#which you could then not buy individually from her site
lulabo · 11 months
from folklore on, I’ve purchased all albums directly through the Taylor Swift site as digital pre-orders (because I don’t have a CD or record player) and then been (unreasonably) aggravated that following release additional tracks are issued that require either purchasing the entire digital album again or buying as singles from iTunes, which means I don’t have a full album in the album section of my library, which then also annoys me, so I KNOW the sensible thing is to wait and not pre-purchase and congratulate myself on not falling for these tricks once again but also I instinctively feel the need to purchase RIGHT NOW despite knowing all of this, it is the Charlie Brown football of my life and I CAN’T RUN AT IT
(pls excuse my need to vent my spleen because I have chosen to take this personally like EVERY TIME like a well adjusted adult)
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end-otw-racism · 1 year
On needing a comprehensive harassment policy
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We've been getting some confusion about the part of our demands that talks about OTW needing to consider "off-site coordinated harassment of AO3 users" - which is fair, because I realize that could sound like "OTW needs to monitor/regulate what happens on other platforms" - but that's NOT what we meant by it.
What we meant is: if AO3 users are getting harassed on AO3, and they provide proof in their abuse claim of off-site harassment, that off-site harassment should also be considered as context for making a decision in the abuse claim.
An example of this - which we have permission to share - is what happened to an abuse claim filed by Dr. Rukmini Pande. We won't be linking directly to what happened because we are not trying to target individual users here, but all of what happened is still in public record.
Dr. Pande, a scholar of fan studies who wrote the seminal text on race and fandom, talked on her twitter account a few years ago about a Nazi fic on AO3 that was not only incredibly harmful, offensive, and antisemitic, but where the author had been sending their friends to harass people who criticized the fic. The author proceeded to add a tag to the fic that said "Rukmini Pande Lied About This Fic".
Because Dr. Pande tweeted her criticism from the account with her full name, people said this wasn't doxxing - which is true. But the author of the fic also was tweeting publicly to entertain the idea of reporting Dr. Pande to her employer, and they were also once again sending friends to harass her on Twitter.
When AO3 considered this abuse claim, Dr. Pande provided proof of what was happening on Twitter to show that the author of the fic added the tag of her full name with the intention of inciting harassment to her. But the AO3 Abuse team said that this did not constitute harassment under their TOS.
Cases like that are what we mean by OTW considering "off-site coordinated harassment of AO3 users". Obviously OTW cannot control what is happening on Twitter, or Tumblr, or any other platform. But their Abuse team should be able to consider off-site harassment, when they are given proof of it, in determining whether a case on AO3 is harassment or not.
(Also if you aren't familiar with Dr. Pande's work, her book Squee From The Margins: Fandom and Race is not only fantastic but was the first to comprehensively look at fandom racism, and she also edited a great anthology of articles on race and fandom called Fandom, Now In Color: A Collection of Voices. If you can't afford to buy them, you can request that your local library stock them!)
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fuedalreesespieces · 6 months
Inuyasha & Demisexuality
i think halfway into writing this i thought about just cramming all my thoughts into a semi-coherent rant due to a combination of a.) lack of access to decent translations of the manga and b.) paranoia about over-analyzing scenes and coming off as delusional (i think by now it's probably too late to thwart that claim) buuut this headcanon in particular is near and dear to me so i want to try and get as in depth as possible.
what is demisexuality?
in simple terms, demisexuality is when an individual doesn't experience primary attraction - that is, the sort of attraction based on immediate observable (often physical) characteristics - and instead only experiences secondary attraction first: the type of attraction that forms after the development of a deep emotional bond.
inuyasha and kikyo
this aforementioned term perfectly describes inuyasha and his relationships with the only women he's ever loved romantically. you could make the claim that his inability to feel primary attraction first stems from his trust issues and not inherent sexual orientation. and to that, i would disagree - he and kikyo develop an emotional bond despite an unspoken lack of trust, which may have improved had naraku not meddled in their lives. still, both find solace in each other's similarities, loneliness, and "outlier" status (though the similarities are in isolation only, if i'm being completely honest) and establish a connection that persists post-revival.
inuyasha eventually did start to feel primary attraction to kikyo during their time together - in the second chapter of the manga, when he compares kagome to her, he states that kikyo "looked pretty."
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[source - viz. i haven't been in this fandom long, but what i've gathered is that there are a lot of mis-translations of this manga, even from viz. since i have yet to buy physical copies of the manga and don't have an account for the site, i'm going to be using fan-scans for the rest of these, which hopefully won't really affect what i'm trying to convey since i'll be looking at character expressions rather than dialogue for most of them.]
i'd also note the order in which he lists those traits: kikyo looked intelligent and pretty. her intelligent appearance is the first part of her he remembers, which i think underscores his priorities in this regard. he values things like intelligence and companionship - facets that come to light when developing secondary attraction towards someone - more than aspects of primary attraction.
inuyasha and kagome
as mentioned before, demisexuals don't feel physical attraction before establishing a tight emotional bond. the most blatant examples i could think of this were any instances in which inuyasha sees kagome nude and his difference in reaction - in particular, during the yura of the hair and togenkyo arcs, which are roughly seventy-three chapters apart. there are two new moons in that time, and from that we can say at least two months have passed.
chapter six: yura of the hair
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kagome's bathing below him, and i'm sorry, but this expression literally screams "zero fucks given." he does not care in the slightest. not a blush. not a spot of red on his cheeks. not a sweatdrop. not a tee-hee. if i were to describe what he's feeling in this moment i would say "extreme ire." when she uses the sit command on him, it's on the assumption that he's "peeking," but kaede understands that it's actually because inuyasha is trying to steal a shard of the shikon jewel.
