#who wanna come over so i can stare at them with cold dead eyes for 20mins wordlessly
melloneah · 3 months
man why cant i freely be a bit weird and awkward irl :| what a scam. whats the point
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psuedosugu · 2 months
2am ★
suguru geto x reader
synopsis: your friend (?) comes into your room at 2 in the morning because he can’t sleep.
notes: hes so precious i just wanna kiss him ahhhhhh
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the glowing numbers on your alarm clock read 2:00 am. the sky outside your semi-open window shows pitch black while the curtain covering it occasionally flutters due to the wind.
you lie in your bed, still and unable to sleep due to the thoughts running through your head plus your efforts to suppress them.
these days, your mind seems to always wonder back to the star plasma vessel mission, to riko herself.
riko amanai. a young girl, no older than 13. she didn’t deserve to die. you can still remember the sound of the gun hitting her, the sound of her now-still body hitting the ground, and her cold lifeless gaze. what could you have done differently to save her?
moping about it was doing you no good, though, so you decided that you would stop thinking about it all together, which was easier said than done.
you stared up at the ceiling, trying to think of something, anything else. counting sheep was turning out futile. sleep. sleep. you just wanted sleep. it felt like you hadn’t slept in months.
the familiar click! of your doorknob turning snapped you awake. you almost never lock your room, but only one person would come in here so late at night.
“nnh…suguru.” you sat up to look at him.
“did i wake you up? i’m sorry.” he asks sheepishly. his dark hair is outside of its usual bun, cascading onto his shoulders and part-way down his back. his eye bags are obvious, he must be just as tired as you are.
“i can leave if you wa-“ he starts but you interrupt him. “you didn’t wake me up! i- i couldn’t sleep either and even if i wasn’t awake, you’re always free to come in here.”
he had already stayed the night in your dorm a handful of times so him still being nervous about it was confusing, but cute nonetheless.
“you’re too kind to me,” he says, a smile adorning his face. that smile. that stupid smile.
admittedly, when your mind wasn’t occupied with dead girls toppling onto concrete floors, it was usually filled with him.
you scooted over and patted on the space next to you. as you started to sink back into the warm sheets, he made his way beside you, sliding into the covers.
“how’d your mission tod- yesterday go?” you ask, turning your head to look at him. he’s gorgeous, so gorgeous, you think.
“mmh, about as good as it could’ve gone.” he sighs.
sometimes, you feel like he’s the only person who will ever truly understand. he was there, right next to you when it all went down. maybe that’s why the two of you are so close now, a trauma bond of some sort.
the two of you lay together, only a few inches in between. that space was slowly shrinking as you gradually shifted closer every time you stole a glance at him. it felt taboo, these feelings that you were having for him. you weren’t supposed to feel this way. not about him.
unaware to you, suguru had been having similar thoughts. as much as he’d try to deny them because you would never ever like him back, he thought, they always sprang back up. he was tired of having to hide them.
to him, you were the sun itself, the center of his galaxy. he was so lucky, he thought, that you let him in your space so often, that he was able to breathe in your presence.
your shoulders were now side by side, touching, and he didn’t say a thing. suguru’s comforting presence had your eyes drooping.
your mind started to wonder to what it would be like to sleep next to him every night, maybe in a house the two of you would own instead of these dorms. you knew were getting ahead of yourself with your white-picket-fence fantasies, but you were too tired to care.
half asleep and absentminded, you snuggled closer to him, burrowing your face into the crook of his neck and slipping an arm around him. maybe you were feeling bold. maybe you were too tired to fully comprehend what you were doing.
suguru froze, his heart threatening to thump out of his chest. he was sure you could feel it against you. could you feel it? could you feel his emotions for you? did you know? he wanted you to know. he wanted to spill his hear out, to kiss you like there was no tomorrow, to have you.
he needed this. he needed you.
“[name]?” he murmured. you let out a faint hum in response, teetering between the border of awake and asleep.
“look,” he braced himself. he didn’t know what would come out of this, if your friendship would survive. he didn’t want to lose you, the only one who, he thought, truly cared, but he couldn’t live like this.
“..I’ve been having these feelings….these feelings about you. i..I’m really glad we’re friends, but every time you talk to me i just don’t know. i don’t know if i want just this. i want more. i want us to at least try having more. i know its sudden but its how i feel.”
he waited in anticipation for your response, staring at the ceiling. a few moments passed and he called your name. “[name]?” he asked, “..please say something.” a few more moments passed and he heard a soft snore. he looked down and sure enough you were knocked out, your chest rising and falling.
he smiled, moving a piece of your hair out of your face. had you heard any of what he said? would you even remember? probably not, he thought. oh well. there’s always tomorrow.
his eyes started to droop too, and he slipped into unconsciousness to thoughts of you, you, you.
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reallyromealone · 9 months
Lost and found 2
Angst omegaverse male reader
"Sanzu" (name) said disinterested as Mikey, Sanzu and Ran stood outside of the apartment "(name)" he said back as Ran smiled "hello~" he greeted as they were best friends forever "you two can wait outside, I don't want you traumatizing my daughter" (name) said blankly and Sanzu glared but Mikey raised a hand to halt him and the pink haired man glared but complied.
"Take your shoes off" (name) said to him as they closed the door "let me get her, I don't want her surprised or anything" (name) grunted, Mikey watching the Omega walk to the livingroom and quietly talk to the toddler, her little voice mumbling back as it was early in the day, she just finished breakfast after all.
"Ok come" (name) said poking his head around the corner and Mikey tentatively stepped forward, heart racing and feet felt numb as (name) spoke so lovingly to their daughter "sweety, this is Manjiro.. he's your dad" the six year old looked confused as she tilted her head, obsidian eyes looked back at one another "hi..." Mikey said crouching before the little pup who looked at him shyly "hello..." She said back and Mikey felt his heart clench at how precious she was "I brought you something" Mikey said softly, a gift approved by (name) of course.
(Daughters name) looked curious at the gift, the little girl had been really getting into a kids show lately, a power rangers- like show.
She looked starry eyed and (name) cleared his throat and the girl looked at Mikey in realization "thank you!" She gave a little bow and accepted the toy "wanna see my others?" She asked taking his fingers in her tiny hand and Mikey smiled "sure" and let the pup lead him to her toys.
(Name) watched with a heavy heart as the two interacted, the pup shy but still played with her dad none the less.
'hes here for her, not for me' (name) reminded himself when the two locked eyes, this is all for (daughters name) and (name) would make sure she was cared for.
"Roaaar!" She squealed as she played dinosaurs with her dad, the blond smiling softly at how sweet she was "daddy! Look at my Dino!" (Name) smiled at his kid "very cool! What dini is it!"
"Atta girl"
(Name) made sandwiches for the two of them, shaped like dinosaurs of course as that was (daughter name)s current fixation "thank you daddy" she ate her sandwich happily and Mikey noticed (name) hadn't eaten anything "aren't you gonna eat?" Mikey looked over his-- (name) worried and the other looked cold "I'm fine" voice clipped and icy, thankfully Mikey took the hint to drop it.
It was domestic, mikey and (daughters name)...
"So whaddya do?" (Daughters name) asked softly "daddy said you worked veeeeery far away" she looked so precious as she asked, Innocence radiating off if her as Mikey felt his heart break "I work in trade, I had to go for a long time"
(Name) went to the restroom at this time while Mikey continued "I'm sorry I had to be away but I'm here forever"
"Are you gonna be with daddy?"
"I'm working on that" Mikey loved his kid so much, the second he laid eyes on her he knew he would love her forever, his love for the two overflowing.
He didn't miss the hurt look on (name)s face, like he was holding back tears when he believed Mikey and (daughters name) weren't looking, the pain on his face all day.
"This was nice..." Mikey said softly and (name) looked cold at him as their pup had her nap "I want to see her again".
"Then we set ground rules"
"She doesn't go with you alone"
"She eats what I approve and she doesn't miss school unless it's *dire* and even then she is only picked up by me"
"And finally... She is never to be in your business, know about it or even catch a glimpse of it" (name) was dead serious as he stared at Mikey "we play by my rules, I'm not tolerating none of you're shit Sano"
(Name) was the only and will be the only person to get away with talking to him, the Omega finally letting Sanzu and Ran inside now that the pup was sound asleep "long time no see~" ran said merrily and (name) just looked uninterested in him "if you guys plan to follow him, there's rules"
(Name) explained the rules once more, ran pouting and Sanzu looked livid but didn't argue "and for the love of god, no drugs. Ever."
"If any of you pull her into your shit, there's no place on earth that will keep you safe from me" (name) didn't value his life the way he valued his daughters, no matter what she was first on his priority list and he made that clear with everyone.
"She has a schedule, on Saturdays she sleeps over at drakens, they work on bikes together and she's happy, we work around the set schedule" (name) looked done but didn't stop explaining his kids life and plans.
And Mikey listened to every word, taking it in.
The two made plans for the next meeting, until (name) deemed it ok, it would stay at (name)s house.
(Name) just hoped to fucking god that that asshole wouldn't bring his work to (name)s home.
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bluerosefox · 2 years
Foreboding Words of Warnings
..... I had another idea that I wanna share. Going to be quick cause I got stuff to do today.
"This, Batman. Is a list of names and ages of people who once were upon the living, who died by the hands of Joker.... they are also the ones that are demanding his death and soul ripped into nothingness so they won't suffer his ghost should he become one...." the young looking King said, his voice hard like unmoving stone, his finger tapping against the open long glowing scroll sitting on top of the table "The very dead are demanding their justice Batman. My people, my subjects, my kind want to finally end that psychopath since they now have a King that is willing to listen to them."
Batman opened his mouth, trying to come up with words to counter argue that killing was wrong, he did his best to ignore the names, the ages (a cluster of children ages ranging from babies to seventeen year olds were together on the list) but was cut off by King Phantom.
"I'm not asking permission Batman, this is merely a formality and a warning for what's to come. Everyone and everything ends and enters my domain eventually, and from there their souls are judged. So before you say I have no right to be doing this, understand that EVERYONE will be mine eventually whether they like it or not.... Although never once has so many ghosts demanded judging on a living soul all at once. I can not ignore this, even my own council agreed to the demands once I brought this matter to them." Phantom said, his glowing green eyes staring him down and everyone in the room shivered (both internally and a tiny bit outwardly) as if they had been dunked in cold ice water. The light from his flaming crown seemed to be messing with the shadows around it in the cave sending a sense of foreboding at them. "You have twenty-four hours to bring Joker to me before I send my knights to find him and drag him into my Realm. I would rather not cause mass panic among the living should they see them however hence why I came here to speak in private with you about this matter before we do."
The room was silent after that, everyone trying to wrap their heads around what was going to happen, permission or not. And trying not to freak out over the existence of ghosts being a thing... and that they had a King in the afterlife.
"Question King Kid. Do you need to be fully dead to sign that thing or can someone whose been dead and got better add their name to it?" Jason finally asked from his spot, fully ready to sign his own name on the damn thing if it meant finally getting rid of the Joker for good in this life. And for the afterlife as well. He refused to let Joker's victims and himself should he join them in the ghostly afterlife suffer seeing that crazed clown again.
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icejjfishesz · 7 months
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a/n: i ate THE best cookie today and i just wanted to share that with the class
summary: after getting unexpectedly left by your roommate, you find yourself in need of a replacement.
contents: reader is even more down bad (ik who thought that was possible??). paige pining after an ex situationship. kinda angsty.
previous. next. masterlist.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
she is cruel, she is beautiful, she is impossible to ignore. she is annoying and addicting and warm. you had assumed your night with paige would be a one off but that couldn’t be anything further from the truth. pent up is the only way to describe the insatiable way paige acts towards you. when either of you get home after a long day, she’s all over you –– kissing you, touching you, making you feel better than you ever had before, cuddling you during the afterglow before she goes back to her friendly attitude like nothing ever happened. 
but even then, she still looked at you with a certain hunger. or maybe you’re just delusional. 
you could only assume paige had a tough day considering how tense she was as she shut the door behind her. you give her a cautious “hey” that she doesn’t respond to, the millisecond she notices you in the kitchen she meets you there. you stare at her a little confused by her silence but then she’s kissing away the confusion, hot and starving. she’s too confident in the way her mouth moves against yours. as if she’d been kissing you for years or like the only air she could breathe was what was in your lungs. she pushes your body against the countertop, it’s cold. but she lets her warm hands reach under your shirt to feel the bare skin of your waist and the temperature contrast makes you shudder. 
she pulls away from the kiss to whisper back in a soft, out of breath tone. “hey…i missed you today.”
it’s candid. unable to be underplayed or considered inscrutable. she means it and you almost tumble over, unable to contain the sheepish smile that coats your lips. “did you?”
paige just nods. “could barely think about anything else…”
your stomach fills with something akin to butterflies, it makes you sick how easily her words could change your entire mood. words are just empty air but hers are caramelized and chocolate covered.
“except your body.” she adds and you can actually feel all the butterflies die. well, damn. though her not wanting you in the exact way you wanted her stung, you had to admit that the sex was the best good. which is why when she leans in to whisper in your ear you shiver and clench your thighs together…because you already know what’s coming. “i want you.”
three words that make your whole body shut down despite how many times you’ve heard them before. she kisses up your neck like routine, she knows your sweet spot like the back of her hand. you tremble against her, shutting your eyes and trying hard to think about anything that’s not the way you truly feel about her.
“so have me…” you mumble, something in between a moan and a whimper, it’s pathetic how quick you melt for her. she smirks into your skin, pulling your shirt off and kissing your collarbone. 
then her phone rings from her back pocket and she groans, releasing her lips from your skin. you whine as she pulls away and she kisses your jaw before checking her phone. she reads the text message and groans again. “shit, sorry baby. i gotta go…” she doesn’t look up from her phone as she speaks this and for like the millionth time, it kills you.
“oh…” you mumble, pushing your body away from the pressure of the counter top and putting your shirt back on. she tries to meet your eyes but you’re dead set on not looking at her as you stuff your arms back through the holes of your shirt.
“come on…don’t be like that.” paige sighs, hand rubbing your thigh slowly which makes your breath hitch. her warmth spreads all over you, her skin leaving a trail of goosebumps everywhere it meets yours. “you know the last thing i wanna do is leave right now. and you know i’m gonna make this up to you.”
you nod and clear your throat. “yeah no, i get it. it’s fine. i have shit to do anyway.”
she stares at you for a few moments before she kisses your cheek. kisses. your. cheek. 
nothing even remotely sexually or friendly about the gesture. it gives you pause and you have to physically restrain yourself from pulling her back up against you. 
“i will make this up to you…” she repeats again. it’s a promise and you believe her. “it’s just i forgot i promised to pick up azzi –– ” 
you nod again, smiling at her. “seriously, paige. it’s fine. you should hurry and leave.” your smile reassures her enough to actually leave albeit reluctantly. when you hear the sound of the door shut again, you groan and shuffle back to your bedroom. you throw yourself back onto your bed and shut your eyes, trying to block away all thoughts of her and you voice and her words and her hands on your –– you shake your head, groaning to yourself stop being so fucking horny. your turn over in bed, reaching for the bottle of water on your nightstand. you take a few sips and then you hear a knock at the door. weird. paige has a key.
you walk to the door and look through the peephole. sean. sighing to yourself, you open the door. 
“you are the worst.” sean walks into your apartment casually, plopping down on the couch, “ghosting me for a week like i wasn’t gonna come check on you. i hope you know if you didn’t answer the door i was seriously gonna file a missing persons.”
you snicker, sitting on the couch with him, shaking your head. “sorry, i honestly forget…i got…caught up.” yeah, ‘caught up’ in paige’s ––
“don’t bullshit me.” sean gives a look that lets you know that he sees right through you. 
you sigh, not sure where to start so you just kind of shrug and say, “i had sex with her.”
“okay…ew.” he grimaces, making you roll your eyes. he pauses when he sees no hint of being in a jokey mood on your face. his eyebrows furrow. “was she bad?”
“what?” you half chuckle and half gasp.
“you looked upset saying that. i thought you wanted her ‘real bad’?”
“yeah i –– ” do “did”. 
“it’s just sex.” you shrug. “nothing more or less.”
“and that’s not what you want?” he nods to himself, understanding the unspoken implications.
“it’s love-hate.” mostly hate.
“wait, i thought she was with that girl…olive or whatever.”
you snicker and shake your head. “olivia ended things with her.”
“damn, so you’re a rebound?” 
you groan to yourself. that’s definitely what you were but it was not nice to hear it.
“you probably don’t wanna hear this but…” you brace yourself for whatever he has to say, sucking in a deep breath. “maybe you should end things with her. before you get too attached.”
you bite your tongue, nodding in his direction. you don’t say the unfortunate truth that lies at the tip of your tongue. you don’t tell him it’s too late. you don’t mention that you’re already attached and that you’re not acknowledging it out of fear of rocking the boat. you don’t tell your best friend how you’re falling for a girl who’s probably in love with someone else.
