#which. they've already started. via the song.
izzyspussy · 1 day
musical episode!!!
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251-dmr · 5 months
Arrivals - Compare and Contrast
I've been thinking for a while now how there seems to be parallels to the arrival of Gabriel (E1) and the arrival of Muriel (E3) to the bookshop. I imagine they've been obvious to everyone else already?
Anyway, I tried to lay out how I thought they were similar and where they differed, even if it's just an exercise for myself. But there's another arrival too: Michael, Uriel, and Saraqael in E2, and that one is quite different.
None of this may mean anything other than good story telling.
For Gabriel and Muriel:
Both arrivals are announced to us via someone in the coffee shop: Nina for Gabriel and Mrs Sandwich for Muriel.
Both arrivals are accompanied by car horn honks. With Gabriel it sounds like 1 long followed by 2 short (then a bunch more, lol). For Muriel it sounds like 2 medium-length honks and followed by a wolf whistle.
If I've got this right and please correct me if I'm wrong, Gabriel enters on Whickber St from the park (east?). Muriel, however, is coming in from the other direction, on Whickber St from the west(?).
For both, when they arrive and knock on the door, Aziraphale is listening to music, and wearing his grey sweater. With Gabriel, his back is to the window, and he's facing his old-fashioned gramophone listening to Shostakovich. With Muriel, he's at his desk facing the window and listening to Everyday on a boxed record player sitting on the end of the counter (where Gabriel's box was originally placed but which has now apparently been moved).
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Azi opens the door for both Gabriel and Muriel and our initial view is from the inside looking out. Gabriel has his back to us and is facing away. Muriel is facing us.
Gabriel and Muriel both ask to be allowed to come in. With Gabriel, Azi initially says No, but then agrees, somewhat rudely telling him to get inside. With Muriel, he hesitates briefly, then invites her in politely.
Once inside, Gabriel is now seated with his back to the window and Azi sits, or stands, facing him and the window. He brings the hot chocolate and simply says "You drink it." Which Gabriel does. With Muriel they are seated 90* oriented differently, with the window to Azi's right and Muriel's left. He brings her the tea and explains "To drink." Which she doesn't.
Up until now, Crowley is not around for either arrival.
Later, Azi meets up with Crowley in the coffee shop to "not" discuss Gabriel's presence. I didn't really identify a parallel scene for Muriel.
Then we get Crowley's jump scare upon seeing Gabriel, and his surprise and amusement at seeing Muriel.
For Gabriel and for Muriel, A & C go into the back room to discuss the situation.
That's as far as I felt I could follow the parallels. Probably superficial, but that's what I got.
Now, in E2 when Michael, Uriel, and Saraqael arrive, it's quite different and may not even warrant being mentioned here.
Azi is not in the bookshop, he's not listening to any music, but he is in the record shop to find out about the Everyday song that Jim was singing.
While he's there, we do hear a horn honk which Azi turns his head to look out the window toward. Shortly after, he/we hear the trumpets [see below] sound.
Michael, Uriel, and Saraqael arrive from the park direction, same as Gabriel.
They arrive at the bookshop first and Azi gets to them just after, so they are waiting on him to arrive.
Jim is the one who opens the door and the view is from the outside looking in. Saraqael asks to discuss things inside and I'm not sure if Jim has invited them in or is just excited about having "customers" but then Azi agrees and invites them in.
No offers to sit, they just stand, Azi doesn't bother to offer them anything to drink, because, angels.
But later, A & C meet at the pub to discuss the situation.
As for those trumpets...what? Why are we hearing trumpets? I know we hear them in S1E4 after they beat up Aziraphale and that was to signal that Armageddon was starting. Was there anywhere else?
So why are we hearing them for Michael, Uriel, and Saraqael just dropping in to ask about Gabriel? Hearing them definitely concerned Azi. We don't hear them in E6 after the attack on the bookshop. Is that because Crowley was with them?
Please, I hope someone has a nice explanation for the trumpets and what those trumpets may mean at that point in the story.
I tried to search to find anyone else's take on this but I couldn't find anything. Probably more my problem of not getting the hang of searching in Tumblr. If anyone knows of a good post on this I would love to read it.
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kiss-this · 2 years
I've been listening to Rush! on repeat for the last two days (via youtube because Amazon chose this particular deliver to suck) and it all still feels new, so I may change my mind on a bunch of things. Anyway, so far, this is what I think.
This album actually better than what I thought, not because my expectations where low for some reason but simply because a) this is the first true test in front of an international audience for the band, and I bet they've been under a lot of pressure thanks to all those booooring "true rock fans" just waiting for them to make a mistake, plus all those booooring they've_gone_to_america_they've_lost_themselves_fans just waiting to be proven right (yeah, you wish). Not to mention all the professional music critics waiting to decide if they're trash or pass. Also, I don't think it's easy writing new music while travelling all around the world, but maybe it's just me having the ability to focus of a slug. The moment they have time to dedicate only to the creative process they'll do even better. This is to say their true masterpiece has yet to come. Good for us :)
About the new music now.
First of all I need to say I really appreciate the little Bowie, Beatles, Smith, Michael Jackson references scattered here and there, it was fun coming across them.
