#white label job portal
womanofwords · 1 year
Brown and Parker Decorating
Hobie squinted at the sheets of stickers in Mayday’s chubby hands. “What the hell are these?” he asked her dad.
Peter B. Parker made a face and jerked his head towards the infant girl. “Watch your language in front of my daughter!” he hissed.
Hobie kissed his teeth. “You do know that in my dimension, I lead riots against the police for fun? And I did tell you I wasn’t a role model. Now, what are those?”
“Those are fun stickers for children. Mayday really likes the glittery princess ones,” Peter said. A unicorn sticker was stuck to her forehead, and Mayday just laughed. Hobie shook his head.
“These stickers are part of a clever ploy by bourgeoisie capitalists to placate the masses and imprison them in restrictive gender norms,” he declared. Peter yawned.
“If you rein in the language, I’ll let you put them anywhere you want,” he said. Hobie looked at the stickers, looked at Mayday, looked at the man with the pink dressing gown sprawled on a sofa, and had an idea.
He waited until loud snores were coming from the dad, and he quietly stole away with Mayday. He had an establishment to mess with.
“Now, my little anarchist, this room is pristine and government property. What would you like to vandalize first?” Hobie asked. Mayday’s arms stretched out wide, and Hobie let out an appreciative whistle. “Everythin’? All right, guv’nor.”
They were halfway through pasting unicorn stickers onto the buttons when Miles, Gwen and Pavitr walked in.
“What are you doing and why do you have Mayday?” Pavitr asked.
“What are you doing here?” Hobie asked them.
“We asked you first. And we don’t have to tell you anything,” Gwen said, her arms folded.
“We’re looking for Pavitr’s missing bracelet,” Miles said. Gwen facepalmed.
Hobie looked at Pavitr’s wrists. One was missing a bracelet, so the story checked out. “Cool. I’m giving Mayday her first taste of anarchy by sticking these all over O’Hara’s shop,” Hobie said. “Gives it a bit of colour. And she just likes sticking them on places.”
Miles grinned. “I have some paints in my room in my dimension. I can help.”
“Yes! My guy, Miles! You do that!” Hobie grinned and threw up a peace sign.
Gwen grabbed Miles and dragged him away to the portal. Pavitr watched them, smiling happily. “They would go so well together, wouldn’t they?” he said to Hobie.
“Yeah, they would. Little rulebreakers, both of them.”
When Miguel walked into the room where it happened, he stopped dead in his tracks. It had been vandalized.
Glittery stickers all over his workstation, obscuring the labels on all the buttons with images of unicorns, fairies and rainbows. No consistency at all. The wall was graffitied with the silhouette of a very small figure. The words “The Future” were in large bubble writing above the silhouette’s head. The letters were a variety of colours in no particular order: blue, pink, silver, white, black, red, and gold.
“WHO DID THIS?!” he screamed. Meanwhile, Hobie, Miles, Gwen and Pavitr were walking around with Mayday and trying to hide the cans of spray paint.
“You did such a good job staying still, May-May,” Miles cooed.
“We should get away soon before Miguel finds out,” Gwen said.
“That won’t happen for a while,” Pavitr said.
“HOBIE!” Miguel screamed.
“We should run,” Hobie said.
“Hey, how did you get back so fast? Does she need to be changed or something?” Peter asked.
“She . . . really wants her daddy, is all,” Miles said, everyone smiling. Mayday cooed and reached out for her dad, and Peter melted.
“Come here, little May,” he cooed. Miles, Gwen and Pavitr covertly sidestepped out.
“She’s going to grow up to be amazing,” Hobie said, looking down at May with a smile. “See ya, man.” He opened up a portal and fell backwards through it. Mayday giggled and pointed at it.
“Hobie’s nice, isn’t he?” Peter said. Mayday mimicked Miles’ spray can, tracing a person in the air. “What were you doing when I was asleep?”
Mayday simply smiled.
@spicy-apple-pie, I heard through the Tumblr grapevine that you wanted a fic of Hobie, Pavitr, Gwen and Miles babysitting Mayday, so I found this. Not sure if it’s specific enough for whatever you had in mind, but here you go. Somebody listened.
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valtoswife · 2 years
Nacht tilted his head at the giant white building he was about to enter, observing just how pristine it looked from where he stood. Such an awfully nice place to be, especially for those types of people...
He used his magic to travel through the shadow of the building and get inside, then wandered through the halls to find the people he was there to talk to. His usual sardonic smile formed as he did so, thinking about all the things he saw from them secondhand with his Shadow Magic. It was certainly going to be interesting to actually meet them.
He eventually found the place he was looking for, and knocked on the door labeled Magic Tool Research. A blond man in a white lab coat and goggles answered. He took off his goggles to show his wide, confused eyes, and said, “Um, hello. What can I do for you?”
“Hello. You must be Dr. North. I’m Nacht Faust, Vice Captain of the Black Bulls Magic Knight Squad. I’d like to speak to you and your friends here on an important matter.”
“My friends?” he asked. “Oh! You mean—“
“Yes, them. Are they available to talk?”
“Yes! Of course!” He widened the door to let Nacht in, and offered a seat from one of the lab tables. When Nacht didn’t sit down, he cleared his throat awkwardly and then rushed across the room to open a door from the other side and yelled, “Guys, come down! The Vice Captain of the Black Bulls has come here to talk to us!”
In response, out came an exasperated groan from one person, while simultaneously, another voice asked, “Is this about that explosion last month, Makusa? I told you, it was an accident this time, I swear!” However, the first person to arrive was dead silent as he entered the room through a pitch black portal on the ground. His gray hair covered one of his strange eyes with black sclerae, as well as one of the two symmetrical lines on his face. Not long after, the two sources of noise came down: one with long purple hair and an eye patch, and another with short black hair and red glasses.
“Ah, so you are the people that caused quite a bit of trouble for my teammates and kingdom while I was gone.” Nacht’s smile widened and his cold blue eyes narrowed as he spoke.
“What do you want?” snapped the man in the eye patch.
“So brusque,” Nacht commented. “I hate people like that.”
“Does it look like I care?”
Nacht ignored him and turned to face Makusa as he spoke to the four of them. “What I’m about to say is confidential information, so don’t go around letting this slip and causing a public panic.” He closed his eyes. “Captain Vangeance of the Golden Dawn and Sukehiro of the Black Bulls have been kidnapped by the Spade Kingdom.”
“What?! How?!” Makusa asked.
“Two members of the Dark Triad invaded our kingdom and attacked those two squads. And one of them used Spatial Magic to take the captains away for a little plan of theirs.” Nacht gave the man with the lined face the quickest glance before turning back to Makusa. “They want to use the captains in a ritual that will transport the underworld’s devils into our world.”
Makusa was too shocked to respond. All he could do was stare at his visitor in horror.
“So what are telling us this stuff for?” the patched man asked.
“I’m gathering a team to go to the Spade Kingdom and rescue the captains before their ritual is completed, and I’d like for you,” he said to Makusa, “to make some sort of magic item that will help us infiltrate the Spade Kingdom undetected.”
“Of course!” Makusa nodded. “Sally and I will begin right away!”
���Use Sally if you must,” Nacht sighed.
“Trust me,” Makusa said. “Sally should be the one leading this kind of project.”
“Very well, but I also have another job for her, Valtos, and Rades Spirito.” He looked at Sally. “You three have been chosen as part of the team that will be sent to rescue Yami and Vangeance.”
“Alright.” Rades lifted his head, suddenly interested. “How much time are we talking?”
Nacht raised an eyebrow at him. “In the Spade Kingdom? Well, once the ritual starts it would take seven days—“
“No, I meant off our sentences,” Rades clarified.
“Who said anything about shortening your sentences?” Nacht asked. “Given the nature of your sentences, if you ask me, I think you’ve all been let off too easily anyways.”
Rades let out a burst of laughter. “Then what’s in it for us if we do take this job?”
“What’s in it for you?” Nacht’s smile widened to a point where it was unnatural, unsettling to look at. “How about by taking this job and playing your part in stopping the ritual, the world as you know it doesn’t become a literal Hell on Earth for everyone, including yourself. Is that not enough of an incentive to help?”
Rades glared at Nacht, but could not think of anything else to say, so Valtos shared, “Well, I don’t mind if our sentences don’t get lowered, even if we do help. Like you just said, it is a matter bigger than all of us. Besides, this would be a good opportunity to keep atoning for my sins.”
“Shut up, Valtos!” Rades yelled.
Nacht let out a low chuckle at Valtos. “You? Atone? After everything you’ve done? Well, whatever helps you sleep at night, I suppose.”
He turned to Sally. “What about you? What do you have to say about this arrangement?”
“I’m just curious.” Sally tilted her head at Nacht. “Who else is going to be on this team?”
“The captains of the other squads, or the vice captain if not the captain. Well, besides the Purple Orcas. They’ll stay behind to keep things in order here while we’re gone. And...one of my teammates is also coming along.”
Sally’s eyes widened. “Is it Asta?! It has to be Asta! You can’t go into a place like the Spade Kingdom without any abilities like his!”
Nacht sighed. “You’re right. It’s him. But don’t you dare think that means you’ll get to bother him at any point during this mission. You’re going to be tasked with a different job from his. While he helps defeat the Triad, you’re going to evacuate the Spade Kingdom civilians.”
Sally shrugged and said, “Okay, I guess!”
Nacht scoffed. “‘Okay, I guess’?”
“Well, what did you want her to say?” Rades asked.
“This is a serious mission. The world is quite literally at stake here. So how about ‘Of course’ or ‘I’ll do my best’?” Nacht let out an exasperated sigh. “But what else would I expect from you guys other than to be the types of people I absolutely despise?” He looked at Rades. “Those who only care about their own suffering and don’t think of others.” He turned to Valtos. “Those who did evil things for the longest time but then think they can turn over a new leaf all of a sudden.” He glanced at Sally. “Those who don’t take devil business seriously.
“In all honesty, I hate that you three are even alive right now. With my Shadow Magic through my teammates, I’ve heard you,” he gestured towards Sally, “talk about you’ve been killed by your old leader, but thanks to your magic,” he turned back to Rades, “you all came back to life. You three don’t deserve any second chance to live. Not when so many others would be far more worthy of such a thing.”
Rades pointed a finger at Nacht, daring to look him in the eye even when Sally and Valtos couldn’t, and said, “Listen, I don’t care who you are, that you’re the vice captain of a magic knight squad, you need to shut your mouth! What makes you think you can talk to us like this?! You don’t know us! You have no idea what it was like for us! You have no right to judge us!”
“I’d say I know enough about you three. What I know is that only after you’ve lost everything was when you decided to repent, if at all. How ridiculous. How pathetic. How selfish.” Valtos and Sally exchanged glances as they noticed Nacht shivering.
Nacht took a deep breath, and he stopped shaking. “Still...I know I need to put aside my feelings for the sake of this mission. I hate to admit it, but you all have skills that would be incredibly useful.” He grinned at Rades, who was frozen in complete rage. “So, will you three do it?”
“I’ll do it!” Everyone turned their heads to see it was Makusa who spoke.
“What?!” Rades exclaimed.
Nacht blinked in surprise. “You weren’t one of the people selected for this. You don’t have to actually go on the mission, just help make the magic item I requested.”
“Well, you said yourself what’s at stake here. I don’t want to be stuck here while these three and the others are out there, knowing the fate of the world hangs in the balance.”
“Are you sure?” Nacht asked. “I’m only bringing mages of the highest skill, and you’re not even a magic knight. Will you be able to keep up with us?”
“I have a spell that’s perfect for the evacuation effort if things gets messy in the Spade Kingdom,” Makusa replied. “My Snow Magic will be able to hide us from the enemies if they start to gain the upper hand.”
Nacht’s smile faded and he nodded. “Very well. If that’s the case, I would be glad to have you on the team.”
