bathroomtrapped · 1 year
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peak romance is having someone to keep you company as you rot
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reignsan · 2 years
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Pokemon’s 3 best characters all have parental issues what did Game Freak mean by this
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r0sepetalbed · 2 years
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jadeazora · 2 months
Oh I'm so doing gifsets for this. A new TCG set reintroducing Trainer's Pokemon is coming in 2025. This whole trailer is absolutely gorgeous.
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agentc0rn · 5 months
oh man...2 decades on earth...wow.
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ivrket · 3 months
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myk444 · 2 months
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kharmii · 7 months
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Art credit: 源蔵@me_Genzo Twitter.
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talyayet474 · 6 months
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Evangeline Lilly
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Please dear lord let this be the year of a red white and royal blue-esque political miracle
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0deltakhan0 · 2 months
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Nothing to see here... Just two ladies that really like each other👌
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Photo: Dieter Krehbiel
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crimson-cassowaries · 7 months
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WOAH it's been awhile since I've posted, I apologize! Here are some of the drawings I've been doing, I have a few more but alas i can only fit so much into one post
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justalittledumb · 3 months
Is it alright I could request a Cookierun: Kingdom?
If you can (only if you want to, no need to answer this request. I repect your boundaries.), then what about....
Headcanons about the five ancient cookies (yandere or not) with a petite yet dainty reader who is The Light of Peace but they always prone to getting sick, looking fatigued or tired all the time. But they always love to work a lot, like they are workaholic. (No gender specified)
*So... Hiya everyone, been a while huh? Sorry for dissapearing, I realy wasn't feeling like writing anything, but i'm back. For now at least lol.
As for this request, I wasn't entirely sure if you wanted the Ancients to be seperate or together, so I did together. Feel free to tell me if you would prefer if they were seperate smaller sets if headcanons for each of ancients. Also since I only realy write yanderes on this blog, those are yandere headcanons, tho I decided to keep it on the lighter side of things.
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🍪 So, let's start things off by saying that they greatly value their friendship and respect how devoted you are to work...
🍪 However, they will not just stand by idly while you overwork yourself. They won't do anything harsh, but all 5 of them will not allow you to push yourself too hard... especialy considering how easy it is for you to get sick!
🍪 Speaking of which, once you do get sick, you can be sure that soon all of them will force you into a bed and practicaly surround you.
🟡 Pure Vanilla would immidiently start working on curing you... Tho he might on porpuse made it take much longer than it needs to... Can you realy blame him? You just look so Cute like this.
🔴 Hollyberry would sit right next to you and start telling stories of her many adventures in Hopes of distracting you from the sickness, and from wanting to work in this state.
⚫ Dark Cacao Cookie would actualy keep his distance, due to not being the best at comforting people. Of course, he isn't just doing nothing, he's actuly making sure that nobody, whoever it might be is foolish enough to try and enter the room you're resting in.
🟠 Golden Cheesee Cookie (she's my fave btw) practicaly buried you in gifts the moment she Had entered the room. Anywhere from expensive clothes (matching hers, duh) to high quality plushies, she spared no expenses on them! After all, you only deserve the best!
⚪ White Lilly... Oh boy. Shes always somewhat clingy, but once you get sick, her already extreme tendencies increase by tenfold. She's phisicaly attached to you, keeping you in tight embrace. She does NOT care that she might also get sick from being do close to you. And even if she did get sick, sharing the same illnes as you is romantic in a way, isn't it?
🍪 Also, expect that once you're back to being healthy, all the work that needed to be done by you while you were sick, was "magicaly" finished. You can thank (or get angry at) your Ancient friends for that, they had someone do that stuff for you to keep you from getting stressed immidiently after the recovery.
*Well, I'l admit this isn't my best work, but I think It came out good enough :). Sorry if it's not to your satisfaction, I hadn't written anything in a while so im kinda out of my element.
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collageofnudes · 6 months
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Lilly Marie Lagodka by Gary Huddlestone
part 1 / 6 (part 2 , part 3 , part 4 , part 5 , part 6)
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He's so relatable im crying🥀
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