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"huh?" - he sounds genuinely confused that she reached that conclusion, even though he was quite literally peering over the cliff's edge in what obviously has very perverse connotations. it's almost like he doesn't understand why kagome would think his actions come from a place of sexual attraction because that sort of thing just isn't on his mind at all, and he doesn't get why it would be in the first place.
another extremely blatant example can be see in miroku's introductory chapter: chapter 51, the delinquent priest:
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do i even have to say anything. this scene also further emphasizes my previous point - before, the only reason he was there was to try and steal kagome's jewel shard. if his true intentions had been driven by primary attraction, this would have been an opportune moment to "peep." in his words, however, he just isn't interested. note that he could have said something along the lines of "i wouldn't do something like that" (which, if he was attracted to her in that way from the start, wouldn't have done anyway) but specifically i'm not interested. the primary attraction is not there in the slightest. at least, not until:
chapter eighty two: fateful night in togenkyo
the scene i'm talking about needs no introduction, but for context: kagome's half-freaking out after having woken up in a sake bath. inuyasha breaks down the door to come and rescue her, accidentally seeing her naked in the process. well, i'm sure his reaction won't be that dif-
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...it's only one panel-
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okay, two-
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i think at this point it's fairly obvious that primary attraction has developed. besides the fact that he's spent three panels trying not to look like he's having a quasi allergic reaction, it's been approximately two months since they've met, and by now they've definitely formed the deep emotional bond required for him to begin feeling any primary attraction at all. in fact, the chapter where he tells kagome "there's no replacement for you" - that chapter, where he's vulnerable and honest and opening up to her, strengthening their bond further, (ch. 78, a tender smell) is directly before the togenkyo arc begins, and, thus, just before these scenes occur. these chapters have all been building up secondary attraction, and now that primary attraction is just starting to show up.
several chapters later we have this iconic panel from 173:
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this is such a look of awe, as though he's gazing up at a goddess. jaw dropped, eyes-wide, words trailing off awe. he's entranced. fully head-over-heels in love, feeling both primary and secondary attraction in regards to kagome, and this trend only continues throughout the entirety of the manga.
conclusion + extra thoughts
my belief in this headcanon comes from not just the evidence depicted above, but because i just related a ton reading those scenes. i found myself just nodding along (as someone who's demisexual themselves!) plus, since ace-spectrum representation is so rare, it's nice to see it reflected in a character whose story and relationships i love dearly.
tags: @nightshade-lullaby
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tuliptiger · 2 months
Hello again! House/life update.
I am in a much better place mentally but really rather the same financially. I am currently laid off for a month seasonally since I'm still not a permanent employee. I have something in the works I'm hoping plays out so that I have a permanent position and worst case scenario I go back to work May 6th as a temp for 6 more months. I have side jobs and unemployment lined up in the mean time.
Anyway though! On to the house. Disappointing news but honest news in terms of the first contractor we hired. We still haven't gotten money back from him.
Recap: my mom and I fired him because he lied to us, charged tools on our account we up front said not to do, built a shoddy excuse of a foundation and frame for my house that we eventually had to pay our current contractor to demolish because it was so bad. It was for all definitions a different house the original contractor built. He used the wrong framing type for the blueprint and didn't even use framing nails to the city code. He wasn't even on site for 90% of the build and seemingly subcontracted it out which we didn't know.
In addition my mom is...not the best person to work with and makes a lot of mistakes. She's not a critical thinker on a lot of things. I made the mistake of asking her to help me buy land and build a house in the pursuit of escaping my generational poverty. I made the second mistake of asking her to take on individual responsibilities and not step in when the red flags started coming up.
I left her in charge of getting the money back from the OG contractor since she had all contact with him and she was originally the one who found him. That went as well as anyone could guess and she's, in summary, procrastinated doing any proper paperwork for attorneys or the contract board. I keep pushing her and she always says she'll get to it this day or that day or hits a dead end and then it goes nowhere.
This would not be a big issue but we're talking more than $20,000 he did in damages and $1,000 he directly stole from us like straight up $1,000 we handed him to do work he never did. The donations everyone has been sending in slowly are very much appreciated and remind me to keep fighting for this.
At this point I just want to get the house done so I can be done with the contractors and done with my mother. I don't want to be in this situation anymore and it's been dragged out for 3 years now. I've added pictures of where the house is at now and most of it having been done in January and February.
As the electric was finished and passed inspection I'm waiting in the HVAC and plumbing as the last things professionals must do before I can finish the house. I've started putting in flooring and the wood stove was just delivered so things are still moving.
The donations haven't covered anything large from the build but it has covered smaller things (I've used it for nails, locks for the doors, etc.) and given me strength to continue. Motivation from strangers, acquaintances and friends to not just walk away and to keep my head in the right space. I've emotionally and mentally been in a better place since I initially made the gofundme which has helped.
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Anyway I've been meaning to make this for awhile and I'm sorry for the delay. I've been working my full time job before I was laid off, my side gigs, working on the house, still living out of my car and trying to work with my mother. I appreciate everyone who's been invested in this, shared it and donated. More updates will come in the future and thank you all again.