Also, they talk a lot about the downside of being famous. I noticed this came as a (possibly bad) surprise for some fans. Why? Måneskin write about their life and experiences since the beginning. In the last two years they literally had no other experience than becoming famous and learning to deal with it. So of course this is a huge part of what Damiano writes about right now, especially since he's been affected by fame not always in a good way.
With that said, it truly starts with a bang. Own My Mind looked like the kind of song I enjoy listening for three or four times and then become forgettable. I was so wrong! It's one of my favorite and I'm as far from being tired of it as I could be. Similar to Don't Wanna Sleep in this regard. Both of them are going to bring whole stadiums down during live gigs and I'm desperately looking forward to it.
Now beware, very unpopular opinion ahead. The song I like less so far is If Not For You. Don't beat me too hard ^^', please? It's just that I find it too sappy, a little boring and there's also that little backing vocals giving romantic Italian comedy of the 70's vibe which I find funny. Sort of anticlimatic, giving the purpose of the song.
Timezone, on the other hand, gives RHCP/Aerosmith vibes and I could listen to it endlessly and still wanting more.
The most surprising of surprises? Bla Bla Bla. I didn't like it at first but now... It's fun, it's silly and puts me in good mood. More importantly, it's punkish and I love it. Same goes for Kool Kids, but this one we knew already and I liked it since before.
Feel and Read your Diary bring the horny back (when did it even leave?) and I am not complaining. At all. Also, the bass?? The guitar?? They bring quality even in the songs meant to be undemanding.
On the italian trio now. I loved La Fine since it first came out and I still do but among those three is the one I like less. Mark Chapman and Il Dono della Vita are both candidate to become my favourite of the whole album. The first is dark, and I understand that for a short time Damiano had a stalker too, right? This makes it even more of a punch in the gut. Also, I don't want to start anything but to all the people who doubted it could be a song the glorifies a criminal... come. on. which band have you been a fan of for the last few years??
Il Dono della Vita has some awesome lyrics, I know I'll love it even more, the more I listen to it. It's a masterpiece and I also loved the little Icarus reference at the beginning. And if they play it live at Sanremo? With the orchestra?? Omg I may not survive. Yes, it's true, Damiano writes better in italian, he already explained why, and why he's writing more in english. It's his choice, he's a big boy, so I wont go there again.
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alarrytale · 4 months
Hi Marte. Have you heard of Ch.appell R.oan? She is out as queer and talks a lot about being attracted to women. She has songs about men and women. Her career is starting to take off and her recent album has done well considering she isn't mainstream yet. She was an opening act for Ol*via R*drigo and was recently at the Boston Calling festival and had a big audience. Recent articles say that she is going to become pop's next big thing. Which would be amazing considering she has sapphic songs. I really hope that if she becomes mainstream that she'll keep doing what she is doing and not change to suit a heterosexual mainstream audience. She's gaining so much popularity now and it is through her sapphic songs. It is why people like her, or they don't care about her identity and just enjoy her music. So I hope she doesn't change. It is what sets her apart from other female artists. I really hope she makes it mainstream. How amazing would it be to have more songs about same sex attraction. On twitter sapphic songs, movies, books etc are growing in popularity. I don't know if that transfers to 'real life'. I hope so. B*ygenius is growing in popularity too and there is a recent band of men and women who are all queer but I forgot who! It seems like more artists are CO now at the beginning of their career and they're being picked up by labels. I really hope this continues, that more and more out queer artists will make it mainstream. But where does this leave artists with established careers? They've got a fanbase who have probably been manipulated into thinking the artist is straight. It seems harder for established artists to CO when in the past it seemed harder for newer artists to CO. Billie CO is a step forward. She has a song about women and people seem to like it. I just worry about the likes of Harry being left behind. If he CO when he's 40+ it's not going to have any impact. If record labels invest in more queer artists it'll mean that closeted male artists will have to stay closeted to appeal to the straight women. It seems hard for them to CO. Will they be able to do it?
Hi, anon!
I love Chappell Roan! I've talked about her a bit before. So no need to star her out on this blog - i've got nothing but praise for her. She's currently my top played artist on spotify. She's such an interesting artist, banger songs and i really love her unique voice. I watched her Tiny Desk concert and her Coachella set a month or so ago, she's so good live too.
I heard Lunch by Billie followed by Good luck, babe by CR on the radio yesterday and i thought it was so queer. I love it. Queer mainstream artist are doing so well and i'm so proud of them.
I don't know how the closeted established artists will react to younger artists coming out, and out artists going mainstream. In a way it will get harder for them to come out because they have to compete. Being out and queer is a novelty now and a USP, but if many artists come out the novelty will wear off and they have to find another USP. Being queer can't be their whole personality. That's a good thing, because being queer will be more normalised, but the advantages of coming out won't be as great if you're not in the first wave and get to use it as a selling point or for attention.
I don't think it's impossible at all, but if you're the last one out, and everyone else has already paved the way for you, written all the queer songs and had all the same sex relationships then you have to find other ways to stand out and be original that will make people pay attention to you. And with so many new and upcoming talented out queer artist, that don't have baggage or aggressive homophobic denials on their shoulders, it's going to be hard to compete.
