#which- i mean- um-
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Hello Ben 10 fans, it's been a hot second hasn't it, it's time for another round of Whatudottu Rambles and it's been a long time coming! Not just because of the gaps between posts but because this original idea comes straight from 2023 notes yay!
Today, we'll be talking about vulpimancers, but specifically their history and the politics of Vulpin! Because! For some reason! Whenever I think about vulpimancers, Vulpin, and vulpinic tortugans I think about their relation to the rest of the universe at large and frankly I want to elaborate what has been years of note taking!
God it's gonna be LONG!
So! One of the caveats when dealing with societal structure and the politics therein with significantly more animalistic appearing species, especially vulpimancers who do not have the actual physical structure to speak Earth languages, is that trying to base them off of a real human culture is a SIGNIFICANT FAUX PAS let alone taking inspiration from more traditional and indigenous cultures from around the world. It's part of the reason my obviously-armadillo ant bio talpaedans have their cultural influence taken from historial Europe more specifically during the time of their royal blood swapping since that's the basis of the tradie marriages.
What this means for vulpimancers is that I won't be taking from any modern world culture and hopefully harkening their lives and otherwise timeline to be kind of the present day equivalent of early human communities. Vulpimancers don't exactly have hard borders on territory beyond their stable hunting grounds and are nomadic, sticking together in communities, working within packs, then bundling for rest with families. This will persist until the 'modern era' which consists of a lot more than just the last 25 so years 'today' means, and that territory ends up becoming a whole country, a few communities per country with their relevant amount of working packs and individual families within.
Communities are 'run' by family elders and pack leaders, being a combination of 'the eldest takes care of the youth' parent style but also of those in charge of resource gathering being the... I suppose statistical analysts of the community who take stock of the resources they have, the mouths they need to feed, the seasons of their country, and how well one resource is actually growing (in the case of plants) or breeding (in the case of animals). It's not completely flawless sure, but it's certainly a system that works in a deadly pitch black environment filled with predators galore. Each country has a basic sense of politics even without a so called 'government head' or unified governing body, and historically their international politics extend to the access foreign vulpimancers have to the lands and resources of their country. Often smelling like a region none of the communities have traveled through (and countrymancers would have had interactions with the other communities and familiarised themselves with their scents), the allowance of foreign travel are limited in small numbers to only a few members of a family and only one or two members of a worker pack just outside (never within) the border; a whole community is expected to remain well away from the border unless the border happens to be at the centre of a river or by a dense cave system.
This system would have gone uninterrupted were it not for the fact that early tortugan settlers, an old species already at space fairing technology well beyond many of the civilisations we know were what they are today, landed on Vulpin during their mission to colonise their star system. One argues that the tortugan got to their level of technology from having a lack of predators and thus more proposed 'free time' to dedicate to advanced sciences, another says that they were simply haughty and underprepared for an environment that they had no ability to even understand beyond the atmosphere let alone the conditions on the ground. What inarguably happened though was in some way the settlers were stranded, their ships corroding and decaying from the harsh chemicals of the air, fighting for their damn lives in the pitch black of Vulpin. Forced to adapt or die, the settlers faced the wild threats of Vulpin fighting tooth and nail to live, running into what would and will continue to be the apex predator vulpimancers reacting in fear to their initial 'foreigners in our territory' related hostilities. It was a reluctant few vulpimancers who saw the fear of the settlers and tried to, realising they both shared the same sapience (or at least an intelligence that was not well adapted to the daily stress of Vulpin), allowing their kindness to inform the tortugans of their own intelligence in turn.
However over time, evolving not only themselves but the environment around them in small yet incredibly noticeable ways, the nations of vulpimancers (particularly near the original region/s of the settler landing zones) were quick to notice and many quick to anger in reaction to the distortion of THEIR land - their COUNTRY - some even quick to forgo what kindness they had extended to the quivering death fodder. Hodgepodging together shelter from their ship scraps, warped metal and corroded rust making for an ironic newly created collection of beaten up shanty towns, the torugans (on their way to becoming the vulpinic tortugans of the modern era) were either left to fend for themselves as communities of vulpimancers dropped their support or had to rebuild again and again as some ran them out, furious at the junk obstructing their riverways, digging up their plants, and diverting the natural and long studied hunting grounds of their prey. The very rare few communities - or rather, specific individuals - leave the attempts at expansion to run it's course and to meet it's maker at the hands of the weather and wilds seeking to erase the settlers' old technology, truly predating on anything the tortugans have build up whether it be the walls of their home or the flesh beneath their skin.
Unlike the nomadic vulpimancers, the tortugans are sedentary in their housing and are densely packed into small Minitowns so to say, their population never particularly comparable to the large number of vulpimancers. Minitowns are only ever really found in countries that have notable 'places of evil' that the communities of the region avoid like the literal plague, especially areas that not a lot of wildlife disturb, which technically makes for shit city planning since it means prey species and plants aren't nearby in the area, but the tortugans would take anything to get predators off their backs even if it means they need to have their own versions of worker packs. Some Minitowns have actually consulted with a few communities about where best to place a sedentary 'camp' so to speak, which varies given the relationship a specific group or nation of vulpimancers have towards the settlers whether they'd rather hide them away near a cave system that could provide good shelter and cave-dwelling prey, or in specific colder locations where the tortugan-vulpimancer relationship is actually neutral to positive, they might suggest a Minitown to be built adjacent to a winter site to help during what might usually be a deadly chill.