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a-d-nox · 6 months
i tried skims... here is my review.
i thought this would be an interesting assessment/reveiw to apply to both astrology and the wyrd web.
let's start with astrology... i am a pisces rising (we are off to a good start as a pisces rising should love shape ware), sagittarius venus (i like fun and flirty clothing - haha i would try their micro once ig - tbh i would try anything once), capricorn lilith (i live for style and quality - if it looks basic, but expensive i like it), and virgo aphrodite (i want something that looks classic and is practical - which slightly contradicts a micro (which i didn't buy one (thank god)), but fun can still be practical and flirty can still be classic).
as for the wyrd web... i am a lover (6) core person, so of course, i will want to try a popular underwear brand. since we are talking about underwear, the energies of my root chakra (the chakra closest to the underwear region and ruling over external genitalia) are important. i have the high priestess (2) for the physics, who while conservative is still ruled by the moon and is a symbol of feminine energy (mother, maiden, and crone). the world (21) for the energy - she is nude on her card but a simple cloth is artfully draped in front of her from lower rib to upper thigh (tell me that's not underwear haha). and for the emotional energy i have the hierophant (5) who, while also conservative, is a venus-ruled individual - a taurus, in particular.
i feel like i was made to talk about skims; it gives off neptunian vibes because it is shape ware, but when looking at the site they generally have only earthy/muted tones (i got that going on) and they are supposed to be selling basics while being inclusive to everyone which i can get behind as a virgo aphrodite and capricorn lilith person (i love when everyone can get the same styles). my web is also very fortunate in terms of fashion especially where this article of clothing is concerned. i also feel like as a hierophant emotional muladhara person i can really preach about underwear haha - SO THIS IS MY MOMENT.
why did i buy skims?
to be honest, this is not something i myself would have gone for because i don't really like the kardashians, and i feel like they have enough money without needing mine... i also saw this stuff when it first came out and was not impressed. my aunt (she is a empress (3) higher self person, so of course, she wanted to get me something very venus-esque) however loves the kardashians... as a wheel of fortune (10) material person, who am i to not try something new to me on another person's dime haha.
what did i buy?
cotton (what else can you expect from a virgo aphrodite person with a hierophant muladhara) rib brief bundle (3 for 36.00 USD) and long sleeve turtleneck (56.00 USD).
what color?
soot :) - haha - was that a question... i am a capricorn lilith and a virgo aphrodite person - classic look all day every day.
what do i think of the turtleneck?
i like it a bit more than the underwear (which is bad in my eyes considering one of skims primary goal is to be "the next generation of underwear"). my complaint, however (i am picky; i can't help it as a virgo aphrodite person), is the quality... i feel as though it is rather thin, not see through oddly enough. BUT as a northeastern girlie, this is not the most helpful for winter ware.
what do i think of the underwear?
bro, i am not happy. maybe it is because of the band on the rib brief BUT like what is happening? i am moderately small and toned, yet i look ridiculous? like why do i look like i am flooding out of the underwear? their size chart says that i would fit this size, yet i feel that it runs smaller perhaps...? i don't feel like, for my pad girlies, you could reasonably wear these on your period (the gusset, or vaginal panel, is just to thin/narrow, in my opinion, for a pad even for a brief cut - i feel like the pad will just be hanging off on the sides?). also the band on the rib brief hits every annoying place for a period - their is no space for bloating either haha (sorry this is just the high priestess girlie in me).
would i recommend skims?
no :) the price point doesn't match the quality in my opinion.
like what you read? leave a tip and state what post it is for! please use my "suggest a post topic" button if you want to see a specific post or mythical asteroid next!
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© a-d-nox 2024 all rights reserved
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briebysabs · 1 year
PH ~Complaints~
This is the first of several pieces I will be making about this series. Reading Pandora hearts was an experience to say the least and I wanted to organize my thoughts into separate categories, because it’s too much to post out normally. Also I’m insane and I think it’ll be fun for me at least. These posts will contain spoilers but maybe it’ll spark people’s love for the series. Maybe it’ll get people to buy the manga volumes. Maybe the stars will align and it manifests an anime reboot (delusional).
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With that out of the way, we will start with my complaints and nitpicks of the series. Which isn't a lot but there will be explaining to do here. As a disclaimer, these are things that I found worth mentioning and may not be any issues you had reading. I am going off my initial reading of ph too so if I miss anything, don’t come at me lol.
-> The most notable complaint I need to talk about first is early ph. But I bring it up because this is the main thing that can turn people away from the series. “The early chapters are slow” is a complaint I heard before starting ph. Upon looking back, it wasn’t necessarily slow for me and I enjoyed those parts. But when reading, it was chaotic and felt like nothing was moving. It felt like we were rushing to nowhere. I took several breaks because it was so overwhelming. And I wasn’t reading them physically but off of sites, I know a lot of you remember Bezarius, Liam, Shalon lol. The wonky translations in the early chapters aren’t mochijun’s fault of course, but it didn’t help matters for me.
So much information was jam-packed with an already intricate story. And granted, later on in the 50s-60s chaps, the world makes more sense. But when you haven’t gotten to that point, it’s a lot to take in. You can compare early parts of ph and vnc to see exactly what I mean. VnC’s introductory chapters are much more polished. And some stories work better that way but in ph’s case for me, the direction wasn’t clear. I mean you know the objective, finding Alice’s memories but after that it was just a bunch of “huh???” It wasn't until we met Elliot and Leo, eventually Rufus that everything became more coherent. And you can argue, “yeah you’re supposed to be confused” which is valid but it was a bit messy for me, and I know it's inspired by Alice in Wonderland.
