#which would make SL the start of a new 'year.' and with that new 'year' old curses get left behind to make way for new ones
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gumy-shark · 1 year ago
ive seen so much bullshit in this fandom about lizzie's permadeath and the canary curse. so lets fight this the best way possible: thinking of meta explanations that DONT make her death all about a man. please share them with me i want to talk about SECRET LIFE LIZZIE. AND HER TRAGIC FUCKING STORY
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isak-dot-gov · 10 months ago
I'm gon' make you feel it
A/n: Uh hey. This is the first time I'm posting on here so I hope you like it. Kinda nervous btw. Also not proofread.
Word count: 2226
Summary: Months after you and Rhea break up, your best friends decide to take you out for a night in the city after not seeing you for a while. while there, you run into Rhea and the rest of the Judgement Day.
Warnings: Suggestive(nothing actually done tho)
My masterlist :)
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“Y/n, come on. We haven’t gone out in so long,” I heard Jasmine say.
“She’s right, y/n/n, you’ve been MIA for so long now. Please come out with us,” Eve says.
Jasmine and Eve have been my best friends since the three of us were in the first grade. We were placed at the same table in the classroom’s seating chart on the first day and we’ve been friends ever since. They have been with me through all my highs, lows, and everything in between. From celebrating birthdays and acing tests to comforting each other through heartbreaks and family troubles, our bond has only grown stronger. We've shared countless sleepovers, road trips, and late-night talks that have made us inseparable.
Tonight they were trying to get me to join them on one of our ‘late night adventures’. Basically what would happen is that we would get ready to go out and hit the city with zero plans or expectations on what we would be doing or what the outcome of the night would be. Sometimes it would be going from one club to the other and sleeping over at one of our houses. Other times it would end with us getting matching tattoos. The most recent one of these nights was about six months ago, a month after I broke up with Rhea. We got tipsy, went to a trampoline park and I ended up getting a brand new set of nipple piercings. To say these nights were some of the most fun I’ve ever had would definitely be an understatement.
“Girls, I don’t think I’m up to it tonight. I’ve been so busy with work lately,” I said with a tired sigh. Ever since Rhea and I broke up, I’ve thrown myself into my work as a way of avoiding the feelings I not only had for our situation but for her as well. Rhea and I broke up seven months ago after a huge argument. She felt that I shouldn’t be having so many female friends and that I could potentially be cheating on her with one of them, which was completely untrue. The reason I had so many female friends was because I was in an all-girls school for my whole primary and highschool, because of this women have always taken up the majority of my social life. Unfortunately for me, Rhea had always been the jealous type and no amount of reassurance that I gave her ever seemed to calm the green monster that tended to take over whenever I hung out with people she didn’t like. Getting to the point where I was willing to let her go was hard, but I was able to do it after Jasmine and Eve showed me exactly how unhealthy we were together.
I was a wreck for a few weeks after the breakup. Rhea would constantly call, so much so that I had to turn my phone off and only have it on during the hours that she spent working because I knew she tended to stay far away from her phone during those hours. I never wanted to leave the house and I barely got any sleep in. Thankfully, my best friends got sick of it quite quickly and made me start coming out of my shell again.
“Girl, that’s exactly why we should be going out tonight,” Eve says.
“Let loose a little. Give us 30 minutes of your time. We promise if you really feel uncomfortable after that time we’ll go to my place and watch a movie or something,” Jasmine says.
“Promise,” my best friends say in unison. 
“Ok ok, I’ll do it,” I say with a smile.
“Fuck yeah!”
Two hours later and I’m sitting on a bar stool with my friends on either side of me and my third drink of the night in my hand. We reminisce on our primary and highschool years when four people enter the bar and completely shift the atmosphere in the room. I notice the bartender slightly shift her posture and briefly check herself in the reflective wall that stood behind her, facing those sitting in the bar. After she does so I hear a familiar voice next to me say and my high spirit for the night is immediately crushed.
“Uh can I get two whiskeys on the rocks, a gin and tonic, and a martini?” Damian, Rhea’s friend and fellow Judgement Day member, says next to me. I freeze and shut my eyes tightly, while doing so, I hear Jasmine and Eve fall silent and keep their eyes on me. Once I open my eyes, I notice their eyes on me as they carry sympathy for my current state.
“Oh hey, y/n. I haven’t seen you since…” he trails off and I can hear the cautious tone in his voice as he stops himself from saying anything that would make me uncomfortable. I always preferred Damian over the rest of Rhea’s friends, he always felt the need to make sure I was ok and in moments like these, I really appreciated him for it.
“Hey, Dami. How have you been? What brings you out here?” I saw with a strained smile. I have no idea why I feel this way or why I’m acting this way towards him. He never did anything to me, in fact, all he’s ever done was look out for me.
“I’ve been doing alright. Judgement Day’s going to Wrestlemania, so we decided to go out for drinks as a way of celebrating,” he says with a soft smile. Soon after, the bartender brings the drinks he ordered for him and his friends with a flirty smile and a wink. Uh, ok I guess.
“Anyways, I’ll hopefully see you around. I’ll tell the rest you say hi,” he says.
“Oh you don’t need to…” I start but he walks away before I get to the end of my sentence.
“Well that went better than I thought it would,” Jasmine says obliviously. Eve and I shoot her side-eyes as she gives the two of us a genuine smile, the Essence blush she’s wearing showing on her cheeks a little more due to the lighting in the bar.
“Do you want to leave, y/n. We don’t mind if you do,” Eve says compassionately.
“No no. We were having fun. I don’t want to leave yet,” I say and genuinely mean. I haven’t felt this free in so long and I would be damned if I let Rhea’s presence in this bar ruin that freedom for me.
My friends both give me light nods and we continue with our conversation. As the night continues, one of our favourite songs from our highschool years, ‘No Hands’ by Waka Flocka Flame, starts playing. The three of us immediately get hyped and start making our way to the dance floor to dance. The start of that song marks a streak of throwback songs from the DJ and we continue dancing for a while. As we do so I feel multiple pairs of eyes on me, when I look up I notice Rhea and the rest of her friends watching me. I make eye contact with each of them one by one before my eyes focus on the girl whose whole being makes my heart dizzy. She has an attentive look with a hint of longing in her eyes as she undresses me with them. With the new found confidence in my system brought by the many drinks I've had tonight, I find it in me to wink and decide to give her a show.
‘Feel It’ by Jacquees starts blaring through the speakers and my friends and I huddle up onto each other by our fronts and backs. I’m in front with Jasmine right behind me, her left hand on my left hip and her right hand on Eve’s right hip and Eve’s hands on both of Jasmine’s hips. We start swaying together to the beat of the song and sing along. At the position I’m standing at, I have a clear view of Rhea’s booth on the upper level of the bar. She’s sitting forward with her elbows on her knees and a drink in her hand as she watches me intensely. The chorus of the song starts and I start swaying my hips in circles as Jasmine and Eve take it as a sign to follow my lead. The three of us move in sync as the song continues. I get a little too into the song as a few minutes later I feel Jasmine’s hand remove itself from my hips and two, much larger, hands replace hers on either side of my hands.
“You two wouldn’t mind if I borrowed your friend for the night, would you?” 
My girls take a moment to look at me for reassurance in the response they’re going to give and I nod lightly as a sign of telling them I’ll be ok with her.
“Oh sure, Rhea. Take her home in the morning and don’t do any weird shit,” Jasmine says as she turns her attention to Eve.
“Call us if she starts acting up,” Eve says, sending a glare with her blue eyes to Rhea. I nod and feel Rhea pull me by my waist to the exit of the bar. We walk to her car slowly and in silence as the heels I chose to wear tonight start proving to be harder to walk in. Rhea quickly got impatient with my instability and swiftly lifted me up bridal style before making the rest of the walk to her car. She opens the door to her passenger seat and softly places me in the seat before closing the door and climbing in at the driver’s side.
“You’ve never done that before,” I say as she pulls out of her parking spot and makes her way to her house.
She looks at me briefly with confusion and says, “What do you mean, y/n?”
“You’ve never opened the car door for me. That’s a first.”
“Huh. I guess it is,” she says.
As I look around in her car I notice a bright pink hair tie on her wrist. Without thinking I point at it and say, “Where’d you get that? I like it. Might just get one.”
“Sweetness, this is yours. You left it at mine after you know what happened,” she says.
“Yeah. Oh,” a moment of silence passes before she says, “How have you been, sweetness. We haven’t spoken in a while.”
Fuck. There’s that Australian accent that I’ve never had the self-control to resist.
“Uh, um, I’ve been good. I mean, as good as a person can be after a break up. You know, I don’t think you should be calling me that,” I say.
“Calling you what, sweetness?” she asks.
“Sweetness. It does things to me.”
She chuckles lightly before she says, “It does things to you? Whatever could you be talking about, my love?”
I tilt my head back into the headrest of the car as I exhale deeply. “Don’t play dumb with me, Rhea. We both know you’re way smarter than that. Don’t act like you have no idea all the things you do to my body by simply being this close to me. This isn’t a good idea and  we know it isn’t.”
“But I’ve missed you,” was her only response.
“I know, Rhea. And I’ve missed you too. You know that,” I say.
As she parks in her driveway she turns to me and asks, “Then why did you leave me?”
I turn towards her and respond, “We weren’t good for each other. You know that. I know that. We were only pulling each other down by being together.”
She gives me a tight lipped smile before saying, “What do I need to do? I can be better, I promise I can. I know I wasn’t a good girlfriend in the past. I was a dick. We both know that, and even when you tried to make me feel secure in our relationship I still pushed you away and blamed you for all my insecurities. I just need the chance to prove that to you. I don’t think I can hand any more time away from you, baby. Take me back. Please?”
This is a side of Rhea I’ve never seen before, and I chose to proceed cautiously because of that. She has always had the ability to use her words to get what she wants from people. However, something in the way she was looking at me made me feel like she was being sincere and my heart couldn’t help but fall for her all over again.
“Fuck I missed you,” I say as I capture her lips with mine. The kiss started out softly but turned hard and passionate really quickly. Rhea held onto me extremely tightly as if she was afraid I’d vanish at any moment. Her hands travelled to my waist and squeezed tightly, earning a breathy whimper from my lips.
“Rhea,” I said in a moan as her lips found their way on my neck.
“Mhm, baby? Tell me what you need,” she said.
“Please take me your house and fuck me.”
“That I can definitely do for you, sweetness.”
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swanimagines · 1 year ago
the gifs are mine!
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It was after a few months of dating. Pin had invited you to come along on a riding trip to pass time, you had ridden for two hours and stopped by the beach to look at the sunset, cuddling on a blanket and sharing occasional kisses and nuzzles. You laughed at Pin’s jokes and Pin fell silent for a moment. He admired your smile, listened to your laugh - God, if he had a choice at that moment, he would relish in it forever. Then, he said it, louder than he had intended. “I love you.”
Your smile immediately disappeared as you snapped your gaze to Pin, and for a moment he was wondering if he said it too soon, if it would make it awkward. If you would pull away and tell him that you should probably go. But then you broke into a smile too, took a hold of his hand and pressed a tender kiss on his lips. And you whispered against his lips, “I love you too.”
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Ok a bit longer because he refuses to say it for a long time. You know he loves you but he hasn’t said it. 
You’d been together in a way since you were teenagers, but it took years of him even saying it aloud he thinks of you two being a couple/dating, so the first time he says “I love you”? The boi had barely told you he cares about you in a romantic sense.
It happened quite spontaneously, you had had a fight over you risking your life during a heist, Kaz paced back and forth his office, telling you how reckless you were, how you could have died, how stupid you were when you went solo.
You clenched your fists, taking a step towards Kaz, making him stop pacing. “You never believe in anyone’s else’s judgment but yours, you get mad even if me going solo was a success - which it was! It comes off as entitled and infuriating, and quite frankly, sometimes I wonder if you really love me or if-”
“I do!” he let out, and the second he said it, all color left his face and he staggered back, leaving you stunned, staring at him.
You had definitely not expected that. Kaz Brekker confessing his feelings for you like that.
You both were silent for a moment, before Kaz could even out his breathing. He closed his eyes for a moment. “I do love you,” he repeated, this time quietly. “And that’s exactly why I can’t bear the thought of losing you.”
You stared at him for a moment longer, before you took a tiny step forward, lightly grazing the sleeves of his shirt with a small smile. “You won’t lose me.”
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You had helped him escape after he committed the murders at the farm - you had always liked him and even though this “new” Tom scared you to some extent, you still wanted to help him, hiding him away just in case. But after his mum had been sentenced to prison, you were able to live more freely and not hide him every single time you heard sirens approaching.
It took some time, maybe a year. Your relationship had deepened during that time, and you lived together, his name was on the door too. He had moved from your couch to your bed, and you often fell asleep cuddling or after a make out session.
One such night was when it happened. You were making out in your bed, him hovering on top of you.
“I love you,” he suddenly muttered against your lips, and then continued kissing. Your heart had melted on that moment and you returned the sentiment in between kisses.
