#which might mean that resentful implication isnt actually there
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nightowlfury · 1 month ago
i went back to look and it's possible the english translation makes it seem worse than it is. i can't rly figure out for sure what he's saying in thai, but i think it might be more approximative to smth like "babe will graduate soon and then go live his own life". which is decidedly different from "once he graduates, he's on his own". but idk if theres other context bc that's based on my ears and autotranslate which can be wildly wrong. anyway i still think its weirdly dismissive either way
and i guess the underlying gripe i have with that message/translation is that it comes off as kant having resentment towards babe and his responsibility for him. like i guess from that perspective you could argue hes growing and realizing he can have different priorities but that point kind of falls short to me with the context that hes not starting to prioritize himself, hes shifting focus to prioritize a third party. like at a base level hes doing the same thing w someone else, but the way he talks about it makes it seem like its somehow better than the responsibility he has to his brother. and honestly either way it just comes off as resentful and dismissive to me and is just. idk strange and disappointing ig
bison's reaction is also funny
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ok not only has kant's love for his brother (whole driver of the plot) not been given the depiction + emphasis it deserves but now it's being written off as what seems like mere obligation/responsibility. like what person who loves their brother enough to repeatedly endanger their own life turns around and says they're ditching him as soon as he turns 18. makes no sense!! despite his empty threats literally bison has shown more concern for/attention to babe. come on
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imustbenuts · 5 months ago
nuts reading trigun in japanese 7 - filial piety, and meryl
my alternate readings/translation/interpretation of jp lines are for triangulation purposes and nothing else.
ch 10-12. a more general scattershot of a post than over analyzing the japanese texts this time round. i think meryl in these 3 chapters is the most interesting character for me. but mainly bc she seems to be carrying a baggage: her struggle with filial piety.
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^OH's version
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ソレが普通ですわよ That'd be the most common sense thing to do. それにもともと家訓からして『自立せよ』ですからね But our house's motto is to first be independent above all. ドライといえばドライなのかも Mine would just be dry beyond dry...
me: hm. an office lady in the context of being written in 1990s by a japanese guy. i understand.
(i actually prefer OH's version bc the implications of what shes saying is the exact same, but more importantly leads into this page)
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いきついて見れば When I realized all that 何か大切なものを忘れてるのかも… Realized that perhaps I've forgotten something (filial piety) so important... 私… I...
(you can see how this raw translation fucking sucks. I'd reword it in a way that's along the lines of 'feeling so ashamed as to forget getting angry', but OH's version is a downright banger. 11/10 the implications of what she feels is still the exact same. love it a lot!)
right so.
filial piety.
filial piety for a lot of asians is... kind of hard to break down. but perhaps can be explained as "abandoning ones' parents is the worst sin one can do".
not being filial is an invitation to the most extreme judgement from relatives and outsiders in a society which upholds it as the absolute virtue. at least, for the most part. (late stage capitalism fucked it all up yayy)
abandonment can be in the form of presence and/or financial. if a child doesnt make bank to pay back for their parents raising them up, they're not filial. if a child is absent and not there to take care of their parent, thats not filial.
and not being grateful, not being filial, equals shame and warrants divine punishment. (check out folklores like momotaro and kaguyahime that touches on these themes)
meryl i think struggles with that bc shes likely an only child who is expected to work an office job after studying super hard for it, and is now living independently away from her parents. meaning, she is technically not present to take care of them, which in this context makes her feel immensely guilty.
to make matters worse, it sounds like shes one of those types where her parents possibly had to work a lot to pay for this and that, resulting in a severe lack of communication. so this compounds, and she can only write dry stuff in her mind.
milly, by the way, does not have this problem as much:
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she has a lot of siblings who can shoulder the weight of it all together, so in terms of that filial piety stress shes not doing so bad.
Badwick, the focus of this arc, by the way, faces the same struggles with meryl:
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i mentioned the financial part bc from how chill the parents are with him, i think its possible he was trying to sell the land for large sums of money for his parents to retire. theres an added level of resentment going on that complicates their dynamic, with a dead brother and a land that means too much to sell for any sum of money.
and also his parents are... too nice and understanding, jeez.
i dont think meryl has the resentment. i think her case was similar in that her parents worked hard to provide and kinda neglected her in the connection part.
ofc this might then bring up the question of, 'isnt filial piety kinda transactional?', and, yeah. it... frankly can be. some parents have weaponized it, knowing that a society which forces unconditional love and financial support from a child is a good retirement plan. and it sucks. nightow must have realized this and sidestepped it.
whether bc it will not be well received by the then jp audience or if he just doesnt want to tell a story about this, i dont know. there could also be the fact that the 90s was a bad time to be talking about securing retirement for parents when the economy was circling the drain.
trigun gets dark later. we are getting love and peace above all else, at least for now.