“What?!” Rades repeated, staring wildly at Makusa. “You’re doing this?!” Makusa stayed silent as Rades processed what just happened.
“Sally, don’t tell me you’re joining too!” Rades gave a desperate grin to her.
“Sorry, but I am.” Sally shrugged. “I could never miss an opportunity like this to see so many different things.”
Knowing it was slim chance, he still turned and whispered, “Valtos?” who simply nodded at him in response.
Rades silently scratched his head in frustration before finally yelling, “Fine! I guess I’ll come along too...” and letting out an even louder groan than before.
“Excellent.” Nacht’s eerie smiled returned. “We’re all going to meet up in three days’ time right before the mission. Until then, do what you can to get ready.” And with that, using his Shadow Magic, he slid away, leaving the four to their own devices. They all looked at each other.
“Why is everyone in that squad so damn infuriating?!” Rades asked.
“Calm down, Rades.” As he spoke, Valtos stared at the shadow Nacht went through, the one of the chair Makusa had offered Nacht. “Don’t let him bother you.”
“Well, we may as well get started on that magic item now,” Makusa suggested. Sally nodded, and the two made it over to a lab table to begin planning.
After such an unpleasant encounter and hearing such disturbing news, they were all surprised to feel less dread and more anticipation for what was to come. Whether they liked it or not, they now had this responsibility to help prevent the ruin of the world, including the land three of them had tried to ruin themselves not too long ago, which they were sure this mysterious Black Bull would not let them forget about as long as he could help it.
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pillow-anime-talk · 1 year
music & vocaloids month ; twenty-sixth day.
synopsis: What will be the public opinion when it turns out that the most famous Chinese singer – Yuezheng Longya – will be in a relationship with everyone’s beloved actress and model, Y/N Y/L/N?
# tags: scenario; hidden relationship; phone call!au; romance; kinda drama; a bit of comedy; the realities of fame; paparazzi are nasty pigs; sfw
includes: female reader ft. yuezheng longya {vocaloid}
author’s note: fuck, i’m alive and back.
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It’s been a hard and long day, but luckily you made it to your apartment; you even had a moment to drink hot jasmine tea and take a bubble bath while browsing the internet and the most popular websites such as Twitter, Weibo or the latest news on the country’s official website.
In addition to a few news stories from the world, you saw a big headline article in which your name appeared. And there would have been nothing surprising about that (after all, your life is full of gossip and information about your achievements in the film and fashion spheres), but you were more surprised to see your partner’s name next to yours. There was also a large inscription saying ‘romance’ and ‘dating’... This slightly ruined your ideal mood so far, and by the way spoiled your desire for anything. You immediately put down the wooden massager on a metal shelf.
Moments later you heard the call ring and your boyfriend's name again. You answered quickly, saying ‘Hello’.
“Did you see that?”
“Mhmm. Literally a moment ago.” You murmured dissatisfied, toying with the white foam filling the bathtub, and in the earphone you heard only a light, male giggle. “What are you laughing at?”
“You’re a great and talented actress, honey, but you definitely can’t play as my friend....” He started and you just rolled your eyes. “Everything’s all right? How do you feel with it? This is probably your first major drama in showbiz and your first dating scandal. Am I wrong?”
“Well... I’m okay, I guess? I’ve been expecting this for a long time, and I’m a little surprised that it only came out now. I don’t know if that’s good or bad, but we have to deal with it somehow. Then I’ll talk to my manager... I’m resting now.”
You didn’t say anything for a while until your boyfriend spoke again.
“I spoke to the record label a while ago and asked them to write a statement that this is my private matter and they will not say anything more about it. It’s probably the best solution... Can I come to you today? We haven’t seen each other for three days.”
“I would love for you to come to me... Although it will create more rumors if someone notices you, Yue.”
The young singer chuckled again under his breath, then looked at his black watch. It was well after ten in the evening, which was not unusual for you when it comes to meetings or dates.
“I’ll be there in about half an hour. You can prepare popcorn and some interesting movie. Don’t worry too much about it. We’ll be in the news for a few days on social media and in the newspapers, but people will quickly forget about it and move on to something else.”
You nodded, though your lover didn’t see it. You talked for a while more about the whole situation and then said ‘See you’ to each other. You quickly finished your hot bath, did your evening skincare routine, and then eagerly awaited the arrival of Yuezheng with whom you were going to watch the live-action version of ‘The Little Mermaid’.
As much as you loved your job, you got good money from it, as well as many fans and support, you hated all the internet gossip portals and the paparazzi themselves, who for famous people were only a walking problem and bane, and also a heavyweight problem.
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previous day ; ramuda amemura from fling posse ♡ next day ; eli ayase from μ’s
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meentosys · 6 months
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infowindtech57 · 7 months
Travel App Development Company Best Travel Software Solutions
The tourist industry is adaptable and vibrant and draws visitors from all over the world. In the middle of all this, our perspective on booking techniques has altered due to the Internet. Currently, travel portals assist agents in offering end-users, such as consumers or companies (in the case of B2B), travel booking options. The number of international passengers making online reservations has increased dramatically as more and more travel portal development solutions come online. With reservations approaching $8.7 trillion in 2017, travel’s share of the GDP rose significantly. This circumstance also increased the need for travel portal development and the creation of some significant jobs. Travel app development company can provide your website with all these capabilities, including flight booking APIs, hotel booking APIs, vehicle booking APIs, third-party APIs, white label solutions, B2B and B2C solutions, and more. The following is a list of the best travel portal development companies if you want to create one:  
Pairroxz Technologies
  Leading travel app development firm Pairroxz Technologies specializes in building innovative mobile apps for the travel and tourism sector. Pairroxz Technologies, with its team of talented engineers and designers, provides creative, tailored solutions that address the particular requirements of the travel sector. With features like social network integration, location-based services, itinerary management, and real-time booking, the company’s travel applications are designed to provide flawless user experiences.  
OneClick IT Consultancy
  With over ten years of experience, OneClick IT Consultancy top app development company is a comprehensive software development business focusing on travel portal development. The team offers its customers digital marketing services for your platform in addition to web testing and designing capabilities. Through the Global Distribution System, they provide a vast array of travel reservations, including flights, lodging, vehicles, resorts, cruises, and even adventure activities. The popular booking sites’ APIs serve as the foundation for each search.  
  Eleks is a best travel app development company in India specializing in making unique software for the travel sector. Eleks assists travel firms in developing digital solutions that boost customer experience, increase operational effectiveness, and spur corporate growth. Eleks has experience with web development, mobile app development, and user experience design. They provide location-based services, route-planning tools, and trip-booking platforms. Eleks is dedicated to providing trustworthy and creative solutions that go above and beyond for its customers’ unique requirements.  
Enuke Software
  Enuke provides development services for B2B and B2C travel websites in several areas. They know things like making hotel reservations, flights, insurance, and cruises. The Global Distribution System is effectively connected to the website for booking flights. This increases the number of airline tickets available online. The same applies to reservations for cars and bus APIs. They may provide an even more trustworthy travel site by redirecting users to a secure payment gateway.  
Terralogic Inc
  You may assume that they would develop a travel app while considering the state of the market. The applications developed by Terralogic Inc. will satisfy user expectations as well as the demands of your business.  
Travel OTAs
  Travel companies want to work with this organization since it offers various services for creating travel portals. Bookings for hotels may be made here using CRS and GDS booking systems.   Establishing your travel portal with travel agencies (OTAs) is recommended to provide your consumers or end users with a total trip booking experience. Among many other advantages, the website provides a secure payment mechanism. With its creative solutions, the website is gaining a respectable clientele in the travel portal development industry.  
Promatics Technologies
  They collaborate extensively with their customers to fully grasp their company demands and provide solutions that precisely meet those objectives.  
  For several years, Indglobal has operated in the mainstream industry. Businesses may have multi-agent logins using the portal’s helpful user login system for B2B travel portals. Setups for both B2B and B2C are available with a GDS connection. In addition to much more, the website provides enticing white-label travel portal construction.  
  For online travel companies, this top platform may be a one-stop shop. Apart from facilitating hotel and travel bookings, they provide easy back-office administration using this platform. The value is increased even higher with a dynamic content management system.  
DreamzTech Solutions
  DreamzTech Solutions has a track record of successfully developing travel apps, and it is known for providing high-calibre solutions tailored to the particular needs of the travel sector. DreamzTech Solutions can create strong and creative travel applications that boost user engagement and company expansion, regardless of the kind of app—booking, planning, or guidebooks. Additionally, the business prioritizes developing aesthetically pleasing and simple user interfaces that provide outstanding user experiences across various platforms, such as the web, iOS, and Android.  
EVNE Developers
  A well-known and prominent travel app development business, EVNE Developers is famous for its extraordinary skill in producing state-of-the-art, inventive, and user-friendly travel applications. With years of expertise in the field, EVNE Developers is known for providing customers all over the globe with excellent travel app solutions. The firm also provides post-launch support, upgrades, and maintenance to keep its travel applications current and operating at peak performance. Their dedication to excellence, dependability, and client pleasure has brought them many industry awards and a devoted clientele in the travel app development sector.  
  Travel websites’ alluring packages are responsible for the travel industry’s recent growth. Easy reservations guarantee more profits, propelling the websites to unprecedented heights.  
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itsrattysworld · 8 months
Without Prejudice Holocaust Memorial Day Time To Focus On Being Face Of Windrush 70 How June O'Sullivan Change WCS To LEYF Equality Act Law 2010 Was A Participant Dr Maria Hudson's Policy Studies Institute Experience Of Multiple Discrimination ACAS Did A Voice Of A Child At Luton Street Community Nursery EYFS Coordinator SENCO Multigen Working Approach Facilitator An Open University Graduate CEO On Camera With Homemade Book Sky News Cost Of Childcare CV Online We Will Call A Spade Why Richard Harty Panic Called Mobile Date Barclays Steal Money 2nd Time Made A Criminal Need ERT Cover For Abusers I Will Tell World Housing For Women Got Away With Ruining Lives Of Tenants Help Of Housing Ombudsman Unscrupulous Solicitors County Court Clerkenwell Shoreditch District Judges Trying Cases Behind Defendants Back Those Involved In Striking Out Claims Reach Telephone Mediation Can't Label Me Violent Nuisance With My Internet Footprints I Arrive In The UK 1992 Some Of Ignorant Solicitors Abuse At LEYF Nurseries University Of East London Might Not Have Been Born Yet Can Be Offended They Are Party To Hate Crimes Against Children Young People Vulnerable Adults Wipe Customer Portals Of Data 2000 Invitation To ASB Meeting Month After Start Job H4W 2022 Off On Long-Term Sick Who Is Paying Them Defame Our Character I Will Change The Stories So Met Police Don't Come Back To My Home To Section Murder Kidnap Me Under Any False Malicious Reports Their Names Will Be On Fight4justice MAPS BRAINS Philosophy See YouTube Why Advertisers Monitize My Contents Subscribe Please To Safeguard Those Who Are Traumatised Devil In The Forms Of Drag Queen Storytellers Have No Place In EYFS Settings As Are Some Of HMCTS CPS CJS DBS Career Criminals In Pockets Of LEYF UEL H4W I Had A Crisis Brother In Intensive Care Dostan Died Cancer Take Husband Eye Check Diabetes Monday Delivered Bundle Sunday Case Tried Behind Back Tuesday These Haters Target US Must Be Named Start With Justice Ingrid Simler Born South Africa Sept 1963 I Have Rights Not To Be Gagged To Be Whiter Than White To Be Imprisoned Evicted By Black Sell Out 27/1/2024
Without Prejudice Holocaust 2024 Memorial Gives Me Reasons To Reflect Systemic Discrimination After Death Of Mama Lou With Dementia I Wrote To Dilys Epton Eve Mothering Sunday 2015 Am Depressed Dying Slowly Of Torture 10 Years Judiciary Of England Wales Criminal Justice System Crown Prosecution Service Career Criminals Names Facebook Memories Tell World About A-Z Of Abusers With Friends High…
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acutiewithagun · 10 months
Part four
Seems like a normal ending right? Entirely wrong apparently. I'll just skip to the event because nothing exciting happened in between that time.
