#who else is a moth who speaks Spanish?!
Adam, any idea who the baby daddy is?
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Adam: *thinking about it* Well…there are several options, but like…I remember about a month ago I was having a really shitty day. Like nothing good in the trash, nothing good in TV, whatever. So I snuck into this club to try to snag from free booze. This…moth demon guy bought me a few rounds and then gave me a new drink, I remember it being blue and it glowed. And ya know I thought to myself “why the hell not? It’s something to have inside of me and I’ve had my fair share of love potions in my day” so I chugged the vial without thinking twice. Next thing I know I’m waking up in an alley outside the club.
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conazo · 7 months
Valentino writing tips: language
I’m not an expert by any means, but I thought I might provide some insight into how I, personally, handle the nasty moth's dialogue.
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Like all languages, Spanish is highly regional. We don’t really know Val’s actual background as a Sinner, so your guess is as good as mine. Given his VA is Puerto Rican, however, I write Valentino as someone who speaks Caribbean Spanish (like me!). The three Spanish-speaking countries/territories in the Caribbean are: Puerto Rico, the Dominican Republic, and Cuba. I'm not familiar with Cuban Spanish, so we'll focus on the first two for now.
Some of these are more specific to one place than the other, but I’m mushing them together for simplicity’s sake (don't come at me).
Fun quirks of Dominican and Puerto Rican Spanish:
A habit of shortening words, like “ven pa’ca” (“come here”) instead of “ven para acá.” We frequently eat the letters “r,” “s” or “d” toward or at the end of some words.
Pronouncing “r” as “l” in some words.
Pronouncing “t” as a soft sound between a “th” and a “d.” Although this voice has a Spanish (from Spain) cadence, you can hear the modified “t” sound in “Valentino” here.
Fun Dominican and Puerto Rican words and phrases:
“Coño” as a casual curse, typically used as an expression of frustration (like “fuck!”). My username is basically a really intense version of coño, and is a very Dominican phrase.
“Diablo,” which means “devil,” is also commonly used as an exclamation.
“Hijo de la gran puta,” a classic that roughly parallels "son of a bitch," but literally translates to “son of a great whore.”
“Papi” or “papi chulo” (“cute daddy”) as a term of affection. “Papito” is the diminutive version of this phrase.
On that note, you can add “ito” to the end of just about anything to make it a diminutive (cutesy/smaller version). “Chulo” means cute, for example. “Chulito” is the even more affectionate/smaller version of that.
“Dique,” which is used to express doubt. Vox might say, “I am not obsessed with Alastor!” Valentino might mutter “diiiique” in response. This is a Dominican thing.
“Wepa,” which is something usually shouted in excitement. This is a Puerto Rican thing.
“Vaina,” which kind of means “thing,” often with a negative connotation. So, Valentino might look at one of Velvette’s designs, find it hideous, and say, “que vaina más fea, oof” (“what an ugly thing, oof”).
“Fó,” which is sort of “ew” or “gross,” usually re: bad smells. You shout it.
“Mano,” short for “hermano” (“brother”). Used between friends.
“Dímelo” (“tell me”) as a greeting. Something that would be said when answering the phone, for example.
“Cojer” as a means of saying “to take,” like taking something from a table. This word has a very different context in other regions. In Mexico, for example, the verb “cojer” is vulgar and means “to fuck.”
“Ahorita,” which in my experience means “later.” In other regions, it can mean “right now” or “later” depending on context.
Commonly used phrases in Mexican Spanish.
You’ll want to avoid these if you’d like his dialogue to be consistently Caribbean-inspired:
“No mames/no manches”
“Qué padre”
Calling acquaintances “primo” or “jefe”
I mention this Spanish dialect specifically because it's the most common one in the world. And hey, Val could be canonically Mexican or Mexican in your headcanon! That's cool, too. I'm just providing insight for consistency's sake.
Other insight:
“Ay dios mío!” is a generally overused phrase, in my opinion, and not actually said IRL as frequently as TV makes it seem. Just my experience, though.
“Ay” or “uy” are good filler sounds. You hear Val shout it when Niffty snaps at him.
Valentino canonically squeaks like a moth when passionate!
His voice takes on an echo/growl when he’s particularly angry.
Mixing English and Spanish is tricky. Spanglish is not uncommon in PR, DR, and the US, but usually only when speaking with someone else who is fluent in both languages. Valentino seems plenty fluent in English; he uses lots of contractions, complex sentence structure, and slang. He doesn’t need to inject Spanish phrases in favor of English ones when conversing with another English speaker. He does do it sometimes for emphasis (“the devil’s princesa” or “this chiquita”).
As cliché as it is, defaulting to a Spanish phrase in moments of alarm, anger, frustration, or affection is also not uncommon if you grew up in a Spanish-speaking home. If someone surprises me, I shout “coño” by default, for example.
Valentino uses pet names when referring to others, like "amorcito" (“little love”) and "Angie" over voicemail.
Generally speaking, Val likes to stretch his vowels to be theatrical ("he mooooved!"). He sometimes eats the ends of English words, like “fuckin’” instead of “fucking.” He also sometimes rolls his “r” for English words, like in “ungrrrateful whore!”
Val's accent isn’t consistently strong, which could be a stylistic choice, or he could just be prone to a kind of unique code switching, for lack of a better term. My friends say I speak English with a Spanish accent when conversing with my family, for example (it’s not intentional).
Okay that’s it, bye!
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lactosa2 · 4 months
Omen, i have no other bitch in mind
cc: Drabble, soft, non relatonship but still romantic in my way.
Omen lately have been distant, well, he is always distant, but now was even more distant that he usually is, so you tough that might you did something wrong, that you said or did something and now he was piss and no talking.
Is not like this, but in some way you liked to suffer, it showed you that you are not crazy or a atenttion seaker when you feel or say that you are in a bad mental space, still, you felt a need. A strange and toxic need of always being worst, always being paranoid and living whit that fear that something gonna mess up all the rigths decitions you have made, deep down, you wanted to be in a bad place, being manipulated, being assaulted, discriminated, all because when you were you had a excuse to at least being sad, having the rigth for rotting in bed for days and not being called lazy, showing other people that you are not crazy, that you ARE vulnerable
That was one of the main reason Omen and you got so well, even at the first meet, he wasn´t polite, caring, or something that made you feel conected whit him, but you could see his pain, his suffering, is not a kink shit, only that as same as you, he didn´t see you as a lack of person, he only saw you as a anoyying one, and that was enough, and more because for you he was anoying to.
You had two faces, 1: want to show how bad and miserable your life actually is, because being honest, it is! - 2: Want to be seeing as a person, not as one you have to feel sorry, so so sorry that you give it atention in case that poor little and vulnerable things is thinking on suicide. People was rude whit it, how dare you to be sad? and of you dare to not let them wash their sins by trying to help you in not a solidary way? how????
Whit thinking that everyone around you feel sorry for you, you started to close, ignore and cut ties whit people and just acepting help from yourself, that little voice in the back of your mind that told you that eating less wasn´t going to make you pretty and loved, the voice that told you that you actually deserved being alive, the little voice that told you that not everyone have to cares about others, and that´s not selfish. Conciencia, that how others called it if you live in a place where you speak spanish, you tried but didn´t find logic on it, end of all, you didn´t thinked that much about racional things, and most important, you didn´t know.
Strange feeling between sadness and rage, but you feel it, yes, why? idc, and you didn´t either.
2:45 A.M
Talking whit Omen was relaxing, talking whit someone more mess up than you is terapeutic, making you feel like you can be worst and youre not, one of the last things you can say you are proud about. He wasn´t gently, polite, loving, he didn´t even care when in a mission someone shot you, and that was made him so special. Not because you liked men that are cold heart and a dicks whit everyone, i hope that you had a present father figure on your childhood. but ignoring that. He treated you as a person, as everyone else, and that is... good, actually pretty good, he is not sweet whit you, but he is not sweet, he is not! is not special to you because your not! and that tough it was better than a orgams itself, making you feel as a person. and for that reason he was in your place for more than 3 moths.
You were siting on the chair of the balcony since one hour aprox, smoking a cigarrete, even if the hole protocol told you it was bad for you, you are not better than the 77% of people that smokes arround the world.
you felt his hand hitting softly the back of your head, laughting in a low voice you moved the head to see Omen, his hand on the chair frame, his figure tall and kind of impresive.- "So you don´t hate me? no more?" you asked whit a frow, letting the cigarrete burn itselft, you have something more adictive to concentrate on. "Who said that?" he asked while walking away from you (:c) and siting on the other chair besides you. "Me" he giggled whit a voice that make him look like a smoker since his -9 years, you giggled at his laught and kicked softly his feet,-" Hey, im talking serious.." his head shaked sighly at your words, "Nothing, just thinking" he said whit his arms crossed
you laid both of your legs on his lap, looking at him whit head moved a little to the side, in doubt. "I don´t bothers me that you are here.." you whispered, since he was here it feels easy to live, even if he isn´t much of talking. -"I don´t want you to feel alone, i know you do, but i care, i really really really care."- you tried to convice him, your words going out in a soft loving purr, he better to buy the enchant. One of his hand touched your leg caressing it whit his tumb, "I know you do... i wouldn´t be here if you didn´t." his words were low, his head looking at the deep dark sky.
"So you don´t hate me?" you said whit a teasing fake smile, smoking whit a eyebrown raised and your legs rubbing in his lap.- "How could i?"
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theweirdestroller · 3 months
Candle running with an old friend in S:CotL and it's making me so nostalgic for no reason. I just wanna hug all my friends there and give them little forehead kisses and make sure they all know just how much I appreciate them.
So to all my friends in Sky, to the ones I know irl, to the ones I may never meet, to those who speak in Spanish, Russian, Chinese, and any other language I didn't recognize, to those who were excited to find someone else who speaks English, to the moths I've helped, and those who helped me when I was a moth, to the folks I've guided through the trials, and those who helped me in turn, to the people who've taught me songs, to the people I've met running through Eden, to everyone I have a complete friendship tree with, and to the people who've just started one with, to the ones who are still active, to the ones I may never play with again, to everyone I've met there, and to everyone I'll meet; I love and cherish the time we've spent together and hope I can play again with you all soon💙💙
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drops-of-moonlights · 3 years
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Un instinto animal El poder de Silvestrix! Un gran rugido bestial Es la magia de Silvestrix! Nuevas hadas! Poder Silvestrix! Por la naturaleza a luchar Un instinto animal Silvestri-iiiiiiix!
Silvestrix’s re-redesign is done! Sing the song to the Dreamix tune, it doesn’t exist in the AU so the song’s free real estate.
You might notice Diaspro’s here! With a Elas-looking transformation! So I’ve made the executive decision that Elas now goes to Dia instead of Bloom, since Kiko in the AU is a Magic Animal and it would be the biggest dick move to him for Bloom’s Silvestrix to look like the newly adquired horse than the bunny that’s been with her since literally S1. Plus Dia does get a horse in S8 so I’m just giving her one earlier, really.
The earning of Silvestrix is a bit more complicated than other forms. One obtains it by establishing some sort of “familiar” connection with a Magic Animal that matches their established source or their personality. As such, the form is based off that animal specifically. Animal-source Magi who specialize in a specific creature (such as insects or mammals or what have you), can obtain the form without doing this step however, as they are guaranteed to have the animal that matches their specialization (see also Mandragora and Rodolfo).
Onto the design notes!:
BLOOM’S IN BLUE AGAIN WHAT IS THIS SORCERY. Well she kind of had to, Kiko is blue lmao. The outfits themselves are a bit like costume-y regular clothes, like when you do a low budget or casual cosplay. The form also gives everyone two colored stripes of hair, as well as ears, horns, tails and what have you - stuff that doesn’t involve their limbs or make them look less “human”-y.
Coming up with the outfits themselves wasn’t that hard, I grew up doing Pokémon gijinkas, this was nothing new to me. THE WINGS THO. THE FUCKING WINGS THIS TIME FUCKING BROKE ME. I had no issues with Bloom’s, Stella’s, Tecna’s and Aisha’s, given their animals already had wings to begin with, but everyone else was a hassle, Roxy especially. Speaking of her, since Silvestrix perfectly matches her Source, she gets the eye color change!
