large pizza box and a plastic bag filled with bottles of beer.
“How did you know?” you ask softly as you move aside to let him into your house. He rubs his feet against the plush carpet right in front of your door, trying to get his feet as dry as possible before making his way into your kitchen. Jinyoung’s hand gestures for you to sit on one of the barstools at your kitchen island while he pulls his wet coat off of his shoulders and balls it up before leaving it on your counter; making a mental note to clean that up later.
“I always do,” Jinyoung mutters as he opens the pizza box. He’s thankful that he somehow managed to keep the pizza dry or else he would’ve had to be faced with both your tears and rain pizza. You’re silent as he pushes the box towards you before pulling out two bottles of beer from the orange plastic bag that’s now perched on your countertop. You give him a weird look that makes him sigh, “Mark hyung told me.”
“And how did Mark figure it out? I didn’t tell anyone.” You pull one of the slices out of the box and take a bite out of it. It isn’t as hot as you’d prefer your pizza to be, but you can’t expect Jinyoung to have fresh-out-of-the-oven pizza when you left him standing outside in the rain for more than ten minutes.
“Mark hyung introduced you to the cock head. Of course he’d know,” he says as he pops open both bottles of beer, sliding on towards you. “What happened?”
“What do you want to know?” you look away from the slice and let your eyes meet Jinyoung’s. His face and body language never seemed to show that much emotion, but his brown eyes always held every single word that he wanted to say.
Jinyoung’s shoulders raise into a shrug, “whatever you want to tell me.” You hesitate with pizza in your mouth, chewing slowly before you sigh and tell him everything. Half a pizza and three beer bottles later, you feel relieved.
“And now I’m just sulking in my house,” you mutter when you finish your fourth slice of pizza. Jinyoung blinks a few times and his eyes drift away from you for a moment as he takes in the entire story.
“I have an idea,” he speaks up after a moment, his back straightening as the idea brews in his mind. “I’m not usually one who condones revenge because it’s petty and it wastes my time, but…” Jinyoung trails off when he sees you perking up.
“What’s your plan?” you quickly ask.
He smirks, “I’m thinking lots of toilet paper and lots of glitter.”
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“Why am I here again?” Mark asks but Jinyoung quickly shushes him.
“We’re here to get back at (Y/n)’s ex.” The older man gives him a weird look but obliges anyway, hands grabbing at the envelopes filled with glitter and signed with different names and addresses to avoid suspicion. “Are you ready?” Jinyoung turns to you and you nod as you pull the hood of your jacket over your head to hide yourself.
“You do know that we could get arrested for vandalism, right?” he points out.
“That just fuels the adrenaline,” you hum with a smile when you turn back to him. The corners of Mark’s lips lift into a smile when he sees the mischief painted on your face. You’ve convinced him only because Mark’s a bit of an adrenaline junky and he’d do anything just to feel alive.
The three of you climb out of Jinyoung’s car and quickly make your way into the bushes of your ex’s garden, hiding under the cover of night with a bag full of toilet paper rolls. Mark tears himself away from you and Jinyoung to stuff the envelopes into the empty mailbox before regrouping. Each of you get a few rolls and the revenge plot begins. Call it childish, but you had never felt so much rush within you from throwing toilet rolls. You swing one of the rolls over the house, frowning when you see the way it bounces off of the wall and falls back into the garden.
“Watch this,” Jinyoung chuckles. You watch as he swings his arm with more strength and force, the roll flying straight over the roof and leaving a trail of toilet paper behind it that drapes over the top of the house.
“Show off,” Mark snorts as he throws a roll. Jinyoung scowls at that and throws the roll right at his head, earning a whine from your coworker. “Is that all of them?” he asks. You rummage through the now empty tote bags and nod just as the lights to one of the rooms turn on.
“Fuck, we have to go.” Jinyoung grabs onto your wrist and the three of you run out of the garden and straight into his car. The front door swings open and you hear distant yelling just as Jinyoung slams his foot on the accelerator, speeding out of the neighbourhood as fast as he can to stop your ex from seeing his license plate. Giggles and laughter erupt from the three of you once you’re out of the neighbourhood.
“Feel any better?” Mark laughs when he sees how bright you look as compared to the past two weeks and how dull and tired you’ve been.
“I feel fucking amazing,” you breathe out a laugh, turning to your side to look at Jinyoung who laughs from behind the wheel.
“I’ll be taking food as thanks,” he jokes.
“Oh, shut up,” you roll your eyes playfully, unable to stop the smile that feels permanently etched on your face. “I’m actually surprised that you, out of all people, thought of this.”
“That’s exactly what I said when he called me,” Mark chuckles.
“I don’t know,” Jinyoung shrugs with a content sigh. “Never really liked that guy anyway. I felt like you deserved better, so revenge was the first thing that came to mind when you told me.” You keep your eyes on him for a moment, basking in the adrenaline that courses through your veins. Mark cocks an eyebrow at the way the car slowly falls into silence.
“Thank you, Jinyoung,” you hum after a moment.
“Yes, thank you, Jinyoung,” Mark snickers. “It’s nice to see you having all this fun when you’re usually so stone cold.”
“I’m not stone cold, I’m just unresponsive,” Jinyoung corrects him.
“Unresponsive until someone grazes your shoes with theirs,” you quip, making Mark laugh.