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wc100playlist · 5 months
4. Plain White T's - Hey There, Delilah
It's 2:23AM and I'm pacing through my father's living room, phone in hand, my eyes bleary. In less than a month, I'll be off to University, where I'll discover how easy it is to stay up for days on end when motivated by caffeine and the rhythm of youth, but for now, I'm nearing my limit. I feel a psychic pull from the room on the right at the end of the hallway wherein lieth my bed with bated breath, brimming with dreams at the thought of my return to it. The tug towards it is terrible, and soon my murky mind turns me to follow it.
A cartoon ghost rings the doorbell to my phone. I blind myself by blue light to see that yes, it is her. Specifically, it's her hand in a peace sign and a bar of text saying, "He'll probably just text back tomorrow. I'm sleepy. Goodnight." I send black screen with a cursive "Good Night Calypso," which she opens immediately. That empty red arrow sends a shiver up my arm and a realize that sleep won't be so easy a thing tonight.
According to various articles and my personal brand of hearsay, Tom Higgenson wrote "Hey There Delilah" after having a meet-not-so-cute with Delilah DiCrescenzo, a now-nationally-ranked runner, at a friend's party. Apparently, Tom told her he already had a song written about her, and played the track for her the week thereafter. Delilah, having a boyfriend, politely declined his advances. The two remained friendly enough that, when "Hey There Delilah" was nominated for a Grammy in 2007, Delilah herself put in an appearance on Tom's invitation. To my knowledge, their association ends there.
I met her at the tail end of orientation. She was sitting on a rock outside the student union building. She wore bell-bottoms and a hippie T--at least, she does in my head. So many details slip like sand through my fingers and out of my ears, details I I could have sworn would be burned into my mind forever. It is, perhaps, my chiefest regret to not remember fully the scenes that shape the landscape where my soul treads.
I almost walked past her. She had been in the small group of Liberal Arts students in a computer lab ten minutes previous, and something in the way she spoke to the admissions counselor about her planned courses irked me. Unfortunately, I think that's why I found myself talking to her. She scared me, otherwise: she looked like she could look me in the eye and pick out my flaws like a stork plucks salmon from a river. That little touch of roughness at her edges unwound a binding in my brain and let me be bold in a way only fool boys can be--that is, in the smallest way. I said, "Hello."
For the rest of the summer, we carried on the conversation that we started at the rock. I called her Calypso. I'd steal moments during work to shoot off what I hoped was a clever quip; she'd send pictures of her shoes and make wild statements about her day. We'd skip from "how was your shift?" to "what makes you cry?" to "what's you're comfort food?" in about as many texts. I still remember some of her answers, though I expect they've changed since then. Mine have.
Often, we'd stay up late texting. She's an early riser, but her boyfriend at the time rarely responded in daylight hours. I tried to keep her company while she waited, and she didn't turn me away. She considered us friends, and did for a long while, even after our Freshman year started, even after she got to know me in person, even after I told her--via Snapchat video messages, the worst way known to man--that I'd been head-over-heels for her since that damn rock outside the union, even after she had to turn me down. She even managed to look past me asking her to turn me down again twice thereafter, as a reminder of where we stood.
I don't know if we were friends. I don't know if I'm capable of being friends with someone I can't look at without my heart rate rising ten percent. It's not for lack of trying: I gave it a three year run. If I was her friend, I think I'd have let myself drift away much earlier. That might have saved me some heartache, or at least some face. It might have saved our mutuals exasperation, and her the stress of dealing a dumb puppy of a man who lacks the courage and wit to make his exit when the music plays.
I last spoke to her in the Fall of 2022. We walked in the state lands with her dog and said a great many things that matter very little. A better send-off than I expected, honestly. I last saw her Fall 2023; she and her fiance attended the same showing of a stage play as I--a cruel joke by Dionysus on his least faithful priest. I can only hope she didn't see me, or if she did, she didn't recognize me. If she saw me, I hope she only saw a stranger trying not to cry.
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serendipiadorm · 2 years
Serendipia Student Profile ~ Sable Asra
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Theme song to listen to while reading ^^
Name: Sable Asra
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Species: Great Eared Nightjar Bird Bestialhuman/Tengu
Orientation: Pansexual
Birthday: 2/3
Zodiac: Aquarius
Height: 235cm
Eye Color: Lavender Blue
Hair Color: Black Violet Mix
Homeland: Mount Asra/Canterlita Wilds
Dorm: Serendipia
School Year: 3rd
Occupation: Dorm Assistant,Night Waker
Club: Myth & Folk Creature Club
Best Subject: Magic History
Dominant Hand: Left
Favorite Food: Peach Cobbler
Least Favorite Food: Most Meats
Dislikes: Bright sun,Being Seen as a Monster,Thunderstorms
Hobby: Entomology,Organization,Reading Romantic Novels,Helping Others with Classwork or Random Things
Talents: Flying,Singing,Nature Expert,Botany,Stealth
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Elemental Magic: Flora/Dark
Unique Magic: To be reveal in early dorm story
OC’s Lore Summary: A birdman who likes to ensure others achieve their goals. Has issues with living near common people. He came to NRC along with his best friend Damian after learning that an educational place with Night in its name actually had a place for a nocturnal bird like him.
