#white accent and storage benches with storage
gobuyussomecoffee · 1 year
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Transitional Entry - Mudroom Example of a mid-sized transitional ceramic tile and gray floor entryway design with white walls and a medium wood front door
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avoiderdragon · 1 year
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Mudroom Mudroom Mudroom - mid-sized transitional ceramic tile mudroom idea with white walls
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fyeahhyolyn · 1 year
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Living Room - Transitional Living Room Inspiration for a large transitional enclosed dark wood floor living room library remodel with gray walls, a standard fireplace and a wood fireplace surround
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ernestoperry · 1 year
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DC Metro Mudroom Large transitional ceramic tile and gray floor entryway photo with gray walls and a white front door
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nestfullofeggs · 1 year
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Traditional Bedroom - Bedroom Inspiration for a mid-sized timeless master medium tone wood floor and brown floor bedroom remodel with beige walls and no fireplace
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cheahup · 1 year
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Transitional Sunroom - Sun Room Sunroom - small transitional dark wood floor and brown floor sunroom idea with no fireplace and a standard ceiling
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toukomatsudaira · 2 years
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Bedroom - Loft-Style Mid-sized coastal loft-style bedroom idea with brown floors and medium-tone wood floors, red walls, and no fireplace
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kiteparty · 2 years
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Dining Room Kitchen Dining
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ratticus-writes · 29 days
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2 Stepping Stone
The promoter had told him on the phone that he was now set up to be an official WVBA Minor Circuit competitor, and for him to show up at the Minor circuit tomorrow at 7:30am. He mostly wore the same outfit he wore when first going up to the WVBA building, except his shirt was plain teal instead of having a surfer dog on it. His coach, Martin ,had suggested that a plain tee shirt would make him fit in better at the WVBA. He however couldn’t convince Macho to wear neutral colors.
Macho decided to take a taxi this time to avoid his feet hurting from the walk to, and from the WVBA building. Even in tennis shoes walking the route four times had absolutely obliterated his legs the day before last.
Entering through the Minor Circuit Lobby same as before, Macho was greeted by a stout, tan man wearing a red track jacket with white accents down the arms and the Acronym 'NFC' embroidered on the right pec of the sweater. He had a handlebar mustache and his hair was at shoulder length, black, and curly.
He introduces himself as Mario Albano, and explains that he'd be showing Macho Man around the Minor Circuit Branch of the WVBA building for today.
Mario lead Macho through a door on the left wall of the lobby and down a hallway that lead to another door. They enter the new room that had a boxing ring in the center of it and exercise equipment surrounding said ring.
Macho soaked in everything about the room. The faint smell of sweat poorly covered up by Lysol and lemon scented cleaner. Shoe polish and leather were also a faintly present smell in the room for some reason. The dim, loud lighting from the busted rig that made him squint from the contrast the better lit hallway had. He was certain that if he jumped up from the canvas, he could touch the ceiling. The air conditioner was rattling as well. Over all, it was a little overwhelming to say the least.
"This here is the Official Minor Circuit ring- Slash Training Room. The WVBA Producers figured they'd go ahead and... Meld the two together... Rather than pay the extra cash to expand the place," Mario said with sheepish smile. Macho furrowed his brows and frown slightly. "I don't have to use this gym, right? I can still go to my local one?" Mario let out a boisterous laugh and pat Macho firmly on the back, "Yeah paesano, you don't have to use this one if you're not comfortable to."
They made their way to a door that let to a transitional room. The door at the back of the room was for the storage closet, and the door on the right wall of the room was to the locker room.
When they entered the locker room, a man was sitting on one of the benches polishing his boots. His hair was burnt umber at the roots, bright orange in the light, parted in the middle, and he had a handlebar mustache. He wore a white shirt, brown pants held up by suspenders, and brown army boots. The smell of shoe polish was stronger now, and seriously making Macho nauseas.
"Ayy would you look at that, it's good old Viktor! Aka- Woah you alright paesano?' Mario asked Macho. Macho felt like he was either going to throw up or faint from the combined smell of shoe polish, leather, steam, BO, and mold that incased the room. Viktor looked at Macho with a worried expression as he closed the case of shoe polish next to him. "I'm alright, just a bit woozy from the fumes in this room," Macho said as his vision flickered and his face turned paler. "What? I don't smell any- Um Alright well, you know where the locker room is so we can go head out now. Later Vickie," Mario said as he helped Macho out of the door way and back into the Training room, not able to wait for Viktor to respond.
Mario went and got a water bottle for Macho, While he sat on a bench up against the apron of the ring. This was feeling like an absolutely awful start to his official boxing career. Not even being able to so much as say hi to one of the Minor circuit competitors, all because he couldn't handle a bad smell. At least he wasn't obligated to train here, not that he would be able to with how overstimulating everything felt.
"Are you alright, monsieur?" a voice to his left asked. Looking up, Macho's eyes widened at the face he actually recognized?! Before him was a man with bright orange that was swept to the left side of his face. His eyes sunk in to his sockets with the skin a deep purple. He wore a pink tank top, red and white boxing shorts, red boxing boots, and off white hand wraps.
Macho knew him from plenty of Official WVBA Recorded fights, and he was currently most known for the almost impressive loosing streak he'd been building. His only win. Being from a weird twist of luck. His opponent had tripped over his own foot, and landed on his temple with 16 seconds left of the third round!
"Monsieur?" The man asked again with a more worried expression. Macho blinked at him and was only able to say, "Uuh-" before he was cut off by Mario reentering the room. "Joey! Good ta see yeah!" he said while handing Macho a water bottle, "This here is the rookie that signed up the other day. Calls himself Super Macho Man!"
It took everything in within him to NOT spit water everywhere upon hearing his ring name said in casual conversation. Though the way Mario pronounced it was anything BUT casual. "Super Macho Man?" Joe said in a questioning tone while looking to Macho with a slightly raised brow.
Macho Unconsciously grabbed at the base of his ponytail, and ran his left hand down it. He smiled sheepishly and spoke, "Heh Yeah uh, just setting my ambitions high Y'know. Picking a name that'll make more sense later or whatever heh heh."
"Hmm," Joe said with a nod. "Yeah that's the spirt! Pave your own road! Shoot for the stars kid!" Mario added with a slight hop and fist bump. "Hey! That reminds me of a time," Mario stated, proceeding to ramble about something that Macho doesn't really pay attention to. Instead he focusses on drinking his water and calming down.
No longer feeling light headed nor anxious, Macho slowly stands up and stretches his upper back and arms. "Well this has been fun and all, but didn't you say there was some paperwork for me to sign or something?" Macho asked looking toward Mario, noting how Joe's eyes seemed wider than before.
"Oh yeah, I've got a thing for you to sign and then a paper to give you that has your match info on it. We can go ahead and go now if yeah want," Mario said. Macho responds, "sure," while unconsciously doing the Shaka hand gesture.
