#which was one of the reasons for my redesigns cause in their first versions it just didn't show at all that they could be related
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Decided to redesign my designs for the 1985 MCI kids (plus Charlie cause I had a space left on the pic)
Their designs are pretty similar to the first ones I came up with, but I just added some more details or changed some colors or some other little nitpicky things.
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s1llydr3amscape · 4 months
Maybe it was the friends we made along the way!
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My security breach cast re-imagined when we first got the posters and merch leaks!!! I changed them into ocs because after seeing their in game designs I fell in love <33333
Another reason why Vanny is my fave is because I don't have to design her clothes /j
Extras and ramblings under the cut :
Zoomed in because I drew them on the same canvas like a goober :
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Many reasons why I chose to make the way it is are cause hehehehe
-I didn't like Roxy at first because off that funko leak being a reused model of Foxy. So I made her a hyena recolor using his model because I think they're cool, yet I still kept the fact she's the shortest because of Foxy in fnaf 1 being the shortest!!! And it did sorta happen with her being his replacement 😭She has short hair because I think one of her main appeals would be she would change up her hair every other week.
-Freddy is a moon bear because I miss Lefty. Also cuz I thought Fazbear Ent developed enough technology so that they could change colors during the night/dark like in the posters making them blacklight/neon. Also once again I miss Lefty and Also Nightmare. He had blue eyes freaky like that because I think FazEnt was developing new technologies to recognize guests by having their main stars test them out. And it did happen in the game so yay!!!
-I genuinely didn't think Bonnie would show up because off the leaks but at the time everyone designed their own version off him and so did I!!! I made him white and brown as a homage to Vannys help wanted mask. The blue streaks in his hair also relates to my Vanessa design. Reasons for this is because with how advanced the AI it was to trick them into thinking they were eachother friends. Why because the heartbreak would've been catastrophic.
-Chica didn't change much but I added brown because I love the color brown it is my top 1 color with purple following behind. Also because I love gradients I fucking love gradients you bet your ass if I add gradients I could <333 She has feather hair like that because off Big Bird I saw in a short fnaf sesame street horror yt video and that scared and gave me nightmares because of this one scene of a lady giving birth to his kid??? Idk it scared me alot. She's my favorite tho <3333
-Monty didn't change except he had circular glasses because I wanted him to match with Roxy as the newest additions to the Fazbear brand!!! Also man I wish one of them was a drummer but I couldn't decide between if Roxy or Monty would get it. I also didn't know Roxanne would be racing and gave her rock climbing. Reasons cause imagining her chasing you being able to climb walls would be scary. My only wish Is that I made his snout longer I want you to be able to hold it like a weapon
-They all have eyelashes because I think that is epic!!!
-Freddy is the tallest. Bonnie and Chica are the same height and Roxanne is the shortest
Might redraw them in my oc world version (if anyone would be interested it's basically also a robot story with my old fnaf oc's now turned rivals to Fazbear Entertainment) and not simplified but my other wips need me they are calling for me they are telling me to finish them and I must!!! Probably
And here's my older art after we got to see the game and the designs are wack oughhh :
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They would've fought with my pink yellow blue Vanny design!!! Which is the only one I redesigned because I love Vanny to much... You can see her pre-design here and oughh Pink Vanny <3333
-If you look closely Vanny has a Dino looking tail!!! And that's because I thought hey imagine each time we defeated an animatronic she'd sew a piece off their body onto her suit! So when we killed Monty she'd scavenged and get his tail!!! With Chica she got her chicken feet!! And with Roxanne she gets her teeth!!!
-Why because I associate her with Pinkamena cupcakes so much. Also to add onto my previous statement with Bonnie looking like her old mask. She changed her suit in the final act to solidify herself as the bad guy (final boss) who had been using the animatronics for his own gain.
-Man I never draw Chica with her head bow now that I think abt it same with Vanny's whiskers god what was I thinking!!!
Also sorry they're oddly cropped I watermark my stuff to remember what year I made them in and my old username is bad 💀
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inky-evergreen · 3 months
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Here's my redesign of Frida that's apart of my version/rewrite of the reboot. Frida is definitely one of my favorites out of the gen 2 clones buts it's sad that she doesn't have that much development and personality. Like you can describe the other clones personality in much more detail that Frida's which sucks. Like she doesn't really have that much flaws and flaws are basically a staple in clone high character so it just feels like the writers didn't really try hard. And the only times they really focused on her character are episode 2 and 8 from season 3 which breaks my heart as a Frida fan.So she's probably one I change the most(?). I just want to give her justice and give her the same appeal that the others clone have.So here's some info about my version of Frida
•Frida is a socially weird but chill artist who wanted people to accept her for who she is apart from her clone mother for so long that she gave up and started not caring about anything or anyone that isn't close to her.
•Frida likes the simple things like painting her weird drawings in her studio and observing nature.The only thing that she doesn't like being simple is her wardrobe where she feels like she could express herself other that her artwork.
•She also likes to keep to herself and doesn't really like to be in the spotlight. Like she doesn't care about half the people in the school so what gives. But her friends are Harriet and Confucius so that gets flown out the window sometimes. Like how Harriet convinced her to become class president with her so they could be popular together.
•Speaking of popularity Frida isn't the most popular person in school anymore that title belonging to Confucius. I mean people know her but she isn't the same popularity level such as her friends. Like if there was a rating between her Harriet and Confucius she would be last.She doesn't go out of her way to get to know everybody since she didn't want to know them in the first place.
•If Frida was a song she would be A Ballad of a Homeschooled Girl by Olivia Rodrigo
•She can't get a reasonably time of sleep for the life of her. She usually sleep between the times of 12 something pm through 5 am. But she sure does sleep during school mostly she sleep at things she doesn't find interesting.
•Doesn't like being compared to her clone mother and has a EXTREMELY complicated relationship to her clone mother. She also has massive identity issues.
• Absolutely do NOT talk about her middle school through freshman years cause she isn't to proud of them. Like if you tough she was weird and awkward now you just had to see her when she was 13.
•Like explained in Tophers info dump, Frida and Topher are mortal enemies for an unknown reason. She's more obnoxious in hating him though like calling him out publicly and accusing him of doing something that isn't woke.
•She changes personalities DRASTICALLY when she's around her friends. With her friends she gets to be herself and is more happy unlike when she's out in public. She's mostly dismissive out in public giving her a "cool" aura too her.
•Has a weird sense of humor like she finds stupid things and things that most people won't find funny funny (sometimes she's embarrassed ashamed about that fact though).
•Has very complicated feelings towards Cleo
• Basically the sudo "Gandhi replacement" out of the new cast since bro is still a popsicle in the timeline in my rewrite (at least for now hehehehehehe). And since Frida and Abe friendship is more apparent in my rewrite to that Abe kinda sees Gandhi in Frida sometimes. Like she act kinda similar to Gandhi just a calmer and less hypered out version of him. She also parallels him in her friendship with Harriet and Confucius (Like Harriet paralleling Abe and Confucius paralleling Joan that type of stuff).
• She can sometimes be rude and brutally honest to the point that it seems rude (but most of the time she means well). She can also selfish and disrespectful. Keeps huge grudges like her relationship with Topher. Acting a little childish and very impulsive, insecure and handles conflicts very poorly. She also can be judgemental of new people and imidetly thinks they have wrong intentions that resulting in acting dismissive towards that person.She has periods of times we're she acts irrational mostly of her bad sleeping schedule.
•But Frida is a pretty cool person if she cares about you. She's enthusiastic, extremely loyal, would give you solizied advice (even if it's harsh). Would always make you laugh and is fun to be around. Determined to be herself even if people don't like her. She usually stays quite and listens to either Harriet or Confucius rambling but when she gets excited for some she gets EXCITED. Like she would talk about that something for hours. She can be optimistic at times and would reassure you if your feeling down. She also playful and would playfully tease you sometimes as a sign of friendship. She cares and love her friends deeply and would move heaven and earth for them. She may look cold and "cool" on the outside but she's a loving and genuine person.
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slimeology · 7 months
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im back again oh boy, with the next of dhmis design but my version yep yep :D lamp this time,, also known as my all time favourite but sHH you hear nothing!!
not as much as a ref as the previous but i didn't have many ideas that could be visualised well, so they'll be written below :] + extra image??? basically a concept i coloured PTHTGHG
Welcome back to too many words yes hi, your fun fact here is that this is probably the only design that is basically a redesign of my first ever [created back in i dunno 2019??? eariler probably??] of when i did designs before that the world never saw. His previous creature-ness is kept the same, and the needless amount of hair increased! HAH!
