#while it cannot even find enough internet to load the page when all other apps are fine
jennytwosheds · 1 year
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whitherliliesbloom · 3 years
weaving the present, illuminating the future
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[ ffxivwrite2021 ] ★ [ masterlist ] ★ [ prompt #30 - abstracted ]
[ illya & friends ] ★ [ 2,849 words ]  ★ [ streamers au ]
modern / streamers / online celebrities au where the spud squad are all popular streamers who frequently collab together. centers around illya and kaye mainly, but briefly mentions a bunch of other friends and illyanaud.
abstracted- withdrawn in mind, inattentive to one's surroundings
the spud squad announce their indefinite hiatus right after releasing their one year anniversary single, and illya cannot help but to feel just a tad bit melancholic.
Illya hasn’t bothered checking her notifications, or looked at either her computer screen or mobile phone, really. The sounds of ping after ping on linkcord, text after text and the flood of new tweets mentioning the one tag she followed on twitter easily made her overwhelmed - and so she’d opted to switch her devices off entirely before burying herself under the covers for the evening, trying desperately to distract herself with a copy of a manhwa that she’d borrowed from Laurelis. 
But it was futile, her head is empty and heavy, yet swirling with a myriad of many emotions all at the same time. And after feebly reading and re-reading the same page over and over only to realize she hadn’t been paying attention to the contents of the book at all, she closed the manhwa shut with a heavy sigh before closing her eyes, praying to the heavens that exhaustion would lull her quickly to sleep.
Outsiders would merely assumed she was simply nervous from the release of their newest single, Ultramarine Hymn, a collaboration between the members of their massively popular streamer group made in celebration for their one year anniversary. They’d prepared for months, working together with a widely renowned music composer and even performing live on stage with a set of professional make up artists, producers and videographers to film their first ever music video.
For everyone barring Mint, it’d been their first time ever singing and dancing for a large audience online. While the experience had been undoubtedly fun, it was still their first real exposure doing anything of such professionalism and scale- and so her flat mate Kaye wasn’t surprised at all to find her shaking like a leaf as she sat next to him on the couch just several minutes prior to the premier of the video.
While the premier of their first music video was indeed a good half of the reason why Illya felt so out of sorts and nervous for the rest of the night up until sunrise, the true reason for the melancholy she bore in her heart came from the announcement that was posted right after the release of the music video, and it’d kept her awake for a good portion of the late night until she mercifully fell asleep, clutching the lavender purple ribbon she’d worn in the music video tightly in her hands.
The spud squad was going to go on an indefinite hiatus shortly after the release of Ultramarine Hymn - a result of an eight months long business trip Kaye had been assigned on as a professional programmer. Streaming and being something of an internet celebrity was never the man’s main source of income, so it’d be unwise of him to turn down the golden opportunity to further his career in favor of staying behind to continue streaming. 
Naturally, Lily was going to move overseas with him as well - and while she has made it clear to her audience that she will continue streaming whenever she could afford the free time to, the radically different time zones between Eorzea and Doma meant it’d be difficult to participate in anymore spud squad activities - at least until she and Kaye would return.
Mint too, announced that she’d been preoccupied with practicing for auditions into several professional idol management companies... and while Illya herself isn’t as busy as the other three, juggling between helping with business at her mother’s florist, studying for an entrance exam into a medical school and streaming on top of that has become quite a hectic endeavor. 
Thus with much reluctance, the six of them came to a consensus and decided to announce their indefinite hiatus, a news that they’d hoped would sit well with their impressively large audience of fans if it came with the release of a music video to remember them by.
Illya knew that it was a necessary change of process - that new doors are being opened for each of them and it was only right for them to seize the opportunity to chase their dreams. Deep inside, Illya truly did feel overjoyed for her friends, loved them all with of her heart so much that the hiatus was but a small fraction of the cost to pay in exchange for their happiness.
But that didn’t mean there wasn’t a hint of melancholy and bitter sweetness within that earnest joy and cause for celebration. None of the six of them knew when they’d next be able to work on something like this again, or if they’d even find the time in the future to work together again at all. It was perhaps because of their shared understanding - that unspoken sadness between all of them that they’d agreed to prepare something special to celebrate one year of their collaboration - a song that spoke of hope and a brighter future. 
‘The more you give up, the more regrets await you.’
By the time the sun rose, accompanied by the shining of morning light through her pastel pink curtains and the melodic chirping of birds nesting upon the wisteria tree just outside her window, her phone has been assaulted with a mountain of unchecked notifications that she dreaded to sort through. 
The girl knew she couldn’t possibly keep her phone locked and switched off forever, and so she’d booted it up after washing up in the shared bathroom, before walking out of her bedroom, staring down at her screen with a light frown.
The smell of fried bacon wafts through the apartment. The sound of sizzling oil intermingles with Hazel’s cheery singing, and Illya takes the time to open the latch of her enclosure, allowing the little sparrow to flutter about the living room until it settled peacefully next to the potted sunflowers that sat upon the window sills of the kitchen, watching the raven haired man flipping eggs effortlessly with a flick of the frypan. 
“Good morning, Kaye. Thank you for making breakfast, again.” Greeting with an ever bright smile, Illya sits herself down at her designated seat at the dining table upon a bright floral cushion, watching as the man turns his head back for a moment before returning his attention to the stove. 
“It’s Sunday, so it’s my turn. You don’t gotta thank me.” He walks over to the dining table to dump the steaming hot sunny side ups and crispy bacon onto their plates, cups of orange juice already poured and waiting, which Illya takes into her hand to take a quick sip out of.
“You checked eorzeatube and twitter yet?” The young man asks as he sets the frypan down, gesturing towards the phone in her hands.
“N-no... Is it urgent?”
“Not really, no.” Kaye raises an eyebrow, sitting himself down and jabbing a fork into his bacon. “But aren’t you curious about how the music video did?”
“I-I am... A little, I suppose... but-” 
Her stammer gives her away her listlessness, and Kaye shoots the girl a furrowed scowl and a frown. 
“Is somethin’ botherin’ you?” The man asks, and Illya’s lips curl upwards into a wide, deceptively warm smile.
“Just nervous is all.. What if the fans didn’t like it?” it wasn’t a complete lie, though not the total truth, but Illya was always exceptionally talented at hiding her negative emotions, and Kaye seems to buy it enough to slump back against the back rest of his chair and toss the bacon into his awaiting mouth, chewing quietly and swallowing before speaking.
“You won’t know till you see for yourself.” 
It’s an unfortunate reality that he’s right, and Illya finally gives in and taps onto the icon for the twitter app, waiting for the timeline feed to load before her star spangled violet eyes widen in complete disbelief.
99+ notifications, an equally unbearable amount of private messages in her inbox as well as the first tweet literally being about the music video - Moth’ir’s retweet of their short promotional video from their official spud squad twitter account, which has garnered over 40 thousand likes and 10 thousand retweets.
#spudsquad and #ultramarinehymn are trending, and Illya gives in to her curiosity enough to tap on the tags and scroll through the tweets.
cosplaycon2022 hype!!! @/oracleoflight  • 18h  my good friend illya and her friends #spudsquad just released #ultramarine hymn and it’s so so so good!!! please give it a watch!! 
EEEEEEEEEE @/driftinintiawind  • 18h @/academician you didn’t tell me your gf was an idol bro???? GOOD SHIT #ultramarinehymn
 pink is JUSTICE @/rosepinkcutie  • 17h OHHHHH I’m goihng to cwyg #ultramarinehymn made me cryuy. iT’S SO GOOD...... #spudsquad i LOVE YOU
Alphinaud @/academician  • 17h Do give your support to #spudsquad ‘s new music video, #ultramarinehymn ! They’ve worked very hard on it!
soliriii @/windupsunshine  • 17h thank you #spudsquad for all the joy you’ve given me for the past year!! what a way to celebrate <3 #ultramarinehymn
hien’s booty @/floortank   • 16h  HEY #ultramarinehymn IS SO LIT THOUGH????? WTF
thancredwaters @/gunbrkrs  • 16h #spudsquad Good job my daughter hasn’t stopped playing this song on repeat for the past 2 hours. 
Nyx @/underthebloodmoon  • 15h Sharing a good friend’s music video here. #ultramarinehymn #spudsquad
Nidhstinien @/azuredragoon  • 15h [youtube link] #ultramarinehymn nice
vergotohelldad @/reveilleur  • 14h only 4 hours after release and #ultramarinehymn is already trending. twitter has some fucking good tastes in music thank the twelve.
Lamittens! @/lalamitt  • 14h Oh to be spud squad long time fan :pleading: I’m so fed... #ultramarinehymn #spudsquad
nhelly @/blackestmage  • 13h I turn around and #spudsquad decided to drop an absolute banger. loving #ultramarinehymn !!
Aymeric de Borel @/officialborel  • 13h A wonderful song that elicits a sense of optimism and hope. #ultramarinehymn
kafuuchi @/cloudsysmile  • 13h hey is it just me or is kaye getting hotter :blush: still a kayelily simp tho!! #ultramarinehymn
KoKomi Komi @/sangopriestess   • 12h @/starblossoms Congratulations on the new MV!! It’s very catchy! #ultramarinehymn
The scroll is endless, timeline filled with a mixture of both familiar and unfamiliar twitter handles, yet all collectively singing praises and awe for the music video and the song. It’s hard to not be overwhelmed by the sheer amount of positive reception their hard work and efforts have received, and Illya tears her eyes away from the screen to look up at Kaye with a twinkle in her wide violet eyes, and the man looks back at her expectedly. 
“I-It...It seems to be very well received.”
“’Seems to be’? The video’s got over five hundred thousand views on eorzeatube from the past 18 hours.”
Illya almost chokes on her eggs, eyes blown wide as she swallows her food abruptly and her voice raises into a high, bewildered squeak.
“F-f-five... hundred thousand???” 
By the twelve, that’s far more than even their highest recorded number of viewers on their biggest stream - and it’s been less than a day since the release of the music video. She cannot imagine just how ecstatic Mint must be at having such a successful idol-esque debut. 
“Does that ease your worries now?” Kaye asks, snapping the girl out of her train of thoughts once more, and he is met with a smile and an affirmative nod in response. 
“It does... thank you, Kaye.” 
Knowing that weeks of preparation, practice and hard work has paid off and finally bore fruit was the biggest relief Illya’s experienced in a while, and the simple knowledge that the sentiment of their song got through to a good number of the fans warmed her heart.
But in the midst of the joy, there was yet an underlying somberness lingering in the air between the pair that was not lost to either of them, as silence quickly fills the atmosphere and quickly turns the space around them cold. 
Scrolling through the top tweets didn’t exactly help either - because while it had quickly eased Illya’s worries of the music video being negatively received, in between praises for the song came the posts of fans who were dejected by the hiatus announcement.
Most of them had been supportive, of course... Their audience has ever been so welcoming, understanding and wonderful to them. But that perhaps made the disappointment they felt even worse on Illya’s melancholy, as she once again quickly slips back into the depths of her own internal mind. 
Because as well received as the music video they’d released is, it still ends with them going their separate ways, and it fills Illya with a sense of already festering loneliness that she refuses to admit verbally to.
She never did like goodbyes. 
‘The time that flows in the blink of an eye. The fear of continuing to be as we are.’
Neither Kaye nor Illya particularly enjoyed talking about their troubles, not even to each other, and so while Kaye could make an educated guess on why Illya seemed so despondent, he makes no comment on it. He was never the best at comforting others anyway.
He lets the silence fester between them even after Illya sets her phone down to focus on her plate full of breakfast, fishing his own device out of his pants pocket and begins to type away at it. 
It isn’t until after a whole ten minutes has passed that he’d finally look up from the screen, expression unreadable yet his voice sounding a modicum more relaxed than it had been a while ago as he calls out to Illya as she was drinking the last of her orange juice. 
“Hey, you’re free tonight, right?” The raven haired man asks, and Illya sets her glass down with a quirk of her eyebrow, if there was even a hint of sorrow in her, she didn’t allow him to hear it.
“Um... I am. Why?”
A smile from Kaye is a rarity, let alone one that carries such gentleness and ease... but the one he’s wearing now is so warm that it blows away the storm clouds that she hadn’t even noticed hanging over her head. 
“Then, are you cool to do an Among us stream tonight? With the other four, of course.”
Sparkling lavender eyes widen, and Illya is silent for a brief moment before stuttering out in response.
“A-aren’t you going over to Lily’s place to help her pack though?? And... the others.. aren’t they-”
“I’ll only be there for the afternoon. We’re only gonna be flying next week so there’s no rush. As for the others, I already asked. You can even invite Alphinaud if you want, the more the merrier.”
“But didn’t we just announce that we’re going on hiatus? I don’t want to trouble the others if they’re too busy either-”
Her pink lips slightly part, voice timid and soft. Hesitation and uncertainty briefly flashing through her twinkling eyes as she averts her gaze from the man and hides them under the shadows of her pure white bangs. But it does little to keep the light red burn of her cheeks and the bridge of her nose from Kaye, who only rolls his eyes at her in response.
“Gods, stop being so nice. I said I already asked and they’re down for it.... well, mostly. Ichi said he wanted to sleep but I’ll drag him outta his bed if I have to. We may be on hiatus, but it’s not like we’re gonna stop hanging out together, right?”
Though Kaye’s tone is rough and his words are painfully honest, his tongue as sharp as the gaze of his midnight blue eyes, Illya knew there was kindness laced beneath his huff, and the tension in her body slowly begins to fade, making way for a brighter, far more honest and radiant smile that washed away the chill of the air like a spring breeze.
He’s right, as he often is. 
Even if they may go their separate ways in the future, they will still always remain connected as friends, holding the memories they made together close in their hearts. 
Her phone’s buzzing with notifications again, and she takes a peek down at the lit up screen, her heart warming at the equally excited messages from her beloved friends. From Mint who is spamming :mikurave: emotes, to Lily who was telling Ichi that no, a schedule with his bed isn’t a valid excuse and Nanami who was offering to set up the stream for the night... Things are all as it should be, right here and now where they are together - where they are home. 
“If everyone’s fine with it then... I’ll join too. Don’t raid Ichi’s flat, though!” 
Illya lets out a giggle that rings out like windchimes in a cool summer breeze, and Kaye clicks his tongue with a shrug of his shoulder.