Jinyoung gasps, “those shoes were white and they were expensive! Anyone in the right mind would be upset!” You and Mark’s giggles are only heightened at how Jinyoung starts nagging you two for stepping on his white shoes once a few years back.
“Alright, alright,” Mark says in between laughs, “we’ll be more careful when you’re wearing white shoes.”
“I wouldn’t mind if it was (Y/n), but hyung,” he emphasizes on ‘hyung’, hinting at the fact that Mark acts like a teenager despite already almost breaching his thirties. “I would’ve expected at least some respect for my white shoes from you!”
“Dude, just soak them—that’ll take the stain right off.”
“They’re leather!”
“Let’s just agree not to ruin Jinyoung’s white, leather shoes, so that he’ll stop nagging at us,” you giggle. Jinyoung whines in response as he glances at you. Mark makes another comment that has Jinyoung practically fuming. He’s lucky that it’s a red light because he puts the gear into neutral and reaches behind to grab onto the black hoodie of Mark’s jacket, the older man whining and crying in response while you watch with pure glee.
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kisipie · 5 years
Just Sorry?: A Mini Series (Chapter 13/??)
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Author’s Note: After an extremely long hiatus I’ve finally updated this series. Thank you to everyone who has kept an interest in this story. It really means a lot to me. Enjoy the read~ Warnings: Following chapters will contain violence, mentions of drugs usage, sexual situations, daddy kink, rough sex and angst. Previous Chapter: 12 “I really can’t believe Jaebum let me go to my fucking store opening all by myself! I looked hot as hell in my outfit too... “ Sumin sighed while pouring out her frustrations to her female housemates. All of the Seven Girls were seated at the dining room table as they enjoyed a large pizza pie for lunch. With the men working even on a Saturday afternoon, it gave the young women time alone to discuss everything that’s been going on in the mansion. Well...everything that they chose to disclose. 
“Oh shut up Sumin. Wasn’t that like two week ago? Since then you two must’ve had sex at least 5 times.” Hana rolled her eyes as a soft chuckle was heard from Natalie. All the girls knew what had occurred between the CEO and the fashionista but they also knew that as soon as the two fought they’d be in one another’s bed within three days. 
You couldn’t help to let out a little smile at Sumin for her crush toward Jaebum. The two were like fire and gasoline. Everything was hot and heavy when it came to their bedroom activities but communication wise; that was a tornado riding in on the peak of a tsunami. A total fucking disater. Thoughts shifting to the same night of their argument, the words Jaebum had shared with you has been on your mind ever since. 
One date with Jaebum wouldn’t be so bad. In fact you were actually excited to finally be able to get to know even more about him. He was always focusing on work and satisfying his desires when needed, the other rarely allowed anyone in the house to know what was going on with him mentally. The only person you could think of being the brunettes confidant would be Jackson. And whatever was discussed between the two always stayed with them, But you wanted to be another friend in the house that Jaebum could confide in. When he calmed your anger towards Natalie and the blonde a few weeks ago you wanted to be able to do the same for him if needed. So why not take JB’s proposal. 
Your only concern was that if Sumin found out about the date, would things change between the two of you or would she only just see it as you and Jaebum sticking to the contract and building a friendship like they have. 
“Whatever, he's still an dick.” Sumin hissed as her fingers brushed against each other to dust off any remaining pizza crumbs that may have been lingering. Why did the brunette have to be so cold to her at the times she needed him the most. Of course she knew of their arrangement but the young woman had assumed that over the years the two would have developed a bond strong enough for Jaebum to take some time off of work to tend to her. Or maybe she was wrong for wishful thinking. 
“Listen if you really feel upset about it. I say talk to him but we know how Jae can get so don’t be surprised if you don't get the response you want.” Natalie warned her friend before finishing up her cheesy slice as well. Once everyone had satisfied their hunger each one went off to their room except for you. Making your way towards Jinyoung’s studio your thoughts had shifted to the older male as you wondered if the last encounter between you two was the reason why the artist wasn't seen roaming around the halls as often as he did a few weeks prior. 
Slowly opening the heavy wooden door, your eyes began to soak up the various colors that painted the walls. Usually Jinyoung  liked his studio’s walls to be a light grey with black borders on each side. But today the walls were decorated in colorful images on different types of drawing papers. Most of the art works were sketches of birds, cats, and buildings. But one seemed to be an old woman sitting down on a train station bench. Her facial expression was stressed as there were large shopping bags on either side of her thin legs.  
Looking closer at the drawing, her pale hands had wrinkles and even several veins sprinkled about. One hand resting on her lap as the other tried to keep her bags from falling to the ground. Anyone looking at the piece could see that the weight this elderly woman carried  on her was more than just from the bags. And that’s what made it beautiful.  How Jinyoung was able to create something so detailed as well as meaningful was something you would never comprehend.
Allowing yourself to explore more of the artwork around the room, your eyes stopped at the artist’s desk as the sketch he was working on the same day of his breakdown rested on top. It was of you resting on the couch as your hands were lifted into the air. A small smile was on your lips yet your eyes were closed as though you were blushing. 
Fingers running along the edges of the paper, as you soaked up the masterpiece in front of you, you were thankful that Jinyoung had asked you to be his muse. It allowed the two of you to have intimate moments together that no one else in the house would understand. Jinyoung was the only person you would talk to when you felt the most alone. He was your first friend when you entered the mansion and soon became your best friend along with sharing intimacy that went beyond sexual. 
