domoriu · 5 hours
lmao i'm sorry but I do not feel bad for the ot6 BRIIZE that are being called ugly and getting doxxed. I don't care if they're teenagers. let me explain why:
they're harassing the fuck out of somebody. who cares if it's a public figure? it's not like they're protesting the views of a public servant like a politician. they're harassing a man because he had a girlfriend. what the fuck is that? literally sent him funeral wreaths at his place of employment because it was announced he was to resume activities with his group...politicians that support genocide don't even get this treatment.
they need a reality check. you can't go around treating people like shit and then get away with it. it's no one's fault but their own that this is happening to them. it's their fault for assuming seunghan wasn't cared for. like ?? this applies to if they were even bullying someone in school and then got their ass beat by their victims friends and family. because what made your funky ass think I wasn't cared about?
seunghan's mental health isn't a joke. his livelihood isn't a lesson. they're both very real and those ot6 briize clearly don't understand the seriousness of their actions and how valuable someone's life is. what if he commits suicide? what if he ends his life because of these people's actions? that's extremely fucking serious and they 100% would be at fault. bullying, especially to this degree, is disgusting. they think this is a joke when it's not. they doing alllll this for a goddamn kpop group man what the fuck for shits and giggles?
being called ugly is nothing compared to stepping outside of your place of employment and seeing 1,000 funeral wreaths with your name on them. these girls will be okay. seunghan literally lost his job because of these girls. fuck them. I don't give a fuck how old or young you are...you gotta fucking BEHAVE.
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domoriu · 5 hours
“he doesn’t like eating pussy” could never be my man. if he isn’t begging to eat it while he jerks off then i don’t want him
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domoriu · 11 hours
kiwis fic recs pt.2 !! bonedo edition
definitely not all of the bnd fics ive read but just my personal favorites !! also sorry in advance there’s literally no gongfourz fics on here since i mainly read for my biases but i do dabble in their fics sometimes 🫦 ill do a part 2 one of these days and i promise ill put some taesan and leehan in it !!
❀ = nsfw !!
solace // jaehyun ❀ - jaehyun who just needs to be taken care of… my favorite trope… also was just so cute and comforting
wcbf // jaehyun - SUCH A GOOD SMAU !!! funny, sad, the good stuff. also ariana grande is my favorite artist so ill eat up anything inspired by her music 😋
space & time // sungho - so good i love some mutual pining where they’re so oblivious to eachothers feelings even when ITS SO OBVIOUS!!!!
satin // sungho ❀ - idk if you guys understand what i mean when i say this but sometimes i read a fic so good it really feels like im there fr… and this is one of them…
evening glow // riwoo - so cute. i love f2l so much. and im not usually a big fluff reader but when i do read it i really always just smile and giggle and swing my feet. i love the idea of friends pining for each other even without actually realizing, and they realize that its always been them from the start <3
pretty mess // jaehyun ❀ - now this was hard because, i really could just put every fic that berry has posted in this list, but i think this one is my #1 favorite. i love the way berry writes for bnd and i love the sub!idol agenda SO MUCH… and she just delivers time and time again and i LOVEEEE subby whiny desperate jaehyun 🤤 i know im like dickriding berry so hard right now but SERIOUSLY!!! I MEAN IT PLS READ ALL THEIR FICS EVERYTHING IS DELICIOUS.
sweet, pretty boy // riwoo ❀ - MY GOD. ur actually only able to read this on web browser but it is SO worth it!! i love the way vivi writes for riwoo… like she just scratches the riwoo part of my brain every single time… fantastic give me 14 of them right now !!!
whos that girl? // jaehyun - okay shameless promo time 🤤 my pride and joy and my first smau sometimes i read it as if im not the one who wrote it and im like wow i really did that…
needy // sungho ❀ - just scrumptious tbh. i love when sungho is the perfect boyfriend and in bed he kinda gets a little rough cuz he’s just locked in… yes…
help, im stuck! // jaehyun ❀ - its crazy to say but the cheesy porn plot fics are kind of a guilty pleasure 😭 corny and unrealistic? sure! good fic nonetheless
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domoriu · 23 hours
i used to be a HUUUUGE orbit i think loona was my ult from 2018 right up until chuu left
did you have a loona bias?? favorite song?? 😋😋😋 do you listen still listen to the girls?
