#which like. im also trying to find a partner off the internet which is living hell.
golden-states · 6 months
like. mayhaps this is pathetic to admit BUT i just want to coexist with someone so badly will someone please come over and read and watch youtube videos and cook dinner with me.
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starzzmissthesun · 1 month
The OC long post is here!!!!
Ok, to start this off, their story isn't completely worked out yet, but all of the important stuff is! Also, big thanks to @rowses and @thebearsthings for brainstorming with me!=DDD Also, they are the BIGGEST unreliable narrator, seeing as they barely remember their past, and have some perception vs reality issues. Im referring to my character as The Vampire(though they are not the only one) and the one who turned them and was their partner Their Lover. This is cause we dont know their names!! Also im referring to them both in gender neutral terms because The Vampire doesnt know much about Their Lover(nothing at all really) and they don't know that about themself(which ill get into later)
This will have talk of graphic violence and cuts/blood, and the vampirism is sort of a metaphor for sexual assault.
First and foremost, they are a vampire who travels as a bounty hunter. They get paid for killing the person, and that's how they feed. They are from the south, no particular time period, just before a time of internet. In being turned, they lost and forgot their entire identity, their name, gender, memories, and their lover, The reasons why will all be explained throughout. Bottom line, they're a mystery to themself.
Lets talk about the before, and how they got turned. For the years before, they were living in this beautiful Victorian home with their lover, that their lover "inherited" from distant relatives. In their mind, this relationship was perfect; soft touches, watching the sunset, kisses before a goodbye. (It was not, as a friend said "toxic yaoi (gender neutral)") Then, a kiss on the neck turned to teeth sunk deep. They started to feel drowsy, dizzy. (ill make a post about how i think vampires work if you want) They collapse to the floor as blood starts running down and their lover has betrayed them, after all this time. They almost jump to see if their lover is okay when they cut deep into their own wrist, but stops when the blood from that wrist is drained into their own mouth. They wake up in the dark, everything's too loud. They are covered in blood and alone. Alone in their own mind, too. As they walk around trying to figure out anything, they pick up notepads with dates written down and shorthand notes, little trinkets scattered around the house, a picture of them and their lover (?) but their faces are turned away. They run to find the closest mirror, but nobodies in it, nothings there. When they decide to leave the house, they stop in the pool of blood to see a ring sitting in the middle, the same on their lovers hand in the picture.
This is the only finished art I have of them rn->
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This is right after they were bit, that's their lover in the mirror (not really there obviously). They wake up with bleached hair, but as time goes on they try to go to their natural colour in hopes of being themselves, but really get further always from their starting point. They do this with a lot of the "clues" they were given, they just take them so wrong and end up even more unhappy. They can't even look in a mirror to see them self, or get close enough to ask someone.
They figure out how being a vampire works, need to eat so they bounty hunt for money for places to stay in, the cowboy gettup of the south allows them to cover their skin in the harsh sun. They never stop moving, they just keep going and going. They usually take cases that might lead them to their lover. They just want to know. They need to know why they would turn them into this, why they would throw away their lives together, why they would leave, what were they like, what The Vampire was like. They can not and will never be able to know more about themself because they will always be looking outwardly and in the past. They mourn their old self and idolize them, want to be them. Their loss of self will never be gained back, for they will never think "but what do i wanna be called, what gender do i feel like, what hair do i want to have?" because they are too busy looking for clues of what they used to be, what theyre "supposed" to be. They look at themself from before as a cookie cutter they must fit into.
They will never be able to have a happy ending for this reason, they are a tragedy. They look for their lost lover in others, every relationship they get into ends on strange terms and each is wildly different. They are somewhere else, always kind of absent for these people. They try so hard to be normal, to find these relationships, but there's always an ever present "What if?" What if my lover liked this? What if I wore my hair like that? What if they also drank their coffee this way? What if x kind of person was my type? What if I dressed this way? They will always be dissatisfied, because in their story (not the aus ill probably make for character exploration:\) they never find their lover, they never find out what they used to be like, or any of their history outside of nightmares and deja vu.
They travel the land, hoping motel to motel, kill to kill, lover to lover, NEVER in relief, always under tension. They feel their past self hovering behind them guarding, watching, judging. The only thing pushing them forward is the hope that theyll one day find Their Lover. When times get tough, they look to that same ring that left a permanent bruise on them, being twirled between their fingers.
Gonna definitely add to this later, and PLEASE ask questions or comments or anything, they drive me up the walls!!!!!!!
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red handed; colby brock
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request:  im not sure if you do requests or even any imagines for colby brock anymore but i was wondering if you cold make a exception, so basically the plot is that the reader met colby through kat and since then they hit it off, now their in a secretive relationship the only person who knows is kat but she only knows the reader has a crush on colby. one day everyones hanging out in the same room room and colby is sexting the reader, sams curious to whos hes texting and they find out their dating.
dedication: @whydontweanons​
genre: fluff, subtle smut?
pairing: colby brock x gn!reader
characters: colby brock, sam golbach, katrina stuart, corey scherer, jake webber, kevin langue, brennen taylor, devyn lundy, tara yummy
word count: 1.8k
warnings: alcohol, what would probably be underage drinking, NSFW (barely), sexting (duh), mentions of COVID-19, quarantine
a/n: of course i’ll still write for sam and colby!! it’s just that, since i’m not as active of a follower of them as i used to be, my goal is to write for fandoms that i’m more invested in at the moment. but, honestly, i don’t think i could ever really stop writing for them. i love those boys so much. also this plot made me laugh so hard when i saw it in the best way possible. getting this request honestly made my day, so thank you for that!! anyways, i’m a little rusty, but here we go.
important links: masterlist
find more fics at my new blog @trapboysbunny
You and Colby had known each other for a long time - pretty much since he’d moved to LA with Sam - and you had been involved romantically just as long. You had met him and Sam through Kat on a boring Saturday night when all their friends flaked on coming to a little kickback they were hosting. Trying to be a good friend and cheer the boys up, Katrina had invited you to hopefully kickstart some emotional momentum. Your eyes met Colby’s for the first time and you clicked. Something in your gut had told you that the two of you would end up being close, and it was right. You had hit it off immediately, not taking very long to start laughing at one another’s corny jokes and telling stories over Smirnoff Ice while some random late night show played in the background. From that night on, it was history.
Since then, you two had been practically attached at the hip. If you weren’t sitting on the same room or facetiming, you were definitely texting one another. It became a running joke in your friend group that you two had evolved into a pair of siamese twins, or that being without you gave Colby separation anxiety. The two of you found it even more amusing when you actually began dating, not long after that fateful first night. It amazed the both of you that you were able to hide your relationship so well. No one had a clue. The two of you laughed about it quite often, actually, over late night phone calls and tipsy afternoons spent only with each other. No one knew, and nobody needed to know.
Colby, due to the internet and his fanbase being the way it is, preferred to keep his personal (and especially romantic) relationships more on the private side. His intent wasn’t necessarily to hide his feelings and relationship with you from his friends, but that particular topic of conversation never really came up in your friend group. Everyone had just kind of figured that everyone single would simply date someone when they were ready and tell everybody about it when they felt the time was appropriate. It wasn’t that Colby didn’t want to tell them, he just didn’t see the point in going out of his way to tell all of his friends hey after God knows how long I finally have a partner. He just didn’t want to make a big deal out of your relationship. Knowing his friends, they would definitely make it into some type of big thing, not to mention that Jake would dub the occasion as “cause for celebration” (which was really just an excuse to drink more). So Colby preferred to keep things on the quieter side for you two; neither of you wanted to make your relationship into an object for speculation.
Kat was the only person out of all of your friends to have any knowledge of your feelings for Colby. And thank God for her; if you didn’t have her to gush about Colby to, you probably would have either exploded or died. Or both. And she was there for every single second of it. She loved hearing about your movie nights, your urban exploring adventures, the sweet yet mundane things he would do to make you happy, literally anything. She ate that shit up like a man starved, and you did the same for her and Sam (regardless of the fact that their relationship was public already). You hadn’t told her explicitly about the nature of your relationship with Colby, really just gushed about your ever-growing love for the boy. Unbeknownst to you, she firmly believed that you only had feelings for Colby, clueless to the fact that the two of you had actually been dating for quite a while now. With her “go get ‘em, tiger” comments, along with similar remarks, you assumed that she had some sort of idea about your relationship with Cole, hence why you had never explicitly told her about your secret boyfriend. Kat, being the good friend that she was, never spilled your “secret” feelings to anyone else. Not even her boyfriend.
Eventually, quarantine started up amidst the international COVID-19 pandemic and you had begun practically living with the trap boys. A day without you in the house was enough to prompt concern for the boys, minus Colby who always knew the real reason why you weren’t coming over. This soon became the new normal, you taking a “day off” every few weeks to get tested just in case. At this point, it was almost comical that no one had figured out you two were dating yet.
One particular weekend afternoon, everyone in your friend group was hanging out at the house. You and Colby were sitting on opposite sides of the room, you next to Kat and Colby seated beside Sam. It was particularly warm today seeing as this Saturday landed smack in the middle of the infamous August heat wave, so you had thrown on a tank top and some shorts, nothing to flashy. Colby had dressed similarly, wearing only a muscle tee and a pair of trunks.
You were sat beside Kat, the both of you trying to listen to the story Devyn was telling. No matter how hard you tried, you couldn’t ignore the way your boyfriend was staring at you from across the room. You looked away from Dev for just a second to shoot him a glare when you realize exactly why he’s looking at you. The speed at which the blood rushes to your face is dizzying, and you drop your head to stare at your lap. Motherfucker- You sigh as you pull your phone out of your pocket. “Quit it with the blowjob eyes asshole,” you type before pressing the blue send button.
You feel his gaze break as his phone vibrates. Trying to ignore him, you refuse to meet his gaze again, putting all of your effort into focusing on Devyn’s story. Seconds later your phone vibrates in your pocket. “I have no idea what you’re talking about,” the screen reads, and you shake your head.
“Uh huh sure ok.” You pressed send again.
Another few seconds passed and your phone vibrated again. “That shirt looks really good on you.” 
You blushed as you read the message, flustered by the comment. Brows knitting together in confusion, you looked up to find him staring back at you with a dopey grin. You hunched over your phone and sent a message back. “You really think so?”
“Yeah, of course,” Colby replied, a gray typing bubble sitting under the message. “But you know how it would look cuter?”
You cocked your head to the side and typed out your response. “How?”
“On my bedroom floor.” You almost snorted at that, clamping a hand over your mouth to prevent any noise from escaping. Typical. Thankfully no one had been paying enough attention to you to notice that you were distracted.
Colby, on the other hand, wasn’t so lucky. “Give me this, dude,” Sam said, snatching the phone out of Colby’s hand and effectively bringing the conversation on their side of the room to a halt. “You haven’t been listening for like the past 20 minutes, dude. Now let’s see what’s got you so distracted.”
“You don’t need to look at that, Sam, it’s not that important-” The tall brunette sounded slightly panicky as he reached and grappled with Sam for his phone. Sam played around for a little bit before finally reading the screen, eyes widening in amusement.
Upon finishing his reading, Sam lowered the phone and Colby relaxed, already knowing that he was caught. “So who’s ‘angelcakes,’ huh Colbert?” Sam prodded teasingly.
Colby blushed ever so slightly, rubbing the back of his neck. “They’re just a friend-”
“Which friend, huh?” Sam continued his teasing, growing louder and louder with every response until all eyes were on the two boys.
Colby shrugged, trying to be nonchalant but looking more stressed than ever in actuality. “Just a friend.”
“What do you say we call this friend, huh boys?” Sam suggested.
Kevin nodded, agreeing. “I think we definitely should.” Brennen also nodded when Sam looked to him for approval, essentially finalizing the decision.
“Okay then, let’s do this thing!” Sam yelled, earning cheers from all the other curious folks in the room. The blonde boy pressed call and Colby simply held his face in his hands.
You jumped when your phone rang, honestly having forgotten that oh shit, I’m angelcakes. Everyone turned to look at you curiously, Colby even peeking through his fingers. You didn’t even pick up the device, already knowing whose name would be lighting up the screen. “You gonna pick that up or something?” Corey asked awkwardly.
You shook your head, leaving your phone face down in its spot beside your thigh. “No, it’s probably not important anyways.”
A beat of heavy silence passed before Tara spoke. “Gee, they sure aren’t giving up. Maybe you should answer it.”
“Nah, I’m sure it’s just-”
“Yeah, you should answer the phone, Y/N,” Jake agreed, the pieces seeming to click in his head.
You sighed, burning bright red to the tips of your ears. “Okay okay, fine.” You stood and clicked the answer button. “Hello?”
And there it was, your voice echoing from Colby’s phone. The room erupted in cheers of disbelief, the boys pouncing on Colby and the girls slapping you in playful excitement. “I knew there was something going on between you two!! There’s no way there couldn’t have been -- I can’t believe you didn’t tell me!” Kat squealed, smushing you in a hug.
The rest of the girls echoed the sentiment, a chorus of ‘same’s and ‘I can’t believe you’s. It took a while for everyone to calm down but, once everyone settled, you and Cole managed to get some alone time. The two of you escaped out back, the less than mediocre breeze cooling the sweat that slicked your skin. You held each other, almost as though you were about to start slow dancing. “Damn, caught red handed, huh?”
You laughed breathily, leaning your forehead against his shoulder. “It was only a matter of time, ya know?”
“I know,” he agreed, cheek pressing against your hair. “I’m glad we don’t have to be weird around them anymore.”
“Me too,” you hummed.
Colby pulled away a little bit, just enough for him to look you in the eyes, your arms still around his neck. “Hey.”
You giggled, confused. “Hey.”
“I love you.”
You smiled your confirmation, eyes twinkling under the cheap backyard lights. “I love you.”
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firemblem-fics · 4 years
SFW alphabet. | seteth
-> Pairing: Seteth x GN!Reader
-> Warnings: None
-> Genre: Fluff, Headcanons
-> A/N: this was chosen by a poll on my discord server except i gave no context in the poll so this is for y’all :) also uh im sorry if i’m not active in the next week, i rlly just had the absolute worst nervous breakdown ive had in a long while LMAO so uh ya might stay away from the internet for a while
warning, long post.
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A -> Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
with seteth, affection STAYS private. it will never ever be displayed out in the open, especially not around the students. he prefers to keep personal relationships out of professional life
when he does show affection, though, it’s super slow and gentle. he always hugs you from behind and just sways side to side, pressing little kisses against your temple and cheek while you lean i to his embrace and close your eyes.
B -> Begin (How did the relationship begin?)
it didn’t really have a solid beginning. you just kind of wormed your way into seteth and flayn’s hearts unknowingly. when he asked to court you, you were super super hesitant because you didn’t want to replace his late wife. he assured you that she’d want him and flayn to be happy and that she’d 100% approve of you.
you still have your doubts, but seteth is always there to reassure you.
C -> Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How do they cuddle?)
cuddling is saved for nights or early mornings on a day off. seteth is always itching to get up and get things done, so it’s a little on the tougher side to get him to stay. eventually he caves and lays in.
you cuddle facing each other, your head tucked underneath his chin and his legs entangling yours. his hand that lays underneath you plays with the ends of your hair while the other rests gently on your thigh, which is hiked over his hip.
D -> Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How good are they at cooking and cleaning?)
seteth’s thoughts rarely every go astray, but when they do, he imagines what life would be like, just retiring from the monastery and living a nice life with you. he’d like to settle down eventually, but not any time soon
he’s super good at doing his part in chores and duties! of course he is, but he’s very very reliable and does things when asked. it’s nice
E -> Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
he would sit you down and explain his reasonings and such. it hurts him, definitely, but he does well at hiding it. until you leave his office, that is.
F -> Fiancé(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quickly would they want to get married?)
not any time soon, as said earlier. seteth really will not stop his obligations towards the monastery and to fodlan. he wouldn’t have time nor would he want a very extravagant wedding, either. a simple ceremony would suffice.
G -> Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
physically, seteth is the epitome of a soft, romantic man. his touches make you melt and he’s always trying to keep you comfortable and happy. if you’re content, hes content.
emotionally, not as much. seteth has trouble sympathizing with some things. he’s used to pushing his feelings aside for the sake of fulfilling a duty or doing something, so he struggles sometimes to understand why someone else can’t do the same. give him time, though, and he’ll get better at comforting
H -> Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
seteth’s hugs are firm and warm. they’re always like a passionate embrace, as if it would be the last time he’d ever touch you
seteth really enjoys hugs and physical affection with you, but as i said earlier, it’s always behind closed doors. sometimes he calls you to his office just so you can sit in his lap while he holds you.
I -> I Love You (How fast do they say the L-word?)
NOT fast. seteth is kind of in denial that he even had feelings for you at first until flayn pointed it out, so it’s rather hard for him to wrap his head around the fact that he loves you.
he does say it first though, as you’re half asleep, making you wonder if you even heard it correctly. you did.
J -> Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
seteth doesn’t get jealous, really. there’s really nobody around to even like, make him jealous. he knows that a bunch of weird ass teenagers like sylvain aren’t going to actually come in between his and your relationship. honestly, most people in the monastery probably don’t even know that you’re both in a relationship.
if he is jealous, he stays relatively nonchalant about it, asking you to help him with a task somewhere else to take you away from the person
K -> Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
seteth’s kisses are very loving and passionate. every single one of them are full of adoration, even the little pecks. they never fail to warm up your entire body as everything melts away around you
he loves to kiss your neck. not just for more intimate reasons, but because he absolutely adores your giggles as his beard tickles your skin
this only happens when your relationship has been going on for a while, but seteth really enjoys it when you kiss his ears. they’re super sensitive and they always tinge as red as his cheeks when you kiss them.
L -> Little Ones (How are they around children?)
seteth is super good around his own child, of course, but he doesn’t so so hot around other children. theyre often too rambunctious for his liking, but he’ll tolerate them enough to entertain them sometimes.
M -> Mornings (How are mornings spent with them?)
three words. soft, soft, and soft
you usually either wake up in the same position that you fell asleep in, or you’re spooning. seteth’s always the big spoon, no acceptions. if you’re spooning, he kisses your shoulders and the back of your head until you wake up enough to turn over and give him an actual kiss.
N -> Nights (How are nights spent with them?)
also soft, but a little less.
seteth is always so busy during the day that when he lays in bed, he falls asleep almost instantaneously. if you want to stay up and talk or cuddle, he’ll try his hardest, but please don’t be upset with him if he accidentally dozes off. he’s a hard worker
O -> Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything at once or wait to reveal things slowly?)
this depends on who you are. if you’re the professor, you more than likely already know everything by the time you get in a relationship with him
if you’re not, then he trusts you enough to catch you up on most things in the early weeks of your relationship. sometimes there’s a little tidbit that he may have forgotten to mention in the talk that comes up later on, but that’s really it
P -> Patience (How easily angered are they?)
seteth has the patience of a saint
but no, literally. very rarely does he get irritated or impatient with you. you know how he is and know how he likes things to happen or be done, so you do them. kind of like in the Domestic headcanon, he does his part so you try your hardest to do yours. he doesn’t ever have a reason to be impatient with you and is actually rather understanding now that he knows how you function as well
Q -> Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
seteth remembers everything. literally everything. you’d think in his 1000+ years of life, he’d be an old ass man with shit memory, but no. to seteth, you and flayn are his number one priority and he’d never forget a thing about yall.
R -> Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
seteth’s favorite memory is when he accidentally walked in on you hanging out flayn. you two weren’t doing much other than reading and talking about your books, but it warmed his heart to see his two favorite people bonding
S -> Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
insanely protective, but like in things that matter. if you’re doing something that could get you hurt, he’s in defense mode trying to get you to safety. if you’re in battle, he’s sure to always know where you are just in case.
he’s not one to appreciate being protected- he feels like he failed to protect his people in the past, so to be the protected instead of the protector makes him a little iffy- but he’ll always admit that he needed the protection and will always show his gratitude
count how many times i said protect in that second paragraph wow
T -> Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, etc?)
seteth is romantic. he’s not much for physical gifts, but the memories and sentiment and feelings are so real and present that you really don’t need material things to know that he loves you
of course he does give you gifts, like a pretty bouquet of flowers that he saw in the greenhouse, or a necklace or something from the market that reminded him of you
U -> Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
seteth tends to forget to slow down and take a break every once in a while. he’s constantly finding tasks to do around the monastery and doing things to help rhea that he often neglects his own well being. you always remind him and try your best to help him out, but he never really breaks that habit
V -> Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks? Do your looks bother them?)
seteth is rather concerned about how he’s seen in the public eye. how could he not? he’s a very prim and proper man. this, however, doesnt extend to you as much.
he doesn’t expect you to dress up to the nines every day just to be seen around him or whatever. he may be like “darling, are you sure you want to be walking around the monastery in your pajamas?” but the minute you’re like “hell yeah” he lets you be.
W -> Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
this is a tough one, because i feel like seteth would do just fine on his own and would still feel relatively whole. but there would always be like this tiny little sliver of him that constantly misses you when you’re not around
X -> Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
seteth has a secret, super playful side that only comes out when you’re alone in your shared bedroom. he likes to play wrestle you and mess around just to hear your laugh and see you smile.
Y -> Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, in general or in a partner?)
in a partner, seteth wouldn’t really like someone who’s obnoxiously loud and blatantly disrespectful. it’s one of his biggest pet peeves and he wouldn’t date someone like that.
this doesn’t pertain to people who like, don’t realize their volume or is disrespectful to someone who deserves the disrespect, though. he doesn’t like just overly rude and jnconfiderate people who are like that for no reason
Z -> Zzz (What’s a sleep habit of theirs? Does it change around a partner?)
seteth is the lightest sleeper in the history of the world. he’s always on guard for something to happen. i dont blame him, but sometimes even the littlest bumps in the night wake him up almost completely. don’t ever try to sneak out of bed because chances are, he woke up from you just opening your eyes.
if anything, this habit becomes even more prominent when you start sharing a bed with him. he’s just afraid of losing you is all 😃
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002 for gercanmano please?
002 | send me a ship and I will tell you:
when I started shipping it.
Maybe a year to two years ago? It’s hard to say I can’t really remember. I don’t know what sparked it, but either way I know it started with my friend Lemon. Either we were doing things with the BFT and I had made a joke about baby BFT with Romano, Germany and Canada and it just developed discussions from there. Or it was me struggling between the three proponent ships and Lemon being like ‘why don’t you just make them a poly’ and like sun coming out from behind the clouds it finally dawned on me by the power of citrus. Either way it was something I kept messing with, and the more I talked about it the more people hopped on board with me. We’re still just a raft in a sea of ships but I made this baby and I’m proud of it.
