#while in her underwear
velveteen-leaves · 2 years
every time i see a movie scene, a drawing, a paragraph in a book etc showing a woman needing to hold herself against a bedpost while her maid tight laces her into a corset on her bare skin i lose ten years off my life
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Day 3 of posting Nevermore thoughts until S2 drops
Modern college student Annabel would be a ho and I'm so not taking any criticism. 20 something straight A good girl recovering from severe comphet leaves her father's supervision for the first time in her life and realizes this her last chance to have fun before real life starts? Devious. Unleashing that unto the world should be illegal. No woman would be safe. She's single-handedly responsible for the sexual awakenings of about 50 people
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secondchoice-ragdoll · 6 months
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alexisnotstraight · 1 month
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(are u coming?)
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rosapexa · 1 year
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"I'm not your type, hm?"
"Good. You're also not my type."
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xxcherrycherixx · 10 months
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Birthday Cake
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chibitorra · 1 year
So I saw something saying NPC’s have special dialogue if you run around naked so I figured I’d try it.
Only... I accidentally triggered Charles’ six heart event whilst doing so lmfao
Nora continues to be my most unhinged farmer I love her. 
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royalarmyofoz · 7 months
brb thinking about katherine sending sadie nudes in the therapist au
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toasteaa · 1 month
"really ? with the dragon ?"
- niko after he wanted to invite eclair to have breakfast with him before slowly closing the door seeing neuvi staring back at him (he left her meal at the bottom of the door in case she still wants it tho)
The ONE time they stay at her house for the night. She's probably not even fully awake, just hears her door open and then Niko's voice. WKAJFHNAKJF SHE CAN'T EVEN SAY ANYTHING BACK BEFORE HE CLOSES THE DOOR AND NOW SHE'S JUST LIKE, "great, now I have to talk to him about this and I don't know where to even start".
This is why they exclusively stay at his house in the evenings now. Well. That and the headboard ripping incident -
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doodlboy · 10 months
Every year
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vmbrq · 5 months
amber would totally eye you down and just smile to herself until you get home but NOOOOO ETHAN AND CHARLIE HAAAAAVE TO BE HORNY🙄 like omg keep it in (between my legs.) in your pants ! like wtf ! losers !!! the way they would try to make a move on you before you leave BUT AMBER WOULD JUST TEASE YOU SUBTLY WHEN UR OUT AUGHHHHHH !!!!!! i 🩷 women (and lame men but whatever this is NAWWWT ABOUT THEM!) amber ml🫶🫶🫶 she could flip up my skirt any day truly. anyways thats all 🤗 -🩷
I STILL REMEMBER THE DAY I RECEIVED THIS i was sitting in my friend's driveway and slapped my steering wheel bc i feel the SAME WAY. you cannot tell me that amber doesn't have a thing for her gf's legs. when you're wearing a short skirt, she'd def run her fingertips over your thigh or knee when you're sitting next to her or keep dropping shit just so she can bend down and take a quick peek up your skirt. she's just as bad as charlie and ethan, i fear, but she's so much sneakier about it in public (tbh ghostface ethan would be pretty sly, especially when he's maintaining that nerdy facade since no one would be suspicious about his intentions or expect him to do certain things).
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killbaned · 8 months
my hot take of the day is that if you have to use disposable incontinence products and someone else is responsible for throwing them away but ALSO, instead of using one fucking garbage can for them you fucking put them EVERYWHERE you're a bit of a fucking asshole and i should be able to smother you with one
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arkashas · 1 year
no one talks about bedelia's absolute boss move of getting immunity from jack so she couldn't be prosecuted for murdering zachary quinto in return for providing 0 pertinent or useful information to help in entrapping hannibal (he manipulates others into killing? wow groundbreaking) and gassing up hannibal into a manipulative mastermind who's leading them all into a trap, so that will is even more in doubt of himself and his relationship with hannibal, meaning that the net value of her “help” was just exacerbating will and hannibal's relationship issues and probably causing the dolce stabbing attempt and head sawing via butterfly effect
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bixy · 1 year
Today felt so long, barely slept, asked Starbucks twink to give something with stupid amounts of caffeine and he gives me the worst possible drink ever (but it was expensive so I drank it all), almost fell asleep in a 2 hour long training lmao, had to fill out a mandated report (this always gets me sad and emotional tbh), one of my favorite kids I work with asked me what’s my favorite Pokémon and traded his cards for it today to give to me 🥺 I actually started crying LMAO and then I ripped my pants today, like BIG rip and you could see my underwear 🫠 but I didn’t know when it happened so HOPEFULLY not all day but yanno ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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becoach-a · 1 year
beardjane + physical touch is . . . incredibly interesting. most times we see them, it's jane touching beard in some way.
picking something out of his beard (their very first onscreen interaction), then grabbing his arm in 1x09, then her taking beard's hat off + replacing it, then walking with her hand on his ass, then in s3 (which i ignore on this blog, but still) when she forcibly grabs him by his shirt to first accuse him of cheating on her + then to kiss him.
these are possessive physical touches. jane is very possessive over beard, which is something that's canonized by her blatant feeling of being threatened over beard's relationship to ted. she touches beard like she has a hold over him, a possession.
but beard? we see him initiate touch with her only one time : in 2x06, after she sneaks up and scares him in the parking lot. after saying hello to her + asking her about her coffee date with finn, he extends his hand out to gently take a hold of hers. he never accuses her of doing anything nefarious with finn, he asks how it was, and he's trying very hard to be polite despite the fact that he was genuinely very worried over this "date". but . . . the gentle hand holding. the soft smile. asking how it went . . . hm.
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chelleisamazing · 1 year
So, update on the long distance situationship-- I'm so confused and frustrated about it.
Things we did:
Make out
Dance closely and suggestively
Speak about our feelings and other deep subjects at 3 am under the stars in front of the ocean
Let each other know we wanted to hook up
Swim and smoke weed in the ocean on our underwear at the crack of dawn
Things we did not do:
Spend more than 10 minutes completely on our own
Have sex
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