i wish i wasn’t so stingy back when loona debuted cuz at that time i only knew hyeju and i think yves and chuu… but i refused to stan loona cuz of that whole “stan loona” trend 😭😭 in my head i was like “well since you guys keep begging me to stan loona now im not going to” LOL but i always listened to the cbs they had until 2021 when i finally decided to become an orbit !! so my time w ot12 loona was short lived but i enjoyed that time 😩
chuu is actually one of my gg ults!! i love her sm ugehrjjsgwhd and also i biased yves and i dabbled in hyeju and gowon and yeojin 🫦 i still keep up with them now !! not the biggest fan of loossembles music unfortunately but i still support my girls and i fw artms music heavy 👅 also im ready for another oec cb… i love oec sm…. also need the girls companies to get it together so i can get a yyxy cb and a 1/3 cb 🤤
my like all time fav loona song… idek maybe hula hoop? that was one of my top songs in 2021 i really love hula hoop 😭 and then i loveeee colors, and favorite
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domoriu · 23 hours
that sub taesan fic was actually SO delectable thankyou for feeding the community 💔
thank you 🥲🫶🏽 halfway through writing it i was doubting it just a little but i ended up liking how it turned out and im glad you like it too !! 😽😽😽
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domoriu · 23 hours
hay besfran😜 it is i 🧸. i am here because i am so insanely ill amd can only breathe BARELY out of one nostril and am so insanely bored. am here to say i am wondering if you have any bnd fic recs. i am interested.
heyyy i hope you’re feeling a little better today!! being sick sucks so bad 😞
i definitely do have some bnd fic recs!! i have a rec post drafted rn im still adding to it so ill post it a little later today 🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️
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domoriu · 1 day
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crybaby ☆ h.ts
taesan x f!reader smut +18 mdni wc. 1.4k(teehee) warnings: sub!taesan , kinda mean dom!reader , dacryphillia , overstimulation , little spit action , safe word mentioned but not used
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“aw, my little crybaby,” you coo at taesan, watching as hot tears fall from his eyes. his eyes were clouded, barely able to see through the tears that continue welling up. you sit on top of his thighs in just your lacy panties and one of his shirts while you work him through another orgasm, cum leaking out of his cock and dripping down your hand. you slow down slightly, letting him ride his orgasm out while he twitches in your hand.
“m’not- not a crybaby” he whines, his hands that grip onto the sheets below him move up to his face, wiping away the tears that burn his eyes and stain his cheeks.
“then why are you crying?”
“too much- s’too much!” he cries out, tears filling his waterline again when you squeeze his cock, and you stare at him in amusement. he’s such a cute little thing - figuratively of course, only in the bedroom could you make him feel so small - it only makes you want to ruin him more.
“but i thought you wanted to cum…” you pout, running your thumb over his tip, and he shudders when your thumb presses into his slit, a strangled moan leaving his throat.
“a-already came twice, hurts…” his hips lift under you, and you smile at him sweetly as you continue to move your hand up and down. you swipe your thumb over his tip again when you see more precum leaking from him, and you increase your speed on his cock and a string of no’s and other pleas rip through him.
usually you get a kick out of seeing taesan in tears begging for you to give him some grace, but tonight he seems more sensitive - he’s crying more and his attempts to push you off of him turn into more genuine pushes. last thing you want is to push your lovely boy past his limits.
“what’s your safeword, sannie?” your hand stills at the base of his cock, you feel him throb in your hand, and you watch as his face contorts at the lack of stimulation.
“ch-cherry” it takes him a moment to get the word out, and you hum in approval once he chokes it out.