But not only was it confusing and can be perceived as slow (though again not for me), these chapters are long. Certainly not a complaint, I loved having long chapters. But if you’re confused af, you feel as though the plot isn’t moving, and you have these long chapters to add. I see why people may drop the series because “it’s too convoluted and the author doesn’t know what they’re trying to say.” I don’t agree with that but I understand if they weren’t able to go past chapter 35 or something. But we all must remember this was mochijun's first real series. So I understand as well why its beginnings aren't that grounded and can forgive that.
->The second complaint is that there wasn't enough characterization of the Baskervilles squad (as in Lottie and her gang I'm excluding Zwei here) as individuals. What do I mean by this? You can say “well they weren’t that important” which I kinda disagree with because they were the antagonists we were worrying about for half of the story as they searched for their leader Glen.
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We got depth given to them as a group, we see that there is a genuine, familial bond. I wanted to know their past or backstories and the most we got from was Lily. You can say we got Lottie too but I don't know I was left wanting more. We know Doug and Fang got Lily’s tattoo in solidarity which is my favorite moment from the squad. But who are they y’know? Fang had such a cool design, how did he join the Baskervilles? Doug is a nothing character. I haven’t read the light novels so these questions could be answered there but having read the manga, we should’ve gotten more.
-> Going from that, the whole Glen thing. Again, might be explained more in the light novels but from manga content, I wish we got more explanations and lore. Who was the first Glen? Who is Levi? He’s someone who we deserved more insight into and what made him so detached.
-> I wish we had more chain on chain fights. I read somewhere that mochijun had struggles mapping out action scenes so they were kept to a minimum. But I think due to that, we don't get to see the true extent of these chains' powers. And yes, Break's condition prevented him from using his chain much. But Break and Vincent's dynamic was great, a final showdown between them with their chains would've been so cool. Mad Hatter vs. Demios we were robbed...
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-> Isla Yura in general. Not gonna lie, I forgot he existed. I can respect the role he played, especially knowing now mochijun based Dr. Moreau off him. He was a worthy threat and his obsession with Jack makes sense. But his personality just wasn’t it and rubbed me the wrong way. Stereotypical queer antagonist from the 2000s, we did not need this.
->This might be a biased one but Cheshire should've been a prominent character. We see he’s important to Alice but we got a whole mini-arc with him in the beginning, him appearing in the Break backstory and then he's gone until the final 8 chapters. I also wish he behaved like the cat he’s inspired by. Sassy, mischievous with a dash of dark humor. (though now I say that, Oz does have some of that). There was just so much potential that we simply didn’t explore with him.
-> Speaking of such, Sharon and Ada were so underused. I was expected more from Sharon’s arc and her Eques chain is so cool but that didn’t happen. Every moment with Ada was fantastic but she’s mostly put to the side which sucks. Her relationship with Oz was lacking for me, he comes back from the Abyss and we do not see him think of Ada until 15 chapters later? Her overall reactions to Oz dying essentially after the finale, learning her father’s death, none of this is there. These two had potential, Sharon even being part of the main five, that wasn’t delved into.
-> Vincent and Ada. Okay, lemme break it down. I kinda love them, they didn’t get together which was sad but was the best choice to make. But I do question why this relationship exists. To be honest, until the last 14 chapters I thought she dropped them completely. I was wondering what was the point of making them a whole thing and having read to the end, I still kind of think that. We got two or three main interactions with them and then we just never got back to Vince/Ada until the finale. It was as though the plot simply couldn’t make time for them, it was tightly knit at this point and everything was heading for utter insanity. But then, we get the emotional climax of Vincent’s character. We get Ada telling Vincent “I forgive you”. It hits hard because Vince is a top 5 character for me. But in terms of their relationship, it didn’t feel earned. I don’t think it was developed enough to get such a heavy moment like this.
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Their last encounter from what I remember was in the headhunter arc, Ada telling Vince she’ll always be by his side. And while we see he cares about her safety then, I don’t think that means what they have is strong enough to break the self-hatred Vincent has built up for years. Why did it have to be Ada? I know Gil wasn’t getting through to him but if he told Gil what’d he had done. That he indirectly caused the tragedy of Sablier, and Gil really said fuck it, held him down and screamed “I forgive you! The outcome might’ve been the same. Vincent respected Elliot. Vincent looked up to Jack. Vincent grew to care about Ada. But to me, the only person he loved in this world was Gil. And in his last moments, that is all he had. So this whole Vince/Ada thing, while I enjoy them and definitely needed more, at the end I doubt how necessary it was for either of their characters.
->At last, the ending. I love the ending, let’s get that out of the way. Two things I need to say though. One, it did conclude faster than it should’ve. It’s not to a degree where it significantly brings it down but we could have used 5, 6 more chapters. Chapter 104 should’ve been cut in half, 104 ends with “see you later Gilbert” and 105 is total epilogue. That way, the events of 104 get to sink in with the reader. Second, and I know you saw this coming, Reim marrying Sharon. This is the one thing I see most fans have an issue with for the ending and I completely agree, this did not make any sense. It felt like the biggest last minute decision. I think mochijun and the magazine had reached the end of their rope because no one got together in the end. Oz and Alice didn’t become canon really, Gil is too gay, Elliot’s dead so we couldn’t even get elleo implied canon.
