dragons-bones · 2 years
Happy birthday DT!! I hope it's it's been a lovely one. 💛✨
Ahhhhh thank you so much, friend! 💖 It's been a good day indeed.
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shroudandsands · 1 year
Prompt #11: Once Bitten, Twice Shy
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She exhaled into her hands, cold breath doing little to warm her in the autumn gloam. She’d discarded her claws. They sat on the windowsill, reflecting what little light still glinted from the distant oil lamps. The only thing left on a cloudy, tired night.
The trees surrounding her home shuddered in time with the beginnings of a chill wind. She shrugged her shoulders, bringing the robe she’d donned to press against her ears. Again she exhaled into her hands. It was all she could do as she waited out the final bells of the night. As she listened to the last few cries of summer vilekin dotting the world before they’d quiet and cede their lives to the fallen, dying leaves. Another breath. She settled into a chair on her balcony. More an alcove- large enough for a chair. For a table. For her to sit, legs slightly outstretched. But instead she was curled in the wicker rocking chair, her legs folded underneath her. She watched as clouds rolled like ocean waves. And she breathed. In and out. In and out. In another life she’d been interrupted many times in a moment like this. By the trudging of boots. Or the sudden arrival of ember-burnt and summery footsteps. Both had brought her some great joys. Brought her some subdued strength. Knowing that, if she so needed, they would arrive at this moment. But that was another life. A lifetime ago, it felt. She was a stranger to herself, then. She stuffed her hands under her arms. It didn’t come to her as often, now, as it used to. The wondering. The thought that knocked on her door much like she used to- randomly, loudly, and when she least expected it. But that was over, now. Thankfully... She wasn’t sure if that was the right sentiment. To be thankful would mean she was glad it stopped. Or that she was distraught by the occurrence. In reality it was much harder to name.
The grief that used to settle like a brick in her pocket. The one that used to startle her into noticing it when she was reaching for something else. It hadn’t shrunk. It hadn’t grown. It hadn’t become a part of her. No. No. One evening, sitting here, awaiting that same moment of recollection to suddenly join her in her solace. She realized it wasn’t coming. She thumbed the ring she always wore and she realized it wasn’t waiting for her out in the late night. Was it gone? Had it gone somewhere else? Or did it find no joy in calling upon her anymore? She wasn’t sure. She exhaled into her hands. She wondered.
A flash of deep-brown, wilder spring and a touch of a hand. Was she thankful? She remembered the last time she reached for something and found that brick. As she reached out for her cane and found it already in her hands- given to her. When was the last time? Summer flickered across her senses before it was thoroughly swept aside by its kinder kin. Thoroughly beaten aside by something different. The brick of her grief crumbled into a dust she couldn’t possibly keep, destroyed by a moment so insignificant so as to be mundane. Why her? Why this? And why did it seem to ruin the solace of the night?
Any other would be glad. Joyous. This was the sign. This was the freedom. No more would her memory force itself upon her in the middle of the night. No longer would it knock at her door. No longer would it find her in her quiet moments. No longer would it weigh down as stone. But... Rakaso hadn’t wanted to escape from the bricks she had laid down. The path she’d paved with each moment of recollection. The fortress she had made from them. It strengthened her. It had forced aside the weakness she had been before. The weak, heedless woman who lacked resolve. Who lacked everything she needed to make her life worth living. She had grown from paving her path. A sword, forged from herself. A resolve, forged from herself. A steely armor of ice, forged from herself. All of her remade. All of her protected. Every tiny piece examined, removed, changed, torn. All in service of this. All by the grace of her memory. But she had no more bricks to lay. No more memories to return to. Nothing to build her walls. Why?
She inhaled the cold air until it pierced her lungs in winter-touched pain.
Spring was rotting her. In all of her reckless haste, leaving her defenseless, letting the roots and gentle breeze break in to her carefully sealed walls and paths. It was only when her head was in her hands that she could see the bricks pushed apart by weeds between, by spring growth, by a renewed call. Oh, this heedless Spring was rotting her. She could feel the warmth in her palms.