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...hm something seems to be rising over the horizon. but we can deal with that later. domestic violence
also i think vash is the kind who would also be a filial son to rem. this aspect of him is just lurking silently in the background in hindsight. in a barrel.
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(incidentally i think this is also why luida and brad got promoted to surrogate parents position in stampede. much to ponder ponder...)
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harley-style · 5 years ago
@hiccups-peg-leg, this is for you (your fuckin username man, its glorious)
Disclaimer: It might not actually reach 50 reasons because I have a healthy amount of concern for my fingers
​It makes sense as the final part of a trilogy, for them to separate, but the whole set up of how the separation goes was...blargh.
​Hiccup was not acting like himself.
​Neither was Toothless, actually.
​Astrid was weaker in supporting Hiccup. I mean, don't get me wrong, she was still as badass as always, but never have I been more uncomfortable with her way of "supporting" Hiccup throughout this entire movie.
​"You gave him his freedom, what did you expect?" BITCH WHAT
​part of the reason Toothless STAYED even when Hiccup presented him with an automated tail was because he preferred BERK. you know, a civilised, NOT WILD settlement even if Toothless himself was a wild dragon prior
​in fact NONE of the dragons were being forced to stay there. Which means they CHOSE to stay with humans.
​Why was there no internal conflict between Berk? Why are they all just following Hiccup after some discussion about "Berk is not a place, its the people and our dragons!"??? Just???? They didn't feel like a village at all, is what I'm saying.
​For the record, I think Valka and Cloudjumper would have been harder to separate because these two were together for like twenty years why wouldn't they stick together???
​Toothless should not have been the King of the Hidden world. there are several reasons.
​1 - he was already a bad fucking leader when it came to priorities. he chose his MATE over his FLOCK. what the absolute fuck. 2- in coming to the hidden world, he promptly forgot about the BERKIAN FLOCK THAT HE HAD RESPONSIBILITIES TO. 3- it just doesnt make sense for all dragons to have bowed to him accepting him as their king. Night Furies are deadly, but they are not of the Dragon king breed. Toothless only managed that title because he FOUGHT a fucking dragon of that SPECIFIC breed. 4- he's horny as fuck. I'm sorry, it had to be said. He and the Light Fury have met for, what, a week at most? And already he's in love? Give me a fucking break. but anyways, my point is, if he dropped EVERYTHING HE KNEW AND LOVED for a person he BARELY GOT TO KNOW, then he should not have been made leader in the first place. 5- this is more personal, but fuck the fucking fact that he left hiccup for this unknown stranger. its like his human didnt even MATTER to him at all. which brings me to my next point.
​why the ever loving FUCK did the team EVER imply that hiccup and toothless were SOULMATES if all they were gonna do is separate them and have toothless forget hiccup entirely.
​are the dragons intelligent, sentient creatures
​or are they just wild animals capable of replicating human behavior without understanding the deeper implications of it
​because if the latter was true, then what the FUCK was the first two movies for?
​the hidden world cannot exist in a geological scale. it cannot sustain itself either. if toothless did somehow recall EVERY dragon, then the ecosystem of the hidden world is suddenly shot to fucking hell.
​the movie basically spat to our faces that romantic love is stronger than the power of friendship. and family.
​im pretty sure GOTNF was canon, and THW just spits all over its message and story.
​what happened to my badass dragon riders, dreamworks?
​okay ill be honest A LOT of my issues with this movie are centered around toothless and hiccup
​berk did not need to be separated from its dragons. in fact, dragons leaving berk, realistically speaking, would actually be detrimental to berk.
​for one thing, theyd be totally cut off from the rest of the world -- they suddenly relocated without any warning, to a place where no one had actually explored thus far. traders would not have known where to find them and, if they were in the merchant thinking mode, would cut their losses and find some other village to trade to. so new berk isnt gonna get any support for a long while.
​berk chose an island than can only be safely accessed via dragons. do you see where im going with this?