The day of the event came and Lily had decided on just a gray button up shirt and some black dress pants. While I on the other hand wore a very cute light pink fluffy dress with white thigh highs socks. Leo was planning on taking all of us there in a portal but Donnie argued against it. Instead we would arrive in the Turtles Tank. I got a small bag to keep my important stuff in while Lily slid a coat on. I locked the door, doing the knob thing, and then we were off. Meeting up with April, giving her a hug, complimenting her outfit. It was like if you mixed a dress with a suit. Obviously it was green, it's April, she has to stand out. It's just her thing and I love her for it. Donnie and Leo wore matching button up shirts in their respective colors and black slacks. And Raph, poor Raph, wore a red button up that was torn at his shell plus gray dress pants. Mikey was very interesting to say the least. He wore a bright orange polo shirt with suspenders connected to his black dress pants. Nobody knew where he found them and neither did he. After a bit of talking we pulled into the Turtles Tank and drove to our mystery destination.
Once we arrived we all got out one by one. There was a red carpet and lots of flashing cameras. I wasn't used to it so I covered my eyes to avoid getting blinded. Luckily someone was pushing me along with the group from behind. After we got away from the crowds I felt a tap on my shoulder letting me know it was ok to uncover my eyes. Amara grabbed one of my hands after I brought them down. To my surprise Donnie grabbed my other hand. Mikey pouted as we walked into the building. It was a beautiful big ballroom. With a large chandelier hanging in the middle of the room. It felt as if it should have been formal wear instead of semi-formal. I was lost in a trance as Lily and Donnie pulled me along. Shaking out of it I asked "what exactly is this event?" Leo smirked "nothing too big. Just our annual thank you party, no big deal." I stared at the turtle with a deadpan expression. "Nah it's just a party we were invited to." Raph chimed in as Leo scoffed dramatically.
We walked over to a group of tables and sat down at the one labeled 'Hero Turtles'. We talked for most of the night. Mainly about our jobs and other boring adult things. That is until the music started. We all had different confused reactions. But Donnie was the first to get up and offer to dance with anyone. Out of boredom I agreed and we all ended up on the dance floor. Some of the songs were more upbeat and we did solo dances. Then occasionally a slow song would be thrown in and we would trade dance partners so everyone would dance together. At some point Mikey pulled Lily away. I tried following but Leo spun me back to the dance floor trying to give me reassurance. After an hour or so the two came back. Lily was fuming and grabbed my hand pulling me away. I tried to question her as we got further and further away from the group. She kept her mouth shut tight, silently steaming. We didn't stop until we reached the back door ready to leave. Lily stopped at the door and turned to me. Finally answering my questions, "they were going to have us go back to their place and-." Lily was cut short by someone covering my ears. I turned my head to see who was doing so, it was Raph! I chuckled and tried taking his hands off my head. His hands stayed firm on my head as I noticed the two were arguing. I couldn't hear anything but I couldn tell both parties were pretty mad.
Lily pulled on my arm trying to get me away from my friend. I was so confused, Lily adored Raph, why would she be mad at him? At one point Raph took his hands off of my ears and promptly put them on my shoulders. "I'M BRINGING HER HOME WITH ME AND THAT'S FINAL!" Lily barked, pulling on my arm as hard as she could. It was too loud so I shook both furious friends off and covered my own ears. I let my body crouch down and sit on the floor as the two continue to argue. I thought we were all friends, tears welled up in my eyes. After that everything stopped. The fighting, the yelling, even movement from the two. I tried smiling at the two but the tear rolling down my cheeks didn't help the situation. Lily crouched down and hugged me. I pulled my hands away from my ears only to hear her say to Raph, "we won't be seeing you guys for a while." She pulled me up and hugged me as we walked to the back door. But before we could walk through the threshold I felt my body begin to sink. I looked down and I was in one of Leo's portals. I fully fell through as I heard Lily yell my name. Falling into Leo's arms he gave me a smirk, "don't go falling for me." I push his head, tears still falling from my eyes. I looked around and we were in an alleyway surrounded by Mikey and Donnie. I rubbed my eyes and tried smiling at the trio. "Well this is a fun meeting, why don't we go back to April, Raph and Lily." Mikey smiled, Donnie scratched his neck, while Leo was still cradling me in his arms.
"Yeah no, April went home a bit ago and Raph said he would bring Lily home. Why don't we go watch a movie back at the lair before you go home?" Mikey said, jumping up and down. I blinked a few times finally realizing how odd the entire situation was. I try to get out of Leo's grasp "I've had so much fun but I think I'm gonna go home. Lily hasn't been here that long and probably doesn't feel safe on her own." Leo's grasp tightened, forcing me to thrash around to try to get out. "Leo let go, I'll see you guys tomorrow. I just gotta get home." Leo passed me off to Mikey who held me just as tight. Pulling out his katanas he makes a portal. I didn't even know he had his katanas on him. "Ok we will bring you home." Mikey chirped, snuggling his face into mine. Donnie stayed quiet the entire time, occasionally nodding his head. I'm still trying to break free as the group starts walking into the portal. When we emerged we were in the main room of the lair. "My home, not your home guys," I pout. "But this is your home, now at least," Mikey quipped. By now I finally put together the message Lily was trying to give me. My heart dropped, being carried to a random room I had never seen before. Donnie and Leo had stayed behind. Mikey opened the door and I let out a shocked gasp. "Do you like it? Donnie did a great job replicating your bedroom. Well, except for my missing drawings. But soon I'll make sure we both fill up these walls." Mikey was ecstatic about the room, however I was horrified. Everything was the same down to the random dents in the walls. He plopped me on the bed. And I pushed myself to the top corner of the bed. "Why…" was the only thing that left my throat. Mikey sat on the bed scooching over to me. The now foreign turtle beamed, "now you can be like our real sister. I mean besides Piebald. I always wanted a sister that could draw with me." I shuddered, I was aware they saw me in a familial light, but not to this extent. "Mikey this isn't normal, I love you and your brother loads. However, kidnapping me isn't the right move. He frowned "I thought you would understand. This isn't kidnapping, it's bringing you to where you are safe." I wondered if he had always been this delusional. Sure he was clingy and sometimes couldn't understand why I wanted to go home. But he also was the most mentally stable out of the four. I scrunch my legs close to my chest and hug them. Trying to stay away from the unrecognizable person in front of me.
Donnie entered the room typing something into his arm tech thingy. (I can never remember what it's called.) "Mikey, Raph is having a bit of… trouble. We need to go help him." I freeze, Raph was with Amara last I knew. Jolting my hand forward I grab Mikey's wrist just as he is about to leave. He turns his head to look at me and I glare up at him. "... Don't… hurt… her…" I mutter, my mind full of rage. He winched, as my grasp tightened. I immediately let go and make sure I didn't hurt him. Donnie smiled and quickly ushered Mikey out of the room locking the door behind him. I would know because as soon as the door shut I heard a clicking sound. I ball up again in the familiar, unfamiliar room. It's quiet, and I walked over to where the desk is and realized I still had my phone. I quickly pull it out and send an S.O.S text to April. It sends and I breathe in relief. But checking my other contacts, most of them were wiped. I groaned knowing I'll definitely get fired for this. I was disappointed, not only in the boys but in myself too. I should have seen the signs and taken them for what they were. After a bit of crying I was too tired to fight the urges of sleep. I don't know how long I sat limp before I fell asleep in the cold unwelcoming room.
Rubbing my eyes as I woke up I thought it had all been a crazy dream. So I got out of bed to check out my blinds only to be met with a normal wall and empty window frame. They were really committed to copying everything. I hid under the bed hoping they would think I escaped, allowing me to slip out when they left the door open. But that plan never came to fruition. Instead Raph came into the room with a tray of food. The first place he checked was under the bed. "Hiya buddy, do you want to come out and eat breakfast? Mikey made your favorite." I stayed exactly where I was even sending Raph a disappointed look. He looked like he was a puppy that was kicked. Raph put his hand out to me trying to coax me out. I just stared at him for a bit before he grabbed my hand anyway. He pulled me out from under the bed, carefully making sure I wouldn't hit my head. He sat me on the bed and brought the tray he had previously put on the desk to me. "Where are the others?" I mumbled trying to distract him as I pushed the food to the side. "Out, Mikey is helping Donnie and Leo is planning our next mission." He pushed the tray back towards me. "I'm not really hungry…" I mutter under my breath, looking down. That was a lie but I didn't trust that they didn't put something weird in my food. Raph's voice got a bit darker, "well you need to eat, how else are you gonna have strength to do anything?" I looked at his face again. "I'm just a bit mad right now. After all last night I was having fun with my 'friends'" I used finger quotes when I said the last word, "and now I'm locked up in a room by people claiming I'm their sister. I absolutely love you guys and I do see you as little brothers but not when I'm being locked up against my will." I cross my arms at Raph making him even more angry. "Well if you weren't so accident prone maybe we wouldn't need to keep you here." Raph started to raise his voice and I flinched as he brought his hands up. "See, even now you're flinching at the prospect of being hurt. Just trust us to do the right thing."
I put my head down and suddenly remembered Lily. I grab one of Raph's arm "is Lily ok?" I asked in a panicked tone. Raph blinks in confusion for a bit at the mood change. "Um… yeah she's fine. Donnie checked on her like an hour ago and she's searching for you." I fell back and sighed in relief, which I guess snapped the confusion and Raph was now angry. "Why are you worried about her!? She hurt Raph too." He folded his arms angrily grumbling. I bolt back up and ask, "what do you mean hurt too? What happened after Leo teleported me?" Raph realized his slip up and started stuttering. "Well um.. you see. After you got teleported Lily tried getting the hole back and Raph just um. Attempted to escort her back home. But she used her powers and we got into a fight." I start to look over his body for any damages. After I see a small cut I gently touch it. "Don't do that again, you guys know how I feel about you getting hurt." I get mad at myself for even feeling a tiny bit of sympathy for the faint turtle. So I push him away, or attempt to. I end up just pushing myself backwards which works just as well. The food is cold by now so Raph takes the tray away and locks the door behind him.
He doesn't come back in an hour so I prepare to try another escape idea. I look around the room and open up the closet. I shudder again seeing all the clothes in the wardrobe are the same as the ones at home. There are a few extra boxes at the bottom that I pay no mind to. I instead grab one of the metal hangers and start bending it. Luckily I've done this before and the metal is pretty weak. I bend it into a straight line or as straight as I can make it. I then try to find anything that can resemble a rope best. I found some yarn in a box by the desk and braid it as tight as I could. After I'm done I tie the yarn to the metal then move onto the next part of my plan. I push the desk over to where the door is. It takes a bit of effort but it worked. I wasted no time and one end of the yarn to the desk leg and the other end to the bed frame. I hoped this would create a tripping trap. I then waited for my victim.
My stomach growled in hunger as the seconds ticked by. The clock on the wall was the only other thing making sound. I heard a knock on the door. Now's the time! "Come in" I yelled from the end of the bed. Leo swung the door open and fell for my trap. Quite literally, he fell face first onto the floor but before I could even get up I saw Donnie walk up behind his fallen brother. "Good job 'Nardo, how's the ground taste?" He asks before stepping over the fallen soldier. Donnie gives me a thumbs up and Leo pulls on his ankles bringing him to the floor as well. I take this opportunity and jump over the two, who are now arguing not noticing my departure. I take the choker I was wearing off and toss it to the floor as I jet for the closest sewer exit. I climb the ladder as fast as possible. I balance myself on the ladder and push up with desperation. I get the lid off and climb out as I hear the twins. I run as fast as I can to my apartment. I got some odd looks from bystanders as I rushed through crowds not even stopping at stop lights just hoping I don't get hit. I see my apartment and sprint faster than I ever have in my life. I open the door praying Lily is here. She was sitting on the couch looking like she was crying. I ran over to her and hugged her. I start sobbing and hugging her tighter. She pats my back trying to soothe my fears.