Also, for those that are waiting for the S7 summary, it’s been. A slog. I’m still in the first half of the season, mainly because THERE’S NO PLACE TO FUCKING WATCH S7 IN LATIN SPANISH, NOT EVEN ILEGALLY. And I don’t trust VPNs to just check it out in Netflix, and do not even suggest checking out the English dubs I will never sink that low to check any part of any of the English dubs. I have my own mess, thank you very much. Hopefully I’ll be able to find the stupid season soon enough so I can finish watching it and then finish writing the stupid thing!
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ecofinisher · 3 years
Stuff I noticed at Snow Queen Fire & Ice and Miraculous Ladybug 😀
I just had to. Even if it is a waste of time. 😅I've done one a long while ago between Miraculous and Monster Buster Club. This one had to be done as well, all just because of those small, little spirits 🥺😥
To be clear, I’m not comparing it to what is better and whatnot. I’m comparing the similarities between the two. The spirits there made me think of the kwamis? Funny I didn't pay attention to it at first xD But then the fun part came......Three times I have watched the movie and I suddenly began to think......Hmm Gerda has the creation powers like Ladybug and Rollan destruction......Holy brick! They could be the lovesquare as well if they had added more romance into it 😂 How did I not see? (It's because you saw Kristanna mixed with Hansanna you nut)
So where do I start? Well just to summarize the shows for those who don’t know one/both of them:
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Short info about both, if unfamiliar:
Miraculous Ladybug is a French animated TV show, that debuted in 2015 and is set in the modern metropole Paris and is focused on the lives of the clumsy Marinette Dupain-Cheng and the famous teeny-model Adrien Agreste. Both wield special magical jewelry, which is called a “Miraculous” which they use to transform into the superheroes “Ladybug and Cat Noir”  The two don’t know each other’s identity, but funnily Adrien has a huge crush on Ladybug and in the civilian life he sees her as just a friend, while Marinette is obsessed with Adrien and sees Cat Noir only as his trustful crime-fight partner. Both students are around 14 years old in the show.
As superheroes they fight villains, that were akumatized by Hawk Moth. (He owns the butterfly miraculous, with which he can create supervillains by sending an akuma (Butterfly jinxed by Hawk Moth’s magic) and Hawk Moth’s miraculous sends people’s negative feelings such as anger, sadness and disappointment and uses his akumas to follow them and akumatize them and they’re transformed by Hawk Moth into a specific-themed supervillain.
Snow Queen 3: Fire and Ice (Release year: 2016)
Snow Queen 3: Fire and Ice is the third installment of the Russian franchise "The Snow Queen" It consisted currently out of 4 movies, an upcoming 5th installment, and a pre-school TV show. The first movie came out in 2012 and was also the studio's very first movie.
Resume from the first two movies is the young girl Gerda, which lost her parents to the Snow Queen makes her way through the entire snow lands to find her younger brother Kai, which was kidnapped y the north wind. With help of Orm, Snow Queen's servant she makes her way up to the Palast and defeats her, saving her brother and waking up Orm's eyes to a "better world" The sequel is focused on Orm's continuation, which makes a promise to never lie again and this promise made a reflection of himself come to life and appear near him, when he had no idea, what to do with life issues. The more he began to create white lies and bigger lies, the more life his reflection gained until he was able to get out to the real world. The reflection, which calls itself "The Snow King" tricks Orm and leads a fight against Troll warriors by sending his ice-made minions. Gerda was the last warrior to enter and make it to the main hall of the palace to miss Orm, which was fading away due to Snow King's existence and he pretends to be an injured Orm, which is warmly embraced by the girl, but then gets frozen by him, not realizing she had fallen into a trap. When things were over for everyone and the bad guys had won, Orm figured out how he would make everything okay by confessing his mistakes, which erased Snow King from existence and unfroze all warriors and friends again, which were angered at the naive troll.
This is lowkey spoiler-free. I didn't want to go into much detail here, but I would suggest you watch these movies, mostly no. 2 and 3, which are really worth seeing. As well you can see the first and see how much the studio had improved since the first up to the 2 and 3 one.
The Fire and Ice one, I'm supposed to be talking about happens a few years later, Gerda and Kai left the orphanage to go live on their own and make money to be able to at least be able to eat. Their last visit didn't make any profit and they took a ride with an old friend of theirs Alfida (The Robber girl) to pass the night by Orm, their troll friend, which had matured and was responsible to babysit the triplets of his cousin. On said night, a Spanish boy named Rollan shows up by his doorstep and is introduced to the visitors as a friend he met shortly. After the dinner ended in a disaster Kai and Gerda split and Rollan followed Gerda to give her rights, then bonded with her from being looking for his mother as well and introduces her to a map with an artifact called "The Wishing Stone" which grants any wish. Gerda agrees in tagging along and together they make it to survive the dangerous tomb encountering the wishing stone. Fact is the wishing stone was something else and this is where the powers of the Snow Queen and the Fire Demon were kept and due to Gerda and Rollan's touch on the stone, it had awakened the spirits, getting the two infected with the powers of said villains. Soon as they find out with Orm what happened, they need to get back to the tomb to retrieve the powers before the north star rises and makes their transformation complete, which means both would lose their soul/bodies to the villain. .
Random info:
1. The most popular franchise of the studio aka knowns for:
Miraculous is mostly know to be addressed as a ZAG animation product, but other known studios have worked on it as well such as SAMG Animation, TOEI and Method Animation.
Currently, the most popular series produced in France.
The Snow Queen 3 is the overall fifth movie released by Wizart Animation and was on its release the studio's best-grossing movie so far. Currently, the studio's filmography contains about 8 released movies (Counting with Secret Magic Control Agency in 2021), Two televisions shows and at the moment three movies are announced to be released.
Currently, the franchise is the most popular one in Russia, which is also where it was produced.
The similarities I noticed:
The spirits
Coal (Up) and Snowflake (Down) (Left Side)
Plagg (Up) and Tikki (Down)(Right Side)
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Tikki and Snowflake have female pronouns. Both are shown to be "feminine", kind, lovable, and correct. They're a spirit of creation.
Plagg and Coal have male pronouns. Both are shown to be "male". cunning and curious. They're a spirit of destruction.
All four are able to use their powers on their own. They don't need to be with their holder to be capable of.
- Plagg and Tikki are able to communicate verbally with each other and with humans.
-Coal and Snowflake can't speak, they usually use body language and mimic. Also, they do noises like laughing, groaning, speaking, and such.
- According to Tikki, her species (Kwami) don't fall in love/can't fall in love.
- Snowflake and Coal are shown to be romantically interested in each other. They're shown flirting and having little date-like moments, as they're away from their "owners"
- Coal is able to multiplicate. It's unknown if he's able to do it in command or only if he falls or is hit.
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The "Alter egos"
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Marinette is the face behind Ladybug and Adrien wears the mask of Cat Noir.
Gerda is possessed with the ice-powers of the Snow Queen and Rollan wields the fire-power of the Fire Demon.
Gerda and Marinette share the creation ability, while Adrien and Rollan are responsible for the destruction. They're each other's opposites.
Differences: Gerda and Rollan are aware of each other's identity and recognize each other's faces, despite small differences. Adrien and Marinette don't know each other's hero identity and weirdly have minor differences in their looks.
Marinette and Adrien's personality as heroes is quite different from their civilian ones, while Gerda and Rollan's don't seem any different.
It's unknown if, during the time Rollan and Gerda are under possession, their personalities are slightly altered by the villains or not. Rollan is shown to get quickly tempered with Gerda's friend, when it comes to their mishap, which usually turns into arguments.
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The Yin-Yang effect
Power of creation and destruction
Marinette = Ladybug miraculous, the red earrings / Power of Luck (Creation)
Adrien = Black Cat Miraculous, the black ring / Power of Misfortune (Destruction)
Gerda = Ice (Creation) (The ice-blue shape on the crystal)
Rollan = Fire (Destruction) (The red shape on the crystal)
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Character A bickers often with character B.
Ladybug with Cat Noir. Most of the moments Ladybug feels annoyed at Cat Noir's puns and flirt attempts during their missions. She had her rude moments, but deep inside her, she adores him. With Adrien's she's currently befriended, but has a huge crush, nearly an obsession with the blonde, which sometimes makes her double life harder and under pressure, she has taken choices, which led to ungood consequences.
Gerda with Rollan. Rollan's seems more relaxed with pressuring into retrieving the powers back, unlike Gerda. Rollan's easy tempter with Orm, when he's blamed for his issues annoys her as well. Gerda has shown interest in Rollan since the night she has met him and they bonded over the night when heading to the forbidden Tomb. Rollan has shown interest in her as well, but not as much as her.
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"Buttmonkey Sidekick"
Cat Noir and Rollan.
Cat Noir - Thrown around by villains at billboards, yeeted by his own dad at the fricking Eiffel tower, sometimes risked his life to protect Ladybug and get wrapped up into odd situations.
Rollan suffered a few nutshots (One by himself as well), survived a very dangerous tomb, had his head frozen by Gerda accidentally, managed to step-dance in the middle of a shoot-out without getting hit by a bullet, accidentally (Or not) uses firepower with help of his butt. (Sounds ridiculous? There' the picture 😂) Press R for respect.
Naturally handsome boys.
Cat Noir and Rollan.
With and without "masks".
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Don't think before acting
Cat Noir and Rollan.
Characters look the same
Gerda and Ladybug
Gerda has additional makeup on her face.
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Characters look differently with their alter egos
Cat Noir and Rollan
Cat Noir has a wilder hairstyle and has cat-like eyes.
Rollan has a different skin tone, a fire-like shaped hairstyle, which he can put on fire and his eyes are slightly red-brownish.
The brains
Ladybug and Gerda.
The muscle
Cat Noir and Rollan.
Falling into the darkness
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Cat Noir and Rollan
Cat Noir lets an akuma take over him and turn him into Chat Blanc, which destroys the entire world in an alternate universe.
Rollan lets the Fire Demon take over his body at the retrieval of the power and nearly commits genocide of entire kingdom.
Tall boy, smoll girl
Cat Noir to Ladybug
Rollan to Gerda
Cat Noir has a crush on Ladybug. Ladybug doesn't. She has a crush on Adrien, which is Cat Noir's alter ego, which she's not aware of. Adrien sees Marinette as a friend only and has no idea, she and Ladybug are the same person although they look the same.
Gerda is attracted to Rollan since the first time she saw him. Rollan begins to feel attracted to Gerda with the time she's around him.
Rollan and Gerda are aware of each other because they were given the powers in the same place.
Marinette and Adrien were confirmed to be canon and should end up in the 5th season, eventually.
Rollan and Gerda should be considered canon at the end of the 4th part, due to the ending credits showing them share a kiss.
Power font:
Ladybug & Cat Noir: "Magic jewelry" (Miraculouses)
Rollan & Gerda: The wishing stone
The wishing stone takes away after 24 hours of control over the power wielders and turns them into the slave of Snow Queen and the Fire Demon. The characters' real person is gone for good.
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Drury Walker Headcanons/Stuff in my au
.Born December 3rd 1992 (Maybe 1991 so he's like 29 to 30)
.He's the Main Villain of Year 4 (2011)
.Was 5'11" before he became a Moth Mutant (Which I'll get into Eventually with his Backstory) but after his Transformation i imagined he became about 7'0" to 7'2" i think
.He's Gay (Retcon) and has only dated 2 other people before Garfield
.Has ADHD and PTSD,and his Doctors think he has a Napoleon Complex
.He's a Cecropia Moth
.He used to like Painting his Nails back when he had them as a Human and Occasionally wears Dresses when no one else is around
.Drury has a Collection of Lamps that he Finds at Flea Markets (And tries to get as many as he can to Work)
.His Wings Can Regrow when they're ripped off
.He tolerates most of Garfield's Conspiracies but he usually believes ones involving Cryptids (Usually Moth Man like Creatures) though he acts like he Buys into the Lizard People theory
.Drury is a Suprisingly good Person for a Supervillain (Who is Probably going to have a Redemption arc)
.Drury can speak Fluent Spanish and a bit of French Waylon taught him
.Bug Enthusiast.
B U G Z!