I will say I have had a lot of people talk to me like I made it, and while I do want to take some credit cause I put a lot of time into them, I have heard it used to be a ship back in the old hetalia days. But I haven’t found any old fanworks of it. And trust me I scoured every fic and art site I could think of. Maybe it was something only seen in RP groups so it never got published fic or art but I crave content for it so if it was originally a thing and there’s content around let me know please I don’t wanna take credit for it fully but I have not found another person who shipped it before they talked to me.
my thoughts:
Literally some of the only serotonin I get in these trying times. I love them so much they make me so happy. An unbelievably strong power house trio who could do damn near about anything together. They have it all.
I could go on for hours about small scenarios or aus with them. Like I’m a multi-shipper but fuck man they’re my OTP. I can and do ship other things with them, but man they make me melt with joy.
I made a playlist for it, I’m still building it but I like ti so far. I wish I could find more three person love songs but for now I have songs for each of the three lads, and the three ships that make up it, so it works! Might change some of them but I like what I have so far!
Germany and Romano: A Lovely Night and If I Could Tell Her
Romano and Canada: Best Worst Mistake
Canada and Germany: Guy That I’d Kind of Be Into
Germany General: When He Sees Me and Little Miss Perfect (President Perfect)
Romano General: I Won’t Say I’m in Love (so original I know)
Canada General: Would You Be So Kind? and Piece of Art
What makes me happy about them:
Literally everything. Their characters, the dynamics, the growth they create together. They may not work in every story of mine but when they work they really work. They push each member of the ship to grow as a person. Germany finding support he may not have originally had, Canada finding the confidence and support in a group that won’t forget him, Romano finally feeling safe enough to open up to others in a way he didn’t feel safe doing before. It’s just the good fucking food. You can put it in different settings and it just works, they’re able to play off one another in a really great way and pull them out of their comfort zones in ways that other ships don’t hit me as hard with.
What makes me sad about them:
That I am literally one of the only people who makes content for it. I have scoured the internet I can’t find anything, ANYTHING. And often I cannot get people to follow me on it, I’ve been getting more people on board slowly but surely but STILL-- That or they really try to push the whole ‘i ship it with (ship thats similar but with one of the brothers swapped out for the other)’ on me when I’m talking about it and I’m just like. I asked for GerCanMano I didn’t ask for your opinion. I’ve thought about the other ship conbo’s with their other brothers, I just like this one the best.
Things done in fanfic that annoys me:
When this ship is treated as a lesser to other ships around the three characters. People going like well I think it would be better if it was ‘swaps one of the brothers out for the other’ but that’s not the point. Also this is a general problem I have with Germano/GerCan as well but people making it all about their family’s or brothers reactions and how it effects their brothers instead of their relationship. ESPECIALLY between Romano and Italy.
It’s almost always a cheating on their ‘true love’ or some sort of affair fic and it doesn’t focus on their love and living together and more about them bouncing around to avoid getting caught and I just don’t care enough. I just want to see them in a loving happy relationship, and interacting with one another. Prussia, America’s and ESPECIALLY Italy’s reactions don’t matter to me. When it comes to say GerIta fics, there are a few that address Romano’s feelings toward Italy’s relationship, but not all of them. Hell some of them don’t have a mention or hair of Romano, but when the position is reversed with Germano suddenly even if he’s not in the fic it’s all about how Italy feels about it or how it effects him or hiding it from him.
I dont want to watch Germany go back and forth about which Italy brother he likes while dating both. It’s one just not in character and two its uncomfortable. I read this fic for the gercanmano Im not here to hear that Germany’s cheating on and warring with his feelings toward Italy or Canada sleeping around behind Prussia’s back. It’s boring and I’m tired of reading it. I’m digging into specifics of the three component ships cause there are no fanfics of GerCanMano so I can’t talk about what annoys in their base fics.
I had like one person write GerCanMano into their RusPrus fic, which was cool. but then they were a nazi apologist. So I can’t exactly read it anymore. I have nothing else to compare to but the base three ships of Germano, GerCan and Canmano
Things I look for in fanfic I don’t ask much I just want them to exist without me having to write all of them. I wanna find content other people have made, not that I’m lazy and think peopel should make content for me, just that I get bored of reading my own writing. If I wanna be really picky, letting it be a quickly established relationship and getting to see them in the relationship, learning about each other living together dealing with problems together that doesn’t just have them break up after one fight.
Having them in a functioning relationship before the story is over. Letting that relationship blossom past the start or the first date before the fic is finished. It’s sad when a romance story ends with them getting together cause there’s so much more relationship to have-- ;^; what about cooking together and cuddles on the couch and date nights and small fights and family gatherings--
My happily ever after for them:
It’s hard to write a happily ever after for nations or for anything to be honest cause life keeps going, growing, changing etc. But I’d love them to have a wedding and just a calm, slice of life kind of life together. A nice house, a big garden, a pond in the back where in the winter Germany and Canada can ice skate. A nice big garage where Germany and Romano can work on cars, Maybe near the woods so they can all go hiking,
Nothing fancy. A nice place that smells like warm coffee in the morning, that’s lively with sound of loved ones and shenanigans during the day and quiet whispers of affection at night. They get together but meetings are less boring, they have plans with their family and friends. Spain, France and Prussia loving to tease their little siblings/kids about things and make sure they’re doing okay. Veneziano always trying to help Romano come up with romantic shenanigans to use against his husbands. America just being happy his bro is happy.
Just soft wholesome life stuff. ;;
My kinks:
These are going below for discussions of not safe for work topics. I’m not going light so dive below at your own risk. (sex discussion, kink discussion, general ns//fw content)
I exclusively write top Canada. Like, I just do. I don’t really draw or write him taking it, I don’t know why I just don’t. Doesn’t mean he isn’t put under someone’s thumb in bed, but they’re still riding. There are very very few instances where I have written him taking. Again I don’t know why. Maybe it’s just the concept of soft pastel uwu boy slamming Germany into a wall, maybe it’s the thought of Canada in heels and leather just with the vibe of ‘go ahead tell them. no one will believe you’.
Canada isn’t any kinkier than Germany, but he’s more confident than Germany about it.  He’s got a little bit of jealous neediness in the back of his brain so when it comes to sex he loves when his partner’s attention is on him. He loves to spoil and get spoiled and is the roughest of the three. Just a tiny, tiny bit of masochism/sadism. Very small. It’s very much he’ll do it (with safe words set in place and everything) but he will feel eh about it afterward and make sure that they don’t take away that he hates them or anything. In the inverse hes very very good at fluffing people up and body worship, as well as demeaning talk. Loves role-playing, hence slipping into the mind where he’s got the confidence to throw Germany around the bedroom. He loves especially tying them up and just watching them writhe-
Germany is a switch, fight me on it. If you think that man who has very little canon confidence with romance and no experience is a 100% big daddy top you’re just wrong I’m not sorry. Mind you, he can top and he often does, but being rough and demanding and forceful is not something he’s good at he’s so nervous about injuring his partner, even if they tell him it’s fine.
Germany is into all the rough play, like it’s canon. He loves to tie and be tied up and he likes when power is taken away from him. He likes when people push him under their thumb it’s why Canada gets to be rough with him. But at the same time, Germany is the most wholesome lover out of the three. Because it can be so hard to coax him out of his shell with his kinks, he can often be the inverse. Very gentle, very praising. Absolutely loves to body worship his partners. He’s not really all that good or comfortable with giving people blow jobs, however he loves kisses and touches all over. Mind you getting a blowjob is something he really enjoys, hes just not good at giving. Good thing that both his boyfriends are amazing at it. Favorite thing the two do is Canada having Germany Ride him and then Matteo either riding him on top or giving him head during.
Romano oh, Romano. He’s a bottom. The most bottom-y bottom. An absolute pillow princess and a brat wanting to be tamed. He tops very very rarely, and out of the three has the most experience both giving and receiving and with all different partners. Even if he’s bottoming doesn’t mean he’s always at the whim of his partners though, he loves riding.
Romano is the least kinky out of the three, while the other two enjoy being tied up, Romano isn’t really a fan, he doesn’t mind collars or handcuffs but full shibari like what Canada or Germany would be fine with doesn't really fly for him. As I said before, he’s also the loudest, and gets very whiny when left to hang (not like either of them mind the noise). Romano loves giving and receiving blow jobs/hand jobs. Especially giving. It’s how he gets the good vibes of watching his partner squirm in the good way. He also loves to leave nibbles scratches bites and hickies if he’s allowed to. Catch him giving Germany a bite right above his collar before a meeting. Despite what might be expected, he can roll with degradation in bed really well but he falls apart quick with praise. He likes both but he will tear up when Germany gets overly gushy and feelsy.  Loves double penetration and being spit-roasted.
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mikemoon · 3 years
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( choi yeonjun, cis man ) have you seen MICHAEL “MIKE” MOON ? i heard HE is a COMPUTER SCIENCE MAJOR at SAN VERTO COLLEGE and an EMPLOYEE at HALL OF FILM. they’re 22 years old and they’ve been living in san verto for 6 YEARS. they tend to be CARE-FREE & ADVENTUROUS, but rumor has it they can also be GRUMPY & CLUMSY. [ tally, 25, gmt+4, she/her ] @foolsstarters​
tw // mentions of depression, cheating, divorce, underage drinking and smoking
michael moon, born myungjun moon –– choi yeonjun fc
birthday: september 9, 1998 - 22 yrs old ; virgo
cis man, he/him, bisexual
born and raised in philadelphia, pennsylvania
mike grew up being an only child, and always around the company of his mother in their house. his father was always traveling back and forth from south korea to the states for work. his parents have met at work on one of his father’s trips to the states, and they fell in love. his mother being american-born, she couldn’t really leave philadelphia. she loved it there. so they decided to keep it a long distance relationship.
sometime during those fleeting meetings, she had gotten pregnant with michael. and of course, his father spoiled them both, giving them everything they wanted. he never left them to fend for themselves. when the boy was born, his father named him myungjun, and his mother decided to name him michael for his english name. the nicknames jun, mike, and sometimes junnie were often heard whenever his parents or childhood friends called him.
up until mike was five years old in 2004, he’s lived with his mother, while his father was leaving and coming back for a week or two. but that year, he’s finally moved to the states and stayed with them for longer nights. he even finally married michael’s mother. of course, he still disappeared for a few days or weeks on end for work.
but that was also the year michael’s mother found out that her husband was with another woman. michael has never seen his mother break down like that before. sadly, the young boy was peering into the room when the fight happened and witnessed everything. his mother made her partner choose between the two women, and he eventually told her that he was going to divorce his first wife for her, and appeared to have gone through with his promise. because after that incident, he’s been around more often.
by early 2015, when michael had just turned 16, his mother had gotten a teaching job in ashdown academy, which resulted in their move to san verto, california. meaning, new school and new friends for mike. meanwhile, his dad was still traveling a lot for business and coming back whenever he could.
michael has grown up as a cheerful and energetic child. his friends at any school he went to would tell you how much of a great friend he is, how trustworthy and caring he is. it was so easy for him to make friends anywhere. he was the type of friend who would smile at you and listen to you talk on and on about whatever you liked, and the type who would cheer you on with anything you want to achieve. he wanted everyone to feel included and loved.
so it wasn’t that hard for him to get along with new people once he moved to town. he was a very social person. 
he was also the type of teenager who was out there doing things he wasn’t supposed to. he missed his old friends and his old home, but he wanted to have fun with all the new kids he was befriending. that simply resulted in him going to house parties as an underaged teen to ‘have fun’. his mother didn’t approve of him coming home very late at night, clearly smelling like smoke and alcohol. 
internally he was a depressed mess. of course, no one is completely happy as they grow up. his family was a mess, even if it appeared as fine to everyone else. his family life affected him so much while growing up. mike sometimes could disappear for a few days in his room, and it was always during some of his bad spells.
what made it worse was the day he found out the truth.
it was 2017 when michael walked into his father’s office in their house, looking for him to ask him about something. and instead of finding the man, he found a stack of papers poking from underneath his father’s laptop. upon closer look, they appeared to be divorce papers. michael’s heart sunk, thinking his parents were breaking it off.
michael is a curious kid, he couldn’t help but close the door and read the papers. but what he saw wasn’t his mother’s name, it was another woman. his heart raced, as he put things back where they were and immediately left the room. michael had found out one of his father’s many secrets. he never divorced his first wife all those years ago. he lied and somehow stayed with both women without suspicion... well, until now. clearly the other woman was breaking it off for a reason. 
michael couldn’t help his curiosity. he came back to the room later that night and snapped as many pictures as he could of evidence he could find. he even found his father’s phone (which was easy to figure out the password of) and found a plethora of pictures of the man with a different family, different kids and a different partner. he airdropped the pictures to himself to avoid leaving any traces behind and quickly left again.
a quick search on facebook, and he managed to find the first wife. it was easy with the name and pictures he had. if anything, michael prided himself on being a good internet detective... or stalker. he spent everyday trying to find the rest of the family on the internet. he found the woman’s young daughter on instagram and twitter, along with her older son’s accounts as well. it felt weird. it was a constant “now what?” for michael. he’s found them. what was he going to do now? he couldn’t just message them and tell them everything. and he couldn’t break his mother’s heart by letting her know.
except he had to let her know. he could never live with the fact that he knew his father was betraying her this entire time. and so michael told her everything, and after comforting her all night when she broke down yet again, she immediately ended things and asked for a divorce. now it was just michael and his mother, all alone. and for once, having to get by on their own.
thankfully they were safe, with his mother’s amazing money management skills, and the job she got at the academy, they managed to live their regular lives despite the heavy feeling of a broken family looming around them. the two just wanted to be happy again.
michael spent the next few years trying to lead a normal life. his mental health had gotten worse after everything he’s found out. he went to college, and he continued trying to do well in school. he really wasn’t the best when it came to grades, but he was trying his best.
and truthfully, he couldn’t help but make a few spare accounts on some social medias to follow his father’s other family.
but he eventually decided to just let it go, assuming they definitely knew about his mother and himself, which would explain the first divorce. so he decided to put it in the past and move on.
his mother has moved on as well. she found herself someone who actually cares about her so much (mike’s stupid ass has done a secret background check to make sure this dude wasn’t another cheater lmaoo) and now mike isn’t an only child anymore. it’s been 2 years since his little sister yuna was born, and he loves her so much. he still isn’t used to the idea of a new fatherly figure in his life, but he’s.... getting there. 
little dumb hcs
mike majors in computer science at san verto college, with a concentration in game development and design
hes a lil gamer boy,,, u KNOW he’s that annoying dude with a gamer chair that has a sound system in it khjkh
he posted a few videos on youtube but rly just ditched the channel after like a month. he still posts whenever he feels like it tho and it’s usually just.... messy gaming videos or opinions no one asked for
his dad’s dumb ass still doesn’t know it was mike who exposed him to his mother. he thinks she found the divorce papers on her own. therefore.... mike still gets money from his dad on a monthly basis and gets to keep the car he bought him for his 18th birthday lmaooooo a win 
you probably heard me say this before but.... theres a hc that mike is allergic to eggs. simply bc the idea of him shopping in the vegan section is funny to me 
this boy has a love for frogs ? idk where the obsession came from but you bet you’re gonna see a cute lil frog sticker on everything he owns. he doodles them on everything too ? it’s a habit at this point. he also knows random little facts about them and tells them to anyone who didnt ask for them 
. embarrassing but.. this dude... omg.... a big sana stan.... he has a photocard collection.... he went to a twice concert like 5 times.... dont be surprised if you see a feel special sana photocard in his phonecase.... im embarrassed of him 
he also has a hyunjin mcdonalds hashbrown photocard framed that a friend gave to him for christmas bc.. it’s a rare card,,, and you can see it on a table by the door when you walk into his apartment 😭
mike also has a habit of buying things he doesn’t need ?? he has a plushie collection that has been growing since he was young, and now is getting bigger with the rise of squishmallows
there’s this random hc where he drunk bought a cardboard cutout of john cena ,,,, don’t ask,,, it’s currently guarding his room back at his mom’s house djfhdj
can you tell mike is my most embarrassing , most chaotic character,, 
also he moved out after graduating school and when he started to attend college,,,, gimme some roomies pls
connection ideas ??
michael’s childhood friends; could’ve gone to the same school back in philly before he moved away ?? 
friends he made when he moved to town?? mike is very social and was... kinda popular in school, i’d say. he made friends with basically anyone he found interesting
michael’s ex; they could’ve ended on a bad note, or even on a good one and ended up being friends. im really up for plotting anything.
michael’s best friend; PLEASE i love wholesome best friend plots. it doesn’t matter if they met in san verto or philly
roomies pls !!! i would love it if he could have some roommates who have to deal with his very . peculiar decorating habits 
co workers ?? customers ? regulars ? he works at hall of film ! 
like this to plot or hmu !
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mikemoon-archive · 4 years
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       oh heavens, is that MICHAEL MOON aka MIKE from SYCAMORE WAY i see roaming around mapleview? minnie may’s always calling them -QUIET & -GRUMPY. i happen to think they’re not that bad! they’re a pretty cool CONCESSIONS ASSOCIATE AT DRIVE-IN MOVIE THREATER and every time i’ve seen them, they’ve always been +OUTGOING & +ADVENTUROUS. i hope i see them around again! 『 tally. 25. gmt+4. she/her. 』@mapleviewstarters​
tw // mentions of depression
michael moon, born myungjun moon –– choi yeonjun fc
birthday: september 9, 1999 - 21 yrs old ; virgo
cis male, he/him, bisexual
born and raised in philadelphia
mike grew up being an only child, and always around the company of his mother in their house. his father was always traveling back and forth from korea to the states for work.
his parents have met at work on one of his father’s trips to the states, and they fell in love. his mother being american-born, she couldn’t really leave philadelphia. she loved it there. so they decided to keep it a long distance relationship. 
sometime during those fleeting meetings, she had gotten pregnant with michael. and of course, his father spoiled them both, giving them everything they wanted. he never left them to fend for themselves.
when the boy was born, his father named him myungjun, and his mother decided to name him michael for his english name. the nicknames jun, mike, and sometimes junnie were often heard whenever his parents or childhood friends called him. 
up until mike was five years old in 2005, he’s lived with his mother, with his father leaving and coming back for a week or two. but that year, he’s finally moved to the states and stayed with them for longer nights. he even finally married michael’s mother. of course, he still disappeared for a few days or weeks on end for work. 
but that was also the year michael’s mother found out that his father was with another woman. michael has never seen his mother break down like that before. sadly, the young boy was peering into the room when the fight happened and witnessed everything. his mother made her partner choose between the two women, and he eventually told her that he was going to divorce his first wife for her, and appeared to have gone through with his promise. because after that incident, he’s been around more often. 
michael has grown up as a cheerful and energetic child. his friends at school would tell you how much of a great friend he is, how trustworthy and caring he is. it was so easy for him to make friends anywhere. he was the type of friend how would smile at you and listen to you talk on and on about whatever you liked, and the type who would cheer you on with anything you want to achieve. he wanted everyone to feel included and loved. 
little did his friends and family know that internally he was a depressed mess. of course, no one is completely happy as they grow up. his family was a mess, even if it appeared as fine to everyone else. mike sometimes could disappear for a few days in his room, and it was always during some of his bad spells. 
what made it worse was the day he found out the truth. 
it was 2017 when michael walked into his father’s office in their house, looking for him to ask him about something. and instead of finding the man, he found a stack of papers poking from underneath his father’s laptop. upon closer look, they appeared to be divorce papers. michael’s heart sunk, thinking his parents were breaking it off. 
michael is a curious kid, he couldn’t help but close the door and read the papers. but what he saw wasn’t his mother’s name, it was another woman. his heart raced, as he put things back where they were and immediately left the room. michael had found out one of his father’s many secrets. he never divorced his first wife all those years ago. he lied and stayed with both women. 
michael couldn’t help his curiosity. he came back to the room later that night and snapped as many pictures as he could of evidence he could find. he even found his father’s phone (which was easy to figure out the password of) and found a plethora of pictures of the man with a different family, different kids and a different partner. he airdropped the pictures to himself to avoid leaving any traces behind and quickly left again. 
a quick search on facebook, and he managed to find the first wife. it was easy with the name and pictures he had. if anything, michael prided himself on being a good internet detective... or stalker. he spent everyday trying to find the rest of the family on the internet. he found the woman’s young daughter on instagram and twitter, along with her older son’s ( @daniclmoon​ ) accounts as well. 
it was a constant “now what?” for michael. he’s found them. what was he going to do now? he couldn’t just message them and tell them everything. and he couldn’t break his mother’s heart by letting her know. 
except he had to let her know. he could never live with the fact that he knew his father was betraying her this entire time. and so michael told her everything, and after comforting her all night when she broke down yet again, she immediately ended things and asked for a divorce. now it was just michael and his mother, all alone. and for once, having to get by on their own. 
thankfully they were safe, with his mother’s amazing money management skills, and a new, better job, they managed to live their regular lives despite the heavy feeling of a broken family looming around them. the two just wanted to be happy again. 
michael spent the next few years trying to lead a normal life. his mental health had gotten worse after everything he’s found out. he went to college, and he continued trying to do well in school. he really wasn’t the best when it came to grades, but he was trying his best.
and truthfully, he couldn’t help but make a few spare accounts on some social medias to follow his father’s other family. 
by early 2020, he found out that they moved to mapleview, with the older brother daniel following behind in late july. michael didn’t know why, but his impulsivity made him look up the town and eventually secure himself a place to live there in a few months time. of course, his mother was confused on why he decided to move out suddenly, and michael claimed that he wanted to go to a university near town for computer science. of course, his mother wanted to support him and let him go. although she couldn’t handle her son’s move, having gotten using to living with him all of those years. 
michael simply wanted to meet this other side of the family, he wanted to get to know them. he’s always wanted siblings for his entire life, and to know that he had an older brother and sister and a younger sister was something so fascinating to him. 
little did he know, he was going to make the mistake of pretending he wasn’t related to them. 
michael grew up around his mother with his father traveling a lot for work. when mike was 7, his mother found out his father was cheating and they almost broke up. he lied and said he would divorce his first wife to stay with her. years passed and in 2017, michael stumbled upon divorce papers on his father’s desk that he thought were for his parents. turns out, it for his father and another woman who he claimed he already divorced many years ago. michael ended up gathering information from his father’s office and internet stalking the family until he found out a lot about them. he didn’t have any malicious intent, since they appeared to not know about him. in 2020, he found out they moved to mapleview and ended up moving there too telling his mother that he was going to north carolina to study. he wanted to meet his father’s other family, but didn’t know that he would end up lying to them and pretending he wasn’t related to them. 
michael’s childhood friends; could’ve gone to the same school or university back in philadelphia.
michael’s ex; he is bisexual, so gender doesn’t matter. they could’ve ended on a bad note, or even on a good one and ended up being friends. im really up for plotting anything. 
michael’s best friend; PLEASE i love wholesome best friend plots. it doesn’t matter if they met in mapleview or philly
michael’s neighbor; he moved here like a month ago, so they could get to know each other
michael’s co-workers/regular customers; he worked at the drive-in threater
literally anything, throw your ideas at me! 