“do you need to use it?” you keep your hand still on the base of taesans cock while you wait for a response, your other hand moving to caress his face.
he shakes his head. “just- need a minute” you nod while you wipe away the tears that stain his face. taesan kisses your hand that rests on his cheek, bringing his own hand to lay on top of yours.
you scoot closer on taesans lap, almost sitting on top of his cock but not quite. he uses his free hand to grab your waist, fingers playing with the fabric of your shirt.
leaning in closer, you place a soft kiss on the tip of his nose, when you pull away you tell him you love him, that he’s such a good boy, and other praises while you press soft kisses down his face and down to his neck.
taesan was so overwhelmed, his emotions were in a spiral and his body was spent. he loves you so much and always wants to be the perfect boy for you. your praise fuels him, pushing himself to his limits just to hear you call him a good boy. of course he tries not to do too much and you always know his signs so you can check on him- like now, you tending to his trembling body while he recovers from the overstimulation, even if you would just start back up again once he gave the greenlight.
taesan was in his own world, too immersed in his admiration for you that he didn’t realize you were calling out to him. he didn’t even realize that he was crying again, only when you tap his cheek lightly does he snap back into reality.
“you wanna keep going or do you wanna stop baby?” it takes him another minute to let your words register in his brain, and you look at him expectantly while you wait for an answer. it isn’t until you slowly start moving your hand off the base of his cock that he responds, he shakes his head and lifts his hips to chase the feeling of your hand back on him.
“wanna keep going… wanna make you feel good too”
“you wanna fuck me baby?” he nods quickly, and you smile at him briefly before your face falls into a pout. “oh… but how are you gonna make me cum when you can’t even cum without crying?”
“n-no! i can do it- please-“ you just chuckle at his desperation, not bothering to respond to his cries which has his heart beating faster, not sure what your next move will be.
you move your hand off taesans cock for just a moment, shushing his whines with a kiss while you grab his hand that gripped the end of your shirt. you hold his hand and move it so he wraps his hand over his cock while your hand rests over his, and he whines against your lips at the contact. slowly, you move his hand up his shaft and guide him into stroking himself, mouth open as he tries his best to kiss back.
he gets the hint of what you want from him without you having to ask, he was being such a good boy for you. that aching feeling in his cock starts up again with each stroke, but his need to cum for you makes him work through the slight pain.
his sloppy kisses matched the pace he set with his hand, each movement uncoordinated and probably not even pleasurable, you could tell by the unsatisfied grunts that leave his mouth. you could help him out, but watching him struggle to get himself off has your underwear sticking to you uncomfortably.
“move your hand the way i usually do baby, can you do that for me?” you pull away from his lips, watching the way his mouth hangs lower when he nods at your words. it takes him a moment, like he was trying to remember how you jerk him off. he twists his wrist, as he drags his hand down his cock, letting his hand close around his tip when he drags it back up. each time his hand reaches the base he ruts his hips up slightly, not being able to move to much with you sitting on top of him.
“mmh- plea- please- need more” he chokes out, gripping himself tighter as he chases the sweet relief he craves. with his mouth hanging open, he’s starting to drool, and he’s too out of it to realize that it’s dripping down his chin and falling into his hand, making the glide smoother as his hand speeds up again.
“you’ll cum like this or you won’t cum at all”
the sternness in your voice turns taesan on to no end, cock twitching in his hand as more tears fall from his eyes. the rhythm he set getting sloppy once again, and a strangled moan is forced from his throat as the string in his abdomen finally snaps. the thick white liquid oozes from the tip of his cock and before it can get on his hands you’re swapping his hand away, replacing it with your own. if it was even possible, taesan cried harder, hands quickly grabbing onto the sheets as his hips weakly lifted in the air in protest. your grip was unforgiving, using his cum and spit to make quick work of his cock as you milked him for every last drop of cum he had left.
you cooed at him with a fake innocence while he thrashed under you, amused at the way his lashes were soaked and his face continued to contort over the overstimulation once again. once it became too much he tapped your wrist twice, another signal you had for him to use when he wanted to stop. you removed your hand off his dick, and you used your hand that wasn’t covered in his cum to run your fingers through his hair to soothe him. his chest rising and falling rapidly as he regains his composure, slight sniffles in between his breaths.
he was so pretty like this, the ends of his hair sticking to his forehead and back of his neck from the sweat, face flushed out and lips parted slightly. his eyes were closed while you admired him, and you lean in to place a soft kiss on the bottom of his jaw.