“He gave me his keys for this exact reason, he doesn’t mind. How do you think he always makes it in time for our streams? All I need to wake him up is a fork and porcelain plate and-”
“Kaye! That’s... that’s so mean-”
‘I'll hug you with equal parts expectation and anxiety. You and I, weaving the present, illuminating the future.’
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murkkiness · 4 years
Text Router Admin Login
You probably know that your personal computer and your telephone have an IP address. The computer systems that we use have a public IP address assigned to us by our Internet Service Provider (ISP), which have to be unique across the complete web. Our router has a private IP address, permitted only on private networks. This IP need to have not be globally distinctive since it is not a direct access address, i.e. no one could access the IP address outdoors of a private network.
The Net Engineering Job Force (IETF), an open requirements organization, which develops and promotes voluntary internet requirements, dedicated several IPv4 ranges for private networks: 24-bit block (ten...-ten.255.255.255), 20-bit block (172.16..-, and 16-bit block (192.168..- The most frequent router login names are admin, root, administrator, user. If you have some experience with routers and their management — perhaps utilizing a specialist app for wireless internet site survey and network evaluation such as NetSpot — then you might know that most routers use as their default IP address.
Every router has an internal router IP address that is employed to access its admin interface. Some routers have this IP address written on a sticker on the bottom, but numerous others don't make it almost as straightforward to uncover. Thankfully, there are websites such as where you can uncover the router IP address data you need to have with just a few clicks. Then open a browser and enter IP address in the address bar of the browser.
Hopefully, you can now troubleshoot troubles associated to the 192.168..254 IP address with ease now and are not afraid of messing items up. While there are a lot of other private IP addresses similar to 192.168..254, you must be capable to apply the guidelines above to all of them. If the two techniques above can't aid you to resolve the issue, you need to reset your router. All settings will be reset to be default as a new modem or router that you can then set up it from the starting.
There may possibly be some individuals in the globe who wouldn't know what an IP address is? To sum what is an IP address, an IP address, or merely an IP,” is a unique address that identifies a device on the World wide web or a neighborhood network. It enables a system to be recognized by other systems connected by means of the World wide web protocol. There are two major varieties of IP address formats employed these days which are the private IP address or IPv4 and the public IP address or IPv6. So let's jump straight into the differences between the two.
When you locate the suitable address, you are going to have to sign in making use of the router's managerial password. To seek out the IP Address, an person can adhere to any 1 of the subsequent three approaches. Public IP addresses are distinctive on the net, but the individual ones aren't. Your router is the center of your network. Everything from the laptop you use to make on the web purchases and handle your savings account to the baby monitor in your child's space connects to it. Cybercriminals are nicely aware of the central significance of routers, and they've created several sorts of malware to exploit weak router passwords.
If you're obtaining troubles accessing your router at (lengthy loading or not loading at all),your network may well be using yet another addess such as, 10...1 or that case verify our router IP address list. You can also study our tutorial on how to uncover your router's ip address for more support. Accessing your Router Admin via a 192.1681.1 IP address will enable you to change the settings and configurations that your router software supplies.Click Here or enter 192.1681.1 into your Browser's address bar.
Go to your pc or laptop and connect to the router employing an Ethernet cable. Occasionally a wireless connection is enough, but do not count on it. Step two: Go to Network or LAN Setup and alter the IP address to and save. If you are employing NetGear Router, then go to Sophisticated > Setup > LAN Setup an IP address > adjust IP and Apply. If the above did not function, you can attempt what is known as a 30-30-30 reset. Get comfy, simply because you will need to hold the reset button for 90 seconds. Press and hold the reset button for 30 seconds. Although continuing to hold the reset button, unplug the router, wait one more 30 seconds, then plug it back in. Continue to hold the reset button for yet another 30 seconds.
Now that you know what the IP address is and how to log into routers that use it as the default gateway, you can discover its admin panel and modify many various settings to make your network safer and faster. Now you know numerous items about IP Addresses, Private and Public IP Address, How to Access, What If You Cannot Access, How To Adjust Router Password, Reset Router Settings, How To Find The Router IP Address and significantly more.
The problem with the web is that not each and every location has a public address. Some destinations have only what is called a private address, and the IP address is a single of them. is a private IP address, similar to or 10...1 used by many vendors as the default gateway. Many Netgear and D-Link model routers use as their default IP address. It is utilized in a private IPv4 network address as the router gateway. In order to steer clear of address conflicts, only a single device can use on a network. Other typical default gateways are and ten...1.
If you can not figure out the username and password, you can look for the default usernames and passwords for the certain make and model of router or modem which you have, or you can attempt to understand by contacting your Internet Service Provider. It really is so effortless to set up and uninstall, and even it's very effortless to add and reset the password in nearly no time. You are able to alter the router password.
Given that the login information are appropriate, you will enter the router's settings web page and make the desired modifications from there. To access the Router Admin panel, you have to connect it to your Pc with an RJ45 cable. Once connected, open the browser and sort into the address bar. An IPv6 address consists of a series of eight numbers, every single quantity being 4 digits long. As opposed to the IPv4 address that is expressed in decimal numbers, an IPv6 address is expressed in hexadecimal numbers.
Adjust the password in Network Safety Settings and click Next. Step 1: Connect your Cisco Router to Pc utilizing RJ45 cable. Out of these, the Web Engineering Activity Force (IETF) has directed the Net Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) to reserve 17.9 million addresses for private networks, which are normally used for local location networks (LANs) in residential, office, and enterprise environments.
Discover the pinhole reset button. Usually occasions this on the back or underside of the router. With the router plugged in, press and hold the reset button for 30 seconds. Right after releasing the button, wait for the router to energy on, and try to login to the router once more. IANA has reserved some IP addresses for private networks. We mentioned earlier that a private IP address is unique inside the network it's connected to but the identical IP address can be assigned to a program on a different private network.
A new version of the Internet Protocol has also been developed, referred to as IPv6. In contrast to its predecessor, IPv6 uses a 128-bit address, allowing for around 3.4×1038 addresses, which is enough to assign a exclusive IPv6 address to each and every single atom on the surface of the Earth. Step four: Log in to the D-Hyperlink router with the administrator username and password. Pay a visit to this web site for much more detailed directions and tools on obtaining your router's IP address.
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bestiviewhdiptv · 3 years
2021 Best IPTV Services —— our preferred choice
Iview HD IPTV – Best Movies and TV and Sports IPTV With the surge of IPTV services, it's often difficult to choose the best match for your personal needs.As usual in life, you may need to make certain trade-offs or compromises in your search.For example, a IPTV service may have all the content you need, good flow quality, and carefully crafted EPG,, but all that comes at a price.The other service may be more affordable, but is lacking in other areas.This usually comes down to the “smaller evil” that you are willing to endure. Having said that, let's take a quick look at Iview HD IPTV.
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Iview HD IPTV is a IPTV provider with an amazing list of 1,200 live TV channels, including sports, cartoons, TV shows, and more.It is also noteworthy that channels grouped by country can more easily classify large amounts of content available.One of the particularly unique things I find Iview HD IPTV is sports, you have all the sports you want to watch.
set meal The service offers a standard subscription package, but the price depends on the subscription period, and the product is priced as follows: All software packages are standard, full 1080p HD viewing, VOD+EPG+ catch up for 7 days, 3 day free trial.And supports four connections, which means you can use services from four separate streaming devices.This will save you 60%, so if you happen to have multiple devices that need the service, then you can start using it.By the way, I have learned that any provider willing to offer you additional connections usually has enough server capacity to provide additional streams, so this bodes well for the Iview HD IPTV.
They also offer their own custom IPTV apps to simplify your viewing.However, in my experience, I suggest that you look for alternative players for your use.IPTV providers are usually very good at providing the service itself.But that does not fully apply when developing and tailoring applications. In terms of payments, Iview HD IPTV supports PayPal and credit cards.I find this diverse range of options very refreshing because it will not limit you to a method of payment.
I was equally impressed by the responsiveness of their customer support.I tried to contact them through the contact us page on their website and I was surprised how quickly I got responding so quickly so it was a very good positive.In the past I happened with other providers, and once paid I relied almost on myself. Why choose iview HD? Most stable app server and engineer team over 5 years. You Get Over 1000 Ordinary & Premium Channels Instantly with HD quality. You Get Over 3000 Movies & TV Shows (VOD). Plus package with 7 days catch and PVR. Solid IPTV Service, Without Buffering and Freezing (Stable Internet Required). You Get 100% Satisfaction Guarantee. You Get 24/7 Customer Service. 3 Days free trial before order. Code sent to you instantly once order.
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Streaming performance With the service functionality already enough, read on to see how the service performs in the real world. It is the European season .I always found such live sports events the best way to test any IPTV service as the load on the server is extremely high as more people watch the game. My experience is simply amazing! I was able to watch the full game without any buffer, overtime, without even any buffer, even the smaller IPTV provider.For a time I was absorbed on the game, I forgot I was watching live.It's a comparable experience to a cable or ground service TV.It's delicate! All in all, I highly recommend this service.The only conceivable downside may be that the price seems to be high for more frugal users, but as I mentioned at the beginning, it always comes down to compromised games.So if you want to have the perfect viewing experience and have more content than you cannot move, then Iview HD IPTV is the best choice. Available on the IPTV Box, Android Box, fire sticks
What exactly is the IPTV? IPTV(Internet Protocol TV) is the transmission of television programs over the Internet.Unlike traditional TVs, IPTV supports two-way interaction between users and TV providers.As a result, users are able to choose what they want to watch and the time they want to, Video on Demand (VOD). Traditional TV broadcasts content in real time, while IPTV uses servers that store broadcast content.When the user requests to watch a TV program, the content stored on the server is transcoded into a digital format, transmitted as a packet via the Internet, received at the user location, and then transcoded back to the format that the user TV can read and output. If a user's TV cannot transcode a digital format, you need to connect the set-top box to the TV via a HDMI or AV cable.The set-top box transcodes the digital format and continues the content to the TV.
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seo-news-bangladesh · 3 years
Re-Learning the Fundamentals of Web Development in 2021
We use the web every day for shopping, social media, watching videos, playing games, and many other necessities. Everything that we do now is mostly on the web and our daily usage reports on our phone are trying to tell us that we spend almost 18 hours a day online (my daily usage hour).
Well, what can I do? Even the book I read is downloaded from the web.
So, what is the web? Is it the strings that spiders make on the corner of our ceilings that I am referring to? No, we all know that answer, it is the digital web that grabs all our attention nowadays.
The web consists of our favourite websites such as Netflix and Spotify. These are made up of many advanced and classic technologies that include HTML, CSS, PHP, URL, DNS etc.
Like the human body, the web also contains an external and internal section. What we see on displays is the Front-End part of it and what is happening inside and out of our vision is the back-end part of the web.
With the growth of the usefulness of websites, the interest in learning web development and careers in this field is also on the rise.
Overview of Web Development in Bangladesh
Since 2010, Bangladesh's ICT sector has expanded at a rate of 40% per year (Source: UNCTAD). The emergence of a large number of young entrepreneurs and their passion and the government's strong focus on ‘Digital Bangladesh' are the key driving forces in Bangladesh's ICT industry.
In order to participate in the evolution of Digital Bangladesh, many companies started creating their online presence to reach out to more audience as Bangladeshis are getting more and more dependent on technology.
Therefore, there has been a rise in the number of web development companies in the country to meet the requirements of the growing popularity of startups and businesses wanting to go online.
Enthusiasts are learning web development and working as a freelancer, getting employed in web development companies or even starting their very own company providing web development services.
In regards to that, this blog aims to educate whoever is interested in learning the fundamentals of web development and for those who already have an idea. This is to refresh their knowledge with some modern terminologies and technologies that are now popular in the web development sector.
What is the web and where does it stand in Web Development?
Source: Pexel
The web is the foundation of Web Development.
The World Wide Web, web, in short, is the method of transmitting data over the Internet that makes use of the HTTP protocol and HTML.
First things first: URL and HTTP/HTTPS
Source: MDN Web Docs
We can consider a URL to be similar to a regular postal mail address:
Scheme represents the postal service you want to use
Domain name is the city or town
Port is similar to the zip code
Path represents the building where the mail should be delivered;
Parameters represent additional information such as the apartment number in the building
Anchor represents the act
The scheme is the first part of the URL and identifies the protocol used. Protocols are set methods used to transfer data within a computer network.
In most cases, HTTP or HTTPS is used in which the latter is the secured version. HTTPS is typically used for e-commerce and other sites with secure transactions.
How the web functions:
The web can be described as a set of interactions between two kinds of systems: clients and servers
Clients are the instruments that make web content requests and extract them. Browsers, smartphone apps and screen readers are all common examples of clients.
In reality, one of the most difficult aspects of web design and development is keeping up with all of the new clients (the number of which is growing exponentially) and how they navigate and render the content. Hence came the necessity to design responsive websites to make them compatible with all device screens.;
Servers are programs that provide web content or services to clients.
It is important to understand the various types of servers and how they function to learn web development and web hosting.
Searching for a site through a browser- the process behind the scene
Every time you type “netflix.com” on your browser’s URL (Uniform Resource Locator) box, a request is made to a server (DNS).  
“netflix.com” is the domain name for Netflix (like your name) and it has a unique IP address (like your mobile phone number).
Through the URL, a request is made to that server by your browser to show you the content that you want (in this case Netflix’s landing page).
These are all happening Infront of you.
Behind the scene, (while you see that annoying loading indicator), this request is usually directed to a domain name server, or DNS, which is simply like a phonebook consisting of all the contact numbers (IP addresses). The URL is then converted into an IP address by the DNS which the browser uses to locate the host's server (Netflix) and submit a request for the content (Netflix’s home page).
At this point, the outcome depends on the type of content you request, if it is a simple website page like How to sign up for Netflix” consisting of texts and text-boxes, then the HTML (for the texts), CSS (for the design) and JavaScript (for the text-boxes) are all sent back to the browser where they are extracted and presented to you. This is an example of a static site.
The transmission process of Static vs Dynamic sites
Static sites are simple sites that need no further processing other than sending the content requested by the client.  
Dynamic sites require additional processing which is done by a web application such as PHP, Python or .NET before they send back the content to the browser.
For example, when you sign in to Netflix, you input your data and then click on the “Sign in” button. After that, you see the home page with your name and customized movie list according to your watch history and likes. Here the Netflix server processes your details and displays your customized content.
All of the above processes are executed within seconds.