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charliedawn · 10 months
Okay Charlie hear me out on something, and I’ve been thinking about this for a while, it’s not a request it’s more of an idea or thought. (It might be dark idk)
Let’s say the nurse went to a different sanitarium, and the patients she treated were horrible towards her, what do I mean? I mean like they were all a group. Each and every one of them broke her down and she just accepted it. They played around with her like a doll didn’t care about her, they used her for anything and she accepted it. It took a lot for her to leave all of that toxicity leaving mainly scars on her back. Once she came to St. Louis (if I spelled it wrong correct me)
Obviously, she thought the same thing would happen, until the slashers actually started to like her and treated her differently. Sometimes she’ll flinch thinking they’ll hurt her like the others did but will play it off, until maybe…idk pennywise or anyone else who has mind powers finally goes in her head to see what happened, or maybe one of them catch her with the scars on her back. like when she first arrived she was all stone cold until she slowly opened up a little more. She promised herself to never cry in front of people but them confronting her about it just made her emotional since she felt worthless and used at that time and knowing they care means a lot
Like I said just a thought I had and would see what you’d like about it.
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The slashers knew that you had transferred from another mental hospital before coming to St Louis. They just didn’t know how bad it was until one day…The scars showed and some of the staff members started gossiping about it. Soon, all the patients knew of what had happened, and they decided to try and see the scars for themselves…Not expecting how bad they were.
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Jason saw them when he asked you to give him a bath. You rolled up your sleeves and he noticed familiar marks on your body.
But, you weren’t the only one being exposed.
Jason normally never showed his scars to anyone but his mother. But once in the bath, you eyes traveled along his scars. There were ugly red angry scars. He was covered in them.
You didn’t say anything, he didn’t either.
You just kept washing his hair and he stared at the ceiling—barely giving you a few glances from time to time. He could see that the scars weren’t only on your arms. He could see they were going far beyond what he could see.
When you were about to leave, he surprised you by grabbing the hem of your shirt and looking at you with pleading eyes.
You knew what he was asking for. Your eyes stayed locked and even though he didn’t utter a word, you had learned to understand him without the need for him to speak.
You sighed before wordlessly raising your shaking hands to your collar as you started unbuttoning your shirt. As you went along, his eyes stayed glued on you—watching intently as each scar was revealed to him.
He was actually surprised to find that you had almost as many as him. But unlike him…His eyes lowered a little…You weren’t even a killer.
He wanted to speak. It was the first time he wished he could actually speak and find the words to make it all alright. But the moment he looked up, you were already gone…
Freddy Krueger :
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"…You don’t need to hide them."
You stopped dead in your tracks before turning around to face Freddy with a slight frown of incomprehension.
"…What ?"
He tilted his head and for the first time, Freddy wasn’t smiling. He eyed your body up and down and leaned forward.
"You can try to cover them up all ya want, sweetheart. The scars ain’t gonna poof out of existence just cause ya want them gone. Believe me from experience. So, if ya wanna hear my advice ?" He crossed his arms over the table and laid his chin on them before looking straight at you. "…Be proud of them. Wear them like a fucking flag and make fuckers shake in their boots cause ya too damn badass for them to break ya."
You stayed silent as you kept looking at Freddy and you smiled—your eyes softening as you realised that Freddy was trying to make you feel better.
"Thanks, Freddy. You’re pretty badass too."
He huffed a laugh—but his eyes showed more than his smile as he replied.
"Yeah. Right. Be grateful you can hide the scars and don’t look like an overused chewing gum…" He grins. "Besides, haven’t ya heard ? Scars is the new sexy."
You laughed and shook your head.
"Right. Then you must be the god of sexy."
He smirked.
"Oh, honey…~Of course I am."
Brahms Heelshire :
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You were playing dress up. Brahms had insisted you play with him and wanted to dress you up with some of the dresses Barry had made.
He waited for you to change, but he couldn’t help to take a sneak peek at you—an old habit from his days hidden in the walls of his old house.
But, he didn’t expect to see the subtle rivers of red scars running down your back. He stayed shocked for a few seconds and it gave you enough time to notice his reflection in the mirror.
You quickly turned around and he could see it in your face. You were upset.
"Brahms ! I said not to look ! Bad boy !"
In normal circumstances, that last part would have made him whimper and beg for your forgiveness. But, not this time. This time…Brahms seemed to realise that you had a past he knew nothing about and suffering he would probably never be able to understand.
He came in and hugged you tightly.
You were about to speak up when he beat you to it.
"You look really pretty…"
Your eyes widened at the compliment and you didn’t know what to say. You knew he was talking about the dress and how it looked on you—but you still started crying. You embraced him back and for once, Brahms was the one to comfort you as he held you in his arms and couldn’t seem to find any other way to reassure you but to keep complimenting you and hoping that if he said it enough, you would end up believing it…
Michael Myers :
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Michael noticed the bandages around your wrists and the fact that you seemed to hide your body with sweaters and jackets…He knew.
Of course he knew.
But, he didn’t ask at the beginning because well…He didn’t care enough to ask. And then, he started to care. And that made him afraid. Because Michael Myers always kills the people he cares about. And he didn’t want to kill you.
But, he could see your suffering and the fact that nobody else seemed to understand or even notice your pain was driving him insane. Until, he couldn’t stand it anymore.
He grabbed your wrist and as you were about to ask what was going on, he dragged you back to a room. Once you were alone, he wrapped his arms around your waist and whispered.
You didn’t understand at first, not until he started pulling on your sweater and lift it just enough for his hands to touch the scars.
Your eyes widened in shock and fear as you tried to push him away.
"No, Michael ! No !"
But, he didn’t listen. He would see them. He would feel them. And he would heal them…Because that’s what you were doing for the slashers on a regular basis. And he would drop dead before letting you think he didn’t see you…
He laid his hands flat on your back as he pulled you into a tight embrace.
"…I…care." He buried his face in your neck. "I care…"
You were so shocked about hearing him speak that you actually stopped struggling and started crying instead—finally hugging him back.
"I know, Michael. I know…"
Bo Sinclair :
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"…Look at that. We got matchin’ friendship bracelets, darls’. If that ain’t a sign ? Then I dunno what is."
Bo noticed your wrists and the familiar binding scars. He had the same damn scars around his wrists. He knew what they meant. He knew torture and pain.
It was even worse when it came from people you thought cared about you. He thought for a long time that his ma and pa had a good reason to attach him and force feed him. He always thought they loved him…But it was only an illusion.
Your older patients…You surely cared for them—or you tried to. But, the scars were proof enough that this care was one-sided and that at the end, they had taken more from you than they had ever given you.
Bo stroked the scars on your wrists and offered you a sad smile.
"…They may not have loved you, nurse. But you can be sure that we’ll love ya bette’ for it," He looked up at you and "You’ll be a’right. I’ll make sure of it."
He grabbed your forearm and pressed his own scars against your own before pressing his forehead against yours.
"…We gonna be a’right. You and I. We gonna be a’right. I promise."
Your eyes filled with tears as you squeezed his forearm back.
"Yeah, Bo. We’re going to be alright."
Penny :
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It was in your bedroom when Penny first saw them. He was hiding underneath your bed and was waiting to jump scare you when you started undressing and his eyes widened when he saw your damaged back.
He kept staring before you were asleep in bed and then, he slowly crept up your bed until his face was right above your sleeping face.
He started sniffing your scars and growled lowly when he realised where you had gotten them from. They had hurt you…
He then slowly opened his mouth to lick your back—trying to soothe the pain. Some of them even healed up a little as he tried to make them disappear. He didn’t like to see you hurt.
Not a lot of people knew of Penny’s healing abilities. Especially since he didn’t like to use it on just anybody. But for you ? He’d make an exception…
When you stirred in your sleep, he had no choice but to stop. But, he still raised his hand to slowly caress your face and giggled quietly.
"…Brave, nursy."
He whispered as you kept your eyes closed and Penny sighed before nuzzling your face.
"…They will pay. They will pay. I will devour their stupid souls and eat them whole. I’ll make them regret every hurting you, my little nurse…"
He then kissed your cheek.
Your eyes suddenly opened—but he was gone.
Pennywise :
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Pennywise sat down next to you as you were having your break. He didn’t speak at first. You glanced at him curiously, but you didn’t try to break the silence.
You were starting to wonder if whether or not you should say something or leave when he finally spoke up.
"I saw many people with scars. Even Penny. I saw men, women and children try to hide their physical scars in fear or shame but…" Pennywise slowly removed one of his gloves and your eyes widened in shock when he actually laid his hand flat on yours. "…I don’t think so."
You stared at his hand on top of yours and were speechless for a second. Pennywise didn’t like to be touched. And the fact that he was now holding your hand was a real shock.
"Pennywise…You do not have to…" You tried to tell him.
He looked at you and smiled.
"It won’t bother me as much if I know it is for you…"
He tried to sound nonchalant, but his hand was shaking. He was forcing himself to stay still and make you feel better.
Finally, he retreated his hand, but the fact that he had actually succeeded in holding on as long as he did was a huge progress.
You smiled to yourself before looking at him.
"Thank you, Pennywise."
He smiled back.
"You’re welcome, sugar."
Dennis :
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You were washing the dishes with Dennis when his eyes spotted the little red scars on your arms. You followed his gaze and sighed before lowering your sleeves a little. Dennis looked up at your annoyed expression and wordlessly finished washing the dishes with you.
As you were leaving to get to your office however, he grabbed your hand. You frowned and looked back at him and he opened his mouth. He was silent for a few seconds before finally telling you:
"…The Horde expected me to protect them, so I did…But nobody came to help me when I needed protecting. So, I know how it feels. And that if you ever need protection ? I am here. And I…understand."
As you weren’t reacting, he thought you might find his words inappropriate or odd. He sighed and released your hand.
"…Just wanted to let you know."
He then turned around to leave.
But, you caught his hand before he could walk away and Dennis was momentarily stunned before he looked back at you and his astonishment turned to worry when he saw that you were crying.
But, his eyes widened when he felt you squeeze his hand and you offered his a small smile.
"…Thank you, Dennis."
He looked back down at your hand holding his and gulped before squeezing it back with a small smile of his own.
"…You’re welcome."
Norman Bates :
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"…Y/N…" His voice was weak. It was the first time Norman seemed so upset. He stared at your naked back and the angry red scars. They were so deep and some looked like the red feathers of imprinted wings.
He was speechless. When you tried to cover up, he stepped forward and held you closely—kissing the scars on your back gently.
"…I am so sorry, darling. I should have been here. I should have…" Norman felt so ashamed. He knew you from far before any of the slashers met you. But he had never really realised how bad it was.
"You couldn’t have. You didn’t know." You tried to reassure him, but he only held you tighter.
"I should have. Forgive me, my darling. Forgive me." He pleaded and his eyes filled with tears as he embraced you tightly and kept kissing your scars.
He wanted the pain to be gone.
Why hadn’t you said anything ? Why hadn’t you told him the truth ? Why hadn’t you given him the opportunity to avenge you ?
He felt anger bubbling in his chest.
…People were going to die tonight…
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blueninjablade3 · 21 days
“Why don’t you trust me?” Part 2.
Part One here: x
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You couldn’t believe you were doing this. It was downright insane. You looked across the vast green river groaning and never-ending river. The souls in the river swim the same way. They all crawl by. To think those people once had lives. Family. Jobs. Loved ones.
You shivered at the thought. Death was a natural part of life, yes, but seeing the dead crawl about miserably in their afterlife was jarring, to say the least.
You noticed one thing. Not a single one was trying to climb back on the boat. It was strange, to say the least. On every trip with Charon across the river, someone would try to steal a ride. But the souls seemed… dead? Well, that was a given. But still…
You reached your warm (S/C) (skin color) hand out over the river. Not a single soul tried pulling your warm into the river with them. Usually, they would gladly yank you into the river the second they could grab onto you. You knew Hades had been rough on them before on a good day before. You could only imagine what he did when you had left.
Pain and Panic were chewing on their nails. A habit you had tried to break in the past. However, many years of this habit were hard to break, and you eventually had to give up. You watched as they stared uncertainty in their eyes. The po-
The sound of deafening and intimidating barks ran out and rang loudly against the seemingly never-ending underworld. Your eyes lit up. You could stop for a minute to pet your big ole puppy.
“Charon? Please let Pain, Panic, and I off at Cerberus’ den?” You asked, hopeful to see your puppy. You had missed him so much while on your break.
“I can but be advised I can’t wait for you to finish petting Cerberus. I have to go pick up other souls…” Charon rasped out. His voice was cracky and dry like an 80-year-old who smokes a pack a day.
You nodded. You could deal with that. You’d just catch a ride the next time he went by.
“Come on P&P! I wanna see Cerbbie!” You were practically bouncing with energy. Pain and Panic honestly were scared off Cerbbie. You just couldn’t bring yourself to care as your sandals touched the warm ground of the underworld.
You began sprinting toward the large-3-headed dog.
“Cerbbie!” You cheerfully called.
Cerberus with his blood-red eyes instantly recognized you and began wagging his tail so fast his entire body had the shakes. He began howling and barking in utter delight as he ran over to you.
You began scratching Cerberus's short black fur. His leg thumped against the floor. His eyes rolled into the back of his head from enjoyment. You missed this… just as you missed Hades.
Hopefully, you can forgive each other…
With Hades,
The lord of the dead paced around his throne room endlessly. What if Pain and Panic failed to convince you to come back? What if you now thought he was a coward and decided you deserved better?! The thoughts ran wildly through his head. It was all his fault. If he had just been upfront and honest he could have kept you safe, in his arms, he could have kept you comfy!
Of course, the underworld was a cold and lonely place but you didn’t mind! As far as Hades knew…
You were his rock, his love, the sun to his moon. His-
Hades heard Cerebus all the way across the underworld. Ever since Y/N had left Cerebus had barked at Charon every time his boat passed. The mutt couldn’t get it in his heads that you probably weren’t coming back. Hades could see how upset it made the dog to have his favorite human not come back over a long period.
Then Hades heard more barks. Were more souls making a break for it? Ugh. He was in the middle of moping!
“I swear to Zeus if more souls are making a break for it-“ Hades cut himself off and sighed. He’d clean up his appearance a bit. Make sure no one can see tear marks if he has any.
He splashed some water on his face. The cool liquid gave him a little jolt of energy that he’d need to deal with these souls.
With a quick poof, Hades disappeared in a small poof of grey smoke. Off for an unexpected but welcome surprise.
Back With Y/N and the PUPPY (And Hades now!)❤️❤️❤️
Hades’ eyes widen to the size of diner plates. You-You- You you were here! With him?! You stood there looking ever more attractive than the day he met you. He truly believed you rivaled Aphrodite in every aspect. Your body, your eyes, your personality, and even your laugh as you pet his GUARD DOG. Ugh, you spoiled Cerbbie too much.
Hades tried to think of something, ANYTHING, to say to you. Lord, he had never been so tongue-tied. Hades' heart pounded like a beating drum. His breath shaky. Say something damn it!
“Are you an Angel?” Hades asked. Oh. My. Zeus. That was the stupidest thing he’d ever said. The normal charm and fast-speaking god was reduced to a bumbling buffoon all because of you! Zeus have mercy!
You jumped slightly at the all-too-recognizable voice. How did he kn- well Cerbbie had been loud. Well, this saved you a lot of time- wait did he say you looked like an angel.
You flushed a bright red blush. You prayed that Hades didn’t see it. Oh, but he did. It gave him all the confidence he needed to explain himself. A speech he had practiced multiple times in his head began spilling from his lips in a velvety smooth fashion.
“My beloved, I’m so sorry for telling you about the plan to take over Olympus. I was just so afraid of you getting hurt, or the plan failing and you suffering because of it. I was so scared that I didn’t realize that my effort to protect you from being hurt would hurt you so badly and I’m so sorry for not letting you have any freedom. Please, forgive me, come back my love. I’ll do anything.” Hades begged laying out all his feelings and thoughts on the table. He had never been good about being vulnerable. But you could tell this came from the heart. He truly was sorry.
You smiled gently at Hades. That apology was all you needed. He may not have been the greatest or kindest god out there but he was your god. Which was more than enough.
With a slight bit of pep in your step, you walked over, got on your tippy toes, and planted the most gentle loving kiss you could give. Hades moved his lips gently against yours. His love was restored to him.
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“I forgive you Hades. But if you ever keep something like that from me again your ass is grass.” You replied in a fully serious manner. You watched as Hades gave a lopsided smirk before going in for another kiss. You were home.