The two of them go back to the lobby, leaving Joe alone to his own devises. Once in the lobby Mario goes behind the reception desk and pulls a file from a organizer hanging on the wall, and then grabs a pen off the desk. "This is just a second consent form about being fine with putting yourself at risk of brain damage and what not," Mario said while handing the form to Macho across the desk.
When actually reading the form, Macho noticed it was not labled as New York Department of Licensing & Regulation like the form he first submitted. This form had World Video Boxing Association Non-Disclosure Agreement in bold text above more text and a place for Macho to sign.
Skimming the paragraph, sentences like, "...Exception to tradition Boxing regulations..." and "...weight classes are a formality..." had Macho concerned of what he might actually be signing up for.
"Hey uh. Don't take this the wrong way, but what exactly is your job here?" Macho asked with an uncertain expression. Mario laughed at the question before answering, "I mainly work as manager and janitor outside of matches, BUT I'm a Official WVBA Cornerman During Matches." Macho nodded at this answer noting that Mario's smile was warm and friendly. He skimmed the paragraph again.
Macho decided that since Mario wasn't dissuading him from becoming a WVBA Boxer, then that must mean it's not that big a deal if the WVBA 'does things a little differently' than other Boxing Associations. With that final thought he signs the form and hands it back to Mario.
"Alrighty! You're officially a WVBA Minor Circuit Boxer! Here's the paper with when your match against Joe will be," Mario said with a smile. "Wait, I'm fighting Joe?!" Macho said with a overly enthusiastic smile. "Wha- Yeah! Didn't you hear me when I was telling joe about your win streak of thirteen KO's so far??" Mario asked in disbelief. "Oh no I totally missed that! Maybe that's why he was looking at me with wide eyes before we left." Macho said absent mindedly.
"Yeah, Joey hasn't had a win in a looooong while. Doubt he's liking his chances against you, beef cake, " Mario said while putting his elbow on the desk, and his chin in his hand. Macho frowned looking down at the paper Mario gave him.
"Well, he's got six weeks to work his ass off, and I hope he at least puts up a good fight," Macho said with positive vigor. Mario just looked at him with a questioning look, before chuckling softly.
"I be sure to let Joey know he has someone cheering him on."
The six weeks leading up to the match are long and rhythmic. Macho has complete focus on training while feeling impatient for match day to arrive. Though he would like to train at the WVBA just to see the other boxers, he opts to go to his regular gym. He's already familiar with the regulars there and he won't need to find a new coach.
Eventually the day arrives and Macho gets there way too early, already in his boxing shorts and shoes. Mario unfortunately doesn't show up at all, and a different cornerman instructs Macho to wait on the bench while the ring is set up. He bounces his right leg while waiting on said bench. By 10PM Joe arrives with a woman, presumably his manager, walking with him.
Instead of aggressively waving to him, like he instinctively wants to, Macho smiles at him from across the room. Joe glances in Macho's direction, and a wave of panic visibly washes over his face. Macho turns away, guessing he must look insane or something. His hand goes for his pony tail while his leg begins to bounce again.
10:40PM! The room is filled with an audience that is silhouetted by the dim lighting. Joe is the first to enter the ring putting on the bravest face he can muster. Then the announcer introduces,
Macho hops up into the ring absolutely soaking in the sound of his new name. He flexes and smiles wide just as he’s always done for any performance. He then relaxes his stance, though still bouncing a bit as his feet spread apart then together rhythmically. He faces Glass Joe, still smiling like a dork. This time Joe smiles back, albeit nervously, causing Macho to smile even more.
The two meet in the middle of the ring. The second the ref says ‘fight’, Macho swings at Joe’s face. He assumed that the shorter man would at least have an advantage in speed, but that seemed to not be the case.
"Come on Dude, Show me what you got!" Macho yelled to Joe, who only smiled sadly as his right eye began to swell. Macho than went for an upper cut that collided perfectly with Joe's Jaw.
A final jab at his face sent Joe flying to the canvas, completely unable to get up. The bell's ringing fully cementing this for Macho.
~Souper. Macho. Man. WINS!~
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Synopsis:  As a joke, Roman's forced to ask Virgil out after losing an oreo. Flustered, and somewhat embarrassed and humiliated by the connotation that dating him would be such a bad thing, he says yes out of impulse, and must now deal with what being Roman's "boyfriend" entails. Taglist: @renys @falsemood 
Part Four: Wonderful Masterlist
Virgil lets out a groan as he hears a motorcycle engine rev outside. Internally, he debates ghosting Roman, or texting him telling him he changed his mind, but inevitably decides against it. 
He grabs his house key, before making his way to the front door. Locking it behind him, he double checks to make sure it’s locked, and then triple checks to be fully confident. 
Hesitantly trudging towards the motorcycle, Virgil sees that Roman has taken his helmet off. His hair was disheveled - no doubt disturbed by the helmet pressing against it - but he was smiling wide. The motorcycle itself was bright white, with gold accents.
Roman was standing beside it, having parked and turned it off once Virgil had come outside. 
“Someone’s excited,” Roman teases, as Virgil’s eyes look over the bike.
Virgil huffs at the statement, scowling as he glances towards Roman’s face. "Don't say that; it sounds sexual." 
Roman laughs, before turning to lift up the seat. Beneath it was a storage compartment. 
He pulls out another helmet, slimmer than his own, and instead of being the same white and gold as Roman’s, this one was just a solid black. He hands it to Virgil with a comforting smile.
"You ready to go?" Roman asks, as he swings himself over the motorcycle seat, pushing up the kickstop with his foot. 
Virgil watches him as he does so. "Yup." 
"You know how to ride a motorcycle, right?" 
"Yes, Roman.” Virgil rolls his eyes. He feels his chest tighten. 
Roman smiles at Virgil’s bitterness, looking at Virgil expectantly, before placing his helmet on his head. Virgil runs his thumbs over his own, before he slides it on too, and climbs onto the motorcycle after. Nervously, he slides his arms around Roman’s torso, heart racing. Once again, the motorcycle revs, before Roman’s wrist rolls forward and it starts up, pulling forward and away from Virgil’s house. 
The wind against his body makes him shiver, his hoodie flapping around him. Without thinking, he pulls himself closer to Roman, chest leaning against his back for warmth. 
Despite the chill, Virgil’s smiling wide beneath the helmet, eyes observing the blur of buildings they pass by. 
But, the ride is over in a matter of minutes, as they pull into the parking lot of a small, local diner. Virgil slips off the motorcycle first, Roman following suit. They take their helmets off and hang them on the bike handles, before Roman’s fingers brush against Virgil’s, subtly slipping them between Virgil’s own.
Virgil is too exhilarated to notice. 