But, as for what he specifically is, he's sort of a dream eater species of sorts. He requires no physical food to survive, fun!! now he can stay in bed foreverr :]] Essentially he enters dreams to be able to consume it, but he spends a fair bit of time just messing around in your head instead because he cannot dream like others can. When he does consume the dream, you are immediately woken up and feel like you have gotten zero sleep, which he does know, so he never sticks to just one person for it.
OH and as stated on the main image, he does feel like a plushie indeed!! Like quite a large, weighty plush but one none the less. His hair is soft but also wool-like in it's mass / density, though it's really hard to put anything through it. Also inexpicably smells of things you'd usually think of relating to sleep,, i guess?? like lavender or something. yeah. no reason for it he just do.
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Here's the coloured draft i said would exist woah, feet out because i found deciding the footwear hard PHTGB
Out of all of the ones i will design, he is pretty much the only one with no intentions to harm anyone or be as controlling. He's just here to hang out and dream, and that is it. He's not easy to converse with as he speaks absolute nonsense that could only make sense in a dream, but that doesn't mean he's not trying to help cause affter all, dreams can also be in a metaphorical sense ;D
Generally though, he's nice enough. He does totally zone out a lot and just falls asleep mid conversation but at least he's not got any rules ,,?? Typically not seen outside of a bedroom though, if he isn't in there he's probably asleep on the floor somewhere,, because he will fall asleep anywhere and his hair is a functional enough blanket.
if you read all this uM hi you're wonderful, i think i am gonna aim to have shrignold finished next. eventually [because i assume they will be awful to complete yeaaaayyyy]
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sunthyme · 8 months
Hehehe. Part two baby! Be prepared! (Pun absolutely intended) Also, to the people who are yelling the the tags, I love you guys! I read them all and I can't say thank you enough. It genuinely means a ton!🩷🩷🩷
Enough of me being sappy,
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Disclaimer: Savanaclaw is like lowkey my favourite dorm, not in terms of redesigns but I love the characters. Huge Leona fan and Jack and Ruggie are my children so I will not stop talking about them. You have been warned.
First up, though y'all have seen him already,
♟️Leona Kingscholar♟️
(he/him) - Unlabelled but doesn't care about gender
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I snuck in a lil treat of my work in progress housewarden card. The jumpscare it was to toggle my version with the og card underneath, y'all. Am I making my version of pretty much all his cards? Yes. Will they ever be finished? Who knows? Anyways, onto the headcanons...
- Physically, I feel like I changed a lot and not a lot at the same time. I gave him some more scars which I guarantee you are from really stupid accidents.
- Piercing on his ears just cause I felt they fit him and snakebites because (I'm so down bad for them) it gave the illusion of fangs even with his mouth closed. Gave him moles cause they're pretty.
- I textured his hair and gave him a shit ton more because if the og design won't AT LEAST give him fluffier hair, what's the point? Yana Toboso, if you don't give this man a high ponytail in the Clubwear Card, I will hunt you down. Also made his front, larger braids the colour of Cheka's (And presumably Farena's) hair because honestly? They didn't really look similar enough? Also threw in some smaller braid to 'tie' them in more (haha).
- Someone gave him like this cool inverted pupil due to a scene in the movie but I simplified it to basically heterochromia.
- This might be hardly noticeable but I give give him slightly more muscle? I felt it suited him more idk.
- Onto non-physical headcanons, he has 💕depression💕! This is kinda not up for debate given how much he exemplifies the symptoms. Hell, he made me realise that I may have depression cause I was like, "Damn, he's so relatable, not wanting to get out of bed, no motivation to do anything, struggling to care of himself. He just like me frfr- oh..."
- By the way, I see a lot of people talking about Ruggie's reaction to the fallout of Book 2 but I think that on Leona's side, he felt horrible and probably locked himself away for a WHILE. I think his mental state must have been terrible and I'm SO PISSED HIS FCKING PROBLEMS NEVER GOT BROUGHT AGAIN WTF! Well, I'm on Book 4 so maybe???
- Anyways, I saw someone posit he could also be autistic, more on the asymptomatic side which is actually growing on me a lot. Picky eater, doesn't like tighter clothes, not fond of loud noises, smaller things but I'm a fan.
- Really random but I like the idea that he's one of those people who kids love for literally no reason, he just doesn't like to be around them.
- Is actually extremely book smart, though that's kinda already canon but I mean this bitch was a nerd when he was younger. Knows way too much on various topics, especially about his homeland.
- He can purr. I know lion's can't but there are literal mer and fae. He's just a big kitty. My and Idia like 🤞 when it comes to thinking of Leona as just a big meow. I have a cat who doesn't like anyone but I'm her favourite, I could win him over.
I could talk about him for sooooo long tbh so I'll shut up now.
Anyways, now for my boy,
💸Ruggie Bucchi💸
(he/she) Bigender - Biromantic Asexual
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God I love my bigender child.
- I made him black, though probably mixed and gave him vitiligo for both visual flavour and a mild(?) reference to like hyena spots?
- He originally was going to have her hair down but then I realised how many of them had their natural hair already so I gave him dreads? I'll have to render them out at some point.
- Gave her more scars too, since she grew up in a more rough environment. Made his eyes really big and cute 'cause I feel like she can get extras when she hits 'em with the puppy eyes.
- Probably got mad ADHD, has to constantly be fiddling with something or another. Wears spinny rings a lot. He's actually really good at paying attention in class and likes to learn.
- Steals from Leona, whether it's money or items or clothes he leaves out (which, while Leona would never admit, he purposefully leaves out for Ruggie).
- Oh and a post pointed out that hyenas can purr, so have fun with that.
That's mostly it for now, but expect this list to grow lmao.
Now for,
💪Jack Howl💪
(he/him) - Queer (he doesn't know lol, just knows he likes dudes at this point)
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Not me struggling to find a weight emoji (I failed) 😭😭😭
- Ah, I made a reference in the Heartslabyul post about my concern about darker skinned characters with white hair and I was mainly talking about Jack. I also had to make Kiki, and I figured that wolves have pretty naturally salt-and-pepper hair, so why not. I actually love how it looks omg, it's very pretty and marbled.
- Gave him darker skin, since I headcanon him as black but I did see someone who designed him as indigenous so it might change in the future idk. Also it makes his eyes almost glow and I love that for him.
- He gets more scars too, though likely from sports rather than fights or anything.
- He's autistic. Apologies that so many of them are autistic to me, not only am I autistic but like, the way they're written speaks to me. His whole moral compass being the reason for Book 2 playing out like it did was an immediate 'yes' from me. He's my boy and my son and I will fistfight anyone that smack talks him (looking at those Savannaclaw NPCs in one of Deuce's vignettes).
- Oh, I forgot. He listens to K-Pop. I don't know if it?s canon that he has younger siblings, though I totally think he does, but one of them accidentally got him into K-Pop and J-Pop so whenever he's at the gym, that's what he's listening to lmao. Specifically girl groups, he likes them enough that he knows all their names. He insists it's out of respect, which it is but he's also lowkey a stan too lol.
- Generally has a weakness for cute things, even if he doesn't show it. Also a total plant nerd omg. He could instruct you on pretty much any houseplant on how much sunlight and water it needs, seasonal changes, etc.
Final note is that I'll make a separate post about him and Epel, cause I love them and have some headcanons there too.
Now for my ocs!
💎Kiki Adebayo💎
Third Year - (she/her) Transfem - Aromantic Demisexual Sapphic
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- Twisted from Rafiki? I think that's his name, the baboon. I'm crying sobbing throwing up that you can't see her eyes in this.
- She got the white hair since the fur on a baboon is directly white and took inspiration from Dislyte's Isis design. Her eyes are a pale gold like her earrings and she has red to blue eye shadow.
- Natural resting bitch face but she's just tired most of the time. She'd probably be the actual vice housewarden as I think her family has been close to Leona's for a long time, though she earned her spot with her own skills.