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Your relationship was basing itself on raw passion and not really real love for a long time. You shared a room and offered each other pleasure whenever either of you needed it, but you were also free to do it with other people. But as time went by, it started shifting into something deeper - something neither of you had really expected. The mornings had begun to start with cuddles rather than just waking up and getting up. He started spending Crowley’s parties near you rather than go dance with other people and snog with them. He started to be visibly jealous if someone was checking you out or flirting with you.
So one night when you were about to go to sleep, changing to your nightwear, you asked him. “Why have you acted so weird lately?”
Jason paused while unbuttoning his shirt, looking over at you with a frown. “What do you mean?”
You shrugged. “You’ve been… different. I don’t know, it's just… our arrangement feels different.”
Jason was quiet for a moment, and then he sighed.
“I’ve been feeling different,” he mumbled, finally taking off his shirt.
“Different how?”
Jason looked at you, clearly contemplating if he should tell you. But then he said it. “I think I’ve fallen in love with you. It isn’t part of our arrangement, but it happened.”
You stared at him for a moment, but then your lips turned into a smirk. “Oh, really? Come here, then. Show me how much you love me.”
It took him a few moments to register what you said, but the next moment, he was already on top of you, kissing you passionately as he slowly undid the buttons of your night shirt, his head dipping to the crook of your neck, pressing more kisses there. You moaned softly as he ran his hands over your body, your fingers tangling into his hair.
After a moment you pulled away slightly, looking into his eyes and caressed his cheek. “Just for the record… I love you too.”
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He’s a romantic. He hadn’t even told you about his feelings before he had already been completely and utterly in love with you. So when you agreed to date him, he wanted to sing his heart out to you immediately but instead, he held his deepest feelings inside him for quite a bit.
It really wasn’t before you almost died because of the Catherine-turned-demon. He ran in to hold you, almost crying from joy after you assured him you’re alright and then, he held your face between his hands and pressed his lips against yours, kissing you like never before. After the kiss, he leaned his forehead against yours, whispering, “I love you.”
You smiled after hearing it, caressing his sides. “I love you too.”
Requests are always open! FANDOM LIST | PROMPT LIST(S) | RULES (READ!!!)
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sl-newsie · 2 months ago
American Woman (Thomas Shelby x American OC) Ch. 60: Black Tuesday
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Masterlist: https://www.tumblr.com/sl-newsie/739551758747090944/american-woman-thomas-shelby-x-american-oc?source=share
October 29, 1929
The coming of a new decade is supposed to symbolize a fresh start. A new ten years of trends waiting to happen. After this last decade of the Roaring 20s one would think the new decade might be special too.
They are downright wrong.
“Vader… Are you absolutely sure?” I ask once more, gripping the phone and holding myself steady against Nicolaas’ kitchen table.
On the other end the tired man sighs. “Yes, Verena. This morning, at six o’clock, the market crashed. Wall Street has fallen.”
“That’s not possible! We’ve had the best economy for years!”
“That is what caused this,” he admits sadly. “Too much of a good thing. Overproduction. Your Uncle Colon will know more than I. Apparently nothing good can last forever.”
All confident thoughts of the past year’s profits fly out the window. I slump against the table and hold my head in my hands, calculating the bills. Of all times to be away from home. Not that I’m not enjoying staying with Nicolaas’ family in Grand Rapids but in order to handle this I need to be back East.
“Do we have enough?” I ask after a period of silence.
Vader mulls over my question and tries to sound optimistic. “We… We’ll manage.”
That does not sound absolute. And if we’re tanking business then I wonder if Thomas miraculously predicted this and stocked up beforehand. Literally. Is Michael faring well in Detroit?
“I’m going to make another call,” I admit slowly and hang up. “Please put me through to Shelby Company, Detroit, Michigan.”
“One moment.” A few seconds go by. “I’m sorry, the person you’re trying to reach is not available.”
“Damn!” I hiss and hang up.
Nicolaas walks in and gives me a cautious look. “No answer?”
I groan louder and pour another drink. He’s probably going back to England. Michael won’t want to stay here to take the heat so he’ll run back home to Thomas. Slapjanus.
Ring! Ring!
I hastily pick up the phone again and hope it’s Uncle Colon with more news-
“Verena! Did you hear about Wall Street?” Ada’s anxious voice rings out.
I hang my head. “Everyone here has. I… I don’t know what’s going to happen, Ada.”
“Me neither. The- Wait a minute. There’s another call on the line.”
The phone clicks and I hear another familiar voice. It’s Finn.
“Finn, please tell me you all were prepared for this.”
The young Shelby groans. “Tommy thought so. I guess Michael didn’t listen.” He changes to a lighter tone. “They’ve been letting me do things. Big things. This week I’ve been popping in to see Tommy and helping with the records.”
I attempt to smile at his proud news. “That’s wonderful!”
The phone clicks again and Ada speaks. “He also got himself shot.”
“What?” I gasp and dial back to Finn. “Finn! You got shot?”
“Just a small wound-” He tries to explain poorly.
“Finn! We do not need any more Shelbys getting shot!”
“No excuses!” I order.
An idea begins to form and my heart clenches. This plan could work. I would have to see him again… And remember the pain he caused. All for a paycheck. You’ve sunk low, Verena.
And He said unto them, “Take heed and beware of covetousness, for a man’s life consisteth not in the abundance of the things which he possesseth.” (Luke 12:15)
But this isn’t about gaining money for me. Remember your family. This is to help my family. As vader said, things are going to get worse. I will not allow my fragile emotions to get in my way. I will not let earning some extra money break my heart.
“I’m coming over there,” I declare evenly despite my chaotic nerves.
On the other end I hear muffled noise and I think Finn nearly drops the phone. “Wait. What? I’m putting Ada back on.”
More waiting in silence.
“Did I hear that right?” Ada asks in disbelief.
“Yes, Ada. I’m coming back. The crash is going to hit all over the world, not just here. I have a few ideas of how to reach out.” I pause, trying to form my words without sounding too selfish. “And… My family needs the money.”
“Well you are the foreign representative. Or at least you’re supposed to be even though you’ve been in America for the past four years. I heard from Polly there’s going to be a board meeting tomorrow.”
I shake my head. “My trip will take too long. I’ll have to catch up later. Keep me posted.”
“Will do,” Ada assures. “Safe travels. And good luck.”
“You as well. And tell Finn to stop running into bullets.”
Ada hangs up and I ask the operator for the connection to our contact in Chicago.
“Hello? Yes, this is Ms. Steenstra. I’m afraid given the recent circumstances I will have to cancel my appointment in Chicago next week.”
“We understand,” the man answers calmly. “When can we expect news from Shelby Company Limited?”
“I am preparing to speak with Thomas Shelby himself on your behalf.”
I hang up and begin walking to my bedroom. Nicolaas, who has been watching in silence, doesn’t seem too convinced.
“Are you sure, zus? I don’t think moeder or vader will let you go back. Especially now that money’s going to be tight.”
“That’s exactly why I’m doing this, Nicolaas. My job pulls in just as much as vader’s store so it makes sense that I use my position to earn more. Abel’s going to need help too.”
“Abel’s in Germany. He chose that when he got married. You are not married. You should be here-”
“What?” I challenge him, putting my hands on my hips. “I should be here getting married too? You know I’m not ready to settle yet.”
My broer grips his head. “Verena, you’re not going to be 27 forever.”
“Let moeder and vader do the responsibility rant.” I pat his shoulder and continue walking. “I’ve got packing to do. Again. I’ll head for New York tomorrow and board a boat to Liverpool.”
“Good luck!” Nicolaas calls mockingly.
Turns out that my plan isn’t going to go as smoothly as I hoped. Nicolaas was right.
“Verena Nora Steenstra. Being involved with gangsters is no place for a young lady,” moeder tuts firmly. “You must know the way to run a proper home and raise a family. To tend and care for a husband.”
Same broken record. I just had to stop by Brooklyn on my way to the docks. There’s no way I was ever going to be able to slip away undetected.
“Moeder, I do not wish to marry yet!”
“You are of age!” She argues. “Your broers are all married. It’s unusual for a woman to never court. People start to talk.”
Does she think I don’t know that? Can’t they see that I’m doing this for them?
I turn to look at vader, who’s stayed quiet this whole time. “Vader, please?”
The tired man sighs and takes a sip of his whiskey. “You like England now? And this man asks of you to leave your family for him?”
“No, Vader,” I answer softly. “Thomas did not ask me. I want to go. I need to go. That family needs all the help they can get, as well as Abel’s. And it will mean a handsome paycheck for us.”
Vader watches me with wise eyes and thinks for a moment. After a while he shares a glance with moeder and nods to me.
“Then you must do what God is compelling you to do.”
Moeder immediately disagrees. “Can this man really afford to pay you?” 
He most certainly can after what he’s done to me.
“Yes. Yes he can,” I respond firmly. “And I promise to come back once I’ve earned enough. I’ll keep sending money while I’m gone.”
Moeder tugs at her dark hair and mutters to herself. “I still think it’s improper…”
“Do not worry, liefje.” Vader takes her hand. “She will be back. And she will be escorted.”
My head perks up. What?
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smok3r7 · 10 months ago
One Door Closes & Another One Opens
Joel x OFC!Divorce Lawyer
Explicit, 18+
The Duality Of Life
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Main MasterList & Series Masterlist - My AO3
Summary: She’s a divorce attorney and he’s a husband looking for help to save his daughter, and himself, from his gambling addict wife. Renae Russo is a woman who fights for her clients and wins. She’s satisfied with her life and what she does - but she wishes she could have a little more. What happens when Joel Miller becomes her client and an old flame of Renae’s reignites in the same breath?
Chapter Summary: The reality starts to really set in for each of them, but for different reasons.
Word count: 2.1k
It’s been two weeks since Renae first met Joel and about twelve hours since their last consultation, all about Annie getting served divorce papers on a day that just so happens to be today.
She just knows shit is going to hit the fan. In other words, Annie’s going to throw one big, giant fit.
Joel told Renae the first time he and Sarah left to stay at Tommy and Maria’s place that Annie would nonstop call and text him - along with his brother and his sister in law - about how “unfair” he’s being. She even tried to break into his brother's home, multiple times. The woman has some screws loose, to put it politely, and Joel has told Renae more than she needs to know, but he wants to make sure she knows every detail of what’s going on - not just for the court.
Rather, because there’s not a day that goes by without her or Joel texting and calling one another. They can’t leave each other alone and the lines have been blurred many times already, by both sides.
Even at the gym, where Renae is currently working out with her cousin, Ally, who’s only a year younger than her. She’ll send him sweaty pump pictures in the locker room mirrors, clearly trying to show her ass and thicker hourglass figure, though with a bit of class. She’s not afraid to admit that she does feel something for Joel, but she knows how careful she must be - in the eyes of the law, the man is still married and Renae is not, and she will never be a homewrecker. But as long as he proceeds with this divorce - which she knows he will - then there’s no issue. Right?
You’re dangerous, you know that?
Renae reads Joel’s message again and again. She couldn’t hide the way her heart flutters or the heat that radiates from her cheeks, even if she wanted to. It’s a natural reaction after continuous texts and conversations that dwell into the deeper parts of one another. Things that Renae wants to learn about, not for her job, but for her to grow closer with him and be able to understand Joel as an individual. Not a married man.
Her thumbs playfully do a little dance above her keyboard while she thinks of a slick response to toy with him even more than she is.
Who me?? Neverrr ;)
“What are you over there cheesin’ about?” Ally questions as she unlocks her locker and starts grabbing her things. Renae and her have grown increasingly close since Gia left for New York, not a replacement by any means but definitely another sister-like relationship.
Joel. She one words Ally as she sets her phone down to pull her large graphic tee over her sticky, sweaty body. Renae’s brought up Joel to Ally before, only briefly - his name and that they met at the diner - but word gets around fast here. Even though she trusts Ally with her life, there are some things that she keeps to herself.
“What’s goin’ on with that by the way?”
The question lingers in the locker room for what seems like thirty seconds, while Renae tries to figure out how far she wants to divulge. On one hand she wants to tell somebody what’s going on because she has all these questions and feelings clouding her conscience. But on the other, she doesn’t want this to blow up in her face later on - with her job or her life - because something like this could mess with her reputation.
She does not want to be known as the sleazy attorney that sleeps with her clients. It would ruin her completely. So Renae decides to keep this to herself.
“Just havin’ some fun, is all.”
His eyes shoot open and his heart sinks, this can’t be good. He raises his right hand above his eyes like a visor so he can see the human figure that stands in the doorway. The raging sun beats down on him and Sarah who’s floating on pool toys in the water to cool off from the yard work they finished an hour ago.
Suddenly Joel’s eyes adjust from the brightness and he sees Tommy waving his hand, motioning Joel to come inside. Serving Annie must’ve not gone as smoothly as he prayed for. But in reality, he knew she was going to make it harder for him and Sarah because there’s nothing simple about Annie.
Small things such as asking her to do a simple load of laundry or dishes turns into a huge debacle in itself, so he can’t even begin to imagine how this went.