“my pretty crybaby, let's get you cleaned up”
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a/n: first fic on this account!! i hope u guys like 😇
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domoriu · 2 days
literally so close to finishing this fic but i CANNOOTTTT for the life of me like omfg… someone yell at me….
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domoriu · 2 days
Wait omg im stupid i do nawtt think you have posted a fic of your own before i think it was you’re moots’ OOPS SORRY but either way you have great taste!!! 🧀
dw love !! i actually have posted stuff i just recently moved blogs so all my other works are on a different account 😭 if you wanted to read any bnd stuff i have a few things up on my old blog @prodbyton !! (shameless promo moment 😋)
and yes my lovely moot berry !! their fics are sososo good like wowie i love everything berry puts out 🙂‍↕️
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domoriu · 2 days
hi again for the spam from 🧀!! school just started for me and my brain is now hardwired back to assignments….. very bored just doing them all day….
big huge sigh but i need to be an academic weapon this sem cuz i have to remod two of my modules (ok just one really because the other one is like a physical education module as part of my graduation requirement? Doesn’t really need my brain tbh)
do you like school/college??? Atp i’m just going through the motions because I genuinely don’t know if i like the diploma i’m taking BUT i only have one year left and dropping out just seems like a huge waste of time for me :( anyways i’m taking a finance diploma (banking n finance specifically) so ig i’m looking at it at a more sensible mindset since it does promise me a lot of good-ish paying jobs… i think..🤔 btw do u think it’s ethical if i sell my sohee pc now? i have one given from a friend who doesn’t want it (like weeks ago pre-boycott) and idk if now is the right time to be selling it…☹️ idk what to do with the pc. If you’re well-versed w their pc templates and all it’s his baby photo pc… very cute but like why do ppl send u stuff u dont want evem tho they know you’re not interested 😅 like i love free stuff but still ?? Maybe it’s just a me thing LOL
dont even worry ab spamming!! i rly dont mind i love to yap 😭
i think school is great but its not for me 😫 i dropped out of college after two weeks but ive been thinking about trying again and really committing to it but we’ll see!! and i say just power through ur almost there get that degree 🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️
i think do whatever you want with the sohee pcs !! (give them to me) nobody will really judge you tbh, cuz someone is definitely going to buy them regardless and theres probably other people selling their riize collections rn 🫢
and yeah i love free stuff but at least make the free stuff make sense 😫😫 cuz im always grateful but now its taking up space
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domoriu · 2 days
hi i’m a new reader here and i love ur fics sm !! ^_^ u can call me 🥐 if it isn’t already taken btw haha :p i’m on riwoo brainrot recently and i love the way u “characterise” bnd if that make sense? basically i love the way u write sm!! u’ve inspired me to write again hehe i was on a huge writer’s block
btw what r ur stances on the riize boycott? although you’ve made it very clear on ur acct but i’ve seen some people wanting to boycott other sm groups as well. to be honest i only like boynextdoor when it comes to boygroups but i will be wholeheartedly boycotting riize and their management in justice for seunghan because he rlly doesn’t deserve this :( the korean entertainment industry is so fucked man. i’m not a big riize fan nor do i stan them but i really want to respect seunghan w the things he’s gone through for absolutely no reason! no fan should be gotham-level violent over ur idol having a gf predebut! sorry i went on a tangent but i wanted to know what ur thoughts are on boycotting the other sm groups as well… i’m an aespa ult and they’re having a comeback soon but the guilt conscience is still there even though i’m boycotting riize… sorry if i sound mean but it’s a genuine question!! 😢 i hope seunghan’s ok and i hope you’re ok as well!
