#which means she was good at singing heheh
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amethystsoda · 2 years ago
I know it’s supposed to be anon (or I would have added pics), but this was me Nat! I will explain some of the choices in tags:
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For the similar energy characters I give you:
Edith from Crimson Peak, Maple from Animal Crossing, Momiji Sohma from Fruits Basket, Effie from The Hunger Games, Chuck from Pushing Daisies (esp because of your similar fashion tastes!), Jeanne from Vanitas no Carte, and Yugiri from Zombie Land Saga!
EDITH MY MOST DARLING AND BELOVED!!! i havent heard of a lot of these characters but i think i am very much due for a pushing daisies rewatch, it is SO GOOD and the aesthetic of it is truly the Moment. ahead of its time, actually.
(Anonymously) tell me what character I have the same energy as!
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The triplets kittens snuck in to NRC to see their big sister figure Crewle daughter, and seeing her they all are happy and admire her alot, and she adore them as if they are their siblings
What's more that childhood friends knows if you're close when they called you big brother
Vil, Leona, Azul, Jade, Floyd, and Deuce be when the kitties calling them big brother and quietly said " can you marry big sis (yn)?? We think you'll be a good mate/husband for them "
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The Kittens | Crewel Daughter Reader
The kittens would rather infiltrate the princess academy because that is where you usually are
And when they do they’re pampered beyond compare
So its entirely different when they end up in NRC
Now the thing with NRC is that the school is on a private island
That takes a lot to travel to anyway 
So the only way they’ll end up there is through nefarious means
Beating up and apprehending their kidnapper
They don’t know what to do but they recognize their beloved godfather
“Ah my little kittens, what are you doing here?”
Appalled by their journey 
he takes good care of them and eventually the beast children meet your obsessive suitors:
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Vil Schoenheit 
“So Miwster Vil?”
“Yes, young Marie?”
“Awr you taken by anyone?”
“You mean…romantically? Well, you know me and (Y/n) have been together since the beginning.”
“Ooooh so you’ll marry godsiwster one day?” 
“Hehehe, yes.”
He knows he’s destined to be with you
He’s just happy your godsiblings can recognize him as your lover already
He treats them well despite Toulese and Berlioz puffing their chests at him 
Whipping children into beautiful shape is his expertise
Naturally, when Duchess is finally able to pick them up she recognizes him 
“Oh thank you, Vil! Their hair! And their dress! They look divine! But even in your youth, you were such a proper gentleman!”
“Why thank you, Duchess. Your praise is an honor.”
He expects this will carry over when Duchess and Marie talk next
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Leona Kingscholar
“Hey! Big Bwother!”
“Ugh what?!” 
“Are you gonna marry (Y/n)!?!?”
“Big sis! Are you gonna be her mate fwor life?”
“...Yeah, if anyone tells you different bite them for me.”
“Yes th-thwir!”
Toulouse the little orange cat boy is set on following the strong lion around
Similar to Cheka in that he endlessly follows Leona around
But his energy is more like Jack in that he admires the dorm leader’s strength and coolness
He doesn’t immediately push him away because he’s so familiar with you
He knows this kid will be singing his praises to you when he finally meets back up with you
“Y-your highness!? I apologize for any trouble my son might have given you!”
“It’s fine. The little tiger is definitely going places.”
“I’m so grateful! Thank you, your highness.”
Yeah, he better deliver
Maybe putting the wall of you visiting if the little tike ever wants to see him again
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Azul Ashengrotto
“You’re vewy smart big browther!”
“Why thank you!”
“Will you marry big sis (Y/n)?”
“E-excuse me?”
Berlioz takes to his side right away
Proudly wearing his tie as he cutely escorts guests around
His glasses fog up in heat as he imagines what your kid would be like
Not only will this kid give him rapor with you 
The Duchess is a renowned noble in the Shaftlands
A wonderful investor and corroborator for any romantic ventures
“It was an honor tending to your child, he was a pleasure.”
“Well, that certainly puts me at ease. You’re such a bright young man it's hard to believe your so young. Your maturity reminds me of (Y/n) do you know her.”
“Oh I do. More than you’d believe”
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Jade Leech 
“Well here you are little lady.”
“Why thank you Jade! You truly are quite the gentleman. Big Sis (Y/n) would looove you.”
“Oh would she?”
“Mmmhmm I’ll tell her about you when I get home. But! You have to let me be the flower girl at your wedding, okay?”
“Yes, m’lady.”
He’s got his gentleman butler+ act on lock 
Perfect for catering to Marie’s little lady personality
And like a little noble lady she makes promises and is bound to gossip
Which seems to be in favor of Jade 
Who smiles as he recognizes the behaviors that she’s copied 
From you of course
“Duchess your daughter was a lovely guest.”
“I can’t help but thank you for taking care of her.”
“And I humbly accept.”
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Floyd Leech
“Oi oi where ya going so fast?”
“I’m running because I know I need to train to be the fastest tiger ever!”
“Ah? Then let me help you!”
“Wow! You're so fast and strong! I’d say you're a perfwect mwate for Big Sis (Y/n).”
“Yeah I think so too.”
He enjoys the seemingly endless energy of Toulouse 
He only runs faster because he’s pumped just thinking about you in the future
Sitting back while he runs with your little one
It's just a matter of time
“Thank you, Floyd. Toulouse is tired out but it seems he had fun.”
“Yeah we did! He was a blast!”
He thinks fondly of him but doesn’t expect much until you thank him later
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Deuce Spade
“Ya ever think about marryin’ Big Sis (Y/n)?”
“W-what?! What are y–”
“I think you should. I'd like to have more fun with you!”
He doesn’t connect that Berloiz and you are related in any way
Until the little cat boy flicks his ears as Deuce offhandedly swoons as he talks about you
When he does he gets flustered 
Before getting laughed at and going back to playing with him
He bows deeply to Duchess when she returns
“T-thank you for being there for (Y/n)! Consider this a small thank you for that!”
“Oh? Such vigor for a young man. Well, I am grateful you watched over my little gent. I’m sure (Y/n) would be pleased as well.”
He can’t help blushing aggressively at your name
He hopes the duchess doesn’t laugh at him when she tells you
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bambi-kinos · 1 year ago
I just came across your analysis of However Absurd and thought it was lovely. I'm curious, as someone who thinks John and Paul had some kind of romantic or sexual relationship, what is your take on The Lovers That Never Were? Is he using the word "lovers" to mean "partners"? I have always interpreted it to mean that Paul knows there was something there but it never happened. Every time I start to be convinced that they were together in some way I think of this song and the devastating way Paul sings it in the demo and the heartbreaking fact that he still felt it that intensely 13 years after John's death.
Oh wow thank you! The server had a lot of fun discussing that, if it's good it's because I had a little help from my friends heheh (─‿‿─) ♡
I ended up writing a massive novel in response to all this so I hope you enjoy reading it heheh. For server members, I've pulled some quotes from my previous Discord essays on this topic so you'll see some stuff that you've read.
tl;dr - I don't think "The Lovers That Never Were" contradicts the secret relationship theory at all! I think it compliments it very well actually.
In order to get into All That, I will outline how I perceive what their relationship was built on and how they reacted to it. I should note that I don't consider this definitive. It's important to remember that we all have unique interpretations of John and Paul because of our experiences and our personal POVs. There is no single answer until Paul decides to tell us what happened and/or Sean publishes John's diaries (written and audio). Until that happens, we are all forced to look at the same material and draw our own conclusions which will naturally be shaped through our personal perceptions. Some of us are older and are much closer to the original culture that John and Paul were raised in; some of us are younger and grew up in a much more LGBT+ positive environment. This naturally has an impact on how we interpret John and Paul's relationship.
I say this because I know my POV on John and Paul is a bit different from everyone else's. I'm a historian by training but part of being a historian is the understanding that you will never fully understand the events as they happened because your personal viewpoint and inherent bias is simply too strong. But that's okay because this is a part of humanity that we all share, yeah? With that understanding LET'S GO!
Paul My view on Paul is that he's always understood that he's different from other men. I doubt he could put a name to it until very recently. Paul has synesthesia, he's bisexual, he connects to music in a savant-like way, he's neurodivergent which is why he takes criticism so hard, and all of that would still be true even if he didn't have left over emotional issues from his mother dying the way she did + his fraught relationship with his father.
Keep in mind that circumstantial evidence points to the idea that Paul orchestrated the meeting at the fête! He realized he had a mutual friend with John in Ivan (who is to say that he did not meet Ivan at a QM performance and had that mental realization there?) He went through Hot Girl Summer before and after the fête, wanting to be fucking fit so that he wasn't embarrassed to meet John! I did the same thing when I had a crush as a teenager!
So with all that in mind, imagine this: you're Paul McCartney. You met John Lennon barely a year after Mary died. You turned 15 on June 18th, 1957 and met John at the fête on July 6, 1957. At some undetermined point before this garden party you saw a beautiful boy on the bus and began riding it obsessively hoping the Teddie boy would get on it. You followed him to the chippie and stood in line behind him…allegedly because you thought "oh wow he looks so cool." Marky Mark thinks (and I agree) that you may have even followed John to at least one Quarry Man show before the fête. Is this 'normal' behavior? Or is this the unhinged behavior of a teenager with a massive crush? The kind that comes about when you see a cute boy with red hair, and red is the color you associate with happiness, and then you find out that he plays guitar just like you and you follow him around until you see one of his performances and he's so good he knocks you back and then someone says "hi Paul, I didn't know you liked music!" behind you. And you realize that it's your friend and that you can meet the boy you have a crush on through this friend. You just need to lose weight and grow your hair out first.
When did Paul first see John, anyway? Before he turned 15 I'd wager.
I submit the idea that Paul has been in love John Lennon for his entire life. It will be 67 years of love when this July 6th rolls around. John was making a name for himself, he was known around town as "that Lennon." A minor celebrity like we’ve all had in our hometowns. Paul loved music. Before the internet you would go to the town square to hear a band.
Paul did that. Saw John. Pursued him with intent. When John went to Gambier Terrace to be with Stuart, Paul made a nuisance of himself showing up at their parties and playing the proto-version of "Michelle" in front of the girls…and John.
I love you, I love you, I love you That's all I want to say Until I find a way I will say the only words I know that You'll understand
I don't think that a 15 year old Paul McCartney would explicitly label his feelings for John as 'love' or a 'crush' but I do think that's what happened. When you're a teenager, a crush can express itself in many different ways. I used to have a big crush on a girl who was a volleyball player at my junior high school…that expressed itself as intense admiration. I even told one of my friends that I thought she was 'really cool.' It wasn't until later that I realized that I had a crush on her.
But I think that Paul has always known that he's 'different' and that he wasn't like other boys while growing up. Part of his touchiness about his looks comes from being bullied but I also think that he's a lot more self aware than he pretends to be. I think he realized relatively fast how he felt about John (maybe once John picked up with Stuart and Cynthia at art college.) I think he carried that with him for years hence his anguished response to being jilted in Hamburg and how furious he was at John for running off to Spain with Brian. He didn't realize it immediately but once it sticks to you then it fucking sticks. I think that Paul has done a lot internal wrestling with being a bisexual man and what that means for him and that he has been wrestling with it for decades. I think he was fully in the grip of that wrestling as he and John's friendship began growing and Paul realized what was happening to him. He does enjoy women but I also think that he felt it was necessary to pursue them heavily as a young man to camouflage himself.
I don't think a day has gone by since 1957 where Paul has not known what he was. What exactly that means for him…is up for interpretation. That's where the gray area is. But IMO Paul has almost always known that he's sexually attracted to other men and that John woke this in him. The big question for Paul is what he should do about it.
John There's been a lot written about John and his sexuality that I won't rehash here but truthfully I think John was in a similar place to Paul in knowing that he's always had a sexual preference for other men. John was a lot less comfortable about it though. Having unprotected sex with his girlfriends was, IMO, John trying to subconsciously engineer a situation that would "fix" him via an accidental pregnancy necessitating a marriage.
Of course that didn't do anything because it never does. John still felt chemistry with Paul when they met at the fête, with that quote about them "circling each other like cats." IMO John felt something immediately -- it's not entirely clear what -- though I don't think it "love at first sight" like with Paul. IMO their friendship, while still rooted in that chemistry, developed very naturally for John and he got to enjoy a platonic relationship with Paul before he put it all together. I say this because John saw Paul as a kid, not a peer, and that this endured for their lives in Liverpool pre-Hamburg. I struggle to imagine John or Paul deliberately inciting sexual or romantic contact during that time period aside from the group wank sessions (which were really trolling sessions from John.) Like, when Julia died, John went out and sought peers at art college like Cynthia and Stuart, other students his age. John and Paul bonded over losing their mothers and Paul has that quote about pranking people with the "oh yeah…my mum's dead thanks <3" bit but it also seems like John didn't want to be around that all the time. He lost his Uncle George and then his mother, he was starting to think that he was a death-curse on men in his family and that he brought suffering with him. He wanted to be away from that so he took a vacation from music to get a chance of scenery. Which meant putting Paul in a place of competition with Stuart and Cyn but I don't think John was thinking of that initially (though he exploited the situation later.)
Then Hamburg happens and they run wild. I have an entire meta about this that you can read here but I genuinely think John did not see Paul as a full fledged adult and potential sexual partner until they were in Hamburg in the red light district. I think that something happened there that we don't know about, that it's tied up in Stuart deciding to be with Astrid, John jilting Paul, Paul saying "fuck you I'm done" and getting a job at the coil winding factory in Liverpool after being deported, John tracking Paul down and spending weeks (probably) groveling and then giving Paul an ultimatum to come back to the Beatles. All of that screams 'I just realized I'm in love with my best friend and I'm freaking the fuck out' to me lmao.
John and Paul Of course something else changed after that too and John and Paul ended up becoming so close that even the Liverpool squares around them noticed. I think that whatever was going in their relationship, it started here. In the place where John and Paul were equally distraught with each other, the future of the band was uncertain, and Paul wanted a sign of commitment from John so that he didn't feel like he wasted years of his life. And of course John always felt compelled to be the man Paul wanted him to be so he treated Paul to a vacation in Paris which was so life affirming for them that it stayed with them for the rest of their lives. IMO the Paris vacation was explicitly romantic for them.
I think a switch flipped in 1961 and they went from "messing around" to "there's something there." It erupted in Paris and they showed each other more understanding and care then they expected from each other. John did sexy pin up poses for Paul in a bed that they shared; John remembers how the French held each other in their arms and just kissed each other, lovingly; Paul felt that he discovered the answer and that all those big name philosophers had nothing on the self realization he came to inside himself. Paul even took a photo of John that high lighted his package! Thanks to @louiselux for pointing this one out:
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The thing was all the kissing and the holding that was going on in Paris. And it was so romantic, just to be there and see them, even though I was twenty-one and sort of not romantic. But I really loved it, the way the people would just stand under a tree kissing; and they weren’t mauling at each other, they were just kissing. — John Lennon, Playboy interview 1980
“We were like Paris existentialists. Jean-Paul Sartre had nothing on us. Sod ‘em all - I could write a novel… It was all inside me. I could do anything now.”
