#who can you be like. ya that’s MY hokage
hawks-lightbulb · 1 month
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ichatake · 5 months
Hii! Can I request a Kakashixreaderxobito fic where the reader is helping Obito “re enter” society and they basically become best friends( but Kakashi starts to feel weird about it because he actually fell for the reader too (but refuses to accept love because duh) ya know, some angst to get through the week 🕺 I hope that makes sense hahaha thank youuu so much! 🫶
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Requests are open! (Request rules)
Part. 1, Part. 2
A/N: This is one of my longest works I’ve ever made tee hee. I really hope you enjoy!! (Sorry it seems a little rushed :( )
Summary: Obito, after surviving the war was allowed back into the village. You made it your mission to make sure he gets completely rehabilitated. However, a certain someone gets jealous at the loss of attention.
Pairing: Obito x reader x kakashi
⋅───⊱༺ ♰ ༻⊰───⋅
It was a process. Everything that came after the war was a process. Great ninjas were lost, and some were found. Heartbreaks and heartwarmths were felt by all the people who were affected by this dreadful event. However, they sought to move forward, and push the formidable thoughts away. Because there was no time for regret, but only determination to bring back the villages—the families that were caught in the hellfire.
You had thankfully survived the war right along with some of your comrades. You had lost some to the Ten Tailed beast, but you knew the only way to honor their lives was to remember them for the outstanding ninjas they were. They had fought their final battle alongside you, and it was time for them to rest as the brave heroes they were. Your heart had been shattered by everything that had occurred—the deaths and the revelations. The revelation of the man who seemed like the spitting image of a boy you once knew. A kind, sweet boy that strived to become the Hokage. A boy with dreams so big, he’d do anything to achieve them. Obito Uchiha.
It shattered you to see who he had become, and why he had become this new person. It hurt how he didn’t think of himself as Obito Uchiha, but as someone else. He lived as someone else. It broke you a little, because you couldn’t wrap your head around this. How could this man—the boy you once admired when you were both at the academy—become so heartless. You couldn’t understand it. However, as if the universe was trying to put the pieces back in place, Obito had a change of heart. You thank Naruto for this—you didn’t know how the boy did it, but he always managed to get into people’s hearts. And just like Sasuke, Obito was welcomed—with very hesitant open arms, back into the leaf village.
Of course, this wasn’t an easy process. There were still people who didn’t trust him, and wanted nothing to do with him. It was a hard decision to make, but everyone deserves a second chance. So, the decision was made. He would be welcomed back to the village on the conditions of having someone watch him at all times—or as they called it—being under supervision. This was, to Obito, reasonable. He had been one of the main causes of the war, so the least he could do was accept this with a good heart. The difficult part was searching for someone who would actually agree to watch him. They needed a strong ninja. One that could put Obito in his place if he ever did anything remotely threatening. They thought Kakashi would’ve been the perfect candidate, but he was now the Hokage.
However, they never expected you to volunteer. You were a great ninja. Strong, smart, truthful. You were fit for the job, sure, but they were hesitant to just let you supervise him. But, after some convincing, you were allowed to take Obito under your wing, and trust me, it was a hard process. This man had been socially secluded. He was hated by most of the villagers, and he could see it. Anytime he walked down the roads of Konoha, the people would glare and snarl at him. He was a monster to them, and he knew that. He was difficult to crack open. I mean, did you really expect him to be just like he was when he was a kid? Of course not, you knew better than that.
You would always notice how his eyes landed on the ground, and he walked with his head low. You also knew he was slightly embarrassed of his scars. They were permanent proof of everything that had happened since the beginning. How could you get him used to society again? Had you volunteered to do this with blind eyes?
⋅───⊱༺ ♰ ༻⊰───⋅
“Are you hungry?” You asked as you searched around in the kitchen. You didn’t think the ‘have him under your supervision at all times’ rule was going to be this strict. I mean, he was living with you now. It’s been about two weeks since he’s been in your house, and he’s still tense. The unfamiliar atmosphere was just… not easy to get used to. At least for him. He wasn’t used to people, or kindness, or just… this.
“No,” he mumbled while he sat tensely on the dining chair. He looked like a black dot on a white sheet of paper. He didn’t quite fit in anywhere. You’ve tried to get him to speak more, but the most you get out of him a day is a few polite sentences. That’s it.
You frown, looking back at him as he looks out the window, “well you have to eat something. You can’t just go without eating for long hours,” you say as you lean on the counter, “how about we get some ramen, I bet you’d—,”
“I don’t want to go out,” he quickly cut you off, his head snapping towards you. Although the action might’ve seemed rude, his tone was soft, and… tired. He genuinely didn’t want to go out. Not that it surprises you. This isn’t the first time he’s refused to leave the house.
You sigh and rub your face, not out of frustration, but because you were thinking of a way to convince him, “I know that you don’t like going out—I understand, but you’ll make no progress being stuck in here with me,” you look at him to see a reaction, but his face still held that frown you hated to see. “I mean, sure, you can stay here if you want to, but you already know I’m not good at conversation. I’m pretty boring,” you chuckle, your attempts to lighten the mood were pretty bad.
You walk over to the dining table and sit across from him, crossing your legs and looking out the window, “you’ll have more fun outside than in here. Unless you want me to bore you with some of my life stories,”
His brow was raised with curiosity, his interest being peeked, “Maybe not,” he says and sits a little straight, his body turning to face you. You were surprised at this, just a little. He had never made an effort to keep the conversation going. He usually just stayed quiet or gave dry responses.
“Oh come on, you definitely don’t want to hear that,” you chuckle nervously, but his eye never left yours. “We don’t know that,”
“Okay then…,” you pause for a moment before continuing what you were going to say, “I’ll tell you about a few things, and if you're not bored out of your mind, we can stay here for the rest of the day. If you are, however, we’re taking a walk,” you say, although you knew that even if he was fed up with your blabbering, he’d still prefer that over going out. With a nod, he agreed to your offer and listened attentively.
⋅───⊱༺ ♰ ༻⊰───⋅
Hours had passed since the offer. It turns out, you weren’t really bored at all. At least, in his eyes. You two hadn’t spoken since his ‘death’ so he had missed out on a lot of things. It was interesting to hear all of the stories you had. You were… cool. He thought. Yeah, you weren’t half as bad as he thought you were, no offense. He caught himself wanting to know more, nodding and interrupting you sometimes to just ask about certain things. To you, this was a massive win! He seemed to be getting used to you, and he was warming up a little.
“So you teach?” He asks, amusement laced his voice, “what? Is that really absurd?” You raise a brow, crossing your arms slightly while he gently waved his hand over his face, “No, no, I just remember you as a bad teacher,”
“A bad—excuse me?” You gasp with fake offense, which made him crack a smile. Your heart almost stopped because this was the first time he smiled since he got here. “I’m just saying, remember that time I asked you to teach me about a specific Jutsu?” He asks and you nod your head, “well, I have great memories of you shaking your head in disappointment and telling me I was doing it all wrong,” he looks at you and almost cracks a chuckle,
“Okay, I was young alright? I didn’t have the patience I have now,” you chuckle and shake your head, “so, for your information, I’m a very good teacher,”
He made an expression that screamed ‘suuuure’, which made you laugh, “oh, come on, don’t look at me like that,”
He shrugs, “I’ll believe that when I hear it from your students,” he says, not expecting anything to come from it, but a lightbulb had just been lit in your mind, “Alright, then let’s go talk to them,”
His eye suddenly widens as you say this, “what?” He watches you as you stand up and grab your keys. “Lets go talk to them so you see what a good teacher I am,” you say with your hands on your hip.
“I— I didn’t really mean it like that. It was just a joke—,”
“Joke or not, you deserve to meet them. Come on, they’ll love you,”
⋅───⊱༺ ♰ ༻⊰───⋅
With a lot of convincing, you had gotten Obito to go outside. He was once again going into shut off mode. He didn’t speak and his eyes were glued to the ground. However, you wanted him to look forward to going out, so you tried your best to make him comfortable. “You see, they’re the best thing that ever happened to me,” you say to catch his attention. He slightly looks up from the ground, to look at you. You were a few feet ahead of him, guiding him though the village. “This one boy, he really reminds me of you,” you look back at him, only for him to look back at the ground. “How so?” He asks quietly.
“Well, he’s very stubborn. Always having a rivalry with his teammate and—,” you stop yourself and clear your throat, “he’s just like you in different ways,” she says and stops in front of Ichiraku. Two silhouettes sat inside. “Ah, here they are,” you say as you enter, looking back at Obito with a reassuring smile. He looks at you and hesitantly enters the shop, looking at the two boys who were sitting on the other side.
They look back at you and one of them grins, greeting you loudly while the other sits calm and politely says hello. The loud one had thick black hair, round dark eyes and a contagious smile, while the quiet one was quite the opposite. It made Obito… uncomfortable. No, not because he didn’t know them or anything, but the similarities between them and Obito and Kakashi were unsettling.
“I thought you weren’t showing up,” Toko, the loud one, whines, “I’m not surprised, she’s always late,” Kenji, the quiet one says. His nose was buried in his book while his friend rolled his eyes.
“Well I’m here, aren’t I?” You chuckle and stand aside, “I’m here with a guest,”
Kenji lowers his book in curiosity, his pale eyes falling onto Obito with a monotone expression. It reminded him so much of Kakashi. “A guest? Where?” Toko asked, before he looked at the obvious answer right in front of him. “Oh—Oh!” He exclaims, his eyes slightly wide. “You’re—youre,”
“Obito,” you say, “Obito, this is Toko and Kenji,” you introduce them, earning an awkward ‘hey’ from Obito, and the same with Kenji. However, Toko immediately stood up in his seat, “I have so many questions,” he says with bright eyes, “I never thought I’d see you in person so soon,”
Obito was taken slightly aback, he wasn’t expecting such a reaction, and to be honest, the boy kind of reminded him of himself. “Sit down Toko,” Kenji scoffs, but it was obvious the boy had some questions of his own.
“Now, now boys, I don’t think Obito feels comfortable answering questions just yet. He’s still getting used to things and—,”
“It’s okay,” he cuts you off before you continue. He sat down beside Toko, who seemed like he was shaking out of excitement. For the first time since Obito got here, he felt… visible. Like he wasn’t being judged by anyone. On the contrary, the boys looked at him not with disgust, but interest.
“Are you sure? You don’t have to,” you reassure, worried that he might be doing this because he felt forced to, “I’m sure,”
⋅───⊱༺ ♰ ༻⊰───⋅
The night went on smoothly. You were surprised at how much Obito talked—heck, he talked more with your students than with you! The conversation ranged from different types of Jutsus, to the sharingan, to the Uchihas. You had been worried all night that Toko might ask something too personal that would make Obito uncomfortable, but to your surprise, he seemed to be very at ease. Even Kenji had begun to ask some questions, to your surprise.
Of course, the night was coming to an end, and the boys needed to leave. They said their goodbyes and left, making you sit there with Obito. You were silent for a few minutes before you looked at him, “Are you okay?” You asked, concerned that one of the boys asked him something offensive.
“Yeah,” he says and looks at you, his eyes wandering your face and his lips moving as if to say something. You wait patiently for him to speak, tilting your head to the side, “what is it?”
His lips press against each other, turning them into a flat line before he finally speaks, “there’s two of them, aren’t there supposed to be three?” He asks, his eye staring deep into yours.
“Oh..,” you say and look down for a moment, “yeah, there’s supposed to be three,” you look at your nails, trying to find them interesting as the topic makes you a little saddened.
“Then what happened?” He asks curiously, not catching the glimpse of your smile fading slowly. Now it was your turn to bite your lips. You didn’t know how to bring this up because you never liked bringing it up. No one ever asked before either, because the whole village knew what happened.
“We uh… we lost her,” you say with grief, “on a mission,”
“Oh… I’m sorry,” he says and shook his head, “I shouldn’t have asked—,”
“You didn’t know. It’s okay,” you smile reassuringly and pay for the meals. “I’m okay. And so are the boys. They’re strong,” you stand up and look outside, “it’s getting dark, we should probably head back home,”
⋅───⊱༺ ♰ ༻⊰───⋅
“So, you haven’t made any progress?” The silver haired man you know as Kakashi asks from in front of you. Considering he had become Hokage almost immediately after the war, you two barely got to see each other. Obito was currently getting tested at the infirmary for… who knows what. Kakashi didn’t give details about it.
“No, that’s not what I said,” you furrow your brows, “he’s having a hard time getting around. He doesn’t like going outside because people treat him nasty—,”
“And rightfully so. (Y/N), you might not get it, but this is the man who almost wiped the earth clean,” he says in a serious tone, “I know you keep thinking he’s like he used to be—the Obito from the past, but he’s not,”
“He’s trying—,”
“He’s a criminal,” you were slightly taken aback by his tone. You had never heard Kakashi speak about someone so roughly, and you’ve known him for years. You had become good friends since he became a teacher—so it really did surprise you. “You can’t be treating him like some old friend. You must take this seriously,”
“Everyone deserves a chance. He was your friend. You know him better than anyone here,” you say as you sat uncomfortably, “Even Sasuke isn’t being shunned to this extreme,”
“Because Sasuke didn’t start a war,” he refutes, “Then what are you suggesting I do?” You ask as you cross your arms, “I don’t get why you're being so.. so,” you look at him and sigh, “I’m sorry, I’ve just been really out of it. You know I hate mistreatment,” you rub your temples.
“It’s okay,” he sighs, “I just want to make sure you're not doing this because you feel forced to—,”
“I would never. I volunteer to supervise him, and I intend to make this an easy process for every party,” you say confidently, “after all, Obito and I are getting along just fine. He’s even met my students. I’ve seen good progress in him, even if it takes a little time,” you smile, “it’s like I’m slowly bringing him back,”
Kakashi stares at you for a few seconds—it was impossible to read his expression or what he was thinking, but his brows were furrowed together. You might've thought he had an expression of distaste if it weren’t for his mask, “I see… then that’s all for today. I wanted to check up on your progress, but I see that you are doing fine by yourself,”
You frown slightly at his words. You would’ve felt praised if it weren’t for his tone of voice. It seemed a little cold. You didn’t understand why—maybe it was because he was still bitter about everything that happened in the war, just like everyone else, but he out of all people should understand Obito, or at least, try to. “Right, then I’ll get going,”
⋅───⊱༺ ♰ ༻⊰───⋅
It seemed the time that you used to spend with Kakashi was replaced by Obito. You two seemed to get closer to each other with each day, and you were glad. He woke up early in the morning now, telling you good morning, and asking what you would do today. If you had to go out, he’d go with you. If you stayed inside, he’d stay with you—Although you mostly thought it was because he literally had no choice but to do so.
You saw him smile more often, and the village seemed to be accepting him more and more. All of your hard work was starting to pay off. Your students seemed to love him, and so did Naruto. Obito loved to speak with your students as well. They reminded him so much of himself when he was younger. Your friendship grew so much, he even insisted on going to watch you train your students. You were glad—no, not glad. You were happy to hear this, immediately agreeing to his request.
Currently, you were sitting down on the grass while your two students sparred, Obito sitting right beside you. “You know, they remind me a lot of how things used to be,” he says while looking at the two boys, “you really weren’t kidding when you said Toko was my twin,” he chuckles, leaning back against a tree.
“I told you,” you smile at him gently before looking back at your students. “So, have you spoken to Kakashi yet?” you ask curiously, considering the last time you spoke to Kakashi about Obito he was a little… bitter about it. You understood why, but it didn’t mean you wanted that to happen.
“No, not since after… everything,” He says with a straight face, "I don't think he’d want to talk to me ever. Not that I care much anyways, I also carry resentment,” he says, not meeting your eyes as he’s focused on the two figures in front of him. They fought hand to hand, and their friendly rivalness was giving him nostalgia. The sound of their weapons clanking made him remember just how much he and Kakashi would always fight. Rin would always watch. His face drops at the memories.
“I see,” you frown, “I just wanted to know because you two deserve to flip the page and start anew,” you look at him, “I certainly forgive you. And I don’t blame you—,”
“(Y/N), I’m not a good person,” he cuts you off with furrowed brows, “And I don’t expect anyone to forgive me. Especially not kakashi. After everything that’s happened, the best thing we can do is forget we even exist,”
“I don’t think that way,” you say sternly, “I believe everyone deserves a chance, and that doesn’t exclude you. You had your reasons—heck, you were a kid when you were manipulated—”
“Manipulated?” his head snaps towards you, “it was my decision,”
“You were a kid,” you refute, but he shakes his head, “It doesn't matter,”
“It does! You were a kid, you were vulnerable—”
“And what do you know?” he asks, a little agitated. He didn’t know why he was feeling this way, but his chest was slightly burning up. “You weren't there when it happened. You didn’t know Kakashi, Rin or me that well. So how could you possibly know what I feel? How could you understand?”
“Because I have a heart. You were a vulnerable kid who was grieving the death of someone you loved. You were filled with rage, and Madara took advantage of that,” you spoke calmly, because the last thing you wanted to do was make him feel even worse than he already was, “You didn’t speak to the people you held closest to your heart. You were ripped away from the village in hopes of false promises,” everything you said, you knew because of him. He had talked about this with you shortly after becoming more comfortable with you. You did know, you weren’t exactly there, but you did understand him.
“Please don’t live your life regretting what you did, or hanging onto hatred,” you frown and put a hand on his shoulder, “This is a new beginning for you. One that you were given even after thinking you didn’t deserve it,” you smile, “take advantage of that and work on yourself. If you’re having a hard time doing so, then I’ll help you. I will always be here for you,”
Your words left him speechless. Honestly, he didn’t know what to say. He was at a loss for words. You made him feel… different. A good difference. It was like you were the thing he most longed for. You were pure kindness… It almost reminded him of Rin. No, it did remind him of Rin. His eye never left yours as he tried to think of something to say. Your hand on his shoulder felt so tender and gentle, something he hadn't experienced in a long time. “I care for you Obito,”
He stares at you for what felt like ages, but finally, he worked up the courage to say something, “thank you,”
⋅───⊱༺ ♰ ༻⊰───⋅
“I want a rematch!,” Toko whines, looking at the other teenager who stood crossed arms, “I already won, I don’t think you want me to beat you again,” he says and rolls his eyes.