- Additionally, I wouldn't call her and Leona 'childhood friends' but she's known him for a long time. She's like, concerned about him as he's changed so much but she also worries that it's not her place. As a result, she tries to make sure Ruggie's not taking on too much and handles most of the dormhead duties herself.
God, she's so pretty omg anyways
👟Mandisa Jelani👟
Second Year - (they/she) Demi-girl - Pansexual
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- Mandisa is also based on the hyenas, though I don't know if her and Ruggie are from the same pack necessarily.
- I gave her scars, moles, and some piercings as well, I just felt like they'd suit her.
- I think she and Jack would be relatively similar in terms of personality, I see her being the gruffer upperclassmen. I think she'd be rather protective of the first years, knowing how harsh the older dorm members can be and she does her best to make everyone feel welcome.
Next up,
🤘Rocío Chávez🤘
Second Year - (she/her but doesn't really care) Transfem - Panromantic Asexual
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You'll never guess who she's based on /j
- My girlie based on Kronk from The Emperor's New Groove! Yes, she is a big and buff bimbo? Himbo? I don't know but she's got a heart of gold and head empty.
- I wanted to keep her physique cause it always annoys me when people genderbend a character but don't keep them proportional to their og design. Mini tangent over, she so silly I love her.
- She and my Yzma character met as first years and have been inseparable since, though I'll talk more about that later.
- Not a massive ton of characterisation sine it's been a while since I've seen this movie too but I'm always open to suggestions.
Finally, my silly
🎸Abayomi Furaha🎸
First Year - (she/they/it) Nonbinary - Bisexual
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- My final baby from Savanaclaw, also based on a hyena. Specifically the lil bug-eyed one, but I gave her a lazy eye instead. Not sure how well that comes across but I tried.
- She's got scars, was definitely bullied as a kid and I think that once the dorm members consider her a part of the pack, they'd be super overprotective as a result.
- That being said, she's more than capable of defending herself as she's good at various martial arts.
- She's into rock music and joined the music club as a result. Probably a drummer or guitarist as I think she's insecure about her voice.
- She and Mandisa are quite close and she convinced them to dye the edges of her hair red. Abayomi wanted touch up hers and managed to get Mandisa in on to lol.
That's all for now! Stay tuned for Octavinelle and thank you so much for reading!
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thatguythatdrawsalot · 2 months
Ruby - Atlas Design Critique.
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I'm ending things off with a post about Ruby, now I do love making these kinds of posts but I don’t want to make it a top priority because, of course, I wanna draw other things especially since I start college around the corner. These posts tend to take more creative juices from my small brain. Until then, just consider critiques/redesign posts on a hiatus. 
RWBY Archives
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I’m glad you guys were able to see me talk about outfits in a negative, negative, neutral-positive, and now POSITIVE way, mainly due to being biased. The archives say pretty much the obvious in her having a new style and being more cutting-edge with the look aka more stylish. I think they nailed it as she looks more mature and better yet her corset is way more reminiscent of Pyrrha. You know? The friend Ruby wants to honor since she saw her die right before her eyes- I can keep gushing about how cool she looks but uh, again I’m being biased, she’s cool-looking but not… practical. As in this outfit isn’t necessarily good to wear in Atlas, or rather the tundras. I wouldn’t mind this if she was solely stuck in Atlas/Mantle but she goes on outside missions, why on earth is she wearing a mesh? If anything this outfit would serve better if she was in Vacuo. The outfit had an alternative version of No Sleeves and even her presumed Volume 10 outfit looks so identical to her Atlas design.
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Amazing how even the best outfit in Team RWBY still doesn’t make her look warm for the climate.
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Remember back in my Blake Critique post on how I said I hated the ‘Spitting-Image of Parent' trope in fiction? They could’ve given Ruby a ponytail to look similar to once again; Summer, but they didn’t they got Ruby’s messy bang out of her field of vision and swooped it to the left! She looks 100% cuter and combat ready and while everyone was excited at her for looking more like Qrow, I was excited cause her hair looked more like Taiyang’s hair in being swooshed to the left. Though I wish they gave a reason as to why Ruby changed her hair all of a sudden, when characters change hairstyles it’s usually to show a display of growth with a ‘Show Don’t Tell’ reason but I’ll be biased and assume Ruby just wanted to look more mature ever since stood her ground in Argus for a reason I don’t wanna rant about.
Primary Color - Red!
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Ruby doesn’t fail in representing her color of Red. The long red cape already does the job well plus her red skirt, she’s a gold star for being a red-themed character. But when it comes to her sleeves, blegh. I’m sure people have noticed this by now but Ruby’s sleeves are light gray which is so similar to her skin tone, which puts more emphasis on her arms. I swear the first time I saw the teaser trailer and saw Ruby’s model, I thought they decided to ditch the sleeves but no. The sleeves are just super light like her skin. I think it would’ve helped the design if they either made Ruby tan like her sister or made the sleeves a darker gray.
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I do love Ruby’s Atlas look but as I said I can’t be biased. As cool and cute as she looks it isn’t a proper outfit for the cold environment she’s in, she even shivers in the show canon. The sleeves matching her skin look weird. An open skirt is silly and what’s sillier is a belt holding it in place. I also really hate how Ruby’s cape was just… replaced. Back then I thought her cape had significance as she continued to wear it even when it was withered and tethered, but even back then I thought her Vale cape held more significance- but anyways it was just replaced. Whatever I guess- oh my god it’s the same cape with lazy fabric around her neck. They couldn’t give her a different styled cape? One where it’s held together by a string? Buttons? Pins? No?...
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Okay, I know it’s crazy, but I ditched the cape and emblem. I know, I know! I just used the canon logic and since the cape didn’t mean anything to Ruby for it to be replaced, she could just ditch it for now. I know the cape is an iconic element but I couldn’t find a way to incorporate it. I also ditched the metal emblem, I know it’s a ‘mother’s promise’ and her mom’s emblem but uh… she didn’t wear it in Volume 2, I didn’t think she would care to wear it now. I wanted the look to be different but I think I just made Ruby unrecognizable now. I know the formula is to have Ruby wear a cape and the metal emblem but I just… couldn’t. I’ll confess to you guys about something, the main inspiration for this outfit was Ruby’s Ice Queendom design. I love it and wanted to try to get Ruby with that similar vibe, but I can understand if everyone may not like this. No cape, no metal emblem, and looks a little more childish when Ruby is supposed to be mature. I get it, but I wanted to show you guys that you shouldn’t be afraid of drastic changes to designs. It can sometimes work and sometimes not. 
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Ruby’s outfit is still arguably the best amongst her team even when it’s not climate-appropriate, as much as I nag about her sleeves being too close to her skin color and the decision of her cape being repaired I still do love it. It isn’t perfect I can admit that but she is on the top best Atlas designs for me. If this outfit was instead held off for Vacuo or a return to Vale, it’d be top fifteen at the very least in all of the designs we’ve seen across the show. 
But of course it’s just my opinion. If you love this design or hate the design, please share your opinion. I’d love to hear it! :D
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sketch-shepherd-art · 6 months
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Alright so I’ve finally finished all of Make Your Mark on Netflix (I have no interest in Tell Your Tale) and, well… I certainly have thoughts. Unfortunately I felt MLP G5 (even including A New Generation) was pretty weak. I don't HATE G5 of course, but it certainly has problems. Not counting the ton of continuity errors and plot holes and retcons from G4, most of the episodes + specials on their own I found flat and boring.
And yes I KNOW that G5 deserves to be its own thing and shouldn’t rely 100% on G4’s popularity but come on… a sequel series still needs SOME connection to its predecessor, and G5 has so little of it?? And the worst part is that the super sparse FIM references were for legal reasons, which makes me even wonder why bother setting it in the same universe as G4 instead of just making a complete reboot. And yes I’ve heard that the G5 comics actually go deeper into the lore, but important worldbuilding details should be included in the show proper, not in supplemental materials. 
So yeah, that only inspired me to make even more changes for my MLP next gen AU. Starting with a bunch of different ideas I have for Opaline. More details about my revamped design and backstory for her under the cut
First off, her canon design is way too gaudy and takes away a lot of her intended scare factor, so I redesigned her with multiple variants. For all versions I removed her blue eyeshadow and the braids around her ears (too ridiculous-looking and difficult for me to draw), and made her hair a bit more asymmetrical. 
