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for-the-sake-of-color · 2 years ago
Medic Kix and Medical Officer Whip!
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When you take the chance on letting the Field Medics' volunteer to help the dedicated Medical staff at risk of overworking themselves, and it turns out that they actually make pretty damn fine med-techs!
Drabble below the cut!
“Sir, they are having me run drills in between missions-”
“You are a combat medic-”
Medic Kix leaned forwards, unfolding his arms to point at Ship Medical Officer Whip’s chest, “and I see plenty of combat! But my obligation to these men cannot stop just because the fighting has! You do not have the droids or the manpower to keep up with the influx you’re dealing with! I can help! We can help!” 
And Kix gestured around them at the assortment of filled beds, “Vitals, Charts, Sutures, Bacta, Medications! Operation support! We do everything your techs and support droids do! And we can do it without the bolts flying at us too! Speed matters and it is Infinitely more useful for all of us if I’m not wasted on target practice!”
“If I allow this, you are going to be working in full shifts between missions with very little downtime, are you sure you can handle the strain? You’re needed at your best on the battlefield,”
“I have to try. Trial run me as a med-tech, let me prove myself-”
“Oh, I believe you can do the job. We don’t train bad medics, I just don’t know if the stress-”
“Sir, please. I can’t even relax during my downtime if we have soldiers dying up here and there was something I could have done!”
And the Medical officer raised an eyebrow, “Your downtime, huh? Aren’t you trying to get out of drills?”
And Medic Kix looked almost angry as he replied, “I’m not trying to get out of drills, sir, I’m trying to help!”
Whip grinned at him, “Good. Be back for the shift change at 1700 tomorrow and I’ll have a tech uniform ready for you, Medic Kix. Let’s see if you can keep it up.”
And Kix grinned right back, fixing the Medical Officer with a salute, and leaving him with a,
“I’ll try not to outpace your staff, Sir,”
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for-the-sake-of-color · 2 years ago
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Crisis Company + some extras
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This came to me in a dream.
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mildmayfoxe · 11 months ago
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GET WEIRD! // shop
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after-the-end-times · 10 days ago
Steve and Eddie lounging in bed, Steve shirtless and Eddie playing Find the Constellations on Steve's back. Early on, he'd play this with a star book next to them, but has long ago memorized the night sky.
This afternoon Eddie's finger is tracing along, Steve nearly dozing, when Eddie lets out a "Huh! There's a new freckle. I can now fully make Sagittarius here. Cool." and he goes back to tracing, Steve drifting off.
Over coffee that weekend, Steve mentions Eddie's "New Star" to Robin as a funny little Eddie Story. She does not find it funny and bully's him into using his newly gotten work provided health insurance to call a dermatologist. Now, he's had freckles come and go throughout his life, so he's not too worried, but will go to sooth Robin's little worried face.
So, he goes, they check every single one on his entire body which takes forever, and then he goes home worried...about Eddie.
Because there were a few freckles/moles/stars that the doctor found concerning and was able to remove that day...and a few more they might need to remove later.
And he's not sure how Eddie's gonna take it.
Eddie's obsessed with his freckles; he has favorites that he kisses every time they're uncovered, he has constellations he subconsciously traces when they watch tv. So, Steve's just worried Eddie will be disappointed.
But, of course, just like he's done repeatedly in their last 10 years together, Eddie surprises him.
After Steve told him about the appointment, Eddie went to the library to do some research on Steve's moles. He'd never thought about how his little stars could end up hurting Steve. He even popped into the dermatologist's office to grab some informational pamphlets. He now knows what to look out for; now knows how to better take care of Steve.
It's Steve who ends up crying when he shows Eddie what will be little pale dots.
He's just continuously amazed at how much Eddie loves him, unconditionally, with or without constellations.
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phibsies · 12 days ago
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all i know how to draw is bullshit these days
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fellow-fandom-fruitifier · 2 months ago
Imagine if ghosts reverted to their death state on the anniversary of their deaths, but I'm making it worse for Edwin in particular.