That is why developers need to understand each stage of how the web works because if a stage is not carefully implemented, the site will either work slowly or not at all and may show the dreaded DNS error message which tells the audience that the site cannot be found at the location and they will need to try again.
Even for hosting the website you just developed, it is important that people can find your site through the DNS, especially when registering multiple domain names for one site. In this case, there are some web developing firms in Bangladesh who provides free hosting service for a limited time along with the development process to help growing businesses or start-ups as a heads up while they can focus on other aspects of their business.  
Front-End Web Development – The one that people see and interact with
Source: Pexels
Front-end Web development is also known as client-side scripting and involves developing the User Interface of websites and applications.
Some elements of front-end development include:
- Working closely with Web/ UI designers
- Establishing design mock-ups and visual standards
- Structuring contents semantically
- Making the website responsive and compatible with many devices
- Ensuring the website’s accessibility
- Controlling Typography, page layout, form design, interactivity, visual assets etc.  
The main focus of the front-end web developers is to collaborate with the back-end developers and to create a functional and visually attractive website that will bring in a lot of readers or customers and hence fulfil the purpose of the site.
Front-End Web Development is often confused with web designing. Web designers create an actual design out of a plan or an idea, they have to ensure the best user experience and accessibility of the site. Whereas, the front-end web developers implement those designs with codes and adds functionality.
Web designing was not so prevalent in Bangladesh until recently. During the last five years, as more and more online companies are opening up, so came the need to stay ahead in the competition with good design and user experience.
Therefore, Web Development companies in Bangladesh provide individual services like Web Designing and Experience Design etc. and  Web Developing service package as a whole which includes both the front-end and back-end development.
The most popular languages to develop front-end contents are HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
HTML - The Web’s main language
HTML stands for a Hypertext Markup Language, and it is the standard markup language for web pages.
Opening and closing tags are commonly used in HTML elements to surround and define content. Different elements, for example, may define a text as a heading, paragraph, or list object.
HTML5 maintains backwards compatibility with previous HTML versions while introducing new structural tags and API support, allowing elements to be modified, dragged and dropped, and facilitating communication from inside the HTML document without the need for external scripting. HTML5's adoption has been rapid, and it is now reasonable to consider it the latest HTML standard.
HTML Structure
HTML has a plethora of tags. They're also used to define document elements and provide structure.
Learning HTML entails learning the language's syntax, which elements are permitted, and the fundamental structure of HTML documents. All of this is extremely simple to understand, and the tag collection is small enough to learn in a day or two.
If we compare HTML structure with that of a sandwich:
- In order to have an HTML text, you must have opening and closing HTML tags <HTML></HTML>.
 A sandwich requires two slices of bread; without those, you have a salad rather than a sandwich.
- The head of the HTML document <head></head> appears immediately after the opening HTML tag and includes all of the non-visual elements that contribute to the page's functionality. Here you'll find elements like meta tags, which might include keywords or page descriptions to help define the document's content, as well as links to external tools, such as the CSS file.
 The head is similar to the condiments, lettuce, or tomato, that you would place on a sandwich near the top.
- The body tag <body></body> comes after the head tag and contains all of the visual structural components. The body tag may include a variety of elements such as headings, paragraphs, lists, images and links. Simply put, if it is a visual feature, it must appear in the body tag in the order you want it to appear.
 The body tag is like the sandwich's meat. It contains roast beef, cheese, and whatever else you want in your  sandwich.
CSS – The Style of the web page
CSS, or Cascading Style Sheets, is a style sheet language used to govern how HTML documents are displayed.
As the name suggests, they are a set of formatting rules that are typically stored in an external file. They can control a wide variety of pages, from a single page to entire websites.
CSS Structure
CSS styles are composed of two components: the selector and the declaration.
- The selector, for example, p for paragraph, tell the browser which element or elements to style. The style will adjust the formatting for all paragraphs around the web-based on this selector.
- The formatting instructions are provided in the declaration, which is enclosed in curly braces.
Benefits of CSS
- One of the most significant advantages that CSS brings to web design is the ability to create highly scalable designs. You can modify one without affecting the other.
- Another advantage is the increased portability of your content. CSS can be written to adjust the layout and styles based on factors such as screen width and orientation and thus makes the design responsive.
JavaScript – The magician of Client-Side Scripting
JavaScript is a scripting language that is commonly used in web design to add interactivity and application features to websites.
It can do a variety of things for the website, such as creating interactive features, dynamic menus, opening new browser windows, and updating data directly in the browser.
Having the advantage of being executed in the browser, or on the client-side means, the page content does not need to be refreshed for the changes to take effect.
The development of several JavaScript frameworks has been one of the more beneficial advances in adding scripting capabilities to websites. These frameworks are JavaScript libraries that include prewritten functions and artefacts which makes it far easier for programmers to create interactive apps, widgets, and incorporate advanced JavaScript features.
Front-End Libraries
After being familiar with HTML, CSS and JavaScript, it is important that web developers, dive a little bit deeper and look into some of the Front-End Libraries.
By now, you might think that why is there so much information in this blog and do I need to know all of these. The answer is, yes.
Yes, because now that web development is so prevalent, many Web Development companies in Bangladesh require the developer to be updated in modern technologies such as frameworks and libraries. In all of the job requirements that you will read or have been reading, you must have noticed that there are more to learn than the basics.
Frameworks, libraries and APIS are topics you explore after you understand HTML, CSS and JavaScript and are mandatory when you want to establish a career in web development.
The reason, I am including these here, in short, is because now you know some keywords that you can research to learn more and you can always come back to this blog or even bookmark it for future reference.
Coming back to Front-End Libraries:
With Front-End Libraries like Bootstrap, you will easily learn how to style your site. With Sass, you will learn to expand and add logic to your CSS types and finally, with React and Redux, you will learn to build powerful single-page applications.
A bit about those libraries in short:
Bootstrap is used to create responsive web pages and applications. It emphasizes a mobile-first web development approach and includes pre-built CSS styles and classes, as well as some JavaScript features.
jQuery is used by 73 per cent of the 10 million most popular websites as of May 2019. Source: Wikipedia
When JavaScript was first released in 2006, all major browsers treated it somewhat differently. However, jQuery made it easier to write client-side JavaScript while still ensuring that the code operated consistently across browsers.
Sass, which stands for "Syntactically Awesome Stylesheets," is a CSS language extension. It adds functionality that simple CSS does not have, making it easier to simplify and manage the style sheets for your projects.
React is a popular JavaScript library that allows you to create reusable, component-driven user interfaces for web pages or applications.
React creates its markup language, JSX, by combining HTML and JavaScript features. React also makes it easy to handle data flow in the program.
Managing shared data becomes even more difficult as applications increase in size and scope. Redux is described as a "predictable state container for JavaScript applications," which aids in making your applications more predictable and easier to test.
APIs, or Application Programming Interfaces, are programs that are written to include a set of instructions and specifications for using a particular service. They are typically written to make it easier for developers to use an application or to make services accessible to anyone who wants to use them.
For example, suppose you are making a website for cooking. For cooking, you will need a database of recipes but you do not have the time or resources to build up a whole set of recipes. You can use an API that pulls data from a source providing a free/paid recipe dataset.
Back-End Web Development – The Powerhouse of the Website
Source: Unsplash
In this part, we'll shift our attention to knowing what happens on the server-side and the various techniques used to build dynamic websites.
The majority of websites employ some sort of server-side scripting to dynamically show data as necessary. If we consider the number of items available on Amazon and how many posts have been posted on Facebook, then displaying all of those on separate static pages would be incredibly inefficient, so those sites instead display static templates (created with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript) and then dynamically change the data displayed within those templates as required.
Learning about server-side web development is highly recommended in today's modern world.
A range of programming languages and frameworks, such as PHP, .NET and python have provided developers with a broader range of resources to choose from while building dynamic sites.
PHP's compatibility with Apache servers and MySQL databases is what makes it so relevant in web development. Anyone can now develop a powerful web server capable of building and hosting scalable dynamic sites using open-source software.
In reality, PHP is used to build many complex web applications, such as WordPress. PHP code, like most server-side languages, is embedded within the HTML of a website. The file with .php extension will contain regular HTML but PHP integrated inside. The extension tells the browser that the PHP code needs to be processed first.
Local Servers for PHP:
For a PHP file to run locally, it is important to have a server running on your computer.
Local servers such as XAMPP, WAMP, LAMP, and MAMP are commonly used when creating PHP websites. This software is primarily used to test the website on a local level. Developers will find errors and bugs before uploading by testing locally. The primary distinction between XAMPP, WAMP, LAMP, and MAMP is the operating system on the computer.
XAMPP is for X-OS, Apache, MySQL, PHP, and Perl.
WAMP is the Windows application.
LAMP is for Linux System.
MAMP is for Mac OS X application.
.NET is not a server-side program itself. Microsoft's whole application framework is referred to as .NET.
.NET, like Java, enables developers to create large-scale applications for both the web and the desktop. As a result, .NET is normally more complex than PHP. Therefore, it is not the first choice for web developers who focuses on developing dynamic sites only.
Sites created with the.NET framework must be hosted on a Windows server. As a result, hosting companies may be more constrained, and the price structure for such sites is usually a little higher.
Python is a prevailing open-source programming language designed as a multipurpose development tool. Although Python is not exclusively based on the web, it does provide several web-related libraries that make it very easy to create powerful websites and applications.
Even though Python's syntax is fairly basic and easy to understand. It is typically used to build larger dynamic sites and web-based applications rather than small dynamic sites.
Django (Python framework)
Django is a prominent and feature-rich server-side web framework written in Python and it is standing second in the top most popular frameworks by March 2021. (Statisticsanddata.org)
It has the versatility to create nearly every form of a website, starting from content management systems to social networks. It is compatible with any client-side framework and can distribute content in a various format that includes HTML, JSON, XML, etc.
Django provides a safe way for managing user accounts and passwords by preventing common mistakes such as storing session information in cookies. Instead, it stores only a key in cookies and the actual data is stored in the database and stores a password hash as an alternative to direct passwords.
Other than that, Django also protects the site against other vulnerabilities such as SQL injection, cross-site scripting etc.
Node Js
Node js is an open-source JavaScript Runtime Environment that runs on multiple platforms. It allows developers to create all kinds of web applications tools.
Compared to traditional PHP language, Node Js eliminates the waiting time in processing and is also memory efficient.
According to the Node-by-numbers study 2020, the project is bigger than ever, with 98.9 million downloads.
Using Node Js gives all of the benefits of a full-stack JavaScript development such as:
- improved developer performance and overall productivity
- reuse and exchange of code
- a large range of free tools
- swiftness in performance
- simple information sharing among a team
Thoughts for the companies wanting to develop a dynamic website
For most companies, there are three key matters to consider when selecting an application platform:  
- Cost and hosting options
- working with qualified web developer/ firm
- easiness in use of the website
New companies or even established ones who want to develop a dynamic and responsive website for businesses can find a talented web developer locally or a web development firm in Bangladesh to do the job for them.
It is important to find a firm that can build a relationship with the clients, in that case, they can even help make the decisions regarding server technology that's right for the client, their budget and the project itself.
Most of all, it is important to learn as much as you can as a client about the various platforms so that when the time comes to make a choice, you're making an informed one.
Dcastalia is a web development company in Bangladesh that helps clients and provide consultation services to avoid pitfalls like dead-end technologies or poorly implemented systems.
They specialize in customizing a plan that suits the clients, and to unfold the right tech for the toughest business problems regardless of the market be it for web development, application design and development, business solution, or any maintenance related issues.
Managing Data
Source: Freepik
Databases are the most reliable way to store complex data or massive data sets, and they can make things much simpler for both web developers and clients.
There are two kinds of databases: SQL and NoSQL.
- A relational database is SQL, while a non-relational database is NoSQL.
- SQL is represented in tables while NoSQL is expressed in key-value pairs or JSON format.
- MySQL and PostgreSQL are the most common SQL databases, while MongoDB is the most popular NoSQL database.
Using SQL databases: MySQL
The most common language for handling and extracting information from databases is SQL or structured query language. SQL is normally used in web applications to update, build, delete, or retrieve data from a database.
Data is organized into rows and columns, with columns representing the data and rows storing the actual data. Web applications can parse and use this data inside the framework using simple SQL queries. SQL has a basic logical syntax that most people can pick up quickly.
SQL queries can be refined to further filter data sets or even join similar tables together to create a larger data set, and common statements like select, insert, update, and delete make it very simple to retrieve or manipulate data.
To control data inside the framework, most web server applications use database management program like MySQL.
Using NoSQL databases: MongoDB
MongoDB is a leading NoSQL database and an open-source document database that is written in the C++ programming language.
It uses lists and records instead of tables and rows, as in conventional relational databases. Documents are made up of key-value pairs, which are MongoDB's basic data unit. Collections are the equivalent of relational database tables in that they contain collections of documents and functions.
Most of the time, web developers or programmers writes the code that will perform most data manipulation within websites. Therefore, many developers only focus on database management and study it further to gain expertise in the field.
Many web development companies in Bangladesh provides Database Management services that help companies manage their data more efficiently through database applications made by developers.
Final Word
Web Development is a diverse topic which spreads out into many categories, the basics of which are covered in this blog. After getting familiarized or getting refreshed with the basics of how the web works, front-end and back-end web developing technology as well as how to manage data, the next steps can be to get deep into the other tools involved in web development or exploring the most efficient way to develop websites that attracts more traffic.
For business owners who familiarized themselves with the knowledge of web development, now is the time to build up that good communication with the developing team or web development firm you want to hire to build up the robust website you dreamt for your business.
The smartest way to start is by looking at the local web development companies like Dcastalia who provide a wide array of services for all the stages of web development such as from web designing to web maintenance or simply the entire package that allows the whole team of designers, developers and QA specialists to look after your needs.
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architechsfortheweb · 4 years
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How to Rank Top on Google with Affordable Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Services
The Internet is packed with fiercely competitive businesses that have established brand awareness and large social media followings. Needless to say, that kind of online attention often translates into top SEO rankings! Such results may leave you wondering if it is possible for a new or growing company to find leverage on Google that earns a top-ranking position in the keyword search returns. The great news is the search engine bots are not bias and Architechs for the Web can help any business rank well using such search engine optimization techniques like those listed below.  
