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digitalmark18-blog · 6 years ago
A Bing Ads Script for Checking Account Quality Score
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A Bing Ads Script for Checking Account Quality Score
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Did you just do a double take on the title of this post?
Sure, I write a lot about scripts but did I just say “Bing Ads Scripts”?
Yes, I did!
Bing has simplified PPC by making one of the most beloved automation features of Google Ads available for Bing Ads.
If you’ve been following my posts, you’re likely very familiar with PPC scripts but if you’ve been standing on the sidelines until now and were waiting for scripts that could help you with a Bing Ads account, let me give a quick primer on what Ads Scripts are.
I’m also including an updated version of a favorite Google Ads Script so that you can copy-and-paste it into your Bing Ads account to get started with their scripts right away.
A Brief History of Ads Scripts
Google introduced scripts for managing PPC in 2012, based on their Google App Scripts technology, a flavor of JavaScript.
AdWords Scripts (as they were known at the time) could do custom automations inside of an ads account.
Think of them as the equivalent of VB macros in Excel; a way to automate repetitive data analysis tasks.
But with the added benefit of turning the resulting insights into automated optimizations for your PPC account.
Why was this such a breakthrough for advertisers?
Some advertisers had tried to automate Google Ads by using software to record what they clicked on and then scheduling the software to automatically repeat these steps in the future.
This proved clunky because Google Ads was changing its interface frequently so the automations broke when they clicked on the wrong things.
Another issue was that every automation needed the entire HTML of the page to load, causing a lot of unnecessary load on the ads system, leading Google to block access and breaking the automation.
Before a world of Ads Scripts, Google said that automations should be built on their API.
That’s a fair requirement, except that your average marketer doesn’t have the time, money, or skills to work with the API.
An API is great for building robust, scalable solutions but it’s lousy for doing the sort of work that marketers love doing in spreadsheets.
Ads Scripts changed all of that. They made powerful automation accessible to anyone with an ads account.
Copy-and-Paste Best Practice Scripts
Ads scripts are great because you can get started with them very easily.
It’s literally as easy as copy-and-pasting some prebuilt code like the one at the end of this post.
Prebuilt scripts usually address some of the most frequent pain points marketers see and they usually aren’t getting into any of the proprietary secret sauce of account management.
For example, we’ve all heard that Quality Score (QS) is an important factor in how much of a discount (or penalty) we pay for clicks.
But monitoring thousands of keyword quality scores can be tedious and it doesn’t tell us anything about the bigger picture of how much the engines like the way we’re: choosing keywords, structuring them in ad groups, and writing relevant ads.
That’s why rolled-up QS, like an account-level QS, can be so useful. It’s a directional barometer on the health of an account.
So account QS is not a secret, nor is it very difficult to calculate (it’s an impression-weighted average); it’s just that the steps involved get tedious.
And for agencies or large enterprises that have to monitor multiple accounts, it’s even more of a slog.
But thanks to a script, you can get a daily email with your account-level QS with just the effort of installing it in your account once.
Scripts Are Easy to Customize By Marketers
Where scripts really shine in my opinion is that they fit somewhere between doing things manually (where you’d waste a lot of time) and doing things with a big API project where you’d probably also waste a lot of time by over-engineering things!
Scripts can be adjusted to do custom things with minimal changes to the code. Most scripts you will find have a section for settings (near the top), and another for logic (the rest).
Settings tend to be a handful of lines of code where all you need to do is enter your own email address, enter a few values for the different thresholds, and perhaps add a date range selection.
The logic could be hundreds of lines of code but you don’t really need to touch this to make it work.
But if you wanted to get into the logic and customize it, you could, because the code is all there for you to see and edit. A big benefit, in this case, is that you don’t need to write all the code from scratch but get to build on what others have already started.
Benefits of Using Scripts
Besides being easy to get started with and enabling custom automation, scripts are great for a couple more reasons.
The Ad Engine Pays for the Servers
One of my personal frustrations with building automations for PPC is that historically there were a lot of barriers standing between the idea and the execution.
Even if I knew how to write the code, or if I had a developer ready to write it for me, I’d have to figure out where to host the code. That has become a lot easier over the years thanks to Amazon Web Services.
But in the case of Bing Ads Scripts, like Google Ads Scripts, I can open up a browser, log into my ads account, and start writing the code in their integrated development environment (IDE).
It’s literally as easy as composing an email in my Gmail account.