She suggested calling the police but I shook my head. Who would they believe, a random girl or the heroes of their city? Lily nodded her head in understanding. I rub the tears out of my eyes. I remember what I heard before I got out and urgently warn Lily about what will happen. I lock the front door as me and her run out of the apartment. I tell her where my spare key is just in case she needs to get back in the apartment without me. We were dashing through the streets when I noticed my picture on one of the TVs. I have a sinking feeling in my chest as I realize what is happening. I shout to Lily who is slightly ahead of me about what is going on and she nods in response. Slowing down and grabbing my hand. I can see multiple people taking pictures of me as we run through the crowds of people. We eventually get to the pier and manage to steal a boat. I use some of my boat knowledge to take control and we take off. By now the turtles definitely know where I am but I pray that they don't find me against my better knowledge. I can smell the salty ocean as we try messing with the sails. I sit down tired from non-stop running. Lily after a while joins me and we snuggle for a tiny bit. I then remembered Leo's katanas and groaned. Pulling my legs to my chest for like a third time that day. I was physically tired, I just wanted to sleep. But I couldn't, not as long as I was running. The whole world wouldn't help me anymore. Not knowing that it's valiant heroes long for me to be by their sides. I get up and steer the boat for a bit. Growing up in Washington has its perks. Like learning how to pilot a boat and some other stuff to do with a boat.
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uchihajason69 · 11 months
Unlocking Seamless Communication with White Label Click to Call API
In the digital age, communication is at the heart of every business, whether it's connecting with customers, coordinating within teams, or resolving issues quickly and efficiently. The need for instant and effortless communication has driven the development of various tools and technologies. One such tool, the White Label click to call service provider in usa, is revolutionizing the way businesses connect with their audience and team members. In this article, we will explore the significance of White Label Click to Call APIs, their benefits, and the myriad ways they enhance communication solutions.
What Is a White Label Click to Call API?
A White Label click to call solution for business in usa is a robust application programming interface that enables businesses and developers to integrate "click to call" functionality into their applications, websites, or customer support platforms. This API provides a simple and intuitive way for users to initiate voice calls with a single click, streamlining communication and enhancing user engagement.
The Benefits of White Label Click to Call APIs
Instant Communication: White Label Click to Call APIs offer a swift and direct way to establish real-time voice connections. Users can initiate voice calls instantly with a single click, eliminating the need for dialing phone numbers or exchanging contact information.
Improved Customer Service: Businesses can use click to call API solutions in usa to provide exceptional customer support. Customers can easily reach out to support agents, sales representatives, or technical experts, leading to faster issue resolution and increased customer satisfaction.
Enhanced User Experience: Integrating click to call functionality into websites and applications enhances the user experience. It simplifies the process of getting in touch with customer service or sales teams, making it more convenient for users.
Increased Conversion Rates: For businesses, Click to Call APIs can significantly improve conversion rates. By reducing the friction in reaching out to the sales team, potential customers are more likely to take the step to connect, leading to higher conversion rates.
Branding and Customization: White Label Click to Call APIs can be customized to align with the branding and design preferences of the business. This ensures that the click-to-call feature seamlessly blends with the overall brand identity.
Data Analytics: Click to Call APIs often come with robust analytics and reporting features. This enables businesses to gain valuable insights into call volume, duration, and user behavior, which can inform strategic decisions.
Cross-Platform Compatibility: These APIs are typically designed to work seamlessly on various platforms, including web, mobile apps, and desktop applications. Users can access the click-to-call feature on their preferred devices without limitations.
Cost-Efficiency: Implementing a Click to Call API is a cost-effective solution compared to traditional telephony systems. It eliminates the need for maintaining expensive hardware and telephone lines.
Use Cases for White Label Click to Call APIs
Customer Support: Companies can embed Click to Call APIs on their websites, allowing customers to instantly connect with support agents for assistance, resulting in quicker issue resolution.
Sales and Lead Generation: Businesses can use the API to capture leads and sales opportunities by enabling potential customers to easily contact sales representatives.
Healthcare and Telemedicine: In the healthcare industry, Click to Call APIs can facilitate patient-doctor communication, appointment scheduling, and remote consultations.
On-Demand Services: On-demand service providers like ride-sharing and food delivery companies can leverage Click to Call APIs to enhance communication between customers and service providers.
Job Portals: Job portals can offer candidates a seamless way to connect with employers for job inquiries or interviews.
White Label Click to Call APIs have become invaluable tools for businesses and developers looking to enhance their communication solutions. They streamline the process of connecting with customers, improve customer support, and boost user engagement. Whether you're in e-commerce, healthcare, customer service, or any other industry, implementing a click to dial software in usa can be a game-changer in delivering seamless and efficient communication experiences. As technology continues to evolve, the role of Click to Call APIs in shaping the future of communication cannot be underestimated.
About Company :  Voxvalley is the most solid and spearheaded supplier of value driven business correspondence items to different organizations in light of cutting edge mechanical necessities. We give the answers for assemble the most captivating and gainful communications that assist organizations with building their client base. With the reception of required changes in the business correspondence model, we investigate making correspondences savvy, adaptable, and exceptionally customized. We work to reconsider the business interchanges biological system joined with cooperation.
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womburt · 2 years
Is it mumbo withdrawal request time? /j
A reader that is really scary and tough looking and that came from the DSMP, they don't care about relationships and haven't really been in one or had the time (they could be like...Doc's really good and longtime friend as well).
They join hermitcraft to run away from the DSMP and as Doc is showing them around, they meet and lock eyes with Mumbo and its basically a "love at first sight" moment. Mumbo is all nervous, both because the reader is scary and "omg they are so pretty 👉👈", but that makes the reader fall in love even more because "oh my god he's suck a dumbass dork"
After that meeting Doc starts teasing the reader and the reader starts acting like they don't know what he's talking about, basically acting like a tsundere LMAOOO
Fresh Start; C. Mumbo x Reader
Hi Anon! I decided to be sort of vague with Reader’s background for this request because I actually don't really consume DSMP media! (Except for @secretsandwriting amazing smau you can find here) That being said, I still love this dynamic, so I hope you enjoy regardless! 
Also! The beginning of this is a lil bit sadder than I initially intended! Be cautious dear readers <3
*Warning! This fic contains mentions of anxiety and traumatic past! Don’t read if this could upset you!
Y/n lifted a hand to their forehead, blocking the rays of sun that threatened to blind them. They squinted when their limb was only partially successful, finally giving up entirely and just looking away from the sky. Straight ahead was a treeline made up of dark oak. Y/n spun around, taking in a full 360 degrees of the Hermitcraft server. 
Buildings were situated along a vast, dwindling river. Fields of wheat grew along the sides of a structure labeled “GigaPies.” There were giant trees - some with green canopies and one with pink - shading the walkways. A tall tower of diorite stood above all else. Each inch of the spawn area was beautifully decorated with an array of build styles and genres. 
Y/n wrinkled their nose, unused to seeing such harmony in a home. Their previous server had not been so peaceful. They turned away from the busy looking town, eyes settling instead on the portal from which they’d come. 
It was a temporary structure. One that would only exist for a few moments longer. Its purpose was to bring them from the vacuum between servers to Hermitcraft, and it had done its job. Still - Y/n wasn’t sure if they were satisfied with it. 
Y/n looked into its pixels contemplatively. They could just walk back through and none would be the wiser. Return to the space between servers, find somewhere more…solitary to exist while they built up the courage to be around people again. Surely Doc would forgive them if they explained it to him. They could picture the message they’d send him, cold and alone. 
“Sorry bud, my crippling anxiety got the best of me and I chickened out. Maybe next time!” 
Before they could step back through the passageway, it disappeared. Y/n watched as the portal closed, disappearing into nonexistence - their only escape: vanished. 
They sighed to themselves quietly, shoving their hands into their pockets and turning back toward the lively-looking village. It seemed they had no choice then. 
They began walking toward civilization with heavy feet, on the lookout of the structure Doc had told them to meet him at. 
‘The giant birch tree! You can’t miss it! I’ll be waiting at the base of it!’
He’d been right of course. There was no missing the gargantuan pale tree, which Y/n had later been informed was named ‘the Tree of Whimsy.’ They hiked toward it at a steady pace, keeping an eye out for any stray mobs or threats.
As they got closer, Y/n was soon able to make out a tall, green figure standing underneath. His back was to them, a white lab coat covering fur they knew all too well. Resisting the urge to sneak up and scare the only friend they had in this new server, Y/n called out to him. 
He spun around in an instant, toothy grin hung over his lips and arms spread wide for a hug. Y/n’s heart dropped at the idea, having not experienced positive physical contact in a long time. They slowed their pace, readying themself for the first hug they’d had in ages. 
“Y/n, my friend!” I’m glad you made it!” Doc took the rest of the steps for them, wrapping his fuzzy arms around them without a second thought. He lifted them up, Y/n gasping when their feet came off the ground. Doc paid their exclamation no mind as he squeezed them, settling his chin on top of their head and sighing in content. 
Y/n stood incredibly still, heart hammering and body warming up to the embrace. It had been so long…
“I was worried you’d turn around and I’d have to come get you!” Doc admitted, voice rumbling with laughter. Y/n coughed a laugh back at him, choosing not to reveal what they’d been considering moments prior. After a minute, the creeper-hybrid let them go, setting Y/n back onto the ground with a thump. They caught their balance quickly, feeling terribly cold without the touch of their friend. 
“Right. Well, I’m here now,” Y/n stated, mustering up a smile the best they could. Doc, who’d always been able to see right through them, quirked an eyebrow, but didnt say anything about it. The both of them had long conversations over inter-server communicators. He was no stranger to the impact that Y/n’s previous server had on them, it was why he was so insistent they move onto Hermitcraft with him. 
“That you are!” He replied instead, deciding that they needed his positivity today, especially if they were going to ever feel comfortable here. 
“So? How about a tour?” Doc suggested, clearing his throat and holding an arm out to Y/n. They deadpanned at their tall friend, but accepted his offer anyway, interlocking their elbow with his. 
“...and this is False’s eagle! It flew her here, but now it just sort of sits on that tree stump!” Doc was explaining, gesturing wildly around to each of the structures at spawn. Y/n looked up at the creature in awe, impressed by just the sheer size of the thing. Hermits sure didn't mess around when it came to scaling their projects, they noted. 
They looked back to the river they'd been walking along, catching sight of three people down by the banks. Each was a varying height, though all seemed to be bent over in some shape or form, harmonious laughter floating from their trio all the way up to Y/n and Doc. 
The tallest wore a hard hat and orange suspenders. He was sitting on the grass, head tipped back as he chortled. The shortest had large, colorful wings, which were spread into the space behind him while he held his stomach and wheezed. But it was the third man who truly captured their attention. 
Y/n couldn’t recall the last time they’d seen such pure and unbridled sunshine in the shape of a man. 
He was doubled over, clutching his stomach with dirty hands, smearing redstone dust all over his nice, white shirt. His hair was unkempt, falling over his eyes as he wheezed. But most interesting to Y/ was his face. Cheekbones protruding as a side effect of his smile, the highpoints dusted red with blush, as was the tip of his large nose. The mustache that sat underneath was dark and ruffled, shadowing a large grin and pink lips. 
 They stared at him with large eyes and a heavily beating heart, finding themself frozen when his dark eyes opened back up and stared straight back at them. He was still beaming, though he was mostly still now. The blush he’d acquired from his fit of laughter was quickly expanding, reaching the tops of his ears turning the pale man into a tomato. 
