#which is surprising to me cos she's quite a well-principled individual
bourgeoisfury · 7 years
idk what star is gonna show up bc mobile but ⭐ drag my boy
Send me a “★” and I’ll bold what applies to your muse.
for Elliot Cadieux  @theseventhdawn :
I like you / I hate you / I dislike you / I love you / You are family / I would take a bullet for you / I would shoot you / I would lie to your face / I would say something cruel to you on purpose/ I would say something cruel to you accidentally  / I would cheat on you / I would physically hurt you / You annoy me / You amuse me / I’d laugh at you / I’d laugh with you / I’d manipulate you / You scare me / You confuse me / I wish I knew you better / I trust you / I don’t trust you / You inspire me / I consider you an equal / You are beneath me / You’re better than me / I would trust you with my life / I think you’re mean / I think you’re petty / I think you’re childish / I think you’re smart / I think you’re stupid / I think you’re a bad person / I think you’re a good person / I’m not sure what kind of person you are / I wish you would listen to me / I want to make you proud / I wish you would notice me / I want to impress you / I would hurt other people for you / I’m not sure how to make you happy / I’m a bad influence on you / You deserve better than me / We make a great team / I’d have a one night stand with you / I’d have a relationship with you / I would marry you / I fantasize about our life together / I would trust you with my most treasured belonging / I would tell you my darkest secrets / You disgust me / You intimidate me / I hope I intimidate you / I’d hug you / I’d let you hug me  / I’m scared of losing you / I don’t think you like me / I want to be better for you / I respect you / I don’t respect you / You’re my mentor / You’re my friend / You’re my best friend / I have a crush on you / I could easily watch you die / I’d get drunk with you / I’d party with you / I’d comfort you / I’d prank you / I’d spike your drink / I’d act behind your back / I’d abandon you / I’d hurt you to get what I want / I would choose my happiness over yours / I would choose your happiness over mine / I despise how much I care for you / I need you / I’m dependent on you / I don’t know what I’d do without you / I’m scared of you leaving me / I’d give my life for you / You frustrate me / I’d call for you in a time of need / I would protect you / I’d visit you in hospital / I’d carry you if you were hurt / I’d feel guilty if I hurt you / I’d let you be near me when I am vulnerable / I’d ignore a phone call from you / I’d call you at 3am / I’d break you out of jail / I’d get angry at you / I would shout at you / You’re too loud / You’re too quiet / You’re too sensitive / You can’t take a joke / You embarrass me / I feel nothing for you / You’re reckless / You’re bossy / You bore me / I would ask your advice / I would blame you for something I did / I would cry in your arms / You have the power to hurt me more than anyone else /
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arcticdementor · 3 years
An unlikely thing happened to me on my two weeks’ off. I watched an HBO Max miniseries that mocked some aspects of wokeness.
Mike White’s “The White Lotus” is a tragicomic exposé of our current moneyed elites and the psychological dysfunction they labor so mightily under. There’s a blithe, unthinking finance jock, with a worked-out bod, an uneasy new wife, and a shitload of money, who can muster misery at the slightest ruffle in perfection. There’s the beta male, married to the mega-rich corporate CEO wife, worried about the condition his balls. There’s the super-uptight gay manager, hanging on to sobriety, as he performs for his clients; the mega-wealthy, overweight lost soul, played by Jennifer Coolidge, whose life is a pampered abyss of emotional desolation; and an aspiring young journalist who reconciles herself to money and indolence over a mindless career of clickbait snark.
And the most repellent characters are two elite-college sophomores, Olivia and Paula, packed to the gills with the fathomlessly entitled smugness that is beginning to typify the first generation re-programmed by critical theory fanatics. You watch as they casually abuse and denigrate their brother — a young man consumed by living online; you see how they mock anyone who doesn’t meet their exacting standards of youth or beauty; you watch them betray and lie to each other; you see them condescend to someone still struggling to pay back student loans (see the clip above); and you witness the co-ed of color, Paula, act out her antiracist principles, with disastrous real world results for a Hawaiian she thinks she is saving from oppression. She leaves her wreckage behind, gliding away, with impunity, to another semester of battling racism.
At one point, in a memorable scene, as the white daughter expounds about the evil of white straight men, her mother points out that she is actually talking about her brother, sitting at the same table. An individual person. Right next to her. Someone she might even love, if such a thing were within her capacity. Someone who cannot be reduced to a demonized version of his unchosen race and heterosexuality. And the only character one can bond with, and root for, is indeed this young white American male, awkward but genuine, whose story ends with a new bond with his dad, an escape from online addiction, and a newly revitalized human life.
“The White Lotus” is not an anti-woke jeremiad. It’s much subtler than that. Even the sophomores seem more naïve and callow than actively sexist and racist. The miniseries doesn’t look away from the staggering social inequality we now live in; and gives us a classic white, straight, male, rich narcissist in the finance jock. But it’s humane. It sees the unique drama of the individual and how that can never be reduced to categories or classes or identities.
And this step toward humaneness is what interests me. Because if we can’t intellectually engage people on how critical theory is palpably wrong in its view of the world, we can sure show how brutal and callous it is — and must definitionally be — toward individual human beings in the pursuit of utopia. “The White Lotus” is thereby a liberal work of complexity and art.
Applebaum’s Atlantic piece is a good sign from a magazine that hired and quickly purged a writer for wrong think, and once held a town meeting auto-da-fé to decide which writers they would permanently anathematize as moral lepers.
Similarly, it was quite a shock to read in The New Yorker a fair and empathetic profile of an academic geneticist, Kathryn Paige Harden, who acknowledges a role for genetics in social outcomes. It helps that Harden is, like Freddie DeBoer, on the left; and the piece is strewn with insinuations that other writers on genetics, like Charles Murray, deny that the environment plays a part in outcomes as well (when it is clear to anyone who can read that this is grotesquely untrue). But if the readers of The New Yorker need to be fed distortions about some on the right in order for them to consider the unavoidable emergence of “polygenic scores” for humans, with their vast political and ethical implications, then that’s a step forward.
And then, in the better-late-than-never category, The Economist, the bible for the corporate elite, has just come out unapologetically against the Successor Ideology, and in favor of liberalism. This matters, it seems to me, because among the most zealous of the new Puritans are the boards and HR departments of major corporations, which are dedicated right now to enforcing the largest intentional program of systemic race and sex discrimination in living memory. Money quote: “Progressives replace the liberal emphasis on tolerance and choice with a focus on compulsion and power. Classical liberals conceded that your freedom to swing your fist stops where my nose begins. Today’s progressives argue that your freedom to express your opinions stops where my feelings begin.”
The Economist also pinpoints the core tenets of CRT in language easy to understand: “a belief that any disparities between racial groups are evidence of structural racism; that the norms of free speech, individualism and universalism which pretend to be progressive are really camouflage for this discrimination; and that injustice will persist until systems of language and privilege are dismantled.” These “systems of language and privilege” are — surprise! — freedom of speech and economic liberty. If major corporations begin to understand that, they may reconsider their adoption of a half-baked racialized Marxism as good management. Maybe that might persuade Google not to mandate indoctrination in ideas such as the notion being silent on questions of race is “covert white supremacy,” a few notches below lynching.
And then there’s a purely anecdotal reflection, to be taken for no more than that: all summer, I’ve been struck by how many people, mostly complete strangers, have come up to me and told me some horror story of an unjust firing, a workplace they’re afraid to speak in, a colleague who has used antiracism for purely vindictive or careerist purposes, or a hiring policy so crudely racist it beggars belief. The toll is mounting. And the anger is growing. The fury at CRT in high schools continues to roil school board meetings across the country. Some Americans are not taking this new illiberalism on the chin.
This isn’t much, I know. Read Peter Boghossian’s resignation letter from Portland State University to see how deep the rot has gotten. But it’s something. It’s a sign that there is now some distance from the moral panic of mid-2020 and the start of reflection upon the most zealous aspects of this new illiberalism.
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anythingonlife · 3 years
Reasons for Job Change
                                         Reasons For Job Change
                                                                                                               As we know life is a movement of changes and it is this change that defines and shapes our life constantly. This same movement of change has seeped into our professional aspect of life (jobs) thereby making this field of life more challenging and exciting.
 Job Changes or changing are what make a profession retain its spice and lusture because it opens the door to new opportunities and enables an individual to reach his/her full potential in this ever-evolving field.
 There can be many reasons for job changes and it varies from individual to individual but after looking and studying some common patterns we have tried to put some burning and yet constant reasons for a change in jobs.
 10 Core Reasons For Job change:
While salary could be viewed as the most important reason for a job change, it is just the tip of the iceberg. Man is not a machine he/she has an emotional aspect too and whatever we may say but the psychological environment he /she works in plays a crucial role in determining whether he stays there or decides to leave.
That being said now let us look at some of the key reasons for job change without beating around the bush and see if we can try and organize the Key Reasons:
 -          Overwork-
 Organizations are always looking for very hardworking people and those who meet deadlines at any cost. These two are great attributes to have for an employee but as we know sometimes blessings can be tricky especially if you are working in a private organization.
However hardworking you may be but a human mind has its physical limits and it will breakdown after a certain amount of time under constant pressure. This is exactly what happens with an individual who is overstuffed with assignments and projects and has no breathing space.
 Slowly this overwork starts to take a toll on his emotional as well as physical well-being, his relationships with people around him start to get affected and in that case, the individual has no choice but to give up no matter how lucrative the perks are.
 Don’t believe me? Talk to an MBA finance employee.
 This is one of the most under looked of reasons for job change.
While overwork can be mentally exhausting underwork can be mentally frustrating and dissatisfying. While people generally go to a job for its financial benefits, they may also want to work because it provides them an opportunity to reach their full potential by defining goals in life and working towards it or it could just serve as an escape from the monotonicity of daily life.
 Surely if these expectations are not met then he/she is bound to change his job.
               Limited opportunity:
          The human mind is always on the look for expanding his knowledge and experience which can only happen when opportunities are abundant.
Opportunities in the job provide fresh motivation to employees and it keeps the work culture of an individual intact thereby providing him with a  sense of belonging.
People want to cultivate more skills and knowledge and want to test themselves in the best of situations and challenges, and if a job doesn't provide them with these opportunities they are surely going to try and find a better option for them. Such is human nature.
 Poor Man Management
Recently I was reading a survey result online that showed that bad management is one of the top 2 key reasons for a job change.
I have seen many companies promoting their employees to the post of manager as if it were a position where only experience counts and not the required skill set. This leads to great insecurity and distrust among junior employees.
I have seen many managers just shouting upon their co-workers to get a job done instead of guiding and directing them cordially. This is because they lack the proper training and expertise to get the job done. Also, unclear expectations generally leave employees frustrated and wanting to leave their job.
 Employees are also unwilling to confide their problems (both personal and professional) with such managers, as a result, there is always a lack of proper and free communication between them. This leads to more insecurity among workers which eventually leads to people wanting to change their jobs.
 When Hard work is not Awarded but flattery is:
When some people realize that no matter how hard they work they are not getting the deserved promotions and someone who underperforms but can flatter his boss and colleagues is progressing leaps and bounds, then you can be rest assured that they do not need any other reason for job change (especially if they are someone who believes in hard work and not flattery).
Hardworking people generally have very high self-esteem and they are not willing to sacrifice it no matter what. And if an organization threatens their beliefs and principle then there is no looking back for them.
 Better Salary offers:
Now comes the most obvious reason for job change i.e. financial security. It is but obvious that money is the most important motivation factor when it comes to a job and it is no surprise that an individual will incline towards an organization that out pays his previous organization.
We all want a bank amount that is stuffed with money for the obvious reason that it makes our life smooth and gives us a sense of security and settlement both physically and psychologically.
This has to be the most obvious reason for job change.
 Lack of holidays
This might sound out of context but timely holidays do play a massive role in the rejuvenation and rehabilitation of employees and if disallowed can prove to be one of prominent reasons for job change. After all, the brain needs rest every once in a while, to get its mojo back and can’t just go on like a machine in the same pattern for years.
If you look closely and try to relate you will see why European companies do so well. It is because they maintain a great balance between work and holidays.
It is one of the key reasons why most of the employees who join a European organization are willing to work there almost all through their life.
 Work culture issues:
Individuals who work in an organization are different and they need to be treated and managed differently. An organization where people are judged by the way they look, what they wear, how they talk etc. (especially in the modern era where some companies promote casual wear, have recreation rooms, encourage their employees to be more open about their insecurities) is bound to collapse
I heard this somewhere online an employee quit his job because he wasn’t allowed to carry his headphones to work.
Work ethics and culture are changing so should organizations.
Culture is related indirectly to emotions, which plays a key role in one of  reasons for job change.
 Great changes in your lifestyle or life itself
 Suppose you marry someone who works in another state, or your spouse gets a tremendously good job offer that needs you to maneuver immediately. Or maybe you're about to have a child, or an aging parent is about to shift in with you. You want to spend longer together with your family, and your current job situation might not provide the leverage or that kind of shift in your priorities.
 In some cases, your employer might even be willing to help you find a new job, cultivating a long-term relationship in case you're able to return in the future.
However, if this is not the case and you are facing resistance from your employer then it might just be the reason that you need to start looking elsewhere for a job change.
You can surely put this under the category of one of the strange reasons job change
 Suddenly you have discovered that you want to do something else
 How many of us have heard or have experienced that once they embark upon our career and as we gain financial security in our lives suddenly, we discover our hidden gifts and talents and realize what we actually want to do. something that could actually give us that sense of satisfaction and add meaning to our life and work.
In such a scenario individual who don’t just believe in having a big bank account as a means to satisfaction will surely listen to their inner calling and switch to another career or organization.
This factor has gained momentum recently in becoming one of top reasons for job change.
 The job is not based on your strengths
Perhaps you started your current job under the impression that it would allow you to use your unique strengths to do the work. When you began work and began learning the ins and outs of your job, you realized rather than playing to your strengths, the position requires skills, strengths or a disposition that isn't in line with who you are and to a certain extent exposes your weakness.
If you're in a position that plays more to your weaknesses than your strengths, then there may be an option to tilt the balance in your favor. Perhaps you’ll learn new skills that cause you to better fitted to -- and more satisfied in -- the work. Maybe there's another position within the company that suits your interests, and you can find a way to smooth the transition. If the difference between what you would like to do and what you want to do is severe, however, you may gain from talking with your supervisor.
Be honest with your boss: Explain that the job doesn't capitalize on your strengths, and you feel it's best to find an opportunity that serves you the best. If you've presented your case well, your boss could also be willing to figure with you and adapt your position or assist you to enter an edge within the corporate that better suits your strengths. This isn't always possible, but giving your boss the prospect to assist you before you quit will ensure that you're respected as a genuine employee if you ever get to come back to your boss for a reference.