Tortugans however can still be 'on the run' however if they've wondered into regions where vulpimancers hate them, but unfortunately the early settlers who have not yet adapted to the conditions of the planet are run off to die instead. This and the former paragraph would be referred to in modern times as the New Settler policy, more of a general reaction the general vulpimancer had to the tortugans rather than an official decree, but a generalised trend that can all be connected under a retroactive title.
With a somewhat stable environment, the remaining survivors and the descendants of the settlers would have adapted and become the vulpinic tortugans, now able to sustain themselves and not be as entirely reliant on their historical Minitowns; they still aren't an apex predator by any means, nor too far removed from being a prey species, but their poison spines and defense curl allows them not to be completely food. Due to the inherent limitations of even the recommended locations of Minitowns, a fair many tortugans become nomadic out of necessity, the growing number of mouth unable to be filled with the lack of resources. Tortugan and vulpimancer relations are still heavily varied between regions, but with the new nomadic tortugan groups - tending towards groups of friends or small families - there may yet be more opportunity for the two species to bond in the best case scenario. In a neutral but positive case, some countries that had been very hostile to the tortugans may view the up-and-coming nomads to not be as much of a threat to their land and allow them transit, though nothing more and in the most untrusting of cases they'll be escorted to the next border with haste or even only allowing passage if the path to an adjacent nation is otherwise hard to cross over.
Throughout their entire time trying to survive Vulpin, the tortugans previously didn't have enough time to consider anything as formal as politics. With their physical adaptations, now they can enter the world of more unspoken politics that the vulpimancers were already scent deep into, splitting into the primary two demographics of settler and nomad tortugans. Settler tortugans typically stay within the country, even if some may have nomadic tendencies to travel between known Minitowns of the region, often having a specialised class of the worker pack to rely on food and materials; they still cling onto every scrap that their ancestor came with, though they have long forgotten a lot of what they specifically meant to them. Nomadic tortugans can but often don't travel exclusively within their country - a contrast to their neighbouring communities - needing to avoid countries that actively hate them and only occasionally daring to step within countries that tolerate them at BEST but would rather not have to interact with them; they often sympathise with the original vulpimancer communities affected by their coloniser ancestors, those who ultimately failed in their goal regardless, travelling around the world that they know would have had attempts made to terraform it into something unrecognisable should the colonists have had 'better' circumstances to do so.
It was sometime in the modern era that Vulpin began to become an intergalactic dumping ground fueled by the tortugan colonies, or rather the United Tortugan Market - a trade colony built up of several planets within the same system, except for Vulpin - who are filling up with excess waste, recalled that one of their ancestral colony ships failed to produce any results on Vuplin and thus considered it the trash they they dumped onto it. Ignorant not only because the settlers failed to report back about a sapient species, they also wholeheartedly believe that the passengers sent to the planet on that initial voyage died before they could populate, they emptied out their waste bins and tossed them down onto the planet at ranges that would not allow corrosion to interfere with their ships flight. And now, where both the vulpimancer communities - disgruntled about repeated history - and the newly adapted vulpinic tortugans - newly afraid to taste their own ancestors' medicine - have to deal with their lands and homes being ruined and overrun by scraps and busted machines, the UTM begins selling a service to local customers for their new planet sized dump, dubbing it Vulpin: the Market Junkyard.
With the intergalactic trash piling up, destroying the ecosystem, damaging ancient lands and displacing many communities and even whole fucking countries of vulpimancers, new political ideologies start to form. There are the 'fuck aliens' crowds who - despite reluctance - allow for vulpimancer refugees of neighbouring countries, beginning to revert to (or worsing their already bad relationship to the tortugans) xenophobia towards both settler tortugans and nomadic tortugans, some countries turning to the ones cohabiting with them to 'go back to where [they] came from' and leave their planet alone. Others have put their foot down and - essentially - form the political ideology of 'learn to fucking cope' where communities specifically refuse to share their unmarred land to even their fellow countrymancers, splitting off into the 'okay LET'S fucking cope' ideology where the otherwise displaced community in reaction would essentially sever that community's nomadic path from the rest of the country by actively posturing against any movement into what is now deemed their own new country.
The last two ideologies, loosely titled 'maybe we need help' and 'there's too much shit to ignore', mirror the initial settler/nomad tortugan political split that spawned initially from vulpimancer influence. The first ideology works in stark contrast to the 'fuck aliens' ideology where displaced communities find refugee within tortugan settlements, between small families making homes in Minitowns or whole communities and even countries depending helping tortugans with Junkyard Cities - cities that are still only technically about the equivalent for maybe suburbs at most, Vulpin countries aren't particularly large but they are numerous - making use of the intergalactic trash to build homes and (unfortunately) having a steady supply able to repair and maintain them; it is however more common to have Minitowns with a partial nomadic life, even if it's only for the purpose of resources which still stem from their initial hurdles in town construction. The 'too much shit to ignore' ideology mirrors the international tortugan nomads where an entire country's worth of land is filled with rubbish that not even the native wildlife can make use of it's resources buried beneath the scrap, making the region an undeniable dead zone that may bring many species into extinction, if not simply endanger them; international travel would probably only be for family sized groups, probably only families given that, and only if they have experienced enough worker pack members.