Paul McCartney, Anthology
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Something happened in Paris and it wasn't just them getting haircuts and John buying Paul milkshakes. There was commitment there. And then the spell comes over them again when they return in January 1964:
The first night, John and Paul stayed in their suite, listening to records and reading fan mail. George, who had been signed for 100 pounds a day by the Daily Express to write of his experiences in Paris, went to a nightclub in the Place Pigalle.
Back in the City of Light, John and Paul slept till three o'clock in the afternoon. That much everybody agreed on.
Quote by Vincent Mulchrone from Daily Mail: George Harrison was astir early, but John Lennon and Paul McCartney slumbered on until frantic photographers forced them at lens point into the Champs-Élysées.
Derek Taylor (a British journalist) wanted to know why the Beatles slept so much. "My office wants to know what they're doing in Paris, so they'd better be doing something."
Love Me Do by Michael Braun
But I know what you're thinking. "What the hell does this all have to do with these two songs?"
And my reply is to keep a few things in mind:
Paul takes criticism and slights incredibly hard, possibly overreacting in some places and letting them overwhelm him mentally.
He never got over Barcelona, he never stopped resenting Stuart and Brian, he never got over John pulling the rug out from under him regarding the order of their names in the song credits. He contemplated committing suicide by smothering himself while he was in Scotland recovering from John leaving him.
John Lennon had a baby with a woman in the middle of all this. Julian Lennon was born April 8, 1963, conceived in July 1962, less than a year after Paris.
However Absurd & The Lovers That Never Were I listened to "However Absurd" and "The Lovers That Never Were" in that order. My immediate reaction is that these are both the same kind of song: they are both expressing sadness and frustration with John. This is a common theme with Paul's post-1980 John songs. What I find interesting is that they depict different though related gripes regarding John. In "However Absurd" Paul is expressing his longing for a cottagecore fantasy romance with John and then expressing frustration at John mocking him for it:
Ears twitch, like a dog Breaking eggs in a dish Do not mock me when I say This is not a lie
But in "The Lovers That Never Were" Paul expresses a different gripe: frustration that John won't commit to him and "anticipating" the break up that he secretly knew was coming ever since 1963 when John abandoned him and his own son to play patty-cake with Brian in Spain:
I hang patiently on every word you send Will we ever be much more than just friends? As for you, you sit there playing this game You keep me waiting
When all of the clocks have run down All over the world We'll be the lovers that never were
For as long as the sun shines in somebody's eyes I believe in you baby, so don't tell me lies For as long as the trees throw down blossoms and leaves I know there will be a parade of unpainted dreams
And I know dear, how much it's going to hurt If you still refuse to get your hands dirty So you, you must tell me something… I love you Say goodbye or anything
All of the clocks have run down Time's at an end If we can't be lovers we'll never be friends
John's penchant for disregarding Paul's feelings and even weaponizing them against Paul; the dashing of Paul's cottagecore dreams that were made and solidified in Paris; the fact that John, no matter what his intentions, could not get his shit together and commit to Paul no matter what he may have felt. These two songs are not contradictory to one another. Paul's idea of "commitment" looks very much like what he had with Linda and John in 1967: sharing a home, sharing a bed, being together every day, preferably somewhere green and remote. Exclusivity. Remember that Paul deliberately sabotaged his relationship with Jane Asher by nailing a woman in their bed when Jane came home, knowing perfectly well that he was breaking their exclusivity agreement.
That IMO, is what makes someone a lover and not just a friend you have sex with and secretly pine for. No cheating, or at least your agreed version of it. No disrespecting the relationship. Continuously being together. What did John do instead of this?
I think that Paul started out his "relationship" with John carrying high hopes and then watched them crumble to dust, over and over, because John simply did not take him seriously. He got Cynthia pregnant, he ran around on Paul with Brian, he had the nerve to flip out on Jane Asher when Paul brought her around when he was the one who couldn't stay faithful to Cynthia.
My hot take is that these songs demonstrate that Paul simply could not imagine John ever truly committing to him and treating him as a true partner. The homophobia and yes ~society~ is in there too but Paul was happy to flout this when it came to just about anyone else, traipsing all over France with Fraser and Mal. The difference is that he flat out didn't trust John. Being jilted for Stuart in Hamburg loomed too big in his head. Cynthia and Julian loomed too big in his head. Brian and Barcelona, realizing that John would happily betray whatever agreements or understandings he had with Paul simply to screw Paul out of a deal, loomed too big in his head. I think in particular its Barcelona that made Paul think John didn't value any of their professed ideals. John broke Paul's heart years before Yoko came along.
He didn't trust John. Fatalism is easier than taking control of your own life sometimes, and in Paul's mind there was no reason to believe John was genuine. Like, Paul knew John very well! He had very good reason to think that John was simply not serious about him. And John, no matter what his intentions were, proved that correct over and over and over and over.
So ultimately, I think that's what these songs are about. The melodies don't necessarily reflect this when I listened to them but I think that "The Lovers That Never Were" in particular is juxtaposing bitter wink-and-nod lyrics with an oddly perky tune. It's Paul laughing at himself for ever thinking John was willing to commit. He's mocking himself because while he allowed himself to get swept up in the dream of a possible genuine relationship with John, he knew deep down that it would go the way it did. That John would find a reason to get tired of him and abandon him. And then when Yoko came along, that's exactly what John did. Paul fatalistically accepted that the time had come and John met Paul's low expectations of him.
The Weight I don't think John and Paul necessarily planned to have a secret relationship. It seems more like they bundled the sexual/romantic stuff into their "thing" where it was just part and parcel of who they were and what they did. "It's only gay if the balls touch" etc. At some point that changed but Paul became convinced early on that it wouldn't work out so he didn't acknowledge his own secret desires and dreams. There was no roadmap between him and John about where they were taking this exactly and how they were going to make it work. He had sex with John and even engaged with romantic actions with John, hoping against hope that something would change and he would be proven wrong, but then John would be careless and Paul would collapse into hurt.
And oh yeah: Paul never, ever discussed any of this with John Lennon. He never told John how hurt he was because he didn't want to put up with John's derision. He felt devalued and lost and in typical Paul fashion he chose to ignore this for years and never bring it up, forcing it to come out in bizarre nonsensical actions when he inevitably boiled over. Why would he choose to confront it? He made sure to set up several safety nets to catch him! Jane and the Ashers, striking out on his own with "The Family Way" score, rubbing John's face in his escapades with other males as a way to go 'see, I don't need you just like you don't need me. How about THAT?'
I don't think John ever intended to hurt Paul as badly as he did. He thought that if Paul was upset about something then he would know via their ~telepathic connection.~ I think that he deliberately overlooked warning signs because he felt intensely guilty about certain actions he took (God only knows which ones) and that he helped himself not see Paul's hurt. I do think if he had the slightest idea of what was going on in Paul's head then he would have changed tactics immediately out of fear of losing Paul forever. But at heart John was a coward and if he didn't want to see something was wrong then he wouldn't see it unless something forced his hand. Like say, having his former best friend/ex-lover look him in the eye and go "I can write new songs" and kill The Beatles in a court of law. (And of course once he realized what he had done, years after the fact, it was too little too late. He couldn't take it back. How do you make up for inflicting that much hurt on someone that you supposedly care for? This paralyzed John for years.)
This was obviously a huge mistake and I think it was one of the landmines that blew their relationship up. Paul allowed his distrust and bitterness to overwhelm him. He should have been honest with John about his feelings; maybe not immediately but when they were able to look back with some perspective. Paul should have realized that their relationship could take heat. He should have trusted John more and if he had then John could have risen to the occasion. Everything could have been different. No more "I believe in you baby, so don't tell me lies." No more "Do not mock me when I say/This is not a lie."
He even expresses this in a third song, one that IMO puts this entire thing into perspective and ties these three songs together with a neat bow. "This One":
Did I ever take you in my arms, look you in the eye Tell you that 'I do?' Did I ever open up my heart And let you look inside?…
Did I ever touch you on the cheek Say that you were mine, thank you for the smile? Did I ever knock upon your door Try to get inside?…
Please take note of the bolded "Tell you that 'I do'!" Paul's deepest regret with regards to John is not trusting him more. He wishes that he had opened up to John about his hurt and how he angry he was that John was devaluing their relationship. That he wanted to commit to John but that he was scared John wouldn't say 'I do' back.
From John's POV he's just being John; he's looking out for the band. God knows he tried to be what Paul needed him to be but he got mixed signals and inconsistent behavior and Paul's ice queen behavior frustrated him to no end. This resulted in an endless circle of "fuck you/no no no, fuck YOU/well fuck you then!/fuck you" that ended up killing what they had.
But John is guilty in this too. He never made himself accountable to Paul. He didn't explain his actions. He acted rashly and selfishly and then was shocked when it blew up in his face. He didn't consistently act like he loved Paul. He took Paul for granted and told himself that he was doing the right thing, because changing your behavior is very very hard. He didn't let Paul in when it mattered.
Did you ever take me in your arms Look me in the eye, tell me that 'you do?'
As Paul grew up and he started to come to grips with the "What happened" of it all, maybe he realized that he had procrastinated. That he put off what mattered most because he couldn't bear to make himself vulnerable as a young man. Maybe he was waiting for a perfect moment to open himself up to John knowing perfectly well it would never arrive, a common delaying tactic for insecure and avoidant people. Not admitting that the perfect moment would never come and that he had to extend trust to receive it in return.
If I never did it, I was only waiting For a better moment that didn't come There never could be a better moment Than this one, this one
I think he's still angry at John for multiple betrayals, slaps to the face, and devaluing the specialness of their relationship and their affection for each other. But I also think that Paul is angry at himself for not trusting John, for not working harder at their relationship. He also delivered multiple betrayals and slaps to the face to John, feeding John's insecurity and fears of abandonment. Making a mockery of their relationship and how special it was. Paul has been doing public penance for this ever since John died, which snapped everything into perspective and he finally realized the full scope of his own screw ups.
Because it took two to destroy a relationship this intense and this special. If Paul did not know that before...
Well. He does now.
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hihimihwa · 2 months ago
Omori characters as demigods with very complicated family drama for some reason
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Let's start happy- Kel and Hero are both sons of Apollo with different mortal parents who... married each other. So like the they're step siblings in the mortal side but also siblings in the Godly side 😭 Their Mama, with Aphrodite's gift passed down, fell in love with Apollo first, giving birth to Hero. Papa got mad for a bit but he also fell in love with Apollo and brought Kel. Orrr they met after getting kids, and became a couple as exes of Apollo, but I thought the former was funnier.
Kel, child of Apollo, Legacy of Hephaestus
Has the gift of Archery, but he mostly uses his perfect aim for basketball. Pretty fast and athletic. Curses rhyming couplets speech on others for pranks hehehe
Really likes music(ref: his jukebox in his room) but doesn't sing or play instruments much. Or well, he doesn't sing the lyrics- he keeps forgetting them lol
Can't heal, but his fast recovery(slightly more than average demigods) makes up for the random injuries he keeps getting running around
This applies to Hero too but they can't lie. They might get better in the future but rn, everyone's alive timeline, they suck at lying(ref: the poker game photos)
I actually added the Hephaestus thing last minute. It's pretty far down the family tree, so the only thing he inherited was speaking to machines(ref: the rock hector) no Kel, the messiness wasn't passed down, stop blaming your great great grandfather.
Hero, child of Apollo, legacy of Aphrodite
Their mother is from a legacy of Aphrodite, so not only did he get Apollo's gift of healing from his fatherly side, he also got Charmspeak from his motherly side.
Since he's naturally good at music, he learnt that one piano piece from Mari very quickly. I have a headcanon that he can't sing but like it's a headcanon so you can ignore that if you want.
Unlike his lil brother and other demigod half siblings, he does NOT have any athletic abilities. Man will run for barely a minute and can't go on any longer. He sticks to healing ppl.
The one time he's actively trying to (nonserious)charm someone, Mari seems sooo unaffected lolol
Next- Sunny and Mari. Mari is a daughter of a mortal mother and demigod father of Poseidon.
Later on, though, Mommy fell in love with Hypnos(God of sleep) which was the beginning of Father's dislike for Sunny.
Sunny, child of Hypnos
Demigod powers were kept a secret from the kids bec that'd be admitting Mommy cheated. Sunny always had conscious and vivid dreams, thinking it was normal.
Later on, him and Mari are taught by Hecate bec of their good visualisation and memory, though Sunny used it for fun and battle while Mari only manipulated the mist to keep up her good student record at school. Ok wait shoot this supposed to be abt Sunny.
Uhhh when their demigod sides were revealed, Sunny used his power to manipulate his friends' dreams when they come to him for nightmares (ex: Aubrey, Basil.)
Mari, legacy of Poseidon
Ok yall are gonna be like "why didn't you make Mari child of Apollo instead of Kel and Hero" ok it's because she'd been more sporty before she started learning piano (i think?? Ok maybe that was more fanon than canon) but her piano skills had to be learned.
Her knee was bad for a while and bec of that she avoided swimming. That time Sunny was drowning, however, Mari didn't care and just jumped in to save him. Looky here, her knee healed up! Should've gone swimming sooner.
Can't control the water, can't stay dry, can't speak to animals, but they all like her so she'll never die of tsunamis and sharks. Can't drown either, but it still isn't a good idea to stay underwater for too long..
Actually no she can control a tiny sprinkle of water, just enough to make Iris messages or cause distractions. Or scare monsters into thinking she has more powers from Poseidon.
Aubrey, child of Zeus
Please don't just think I'm gonns make her like Thalia. I mean her mom's messed up too and they got the cool aesthetic and. Um. Sighs.
Latched onto Mari immediately bec of the Big Three Godly power attracting monsters. She's more powerful than her, being a direct daughter of Zeus, but respects her a lot ++
Can fly but she'd rather ride her motorbike. Bec of this, people thought she's a kid of Ares. The war god does wish she was his kid, but alas, he cannot adopt.
Hera hates her the most. The feeling is mutal.
Gives tiny shocks to Kel when he's annoying her. He always thought she was being too harsh on him, until he saw what she does to the real enemies. It's very dangerous to be in her vicinity when she's mad.
Basil, child of Dionysus
Thought he was a child of Demeter? So did he. IM SORRY DJWNDNSAHAHAH I thought it'd be hilarious. This isn't plot convenient, it's joke convenient.
""Basil.. My daughter- I mean, your mother died when you were so young.. Please forgive me for letting this happen.." Grandma held his hand sorrowfully.