That means that when I get an idea, I can be writing the code to test it in a matter of seconds.
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The integrated development environment (IDE) lets you add code to automate tasks in your PPC accounts directly in your browser.
The engine also handles the scheduling of the automation.
Setting up a cron job (which is a scheduled job on your own server) isn’t particularly daunting, but keeping the server up-and-running and ensuring that the automations stay on schedule can actually consume a lot of time and resources, even if only in purchasing monitoring tools.
This is also handled by the engines who give us a simple interface for scheduling things.
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Schedule your automation with a Bing Ads Script as often as every hour.
The Ad Engine Handles Security & Permissions
Another complexity of writing code-based automations is that there are usually many steps involved in establishing a secure connection to the ads data: another hurdle that stands between the idea and the execution.
When using Scripts from Bing Ads or Google Ads, the authorization is as simple as a click on a button before previewing a script.
This one-click authorization even establishes a secure connection with other systems like those that send email, connect with Google Sheets, etc.
While Bing Ads Scripts are newer and don’t yet support spreadsheet integrations, it’s just a matter of time before they will.
The Ad Engine Exposes Entities from the Ad System
Writing code that works with PPC is made easy because the IDE from the engines knows the various ads-related entities and suggests what you might want to type next.
So when I want to select keywords, all I have to do is type a few characters and then pick the suggested text from a dropdown.
You still need to know a little about programming but it’s dramatically simplified.
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Writing code for Bing Ads is made easier because the browser-based editor suggest what to type next.
Getting Started with Bing Ads Scripts
Try scripts in your Bing Ads account today.
If you don’t find it under “Bulk Operations”, it should be there in a few more days after Bing has finished their global beta launch.
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Find Bing Ads Scripts under Bulk Operations (in an MCC or single account)
They support a subset of what Google Ads Scripts support but the syntax is largely the same so in some cases, you may be able to copy a Google script into a Bing account and get it to work with no changes.
Bing even automatically replaces AdWordsApp with BingAdsApp in any code you import via copy-and-paste.
Their product team promises this is just the start and many more capabilities will be added. To see what is currently possible, visit their help section for examples and a complete code reference.
Calculate Bing Ads Account Quality Score
This script is based on a Google Ads script I wrote a long time ago to calculate account-level quality score.
Because Bing Ads Scripts are still a bit more limited, I rewrote the code and simplified it quite a bit.
But it does the trick and will show your account QS in the logs.
Schedule this daily if you want to be able to see how your QS is progressing over time.
More Resources:
Image Credits
All screenshots taken by author, November 2018
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digitalmark18-blog · 6 years ago
Text vs (4 Major Differences)
New Post has been published on vs (4 Major Differences) vs — Is there a difference between the two? Which is better? ​These are some of the most common questions among new bloggers.  To some, ​these ​questions ​remind ​the famous chicken and egg situation. ​And really, there’s a lot of confusion out there about these two platforms with a lot of ​bloggers choosing one when they could’ve better used the other, wasting time and efforts building the site. ​But since I decided to help my favorite blog writers (yes, you!), I must provide you all the information about the differences. And truly, after managing many blogs ​and reading tons of information about these two, I’d say it’s not so hard to pick one of ​the two sites. ​So which one is better: self-hosted ​or the one providing hosting services? Customizable or less so? We’ll get to this later…What are the differences? vs WordPress.orgIt may seem the list of differences between and is limitless. In fact, there aren’t a lot of differences, but they are pretty important:You get a full domain on but only a sub-domain on has more limitations than WordPress.orgYou own the content on but not on WordPress.comPeople take you more seriously when you’re on rather than WordPress.com1. You get a full domain on but only a sub-domain on WordPress.comSub-domain you get is a part of larger domain. For example, my site domain name is If my sub-domain is MyFreeBlog, then my full domain name will be See the difference? Before I move on, I just want to let you know where else you can start a free blog on a sub-domain (besides tumblr.comblogger.comweebly.comWhen you go and sign up on you’ll get a domain name like: ​Where as​​ when you go with self-hosted WordPress, you’ll have your own domain name like:  On the […]
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digitalmark18-blog · 6 years ago
Shared Hosting vs Cloud Hosting – Which is better for you?
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Shared Hosting vs Cloud Hosting – Which is better for you?