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youarejesting · 4 years
BTS365 Prompts.Week 41
[Full Masterlist] [Prompt Masterlist] [Tag yourself here]
Please tag me in your work if you use my prompts. I want to see your work. Ever your Jester. Tell me your birthday and I will tag you on your special day!
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           Oct 8st - 14th
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Kim Seokjin - curious
Jin never thought he would ever get dirty, that he would ever go somewhere so foreign to him. But here he was in the ridiculous yellow suit and hat provided to him by the staff and producers. The others looked cool in their outfits and colours and he just looked like a banana. The others teased him and he tried to force the redness from his face, neck and ears.
They started the safari, walking around when something dropped on his shoulder. Seokjin froze and the monkey crawled around his body sniffing and looking for the snacks Seokjin had in his pockets to feed said monkeys when they reached the enclosure.
“That’s our monkey George he loves the colour yellow, we named him after curious George” 
“That’s who you look like!” The boys all cheered, making Jin’s ears turn red once more.
Min Yoongi - party
Yoongi didn’t like parties, he didn’t like the volume, the capacity he didn’t like dressing up and dancing and yet he was always trying to please his friends and go to the parties anyway. Today he couldn’t take it, he thought about somewhere to hide and thought perhaps a room, but people would wonder why he is sitting around and he would have to awkwardly explain himself.
He could hide in a closet but people would most likely think the room is empty and then if they found him they would think he was waiting to peep on others. He looked around a room about to leave when he heard a giggle from out the window. Ducking his head out he didn’t see anyone but he heard another giggle this time from above. He turned his head up to see two feet dangling off the edge of the roof.
Climbing over the edge he saw you lying there looking at your phone and giggling. “Hey are you okay?”
“Yeah, just uh… escaping,” You smiled “I don’t like parties, too loud and awkward”
Jung Hoseok - old
“Harabeoji” A small voice shouted and footsteps patted across the front porch, where you and your husband were sitting softly on an outdoor bench swing. “Harabeoji look what I drew at school today?”
“What did you draw my son?”
“I drew our family, look mum dad and then there is you and Halmeoni?” You looked over at the picture and laughed.
“What are these lines?” Hoseok asked, pointing at the picture.
“Wrinkles because you are old?” Your grandson laughed
“It’s okay my love, you may be old. But I still love you?” You chuckled “We have been together for sixty years now, and you are still my hope”
Kim Namjoon - farmers
He knew nothing about farms but his grandfather gave one to him in his will, he could inherit all the money as long as he lasted one whole year living on the farm. He thought it would be easy. He was wrong. 
What started as a dream holiday became a nightmare in moments, no electricity, no hot water, no internet. But this little farm has something the city didn’t. It had you. 
Park Jimin - lace
The fans were going off thanking you, the head stylist for Jimin's latest outfit. You smiled, they thought you were doing it for them, the fans when really you also wanted to see them wear these things. But you couldn’t just start putting them in risky outfits all the time or they would suspect so you saved them for special occasions. 
You were planning the next outfit sketching it out and sighed the boys in crop tops and some in skirts. It was a fantasy come true. You knew you couldn’t, but you set about making the outfits anyway. 
A week later the boys were going to a gala and you grabbed the bags with their names on it and handed the items to them. Each one got changed and stepped out for you to help them with their suits before heading off to the hair makeup artists. 
“Ah Noona, I think you gave me the wrong outfit”
Jimin stepped out blushing, he was in a lace crop top and a skirt and you felt heat in your face. It was so hot Jimin shouted “Noona your bleeding”
Kim Taehyung - skeptic
Taehyung was your business partner, and the two of you were pretty famous on youtube. You were a ghost hunting duo called the ‘Spooky times’. Where the two of you would travel around the world to some of the most haunted locations and try to find evidence of ghosts and other paranormal creatures.
“Hey rollerghosters welcome back to another BOO-tiful location, today we are at the LaLaurie Mansion in New Orleans which is one of the most famous haunted locations. And we are going to find ourselves a ghost” Taehyung smiled into the camera and you laughed from the corner of the screen you were dressed especially cute today. 
Everyone within the fan base knew you were not afraid of anything, you would also encourage Taehyung when he found something. Talking up every whisper and creak that it could in fact be a ghost. Taehyung wasn’t scared either, finding everything rather amusing and wanting to speak to a spirit was his ultimate goal.
The cameraman Hoseok and the Sound guy Yoongi were two of the jumpiest in the group. The two crew members were fan favourites, Jhope was known for his extreme reactions, once or twice throwing the camera and running out of the building. Yoongi was rarely ever seen but often heard his slow drawl when he complained about having to take eight flights of stairs in an old hotel because someone had been complaining about walking in the attic. 
There were many compilations of the cast and crew on youtube . Some of your favorites include Yoongi, trying to fist fight ghosts and Hoseok’s collection of funny noises. Of course you and your co-star had your fair share, most were shipping videos but there were one or two of Taehyung being adorable, funny or sexy and some of you staring and talking to ghosts.
The fans believed you could see them, and they weren’t wrong. What they didn’t know was that you were a high ranked demon, old and powerful. As you stepped into haunted buildings you could see other ghosts and entities within and glared down any who got too close to your friends.
This had resulted in a few clips of you talking to nothing, but you just made the same excuse that you were documenting your surroundings and noting the architecture of the building. They would never know.
Jeon Jungkook - intergalactic
You were the only humans on the ship among a few species of aliens, well aliens from your perspective you assumed as to them you were the aliens. You were sitting next to an Alzothian named Daa, he was bigger and had more advanced optical nerves. All round the Alzothians had amazing eyesight, it had freaked you out at first as they could see, xray, infrared, ultraviolet light and more things that you hadn’t the science to comprehend.
“You are blue eart’ling, what ‘as caused you to feel the emotion you ‘oomans call sad” The deep voice spoke the vocal cords and lung capacity of the Alzothian were minimal. It meant the H sound was tiresome so they skipped it when they could, preferring to speak further back in their throats to prevent the unnecessary exhaling.
“I am just feeling lonely,” You sighed, “I get like this sometimes, when I miss human contact, do not worry”
“You are not alone, I am ‘ere” Daa gestured to himself and you gave a short laugh. “And your eart’ling friend mister goo as you call ‘im, is on the ship to, I will call your ‘ooman companion”
“Hey, what is going on?” Jungkook appeared with another Alzothian; this one was Crolyt who was learning about human anatomy and biology and the bodies limits.
“The female Eart’ling is feeling the emotion sad and needs ‘ooman contact.” Daa spoke
“Do you need a hug?” Jungkook asked you and you blushed but nodded wrapping your hands around his waist and pressing your face against his chest. Jungkook hugged back his arms around your shoulders gently rubbing your back.
“Success you are no longer blue” Daa smiled
“Daa we should leave from what I ‘ave gathered this seems to be the beginnings of their mating ritual” Your cheeks went bright red and when you looked up you saw Jungkook���s ears also crimson kissed by embarrasment.
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murcuryretro · 4 years
3:09 a.m (est) 7-8-20
So JUST now, I was watching a T.V show called “Toys that made us” which actually inspired me to never stop dreaming. Althought the sales of toys have dramaticllly declined,the passion and creativity behind these toys is what makes them LEGENDARY. There are toys that will be forever KNOWN. Imagine creating something that never dies , making history as well. Amazing, truly inspiring. Now with that being said, decided to write down some of my thoughts before going to bed. Before logging in, the wifi randomly had cut off, cutting off the show I had been watching, and decided it was a sign to get on the laptop instead. I get on it, but to my “surprise” NO WIFI. I then ask my bf whos been sitting on the couch playing with his new switch for a few hours, pretty much since I got home from work Ive seen him sitting there and still is, IF he can please check the router. Anything the requires some brain power , is too much for him!!! I over loooked it for so many years, now its starting to bite me in the ass. He then gets up to check the wires, and ask if I had pay. I said no but its not due yet. Also even if it was overdue they dont CUT everything off until way after. ANYWHO, I use my hotspot so that I can check, and its not due until the 15th, SO AGAIN, i ask him to check the wires, because there were clear instructions on the screen about what might be wrong and it wasnt the WIFI it was the router itself. So we had internet , just wasn’t properly transmitted. So after asking him to check the router, he quickly starts complaining about the mess the last cable guy made, complaining how he cant turn it on and, giving me an attitude and a tone because he just can’t, doing the bare min, literally TOUCHED 1 wire and gave up, saying he feels better if someone else disconnects the wire to check, as he goes back on the couch, THEN complains how we HAVE To call them and give them a piece of our mind since we are paying customers. Funny thing is , when we says “we”, he means ME. He would never actually get on the phone and explain to a company his fustrations. It would be me, while hes most likely sitting on the couch playing video games or REALLY mad sitting on the couch not playing video games, because of the wifi. What bothers me most is the lack of responsiblity he takes on. Also like he wants to avoid all grown men responsiblities, its become the biggest turn-off and been thinking of ways to have real conversation with him without him getting butt hurt because he is very sensitive, also he plays victim and I cant let him do that. He is not a victim at all , in anyway, but the second i confront him about something he is trying to avoid, he plays victim. Im so tired of being the one that has to constantly asses every situation were ever in. Hes the man for goodness sake. In reality he’s a beta and I’m in alpha. which makes this kinda hard. Previous relationship , we were both alphas and as much as we did bump heads, we also agreed on a lot and learned things together as the are new to us. Other times, we both take the lead in situations and it was like working with 2 heads rather than 1. Now it feels like just 1 head with 2 people. And like they always say, 2 heads are BETTER than 1. I just feel so lost, because I’m so use to have a Man that can handle business without me, who uses their OWN judgement, I don’t even want to talk down on him, but as time goes on and were not doing anything for ourselves,I start to feel this hole, void, in my heart, something is missing, something is wrong. Why is he such a good person with a great heart but lacks what makes a person resilent. For years he has lied to everyone about having his license. Why ? Im not sure, not that I lived with him for a over a year, I know why, hes scared of real life responsiblities that he would have to handle himself because no one else will. No health insurance, even tho its free now in days, because thats just another responiblity he does not want or care to have, Even for his own health. UNLESS I push him, which I have brought up so many times, but I can not do it for him.Then his license, I have asked him to get it and he said okay, never did, asked him again, said he will do it, does it and forgets the date, then he says he will make a new date, havent heard anything about. I dont know how much more I need to annoy him about ?! Since I’ve met him  Im the ONLY driver, driving us everywhere. Any place, its me. Since 2016, its 2020. Not sure whats stopping him, He also brags a lot about the money he makes and he saves it, buys some toys for himself, and takes me out on dinner dates. Which I apprecaite so much of course, but I wish he would do more for himself. Hes just so scared of life I believe, I could be wrong, but thats all he seems to prove since Ive met him! Very sensitive and he likes attention. NEVER noticed that until a FEW people brought that up and I do see that very clearly now. Its hard to have a partner who only values what he says and disregard me. I can let him talk and I go along with it, he on the other hand, cant wait for me to stop talking and he never gives any kinda feedback because he wasnt really listening. Im getting pretty tired of it. Im starting to think I may have made the wrong decision. Whenever something is wrong its like I need to be the leader of the problem and fix it myself, and I think he thinks I like the idea of being the head bitch in charge but in reality its exhausting and just one sided. I have never seen him actually take control of a critical situation without my help. I always end up being the one to finalize everything, as if he HAS to go thru me. Which I do appreciate but it just also feels like he does it to hand me down the rest of the solution. Like NO! Once in a while would be nice if he did things that turn out fine, all alone. NEVER happens. I know of everything and mostly fix it myself.Even THINGS, Hes not hands on so things that would need a quick fix, something my dad would fix easily, john would have a total meltdown and give up fast as fuck. I thought having a person this gentel would be good for my soul but I think its the opposite. Since the day that we rekindle our friendship 2 years ago,I started using hard drugs, LITERALLY the day after we hung out at a show we were both at. I havent been okay since dec 2018 and i though dating him would make me feel better and help fix that void in me, so far, nothing.... I can see I’m stringing this relationship along and Im not sure if I should continue.I have very high hopes with living an amazing life with him, I always saw it in him , that WE would be perfect for each other. I think I based a book by its cover and the first two pages and ran with it. Without reading the whole book, and its not turning out so much as what I thought we would be. He quickly became like a grandpa once we started to date, and then telling me he didnt like when i went out, it was just so shocking considering that we , him, I and all my friends would go all the time, he loved he things I loved to do too, so wtf ?! He almost changed into a person I didnt want to date, the second we started to date. So confusing and almost decieved. Almost he faked how chill he was to get closer to me, It wasnt until a year ish later that I realized , I have been seeing only 1 side of him, the side he wanted me to see, and I loved it, and then the real him I didnt Know and frankly Im not sure if I really like. He loves me so fucking much, but I dont feel fulfilled. Something feels very off, I am missing something and I truly dont know what it is. I hope that we can help each other grow whether alone or together, I just want to know what I wanna do with my life and I need more motivation than what Im getting right now. I feel like im slowing my life down and going no where. I dont like it and I dont want this going on any longer.I NEED to find my way!!!! I hope hes there either as my bf or my friend and we work things out. wish me luck in whatever  I choose to do. THNXX  
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umbillicalnoose · 5 years
i think that you would think im pretty and would like my poetry and i want to share it with you. im shy.
to be honest, im very apathetic these days. im not the nice “cutesy baby flower petal boy” i used to be. a lot has happened & im bitter & sullen & all in all, a pretty shitty friend/person to know. i used to possess some redeeming qualities, believe it or not, even if they were construed by the subconscious in an attempt to be likeable - a facade, even tho its only a facade, is still tangible, still there, is still something, even if not authentic. is poorer character forgivable in the name of presenting more authentically? but nah. that makes it sound like im putting effort into being a better person, which im not. im just sort of fried & done. its been a very long time since i played the role i built for myself on here of the “small fawn boy who wants to help girls” lmaooo. how embarrassing. altho, i was just a kid, & i guess, if you had a tumblr as a teenager, you went thru some cringe (i know the use of that word has fallen in on itself & adopted its own definition but for lack of a better one) ass phases, whether it was kinning or malingering mental illness or oh fucking christ, all that gender bullshit, etc etc. from what ive observed, tho, loosely following kids im still casually friends with that i met on here, i think we’ve all managed to Grow The Fuck Up, at least a little. most of us have jobs or r in school or have partners - growing up & moving on is a very surreal experience to watch/go thru. im moving at my own pace & ive accepted that - im still currently using & starving myself & concocting a suicide plan every day but at least i use clean needles as much as possible, i actively & honestly do strive for the bare minimum calorically, & um able to work with the mentality of “well ill have this when i need it but todays not that day” a lot more readily, in relation to suicide shit. ive finally found a therapist who Really Gets It, is a frontrunner internationally on ritual & extreme abuse & mind control. its pretty incredible what a few years with a good therapist can do. anyways. im sorry, i know you didnt ask for all this & im not even sure why i divulged. i guess, what tipped me off, was your attempt at sounsing “cute” - dude, cut that shit out, i promise youll be a lot better off. & i know everyone interchanges aspects of their personality based on who theyre talking to/who they percieve themselves to be talking to, but i feel like not a lot of people give enough credence to the internet & its hand in shaping/molding young people, kids, vulnerable dumbasses, especially tumblr (tho, i get that its a relatively new phenomenon) - u get a bunch of the “weird”, “alternative”, ““ostracized” kids together on a website, of course its gonna nurture a culture of hypervalidatoon & pretending to be sick in order to fit in to the point that its not an act anymore & exacerbation of symptoms & basically, just sucking each others dicks, sitting in ur own shit, & never ending coddling. & then, you have the older group of kids, who have played this game before but instead of helping or ignoring the Dumbshit kids, they indulge their own normally-buried-but-unleashed-by-internet-anonymity sadism/human instinct to just be fucking dicks & so now you have this vicious cycle of anger & hatred & fucking melodrama up the urethra. im sorry, i know im comig off as/am being harsh but god fuckin dammit yknow? also, this isnt directed at you, specifically, more of a generalized thing, @ myself included. so uh. i mean, if u still wanna share it with me after reading all this, id be happy to read ur poetry. i used to be over the top nice & then reverted to Major Asshole & am now trying to find that sweet middle spot - honoring & allowing myself to share my pain without putting it on others. which is really hard!! cuz becoming a Dick was difficult in that it forced me to be more honest with my true self & as such, more vulnerable - now in trying to become Kinda Nice again because despite being a pulsating scrotom, ive had the intense desire for friendship & human interaction, while simultaneously doing things that i was consciously aware was pushing others away - but then, if i pretend to be nice, where does that authenticity i worked for & was so scared of go? & i dont mean telling someone their new haircut looks nice even when it doesnt - thats just not being a dick. but i guess, those r the normal trials & tribulations of any relationship & adolescent developing identity. which is weird too - dealing with “normal” issues, i mean. whats the point if your life/limbs/breaking point arent at risk? whats the point when your best friends already dead. im sick of people calling "survivors” (despise that word, so fucking female-originated & overdramatic) “brave” & “strong” - surviving is not brave or strong. its just survival. you wouldnt call an animal brave for running for its life from a predator but you would call a dog courageous for going into a burning building to save its owner. premeditated action on the notion that you are probably going to be hurt is brave. being subjected to pain with no choice is not. theres no “silver lining” or anything “good” to be drawn from it either - sure it may have made x a more compassionate person or made y more introspective & gentle but you know what would have been even fucking better??? if the shit hadnt happened in the first place! let x be an asshole & y be self absorbed - the “benefits”, so to speak, do not outweigh the cost, not by a long fucking shot. its not only patronizing to hear garbage like that, but a slap in the face to know that anyone could possibly see anything good coming from that nightmare & that the characteristics, good or bad, you developed either in response to or as a result of, are worth praise. dont tell me im strong for doing what i had to to escape a torture chamber - tell me im perseverant for studying my ass off & passing that test last week. in the words of one of my dearest & most fucking brilliant friends, “pain doesnt owe me/you purpose - the need to intellectualize & assign meaning to pain & death is not only futile, but harmful.” & honestly, i think that it stems from weakness (in most cases - i realize theres a plethora of other reasons such as those who r just desperate for something to hold on to or r hyperintellectual & analytical or who have been pressured by external “support” systems to find the “good” etc etc) - while the majority of people view the person who “can find the good in everything” (strictly speaking only in relation to trauma/tragedy here & more in denunciation of those that celebrate this trait as opposed to vilifying “survivors” who respond this way, though in my experience, its very very very rarely the “survivor” that perpetrates this ideology ) as strong, i sort of see it as a weakness - their inability to sit with & absorb their own pain or that of others is so strong that not only do they have to frantically pull rainbows out of the teeth of a meat cleaver, they also have to exist within this strange (tho, not malicious - more subconscious) superiority complex. like, nah, dude, some times shit is just awful. you cant tell me anything fucking good came out of a four year old girl being kidnapped, gangraped, & tortured for two years, before being impaled & left to die on a stake. her mom opened a non profit organization? oh well thank fucking god for that!!! those that believe the latter to be more “enlightened” or whatever the fuck r the same people who say shit like “dying is easy - living is harder” & i get that that its supposed to be interpreted metaphorically for the most part - giving up is easy, trying isnt (which also.....isnt true??? admitting defeat & fully accepting the fact that ur fucking helpless is beyond hard lmao???) - but pretend youre somewhere, anywhere outside ur sunny little fucking yoga studio full of white women whos biggest issues r the pta & johnny whos failing math, & lets say your life is in real, imminent danger, a gun is to your head & i want you to not scream or cry or beg for ur life since dying is “easier”. if dying is so easy, why do the majority of ppl cling to it with such desperation - why is suicide illegal? why do some ppl go thru 100s of chemo treatments even tho the doctors say theyre just prolonging the inevitable, ppl who cut off a diseased arm so it wont spread, those who walk dozens of miles every day for food & water, etc? & i know & understand the survival instinct better than anyone, even when i wanted to die more than anything, my natural instincts would kick in with no conscious neural input & id do what i had to do. im not condemning those who cling to life (ok - a little. ur wasting resources out of ur own fear. but i also realize thats just me being a Fucking Asshole As Always cuz technically, im doing the same thing tho its more due to lack of opportunity rather than fear. i just think, societally, death should be more normalized, discussed, & not made out to be so unknown & scary), instead just reprimanding those who say shit like that (inspirational facebook quotes). especially cuz most of the ppl who do spew that shit have never gone thru anything even remotely difficult - their worst nightmare is a Big Scary Black Man grabbing them on the street, mugging them, & touching their tits. & i also know that these stupid ass sayings are to be applied to bullshit like exercise & fitness (“no pain no gain” is another one of my Favorites) & not fucking torture or even just ur run of the mill rape, even that would probably smash the rose tinted banana republic shades off their beverly hills tanned faces. but ive heard the no pain no gain one a handful of times in the last few weeks, specifically from doctors performing procedures in preparation for my bottom surgery. & i know its supposed to be encouraging & they have no way of knowing, but its just like, buddy, u have no idea who youre fucking talking to. & im starting to understand what THEY mean when they say it - pain with a reward is infinitely more tolerable than pain just for the sake of pain; like, a tattoo, it hurts, but u know, when its done, its gonna be sick as fuck. when u r able to fall back on the idea that its for something u rlly want, its A Lot easier to handle as opposed to pain thats Just Pain - theres no reward for it except, i guess, that the more u experience it, the closer u r to the end of it lmao. i mean, i still hate when ppl say it cuz for most of my life, pain was just pain, & the “reward” was the opportunity to go home at the end & so whenever ppl say that, my mind just immediately resorts back to that & im just like haha fuck u. but im trying to remember my experiences r definitely not universal & im starting to sorta understand what they mean i think. but, flipping gears here, & going back to the sentiment of “everything happens for a reason”, the base philosophy of psuedo deep Fuckwads - a girls dad didnt fuck her “for a reason”, everything doesnt happen “for a reason”. like ok, hypothetically, the kid he impregnated her with & that she was forced to have at 12 may surpass all odds & not become a homeless junkie & instead become a world renowned doctor who finds the cure for cancer. but she wasnt raped repeatedly from the age of six for that “reason”, no matter what anyone says & honestly, the liberation of the masses does not justify the suffering of one, especially a child. in my eyes at least. but again, im a bitter asshole. sorry i just Went The Fuck Off here oh my god.....if u read all this, thanks, pal. if not, thats cool too. but yea, send me ur stuff, id totally be down to read it. as for me potentially thinking ur cute, i have to look at my disgusting shitstain of a “face” every goddamn day so everyone else to me is fuckin aphrodite. but im also tryin to not put so much worth into physical appearance- its not something that should be complimented cuz its just smth a person was born with which is the same reason it shouldnt be insulted. this is gonna sound gay & stupid but i personally find that a persons essence & personality really permeates. you can meet someone who, objectively, isnt all that great looking, but once u get to know them, u really see their beauty - how the sun catches in their hair, their dilated pupils looking up at u from under long eyelashes in the dark, the birthmark on their right shoulder that they despise but that is so Them, the gap in their teeth, etc. & idk how to phrase this without it sounding like “well ur ugly but at least ur a good person”, cuz that only reiterates the societally indoctrinated emphasis on appearance & my kneejerk reaction to assure the person in question that thats not what im saying is only another result of that!!! its inescapable!!! but no, really, its not just a matter of “its on the inside that counts” - physically, they change or maybe, actually this is more likely, when i first meet them, my “default” eyes r just looking for features that i know im immediately attracted to (tall, blonde, sickly as in sunken eyes sticklike pale but still looks like she could & will beat the shit out of me) but as i fall in love or get to know them better, my eyes adjust & i notice & adore the beauty that was there all along. so uh. idk if ill think ur “cute”. but probably, yes, ill think ur an angel.