(Though you can make a whole other thread arguing how their entire relationship already was from how intimate they were) We all knew Rufus wasn’t gonna marry Sheryl, Vince and Ada went their separate ways. So it was just “alright, um….someone’s gotta get with someone.” And from what I know, there’s no artwork or moment in the series that hints in the slightest that this would happen. We never get a teasing moment from Break about them, Reim and Sharon are friends but the main connection between them is Break. I don't buy the whole "Break's death affecting Sharon deeply and she found comfort in Reim who shared her pain" because you don't have to marry someone who understands your grief. They can just be there for you as a friend. And there was no signs of romantic attraction AT ALL.
Which makes me doubt mochijun planned or even wanted to do this. Her hands might’ve been tied by higher-ups and she had no choice but to include this to deliver the finale she had in mind. This is pure speculation so I could be wrong but with that, this essay I guess, wraps up. There’s other stuff I may not have mentioned, like the jury thing is so absurd but I want to reserve that for my mochiverse theory. When it's all said and done, Pandora hearts is still an amazing series, mochijun has definitely improved as an author. My vnc-ph comparison post which may be after this one will elaborate on that in more detail. Thank you for listening to my rant. What are some complaints or nitpicks you had with ph?
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six-costume-refs · 5 months
Six Makeup: Details from Erin Ramirez's Story
I made a post compiling makeup information from the queens across productions and queens, which you can find here. ----------- After leaving Six, Erin Ramirez did a series of Instagram stories talking through some of the makeup she used while in Six. I compiled that information into this post. Couple notes: - All of these links are to US sites/sellers. I don't know about brand/product availability outside of the US. - The availability of some of these products might differ now. - I'm listing Erin's recommendations as she said them (note that this is paraphrased). But know that not every product will work for everyone, due to coloring or ingredients/formulation. Do your due diligence on what will work for you and individual companies/products/allergens before buying. - And, as always: This is what Erin and some other Six queens use. That does not mean it's what anyone else need to use. Many are expensive and you can typically find cheaper dupes. They're also used for stage makeup and may not translate well to normal lighting or convention stages. The colors may match Erin's costumes but not the materials any given cosplayer is using. Again, it's up to you to determine what works best for you.
Lemonhead Space Paste Colors: Viper (green/Boleyn), Wonderland (pink/Howard), Malibu (blue/Parr) - Erin said: These are a paste. Because of the consistency they need to be applied in thinner layers. You have to play around to get to the right application process. - They're the brightest and best glitters for stage out of what she has. - These glitters were given to the Aragon Tour cast by Six while they were performing in Boston.
Designer Dust Co. Face Sprinkles Colors: Emerald City Skyline (green/Boleyn), either Bubblegum Bae or Disco Pants (pink/Howard), Blue Fly Skies (blue/Parr) - These are not as bright onstage as the Lemonhead, but Erin said they are easier to apply (smaller chunks/less pasty). - One of Erin's glitters dried out, but you can spray setting spray in the package to reactivate them. - Erin suggested that the company's glue and silicone applicators be used in tandem with the face sprinkles (more details below).
MAC Glitter Colors: Silver (Platinum, neutral used for all queens), Emerald (Boleyn), Rose (Howard), Cerulean (Parr) - Note: These are slowly being phased out and the colors Six has historically used are either no longer available or have been renamed. Some of them do currently exist in the MAC Pigment which is a similar product. - This is a loose glitter rather than a paste and tend sto have bad fallout. Erin suggests doing eye makeup before the rest of your makeup if you're using it and/or using eyeshadow tape. - These glitters were given to the actors by Six.
NYX Metallic Glitter Color: Beauty Beam (all) - Erin used this on her inner corner for all queens. She said it looks pink in package but looks neutral when worn.
KVD Dazzle Eyeshadow Stick Color: Green Flash (Boleyn) - Erin said this was too mellow for onstage, but she found it easy to apply and great for a night out.
Beauty Creations Dare to be Bright eyeshadow palette Colors: Boujee (green/Boleyn), Bomb af (pink/Howard) - These are no longer sold directly/individually by Beauty Creations. - You can buy the green from Beauty Creations in a pack with other products or individually from Beaute and Hoot. - You can buy the pink on from Beauty Creations in a pack with other products or individually from Amazon. - There are other sources for both of those eyeshadows, I just linked the first few options. - She said the only issue was that these could lean neon under stage lights.
MAC Dazzleshadow Extreme Colors: Celebutante (Howard). Erin also had blue and green but didn't mention those shades that I heard. The green may be Joie de Glitz. I don't think the blue shade is still sold.
Maybelline Tattoo Studio Gel Pencil Colors: Erin just said she had pink and turquoise. I'm not sure on the shades. - She liked these for detailed designs.
Haus Labs Hy-Power Pigment Paint Colors: fuchsia matte (Howard)
Designer Dust Co. Face Sparkles Colors (presumable, Erin did not specify these): Green (Boleyn), Glow Pink (Howard), Blue (Parr)
MAC Lip Liner Color: Talking Points (Howard)
Fenty Beauty Stunna Lip Paint Color: Uncensored (Boleyn), Unlocked (Howard) - Erin said she liked these because it created clean lines and was long lasting.
