#who knew sign language and it said it’s name was crab and they mentioned it twice. they should bring it back loved that guy
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the-alphonze · 11 months ago
I don’t think barely any one remembers but Crab is still on the ship. When I wasn’t a ship I’d give it small pieces of fish so it didn’t starve to death and sometimes it would sit under my hat
I love the cap’ns but they need to take better care of the animals they bring on the ship
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krreader · 5 years ago
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pairing: min yoongi x foreigner!reader fandom: bts warnings: soulmate!au (connected taste buds) ; language genre: crack word count: 1k+
summary: it is only when you see your soulmate or interact with them that your connection begins. you had lived your life in peace up until now.. now, you were a victim of min yoongi’s very spicy taste in food.
a/n: such a cool soulmate!au that I hadn’t heard of before. thank you for requesting it love, I hope you enjoy it!
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The thing with this whole soulmate stuff is that you don't actually feel a connection to your soulmate until the day you met them in one way or another.
Doesn't matter if that meant having talked to your soulmate or simply having seen your soulmate somewhere in passing.
And maybe that was a good thing, because tasting what your soulmate was eating wasn't always.. well.. nice.
A friend of yours, for example, hated seafood, but her soulmate, didn't.
He kept eating sushi, oysters, crabs and whatever else you could think of and every time she tasted it in her mouth, she threw up.
Poor girl had to go to the hospital because of it and it was only when she finally found him that this whole thing stopped.
In your case, you hadn't met your soulmate yet, so you had enjoyed life thoroughly, eating whatever the hell you wanted to eat and not giving a damn about your soulmate.
But that would change today.
“You keep staring at your phone.. do you have a boyfriend?” you wiggled your eyebrows at a friend that you hadn't seen in years due to her having moved away after school. You had kept in touch, but your relationship wasn't as close as it once was, so you didn't know much about her private life anymore.
“God, I wish,” she snorted, “You've never heard about BTS, right?”
“Behind.. the scenes?”
“So tragic,” she shook her head a little and turned her phone around, showing you a picture of a guy you've never seen before, “This one is Suga. He's the rapper of the K-POP band BTS. He just posted the picture.”
“K-POP, huh?” you smiled, “Didn't know you got into that.”
“Everyone around me loves it. It was bound to happen at some point.”
And you see, that was that.
You didn't talk about it anymore, she didn't mention it anymore, the topic completely switched..
..but it was already too late.
And you only realized that when you were back home already.
“Hey (Y/N), have you seen..-” your roommate started, but then immediately furrowed her eyebrows when she saw you holding your hand in front of your mouth, “Hey.. you okay there?”
“My mouth.. I don't know, it feels like it's on fire!”
“Did you eat anything spicy?”
“No, I ate pizza. Nothing fancy! Fuck..-” you sprinted into the kitchen and grabbed the entire box of milk, downing it nearly in one go. But whatever was happening to you right now, it just wouldn't stop, if anything, it only got worse.
Your friend immediately searched through Google in hopes of finding what the hell it was that was happening to you.
But she completely disregarded the most obvious thing.
The thing that she only realized when you were lying on the cold kitchen floor, flailing your arms and legs around because nothing helped.
“Baby girl..-” she laughed, “Is it possible that you met your soulmate today and that he's really into spicy food?”
“I don't think I saw anyone special today,” you sat up straight, breathing in and out through your mouth in hopes of it getting better, “I slept in, then went for dinner with an old friend and then went straight here. I didn't even look at any men today..-”
But when your eyes widened, your friend cocked her head to the side with a grin, “You sure there?”
“Fuck, fuck, fuck.. your phone.. type in.. uhm.. behind..- no wait, BTS. Type in BTS and sugar.”
“Weird, but okay..,” she did what you asked, “Let's see. Oh.. it's a band? But his name is Suga without an r. South Korean rapper.. he's kind of hot actually.”
But then you were up on your feet in an instant, ripping the phone out of her hand and furrowing your eyebrows.
“That's him. That's the guy!”
“You saw him today? You saw a celebrity today and didn’t tell me?!”
“Well, not physically, but my friend showed him to me.. she was looking at a picture and..- hold on.. VLIVE. He's live right now?!”
“Give me that,” she quickly downloaded the app and signed in via her twitter account only for the live of Yoongi to show up a moment later.
Doing what?
“This piece of shit. Do you see this? This is so red, no wonder my mouth is on fire!”
“He's your soulmate? A famous rapper is your soulmate?”
Yoongi was obviously talking in Korean and you had no idea what the hell he was saying, but the comments that people left were often in English too. So you just started typing the same thing over and over again in hopes of him seeing it eventually.
And you'd think with the amount of comments that he was getting on this VLIVE he wouldn't notice.
But he did.
He started smirking, then leaned back and pushed away the food, saying: “Seems like somebody isn't enjoying my food very much,” again, obviously in Korean so you didn't understand. 
However, he stopped, so you let out a relieved sigh, knowing that he's seen it and would hopefully now be a little more considerate.
“Do you know if the soulmate connection goes both ways if one has seen the other? Or if the soulmate only sees a comment online? Because, if so..-” your friend grabbed some garlic and held it out to you with a smirk, “Payback is always sweet.. or.. garlicy, in that case.”
“Let’s put your theory to the test.”
And so with the help of your friend who quickly conjured up something nice to eat for you with a LOT of garlic in it, you ate the whole thing, while watching Yoongi's live.
And even though he must have talked about something else, he suddenly stopped, his eyebrows furrowing as his tongue brushed over his teeth.
“Oh my god, I think it's working! Keep eating!” your friend laughed loudly.
Another person entered the room, must have been another one from the band and the two of them talked, but then one leaned down and scrunched up his nose in disgust.
And even though you couldn't understand it, Namjoon said: “Hyung, what the hell did you eat? You smell like you've eaten raw garlic!”
Yoongi stared at him for a moment, then he looked back to his phone and directly into the camera, before letting out a snort.
And then, in English, he said: “It's on, sweetheart.”
And you knew he meant you.
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yellowocaballero · 5 years ago
Cod(a) Monkey
Forgot to post this earlier. Epilogue to my Half-life story Code Monkey , which is a 90s stoner comedy flick except Black Mesa. Probably understandable without it, though. Not canon to that story, but consider it a sort of alt ending. 
Written because my friend was upset that Barney and Gordon never got that beer, so it’s dedicated to @magickkart. The Half Life 2 story is still in the works! It’ll be a bit long. 
Rest under the cut. 
“I don’t feel pain,” Gordon said. “So no. But I went to a concert, and it was very heavy on bass and drums. Good vibrations. Kind of like a gun’s vibrations, but more purposeful.”
“The symphony of violence,” Barney said with a straight face, using the sign for ‘abuse’ and passing the finger past the fist very empathetically, several times, as he always did whenever he felt the need to describe the way Gordon killed things. “Is the mosh pit where you learned the Rambo thing?”
“Sure, Barney. Sure it is.”
“Because I really don’t think you were born a superpowered killing machine -”
“There’s no superpowers involved. I really don’t know how else to explain it to you.”
“You cannot just be a genetic assassin -”
“Guns aren’t hard, Barney. You just press A.”
“What does that mean -”
“What I don’t understand,” Barney said that night, over clammy mugs of beer and sticky wooden tables, “is what Black Mesa was going to do with the world once they took it over. I mean, they were already a shadowy government agency in the most powerful government in the world with unlimited funding that basically did whatever they wanted. What were they going to do, increase our salaries?”
If it wasn’t for the fact that Barney had learned a lot of esoteric vocabulary just to be able to talk to Gordon for hours about his alien and Illuminati conspiracy theories, Gordon reflected, then they really would have been in trouble at Black Mesa. 
“That would have been nice,” Gordon said contemplatively, gently sipping at his beer. He was far from a lightweight, but he had to be careful not to overdrink when he went out with Barney. Guy could drink the entire bar under the table and barely even get dizzy. It was almost unnerving, and raised the question of if anybody who was an ex-employee at Black Mesa was a normal human being, but some Pandora’s Boxes should just stay shut. “I liked my salary.”
“Yeah.” Barney sadly chugged more beer. “I’m not going to miss that job, but I feel like I’m going to miss having a job, you know?”
Mittens licked one of the onion rings sitting in a basket on the table. Gordon stroked Mittens on her head as she pressed up against his hand affectionately. 
This wasn’t their usual bar. Their usual bar was on Black Mesa property, and Black Mesa was currently having a bad case of the crabs right now. When Gordon casually mentioned that to Barney his shoulders started shaking from laughter, but he refused to explain what was funny. So far, Gordon already missed their old bar. It was well-lit, making it easy to talk, completely sterile and anti-bacterial, and had hazardous waste bins. And everyone always knew your name. 
But it wasn’t too bad, for a random bar. They let Gordon and Barney sit on the patio with Mittens in a secluded corner, and it was well enough lit that they could still talk. Random people kept on staring at them, sometimes for an uncomfortable amount of time, and while Gordon was fairly used to it Barney wasn’t. Barney had hesitantly asked if it was because the white lab coat Gordon still wore was dyed half-red with blood, but as that was the natural state of a theoretical physicist’s labcoat Gordon really didn’t see the issue. 
“What other job can I even get?” Barney griped. “My degree isn't good for anything. I was just a rent-a-cop for the last three years. I’m homeless, at least for right now, since my dorm is infested with murderous aliens. I can’t even go back there to get my stuff until the military kills off all the aliens. This sucks.”
“It’s a common Gen X problem,” Gordon said, with a straight face as he scratched Mittens’ ruff. Her purr vibrated happily under his hand. “Divorce, MTV, and reduced adult supervision made us incomplete adults.”
“I miss MTV,” Barney said. “Man, that was just like, high school. The memories, man. We’ll never get the 80s back.”
“I was never really into MTV.”
“Really? You never watched it? Not even for the babes?”
“I never really understood the appeal of babes,” Gordon said, with a straight face. 
“Yeah, I forgot, sorry.” They sat there for a little bit, not talking, as Barney both chugged his beer and seemed to be thinking really hard about something. Finally, he said, “Cute dudes on MTV too. Like, uh...Prince.”
“Michael Jackson, you know.”
“Yeah, I know Michael Jackson.” Gordon gently freed an onion ring from the cold embrace of Mittens. “College roommate at MIT showed me Nirvana, actually. I liked it.”
“Really? I can see that. Very inner pain.” Barney squinted at Gordon. “Do you have inner pain?”
“I don’t feel pain,” Gordon said. “So no. But I went to a concert, and it was very heavy on bass and drums. Good vibrations. Kind of like a gun’s vibrations, but more purposeful.”
“The symphony of violence,” Barney said with a straight face, using the sign for ‘abuse’ and passing the finger past the fist very empathetically, several times, as he always did whenever he felt the need to describe the way Gordon killed things. “Is the mosh pit where you learned the Rambo thing?”