“Okay boys, that’s all for today. Go home and rest,” you say and chuckle, seeing how Kenji helps Toko up from the ground. The boys packed their things before saying goodbye to both you and Obito. After they left, it was silent. Obito was still deep in thought after your conversation.
“Well, I need you to help me get some things. We’re kind of out of groceries and I need to restock,” you say before turning to him, “Unless you want to go home. That’s okay, I’ll do the grocer—”
“No, I’ll come with,” you were once again surprised by this, but immediately smile, “Okay then,”
It’s safe to assume that you and Obito were starting to become closer than what anyone imagined. Some might say it's too close. He seemed to smile more around you, and since some time had passed, he was now allowed to roam freely without having to be under your supervision. However, he refused to leave your side, and you didn’t mind at all. You were glad, because the bubbling feeling in your stomach everytime he laughed or made you laugh was amazing.
However, you were conflicted. For the longest time, you had always liked a certain silver haired Jonin. Kakashi was always your crush—kind of. You weren’t obsessed with him, but there was an obvious interest. You spent a lot of time together, and were set out on a lot of missions together as well. It’s safe to say that you were always together at all times. You weren’t sure if he had actually reciprocated your feelings, because he never showed any sign of interest in you. I guess that’s kind of why you started losing feelings for him as soon as he became Hokage. He was always busy, and you were too. He never seemed to be interested in you the way you were of him, so it didn’t matter.
Obito seemed to be replacing Kakashi in every sense of the matter. He was now the person you’d spend your time with 24/7. You laughed and joked with him, ate with him, lived in the same house as him. Everything you did, he was right by your side. And the best thing about all of this was that Obito seemed to be interested in you too. You didn’t want to jump to conclusions, but the way compliments would slip out of his mouth from time to time would make your stomach flip. The way he now sits right beside you instead of across you everytime you eat just to be closer to you made you feel amazing. He was trying to be as subtle as possible, but he failed miserably. To him, you had become someone he truly cared for. You were so kind to him, even after everything. You trusted him, because you knew who he was. You understood him in every sense of his being, and he was glad. He was just so glad he had you. Because it was as if the universe reunited you two. It was meant to happen.
It seemed the tables had been severely flipped, much to someone’s distaste. Kakashi, although always busy, heard the talk of the town. He heard the rumors, he heard the stories. He heard about how you and Obito were supposedly going out. Or how you were supposedly spotted at a restaurant together. All of this, Kakahsi could handle, because he knew they were just rumors of the town. Of course the people would start to assume things like that. Obito had to be with you at all times, so of course it would stir up a few rumors here and there. But, it made him wonder if it was actually true.
What exactly were you to Kakashi? Why did he find himself caring so much about these stupid rumors going around? He never admitted this before, but you were special to him. Ever since you were kids, he had an interest in you. At the academy and even after joining the Anbu. You always had a special place in Kakashi’s heart. To him, you were priceless. You cared too much about silly things, and too little of yourself. He hated that about you, but he also loved it. Because it left room for him to love you. He always found himself thinking about you, both when he was a kid, and still to this day. He cursed himself for never telling you how he truly felt, but to him, his romantic feelings would subside with time. They didn’t, of course, he was just lying to himself.
Why exactly did he refuse to believe his feelings towards you? Well, he’s always been alone, and when he’s not, he ends up losing those closest to him. He didn’t want to lose you. He couldn’t afford to love you when he knew that you might leave him. He couldn’t afford another heartbreak, so he treated you as a friend. He was sure you liked him, he wasn’t stupid, and he was glad. He bathed in your sweetness, and he loved it. He loved knowing that you felt the same. However, his biggest mistake was never saying anything. Because now, he was worried that you didn’t want him anymore. Now that you didn’t want him, he wanted you the most. You barely come visit him at his office anymore, and when you do, it's strictly professional. He had never expected things to go this way. Sure, he was now the Hokage, but out of all the people to treat him with such ‘respect’, he didn’t expect it from you. He thought you’d stay the same as you were. Heck, you didn’t even call him by his name anymore. It was either Hatake or Sir, and neither of them left a good taste in his mouth.
That’s why he made sure that tonight, he’d make up for all the time he wasted just pushing you away.
“You called me here for something, Sir?” you ask as you enter his office,
“You know you don’t have to use formalities when we’re alone, right?” he asks with a chuckle, earning and chuckle from you, “I mean, you’re the Hokage, it’s disrespectful to talk to you as if you’re a normal person,”
He shakes his head before sitting down, “How have you been?” he asks, waiting for you to sit down, which you did.
“Um… Well, i’ve been good,” you say hesitantly, “It’s been peaceful,”
“Is that so? I would’ve assumed you’d be stressed thanks to Obito,” he says and rests his chin on the palm of his hand. You quickly look at him and smile, shaking your head with a chuckle. You instantly melt into the conversation, as if you two had never stopped hanging out, “Oh no, he’s an angel,” you cover your mouth with a giggle, “He’s already getting used to everything. You should’ve seen him helping the seniors. They love him,”
The more you spoke about Obito, the more his expression seemed to change, “i see,” he clears his throat, “I’m glad you’re getting along,” he says a little bitterly, but you didn’t quite catch that.
“I was meaning to ask,” you look at him with a smile, “Have you gotten to speak to him? I think it would be a good idea to talk things out. He told me he hasn’t spoken to you since he got here, so…,” you look at your hands, “maybe it wouldn’t be a bother if you two got to speak. I know things are tense right now, so I wanted to—,”
“I don’t think he’d want to agree with that. We’ve parted ways. It’s better to leave things as they are right now. Let things smooth as they go,” he says, earning a small ‘oh’ from you. He noticed how your smile slightly dropped.
“But, I do have tonight free. I was meaning to ask you— well, if you wanted to go out and eat. You know, so we can catch up,” he was hopeful. There was a big chance you’d say no, but to his surprise, your eyes lit up and your smile came back to your pretty face. “Of course, around what time were you planning? Not that I’ll be busy anytime today, I’m free all day,” you smile excitedly.
“How does six sound?”
⋅───⊱༺ ♰ ༻⊰───⋅
“You’re going out?” Obito asks as he lays on your bed. He had a habit of laying on it whenever he could. He would always say it was much more comfortable than his.
“yeah, I thought I told you?” you say as you look through your closet, “No, not really. Where are you going?” he asks curiously, sitting up to look at what clothes you were pulling out.
“I’m going out to meet the Hokage,” you say with a smile, slightly excited that you would get to catch up with him again. This made Obito raise a brow, “So, you’re going out to meet Kakashi,” he states with a ‘matter of fact’ tone “Yes,” you affirm and turn to him. He lays back down, but still looks at you, “Why? Is it like, some weird date or something?”
“No! We’re just going to catch up since we barely spent any time together since he became Hokage,” you say and hold up a dress, “Do you think this is nice?” you smile and show off your dress. A hand comes and pushes the dress aside gently, “It sounds like a date to me,” he looks at your face, kneeling on the bed now.
“Obito, it’s not a date,” you put the dress down, “Even if it was, what's the big deal?”
“Nothing, I’m just saying,” he stands up and walks towards the closet, pulling out another dress, This one was a navy colored one, nothing fancy, but it was still pretty “This one would look way better,” he grins “It’s my favorite color too,”
You smile and take the dress, “Alright,”
After getting dressed and ready, you say goodbye to Obito, who is still on your bed. You heard him ask for some sweets when you got back—but you didn’t really hear him well.
You were both excited and nervous. You didn’t know what to expect. I mean, you knew Kakashi wanted to catch up, sure, but you didn’t know what to expect from yourself. One day you thought you were completely over Kakashi, and now you’re questioning your feelings again. To some extent, your feelings for Kakashi were still very much strong and alive. You were dumb for thinking that you could just forget about him. However, you also felt a little something for Obito. Your mind was reeling with many thoughts. You honestly didn’t know what to do anymore. It was like Kakashi controlled what you felt, and when you could feel it without even trying. You didn’t blame him of course, but it frustrated you a lot.
After a while of walking, you finally saw Kakashi waiting for you at the bridge. You smile and walk towards him, his head turning towards you once he hears your shoes. You assume he smiled at you at the way his eyes turn into crescent moons, “hey,” he greets, turning to face you. “You look wonderful,”
“Thank you,” you reply, your smile never leaving your face as your cheeks are dusted pink. You give him a compliment in return as well, “So, where are we going to eat?” You ask, standing besides him as he begins to lead the way, “I reserved a spot at the new restaurant that just opened recently. I’ve heard real good things about it, and I wanted to bring someone special with me,”
Your heart skipped a beat at his words, but you didn’t want to think much of it, “I see,” your cheeks were dusted pink, your lips forming a small smile as you looked down. He noticed this, and smiled to himself. After all this time, he still had that effect on you.
The restaurant was pretty different from all the others in Konoha. It was a little more modern than any other restaurant, and it just screamed expensive. “Wow, this place looks amazing,” you say as you look around, already sitting across from Kakashi, “I’m not sure I can afford to come here more than two times. It looks really expensive,” you laugh, earning a chuckle from him, “Maybe you won’t have to pay. If you come with me, I’ll definitely make sure to pay for everything. Just like tonight,” he tilts his head with a smile, his eyes closed.
“Oh no, don’t bother, I brought money—,”
“I said I’ll pay (Y/N), don’t worry about it,” he put a hand over yours when you went to reach for your pouch. You look at his hand and then at him, “Are you sure?” He nods and leans back, pulling his hand away from yours, “of course, I was the one who invited you. I’m not letting you pay,” he chuckles. He was so handsome.
The afternoon was going really well. Both were having a nice conversation during your meal—although, you had no idea how he was eating since not once did you see him pull down his mask—and were just enjoying yourselves. You felt euphoric. It was nice being with him again. You had forgotten exactly why you had fallen for him all those years ago, and today you were being reminded. He was so nice, so funny, so perfect to you. He read you like a book and listened to everything you had to say. It was just nice.
“You know, I missed this,” you say, taking the last bite of your food and smiling, “I forgot when was the last time that we actually spoke like this. For hours,” you rest your chin on your palm, “I thought we wouldn’t get to do this anymore”
“I thought so too,” he says and looks into your eyes. He fell quiet as he stared at you. This had to be the moment. He needed to tell you now, because he wouldn’t get another chance if he didn’t.
“(Y/N), I have something really important I want to say,” he says, suddenly a little more serious than before, “I want you to be honest with me,”
You furrow your brows, sitting upright and nodding, “yeah, of course. What is it?”
“How do you really feel about me?” You were taken aback by his question, “I thought you wanted to say something important, not ask me something,” you chuckle a little nervously, trying to avoid answering, but he shook his head, “I’ll tell you when you answer me,”
“Well, I think…,” you stop for a moment, trying to form the words you so badly wanted to utter. ‘I’ve been in love with you for the past fifteen years,’ is all you wanted to say, but you couldn’t. Not when you were torn between telling him and forgetting Obito, or just never telling him at all. “You’re a wonderful person,” you say, and look at him. However, it seemed like that wasn’t the answer he wanted. “And I appreciate you a lot, for always being there for me for as long as I remember,”
The table was now quiet. He seemed to be thinking of what to say, and you were nervously waiting for his answer.
“Do you like me? Romantically,” he asks again, now going straight to the point, making your heart beat faster, “what?” You ask, gulping down the lump in your throat.
“Because I like you. I’ve liked you for as long as I can remember,” he declares, making your heart almost stop. You didn’t expect this. You never would’ve expected this. He had never treated you romantically in his life, so what was the occasion?
“I… Kakashi, I don’t understand,” you furrow your brows, “If that is really true, how come you never told me before—or at least dropped hints,”
“I didn’t want to give you false hopes. I wasn’t sure before, mostly because I was afraid to get hurt,” he admits, “but now I’m sure,”
“But why now? Why now all of a sudden?” You ask, the timing seemed weird. How come now, that you weren’t speaking as much as before, he wanted to confess. Why now?
“I.. don’t know,” he blinks, “but what matters is that I told you,”
“I.. Are you being genuine?” You frown, “because the timing seems a little strange. I don’t understand why you suddenly seem interested in me. I mean, we haven’t hung out, we haven’t spoken—you never showed interest in me before this moment. Why is it that now you suddenly want to say this to me,” you didn’t understand why you weren’t happy. I mean, you liked him, of course, but it felt strange.
The puzzle pieces didn’t fit, and the only reason as to why he was seemingly starting to take an interest now, was because you were spending more time with Obito. You didn’t want to jump to conclusions, but come on, it was plausible. It made sense if you thought about it. They technically hated each other, and it was no secret they were rivals and will always be rivals. It looked as if now that Obito was winning your attention, Kakashi wanted it back.
“Of course I’m being genuine. I’ve always liked you,” he frowns, “Do you not like me?”
“It’s… it’s not that. I just, I don’t think I want anything right now. The timing seems off and I— I just don’t know if I’m sure of what I’m feeling,”
The air seemed to get tense the more you spoke. You seemed conflicted, and Kakashi knew why. He knew why you were conflicted. “This is about Obito, isn’t it?” He suddenly asks, making your head snap towards him. “I…,” you didn’t know how to answer, because to some extent, yes, it was about Obito,
“I knew it,” he leans back, “you like him,”
“It’s not like that,”
“Then why is it that you suddenly changed your mind? I mean, I know you like me. Or at least liked. So why else would you not accept me?”
Now that makes you uncomfortable. He was speaking the truth, but the way he said it sounded wrong.
“Kakashi, things change,” you begin to explain, but you never expected what he said next.
“(Y/N), you can’t just fall for him. I’m not sure if he likes you, but if he does, it’s not genuine. It’s not fair to take advantage of someone who obviously has never been treated nicely before. Of course he’d fall for the first person to show him an ounce of respect,”
Your jaw dropped at his words. You couldn’t believe what you just heard. You had to process everything twice just to make sure you weren’t making things up. Kakashi had to admit he was talking out of frustration—since he wasn’t getting you easily. But this reached a whole different level.
“Unbelievable,” you finally say, reaching for your pouch and pulling out money. You slam it onto the table and stand up.
“(Y/N), wait—,”
“I want you to know that Obito deserves to be loved too, you know. Don’t you ever tell me I’m taking advantage of someone just because I love them,” you scoff and take your things, starting to storm your way out of there. Before you could leave, Kakashi caught your wrist, “I didn’t mean it like that,” he tries to convince, but you pull your arm away, “I know what you meant,” you snarl and finally exit, leaving a guilty Kakashi behind.
The walk home was hot. You felt hot all around. You were angry. Angry and hurt. His words kept swirling in your head.
‘It’s not fair to take advantage of someone who obviously has never been treated nicely before,’
Who did he think he was? How could he even say that? It hurts you. It hurt you because you liked him so much, but this? This made you think about what you felt. It made you question things.
Maybe you were overreacting. You didn’t know. Right now, you didn’t want to know. You got home and quickly stormed towards your bedroom after locking the door. You looked disheveled—and once you reached your bedroom, Obito quickly sat up from your bed, “you’re here early,” he says, but quickly stopped when he saw your red face. Concern washes over him as he stands up, “hey, what’s wrong?”
You stay silent, taking off your shoes while shaking slightly, “(Y/N), what’s going on?” he asks again, coming closer to you and placing his gentle hands on your shoulders, “Hey, look at me,”
You finally look up at him, eyes glossy with tears. You were so mad, so frustrated, that you couldn’t hold back your tears, “what’s wrong?” His voice was so gentle, so soothing. It was exactly what you needed right now. You had possibly ruined your relationship with Kakashi—no, you didn’t ruin it. He did.
“I just,” you choked as your tears finally fell. You hated crying. You hated that you cried when you just wanted to yell.
Instead of pushing you to speak, Obito pulled you into a hug. His arms wrapped around your waist as his hand held your head and pushed it towards his chest. It was so warm. “It’s okay, I’m here,” he whispers, his fingers gently tangling themselves into your hair. Your arms found themselves wrapping around him as well, holding onto him for what seemed like hours. Yet he never moved. He never uttered a word to hurt you. On the contrary, he let you know he was there for you. This is what you needed…
“Thank you, Obito,”
⋅───⊱༺ ♰ ༻⊰───⋅
Days passed by since what happened at the restaurant, and today was the first time since the incident that you were called to the Hokage’s office. You felt dread wash over you when you received the message, you didn’t want to go, not after what happened. Oh, had I mentioned how Obito and you now seemed to be inseparable? That interaction had built a strong bond between the two of you. No words were spoken that night, but they didn’t have to be. Both of you created a connection no other person could achieve.
With every step you took, your body felt heavier. Dread consumed you and you couldn’t seem to open the door to his office. You didn’t know what to expect… however, you managed to build the courage to enter his office, straightening yourself and walking towards his desk, “you called for me, sir?”
His head tilts upwards to look at you, “Yes,” he answers dryly and pulls a scroll from his desk, “a mission for you, out in Kirigakure,” he waits for you to take the scroll, watching you intently. You felt as if his eyes were burning holes onto your skin. You reached for the scroll and took it.
“Take both your students with you,” he adds, and looks down at some papers, “that’s all,”
You weren’t expecting this attitude, but then again, what were you expecting? You felt weird. “Right, thank you,” you say, bowing respectfully before turning towards the exit. As you were about to open the door, he called for you. You turn your head towards him, and wait for him to speak.
“Just know that I’m sorry,” he says, which you simply nodded and left. Once you were out of sight, your heart dropped to your stomach. ‘You should’ve said something’ you thought, mentally facepalming. ‘He was trying to apologize and you just left? You’re so stupid’ you insult yourself as you walk out of the building. You wondered what this mission was about, but you didn’t check until you were back home.