“Stay in the shallow end, please,” he reminds Sarah, who’s now swimming back and forth with her bright pink goggles on her eyes, as he pulls his white shirt over his head and wraps his large beach towel around his waist covering his bathing suit. Okay, dad, rings through the backyard creating this little song with the birds that hang out in the trees above her, causing Joel’s cheeks to glow.
Gliding his fingers through the curls that hang in front of his face so they slick back and stick to his drenched head, he builds up the courage to face Maria, who offered to serve the papers. Maria and Annie have gotten into it at least a dozen times before because of the way Annie has tried to create this havoc in Maria’s life, unnecessarily.
Annie’s lost every time.
“How bad?”
Tommy does nothing but spin around and stomp through the four-season porch, then push the screen door open that leads into the kitchen, leaving it open for Joel to follow. But his feet are almost melted to the boiling cement, he can’t move, or at least his mind won’t allow him to. It’s like the wires that connect from his brain to his muscles are malfunctioning, Tommy only acts like this when something goes haywire.
Maybe this divorce wasn’t a good idea…maybe I shoulda’ stuck it out just a little bit longer…I mean, was my life really that bad? I coulda’ faked it longer…but could Sarah? Joel only turns his head to take one more look at his daughter who’s now playing mermaid with her Barbie’s, nothing but a bundle of joy and cuteness. Her brown hair clings to her shoulders and face when she breaks the barrier of the water but quickly disappears when she dives again. No… I’m doing the right thing.
Finally grounding himself, he steps out of the warm comfort of the sun and enters the chilly house. Sliding the screen door shut behind him, he shouts into the empty kitchen asking where they are. “Bedroom,” Tommy responds. Joel inhales deeply through his nose and as he exhales he mumbles, the biggest steps are the hardest but that means you’re movin’ on. Words from Renae that have stuck with Joel and help him get through days like today, days that impact him more than people would think.
Without really preparing himself for whatever fresh hell he’s about to see, he strides to Tommy and Maria’s room where he sees Maria laying down with Tommy next to her. Her nose bloody, right eye swollen, and knuckles a mix of blood and bruises - fuck.
“I’m okay.” Maria reassures him instantly, then turns to her husband, “Tommy! You gotta calm down!” Joel rushes to her side of the bed and kneels on the floor, carefully folding his hands around her hand that lays on the comforter. Apology after apology flies out of his mouth, he never wants this to happen. It's not good for anyone, even if Annie gets put in her place - or an ass beating - because his life is now affecting his little brothers.
“Joel, stop. I offered to do it,” Maria tells him and she continues to reassure him that he has nothing to be sorry about. She’s actually really proud of him for taking this big leap in his life and it all being about Sarah, she finds it’s very admirable that he fights hard for his daughter.
“Thank you,” he mutters, standing up to leave them for the evening knowing that everything’s fine and is going to be. Halfway through the kitchen he stops, partially losing his balance he leans his right hand on the large wooden table to stable himself. His lungs grow and shrink in a slow rhythm, he finally feels relieved.
The biggest steps are the hardest but that means you’re movin’ on.
“Wait…so you’re tellin’ me he cheated on you?”
“Twice. I can’t believe I was that naive, but what can ya do? Just the way the world works I guess.”
Joel’s chuckle feels warm in her ear, like he’s laying next to her in bed letting her head rest on his chest, playing with her fiery hair while her arm wraps around his belly and she squeezes him. But he’s really on the other end of the phone, in his own home, his own room, his own bed. When all she wants is nothing more than to smell his musk and run her acrylics through his salt and pepper curls that lay on the nape of his neck.
Renae rolls onto her stomach, placing her phone between her elbows as she watches “Joel<3” scroll at the top of her screen with an hour and forty-nine minutes underneath. The longest phone call they’ve had yet and somehow, the most memorable. Renae’s finally opening up to him after three weeks, feeling that she can truly trust this man with things she rarely has told anyone.
For once she feels vulnerable and safe at the same time, which she hasn’t felt with anyone in years. It’s like the world is finally rooting for you instead of against, she feels she can maybe relax some more. Just knowing this man is here for her whenever she needs; to simply chat about nonsense or when something is bothering her to the point of irritation, helps heal parts of her she didn’t even know were still bleeding.
“Well, the bastards missed out on the fun one.” Renae can hear the hoarseness in his voice, getting more and more tired as the seconds pass. “The gals like you are the resilient ones. The ones who can make it through anythin’ ‘n may come out with some bruises, but you dust off the dirt ‘n grow from it.”
Her face flush from the genuine words and affirmations from Joel, her stomach bounces around that she rolls onto her back and covers her eyes with both her forearms. She tries to control her breathing from the adrenaline that pumps through her veins, which slows down a tiny bit - but not much.
“You gotta stop doin’ that thing!” She can’t help the giggle that follows her words, like a teenager on her first date.
Doin’ what, Rae? The lowness of Joel’s voice vibrates her phone on her mattress, one of her favorite things he does over the phone. She’s not sure how he does it or if he even knows he’s doing it, all she knows is that she loves it. The nickname started last week, all on Joel’s own and she hasn’t loved the way anyone has called her pet names, since Dominic - Mia Sole, My Sun.
“That right there!” She laughs, “You’re gonna get me in trouble old man.”
“Old man, huh?”
Mhmm, she smiles into her bedroom as she pets Frankie who’s just hopped up next to her. She can’t help herself from toying with him, especially since he bites back or at least he usually does, unless he just lets Renae have her fun taking shots at him. Like tonight, the man had a hard day at work today, he’s pretty sure he tweaked his back a bit - hence why he sounds exhausted.
“Well, young lady…this old man’s tired ‘n your sweet southern charm is rockin me to sleep ‘n I don’t wanna fall asleep while you’re tryna chat-“
“I don’t mind.”
She’s not sure why she blurts that out, it just did. This happens far too frequently for her to not know why her body naturally reacts to him like this, it’s almost like her body is set on matching them together. But nonetheless, she stands ten toes down on her feelings, Renae wants this man to herself.
She’s gonna get him one way or another.
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ellies-little-thing · 1 year ago
Life goes on (e.w.) part 1
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*not my images, but i edited it
My masterlist <3
pairing: young!ellie/young!reader
Warnings: fluf; reader is referred to as she/her; mentions of trauma; mentions of death and killing; just cute best friend stuff really; Kind of proofread, English is not my first language.
Author's notes: Hi! This was a request but im having a blast writing it! I hope you like it, I really liked writing it! Feedback is always welcome and likes and reblogs are always encouraged! Thank you! Enjoy!  More parts to come!
word count 1.5k
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5
14 years old - Part 1
Ellie and you became instantly friends when she arrived at Jackson with Joel. Like 2 peas in a pod, you were inseparable, you were her sun and she was your moon, she always liked you a little more than friends but  she could never really explain it. Nothing could separate you, not even the apocalypse. Not even the end of the world.
You had met when she got to town, you were both 14. She was a shy girl and she seemed like she'd seen a lot of stuff. One day she was in the park alone on the swings and you saw her while you were walking home from school. The school was an old building that used to be a nursery before the outbreak , but they had made a makeover so it felt more appropriate for all ages. There weren't a lot of kids in Jackson so a new face was always welcome. There were four groups of classes at school. One for the babies, one for the toddlers, one for the kids, and one for the teens. Next year you were going  to move on up to the oldest class. You didn't really have friends at school. You talked to the other kids but they never liked you very much. When you saw Ellie, you hoped this would be an opportunity to finally make a real friend.
“Hey! I've never seen you around, you new here?” You asked her, smiling as you sat next to her and started to swing a bit.
“Hi! Yes, I'm new. Name’s Ellie.” She said shyly. “Well, nice to meet you Ellie, I'm Y/N.” You look back at her with a smile on your face.. She had very beautiful green eyes, that was the first thing you noticed about her. But they were sad ones too. You felt a bit bad for her, she must have been through a lot to get here. She had her auburn hair in a low ponytail with some hair framing her round face and freckles all over it and she also had a scar on her left eyebrow. She was pale which only made her freckles look more angelic. When she looked at you she gave you a shy smile, she wasn't used to people being nice to her.
“So, are you okay? You're all alone out here?” You ask her, trying to be as nice as possible. It was a sunny October day and the leaves were starting to fall from the trees. There was a slight breeze and the day was beautiful. The light hit her eyes perfectly, making them look even more gorgeous than they already were.
“Hum, yeah, I'm fine. Just not used to so many people.” She said fidgeting with her hands. She was wearing a purple, pink and white striped jacket with some worn out jeans and some old red converse.
“Oh, I get it. I can leave if I'm making you uncomfortable.” You say with empathy in your voice. She looked back at you with a small smile. “No, it's okay. It's nice actually, no one else has had the courage to come talk to me yet.” She smiles shyly at you. She felt a bit alone only knowing Joel, Tommy and Maria, so you were a nice change of pace. You two continued to talk and get to know each other more. 
“So where are you from?” You asked, looking forward as you swung. 
“Hum… Boston actually…” She said quietly. You made a shocked face. “That's really far away from here. The journey must have been really hard.” You say to her in a bit of a worried tone.
“It was okay. Joel was with me the whole way. He’s Tommy’s older brother actually.” She said with a slight smirk. “He wasn't the greatest company through all of it but we got along eventually. He was coming here anyway to be with his brother and brought me along.” She said this with a slight nostalgic tone and a bit sadder at the end. She didn't want to tell you she was immune and that they were actually going to meet the Fireflies down in Colorado. 
She was very sad when she woke up in the car with Joel and he told her that they had other immune people, so they didn't actually need her. She thought that maybe she was special. That she was going to save the world, but it turned out to not be the case. She didn't know what Joel had actually done. Ellie had gotten bit when she was hanging out with her friend Riley one day. They both got infected and Riley turned quickly but Ellie didn't. She saw her first love, slowly turning into a monster, it never left her thoughts. Weeks went by and she never turned. The Fireflies found her and wanted to travel her across the country to the only surgeon they knew that could maybe be able to make a cure. Joel took her there, but after that, they came to live here. She had just gotten here a few days ago.
“Really? Tommy’s brother? Didn't know he had one. But I'm glad he does and that he brought you here too.” You smile warmly at her.
She felt a bit of joy after hearing your words. Her only friend was dead and she was somewhere she didn't know but at least it seemed like you were actually being nice to her. She had gone through a lot. They took almost a year to get here. She was happy to be somewhere where people were actually nice for once.
After that day you never went another without seeing each other. You enjoyed being in each other's presence and became best friends very quickly. You had a lot in common. You both liked drawing, you liked singing while she was learning how to play guitar, You both loved comics, and as much as she was obsessed with dinosaurs and space, you were with music and books. Your bond only grew bigger every time you were together. Ellie finally felt like she wasn't alone.
You walked to school everyday together, you did your homework together, played together, felt like you could actually be kids together. It was a cruel and scary world, but now you had each other.
You got to know each other better and she told you she didn't have parents. Her mother had died giving birth to her and her father never really was in the picture so she grew up in the Boston Q.Z. as an orphan, until she came here with Joel. They started to form a father-daughter relationship and she was happy to finally have a family, even if it was a small one. Before the outbreak, Joel used to have a daughter named Sarah, but she had died and he didn't like to talk about her. He taught her how to shoot a gun, how to hunt and how to protect herself from threats.
You spent that Christmas together and Ellie loved to finally have a real Christmas with people she cared about and that loved her. You gave her an old dino plushie you had and she almost cried, no one really ever gave her a present. The only thing she had from her real family was her mother's switchblade, she went nowhere without it. She had never been so happy. Your mother didn't like Ellie very much though. She thought she was a bad influence on you but you didn't care. You hung out with her anyway. You finally had a real friend, and no one would take her away from you.
Tommy and Maria were the unofficial leaders of town, they were the ones who had founded it. It was a beautiful community where everyone contributed in some way. You were able to have electricity by using the dam in the river nearby. You considered yourself really lucky for where you lived. Older people were always telling stories about before the outbreak and right  after and how they lost so many people. How they had to survive, hide, use violence even, until they found Jackson. 
You were born here and this was normal to you, but some of the stories about before were actually cool. Like people had phones and could call eachother even across the country, shopping malls, supermarkets, museums, cars that actually worked. You had a dvd player and a cassette one too, you had found some old movies that you used to watch with your family on the weekends on an old gray TV. You liked when the teacher talked about how the world worked before, you used to dream about it almost every night.
Ellie was still haunted by the idea that her immunity meant nothing. She used to have a lot of nightmares from all the stuff that she had gone through to get here. All the people that hurt her and that she had to hurt herself. She hated herself for killing people, but they were all in self defense. But still, those ghosts followed her everywhere she went. Except for when she was with you. You made everything better. She was able to be herself with you.