“Sure, Barney. Sure it is.”
“Because I really don’t think you were born a superpowered killing machine -”
“There’s no superpowers involved. I really don’t know how else to explain it to you.”
“You cannot just be a genetic assassin -”
“Guns aren’t hard, Barney. You just press A.”
“What does that mean -”
It was at that moment that a waitress, looking somewhat startled by Barney’s incredibly expressive and sweeping signing, approached them and asked Barney something. They chatted for a bit - judging by Barney’s smile and the woman’s easy grin, he was flirting with her again, like he did with every waitress. 
“She wants to know if you want a refill,” Barney reported. 
Barney tilted his fist, pushing the mug that he hadn’t realized was empty to the waitress and giving her his best polite smile, which made her flinch in fear and take the cup, disappearing quickly. Was it the lab coat, or was Gordon really just that bad at looking polite?
“But you’re changing the subject,” Barney said, when she ran off, seemingly uncaring that Gordon had torpedoed his flirting attempts. “Why would Black Mesa make a deal with the alien armies to take over the world? And what musicians did you have a crush on as a kid?”
“That question is so esoteric and obscure that the answer is almost unfathomable.”
“Stop using complicated signs, asshole, this is my fourth language.” After a second of translation, Barney followed that up with, “Okay, which question was that in response to?”
“Now you’re just being an asshole,” Barney accused, and Gordon surprised himself by barking a laugh. 
“Maybe I am an asshole,” Gordon teased, unfamiliar with the concept but willing to give it a shot, “but I’m your asshole.”
For some reason, that made Barney flush very red, and finish his beer very quickly before moving Mittens aside to stuff some onion rings in his mouth. Finally, after Barney seemed to collect himself, he weakly offered, “Never thought I’d see Gordon Freeman admit that we were friends.”
“Some things you can’t experience together without admitting that you’re friends, and defeating an alien hoard is one of them,” Gordon joked. Wow. Two jokes in one day. Might as well put on the face paint and the red nose, he was becoming a comedian. Maybe all of the crowbars to the skull had cracked him. 
But Barney just squinted at him. “Are you quoting something?”
“That kid’s book that everyone’s talking about?”
“What?” Barney snapped his fingers in thought, before lighting up. “Oh, Harry Potter! I keep meaning to check that out. My little sister keeps talking about it.”
“They’re pretty good.” Gordon read it in case someone asked him what bonding activities he did with his fake son. “I’ll lend you my copy.”
“When your dorm’s no longer full of aliens.”
“Yeah. When my dorm isn’t full of aliens.”
“But that’ll be soon,” Barney said, smiling hesitantly and hopefully and fearfully, “right?”
“You know, Barney,” Gordon said, picking up Mittens and putting her in his lap as she purred gratefully, “I really think all of this will just blow over. And everything’ll go back to normal.”
“That’s good to know.”
And it was. 
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featherypromises · 6 years ago
You Jimin-ed Today!
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*This is a request fulfillment for @snifflyjoonie . Thank you for always caring and for yelling about BTS with me! I hope there are enough crumbs for your liking!*
The sun was hot that morning on Jeju Island, despite the calendar's insistence that it was nearly October. In short, a beautiful day so close to the ocean shouldn't be wasted by staying indoors. At least that was how the leader of BTS saw it.
Kim Namjoon was on the patio of the cottage that BigHit had rented for the members for the rest of the week at Hado beach. The only thing they were scheduled to do was film a single BTS:Run episode later that day. But that was later. Feeling the sun on his face, Namjoon stretched his arms wide, enjoying the prospect of exploring and enjoying some real downtime. The members had taken a late night flight to Jeju Island last night and most of the others were just waking up now or were still sleeping.
Namjoon was always up early. He wished sometimes that he didn’t need sleep; there were so many more interesting things to do with those hours of your day: Learning a new language, reading a new book, or exploring places he had never been. Compared to those things, sleeping for 25% of the day seemed downright wasteful!
Namjoon finished his protein bar, pulled his hood up over his head and began jogging down the steps towards the road that led down to Hado beach. The unpaved road was quiet and peaceful. Hado beach wasn’t very well known to tourists, so it was never very crowded, which meant that the members could enjoy the area without having to go security personnel or management. And just being able to go jogging outside, instead of on a treadmill in a dull prison-like gym was one more bonus that he could take advantage of while they were there.
About 2km down hill the winding secluded road finally led the rapper into open air as the trees lining the the small road disappeared. The beach was small and immaculately clean, not to mention deserted. He looked around at the hills that sloped upwards leading away from the beach. The hill behind him had a familiar looking sign. He thought for a moment, that was the same sign the had seen when they had turned onto the road to the cottage. It looked so different in daylight he almost hadn’t recognized it. He felt a little foolish, if he had come straight down that hill instead of the winding path he would have gotten down here so much faster. He could always take that short cut back afterwards.
Namjoon inhaled deeply, taking the wholesome smelling ocean air into his lungs. It made him feel amazing! The rapper loved oceans and beaches: Each new one was different from the previous one. Their shapes, colors, and creatures all unique to that specific part of the world. Better still, each had its own completely alien world beneath its waves. 
Namjoon loved one other thing about beaches. Grinning like a child in a toy store, he quickly kicked his way out of his sneakers and rolled up his hoodie’s sleeves to his elbows. He trotted down to the water’s edge, looking intently for something possibly hiding just out of sight. His quarries could not be so easily discovered, but the leader of BTS was nothing if not determined. He also refined his hunting techniques every chance he got. He searched under rocks, in beds of seagrass and under several shells with no luck. Then, at the edge of the beach, he found a few tidal pools. 
The sun, which had gotten much higher in the sky during his fruitless search, now showed him a ripple as something very fast scuttled over the edge of one pool and landed in the water with a soft <Plup!> sound. The small creature knew when to abandon the land for the security of the water. 
Intently focused, Namjoon got on his hands and knees, peering into the tide pool. Okay, he saw: a rock… then a bit to the left, a shell… seaweed… 
“Gotcha!” the rapper’s hand plunged into the water up to his forearm with a <Ploop!> and came back up with his prize: a small pink crab the size of his thumbnail.
He walked away from the rocks, so he wouldn’t trip while examining his new friend. Suddenly the tiny crustacean kamikazed off of his fingertips and raced sideways down the beach towards the water. Namjoon stumbled after it, trying to recover the crab with a gentle hand. The determined little creature, with one final burst of speed, beat Namjoon’s outstretched hand to the water by scant centimeters.
“Shoot!” the man frowned, “I wanted to take a selca with it." 
Rejected by one crab-friend, the rapper turned to go back and catch another.
“NAMJOOOOON-HYUUUUNG!” A high, clear voice broke his focus by calling his name. The leader turned towards the sound. A slender figure with light brown hair  in a black hoodie was waving his arms trying to get Namjon’s attention as he ran toward him down the path. Surprised and confused, Namjoon sighed. The crabs would have a temporary reprieve until he could fix whatever issue Jimin had. It had to be important, because the young vocalist had come all this way and he seemed to be in a hurry.
“What’s wrong, Jiminie? Did something happen?” The perpetual leader immediately thought of several possible disasters that could have occured. Jimin finally reached him, breathing hard from his run.
“Why… didn’t you… tell...us… where you… were going…?!?” The vocalist panted, “I’ve… been looking… everywhere!” The vocalist glared up at him. The intimidation of that look was lessened by the fact that the smaller man had propped himself upright using his hands on his thighs as he caught his breath and was, therefore, glaring at the leader sideways. Namjoon smiled at the younger man's comic appearance before scratching his head in confusion,
"I went for a jog, I didn't think anyone would mind…"
Jimin groaned in frustration, 
"Hyung, it's 11:15! We are supposed to meet the crew to start filming the RUN episode in 15 minutes. I've been looking for you for an hour. And now since you were all the way down here…" Jimin swung his arm wide, gesturing from the road he had run down to where Namjoon stood wearily, "We are going to be late! And everyone will be mad at us for taking so long."
Completely stunned, Namjoon echoed,
"11:15?!? No way!" Namjoon's looked down instantly to check his watch, but realized he hadn't put it on this morning.
Jimin had neither the time nor the patience to debate the matter, he grabbed his hyung's wrist and began to pull him towards the serpentine path they had come down originally. Namjoon jammed his feet into his sneakers again (sand and all) and tugged back towards the opposite direction, pointing at the hill's summit. That way is quicker! He started to jog towards it but stopped as a logical question occurred to him,
"Why didn't you just call my phone?" 
Jimin gave him a look of incredulous amazement and rolled his eyes dramatically at the older man. The vocalist reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out Namjoon's cellphone and waved it at his hyung. 
"Oh,..." said Namjoon helpfully, taking the phone from the younger man. 
Filled to his maximum capacity for questions, Jimin added,
"And before you ask, we couldn't bring the van down here because the road was too narrow. Now, come on, already!" He began to head back towards the road. 
“No, Jimin! Seriously, look! That hill takes us right onto the same road that the cottage is on. We’ll get back on time if we take the shortcut over the hill."
The hill was fairly steep, but not impossible, most of the height seemed to be an illusion, as the hill was greatly overgrown with tall green plants. Jimin sighed,
“Fine! Let’s just go! We have to hurry or the managers will blame me again. They love to use that stupid way to tell me I’m late, that you invented. You just had to be clever... If they turn my name into an actual dictionary term someday, I will sue you for copyright infringement and kick your penniless butt!"
Namjoon laughed, "Jimin" had become a popular way to refer to a late person or being late themselves amongst the managers who had all enjoyed the frequently tardy member’s annoyance with the term.
They reached the base of the hill and realized that the plants were much taller than they had initially appeared from so far away. Most of them were as tall as Jimin’s chest, but some of them seemed to be an inch or two over Namjoon’s head. They were an earthy shade of green with the tiniest cream blooms sprouting in clusters along the underside of the stems half hidden by the wide pointed leaves. The smell of the plants was familiar, but Namjoon couldn’t remember the plant’s name or why he knew the scent.
“Wow!” The rapper said in astonishment, “they could almost be trees!” 
Jimin plunged into the microforest of plants first and Namjoon followed him, trying not to get hit by the recoil of the plants that Jimin shoved aside carelessly as he hurried upwards.
About halfway up the hill, Jimin began to rub his nose with his sleeve and had started sniffling every few moments. Namjoon was also starting to feel his eyes itch and felt a pinch-like sensation in his sinuses. Soon his eyes were watering like they never had before and he had to focus to see the yellow-green marks on Jimin’s black hoodie.
Wait, wasn’t that hoodie supposed to be all black? The marks almost look as if they had been spray painted onto it or… Uh-Oh!