Designer Dust Co. Glue - Erin suggested that this be used with the Designer Dust Co face sprinkles, although I suspect it could be used to similar effect with some of the others. She said this was helpful for easy removal as it allowed the eye look to be peeled off in one go.
NYX Glitter Primer - Erin said this is what was provided to the actors by Six. Was used with MAC and possibly others.
Designer Dust Co. Silicone Applicators - Erin suggested using these with the Designer Dust Co sprinkles. She said they can be used to smear the glitters on "like a spatula." - She also mentioned the liner applicators specifically.
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kanelisko · 1 year
Exposed - The A-Z of Sending Flowers Online
With regards to sending flowers to that unique individual in your life, it very well may be because you need to tell her the amount you love her or you just need to advise her that you in all actuality do care about her. In this, not just the decision and the visit site here quantity of flowers do matter, yet ideal delivery likewise assumes an essential part. For that reason, a new but not really better approach for doing it successfully is through online florists.
Just like anything more, the web is consistently turning into the way we carry on with work. The equivalent goes for sending flowers too. One of the benefits of sending flowers online is you don't need to rush to the city to make your buy. Rather than investing such a lot of energy and petroleum getting down to business, you can rather channel all your focus to picking your flowers before the screen and making the buy at the simplicity of fingertips using web.
Aside from that, because of the continuous events in your day to day existence, you could be in need to universally send flowers. Before the coming of web, sending flowers to a far off location was comparable to inconceivable. However, doing that presently is basically as straightforward as a mouse click, regardless of whether you are 12000 miles away. Not just you can be guaranteed of ideal delivery, the flowers you decide to send will in any case be exceptionally new as they are delivered from a close by neighborhood store.
You don't need to stress over the delivery of the flowers either, as most trustworthy ones deal with their customers well indeed. With regards to online business, the business visionaries would need to safeguard their standing, as that is the actual premise of online business. Thus, the overwhelming majority of organizations really accept it as a day to day existence or-dead matter. In the event of delayed delivery which is very uncommon, they will take the additional endeavors of supplanting the request at no charge.
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otrtbs · 11 months
omg your dissertation sounds very interesting. not sure if you're up for explaining your thoughts more but would love to hear about the like, disruptive potential you were talking about.
hiya! thank you!! rambling abt nerdy things under the cut!
so back in the 90s when the internet was coming into being,, there was a movement known as the 90s net-art movement. and a small subgroup of that movement was the cyberfeminist art movement! (some really cool sources to look through here here and here!)
and this movement really explored the potential for gender obscuration or anonymity and/or gender masquerading in a digital age. female-identifying artists realized that they could combat gender bias in the artworld by inventing a new online persona to display and showcase their art. basically artists like Yael Kanarek and Shu Lea Cheang explored the internet as a metaphorical space to construct new identities alongside new worlds in a setting detached from gender.
which seemed like a very disruptive thing at the time! but the movement was super short-lived because as we are well aware of now,,, the digital sphere reflects the same gendered social conditions of the "real world" bc there is no sharp distinction between the cybersphere and the world that exists outside of the internet space. Just as race and gender play pivotal roles in an individual’s "real-world identity" the shaped knowledge, experiences, and values bleed into the cybersphere and cannot be forgotten upon the switch to a digital platform.
all that to say!!!! when nfts hit the mainstream artworld, they were marketed to women artists in a very similar fashion to the early internet. promising online anonymity and obscurity as the tool that will break down gender bias.
buuuut the bare bones are there! nfts do offer a decentralized platform for buying and selling art. and i do think that nft marketplaces make the artworld increasingly more accessible to the general population and break down a lot of "gatekeepy" tactics gallerists and dealers use when picking who to represent and why etc. it also (at least for a while b4 sothebys and christies started collecting and selling 'blue chip nfts') provided an alternative market to sell artwork free from major auction houses and their trend predictions. nft market places aren't algorithmic for the main part and showcase the newest minted nft works first on their websites as well which is cool because hypothetically,,, a first time artist could have her work "showcased" alongside a banksy or beeple.
it's almost as if,, this system,, if left to its own devices would become more pragmatic ,,, this is what you would think (if u listen to the crypto bros and nft enthusiasts) however,,,, we know that nfts still perpetuate the same gender biases we see in the traditional art sphere. and that's because this new technology doesn't solve the issues presented from the cyberfeminist art movement in the 90s. because!! the distinction between cyberspace and the real world still remains very interlinked,,, with no sharp delineation realised... so basically
i guess what i'm trying to say is nfts still have the potential to circumvent a lot of issues in the art world,, but they are still perpetuating a lot of issues as well. they have potential tho!! what is the solution to this problem??? i cannot say. like,,, do we force a sharper boundary between our experiences that we gain in the 'real world' and cyberspace?? is there a way to divorce ourselves from those experiences once we enter an online space?? shut them off once we go online???? would the ramifications of that be entirely catastrophic??? is there an alternate solution?? these are questions i have but am not exploring in my dissertation hahaha but the cyberfeminist site has a lot of publications discussing these topics that are really good if you're interested at all!! i'll link it again here!!
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ginza-division · 1 year
Eiji's Thoughts on Saitama Division
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Sayaka Miyuki
"Sayaka Miyuki. It is thanks to her cleverness and ingenuity that the creation of The Dirty Dawg, one of the most talented rap supergroups to ever grace the history of this planet which we call Earth. I know she did all she could to keep the group from splintering, but due to forces outside her control, that was almost impossible. Still, she deserves her respect for what she does, and she has mine."