She couldn’t do this again.
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danyers · 1 year
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ahollowgrave · 2 months
Just some lil' rambling about MSQ DT. For folks beyond level 96 in MSQ. Specifically something that is said to the WoL near the start of 96.
When the WoL and Erenville are repairing the traintracks they seek out the Hhetsarro people of Mehwahhetsoan to ask if they would part with tinder. We meet with Hhwato, the chief, and his son, Shepetto. Shepetto is excited to meet you and says:
<sniff> You've a most curious air about you. Of oil and steel, tanned leather, and the faintest hint of...
What he says next changes depending on race. At least, that's my best guess. Shepetto to Odette:
…fair winds blown from a distant shore, though I know not where. I gather you are not from these lands?
Shepetto to Yein, of @iron-sparrow fame:
...roses of a most unusual variety. I gather you are not from these lands?
Originally, I thought perhaps the job was what determined it as Iron was a PLD and I was a WHM at the time. However, Sif (of @whitherwanderer fame) got the same one as Odette despite being different jobs. So I went digging and found all the things Shepetto might say and there are 8 options, which aligns neatly with our 8 playable races. Anyway there is no point to this other than I thought it was neat when I realized it! And it was fun to puzzle over with my friends, and see in which ways Shepetto's comment fit them! I'm curious to know how well his comment resonated with your OC!
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gatheredfates · 3 months
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Hello everyone! 🐋 It's Friday here, just before the Live Letter, so I thought I'd whip out a small Compendium update before it gets crazy!
There's not that much this week but, with Dawntrail, so close, I'm not worried — I'm sure I'll be swamped with people coming back very soon. With that in mind, however, as of today (06/14), the following resources have been added to Sea's Community Compendium for XIV Creatives.
Pride Backlighting Tutorial — Do you want to see your characters awash in the colours of Pride? Maybe you just want some cool backlighting behind them? @whitherwanderer has put together a guide for you!
We're a Tumblr Community now! For people unfamiliar with the concept of Communities, I encourage you to check out the tumblr post by staff made about them here. However, copy/pasting what I have written in the Compendium, the Community functions as so:
SEAFLOOR (A FFXIV Community) is a Tumblr community whose duel-purpose focuses on my projects — the Compendium, question drives and screenshot events — whilst also reblogging member created works, resources (including events, commissions and looking for content/roleplay/free company posts), affirmations and other xiv-related content. If you are interested in supporting my projects without the social aspect of a Discord, I highly encourage you to join the Community. Everything hosted on the Discord will be cross-posted there; you will not miss out on anything. As Communities are still in beta, members need to be manually invited. If you would like to join, please like the tumblr post here. Once Communities are out of beta, I will remove this section to better reflect its true public status.
I'm hoping the Community will function as a member-curated dash, resource hub and visual diary for my projects and member created works. There are no hard feelings if you want to leave the Discord and only join the Community. Please do what makes you comfortable!
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Want to submit? You can either fill out the google form here or send me an ask with the relevant information!
Is my space suitable for the Compendium? Most of the time, yes! Below the read more is some more information/stipulations. Again, all the below information is accessible on the document! 🦈
Below are the following things I do not accept on the Compendium:
Personal/Single-Character LFC ads.
Content intended for or can be used for bullying, harassment and OOC gossip. E.g. ‘Secrets’ blogs, receipts, callout posts, etc. This does not include in-character tabloid blogs used to generate RP.
Communities that do not have an RP/writing element (large-scale exempt).
Anything I find personally distasteful or goes against the spirit of this project.
Common-sense rule applies.
I want to put my community on the compendium but we have an application process. Is this okay?
Yes! Just note somewhere in your application that's a requirement. The only thing that is mandatory for the Compendium is that you must be open to new members or have a public-facing/accessible facet. There's no point advertising a community if no one can join it in some way!