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candygalaxyyy · 1 year ago
it low key feels like the screenwriters/directors have a personal vendetta against boston. we’ve never heard or seen the reasoning behind the way his character acts, compared to the other characters, he is a very shallow and surface level character. I had hoped that they would give us some sort of insight on why he is the way he is, given that this is the last episode. but we’re left with the same reasoning, which is he is a sl*t who sleeps with any living thing, doesn’t care about others and can’t control his desires. when i feel like boston’s character could have had so much more depth, for example, his separated parents & family dynamic could have been an excellent storyline in helping us know and understand him more.
him cheating on nick with boeing really just felt like a slap in the face, just to make bostonnick miserable, to paint boston as someone who can never change (but characters like top and ray are given grace?). boston’s polyamory being written as selfish and whory, yet it is totally possible to write polyamorous characters as the opposite by just reinforcing communication and respect within their storyline (3 will be free literally did such a good job with this imo). the same shallow portrayal of boston appears when he apologizes to mew. the others first point out that boston has made no prior effort to apologize, so if he hasn’t tried to make things right then obviously he sees no wrong in his actions? they never try to address or explain that part. so when boston finally gets along to sincerely apologizing to mew, all he says is that it’s his desires. what desires? how did these desires manifest? does he no longer have these desires? it just leaves his apology as a half-assed attempt to reconciliation, which mew obviously dismisses cause boston is ‘an evil person, who can never change’. and the breaking down of boston’s spirit doesn’t stop there… he tries to have a moment with nick? rejected (i don’t blame nick tho). he suggests the group to join him in new york next year? mew starts being condescending and tells him he’s only watching the fireworks with them because chuem said so.
after all this boston is left alone, no friends and no nick. he’s left to be the sole villain of the show with no redemption or character development (not that they gave him much of a character to begin with). and it truly is such a shame, as boston was really the driving force throughout the series. ​he really could have been the best character with the most compelling and intricate storyline.
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chaiandsage · 8 months ago
I was thinking about Trust Life (when am I not, I am insane and obsessed, I swear) and how it would fit into the larger canon of the life series as a whole, and two major things have always stuck out to me.
1) Limited Life, what with Jimmy being a Bad Boy and not saying I love you back to Scott (bc bad boys only love their moms) and how Scott would react to that through the lense of a post Trust Life game - I imagine him going back to visit Tango at TIES and just acting over the top about it like "How dare he not say he loves me back! Evil! Jail! Jail for Jimmy for ten thousand years!"
2) What healing happened between Scott and Impuse between the end of Trust Life and the start of the Secret Life games, because Scott was so ride or die for Impuse that season, Gem and the Scotts were all so close, but like, he and Impulse had MATCHING SKINS. And I mean, I know that it's difficult to say because Secret Life was only coming out around the time you finished TL and so it wasn't exactly something to factor in while it was being planned/written, but as established I am crazy and so I'm going to be fitting the TL lense over every life series that happens for the rest of forever and it's just funny trying to fit it together.
Anyways, that is all. Just weird thoughts with me.
Omg. Okay, so I too have considered this and first of all, for the record, I'm pretty sure I did come up with the outline and story idea for the fic long before LL and SL came out. I did try my best to alter things as new stuff happened, like for example, most of the interactions between Scott, Tango, and Jimmy after Trust Life (the game) were going to take place in Rivendell rather than a mix between Chromia, Tumble Town, and the Citadel--but I'm getting off track here. My point is that while LL does still take place after TL, if a bit later than it did in cannon, whatever happens during that game is still up for interpretation. Like that whole "Say it back" interaction between Scott and Jimmy could have still happened, or it could not have because the offshoot events of TL made things happen differently later. It's completely up to you what you would like to believe happened.
That being said, assuming that interaction did still take place between Jimmy and Scott, that whole "jail for then thousand years" bit is hilarious, but my take on it would be more like: Maybe Scott takes it for the joke that it is at first, but later, it slowly starts to eat at him the more he thinks about it. Same with Jimmy. Like in the moment he probably assumed that Scott would understand that he was doing it for a bit (which he did) but then starts to question if Scott really did understand that--and oh god, it's such a small thing to worry over and Scott seemed perfectly fine when he left but what if he really did take him seriously?? Maybe the worry keeps Jimmy up one night and he snaps, deciding to run over to Scott's base at (insert crazy late hour here) in the morning, knock on his door, grab him into a hug the moment he answers, and ramble about how sorry he is and that he was only joking and how he really, truly does love him and Tango more than anything in the world, and "please don't be sad, I will always love you I promise"-- And Scott just reassures him that he understood he didn't mean it (even though it did bother him a little, but he decides he'll just mention that later). Maybe they message Tango to come over and they all just fall asleep together that night only for Martyn to wake up and find them sleeping soundly in a tangled pile, thinking to himself 'How the heck did Scott's bfs break into our base am I really that heavy of a sleeper?' In conclusion, they're all idiots in love.
Scott and Impulse... yeah, that's a tough one. I would imagine that they'd heal eventually and start being friends again, but as you said, the speed and intensity at which that happens in SL would not make much sense when applied to the TL universe. And it wouldn't make sense for someone to pressure them into being on a team together since not doing THAT again was suppose to be Grian's entire takeaway after TL. So with all that in mind, here's the best take on this I can come up with:
Tango is very understanding about Scott's dislike for Impulse. He still hangs out with him, but constantly lets his boyfriend know that he is under no obligation to hang out with them or befriend Impulse just because he's someone close to him. Scott is fine with this at first, but later, he starts to view it as a challenge. He thinks back to what Cleo said to him during TL, how back then, she suggested that he try to get along with Jimmy since even though they'd broken up at the time, they weren't leaving each other's lives completely any time soon. He thinks the same applies to Impulse and how if he and Tango's friendship was able to make it through the mess that was Trust Life, then Impulse probably isn't going anywhere either.
Impulse still feels genuinely sorry and regretful for everything he did and said to Scott. He's spent some time before SL making up with Jimmy, but has made little headway with Scott. Scott doesn't outright hate him anymore but they're still far from friends. Impulse continues to feel guilty for his actions all the way till SL and he spends the beginning of that game quietly approaching Scott and trying to make conversation with him. Scott doesn't push him away, but he is still hesitant to stick around him. Nevertheless, Impulse continues to help him out occasionally during that first day, leaves little things for him like iron or food, asks him if he needs anything or if he could get him something, maybe shoves him out of the way and takes an unexpected headbutt from a stray mountain goat for him at one point... But sometime later, Impulse gets his secret task that says he needs to "make cherrywood his entire personality." He sees that Scott and Gem have decided to build their bases in the only cherrywood biome on the server, so now he's gone and made things even more awkward by being forced to do the same through his task. He continues to hang around them in the same biome while being entirely unable to explain that he's not trying to be weird, he's just doing it for his task and Scott just happened to want to set up his base in the one biome he really needed to be surrounded by for the day. So ensues some very awkward tension that carries on throughout the day where Scott feels as though it would be too harsh of him to outright ask Impulse to leave while Impulse continues to panic internally and Gem tries her best as a mutual friend of them to lighten the atmosphere a little and defuse the tension. Surprisingly, it works and the three of them end up having a little fun.
At the end of the day, when Impulse is FINALLY able to reveal his task, Scott is the first one to burst out laughing at how ridiculous it is--"THAT was why you wanted to build in that biome? Ha! Oh my god-!"--Any lingering discomfort between them is effectively broken and Scott decides that he's alright having Impulse stick around the same biome as he and Gem for the rest of the game. He wouldn't just force the guy to build an entirely new base somewhere else, would he? That would just be overly petty. They continue to talk throughout the game, grow a little closer, Gem continues to mediate between the two of them and tries to get them to see the good in each other. Maybe she has a few one-on-one conversations with each of them about this when they're alone and the timing calls for it. Meanwhile Jimmy and Tango (Tango especially) start to wonder how the heck these two are so okay with each other now. Scott tells them about it later. But yeah, that's about the best I can do for how wild their situation is. Would love to hear some of your ideas if you have any or ever come up with some!
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zerguette · 8 months ago
*comes in and sits down politely on your floor* Would you be able to share with us anything about Jhostin and your mafia faction? Maybe even a couple of things about your Toppat OCs? I am very curious about this band of people you've got hehe, their designs are just amazing!
Okey dokie okie dokie okie dokie -explodes-
-sits politely - sit and prepare yourself for the rant
but first (and i apologize if some stuff is hard to understand, english is not the best thing with me so I STRUGGLE to explain my ideas in this language ough)
this thing is very loooong so yeah
To get to Jhostin lore, I'll start with the mafia guys. Lightpathers are an asian-american mafia, they also go by The SL(Sen-dero-Lumi-noso, i feel like addibg lines i don't want to trigger Tumblr's anger), which is a reference a te-rro-rist group that had a big impact in my country (Perú), which i would recommend reading about a bit! As It IS a just a reference to this group, this mafia is not a harsh as how this disgusting people were. They just are kind of a small confederance of guys that got high enough to want to set a new order in the world. Not entirely but thats how i joke about them.
The SL has a different distribution of power, there are actually 7 leaders, (Joaquín is not one! But is like the right hand of Arcturus and the one who calculates almost everything), and have been hidden years, the main head of 'Deleting the CCC and making this timeline ours and taming chaos and oh god im SO high' is Yuang Yang. AND!! A way to distinguish a SL member, is by something really special, they either wear a golden ring with a star of four points or an earring of the same star! (in case of one of the leaders, she wears earrings of many pearls but its because she wanted not to copy others)
(But after being traumatized dying and dying and nobody remembering past timelines, he ends using the CCC arsenal against the same last universe he's living on, because at the end, he is also a complete believer that stronger ones survive, and to erradicate CCC, there must be more sacrificing that he at first intended. CCC can't do nothing, because murdering people who doesnt cause chaos, is not actually something they can fix, but they are put at edge, because Yuang forces the CCC to see, the worst outcome of their actions [or what he considers the worst but it still works out]
i hc some sticks do only exist in certain timelines, this is why, Yuang has never existed in a succesful timeline. And also it's like universe is a big pc, where you have many back-ups but no way to restore these, as same as some sticks can only exist/live in certain timelines, is at same some sticks can not longer exist after their mother timeline is wiped off, and, mother timeline is and can't be considered an ending for these sticks, because it is stated they'll always live in this one (right? they will always live on this one, right?).
Yuang Yang, 70yo asian stick, he's an anomaly, because he's been able to keep his memories through the timelines and reached a conclusion (which i talked with Saisk before in a ramble), this is his final timeline and so of the other leaders. He founded the SL on all the past timelines we visit with Henry in the games, but he never succeded ar all (cuz he happened to just exist with the other leaders and The SL ONLY in the ones we fail, which are A LOT.) -> So what is an anomaly, is how I call Henry, and the sticks who are able to understand the time and reality (CCC are just built different), or have different powers (which is what rises chaos levels). Yuang has died and lived so many times to realize he's literally on the last rectangle of life, given being an anomaly gets you one simple symptomp -> The Weird Dreams, dreaming about stuff where you have options, places and things you can create. The reality here can be a bit Wicked and hard to understand, ;_;. But dreams are the symptomp of having more control(chaos) than you should have. This after Yuang spent his entire (last)youth investigating and getting to certain conclusions.
Yuang is a key character in my au, because he's the main reason why everything happens. He did admired how Henry, an anomaly like he, like Alexandrovna, like Carlo, Like Arcturus and other leaders, was able to control his power so completely (the fact Henry connects two timelines in FtC, given you have either calling Gov or Toppats but arent you in other timeline already?, he is able to manipulate reality at his own will), but he didnt like that even if everything goes on, for some reason Henry does always follow what he wants. Yuang is a character that has been and has been always there, never actually lived an Ending, which he knows exists, but he happens to die! For some reason something happens! For some reason each time you fail the Game it's like the world disssppears and the screams and the chaos! And you wake up again, breathing rapidly, but Yuang has always woken up from this nightmare in his youth (20yo), Henry events happens when he's like 70 years, so you get it. He had time, and he realized the CCC was always there (and has always been there) as the one entity that controls everything, because "You all not know how easy are we to wipe off! How easy is it for them to press a buttom and get rid of us! Because of some stupid inestability."
Yuang hates and despises CCC for this Main reason, and has always questioned the reasons and actions of Henry (he only admires the power), he has never talked to him, but he keeps wondering if Henry is aware that everytime he fails and starts again, he doesnt know The destruction this causes. He does wonder, hes just a guy who ended making a big high to heavens idea. And his plan is just getting rid of the CCC and 'doing correctly' what Henry couldnt. Saving this timeline, saving his comrades, saving this people.