"It's okay, I understand," Basil smiled kindly, all the while thinking his mom was a lesbian who fell in love with Demeter.
Has pretty powerful vine control. He only used his powers for battle and never for his planting hobby, so he didn't realise that his powers were limited to grapevines.
Besties with Aubrey, especially when she told him her home situation. Made all her mother's alcohol taste bad. Hates Hera along with her and calls her granny.
Kim and Vance are children of Hermes. It's the catalyst for their mortal parents' divorce
Angel is a child of Ares. Again, I thought it was funny 👉👈 his sister(Artist) is completely mortal but can see through the mist, even ones made by other half-bloods
Charlene and her siblings are children of Hades. Doesn't she have 5 siblings? Hades what the heck.
Mikhael, Daphne, and Bowen are children of Athena. I did this for Mikhael's journey throughout the game, trying to find another talent to separate himself from his family. Absolutely hates his cap of invisibility.
Cris is a child of Poseidon, very cool and lowkey. Actually the one to tell him *not* to claim her bec swimming had been her favourite thing until she spiraled wondering if it was because she was a child of the sea god or if it was really her. :)
Mincy is a child of Demeter! :D she likes to use her powers to make places look prettier(ex:playground) and practice flower drawings.. and when she's on the art grind, she just summons a fruit to eat rq and continue. Gotta be careful, if she overworks herself, she gets artblock until the next spring.
Polly, all hail Polly, I heard ppl theorize that Sally from pjo was a daughter of Aphrodite so I'm gonna do that with her. Polly's a daughter of Aphrodite. Ofc she is.
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castingspellsanddaisies · 4 months ago
Hello, so today i had today a psyct reading ( but not whit tarot in our culture we do whit shell) for jude bellingham they said hes head is like closed ( its a way to say in my language that hes thinking about something the loss of a match). But they said hes a nice person and generous ( she saw jude interarcting whit kids and helping them volunteer). They also said about their parents the fact that she saw jude father wearing glasses and she told me he likes wear glasses and hat 🤣😅 ( that's true) she also said he likes bed so much ( she didn't tell me about this mean s...) and she also said hes doing his driving license. She talk me abiut her mom she doesnt sense bad about her shes a good person all of them. Sorry for grammar mistake have a nice day
Hello!! How you doin'?
Reading with shells!! That's so interesting!! You must tell me more about it, please!!
Yes, while I was reading for him my head was pulsating. He's nonstop overthinking.
''they said hes a nice person and generous'' Yes, that's what it feels with him. Even though we hear the gossips about him now and then, he seems promising in becoming a better man, a good man.
''he likes wear glasses and hat'' he seems like a funny guy hehehe
''she also said he likes bed so much'' It's his pisces energy!! I don't remember in which reading I said this, but he indulges in everything he does. So when he sleeps, he sleeps a looooot, when he's listening to music he doesn't just listens to it, he closes his eyes, sings along, really feels the music, you know?? And so on Pisces coded
''he's doing his driving license'' See? People can change when they want to!! I'm proud of him. A lot of people start to mature at this age 21, 22... We'll see
About his mother, I saw briefly a picture of her while I was reading about Jude, but she seemed lovely.
Thank you for the message, my dear
Take care!! <333
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allmightluver · 1 year ago
Hey hi hello would you happen to have some toshi crumbs you'd be willing to share with the class? I'm hyperfixated on MHA again and I love him so so much.
Hehehe welcome back to Toshi Hell 😈
Hmm, some more head canons? I’m assuming that’s what you meant? If not let me know later but here’s one at least! (If you have a specific topic, I can do that too)
Toshinori is a bit of a Disney princess. By that I mean that animals are naturally drawn to him. They can sense his kind spirit and trust him easily, which comes in handy when you’re rescuing cats out of trees. Even wild animals can pick up on it.
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Say he’s in a park feeding birds. Then one lands on his shoulder. He smiles at it but doesn’t move to shake it off. Then suddenly there’s another. And another. Until every inch of standing space is taken and he’s completely covered with birds all singing and whistling in his ears. They only leave when he stands from the bench to leave. But a few follow him and perch on his shoulders again as he walks.
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This hasn’t changed with his declining health. One of the few things that remained the same. Even though his outward appearance is half-hazard at best, nature doesn’t treat him any different. They still see his heart. His soul.
No life is better than another. Whether you’re a mighty cedar standing tall in the forest or a tiny caterpillar just emerging from its egg. Every life has meaning and value. Toshinori deeply believes that. Unless you’re a mosquito. He’d be the one in the alleyway feeding a mother cat his leftovers so she in turn can feed her kittens. He never eats much, and the portions at restaurants are way too big for him. He could take them home and eat them later, but if he finds a hungry stray along the way, then his leftovers are put to better use.
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Knowing him, he probably funds several animal shelters and humane societies when possible. Maybe he pays for an expensive surgery for a family dog. Or maybe he goes out and purchases food by the truckload for the animals. Buys more land to expand the shelters, wildlife/nature reserves, Etc.
Toshinori would love a pet, but he worries he wouldn’t have time for it. Or be able to say no to any animal on his doorstep. Especially with his health and problems that arise. They should be with a loving family that can give them the attention they need. That doesn’t stop people’s pets from seeking him out while walking on the street or visiting someone’s home.
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In his old age, he loves to visit nature reserves and garden centers. Sitting on a bench on a pathway through the woods, he’s visited by the creatures of the forest who never seem to see him as a threat. He can heal almost any plant, and then gives them to a good home. (He can’t keep all of them).
Wherever Toshi goes, there’s always a trail of animals following close behind him.
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big-sankaku · 6 days ago
Kawaii ni Susume - Hinoshita Kaho Short Story
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Original work of Teren Mikami and Aifuji Yuu (Hasunosora Scenario Team) Originally Published in: Link! Like! Love Live! First Fan Book. Physical version and digital version of the book is available to purchase at amazon.jp and various store. *This entire story took place after Episode 11 of 103 term, September 2023.
I translated Kaho Short Story from the First Fan Book.
It's really good! So please read it.
Without further ado, enjoy!
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“I'm tired…”
I pressed my cheek against the table. The cool sensation from the surface feels good to my hot body...It seems like summer in Kanazawa is far from over, even though it's already September.
“Fufu, Kaho-san. If you want to rest, you can do it in your room.”
“Right now I'm trying to regain my strength so I can make it back to my room.”
As I glanced upward, I saw a pretty woman with long hair standing there.
Her name is Otomune Kozue. Kozue-senpai is the President of Hasunosora School Idol Club. Together with me, we're currently in the unit named Cerise Bouquet.
Kozue-senpai is smart, athletic, and good at dancing and singing too. She's filled with elegance, like a princess in a storybook...
‘Stands charmingly like a herbaceous peony, sits gorgeously like a peony, and walks elegantly like a lily’ - these are phrases that seem to have been made specifically for my senior.
In fact, there is only a one year age gap between me and this amazing person. That’s right… In that case, maybe by next year, I can become like Kozue-senpai… No, no, that's wrong. Let’s lower it. It’s better to set our goal as low as possible. For example, aiming to at least be better than middle schooler Kozue-senpai by the time I’m in high school. Eh… Is that also impossible?
“Kaho-san, you've been working hard lately.”
As I rested my head flatly on the table, Kozue-senpai gently stroked my hair. Ugh… I hadn't taken a shower yet, so I might be sweaty, but I couldn't resist the comfort. Like what Rurino-chan says, this is what it means to get your battery charged.
“Helping out at Yunokuni Tensyo and doing live shows. Lately, you've been picking up new songs faster too—which is a big help.”
Those words are the best vitamins for me. As I sat straight, I instinctively smiled.
Recently, I've been practicing a traditional song of our unit, the title is "Sugao no Pixel", which we'll be performing at September FesXLIVE.
It has an up-tempo melody and the lyrics are about cherishing the present. I relate with it a lot. I think that's why it has been loved across generations.
It's such a wonderful song... because of that, I really want the people hearing it for the first time to think, "Wow, this is amazing!", so I ended up putting a lot of effort into practicing.
“I'm looking forward to this month's live show… that’s why, I have to work hard.”
Kozue-senpai smiles like a white Cymbidium.
“Kaho-san, you always excited about live show. But, you know…”
Right there, Kozue-senpai put her hand on her cheek and frowned, she looked troubled. This is what Kozue-senpai does when she knows what to say but isn't sure how to say it. For example, when she scolds me for eating too many sweets. “Eating too many sweets late at night isn’t good.”, she said.
“W-What is it?”
As I braced myself, she said gently.
“Kaho-san, if you don't mind, how about we go out together this Sunday? Not to prepare for a live show or anything, but, um, why don't we go to that café you mentioned previously?”
“You mean …”
After blinking repeatedly, I instinctively stood up and leaned forward.
“A DATE??!”
Kozue-senpai looked a little surprised by my loud voice (Sorry!)
Then she smiled. “Yes, a date.”
I’m so happy. Of course, I like practice too! But this is different... it's a separate matter, yes, a separate matter!
“Yay! Let’s go! No matter what, let’s go!”
“I'm glad you didn’t have any other plans.”
“Even if I did, I would still go!”
Hearing my exaggerated response, Kozue-senpai looked at me and smiled softly, “Oh my.”
“I can't wait for Sunday!”
Somehow, I had a feeling that an amazing day was waiting for me.
“This is the worst!!”
I covered my face with both hands. Now, I was at the Hasunosora’s dormitory, in my room. Night is approaching fast. My date with Kozue-senpai is tomorrow. But…
“Huh? What's wrong, Kaho-chan?”
“Y-Yeah! Until yesterday, you were looking forward to it so much!”
Today, Rurino-chan and Sayaka-chan came to my room...or rather, I called them for help…
“I have nothing to wear!”
I turned around, holding my head in despair.
“Kaho-san, aren't those clothes right there?”
My clothes are scattered on the bed. I repeatedly tried them on and tossed them aside.
“Ugh.”, I slumped my shoulders with a groan. Somehow… they all feel too childish.
“I'm beginning to feel anxious.”
“I was having fun until a while ago... But when I was trying to choose what to wear tomorrow, suddenly, all sorts of doubts started creeping in…”
“It’s a casual outing, right?”
“That's true! But I want Kozue-senpai to have fun too! I'm happy just having my cool and stylish senior in my sight all the time! But if I looked uncool next to Kozue-senpai, Kozue-senpai might feel bad!”
“That’s a lot of Kozue-senpai mentioned.”
Rurino-chan muttered, sounding a little put off. Ugh.
“Umm, Kaho-san. Kozue-senpai was the one who invited you to hang out, right?” 
“In that case, I'm sure seeing you have fun will make Kozue-senpai feel at ease.”
Sayaka-chan patted my shoulder and spoke gently to me. Her voice seeped into my heart like water from a watering can pouring onto the dry earth. “I wonder if that's true…”
“That's true, absolutely!” Rurino-chan nodded in agreement..
“Is that so?”
Behind me, Rurino-chan and Sayaka-chan were whispering to each other.
“Good, good, it seems like Kaho-chan is starting to get confident in herself.”
“Right, right. Kaho-san's way of thinking is simple... No! I mean, she's an honest person! She's just a little anxious right now. Let's push her a little more!”
I can hear you…?!
“Okay then, Sayaka-chan! Let's dress up Kaho-chan together!”
“So you want to come up with an outfit together? In that case, yes. I'll help out however little I can.”
“Eh, huh?” I was sandwiched from both sides and I started to feel dizzy.
“Hehehe, I'll blow away any worries you may have, Kaho-chan!”
“Kaho-san is already cute no matter what she wears, but I'll make her even cuter!”
“W-wait, wait! Your eyes are scary!”
They don't care about my warnings. They are coming at me with a force that leaves no room for argument. Aren't they a little pushy?
“At times like these, don't think, feel!”
“Let's enjoy this midnight fashion show.”
And so, I became my best friends' dress-up doll...
But because of that, my feelings of anxiety were completely overwritten by joy.
Somehow... both Sayaka-chan and Rurino-chan have gotten really good at handling me?
And finally, the day of the date arrived.
Kozue-senpai and I got on the bus and arrived at Higashi Chaya District. It was a beautiful, clear autumn day.
“In the end, it's pretty warm, isn't it!”
“Fufu, that's right. It's as if summer is reluctant to say goodbye.” 
Wow. Kozue-senpai, that's a cool phrase... I might try using it with Sayaka-chan next time! 
It's finally Sunday. I've been waiting so long that I'm a little anxious, but today is my date with Kozue-senpai. I'm wearing a white top and a maroon skirt. The hat I'm wearing was a touch from Rurino-chan and Sayaka-chan, they said it will give me a somewhat more grown-up appearance.
Rurino-chan said, “With this, Kozue-senpai will definitely say you're cute 10 times!”
I replied with a wry smile, “Surely, not 10 times.” but both Sayaka-chan and Rurino-chan said “10 times is a piece of cake!”, so I can't help but get my hopes up.
I wonder if Kozue-senpai will call me cute 10 times? 
“What's wrong?”
“Ah, nothing.”
Don't stare at her for too long!
“Our outfits today are similar, aren't they, Kozue-senpai? It’s like we're matching, I’m happy!”
“Fufu, that's true. Kaho-san's skirt and my jumper are very similar.”
Even though we didn't plan it, it felt just like fate... Though maybe calling it "fate" is a bit too much.
“It suits you so well, you're so cute, Kaho-san.”
She said it! The first time.
Just once is enough to make me happy. It's like a dandelion blooms in my heart. 
“You too, Kozue-senpai! You look so slender and good-looking. So cool and lovely! You look so elegant walking around in a skirt!”
“I-Is that so? Thank you…” Kozue-senpai smiles shyly, how lovely! If it were Kozue-senpai,  she could brag about it and say, “Isn't that obvious?” and no one would deny it. 
Since it was a holiday, the streets of Higashi Chaya District were bustling with tourists. Among them, Kozue-senpai’s beauty stood out the most. It was the same at school. No matter how far away you were, you could spot her right away. It was as if a spotlight was shining upon her.
When Sayaka and I went to pick up Tsuzuri-senpai from her class, we had a short chat with the upperclassmen. Kozue-senpai seemed to have a special presence even among the upperclassmen too. That's right. If she's that popular outside of school, she's bound to be popular at school too. And today, I have her all for myself. When I think about it, I feel both happy and sorry.
“Fufu, we've been making lots of eye contact today, Kaho-san.” Kozue-senpai said, covering her mouth as she laughed.
“O-oh, I was just thinking that you look amazing outside of school too, Senpai!”
So embarrassing. She totally caught me staring! Ugh, my happiness outweighs my guilt.
After all, going out together in our free time is a sign that we’re close, right? It makes me really happy and I want us to become closer.
“Ah, uhm..."
I took a step closer to Kozue-senpai.