Tags: @makanirock05 @yuminumi29
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angelbarelywrites · 6 months
♡ scenarios | dating negan
♡ fandoms; The Walking Dead
♡ characters; Negan Smith
♡ reader; gender neutral
♡ cw; explicit sexual content
♡ notes; in case anyone forgot i’m technically not a dedicated slasher blog
i put this in sections so i didn’t have to make more than one post lol . also these take place while he’s still the ruler of the saviors. i’ve been obsessed since his first episode oh my god that’s eight years of hyperfixation so that’s usually where my brain goes plot- wise
i’m thinking Billy Butcher is up next? lmk who else we wanna see, Garcia Flynn from Timeless is probably too niche? but i love him so so much
•┈••✦ ❤ ✦••┈•
I. Kisses/PDA
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> negan is an affectionate person
> with his wives it’s just for show- they’re hot, and he wants all his followers jealous of his lifestyle
> but with you, it’s different
> his wives don’t like him, per-se. he’s convenient to be married to and easy on the eyes, but they’re cold to him
> and he knows why, he doesn’t really give a shit. especially now that he has you.
> you may not be his spouse- you’re sure as fuck not letting him call you that without a ring- but he’s even more physical with you
> standing by him? hand on your back. sitting? you’re on his lap. look cold? he gives you his jacket and keeps you tucked under his arm
> “i just like takin’ care of you darlin’”
> and he loves kissing you in front of others- from little pecks to long, lingering kisses that makes other people look away
> he seems possessive, and he doesn’t mind people pointing it out
> it’s not that he doesn’t trust you- it’s never that
> he trusts most of his men too…maybe not simon. because simon loves staring at your ass
> but he’s proud. he’s proud you’re his, and he’s yours, and that he gets to show you off
> and like hell he ever lets anyone forget it
> alone he acts like keeping his hands off you is impossible
> he smacks your ass any time you lean over, pulls you into big bear hugs from behind and randomly pick you up
> he doesn’t ever want you to doubt his feelings for you, and physically is the easiest way for him to show it
> he’s very sexual, big shocker
> but his favorite kisses are sleepy kisses
> you wait late into the night when he’s due home from terrorizing his territories
> some part of you is afraid one day he won’t come home- so you always wait
> you’ll be exhausted, rubbing your eyes and yawning and usually wrapped up in a blanket
> but no matter how long he takes directing his men and double checking inventory and dealing with the dead
> “hey there, baby doll”
> you always run straight into his arms and bury your face in his chest. he’ll laugh and pick you up, kissing you gently before he carries you to bed
> most times he falls asleep on top of the covers with you, eager for the morning when he can make it up to you for being gone so long
II. Sharing a bed
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> negan isn’t used to sharing a bed anymore
> the wives have their own rooms just down the hall, and so do you
> no reason for him not to give you at least a little space
> and having a room is the height of luxury in the sanctuary anyways. it’s a perk of dating the boss
> but you don’t know how to tell him you do want to share a bed, even though you’re barely apart when you’re awake
> so you just…don’t. you assume it’s a boundary he wants to keep and don’t mention it
> until the night terrors start up again
> you’ve seen a lot of people die a lot of different ways. most of them people you cared a lot about
> the memories always seem to come back in your dreams no matter how far back you push them
> when you’re woken up by one in the middle of a harsh storm, it’s just a bit too much
> you just can’t stop crying, and it’s loud and you need held. you need him.
> you creep as quietly as you can down the hall, and you hesitate at the door until the thunder crashes again
> when you stumble in he sits up fast with a knife in his fist
> then he gives a slightly annoyed sigh in recognition, relaxing
> “the hell are you doing?”
> “i just- um-“
> you can tell he notices the wobble in your voice and opens his arms up without another smart remark
> “hey, hey, i’ve gotcha..”
> he doesn’t ask questions- you don’t cry for nothing. and he gets nightmares too
> falling asleep in his arms feels natural…so natural it becomes a habit
> and he sleeps better with you too, curled around you and holding you so tight you think he might be worried you’ll disappear
> it’s less than a week before you stop using your bed altogether
III. Let’s get kinky
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> he’s happy in pretty much any dominant role, whatever you call him is good enough for him- daddy, sir, master, etc
> and he likes when you call him whatever it is in front of his men
> the only chance of getting your dick/strap in him is if he power bottoms. but 95 percent of the time? you’re receiving and it’s big
> he likes being risky. he’ll take you out to visit settlements just to have an excuse to stop and fuck you in the car
> or even in a house there, just a room over from his men and gagging you with his fingers so you don’t get caught
> not that he’ll care if they catch you anyways
> he has a nice big office- half of the reason he uses it is so he can have you on his lap as a cockwarmer while he reads or looks over inventory numbers
> the other half is so you can suck his dick under the desk while he talks to simon or dwight
> (simon is a raging pervert so he definitely knows, too)
> he loves fucking your face, watching you get all teary eyed and drooling all over yourself from taking his massive cock
> “oh look at the fuckin’ mess you’re making!”
> he’s generous though- he loves reciprocating oral
> and he loves overstimulating you too- whether that’s by edging you for hours or just making you cum again and again and again
> he loves taking you from behind, pushing your face into the mattress and gripping your hips so hard they bruise
> but he also loves when you ride him slow, gasping quietly as he watches you fall apart completely for him
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azulsluver · 6 months
I’ve checked your blog out and I’m finding out you just recently added tf2 🤭 since requests are open can I get something about the post you did of Scout falling for the teams enemy. Can you write a reaction about realizing they have the hots for them? Spy and Scout pretty please with a cherry on top and thank you 🙏🏻
This one got a lil kick to it
Note that I personally have red and blue tf2 characters have different personalities (bc I made my lil tweaks for blue team as my ocs :3)
tw. yandere, gore (?), description of violence, stalking, implied psychological torture, mind break.
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Scout is just that guy. So when you’re face planted into soil or concrete you have already given up on fighting back. It’s harder and less gruesome this time, there isn’t a chance to exchange snarky insults when a bat is smashed into your gut.
You don’t wanna point fingers but you’re so sure the Scout is targeting you. Not even going after your Medic, it’s always straight towards you. There were plenty of times you wanted to confront him about it but that just makes you look silly to pout about.
So when you did have the balls to corner and yell at him to piss off, his winning smile would be the last thing you’d see before being blasted with his scattergun.
You’re beyond furious for not being taken seriously, this feels way more personal than fighting over land, it’s as if you offended him in some way.
Scout definitely takes is personally. Like who even are you? All high and mighty on the enemies team with your cute little weapons. It pisses him off so bad he doesn’t even know why. There’s a deep hated settlement for the Blue team, your other teammates don’t catch his eyes like you did, you want his attention so bad dontcha?
When it’s another day of going out to work you almost wanna stay back. But your team needs you as much as you needed them. So you suck it up and pray that Scout would get tired of you one day. You think of what could go wrong, or how it could get even worse. To the point where you’re forced against the wall with his metal bat strangling your neck, the cold steel crushing your windpipe as Scout eyes you up.
“I felt as this could’ve been way more easier on your part, ya know, take ya out some’r real nice. But you wanna be difficult, huh?”
“I mean, I know you got the hots for me, all the babes do.”
His grip lacks in pressure as he geeks to himself, prideful. Taking large amounts of breaths, your hand finds its weapon and clumsily hit him over the head.
It knocks him off you, you’re wheezing and lightheaded as you stumble on top of him. Your fist repeatedly bashing into his face, all the pent up anger slowly releasing as you come to a stop. Holding onto his dog tag with one hand and the other in his hair.
You can say you fantasized the day Scout would fumble into your hands, where you can put the little shit in his place and show him just exactly why you were hired to be here.
The blood dripping down his nose and mouth was not flattering, but god did it feel good. Scout can only suck in his breaths through busted teeth and nose, hazy eyes staring up at you so adoringly.
Putting an end to it, leaving him back in respawn, Scout shudders as he falls backwards on his ass. His heart racing of feeling alive, dead before, but it felt amazing by your hands. The way you looked at him like he was some scum, angering you might be his new favorite hobby.
However, he had to show you what happens when stunts like those get out of hand, don’t you know only he can do that to you?
Spy didn’t think to find himself in love. Not exactly love, loving someone doesn’t make you repeatedly stab their back more than usual. Lingering, waiting, for you to be alone so he can pounce. It’s ungentlemanly of him, but he doesn’t wanna stop so soon.
Just the smell of cigarettes has you on edge, you know it’s your Spy, damned look-a-like. It leaves you paranoid, like a dog with its tail between its legs.
Anyone can be him. Is your Scout a little too nonchalant? Or did you feel unease at your Engineer not answering you in the dead of night, but it’s Engineer, the poor guy needs sleep. But so do you. You can’t feel comfortable in your own base. Always looking over your shoulder, that Demo has been too touchy with you.
It leaves things complicated, one, Spy isn’t so sure on how to reciprocate his feelings with you. It’s unprofessional to date coworkers, one on the other team to be exact. He won’t deny the terror on your face amuses him, it felt nice to know he left a permanent presence that has you petrified. It’s selfish of him to want and indulge, so he carefully, makes himself known in your life. Understand he’s here to stay.
Some psychological damage is being done, you’ve seen plenty of fucked up shit, but being human can only get you so far. It’s gotten to the point you begged your Medic to give you some sorts of medication to sleep better. A place where Spy wouldn’t be able to get you even if he had your physical body back in reality.
You need sleep. He’s making you lose it. You’re losing it and the bags under your eyes are proof.
War leaves something for everyone, a part of you is within those battle grounds. By his hands, laying dead in his arms as your body disintegrates into nothing. You’ll be back at spawn. Dreading to step foot out back to chaos. Because you can see him waiting for you.
Spy needs you without a doubt, you have shown that you aren’t capable of caring for yourself. A mercenary is strong and stable, you were once, yet he’s stripped away a valuable part of you.
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life-is-unreal · 2 months
Stranger Danger~ {Genshin Impact x reader} Chapter 1-5 (non teyvat chapters)
0.5- Note from the Author
*Hiiii :))) <3. This is my first fanfic so please don't judge it. Some bits are a bit cringe (SRRY!!!), you will be referred as Y/N and You. The MC will be a female so if you're not, just read it as a he/his. Btw, this story is a bit of a chat fic (Idk the proper name) but don't worry as it's mainly normal. (My grammar sucks so sorry in advance).
*this is my work from wattpad :D I'm not gonna post the OC descript or any images. Skip directly to Teyvat chapters if you wish :D
Wattpad: LifeIsUnreal
Tag list (I think that’s how u do it):
Chapter 1 - The Crimson Witch
Italic- thoughts
No! Please. Please wake up! Barbatos...please save him. I beg you...
"Rostam... Look at me, open your eyes. Please, it's over..."
You twiddled your fingers as you stared at Rosalyne strangely from a distance. It's such a pity that she died in Inazuma. Everything wants to kill you in that place, how the hell do people survive there? "Barbatos, I beg you." The woman sobbed, crumbling beside her lover.
"Miss Rosalyne, we've already checked his pulse. It's not there." Wrong move mister, wrong move. Her tear-filled eyes met with the knight's eyes. "Where is Barbatos? Surely he can save him?" She was met by the cold silence. You marveled at her from a random knocked-down barrel, the breeze mixed with blood and swayed her hair as she kneeled amongst the battlefield beside her lover. Her scholar uniform was stained with blood from interactions with dead bodies.
"Where is Arundolyn? Bring me to him!" She screamed. "Miss Rosalyne, he's severely wounded-" Rosalyne screamed even louder, clutching her head. She's deranged in a beautiful way. "No. Why? Why!" She whispered brokenly. You shifted your spot slightly, you could already feel small heat waves coming off from her. "She's going to go crazy soon." You muttered, checking your phone. Ah, Shit. No battery "When the hell is that portal going to pop out again?" you grumbled. It's been quite a few days since you've been in Teyvat. You literally had to save up your battery and camp outside. "I literally didn't finish my homework." After she gets batshit crazy, she's gonna ruin Monstadt, set it on flames, and get recruited by Pierro. I wonder if Khaenri'ahn's descendants are still chilling around. I mean some of them definitely survived. Meeting them would be cool, like imagine if I met Rhinedottir. And imagine if Lumine or Aether has already become the Abyss prince or princess.
"Who are you?" You yelped from shock as you felt some hair touching your skin. "Uh, Hi?" You gulped as you looked down to your feet. The knights were all tidying up the bodies and cleaning up so nobody noticed Rosalyne moving to you. Rosalyne's eyes narrowed, looking you up and down.
"Um, my name's Y/N." you giggled awkwardly. Her aura was still unbearing, "Rosalyne. Girl, chill. It's not exactly Ven- I mean Barbatos's fault since he was like, asleep during the cataclysm. As for the knights of Favonius and Arundolyn, well Rostam and the Grandmaster lead the war so you can't blame Arundolyn, and I mean a lot of knights died. Plus, I'm pretty damn sure that your lover wouldn't be really happy if you went batshit crazy due to him dying. And like if you wanna have your vengeance or something like that to the knights or citizens- well, I mean he died protecting them so uh yea."
Rosalyne opened her mouth confused. You took notice of this and babbled random things out, "And um, if you see random suspicious people coming up to you to join their cult refuse 'kay? They might like use you or something. Oh, and um, have some candy." You quickly shoved a bag of candy into her hands. My favourite lollipops. You sniffled slightly.
The woman's eyes shot open wide as she stared at you alarmed. "Bro you good? Oh wait, damn I'm disappearing. Wait that's fucking cool." Yup, you were dissipating right in front of your very own eyes.
Long after you disappeared, the platinum blonde finally reacted, "Y/N?" she muttered. Weird name. "I...didn't tell you my name. Barbatos? Asleep? He's indeed unqualified as an archon then, and those warnings...they're oddly specific but of course. Why would I listen to a random stranger who's been stalking me?"
The first thing that you did was to charge your phone. That random ass boar almost stomped on it. And fuck, I'm starving. You were literally living off the kindness of Monstadt citizens like you can fight but a visionless person in Teyvat can't really survive in the wild like you're pretty damn sure some random slime could kill you if it wanted to. They're so damn cute thooo.
A small noise captured your attention as your phone gained one single percentage of power. "Holy shit, it's only been a minute." You gaped at the widgets in amazement. I was there for a week or longer and damn.
After lying down and procrastinating for a long long time on your bed you decided to do your homework. Wtf is this. The hell am I going to do a 60-question paper. Oh, wait, I've got friends.
"Yooooo guys." You were met with two very disgruntled teens. Yvonne sighed, "Girl, it's bloody 12:35, what do you want? Credit card number? Cheque?"
"That's very tempting but I need the answers for the math assignment."
"Wait what." "What."
Yeleris raised a brow. How tf do you raise a brow? "You're supposed to be the smart one here. I was depending on you to do your homework so I could copy it. But then, I don't see why you and I should care since we're still going to get at least an A with our grades so far."
You sighed, "We're fucked if we don't do this, it's like 20% of our grades and I'm pretty sure Yvonne's gonna fail since she skipped like 20 classes alone this term. AND Yeleris, we all know that you're a genius at Science and that includes Physics which is literally Math but with weird ass words."
"Okay, I actually agree with that."
"Weeeeell, you wouldn't have to worry 'bout this if you spent less time on shopping sprees and skipping class to do random stuff."
"YELERIS! That's mean."
"Achoo! Damn it, who's cursing me at 12 am in the morning jeez."
Chapter 2 - Wow, a pretty lady
Hello, my name is Skirk.
The rain was absolutely deafening, a black rain signal had already been issued the day before. You loved rainy days, there's no school when the black rain signal is issued. But then, here you are, under a tree for absolutely no reason.
"Where the hell am I?" You gaped at the grassy fields and scorching sun.
You quickly took notice of a teleport waypoint next to you. "Isn't only the traveler able to use this?" Yup. The waypoint was blue even though you definitely did not touch it.
After scanning the area multiple times to make sure that there weren't slimes or hilichurls you finally sat down. You almost got suffocated to death by a hydro slime, if you were a character, you're definitely going to be a level 1 character with the worst stats possible. 
It's literally so unfair, like a slime could kill you and they're like the most harmless and cute things ever in the game. Except for the geo slimes, they're hard to kill.
"Holy motherf- ARGH." A fucking boar was charging at full speed and the target was you. "WHERE THE FUCK DID YOU COME FROM?"
After climbing up a tree and killing the boar by throwing random stuff that you could find, you decided to stay exactly where you were. Why? Simple, you could literally see two pyro whopperflowers and a horde of geo hatchlings. Like hell you're coming down the tree.
Why the fuck are they coming closer?! Oh wait shit, they want the fucking boar. Don't look up. Dontlookup. Dontlookup. Oh fuck. As if on cue, one of the whopper flowers noticed you. "Oh hell no."
"GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM ME!" You clung desperately to the tree as it started to shake. The whopperflowers were literally burning the tree down and the wretched geo hatchlings were pummelling at the tree.
To your horror, the relentless attacks finally made the tree give out as it fell down, crushing you under it. Immediately, you screamed in pain. "What the hell did I do to y'all?"
Something that you didn't notice was that their attacks stopped the moment you fell to the ground. Suddenly, a shriek interrupted the silence. You whipped your head around, just to see the cryo whopperflower absolutely obliterating the pyro whopperflower. I thought the pyro whopperflowers were the strongest. You looked to your left after hearing screeches and it was chaos. 