Oksana Alexandrovna Karenina, 51 years old russian stick, even if old she has aged like wine. A powerful woman, who covers her scars because showing theses is like showing weakness, she is straight but supportive. And has been given mind control powers (in this one, the variant that kills, like she literally can stare at you and force you to shut down because you happened to annoy her) and here is where you won't longer like Yuang, Alexandrovna powers were helpful! She actually wanted to travel as a biologist, and got to be able to talk with animals thelepathically, she was a very happy woman until a strange man appeared in her journeys, and she was kind of brainwashed, Yuang would totally sometimes sent heists and this involves killing, Alexandrovna disliked the whole idea of killing another one, it was, terrifying for her. She loved life, and Yuang just, with his great way of talking and brainwashing with words, no need of power, told her she didnt have to wash her hands in blood, she could easily, you know, kill them by breaking their mind, and yeah, the young woman didnt want to, but Yuang would push and push this idea until she just did it, and ended going down into the hole. She then became a narcissist woman who can't acept her own errors, and deep inside her heart, she still just wants to be out in the nature and talk with animals, deep inside her cold heart, she never wanted this. But she also realized this was her last timeline, she can't afford thinking about the mass destruction, she might have ended killing innocents, but no, she's not into causing a huge massacre. And she has a crush on Carlo, since so time ago, since they met…sighs…pain.
So, leaders do have the dreams about selecting options and stuff, but not actually go and do it, its a dream they live, we call it dream bc is them living in this timeline, until it is shut off and they face utter destruction. Yuang has no power to make things, he knows he can see options, he can see diferent paths, but never actually get to do it, in fact, its like ghost pain, its like the leaders know they can select, but for some reason it feels this power and options are very away from them, which in comparison to Henry, he does have the abillity to choose. And has the abillity to everything.
Yuang's power is actually hiding himself or cloaking, in a way, he can temporarily erase his own presence during certain period and make other sticks do not see or remember he was/is there. But when time is over, he is there again and the other sticks are left confused, because ''Boss, weren't you here before?'', But more than that, Yuang is gifted with having the abillity of remembering his past lives, where he knows he always dies because either toppats become so powerful or for some reason everything glitches out and damn . (Also to understand how it feels getting erased and how it feels timelines died, i suggest reading Robot Dreams from Isaac Asimov! its a good book! good stories! but there is one specially which can get you to get the feeling of it) Back to powers and stuff. we got the other guys who are not yet developed completely, Yuang got most of the lore by now, but it'll write down everything about them.
Carlo Horner Hershell, 54 yo american liutenant, general, sargeant, okey idk, hes same rank as Galeforce, but most everyone got used to call him Lt Carlo/Horner. He was enlisted in the forces by his father, he has always been so tall for others, out of his prom he was the tallest (210cm). Thing here is, Yuang studied and was a professor temporarily in America, but lived his childhood and teenhood in Asia, so he met young Carlo, because this last one asked to be allowed to get studies on a normal university at the same time he studied in the forces and served them (like doing double career, double university), this was permitted (also he is same age as Galeforce and both met and were besties, mhm, besties, roomates, omg they were roomates). Carlo's power is more like his body is the one of a predator? He has a pretty much normal power, just his senses are highened, at first he was only able to distinguish smells, but oh, hey Galeforce i just had one my professors of physics replaced by this weird one, he smells like ciggarretes. Yet for some reason Carlo was so invested in what Yuang taught, his classes were few, he was always travelling, always here and there, so having a lecture by him, was something special, and boy he did have lot of students, yet Yuang always was interested in Carlo, eventually they shared more than just lectures. Again, Yuang is a mastermind of brainwashing and so did Harlo got brainwashed, he still was the same easy-going idiot, who loved doing pranks, but weirdly enough as years went by his sense were more highened than normal, he got called "Bloody Horner", because even for being such a happy guy, he is very strict with his actions and orders, and hes also much of a fist fighter, he doesnt thinks twice when it comes about his enemy. He is more gay than any honor, having a crush (what a story) with Galeforce but then just ending like besties, Carlo is an old man (he dyes his hair to look young, let him be) and yeah, he loves men (im still debating but he screams gayness in all his spirit) and keeps feeling bad when Alexandrovna does the obvious enamoured gaze at him, because he somehow feels its so aching to be never able to correspond that love. He works in the north part of America! but time to time gets transfered back to be with his ol pal Galeforce. I often see him teaching Rupert or the Bukowski twins when he has the opportunity, he likes to test their abillities. He uses a ring of the star! and has a tongue piercing.
Arcturus Gutierrez, or more like ''Sargento Arturito'', he got his face burnt when a granade was thrown at him, hes 67yo, and loves drinking a shot of whiskey before starting a mission. Hes born in Mexico and loves his homeland, but ended joining the forces because he was kind of interested in meeting the superstar soldier who can't be beaten (aka, Carlo), he then ended travelling mostly to America because of this. He never got too much into the countries conflicts, in fact, he just happened to meet Yuang when he was on a normal airplane, there was this man who started talking with him and about how hard is being a professor and also an "investigator". As the other leaders, brainwash because i would add more text to this answer than i intend to. Hes like an old man, looks older than Yuang and sometimes uses a staff to be able to stand or walk. He also uses not an earring or ring, instead his uniform belt has a star form in the center. He's your old man, would make you a coffee and give you some tacos, why not. He and Joaquín are besties, where he just treats Joaquín as his own child (given he happened to have no wife no kids, just loneliness), and well his entire division are his small children. He babysits young soldiers like a good grandpa. He's the leader who is most neutral towars Yuang's fucked up ideas,,
The other leaders are still on the way of being designed! But you can tell where there are going to be :D, Alexandrovna dictates the plans of Europe, Carlo, the ones of America and Arcturus the ones of Latinoamerica, while Yuang the ones of Asia, but he also leads hidden heists around the world. He took as much advantage of the toppats being the spot of the eye for some many years, like damn, he got all the time he needed in this last timeline. Everything takes place in the ending of Triple Threat au wah. A bit after. who knows. who knows.
And from the side of Alexandrovna, the SL have a deep connection with the Wall :) (the first idea was actually making the Wall a new mafia like Toppats but i didnt like much the idea, i prefered them being a connection to a more bigger mafia/clan)
Oh And Joaquín!, hes a lovely boy! :D, he's very good at managing number and stuff, of course each leader has their respective rhm (the army of rhms), Joaquín is Arcturus' right hand, hes a communications guy and liason among all the leaders, more like the top right hand in the mafia/clan. Don't trust his smile, he'll absolutely blast a bomb without knowing, hes a bit silly. Hes always present in the leader's meeting, and the only right hand that takes participations on the plans, the others are not allowed to join the meetings.
Okie dokie we go with the other right hand, that is Soveigna!, believe or not, shes prob one of the most important character for this au, she is another anomaly with powers similar to Alexandrovna (there is a reason why she is her right hand), she ended blind at young age and lived mostly on darkness until she was found and she was given biotechnological eyes, she is muted selectively but she does speaks if needed. She's very strange, very quiet, always looking around, she has the weird dreams but can't remember them completely, its more like she wakes up and has memories of weird stuff that has been affecting her integrity, she never uses her powers only if she needs aid, she's like a beacon. (I like to think about powers a lot, but yeah Yuang did totally go into looking only for anomalies to join him, like toppats, toppats united cant be defeated!) Soveigna and Jhostin are very much togueter, being sent on spy missions togueter, she pilots and knows how to do her job perfectly. When the chaos started (thanks Yuang you crazy ass) she ended stuck in America, trying to escape with Jhostin they ended leaving the place but Soveigna received the order of flying away, and she never breaks an order. Jhostin didnt want to leave the entire country because what about the otehr guys! Their clan! What is happening? and he won't get an answer.
Jhostin is a silly boy!!! I love him so muchhhh ough, he lost his parents thanks to the SL, he never knew about this, he was 8 years old and ended orphan inside a house, alone, Dmitri and Grigori were sent to said house to raise this kid by orders from above. Jhostin was born in europe in such a cold place,his parents lived in the village that was the nearest to the Wall, at first he didnt like Dmitri and Grigori and tbh, these two were not good at raising a child. They were mostly, confused and stressed out and instead made Jhostin train and train until he becomes such a good soldier because they didnt know how to deal with a kid. Even though, they have never failed to look after his health or his studies, so yeah, they tried but it never justifies how shit they were and they have acepted Jhostin will never forgive them because making a child learn how to use a knife, is something unforgiving. Anyways, during Jhostin adolescence he met who is called His Brother, Dear Zar, they never got along, they just hated each other and tahts the story. Jhostin has a tendency of hissing and hes very close minded about opening to others, Dmitri and Grigori never mentioned about the SL, lets say they did care a little bit, but ironically Jhostin leaves and ends joining The Sl, the ones who killed his parents. He might look very serious and dangerous, he is! but he is good, and always prefers him being the one who ends with blood on his hands than others, because somehow he looks at beginners, everyone of the clan as smaller siblings and he has always had this older brotherly personality. He is a spy because hes so hard to spot, his movements are so wise, not making a simple noise, like a snake that doesnt hiss, like a tiguer ready to get his prey, and his machete is his bestie, he also has learnt muay thai and boxing, he's master when it comes to these two fighting arts. He takes care of Soveigna like if she is his very own sister, he adores her and always listens to her when she wants to say something, she is one of his motivations to continue, and the why he is always sure all missions are successful, she has taken the best out of him.
and yeah the other right hands are also being designed, because i tend to put much effort into their descriptions, maybe too much.
Either way, you've asked about the Jhostin, I shall give you Jhostin, I know you love him, He Appreaciates The Love.
Jhostin is 167cm tall, kinda small for a man, his eyes are big and evil, dangerous, his scars were a gift from Zar and from past missions were he failed to protect himself correctly. He has more scars on his torso and so, his favorite dessert is the strawberry cake, and he loves wearing skirts. His hair is very short given he feels this can interfere with his vision, he also doesnt like hair…and well, hes pretty much involved with Spike (Saisk' oc) because damn i love their dynamic. Jhostin has been raised with russian and asian language! That's why his english sometimes, sounds a bit weird (same with Soveigna and Zar), he has a tendency to sketch sometimes but is rarely seen, loves rock bands and yeah he's been everywhere i think. Inside the toppats, the gov, and later in the CCC. Hes also good at dancing (ballet!).
uhhhhhhhhhh and well about my toppats ocs, I have Orion and Alán, Orion is the younger brother of Zar. Who happened to go missing years before he was born, Orion is…the sweetest guy you'll ever meet, he's literally an angel, and has always tried to find options that don't lead to violence, he adores his brother even if they never met, loves his family, loves all the coworkers he's had. Still, he had the objective of finding his brother, he is pretty much good at using computers so hacking and learning about more mafias than just the Toppats was easy for him, he enlisted himself on the forces but when he knew being there wouldnt actually help him with getting to learn about this brother, he just step away from the gov, because he was stuck and making zero progress. Instead he joined the toppats, literally went over there, and presented himself, of course, he is an angel but he does mean things too, ended giving info the gov so he could be acepted, he's part of the communications team, so yeah he did meet Burt, but never shared a word. Orion is very neutral about everything, he just wants his brother back because one part of his family is lost, he's not happy about that. But when chaos starts he's left there with the toppats, and instead knows his brother is alive somewhere so he decides to protect the toppats for the great chaos.
Alán is bolivian, he learned english after travelling to Perú in his youth and spending years there, he finished his studies here and then decided to continue living, until he saw toppats and how they steal and boy he loves stealing so he instantly had to find a way to join them. His hair is afro, and hes literally a thin toppat kind of short, but always tries to smile even if his 24/7 face makes him look like hes º^º
and ough thanks for asking! i hope you enjoyed the ramble cuz i ramble hella lot,,,,,
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driftingvoid-155 · 2 years ago
//((Ruin spoilers))//
Theory that the pizza plex, along with pizza sim, is built on top of the underground facility in sister location.
(I just let my brain run, so don’t take any of this too seriously, and did like, zero fact checking. Just a interesting theory / some connections I noticed. Also sorry if this is like, super obvious and I'm just slow on the uptake).
Was telling some friends how in Ruin it felt like once entering from Roxy's Raceway, it was going down forever until you finally reached the mimic. The stairs, the elevator, the cave, more and more stairs. Was thinking about it again tonight and realized I’ve felt that before. In the sister location game when the elevator just keeps going down and down for what must be minutes as hand unit talks. I mean, how many very deep areas with pizzerias/ facilities at the bottom can there be in this universe? Plus the sister location room in the plex?? Maybe referencing the fact that like in SL with Mike’s house, the plex sits on top of the facility?? The fact that help wanted 2 is sister location based??
Other connections:
Candy Cadet's story about the little boy going to the basement feeling similar to Liz going to Circus Baby in the sense that once the parent was gone, the child was lured in. By a lullaby in case of the boy and by ice cream with Elizabeth.
The scooper arm thing that comes for the mimic in one of the endings. Perhaps a revamped version of the SL one. Cassie pushing the button and watching through the glass also has a very similar feeling of when we watched Ennard do it to Mike. Plus the way the mimic wears the suits feels similar to the way Ennard wore Mike like a suit. Perhaps the mimic had seen that done before.
Connecting to that - “What is bad is always left behind,” maybe something didn’t make it out with the rest of the funtimes and has been waiting down their for its own chance to escape.
The eyes in the AR world just scream Ennard/ Ennard connections to me.