“By the way, Sayaka-chan and Rurino-chan picked out this hat for me. What do you think?” I spoke in a monotone voice and looked up at Kozue-senpai.
Kozue-senpai smiles, as if she already knows exactly what I want to hear.
“It’s cute. It suits you well, Kaho-san.”
She said that again!
That’s the second time. Amazing.
It’s all thanks to Sayaka-chan and Rurino-chan.
What should I do…? Am I really cute today?!
As we walk side by side through the town, it feels like I can hear the intro of a Fortune Movie playing. 
We bought and ate Kanazawa’s famous gold leaf soft-serve.
“Wow! It’s sparkling so beautifully!”
“Careful, Kaho-san. Don't get too excited and drop it.”
“Yes! Ah, let’s take a picture! Senpai, smile, smile~! You look so beautiful~!”
“Oh my god… In that case, I’ll take a picture of a cute Kaho-san too.”
“Yay! Peace!”
That’s the third time!
It was almost lunchtime when we headed to the shop we were looking for, and there was already a long line. The sweet aroma of baked sweets wafted from inside.
“Wow, this shop is so popular! You made a reservation, Senpai? You're just like an adult!”
“Fufu, it's a lot easier than booking a venue for a live show. You'll have to be able to do that one day, Kaho-san.”
“That's right...! I'll learn from Kozue-senpai, and do my best to help out with the club little by little! Little by little, okay? Little by little…”
“That's right, one step at a time, steadily. But Kaho-san, you sometimes take two steps forward and then three steps back… and just when I think I know your pattern, suddenly you jump ahead ten steps. It’s quite surprising.”
“Um… is that supposed to be a compliment?”
“Of course. It’s like riding a roller coaster—every day is fun. How should I put it? It’s always fresh, exciting… or maybe like a snake suddenly slithering out of the bushes.”
“So, it’s not a compliment, isn't it!?”
Kozue-senpai giggles mischievously.
“I’m sorry. I just find it so fun to tease you. You’re cute, Kaho-san.”
That’s the fourth time!
After that, Kozue-senpai and I continued to enjoy our date. After indulging in sweets from a famous shop, we wandered towards the station.
On the way, we passed by someone wearing a beautifully patterned yukata, and we both couldn’t help but stare in admiration (Apparently, Kanazawa has lots of rental shops, so many tourists wear yukata!).
Kozue-senpai seemed a little restless, so I suggested, “Why don’t we stop by a fabric store?”
But she hesitated, saying, “Well… today’s outing isn’t related to our club activities…”
So, I reached out and gently pulled her long, elegant hand. 
“It’s okay! No matter where we are, Kozue-senpai and I will always be a Cerise Bouquet!” I replied and flashed her a bright smile.
Kozue-senpai finally came along and looked rather happy. Before we knew it, we ended up holding hands for the rest of the walk.
Not a single moment is wasted—every pixel of this is irreplaceable.
This precious time, which feels like it belongs in a song, passed by in the blink of an eye.
Riding the bus on the way home, Kozue-senpai and I returned to school while the sun was still high.
We promised to head back early—we had to be home in time for dinner, and later that night, we also needed to prepare for a WithXMEETS.
It was so much fun that I felt a little sad to part ways… but Kozue-senpai called me cute a total of nine times today. I didn’t quite reach my dream goal of ten, but even so, I was more than happy.
Sigh… I ate many delicious foods and spent the whole day playing with my favorite person. Hinoshita Kaho is completely satisfied.
As I gazed out the window, basking in the afterglow of the day, Kozue-senpai chuckled softly as she smiled.
“We walked a lot today. Kaho-san, are you okay? Are you tired?”
“I’m totally fine! In fact, I feel more energetic now!”
“You’ve really built up your stamina these past six months. Seeing your growth up close makes me happy too.”
Being praised for my club activity progress while we’re on a date is kind of strange… or maybe it was like getting double the prize?
“Kaho-san, you've been pushing yourself really hard lately. I thought a little break might do you some good.”
“Oh… so you invited me out today because you were worried about me?”
“Half of it, yes. But the other half… well, you’ve been so busy lately, right? I also really wanted to go out with you, Kaho-san.”
Seeing Kozue-senpai shyly admit that, my heart skipped a beat. The sky outside would soon be painted in sunset colors. That’s why I knew for sure—I wasn’t imagining it. I could clearly see Kozue-senpai’s blushing.
Before I could stop myself, the feelings welling up inside my heart spilled out.
“Today Kozue-senpai were super cute too! You were smiling the whole time, and when you ate something delicious, you had the biggest smile… You were so cute, and it made me really, really happy!”
“Eh… uh… I’m not cu—”
As Kozue-senpai averted her gaze, I leaned in even closer.
“Kozue-senpai, you were adorable all day today! Well, of course, you're always cute—24 hours a day! But today, you were extra, extra cute!”
“I think you're the cute one, Kaho-san…”
“Ah! That’s the 10th time! I’m so happy!”
“10th time?”
“Oh, no, it’s nothing! But actually, it doesn’t even matter! Because, I’m going to tell you a hundred times how amazing you are! You’re cute, so cute!”
As Kozue-senpai grew more and more flustered, I kept saying it over and over.
Today was a very fun day.
Rurino-chan had said that if I had fun, Kozue-senpai would feel at ease too. That was probably true… but more than that, I want Kozue-senpai to have fun too. Even more than I did. Because Kozue-senpai is someone very special to me!
“Kozue-senpai, let’s go out together again, okay? We have to! It's a must!”
I must have gone overboard with all the compliments, she looked somewhat sulky.
But she patted my head after that, “Yes, let’s go again.”
“And when we do, I’ll tell you you’re cute even more than now!”
“Hmm… In that case, let’s hold it off for a while…”
“Eh, why?!”
Kozue-senpai and I laughed together as we headed back to Hasunosora.
Looking out from the bus window, I gazed up at our school. It stood there. Like a single flower blooming in the mountains.
And this is the epilogue.
“So? How did it go, Kaho-chan? Did you get her to say you were cute 10 times?”
“Yep! Oh, but listen, listen! I told Kozue-senpai she’s cute for a hundred times!”
As I clenched my fists and spoke passionately, Sayaka-chan and Rurino-chan tilted their heads in confusion.
“T-That many…? If anything, Kozue-senpai gives off more of a cool beauty vibe rather than cute."
“Wrong! Kozue-senpai is super cute! She's cute 24 hours a day, non-stop cute!”
As we chatted in the clubroom—
“Did you hear that, Kozue...” “See, Kozu...”
Megumi-senpai and Tsuzuri-senpai show up with smirks on their faces. Sandwiched in the middle was Kozue-senpai, her ears red. She clutched her head and let out a groan.
“Ugh… At this point… Maybe I should just write a song about it…”
And so, this is how Cerise Bouquet’s new song came to be.
But that’s a story for another time!
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Translations : Afi
English proofreading : Zonic
"Romance Kaho is too powerful" ~Zonic
"Please share it far and wide that Kaho is gay <3" ~Afi
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babiebom · 10 months ago
HAI!!! your writing is so good omg :3 can i request the sdv bachelorettes with a farmer (can be fem?? but gender neutral is cool too!) who’s secretly really into theater/musicals? like how would they react when they found out? :] tysm!!
A/N: I LOVE MUSICALS !!!!!!!! I wanna audition for the theater here where I live but also I would be too anxious and shit myself so it’s a no go. But I enjoyed being in choir in high school. Literally Starkid is my favorite thing right now. Also no problem!!
Tw: cursing? None really but fem!reader!!
Bc: at least 5 for each!!
Stardew Valley Masterlist
I think she likes musicals but only the romantic ones.
So like The Phantom of the Opera is one that she really loves.
When she finds out you love musicals it’s because you’re going to have a movie night and you have a dvd of one. (We’re going to say that the broadway people recorded one of the stages and released it idk)
And she’s like !!!!! Can we watch this one?
And you’re like “heheheh I mean sure…it’s a musical though!”
And she just reveals her own love for musicals
Her finding out is really you finding out and then her finding out you also like them
I don’t think she watches musicals at all she just listens to the songs
So when you find out it’s you walking into her cabin in the middle of her making something
And she’s in the middle of listening to Carnival de Barrio
And you’re like…….?
And it’s a whole “haha you weren’t supposed to find out about this” as if it’s a secret that should be taken to the grave
And you’re like “WHAT DO YOU MEAN? You weren’t supposed to find out about me loving musicals?”
And you two just stare at each other for a minute like DAMN that’s kinda stupid when you think about it huh?
It’s funny afterwards! I think she’d actually have to fall over laughing so hard.
I don’t think she cares for musicals at all
And probably knows what they are but she hasn’t seen one EVER
So her finding out isn’t really her finding out
It’s one of the songs playing while you two are hanging out and she’s like “oh this song sounds nice! What is it? I’d like to listen to it while tinkering with my robots.”
And you’re just like “heheh it’s from a musical…”
And she just shrugs and is like “okay what’s the song?”
Will watch the musical with you!
But like I think she only watches the musicals of the songs she likes
So she isn’t a super big musical fan at all but has probably watched Waitress with you or Dear Evan Hansen (sorry for spelling I’ve only heard like one song from this musical and don’t really remember the spelling).
Either she’s a big theater person or she thinks it’s cringe there’s no in between
So her reaction would be VASTLY different depending on which you believe she is.
Personally I think she’s on the thinks they’re cringe except for Mean Girls, Heathers, and Legally Blonde end of the spectrum.
I feel like when she finds out it’s a whole “Jesus Christ you scared me” and a “lmao are you listening to a musical?”
Would make fun of you a little, but only a little because she likes you and thinks you’re pretty.
Will sing defying gravity and popular because she’s Glinda. You have to be Elphaba(omg I’m a fake fan I forgot her name and called her Idina)
Those are the only songs she knows from Wicked and will not watch the musical until the movie comes out.
Probably LOVES musicals
But only the obscure ones that no one else knows that was on stage for a single day and was never done again.
I don’t know any musicals like that so you can imagine whichever one you want if you know any.
Probably songs at the top of her lungs while making clothes, it’s how she relaxes.
Will watch any musical with you because she is up for anything.
When she found out it probably was because a song played while you had a playlist on shuffle.
And it was a “oh I like this song!” Instead of her asking about musicals and your love for them.
It’s more natural than the others finding out because she doesn’t make a big deal of it at all.
She just silently accepts it because if I’m being honest I think there’s very little she hates.
One hundred percent makes fun of you
Like no ands ifs or buts, she makes fun of you
I don’t think it’s in a malicious way though
Like never do I think she would genuinely make fun of anyone unless she actually dislikes them.
Yes she would say beeble instead of beetle.
Is very willing to watch and listen with you though
She’s the type of person that thinks that doing something with or for someone because they like the thing is a very good way to show love.
Like if you hate video games but will play them with her because she loves them makes her feel as if you love her more than doing anything else
So yes she will watch all the musicals you wants
I do think she prefers Starkid musicals because of the chaos.
Her favorites would be Firebringer and the one with the penises and vaginas that sing I forgot what it’s called.
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annymation · 1 year ago
The question may sound a bit repetitive, but what would an interaction between Canon!Asha and Aster be like? Kow!Asha has very different motivations and personalities from the Disney movie, so I would find it interesting to see how Aster reacts to everything that happened in the canonical movie.
We may criticize Canon!Asha a lot, but I believe Aster would love her in every universe. And Canon!Asha and Aster actually do have a lot in common, both being very optimistic and... "Caring too much" I guess, that's her personality in the movie- I need to focus, I keep just being salty with Wish- Anyway, here's some scenes with them.
So remember how in my rewrite Aster's initial plan was to just get in the castle and return the wishes, thinking people would automatically want to grant them themselves? Well KOW!Asha being a realist knew that wouldn't be a good idea for several reasons, both because they could get caught and also the people wouldn't want their wishes back.
But Canon!Asha on the other hand... Well that plan was exactly what she herself went with in the movie right? So here's them coming up with the plan and executing it:
"YEAH! We can get my Saba's and my mother's wishes back, now that I have your help!" Asha says with enthusiasm, she feels ready to take on anything the world throws at them "How can we start?"
Aster flies off the ground, looking just as excited as her "I'm glad you asked! Here's my plan"
Aster uses his star dust to illustrate his plan:
"First! We get in the castle. Then we free all the wishes. Everyone gets their wishes back. They all learn that they should make their wishes come true through their own efforts. BOOM. They get "Something more for them than thisss"!" he sing songs the last phrase at the rhythm of "This Wish"
"You mean get ALL the wishes of Rosas? Wait- but isn't that stealing?" She questions awkwardly
"It would be, if they belonged in there, which they don't" Aster explains with a cheeky smile
"You're right" Asha had a bright smile and a gleam of hope in her eyes "I think we can settle with just my families wishes though" she adds with a shrug
Aster's smile falters for a second in surprise "... Heh hehe uh what?" The star asks hoping he misunderstood "Just THEIR wishes?... What about everyone elses?"
"Oh yeah yeah sure but... Ya know, priorities first heheh." She says with a quirky giggle "And later we can ask my friends to help us free the other ones, I'm sure they'll accept helping me betray the king, they're the best"
"... Okaaaay then! Guess we got a plan!" Aster exclaims with his usual enthusiasm.
Aster would prefer that they freed all the wishes all together... But she's the wish maker, so whatever she says goes, besides, what's the worse that could happen-
The next day they watch as Canon!Magnifico get's possessed by the evil book, while the sneak out with the two wishes
"Oh my galaxy! Did you see that???" Aster and Asha are running away from the castle, back to her house
"Yeah! I can't believe Magnifico would stoop to forbidden magic" Asha says with a angry look on her face.
(I learned the word "Stoop" today by the way, love learning new words as a non-english speaker)
"He's dangerous now! We gotta tell somebody! The queen maybe, or-"
"Let's go to my house!" Asha says dragging the star boy by the hand
".......... Really?" Aster asks, more so in disbelief and concern.
You know you've lost it when Aster is the voice of reason.
Anyway we cut to the scene when Sabino get's his wish back, and ya know what? That deleted scene of Sabino playing the lute (That I called a mandolin my whole rewrite by mistake but we'll stick with that) happens, because I really like the idea of Sabino calling Aster "my sweet star" it's so wholesome.
And as Sabino sings, Aster extends his hand inviting Asha for a slow dance, and as they dance they get lost in eachothers eyes. This scene being like a replacement for "At All Cost" in this quick rewrite we're doing here.
(I know you asked for just one interaction Aled but dang you caught me in a creative mood, now I'm remaking the whole Wish movie but replacing the wishing star with Aster, and finding out he ACTUALLY makes the scenes better)
Anyway the door of the house suddenly opens and the cold wind from outside blow out the candles.
"Aww how sweet~" The now corrupted king says sarcastically from the door with a cruel smile. All four of them inside the house are mortified in fear as he approaches "Getting quite acquainted with your little partner in crime, huh Asha?"