The hatchlings were killing each other, you saw one of them tearing the other's scale and pulling its eyeballs out brutally. A few minutes ago, they were cooperating to destroy the tree and now they're committing amicicide.
"Holy shit." Although you usually refrain from swearing, this scene made you quite disgusted. They're literally tearing limbs and organs down. You attempted to get the branches off you. "How is a tiny thin tree so bloody heavy?" You sighed, throwing your head up. Holy- "WHEN DID YOU GET HERE?"
 Above you, inches away from your forehead was the cryo whopperflower. Seeing that it made no move to attack you, you decided to do the dumbest thing in your life. 
You cleared your voice and decided to ask in the babiest, honey covered words that disgusted you that such a sickenly sweet voice could come out of you. "Whopperflower dearie, will you pretty please help me to lift this tree?"
Why the fuck did I just say that. You closed your eyes in dread. I dug my own grave, Yvonne would literally laugh her ass off if she was here.
"Krrr. Krrr." Huh? You hesitantly opened your eyes and to your surprise, the whopperflower was subdividing the tree and it looked quite happy. You stood up slowly, noticing how something slimy stuck onto your shoe. That whopperflower -. 
Under your shoe was a dead geo hatchling with icicles imbedded so deep into his impenetrable skin that its scales were cracked and on the verge of peeling, and a few meters away were more geo hatchlings stacked up on each other, some disfigured, some with their organs spilling out and some with their bodies frozen or charred. Next to it was a pyro whopperflower, unlike the others, it was still alive.
It slowly hopped to it's feet- roots weakly. "Krr." The cryo whopperflower's eyes narrowed, shooting icicles towards it. The pyro whopperflower ignored it's half frozen petals and continued to nudge forward until it finally reached you.
"Uh, hi." The cryo whopperflower blocked your view as it growled menacingly at it.
"Yo chill. It's not trying to attack me." You seemed to finally accept the actions of the weird whopperflower as it slowly snuggled into your arms. To your amazement, the whopperflower began to heal almost immediately after touching your arms, only leaving a few minor injuries.OMG.IT'S SO CUTE AND WARM. Oh wait, it's still injured. 
You glanced at the cryo whopperflower. "Help me take out the bandage in my bag please." Begrudgingly, the creature fumbled with the zippers and took out the white bandages, slowly wrapping it around the head of the whopperflower.
Suddenly, both whopperflowers got into a defensive stance as they blocked your view once again.
"How interesting."
A girl slowly approached you. "They seem pretty protective don't you think so?" She giving me HSR vibes.
She grinned, her smile not matching her youthful face and lifeless eyes. "Sorry for not introducing myself. Let's start from the beginning. Hello, my name is Skirk."
You gently nudged the whopperflowers away. "Nice to meet you, my name's Y/N."
The name was weirdly familiar and you were pretty sure you've seen her before. "So you saw everything?" You asked, bending down and tearing a jagged scale from the ground. The girl giggled at your horrible choice of weapon. A sword materialized in her hand as she played with it. "You mean... The scene where you're clinging on the tree for dear life and screaming incoherent, inappropriate words? And then falling down from the tree?" She snickered, walking closer and leaning down to your face, watching your ears turn pink. "Then yes, I saw all of that."
She began to shoo the whopperflowers away. "I'm not going to kill some random stranger. So let me talk with her." Skirk then reached out to pull your body up to a standing position. Damn, she's taller than me. "You don't seem to look like someone from Liyue."
You inspected your clothes. Uh-huh, a hoodie and a skirt. To them, I'm wearing stuff even weirder than the traveler. "I'm an adventurer." She probably knows I'm already lying but I've got two whopperflowers that killed a horde of geo hatchlings.
"I'm just an apprentice that's in Liyue in search of some geohatchlings and I was about to take these until the cryo whopperflower killed all of them." She sighed, "You wouldn't mind if I took these would you? Don't fret, I'll exchange something in return." So basically, I'm getting something for free. "Do you have any uh, weapons?" You bit your lip. Yes, you couldn't fight anything to save your life but having a weapon was still better then fighting with absolutely nothing.
Skirk looked taken aback. "You don't know how to fight?" She asked incredously. "Yeah? Is it not normal." She blinked, "Everyone is taught to fight, some people even start from as young as four!" So, I'm weaker than a toddler. Damn. "I- You know what, I'll give you a catalyst completely free of charge since you absolutely have zero fighting skills. Now pick something else before I make up my mind."
Sugarmommy vibes.
In the end, you got a catalyst, an electro crystal and a bag that had infinite capacity.
Skirk left a few minutes ago to go aboard a ship to snezhnaya, saying something about meeting her apprentice. So now you were all alone with two very worried whopperflowers. 
"Krrrrr. Krr." The two of them circled around you, lifting your arms to see if Skirk had harmed you. I wanna keep them so bad. "I have to leave anytime soon man." They deflated almost immediately, their petals drooping down. I'm feeling so bad now. Please don't do this to me man. 
You cleared your throat. "Okay, listen up. I don't know when I'll come back and where. It could be hundreds of years or tomorrow but if you see me, ya'll can have my hairbands so tie them around your petal or something and I'll know that it's you ok? I'm pretty sure you guys respawn every now and then so it'll be ok." They perked up and began to tie their petals with your smiley face hairbands. Why they look so cute with it.
"Now come and watch the sunset with me."
Chapter 3 - Text Buddies
(very short chapter)
Approximately 13 minutes ago, you decided to do the Fontaine Archon quest since you completely forgot about it until you remembered that Skirk seemed to have her debut somewhere in there.
Picture your shocked face when you saw the way that Skirk casually yeeted Childe into some random portal.
Considering that she mentioned that Childe's her apprentice, she went to Snezhnaya to visit Childe, and considering that she looked like she was in her early teens when you met her, it's definitely been at least 3-4 years after she met you that she's met the traveler.
I take it back. She could've killed me the second she met me and stole the hatchlings. She wouldn't even need to trade the inventory bag and the catalyst. You checked the catalyst on the web and it was the "Lost Prayer To The Sacred Winds", it was a goddamned 5-star weapon. You were confused at why Skirk would even give you such a precious weapon but you decided that she just thought that you were interesting.
The moment that you touched the catalyst, your phone lit up and opened Genshin. As a firm nonbeliever of ghosts and spirits, you decided it had to be a "you" problem. Seeing that the phone automatically got into the inventory icon, you finally saw your catalyst and electro-crystal in a new category that wasn't named yet.
Purely out of curiosity, you placed the catalyst into the bag that Skirk gave you, and the catalyst's equipped tag disappeared. Oh wait, does that mean that I get to level it up? You immediately leveled it up to lv90. Oh hell no, I'm in the character menu. Right above your team was you, however, it was just a blank circle with your name on it. Clicking into it led to your stats, talents, artifacts, etc.
To your relief, your face wasn't on the screen but when you read the stats, you decided that you were truly weaker than a lv5 slime. Okay, Name: Y/N, Max HP: 1000. Okay, better than the traveler, Attack...20?! What?! Defence: 72. Not bad but Idk why I need that. EM: 0, Stamina.. WHAT?! 31?!
You threw a pillow across the room, "WHAT THE HELL? HOW IS THE TRAVELER STRONGER AT LVL1 ?! AND I'M AT LVL 3?!" Something that Genshin has gladly bestowed on you was that your starting point was at lvl 3 whilst everyone else was at lvl 1 but you were still weaker than everyone who's at lvl 1.
"Ooooooh." Holy moly, 1608 attack and 33.1% Crit Rate. Damn. Ilysm Skirk
Ding. 3 Unread messages.
You raised a brow, lol, who uses that app anymore, only old ass people use it, like Zhongli would use it if he had a phone.
The sky has darkened and the bustling city slowly lit up with billboards decorating the skyline. You stretched in front of the brightness, the darkness of your room disappearing as the humongous screens started changing. Mihoyo, that billboard advertisement is expensive asf and you decided to put hsr and not Get Shit Impact?
Ding. 102 Unread messages. Wtf.
You finally picked up your phone.
                                                                                                                                                                       Srry bt dat.
Can you please speak English?
I don't understand what you're saying.
Oh I said "Sorry about that"
Lol, sorry.
Anyways, is there anything that you need me for?
From your description, it says "Teyvat here I come"
Oh, that was last year when me and my friends still used this app.
It's quite outdated now, I just update my description whenever I feel like it.
Can you tell me about Teyvat?
I don't understand the things online.
... wtf, this guy is creepy, theyve got no pfp and they don't understand text T-T, Pls don't be my mom...Act cool, act cool
You want to start Genshin?
Bro's asking abt Genshin without knowing what it is, did bro just get his/her phone?
Genshin Impact?
Teyvat is the world that exists in the game??
My bafflement jeeeeez
Yea, Genshin.
Teyvat has 7 nations.
They have like 2 mcs (maincharacters) and the player chooses them and boom, their sibling disappears and they need to find them so they just travel around Teyvat whilst helping random people for no reason
Poor Lumine has traveled half of the world and the gods won't tell her shit. Just leave Aether and his abyss shit and go marry someone or smth. Bro's a prince and you're a traveler, he's living his life in the abyss.
Main characters...
Oh wait, is this some old person who just downloaded this app to find people chat? Oh wait shit, my bad, lemme channel my nonexistent inner angel.
Oh, sorry, I should've explained more clearly. :)
You see, the two main characters are called Lumine and Aether, they're travelers who go in and out of worlds, but they were trapped in Teyvat because of the Heavenly Principles.
If you're like me and choose Lumine, Aether will become the Abyss prince and wake up a few hundred years earlier than Lumine and go around the world. Then after Lumine wakes up, she fishes out Paimon and begins her journey around Teyvat searching for her brother who she found quickly enough but for some reason Aether wants her to find him after she visits every nation.
Is a nice plot.
You know a lot.
I may have started it just a year ago but I know a lot of lore :D
Thank you.
For chatting with me, nobody answered me and only you replied
OMG. I feel bad for this old person,
:D my pleasure XD
I think you need to sleep now.
Good night.
You too!!! Good luck with the game XD
Chapter 4 - Lockdown
The rain poured and the sirens blared, the rain outside had already flooded the first floor of the dormitory.
"I know my luck sucks like hell but come on, we literally just came." Moniqa scowled as she lifted the satin curtains. "They even locked the gates, what, after two days are the winter holidays, they expect us to stay in here?" The strawberry-haired girl tossed her phone onto her bed. "I literally only came here to take my stuff back." Yeleris rolled her eyes, "I don't even have stuff here, like literally. I went to the mall and met Y/N and I brought her back to our dorms since it's cold as fuck out there," she flopped onto your bed sighing, "none of us even live here, it's just registered because of projects."
You peered through the window, the water had almost completely flooded the university and two floors beneath you, you could see several students blocking the doors with sandbags.
"My housekeeper said that only our area is raining." Moniqa's eyes narrowed, "quite weird wouldn't you say? This rain is quite- sudden, wouldn't you say Miss President?"
Your brows furrowed a bit, " Yea, I checked the school group chat, everybody's talking about the weird weather." You turned around, noticing Yeleris in the corner, staring emotionlessly at her laptop. "You're that annoyed? Princessssy?" Moniqa snickered, noticing her expression.
Yeleris stared at Moniqa blandly through her luscious eyelashes. "We're in a lockdown."
Silence. "WHATTTTTTT THEEEE FUUUU- " Yeleris thwacked her head with her laptop. That laptop is hella expensive, its case is limited edition and she bonked Moniqa with that?!
"Hey," you scrolled through your phone, noticing how everything was loading slower and slower. "Is it just me or does the WiFi suck and mobile data ain't doing what it's supposed to be doing?"
Moniqa gazed quietly at you, "I know who might be able to tell us some stuff." 
You hurriedly followed her out of the building, hissing as the ankle-length water splattered against your bare thighs. It was freezing cold, the three of you waddled into a nearby dorm building, it was one of the newly renovated ones that had stairs to it and didn't have any sandbags around.
"Who the hell are you- oh, it's Moniqa." you raised you brows at the man that towered over you. "Oh, hello Miss President." you scowled, being the president of several clubs are pretty nice but having everyone call you that even your friends could be a little annoying. 
"Is Lorelei here or did she go back home?" He rolled his eyes at the question, "She was planning to leave but the rain got a tad to bit large and she didn't want her eXpeNsive sHoes wet, but yeah, she's in her room, 109 I believe, one floor up."
Thud. Thud. Thud. "Lorelei, it's Moniqa." "..." "Lorelei?" "..." "I'll buy you boba." "...ugh...coming."
A short strawberry-blonde girl greeted you by the door. "You guys are lucky that my roommates aren't here. Get in before I change my mind," She tossed Moniqa a small booklet. 
"No snacks?" Lorelei squinted at her, "that's only for new customers."
She turned to you, "Oh, you're new, there's some snacks on your right." You smiled lightly at the short girl, not because of her kindness but because she has that one type of candy you love that the school doesn't sell. 
"Ahem, since you're a new customer, I will gladly give you an introduction to my services," she tossed a small bottle of peach juice to you, "I am Lorelei Stirling, sophomore, I basically give people info that they want on people on campus, test results or rankings of everyone, not the normal ones that the school gives you of course, and a ton of other stuff, in or outside school. Ummm, that's pretty much it, I'm the head of my dorm and pretty much everyone in this building helps me in gathering info, so we're like an association that tells you everything the school doesn't tell you and some news outside of school that the public doesn't know."
She smiled sweetly at you, "Of course, things come at a price but for you, Miss President, I'll give you a discount. If you want any info in school, the price range will be $10-250, and outside of school will be $10-400. Anything special? The price will be decided by me. Now how does that sound?"
"WhAt? You told me it was $20-600 for in-school and up to 800 outside?" Moniqa snarled. Lorelei rolled her eyes, "First of all, your cousin pissed me off when I was in freshman and you're loaded which means you don't really care about the price of stuff. And anyways, the quality of my info never changes. If I hated you, I would've given you double the price. You'd like that?"
She turned back to you, smiling, "My phone number is on the bottom of your drink, you can call me when you need my services. But considering that you guys literally waddle here like ducks meant that something went wrong with the wi-fi and the data at the same time right? So please tell me what you want before it reaches the point where you have to swim back to your dorm room." 
-...-...- Unknown's pov Somebody's gotten it. It's someone in y/s, the after-effects are growing, I need to find the host. Many things have already been infected with RH-o1, the amount of things that have been leaked will soon make Earth change drastically.
I need to find the diary, quickly, #%^*><\$&%* It has all the leaks, it materialized the moment this world was tainted.
I've been trapped here. We all belong on different paths, one is reality, one is $&@/"-, hopefully, I'll survive, I asked $&":$!(& to help me change how the time flows.
I've just gotten here but every minute feels like decades. My sister is out there somewhere, perhaps the paper that she took gave her a better fate than mine. We don't belong here, before I die, I will send her out. I swore to &&"-).
The sheer amount of rules in this place is driving me insane, if only I was like &&"-), she's insane but her type of insanity doesn't affect her logic and abilities. Why did I have to get the hardest one? Why me?
Chapter 5 - Fish blasting
"Are you sure that she can fix the Wifi?"
Yeleris nodded, eyes glued onto her book.
Moniqa giggled, "Lorelei may be annoying and bratty but she does have the skills that made her the head of her lil association in her sophomore year, my friend told me that two years ago, there was also an association like that one but it was taken down quickly because they dug a bit too deep and the high ranked members were all kicked out of the school. I'm pretty sure one of the high-ranking members who wasn't kicked out was her older sister. I heard that she had some blackmail on the school and she threatened to leak them if they kicked her out."
All eyes swiveled onto the pile of devices that were charging in the corner.
Ding,dingdingidndinidgndingd- "SHE DID IT!"Moniqa lunged towards her phone, "FINALLY, I WAS DYING FROM BOREDOM-" Thwack. Yeleris towered over her, "Can you shut up."
You typed a few letters down,
Is this Lorelei
???? Who you?
Y/N, you gave me your number in your room.
? I wasn't there tho? Do you mean my twin Lorelie?
Loreleisnotgrumpy has added you as your friend
Totallynotlazy's name has been changed to Y/N
Loreliesnotgrumpy's name has been changed to Lorelei
Can you give me some info on the rain?
It's not normal, in fact, it's kinda acidic?
I mean sureee but I need some time since, yk it literally just rained. Btw, I'll give you the price after I get the info because I'm actually nice and Lorelie told me to give u a discount so just wait for my messages.
Btw, how'd you know it's acidic?
Me, Yeleris, and Moniqa had to go to your dorm because of the Wifi not working to ask you to get it fixed but as you said your twin was there and she fixed it for us.
Huh, Yeleris and Moniqa? They only came to me once and I never told them my dorm number and Anthony wouldn't tell random people my dorm number. Ig that your roommates had deals with my twinny rather than me.