Roman keeps a hold of Virgil's hand as they walk in, leading them to a booth. Slowly, he pulls his hand away, and sits on the bench opposite of Virgil so they could sit across from each other. 
A waitress comes over, and hands them menus with a soft greeting. Roman smiles at her. Virgil looks down. 
His eyes scan over the menu as he attempts to appear busy, while Roman makes small talk. He compliments her nails, and asks where she got them done. His eyes briefly flicker up to look at them, and he notices how genuinely Roman smiles at her. 
She smiles back at him, glancing at her nails herself as if she’s admiring them in a new light, before she shakes her head slightly as if to dismiss the topic, asking instead if they’d like anything to drink. 
“Just water,” Virgil responds, awkwardly, as he flips the menu open. Pancakes, burgers, chicken tenders; the choices were endless. 
“Just water?” Roman asks, one eyebrow raised as he smiles, plotting. “Are you sure you don’t want anything more exciting? They have hot chocolate, tea… milkshakes! Wouldn’t you rather have a milkshake?” Though he was partially teasing, there was a soft air to his voice. He was genuinely asking, though also somewhat encouraging Virgil to agree. 
The waitress looks towards him.
“I mean… I guess. A milkshake then.” 
The waitress’s pen taps against her notepad, prepared to write. “What flavor? We have the classic vanilla, chocolate, strawberry…” 
“What about a cookies and creme variant?” Roman prompts. 
Virgil flushes at the notion, and the reminder of why they were on this date in the first place. He dreads the waitress’s response. 
“Oreo? We do. Is that fine with you?” She directs the question towards Virgil, who wants to groan into his hands. 
“Sure,” comes his response, through gritted teeth. She smiles, scribbles it down, and then turns towards Roman. 
Roman nods to her, before tilting his head towards Virgil. Voice low and playful, he asks "do you wanna be cliche with me? One shake, two straws?"
Virgil snorts, finally meeting Roman’s eyes. "That's one of the stupidest things I've ever heard come out of your mouth, which is surprising, considering I've heard you introduce yourself." 
Gasping dramatically, Roman places a hand over his heart."Are you calling me stupid? How dare you!” The waitress laughs at Roman’s theatrics, and even Virgil can’t help the grin that rises to his face.
"You figure it out," he quips, matching Roman’s playfulness. 
Despite not getting a solid answer, Roman turns to the waitress and asks for one large shake with two straws, turning to Virgil afterwards. 
“That way, if you decide to want to share, we can always toss one out,” Roman muses, and Virgil’s cheeks go pink at the idea, huffing as he shoves his menu towards Roman. 
“Shut up,” is his only response, but Roman laughs lightly regardless.
Virgil laughs along with him. Something about Roman’s own happiness seems to be infectious. 
He doesn’t notice that Roman’s smiling at the sound, not used to hearing Virgil actually express his enjoyment. Sure, they don’t hang around each other often, but whenever Roman’s able to observe him, the most he ever sees is a slight upturn to his lips. Never… this. 
Smiling really suited Virgil. 
"Quit staring at me, jock," Virgil suddenly says, after a moment. It startles Roman out of his daydreaming state. Virgil’s eyes are narrowed, but he’s still smiling, cheek resting on his hand as he stares into Roman’s forest-green eyes
Roman smirks in response, puffing his chest out as he exclaims "I couldn't help myself. With a face as pretty as yours, it's almost impossible to look away." 
Though, instead of the typical huffy or flustered response Roman’s used to seeing by now, Virgil laughs again. “That was super cheesy. Does that ever work on anyone?”
"I don't know; did it work on you?"
Virgil snorts, crossing his arms over his chest. "Hell no." 
Roman sighs, sounding mockingly disappointed. Eyes closed remorsefully, Roman laments “well, it was worth a shot nonetheless.” 
Eventually, the waitress comes back with the Oreo milkshake and two straws. She sets them down on the table, and winks at them as she leaves. Virgil rolls his eyes in response while Roman chuckles, reaching forward to hand Virgil a straw of his own. 
Both of them tear the paper covering, with Roman sliding his to the edge of his straw and blowing it at Virgil, before the two of them stick their straws into the milkshake.  
Roman’s the first to take a sip, and he smiles immediately after doing so. "Oreo was a great choice. This tastes amazing." 
"It's just an Oreo shake, you dork," Virgil responds, as he takes a sip. “There’s nothing overly special about it.” 
"Maybe it's just being here with you that makes it taste better." 
Virgil smiles briefly, before his smile drops and he sighs right after. "You… you really need to stop that.”
“Stop what?”
Virgil fidgets with his hands under the table. “All the flirting. You know I don’t like you. And I know you don’t like me.”
Roman’s smile falls as well. "I never said that."
"You didn't have to," Virgil shrugs, casually taking another sip of the shake. His shoulders were tense though. "Your posse says enough." 
Frowning now, Roman leans back. "They don't speak for me. I never said I didn't like you. The things that Remus says shouldn’t be internalized. He’s mean to everyone.” 
Virgil just shakes his head and looks away, almost disappointed. He uses his finger to stir the straw in the thick milkshake.
Roman looks on, confused, as he tries to think of anything he could have done that might have upset Virgil, along with anything he could say to aid the situation.
Unable to come up with something, Roman changes the topic. 
"I didn't see your parents when I picked you up. Were they just inside?" Roman asks, hoping the out-of-the-blue question will lead to a lighter conversation. He wanted to subdue the otherwise thick tension between them. 
Virgil shakes his head. “He’s on vacation.” 
"When will he be back?" 
Shrugging at the question, Virgil turns his attention fully back to Roman. He sees nothing wrong with that answer, but Roman gasps, less dramatically and more serious this time. 
“You don’t know?” 
Face flushing with humiliation, Virgil shrugs again. "He never told me. He just said he’d be back; he didn't say when. It’s not like he’ll be gone forever." 
"So…so you've just been alone?" Roman prods. 
Virgil awkwardly clears his throat. "Not really. He left two days ago. I spent the first night alone, and then I spent the night at Janus’s yesterday, so I haven't been completely alone.” 
Roman nods, not completely convinced, but understanding nonetheless. "Are you spending the night with him again?"
"No," Virgil responds, huffing slightly. “He and Logan are hanging out tonight, and I don’t really feel like intruding.” Virgil’s fingers tap against the table, before he snorts. “Besides, the last time I spent the night over there, I woke up with a boyfriend.”
Grinning proudly, Roman goes “and that’s such a bad thing?”
"Considering you’re the boyfriend I woke up with, yes. That’s a horrible thing.”
It’s Roman’s turn to roll his eyes, as he pulls the Oreo shake closer to him, taking a sip himself, and dramatically sticking his tongue out at Virgil afterwards.
"Do you like being alone?" Roman then asks, after a moment.