So I feel like Charles would struggle with it, obviously, but he also met Edwin when he was actively dying so, after a handful of years, he doesn't mind if Edwin -- only Edwin -- sees. They just sit down for the day and read till he can slip into his orb form in a facsimile of rest.
But then we got Edwin. This man will yap and yap about capital H Hell but God Forbid he actually TALK about his trauma. 'Charles mustn't be exposed to that!' is his fav excuse but c'mon. Be. So. Fr. He just doesn't want Charles to think of him differently.
There are days where Edwin hops off to the library or something and gets lost in books for days, it's not new. Ghosts have shit perception of time. So when Edwin disappears to the "library", Charles thinks nothing of it. He just goes to do some of his own shit -- concert, ghost cricket, idk -- and very impatiently waits for Edwin to be done. (They have a deal that he can come drag Edwin away after the 48 hour mark if he's not home by then.)
Another thing is, Edwin hasn't explicitly stated what day he died, so Charles has no idea. It doesn't occur to him that he's never seen Edwin's death anniversary till he's telling Crystal they'll be closed in a week for his, and she asks when Edwin's is.
And he just. Doesn't know.
So Crystal ushers him through her vanity because god forbid these boys have self initiated confrontation. And now Edwin is being cornered and he reluctantly reveals what he's been doing. Aka lying and spending his most vulnerable days in an abandoned garden or something. Charles is fucking Gobsmacked™️ and they talk, etc.
Anyways, Edwin's death anniversary is a month or two away from Charles' so they wait, both anxious as hell but Charles is being Charles and coping by helping Edwin instead.💀💀 (Edwin confronts him because PUT THEM BOTH ON BLAST‼️‼️🗣️🗣️)
On the day, Edwin's form changes little by little. Rubbed in rashes around his wrists and the corners of his lips, paler, sunken eyes, and bursted blood vessels looking like freckles. Charles spends the whole night reassuring Edwin and layering him in love and I'm such a sucker for love confessions so you KNOW they gotta have a moment like:
"I'm proper gone on you, aren't I?" Charles whispers into Edwin's hairline, sounding utterly smitten.
"Even like this?" Edwin asks. Equally quiet and wholly insecure, something Charles will spend the rest of his afterlife rectifying the same way Edwin has for him.
"Especially like this."
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gudakko · 3 months ago
me: it'd be so cool if there was an animal capable of blending with its surroundings with innate camouflage
the resourceful chameleon:
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deep-sea-anemone · 11 months ago
Yes, yes, Sanji letting Zoro help in the kitchen by letting him chop vegetables because he's good with pointy objects.
BUT. Have you considered?
They live in a world without most electrical appliances. A FUCKTON of physical labor goes into baking (and keep in mind how often Sanji bakes treats for the girls).
Sanji being tired (physically) and not feeling like taking 10 min to whip whipped cream. Being tired (mentally) of Zoro making fun of him for never working out. Sanji saying "fuck it" and just starts putting him to work.
The foccacia dough needs to be kneaded? "Have fun working a sticky mess for 20 minutes, asshole"
Need meringue? "No, STIFF peaks marimo. Don't tell me you're wimping out already"
"Are you even TRYING to flatten that steak Marimo?"
"Yes, it needs whipped cream. YES, I know you just made some yesterday. We need more"
Zoro's shoulders are burning but he's trying SO HARD not to lose face with the cook and meanwhile Sanji is silently losing it at Zoro's shock that cooking can in fact be a workout
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whump-in-the-closet · 7 months ago
Pirate Whump
the brig!! thrown in there and forgotten while saltwater seeps through and drenches whumpee constantly leaving them coughing and miserable
lack of sleep, forced to be on duty for hours at a time
smacking whumpee to the deck with a blow that leaves their eyes watering.
scrubbing the deck until their hands are scraped and bleeding. their arms and back ache so badly that when they stand up, they immediately double over.