I want to put my community on the compendium but I only have x number of members —
Also totally okay! People don't start with large communities. Activity is a must but, whether your server has two or two thousand members, if you're looking for new people to join, I'd love to help you find people.
I want to put my community on the compendium but I worry its too niche?
Okay, and? If your Eorzean Fishing Alliance has four members but you roleplay every second weekend, I still want to know about it.
What resources/communities can I add if I'm not the owner of them?
Mutual consent is extremely important to me, so anything that isn't a large-scale community OR a publicly accessible resource must be endorsed by the owner/admin/moderators in order to be added to the compendium. I operate under the assumption that a resource posted to a public space (tumblr, googledocs, youtube, etc) is open to all. A large-scale community is one with a significant member count or openly advertises itself as being accessible to everyone for whatever purpose it serves. If in doubt, please get in touch with me. I'm happy to contact your community owners for you!
How active does a community need to be?
If you find a community has not been active in about two/three months, send me a message and I'll take a look at it. Communities have ebbs and flows, especially event spaces that may take hiatuses depending on member interest/life events. I'm not strict in my implementation provided a space isn't dead. If a link or anything is broken, absolutely contact me about that.
I have [insert a question not stated here]?
No drama! Send me an ask or use the #Compendium channel in my Discord!
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domesticatedanimal · 3 months
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Using @whitherwanderer's gpose tutorial
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spotofmummery · 7 days
Reading Preferences - Amon
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BOLD genres your character reads. Italicize genres your character occasionally peruses. Strikethrough if they absolutely won't touch it.
art | biography | business | chick lit | children’s | classics | comics | contemporary | cookbooks | crime | fantasy | fiction | gay and lesbian | graphic novels | historical fiction | history | horror | humor and comedy | memoir | music | mystery | nonfiction | paranormal | philosophy | poetry | psychology | religion | romance | science | science fiction | self help | suspense | spirituality | sports | thriller | travel | young adult | warfare | playboy / playgirl (*Pins up the Node centerfold* XD)
Tagged by: @hares-and-hounds Tagging: @mimble-sparklepudding @scholarlostintime @bloodsworn-marshal @biff-adventurer @whitherwanderer @kannedia
And anyone else who wants to do it!
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snakemoltsiren · 7 months
Severine Sauvageot - Character Associations
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Love (An ember ever glowing. Worth protecting. Don’t give it away.)
Possessiveness (Give everything away but that. Never that.)
Exaltation (Breathless, exhilarating, make this last.)
Regret (Was I sweet once?)
Disorientation (Didn’t we already go this way?)
Blue (Muted and distinct and natural.)
Lilac (Something comforting like a fading bruise.)
Silver (Brushed and gleaming and catching light like a smile.)
Moss Green (Damp and earth and the smell of life.)
Red (Vibrant and livid but it doesn’t suit her so much anymore.)
Clove (Smoky and sweet, clinging to her hair like a secret.) 
Oranges (A burst of oil from a fresh curl of peel, juices sticky on the skin.)
Wet Earth (Moss and damp, the undersides of things.)
Soap (Clean and fresh.)
Ash. (Something was burning.)
Sea Glass. (Smooth and pitted in every color. )
Pince-nez. (Reflective lenses never far away. Protection and defense.)
Ribbons and twine. (Decorative or practical. Things that bind.)
Forget-me-nots. (Left wild, blossoms stuck to skin and tangled in hair.)
A hidden blade. (Defense, protection, practicality. Please don’t make me use it.)
Tongue curled around a pointed tooth (A shared secret, a remembered story.)
A gentle pinch on the arm. (Hello, I’m here, you’re here, I’m happy to see you.)
Forehead touch. (Tender greeting or friendly gentle concussion.)
Twitchy little smiles. (What exactly does that look mean?)
Fully Weighted Lean. (Against a convenient wall, unsuspecting friend or while sitting.)
Snakes. (Renewal, life, observing from a distance. Will only strike in defense.)
Low tide. (Her aether. Too little - far less than it has been in the past.)