"She doesn't use PROFILE much, though she does have one set up. Most of them just include pictures of her home life and her friends and family, which is nice. To be honest, I've been thinking of going to Saitama to ask her if she could come and take a look at Isuzu, and see if there is anything she could do for her. I'd greatly appreciate it."
Lola Takahashi
Eiji looks at the photo of the supermodel and sighs before coughing into his fist. "...Before I begin, I would like to state now, the so-called rumors about this individual having a sex tape online on PROFILE, I neither confirm nor deny them. I've no idea if the video is still on her page, and I'm not at all interested to find out. I don't know if she posted the video herself, or if someone else did, and I don't really care. But let me state now for the record, that is not what PROFILE is all about. If you wish to show pictures or videos of yourself engaging in inappropriate or shameless actions, then I will kindly ask you to please do it on another site. And that is all I will say on this matter. Thank you." With his tirade finished, the CEO sighs and lights a cigarette, calming himself.
"Now then, on the person herself, Lola-san is a very popular and well-liked individual. Her PROFILE has to be, at least, in the top 10 of the most popular pages on the site. Her follower count is somewhere in the millions if I'm not mistaken. Suffice it to say, many people get a PROFILE page strictly to follow her, not that there is anything wrong with that. ...Of course, we've had to issue her numerous warnings about the number of pictures she posts on a daily basis, as well as how risque her photos tend to be."
"Thankfully, she decided to set a "private" PROFILE page for her more... daring pictures, for which I'm grateful. The last thing I want or need is a concerned parent or spouse trying to sue me and my company because their child or husband happened to view a picture that is close to being considered pornography."
Kureha Koizumi
"I haven't met this young woman personally, but I have seen her art displayed, not only on her PROFILE page but also in museums and such. ...Come to think of it, I take that back. I did speak to her once. It was actually at a museum where she was displaying an art piece she had painted. It was quite good, to say the least. I considered buying it, but I thought that would deprive other people from seeing it, so I decided not to. I did mark it as the best piece in the art gallery, though, so there's that. That may have been why she has so many followers. ...Or she may just be popular on her own and I had nothing to do with it. Who can say?"
Femme Fatale
"It's no surprise this team is so popular with most of Japan. They were one of the earliest teams to form, and they are well-liked. I still don't know whether that's due to Lola or Kureha. Or it could be a mixture of both. But regardless, I like to think this team could possibly be the candidate to win the tournament. I know there are other teams out there, though, so I won't put all my eggs in one basket. Still, if they do win, I won't be surprised."
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nickgerlich · 1 year
When Life Hands You Lemons
The semester is starting to wind down these days, especially for my grad students, whose term lasts only 13 weeks. It may seem like it is long at times, but it really is fast. And like many other semesters before, we have been treated to some very newsworthy, sometimes amusing, other times anger-inspiring, events that cause us to stand up and pay attention.

Like the ongoing worries over TikTok and whether it should be banished not just in individual states and on their government-owned devices, but nationwide. Australia just announced its complete ban on government-owned devices. In the US, in a rather odd come-together moment for the Right and Left, there is momentum to ban it here as well.

It’s just that TikTok’s parent company, ByteDance, has more ammo in its case. The top apps right now for lifestyle and video editing are owned by them: Lemon8 and CapCut. Take that, you pompous lawmakers. We’re not just going to roll over and die.

CapCut is a handy tool for creating the reels that users post to TikTok or elsewhere. I only learned about it this last weekend from my oldest daughter, who said that “everyone’s using it” at the digital marketing agency she calls her professional home. Me, I use Mojo, which, for all I know, could be owned by ByteDance as well. She says it is much better than Mojo. I messaged Oldest Daughter yesterday about CapCut’s owner, and I could almost hear her gulp all the way from Dallas.

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And then there’s Lemon8, the new social media app that is designed to take on both Instagram and Pinterest. But in the case of Lemon8, it’s only new to the US. Launched in 2020 to little fanfare, ByteDance kept it in limited circulation until now.

And now we know why.
Lemon8 is not an exact Instagram clone, however, focusing—at least for now—on fashion, food, wellness, and travel, among other general interest topics. Like BeReal, it shuns pretense, and urges users not to stage photos like many we see on Insta. The site also encourages users to include direct links to where viewers can buy featured products.
My question now is whether a ban on TikTok would also include a ban on Lemon8 and CapCut. And even if it does, what’s to stop ByteDance from continuing to roll out new apps to dodge federal bullets? Will it boil down to banishing all Chinese-owned apps, like Pinduoduo and Shein? This could lead to war, you know.
Which makes me begin to wonder if all this pomp and circumstance, this drum-beating, is an exercise in futility. Short of erecting a massive firewall around us, like the Chinese do to keep out western media, there’s little that can be done. Worse yet, it leads to frustrations among the people, especially when we live in a place that espouses First Amendment rights and freedoms. Fire up the VPN, as I have said before, and hope you don’t get caught. I hear that Chinese citizens can be in serious trouble if they do so. The last thing we need is a similar clamp down.