“Y/n/? Y/n.”
They shook their head as a clawed, green hand waved in front of their face. Y/n blinked and broke eye contact with the mustached stranger, looking instead at Doc. 
“I’m here,” they replied absentmindedly, though judging by the smirk painted on Doc’s face, they weren’t fooling anyone. 
“Mhm. What do you think of Mumbo?” his tone was teasing, and Y/n quickly understood that they would never be hearing the end of this. 
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” they rolled their eyes and groaned, spinning away from their friend. Chancing a glance back at the mustached stranger - Mumbo - as they'd just come to learn, they noticed he’d yet to look away from them. His lips were slightly parted now, an expression of pure enrapturement painted across his beautiful face. They buzzed with excitement, finding themself looking to Doc again, if only to escape the pressure of eye contact with the beautiful stranger. 
“You’re basically drooling” Doc teased like a teenager, humming his observation and pointing at Mumbo unabashedly. 
Y/n’s eyes went wide at his gesture. They quickly grabbed at his arm, pulling it down so as to not draw attention to the man they’d quickly become infatuated with. It was no use of course - Mumbo hadn't looked away since they’d first met eyes. They could feel themself deflating with embarrassment. 
“We should go say hello.” Doc decided, interlocking their arms again and practically skipping toward the people gathered at the water's edge. 
Y/n heart felt like it was about to fall out of them. They were within the vicinity of the strangers in an instant, and Doc took no time at all to introduce them to the group. 
“Hermits! This is Y/n, my friend and our new neighbor!” He exclaimed, pushing Y/n in front of him in that friendly way that only Doc could. Y/n found themself face to face with Mumbo, his features even more endearing up close. They were near enough to see crow’s feet at the corners of his eyes, surely a result of a lifetime of laughter with wonderful friends. 
“Good to meet you Y/n!” someone greeted from their left side. Y/n looked toward the voice, seeing it was the short avian-man to speak up first. He was smiling brightly at them, though they couldn’t help but note a glint of mischief in his honey-brown eyes. 
“Yes, welcome new hermit!” another voice chimed in. To the bird-hybrid’s other side was a tall man wearing a hardhat. He too, wore a mischievous grin, one that gave Y/n the impression that he was somehow conspiring with his shorter counterpart.
It was silent for a moment before the shortest man elbowed Mumbo in the side, sending him forward enough to bump into Y/n. They shot their arms up to steady him, catching the pale  stranger by his shoulders. Letting go as quickly as they’d reached out, Y/n cleared their throat. 
“Say hello Mumbo,” the bird hybrid instructed, reveling in the way said man seemed to turn even redder. Y/n, judging by the exasperated look on Mumbo’s face, got the sense that poking fun at him was not a new occurrence. 
“Right! Sorry about that!” Mumbo began, pointedly ignoring the snickering from the friends behind him. He stood up straighter, adjusting his tie and wiping his hands on his pants. Y/n watched his every move, memorizing the way his slender fingers dusted along the fabric, infatuated with his charming awkwardness. 
“It’s good to see a new face! I’m Mumbo” He finally, officially, greeted, sticking out his hand for Y/n to shake. They took it tentatively, choosing not to admit that Doc had already told them his name. He was smiling so proudly at them, satisfied with the fact that he’d pulled himself together enough to introduce himself. 
“And these idiots are Grian and Scar,” He continued after a minute, remembering the snickering forms behind him. He gestured to each in turn. Y/n noticed him knock Grian with his shoulder, sending the smaller man flying into Scar with a thud. He didn't seem to take it too seriously, however. Smiling some sort of knowing-smirk at Mumbo. 
“Should we finish the rest of our tour?” Doc asked after a moment, poking Y/n in the ribs. They jumped in surprise, spinning around to look at Doc with an embarrassed glare. He wasn’t at all bothered by their expression - Y/n would wager a bet that he had been expecting it, in fact. 
“I’ll see you around,” Mumbo spoke up as Y/n began to walk away. They looked back over their shoulder to see him waving at them, cheeks wonderfully pink and his face soft. They waved back quickly, turning back to follow Doc back over to where they were, intent on finishing the tour without another embarrassing encounter. 
“So…” The creeper hybrid spoke up when they were out of earshot of the trio. Y/n watched him silently, waiting for Doc to spit out whatever he was thinking. 
“The mustache..you’re into that?”
He boomed a laugh when they smacked his arm, the sound of the whack reverberating through all of their surroundings. Y/n wondered briefly if the noise had made it back to the mustached-man in question. They hoped not. 
“Shut up!”
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its-snicket-here · 3 years
Being sister of Ainz?? *Whisper from the dark corner*
*Whispers from the deep abyss of personal drafts* Hell fucking yeah
Due to you being much more younger and more prone to gaming. I can see your character to have more of a monstrous form than a humanly look.
Ainz can now rest on having to spend money on your account, due to you doing multiple side jobs. Though, that doesn't let you escape of sharing your half of rent.
Your character is a demon; clad in a tattered yellow cloak with the hood always up, blocking any prying eyes from seeing your face. What it only peaks out is grey hair. Though the sleeve aren't long enough to cover your bandaged and shackled arms. In an ombre fashion, the arms are shown to go from black to blood red at the finger tips.
Though when unhooded, it's shown that your face is also pitch black. Your mouth is replaced with something more inhumane, having no teeth nor anything. Though it's capable of breaking and tearing through anything with such animalistic powers. Strange red substances dribble out, though nobody dares to try even touching it.
Your eyes is blindfolded, though when unraveled, it shows only a void where the sockets are. All oozing the same red substance that dribbles from the mouth. You have a long black tongue that oozes a stank smell when activated for fighting.
Your chest had an open hole, where your ribcage pops out in the flesh and where your spine could be shown. Where the heart is supposed to be lies a giant plasma ball. Though like Ainz's, it's indestructible.
Like the mom, you and Ainz have special perks when you have family members joining in the game. Unlike mother's rage, the two of you have now gained "Sibling's Rivalry."
When the two of you were transported into the new world, instead of spawning inside the Tomb with Ainz. You were spawned inside a cave, deep inside the forest where Hamsuke was at.
It took you a little while to get out of there, but you did it.
But it did took you long time getting your sense of perception because your sight has been replaced black and white outlines. You were tripping over multiple shit in the cave and the forest: trees, rocks, a lizard, a corpse, you name it. You were tripping everywhere.
Though despite your struggle of having a different sense of perception. You were able to detect life sources somewhere, but couldn't exactly pinpoint the direction it was coming from.
So, it caught you off guard when you "see" a giant hamster right in front of you doing a piss ass job of threatening you.
Thus the hilarity ensued when you activated your intimidation skill on Hamsuke.
So, you have now a hamster ride and a new roommate to sleep with. Though, you do enjoy the furry rat hamster's company. At least she'll be your guide around the forest.
Thus the two of you were dubbed the "The Wise King of the Forest" and "The Demonic Puppet," much to your annoyance. You're not a damn puppet that's for sure.
When Ainz heard about you and Hamsuke in the forest, he was highly interested in you. Rumors had it you were the supposed puppet/rider of "The Wise King of the Forest." So of course he wanted to either recruit you or to at least collect you like he was planning to do for Gazef
It was surprise when he finally noticed that it was his sister that was labeled as "The Demonic Puppet," but is relieved that he isn't lonely now
That doesn't escape the fact you're now a gremlin
Might as well make you the prankster demon, because you do a shit ton of light hearted tricks
The classic plastic wrap on the doorways, replacing bombs with glitter dust, making swords break at the first contact before reconnecting all together again, toothpaste filling in Oreos/pastries, you get the drill.
Demiurge wants to experiment and study your red ooze that drips out and see its effect. You have now gained Demiurge's interest on studying you, especially your reasons to be shackled.
I would say that you're aren't specifically in the guide but is considered to be because of your connection and how frequently you've visit the guide.
Though, you can't gain a human look no matter how hard you can transform
As if you can actually transform lmaooooo
So, you are forced to wear a mask and lots of long sleeved shirts, bandages, long pants, your coat, and/or dresses when you go outside with Ainz and Nabe in E-Rantel. Though you can't seem to take off your shackles off you.
I can see you and Evileye being acquaintances in heroes term. Other than that, she sees you as a gateway on trying to hook up with Ainz/Momonga and an interesting person. A strong mage always hiding behind a mask like her.
Though unlike cosmic demon eldritch mama, you don't gain a following. The last thing you want is idiots trying to summon you, despite saying a very hard no on accepting their praises and begging.
There is times where you go onto a blood frenzy uncontrollably out of the blue that Ainz had to put Demiurge and Cocytus in charge in containing your blood frenzy. If it goes out of control, then Ainz would reluctantly WILL and HAVE to put you out for himself.
So when the war happened between the two kingdoms, when Ainz was making everyone thinking he was an actual fucking monster. They all should be fearing you. You. Go. Nuts. With. Full. Intent. of. Excitement. For. Blood. And. Fear.
Before the whole war even happened, you and Demiurge were setting up the battlefield with traps, hidden demons/beasts, hiding poison containers somewhere in the water supply that will open at a specific time, portals from hell, etc. You are on full intent of destroying the kingdom with all of your might.
Just hope they don't get inside [Death's Parade] ok? :)
[Sibling's Rivalry] - Due to you having a connection with another player via email/phone number confirmation, you and your connector have now gained a new skill set [Sibling's Rivalry]. When in a 40 meter radius with your sibling, you have now gained an increase of 125% ATK speed, 45% AGILITY, and a 200+ MP boost.
[Blood Lust] - Every physical kill increases your ATK power by +15%. Maximum is +150% for 15 minuets. Though when passive, when not killing, the player will have a meter that will slowly goes up until 100%. If any kills hasn't occur,
[Death's Parade] - One time use, afterwards you must rest until [Death's Parade] can be used again. Upon use, within 75 meter radius of the caster shall turn into an arena. Those who inside the radius can not escape nor those outside the radius can join in. Multiple demonic summons and undead summons shall appear and will fight to the death to the players that are trapped inside. The arena will stay on until either the caster's MP reaches to 1 or the players inside the arena is dead. 145% ATK speed, 65% spell power, 145% casting speed.
[F. E. A. R] - Fear Energy Acid Radiation. Those who are not immune to the fear energy radiation or has consumed fear acid would now experience a multitude of nightmares and hallucinations until they have escaped the radiation or after 2 hours if digested. It is possible to die from [F. E. A. R].
[Tier 1/2/3 intimidation] - Tier 1 effects low leveled beings through 1 - 25. Tier 2 effects mid level beings through 25 - 75. Tier 3 effects higher level beings through 75 - 100. When under the intimidation, they will be frozen in fear for 10 minuets. Though if using a higher level fear on a lower level being it can have a lasting effect until turned off.
[Blood Cult Garbs] - 'Worship is meaningless when given prayers and offerings. What THEY need is blood to be spilled, screams to be heard, flesh being wounded!' 195% spell power, 145% casting speed
[Sacrificial blade] - 'This is a gift from the Gods...' A blade that has already taken the lives of many unbelievers and its willingly followers. Though it has been unwashed over the years of use. 175% life leech, status: bleeding, status: hemorrhage, status: infected
[Status: Holy Imprisoned] - Due the angelic shackles containing your sins, you have been now suppressed of demonic urges and have now gained morality and emotions. Though the older the shackles are, the harder it will stop the demonic urges and sins seizing through. Every time a demonic ability/spell has been mustered, the host will go through intense pain that will take 25% of their health, but will never go down to 0. -250% holy damage resistance, demonic damage nullified, status: imprisoned, -110% casting speed [Holy Imprisoned is inflicted by Angelic species that is the same level or higher than the host. Can be effected again.]
[Orb of Trickery] - Due to you now infused with the orb, you are now able to cast illusion spells, psychic spells, and hypnotic spells much faster with 3x of the effect.