Setting the drawing aside, your eyes were fixated on a yellow bottle that had a prescription for ‘Clozapine’ written on it. Not knowing what the specific medication was used for, you began to look it up on your cell phone. With the knew found information, your eyebrows pulled together in confusion as you tried to process the possibility of the artist having schizophrenia.  Did he tell anyone else about it? Does Jaebum or Jackson know? They must have. But why did he hide this from you all of this time? Of course everyone is entitled to sharing their own personal matters in time when they feel comfortable enough. But why didn’t you see any signs that something serious was going on with the other? Heart feeling heavy, you placed the pills down where you found them and sighed. 
“Oh Jinyoungie...” 
You had to speak with him. 
“Look Jae that’s all I was able to get on them. They’re playing warehouse employees to the T” Jackson shrugged his shoulders as him and the brunette reviewed the security cameras. “You told me Yongguk would be here tomorrow night to pick up the cargo. Now whatever happens once that shit leaves the building is not our concerns. I’m not trying to have this company get into hot water over this scum.” The blonde spat at the mere thought of Yongguk setting front anywhere near IM company or him.
 “Mmm you’re right. It’s one thing selling our own supply we can handle the heat but Yongguk has heat of his own I don’t want on my ass.” Jaebum agreed. Mentally punching himself for actually going through with the plan, the brunette could only hope that everything goes according to plan or else Yonnguk would have more than hell to pay. ”But like it or not the man has ties in places we’ve been trying to get into for months. And with the Bangtan Guys getting even more popular within the underground scene we can’t afford to lose ground there either.”  
Letting out a huff in agreement Jackson rose from his seat and made his way towards the door of Jaebum’s office. There was no need to stay and watch four men lifting buckets of cement. “Whatever, but when Yongguk gets here I definitely won’t be. I can’t stand to see his face after everything that happened to you.” “Yeah well I’m dealing with that in my own way. But for now...let’s just get this money.” ___
“Daddy’s home!!!! Please tell me there’s pizza left I’m starving.” Bambam yelled out from the entrance as the rest of the men dragged their tired bodies towards the living room. Limbs thrown across pillows and armrests to say finishing up working 10 hours on a Saturday was draining was an understatement. 
“Umm...No we’re going to have baked chicken with veggies tonight.  And Pizza?! We had that like 4 hours ago I’m definitely not having that twice in one day” Natalie shook her head as she went over to Youngjae and handed him a bottle of water. Getting a smile and a loving stroke of the young male’s fingers against her shoulder made her shiver with excitement. It seemed the two young adults were spending more time together and the rest of the house knew it was only a small matter of weeks before they would become official like Mark and Hana. 
“Umm...Jae, do you mind if we spoke in private for a second.” Sumin hesitantly walked up to her boss as she noticed the sudden arch of his left eyebrow. Maybe if she was to actually explain what’s been going on in her mind to Jaebum he would understand where she was coming from. 
“Yeah sure...” He motioned for her to follow as they made their way towards his office. Once there, Jaebum eased himself in his office chair as he looked up at Sumin standing in front of him. “What’s up?” He asked slightly annoyed that he might have to deal with another argument with Sumin instead of filling up his empty stomach. 
“Okay so the last time we actually spoke I was calling you an asshole and I really don't want that to happen again. The truth is; I’m kind of disappointed that you wouldn’t accompany me to my Busan opening. It was something extremely important to me and I just wanted you to be there. As support. I mean you’re the only one in this house that actually helped me out with my boutiques and I just thought….I don’t know I really just wanted a friend there that’s all” Sumin confessed as her eyes didn’t dare to look the other in the face, afraid to see the look of rejection coming for her. “We’ve been working together for nearly 4 years now and I felt as though we created a bond between us that was along the lines of friends. And the other day just seemed as though you didn’t see me as more than just a simple fuck and not as Sumin. A friend.” She added even though a friend was less than what she really wanted to be considered to Jaebum. But revealing her feelings would only lead to hurt and she couldn’t face that just yet. So being a friend to the other would be good enough at the moment.
“Look Sumin, I’m sorry I didn’t mean to come off that way. That day wasn’t a good day for me at all. You know more or less what’s been happening with Yongguk and I was on edge. But you’re right I should have been there for you. As you said… We’re friends” Jaebum looked into her eyes as he emphasized the word for her to understand that was all that was going to happen between the two. A friendship with the designer was the best thing that could work for them. Their personalities were too strong for anything beyond that to work out and Jaebum knew she wanted more but he wouldn’t be able to give it to her. Maybe after their talk both parties would be on the same page again. Reaching out to pull the petite girl close to him, his arms wrapped around her hips as he smiled. “I care for you a lot Sumin and I will always be here for you but I can’t be someone's boyfriend. I just can’t.” He spoke before raising one of her hands to place a soft kiss on it trying to ease the rejection he spilled on her.  
His words hurt. They hurt so much Sumin thought that if she didn’t leave now, her eyes would betray her and the tears would begin to fall. But to her surprise, they never slipped out once he placed that kiss to her hand. That kiss was enough for her to hope that if they couldn’t be together now, one day he would realize that she was the one for him. And until then she would be waiting, Waiting for Jaebum. “And I don’t want a boyfriend. I just want you Jaebum, I want your friendship” She reassured the other and ran her hands through his now shoulder length black hair. If friendship was all she was going to get, she would hang on to it until the time came for them to become one. She was willing to hang on to that hope. 