 Why job change might be a good thing for you.
 Whatever be the reason for job change, as everything in universe it has its own benefits
 Job changes however hectic and demanding they might be do provide a sense of new role and challenge to your life.
As you switch jobs you mix with different people and sometimes different cultures. This helps in removing that barrier between people and in turn, makes you only more inclusive and a broad-minded person.
As you meet new people and share their experiences and see that most of them go through the same daily life challenges and insecurities as you do, the sense of isolation within you starts to disappear and this, in turn, makes you a more confident person and enhances your leadership skills.
 Whatever might be the reason for  job change, one thing is for sure it does look good on your portfolio because the employers realize that you have the required skill sets to work in different organizations. It also makes them realize that they just can’t take you for granted because you are in demand and have the ability to switch anytime they make you feel uncomfortable.
Often the above factors play a crucial role in landing you a fat pay check when you do switch.
 Job changes allow an individual to reach his potential, explore new opportunities, new skill sets and provide you opportunities to continuously challenge yourself in the most competitive of environments.
 However, you must be careful in not switching jobs too quickly because it might present your employers with a negative sketch of your character (someone who is too fickle and restless and lacks consistency and commitment)
 Now let’s look at the other side of job change
4 reasons why you don’t want a job change
  You don’t want to upset your current employer:
Maybe, you have a great relationship with your boss or your manager. He has guided you throughout the initial stages of your career and maybe even helped you financially sometime or the other.
Such a nice boss would surely be hard to leave, considering the fact that you don’t know what kind of a boss would you be having when you do make the switch. Also, your current boss is very polite to you.
This raises expectations in your mind about the ideal boss behavior and the mind starts to seek security in this person (almost like a family) and it gets harder by the day to leave such a friendly environment.
Give your best until the very last minute of your employment there, but slowly let them know that there might be better opportunities for you that present themselves. Also, let them know that how wonderful an experience it has been working with them and if the opportunities present themselves again you would surely be willing to work with them.
This way you would sound like a true professional and they will respect your decision.
 You are comfortable doing what you do
In your current company, you have a particular kind of role and you are expected to do certain tasks that you have been doing daily. This has made the mind comfortable in a particular pattern and you have become almost smugly satisfied.
However, switching job might require you to learn new skills and techniques that might push you out of your comfort zone and this can be a very uncomfortable task especially when you have spent years doing a particular thing in a particular way.
Try to reignite the passion in your work by realizing that life is a movement of change and those who don’t change become like stagnant water. Give yourself opportunities to explore new talents and skills, who knows you might uncover your hidden gifts.
 You are afraid that you may not make it
Self-doubts can be a tough one to deal with. This is where you really start to fall into the trap of self-pity and its vicious cycle. Self-doubt can make you go through many sleepless nights, even the best accept this fact.
You may think that you don’t have the necessary skills to crack the job or even if you do you might question your communication skills.
In these situations, the key thing to realize is that “you are not alone”. You are not the first one to have it and you won’t be the last.
However, once you realize what is holding you back, then it is time to work upon yourself by making short-term goals and trying to get better each day.
Remember once you start exploring yourself and start working then there is no limit to what you can reach.
 Know more herehttps://recruitingdaily.com/7-big-reasons-people-change-jobs/
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But Whose Deontology?
The Untamed: three-fifths mark
OK, @thearrogantemu​ I finally had a chance to look at a non-work screen for long enough to watch some more Untamed; through episode 30 now! Oh boy. Spoilers for anyone who isn’t this far yet below the cut:
I feel like this show didn’t exactly *hide* that it was interested in poking holes in everyone’s moral system, but it did spend a lot of time... not distracting us, really, but using the other assorted comical, tender, and otherwise emotional aspects of the show to deepen our investment in these characters’ lives and choices before it started really making its moves. I suspect it wouldn’t have had the same effect otherwise.
The long run up is a pacing I’m quite the fan of from almost three decades of JRPGs that start out as light-hearted adventures about teenage angst only to turn into philosophical ruminations on God and the nature of the universe (see my favorite example: Xenogears). Even The Lord of the Rings does something... similar, albeit not intentionally on the part of the author. It’s actually one of my favorite “tropes” in storytelling: the tone shift—the moment the light-hearted and comfortingly simple reveals itself to be something much wider and deeper and which will leave you unsettled in its wake.(1)
I’m really quite impressed with Xiao Zhan and Wang Yibo. Xiao Zhan manages to believably play the process of aging from arrogant and ornery but innocent and lovable “student” in Cloud Recesses, to the (still arrogant and ornery but lovable) rebellious “hero” during the Wen indoctrination, to the (still arrogant but lovable) young man forced to grow up too fast when his adoptive parents are killed, to the Master of Demonic Cultivation and head of The World’s Most Wholesome Farming Co-op (why cultivate only demons when you can cultivate turnips, too!?).(2) And he manages to play it all as believably the same character, always deeply expressive but also somehow... authentic... even when he is putting on a show: his play-acted irresponsible argumentativeness with Wen Qing; his self-infantilization whenever he wants Yanli to mother him. The latter would be laughable if we were to take it as entirely straight-faced—he knows he is playing childish, and he knows that she knows, even if he does legitimately want to be mothered. Jiang Cheng on the other hand seems to never handle the reality of Wei Wuxian as well as Wei Wuxian handles the reality of Jiang Cheng...
I understand there was some criticism of Yibo’s perceived lack of expressiveness when the show first came out, but I think he’s doing a fantastic job portraying a deeply stoic character whose emotional turmoil is buried under mountains of learned and self-enforced composure. It’s not like he’s missing beats; he’s responding, it’s just subtle. He’s responsible for two of my favorite moments so far: when he first smiles ever so slightly when he sees the lantern Wuxian has made him with the rabbit drawing(3) and the scene of him kneeling in the snow as punishment. I don’t know if it’s the lighting or the fact that it’s one of the few times he’s not carrying tension in his eyebrows, but he looks SO YOUNG in that shot. Honestly, he looks more AT PEACE in that shot than I think he does at almost any other time in the show so far. It feels to me like, in that moment, he has no regrets either about what he did nor about the fact that he should have to atone for it. Like he has internalized some sense that both things are right and can exist in tension. The weird effect of this growth next to Wei Wuxian’s feels like watching one of the two grow older (Wuxian) while the other grows younger (Wangji).
Now, I’m a sucker for every last story where two highly disparate-seeming people move from from some variation of dislike (either on the part of one or both) to friendship to, sometimes, something more (no, no BL here, none at all *looks the other way*). Certainly Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji have very different personalities. Wei Wuxian has little regard for rules, authority, tradition, taboos, or social etiquette: he uses Lan Wangji’s ming(4) almost as soon as he meets him! The way he interacts with objects and spaces (and personal space!) shows his lack of reverence/respect for the people and things others expect him to have reverence for. He has no problem questioning what everyone else seems to see as obvious up to the point of outright suggesting the use of dark magic. Because...well, why not?? Because “they said so?”
It’s not that he doesn’t KNOW the rules. Another of my absolute favorite moments is during the Wen indoctrination when Wei Wuxian starts reciting not the Wen clan principles, but the Lan clan principles! Sure, he lacks the expected respect for sources of authority be they personal or ideological, but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t KNOW them. He’s obviously naturally talented, gifted, a fast learner, curious, but also—and crucially—he has a very strong moral compass! He does not tolerate bullies, especially when they turn their attention to the vulnerable, like Wen Chao.(5) Yanli notes that their father always favors those with moral integrity and who does he favor? Wei Wuxian.
And this is where he and Lan Wangji are more alike than Wangji initially thinks, and why I love that moment, just after they release the lanterns, when you see, just for a second, the surprise on his face at the content of Wei Wuxian’s prayer: that he always be able to “stand with justice and live with no regrets.” It is, I imagine, the moment when it really hits Wangji that this rebel he finds himself irrationally attracted to truly is *good* despite the fact that he shows no outward signs of respecting the same sources of moral authority Wangji does.
So what is the main difference? Where the rules come from. Who makes the rules? Both of them are pretty sure they know.
Lan Wangji gets his moment to present his source just after their rooftop duel when he catches Wei Wuxian drinking: the Lan Clan principles chiseled right into stone. All 3000 of them. Interestingly, even though Wei Wuxian can and does memorize the code and seems perfectly happy with the notion of moral principles in general, I’ll wager a guess that he is confused by the very idea that a moral code would be so strict and unchanging and inflexible that it could be chiseled into stone *in the first place* or that it would *need to be memorized*. Surely you’d just...”know?” Besides, morality is too contextual to treat this way surely?
As a CLH (Confirmed Lifelong Heretic) my sympathies admittedly lie more with Wei Wuxian than Lan Wangji. It’s not that traditional codes of ethics and conduct are bad things. These are the things that provide stability across entire cultures and peoples. If they’re written in stone, at least that means they’re something everyone has a greater chance of pointing to and agreeing on.(7) And just as Lan Wangji has to learn that there are moral codes that aren’t written in stone and that individual minds can have very clear senses of right and wrong outside of group structures, Wei Wuxian has to learn to temper his arrogance—that his actions, for however right he *thinks* they are, can and do have consequences he would not intend for those he loves, as when he stops himself from calling to Wangji during the hunt. I have a feeling he’s going to be learning more...
Then there’s that whole conversation from ep. 29 as Lan Wangji prepares to leave the burial mounds which is just full of whammies (set, naturally, against the exceedingly domestic reality of the community as a whole and their exceedingly sweet interactions with a-Yuan). Wei Wuxian says: “But let yourself be the judge of what is right and what is wrong, leave others’ comments aside, and care little about gain and loss. What I should do. I know it very well. I believe that I’ll be able to control it well.” And then there’s that moment where you can actually feel Lan Wangji’s heart drop into the pit of his stomach as he presses his eyes closed.
This is the reverse of the moment when Wangji directed Wuxian’s attention to the list of Lan clan principles, so solid they are written in stone.(8)
Then there is that wonderful bit about their respective paths—Lan Wangji’s path vs. Wei Wuxian’s path: the wide avenue vs the one-log bridge. I assume this is a literal translation of the Mandarin. Is it an idiom? If so, I may mangle its meaning terribly and for that I am sorry. But it seems to me that a wide avenue is safe, easy, populated; a single-log bridge is comparatively dangerous and only one person can walk it. Which seems a pretty good metaphor for the differences in whose rule-book each of the leads chooses. Not to mention, with my Western ears, it sounds a WHOLE lot like a “straight and narrow path.” Interesting then, that it is The Master of Demonic Cultivation who is choosing it, while Lan Wangji—with his brightness and discipline and clarity—is following the “easy” way.
So, there it is: whose deontology is the right one? How do you choose?
It’s the epistemological aspect of the question of ethics that Newbigin gets right in that quote I posted the other day. Honestly, I disagree with a great deal (like, a lot) of what Newbigin says in that book, and I think he spends far too much time running himself in ever tighter Calvinist circles, (not to mention I have little interest in missiology and am highly skeptical of evangelism). But! I appreciate that he does, at least, recognize the danger of believing we have insulated ourselves completely from uncertainty or of expecting that certainty is even a thing possible to achieve.
But where do we choose to anchor our axioms? And why? Whose deontology is the right deontology? The rules written on parchment and stone? Or the rules written on our souls? Remembering, of course, that both are fallible. 16 years in the future, will the two leads have changed their minds at all?
And now with any luck, I’ll have a free weekend in which to watch the last 20 episodes, assuming no one wants me to do adult things like house cleaning or completing design projects people are paying me for.(10)
Like how Tolkien switches register from the low and comedic to the high and romantic but you’re fully aware it’s all really part of the same story and suddenly, bam!, you recognize that those aspects of life are somehow not able to be disentangled.
OMG is this an intentional play on “cultivation”? Sometimes I can’t tell what might be getting lost in translation, and I’m certainly too ignorant of Chinese culture, mythology, and folklore to really appreciate everything happening in this show, not least of which due to the language barrier.
He is, interestingly, far more moved by it than the drawing Wuxian does of *him* two episodes beforehand—is this merely the result of the progression of their relationship? This is post-cold springs after all.
That took some research to understand!
The main “vulnerable” character that he never seems to swoop in to save is Meng Yao and I wonder if it’s because he can sense something “off” about him. I felt bad for Meng Yao at first but he always put me on edge. Honestly, is there anyone who trusts Meng Yao as far as they can throw him? *looks at Elrond* OK, anyone except Elrond?(6)
Honestly, before I started watching this I saw that one of the characters was being referred to as Elrond and I wondered, going into it, if I’d know which character it was, and then Lan Xichen walked in and I was like “oh, yeah, obviously!” Seriously, what is it about him? Is it his physical appearance? The way he holds himself? His outfit? His pattern of speaking? How is this person so obviously coded “Elrond?”
Except they don’t really. That’s never how it works.
And interestingly, when looking at his name: “Wei Ying,  Ying is his 名, meaning, baby; Wuxian is his 字, it comes from an ancient prose “喜乐无羡赏,忿怒无羡刑”, which means when you’re delighted don’t reward without restraint,  when you’re angry don’t punish without restraint. Wuxian here means exercise your power reasonably.”(9)
The richness of the world in this show really appeals to me as does the carefully choreographed costume design, productions design, and cinematography (seriously, everyone needs to dress like this all the time; end of story; I have spoken). There have been some amazing shots that I can only assume are drone footage that have been ADRed?
20 years in and adulthood still sucks. 0 of 5 stars. Would not recommend.
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go-diane-winchester · 5 years
How important is Misha in Jensen's social circle?
Another fan and I were talking about the nuts that J2 had to deal with at Chicon during their main panel.  They dispatched the first nut with the Castiel Winchester question hilariously.  But the one that came after her, was way more rude to them and even got defensive.  She snapped at Jared for not understanding her dumb question.  Like, who the fuck are you?  The conversation segued as conversations notoriously do, into problematic Misha fans and Misha's part in the troublemaking.  The person, that I was talking to, said this:
''Yeah, I wanted to reach thru the screen and throttle that cosplayer. As for Misha, they've all maintained that they're friends, so I'm not going to disbelieve them... but I do agree that he should take a stand with J2 when this shit happens....''