Vulpinic tortugans, in contrast to the disgusted and resentful opinions that the vulpimancers hold for the trash piles, generally speaking simultaneously view the growing junkyards as horrendous yet rife with opportunity as the lands they were forced to call home fill with materials they can use to build their homes and potentially enter the stars their ancestors had dreams of one day returning to. Nomadic tortugans are revolted as though this may not have been the terraforming they feared their ancestors could have fallen into doing, they are still affecting the planet as if they were dominating the land with technology and greed, and settler tortugans specifically in areas not yet prone to junkfall do not much benefit from the opportunity they'd provide in order for their opinion to differ from the nomads, unless their worker packs reach further into the the junkyards for 'treasures'. As mentioned in the afforementioned 'we need help' vulpimancer ideology, settler tortugans in junkfall regions would gather around junkyards and build cities from the scraps, using the fact that the wildlife would steer clear of the cluttered regions as a deterrent to the risks of expansion to make larger settlements than they could have otherwise on an untainted Vulpin, especially with the wealth of materials able to maintain the structures of the city. But even the Junkyard Cities require an ample source of food and other resources not found in the trash, so overrun countries and the deep centre of the junkyards forming around the planet cannot support a city of needy people, displaced or otherwise, and thus even the settler tortugans of Junkyard Nations must leave to find greener-but-not-literally pastures; depending on the population of the displaced settler town, they may resettle at the edge of the junkyard to create a city, move even further away to recreate a Minitown just for them, or even become nomads and set a course away from their ruined homes.
With all these broadstroke political ideologies, there is the fundamental truth that within these junkyards houses 'useless garbage' from societies with much higher tech levels sitting in scraps of themselves, the levels ranging from interplanetary to even intergalactic levels of technology that may be broken to the point of being garbage, but their structure still exists and the stray opportunist to take the time to reverse engineer the scraps can do so with lots of trial and error. The tortugans have to learn by this exact trial and error having long forgotten the sciences their ancestors used to strand themselves on Vulpin, and ever watchful the vulpimancers (especially those displaced, especially those cohabiting with the tortugans) keep an open ear (gill?) to the goings on in the junkyards, enough so that a handful of individuals take the same route as their junkyard neighbours to trial and error their own tech.
Leaving a planet and it's inhabitants to rot under the piles of trash and metal you litter it with leaves for bitter peoples who scrap themselves their own frankensteinian machines of your and all your customers' technologies, influencing a rising tide of Vulpin spacefarers that offer no fealty or kindness to the United Tortugan Market your own peoples find respect in. Junker Pirates, you call them, rising from the pitch black of the corrosive atmosphere you first lost a colony fleet to, and how interesting. The settlers DID survive. And they've made pets- or so the tortugans and the rest of the intergalactic community believe.
Pirates are treated like pirates, of course; arrested like the criminals they are. Unfortunately this is one of the first instances of not recognising vulpimancers for the sapient beings that they are, where the vulpinic tortugans - revealed to be the closest cousin species hereditarily to the arburian pelarota, and thus obviously capable of sapience even if 'more feral' 'more savage' 'more undeveloped' - are sentenced to whatever punishment suits the declaration that they are indeed guilty of piracy, the vulpimancer crew on the other hand are treated like trained dogs and sent into the null void where a large population begins to form and a new brand of hostility begins to brew. Given that the vulpimancers with tortugan crew have to actually tolerate the tortugan enough to be isolated on a ship with them, the null void pirates do not generally resent the vulpinic tortugans of the crew, rather they may despise specifically the tortugan cousins or even the UTM, if they do not generalise and grow to hate everyone not from Vulpin. If the tortugan pirate are sent back to their planet - deported so to speak to Vulpin - and carry back the news that the vulpimancer members of their crew were sent to the null void without due processing, new hostilities spark on homeground. Communities that grow to despise the pirates for giving Vulpin and it's newly discovered people an even worse reputation that it already has, those that once again circle back into hating the tortugans - now their reasoning being that they 'keep getting away' from karma and still hurting their vulpimancer kin - and then there are those that grow to hate the intergalactive governments for stealing their family away and locking them between the folds of the dimensions. The pirates are still going to pirate, regardless of if they are breaking their terms by leaving the planet again, and those who have lost crew to the null void seek to find (and steal if necessary) null void technology and in a worst-case scenario memorise the construction of the projectors so they may smuggle back those illegitimately 'processed' back on Vulpin.
Other pirates that are either set free or are bound to fulfill the conditions of community service (which if word ever got back to Vulpin, the returning pirates being the key here, those that resent the intergalactic governments would resent the community service in turn) more often than not find themselves in the long term not returning to Vulpin. The pirate whom were set free may return full force into piracy once again, though this time without their vulpimancer crew - at least those that do not follow through with finding null void tech - and may begin to accrue members of other species into their Junker Ship, if they were open to such ideas. Those that were given community service may learn more about the intergalactic governments and try to find a way to fix their perceptions of vulpinic tortugans, vulpimancers, and Vulpin in it's entirety by eventually settling somewhere where they can begin getting into the far more structured and far more... loophole ridden poiltics of written law and relations. Those in the political field will begin to realise that Vulpin is legally speaking a part of the United Tortugan Market, that it's official name in the colony is Vulpin: the Market Junkyard, and that very distinctly is NOT UNDER THE 'OWNERSHIP' VULPIN'S OWN PEOPLES. The ex-pirates that happen to return home, learning a little of the politics if they are not politicians themselves, spread the news back home inciting others (including the very fucking understandably furious vulpimancers) to potentially engage in interplanetary and intergalactic politics of their own, especially vulpimancers who are tired of others - which includes the vulpinic tortugans who have been the most vocal not necessarily by choice, mind - speaking over them.