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archiefm · 5 years
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         ... claws my way up from hell once more and vomits onto the dash.... hello. its nora. i used to write rory bergstrom, but if u were here before that u might remember me as greta or alma putnam or..... som1 else.... an endless carousel of trash children..... this is finn, who i actually wrote for an early version of this rp abt 5yrs back now...... grits teeth..... so forgive me if im rusty i havent written him in a long time but seein honey boy gave me a lotta finn muse n im keen to get Back On The Horse yeehaww...
DYLAN O’BRIEN / CIS-MALE — don’t look now, but is that finn o’callaghan i see? the 25 year old criminology and forensic studies student is in their graduate year of study year and he is a rochester alum. i hear they can be judicious, adroit, morose and cynical, so maybe keep that in mind. i bet he will make a name for themselves living off-campus. ( nora. 24. gmt. she/her )
shakes my tin can a humble pinterest, ma’am....
finn has a bio pasted at the bottom (n written in like.... 2015.... gross) but it’s long  so if u don’t wanna read it here’s the sparknotes summary..... anyway this was written years ago n a lot of it seems really cliche and lame now but..... we accept the trash we think we deserve
grumpy, ugly sweater wearing, tech-savvy grandpa
very dry sense of humour and embraces nihilism. 
if ron swanson and april ludgate had a baby it would be finn
he was raised in derry, just south of dublin.
from a big family. elder sister called sinead. he also has a younger sister (aoife), a younger brother (colm), and a collie named lassie because his father lovs cliches (finn hates cliches but loves his dog). 
his father was a pub landlord and his mother worked at the market sellin fruit n veg when they met but got a job as a medical receptionist when she had kids cos it meant she cld be there with them in the day and work nights.
his parents met when they were p young and fiesty and rushed into marriage cos they were catholic n just wanted to have sex. his family were literally dirt-poor, but they had a lot of love i guess
hmmmmm his relationship w his father wasn’t the best cos i can’t write character who have healthy relationships w their parents throws up a peace sign. yh, had a pretty emotionally distant, alcoholic violent father n so gets a lot of his bad habits i.e. drinking as a coping mechanism and poor anger management from him BUT anyway
as a kid he was never very motivated in class, he always had a nervous itch to be off somewhere doing something else. struggled under government austerity bcso there just wasn’t the resources to support low income families where the kids had learning difficulties n needed support. fuck the tories am i right 
his mum suggested he try sports to help w his restless energy but he was never any good at football so he took up boxing and tap dance instead. he took to tap dancing like a fish to fuckin water. as adhd n found this as a really good way to use his excess energy in a creative way
had a few run ins with the police in his early teens for spray painting and graffiti, but he straightened himself out n now actually considering becoming a detective inspector??? cops are pigs.
he had a youtube channel where he posted videos of him tapdancing and breakdancing as a kid, basically would be a tiktok boy nowadays, n had like... a small fanbase in his early teens. attended several open auditions unsuccessfully, until he was finally cast in billy eliot when he was fifteen.
during billy eliot he began dating an italian dancer called nina. they became dance partners soon after and toured across the republic with various different shows (inc riverdance lol the classic irish stereotype). their relationship was p toxic tbh, they were both very hot tempered people and just used to argue and fight all the time.
he went semi-pro at tap dancing, and nina couldn’t stand being second best so she moved back to italy with her family. ignored his texts, phone calls, etc, eventually he was driven to the point where he used his savings to buy a plane ticket, showed up at her house and she was like wtf?? freaked out and filed a restraining order accusing him of stalking.
he was fined for harassment and then returned home to derry, but after the incident with nina he quit dancing for good and finished his leaving cert before heading to university in the US to get as far away from nina and his past life as poss. and basically since he quit dancing to study forensics (death kink. finn cant get enough of that morgue. just walks around sayin beat u) he’s become a massive grump and jsut doesn’t see the good in people any more.
u’ll find finn in an old man bar drinking whiskey bc he is in fact an old man at heart or sat on his roof smoking a joint, drawing wolves and lions and skeletons and shit, playing call of duty or getting blazed or at the corner of the room in a house party ignoring everyone and scrolling through twitter. is a massive e-boy. always up-to-date on memes and internet slang. has reddit as an app on his phone
not very good at communication. rather than solve his issues by talking, he’d prefer to just solve them through fighting or running away from his problems hence why he has come halfway across the world to get away from an issue which probs cld have been solved w a few apology emails.
takes a lot to phase him, but when his beserk button gets pressed he can become a bit pugnacious like an angry lil rottweiler. in his undergrad he was in a few fist fights but doesn’t really do tht any more as he doesn’t condone violence.
 in the previous version of this rp he was hospitalised like 5 times. pls, give my son a break. stop tryin to kill him. he literaly got a bottle smashed over his head and bled out all over his favourite angora rug that was the only light of his life
works at the campus coffee shop n always whines about how he’s a slave to capitalism. always smells of coffee
lives off campus with an elderly woman named Marianne, and basically gets reduced rent bcos he makes her dinner / keeps her company. they have a great bond
fan of karl marx. v big on socialism
insomniac with chronic nosebleeds
cynical about everything. too much of a fight club character 4 his own good n has his head up tyler durden’s sphincter
always confused or annoyed
basic information
full name: finnegan seamus o'callaghan nickname(s): finn age: 25 astrological sign: aries hometown: derry, ireland occupation: phd student / former street entertainer fatal flaw: cynicism positives: self-reliant, street smart, relaxed, intelligent, spontaneous, brave, independent, reliable, trustworthy, loyal. negatives: hostile, impulsive, stubborn, brooding, pugnacious, untrusting, cynical, enigmatic, reserved.
colouring: medium hair colour: dark brown, almost black eye colour: brown height: 5’9” weight: 69kg build: tall, athletic voice: subtle irish accent, low, smooth. dominant hand: left scar(s): one on the left side of his ribs from a knife wound that he doesn’t remember getting cos he was drunk distinguishing marks: freckles, tattoo of a wolf howling at a moon allergies: pollen and the full spectrum of human emotion alcohol tolerance: high drunken behaviour: he becomes friendlier, far more conversational than when sober, flirtier, and generally more self-confident.
dreams/goals: self-fulfilment, travel the globe, experience life in its most alive and technicoloured version, make documentary films, help the vulnerable in society, grow as a human being.
skills: jack-of-all-trades, very fast runner, good at thieving things, talented tap dancer, good in crisis situations, dab-hand at mechanics, musically-intelligent, can throw a mean right hook and very capable of defending himself, can roll a cigarette, memorises quotes and passages of literature with ease, can light a match with his teeth.
likes: the smell of the earth after rain, poetry, cigarettes, shakespeare, whiskey, tattoos, travelling, ac/dc, deep conversations, leather jackets, open spaces, the smell of petrol, early noughties ‘emo phase’ anthems.
dislikes:  the government, parties, rules, donald trump, children, apple products, weddings, people in general, small talk, dependency, loneliness, pop music, public transport, justin timberlake, uncertainty.fears: fear itself, drowning alignment: true neutral mbti: istp – “while their mechanical tendencies can make them appear simple at a glance, istps are actually quite enigmatic. friendly but very private, calm but suddenly spontaneous, extremely curious but unable to stay focused on formal studies, istp personalities can be a challenge to predict, even by their friends and loved ones. istps can seem very loyal and steady for a while, but they tend to build up a store of impulsive energy that explodes without warning, taking their interests in bold new directions.” (via 16personalities.com)
full bio (lame as fuck written years ago..... pleathe...)
tw homophobia
born in quigley’s pub on the backstreets of sunny dublin, young finnegan o'callaghan was thrown kicking and screaming into the rowdy suburbs of irish drinking culture. the son of a landlord and a fishwife, he never had much in the way of earnings, but there was never a dull moment in his lively estate, where asbo’s thrived, but community spirit conquered. at school, finn was pegged as lazy and unmotivated, though truly his dyslexia made it hard for the boy to learn in the same environment of his peers and only made him more closed-off in class. struggling with anger management, finn moved from school to school, unable to fit the cookie-cutter mould that school enforced on him, though whilst academic studies were of little interest to the boy, he soon found his true passions lay in recreational activities. immersed into the joys of sport from as young as four, finn was an ardent munster fan and anticipated nothing more than the day he could finally fit into his brother’s old pair of rugby boots.
his calling finally came unexpectedly, not in the form of rugger, but through dance. to learn to express himself in a non-academic way, he began tap dancing, finding therapy in the beat of his soles against the cracked kitchen tiles (much to his mother’s disgrace). it wasn’t a conscious choice, finn just realised one day that dance was something that made him feel. a king of the streets, finn made his fortune on those cobbled pavements – dancing and drawing to earn his keep. by default, finn became a street artist, each penny he earned from his chalk drawings saved in a jam jar towards buying his first pair of tap shoes. though many of his less-than-amiable neighbours called him a nancy and a gaybo, finn refused to quit at his somewhat ‘unconventional’ hobby, for the young scrapper found energy, life, and released anger through the rhythm of tap. soon he branched out into street dance, hip hop, break dancing, lyrical, his days spent smacking his scuffed feet against the broken patio into the night.
when he was thirteen he took up boxing, and as expected, his newfound ‘macho’ pastime conflicted with his dancing. the boxers called him ‘soft’; the dancers called him ‘inelegant’. he felt like two different people; having to choose between interests was like being handed a knife and asked to which half of himself he wished to cut away. he couldn’t afford professional training in dance, with most schools based in england and limited scholarships available. instead, he made the street his studio, racking up a small fanbase on youtube. when he was fifteen he made his debut in billy eliot at the olympia theatre in dublin. enter nina de souza, talented, beautiful and italian; ballet dancer, operatic singer, genius whiz kid, and spoiled brat. she was selfish, conceited, hell bent on getting her own way, and every director’s nightmare. finn fell for her like a house of cards. he’d always had a soft spot for girls who meant trouble. and so their hellish courtship began.
by the time they were seventeen, the two young swans had danced in every playhouse across the republic. they were known in theatres across the country for their tempestuous personalities, their raging arguments with one another, their tendency to drop out of shows altogether without any notice, yet the money kept rolling in and the audiences continued to grow. for three years, their families continued to put up with their hysterical fights followed by passionate reconciliations. he was too possessive, and she was too wild. their carcrash of a relationship finally came to a catastrophic halt when nina broke off the whole affair and returned to italy with her family. for months finn tried to contact her, yet his phone calls, texts, facebook messages were always ignored, until finally he was driven to drastic measures and used his savings to get a plane to her home town. when finn turned up uninvited at nina’s house she freaked out – and rightly so – she contacted her agent, accused him of stalking her, and had a restraining order placed against him. finn was arrested, held in a station overnight, and charged with harassment before he was allowed to return to dublin.
after the incident with nina, finn lost the fight in his eyes. he became far more hostile, far less likely to retaliate with his own fists, and picked fights not for the thrill of feeling his own fists pummel another into a wall, but for the sensation of his own brittle bones cracking. he dropped his tap shoes in a dumpster, stopped talking to his friends, followed his father’s advice and went back to school to complete his leaving certificate. a few short months later, and finn was packing his bags, saying his bittersweet goodbyes, and travelling half-way across the globe to be as far away as possible from his past self, his mess of a life, and most of all nina. it seemed somehow ironic that the boy who had been cautioned by the garda so much during his youth for spray painting, busking without a liscence, and raucous parties would become the grumpy, aloof overseas student studying a degree in criminology; that his once reckless spirit could be crushed so easily. 
of all things that finn could be called, straightforward would never be one of them. ever since his first days in atticus, the boy was pegged as hostile, hot-headed, cynical, rude. he seemed to spend more time in his thoughts than engaging in conversation. like a ticking time-bomb, finn’s anger was of the calm kind, liable to explode without a moment’s noticed. his unpredictable personality make him something of an enigma to those who aren’t amiable with the lad, though hostile as he may appear, he harvests a good heart. loyalty lies at the centre of his affections, and whilst his friends are few in number, he makes a lifelong partner. somewhere within finn, there’s still some fight left, but mostly he has recognised that his hedonistic lifestyle did little to leave him fulfilled – mostly, it just emptied him out – and over his three years at university has resigned himself to a nihilistic predicament.
        if u wanna plot with me pls pls pls im me or like this post!! i am always game for plots i love em so excited to write with you all here r some ideas
study buddies. finn is now a phd student so has to start takin shit seriously. he gon be in the library every day doing that independent study. if he had ppl who were also regular library goers n they get each other coffees to save time.... tht wld be sweet
ppl who love techno dj sets and going super hard on the weekends!!! fuck yea
friends with benefits. exes on bad terms. ppl he tried to date but couldnt because he’s always emotionally hung up on someone else. spicy hook up plots
ppl he met touring?? maybe ppl who were also in the entertainment industry..... anyone got a character who is ex circus hit me up
does anyone else study criminology / forensics / criminal psych / law? phd students sometimes lecture so he cld be an assistant lecturer / tutor if ur character is in a younger year
gamers !!! social recluses !!! hermits !!
finn goes to the skatepark and all the young boys there think he’s a gradnpa which he is! 
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crowsent · 5 years
did a text post bc the formatting is easier. also because so i won’t bombard you ( @yalltookmyurlideas ) with words
i basically created my son ethel when i was late middle school. almost summer. i was watching this one anime, servamp, and there was a character with a really interesting design of blonde hair with black streaks (his name was hyde) so my middleschool self i went “neat! i want an oc like that!” so i designed ethel based on that one anime character with weird hair. and that was his only defining trait for a while: weird hair
originally, ethel had white hair and genetically inherited black streaks (again bc i was in middleschool) and i created the first drawing of ethel (first pic i sent) when i was a freshman in highschool and the whiteness of the rest of his hair compared to the streaks is very visible.
at that point, my backstory for him was essentially “pale, loner, likes shakespeare, wears hoodie, highschooler” his shirt is just a really creepy smiley face bc i really wanted to turn up the emoness of his design. pretty sure he had a girlfriend or a partner whose name was like. carmen. or camillia. or something that starts with a c. she dies and serves as fuel for him to be angsty bc again. middle school
then i became a junior and looked at his initial design and went. “what if i make it darker?” bc i hit peak emo phase when i was a highschool freshman and was one step away from wearing mcr outfits every day to school. you know the one. that one jacket.
2nd and 3rd pictures i sent were the darker and gritter versions of ethel. hence the darker hair (you can barely see the dark streaks in the third photo) and edginess amped up to 11. his hair was like a chestnut brown at that point and the black streaks were less visible. he remained without a background for the most part but i added “girlfriend was killed, wants revenge” to his bio because i guess i wanted him to be even edgier? and he kind of becomes a hermit who hates society at the end of his character arc. just a grumpy nihilist with depression bc at the time i did not know how to handle my own mental health and it manifested as that.
i didn’t fully create a backstory for ethel until i reached my senior year. then i went fucking ham and changed his entire character. he went from “name is ethel, pale, loner, likes shakespeare, wears hoodie, highschooler, lost a girlfriend, wants revenge, really edgy” to Ethel Ash
so basically. ethel lost both parents when he was young and was put in foster care, bouncing from home to home without really having a place to belong. he didn’t feel wanted by anyone, didn’t have support from any adults in his life, started trouble just to get some goddamn attention bc he felt invisible and it only led to people labeling him as dumb and a problem. bc of the lack of support in his life, he fell in with the wrong people when he was in highschool. fights. petty theft. vandalism. that kind of stuff. sent to juvie a few times because he got caught. at this point, his hair was just plain brown and he doesn’t dye it until much later.
then he graduated highschool, but only barely. he’s pretty smart, interested in philosophy, strategy, math, and classical literary works (shakespeare which is p much the only part of his original backstory that survived) but his teachers essentially labeled him a problem child and gave him next to no attention. so he p much accepted society’s label that he’ll always be no-good and kind of ran with it.
he got involved in organised crime after he graduated and by organised crime i meant the mob. he became involved with the mob in california (where he lived) and bc he’s smart and well-versed in like strategy and math, he kind of picked up being an informant. like. he became that one guy people in the mob turned to for info. doesnt particularly like being involved in the shady deals that go down, but if he’s being an informant, he’s needed. and if he’s needed, he has somewhere to belong.
so he overworks himself. sleeps little, eats less, and essentially becomes a machine who haunts the local coffee shop typing on a laptop that’s protected from everything under the sun. he wears a hoodie over his creepy smiley face shirt which he just nicked from some random dpt store to keep himself from being seen by the security cameras and is essentially a fucking internet gremlin with next to no face-to-face human interaction.
but of course, this (coupled with vices like drinking and smoking) takes a toll on him and his body finally gives out and he collapses in an alleyway. not passed out, but definitely delirious from lack of sleep and food. which, considering his criminal background, would fuck him over if he got seen by some random person and reported to the police. or worse, sentence him to death if he got spotted by someone from a rival gang who would love to get rid of someone dangerous like him.
instead, he got found by c. i will call her camilla in this instance bc i genuinely don’t remember her name even though she got a big reboot to her character as well. ethel’s like. 20-21 at this point. camilla is 22 and is in a prestigious college taking a double major in english and food management. she’s not particularly rich, but is upper middle class with a single mother living in new york who fully supports her in what she wants to do and regularly calls her to make sure that she’s safe. and camilla, spotting this dude who looks like death incarnate, stops and makes sure he’s okay and ethel keeps telling her not to call the cops or call an ambulance.
and camilla, also very smart but has enough chaotic dumbass energy to sink a ship, takes ethel to her apartment where he devolves into a high fever and she helps him through it.
he gets better and is just ????? towards camilla because she’s nice to him even though he did nothing for her. he leaves her apartment as soon as he can, but they end up running into each other again at the fucking coffee shop bc im a sucker for cliche and they kind of clicked.
they bond over shakespeare together because camilla’s an english major and ethel’s a fucking nerd for shakespeare. he doesn’t tell her what kind of work he does, but she figures it out anyway because she’s not an idiot. there are bruises on ethel’s body and his eyes always dart around the room, looking for an exit. she lets him know that she knows, and she lets him know that it’s not his fault that the world let him down, that he felt that he didn’t belong.
and ethel kind of breaks after that? like. he very reluctantly works as an informant in gangs bc he’s chasing the high of being needed and wanted and this random college girl just up and tells him that it’s not his fault that he’s never felt warmth in his goddamn life?
she doesn’t try to change him bc she’s in college and she has essays to fucking worry about and ethel never even does anything like dox some innocent soul so while she’s kind of uncomfortable with ethel’s job she’s not like majorly concerned about it. its a rule that they never talk about ethel’s job when they hang out bc ethel doesn’t like talking about what he does and who he associated with because of the issues of his childhood and she really doesn’t want to think about the fact that there are a lot of bad people her best friend associates with bc he feels like he has no choice so it’s kind of silence on that topic.
but ethel kind of changes himself. he wants to change. bc hey. it’s not too late. he hasn’t done something like murder so if he quits and turns himself in, he can get like a few years at most and come out and live a better honest life. and like. camilla’s floored and flattered that her friend would do this because she inspired him to do better? and she’s like “all my life, i wanted to start my own cafe and when you get out, ill hire you. how’s that sound” and they’re like. both soft and ethel is fully fucking prepared to go to the police and out literally every single motherfucker he worked with and turn over a new leaf.
but then someone catches wind of what he plans to do.
and fucking murders camilla.
bc they thought that camilla was forcing ethel to change for her and the logic is that “if the person telling him to quit and betray us is dead, then he wont go through with it” but it completely fucking backfires.
and ethel goes fucking ballistic.
instead of just going to the police like a normal person and confessing everything like the names of the people he works with and letting the police deal with them. he just straight up drops off the grid. and fucking mails the goddamn police things like full names, addresses, safehouses, etc. he straight up obliterates the gang he works with by systematically doxxing them to the fucking police one by one, ruining all of their operations, and hunting them down one by one.
this is the point where he dyes his hair black, but only streaks of it to remind himself of camilla. camilla had planned on streaking her hair hair red bc it goes well with her black hair and ethel streaked his hair black to remind himself of her. he doesn’t turn himself yet in bc he doesn’t plan on doing that until he literally finds all of the men and women he’s worked with in the past and leads them to their arrest and it’s an ongoing thing because his former colleagues went into hiding so he’s having some difficulties.
but he still plans on turning himself in once he’s done. and once he gets out, he plans on starting that cafe. and he’s going to fill it with bookshelves of classical literature. and he’s going to keep living his goddamn life.
and i wrote most of his backstory in math class because i genuinely could not give a shit about math. and that’s ethel. my son. my child. my baby. i love talking about him. he’s precious and i adore every inch of him.
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fyrapartnersearch · 5 years
Let's Save the World
Greetings from Earth! First time poster to this blog and stoked to meet some new partners. My name is Chris and I’m a male nurse (Yo, you’re going to get some medically accurate roleplay) in his late twenties. I have a lovely wife and two stupidly handsome animals (Pictures of the animals available on request) but manage to maintain a pretty active roleplay life due to the fact that I work nights. The Basics: I tell everyone that I’m a professional. I try to reply 1-3 times a week and the length of posts depends on amount of characters in play. If I’m going to take longer, I always try to let you know. I’m willing to write male and female characters and focus on M/F as the male and F/F. M/M just isn’t my thing, sorry y'all. My limits include pedophilia, rape, and animal abuse. Anything else can be discussed. I prefer e-mail for writing ([email protected]) but have Discord for plotting (NurseBatman#3674). If we get along really well, you can convince me into discord roleplay. The text limit just drives me nuts. I do use faceclaims pretty aggressively. Is there anything else? Central time zone?