Sister location was also used as a storage as seen with both the funtimes and, according to Baby, when she tells Mike she’s put him in something from, “my old pizzeria.” In that case, if they had old/ unused springlock suits down there, then why not the mascot costumes as well? The lion, bird, and elephant? (I get the feeling the mascots might have been Will and Henry's original ideas before they scrapped them and made the springlock suits instead. Which then those are what they decided to open the first restaurant with so the mascots actually never got to see the light of day in terms of performing/ being on display).
Overall, I think it’s kind of neat to think it’s all stacked on top of each other. Items from the Fredbears Family diner (springlock suits) and stuff from before (mascots) all shoved into sister location which then has Pizza Sim built on top of it (the house before it either being renovated into sim or destroyed) and then finally the plex. Years of Freddy’s getting buried and replaced with the new yet all still stacked right on top of the other.
Also as a final thought, sister location was one of the first instances in the games where we saw evidence of experiment with AI and false life with the robot heads in the primary control module. I think it would be neat if it all this talk about AI and false life in the plex tied right back to where it started.
Again, I might be talking nonsense but it was fun to think about so hope anyone who actually read all the way down to here had just as much fun entertaining the idea for a moment as well :)
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amisbro · 2 years ago
Let's Discuss: Broccoli's new app
So if you haven't heard then allow me to give you the skinny
This is an article that was posted a few days ago and it was about a "Game App" that Broccoli was working on...yes you heard that part right because this one ISN'T under the control (to the best we know) of KLab whom currently still runs the JP server for Shining Live. Now what is fascinating about this is we have only the one screenshot in the post (which is also on Broccoli's Press Release) with STARISH standing on a stage. I THINK (and I could be wrong) but I think these costumes come out of "Maji Love 2000%" which is INTERESTING if you know anything about "Start Dates" for the Anime seasons See the Date for "Maji Love 2000%" was April 8th of 2013 and this image was posted on April 14th of 2023...yes friends this is literally around the 10th Anniversary of that season! I find it fascinating that they are actively doing a callback to that season in their own way but then again when you also think about the fact that they are also going to be incorporation "Raging Entertainment" now its gonna be a lot of fun! Yes kids...HEAVENS makes their official game debut! Now we have to ask some questions 1. Visual Novel or Rhythm game? If you ask me I think this will be another Rhythm Game BUT I think they will take the approach that Happy Elements does when it comes to EnStars in that they are going to do long chapters with segments voice acted per usual. I also think however that the story will actually lead to something (The UtaPri Awards Showdown. SSS ,or maybe a new contest) so that the game doesn't feel "Aimless" which was a big criticism of mine 2. How would songs unlock? If this is a Rhythm game I think we are going to see more of the Happy Elements approach in that songs will be unlocked after events and that there maybe be other ways too (like the equivalent of a "Live Fes" from EnStars). so there is that also. 3. If It's not a Rhythm Game at first could we see "Idol Training game"? Oh sure! Like since we have Shining and Raging Entertainment its not out of the possibility to see that happen. Like literally in EnStars (Basic and Music) there is "Yumenosaki Academy" and "Reimei" so if we go the route of a game like "ES Basic"...sign me up! If you notice that I am using the "Happy Elements" approach its because of the fact that they OWN their games so they don't have to ask for permission to get songs from someone. I think that might have been a problem for Shining Live a little bit because KLab never owned the content for it. I imagine having to ask for permission a lot is quite the tab Now the big thing is this When does it release? We just really heard about this a few days ago so I suspect that we'll not hear about it again (at least in terms of a title) in June when the 13th Anniversary happens. At that time (if we do hear about it then) I suspect the name and game format to be explained and (POSSIBLY) the "Sunset" of SL for the JP server. I only say "Possible" because it still has a lot of players but again this is all speculation on my part. If you ask me about Dolce Vita...I still think that game could be announced also but then Broccoli would have to think about this: If you announce Dolce Vita that HAS to be the only game announcement for the year. You CAN announce the name of the new Game App but I wouldn't announce a release date because people might be more interested in Dolce Vita honestly. I also think that if they do announce that this new game is a Rhythm game and people don't get a proper update on Dolce Vita then there is gonna be a problem. We know about the "BackPri" issue and how that didn't go well with people so I could see that being a real PR issue if something isn't said about DV Anywho fam that is all I have for right now but I am curious to what you think about this because I am really hyped no matter WHAT it turns out to be...not gonna lie I'll be happy as hell if we get a new rhythm game but sad if that means getting rid of Shining Live altogether. Take care fam and talk to you again soon
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sl-newsie · 1 year ago
American Woman (Thomas Shelby x American OC) Ch. 1: Stuck
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Masterlist: https://www.tumblr.com/sl-newsie/739551758747090944/american-woman-thomas-shelby-x-american-oc?source=share
Birmingham, England, 1919
Much like America, it is an empire of industry. Giant factories tower over the slums and shacks, with drunks, thieves, and whores alike all sulking in the shadows. Smoke and ash cloud the sky and block out what little sun there is, as well as fill everyone’s lungs with foul air. With sparks flying everywhere it’s a miracle nothing catches fire. The gloomy and dreadful atmosphere is enough to make anyone faint, vomit, or lose hope altogether.
But I’ve got something these folks do not. 
I am an American.
While that may not be astonishing to some, to me it means that I’m independent, as well as rambunctious and a bit of a rebel even for my culture. My family always says I’m too rash and stubborn, and that it will diminish any chance of me finding a husband and settling down for a proper life. But I’m in no mood to marry, so sue me for actually enjoying my life.
However, at the moment I seem to be in a bit of a pickle. You see, I don’t travel much. Yes there’s the occasional trip out of state, but never in a million years did I think I’d ever go to England. Of all places, my family chose to vacation in Manchester, England. Don’t get me wrong, it’s a beautiful country with gorgeous countryside views and polite accents… that is until you reach the deep city. Then it gets bustling and dangerous, which is how I came to be where I am now. We decided to travel by train, stopping in Birmingham on the way to London before we headed home. Lord knows why I decided to stray away and get a better look at the intriguing shops, but after an hour of desperately searching for my family it finally sunk in that I was, quite frankly, alone. Talk about a dumb-headed move on my part. I passed back and forth through the train station for hours as night fell, growing more and more worried about what kinds of danger Small Heath, Birmingham has hiding in the darkness. 
Right now, people are giving me mixed looks of pity, confusion, and judgment. I know I’m not much to look at, with my messy blonde hair stuffed under a simple hat and my slim figure dressed in a gray dress with black heels. I probably look much richer than I really am, which makes my fear of criminals spike even more.
“Might I help you, young lady?” A sinister voice calls out.
He's a drunk, I’m sure of it. A man in a ragged overcoat staggers over, and he’s reeking of alcohol.
“No, I’m waiting for someone. Please leave me alone.” 
“Oh, no. You’re all alone? Perfect…” He licks his lips and starts reaching his hand out-!
“Back off! She’s with me.”
I look over and see an older man wearing a trenchcoat and bowler hat. He’s got a simple mustache, is smoking a pipe, and carrying a briefcase. Is he a cop?
“Says who, old man?” The drunk slurs.
But instead of answering, the man slugs the drunk in the nose and ushers him off. When he turns back to me the bowler hat man extends a hand to shake.
“Excuse me, miss. I’m Inspector Chester Campbell. Who might you be?”
“I- I’m Verena, Verena Steenstra.”
“Pleasure to meet you, Verena. I’m here for private matters, sent by Churchill on account of a BSA munitions robbery. I am here to weed out prime suspects and possibly recover some stolen items that belong to the Crown. You wouldn’t happen to know an Arthur or Thomas Shelby, would you?”
I shake my head. “Sorry, can’t say I have. I’m new to these parts, just having arrived from America yesterday.”
He nods. “Well it’s best if you don’t, miss. They’re ruthless, the lot of them. Gangsters, bookmakers, racketeers. The gang they’re part of call themselves the Peaky Blinders. You best be getting indoors instead of wandering these dreadful streets at this hour.”
When Campbell sees my uneasy expression he frowns. “You do have a place to stay, right?”
“Actually sir, I was… left here by mistake. My family left hours ago and I’ve been here ever since.”
Campbell’s eyes soften a little. “I’m sorry to hear that, miss. If I knew the area I’d find you an inn or hotel, so the most I can do is guide you to the desk clerk in the train station.” He gestures for me to follow him and leads me over to the back desk, where a middle-aged lady is typing. “Hello, would you happen to know where this young lady might find any lodgings?”
The lady gives me a once-over and tilts her head. “Maybe ask Harry at the Garrison. That’s a local pub nearby. You can’t miss it. Just ask for Harry.”
We thank her and head back outside, where it’s starting to get dark.
“I’m sorry to leave you here, but I’ve got my own appointments to attend.” Campbell grips his briefcase and waves to signal a passing cab. “You’ll be alright?”
I try to give a convincing nod. “Yeah, as good as I can I guess. Good luck with your investigation.”
“Best of luck to you too, miss. You’ll need it if you want to survive this wicked city.”
And with that, the inspector climbs into the cab and is driven off. Leaving me, once again, alone. But at least this time I have an idea of where to go and what to do. I tightly grip my small suitcase and begin walking down the bustling streets, trying my best to ignore the… less than Christian crowd that hovers around. 
“God does not care if you live in a slum or in a mansion!”
A man’s voice draws my attention, and I look to find the source coming from down the street. He sounds Jamaican, and seems to be a minister of sorts. 
“God does not care if you are rich or you are poor!”
I approach slowly, not wanting to interrupt. “Excuse me, sir? Where would I go to find the Garrison?”
The man frowns at me, confused. “What’s a lass like you doing in this part of town? Don’t you know it’s dangerous?”
“I understand that. I’m looking to find a place to stay, so I’ll ask again. Where can I find the Garrison?”
The man looks at me as if I’ve signed my own death note, then points to the building down the street. “There. But God be with you if you want to persevere with what kind of men go in there.”
I thank him and walk towards the building. It’s definitely a pub, because there’s drunk men staggering out and vomiting everywhere. 
“Look out!” Someone shouts.
Without warning, a small person plows into me and sends us tumbling into the dust.
“Dear God, what on Earth…?” I gather myself up and get a look at the person, or should I say kid. He’s a young boy with a conservative haircut, wearing dark pants, a white shirt, and gray vest. One might say he dresses just as professional as any stockbroker. 
“I’m sorry!” He says in a worried manner and looks as if I’m about to slap him. “I didn’t mean to, I swear!”
I gotta say, seeing this boy speak in an English accent is downright cute!
I kneel down to seem less intimidating and hold out a hand. “Hey hey, it’s alright, kid. It was an accident. I’m not gonna hurt you.”
He nods and shakes my hand, now looking at me differently. “You sound different.”
“I’m American, from New York. Now what was it you were running from?”
“Oh, right!” He points to the alley he just ran from. “I’m playing hide-and-seek with my aunt.”
I frown. “And you’re out here, in the dark, at this time of night? It may not be my place to say, but you should probably go back inside. Where’s your aunt now?”
“I don’t know.”
“Well that’s not going to get us anywhere. You got a name?”
He smiles and nods eagerly. “I’m Finn, Finn Shelby. I’m 10 going on 11!”
“Wow, that’s old! So Finn, how about you head inside with me and we can find a way of contacting your aunt? That sound alright?”
“Finn! We were looking for you!” A man comes walking up, wearing dark clothes and a cap. When he sees me next to Finn, the man’s eyes darken. “Who are you?”
I ignore his question and look at Finn. “Do you know him?”
“Yeah, he’s my brother John.”
Now I know that I can trust this man. “I’m nobody. Just a lost tourist who’s looking out for Finn.”
The man looks confused. “Why? You don’t know him.”
“That doesn’t matter. I’d look out for him as if he was my own child because no kid should be wandering around at this time of night.”
He scoffs. “What are you, some nun or midwife? Doesn’t matter. Come on, Finn.” John takes the boy’s hand and starts walking away. 
“Nice to meet you!” Finn calls before they’re out of sight.
Now to get back to the task at hand. While being as inconspicuous as possible, I sneak past the gruff men and enter the strangely quiet bar. I gotta say, it’s surprisingly clean. Compared to the filthy world outside you’d think the king himself would eat here. But I know better. I can tell this place has seen its fair share of violence, but I give credit to the barman for keeping it spiffy. Gruff and sketchy-looking Brits sit scattered all over the room. Murmured conversations ghost around the room, confirming that this is yet another place I shouldn’t be at. A few turn their heads, but seem uninterested… for now. I hold my suitcase close and discreetly make my way to where the barman is standing.
“You don’t know me, but the desk clerk at the train station said to ask for someone named Harry.”
The barman, just like everyone else, seems to think I’m a fish out of water. “I’m Harry. What do you want?”
“She said you could tell me where to find a place to stay. I’ll pay what I can, I swear. I just need somewhere to sleep until I can find a way to get back to America.”
His face changes. “America? You mean you’re stuck here?”
“For the time, yes.”
First Harry goes to say something but then seems to look over at someone behind me. This changes his demeanor and he gestures for me to sit.
“Can I get you anything?”
I shake my head. “I don’t drink.”