.He likes Playing Video Games with Margaret (Mostly Tf2 his favorite Class is Medic)
.Has/Had 2 Siblings,An Older Brother (Passed away before his Parents Divorce) and his Younger Sister (who is Adopted and plays a part in his Origin Story)
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maribatshipper · 4 years
Jiminette String Part 3
I’M BACK BABY! I know you’ve been waiting for this, here it is, everyone!
Part 1 Part 2
Adrien looks at his fingers, seeing strings on his fingers, confused about them.
“Don’t be bemused, it’s just the news! A new Akuma, going by the name, “Soulfinder” is walking through Paris, making everyone see Soulmate strings. Oh, it seems he has an announcement to Paris.”
Adrien looks towards the TV to see the supervillain smirking at the Camera near the Lourve.
“People of Paris, I am Soulfinder. I’ve been called crazy for years, insane because I saw that some people just aren’t meant to be together. They said I was just trying to break up all the good couples, but now you all get to see who your soulmates are! Let me explain the strings. Thumbs are like the pointer, but the thumb is your soul sibling. Those that are too close to be friends, but are not romantic. Pointers are strictly platonic. They can move to the middle finger, which is Soul enemies. The ring finger is romantic, and pinkie is the soul parent or child. It depends on your age. But be warned, if you grab your romantic soulmate string and you aren’t in the same place as them, something weird could happen. It could be you lose sight in one eye and so does your soulmate, but your soulmates would be seeing from your sightless eye. You could switch bodies with your soulmate. It’s random. Enjoy knowing who your soulmate is!” Soulfinder smiles.
Adrien looks at his finger where Plagg’s ring is residing, seeing a dark blue string on his finger.
“What do you think you’re doing, Adrien? You need to go out there and help Ladybug take down the villain!” Plagg exclaims.
Adrien protests, “But I could finally prove that Ladybug and I are soulmates!”
Plagg growls, “Didn’t you hear the Akuma? There are side effects! You could swap bodies with your soulmate, which will drive both you and them insane and you won’t be able to help Ladybug! You could lose sight in one eye, making it extremely hard to fight!”
Adrien frowns, “It’s a risk I have to take.” reaching for his string.
“Adrien, NO!”
Kagami frowns, quite confused at this turn of events. She ignores her romantic string, quickly realising that isn’t important, and grabs her thumb string, seeing Marinette in her mind's eye after she grabs it. But what surprises her is seeing Marinette transform into Multimouse, which Kagami approves of Ladybug’s choice, but then drops the string in shock at something else.
“What are you doing, Kagami?” Longg asks.
Kagami frowns, “I don’t care who I belong with. I care for Marinette. We need to help Ladybug. Longg, bring the storm!”
Kagami transforms into Ryuko, only to look at her hands and see her thumb and pointer strings haven’t disappeared from her sight. She looks up to see where her thumb is leading and follows it.
Marinette hides in an alleyway and frowns, “We have to save Liam!”
Tikki nods, “Just say the words, Marinette!”
“Tikki, Spots on!” Marinette exclaims, transforming.
The suit appears to have been upgraded, getting more armour around the chest area, on her legs and shoulders. (I’m horrible at describing this. I just want her to have a better suit.) Ladybug then looks at her hand to realise that the pointer and thumb strings haven’t disappeared. She ignores that because she can ask Liam once he’s been de-akumatised. She throws her yoyo and swings away, looking for Soulfinder.
Claire and Jim jump out of a Shadow portal onto a roof. They see Soulfinder walking away from the Lourve.
“How can we do this?” Claire asks.
Jim exclaims, “Wait, look!”
Ladybug lands in front of them, quite surprised.
“How’d you get up here?” She asks.
Jim sighs, “That’s not important right now, Ladybug. What is important is that we can help!”
Ladybug pulls them out of Soulfinder’s field of vision and asks, “How can you help?”
Claire grabs Ladybug’s shoulder and answers, “I use shadow magic. I can make portals quite easily and quickly and can move shadows. Literally.”
“I’m gonna need more than your word for that.” Ladybug frowns.
Claire puts her hand to her left, opening a portal to a few feet away and sticks her hand in, causing it to come out the other side. Ladybug’s eyes widen.
“We can help!” Claire frowns.
Ladybug puts her hand to her chin in thought.
“You can’t help like this. If Hawk Moth new about your power, he’d try and take it from you, either by kidnapping or some other way. But- Of course!” Ladybug snaps her fingers. “You stay right here. I’ll be back.”
Ladybug swings away, leaving the two on the rooftop.
“Do you think we should’ve told her what weapons we prefer?” Jim asks.
Claire shrugs, “Probably.”
Ladybug jumps into her room and detransforms, walking over to the Miracle Box she’s hidden underneath her pillow.
“Are you sure about this, Marinette?” Tikki asks.
Marinette nods, “Trust me, Tikki. We can trust them. They offered to help, and if Hawk Moth assumes Claire’s power is from a Miraculous, she’d be so much safer than if he knew the truth.”
She opens the Miracle Box and looks at the Miraculous inside, reaching towards it, trying to figure out which to use this time.
“Of course!” Marinette exclaims as she grabs two.
She quickly transforms and runs back, hoping they’re still there. On her way, she bumps into Ryuko.
“Ladybug, do you know where the akuma is?” Ryuko asks.
Ladybug nods, “It’s in a chain bracelet. We’ll probably need some help, though.”
Ryuko nods, “I trust you to pick worthy holders. But, Ladybug, after the battle, I need to talk to you.”
Downstairs, Sabine and Tom look at their ring-fingers to find they are attached to each other, and they are relieved.
“At least we were meant to be together, Tom.” Sabine smiles.
Tom replies, “I couldn’t have asked for a better person to be my soulmate.”
“He’s such a sweetheart. I’m glad we’re soulmates.”
“She can kick anyone’s butt. That’s what I fell in love with.”
(I am so sorry, I had to put this in.)
Claire and Jim watch as Soulfinder looks at people’s worried faces as he passes by them.
“How can we turn him back to Liam?” Jim frowns.
“We can help with that.” Ladybug smiles.
The two teenagers turn to Ladybug to see Ryuko with her. She swipes her yoyo, causing it to open and a glowing white light appearing inside. Ladybug puts her hand in, pulling out a box. She holds it towards Jim.
“Jim Lake Jr, this is the Miraculous of the Tiger, which grants the power of the hunt. You will use it for the greater good. Once the mission is completed, you will return the Miraculous to me. Can I trust you, Jim?” Ladybug asks.
Jim nods, “Of course you can.”
He picks up the box and opens it, causing a small glowing orb to fly around him, giving him deja vu. When the light dies down, a small tiger-like creature appears.
“Hello, young cub, I am Roaar! I’m your kwami for today. All you have to say it Roaar, time to hunt!” Roaar smiles.
Jim smiles as he puts on the Panjas bracelet, “Roaar, time to hunt!”
Roaar goes into the Panjas bracelet. Instead of the usual feeling of Armour surrounding him, he feels fabric forming on his skin, including on his face. When it’s finished, Jim stands with a bit of dark purple in his hair, a mask with black and purple stripes on it, and a purple bodysuit with black stripes, and a tail attached to his back. Claws protrude from his fingers and two swords lay on his back. Ladybug’s face almost turns as red as her mask seeing how attractive he is. She quickly pulls out another box and holds it to Claire.
“Claire Nunez, this is the Miraculous of the Horse, which grants the power of teleportation. You will use it for the greater good. Once the job is done, you will return the miraculous to me. Can I trust you?” Ladybug asks.
Claire smirks, “Yep. Not that I needed it.”
Ladybug explains, “Yes, but Hawk Moth won’t know that. He’ll just assume you’re old enough to make more than one portal.”
Claire opens the box to reveal glasses. Another glowing orb appears, and it flies around Claire. As the light dissipates, a little horse kwami appears.
“Oh, hello. To whom do I have the pleasure of speaking?” The kwami asks.
“Claire Nunez.” Claire answers.
The kwami asks, “Are you glorious and famous?”
Ladybug rolls her eyes and goes to say something when Claire answers, “I’m the daughter of a Councilwoman back in Arcadia, so I’m a little famous. What do I have to do?”
“All you have to say is, “Kaalki, full gallop!” Kaalki smiles.
Claire puts on the glasses and smirks, “Kaalki, full gallop!”
Kaalki goes into the glasses, and Claire transforms. Her white patch in her hair grows, covering all her hair, which has grown and is pulled into a high ponytail. A horseshoe appears on her waist. (If anyone can do fanart, I would love that, please. I can’t figure out how to describe her transformation.)
“You have a gaggletack?” Jim asks.
Ladybug asks, “What? It’s just a magical horseshoe. Like my yoyo. Oh, and what are your names?”
A/N: I’m baaaaack! Damn, you’ve been waiting a while, haven’t you? Admittedly, not as long as for other fics, but gah! Oh, this was fun to write. I had to make a nod towards the Gaggletacks because come on! Oh, and I have no clue for names for the heroes. I mean, Claire’s Spanish, so we can give her a Spanish name, and she can suggest something for Jim! Please, though, I need your opinions and FANART! I am terrible at drawing, and editing pictures, so I need YOURS! Please! I’m begging on my knees.
Oh, and Adrien’s soulmate, can anyone guess who it is? Dark blue because the character I picked out of nowhere seems to where that the most. Seriously, she seems like she doesn’t have any flavour in her closet. Just stripes. I apologise for giving you such heartache. And, what should happen to Adrien when he grabs the string? Blind in one eye, soulmate teleports into his room, swap bodies, what do you think should happen? I do have a plan, but if I’m given a better idea, I might do it.
Tagging: @itspetitfantomestuff @belleyells 
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narcissawilted · 3 years
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n a r c i s s a   l u c r e t i a   b l a c k
name: narcissa lucretia black. pronunciation: naar·si·suh  loo·kree·shuh   blak. meaning: narcissa- daffodil, narcissism, numb. lucretia- to succeed, wealth. birthday: october 3rd. age: eighteen. pronouns: she & her. sexuality: heterosexual. siblings: bellatrix black, andromeda black. parents: cygnus black, druella black nee rosier. other family: orion black (uncle), walburga black (aunt), alphard black (uncle), sirius black (cousin), regulus black (cousin), evan rosier (cousin). languages: english, french, spanish, greek, gaelic, russian. current residence: walden macnair’s home. hometown: norfolk.
wizard fun:
hogwarts house: slytherin. year of graduation: 1979. occupation: socialite. pet: two pet snakes named ophelia and desdemona. blood status: pureblood. species: witch. patronus: luna moth. luna moths represent rebirth, renewal of body and spirit, regeneration and may even symbolize the soul itself. luna moths, like many types of moths and butterflies, are quite beautiful in appearance and have docile personalities. their physical beauty and charm make these large moths symbols of reflection, nourishment and life. boggart: narcissa’s greatest fear is always feeling as powerless, controlled, and alone as she has been for the majority of her life. she sees so many people, even lowly mudbloods, with friends and love and warmth in their lives, but she doesn’t have it. she’s so afraid she never will. amortentia:   snow. the crisp, biting scent that hits your nose the second that you step foot outside the morning after a fresh snow is one of narcissa’s favorite things in the world. especially if it’s the first snow of the year. something about that is just so different and special. she couldn’t quite put into words the way winter made her feel. christmas garland. christmas was always exciting to narcissa because it meant that there would be more people in the household than just her sisters and parents. she loved seeing her aunts and uncles and grandparents and cousins, especially when they brought her presents. she also loved how much effort went into decorating their home for the holidays with garland, wreaths, candles, tinsel, and charms. narcissa was nothing if not a connoisseur of beauty. peppermint. narcissa, nor any of the Black sisters, were allowed sweets growing up. druella insisted that it would make them fat and lazy and completely undesirable. as a result, the closest thing they were allowed to have was peppermints, and narcissa went overboard on them. she almost always keeps a tin of them next to her bed. wand type: 12 1/3″, pine wood wand with a unicorn hair core, understandably delicate. pine is a quiet wood, not powerful, not weak. it is a softwood, and thus has a bit more yield, making it more inclined to a quick-learning but less powerful wands. it is, however, excellent for divination. pine wands choose independent, individual masters who may be perceived as loners, intriguing, and perhaps mysterious. pine wands enjoy being used creatively, and unlike some others, will adapt unprotestingly to new methods and spells. many wandmakers insist that pine wands are able to detect, and perform best for, owners who are destined for long lives, including garrick ollivander who had never personally known the master of a pine wand to die young. the pine wand is one of those that is most sensitive to non-verbal magic. delicate wands are a special case. it takes special care to learn spells with this wand, but it is rarely extremely powerful. they tend to choose witches and wizards with somewhat frail personalities, and once a spell is learned, although it is not as strong, it is extremely reliable. unicorn hair can be used in wandmaking; they produce the most consistent magic, least subject to fluctuations and blockages, most difficult to turn to the dark arts and the most faithful of wands. however, they do not make the most powerful of wands and are prone to melancholy if mishandled.  affiliation: narcissa is loyal only to her family.