The introduction of interplanetary and intergalactic communications, even if it is limited to visitations as the environment in Vulpin (especially with Junkfalls now present as an element worry about) makes setting up a communications array for the height required to transmit and receive signals rather difficult on a good day, let alone a day shared with very... opinionated communities, has allowed for the ability to access foreign language and common symbols that can help with interspecies relations. Or hinder them, if you teach a very well used universal 'fuck you' sign to a very understandably pissed vulpimancer forced to be treated like an animal deaf to all the words being spoken around them. The access to language also helps form the first technologies allowing for Vulpin languages to be added to translators. However, with a lot of the languages in the intergalactic community having their own writing system (with Vulpin languages not needing a writing system for the longest time), the previously unwritten Vulpin languages are given one by the vulpinic tortugans who use a carved variety of and Old Tortugan writing system and transliterate many of the sounds, especially vulpimancer languages as unlike Vulpin tortugan languages, the sounds did not already have close equivalents. Writing it planetside is often done with sheets of metal rather than wasting plant material, but intergalactically with sighted individuals it is written on the average data screen.
With it's basis in Old Tortugan, modern tortugan languages with the same root language such as Arburian languages, not only can tortugans begin to read Vulpin languages, but anyone who has knowledge on tortugan languages can engage with Vulpin languages more thoroughly than they were able to previously. Which considering they considered the vulpinic tortugans as the 'most' sapient of the Vulpin species despite them both speaking in what essentially amounts to growls and yamper, is quite significant of a development, even as it is functionally once again removing the voice of vulpimancers in favour of the tortugan voice. Sometimes vulpimancer politicians are willing to let that slide in favour of being understood, walking around with tortugan liasons who have the mouth structure in other to reciprocate more common intergalactic languages. Other vulpimancer politicians refuse to rely on their fellow Vulpin national to speak for them and instead insist on using some newly created translators fitted with their relevant Vulpinic language pack, speaking for themselves with a voice technically not theirs but one that they can assuredly say voices their own personal experiences.
On Vulpin, there is a growing community of junkers, a variety of members not exactly connected like the communities of vulpimancers and their own ideologies made up of tortugans and vulpimancers (often called weirdos mostly because of their more nontraditional tortugan-like behaviour and interests), who spend most of their time in the junkyards scrapping together all the tech tossed homeward bound into their lands to develop distinctly Vulpinic technology. Unlike the pirates - which if questioned, they'll say they 'heeded the warnings' from the pirates and elect not to fall into the same trap - Junkers often remain on ground zero and don't actively seek out revenge, not like they are suddenly so much kinder than the Junker Pirates, but rather they use their pretty fucking justified anger to fuel their projects and scavenger hunts; it's also not like they're push overs with hearts of gold either, especially since some a working on building pretty powerful machines that could be considered weapons, they WILL defend themselves and they have quite a bit of faith in their abilities. And remaining on the planet is quite the majority of the vulpimancer communities, and not just the xenophobic ones, as they have unlike the politically motivated interplanetary travelers they choose to remain in their home territories (or as close as they can if they are one of the displaced communities). They are the communities and countries that try to maintain the general political interactions between each other that had been present for a long time within their evolutionary history, which does mean they do not explicitly care about the interplanetary affairs beyond hoping that the Vulpin politicians can get them to stop using the planet as a dumping ground. They - unless otherwise stated in their individual political ideologies - do not care to pay much attention to the weirdo vulpimancers and the alien tortugan who are a very clear example of how no other alien is likely to decide to live on Vulpin willingly ever.
One of the first interplanetary organisations that Vulpin and it's peoples were introduced to were the Plumbers, and given that their first interaction was with the Junker Pirates and their very severe sentences, Vulpin and Vulpin officials stationed even in government bodies are rather typically ACAB (or I suppose APAB, All Plumbers are Bastards), and many of the politicians are moving to get legally defined rights not just for the recently reintroduced vulpinic tortugans but also the very hard to fight for, very tooth and nail political clambering, establishment of rights for vulpimancers as well. Regardless of how well the pirates are breaking out the members of their crew from the null void, getting the official rights to trial and thus the ability to call the illegitimate processing of vulpimancer pirates as a violation of a vulpimancer's sapient rights and thus hopeful (doubtfully) garner some consequences for the hasty arrest of the early pirates. Politicians were also attempting to get the rights for Vulpin into the legal 'ownership' of the people of Vulpin, specifically recognising the vulpimancers as the original custodians of the land and respecting the national land of the vulpinic totugans that have evolved to live on Vulpin, but in order to do so they would need to actively find the current root owner of Vulpin within the United Tortugan Market. As much as the pirates and all those resentful of the intergalactic governments and the UTM would have liked to tear at the throats of the trade colony, the Vulpin representatives are in a tentative situation trying to prove not only the species' sapience, securing the rights in which that is allotted with, but also that the peoples are of... sound sociability in order to gain any semblance of recognition of being even a national people.
