#who needs refs when you have autism
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arashixyarts · 1 month ago
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some stills from the thing ^_^
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voltaicsnail · 16 days ago
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My autism latched on Lysandre lately , totally against my will and so now you will have to deal with the consequences too.
The flare grunt is my OC Ramzi ! He still doesn't have proper ref for now but I'll do one after I finished Pokemon Y.
As for the universe where his relation with Lysandre happens , I base myself mostly on the universe of X , and now I need to think about if in this AU , Lysandre did manage to shoot himself and his Flare HQ on purpose or by accident or if Xerosic was behind that. It kind of annoys me that they didn't managed to write the character of Lysandre well enough because I have seen some theory that would have been very neat if they were to be canon.
I saw two person say that maybe the ultimate goal of Lysandre was indeed to only blow up his HQ and his team that is mostly full of the kind of people he hates : selfish and greedy people , but he had to act like THEY would be in danger if they didn't joined the team. And to be honest ? That would have been neat , like , a evil boss whose goal is too destroy his own team because it is fully against his values ? That would have been one of the best villain.
If I think about the canon events , I still wonder why he would recruit the exact kind of people he hates to keep them alive after wiping out the surface of Kalos and beyond : But I remember that he probably just needed even more money to found his scientist research and buy component and stuff , but he was...already wealthy ? So idk.
I just find it a bit disappointing that they made a villain that genuinely thought he was working for the greater good only for them to make his writing illogical.
I'll consider that in my AU , Lysandre stepped back away from his initial plans , and tried under the panic to make what he thought he created ( team flare) immortal at the very end without annihilating the rest of the planet but only managed to give himself and some persons ( including Ramzi) that stayed with him in the room at the moment he shot the weapon Xerneas's immortality.
Maybe he did blew up the HQ (accidentally ?) and they did remained for a long time under the rocks , before they managed to dig themselves out at some point ?
Who knows , I need to work on an AU to make it work without turning Lysandre into a saint and I think X works better than Y for that.
I haven't finished pokemon X yet since I started replaying it and I hold basically no memories from when I played it the first time it came out , despite remembering it was one of my favorite game at the time so that's why this ship and this AU is a WIP.
I may not remember the game in itself but I remember the feelings that came with it and that's good enough but I can't wait to finish it again , and then I'll read all the mangas about the X Y arc so I can collect more information , IN A NORMAL AND TYPICAL WAY (no ) , about Lysandre.
I actually hope that we might see him again or hear about him in the next Legend game so we can clear up a bit his motivations.
And , yeah , Ramzi totally tries to get Lysandre to go to therapy.
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Ramzi is about the same age as Lysandre , he is actually not cruel l , nor "kind" (I mean , he is dating Lysandre which is pretty much not kind )
He is pretty naive , impulsive and sometimes deemed as "dumb"
But that's just the 2D vision people have of him.
And yes , he dyed his hair in Team Flare fashion. (that's actually a fashion faux-pas)
I can't tell you much on him since I didn't worked on his reference sheet but soon enough I'll make it !!
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daandyli0n · 7 months ago
(warnings: implied child death/murder, slight blood, eye contact, possible eyestrain)
Some More Updated Refs For The Rewrite! This Time: The Emily Family!!
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@that-darn-clown @hello-there-world
more design details -
anxious and awkward man. why did he decide to open a business where he'd mostly be around loud sounds and people? because he genuinely loves his work, that's why-
trans :] transmasc specifically (yes, he and Anna are t4t)
Henry pre-murders: goofy and socially awkward man who's just trying his best. just let him vibe with his kids, jfc.
Henry post-murders: angry, sad, and depressed man. only found solace in his work, and it's why he kept building animatronics for the company; it's one of the few coping strategies he had after Charlie was murdered.
his whimsy is gone entirely by 2012 (Fnaf 3) 😔
he has stability issues (always had, but they got worse with age. when he was still working at Freddy's and Fredbear's he'd almost appear to trip on nothing, or would balance himself on stuff like tables or the wall. this is me projecting a bit), hence the cane.
and, of course: Autism <3
gives off "tomboy, but probably actually transmasc but hasn't fully realized yet" vibes to me, hence the alt. outfit.
(fun fact: my headcanon for Charlie is that she's actually transmasc and bigender, but she died before she could really. realize that)
really likes the star aesthetic. if it wasn't obvious.
hair buns are actually meant to resemble bear ears :] she's a Daddy's Girl <3
really likes the bright green and black/white stripe combination. that long-sleeved shirt she wears in both outfits is her favorite.
both of the twins inherited certain things from their father (like the autism): for example, the freckles, the small tooth gap, the general nose shape, body shape, you get the idea.
kinda pissed and stressed all of the time as a ghost.
realized i forgot the Security Bracelet in her ghost design...shit. pretend it's there, because it's supposed to be.
take a wild guess how she died by looking at her ghost.
like Cassidy, and unlike the other MCI ghosts, Charlie is transparent and not desaturated as a spirit.
doesn't wear her animatronic mask often because she doesn't really. see a need to. the others use it as a way of scaring people, and she doesn't really wanna scare anyone. if she's showing up to you, she either needs help, or she thinks she looks scary enough. she Does wear it on occasion, though.
someone give my girl a BREAK.
has kinda always had Resting Bitch Face...and anger issues, but surely that's not important-
i dunno, i like contrasting The Emily Twins in some ways. Charlie is green, Sammy is orange. Charlie is seen as more loud and outgoing (which, again, gets her confused for an extrovert), Sammy is viewed as being quieter and less approachable. Charlie is more rugged but well-liked (kinda), Sammy is more "proper" but has a smaller circle of friends, comfortably slipping into the background (he's never liked the spotlight that having a somewhat popular/well-known parent brings, anyway).