⋅───⊱༺ ♰ ༻⊰───⋅
The mission was simple. There were some ninja terrorizing the village and they needed some help catching them. It wasn’t an S rank mission, but it was still pretty high up there. You assumed the ninja were pretty darn strong if you had to be sent out.
“A mission in the mist village?” Asked Obito as he peeked over your shoulder to see what the scroll said. “Apparently. It’ll take a few days I guess,” you sigh and place the scroll on the desk of your room, going to grab a bag to pack some things. Obito read the scroll with furrowed brows, “why couldn’t he send Naruto and his gang? I mean, they could handle it themselves,” he asks and watches you pack, “because they’re busy with their own missions,” you say, throwing some clothes and tools into your bag, “I have to leave in a few hours, so please keep the place tidy,” you say, turning towards him.
“Of course,” he shrugs and sits down on the bed, “and make sure to eat well—and don’t drool on my pillows this time,” you laugh as he blushed slightly, “that was one time,” he argued
“I know, I’m just messing with you,”
Once it was time to leave, you took your bag and wore your headband. Obito followed behind you as you walked towards the door. “Hey,” he called before you opened the door. You turn to him and raise a brow, “what is it?”
“Please be careful,” he says, obviously worried, “I mean, I know you’ll kick ass, but please be careful,” he smiles at you worriedly, but you grinned reassuringly, “don’t worry Obito, I’ll come back in one piece,” you chuckle and open your arms. He immediately leaned in to give you a strong hug, and for a moment it seemed like he didn’t want to let go. However, you needed to leave and he let go. He smiled gently and pinched your cheek, “alright, I’ll see you soon then,” he says and you nod, leaving him behind. You wondered what he’d do while you were gone, but decided it was better to keep your mind focused on your mission.
⋅───⊱༺ ♰ ༻⊰───⋅
Now while you were gone, a surprise arrived at your doorstep. When Obito answered the door, it was two of Kakashi’s secretaries. “Obito Uchiha, you have been summoned to the Hokage’s office on urgent request,”
Him? What for? Although Obito wanted to ask these exact questions, he only nodded and followed them to the building. He hadn’t been called there for about two months, what could he possibly be called over there for.
Once they arrived, he was left alone in front of the office doors. Everything seemed different. The village itself had changed too much since the last time he was there—well, when he was a kid. He shook the thoughts away and entered the office. Finally, after two long months, Kakashi and Obito were back face to face.
“You called me,” Obito states, his arms crossing in front of his chest as he waits for Kakashi to speak. The silver haired man looks up from his paperwork, his dark eyes burning into Obito’s.
“Yes, we need to talk,”
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raveneira · 6 months
hola amiga.
que piensas del arem de Boruto.? Confirmamos ya que mitzuki está enamorado de el sol. Hacia donde navegará el barco en la final?
We're definitely seeing BoruMitsu pretty much confirmed to be at the very least semi canon, its ironic that the anime put all that needless time and effort into the Mitsuki disappearance arc only for it to mean nothing in the manga because Mitsuki is actually going through that exact arc in the manga right now, meaning that anime arc was a complete waste of time and totally irrelevant now, and now it'll have to be retconned in the anime because Mitsuki is supposed to of had this development already, so my guess is their either gonna retcon it and pretend it never happened or their gonna change this situation entirely to fit the anime timeline they set where Mitsuki is actually already sure what his feelings are and what the sun is for him, the only thing left for him to realize anime wise would be his romantic feelings, but in the manga he still doesnt even understand his own identity or what the sun even is to him and is only just now starting to finally address and confront it and do some soul searching.
So where do I see things headed? well first is started here in 69 where Mitsuki first mentions ones true feelings being hard to tell, many thought he was speaking about Sarada, but he was really talking about himself and questioning what his own true feelings are, this is why he asked Sarada about hers to try and figure his out through her, but when she denied it that left him still confused about himself, which is why he stayed silent when Sarada mentioned his eyes lighting up whenever it comes to Boruto, because he himself was unsure of his true feelings.
In 88 Mitsuki is now starting to come to that realization he was lacking before, he hasnt gotten the answer yet, but he is finally willing to question what he's been ignoring all this time, after meeting Boruto again 3 years later, Mitsuki is realizing who his sun is and what the sun truly means to him. He pretty much confirmed hes inlove with Boruto in his conversation with Ada, but HE hasnt figured that out yet, we the audience have, but Mitsuki hasnt yet.
So 69 laid the groundwork for Mitsuki not knowing his own true feelings, 88 laid the groundwork for Mitsuki starting to understand what his true feelings are, now all thats left is for Mitsuki to finally put all the pieces together and realize he loves Boruto.
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Now I cant speak too much on Boruto's behalf just yet but what I can say is Boruto reciprocating Mitsuki's affections as much as he does says alot, you see the stark contrast between how Kawaki treats him and Boruto.
Boruto could've easily rejected Mitsuki's whole sun and moon obsession with him, he didnt have to accept Mitsuki at all, yet he not only embraced Mitsuki, but those titles too. He tells Mitsuki that he is his sun, he could've just said he's his friend or hes really the Hokage's son, but no, he specifically tells Mitsuki that he's his sun, that he knows he realized long ago that Kawaki isnt his sun, that Kawaki cant illuminate him no matter how close he sticks to him.
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Not only that, but he tells him that he believes he can shine just fine on his own, but if he insists on needing a sun then to come find him anytime. That is pretty clear and strong reciprocation, not saying its proof Boruto likes Mitsuki romantically, but it does imply that hes not particularly opposed to it either.
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He respects Mitsuki, cares for Mitsuki, wants to protect Mitsuki, doesnt mind Mitsuki hanging around or sticking close to him, doesnt mind being the sun to his moon, is willing to be Mitsuki's light even though he thinks he shines just fine on his own, he's willing to be that for him anyway if thats what HE wants
Yea, I aint sayin its definitive, but there is some really strong implications there that cannot be ignored.
Kodachi did say in an old interview before he stepped down as writer than he doesnt mind including LGBTQ characters and that for him he doesnt feel like it has to be something heavily focused on but just be a natural progression where its not in your face but you still get the picture, which I believe might end up bein the case for BoruMitsu, even if they arent canon in the end, at the very least their feelings will be.
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geekthefreakout · 3 months
The GaaNaru Letters (part 1 of ?)
AN: this might not be anything, but its been floating in my head. It's a tumblr post instead of going on Ao3 because it's lower commitment rn.
Dear Gaara,
Heh, it's weird calling you dear when we only kinda know each other. But Iruka-sensei said that's how letters are supposed to start. This is my first time writing to someone else- all my friends are in my village! Anyway, I just wanted to see how you are after that asswhooping I gave you! That's not me bragging, by the way. It's just. You seemed lonely. Like I told you back then, I know what that pain is like. I guess I want to help you with it. And I think you and me have something else in common, too. Do you know what I mean? Anyway, everyone knows that the Sand village only attacked the Leaf because Orochimaru-bastard was manipulating you, so I don't think we have to be enemies anymore. That snakey bastard killed the Third Hokage, but I heard he killed your Hokage too? I hope you get this and write back, maybe?
Love From, Uzumaki Naruto
Uzumaki Naruto,
I have been informed that honorifics are not required at the beginning of letters if one does not wish to include them. Unless this is one of the cultural differences between the Leaf and the Sand, you should not feel obliged to use "dear" for me. This is also my first time writing a letter to someone. I am not sure what to say, but I will answer your questions.
I think I do know what you mean, if you are referring to that red chakra that you summoned. Do you have a monster within you as well? It is difficult to imagine.
Orochimaru did indeed kill our kage, though the Sand Village has a Kazekage, rather than Hokage. Rather than in a great battle such as befell your leader, the Kazekage seems to have been murdered on the sly. That man was my father. I am told that most children mourn their fathers. I have not mourned anyone since Yas I was small, and I see no need to change that. Perhaps if my father did not try to assassinate me so often, I would feel differently. At any rate, my siblings are too afraid of me to press the issue.
You, however, are not afraid of me. Despite the damage I wrought on your friends and your village, you are still reaching out. I find myself wondering why? Perhaps we are not actively enemies, but we are not allies either. What use am I to you? Why should it matter to you that I am lonely?
Why did you weep for me, Uzumaki Naruto?
Gaara of the Desert
Dear Gaara,
I already said- I know what your kind of loneliness is like, and I want to help! It's not some big complicated thing. You don't have to have a use to me, you know? Except maybe to talk about stuff.
Like the monster thing. This is kind of a secret so I probably shouldn't confirm or deny that I have a giant demon fox sealed inside me, but I want to tell you. I've never met anyone like me before, you know? Even if yours is different, with the sand and the crazy laughing and all. Mine doesn't laugh, he's just mean and grumpy and scary. When did you first know about yours? Have you always been able to use its power?
I'm sorry about your dad. Not that he's dead, but that he was an asshole! And I guess that he's dead too. I can see how that would be complicated. Did he try to kill you because of your demon? It's not how I would do things. I don't know who my parents are, or were, but I hope they wouldn't do that to me. I think parents are supposed to support their kids no matter what!
I guess it makes sense for your siblings to be scared of you when you do scary things, but I heard you apologize to them back then. So if you're trying to do better by them, they should give you a chance!
I'm going on a journey with Pervy Sage soon to look for our next Hokage-- whoever it is better meet my approval, because I'll be the next Hokage after that, believe it! And I want to get the job from someone awesome. Anyway, if I'm not in the village I'm not sure how to get mail so if I don't reply for a while it's cuz I'm out there being awesome!
Also- didn't forget what you did. You tried to hurt my friends, and that's not okay. But I kicked your ass about it already, so as far as I'm concerned it's all settled. So don't keep thinking there's something bad between us!
Sincerely (This is a new sign off I learned. It's nicer than From!), Uzumaki Naruto
PS: Iruka-sensei said you're right about the "dear" thing, but your name looked kinda naked if I didn't write it, so I'm gonna keep using it, OK?
Uzumaki Naruto,
Your answers leave me with more questions, but I will continue asking them as long as you are amenable.
My demon is the One-tail, Shukaku. He does laugh a lot, though it is not a pleasant sound. I have always known about him, for his voice has always been in the back of my mind. Furthermore, I was told outright when I had a strong enough grasp of language. Your question implies that you have not always known about yours. You called it a demon fox- could it be the Nine-tails? Is he truly so quiet that you could be unaware of him? As for tapping into Shukaku's abitilities, that has not always been conscious on my part. He is often eager to emerge and inflict is insanity upon others, so if I fall asleep he will take over on his own.
Needless to say, I am seldom allowed to sleep.
Shukaku is one reason my father tried to kill me. The other is that I killed my mother the day I was born. My existence has always been fueled by blood. I am not sure if I can change that. Can my siblings be blamed for resenting me?
Are genin often involved in the selection of political figures in the Leaf? Perhaps that is more efficient. In the Sand, it seems that the council just sits and talks in circles. My team's sensei, Baki, has taken a leadership position there, but has not assumed the title of Kazekage. I assume it is because the council wants him free to keep an eye on me. They are not sure what I will do. I am not sure either. For now, I have tried to appease them with silence. I do not wander at night, and I have not hurt anybody since our return from the Leaf. I have kept to myself. I can't say if it is doing any good. Temari and Kankuro speak gently to me, but I see the fear in their eyes if I move unexpectedly.
You keep saying that you "kicked my ass." No one has ever done that before. Yet I seem to recall you being unable to move at the end as well. Did I "kick your ass" too?
It is interesting that you view our fight as an instrument of peace between us two. Perhaps if I let Kankuro hit me, he will stop jumping whenever I speak.
I like your new sign off, so I will use it.
Gaara of the Desert
TBC, possibly
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simpsandships · 11 months
A Prank gone wrong? [Sasuke x Naruto]
The Hokage's Office
"The war had finally ended and the ending consequences, you two lose an arm each! Well, the chakra from nine-tails made it easier to heal Naruto, but Sasuke's arm is still not fully healed, but with how his injuries are, I'd say he'll be just fine. So, now that Sasuke is getting discharged, it is your responsibility to share your apartment with him, do you hear me Naruto?" said Lady Tsunade, in a serious voice.
"But baa-chan, can't he go back to his own house, to the Uchiha quarters?" Naruto had asked her, not actually hating the idea of Sasuke living with him for a few days.
"You dobe." This time it was Sasuke who cut him off, "First, the villagers don't trust me yet, and the way these elders have acted all these years only ever caring about their own selves, do you actually believe they'd be okay with the idea of a death-row convict like me going back to the Uchiha compound?"
"But why wouldn't they!!?" that really angered Naruto. Sasuke too, was a war hero after all, and without him by his side, he wouldn't have been able to wake those people up from the infinite dream. "Sasuke saved them, he saved all of them, all the villages and all the people!"
"Sadly, that's not how it works. Well, either way, I can ask the elders to drop all the charges against Sasuke but the living-arrangement needs to be taken care of by you. People trust you more than anyone and if you trust Sasuke blindly to let him stay with you, the people will start trusting him too, and then the elders won't have any other option but to acknowledge him and drop all his charges." Lady Tsunade explained.
Naruto finally understood the strategy to make people trust Sasuke again, "What an amazing idea! No wonder you are the hokage!!"
"It's pretty astonishing that a gambler like you managed to come up with a plan like that." Sasuke added, pretty impressed.
"Actually, it was Shikamaru's idea." Shizune interrupted, "that boy sure is a genius!"
"I know right! Shikamaru's awesome!" Naruto giggled, remembering how he always came up with the best of ideas when they were in a pickle.
Something shifted inside Sasuke. His stomach flipped and he felt a small lump in his throat. Somehow, he didn't like it when Naruto was praising someone else. Although he knew that Shikamaru might have had a thing for the blonde from the village of Sand, but still.
"Okay, since we're all clear about everything, Naruto, let's go back."
"Huh? Go where?"
"To your apartment, of course."
"Wait, we're staying in my apartment? Like I get it that we need to stay together, but my apartment is way too small for the two of us."
"We'll manage."
And with that Sasuke pulled on Naruto's collar as he dragged him out of the room.
'Ah, young love ~' both Lady Tsunade and Shizune smiled.
"Baa-chan is very nice, you know. Although she can be so serious sometimes, ya know!" Naruto said, as the two boys jumped over the roofs heading towards Naruto's apartment. But then he slowly took a glimpse of Sasuke's face from the corner of his eyes.
Sasuke's expression seemed neutral, just as usual but his hair had gotten longer, hadn't it? And Sasuke's height had also increased, and Naruto definitely couldn't deny that he had surely gotten a lot more handsome than what he was when they were still academy-graduates. But this time, Naruto was also popular among the girls, so, he wasn't actually losing.
But Sasuke might have caught Naruto staring, that he turned to look at Naruto's face and smirked, "What, don't tell me you've fallen for this face too? ~"
A major blush rose to his face as Naruto yelled, "As if teme! Just who do you think you are!? I would never...!!"
Sasuke was definitely enjoying it, he mimicked Naruto in his voice, "Come back Sasuke ~ I'll die with you Sasuke ~ You can't leave me Sasuke ~ These were the things you probably said a billion times till now, and what else was there? Oh yeah, be mine Sasuke, give yourself to me ~~ " he teased.
The little blush that had occupied Naruto's face intensified and now his entire face was red. He was blushing immensely and his pulse rate had probably increased. "H-Hey!! I never said the last part!! Just stop messing around!!"
"Oh, and not to mention, I was your first kiss, oh, and your second too. But honestly, the I'll die with you Sasuke part was really something else ~" Sasuke had no intention to stop his teasing. Plus, he was seeing a different side of Naruto now. Usually, Naruto was this loudmouth who went on talking confidently even about stuff he was wrong about, but this Naruto who was blushing like that, sure was cute. Wait........cute?
Naruto had had enough, his heart hurt because of his fastened heartbeats. He immediately jumped towards Sasuke, trying to grab him and cover his mouth to stop him from saying anything more, but Sasuke got hold of both his hands. "Not that easy."
"Let go of me bastard! I won't let you say any other weird stuff!" Naruto yelled, still flustered. But Sasuke had caught hold of both his arms so there was no way of shutting him off.
"Honestly Naruto, I get that you were obsessed with me, but I thought you saw me as a friend, who would've thought ~"
Okay, that's it. Sasuke definitely had the upper hand and he was saying all that just to rile him up. But Naruto wasn't going to lose either. If he can't use his hands, then there's just one way left to shut him up. Although... that would be... but who cares!? Naruto couldn't lose!
[Author here - Any of you guessed what 'other way' Naruto was thinking about to shut Sasuke up? ^^]
"I mean, I understand I'm quite a looker so, it was justifiable for those fangirls" Sasuke kept continuing, "but you are a totally different story ~ The war hero lusting over the guy who almost destroy - " Sasuke's words faded and his eyes widened as he felt a pair of soft lips crashing into his own.
Naruto had inched closer to him and had pushed his lips onto Sasuke. It wasn't anything like the previous two kisses they had shared. And it was Sasuke's turn to get flustered.
But the kiss did more than that. Sasuke's face had gotten redder that's for sure, but the longer the kiss went on, his knees felt weaker. His heartbeat rose and temperature increased. Just how the hell did he know how to kiss like that!!!? Sasuke could feel Naruto lips licking his own, gently nibbling on his lower lip, waiting for an entrance. Sasuke's mind short-circuited. He could feel the intensity of the kiss and that send shivers down his spine. Was that longing? Whatever it was, Sasuke was completely absorbed in it. Although, he knew all too well that Naruto had only kissed him to shut him off, but as the thought of Naruto doing this just for winning a situation send an excruciating pain through Sasuke's heart. Wait, did he want Naruto to kiss him in real? And as if unable to handle that, Sasuke kissed back.
He parted his lips, just enough for Naruto to slip in his tongue and explore the insides of Sasuke's mouth, as he released Naruto's hand and sending his arms around his neck, pulled him closer. Seeing that as a sign maybe, Naruto too, wrap Their bodies crashing, and their mouths moving in a perfect sync. The innocent-at-heart kiss had slowly turned passionate with 'want' written all over it. Naruto had definitely initiated the kiss to shut him off, but seeing Sasuke actually get into it, sent Naruto into a frenzy. His heart burned and heat travelled to places he hadn't had expected. He was kissing Sasuke and he wanted more.