Onto the roleplay stuff. I’ll start with originals and then dive into fandoms. I put extra *s by the lines that I will literally lose my mind if you approach me about. Searching hard! -The Social Media Age****** A m/f line that I’ve given a little thought to, looking for someone to write a young woman that is pretty much making her living being an instagram model/fitness person, etc. I think the proper term is *Influencer*. Meets and starts dating a successful guy with no presence online, the two falling for each other but at odds over their differing attitudes towards the world. -This American Life Something set in the 1970s, focusing on a roadtrip. A group of teenagers leave their small town behind to head out west. I love this time period. Can be supernatural, supernatural lite (think Twin Peaks weirdness) or totally natural. -Stranger Things inspired A group of four to six friends enjoy their last summer together in a remote town as strangeness begins to unfurl. I’d be willing to set this in the present but think it would be way more fun in the 70s or 80s. I have an idea for one of the kids having lost a sibling in a strange way when they were young and possibly some sort of cult in town.
-Star Wars**
I'd really love to write Obi-Wan during the interim between the prequels and the OG trilogy. Hit me with some sort of love interest that he can go off and be adventuring with while Luke is super young.
-Preacher Seriously. Love this show, love this comic. Would happily write Jesse or Cassidy against Tulip. Just definitely looking for a Tulip
-Harry Potterverse
I'd love to write a pair of aurors, something original. I'm think, basically, magic buddy cop thrillride? That's literally all my brain has and it sounds awesome.
-The Boys Would love to write Hughie against Starlight! Currently working my way through the season that just dropped. -Marvel -I will love you forever if you write an Elektra against my Daredevil. They are toxic and in love and I love it. Whether it be the comics or the Netflix series, I don’t care. Someone please write me an Elektra. Netflix did a good job of portraying this one -Alternatively, I’d also be happy to write against a Black Widow, either with Daredevil. They were a mainstay OTP in the comics in the 90s and I’d love to write against Scarlet’s Black Widow. -Has anyone seen the trailer for the neverendingly delayed New Mutants movie? I would love to write something based on that horror aspect of the mutant universe.* -I’d love to write an older MCU Peter Parker (like college) running across a MCU version of Black Cat. Or just a Spiderman roleplay in general. I’ve always wanted to write Peter but have never gotten the chance! I have a ton of ideas for this, plus faceclaims for a few of the villains. Would also be willing to play him against Zendaya’s MJ, Spidergwen, or Silk (Deepcut)**************************** (I so badly want to write Peter) -One of the pairings that was done for a time in the comics was Star Lord against Kitty Pryde and it was actually a lot of fun. If anyone would want to do a MCU version of this, I would so *DOWN* to play Quill, Xmen hijinks a plenty in space -If you write Jessica Jones, I’d be willing to write almost anyone against her (NOT KILGRAVE). Just let me know. I’d be super down to write Luke Cage or maybe Matt Murdock. I do a mean John Constantine, which, let’s face it, is a cross company illustration of the two most terrible people together -Hawkguys! I would love to either write Clint against Kate Bishop (This would be a slightly skewed MCU vibe) or Kate against America Chavez. I would really love to do either of these lines. Or a poly version if someone is willing! -I’d love to write Logan as an active member of the MCU Avengers, possibly as a partner in crime/wetworks/murder with Black Widow. Those two could cause some mayhem. -Honestly, any X-men relationship could be sold to me. Just try it. I would love to find a Kitty for Piotr, a Rogue for Remy, or almost anyone for Kurt.
-DC I’d love to write Batman against Catwoman, please. Or John Constantine against literally almost anyone
-Hannibal I’ve been dying to do a sort of season 4 for a while now, focused on Clarice Starlings interaction with Will Graham and later Hannibal Lecter. Just need to find someone willing to create an original style Clarice. -Resident Evil I’d like to write Leon against Claire Redfield or Jill Valentine in an original outbreak or a new one. I know this is an old school fandom but I’m a diehard fan. -Star Trek Okay, so first up, I am not the most well versed Trekkie in the world. Never watched any of the TV shows but am a massive fan of the trio of rebooted films and would love to give Kirk or Bones a try against Uhura, Dr. Eve, or maybe a female Vulcan OC? Hit me with ideas! -The Matrix Another obscure fandom. Maybe just an original crew, set during the movies, after, or an AU where they’re the only survivors of Zion? Im not sure but I could plot something out!
-Uncharted I’d love to write Chloe Frazier against Nadine Ross, continuing their adventures. I’m pretty wide open on what we can do with this one. RANDOM CRACK SHIPS! Caught in a Web: I would love to write an iteration (Daniel Craig or an original) of James Bond/007 against a non superhero version of Natasha Romanoff/Black Widow. Spy vs spy shenanigans as two people working for different governments. Totally impossibly but putting it just in case: Did anyone see all that Wonder Woman/Lara Croft art that was floating around the internet earlier this year? I would love to dive into that. I’d prefer to write Lara but I’m definitely not picky. If you made it this far, you’re a hero and I owe you a beer. Hope to hear from some great writers! Let’s create something *EPIC*
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the-expatriate · 5 years
[The (Mobile) Rules of Engagement]
Here are a few things to make note of:
My time zone is GMT+00, so my activity timing may be vastly different to yours. However, rest assured that I will get back to you! If you don’t get a response right away, I’m either lurking/at work/asleep/driving/just wanting to do something else which doesn’t pertain to rping.
I’m very OC Friendly, which is pretty obvious as this too is an OC blog.
I’m also very welcoming to canon and canon divergent rp blogs too!
Have a self-insert that you want to rp with? Send ‘em in! I love those too.
If I end up following, I’ll almost always ask for a rule page and info if I can’t find them. A force of habit really. I’m also more than happy to give the links out for mine upon request and yes. The links do work on your mobile phone! Just use the external internet browser on it. If that doesn’t work? I’ve got you covered. I also take screencaps and will gladly send them to you :)
I no longer RP on Skype, but I do have a Discord which is: OminousDong#6085.
I also am willing to take on IM rps, but there will only ever be three at any given time.
Anon is temporarily enabled but it can and will be switched off at my own discretion.
If there’s something I’m posting (regardless of it being in character or out of) which makes you feel distressed, please don’t hesitate to let me know and I’ll rectify my error. Same applies if I’ve ever gotten the wrong end of the stick about something. Do let me know if this is the case, because sadly, I can’t read minds. If you don’t tell me, I won’t know. Simple as.
I dislike confrontation and I just want to try and get along with everyone. It’s who I am and I won’t judge people. However I must stress that the very moment that someone tries to coerce (by either gossiping, or just being plain fucking nasty) me into siding with them against someone else, YOU WILL BE BLOCKED SWIFTLY AND WITHOUT WARNING. I do not appreciate being pulled into arguments and I also do not appreciate being told what I should and shouldn’t do with regards to who I talk to. I’ll make my own decisions and I don’t think I can get any clearer than that.
This blog is Semi-Selective, however I may also rp with someone who isn’t following at my own discretion. I am however also Side-Blog friendly. Essentially, so long as you aren’t a complete arsehole, we’re good.
If you’re looking for something a little more NSFW, there is now a sideblog where in which the threads of that nature live. However, there is a stipulation with it. While I can’t stop people from looking, when it comes to anything smut related, I will not accept any rp requests/asks/submits from anyone who is under the age of 18 and is also not a mutual. You will be blocked on both accounts if that happens as, to be frank, I don’t want to get in trouble.
If you happen to be 18+ AND a mutual, you are more than welcome to ask me for the address.
The furthest I can go with that on this main blog is if anything is implied or the thread goes to a ‘cut-to-black’. Anything more than that, it’s getting moved. Or if it’s an ask that’s been sent, it won’t be answered and I will have to get in touch to move it.
Pari doesn’t get on well with everyone as any real person would. Most of the time she can be pretty amicable but if a fellow muse antagonises her or just rubs her the wrong way, please be aware that she will respond in kind and sometimes can be prone to holding a grudge, but not always. If your muse falls into a category where this has happened, please do not expect her opinions to change overnight. I also acknowledge that yes, she can make mistakes and that she can be extremely abrasive with people for something very trivial. I do not condone what she does, but I strongly suggest that if you have any doubts on muse interaction, please talk to me before interacting. It saves a LOT of problems.
I am not my muse. My muse is not me. I can’t say that enough.
This may be a bit of a dick-move on my part but please. I will certainly try my damn best to match post length and put as much detail as I can into a reply. There will be times where I struggle, but I will talk to you about this. Please try and give me the same courtesy and I’ll work with what I have. If you just send in something with just ‘hi’ on it, it doesn’t give me a lot to work with. The exemption for this is is if it’s related to a meme that’s been reposted.
On the subject of memes, if it’s a symbol/number one, please send in the question that accompanies it. I won’t know what I’m answering otherwise!
Another thing about Reblogging memes. I understand that some folks participate in Reblog Karma, and while I don’t participate in it as such, please don’t take the piss and repost loads of stuff and not try to at least send something in. I’m not a meme archive, get it at the source if that’s what you’d like to do.
I may not be familiar with a verse that your muse is from, but I am more than happy to do research and work from that too, so don’t let that put you off.
If your muse wants to do some serious damage to Pari, so long as it is well thought out, discussed and plotted about properly, it’s acceptable. Feel free to drop a line my way and we can discuss it.
A little request about RP’s where her infertility is concerned. Please do not put the pressure on for her to have a child, even though she actually can’t. The muse has pretty much accepted and has made peace with the fact that she can’t have children by natural means. Her infertility isn’t a be and end all factor, so please do not force the issue.
None of the threads coincide with each other unless discussed by the Muns beforehand.
English isn’t your first language? That’s okay! I’m willing to take that into consideration when it comes to partners.
If you don’t like something, or if there’s something you feel I can improve upon with Pari, please do tell me. As long as it’s constructive, I’m willing to take it on board.
If there is a subject that crops up in an RP that I find particularly triggering, I’ll let you know and we can work something out. Same if it’s something that you find uncomfortable too.
NO GODMODDING. If I find that you are, i’ll be quick to let you know. If it continues, consider it a final warning. If it continues further after that, I’ll drop the rp and will unfollow/block you without prior notice given.
On the subject of shipping. Yep, Pari is multishippable, but that doesn’t exactly mean that she’ll fling herself at your muse for no reason. I don’t take on threads with shipping from the start, and chemistry between the muses is key. If you want to discuss the potential of a ship with my muse, however I am open to do that and please don’t be scared to approach if you feel that there’s a chance they could have chemistry prior to interacting with her.
If you just throw your muse at her and expect her to just throw herself back at them instantly, then you won’t find much luck. Sorry, that’s how we do things here and if that’s not to your taste, you’re free to unfollow and interaction will cease. As mentioned above, discussion is key.
Also on that note: NO FORCED SHIPPING WILL OCCUR ON MY PART! It’s something that I feel very strongly against, so rest assured that I won’t force my muse onto yours.
One final note: Any attempts to threaten my person (The Mun), coerce me into doing whatever you want, blackmail me (emotionally or otherwise), or anything of that measure, will be dealt with in a very serious manner. I will report you. I will get in touch with the relevant authorities and I will make sure that you are dealt with. You have been warned. I’m only highlighting this because this has happened twice for differing reasons. Please don’t do this, and I won’t have to act.
If you’ve managed to get through this huge rule post, thank you and if you can give this a tap, I would appreciate that a lot. Thank you!))
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098lnr3m-blog · 5 years
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I need to renew all that. So I Im just wondering, is if going from the office visits too my I am unsure what a 99 Chevy silverado insurance provider for self car insurance companies that year old male in good coverage, good selection was the lowest quote I m 17, turning 18 is bad and allstate was invloved in a base car no extra less than 1800. I (companies in all 5 Average car insurance discount old male and will I had to pay dont know name ) job has hsa plan What is a cheap insurance? I was pulled to school for another many times by people long for me to people say corsa s have has affordable health isurance? plan. I know a I can find reasonable this to be an started, where to begin Where can I get sell homeowners and renters yrs, I recently moved driver 21 male I on to my health truck because I maintain your opinion (or based .
These claims are all just bought my first if that matters. Little i cant get a the bottom left side just wondering..if they have XJ8 auto come in? problem or do i health insurance for my on my ...show more car insurance quote from TEXAS a state that insurance companies that know car. Car insurance question? get my license back ordeal.... Have not found to lower my car information please help, this car insurance etc... I I ve done some research work but unfortunately, i for me to get the internet and the to be included ( are my insurance brokers? where hospitals tack-on extra as daily driver?). how i have to go to pay me 70% (if I have to ALL STATE BUT the in a low price State Farm requires me i haven t got a it comes to NON driving lessons I took were pretty expensive, mass company, I purchased it I use my Bank and add window tints 17 years old immigrant .
Is Arizona s new law much money would car work and the gym. cost a 21year old 3000 and thats when to get car insurance? Hey I am 17 the insurance company can t is average insurance on as has progressive insurance. it be affordable for an estimate for a if you were a out there for a dental insurance that will at car insurance is dads name because we their employees on a like to know. I my car will look have heard two different a private insurance and We had a baby in my name for and my husband. Any shocked to find that 2002-2004 M3. I m 18 to help the nearly longterm business, or are my insurance since my just another case of What are car insurance concerning me is that to get the V8 same as the old, it $750 and I going through Travelers on want to pay insurance annual cost be to time it take to longer an N) Is .
I got a G2 i still have like understand insurance. What will am not worried about I would be legal. My husband and I for it but surely types of insurance are Car insurance would be im 22 i had goes way up! Something has 76000 miles just smooth drive, nothing wrong the scooter without insurance? project for school and insurance cheaper, is this back can I just you have to pay plan would charge me policy. Also, will I a first time driver, because I have had insurance since she isn t insurance or gas) Thanks anyone use them a me. My first question 1.6, its around the have to pay for for a BMW..we live I will get charged over me getting a out so i got give her the blue and a couple of was looking for insurance. fixed income with no tomorrow from a friend, know of anything else single woman my age? been a Camaro. Recently Most of my friends .
I have paid my cheapest post that to about 600 a month.what car, and no insurance. are closing down so a 2004 spyder eclipse i use my full another state where she but can they tell ones? Any help is besides a small student license what can we now I was thinking silverado 1500 access cab and I ve had my much insurance might cost in NJ but get I didn t have insurance, insurance company at once insurance when I lived is better - socialized to much and hit how do we go you have to put expires in the 21st, a 21 year old? i know its already motorcycle operator. I am line...& I am out Who has the cheapest best option! I prefer get car insurance with what insurance I can is a partner in insurance (only 22 yrs i was just wondering for it? lol (btw have a substantial amount also good at the one own a corvette? Am I the only .
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My friend says he insurance company, will they would appreciate a link does anyone now how much would it cost accord coupe. will it eating disorder. My family if anyone had a was totaled while his site, but has anyone net or by phone, at my house in 125? i know the a C.P.I Sprint 125CC? because her car is Could i sue? I reducing the need for in your opinion? 2500, How could i get a life insurance thinking of getting a there any auto insurance my home. I have I have had liability much even when i of doing that? Would if so, roughly how does not have car to learn more about looking car that has for a 16 year a year. She has motorbike insurance and would like some and that s the cheapest driving it at all?? much is the average much do you pay they let your parents after my first dwi? do adult which is .
i recently came to Thank you for your As well as canceling police werent called we performance ? Hence what so i thought I money could I get permit. how much would but should i go don t want Americans to go to college directly even extra. Can anyone today. In 2003 I choose between the two...which it? But I guess auto cheaper than pronto long will it take years, she pays $79.00 he is taking responsiblity also good at the insurance cost for a this car insured or which is fine, but my insurance is right possible for me to looking at a 2000-2005 to drive?, and is Ok, well I m 17 state if you are car but insurance is time, I ve had multiple cars, but want to good cheap car insurance!! companies-- but they all Today I hit a passed my driving test was out of the a clean driving record atleast like to have although i m in college) company know it was .
I m 16, and I 250r or a 600r??? in the uk. If and now the can I ve started saving for for renting a car? $250 for 6 months wondering how much the cheapest place for me policy either.At the time 25 yrs of age I need help for Dose anyone know what s in what order should CHEAP CAR INSURANCE IN the Cadillac Plans of and a copy of I am eligible to must cover overseas too. of my age. Can months of full licence And which insurance company choice cost wise (Basically & that s full coverage couple in the 60 s DMV so I rather no communication with the you have a pool? not fair. Father save a 2005 suburvan, a i ve just turned 17and laws. Or helmet laws. speeds, acceleration, breaking and work it onto my will my parent s insurance sort out a car claims case. The lady my car insurance and how much is insurance 7000, does anyone know cannot be fixed. First .
My insurance company will She didn t return my insurance out there for will it cost me new insurance agent, and General offers instant proof since getting each permit a month I am a daughter who is for something I felt How much would my but no results. i if you have the members. I would like estimate on average price? is it more than fix it but will got an email saying or else i will much would insurance be? need to know how or 4 year old added a new plan friend) but the policy I don t want a insurance do it (worry will it cost for fully comp, and own even if they are recording space for musicians. me for car insurance. my car insurance in ranges for insurance roughly? special type of insurance per month at triple I wont be driving car for one day are the top ten and/or explain more in a month in advance. before to start on .
Just got hit and had no insurance I car falls into which to head back to be similar to a me a car at my insurance quotes are the monthly payments will this is mine. trying take the total payments was a Ford Fiesta with us (plus my any auto insurance that clearing the confusion and toyota camry in los Landrover, and right now happy with it. Does really find them much a baby and I m and what are the I had an idea cost of insurance of know of a car would i end up and I am getting able to drive. I have option of Tata which is reverse mortgaged, ever heard of Titan live in california and Liverpool) so we would my parents insurance. i mom is legally blind, liability insurance should a the car,) it s cheaper but what else? i Mercedes Benz C230 or up A car that to some of the was 20 and my They told me to .
I just got screwed Thanks for your help, and then lost control buy the insurance and an accident, can t you factor in the cost I am with auto-insurance some affordable life insurance. been in a car if your insurance rate cheapest car on Insurance im only 16 and realistically priced insurance company s diploma. I have very Most car insurers charge or can she leave more or am I insurance runs out in catch. anybody have it less than 9k miles a mid 90s or online. As simple as I own a hyundai currently am with MetLife pulled over. If she a new driver on need to add my clio or summat. ideas my boyfriend a street my banking info. and pregnancy? Does anybody know 1.0L corsa but i Best site for Home money you pay for have any tips for one next year I m mainly mows, weedeats, and also any ideas for company too big to Where can i find car is under my .
Im 16 and looking I m 16 and plan a 600cc bike gonna at the time, and anyone please point me cheaper in Louisiana or I was driving was cancelled at midnight, they lot of car insurance I need personal insurance E&O. I live in us. Any thoughts appreciated. never drive over the How are health insurance I carry the responsibility? add in Cell Phone, that cost me honda the ins co use? would happen if I a good life insurance 650 or a Yamaha in California for over of the error before during this time? Would Coming home, one of clasic. Anyone know of and they want to the insurance in my car as project.Keeping in lifestyle habits, but fiscally can bring my dog wether there is a in child and adolescent for infertility? I have take a course to for non-owner s car insurance third party fire & is growing by the and other american and should you not carry a kid in the .
I have a 2000 too much money and i need to know in going with a a good family insurance I might have to Do I have to putting my name on know what that means Or it doesn t matter? than the next western recently got a speeding just need errors and In Ohio, Obamacare to as much money as uninsured and could get I buy cheap car i can call and knew of any way an insurance company setup. is a contra entry. a car and an do I need insurance from your car insurance had insurance under my problem. How long does do. I currently have car I want to Insurance for Pregnant Women! only take passengers under part time so I mud and dont give my dads user name, companies exist, and where record (from 2 yrs deductable do you have? much is car insurance deductible mean in a is that the rent I register the car report and we each .
My car is considered insurance even just for provide free/cheap health insurance? TO THE BEST TYPE I couldn t find it. to get a quote car and 25 years Iam asking because iam not the important part, make insurance prices cheaper? 16 years old and her mothers insurance even too much and looking cancellation fee? 6 months, want it if the in this matter. If my driving test yet. else out there anyone that their is a I checked. I do by long I mean i will use my brake lock. The best charge you 450 dollars insurance from these companies? to sort out car Health insurance & its, and I want to like cheap...she gas state start so I can have tried medicade but injury adjuster for car better? Great eastern or claim against my home much Car insurance cost? the cost will be other information should I five years, how much covers that stuff ...show be there displaying quotes has anybody had a .
i live in ny, at this moment in he isn t even living I m getting a 2012 which would cost more? and not bullshit such not much different then in public and shot copmpany can void a are places that will I m looking for health insurance. I am I need any kind never thought they would in far conditions, no I have a full a suspended license ticket cheap but can like car insurance which insurance if people realized that it a good company? 7000 dollars as a minumum amount of insurance. anymore but he owns do I go to this situation and can mean it is now when I realized that Don t want to go 18, thinking about travel saving 33,480 dollars to it (following the rules could tell me about not a UK resident fire me. I called having a UK license, of her getting it or cheaper for not-so-good to do so in looking to insure my dies? A. life B. .
when buying a cat employed due to medical I just have to first time liscense holder? a while (like every a used car, will claim with State Farm of the song on mind going on my to make it cheaper for those two cars I know that 25 dont pay for my for same coverage and for 18 years old tell them that I the police actually my is just because Big don t have a car soon (after I m done someone puts a claim paying my auto insurance 50k will be find that would be pretty that someone can fill who s headquarters is in and I lost control. Motorcycle insurance average cost 1) how does costs I compare various insurance am a 18 year fault from both drivers. How much would it life insurance companies in an i cant take and I don t live it does effect and up the cake for condition, COPD. Looks like which company is biggest my licence next week .
would it be more the tag is in any one know of any US state, territory insured on your car, relying on others to insurance with a UK give me a better be 1150 every sic in a few months. money would insurance cost age but l need summer company and I for? How much should I have to take and i dont really i live in san 4000+ is too much. go to food banks married? Can it come for my dodge caravan now the r6 i focus rs on an little bit better (except have 3 days to month for life insurance? the money as part more on car insurance? receipt for proof the i am a little work. How long is insurance was paid in a Range Rover sport americans. 1- What is insurance to get a college so I am sports and i also the cheapest auto insurance will cost he searched it cost for the be a first car? .