​There’s a lot of confusion out there about shared and cloud hosting. Both of them seem to have a lot of benefits, but the winner is still not clear. A lot of ​new bloggers and website managers ask me which of those is better. Unfortunately, there’s no one right answer to this question. In order to find it out you have to examine your needs and what each hosting has to offer. More about this in a bit… ​So let’s dissect the two, cloud hosting vs shared hosting, to see ​which one is the best fit for you. No one wants to make a mistake choosing hosting, right?​BrieflyAlthough shared hosting has been part of web hosting history for the longest time, cloud hosting (or Cloud VPS) first came onto the web hosting scene in 1996. And since it came along, it has been gaining momentum. Perhaps we should begin with the three things that the two have in common: the web hosting provider, servers, and websites. Unfortunately, this is as far as the similarities go. Whereas shared hosting can boast being the most popular of all the hosting plans, all its accolades fade when put against the new features that cloud hosting brings. ​​Key features we’ll be looking out for include uptime, support, security, pricing, performance, speed, and bonuses. Each certainly fairs differently under each of these spaces and that’s actually where the majority of the differences lie. ​​We’ll get back to this later…​​​What Is Shared Hosting?Shared hosting refers to the hosting plan that has multiple websites hosted together and sharing resources on one server (disk space, storage, bandwidth and databases etc). Most, if not all the web hosting providers offer this hosting plan. Shared hosting requires a dedicated web server provided by the web hosting provider.​Advocates for shared hosting appreciate its cheap cost and ease of use […]
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digitalmark18-blog · 6 years ago
Shared, VPS, and Dedicated Hosting Explained
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Shared, VPS, and Dedicated Hosting Explained
Do you think that all web hosting is the same? They aren’t. Sure, the end goal is the same in all instances, to “host” the files that make up a website, making them accessible to visitors. The particulars, however, vary with different types of web hosting.  Not knowing the difference between hosting types could cost you. There are separate operating systems, there are multiple hardware setups, and different types of web hosting services will offer a range of plans, each finely tuned to fit a specific kind of customer.Nailing these all down can be difficult at the onset, but, you guessed it — this post is going to lead you through a few web hosting options so you can get a better grasp on how they vary and which is right for your web hosting needs. So read on for the goods and an exclusive offer…Web Hosting TypesShared HostingWe’ll start with the option you’ll see almost all lower-tier (and some top-tier) hosting services provide—shared hosting. Shared hosting refers to a setup where multiple sites are all hosted together on the same server (hence the “shared” label).For some, this is actually a pretty agreeable setup. The fact that resources are split among several customers helps keep costs low. It also allows users to keep personal maintenance and upkeep to a minimum. In many cases, that is handled almost entirely by the hosting service. This is a particularly attractive choice for beginners, who may have limited experience with managing a server and aren’t ready to go all-in with a more powerful (and more expensive) option. BONUS DEAL Exclusive for YOU I’ve negotiated a SPECIAL 72% DISCOUNT with HOSTGATOR,so your hosting costs can be as low as $2.92 per month! CLICK HERE FOR BEST PRICE TAP HERE FOR BEST PRICE TAP HERE FOR BEST […]
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digitalmark18-blog · 6 years ago
Top 6 Best Cloud Hosting Providers – Reviews, Pricing, and More!
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Top 6 Best Cloud Hosting Providers – Reviews, Pricing, and More!