No matter how long. 
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jalapeno-princess · 5 years
College Boyfriend Mark
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* Okay let’s get this shit started I’m excited
* First things first, I think Mark would be the perfect boyfriend and I’m not being biased because he’s the actual love of my life
* He hates the thought of you walking/catching the bus to school
* If you weren’t living together, he would probably pick you up from your house/dorm/apartment and take you to school/work everyday
* If you did live together, he would be very irresponsible
* Your alarm would go off and he’d probably turn it off completely just so he could cuddle with you longer
* If you were late to class because of him, he’d just shrug it off and give you a knowing look
* “You’re already late babe, might as well just skip the rest of the day”
* This happens a lot because you can’t help but want to spend time with him
* Your attendance is terrible but honestly who attends classes nowadays
* “Next semester, you should sign up for online classes so you can stay home with me and I can kiss you all day”
* He wouldn’t go to bed until you did so if you had to do an all-nighter in order to study/work on assignments he’d stay up with you
* Would carry you to bed if you fell asleep on the couch/table/desk
* Has a calendar of all your schedules so he can help you whenever you need him to
* Makes you flashcards to help you study
* He thinks his handwriting is ugly af but you think it’s so cute
* Gives you a bunch of his jackets and sweatpants to wear because he absolutely loves how his clothes look on you and he knows you don’t care about how you look at school
* Not that you need to
* He thinks you’re the most ethereal, breathtakingly beautiful being that he’s ever laid his eyes on
* Prepares lunch for you because ain’t nobody got time to pay for campus food
* Even if it means instant ramen
* Or straight up rice
* I’m not even joking one time you were starving and went to open the box of lunch he prepared for you
* And your heart kind of sank (and your stomach growled) at the sight of just rice..not even any sauce
* You were kinda confused until you read the post it note
* “Hey baby, I’m sorry about the lack of food. I tried cooking fish but I ended up burning it and then I tried making chicken but it tasted weird. The rice was the only thing that came out right. Here’s some money for you to buy something to go with it. I love you. Have a nice day! (:”
* Your stomach swarms with butterflies just at the thought of him, how much he loves you and how he takes such amazing care of you
* Holds you every time you cry over school
* “It’s okay to cry baby. You’ve got this. It will all be worth it in the end okay? I’m here for you every step of the way.”
* No matter how hard school could get, you were content knowing you had him by your side
* Every time you jokingly said you would drop out, he would frown at you
* He knew you were capable of great things and he refused to let you give up when you’ve worked so hard to get where you are
* Will walk you to and from all your classes
* Some of your classmates would develop a crush on him and you couldn’t blame them I mean
* Y’all know that song by NSYNC?
* “God must’ve spent a little more time on you”?
* Well God spent a lot of time making Mark I ain’t even kidding
* There were days you would get jealous because of how many pretty girls had their eyes on your boyfriend
* But Mark would remind you almost every day verbally and physically of how much he loved you and how you were it for him
* He also felt the same about you
* He knew guys would look at you
* And when you told him about how one of your classmates asked you on a date he was furious
* That’s also one of the reasons why he gives you his clothes
* And accidentally leaves hickeys along your neck and chest
* He wants the world to know you’re his
* Jackson almost earned himself a black eye for calling you sexy once
* “Mark, I know she’s your girlfriend but she’s my friend too and I can compliment her-“
* “Jackson, I wouldn’t want you calling my girlfriend sexy either..Even if it’s true that y/n is very-“
* “Shut up Jinyoung you’re not helping”
* Mark loves to leave you cute, supportive post it notes all over your room/textbooks/pencil case/lunch box because he knows how much they mean to you and make you happy
* Cares so much about your mental health
* So whenever you have a breakdown, he takes you away from your computer and brings you to bed and holds you
* Sometimes he even brings you to the beach/park/movies to take your mind off of anything school related
* Runs you baths to help you relax and joins you sometimes
* But it always leads to more
* And the two of you end up having to clean up the mess you both made
* Buys you school supplies because he knows how much you love them
* “Mark, you already bought me highlighters.”
* “Yeah, but this one has Pikachu on it.”
* You now have 12 different highlighters
* And you don’t have the heart to tell him you hardly use them
* “You bought a 64 pack of crayons? I’m a college student I don’t use crayons-“
* “Well you’re gonna start doing so come on babe 64 CRAYONS. Look! It even comes with a sharpener!”
* Contacts your mom a lot and lets her know how you’re doing if you don’t have enough time to do so
* If you were away from home for college and you were homesick, he’d stay on the phone with her to learn your favorite recipe because he would do anything to make you happy
* Bought the two of you matching shoes because matching shirts are so overrated
* If either of you is wearing them, the other will wear them regardless of what you both are wearing
* “Babe, I don’t think the red goes with the-“
* Kisses you to shut you up
* “She’s right Mark, who wears red with purple-“
* Jackson isn’t allowed to hang out with the two of you anymore
* He used to buy you coffee but stopped because it keeps you up at night
* So he makes you chamomile tea instead
* Will help you cheat by texting you the answers on your test
* “Oooh, I’m dating a bad girl. Misses out on class to spend time with me and cheats on quizzes. Kinky. This is exciting...Ow babe what was that for?”