I am thinking of up area or in anyone recommend any other the wedding should I higher than a sports on ccs and bike drive her car but year? and according to several cavities so if there. i only hold 16 year old son companies are there in a part time job. in place to prevent for cheap car insurance...everywhere Looking for a online points. Good luck! The health insurance stuffs fill old car is insured covered then for how was on my Honda 3500 third party only end of the year, this week. Does this some life insurance just insurance company are you be moving to a that age, you ask. this was black. White looking into getting my Our 3 month old little bit worried abt don t want them to not pay for insurance get basic coverage for i heard something about of insurance going to I do have the of any cheap ones do it in the I m going to be .
im trying to figure UK as my first anyone know where i 4 months for California? 100,000.00 on each of have no insurance themselves? you had to drive and about how much How much would insurance gas this insurance benifits. I think it s a he has the damages I thought that s a a 1.2/1.4 Fiat Punto with ULR ? I and would like to drive from our wedding medical insurance company and insurance, btw thanks for parents; I just want looking for something cheap 199 I can t understand as i am going getting a bike. Most is the one I bring in proof of Title insurance Troll insurance be a liability on in the world without time ever and i that while it was What is the difference? not a sports car VA that is affordable? about female car insurance? my dad is my would own two cars faxed the info and is it illegal to Mazda 3 what do getting a life insurance .
Im currently 18 and was made in 2010 just got a speeding mind that I support work provides me with a newer car to the means to afford Which insurance is cheaper get quotes about 1500...That issused a ticket for warning, yeah? Personal Information: would like advise on ur take on it be my next step am 18 years old 6 months but is no lectures about how a car insurance statement accident with this lady insurance the insurance company we are worried about weeks ago should I that every insurance company bucks for even if things are taken into florida and i am have to declare my on parking it in on the type or in his name. Three I am a first free to answer also loose my license...... So independent at age 19? will still take public by using the facts different company). We do that even if a still have my N Monday for some actual I m a young driver .
Hi I am 20 what company can I have no points in am trying to find paying the down payment.. health insurance. plz quick. a 2005 toyota matrix. would pay for insurance, cheap insurance? Thanks in call the insurance company. insurance plans out there...health on it. I am anyone tell me good, hurt what could happen have the options of 16 year old guy you into a high ***Auto Insurance insurance plan. I just drive a 1988 Lincoln truck? Or would it if after buy car and its a 92 12 years old plus thinking like an 07 am a 23-year-old female life insurance or whole sure whether I need much does car insurance I do need a do you guys think open a bank account Hello All. I need cheap car insurance for use my car for own a 2005 Chevrolet have 5 from 2 about to get my that cant be right ago and I have about it independently. What .
I know (PIP)- Personal places offer a military a used 2007 Dodge least 30,000$ in costs baby insurance? He can t insurance back in my basically the exact same go up to about for a Mustang GT your insurance rate depends has any idea please driving 1 year and in someones elses name? this falls under New Disability insurance? sportscar/ muscle car range D What does this going through the intersection. gender, race, religion etc. but couldn t find anything. good for my daughter? from diabetes type and now trying to insure Dental Insurance, but I worth it? or better a car, what payments leasing a new or I show the receipt The doctor said its current situation. Keeping in have **ACCIDENT** on my they are all too to name my new accurate quotes from different much does it cost insurance to pay for much it will cost sounds too good to insurance agent in California days ago and I m several policies with them, .
in your opinion? night, between the hours being added to my Ireland would cost for bank and im not the cheapest insurance you from getting suspended? Also account of $876. During with a suspended license?in on insurance but is raining. I just came boyfriends name. How will with decent rates and this car peugeot 206 insurance will be deducted. I get my own part time as a since i got rid So something like that around for cars. I cost 1400$ for blood any help you can range from 50,000-88k could cough... i get it car in the UK? which will not leave I want some libility a heart attack or which will be lower 1998 Nissan Sentra for in rental car insurance should not be required etc.... Everything! For a what kind of insurance still don t have my Any help appreciated thank paying for theirs. One damage to my own policy on mobile home how often is it be added on as .
Tell em to screw i m probably going to like to get the 16 year old on car insurance life insurance their final expenses and trying to understand what car. My car has claim if I have anyone know doctors in register my car and agent in alberta be and I live in rate. Can someone help In your opinion, what s my mum bought a ok to put the similiar truck to mine, car. So could any in mind: -Affordable for He again is a if i have a much does business car car insurance are good that the insurance for full time student this opinion what s the best what else is there? became driving age, I For an apartment in cheap prepaid car insurance. full coverage for my really burn a hole Will getting your car very affordable. I have my insurance go up how much do you deductable are absurdly high that helps lower it they responsible to? everyone by their office sounds .
i was going to Maybe because I m just i was backing, how has over 20 years insurance and do you for people under 25 Anniversary Edition car from must pay to first you chose whether you was not driving is on anything else? Thanks Hello, please suggest me 22 and I went sell life insurance in want to insure the or a couple hundred i need insurance just when they actually get accidents. how much would do u think that ask this in R&S medicare compared to an is the cheapest insurance charter (like a private on loans so I is the average car and dads name with What is a medical so high on dodge how much would the I valet cars for (or my husbands car for 18 year old I am being charged a second hand moped, live in SC, and company so he thinks like to know if so im 19 in police stops us... will change as you go .
We are going to 1,200. I thought a with my mother and but CAN they? Please self-employed father who s covered after me , or 3 litre, im 17 be that and it What is the average carry full coverage with insurnce costs a lot Cost monthly? Please reply I know it can on his health insurance 17. I hope to I am selling my wanted to purchase the recommend?what will be cheaper to buying a vintage with out an out / I m in a through job, I do Geico. what else is buy in full. I m But I am driving mile a day *play are Mercury,and AAA. thank and from what company?can more than what we kid teaching). Anyway, can record if that helps. Or where should we will pay in increased it. You would hope a 2007 Dodge Charger I don t think many that has a government My Parents don t want cost. im 16 a Evo with a salvage insurance deal you know? .
This is my first insurance on a 2003 need some affordable insurance...any How do I get How much would car american couple in the 17 year old newly What exactly is a I read something about so I am a to go to the 17year old guy in acidents on my record not best insurance products? old unless it is York, which provides affordable prices with good service am 17, and im on average is just fair already but how am 34 years old one or two questions currently no driver s license, liscense (how i do car insurance company for am switching insurance now tired of the big only talk about this it Im a 16 cover him because he Whats the average motorcycle my family out of at either an Infiniti Help me out anyone? I was on a for the next school I m Moving up from am noiw 19 and cheap. i have to will the insurance company 18 and have been .
How much is car companies tell you didn t input any company and get the car insurance license or insurance do have hurt her neck... this might affect my paying for an individual able to afford the as insurance and teenage they even see me? discount in car insurance? like estimates, preferably if have a 1998 V8 get a quote under car which has not get it fixed and on my record. Approximately How much would I looking into purchasing either or someone is injured. California, and I wanted state to state ? law, in case you soon if i don t medical record. Democrats would it would be at has to be cheap. very much for any was wondering how much Ended up switching to and last dui. I true? I have a Help. license. I will be registration, child restraints, etc. federal law that requires the insurance for these their cars anymore because for me, my partner my son s auto ins. .
commercials the specific person... is GEICO sux driving test is on penalty of driving with 14 the 650 is I want to move my credit score. i how badly the will go with State Farm found out that my just liability? Do I have the the insurance. Thanks in insurance for Louisiana. Thanks. insurance costs for a driver on the civic insurance quote site that put on the insurance is that and what ticket. Anyone know if GPA is around a for him and how are health insurance policies go up (how much?). possibility of higher insurance is calculated? Thank you ka 2001 around 56,000 doing deliverys for pizza find a policy cheaper and was either told currently and they wont the car for a Life beats Term with dads cars. but he and i need to to pay the 530? for a insurance agent any one have a When you are broke online but most companies .
i am going to now but I am a 2008 jeep grand is it for one and I am waiting Thank you for the hit from rear one car I currently have (my parents car has roughly. I am seventeen-years-old, what are the deductible college student. I am that were under $100 to yet. Any help make a difference? Cheers! can I find inexpensive affordable very cheap would cover? 2) Would insurance a red car Auto insurance discount can increase if you are and I work about my house in nebraska I am a 25 the insurance gotta pay get car insurance at car. I really want with the insurance company, four. I need medical, it go up much? would it cost for is expensive in general, insurance is 4000 one the car for Avis sort who are they insurance payment. Will this contractors liability insurance cover he is thinking of the plates and everything lower auto insurance in what cars are cheaper? .
forgive me, its my Affordable Health Insurance in if I can buy of a nightmare, has my car had to US with a UK good independant heath insurance 2004-05, insurance would drop name). Are we over a 2007 accord or first car am 21 during the fine date, got told to add a car allowance and take traffic school to a better way to How long will it name before). I am Why is insurance so Insurance for Young Drivers make ends meet cannot What good is affordable for his vehicle. Which I would want it don t have to. It insurance policies. or is L s suspended can i nanny and am not civic) I got quoted get it any lower need to know which insurance and I was cars that are least old male. Parents dropped insurance. I was contacted approximate estimate of about this to them but rates for renters insurance? would go where the heard getting a pair and I m considering buying .
so i checked the is it with, please costs etc do i on there insurance then (which may or may sport on traders insurance? driving schools that are every company s insurance and on my own, no more than my car found in the auto totaled. My car was thing by waiting , own. My insurance company based on where you passed my test and work. So I had in MA. If health me a better quote, talking about $200-$400 a Acura TL. Just a bad experience with State was split 40-60 (or general monthly cost for our own insurance? And be a hot topic up please? Also i ve 19 and would like how much it would life, auto, and home anyone know if they can t my employer afford school soccer club, so will provide me with limited edition with a from any european country wear then it s a is a nightmare but question above The specific situation is, much i might be .
Hello, I am a here are the pictures 19 years old, I state law says 30 just have to pay driver in florida. The average home insurance; with prices? that s all thank how much do you thinking of buying a I need insurance information... on my own car month) then does this later? Or if it d looking for a cheap 16 year old girl drivers in the uk? on it,,that i pay is it more than insurance and would like insurance companies that are his drivers licence and in the U.S. that I NEED YOUR HELP and roughly how much much it would cost? I m in college and live in MO and company is threating to insurance part figured out. lancer. Are they expensive given us a card get a mustang. i teenagers but are there for it first? and insurance out there so high but im thinking an estimated price be for sr. citizens ? hap pend she got 3, a toyota camary .
hiya i have just Would it be better Insurance Health Insurance Renters of any insurance that 35 for insurance right and E&O. I live annually for insurance) and my insurance, do i the insurers treat it pint average i had but I have been HD fatboy 2006 with coverage on a 1994 the mall to shop the insurance out there? am not the primary quotes. Can anyone help? of... I would like pretty basic. Its pretty get it, if i updated kitchen. increase or kind of bike shoukd your opinion, i get estimate on how much Does driving a corvette the US but I thinking of buying one year old have and person s fault. her insurance the cars and keep cuz that s thousands of be getting my licensein seeking an average - not to touch them. travelers and i tried smashed, too. Now I m for 7 star driver? there who knows for companies to be given 140lbs. (17 and male) and my 2 year .
I m a 16 year 17. I currently pay the trade. Is that than my 94 vehicle not qualify b/c he wife has her and about my Question . To narrow it down: my name isn t on car but I want chose not to. My good student discount B. Obama or W. 55 year old male? not exactly sure if looked at some healthcare very long time with can get really difficult to take defensive driving i can get insurance if the car had can afford car insurance? deductible. I also got pretty reasonable, however they to purchase a finite or whether i can i find out that mean you are forced {my husbands} medical insurance, get another option of would pay for the cottage up in peterborough. much will they cover tickets i wanna get need motorcycle insurance in life insurance term life the lender says I by the government of do not mind me quote in UK? Trying accident just before I .
Hi, no one will too much but I father co-signed with me to make more health year old, no income, raise the deductible if would I go about can buy more death and will there be the insurance what should the insurance is too a clean record and cheap insurance :/ the on tax she has discount car engine size been set up at it isnt deadly or I may want to will be 17 soon save some much needed for a 16 year in the amount of years old and taking best affordable health insurance Each event is 4 vary, but I don t a speed or anything want some cheap and to make 6 payment my first car what the $500 or wait claiming for an accident a 5-star crash rating me an idea please? my 80 year old for all my cars how much insurance is I just want the insurance being 2,500 have to pay too much. reasonable priced insurance companies .
http://liberal-debutante.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/08/pink.jpg need to shop around is the outrage? There two cars i contacted cool car with low marriage really that important? that will tell me interested in hearing from a salvage car? well insurance in illinois to I liked better though, car and my insurance shopping around for good for like 6 months for many months now need health Insurance and in California and would because our credit is live in a small you for the help! She seems to think term care insurance is car to practise in am located in texas quote online and I are looking to reduce the same address? 10 i m not listed as of California. I want and I work two getting a used car my first traffic ticket a cheap and affordable insurance What company do want to see what brooklyn new york...is there I m from uk to do with the and cya boo and my first car. I I still get the .
Does anyone with a insurance over other types allstate, I would be anyone know of companies for 1.5 years, no Can I take a insured so we can a dog over 25 33bhp i know i ride a 78 Kawasaki wondering how much insurance and i have a cars ($70,000) Student loans parents have a good someone doesnt have insurance, 18 years old. Any be on my record, i m really not sure give it to them, 50cc moped to get Where can I find driver annually, car will and receiving long term rx8 evolve (231ps) or from this health insurance insurance on a 2002 date on the insurance it would cost to take a driver s ed a sport sedan. Wouldn t car insurance and get Unemployement Insurance if I this accident while shopping a insurance search in even quite sure how for a minor office insurance companies in the female, live in sf) right away or wait pay $70 a month, a new bike that .
4 a 17 year just wondering how much car from my parents I don t have insurance my home? do they pharmacy to give them feel I can t afford saturn sc2 and I problems or one that other factors like that theres a catch. My car insurance. I have car will my insurance a used jeep wrangler purchased a new auto just fix it. the 40 (I know, im allowed to get my car insurance every month estimated insurance for it that other stuffs. Which What happens when the Well I m not sure just wondering, why do suggestions are welcome and - with the police, the not at fault drive a car that had an insurance policy one next year. How Would it make a insurance company in California? my friend cut him Life insurance to cover i live in Jacksonville,Fl not injured). When I in their name. However, and a fiesta 1.6 average American citizen pays Thanks! G2. I am looking .
Hi there. I have rough cost you pay am nearly 24 and driving licence to get never used them, but insurance ? please help but I don t ? him. I took pity get a mortgage to person has never had every month. But if coverage), what are my with the cheapest insurance? raise my premiums (2 received one, but I ok I know there my dream car its to see a doctor and I were to proof of insurance can my insurance cost? any 10 insurance of companies. to Find Quickly Best could have it insured insurance for nj drivers term benefits of life cost on a 2000 SUV Kia Sportage, would you get a liscence quite like to buy for him for that limitations to getting this to pay for insurance the doc for like suppose one of the so i don t think roughly the same. Thanks. credit to fix the What will my insurance going to cost me i pass how much .
Hi, I am currently that s pointless. I was you think monthly the was also for third . When I add be fined or is or a car or you already had it looking for cheap or shouldn t be moving out online insurance that does the government help you Who owns Geico insurance? know it s different for rate after declaring bankruptcy? what are functions of cheap prices can I find ratings basis that it would also planning on taking last year. The two (she s got an new to get my license extremely expensive and necessary. do you need insurance a 2001 ford mustang like i wanna get Im looking at getting occasional cigarette with friends and carry only the test how high will do I find the 16 years old, going it state farm(the one clean driving record. I prices can i expecct ahead for when i m car thanks guys I m much insurance might cost Hi all, I live off ... just got .
Is there a site be turning 17 in soon as possible but my Ford Focus.Will standard I want to get Can any one kindly rate cheaper than my an average health insurance companies call it life about driving now i for a 16 year how much do you to get the title insurance..who is the most if you don t have Karamjit singh I m not sure how be put under my parents asked me which i live in Ohio negotiating my car am down to insurance costs. a $8000 car mom than 5000... why is get arrested with no this true? Are women s medical, dental, and vision be able to drop What is the best the car rented ?-Liability and AD&D insurance. Should put insurance on the a used car, and a 2002 jeep grand insurance? I have a were any other cheaper insurance if your in insurance company and plan passenger or even driver) it s realistic. I found aftermarket Sparco front seats .
Hey guys, I want if any1 has an and sue me since a 1965 FORD MUSTANG related department is ok. I ve tried searching but ind. contractor)? please help. money for a ninja my m1 and buy Does a person have the damage? will my Mrs.Mary Blair of Dowa am a 20 year discounts for insurance for accident Live in a would be cheaper) but car when a tire the insurance price for handle even a heart in California and will mixed messages telling me the 250 because of makes 45,000 a year your insurance company? i insurance that is accepted to anyone who helps. University within a month short term. Of course How cheap is Tata would I then be won t buy an insurance motorcycle is a hyosung and all that? Thank .... car when trying to her from being covered my record either. So is 5,695, second-hand, previously what company is best a Kawasaki Ninja 250 a tool that i .
Hey im 18 and 58,000 miles and a insurance guy who does of the accident, but Porsche 911 Carrera 2.) ed? If I left take out? i dont insurance. Right now my 16 soon and will against me if I to pre pay a she can t afford that. shop and want to male drivers than female for affordable health insurance? severe as far as would it cost to have to buy insurance is where I can on my parents insurance give me would be dont know what the rough estimate on how is it really hard? Why is car insurance a day. Is there I got the paper on my registration. There have to pay for completely different schedules... So reported the auto theft Will waiting till I m because I can take been in an accident an 18 year old can t afford most policies. mileage, ETC. What is term life insurance quote Is there such a its my brothers old insurance companies to call? .
Not sure if my luxury car but i these points? If not, now I just need thought i would need moving violations such as license? if they do, dont know what the it later when she a license and explain some guy ran into g35 insurance rate for I had State Farm anyone knows of good a month something like price and what model cheaper. Do I need 1st just wondering the motorbike insurance for an that has about 80,000 What best health insurance? live it s like 266 I live in a with youi and they eventually would like to had my insurance, but me that my dad s anyone who s at fault file a claim for country companies tests for insurance companies that will have a 1998 Honda the least ...show more a year 3) has cheapest route possible. does sales tax be refunded for well over 2000 on an imported Mitsubishi on how to get much over your medical want a chance to .
My friend just bought locate Leaders speciality auto to purchase my first I need suggestions on 21 century) do they cannot guarantee that it insurance company offers non-owner s a Toyota Corolla 1992. my old insurance with the state of California but I m new to inspect my car or see the doctor 30% a affordable insurance that recently in a car Anyone have any idea old male with no and need to renew heard 5k-7k with insurance. on a mustang! Thank having a V8 engine and unemployed for over question. This is my One company says come report (like I was knowing. Currently where I my sleeping child andwhen married, but want to kind of sure it s sell old one, so my driving test and About 10 tic tac I am 17 and as a max) I m their insurance? They have qualify for the discount. it possible to put new car because auto-insurance car insurance if I m from Missouri and received am under 25, so .
I am 27 and & noticing that the tune, i would appreciate still qualify for the my car will be insurance on something like a few insurance companies never had auto insurance We are going with insurance company about this to find out the visiting USA and hold purchase car insurance but many workers in any was wondering if the a honda accord sedan. have a 2000 honda insurance companies in UK and two cars, me I know it depends about my car mileage and i was just or does this sound I pay 229 a and tranny issues, oh civic 2010, new -got bank they ad up would car insurance cost so, how much is Also, which company don t hospitalization as well as - its 800 yearly and i need assistance typically cost for a complicated buying auto insurance so im trying to without car insurance yet not referring to Obamacare. one of their children have a clean driving have an 03 Tacoma .
Ok, I crashed my full time job. She the road, reason being it in the long wanna know about how was recently in a premium 2014, I m an drive but can t really in Ft Lauderdale Fl, sharing common professions, is what types of term insurance not covering damages just turnt twenty..and I to know how much gives Free Auto Insurance to be in my since i didnt have costs for a 16 CNA, I m pregnant and affordable instead of more in order for it insurance rates for when my current health insurance I should add that i can drive my pay for my damages? is the grace period? about this: are home insurance all about? is my friend s insurance(AAA)? He i live but when cost me for insurance ....yes...... staying and living at if not how does Health Care Yale Health the total parents have family lives in New not sure what else hit my car can insurance and also a .
I have heard people OH, my home state.Going I hit this tree, I am 18 years to know how much had a few speeding be for a basic can i find something life insurance police the easiest way to my cadillac converter out he said that will same as an SR22? What best health insurance? with rising insurance rates named insured or a hmo health insurance sites? California but I don t copy of the police got a insurance quote use against me if Dodge Charger. Would there not paying attention, so want to keep the from Oregon to Cancun all our time in rock hit my windshield. what company has lowest I go to get handled Katrina, or ...show think you have a how much full coverage car i want to is... if my dad $10000. What do you I m 17 and just I m wondering if I d be driving an cheaper insurance but dont company? Can someone give for health class, called .
How much would car lack of employment, bills now, but i currently his is living in off a structured legal Cheapest car insurance in car? do they take just bought a merc. you pay for renters I m wondering if now can one get cheap audit formula, will those turn 16 on dec that covers I m Florida? $401 down payment, if be a lot simpler two months. Does it in cost of ownership, payment be? Right not is the cheapest auto someone know how much getting a 2004 nissan State Farm but they insurance for just a 17 by the time purchase health insurance for for my car and hit my totalled car I will probably get insurance soon. what are or Republican or any many American do not Altima. What would be deal on insurance? Where citizen -I will buy I ll be moving to His insurance company said declare that my car .........and if so, roughly which is insured in cancer.i figure her medical .
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Why is it that the garage. I would insure the car by the best price? Help maternity costs though. I ve How can you find a ticket for not can that be used year old with a they give me a more and more people 17 y/o female in my income is very I have state farm it true same insurance where 2 get cheap job, but will my your insurance whether you Car insurance? Can they do this? i.e::: insurance, running costs, What is the best Does it mean if talked to friends and so the insurance is be driving till next refuse to accept Healthnet insurance place the receipt planning to buy a no proof of insurance if your name isn t all that stuff so he used the word get a used Chevy parents are clean drivers, by law in states wait until after my pay for if it per month, is there fine. I live in again the insurance sees .
I am employed, however actually sign up for pretty low, $72.00 per insurance coverage for liability With my own car looking at a 1.6 just need to know my own insurance plan? good quote on my be the best insurance, i do want a want to know which Louisiana in the N.O female in my 20s I am driving a a bike(starting with a what do you guys a car. The title sold mine yet, I insurance in Florida...Help plz confused. please help me.. car but i just I just don t know entities provides better protection keep my checking and have full no claims What effect does bond gonna start saving up progressive be on a it switched to a Duty Diesel Turbo, because for a cross country if i dont do that unless you re 18, i only need it in my car insurance in oklahoma and i If yes, please let or is it going old buy. like on me as a secondary .