Prob. Anyways, when we got back, our skin was red and some bits were bleeding and I tested the PH.
Hmmm. I'll get you some info by the end of this week, I'll give Lorelie your number. Don't tell random people about Lorelie though, she's a bit bratty and hates a lot of people, and she likes acting like me. She'd get angry if people knew that she was pretending to be me
Ok, tysm
Have fun XD
The lovely violet sky was soon covered in a sheen of eerie red, after effects of the blood rain. The WiFi had stopped multiple times in the last few hours, only recovering due to the twin's perseverance of fixing the WiFi for the enormous amount of money they were given by hundreds of people.
The power outs were so frequent that the night became very dark, only a few gleams from torches and phones, and soon you drifted into a deep sleep, unaware of your surroundings.
Patter. Patter. A silhouette was outlined by the faint moonlight. "Y/N...The time isn't right yet. You weren't supposed to have visions yet. Why did I have to be the only one in the dorm that's reincarnated? The apocalypse is in a year but since you've gotten your powers so early, does that mean that the timeline has been messed up? Lorelie wasn't supposed to be there too. Has she reincarnated? Perhaps transmigration? A time traveler?" The girl muttered.
"The rain, it's supposed to be acidic in a few days, the acidity is also stronger. What's happened? The future is changing. Butterfly effects, if I can come back, others can come back too. My sister is still finding the records of the apocalypse, we would all die without the records..." The figure opened your phone, "Genshin...maybe the world of Teyvat has something to do with all of this as you were in Teyvat for a year or two, but- who's this?"
"Y/N WAKE UP." Moniqa shrieked as she woke you up. I finally wasn't in Teyvat, Moniqa scared the shit out of mee. "What?"You stretched happily, "Bro! It's raining fucking blood!" WHAT THE FUCKKKKKKKKKKKK You rushed to open the window. You cautiously placed a small cup outside the window. "Hey." Yeleris beckoned the two of you to the TV. '
"It's global." "No shit, Sherlock." You took the cup out and closed the window once again. "The rain here seems a lot darker than the TV." You turned to Moniqa, "Moni, you have a lot of small seedlings you got from the gardening club right? Add some of the rainwater in one, I want to see something."
~time skip~ (2days)
"Pretty sister! Pretty sister! Are you ok?" You rubbed your bleary eyes. The loli smiled down at you, "Pretty sister, are you ok? Klee was soooo worried about you." she smiled innocently at you, cherry pink eyes glinting under the morning rays.
"Hello Klee, I'm fine." You sat up, "Sweetie, where are we?" The girl laughed, clapping her hands together, "Is pretty sister a visitor? This is Cider Lake!" She grabbed your hand and pulled you towards the water.
She's unbelievably strong... "Since pretty sister is a visitor, Klee will show you around Mondstadt and we can go fish blasting with Dodoco!!!"
"Klee?" You poked her weakly, "Is something wrong pretty sister?" You pointed behind you, "You sure you want to do it in front of the city?"
You've woken up after you and Klee blasted the majority of the fish population of Mondstadt. At first, it was only Cider Lake, but she soon decided that it wasn't enough and she started putting bombs all over the nation, one on some poor lad's roof in Springvale, one besides the anemo hyptostatis, one near the statue of seven and a lot of other places that you couldn't remember. It was only until a knight of Favonius saw Klee putting bombs in a merchant's stall did you leave.  You did not want to be brought to Jean, so you hid on top of a tree as Klee was dragged away. She made a heart in the end which quite literally melted your heart and soul into a puddle.
The next few days passed like a flow, the rain never stopped but day by day, the water had slowly turned back to it's usual colour, in fact, the small samples of rainwater collected before slowly turned transparent just like the rain.
It wasn't until eight days later did you notice something was too eerie with the rain.
Teyvat Chapters 1-10:
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ryva · 1 year
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GN! Reader - No Pronouns Used
TW: cussing (obv), smooching, and generally just a bunch of stupid fluff with some bakusquad shenanigans!
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“COME ON YOU GUYS!!! I WANNA BEAT THIS MAZE FIRST!! WE’VE LOST SO MANY TIMES!!! THIS IS OUR FINAL CHANCE!!!!”  Denki whined, already at the entrance to the corn maze, while you, Bakugou, Mina, Sero and Kirishima were only just stepping foot out of the car. 
“YEAH, YEAH, DONT BE SO FUCKIN IMPATIENT, SPARKPLUG!!” Bakugou roared back, slamming his driver’s side door shut, and trotting in the back of the pack of friends, you next to him. 
“C’mon bakubro! Where’s that competitive spirit?” Kirishima said, “It’s the final opportunity for the UA bakusquad to win in this maze!!“, pumping his fist into the air. 
“Its fuckin’ cold out here, I don’t exactly want to be wandering out in a field in the middle of fuckin’ fall for no good reason.” Bakugou said, tucking his nose back into his scarf, shoving his hands in the pockets of his black coat a little harder in annoyance. 
Giggling at his childish pout, Mina Piped up, “Psh- whatever, we’re excited and gonna win!!” She shouted, hooking an arm and hanging around Sero’s neck who gave a firm nod. 
“Fuckin- whatever…” Bakugou grumped, scanning around the entrance to the maze. 
“well, I think we can do it,” you said, smiling “at least one of us can”
"That's the spirit!!" Mina encouraged, pumping the group up. 
You giggled as the group ran into the maze, barely making an effort to make any method or strategy in “figuring out” the maze. Leaving you and your boyfriend, Katsuki, to lazily travel behind them. You both make little effort to actually figure out the maze either, rather making it a nice fall walk. 
“I'm surprised you’re not more competitive about this, babe,” you said, nudging him playfully.
“Surprisingly I don’t wanna run around like some maniac in a buncha grass when its too fuckin’ cold for my quirk to work and, not to mention, I could easily just blast over this whole damn thing and see the way out,” he rants, “But racoon eyes says ‘that’s cheating.’” 
“Well it technically is cheating,” you retort, chuckling when he gives you a glare that could kill a small animal. 
Through your conversation of banter (and him not understanding why you love this dumb season), you hadn’t noticed you’d walked yourselves into quite an ending. Scanning around, the green and orange decaying leaves around you seemed to stretch down quite a while behind your path, with a wall of foliage right in front of you.
“Dead end,” you say to him, staring up at the top of the barrier, “I can’t even hear anybody…” 
“Can’t hear anybody eh?” Katsuki turns to you with a wolfish grin, leaning towards you with a blush, not just from the cold, hoping for some affection.
You kiss him on his upper cheek, ”you know they can probably see us right now, right?” 
“Nah, I haven’t seen any cameras, and sensei Aizawa knows this shit by now,” he smirks, capturing you by the lips, making you giggle. 
You hook your arms around his neck and deepen into the kiss, letting yourself melt into the warm comparison of his lips to the crisp air. One hand on your hip with other on your jaw, keeping you in place.
Katsuki gripped your hip tighter and went to rest his arm on the wall of leaves behind your head-
when his arm fell through
you both toppled over and faded through the faux bush, Katsuki twisting so you land on top of him, and landing on the cold, hard ground on the other side.
The both of you get your bearings only to see the out to the maze, the ending. the ending was a fucking false wall. you both get up, (katsuki picking you up and placing you back down) and get your bearings, seeing a banner between two wooden pillars with the word 'end' plastered on.
"are. you. fucking. kiddin'. me?" katsuki spat, "that's gotta be some sort of cheating?!"
You giggled "Hey, but we won, right?" nudging him in the side with your elbow
He grunted in annoyance but affirmative and sat on on of the hay bales next to the right pillar, you joining him.
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it was maybe an hour later when Kaminari fell through the wall, leading the rest of the group to figure it out, and for them to playfully berate you for not telling them sooner and splitting off from the group. you just laughed while Katsuki asked if they could go back to the dorms now.
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fertilize-my-eggs · 1 year
Virgin incel looking for love 💕
Tomura shigaraki x chubby fem reader noncon smut
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A/N: this fanfic is to celebrate 800 followers on tumblr, thank you everyone who supports and loves reading dead dove content y'all are the best!! So this one is a bit long and tomura doesn't speak english in this one so he's talking Japanese while reader speaks english (technically since I don't know how to type Japanese 💀) anyway I hope y'all enjoy this one😉💕 ( this was taking too long so I'm sorry if it's bad and I was super tired asf. ) DNI: minors and antis you have been warned 18+ blog.
Warnings: sex trafficking + smut with no plot + dead dove do not eat!! + noncon + black market + creampie + unsafe sex + dry humping.
You were at a bar drinking your sorrows away as you got dumped by your partner, you sigh softly as you get up.
You could barely walk as you walked out of the building. Your head is spinning and your mind is filled with emotions and thoughts.
You were walking on a cold chilly night as you're heading home.
" Hey sweetie, come here. "You turn your head to see an older woman as she's waving her hand towards you in a dark alleyway.
You didn't think much, it's a sweet old lady after all.
You follow her as you watch her from behind as you continue your clumsy walk. Suddenly you feel someone come up behind you, quickly using a wet rag on your mouth.
You didn't have time to process this as you feel heavy and sleepy as you watch the old woman turn around and give you a devilish smirk.
You're blinking fast and groaning out in pain.
Your head is hurting as you try to rub your head only to realize you're unable to move.
Panic set in as you look down to see chains, you're breathing heavily.
" WHERE AM I?!??? " you scream out as you begin to cry out. A man comes in and speaks to you but it's a different language, you don't understand what he is saying.
You're shaking up as you keep screaming for help, the man has a syringe in his hand as he moves it to your thigh, penetrating your skin.
Your salty tears flow down as you try to move, your eyelids getting heavy by the second soon you're losing consciousness again.
You're waking up again to see you're in a different cage, you were in a very revealing elegant white silky lingerie. Expensive jewelry covered your body nicely showing off your goods.
The position you're in is vulgar, your legs are spread out, your crotch barely covers as you whimper.
You were looking around to see the place look to be a fancy underground hideout.
You watch different people in nicely fit outfits as you hear them speak in a language that you don't understand.
There were other people in cages as well, different ones with their height, body size and ethnicity.
As your eyes move along but stop in their tracks as you're staring back at a man that looks very out of place, his outfit was fully black, the hood over his head. 
The light pale blue shaggy hair covers his face but you can see his striking crimson eyes stare back at you in the crowd of people looking at your cage.
You felt a chill running down your spine as you were holding your breath.
The blue haired man smirks at you as you're hoping someone will help you from this situation.
You watch the stranger as he waves another man over as they begin to have a conversation. You watch them and their hand suggestions, judging this you're assuming the man is gonna buy you off.
The man's eyes wided with joy as the hoodie man gave him a stack of cash, nodding in your direction.
You're breathing heavily… no no please no, I don't want this… I don't wanna be here. You need to leave and escape this hell hole.
You're shaking up as the man come to your cage, start to unlock it
He's quickly removed the chain and has you standing up roughly but put new cuffs on your hands.
You were pushed up to your new owner who has the biggest smirk on his face.
It was unsettling having this strange man carass you, you felt him grope your thighs and chest area inappropriately in front of others but no one stopped this behavior or did something to help you out.
The hoodie man dragged you out of the place as you pushed out of the exit and were greeted in the back alley.
He keeps pushing you up against a wall as he begins grinding behind you, you hear his whiny groans as he begins to nip at your earlobe. Hearing his hot breath near you makes you squirm in fear.
" please… stop.. I don't want this. " You whimper at his assault, the man clearly has no clue what you're saying but he can tell you're uncomfortable by this situation.
You turn your head to see him quickly remove his pants but not fully off, his pants are around his knees, your eyes wide as you stare at his cock. You never seen a dick in person the reason why your partner dumped you was because you always make excuses and never went further but in reality you were scared and you were a virgin, that why you didn't take the next step but you gasp out loud as he shoves his hard on between your thick thighs.
He continues his assault as he roughly thrust his hips fast and harder from behind. You sob softly as you try to remove the cuffs but it's no use. Where are the damn keys you thought, you could try to look for his pocket but it would be way too obvious and you don't know if he has a quirk or not.
You hear him make a high pitched squeak as you look down to see his red tip between your thighs and his thick semen sliding down so lewdly.
He sighs heavily as he begins to remove himself.
You heard him say something but it's still difficult to understand. You turn your head to see his face reveal, you shouldn't have looked back.
He looks a lot scarier without his blue hair covering his face, he was flustered and his breathing calmed down but he started to pull his pants up. 
He grabbed your wrist again as you're seeing a dark misty portal in front of you, you keep struggling and move away but he was a lot stronger than you.
You whine out by his strong grip as you are pushed again into the strange portal.
Blink the tears away as you were greeted by a whole different environment, it looks to be someone's room.
It looks a bit childish since you see some action figures and a desk that has two big moderators. But you don't have time to look at it more.
He puts his fingertips on your cuff as you watch it slowly decay in the process.
You begin to cry more, you should keep on walking and mind your own business… stupid old lady.
His finger started to trace your hand all the way to your breast, you bite your lips from the moans, you didn't realize your chest was so sensitive. He begins to pitch at your nipples, you watch the deadly hands play with it roughly like he was making dough.
His other fingers were away; only his pointer and thumb caressed your perky areolas. you felt his drool land on your shoulder as you felt a shiver run down your spine. He starts pushing you more on the desk.
He removes his hand away, you turn to watch him decay both yours and his own clothes.
He leaned in to whisper." Tomura.. " you think that was his name, so you repeat the same word as he groans out, grinding his manhood from your behind.
" shigaraki.." he continues to bite your ear softly as you repeat the words back, he nods his head as he begins to cuddle with you.
You feel strange, you never understand him nor his language but you had to guess it.
You say your name to him why maybe he will understand what you are saying.
He started to purr at you and said your name back in his language.
It's going to be hard to communicate. You felt his hand on your neck as he grabbed his thick cock to your entrance as he began to tease you.
You grip the edge of the desk as he pushes inch by inch inside of you.
You whimper out, feeling your hymen break once he shoves more of his cock inside.
The feeling was uncomfortable, the stretch felt overwhelming as you keep struggling with his size.
" please stop… i-it hurts.." you tried to push his hips away but tomura quickly grabs both of your hands as he puts it behind your back.
He ignores your pleas as he starts off slow and shallow deep thrust as he starts to bite your shoulder area to stop the cries but it's getting possible.
Tomura let out the most pathetic whines and whimpers, you never thought you would hear a man make those types of noises.
The heavy balls slapping your outer lips as he begins to get faster and harder.
It's hard to get comfortable when this man is lying on top of you, you can't breathe.
Your eyes rolled back to the heavens as you began to drool onto the desk, you can already feel yourself dripping down your thighs.
The slapping increases, getting more volume, you start to notice that you're reaching your high. You don't want this to stop but your mind is screaming at you to escape… you on other hand don't mind getting dick down by this strange man.
Your brain couldn't think straight as you start to chant his name, turning to mush by his powerful thrust, he starts to play with your hair and whisper other things that you still don't understand.
You hear him chant your name as you hear the familiar squeak from him, the throbbing cock inside of you, begins to release thick white cum covering your walls.
You cry out his name, squirting in the process. Milking him for his worth and you start to feel shame all over, you know that this man didn't wear protection, making it a high risk of getting pregnant.
You didn't want this and hoping you don't get pregnant too soon. Shigaraki kisses your neck as he begins to remove you from the desk and towards the small dirty bed.
You were pushed again as you start to realize he didn't pull out of you, his cock is still inside.
You cry out as he pushes your back down, he roughly grabs hold of your hips. You hear the loud skin slapping skin echo in the room as tomura growls and acts like an animal.. Feral animalistic instincts cloud his mind as he thrusts your abuse hole, you feel his tip hitting your cervix.
The fingertips dance on the skin of your thighs to your belly, he begins to caress it lovely. His hand gripping your chubby waist as he dragged you towards his heavy thrust.
You can't tell how many times you orgasm but you started to babbling and mewling at this.
The sheets are already ruined and you feel the wetness sliding down your thighs, you throw your body backwards meeting his hips. Tomura grabbed your hair putting you into a lewd arch position, the tears sliding down your cheek from the overstimulation.  
He leans in to lick the tears away as he growls out.
His thrust becomes more sloppy and you can tell he reached his end but his pace wasn't slowing down any time sooner.
You start to see blackness around your eyes as you start to lose consciousness as you try to blink again to keep awake.
He finally slammed into you one more time to shoot more of his own semen into your walls.
You collapse breathing heavily as he keeps grinding his narrow hips on top of you, he lay down but didn't remove himself.
You can feel his arms wrapped around your waist as he pulls you close, you feel his cock soft a bit but it still didn't slide out of you, you sigh softly.
The throbbing feeling begins to hurt and sore between your legs. 
Your heavy eyelid falls close as you start to feel sleepy and take hold of you.
Hearing soft snoring and humming relaxes you a bit but you're not escaping anytime soon when he's madly in love with you and wants you to have his first child and life together.