"They've committed no crimes!" Sabino steps up to defend the two
Aster and Asha are holding hands ready to protect one another at all cost.
Magnifico ignore's the elderly man's comment "I don't know HOW or WHY this star chose to answer to your calling. But it's coming with ME now." He says grabbing Aster's wrist angrily
"Wha- A star?? Hahah what makes you think I'm a star?" Aster tries to lie, even though he's very bad at it
The king smirks "Let's just say a little birdie told me about you... Also your hair is glowing" The king points out matter of factly
"Touché" Aster says looking up at his own glowing hair
Asha proceeds to drop a whole dishes closet on the king, as she did in the movie, and they make a run for it.
They escape in a boat and Aster uses his magic to make the boat's oars row by themselves.
"I didn't mean for this to happen..." Asha says, feeling hopeless now that the king is after them
"I know baby" Sakina says caressing her daughter's face.
Aster is looking as Asha with a sorrowful frown.
"I was foolish to think I could change anything... I shouldn't have ever wished" She says disheartened, her eyes are downcast
(I am taking this dialogue straight from the movie btw)
Aster feels his light flickering weaker as her hopes diminish, and he tries offering some words of advice
"If anyone can change this it's YOU, and I'll be here right by your side all the way... We just gotta keep trying, together"
"But how? I've ruined everything for my family, and now everyone in Rosas is at risk, because of me" Tears threaten to fall from her eyes.
"Oh Asha no... Everyone is at risk... Because of Magnifico" Asha's mom reassures her
"Our dear Rosas... Your father's heart would break for what we now know" Sabino said with pain in his voice
Asha looks at Rosas in the distance with a thoughtful gaze, then she turns to Aster, they're staring at her waiting for what path she'll choose
"I know what you're thinking... Cause' I'm thinking it too" Asha tells him
Aster smiles, trusting that they're in sync with each other "Yeah, we'll go back, and free the king from his cur-"
"We'll go back to tell my friends how the king is a horrible mad man that must be stopped." Asha says confidently
"Why are you like this?" Aster eyebrows are furrowed together as he looks at her frustrated and absolutely DONE with this, and also rethinking his crush on her.
Aaaaaand that's all I got!
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roseofithaca · 5 months ago
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How Gore Mary found the best method of 'settling' her newfound daughter (Set in @idiotwithanipad 's Gore AU).
For as long as I can remember, I've loved to dance! Whenever I would finish watching a Disney film or one of those old musicals on a Sunday afternoon like Sound of Music or Wizard of Oz, I just wanted to spin and skip and sing forever! Why couldn't real life be like a musical? Why couldn't we just burst into a song and dance to express our emotions?! Surely everyone would be happier for it!
My dream life is now my reality! Perhaps I died from that mega headache I suffered and this is Heaven? Or perhaps I stumbled upon my very own Narnia? I dunno the truth and honestly, I don't give a flying fuck!
Just so long as I can keep dancing.
"Look at thee. Oh, how I love watching you take to thy heel, my darling girl." Mummy praises, bringing her hands together, "Thou dances like a child betwixt angel and nymph!"
Giggles escape my lips as I twirl again, hands above my head.
No one complimented my dancing back when I was...Back in my old home.
'Go do that in your room, you're in my way!' Said the woman who I called Mum but hardly ever looked my way, least of all with the love in her eyes that my new mummy has. Real Mummy, I should say. 'You look like a spazz!' The mean older girl I thought was my sister would say, pointing and laughing with her friends. The boy supposedly my brother would just try to trip me up. Dad...he enjoyed it, would sometimes tell me it was pretty...but never enough to pay for me to have real lesson. And then he died, so...
Shaking my head, I focus on my smile, which Mummy says is beautiful. That's good because I can't seem to stop smiling, hehe. I must be so happy. The past few days have been such a funny blur...
Was it days? I know I fell asleep at one point. But it felt like such a long sleep and as soon as my eyes were open, I was leaping back up onto my feet and tugging at Mummy's hands for us to dance.
Mummy's hands feel ever so sore. Hard, calloused, blistered maybe. It's hard for me to really...'see' what's wrong with Mummy. The world has turned so silly. A swirl of colors and shadows that often don't make sense. It would probably make me feel queasy if I wasn't so energised. A world of beautiful chaos.
The only shining, solid entity is Mummy. A tall silhouette of curves and strength and black locks of hair, surrounded by an aura of gorgeous embers. She is Hekate, Demeter and Hestia all round into one! My mummy: the Goddess, hehe!
I'm about to start my next performance for her when we're, rather rudely, interrupted by the strange fluffy beast. He growls for Mummy's attention.
"Excuse you, Mr. Floof, it's rude to disturb us, hehehe." I gently scald him.
It's not quite clear to me exactly what Mr. Floof is. Mummy's familiar? Servant? Or just her grumpy but oh so cuddly friend?
"Mummy, watch this-."
"Hush, child!" Mummy raises her hand at me.
A little stifled, I shrink, standing still. Mummy's tone is usually so soft with me that it's always a bit of a shocker when it suddenly turns harsh and strict. A sharp reminder to me of Mummy's position. This forest...this strange land, it belongs to her. She may as well be a Queen, though I've yet to meet any other subjects she has except for Mr. Floof.
Crossing my arms, I strain my ears to listen as the grumpy fluffy thing seems to be telling Mummy something, using grunts and possibly sign language with his paws. I really can't see much of him, though my mind conjures up a raggedy brown Direwolf like in Dad's A Game Of Thrones book. Or perhaps a Bear Man like Beorn from the Hobbit.
Mummy is humming as she listens; "I sees. Much appreciate this report, dear ally. I shall go 'vestigate it, I shalls. Silver, my dear?"
"Yes, Mummy?" I pipe, glad I've not been forgotten.
Mummy approaches and strokes my chin; "We must call for a teensy intermit of thy lovely show, little'en. Mummy has to go to work."
"W-work? Hehehe, what kind of work, Mummy?" Despite having studied gods and goddesses for years, the idea of one actually going to 'work' in their role sounded funny, and also intriguing.
A bony hand pats my head; "Nothing you needs be concerned with, swee'heart. It just be 'portent work that Mummy need to do to keep thee safe."
"Can I come? M-maybe I can help?" I offer, fiddling nervously with the velvet coverings on my hands.
For some reason, I feel oddly nervous at the idea of Mummy leaving me alone, like I'm some sort of toddler. But she's been at my side pretty much since my big headache stopped, and Mr. Floof picked me up and carried me to her feet. Fear stings my heart at the idea of her not coming back.
Mummy tuts and kisses my brow; "What a sweet offer, but you ist far too young for such toil, my love. Mummy would feel much better that you stay here and play. Our ally shall protect thee."
Deflated a little, I almost want to argue. But I know Mummy is right. I don't quite have the power that she has. Mummy has promised that I might have, one day, after many many many years of training. But that training won't come unless I can prove myself to be a good girl.
Which means obeying Mummy, always.
Letting out a sigh, I bow my head; "Yes, Mummy."
Her finger taps my nose.
"I shall return in two shakes of a lamb's tail."
"One and a half shakes?!" I plea.
Mummy laughs, raspy but true; "T'is a deal, my dancing angel. See thee soon."
There's a crackle of flames, a waft of thick smoke on sharp winds. And then Mummy is gone, her amber silhouette dissolved.
Close to me, I can smell that pungent scent of wet dog and slight burned leather.
"Wanna watch me dance, Mr. Floof?" I giggle.
A grunt is all I get in response. Dismissive and moody.
Following my nose, I feel my way towards him, colors and shadows continuing to swirl, but no clear beacon for me to focus on without Mummy here.
Finally, my hand finds his....mane?
"Hehehe, come on, you can dance with me! It's super fun!" I say, tugging at the matted fur.
A louder grunt. No, a grumble, followed by a swipe of his paw that lightly throws me back. Then a snarl, like a dog bearing its teeth, warning me not to try that again.
I huff and stomp my foot; "Fine! You don't have to be so mean."
A lower grumble, but he seems to settle. Tired. A worn out old working hound who only wants to rest. I feel a little guilty, but also lonely. Why did Mummy have to leave me? What's so dangerous out there?
I continue to hum and spin but it just isn't as fun without a proper audience. Pretty sure Mr. Floof doesn't care about my dancing. Is he falling asleep?!
With a great big sigh, I fall to sit on my backside on the grass. I've been awake for hours but don't feel the slightest bit tired. Oh, what I'd give to have my video games, or my books, or my tools to practice my craft. Are the gods okay with me not giving any offerings for a while? Or is Mummy the only goddess I need worry about?
Starting to get bored. Restless. My hands are flapping, hungry for stimulation. A thumping begins behind my eyes and I rub my hands over them.
Something thick and wet is caught on my palm. Strange. I'm not crying....What is that?
I sniff my hand. Kinda coppery, hehe...like...
My nose. It's coming from my nose, except it isn't snot, it's...Fuck. I can feel it under my ear too. How didn't I notice that before?
"Wha....What is happening?" I ask, reaching out my hand.
All the funny colors and playful shadows seem far less whimsical. I stumble forward, hand outstretched, because there's nothing...Nothing around me...I'm lost in the dark, I'm...
I wave my hand in front of my face. Nothing. Fuck, no, no, no..
As the truth smacks me in the head, the pain behind my eyes begins to intensify. Like a crack splitting straight through my skull. I jump back up to my feet, cradling my head in my hands.
For months, they'd been getting steadily worse. I complained to Mum, and she snapped at me to stop whinging and see my GP. Doc said I was probably just dehydrated. Sometimes, my vision turned blotchy, like little black dots hovering in front of me, then faded away. I hadn't mentioned that to him, seeing as I had my optician check up in April anyway.
How the fuck have I gone from seeing a few annoying black spots to losing my fucking eyesight overnight?!
Pain flares up, not just from my head, but from each and every bone in my body. My stomach is churning. I've only gotten high a handful of times before and come downs are always the worst; but this?!
What the hell have I been doing?! I...Did I hallucinate seeing a goddess? Some magical, grumpy beast? How long have I been out?
"H-help, hehehe? Is anyone there?! Hahaha."
What the fuck?! Why am I laughing?!
This the scariest moment of my life, I don't wanna fucking laugh!
"Please, hehehe, help me! I can't see! Hahaha. I think I need an ambulance!"
My cheeks are cramping like hell. My fingers touch the corners of my mouth. It's as if the muscles are paralysed. Why can't I stop smiling?! What's happening to me?! Where am I?!
A low growl approaches.
"J-Jess?" I call, daring to hope; "I-is that you, baby girl?"
Had she come to find me? If my mum reported me missing then she'd be the best one to track me down.
Another growl. Maybe a bit softer. A grunt? Less like a dog, more...ape-ish.
Fingers, hairy but very much human, tries to take my hand.
"N-no, no, who are you?! Who are you, what have you done to me?!" I demand, shuffling away, "A-are you keeping me here?!"
More grunts and rumbles, attempts to hold my wrists, my arms. The mute stranger tries to push me to sit back down.
"No, NO!" I wrench myself out from his grip and run.
There don't seem to be any shackles or rope or walls keeping me. There's nothing. I have no idea where the fuck I am.
Outside? I can hear owls hooting and critters scurring. I hear the leaves of trees rustle in the wind. Am I...Am I still in the woods I came in to do my ritual?
It's so hard to think clearly with this agony tearing through my head. All I can do is scream.
Oh, Husband, wherever you may be, is thou watching? Dost thou see what miracle hath occurred?!
Our little girl has returned! Praise be!
Never did I think I'ds have reason to sing my thanks to the stars again, not after fate in her cruelest form did cause my heart to harden so. But whether it be thanks to the Lord Jesus or the Queen of Heaven or to one of my darling's heathen gods, I be eternally grateful.
What a delight she is, John. I always knew she woulds have thy tinkling laugh, but she be so much more than I coulds have dreamed. Who gifted her with such pretty hair? And those eyes, oh they is as blue as the Summer sky. But most of all, she is but the sweetest little darling. Such joyful company, with as silly a way with words and stories as I, but also always wanting to help her mother. And how her eyes do fill with such sympathy and sorrow when she takes note of how my scars hurt me so when she wants a cuddle. How she managed to keep such a pure heart whilst being raised by cruel Winter sprites is a wonder.
But oh, John, it hath come at such a cost. She be such a fragile little thing. Blind as a bat, bleedin' that refuses to cease, skinny as a rake and, that which all my folk wisdom cannot explain, cursed to sleep for weeks on end! How I did weep and wail when she did not rouse for those first two morns. Took me right back to that darkest of days when you found our little'en in her cradle, her little chest still as stone.
Except this time, John, her chest did continue to motion ups and downs. Her pretty eyelashes did flutter as she dreamed. Every night there even be the slightest murmur from her lips. She only be sleeping, John. Not gone. Not a shell to rot. Our sleepy girl is all she be.
I did not expect her to rise again, fearing that I may has to search for another hundred lifetimes to find whatever I needs to break the curse. Till then, I lovingly placed her on the softest cornflowers and made sure she be tucked in, cosy as could be. Weeks past, both myself and dear ally kept our vigils. I sang her my lullabies and caressed her hair. Once I dids even catch dear ally curled around her, one paw over her shoulder as he snoozed. Such a kindly creature, deep deep down.
Then came the next rise of the full moon. When I bent down to lay a kiss upon our daughter's brow, after the setting sun, my bones did near collapse 'pon themselves when those sapphire eyes did open again. "Hello, Mummy." She dids say, giggling as if she hath not made me sick with fright, the cheeky little madam.
After conversing with dear ally, I cans only conclude that her spirit be tied to the moon's light. He did discover her on the last full phase. Only when it be at full strength, can it lend my little'en enough power to wake.
T'is awful, John. I will miss her so when she next lays down for her slumbers. But three nights be better than none at all.
I won't lose her again, dear Husband, to thee I pledge. I willst wrap her up, snug as a bug, and make sure nothing comes to harm her.
Hence why I am pained to leave her side in order to check for trespassers 'pon my woods. Mine ally did bring me troubling news of Living folk intruding past the treeline. Legends and warning tales, fuelled by centuries of mine and ally's presence here, have helped to steer people away. 'Spare the fools or the ignorant.
Four are stood in a clearing, gazing down at a spot of dirt and fallen leaves. They be silent as the grave. And then I do see, in how they do hold their hands at their fronts and bow their heads thus, this be just that. Near enough.
Two women, past my age when death took me, I reckon. A younger man and a maiden, maybe only a handful of years older than....
I squint, hovering closer.
The younger wench doth bare a striking resemblance to my little'en. Longer hair, more simple clothing, a harder look in her eyes.
"You ready, Mum? Arsenal are playing at six." The man one prompts, gruffly.
"Fuck sake, Bri, she was our sister." Tuts the maiden, though there's an air of humor to her response, as if she's not truly offended.