Personality: Very Kindhearted,has a goodwill and is a super helpful person to others even those who aren't his friends. He a bit clueless to some modern logic but learning via books each day.
Fun Facts: Sable seems to hails from Canterlita Wilds same as Damián. They've known each other for awhile and bonded in the wilderness to survive.
Sable actually is from a place called Mount Asra but thats all thats known about it is the name. He ventured to the Canterlita Wilds after leaving the mountain.
A lot of children call Sable a monster the first time they see him which he has gotten used to but he wonders what monster he looks like to them.
Sable is a vegetarian or he says so as he never eats meat but secretly he eats bugs. His favorite is moths.
He wishes to be the vice-housewarden since the previous one left but Damián never asked him so he just waits. He pretty much does everything a vice-housewarden does already.
Sable is the Night Waker. He wakes up the Serendipia students 1-2hrs depending for their classes that start at 7pm.
He often self doubts himself due to his height and way people see him. It's always monster 1st not a person never. He hates this so much he rarely leaves the dorm except for classes nowaday.
If by some miracle a person looks pass he looks different and genuinely starts to talk to him he is so happy and quite the chatterbox.
Sable can sing and does sometimes when doing dorm chores. Happy big birb hours when this is going on. He loves his dorm since the students there all got something different and accept that fact.
He is such a fast flyer he can zip around quickly. He never late for class.
He is a sucker for cheesy romantic novels & manga. He has so many and thinks about the normal/unique person falling for the kind/misunderstood monster trope a lot since he actually feels the same as the monster alot in these stories so where's his normal or unique person who'd love him freakish height and birdy legs in all?
He sometimes helps out at the Haven checking on the cats but they are menaces to him as they try to bite him after licking his legs and determine he tastes good he guesses but he still loves them just he hovers out of reach of them as he checks their food dispensers and clean litter boxes.
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Sable is a Tengu Yokai but hides his true form so he can live a more normal life. Only Damián and few NRC staff know about this.
He mediates often to maintain a clear and negativeless mind as such thoughts tempt him into moods of mischief.
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Small floating flames of purple appear randomly near Sable in this form but so long as he doesn't dislike you they don't burn you.
He can turn into this form with clear thoughts but it is a true test of willpower not to slip into temptation.
Before he could maintain it Sable used to play tricks on the farms & town thats near Mount Asra. He would swoop dive on people and steal their crops.
Took time for him to question if this was truly who he was. He left mount Asra to find himself so has since stopped playing tricks and messing with people.
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peachyysugaa · 3 years
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– nasa operator!sim jaeyun x astronaut!gn! reader
miles of sky and space doesn't stop gravity from pulling him to you.
genre: strangers/coworkers to lovers, fluff
wc: 2.7k
warnings: 3rd person pov, probably inaccurate astronaut/nasa lingo sorry i'm a chemistry major LOL, one curse word, couple of time skips, food cw
a/n: yea it's another fluff one-shot 😎 finally a jake one-shot! i hope y'all enjoy this i took a while to write this but i'm p proud of how it turned out despite no proofread.
time on earth: 3:43 am
one of nasa's star rookies sits inside the mission room, monitoring the ISS diligently. today, sim jaeyun was assigned to keep watch on their astronauts as well as the station itself. it's supposed to be a reward for performing well on the latest calculations, but he can't help but find it a little boring. he flips through the cameras quickly, as if trying to find something new.
'yeah right, like anything happens in space,' he mumbles in his head. adjusting his thin glasses and stretching his chair to feel just a tad bit more alive, jake takes a look at one of the three astronauts on board as they float to the window. it seems to be l/n y/n, a rookie who excelled at their simulation tests and the one they say has stars in their eyes themselves.
the astronaut peeks over their shoulder surprised. they make swimming motions to reach over the intercom, which makes jake laugh a little. finally, they push the button and make a reply. "yes houston, this is l/n. is something wrong?"
the astronaut peeks over their shoulder surprised. they make swimming motions to reach over the intercom, which makes jake laugh a little. finally, they push the button and make a reply. "yes houston, this is l/n. is something wrong?"
the astronaut peeks over their shoulder surprised. they make swimming motions to reach over the intercom, which makes jake laugh a little. finally, they push the button and make a reply. "yes houston, this is l/n. is something wrong?"
now jake hadn't planned this far, but since he was already doing it, he might as well go through with it. "do you miss earth?"
he can see through the cameras that y/n wasn't expecting that question as their eyes widen. someway somehow, jaeyun was able to see the stars in their eyes everyone gushed about. maybe it was even better because they were actually living with the stars in space at the time.
"i-i don't know if we should be talking about this, but yea, i do miss earth," they finally reply. "not that being in space isn't fun! i just can't help myself especially since i can see the planet spinning in front of my eyes..."
it's silent for a bit, making the astronaut worry. "h-hello? houston?"
jake blinks before shaking his head and hurried to reply. "y-yes! sorry, i was just caught up in how lonely you sound?"
again, an awkward silence stills. the nasa operator curses to himself, realizing how awkward he must have made it and scrambling to fix the mistake. "i'm really sorry i didn't mean to overstep my boundaries!" he rushes. "my name's sim jaeyun, by the way. people know me better as jake."