It is with the arrival of the tick on Arburia that presented an... ample opportunity to try and... convince the United Tortugan Market of that 'sound sociability' and potentially... a bargaining chip to their own planet's ownership. As much as the potential of damning an entire planet to suffer in ways similar to how they have suffered was very appealing, it would have been significantly detrimental to the work the politicians and the future of Vulpin against the tide of Junkfalls if they left the innocents of Arburia to die or to in fact use them as hostages to outweigh the biases to give them their legal ownership. Instead, at the begging of Vulpin representatives - with the help of the onboard communications of Junker Ships and the pirates that drove them - the members and species of Vulpin gambled on kindness and sought to rescue and save the arburian pelarota and their families like the early vulpimancers once did with the early tortugan settlers, ships lined full of fleeing families even as the government heads of the UTM began to panic upon seeing the pirate ships, especially when infamous crews and ships began to be sighted. Arburian pelarota's, being exposed in their time of need to the act of kindness from both vulpinic tortugans (which they believed to be more violent cousins) AND vulpimancers (where they had been wrongly informed where simple trained animals) had allowed them to understand their mutual sapience, regardless of the roughened and angry exterior of the peoples of Vulpin in addition to their nature as pirates. Fully willing to deliver the inhabitants of Arburia (which, they were not the only ship fleet, but they were the ones willing to keep searching even as the planet was in it's death marches) onto solid ground within the UTM colonies, they seek to enter the atmosphere of any of the requested planets. Hesitantly, not willing to let pirates into their planets, it was at the behest of their Aburian inhabitants that they allow the Junker Ships entry. It is with the evacuation of Arburia that Vulpin gained it's first ally.
It does not mean they suddenly have all the goals they have set out to do, but it means there is someone who is not themselves who have a ball in their court.
#vulpimancer#vulpinic tortugan#ben 10#world building#jesus fucking chirst i have been writing this for fuck um- 6 hours#btw this has all just been dot-points in my notes for like 2 years now and i'm finally getting around to writing it out#and look i have no idea if this reads consistantly- i wrote this entire post in one sitting#but if it took me 6 hours to get a cohesive ramble down- one without a reread (no that i do much of that)#i am not writing this again and frankly i have been thinking about this consistently enough (and have based characters off of this) foreve#i hope you enjoy this 6 hour ramble- i enjoyed thinking it- enjoyed noting- and have been writing for 6 hours and haven't stopped#which might be an indication of enjoying writing it but i have no idea if this is joy#anyway! this is the main context behind my weirdo vulpimancer wrau#which- i mean- um-#i'm not the best person to focus on oc stuff even if my head is so full of them#or well- some ocs more than others- and more often than not just emphasising the headcanon ramblings i've made#or have not established in text and would like to establish in a funny/cute/weird comic#or art#because uh yeah if you didn't know i art things#i think i am actually rambling now i will rest now
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So.... what are your thoughts on Ace's UM, if you haven't been asked this already?
sneaky magic for the sneakiest boy
no but really, I think it fits him really well! I had thought his UM would probably involve something kinda sleight-of-handy or pickpockety! and I looooved that it made such a nice loop-around back to episode 1. ❤️ I was. kind of half-expecting him to just run out and punch Riddle in the nose again. but instead this time 'twas he who offed the queen's head! it was great! and he did it while stone-cold terrified out of his mind! because Ace is the only remotely normal or well-adjusted person at NRC and therefore the only one who is like "we're going to literally die, this is super effed up". but he did it anyway!!!! I AM SO PROUD
#art#twisted wonderland#twisted wonderland spoilers#twisted wonderland episode 7 spoilers#twisted wonderland book 7 spoilers#twisted wonderland episode 7 part 12 spoilers#twisted wonderland book 7 part 12 spoilers#also love how it complements deuce's magic! they are two of a kind ❤️♠️#i do think bet the limit fits the 'uno reverse card' description more though#like...okay they haven't really said much on how joker snatch works#(literally ace went 'we'll talk about it later')#but i think it's not supposed to be inherently retaliatory if that makes sense#the japanese is something like 'put an ace up my sleeve'#which implies to me that it's not really an in-the-moment thing? i think he can steal it and hold on to it for a while probably#like he might be able to snatch it and then use it on someone else later rather than it being reflected back on the original caster#versus deuce's being that he punches you back with your own punch (and/or other various punches he's acquired)#(a connoisseur of fine punches)#i am 100% guessing though so who knows! we will find out later i presume#now the only one left to get their um is grim maybe 👀#(i mean i would also love to see some staff ums HEY TWST THAT WOULD BE COOL)#(but like. narratively speaking and all)#oh and maybe crowley's depending on how plot-important he actually ends up being#what if it turns out nothing's going on with crowley and he's actually completely irrelevant#he tears his mask off and he's just some random dude who has zero idea of what's happening#nobody's been orchestrating shit#everyone's just been getting radioactive poisoning from the stone adeuce replaced in the chandelier back in the prologue#this was all a cautionary tale about getting the blot levels in your school's hvac system regularly checked
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Fake, facsimile, forgery.
#jentry chau vs the underworld#jentry chau vs the underworld spoilers#jentry chau#jcvtu#kit#HEEHEE. I LIKE THIS SHOW#willow draws#put a surprising amount of effort into the pose symbolism on this one#his human form is ashamed and tries to hide his true form's face. but this makes him unable to see the soul he already has#his true form cradles his human form like it's the only thing that matters#which sorta gives off the vibe that they're scared of the soul. of what it would mean to have it and face the same rejection#that misery sorta spinning itself around into a twisted sense of single-minded self-preservation#because at least if what's wrong with him is something external it's something that can be 'fixed' etc etc#um haha anyways what were we talking about?