Sammy kinda got. Really Angry after Charlie was murdered. they were two halves of a whole, she was one of his closest friends, someone who really Knew the Real Sammy Emily. and...she's Gone. just like that. why wouldn't he be angry? it certainly doesn't help how her body was found; thrown amongst the garbage like she was nothing. like she was trash. Sammy practically lost his world that day, and yet people were surprised that he was angry.
Sammy stopped really taking care of himself health-wise as the years went on, as he tried to hunt down Charlie's killer (unknowing that her killer lived only a few blocks down, and was a man he and Charlie had considered family). mostly, Sammy lost an unhealthy amount of weight (shown by his clothes no longer fitting him) and hardly really slept unless Henry forced him (take one look at those eyebags and tell me that's a sign that this man has gotten any good sleep since like. 1982). don't worry, he'll gain the weight back. :]
Sammy Wants To Kill A Certain Hare Man. That's What The Fire Is For :) (Fnaf 3)
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drawnthejayys · 9 months ago
Meet my BLU Team OCs !!
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Info/Bios under cut!
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Dr. Warin Kölher
• Born in Mannheim, Germany
• Team Leader, some refer to him as "Mother Hen" because of his protective motherly attitude
• Lost his medical degree early because he kept experiencing near death situations around his workplace, they thought it was becoming too dangerous even though nobody else was affected 💀
• Survived hell and back more than once (literally) before becoming a mercenary
• Happy face pin on his hat expresses his emotions somehow?¿
• Not a demon or anything, trust me!!!!!
• Likes crows, wants one as a pet
• Says he has a rare skin condition (is lying)
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Jenny Thomas
• Sees Dr. Kölher as a parental figure
• Actually born in Canada, does not know
• Sent to Michigan (in a box) as a baby and grew up there
• Collector of many things (rocks, sticks, nuts n bolts)
• Can be very trigger happy especially on the battlefield
• Dr. Kölher gives her star stickers when he's good, he sticks them in his helmet (is tryin to collect 50 of them 🇺🇲)
• Owns chewelry because she has a biting problem but easily breaks through all of them in less than a week
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• nickname: mason jar
• If Mundy listened to midwest emo (/hj)
• Look, we don't know how they escaped New Zealand when its currently at the bottom of the ocean but we don't ask
• Laid-back but lazy at times, takes a lot of naps
• Smokes more weed than Spy smoking cigarettes /hj
• Dumpster diver
• Their Jarate skills kinda go crazy
• Games with Junior, they love first-person shooters
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Spy (alias: Rune)
• Get half filipino'd loser🇵🇭🇵🇭🇵🇭🇵🇭🇵🇭
• Backup strategist for when things go to shit but also the last resort for a lot of things unfortunately
• Anxiety ridden, visits the doc often
• Good at stabbing, not much with shooting
• Acknowledges Scout as his son but is a very awkward dad. He's trying at least
• A hopeless romantic and has been looking for a partner since the divorce(tm)
• Smokes but is trying to quit, often been seen with a toothpick instead of a cigarette
• Autistic just like me fr, stims with his butterfly knife
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• Tough cowboy, doesn't play around
• "Watch your piehole son or imma SLAP YOU SILLY."
• Probably the sanest in the team
• Grumpy-pants who needs a break
• Very "tough love" kind of father figure
• Homophobic homosexual (/j)
• Despite his name, he might not even be Texan
• Tolerates Dr. Kölher the most
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Dymitry (Mitya)
• Here to do his job, nothing more
• Intimidating just like the OG Heavy
• Fond of animals and small creatures
• Actually quite calm, its hard to piss him off
• He has a soft spot for Jenny and Meeka and buys them snacks on the weekends
• Jenny calls him Mitts!
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• Transmasc bastard
• He'll beat your ass (for fun!)
• Good friends with Sniper, they listen to music and play video games together!
• Knows Spy is his dad and is very nonchalant about it, much to Spy's dismay ("I am your fathe-" "Whatever, don't care, didn't ask")
• Has braces paid for by Spy but has to leave base monthly to go to an actual dentist because Dr. Kölher didn't wanna keep seeing him cry whenever he had to get his braces tightened
•Still has buck teeth :3
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• Your honour, they're just a little guy
• Hangs around Mitya to keep him company, theyre the best of friends!
• Goes on crazy killing sprees with Jenny during matches
• Ongoing beef/goof-off with the RED Team's Pyro
• Pinkie Pie energy!!
• Dallas is their (adoptive) dad!
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• Superstitious about a lot of things but keeps it to himself
• For some reason is always very warm which is why he's shirtless 90% of the time
• Has some amazing tits ngl
• Will wear a dress to the function and be the hottest one there
• His fav food is burber 🍔
• Loves hard rum and scotch (its important to me that all my demo ocs have a fav alcoholic beverage)
That's all of them! I hope you like them :3
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signed-sapphire · 1 year ago
The Fallen Star ✨
A Wish rewrite
Cielo design 💛
The boy is here! The most ever! The Fallen Star’s very own Starboy!
So I lied and don’t have the finalized designs for King Maggie or Queen Ams yet soooooo *throws confetti at you* take this Starboy reimagining in the meantime!