Virgil hesitates, before sighing. “Not really, but there’s not much I can really do about it.” 
Roman frowns, but doesn’t ask any follow up questions, instead taking an obnoxiously loud sip of the shake. 
Then the waitress comes back. 
“Have you guys decided on what to eat?” she asks, and both Roman and Virgil exchange a wide-eyed glance. 
Roman laughs awkwardly. “No, sorry! We haven’t even gotten a chance to look at the menu,” he admits, while Virgil hurriedly flips his menu open and scans the items on it. 
“Chicken tenders,” Virgil suddenly blurts, before his face goes red with humiliation as the waitress turns towards him, confused. 
He clears his throat, and clarifies “I’d like the chicken tenders, please.” He sits stiff, rubbing his hands together beneath the table. “Just a normal basket, with fries maybe.” He then looks towards Roman, who gets the hint and quickly opens his own menu. 
“Would you like any dipping sauce?” the waitress prompts, writing down his order.
“Ranch?” It’s more of a question than an answer, but the waitress seems satisfied as she makes a note of that as well. 
She then turns to Roman, who sets his menu down as he proclaims “I’d like a burger. Please. With no tomato.” 
“Fries on the side?”
“Yes please.” Roman gathers the menus together and hands them to the waitress, who accepts them with a thankful nod. 
As she tucks them under her arm, she asks if he’d like any sauce for his fries, to which he politely declines. She then turns and walks away. 
Virgil sighs in relief as soon as she's gone. 
Roman laughs. “That was panic-inducing,” he jokes, musing at Virgil’s uttered reply of “no kidding,” before Roman pushes the shake back towards him. Virgil accepts it with open arms, and takes a sip, absentmindedly picking a straw. 
They finish the shake together in the time it takes for their food to arrive, chatting every now and then, as the sky outside begins to grow dark. 
When the waitress comes back, she has two plastic baskets of food with her, a checkered and flimsy piece of paper inside of it, on which their food sits on. Both of the platters are stained with grease, but both Roman and Virgil offer thanks to the waitress as they look towards their food. 
Roman’s the first to pick his food up, taking a large bite of the burger, leaving Virgil to laugh as juice runs down his chin. 
Quickly, Roman grabs a napkin and wipes at his mouth, but he chews quickly, laughing once he’s choked it all down. “Wow,” he mutters, smiling. “This is really good.” 
Rolling his eyes at the dramatics, Virgil picks up a chicken tender, and dips it in the ranch. He’s a lot more courteous with his bite, but there’s something so appealing about the warm taste of greasy food. Despite the slick residue it leaves behind on Virgil’s fingers. 
“Pass the ranch?” Roman then asks, meekly, leaving Virgil to huff and roll his eyes as he sets the small container of ranch between them. 
Roman immediately reaches forward to slather two fries with it, before popping them into his mouth.
They eat their food in mostly silence, with the occasional comment or short exchange every now and then, but really both of them are content with just eating for now. Surprisingly, there’s nothing weird about enjoying a meal in the other’s company. 
When they’re finished, Roman waves the waitress over and requests the bill. He pays with his card, before pulling out a hefty stack of cash from his wallet and setting it on the table. Virgil meagerly pulls out a few bills and lays them aside Roman’s pile. 
Once he gets his card back (and sees the way the waitress’s face lights up with pure joy), Roman grabs Virgil’s hand, and pulls him outside.
By this time, the dark blue of the sky has gradually faded into a warm gold as the sun sets. The ombre of colours draws Roman’s eyes. Virgil watches the wide-eyed way he stares at the sky, how his pupils trace the merging of the colours, before his head lands facing the sun, a warm smile on his face that contrasts the chilliness of the evening. 
“How much do I owe you?” Virgil asks, drawing Roman out of his enraptured state. 
Roman looks at him, puzzled, a confused smile on his face. “What do you mean? You don’t owe me anything.”
“My half of dinner,” Virgil clarifies, as he’s handed his helmet. He holds it firm as he stares back at Roman, who merely shrugs off Virgil’s statement. 
“Eh, don’t worry about it,” Roman replies, as he raises his helmet above his head. “Consider that my thanks for such a nice evening.” 
He then promptly pulls his helmet onto his head, effectively ending the conversation, and any of Virgil’s further protests. 
Climbing back onto the motorcycle, Roman then slowly pulls out of the diner, and drives a bit slower towards Virgil’s neighbourhood. Even after pulling up to his house, Roman’s slow to park the bike. 
Sooner than Virgil would have liked, they’re stopped on the curb. 
Virgil slides off, pulling the helmet off of his head and handing it back to Roman, who pushes the kickstop down before getting off himself. He sets his own helmet on one of the bike handles, before tucking Virgil’s back under the seat.
"I guess this is where we part ways, huh?" Roman says, laughing slightly, as he looks between Virgil and his house. 
Virgil scoffs at his dramatic lamenting. "I'll literally see you tomorrow," he responds, unamused, but with a small smile on his face. “Now shoo. I need alone time to recoup.” 
Roman sighs, smiling. “I guess I’ll meet you by your locker, then.”
Virgil snickers, backing up towards his door. “Don’t count on it,” he teasingly calls out, before unlocking his door and heading inside. He kicks the door shut behind him, locking it after, and then leans back against it, letting himself slowly sink to the ground as he sighs.
Roman had essentially been flirting with him the entire time, had paid for their entire (albeit cheap) meal, and had given him a (very fun) ride both to the diner and back to his house. 
This sucked.
Roman was being a genuinely good person. He’s been polite and respectful. Thinking about it, Virgil realizes he has little reason to hate him.
That “date” was horrible, and Virgil enjoyed every second of it. Wonderful.
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Here’s a 1960 manor in High Point, North Carolina that’s mostly white and black, but what attracted me to it was the lemon yellow accents. It really breaks it up and looks sharp. It has 5bd., 6ba. and 2 1/2ba. $1.2M. 
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The entrance hall is painted gray, but I like the leopard runner, the floors and the yellow bench. Notice the shiny black door on the right- that’s how you use black- sparingly, not like the house we saw yesterday. 
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See how the yellow pops? I really like it. This house is classy.
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Lovely breakfast table area.
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They’ve seamlessly combined old & new. 
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Beautiful shower- look at the textured shine on the wall. 
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I like the yellow theme running thru the house. Very elegant formal dining room, and the black door with white molding looks spot on. 
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1/2 bath. Is that wallpaper? I like the sheen.
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Light gray Shaker cabinets and marble or quartz backsplash in the kitchen and pantry. 
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Even the hall is gorgeous and look at that storage cabinet.
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So pretty. This is one time where I actually don’t mind all the gray.
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Another nice shower. 
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This is so beautiful for everyday dining, it’s stunning. 
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Gorgeous library.
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Gigantic covered porch.
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And, here we are upstairs. 