flogging for minor mistakes. the humiliation of having their shirt ripped away and the stabbing, sharp pain of the cat o'nine tails on their skin is enough to break down the most stoic of the crew
collapsing on deck. in general. fainting. nausea. suddenly light headed and woozy from blood loss
falling to the deck on hands and knees and scraping them on the rough, worm-eaten wood
hostage situations on “friendly” terms. whumpee can wander around on deck and maybe they even joke around with some of the pirates. but the minute they try to escape, there’s a sweeping blade at their throat and someone roughly manhandling them to the captains quarters to be “dealt with”
being made an example of for misconduct is often extreme and cruel. there are no laws on the high seas
the damage left by the opposing side’s cannon fire? timber embedded in limbs, gaping wounds, and formerly brave sailors curling up in fetal positions to try and protect themselves
a captain whumper who calls their prisoner whumpee “darling” in the most derogatory way possible.
emergency first aid being applied hurriedly and with unskilled hands.bandages made from old shirts, amputations done unabashedly and crew mates being carried back fireman style to their ship.
“bite down on this” and “don’t look” as they cut away a damaged limb, multiple crew members holding whumpee down
mer whumpees— caught and put on a leash so they’re dragged along the side of the boat. sometimes they pull whumpee up and “have a bit of fun” as whumpee thrashes and gasps for air.
captain whumpee found stranded on an island by an opposing captain. they’re “taken care of” by being humiliated and beaten, laughed at, and forced to be the cabin boy
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lynxxpaw · 1 year ago
can we get some narilamb pretty please? 🥺
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shiroselia · 4 days ago
So we all agree Jinshi was unreasonably horny when watching Maomao rain hell on Lihua's ladies in waiting for being shit at taking care of Lihua right
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blesby · 11 days ago
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Simplify beams your eldars
(I like them a normal and sane amount)
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royalarchivist · 3 months ago
Tubbo: The life system– In DND, when a character hits 0 health, they have to do something called a "saving throw," it's a death saving throw. If they roll under 10, they fail that death saving throw, and if you fail 3 death saving throws, your character is dead.
Tubbo: How I'm treating saving throws in the Realm SMP is basically, if you die, it's equal to you failing a death saving throw. [...] If you lose all 3 of your lives, you will be banned off the server for 24 hours, and when you come back, your stats will be reset to 0, you are a new character*, you are dead.
Tubbo: Players on the server are able to attach this to lore, if let's say they're doing a lore character, that character's dead, they can come back with a new one for things like roleplay and lore.** And storytelling! [...] I'm mainly leaving [lore] completely open-ended for the players of the server to tell the stories they want to make. I just want to make the ultimate sandbox for them, and plan events and activities that they can use to develop their own original characters, is kind of my plan.
Tubbo discussed Realm's life system earlier today during stream before Realm SMP opened!
* Not in the literal sense.
** Tubbo isn't saying players HAVE to make new characters when they die 3 times in one day. Tubbo reiterates that he wants Realms to be a sandbox for players to tell the stories they want to make.
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the-ninja-legacy-whip · 2 months ago
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Upside Down; Inside Out // I End Where You Begin
—Happy 14th Anniversary // 4th Legacyverse Anniversary
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dear-ao3 · 4 days ago
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cananybodyseeher · 12 days ago
Ok, hear me out. I need a fic where Elphaba is so whipped, everyone knows if you want her to do something, ask Galinda to help you.
Imagine fiyero, Nessa and Boq each asking her to do something, whether its going to a party, or joining some sort of study group, or even to borrow something, and Elphaba just straight up says no. But then Galinda walks in and asks for the same thing, and Elphaba says yes immediately ( she always answers a soft 'ok' or 'alright', maybe with a soft smile too)
It happens enough times for people to notice so they start asking Galinda for those things, who just loves to help, and she in turn asks Elphaba.
Maybe Elphaba or Galinda figures it out and start to mess with them, idk.
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