Sasuke too was getting hard. Their tongues danced in perfect harmony as they grinded against each other, through their cloths until,
"mm ~" Naruto moaned, when Sasuke had accidently rubbed his knee against Naruto's @-@, that they momentarily separated from the kiss.
Their faces flustered and both huffing for air, they had the words, 'need' and 'desire' written all over their faces. What they had experienced now was something they'd never experienced before, never even imagined it. One joke. Just one joke and they were already a mess.
Now, Sasuke had never been one to be in awkward situations or instances where he wasn't in control. And with how the kiss with Naruto had felt, only he knew the extent to which things could go wrong in so many ways. And there was no way he was willing to risk that. Naruto had saved him from an eternity of loneliness and he wasn't going to lose all of that for some stupid prank Naruto pulled, that majorly went wrong.
Although, it didn't look like Naruto hated it. His face was coloured red and his lips parted slightly, it was clearly evident that he wanted more too.
Sasuke was the more mature one, he couldn't have let things go further south, he had to do something. He had to... But the face Naruto was making then was...
"So.. irresistible" Sasuke murmured, and immediately bit his cheeks. And within seconds, before Naruto could even comprehend it, Sasuke activated his rinnegan.
"S-Sorry Naruto... but this, never happened."
"Wha..." Naruto immediately shut his eyes, being affected by whatever Sasuke did and began to lose balance.
But Sasuke caught him and waited for him to stand back up.
Slowly, Naruto gained his composure back and looked up at Sasuke, "teme? What happened?" he asked confused, gaining his balance back. "Feels like I passed out? Are you okay though, huh, your face, it's red!? Are you okay?" he brought his face near Sasuke's once again, genuinely worried.
'Too close, idiot' Sasuke thought and put a palm against Naruto's face. "Nothing usuratonkachi! Let's go to your apartment already. I'm tired."
Naruto pouted, whining, "So mean!!"
But they both resumed their walk towards Naruto's apartment. And they would've made it inside the house as well, if only Shikamaru wasn't standing just outside Naruto's door.
"Well, took you guys a while. Looks like Tsunade-sama gave you the details already. You guys will be living here from now on, right?"
"Ne Shikamaru! How did you know, we would choose this place to stay? We could have refused the offer." Naruto asked, excited.
Shikamaru just looked at Sasuke and smirked, "How I wonder ~"
Sasuke flinched but looked in a completely different direction.
"But that aside, you're coming with me, Naruto! Back to that study, you need to finish 6 more scrolls today!"
"Whoaaaa...... no way!"
"You'll get plenty of time to be with Sasuke but only after you finish your work! Move your ass, Naruto!"
"Uhh fine!" Naruto yelled, obviously not happy to be separated from Sasuke. But he had to do what he had to do, right? "Ne Sasuke, you'll be okay without me here, right?"
"You're 100 years too early to be worrying about me, usuratonkachi." Sasuke said that, but his face had gotten gloomier that Naruto was going.
Naruto smiled at that and waved him a 'bye-bye' "See ya later, teme!"
Sasuke had holed up in his room (Naruto's bedroom, since there was only one bedroom in Naruto's apartment) and clenched his fists, "Making you forget that... was the only thing I could do. Honestly Naruto... you're an idiot... " 
[If you liked it, then here's a link to 7 more oneshots]
see ya later - Ciao ^^
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scarecrow-in-a-hatake · 5 months
Speakin' of kiddos, I've always wondered something. Growing up, I'm sure y'all spent a good time around the OG Ino-Shika-Cho. How's it feel watching the new generation step into them same shoes? I think they did pretty well, but that'd be my opinion.
Sorry if this makes ya' feel a bit up-there Hokage-sama!
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By 'OG', are you referring to Inoichi, Shikaku, and Chouza? Because I hate to break it to you, but there's at least... five more generations of that iconic trio before those three. The Yamanaka and Nara have been Akimichi clan vassals for a long, long time, if not from the start. Although I will concur that it was the three you have in mind who elevated the Ino-Shika-Cho formation into international infamy during the Third War, since their immediate predecessors were more diplomats and negotiators with a emphasis on trade at the time. I was too young to have really known them, aside from seeing them around the village from afar.
Long post ahead. You've been warned.
Now, Inoichi... I didn't know him beyond as a work acquaintance. Definitely addicted to caffeine, incredibly busy with leading both his clan and the intelligence department, but he made time for his friends' old genin students just so they wouldn't have to switch shrinks when they got older. A good man, if a tad absent from his home as the years went by, from what I've heard. I can appreciate that he kept whatever he learned about me separate from our working relationship, and honor all he's done for this village.
Shikaku was a great drinking buddy if you weren't looking for any drama, but a frustrating conversationalist when he was looking for something from you. It was difficult to stay mad at him when he was so... deadpan? Levelheaded? Blase? I don't know if I would have accepted my initial nomination to become Rokudaime after Pain's attack if he hadn't been the one to talk me around.
He left a very strong impression on me when I was younger. You could say I looked up to him, in a way. He wasn't a genius like his son— which isn't to say he wasn't a brilliant analyst, tactician, and strategist in his own right— but then, there are very few people who can match Shikamaru in that aspect. It was more his organizational skills that got him where he ended up as Konoha's jounin commander and the Shinobi Alliance's chief strategist. Incredibly efficient, incredibly sharp, and above all, you never saw him lose his cool or his resolve. He knew what had to be done and made sure that it would be done. Among that generation, Shikaku was one of the greats— not infamous like Minato-sensei, but rather, the epitome of what a shinobi had to be.
Chouza is only someone I know because Gai and Genma— two of his genin students— kept in touch. I used to get dragged to Akimichi-hosted gatherings when I was younger, ergo, lots of positive connotations. I appreciated his wisdom when he invited me to tea shortly before both of my formal nominations, and he remains the most easy-going out of all the clan heads I have to meet with on a quarterly basis. Although he's since retired from the field, he was one of our village's greatest combative assets through two wars. I'm glad that he's still with us.
That said, their successors are not them.
Ino is still making progress in leaps and bounds with her clan techniques and innovating with our village's barrier team. Shikamaru is learning how the tower operates and taking on more responsibilities. Chouji continues to be an exemplary shinobi of Konoha and a role model for the rising generation of new genin as he grows in his role as a squad leader on missions.
All three have been lauded for their admirable contributions during the Fourth war. It is my hope that they will never see another, and never become what their fathers had to be. Let the youth create new footsteps for others to follow, and let old shoes be buried with a past that we can learn from.
If you want a better comparison, maybe ask @whotookmysenbon. He's closer with everyone involved than I ever was.
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hellcifrogs · 1 year
Sorry for dumping an entire essay on ya, I just got really excited about someone having a similar-ish au to me
- Link
No way! It was totally my bad, I wanted to post it properly, but other asks kinda pilled up on top of it haha I swear I was gonna get back to it sooner or later
That being said I found this super interesting, it is long, but please check it out:
My favorite parts are in bold and my own comments in parenthesis ->
"I see your exiled Minato post Naruto-birth and Kurama’s sealing. I raise you, this fuckin’ thing.
The time line continues as sorta normal. A gag order ensuring no one tells the children that Naruto holds the nine tails but to add to it, no one is allowed to tell the children that Minato couldn’t kill the nine tails. That he sealed it away instead. The former hokage took the hat again and banished Minato for causing ‘unjust harm’ to the hidden leaf village.
Kushina told Minato of Kurama, the angry furball that resides in her stomach. Of the old stories of her clan that once Kurama protected and resided on the many islands of Uzushio. How they worshipped not only death, but the strongest chakra beast. That foxes where resided with great respect for their trickster nature and playful demeanor. Minato gained a respectful feeling toward the fox that desired the same as his wife, the ability to run amongst the water and waves of Uzushio once again. The watch the glittering city decorated with seals and protected by the whirling pools. (I love when Uzushio is mentioned and actually used for impact with the Uzumaki's past!!)
He could not kill Kurama, not just because Kurama could not be killed, but because he knew that this was not the Kurama that his wife spoke of fondly. This was a beast under the control of a being far more evil.
Naruto is raised by none, all hate him for what he contains. The civilians peacefully unaware that Kurama was sealed, but not chained. He heard the words of the fools that roamed the village. He whispered softly to the blonde child, to trick and take what he needed to live and survive.
Naruto still struggles in school, like his mother before him. The school and teachers are not understanding to the fact that Naruto’s massive reserves of chakra do not allow him to sit still for hours at a time, that his mind does not understand like the rest. The seals that have all been woven into his blood do not allow for this teaching style to work. Iruka does his best but his position does not allow for him to speak out, all he can do is try his best but his best can only do so much for a child who physically cannot learn like the rest.
Naruto is a child with the hair and eyes of his father but everything from the shape of his eyes to the very blood that corses threw his veins to the chakra that nearly explodes out of him at every opportunity is truly, his mother’s. (MOMMA'S BOY!!)
Minato’s former team member (yes pls) feeds Naruto a dish that his mother loved nearly as much as her husband. The former team member laughs loud and heartily as the child wolfs down enough to make even the Akimichi look concerned. But the old man does not even blink, he’d seen Kushina in action. All that Chakra comes from somewhere. What ever that made up ramen had the Uzumaki addicted to it, and the older man was happy to feed the love of ramen to the uzumaki child left behind by the village.
Kakashi is truly a shell of his former self, only Gai is the reason he wakes up now a days. The man keeps Kakashi on his feet with the one day promise of his almost dad returning, that one day he can finally meet the boy that was supposed to be like a little brother.
The day that Naruto steals the seal, Kakashi should be more surprised but deep down. He’s not really all that shocked. Gai laughs after learning of the news, soon rushing off to make his team train more. As if a scrawny pre-genin could steal the most secure scroll in all the village then he needed to step up the training of his little youthful students. Iruka is hospitalized and Naruto learns the truth, the truth that deep down Naruto already knew to and extent at least. He knew he was different in more way then being the only bright blonde in the village. Naruto had stared blankly at the hokage before telling him “your security is shit” just after being told a suppose to be demon resides in his guts. The ANBU had a hard time not snorting at the face the old man made upon being told by a 10 year old that his seal where terrible and the scroll wasn’t all that impressive. Though Naruto did end the night learning a clone jutsu that he could actually use, the shadow clone. What a wonderful little reward.
The day Kakashi meets Naruto, he obtains an erase filled with chalk dust to the face. When the smoke screen is batted away he sees the blond with a fox like smile laughing, the pink haired civilian raised girl is yelling at Naruto for his immaturity while the last of the Uchiha couldn’t care. His eyes neutral to the scene but ever watching and ever taking in every detail. But Kakashi expected nothing less of Uzumaki boy and the Uchiha. He grew up with Kushina as a mother figure with her stories of her childhood and stories of her clan’s antics and her laugh like a fox as well as Itachi and Obito, both Uchiha just a step or two behind him always watching his every move even without their clan’s eyes.
Finally the day of the wave mission arrives, a C rank. Not all that eventful, not a goon or unexpected surprise. At least for the rest of the team, Naruto is pulled aside by and old man. His hair grey and his hearing going but his eyes as sharp as a tack. He’s told of the blond man who protects the land of waves, that he lives far out on the old islands of uzushio. That every month more people board the boat the man sails to come to the islands. The tale of beautiful grey eyes of baby’s who toss of the blankets before their parents tuck them away again. Of giggling children with pet dogs that are a bit too off to truly be dogs. Of the crates and crates of supplies that’s taken to the islands not only from wave but from dozens of other small nations. Ones that won’t tell the major nations with ninjas of the silently rising power of a man who had nothing less to loose but all that much to gain. (Hell. Yeah!)
Naruto is told he looks nearly just like the blond man.
Naruto is told the man has already came to shore this month, but next month he could meet the man. That the nation hidden in the whirling tides would gladly allow the boy who never felt at home in the dirt and trees could finally belong.
Things to note:
Naruto can’t read, Kurama is essentially a second internal voice that reads to Naruto. (this is so funny to me I love it)
Naruto still wears mostly orange
Strange dogs are foxes and otters (chef's kiss)
The people going to Uzushio are uzumaki and other escaped clans of Uzushio, they just hide their appearances.
Naruto sneaks out of the village to go back to wave to meet the man (Minato)
Minato intentionally made the seal looser so Kurama could have more freedom within the seal as the hidden leaf would never allow Kurama to go free once again.
No one realized that the seal was loose because Pervy sage doesn’t know what the seal is supposed to look like in the first place. He learned from non-Uzumaki sources. Minato learned from his beautiful wife
Enjoy my minor essay -Link"
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forthereaderinserts · 2 years
The Yokai Ninja
Chapter 2
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The mood was palpable as the young teens trailed after the jonin in front of them. When the group reached the roof, the gray haired boy spoke again, “So, why don’t we start off by introducing ourselves.”
Sakura was quick to pipe up again. “Introduce ourselves? Well, what should we say?” 
He rolled his visible eye, “Start with your name, and if that’s not too hard, we can move on to what you do and don’t like, any dreams for the future, your hobbies. Stuff like that.” That seemed easy enough, it was an activity that they usually made little kids do at the beginning of the school year, but did he have to be so rude about it?
“Why don’t you go first,” How was Naruto confused by this? It’s so simple. “Ya’ know, tell us about yourself so we know what to do.”
He sighed like it was some great task to interact with them, "My name is Kakashi Hatake. You don't need to know about what I like, and I don’t want you to know about my hobbies. As for my dreams for the future, I don’t really have any.” Seriously? That was so useless… And what was with the attitude?
It seemed like Sakura shared their sentiment, whispering to the group, “What a waste of time, all he told us was his name.” 
Kakashi interrupted the gossip by having Naruto go first, now that he’d answered the boy's question. “Right! I’m Naruto Uzumaki. I like instant cup ramen, and I really like the ramen at Ichiraku’s, but I hate the 3 minutes it takes to cook it! My hobbies are trying a buncha different kinds of ramen and comparing them all! And for my big dream for the future, I’m going to be the best Hokage this village has ever seen! That way people will have to start respecting me and treat me like I’m somebody; somebody important.”
Y/N paused at that last part. They expected him to go on and on about pranks and ramen, but maybe there was something else to this boy. It was Sakura’s turn next. “I’m Sakura Haruno, what I like– I mean, the person I like is… Uh, my hobby is, heh. My dream for the future…?”
She let out a shrill squeal as Kakashi-sensei tiredly urged her to continue and finish her dislikes. She barks out Naruto’s name, causing him to groan like he’d been hit. If this is what being a ninja was like, Y/N regretted every decision that led to this path. 
If Sakura’s introduction was exactly how they expected it to go, no doubt Sasuke would be a brooding mess of angst and darkness. “My name is Sasuke Uchiha. I hate a lot of things, and I don’t particularly like anything. What I have is not a dream because I’m going to make it a reality. I’m going to restore my clan and destroy a certain someone.”
That went as well as it could’ve, Y/N supposed. It certainly made everyone uncomfortable, but they felt like the only one who caught Sasuke promising to ‘restore’ his clan. Weird, though they should probably be the one to break the silence. It was their turn after all.
“My name is Y/N Seireiko. I don’t have many hobbies outside of chores, but I like reading and listening to music, I guess. I don’t like getting involved with drama, even if it makes for the best entertainment, and I don’t like watching people get taken advantage of. My dream for the future… I guess it’s just to make a difference to at least one person; prove to myself that I’m worth more than my fears tell me.”
Kakashi stared at Y/N for a second before moving on, “Great, you’re all interesting and unique individuals. We’ll have our first mission tomorrow.” Already? 
“Already? Yes!” Naruto cheered, what’s with everyone being mind-readers today. “What kind of mission are we going on sensei?”
“Something special for the five of us, a survival exercise.”
“Survival exercise?!” “I thought we were supposed to get a real mission, we’ve done this at the academy before!” Y/N let Naruto and Sakura complain, they didn’t feel ready to take on a full-scale mission with these guys yet.
“Good thing this isn’t going to be like what you did at the academy.” Why was he laughing like that? What was going to happen during this exercise?
“Hey, that’s a normal question! Why are you laughing?” Y/N really needed to start speaking out loud, this was getting ridiculous.
Kakashi chuckled again, though it sounded more like a sneer, and directed his attention to Sakura. “If I tell you, you aren’t going to like it. Out of the 28 students who graduated, only ten will move on. The rest get sent back to the academy. In other words, this test is make-it-or-break-it; pass or fail.”
“That’s not fair! We worked hard to get here, what was all that even for then?!” Naruto’s shouting startled Y/N. They were so busy gawking at their sensei in disbelief, they had completely forgotten where they were. They had had strict teachers before, but this was insane.
Kakashi didn’t even seem fazed by the boy's anger, nor the growing unease of his new students. “That was just the first selection process to see who might become genin, in the end I get to decide who actually passes. Moving on, I expect you all at the training grounds at 5 AM, bring your ninja gear.”
The group took the lull in conversation to sink in the information they just received. If they didn't pass this next test, they would be sent right back to the academy. Given how authoritarian Kakashi-sensei was during their first meeting, Y/N had no doubt that if he felt like it, he would expel one of them for not meeting his standards. Looking at their classmates, they all seemed to be in deep thought, most likely coming to the same conclusion Y/N did. They managed to drag their eyes over to Kakashi, who, until now, was casually watching his students reel in horror. 
As if he had a sixth sense, his eyes darted to meet Y/N’s. His hardened, steel-gray eye locked onto theirs, turning lighter with mirth as he noticed the slight shake in their form. The sick bastard was enjoying this, torturing kids barely younger than himself. Then, like nothing even happened, he stood up and spun around. Turning his head to look over his shoulder, he called out one final warning before leaving, “You all can go now, but here’s a little tip, don’t eat breakfast tomorrow. You might end up puking it out.”