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👁️ 👁️ hey. I love your creepy moon

hey. i think he likes you too.
#ah!#he’s going in for the boop#um… i like ur art A LOT#like i rui rui like ur stuff 👁️👅👁️#so expressive#u make it look so easy#i get a lil harmonic pang in my chest when i see ur content#whatever that means lol#anyway i am honored that you sent me mail (via carrier pigeon)#also SRY I AM A MONTH BEHIND ON ASKS#if ur ask came after this time last month (which is everybody) im planning on doing a doodle or a more involved answer for it#art#ask#fnaf moon#fnaf dca#dca fandom#dca fanart#dca#fnaf fanart#fnaf#fanart#moondrop#the sketch for this took me hours for absolutely no reason#eyestrain
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hi clover die trophy
heavily inspired by @pepperpepi s art of them !
#bit of context this is mostly silly happy joyous but i kinda put some clover angst into that#cuz i was just thinking abt how her luck probably extends on artistic things as well somehow#n we know her luck can make her turn out well in photos regardless of anything#so she would possibly never be able to know whether shed actually be good at creative hobbies if it werent for her luck#n on top of that she would also make insecure sore losers like trophy feel rlly bitter n threatened over her natural talent#which isnt rlly her fault at all but i think she would feel like it is#so after discovering using her luck to make a good photo for trophy backfired what clover does#is just use her butterly friends to give him smth to photograph himself which i think would be cool#since i think her powers dont extend onto butterflies ? so every picture of those butterflies wouldn't magically turn out amazing i mean#kinda yapping um whatever#inanimate insanity#ii#clover ii#ii clover#trophy ii#ii trophy#osc#osc art#art tag
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Kira has a nightmare, one night when she's staying at the O'Brien's. Miles and Keiko, sleeping in the other room, don't hear her get up - but Molly does.
And Molly, being clever and kind, knows exactly what to do when someone has a nightmare. (Or, at least, she knows what her parents always do for her.) So she sits Kira down and brings her a glass of warm milk, and sits by her side as she drinks it.
Then, she takes Kira by the hand and leads her - to her parents bedroom. "I always sleep with mommy and daddy after a nightmare," she explains, when Kira stops outside the door. "It helps! Mommy chases the scary things away. And Daddy is warm."
"Molly," Kira says quietly, a little embarrassed, "I don't think your parents want me in their bed. Even if I did have a nightmare."
"No, they won't mind!" Molly assures.
Then, of course, Miles wakes up.
"Molly?" he asks, voice rough with sleep. "Did you have a nightmare?"
"No, but Miss Kira did!"
And now Keiko's awake, too, sitting up and saying, "Nerys? Are you alright?"
Mortified, Kira says, "Yes, I'm fine, I was just - on my way back to bed. Molly brought me here. I'm - sorry for waking you. I'll just be-"
"You can stay, if you want," Miles offers.
Kira doesn't quite think she heard him right. "What?"
"You can sleep here, if you think it might help," Keiko says.
"Or even if you don't!" Miles adds.
Kira opens her mouth, then closes it again. "I, uh-"
Keiko gets up, and takes Kira, gently, by the hand. Her palm is soft, Kira can't help but notice.
"Brr, it's freezing out here!" Keiko says, tugging Kira along. "You'd better get in before you catch your death of cold. Miles is practically a furnace, so you'll be nice and warm with us."
"And, Molly, you'd best go back to bed, too. You've got school in the morning," Miles says, as Keiko bundles Kira into the bed between them.
As Molly makes her way out, Keiko swings a lazy arm over Kira's back. "Sleep," she hums. "We'll be here in the morning."
Kira, feeling warm and cared for and more than a little overwhelmed, does.
#tbh molly may be a bit too old for this to be fully in character at this point#UNLESS she knows Exactly what she's doing and is simply Plotting to get her parents to kiss their crush#also i don't remember if molly is still saying 'mommy' and 'daddy' at that point? we might just not see her talk much at all#i think molly's like. um. 9? maybe? at that point which means that i'm for sure writing her too young#or maybe not. idk. i don't know enough about kids to write them well lmao. i'm tryin my best. what are “children”.#does this count as a ficlet? maybe. idk. it's not my real writing style but i guess it's still a ficlet.#anyways this is a free fic idea if anyone wants to do it more justice#since i don't think i'll ever flesh it out and save it from my Lazy Tumblr Post writing style#star trek#ds9#star trek deep space nine#kira nerys#keiko o'brien#miles o'brien#molly o'brien#the o'brien polycule#kira x miles x keiko#is there a good tag for this ship? an accepted ship name? tell me if it exists because i do not know it
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i imagine it's quite chilly in the black sea (for the lack of sun and color), so they're wearing slightly warmer clothes now uwu
+ thoughts