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merakiui · 1 year
Do you think the sleazy mafia eel would catch real feelings for his darling?
Absolutely!!! I like to imagine you give in and text him again because he’s addictive like that, and Floyd’s all smug and playful. So you plan to fuck again, but before that Floyd has to be a gentleman and take you to a nice dinner. He’s so weird (and ridiculously wealthy). You’ll spend half of your situationship going on dates that he calls “hanging out” and then finding yourself fucked incoherent and brain dead. He treats you so good and he’s even better at sex, especially when he’s wheedling you into doing things you never would have done had you not met him. A rare text becomes a monthly thing and then you’re texting him on a weekly basis and Floyd always answers, always entertains you, always fucks you in every way you want.
You become acquainted with his brother, who sometimes picks you up because Floyd lost his license, and the first time you officially meet him, Floyd just had to ask: “You into twins, Shrimpy?” all with the biggest grin while you stared between them in surprise, not having expected they’d look so similar and yet be so different at the same time. Oh, but Jade’s just as smug as his brother, shaking your hand and saying, “It’s a pleasure to meet you when you aren’t half-dead to the world.” What he really means is: “Wow, you have a personality outside of getting fucked dumb! Happy to make your acquaintance.”
Floyd spoils you so much. He buys you lots of expensive stuff and always explains it away with a casual shrug and a “cuz I want to” when you ask him where he’s getting this money from and why he’s buying absurdly priced things for you. You hate to say it, but he’s the most fun you’ve ever had. So when he asks you to meet his parents, your sugary situationship comes screeching to a halt.
“What do you mean?”
“My parents. They wanna meet ya…or somethin’.”
“Why?” You’re horrified that anyone’s parents would want to meet you, but especially Floyd’s! The two of you aren’t like…that. You’re just fucking; it’s not romance.
“Cuz they want to.”
You stare at him. He’s so difficult sometimes. Before you can grouse over that, something hits you. “Wait. Have you been…talking to them about me?”
Floyd peers at you. A smile spreads across his face. “I tell ‘em aaaall about how Shrimpy likes it from behind and—”
“Never mind! Never mind! Forget I asked.”
“Mama just assumes we’re a pair since I visited last and she saw these.” He points at the poorly concealed love bites on his neck and shrugs. “I never bring anyone home, but they wanna meet ya anyway. Guess you’re special or somethin’.”
“But we’re not dating.”
“With how often we fuck, we might as well be.”
You intend to retort, but his words have you considering. Dating… You wouldn’t be opposed to it if it’s with Floyd. The two of you know each other well enough to slide into that sort of development. But… He’s still only temporary. He’s not forever.
“We’re not, though,” you say, clipped and cold. “I’ll meet your parents if that’s what you want, but we’re not dating.”
Floyd smiles easily, but it doesn’t brighten his eyes. “Sure thing. Whatever Shrimpy wants. No lovey-dovey dating. Just sex.”
But the engagement ring he’s kept secret for months now says otherwise.
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luveline · 2 years
For the Steve zombie au, may i request r and Steve’s friends getting to know each other? Maybe they’re all eating together and r realizing she can trust these people and Steve is just so happy they all get along?
thank you for your request my love! steve zombie!au | fem!reader ♥︎ 1.2k
You're majorly surprised that Steve would be friends with Jonathan Byers. It probably seems like old news given the apocalyptic circumstances, but you remember the epic and tragic bumps of their love triangle. Nancy bouncing between them, and the eventual messy breakup. 
You're unsure if Steve knows you'd been there that night at the Halloween party. His Risky Business costume had actually done a lot to humanise him when you first met him again in the early days, and he'd been a total jerk. He'd say something cruel and you'd remember his sunglasses and his chicken dancing and get over it. 
You're not in the early days anymore. Months of hiking and fighting and zombies and, amazingly, falling in love. Steve would kick the shit out of anyone if they talked to you the way he had, and his apology for being such a grump comes everyday and in new ways. 
He has his hand between your thighs, fingertips stroking circles up toward your knee. 
"No, man, I'm serious, it was a shit show! First you, then Hargrove," he's saying, stomach digging into the table's edge with his enthusiasm. "Good thing, though, my ego was dead and gone when I needed to be humble." 
Jonathan snorts, picking through his cards with a concentrated frown. "I'm still sorry." 
"I don't want you to be sorry. I was a dick." 
"Yeah, but we were seventeen. Everyone's a dick at seventeen."  
You're having a hard time distrusting him, or any of Steve's friends, considering they're the ones who fought to get you back. They walked miles in the dark and the cold to save you, and bring you back to the community. If it weren't for them, you wouldn't be tucked into Steve's side, eyeing his cards and whispering instructions. Nobody's given you shit for it, while it's pretty much cheating, and you know why — there's a resounding feeling of pity wrapped around you. 
You still have all the cuts and scrapes of your kidnapping. The scratches on your face have barely scabbed over, your wrists still sore and torn. It's a constant reminder. You try not to look at them. 
Pity comes with a good helping of care, though. 
"Hey," Robin says, bounding into the town hall with a smile. "Where is everybody?" 
"We're early." 
"Oh. Well, I got more cards," she says, brandishing a fresh pack, plastic wrapped and everything, "Cooper didn't wanna give 'em to me, but I told him the cards club got a bunch of new members. Hopefully he doesn't come tonight." 
She pauses. "Can I sit here?" 
You nod emphatically. She can do whatever she likes as far as you're concerned. She'd been there for Steve while you were gone, and she's come to find you too. You're starting to realise that your suspicion of her had been unfounded. For the two weeks you'd slept in her room, you'd stayed up sick with nerves thinking she was gonna stab you in your sleep. It's kind of hard to believe she'd bother these days. 
Plus, you desperately want to like Robin. She's funny, and smart, and she has a really nice voice. You could listen to her talk about movies for hours, and you would, because Steve could do it too, though he's far more opinionated than you are. 
"Thank you," she says. "I got something for you." 
You sit up from Steve's side, trying your best to look like a functioning person rather than his pathetic clinger. "What?" 
"Yeah, I got this bio-oil from the medic station for your face. I mean, don't get me wrong, you'd look cool with a scar, but I thought maybe that should be up to you. And this," she says, putting the bio-oil and a white packet down in front of you. "Steve said you liked the first one." 
It's a small bar of Hershey's Cookies 'n' Creme. You stare at the two items, lost for words, and then you decide you have to be brave even if it's a little awkward, and even if you're still scared of things going wrong. 
"You didn't have to get these for me, Robin," you say. 
"I wanted to." 
You slide across the bench you're sitting on slowly, so she has time to move away. "Thank you," you say, and hold your arms out for a hug. 
She looks startled but happy, and is quick to accept your offering. "You're welcome," she says, arms crossing behind your back. 
You nod and pull away, giving her a genuine, if guilty smile. 
Just as you realise Steve has been listening, Jonathan tries to save him, roping him back into conversation. You miss his hand on your leg and consider asking for it back, and you really wish he'd stop the game altogether so you can hide under his arm again. You've been feeling rightfully fragile since you got back. Touching him makes it go away. 
But you're not a loser. Robin's breaking the seal on the new pack of cards, and you're really good at card games after so many nights alone with Steve, who's really bad at them. 
"You know gin rummy?" you ask her. 
"I do not," she says, with an air of grandness, her smile unmissable. "I'm a quick study." 
"Robs, don't let her teach you," Steve butts in, "she'll teach you how to play, but she won't teach you how to play well." 
"I only taught you badly 'cause I was mad at you," you say, rolling your eyes.
"Yeah, it was after we got stuck inside that taco truck, and you said I sound like a dying cat when I sing, even though you're the one who asked me to sing in the first place." 
He chuckles easily at the memory. "Oh, yeah. God, I'm sorry, you were still sick from that bad water and your throat was all raw." 
He does you the service of kissing your cheek.
"I'm sorry," he says again. "I was mean." 
"I don't buy it. That's a fake apology," Robin says. 
You burst into giggles as Steve gasps with indignation, and Jonathan lays his cards out flat on the table. 
"I win," he says. 
Steve, despite your ganging up on him, and Jonathan's poorly timed victory, doesn't seem upset at all. He's smiling one of his more secret smiles, the kind you had to dig long and hard to find, and his hand feels like love as he takes up station on your thigh again. He squeezes three times. 
You cover his hand briefly with your own, rubbing the fine hairs on the back of his fingers, before turning your attention to Robin completely. 
"I'm gonna make you a champion," you promise. 
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derangedanomaly · 7 months
Hello! If I may, may I ask for Bad Sanses, but Reader was formerly a human, went missing at some point, and when they found Reader again, they got turned into an artificial skeleton (t r a u m a). Sorry if I'm bothering you!
You're not bothering me! Thank you for the request! I took a little spin on it- since I've done something similar. (Right here) and I thrive in angst so I'm just gonna make their S/O not come back from the dead. (Making them suffer more 😈)
(Nightmare, Killer, Dust, Horror)
Nightmare isn't someone who feels sadness. He's quite the opposite. He thrives in the misery of others, loving their dreadful faces full with fear, sadness, loneliness. He truly doesn't understand people's meaning behind their tears... Life goes on, and you meet other people, then they die, and you find a replacement for them. That's how it was in Nightmare's eyes, and that's how it's gonna stay.
Nightmare hates the feeling of losing, even more so if it's against you, in a game of cards. Why's he playing this game with you? He should be doing paperwork, or attack some AU's. His needs for negativity are rising more higher each time he's around someone as cheerful as you. Dream and his little team have been getting a little weakened. He should take this opportunity to strike, and just get rid of them! He should be doing anything more productive! But, he sits here. On the dark cold floor of his office, playing cards with you.
"Oh! Look at that. I won again." You think you're so smart.. flashing him a winning smile like that when he knows very well that you cheated your way to victory. How embarrassing... don't you have some dignity? "Don't you feel ashamed?" He tried to stop himself from letting out a scoff once you tilted your head at his words. "You're not so slick. I've seen the way you cheated." As if you don't know that his eyes were watching you the whole time! Maybe that's why he was losing so much.. you chuckled after thinking about his words for awhile, which caught the king of negativity off guard. "Oh? Is Nightmare petty that he lost to- 'a mere mortal'?" This time, Nightmare actually did scoffed. "Please, you're not worth getting petty over." As much as he wanted to leave the room, and go as far away from you as possible, he couldn't bring himself to do it. He felt as if his whole body was stuck on the wooden floor of his office as he just sat there and chatted with you.
He hated this feeling. He still doesn't know why, but you always seemed to make him relax when near him. It bugs him to no end...how can you just sit there, with him, and just have- a casual conversation?? As if he wasn't a dangerous sociopath who killed more than hundreds. He hated this. "Well, then I guess I seemed PRETTY enough for you to stare at me the whole time." But he hated you more.
Why must you always bug him like this? "Nightmare! Please! Let me into the battle! I can handle myself!" How many times does he have to repeat himself..? Why won't you just, stay in his mansion, and...I don't know! Sleep, maybe. He really doesn't wanna go through this again. "Y/n. For the last.time. I won't let you fight against the Star Shits." He didn't missed the way you flinched when he responded to you with venom in his voice. But what could he do? You wouldn't listen to him otherwise. You tend to ignore his commands.. which is more than annoying.. "But...Why?" Oh, he wishes he could tell you the reason... But he felt more than embarrassed to admit that he doesn't want anything happening to you in battle.. so he just did the next obvious choice. Flee to the battle. This conversation was going on long enough..
Things were getting out of control on Nightmare's side, the Star Sanses all split off, each of them fighting a different Sans on Nightmare's team. Nightmare doesn't seem to be in a good shape today, he feels weakened these past months since he knows you. . . Which is not really that strange, considering that you two spend a lot of time together. "Come on, brother, you can still end this." Dream threatened Nightmare, glaring at him. Nightmare couldn't believe him, does he just think that he's gonna go up and admit defeat to his own brother?! The brother he's hated many decades?? After all this time, he decides to say something about it now? He's such an idiot. "I would rather die, then accept defeat in your hands.." Nightmare truly felt weak, as he just sat in pain on the ground, giving Dream the hardest glare. Dream's eyes widened as he sighed, and aimed his bow at him, with the intention to fire. Nightmare looked to the ground, trying to think of a plan. There has to be an escape route, something that could be useful for him to get away.
Everything fell silent as Nightmare widened his eyes at the scene in front of him.. there you were, barely standing there with a proud smile on your lips, and the edge of Dream's arrow piercing through you. Dream gasped lowering his weapon. Everyone around them stopped fighting, now looking horrified at Nightmare and you. Your feet started to slowly lose balance, as you fell to the ground. But you didn't make a contact with it, because Nightmare's tentacles wrapped securely around your fragile body.
Nightmare brought you to him, as he looked into your eyes. "H-Hey Night.." you groaned, feeling the arrow deep inside your chest.. Nightmare looked emotionless. His face didn't showed any expression whatsoever as he silently watched you. "Heh.. c-cat got your tongue?" Nightmare didn't know what to think, feel, or even say.. but then- he felt something that he thought he didn't had. He felt his soul shake. And that's when it happened, Nightmare felt something wet go down his cheek, soon the other cheek had the same reaction.
You widened your eyes at the sight of Nightmare crying.. "No.. it's- it's fine. Stop playing your stupid little games and- get up you..you idiot." Oh god, why was he saying that? He didn't meant to say that. You couldn't speak as Nightmare pleaded for you to stand up. "Get.up..." he inhaled a sharp breath. Why's he acting like this? What's this feeling? He feels more pathetic than ever as his hold on you tightened.
"Y-Y/n. As your commander. I command you to get up." It was truly difficult for Nightmare to control his voice right now, which made him shocked. You softly smiled and gently touched his cheek, wiping his cyan tears away.. "N-Nightmare.. *cough* you know that I- I never listen to your... Commands.." you couldn't help but slowly close your eyes. "Y-Y/n!? Hey! STOP! DON'T CLOSE THEM YET!" He felt himself panicking, he didn't know what to do. You smiled at him one last time, uttering your last words to him. "Be sure to- practice playing the c-cards.. I'm gonna be... Away for awhile....." He watched as your hand retraced from his cheek, and your eyes closing. Nightmare felt himself panic more than ever. It can't end like this! He has to do something, what can he do?! "Y/N!! .... You can't go! I..." The realization hit him like a brick, only after he saw you die in his arms. "...I love you.." and you didn't even get to know..
This fateful day, marks as the first day that Nightmare, the king of negativity, felt true sadness for the first time... Oh, how he wishes to never feel anything after that again. The pain was truly insufferable, and it left a huge impact on him, that only you could fix. But it's no use now, as he just sits on his dark cold floor, holding a deck of cards in his hands, feeling...empty. He felt nothing as he looked at the deck of cards. Your cards.
If there was one thing that Killer absolutely loved, it would be knives, his collection of Metallica posters, his knives, you, you, you, oh..and his knives! Also you. He loved your fun side, you tend to be quite moody and seem to put up some imaginary walls. But with him, it was different! You knew each other for quite some time now. As far as you both know, you were stuck in a black void of some kind, and Killer accidentally found you.
Killer could never stop thinking about you since then. And he made it into a routine of some kind, where he met up with you in secret in the black void. Of course, this meant making a perfect disappearance that Nightmare won't be able to find out.
You laughed as Killer told you yet another story that happened to him. He was so easy to talk to, and he felt the same way about you! You were truly the only one in this dark world that he could trust with his whole life.. "That's what you said?" "Yeah, Nightmare blew a fuse that day." You both chuckled yet again, falling into silence. The silence seemed thick, there was a weird feeling flowing through the air. Killer felt frustrated...he wanted to ask you out, but he just.. can't. Nightmare would do something to him, or worse, to you. He just wishes he could get together with you... You both had feelings for each other, and were deeply in love! But couldn't get together because of one big obstacle. Nightmare. Killer hates even thinking about that guy.. he's always in his way towards happiness, and he's just an overall ass.. but he's bound to serve him forever, so he can't really do anything about it.
"Hey, Y/n?" You made eye contact with Killer and hummed upon hearing him finally speak. "Can you...promise me something?" You noticed the way his tone sounded, it was something serious. You fully faced him, nodding your head as a sign of confirmation. "Can you promise me...." Killer tried to calm down, as he slightly turned his gaze away from you and instead into the dark pit of your black void. "...that you'll never leave my side..?" You softly smiled, laying on his shoulder. "Of course, Kills. I'll never leave you." Killer found himself smiling at your words, as he laid his head on yours, letting out a breath he didn't know he was holding.