As for my version of her backstory, rather than Opaline being over a thousand years old and having known Celestia and Luna when they were fillies, I made Opaline a former student of Twilight who became her successor as the next Alicorn Princess. Only Opaline didn't do a great job as a ruler which caused Twilight to drain her of her magic and banish her to the outskirts of Equestria.
But after Twilight died of old age (don't ask me why Twilight didn't find a new successor, still working that out) the magic shield locking Opaline outside Equestria faded and allowed her back in. So she was the one who caused disharmony between ponies all over again (yeah kind of a repeat of the Nightmare Moon situation but), and additionally kidnapped Misty as a filly to use her as a spy and do tasks to help Opaline get her powers back, including her wanting to steal dragon fire to become a fire Alicorn like in canon.
Made this change for two reasons 1) the whole “ancient villain who knew Celestia and Luna back in the day escaped now and is planning to wreak havoc on modern Equestria” has been done a hundred times already in FIM, let a new villain form literally during Twilight’s reign 2) it would keep the rejection aspect of Opaline's canon backstory but give her more personal beef with Twilight which is why Opaline targets her
so my AU wouldn't just have all ponies restore unity and then have Opaline just come as a threat right after like A New Generation + Make Your Mark did. Achieving harmony between pony AND non-pony kind would be done over the course of a series and not just one movie, with Equestria being restored + Misty being freed after Opaline's defeat. The Unity Crystals still play a role in my AU, with Twilight having created them as a new alternative to the Elements of Harmony rather than just a macguffin to stop Opaline specifically.
Also if it were up to me I like my #3 redesign the best, the blue hues would probably fit the best for a fire-based villain (fire being blue when it's hottest and all) but that depends on if/when I wanna draw my AU Opaline in the future
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ultravioletqueen · 3 months
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Thanks to @theloremaniac I discovered Anaq, the first daughter of Adam and Eve in Islam and the first witch in this religion, she caught my attention because of the description of her appearance: born with two heads and claws instead of normal nails, she was also the first person to die in Islam, being killed by a lion sent by God after having sex before marriage.
I imagined what it would be like to adapt it to a possible rewrite of Hazbin Hotel (since I plan to do redesigns very soon) and my original Instagram story (bloody reverie/eden) and I thought about making her the outcast daughter of the Eden family, she was horribly affected for the apple (eve ate it while she was pregnant without knowing it) causing her this strange appearance and a great affinity with dark magic.
In this version, Anaq had a romantic relationship with Arham, a young traveler who became very interested in magic and went to Anaq so she could teach him. However, they soon saw each other as more than friends. Arham had a great thirst for adventure and He wanted to explore the world with her, they both had different ideas about religion and God, neither of them believed much in the existence of God and that's why they didn't bother to follow the commandments.
This did not go unnoticed by God and, feeling extremely offended by Anaq's lack of faith, he decided to punish her by sending a giant lion that ended up eating her alive.
Arham, with a broken heart, decides to take his son Uj/og to his birthplace in Bashun, where he would be crowned king by its inhabitants, but his throne felt empty because he did not have Anaq by his side. However, he decided to raise his son in the best possible way until the day Arham died of cardiac attack when uj/og was 12 years old and he was left in the care of his maternal family who helped him in his royal duties when he was crowned king at the age of 15.
uj/og grew up as a hyperactive child who is usually very emotional and impulsive, but who has a great sense of justice and really wanted to be as good a king as his father and greatly admires his mother's figure even though he couldn't really know her.
uj/og dies being murdered by Moses when he is 19 years old and reaches heaven with his father.
I have two possible scenarios for anaq:
1) CANON:Anaq is in heaven since God recognizes that he was too hard on her and gives her the opportunity to reunite with her lover and son, with whom she is happily reunited. She keeps in touch with her entire family (yep, even Cain) and visits them regularly.
2) NO CANON/SWAP AU:Anaq is sentenced to hell not only for her beliefs but also for her practices of dark magic, she ends up fusing with Roo over time (before she was part of her in her second head as a Siamese twin), she could not reunite with her family and is very bitter about it, she is a very sad and lonely person who does not usually leave her domain.
Anaq in general has a rather discouraged personality, she is introverted and does not usually like the idea of ​​socializing with others unless it is strictly necessary, otherwise she prefers to stay in the shadows and not attract attention (which makes her hate her appearance, since it makes her a target for the gazes and prejudices of others).
Anaq was a figure of protection and understanding for her sibilings, since she did not want her sibilings to grow up being victims of the same prejudices that she had to endure, she took on the role of second mother in general and for this reason her brothers and sisters have her in high esteem and do not let anyone speak ill of her even though she is in hell in some lines.
In more general things, Anaq really likes to study about medicinal practices and would definitely be fascinated with modern medicine.
She also likes to sew a lot, she probably invented the first needle and thread and used to be the one who made clothes for the family. She also loves embroidery and has made beautiful embroideries that have taken her forever to finish but she is extremely satisfied with them (she probably has an tapestry of her lover and son).
gracias a @theloremaniac descubri a anaq, la primera hija de adam y eva en el islam y la primera bruja en esta religion, ella llamo mi atencion por la descripción de su apariencia: nacida con dos cabezas y garras en vez de uñas normales, ella tambien fue la primera persona en morir en el islam siendo asesinada por un leon enviado por dios depsues de haber tenido sexo antes del matrimonio.
me imagine como seria adaptarla a un posible rewrite de hazbin hotel(ya que planeo hacer rediseños muy pronto)y mi historia original de instagram(bloody reverie/eden) y pense en hacerla la hija marginada de la familia del eden, ella fue afectada horriblemente por la manzana(eva la comio estando embarazada sin saberlo) causandole esta apariencia extraña y una gran afinidad con la magia oscura.
en esta versión anaq tuvo una relación sentimental con un arham, un joven viajero que se interesó mucho en la magia y fue con anaq para que ella le enseñase, sin embargo pronto se vieron como mas que amigos, arham tenia gran sed por la aventura y queria explorar el mundo junto a ella, ambos tenian ideas diferentes sobre la religion y dios, ninguno de los dos creia mucho en la existencia del mismo y por eso no se molestaban en seguir los mandamientos.
esto no paso desapercibido por dios y al sentirse extremadamente ofendido por la falta de fe de anaq decidio castigarla mandando un leon gigante que la termino comiendo viva.
arham con el corazon roto decide llevarse a su hijo uj/og a su lugar de nacimiento en bashun, donde seria coronaso rey por sus habitantes, pero su trono se sentia vacio al no tener a anaq a su lado, sin embargo decidió criar a su hijo de la mejor forma posible hasta el dia que arham fallecio por un paro cardiaco cuando uj/og tiene 12 años y este queda al cuidado de su familia materna que le ayudan en sus labores reales cuando es coronado rey a los 15 años.
uj/og crecio como un niño hiperactivo que suele ser muy emocional e impulsivo, pero que tiene un gran sentido de la justicia y realmente quiere ser tan buen rey como su padre y admira muchísimo a la figura de su madre pese a que no la pudo conocer de verdad.
uj/og muere siendo asesinado por moses cuando tiene 19 años y llega al cielo junto a su padre.
tengo dos posibles escenarios para anaq:
1)CANON:anaq esta en el cielo ya que dios reconoce que fue demasiado duro con ella y le da la oportunidad de reunirse con su amado e hijo, con quien se reune felizmente. ella mantiene contacto con toda su familia(sip, incluso cain) y los visita regularmente.
2) NO CANON/SWAP AU:anaq es sentenciada al infierno no solo por sus creencias sino tambien por sus practicas de magia oscura, ella se termina fusionando con roo con el tiempo(antes formaba parte de ella en su segunda cabeza como un gemelo siames), ella no pudo reunirse con su familia y es muy amargada al respecto, es una persona muy triste y solitaria que no suele salir de su dominio.
anaq en general tiene una personalidad bastante desanimada, ella es introvertida y no suele gustarle la idea de socializar con otros a no ser que sea estrictamente necesario, de lo contrario ella prefiere quedarse en las sombras y no llamar la atencion(lo cual hace que odie su apariencia, ya que la hace blanco de las miradas y prejuicios de otros).
anaq fue para sus hermanos una figura de protección y comprensión, ya que ella no queria que sus hermanos crecieran siendo victimas de los mismos prejuicios que ella tuvo que soportar, ella tomo un rol de segunda madre en general y por esto sus hermanos y hermanas la tienen en alta estima y no dejan que nadie hable mal de ella aun estando en el infierno en algunas lineas.
en cosas mas generales anaq le gusta mucho estudiar sobre practicas medicinales y definitivamente estaria fascinada con la medicina moderna.
a ella tambien le gusta mucho coser, probablemente ella invento la primera aguja e hilo y solia ser quien hacia la ropa para la familia. tambien ama el bordado y a hecho bordados hermosos que le han costado una eternidad en terminar pero que esta sumamente satisfecha con ellos(probablemente tenga un bordado de su amado e hijo).