height: 5′6″. hair color: pale blonde. eye color: mint green. typical hair style: parted in the center and hangs straight to her shoulders. fashion style: narcissa wears only the color black unless it is a very special occasion. she only wears skirts and dresses, no pants. she prefers a short black dress with a high neckline and no sleeves with a late modern appearance. cissy wears boots with a heels most often. she has a love for jewelry that looks like bugs. [ fashion ] distinguishing features: narcissa is known for being pale and icy in appearance and demeanor, but strikingly beautiful especially against the darkness usually around her. her eyes are hawklike and intelligent, but the rest of her expression is almost always unreadable. she has no blemishes to speak of, but a scar on her thigh and one on her collarbone.
positive traits: maternal. thoughtful. observant. negative traits: icy. haughty. deceitful. theme song: behind blue eyes by the who
narcissa likes bugs and insects decidedly more than she likes most people. there has never been a time when she wasn’t completely enamored and fascinated by the often spurned creatures. in her opinion, they are by far the most beautiful and stunning creatures. she has extensive knowledge of them and has created a haven for all manner of insects in the greenhouse at black manor.
narcissa has always secretly dreamed of going to study dragons in romania. she’s always loved them and been fascinated by them. however, she knows that would never be allowed so she would never voice it out loud. in fact, only a handful of people even realize how much she loves the creatures. 
christmas is decidedly narcissa favorite time of the year. it is the one time that she allows herself to warm up and be totally enraptured by the holiday. her face will light up as bright as any tinseled tree. she will spend hours out in the snow and picks her presents meticulously for everyone she deems deserves one.
From the moment she entered this world, during that liminal time before the sun has risen, but the sky is still lighter than in the depths of the night, Narcissa was the antithesis to the traditional Blacks. Where her sisters, mother, father, cousins had dark hair, sharp features, cutting eyes, and venomous mouths, Narcissa was a ghost; soft, curved, delicate, haunting.
The third and final disappointment to Cygnus the Third who so desperately wanted a son, Narcissa was all but ignored by her father from the beginning. If he wasn’t presenting her with a lavishly expensive doll or gown, he didn’t care to talk to his youngest. Bellatrix was the apple of his eye.
Alternatively, Druella became enamoured with their fair daughter. Her features were unlike any others in the family, and Druella valued two things above all else; beauty and how that beauty can be useful to her. Before Narcissa was even capable of speech, she had a string of pearls too tight around her neck like a collar that her mother used to remind her that her grasp was inescapable. Her youth consisted of years of lessons, tutors, and strict schedules. Even by Fitzwilliam Darcy standards, Narcissa would be considered an accomplished young lady. The better she became at any given task, the more her mother demanded of her. There was no such thing as perfect to Druella, only more to improve upon. That was the beginning of Narcissa’s deceptions. She was certain to never show how talented she was, and let her family believe she was completely average.
She envied Andromeda, whose quiet nature and subdued appearance made her free of their parents tutelage. The middle child was left to her own devices and could go as she pleased throughout the day. If ever given a moment, Narcissa would soon enough steal away to a private corner of the attic, basement, or garden with an old tome from the Black’s personal library. Of course, her respites never lasted too long. The house elves, her sisters, or even her mother would find her and drag her back into the endless lessons. Narcissa never complained. She did all that her mother asked, biding her time.
The solitary light at the end of the tunnel was Hogwarts. Bellatrix had gone, Andromeda had gone, and Narcissa had been left solitary for a year, yearning for the day she’d be able to board the train at King’s Cross Station and disappear to a year away from her suffocating mother. It occurred to her a few months before she was meant to leave for school that perhaps her mother wouldn’t allow it. She even thought she’d overheard Druella begging Cygnus to let her homeschool Narcissa for the rest of her academic career, but thankfully, he’d sternly refuted his wife. Narcissa needed to be sociable and influential at school if the Black family was to continue its powerful grip on society.
Druella wept when Narcissa packed her trunk for her first year. She’d been distraught about her youngest daughter leaving for weeks. Their mother kept wringing her hands and proclaiming that she had no idea what she would do with her time now. Narcissa feigned regret for leaving and assured her mother that she’d find some way to fill her time. However, Narcissa had never been more excited to experience the freedom that came with school. From the moment she stepped on the train, it felt as if a world lifted from her shoulders. Even her pearl necklace didn’t feel quite so strangling.
Narcissa sat in a compartment with Andromeda and a few of her classmates instead of trying to find other first years to talk to. Frankly, she appreciated simply looking at the scenery as they went along. She enjoyed just sitting and being without having to do anything. Andromeda warned her that there would be people at Hogwarts who would have heard of her, and there would be plenty of rumors about her and her family, but Narcissa didn’t care. They could say that she was the devil incarnate, and she’d still be excited to hear a voice that wasn’t her mother’s saying it.
After the sorting ceremony, she began to realize the full implications of her sister’s warning. She unpacked her trunk in the Slytherin dormitory with the rest of the first year girls and attempted to make her first friends. They all smiled until names were exchanged. She heard the whispers when her back was turned. They only intensified when the eldest Black sister appeared to check on Narcissa her first day. After a quick greeting and good luck, Bellatrix told the rest of the Slytherin girls to be nice to her sister or else. As kind as the gesture had meant to be, it assured Narcissa a rather lonely first year. Even those who wanted to suck up to a Black sister didn’t bother to talk to Narcissa for fear of invoking Bellatrix’s wrath. Not to mention, Andromeda came off far more personable- an easier friend.
Narcissa threw herself into learning who she actually was. She had plenty of free time without friends to worry about and without her mother’s constant presence, though she did have to dedicate a portion of her week to responding to her mother’s letters. She decided to have average marks in her classes despite fully understanding the material and even studying further than what the classes required. It was to her advantage the world continued to see her as the beautiful sister. While the rumors about her spread even more, Narcissa became more and more lonely. She decided to play into the persona that everyone had created for her.
Her school life continued as such until the middle of her third year. Narcissa began to study legillimancies and occlumencies. She was very good at it. Disturbingly good at it. During the middle of the night, she began to explore the innermost thoughts of her schoolmates, professors, and anyone else she thought would be interesting to understand. The more accomplished she became, the more willing she was to do what was ethically questionable. The more ethically questionable her decisions became the more her curiosity for the darker arts and divination became. However, her studies no longer fill that space in her that craves connection.
Things changed when she agreed to an engagement with Lucius Malfoy prior to her graduation from Hogwarts. He was one of the few to ever see through her facades, and managed to melt away a bit of her ice over the years. However, it was soon revealed that he’d been promised to her by her father from the beginning making everything a lie. This enraged the girl who promptly called off the engagement and absconded from her parents home. While the Blacks are trying their best to keep this a secret, Narcissa has been well hidden from everyone looking to pull her back into the fold.
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callmemajo · 4 years
Rules: When you get this, it means someone wants to know more about you, so list 5 things about yourself you want your followers to know! They can be as simple as your age or as complex as your deepest fear, as long as it’s something you’re comfortable with sharing. When you’re done and if you want to, send this to 10 people you want to get to know better!
I was tagged by the lovely @perseusjackkson 💜
1. I did ballet for around 12 years of my life. I love it and at one point i even thought about doing it profesionally. Although at the end decided it wasn't for me.
2. I am terrified of moths. "Why?", you ask. I have no idea. But once there was a moth in my bedroom and i ran out and did not go back in until my younger sister found it and took it out.
3. My first language is spanish. I learned english because i went to a bilingual primary school. I also speak a bit of portuguese and the tiniest bit of french.
4. I love musicals!! They make me so happy and i kove how (a lot of the times) it's a mix of dancing, singing and acting.
5. I love books and reading! I used to be super obsessive about keeping my books in perfect state. But now i don't really care about that anymore.
So yeah, those are 5 things about me! 😊. I'm tagging @julesblackthorns @craperonipizza @lluthiien and everyone else who wants to do it!
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Chapter 20
Mothra crawled out of the hole, head upside down as she shook herself free of debris, hands and feet clinging to the ceiling as she crawled away from the tunnel. They had to use the tunnels that connected Styx’s temple to Dagon’s former nest to find their way here, after all. “Battra? Is everything alright?”
Battra groaned as he came out of the tunnel, holding himself upright with a pair of hands clutching at the ledge. His wings flapped a bit behind him. “I hate travelling underground in adult form, but beside that? I’m fine.”
“What the- WHAT IN METHUSELAH’S NAME ARE YOU TWO DOING UP THERE!?” Both Mothra and Battra bent their heads to look at the ground, a very confused Anguirus looking up at them from the bottom of the stairs that led up to the altar.
Both Mothra and Battra let go of their hold, flapping their wings as they neared the floor to cushion their fall. Mothra turned toward Anguirus. “Where is Godzilla!?” She asked with urgency in her tone. “We were at the Tapestry and his flower was all wilted and-”
“I- it’s alright, Mothra.” Anguirus started, making a gesture for Mothra to calm down. before pointing at the altar behind him. “Goji’s right there, and resting. He’s in a pretty bad state, but I was able to stabilize him.” He reassured her, a sigh of relief leaving the moth.
Battra pat her on the shoulder reassuringly, before looking up at Anguirus. “Do you know what caused his condition?”
Anguirus shook his head. “He doesn’t either. He said he was fighting Ghidorah, and then there was a bright light?...” He hissed through his teeth. “I can’t imagine what the surface looks like right now, with those three rampaging...”
“It’s fine, actually.” Battra started, rubbing the bridge of his nose. “The third member of your trio of idiots is somehow holding them outside of reality, and he shows no intention of letting go or dying anytime soon.”
Anguirus laughed, rubbing the back of his head. “That’s Rodan for you! There’s always one of us up to make Ghidorah’s life as difficult as possible! And...” He frowned. “Do you guys know what hurt Goji like that? Because it can’t be Ghidorah. It happened underwater, and they’re pretty useless underwater.”
“Probably humans.” Battra hissed.
Mothra turned toward her brother with a frown, and Anguirus looked at him, confused. “Why- no, how would humans be able to do that?”
“I don’t know how, but I do know the why: to prove that they can and are above obeying the laws of nature.” Battra hissed, Anguirus raising an unconvinced eyebrow in response.
“They’re small and harmless and you’re just looking for an excuse to go an another rampage.”
“Well, unless you can name a Titan able to do that kind of damage, I’m going to assume that humans- who have regularly proven themselves to be more dangerous than anyone gives them credit for- are behidn this and- Mothra where are you going-”
“I’m going to go check on my mate while you two argue like petty childrens.” Mothra answered as started climbing up the stairs, leaving Anguirus and Battra behind as she made her way to Godzilla. Her mate was currently lying on the floor, eyes closed and dark hair lying around him in a puddle. A distressed thrill escaped her as she approached him, kneeling down and putting a hand on his back.
Godzilla opened his eyes, labored breathing picking up as he woke up. He frowned in confusion when he saw her. “Mothra?... Why are you...”
“Hush, my love. That’s not important.” She told him, taking a hold of his face as she came closer. “What’s important is that I need to heal you.”
Godzilla nodded, letting Mothra turn him on his back as she laid his head in her lap. As her wings started to rise behind her, patterns glowing a soft shade of green, he spoke up. “Wait.”
Mothra looked at him, concerned. “What is it?”
“Before I go back to sleep...” He smiled weakly. “Can I get a kiss?”
Mothra smiled, bending down and kissing her mate. “Of course. Now, rest, and do not worry about everything else, alright? We’ll take care of it.”
Godzilla smiled, before allowing himself to fall into a deep sleep, a soft blue light surrounding them.