Eugh boy the name gave me trouble. I didn’t want to use Aster since that’s the name of a a couple popular Starboys already (@annymation/@gracebeth3604/ @mythartist21) and while the Greek name is cool, I wanted something a bit different.
SEE-EH-LO, for anyone wondering. He/they pronouns <3
I was heavily considering choosing Estrella and making Starboy a Stargirl, and then we’d have a gay romance. But this is supposed to be SOMEWHAT of a homage to early Disney. This may not be KoW, but… idk. Cielo is a gender neutral name. Literal manifestation of light. Go ahead and draw them as a female-presenting figure and it’s still TFS!canon~
Aaaaaaanyways. Here’s the actual rewrite!
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First of all! Cielo is NOT the Northern Star! He’s a baby star like… in the bottom right
However, the Northern Star? Evangeline? Yeah, she’s gonna be in my rewrite
But Cielo is NOT her
For now I’ll just say Evangeline is sort of a mentor-figure to Cielo and leave it at that
So not all stars are wishing stars, and similar to Kingdom of Wishes, a wishing star is born when first wished upon
Once a wishing star fulfills their first wish, they become Stars (capital S), and are free to help anyone that needs it
The more wishes a Star fulfills, the more powerful they become
Idk maybe it’s like a Rise of the Guardians thing, where the more people that believe, the stronger your magic is
Sparkles and hope and glitter and shit
Until, as explained in my rewrite… the Stars grew bored and started simply granting wishes
Then people grew lazy and started demanding wishes
And all this belief made the Stars go overpowered
Basically it became Wonderland, everything coming true, kingdoms burning and villages destroyed
Yeah. So Magnus god rid of them eventually
Though who would suspect that it would be the king’s own daughter that would bring back his greatest fear?
Yep, Asha brought Cielo down
Not purposely, but even if she had done it purposely, she wouldn’t have chosen Cielo
He’s a little baby, a dwarf star maybe
Only ever gotten one wish in his life…
Huh never seen that before *side eyes KoW*
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Personality traits
Very Anna-coded
Probably ADHD tbh (autism x adhd duo unite)
HE’S the quirky Disney princess
Although more Flynn than Raps
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Fuck around and find out
(And by fuck around I mean wait for my rewrite to come out bc I haven’t slept in two days and I’m too tired to articulate their story accurately)
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Due to popular demand, Cielo now has the Charlie Morningstar cheek thingies
Also @gracebethartacc got an ask about canon!Star being marketed with a star over their right eye so… vitiligo mark, anyone?
Yeah I don’t have many colored refs but basically Cielo’s star eye mark and cheek thingies turn into vitiligo marks when in their “human form”
Uh take this
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Ye sort of like this^
Heart shaped face! His part is also supposed to resemble a “V” shape to make the top of the heart
My sister said they looked like Viva and I’m crying but too late to take it back
I guess they’re both Spanish? Ajdjajhsjajajs
Thin slutty waist. Imagine Lucifer from Hazbin Hotel bc Jeremy Jordan is Yes.
Like I’m obsessed with that wet cat of a character I’m thinking about Cielo’s voice being Jeremy
Although his younger VA days as like Varian would better suit Cielo…
Design by @mythartist21 save for the Trolls hair and cheek thingies! Those were my additions
Uhhh pointy ears, poofy sleeves
Idk is the star eye mark AND the cheek thingies too busy? Lmk and I’ll try to post a colored ref of that helps
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lookwhatyoudidithasanxiety · 11 months ago
Solar Character Ref
He/him, pan; 5'7; regresses as old as 7 and as young as 3 (tends to stick to the younger age range now), goes nonverbal when especially upset
All flat teeth, no fangs.
Has a crack in his faceplate over his left eye from where his Moon hit him. His left eye is also damaged from his Moon forcibly removing it once, he had to put it back in himself.
Right eye is white with black pupil, left eye has black sclera and a gold pupil. He has difficulty seeing clearly through his damaged eye, so he sometimes has to turn his head to see things better.
Body is covered in various dings and dents. Some from the kids, some from Nexus...
No paws or claws.
Practices witchcraft, identifies as pagan. Secret weeb/k-pop stan.
Poppy called him bumble, bumblebee, and honeybee. Sun calls him bug when he's regressed.
The body he was put into is a basic solar model. It's orange, but everything about it was initially simple and basic. He gave himself upgrades that allow him to run off of a single charge for days at a time.
Has arthritis in his hands. Not only due to past physical trauma, but also from working nonstop on various projects. He wears his gloves to not only increase his grip strength and protect his hands, but to also mitigate some of the sensory overload he experiences.
Head of maintenance and had to run the daycare all by himself while in his own dimension.
I haven't explicitly said if he has autism (I left that up to interpretation since I don't want to misrepresent it), but he does have sensory processing disorder. He can't stand loud noises, bright lights, or just general over-stimulation (Yeah. Running the daycare was not great...)
"Ya weren't supposed to see that..." "He's...he's gone? Don't we have a backup? Or maybe we can restore his systems!" "No, come on. You don't have time to be sick right now. You're just tired. You're just tired." "Watch over these toys fer Papa, they're really special to 'im. An' I need someone big an' strong ta watch 'em and keep 'em safe. Can ya do that?"
Relationships with:
Sun: Solar still has days where he looks at Sun and sees his own Sun. In fact, when he crashes into regression (because this guy almost never willingly does), he still sees Sun as his Poppy. Not being able to see well out of one eye doesn't help things. But him and Sun get along well! He and Solar have mandated self-care days together, Harvest sometimes joins, and they all have tea together and unwind.