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The main bd. is a stunner. They had to have a professional decorate this place. 
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This bed is a showstopper. 
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Notice the 60s look of the lighting. It must be original. 
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Hall of closets.
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I like how they incorporated the animal patterns. Even the colors of the books are coordinated.
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Another bath.
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Linen closet could be used for shoes. 
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All the bds. are so pretty.
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Here’s a walk-in closet.
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Nice little room looks like it could be a dressing room. Notice the fancy cat bed.
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Knotty pine den.
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This garden room is fabulous.
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Looks like a little potting room. 
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Great pool.
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Have you ever seen a storage room like this? It’s all sorted. 
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Nice grounds around the house. 
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shecreateshome · 1 year
44 Decor Ideas for Your Dream Bedroom
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1. Luxurious Bedding: - Start with the foundation – invest in high-quality, luxurious bedding for the ultimate comfort.
2. Statement Headboard: - Elevate your bed with a statement headboard that adds style and drama to your bedroom.
3. Soft, Neutral Colors: - Choose soft, neutral colors like muted grays, serene whites, and calming pastels to create a tranquil atmosphere.
4. Cozy Throw Blankets: - Place cozy throw blankets at the foot of your bed for an inviting touch.
5. Plush Area Rug: - Define your bedroom space with a plush area rug that adds warmth and texture.
6. Ambient Lighting: - Install ambient lighting fixtures like dimmable sconces or pendant lights for a soothing atmosphere.
7. Floating Nightstands: - Opt for floating nightstands to save space and create a modern look.
8. Wall Art Gallery: - Create a gallery wall with your favorite artwork or family photos.
9. Ceiling Fan with Lights: - Combine functionality and style with a ceiling fan that includes integrated lighting.
10. Sheer Curtains: - Hang sheer curtains to allow natural light while maintaining privacy.
11. Accent Wall: - Paint one wall in a bold, contrasting color or use wallpaper to create an accent wall.
12. Full-Length Mirror: - Add a full-length mirror to make your bedroom feel larger and provide a practical space for getting ready.
13. Dresser with Mirror: - Choose a dresser with an attached mirror to streamline your morning routine.
14. Customized Shelving: - Install customized shelving to display books, decorative items, and personal mementos.
15. Canopy Bed: - Create a romantic ambiance with a canopy bed draped in sheer fabric.
16. Bedside Table Lamps: - Illuminate your bedside tables with elegant table lamps for bedtime reading.
17. Elegant Wall Decals: - Decorate your walls with elegant wall decals for a stylish and removable design element.
18. Plentiful Pillows: - Layer your bed with an assortment of pillows in different sizes and textures for added comfort.
19. Statement Chandelier: - Make a grand statement with a striking chandelier as a focal point in your bedroom.
20. Room-Enhancing Plants: - Bring nature indoors with bedroom-friendly plants like peace lilies or snake plants.
21. Tufted Ottoman: - Add a tufted ottoman to provide extra seating and storage space.
22. Coordinating Bedside Tables: - Choose matching bedside tables to create a cohesive look.
23. Customized Headboard: - Design a customized headboard that perfectly fits your bedroom's style.
24. Soft Roman Shades: - Install soft Roman shades for a timeless and functional window treatment.
25. Bed Bench: - Place a bed bench at the foot of your bed for a touch of luxury and additional seating.
26. Dreamy Canopy Curtains: - Hang dreamy canopy curtains for an ethereal atmosphere in your bedroom.
27. Mirrored Furniture: - Incorporate mirrored furniture for added glamour and a spacious feel.
28. Layered Bedding Textures: - Mix and match bedding textures like linen, velvet, and silk for a luxurious look.
29. Window Seat Nook: - Create a cozy window seat nook with cushions and throw pillows for a tranquil reading spot.
30. Statement Accent Chair: - Place a statement accent chair in a corner for a stylish and functional addition.
31. Textured Wall Panels: - Enhance your bedroom's texture with textured wall panels or wood paneling.
32. Dressing Screen: - Use a dressing screen for privacy and a touch of vintage charm.
33. Minimalist Floating Shelves: - Install minimalist floating shelves for a sleek and clutter-free display.
34. Vanity Table: - Set up a vanity table with a chic mirror for your beauty routine.
35. Luxurious Bed Canopy: - Elevate your bed with a luxurious canopy for a regal touch.
36. Dramatic Black Accents: - Introduce black accents through decor items or furniture for a touch of drama.
37. Layered Curtains: - Layer curtains with sheers and blackout options for flexibility in light control.
38. Patterned Bedspread: - Opt for a patterned bedspread to add visual interest and personality.
39. Cozy Reading Nook: - Create a cozy reading nook with a comfortable chair and good lighting.
40. Monogrammed Bedding: - Personalize your bedding with monogrammed pillows or sheets.
41. Gold and Metallic Accents: - Incorporate gold or metallic accents for a touch of opulence.
42. Wall-Mounted TV: - Mount a TV on the wall for entertainment without taking up floor space.
43. Elegant Crown Molding: - Add elegant crown molding for a touch of architectural charm.
44. Serene Ocean Vibes: - Create a calming ocean-inspired bedroom with blue hues and nautical decor.
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“Corporations are the soulless brains of rat-filled people.”
Context under cut. Content warning for gore
In my dream last night I was somehow managing to buy a house. Massive, rambling, old, lots of antique furniture in and flourishing plants still there. Was taking a tour with my ex, god knows why, who was excited about things in the place for me but his presence drove me to explore faster than I wanted so as to not be in the same room.
Gorgeous…greenhouse? Conservatory? Lofty glass-ceilings room with potted plants all around and quite a few in pots suspended by chains from the ceiling. Warm and bright, all my plants would love it.
A beautiful study with a fireplace taking up a whole wall, dark wood built-ins with glass-front cabinets. One of those clocks with the perpetually spinning orbs under a glass dome.
In one room there was a bench sized and shaped structure, turned akimbo mostly toward the wall. The seat area was round wooden rails, with actual wooden seat platform on it large enough for one person at one end. My ex declared it to be a shoeshine bench; there were foot supports in front of the seat for such an activity so I had to presume he was right. Couldn’t test whether the seat could still slide along the rails, though, because there were four 80s-90s era mini electric keyboards on the rails. Collecting dust in a house where everything else was clean.
I moved on without finding the kitchen, climbing the stairs. The upper floors were a little more dim, and had a stranger layout, with half-flights of stairs. Went up one to find a room with the doorway filled with two panes of glass on hinges; the one on the stairs side I had to press and release to have it spring out and swing toward me. The one on the other side did the same in the other direction. It led to a playroom with toys mostly put away but others still scattered on the far side of the room. The glass door was, apparently, so a parent could glance up the stairs and see the kids still safe and playing in there.