“I do,” a woman’s voice says behind me.
A dark-haired woman wearing a gray suit sits up next to me, her face being shielded by a hat.
Harry nods respectfully at the woman and pours a shot of whiskey. “On the house, Polly.”
She gladly takes the glass and downs it, looking at me with calculating eyes.
“Name’s Polly, love. Polly Gray.”
“You seem to be a woman who knows what she’s doing, and how to conduct authority,” I reply.
“And you seem to be a woman who has nowhere to go. Am I right, love?”
I look away and become more interested in staring at the table. “Yes, ma’am. I’m currently homeless, jobless, penniless, and on the verge of hopeless.” I look back up. “But I’ve got a song in my heart and a gleam in my eye, so that’s all I can do for now.”
Polly laughs and twirls the shot glass in her hand. “Well a song and dance isn’t going to take you far, love. It’s best if you come with me.” She stands back up and starts pulling her coat back on.
My thoughts freeze. Did I hear that right? This person, this complete stranger who has no inkling of who I am, wants me to go with them? Where? And what for? Inspector Campbell said to be careful.
“Wait- what? What do you mean?”
Polly walks to the door, unfazed by my questions. “I saw you interacting with Finn. You treat him as both a child and an adult, which is something I respect. You’re not too sour but still know when to show a firm grip. I’d like to hire you as his tutor. He needs help studying, as well as someone to make sure he doesn’t shoot his eye out.”
My jaw drops. “Shoot his… But how-?”
“Don’t ask. I have to deal with the most ridiculous idiots this side of England, you have no idea!” She scoffs as I follow her back into the inky night. “The fact is that I need a tutor, and you need a roof over your head. So, do you want the job or not?”
I try to form words but all that comes out is a babbling mess. My thoughts are fried! What reason do I have to even trust this Polly character?
“You’re conflicted,” Polly states plainly. “I can understand why.”
“Yes! Because- because I’m alone! I- I have no one to help, but everyone says I can’t trust anyone here, and then you happen to be passing by… I don’t know what to make of it!”
Polly puts a hand on my shoulder. “Love, one of the things I always go by is my faith. If fate had it so you would be here to help Finn and get my attention, then God has spoken. My trust is not so easily won over, so I suggest you consider this chance very seriously.”
She’s right. Everything’s led to this. Besides, she’s right. I need a job.
“Yes, I accept your kind offer.” I hold out a hand and we shake. “Thank you, Mrs. Gray.”
“I may be your employer but there’s no need for that formality. Polly’s fine, love. And yours?”
“Verena Nora Steenstra,” my name flies right off the tongue. 
“That’s Dutch, I’d imagine?”
I nod. “Yes, after my great grandmother. My father’s Dutch, my mother’s Irish.”
“Ah yes, you Americans and your mixed heritages.”
She doesn’t seem upset by it, and I’m glad she doesn’t inquire further. My family isn’t cruel, but we’re not exactly the most wanted people in New York. My uncle on my mother’s side is part of the Irish mob in Brooklyn, so our reputation is a bit strict.
Polly leads me through the dark streets and people seem to be aware not to test her. Crowds scatter away to let us pass, not even daring to meet her eye.
“You have authority here?”
“Of sorts. People know better not to start a quarrel. Here we are.”
The house itself is simple-looking on the outside, something I admire. Polly opens the door and shows me inside, which displays a traditional cross hung in the hallway. I follow her past a kitchen and into a small room near the back, one containing a simple bed and vanity as well as a single window.
“Bathtub’s down the hall. I’ll leave you here to settle in, I trust the lads will guide you through the house. Now if you’ll excuse me, I must attend a family meeting. Finn’s around here somewhere if you wish to chat.”
I set my suitcase on the bed and look at Polly with sincere gratitude. “Thank you so much. You really saved me from a tight pickle, and I promise I will do everything I can to repay you.”
Polly smiles and, to my uttermost surprise, comes over to give me a hug. “No problem, love. You seem like a decent girl, even if you are American.” She snickers and goes to walk out, then turns to say: “One more thing: when you meet Thomas, just know he’s a bit rough around the edges.”
I squint in bafflement. “Thomas? Who’s-?”
But she exits before I can finish. So just to be clear: Now I need to teach a boy from a family I just met and am expecting to meet someone who’s ‘rough around the edges.’ Yay?
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truly-morgan · 2 years ago
[Xy and AQ bonding time]
Yi City Fam | Mo Dao Zu Shi 25-06-2021
[#yicity #XueYang #aqing , bonding + found family]
What if Xue Yang had already somewhat gotten close to A-qing and Xiao Xhichen (more than he would ever accept admitting)? His plan to turn on xxc slowly fades away as he keeps pushing away the final date ("he still needs my help", "There's new merchants tricking him", "The roof is leaking again, I need to help", "xxc been down lately, I'll stay a bit longer").
Even with aq he gets more playfully mean rather than full on mean. They might not have the best of relationship (She still doesn't trust him after the shit he pulled when he first started travelling with them), but it's not /has bad/ as when he joined them.
He still has his murderous huge sometimes, but never /towards/ them. Then Song Lan appears and just nearly fucks everything up, even sending xy in a sudden panic because "I can't allow him to destroy /that/".
He just /can't/ allow that.
So he somehow manages to strike a deal with sl (not without some blackmail, after all, wouldn't it be bad if xxc learn what he did?)
So they start this new weird life, adding another strange one to the group.
But after months and years, things slowly settle and nothing bad happens.
In the meanwhile, xy does discover that aq isn't actually blind (you can go so long without ever getting caught). Sure xy doesn't like that he has been played all this time (tho he does give it to her, she was smart and brave all this time). He doesn't actually give her his name (tho she did learn it from hearing sl and xy argue when they thought they were alone, but she won't tell that) but he does admit having done bad things in the past.
They settle a lot of things down in that late night conversation under the stars (tho xy won't get into detail about what he did, or even less what happened when he was young).
After that, they start bonding more. having only him know about aq secret, he still helps keep it from the two others, even finding ways to help her trick people even better. He finds it actually pretty fun to teach her all the street tricks he has (had) to learn over the years, which are sometimes even better with aq state of being blind.
After all, the two daozhang might not approve and steal and stuff, but always only being charitable is not what will bring food and necessities back to their weird coffin house. They either work for money (which neither xy or aq want to actually do) or make people pay for their help with spirit and stuff (which neither sl nor xxc seems inclined to do most of the time).
Where in the past xy would have laughed and let aq fight for herself when she was bullied, now he'll protect her and threaten anyone who was being a bigger threat to her (Someone may or may not have disappeared after sexually harassing her).
where in the past aq would have left xy to find his way through lies when sl would throw him for a hard game in front of xxc (or when he did something xxc would disapprove of), now she'll try to help him out and act as though sl is going too far, xue chengmei is trying his best.
They still argue, after all, they have clashing personalities, but it is never like in the past and they will reconsiliate soon after.
sometimes xy gets angry at aq for getting in his way when he wants to do something, but it's usually stupid thing that could hurt xxc or make his hard work at hiding who he is fall. It is annoying, but xy has learned to not to these things)and aq usually does have good, but tamer, ideas to punish people who wronged any of them).
neither of them ever had someone they felt like they were safe around and they could kind of call family. They know that the other had their back in a way and that feels reliving and nice.
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llycaons · 2 years ago
ep18 (1/2): in which wwx manipulates and lies to his friends and family (lovingly)
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forgot this. he can just fly around catching birds. no wonder it's so easy to camp
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I feel like birthdays really only crop up in american tv in the context of little kids. it's something children do.
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xy twirling his hair as he walks away 😭 can your believe ppl still ship them after he murdered SL's entire family
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this was such a good change for the show to make bc 1. this introduces the idea of bssr really naturally and 2. it gives wwx another interaction with SL, which is emotionally significant later for both us and the characters
also they need to slip in his backstory and all of its parallels to wx somehow and waiting until yi city is way too late
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oh cool I love a t/n
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wwx making it a mystical quest bound in ceremony and ritual to prevent jc from suspecting or asking too many questions, and to control his actions. ugh
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that post abt jc hero-worshipping wwx continues to baffle me. in fact this is the only time we ever see jc so eager to follow wwx's directions and do what he says
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'let her do anything' she is a grown woman she can gather herbs if she wants and what authority do you have to stop her 😭
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this smile after he convinces jc about his plan is so haunting. you can see he's sxcited and then the smile fades and he just looks...resigned? fucking misery
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yanqing warriors! when wwx mentions jyl leaving soon, wen qing freezes and doesn't say anything for a few seconds. what can it mean hmm?
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I don't think jc would have accepted the core if he knew what wwx planned, which is why wwx kept it secret. one of the reasons
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this is kind of manipulative no? not in a way to hurt her just to get her to agree with his plan. and maybe he means it too. maybe he would have done with without the debt of the jiangs held over his head. we'll never know
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drugging you sister. sir!
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I think it's really funny when wwx insults jc sorry I always will. he deserves to at least a little
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first shot of wwx looking like a little mousie with his threabare pillow and jc a raging little brat. very similar to the first shot of the show! wwx bleeding and suicidal, and jc stalking over to finish the job. but in that scene and this one, we see there's more to the story
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im going to fucking isekai myself into cql universe for the sole purpose of cuddling this child
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you know I was so excited for jfm to say that. like go jfm! the haters were wrong about you! you love and protect at least one child under your care!
and then it IMMEDIATELY cuts to wwx hours later freezing because jfm told him 'jc is a good kid' and then he LEFT HIM THERE AND WENT TO BED
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ugh it's not cool to hate on a 9 year old esp since he's lonely and neglected by his dad but he's such a brat
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her parents and sect are so useless this preteen girl has to go out into the woods at like 1 am to find her new brother
wwx's first instinct was to find a tree to climb. dogs can't climb trees, but how many trees were in yiling for him to learn to climb? hmm
wwx falling is such a theme and jyl being the only one besides lwj to ever try to catch him....ough. his two lights indeed
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jyl also actually explains why jc is upset rather than just telling him he'll be fine
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HALF A DAY??!! hasn't he suffered enough. mein gott
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and of course now she has to parent her two baby brothers one of whom is very traumatized and newly adopted and the other is very socially inept and clumsy so he came out to help and now he's BLEEDING. if I was her I would have carried so much resentment as an adult oops her parents are dead so I guess she can't even if she wanted to
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it's significant that (iirc) jc never says he's sorry in the main timeline. only twice in the story - here and at the very end. a lot of people consider the finale the end of their relationship, but I prefer to see it as a reset. a renewal. they're starting again. jc is crying and he's sorry for hurting wwx, and wwx forgives him because he's a nice kid and because he does care about him. and they can start from there, even if things will be different
they don't have jyl anymore, but everything's come out between them. they can coexist on equal footing. wwx has someone who protects him. jc doesn't resent him so much. all his anger is spent. he feels bad. they won't be what they were before, but I like to think they'll at least have some of the brotherhood they once did
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jc also crying in his sleep with this flashback. lot of sleep crying these days
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11111rffffffff3242 · 9 months ago
30/09/2000 - BBC Radio 1 'Lamacq Live'
An excerpt from a radio program touching upon a subject of rock bands recruiting new members and problems related. The short interview was held at the time when Queen Adreena was looking for a bass player (they eventually chose Orson Wajih).
Narrator (Steve Lamacq): Little did I know I would be on the phone to, among others, a band who were about to play the Kerrang! Weekender. Crispin Gray: Hello? Steve Lamacq: Hi, I'm phoning about the advert in this weeks NME; "Bassist Needed ASAP", I wondered if the job was still open? CG: Yeah, it's still open. Have you heard of us? We're called Queen Adreena. SL: You're Queen Adreena? You've got a record deal. CG: Yeah, we have yeah. What have you done before? SL: I've done a bit of bass playing in my bedroom and I once made a couple of demo tapes with a mate. CG: Well actually to be honest with you I think we're probably looking for somebody a bit more interesting. So maybe give it a couple more years. SL: Bit more interesting? CG: Yeah.
N: Despite being told I wasn't interesting enough, I did decide to drop in on the Queen Adreena auditions to get an idea of what to expect. Three days into the auditions they weren't very happy.
Billy Freedom: It's the most gruelling experience I've ever had. You can tell within about thirty seconds whether it's appropriate, whether it's going to work or not, and I think we've been being kind and giving them their five minutes. There's quite often been no point at all but I always feel incredibly mean especially if somebody's hitched from Sheffield, they plug in and tune and you say "Leave now, just get out." You've got the sort of richter smile by the end of the day because you don't want to hurt people's feelings and most of them don't even notice you want to kill them through that smile. It's really irritating but then as I say, if they've hitched down here and they've brought their girlfriend with them...That's the thing I can't believe. Some people have come in here and their girlfriend has just come in and sat next to them while they've been playing. I don't get it, it's like bringing your mum with you. After a couple of days of an endless stream of inappropriate people walking in, you actually feel the only way to deal with it is to be really cruel and I never ever thought I'd think like that about auditions because I always thought it was so mean to make people feel uncomfortable, that I'd actually enjoy making them feel uncomfortable after this.