Moon: He and Moon get along really well. They spend a lot of time together engineering and working on tech. But every once in a while, Solar has to remind himself of where he is and who he's with. This isn't his Moon. He knows it.... When he regresses, he sometimes can't be anywhere near Moon. Other times, he wants 'Mama' (and who is Moon to deny him?).
Harvest: Like Harvest and Moon, Solar and Moon spend time together just sitting and watching the chaos. Harvest is trying to teach him how to knit, and he's slowly starting to pick it up.
Bloody: You would think that Solar wouldn't get along well with Bloody because of how high energy he is. On the contrary, Solar is drawn to it and you can find him tossing balls of yarn for him (much to Sun's chagrin, those are his 100% WOOL SKEINS-). Bloody is on the opposite end of the sensory spectrum; where Solar tends to be overstimulated, Bloody seeks out stimulation. But that means that Bloody has plenty of stim toys and things he can share with Solar. Bloody also likes to curl up on Solar's lap for head scratches.
Lunar: Solar tends to either be getting Lunar out of trouble or encouraging the chaos. Solar saw him when they first met and immediately adopted him. Yeah, no, he'll gladly take over watching Lunar every time he's regressed from now on, thanks. Solar is like an older brother to Lunar, and they regularly play Minecraft together.
Kill Code: Solar isn't really sure what to think of Kill Code. He's honestly still confused how he exists, but he doesn't question it too much. As long as he doesn't hurt his family friends, he'll just keep an eye on him...
Past Relationships:
Poppy: Poppy was immediately accepting of him when he first came to be. They worked out a system that allowed both of them to have control of the body at different times. They were also Solar's primary caregiver, especially when Nexus and Poppy had their disagreement. They did their very best to keep Solar from seeing Nexus's true colors and their frequent arguments, but they weren't able to. Poppy was the one to teach Solar witchcraft and herbalism, and Solar still strives to make them proud of him...
Nexus: Solar learned a lot of what he knows about mechanics and engineering from his Moon. He didn't realize his true colors for a long time because Poppy kept it hidden from him so well. Until that point, Midnight was his other caregiver and Solar even called him Mama.
Nexus is the one that caused the majority of Solar's damage. He sometimes didn't even state a reason for when he'd 'punish' him, he'd just grab him and hurt him. Solar prefers to do his own repairs, he doesn't trust anyone else to really do them.
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irbcallmefynn · 1 year ago
Pinned Post for 2024!
A new year calls for a new pinned! Hi! I'm Fynn (you can also call me Fynni if you want)!
https://pronouns.cc/@irbcallmefynn <My Pronouns Page Furry, artist, autism+adhd+ocd+chronic anxiety (undiagnosed) so bear with me. I'm 20, so I reserve the right to be a freak! Despite that, this blog should be safe. I do have an 18+ sideblog but I don't wanna tag it here. I will tag things to the best of my ability when needed. If I have tagged something wrong, or forgot to tag something, Please Let Me Know. Send an ask or a message or something.
DNI lists don't really work. If I don't wanna see you here I'm just gonna block you.
I'd be careful if you're a minor. I tend to tag things as "#suggestive" fairly well, so block that if you don't wanna see that stuff and you should be fine. Especially since I have a separate 18+ blog now. If I do slip up and either forget to tag something or accidentally reblog something to or from the wrong account please let me know so I can fix it!
I'm Sex Repulsed (I do experience sexual attraction, but actual sex grosses me out), Polyamorous and Demiromantic (taken x2: @ricochete29 & @0rionslay <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 )
I'm Therian to some degree. I know I'm not a wolf or mantis or anything. Never have been. But I really wish I was anything other than a human. So Therian it is! I'm also Plushie-kin and Program-kin. Just feel like there's a lot in common between plushies and what I want to be like, and the dependence betwern programs and the machines they're on is my ideal type of relationship. I'm also Alterhuman, Please refer to me as a wolf or dog or puppy or bug or plushie it makes me happy :3 you can find my kinlist thing here
I try and stay out of politics, but sometimes I've gotta say something. So keep that in mind. If a political topic stresses me out to see constantly, I will block the tags/content. I am the master of my online experience, so if I'm seemingly ignoring a major political topic, it's probably because I don't want to stress myself out with it constantly.
I have three main OCs: Fynn (not to be confused with me. I took his name :3) is a he/him half demon wolf thing who magicked his mouth off and is basically the mascot of the blog. Nauno is a he/they avali and is extremely gay and very kleptomaniac and I love them. Euphi is a she/heart protogen that happens to be immortal for some reason. Click on their names to see their reference sheets! Click here for a link to the lore doc all about them and the world of Cosme! And click here for my truesona's ref sheet(s)!
And now, some tags. "#fynn art" is for all of my art things. Pictures mainly, little bits of music here and there maybe. "#oc lore" is for when I talk about the lore of my ocs (or worldbuilding for them). "#bedposting" is something I do every night, just kinda whatever's on my mind before bed (may be very weird so heads up). "#art rb" is just for when I reblog art, if I keysmashed a whole bunch in another tag it means I really love it :3. "#transfur" is for any furry transformation stuff cause I like that in sfw ways here. "#reblog forcing" is a tag I will use if I decide to reblog something that other people are aggressively trying to make people reblog by saying things like "You have to reblog this" or "Reblog this every time you see it" (stop doing this shit please, a lot of people have anxiety about these sorts of things).