"sim jaeyun? rising star sim jaeyun?" they owlishly repeat.
"that's me," he states back, rubbing the back of his neck. "i guess you've heard my name."
he sees the astronaut nod in camera before they're absentmindedly spinning circles midair. "you're my age, and you're already working in nasa headquarters. quite a feat would spread around, you know?"
jake laughs and shakes his head at their comment. "you say that like you're not star rookie l/n y/n."
at the sound of their twinkling laugh, jake's eyes perk up to capture the joyful astronaut holding their stomach on the cameras. "i can tell we're a lot alike, jake," you say with a smile stretching across your face.
it turns out he likes hearing his name off their lips albeit via nasa intercoms. calming down the beating of his heart, jake starts off the first of many late night conversations. "so would you like to hear what's happening on earth?"
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ゜・・゜゜・*:・゚✧*:・゚✧
time on earth: 2:26 am
"—and layla was having such a good time meeting other puppies at the park this morning!" jake laughs out with the rookie astronaut laughing with them on the other side of the intercom, separated by thousands of miles in between them. they've been talking like this over the system for weeks now, practically a little over a month. safe to say, the nasa operator was developing feelings for them, perhaps already smitten. sunghoon in the other unit said something about being whipped?
"i wonder how she would react seeing my puppy," they reply.
"when you come back to earth, the first thing we'll do is have them meet on a puppy playdate," he tells them earnestly.
"just layla and rosie on a date? what about us?" he could hear the smirk in their voice even though they weren't next to him.
"i-i-huh? what?" jake stammers. he heard the smirk, but did he hear the words properly? for one, he's not sure they know what he looks like. does that matter to them? without realizing it, his hands are taking off his glasses and fiddling with them.
"are you nervous?"
"hah, what makes you think that?" jake asks nervously.
"jake, i can hear you playing with your glasses."
"shit," he curses, and an endearing giggle is heard on the other side.
"i like you, let's make it a date between us too," he hears, his face gradually becoming hotter.
the chance to confess to his crush is literally handed to him on a silver platter, but he's too busy acting like a middle schooler trying to give chocolates to the person he likes. it's unusual for him to feel like this, his heart's beating way too fast for him to think, and he has to cough to calm down.
"it's a date then." a happy hum is the response he gets, which does nothing to calm the beating of his heart but ignites a new warmth in him. "hey, wait a minute, do you even know what i look like?"
"i kinda remember, but does that even matter?"
"i don't know what if you don't like my face?"
"please, my roommate told me you're on par with that sunghoon guy, and he's known as the prince of his division."
"yeah, but-"
"don't take this the wrong way, jake, but shush." he's sure that if they were here in person, they would put a finger on his lips. it seemed like a(n) y/n thing to do based on the time they've gotten to know each other. "i don't care what you look like. the connection we have together is enough, don't you think?"
he knows they're right, but it doesn't stop the sassy compliment from tumbling out of his mouth. "well, we have a connection and i know you're pretty and smart and funny."
perhaps it's just the color of the screen, but jake swears he saw a blush on their face. it makes him proud after he had somewhat embarrassed himself earlier.
"good night, jake," y/n playfully scoffs at him.
"good night, y/n."
'what a night,' jake thinks to himself with a stupid grin spreading across his face as he prepares the systems for the person on the next shift.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ゜・・゜゜・*:・゚✧*:・゚✧
time on earth: 9:18 am
today is the day. today the pod that stayed at the ISS for 3 months was coming back to earth, and everyone was on their toes. jake was currently scanning the computer calculations from any errors, clutching the paper and burning holes in it with his eyes.
"you good there, bro?" he doesn't need to lift up his head to know that it's sunghoon.
"i have to make sure these are perfect," jake replies in a tone that screamed don't-bother-me.
he feels his coworker's hand pat his shoulder in reassurance. "relax, jake. they'll get here just fine."
jake's whole body sighs when he takes a deep breath. "yeah, i know. i'll just check one more."
his friend offers a comforting smile and one more pat before leaving him to perform his own duties for the landing.
for this last check, jake takes it upon himself to calculate the angle in which the pod enters the earth's atmosphere by hand as a safety precaution. his head jumbles with all the physics equations necessary as his hand complains by cramping from how fast he's calculating.
upon finishing, he looks at the two final numbers side by side. "same to the 5th decimal place," jake affirms to himself.
"great, does that mean you're ready to turn it in, mr. sim?"
turning around abruptly to the sound of the voice, jake finds his supervisor and rushes to grab all the papers for presentation. "yes, ma'am!"
a smile graces her face as she takes the materials from him and flips through the calculations. "good work," she finally says. "our astronauts will get home safely thanks to you."
it's like a weight lifted off his shoulders when he hears those words. jake lets out a sigh of relief once his supervisor walks away and tells him to wait for further instruction. he folds into his chair, thinking about how soon he'll finally be able to see y/n in person.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ゜・・゜゜・*:・゚✧*:・゚✧
time on earth: 9:45 am
"everyone, standby!" jake's supervisor announced. the whole command center took a deep breath as they tuned into the astronauts, soon to be leaving the ISS via pod.