Madison stared at the ceiling, wide awake at a far-too-early hour to be awake at. She groaned. No use trying to get back to sleep now... she got out of bed, slipping her feet into slippers to avoid the cold metal floor. She quietly got out of her room, and then the two-room-and-one-bathroom quarters she had shared with her parents since first arriving at Castle Bravo.
She quietly tip-toed around the living area until she reached a small dining area, surprised at seeing light streaming out of the door. Was someone already awake? She opened the door slowly, surprised to see Florès standing in front of a coffee machine, wearing . She slowly came into the room, sitting at a small, round table. “Uh. I didn’t take you for an early riser.”
Florès turned toward her, somehow looking unimpressed. “Me estoy preparando para la cama, Russellita.”
It took Madison a few seconds to translate what the older man had said. “You’re going to bed now? It’s like 5:30.”
“Sí, no vi pasar el tiempo. Pasa algunas veces.”
“... Okay, okay. Can you switch to English please? I can understand Spanish, but you’re speaking really fast, and your accent is making it hard to understand.”
“Que- mierda, I didn’t notice. Sorry, I tend to forget how to use English when I’m tired.” Florès explained.
“It’s fine, it’s just- my Spanish isn’t really good...” She started. “I’ve been learning it for a year at school now, but I only have the grasp of a five years old on it...”
“And how fucking long do you think it took the five years old?”
“... okay, fair.” She sat there for a moment, looking in front of her as she thought about her dream. She didn’t notice Florès walking up to her until he put a cup of something in front of her. “What’s that?”
“My nana’s chocolate caliente recipe. It’s good.” Madison nodded, taking a sip and feeling the drink warm her up from the inside out.
Florès sat down with his own cup. “Something bothering you and keeping you up, Russellita? Pesadillas?”
“... I didn’t learn that word...”
“Nightmares?” Madison shook her head.
“I mean, it is a dream, but... it’s not a bad one. Just weird. I don’t think you’d be interested, it concerns the Titans.”
“Fire away.” Florès said with resignation in his voice. “It’s not like I’m ever going to be able to avoid hearing about these monstruos as long as I’m in Monarch. At least, the way you talk about them doesn’t fill me with pavor existencial at each word.”
“Well... Mothra and Battra were underground, talking to Anguirus while Godzilla was laying not too far away. At some point, Mothra went to talk to him when Battra and Anguirus started arguing, and she started healing him, and... kissed him? Anyway, I think Godzilla might still be alive.” Madison looked hopefully at Florès, who’s expression was incomprehensible. “What do you think?”
“I think you should talk about the fact that you seem to have an enlace psíquico with the Titans to your Madre.” Florès deadpanned, before frowning in confusion. “Padre? No lo sé, tell your parents you probably have magic powers related to the Titans. Wouldn’t be the first time that happened, you could hear Ghidorah talk, after all.”
“... Okay, but...” She sighed. “So much stuff has already happened to me, I don’t- I don’t know how they would react. Mom’s scared of the Titans, and Dad doesn’t really like them either... I think he thinks we should kill them.”
“Tonto.” Florès muttered. “As if we could kill demons.”
Madison frowned. “The Titans aren’t demons!”
“Then what are they!?” Florès asked. “Because Gods wouldn’t destroy the world they created for no reasons. I don’t- I don’t actually think they’re demons, okay? I don’t think they’re evil  But... you have to understand that they’re not good either. They’re like us, people, just scaled up and with magical powers. They just woke up in an unfamiliar world, and they’re confused and scared but they could also raze us to the ground as an afterthought, and we should leave them alone instead of studying them like wild animals. I’m calling them demons because it’s the closest thing I can think of to describe them, not because I hate them.”
“I don’t believe they’re Gods either.” Madison started, surprising Florès. “I never said that. In fact, I agree with most of your points. But... they live here. It’s not their fault they’ve been hibernating since before written language became a thing. We should try to figure out how to communicate with them, help them, not... cower away and hope they won’t kill us. And there’s proof it happened before! Titans, and humans, co-existing. Why can’t we do it again now?”
“... Russellita.” Florès started, a tired frown on his face. “I respect the fact that you think the Titans should be treated as amnesiac old friends who just came out of a coma. Por favor, respect the fact that I think they should be left alone to figure their own shit out.” There was a pause as they both sipped from their hot chocolate. “If you want, I’ll help you talk about it to an adult in the morning, okay?”
“... Okay.”
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kathyprior4200 · 5 years
Exterminate, Exterminate!
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The dark creepy robotic angels of death are used to exterminate the citizens of Hell to not only reduce their population, but to also plant fear. They have silver weapons that can kill any demon, as well as humans. They were made creepy on purpose: to fight fear with fear. They are sent down once a year to purge the citizens at random.
The exterminators were divided into several groups: the Exterminators, the Death Dealer Archangels and the mechanical angels.
Some of the dark angels used to be regular deceased people who couldn’t make it to heaven, but weren’t evil enough for hell. They had done bad things in life but with good intentions (like stealing money for the poor or killing criminals). When they did make it after many years in limbo, they disobeyed orders and took advantage of their freedom. (There was plenty of food and riches in heaven, and they kept much of it for themselves). They fell from heaven and were sent to Earth and eventually, hell when they didn’t learn their lessons.
After they worked hard to redeem themselves in hell, they were sent back up to heaven. To prove their worth, their leaders gave them a test and mission. They were given special spear weapons made of silver, forged from the flames of the sun that could kill any demon and erase any soul. They were sent down to hell once a year to reduce hell’s population by purging citizens once a year.
The only way to be freed from their duties was for them to realize that even killing sinners isn’t right. That everyone should be given a second chance. They had disobeyed God, fell to Earth, then proved their innocence through prayer and being nice (or at least tolerant) to the demons. Giving them special weapons and a direct order was a way to test them: would they choose for themselves what is right, or be willing to obey their master even if what they were doing was considered “evil?” After all, when people and the divine alike possess power, they can become very different individuals.
 Regarding the second group (Known casually as Death Dealer Archangels), other more experienced exterminators were actually archangels, leaders of other angels. Unlike regular angels, they were able to take on the appearance of black bird-like creatures with wings while wearing LED masks to scare off demons. Their jobs were to punish sinners and plan the purges each year. Puriel, Kushiel, Teneluehus, Raguel, Wormwood, Jeheel, Zacheniel, Ababhar, and their leader, Abaddon were the oldest and most experienced at their jobs. In fact, each one of them led attacks of choir exterminators onto one of the nine circles of hell.
 For the third group, there were a few dark angels that were purely robotic. These were mostly used for tests and replacements if the dark angels couldn’t participate in the purge.
 Heaven viewed Lucifer and the larger hell population as a threat, as Lucifer had waged a previous war against them. To prevent the threat, the exterminator dark angels were hired/created.
 There may be several reasons why Lucifer is against the idea of Charlie redeeming sinners and creating the Happy Hotel:
1.   It is part of their family’s legacy to make demons suffer and keep them in line. Creating a Happy Hotel would make the royal family appear weak to their rivals.
2.   If Charlie were to redeem demons, she might be given the opportunity to go to heaven. If that were the case, her father would never see her again.
3.   Lucifer has a deep grudge against God, the angels and archangels for being banished and for mortals being favored over him and the angels.
4.   Lucifer is overprotective of his daughter and worries that she will be harmed if the angels (or other demon overlords) find her. He doesn’t want her to draw too much attention. He calls her a failure because he doesn’t know how else to persuade her not to pursue her dream due to his worries of the previous listed scenarios.
5.   Lucifer worries that Charlie will find out that he was once an angel who punished and killed demons. The thought of her father previously killing “her people” would be too much to bear.
Vaggie remains in possession of a harpoon that can kill demons. The X over her eye is on her left eye, rather than her right, like the exterminators. Unlike many demons, Vaggie values respect and virtues. Perhaps there's an underlying reason why she has these traits?
After Vagatha died in 2014, she became an exterminator, neither good nor evil. Due to her doing evil actions with good intentions, she was put to the test and sent to purge demons every year.
But a certain demon princess caught her attention...the one demon she would not slay. For the two had fallen in love...but love comes with great costs.
But some people are willing to take the fall and brave exile, in the name of genuine feelings for a fellow friend.
  Vaggie, the lesbian moth demon, is Charlie’s best friend and the manager of the Happy Hotel. She is also Charlie’s current girlfriend. She arrived in Hell in 2014 and can speak Spanish. Vaggie has a strong hatred toward men, especially when they attempt to insult Charlie.
 Not much is known about her previous human life, but it’s implied that she likes punk rock music, and Latino music.
 This theory has been brought up before by fans. What if there’s more to Vaggie than meets the eye? If she’s a demon in Hell, why, then, would she have been an angel in the past (or have the potential to be one?)
  How did this theory come about? From similarities between Vaggie’s appearance and the looks of the exterminator angels, sent down to purge the citizens of Hell every year.
 First, there is the characteristic pink X over Vaggie’s left eye. One of the Exterminators seen in the trailer had an X over their left eye as well. A picture of an angel’s face also showed an X in place of one of their eyes.
 Second is Vaggie’s expertise with weapons, specifically the harpoon. Throughout the episode, she is shown holding a spear-like weapon that is capable of killing demons. The Exterminators use these weapons to “cleanse” or kill off the demons to keep the population at a set amount. Sometimes, these weapons are discarded, and are found by other demons to sell on the black market. In the opening introduction, white figures of the angels are shown holding spears similar to the harpoon Vaggie holds; a long weapon with a sharp curved blade at the top.
 It is also worth mentioning that when Vaggie warns Angel Dust about Alastor, her pink bow briefly takes on the shape of horns. The Exterminators themselves also have horns on their heads.
 But perhaps the most convincing point to this speculative theory is not Vaggie’s similar physical traits to the Exterminators. Perhaps it is her personality.
 Based on the wiki, Vaggie is described as “prudent and sensible,” more so than the other characters. She is often seen trying to keep Charlie out of trouble and making sure the hotel stays up and running. One example is when she tells Charlie to stay on topic during her interview and not to sing (though she doesn’t listen.) When a cameraman calls Charlie a “stupid bitch,” Vaggie punches him off a chair.
 Possessing a fiery temper, she confronts Angel Dust after his participation in the turf war against Sir Pentious. She is furious that Angel ruined Charlie’s reputation and that of the hotel. Though Charlie said he was “clean” for two weeks while spending time at the hotel, Angel then decided to resort to violence and drugs.
 Despite Alastor being powerful and intimidating, Vaggie doesn’t hesitate to point her weapon at him, while they’re at the hotel. He warns him not to harm Charlie and even insults him.
  The wiki also mentions that Vaggie has a wide knowledge about Hell, despite having been sent only recently. She knows about the Overlords and how dangerous Alastor is.
 Additionally, Vaggie cannot fly like the angels can but that doesn’t mean that it wouldn’t be a possibility in her full demon form (which has not been revealed as of yet.)
 How does this relate back to the Exterminators?
 While not much is known about these dark angels sent to Hell, it is assumed that they came from Heaven (or were once part of it). They would hold up certain standards and values such as obeying rules, not participating in sinful acts (despite the irony of them killing demons) among others.
 Vaggie is distrustful of sinners and of men, especially. Unlike many carefree demons, she is practical and protective of those she cares about. In one scene, Vaggie protests against allowing alcohol in the hotel, saying that the hotel “is a place that (should) discourage sin.”
 However, Vaggie still displays some so called “demonic” traits such as swearing and a fiery temper.
  The question is, how would Vaggie know about how Hell works so fast? How would she know how the overlords rise in power and information about Alastor’s rampages? Unless someone else told her about all of it, it wouldn’t be likely for her to know all the specific details so easily. It is assumed that only demons in higher positions of power would know about these dark politics.
But if no one told her about it, then how did she gain that knowledge on her own?
 Perhaps this will be explained in a future episode…
 Or, maybe Vaggie got this intelligence from a higher source of power, a group who knows the ins and outs of Hell to keep the overcrowded population from becoming a threat. You guessed it…the Exterminators and the inhabitants of Heaven.
  Vaggie may have been an Exterminator in the past, just after her death. She may have died from suicide or homicide. In her human life, Vaggie may have wanted to get justice on abusers and evil individuals…but went about it in the wrong way (violence or murder). Thus, she didn’t go to Heaven but not to Hell yet. She was tested and briefly became an Exterminator, to cleanse evil “for the greater good.” (Exterminators may have been previous souls who were truly neutral or did bad things that they thought were the right things to do).  