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redrumrose · 1 year
OC question for you! What inspired you to create your main guys? Did they have any previous incarnations before they became the characters you have today?
Aw heck yeah! The main crew is inspired by a bunch of different things and kind of fell into place gradually. Mainly, I've always been super interested in "The Atomic Age" and I love mad scientist characters ^^ Alot of them are inspired by things happening in the era as well! (the rise of a new science, hippies, glamour, cowboys, dangerous kids toys, etc. xDD)
Dmitri definitely had a few versions of himself at first xD Originally his story actually took place in the 80s (cause I was really inspired by Stranger Things and Alexei's character xDD). He was also a lot crueler and worked by himself (Sunny wasn't his assistant yet). In his original design he also wore a gas mask with his suit (I wanted it to be that you never saw his face until the very end of the story).
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BUT all that changed for many different reasons. One was I had another mad scientist whose story took place in the 80s (Anton and Aubrey), and I didn't want 2 stories to take place in the same era, so I changed Dima's to the 60s (I was more interested in that time period anyway haha). Also at the time I first designed Dmitri, a few months later a popular cartoon pilot came out, and by complete coincidence, a character in there looked similar to him (gas mask with suit and everything). I had to redesign him, I was so pissed too haha xDD But with his design change, I also wanted his story and character to be more fun as well (and less serious), which I think suits him alot better. So thankfully it was all change for the better! ^o^
Sunny also changed a bit from his first version. When I first created him (years and years ago pffft) he was just an artsy beatnik.
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He was still very kind and sweet, he also still had his strange hippie parents, but he wasn't a scientist. I'd found an old sketchbook full of old little one off comics I made of him and remembered I still loved his design, so I revamped him a bit and made him an entomologist.
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Then somewhere along the line, I wanted Dmitri to have an assistant and figured why not him, and the rest is history haha.
Lastly Chayne was another character that had a big glow up xD
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I don't think I've mentioned it before, but Chayne and Sunny were originally created together.
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His name was Jaime at first and he was also a beatnik type character xDD But he was always Sunny's friend, a 'bad kid' pffft, a wise ass, and he always had a missing eye xD (I think I was inspired by the emo hairstyle, covering one eye, and thought it would be funny to have a twist to that with a character xDD) As I was developing Dmitri and Sunny's story I wanted ONE more mad scientist and figured bringing Sunny's best friend back. When changing him, I knew I wanted his science to compliment Sunny's a bit, and what better thing to go with bugs then plants. I didn't want a 'Seymour' or even 'Poison Ivy' type plant character though, so I went with a theme in plants we rarely ever see, cacti and desert plants. And with that came his western theme x3 I changed his name too to try and reference "Sonny and Cher" (so Sunny and Chayne) xD Jaime is his middle name now xDD
Oh my gosh I wrote an essay haha (sorry for that ^^;) I could go on all day about character creation and development.
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magmacavern · 1 year
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Hero and Partner Week, Day 7: Free Day!
Last up for the free day today is a little drawing of my own team! After I made all this art of Neo and Skitty (now named Penelope) for this week, I decided that I should actually try to come up with unique designs for them. Now all of my previous illustrations of them are officially outdated. Oops.
I'd gotten attached to the depictions of them in my previous Hero and Partner Week drawings, so I didn't want to change them too much, but I still wanted them to be recognizable as original chararcters and not just general depictions of an eevee and a skitty. I'm pleased with Neo's redesign, but I would like to make Penelope a little more unique in the future. If you're interested, you can read more about them and their alternate universe under the cut!
This will be my last submission for Hero and Partner Week. I had a blast drawing and writing for this event over the past month, and I really enjoyed seeing what everyone else created as well. Thanks so much for hosting this amazing event! I'm already looking forward to participating again next year and seeing how much I've improved as an artist by then!
(Also, apologies if this posts twice. It disappeared from my queue sometime after I scheduled it, and I'm not sure if it's still going to post. I decided to just rewrite it in advance, and if the other version turns up, I'll delete it.)
Neo is an odd-colored Eevee who woke up in the Tiny Woods one morning unable to remember who she was or how she got there. She occasionally dreams of a strange Pokemon atop a frozen mountain, and after learning about the legend of Nintales, she comes to the conclusion that she must be the human in the story who angered the deity and abandoned her partner Pokemon, Gardevoir. She feels obligated to help save the world because she's (allegedly) the one who brought about its destruction long ago, but secretly she feels she's not capable of it and is hoping for a way out. Neo can most easily be described as cowardly. She lacks courage and prefers to run and hide rather than fight and stand up for herself. She doesn't wish to hurt others and cares deeply for many Pokemon she knows, but when push comes to shove, her strong sense of self preservation takes control and she always puts herself first, even at the detriment of other Pokemon. She also lacks confidence, and this causes others to be distrusting of her and lack belief in her abilities. Neo tends to make promises she can't keep because she either doesn't think it through all the way or just wants to help and please others, which makes her seem more unreliable to those she lets down. Her hastiness also hurts her ability to think for herself. Neo can problem solve well when she is forced to slow down and reason out the situation, but when she rushes herself, she doesn't consider all the possibilities and can come to the wrong conclusion. Neo came to trust Penelope quickly because Penelope was there for her when she didn't have anyone else to turn to, but she also sometimes regrets forming a team with her and wonders if it was the right choice because of her struggle to show bravery and do the right thing like Penelope does.
Penelope is a young Skitty who was raised in Littlegrove, a town on the sea northwest of Pokemon Square. Her parents, a Meganium and a Delcatty, tend to a pecha berry orchard and a small garden of other berry and herb plants, and her mother is a skilled weaver who makes scarves and other textiles using the plants grown in town. Penelope and her younger sibling Orion were often tasked with travelling to Pokemon Square to sell Delcatty's scarves to the Kecleon brothers and the many rescue teams that visit town, but since a mystery dungeon formed within the Tiny Woods, Penelope has been making the trip alone. When she learns that she and her partner must be the ones to save the world, she immediately rises to the task because the lives of her family are on the line and she's determined to save them, even at the cost of her own life. Penelope is courageous and quick-thinking with a strong sense of integrity. She's highly motivated by her commitment to and love for her family, especially her younger sibling Orion, and she'll never make a promise that she thinks she can't keep. Her strict moral code often makes it difficult for her to be understanding of those who act selfishly, and it also makes her prone to overworking herself or throwing herself into danger if she thinks it will help someone she loves. She is highly confident in her beliefs and her decision-making abilities, which allows her to act quickly on instinct. However, this also makes her stubborn and unlikely to follow in other Pokemon's footsteps or take their advice without good reason, and because she's still young, her beliefs and decisions aren't always backed up by experience or knowledge, leading her to make some poor choices. Her personality is often at odds with Neo's cowardice and self-interest, so they have a rocky start to their relationship.
One early spring day, Penelope was travelling through Tiny Woods with a new stock of her mother's pecha scarves when she came across an odd-looking eevee named Neo who said she had lost her memory. While she was distracted by the stranger, Gengar of Team Meanies snuck up on Penelope and attacked her. Because of her Normalize ability, Penelope was unable to fight back and Gengar stole most of the scarves she was carrying. Neo fled in the commotion, and Penelope chased after her, assuming she was working with Gengar to steal the scarves.
Penelope found Neo at the entrance to the Tiny Woods's mystery dungeon, which appeared as a deep chasm in the forest floor. She confronted her while Neo couldn't escape, but Neo claimed she didn't know anything about Gengar or his plans to attack Penelope. As they were arguing, they were approached by a Butterfree who needed help because her child, Caterpie, was lost in the dungeon. Penelope agreed to help and forced Neo to come with her because she didn't yet believe that Neo and Gengar weren't working together.