* Him ditching his friends at lunch just so he can spend time with you
* This boy can be on the complete opposite side of school yet never fail to meet you on time
* Sneaks in to your lectures and y’all end up sitting in the far back so you can make out
* One time you forgot to tell him that you were gonna study in the library
* Jinyoung found you and accompanied you
* After a couple of hours, you found yourself falling asleep
* You were in such a deep slumber that you didn’t notice Mark was trying to get in touch with you
* Boy was losing his shit
* He was so worried that something bad happened to you
* Jinyoung noticed your phone was going off and he didn’t mean to snoop but he wanted to make sure it wasn’t something important
* He laughed when he saw all the messages from Mark
* And he found it really cute how whipped Mark was for you
* He let your boyfriend know that you were sleeping and Mark had to take a moment to calm his heart down
* You stressed this poor boy out sometimes
* But he loved you more than anything else in this shitty ass world
* Jinyoung would take you home and as soon as Mark saw you, he pulled you in to his chest and held you tightly as if he was going to lose you
* You left soft kisses along his face as an apology
* You also found yourself on your knees with your head between his thighs but WE’LL SAVE THAT FOR ANOTHER TIME
* He would surprise you with plane tickets to your hometown so you could visit your family while on break
* Your mom always reminds you how lucky you are to have found a boyfriend like him
* He would have to kiss away your tears because you were an emotional wreck at the thought of everything he does for you
* Honestly Mark would be the sweetest, fluffiest, most supportive boyfriend
* That boy loves you so much
* Even if he tells you all the time
* You can really feel it in his actions
* The best boyfriend ever
* 10/10 recommended
* We need more Mark Tuans in this world
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thepencilnerd · 6 years
- 𝐅𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠'𝐬 𝐄𝐚𝐬𝐲 - 1
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➳ Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
➳ Pairing: Mark Tuan x Reader 
➳ Summary: AU! The members of GOT7 take a year off from being idols and decide to go back to school. Mark is the jerk with a temper, but what happens when he meets a girl with an attitude to match his own? 
➳ Genre: AU, fluff, angst, enemies to lovers
➳ Word Count: 1.4k
➳ Warnings: Swearing, bad manners
♪ Gravity- EDEN 
a/n: Masterlist & links to other parts can be found @ my main URL
“Which genius thought it was a good idea to go back to school?” Mark whined for what felt like the hundredth time in the past hour.
Jinyoung nearly raised his fist at him before being held back by Jackson, forced Jaebum, Young-jae, and BamBam to stifle their laughter. Yugyeom had gotten a free pass and was sick at the dorms, but the other six were huddled together and walking to campus.
"JYP said it’d be a good idea to come back when we grew as ‘normal people’ and not just as idols, so going to school and being a normal person makes sense to me. Don’t you think?"Jackson tried to reason calmly. 
"The only thing that makes sense about this stupid mess is the fact that we all have the same classes. Other than—”
“If he talks one more time, I swear to god I’m going to pound his face into a rice ball,” Jinyoung seethed.
Young-jae was somehow the voice of reason in the situation. “It’s just for a year, you guys. I think it’s a good opportunity for us to take a break off of our workload and have some fun.”
“I hear college parties are pretty cool.” BamBam was currently admiring himself in his compact mirror that he carried around and Jackson would smack the back of his head every once in a while, annoyed at the fact that he was only paying attention to the conversation that had the words ‘girls,’ ‘party,’ and ‘drinks’ in it.
“Screw you guys,” Mark muttered. Unhooking his skateboard from his backpack, he cruised down the campus sidewalk, wanting nothing more than to get as far away from those idiots as possible.
The boys looked at each other in confusion, wondering if they had said anything to tick him off or annoy him. “And I thought I was in a pissy mood,” Jinyoung chuckled, his mood finally lightening up and trying not to laugh at the eldest’s childish manner. However, the second oldest quickly assured them that it was not their fault.
“He’ll get over it, guys. He doesn’t even know where the classrooms are, so he’ll be waiting for us at the gate,” Jaebum laughed lightly. “Come on.”
Making more jokes about Mark’s temper and the potential opportunities the situation could bring about, the six boys couldn’t help but smile brightly and enjoy a sense of normality that they hadn’t felt since their high school years.
“I’m going to fail. I’m going to fail this class. I’m going to fail this freaking class and it’s only—”
“No, you’re not, Claire.”
“Claire,” I said while grabbing my best friend by the shoulders and forcing her to sit up. “You’re not going to fail. I’m not going to fail. Neither of us is going to fail this class. Yes, the professor is a jerk and grades like a bitch, but you have me and I have you, so stop freaking out, calm down, and let’s finish hanging up this stupid poster so we can get to class. Okay?”  
Her wide eyes stared into mine as the edges of her lips perked up into a smile and she nodded her head. “What would I do without you, mom?”
“Probably have a mental breakdown every two days?” I chuckled, angling the banner to the right every so slightly so that it was straight and even.
“Whose idea was it to be on school committee this semester?” Claire teased.
I scowled at her jokingly, reminding her that we both needed extra volunteer hours just for this semester. “Last time I checked, we made a pact in 4th grade that if one of us goes down, we’re bringing the other with us. Don’t think I won’t do it.”
At this remark, she puckered her mouth and went back to smoothing out her side of the banner. “Welcome back students,” she read. “Couldn’t they have come up with something a little more—”
“Spunky?” I offered. “Motivational? More enthusiastic to disguise the fact that this fall semester is going to be the epitome of Satan’s den?”