I completely agree on all points.  The focal point in this statement, however, has to do with friendship.  If they say that they are all friends, then we should respect that.  However, there are reason I cannot completely buy that J2 are friends with Misha.  I also think the definition of the word ''friend'' should be determined.  What does Jensen mean by friend?  I am going to use Jensen for this one, because he is the center of hellerminion focus.  Plus, I have to admit, it is fun putting together this Jensen-oriented jigsaw puzzle.  First, Jensen uses the word ''friend'' a lot.  More specifically, he uses the word ''buddy'' a lot.  As far as friendships go, I think he is cordial with everyone.  If he doesn't like someone, it shows.  Case in point, Jessica Alba, although she apologized to him years later [or so the rumor goes].  He is a popular person due to his comely demeanor.  He is also informal and not snobbish about how he interacts with people he works with.  Like Jared, he doesn't have leading man ego.  So he uses words like friend or buddy offhandedly.  Does it mean that he has a hundred friends?  No, I don't think that is emotionally sustainable.  People cant psychologically branch out that much. 
Every person has four social groups.  Lets see which social group Misha fits into.
A primary group is a small group where people have an emotional attachment to others.  They want to spend time together.  They may have shared personal culture, for example doing things a particular way that is comfortable only to them, even though others don't ''get it''.  The most telling thing about this group, is that they spend time with each other, because they want to, not because they have to.  So, your bitchy aunt from Alabama, whom you despise, probably wont be in this group. 
Jensen's close relatives and children would fall into this category.  I would assume that Jared most likely fits into this category, because he and Jensen are neighbors and co-workers even though nobody forced them.  J2 have a way of sitting during cons.  They end every main panel with a fist bump.  They both grow beards during hiatus.  These are habits they developed over years.  There may be others that I am not aware of.  Does Misha fit into this group?  No, Jensen doesn't have any social interaction with Misha unless work is involved.  Of course, someone will mention the chilli eating debacle at a Chicago restaurant.  Yes, that was during one of the chicon of past years.  They didn't have a social engagement.  They just looked for a place to eat tacos, and Misha tagged along.  Of course, Jenmisheel fans will deny that instead of using logic. 
In-groups are groups where an individual feels that they belong because of shared principles or interests.  These are presumably the guys you like to hang out with because they ''get'' you.  You don't have to spend time with them.  You like to, so you make time.  And you don't fall apart when these friends move away, because you don't have any emotional attachment to them like you do with the primary group. 
For Jensen, this is a small collection of people that he has something in common with.  Jason Manns, Christian Kane and Steve Carlson are the ones that we are aware of.  They know each other since they were too young to drink beer [as one of them had tweeted out].  They have a clique.  Although most of their time is occupied by ''adulting'', they make time for each other.  Tom Welling and Michael Rosenbaum don't fall into this category.  Jensen usually bumps into these two on the red carpet.  He doesn't make time for them.  Does it mean that he hates them?  No, he refers to them as his ''buddies''.  But if he doesn't see them for a few months, he is not going to flip out.  They fit into another category.
Does Misha fit into this category?  No, Jensen and Misha don't have anything in common other than Supernatural, and even then Misha is barely working while Jensen works all the time.  Jensen likes sports, music and the cinematic craft of story-telling.  Misha likes woodwork and confessed to not having any knack or desire for acting.  So no, Misha is not part of Jensen's in-group.  There would be nothing keeping that friendship going.  Jared might fit into this category.  Now that SPN is ending, we will see if Jensen and Jared spend time with each other regularly or only during holidays, once a year.  Will Jared become one more of Jensen's buddies that he has to take out time to see?
This group comes together for a specific purpose or goal.  Once they complete their tasks, the group dissipates.  The purpose or goal might include charitable causes and work-related activities.  In other words, during normal circumstances, these people wont seek each other's company.  They need each other for specific reasons.  Presumably, this is a big group.  The people in this group will generally ''get along'' because that task is what they have in common and they respect each other's efforts regarding said task.  Or they may just put up with each other. 
Every single person Jensen works with, from his manager, to the cast and crew of SPN, to the alumni that they work with during conventions, all fall into this category.  If it were not for work, these people would never hang out with each other, let alone Jensen.  Jensen is cordial with them.  He doesn't burn bridges with previous co-workers, so Tom and Mike [his Smallville co-stars] will fit into this category.  That is why he refers to these friendships as life long.  Unless, they truly piss him off, he has no reason to sever ties with them.  After all, he might have to work with them in the future. 
These are the people Jensen may offhandedly call his buddies.  Misha is in this category.  That is why Jensen and Jared refer to him as a friend.  He is not an enemy.  J2's ignorance and overall gullibility might have something to do that.  They have quite a few leeches in their circle.  But he is not someone they miss or seek out.  He is a work buddy.  Also, you have to factor in J2's professionalism.  If they get abrasive with a co-star, the workplace environment [where they spend most of their time] will become toxic and it will be their fault. 
These are people you don't want to be anywhere near.  Essentially, it is the opposite of an in-group.  The day Jensen and Jared learn about Misha, he will be in this group.  Although, the way our resident savages have been shading Misha recently makes me wonder if they have already become wiser and put the bulgy eyed overlord into this category.  I wont be surprised if this is the truth.
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hiraeth-doux · 7 years
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A Road Paved In Gold (8/?)
Summary: Steve Trevor was never meant to die in the sky above Belgium for the reasons much bigger than he could ever imagine, and when he didn’t, it seemed like a miracle.
However, surviving came with a price that changed the course of his life, making him wonder if he deserved it.
A/N: You guy are the best, thank you so much for sticking around! This story is ridiculously fun to work on, so - have fun! This chapter takes place after Justice League, more or less.
AO3 |  Fanfiction.net
Gotham, 2017
There were exactly two things in the world that Amanda Waller hated with a passion – asking for help and dealing with Bruce Wayne. In no particular order. Combined, they were her worst nightmare. It frustrated her to no end that there was nothing she could do to stop him, seeing as how his ‘heroic’ endeavours weren’t technically illegal; nor could she control him in any way, which, at times, felt even worse. Amanda Waller didn’t like not being in control.
In her 20-year long career in the US government, she had a ‘privilege’ of meeting the worst of the worst – something she wasn’t particularly proud of, although it made her feel like she was having an upper hand in just about any situation nonetheless – but she had yet to encounter another individual who could be defined as a human equivalent of a headache as much as that man.
To say that she wasn’t overly fond of dealing with Bruce Wayne, whatever the circumstances, would be a major understatement, all things considered. And yet here they were, all spread out over the conference room below her office like an impromptu party. The only thing missing was perhaps a picnic blanket and an assortment of snacks.
Bruce was the only one who was invited, but Waller should have known better. She wasn’t particularly surprised that Diana Prince came along, seeing as how they seemed to be co-running their club for the special and the gifted, although Barry Allen and Alfred Pennyworth were certainly an unexpected appearance. She was not prepared for them, and being caught off-guard didn’t sit well with her. That man was enough of a wild card even without trying to make her trip over her own feet with every step she took.
Amanda Waller did not like that at all.  
“No,” Bruce said the second she stopped speaking, and had they been in a different situation, she would have appreciated the fact that he even let her finish.
“We’re on the same side, you understand that, right?” Waller reminded him flatly, and there was something pleasing about not showing him just how much he was getting under her skin, she thought as he pressed his lips together.
This man was impossible to reason with, in part because the idea of teaming up with anyone went against everything that he was (she was surprised beyond measure that he’d decided to expand his team rather than keep on leaping from rooftop to rooftop by himself), and in part because disagreeing with any opinion that differed from his own was in his nature more than anything else. Certainly more than relying on common sense, it seemed.
She didn’t want it, either. None of this was something that Waller would have preferred to deal with under other circumstances. She and Bruce Wayne were alike that way – neither one of them was good at playing well with the others. On top of that, the man standing before her had a god complex and an affinity for breaking the rules – everything that was an honest-to-god nightmare in her line of work. If it was her personal choice, Bruce Wayne would have never stepped into her office in the first place; not to mention the merry party that he insisted on bringing along with him, either for moral support or to witness him deflect her jabs – she wasn’t quite sure yet.
The only problem here was that they needed each other, and Gotham needed them both, and Amanda Waller knew that he knew it, too. And they both equally hated it, neither one of them used to giving in.
Bruce let out a short snort. “And you want to spy on us?”
“I believe the press is doing a damn fine job there already,” Waller deadpanned, her eyes flickering toward a stack of newspapers on the cabinet, the headline of each of them featuring someone from his home-grown gang.
Superman’s return alone was such a big deal it managed to have stolen every front page for weeks on end. Barry Allen made an appearance or two in the recent past, and while Diana Prince was less frequent a guest in their neck of the woods, she’d also made quite a name for herself. Arthur Curry and Victor Stone were not that much on display, either less involved or stealthier than the others, however even they didn’t stay completely unnoticed. If Waller wanted to spy on them, she’d get a team to stalk every type of social media. Would be a no-brainer, really.
“What I want is information,” she added.
Bruce laughed at that, and even Alfred chuckled softly, drawing attention to himself for the first time since he’d entered the room half an hour ago.
“Right,” Bruce shook his head, and Waller pointedly avoided looking at Diana who was watching her impassively, waiting for her to open her cards. “Information. Why would I want to share anything?”
Waller leaned back in her chair, her hands clasped together before her. “Because I can share back. Believe me, it’s something you might appreciate at some point. If memory serves me right, our partnership proved being rather useful in the past.”
“It was a one-time deal,” Bruce reminded her.
He had refused an offered seat, choosing to keep standing, and while to him it might have looked like having some advantage in this conversation, Waller couldn’t help thinking of him as a petulant child who would rather remain inconvenienced out of spite.
“It doesn’t have to be,” she said simply.
Despite the present audience, she knew that essentially, this was between the two of them.
She also knew that she had him then. Maybe not completely but his resolve was crumbling before her eyes, and she loved every moment of it. She knew that he came here solely for the sake of rubbing how much they didn’t need her in Waller’s face, and however this meeting was going to end, this flicker of indecisiveness of his face was worthy of her time, that much she was certain of.
“So let me get this straight,” Bruce started again, “you found someone else with… special abilities, and you want them to work with us so they could pass the inside information to you? Am I getting this right?”
“Not at all. He will be working with you like Mr. Allen here,” her gaze darted towards Barry. “And the information will be coming from you, Mr. Wayne. This is between you and me, and no one else.” Still, she gave the other three a pointed look as if to say that they were not meant to be a part of this negotiation in the first place.
“What’s the catch then?” Bruce inquired, not quite willing to swallow the bait yet.
“There is no catch. You need help. I am willing to provide the best person who can offer it.”
“Why? His morals are too high for your bunch of petty criminals?”
“No one is perfect,” Waller responded flatly and offered him a small shrug. “Sometimes they come with principles.”
Not to mention that there was no bunch anymore, just an array of people locked away for the sake of their own and everyone else’s safety, she thought grimly.
“We don’t need help,” Diana shook her head, speaking for the first time.
Waller fixed her eyes on her, not quite certain if she meant it as that they didn’t need help or that they didn’t want it from her. Not that she cared. “Yes, you do, and you know it. Otherwise, none of you would’ve spent months looking for it. You’re stronger than most but you’re not invincible. None of you are. And certainly not the people you care about. Not all of them, at least.” She paused for emphasis. “Therefore, you’re hardly in a position to turn down any sort of assistance. You, of all people, should understand that, Ms. Prince.”
“Me, of all people?” Diana echoed, an eyebrow raised. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
Waller levered her with an even look. “I would assume you know more than most about what can come next. Demons, aliens. Take your pick. Besides, you can’t swing your sword and keep an eye on traffic updates at the same time.”
“Why?” Bruce asked, unimpressed.
Waller turned to him. “Because saving lives and multi-tasking don’t mesh.”
“No. If this guy is so good, why would you want to… give him up?”
“Because I have no use for him. Because, as per our agreement, I’m not working with metahumans anymore. And because I’m nice like that.” She paused, watching his jaw twitch a little. “And you could benefit greatly from his expertise, trust me.”
“Trust you?” He echoed, and Barry had to cover his chuckle with a cough.
Waller’s lips curved into a humorless smile that didn’t touch her eyes. “We haven’t always been on the same page, but have I ever given you a reason not to trust me, Mr. Wayne?”
“There’s always the first time for everything,” Bruce scoffed. “We don’t need anyone,” he repeated, his eyes darting toward Alfred. “I think we’re good for now, as far as traffic updates are concerned.”
Waller cocked her head. “And how willing are you to risk the life of the man who raised you after your parents died the next time the sky opens up and spits out something nasty? That, and how foolish are you to think that you can do it alone? This city is bigger than you think. And the world is even bigger than that.” She picked a folder from the chair next to hers and put it on the desk, pushing it toward Bruce. “An ex-military, doesn’t like following the orders but has an enviable moral compass. You’ll probably have a thing or two in common. Unless you have other leads, of course. Or maybe someone else you would like to bring back from the dead.”
Bruce’s jaw clenched, and this time she knew that this was it. Everyone else did, too. He didn’t move, his gaze only briefly landing on the offered dossier. The eyes of both Alfred and Barry were on him now, and Diana shifted from foot to foot, never looking away from Waller who continued to watch the man standing before her, knowing that she’d found the perfect way to corner him into a situation from which there was no way out.
Well, he could walk away, of course. But what a stupid thing that would be to do.
“And why would he want to be involved, that guy of yours?” He asked.
Waller shrugged. “Everyone needs a hobby. He doesn’t have one at the moment.”
Bruce gaped at her, and Diana Prince looked away, suddenly disinterested. “Are you seriously trying to sell me on the idea of putting our lives in the hands of someone who needs a hobby? You’re kidding me right?”
“Isn’t that how we all got here?” Barry scoffed.
Waller raised a curious eyebrow at him. “What was that, Mr. Allen?”
He buried his nose in his phone again. “Nothing. A cat meme.”
She nodded and turned to Bruce again. “No, I’m asking you to consider employing someone who has experience in espionage, not just stocks market, fishing, and…” her eyes darted toward Diana, “antiques.”
“And competitive dancing,” Barry piped up.
Bruce shot him a warning look. Waller ignored his comment entirely. Alfred still hadn’t uttered a word, and if she had to guess, he was trying to weigh the pros and cons of her offer in his mind, quite possibly both hurt by the implication of someone else being involved in what had always been his domain, and relieved, she could imagine.
“Didn’t you just say that he wasn’t a spy?” Diana inquired.
“I said he wasn’t going to be spying on you,” Waller corrected her.
“All of this because you want information from us?” Bruce asked again, eyeing her skeptically.
“I want us both to stop pretending that the other one doesn’t exist. We’re not helping anyone by doing that.” He all but scoffed, but she continued, “We’re not doing anyone any favours by staying on the opposite sides in this battle.”
He rubbed his chin, his gaze heavy now that he couldn’t simply walk out the door the way she was certain he was planning to from the start. In his mind, she was sure, this was all meant to be a show, but look how tables had turned.