​by choosing to LET DRAGONS GO, hiccup and toothless have now condemned Berk into a generation of hardship, one that will make its people struggle with getting supplies, rebuild their homes, and basically a lot of their basic survival needs.
​and MIGHT I ADD, hiccup has REVOLUTIONIZED the viking way of life by INCORPORATING dragons into it. what happens when that system suddenly loses a big chunk of what made that system work?
​may i also add that hiccup has also REVOLUTIONIZED the term BIG DUMBASS when referring to decisions that were made.
​im also salty about how quickly toothless forgot about hiccup when entering the hidden world. like, holy fuck, i cannot even begin to explain how dreadful i felt when toothless was just "oh fuck yeah" in that glowing neon underground while poor hiccup was like "do you think he's okay?"
​if it were me, toothless would at least be having a moment to himself, looking at his tail, and you can clearly see in his eyes, "what about my human? what about berk?" before getting distracted. I would have accepted at LEAST that.
​nope. we get a toothless reluctantly going back to hiccup and new berk, resentful and somber as he longs for, what, a home?
​goddamn it i hate the hidden world in the movie the hidden world. i like the movie, i really really do, but that fucking plot device grates my fucking brain.
​RTTE handled a dragon haven a lot better.
​Vanaheim was a perfect place for wild dragons to settle but dreamworks fucking abolished that idea
​i KNOW vanaheim is like a resting place for sick dragons but like
​if hiccup was half as smart as he was the first two movies thw wouldnt have been a thing in the first place.
​its really, really hard for me to defend a movie i liked the first time i watched it when the only things i can see from it are toothless not caring enough about hiccup and hiccup making the niggest mistake of his life.
​this movie honestly felt like emotional manipulation. watching it i always remembered the other two movies, which should NOT have happened. when i watched the second movie (and may i add i barely remembered a thing about the first movie at the time) i was so MOVED to the point of TEARS. i had no context and i was moved to tears anyway. THW constantly pulled at my nostalgia strings and indirectly and directly called back to the first two movies and that just....what???
and that's it.
i mean if youd like to add more feel free to, probably missed some there
and there are a couple of ao3 essays that depict the same reasons i have. just put the tag "the hidden world" in your filters uwu
one last thing: despite the reasons i mentioned above i did enjoy watching thw, im just sayin it took me a long time and a lot of reading to figure out that, no, thw wasnt as great as the hype made it seem.
this isnt meant as an attack to people who like THW. i understand that this movie is special to you and I have no right to take enjoyment from you. im just laying out the reasons of why I personally don't agree with what happened in THW.
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urcharactersclasspect · 4 years ago
Psst. Can I get some more details about Nazz and Jonny being Bards of Heart? That's a really interesting take imo!
Boy do YOU have an ESSAY to read
As a disclaimer, Ed Edd n Eddy isnt really a very deep show- Theres just tidbits of something deeper sometimes you can gather about the cul de sac and the kids we focus on in the show. Ive watched through the show from episode 1 to Eddy's movie and the last episode. But its been a hot second since Ive been a kid myself and I havent really sat down to watch it in a long time tbh.
Another disclaimer is, even though they share a godtier does not mean they will have the same personality! Since Personality by itself pretty much is not as relevant to classpects as much as how the aspects seem to bend around the person in question as they grow and delevoped. That being said..This is gonna be a long ass read. Im so sorry. I have THOUGHTS on everything.
For Nazz, throughout the show we see her literally making almost every boy in the Cul De Sac crush on her, she has no confirmed feelings until the last movie, where she and kevin want to date. Unlike most heart players in canon and the ones I have met or seen good protrayals of, i dont think she has unrequited feelings and we clearly see as much, but it sure does give me the same energy as Dirk's frequant troubles to just finally spit out his feelings for Jake through extreme indirect means, and how Heart players are actually way better at controlling how or showing how they really feel waaaay more than people give them credit for- This isn't to imply heart players are Emotionless and never show emotion, but Heart players are firmly NOT all sweethearts who are innocent, do no wrongs and are definitely not always bubbly fangirls like Meulin- Hell, even Meulin isn't really probably being honest with her own feelings on things either.  On the contrary, they can be very intense with what they are passionate about whether it be romantic or just an interest of theirs. And usually, like Dirk, they are very self aware of that fact. So they sometimes try to hold back things about themselves they are all too aware of. Sometimes to a detriment, but not always. For Dirk, its his emotions in general he tries to keep to himself. For Meulin its likely her resentment of her team members and holding back her anger at Kurloz or maybe even her feelings for Kurloz still being there.