"I- I swear boss! I'll make it up to you! T-This is what you want, right?? Just say anything and I-I'll do it!" Killer stood in Nightmare's office, terrified out of his mind, as he screwed up a big mission. He's pretty sure that Nightmare is gonna make him pay big time for that. Nightmare is a cruel and vicious man.. his punishment will be of great penalty. "... anything, you say?" Killer immediately nodded. Maybe, he'll get out of this alive after all! He had a hopeful face on his face as he waited for Nightmare's commands. He felt uneasy when Nightmare's face gained a creepy smile.. he wasn't so sure now. "Who's that human you're close with, and where is she?" Killer felt shocked at Nightmare's words. How does Nightmare know about you..? He panicked and stammered, trying to find a loop hole of some kind out of this.. what can he do? He can't lie to Nightmare, as he will just call him out on whatever flies from his mouth, but still...he tries it. As foolish as that sounds. "I-I have no idea what you're talking about! I don't know a human girl like that!" Nightmare seemed to size him up as he gave him the coldest glare, it was as if he was warning him, say any lie again, and I'll have your decapitated head on my wall. Yeah, Killer heard it a mile away. "Your breathing got quicker, your eyes widened and you seem to sweat. I'll ask again Killer, where is she?" Killer truly knew that he can't bullshit him anymore. It was no point, Nightmare would've just pushed him more and more with every lie. "She...is nowhere in the castle. Y-You don't have to worry about someone l-living here rent free.." Nightmare raised his eyebrow at this, as he just stared at him and squinted his eye. Killer just sweated more, this was a nerve-wracking situation, he didn't know what to say or do, but there was one thing he was certain of- he can't let Nightmare find you. Nightmare smirked after awhile, as if he just cracked the code. "The black void." Killer felt himself panic when Nightmare uttered these words.
Nightmare created a portal and left through it, but oh no. Killer was hot on his heels. Killer decided that if he could, he would throw his life on the line for you, he was willing to die for you.
Nightmare approached your sitting form as his shadow towered over you menacingly. You looked up at him, thinking it was Killer, but quickly getting frightened. This guy, was NOT your Killer. You yelped when a black tentacle shoot towards you, but then you saw it- Killer swooped you up into his arms, away from Nightmares appendages. "I WON'T LET YOU HURT HER, NIGHTMARE." Nightmare stared at Killer in amusement. Does he think he can defeat him? How foolish. "No. Stay.back." And now he was threatening him. How foolish. You shook at this situation. So this was Killer's boss? "H-Hey Princess, it'll be alright... I-" his words got cut off by a tentacle holding your neck and bringing you to Nightmare. "NO!" Killer couldn't let anything happen to you.. he just couldn't. "Let this be a lesson, Killer.." Nightmare spoke, tightening his hold on your neck, with the intention of snapping it. Killer widened his eyes, as he started crying black tears. It was all over... You'll die in Nightmares hands, the only thing Killer feared the most. The worst of all, is that he didn't do anything to prevent it.. "Focus on your job, do your missions right, and stop interacting with people as distracting as her." There was only silence, as your neck cracked, falling dead right in Nightmares hold. He dropped your body to the floor, watching as Killer himself dropped down on the floor in a sitting position, moving closer to your dead body. He cried and cried and cried. That's all he knew how to do right now.. "Princess...my perfect princess.." he started sniffing as he just held you tight, as if he could somehow bring you back.. but he couldn't. Your love really just, wasn't meant to be.
Life is about losing those you care about, it's just a natural cause. This was what Dust always thinks about death. And he didn't intend to change his view of this particular subject, so he was pretty surprised when his lover brought this up.
"What invoke such a question, my love?" You smiled at him and shook your head. "Nothing, just wanted to know your opinion." Dust felt like there was more to it, but he didn't press on the answer, and you both left it at that.
You didn't seemed to be in your best shape these past months, Dust noticed. He's very observant, of course he noticed it right away. Taking in the way you coughed or the way you looked more tired than usual. There was a lot of, "Are you ok, darling?" Followed by your; "Don't worry about me... I'm fine." He started to slowly hate that response.. you were 'fine'. That's not enough for him. He needed you to ok. Not just fine. Oh, how he wishes he could get the answer out of you.
Over time, it started to really bug him. You were getting worse by the day, and he couldn't have that. He needed to find out what's going on.. he decided to bring this topic up with his best friend, Horror.
Horror and Dust sat in Dust's living room, you being absent because you are 'visiting your friends.' Dust still doesn't really believe this lie you told him, but went along with it, so he could take this opportunity to have a guy talk with Horror about this. "That's basically what's happening.. I don't know what to do, don't know how to get the answers out of her, and I certainly don't know how to deal with this..." Dust sighed in desperation, if only he could do something.. Horror hummed, still munching on the sandwich you've made for the two of them before you left. "Well...maybe you could...sit down with her...and have a heart to heart....about this..." Dust appreciated this advice, and feels kinda dumb for not thinking of it earlier... Dust nodded, smiling at Horror, grateful for his words. "Thanks Horror, you're a real pal." Horror smiled at Dust, finishing his sandwich before leaving.
It was 5 hours since you left... surely you would've been back by now? Or not..? The longer he waited, the more did he started to have dark thoughts circle around in his head at all the possibilities of what could happen to you. "Calm down Dust... nothing happened. She's fine." He tried to reassure himself, looking over at the clock. You sure we're taking your sweet time...
It was then that his phone ringed in his pockets. An unknown number calling? That was certainly strange. He accepted the call hesitantly, awaiting whatever was on the other side of the call. "Hello, sir Dust L/n?" He listened to what felt like a males voice. "Yes, what is it?" "Your wife, Y/N L/n is in a terrible condition." Dust's eyes widened at those words.. terrible condition? What does that even mean? Dust quickly put on his coat and his shoes. He needed to see you. By all means necessary.. "Can you tell me at what hospital she's at?" "(Hospital name)" "Thank you, I'll be there right away." He ended the call and teleported in front of the hospital. He didn't know what was happening, but he knew one thing, he has to see you.
The main door of the hospital was flung open as Dust ran up to the main counter. "Hello, my wife's here somewhere, can you tell me her door number? Her name's Y/N L/n." It was fairly quick, as Dust got the number and immediately fled to your room..
You laid in bed, watching the birds singing out the window, smiling to yourself. Your peace was interrupted by Dust coming in the room, huffing. He looked very panicked and out of breath. You got startled by him coming into the room so suddenly.. "Hey, love..." You smiled at him during your greeting. Dust couldn't believe it. You were on your death bed, but you still smiled more calm than ever. "Y-Y/N. Oh god...w-what happened??" You looked sadly at the floor, patting the bed for him to sit on it. He followed your command as you sighed. "6 months ago, I got diagnosed with a deadly disease.. the doctor's tried to help me fight it, but... I guess my time's up.." you smiled yet again, to show him that you were completely prepared for this. Dust didn't even noticed when he started crying. "Why...why didn't you told me?" Your smile dropped as you stared at his panicked form. Then you slowly reached his skeletal hands to hold in yours. "I thought it would be better like this.. I didn't wanna worry you further." Dust couldn't believe the words you said to him. You can't just- lie about this! He felt sudden fear, as a sudden realization hit him. You're gonna be gone. Completely striped away from him, and there was nothing he could do. His head dropped down on your lap, crying pools of tears. You frowned at his state, patting his head. "Dust...my love..my number one.." he slowly looked you in your eyes, hearing you speak to him. "...Make sure to make me the best funeral..." This was the moment that you finally broke, as you started crying with him.. he engulfed you in a hug, and cuddled you, one last time.. he stayed the night, still cuddling you, and in the morning when he woke up, you were dead in his arms...
Horror loved you. He loved you more than anything else in the world, his little wife. He would let you do anything with him, may it be the dumbest things, he did them with you if you so desired. He truly was a big teddy bear. But what he didn't let you do, was let you out of the house alone. His Au is not the safest, but he doesn't want to leave his brother behind, and you seemed to like it there.. so for now, he and you stayed living there. Oh...but if only he didn't..
You pouted as Horror shook his head at your question yet again. "Please Bee?" Horror found himself giggling at the nickname, but quickly stopped once the next words flew from your mouth. "Please let me go out alone..." Horror huffed at your question, turning away from you. Must you ruin dinner with this question? Horror never talked much, or tried not to.. his voice was too damaged to talk, but he would say a few words on some occasions. "You...stay..." That was all it took for you to slowly lay your head on the table and huff. "Whyyy Bee?" Your question earned you a roll of his eyes. "Too...dangerous..." You didn't say anything more, as you ticked him off, and you didn't wanna piss him off any more than he is. "Fine.." he seemed happy about that answer as he munched on the chicken you cooked for him. Courtesy of Swap, who sometimes gave you food to cook in Horror's Au.
You took advantage of the time Horror went out and left you alone in the house. You smiled at him as he left, not before giving you a long kiss. You wondered if you should carry on with your plan, considering your situation, but still did it.. you went out.
Horror was happy to finally open the door to his house, and see you again, but he felt confused upon finding the cabin completely empty.. he checked even the smallest places and unlikely places, but he just couldn't find you.. he wracked his brain, trying to think of where could his wife go. Until something really terrible came up to him... You probably went out. He felt angry at first, trying to calm himself as he went out the door of his house, but then fear settled in instead of anger, as he tried to push away the thoughts about your death. It didn't take him long trying to find you, as you were inside the forest- not in the same piece... He felt his soul, for the first time in years, thrum against his chest. He stood there, above your corpse, organs out and eyes that held no life. He started shaking as he extended his hand forward, holding your cheek.. one of the worst things that could've happened to him, happened. Right before his eyes. It was probably wolves that did this awful dirty work. He didn't know what to think, as he just took your wedding ring, not wanting to look at your corpse anymore. He felt empty, sad, but he didn't cry.. it was odd.. anyone normal would've cried, but well...he isn't really normal.
That night, he sat alone in the living room, looking at your wedding ring.. he would've burried you, but he couldn't even look at you like that..it was... awful. He didn't want to bury you, simply because he couldn't bring himself to fo it.. He didn't even eat, be refused to eat anything that wasn't your food...which was going to be difficult in the future. He just stared, unmoving, looking at the ring..
Things got worse when he headed to bed, but stopped in his tracks when he saw something shine in the trashcan.. he leaned forward and snatched the thing in his big hands, scanning it with his eye.. It was a positive pregnancy test. Oh god...you were pregnant.. you were pregnant with his baby. This was what made him break out into sobs as he slid down and sat on the ground. His head was ringing as he kept muttering the same words. "She was pregnant..." Over and over and over again... He should've been more careful. He should've been home! He should've been there! He could've save you.. it seemed like time stopped when he finally stopped crying.. he swears, right now, right here, that he will never..under any circumstances, take his wedding ring off.
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mirkwoodshewolf · 1 year
First heartache is hard; Jack Kline x reader
*Author's note*
Well this only took me two days to write which I do like when I can easily write a story that fast hehehe so @gabrielasilva1510 here is your ANGSTY Jack Kline request.
Warning: MAJOR ANGST, Character death, NO FLUFF AT ALL ONLY HURT, blood, violence (this is supernatural afterall so SPN level of violence). Basically get your tissues ready cause this is a sad one.
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Jack stood outside in the cold night after a long training session with Bobby.  Now that his grace was gone, he had to build up his strength mortally, which meant getting punched and falling down a lot, and getting hurt whilst getting beaten down.  He thought he had felt powerless before, but his mind always went back to what happened that night at the church.  The moment he truly felt powerless.
The night he had lost you.
Bobby, Mary and (Y/n) stood in the main lobby of the bunker still debating about who in the world would wanna kill Maggie.  After questioning all the hunters from the apocalypse world, they decided that none of them had any motive to hurt her, and that maybe it was just some creep or psycho looking to murder and innocent girl in the woods.
“I mean it’s not uncommon. That’s what happened to my mom’s sister once when they were younger. Some bastard slit her throat, raped her, and dumped her body over the bridge. That’s when I learned that there are more monsters in humanity than there are in the supernatural sense.” (Y/n) said.
“She’s not wrong.” Mary said supporting (Y/n’s) statement.  As Bobby nodded, they soon heard footsteps and that’s when they saw Jack.
“Oh Jack.” (Y/n) sighed with relief but before she could race up to hug him, they were horrified to see Lucifer coming up behind him.
“Hey~” Lucifer greeted with a small wave.
“Kid, what in the sam hell is—?!” demanded Bobby but Jack interrupted him.
“It’s okay. He’s here to help.”
“Him!?” (Y/n) asked exasperatedly.
“Yeah tigress, me.” Lucifer said booping her nose to which she cringed and slapped his arm away from her.  “Okay touchy-touchy Ms. Temper pants.” He said walking away following his son to where Maggie lay dead.
“Call Sam now!” Mary whispered urgently to Bobby as she and (Y/n) followed Lucifer and Jack while Bobby made a call to the boys.
“So you’re leaving dead bodies on tables now? Nice.” questioned Lucifer.
“We were waiting to give her a hunter’s funeral.” (Y/n) said.
“You won’t have to. My father he’s going to bring Maggie back to life.”
“Jack what are you doing?” asked Mary.
“What I have to do. This is my second chance.” Jack answered.
“Jack,” (Y/n) started.  “What happened to Maggie was a horrible thing that never should’ve happened. But it was beyond your control. You couldn’t have known when or where she’d be attacked and murdered.”
“But I promised her I’d keep her safe. All of them.”
“There are some things that you can’t prevent Jack.”
“I’d listen to your little girlfriend son. Plus this whole resurrection thing is kinda tricky. People don’t often come back as themselves.”
“Sam didn’t.” Said Jack.
“Yeah well Sam’s always been a little—in the head to begin with.”
“And like you’re not?” sassed (Y/n).  Lucifer snide at her comment.
“You said you’d do anything.” Jack told him.  The intense look in his eyes soon made Lucifer relent and he did what Jack said he’d do.  Placing his hand on Maggie’s forehead, his eyes glowed red and suddenly Maggie shot up gasping for air.  Immediately, (Y/n) grabbed Jack’s hand and took him out of the room and they came into the kitchen.
“(Y/n) what—”
“What deal did he offer you?” she interrupted him.
“Back there, when you told him that he’d do anything you’d ask. What was the deal he offered you?” Jack looked at the harsh stare of her (e/c) eyes and told her.
“We’re gonna see the galaxy together. Like in Star Wars. But I said I’d only go if he helped bring Maggie back.” (Y/n) looked at Jack in shock.
“What? You’re going with him?”
“Well not just me,” Jack stepped forward and took both of her hands into his, gently stroking the back of her knuckles.  “I also said I wanted you to come along too. You always said you wanted to see the stars up close.”
“Jack I—” (Y/n) was a mixture of emotions.  Horror, shock, perplexed, torn, and upset.  “Lucifer he’s…..I can’t.”
“Why not?” Jack asked.
“Jack, there’s nothing in this world that I would like more than to explore the galaxy with you, but with Lucifer tagging along. Something doesn’t sit right with me.”
“He’s changed. He really wants to try (Y/n). Would the old Lucifer have offered you to come along with us?”
“I know that no matter old or new Lucifer, whatever he claims to be now, he’s always gets something out of his deals. And if he doesn’t, he’ll take it anyways.” Jack dropped (Y/n)’s hands, his chest rising and falling as he tried to control his anger.
“Why can’t you be happy for me for once?!”
“Jack I have always been happy for you! Looking out for you! Besides Cas and Sam, I’ve always been the one that’s always in your corner! But you can’t trust what Lucifer says! Believe me I know.”
“Oooo, did I come at a bad time?” Lucifer’s voice spoke out as he peeked his head from the kitchen door before walking inside.
“Get out!” demanded (Y/n).
“I’ll admit son, you at least picked one with fire in her.”
“How the hell did you get back here!?” snapped (Y/n).
“Does it really matter?”
“Let me think, yes it does! Now quit stalling and tell him what you’re really here for!”
“What I’m—listen (n/n) I already told him. I want to take my son to see the galaxies, the stars, hell the entire universe itself. I’m done playing second fiddle to pops and his game. I wanna be removed from the chess board completely and not have to worry about anything than showing my son the wonders of the universe. With you of course by his side if you choose to go.”
“I wouldn’t go anywhere with you if my life depended on it!” (Y/n) snarled with a sneer.  Lucifer shrugged.
“Alright well, there’s no changing your mind. Let’s bounce son.” Jack slowly walked towards him but (Y/n) grabbed his hand and pleaded to him.
“Jack please, don’t go with him. He’s using you.”
“Would you mind stop gaslighting my own son against me? Geez that’s the thing with you women sometimes, especially teenage girls.”
“Jack. Jack please.” Jack turned to her and said.
“He’s my father.” (Y/n) stood there stunned and released his hand and watched hopelessly as the two of them vanished from the kitchen.
“(Y/n)!? (Y/n)!!” soon Bobby came in and he looked around and asked, “Where’s the kid?” (Y/n) buried her face into her hands and wept.  Bobby then walked up and awkwardly wrapped his arms around the weeping girl before bringing her back to rejoin Mary and the newly resurrected Maggie.