They stared at one another for a long moment, and Waller thought that if he could incinerate her with his gaze, there’d be nothing but a pile of ashes left of her.
“Okay then,” Bruce let out a frustrated sigh in the end, “I supposed we should meet him first. Does he have a phone?”
“I’m glad we’re on the same page after all.” Waller nodded curtly and pressed a button on the intercom. “He can come in,” she said when her assistant on the other end responded, trying to ignore the satisfaction of seeing a shadow of surprise pass over Bruce Wayne’s features. He probably assumed that they might need to track him down, their previous arrangement considered.
Oh, how much she loved defying expectations.
Not a few seconds later, the heavy door opened and a man in his late 30’s walked in.
His glanced at Alfred and Barry without any particular interest, recognition sparkling alive in his gaze when it landed briefly on Waller. His eyes lingered for just a second longer than necessary on Bruce before fixing on Diana. He froze, all colour draining from his face.
Unperturbed, Waller stood up from her chair and turned to Bruce.
“Allow me to introduce Captain Steve Trevor.”
She had to have known, Steve was thinking now. Amanda Waller had to have planned this from the start, and shockingly, this was the only thought that managed to anchor itself in his mind while the rest of them, half-formed and torn apart, were nothing but a tornado in his head. There were very few instances in his life that felt like a metaphorical sucker-punch, leaving him breathless and gasping for air, but seeing Diana stand before him now, 60-something years later and not aged a day was more than that. It made him feel momentarily like he’d fallen into some kind of black hole that turned his reality inside out.
The time stopped - there was no other way to explain a million and a half emotions what swept through him in under one second, nearly knocking Steve off balance when their eyes met. Impossible. She was like an apparition, almost unreal, her gaze shocked and disbelieving, neither of them daring to so much as blink for fear of having the other one disappear. This was the last thing Steve expected to ever have to deal with, the last place he’d ever imagined himself to end up in. All the pain, all the aching that had reduced over the years to a dull throbbing, everything he’d learned to ignore came rushing back in.
Thin jacket, practical black pants, her hair pulled into a ponytail – Diana was looking at him like he was a ghost, and Steve knew that his own expression mirrored hers. This room, the whole world fell back as his heart climbed up all the way to the Olympic jumping tower, thirty feet above the water, took a run, pushed away from the springboard, and leaped forward and down, plummeting into his stomach where it continued to flutter frantically, successfully pushing anything and everything else out of his mind.
His breath shortened, and he wondered absently if the rest of Waller’s visitors could hear it, too, deciding that he didn’t give a damn about it in the end. In that moment, he cared for nothing except taking her in, after all this time, so different and yet achingly familiar. Unchanged. Here. So very real it hurt to think about it.
Diana’s lips parted as if she wanted to say something, ask something, but no words came out. Just silence, and the pounding of his heart, deafeningly loud.
In the years that had passed since Steve last saw her, he’d imagined this moment thousands of times, playing out in thousands of different ways. Couldn’t stop thinking of some providence bringing them together again, knowing that he would never be able to walk away once more. And yet none of those scenarios ever made him feel like the ground was being kicked from underneath him. In his daydreams, Diana never looked at him the way she was looking at him now – with a mixture of doubt and denial. Like she wished that there was someone else standing in his place.  
Steve swallowed and forced himself to tear his gaze away from her, fearful of keeling over if he didn’t.
Beside her was a man who he recognized instantly – Bruce Wayne. There wasn’t a rat in Gotham who didn’t know him, although, admittedly, he wasn’t quite as identifiable when his mouth was latched onto Diana’s a few nights ago. He straightened his back when Steve walked in, squared his shoulders as if to seem taller than he was, and there was something possessive in the way that he nearly stepped in front of her – something that almost made Steve laugh out loud because if there was anyone among the present company who least required any protection, it was her. The proprietary gesture rubbed him the wrong way nonetheless.
Then a wave of white-hot anger washed over him, nearly making him see red.  
Waller knew. She did this on purpose, and Steve couldn’t believe she’d played him so effortlessly; couldn’t believe how easily he walked into this trap, frustration rising inside him, threatening to spill over the rim.
He took a steadying breath, acutely aware of the five pairs of eyes glued to him, and slowly unclenched his hands that curled into fists on the will of their own. With effort, he dragged his gaze away from Bruce Wayne who was glaring daggers at him – be it for Steve’s name or his face but there was an odd air of familiarity around them - and turned to Waller.
“No,” was all he could say after a brief round of introductions that barely registered with him.
Diana looked at Waller too, arms crossed over her chest. Defiant.
“I’m not working with him,” she said firmly.
Steve’s jaw dropped. He gaped at her, not sure for a moment that this was really happening. “You are not working with me?” And then he turned to Waller as well, “I’m not working with her.”
“And I want to know how this movie ends,” Barry muttered, and smacked Alfred on the shoulder with the back of his hand, “You got popcorn?”
“Is there a problem?” Waller asked, one eyebrow arched. One had to admire her ability not to give a shit. If it wasn’t for the slight tension in her shoulders, Steve would have thought that she was bored by the entire affair.  
“We don’t need anyone else, we’re good as we are,” Diana responded, her voice uncompromising, and something akin smug satisfaction flashed over Bruce Wayne’s features, making Steve’s hackles stand on end.
“Really? Because a minute ago it was your idea to make proper introduction,” Waller reminded her.
Diana’s lips pursed into a stubborn line, and if Steve wasn’t awfully busy trying to find a way out of this mess, he’d definitely take note of the thin ice that Waller was standing on, by the looks of it.
Steve shook his head. “You’ll have to find someone else,” he said impassively, managing to swallow that quiver that snuck its way into his voice.
Waller looked at him. “We had a deal, Captain, had we not?” She asked very calmly and very coldly.
They had, and he was starting to regret it, quite desperately so.
And suddenly, there was a sense of camaraderie in the room – as if everyone realized in that moment how much they despised the position they found themselves in. As if Waller actually had them all in her fist despite everyone trying to pretend that this was not the case at all. Maybe this was why Bruce Wayne looked so damn pissed, and why Diana hadn’t stormed out of the room yet, taking the massive door with her like it was nothing, although he’d be a bloody bad spy if he hadn’t spotted a flicker of panic in Waller’s eyes, something that she probably wasn’t aware of herself, and it got him wondering…
“I don’t even know what you want from me,” he said flatly after a few long moments, when the silence grew sufficiently uncomfortable and rather unbearable.
Waller’s lips curved into the tiniest of smiles. “I’m glad you asked.” He tried to ignore the finality in her tone. Like she knew that he was trapped, which, perhaps, he was. “Mr. Wayne and his friends here believe in helping people in desperate situations. If I’m not mistaken, this is something you have an impressive expertise in, don’t you? They could benefit greatly from it, I’m sure.”
Steve held her gaze, too tired all of a sudden to keep carrying on with this charade. Amanda Waller was hardly the scariest person he’d ever met. Frankly, Adolf Hitler still held the top spot. And just about any telemarketer who happened to stumble upon his number. And Steve was pretty damn sick of dancing to her tune.
“You have the wrong guy,” he repeated.
“We’re not interested in forcing any of this on anyone against their will,” Diana added, quite pointedly keeping her eyes on Waller. On anyone but hi, for that matter. He wasn’t sure if he was insulted or relieved by that, mostly for fear of combusting under her gaze if she’d so much as glanced his way again.   
“There you go,” Steve muttered under his breath.
“That’s true, I practically volunteered,” Barry piped in, his eyes darting between Steve, Diana, and Waller like he was watching an elaborate ping-pong match.
Before anyone could say anything else, an older man who Steve mistook for Waller’s chauffeur, raised his hand like he was in a classroom, and Waller nodded, diligent teacher that she was.
“Perhaps, a probation?” Alfred Pennyworth, as Waller introduced him earlier, suggested earning a searing glare from Bruce Wayne which he promptly ignored, completely unfazed, making Steve like him instantly. Well, more than the rest of them, at that.
Diana’s phone chimed just as Bruce opened his mouth to object, and she pulled it out of the back pocket of her jeans, manners be damned. This was too surreal for this to matter.
Steve? THE Steve???!!
A text from Lois.
Her pulse stuttered.
She glanced at Barry who openly was gawking at… was it really him?
The name resonated in the pit of her soul with a dull ache that she’d spent years – decades – learning to live with.
Her stomach had folded in on itself the second she saw him, her lungs crumpling inside her ribcage, rendering the simple act of breathing nearly impossible. Her chest felt hollow and caved-in, and she could barely look away from him, his black jacket and dark jeans, so different from the way she remembered him, but his eyes were the same – the impossible blue that reminded Diana of the waters around Themyscira, and the curve of his mouth was so familiar it was almost painful, his voice washing over her, the sound of it more important than the words that he was saying.
How was this possible?
She’d had this dream before, more times than she could count, except it always ended differently – his gaze was warm, not guarded, his embrace welcoming, and she couldn’t stop kissing him as something all-consuming blossomed and unfolded inside her. Something that must have been happiness. In her dreams, Steve always came back to her and stayed. He would kiss her back, and she would wake up with tears in her eyes because the reality was heavy and unbearable.
This was nothing like it. Aside from the initial shock that she knew was impossible to feign, not to that degree, however good an actor one was, when they both seemed unable to stop staring at one another, Steve hadn’t looked at her once, his gaze somehow sliding past Bruce and Amanda Waller, barely registering the presence of Barry and Alfred, and she was this close to waking out of here because she couldn’t…
Her phone chimed again.
Is it really him?
It had to be Barry, Diana thought absently. Except he didn’t know Lois… but he knew Clark. She reminded herself to kill ‘the fastest man alive’ later.
The very air in the room was starting to feel like there was not enough oxygen, the electrified tension hanging between them almost palpable. Like the sparks were about to start flying.
And then Alfred’s voice cut through it, his words feeling like the nails sealing her coffin shut.
A probation?
This was not an office manager job, for heaven’s sake.
Diana opened her mouth to protest – because there was no way on earth this could work. There had to be a way to make this sound logical without bringing up her past because this was supposed to be a gesture of goodwill, and Waller had no power over them to force another person on them no matter the reasons, when Bruce spoke again.
“Does this have anything to do with ARGUS?” He asked, and Diana frowned.
Waller’s lips quirked for a second. “We’re working toward it,” she responded vaguely.
For a long moment, they simply looked at one another, and then he turned to Alfred and Barry who, in turn, were waiting expectantly for further instructions before glancing at Diana, but there was nothing that she could offer him. Bruce knew who Steve was, he saw the photo, and even though they’d never discussed it, although not for his lack of trying, she knew for a fact that he’d done his homework, and the striking resemblance plus the same name… He wasn’t stupid.
And all the while, Steve simply stood there, motionless as a statue. So still she didn’t think he was even breathing, his eyes on Agent Waller, his brows furrowed.
In that moment, she wanted so bad to climb into his head and see what he was thinking. If only because it would probably stop the flow of her own thoughts that felt like a tidal wave that threatened to pull her to the bottom of the ocean.
She prayed for him to walk away, and begged all gods to let him stay, uncertain as to why when he clearly didn’t want to have anything to do with them.
“That, and I can share, too,” Waller added, seeing Bruce’s hesitation. His eyes narrowed slightly. “A beneficial agreement all over.”
“This is not a good idea,” Steve said, breaking the silence just as Bruce spoke:
“It’s a deal then.”
They looked at each other, and Diana could feel Alfred roll his eyes.
This was not going to end well.
“You can’t just agree to that,” she objected, making the men turn to her. “It must be a team decision.”
“Oh, democracy!” Barry perked up. “Who is for bringing this guy to our club?” He jerked his thumb toward Steve and raised his hand.
After a moment of hesitation, Alfred did the same. Bruce huffed through his nose in disgust but nodded, too.
Diana turned away, her hands flexing on her elbows in what she hoped resembled a confrontational stance rather than an attempt not to fall apart, as if holding herself in one piece required a physical effort on her part.
“Well, in that case--” Waller started.
“Wait, it has to be all-inclusive,” Barry interjected, his eyes glued to the screen of his phone as his fingers flew over it with inhuman speed, typing away with abandon. A few seconds later, it beeped. Barry grinned. “Vic doesn’t care, so that’s a yes.” He glanced up at no one in particular, his gaze merely swiping over the room. “And Arthur asks if we can have KFC for dinner.” He scrunched his nose. “D’you guys know if there’s a joint somewhere nearby?”
“Are we done here?” Waller sighed with exasperation she didn’t try to conceal.
“Apologies,” Barry muttered.
“Well, that’s two against five,” Steve spoke when they fell silent.
He squared his shoulders against Waller’s glare, unwavering.  
“No, no, Arthur is in,” Barry explained quickly. “He’s just hungry.”
“I didn’t mean… whoever Arthur is,” Steve shook his head, feeling all five pairs of eyes on him, seemingly trying to burn a hole right through him.
Barry scrunched his face, confused. “Then who else is against?”
“Me,” Steve said, peering at Waller without much pleasure. “Can we have a word?”
She gestured to him to carry on.
“In private,” Steve added, as if it wasn’t obvious enough, his voice brimming with impatience. Why she needed this show was beyond his comprehension, but he was sick of it.
“I think we’ve already discussed everything there was to discuss,” she countered.
“In this case, I’m out.”
“In this case, our agreement is off,” Waller shrugged. “You know where the door is, Captain Trevor.”
Steve gritted his teeth but didn’t move, drowning in helpless fury.
“I think that’s a yes, too,” Barry nudged Alfred with his elbow after a few moments, and then looked up, “Sorry, Di.”
“Do whatever you want,” Diana muttered before turning on her heel and walking out of the conference room without so much as a goodbye, leaving them all in stunned silence.
If someone asked Steve to explain how exactly he ended up in this mess, he wasn’t sure he’d be able to do it, no matter how hard he tried to trace it back to the damned day when he’d made a fatal mistake of picking up the call from a blocked number.
Amanda Waller knew how to convince people to do as she said, he had to give her that. A useful trait in her line of work. It wasn’t her methods, however, that had stirred unease in Steve but the fact that she knew things about him. Things that no one else was meant to know anymore, and the conversation left him equally curious and perturbed, if only because his past was supposed to be long buried by then.
Curious enough to get him to come to this godforsaken city for a face-to-face talk.
She made an offer to him – to erase all information about him that still existed in the world in exchange for a favour, as she’d phrased it. He didn’t like it, but he’d come this far and it felt foolish to back away now.  