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animeyanderetalker · 3 months
Hi me again XD here’s another question game for ya
If you had to pick yandere from Naruto which character would u pick and why ?
(I would pick Naruto , cause I feel like he’s the least one to hurt me and being the hokage would keep him busy )
If you had to pick yandere from Demon slayer which character would u pick and why ?
(Mmm I wanna say Tengen cause he already has 3 wives , he’s gonna have to share his attention with them XD )
If you had to pick yandere from one piece which character would u pick and why ?
( not gonna lie I struggle with this one XD I wanna say Boa cause her outfits are just yess 10/10 share with your darling , Luffy cause you can actually reach your dream/goal , Crocadile I feel like would spoil his darling ? Ace I just wanna feed him and give him a hug )(can’t wait to see you write for them in the future ^^)
If you had to pick yandere from Fairy tail which character would u pick and why ?
(I would pick Natsu , he’s lovable , determined and he has happy (just wanna hug em ) and he’s a dragon slayer ; gotta love dragons~ and for yandere stuff I don’t have to worry about harsh punishment unlike other yanderes who would be way stricter )
Love hear your thoughts and why you chose them ^^
I’m quite introverted so overly extroverted people can be quite exhausting for me but on the other hand I would also like someone who is really loving and can care for me. I chose from each fandom two people. Also, whilst some characters would probably work well with their personalities I think their circumstances would make it too rough ( Itachi for example).
As much as she is hated in the fandom I would actually choose Sakura as my first pick. She’s smart, responsible and she is a doctor which means that I get to have free health care. I also think she’s the kind of person who would push me a bit without making me too uncomfortable because as a doctor she is probably going to be good in reading body language and determining how someone feels.
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My second pick would have to go to Shikamaru. He’s terrifyingly intelligent but I genuinely think that I would get along greatly with him because I can appreciate silence whilst just taking in the moment and he’d also be someone who wouldn’t feel awkward just because no one is speaking at the moment.
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Tanjiro would have to be my first pick for Demon Slayer. He’s responsible, caring, loving and protective. He’s also really optimistic and I could need someone a little bit more optimistic in my life since I am quite pessimistic. Tanjiro would be able to care greatly for his lover in the most attentive and sweetest way possible and would soothe all of their insecurities and fears.
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For my second pick I’d choose Hinatsuru, one of Tengen’s wives. She’s a much more calm and collected type. She’d be very observant and I feel like her darling would be able to talk with her about anything and she would just calmly listen and not judge them. She wouldn’t be very vocal but she’d totally show her love and affection through many subtle gestures.
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There are so many characters in One Piece that I probably might not even know someone who would potentially fit me well. On the other hand I can actually tell you right away that I would rule some characters out simply because of a post I recently stumbled upon.
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I am kind of sensitive to body odor of people around me and I do not even want to imagine what Luffy and Zoro smell like after one week because Zoro trains a lot and builds up quite a bit of sweat and Luffy’s table manners are atrocious which means that he gets food over himself all the time.
With that in mind I’m choosing Robin as my first pick. I love history and I love books so Robin would be literally perfect for me. She’s also somewhat like the protective mum of the crew so she would probably be able to eventually understand her darling through simple body language or brief glances simply because she knows how they think.
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Obviously the ladies man Sanji would look out for his own hygiene which is why I would choose him even if I feel like he’d be very overbearing and clingy at times. Sanji would worship the air his darling breathes and he’d be incredibly attentive without being disgusted about natural occurrences. Seriously, besides Chopper he’s most likely the only one of the male Strawhats who knows in detail what a period is and he’s not going to be weirded out about it either. Also, he’s a cook and I love my food.
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Lucy from Fairy Tail would be my personal pick even if Erza is my favorite character. Lucy is going to be someone who would be able to have a very healthy relationship with her darling and she’d put in a lot of work and care to ensure that they are happy and comfortable with her. Also, I’m going to admit that the Fairy Tail guild with its antics would be pretty tiring and draining for me at times and she’d totally get that which I would greatly appreciate.
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Yuri I feel like is quite the forgotten character but I took to him when he was introduced in the story. One of the things that stuck with me was that he didn’t tell Mavis about the fact that her friend was only a fragment of her imagination until both of them were friends and he told her because he cared for her. Honesty in a relationship is very important to me and he’d probably tell his darling straight away when he has problems with something and that could help to solve something before it becomes a real problem.
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lynkolnevans · 3 months
Went looking in my old fanfic folder and hot damn, sometimes past me was funny. Below is just a little scenario from a Naruto self-insert thingy.
"Hey, you guys wanna know what you'll become in the future?"
Team 7 pause midstep, turning towards the masked kunoichi. 
"Ehhh?! Shari, you can see the future ttebayo?!"
Shari gives a thumbs up.
"Totally, for sure!"
Sasuke huffs, disappointed that Shari would bother to engage in pointless lies like this. Kakashi's visible eye doesn't react, nor does he leave his slouched state, but he does make a noncommittal hum, like humoring a small child. 
"Oh, do me first! I mean, I know what I'll be in the future, but still tell me!"
Shari nods her head twice, holding the tip of their chin between her thumb and forefinger, deep in thought.
"Uzumaki Naruto!" A gust of wind blows through the street, a chill creeps down the boy's spine. Shari's chakra is steady but heavy.
"In the future, you will become the Hokage!" Shari points at the blonde, wind tossing through her hair.
"I fucking knew it ttebayo! See, bastard! Shari's confirmed it with her future vision, whadya say about that, huh?!”
"Don't indulge the Usuratonkachi, Shari." Sasuke scolds, all but rolling his eyes.
"I'm not indulging him, he'll really become Hokage!"
Naruto's hopping around is distracting, but Shari can't help but smile at him. They've seen what happens and even if nobody believes them - isn't supposed to believe her at all - they still can't wait to see Naruto's dream come true. If she can stick around for that long, that is.
"Hey, whatta bout Kakashi-sensei? What will he become in the future?"
Kakashi glances at his genin, not bothering to put down his book. 
"Maa, I guess it'll be interesting to hear, even though you can't really see into the future…"
"Hatake Kakashi!" The wind blows again, Kakashi's name feeling like a sudden weight on his shoulders. The air is heavy.
"In the future, you will become the Hokage!"
"Huh?! I'm supposed to be the Hokage, not Kakashi-sensei! What gives?"
Sasuke is the most disappointed he's ever felt in recent times. Kakashi merely crinkles his eye in amusement.
"Aah, I see… So, what about Sasuke-kun then, eh, Shari-chan?" Kakashi asks. 
Really, him as Hokage? Friend-Killer Kakashi, Cold-Blooded Kakashi, as the Hokage? He may not be as ruthless and cold-hearted when he was younger, but the vast majority of people either still think so, or they believe he's an open pervert with a few screws loose.
There is no way Konoha, let alone the Daimyo, would ever accept him into the position. And if they did… Kakashi would have a few things to say about the common sense of people these days.
"Uchiha Sasuke!" Sasuke stiffens in response to Shari's attention.
"In the future, you will become the Supporting Kage!"
Naruto bursts out laughing, pointing at the miffed Uchiha.
"Hahaha! You won't even be the Hokage, but the Supporting Kage, hahahaha!" Sasuke glares at Naruto, before electing to ignore his loud guffaw.
"Is your 'future vision' limited to future Kages, or do you have any useful information that isn't blatantly untrue?"
"Eh, no spoilers, ya know?"
[Time Skip]
"Hey, Gaara, right?" Shari turns to walk backwards, asking the redhead as they continued escorting said jinchuriki. His siblings of which are pleading in their heads for her to just shut up.
Gaara imperceptibly nods, keeping his attention on Sasuke and Shari, an unending stare stabbing into their backs since the beginning of their walk.
"You wanna know what you'll become in the future?"
The older Sand siblings stop walking, sharing an uneasy glance before catching up to the group who continued on without them.
"Not this again…" Sasuke complains before ignoring Shari and her rambling even more than he already was.
"Are you saying… you know the future?" Temari asks, worriedly looking at Gaara. Even if Shari was telling the truth, who knows if what they'll say would set Gaara off.
"Totally!" Shari replies, her right hand giving a thumbs up.
"That's not very convincing." Kankuro mumbles under his breath before rubbing his arm where Temari jabbed her elbow.
"What is my future?" Gaara asks.
"Gaara of the Sand!" The wind picks up, sending dust airborne, nearly drowning out the sound of Naruto asking how the hell Shari does that everytime. Everyone politely ignores Sasuke who tells him to shut up.
"In the future, you will become the Kazekage!"
"Goddamn it, Shari! Not again!"
The Sand trio are understandably confused, both in part of the bold and unlikely declaration, as well as the apparent history of Shari's 'future vision' and Kages.
"...Again?" Kankuro asks hesitantly. 
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Kakashi’s Story- Chapter Four (because i am WEAK)
Margo choosing to fight because sue doesn’t want to leave Nanara is so sweet! Also a pot fir armor is just *chefs kiss* beautiful. Love these villagers.
‘The release of the chakra to create a wall that huge would come with some serious shaking and a loud roar’ love that Kakashi’s skills keep getting highlighted in such interesting fun ways.
‘This was incredible chakra control’ i’m going to need every person who doubts Kakashi’s chakra control to write a 500 word apology letter right now 😂😂😂
‘A ninja with hair that was silver like a wolf’s shining in the moonlight and a gaze sleepy like a goat’ i just - these comparisons do not much up but i love it so damn much
‘Who’s winning’ said by the biggest shit of the world, taunting his enemy in his own little way before knocking them out
‘Nah, there’s no way it’s just one person. It’s gotta be a combo technique’ oh boy how wrong you are XD i just… i love that it’s clear Kakashi’s skill is so above average that people expect him to be multiple shinobi.
I love that Kakashi, a trained assassine, is just knocking his opponents out. The growth in his character arc is delicious.
I also love that we get some sweet Kakashi and Iruka content.
‘Distracted bu the memory of Iruka’s proud face’ i say this with all of my Kakagai loving heart… SIMP
My beautiful man did a screw up and now he has to fight properly, all because he was distracted thinking about Iruka XD
‘He looked sort of sleepy’ the fact that this is the first thing people thing of when they see Kakashi is so hilarious. Nothing else, just sleepy looking.
Hatake Kakashi, Sixth Hokage, kicking all of the ass with *drumroll* a pot lid
‘It had to be an amazing pot lid that used chakra. That had to be it’ legit grasping at straws because it makes no sense that one man is kicking all of this ass XD
Kakashi lost his pot lid and put his enemy into a genjutsu in mere seconds!? KING
‘Their average ability was on a special jonin level’ not only can he kick ass, but he can determine his enemies skill level so quickly And determine just how hard this fight will be, which is… not hard at all.
‘To Kakashi they were a group of small time punks’ you cocky shit i love you
I love that they keep convincing themselves that there is more than one attacker. They simply cannot fathom the fact that they’re getting wrecked by one man XD
Two! A pot lid and a pot have now been used as weapon’s and destroyed XD
‘His opponent was a monster on an entirely different level’ ya, a Hokage’s level XD
Kakashi catching a Shuriken, chucking it back and then knocking out an opponent he caught in a trap. He’s so friggen quick.
‘The intruder was faster than wind’ the comparisons in Kakashi’s skill are delightful. I am loving every single second of this
I enjoy seeing them get cocking thinking they finally have the upper hand and will take the intruder down, only to have Kakashi kick their asses.
Genjutsu for the win again!
Kakashi wore his headband over his left eye… to make it easier to realize who he is??? The lil shit!
‘He had once been a Konoha shinobi. Until the sixth Hokage had dismissed him.’ Grudge! We have a shinobi with a grudge! *drinks this up greedily*
‘He would expect nothing less from Kakashi than the nerve to make the first love when surrounded by 12 people’ hatake Kakashi, world renowed lil shit and cocking f*** XD
‘Shin Hakubi, hm?’ Kakashi see’s and recognizes the dude immediately. He is the complete opposite to gai in this way (gai never remember faces while kakashi commits them to memory)
‘This was the greatest fortune of his life, going one-on-one with the Hokage when he’s used up his chakra’ do they just… forget he’s highly skilled in Taijutsu too? He goes toe to toe with gai, a taijutsu master, and they just… forget this?
KAKASHI USED GENJUTSU TO MAKE IT LOOK LIKE HE STILL HAD THE SHARINGAN!? He didn’t even know who he was facing but he knew without a doubt he could use his title as ‘Kakashi of the Sharingan’ to scare the absolute shit out of his opponents.
‘But he saw my Raijin shuriken and hit them. There’s no way he could pull off a trick like that without the sharingan’ think again b***
‘After learning that he had repeatedly robbed civilians on missions, Kakashi had dismissed him’ good. No thieving trash allowed
Kakashi got the beat the crap out of the POS who hurt that little girl! Go baby!!!
This chapter was so good! There’s the action, the stealth, the intelligence. I love Kakashi so much because i got invested into this universe for the Shinobi and he’s an actual representation of a talebted well rounded shinobi
I love seeing him in his zone. Being a stealthy little shit but also cocky af because he knows he has this. He knows he won’t lose. It’s brilliant!
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sasukesun · 2 years
i know kage summit is basically sasukes lowest point and i get why he stabbed karin when she was being held by danzo, but why did he get ready to kill her when danzo was already dead, its not like shes getting in the way anymore? was he basically just on a killing spree at that point, he really did only have murder on his mind, judging by the dialogue with kakashi ajdjsj but im wondering if someone had different thoughts on the matter.
i know u get a lot of these kinds of asks and r probably tired of explaining every little thing to faceless anons but im just genuinely like. ya know. i wanna hear other ppls thoughts
(also sorry if this has already been discussed, tumblr search is very unhelpful)
no problem, i tag my most important posts and asks but i also ramble a lot and everything is under a generic ramble tag, or simple ask tag. i’ve discussed a bit about this already here. sasuke is in the middle of a mental breakdown at this point, he’s severely traumatised, dealing with a man responsible for the genocide of his people who is wearing the victims’ eyes on his arm, you can’t expect sasuke to be logical or think straight in such moment, even right after killing danzo, the trauma is too big and the desire he has is not right but it’s understandable and i can see where it comes from. i think in karin’s case he was just finishing what he started, because he himself said she was no use to him anymore. you can see that after he calms down a bit and talks to itachi, he acts rationally and decides to know the truth himself by asking the hokages about the shinobi system and konoha and make the decisions from the answers he got, but you can’t expect him to be rational in such an emotional moment, you can’t expect him to keep his morals while facing so much dirt in the middle of a mental breakdown, i don’t see that as right or wrong, just tragic. it’s the tragedy of what a system does to its victims.
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kiljoius-writes · 2 years
Trapped In My Mind
Ao3 | FFN
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First Chapter
Chapter 4: Far Away From The Beginning
It was still dark out when Hinata roused. She nearly panicked when she didn’t recognize where she was, or who she was with. It took a few seconds to come to the realization she was still at the training ground, but with Kiba’s heavy body on top of her, as if keeping her trapped there in his own subconscious way. She blinked her eyes a few times to readjust to the light of the moon above before looking down at their conjoined bodies. She recognized the furry coat lining along her neck—seemed Kiba had draped his leather jacket over her torso at some point before falling asleep with her, as his heavy arm was on top of the jacket.
Carefully, she craned her neck to see if she could get a glimpse of him. She held her breath for a moment as he mindlessly readjusted his head so that his face was now turned towards hers and she couldn’t help but admire him. His fangs popped out from his top lip still, and his hair still glistened in the moonlight. Suddenly she was becoming very aware of just how…intermingled, their bodies were. Then, she was very conscious of just how hard his body was up against hers. And it was oddly comforting.
Where had the rambunctious young boy she once knew gone? He laid before her, unmistakably a grown man, snoozing away and gripping her as if she was his precious possession. She clenched her teeth slightly as thoughts of her teammate flooded her mind.
“It’s been over a year and you’re still so shy. How come? Oh—hiiii Naruto!!! HAHAHA! I’m just jokin’!”
“Listen to me, be smart. If they put you in with that guy from the Sand Village, you’ve got to forfeit the match. Same with Neji. Be smart, just walk away. Trust me. They’ll be merciless. They’ll destroy you.”
“If I kick enough asses, I might even end up Hokage!”
She cracked the tiniest smile at the last thought. She knew Kiba was never truly serious about becoming Hokage, it was more of a jab towards Naruto, or just something all young shinobi of the Leaf said to some extent.
She wondered why it was he seemed to care so much about her. Sure, she loved her teammates, but she wasn’t sure she would be able to handle them if they were acting like she was—a brat, she had to admit. She knew she was being unreasonable, so why did Kiba tolerate it, and in fact still push to keep her home? Push to help her move on, as he put it? How could he possibly help her move on when there’s nothing to move on from? It’s not like she had ever been with Naruto…and Neji was gone, forever. There was no ‘moving on’ from all that.
When she felt him stir, she glanced down to find his tired eyes peeling open to look at her. She sucked in both of her lips as she awaited his movement. As he blinked his eyes open, that smirk enveloped his lips once more. He glanced down at their bodies, then heaved a loud, obnoxious yawn.
“How’d ya sleep?” he asked, casually.
How did she sleep? She was surprised to find that she had slept wonderfully, actually. She hadn’t really dreamed, she didn’t think, and she couldn’t recall having any nightmares like she normally did. Hesitantly, she responded, “well.”
“S’good,” he mumbled, slowly pulling his arm off her torso, and propping himself up on his elbow. “You wanna keep impromptu camping, or we can go back to my place?” Her eyes widened at the proposition, and he chuckled. “Not like that, Hinata. My mom’s definitely asleep, so you can crash on my bed in my place.”
“Your place?” She blinked, tilting her head. “I didn’t realize you had your own place…”
“You thought I still lived with my mom?” He chuckled, running his fingers through his hair. “Give me a little more credit, huh?”
“I…I guess I just didn’t…” She trailed off, glancing away from him. Finally, she nodded. “What time is it?”