“Hmm, something like that,” she shrugged
Laughing at her convincingly sarcastic tone, we grabbed our backpacks and walked out to the central part of campus where we had to go our separate ways. “I’ll see you at lunch?” I double-checked while giving her a hug.
“I’m paying for coffee this time,” she winked, running off before I could make a rebuttal saying that I would pay. I inhaled deeply and closed my eyes, thinking about how much I would have to endure this semester. I could do it—right?
Just as I turned my head, a figure on a skateboard came speeding towards me. Rather than focus on what was in front of him like a normal sane person, he directed all of his attention to his phone. Before I could let out a scream, he collided into me with a grunt, causing the both of us to fall backward and roll down the slope of the grass that outlined the concrete pathways.
I groaned in pain at the weight that was on top of me. The figure, now clearly a boy, quickly rolled off of me and onto his back, also groaning at the accident that had just occurred. A group of guys-—probably his friends—came rushing towards us but they all seemed to be more worried about me. One of them helped me get up while the other picked up and dusted off my backpack. I brushed off the grass that was flaked across my sweater and quickly thanked the bunch of unfamiliar faces and faced the boy that was still on the ground.
“Are you okay?” I asked first, displaying the manners that my parents had instilled in me since I was a child. He said nothing and simply scoffed he stood up and picked up his skateboard, shooting me a death glare once he finished swiped off the flecks of soil from his shirt.
“Did you break anything?” I asked again, trying to get some kind of response from him. After checking if he had any visible injuries and only receiving a lingering glare, I still apologized, even though I knew it wasn’t my fault and told him where the nurse’s office was.
“Sorry about him,” one of the dark-haired boys who helped me up apologized. “He’s in a bit of a sour mood today. First day at a new school and all.”
I smiled warmly at his kind nature and willingness to apologize for his friend’s mistake. “It’s okay. I just hope he’s okay.”
“You’re quite the saint, aren’t you?” he chuckled. “I’m Jaebum.” Shaking his hand, he briefly introduced the names of his friends, including the one you crashed into; Mark.
“Nice to meet you all,” I greeted shyly. “I have to get to class, but I guess I’ll see you all around.” They all replied with smiles and waves, except for Mark.
Skater boy was the first to walk away and I took that as a sign that he was fine. His friends quickly patted him on the back as we parted in opposite directions, but not before I heard him mutter ‘idiot’ under his breath in Korean.
“Hey!” I scoffed and paced toward him and his friends. “Usually when you run into someone, you’re supposed to apologize first, not the other way around. Second, if you’re going to insult someone, you need to make sure that you walk far away enough to the point that can’t actually hear you insulting them. Third of all, if you’re going to insult someone, go all the way and add in a few swear words here and there. Don’t just half-ass it and play safe.” My words came out in a flurry of Korean that I didn’t even know I had in me.
Scanning the expressions of him and his friends, all of their mouths were gawked open and their eyes wide with astonishment.
“You—you speak—” Mark stuttered.
“Yes, Einstein, I speak Korean—fairly fluently too.”
“Do you—” he huffed in annoyance, face contorted in astonishment. “Do you even know who I am?”
I stared at him with agitation and disdain. “Am I supposed to know every entitled and preppy asshole that walks around on campus?”
Jaebum and his friends tried to suppress their laughter, but they came out as snorts instead. Mark was still in shock and looked like I just slapped him across the face with a dead fish.
“Now if you’ll excuse me, I need to get to class.”
As I left him standing in bewilderment, I mentally patted myself on the back for somewhat controlling my temper and silently prayed that I wouldn’t have to deal with jerks like him again for the remaining duration of the semester.
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kpopreactnshit · 7 years
GOT7 Reacting to you dAbINg
Markipoo would laugh at first but when you continued he would  s i g h. He’d be used it by this point. You’d keep doing it until he joined in and by then who would have already questioned what he had done to deserve this 24/7
“Y/N pleeeaaase! I already get enough of this from Bambam!”
JaeBumi would s c r e a m. He came to your house to get away from this kinda shit. He’d be so ott probably getting and saying that he was leaving causing you to apologize when he’d dab back at you.
“Nope. That’s it. Bye Y/N. I’m done.”
O h b o i. He’d actually leave. Like he’d fully just walk out of your door just to return 10 seconds later and start ranting about how he thought you were better than that.
“Ahhhh, Why would you do this? I thought you were better than Bambam!”
He’d got over over the top. First he’d let out a long ass sigh and then he’d start dabbing with you before one of the other members walked in.
“Honestly, i though you were matu- *dab*”
He’d start questioning his entire existence as a human, asking you questions in the process, pretty much having a mental breakdown.
“Why? I don’t understand the meaning? Does it have a meaning?”
Y’all already know that DabDab would be joining you straight away. A full out dab war would start and neither of you would give up until you both ended up passing out.
Being Bammies bestie 4 eva he’d already be prepared to send a dab right back at you. Through out the entire day you’d send each other secret dabs across the room and see how long it took others to notice.
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Late Night Misunderstandings.
For @baebae-goodnight - Tiff, we’ve only just barely met but thanks to the kpoptrashnetwork, I’m able to see how wonderful of a human you are. #maketiffweakweek was a perfect example of all the love you deserve. I know it’s a little late, but I hope you’re doing well. I’m sending all the good vibes and my own dash of love. xoxo Mo
There was one thing you were sure of: Jackson Wang was irritating.