Optimize your Site for Mobile Devices Today's media world is heavily saturated with mobile device users. In fact, it may even be hard to recall a time when people were not looking at their phones while waiting in long lines. People use their phones to connect with friends and family, stay up on the latest happenings, and search for business locations, products or services, and reviews. What does this mean for your business and your SEO ranking? Simply put, your rankings will increase as the number of users viewing your website goes up in search of interesting and relatable content. This increase in viewers can be achieved using a variety of strategies. However, before jumping to digital marketing, your website must be built with a mobile-first process to make it easy to navigate on smaller smartphone devices.
Understand How Users Search Sometimes, with all this talk about SEO and rankings, it can be hard to make your website and social media posting content flow naturally in a way that offers value. While the search engines are not necessarily biased towards a specific company or industry, they are calculating viewer interest in terms of click volume and the length of time users spend looking at your content. To engage your users, try using the following tips our marketing team suggests to maximize each opportunity to engage users.
Analyze your Existing Search Traffic - Google Analytics is a reporting tool you can use to learn helpful data such as user demographics, the number of new users who have clicked on your website in the past month, and the number of mobile devices, tablets and desktop computers that were used to view your website. This data is critical to uncovering how to approach your content. Let's say you own a medical supply company and you learn from Google Analytics your products primarily appeal to senior citizens. Your product descriptions, frequently asked questions page, blog articles and social media posts would be worded differently than a gaming company with a high teen click rate.
Get to Know your Audience - What are potential buyers are hoping to find on your website? This should be the first question on your mind when creating content. For example, if you are a CPA, you may want to write about your streamlined tax filing process, your quality bookkeeping services, and what sets you apart from other CPA firms. Hotels may want to talk about things to do in the hotel area, highlighted hotel features, and how they go the extra step in customer service for their guests. In other words, if you were not the business owner or manager, what would you want to know about your products and services.
Write for Humans -  Now that you have an idea of what to write about and who you are writing it for, give your content an interesting flow. We will come back to the keywords in the editing stage because search engines are smarter than a bunch of keywords thrown together. Aim instead for your content to be useful and engaging. The two goals in writing the initial draft are to (1) Connect with viewers in a fun and/or informative way to receive more clicks on your link, and (2) Write about something that your audience will want to know so they remain viewing your page. Here is where you can have fun sharing your product and industry knowledge with your current and potential consumers. You can express your own storytelling style as long as the content meets these two goals.
Edit to Optimize for Search Engines - After writing your content, it is time to do a little more digging. At this point, you are looking for commonly searched industry keywords. Finding these keywords is easy. Simply type your title into the search box to see what Google returns as related topic links and popular related searches noted in bold lettering at the bottom of the page. Additionally, you can use keyword search apps, such as Keyword Tool to see how your keywords are ranking. Once you have the primary keywords you want to use in your content, go back to your rough draft and insert a few of these words in your title and throughout the article or page while being careful not to interrupt the reading flow or article intent.
Stay up-to-date with the latest changes in SEO with Pubcon Another step Architechs for the Web takes to ensure clients receive better rankings is to attend Pubcon Full-Stack Marketing Conference. By attending Pubcon each year, we stay current on all the latest web development services and learn the most important ranking factors for our clients. This is a trade show like no other for those of us with a passion for digital marketing, and we cannot emphasize enough how critical it is to helping SEO companies stay on top of advances in the field.
Never Underestimate UX What is UX? This is where the web developer creates a site with the user experience aspect in mind. All our designs offer easy navigation and quick loading images designed to catch the attention of the user. The faster loading times will ensure the viewers do not switch to another link while waiting for your site to load, and the intuitive navigation will help users find what they are looking for on your site. Thus, UX is crucial to building interest in your site, which results in higher SEO rankings.
In short, while established competitors may have the upper hand in SEO rankings currently, there are things you can do to achieve a better listing location. Applying the above strategies can help your company receive the recognition it deserves online with new users. If you would like to discuss these and other affordable SEO services found at Architechs for the Web, contact us today. We look forward to helping you take your business to the next level!
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Think Your See Instagram Stories# Happens To Be Safe? Five Ways You Can Lose It Today
The Instagram viewer is extremely effective if you wish to find a gallery of pictures of your friends' images that you have tagged in your very own account. You are able to also check out the images of other people that are tagged in the profile photo of yours and rescue it on your iPhone or perhaps iPad. The additional positive is you are able to easily share a picture with your friends in case they tag you in the photographs of theirs.
Instagrifier lets you make the many of your personal pics. It is the right alternative for all those who cannot manage the uploading of images from their computer, as a result of different reasons. Regardless of whether you are in college or even a career professional or even someone who spends his time in front of the pc, the Instagram audience will enable you to manage all the private images of yours. Here are several features:
* You are able to often tap on the Instagrifier icon and see the photograph of any tagged picture in your timeline. When you notice it, you are able to save the photo and delete the one you don't need.
* Instagrifier instantly keeps your account clean and doesn't save the pics of friends you don't like. You can also send friends back up pictures as often times as you wish.
* The instagrifier is going to make sure the images are preserved without deleting them. There's also an option to turn off of albums, which will help you save storage space. It won't only protect the memory of the keyboard but will even eliminate the images stored in the inbox of yours, which are left over after deleting many emails.
* When the picture you need to preserve is in the camera roll of yours, you can find it within the Instagrifier gallery in one click. Nevertheless, in case you want to save a picture from another browser including Safari, you need to drop by the iPhone or iPad's home screen and tap on "photo".
* You are able to upload the pictures in the gallery of your Instagrifier and the same might be observed by other users Helpful hints also. There is an option of looking for some other pictures, which will help you to save far more pictures. However, you have to save them separately in your iPhone or iPad's gallery.
* Whenever you go to any site and save a picture, it will be kept in the gallery of your respective Instagrifier. But, you can't protect it on your computer's desktop as the computer just isn't smart enough to recognize the format of the picture and the iPhone of yours or iPad isn't brilliant adequate to protect it.
* In order to keep your instagrifier organized, you can upload pictures, which are arranged chronologically, for example, older to newest. But, in case you would like to protect them, you are able to achieve this by dragging them to the gallery of your respective Instagrifier. There's also a possibility of saving all the pictures of yours as a standalone album.
* You are able to also play a song from the music library of yours while using your Instagrifier. However, if you don't want to post the music, you are able to use your iPad or iPhone for a music player.
* Instagrifier helps you to view your picture collection and also enables you to protect the pictures to your iPhone or iPad. You are able to also email some picture by tagging it as "Instagram" having a corresponding photograph and send it to your friends.
* The Instagram person is very simple to use. Once you put in the app, it is going to load the profiles of yours and is generally used with any device that is connected to your internet connection. In the event that you want to add more features, you can do this over the Instagrifier's appstore.
Are you among the millions of Instagram stalker account users? If you are, you no doubt know your account's popularity can be significantly influenced by the procedures of other Instagram stalker accounts. On this page, I will explain how to enhance your Instagram stalker's visibility and the right way to identify the individuals who definitely are more energetic.
To help design your private Instagram most popular, the initial thing you have to do is usually to optimize your public account. Should you do not have some followers on the public account of yours, then the very first thing you have to carry out is to make your private account public. What this means is getting as a lot of followers as you can, especially if you're using hashtags for instance.
When you do not see any reason why other folks would adhere to you, try getting the own point of yours of view out through recent media focus or perhaps in some relevant info. This is a terrific way to get new followers on your public account.
Another rule would be to begin a group within your Instagram. Whether it's in your business or private life, this team is able to enable you to promote your business and your hobbies also. This way, people who want to follow your activities in life will follow you too.
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Find someone to watch and then simply ask them to follow you. You are able to set up a stick to demand through your Instagram profile, or you are able to also use the new messenger feature for mobile. The point here is to just connect with a person in the group of yours. Ensure you've quality information that people will like.
Keep in mind that Instagram is not a straightforward site to navigate around. In addition, don't count on to be the preferred person on there! That's exactly why using hashtags is really important. If you are not mindful, the followers of yours may even delete your content. The very last thing you have to do when trying to have your private Instagram most popular would be to see to it that your public account is clean. Do not post anything under the company name of yours. Also, don't mix in a good deal of posts under your personal account.
Then, find out the number of twitter followers you have. As soon as you've your followers, ship your followers an e-mail requesting feedback. Your aim here is to discover what they love about your profile.
The next thing you need to undertake will be to start using hashtags in your content and update your profile frequently. You can go to your profile's local community area as well as add a post using the right hashtags that is related to the post of yours. Using this method, you are going to have more chances of acquiring more followers.
Keep in mind that you have to be a good Instagram stalker to improve your social media presence. This includes using the ideas above and ensuring that you've up-to-date the profile of yours on a routine basis.
Keep in mind that Instagram stalker accounts are among the reasons you gain recognition in a short time. In case you neglect to follow these hints, then you'll only end up boosting your social media visibility but not truly seeing the results that you deserve.
The best way to sign up as an Instagram stalker is to sign up for a group related to your home business or hobby. But bear in mind, it is essential to focus on the things that matter most to help you so that you will not be distracted by the ones that go after your account and leave you with no followers. The secret's to put the business of yours as well as your account first, then the remaining will look after itself.
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dreadlock-detective · 7 years
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I'm clearing out my ask box, so here's a rapid fire bunch of answers to the 43 questions in there! A lot of these I wanted to draw a comic or do a little animation for but just never got the time or energy, and others I didn't know what to say, but I think that some response is better than no response, so while these are all going to be either text or doodles, I wanted them all to actually get answers.
Below the cut because this’ll be a hella long one~ Plenty of Zelda doodles in there though so if you just wanna see doofy drawings click too!
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@definitely-darcy​ - Ahhh I'm sorry I wanted to make an animated gif of this for a long time now and just never got around to it T_T. But thank you for the kind words!
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@hfbdhhjsbnjdknfsjkbnfkjbgsm… I feel like this is some kind of internet talk that I totally missed the memo on
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@sgo-j - Buliara definitely needs some art! She'll actually show up in my AU comic if I get far enough… probably another 3 sets of pages away or more at this point though.
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@jackiithedevil - !!!!!!!! <3
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@sparkybananaboi - no wolf Link but it’s somethin ;D
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@scythfi-writer - Ahhhhh pressure! Eheheh, but glad I could entertain! Hope I haven’t disappointed so far ;D
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@draceempressa - …wait there's a sidequest about that!? I saw the sign on the cliff but never saw a sidequest about it lol. Dangit even though I got this ask a while ago I forgot all about it lol. WHELP something else to do when I get back into the game for the DLC!
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@rabbitmagic - Even a messenger of the heavens needs a hobby, right? :D
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@nathanswallofopinion - They only think that because they haven't been seduced by his amazing puns yet~
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Bucket has since died~ using my Windows PC now. Which drives me insane, but at least it's way more powerful than my old iMac. (Still hate Windows though - it's user interface is just so horribly inefficient…)
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We're all wonderful band of seally fools here! Glad to have ya!
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Teba's been in my AU comic stuff so far, and his family will probably show up in the next set if I get around to it. Unfortunately his personality doesn't lend itself too well to my stupid jokes so he's only been in my more serious stuff so far~
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Is this still a problem? I haven’t got a way to check lol. I need to update it anyway to be more informative so I guess I’ll check it out then!
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I have no idea what you're talking about, Anon~ Just a bunch of potassium lovers here that's all~!
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@redventure - That's Bob~ he's super supportive~ Kind of an enabler really…
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Ahhh!! thanks!!
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Hm. Uh. Not that I've seen, but I'm not exactly diving into their collection~...
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Once while he was relaxing out of uniform he ran into a nervous Shiekah girl. They got into a pretty heated argument over who’s face tattoo was upside down. Does that count?
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I think this was before my Mipha comic, so at least I’ve drawn her a bit more, but yeah no Link x Mipha stuff directly yet~ I might get around to it! No silly ideas are coming to me to doodle out right now though, sorry!
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But I needed to at least do my favorite bit
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Fun Fact: apparently the Hyrule Warriors website lists Dragmire as his last name again. Not that that game is canon but still. But yeah high five for old school Zelda lore!
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*cries because I don’t have photoshop on my PC to edit Kamina’s shades onto loads of Sidon screenshots for this reply*
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@purrple--kat - Well I sure have done a lot of art of them from commissions now haven't I? lol. I think they're a cute couple~ From my own relationship I can say that having the same sense of humor is vital for me, and those two are definitely on the same level!
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*strikes a Kamina pose with Kamina shades to make other Anon happy too~*
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@asfcruppy + @talk-shit-you-get-hit - I have a little comic half drawn for this but it's on my Surface instead of my PC.. need to get that moved over to finish it up~!
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…why did I never think to do this? Of all the dumb things I've done, this was not one of them! I am ashamed!
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YA HA HAA! YOU FOUND ME!... what you were looking for an answer from someone?
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All 900 Koroks end up in group therapy because they get so confused by Mr. Hero’s behavior they legit cannot deal and are tired of him handing them self help books~
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Bonus: They don’t have a digestive system, so logically you can just feed them the same apple over and over! (Need to go make another stal-horse friend sometime~)
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@fluxed-touko​ - Ssshhhhh! Spoilers maybe ;)
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@kirchuuuu (this one wont tag for some reason?)- I did one drawing of her being a bit older, but still wasn't an adult~ I like to imagine she'd actually still be super short though, mostly because it keeps her distinct from the others (speaking of, what the heck happens to Gerudo when they're older? the old gerudo are all so much shorter! And then there's the Twinrova witches from Ocarina… Gerudo spines must be all sorts of weird, start tiny, get huge, shrink down super small….)
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@capnbanana - Usually 8.5x11 (standard US letter size), 300dpi. 350dpi for commissions, and commissions and comics are more likely to end up a different size (though never smaller for commissions)
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Considering the lack of any sort of reference to a Gerudo king in BotW, I personally feel like the Gerudo abandoned that tradition after Ganny went evil. Not against him being actually Gerudo though!
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@legoofallthemes22505 (this one wont take either...)- SOON!
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@jcummins151 - Ahh thanks <3 I'm glad random strangers on the internet are enjoying my silly stuff! And I don't really mind that people want me to draw NSFW stuff - it's kind of flattering to know people find my art good enough to.. uh… wanna.. *cough* *Mighty Banana jokes*
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Ahahahaha, I love that this was the next one to come in after that last one! Nothing in the works but maybe some day :P
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@bearlycute - He’d freaking LOVE it if they’d be content to just watch or snuggle...