“Eh…” Kiba looked up at the night sky, furrowing his brows a bit as he did. “About 4ish. Sun’ll be up soon. C’mon.” He lifted to his feet and extended his hand for hers, opting to wait for her to accept help instead of forcing it on her once more. Hinata nodded once more before grasping his hand, letting him pull her up. She handed him his jacket and they dusted themselves off, then fell into step alongside each other as she followed him back to the Inuzuka properties in silence. They passed his childhood home, which had all its lights off, then stopped in front of a smaller unit nearby. She watched as he unlocked the front door, then followed him in.
She was surprised to find a fairly clean and tastefully decorated living space. She stopped in front of the door to take it in as he shut it behind her and turned on the lights. It reminded her quite a bit of his mother’s home, but with his own personal touches. What looked like an animal skin rug, a Tanabata ornament she had gotten him at the festival several years ago for his birthday, the “Complete Guide to Kikaichu” book Shino had given him so many years ago sitting on top of a dresser. Surprisingly, a large variety of candles dotted the space, as well as several paintings. She couldn’t help but be impressed by it all.
“Don’t act so shocked,” he teased as he hung his jacket up by the door. She snapped up to look at him and shook her head.
“It’s just…your place is so…clean,” she said, honestly. He ran his hand through his hair as he averted his glance, in what seemed like an act of shyness. “I mean it as a compliment. It’s nice, Kiba.”
“Well, thanks.” He coughed into his hand as he led her to his bedroom. He flicked on the light and raised his arm towards the bed. “Go ahead and get some rest. I’ll be out here.”
“Oh, I’m alright with the couch…” She attempted to protest, shaking her hands in front of her face.
“Nah, go ahead. I won’t be able to go back to sleep anyway. See you in a couple hours.” He patted her lightly on the top of the head before stepping backwards out of the room, pulling the door shut behind him. She turned around to face the now closed door and twisted her lips. She might as well get the rest while she could.
Unfortunately for Hinata, the nightmares returned. There were a few that she would cycle through. One was of Neji’s death. It would replay, scene for scene, in her dreams, where she would try everything possible to prevent it, only to fail every single time. Another was of the day Naruto let her down gently. There was the faceless man and arranged marriage nightmare. But in the last few days, she had been having a new nightmare, one that involved Kiba. She dreamed of his face, coming closer and closer to hers. She could feel heat in her stomach as he closed the distance, she almost wanted to reach out and…then he would start whispering hurtful words.
“No one cares about you. You’re not strong, you’re just weak. Stupid, little Hinata.”
She would cry in her dreams. She would try to argue back, to say something, anything, question why he would say these things to her. But she could never get any words out, and he would just laugh. And then she’d wake up.
“Why…” she whispered to herself as she propped herself up on her elbows, glancing around the room of the man she was just having nightmares about. “Why Kiba?”
“You awake?” She flinched at his calling for her, realizing he must have been able to sense her rousing. She looked at the window to find the sun now fully up. Heaving a large sigh, she swung her legs over the bedside and quietly made her way for her door, gently opening it and peeking out to find him in his kitchen. He glimpsed over his shoulder when he heard her and offered a genuine smile. “Morning, sunshine.”
“Good morning.” She willed herself to come out, standing awkwardly next to the entrance of his bedroom.
“You were having some weird dreams.” He chuckled, looking back down at the food he was making at the stove. She pursed her lips together at the remark, wondering what she might have done to give him that impression. “Yeah, I came in like three times ‘cause I swore you were callin’ me.”
“What?” She gasped, taking a step back. He didn’t look back at her.
“S’alright. Just wanted to make you were okay.” He shrugged before turning towards her with a plate in hand. “Sit. I made you breakfast.”
“Oh…” she whispered, eyeing the plate. She sighed through her nose before pulling up a seat at the bar, letting him place the food in front of her. She couldn’t deny the growl coming from her stomach. She had been stubbornly protesting eating for the past few days. “Thank you for the food.”
“Been a while since I got to cook for you.” He grinned, leaning over the counter on his elbows towards her. She nodded agreement as she picked up her utensils and picked at the food. “I missed it.”
She paused as she contemplated admitting that she had also missed it because she had. After taking a bite, she let out a sigh of approval. “I…missed it, too.”
“Knew it,” he teased, shoving himself off the counter. “Bet you haven’t had food this good since before you left!”
She willed herself to loosen up despite the urge to freeze at his comment. She nodded a bit as she continued eating, and he went about cleaning up dishes. Once more, she glanced around the unit with interest. Not only had he matured physically, but he also seemed to have matured in general. The home didn’t resemble his room at his mothers at all, where you could find clothes and kunai and dishes scattered all about. No, his home was truly fitting of a full-grown adult. She couldn’t help but smile at that fact.
“What’s got you smiling?” he inquired after glancing back at her, pulling her from her lingering stare. She hadn’t realized her eyes were resting on him now. “Like what you see?”
“Stop it, Kiba,” she sighed, carefully pushing the plate from her now. “Thank you for your hospitality, but I really should be going…”
“Where?” he asked, innocently enough. She frowned as she climbed out of the seat.
“I…I’m not sure,” she said as she shook her head, making for the front door.
“Hey!” he called before she could finish pulling on her sandals, causing her to stop and look at him questioningly. She was surprised to find him glancing at his feet as he rubbed at the back of his head, seemingly stalling.
“Uhm…” He paused, stepping towards her. “Well-uh. Let me take you to your sister’s wedding, yeah?”
“Take me?” she asked in a bit of a higher pitched tone than she intended. He shrugged, looking up with sincerity in his eyes. He wasn’t smirking, didn’t seem to be trying to ruffle her feather like usual.
“Yeah, I mean. You should have someone to go with, right? I’ll take you.”
“Hmm…” she hummed, tilting her head at him. She felt a bit guilty about the fact she hadn’t been thinking too much about Hanabi or her wedding. She hadn’t even considered taking a ‘date’, especially not Kiba. She chewed her bottom lip for a moment before responding. “I…suppose that would be fine…if I’m even allowed to attend.”
“Tch,” he scoffed, waving a hand in front of his face dismissively. “No way Hanabi’s gonna let your old man keep you out.” She couldn’t help but smile a bit at the remark before nodding. She turned again to leave, only for him to interrupt again. “Come back, okay?”
“…Here?” she asked, hesitantly.
“Yeah. Might as well, right?”
She paused a moment before nodding and finally making her leave definitively, trying to ignore his wanting stare.
For over two weeks, Hinata would wander aimlessly throughout the village then return to Kiba’s apartment when the sun began to set. He would always have dinner for her and seemed to take the hint to give her space during the day. She hated to admit that she was finding the routine somewhat comforting. While she had tried to argue for him to have his bed and her take the futon, she eventually stopped trying after so many days of unsuccessful attempts.
But she was beginning to realize a hard truth. Wandering through the village only left her with her own thoughts to weigh her down. The only time she felt truly free of her darkest thoughts was when she was with Kiba, and that frightened her. Further, her nightmares continued despite her one peaceful night sleeping on the training grounds with Kiba. She began to seriously consider if Kiba was right—that being around him would help her move on. Something in her resisted that thought.
Since Hinata came back, Kiba hadn’t gone on any missions. She didn’t know if he had taken himself off the roster, or if there just weren’t any missions for him to take. And she wasn’t sure what he was up to during the day. All she knew is he had been home consistently every night, and he was becoming a constant.
One day, he suggested they go see Shino. Hinata had, admittedly, been avoiding seeing others. When people stopped to engage in conversation, usually surprised to see her back, she did her best to evade and escape. Kiba likely knew this, and as always, was trying to get her out of the carefully constructed shell she had made around herself. She really wasn’t much of a match for his pushy nature. So, a few weeks before the wedding, they met with Shino in a quiet sushi bar. Hinata had frozen when she spotted her teammate with someone she didn’t recognize sitting directly next to him, engaging in chatter.
“Oh, right.” Kiba snickered, setting a hand on her back in an attempt at comfort. “That’s Shino’s fiancée, Kuri. She’s from the Aburame clan.”
“Fiancée?” Hinata’s jaw dropped as she stared at the pair. Kiba nudged her and she gulped audibly, nodding. She hesitantly made her way towards them, Kiba slapping Shino on the back. The two looked up and Hinata couldn’t help but feel amusement at the fact the woman was also wearing sunglasses. Immediately, Kuri stood up and gave Hinata a deep bow.
“Lady Hinata, it’s a pleasure.” Hinata once again felt paralyzed. It had been a long time since she had met a new person that was beyond a hotel clerk or shop keep. Once more, Kiba nudged her.
“Don’t be rude, Lady Hinata,” he whispered teasingly as he poked her side. She blinked up at him before shaking her head.
“Uhm—yes. Likewise, Kuri.” Hinata bowed as well.
Hinata and Kiba took the seats next to Shino, and the two engaged in chatter. Hinata felt a sense of discomfort at the idea that this absolutely looked like a double date. She couldn’t help but glance around the restaurant, wondering if anyone they knew was there. Then she glanced over Kiba’s shoulder as Kuri was reaching up with a napkin to wipe at something under Shino’s chin. She smiled faintly at the tiny sign of affection, and guilt panged at her heart. Maybe if she had been more receptive when she returned, been more open and willing to chat with Shino, she would have already known about his engagement.
Guilt was becoming second nature at this point.
The gathering went as quickly as it came, and Hinata couldn’t help but feel guilty at the fact that she couldn’t seem to get herself to engage in any conversation with Kuri. When the group rose to leave, she was surprised to find Kuri grasp her elbow and lead her out of the restaurant with a smile on her lips. “Please, would you walk with me, Lady Hinata?”
“Oh—of course.” Hinata felt her mouth go dry as she nodded, allowing herself to be led by the Aburame. She glanced back to see Shino and Kiba eyeing her, a playful smirk on his lips as usual. He nodded forward in her direction to encourage her along before turning back to Shino. She looked ahead again. “I—uhm—I apologize for my…lack of…social skills, I suppose. I’m not the best in social situations, as you can probably tell—”
“Do not apologize, my lady.” Kuri gave a genuine smile and Hinata shook her head.
“Please, just Hinata.”
“Of course.” Kuri nodded. “I just wanted to let you know that your return has been quite impactful.”
“Oh?” Hinata swallowed, looking at the woman from the corner of her eye. She wondered where this conversation would go.
“Yes, since your return, Shino has become far less tense.” She smiled down at Hinata, who raised her eyebrows at this. “It may be difficult for you to understand, La—Hinata. But Shino and Kiba care for you a great deal. Not a day went by when they didn’t wonder where you were. But now that you’ve returned, they both seem so much…happier.”
It dawned on Hinata that she couldn’t have known how much her leave had affected her teammates. Perhaps it was selfish of her to never wonder what kind of damage she had inflicted by her abrupt escape. She wondered if Kuri resented her? “I…I am glad to hear that, Kuri.”
“As am I.” Kuri nodded along, stopping with the her in front of the Aburame household. Kuri chuckled as they looked behind them, finding her teammates quite a bit behind them. “Seems the men have slowed their pace.”
Hinata nodded hesitantly, crossing her arms behind her as silence fell over them. She glanced up at Kuri before continuing, “how long have you and Shino been…together?”
“A year and two months,” she responded immediately. “It was arranged by our fathers.” Hinata’s face fell at this, but Kuri shook her head. “But I quite like him, and I’m keen to think he enjoys my company.”
“Well, that’s what’s important, I suppose.” Hinata sighed, looking at the two as they came into earshot. All she could hear was Kiba’s boisterous voice. Once they were close enough to stop, Kiba patted Shino on the back before turning to the women.
“Sorry ‘bout that, got carried away.” He grinned down at Hinata before draping an arm around her. She tensed under his touch momentarily but chose not to push him away. Shino eyed the two before chiming in.
“Will we see you at Hanabi’s wedding, Hinata?” Shino asked gently, glancing between her and Kiba.
“Yep, even if I have to drag her,” Kiba interjected on her behalf. She rolled her eyes briefly before nodding.
“Of course, I will be there for my sister…” Hinata sighed, looking down at her feet as she twisted her hands together.
“I look forward to it.” Kuri nodded, a small smile. “Goodnight Hinata and Kiba.”
“Yes, goodnight.” Shino raised an eyebrow at Kiba before turning away.
“Night!” Kiba waved, steering Hinata away. She flinched when he grabbed at her hands, pulling them away from their dance. “No need to be nervous.”
“I’m not!” Hinata clenched her fists, shrugging at his arm over her shoulders. He chuckled as he dropped the arm to his side, shoving his hands in his pockets. “I just—I wish you had given me some sort of warning about who I was about to meet.”
“She’s nice, huh?” Kiba deflected, not meeting her glare. She sighed before nodding. “Not jealous, are ya?”
“Wh—no!” Hinata huffed, growing increasingly frustrated. “I wish you would stop teasing me, Kiba.”
“Why?” he asked, and the question sounded genuine as he tilted his head down at her. She raised her eyebrows, surprised.
“Because I don’t like it.”
“Why not?”
“B…because! It’s rude.”
“But you like it.”
“I just said I didn’t!”
She stopped when she looked up at him to find him grinning mischievously at her. Why did he think he could treat her like this? She huffed with frustration before stomping ahead, knowing he was reveling in the fact that despite her anger with him, she was still heading straight for his home. So, when she passed his childhood home and saw the lights on inside, she decided to stop. She jogged up the porch to knock on the door, looking over her shoulder with a glare at Kiba. She couldn’t hold back a small smile of satisfaction at his shocked expression, frozen at the foot of the steps. Tsume answered and looked down at her with raised eyebrows.
“Well, hello Hina.” She set her hands on her hips, looking over the top of the girl’s head at Kiba. She squinted her eyes suspiciously.
“Would you mind if I stayed here, tonight, Tsume?” Hinata bowed with her hands clasped. Tsume snorted at the question.
“My boy pissin’ you off, huh?” Tsume held out her arm, grabbing her by the shoulder to pull her in. “’Course you can.” Hinata glanced over her shoulder once more and uncharacteristically decided to gloat by poking out her tongue before Tsume shut the door on her son.
“Thank you,” Hinata said, genuinely as she pulled off her sandals.
“Anytime.” Tsume smirked down at her. “I’m just doing paperwork in the other room. You know where everything is.”
Hinata nodded, allowing Tsume to disappear into the diagonal office. She sighed as she pulled off her coat and hung it up, glancing around the house for a moment. She hadn’t really had much of a chance to take in the old Inuzuka household, as Kiba had carried her in unconscious initially, and Hanabi had rushed her out the door when she left. She took a moment to inhale deeply before making her way to the kitchen to make tea. She would enjoy the peace and quiet as much as she could, for now.
The next day, Hinata sat at the dining table with Tsume, having prepared breakfast for the older Inuzuka as a show of gratitude. They engaged in idle chatter about Hanabi’s wedding and the going-on’s of the Inuzuka clan until Tsume directed the conversation to Kiba.
“So. What’d my boy do to get you so worked up?” Tsume asked, pushing her plate and utensils away as they finished the meal. Hinata bit her lower lip, averting her gaze.
“It’s really nothing…Kiba is my best friend, but he can be…”
“Too much.” Tsume finished for her, chuckling. She hesitantly nodded. “Oh, I know it. It’s all out of love though.”
“I know.” Hinata nodded in agreement, feeling slightly guilty. She shouldn’t be here speaking ill of the son of the woman who allowed her to stay in her home. “I love Kiba, but I feel he doesn’t know when to give it a rest.”
“Can you blame him, though, hun?” Tsume’s voice softened, causing Hinata to look up in some surprise. “You did take off without a word. He never said it, but once he had you back, he wasn’t going to let go.”
Guilt washed over Hinata in crashing waves. She knew deep down that Tsume was right. She had been selfish. She was constantly reminded of it. For some reason, hearing it from Tsume was an entirely new level of guilt inducing. She pursed her lips as she contemplated her words. Tsume reached over to comfortingly pat her hand, still holding her chopsticks.
“Talk to him.” Tsume offered, willing Hinata to look up at her. “I’ll ask you be patient with him, but he should be patient with you, too.”
Reluctantly, Hinata nodded. As if on cue, the front door burst open to reveal the Inuzuka in question. He stretched his arms as he looked at his mother and Hinata, frowning. “None for me, huh?”
“None for boys who make asses out of themselves,” Tsume shot back, picking up the dishes from the table. Kiba snickered as he wiped at the bottom of his nose. He reached out his hand to beckon Hinata.
“C’mon. We’re going to the nursery.” He all but demanded, thumbing behind him. Tsume sighed impatiently.
“Why don’t you ask if she wants to go, boy?” she snapped, hands on her hips. Kiba recoiled slightly from the scolding before glancing at Hinata, who was awkwardly avoiding both of their eyes.
“Ah—right. Sorry, Hinata. Come with me to the nursery?” Kiba’s voice tempered and Tsume gave a contented smirk, clasping her arms. Hinata finally looked up and nodded, lifting from her seat.
“I think I’d like that,” she said, truthfully. It had been a long time since she had been to the Inuzuka nursery, but the sheer number of excitable pups was always a surefire way to cheer her up.
Kiba grinned as she joined his side, glancing back at his mother and mouthing a quick “thank you” as they left. Tsume waved him away, shaking her head.
The pair walked in silence for a few moments before Kiba started, “hey.” Hinata looked up at him with expectantly raised eyebrows. She found him looking a bit fidgety, one hand rubbing the back of his head. “I—uh—I’m sorry for teasing you so much. I’ll let up.” She looked back down at the ground in front of them, feeling red overcome her cheeks. Kiba wasn’t normally one for apologizing, so she knew he meant it. Admittedly, it made her feel better.
“Thank you, Kiba,” she whispered, pulling her hands behind her back to join. “I’m sorry for…everything. I know what you do comes from a good place. So…I’m sorry.”