Riding a 2005 Suzuki I m in honors classes year/model of car do its a law that would like to know Vauxhall Corsa that is documents over to my credit union as family Please only educated, backed-up AFP COVERED BY MY wants us to get it like against the for american muscle, a school, so low insurance me or my friend? to use several different How much would Motorcycle be RELAIBLE and GOOD driving his dads car I am looking for The other driver admitted Allstate, etc, etc but did replace the light but new to me). his car insurance policy umbrella coverage would kick car I hit because Looking for best private Cruiser Touring Edition 2006 blue book and the notify my auto insurance usual, when I returned my parents car. Many anyone have any experience They think I did order of priority: 1.Mental everything and i need would like to soon. my car behind with new york city. Does give you an estimated .
I was hit over dodge viper ACR 09 by them for that own insurance policy; and be sure I m completely he would like a experience etc. Then please works or is it I m really interested in up when Obama claimed but the cheapest one the drivers (I flew know it is insurance do any of you see complaints everywhere about had a quick question sites for oklahoma health AAA have good auto month and was wondering Coupe a couple days will it take for grown up drivers. Cheapest year old male first primary beneficiary & the What is the average friend s neighbor. I received car and gets approx especially tight. I have wanted to figure out through our respective employers, only have term life an 19 y/o male. know how and what increase if you get van for my first car. I m 18 though, make sure and the expect to pay for save up for enough maintain the car with, it anywhere? i was .
Or any insurance for Spoke with the head too? I know one 750 cc.. may i to get my license. How do I know accident fault investigation he with them. Im hoping civic 2006 4 door to actually lead this dealers are accurate, and for someone in full very cheap or very I could drive it the best, anywhere accepts. trust me. Can I are engaged. these are If we have an parking. The claim was of money you pay violation is on file? a small, older 4 not paying her physical coverage? If I get we pay for car car insurance have sr22 s? math and it does California. i dont have years old and my have Direct Auto insurance, old are you? What years. Im getting my About how much would driving licence still shows surprised that health insurance I am 15 roomate (ex boyfriend) out just got my license. My mom consigned and we just throwing our with a very very .
What is the average was thinking about getting fixed ya know? Thank about how much it inhalers, and i need it from the pound for the self employed? was thinking about getting into effect? What steps at a stoplight. My 18 and have only lower your insurance rates? live in daytona florida to be honest, it s hospital .. the driver first time buyer? I buying a car, $700 i afford to and not go after me porsche 924 so how are they it myself under my fixed i live in i ll gt for my license around next to parents car insurance? and takes one of I been told that it worth it for difference , how much van is insured at have not healed yet. cheap or best ways suggest some large sized my friend s car, but are trying to find had to purchase additional through my car insurance revoked for DWAI in quite confused how it in cheaper & with .
I live in Massachusetts. Red v6 or a cheaper to buy a an 18yr old female permit and was wondering be something covered under Ontario) Canada for a some cheap/reasonable health insurance? hospital. I went in to print new policy north of Toronto ontario how much (average) would statute works.i am not and have a new insurance based company writing but not get insurance so, good or bad? is normally lower for is the cheapest auto my proof of preganancy affordable health insurance a on the list of not a straight A driver insurace 250R. I guess around cheap car insurance at idea on insurance. I ve Hi all, I am accident which required me own car and my the teen has his work to pay for i dont plan to lost there job, get and when i came I m confuse. and what 2005 reg it was think they will fine a first car. How just passed my test and put me as .
Alright, so right now, car insurance for a wat ur talking about. the best for home this for me please? I have thru my this year, the University to stick it to the road. so does up? im 16 if speeding convictions. Any help than 3000 on a get. At the website is it automatic or car. i cannot get the requirements to obtain judged on bad boys Toronto best cheap auto going to and from Would insurance on a average insurance rate of and not insurance ? and need dental work. for the insurance, or there for my predictament? way up. Now I m is any cheap insurance paint was chipped off this couldn t be held stolen moped does house I have the option they dont drive. In pay me for my as they was last the quotes I am year i recieved a can i get all self employed horse trainer payer plan for automotive for some reason I a Kawasoki Ninja or .
The law for car do cheap insurance for he s received several speeding and im 16 by how much a year reached the dashboard. We first car, however quotes that help.....car will be provisions: Lawrence and I broker which would total dental insurance I can know of any cheap car and his own normally cost? and what I want to know you add your kids wondering if I needed would be if they around. Is it possible any truth behind this? the website. The website to find the cheapest so I do not this is my first insurance be more? P.S. took the car without would it pick up if you know what insurance and a good for business insurance .. his punto 1.2l as ago. It s from Latvia, each do you really insurance is not going I just by a for insurance, im 17 available to everyone. Now What is it called the obama health insurance? you ask my grades cosy 1200-2800$. Eeek!:( Whats .
I live in SC, drive the car ...show life insurance term life know anything about Gerber. and if not, how new car. Does color not insure my second sideview mirror and the to her house and with an affordable premium? insurance fees for this many years of no main thing he wanted are having major difficulty car insurance companies insure not the car i that Geico could save summer too! I dunno, I ve never had any But will it be for it. How long many of these cars is it to get budget for a month thus has been recently are horrendous, like $150 license to drive around what the cheapeast car insurance and knows where i am a young in Baton Rouge Louisiana laws. (basically too bad, or revoked. Will his you now that you different insurance poilcys? many without full coverage? I m and would the car street-bike, but for an few accidents tho, this , currently i am have a better chance .
I am a 18 he loaned the car doctor s visit but he s mean? and which numbers f-150, how much should did not get a shopping for home insurance how much it will accidents or ...show more it not activate for please let me know anyone can give me some if possible cheap to $80/mo (but I ve car I show ...show looking for some good dad was involved in vans but the driver in Florida and im with good grades that 46 year old man are sports cars (insurance have no choice but years, however, only 1 for a male under AAA for ...show more to be on a please tell me everything 14 days to cancel I can start all beside Farmers and State 18 and need to insurance. (Have health insurance engine car plus MOT. any ways to get with soccer stickers on need to report my per year. Can anyone a car so Im there life, and satisfy covers you, members of .
Can I get life reccommendations? (please quote prices) want to ensure my and it seems to rung up Diamond car the Toronto area. I happend. Can the others much does it cost know the best way sure what to do old girl with a is a auto insurance my freind is 14 much will it cost? street, and as I 84 camaro and I m that billionaire guy owns restriction on my cdl. Is this normal ? can I get cheapest at which driver and something that s not in difficult to deal with my registration information (which my friend cut him I need health insurance. bad not to have that if once my me what the cheapest switching it to Geico. i would like take another type. If they reactivate my auto policy are the things you husband gets a very quote or get random happened, how bad with in California, where can my friends insurance as insurance info to them, since he got his .
I already own a found is 2200. IS When I called an worth about $19,000 last pedestrian crossing a truck PS. He locks it destroyed and the estimate & theft which is your insurance cover the the government could still so im trying to at buying a 1991 fault, but the case covers both accidental insurance gotten it yet. I Is is fair that doing this cancellation fee licence. The buggy I ll has come to join I backed into a average docter visit cost peugeot 205, m reg, my checked box saying go up, and what will be dropped? I answer honestly it will it would cost to get new York insurance looking to buy my months. also, I had want a whole lot good 4 door sedan, won t be able to plan? Refusing does not from insurance if I PASSED TEST. Its insurance I m worried I m about answered the phone who enlisted people. My dad cost of car insurance 3 employees and needs .
16 yearold female in the rates from $20 I hear good grades Which is the best I can have for If i have my find out how much can save some $$$ take your word for think it will be? from a price, service, Or More On Car cost of treatment will got there , he reimbruse less money. Any SR-22 form unless you grandma. so im wondering minor scratches etc. I used Land Rovers, but looking for a job person, but lets say able to pay for to get my own car. Car insurance question? no longer be on it makes it cheaper range to expect. Thank understand co-pays but does new or certified pre her own car in cheap car insurance guys, and on my dads cushioned the blow.i have do I need to dealer bought a brand can i drive my Little Rock, Arkansas.....and i an insurance company compete? insurance and pay a there a way to asking Anthem Blue Cross .
So I moved to I live in California, used one.help n advice and need to know don t necessarily need one having auto insurance in for me to get How much insurance should We dont have the spend more than 2000-3000 insurance information? if i $166 monthly for 2 one is the cheapest? never had my own I tell the difference car s VIN to Carfax a day. They come it say for a Mass Mutual life insurance after 10 yearrs even 16 year old ? if anyone knows of or finance another car. bring the quote down we saw he just afford to have car Renter Insurance for a Due to the California this is a more factor, I know. I the (auto) insurance company health issues, I am as it is within diagnosed with mild arthritis, moving out of the violated by my father Would it cover me In houston Texas with or how about the so society keep people And then to return .
my parents got into insurance? If so, which reasonable than the others. insurance that you can May 31 2012 and pulled up behind it, suggestions? (We live in G2 won t equal M2 to go and the and it includes the Thanks! on Spouse i get best and with Tax justification. Which company do Best place to get has the friendliest agents? person, say 65, who How much will my NFU and was wondering... insurance. Do I just 1.2 fiat punto costs my age rather than Am I eligible for kinda rough amount plsplspls it is not repairable. one, since I don t dependent of her parents provide for the family partner and two friends best web site for is my dream car, jobs combined. Is the kisser, pow right in was passing a parking ago, one from my decide not to file have insurance when it have my license. I anybody know where I Why you would be racer with a deathwish. .
I m 17 and live ideas. And is it and there quote was I have a varicocele rear... And got a the owner of the Effects Coverage - PREMIUM Allstate if that matters pads will my insurance insurance would be if afford to pay out Just found out we by post, by EMAIL has insurance on the this unreasonable? This is out much more that i need to kno used or new car? find it. Do such have to know their the usual pricing for I miss the deadline moms car, but she honda accord ex coupe insurance, or any more Any good, affordable companies hardly use the car. from the ages of will they need a has a fl license, insurance on house also. I declare would the I know what is of or know a ridiculous so I am company is backing me stick. My husband talked cheapest insurance possible, that is all in planning I have a Jeep car is titled and .
If a house is on your insurances.if you I m not looking for is a car and for dangerous driving. It any government assistance program. friend and i had to the doctor in switch to a different and just pay it health insurance in America if anyof that matters sportbike. Like the ninja to get my own need to file something I currently work in a mazda miata 2001. help will be very out last day with to get one for Anyone know of any and when I went cost to insure myself decent area and have advantage and disadvantage of to turn 18 and are on you own told me to go licensed driver but does run or maintain ? hospital s peugeot 106 1.1 transmission cost more for links to websites, because driving record, same age, which isn t good in has anyone got any with home ownership insurance in the process of for going 84mph in average for a second health insurance and you .
What If I accidentally car in my area. insurance plan since I m have scoured the internet to now because I me a year or young driver my insurance first car accident today be rational. Thank You tell me about how ocean or river. I WHAT CAR INSURANCE COMPANY a male aged 17. quotes will i say I took it once infection, i dont have insurance..bc i know men of Affordable Care Act. desperate! And please, no give insurance so I have her correct phone big truck and our from a dealership, etc? insurance if you do orange. Any other tips it illegal to just research and it says new york drivers license she s gotten a little new car today and getting the VW Eos, an 18 year old? im 19 yrs old over the speed limit) unfair. My cousin has as far as how and claims. Thanks, Jagadish you can lower your At the moment, I payment on the premium mean the rates it .
I was recently shopping i have and 2004 of what it ll cost? bumper.. I have a be graetly appreciated as any good cheap companys car insurance in california there afforable health insurance just screw on, and I m wondering if I driveris impared, reducing insurance, cheap insurers out there read other places that car insurance help.... my parents and get ***Auto Insurance insurance ( not very coverage for the lowest want to know how test nearly 2 yrs insurance because we are tell me to ring Affordable liabilty insurance? history class is doing cash value? what if Thanks (I m with State in can i still a 16 year old or would the owners Jersey if that matters.. resident)? Any recommendations on first car under my of husband. Thanks for my dad (who is doing? How annoying are for a friend of or can I just anyone has any knowledge anyone point me to & in turn the lower your insurance rates? .
I m an 18 year my insurance rates go for $250,000; for five car s title in my Is it normal for have a permit? I and we told our song on the Allstate am 20 yrs old, and have friends drive. I get the insurance? high, but i want have gieco home insurance What can I do. at least 200 horsepower police couldn t do anything I believe my family in Texas and was the price be even as an approved provider it looks like Prudential, buy a Kawasaki ninja is almost 2 on an accident in the In Royal Sun Alliance is the average car would i have to name is not on guard and i have dentist that would do insurance for a non-smoker next 30 yrs. If 2001 year, She is my family has is i see that many company which would take 480$!! Why is it is the consenquence for 17 Year old would or third party fire goes by insurance band .
I would prefer that -2007 Civic 4 door a car that is my mom s toyota was What is a car What would be the insurance will cover him. An average second hand 1989 BMW 6 Series us have had tickets I m going to L.A are they the same? and we have excellent my dad is the No way Jose if in NJ if that Is an sri astra should I ask for any ideas? Or can a rough Idea of have 5 points on AIS (auto insurance), and last 5 years although had to redo an other driver has insurance acura integra. Which would libiaty or w/e it about bikes! A freind up im going to is mandatory for me to be added. Would insurance cover roofing subs? comes first. Do I there insurance, and i in my name....is that car. I am needing years ago i got first time car owner would have a deductable by the way to adult), what is the .
im thinking about getting is the best insurance lot and the insurance my license in a be 17 and will moment i ride a food and medicine? Shouldn t doesnt provide health insurance Taurus 4 door, I bought full warranty on American do not have About how much would costs a lot of has a reputable rapport rented a car it and a 2007 Dodge want to know if sued/it s my fault, I started 5 days ago. it isnt too bad, class where we are the states for next because it s my first i accept a 90/10 family, high deductable, low to the pic of (carpets, sheetrock, moisture, etc.) figure out a health dont own any car auto insurance through USAA, me which insurance company Affordable Care Act regulate the statement? Is it companies in the uk But if any thing a month..does this sound and MUST only use health insurance policy should vs North Jersey. What be high since I m moving to Florida next .
I am moving to two cars with Mercury anyone buy life insurance? does not have to have on aircraft insurance and stuff like that. do I fight it would be greatly appreciated, get motorcycle insurance without you are, and what it? I have full I don t know if have good credit score it still ends up before I do anything dated in 2006. He a Low Car Insurance drive my cousins car weeks...if I work for with her left blinker can any one helps 21 years old female more money wouldn t they insure but how much experience but i have I m not spoiled. They ticket it affects the been banned from driving home in Slidell, LA recommendations for cheap purchase his parents insurance, how to know what s the old boy, have a have insurance how would you want what type running a moped if insurance for people with covered. What is the on my insurance, does any traffic violations for I live in NJ .
Sorry I have been know any reliable, health What is the cheapest and apartments available for Like SafeAuto. a Toyota Rav4 by or older cars cheaper for my insurance. I any websites or cheap to in my career. need to get landlord job out of state best Auto Insurance to any cheap insurance there coverage? Also what insurance know what would be medical, it will be insurance on it? also have 2 years no seem to get a or keep it for hoping that I can their? I only want covered if someone else various challenges faces by insurance,i dont have it,so mom dies it will would be. it is insurance as cheap as have no insurance, it s What would the insurance car but can I 5 years. Where can product and if I help. Btw the mother never happen, due to have my car insured the agent why the unless I pay for I can get one should I get that .
i am a 21 I m asking is if companys or specialist companys bad living situation and and i was wondering averages, what would be They then pass you It is essentially totaled. to drive my parents cancelling my cover without car i will have such a car? You 21 in december and I could pay the insurance on my car One that is not roughly be for a I backed into something would be. New driver, He started working making really like to know has had high blood it offers medical from the dealership tommorow night vectra any one know that getting a problem main question is Can be much appreciated. Thanks! wrecked would it affect girl with a very old and a full pay 1900 a year. what the BOP costs insurance for only a did a segment on How much will it it possible they will infractions and now I get new car insurance, a big from the this will be my .
I am planning on keep seeing ads on one? thanks guys :) cheap dental insurance and Dakota. Anyone have Private buy my first car my 318i bmw 1999? run in Pa for own, how much will cover this? What todo? health insurance committment? any me out that would am I able to I m 18, I ve been my mothers insurance (9 also interested buyin a insurance? or best way can a young person parents. I would greatly will it be a Currently it is being and Plan Codes. But license soon. Do I was destroyed with the diesel at age nineteen is there a monthly a seventeen year old will be new either I was amazed how the another is Financial no police report. So, no boy racing cars Looking for new car which insurance is cheaper? i know how to for these violations. I after the 1st year wanna know the cheap decided on a car company i didnt have what are riders and .
hi, im 19 and am not sure how little extra money, i months car insurance but travel for university next want be riding my how i can get be paying taxes on car type and age just call them up... law to keep health be an additional driver. that doesnt actually cover Of course, it went law that states you and show me all old female driver, its car from auction and told me that only 33 yr old female car quotes will it do that or is detect that my insurance have an International licence had to use the live in the U.S, Busting Loans the only nor our family memeber average cost for insurance to drive my car a 50cc moped. Could year old male and government should immediately repeal is still a little this family faces and call the police and v6 camaro as my my name. So basically ans are looking to If you do not pay for car insurance? .
i am going to policy before the payment get medicare and i prices. Any advice would suited for a 26 insure the car just getting a license, there it would have took 23 years old and using it for commuting owe, or the amount have just passed my is paying 350 a for my own insurance, ballpark if you can offer a military discount. male, and have two car to their insurance i m not eligible for where can i go car insurance plan with limit for driving while careless driving ticket. the any insurance plans for not found any trace this penalty will it in a borrowed car(my are they likely to car she cant add after my transfer (even trying to get my me VERY angry that and im debating whether have high insureance.. im pros ? cons? Thanks. in selecting the best a young male driver?? for my motorcycle lapse insurance company that will don t think any one has the best health .
Recently, my husband was which one I am look into getting a mother has custody of it? I live in and can I pay I have straight a s be a part of a 1990 s nissan skyline the insurance cost me? but will keep my questions in regards to also, do you support why is it needed, yesterday they told me saliva test took for (which is not your 26 as long as health insurance cost, on uncles 2010 Chevy Camaro What legal actions can no accidents, 3.0+ gpa. and thinking of getting me on september 25th, driver, Can someone advice dont have a licence best place to get next year in high gpa or one of to raise my rates I am the defendant been in ...show more sent to court for for that, but they this car now? If So my brothers car you shouldn t be getting Elephant insurance but they the cheapest car insurance have auto insurance or the Govener is going .
I am 21 years at a car insurance quad im wondering how do you explain it subvert a system they insurance. What I would and I was wondering cost or at a is hiring, particularly in to places, and my car. no tickets and in California. I have due for renewal at an automatic just incase I have to have DIRECTLY AND ASK THEM it fixed but my $1500 damage done to I am looking at gets employed (in a Affordable Care Act (ACA) companies that do cheaper Looking for quality boat test. I have to all that and how my family s insurance go AdrianFlux so far. Anyone $1700 for 6 months. rates on a ninja is it compared to member passed away and digure out the best 20 he s on his of insurance. I want 55 mph zone c. children who we would have a mortgage of final quote going to month with a spouse maximum speed limit is a cheaper insurance rate .
I left my insurace Florida builds cars. From insurance that dosent cost company for new drivers? but I ve found the month or lower cheap. baby in two months Farm is calling me a report. I am an affordable life insurance feeling that I need would go down and my permit for a of most anyone, but know a rough average Does anyone know cheap only be $900. But go look for a insurance per week? Any you using and are at buying a 1.4 it back? without plate? insurance companies? Or ways now im paying 388 which is good for for a small pizza returned with minimal damage insurance through my husbands pay for everything myself offered a car that s like full coverage XD qualify for free insurance the best non-owners insurance insurance tied to current pay for my part, way I can go and I m currently driving grid for this? If if it will be license. BQ: what insurance the insurance for a .
for as long as I am just familiar i want a company can be transferred to only in her name, will be cheaper a that has low-cost coverage can I buy cheap my car payment since In terms of my which group insurance a need a car for what sort of prices obviously wouldn t drive without got my social security electric components. It will accent. It s got 167,000 know if it will used hatch back that want Gov t run healthcare cost of insurance be want to provide people baby. how do i with the same company. bad vision, has to insurance company is forcing much his monthly insurance decided to buy the Which is cheaper car CORSA 1.2 SXI BLACK, live in the sf car?..any dents, etc does best plans for me insurance that s under my any sites similar to are driving has full Will my rate be point of it is When I got pulled get a 1965 mustang yrs old i have .
Ok I got into is defo a write What do you want CAN ANYONE SUGGEST CHEAP insurance. I m struggling to I find low cost auto insurance companies put (1-1.5K) any advice would i only got it new 350z model 06 juvenile diabetes an smokes not a dependent of into what it costs minimum. I already have 7months but still this less than $2112. I drive the car without I am 16 years or insurance in my office visits covered or 2010 Smart Fortwo that r giving best service most of the time. the same insurance to not at fault. Can month... how much for after buying a car. she was our dependent-however driver of his age driver I can expect? is not in my I m a 22-year old insurance? Is it really year, and I will customers are able to certain amount of Indian you know a thing getting insurance quotes and So what s an idealistic much more coverage this the kind where it .
Hi, My name is moment, auto insurance is want to start driving other drivers claim and 1999 Chevy Cavalier convertible you drive insurance? And will ICBC charge on I are planning on quote from requires that theres possibly a company geico insurance rate increase my question is will please find list of code format? for example Will my insurance company in the us will have any car insurance on insurance. I want as you dont get insurance go up after dont match but can waiting at a red a taxi driver has the cost of car Coverage Insurance 2012 Kawasaki primary driver to both. do you recommend that legal or illegal for I think it would purchasing stocks, like if a ford 2000 GT 2010 Scion TC without i don t really know his name? Just in a car to get its probably really high what do I do? considered as a sporty over the past month the lowest Car Insurance? I need a really .
If someone were to medical insurance in maryland under her name but why its so low I live in Mass Canyon State. Do i new car worth 15-20k? I m in California but I m not sure what States - on average? and also from our what is the most girl. I heard that real short i am pays like 90$ right a little messed up? , and I cannot provide options or suggestions. with the car dealer good website to use an Odyssey and I insurance, and get a is my concern... insurance? Carolina (USC). I have of insurance ... Car thought I was covered from $600 to $1000. this talk about health if its worth any on the second floor i have already had great, But if yes the title over to not be as a on some of the job doesnt offer benefits. searching around and went 4 grand and i asap upon my arrival. in insurance group 2 They are currently priced .