Thank you to everyone! Love hearing from ya’ll, and sorry if it takes me forever to reply to asks sometimes! Can’t guarantee I always will but I’ll always try to and DEFINITELY read every one! Love ya! 
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martechguide · 5 years
How to see google search results for different locations
New Post has been published on https://martechguide.com/how-to-see-google-search-results-for-different-locations/
How to see google search results for different locations
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How to see Google SERP results data of Different Locations
What you and I are likely to see in Google differs a lot even if we search for the same thing.
The results we get depend on our:
Search habits.
The devices we use.
And, most importantly, our current location.
This makes perfect sense to users who often search Google for places and services nearby.
At the same time, this leaves marketers blind to what customers really see in Google in all the different locations their business targets.
So, today we’ll dig deeper into localized search results and look into every possible way to search Google from another location – both manually and using tools.
Do All SERP Elements Depend on Location?
The short answer is “yes.”
Even though we often think of local search as something related to “local 3-pack” blocks, the rest of the SERP is also tailored for the searcher’s specific geo-location (especially for queries with an obvious local intent).
In different locations, you may see changes in organic listings (the 10 blue links include different local businesses and directories), knowledge panels, universal search blocks, and paid ads.
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But What If We Simply Ignore the Change?
The bad news is, whatever research you’re up to – be that tracking search presence, analyzing competition or looking for relevant directory placements – you almost always need a certain level of SERP localization. Otherwise, you’re simply leading yourself astray.
But there’s also some good news: the level of needed granularity differs.
And while local 3-pack results are hypersensitive to the slightest location change and might sometimes require being tracked from a specific street address, organic search results remain much more stable.
For some of your organic tracking, city-level analysis is more than enough. For others, you barely need going beyond country localization.
So, let’s talk about different SEO tasks and cut through the different localization levels.
How to Check Country-Specific SERPs
This type of monitoring might suit an international brand that targets multiple countries. Tracking your search presence on a country level will help you:
Analyze search performance for non-geo-sensitive queries: While showing some discrepancy worldwide. Such terms tend to generate the same search results nationwide, so there is simply no need to zoom in.
Monitor the setup of your multilingual website. To see whether the correct country and language page versions are indexed and served for each region.
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How to Check Manually
A few years ago, this task was really straightforward. Country-specific search results were served on separate country domains, like google.co.nz for New Zealand or google.ru for Russia.
That’s until Google started serving search results based on the searcher’s location, regardless of the domain’s TLD extension at the end of 2017.
So, in case you haven’t noticed yet, there’s no longer any use typing a different Google domain in your address bar.
Here’s what you can do instead.
Change Your Google Search Settings
You can tell Google that your country differs from the automatically detected one by going to Search settings and adjusting your search region there.
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Use a VPN or a Proxy
You can also fake your location with proxies or a VPN service like Private Internet Access or similar.  
How to Check Automatically
I cannot come up with a single rank tracking app that is incapable of automating this type of localization.
Some tools will emulate a real user and tweak Google search settings (same as I’ve just described). Every time they send a new request to Google. Some of them will simply use a country-specific set of IPs.
All of them will work in a similar manner and do a decent job for you, whatever option you choose.
How to Check City-Specific SERPs
City-level rankings come into play if we’re monitoring a local business – One that operates within a specific service area or has a physical location for its customers to visit.
Most of the queries customers use to find businesses of this type are geo-sensitive. They are likely to change a lot from city to city (organic results), and from district to district (local listings).
So, while tracking city-level rankings may not be the best option for local listings monitoring, you can still use it to:
Track organic positions, which aren’t likely to fluctuate much within one city.
Track local packs and map rankings for less competitive industries, where there simply isn’t enough competition to produce much SERP turbulence even in the hyper-geo-sensitive local packs.
How to Check Manually
Same as with country rankings, there was a time when checking city rankings was not a problem. But Google gives and Google takes away. So the SEO industry, once again, had to come up a few creative workarounds.
Add a ‘&near=cityname’ Parameter to Your Google URL
To check the SERPs for “dentist” from Hendersonville, NC, for example, you can use a URL like this:
(This includes your keyword in the “q=” parameter, and your location in the “near=” parameter.)
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This option is the easiest one, but we’re trading time against accuracy here.
With the “&near=” parameter, the results Google serves you are literally near the location, and not necessarily within the specified city. Quite often, they might be skewed towards a larger city nearby.
Use the Google Ads Preview Tool
Another (and this time, pretty accurate) way to check localized SERPs is the Ad Preview and Diagnosis Tool in Google Ads. It simulates not only geopositions but user devices (mobile, tablet, or desktop) as well.
See Anyone’s Analytics Account, in Real Time.
You can literally see real-time sales and conversion data for any website, and which campaigns drove that traffic. Start your free trial today
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The tool works for any keyword, whether it’s included in your Ads campaign or not. The only thing that’s required is an active Google Ads account.
How to Check Automatically
Checking city-specific SERPs is available in the vast majority of rank tracking tools these days.
Most of them use the same way to localize your search results – the “&uule=” parameter. It also adds a base64-encoded location name or zip code to the URL when querying Google. So, the results are displayed as if you’re from the city centroid or the center of the ZIP code.
Among the tools that do city-specific checking are AccuRanker and Ahrefs.
SEMrush and Whitespark include only a limited set of cities/countries. So they will only work for you if your target location is on the list.
My personal favorite in this category is BrightLocal – for their nicely formatted reports and easy-to-use interface.
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How to Check the SERPs for a Specific Street Address
When it comes to tracking local pack or Google Maps results, the slightest location change can influence the SERPs.
Sometimes your business will show up in search results throughout its whole service area, and sometimes it will only rank for searches performed just a few blocks from your doorstep.
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This means that tracking city-level results won’t do. And you need to be able to localize the SERPs on a street level to:
See how visible your business is in different parts of the city/town.
See how far from the physical location the business appears in the local pack. And also monitor how your ranking coverage area expands over the SEO campaign.
How to Check Manually
For quite some time, the only way to specify the exact street address to check Google SERPs from was by using Google Chrome Developer Tools. However, now there is a nice tool to do the job much quicker.
Set up Custom Latitude & Longitude in Chrome
Google Chrome lets you load pages as if from anywhere in the world by specifying the exact geo-coordinates.
To do that, you need to head to Developer Tools (CTRL+SHFT+I for Windows and Command + Option + I for Mac OS) and click the three-dot icon in the bottom left corner:
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There, pick the Sensors option and simply paste the geo-coordinates you’ve previously copied from Google Maps:
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Use the Valentin App
A cool new tool to handle the same task is the Valentin app. It converts the street address you’ve entered into geo-coordinates and passes them along to Google. The localized Google search results are opened in a new browser tab.
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How to Check Automatically
There are only two tools I know of that let you automate street address rank checking. However, they do the job in quite a different manner.
One tool is best suited for tracking your positions and their changes. The other tool is best for visualizing your ranking coverage area.
Use Rank Tracker
SEO PowerSuite’s Rank Tracker (disclaimer: I’m the founder of Rank Tracker) is the only tool to automate what Google Chrome and Valentin app do.
You can set up as many street-address locations as you need, and check Google SERPs for them automatically.
And I do mean “as many locations as you need,” because unlike most other tools, Rank Tracker doesn’t limit the number of locations to track.
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Use Local Falcon
Local Falcon is my absolute favorite among all the new SEO tools to emerge in 2018. Moreover the app has a brilliant idea behind it – to visualize how your business ranks on Google Maps in the area surrounding it.
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Monitoring Maps will not substitute monitoring the SERPs themselves, but this visualization gives you some priceless data on your local performance.
To Track or Not to Track?
With that many options and that much local ranking data, it might seem hard to find reliable benchmarks to measure your search success.
It’s also tempting to either give up on tracking local rankings altogether or get overly obsessed with them. Really, though, the best solution lies somewhere in the middle.
On one hand, rankings are just a vanity metric, and, unlike traffic, leads and customers, they don’t bring you any business by themselves.
On the other hand, there is no better way to diagnose your search performance and find room for improvement than by checking the SERP positions and their change over time.
Is your website not getting enough customers because it’s invisible in SERPs or because it has bad reviews?
Are you underperforming in a certain region because there’s less market for what you offer or because your website’s local version is purely set up?
I can think of a better way to answer these questions than by monitoring your search performance. And staying blind to this data is like giving your market away to competitors.
More Resources:
Local SEO: The Definitive Guide to Improve Your Local Search Rankings
10 New Local Search Features You Should Be Using
Top 25 Local Search Ranking Signals You Need to Know
Image Credits
Featured Image: Shutterstock, modified by author All screenshots taken by author, February 2019 In-post Image #12: Local Falcon
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Why are my credits taking so long in review in imvu mobile check right now
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IMVU is a 3D game with the virtual world and the functions to connect you with the true globe. In a single-user game, the user's buddies could populate an audience, for instance. With multi-user support in place, they could meet their IMVU buddies as fellow players. What is especially exciting about IMVU is the concept of chatting through a 3D avatar, MMO style. Indeed its developer (Will Harvey) is far more renowned for being the thoughts behind on the net game There, which bills itself as a competitor to Linden Labs' Second Life.
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Before you get all thrilled it will most likely be worth mentioning what's this seriously about. Above all we have to have this sort of applications due to the lack of a reasonable method for the IMVU players. The explanation behind overwhelming necessity of such IMVU hacking tools is the discrepancy occurring as it pertains to the IMVU credits. IMVU is a casino game played out by individuals all around the globe. Regardless of the financial economic status of their state and of the typical particular person, the costs for credits is the very same. This is why we need the IMVU credit generator — in terms of the monetary aspect, it can support the players that are disadvantaged.
You will be redirected to a new web page, and the hack tool will load up soon after that. You can find lots of options and columns to enter your detail. Kind your IMVU username and platform from iOS and Android. Then log in to your IMVU account, enter the special code emailed to you, and click the Redeem Now! Button. You will want to wait for confirmation of your IMVU credits to your account just before you can make any purchases.
We milked that glitch http://eickenbusch.info to create this kind of credits generators that will provide your accounts with 10, 20 or 40K absolutely free of charge IMVU Credits. Possessing no or restricted credits is seriously as superior as devoid of cash in genuine life. There isn't significantly you can do but wait around till you make enough credits to begin living your daily life once again.
Aside from other elements IMVU is a world of style. If you have an inclination towards design and style and style IMVU is the much better destination to start. If you would want to discover this high quality in true life you are going to have to have lots of cash. However, with the IMVU credits hack you can very easily improve your notion upon planning and fashion. If you are effective in IMVU building eye-catching clothes, you have a far better opportunity of being genuinely a excellent developer in true to life. But for this you need to have to be in a position to get clothing devoid of fretting about the spendings. That is where the no cost IMVU credits assistance you enhance your style and conception upon style. Most importantly, IMVU is a big community with players all around the globe. If your passion if fashion, it is the most effective location you can obtain genuine feedback relating to your style and capabilities.
10 Warning Signs Of Your own IMVU CREDITS Demise
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While Small Company Saturday” may be conveniently connected with small boutiques and other brick-and-mortar shops in the genuine planet, the movement is gaining traction on line as properly. Take IMVU for instance, a thriving social community (with new apps on iOS and Android devices), which permits its users to make virtual products for sale in their own digital shops to earn genuine funds. These creators are getting showcased currently, with their stores advertised across the whole IMVU platform, encouraging customers to learn new buddies and item lines for purchase.
That sheet, it is pretty uncomplicated to use. Our experiences are right here to help you to study how to hack game or application. We are so much delighted that imvu hack is operating fine and thousands of individuals have downloaded it. Press the button under in order to open the generator! Make positive you use , if you see any error, you need to open the similar link via web explorer or Web Download Manager. Its having inbuilt proxy program which will aids you to stop from banning. To use this hack is actually straightforward, we have developed this app as simple as achievable. Following picking promo credits, click on Get it now! It has a mild resemblance to the well-known life simulation game 'The Recalls'.
On this web page you can generate a name for Imvu or produce a nickname with letters IM. Random username tips of your option. Promo-Credits or Promotional Credits can be procured by participating in activities that are supplied by IMVU. For instance, when you make a new account, you get 1,000 Promo-Credits and by verifying your e mail id, you can earn 500 Promo-Credits. You can use this currency when you are falling short of normal Credits.
The popular hacks for the IMVU are absolutely secure and not poor to use to attain a higher level in the game and conveniently compete with other individuals. If a gamer desires to move ahead smoothly, an IMVU hacking tool can undoubtedly assistance in taking one particular step ahead and make the gamer superior to other players of the game. The hacking tools can be simply utilized with out worrying about safety challenges.
Our Imvu generator is not for enterprise utilize and cannot be sold, If you are discovered offering it, you will be punished. We trust you make the most of our internet Imvu Credits generator apparatus and in the occasion that you have any problems using our Imvu hack too please dont waver to leave a remark with your concern. Substantially appreciated.
This is a single of the extremely well-known IMVU Hack that is identified to so a lot of persons, but pretty handful of of them like to use it. The mainreason why they do not use it is that whenthey get this supply, they are needed to do a survey which is lengthy andboring. Quite a few people today do not like to do it and try to switch to some otheroption. But, according to numerous game experts, it is not a excellent idea to overshadow the value of this IMVU Hack Credits forearning credit simply because you have to take fatigue of carrying out various factor to getextra credit, so why not you chose this easy method. It takes time, but the protocol is not extremely difficult as forthe other hacks. So, try this 1 for the reason that it is quite productive and assist youearn good credit amount.
0 notes
6 Simple Job Search Tips People Always Forget - The Muse
A job search website cannot, of course, guarantee you a job--not even a paid subscription service like TheLadders, but they may help you get your foot into the door. Think of them as your back-up plan, and spend the majority of energy on the important building blocks of the career search process: career assessment, career research, and mapping out an effective job search. No online service can equal the results that are possible for a well-conducted networking campaign. But in today's wired world, no job search should proceed without them. They keep your resume in circulation 24/7. They publish a tremendous amount data, and offer a certain amount of guidance and support. The trick is knowing how to use them effectively. You should prefer sites that offer something of real value before you give them anything...including your email address. This could be a free report, a self-administered career assessment or list of sample job descriptions. Take a look at what they offer. If you like what you see, sign up for their email newsletter or register as a client. Usually, you can tell a bad job search website in seconds. If the pages are "link farms"--with little or no content and masses of links to other sites or product offerings--don't waste your time. Don't waste your money, and above all else, never trust a site like this with your personal and/or financial information!