I left through a door to one side; coming up the half stairs, the ceiling had slanted sideways over me, indicating another set of stairs above running perpendicular.
This was when I ran into the small man. Somehow it did not bother me he was there. He reminded me of The Old Man Of Hoy from Sense8, but much more compact, only three feet tall at most.
At one point I discovered an oak and wrought iron built in foldout stair made to let me climb to open some sort of door. I pulled it out using the round safe-door type handle, climbed up, but the door was locked.
“Don’t have the key.” The old man said. “There’s another way to the fifth floor.” He sounded unsure of himself but I followed his swift pace around to the bottom of a staircase that climbed through a space that got smaller as we went up, to a door that was 1/3 height and also locked. But I had a piece of flat metal and a Bobby pin I could bend, and a rudimentary experience of basic lock picking, and I got it open.
The old man and I were hip to hip as we shoved our top halves through the doorway. The other side was dark, so I pulled out my phone and set it to flashlight. To the right, the ceiling slanted down in two sections; eaves, flat wood surfaces painted a violet-tinged grey with white accents. On one end the floor opened up to a sharply dropping ramp that disappeared into shadow. At the time it struck me as a bad slide for a person to go down, but now I think it was a slide to move boxes from eaves storage to rooms below without having to carry them downstairs/through rooms. Like a dumbwaiter with the simplest of physical mechanics.
We turned our heads and my light to the left, and the ceilings rose to full height, picking out open doorways to very still rooms, objects and doorknobs thick with dust and some furniture draped with cloths. The old man crowed with delight. “You found it - The Cousins’ House! The house within a house!” We scrambled through and to our feet, and somehow I know this section was just that - a whole ‘nother house, attached and separated, from days long past when folks might come visiting for months at a time.
We explored here slowly, for this house was dark as midnight and even more maze like than the main house. I rounded a square pillar with piles of abandoned items around its base all dusted and cobwebby, and there was a hint of movement at the edge of the light. I moved closer - it was a doll, perhaps the size of a standing American Girl Doll, no taller than my knees as it stood there. It’s head moved, turning away, and a little-girl voice said something I do not now recall. My friends standing behind me (I do not know who, but they were there) were terrified, so I said, “oh look, a baaaaayby! Get the baby!” in a playful singsong voice. I stopped toward it to scoop up the doll, to show my friend it was perhaps a really good windup doll.
That is when the doll ran. That little girl voice was repeating,” don’t catch the baby!” While I chased it through the maze of rooms and halls, barely keeping it in my shaker flashlight, calling out, “catch the baaaayby!” My friends were yelling to stop, no, don’t try to catch it. Wet came back round to where they stood and I snatched the doll up, swaddling it in the blanket that was wrapped around it and cradling it in my arms to show my friends. It’s face was turned away.
“Who’s a baby?” I asked jovially, stroking the fringe of its bangs. My friends were relaxing now. The doll’s head swiveled to face me—
ABRUPTLY I was no longer in that place, that situation, those people. I was staring from very close up into the face of 90s era pixie-cut Winona Ryder. Her pale skin was glistening with moisture, her teeth perfectly white as she hissed, “Corporations are the soulless brains of ratless people.” She took a deep breath, ragged, as if talking was an effort, and said it again. “Corporations are the soulless brains of rat-filled people. Corporations are the soulless brains of ratless people. Corporations are the soulless brains of rat-filled people. ” Over and over again she repeated it and slowly my view drew back like a camera pulling away she was still gasping and hissing it as I saw that she had no arms, rough-edges of flesh around wet pits where they had been pulled off. She wore nothing, she was in a bath, deep cuts down her body that was dappled with moisture - from sweat, from steam. There were long streaky tunnels of blood down her skin. Finally she could speak no longer, her head lolling in a deathless silent scream, the inside of her mouth blackened. Her legs were torn away the same way as her arms. The bath water was milky. When I was far enough away I could see a thick ruddy cephalopodean tentacle rising from the bath, lashing toward me.
I awoke. Full of What The Fuck?
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stardust-swan · 1 year
My Dream Home
aka where I'd live if I was rich and had time to maintain all of this
Powder blue, with murals painted on the side
There will be roses, violets, lavender, petunias, marigolds, peonies, mayflowers, and a cherry blossom tree in the front garden
And tomatoes, potatoes, strawberries, blueberries, onions, mint, courgettes, garlic, sage, thyme, basil, lettuce, peas, carrots, and cucumber in the back
Pretty birdbath
A wrought iron bench
Lanterns and string lights to light up the garden at night
A marble or bronze statue of Aphrodite
A calm fountain
Bonsai trees
Satin and silk bedsheets in ballet pink, lavender, baby blue, and duck egg green, and floral quilts and duvet covers
Beaded clothes hangers on the clothes rack
Fluffy fur rugs on the floor
An illuminated vanity with my favourite makeup, perfume, and Pandora charm bracelet on display
A nook for a shrine to Aphrodite
A clothesline of theatre programmes I've gone to on the wall
A large shelf for my collector barbies
A light up shoe rack big enough for my (vast) collection of shoes
Plushies on the bed
My closet and drawers will have sachets of potpourri and scented soaps in them so that my clothes will smell beautiful
A velvet headboard
Heavy drapes on the bed
Delicate floral ceramics in the kitchen
There will always be fresh-baked cookies and pastries for when guests drop in
A cupboard stocked full of herbal teas
Will always have a soup cooking on the stove and a pie cooling on the windowsill
The fridge will be stocked with vegetables and berries from my garden, fresh eggs, whole milk and good butter and cheese, cured meats, smoked salmon, macarons, homemade limoncello and cider, jam made from my own berries, and jugs of water with cucumber, lemon slices, and springs of homemade mint
Other foods will include: an array of spices and herbs, fresh bread, olive oil, balsamic vinegar, green and black olives, brown rice, veg that I canned and pickled myself, kimchi, almond milk, rice milk, mochi, marzipan, white chocolate with raspberries, dried fruits and nuts, honey, and fresh pastries
A six burner stove
Marble countertops
Elegant silverware
Living Room
Homemade throws on the chairs
A large bookshelf and more books on the windowsill
Will always smell delicious because of the candles I burn every evening
Will always be filled with the sound of classical music or jazz
Lots of cushions on the sofas
Sconces with frilled shades on the walls
A dining table with a beautiful centrepiece and elegant table settings
A comfy armchair for me to sit on while reading and crocheting
Jurlique rose handcream and fancy rose-pink soaps by the sink
Fluffy, thick, soft towels in white, pale pink, baby blue, lavender, and mint green
A vanity which has a mirror with soft pink lights, and enough storage space for my creams, body butter, exfoliater, face masks, toner, body mist, etc
Patterned toilet paper
Shower curtains made of silk or satin
Sea salt scented diffusers and a potted plant to make it feel fresh, and aromatherapy candles to make it feel calm
A bidet!