As Namjoon’s brain fully comprehended what was happening and the exact predicament that they were currently in, Jimin shuddered and pitched forward, sneezing harshly,
“Iiiphhsssh! Issh! Tssschoo!” he sniffled, his small nose irritated and pink. Namjoon called up to him, his nose burning,
“Jiminie! I-it’s th-th...H’Ktchnh! H’Tsschuh! Its the plants! I think… Heh-Heh’Ickshuh! Hehtsschuh! Esssshuh! I think it’s Ragweed!
Jimin halted, wiping his streaming nose,
“I’ve dnever seen idt buh… before- Isshoo! Issh! Let’s get out of thi-iiih… Hsssh-Phssshu! this mess!” The vocalist began to run, but the exertion only made him breathe harder, inhaling more of the fine pollen.
Namjoon quickened his pace as well, his eyes burning with allergic tears and his nose running. He swiped at both with his hoodie sleeve only to get smacked in the face by a plant that had rebounded after Jimin had pushed it aside. His breath hitched desperately before he stumbled forward with a fit of sneezes that almost carried him into Jimin.
“Hehh-Heh-Iihh-Hek’Tshuuh! Hetssch! Ectsshuu! Essshh! Heh-Heh-Tchuh!”
Jimin was struggling up the hill, still sneezing in mini-fits of two and three sneezes at a time, but they doubled him over almost every time, 
“Isssh! Ptttssch! Iiiphhissh!”
The two men were almost to the top, breathless and exhausted. They were almost out of the thicket of Ragweed.
“Jimidn! I… Heh’ktshuh! I cadn see the road! HehShhuh! Esssh! T’sshuuh!”
Jimin reached the crest of the hill first and stumbled tiredly to the curb on the side on the roadway and sneezed again, his eyes tearing and his nose running constantly. The smaller man held his sleeve over his face and tried to catch his breath. Namjoon pulled it away, his breath still hitching erratically,
“D-don’t… I-it’s… H’TSSHUH! Essshuh! … The polledn! HEK’TSSHUH!! HAAH-KSSHUH!”
Jimin just stared at him blearily, barely comprehending his leader in his allergic daze. Namjoon wrapped an arm around the shorter man’s shoulders and steered him down the road to the cottage. They half-stumbled, half-fell into the building when Namjoon caught his foot on the doorframe. They bumped to a table upsetting a metal dish which clanged and spun like a dervish on the floor, still ringing. That was loud enough that it drew Hoseok in from the living room. 
"There you are! The crew is waiting! What were you…” Hobi’s eyes widened with shock as he saw the younger mens’ condition, “Oh my Gawd! What happened?!? YOONGI!!!” He called for the older man as he took the still sneezing Jimin to the kitchen sink and began to wet some paper towels with water. Taking his time to be gentle, the older dancer wiped the suffering vocalist’s eyes and face.
Min Yoongi entered, complaining bitterly at having to come all the way into the kitchen. His mouth closed with a snap as he watched the scene in front of him. Namjoon was half way out of a chair, sneezing harshly into cupped hands. Yoongi cursed and pulled the younger rapper to his feet, guided him into the bathroom, and helped hiim to sit on the closed toilet seat. 
The oldest member of the rapline wet a washcloth with cold water and tenderly washed his face, especially around his smarting eyes and nose.
“What happened, Joon-ah?”
Namjoon related the misadventure to his hyung (along with a few extra sneees) and hung his head.
“We were in such a rush, I didn’t think. I’m sorry for all the trouble.”
Yoongi ruffled the younger man’s hair affectionately,
“Mistakes happen, Joon. Next time you��ll remember your phone and your watch…” The rapper paused then added, “Of course, then you will probably forget your pants that day, but…”
Namjoon sniffled and made a face at the oler man.
“Thanks Hyung…” he said sarcastically.
When the two allergy-stricken members could see, the older two took them to get out of their allergen coated outfits and brought them downstairs again. Jimin looked at the clock and whined pathetically. 12:00pm. They were late anyway.
Hoseok bowed apologetically to the film crew and said,
“Sorry to have kept you waiting, there was a situation.” 
The camera crew looked at Hobi skeptically until Yoongi added, “These two tried really hard not to Jimin today…but they had a hard time getting home, please go easy on them and they promise not to Jimin so much in the future.” 
The whole crew roared with laughter as Jimin pretended to strangle Namjoon. With the mood of the room considerably better, the members took their places and the crew finished the last sound checks before filming the next BTS: Run.
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tumblunni · 6 years ago
My ideas if Wales gets referenced in this new britain region which is probably unlikely but we can hope:
* Another sheep pokemon/a mareep regional variant/just mareep being common over here
* llamhigyn y dwr regional variant of gligar! As a kid i always thought gligar was meant to be one of those! Its a mytholigical flying frog with a scorpion tail, and really the only reason i dont think gligar is based on it is because its ground instead of water type. Like its really specifically similar right down to the wings being webs under the arms!
* Welsh Lady pokemon! (The traditional costume kids wear at eisteddfods)
* Maybe instead some sort of legendary based on eisteddfods in general? Theyre a poetry/art festival where the winner gets "the chairing of the bard" aka just imagine ur average school contest except if ur in wales u literally get knighted with a fake sword, crown and The School's Personal Throne. Its very weird in retrospect but it just seemed normal when i was a kid. I won it once and i was so anxious having to go thru the big celebration thing!! Like aaa just let me take my certificate and run! XD So yeah maybe a legendary based on the eisteddfod throne itself? Its called a throne but its more of a fancy wooden chair with patterns carved into it. So some sort of wooden dragon! And the legend would be that only the most talented bards can ride it and it bucks off anyone it thinks isnt purehearted enough. And maybe it could have a lovespoon for a tail cos thats also another wooden welsh thing. (Fancy carved spoons for good luck and/or romantic gifts)
* welsh cake pokemon!! Theyre just a sweetened scone with raisins in it, but i think it could be really cute as a design. Im thinking a rock type that just coincidentally looks like a cake with raisins, and it rolls around sideways like a big goofy crab~
* or if you wanna go for other local foods maybe mix the kelpie with bara bryth? (Seaweed bread paste stuff) So its just a loaf of bread that evolves into a badass horse and it would make no sense to anyone except brits, lol.
* perhaps a legandary based on the bard taliesin? It could be similar to nebby in starting off with a weak baby form but then becoming a badass! Cos his origin story was that he wasnt naturally all super cool so talented at singing that he could make literal magic happen just by sheer creativity. Instead he accidentally drank a magic potion of creativity that a witch made, and his abilities came at the cos of Pissing Her Off Forevermore. So maybe the baby form cpuld be a witch's cauldron? And have a tail made of chains to symbolize how he was enslaved as that witch's assistant and managed to escape with her most valuable prize. And then his ethereal fancy humanoid form could maybe be similar to meloetta's living music thing but more with calligraphy instead? But perhaps still have a similar chain tail to show his origins, except now the links in the chain are all fancy calligraphy Os, lol
* accompanying legendary possibilities: ceridwen (the evil witch from that story) or morfran (her innocent son) Morfran did nothing wrong but is often painted as more of the villain of the story than she is, simply because he was black. Yeah there's racism even back in our mythology, ugh...! I always felt so depressed for morfran cos the story is that ceridwen only made this super magical potion of being the best bard ever cos everyone said her son was the ugliest man on earth and EVEN SHE AGREED so she thought she had to give him some magic powers to stop people from hating him. And instead taliesin steals it and goes off to be the most powerful and respected and also handsome man ever, the end. And seriously the ONLY THING they mention about why this child is ugly is that he was "black like a crow" and also his name means evil crow. And thats just the end of his story forever, being some other dude's origin story and then forgotten into the void :( So like hey a pokemon criticizing that part of the myth wouls be great too! Like maybe have morfran be a counterpart legendary like latias to latios and he just looks equally beautiful with a reversed colourscheme of dark skin and white calligraphy patterns. And maybe the pokedex entry could be like "taliesinmon got its powers thru a magical gift from meloetta" and "morfranmon worked really hard for its powers all on its own and also is very socially anxious and relateable and tumblr user tumblunni's favourote character in all british mythologies despite also representing the worst part of our nation but hey its not this man's fault please rescue him ok" Srsly its not like its common to see taliesin referenced in fiction but morfran is even more forgotten and i think he needs at least one positive fictional depiction to make up for being screwed over in the original myth.
* Another myth with unintended bad messages is the one of Blodeuwedd or Dwedd (friends may recognize that i named my Gourgeist after her!) Her story is that she was an artificial human created out of plants in order to be some guy's sex toy basically. Yet she's the villain of the story cos she refused to marry him and ran off with another guy. Like seriously she was BORN to marry this dude! Even if he's the big mythological prince we're supposed to root for, with modern morality perspectives its kinda impossible to see it that way. At least unlike morfran she actually does do other stuff to establish her as a villain other than just existing, she comes back with her new boyfriend to kill the dude who made her and thus set the course of history awry cos he was A Really Inportant Destiny Prince And All. But seriously dude this is 100% your own fault for being creepy enough to not want to date real women and instead have some messed up preprogrammed woman who'd do whatever you want. "The only reason she wouldnt obey like he wanted must be because the seed of evil was in her heart" yeah no maybe it was the seed of free will u bastard. Anyway they have a funny sequence where prince douche mc douchebag is prophesized to never be killed by etc etc etc so dwedd and her new boyf have to trick him into THE MOST CONTRIVED CIRCUMSTANCE EVER to find a loophole. I think it was something like one foot on a goat and one on a bucket while at the border line between two countries at the crack of dawn? And as fitting a standard boring hero story of course eeeevil dwedd gets thwarted and prince pompous is ressurected and she's punished forever by being turned into an immortal owl for some reason.
* SO YEAH! Plant owl legendary! I just thought this myth in particular would be cool cos a female plant legendary with a disney villain aesthetic instead of the cliche pretty sexy thing everyone would probably expect. Make her bombastic and badass and terrifying!!! The pumpkaboo line is the closest thing so far cos bat pumpkin is KINDA close to daffodil owl. At least in terms of spooky aesthetic, lol
* oh and also her boyfriend was named gronw pebr and honestly he barely does anything in the whole story but he has a really cool name so i felt like mentioning it
* our national flower is the daffodil and our national vegetable is the leek so maybe a farfetch'd variation with a daffodil? Or maybe a saucepan or somethin. It could kinda work with farfetch'd origin, plus one of our most famous nursery rhymes is about saucepans. AR GATH WEDI SCRAPU GROOKEY BACH
* our national animal is actually the dragon not the sheep! So definately give us some good dragon types!! Our flag is a dragon so maybe our legendary could be that? And perhaps reference the whole "red dragon beats the white dragon symbolizing how much england sucks" legend by having it have two forms like minior or darmanitan and the weaker cowardly defensive one is england. Just sayin!!