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With such business contact details in-hand, and having identified plenty of companies to research for the job you seek, begin to customize your resumes for each firm. Again - don't be shy. Use each resume as your professional billboard, so to speak, to highlight your skills and successful experiences in solving specific work-floor issues, and have statistics to confirm it. Then utilize the email addresses, fax numbers and other hiring-agent contact data to release your customized resumes - one at a time -- directly to the offices of each hiring authority (and/or to the closest contact to them), including HR; later, if things go well, let the hiring manager(s) guide you through HR processing. Prove it to yourself, when you impress the primary hiring-authority, and their associates, with know-how to repair their workplace issues - combined with a teamwork attitude -- they draw their own conclusions, without the candidate speaking a word; as workplace performance statistics, confirm your success with similar issues. As you can see, whether on your resume, or cited in a phone call, or in emails, wherever - workplace statistics illustrate your results as they lend authority to any claims of anticipated performance if hired. Find  6 Simple Job Search Tips People Always Forget - The Muse. The ability to search multiple job sites at once is important. Companies use a wide range of job posting services and websites. If you limit your search to only one or two, you miss out on valuable job opportunities and this can hinder your chances of landing a job. It is rare to find a job search app for smart phones that enables you to apply via an uploaded resume. That is why being able to email a job listing to yourself is advised. Most apps will direct you to the job ad and you may be able to apply for the job using the online job application, but you will have to type this document on your phone.
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Whatever you do, don't be intrusive with any inquiries you may make via these channels, this is not corporate espionage, just a job search, so remain professional at all times, maybe make comments in-reply to others' postings, re-tweet with comments, etc. - or, maybe -- wait till you have a good idea of whom you may want to contact or reply to first and exactly what you want to say and ask, all the while capturing names, job titles, email addresses, fax and phone numbers and desk-extension numbers, and user names from business groups, social networks and forums you haunt. Those details often lead to obvious decision-makers and other employees within the companies you pursue; and sometimes it leads to companies unfamiliar to you, who later become employer-prospects, too. Monster.com is arguably the best global platform for job seekers. It comes loaded with advice for the job hunter. Great content on the site includes a "how to" on putting together a resume that rocks the world, well-written job descriptions, interviewing tips, and lots of salary information. Reading newspapers and magazines to get leads: You can also get leads for your job search through reading of newspapers and magazines. You can uncover leads by (i) monitoring the business sections for companies signing new commercial and contracts which portends a good sign for increased capacity. (ii) search for companies receiving venture capital. Such companies are likely to have a viable business model and will inevitably need new employees.
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Seem too intrusive? It's not. It's only about getting hired. Most folks who receive such phone calls, emails, chat or IM messages or those whom respond to tweets or comment on postings made previously on that or some other social-mobi system - most of us, worldwide, don't mind to help. So don't be afraid to ask for information. (TACTIC #2) It's easier than you think. Prior to constructing each custom resume, perform research about each company you choose to pursue - this is serious business so organize and get on with the work ASAP and stay focused or you may lose your nerve to complete the tasks - discover the actual names of decision-makers who would approve, or contribute to a decision to, hire for the department or job-title or vocational specialty that you intend to pursue with each employer-prospect. And in your research, as you discover each business' most urgent workplace hiring needs in your job specialty, you discover exactly which of your job skills and industry experiences to use to create a custom resume, and which related employment statistics may best impress each hiring manager. Are you looking for a job? Would you like to work in the retail industry? You can find a large selection of retail jobs hiring now with a simple internet search online. On that same note, there are some factors you should take into consideration when job searching for retail jobs online.
Reading a job listing is an important step because vital information is provided. In addition to determining if the job is something that you'd enjoy doing, you can determine if you are wasting your time by applying. For example, if Company A is hiring for a part-time overnight cashier and you cannot work overnights - you know not to bother applying for the job. Don't waste time on job listings with hours that you cannot work or jobs with requirements you do not come close to meeting; focus your attention on more promising leads. It is not all the job openings that are normally advertised. There are some hidden job markets. This is because some recruiters and employers sometimes recruit job seekers that are recommended to them by colleagues, friends and sometimes associates. I personally have once been employed through this means. You should therefore get acquainted with potential employers with a view to having a pre-knowledge of available jobs before they are advertised by developing your contact network. To advertise your availability in the job market, you need to get the names of the professionals in your field. You need to ask faculty, alumni and peers on how to contact such persons. Also, directories, association listings, professional bodies, alumni associations, job search clubs and telephone books are veritable source of such names. To get reliable information about any job listing in any organization the best person to contact is the supervisor or manager of the position you are interested in. Is the job search technique you presently use effective enough to land you the dream job you have always coveted? Are you sure you will get the desired interview invitations from using the conventional job search techniques? We hiring managers have realized that to get your dream job, you need to ditch the conventional job hunting techniques and utilize the unconventional job search tactics especially if you want your job seeking to be result oriented. This is because such tactics are more proactive because you the job seeker will set the pace of your search campaign. Further, they are highly targeted because they focus on specific industries, geographic areas, employers and positional types. They are also customized because they help in emphasizing your individuality by weaving your personality and career related values into your resume. Our objective here in this article is to identify such techniques you can use to land your dream job.
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appxtech · 5 years
Most Trending Mobile App Technologies of 2019
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We are here talk about the trending mobile app technologies which will help your business stand out in a crowd among billions. Appxtech is one of the world’s leading companies of mobile app development services in India. Our specialty’s make your success of key, for your business. We have no mash with our combining functionality with world-class design. At Appxtech, our Android and iOS app developers take your idea (no matter how madness) and create it into a beautiful mobile application that your users will love.
In the virtual world, mobile application industry has been reshaping the business throughout recent years and has turned into an initial need of our system. Even business domain, today every company needs to integrate the mobile app technology to grow their business and multiple countries audience reach. With the advancement of smartphones, that is the easiest way to reach large number of users within no time.  
Here are the Top Trending Technologies
Android Instant Applications
Google recently launched Android Instant Apps to developers as part of an effort to help kickoff the following enormous improvement to the native application experience in Android. Instant Apps expect to help carry clients into the best native app experience as soon as possible by downloading possibly parts of an application when they need them. This creates it quick and easy to engage users with incredible mobile application experiences, despite the fact that they don't have the application installed on their gadgets.
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Instant Apps are delivered to the customers in a bit of features element modules, each containing just the code and resources required to achieve a specific action. Instant Apps are activated by targeted URL, implying that they can be begun from anywhere including, search engine result, online promotions, messages, reference, NFC and different applications or even other Instant Apps.
Artificial Intelligence Making the Apps Smarter
Using Artificial intelligence concept in mobile app development, as well as Augmented or Virtual Reality and the Internet of Things, brings to developers tens or even hundreds of thousands of downloads in just a few months. AI enables you to make not only programming as well as savvy and advanced venture applications. Building an AI associate suggests the use of software tools. In fact, they are identical in structure to neurons in the CNS. Also, these tools are able to remember and process previously received data, and then - analyzes and applies it in future practice. We’ll tell you how AI works.
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So, if you want to know how AI is making mobile apps smarter using AI technology, connect with Appxtech team.
Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP)
Google's Accelerated Mobile Pages initiative is getting a ton of introduction since its release toward the beginning of October. Let's see what it is, how does it work and how you can release your very own AMP HTML pages.
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Speed Matters
In this time of speed, a page that takes more than 5 seconds to load is losing its appeal, and this is particularly significant on smartphones.
Numerous studies have demonstrated that page load directly affects sales. For example, conversion rates drop 30% after 2 seconds, and bounce rates drop 40% after a similar measure of time.
On the SEO side, page speed is one of the many ranking factors for Google, hence your site’s visibility is at risk if it’s too slow.
Therefore, user experience, business goals, and find ability are all impacted by site speed.
Mobilegeddon optimized website design and carefully created website with execution are part of the solution. While working on these issues, we can’t blame others, or we’ll soon get closed inside walled gardens.
Facebook’s Instant Articles and Apple News are answering these issues in their own way. Luckily, the AMP Project, while promoted by Google, is an open-source project and you out it an attempt.
Cloud-based Mobile Apps
A cloud app or a mobile cloud app is an application that operates through the cloud and has a unique combination of characteristics from both, pure desktop apps and pure web apps. This is a software program where cloud-based and local components work together in a congruent manner.
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Mobile Wallets
Mobile wallet (as well as called digital wallet) stores payment information on smartphones, usually in an application. Mobile wallets can use various innovations in the payment procedure, most much of the time NFC, but different modalities like QR codes have been utilized by some services.
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Key Features of Mobile Wallets:
·         Quick response (QR) code
·         Internet payment
·         SMS payment
·         Direct carrier billing
·         Mobile banking
Mobile App Security
Mobile app security is the extent of protection that mobile device apps (applications) have from malware and the activities of saltines and other criminals. The term can as well allude to different innovations and production practices that minimize the risk of exploits to mobile devices through their applications. A mobile device has various segments, every one of them defenseless against security weaknesses. The parts are made, distributed, and utilized by different players, every one of whom assumes a pivotal job the security of a gadget.
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Every player should include safety measures into mobile phones as they are designed and built and into mobile applications, as they are considered and composed, but these are not in every case enough completed.
We get the first introduction of Blockchain was in 2008 to start the Bitcoin cryptocurrency. That quickly grew into an enormous trend, getting people crazy about digital money, and there were few reasons for that.
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Blockchain is a database that records digital transactions in secure and straightforward way. Blockchain are public everyone participating in the blockchain can view the transactions, which are stored in “blocks”. Blockchain is secure. Data in the blocks cannot be altered, and blocks can only be added to the chain, never removed making a blockchain database highly secure.
The Rise of Bots
The adaptation of bots will escalate from being fairly rudimentary to a fierce revolution. There are nearly 2.2 million apps in the Google Play Store and 2 million in Apple App Store, how many of them have employed chatbots to facilitate better UI/UX services in their app? Very few!
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Despite whether, you've coordinated this mystery in your book, ensure that in 2019, your business isn't without Bots. The chatbots are being appreciated by the users for their quick and precise answers whenever they needed. 
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Waterless Mobile Car Wash Services Portland
Mobile hand car wash and valeting service. Details of services, prices, booking, testimonials and area covered. Head on over to mobigleam.com for waterless mobile car wash services in Portland.
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Do not use a sponge. Do not use anything that is abrasive like steel wool, sink, or dish scrubbers. They must be soft. They must be fluffy. A wash mitt is the best. It will trap dirt instead of scraping it along your cars finish. A sponge could scratch your car. For tall cars, vans, and trucks, you can use a pole mitt. Make sure you buy a pole with a head that is specifically designed to wash a car. Many will scratch your cars finish. Remember, the fluffier the better. A wash mitt designed for car washing will hold the most suds as well. Suds is what will clean your car.
Waterless mobile car wash;
You may get the contents at any automotive store but by combining all into a car-themed putting gift basket such basic tools for an emergency road kit (road flare, cones, cords, flashlights, reflective vests and fuses) would be well appreciated by the receiver.
Using a pressure wash once in a while removes the dirt from the parts that are difficult to reach. Holding out the pressure wash jet closely to the painted surface might peel the loose paint. Places like behind moldings, inside wheel arches, under the bumpers should be washed off. This is where the dirt and salt could be accumulated. The dirt in the wind shield must also be wiped and washed. Dirts accumulated in the windshield gets caught by the windshield wipers blades and scratches the windshield when the wipers are operating.
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What is waterless mobile car wash? Ions are simply impurities that exist in any normal water supply and come in the form of dissolved minerals such as calcium and sodium, When the water evaporates the minerals that were once dissolved in the water are left behind to leave unsightly spots on your paintwork. The normal course of action is to dry your car with a soft cloth or paper towel so that the water doesn't have time to evaporate and leave behind the spots. This is sometimes impractical though, especially on a hot day when the sun will dry parts of your car before you get a chance to get to them.
We also had the waterless mobile car wash services chance to pit the RAZR i against the Droid RAZR M. Aside from the benchmark results outlined above, the Medfield entry offered a marginally faster response to most actions. Powering up both phones, the RAZR i landed at its home screen around 12 seconds ahead of the Snapdragon sibling. Loading into the Chrome browser was around the same speed on both, likewise the camera app - both launching and capture - was equally swift on both. It's interesting to note that the color balance appeared more natural on the screen of the Verizon version, which matches up with our results in the camera test.
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Even though there are several lenders who offer car wash loans, you may have a hard time searching for one. Thus, when you are searching for them, you should know where to look as you may not find them listed in the yellow pages of a phone book. The best source to search for car wash loans lenders is the internet. In the space provided in the search engine, you just have to type the required words and within seconds you will be provided with a list of all the lending institutions that offer such funds.
Having enough pressure in your machine will allow you to clean at a deeper level and make fewer passes over a surface to get it clean. Too much pressure will take off the top layer of a surface or damage it beyond repair. When using PSI as the tool of cleaning, always approach a surface from a distance, then moving in slowly for more pressure, until you find the right distance for cleaning ability without harming the surface.
If you've ever bought parts for your car, you've probably got confused at times finding different auto parts outlets offering the same item at a wide range of prices. So you are left wondering whether quality has anything to do with this. In a broad sense, the answer is yes. The higher the price, the higher the quality. However, this is not always the case.
The main area and aim of car detailing is to fully enhance and restore the vehicles paintwork by eliminating light scratches and swirl marks that have been inflicted over time and that reflect the light in such a way that they give an unsightly cob webbing effect on the surface of the paint or clear coat. Before this is undertaken though, the exterior has to be thoroughly washed and cleaned in order to remove as much dirt and as many contaminants as possible. Valeting is something you can get from even a local fuel station - car detailing is more something which is more specialist and a service to hire by looking online. Some firms do have a specialist work facility however.
Babysitters job is not that easy as it may seem to you. A nanny is responsible for a child's meal, entertaining the child, engaging the child in learning activities and to follow the regular bedtime family routine. You cannot be lenient when you are around kids; you have to be always on your toes and keep them in your sight all the time. Kids are very stubborn and you have to be able to convince them to take their meals on time and go to bed on time.
Distressed debt and mezzanine investors packed into a cramped London courtroom to be told that IMO's senior lenders could take ownership of the company, despite objections of lower-ranked mezzanine lenders owed about 90 million pounds ($148.5 million).