N: I guess Billy Freedom from Queen Adreena has a point. The now quite beleaguered Queen Adreena again:
CG: First impressions they definitely count and you are usually about 95% correct on your first impression. BF: The worst impression that people create is when they dress the way they think you would want them to dress, like if they come in wearing a cape or if they've got a bat on a piece of springy wire above their head or they bring their own dry ice machine, you kind of think; well this isn't really going to work is it, you've totally misread the whole situation completely.
N: Losing the love for life; Queen Adreena:
BF: Today's been really really good so far there's been some really good people. I'm surprised actually. Katie Jane Garside: I think out of everybody there's two people we could definitely consider. BF: So we're probably going to have to toss a coin or pick who had the nicest shoes on, you know it does come down to that. You have to make a decision somehow and live with it. KJG: Yup. BF: And maybe we'll have to meet them separately outside of this room and just see what they're like when they are drunk, which is usually a pretty good test you know. If they start crying of getting violent then they'll almost definitely get the job.
0 notes
evwuniverse · 1 year ago
The New Age of Linden Homes Part 1
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Linden Homes on Second Life has advanced! They have been for a while, but almost all of their older neighborhoods they have recreated on the Bellisseria continent. Which is where all their newer Linden Homes and various neighborhood communities reside. The great change to these is from prim to mesh! This is something the active Second Life user has been looking for. There are not too many users on Second Life who are sticking to classic avatars anymore, all the avatars are full mesh in some way shape, or form. Second Life is finally playing catch up with graphics to other virtual world platforms and video games alike. It's amazing to see where Second Life started to where it has become. The only gripe I have is the Second Life economy is very much matching reality which is a little disappointing, but everything else has just been a build-up from where things were originally were. In this post, I'll be discussing the various new neighborhoods on the Bellisseria continent as well as outlining some of the new customization options for these houses and the amenities available to you in various neighborhoods.
*Note: This post will be updated with new content throughout the year before I type up a new post for 2025 to update this entire post.*
Table of Contents:
To make things easier for everyone, this post has a table of contents so you can skip to the part you specifically want to read as this will be a long post considering needing to place everything about Linden Homes in one place.
Before I Begin! - SL Advertising on Linden Homes for non-Premium Members and what they see, my gripe.
Log Home
Fantasy Home
These are just a few of them there will be a PART 2 post due to the limit of only being able to post 30 photos per post. Which this would easily contain way more due to the content and going into detail with each Linden Home type.
Before I begin!
Since the website is a direct reflection of where you can obtain one of these Linden homes, the screen for people who are already Premium Members is fine but check this out, please view the photo below.
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Second Life's advertising is starting to slack and it is quite disappointing. They put real objects, instead of having an avatar and virtual pet from JIAN or something for the icon. I don't know why this bothered me but it really did. Maybe it's because I notice little details but this really got me, does this bother anyone else or is it just me? Also a real chair and plant? Why not ask a really good furniture maker if they can use their furniture as an icon on the website and provide Lindens or something? Anyway please continue with the post below.
Log Home:
For those who have been around Second Life since Premium Membership and Linden Housing first became a thing. I'm sure you remember the previous build model of the Aspen and Log Homes which can be seen here.
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These are just a few but there are a few more that were created for the region of Tahoe which is an older Linden Home sim. Keep in mind they are still offering these, but as consumers are seeing more and more of their favorite areas being recreated and different neighborhoods that weren't presented in the past being offered. More individuals are switching to the Bellisseria Continent for their choice of Linden Home and community. To be fair Bellisseria now has the Log Homes which is the equivalent to the Tahoe Region. These can be seen below.
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Now as you can see they updated them quite a bit and provided other options along the way. The specs for these homes can be seen below.
Includes 4 layout/home styles (as seen above)
Customize the home inside and out with the housing customization on the inside of the home.
A rural region that reminds you of the mountains or being out in a forest.
Railway Accessible, with a rezz station to rezz trains and more.
Various community areas, such as picnic tables, statues, water fountains, sitting areas, tubes to go down rivers on, etc. The community areas have a very similar vibe to the Camper's that were created. This region is very similar in theme.
With this in mind, it is important to note the new amount of land a Premium Member can have is 1024 sqm minimum. So these Linden Homes are on a 1024 sqm plot of land instead of its original counterpart which is on 512 sqm of land. Do keep in mind that the new standard of prims for the Linden Homes is 351 prims. This is more than enough since mesh takes fewer prims than actual prim objects. Now the cool part of these new homes is you can visit ahead of time to test out the homes and see which area fits your style more. I went ahead and did this so I could check out some of the community areas and post some pictures below for viewing.
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The sim itself is gorgeous! However, upon further evaluation, I noticed that the homes are a lot closer to one another. There are more homes trying to fit in one area. I probably wasn't supposed to be in this area either as it was marked in red with no one living here, however, I ended up here. So it is what it is, sorry Lindens. But as you can see this community is for the rural more active lifestyle, you know horses, outdoor hiking vibes, small sailboats, railroads, etc. This provides it all. There are also small lakes here and there for swimming with little benches. I didn't get a photo of those but you get the idea.
Needless to say, this was a cool area to explore, however, it definitely is not the vibe for me when it comes to living in a Linden Home community. I'm not the most outdoorsy person in RL so why would SL be much different? Ha-ha.
Fantasy Home:
Back in the day when I first had a Linden Home, I thought those were the coolest things since sliced bread and I'm talking about the old prim ones like you saw with the Log Homes above. For the longest time I had a "Fantasy Home" I had the "Wizard's Retreat" which is the Older Linden Home version of what the "Fantasy Homes" are now.
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Had this home easily for 3 years before switching to Meadowbrook which was a more suburban community which we will talk about here soon. You can also reference my Newbrooke post which was typed just before this one. Above are pictures of what I used to live in.
Luckily they finally upgraded the old Linden Homes to a newer model which they put the most boring unoriginal name ever, the "Fantasy Home."
Older Fantasy Homes:
Taking a photo of them through the webpage was just a lot easier than each one individually like I did for the Log Homes, also a lot quicker so this is probably what will be done for the rest of the post so I can get this posting out at an adequate time.
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Newer Fantasy Homes:
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I'll be honest, I'm not a huge fan of the newer "Fantasy Homes" I truly feel that the older ones looked a lot better and had more creativity and soul put into the creation of them. Granted these are just a few of the Fantasy ones but when I was going through the demo version on the "Welcome Land" I couldn't find one close to the "Wizard Lair" that one was my all-time favorite and I would still live in it today even if it is prim and not mesh. I felt with the "Fantasy Homes" there were a lot of missed opportunities due to the lack of creativity. However, not to say they're horrible. This is still a very nice neighborhood, and the weeping willow trees are my kryptonite in this area. There are mushrooms and it looks like a fairy-tale forest, think "Into the Woods" musical type of vibes or storybook cottage core vibes. That is the style you will find here.
There are 8 home layouts/styles of homes to choose from
Just like the "Log Homes" it does have the inside and outside customization.
There are seasonal color changes
Lots of waterways that can be sailed with small boats and structures.
It's a bioluminescent region that is activated with the day/night cycle which is super cool, I think it's the best perk of these houses is the region and creativity of the surroundings and not so much the homes.
The community areas are spread out and there aren't too many of them, I was able to cross by three out of all the sims I visited that are in this theme and I think I went to almost all of them, that was a little shocking and a bit disappointing honestly. I was hoping there would be more community areas for people to enjoy.
It's important to note that you quickly find out which Linden Homes are going quickly now, they can be seen from the website when you're picking out houses. Needless to say, these Fantasy ones aren't going very quickly with that information as you may. I'm a little biased though when it comes to this one, so take what I say with a grain of salt with this one. I'm just salty they didn't recreate the "Wizard's Retreat" that's all.
I'm not going to lie, again I'm a bit biased. When the Camper's first came out the first thing I did was get one. I abandoned my previous land to pick one up. My main dream for some odd reason in RL is to buy a tiny home, deck it out from the early rococo Victorian times on the inside travel the United States and beyond, and just keep moving. Can you tell I'm a very adventurous but introverted spirit? Needless to say, things worked out a bit differently for me. That didn't mean that in SL I couldn't still live this dream. How unoriginal the name is "Camper" but that's okay because aside from various campers and trailers there in fact are two kinds of tiny home layouts which I loved!
Camper Examples:
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These are just some of them, the "tiny home" I had was gorgeous similar to picture #2 but WAY nicer. So definitely check out the demo if you get the chance over at the "Welcome Center" in Bellisseria.
However, the region and community areas are a bit underwhelming in my opinion. I feel there could've been more community areas for a "tiny home" like community. Especially since in RL in "tiny home" communities, there are a ton of amenities like pools, a cafeteria area, a clubhouse, etc. So I guess I just expected more and didn't find it. However, one of the really cool things when it comes to the community areas is I did find a picnic area in my sim, a few sims over there was a gigantic lazy river with inner tubes that could be used, and there were a few rezzers here and there for horses, cars, bikes, etc. So it had a nice amount of areas and things to do, very outdoorsy and very similar vibes to the "Log Homes" but, again I feel in a sense this was a little bit of a missed opportunity. I loved this theme though because it hasn't been made previously. This is specific to the new Linden Home era. I thought adding "tiny homes" to the mix is great because some people even in SL want to have that small footprint and enjoy their time exploring SL and getting to know their neighbors and community. This can be exceptionally true if they live in a tiny home in RL and recreate how they live in both worlds and believe it or not, there are players like that. When I first tried out the "Camper" Linden Homes, I was still living at home so I also thought this was my only option as a Millennial struggling with all the other Millennials, Gen Z, and Gen Alpha to have some sort of good living.
Specs of These Tiny Homes Include:
8 layout or home styles to choose from
Ability to fully customize the inside and outside of the home like the other mesh homes.
Each has an open floor plan
The parcel size is small it is a 512 sqm parcel which means it doesn't use all of your 1024 sqm. This also means if you wanted you could buy a 512 sqm plot on the mainland to have for yourself at no extra cost so you would have two places that would be yours. However, the thing with buying the mainland is your bidding for it and it's luck of the draw. If someone outbids you you're not getting it and you do need to shell out money upfront to get the land and then it's nothing afterward. That's just a little explanation of how that works.
Access to community areas, a lot of this was explained above.
Secluded rural area
I like how far apart these homes are from each other, there's a decent amount of space and it doesn't feel like everyone is on top of each other. You actually have space to decorate your outside as you wish. That's the beauty of these "Camper" style homes. It's a small inside but the outside is where the magic happens with these!
Ooo fancy schmancy! A chalet, this a very Tudor-style neighborhood. The style is very similar to the "Fantasy" homes so I'm not going to go into too much detail here as it's almost exactly the same. It's so similar that not even the website provides a lot of details to make people want to move there. At the time of this post, there is an availability of 2,564 available. However, it's important to note, that I love Tudor-style homes, They remind me of Old France, sometimes Germany, and just little peaceful places you know? I associate Tudor homes with peace.
Chalet Examples:
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8 layout/housing styles
Full customization of the inside and outside
One word, MOUNTAINS, mountains everywhere!
Traditional and open floor plans depending on your needs and how you like to decorate.
Like I said there's not too much to report with these, I haven't ever thought about owning one, and they just don't WOW! me. It doesn't have that WOW! factor, which honestly that's okay not every Linden Home will be everyone's cup of tea and this one and the "Fantasy Homes" just aren't mine.
Final Thoughts on PART 1:
Due to the amount of images and content, I had to break this up into two different posts. Part 1 and Part 2. I go into very close detail and do the exploring to provide you the information to make informed decisions if your planning on getting the Premium Membership and obtaining a Linden Home of your own, or you're looking for a change and not sure which one to pick and move too that fits your style. I wanted to make sure I went in-depth with each and everyone, hence the content being on two different posts. This helps me too though because I haven't posted content yet this year except for my Newbrooke review which is where I currently live. Please go check out that post if you want to learn more about the Newbrooke homes and community. With that said, the ones I did cover were underwhelming such as the "Fantasy Home" and the "Chalet" I wish there were more to them and there just isn't I feel like even in some of the others I covered such as the "Campers" and the "Log Homes" there were a lot of missed opportunities to really sell the Premium Membership through the Linden Homes. However, I do love the "Campers" as I remember having one. So I'm a little biased, and in the past, I remember having a home in the Tahoe region originally and loving it, I like the new "Log Homes" there are just other Linden Homes I enjoy a little more. I feel each place has something to offer, and they're really branching out with styles. I feel Linden Lab is really providing a wide range of homes for all types of people from all walks of life, and that's how a business grows from its consumers. Diversity, providing what the users want, and various ways of style. Please stay tuned for Part 2 where I will be covering the rest of the homes seen here:
Sakura (1024 sqm)
Sakura (512 sqm)
Stilt Home on Land
The Newbrooke Homes can be seen in my review that was previously posted. Thank you for sticking around and Happy Linden Home Picking!
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