One of the older women throws them a sharp look.
"Kids, let your mum take her time! Brian, imagine if this happened to one of your girls!"
"Don't have to. Neither of mine are gonna be hippy freaks doing drugs."
"That had nothing to do with how Louise died."
The boy rolled his eyes; "So they say. Seems a bit of a coincidence to me though, brain aenyrusm ruptures after chugging a whole flask of magic mushroom tea. Nah, bet you if Mum had let them do a proper autopsy, they'd found some sort of link. If not that, then all her time hanging around those weird shops and inhaling that incense messed her up."
"Can you just save your fucking conspiracy theories for another time?" His mother scalds, and I see for the first time the urn she doth hold beneath her arm. "We're here to say goodbye."
"You sure you wanna do it here? She always rabbited on about Stone Henge." The maiden says.
Her mother shrugs; "She wanted a sacred site, she never specified which. Bloody difficult getting a permit to scatter ashes near there anyway. Old woman here was fine with it. Plus it's...where she is now, I guess. She's free. Just like she wanted."
"Karen-" the woman's companion tries.
"It's true, Aunt Sal. We all read her diary. Or 'book of shadows' as she titled it. She never felt like a part of this family, not since Dad died." The maiden shrugs, "Not that it was a surprise, she never made an effort to be part of it."
"Always in her room, talking to herself, or just being weird and embarrassing whenever she did show herself. Any wonder why there was hardly anyone at the funeral?" Her brother cringed; "This was another big cry for attention that blew up in her face...Or inside her head, I guess."
The man one laughed at his own joke and his sister smirked, struggling to suppress her own.
The pieces fall into place as I stare at the urn.
One who fell upon this land...The only maiden to have done so recently is....my little'en. And there she be. Her beautiful body, burned to ashes as I was and stuffed into a scratched vase.
"Anyone smell burning? Sis, did you drop a cigarette?" The man one asks.
"No I didn't. Could murder for one though. C'mon, Mum, let's get it done and leave her alone, like she fucking wanted."
The woman's knuckles whiten as she grips the vase close to her chest.
"I just...Just wish I'd known her. Just wish she hadn't been such a stranger to us. My own daughter." She sighs, sounding more tired than heartbroken.
Her friend grips her shoulder while her son reaches to pat her arm. They both console her, remind her it wasn't her fault, that she was a brilliant mother.
I listen to my embers crackle. A brilliant mother? Tush and flaps!
A thief be all she is! Stealer of little babies!
How long have they abandoned their wicked Fae forms and disguised themselves as regular folk? I peer at the 'mother', trying to catch a peek of pointy ears or hidden wings.
"Well. Goodbye, Louise. Hope you find peace, love, wherever you are." The kidnapper tips the vase upside down and scatters the ashes upon the earth.
At the spot where my little'en did take her final breath of life.
They all begin to leave, not a single tear shed among any of them. I've witnessed folk lay their dogs to rest with more harrowing grief.
How dare they, John?! How dare they steal our little girl to keep as their own, then disrespect her so?!
I'm about to launch a wave of my smoke at them, fuelled by a desire to throttle them with my magic, poison their lungs and burn their hearts out. One of my tendrils lunges close to the mother, the thief, ready to take my revenge after four hundred years when-
A scream. I hear it reach my ears on swift winds.
"Artemis, Persephone, Pan, Hermes, Hestia, Demeter, Hecate, Apollo, Zeus and Hera," I rattle off as many names as I can, over and over.
Help me, help me, please.
The low grumble of the....thing near me keeps rising now and then, attempting to approach. Every time, I scream, and he shrinks back. Is he what took me? Blinded me? Or was he just the one left to guard me?
Hugging my knees to my chest, I sit and rock myself, pain throbbing through my skull.
This is Hell. This has to be Hell. Worse than any Christian Hell, worse than fire and brimstone. This must be what it means to drown in the river Styx, or be sent to the bottom of the pit of Hades where no light can reach.
Then comes a sudden rush of wind and the faintest orange glow in my lack of vision.
"Darling girl, what ails thee?" A raspy voice asks, "I'm here, sweetheart."
"A-are you talking to me?" I ask, looking in the direction of the voice.
The image from my shroom induced hallucination. The ember woman, the strange goddess. Fuck, am I still high?!
"Who...Who are you?"
"Silver, my love, t'is Mummy." The ember woman kneels down and the warmth she brings is the closest I've come to feeling anything except pain.
"M-Mummy?" I shake my head, face wincing; "Y-you don't sound like my mum, you're not..."
Even the silhouette isn't anything like Mum. Taller, stockier, different haircut. But the stranger's voice, even weaker and stained, is far softer than Mum's impatient snapping.
The shadow tilts her head, as if she's examining me.
"Silver, little'en, is your head causing thee great pains again?"
Was it that obvious? I nod.
"It...It feels like it's gonna explode. A-and my eyes...I can't see anything." My lip wobbles as I start to sob, along with the impulsive giggles, "Please, hahaha. I-I think I need an ambulance. A-and I need someone to call my mum."
"Shh. No need to fret." The figure reaches a hand out towards my head; "I has the best of remedies to makes it all better."
Frowning, I watch as strange shadows seem to swirl and form into slithering limbs around the orange outline of her arm. The smell of burning tickles my nose.
What the fuck-?!
I cry and stumble to my feet, palms raised.
"N-no, haha, stay away from me!"
"What are you?! A-are you and that other thing working together? D-did you do something to me?!"
The smoke recoils and I can make out the woman raising her hands.
"We has done nought to harm thee, precious girl. Be not afraid. We only wish to take care of thee." She seems to move closer. Not walk...hover?
I shake my head again: "I...I don't need you to do anything, thank you, just...please take me to hospital. I need a r-real doctor..." my hand clutches at my burning skull.
"You be beyond the need of doctors now, my love."
"W-what the fuck do you mean?!" I stagger; "W-why won't you just let me go?"
"Because this be your home now, little'en. Your real home."
Okay so, whoever this orange lady is, she's crazy. Off her rocker. Found a teenager, high as a kite, alone in the woods and then took her back to Zeus knows where to....To what? Blind her, perhaps and then...make me her daughter?!
I should have known that going to summon ancient Pagan gods on a sacred site lost to time should have me ending up in my very own horror movie.
"You're nuts. Hahaha. You're...You're fucking crazy. Just let me go home!"
Turning, I run. I run as fast as my feet can take me. My boots don't fail me, as uneven as the ground often is.
Neither the woman nor the growling man-creature chase after me. This would be a relief if I had a fucking clue where I was going.
Annoyingly, the further away I get from the strange woman, the darker my vision becomes.
Wait....I giggle. Then turn my head.
Another giggle.
Did the first one seem to echo back to me slightly shorter than the second? I experiment, trying to distract myself from the pain. That must mean there's something there. Perhaps a tree? Or a wall? It's not very thin...
Isn't there a way that bats and dolphins use sound to see better than their eyes? Is it possible for me to do the same?
I don't want to learn that kind of skills. I want my normal eyes back. I wanna be able to play my video games properly. I wanna watch movies and see famous sites and sunsets and the moon...I want to see!
"Do you feel better now, Karen?" A familiar voice sounds close by.
I turn my head.
Aunt Sal? What are you...
"A little, I suppose. I've done all I can, I feel."
My feet freeze in place.
"....Mum?" I cry, reaching out my hand.
"Louise is probably throwing a hissy fit from the afterlife. 'I wanted a Viking funeral! You did it all wrong! You didn't play my favorite songs!'"
"Well, funerals are more for the living." Replies Aunt Sal.
"And no one wants to listen to fucking Evanescence." Brian. My brother. Cold and aloof as ever.
My family. They're here.
"Guys? Guys, I'm right here..." I try to feel my way towards their voices; "Mum, it's me, I'm here! I can't see but I'm here!"
"Feel a little guilty." Mum tuts.
"For the last time, there's nothing you could have done. You told her to see a doctor." My sister, practical as always to the point of emotional detachment. A step up from the Mean Girl I'd shared a bedroom with growing up.
"That's just it. She was my youngest. My baby." Mum sighs; "And I feel guilty because...I should be more sad. I feel like I should be tearing my clothes and all that stuff. I'm just...numb."
"It's only been a month. You might still be in shock."
"Hmm. Maybe. Just looking forward to going back to work and getting on with everything. And dreading having them all look at me as 'the mum of the little witch who died from magic mushrooms'."
I died.
The floor seems to disappear beneath my feet and I fall to my knees.
I'm dead. I'm dead. I'm dead.
I died, alone, in those woods...and my own mother is admitting to not giving much of a shit about me. Haha. Hahaha. I'd always thought she was just really busy with work or grieving Dad but...No. She just...says it. Holds nothing back.
"M-Mum...." I cry, just wanting her to hear me. Just one last time; "M-Mum, I..."
Something pushes into me. Then through me.
I scream as the pain in my head is doubled by the agonising discomfort in my torso. Tears stream down my cheeks as the voices of my family fade away. They walked through me. Haha, as in life, so in death, hahahahaha.
My hands reach for my face. My fucking smiling face. I want to rip it off. I want to pull my own tongue out to stop fucking laughing.
Just make it stop, make it stop, MAKE IT STOP!!!!
My hands start to warm again, as if a little fire had been lit beside me. I lower them from my face to see the shining glow of the strange woman again.
"I...Am I d-dead?" I ask her. Because if she can see me but they couldn't, then...
"No, darling girl. No." She assures me; "T'is all part of a great deception. Thou art brimming with life."
"B-but my mum-."
"That wasn't thy mother. Not in truth. Hear me, child. I be your mother. Your name be Silver Guppy. That....wicked wench dids steal yous from me, many years ago. You woulds not remember, you were just a babe in arms."
Mum....wasn't my mum? But that can't be right. I had her face, Dad's eyes. Everyone says I look just like my sister, despite being "the plain one". I've even watched the video Dad filmed of me in the hospital after I'd been born.
"That...That doesn't make sense...."
"I know, little'en. That why it be such a clever trick. Only Fae hands be capable of such convincing deceipt."
Fae? As in fairies? I would say I knew such things only existed in books or the hidden realm of gods and spirits but...if I'm dead then...that's where I am now.
Defeated, I hug myself tight and cry.
"Oh, love. Let it all out. That's it." The strange woman encourages, moving down close to me; "Forget about them, my angel. They was not worthy of a child as lovely as thee. You is safe now. Please. Let me look after thee."
Her hand is moving closer to me again. I gulp, tensing up.
"A-are you gonna...drug me?"
A slight laugh responds; "No, darling girl. No devils juice. No trickery. Just....a kiss. If thee be willing?"
A kiss?
I raise my head. Her eyes, two glowing tiny balls of flame, look back with fondness.
"Good girl." She smiles and leans in.
What touches my brow isn't a pair of lips. A set of teeth and leathery, wrinkled skin. I'm ready to cringe back before...
I close my eyes. The pain. It's gone.
Just like that.
Fingers as hard as the nimble branch of a tree strokes my hair; "All better, my love?"
"W-what did you do?"
"Told you. Just gave you the most powerful medicine there be." She taps my nose; "A kiss from Mummy."
Mummy. There it is again.
"Now open your eyes, little'en."
I shake my head; "I...There's no point. There's nothing for me to see, haha."
"Trust Mummy, darling. C'mon. Open them pretty eyes."
Taking a breath, I indulge the mad but magical woman. Slowly, my lids open, and I'm expecting the same darkness and faint glow of her mysterious orange aura...
I gasp.
It's back. My sight is back! Laughter, true and honest, erupts from my belly as I finally see where I am!
A forest. A forest that looks vaguely similar to the one I came to to do my ritual. But so much more beautiful! The sky has a beautiful pink tinge to it, same color as my fringe! The trees have ebony barks and shining silver leaves. It's like a forest on a whole other world.
And the woman...the stranger...Fuck, she's beautiful! I hesitate to believe she's even human. She has the body of a tall, stocky woman in her early forties...but gorgeous black locks that fall to her shoulders, a dress of sparkling black with an ethereal orange glow all around her.
Am I truly not high? Hehehe, I can't tell anymore. Is this real?!
"W-where am I?" I ask again.
"Told you, sweetheart. You is home. That be all the answer you needs." She smiles at me.
"...H-how did you cure my eyes?"
"Everything be hooked up to the brain, darling girl. If your eyes no longer work to sends it pictures then I shall sends them myself."
I'm not sure how that works but I'm not going to look a gift horse in the mouth.
It's no longer dark. I'm no longer in pain.
"My love, you look famished! How about a sweetie?"
"I...I can eat?"
The woman smiles and holds out her hand. A slice of double chocolate cake materialised on her palm. My mouth instantly waters.
"...For me...?"
She nods. I dare to reach forward. I pick it up. The sponge and icing feels solid as the ground beneath my feet. Cautious but suddenly ravenous, I bring it to my lips. I bite. Fuck, it's real! How long since I've eaten anything?!
I moan in pleasure, knees buckling again. The woman chuckles as I devour the whole piece.
"Seems I has a sugary tooth to spoil." She teases.
My stomach flutters as I blush, suddenly feeling like a little kid, for the first time in....well. Many, many years.
"Oh...You dear little thing." The woman reaches to touch my face, wiping away some icing with her thumb; "They mades you grow up much too soon, didn'ts they. Much too fast...and much alone...Be that true?"
I duck my head. How did she know? Did she hear what they said about me?
"T'will all be different now, my darling. You will wants for nothing here. Whatever my girl wants, Mummy will provide."
I swallow the last morsel and rub at my arm; "Hehe, that's kind but you don't need to-."
"Is not about need, Silver, love. Is about want. I wants to take care of you. I wants thee to be a happy little girl."
I blink, "Why?" People never give for nothing. There's always a catch.
"Because that be what real Mummies do." She says.
Real Mummies enjoy looking after their children, enjoy listening to what they enjoy and finding out about them. Real Mummies don't treat being a parent like a chore or an annoyance.
"Oh, look at the state of thee." The woman tuts, picking at some of the leaves in my hair. "And so much dirt on these here garments."
"S-sorry...." I say, instinctively, prepared for a scalding.
But the woman just tickles my chin.
"I do thinks it be time for you to be treated to some new clothes. What about....a pretty dress? Woulds thou like that?"
A dress? I've always been too self conscious after my eating disorder to wear a dress, other than simple cotton ones for Summer.
"What...kind of dress?" I dare to ask.
The woman winks; "Picture what you'd most dream to don, my love. Mummy will do the rest."
Closing my eyes again, for a moment, I focus. Something elegant but comfy. Nothing too preppy or pastel. But not too gothic either. Something to match my hair but maybe that could be a bit longer too? I'd wanted to grow it out...