"l/n, song, johnson, do you read me?"
"loud and clear, houston," y/n l/n replies in crisp audio.
"get ready to launch then, atlantis ii."
"copy that, houston." the sounds of buckling and buttons flicking can be heard on the other end as jake's palms sweat.
"3... 2... 1... launch!" and they're detached from the ISS, launched into the endless ocean of stars and dust that is space.
"coordinates and angles, houston?"
"atlantis ii, the speed, angle, and coordinates at which you are to enter..." and jake hears his checked numbers be repeated to them. "...you'll be dropping in the gulf of mexico."
"copy that, houston. ready to enter earth's atmosphere in 3... 2... 1... entering!"
the audio delivers the rough shaking as the temperature regulation beeps steadily.
"your temperatures are in the right range, atlantis ii."
it's a rough 5 or something minutes, jake's not sure of the time. he just knows his armchair is having a field day with all the gripping he's doing. he can hear the shaking of the pod driven by the weight and the acceleration of gravity once it takes its pull on the astronauts' pod.
"prepare for impact, atlantis ii!"
everyone is rising up to see the camera pan to the oceanview team who waits for the pod to enter.
"initiating parachute!" and there! the pod appears on the command center's screen in high definition, the mic picking up some of the breeze of the mexican gulf. it enters the ocean with a large plop! and everyone is standing up and cheering.
"successful landing, everyone! congratulations!!"
sunghoon is coming to jake and lifting him out of the chair, engulfing him in the joy that comes from returning the astronauts home. he didn't realize he was staring stupidly at the screen with a blank look and still sitting.
"dude, we did it!" at the sound of his friend's voice, jake mirrors his friend's smile and they embrace each other.
"we did it!" jake replies. soon, he'll finally be able to see y/n in person.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ゜・・゜゜・*:・゚✧*:・゚✧
time on earth: 8:04 am
the next day when he clocks in for work, it's calmer and more exciting. jake can feel it in the atmosphere as the nasa operator walks through headquarters.
he makes his way towards the rehabilitation center for their astronauts, his heart unable to calm down the rapid rate of beating. he hears it before he sees it: the bell-like laughter jake was so familiar with, the one he associated with late nights. his feet is pulled towards the sound like gravity, his strides getting longer and his steps having a bounce to it.
jake hears his name being called happily, and he turns to face the voice with an unstoppable grin before taking steps towards the astronaut going through rehabilitation.
"hey, gravity got you bad, i see."
they laugh joyfully. "i'll be good in about a month or 2—i'm pretty quick at this."
"i have no doubt about that."
the two are silent for a bit as they do a few more crunches, jake crouching down in front of their feet to meet them. it's nice and comfortable between the two as he helps them go through their exercises.
"so about that date..." he starts off, watching as their eyes sparkle like stars upon hearing his phrase. his mouth starts to hang a little, loosening up to have words spilling out without his complete knowledge. "wow... your eyes really do have stars in them..."
they stop as they finish a crunch and reaches out to close his mouth with an eye roll. "close your mouth first, sim jaeyun."
"okay, but what about that date?"
"we're getting it. just wait a week or so when i can walk properly," they say with a teasing smile. jake can't help but to smile back.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ゜・・゜゜・*:・゚✧*:・゚✧
time on earth: 2:57 pm
the only thing keeping his nerves calm is layla. the golden retriever was far from nervous as she sat wagging her tail happily with her tongue out.
"jake!!" he hears from the voice he's come to love listening to over the past few months. looking up from layla while holding her leash tightly, he spots the person he's been waiting for and he's mesmerized, left breathless by what he sees.
a light summery fit adorns their figure as they dash towards him with a puffy pomsky dog equally excited. their smiles are bright and sparkles adorn their eyes as usual, but it doesn't make the effect any less beautiful. they slow down, owner and dog panting a little.
immediately, layla gets up from her sitting position to greet the new guests, starting to sniff the two of them.
y/n laughs as they squat down and let the golden sniff them and their hand before giving her warm pets. "hi layla! i'm y/n, and this is rosie."
the two dogs sniff each other in circles, but soon enough they're bouncing and pouncing each other as if they've been best friends since litter days.
"they're getting along so well, and we haven't even gotten to the park yet," y/n comments with a giggle.
"should we get going?" jake offers. they reply with a nod and holds their leash in one hand, grabbing jake's with the other.
if he's taken by surprise, he doesn't show it, but inside, his heart is pounding more than ever before and his head is screaming in joy. the pair walk together hand-in-hand towards the park with two even happier pups prancing ahead of them.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ゜・・゜゜・*:・゚✧*:・゚✧
time on earth: 4:31 pm
the two dogs are getting a bit tired, it seems, as they walk back to jake and y/n who were talking comfortably, y/n's head rested on his shoulder.
"look who's back from playing," y/n says as they ruffle rosie and layla's head, jake following suit.
"let's go get some ice cream for us and puppucinos for them?" jake suggests.
"ooh! that sounds good!" the pups seem to like the idea too, wagging their tails once more and looking at their owners with puppy eyes. jake thinks he's surrounded by three pairs of puppy eyes as he shakes his head in endearing disbelief.