For the Bard part of her classpect, its the idea that Bards Mirror their opposite. The thing about Nazz is shes actually very responsible! Often giving an air of being very well put together for a kid to the rest of the cul de sacs kids and cool headed more times than not. Its part of the charm. Of her acting cool and casual- And just how she behaves regularly like nothing bothers her, but sometimes you can tell it does or just might (almost like a passive ghost of hpow Dirk acts). You learn over time shes actually very smart, too; she gets very good grades, is a model student who cheerleads, and even was seen as responsible enough by the parents of the cul-de-sac to babysit Eddy. Which definitely says something, I think. This is usually how we see Mind Players- Dirk being so cool headed but only the surface is  too. Since its the stereotype at this point that Mind players are the calm ones (which I have my own opinions on too but thats another essay for another time).
DESPITE this chill and responsible facade on the surface, Nazz has SEVERAL times shown some genuine Heart player impulsiveness or thinking with her heart on a sleeve. She allows Edd into her bathroom without even thinking about it, even when it wasn't cleaned up. You see how she acts on emotion like humouring Edd a lot through the show even by kissing him at one point and dancing with him even when it wasnt the popular thing to do, she humours Kevin but lectures him for his own impulsiveness on pure anger towards the Edds frequantly, passively destroying someone elses impulses and making him think before he acts a little more; In spite of this too, she also can get violent towards the Edds herself and irritable when things dont go her way, and we even learn Nazz for all her coolness and popularity, still has insecurities shes VERY emotional about- her hair being one. Much like Dirk does about this or that. Im sure theres further proof to get what Im saying across, but Im rambling as is. So thats where Ill end that tirade, I think it REALLY fits Nazz.  So theres my conclusion.
For Jonny 2x4. Its easier to tell you why I think it fits him, and Id say its for far more obvious reasons when you really get down to it. Hes probably an example of a Bard that simply hasn't learned how to gauge his aspect very well in every day life, leading to him becoming more of an annoyance to those around him much like how you see Cronus or Gamzee be treated. Someone who hasn't quite "gotten it" yet. I don't think this is nessasarily because Jonny is stupid though, at least maybe not as stupid as he makes himself out to be, since hes shown to definitely have some intellegience, more like its because hes Younger (theres no direct ages we know of?), but he does act a lot younger than Nazz so thats my best assumption, and hes also in a seperate enviroment from Nazz, who I personally see as a far healthier Bard for reasons I'll be getting into in a minute here. just know. Jonny has similiarities to Nazz with how the Heart aspect bends around him; Theres too many instances to count where hes just being impulsive but he tries to come across as braver or calmer than he really is. But if I admitted all of them for Jonny, we'd be here all day long and you'd be reading even MORE.
Lets just go with the obvious signs outside those then.
Jonny is a very lonely kid. This is similiar to Dirk too; Jonny is never seen with any genuine friends except his attempts to befriend the Edds, as stated before some kids in the cul-de-sac consider him to be an annoyance due to his own impulsiveness, and this because hes a very socially awkward kid because even in his own home theres rather dark implications of Child Nelgect or something happening. Even the Creator of the show states this interesting quote in an interveiw: "He'd be more or less thrown out the door at 9am and only let back in when it got dark or if it was time to eat. He had an imaginary friend. " Hes that lonely kid who was so lonely and felt so much so he had to resort to Imaginary friends, imposing an identity to an object that seemingly has a similiar personality to his own or a personality that meshes well enough for them to "get along" and to not get along sometimes- this is seen constantly with Jonny talking to Plank. Jonny sometimes disgrees with the morality of Plank, but hes also best friends with Plank and if I remember correctly, Jonny even says at point they are as close as brothers- PLank knows him more than he knows himself, as Jonny says. Sometimes Plank suggests even illegal things - things a little kid like Jonny (supposedly) wouldn't know about or do himself. Almost like Jonny knows weird things from listening to his parents and imposed them onto Plank, making Plank "real" so Jonny could stay in his own head and pretendHE doesn't know anything. If that makes sense.  Much in the same manner as Dirk having conversations of various focuses with HAL and objects he himself has inputted his will or rather - his Soul and Heart onto.
Thinking about this some more. I think an arguement could be made that Jonny isn't actually a Bard of Heart, but maybe a Bard of MIND. But IM not so sure.