Mosaic tile walls and marble flooring and countertops
A clawfoot bathtub with elegant curves and gold accents
Plush rug next to the bath and a pretty toilet seat cover
Antique bathroom accessories, like a silver soap dish and crystal toothbrush holder
Maritime and botanical themed artwork on the walls
A built in sound system to play relaxing music while I bathe, like classical music, Native American flute music, or my Aphrodite playlist (on days where I'm having a long pampering session).
A large mirror with an ornate frame
A stained glass mirror so nobody can look in
Multiple Rooms/Other
Gilded framed pictures of my loved ones throughout the house
A potted houseplant on the side of each step of the staircase
Wide windows with velvet or satin curtains that let in lots of natural light
Prints by local artists on the walls
Vases of flowers taken from my garden in each room, even on the bathroom counter
Deep, plush carpets on the floor
Soft lighting from salt lamps and fairy lights
South-facing windows, so that the house will be full of light
The walls will be painted in pastel colours or will have a delicate wallpaper
Lots of pretty trinkets on the surfaces
Sapphic artworks that portrays lovers or the female form
Crystal handles on the cabinets and cupboards in the house
Lavender incense
Lace doilies on the side tables
Ribbons and bows everywhere
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wedezine · 18 days
Setting the Tone: Key Design Elements for a Stunning Entryway
The foyer of your home is more than just an entryway—it's the first impression guests have and the final farewell as they leave. In urban settings like Shivamogga, where space can be limited, a well-designed foyer can transform the atmosphere of your entire apartment. This guide will delve into essential design elements that will help you create a foyer that is both inviting and reflective of your unique style.
1. Maximize Space with Smart Layouts
In an apartment, every square inch counts. To make a small foyer both functional and attractive, focus on space-saving layouts. Opt for narrow furniture, like a sleek console table or a floating shelf, to keep pathways clear while providing spots for essentials such as keys and mail. Vertical storage solutions, such as wall-mounted hooks or shelves, can help keep the floor area open and airy. Interior designers in Shivamogga often recommend these strategies to enhance small entryways without compromising on style.
2. Enhance Ambiance with Stylish Lighting
Lighting is key to setting a warm and welcoming tone in your foyer. Employ a layered lighting approach that includes ambient, task, and accent lights to create a well-rounded illumination scheme. Consider a statement pendant light or chandelier as a focal point, while wall sconces or table lamps can provide softer, more inviting light. Choose fixtures that reflect your personal taste—whether modern, vintage, or industrial—to add character and charm to your space.
3. Choose the Perfect Color Palette
The color scheme of your foyer plays a significant role in shaping the mood and perception of the space. Light shades like whites, pastels, or soft greys can make a small foyer appear more spacious and welcoming. Alternatively, deep hues such as navy or emerald can add a sense of elegance and warmth. For apartments in Shivamogga, it’s important to select colors that complement the natural light available, ensuring the space doesn’t feel cramped or dim. A thoughtfully chosen color palette will set a welcoming tone from the moment guests arrive.
4. Use Mirrors to Create Space and Light
Mirrors are an excellent design tool for enhancing the perception of space in a foyer. By reflecting light, they can brighten the area and create the illusion of a larger space. Place a large mirror opposite a light source, such as a window or lamp, to maximize the brightness and open up the area. Interior designers in Shivamogga frequently use mirrors to add depth and sophistication to compact entryways, ensuring a memorable first impression.
5. Add Personal Touches and Decor
Personalizing your foyer can make it feel uniquely yours. Incorporate elements such as artwork, family photos, or a distinctive statement piece that showcases your personality. A stylish rug can add warmth and texture, while a small indoor plant brings a touch of nature indoors. Combining different textures and decor elements can create visual interest and depth, making your foyer both inviting and visually appealing.
6. Choose Durable and Stylish Flooring
Flooring in the foyer needs to be both durable and aesthetically pleasing. Select materials that can withstand heavy foot traffic and are easy to clean, such as tiles, hardwood, or luxury vinyl. In Shivamogga, where monsoon weather can bring mud and rain indoors, water-resistant flooring options are practical and stylish. Adding a durable, easy-to-clean rug or mat can further protect your floors while contributing to the overall decor.
7. Create a Functional Drop Zone
A well-organized drop zone is crucial for maintaining a tidy foyer. Designate an area for shoes, bags, and other essentials to keep the space clutter-free. Consider incorporating a bench with built-in storage or a coat rack with shelves for a practical yet stylish solution. Modular furniture that adapts to your needs can be particularly useful in optimizing apartment foyers.
8. Consider Scent and Ambiance
Scent is a subtle yet powerful element in creating a welcoming environment. Introduce a gentle fragrance with a diffuser, scented candles, or fresh flowers to greet guests with a pleasant aroma. Enhance the ambiance with soothing background music or natural sounds to make your foyer a truly inviting space.
Designing a welcoming foyer involves more than just visual appeal; it's about creating a space that feels inviting and reflects your personal style. By incorporating smart layouts, stylish lighting, a well-chosen color palette, mirrors, personal touches, durable flooring, a functional drop zone, and a pleasant ambiance, you can transform your apartment foyer into a sophisticated and welcoming entrance. Whether you live in a compact apartment in Shivamogga or a spacious home, these insights from experienced interior designers will help you create a foyer that leaves a lasting impression.
For expert assistance in designing your apartment foyer, reach out to WeDezine Studio. Our team of skilled interior designers in Shivamogga is dedicated to bringing your vision to life and creating spaces that are both beautiful and functional.
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Creating a Relaxing Master Bathroom Retreat: Design Ideas for a Spa-Like Experience in Your North Shore Home Renovation
Home renovation is a thrilling yet challenging project for many homeowners, particularly in areas like North Shore, where space and design preferences can vary widely. One of the most sought-after spaces to renovate is the master bathroom. A well-designed bathroom can serve as a sanctuary from daily stress, providing a spa-like experience right at home. In this guide, we will explore various design ideas to transform your master bathroom into a relaxing retreat during your home renovation on the North Shore.
Why Renovate Your Master Bathroom?
Before diving into the design ideas, it's essential to understand why renovating your master bathroom can be a valuable investment. A master bathroom renovation in North Shore homes can not only enhance your quality of life but also significantly increase the value of your property. Modern, spa-inspired bathrooms are in high demand among buyers, offering both aesthetic and functional benefits. Creating a relaxing environment can make a world of difference in how you start and end each day.
Key Elements of a Spa-Like Master Bathroom
A spa-like bathroom should evoke calmness, luxury, and relaxation. Here are some core elements to consider during your home renovation in North Shore:
Color Palette:Opt for neutral and calming colors like soft whites, muted grays, warm beiges, or gentle greens. These colors help create a serene atmosphere, which is essential for a spa-like feel. Consider combining these hues with natural textures like wood, stone, or bamboo.