"let's go then."
once they get to the shops, order, and receive their foods, the four of them sit down and enjoy their treats. the owners laugh at their dogs when they see them lap up their puppucinos with so much excitement and vigor, getting the cream all over their faces.
as the sun sets, it casts its glowing light onto the astronaut-in-rehabilitation, making jake's eyes move onto them. he notices a smudge of ice cream at the corner of their lips and without thinking moves in to kiss it off. y/n blinks their starry eyes at him, reminding him of their first "meeting" over intercom and camera screens.
"i like you," he blurts out. "can i... kiss you?"
"i thought you would never ask," they reply with a wide grin, leaning in to press their lips together before he does.
it's like gravity pulls them towards each other because they can't ever seem to get enough of one another, no matter how far apart they are.
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cdlistener · 3 years
Killing Heidi - Reflector 2000
I’ve been listening to Killing Heidi since I could remember, specifically their most popular singles 'weir' and 'mascara'. My mum who did volunteer radio in Mackay 2000-2004(est) was a massive fan, and amazingly Ella Hooper (singer) agreed to an interview with her at a community radio, free of charge.  whenever I bring it up she gushes over meeting and idol who is canonically a cool and genuine person, i was born 2003 and was named after Killing Heidi's Ella. The origin of my name is cool though really my mums just a fangirl...
Now in 2022 it's obvious we share the same passion for music. After inheriting a decent CD player i've raided my parent's CD tub (there's many...) and decided to start my own blog to review the CD's my parents listened too, because i can & you all requested SO relentlessly.
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killing heidi- 1999 - after the release of their 4th single ‘Mascara’
Killing Heidi reflector release.
The album was an enormous success, propelling the band to prominence and eventually spending seven weeks at No. 1 on the ARIA charts. It eventually went 5x Platinum in Australia (selling over 350,000 copies) and won the ARIA Award for ‘reflector’, Album of the Year at the ARIA Music Awards of 2000.(wiki sourced)
All songs are written by Ella and older brother Jesse Hooper, They've won  "Album of the Year" for Reflector, "Best Group", "Breakthrough Artist – Album" and "Best Rock Group". Let me be the first to tell you that this band should NEVER have not been mainstream, Killing Heidi's music is the perfect blend of pop and rock, and if the awards didn't speak for themselves, they write some killer lyrics that's always accompanied with masterful guitar.(me sourced)
Song List
Superman / Supergirl
Astral Boy
Leave Me Alone
You Don't Know
A Jar Labelled Small
Class Celebrities
Live Without It
Real People
Jon's Song
Black Sheep
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[is it a mouse or what fam? Ella help me out]
A big part of what attracted me to Killing Heidi is Ella Hooper's voice, she has an impressive range and overall is unique yet familiar, rough yet smooth, she displays lots of diversity in her vocals which is so intriguing to me. you won't find many vocalists like her.
Recommended songs!!
1. Mascara
If you haven't listened to Killing Heidi before and are thinking of sweetening your music tastes, Mascara is the best song to start your journey. Though i understand this song is already insanely popular, it is for a reason, Mascara is truly a masterpiece. Ella's vocals are especially showcased via the pop music, and really each aspect of the song is interesting!
4. Astral Boy
This song is on the slower side of killing Heidi's songs, if you'd prefer a darker vibe, with more strings rather than keys and bops listen to Astral Boy.
8. Class Celebrities
By the distance to the moon and back this is THE song of the album!super catchy and again, an excellent example of Killing Heidi's overall talents.
10. Real People
The lyrics of this song are what sell it, Killing Heidi's music is already known to have beautiful, meaningful lyrics and Real People is one of those song that give you the goose bumps! 
12. Black Sheep
This is a very cute song, I'm including it in the recommended because it helps me show you the diversity of KH's music. This is such a nice take on a break up song, and Ella's vocals are absolutely perfect for it.  
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1999 - pictured left to right - Jesse H, Warren J, Ella H, Adam P
Similar Artists:One Dollar Short/The Superjesus/Lisa Loeb & Nine Stories
Thanks for reading <3
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risingphoenix761 · 6 years
21 SPN Themed Questions
I was tagged indirectly by @sis-tafics ✌
1. When did you start watching Supernatural?
The beginning! We kept up with it really well up until mid season...5? 6? Work happened around then and we were never home when it was on, but I stayed involved in it via internet until I got caught up, then started keeping up again during 12.
2. Who is your favorite in TFW?
Not fair. They've all got something to them. Once upon a time I might have been able to make this decision, but no can do. I love Dean's dedication to family, Sam's compassion for everyone, Cas's loyalty...I love all of them! Don't make me choose!
3. Who is your least favorite in TFW?
DON'T MAKE ME CHOOSE! They could all stand to be a little less stubborn, if you ask me, and the writers could really quit making shit decisions with them but I digress
4. Tag your top 5 Supernatural blogs
@bamby0304 @kittenofdoomage @kingofthecrxssroads and... Actually, I think most of the blogs I follow are SPN-ish, so...
5. Who is your favorite character (not including TFW)?
Hmm. Lemme think.