“Tch,” Kiba puffed, waving a hand in front of his face. “Don’t be. Here.” Upon approaching the nursery, he grabbed the door for her, allowing her to go in before closing the door behind himself. They went through the second set of doors and Hinata felt that sense of joy immediately fill her heart upon the sight of tens of puppies all scrambling towards her. Finally, a genuine look of happiness overtook her face as she fell to her knees, holding her arms out for whatever puppies might tackle her.
Kiba stood back and leaned against a wall, arms folded as he watched her erupt into giggles and babytalk. It was the happiest he’d seen her in…gods, he didn’t even know how long, truth be told. “Well, hello! And hello to you! And you, oh my-your fur is so—and you!”
Yeah. This was a good idea.
“Hey you two!” Both looked up, though Hinata only did momentarily before turning her attention back to the pups as Hana emerged from a side room, pulling surgical gloves off.
“Hello!” Hinata’s voice was light and energetic as she hugged puppies to herself. Kiba grinned down at his sister as she approached him.
“Good idea, bringing her here.” Hana chuckled, tossing the gloves in a waste bin. “Lot of Inuzuka have been put out on tracking missions, poor pups are barely getting any attention these last few days.”
“Oh yeah?” Kiba perked an eyebrow, tilting his head at her.
“You’ve been so busy with your…” Hana glanced over at Hinata before lowering her voice, teasing, “princess.” Kiba rolled his eyes, stealing a look at Hinata as well to make sure she hadn’t heard, and Hana brought her voice back to normal volume. “Plus, you were gone for what, six months? You haven’t been keeping up with what’s going on in the clan!”
“Yeah, yeah.” Kiba swiped at his nose before shoving his hands in his pockets. “It was three months,” he corrected before shrugging. “Sorry, alright?”
“It’s fine.” Hana shrugged, propping herself up against the wall next to him. “How’s she been?”
“Getting better.” He nodded, eyes fixed on Hinata as she diligently made her way through every pup, no pup going without some love. He couldn’t help but chuckle.
“Hey, they really like you!” Hana called, causing Hinata to look up with a smile. “You ever wanna volunteer to walk ‘em, just come let me know! They’d love you.”
“Really?” Hinata asked, genuinely as she paused. Hana nodded and Kiba raised his eyebrows at the act of kindness from his sister.
“That’s nice of you,” Kiba offered as Hinata went back to playing with the puppies. Hana shrugged.
“Free labor.” She chuckled, pushing herself from her leaning position. “Gotta get back to my next appointment.”
Kiba nodded as she took leave, looking back at Hinata. Meanwhile, Hinata was making her way through the last of the pups, attentively making sure each one got head scratches and belly rubs.
She hadn’t felt this kind of peace in a while. Peace that wasn’t really peaceful per se but was simple. Paying attention to something so sweet and innocent with so much energy was good for the mind, she figured. She couldn’t help but contemplate Hana’s offer. She was still technically bound to the village, so she couldn’t leave to walk them farther without explicit permission…permission she would have to obtain from Naruto. She pushed the thought out of her mind, choosing to focus her attention on the pups.
Later, Kiba joined her as she decided to head to the market. Strangely, he was quiet for most of their journey. She found it somewhat unsettling, he seemed fairly out of it. He didn’t normally join her on her walks around the village, but perhaps he was today because they had started the day together. But the fact he was being so silent was odd.
“Kiba?” She decided to instigate conversation now as she looked over the selection of meat. He snapped from his trance to look at her, then the meat. “Uhm…I noticed you were running low on proteins. Would you like to pick some?”
“Oh.” Kiba blinked as if coming out of a fog, then tilted his head thoughtfully at her before nodding. “Yeah, sure. Thanks.”
After more shopping, she decided it was time to head home.
Where was home? For now, she supposed it was Kiba’s home. She figured that was alright with her.
When they returned and finished putting away what Hinata had picked out, Kiba pulled his jacket back on, earning an inquisitive look from Hinata. He glanced at her before patting her gently on the head. “I’m going out for a bit tonight. Sorry about dinner.”
“Oh.” Hinata shook her head, then nodded in an odd movement. “Of course. I’ll be alright.”
“Okay.” Kiba nodded back before eyeing her warily. “You won’t take off, will you?”
Hinata paused at the question, before shaking her head once more. “I won’t.” Kiba nodded with what seemed like a somewhat forced smile before taking his leave. Hinata watched as the door closed behind him and couldn’t make out what she was feeling. Sadness? Loneliness? She hadn’t been alone for the night since she returned.
Sorry about dinner…
It all felt so…domestic. She was trying to figure out when she stopped minding it. Now she was trying to figure out what this tightening in her gut was, at the realization he was leaving her alone for the night.
She went about what was a somewhat normal routine, making herself dinner and getting ready for bed. For some reason, she felt empty as she shut the door to Kiba’s room without seeing him lounging on the couch. She shook off the feeling and put herself to bed, knowing she would have an especially hard time sleeping tonight.
9 notes · View notes
raveneira · 10 months
Hola amiga. Me alegra mucho saludarte y escribirte.
Cómo ya sabrás me gustan muchísimo tus análisis, me siento muy contenta cada vez que los leo, por eso estoy aquí pidiendo que nos hables sobre lo que piensas que pasará con sarada cuando descubra que sasuke está mal. Y también que nos hables de lo que piensas de la última interacción que tuvo kawasara, que te pareció?
Espero no ser inoportuna. Te mando un abrazo. Gracias por tus escritos.
No no its ok you didnt do anything wrong, I dont mind answering questions lol and Im glad you like my analysis, I appreciate your positive feedback so thank you.
As for what I think Sarada might do when she discovers Sasuke is wrong [thats what google translated it as] I think you mean when she discovers he's been turned into a tree? if so then I think she'll be pretty worried but she wont blame Boruto or have any anger towards him because this writing ALWAYS has to make her just so understanding and forgiving towards him about EVERYTHING but NOT others because this manga forgot that her idol was Naruto and she literally said she wanted to be like him, someone people can rely on who she'll reach out to and save the way Naruto saved her, but again this manga done forgot that character trait unfortunately.
So what do I think is gonna happen? she'll be shocked and upset but wont blame Boruto and instead blame herself for sending her dad off with him which got him into this situation because of her selfish request, which may open the door FINALLY for some big character development because this is NOT the first time her selfishness and recklessness has resulted in somebody else getting hurt.
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So maybe this might be the time for Sarada to get some long overdue character development as she finally realizes her actions, or more correctly, LACK of action has consequences, and that when she jumps in or makes requests without thinking long term about the consequences or even if its a good idea to begin with, she's gotta deal with the consequences of it which more often than not will be negative.
Boruto no longer has his eye because of her, Sasuke has been turned into a tree unconscious while a 10 tails tree clone of him is eventually gonna try and kill them all because of her, HER CHOICES caused this outcome, the only positive that came out of something she did so far was saving Boruto's life, but at what cost? she saved Boruto at the cost of her father, she 'protected' Boruto at the cost of his eye because he ended up protecting her instead, do you see the pattern here? so hopefully seeing her father as a tree finally gives her a wake up call that she NEEDS to do better going forward and actually THINK before she does things instead of just acting in the moment without any thought of how things could go wrong.
Naruto was headstrong and reckless too, but he never caused THIS type of bad shit to happen as a result of his recklessness because even HE used his brain somewhat before he acted. The worst hes done was willingly let Kurama take over to attack Orochimaru for taking Sasuke which resulted in him attacking Sakura and giving her a really bad wound, which when told he caused this what do you think he did? he never let Kurama take over like that again and vowed to rely on his own strength so he would NEVER cause harm to anyone else like that ever again.
Sarada unfortunately has not learned that lesson yet which she should've when she made Boruto lose his eye but I digress...maybe this development was saved for the timeskip so lets see if she finally gets it after seeing what happened to her dad, only time will tell.
Now onto how I feel about the KawaSara interaction this chapter...well Im gonna be brutally honest, I dont HATE it but I dont love it either and its not even because the interaction itself was bad nah I actually like their little rivalry they have right now, it adds spice and an obstacle Kawaki has to deal with but also the one person [besides Sumire] he doesnt have to watch his words with and can just be himself with. But let me get my gripes out of the way first and then I'll go into the positives.
My gripe with the interaction is Sarada's attitude and dialogue because it just makes her look both stupid and petty for no danm reason
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First off shes telling them to confirm with Ada about what happened, why is she let alone ANYONE treating Ada as a reliable source when she didnt even warn them about Code's ambush? when she didnt even send Daemon out to fight him which is LITERALLY the whole reason their all even letting them stay there? lets not forget that Ada can easily just LIE about anything she wants like she did about Boruto killing Naruto, they literally have specialized ninja that they KNOW are trustworthy who actually DO work for them that they could ask to verify Sarada's story by peeking into her brain but no she chooses to reccomend asking Ada for confirmation, thats dumbass moment number 1.
Her remark about Kawaki being Otsutsuki too was just plain PETTY for no danm reason, and stupid as hell in this context because Boruto has Momo inside of him [pause] actively trying to take him over so he can kill Kawaki, make a divine tree, destroy all life on the planet to make a chakra fruit so he can eat it and become a god, SHE KNOWS THIS
Yet shes comparing that to Kawaki who doesnt have Isshiki looming over him threatening to take over at any time, he simply has his powers, and with his powers he wants to wipe out ALL OTHER OTSUTSUKI WHO ARE ACTUAL THREATS TO THE WORLD and that INCLUDES Boruto since he DOESNT HAVE CONTROL OVER MOMOSHIKI AND HE IS SHOWN SEVERAL TIMES ABLE TO TAKE OVER BORUTO WHENEVER HE WANTS UNDER THE RIGHT CONDITIONS, so her comment here was just petty, which made Kawaki's response all the more depressing.
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He explains to her that he's an Otsutsuki that kills Otsutsuki and that his power only exists to do that, and once he wipes them all out he'll gladly die, but until then he will do whatever it takes, and she has ZERO reaction to this and just says she wont let him do what he wants as a shinobi who aims to be Hokage 🤦‍♀️ like everything he said literally went in one ear and out the other GIRL BYE.
He's literally calling her out on her stupidity and she doesnt even catch it, she was petty pretty much saying well if all Otsutsuki are enemies are enemies that should be killed doesnt that include you, and his response is yea it does and I fully intend to die with all the rest of em but not till I get them first, and she just...she just doesnt even hear that.
You'd think there'd atleast be a pause like 'danm I didnt mean for you to actually agree to that' but nah she just moved past that like he didnt even say it and is just like 'I wont let you do what you want' when thats literally what hes been doing for 3 years straight while she's been getting nothin but ignored 😭 seriously this writing hates her so much because who tf really thought this was good dialogue for her? this only works if she was actually DOING something to hinder Kawaki in some way, which she hasnt, so she just looks goofy and unserious.
But thats it for my gripes, now for my positives.
For starters I like how this confrontation resembles their one back in chapter 28 when they first really interacted and they became friends
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I love how even though the subject their arguing about is different, the paneling is still the same, Sarada appearing behind Kawaki and calling him out for doing something wrong despite not knowing all the details, Kawaki turning around and getting in her face to tell her off, and the Hokage stopping it from before it gets ugly and they both settle down as their told.
What I like about this is that when you look at these scenes side by side you can see the development between then and now, back then Kawaki had ZERO respect for Sarada, called her an asshole and basically told her to mind her business while yelling in her face.
Now Kawaki doesnt snap at her at all, the roles are actually reversed now to where Sarada is the one being more hostile than he is. Kawaki, unlike before, doesnt just shut her down and tell her to mind her business, but he actually takes time to explain to her when he really doesnt have to. See here.
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Kawaki says does he really have to say this again? meaning they have had this conversation before more than once, so he has no reason to repeat himself anymore than he already has and could easily have brushed her off without saying a thing or just simply told her to shut up and butt out but he didnt.
Instead he takes time to not only repeat himself, but breaks down in detail EXACTLY what his motivations are, why hes doing this, and that he fully intends to die for all he's done by the end of this. Just like before, he gets in her face, but its nowhere near as aggressive as in 28 where he was actually being intimidating, but here he's relaxed, talking calm, and looking her in the eye, and responding to what she said, rather than ignoring it completely and just yelling at her to shut up.
Why is that significant? because his last line really hits home when you realize the subtext and see how meaningful it is.
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Think about this for a second, for 3 years now everyone has been brainwashed into thinking he's Boruto, have been treating him like Boruto, have remembered him as Boruto, have been looking at him, talking to him, loving/respecting him AS BORUTO.
Sarada is the ONLY person [lets leave Sumire out of this cuz we havent seen them interact yet] who treats Kawaki AS Kawaki, the only one who when she's talking to him she's talking to KAWAKI, when shes thinking of him shes thinking of KAWAKI, when she looks at him she sees KAWAKI, anyway she treats him she is treating him as KAWAKI.
This may not seem significant on the surface but lemme put it into a little more perspective.
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This is what Kawaki has had to deal with every, single, day, for 3 years straight since Omnipotence happened. Kawaki never WANTED or ASKED for ANY of this, but no matter how hard he tried everything just kept going more and more to shit because of him, but atleast back then he still had his own identity, but now? everyday is a whole new kind of hell he has to endure that wont go away no matter how much he rejects it.
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Just before Omnipotence Kawaki said what he really felt about himself, what he saw himself as, and thats what makes this situation he's in now so hellish, because to Kawaki he's a nobody, an outsider that nobody would mourn if he died, he tells Ada to use her all seeing eye to look at him and see him for the powerless piece of garbage that he is.
This is what he thinks of himself, now lets see what he thinks of Boruto and then it'll all make sense.
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Kawaki puts Boruto on a pedastal similar to Naruto but not nearly as strong obviously, but the point is, Kawaki sees Boruto as someone who NOBODY WILL BE WILLING TO KILL, as someone nobody would even CONSIDER killing regardless of the threat he poses, as the HOKAGES SON literally NOBODY would EVER turn against him, and NOBODY would ever even think of killing him knowing the consequences of nobody ever forgiving them for it.
Keywords to pay attention to here
He's the Hokage's son! Lord 7ths son!
Who in Konoha could kill him? the Hokages son?
An act that would turn all your friends into foes! who'd ever agree to take on such a task?
Why'd it have to be him!?
Kawaki emphasizes Boruto being 'The Hokage's son' several times, but I want you to pay attention to how he says 'Lord 7ths son' as well, remember chapter 60? Naruto officially claims Kawaki as his son, even if not on paper, Kawaki was just as much his son as Boruto now.
But look at how Kawaki percieves it, HE doesnt see himself as Naruto's son at all and sadly Naruto didnt do a good job convincing him, because when he mercy killed Boruto BY HIS REQUEST Naruto did NOT stand by him and kept his distance, acting awkward around him, and even sounding forced when he tried to give the 'everyone is family to the Hokage' speech which alone right there showed the distance between them now, because in chapter 60 Kawaki was his son, in 69 he's the same as any other villager and believe me, Kawaki felt that and thats why none of his attempts at reassuring him worked because he knew it wasnt entirely genuine and that he indeed held some resentment towards Kawaki for what he did, that Kawaki clearly was nowhere near the same importance as Boruto and that in the end Naruto would turn his back on Kawaki before he ever would Boruto no matter WHAT hes done or will do.
Am I dragging Naruto? no, obviously his bond with his biological son will be stronger than the one with his adopted one hes only known less than a year. But I will say when has that ever stopped Naruto before? he only really bonded with Iruka for a year before the timeskip and he viewed him like a father, he only interacted and bonded with Sasuke for a year and he considered him a brother he was willing to go to hell and back for, he knew Gaara for less than a year and he was IN TEARS when he heard the Akatsuki had attacked and killed him and nearly beat Deidara to death so bad Kakashi had to use the seal to calm him down before he went full Kurama mode.
So keep in mind while I do understand where Naruto is coming from as a parent, I still have to point out the inconsistency with his character because blood ties have NEVER mattered to him but it was always the BONDS he felt with the people themselves, whether short lived or long, Naruto always clung to those bonds WITH HIS LIFE and he instills this very message into Sarada in Gaiden, yes, the same Naruto in the sequel now, not past young Naruto like people try to argue saying 'he grew up' cuz no, this is grown parent of two kids Naruto preaching the EXACT SAME MINDSET.
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So yeah, Im calling out the inconsistency with his character in the sequel because THIS IS HOW KISHIMOTO WROTE HIM EVEN IN THE PRESENT ERA its literally what the entire plotline of Gaiden was about, learning to value and treasure your bonds regardless of blood ties. Naruto literally grew up without NO family do he literally had to FIND and MAKE one for himself, and hes never done any more or less for his blood fam than he did for his found family.
But unfortunately thats no longer the case in Boruto so lets get back to that.
So you see the point? Naruto, atleast in the sequel is a total liar, he promised to keep Kawaki safe, he made him feel like this was his home, told him that they all see him as family now, he called him his son, everybody was telling him that this is his home now no matter what anyone says his place is in Konoha and Kawaki was almost starting to believe it.
But when Naruto's biological son was killed by Kawaki at his request everything changed, nobody was on his side, nobody visited him even though they didnt even know the truth of what happened yet, Naruto wasnt looking at him with sincerity anymore and his words were scripted word for word just what he always says to everybody, but not anything personal from the heart like he usually does. Yes their conversation was interupted, but he never made any attempt to continue it either and simply left Kawaki to sit with his half hearted 'forgiveness' anyone who knows Naruto knew it wasnt sincere.
So where am I going with this? that was the turning point, that is when Kawaki realized and accepted that he was completely and utterly alone and felt isolated from everyone else.
This is why he says what he does to Ada and why his words hit so hard because they let you see just how utterly ALONE and REJECTED he actually feels. He doesnt feel like hes a part of Konoha, he doesnt feel like Narutos son, he doesnt feel like anyone would care if he died, its literally PROVEN right then and there how easy it was for them to put a kill order out on him without hesitation just for THINKING he did something to Naruto and ATTEMPTING to kill Boruto but none of these people gave a DANM when Boruto stabbed Sasuke's eye out, tried to kill Kawaki twice, tried to kill Naruto, oh and ironically tried to get Shikamaru killed too, the same guy who put a kill order out on Kawaki didnt push for any kind of punishment on Boruto.