When the brothers and Cas returned, they had told that Michael had also somehow managed to come into this world along with Lucifer.  That to (Y/n) struck a chord in how Lucifer must surely been planning something.  There’s absolutely no chance that those two archangels would willingly team-up to escape apocalypse world.  And with Maggie’s death it—it can’t be a coincidence.  She stood up and walked off.
“Uhh (Y/n) where are you going?” asked Dean.
“To talk to Maggie.” Sam immediately took off and stopped her and he said to her, “Hey, hey relax okay? Look mom told us what happened and to interrogate her now while she’s still trying to wrap her mind about being resurrected it—”
“I know Sam. You Winchesters aren’t the only ones to have been resurrected. But I have to know just who killed her. This all is one too big coincidence for them to have come back and Maggie ends up dead the same day they both come through their own rift.”
“You think it was one of them that killed Maggie?”
“Like I said, it’s a hunch but it’s too big of one to ignore.”
“Then let me come with you.”
“You just want to keep an eye on me because of my impatience.” She snapped accusingly.
“That and I also want to find out the truth. Hey,” Sam could sense the anxiety running through (Y/n)’s body about Jack.  “We’re gonna find him.”
“He’s…..” (Y/n) trailed off before confessing her deep secret.  “He’s my best friend. I—I can’t lose him.”
“We won’t. We’ve got everyone looking for them. Now let’s go see about your hunch.” Sam and her walked to where Maggie was sitting in the library trying to process everything that had just happened. “Maggie?” Sam broke her silence as she slightly jumped and turned her attention to Sam who sat down beside her at the table that was once her deathbed.  “Hey, sorry. You okay?”
“I’m alive so…..yes.” she replied.
“Right. So listen, we know this is all weird right now but uhh…..before you died, do you remember anything about the person that killed you?”
“Does it really matter? I mean don’t you guys have a lot bigger Satan-y stuff to deal with right now?”
“Yes but it’s getting handled. For now, just answer Sam’s question.” (Y/n) said.  Maggie took a deep breath in before saying.
“I—never saw his face. But…..I saw his eyes.”
“His eyes?” asked Sam.  Maggie nodded.
“They were—unlike anything I had seen before. Those bleeding red, glowing eyes.” Once they heard that, both Sam and (Y/n) looked at each other in shock.
“I knew it!” (Y/n) muttered under her breath but at that moment, a sudden loud boom sounded off from outside.  It almost sounded like a firework or a bomb had went off close by, then the lights began flickering on and off.  The three of them went to rejoin Dean and the others as the front doors of the bunker began to jostle and bang loudly, like someone was trying to break in. “Ahhh shit.” (Y/n) said under her breath.
“Mom, Bobby, take Maggie out of here through the garage.” Sam said.
“We’ll buy you some time.” Dean said.
“What no!?” Mary said but Sam told her not to argue and soon Bobby had to drag her and Maggie out of the room to make their escape.  (Y/n) came and stood beside Cas who put an arm around her as the doors continue to jostle and the banging grew louder.  The two of them took out their blades as Sam and Dean readied their guns.
After what felt like an eternity, the door finally caved in and fell with a bang as a bright light shone through the bunker.  And soon walking in with his head held high was Michael.  Immediately Sam and Dean began to open fire at the archangel but being what Michael was, the bullets had absolutely no affect on him.  The archangel slowly levitated himself down to the floor from the catwalk entrance and Cas made the first attack with his angel blade.
But Michael easily overpowered Cas and had him flying over the table and across the room, knocking him unconscious.  (Y/n) took out her curved scythes and slashed at Michael.  He dodged each attack until he grabbed (Y/n)’s left wrist and disarmed her before breaking her arm.  She let out an agonizing scream before Michael palm-strike her straight at her chest, sending her flying and slamming into the wall.
“You really thought you could run from me?” sneered Michael.  Sam immediately went on the attack after (Y/n) had been injured but Michael easily overpowered him as well as Dean who more than anyone, put up a fight towards Michael.  But the archangel soon had Dean by the throat.
“How did you—” Dean started to say but Michael interrupted him.
“Get here? Easy. I made a deal. And now this world is mine, I can save it, purge it of sin.”
“Yeah cause that really worked out on your rock.”
“Well I’m not perfect. And yes I made mistakes, but hey second times the charm.” As (Y/n) cradled her broken arm she muttered under her breath in prayer.
“Jack. Jack I don’t know if you’ll even hear this prayer but—we need you. He’s here……Michael is here. Please, help us. He’s gonna kill us.” As Michael and Dean continued to talk back and forth of each other until Michael squeezed Dean’s throat even harder almost to the point where his bones could be heard snapping (but not enough to kill him).
As Dean was starting to slip away under Michael’s grip, the archangel was suddenly thrown back against a pillar by a familiar golden aura of power.  Dean let out a loud intake of air and coughed harshly.  Everyone looked up to see that Jack had come back.
“Jack.” Sam said as he was finally able to stand up.
“I heard your prayers.” Jack only turned to look at (Y/n) and when he had seen the woman he secretly loved hurt, rage slowly began to simmer within him.
“Yeah it’s me, yay. Uhh we done yet buddy?” Lucifer also said as he had appeared behind Jack.  He then tried to get Jack to leave now that Michael had been subdued, but it wasn’t enough for Jack.
First thing he did was walk up to (Y/n), knelt down beside her and healed her broken arm thanks to the teaching he learned from Cas.
“You okay?” he softly asked as he cupped her left cheek.
“For now.” Jack softly smiled but his soft side melted away as anger and rage now consumed him as he turned his attention to Michael.  His eyes glowed as he raised his hand up and slowly walked towards Michael and said angrily.
“You hurt my friends.” Michael let out a pained groan as he hunched forward, almost as if something were burning him from the inside out.  “You hurt my family!” Jack soon yelled as Michael screamed and felt his insides being crushed.  “You hurt (Y/N)!!” as he clenched his hand into a fist now, Michael’s vessel started to bleed from his eyes and his ears.
Everyone, including Lucifer stood there in shock at just how much power Jack held.
“LUCIFER WE HAD A DEAL!!” Michael exclaimed as he slid down to the ground in pain.
“Okay, game over. Hey buddy let’s….let’s split.” Lucifer said with a snap of his fingers wanting to lead Jack away.
“What does he mean?” Jack asked as he turned to his father.  Lucifer began stammering almost trying to play dumb but Dean soon said.
“They had a deal.” Jack then turned to Dean as he continued, “Lucifer gets you, and Michael gets everything else. He’s gonna nuke our world, Jack. Just like he did his.”
“Is this true?” Jack asked his father.
“No! It’s not.”
“Is that why you wanted us to leave? And why you knew (Y/n) wouldn’t come with?”
“Leave? (Y/n) what do you know about this?” Sam asked her.
“Lucifer told him they were going to see the stars. Then Jack said he’d only go with his dad if I got to go with them. But I refused because Lucifer would be the main tag along.”
“What you were just gonna leave the rest of us to burn?” Cas said as he was finally able to stand up after his fight with Michael.
“Okay, okay let’s slow down for a second. Are we forgetting who the real bad guy is?”
“Yeah trying telling that to Maggie dumbass.” (Y/n) snapped.
“What about Maggie?” Jack asked with a crack in his voice.
“You know you’ve done some dumb things Lucifer but even you must’ve known this would turn and bite you in the ass. Jack, Maggie saw the eyes of her killer. The glowing red eyes. Which angel amongst us has eyes like that?”
“Oh come on! Jack are you really gonna believe this girl!? (Y/n) is a hater she’d say anything to get you on their side!” Lucifer tried to point (Y/n) as the bad guy but Jack wouldn’t believe his father over her again, not after the brief pain it had caused him after they had left her behind.
“Tell me the truth!” Jack demanded as his eyes glowed and he held out his hand towards his own father.  Using his powers, he controlled Lucifer’s mind and made him verbally confess how and why he killed Maggie.  He also admitted to how much he enjoyed it.  When Jack released him, he shook his head before saying, “You’re not my father, you’re a monster.”
Lucifer’s impatience was boiling to a head until he finally let out his rage in a powerful scream as he revealed his glowing red eyes.  The scream of the devil shook the entire bunker and the Winchesters and (Y/n) had no choice but to cover their ears less their eardrums explode out of their ears.
“Okay…..I tried with you. I really, really tried with you.”
“Everything you told me was a lie.”
“Because I told you what you wanted to hear man! So what I killed the girl? Big deal! She’s just a human she doesn’t matter!”
“So am I!” Jack snapped.
“Yeah, and that’s your problem. You’re too much like your mother.”
“Jack.” Cas said as he, Sam and (Y/n) started to surround the two of them ready to attack, but Jack told them to stand back and that he’ll handle him.
“Oh yeah? Oh buddy, we could’ve been something you and me. We could’ve remade the universe. We could’ve been better Gods than dad. And I really wanted pal, I wanted that but now—if I can’t have it with you well….I don’t need you. I just need your power.” Suddenly Lucifer used an archangel blade and sliced a small cut on Jack’s throat and began absorbing his grace.
“NO!!!” Cas and (Y/n) cried out.  Once Lucifer had absorbed all of Jack’s grace, he healed the cut on his son’s neck and felt ultimate power surging through him.  Lucifer’s eyes briefly glowed the golden color of Jack’s powers and immediately (Y/n) leapt towards them and with a flash of light, the three of them were gone.
The next thing (Y/n) knew, she fell down to the floor and looked around to see that they had appeared at a small church.
“Really (Y/n)? Hitching a ride, you know you’re taking the term ‘clingy girlfriend’ to a whole new level.”
“Go to fucking hell!” she snarled through her teeth.
“Yeah, yeah been there done that.” Lucifer released his grip on his son and kicked (Y/n) square in the face sending her on her back to the floor.  She briefly rolled across the floor and as she tried to sit up, Lucifer kicked her hard in the ribs.  She let out a groan as she went for her scythe then just as Lucifer was about to stomp on her chest, she slashed his leg.
Being that the material was made of melted angel blades, it managed to cause him pain but not enough to kill him.  She backward rolled and twirled the scythe in her hand as she glared up at the devil.
“I’ll admit, you always were the more fearsome fighter out of the brothers.”
“Growing up alone on the streets of West Philly teaches you a thing or two.” She spat out some blood as she took out her other scythe.  She then charged at the devil, slashing at any chance she got but Lucifer was toying with her as he dodged every single attack that came her way.  After toying with her, he grabbed her wrist and twisted it forcing her to drop her left one first before punching her in the face repeatedly.
Every blow sounded off a broken bone on her face or nose until her mouth and nose were covered in blood.  He then took her by the throat and lifted her up.
“But you’re still human. And humans break easily. Shame though, you could’ve made at least a slightly decent daughter-in-law. But you know, I can always make more and there might be another one like you out there somewhere.” Lucifer then took her right scythe out of her hand and admired it.  “Been nice knowing you tigress.” Then he swung the scythe across her stomach.
Jack who had slowly regained consciousness after losing his grace, woke up to see the woman he loved being held by the throat and saw as his own father kill her with her own weapon.
“NOOOOO!!!” Jack cried out.  Lucifer turned and said.
“Oh good you’re awake.” He then dropped (Y/n) like a ragdoll and as she began to bleed profusely all across her stomach, her body already going into shock at the amount of blood that was already seeping out of her body.
“You—you killed her?”
“Like I said, she’s just a human. There’s dozens more out there like her, but if you’d like, I can let you join her. Classic Romeo and Juliet fashion.” But before Lucifer could do anything, a bright angelic light shone throughout the church and standing there was Dean with Sam close behind him.  The shadow of angel wings coming out from Dean who had accepted Michael as his vessel.
While Dean and Lucifer talked and fought each other, Sam quickly raced over to (Y/n) after seeing her on the ground in her own blood.
“(Y/n)? (Y/n)? Hey, just hang on, keep your eyes open for me okay sweetheart?” Jack came beside her and grabbed her hands.
“I’m sorry (Y/n). I’m so, so, so sorry. I should’ve believed you this is all my fault I-I’m so sorry.”
“Not…….your……f-fa…..” (Y/n) choked out but Sam interrupted her.
“Hey, hey shhh save your strength okay? Jack, take off your jacket and put it on her stomach okay? We have to keep pressure on her wound.”
“It’s—it’s too……” weakly (Y/n) stopped Jack who looked down at her with tears in his eyes.
“No. (Y/n) we’re going to save you. Please let me save you!!”
“You—already…..did.” soon a bright light and a cry of pain echoed throughout the church and as Dean fell to the ground, they watched as Lucifer’s light was extinguished and he lay there dead.
Lucifer was finally dead.
“Is he?” Sam started to ask, almost not believing it to be true.
“He’s dead.” Jack said.  The brothers and Jack couldn’t believe it, finally after all this time Lucifer was finally dead.  Not sealed in the cage, truly dead.
“Dean, you did it.” Sam said.
“No. No man we did it.”
“(Y/n). (Y/n) did you hear that he’s really….” Jack said as he looked down, but something wasn’t right.  Her eyes were still open but there was no life to them, the soft smile was still upon her face but she was as stiff as a board.  “(Y/n)? (Y/n)?” tears began to fill his eyes.  “No, no, no, no, no, no please no!”
“Dean!” Knowing he had Michael’s power, he thought for sure he could heal the wound but just before Dean could make a step, he lurched forward in pain groaning.  “DEAN!!”
“WE HAD A DEAL!!!” Dean cried out before he too went still for a moment.
“Dean?” Sam called his brother again.  Dean rose up but his posture and the look in his eyes were different.  Dean looked around before saying.
“Thanks for the suit.” And then he disappeared, leaving Sam and Jack alone with (Y/n)’s corpse.
“(Y/n)! (Y/n) please wake up! Don’t go please you can’t die!” Jack cried out.
“Jack…..” Sam trailed off.
“There’s hospitals. Human doctors can save her right!? Sam please call them!”
“It wouldn’t do any good. I’m sorry Jack, she’s gone.”
“No she can’t be gone!” Jack picked up (Y/n)’s body and wept into her neck, pleading and begging to anyone above to save her as he wept into her cold neck.
After sending a prayer to Cas about what had happened, Cas found them and brought them back to the bunker so that they could give (Y/n) a proper hunter’s funeral.  As she lay there on the table moments before she would be wrapped up, Jack stood over her utterly broken and lost.
The only thing he could do was lean down and kiss her cold blue lips.  Deep down he had hoped that true love’s kiss would awaken her, just like all those Disney movies and fairytales she had shown him could do.  But this was no fairytale, nor was there a happy ending for them.
“Jack,” Cas voice spoke gently to the grieving young man.  “It’s time.” Jack sniffled and he said.
“I’ll prepare her.” Cas nodded and left Jack to do all the prepping alone.  Once he was done, he carried the wrapped up body of the woman he loved in his arms towards her funeral pyre.  He set the body down on the wood and watched brokenly as the hunters doused her body in gasoline before Sam was the one to light the fuse and burn her body.
As they all watched (Y/n)’s clothed body burst into flames, Jack had no more tears left to spent, but his heart continued to ache him and he would soon be the only one to remain at her pyre even after all the other hunters went back to work to search for Michael.
*End of flashback*
“Jack?” he heard Sam’s voice say.  He felt as Sam came up and stood beside him.  “You okay?”
“As fine as I can be.” Jack said monotonously.
“Look Jack, I know it’s difficult without your grace. But Bobby said you’re really improving and soon you’ll—”
“It’s not that.” Sam looked perplexed for a moment but then realized what he meant.
“Oh.” Jack nodded softly and turned to look back up at the stars.  “Yeah, I miss her too.”
“It’s all my fault.”
“Jack, you can’t blame yourself for what happened. And (Y/n) would sure as hell wouldn’t want you thinking like that.”
“But I—”
“She wouldn’t have done what she did, if you weren’t worth saving. She’s had a rough life before we found her. Trust me.” Jack sniffled and wiped away his tears.
“It hurts so much Sam. My heart it—it’s like…..a werewolf had taken it, tore it apart slowly and then put it back in my chest with no way to fix it. Why? Why does it hurt so much?!” Jack gripped his chest as he lowered his head and sobbed.  Sam cautiously reached out and brought the young Nephilim to his chest, resting his head on top of his.
“I know what you mean Jack. Long ago when I thought I had finally gotten out of the hunter’s life, I found a girl I had fallen for. Jessica, oh she was a force of nature. And—I was gonna eventually ask her to marry me. Once I had finished law school and everything. But when I came back she—it tore me apart too. I went through the exact same heartache you’re going through now. It’s tough losing the woman you love.”
“I never—even got to tell her.” Jack whimpered.
“She knows. Believe me, women like her and Jess, they always know. And it’s also probably why she did what she did.”
“How do you do it Sam?” the two of them looked at each other as Jack whimpered brokenly as a few tears slipped down his face, “How do you continue to live when they’re gone?”
“One day at a time Jack. One day at a time.” Sam brought Jack’s head back over his heart and rocked the young man comfortingly as Sam let a few tears of his own slip out, also mourning for the loss of the young woman whom he called sister for so many years.
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