The other part of me wonders how people can continue to absorb so many social media sites. I am not opposed to the development of new ones at all. It’s just that there are still only 24 hours in the day, and I have a hard enough time just attending to Meta’s Facebook and Instagram. I have work to do, you know. Heck, my LinkedIn looks like a ghost page. I guess if I were looking for a job, I’d hop on it.
All of which means we are continuing to slice the market into ever smaller pieces, and as long as it can be done profitably, new sites will continue to roll out. Stir on the controversy of Chinese ownership, and Ima gonna have things to write about for a long, long time.
Let the user beware. There may be someone in Beijing looking over your shoulder.
Dr “But Still I Must Check It Out“ Gerlich
Audio Blog
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thebadgerburrow · 1 year
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Important Note: Around Christmas of ‘22 my laptop malfunctioned and, due to various circumstances, I lost access to queenofbadgers and bythelightofcamelot. Thus, they are now considered archives and replaced by this blog and camelotisshining. My main blog is, of course, paladinofthelantern. So, if I follow or interact with you, and I have done so previously on any of these blogs, please don't think I'm trying to be annoying!💖
Please make sure to read my DNI before interacting or following! Thank you so much!💖😊
Hello and welcome! This is a blog dedicated to all things Harry Potter (especially Hufflepuff)! However, before you starting looking around my humble abode I would like to say a few things.
Firstly, I can not stress enough that I do not agree with the woman, who I shall refer to as the Author, in any way, shape, or form in regards to her views on trans individuals. Everyone has the right to be who they are and it saddens me deeply that she can not see that. Especially since there are many people for whom her books were a life preserver during difficult times. All HP fans are welcome here and I hope my little blog can make you smile.
Secondly, I do not buy official merchandise since the funds would be going towards the Author who would use them to do even more damage. Any products I purchase will be obtained from sites such as eBay or those that support independent creators. If you ever want to suggest a shop or user to me feel free to drop an ask!
Finally, I understand if someone feels the need to disengage from the fandom completely. Everyone needs to do what is best for them and if that means never interacting with it again I have zero problem with it. I would, though, very much appreciate it if I were left in peace to enjoy my little corner of the internet.
Please, I beg of you, do not contact me trying to start a debate or tell me how I am wrong. If you need to block me in order to feel safe you have my blessing and I hope that you can find something that makes you just as happy. There is enough conflict in the world and I just want everyone to get along.
(note:blogs I suspect are spam will be blocked)
(although this is an HP blog, I might also reblog random posts now and then🥰)
My Harry Potter Headcanons
(below the cut)
✨Harry is the descendent of Godric Gryffindor and Rowena Ravenclaw who were very happily in love and married. They had four children, Helena (eldest), Edward, Aaron (from whom Harry derives his ancestry), and Charlotte (youngest).
✨Hermione is the descendant of Salazar Slytherin and Helga Hufflepuff, who held just as much affection for each other.
✨The Founders in their youth once fought against a former knight named Cearul who had transformed himself into a wyvern. During their adventure they befriended two gryphons, Aymeric and Cecil, who later ended up donating a good portion of their wealth to help fund Hogwarts. They even became professors there.
✨Aymeric and Cecil's eggs were found by a wizard named Andreas Aviscorae after poachers slew their parents and were in the process of absconding with the young gryphons themselves. They were few enough that he managed to drive them away and, as he did not have the heart to leave them to the elements, Andreas decided to take them into his charge until a safer place could be found for them. During this time they hatched, almost immediately bonding with their rescuer. They became like sons to him and he a father to them.
Deep within their hearts, though they could not fully understand it themselves, was harbored a desire to be like Andreas. Now, the kindly wizard lived a good distance from any civilization, although it was near enough to it form him to perform his duties, and he was in the habit of letting the fledglings run about outside. He always tried his best to keep an eye on them, but one day they got away from his sight, which he lamented to no end. Aymeric and Cecil were oblivious to Andreas' worry, flitting about left and right as they explored and investigated anything that caught their interest.
One of these things was a small, round object whose blue hues sparkled in the evening light. Intrigued, they tossed it about until it suddenly burst, nearly blinding them as they fell over. Andreas heard their cries and rushed over to them, but was baffled when he saw two little boys in front of him. His eyes drifted to the ground and his stupor only increased, for there lay fragments of what he believed to be was an ancient artifact called a Wishing Stone, a mere handful of which were rumored to exist.
He managed to calm the startled children and escorted them home, where they were clothed as best as he could manage and properly fed. They then told him all that they knew, Andreas surmising that the Stone had somehow sensed their desire to be human. He warmly embraced them, promising to all that was in his power to give them a good life. As it turned out, they had not lost their original forms and could switch between both at will. Whichever they chose, they always knew that their father loved them as much as they did him.
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koiqiss · 18 days
Quantum Ai Registration Are Here To Help You Out
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Quantum AI Trading is really a console assist shareholders to be able to attain an expensive profit by checking out assorted assets. Additionally supplies a assortment of trading with equipment that may help internet users be familiar with marketplace. Its worthwhile for both of these beginners also gone through investors. To the site does have a common software program and features a sophisticated Artificial intelligence. The software makes a way for buyers towards make trades cryptocurrencies, stocks, combined with Contracts for difference. It may possibly be available over any specific pc or else mobile phone. The automated have helps visitors to get commissions using very low attempt. It is also which are designed to hold sellers revised with all the recent market place media or traits. Enhanced shall be to go here in addition to browse the best accepted a way to be informed on quantumai.
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