* i dont think you can really make a pokemon personification of england conquering and literally owning us and us taking so long to even get considered a separate country again and be able to have our native language in schools except it was already so many generations passed of it being forbidden to be spoken that barely anyone still knew it and even nowadays when we have billingual road signs the rate of billingualism is incredibly low and im really jealous of my sister growing up in a school that taught it from a young age cos i was thrown into intermediate level welsh without having the basic lessons and thus nevee managed to learn it at all and felt both stupid and disconnected from my ancestors irretreiveably
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joyous-art · 7 years ago
Wordtober Day 6: Sword
The sun rose through the trees and he throws his arm across his face to block it out. Something the size of a cat pounces on him and he jumps; the sleep in his eyes making the world appear hazy as he blinks at the small, rust coloured figure.
“Not now. I just got to sleep.”
“Aaand now it’s time to get up”
He groans and rolls over, hauling the blanket up to cover his head; knocking the creature off him in the process. He can hear it curse at him as it struggles to stay on the bed.
“I feel sick.”
“You should've thought about that before staying up all night.”
He grumbles as the sheet slowly becomes transparent; exposing him to the burning sunlight.
“You’re awful.”
A small chuckle can be heard; well, the equivalent of a chuckle anyway and there’s a flap of wings as he sits up. He stretches, watching as the blanket returns to it’s normal, solid, tawny brown. He yawns as the dragon sits on him again and presses its head into his hand.
“I made breakfast.”
“Lord help us.”
This particular dragon’s idea of ‘breakfast’ consisted of a variety of grubs, worms and whatever it caught in the island's shallows; not the most appetizing meal for… basically, anyone who wasn’t a dragon.
“Oh relax, Xen. There’s scrambled eggs and toast for you”
Xen raises an eyebrow in confusion. Usually, when something humanly edible was made it was cooked oysters or fish or crab but eggs?
“...What kind of eggs?”
“Chicken, I think.”
“Chicken, you think. Better question, where did you get the eggs?”
The dragon hesitates for a moment, manoeuvring itself to the end of the bed; out of arm's reach.
“Zeothess. Where. Did you get. The eggs.”
“From Poppy.”
It had been it hadn’t been that long since he’d last seen her, only about a year. At one point they’d dropped out of contact for nearly a decade; leading him to believe she was dead until she showed up on his island one day.
“I visited her yesterday but you were so busy you obviously don’t remember me telling you.”
Xen had used the lighthouse’s power supply to aid a Mergirl he’d seen sitting on the shore a night ago. It had cost him a great about of energy to cast the spell and when he’d attempted to turn on the light the following night it had burnt out. That prompted the loss of several daylight hours and the all-nighter he was currently regretting; his own fault for deciding to live there he supposed. He was just thankful the emergency light had turned on without a problem. The one thing that made it worth it, was hearing Poppy’s voice carry across the waves that night.
“How’s she doing?”
“She’s alright. Still looking wrinkled.”
Xen swats at the dragon but Zeothess dodges it; cursing at him as they do.
“Shut it. She’s only as wrinkled as I am. What about the girl? Is she alright?”
“After you lead her into the water, with that creepy glowy-glow trick? Yeah, she’s good; hasn’t found all her scales yet though. Poppy says thanks by the way.”
He sighs and swings his legs off the bed; stretching into the sun to let his scales absorb some of the light. Being only half Mer, his scales wouldn't absorb enough to completely rejuvenate him, but it helped. He stands and throws on in his robe before heading down into the kitchen.
Xen was a person that couldn't be classified as a Mer, nor could he be classified as a Shift; and he was certainly not a Fae. He fell into a completely different category and for this and many other reasons: solitude suited him.
“Whatcha thinking ‘bout?”
“Lots of things Zeo… lots of things.”
He absentmindedly runs his hand across the dragon's back, used to the smooth, water-worn texture. The radio springs to life when he waves his hand at it and the weather report echoes through the stone tower.
“Expect a rough storm to roll in mid-afternoon with winds reaching speeds upwards of fifty knots and five-foot waves. Boats are recommended to stay in port and beaches to be cleared until it passes.”
Xen turns it off when he finishes breakfast and rubs the pale gill scars on his neck. Zeothess studies him carefully; attempting to read his expression, bat-like wings rustling in concentration. He makes eye contact with the little dragon; thin and lanky, a newt but larger and magical.
“You're not thinking what I think you're thinking… are you?”
He doesn't answer. They both knew they had to enter the Mer realm.
“What choice do we have, Zeo? We can't weather the storm out here; we're too exposed.”
“Xen, they tried to kill you remember?”
The dragon was right; they had tried to kill him. They'd lashed at him with swords of sharpened coral and whips of kelp. Not to mention the leviathan that guarded the nearby city. He may be a Mer halfling but he was also a halfling of the forbidden realm; the human realm.  
The storm could be seen on the horizon as Xen began to pack the necessities in a waterproof sack. He'd chosen to ignore Zeothess’ warning; with some difficulty.
“We could take the boat and stay with Poppy-”
“We both know we'll be caught in the storm before we reach land and the water's too choppy for me to swim ashore without being smashed into rocks… we have no choice.”
Zeo whines softly, wrapping their tail around his leg in a failed attempt to stop him.
“We'll be fine. Seaton said there's a cave under the island; we’ll find it and stay there till it’s over”
The two of them finish prepping the lighthouse to weather the storm and head down to the water's edge. Xen eyes the black clouds; closer now.
“We wouldn't stand a chance up here”
A statement. Something to convince himself that this was the best solution. He hated storms with a passion after his father's ship had gone down in one; nearly fifty years ago. But his mother's realm wasn't friendly either; at least not to him.
The wind billows around him, wishing him luck as he steps into the water and he knows that she'll carry a message to Poppy. With the pack slung over his shoulder, he dives, relishing the feeling of his gills reopening after a long time on land. Zeothess joins him and the pair swims down, looking for the cave as the waves start crashing on the rocks.
It's quiet below the storm, almost eerily so; no sign of anyone to stop them. Xen turns on his waterproof lantern attached to his pack instantly illuminating the storm darkened waters. As the pair dive deeper they’re faced with a haunting sight: skeletons lay on the seabed, preserved in the salt-laced water. Weapons of all sorts lay scattered across the sand; coral swords and tridents, spears, daggers and others Xen couldn’t identify. He does his best not to focus on them as the remnants of dull scales catch the light. These people were Mer. Mer that had rebelled against their queen and council millennia ago and were destroyed for it. Zeo draws closer to him as they swim on; trying not to look down.
They’re almost at the cave entrance when an ancient shipwreck looms out of the darkness. Zeothess lets out a small squeal at the sudden appearance and latches onto Xen’s pack. He swims in place for a moment, admiring the wreckage; here long before the lighthouse was built to prevent its sinking. Something near the bow reflects the light; half buried in the sand. Everything in him advises against investigation but Xen feels himself drawn toward the object and finds himself swimming down for a better look; reluctantly followed by the little dragon.
“Xen, what’re you doing?”
He ignores Zeo’s hissing and brushes the sand aside, uncovering a sword of glistening iron. Its hilt was gilded and decorated with shards of aquamarine. A single, sparkling diamond adorned the end of the handle and an inscription could be seen on the blade itself, written in Eldoshi; the Mer language. Xen brings the light closer so he can read it.
“What is it?”
Zeo leans over his shoulder as he begins to translate it.
This sword, this blade of all waters, created by only the finest of workers, was once wielded by our gracious Queen, Andromeda Ochena II and used to dispose of those who dared rise against her.  
Ochena… When Xen was born he’d been given his mother’s last name; as Mer were traditionally matriarchal. His thoughts race as the stories his mother had told him, so long ago return in hazy fragments.
“Xen? Who’s Andromeda Ochena?”
Xen shakes his head and lifts the sword, unburying the sheath with it and marvelling at how it fit in his hand like it was made for him. There were no indications of a date; no clue to when Andromeda ruled but Xen knew one thing with absolute certainty:
“She was my great-grandmother.”
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angst-king · 4 years ago
Read my eyes before my words
(( This is a quirks AU of my psychward AU...TWcontains an PTSD Episode, mention of abusive behavior, explosion, thoughts of suicide, mention of eating disorders etc)
He was gaining courage, it had taken him along to do this and he was trying his hardest to overcome it but. On days where it was so hard, on days where it felt like his lips were forced shut for his own safety rather than just knowing the material without help. Today was a day, Aizawa couldn’t be bothered to teach, even though it was an occurrence that didn’t happen too often. The students got used to this, knowing they could still ask for help with any assignments. Well Izuku knew he could ask for help, Aizawa was available to him, he was within his reach. All he had to do was get up, politely ask him for help and most likely the raven haired man would say yes but. To Izuku he found this hard, on days where he needed help the most were the days where he found it the hardest to even look at people.  He felt that if he so much as even breathed wrong in Aizawa’s general direction, he’d be subjected to his wrath. Which the rational side of him knew would never happen but still, that didn’t make the depressed and riddled with anxiety side of him stop quivering in fear.From the start Izuku had been an anxious kid due to his past with a fellow classmate of his who was in his class currently. This classmate subjected him to years upon years of abuse that made Izuku into the sunshine yet selectively mute hermit crab. He still had the scars from his abuser both mental and physical. Just being in the same room or hearing his name made Izuku nervous but with the medication he was on, it dulled this down on his good days but. On his bad days when his abuser’s actions-whether direct or indirectly- still affected him. He’d still been abused by him multiple times and Izuku refused to fight back out of fear of far worse retaliation than fighting back was worth. Today was horrible, the smell of burning caramel was in the air, and only one person he knew smelled like this. Only one person could produce a smell that he recognized as fear.
He didn’t know where he was but the smell was so strong even if it was so faint earlier then. A loud sound of crackling and sizzling came and when he looked around he was faced with that trademark smirk that sent chills down his spine. Seeing though crimson red eyes glaring daggers back into his scared green ones. Those red eyes held so much anger and so much power. Soon he was met with a pain that was all too real, as if someone had shot him in the stomach.
He could feel the heat blazing against him with a loud pew! He screamed but that kid wasn’t done with him. More blast of heat came, some came in the form of an explosively charged fist, raw power and rage, or just as a searing pain that gripped him tight. The smell was making it hard to breath, he felt like he was being choked and the pain wasn’t helping he kept screaming. He tried to curl up to protect himself in any way possible but. His abuser never stopped, then hearing that god awful nickname he dreaded so much he froze “Deku��� the other growled with venom on his tongue and gleaming anger and power in his eyes. Izuku froze. He knew he was done for, and this was the time he wished for his death.