Let me take a wild guess.. You’re here because you’re looking for the best cloud hosting provider.Thought so. But before we get into that… Picture this first.  Imagine a large computer system with an unlimited number of machines that acts as one system, effortlessly sharing information… Cloud technology makes THAT possible. The more you use internet technology, the more reasons you find to need it. The ease of cloud technology is conducive to flexibility that allows you to gain space for data and storage. With cloud hosting, you only pay for the server space that you need because the cloud space adapts to your fluctuating business needs. We’ll get back to that later… For now keep reading to find out if Cloud Hosting is for you. HOSTGATOR CLOUD HOSTINGNOW AT 45% OFF You can enjoy the benefits of cloud hosting for as little as $4.95 per month. It doesn’t get any better than this!Grab this offer before it expires at the end of ! CLICK HERE FOR BEST PRICE TAP HERE FOR BEST PRICE TAP HERE FOR BEST PRICE What Benefits does Cloud Hosting Offer?The shared cloud space guarantees server resources because the cloud has more room than what a standard server can hold. The cloud hosting systems have redundant data storage, so there’s never a single point of failure. This means that you’ll get less of those pesky messages telling you that your server went down.It’s worth mentioning that setting up a system in the cloud is not for the beginner web designer. It’s one thing to understand basic terms like RAM, CPUs, bandwidth, and operating systems. It’s another thing to understand how to translate those terms in relation to your computing needs. Cloud computing is fitting for developers with a high level of technical knowledge who can optimize a cloud system to do the best work for the least cost. […]
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digitalmark18-blog · 6 years ago
How Much is a Domain Name? Pricing & Registration Fees
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How Much is a Domain Name? Pricing & Registration Fees
What’s in a name? It could be everything. Shakespeare’s schtick about a rose smelling just as sweet even if it’s called another name, like “stinky” — well — that just plain stinks.   That’s just how it goes in the worldwide web. A website’s name is truly a key element.  But before we talk domain costs… There’s one thing you should know: If you want mind-blowing results, you must invest in a good name. How much does a domain name cost? Well, it could be as cheap as $10 year or as expensive as $16 million. Shocked? Some aftermarket website names are known to break the bank (more on this later).Domain registrars (the places where you buy/sell website names) charge different prices and so how much you pay for a domain will also depend on who you pick as your domain registrar. The most preferred extensions are .com, .org, .net, .info, .biz. They fall under TLD (Top Level Domains) and are known to cost differently. Knowing a few tricks and facts when purchasing a domain will also help you bring the cost down and probably evade the hawk-eyed scammers out to drain your wallet.So here’s a compilation of some of the prices from some of the well known domain registrars (note that the prices usually fluctuate often and so to get the latest price simply visit their sites),Overview of Domain Name Costs and PricesCompanyPrice (lowest)Price (.com)Overall RatingLinkHostgatorHostgatorHostgator$0.95/yr(.site)$12.95/yr$5.00/yr if bundled with hosting BEST DEAL BEST DEAL BEST DEAL NameCheapNameCheapNameCheap$0.99/yr(.club)$10.98/yr CHECK PRICES CHECK PRICES CHECK PRICES GoDaddyGoDaddyGoDaddy$0.99/yr(.club)$14.99/yr CHECK PRICES CHECK PRICES CHECK PRICES 1 and 1$0.99/yr(.life)$14.99/yr CHECK PRICES Dotster$2.99/yr(.info)$9.99/yr CHECK PRICES$1.99/yr(.life)$12.99/yr CHECK PRICES iPage$2.99/yr(.space)$10.99/yr CHECK PRICES Out here you will run into dozens of domain registrars, each with their own set of packages and perks. Sometimes you will find it hard figuring exactly just how much do domain […]
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digitalmark18-blog · 6 years ago
DRAFT: Top 5 Best VPS Hosting Providers – Which One is Best For You?
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DRAFT: Top 5 Best VPS Hosting Providers – Which One is Best For You?
​There has been a lot of fuss over the differences between shared and VPS hosting and today I would love to explain the distinction to all my favorite readers and recommend the ​BEST VPS HOSTING PROVIDERS.  ​​Unlike shared hosting, with VPS you know exactly what you are getting. Virtual private servers are ideal for any business or individual that has outgrown shared hosting, but isn’t quite ready for a dedicated hosting site. Even if there is a much larger company on the same server, it will not affect you because you are guaranteed an allotment of the system resources. And even though all this sounds like a perfect hosting opportunity for any blog or website, not all the VPS hosting providers offer the same quality and reasonable prices.  More about this in a bit… If you are having trouble making the tough decision about the right provider for you… Then ​Keep Reading because this guide is for you!​​​​What Benefits Does VPS Hosting Offer?Virtual private servers are a great alternative if you are in need of more power, or have specific compliance requirements that prevent you from using a shared server. If you don’t have the budget yet for a dedicated server hosting, you may want to consider a VPS. When looking for the best VPS server for your business, you should take several things into consideration. Find a company that ​​is flexible at managing and ensures you stay up and running. The providers will continuously monitor each account to solve problems before they impact your website negatively. Use the VPS hosting comparison chart along with our VPS hosting reviews for an in-depth look at your best options.CompanyRAM (Max)Disk Space (GB)OSOverall RatingLinkHostgator8GB120-240Linux GET BEST PRICE InMotion8GB60-200Linux CHECK PRICES A2 Hosting4GB20-75Linux CHECK PRICES GreenGeeks8GB25-125Linux CHECK PRICES LiquidWeb8GB50-300Linux or Windows CHECK PRICES CompanyRAM (Max)Disk Space (GB)OSOverall RatingLinkHostgator8GB120-240Linux GET BEST PRICE InMotion8GB60-200Linux CHECK PRICES […]