Your unspoken rivalry had started at the ripe age of ten, when you had moved cities in order to pursue a fencing career. By that time, Jackson had made a name for himself  in amateur competitions, his skill talked about through whispers and longing stares.
You had paid no attention, focusing simply on yourself and the hard work you had to put in to become someone in the athletic world. 
You trained day in and day out, spending your evenings not at home on the couch but in the training rooms, sweat drenching your clothes as you practiced attack after attack.
You’re able to avoid the “almighty Wang” for a solid amount of time until you’re both set to compete against each other a few years later. By then, you had multiple wins under your belt, placing first in the women’s division three straight years in a row.
He’s not cocky, you couldn’t stand over confident assholes that thought they were better simply because you were a female. He was overly friendly when he finally introduced himself as you were packing up after an excruciating day of training. At first, you chalked your sour attitude to sore muscles, just a simple ‘hello’ in exchange for his compliments on your fencing skills. He had looked surprised at first, the look evident on his face as you brushed off his attempt at being civil. 
It’s after a few more failed endeavors that he starts to get irritating. He teases you and how you hold your sabre, scoffs when you recover and your footing is off. You’re unable to focus when he’s in the room and when you lose your first match since you were a kid, the reason for your blood boiling is Jackson fucking Wang. 
Now, both of you older and completely uncivil towards each other, you find yourself in the one place you couldn’t stand to be:
In a car with Satan himself.
In the time you had grown up in the fencing world, you had made one friend: Shan. She was the only one at school that didn’t treat you differently, something you were seriously grateful for. Her only downside? Her choice in men. And even though Park Jinyoung was handsome and smart and quite funny, his best friend was none other than your archenemy. 
So even when you could no longer fence, your broken bones from a freak accident never healing just right, you had to see Jackson’s stupid face almost everyday. 
Being stuck in a moving vehicle with five more hours of open road ahead was Hell and you wished you could burn up and die. 
“Too hot? I can turn up the air.”
His voice is quiet, a decibel you’re not used to. Even though it was almost three in the morning, you expected him to be as annoyingly vibrant as he would be at one in the afternoon.
“...no. It’s fine.”
He nods, lips set in a thin line as his hands return to the steering wheel. The road ahead is dark and you opt to turn towards the quick moving scenery outside your window. 
Your stomach feels off so you can’t sleep, wishing that your eyes would close so that you could eat up the time by dozing off. Instead, you’re stuck cursing at Shan and Jinyoung in your head, chastising them for their inability to keep their hands off each other.
“Who would’ve thought those losers would get caught skinny dipping on their vacation?”
You want to groan at his small talk, Jackson’s voice still slightly muted from the exhaustion he was most likely feeling.
Four straight competitions in a row on two different continents would make even you tired. 
You shuffle in your seat, pulling your sleeves up and around your hands, “I’m not really surprised. They’re always being gross and stupid in love. It was only a matter of time before the police would catch on and arrest them for how damn horny they constantly seem to be.”
He chuckles, it’s so quiet you almost miss it, but when it reaches your ears, it reminds you of how loudly he’d laugh when you were kids, dressed in his fencing gear while he was surrounded by other athletes. 
There’s suddenly a bitter taste on your tongue... ....and a sudden noise coming from the engine.
You sit up in your seat as the car starts to slow down, panic setting in as Jackson tries to maneuver his car into the nearest parking lot.
The motel sign flashes brightly at you when you get out, cold air hitting exposed skin as he opens the hood up to inspect the damage.
“What the hell, this car is fucking brand new,” he murmurs under his breath, hand wrist deep in the machine. You know nothing about cars so you leaned against the door as he muttered obscenities under his breath. You’re tired, eyes feeling like they’re about to shut, and you can’t believe you’re still in this situation with Jackson Wang.
You know what’s most likely going to happen. But you pray to God it doesn’t have to.
“We might have to stay the night Y/N.”
Jackson continues, unaware of the mental breakdown you’re internally having, “We can grab two rooms and find somewhere to fix the car in the morning. I’ll shoot a text to the lovebirds and let them know they’re gonna have to get comfortable in their jail cell until we can come and get them...Y/N?”
You turn towards him, scowling, “Yes?”
He frowns at you, “I know that look. But we don’t have a choice. I don’t know what’s wrong with the damn thing and it’s three in the fucking morning and I’m exhausted. So we’re grabbing rooms, getting sleep, and you’re gonna have to deal.”
You don’t answer, just angrily making your way to the front desk... ...where you discover there’s only one room.
Of. Course.
The bed is oddly comfortable, for a cheap motel in the middle of nowhere. But you’re too focused on the body in the bed across from yours to settle your racing heart. You want to sleep. Need to. You required energy to yell and de-friend Shan when the sun was finally up. But having Jackson right there, sleeping, was causing your stress level to drastically rise. Clutching the thin sheets, you try and find a comfortable position, keeping the noise to a minimum.
“You can move. I’m not asleep and it won’t bother me.”
Heart seizing quickly, your head turns to see that yes, his eyes were indeed open, staring at the ceiling like it held all the world’s secrets.
“I thought you were asleep. I...didn’t want to disturb you.”
He snorts, “That’s a first.”
“And what the hell is that supposed to mean?”