Ember sparks swirl around me as I open my eyes. Looking down, I see the black and pink gown that's replaced my shirt and leggings and skirt. It's...It's incredible! Laughing, I follow the compulsion to twirl on my boots, letting the skirts flutter outward.
The woman claps her hands; "Oh, look at thee! As graceful as one of Lucifer's swans!"
The compliment is bizarre but feels accurate. It makes me chuckle again. I just want to twirl and twirl and dance in this beautiful forest...
"This is....This is so incredible!" I turn my head in time to see that we're far from being alone in these woods.
Animals are wandering all around. Red squirrels enjoying their acorns on the branches. Badgers poking their noses out their dens. Gorgeous white stags and does wandering out towards the meadow, completely at ease among the presence of ghosts.
And there's more. Fairies, good fairies, sit chatting beside the squirrels. There are people standing nearby, tall and lithe with pointed ears. Elves? What I believe might be two centaurs trot together in the distance...
I did not die. I just finally found my Narnia. My Oz. My Middle Earth.
"Is...Is this all real?" I ask the woman behind me.
She smiles; "As real as you want it to be, little'en. T'is your home. You only need to ask and it shall be yours."
It's all too good to be true. I want to cry again but this time with tears of disbelief and overwhelming joy.
There's a roar. A great loud roar above.
I crane my head and see the most magnificent sight. A great blue scaled dragon flies above the canopy, it's magnificent pointed wings overshadowing nearly the whole forest.
Clasping my hands over my mouth, the tears fall.
"No need to fear them, darling girl. Them beasts be perfectly tame. Woulds thee desire to ride one?"
I sob, laughing also; "Yes, yes, fuck yes!!" If this is a dream then I never, ever want it to end.
The woman approaches me. She reaches a hand to touch my lengthened hair, nearly longer than hers.
"Before we do, I has but three rules for thee to follow."
Three? I blink at her.
"W-what are they?" I ready myself to the downside.
"Rule one. That which shall be very easy." She smiles and strokes my face; "Is that you be a good girl and always do as I say."
A...good girl? It sounded dangerous to agree to such a concept. But...if in return it meant magic and dragons then....
I nod; "I will. I'll be good."
"I know you will. Yous already be perfect." She grins; "The seconds is, you do nots ever venture towards the big house."
"The...The big house?" I frown. Right. There was a big old house....
"It be full of those who despise our kind; those who practice the Old Ways. They wills not hesitate to cause you harm, my child. They will nots care for how young you be, they will show you no mercy. Stay within these woods or close to Mummy or Mummy's ally. Understood?"
I nodded, feeling a little confused. I thought no one was in that house except an old rich lady?
But I agree. What could I possibly want in that house anyway?
"And....rule three?"
Smoke began to billow around the witch as her ember irises shone bright.
"The most important of them! The one ye must obey without fail!" The woman's voice thundered with authority.
Quivering a little, I wait with my breath held back.
She smiles, the smoke dispersing; "Thou dost whate'er makes ye happy, every single day! Think thou can manage that, my lovely girl?"
Her hands reach for me in my shock at her little trick and....she's tickling me.
Breaking into a fit of giggles, I try to push her off but she's much stronger. When was the last time I was tickled? By who? Dad...probably....fuck it's been so long...
"Can thee, cheeky little wench? Can thee?" The witch persists, needling my sides and armpits with those fingers as I squirm.
"YES!" I cry out in laughter.
She wraps her strange arms around my middle, strong enough that my feet leave the ground.
"Yes what, darling girl?"
Breathless, I surrender the last ounce of resistance that was holding me back. Fuck it. Whatever craziness this is, no matter how wrong or twisted, it's a thousand times better than anything I've had. Anything I'll ever have.
I slump in her embrace, still giggling, wrapping my arms tight around the one shining beacon saving me from an eternity of darkness and pain. With two little words, I give myself and my sanity over to her.
"Yes, Mummy!"
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clarabowmp3 · 5 months ago
What TTPD songs helped you with your frustation, stress and need to let off steam? any particular songs?
HAHAHHA some of the ones I’m currently crazy about are the more angsty/intense ones (wild thing to say abt ttpd which is like chock full of those kinds of songs I know lol):
(Tl;dr - I feel like she makes some pretty controversial/extreme production choices in these songs which make them very raw esp if u strip away the surrounding context of like what she’s singing abt irl)
1. How did it end - it’s a very grief stricken song, her tone is almost casually emotionally vacant for most of it which makes the swells of emotion like at the bridge or chorus even more impactful and her diction is quite cutthroat imo like she goes RIGHT for the jugular and smth abt the song just feels so sincere like she isn’t baiting u to feel sorry for her)
2. The prophecy - let it once be me. what more can I say (literally started tearing up and crying by the time I got to the second chorus when I first listened to the song my sister was sooo concerned and I know so many ppl criticise her for the ‘don’t want money’ line and arguably rightfully so but it’s also just sooo applicable to me??? Like I will throw any meaningful kind of connection in the ditch if it means putting myself first or ‘winning’ in some way, be it academically or otherwise, all while the loneliness gnaws away at me like I GET it like to me its a song that only rlly hits home for those with some kind of self-sabotaging tendencies? god knows im riddled with those)
3. Chloe et al - yes there’s a few fluffy lyrics here and there like girl what are you singing about 🤨🤨 but again she was SICK for yet another song balancing on the fine line between being so bitter about someone leaving but also smarting from the ache they left behind (if you want to tear my world apart…..say you love me) and the wistfulness what ifs??? Will I always wonder???? UGHHHH
4. The Bolter - LITERALLY ME I’m not even exaggerating 1) I nearly drowned when I was 3 it was a whole thing 2) I’ve always been closer to my father 3) I’ve had substantial issues making friends like i was very unlikeable when I was younger (and sometimes still) but it wasn’t my fault!!! 4) because of those issues my knee jerk reaction is to put myself first usually even if it would be selfish 5) my friendships always usually tapered off when we would reach some kind of conflict and I would stand my ground and suddenly they wouldn’t rlly want to be around me or hey I wasn’t as fun as I seemed 6) as lonely as it was part of why I started to get comfortable with these kinds of friendships ending was that past a certain age compressing yourself into something more pleasant just gets too exhausting like it rlly DID feel like breathing as I was leaving 7) and all of this was so difficult to get through but the thing is you DO get through it, as impossible as it seems at the time, and you’re so much better off at the end of it (like falling through ice and coming out alive)
5. Who’s afraid of little old me - this was actually more applicable/relatable to me like 2 years ago but when it comes on you best believe I revert back to my bitter 16 year old self mad about having the shittiest classmates like if you dislike me fine but at least have a good REASON for it or let it be TRUE at least godddd (I didn’t have the best reputation at the time, some ppl thought I was stuck up or a bitch so like whatever, isn’t that what they all say) (also this was after I graduated from secondary school and I was hoping for a clean break like that I’d left all that mess behind but NO and I was just sick and tired of it all like fine villainise me what everrrr)
6. Smallest man who ever lived - fell out with like my main best friend when I was 15 the year we had this super important national exam (which i got a perfect score for in the end heheh) and with how we left things it’s like I don’t even want to be friends with her again but I get so mad sometimes cuz that year was supposed to be my PRIME I was supposed to be thriving and having the time of my life shining and it felt like all the ways she/the fight brought me down was like rust on my sparkling summer and even tho I know every story has 2 sides, I just feel contempt for how cowardly she acted/how she twisted the narrative to come out looking more favourably (it comes and goes, I’m not always fuming abt it lmao but yk healing isn’t linear and all that)
7. Loml - linked to that same fight with my best friend ^^ I felt rlly betrayed (shit talked me under the table, a con man sells a fool a get live quick scheme like she KNEW I had attachment issues and used it against me ugh) esp with how vulnerable I was with her and at the end of it all I just felt so fucking embarrassed/humiliated by how affected/paralysed I was by the whole friendship/ by a second-rate person like her and the thing is I rlly believed we were in it for the long run, and now all I have is this graveyard of memories. she rlly was the loml
8. I can do it with a broken heart - so yes blah blah blah I had so much teenage angst and I STILL came out on top, got perfect scores for not one but TWO national exams, scholarships, offers from top unis both local and overseas, awards etc and I did it ALL while I was so miserable! So many afternoons I would get weird looks for like crying while studying in the study areas in my school like I was breaking down pretty frequently but I pushed through and climbed my way up from the bottom (they said babe you gotta fake it till you make it AND I DIDDD). And also when I was excelling so well it’s like it didn’t matter what all that happened, like yeah I was affected by it but woops look at me now! Too busy winning at life to be crying over all that!
9. So long london - again, about that fight we had, but more of in hindsight. I’m still mad about it, but not livid ig? It’s just I was her friend for so long (relatively speaking), I tried to fix the friendship for so long, I missed her for so long, I’ve been carrying the emotional wreckage for SO. LONG. and yea at the end of the day I hope she finds/has found a better friend, and we had a glimmer of happiness together, but I’m not the one
In comparison here are songs I vibe to but don’t feel such a visceral reaction to:
1. Peter
2. Mbobhft - I like the ‘once I fix me he’s gonna miss me’ line cuz after I parted ways with my best friend a part of me was still like maybe if I mould myself into smth more cool/appealing she’ll regret having done all that 😭😭 16 year old me was a messss but yk what are you gonna do (so now I like it ironically, if that makes sense?)
3. Down bad - fuck it I was in love so fuck YOU if I can’t have US enough said
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eliasmendoza · 2 years ago
Prompt: Answer this with five tracks you think represent your character best! If you don't have an OC, do it for a character you love!
Thank you to @shiinzhon for the tag! Lemme tag @unhingedravenclawstuff @wrenegade-accio @sallowslytherin @parselmouthedmelinae @holisticpearliegeek @catohphm and whoever else wants to do this!
Without further ado, here we go. Each song has a particular meaning in Elias' life. I'll break down each one as best as I can and perhaps provide some bonus tracks.
1. "Happy & Sad" by Kacey Musgraves
Kacey Musgraves explained that "Sometimes I find myself not being able to enjoy the height of a good moment because I start thinking about the fact that it’s about to be over." Since the trauma of the Philippine revolution affected him so deeply to the point that he lost so many people he cared about, Elias became a very cautious person, feeling like the highs he feels now will become lows very soon.
2. "Eyes Shut" by Years & Years
Y&Y frontman and songwriter Olly Alexander said, "The song is about self preservation and wanting to hide from disaster." This song is like a sort of follow-up to "Happy & Sad" for Elias, wherein he convinces himself that by detaching himself, he won't feel any hurt or loss. He feels the need to be stronger for his mom and himself. This is essentially the reason why he genuinely cannot bring himself indulge in the idea that he could be happy.
3. "Screaming" by CHVRCHES
The past five years Elias experienced since the attack on his home village has swept Elias into a tornado of unpredictable events. It feels as if misfortune has control of his life. He is both victim and witness to all that unfolds in his life and is forced to go with the flow of it all. He is frustrated over the trauma that holds his life. But towards the end of the song, Elias decides he cannot give up and keeps fighting for a better future.
4. "A Song to Come Home To" by Jinkx Monsoon
The song is a dedication to Elias' mother and his chosen family (his dear friends at Hogwarts). It's clear and simple a message: he will love them all no matter what. They never left him when the going got rough for Elias in so many ways, and he will reciprocate that for them as well because of the love that connects them all.
5. "panorama" by Hayley Kiyoko
"Wait, have you seen the view?"
This is Elias finally becoming in touch with himself and the world around him, finally being able to process all that has happened to him, l making peace with it all, and moving forward and accepting wholeheartedly the love and happiness he deserves. He can finally stop and look at all the good that has happened to him and enjoy it all. Sure, the feeling of the storm coming after the sunshine is still there, but learns to manage that feeling as well.
Author's note: If you all want a full Spotify playlist for Elias (and Sebastian as a couple), please do let me know. I'm willing to share it hehehe.
Bonus tracks under the cut!
6. Three Versions of Ave Maria
Okay, now hear me out before you think this is a weird thing to add to a playlist. Remember Elias was born during the Spanish colonization of the Philippines, which means Catholicism was rampant then. As a magical practitioner, Elias never felt a real connection with the religion but for some reason felt one with the Virgin Mary. Maybe it was that she reminded him of his mother, Ma. Aurora: kind, caring, and loving.
Now, why do I have three versions of Ave Maria listed? Let's explore them!
A. Franz Schubert/Josh Groban
Josh Groban, who is my voiceclaim for Elias, sings this version passionately as if he's pleading for help. In a way, it harkens to "Ellens Gesang III", a derivation of Sir Walter Scott's poem, "The Lady of the Lake". In the poem, the heroine, Ellen Douglas, is praying to the Virgin Mary for help, anxious over the fate of her father on the eve of an important battle. The same way, Elias secretly "prays" for safety as he and his mother leave the Philippines and will lead new lives in a foreign country.
B. Charles Gonoud & Johann Sebastian Bach/Amira Willighagen
This version by Bach and Gonoud and performed by Willighagen has a more angelic and heavenly approach to it. I used this iteration to represent Elias at his calmest and happiest. It is in this moment that he finds something good in his situation like a strongly-lit lighthouse in a stormy midnight. In a way, he begins to find this light when he learns to let his own guard down and open his heart, starting with Sebastian (to Anne's delight, that little schemer). This is Elias "praying" that this joy will last forever.
C. Franz Schubert/Beyoncé
The conclusion to Elias' Ave Maria trilogy is a wedding song by Beyoncé. This is that point in Elias' life where there is calm, joy, and the sense of stability that he's longed for since he and his mother were displaced. Elias is finally happy with his life. He has everything a boy like him could need: his mother, his best friends, and a loving husband. (Yes, Elias and Seb get married who wants to attend the wedding yaaaas)
It also makes sense to have this as the end to the trilogy as it is a rewrite of Franz Schubert's original Ave Maria, as performed earlier by Josh Groban.
More songs will be added at some point so stay tuned, I guess?