After finding Caterpie and reuniting him with his mother, Penelope took Neo to Pokemon Square where they decided to stay the night at Kangaskhan's inn because Neo didn't have anywhere else to go and Penelope didn't know how to fix the problem of the stolen scarves. While in Pokemon Square, she asked Neo to form a real rescue team with her in order to help earn back the lost money.
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I had some fun and made an updated height chart using my sins/my sin redesigns. You can find the original here!
Just a little disclaimer that these are just HEADCANONS and these are also my version of the sins! This includes redesigns and my own original designs. Nothing about this is canon, this is just for fun. Now onto the fun stuff-! You can find flat color versions at the bottom.
I always hc'd that Ozzie was most likely the tallest of the sins. Even in my own little AU, he's still the tallest. To put a number on it, I went ahead and the absolutely reasonable height of 10ft. Something else noticeable with him is he looks different from canon. This is because I'm using a redesigned version (Not made in bad faith, I actually love canon Ozzie a lot). I'll eventually post a solo of his redesign and explain it better there.
As for Bee, even before I revamped my original design, she was always going to be the second tallest of my sins. She stands at a height of 9ft 2in. If you want to see my original design for her, you can check that out here (OG post), here (HC post), here (Chibi version), and here (Angel vs Demon). With the release of s1e8, I had decided to go for a revamp of my original design to fit my headcanons for Hell a little better as well as using the canon Bee as inspiration. I'll eventually post a solo of her revamped design as well with a better explanation. -> You can now find her solo reference here!
In my original height chart, I had planned on Bel being the fourth tallest but had changed my mind due to a Mammon reveal. And even now, he still sits at third tallest with a height of 8ft 10in. I already posted his revamped design earlier. He really didn't change too much.
Now for Mammon, who follows a pretty hefty height gap from his taller siblings, falls at 6ft 5in. The most noticeable thing is probably that he looks nothing like how most would depict the show's Mammon. The reason for this is because, for the most part, I sidelined my concepts for the canon Mammon and made my own. If you're interested in what I think he might look like in canon, that design is on the first height chart I made, which is linked at the top of the post. The only thing I kept was the four arms, cause I wanted more than just Bee to have multiple sets of arms. Otherwise, his current design here is based on older designs I had for him. I'll eventually post a solo for this design along with some better explanations.
Outside of me giving him an extra finger (cause I decided to jump ship on the three finger, one thumb style.) Leviathan didn't really change at all. He's still shorter than most of his siblings, standing at an even 6ft. If you're interested in more about my version of him, you can see more here (OG post), here ("Through the Riptide"), here ("Water Claims All"), and here ("A Sense of Pride").
Satan falls in the same boat of largely staying the same as my earlier concepts. The only real thing that "changed" about him are his outfits and personality. Design wise, he remains the second tallest sin at 5ft 7in. If you're interested in some of my earlier headcanons (Many of which are mostly the same or similar), you can read them here (OG post), here ("Truth of Power"), and here ("A Sense of Pride")
And lastly, of course, I kept Lucifer as the shortest. I find it pretty funny that he's barely half Ozzie's height, yet he's the King of Hell. I have Lucifer standing at a whopping 5ft 5in (Still taller than me, though). You can find his solo redesign post here.
Once again, these are just my version of the sins, using my headcanons for an AU that I call Sins of a Feather. If you want to know more, feel free to ask or follow me, as I'll most likely be posting plenty more of them and other headcanons.
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Progress Report #3
It's been a little over two weeks since my last update, and I’m glad to say that I got my first build of Sneaker finished!  This build shows off the basic gameplay.  I posted it on itch.io – here’s the link if you want to check it out: https://aliyah-burruso.itch.io/capstone-sneaker-first-build.
Needless to say, I managed to fix most of the issues with the game I mentioned in the last update.  The first was making Sasha shoot after she finished moving rather than at the same time.  The thing that helped was states, which is basically code that gives Sasha different behavior in different scenarios (Ex. moving towards a coordinate point, not moving at all, getting hit).  I’m glad I learned this; not only does the game work more like how I want it to, but this could also help me in future projects.
Another issue I fixed was the respawn bug (where Sasha wouldn’t go back to her previous position after getting hit).  In my previous post, I said it had something to do with the collision boxes.  However, I figured out that the real cause was me not setting up the alarm that was supposed to send Sasha back right!  Now that I fixed this, I can keep my original animation idea.
Of course, I still ran into some issues these past two weeks, mainly with exporting the game.  The first time I tried to export it, I kept getting an error message saying that the “Developer ID” couldn’t be found.  After looking it up, I learned that I cannot create executables for macOS without getting a Developer ID… which requires a $99 fee.  This made me panic… until I realized that what I really wanted to do was to make an executable for HTML5.  Fortunately, I don’t need a Developer ID for that, so I was able to export it.
…Then I learned that the game resolution was too big.  I learned this after I posted it on itch.io.  This meant that I had to resize the entire game and fix the code that told Sasha where to go and aim.  Funnily enough, I managed to fix the code by a complete fluke (I was just messing around with the numbers and found the right one by accident).  I’m not upset at this, though, since it meant that the game was now playable on a browser.
To be honest, I added more to the first build than I expected.  This includes:
The title screen
The backstory
A tutorial (after I let my mom try out the game and she was completely stumped)
Once again, I’m all right with this because I don’t have to do it later. 
On a side note, I may have to push the playtesting with students back.  I contacted a person at a school who could help me get some students.  She wanted me to send it to her first so that she (and the teachers) could test it out for themselves.  I sent her the game, but I am still waiting to hear her response.
Moving on to the redesigns, I’ve been working on an alternate design for Sasha.  Right now, I only have a B&W version, but I’m thinking that I may make her skin darker.  My reasoning is that I want to make her hair and clothing lighter to stand out against the grid more; if I keep her skin light, there will be no contrast in her design.  Other than that, I decided to give Sasha curly hair.  I based it off of my hair when it’s let down.  I tried to retain the “wing” aspect while also making it more unique.  I’ve also been experimenting with a pineapple hairstyle. I can’t seem to get it right, though, so I may not use it in the end.
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Besides that, I decided to completely revamp the design for Giga (the program Sasha uses to take down servers).  My original idea was for it to be a rifle.  However, I was always uncomfortable making a game for preteens/early teens about using a gun.  My initial solution was to try to make the rifle super stylized, but at this point, I think the safer option is to just throw out the rifle idea.  Instead, I’ve developed two alternatives.  One is a “wrist gun” (where Giga is attached to Sasha’s wrist like a watch) while the other is a “power glove.”  I’m thinking that I may go for the wrist gun idea; I tried sketching out the power glove, but it looked sort of silly (I unfortunately erased it…).  On a side note, I’m also considering changing Sasha’s clothes.  You can see one idea I have in the wrist gun sketch.
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That’s all I have for this update.  In the coming weeks, I’ll continue revamping all the designs (including the color schemes... I said I'd get them done in time for this update, didn't I?).  I’ll also start on creating the final sprites for the game and adding them to the next build.  Depending on when I get feedback, I may also fix up the gameplay.  Let’s just see how things go…   
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It’s that time of year again (even though I really don’t do this yearly, more like whenever I remember to post) for me to post the art I’ve made recently. There will definitely be a trend of LMK (Lego Monkie Kid) art here because I’m currently hyperfixated on Monkey King things. (but honestly he’s a mood and I wish I could have someone like him in my life because I need that chaotic energy in my life). Anyways here’s the art, which is mostly ocs but I don’t care lol
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Okay so to start us off on what I’ve drawn is (newest to oldest):
Xiaoyue (the first two pictures) is one of my lmk ocs. She is Mk’s sister and pretty much his Macaque just without the trauma (which comes during s2/s3 when LBD briefly gets into Mk’s head and causes him to attack his sister which results in her getting a scar. She is blind in that eye, but I forgot to show that so imagine her eye is a grayish color instead or she’s simply wearing a colored contact).
Next up is Red Son. Though it’s more of a redesign/AU design because I was on a redesign kick, but I really enjoyed his design in lmk (at least his outfit) so I just changed up his colors and added more bull features on him along with the five rings that Guanyin put on him in JttW (though I believe one is supposed to be around his head like with Monkey King, but I decided to put it on his neck instead. Sort of like a necklace).