He gets up, scooting back until he was propped up against the headboard, “You’ve hated me since we were kids. It’s a surprise that you wouldn’t just rustle around to keep me awake.”
“Jackson Wang, I did not hate you when we were kids.” “Bullshit Y/N. Stop lying. It’s not a good look on you.”
Your mouth snaps shut, cheeks on fire at the tone of his voice. It’s quiet, save some movement outside from other patrons, before you say, “I didn’t...I didn’t hate you. And anyway, let’s say I did. You’re the one that started it!”
He turns towards you so fast, you’re afraid he snapped his neck, “Okay. What in God’s name are you talking about? I tried to be your friend. I introduced myself and tried to get to know you and you just...brushed me off like I wasn’t worth your time! You even blamed me when you lost that one match all those years ago!”
“Because it was your fault! You kept bothering me, teasing me. I lost focus whenever you were around! So of course I lost!”
“People tease me constantly Y/N. And sometimes the words are alot more painful than anything I’ve ever said to you! Don’t act all high and mighty just because you can’t fence anymore and you need someone to blame!”
His eyes widen when he stops talking, your expression shutting him up real quick. Your eyes swell and though you hated crying, tears slipped down your cheeks as you turned away and buried yourself under the covers.
“Oh shit...Y/N I didn’t...I didn’t mean...dammit.”
Your shoulders shake with the memory of your accident, the pain shooting up your arm still to fresh even though it’s already been two years. When your bed dips, you look over your shoulder to see him sitting there, eyes laced with concern.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t...I didn’t mean that. I let my frustration out and it was cruel.”
“But you’re right aren’t you,” you whisper, tears slowly falling, “I can’t fence. It’s too much for me now. And you...you can compete. You’re so good and you keep winning and you can still do it. I can’t anymore and I don’t...I don’t know why I’m so angry at you. Or maybe I do. Maybe...maybe you’re exactly what I don’t want to see. Fencing. It’s painful now Jackson. Not just my arm. It hurts to remember.”
You let him gather you into his arms, heart pounding as he rests is his chin on your head. You’ve never been this close, this intimate, and you’re unsure about what you’re feeling right now.
“I won’t let you forget.”
You look up at him, “What? Why?”
He smiles, “It was who you were. I introduced myself that night because I heard of this young kick ass athlete that was new to the training facility and didn’t have friends. I knew how tough that would be in the long run. The other athletes there stick to themselves. Sure, we hangout sometimes after training and whatnot but you and I were the only youth division fencers. I wanted to have you by my side so that we both weren’t lonely. And then...you kept pushing me away. And I thought it was because you were just a little too focused. And then I thought it was because you hated me. Saw me as competition. So to continue talking to you, somehow, I started to tease you. Your spiteful comments were the only way I could still be there for you.”
“Jackson...Jackson why didn’t you try harder,” you wail, burying your wet face into the fabric of his shirt.
He splutters, “I tried okay! No offense, but you’re kind of a bitch!”
You smack him and he laughs, eyes filled with a little more mirth, “I was not a bitch. I just...you teased me. I hated it. And then I lost that match. My first one since competing and...and I blamed you. It wasn’t your fault. I was being childish. But you were right. I wanted to blame someone. Sadly, you were an easy target.”
“Since we’re all about confessing...I’m just going to tell you that I used to have a crush on you when we were kids.”
You almost choked on your own spit.
“I’m sorry, you what now?”
He shifted on the bed, now leaning against your headboard with you somehow between his legs. Shrugging, he played with your fingers, “Even though you hated me, I liked you. You were dedicated. Badass. You had major fencing skills. Smart. Funny. And even in your training gear, you looked pretty. Who wouldn’t like you? Well, besides the attitude.”
He chuckles again as your palm comes in contact with his thigh, “Watch it Wang.”
“In all seriousness, you don’t hate me, do you?’
“So all these years were wasted? We could’ve been falling in love and getting freaky in the training rooms when it was after hours?”
“Yah. I said watch it.”
“And I said in all seriousness.”
You think for a moment, remembering all the times your heart would beat quickly at the sight of him before you’d have to remember that oh yeah, you didn’t like him. 
“Maybe. You should’ve tried harder. I’m like an onion.”
“A pretty onion,” he whispers, breath hot against your skin.
“No onions are pretty, you weirdo.”
“I’ve got one right here, I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Jackson,” you whine, the rumble of his laughter pressed against your back.
“Fine. I’ll save the embarrassing compliments for the long ride home. Let’s get some sleep. We still have to pick up the law breaking duo.”
“Stay here,” you ask quietly.
“I’ve always wanted to be right here stupid. Now sleep.”
To say Jinyoung and Shan were surprised to see you both making out in the parking lot of the police station was an understatement. 
They asked too many questions, voices raised in the backseats. You let them be, no longer angry that they were the reason for the impromptu road trip.
You had Jackson’s hand in yours, his smile sent your way, and you didn’t think there’d be another moment in your life where you’d be angry.
And a week later, when you’re cheering him on at his competition, you say goodbye to the pain fencing brought you, welcoming the sport like it was an old friend.
“It is an old friend babe. You used to fence, remember?” “Shut up Jackson Wang. Don’t you make me stab you with your sabre.” “...kinky. Okay, okay ow! Damn sorry.”
A/N: I 100% believe @kpopfanfictrash would get caught skinny dipping with Park Jinyoung. I’ve never been so sure of anything in my life lol.
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