FAQ (frequently-ish asked questions):
Do you take Commissions? No, and I currently have no plans to. I don't want to make money off of my art. I create for the sake of creating, not for fame or fortune. Unfortunately, capitalism means I need to make money or I will Fucking Die. So maybe some day I'll open icon commissions or something. I don't have any means of giving or accepting money online anyways, so that's not a possibility.
What does the IRB stand for? My real initials. My legal first, middle, and last name. It's a force of habit. If/When I get my legal name changed I will change the blog name.
Thanks for taking the time to read my pinned! Assuming you actually read it and didn't just scroll to the bottom. Regardless, I hope you have a nice day!
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crystalverse-project · 5 months ago
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Crystalverse!Dan first reference
dear princess celestia i am so scared and frightened
(note: i don't have all that much confidence in my art but i do try my best. all i know is self taught and out of books)
far away in the dantdm multiverse...there is the crystalverse
character design: (i love the way dan's skin is made cause it can be basically anything you want)
i was thinking of the very early old art that was on the first t shirts and mugs and hoodies and stuff (i was too young to get them when i first started watching him and i wish i could get one of the shirts) and the youtooz figures where has has a hoodie jacket.
he wears a shirt and tie because he's a fancy boi ok. the shirt is short sleeve and the white cuffs are part of the jacket
because of some time distortion thing from being so distant in the multiverse (that's my story and i'm sticking to it) he's 22. if you ask him his birthday he can tell you the day and month without issue but the year just comes out in all this static noise...
he has autism and anxiety, and is ftm and bisexual. and he's dating his universe's trayaurus. there will be no burning of any more gay flags istfg
full name is daniel andrew everton. just to drive home that this isn't the youtuber himself if i haven't made it clear yet (is this something you have to clarify? or is it just a given? i feel like i'll get corrected if i do or don't help this project isn't new but posting about it is for me. i mean i know obviously minecraft's not fkin real but idk where people draw the line.)
personality: overall kind, understanding, caring to those he bonds with, INSANELY protective. (like if anyone or anything threatens trayaurus or grim that thing is dead. it's happened) since he moved to the lab he's found a talent for science and inventing that he had no idea he had and now he's studying to be a doctor the same as trayaurus. (all the youtuber characters are just normal people, not big celebrities. if he went down the street in plain clothes nobody would notice him. good for him cause he's shy)
what i'm thinking is all the people who would be youtubers in this world or a different dan universe are normal people and normal people are youtubers in their place
anyway he did have friends in the city he lived in before but he's very anxious around people he doesn't know. he's happier in the lab with just a small circle of people he knows.
he can also be very reckless, doing things without thinking or making up unneccessary solutions to problems that end up backfiring. he's especially reckless when he's riding his minecart (that further down) and he has a lot of cuts and bruises on his arms and legs, which he's awkward about because it might look like something else
some objects: main weapon is his enchanted diamond sword, has sharpness V and unbreaking III. he has trayaurus' name written on it because he thinks of defending him when he uses it.
he actually has a diamond minecart that he brings around with him and rides in and not just a trophy in the treasure room, this one is more like it was in mcsm and the tube heroes toy (anyone still have those?) as in an iron minecart decorated with diamonds. he keeps it in a key, he presses the button and it shoots out light and there it is. it was his first real invention/project he worked on himself, more of a minecart converted to a minature car. it goes zoom zoom and it doesn't need rails
for all the ways csv!dan is different to other universes' dan he still loves drinking tea. i'm pretty sure they all do. this is his special blue mug, trayaurus has a co-ordinating green one.
not on the ref sheet seperate cause he's already wearing them: his goggles, they go beyond an accessory or safety equipment, they're also his comfort object and if he isn't wearing them/doesn't know where they are he starts to panic and he can't work. he actually DOES wear them (over his eyes) when he's doing experiments or battling. trayaurus gave him them when they first became friends, and entirely by accident, they were in a box buried under machine parts and packing peanuts
his right elbow pad has a chip inside it that gets him through the doors of the lab, he and trayaurus got tired of the crappy buttons that don't open the doors properly so eventually they just replaced them.
i'll probably do another refsheet to go along with this but that's the gist for now
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puppetfives · 1 year ago
Toby with an autistic reader headcanons?? :00
I can try! Sorry if it sucks but this is my first request so please let me know if there's a specific way I should portray it for future ref!
Ticci Toby x autistic! reader
Reader: Gender neutral
Status: SFW
Pronouns: Toby, he/him/his Reader, you/yours since I wrote from 2nd person.
Side note: There are many different types of autism so please don't take this as every type of it portrayed! It's different for everyone so please be kind to those who experience it.
☆ ★ ✮ ★ ☆*ੈ✩‧₊˚༺☆༻*ੈ✩‧₊˚☆ ★ ✮ ★ ☆
☆ Having some issues himself, Toby tries his best to understand your autism.
☆ He does this by scanning his current victim's room to check for any kind of comfort or fidget that could work best for you.
☆ Of course, he'd never actually tell you where he got it from, but only because he doesn't want to overwhelm or overstimulate you.
☆ "Where did you get this from?"
☆ "That's not important." He'd say, clearing his throat before punching his chest two times as a way to tic.
☆ When you start to show signs of being overwhelmed or overstimulated, he immediately grabs a blanket or fan to help warm you up or cool you down.
☆ While doing so, he asks if you need a hug and if you say no then he just sits in front of you, telling you all the things he truly loves about you.