Next is a lil mini comic thing (that I used a reference for that I found on Pinterest) of JttW Wukong and pre-curse Bao (another lmk oc who’s pretty much transcended to anything Monkey King related lol) when they first meet and pretty much fall in love with each other. Though they have technically met before then, back when Wukong was causing trouble in heaven for the Jade Emperor. The two never really interacted for various of reasons, but young Bao did find Wukong to be a breath of fresh air (metaphorically speaking) compared to everyone else in heaven. (If you want Bao backstory I’ll give it just send an ask and I’ll spill the tea lol)
Next up is Qingling (another lmk oc lol) who is a young goddess that can turn into the twelve different animals of the zodiac as well as communicate with them. The purple robe is from when she was placed to guard the map of the Samadhi Fire with Nezha, who pretty much became her mentor but not really (he just taught her how to fight so that she’d be able to actually guard the map). The red robe is from when she left her position, which happened some time before the events of the show, and met Mk (who she gained loyalty to and a crush/partner which is totally based off of a rp with a friend). She’s pretty much like Mk, but more on the side of being similar to early Monkey King (mostly because she used to terrorize people with her powers for the fun of it plus she honestly didn’t know how to treat mortals before meeting Mk since she was sort of taught that they were beneath her).
Next we have Possessed AU (my own little AU) Bao, which is about how Bao ran away from heaven upon finding out Wukong had been trapped under a mountain (she had a crush on him and was overreacting lol) and ended up meeting Lady Bone Demon, who used her powers to possess the vulnerable young goddess. Unlike “Mayor”, Bao is a mute and does what either LBD or Mayor tell her to do (she’s referred to as his receptionist many times to mostly hide her true identity). The staff was something created for Bao by LBD to channel her powers and allow Bao to use both LBD’s bone magic (like Macaque did in s3) and her own sunlight magic. (If you want to know more about the AU just send an ask, I’d be happy to answer it)
Next is actually a fusion design/redesign/AU design for Macaque. It’s a mixture of his 2009 Monkey King show design and his LMK design. I really liked the design of young Mac so I thought it’d be fun to merge the designs. It’s kinda like his true form, or at least my version of his true form. I’ll eventually draw the full body version of it lol.
Lastly is a random thing I wanted to make that got stuck in my head for days before I actually drew it and I love it so much. The two characters have evolved from just random characters to ocs that I’m slowly making a world around. For now they’re just referred to as the Princess and the Vampire since I don’t have names for them yet. Though I do know that he’s the “villain” of the story and their lives are intertwined with each other no matter what they do.
Alright. That’s all, for now. Feel free to send in asks about any of my ocs or AUs, I’m always down to talk about them with anyone who’d listen. Also feel free to ask my opinion on lmk stuff since it’s apart of my current hyperfixation. Anyways, have a lovely life!
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tumbleweeddesktop · 7 months
JEEZ OKAY FUCK IT SECOND ASK IN A ROW bc theres another idea i wanna talk about regarding just Haruta.
Cause the first time i saw the shit in Shibuya happen i completely misunderstood the way his power works and i got too attached to my version of it so its canon to me now XD. So basically i thought his technique gave him additional lives rather than making him lucky (bc lets be real no amount of luck coulda saved him from getting his ribs obliterated by Nanami in that fight). Sooo in my interpretation, instead of being able to cheat death he does pretty much die, and his technique simply creates a burst of reversed cursed energy whenever he would to restore his body.
I dunno its kinda weird but. To me it makes more sense than just being lucky :P
Also this leads to him having a bad relationship with death/mortality, being incredibly reckless since he's so used to getting hurt and knows he's not gonna die. Oh and thats the reason my redesign of him is absolutely covered in scars - his technique does restore his body but its not perfect.
Im just yapping at this point but one last thing. The Faulty Feline Philosophy by Ferry is literally his song PLEASE listen to it if you haven't yet /nf OKAY BYE
I think his power is interesting on its own bcs the explanation of it being "luck" plays into how limitless the factors into his ability is. Like it changes his circumstances so he can survive fatal blows (from the wiki cs im bad at wording). But does that mean the luck ability he has can see into the future of what Haruta will experience and then transform the circumstances around it before it occurs, basically changing reality to make sure he survives and all.
But your rct part is kinda interesting too ngl, like he doesn't get fatally injured but can still feel the pain so to some extent rct is sorta his ability too if going with this ldjkfjgjdjf
Oh he's horrible with death which probs explain his overall carelessness when fighting but he doesn't know how much luck he has left and probs thinks it's limitless (as evidenced by him not knowing that his luck ran out) ykw in ur prev ask imagine if nanami is the one who figured out how his miracles works and always kept watch of all the miracles haruta have left during battle
ALSO I NEED TO SEE YOUR REDESIGN PLEASE IM BEGGING YOU AAAAAAAAAA and I have listened to faulty feline philosophy and you're so fucking correct THAT IS HIM
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toaster-is-babey · 2 years
CW: mentions of injury/coping with trauma, toxic past relationships (nothing detailed/indepth don't worry ). Mattie is my vent sona and what not.
Also @z-eddsworld hope yore up for a long read man, finally did a semi-decent ref of Mattie :)
Here is my mad lad Matthew. He is a character from an old au i grew extremely attached to. Though i discontinued the au because i couldnt be arsed to finish the story for it. I am repurposing some characters from the au tho :)!
Name: Matthew Raeburns
Nicknames: Mattie(prefers to be called this, will punch you otherwise), Gingie, Doll face, Matts, freckles, spot, bitch, Mattie-Beear(only by his partners)
Age: 29
Sexuality: Homosexual, demiromantic
Gender: Male/questioning
Pronouns: He/it
Height: 5'5/166cm
Body type: usually pudgy, can be drawn a little slim
Hair : red/deep ginger, very fluffy, curly and soft, cowlick is a must
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So i repurposed Him into a kinsona/Oc earlier last year.
He does/will have visible scars in future art. But for his half finished doodle ref I'll probably redo in the future lmao.
He belongs in my and my friends @mrhappypills au
No mercy AU
Mattie is the middle child in his family.
He has an older brother named Fredrick aka Freddy/Fred
His younger sister has yet to be named.
Alfred is Matties father, and they loath eachother. Though now that Alfred is older, he is hoping to somehow through a miracle Reconnect with his son again. Though its fairly tough, as both Mattie and Alfred are hot-headed and fight everytime they see eachother. They both refuse family therapy lmao
Jacqueline is Matties deceased mother. More information will be posted as i redesign her and develope her character more ^^
He is Neurodivergent, he has trouble putting thought to pen, or thoughts to speech.
He is sensitive with what fabric he uses, he prefers soft or fluffy clothes, it calms his nerves. He bruises like a Peach, though he is clumsy so you'll see him with an ice pack or simply a glass of wine(or whiskey) .
In Matthews teenage years, He was edgy, as most teenagers are . Though he did get himself into a lot of fights because of boredom Atleast until he met his first love, A norse-american transfer student, and was very infatuated with him. They dated close to 5 years. Their break up was a nasty one, as Mattie had blinded Tjøstolv. They both started to get toxic towards eachother and often fought, often ending with both of them leaving the house for a night or two.
Tjøstolv had paid for a large part of his boyfriends schooling, he loved his boyfriend to bits and loved how cute his partner looked when he was focused on work. though being in the public eye often, he grew stressed, and tired, causing him to start fights. On another note, Tjø himself doesnt mind simple jobs, like doing IT work, it calms him.
