#which isn’t great because i have assignments i should be studying for 😭
lookitsgrim · 2 days
Dragon by Night! (wwbn au)
Part 1: designs!!
Okay so, my friend has been subjected to so many ramblings and updates on these drawings and i think she’s sick of it by now lol so i’m putting all of it here as a starting point for everything else i’m gonna post eventually (bloodstone manor stuff, the bloodstone, jacks curse, etc)
for reference, this au focuses on how things would work if Jack, Elsa, and Ted were a part of the Wings of Fire universe (really great fantasy book series!! i’d recommend it if you’re okay with reading something meant for 11-15 [???] year olds).
To start things off, let’s look at how the trio would look on Pyrrhia!
I decided to make Ted half mudwing and half leafwing. In the books, a group of mudwings aka ‘sibs’ has a role called a ‘bigwings’, which is assigned to the largest of the unit. They protect their siblings in battle and in life, and i thought that was fitting for Ted. Leafwings are very entwined with the plant life in the poison jungle on Pantala (aka the lost continent). They have control over the way things grow and also have extensive knowledge on the local flora, which just screamed Ted to me. I kept most of the mudwing traits while including a few leafwing details such as the speckled scales and webbed back scales, along with the twisted horns.
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Elsa is a skywing. In the books, they’re characterised by their immense combat knowledge and skill, and are theorised to be the original dragon tribe. they are also very headstrong and their loyalty can sway away from their family, which i thought fit her fairly well. Also i feel like monster hunters in general fit the theme, and i have some ideas for bloodstone manor involving the sky kingdom!! I made Elsa look like a typical skywing - deep red scales, slim face, pale wings. And I also gave her the bloodstone, which i’ll mention later.
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Jack was a tough one for me. Originally, i wanted to make him fully nightwing or maybe even a silkwing to symbolise his change from man to wolf, but silkwings change permanently, so i feel like that wouldn’t work properly. Instead, i opted to make him half nightwing and half rainwing. In the books, nightwings are known as highly mysterious, rarely interacting with the other tribes - supposedly to keep their magic and power for themselves (until like… the fourth book, then it all goes to hell. but that’s unrelated), and are linked to both animus dragons and mind readers. I thought this fit well for jack with his ‘creature of the night’ vibe, and also nightwings have starry skies on their wings and i thought that was neat. Rainwings are also rare outside of their territory - the jungle next to the secret nightwing kingdom (also until the fourth book - yay dragon wars!!). they have the ability to change the colour of their scales to show their emotions, camouflage, and also to try and look pretty in some cases. I thought this wouod be nice for Jack in the case of his werewolf form. If rainwings don’t get enough sun their colours are dull and ‘boring’, and since the wolf wouldn’t technically see the sun he’d change to a duller, darker dragon. ALSO!! they can spit venom, which i just thought was neat. imagine walking through the jungle one night and a mostly camouflaged rainwing swings down from a tree branch and unhinges it’s jaw, spitting venom at you until your skin burns and melts. Anyway, I made jacks resting colour to be green and gave him mostly rainwing traits - the frills on his jaw, the prehensile tail, the longer talons; and then gave him nightwing horns and back spikes, the stars on his wings, and the head shape. i also made his smaller scales a similar colour to his makeup in the special since that’s not really a dragon thing?? like at all?? ALSO (AGAIN) rainwing was a whole aren’t huge on fighting, they spend most of their time relaxing in the sun and the thought of using their venom to harm other dragons is completely horrifying to them, this of course seemed very jack-esque to me so yeah! here’s both of his colours (normal and cursed form, which is really just altered colours and different behavior like i mentioned previously)
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anyway i hope you guys like this so far and i hope it’s making at least a little sense, but if it’s not i am happy to explain and there will be more posts about this in the future!! i have a bunch of ideas, like my notes app is full of dot points to expand on eventually 😗‼️‼️
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