He started to cry out  “JUST GET IT OVER WITH, PLEASE JUST END ME NOW! PLEASE, I BEGGING YOU!” tears running hot as his body curled up hard in the fetal position. Fingers tightly wound up in messy hair, body shaking from fear that wrapped around him so tightly the grip on his hair could be seen more as a hug from his fingers.It felt like his lungs were being crushed with each blow the antagonizer delivered to his weakening frame that was being straddled and made to submit.  Izuku continued to scream until he couldn’t breathe any longer and his suicidal ideology silenced him. ‘Why can’t he just kill me already? He must like watching me suffer but I'd rather die than live through this. Please can’t he just get on with it. He keeps yelling die but I'm not dying!
 Then silence, the explosions stop but the smell of burnt cinnamon, and caramel is so thick in the air he’s still scared that if he moved he’d be facing a whole new world of pain. Then a voice came, many voices that were clouding up in his brain but slowly getting louder. “eku...Eku!...ya..riya” his brain was so filled with fear and pain that he couldn’t concentrate very well but the voices were slowly becoming clearer “Deku!” As soon as he heard this voice he froze, curling up as tight as he could before he screamed “JUST KILL ME YOU SADISTIC BLOND BASTARD!”  At first his classmates had no idea as to why Izuku was acting strange, they took it as something to ignore or well most of them did. Shouto had a feeling that something wasn’t right with the green haired boy and he was right. He could hear him making little sounds and when he grabbed at his hair dropping his pencil. Shouto knew exactly what was happening but was a bit shocked to hear the boy scream. It sounded like he was in pain, as if someone was hurting him. And he had an idea as to what was hurting him. The scream startled the class who immediately jerked their heads towards Izuku. They’d never seen him in such a state. “The fuck is going on?!!” Growled Bakugou who looked over to see Izuku in his state of fear and flashbacks. Todoroki quickled made his way over to his friend and brought him down to the floor. “Shut up Bakugou!” he yells back making the ash blond angry, which wasn’t a good decision on his part knowing it wouldn’t help Izuku. “THE FUCK DID YOU SAY TO ME HALF AND HALF!?!!” But Shouto didn’t hesitate to shoot a cold glare that held a fire in his eyes. This glare said ‘if you keep talking I’ll forever encase you in ice’. Then when Izuku yelled  “JUST GET IT OVER WITH, PLEASE JUST END ME NOW! PLEASE, I BEGGING YOU!” Shouto knew he had to let the other run through his flashback. From past experience with Izuku, he knew how dangerous it could be for him to try and pull Izuku out of a flashback so abruptly. He’d been an accidental punching bag for the young Midoriya before and so he knew if he waited for the flashback to die down it’d be safer. Classmates came to watch with concern on their faces yet no one did anything but ask why Izuku was screaming. Todoroki told them he was having a flashback and that they should stay back. More screaming came from Izuku; most were from the pain he was experiencing during the flashback as tears flooded from his eyes streaming down his reddening face. Bakugou had the bright idea to roll his eyes holding annoyance of ‘why the hell are you bothering’ “what the fuck is this weak lil deku crying about now? Can’t you make him stop half n half-” Then he hears the words, “JUST KILL ME YOU SADISTIC BLOND BASTARD!” Bakugou knew what this was about, the class still had no idea  seeing as no one had told them about Bakugou and Izuku’s horrible past. Izuku’s breathing was shallow and harsh, and his screaming seemed to fully wake up Aizawa who was in and out of sleep from the flashback Izuku was having. “H-huh?” His eyes settled upon his students who crowded around a curled up mess of fear and Shouto. He tiredly gets up from his seat and approaches waking up more and more as he asks. “What the hell is-” he’s interrupted in his words as he gets a glimpse of Izuku who's being held by shouto. “Shouto.”  He calls out, the red and white haired students looking up at him quickly. “Yes sir?” “a flashback?” “Yes sir. I need to wait before taking him to recovery girl though.” Aizawa nods and makes his way through the crowd of students ignoring their presence and focusing on the trembling student. When the screaming stopped and quieted down to whimpering they started to call out his name. Todoroki straightened out the boy’s body into a better position. Holding him snuggly against his taller frame. He taps Izuku’s chest “midoriya...Midoriya.” He’s careful with his volume but some don’t get it and call out loudly “Deku! Deku!” but they’re silenced by Shouto who glares and says in a yet cold manner. “You’re not helping by calling him a name that’s been given to him by a person who’s caused him pain.” It's not long before Izuku is conscious enough to recognize Shouto's voice to the point of shakily signing against Shouto’s chest. “S-h-o-u-t-o” Realizing what Izuku was signing, shouto smiles and whispers softly into his ear. “You’re safe Midoriya, you’re safe, he can’t hurt you.” He’s still trembling and breathing is shaky gaps but they’re those inhales trying to even themselves out. Shouto knows he needs to take Izuku to a more relaxed environment that doesn't have so many people around him. His eyes say ‘We need to leave the class’ . His teacher could read the look in his eyes and he told him “Shouto, go to recovery girl for me.” Nodding, Shouto adjusted his hold so he could carry Izuku out of class. Walking towards the crowd, the students part immediately, allowing him to make his way towards the door and leaving the classroom. Aizawa has the students resume their previous studies and he goes back to his desk but...this time he doesn’t go back to sleep. Worry consuming him. Recovery girl got a knock on her office door and was a little confused seeing Shouto carrying a shaking Izuku. Usually the student came in on his own with broken bones but when Shouto explained the situation she understood and allowed them privacy and a cot to sit on. Offering water. Once again Shouto softly called out “Izuku.” nothing too firm or harsh, but it could be heard. Izuku signed ‘yes’ Shouto sighed gratefully “good you can hear me...are you okay, how do you feel?” ‘Scared, I don’t want him to hurt me anymore please shouto’ The young Todoroki could feel the other pleading with him through his sign language and the way he buried himself into him. Quickly shushing him, Shouto wrapped his arms around Izuku’s still shaking frame. “I promise Izuku, you are safe, I won't let him hurt you. It was only a flashback, it didn’t happen in the present, and I won't let him do it either” They only used first names in these situations seeing as this was not a time to worry about formality. Izuku nods and starts to try and take deep breaths. Shouto is proud that the other is trying to manage his anxiety on his own but also wishes the other would ask for help even though he knew that his anxiety made him mute. The two had built a relationship from being roommates in a psych ward four a couple of months during their junior high years. The two were very platonic and saw each other as brothers, Shouto even lived with Midoriya for a while so his family could figure things out. So Shouto and Izuku were very good with each other, having spent many good days and nights and many bad days and nights. “Good job Izuku, keep taking deep breaths.” Shouto encouraged while rubbing soothing circles into Izuku’s back. The tears raining down slowed as did his shaking, he grabbed onto Shouto’s uniform a bit, holding onto him though like the others would leave him. Shouto used the method he always used to ease his friends. Holding the other to his chest, he starts to sing softly to him. Shouto never thought he could sing till he went to the psych ward when his roommate caught him singing and he told Todoroki that he was good. He still had plenty of self doubt and never believed anyone who told him, until he recorded himself from a spark of curiosity. Softly singing to Izuku always relaxed him, his body going limp, his grip going slack. Shouto could feel Izuku’s breathing evening out which made him happy. “Good, how are you feeling, Midoriya?” He asked, Izuku shivered a little and sat up a little to sign ‘better, still anxious but its base line anxious’. Smiling gently at those emerald eyes he grew so accustomed to seeing.  They are less frantic, alert but not waiting for another hit to be thrown. Shouto grabs the cup of water and offers it to Midoriya who gratefully takes it. His throat hurt from screaming and he hardly ever spoke around anyone unless it was just him, shouto, or his mom. So Todoroki relied more on Izuku’s eyes. One look into those sweet gentle eyes could always tell Shouto how Midoriya was feeling without him having to speak a word. Izuku looked around and saw the time and tugged Shouto’s shirt for his attention and signed ‘we have to go to class Todoroki, we can’t be out very long.’ Shouto chuckled at his friend’s urgency to get to class, he knew that he didn’t want to get behind in class and also he probably didn’t want to worry anyone. Still Shouto was a little unsure about allowing his friend to go back to class. “Are you sure Midoriya?” Izuku nods ‘i have to apologize to them’ Shouto shook his head and grumbled  “you don’t have to apologize for shit” Izuku hears this and nods knowing why Shouto said this. He didn’t owe them an apology or an explanation for why he had an anxiety attack in school. Also Shouto knew that it wouldn’t be a good idea for Izuku to do that now anyway after just having had an anxiety attack. And well it involved a classmate who was a very vocal person and was in the same class as them. Bakugou Katsuki, Izuku and him used to be childhood friends until the blond became the monster Izuku had nightmares about every week. He was the reason Izuku ended up having an eating disorder and had to be admitted to a psych ward. But Izuku was doing his best to get better, he was eating so much better, taking his medicine on time. Sleeping regularly and trying to interact with his peers even if he couldn’t speak. Shouto was always there to encourage and console his friend and those actions were always returned towards him by Izuku when Shouto was struggling with his own demons.  Getting off of the cot Shouto offers Izuku his hand which he hesitantly takes before they walk to class. Walking back to class Izuku and Shouto remained quiet and calmer than the minutes before. Entering the classroom, the student’s head quickly turned and saw the two, a little confused as to why they were holding hands but the two ignored them. Shouto whispers to Izuku “You owe them nothing, go grab your stuff we’ll work on your stuff together” Izuku nods, letting go of Shouto’s had he goes over to grab his book bag, but right as he’s about to head over to a corner of the room to work with Shouto, Aizawa calls out. “Midoriya” Head snapped to look at Aizawa, and gave him an anxious look but Aizawa told him “you’re not in trouble, I’d just like to talk to you okay.” So obediently the green haired boy cautiously came up to his teacher’s desk. Shouto had an idea as to why the teacher wanted to talk to his friend. Standing before the sleepy raven head, Izuku fiddled a little with his fingers which Aizawa knew as a sign that he was still anxious. He moves and offers the spare stool beside his rolling chair. “Here, take a seat kid, I promise I'm not mad and you’re not in trouble.” Taking the seat Izuku nodded and tried to relax himself, taking a deep breath and letting it out. “Good, now are you okay, I know you were having a flashback and I know how terrifying it can be and how tiring it can be afterwards.” Aizawa spoke in a hushed voice, and Izuku signed to his teacher. ‘I’m better now, thank you, and I-....nevermind Todoroki-kun says I don’t have to apologize for these things. So I won't.” Aizawa smiled “he’s right, and I’m glad you’re feeling better, now do you want to talk about what happened like we used to?” Aizawa knew Izuku personally from working at the psych ward Izuku attended, he was Izuku and Shouto’s nurse and they looked to him as someone they could rely on for help. Aizawa was glad the boys could confide in him, and never hesitated to help them with mental health stressors. ‘It was about him, it was a flashback of one of his beatings, it was so scary, I would’ve rather die than live through it again. It felt like he was actually hurting me!’ Aizawa knew who Izuku was talking about and in a way it hurt him that these two had to be in the same class together but. In a way he was glad because this was giving Izuku the chance to not let this rule over him. Sure he would actively avoid Bakugou but still he did his best to face his problems head on and stay in class. Shouta saw Izuku as brave for being able to even be in the same room and work with Bakugou without having an anxiety attack every day. “Well Izuku I’m sorry you have to go through these things, I know it's hard and I’m proud of you for continuing the hero course. Kids like you don’t survive this long especially with all the things you've been through and having to be around your tormentor this frequently. Keep it up kiddo, it’ll be worth it in the end and maybe one day. You’ll be able to speak, maybe one day you’ll be about to work with your tormentor. I won't force it, and I will always be here for you if things become too much.” Aizawa’s tone and words seemed to make Izuku smile, happy to not have to be lectured or made to feel bad. Aizawa made Izuku feel welcomed and protected as well as supported, which were many things that his past teachers failed to do for him. Smiling his eyes gleamed at Aizawa with thanks and appreciation for his kindness and Aizawa could see it. ‘Thank you sir’ Chuckling the man says “Now go on with Todoroki and do what you can, if you’d like I can stay after class today or tomorrow to help you with the rest of the material.” With that being said, Izuku nods, signing  ‘Can we do tomorrow?’  Shouta nods and the boy grabs his bag and heads over to Todoroki who didn’t ask him about what they talked about knowing that if Izuku wanted to tell him he’d do it himself. They got to work, Shouto helping Izuku do as much classwork as they could before the lunch bell. At lunch the deku-squad assembled at the lunch table, at first it was very quiet. It was more of an awkward silence than anything but. That was interrupted by Uraraka who struggled to find her words. “U-um.. D-de-....Mi-Midoriya, i-um….Are you okay...you were screaming and crying and shaking, and like..in the fetal position?” Izuku quickly got out his phone and started to type, then allowing the phone to speak for him. “I just had a horrible flashback, i’m okay now” She nodded and then asked “u-um Todoroki said something about calling you Deku because that name was given to you by your tormentor? What is that about? And who is the sadistic blond?” Izuku huffed and typed out ‘I have a traumatic past with a person in our class and him still being anywhere near me makes me fear for my life because of all he put me through. The name deku was given to me by him, it's an insult that’s burned into me with such a negative connotation. My tormentor is responsible for why I am the way I am today to some degree.” Staring with wide eyes the group took in this information, Uraraka began to feel bad when she realized she had been lowkey tormenting her friend. “I-I’m sorry I’ve been calling you that, you never said anything so I assumed it was just an odd nickname cause I’d heard Bakugou call you this and so I thought it was okay….I’m sorry.” Izuku could read the remorse in her voice, shuddering at the name of his abuser he replied back. “You had no idea of knowing this, I can't speak verbally, and you don’t know JSL. At the beginning of the year I was just too scared to even look most of you in the eyes or use my phone to communicate. So you’re not at fault”  Then Iida spoke up “Midoriya if you don’t mind me asking, are you mute because your vocal cords do not work or another reason?” “I’m mute due to trauma” “okay”
Izuku began to look tired, he slumped over a little and yawned. Shouto looked towards him and asked “tired?” Izuku nods. “Try and eat a little more and when we get to the study hall you can sleep there.” Shouto bargains knowing his friend is very drained from his anxiety attack. Izuku nods with a sleepy smile making Shouto giggle as the traumatized boy took a few more bites of food Tsuyu questioned Todoroki. “Todoroki, I notice that you seem to be a little more hands on and more soft spoken with Midoriya. Do you two have a past together? You don’t have to give any details, I've just been curious.” Todoroki raised a brow but it wasn’t judgemental, it was rather relaxed. “Lets just say, we met before UA and spent a lot of time together and had plenty of time to get to know each other.” There was nothing suggestive and Tsuyu just nodded. Eyes no longer filled with anxiety were filled with exhaustion and the need to rest which was granted to Izuku during study hall.
0 notes
spiritrot-a · 7 years ago
hey here’s the about under read more bc it’s really long
General Information
NAME: Raleigh James Ravenson.
AGE: Twenty three. 
BIRTHDAY: June 26th, 1995.
ZODIAC: Cancer. 
BIRTH PLACE: Victorville, California.
GENDER: Trans man. 
SEXUALITY: Bisexual, biromantic.
SPECIES: Medium.
POWERS: Can speak to spirits. It's an ability he can't turn off and he sees them constantly. He's dabbled a bit in summoning spirits and if he tried he would be able to manipulate spirits, force them to move on, or touch spirits. He also has the power of necromancy, however he doesn't use it often, afraid to throw the universe out of balance. 
RELIGION: Raised in a Christian household, however he doesn't believe in anything specific anymore. He realizes there's a higher power or something else beyond death due to his powers, but he doesn't have any idea of what exactly. 
OCCUPATION: Actor, namely known for his horror roles. 
LANGUAGES KNOWN: English is the only one he's fluent in. He does however know some Spanish, ASL, and German.  
ACCENT: American. 
VOICE CLAIM: Leigh Whannell.
FACE CLAIM: Leigh Whannell.
EYE COLOR: Green, with a small mix of brown.
STYLE: Short, just kind of a mess.
HEIGHT: 5'8"
TATTOOS: Most of them are actually covered by his clothes, but he has quite a few of them so far. A heart grenade on his upper right arm, billy from dead silence on his lower left leg, star-lord between his shoulder blades, ghostface on his right leg, the words "'cause I won't let go til we both see the light" on his left shoulder to match Haley's, a fast forward / rewind / pause / play button on his stomach below his belly button, and a rainbow outline of a heart that looks spray painted on his wrist to match Haley's.
PIERCINGS: He has a tongue piercing, a helix on his right ear, and an eyebrow piercing on his left eyebrow.  
SCARS: Top surgery scars which are healed very well and barely visible compared to some of the others he has. A gash on his arm and a long scar going down his chest and stomach from a stunt gone wrong. 
CLOTHES: Thrift store punk is the best way to name it. Leather jackets and combat boots, worn out band t-shirts or horror movie shirts ( a lot of nightmare on elm street and scream ), plenty of patches on his jacket, ripped jeans, and occasionally he'll break out the band bracelets.
DISTINGUISHING LOOKS: Piercings and eyeliner for days. Tattoos if his skin is shown.
LABEL: The artist, the rebel.
POSITIVE TRAITS: Adventurous, adaptable, humourous, creative, easygoing, passionate, neat, understanding.
NEGATIVE TRAITS: Careless, impatient, impulsive, numb, obsessive, sarcastic, stubborn.
GOALS: To further his career even more so and make more of a name for himself, even outside of the horror community. He wants to make people in his life happy and build a family.
FEARS: Becoming like his mother, ghosts ( surprisingly ), abandonment.
HOBBIES: Reading comics, film ( analyzing and making ), skating, going to parties, graffiti, drawing, chilling at graveyards. 
HABITS: Smokes heavily, bites his nails, bounces his legs, and picks the skin at his fingers during stressful situations.
FAVORITE MUSIC: He can listen to just about anything. He enjoys a lot of punk and his favorite band is Dead Kennedys. 
FAVORITE MOVIES: Horror is his favorite genre, it's the genre he works in most for a reason, but he does enjoy cinema as a whole. His favorite movie is It Follows and he makes pretty much everybody watch it. 
FAVORITE SPORTS: He likes hockey well enough but he doesn't watch it regularly. He'll just occasionally watch some stuff on youtube or catch a game on a TV while he's out and about.  
FAVORITE DRINKS: Pepsi or redbull. Good rule of thumb is to not talk to him before he's had a chance to drink some caffeine. 
FAVORITE FOODS: Snow crab legs, but only eats them when he wants to treat himself.
PHYSICAL: Bad eyesight, but other than that he's perfectly healthy. He has contacts to correct his vision.
MENTAL: ADHD, BPD, and OCD. He has a good handle on his BPD and OCD with the help of medications and coping mechanisms, however he tends to forget or not want to take anything for his ADHD because he feels like it dulls him as a person. Which is not at all true, but it's a thought that's stuck in his mind. 
ALLERGIES: Dogs, chickens. Just the feathers on chickens though. 
SLEEPING HABITS: Awful! Spirits constantly try to bug him during his sleeping hours so it can be difficult to get any sleep when he avoids it. Gets a few hours and is often exhausted. 
EXERCISE HABITS: Decent work out schedule. Works out three times a week and regularly walks. 
EATING HABITS: He's trying to be more mindful about what he puts in his body and is currently trying to eat healthier, however he does still love his junk food. It can be hard. 
SOCIAL: Extroverted. Loves being around people and meeting new people, it puts a lot of pep in his step. 
BODY: Scrawny, but has some muscle. Stronger than he looks, his body is just naturally small framed. 
ADDICTIONS: Caffeine and nicotine. He's trying to quit smoking, but it's not going great. 
DRUG USE: None ever. 
ALCOHOL: Very rarely. He gets very nervous around alcohol so if he does drink, he watches himself very carefully.
MOTHER: Karen McDermott.
FATHER: William "Billy" McDermott.
SIBLINGS: Only child.
PETS: A teddy bear guinea pig named Josh. 
PARTNER: faolán mackenzie ( fiancee )
Lee is a teenage runaway, his story contains mentions of child abuse, alcoholism, drug abuse, and ghosts...Obviously.
When someone walks the very thin line between life and death, things can happen. So even after the doctors said to expect the worse, after Lee's technical two deaths, and after fighting for weeks----he makes it out alive. He shatters the unseen barrier between the living and the dead. Some people might say communicating with the dead is a GIFT, but he prefers the term ANNOYING BURDEN.
Adults passed off the hushed whispers to seemingly no one and the quick glances towards nothing in particular as a sign that Lee held a very ACTIVE imagination. He certainly did, but this certain aspect in his life WASN'T the imagination running wild. Kids were harder to handle, they were brutal towards the weird kid who talked to himself. As Lee grew older, the more he learned how to keep it all in. He didn't converse with the dead in public, he learned to keep his focus on the living----he learned how to act like he wasn't special.
He's six when his dad first shows him his first HORROR movie and it sparks something in him. Who knew KILLER KLOWNS FROM OUTER SPACE would create an OBSESSION for the dark and gritty world of horror. It was easier to relate to characters because of his abilities and as he'd get older he'd find it as a coping mechanism. No matter how HORRIFYING his own life would seem, there was no way it was GETTING KIDNAPPED BY A SERIAL KILLER AND CUTTING OFF YOUR OWN FOOT horrifying.
His parents get divorced when he's young, their marriage just isn't working out. They spend more time screaming and clawing at each other's throats than anything else. Their YOUNG LOVE spark is gone and it's just devolving into hate at this point. He doesn't quite get it, but he has other things to worry about. He has his grades to focus on and the dead to actively ignore ( it's a full time job ). His mom gets full custody of him, she has a better job and can support the two of them while his dad crashes on his friend's couch until he can save up enough from his shitty job to get his own place.