If i think of anything more to add to this, I might revisit my thoughts on it later and reblog or edit it more.
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ilikelookingatthings · 5 years ago
Akatsuki no yona chapter 195: youtube comment I’m proud of: Part 6
it might be a linear story but it is also a SHOUJO linear story where the emotions and nuances are ALWAYS the focus in shoujo. and Yona has been dealing with not getting enough informtion about anyone. yu-hon, her dad, her mom, soo-won. the fact that her mom and dad knew she was the reincarnation from the begining. finding out reasons her dad might have mixed or negative feelings for her uncle but also finding out why her uncle did something as cruel as killing all the priests and the good sides her uncle had. its relivant to the current story because yona even assumed soo-wons mom was alive this whole time just to find out recently that was not the case. she had to revaluate her father after leaving the castle and finding out the bad affects of his rule, but also see first hand the horrors even mini battles can have so why he would want to avoid them at all costs.
remember what exactly is motivating yona? she's been wandering around geting to know her country and helping out being nescaty due to her being on the run but also because she wants to know her country and no longer be nauve. get to really know the good and bad her dad was in his reign and know more about her land and her family. Yona was  betrayed by soo-won in the begining and there was the implication she never really KNEW him in the first place. that both hak and yona didnt get the extra context to properly understand soo-won. but the parts of him they DO know are a lie either because WE know soo-won was conflicted at times and missed them even if that wouldn't stop him from killing them if he HAS to and both hak and yona know soo-won would make a good king.
yona's motivation isnt just surviving, and its not taking over her kingdom back and getting her place on the thrown. she got the dragons together because she knew that was the one way that she and hak would survive but they've mostly been wandering around. the theme connecting it all together was yona LEARNING the true face and nuances of her kingdom. Yona in this case is getting to learn in detail about different sides to all of her relatives and the conflict that had been right infront of her that she hadn't noticed. stuff that soo-won went through. that her kind father hadn't been the kindest to soo-won but there are understandable reasons for that even if you disagree with it.
yona her self in the begining called her father a kind by cowardly king. cowardly king being one of the last things in a personal talk she told him when he refused to let her marry soo-won. HAK is really the only one we know truly respected king Il and didn't see him as cowardly even if he disagreed with many of his policies. who really saw that strength in Il.  
and here she got a look at yu-hon who everyone respects married yon-hi because yon-hi could see the strength in Il's kindness, and was irritated at others for looking down on his brother. found out her uncle did that cruel thing of killing the priests for possible multiple reasons but for at least to protect yon-hi even if it was over kill.  yona saw him as he scary uncle even if she cared for him. her father saved her mother from being burned alive by his own brother.
like its not really fluff if its answering yona's real goal... of understanding soo-won. why he did what he did. and all of her love ones as well as her country and how it ended up this way.
because a big difference to the other flashbacks that only WE got to see...that gave US new insight about the characters..we know YONA is actually reading these flashbacks WITH us through the diary. SHE is seeing and getting the information that we are seeing...which also means she is going to have opinions and REACT to these flashbacks once we get back into the present timeline. yona's going to have opinions on yu-hon, and kaashi and yon-hi and Il. not to mention its giving a look from someone going through the disease that soo-won is going through.
yona is going to realize all over again how much she didnt know about her loved ones and what her view will be about soo-won and this disease he has. something connected to king hiirryu who SHE is a reincarnation of. will she think she was blamed or hated without knowing it?
there is also the questions of what were Il's intentions when he told yona he couldn't let yona marry soo-won. yona first assumed it was out of care way back in the first volume because of the danger being in the main royal family in line for the throne puts you in. then we had a different feelings that it was to protect yona because king il didn't trust soo-won because il killed his dad. then maybe Il not wanting soo-won to marry her because soo-won's dad killed all the priests. but we also saw Il see yon-hi suffer from this illness that soo-won had a chance of getting or passing on to any children. and so his strong brother yu-hon deal with having a wife at risk of dying and suffering through that.
possible that king Il didnt want yona to marry soo-won because she'd be at risk of becoming a widow and suffering seeing her husband die or seeing hr kids die from the disease.
then maybe we think there might be resentment from Il telling soo-won he can't be king hirryu that we saw as Il being fixated on the religious stuff...but considering we know his brother was no longer neutral about hirryu maybe its connected to that last conversation the brothers ever had.
by the way I enjoyed your drunk review last time 
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