#i was meaning to only draw jay to try and figure out a design for her *once more*#but i was super happy with the first one i did so i drew the boys in slightly changed outfits instead#also yeah im VERY pleased with this outfit for jay. the colors look sooo good and exactly like i imagine them to look#the pants are not straight up green but they have this green ish hue to them that adds a lot i think#quite happy with chip's and gill's outfits too they're very sexy and cool hehe#gill in the turtleneck with short sleeves-- so good. and i gave him a haramaki!!!!!!!!!!! hell yeah the one piece fan in me is happy#and chip in the high waisted pants and these boots-- brooooo. slaying so hard. and he's wearing a proper shirt which is rare#also. there's a lot of typos in the explanations probably. um. yeah. not always looking at what i write#edit: forgot the actual tags whoops#jrwi riptide#jay ferin#jrwi chip#gillion tidestrider#my art#sketch
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various balloons of varying quality
#my art#blsmp#balloon smp#don’t talk to me im going turbo mode. Ok#im on day (squints). 20#Also I thought it would be cool if Syr was kind of a dog knight? like. They seem like a cool Doberman knight to me#ALSO ALSO I LOVE HORSES YAAAAAAY HORRSSEE WHOSE NAME IS NOT BONER. IT HAS A COOL NAME#I like the skull palette swap tbh it’s like night mode#I might go watch robby next what do you mean he’s in silent hill. What do you mean they’re suing bear springs. which is fnaf now#tags time#socksbx#skullvolver#padabada#SORRY ONLY A CAMEO IM WATCHING TEAM A RN. TIAME#woops#hey where did buggle get that. um. dog. wheres the dog from. meat dog. unrelated to this post its on in the bg-
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is this something (2)
#honkai star rail#homestuck#hsr robin#hsr sunday#aventurine#veritas ratio#acheron#hsr misha#hsr firefly#black swan#hsr sparkle#hsr gallagher#hsr jade#hsr boothill#hsr topaz#honkaistuck#starrailstuck#???#technically this is honkaistuck but i use that tag for my hi3 homestuck au... but...#so has no one mentioned how the dream bubbles in hsr and hs both have a memory aspect#containing memories of the past#lets not dwell on that um#i kinda winged it with the horns here#which is funny cuz i did draw troll aventurine with full view of his horns and i unintentionally gave him the exact same horns as#my version of troll su#i mean it doesn't help that i made them two limebloods and they're both peacock themed....#anyway the last three pics aren't real dreampass stickers LMAO i edited them to fit the others#if i was as fixated as i was on hsr during the luofu arc i probably would have edited something like this for the luofu cast buuuuttt.... e
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Coach Beard has a secret Traitors Club. It consists of himself, Nate and Jamie, ie people who have (at least in the opinion of one Willis Beard) betrayed Ted Lasso – but who have also learned the error of their ways through the goodness of Ted’s gentle heart.
(Yes, yes, you might argue that Jamie’s insulting remarks about Ted in 1x10 is a reasonable reaction to what, from Jamie’s POV, looks like Ted unreasonably dumping him, but a, I’m not sure that Beard knows that, and b, I’m not sure that Beard cares about that. You might also argue that Nate and Jamie have both learned a lot of stuff from people other than Ted, but: see the a and b of the previous sentence. And anyway, this is Beard’s club and you don’t get a say in his absurd selection criteria.)
Beard doesn’t inform anyone of the club’s existence. That includes the other members, Nate and Jamie, who just suddenly finds themselves regularly invited out for drinks with the most mysterious man either of them have ever met.
There are a lot of weird but oddly good talks about feelings. There are silences neither Jamie nor Nate know what to do with. And then there’s the football strategy chatter, which unites them all in a wild and eager frenzy, and an unexpected but pleasant sense of shared understanding.
Nate think it’s nice that Beard wants to hang and he’s not one to look a gift horse in the mouth anyway, so he doesn’t question the set-up. Jamie generally assumes that given the choice anyone would always choose to hang with him always, so. He’ll indulge his coach. They have a shared love of trivia.
Eventually Beard learns of Rebecca’s early transgressions, and (secretely) inducts her into the secret club. Club meetings get a whole lot more interesting from there on out.
#i love the idea of beard bonding with nate and jamie okay#without either nate or jamie grasping WHY this is happening#also#you can’t tell me their nights out with rebecca wouldn’t be a fucking BLAST#roy and keeley would BOTH be jealous#missing out on the fun#they’ll corner jamie and demand to know why HE gets to hang with those people#‘um i’m just great company ain’t i?’ jamie says#meaning every word#roy does not murder him#roy tries to force the truthout of beard instead#this fails as miserably as you’d expect it to#anyway back to the notion of beard and nate and jamie and rebecca going to karaoke…#which is where this ends up btw#jamie tartt#coach beard#nathan shelley#rebecca welton#ted lasso#my stuff
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All I want for Christmas isssssssssss to completely demolish your chances of winning another championship~

without text, and the lineart I really like:
plus some of my inspos:
and if only I wasn't a coward....