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Hermit DSMP Swap AU: Part 3
Iskall led George into the dug out space as he explained. George was barely paying attention, instead he squinted at a stack of shiny metal blocks that he had never seen before. He paused and knocked them with his knuckles, they gave a satisfying clang back, before he hurried after Iskall. A nether portal stood in the partially dug out space, but Iskall led him through it into a room on the other side. 
“I was going to build the storage room in there but then I found this place and decided to put it here,” he explained. 
George came into the room and stopped short, mouth agape. A flowering tree stood in the middle of the circular cavern, light streaming down from a hole in the ceiling far above. Moss grew all along the floor and when Iskall walked over it it gave off a soft tinkling sound. Chests were set into the walls. They had a room completely dedicated to storage that wasn’t just some closet or after thought. And it was just out in the open, this man just showed him where he kept all his stuff less than five minutes after they just met... 
“Wow,” George muttered slowly, walking into the space unable to stop himself from wandering around, the soft tinkling of the moss following him. He poked one of the flowering branches of the trees. “This is so cool, I’ve never seen anything like this... what is it?” 
“Oh, that. Right. Those are Azaleas, their part of the server update, 1.17 and all that.” Iskall explained.
George squinted at him “seventeen?” he echoed “Is this a dream,” 
Iskall chuckled “I would hope not, I quite like being real.” His expression shifted and he pursed his lips “You really haven't heard of the update?” Even if he was from a server that hadn’t updated yet he should still know about it, their admin would know about it. 
George shook his head “Nope,” 
Iskall blinked before slowly continuing “Who are you here with?” 
“Here with?” George echoed again absently looking through the chests, disappointed at finding them empty.   
“Who invited you to visit?” Iskall clarified. 
George shook his head “I just woke up here,” He said, wandering back into the nether portal room and looking around. This had to be a dream. 
Iskall followed “Wait so you have no idea how you got here and you know nothing of the server update? Where did you say you were from?” 
George paused, peeking inside an empty barrel on a machine built into the wall labeled potato dispenser.  “Um, I'm currently living in Kinoko kingdom.”
“I mean, what server?”
“...the Dream smp,” George squinted at Iskall. 
Something tingled in the back of Iskall’s memory at the name. He was familiar with other servers. Some were open, others private, and some were invite only like Hermit craft. He vaguely remembered hearing the name Dream before but couldn’t place where. 
“You know you’re on the Hermitcraft Server, right?” Iskall asked. 
George blinked at him from behind his big round tinted glasses. “You mean, to tell me, this isn’t even the dream smp,” 
“Oh dear,” Iskall muttered “I’m going to call Xisuma, he might know what is going on.”
Being an admin on the hermitcraft server was a relatively laid back job. Mostly all Xisuma did was make sure the connection between the server and the players was stable. Sometimes he would communicate with the server if changes needed to be made, but aside from that he was mostly left to his own devices and projects. On most days he was just X, just another hermit. 
So when he was interrupted in the middle of building his starter base, by a message from Iskall saying that someone who wasn’t white listed had gotten into the server, he was a little more than perplexed. He might not be the most hands on admin but he did his job well and his connection with the Server was a strong one. He should have noticed if something was off. But there it was, something was definitely off, if only by an infinitesimal amount. Now that he was looking for it Xisuma could feel it. An almost microscopic tear in the fabric of the servers innerworkings.
“So you are saying you just woke up in Iskall and Etho’s base and you have no idea how you got there?” Xisuma asked. Iskall had brought the newcomer to his base and they were now standing near the start of his chest monster. 
George nodded “uhum,” apparently this man in pink armor was this server's admin. He wore a pink helmet with a strange looking face on it and a visor that completely hid his real face... if he had a real face at all. Dream had never shown his face either so maybe it was just an admin thing. 
“And you weren't trying to move between servers when it happened?” X asked.
George furrowed his brow “of course not. That’s not aloud,” 
Iskall blinked and he and Xisuma looked at each other. “Not aloud?” Iskall parroted.
“You mean to say, you are not allowed to leave your own server?” Xisuma asked.
“What, like you lot are?” George scoffed. 
Xisuma and Iskall shared another look. 
“... Wait, you can leave your server without permissions or hacks?” George asked his brow furrowing. 
Xisuma nodded slowly “Yeah. To be honest I’ve never heard of a server that didn’t allow it’s members to leave.”
George blinked vacantly as he processed this information, “humn, Interesting...” 
“What about Etho, does he know anything about what is going on,” Xisuma asked, turning to Iskall. 
“Actually, I haven’t seen him yet today. He might be at his private server- wait no, it says here that he is still on the server,” Iskall said, checking tab on his optical device. “I’ll message him.”
A moment later ‘Hey, Etho, we need your help over at Xs base’ appeared in everyone’s chat, even George’s, who’s phone seems to have connected to the Hermitcraft system. 
A few minutes later and there was no reply. 
“Try private messaging him, maybe he just missed it,” Xisuma suggested.
Iskall nodded. A moment later George’s phone buzzed, 
George looked at it “uuumm,” He frowned and held it up for the other two to see the message that Iskall had just sent to Etho sitting in his inbox. 
Xisuma had tried everything he could think of. Private messages, IDing, even TPing; The Server thought that George was Etho. The Tab said that Etho was online and didn’t recognize George's existence, even when Xisuma tried to connect to the server directly it came back with the same results. And if George was here then where was Etho?
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meentosys · 9 months
Job Portal App Development Company In India offering Affordable online job portal Development Company Job Portal Development In india, Recruitment Job Portal Development service provider in india.
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This is why I come crawling into your messages begging for prompts. You get me, boo. 
tw: love potion, Yen interfering but in a nice way
Yennefer had grown bored of watching the bard and Witcher dance around each other like courting swans. It had been years and they still hadn’t figured things out between them. It had probably been more than years; more like decades. The bard, something not-quite-human but not inhuman enough to be suspicious or a problem, was too frightened of losing Geralt a second time to say anything to him about his clear and obvious feelings. 
The Witcher, too self-loathing and repressed to express anything other than frustration or exhaustion, didn’t know how to say anything for fear of driving his only friend away for good. She’d been watching the two idiots circle each other in an endless loop of yearning for far too long and the sorceress was finally ready to give them a little push in the right direction. 
“Jaskier,” she drawled, approaching the bard after he’d concluded a public performance. “It’s been awhile since we’ve traded blows. How are you and that Witcher doing?”
“I am still the finest voice on the Continent and Geralt is the grumpiest Wolf Witcher to ever grace the halls of Kaer Morhen,” he winked. “How have you been, dear?”
“I remain the most ravishing woman alive, fortunately.”
“Of course,” he bowed in mock politeness. Their banter had gotten less fiery and more friendly after she and Geralt had come to their understanding about Ciri’s education. Split custody of an affectionate, exuberant magical child worked wonders for strained relationships, apparently. “What can I do for you on this fine occasion, Lady Yen?”
“Oh hush,” she came alongside him and elbowed him lightly in the ribs. He bumped his shoulder back against hers, falling into camaraderie as if they’d never parted. “I actually have something for Geralt this time, but figured you’d be easier to get a hold of. I was correct in that assumption, as per usual. I thought he might be missing his White Gull while out on the Path and I know how he stresses himself nearly to death, so I brewed up something fun for him to try.”
“He’ll be overjoyed to have an equal substitute to his Witcher liquor.”
She pressed a small vial of swirling gold liquid into Jaskier’s palm. There was a label hanging from the tag containing a blocky #9. The sorceress smiled warmly and shook out her heavy skirts, adjusting them to her liking before opening a swirling purple portal. “I have some things to take care of in the next county over, so goodbye for now, darling.”
“Good day, gorgeous.”
And just as soon as she’d appeared, Yennefer was gone.
“Geralt! Here, I’d nearly forgotten. Yennefer said this would work like White Gull next time you want to get pissed after a job,” the bard said, passing along the little golden vial. The Witcher pulled the cork, sniffed at it, shrugged, and put it away in his pack. 
“Remind me to thank her next time we cross paths.”
“Already thanked her for you,” Jaskier winked. “No worries.”
“You terrify me, bard.”
“You love me, Witcher.”
“Geralt, what’s wrong?”
“That wasn’t… that wasn’t White Gull at all, Jaskier.”
“What was it, then!? Are you going to be okay!?”
“It wasn’t poison. I’ll be fine.”
“Okay, so what was it, exactly?”
“It was a-” Geralt clapped a hand over his mouth and shook his head furiously. He took a few deep breaths before releasing a muffled, “I can’t talk.”
“What do you mean you can’t talk? You barely talk as it is! Do I need to worry about you or not? Should I send for a healer or no? Was I duped by a very clever, portal-making doppler or was that really Yennefer?”
Geralt glared but kept his hands over his mouth. Jaskier could see from his seat beside the Witcher that he was trembling in place. His shoulders were set in a tight line and his legs were bouncing in place. He was putting a great amount of effort into staying as still as possible and even with his great Witcher willpower was failing him. Slowly, carefully, Jaskier reached out one of his hands but Geralt shook his head and pulled himself further away. 
“Geralt please tell me what’s wrong! I’m scared!” Tears started to well up in his eyes and his hands fluttered uselessly, desperate to touch but banned from doing so. Geralt hated seeing the fear mounting in Jaskier’s eyes, turning down the corners of his gorgeous mouth. “Geralt, tell me something! Anything, please.”
“Love potion,” the Witcher finally managed to grind out. 
“Oh. Do you need me to leave so you can, you know, deal with it?”
Geralt growled and turned away, hands moving from his mouth to grip at the tops of his knees. His fingers dug into the material of his leather trousers and he grit his teeth. “No. Not that kind.”
Jaskier stood anyway, legs wobbling, and took a slow step back. “I’m sorry. I didn’t know, she said-”
“She knew what she was doing,” Geralt snarled, standing also. He took a measured step in the bard’s direction and Jaskier’s hands rose again; he wasn’t sure if it was an attempt to ward Geralt off or to welcome him closer. “She knew she was meddling.”
“Meddling!? Geralt wha- what’s going on?”
The Witcher picked his way easily over the forest floor, closing the minimal distance between them. One of his hands reached to grip at Jaskier’s waist and the other cupped the bard’s jaw, holding him still and tilting his head back so they were making firm eye contact. “She’s tired of watching us stay quiet, Jaskier.”
Jaskier, for his part, was trying desperately to summon words enough to answer, but Geralt’s calloused thumb was brushing back and forth against the skin of his cheek and it was incredibly distracting. “I- uh, I don’t know wha-”
The Witcher pulled him closer. There was no pressure, no point of contact that Jaskier couldn’t escape if he wanted to; he just really didn’t want to move. This gorgeous dream was too good to be true, but he was very much enjoying it. 
“Bard,” that low, hungry growl made Jaskier weak in the knees. “Do you love me, too, or do your racing heart and fluttering eyelashes deceive me?” 
“I do,” Jaskier breathed, finally relaxing into his darling Geralt’s comforting embrace. “I love you so incredibly much. With every fiber of my being.”
“May I kiss you?”
“Yes. Gods, yes.”
The thumb on his cheek never stopped moving. That soft caress was the only thing holding Jaskier to the surface of the earth, it felt like. If Geralt let go of him then he would certainly float away into space and never return. The Witcher’s lips, chapped and warm and slightly parted, lit against his as lightly as any feather falling upon the surface of a calm lake. It was a chaste, anxious brush of skin-against-skin and Jaskier whined when Geralt pulled away too quickly for his liking. 
The sharp, sudden sound broke something in Geralt’s resolve. His lips crashed down again and his hands tightened their hold on the bard, keeping him pinned in place for Geralt’s hands and mouth to eagerly explore. “Yes, Geralt, fucking finally.”
“I love you,” the Witcher murmured into his skin. He kissed his way along one pale collarbone and then the other, praying his love into every damp press of his lips. “I love you, Jaskier.”