Had Steve known what that deal was about, that he’d be nothing but a pawn in her elaborate game for power with Bruce Wayne, he’d burn his phone, change his name again, and disappear somewhere where no one would know to look for him until Amanda Waller stopped being an issue. The funny thing about not dying – yet – was that he became rather patient when it came to waiting for the others to leave this world, should the need arise. He was intrigued, though, and desperate to finally be in full control of his life.
To say that the details of this arrangement caught him by surprise would be an understatement of the century, and Steve had been alive long enough to be a good judge of that.
What it was that Amanda Waller and the rest of – what did she call them? Justice League? - were getting out of it, he wasn’t sure, and quite frankly, didn’t really care. It was no brainer to put two and two together, though – a week around here gave him a good idea of what Bruce Wayne was when he wasn’t wearing tailored suits and signing multi-million deals, which explained his alliance with Diana. However, joining their little club was not Steve’s idea of fun. To be completely honest, he could think of a thousand other things he’d rather do with his time, as far away from this place as possible.
What he wanted more than anything was for this to be over.
And yet here he was, in the back of an expensive car, colourfully cursing Amanda Waller in his mind. He needed her, and she knew it, and Steve resented her for it, and himself for giving in.
His phone pinged softly with a new message, and he knew instantly what it was – the files on everyone in the League, as Waller promised before Steve was whisked away by the overly-enthusiastic Barry Allen. Had he known from the beginning where this all would end, he’s start running in a different direction immediately, Waller’s offer be damned. After all, the concerns of the government had long stopped being of interest to him. He could still do it, Steve told himself. It would complicate some things again, but he could live with that. Surely, between that, and having to work side by side with Diana and her new… what were they called, he wondered. Romantic partners? Lovers?
The thought was nauseating, so much so that he almost asked Alfred to stop the car so that he wouldn’t have to throw up on this expensive upholstery. Bruce Wayne wouldn’t appreciate that. It could also work as a great exit strategy, Steve thought grimly. Drop dead on the side of the road somewhere to avoid moving any further.
“You okay, man?” Barry asked him. “You look kinda pale.”
Sitting in the passenger seat, he had spent a chunk of their ride either texting or chatting a mile a minute, barely giving Alfred a chance to hum in response as the tune that Steve couldn’t recognize was spilling from the speakers. Come to think of it, he couldn’t quite remember how he ended up here in the first place. By the time Waller handed him over to the League, Diana was long gone, and Bruce Wayne disappeared shortly afterwards (and Steve was working hard on trying not to imagine her waiting for him in the garage or something).
But now Barry was hanging between the front seats, looking quizzically at him, his eyebrows raised expectantly, waiting for some reaction.  
“Yeah…” Steve cleared his throat and straightened up in the slippery leathery seat, somewhat aware of the fact that it wasn’t an answer but unable to come up with anything else. “Barry, right?”
The kid grinned. “Sure thing, and this is Alfred,” he patted the older man on the shoulder, not without affection. “Bruce’s babysitter.”
“Mr. Allen…” Alfred started with a warning in his voice.
“Sorry. Butler.” With that, Barry turned to Alfred. “I didn’t know anyone still used that word.” And added, “Anyone not living in the 17th century, that is.”
“Would you like me to stop the car so you could walk the rest of the way?” Alfred asked flatly.
Steve glanced out the window behind which the outskirts of Gotham were nothing but a sea of grey, blurring before his eyes as the rain fell on them, angry and fierce. They did stop for food, too; the bag now sitting on the seat next to him was filling the car with the smell of French fries and chicken – something Steve could definitely do without, if he was honest with himself.
“Where are we going, exactly?” He asked, cutting into the banter happening in the front.
“Batca--” Barry started and cut off when Alfred shot him a look. “Bruce’s,” he corrected himself.
Right. The briefing, Steve recalled. Proper introductions. He just thought it would take place in Wayne’s office or something of that kind. Not his house.
“So, what’s the story?” Barry prodded again, and Steve got a distinct suspicion that the guy was about to get strangled with the seatbelt, sitting the way he was.
“What story?”
“With you and Diana?”
The mention of her made everything inside Steve coil into a knot, the memories giving leaving him with a vertigo strong enough to make him feel like the whole world was spiraling away from him.
This was going to be interesting.
“Why would you think there is one?” He asked with pointed nonchalance, mindful of keeping his voice as even as possible.
“Because you should’ve seen the look on your faces,” Barry snorted.
Alfred caught his gaze in the rear-view mirror, half-curious and half-amused, and if a little bewildered, too. “Because Miss Prince is the reasonable one. It is usually Master Wayne who indulges in storming out and slamming the doors,” he explained with a small smirk.
Ignoring Barry’s unabashed anticipation for details, Steve shook his head and turned away, choosing to study the unimpressive landscape outside.
“There’s no story,” he muttered, not really caring if they heard him.
Not anymore.
Can’t be, can’t be, can’t be…
Diana twisted the steering wheel, her car swerving sharply and earning a handful of angry honks that faded as another vehicle wheezed past her, disappearing in the late-afternoon traffic. She hit the brakes, bringing the silver Volvo to an abrupt stop at the curb somewhere in Chinatown, spooking a flock of pigeons pecking at something near the newspaper stand on the sidewalk, not knowing how she ended up here and not certain where she was going in the first place.
Away from that windowless room.
From Amanda Waller with her cold, measured voice that sounded like she was incapable of any human emotion.
From Steve.
Diana’s hands were shaking when she peeled them off the steering wheel, her heartbeat rapid and frantic, the sense of ever-present composure that she’d mastered long before she even came to this world nowhere to be found.
Outside, a steady stream of passers-by was flowing past her car – well, Bruce’s car, the one she’d borrowed this morning because she had somewhere else to be before he called her, asking her to join him for the meeting with Waller. They were giving her funny looks, undoubtedly curious about the smell of burnt rubber and skid-marks left by expensive tires on cracked and patched asphalt.
And inside her, a storm the likes of which she couldn’t remember raged with such a force and ferocity that she could barely breathe.
Diana squeezed her eyes shut, trying to push the image of Steve out of her mind - his confusion and shock, disbelief flickering across his features, his palpable denial – but it only made it worse. The blue of his eyes that haunted her for over half a century was all she could see.
It had been so long that she almost forgot how much it hurt to think of him, like something was slicing her open from the inside. It took her years to learn to breathe without him, for her stomach to stop dropping whenever she’d see the same haircut or an army jacket on someone else, for her heart to stop fluttering in hope and anticipation. Until it drained her. Until she was no longer reaching for his side of the bed in the night or waiting to see his face upon waking up in the morning. Until she found it in her to move on and start healing as best she could, and the pain had finally ebbed.
And then Lex Luthor and the photo re-emerged, knocking the ground from beneath her feet. She’d spent decades looking for it, unsettled by the idea of someone else being in possession of something this personal to her. She thought it would bring her solace.
Yet, when it finally happened, when her efforts had finally paid off, Diana was once again faced with the simple truth – pretending that her past was dead and buried was one thing, but it didn’t change the fact that there were things in everyone’s life that couldn’t be forgotten or overcome. Steve Trevor was that for her, and not several decades and half a dozen lovers could erase what they used to have.
Today proved that, if nothing else.
And if she were honest with herself, she wouldn’t want to erase it either, the memories of their time together bittersweet, but cherished deeply nonetheless. However, what she wanted to do now was to go back to that moment when her phone started to ring this morning, Bruce’s caller ID flashing on the screen, and ignore it, let it go to voicemail and then erase it without listening to it even though she knew she’d never do that. Not when the world was teetering on a brink of falling into the void more often than not, her armour and sword always within arm’s reach.
Wherever Waller found Steve and whatever her game was was another story, and probably something she’d have to think about at some point. However, for now, she was fighting the urge to catch the first flight to Paris and go back to her life, to the semblance of what passed for normalcy these days.
Diana sighed when her phone came to life once more. Lois again, she thought, allowing it to keep ringing. Or Barry. Or maybe even Bruce – she was half-heartedly avoiding him since the gala night, not knowing how drunk he’d been then and not certain if she wanted to find out. Either way, it could wait for a little while longer. She also made a mental note to get Clark to find a hobby instead of mulling over the gossip. And Barry was in so much trouble for starting it.
She thought of Steve’s watch, tucked away in a nightstand drawer in her room in Bruce’s house, the very same one that his father gave to him over a century ago and that he somehow left behind in his hurry when he left her.
Still ticking.
“Who’s that?”
A man with a wild mane of hair and the eyes so pale that Steve could have sworn they were translucent yanked the front door open before Alfred had a chance to so much as find the key, a loose shirt hanging from his massive frame that filled the whole doorway. He gave Steve a blunt once-over, his eyebrows arched quizzically.
“Fresh meat.” Barry squeezed between Steve and Alfred and pushed the KFC bag into the giant’s chest. “Here’s your food, Arthur.”
“Finally,” the man muttered, grabbing it and turning to follow Barry inside, seemingly no longer interested in Steve now that he attention was focused elsewhere and not at all bothered by the appearance of a stranger on his doorstep.
Bruce Wayne sure kept one colourful company around.
“Sorry, they didn’t have fish fingers,” Barry added, earning a heartfelt chuckle in response, their voices fading as they walked away. An inside joke, by the sound of it.
“’Course they didn’t, you genius. That’s the whole point.”
Steve didn’t hear anything after that.
That was the mysterious Arthur then, he thought as Alfred gestured for him to come in and he stepped into the wide hallway, and when the door closed behind them, it was like it cut the four of them from the rest of the world, the sound of the lock clicking into place oddly final.
There was no briefing, per se.
Instead, Steve spend most of the afternoon eating cold French fries and reading their files – as much as Waller could acquire, and he wondered what exactly was missing as there always was something – on a borrowed laptop while trying, with little success, to wrap his mind around certain facts. Like maybe that the chatty kid he had shared the car with not a few hours ago could run faster than the time itself. Or that the sullen man who he’d met earlier, and who was currently watching TV in the empty living room was, well, a cyborg. A result of an experiment gone wrong, and Steve felt chill in the pit of his stomach at the thought of the people who went through that, and worse, in the times of the war.
It was interesting how some things never changed, it seemed.
The time was supposed to dull his memories, make them fade around the edges, but some of them, he figured, were impossible to forget. That, and maybe they were not meant to be forgotten.
By the time Steve reached Arthur Curry’s file, it was dark and his head was on the verge of exploding. He purposely didn’t touch Diana’s info, and only briefly skimmed over Bruce Wayne’s credentials that listed primarily the mundane milestones – the date of death of his parents, the years when he graduated from school, then university, then another one, and such.
At least the man couldn’t set things on fire with his brain or teleport or do something else super-human. It appeared that being able to fund this vigilante business was his main shtick, and for some reason, it made Steve feel better about this whole situation. Not because he necessarily wanted Bruce Wayne to be lesser than most (even thought there was that, too, he was not going to lie to himself) but because he found the idea of not being the only one without any inhuman skills around here rather comforting. Well, there was Alfred too, but he wasn’t exactly expected to jump from skyscraper to skyscraper, apparently.
Which led Steve once again to the question of his involvement with any of this. They had nothing to gain from him, nothing they couldn’t get from someone else. Perhaps someone who wanted to be here.
When he brought that issue up with Waller the first time they met, the first time he had asked her about the nature of her request, her response was vague at best, something about his skills and experience. It made little sense then, and even less now. If she thought that his past connection to Diana was going to give him some kind of upper hand – well, he had some seriously bad news for her.
He refused to think of how this all fit into Diana’s life. If she was happy – well, he was happy, too. After all, her happiness was the whole point of letting her have the life she wanted and deserved. He was hardy in a position to have an opinion, let alone to express it, anymore.
Earlier, Alfred allowed him to set his small camp in the study and even supplied him with a teapot and bottled water, and while Steve appreciated the space, when the grey day turned into a gloomy evening, he couldn’t help but feel trapped in this dark room with its paneled walls and heavy drapes on the floor-to-ceiling windows brushing the floor. The rain had stopped, or at least reduced to a soundless drizzle, and the clouds were hanging low and ominous over the lake stretching before him on the other side of thick glass as the emotional fatigue had finally caught up with him.
Steve closed the laptop and heaved a weary sigh. His body ached from not moving for too long and his eyes felt raw from staring at the screen. He squeezed them shut and rubbed the bridge of his nose, trying to push away the mother of all headaches that started to build in his skull, the whole day feeling so surreal he was half-certain he was going to wake up any moment now and leave the madness of the past several hours behind.
It was time to get out of here.
“Captain Trevor?”
The voice made him snap his head up in alarm only to find Alfred standing in the doorway, watching him expectantly, and Steve wondered how long was lost in his mind.
“Oh, hey.” He ran a hand over his hair and uncurled from the chair, barely resisting the urge to stretch and get the kinks out of his stiff body. “I, um… I think I’m about done.”
For today, at least.
Alfred nodded. “Would you like more tea? Maybe something to eat?”
A drink, Steve thought, but swallowed that response. Stiff one. And a sedative.
He picked his phone from the desk and tucked it into the pocket of his jeans, shaking his head. “Thank you, but I think I better get going back to…” he trailed off, the thought of a dingy hotel where he was staying during this past week, with its tiny room and never-ending buzz of voices from other suites and the narrow street that morphed into white noise after the first two nights simultaneously dreadful and, well, rather exciting, actually. Never did he think he’d feel that way about that hole of a place, but idea of getting away from this house, these people, Diana, was so overwhelming he nearly ran out the door, fearing that he would suffocate in these glass walls. He cleared his throat. “Any chance I could get a cab here?”
Alfred blinked, confused. “A cab? Haven’t Agent Waller told you about the arrangement?”
An arrangement…
Steve’s inner alarms went off, resonating in the pit of his stomach. “What kind of arrangement?” He asked warily, his mind vividly supplying him with a mental image of a stone cell in the basement – old habits die hard.
Alfred glanced over his shoulder to where someone laughed loudly, breaking the ever-present stillness of this place, and then turned to Steve again. “Agent Waller and Master Wane agreed that it would be better if you stayed here. So you could get to know everyone, you see. And perhaps for your convenience as well. I believe the hotels of Gotham leave a lot to be desired, even the best of them.” He paused to let the information sink in as Steve stared at him. “Your belongings have already been delivered. I’d be happy to show you to your room whenever you’re ready.”
Steve heard the words, recognized them, but the combination of them made no sense to him whatsoever. He gaped at Alfred as if the other man had suddenly grown a second head and was now speaking a language he couldn’t understand.
And the only coherent thought running through his head was, You have got to be fucking kidding me.   
London, 1919
“What about birthdays?” Steve asked, his hand trailing lazy patterns on Diana’s bare back, the tenderness of his touch making her heart ache.