anyways all love, if 🥐 is taken i can be 🧀 cuz i love cheese :pp
hi love !!! thank you !! i also got your other asks so ill put you down as 🧀 anon welcome 😊
for my stance on the boycott besides the very obvious that im partaking in it LOL im boycotting sm all together !! it does really suck bc all my ult groups are under sm unfortunately and i do wanna support aespas cb but i will be streaming off a third party music source !! honestly i feel like for me boycotting isnt that bad because i listen to so much music, and i know i can just listen somewhere where streams aren’t counted. i was talking to my friend about it and how we think that ppl make not listening to a kpop group seem impossible when theres plenty of other music to listen to and if ur not a strict kpop listener then it shouldn’t be that challenging. but to each their own !! i was/am a big orbit and i was very quick to boycott loona… i still stream their songs off musi and thats where i was listening to riize from for the past 10 months (i cant even listen to them anymore without feeling depressed, but i also wasnt a big listener to riize music regardless of the boycott)
only thing im off about is that i planned on buying aespa tickets so im not really sure how tour ticket sales are gonna work if i buy one… since most them are resale they’re technically already bought ?? idk
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domoriu · 2 days
did u see the liam news….having been a one direction stan since x factor im actually sick to my stomach he was horrible but man he was my CHILDHOOODDDD i still have one direction pillows n have a giant one dorection tapestry on my wall😭
i saw it but only cuz my friend came in our gc like “is liam really dead??” and i was like “girl who the fuck is liam” 😭 i never liked one direction and i definitely never liked liam so i dont really care OOPS 😭 hope that girl he abused is doing okay though
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domoriu · 2 days
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im having some thoughts….. im going a little insane rn….
perv bsf!jaehyun drabble *ೃ༄
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+*:﹤warnings : 18+ mdni, pillow humping, mentions of pegging, humiliation kink??, accidental exhibitionism except jaehyun doesn't know so idk if that really counts
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bsf!jaehyun who...
acts so normal in your face but the second you leave his apartment, he's fucking into his pillow, hips rocking desperately as images of you flick through his mind.
you came over to hang out wearing the prettiest blue sweater jaehyun has ever seen, the periwinkle looked so pretty against your skin, and it was lowcut and a little too big for you, so whenever you'd bend over--
jaehyun's skin is on fire just thinking about it, humping his pillow mindlessly, letting his noises fall out of his mouth freely since he's alone, babbling a mess of "it feels so good, need you so bad," and when the corner of the pillow catches on his opening, the friction is so good through his boxers, and he's immediately wondering if you'd ever peg him, fuck him brainless
or is that's too weird for you? but he's thinking about it now, wants it so bad, his skin runs hot with shame, and he's crying out filthy words, moaning out your name as his orgasm washes over him, intense and mind-numbing
and you stand in the middle of his living room in shock, you'd left your phone charger, you were just coming back to get it. jaehyun never locks his fucking door, so when you walk in and are greeted with him moaning your name pathetically, you can't help but listen. when he reaches his peak, clarity washes over you, and you tip toe out of his house as quietly as you can, trying to figure out what you're going to do with this information.
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domoriu · 2 days
this is not a safe space for ot6 briize btw
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domoriu · 2 days
so i tiptoed my way over to your suggested reads post and i was like oh who’s haechan? I NOW KNOW WHO HE IS AND OH GURLLL whole story made me have to take breaks bc my thoughts were getting a little too wicked😋 so now i blame you for introducing me to this man 😮���💨
please stay away from him beforw i kill myself 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 sorry he’s my all time ult bias like i dont play about him pleek thats been my man since i was 13
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domoriu · 2 days
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a bit of a lengthy read, but i think it's important to see this too. again, these are only assumptions based on facts that the fans have gathered. nothing is confirmed yet.
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domoriu · 2 days
bnd tumblr is so BAREEEE rn theres nothing new i feel im gna need to start writing my own stuff or perhaps get a new hobby
i need to get back in my chronically online era and write some more even if its little drabbles… cuz i have sooooo many thoughts but not enough energy to write full fics i gotta feed yall 🫦 but if u start writing i will tune in… writing is so fun and silly and you can literally just write random shit and its okay cuz its all fiction
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