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digitalmark18-blog · 6 years ago
Best Domain Name Registrars: The Best & Worst Compared
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Best Domain Name Registrars: The Best & Worst Compared
What’s in a domain name? A lot, especially if you’re discussing the best domain registrars for your website. Your choice of domain name can have a huge impact on your success online. If you’ve just started a blog or created a new website, you want a name which is memorable, easy-to-find and which won’t be confused with a different business. Finding the right domain registrar is the key here. You need to find a domain registration company which offers dependability, useful features, reliable customer service and a low price. And sometimes this can be a tough task. More on this in a bit… Not sure which domain registrar to choose? Here’s a complete guide on what to look for as well as five best domain registrar reviews you’ll want to read.If you wish to go straight to Hostgator, which is my favorite hosting and domain registrar ​and get the best price with the amazing deal I have, just click the button below and start blogging right away. CLICK HERE FOR BEST PRICE TAP HERE FOR BEST PRICE TAP HERE FOR BEST PRICE What is a Domain Registrar?To put it simply, a Registrar Domain manages and assigns internet domain names. They can be a non-profit organization or a commercial enterprise. Both must be accredited by a generic top-level domain registry (gTLD) or a country code top-level domain registry (ccTLD). The Domain Name System (DNS) is a world-spanning network of web services. Each website on the DNS can be accessed by one of two ways: either by a domain name or an IP address. Since IP addresses are a long sequence of numbers, obviously the vast majority of internet users prefer to use domain names. Interested in learning more? Check out this video on DNS: The Importance of Your Domain NameYour domain name is your identity online. Note that […]
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digitalmark18-blog · 6 years ago
BlueHost Review – Ratings, Pros & Cons, More! (Updated 2018)
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BlueHost Review – Ratings, Pros & Cons, More! (Updated 2018)
Bluehost is popular. Very popular. Hosting over two million websites, reviews of Bluehost indicate this platform is often the preferred choice for people new to blogging and website creation.Is this because Bluehost is friendly, low-priced, and secure? Those are absolutely important factors. But is that the only reason? Not Really…  ​As you’ll soon find out… Bluehost also has a big-time affiliate program. They pay out over $5 million each year �� and that’s gigantic compared to almost every other hosting company. If you’re a Bluehost user and your recommendation to a friend leads them to become a Bluehost user, too, then you’re going to earn yourself some money. BlueHost, powering over 2 million websites, has certainly made a name for themselves in 13 years since their inception, inching into the top 20 largest website hosts. Their reputation seems well deserved. They’ve got a wide range of offerings that rival any other large hosting service. I spent 12 months using Bluehost to host a website. During that time, I carefully measured their uptime, load time, reliability, customer service and ease-of-use. Instead of focusing on their marketing, I looked at the hard data. Is it the right choice for you? My 100% honest, data-driven Bluehost hosting review starts right now… ​​If you wish to go straight to ​​​Bluehost and join the community of million other bloggers and website managers – just click the link below. P.S. They always offer the best deals to my readers, so don’t be surprised if the price is way lower than you expected. CLICK HERE FOR BEST PRICE TAP HERE FOR BEST PRICE TAP HERE FOR BEST PRICE The Big Picture Review of Bluehost ​​Bluehost provides reliable and low-priced web hosting. The site is straight-forward and user-friendly enough that I think most “newbies” will be able to use the platform with no […]
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digitalmark18-blog · 6 years ago
Retargeting Without Being Creepy
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Retargeting Without Being Creepy