 Vaggie soon became a fallen angel.
 How, then, was she sent down to Hell? Maybe she enjoyed killing sinners a little too much (or not enough to complete her tasks). Or, more likely, her temper tampered with her ability to focus. After all, even dark bringers of death have rules to follow. Fearing that Vaggie was a threat, they sent her down to Hell (burning off her wings) with only a weapon to defend herself.
 Now she faced the ultimate test…survival in her new afterlife. She did remember one part of her mission: to keep the demon/angel Charlie out of trouble…and help her with her destiny to redeem sinners, and themselves.
 For if Charlie convinces demons to be good, they might be redeemed and be sent to Heaven (or become Exterminators), thus reducing the population and making Hell less of a threat…
 Something that the king of Hell and the overlords would not approve of…
List of Angels and Demons in Theology:
From Oberon Zeil-Ravenheart’s “Grimoire for the apprentice wizard” (2004) Career Press
 Chioth Ha Qadesh – Supreme Order of Angels, led by Archangel Metatron (“Angel of the Presence”). Shekinah is his female counterpart. Associated with the infinite divine spirit of Kether.
Metatron is the link between God and humanity. The King of all the Angels and the youngest, he was once the Biblical Patriarch Enoch.
 Auphanim – (Whirling Forces), ruled by Archangel Ratziel (“delight of God”), the prince of hidden things who is called the Angel of Mysteries, holds a coded key to the secrets of the universe.
 Aralim – (Strong and Mighty Ones, made of white fire) Archangel is Tzaphqiel (“contemplation of God”), prince of spiritual strife against evil. Planet: Saturn
 Chasmalim – (Brilliant Ones, justice) Archangel Tzadkiel (“justice of God), prince of mercy and beneficence who guards the gates of the East Wind. Planet: Jupiter
 Seraphim – (Flaming Ones) Avenging Angels of Destruction. Ruled by Archangel Kamael, (“severity of God”), prince of strength and courage, bearing the flaming sword. Planet: Mars
 Malachim – Govern all natural laws and are responsible for the motions of the cosmos and heavenly bodies. Archangel is Raphael (“physician of God”) prince of healing. Planet: Sun
 Elohim – (Choir of Principalities) Archangel is Haniel (“grace of God”), prince of love and harmony, art and creativity. Hagiel (Aphrodite), female counterpart. Planet: Venus
 Beni Elohim – (Sons of the Gods/ Choir of Archangels) Archangel is Michael (“protector of God”) with Raphael as his lieutenant. Their province is art and knowledge. Planet: Mercury
 Cherubim – Guardian angels of humanity (“those who intercede”). Archangel is Gabriel (“strength of God”). It was he who appeared to Mary with the Annunciation and dictated the Koran to Mohammed. Planet: Moon
 Ishim – (Blessed Souls) lowest order of angels, assisting humanity directly, associated with mundane concerns, once living saints and prophets. Archangel is Sandalphon (twin of Metatron) Planet: Earth
 Angel Types:
Archangel (Christianity, Islam, Judaism) “chief angel”
 Bene Elohim “Sons of God”
 Chalkydri (Christianity, Judaism) = Carriers of the sun’s heat
 Cherub (Christianity, Judaism)
 Dominions (Christianity, Judaism)
 Grigori (Watchers) (Christianity, Judaism)
 Ishim (Judaism, Islam)
 Lamassu (Ancient Mesopotamian religion) = protection, constellations, female deities
 Mu’aqqibat (Islam)
 Powers (Christianity, Judaism)
 Principalities (Christianity, Judaism)
Seraph/Seraphim (Christianity, Islam, Judaism)
 Song-Uttering Choirs (Judaism)
 Thrones (Christianity, Judaism)
 Virtues (Christianity, Judaism)
   Angels of Death:
 Fallen Angels:
  Christian Hierarchy of Angels:
(Highest order)
 (Middle order)
 (Lowest order)
 Abaddon (Christianity, Judaism) = Destruction
 Abathar Muzania (Mandaeism) = The weighing of souls
 Aglibol (Ancient Cannaanite religion) = Angel of the god Baal Hadad
Ananiel (Christianity, Judaism) Archangel, “Rain of God”
 Arariel (Jewish mythology) = Waters of the Earth
 Ariel (Christianity, Islam) = Personification of Israel
 Artiya’il (Islam) = Removes human grief
 Azazel (Christianity, Islam, Judaism) = Archangel, fallen angel, teacher of evil arts, rebellion against God
 Azrael (Islam, Judaism) = Archangel, Angel of Death
 Barachiel (Christianity) = Archangel, lightning, Guardian angel chief “Blessed by God’
 Baraquiel (Jewish mythology) = Archangel
 Camael/Kemuel (Christianity, Judaism) = Archangel, Leader of the Powers, strength courage and war
 Cassiel (Christianity, Islam, Judaism) = Archangel, solitude and tears
 Daniel (Christianity, Judaism) = Watcher
 Dadrail (Islam, Yazdanism) = Archangel in Yazdanism
 Dumah (Islam, Judaism) = Angel of Death, silence, torments the wicked after death
 Eleleth (Sethianism)
 Eremiel/Jerahmeel (Christianity, Judaism) = guides the holy deceased in afterlife
 Gabriel (Christianity, Islam, Judaism) = Archangel, messengers, military, destruction “God is my strength”
 Gadreel (Christianity, Judaism)
 Hadraniel (Judaism, Gnosticism) = Second Heavenly Gate
 Hahasiah (Christianity, Judaism) = Principality
 Hanibal (Ancient Mesotopamian religion) = Angel of the god Baal Hadad
 Haniel (Christianity, Judaism) = Archangel, leader of Principalities along with Archangel Netzach
 Harut (Islam) = fallen angel, sorcery
 Hashmal (Christianity, Judaism) Dominions
 Hamalat al-Arsh (Islam)
 Hofniel (Judaism) = Archangel
 Iblis (Islam) = fallen angel, ruler of lower heavens, teacher of angels, leading angels into battle, (after the fall) tempter and commanding demons
 Imamiah (Christianity, Judaism) = Principality
 Israfil/Israfel (Islam) = Archangel, music
 Jegudiel (Christianity) = Archangel, responsibility and merciful love “Glorifier of God”
 Jehoel (Christianity, Judaism) = Seraph, fire
 Jequn (Christianity, Islam, Judaism)
 Jerahmeel (Christianity, Judaism) = Archangel “God’s Exaltation”
 Jophiel (Christianity, Judaism) = Archangel, wisdom, understanding and judgement
 Kalka’il (Islam) = fifth heaven
 Kepharel (Jewish mythology) = (Archangel)
 Kerubiel (Judaism)
 Kiraman Katibin (Islam) = recorder of human thoughts
 Kushiel (Christianity, Judaism) = punishment
 Lailah (Judaism) = night, conception
 Lucifer (Christianity) = Archangel or seraph, cherub, fallen angel, Bringer of Light, rebellion against God
Morning Star/Venus, wanted to surpass and be “Most High”
Bogomiliam: Lucifer fell from heaven and trapped souls from heaven inside matter which were later freed by Jesus
Jealous of God and humanity
Satan in Christianity
One of the four princes of Hell, ruler of the East and air in Satanic Bible
Morning star, intellectualism, fantasy, enlightenment in some versions
Neopagan: Lucifer as brother and consort to goddess Diana and father of Aradia. (Apollo?) “proud of his beauty and who for his pride was driven from Paradise.”
     Maalik (Islam) = hellfire
 Malakbel (Ancient Canaanite religion) angel of the god Baal Hadad, the sun
 Marut (Islam) = fallen angel, sorcery
 Melek Taus (Yazdanism) = Archangel
 Metatron (Judaism, Islam) = Archangel, seraph, The Celestial Scribe
 Michael (Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Mormonism, Yazdanism) = Archangel, seraph, military, Angel of Mercy, General in God’s army, Angel of Death “Who is like God”
 Moroni (Mormonism) = the Golden Plates
 Munkar (Islam) = Angel of Death, the Faith of the Dead
 Muriel (Christianity) = Dominions, June and Cancer in astrology
 Nakir (Islam) = Angel of Death, The Faith of the Dead
 Nanael (Christianity, Judaism) = Principality
 Netzach (Christianity, Judaism) = Archangel, leader of Principalities along with Haniel, eternity
 Nithael (Christianity, Judaism) = Principality
 Nuriel (Jewish mythology) = hailstorms
 Ophaniel/Ofaniel (Christianity, Judaism) = Cherubrim/Thrones
 Pahaliah (Christianity) = Thrones, Virtuosity
 Penemue (Christianity, Judaism)
 Phanuel (Christianity, Judaism) = Archangel, Repentance and Hope “Face of God”
 Poyel (Christianity, Judaism) = Principality
 Pravuli (Jewish mythology) = Archangel, God’s scribe
 Puriel (Judaism) = examines the souls of those brought to heaven
 Qaphsiel (Christianity, Judaism) = angel of tears, presides over the death of kings
 Radueriel (Jewish mythology) = can create lesser angels
 Raguel/Azrael (Christianity, Islam, Judaism) = Archangel, Angel of Justice “Friend of God”
 Ramuel (Christianity, Judaism) = Archangel, “Thunder of God”
 Raphael (Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Mormonism, Yazdansim) = Archangel, leader of the Virtues, cherubim, healing “God heals”
 Raziel (Judaism) = Archangel, Keeper of Secrets
 Remiel (Christianity, Judasim) = Archangel
Ridwan (Islam) Angel of Paradise
 Rikbiel (Christianity, Judaism) = cherubim
 Sachiel (Christianity, Judaism) = Archangel, cherub, Wealth and Charity
 Sahaquiel (Jewish mythology) = Archangel, guardian of the fourth heaven
 Sabriel (Jewish mythology) = Archangel, Miracles
 Samael (Christianity, Judaism) = Archangel, Angel of Death, fetching souls
 Samyaza (Judaism, Manichaeism) = Watcher
 Sandalphon (Christianity, Judaism, Islam) = Archangel, protector of unborn children
 Sarathiel (Christianity, Judaism) = Archangel, Discipline and Penance
 Sariel (Christianity, Judaism, Islam) = Archangel
 Sealtiel (Christianity, Judaism) = Archangel “Intercessor of God”
 Selaphiel (Christianity) = Archangel, patron saint of prayer and worship
 Seraphiel (Christianity, Islam) = seraph, protector of Metatron, highest ranking seraphim
 Shamnail (Yazdanism) = Archangel
 Shamsiel (Christianity, Judaism)
 Sidriel (Jewish mythology) = Archangel
 Suriel (Christianity, Judaism) = Archangel, “Prince of God”
 Temeluchus (Christianity, Judaism)
 Tennin (Japanese Buddhism)
 Turail (Yazdanism) = Archangel
 Uriel (Christianity, Judaism) = Archangel, seraphim, “God is my light” patron of arts
 Uziel (Judaism) = Archangel
 Vasiariah (Christianity, Judaism) = Dominions
 Vehuel (Christianity, Judaism) = Principality
 Wormwood (Christianity) = war
 Yarihibol (Ancient Canaanite religion) (angel of God Baal Hadad), springs
 Zachariel (Christianity) = Archangel
 Zadkiel (Christianity, Judaism) = Archangel, leader of the Dominions, "Righteousness of God” angel of freedom, benevolence and mercy and the Patron Angel of all who forgive
 Zaphkiel (Christianity) = Archangel, leader of the Thrones, “God’s Knowledge”
 Zedekiel (Christianity, Judaism) = Archangel, “Grace of God”
 Zephaniel (Judaism) = Archangel
 Zephon (Jewish mythology)
 Zophiel (Christianity, Judaism) = Cherubim
  List of Demons in Theology
 Archdemons seven deadly sins:
 Lucifer: Pride
Mammon: Greed
Asmodeus: Lust
Leviathan: Envy (sea monster)
Beelzebub: Gluttony (Lord of the Flies)
Satan: Wrath
Belphegor: Sloth (suggests ingenious inventions will make people rich)
 Demon Kings of the Ars Goetia
Amaymon (King of the East)
Corson (King of the West)
Ziminiar (King of the North)
Gaap (King of the South)
Bael (first king, power to make men invisible, teaching science,
Paimon (obedient to Lucifer, knowledge of past and future events)
Alastor (Greek spirit of vengeance)
 Demons in Christianity:
  Alastor (avenger of evil deeds, specifically familial bloodshed, byname of Zeus, also one of Hade’s black horses, possessing entity like Nemesis, generic term for evil spirits)
 Four Princes of Hell (Satanic Bible)
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sebastianshaw · 4 years
Rando Munday ramblings! For new followers, on Munday sometimes I just post a bunch of personal stuff I normally wouldn’t. Not usually anything intimately personal, more like random thoughts and news that just isn’t relevant to the blog in any way, not related to X-Men or RP or writing in general, etc. ....there’s a lot of Hannibal today, sorry, I’m rewatching it.