“I’m writing Yennefer a thank you letter.”
“Shut up and kiss me again,” Geralt growled, the hand cupping Jaskier’s jaw moving down to encircle his waist. Better than I’d ever imagined, the bard thought, one leg lifting unconsciously up from the ground. Oh, my love, at last! 
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talesofsonicasura · 3 years
Stone Novas
Chapter 2: Bitter Reunions
Astra has returned to the Battle Observatory with two unwelcomed additions: Sun Wukong and Macaque! Some revelations are made as tension begins to grow. Ch1 CH3
The spiraling white rings of the blue tunnel was dizzying for anyone not used to dimensional travel. Astra could compare it to how people riding a rollercoaster see the world during the fast motion. Aniani flew through the vorqtex unhindered with a solid grip on their human companion. Being lost in an endless void was the worst way to go for anyone.
Luckily the trip was short for both human and humanoid once they found themselves in what had to be a lab. Soft sky blue walls covered in white paint clouds, different tools from medical to building set neatly on the oak surface of two desks, various cabinets marked in orange label tags and two computers sat at the far end alongside a large thick glass tank often seen in sci-fi movies where creatures or people could be placed inside.
After carefully putting the young woman on the ground, Aniani made sure the portal behind them closed in on itself. "You did a great job, starlight. I got-" Astra stopped when something had fallen out of her bag to the floor. It was the butterfly and moth from earlier. Both waddled dizzily for a few seconds then fell flat on the marble tiles.
The ginger and living black prism quickly took a step back when the two bugs were engulfed in a respective gold/violet light. Both grew in size then dispersed leaving two very familiar 'people' on the floor. "You've got to be shitting me." Astra groaned annoyingly because those two insects were actually Sun Wukong and Macaque.
Two persistent monkey yaoguai are in her personal lab. Within her precious Battle Observatory. AND IN HER WORLD. SPYING ON HER IN THE FORM OF TWO BUGS FOR FUCK'S SAKE. Both monkeys soon overcome their nausea only to look each other straight in the eyes.
Surprise, shock, anger, hurt, betrayal and bitterness flashed quickly as the two yaoguai went into a fighting stance. "Well, if it isn't Sun Wukong. Quite a 'pleasant' surprise to see you here. Although that would be a bold lie." Macaque viciously bears a fang filled grin at the other monkey.
The Monkey King gave back a snarl full of large sharp teeth carrying equal malice with his tail puffing out angrily. "I knew there was something rotten about that moth. What are you up to Macaque?" Sun Wukong looked ready to punch the smile off the darker monkey's face.
Astra isn't oblivious to the bitter hate between both demons nor how close they were to beating the snot out of each other. Whatever the case is, SHE wasn't having her lab destroyed. "Aniani, Psychic quickly!" Instantly the kaleidoscope eyes of Aniani glowed a bright light blue.
A similar color aura overshadowed the two monkeys before separating them in an airborne hold. Both struggle to move in the energy's iron grip from how their bodies were twitching against the supernatural force. Yet neither could break themselves free from the legendary's power.
"What the hell?! I can't move!" Macaque growled trying to free himself. The two were then drawn towards the face of an angry Astra. Arms crossed against her chest, apple green eyes in a death glare and her foot tapped with pure irritation. "I don't know what history you guys share and frankly, I don't give a damn. You already trespassed into my home but no way in hell are you trashing my laboratory!"
Her words immediately sunk into the two yaoguai' heads for they realized where they now were. Sun Wukong wanted to facepalm but could settle for a cringe. "Oh right. We hitched a ride in an alien's backpack on her way home. Guess you really are out of this world." He got a stress ball to the face for that.
Aniani gave the redhead a worried look but she just gently patted the crystal humanoid's shoulder. "Put them down. They shouldn't cause any trouble unless they want to get back home." Both yaoguai were then unceremoniously dropped to the floor once the psychic fold fell apart.
Sun Wukong and Macaque got back on their feet, gaze affixed on Astra alongside her partner. "Soooo… You're actually a visitor from another world. That explains the weird capsule monkey you sicked on me back at my theatre." The shadow monkey gesturing to the lab and the duo.
Astra pinched her nose, trying to find a decent explanation for her 'guests'. "Yes. I'm a human researcher from what's basically an alternate world. I am also the Frontier Brain that manages this facility. Instead of yaoguai, we coexist with creatures that live all around us known as Pokemon. Aniani, Siegfried and Bao Chang are just three of maybe thousands of different species."
The redhead took out one of the strange balls from her pocket and pressed the button. It opened releasing Bao in a stream of light. "Pokemon can be caught with an item known as a Pokeball. Trainers use this invaluable tool to capture and transport multiple Pokemon on them with minimum trouble. It also serves as a place of rest for their mons. We raise, train and fight alongside our respective Pokemon partners."
Astra explained in the clearest way she could for her two otherworldly 'guests'. Any further words were lost upon the sound of her phone ringing. Her irritation grew as she checked the message. Bao Chang stared uneasily at Sun Wukong and Macaque with his tail flame burning brighter. "Monferno mon fer monfer mo!" The Playful Pokemon pointed specifically at the darker monkey.
"They're fine, Bao. Can you and Aniani keep an eye on them while I deal with the real pest?" Astra's voice was still but nobody was ignorant to the pure rage hidden underneath. The small Monferno gave the redhead a thumbs up while Aniani nodded in agreement.
Taking their word, the young woman briskly left the room leaving both Pokemon and yaoguai to awkwardly stare at each other. "Just great. I'm stuck in another world with you of all people." Macaque grumbled in bitter distaste.
Rolling his eyes, the Monkey King decided to chat with Bao. "Who knew little miss cherry had a monkey pal? You're quite a cute fellow too. I bet the monkeys back on Flower Fruit Mountain would love to meet ya." Sun Wukong curiously looked over the Playful Pokemon.
Bao beam happily at the compliments as the flame of his tail burned a bit brighter. Macaque just gagged at the scene albeit scratching at his neck. "I hope that Monferno claws up your face with that 'Shadow Claw' or paralyzes you with a 'Thunder Punch' to the gut." Sun Wukong ignored the subtle threat.
The dark furred monkey yaoguai grew cautious upon seeing Aniani hover over to him. Dark amber stared menacingly back into the glowing pair of kaleidoscope orbs. That menace smoldering out for a content look when Macaque oddly relaxed.
Aniani had taken advantage of the staredown to carefully groom the darker monkey's fur with their claws. Bao stifled a chuckle while Sun Wukong kept a cheeky grin on his face. Macaque frowned, annoyingly giving them both the middle finger for it.
Too bad his happily thumping tail gave away the shadow monkey's true feelings. 10 minutes later, Astra had come back with Mars in tow. Macaque was in mediation as his tail held him, Aniani sat next to him playing with the stress ball Astra had tossed earlier.
On the other side of the room, Sun Wukong told a story to an engrossed Bao. The Monkey King looked up whilst Macaque opened one of his eyes without breaking form. "Both of you will be staying here until tomorrow. I don't want to push Aniani too hard since Ultra Wormholes can be unpredictable without proper measures taken."
The shadow monkey merely shrugged while his opposite had an understanding look on his face. With a stern stare on the two yaoguai she then continued. "I'll give you guys a small tour of my facility. However, both of you WILL stay in my sight until I show you to your rooms."
The prospect of a tour got Macaque to his feet and Sun Wukong curiously wagging his tail. Astra then handed something over to the larger Pokemon. It was a glass container filled with pure yellow light. "This is the sunlight collected from Sun Wukong and Macaque's homeworld. Take it slowly since it's much denser than the sunlight here."
Both yaoguai thought back to the sky dimming when Aniani had emerged under Frontier Brain's call. Seeing their confusion, Mars decided to alleviate the situation as his screen now displayed AniAni's visage.
"Entry found! 'Necrozma, the Prism Pokemon. A Psychic Type. Light is the source of its energy and if it doesn't absorb enough, impurities will grow in Necrozma until it darkens and stops moving. This Pokemon's true form was lost after sustaining too much damage, leaving it incomplete and in constant pain unless special treatment is taken. It'll rampage searching for any source of light and constantly fire laser beams at those deemed a threat. This Pokemon is classified as Legendary.'"
Sun Wukong grimaced while Macaque looked at Aniani with pained sympathy. They witness the light in the container slowly vanish as the Necrozma's kaleidoscope eyes glow brighter. Dark crystalline began to brighten with a soft gold seeping through. Once the jar was empty, Aniani's form had taken a dark grey sheen with a sliver of gold tint.
The sudden change had taken Astra, Bao Chang and Mars off guard. "Very peculiar. It seems the sunlight from their world is stronger than what was calculated. Now go get some rest, Aniani. Your bed is nicely made and I set all the lamps to your preferred setting. Bao Chang, Mars and I will give our two guests their tour."
The Necrozma split off from the group while Astra showed Macaque and Wukong around the Battle Observatory. Different workers in the facility curiously watched the yaoguai walk by but didn't interact. Apparently the redhead had told them to respect the monkeys' personal space and only ask questions if permitted to.
Enough proof to show that Astra is the boss of this large observatory. "This is the training room so if you guys want to exercise then go here." She gestured to a big training room filled with various exercise equipment, a built in target range, and even a small running track. Macaque and Sun Wukong spotted various Pokemon alongside their respective humans working out.
"This is my personal battlefield. If you guys want to beat the shit out of each other, then do it here instead of my LAB." Astra had gestured to a room containing a decently sized battlefield with lines drawn across the dirt alongside two benches set behind large sturdy glass walls that were 10 ft from the battlefield.
Both monkeys violently glared at each other confiming a possible fight later. Macaque and Sun Wukong were led outside to be greeted by an incredible sight. The observatory sat on top of a cliff overlooking a large biome filled plateau.
Open grassy plains, thick forests, deep jungles, large desert, a mountain range that held both a normal, snow covered and a volcano, big lakes paired alongside some swamps, and the ocean from afar full of Pokemon grazing about. The variety was unbelievable; they could see creatures from simple fluffy sheep to what had to be dinosaurs.
The two monkeys noticed Astra's observatory seemed similar to any other but held two towers with their own respective giant telescope and a large fence closing off this massive map of a plateau. "And this is Life's Cradle where the many Pokemon that my facility cares for reside in. Come on!"
Astra mischievously slid down the zipline that led down to the open plain with a smile as Bao quickly followed his partner's lead. "You ain't leaving me behind that easily! Geronimo!" Sun Wukong jumped out off the cliff cackling like a madman. Macaque quickly followed after while Mars floated along albeit face palming.
Sun Wukong was the first to see Astra surrounded by a huge flock of super fluffy white sheep. They all had dark brown fur paired to their large poofy white wool making them look like giant cotton balls, two Swedish braids that frame their cute faces, bright yellow eyes that held cartoonish pie cut pupils, and two little black horns.
All of them were baaing and rubbing themselves against her legs. Her trying to pacify the flock made the Monkey King chuckle until Astra's voice turned sickeningly sweet. "My little Wooloo, I think Monkey deserves some love too." The Great Sage slowly turned his head to see countless sheep eyes on him.
The redhead kept her innocent smile watching Sun Wukong get trampled by the flock of Sheep Pokemon. Macaque laughed wildly seeing the yaoguai get licked and smothered in the massive Wooloo pile. The Monkey King could barely make out any noise through the playful baas, his own ticklish chuckles and surprisingly sound resistant wool.
Luckily the playful flock dispersed once he was greeted by the metal beak and red eyes of a smug Siegfried. "If it isn't my racing pal from the other day, please forget you ever saw that." The Corviknight shook his head, plucking the Monkey King to his feet. Sun Wukong saw that Siegfried wasn't the one who had gotten him free.
It had been another monkey like Pokemon that patted a lons Wooloo on the head before encouraging the sheep to rejoin its flock. "That must be a Zarude, guess she had a point there." Hearing Macaque's mutter, Sun Wukong could understand why. This Pokemon, Zarude, was a black furred monkey around 6'3 in height that seemed to be a mix of a mandrill, baboon and lastly a macaque monkey.