☆ If you do say you need a hug, he may cuddle you wherever you are (except a dangerous place) and whisper soft things in your ear about how great you are and why he loves you.
☆ He may also try to hold your hand or if you're at home, he may get you a favorite drink of yours to help a bit.
☆ When you're hyper, he'll ask what you want to do and you'll do it together. He may have to stop though for just a second to either tic or catch his breath because being with someone extremely hyper is hard.
☆ "C'mon Toby we gotta get to the FNAF 2 movie!"
☆ "Honeybun it's not even out yet!" He says, his head roughly jerking to the side as mutters a quick 'waaaffles!' underneath his breath.
☆ ★ ✮ ★ ☆*ੈ✩‧₊˚༺☆༻*ੈ✩‧₊˚☆ ★ ✮ ★ ☆
I hope this was okay! I've never written for Ticci Toby before so I hope I portrayed his tics decently. I also hope that I portrayed some type of autism okay but I know there are serval types so I tried my best. I hope you liked it! :D
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transfemlogan · 20 days ago
im ignoring the other ask in my inbox bcuz i have 2 hear any more dunbass excuses from dumbass people im gonna lose my mind .
i do not give a fuck about your fucking autism. i do not care that it is your fucking "safe food". same thing when your favourite youtuber is racist but you cant stop bcuz Its Your Special Interest :(((
I am fucking autistic, i have family who are autistic, my older brothers are autistic, you sound fucking stupid. you do not get to use your neurodivergency as an excuse to whatever the fuck you want. & i jnow thsts a reslly controversial take & youbguys are going to be so upset thst im saying this, but it really needs 2 be said. i dont care about your goddamn autism. you people cannot do anything can you? /ref
& the issue isnt being unable 2 boycott, it's the response. you people, when called out. love to make up excuses and never actually take responsibility for your actions. "but i have memory loss" "but im autistic & its my samefood" "well it's useless anyway, theres no good consumption under capitalism" whether or not these are Good Excuses isn't the issue, the issue is that none of you can Say the word SORRY or be a normal person.
I do not judge people who dont boycott 4 whatever Good Reason. hell, i still drink coke products bcuz my older brother keeps fucking buying it . but when i am asked about it my first response is to not brush it off & act as if it doesnt matter. i have had conversations with my friends about the boycott & what to do & other things to be doing, like.
i do not fucking care & never have
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the-crystal-femmes · 5 months ago
oooh :0 i saw the draculaura shirt lower on my dash but didnt check the user and was likw "huh i know who would like this,,," but knowing it was you guyz actually makes more sense lol- im glad pearl got to have a good time cleanin :0
we're okay!! we had a No Good Very Bad Day yesterday but today is way better and we dont have school for the rest of the week!!! also pokemon book is 10/10 im feeding the autism beast ehehehe
we're considering drawing pearl (w the ref you sent us a while back) as a warmup before we caught up on goretober or make silly emoji sprites of one of our kinsonas :3c
I loved pokemon books when I was younger, istfg they were always the shit
Hopefully the rest of the week will be good for y'all!
And if you do end up drawing pearlie feel free to send things if you need anything :>>
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jaredthebc · 2 years ago
I was holding off on posting this until I finished the ref sheet, but I’ve been putting it off for over 6 months and idk when I’ll actually finish it, but I’ve been holding in the autism for too long, so here’s my magnum opus of a Pokemon Black and White AU, which I dub “The King’s Knight” Or the Knight!AU
Here’s the ref sheet of this AU’s version of Hilbert!
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Based on this image I bet you can tell Hilbert is with Team Plasma in this AU, but its a little deeper than that
Basically as a TLDR, Ghetsis and the Sages had the thought that their king/pawn N would probably need protection in the outside world, as well as an equal pawn that they could mold into someone N could talk to in case he felt lonely (not cause they were nice or anything, just they thought it would be beneficial for N to get social interaction for when he goes to the outside world, but not someone who would question Plasma’s ideals)
Yknow how they did that? Kidnapping a child of course! In this AU, Hilbert and Hilda are twins, and when they were young (I wanna say 6 or 7) Hilda thought they were brave enough to go into the wild grass outside Nuvema Town. Hilbert had objections, but he followed anyway. Since the grass was tall and hard to see through, they got separated during play, and this gave Ghetsis the chance to swoop in, talk to Hilbert, and convince him that he should follow him to show him something, never to be seen again
Following this, he’s brainwashed over the course of several years to forget his past life, taught in the art of sword fighting, and introduced to N as a friend to bond with on occasion. Eventually, when N is declared King, Hilbert is also declared as Knight, making him The King’s Knight.
Hilda is the protagonist, with her journey layered with some grief considering she and Hilbert wanted to travel together when the time came. Imagine her surprise when she finds the Knight that follows the mysterious man N around is very familiar to her...