One of the first things that you should look for should always be its track record. Do people (who have experienced their service) return? Are they satisfied with the service that they offer? As I mentioned earlier, you can never know what repairs were done to your car, unless you stay in the shop the whole day. The only way to find out how good the repairs were is to drive your car out.
Before you harp on me about the Cadillac Escalade EXT , I have to remind you that the Escalade EXT is based on the much-more-clever Chevy Avalanche, with a mid-gate that allowed the bed to be accessed from within the vehicle, among other goodies. They may look the same, but they don't work the same. Also, being featured in the Matrix movie sure didn't hurt the Escalade EXT's sales either.
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The major motive of making use of vehicle protection cover is without any doubt to protect a vehicle against a number of harms which occur driving on the road. Even essentially the most seasoned and also watchful car owners are not guarded against insignificant accidents, therefore providing your own automobile an extra security is certainly a prudent choice.
Pay attention to the signs a potential mechanic gives to you. If he cannot give you eye contact, rushes his words, or avoids answering any questions you have for him, he may be trying to hide something. Perhaps he does not really know what he is doing or is lying about something else. If this is the case, go with another mechanic.
You should not choose a repair shop or a mechanic right away if you are rushed. If your car needs some repairs right away, find a friend or family member who can lend you their vehicle or give you rides until you find a reliable garage or dealership to repair your vehicle.
I'll admit that Lincoln Aviator, the up-scale cousin of Ford Explorer, would make sense. However, whose idea is to up-scale the F-150 Crewcab? Yet it was done, and that became the Lincoln Blackwood , which died after a few years. In fact, there was a Neiman Marcus Edition of Lincoln Blackwood! It then got resurrected as the Lincoln Mark LT after a few years, then died again, at least in the US. The Lincoln Mark LT is still available in Mexico.
Buy a pair of rabbit ears. This is a flexiable rubber seal connected to a metal clamp. This unit is help flush the engine. connect the unit on the lower part of the motor were the water is picked up. Connect a water hose to the back of the rabbit ears.
In recent years, however, the environment has started to shift. In part, that's due to investigative reporting, the prevalence of social media, whistle-blowers, and stronger judicial institutions, according to The Inter-American Dialogue's report. Over the past two decades, more nations have signed on to international corruption and transparency standards like the UN Convention Against Corruption or the Open Government Partnership, of which 14 Latin American countries are signatories and have submitted action plans. There has also been greater investment in judicial systems and national oversight laws.
Understand how the repair shop you are considering charges before signing any agreements. Some shops will charge a flat fee for labor, while others base it off of time. Some will opt for original parts, while others will use generics. Know what you have ahead of you before being accountable.
We just purchased a used car and the entire car was covered in an unknown substance leaving the paint with a rough texture so i needed a waterless mobile car wash. Dealership detailed it and couldn't get it off. Searched on Yelp for a mobile auto wash business and Jay's had 5 stars and great reviews. Called them up and they were able to come out the next day. They communicated with me on their exact arrival time and let me know they were on their way. When they got here three guys got right to work and said they can get the rough texture off the car no problem. Well they didn't disappoint. Whatever was on the car is completely gone and looks fantastic. Price was reasonable and the final product was outstanding. I highly recommend these guys.
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eddiecowell · 5 years
In the age of digital, establishing an application or website could be one faster way to approach a larger number of potential customers. However, is your corporation are well afford the prices? Let’s take a look over the app development vs web development cost below.
When you began to develop an app, you can’t expect your software development company to tell you about the app development cost estimate right off the bat. there’s no rate list for the applications’ development and everything depends on various factors. Surely before you’ll be sent a bill, the team of developers will estimate what percentage hours were required to implement your specifications. Still, the foremost significant factors influencing the average app development cost are:
Features and functionality
Customization of visual design
Backend infrastructure and app administration
Location and structure of a development team
App maintenance costs
Well then, it is time to get what features influence the complexity of the entire app. As we mentioned before, implementation of some features are often significantly lengthy, while others are relatively short and straightforward. Depending on the complexity of solutions, developers got to use third-party API or code from scratch. Simpler solutions, in turn, require standard instruments and have interaction native features.
Let’s take a glance at the approximate development time and price required for basic features then move forward to more complex ones.
  1.Visual Design Customize
Creating a singular interface design may be a complicated deed that gives additional expenses to your project. The cheaper variant suggests using OS-supplied items and building screens of ordinary elements. The number of screens is additionally a determining factor.
2. Platforms
Are you thinking of making an iOS app? Maybe your app is supposed to figure on Android OS as well? So, you ought to know the value to make Android and iPhone apps. Making a choice on which platform to start out from, app owners attempt to take into consideration such factors as iOS and Android market share, device fragmentation and prevalence, but the foremost meaningful is that developing mobile applications for these platforms differs greatly. These platforms take over different programming languages, have different SDKs and utilize different development tools.
The question comes up: is there any price difference in developing apps for iOS or Android? Actually, no. Just in case you’re creating an app for one platform, there’s no significant price discrepancy within the costs of making Android and iOS apps. But if you would like your application to support two or more platforms, prepare to pay extra money for development.
3.Backend Infrastructure and App Administration
In mobile application development, the backend is generally an OS that gives developers with APIs to supply data exchange between an app and a database. So as to track user activity and assess the performance of your consumer app, it’s equipped with analytics. Counting on the number of parameters you’re getting to track and the way detailed and specific the tracking is going to be, costs vary.
The administration panel is unquestionably a really useful gizmo for managing app content, users and statistics. There are options to adapt existing admin panel templates for your needs, but finding an honest one may be a problem. So it is sensible to make an adequate panel to satisfy your business requirements.
4. Location and Structure of a Development Team
As mentioned earlier, the situation of your app development team may be a vital factor influencing the product’s final price. the value of making an app within the UK will differ from the value of app development within the US and other regions.
Now, let’s determine who are the members of the event team.
a. Business Analyst
A Business Analyst is a person responsible for the following:
Gathering requirements
Identifying tech and business problems
Analyzing competitors
Defining project value
Writing project specification
b. UI/UX designer
The designer’s responsibilities include:
Analysis of similar applications
Analysis of user preferences and pains
Creation of wireframes
Creation of final design.
c. Mobile app engineer
Their main task is to build and publish the application considering all the tech and business peculiarities described in the specification.
d. QA engineer
Quality Assurance engineers check the application’s stability performing regression, load, smoke, and other types of tests. They also check the UI and other app components for compliance with the specification.
e. Project Manager
Project Managers coordinate the work of the entire team and make sure the product will be ready in time and comply with all the requirements.
  5. Cost of Maintaining an App
One of the last points to consider is how much does it cost to maintain an app. In many cases, the app maintenance cost may account for 15% to 20% of the original price of development.
Maintenance includes the following:
Continuous bug fixing
Improving stability and performance
Code optimization
Adding support for latest OS versions
Developing new features
Supporting the latest versions of third-party services
1. General web development cost
The average web application development cost starts from $3,000 and reaches 250,000+. Quite a gap, right? All because custom apps come with custom requirements, so there’s no magic wand for uncovering the price. But to show how the development price is calculated, we’ve roughly estimated three categories of applications by their complexity.
a.Simple web
These are websites with a basic set of functions, landing pages, and simple online stores. Minimum content and interactive elements – minimum development time (up to a month).
Web application cost: $3,000-15,000.
  b. Medium applications
Pro-level web apps are more challenging to build, and they often contain interactive pages and lots of content. That’s why their development takes up to 3-4 months. These are:
e-commerce websites
prototypes of Internet portals
web apps for small companies
Cost: $15,000-55,000
  c. Complex applications
Custom web apps come with exclusive CMS, well-thought-out design, and thus a high level of complexity. They’re often aimed at profit-making or help with automating regular business processes. The development of complex web applications takes up to 6 months of work.
Cost: $55,000-250,000+
What Factors Affect Web App Pricing?
So why a web app development company – even a large and well-experienced one – can’t tell the sum just by hearing out the idea? Time to check what actually influences web app development cost, and why a plain idea is rarely enough.
a.Scope of Work
The very very first thing influencing the value is that the app’s functionality. It matters whether you’re building an easy online store, a web brochure, or a singular and sophisticated system like hotel management software. Is it a standalone solution or third-party integrations (payment systems, GPS navigation, etc.) are the must-haves?
Various APIs, databases, hosting, mobile compatibility – the more sophisticated the online app is, the longer it’ll fancy develop and thus the more it’ll cost.
And don’t ditch the code quality. If the team of developers works with very strict deadlines, they could not have enough time for writing clear and high-quality code. during this case, each bug and imperfection will begin in time.
Finally, mind that project requirements are rarely carved in stone. they’ll change over time bringing new features and style elements as your audience grows. And it, again, affects the general web application price.
b. Сomplexity of UI/UX Design
Same here: if you select to go for custom UI/UX design services, be able to pay more. And the way far more depends on its complexity, number of elements, animations, etc. Besides, app interfaces shouldn’t only be unique but eye-pleasant, intuitive, and convenient to use too. Both designers and web app developers need time to bring all that to life, ensuring the seamless performance of every part of the app.
Sure, there are many ready-made design templates that cost two bucks. But uniqueness is very desirable when it involves custom products. What’s more, if you employ one among the well-worn designs, you’re putting in danger your brand’s reputation and recognition. Not standing out here means to not be noticed.
c. Business Niche
It matters which project you select and the way complex it seems to be. as an example, if you’re building another online store or web journal, you’ll expect lower web app development pricing.
Projects like those don’t require special knowledge and skills, in order that they are comparatively cheap. But unique and sophisticated suites are entirely different. These cannot be built without experienced and highly qualified developers plus thorough management expertise. And these two resources are of most value within the world of web development.
d. Developers’ Location
Offshore development is often cheaper than local. In the USA, Canada, and Australia an hour of software development costs from $80 to $250 – the highest rate in the world.
For example, according to Clutch, in the UK there are plenty of firms that provide web development services for $50-99/per hour. And Eastern Europe offers rates twice as low – an hour of web development costs $20-50 in Ukraine or Belarus.
If your corporation is considering making an application or website, and in need of a professional consultant, ten-year Magento experienced CO-WELL Asia is full-time available to solve the problem.
        Bài viết APP DEVELOPMENT VS WEB DEVELOPMENT COST đã xuất hiện đầu tiên vào ngày Cowell Asia.
source https://co-well.vn/en/tech-blog/app-development-vs-web-development/
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ACT Prep
Some of The Best ACT Resources to Help You Score Higher
While both exams are college prep exams, their similarity ends there. In 2016, the SAT was revised in a major way, making it look similar to the ACT exam’s format.
However, the math and science sections are noticeably different. In the SAT, you’ll see a heavier focus on trigonometry and geometry. In the ACT, you can use a calculator for all sections of the math portion; in the SAT, one section requires you to calculate your equations without a calculator.
The largest difference between the two exams is the scoring range. The ACT scores just an average of each section, with your score falling between 1 and 36. The SAT will assign a score for each section. These scores range from 200 to 400, with a total score ranging from 400 up to 1600.
Register to Take the Test
If you are younger than 13, or you cannot pay for your registration fee using a credit card, you should register by mail; this will be the only way you can register for this exam.
If you are older than 13 and will be using a credit card in your registration, you should create an online account with the ACT testing organization. Online registration takes about 40 minutes; this will require internet access, your high school course details, and a headshot photo (your yearbook photo will suffice).
You’ll also provide a parent’s email address and notification of any accommodations you need.
What Does the ACT Cost?
Your location affects how much you’ll pay for your ACT registration. Also, if you plan to take the writing portion, this will impact the final cost. In the U.S., with no writing test, you will pay $50; with the writing exam, you will pay $67. If you are not in the U.S. and you won’t be taking the writing exam, you will pay $150; if you will be taking the writing exam, your cost will be $166.50.
What Score do You Want?
You probably have a final score in mind. Once you get your scores back, you hope to score at or very close to 36. However, a couple factors enter in here. First, you will receive a composite score that shows how well you scored in comparison to other students who have taken the ACT. If your score is in a higher percentage, say 60%, this means you did better than 60% of the students who took the exam. If you have an ACT score of 26, you scored higher than 82% of other students taking this exam.
Second, you want a score that’s high enough to help you get into the colleges of your choice. Some state colleges are more competitive than others. Therefore, you want your composite score to be a little higher than it is for other students competing to get into the same school.
As an example, the University of Rhode Island takes several factors into consideration. One is the rigor of your high school curriculum; the second, your ACT composite score. Depending on the program you want to enter, you should have sufficient high school credits that indicate you already have the basics. If your high school GPA is lower than you’d like, then a higher ACT score helps to offset this. However, if you want to get into a prestigious Ivy League school, your numbers across the board should be as high as you have the potential to achieve.
Knowing What to Study
When you are studying for your ACT, do so in an orderly way. Take each subject area and study it separately. Subject areas include English, math, reading, science, and writing. Your study sessions will be much more productive if you use study guides, which are available in different areas.
For English, you’ll review and study the elements of writing. Pay attention to the writing styles used in each passage. For math, read and understand each question. Use your calculator only when needed, solve the problem. In reading, read each passage completely. Then, read each of the answer choices and choose the one that best answers the question. For science, read each question and refer to the scientific information found in each passage. Consider each answer choice and choose the one that best answers the question.
In practice testing, you’ll want to make sure you are studying in a situation as close to the actual testing situation as you can. This might mean setting up a desk somewhere in your home with no distractions, or using a room at the public library to give you a sense of what it will be like to take the test outside your home, in an unknown location. You should also consider using a digital timer set to chime five minutes before the section ends, so you get used to verbal reminders from the proctor and get a feel for how much time you actually have for each section.
Retaking the Test
The ACT site said that you can take this exam up to, but no more than 12 times total. If you do take the ACT 12 times, then ACT will give you an exception for state and district testing that is required by your district or your state Department of Education.
If you submit a Retest Exception Request Form by no later than the regular registration deadline for the test date that you want to use for your 13th test date, then other exceptions will be considered. If you do take the ACT more than once, all of your scores from one test date will be reported. In this case, you’ll need to designate a whole test record to be reported.
Accommodations for Those with Disabilities
If you are a student in an English as a Second Language (ESL) class, you may qualify for an accommodation that will allow you to do your best in this exam. If you suffer from a disability that has been documented by your school district and school, you may also qualify to request an accommodation for testing. You must be currently receiving accommodations in your high school because of a professionally diagnosed and documented disability. An ACT Policy for Accommodation Documentation will help you as you work through the process of requesting accommodations for testing.