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6. Who is your favorite woman in Supernatural?
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Though I dearly love Jo and Meg 2.0 (which is some first class irony)
7. John or Mary?
Is that even a question?
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8. What were your first opinions of Sam, Dean, Cas, and Jack?
Dean - he's cute. I bet my sister already has a crush on him.
Sam - holy crap, he's tall! And he's a nerd like me!
Cas - did he just say angel? What the hell!
Jack - what the hell! This can't be good!
9. What's your favorite season?
Tough one. Gotta be a toss up between 5, 6, and 8
10. What's your least favorite season?
Also a tough one. Not a huge fan of 11, and I've been endlessly bitter and frustrated since the end of 12
11. Opinions on Destiel?
There's been hints, jokes, and subtext for years, so they might as well make it canon already. At this point, though, it would only be continuing to fuck with the shippers because of Cas's Buffy rip-off deal with the Empty. Personally, I just want to see something good happen to them, and they can't live without each other, so however they get to be happy is fine with me. Except there's that deal, which leaves Cas screwed, which ultimately screws Dean over, and I dunno, am I getting annoyed with the writing lately? Moving on.
12. Do you believe Supernatural queerbaits?
Lately? They're getting very close, at the very least
13. Seasons 1-7 or 8-14?
Is that even a question? The early years for me, thanks.
14. Favorite villain (plot wise)?
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15. Do you think they should end the Lucifer plot line?
Yeah? Awhile ago? We got Jack out of it, and you're taking that precious cinnamon roll away over my dead body, but how much more can they get out of him without it feeling ridiculous? Now if we had different writers with some fresh ideas, who knows, but alas
16. Who do you think has gone through more trauma (Sam, Dean, or Cas)?
Can't answer that one. Sorry.
17. What's your favorite Supernatural episode?
Oh shit... Yellow Fever, Mystery Spot, Weekend At Bobby's, The French Mistake, Swan Song, Sacrifice, First Born, Fan Fiction to name a few.
18. Do you like case episodes?
Does Dean like pie?
19. Who do you relate to most in TFW?
Again, that's hard to answer. That's one of the things I find most appealing about the show, is how relatable the characters are. I see my own best and worst in their best and worst, and that's pretty cool. It also sucks on occasion, but that's okay.
20. Why do you like Supernatural?
See above answer in terms of relatability. Also, the heart of the show has always been things that are really important to me, like family, loyalty, courage, and hope. It's why this show is always my go-to. Yeah, horrible things happen and they rarely make sense and there's always pain and grief and trauma, but there's also those other things, and they're worth holding onto.
21. If you could bring back one character and kill off another who would they be?
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The list is very likely that long. Lol. And I don't want them dead, exactly, but I can live without the hunters from the apocalypse world. That includes AU Bobby and Charlie. Ours are on that list!
Tagging anybody and everybody that wants to do this!
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pawjohnny-archive · 7 years
Hello so this is random but I'm slowly getting into the nct fandom and was wondering if you could recommend any shows/interviews they've done id like to get to know the members better❤️ thanks! have a nice day :')
Omg, first of all HIII ANON and thank you so much for sending this in!! 😄 I'm very happy that you're interested in NCT and aww don't worry, it's not random at all!! :') I will have fun answering this!~
(ohhh and a short DISCLAIMER, I'm on mobile right now so I can't link you to stuff fhdjjdkd and also can't use nice editing features like bold, or italic to make this post more neat but I will do so tomorrow!!! ;;;;)
Ooookay, let's start with the super good message: NCT does have in fact their very own variety show! It's called NCT Life and you can watch it via VLIVE with eng subtitles ooor on Youtube on SM's channel (but of course SM didn't give us any subs there bLEH). So, what is NCT Life about?? As the name already says, NCT Life consists out of small episodes of ~20 minutes and shows NCT in their "natural habitat" (lolol), while the members travel through different countries or cities (One location per season). I would advise you to start watching with the very first season, "NCT Life in Bangkok" because it gives you a very good overview for all (okay, most^^) members and rookies of the group.
As the next step, let's continue with another "basic", which would be Weekly Idol! NCT's main unit "NCT 127" have already been there twice, you can find the eps subbed on youtube (they both go around ~30 minutes I think??) and I guess the whole concept of Weekly idol should be fairly known, no? haha =D
Also I would really advise you to check out their VLIVE Channel in general! They post a lot of videos there and I especially loved the "Limitless"-Era (NCT 127's comeback in January this year) because they even did a very long and funny segment with Super Junior's Shindong there, which I REALLY enjoyed and other exciting things. Currently, Johnny and Jaehyun have also theiro wn radio show called "NCT Night Night" and you can sometimes livestream it or watch older sessions of it there :)
(I put the next thing in brakes because this is not REALLY about NCT but there has been this show called "EXO 90:2014", where Exo basically coveres popular Kpop songs from the 90s together with some Rookies, who are know NCT members! So it's worth checking out!)
There is of course muuuch more stuff, many members also have solo activities but I will stop here and wish you much much fun in exploring NCT and roaming through their stuff!!! 😄💕 Thank you again for sending this super kind ask and don't hesitate to ask me again if you have further questions!!
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