His mom starts dating. He's fine with it at first, as long as she's happy. He doesn't even realize his mom is drunk, just that she comes home acting weird. It starts a pattern. His mom starts seeing terrible, abusive men and her drinking habits become more and more apparent. He tries his best to help her, but he's a CHILD and she won't accept his help. Her focus on him lessens with time and soon he's just a kid that lives with them rather than her son. His dad gets a new girlfriend and she's jealous of him---he takes up too much of his dad's attention when he's there. She starts to hate him and eventually his dad begins to fade out of the picture. He starts to learn he needs to survive on his own.
Fourteen and things begin to spiral. Ghosts start to become more violent towards him and SCREAM when they can't get him to help. He's just a kid The abuse from his mom worsens as she lashes out at him and he's neglected more often than not. He starts stealing just to eat. Which attracts a VERY BAD group of people his way. They want someone fast and good with their hands to steal for them and Lee was desperate for a friend and was already one of the fastest kids on his track team. So he goes from a good kid with good intentions to doing terrible things just to make sure someone stays for him. He has to be useful for them. The comfort from watching horrors aren't doing it anymore. He's either too numb or too scared to keep going.
Sixteen and a lot happens in a year. He comes out as transgender and his family doesn't approve, he expected that. They mark it off as a phase and go out of their way to remind him he's supposed to be a GIRL. He meets his best friend that year. Haley, someone who managed to see more than some terribly troubled kid. They reminded him he was someone and he was actually WORTH something. It didn't stop him from dropping out of high school when things got TOO overwhelming, but it did help him try and focus on his end goal. Get the fuck out of this horrible town.
Seventeen and the guy he's been off and on with loses his temper. He hits him and Lee snaps. He's not going to let what happened with his mom happen to him. He's not going to be pushed around by some cowardly guy with an out of control anger. So he packs his things and asks Haley to run off to L.A with him. It's hard at first. They're homeless teenagers, finding a job is hard, and there are more ghosts in a big city than there is a small town. He attracted them, they lashed out, he got scared, but it wasn't going to make him run back home. Not yet, not when he knows he can make it. He's a talented kid. They get jobs and eventually raise enough money to get a shitty, cheap ( cheap in L.A standards anyway ) apartment. They barely scrape by some months, going some weeks without power or water. It was a lot more difficult than he imagined it being.
He starts to transition and he lands a part in some small films, lands a few decent roles in some indie movies. It's a dream come true, but it's not enough to live off of. He's struggling and he wishes he would have thought everything out more than he actually did. He's happier, though. He's not in a toxic environment and he can finally be himself. It's still not EASY for a mentally ill kid, but it's better.
Then at the age of nineteen, he gets an audition for a BIG, ANTICIPATED HORROR. The director's well known and is pretty trust worthy with the genre so the chance has Lee's stomach in flips. Then his power finally comes in handy----a nice ghost girl makes a deal with him. She'll take notes of the auditions and the comments their reactions and report back to him, if he got the part he would have to help her move on. Sure enough, he lands it! It's a big part, one of the leads. He still DIES in the end, but it's more than he could have hoped for.
It's his big break. The movie is successful for a horror and the reviews weren't nearly as harsh as he had expected. Some critics even praised his performance! Thank God for that sweet ghost who helped him get what he wanted. He starts to get more offers, land more roles, get more recognized---his dream's coming true. Things are still DIFFICULT for him, but it's BETTER.
0 notes
candy-corps · 7 years ago
Run on the Beach
Sheoki belongs to @berrys-collection !
Now, there wasn't much this morning that they'd crossed so far. Dae could report Fawn a crab here and there, clouds, three (maximum four) birds, a bunch of shells and stones and sticks ... but an actual human? That he didn't see in a while. Civilization had them back, it seemed. The woman that chilled on the sand dune however was not what made Dae slow down. That was the object she was wearing. One that was black and round and for sure way more interesting to touch than the couple of pebbles the beach had to offer. "Excusez-moi - !" he called, still in a distance but trotting up as he went on, " - Pourrais-je avoir votre chapeau?" A tall, dark, male, alien looking figure with a baby strapped on his chest like a kidnapper, jogging towards you in the middle of nowhere. Call him a pessimist: Dae deemed their chances low on getting that hat. But for Fawn, he would at least try.
🦑༼∩ •́ ヮ •̀ ༽⊃━☆゚. * ・ 。゚🦑-24.03.2018
Sheoki had been peacefully laying on the beach, her sunhat over her face. It was too much of a fuss trying to get her horns through it all the time, especially if she just wanted to lay down. However, that peace was disrupted by the sounds of a strange, foreign language being spoken. The Thief of Doom sat up, lifting her hat from her face to look around the beach, seeing nobody else and thus concluded that she was the subject of the address. "Sorry, can you repeat that again? I'm afraid I don't understand." She apologised as she turned towards the approaching man, who seemed to have some sort of odd, squishy lump strapped to him. At least, Sheoki assumed that the person approaching was a he; she had never seen anyone that looked like that before, and decided to play it safe and not vocalise her assumptions
Oh, she was not screaming. That was ... generally ... a good sign. "I was saying," Dae said, approaching extra slowly for the last couple of meters, "Excusez-moi. Pourrais-je avoir. Votre. Chapeau. - which means", he translated, " - Excuse me ... may I borrow your hat?" " - please?" he added with a smile, holding Fawn and shifting his weight from one foot to the other to simulate the movement of him still running. It made little sense to have his daughter the beach, so she was resting facing him; only the back of her head and her ears showing towards the other. To be all honest, he was a little surprised that the woman was not indeed human. And had horns, which he was not sure was politically correct to mention. She still had the hat, however, which was the main objective. So. For Fawn, Dae tried to stay focused and corrected his gaze back down to her eyes.
🦑༼∩ •́ ヮ •̀ ༽⊃━☆゚. * ・ 。゚🦑-24.03.2018
"My hat?" Sheoki raised an eyebrow, looking from Dae down to the hat in her hand, turning it slightly to consider the offer, but also to look at the holes cut in the top. It was strange that somebody would randomly approach her, let alone ask to borrow her hat in some strange - and admittedly disgusting sounding - language.
"What on Skaia do you need to borrow my hat for? It has holes in it, so I doubt it would be any use in protecting your own head." she stated, showing the holes in the top, "Is it for that..." Sheoki looked down to Fawn, still not entirely sure what it was, "Thing on your chest?"
"Its not for the blanket" Dae assured without skipping a beat. "It's for Fawn. My perfect daughter" he clarified. Finally, he stopped moving altogether and just shifted the baby instead; not sure how well she'd react from moving to not moving from one moment to the next. She did however notice despite his best efforts that something new happened and curled up while complaining. Dae sped the explanation up a little. " - Um. So, I let her touch interesting things I find on the way. And I think she would like to hold the hat for a bit."
🦑༼∩ •́ ヮ •̀ ༽⊃━☆゚. * ・ 。゚🦑-24.03.2018
Sheoki tilted her head curiously a little as she stood up, coming over to look at Fawn, "How do you know she's yours? There's no way you could trace it through the gene pool." she pointed out, her face almost within Fawn's reach - and her horns dangerously close to Dae's face.  Despite being confused of the lineage, Sheoki stood up straight again and placed the hat on the baby's head, holding it in place in case it fell. "There." she smiled a little, "It's an odd looking wriggler. How come she has arms and legs already?"
Why did she have ... what ... ? " ... - Told you she's awesome" Dae replied with a long shrug. Then he addressed Fawn: "Hey, what's that - ? Something new - ?" He smiled more than she did. Fawn actually didn't seem convinced just yet. More confused. He untied her so he could lift and watch her properly with her new looks. The hat covered her eyes, but he knew that won't be a bother for her. "Thank you" he said to the other again. "Maybe we should put her down for a second. You'd not mind when she checked if the hat was edible, right - ?" He better ask in advance.
🦑༼∩ •́ ヮ •̀ ༽⊃━☆゚. * ・ 。゚🦑-24.03.2018
"You can put her on my towel. She won't actually eat my hat, will she? I'm rather partial to it." Sheoki took her hat back for a moment before sitting on one side of her towel, leaving the other for Dae and Fawn. "So, did you steal this one from her Lusus? Or did she simply not get one?" she asked, placing the hat back on Fawn's head
"She's not really gonna eat it" Dae promised the other. He sat down next to Fawn once he sat her on the towel and held her back, knowing she had still trouble with sitting. Little Fawns wings were hidden under the jacket, but her tail was showing now, stretching over the towel and giving additional support on keeping her upright. Her small hands reached for the sun hat now, trying to pull that off her head for further inspection. Dae laughed at the womans ideas. "I swear I didn't steal her. I made her with my wife. My ... partner. And now we care for her. Until she's all grown up and she can take care of herself. - I'm Dae, by the way." When he had to go in depth about earth-life reproduction, he'd feel better being on a first-name-basis. He reached a hand out to the woman but had an eye on her movements; going to pull back in case she wasn't familiar with hand shakes, fist bumps or any of the more common gang greetings.
🦑༼∩ •́ ヮ •̀ ༽⊃━☆゚. * ・ 。゚🦑-24.03.2018
"Sheoki Olikov." the troll replied, at least knowing how to give a simple handshake, "My friend, Rijeph, is swimming in there somewhere." she waved towards the water, watching the waves for a moment to see if she could spot the other troll, "That's rather strange. There's no Imperial Drones to collect the slurry? No mother grub to produce the wigglers, or Lusii to act as guardians? Or is your partner a mother grub, and that's how you've produced young yourselves?"
Mother grub. Was that a curse word - ? Dae frowned and shook his head eventually, though he was quite obviously unsure. "Jessie is the most fantastic female human being on Earth. And Fawns mother. I have a picture of her hand, when you would like to see - ?" Then Sheoki could judge for herself. Dae pulled his phone from his jacket's pocket, ready to dig for some pictures of Jessie.
🦑༼∩ •́ ヮ •̀ ༽⊃━☆゚. * ・ 。゚🦑-24.03.2018
"A hand? Surely I would need to see her face to judge." Sheoki raised an eyebrow, "And how is... Fawn the offspring of a human? She looks nothing like a human, she's more like you." she pointed out as she glanced down at Fawn, making sure she wasn't causing irreversible damage to her hat
Dae frowned. First off: "I'm half human, too." But secondly: That ... almost sounded as if ... ... ... " - Don't you want to see a picture of Jessies hand?" he asked disbelievingly, mouth agape as he looked at Sheoki.
🦑༼∩ •́ ヮ •̀ ༽⊃━☆゚. * ・ 。゚🦑-24.03.2018
"I can't tell whether she's as beautiful as you're insisting from just a picture of her hand. Do you have a picture of her face?" she asked, running a hand through her hair, trying to smooth out the persistent waves within it.