Shopping at a mall, you wander into a shoe store where a pretty slick pair of cross training shoes intrigues you. With other errands to run in the center, you decide to hold off and give them some thought. Continuing your outing, you walk into a jewelry store. Suddenly, the salesperson from the shoe store shows up and offers you an incentive to come back and buy them. Most people would consider this borderline stalking. Which is why it’s important for online merchants to understand how to conduct retargeting without being creepy.What Is Retargeting?Let’s say you looked at those shoes on the ‘net and decided to wait before ordering them. Opening your Facebook feed later, there’s an ad for the exact same pair of shoes. Coincidence? Hardly. The seller is mounting a retargeting campaign. A cookie deposited on your device when you were on the shoe site was triggered when you opened your Facebook account. Reminding you about the shoes gives the seller another shot at converting you into a buyer. However, as useful as this technique is, it walks a fine line between providing a valuable service and annoying people. Here’s how to accomplish the former without inciting the latter.Choose Subjects CarefullyLimit your campaign to people who spent a certain amount of time on your site, looking specifically at a particular item. These parameters can be established when you set up the campaign. Another benefit of this is you’ll only pay for impressions most likely to convert. If a shopper spent a lot of time looking at the product on your site but didn’t buy it, they’re probably interested; they just need a little push.Take Them Exactly Where They Need to BeRegardless of the nature of your product, whether you’re learning how to sell ebooks on your own website, or selling cosmetics from […]
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digitalmark18-blog · 6 years ago
5 Blogging Tools Everyone Who Need Assignment Help Should Be Using
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5 Blogging Tools Everyone Who Need Assignment Help Should Be Using
Blogging is the best way of growing an online business. It offers a platform to publish content that will direct traffic to a website. Various tasks and steps are involved with blogging. To someone who has little knowledge about blogging, handling an assignment about this topic can be hard. Crafting, organizing, producing and promoting blogs can take much of their time. Fortunately, there are great write tools that make the process easier. Here are five best tools that will help anyone hand blogging assignment easily;1.​Blog optimization strategy is a continuing process. It gives you a clear view of your target market and assists you to perfect your strategy. BuzzSumo allows you to find keywords easily that are highly shared on social media. It gives comprehensive insights into treading backlinks, keywords and topics. You only need to set up the monitor, and it will provide you with an alert as they happen in all the areas you are concerned with and you will remain on top of trends. Buzzsumo helps research competition, contents, and influencers so you can regulate how you will pinch your blogging approach. You can even be able to search your competitor’s contents and what they are sharing as you take note of what is working better for them. This way, you can produce a better version of their best content and attain more views.2. GrammarlyTo every blogger, this is almost a mandatory tool. It is the most used online tool for checking punctuations, style, sentence structure, alternatives, check spelling, etc. Also, you can use it to proofread and edit your work. Once you have an assignment, always remember to use a Grammarly. You can find that people who need assignment help may not know how to use Grammarly, thus it’s upon you to make sure the contents are […]
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digitalmark18-blog · 6 years ago
Text vs (4 Major Differences)
New Post has been published on vs (4 Major Differences) vs — Is there a difference between the two? Which is better? ​These are some of the most common questions among new bloggers.  To some, ​these ​questions ​remind ​the famous chicken and egg situation. ​And really, there’s a lot of confusion out there about these two platforms with a lot of ​bloggers choosing one when they could’ve better used the other, wasting time and efforts building the site. ​But since I decided to help my favorite blog writers (yes, you!), I must provide you all the information about the differences. And truly, after managing many blogs ​and reading tons of information about these two, I’d say it’s not so hard to pick one of ​the two sites. ​So which one is better: self-hosted ​or the one providing hosting services? Customizable or less so? We’ll get to this later…What are the differences? vs WordPress.orgIt may seem the list of differences between and is limitless. In fact, there aren’t a lot of differences, but they are pretty important:You get a full domain on but only a sub-domain on has more limitations than WordPress.orgYou own the content on but not on WordPress.comPeople take you more seriously when you’re on rather than WordPress.com1. You get a full domain on but only a sub-domain on WordPress.comSub-domain you get is a part of larger domain. For example, my site domain name is If my sub-domain is MyFreeBlog, then my full domain name will be See the difference? Before I move on, I just want to let you know where else you can start a free blog on a sub-domain (besides tumblr.comblogger.comweebly.comWhen you go and sign up on you’ll get a domain name like: ​Where as​​ when you go with self-hosted WordPress, you’ll have your own domain name like:  On the […]
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digitalmark18-blog · 6 years ago
Shared Hosting vs Cloud Hosting – Which is better for you?
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Shared Hosting vs Cloud Hosting – Which is better for you?