Breeze through windchimes. (A ruffling presence that is rarely seen and never lingers, although it leaves an impression.)
Mercury Glass in the sun. (Clear and glittering but obscured and hiding secrets. Complicated.)
Mushrooms in a mossy forest. (Resiliently minding their own business. Friend or foe?)
tagged by - @ahollowgrave - Thank you!! <3
tagging - @shroudandsands @whitherwanderer @honoura/@aidan-hawke @the-hawkeyes - anyone else!!
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thefruitiestnight · 4 months
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happy pride yall
(lightning done with tutorial from @.whitherwanderer)
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blackestnight · 1 year
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@whitherwanderer asked: ⚔️ — confronting an enemy. 
“I’ve been—pardoned! Lord Hien—”
“No law or king can save you from me.”
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abyssalmermaiden · 1 year
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“You said body count, right? What would that mean other than people you’ve killed- ah. Right.”
Aryaille is asexual and biromantic! Junelezen is also Pride Month so this felt like an appropriate fill for today’s prompt. I also only just realized her early shadowbringers glam is basically Ace flag colors
thank you to whitherwanderer’s pride lighting guide
Junelezen 29- Holidays
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aethernoise · 1 year
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@hanajimasama & @whitherwanderer asked: 🪐 to see them somewhere unusual or that they could never have imagined they would visit.
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swiftcast-selene · 4 months
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followed this wonderful tutorial by whitherwanderer so i could finally get a nice pose of the husbands and omg...... i could cry. i love them so much.
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disciple-of-frost · 1 year
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Bi Pride Post for Ishi! 💗💜💙
Used the Pride Backlighting Tutorial by @whitherwanderer
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ahollowgrave · 1 year
Please, tell me about your WOL or character's gravesite, eventual or seen. Their headstone, their epitaph, the location, do people visit? Are they even buried? If so, with anything important? With anyone important? Were they laid to rest some other way? At sea? Sky burials? Pyre? Encased in amber?
I asked this a while ago on twitter, but I'm curious what the tumblr answers. Also, deeply inspired by the FFXIVWrite word today and @whitherwanderer's beautiful response to it!
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shroudandsands · 11 months
Even though I feel like I know the answers to all of these for any given ship and I'm mad about it.
Who remembers the little things? (Sawyer/Amesha)
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The answer depends on who you ask the question. And maybe how you ask it. And maybe even when.
At the start, upon the first meeting of her senses upon split and stormy soul- Amesha would say it was her. Her master, Sawyer, did not seem to remember much of anything. Too busy she was with defying death at every corner. Too busy she was in denying the presence of that which she owned. Too busy she was with roaring against a foe that she'd never quite met. Amesha remembered each moment and outburst- and each moment that it seemed as if this interesting soul nearly killed itself in front of her. She remembers, like a scar on her palms, every detail of when she finally died.
Under unfamiliar skies... It's with much shame that she would admit she remembers little. Long splotches of memory gone. Erased by light. By illness. By the frantic nature of life so near death. She remembers pieces. Key moments. Special ones. But she can't remember everything that she wants. Every person. Every morning. Every night. The moments she brought tea that was neglected. The moments she pulled her heartlight away from her obsessions. The touch of patients and the call of fellows both. Sawyer speaks to her and she responds, cryptically, as she does- and all is well. But some of it is lost to her. Some of it is fragmented. But that's normal! That's normal for everyone. Who wouldn't lose track of the days and of the small mundane moments of life? Especially when one lives so long, lives so much? But that can't be her. It can never be her. She has to remember all of it. Every minute. She has to remember because- Because- Instead it is filled with splotches of light. It burns away at the edges of things in her head. She hates it. She's glad to be rid of it.
Now? She would claim they both remember rather well. In different things. Different ways. In herself, the love and the minor. In her love, the momentous and the quiet. And she would put a finger to her lips so that Sawyer might not hear her say so. And so she might not need say she remembers more, anyways.
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