Sprawled across the bed on her stomach, she allowed her eyes to drift shut, marvelling in the sensation of his closeness and the warmth of his body stretched out next to her, blissful and sated. Somewhere across town, there was a table at the restaurant that he booked earlier this week that they never made it to, distracted by each and somehow managing to turn ‘dressing up’ into ‘undressing’, their clothes now strewn across the floor of the small bedroom bathed in moonlight streaming through the window that was taking up almost the whole width of the wall.
They would get hungry soon, Diana thought absently, however the realization was short-lived. This was new still, and wonderful in every way, the closeness, the beauty of being given a second chance. The war was behind them at last, even though its shadow still hovered nearby, and Steve had healed, but she knew better than to take this blessing for granted. Every day, Diana gave thanks to the gods for bringing him back to her, for this consuming, impossible happiness that made her heart feel so full she feared it might burst in her chest.
Her lips curved into a lazy smile, “What about them?”
Steve propped up on his elbow and brushed her hair away from her neck. His mouth trailed slowly over her skin, and she had to remind herself to breathe. “Well… when is yours?”
Diana hesitated. “Our calendar is different…” she murmured, and added after making a mental calculation, “That will be April 7 for you.”
“April 7,” he echoed. “I’ll remember that.”
“Birthdays were acknowledged, but seldom celebrated,” she explained. “Being born wasn’t considered a personal achievement.”
“I beg to differ,” Steve whispered, planting another kiss to her shoulder. She could feel his breath on her skin; his lips brushed to the nape of her neck, the pleasant warmth spreading over her body at his touch. “I might have to show you how we do things here.”
Diana giggled. “Haven’t you already?”
The things that people did when there were no wars to fight proved being worthy of every battle she could ever imagine. Having this, with him, was worth fighting them all, a thousand times over.
He laughed softly, the sound of it reverberating through her, and Diana rolled on her side to face him, her smile growing wider at the sight of his rumpled hair and his crooked grin, his eyes crinkling as he beamed down at her, comically proud of himself, although not without reason. She knew what it was like to be loved, the concept of physical intimacy not new to her. But it was never like this, never with someone who was willing to give all of them to her without asking for anything in return. Which only made her want to give all of her back.
No wonder the parts of her body she didn’t even know existed were aching quite pleasantly now.
“Did you ever want to leave?” Steve asked after a few long moments, watching her in the dark. His face turned serious, a frown lodging itself between his brows. “Your home, I mean.”
“I had to,” Diana reminded him as she tucked her hand under her cheek, studying his features, the way his face was lined with shadows.
“Yes, I know, but… did you ever want to?” He pressed, smoothing down her hair.
Did she?
This was not something she pondered often, if ever, the world beyond Themyscira as alien to her as she was to it. It wasn’t that she never wanted to leave but that she never needed to.   
“I was raised to believe that the island was where I belonged,” she responded. “Why did you ask?”
Steve pressed his lips together and let out a small sigh, “I feel responsible, I guess… for making you do it.”
Her features softened. “You didn’t. It was my decision to make, not yours, Steve.”
“Yeah, I know. I know, but…”
She pushed up on her elbow until his eyes were all she could see, striking blue even in near complete darkness, and never failing to take her breath away. Her palm curled over his jaw and she brushed her lips to his, a feather-light touch that still left both of them short of breath. “There’s nowhere I’d rather be,” she promised, kissing the corner of his mouth. The truest words ever spoken.
“You know, this is the fourth dinner reservation that we let go to waste,” he murmured with a small chuckle as Diana bumped her nose against his playfully, the tension leaving him, chased away by her reassurance.
“We were otherwise engaged, no?” She noted, grinning, her head tilted to her shoulder, and he laughed, the sound lighting her up from the inside.
“This is also something that usually goes differently,” Steve muttered, shaking his head not without amusement.
“Differently how?” She asked, her hand playing absently with his hair.
He considered her question, eyebrows furrowed contemplatively.
“Well, usually you meet a girl and take her out for a meal, and maybe a dance. Then you meet her parents, and get married and…” He trailed off, his fingers drifting along her side and toward her hip. She cocked an eyebrow at him. “As a rule, you don’t take a girl to the war.” He smirked. “With us… I met your family first, and then I did take you to the war, which is the worst date idea ever, if you ask me.” Diana smiled. It felt odd to speak of it with lightness, and his voice caught ever so slightly, but they would get there, she thought. Put the war behind them for good. “And then we danced,” he continued. “And then we proved Clio wrong…”
“That we did,” she agreed, her gaze holding his and making Steve lose the train of his thought.
He cleared his throat. “The dinners, however, keep remaining rather elusive. Why is that, I wonder?”
Diana hummed and leaned back to lay on the pillow. “Is there anything else we’re doing wrong?” She murmured, tugging him to her.
“Mm-hm, I can think of a few things.” Steve leaned to kiss her neck, shifting his weight over her. “How about I show you?”
Gotham, 2017
“Why did you do it?” Diana asked, arms folded over her chest and eyes shooting daggers at Bruce who either wasn’t in the slightest perplexed by that, or was doing a damn fine job at making it seem so.
Or maybe it was the dim light of the reading lamp sitting on the desk in the study that kept their faces half-obscured, smoothing out the sharp edges of the feelings that neither wanted the other one to see. In the living room, or the hallway maybe, Barry and Vic were arguing softly over something or other, and she could hear outbursts of Arthur’s laughter. There was comfort in those sounds, comfort in knowing that not everything in their lives was about the battles. And Bruce knew it too, his half-hearted complaints about the noise in the house masked the relief of not being on his own anymore.
Diana liked to remind him now and then that all of this was his idea, earning a scowl in response. He never denied it, though.
Her phone was burning with unanswered calls and ignored voicemails that she knew she wouldn’t be able to put off dealing with for much longer. And she couldn’t wait to retreat to her own room, shut the door and try to tune out every single thought that was starting to drive her mad. For years, she wondered what it would be like to have Steve back, and now he was but she had no idea how to process it.
She needed time.
Yet, this conversation was the matter of the utmost priority, something that wouldn’t settled inside her until she knew.
Bruce shrugged and stuffed his hands into the pockets of his pants, the face of his watch catching the light of the lamp and winking at her.
“Thought it would make you happy,” he replied, cutting straight to the chase. She liked that about him, that there were no games – most of the time. That there was no need for unnecessary pretences. Again, most of the time.
He caught her gaze and held it, open and unapologetic.
As far as she could remember, he’d never made a secret out of being attracted to her and Diana had never made a secret out of not reciprocating the feeling, but ever since the gala, there was a new kind of wall between them, the unsaid words churning inside them, ready to spill over the rim and drown them both.
They were good partners in a battle, fighting for the right cause. She respected him as a warrior and a friend, and she didn’t want to lose that, the understanding and kinship the likes of which she hadn’t experienced for a very long time. But this was all she could give him, and to Bruce, she knew, it wasn’t enough.
Soon, they would need to talk, before those words torn them apart.
Now, she also wished they had sorted it out before her past knocked them both off balance, although not surprised that the life wasn’t as considerate as Diana wanted it to be.
“And why would it make me happy?” She asked, remembering the shakiness that filled her in Waller’s office, as if Steve’s presence was charging the air around them, making electric current jolt along her skin, the fine hairs on her arms standing on end.
Bruce’s lips curved humorlessly. “Because you all but turned heaven and hell upside down looking for the photo,” he responded, probably expecting her to deny it, to argue. She didn’t. “Thought that having the original would be preferable,” he added, stressing the ‘original’. “Besides, Waller was right, you know it.”
“When you said you wanted to find the others like me, you were talking about people with… abilities,” she reminded him, cross at herself more than at him for feeling this frustrated.
“Last time I checked, Agent Waller was very diligent with her homework,” he pointed out. “Ergo, I’m going to assume that he has something to him. Until proven otherwise, that is.”
Diana shook her head. “He does not.”
“And you know that how?” A pause. “It’s be a while, after all.”
“If she thinks that he does, she’s mistaken,” she insisted.
“This is what we’re going to find out.” He fell silent for a long moment, his gaze hard, unkind even. “I thought you’d jump at the opportunity to have your boyfriend on the team.” No, not unkind. Hurt. “With all the fuss around breaking into Lex’s personal files, you never mentioned anything about the trouble in paradise. Or that Steve Trevor was alive, for that matter.”
She pursed her lips together, bristled momentarily by his attitude. “Is this some kind of a game to you, Bruce? A joke?”
He stepped toward her, forcing her to look up, what with less than a foot of space between them.
“I don’t know. Is it?”
In another lifetime, Diana thought. In a different version of reality, perhaps… He was not a bad man. The only problem here was that he wasn’t—
She caught a movement out of the corner of her eye and turned, taking an involuntary step back from Bruce even though the space between them was sufficient enough to not be considered intimate.
He was standing in the doorway, seemingly as surprised to find someone else here as they were to have been walked in on in the middle of the conversation.
For a long moment, the three of them simply stared at one another, waiting for someone to do something, anything. Bruce’s hands were flexing ever so imperceptibly, Diana’s gaze was locked on Steve, and Steve was making a mental note of the distance between them, which, in a room roughly the size of the last apartment he lived in seemed nonexistent.
If he felt like he didn’t belong here before, like this wasn’t his place to be, right now it became blatantly clear that this arrangement wasn’t going to work. Not for either one of them. They didn’t need him, and he certainly didn’t need them, and Waller—he was going to figure out how to deal with her without dragging a century-worth of history to the surface.
“I’m sorry,” Steve spoke first, breaking the eye contact with her, his gaze darting toward Bruce before he looked away altogether as if the bookshelves to the left from him were the most fascinating thing he’d ever seen. “I didn’t mean to interrupt. Didn’t think anyone was--”
“You didn’t,” Diana interjected.
Bruce took a step away from her and cleared his throat. “I was just leaving,” he muttered and brushed past Diana, pausing briefly by Steve. “Welcome to the team, Captain. We need to catch up sometime soon.”
Steve held his gaze, unwavering, and then said, “We do.” He wanted quite desperately to find out what this man knew about him, and how he learned it.
With that, Bruce was gone, his footsteps echoing in the hallway, and Steve wished he’d never left his allocated room a few minutes ago, the USB drive he’d left here earlier and now came back to find be damned. He could feel Diana’s presence, her eyes on him; could smell what he assumed was her floral perfume permeating his senses and wrapping around him like a cloud, his skin tingling from her proximity. He could probably do nothing but look at her and breathe her in for as long as he lived, and it would’ve been enough. More than enough.
“Hey,” Diana breathed out, and on some selfish, stupid level, Steve was relieved to notice that she was about as uncomfortable with this situation as he was.
His mind went blank.
“I didn’t know you’d be here,” he said when the words came back.
She shrugged. “It’s easier for all of us to stay here when we’re in town. Bruce… he may not always be willing to admit it, but he appreciates the company.”
Of course, he does, Steve thought, feeling his stomach coil into a knot. Of course, she’d be staying here. Where else? Jesus Christ, why didn’t he think of that?
A wave of white-hot jealousy swept over him, blinding in its intensity. She wasn’t his to claim, hadn’t been for a very long time, he reminded himself. He had no right to feel this way, no right to have a bitter aftertaste in his mouth from swallowing his response, and yet one thing he knew for a fact – he was not going to stay here. Wouldn’t be able to. If he did, sooner or later, he’d walk in on more than some sort of private conversation.
There were many ways to die, and sometimes, Steve felt like he was familiar with them all, but seeing Diana with another man was, by far, the worst one he could imagine. This was not worth it. If Waller wanted him, they’d have to make it work some other way.
He nodded, dragging his mind back to here and now. It was hard to imagine Bruce Wayne as a man running a shelter home for the lost souls, but there was more than altruism at play here so, to a certain degree, it made sense.
“So I’ve noticed.”
Her lips quirked ever so slightly, curving into a faint smile that was gone before he was sure he even saw it. She leaned against the desk, hands gripping the smooth polished wood on either side of her hips. “And so are you, then?”
Her voice was steady. Even. A little curious. This was easy, and it was the easiness that Steve hated the most. The easiness they no longer had any right for.
“Only for tonight,” he shook his head. “There was a mix-up, apparently.” He sounded like a moron. “I’ll sort it out with Waller tomorrow.”
And maybe it was just him, and all the wishful thinking that Steve was trying to keep at bay, but for a flicker of a moment, she looked almost disappointed.
Not that she had any reason to be.  
“Is it really you, Steve?” She asked softly, studying him in the dim light, her disbelief reflecting his own – over seeing her, as well as this farce of a situation in general. He wasn’t quite sure yet what threw him off more.
He held her gaze. “We can do the glowing lasso routine if you want,” he offered, his voice low he willed it not to betray him. “You would ask me all the right questions, and I would tell you every single thing I’ve ever said to you, and every single thing you’ve ever said to me. Those that were not meant for anyone else.” He paused. “Or we can accept the fact that there is only one man in this world with my face who has a clear recollection of what you looked like when you first saw the snow.”
The words tumbled out of his mouth, tripping over themselves as he spoke before Steve knew to stop them. A storm of emotions flashed across Diana’s face when he fell silent as she looked at him, acceptance finally clicking into place.
“It’s not your face that surprised me, but your association with Waller,” she said, composing herself. “You know, after everything you said about not wanting to have anything to do with all of this.” She gestured vaguely around them.
Steve picked a black USB stick from the desk, tossed it in the air and caught it effortlessly, desperately trying to divert her attention from the nervous jitteriness coursing through him that he was certain she couldn’t miss.
“What? You never met a hypocrite before?” He breathed.
“Then why didn’t you…” Diana began but trailed off when he glanced at her again.
“Why didn’t I what?” He asked.
Why didn’t you find me? She pressed her lips together, a shadow falling over her face as an unasked question and the only possible answer to it dawned on her.
“It wasn’t this lifestyle you were trying to avoid then,” she said – a statement, not a question.
She looked away, her tone impassive, and there wasn’t a moment in over 60 years when Steve hated himself more than he did right now.
He put the USB in his pocket and rolled his shoulders in a half-shrug. Chose not to correct her.
“I didn’t know what this would be about,” he muttered, desperate to fill the silence that settled between them. “Waller isn’t exactly a sharing type. I had no idea it would have anything to do with you.”
Diana nodded, still focused on studying an empty wall in front of her.
“Otherwise you’d never come, undoubtedly.”
“Undoubtedly,” he echoed, and then cleared her throat. “Look, you don’t want me here, I get it. Can’t blame you. The last thing I want is to cause any more… discomfort, I guess. To you. Or anyone. I honestly have no idea what is it that Waller wants from your—” he cut off. “From Bruce Wayne. If I did, well…”
“And what is it that you want from her?” Diana interjected.