​There’s a lot of confusion out there about shared and cloud hosting. Both of them seem to have a lot of benefits, but the winner is still not clear. A lot of ​new bloggers and website managers ask me which of those is better. Unfortunately, there’s no one right answer to this question. In order to find it out you have to examine your needs and what each hosting has to offer. More about this in a bit… ​So let’s dissect the two, cloud hosting vs shared hosting, to see ​which one is the best fit for you. No one wants to make a mistake choosing hosting, right?​BrieflyAlthough shared hosting has been part of web hosting history for the longest time, cloud hosting (or Cloud VPS) first came onto the web hosting scene in 1996. And since it came along, it has been gaining momentum. Perhaps we should begin with the three things that the two have in common: the web hosting provider, servers, and websites. Unfortunately, this is as far as the similarities go. Whereas shared hosting can boast being the most popular of all the hosting plans, all its accolades fade when put against the new features that cloud hosting brings. ​​Key features we’ll be looking out for include uptime, support, security, pricing, performance, speed, and bonuses. Each certainly fairs differently under each of these spaces and that’s actually where the majority of the differences lie. ​​We’ll get back to this later…​​​What Is Shared Hosting?Shared hosting refers to the hosting plan that has multiple websites hosted together and sharing resources on one server (disk space, storage, bandwidth and databases etc). Most, if not all the web hosting providers offer this hosting plan. Shared hosting requires a dedicated web server provided by the web hosting provider.​Advocates for shared hosting appreciate its cheap cost and ease of use […]
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digitalmark18-blog · 6 years ago
Shared, VPS, and Dedicated Hosting Explained
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Shared, VPS, and Dedicated Hosting Explained
Do you think that all web hosting is the same? They aren’t. Sure, the end goal is the same in all instances, to “host” the files that make up a website, making them accessible to visitors. The particulars, however, vary with different types of web hosting.  Not knowing the difference between hosting types could cost you. There are separate operating systems, there are multiple hardware setups, and different types of web hosting services will offer a range of plans, each finely tuned to fit a specific kind of customer.Nailing these all down can be difficult at the onset, but, you guessed it — this post is going to lead you through a few web hosting options so you can get a better grasp on how they vary and which is right for your web hosting needs. So read on for the goods and an exclusive offer…Web Hosting TypesShared HostingWe’ll start with the option you’ll see almost all lower-tier (and some top-tier) hosting services provide—shared hosting. Shared hosting refers to a setup where multiple sites are all hosted together on the same server (hence the “shared” label).For some, this is actually a pretty agreeable setup. The fact that resources are split among several customers helps keep costs low. It also allows users to keep personal maintenance and upkeep to a minimum. In many cases, that is handled almost entirely by the hosting service. This is a particularly attractive choice for beginners, who may have limited experience with managing a server and aren’t ready to go all-in with a more powerful (and more expensive) option. BONUS DEAL Exclusive for YOU I’ve negotiated a SPECIAL 72% DISCOUNT with HOSTGATOR,so your hosting costs can be as low as $2.92 per month! CLICK HERE FOR BEST PRICE TAP HERE FOR BEST PRICE TAP HERE FOR BEST […]
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digitalmark18-blog · 6 years ago
Top 6 Best Cloud Hosting Providers – Reviews, Pricing, and More!
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Top 6 Best Cloud Hosting Providers – Reviews, Pricing, and More!
Let me take a wild guess.. You’re here because you’re looking for the best cloud hosting provider.Thought so. But before we get into that… Picture this first.  Imagine a large computer system with an unlimited number of machines that acts as one system, effortlessly sharing information… Cloud technology makes THAT possible. The more you use internet technology, the more reasons you find to need it. The ease of cloud technology is conducive to flexibility that allows you to gain space for data and storage. With cloud hosting, you only pay for the server space that you need because the cloud space adapts to your fluctuating business needs. We’ll get back to that later… For now keep reading to find out if Cloud Hosting is for you. HOSTGATOR CLOUD HOSTINGNOW AT 45% OFF You can enjoy the benefits of cloud hosting for as little as $4.95 per month. It doesn’t get any better than this!Grab this offer before it expires at the end of ! CLICK HERE FOR BEST PRICE TAP HERE FOR BEST PRICE TAP HERE FOR BEST PRICE What Benefits does Cloud Hosting Offer?The shared cloud space guarantees server resources because the cloud has more room than what a standard server can hold. The cloud hosting systems have redundant data storage, so there’s never a single point of failure. This means that you’ll get less of those pesky messages telling you that your server went down.It’s worth mentioning that setting up a system in the cloud is not for the beginner web designer. It’s one thing to understand basic terms like RAM, CPUs, bandwidth, and operating systems. It’s another thing to understand how to translate those terms in relation to your computing needs. Cloud computing is fitting for developers with a high level of technical knowledge who can optimize a cloud system to do the best work for the least cost. […]