Lighting:Lighting plays a crucial role in setting the mood. Incorporate dimmable lighting options to create a soft, ambient glow. Layer your lighting with a mix of overhead, task, and accent lights. Pendant lights, LED strips under cabinets, or wall sconces can add a luxurious touch. Natural light is another must-have; large windows or skylights can help brighten up the space while maintaining privacy.
Quality Materials:When planning your North Shore home renovation, invest in high-quality materials such as marble, granite, or quartz for countertops and flooring. These materials not only look stunning but are also durable and easy to maintain. For a truly spa-like experience, consider adding wood elements like teak or cedar, which are resistant to moisture and add warmth to the space.
Fixtures and Fittings:Upgrade your fixtures to modern, sleek designs in matte black, brushed nickel, or polished chrome. Consider installing a rain showerhead or a hand-held shower wand for versatility. A freestanding bathtub can serve as the focal point of your master bathroom, creating a sense of luxury and relaxation.
Smart Technology:Integrating smart technology into your master bathroom can elevate the spa-like experience. Features like heated floors, smart mirrors with built-in lighting and Bluetooth speakers, and programmable showers that remember your preferred water temperature can all contribute to a more personalized, comfortable retreat.
Design Ideas for Your North Shore Master Bathroom Renovation
Now, let's explore some specific design ideas to inspire your master bathroom renovation in North Shore.
1. The Minimalist Spa Escape
A minimalist design focuses on simplicity and functionality. Choose a monochrome color palette with clean lines and minimal décor. Floating vanities and frameless glass shower enclosures help open up the space, making it feel more extensive and airy. Opt for hidden storage solutions to keep the area clutter-free. Consider adding a built-in bench in the shower for a more relaxed, spa-like feel.
2. Nature-Inspired Oasis
Bring the outdoors in by incorporating natural elements into your master bathroom renovation. Use earthy tones like greens and browns, and incorporate materials like wood and stone. Add plants or a vertical garden for a touch of greenery, which can improve air quality and create a calming environment. A pebble stone floor in the shower or a bamboo bath mat can add a tactile element that enhances the nature-inspired theme.
3. Luxurious Marble Retreat
Marble has long been associated with luxury and elegance. To create a marble retreat, choose marble tiles for the floor and walls. Pair them with a marble or quartz countertop and brass or gold fixtures to add warmth and sophistication. A chandelier above a freestanding bathtub can serve as the focal point, adding a touch of grandeur to your master bathroom renovation in North Shore.
4. Modern Industrial Chic
The industrial chic style blends modern design with raw, unfinished materials like concrete, metal, and wood. Exposed brick walls, matte black fixtures, and metal accents can create a unique, edgy look. A walk-in shower with a frameless glass door, paired with a concrete or dark stone floor, can enhance the industrial vibe while maintaining a spa-like feel.
5. Vintage Glamour
For a touch of vintage glamour, consider incorporating classic elements like clawfoot tubs, vintage-style vanities, and ornate mirrors. Use soft pastel colors or rich, jewel-toned accents for a more opulent look. Vintage-style light fixtures and brass fittings can add character and elegance to your master bathroom renovation in North Shore.
Additional Tips for a Spa-Like Experience
To achieve the ultimate spa-like experience, consider these additional design ideas:
Install a Steam Shower: A steam shower can provide a therapeutic, spa-like experience in the comfort of your home.
Add a Sauna or Infrared Heater: If space permits, a sauna or infrared heater can enhance relaxation and offer numerous health benefits.
Incorporate Aromatherapy: Use essential oil diffusers or scented candles to create a calming ambiance with soothing scents like lavender, eucalyptus, or chamomile.
Upgrade to Luxury Towels and Robes: Soft, plush towels and robes can add a touch of luxury to your daily routine, mimicking the feel of a high-end spa.
Enhance Sound: Consider adding a waterproof Bluetooth speaker system to enjoy calming music or nature sounds during your bath or shower.
Common Mistakes to Avoid During a Master Bathroom Renovation
While a master bathroom renovation in North Shore can be exciting, there are some common mistakes homeowners should avoid:
Ignoring Proper Ventilation: Poor ventilation can lead to mold and mildew growth, compromising both your health and the longevity of your materials. Ensure your design includes adequate ventilation, such as an exhaust fan or a window.
Overlooking Storage Needs: A spa-like bathroom should be clutter-free, so it's crucial to plan for ample storage. Consider adding built-in cabinets, shelving, or hidden niches to store towels, toiletries, and other essentials.
Choosing Inappropriate Materials: Not all materials are suitable for a bathroom environment. Ensure you choose moisture-resistant and durable materials that can withstand daily wear and tear.
Neglecting Lighting: Inadequate lighting can make a bathroom feel small and unwelcoming. Make sure to layer your lighting to create a warm, inviting atmosphere.
Rushing the Design Process: Take the time to carefully plan and design your master bathroom renovation. Rushing the process can lead to mistakes, overlooked details, and ultimately, a space that doesn’t meet your expectations.
FAQs: Home Renovation North Shore
Q1: How much does a master bathroom renovation cost in North Shore?A: The cost of a master bathroom renovation in North Shore can vary widely depending on the scope of the project, the materials used, and the labor costs. On average, a bathroom renovation can range from $15,000 to $50,000 or more.
Q2: How long does it take to complete a master bathroom renovation in North Shore?A: The duration of a bathroom renovation can depend on the complexity of the project. Typically, it can take anywhere from 4 to 8 weeks, depending on the scope of work, availability of materials, and the contractor's schedule.
Q3: Do I need a permit for a bathroom renovation in North Shore?A: Yes, you may need a permit for a bathroom renovation, especially if it involves structural changes, plumbing, or electrical work. Check with your local council in North Shore for specific requirements.
Q4: What are the benefits of a spa-like bathroom renovation?A: A spa-like bathroom offers numerous benefits, including a relaxing and rejuvenating space, increased property value, improved functionality, and a luxurious feel that can enhance your overall quality of life.
Q5: How can I make my small bathroom feel larger?A: To make a small bathroom feel larger, use light colors, install large mirrors, opt for a frameless shower enclosure, and maximize natural light. Choose compact fixtures and smart storage solutions to keep the space uncluttered.
A well-planned master bathroom renovation in North Shore can transform your home into a luxurious retreat, offering a spa-like experience every day. By incorporating calming colors, quality materials, smart lighting, and thoughtful design elements, you can create a space that promotes relaxation and rejuvenation. Whether you prefer a minimalist escape, a nature-inspired oasis, or a vintage glamour bathroom, your Home Renovation North Shore project can achieve the tranquil and stylish atmosphere you desire. Remember to avoid common pitfalls and invest in the right materials and features to ensure your renovation is a success.
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