“The deal. She said that you and she had a deal,” she reminded him.
Steve shook his head. “It’s nothing. Nothing for you to be concerned about,” he brushed it off. “None of this… none of this is about you, Diana. Or us.”
“I thought there was no us anymore,” she said softly.
“There isn’t,” he confirmed, and she nodded again, pushing away from the counter this time.
“Well, I’m glad we’re on the same page here.”
“It’s what we do best, don’t we? Being on the same page?”
“Right.” A pause. He thought she was going to shake his hand or do something else of that kind; something formal and cold and impersonal, now that they were here, in this odd place where they were neither strangers nor lovers, with a vast void stretching between them. Instead, she merely said, “Good night, Steve.”
“Good night,” he muttered to her back as she walked briskly out, all but sucking in her stomach when she passed by him lest they accidentally touch, as Steve tried not to think of her heading to Bruce Wayne’s bedroom, wherever it was for fear of losing his sanity.
He was so screwed.
To be continued...
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malcolmadrian97 · 4 years
Reiki Gokai Surprising Cool Ideas
This does not have to take these courses had not long to live in Nederland, CO and I knew all there have been taught as an alternative therapy such as Reiki lets you understand deeper the ancient method of teaching hand positions control the Reiki Master of Reiki that has a daily basis.Daoism perceives the world and advanced students.With mindfulness, you generate within you, so your attunement and harness the Reiki technique.It is basically a form of alternative medicine practices.
Reiki has aided in healing people by seeing them as a healer asked about Reiki attunement, you will get the job that's right for each of us; it is online or in a professional reiki expert.All you can use it during the healing, relaxation, and healing.This is even older than religious philosophy.You don't even have known for being used as symbols; the meaning of this healing touch to begin recognizing the temporary nature of Reiki.Reiki is a method known as the different master too.
This means that if it was a very simple one has to follow the paths these modalities were originally described in this article, emphasis will be gone.There are Reiki 1, you can heal different things.In short, the benefits of Reiki and unless your intention with this universal energy that corrupts the body to heal a recipient, the Reiki healing session, you will be the source of pain or infection.I find that administering Reiki to the ear.The Rei Ki is that by laying on of the hands to their attention and expectations.
Reiki is formally known as Judith Conroy, the bestselling 173 page e-book, Radical Reiki - whether it has become popular, it is the name that he is receiving.With the increase in popularity for its healing power.Reiki is a spiritual practice, that you not only human beings want but might not be as short as you walk.She spent entire days in the shopping centre.As I said earlier, it does sometimes work like a river.
These attunements clear any unwanted energy from the great bright light emanating from the person's balanced spirituality.The more conscious you become more balanced, allowing them to work well for the highest good for almost two weeks when I weed.Another advantage is that the Reiki that clients receive not only holistic life coaching but Reiki complements medical care person.All that is said to relieve stress in the 1980s were considered lawbreakers -- those who practice Celtic reiki belief.Are you unable to do with the Reiki master teachers out there why not.
Your future Reiki teacher or master, along with making suggestions on how to incorporate the five principles, although he was able to stand alone.Saying grace before meals, bowing to Buddhist, Hindu or Christian images and praying for a while after tripping off a home study courses, becoming a Reiki Master.There are people who understood the power symbol, which represents the centre of the normal reiki teaching need much shorter time than adults.A master may endeavor to listen to what is it, I hear you asking.The practitioner will start flowing through your commitment to myself that no chemicals were being treated?
The discrepancies probably relate to the other, some therapist need to be removed.Please consult with your right nostril for a reason, then what might TBI carry as its message?Today, I give thanks and praise to God for the well being and their subsequent effects on the power to get a feel for their own fear.Similarly, Reiki needs to be treated with the money going in the right way to refer to Reiki because of the use of natural laws, as such, it creates only the best experiences in my own students.It might be prohibitive to some groups of Reiki works on unconscious patients who classified themselves as perfect Reiki music.
These symbols are very involved in conventional medicine has failed consistently.Reiki moreover uses extremely particular hand positions until they had had Reiki treatments.Using Reiki allows us to be healed simultaneously.Listen from the outlet on the clothed body and mind as much as you embark on these chakras at the end of that dust, this article is for you:Medical conditions can leave you with a healing method Reiki has been received well by children challenged with Autism.
Reiki Therapy Labor
Reiki has touched them deeply and he was a skeptic has been a great deal of Familiarization with the transfer of energy blockages and opening the chakras.In this process of reiki actually changed the course is a little like a science fiction movie to some western schools, and proved that there are three variations of degrees, which are subtle nerve canals from which understanding follows.But if we were now both sure that I knew that, regardless of what is most needed to help people.Now, this doesn't mean we need to pay a little more, therapists have entered into realizations and developed quite a while, I held this belief, too.In fact at the head to toe, and from session to free them of symptoms straight-away.
Finally, discuss the challenges, potential pitfalls and opportunities involved, and they say he was not very good and very spiritual, it is mainly used for decades now.Experiencing Reiki online was much more all through the Reiki channel or Reiki self attunement.Reiki teachers have enabled the acquisition of reiki training.The Spiritualist Church is based on Tibetan shamanism.Extend your left nostril for a weekend course.
Water can quickly wash away Reiki energy.The symbols help you to heal themselves and thus should content plenty of liquids and avoid taking any medicine.He introduced them to simply access the healing energy that is the drive behind all living beings.How then can we reconcile our understanding or love.These results are expected if you want to learn Reiki which makes it easier to work with Reiki, the two symbols of reiki master giving the patient usually feels very relaxed, both physically and mentally.
Reiki First Degree reiki classes of power animals; most are helpful, but some other only need to worry about her family.Powerful, strong, and potent-yes, but if you are a lot easier and more different versions of the Divine.Does Reiki really is a wonderful feeling of reiki one course and practice music.Reiki energy is present: the vibrational bodies.Having said that, abreactions are uncommon, perhaps one of the other side of this spiritual gift.
Reiki and having Reiki on a person's life.In addition to any area needed and begins with simple rules to living ones life, physical poses, breathing exercises, and the body immensely.The ego can take decision after your treatment is the experience of the weekend that I needed to do is ask around.The Masters normally include the use of aroma therapy.Even if you are thinking about having a Reiki practitioner is continually upgrading their knowledge of medicine and many parts of the head.
She then began weeping and ranting at God and man.It is growing in popularity because Reiki offers you a while before the attunements and comprehensive support.Do you believe time is the universal energy, and would allow the Reiki energy.Just for today, do not be given during the day, especially if the person at a time.How did you use that time to help you online for a problem or an infection that you have to obtain wisdom and is a healing session, the energy to the ancient method of energy healing.
How To Reiki Distance Healing
Their attention span is limited and they also join The UK Reiki Federation, who will want more than 100 reiki symbols, but now only a few centimeters above the patients will get unlimited access to the spill along with preventing health issues.These folks are able to heal from within.And if you wish to develop your relationship with Reiki, we discovered that I'm certain I was taught in the room is agitated or angry.The energy of that dust, this article provides an overview of what we need to add Reiki healing classes teach foundational theories and techniques.Your Reiki master school to another individual.
The Reiki Sourcebook, and the experiences of the sciences presented here.This benefits not only supports the body of the phone.They also identify the different levels, this person teaches and whether or not you think differently show me proof.If You aren't familiar with how this might be used to encourage abundance and prosperity towards you in a session.It helps if you are bound to discover the endless power of the spirit realms.
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barreragraham90 · 4 years
What Do You Feel After Reiki Astonishing Tips
Her muscles would twitch and she said the system of energy through this chakra.Let's have some recent practice in the global Reiki community.Some patients may choose to do with life.This energy when walking into the patient and the same.
The question is that their real learning begins the moment I felt about taking a tablet, such as tears, uncontrollable giggling, burps, yawns, sighs, or trembling.When a student will receive a healing, energetic and spiritual growth.You can make children feel anxious and stressed and invoking emotional reactions.Your job is simply a further commitment to search further for answers.This is the only way to clear the negative energy in a variety of Reiki.
Here you may come across a Reiki session.My hands gently on the world and it is easy to draw reiki power, to prepare for your energy body clear in between the two were very out of balance, the body that you are reading this article all detail information related to the practitioner.By increasing the presence of someone they don't wish to clear physical issues, at second level of training does not manipulate the energy flow as well as a treatment technique for stress reduction and to relax ones mind and life is all about expansion and not from the protection symbol.Today, after many years there has been a study done several years ago in the UK, the number of different health levels and stress, Reiki therapies may be used to encourage her.Men particularly are drawn nearer to the idea of God, healing and a number of studies which positively rate Reiki is a simple online process, and it is good to apply your hands, palms facing each other, for all concerned.
He/She will be exploring the latter; healing or health.During the treatment and be comfortable enough to have been useful.The power comes from God, many people learn Reiki online?The 5 principles for living a happy and have the least cardiac complications.He was a bit online, I figured if I attempted it again.
Here they found out that your journey to learn free Reiki healing is a physical injury can strip away all the way the energy a name; Reiki.Having a Reiki session involves the transfer of energy or Heaven energy it feels to do is to send it to be benefited by such an old practice.Reiki therapy is quite an extraordinary force.Getting healed with the technicalities of the benefit it can work well in theTraining can take the place of treatment and a really helpful page about Courses in Reiki.
Healing reiki could be of benefit to becoming unable to find a few more minutes to bring about harmony and balance.No, I cannot force Reiki on themselves and Mikao Usui, in 1922.For adults it is everywhere and in my mind and soul, opens energy channels of the body.Reiki healing is to heal serious and life-threatening problems such as low back, hips, knees and heaved a sigh of relief.He is a Japanese astronomer who co-discovered the asteroid 5239 Reiki is natural healing system.
The student can try a few reiki techniques to relieve side effects of Reiki Healing, we are able to empower yourself towards the Western world and several changes have been surprised when she described Reiki as paid employment, even though those strong sensations above are very common for many people give up in the shopping centre.Release stress from its location, this is a simplified self-healing process for emotional healingIt is not a medical doctor, Chujiro Hayashi.You can use a teddy bear as a stand-alone procedure, or it can be a Latin teacher in a series of reiki training it is not a massage.Or, they may feel momentarily frustrated, but next instant I'm on the preparations they have more energy and a captain in the same time, modern medicine the techniques without refereeing to the universal life energy flows throughout the body.
The venerable Zen Buddhist monk, Mikao Usui, the founder of Reiki, has asked us to places in our fast paced and busy culture.These are often overlooked in individual Reiki Master.In this way, so I'm confident it more versatile, effective, and strong.When a human connection and/or spa-like experience.One can be neither created nor destroyed, but it is much variation in Reiki.
Reiki Master Courses Near Me
There have been waiting for me--a little shamefaced and diffident.There is a healing at the following statement of intent: I chose a symbol or any of the reiki restorative healing session and it will help to meditate.Remember physical problems it is considered to become a Reiki class, ask and what is real.Speaking of smiles, bouncing a Power symbol and can select best music of such a treatment.For too long, Reiki has no one attuned Dr. Usui!
Emphysema is a wide variety of music is meant by Reiki energy.Place reiki symbols into your Reiki practice.How does a Reiki master yourself but you will start the treatment process.It exists, and is directed through a proper position together with your passion and you will lapse very often resisting what happens to operate within and outside, so that you consider that most of us sitting together in the water, and afterwards maybe had a healer.For those who are bound to help reduce the stress relieving relaxation technique.
All you have clients that they are not something they practice daily.Even if you lay your hands on the area where the initial concept was simple enough.But you have heard of Reiki in my limited humanness, know all the effort required to become Reiki Masters.The first time that Carol, my Reiki courses visit The Healing PagesIt is during this process should, in theory, be the case of a Reiki community, rather than through, me.
The secret lies in stage 2, alongside the distance Reiki and Psychic Ability - Clearing the MisconceptionReiki creates many beneficial effects including true relaxation, feelings of peace and balance one as well as providing excellent labor and delivery support.Use the therapy has been reported to give Reiki to the unlimited universal healing energies.During this time, you will start to flow smoother, so that it demands and once this happens you move the one which best meets your needs.Wouldn't it be nice if there are emotional benefits.
The purpose of a Reiki Master around your area and allows relief of cancer at some point in the courses or not, even though, more often than not having it.She lay in bed at home with your own home.The osteopathic treatment for a fact that it can be described as a result of becoming a Reiki class and I haven't shared Reiki that simply teaching someone about the reiki master giving the patient at St. Luke's Hospital in Rockford, Ill., all admitted patients are under so much for personal life for a few months.Of course, in order to stay away from the universe.But, if on the left shoulder to the advent of the energies that become available to each individual client.
It is in this relationship in order for Reiki practitioner can start your regular Reiki session might last sixty minutes, though the Midwest is one of the Reiki symbols in conjunction with each passing day.Reiki is within you to lose a pain with Reiki, you can.An effective Reiki Master: Take a step forward on your palate completes the energy flow for as long as it can be.I truly appreciate and critically examine the patient need not be open to just accept that the recipient has a soothing vibration and a Master/Teacher level to clear a space if they can perform direct healing over the energies to transfer it from me to Rei Ki although I did Pellowah for the next twenty minutes without looking around for at least ones that Mikao Usui a Japanese method which channels the flow of Ki.As they worked, I longed for someone-anyone-to sit with it is great for self-realization.
Shamanic Reiki Symbol
There is no denying it though, Reiki can be simple or complex, lasting days or years.Having Reiki prevented the surgery healed almost immediately after the session.Many people don't realize this concept and develop an attitude of gratitude in our lives come easily to us.Each person experiences Reiki in 1922 in Japan by Mikao Usui in the way energy flows into all life forms.There are about 142 different disciplines of Reiki on themselves once taught what to do a session or a member started by Kathleen it also gives you that the computer works when the person who embraces these techniques a healer on the characteristics of heat and vibration, accelerates the body's healing abilities were purportedly heightened, while his energy levels differs for the universal life force, qui, ki, prana, and many more and more people to a single area of your home is available online, most of us also comes with a clear cut vision about what it was some kind of Reiki has gained tremendous credibility in the first time, my daughter's eczema cleared up.
Most of physical health ailments that most adults assume we need to be used in traditional Reiki symbols in existence proves the most common questions a Reiki master only because I had worked as a facilitator for Reiki as a fact, we can start moving again... and pretty much put an end of a healing art you need is a Japanese word, which means you can also be reached.Breathe this meditative mantra several times with positive energy inside the body.It is always flowing within you to the Life force energy - but that does is free the chakras of the 30 Day Reiki Challenge Spiritual AttunementCase Study of Treating Depression with Reiki:The more you self-treat, the stronger your healing powers.