I’ve been plotting out this AU since July and AUGH I’ve never been so attached to an AU in my life. I have so many ideas that deconstruct the plot of Black and White and Pokemon as a whole, as well as major themes of cult trauma and recovery (cause this AU has a happy ending, don’t worry. Hilbert eventually recovers from all the trauma put upon him). Hopefully eventually I’ll find excuses to infodump more but yeah! Let me know what you guys think :]
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piepiepiemag · 1 year ago
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finally made a proper ref for my beloved & first genshin oc :> ive been working on this drawing on and off for a year so im very happy. (also had to rewrite her story once cuz archon quest)
i kinda wanna ramble about her!! i’m bad at explaining stuff so sorry if this is lame djnfnfnf;;;;
she’s an orphan who was taken in by the house of heart at a young age. the rigorous training she received there managed to kill out most of her emotions and it molded her into the perfect blank slate solider who only follows orders and never asks questions. by the time arleccino took over the orphanage she was far too gone to be rehabilitated into a somewhat normal life.
she joined the fatui under la signora’s troop and both her and the rest of the troop dislike her because of her cold and aloof nature. she rarely talks and always has a thousand yards stare so they mostly assume that she’s stuck up because she was able to train under a harbinger. her squadmates would often pull pranks on her like locking her out of the dormitories at night and giving her nicknames like “little puppet”. she wound spend many night in the library, memorising where everything is thanks to that.
AND THATS WHERE I STOP CUZ IM CRINGE AND YOU GUYS KNOW IT!!!! (i may or may not ship her with scara ehe)
ok anyways. she has near photographic memory, so she’s usually tasked with finding documents and filing reports. (also since she was a child assassin she remembers all those things way too well). she also has autism and even though her cold facade hides it, she often sneaks away to be alone and breaks down and cries when she’s overwhelmed.
later on she meets an eccentric artist from fontaine and her companion, a spice salesperson (ocs that still need a ref). they became a ragtag team of adventurers for a while and then an accident happens, they get attacked, mila’s delusion backfires and she gains a vision while trying to save her friends. i don’t have it all figured out yet ehe >_< anyways if you read this far you owe me a welkin
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valravn72 · 2 years ago
Finally going to make one of these because I have been pushing this back for too long, sorry about the shit formatting
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You can call me Crow or Val (/vɑl/). My pronouns are they/it and wire/wires/wired/wiredself as well as wyre/wyres/wyred/wyredself.
I’m a White nonreligious Jew tme nonbinary transwhatever and an autistic creechur with primarily obsessive compulsive disorder, hEDS, fibromyalgia, POTS, adhd, dpdr and an essential tremor. I am full of the problems but I have 100 swag. My neck hurts.
I’m also a digital artist and I’m into coding but I am self conscious so posts of my work might be rare/nonexistent.
Main interests and post subjects:
Crip theory
Vocaloid/V Synth/UTAU music (pafl, thab, tptm, Endless Empty Dream, etc.)
Kingdom Hearts (be patient I have this autism so ancient in me /ref)
YNFGs (shout out to ynoproject.net)
Ludonarratives and games in general
Magical girls
The Magnus Archives
Digital art
Web nostalgia, old new media, indie webdev stuff
Sonic / Sonic idw
Houseki No Kuni
Fucked up and loud music about trauma and shit
Rpgmaker Horror (OFF, Hello Charlotte, ynfgs, Oneshot, etc.)
Webcomics and zines
Free online educational resources etc.
DNI means you are not welcome here, screw off, and don’t be confused when you get blocked.
I don’t want to hear any whining about people wanting the internet to be a safe space and how [insert ableist word here] they are. I think it’s more embarrassing how upset you are over people setting boundaries.
Zionists, MAPs and proMAPs, transmeds, fakeclaimers, terfs, swerfs, transracials, institutionalization supporters, anti psych critical/anti anti psych, believe microlabels are biphobic (pan, queer, etc), biphobes, xenogenderphobic, colorist, ethnocentrist, xenophobic, Islamophobic, antisemetic, think disabled/neurodivergent/mad people should not have a shared community/culture (in other words, that our self expression outside of pathology is “romanticizing” an “illness” rather than existing as a demographic of humans independent of the medical system that oppresses us), ace/aro/aplatonic/phobic/exclusionary/infantilizing, support ethnostates, aba supporters, think hijabs are oppressive, believe in any sort of eugenics (curing disabled people, racist shit, anything that would happen in the movie Gattaca which you all definitely misinterpreted), use slurs you cannot reclaim, “narcissistic abuse” survivors and other cluster b bigots, saneist/psychophobic/madphobic assholes, meritocracy believers, transmisogynists and chasers, fatphobes/fat fetishists, I forgot proshippers lmao I’m stupid. Also guro blogs? That fetishize self harm? Why is this something I need to say why has this been an issue. ADDING TMRAS FUCK OFF PLEASE
Fandom DNIs (These are subject to expansion in the future):
Noncritical DNI
Def: You can interact as long as you understand that your media is problematic/harmful and you can reclaim it or at least don’t endorse it. If you’re an apologist or are in any way complicit in the harm caused by the content (monetary support, spread of its message, downplaying its victims) I don’t want to hear from you.
Danganronpa, dbh, bna, Homestuck, mcu, Supernatural, Omori, umineko lol probably more I just can’t think of stuff
South park, Hazbin Hotel, Helluva Boss, Hetalia, Countryhumans, Harry Potter, Axel and Roxas shippers (seems like a stupid thing to include but this has also come up multiple times! I hate it here!), dsmp, killing stalking, probably more I just haven’t thought of it yet
PLEASE INTERACT WITH ME :3 (silly non serious section)
Other queer and disabled people, Kingdom Hearts fans (who aren’t creeps), self diagnosed autistics, mad pride folks, anyone with a neocities site, zine contributors, vocal synth fans, people who make stimboards, fellow filehoarders, have a kitty that you are willing to send pictures of, Temnova simps (I think you’re funny), geology special interest havers, blinkie hoarders, people with acceptable opinions on cereal <- (certified milk first asshole), Teto lovers, Azumanga fans who post funny pictures of Osaka, genuine Ao Oni fans (I need to study you), 999 + SEQUELS FANS, people who post their daw stuff online you guys are so cooolllll
I am bad at being active and am working on tagging things well!! (and also actually. posting stuff.) If you need any tags pleaseeee ask it is no problem. I’ll probably make this intro cooler soon as well I am just soooo sleepy and I get frustrated with Tumblr lol
update: I am rarely active <3
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makerofmadness · 1 year ago
"People literally saw the persian girl and said "what the fzck why did we get her we wanted the imperialist" 😭😭"
(I hope you don't mind me quoting you)
But. Omg. 100% true.