'But that was Momoshiki' so what? who's body is he in? who's body did he use to commit all those horrible acts? when Gaara kept failing to be able to control the one tails his dad tried to have him killed before he'd end up destroying the village [no I am not defending Rasa fk that guy Im just pointing out the principle] if somebody is a danger to the village, even if its of no fault of their own, IF THEY ARE A THREAT TO THE VILLAGE then they have to be eliminated, so the it was Momoshiki excuse doesnt fly because regardless they have NO way of controling Momoshiki and preventing him from coming out, nor do they have a concrete way of forcing him back once hes taken over unless under very specific circumstances which even then if he feels like thats gonna happen he can dip to another dimension through his karma and they'll have a hell of a hard time finding him if he does.
Bottom line? Kawaki saw that for him he was disposable, he was a nobody, someone they didnt care if he died and would kill easily without hesitation and NOBODY would complain, but Boruto? let me repeat Kawaki's words.
He's the Hokage's son! Lord 7ths son!
Who in Konoha could kill him? the Hokages son?
An act that would turn all your friends into foes! who'd ever agree to take on such a task?
Why'd it have to be him!?
Do I need to say more? Boruto is the Hokage's son, Naruto's son, NOBODY in Konoha would ever dream of killing him, because killing Boruto would turn literally everyone against them regardless of what harm he's caused and what threat he poses for the future, they will be hated for it BECAUSE HE IS THE HOKAGE'S SON.
And because Kawaki is the only one strong enough to do it and accept all the consequences that comes with it, he's the one suffering that exact fate, but whats saddest about all this...is that everything he thought about himself was proven right, every awful thing he thought about himself was proven 100% right.
So what does that have to do with his and Sarada's convo there? well I needed to break down all of what happened beforehand so I could say how much it probably means to Kawaki that Sarada isnt affected.
The reason I needed to point all that out was to make sense of why being treated like Boruto by everyone is so hellish, because he KNOWS how they really feel about him, they say it to him constantly.
Mitsuki is always following Kawaki around full of bloodlust that Kawaki says is suffocating and Mitsuki keeps saying how he wont forgive and definitely will kill Boruto for what he did
You have 2 random Jonin he's working with protecting the village just casually talking about how good it would be if Boruto and Code took eachother out
Then you have Hima calling him big brother the way she would Boruto which only irritates him more because he knows that affection isnt for him which is why he rejects it so harshly
So imagine how relieving it must be for Kawaki to have someone that he doesnt have to listen wish him dead to his face without even knowing it, someone not full of bloodlust wanting his head on a stake, someone not calling out to him affectionately because they think he's someone he isnt, and most of all...someone that he knows without a doubt that whatever she says or does for him, is for HIM.
So quite frankly her hostility contrary to popular belief actually doesnt even bother him, he welcomes it because he feels its what he deserves and more than that because its the only genuine thoughts and feelings aimed at him, unfortunately we dont have enough chapters yet to see the full scope of how this has gotten to him but I imagine 3 years of being seen as someone your not has to be EXHAUSTING, so even if Sarada is being hostile towards him, it probably means the world to him that shes one person who sees him for who he really is, Kawaki, not Boruto.
His words to her in that last panel is what made it clear to me that he actually doesnt mind her opposing him, he tells her point blank that he plans to die once he has wiped out all the Otsutsuki threats there are, why thats significant is because he'd never have to say this to anyone else, why? cuz they think he's Boruto so why does he need to tell them his goals as Kawaki? even if he did why would he tell them he's gonna off himself at the end of it? there'd be no reason to.
Not only that but he's said this more than once to her, implying they've bumped heads about this exact subject more than once, which again if Kawaki was annoyed by her and wanted to be left alone he would've never got into this conversation in the first place and just ignored her or told her to shut up. The fact that they've talked about this more than once says alot, because Kawaki has no reason to, once was enough, but if Kawaki is taking time out to explain the same thing over and over to her then thats more than enough proof that shes different from everyone else.
Everyone else he drowns out, ignores, or tells to stop acting or speaking to him a certain way, but Sarada? no matter how many times she confronts him about this same subject, he always takes time to explain it. You could say that was just exposition for the readers but in that case why have him say he was repeating himself? he could've just said 'Do I really have to spell it out for you?' which leads to the same exposition witn NO implications of them ever having this convo before, but the fact that they specified that he was repeating this, means they wanted the audience to know this was NOT the first time they've had this talk.
Personally, like I said we need to get more insight into Kawaki's thoughts now before I can make a accurate analysis, but personally and this is me being unbiased and basing it solely on Kawaki's character up till this point, but I feel like in his own subconscious way he enjoys Sarada's company and hostility towards him because its the one thing he knows is for him, it probably puts him at ease whenever Sarada confronts him about anything because its the only time where he can be himself now without being looked at as weird or OOC because hes not acting like Boruto, he was probably relieved when it was revealed she wasnt affected because it meant he wasnt totally alone with only Ada who he cant stand knowing the truth, but his former friend/teammate.
I imagine he felt indifference towards Sumire because she made it clear she was scared of him ever since she found out he killed Boruto, but until we get some actual interaction or thoughts from either of them we wont know for sure.
Anyway, I personally feel like Kawaki keeps repeating himself when he doesnt have to because she's the only one he can to. Unless injured or getting a check up Kawaki doesnt interact with Sumire at all, and Sumire from what we've seen so far has been keeping a low profile since she sees the situation is hopeless trying to convince people at this point, but Sarada is the complete opposite and is persistent no matter how many times she fails she is very loudly and vocally opposing Kawaki and Konoha. She says herself that she wont repeat herself too, meaning she's also said this to Kawaki more than once as well, and thats that she wont let him do what he wants as a ninja who aims to be Hokage.
These words are crucial because she's said this to Kawaki more than once about her Hokage dream, usually something that gets repeated alot in the Narutoverse by someone, especially to someone in particular, usually ends up having a really big significance in their relationship down the line. See Sasuke's 'your annoying' for example or him calling Naruto Usuratonkachi, or of course the 'because your my friend'. It doesnt matter what it is, if its something thats repeated consistently, its gonna have some big significance be it romantic or platonic, either way its gonna mean something big for those characters.
Anyway going back to Sarada, the fact that Sarada has been repeating herself too on this same issue just goes to show how adament and consistent she's been in opposing him, unlike in chapter 28 where she backed down and felt nervous when Kawaki got in her face, now she stands firm and looks him straight in the eye the same way he does her. He's not trying to intimidate her, but make her understand the situation and his perspective, and Sarada isnt trying to intimidate or threaten him either, but make him understand that she wont go along with doing things this way and wont back down no matter what, because the way Kawaki and Shikamaru is running things isnt how Naruto would've wanted, which is why she is their biggest opposers because she looked up to Naruto and wanted to do things the Naruto way.
Its no coincidence that in the very first chapter Sarada tells Shikamaru off about disagreeing with her opposition, its no coincidence that she snapped back using Naruto as her example of going against everyone to fight for what and who she believes in and tells him that the Hokage she looks up to is Naruto not him.
Then in chapter 4 she's now telling Kawaki something similar, that she wont let him do things his way as a ninja who aims to be Hokage, but not just any Hokage, but Naruto.
I dont want this to get too long so I'll sum up my final thoughts.
I believe Kawaki is relieved and subconsciously enjoys Sarada opposing him and is probably lowkey happy to not be alone in this situation with nobody he could talk to as just himself, to look at someone and be looked at and know that their looking at him, being around Sarada is probably the only time he can actually breathe without being subjected to brainwashed people treating him like someone hes not, or hearing this and that person wishing him dead, but with Sarada he can actually just speak and act as himself.
But most importantly anything she does or says to him will mean so much more to him than anyone else because from lets say Hima or Shikadai or even Inojin, if one of them were to get badly hurt or even die for him Kawaki will know its only because they thought he was Boruto and that they never would've done that if they knew it was him. But if Sarada does that, it'll have so much more weight now due to omnipotence because not only is she unaffected by it which means she did this KNOWING its for Kawaki, but the fact that even after everything hes done and how mad she is at him for it, she still put her life on the line for him or any other big gesture she'd do that'd show she cares. So when that moment happens its definitely gonna be an interesting scene, assuming Ikemoto doesnt botch it somehow...we shall see.
As for Sarada I believe in her own roundabout way she's trying to make Kawaki see that this isnt what Naruto would want, that in her own way she's trying to make him see the flaws in his logic, when she said he's and Otsutsuki too she wasnt saying that he should just off himself now or that she wanted him to die but that if all Otsutsuki are the enemy no matter what their motives are then doesnt that make him an enemy as well? regardless of his motives? and if all Otsutsuki must die simply for being Otsutsuki then shouldnt she just kill him right now? not that she could but she could try, she could say 'I will kill you someday' or some other death threat if she were actually saying he should die 100% and thats what she wanted but she doesnt.
Overall Sarada is just trying to make Kawaki see the holes in his logic, to make him see that this isnt what Naruto would've wanted, that trying to carry the weight of it all by himself isnt gonna be effective long term, especially now when something FAR BIGGER is going on that only Boruto knows about, so regardless of how he feels they are gonna have to set aside their differences and work together to deal with a far bigger threat and resolve a way bigger problem. Kawaki doesnt even argue with her about that, he listens to her and hears her out and most likely will agree to it since that will be the most efficient course of action.
Hopefully this will start to make him see that the solo route isnt the way, which if the FF isnt retconned we know it wont be, but maybe for a moment he'll see sometimes teamwork is nessecary and that he really CANT do it all alone. I believe thats the message Sarada is trying to send to him, the same one Naruto sent Sasuke, whether or not she'll be successful remains to be seen but for now I look forwards to seeing how they both develop from here and hear even more about whats been going on between them over these 3 years.
Antis think them being at odds and rivals with eachother now is somehow a negative that kills the ship when thats literally how many endgame ships interacted for a while before eventually coming together lol like ppl fr just gonna act like Jerza, Zervis, VegeBul, Taiga x Ryu, Tonari no kaibatsu-kun, Suzuka, Reimei no Arcana, and so on don't exist.
So like...I dunno, maybe ppl just aint seen alot of manga/anime or hell even media in general but regardless this really aint the ship killer antis think it is, its honestly just the beginning lol but Im never one to count chickens too early so I wont get too cocky, but antis need to start bein humble too cuz they are WAY too confident about KawaSara's downfall when things are just gettin good lol but hey more material for us to laugh at later when their once again wrong about everything they say about the ship and what'll happen etc.
I apologize for the lost post but I wanted to properly express my thoughts as best and clearly as I could but I might've over explained 😭 my apologies...but I hope you enjoyed my little breakdown regardless.
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kawaii-angelanne · 2 years
naruto girl charas SUCK. and not the charas themselves, i LOVE LOVE LOVE sakusa, ino, tenten, temari, ya name her ! i love her, but the creator just writes them so horribly. he puts them in a light and most fans shit on women bc of their charas when really—they’d be liked if he gave a true backstory and plot for how they act they do.
sakura is known to be ‘two faced’ as she’s sweet outside but has a raging personality inside and everyone hates her for being obsessed with sasuke—but she’s a CHILD!! she gets more development once you meet her future teacher, and it makes me love her so much more bc it shows how strong she is and how CAPABLE she is. she’s more than just a girl with a silly crush // more than a girl who hides her true inner feelings. she cares for everyone around her and is seen as weak when she isn’t.
hinata is known to be a shy girl who’s obsessed with naruto, and she’s one of the strongest characters but the creator makes her weak. tenten canonically have the strongest weapons in the series but the creator makes her weak. temari is seen as strong only for her plot and in the future she’s discarded. all these women are thrown to the side because their entire future plot is to surround who they’re marrying—men. there’s only one female chara i can think of that doesn’t exactly surround a man but she’s still heavily influenced by two bc ones in love with her and the other was her childhood friend. (really tryna not spoil HAHA)
and even female villains, which there aren’t many i can think of, ALLLL SURROUND A MAN! long story short, kishimoto is a POS and probably has never known a woman on an actual personal level. plus the series is a rip off of HXH anyways 😇 emo chara family dies and they have red eyes ? and there’s a big bad group where the person who was responsible for it is homed there ? anyways naruto was my first anime besides DBZ when i was a lil kid and i love it and will cherish it to my heart but only bc i like the charas, i hate kishimoto. he’s dumb. and probably a 50 y/o virgin. (did u kno he got married and didn’t take his wife on a honeymoon bc of he was writing naruto? I HATE HIM I HATE HIM AAAAA!!) so sorry for the long winded response, i get so heated on this topic BAHAHAHAHAHA < 3 ily
OKAY YEA THATS WHAT I WAS THINKING!! i so badly want to get to like these characters, but the way kishimoto writes them is just. so bad. SO TRUE they all revolve around a guy and its so..*chokes the air* like in the land of the waves we see that she has the best control of her chakra (which ig makes her perfect to be a medical nin; ik like tiny bits and pieces of what happens in shippuden but also not rlly LMAO), but she never uses it!! she was never involved in any fights; she j stood there because she was written to be like that!!
i was also thinking that since they are like 10-12, they're not going to be the most fun characters; like at that age, children are v annoying LMFAO but its not 100% an excuse because the guy characters aren't as intolerable ;-;;;
im intrigued to see how tsunade is going to be written because like. shes HOKAGE. and SO COOL!! so yes.
love the charas, not their creator <3 (that's so funny how he didn't even take his wife on honeymoon; like higuruma would NEVER even tho he seems to do work a lot LMFAO (pov: you have not caught up w jjk but love higuruma because of ina))
(im also super impressed how you just whipped that out af! like. not even ten mins later and bam! research paper LOL)
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prince-everhard · 1 year
Weekly Oneshot Challenge - week 16
Title: Responsibility
Fandom: Naruto
Rating: gen
Word count: 814
Summary: Team Seven gets their first mission. [part of the mokuton sakura rewrite]
“I can’t believe we’re really about to go on our first super-cool ninja mission!” Naruto was practically bouncing as they waited outside the doors of the mission office. “I wonder what it’ll be! Do ya think we’re gonna go rescue a princess from some evil samurai? Ooh, ooh, maybe we’ll be bodyguards for a famous actor! What do you guys think?”
Sasuke narrowed his eyes, his head already turned as far away from Naruto as he could get without breaking his neck. One of her new teammates was melodramatic, the other was hyper and dramatic. Sakura sighed, but still, she took pity on her loud teammate. Who knew? Maybe one day they’d be friends. “I don’t know, Naruto. My dad says genin missions tend to be a little… boring.” Naruto halted his bouncing. Even Sasuke seemed to lessen the degree of don’t want to be here in his body language. At least, Sakura hoped so. Sensei had his face buried in a book that honestly made her want to rip it from his hands and slam it in the nearest trashcan. She shook her head. “Before we can go on ‘super-cool ninja missions,’ we have to learn the process of completing a mission and behaving professionally, so that we represent the village well.”
“Wow, Sakura! Your dad sounds like he knows his stuff! Is he a ninja too?”
Now she knew that Sasuke was definitely paying attention, if only because he’d turned back enough that she could see facial features. “He’s a jounin, but not on the active duty roster…” Sakura was saved from having to explain exactly what her dad did by the chunin assistant that waved them into the mission office.
Naruto wasted no time marching into the middle of the room and pointing his finger straight at the Hokage. “I’m gonna be sitting in that seat some day, old man, so you’d better give me a super awesome hardcore mission!”
In the wake of Naruto’s bellow, Sakura honestly just wished the floor would open up and swallow her whole. She glanced at Sasuke, and he shared a look with her of honest shock and embarrassment. Even their sensei had lowered his book and was looking sternly at Naruto.
The Hokage, however, just chuckled, holding his hand out to the chunin next to him for a scroll. “A super awesome hardcore mission, eh Naruto?”
“The awesome-est, you’d better believe it!”
The Hokage shook his head, but he was smiling behind his pipe. “You know, Hayase, I think I will give them that mission you suggested earlier. I think that particular mission is perfectly suited to Team Seven.”
The Hokage took the scroll from the chunin and held it out to Naruto. “Oh boy oh boy oh boy super special awesome hardcore ninja mission here we come!”
“Naruto,” the Hokage interrupted, voice firmer than before. “Make sure you open that outside, with your sensei and your teammates. And maybe after you complete the mission, Kakashi will teach you how to return from such a mission.”
Naruto beamed. “Of course, old man! We won’t let you down!”
“Weeding?!” The disgust and disappointment in Naruto’s voice was matched by his face as he chucked the scroll and collapsed- are you freaking kidding me? Sakura couldn’t help but think as her teammate planted himself cross-legged on the ground and actually pouted.
Kakashi-sensei caught the scroll out of the air and read it himself. “Yep,” he confirmed, voice full of cheer. Sakura wasn’t sure if it was false or if sensei was that happy about Naruto’s despair. Considering how deeply embarrassingly he’d acted, she was a little happy about it herself. “Looks like Gabana-san needs us to weed his vegetable garden and spread some new mulch around his flowerbeds.”
Easy enough for a first mission. Sakura thought about her own family’s garden at home and smiled. “Well, it’s not glamorous, but at least it’s a simple job.”
“Tch.” Sasuke looked between all of them with a scowl. “Weeding a garden seems a little beneath us.”
Sakura saw red, and not only because she took care of her family’s garden while her parents were away. She opened her mouth to say something back- and honestly, she had no idea what but she was so mad at her teammates for acting like children- when Kakashi thumped his book down on the boys’ heads, one after the other. “Your Hokage has given you a mission, kiddos.” Kakashi, despite not even putting that stupid book away, seemed to loom over them. Sakura closed her mouth, her throat suddenly dry. “And regardless of your opinions of your status as a ninja, right or wrong, you will complete the mission to the absolute best of your ability. Got it?”
Kakashi’s eye crinkled as he looked over them. “Now, let’s go pull some weeds.”
“Yes sensei!”
“You’d better believe it!”
“Tch. Whatever.”
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