#i like to imagine this is some fia mandated community service for fernando and seb shows up to annoy the fuck out of him#seb: ive been a real naughty boy this year santa 😏 will you spank me instead of giving me coal?#fernando: 😐😐😐 this is supposed to be a children's event.#*proceeds to fall for seb's teasing regardless*#rip all the kids but santa is gonna be real busy for the next couple hours....#glad to continue my streak of only drawing modern fanart if its absurd in some way >:)#i am very proud of these hello :)#merry christmas!!! and a happy vettonso to you :D#please imagine these as waking up to santa having left gifts under the tree...fernanda claus....#i need to stop calling every work my best work though djfjkf its just regency bias#but idk what spurred me to draw all this in like. one day basically. considering i havent even drawn much since finals#im like haha wouldnt it be funny to draw topical fanart. fernando DID wear that santa suit one tim- oh my god#except it does mean i had to draw nando claus in a sexy pose which is um. interesting#but gaaaaahhhhh i really love these hahaha so hilarious to me. also wow as i said...relevant fanart for once so crazy#sebastian vettel#fernando alonso#sv5#fa14#vettonso#sebnando#catie.art.#f1#formula 1
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#sniffer#totodile#it's cute and all‚ but i think compared to chikorita and cyndaquil‚ it's not nearly as polarizing. which i don't mean in a negative way#“polarizing” i mean. i don't mean that word in a negative way. i do mean “it's not as polarizing” in a negative way#okay lemme start over. totodile is a bog-standard starter pokémon and is obviously cute and i'm sure plenty of folks like it#hell‚ i'm sure it's a lot of folks' favorite starter. i'm sure it's a lot of folks' favorite _pokémon_!#but in my eyes‚ this is probably some of the most Default Starter Pokémon you can get#and cyndaquil has its cuteness and the giant nose and the back fire and the circle and the eyes going for it#and chikorita has its absolutely standoffish and polarizing design going for it#even if that means plenty of folks Don't like chikorita‚ that at least makes chikorita Interesting. it makes chikorita Stand Out#unlike this‚ which is Default Starter Pokémon Syndrome#it might sound like i'm insulting totodile which#um. technically i can't argue with the fact that i totally am#but i'm doing it out of love. okay. they're basic
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Prompt 52
So I’ve seen several catboy Danny prompts, but hear me out: All of Amity becoming so ecto-contaminated that everyone becomes something akin to a mythological creature. And Danny? He becomes a Nekomata- a two-tailed cat that was said to be able to shapeshift into humans for mischief, including straight up haunting people and stealing corpses. Vlad ends up a kitsune- which is already associated with taking on human forms to seduce people and with things such as foxfire and possession. Tucker ends up a sphinx sort of creature- “It’s not fair you guys can just float around while I have to figure out how to use these stupid wings when I could be coding!”- and Sam ends up a dryad of some sort, they aren’t entirely sure what but that’s what they joke it is so…
The people sent to investigate this city are more than slightly freaking out.
#dcxdp#dpxdc#Everyone is freaking out#Except for Captain Marvel#he’s honestly living his best life. Maybe Billy should ask Tawny if he wants to visit…#I mean from an Outsider's pov they just stumbled across a city full of mythological beings#Including a nine-tailed kitsune which like those are at least a thousand#And the man doesn't look old at all! Late thirties to early fourties so who knows how old the elderly people in this place are!#Why is there so many auras of FUCKING GODS in this one city#And death magic#Um is that a giant time-naga?? Oh that's a primordial being of time visiting his nekomata grandson? Cool cool#A-and the giant? Also visiting alongside the yeti who is bringing stuff to the hospital#O-okay then-#Mythical City AU#Prompts#This could be a crossover with a lot of other things too if wanted
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birthday gift for @lovesick-level-up
anything without text is f2u, please like/rb if you use/save!
#queued for late on the 28th my time which shouuuuuud be the 29th your time? if not then um. early birthday gift!#did some very minimal flower meaning research so it might be wrong. however. from what i saw pink orchids represent femininity and joy#which i thought fit mizu well :)#project sekai#pjsk#pjsekai#puroseka#proseka#icons#tumblr layouts#tumblr layout#layout#layouts#anime layouts#anime icons#tumblr banners#banners#tumblr banner#pinned headers#tumblr headers#tumblr header#headers#akiyama mizuki#mizuki akiyama#n25#n25 mizuki#25ji#25 ji nightcord de#nightcord at 25:00
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@brifdi-daily week 12! kept things pretty simple this week lol
#moonsideart#2024#itft#clock#inanimate insanity#bfdi#object kerfuffle#obsolete battle show#animatic battle#ppt2#this is the first week to not contain any girls which i mean. i guess theres also only two guys. so i guess thats not that big of a deal#grumbles#um#girl week 2 for week 14 maybe#already started week 13 cant do it this week#but ratio is currently 39/32 and ive said before ill do it if the difference is greater than 7 again by the end of a week
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I think the major disconnect is actually just people who believe caitvi are in love and people who don’t.
Without the context of their being in love with each other, not much of what they do makes any sense. I believe Caitlyn and Vi are in love based on their whole arc from s1 and I think s2 seriously banks in that fact. People who don’t understand why Vi would love Cait and vice versa wouldn’t get any of that and I guess technically there’s nothing wrong with that.
I know many believed it in s1 but didn’t like how s2 was executed and I cant necessarily get angry at people for how they receive something. I just wonder what could have been believed in the first place? Like, what did you want from the narrative specifically?
#All the ‘caitlyn didn’t apologize or feel remorse or actually love vi or this or that’ can be easily disproven imo because I read the show#A certain way but others just saw something different. Really don’t know if there’s an argument there#But what DOES pmo is some people saying that even zaundads was more compelling in s2 ????#Silco practically disappeared from the narrative. I just think you prefer that ship over caitvi#Doesn’t mean they’re better written#Which is a MAJOR thing to me rn lol. That ship isn’t gayer or better written you just like it more#Don’t have to justify it intellectually it’s fine#Anyway um#i lowkey hate writing fandom critical stuff like this I want this to be more of a discussion cuz we have to be nice to each other guys :(#It’s blocking the way for real analysis#caitvi#vi arcane#vi#caitlyn kiramman#caitlyn arcane#caitlyn#Violyn#to slay or not to slay
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