Honestly I can care less about Smoked Cheese. Tbh, people just wanted another hot sounding Cookie to look at. We need more skrunkly cookies. Olive is a nice addition.
When I find out who her VA was, my jaw dropped. REPRESENTATION MATTERS!!
FOR REAL like I have no clue who Smoked Cheese's VA is but like. If they're not persian then like literally they almost certainly have more rep than us we literally get NOTHING outside of racist stereotypes like 300 (and stuff like that always just portrays us as "the enemy" we don't even get poorly written protagonists like everyone else 😭).. And genshin impact for some reason (I've never played that game but I've heard some of the character names thrown around and. Kaveh is unambiguously a Persian name. So. Like I guess that's something?????? Maybe?????????).
like and Olive legit shares some physical traits with me I think????? Like she has thick hair (and idk what the exact texture would be as an human but like definitely not straight [my hair is wavy and that's pretty common for Persians I think) and (literally) olive skin like. She's persian 100% and she's just a fun little lady AND SHE'S AN AUTISM and yet people still just call her boring and then start using her as the go-to character to blame for whatever character from the concepts they thought was neat not getting added. And especially for Smoked when he legit was just if Affogato was an imperialist.
"we need more autistic POC characters" you couldn't even handle Olive Cookie /ref
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hizznbyte · 19 days ago
Five cats for five Deutschmarks at Arby’s /ref
OKAY YEAH Answering OC Lore prompts Part SIX!!!
Ft. Trick Ambrose and Trip Sterling and whoever I feel like yapping about next come one dude you should know by now how these things work.
61. What’s their biggest fears?
Being abandoned
Not being able to change
62. Do they drink coffee?
Trick doesn’t need to and usually won’t but they might drink coffee when they’re desperate. Trip prefers hot chocolate or milk tea because she’s just my baby.
Extra character fact: Jasmine “Toffee” Holly, one of Trip’s closest friends, is a caffeine addict and drinks an unhealthy amount of coffee. Aeon Abbott is the same but only when he’s trying to stay up and pull an all-nighter to study.
63. What makes them smile?
Hearing a good joke, listening to music, or eating some really good food will make Trip smile and it’s oh so bright.
64. If your OC was an anime character, who would they be?
65. Do they get a happy ending in another universe?
66. How do they die?
Okay so these are kinda major spoilers so I’ll try nd be as vague as possible sorry 😭🙏
Trick, during the second-to-last arc of BM:TA is sent out to be basically a child soldier at war and it’s all going well until they face off with someone they are all too familiar with. Hesitation, self sacrifice, sappy last words, and everything falls into limbo [in this case, the physical area and psychological state between life and death]. It was really the shot of an arrow to the heart that really did them in.
Trip’s death is tbd right now lol
67. What’s their favorite meal?
Fast fooooood is Trick’s guilty pleasure. Trip enjoys some good pasta sometimes and curry other times.
68. What’s considered “toxic” to them?
Constantly being negative, putting others down, using people for selfish gain, being manipulative and always lying, looking for a scapegoat… that’s Trip’s checklist at least
I don’t think Trick would know themselves since they don’t have a set concept of morality
69. How do they act when they are drunk?
Trick can and will ask to fight god then stumble on their feet, smash their head into a wall, and fall asleep for a a few good days.
Trip doesn’t drink she’s a good girl.
70. Who or what is your OC living for? Why haven’t they given up?
To change the entire world for the better. They strive to fix things, put it back to the way it once was. They both live for those they care about, and won’t give up until they get what they want.
71. Do they know how to swim? Do they enjoy swimming?
Trick is scared of water. Deathly afraid of water.
Trip can swim but as with all cats, doesn’t enjoy it as it drags her down and is generally unpleasant.
72. [Paraphrasing this one cuz it’s weird] What eye color do they have? What color do they wish they had?
Trick has reddish brown eyes that almost look like black? They would’ve liked to be born with normal brown eyes or maybe green.
Trip has heterochromia! Her right eye is blue and her left eye is greenish yellow!!
73. Do they have any mental illnesses or disorders? How do they deal with it?
You get autism, and you get autism, and YOU get autism!
Jokes aside. Trick has depression, social anxiety, some form of paranoia that almost reads like schizophrenia, chronic insomnia, ADHD, memory loss [something something I’m just self projecting atp…]
Trip has autism, some sorta savior complex probably, emotion management issues [idk what it’s normally called I’m totally blanking], anxiety…
At this point I’ve tortured them enough for both to have some form of PTSD sorry dudes
What’s coping who’s coping
74. What do they dream about?
A loving family probably
Trip’s dreams are always really cryptic and slightly prophetic. That or it’s just a messed up retelling of past memories.
75. What’s something they found out when they were too young?
You can’t ever trust the adults
How to be a grownup, how to be able to provide for yourself
How to survive alone at the ripe age of four
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