- I definitely wanna have a pair of critters named Hannibal and Hasdrubal at some point, maybe if there's a third I'd name him Hamilcar. I know everyone will think I named them after Hannibal Lector but actually these are really common names from Ancient Carthage. Like if you look at Carthagian history and records, everyone is Hannibal, Hasdrubal, or Hamilcar, it's like John, James, and Jim. I'd prefer the pair, though, since Hannibal and Hasdrubal were a pair of brothers and famous historical figures, so it would feel much more like a "set" that way (whereas they did not have a brother called Hamilcar) - Speaking of Hannibal Lector, I knew he was based on a real person, but I did not realize that person was a gay Mexican man. That’s...an interesting example of gay history, for sure. If you don’t know what I’m talking about, Thomas Harris (the writer of the books that the films and later the TV series were based on) based Hannibal on a surgeon he met while interviewing an inmate at prison for another novel. This surgeon was so intelligent and charismatic that Harris implicitly assumed that he was a doctor in the employ of the prison. Nope---the doctor was an inmate himself. Harris was so shaken by the encounter that it inspired him to create Hannibal Lector, who, in contrast to the typical media portrayals of serial killers as uncontrolled lunatic slashers like Michael Myers or Leatherface, is a charming, culture, charismatic intellectual. To protect the man’s identity, Harris called him “Dr. Salazar” in interviews, so that was always how I knew him. I just now learned not only was his real name Alfredo Balli Trevino, but his victim was Jesus Castillo Rangel, his male lover. Harris describes him as a small, lithe man with dark red hair and, unsurprisingly, “a certain elegance about him”. Though Trevino was given the death penalty for his crimes, his sentence was commuted to 20 years and he was released in either 1980 or 1981. He died in in 2009 when he was 81 years old. He reportedly spent the last years of his life helping the poor and elderly, and he expressed deep regret for his “dark past”---which I suppose makes sense, since his crime was that he killed a lover in a fit of rage during an argument, whereas Hannibal simply killed people in cold blood whom he had no attachment to because he liked eating them (something Trevino never did) and to punish them for rudeness. - I’ve decided to stop buying silk, unless it's from a thrift store and thus my money won't go to supporting sericulture. Ahimsa silk isn't an option either, the bugs aren't technically killed but they're not treated well either. I know it might seem weird to eat meat and wear leather and yet not want to purchase something that hurt moths and larva, but...I have to eat meat for medical reasons, and my leather purchases is limited to boots that I then keep for YEARS AND YEARS so it's very sparing. There's really no such thing as a cruelty-free diet or lifestyle, whether that cruelty is suffered by animals or by other humans, but I can still make choices that at least lesson some small aspect of harm. I need to eat meat, I don't need real silk. ...Haven only wears bamboo silk for this reason and when this came up with Shaw, he absolutely thought she was fucking with him, like even SHE can’t be THIS insane, NO ONE ACTUALLY CARES ABOUT BUGS WTF - The books nearest to me right now are “Women Who Run With The Wolves: Myths and Stories of the Wild Woman Archetype ” by Clarissa Pinkola Estes, The Norton Anthology of English Literature: The Romantic Period, “X-Men: The Legacy Quest Trilogy” by Steve Lyons, two  horror anthologies, the script for “M. Butterfly” by David Henry Hwang, “The Spanish Riding School of Vienna: Tour of America 2005″ book I got from when I went to see the Lippizanner horses perform, and a big beautiful leatherbound English translation of “The Flowers of Evil” by Charles Baudelaire. This is...this is a summary of my whole personality, sans rodents. Also god I need to clean my room. - Something I've noticed is that many sci-fi horror films that do the whole "science went too far against nature!!!" thing....don't actually have the problem result from the lack of ethics involved or because the scientists did something "unnatural", it happens because they didn't follow basic safety precautions, lab protocol, common sense, etc. "Splice" for instance, is a really good example---the problem isn't that they made a part-human hybrid, that's not why shit goes wrong, shit goes wrong because the two scientists act like idiots, adopt the creation as a child, hide it in their barn instead of a sterile controlled environment, and then one of them HAS SEX WITH IT. Or in "The Fly" the problem isn't that Brundle invented a teleporter, it's that he tested it ON HIMSELF while he was ALL ALONE. Even in "Jurassic Park" the issue is less that dinosaurs are breeding and more the result of a disgruntled worker who was given way too much power over being able to run things, and thus shut them down when he wants to. So many "science gone wrong!" movies end up not really being condemnations of science itself, so much as depicting scientists as utter dumbasses. Which, on the one hand, I do like, because I dislike the notion of condemning scientific progress just because it seems icky or creepy or "goes against nature" (so do vaccines, I still like those!) But on the other hand, the movies don't FRAME it as "this is the result of failure to practice science safely and sensibly" they frame it as "they should never have attempted such an unnatural thing and this disaster is punishment for a moral sin" even though the issue doesn't happen because what the scientists did was "wrong" it happens because they do something DUMB. - Bringing it back to Hannibal, I reached the episode where Margot Verger first appears, and if I have one big disappointment about the Hannibal series, it's Margot. In the books, she's a huge butch lesbian, literally and figuratively. In the TV series, she's a pretty femme fashionista like all the other women, and she fucks Will in order to get pregnant. At the time this came out in 2013, I tried to be all resigned and fair-minded about this. I was like "ok, well, they didn't want to be offensive with a stereotype, and I guess that's fair, I guess not hurting people matters more to me than getting the horseback-riding bulldyke hearthrob of my high school years on-screen at last" but you know what? No. Firstly, butch lesbians deserve representation too. How many have you ever seen onscreen, let alone in a mainstream media production? Sure, it's a stereotype, but it's not an inherently negative one, they just get treated that way in media because society sees it that way. But the way to handle butch lesbians and femme gay men and so on isn't to erase them from the screen, it's to start writing them as human beings and not caricatures or jokes or monsters. Margot is a fleshed-out human being, she's nuanced and twisted and hurt like everyone else in this series, she would be PERFECT for that. She wouldn't be just a butch lesbian, she'd be a CHARACTER who just also happens to be a butch lesbian. I don't really think she was changed to avoid "hurting" lesbians, I think she was changed because the director, gay man or not, clearly has a way he wants the women in his series to look (they're all fashion plates, all have long hair, all very sophisticated, etc) and book Margot didn't fit his aesthetic, his design if you will. Because god forbid we just make her a DAPPER dyke, right? Back to having sex with Will, which most certainly did NOT happen in the books...that's not bad itself in a VACUUM, fucking men to get a baby is something real-life lesbians do, I had a friend in college who was actually conceived that way, but like...no media exists in a vacuum, and there is very little depiction of lesbians in media that doesn't feature them fucking men for SOME reason or another. They want a baby, or they start the story with a boyfriend, or they're actually bisexual, or they're even raped, but there's always SOME reason we have to watch a guy fucking them and it's frankly distressing. Like, remember Irene Adler in BBC's Sherlock? It's a pattern. And I'm not saying lesbians who have had a sexual past with men, or who were the victims of sexual violence by men, don't deserve representation, I would never say that, those are very common experiences, I'm not saying "gold stars only", I'm saying that there is a strong pattern in media where it seems almost obligatory that a lesbian has to have sex with or be attracted to men at some point, while comparatively the opposite case, where a lesbian is depicted as exclusively and only attracted to and "with" other women, is seldom there. And it's just kind of a kick in the nads for me, as I think it was for a lot of other lesbians, butch or not, that a gay director took an opportunity like Margot Verger and turned her into just another attractive lipstick lesbian that is okay with having sex with the male protagonist as a treat tee hee (Spoiler: She does end up with Alana though, which I appreciate)
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moonsanctuary · 4 years
oh hi, hopefully you like a lot of questions ^^. I choose 8, 21, 29, 33, 56, 64, 69, 81, and 94.
thank you, angel!! <3 i love answering questions, so this may be a little bit long sorry!
8. Your looks (add a picture or describe yourself)
(i removed the picture bc yikes but anyways) I'm blonde, with green eyes and a round face. I'm pretty generic looking lol.
21. How was your day?
It was fine! I had to go see my teachers at like 9 am, which was terrible bc of my inevitable awkwardness, but other than that, I've just been chilling, eating pretzels, watching true crime videos and stand up comedy on youtube, etc.
29. What are your hobbies?
I like to write, read, occasionally paint/draw. I like picking flowers, making flower crowns, and watching crime shows (or buzzfeed unsolved/bailey sarian). I also like covering my face in an absurd amount of make up (seriously though, last night I turned myself into a man and walked into my siblings' rooms going "who's your daddy?"). I guess never being allowed to wear a ton of make up kinda made me want to wear as much as I possibly can when no one's watching me.
33. Language/s you can speak
I'm only fluent in English, unfortunately, but i am learning Spanish and trying to learn French (both on Duolingo lol)
56. Favourite aesthetic?
Dark academia, baby!!
64. Can you sing or play any instruments?
I can... sort of sing. Its not the best, but it's not absolutely terrible. And i can't play any instruments, though I've tried. I can play the very basic beginning of fur elise, but that's as far as it's gone lol
69. Favourite genre of movies/books/etc
I love dystopian type novels and books. I also weirdly like spin offs (?) of classic fairy tales (like Once Upon A Time and stuff). My taste isn't very advanced if you can tell 😂 I also really like horror/thriller/gore novels, but I hate horror movies.
81. Your favourite books (manga also counts)
My favorite book series since i was 10 is The School for Good and Evil by Soman Chainani. I don't know if this sounds dumb or not, but I'm a little scared of calling anything else my favorite book(s) bc I'm so attached to this series. I love the characters, and the plots, and the backstory. But I really want to branch out and read something else, but nothing has kept my attention as long as these books have. I also love The Giving Tree by Shel Silverstein, simply bc i grew up with this book and Shel introduced me to poetry through his other books (The Light in the Attic, for example). I'm a sucker for nostalgia, apparently.
94. Write 3 things about yourself - only one of them must be true
1. The walls in my bedroom are light pink.
2. I'm deathly afraid of moths.
3. My favorite food is sushi.
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flashfuture · 5 years
A Gray Day in Purgatory
Prompt: An episode you think best depicts their relationship. (Used all ten minutes of purgatory screen time as inspiration) 
I was thinking about whose perspective I wanted to right in but the theme here is what does the ship mean to me. I knew right away purgatory was where mine was taking place. So who better than Benny Lafitte my narrator. So here we go onto the story under the tab.
Benny Lafitte died a long time ago and then he got his head chopped off by his so-called family. He belongs in purgatory with all the other monster sons of bitches running around here in their eternal damnation. Doesn’t mean he don’t get real fucking sick of it. 
He hears the stories the rumors. Way back when little Eve was thrown down here for her sins. God gave her an escape hatch, the leviathans never let her through. Course probably never happened God wasn’t a thing, he wouldn’t have made such a terrible monster. Benny would love to jump back into the real world kill his old man, avenge his Andrea. 
He’s been hearing some new rumors lately, a human and an angel crashed landed in this hellhole. Now Benny doesn’t believe the whole angel bit no matter what his running mates are telling him. Ain’t no such thing as an angel just what lives in the bible. 
Benny watches his teammate, Florian french revolutionists he may have been, he is not a good fighter he has the brains. His lover Pablo old Mexican royalty from the Spanish invader days. Benny rolls with them nothing interesting most days just chopping away. They were both older than him but so dumb you wouldn’t guess it. 