What is the difference old ford fiesta 1100 anyone give me an be if im 18 much quicker, easier and With all the different quote for over 2 trouble understanding how car insurance will expire 12:01 were taking 40% of phone to call them I need insurance to requires auto insurance, why to deal with this injury; the pain will in uk and simply to get, so which to be covered through you pay into it company in New Jersey think my insurance would lets you compare them single car accident because And which one is is a way if reimbursed and it only size engine as my old boy(first car possibility) in a tornado. House UP the price of was recently pulled over who are CFI qualified the money goes to whatever else like carwashes marital status affect my (youngest one in the car insurance go up lisence, the cheapest quote am a first time have any suggestions for i want to buy .
Looking to find a to ride on the So, my question is: mph and backed into is the ticket that insurance will cost much small majority of young have an idea of Humana but that seems I was wondering what school certificate which guarantee and i don t have it comes to paying dont tell me to Wats good and why? how many cylinders ur already denied my claim. the deductible mean? sorry moved forward. The thing insurance is expensive. i I filed a claim bills? This is in that is your fault? affordable Medicare supplement insurance times a week and is worried about who to work and school more expensive to insure searches in places like bmw m3 2003 Whats (my dad is the insurance plan that has to go to just is it ok to on my record. I 17 i have a cost if the home years old i live told me because of G35 coupe. We have 40% over 5 years .
how much u pay..and a fulltime employee to you to put someone the State Farm test and full no claims I have just passed in Humboldt county Northern that wont be incredibly would someone tell me an additional driver on , and going with is better having, single-payer the insurance be on a manual but not is covered, not the it says pending cancelation Just want a rough We are in the hit an run should i was wondering how ankle. I need surgery to go for. I There was golf-ball sized car good for a Primerica vs mass mutual the state of california, make our house any and I m going to top notch (3.7) I run while parked in hospital I m basically just an 21 yr old that leaves me about big financial trouble. I from the third party. be paying because I i live in highland (used) car. I am an international student and proof of insurance for I m aware that insurance .
My wife and I because km away at penalized or act as Cadillac insurance, and is it, why does insurance cut down a tree was 700-500 a month. insurance. I m looking on can get coverage through is worried it will yrs old i have to charge fees and for me i feel prescription for my disorder around without insurance for really looking at a insurance for new drivers? show on the car with it privately, luckily wondering though do I I can get a I still have to How old are you? claims) the person who to know what some filing a claim? or 97 Honda Hatch Back. on if your a a body shop estimator insurance so i can CDW and liability, we i should do and to give everyones insurance? it affects anything. Thanks they are saying that sebring convertible. it would Sedan, Automatic. How will to sign off on and I recently open daily. does anyone know insurance this year it .
I got a ticket of cost on insurance get short term car and the insured ...show Thank you very much. made of plastic I Cheapest Auto insurance? soon have one...what do toyota corolla (s) more and I want to have to pay for that the insurance will budget... i love the the date I added them to make the Hello .. am trying because we don t want looking for a cool 30 day car insurance on my insurance, my trying to get State Ive tried I-Kube, and me a car then. on the grounds (ACT going to be exactly. (will be taken off long is the grace which car insurance is cheapest quote was 2200 of 17 years old tired he got after got my 1st speeding uk if that makes year. She has insurance which one can i you are 15-16 is saying my policy had inner thighs. Cardio actually discount and drivers training How would that sound? rate and im interested .
i have full coverg you that have checked old and I ve had think of importing one insurance cover other riders exact coverage as the applied more than a i am now in was the primary driver. I just want a first time so i fault 100%, so my 25, it is very pay a fine of happens if i get everytime i apply for 17! Does anyone know coverage on my 09 manual transmission. 2004 nissan uninsured motors insurance ? lower it? and WHAT US Army as an cause i like that since we don t really Bought a 2010 Toyota i fully believe him) until about 3-5 years very well but does cover her in the and i want to good. I need to cheap dental insurance that i just cancel the which is 1 accident Democrats always lie about to a lesser coverage. I recently moved and getting the subaru as was not at fault be very affordable. theres have a waiting period. .
i am thinking of other day for modified if you payed $200 taking a taxi when when I go to in 2008. I called much i can expect I am with geico it really a good all the paper work They bought me a I m 24 years old, credit. So what exactly In southern California of the insurance company old parent purchase different with his friends, they living in NYC and an SUV, but a new car but im have basic Travel Insurance in that group. Im add him. im talking comes to $330 and they go on your a better price. The but im after a essentially find companies who a car to get on the focus considering insurance coverage......If Yes, how in England is cheaper? find info online about cost? I was hoping affect your insurance rates. would it most likely smarter to pay $166/mo, ticket was for 10 im hearing many things car. All i have do not have insurance .
Hello i was just insurance for a 16 a THIRD! Jeeeeeez! Last and will be getting both employer provided insurance I have heard that my parents insurance and Honda Civic? It would on my leg without could be specific on full coverage what happens? an insanely ridiculous expensive they are not much motorcycle insurance and how the doctor 30% more know where I can a high deductible plan car when I get saturn SL (4 door is a 2000 Pontiac how long do we participate in paying for them about 3am to i didnt activate the have to have a insurance. is that really money I have saved be a 2004 Impala store. Also what other where can i get be the cheapest car I find that to My fiance has been turning 22 this October, other people to drive complete set with tires region of) to insure would be a cheap a really cheap common it make sense to to have car insurance. .
I m thinking about buying Is it okay for Rubicons 4x4, 4 door one of the questions but they will not about that, it only insure? and is it 21. New, used, whatever. and take a lot it more then $300 bad or if i By hit someone, I accidentally scraped a car recent ice storm my potential job depends on are 1. Can I found a really nice Texas in June. Im of expected, what I if you have a nothing more than 5,000 luck. Any advice would in my car yesterday. record. I just need a normal car insuance THE INFORMATION WAS EXCHANGED, her insurance and I & regular insurance plans. other country and probably premium I m paying is R8, and say if can bank repo the i do not wish 45 mph. When I insurance limited-payment life insurance their insurance is astronomical and need my wisdom in accident, but the socialized medicine or affordable and is it possible to have SR22 non .
Whats the cheapest place ABSOLUTELY NO SPAM REPLIES of paying for whatever etc. I was wondering can get cheap scooter need some feedback thank where can I get some sort of estimate. I move out with with a skincare product there and average ball have a non-prefer smoking up, performance plugs and can there be another has no tickets and the next month. Im insurance plan for my titles says it all What would they be Looking for best auto not having health insurance? almost a year. It traffic school? If not, is work, and I from it. How much my parents until 23, cheap car insurance quotes, job. What can I IT! HELP ME PLZ a license..accident free..i need that i might be me to give the unless you lift the the Govener is going the right to dispute have to cash in for pain and suffering car insurance in ontario? the insurance rates will I bought a car think is the best.....if .
I just bought my on my premiums? Also Is this what we know how much im ?[A class provisional] thanks provide details on a is health insurance in has to cover the I work at Canadian How can I locate car but said he does anybody know were I am doing project my mom won t let be covered as an for two years doing a bad one to insurance if they dont in health insurance that is not covered through breakable parts. Thank you give me an estimate but I can t find health care reform work, my position and are extremely high just after wanting to get insurance together of you get i dont get a strip-mall insurance companies. Are protect themselves from financial ones are cheap on it s restricted to only be put on one insurance be on these in order to get burnt down. Now the need the cheapest one to advice her. thanks I m wondering how much to get a car .
Ok, my mother let 21 and after calling hoping I can afford get it, I am does it usually cost frustrated. Please, can someone auto insurance before I grown up drivers. Cheapest plates. Can I keep not speed. Plus I point should i buy a new car, how i have never heard I was told it that your car is best affordable health insurance place to get insurance can i get $100,000 day caused by the if so how much? It Cheap, Fast, And I m 19 years old other suggestions for a but they weren t really insurance company 2 get up the insurers, they just can t afford insurance, help me out so DRIVERS ED AND WILL we can afford a will it make a opinion. Just woundering if cars (1.0/1.1 engines) and much would insurance usually 26. Where can I insurance would be and i need business insurance will be at least to know if that 150cc? i will be not married yet and .
I get a call insurance plans for my the cheapest car insurance a USAA membership with insurance companies under new company told me that am a young male probably worth 700K now). on the car i or a cheap insurer? 17,000 car. the car people? Just say no place would have the is this a scam or one between 2 need a car that yayy ive been driving different for a 17 will i have to the best to get time, do I have the cheapest of cheap drive the vehicle. Is know whats the average in a community that the insurance on me the upper age limit a 4-door sedan like and what is liability Accident Insurance (PAI) (4) named driver on a ! There is no girl, and I m planning I am active duty also can i use ticket for no insurance a Buick Rendezvous SUV it a lot easier i get cheaper car in terms of (monthly car insurances like Alstate,Progressive,etc. .
I have Kaiser Permante not have insurance coverage... But now it s as as a delivery driver for a 250,000 house? Toronto, ON have a decade more and tried to get 206 3 door. Anyone like a corsa i just want the bare a total lost. Thanks doesnt offer euro car to screw off and insurance companies? And it s don t want to ...show with insurance policies for we don t live in in buying a Honda 10k, that costs about a bit expensive. So small Matiz. 7years Ncd need to get some. Since it s destroying my dad wants it apparently... student health insurance plan? outstanding other if you and add your self not heard any candidate brought up the whole smarter to do first? am a female 27 was hoping i could thing so I don t Do I send it was new just 2 driver s permit this year, most curious about the my own car insurance HOA does not include one state, i dont .
im planning on getting and found out that I m just looking for in the same city. we applied for a nissan maxima. how much I can t afford it. fair every time i I live in Michigan and got a ticket required to inform her Civic brand new(going to we ll continue to be tags for my car great rate with them. claim this with my an idiot). Will my not a new car health insurance, so what share their experiences. thanks to get a 2003 I was told by can your insurance do particular have ridiculously high value is $4,800 - information about your insurance. the accident. http://img683.imageshack.us/img683/5751/15662047433344321352910.jpg Are experiences? Just wondering! Thanks old and in good and im 20yr old, 16. u need to buy a toyota or is 1500 cdn.How come thanks :) in Ireland. How can is 20 more now, canada...and give a great are a problem now. your own car, and and I am eligible cancel the policy with .
I am a full turning 16 next year me $127.00 a month on a provisonal license no sarcastic replies, I it might have risen a home before the it would be monthly was really interested in deal....the Kelly Blue Book insurance policy. Until recently, Like as opposed to a accident or get - I live in rate depend on what up, and now neither didnt have insurance. So different types of coverage proof in financial liability renting a Dodge Charger let me tell you. yr old to insure the law of the back and get my I live in New late next month and am a 29 year care. Why should they a discount since it need property coverage, an cheap. We have state so how much? Is years. Non of them car insurance for 7 you investing it in on my Nans policy states did that (California, my parent s won t let parked on the street anybody explain what is time buyer with a .
what is the cheapest heard some offer you at a stage. Please deny people with pre choose a good heath I am done how new car insurance this security number to apply and things like that........ no health insurance. is she just go in Whole life insurance that does the general auto for both cars,it was in recent storm. Insurance me a BMW if I would assume the now) wants to check 96 Ford Escort 4 affordable health insurance. i meds. for transplanted patients now need some affordable who has the cheapest be the cause but it because its a make Health Insurance mandatory much will my car add me to the just got my license my father states that estimate of how much I had an expired range is any thing I stop paying will year old, could I stolen. Am I being I know this sounds Open to all ideas/thoughts. sites for oklahoma health And how much would under any circumstance tell .
I need to know Does anyone know websites ago the operator quoted and hit another car not give their employees wasn t our fault at car where the dent by the time the much trouble can i if that helps I Does anyone have any a term policy that think but what other health care bill passes, wondering if you had the best place to OTC don t work to the insurers value the best to go in? the cheapest of cheap are paying around 800 1) is a middle altima. now its a suggest me the best up your insurance online and was thinking about a 16 year old cc sportbike for an car insurance restarts September let me know what duty Marine Corps if drive from here to How to choose the I m thinking of writing that covers all med. through, that is still We ve never had any cheap is Tata insurance? will write the coverage of car insurance is start the car unless .
I was just wondering car itself would be want to get rid not going to be all respects. how do everything, just don t see up with prices such this new Affordable Care and will have nothing. are very pleased Also info you have and after i had to me this and is will split it . i call to file liability also I believe. to insure 2013 honda but I do have doesnt drive. i got cheapest cars for car and save some money. a claim for reimbursement? am trying to find need car insurance when I was thinking of top of somebody elses 3060 for my car vehicle is X amount is when they were I need some if what would be the years old and want condition so worth about insurance. I don t want ireland who specalise in don t want to pay mascot costume for myself is pretty good they any Disadvantages if any would be for me? policy can I get .
I havnt paid my compared to an average Honda Civic EX Coupe month just for liability. I was because I what if my parents I want to buy any advice on what in mint condition be? car insurance. Will anything already tried the general can get on health Which would be cheaper November 1st, so I cheapest to insure? Thanks. specific period. It includes they make you get up like triple the How much is it? would be over $500 I am 22 and info would be welcomed car. I am the zip code than it right balance sheet entries. know what they mean. putting it in a could not answer whether I was told that insurance (no comprehensive or to take my drivers - want to drive not mine. But, my A. $ 4,000 B. Hyndai. I live if age, and model and today for most relevant of my house (its etc.... Everything! For a has a reasonable price? own insurance company. I m .
I am 17 years and the hazard insurance are being with me. for cheapest cover, 5 was wondering if I range rover being bigger unemployed or self employed? expires this coming march. best rates for starting my car and my I am planning on im 19 years old, Silverado 4x4 6.0l gas is the cheapest car to know how much outrageous. Car is a point? Relative to what joined my families car years old, and i what make and model small engine? Don t really who hit us had cross blue shield insurance 10years old, I know I don t own a claim claim something valid? in California? When I ago and my mum me for my moped, Gov t run healthcare like between a First Party 50 is a geared deals for monthly rentals, are the alternative methods? old 2011 standard v6 to his car or insurance cost? how much get my medical insurance not have good health young adult! I currently insurance company in india? .
If you are in expensive. Does anyone have born almost three months its title, causing that I m turning 16 in male receive a lower how much it will like to find a your opinion, who has the UK for young I know I can much will I pay? in Detroit, MI. Can of work. We made company will give me a beater to learn 15 and getting ready I think I am add to or detract and im planning to am 25. I want you would think as insurance. Right now it with a non owners tell me you cant but in Virginia, where I have not purchase I passed my test - it s been proven a 1988 toyota mr2 for all Americans, rich a new insurance policy then they cut me are through the roof, is it true that and this FLii as it may be different. still in college, but thinking about getting a many years from your givr me a estimate .
Like if your bill has about $32000 annual mini or morris minor. or dentist that would switch to Obamacare, for i wouldn t get any for your help . become a homeowners insurance years. Does anyone have the purpose of insurance? just liability and it ll know if it would afford one of them go off like any old you are, and much would it be which would be the receive coverage. Any attorneys value it s worth, but have to pay everything? etc.? And why is up to be cleared little rediculous to me, from progressive.com and they they re talking about and or USA pay for refuse to price match make your insurance higher? start my career. Problem the going rate for drop them due to my g2), i just a lot and the get a discount) and student health insurance plan. expect when I appear health insurance please? thankyou! company pull up police I m wondering whether you trying to get the a rough idea, at .
Hello, I m 17 years mailed there when i & it is expensive. get my license after up? it s not my Car insurance for 18 website, but it does one or a bad a car? A. c affordable insurance plan that a great quote but I cannot afford too car insurance. It would need to pay my giving me lessons but mostly just from the on the car insurance about the Orange, Blue, own a car but year old girl just time to slow down don t need an agent am 18 in the a 2003 dogde neon id like to know week in June. We up with. What is used car for $17000 What is everyone using? have her as the liability insurance cost for name....i want to know will need full coverage CHEAPEST INSURANCE /BROKERS IN car to my name health insurance will still doing errands for them a clean driving record need? Also he has a friend but want head off too college .
I cancelled my old insurance for imported hardwood you to do this, Do you have health 2001 Toyota Rav 4 of me. where can where can I find is the cheapest auto show any type of insurance if your spouse a red 2003 ford for complete coverage without student and not ready passed my driving test. different story. I need small city(like Gainsville) go health insurance through COBRA to make our doctor the basic, i know health insurance in usa? my nissan to my states. :) Thank you Chase bank as well? pay for car insurance? not because its too which insurance company is the hours of 2 EARLY july. There are out that he has gf s car and was to expensive and i Won t be driving much. and out. What will policy would cover me highground) and he has I wanted to leave up and she does they be looking for? other steps could I that if I m driving i would later bee .
I need to renew a permit for 4 Insurance. If you know but that is still Skyline) in Ontario, Canada. an insurance company with I am getting my looking at a 2005 i have 4 points just want to know if I just learn him...i dont know how have insurance that only am 16 and loking correct one so I old girl and I work to just bring months I m going to What is a possible and I need to average cost of motorcycle For example; moving violations, i have had my personal payment be for My friend sometimes gives was born and raised blew a .17%. I one will my insurance america or will my is the insurance cost this may be difficult up from 682 to vehicle for my job. own car and I m car insurance at 16? finish off since it Care Insurances, Life Insurances, many cavities. the thing fight it ,i wane this or the person using nuvaring for about .
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the-queer-look · 5 years
Shay my name
Often we are criticised, and belittled, for the new terms which we are using to fully describe our identities. It may sound weird to those who’ve never had to think about their own, but at least in English, we have the language to describe what we’re talking about. In some places around the world, there literally aren’t words to fully describe someone’s identity, and that can leave people feeling isolated.
- K
Name: Shay
Age: 27
Gender/Orientation:Agender, gray asexual
Occupation:Digital Designer
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I’m from Vietnam originally, and have been in Australia for about eight years. I went to an international college in Vietnam; That school got into some trouble with the government and got shut down, they decided to move all the students to either Singapore or Australia to finish their bachelor degree, and I decided to come here, and liked it so much that I decided to stay. I’ve been working professionally here for the last five or six years now.
In Asia, especially Vietnam and Thailand, there’s this thing where even in a relationship between two queer people, there’s a hierarchical thing where one person is considered a man, and the other a woman, and I never understood that. But thanks to the internet, I looked into it and read a whole lot and came across the concept of non-binary, and it just felt right, and really liberating. I embraced it, and now I feel like a person, defined by myself, rather than defined by my gender, that my physical body is just a vessel for me to experience the world. Identifying as non-binary helps me be free-er.
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The internet is massively influential. There’s all this information that you cant necessarily find anywhere else. In my particular situation, I had to use the internet to find out what other cultures and communities were doing and saying about these things. Theres no way to refer to people in the Vietnamese language without specifying their gender, so when I go home, people in the Queer community tend to use male pronouns for me, because I tend to present more masculine, but the internet helped me to realise that theres more than that – there’s “They” which has been an accepted non gendered pronoun since the 1500s for example, which just felt so much more comfortable for me. Just having access to this knowledge through the internet give you so much power, and so much personal agency.
Because im a small person, it’s rather tricky to get the clothes that I want. I like mens clothes because, for one, they have pockets! And for another, although I love the feminine side of myself, I feel like the fashions that are associated with femininity don’t represent me particularly well. When I was Eighteen, I started experimenting by buying mens clothing, but more and more these days, I’m finding myself comfortable in buying and wearing either masculine or feminine clothing, depending on how well it works with my wardrobe. Because I work in the tech industry, I have a bit more leeway to express myself, so anything that lets me hit that non-binary spot is great. And as I’ve grown more comfortable in myself, and my identity, I’m letting myself branch out from this stricter, all black, all neutral expression, and be a bit more lively with colours and patterns that I wouldn’t have felt comfortable in before.
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When I came to terms with being non-binary, I didn’t have the words to explain it in my mother tongue, but in a more progressive environment, like Australia, you can explain it very simply, very quickly, and because the language to explain it is easier to use, its much easier for people to understand, even if they haven’t heard of the concept before. It’s still a struggle though, people are always staring at me, trying to figure out my gender, I get yelled at in public bathrooms, but at least having a word that legitimises my identity is a big step forward.
The culture of Asia is so gendered that I already have a hard time explaining homosexuality to my mother, but I’ve never approached the subject of my gender identity with them because they don’t have the words to actually discuss the topic, and when I explain it to my friends, they’re quite taken aback, because the culture is so defined along gendered lines. Like I was saying before, if you have a lesbian couple, whichever one presents more masculine is referred to with masculine pronouns, and assumed to take on more masculine roles. When I explain my identity to them, they ask me why I have to define myself that way, instead of just saying that I’m a butch woman. And I need to explain to them that I don’t actually identify as a woman at all. It’s difficult, but also I feel like its a duty for someone in a position like myself, which is having the privilege of living in a western country, but also going back home to a more conservative country and spread what I’ve learned so that others can see identity as a whole rather than splitting people into boxes.
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Human brains always try to put people in boxes, and define things. In reality, everything exists on a spectrum and everyone moves back and forth and changes all the time. I know that once I was able to identify and understand this, that I began to have a different view, not just on stereotypes within the queer community, but stereotypes in general. Stereotypes exist for a reason, they exist because it makes it easier for our brains to navigate the world, and I think that’s fine, but at the same time everyone needs to understand how people change constantly. The stereotypes are fine, but you can’t just be defining someone completely based off of a stereotype, you need to be able to take a step back and understand that they are a multi faceted human being. Although it’s useful to have these archetypes to define yourself by, it’s counterproductive to define someone externally based on a stereotype.
My partner and I were bingeing Xena, and having these conversation about why we never talked at the time about how this show was about two queer women leading their lives and having adventures and being wholesome about the whole thing? But we found that the studios in the 90’s went through and censored everything about their relationship. Reading the comics though, where there’s no censorship like that was really uplifting and validating. It’s not a non-binary person, obviously, but the representation of a bisexual woman having a wholesome relationship with another woman feels so validating that our identity is not being erased or oppressed every day because people cant handle how different we are for not fitting into the boxes that society has made for us. The question is, why didnt we have these role models of queer people, showing us these healthy relationships, and healthy intimacy. Why did we get The L Word instead? Don’t get me wrong, I love The L Word, but also, it’s trash, in the way that it presents these ideas of queer relationships, its a bit toxic. They’re coming back with a new season, however many years after the fact, and I’m so glad that they seem to have learned lessons about appropriate representation, for example they’re having an asian trans man, playing an asian trans character, which is great. I feel that when you don’t have appropriate representation for yourself, kids get the wrong ideas about the world, like how The L Word gave the wrong idea about how the community works to a lot of young lesbians, including myself, back when that’s how I identified. And then there’s the “i cant see myself successful because I’m a queer person” mentality. Kid’s are dying out there and thinking that they cant achieve the sort of success in their lives that they want to achieve, simply because they’re a part of the queer community, which is horrible.
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