Dae sighed. "Well. When you'd see her hand ... you'd see that her pointing and ring finger have the exact same length just like its with Fawns hand too." Just so Sheoki knew what she was missing out on. "Anyways ... I do have pictures of her face. Wait." He swiped twice and inched a little closer to Sheoki, so she could see. "See, this is a picture of her nose ... " he started to show Sheoki close ups of parts of Jessies face - every picture from different angles, light conditions and backgrounds. Obviously it was a series, done over time. Fawn in the meantime was happily drooling over the hat; feeling the structure of it with hands and tongue.
🦑༼∩ •́ ヮ •̀ ༽⊃━☆゚. * ・ 。゚🦑-24.03.2018
Finally, something sensible. Sheoki had begun to smile a little, only for her face to drop at the segmented pictures. What was this guy's deal? Did he just not know how to take a good picture? Or did he not care to take the time to even get one simple picture of all of this... Jessie. "I'm not good at putting faces together from separate pictures like this. Don't you even have one nice one where you can see all of her as a whole?" Sheoki asked, "I'm sure she would appreciate it far more than a collection of fairly unflattering closeups."
Oh. Was she saying ... ... he was no good photographer? Dae looked from Sheoki back to the display that was currently showing the left one of Jessies ears, and raised his finger to his mouth as he thought that thought trough. Then, after a while: " ... I think she'd like these, even ... when they're imperfect." Which would be his fault, obviously, and not his motive's. " - She's very patient and forgiving and has a good heart." He smiled the smallest smile again. Fawn in the meantime learned that the hat could also rustle.
🦑༼∩ •́ ヮ •̀ ༽⊃━☆゚. * ・ 。゚🦑-24.03.2018
"If you love her so much, then stop focusing on all the little details. Her hands and nose and eyes don't matter - sure, they can help you to say what bits you like - but if you really do have red feelings for her, then you need to appreciate everything as a whole. As soon as you see her, just take a step back, look at how everything works together, and see the full picture of your matesprit." Sheoki explained, "A cog might be nicely designed, but the real beauty lies in the mechanism as a whole."
Ohhh. See there. "So what when I take a full picture of her?" Dae asked Sheoki as he put the phone away and lay down for now, half across the towel, but mostly the ground. He was too tall. And so was Jessie. " - I still don't have her voice, I still don't have her heartbeat, or the way she breathes, the way she smells, the way she makes me feel ... Isn't every picture you take of your partner just a close-up that doesn't catch the whole ... ... " He made a vague gesture with his hands while Fawn proceeded to think of the hat as something maybe edible again than as a toy. " ... - experience." There. That was the word.
🦑༼∩ •́ ヮ •̀ ༽⊃━☆゚. * ・ 。゚🦑-24.03.2018
"I suppose that's a fair point, but then again, you can't just appreciate her through photos. Yes, they're helpful in showing others what her visual bonuses are, but you still have the chance to video her and get more aspects through that." she replied then laughed softly, "Listen to me, talking as if I'm a Heart player. I should get you to meet Alex, she could gush about romantics all day to you. But either way, you need to find the balance between capturing moments and living in them. Those are the private things that only you as her matesprit can appreciate."
Dae sat up again and nodded, just as if he had processed anything the other had just been saying to him. "I'm gonna run to her" he decided. All the way to the city. No teleporting and no cheating. He just felt ... motivated enough for that. "Do you hang here regularly?" For that he actually looked at Sheoki again, meddled already with the baby holder though.
🦑༼∩ •́ ヮ •̀ ༽⊃━☆゚. * ・ 。゚🦑-24.03.2018
"It depends on the day really. I could always give you a way to message me?" Sheoki suggested, pulling out a device that looked like a phone but, knowing Sheoki, was probably fairly different. She held her hand out to Dae, offering to take his phone, "Or you can just be rather dedicated and come here everyday in the hopes that I'm there too."
She wanted ..... something. Hesitating, Dae took his phone out again and placed it in her hand. However, did not let go straight away. "Will you bring something new for Fawn to chew on tomorrow?" he negotiated.
🦑༼∩ •́ ヮ •̀ ༽⊃━☆゚. * ・ 。゚🦑-24.03.2018
"I'll see what I can do." Sheoki replied as she took Dae's phone, messing with it slightly so that she could get her foreign messaging system connected to his phone. "There, that should work. But yes, I'll see if I can find something more appropriate for your wiggler to chew on." she smiled a little, handing Dae's phone back, "But I want to see a picture of your matesprit in full."
Dae looked up as if he had to think about that. "How about you get to see her in full? Hands and all?" he offered instead.
🦑༼∩ •́ ヮ •̀ ༽⊃━☆゚. * ・ 。゚🦑-24.03.2018
"Oh, you'll bring her along next time?" Sheoki raised an eyebrow, a smirk growing on her face a little, "Well, if you can convince her, then I'd love to see just what you're flushed for."
"Oh, you'll see" Dae promised, sure of that. He pocketed his phone and took Fawn again; then returned the unharmed - yet drooled on - sunhat back to its rightful owner. He said he'd return it. He never claimed it would be dry. "I don't know if she got time right tomorrow. But I guess that I can ... call you now?" he asked, hopeful.
🦑༼∩ •́ ヮ •̀ ༽⊃━☆゚. * ・ 。゚🦑-24.03.2018
"No, just text-based messaging I'm afraid. It's the only thing that my client supports." Sheoki replied as she dried the edge of her hat off on the towel and put it back on, threading it carefully over her horns, "Hopefully I'll be able to make it tomorrow, whatever time that may be, and hopefully Rijeph will show his face and not be swimming all the time."25. März 2018
"Your friend?" Dae figured. Swimming? He looked towards the lake as he secured Fawn on him again. She wasn't too happy about the new situation, but he knew she'd calm down once they got moving.
🦑༼∩ •́ ヮ •̀ ༽⊃━☆゚. * ・ 。゚🦑-25.03.2018
Sheoki gave a hum of agreement, "Knowing him, he's probably somewhere near a bottom. He likes deep diving whilst his dancestor prefers the surface." she replied casually
"What's ... a dancestor?" Sheoki has been throwing a lot of unfamiliar terms around since he met her. Maybe he could make an effort to learn the meaning behind one a day, or so.
🦑༼∩ •́ ヮ •̀ ༽⊃━☆゚. * ・ 。゚🦑-25.03.2018
"Alright, this might get a little confusing; you might want to sit down again." Sheoki replied, "So, the trolls in our group are split into two groups; we'll call them universe A and universe B. I'm a universe A troll, along with Lateem, Aetura, and Shrosa. Kikiyu, Icuras, Rijeph, and Catzii are the universe B trolls." she started and drew two parallel lines in the sand, "Imagine these to be timelines existing at the same time." Sheoki labelled them as A and B, "In universe A, all 8 of us technically existed, but the universe B trolls lived first and their genetic information was passed down and that made us- the universe A trolls. In that respect, the universe B trolls are our ancestors. However. In the universe B timeline, that's flipped; the universe A trolls come first and act as the ancestors of the universe B trolls. So really, I'm an ancestor and a descendant at the same time, hence the term dancestor."
" ... so it's reversed" Dae summed up. He didn't actually sit down again, but leaned over the drawing Sheoki created. To be true, he has been regretting asking in the first place when it turned out not to be easy, but ... universes ... ? Timelines ... ? - That he could wrap his mind around. Well. Usually. "We should talk about this sometime else. I gotta go. Kiss my wife" he excused himself.
🦑༼∩ •́ ヮ •̀ ༽⊃━☆゚. * ・ 。゚🦑-25.03.2018
"Oh. Well, I'll try and be back here tomorrow for you." Sheoki replied, wiping her diagram away. She hoped that she hadn't put him off with... anything, really. He seemed as if he was nice enough, though she couldn't exactly tell; he talked rather a lot about this Jessie29. März 2018
He knew she'd understand. Dae smiled. "Tell me when you're here and I'll be there" he promised. He could adjust his route. He never ran the same one twice anyways.
🦑༼∩ •́ ヮ •̀ ༽⊃━☆゚. * ・ 。゚🦑-29.03.2018
"I'll be sure to message you." Sheoki smiled a little and nodded, partly wishing that Dae would stick around and talk to her some more, but if he had to go then he had to go
Was it just him or ... Dae was about to get going, but hesitated and tilted his head. "Do you like cats?" he asked, seemingly out of the blue. "Like, a lot ... of cats?" He made a gesture with his hands to indicate the 'lot'-ness.
🦑༼∩ •́ ヮ •̀ ༽⊃━☆゚. * ・ 。゚🦑-29.03.2018
"Cats? I've never come across one, so I couldn't say." Sheoki shrugged, "Do you have a picture of one? Or have you got that in separate close ups as well?"
Blurry ones. But he wouldn't admit that. "How ... about ... we meet up in the afternoon? I have a place that's full with cats. We can just see if you like them or not" he suggested. " - and talk some more."
🦑༼∩ •́ ヮ •̀ ༽⊃━☆゚. * ・ 。゚🦑-29.03.2018
"You're inviting me around to your place?" Sheoki raised an eyebrow before smiling, "Alright, that sounds good to me. Maybe you can show me your Jessie in full." she agreed, hoping to see both a cat and Jessie30. März 2018
So she got time. Great. "I text you the address. When you got trouble finding it I pick you up" he offered. It was an easy enough thing to do when you owned a teleporter.
🦑༼∩ •́ ヮ •̀ ༽⊃━☆゚. * ・ 。゚🦑-30.03.2018
"Sounds like a good plan, although I'm sure I'll be able to find my way around." Sheoki smiled, "I'll just have to let Rijeph know when he comes out." she motioned towards the water just as the other troll appeared, the fins on the sides of his face flaring a little before they relaxed. "Speak of the horrorterrors~"
ßaegels🐦-heute um 15:59 Uhr
"You can bring him" Dae allowed, jogging backwards to get away. It was time to get his heartrate back up and more importantly, get to kiss Jessie.
🦑༼∩ •́ ヮ •̀ ༽⊃━☆゚. * ・ 。゚🦑-heute um 16:04 Uhr
"Hey, who's your new friend, Sheoki?" Rijeph asked as he walked up the beach, parts of his body flushed a deep violet. "This is Dae, though you'll have to make your introductions quick.  He's too busy trying to run back to his matesprit. Though we're apparently allowed to go and meet this matesprit this afternoon." Sheoki pointed out "Well, I suppose I'll have to wait until this afternoon to get a proper introduction in." Rijeph gave Dae a crooked smile, "Do you want us to come in our formal god tier attire?"
ßaegels🐦-heute um 16:09 Uhr
"Surprise me!" Dae called, waving goodbye at the two as he kept jogging off.
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