It's black coarse fur outlined the dark grey fur on its chest and belly in a pattern reminiscent of a skeleton, the gray rings around the beast's eyes, their upper snout and palms were actually hairless skin, the fur around the Pokemon was angled in a way that it resembled winglike crests or multiple pointed ears, sharp claws paired with a large canine overbite, a slightly ragged fur tail, red sclera eyes bearing green iris alongside slit pupils, and finally thick green vines wrapped around the arms like armbands.
The Monkey King could see a slight resemblance between Macaque and this Zarude. "Good job Mukasa. Those Wooloo alongside our rowdier Pokemon are quite a handful without your help." Astra smiled coyly at what she truly did.
Bao Chang went to converse with the Zarude in their strange language. To give the two some privacy from the yaoguai, Mars pulled up some entries on Bao Chang alongside the three other Pokemon their guests had encountered earlier.
"Entries found! 'Corviknight, the Raven Pokemon. A Flying/Steel Type. This Pokemon reigns supreme in the skies of Galar that even the sheen of its dark armor sends terror to those who oppose it. Their great intellect and flying skills make these Pokemon very successful at being Galar's Airborne Taxi services.'" Picture then switched to the sheep that jumped Sun Wukong.
"'Wooloo, the Sheep Pokemon. A Normal Type. It's curly fleece is such an effective cushion that it could fall off cliffs and remain unharmed walking away as if nothing happened. However, if it's fleece gets too big, Wooloo won't be able to move. Cloth made from this Pokemon's wools surprisingly strong.'" It then changed to Mukasa.
"'Zarude, the Rogue Monkey Pokemon. A Dark/Grass Type. This Pokemon lives in packs with other members of its kind in dense forests. It is incredibly aggressive that other Pokemon in its domain fear it. Once the vines on Zarude's body tear off, they become nutrients to help plants of the forest grow. This Pokemon is classified as Mythical.'"
Macaque let out a wild amused chuckle from what he heard. "Armored crow taxi services, sheep with wool so durable that they can roll off cliffs without a care, and even a species of 'Rogue Monkeys'. This world just keeps getting interesting by the minute. Or to think that the little monkey who could pull a nasty punch is called the 'Playful Pokemon.'"
A loud snort had both yaoguai look at the redhead and a snickering Mars in confusion. "I suggest you don't underestimate Bao Chang so quickly. He's not only my best friend but also my strongest Pokemon. Out of every battle I hosted as a Frontier Brain, only 5 out of 7945 Trainers managed to defeat my darling Monferno." That made the Monkey King whistle.
It's a pretty big percentage of victories over losses. For Macaque, it did manage to fill in some of the blanks about Bao's strength. It's not easy to harm the shadow user, much less destroy one of his shadow clones. It takes either incredible strength, powerful magic or intense light to destroy one. Something the Monferno had fulfilled from their last fight.
Macaque couldn't forget about how in sync the duo were either. Astra didn't budge despite some of those 'Focus Blast' attacks barely missing her by a centimeter. She had unshakable faith in the Playful Pokemon to protect her in what might've been their grave depending on his mood.
"Do those two have history?" Sun Wukong glanced over to the conversing monkey Pokemon. "You can say that. Mukasa is actually one of my caretakers who overlook the Pokemon living in Life's Cradle. He mostly foresees their health and provides any needed medical attention should my staff be unable to come in time. He is also part of my main team and often fights alongside Bao for Double Battles."
Macaque and the Monkey King looked confused by the impish smile now on Astra's face. Bao Chang and Mukasa had finished their conversation to look at the two yaoguai. The larger monkey shook their head in pity while the Playful Pokemon giggled impishly. None of them liked where this was going.
"You two will be helping me care for the Pokemon that live in the Grassland area today!" The innocent smile on her face that starkly contrasted the two yaoguai's reaction. "WHAT?!" Sun Wukong stare dumbfoundedly while Macaque was about a step away from hightailing out of the observatory altogether. A sickly sweet smile and evil looking eyes were paired with Astra's words.
"You two had trespassed onto my Observatory without a single lick of permission. Normally I would have hurled trespassers into their respective places depending on the situation and circumstances for their digressions. You two are essentially stranded on an alien planet with no way back. Not only will you guys get confused for Pokemon by any person here, there's a chance years or centuries could go by and you'll still be stuck."
Her expression became deathly serious. "I'll let you stay here in complete safety with good food and comfortable beds but you have to help me out for today. Actions have consequences after all and I'm being kind enough to grant this lesson in a nice way." Astra then pointed to the large scar across her face.
It appeared to work as Macaque and Sun Wukong went quiet. Strangely the dark furred monkey had gone stiff by the implication of what might have caused the redhead's old injury. The mood substantially brightened once the group had started their work.
Astra was kind enough to help Macaque and the Monkey King throughout the tasks. Showing them not only what they need to do but how to handle the more skittish Pokemon should either of them encounter one. It was a bonus that most of the tasks were simple such as bringing food for the various species or a simple check up.
"Make sure you keep your voice low since you don't want to accidentally get a taste of any Stun Spore./ These guys have a habit of playfully biting so give them a stick if you don't want to get bitten./ You can have one of the fruit hanging from this Pokemon's neck if they give you permission. It doesn't hurt them and it's actually a sign of friendship or gratitude."
She was patient even when Sun Wukong had spotted this world's version of a peach tree and looked ready to steal all of its fruit. "No Sun Wukong! Those Pecha Berries belong to the Pokemon living here. If you behave and don't take any berries, then not only will I give you a bag of Pecha Berries but also make a Pecha Berry Pie to take home."
It was enough to deter the Monkey King from taking any berries. The Pokemon that lived around the grassland seem to like the two strange monkeys. All of them were curious which helped with some of the more difficult Pokemon or any needed medical treatment.
In fact, some of the Pokemon actually gave small gifts to Sun Wukong and Macaque! Both of them were taken off guard a bit but didn't decline any of the presents although the latter needed persuasion courtesy of the puppy dog eyes. Most of the gifts were berries except for two items.
Macaque had gotten a bell made out of seashells called a Shell Bell while the Monkey King was given a gray slightly hooked claw called a Razor Claw. Something about both items felt magical in a sense, almost if there was a hidden power deep inside. Whatever the case, both yaoguai kept their respective gift on their person.
It took until the afternoon before they finished their tasks for today. Astra had kept her word by showing them where their rooms were and made a home cooked meal. An incredible spread when Mars had led them to the dining room.
"Holy shit. It looks and smells so good!" Sun Wukong couldn't help but drool a bit upon seeing the dinner table. There were plates stacked with a large portion of homemade curry topped by a big slice of melted cheese, freshly baked rolls that smelled like they had a filing from the extra fruity aroma set in a basket, a fruit salad made using various berries, a small bowl of roasted nuts and a large fruit pie that must be Pecha from what they could guess.
The Monkey King didn't really like eating cooked foods so much. Reason why wasn't very pleasant and he preferred not to think about it. Although all this food smelled and looked really good. It would be rude not to at least eat some.
"I didn't know how much you guys eat so I made some extra. Bao Chang, Siegfried, Aniani and Mukasa are eating with the rest of my team tonight so it's just us." Astra's smile held the sincerity of a saint despite what occurred earlier. Macaque rolled his eyes at how quick the Monkey King sat himself at the table before following suit.
The Shadow User skeptically looked at the food for any sign that it was poisoned. Astra kept silent from the feeling that this was a common yet concerning occurrence for the dark furred monkey. Macaque finally took a bite of his curry after some staring and instantly paused.
Unbelievable flavor was exploding across his mouth, deep richness mixed alongside mild spice and a bit of mellow sweetness. He could taste every seasoning blend in harmony with potatoes, rice and the cheese that the yaoguai bet it would put any food from the Celestial Realm to shame.
'Maybe I should sneak back here more often because holy shit does this taste good.' Macaque thought while grabbing some of the berry salad before the stone monkey could pick any(all) of the Pecha Berry slices. The fruit looked like a peach but pinker in color and heart shaped, something that Sun Wukong would eat in a heartbeat.
Something proven right when the said monkey took a bite out of the diced berry. "I found another equivalent to heaven in this new world." Astra silently giggled while Macaque rolled his eyes. The shadow monkey took a bite out of his roll only to be greeted with the sweet sour taste of fruit jam filling.
He was right about a potential filling as Macaque could taste a tanginess similar to pineapples, bitter flavor of limes, and sweetness of strawberries paired beautifully with the fluffy bread. "I like sweets but I took a guess that you aren't a fan so I balanced it for the pie and malasadas." Astra clarified before going back to eating.
Dinner concluded with peaceful small talk as everyone went to their respective rooms. Well, only Astra as Sun Wukong slammed his darker counterpart into the wall with a glare etched on his face. "I don't know what you're planning to do with Astra…" Laughing sinisterly Macaque grabbed Sun Wukong's curled fist.
"I should ask the same about you. That human must have gotten your interest too. Honestly, I wanted to see what else Apple was hiding when she left me paralysed back in my own home thanks to her little Bao Chang. Finding you was just an added bonus." Both yaoguai were now butting heads with each other.
Tension filled the empty hallway since Astra's workers had already left hours ago. "Admit it, that human woman has gotten the attention of the almighty Sun Wukong. It's been so long since I've last tasted human flesh. Maybe I should have a bite..." Sun Wukong harshly snarled, his tail puffing up and eyes burning molten gold in pure rage.
"YOU. ME. BATTLEFIELD NOW!" The Monkey King let go of Macaque. A haunting laugh came from the shadow yaoguai as the two headed over to the observatory's personal battlefield. Around the corner, Astra stood with her arms crossed and a neutral look.
She had a feeling that those two were going to demolish the other once dinner was over. Astra had no idea if Macaque was lying about eating humans or not. She didn't really care either. The redhead went to prepare bandages and potions for the two knuckleheads after the smackdown. Maybe even fix up the battlefield depending on how hard they go at it.
It was too late to deal with it anyway. Astra went back to her room ignoring the war that was happening in her personal battlefield. Neither yaoguai would be back into their rooms that night as the walls of the soundproof arena kept everything silent.
And that's it! Macaque and Wukong are going to be interacting with Astra a lot as you can see. These two are very curious and being monkeys tends to develop a sort of stalker behavior. Wukong calls Astra 'Cherry' because of her hair while Macaque calls her 'Apple' for the eyes. These two have a fruit based nickname scheme going on.
Did Macaque and Wukong used to eat humans? I definitely believe so considering demons tend to devour humans often in Journey To The West. Wukong did admit to Tripitaka that he used to eat humans back when he was yaogui warlord and I really don't think he'll lie about that either.
I can't forget that in certain versions of JTTW, like 1996 one by Dick Cheung, that humans took advantage of a young Wukong and treated him like a wild animal or freakshow. That would be a factor for tricking humans and eating them later. He also barely leaves Flower Fruit Mountain in Lego Monkie Kid too, so I think he still doesn't trust humans much either.
And no, Wukong or Macaque isn't a cannibal for eating people. Cannibalism means someone or something eating their own species as a food source. Unless they are eating other Monkey Demons, then it isn't cannibalism. It's a misconception that happens way too often.
Astra's scar does have a story to it alongside Bao Chang that would be handled later. The pest Astra had to deal with is a canon villain in the Pokemon Series but that's all I'm saying. The next chapter will be the first episode of the first season!
I will be covering some of the episodes but will add my own chapters between them. Until next time folks, I will see you back at Megapolis!
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New Pokemon introduced.
Mukasa- Zarude
Astra's current team: Bao Chang(Monferno), Siegfried (Corviknight), Aniani(Necrozma), Mukasa(Zarude)
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softwarexprts · 3 years
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geckosong · 4 years
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