But he sits back and watches something shove Florian against a tree. Pablo is on his way back to them he can hear it. But this man must be that so called angel. Very pretty smells something fresh even if he is covered in dirt. Heart pounding steadily pumping that so called angelic blood. Sharp jaw, stubble, green eyes like a pretty gem. He’s got a presence alright he is commanding the forest like he owns it. 
“Where’s the angel” is growled out of those pretty lips and Benny is taken aback. 
“You must be the human,” Florian growls and he put it together faster than Benny. This man can not be a regular human but Florian’s head is gone and Pablo comes seconds too late. 
This newcomer is tackled and Benny watches the struggle. If this really is a human than he can bring Benny out of this hell. He rushes forward and sees the betrayal and shock in Pablo’s eyes but he swings. Better off dead than moping over Florian for the rest of his undead life. 
Benny learns very quickly that this newcomer is indeed a flesh and blood human. He is, however, one stubborn mean son of a bitch. Benny also learns his name is Dean. 
“What’s your angel's name?” Benny asks as they settle down for the night. He’s met with a piercing green gaze and lips curled in anger. 
“You don’t gotta know he’s my angel we’re gonna get him and get out” Dean growls hands curling tighter over Florian’s blade. 
Dean isn’t looking to play nice or make friends that much is overly apparent to Benny. So he raises his hands and rolls over. Dean grunts and does the same. Clearly, he forgets what Benny is because Benny hears Dean’s whispers as if he was shouting them in Benny’s ears. 
“Dear Castiel whos ass art around here somewhere. Get your feathered ass over here. I got a way out now dude and if anyone is gonna know about an escape hatch made by god” Dean trails off and sighs. “Whatever” he finishes it with and Benny purses his lips. 
Never took Dean for the religious type but that was no regular choir boy prayer. No Dean was praying to his angel, his angel Castiel. Benny has never heard of no Castiel. But then again all he ever heard was Lucifer. Benny has gone and got himself stuck with a crazy human because there ain’t no such thing as angels he is as sure of that as he is that the gray morning will come in purgatory. What he wouldn’t give to feel the sun again. 
Dean is relentless in his search and nothing Benny says seems to be convincing him otherwise. Dean stops whispering his prayers realizes the futility of that. He doesn’t even wait for Benny to pretend to fall asleep. Benny would sure like it if he did, it is too raw to see those hard eyes raw with emotion as he prays to his so called angel. 
“What is your Castiel even the angel of” Benny drawls staring at his human huh wonder when he started thinking of Dean like that. 
Dean flinches at that and opens his mouth and shuts it again. “Don’t use his name” Dean snarls. 
“What do I call your pet then hmm? Cas, Cassie, feathers?” Benny begins listing. 
“None of those Castiel is his name. Cas is for family, Cassie is for his siblings, and he ain’t my damn pet” Dean snarls with that rage only priests can manage up Benny knows that for sure. Wonder who else gets to call that angel Cas if the guys' siblings were not family. 
“Didn’t take you for a religious follower brother” Benny decides on finally. 
“Cas? I’d follow him anywhere” Dean says and looks at his bloody hands with wide eyes like he just noticed them. “You call him, angel you don’t get no other title” Dean snaps and sighs. 
“Alright brother I’ll back off,” Benny says and goes to stand. 
“Thursday” Dean mutters and Benny stares at him. “Castiel is the angel of Thursday’s the fourth day,” Dean says clearing his throat. 
Benny smirks and nods before sitting down beside Dean again. He is lost in his thoughts and Benny is content to be silent for the rest of the night. If angels were real Dean deserves something better than the angel of Thursday, nothing interesting happens on Thursdays. 
Benny follows him and sighs as Dean tortures monster after monster growing more desperate every time to find his angel. And then they’re told the stream up north. 
Benny tries to make Dean rest for the night but his human presses Florian’s knife to his throat and demands they keep going. Benny concedes he’s starting to think he’d follow Dean anywhere. This so called angel doesn’t deserve any of Dean let alone his faith. 
The grey breaks through the black and they come over a ridge. Dean sprints forward yelling out Cas. The man in the trench coat in kneeling but Benny hears loud and clear in a voice like gravel, “Dean.”
The man stands and Benny is off to the side. Dean hugs him tight and arms don’t raise to meet the first act of affection Benny has seen give. Does this man not realize how lucky he is to have Dean. 
He tries once again to make Dean give up on his quest to bring this man who calls himself an angel with them. Dean won’t relent and this angel gives in. Benny is starting to wonder who is following who. 
They walk in silence Dean who would trudge ahead head swiveling eyes wild is slower paced with Castiel. Eyes glued to him a slight smile on his face. Well, Benny could have never understood how much Dean loves his angel until he watched Dean hug him tight and demand he come home. 
They are jumped by a goddamn rugaru nasty little bastards. Weapons go up and Benny watches it speed towards them when it collides forehead to Castiel’s hand. Benny has to look away and sees Dean with a bowed head already as a blinding light shines through the forest. The rugaru looks burnt like a husk and Dean slides right back up to Castiel.
He starts chatting Castiel up about grace usage and being connected to the home base all the way in purgatory. Castiel starts mumbling nonsense about heaven being aligned in some ways with Heaven and Hell despite common human perceptions and he just keeps going. 
Benny is kind of awed by it the energy in the air. Castiel really is an angel. He just used bestowed by God's power to wipe out a monster with no effort. Dean wasn’t shocked he was well aware of exactly what he fell in love with.
Benny is shocked by it all of course. This angel has some blue eyes but they’re swirling with some otherworldly Benny feels like a flea under that gaze how Dean can stand it he don’t care to know. His skin is pale that's for sure but Benny passes by him and touches his hand. Even covered in dirt there is no sweat, skin cold to the touch. He can hear clearly ain’t no heart pumping the blood is dead. But it smells pure like something ain’t never lived. He can hear the angel ain’t breathin’ like he got no reason to. 
Benny was a fool to think Dean could have ever been an angel. Dean shines like the sun something you look to for life because he is alive he is thriving in purgatory. No Castiel looks out of place so holy the world seems to have color where he is standing. A shine in a blue-white tint. Dean is drawn to it they’re drawn to each other. Moths to flames. Dean, while the prettiest, nastiest, most righteous son of a bitch Benny has ever met, is not an angel. Castiel with his stone-cold persona, his voice that invokes attention, and that power radiating off him he is a lot bigger than that body he is in and everybody knows it. 
Strong too Dean almost fell right into a river with a siren calling but Castiel picked him up around the waist and the water spit the siren out onto the land his eyes glowing. She curses and spits but Benny cuts her head off. Dean stops his futile struggles and seems to relax back against his angel before Castiel lets him go. 
Dean starts to laugh when they settle down for the night. He speaks of his brother of his home and Benny realizes Dean was never his human. Dean ain’t following Castiel and Castiel ain’t following Dean. They’re walking side by side and this Sam kid is right there with them or he will be when they get out. Castiel keeps up his instance that he will not be able to pass through. Benny wishes it would get through Dean’s very thick and stubborn skull. 
It only seems to anger Dean when the angel mentions leaving. He clings and he rants and he yells. Benny is sick of the bickering and the angel does not like nor trust him he could not be less subtle. Dean doesn’t seem to care about that. But Benny makes a comment about Cas slowing them down and Dean threatens him. 
Benny sighs again as Dean says they’ll take Castiel if it kills all three of them. “And if it doesn’t work” the angel begins again, holy mother mary he is worse than Dean. 
“Then I will track Crowley’s ass down and I will use Benny’s blood and I will rip that portal to purgatory back open to pull you out” Dean snaps and turns eyes wild. 
“Dean the leviathan, I already” Castiel begins. 
“I will do whatever it takes to bring you home with me so you better hope it works” Dean interrupts and grabs Castiel by the trench coat. “Because Sammy is probably up there planning something dumb and I wouldn’t be half surprised if one of your million siblings is planning a prison break” Dean smirks and the angel winces at the mention of his siblings. 
Benny thinks about Andrea and his love falls short. He can see in front of him a couple that will last the ages, stories will be and have been told about the hunter and his angel. Two souls connected even if that angel don’t have no soul he glows bright enough.
Benny was sure they were in love, of course, watching Dean kiss his angel like they were sealing a deal made it clear to him. Dean was resolute in his goal to drag Castiel’s ass home with him. To Dean’s brother which Benny thinks that three for them is family. Not a crowd but the Winchester’s which just so happened to include an angel. 
They see the portal and Benny has this fear that Dean will lob off his head or Castiel will smite him. But Dean promises him trust Benny has earned and he nods to Castiel and then nothing. 
Benny wakes up in his grave and Dean hands him a blood bag. He sighs and breathes in real air and looks up at real stars. “Where’s the angel?” he asks and watches Dean’s smile die and his eyes fill with tears. 
“H-uh, Cas didn’t make it” he whispers head down words held down by grief. Benny don’t believe that they were tops an hour from the portal. Maybe it really didn’t work for angels. 
Dean clears his throat and Benny is watching a grieving man try and smile. “Dean I know it is hard to lose someone so special to you” Benny begins. 
“Not the first time I’ve lost Cas. Let it go Benny” Dean says shaking his head and moving on from the topic. Benny knows for certain that Dean is never moving on. Benny has never been so sure of two peoples love for each other as watching those two fight back to back, talk and bicker, sit in silence always connected. He heard Dean’s prayers and he watched Castiel hold Dean close while he slept. 
He knows Dean isn’t going to give up on his angel ever. Benny also knows Castiel ain’t no delicate flower no way that angel is dead and staying away from Dean. Castiel, he’ll be back and Benny knows it will be straight back to Dean. 
One way or another Dean and Castiel are made for each other and they’re going to be together. 
allshipscreationchallenge|Rainbow820 ↳ Prompt: An episode you think best depicts their relationship. Again I used all the purgatory screen time here. There was not full episodes worth. 
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kenshi-vakarian7 · 5 years
11 Questions
Thank you for the tag, @rpgwarrior4824
I’ll tag (with no obligation of course) @funkypoacher @natsora @alyssalenko @starsandskies @rvtstudent and anyone else who sees this.  Here are your questions if you decide to do this;
Coke or Pepsi?
Share a fun, but useless fact about anything that comes to mind.
Recommend me a book to read.
What is your favorite planet in the solar system? (and yes, Pluto counts!)
What animal is underrated?
What food have you never eaten, but would like to try?
What, to you, is the scariest non-horror movie?
What scent do you love that others might find odd?
Have you ever had a paranormal experience?
What always cheers you up when you think about it?
Clowns; Yay or nay?
1. What is your favourite colour?
Blue!  Has been ever since pre-school.
2. Do you have any good news to share?
Not that I can think of.  But I don’t have any bad news either.  I guess that’s good news in itself.
3. What is one thing you hated, but never truly understood, that people do?
People who like to get into my personal space for whatever reason.  Just... why?
4. What is your general idea about people?
I’d like to think people are just trying to live their life with as little drama as possible.
5. Recommend me a song.
I have “Lift Me Up” by Five Finger Death Punch playing in my head as I’m filling this out so... I’ll recommend that. =P
6. Share one of your old-time favourite fics you’ve read.
One of the first fanfics I ever read around the time I starting writing my own was a Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust fic called, “Moth to the Flame” , a prequel fic (prior to the movie, not the book).  Hands down, one of the most beautifully written fanfics I’ve ever read.
7. What is an important lesson you’ve learned from your life?
That even if things are perfect for you now, you can’t let yourself be complacent and think that it’ll always be like this and nothing will change.  You need to prepare yourself in case things go to hell for you, especially if it happens so quickly.  Have a cushion set up for yourself (aka stuff like savings) so that it’s there for you to fall back on.
Also, be prepared to see the true colors of your friends/family when things do go to hell.
8. What makes you happy?
Mostly little things; cats, chocolate, sushi, sleep, the autumn season, stuff like that.
9. Do you like to spend an evening alone at home or out with friends?
Definitely an evening alone at home.
10. How many languages can you speak? What are they?
Sadly, English is my only fluent language.  I know some sign language, a little bit of Spanish, and I’m currently learning Japanese, but I’m not all that confident in using those languages yet, even just to get by.
11. How are you doing?
I’m all right, just tired.  At least I have the day off today.
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