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particular-one · 2 years ago
Hii!! I saw your taking matchups so I wanted to ask for a romantic matchup for honkai star rail, hypnosis mic and twisted wonderland please..!
and I don’t mind who I get, it can be both male and female
So anyways My name is Joey, i use he/him pronouns, and im transgender aromatic bisexual and unlabeled and I’m a very cool extrovert person😎😎/hj
im 5’6, i have white skin, i have a rectangular shape body(I’ve also gained some muscles and I can squish people with my arms HEHHA), i (now) have brown boyish hair with bangs and I’m in love with it😭😭, i also dress in a lot of styles such as goth (trad goth, romantic goth, mall goth and nu goth), gyaru (hime gal, himekaji, agejo, rokku, manba, kogal and tsuyome), scenemo/emo, and lastly vkei ouji and lolita. BUT..! when I’m not wearing those styles (mostly when I get home) I get into comfortable stuff like pjs, t-shirts, anime merch, jeans, etc etc
im a extrovert obviously, im a ENTP and my enneagram is a 6 last time I checked, im very fun and cool to hang out with but when I meet a new person I am awkward at first so it may take me some time to adjust to being with a new person even if it means being friends or being a boyfriend to them, i rlly LOVE to ramble about my interests or just my day to people that I’m close with, I love to text my friends a lot through discord or whatever bc im a technology person and I can talk with them for a whole night, i usually make jokes like “UwU” or “hai” as a joke and I might even say “baka” as a joke as well LMAO, I also tend to make sexual jokes to my close friends and I also say I’m “homophobic” as a joke (PLS DONT TAKE THAT SERIOUSLY😭😭😭😭😭🙏🙏🙏) and I think this is all i got for here heheh, oh wait! small fact… im very good with doing a Russian accent when I’m talking to people
I have a whole lot of hobbies/interests which are anime/manga, gaming, writing, art(drawing, painting, pottery and digital art and more), fashion, DIY, cosplaying, social media, learning new languages (Japanese and Spanish), dancing, singing, cooking, cats, musicals, hanging out with friends, making music/listening to music, hotels, sharks, bread, and more so on
my love language is Gift Giving, Acts of Service, Quality Time and Words of Affirmation
Honestly what I would want in my partner is that they don’t mind how I talk with my speech patterns and the sound of my voice, and taht they don’t compare me to other people and they don’t act cruel much, not very strict boundaries but as long as they live and respect me then there’s nothing to worry about
Also my date idea is like going out somewhere, it can either be private or in a restaurant, I’d lie to do fun stuff like go to an arcade or go to the movies and go out to dinner afterwards but I’m totally up for just having a home date and play new games or have a movie marathon
Thank you! Have a great day!
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hello joey! and yeah, definitely! i hope you like your matchups! :>
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⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆ sushang was, at first glance, probably the least likely to be the type who'd jump on the same chaotic antics as you. given that she's training to be a respectable cloud knight, she seemed like the kind of person who would rather keep things straight and proper, but that definitely was not the case. she finds you very interesting and befriended you almost immediately. she's the type who also likes to ramble a lot about her day, so expect a lot of back-and-forth talk between the both of you! the both of you take turns with the dynamic of "talks a lot / listens a lot". sushang also seems to be the type who would engage in a playful banter with you outside of her duty. as a partner, sushang is very loyal; she probably acts most like a golden retriever around you: eager to cheer you up and help you out in any way. it's a common occurrence that the both of you hype each other up and jump up and down. though she can seem a little naive at times, often ending up misunderstanding some things, she's a very honest person and definitely demonstrates her affections through acts of service. she likes helping people out, but she places you at the top of her priority list. did i mention that she really loves your sense of fashion? sushang even ropes you into a shopping spree on one of her days off duty just to hear you talk about your fashion style, your choice in clothes, and take notes. sushang knows how it feels to get chastised constantly, so she never tells you off when you continuously ramble on and on.
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⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆ jiro was not the type to fuss himself over crushes, but boy does he crush over you hard. it's a funny scenario because you always seemed to glow whenever you're in your element, rambling about that new interest you had just cultivated. jiro is just a hopeless idiot, that he actually ends up approaching ichiro on what he should do. for a rather straightforward guy, he stumbles on his words when talking to you — which amuses saburo to no end, but the both of you end up having a really tight friendship, so ha, jiro wins the roulette of life for once. as a partner, jiro is the type of guy that's like "actions speak louder than words". he's a little slow when it came to all these romance stuff, considering that you're likely the first partner that he's ever been with, but he does his very best to treat you with the most care and respect ever. jiro likes hearing you talk about your day as he finishes up his homework, before the both of you decide to go on an after school hangout. he also idolizes his older brother, so at some point, expect that he probably would imitate the bravado of ichiro to impress you, but he realizes that it would probably be the best to stick to being himself. one of your common dates is to the arcade, where the both of you engage in a lot of friendly banter. jiro has the worst luck so he always gets beaten by you, but he'd go to the arcades every day with you if he could. if the both of you are too busy to head to the arcade, he invites you to the yamada residence and you guys play video games together.
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⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆ ace found you to be quite similar to him, so it was a quick first meeting where the both of you hit off almost immediately. cue riddle just groaning because now he has to deal with two people who acted like trappola. both of you would definitely banter ... like a lot. ace likes you very much, but it takes him time to actually realize the extent of his feelings. like ... this guy would probably say something like "haha, yeah, i'd love to hold joey's hand just so he won't get lost in the crowd" and every member of heartslabyul is just wondering how realization hasn't hit him yet. he feels so comfortable with you but when he does realize, ace starts acting more bashful and nervous around you because it's a new thing to him! as a partner, ace is someone who would make each day an exhilarating surprise. expect your dates to be very different from the previous; he likes setting the bar high and even higher, just as a way to show how much you mean to him. since he's also part of the basketball club, a scenario of ace dedicating a shot to you definitely happened. something along the lines of "this one's for you" with a wink, before completely missing the shot like the idiot he is, but the thought is there! ace makes sure to spend a lot of quality time with you when he can; he's not the best person to rely on in helping you with your work, but he'd probably crack the worst jokes so that you wouldn't feel stressed about finishing your daily tasks. the both of you would also walk around the halls of nrc after class, just catching up on each other's days.
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so2uv · 1 year ago
☆★ sol's review of jj's radio show !!
for @junjiie's eyes only. listened to this stuff for the first time on friday and then listened again to write reviews so the downside is that im eepy while doing this-
chocolate / kylie minogue : i fuck with this ngl. it's chill. idk how many times i can listen to her voice before having to remove the song from my playlist though TwT breathy singers aren't my fave... also im sorry the way she said chocolate had me crying- 50/50 on how much i like it bc it'll depend what mood im in i suppose
the desolation tango / tv girl : funky start jump scared me a bit 😭 but i like it!! the little key melody in between the singing is cute and the song gives me cozy vibes. added to my study playlist lol kfdjh
artificial love / exo : have not actually listened to this song before- have not had the time to watch the fancam you sent me yet but... it's cool!! when they harmonize on "artificial love" im about to roll around on the ground and kick my feet and bite my fist and and.
10 minutes / lee hyori : beyonce esc was my first thought and stuck with me all the way through for the song. the little funky beat at 1:31 is interesting and i like the way it broke the song up so not everything is monotone. quite liked this one!!! heheh
bland new / soul scream : girlie... 6:18 for a song... appreciate me sitting through this- /j nah you're right it's pretty good. i like calmer rap if that makes sense idk words are leaving my brain like im not literate enough for this but the beat is nice and it's not too fast past. gives more old school rap style where it wasn't as focused on the speed of the words. pretty good for rap imo
monster zero / king geedorah : ... jump scare crying i straightened when the song started so fast there was a crack in my spine 😟😭 audio collages are so cool though... kind of loving this. wouldn't listen to it on a regular playlist bc it's an audio collage and i prefer um idk a better word but put together songs?? that sounds mean. im not trying to be mean help. erm yeah but it's cool and i'd totally listen to this on the bus or when walking alone!!! love the vibes of it
vervain / mf doom : instrumentals are so cool but same kind of listening thing as monster zero: don't really put those on playlists too much. i really liked this one though :DD maybe bc it's late at night & more toned down beats are nicer but it's a chaotic sort of peace to the music which is smth i like here.
enter galactic / kid cudi : "i once used to dream so sweet // until i had a taste of you" ayo??? the bars??? fucking love that line. space themed songs around metaphors are coolio heh. kid cudi slayed this one; i really like this one too!!
freelance / toro y moi : i can't really with the beginning... not a fan of the gagging like effects D: but i see what you mean with the jerky and broken up style! they do it well
pretzel / nct dream : this song 😭 reminds you 😭 of me??? 😭 consider me flattered. i don't actually like too many of nct's songs ngl but this one is p cool!! vibing with the switch from funky and kind of jerky to the vocals for the pre-chorus -> chorus. adding to playlist
happiness / red velvet : ok the beginning switch up had me go eyes wide im too eepy for this listening sesh sorry 🙁 red velvet slaps though this song is quite nice and i vibe. i like the style and the mix up of smooth with kind of jerky and broken up bits. you have a theme i see with songs you like ���️ keeping that in mind next time i recommend you smth. also putting this on my playlist in the morning... hope i don't forget lmfao-
freak like me / sugarbabes : ok ok i see you with this. the blend at 2:18 was done so well im crying the switch was nicely put and isn't too obvious but just noticeable enough to where you go "oh shit" in a good way. another playlist add on bc tehe would totally listen to this more.
and that concludes sol's reviewing corner!! hope you enjoyed and um. if i missed any songs bc of the fact that my inbox is congested and i missed one when scrolling through the stuff you sent... erm don't mention it :DD overall, very nice picks. wish i was literate enough to give good replies to this but tis the life of a night owl fdkjgh
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insube · 5 months ago
·͙⠀⠀hi there ! guess who's back? yep, kang insu. some of you may remember him from when i had him here last time but if not, well.... here's a little intro to him! he’s my sr media wannabe who comes from a wealthy family ( his father isn’t very approving of his ‘dream’ and refuses to really acknowledge any of it while saying that insu will only bring shame to the family if he continues being 'stubborn’ ). he’s currently in a band which is a secret from his father ( basically insu has made it seem as if he gave up on his dream of being an idol, planning to really hit his father with the news if he ever debuts, sort of like an 'in your face’ moment of sorts ).
below i’ll be listing a few 'fun facts’ about insu ( some of which can even be connections/plot ideas and will be labeled as so ). so, if you’d like to plot and get something going for insu and your muse, feel free to like this post and i’ll slide into your dm’s !
insu can come off as the 'i can’t stand you’ or the 'i don’t wanna be here right now’ type of person, though really he just has resting bitch face ( only because he lacks the 'fatherly love’ and was forced to keep up 'appearances’ due to his family background ). very deep down he just wants to be acknowledged and told he’s doing a good job… just don’t pat his head or anything of the sort because he’ll glare ( if looks could kill….. )
when it comes to his mother, she the more supportive out of the family due to having once been a famous pianist. she retired from the industry though after having insu so that she could focus on being a mother and taking care of the family. you could say this is sort of where insu gets his love for music from.
when insu is around his closest friends, he still has that same 'resting bitch face’ but he will crack a smile ( and even laugh ) at times when he feels like it. though, only one person has ever really known why he’s like this and that’s only because they’ve been best friends since they were little. ( cue childhood friends plot here ! )
from the moment that he joined the band that he’s currently in, he’s managed to keep his identity hidden with a black facemask and caps/hats ( kinda like how superman can 'hide his identity’ with just a pair of glasses? ). this makes it even easier for him to hide this from his father for a few reasons: firstly because his father doesn’t listen to music. secondly because he plays the guitar so no one has ever heard his voice besides his own bandmates.
his daily style is a bit more laid back and casual compared to when he’s either performing with the band or having to attend the occasional events that his father forces him to attend. gotta keep up with the 'loving’ father-son appearance. right?
he’s only really ever had a couple ex’s which most likely ended due to his 'lack of affection’ or lack of being able to really show how he’s feeling ( thanks a lot 'dad’ ) so he doesn’t really bother with beating around the bush now when it comes to rejecting anyone who approaches him. ( open for both ex’s and any crushes on him ! )
insu did have a childhood crush long ago when he was a lot younger ( think elementary school/first 'love’ type of thing ) but it was probably one-sided and never known to the other person ( another open plot idea to work with ! c: )
he not only wants to be an idol to show his dad that he can do what he loves and can make it on his own. he honestly wants to make music, sing/dance, and just be in the spotlight while receiving love from fans for what he does. it’s not just some silly dream for him, it’s his passion and he’s more than determined to make this his future career if ever given the chance to do so. ( me being the mun that i am, i hope he fails a few times just to torture him a bit hehehe )
other than all of that, or rather those basic facts, insu is pretty much an 'open book’ that i’m ready to develop over time and have him go through the ups and downs of going after his dream. this means that i’m open to any and all types of plots/connections whether they’re cute ( or at least as 'cute’ as they can possibly be with this rbf boy ), angsty, etc. so feel free to hit me up any time because i’m down for getting him out there and even having him ( eventually ) open up more. if you can get him to smile/laugh more? well, that would be greatly appreciated !
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abcdosaka · 9 months ago
was on vacation for a week. that was a lot of fun. some hiking, some clubbing, saw a drag show, touristy shopping, biking, thrift shopping, baking, walked barefoot on the beach, and a bit of chilling. lots of drinking, like 4 drinks a day type drinking. plus most of it wasn't planned. fairly cheap too, i spent around $300 total (not including the flight costs). probably the best vacation i've ever been on. i think i actually felt free for once in comparison to travelling with family which is normally like kinda depressing. plus i got to hang with e and she is just a really good friend to just be with she's so chill and our vibes match really well. maybe bc i'm a worrier and she's like excessively relaxed but its a good matchup heheh. just seeing how she lives and realizing that i hold myself to impossible standards. not saying she lives like shit but really that i live like shit like i don't play music when i'm just chilling i hardly practice my hobbies or singing or even just talking to people or gaming or something. i'm always looking for something to stress me out when it really just is not that serious
kinda felt like my spirit and happiness came back a bit like i remember who i am now. i read something wheein had said at a recent concert about how, before mamamoo really blew up, she had worked insanely hard and it was very depressing for her - she felt like the sensitive part of her had died. i think i was in a really similar state and maybe i still kind of am. or i was trying to kill it in a way and be a robot. that's just not me though like i'm a sensitive girl and always have been, i cry hard and i laugh loud i'm simply a person in this world. i don't think that's changing and i don't think i should try to change that. i've been feeling really emotional for the last few months and i was trying to suppress it but now i think i should express those feelings. maybe it means more crying or more writing i don't really know tbh. but i think i need to start expanding my perspectives. maybe thats a healthier way of getting more courage and reducing my anxiety instead of forcing myself to suck it up lmao. last night after e and i were chatting before going to sleep i remember thinking about how performance reviews are coming up and i was dreading them but now i think i can face them fine. i have a much more positive attitude.
i had a phone call with my dad today too and those are always so grating because it feels so tense like there's things we should be discussing but we don't. but i discussed them anyway today like i had the courage for once and i cried a bit lmao but it was about my brother and my worries about him and what that's gonna mean for our family's future and he actually opened up to me about what has happened to him in the past and why he's not as worried as i am. and tbh my dad has done some dumb shit and come out fine. maybe the world isn't as easy at it used to be but at the same time, i got lucky too. i think my dad and i are the lucky ones and my mom and brother are the unlucky ones. but to be fair me and my dad put ourselves out there. but for some reason my dad discourages that in my brother. idk. it's not my responsibility so i won't worry about it. if things get worse then i'll make the decision i have to make then, but i won't worry about it now. anyways it's a bit of weight off my shoulders.
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