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digitalmark18-blog · 6 years ago
How Much is a Domain Name? Pricing & Registration Fees
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How Much is a Domain Name? Pricing & Registration Fees
What’s in a name? It could be everything. Shakespeare’s schtick about a rose smelling just as sweet even if it’s called another name, like “stinky” — well — that just plain stinks.   That’s just how it goes in the worldwide web. A website’s name is truly a key element.  But before we talk domain costs… There’s one thing you should know: If you want mind-blowing results, you must invest in a good name. How much does a domain name cost? Well, it could be as cheap as $10 year or as expensive as $16 million. Shocked? Some aftermarket website names are known to break the bank (more on this later).Domain registrars (the places where you buy/sell website names) charge different prices and so how much you pay for a domain will also depend on who you pick as your domain registrar. The most preferred extensions are .com, .org, .net, .info, .biz. They fall under TLD (Top Level Domains) and are known to cost differently. Knowing a few tricks and facts when purchasing a domain will also help you bring the cost down and probably evade the hawk-eyed scammers out to drain your wallet.So here’s a compilation of some of the prices from some of the well known domain registrars (note that the prices usually fluctuate often and so to get the latest price simply visit their sites),Overview of Domain Name Costs and PricesCompanyPrice (lowest)Price (.com)Overall RatingLinkHostgatorHostgatorHostgator$0.95/yr(.site)$12.95/yr$5.00/yr if bundled with hosting BEST DEAL BEST DEAL BEST DEAL NameCheapNameCheapNameCheap$0.99/yr(.club)$10.98/yr CHECK PRICES CHECK PRICES CHECK PRICES GoDaddyGoDaddyGoDaddy$0.99/yr(.club)$14.99/yr CHECK PRICES CHECK PRICES CHECK PRICES 1 and 1$0.99/yr(.life)$14.99/yr CHECK PRICES Dotster$2.99/yr(.info)$9.99/yr CHECK PRICES$1.99/yr(.life)$12.99/yr CHECK PRICES iPage$2.99/yr(.space)$10.99/yr CHECK PRICES Out here you will run into dozens of domain registrars, each with their own set of packages and perks. Sometimes you will find it hard figuring exactly just how much do domain […]
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digitalmark18-blog · 6 years ago
DRAFT: Top 5 Best VPS Hosting Providers – Which One is Best For You?
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DRAFT: Top 5 Best VPS Hosting Providers – Which One is Best For You?
​There has been a lot of fuss over the differences between shared and VPS hosting and today I would love to explain the distinction to all my favorite readers and recommend the ​BEST VPS HOSTING PROVIDERS.  ​​Unlike shared hosting, with VPS you know exactly what you are getting. Virtual private servers are ideal for any business or individual that has outgrown shared hosting, but isn’t quite ready for a dedicated hosting site. Even if there is a much larger company on the same server, it will not affect you because you are guaranteed an allotment of the system resources. And even though all this sounds like a perfect hosting opportunity for any blog or website, not all the VPS hosting providers offer the same quality and reasonable prices.  More about this in a bit… If you are having trouble making the tough decision about the right provider for you… Then ​Keep Reading because this guide is for you!​​​​What Benefits Does VPS Hosting Offer?Virtual private servers are a great alternative if you are in need of more power, or have specific compliance requirements that prevent you from using a shared server. If you don’t have the budget yet for a dedicated server hosting, you may want to consider a VPS. When looking for the best VPS server for your business, you should take several things into consideration. Find a company that ​​is flexible at managing and ensures you stay up and running. The providers will continuously monitor each account to solve problems before they impact your website negatively. Use the VPS hosting comparison chart along with our VPS hosting reviews for an in-depth look at your best options.CompanyRAM (Max)Disk Space (GB)OSOverall RatingLinkHostgator8GB120-240Linux GET BEST PRICE InMotion8GB60-200Linux CHECK PRICES A2 Hosting4GB20-75Linux CHECK PRICES GreenGeeks8GB25-125Linux CHECK PRICES LiquidWeb8GB50-300Linux or Windows CHECK PRICES CompanyRAM (Max)Disk Space (GB)OSOverall RatingLinkHostgator8GB120-240Linux GET BEST PRICE InMotion8GB60-200Linux CHECK PRICES […]
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