Once you begin the registration process, you should indicate the need for English learner supports or accommodations. Just choose the type of accommodation or English learner supports needed. Then, you will receive an email from ACT about working with your school to submit a request. You have to forward this email to your school official, with a completed Consent to Release Information to ACT.
Next, your school submits your request to ACT, who will review your request and send a Decision Notification to the school official who helped you. Expect to get a request back from your school official within two weeks of submitting your special request. Make sure that your school official submits an accommodation or EL supports request, including any appeals, by the published late registration deadlines for the test date that you prefer.
ACT Study Guide Resources
You are probably comfortable and used to downloading and using mobile apps for fun. Use this as a resource to practice for your ACT. You and your parents will be able to find several of the study and practice apps on different platforms, such as iOS and/or Android. As you explore each app, make note of which ones provide what you need. These apps should be free, making it easier for you to gain access to the material you need.
CoCo E-Learning (Android) ACT Practice Test 2018 This is said to be one of the best-rated preparation apps you can find in the Google Play store. It is pre-loaded with different levels of practice on each subject you find in the ACT. This practice test allows you to keep track of each right and wrong answer; when you finish a practice test, you can go back and find the ones you answered incorrectly. You’ll also have access to a Test Simulator.
Ready4 ACT (Android and iOS) This downloadable app allows you to create a roadmap so you can move through each section, using a topic page. This helps you to get ready for the questions that follow. You’ll also be able to find tutors, answer a Question of the Day, and use a School Matcher tab, inputting some basic information and preferences, so you can find schools that meet your needs.
Varsity Tutors LLC ACT: Practice, Prep Flashcards You’ll find this app on iOS and Android. It contains several features, including the flashcards you can use to study. You can also practice test-taking and use the diagnostic tests on the app. If you need to find a tutor, this app enables you to do so. The tutor can be specific to the exam or specific to any subject in which you need additional support.
ACT Online Prep Technology This app, found on the ACT website, is available on iOS and Android. The app is free when you order the ACT Online Prep. You’ll be able to take practice tests and questions, which have been taken from previous versions of the ACT.
Allen Resources, Inc. - ACT TestBank This app is available for iOS systems. ACT TestBank allows you to study on-the-go for your ACT. You’ll be able to track your progress, so you see where you’ve improved and where you still need to do more work. The app is free at iTunes for download. If you want to access practice problems, though, you’ll have to buy them.
ACT Practice Tests
Khan Academy has paired with the College Board, which created the SAT. Both companies produce free test materials for the SAT only. Even though the test materials are geared only for the SAT, you could still use them for your ACT-specific studying. Because both the SAT and the ACT test you on similar subjects, you’ll be able to take your practice tests. This practice material covers material tested in the ACT (parts of speech and grammar).
The huge overlap between the SAT and ACT lets you cover similar material. Ever since the SAT had its major overhaul, the test prep materials have become much easier to use as you prepare for your exam. The SAT tests your critical reading, language, science, math, and writing skills, some of which are also in the ACT. While the questions won’t be the same as those in the ACT, they are now much more similar.
Study Books
ACT Prep Plus 2019
Cracking the ACT with 6 Practice Tests, 2019 Edition
The Official ACT Prep Guide, 2018-19 Edition
ACT Prep Courses and Study Groups
The ACT Academy is free and online so you can cover test prep, study sessions, and take practice tests. You’ll have interactive practice questions, video lessons, full-length practice tests, educational games, and other helpful materials to use.
An in-person prep class, which will involve you and a small group of students, is taught by an instructor who will help you to stay accountable. You’ll get in-class practice and homework.
Tutors can give you individualized attention as you prepare for your test. Your tutor can give you immediate feedback and help to customize your lessons for your learning style and needs. If you need help with one section, you’ll focus on that. This is the most flexible option for your needs.
Sometimes, you need a personal ACT tutor. Whether in-person or online, this professional will guide you through the preparation process for your exam.
Caring tutors who work on an individualized study plan with students
Flexible tutoring packages
Access to a live, online classroom prep courses
Exams with score analysis that point out areas for improvement
Prep books to supplement private tutoring
Practice questions to help your confidence level
Prep Factory
ACT Student
Magoosh ACT
McGraw-Hill Practice Plus
Grammar Bytes
Khan Academy
Tips for Studying
The ACT will probably be the biggest exam you’ll ever take, not including entrance exams for graduate school. Still, this needn’t scare you. You can develop several strategies that will help you to feel more confident that you’ll earn a good score on test day.
Familiarize yourself with test content. Go over the information in the official ACT “Preparing for the ACT” booklet. Every exam covers English, Math, Writing (optional), Science, and Reading. You’ll have to answer a different number of questions in each section, with 40 to 60 minutes per section. The ACT is predictable, in that it tests a set number of concepts. In those concepts, you’ll see different topics being repeated throughout your test.
Bring your knowledge and skills up to date in the different content areas. Review, review, review. Study old material and refresh your knowledge in each content area. Each area will make up large sections of the entire exam. If you have text books in these content areas, go through them, focusing on math and grammar. As you are studying these areas, test your new knowledge. Write out a few practice questions and measure your progress.
Review (and re-review) content areas you aren’t sure of. If you can, take coursework in those areas before you’re scheduled to take the test. The most frequently tested areas are English and math. Focus on algebra, grammar, trigonometry, and geometry. The questions are predictable, so if you focus on these areas, you should do well. Study each content area as broadly as you can, because you’ll see questions in those areas coming up several times.
Buy two or more reputable ACT study books. Companies such as McGraw-Hill and Kaplan will be able to provide you with the books you need to round out your studies. As you are looking for your books, focus on finding those with supplemental areas that help you to study and prep more efficiently. If they have practice tests, all the better. You will also be able to find materials you need on the ACT website; the ACT Official Guide is an excellent source.
Learn to think the way test-makers think. Try to figure out what they “prefer” in the answers you choose. Economy of language, or “short and sweet” answers, in the English area are something they want. At times, you will be just guessing, but if you read between the lines of your study guide, you’ll figure it out. Order the ACT eBook, which is free.
Figure out your weaknesses, then focus on them. If you are not very strong in math, or you are a slow reader, you can work on these areas before test day. During every practice session, focus on making these weak areas stronger, so you have a better chance of passing the test with a high score. Also, take practice tests so you can pinpoint the areas where you need to work harder and where you are improving.
Register early, then plan a study schedule that doesn’t add unneeded stress. Ideally, you should register at least three months before you want to take your test. At the same time, determine how much studying you need to do so you can create a schedule that allows you to review and learn what you need. (If you are still in school, you still have to leave time to do regular homework assignments.) Decide how much time you can reasonably study each week. If you know you can only devote between 25 and 45 minutes daily to study, then it’s better to know this ahead of time.
Day of the Test Tips
Break test day down into four parts:
Before you leave home
Arriving at the test center
During the test
After the test
Write down any formulas or information that you particularly want to remember during the test. You’ll bring this with you to the testing center and review it.
Eat breakfast—a nourished body and brain function better in stressful times and when you are thinking.
Choose your outfit carefully. Wear something comfortable and warm enough—the test center may be cold.
Do everything in the morning that you normally do. You don’t want to make any more decisions than necessary. If you have a standardized testing ritual, stick to it. Your favorite song, wearing a good luck charm - do anything that helps you feel more confident.
What to Bring
Test ticket — This helps identify you and allows you to receive you test score sooner. Print your ticket out. You must have it with you when you present yourself for your test.
Photo ID — Your driver’s license, school photo ID, or any valid ID that has been issued by a city, state, or federal government agency will be acceptable. Your first and last names should match your test ticket.
Sharpened Number 2 pencils with good erasers — Wood pencils only, no mechanical pencils. Do not bring a pen, because you won’t be allowed to use it.
Watch — Use it to pace yourself. The watch should not have an alarm. If it sounds during testing, you may be dismissed from the test and your answers won’t be scored.
Approved calculator — Figure out which calculators are permitted and get used to using one of them.
Snacks — You’ll need to nourish yourself during test breaks.
A backpack to store everything.
Finish studying the night before your test. Study enough to feel confident that you know the material, but don’t over study. Give yourself time between studying and testing to relax and decompress. If you need to remember a formula, write it down and look at it on your way to testing. You can’t use the paper during the exam.
Go to sleep early and get as much sleep as you can. You need to be alert and fully awake during your test. Aim for at least eight hours of sleep, adding in the time you need to actually fall asleep. If you are worried about getting enough sleep, plan out when you need to get up and count your sleep cycles backwards. This will tell you when you need to get to bed.
If you realize you have questions before the test begins, review the sheet of paper where you wrote down different answers and formulate. You shouldn’t strain, trying to remember the information you’re worried about.
Additional Resources:
Planning for College
SAT Help
ACT Prep is courtesy of education experts at University HQ
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digitalmark18-blog · 6 years
5 Mistakes That Will Make Your Website Fall Flat
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5 Mistakes That Will Make Your Website Fall Flat
These mistakes are guaranteed to result in your website’s failure.
Copyright: Antonio Guillem
There are many things you can do to optimize your website. At the same time, there are things you should avoid as they can contribute to the failure of your site. The following are five of the worst mistakes you can do as you build your real estate on the web.
1) Slow page loading speed
Slow page loading time is a killer. It is one of the critical reasons why visitors ditch websites. This is not a new observation, by the way. Internet users even from the time when Internet speeds weren’t as fast as they are at present are generally impatient and would easily flee from a web page that takes time to load.
According to Google, a web page should have a maximum loading time of 2 seconds and an ideal loading time of less than half a second. Anything higher will make it easy for visitors to choose other similar sites especially if they find alternatives that load considerably faster.
2) Not having a mobile-friendly website
Nowadays, failing to make a site compatible with mobile browsing is almost a crime. According to numbers from Statista, as of the third quarter of 2018 more than half, at 52.4%, of global website traffic comes from mobile devices. This is by no means a small number. It’s large enough to compel every website owner to ensure mobile-friendliness.
There are two ways to make sites more accessible for mobile users – one is by creating a mobile version of the site, and the other is by using responsive web design.
Creating a mobile version entails the creation of a new and separate website, which has its own URL. In this kind of setup, what most web developers do is to automatically redirect visitors to the mobile version of the site whenever they access it through a smartphone or tablet. They may also provide a link on the homepage to make it easy for visitors to go to the mobile site in case the automatic redirection fails. This method is no longer popularly used, though, as it takes more time, effort, and resources to build and maintain a separate mobile website.
The more common way of making a site mobile-friendly is by using responsive web design, an approach that makes a website automatically adjust its layout and the amount of content displayed according to the display size of the device used to access the site. This means that there is no more separate mobile website to create and maintain.
Not taking mobile-friendliness into account means foregoing page impressions or online sales from mobile visitors. Visitors find it inconvenient having to zoom in and out of a standard desktop page because the texts are not legible and the buttons or navigation links cannot be precisely tapped. This inconvenience would make them leave the site and go to competitors that can offer a better browsing experience.
3) Sparse, poor quality, and barely updated content
Content is still king. This is unlikely to change in the foreseeable future. You need to pay attention to the quality of the content you post on your site. A website that contains poorly written articles, uninteresting videos, or uninspired photos and images is very unlikely to attract visitors, let alone subscribers. At the same time, if the content is not regularly updated, search engine crawlers will not be drawn to the site. Being unappealing to both humans and search engine bots is a deadly combination for a website.
Content is what brings visitors and converts them into returning visitors or subscribers. It’s only logical to come up with a content strategy. You have to identify a target audience and craft content that will draw their attention. It would help to have your content localized. If you can’t do this on your own, you can turn to professional website localization service providers to have the most contextually accurate translations for the texts on your site.
4) Unoptimized pages (aside from SEO)
What does it mean to have an optimized website? The following characteristics should be present.
Intuitive navigation. It should be easy to go through pages of the website. The navigation buttons or links shouldn’t be difficult to find.
Good layout and content arrangement. What is a good layout? It is basically one that is clutter-free and well-organized. The basic idea is having a navigation bar and some columns of content that are neatly arranged on the page. Carousels and large images should not be overused. More so, heavy animations and videos should be avoided as much as possible.
No broken pages. All pages of a website should load as they are intended. There should be no 404, 403, 400, 410, 500, 510, and other website errors.
No bugs in the website template code. Website codes and scripts should be free from defects or errors. Everything should be rendered correctly.
Minimum use of plugins. Website plugins can adversely affect the performance of a website, so it is recommended minimizing plugin installation.
Correct page titles, header tags, and metadata. These are mostly related to SEO, but they are also part of optimizing web pages for humans. These help in guiding navigation and identifying content.
Optimized images. The images used in a website should have file sizes that match their perceived dimensions. For example, a post thumbnail in a blog should not have the same size as that of a full image embedded in a post. Images should be at 100% zoom and not compressed or overblown.
Optimized URLs. It is advisable to add keyword strings to URLs instead of just having random letters and numbers in them.
Copyright: besjunior
An unoptimized website lacks many or all of the characteristics described above. It is a website that has several broken pages, a poor sense of navigation, numerous code errors, dysfunctional scripts, and an overall cluttered look and feel. All of these make a website unattractive not only to human visitors but also to search engine bots.
5) Not implementing search engine optimization or SEO
No, search engines are not passé. While many are already finding content online through social media and other means, search engine results still constitute the overwhelming majority of web traffic to websites. Their percentage is considerably higher than direct traffic (site visitors entering the URL of a page into the browser address bar), social media, referral URLs, and other traffic sources.
Taking these into account, it only makes sense spending time and effort for search engine optimization. Not doing SEO means abandoning the massive opportunities for attracting visitors or potential buyers who look for content or products to buy online through search engines. It means surrendering to competitors that employ SEO strategies.
Almost all successful websites share the traits of being fast, properly optimized, mobile-friendly, and filled with high-quality content. If you want to prevent your site from falling flat, take note of the points discussed above.
About the Author:
Sean Patrick Hopwood is a polyglot whose interests include technology, the Internet, education, and positive thinking. He is the President and CEO of Day Translations, Inc., a company serving international clients with a wide range of language services including translating, interpreting and website and app localization. 
Source: http://www.adotas.com/2018/10/5-mistakes-will-make-website-fall-flat/
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