Will post art of this wealthy rat man when i can for now take a screenshot eddit
'nother screenshot eddit. Tjø has heterochromia, eyepatch lad next to him is Delta, which belongs to @mrhappypills
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Silly fun fact: matties flesh and blood is a vibrant Purple/fuchsia. No real reason on how that happened just thought it was funky and cool (⁠ ⁠´⁠◡⁠‿⁠ゝ⁠◡⁠`⁠)
Heads up, i know nothing really science-y, im taking inspiration from shows i love. As this takes place in a cartoon-y universe, logic definitely wont apply lmao
Mattie was quite the prodigy, and had finished his later years of secondary school, he'd gotten recommendations to some pretty snazzy universities. He studied different modes of transportation, will take apart your car for fun. Though he was dead set on one day to home explore other worlds, it definitely took a long time, but when he had completed his final safety trial, he had somehow ended up in the wild west, in spit-bucket america, seeing a nearly identical man to himself sitting at the bar, he couldnt believe his eyes. An old Timey version of himself and a handsome looking dude being flirty(screenshot eddit by me :) )
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Mattie has travelled many worlds,though found himself stuck in one. Not because of technical issues, but a Man. One he's never seen in other worlds. A wealthy business man named William. Though Mattie worked on technology for william, he somehow with his skrunkly charm managed to seduce him. It took William a while to realize Mattie was flirting with him. They're a power couple now though :)
Screenshot eddit of Lucian>Mattie>William
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Art of William and Mattie made by my pal orange,
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Im so sorry lmao(⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠)
I could definitely go on for hours about Mattie and his life, but I've written enough already (⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠) Anywho I hope y'all have a lovely day and a happy new year(⁠人⁠*⁠´⁠∀⁠`⁠)⁠。⁠*゚⁠+
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shinygoku · 3 years
If you are taking non-train characters, what are your answers for The Other Gordon 👀
For simplicity, or maybe for complexity, I’ll refer to Both the TOS and the TAG versions, though I’m much more thoroughly acquainted with his TAG ver.
There wasn’t a Gordon Tracy in the movie, so I can skip that entirely lmao
To signify which Gord I’m talking about, TOS will have Orange and TAG will have Yellow heart emojis.
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First impression
🧡 (Was very young at the time and not much good at reading quickly) “Gordon Tracy.... Astronaut.” I always liked TB4 herself, but I don’t think I got to see the TOS eps where Gordon really shines, which is a pity u_u;
💛 I was a little taken aback but the redesign, but also intrigued! This time I was already an adult and didn’t have issue reading Aquanaut lmao, but also got in on the ground floor of the show, getting to see the soon-to-be beloved shine in the very first episode.
Impression now
🧡 Holy cow is this dude ever underrated! In the episodes where he’s allowed to play a part, he actually shines so brightly! Several of the Best eps have him prominent, like Terror in New York and Operation Crash Dive, but even the ones where he is sidelined, the short moments we get can still do a lot, like his jokes and being The Most Fashionable of them Tracy Boys. They sneakily wrote in a potential reason why he ain’t used more with the notorious Hydrofoil Accident, but then maybe they coulda mentioned it in the show proper instead of in supplementary lore books? Oh well, the fans go very hard for this plot :P
💛 Holy cow, this time he’s not underrated so much as victim to Shoddy Writing!!! By both the show and the fans! [Mario from Super Mario Sunshine when he’s on low health voice] YAH-HOooorrrugughghh
Ok, seriously, this lad is again such a wonderful character, when he’s allowed to be written well. But they leaned very deliberately into his lighthearted, joking side and that fine character note became the unfortunate handlebars for people to grip into that being all there is to him, or to spin off into more annoying and out of character behaviours, like Season 2′s stupid underwater city episode that I hate so much, I hate it so fucking much that they wrote a whole episode to dunk on him by not only making him fill TB4 with food wrappers, but he doesn’t even pilot her for most of the episode >:V
Uhm yeah, when allowed to be written as more than Token Comic Relief, he’s fantastic. There’s such a wide range to his knowledge, his experience and his emotions. David Menkin defo brings his A Game to voicing Gordon and he has a beautifully nuanced performance [better than Virgil’s, who seems to be pretty much in one mode all the time lol... it can’t be easy being a VA where the characters are in high stress situations a lot]
I also think his feelings for Lady Penelope were actually handled really, really well. That he’s obviously got a Thing for her but doesn’t bring it up every time they’re in proximity, or that he doesn’t spend hours angsting over it. But s1 and s3′s advancement of this subplot feels sooo goooood and natural and is a lot of my good faith for s3 as a whole, to be honest! 💕
Favourite moment
🧡 Times like this make me wanna get the OG Series on DVD...! Hmm, gonna hafta go with the mad lad boarding a plane, getting in a firefight with the guy who’d been causing them all to crash, shooting him in the back, then holding the severed wires back together with his bare hands, all from Operation Crash Dive. That whole ep is a jewel and he did more earlier on too, but this short sequence is the ultimate Chaotic Good, the likes of which one rarely sees outside of Shounen Anime.
💛 I’m not gonna be so mean as to say SOS Part 1 lol, though that ep was Transcendent. It’s hard to pick one, he excels in the lovely new TB4, but I think it’s less his skills there and more his resourcefulness and emotional intelligence in eps like Extraction that have me the fondest. Also lmao, the contrast in my pick from this compared to TOS...!
Honourable mention to Heavy Metal for an action pick, we see 4′s Demo Missiles solve the problem by blowing stuff up, all while dangled in mid air! Niiiiice~
Idea for a story
🧡 It’s not so much of an idea, but whenever I do make myself watch Thunderbirds Are Go (The 1966 Film), I feel like there’s a potential plot thread of him feeling disappointed to be left out of the happenings that clearly the Andersons didn’t mean to pick up on. But he’s so clearly saddened when Jeff stupidly says Gordon won’t be needed [note that the previous failed Zero-X hand the crew land in the ocean....!] to help guard the 2nd Zero-X [in the end, only Scott is slightly relevant, Lady Penelope and Parker carry that mission!], and we also see him looking out of the balcony as the others launch, like he’s wistful.
Unfortunately the film turns into a weird ass Alan centric soap and barely skates over the main plot, too, before oh shit it’s time for the big climatic rescue. Gordon is overjoyed to be give a token role in that, which amounts to shooting a grapple line. Goes with the lore of him being the Best Shot, but oof! That’s it?! RUBBISH
So yeah idk, a rewrite of that shitshow that actually uses him? Could be an idea lol. Maybe it could even be combined with the strange narrative choice of an Alan pity party, the two could discuss the ups and downs of the gig and feeling over/under worked.
💛 Uhhh harder to say as I’m consumed many, many TAG fics since 2015 and still come and go and come back again for more at times, I don’t think I have any pitches that haven’t already been done, for better and for worse lmao
Honestly, I still ain’t let go entirely of the desire to cross over TAG with CSatM, but I don’t think I can make it work as a long form story which it deserves, plus I’d hafta focus on non-Gordon characters too, so uhh.... yeah, at the mo I got nothing ^^;
Unpopular opinion
🧡 Nooo babe, don’t smoke!! Also anyone who claims he isn’t the most handsome of the Tracy clan is lying.
💛 For years, the TAG fandom copypasted the TOS backstory in, which is understandable, but only a few works/authors could get the balance right. Look, the dude is clearly in his 20′s and it’s more than a little unrealistic for him to have done all 3 of the Served in WASP, Got Olympic Gold Medal, Hydrofoil Incident happenings. Like, the same applies to TOS but you could wave that away as being 60′s writing, where Military service as a young thing [eww] was common and Gordon looks older in that.
This got de-emphasised after SOS part 1, natch, as that seems pretty heavily implied to be This Universe’s answer to the Hydrofoil. The WASP and Gold Medal do continue to pop up, but at least 2 massive life achievements before being ....~23?? ish??? is a bit easier to grasp than 3 ¬w¬;
Favourite relationship
🧡 Did Gordon really get to interact with anyone other than his family and the other Tracy Island residents? I’ve read fic which gives him and Tin-Tin some fantastic platonic closeness, but I suspect the show itself wasn’t that generous...!
💛 All too easily, Pen & Ink! That is, Lady Penelope and he!
As I’ve said before, the romantic interest he has is played refreshingly well, and they get several great scenes together with the casual flirting and working well as a team. The Deep Water -> SOS 1 -> Upside Down triple punch really seals the deal, but it was hinted as early as Ep 1 and made obvious on his end in Tunnels of Time. All soooo good~ 💗
Favourite headcanon
🧡 Gordon rules at chess. We see chessboards in the episodes and occasionally the characters are seated by one, and I saw the notion that Gordon’s shockingly good at it in a fic and would like to embrace that~
💛 First, before the show made it be Virgil, I was introduced to the notion that Gordon was the most qualified First Aider type. I still prefer this lmao
Even though the series holds out on us, I firmly believe he has more Uniform variants than his wetsuit, and more causal clothes [though I am fond of his 1 Hawaiian Shirt n Jeans combo] and can make pretty much anything Work. Also his hair naturally has the same style as TOS when it’s not gelled upwards lol
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