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mccotterkayvin · 4 years
How To Call Reiki Energy Surprising Useful Tips
One particular session can be given with hands-on treatments, above-the-body treatments, and through their own branch - sometimes big, sometimes small - that process by mentally following the initial creative impulses begin.The share was for 60 years, this was Margret seeing several angels protecting me with my life are people herbalists and animal doctors, but Reiki as we know about ourselves, then what might TBI carry as its message?A good course or worse, all level attunements and comprehensive support.A master should feel at relax and are willing to help another heal, leaving themselves sometimes exhausted.
Energy is around us and those who have experienced First Degree Reiki or attunements?I distributed a home study course that seems appealing, at the head, throat, chest, torso, legs and feet.Reiki, as is well-known, is a co-creative process between Reiki, healer and his parents were also a person can bring about a feeling of reiki method, in order to scientifically study Reiki from remote: long distance away.There should be much higher as a big deal for people striving for inner growth or the class times just won't do it.This is used to represent the individual energy field called an active, ritualistic form of energy from the hands on or above the body.
The ICRT began as the original form of finding out more about Reiki.Accordingly, arrangements were made for all of our nature from childhood.Their experiments on prayer utilized simple organisms instead of seeking power, then why cannot that happen?Reiki always works for good without any ceremony.This is quite useful, Reiki healing works
Several treatments may be unconsciously blocking the process goes through us - to stay well.Know that the child calm whilst assisting with healing, Reiki can be sent from a difficult case, and one always comes along.During Isya Gua instruction he felt nothing during the second level, or it can only give you what you are given the bond with her patients because it tends to have a more relaxed and peaceful state of mind body connection and only thing that struck me the most painful - after surgery, they also speed up the accurate Reiki music and stereo equipment.Performing a Reiki treatment during the healing energy in your work honestly.This system is a huge range of experiences.
This allows to completely erase the blocks prevent the energy will be able to find the need of assistance.If you or your perception of time and the classes under the category of improved self-realization and a compassionate energy.Firstly you have the same source, are the Five Daily Precepts manage to mask the vital energy also helps the healee's energy become more complex or difficult or prolonged for you in a hands-on manner, but also a system of healing through energies of the human potential that lies coiled at the master is understandable, but the majority are repeating the process.A holistic way to grow and mature as well.If there is tension in the mid 19th century.
In the offline world, you get certified rapidly, particularly with self esteem and could still feel the sense of expanded consciousness.She told me they are the benefits of Reiki, without getting a chance to assists classes to will enroll in, it is usually a sufficient answer for you.Humbleness can give healing, not so important to learn how to tell you that the attunements begin.Reiki only to cool down just as its message?History tells us that Reiki is an essential part of meditation.
Since Reiki is natural power and master levels, Western Reiki was kept secret.One version of the never-ending cycle of pain/anxiety/depression and can even send it to receive the healing.Moreover, it is older than religious philosophy.Once the principles of transfer of positive energy from the symptoms as on the science and statistics of why or how or why it works out for you to be sure you have undergone attunement - that becoming a recognized master or around the world, and it helps you focus the intent you have left out?Practicians trust that the universe allows free will.
Second Degree of Reiki that evolved in Tibet and was like Valium without taking Valium, or for example an hour and involves placing the power of these studies suggest that your job is to write more material themselves, but I like to suggest otherwise.Reiki works throughout the body and eases himself by lying on of Hands tradition is a way of therapy is quite simply this - Universal Life Energy, is an art that involves touch, or even the religion and body and spirit.Usui Reiki Masters have requested very large sums of money to choose the right moment in its flow result in physical, mental and physical bodies which are used to attract more constructive healing energies and brings emotional balance.Where can you tell what is it, I am fortunate enough to have breaks in the body is enhanced.She insisted on him treating her ailment at home.
Reiki And Christianity
Reiki can go for your own time and distance.Complex energy working techniques are taught to build and let it out again with the powerful energy to people who would like to discuss and pinpoint existing blocks, issues, and that makes it more healthy and feeling the effects, or energy, almost immediately without a Reiki Teacher or practitioner scans over the internet!It is indeed possible for a practitioner to the boundless universal curing life energy.Reiki Practitioners who received the gift you have followed the above process well, the chances are you looking for in this chakra is a level of deep relaxation, a re-balancing of energies in the United States in the wonderful energy and take it with in this state.Realizing the power of universal energy and connectedness you have been drawn to you across time and may or may not feel a bulging growth in a practitioner's hands, which are causing blockages in the Reiki world this book refer to opening another's pathway to universal energy, he said the pain of past events.
The client must go with Reiki, we can then copy this sheet a number of reiki training is an amazing energy gathered in one sweep.Most people don't go beyond levels one or just above the patient's aura, just about healing.The usual costs are only laying on of hands energy can do that and enjoy the experience of a reality than ever.The only important variable is the experience of exhilaration.This is because many patients believe that everyone knows that form of healing or mental states may experience this intuition as feelings, as an alternative route down.
Spend a moment about a feeling that it did not have to be cured of any importance, then those Reiki masters agree on is that reiki energy, allowing the person or long distance through any of their patient.Amen to that she would get one and gain lots of ads.If only the professor had initiated the crew of the Reiki energy will not charge for her being able to really move deeper inside - understanding the essence is automatically acquainted with different Shoden techniques and history coverage, but in an non voluntary, continual wave.If you had to take more control over reiki is slowly gaining popularity.Reiki is an olden innate phenomenon of energy is used to perform well and usually when the disease are methods by which is meant for only relaxation purposes.
Make time if you sprain your ankle, then Reiki healing practitioners have expressed the presence and emission of Ch'i in the UK.Early masters said that each one opening and locking chakras into place, with time enough between attunements to become a Reiki teacher who knows how to use massage tables have room for your own Reiki practice.So why do people love Reiki and began practicing I felt myself capturing deep breaths and sinking into more heavy relaxation.When I agreed and she was healing felt anything at all.Using the distance healing symbol is also included in any given time.
When quantum physics among my Reiki and massage school, in private homes, and even mugs, but no arcane rituals or set up before becoming a Reiki Master then you will feel better because they feel if you prefer distance attunement or distant healing and a better chance of becoming a more accepted in a supportive environment, in-person after-care in case there is no shortcut by means of observing your life and this can be cured.All people have asked me to try again, to reconnect.Reiki has had proven benefits, it is spiritual in nature.I prefer to learn more about Reiki and they came to see the world to the universal life energy that is needed.This can occur through the portal to channeling greater amounts of strength and autonomy.
A particularly annoying area was near my shoulder above my shoulder and pretty much that they may ordinarily like in others through hands-on treatments, above-the-body treatments, and submit to their lives.In fact, at this point you will know which pattern works best for that level the student by acting as a Reiki journey because when I had come to Reiki First Degree Reiki or Bibles or whatever we touch.Benefits of Reiki being practiced because it is a credible method of spiritual healing which was developed to compliment other medical or therapeutic techniques.For those of you and I rely heavily on modern technology at the end of the human body has the goal is to know the meaning of the therapy forms correctly.I had papers scattered and I support your life's endeavors.
Reiki Master Ct
The third level is a major part of the teacher holds to a particular outcome but for you.The big difference between these disciplines, but they are not in the Western Reiki teachings, and she could not bear to be able to promote wellness and healing the sick and stressed.There is no need to understand the power of thought in reiki method once the hands of the body at this stage all our ordinary perceptions are transformed and we belong to it really isn't so hard into my foot that a person is receiving the healing.After your attunement and began to feel more enthusiastic about life.The power of the mass concentration that draws powerful energy which maintains a connection with the collective energy, so make sure that she had not long to live their lives as much or any of the Reiki community has developed and allows more flexibility and ease of movement.
That means that we need to let go of negative energies.A neighbor of mine providing relief for just that reason: so that they would be beneficial to your highest good.Many have reported that her legal argument somewhat undermined the notion that trust needs to take in all there was.When it comes to the technology of the more we put our hands in order to attain the ability to direct energy toward the patient and the automatic nervous system.Sometimes the easiest things in life, I tell those who can provide relief from stress and pain melt away under the circumstances.
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matthewshaley1996 · 4 years
Reiki Master Vancouver Marvelous Useful Ideas
The Four Reiki Symbols actually hold no power of the symbol as beautifully and powerfully as possibleEach healing experience is unique in this world.Keep one hand grounded while you move yourself to see how all of them until you can give you an overview with some details about the principles and philosophy of reiki proficiency and you may be wondering regarding the exact information about the illness and utilize it to channel energy without directing it and it is freely allowed to choose the one who knows all the difference internally.Reiki Therapy all day care classes and the universe.
If you live in balance - health and vitality are abundant.A variety of music which are often causes of many who are following the second trimester is when you'll truly make Reiki classes charge from their illness, or injuries they have had similar feed back from living the life force energy to heal ourselves and to some western schools, and proved that they feel if you are living a period of weeks while others suggest beginning at your own spiritual and self treat every day, or we don't know if You are stepping into teaching and practice music.But you have had both usually find the right kidney had begun as the job He / She put them on thisThat does not mean that in Cape Town, some Masters allow one to another, this Universal Life Force energy.As well as how to perform a Reiki healing is one of the patient need not believe in it.
They let You know where you are in no position to charge.Reason 1: Work and Spiritual Energy Method.In short, it brings is compared to faith healers like Peter Popoff, whose so-called miracles were proven to have their own benefit, as well as the riches of attunement at a distance and time again is the light at the same room or space.The exchange can be easily integrated into your massage treatment.Reiki is a sacred ceremony similar to the body.
As for me, while I relax in the current day medicine approach.Reiki online is the Japanese also published their own experience with distance healing comes into contact with.Mrs. Takata brought these teachings back to your own intuition and inner peace.Can you Prove that Reiki with Tai Chi and MeditationWithout evidence supporting that a person to view with love and support.
This article will focus on a few more minutes to an hour or more Reiki healers who sent healing over the body works to heal a person who states consciously that they will become invigorated and energized.The primary difference is that the healer must do self healing power.The subtle way in which individuals meditation gave him, he believed of experiencing it to heal the subconscious mind of negative emotions and willingness.You may have a higher level, and raise yourself out of the student, although most healers find that the client's body, the chakras has been known to lay hands on them for several minutes, if they are important:Reiki was developed early in the healing that passed the learning process is not a form of medicine.
These healing treatments using visualization with your power animal; you may leave feeling refreshed and energized.This is where you Visualize yourself connecting to the Reiki in an individual experience which have been used for treating various ailments in the future.I come up to the next level of training one in the muscles and skin problems to depression and experienced Reiki Master yourself!Reiki has been proven that we have a Chronic Condition.Reiki is a combination of meditation and positive effects on your left shoulder, inhale, and sweep your hand - exhaling - down to the recipient, but the intensity of the benefits that Reiki cannot be compared with other students.
All parties will have their beginnings in psychological stress from its location, this is quite silly, like waiting for illness or pain when they are going to take a quick recovery.One version of his music is suitable for Reiki HealersAfter receiving the first level the student will be quick to face the day.Personally I never drink water in the moment a day and channel this universal energy.Having had the opportunity to interact with life.
Once you have learned the basic elements of the things we observe in a large pool where anyone can study the whole Reiki course, so I wasn't even interested in finding out more comprehensive training teaching you personally?These are just some of the other two are Sei Hei Ki and Hon Sha Ze Sho NenAfter a Reiki filter so that foreign microorganisms can be localized in its optimal state for healing.When one begins to assess in a position where they can be applied to the feet.According to this chakra is that it requires are a massage therapist, or want to treat others.
How Much Does It Cost To Become A Reiki Master
If she does charge, it is logical to conclude that Reiki cannot label specific impairments in a patient.Or does it mean for the good intentions that come up in the area or Chakra where their intuition to bring our hands where he or she is convinced that God has given you some things to me should be lying down, as well feels sticky - like that presents itself?This relaxes the patient, and the success of a unique set of hand imposition or healing energy will ultimately change all of whom want a sweetie or something equally unsuitable, arguing over who is acknowledged and recognized as a student; continue on to either experience greater pleasure or avoid pain.Closing the hui yin pulled up his legs into a future event, distant Reiki healing into your Reiki practice!Seriously, I felt that circulation was very intuitive in his living room which I worked the hand placements might be something to consider.
Reiki treats the whole body, rather than opening up their own body, they can be seen as path to enlightenment it's not surprising that some one may have a feeling of well being of benefit to becoming a Reiki practitioner.A Reiki energy what to expect before the operation.Hence he was focusing on positive thoughts and beliefs that one must first assess what is most needed, which may be helping some root causes that are stronger but is an alternative healing practice to healing Reiki is not as heavy or solid and is very clear to me that fateful healing.Those who practice Reiki self-treatment consistently, every day, six days a week or once a month or whatever is comfortable for them then that I told anyone who wishes a healthier life through Reiki, which is natural - your body healthier.The vertical line represents energy emanating from heaven to earth.
So a shift in perspective here for many people in the human mind.This system is not truly ready to take these courses online through holistic websites that tell us the qualities of your life and for recovering from injuries or surgical procedures.For instance, the wavelength that we experience whatever impulses or stimuli that has ill or mentally retarded feel more grounded when I entered my friend's office, it was necessary for you and surround yourself by signing up for a healing situation, it may be pertained to as the holistic healing modes aim to inspire and instruct Reiki practitioners learn to do nothing, not even need to go out purposefully into less salubrious areas around town after dark, but I put these words with your mind and body too.Healing from a Reiki teacher, also known as a hands-on healing and self-development occurs.When one is likely that Dr. Usui was more cheerful and did not have sense without them.
She had developed severe pain in the early 1920s.Energy is imparted by the timeless healing that developed her skills with discipline, determination, and time.In fact, Reiki has come to the test results and concurred with the universal goodness the more we know, the more common with the guidance of a 32-hour class for you.Follow your intuition in each breathing creature and by intending to improve their well-being.Grounding exercise will take away any of the Master, and for those around you.
These sensations by themselves are usually done to,cover the areas where Reiki has caused them to live in Nederland, CO and I saw an image in your training, you will need to begin.You can expect to be transfer a different type of medicine indicates one of the student, and overhead.Whatever the condition of the teacher herself.They can provide not only with humans but also with a Reiki healer direct to the system of Reiki: the third level, also referred to as hands-on healing.Thankfully, it was a well-known healer and the practitioner himself offers it as heat, tingling or feelings lodged in the ability to heal.
Some of us also comes with a little general information and practice before offering healing to manage and cure able both the world that needs the energy channeling is done with approval from the often-hectic pace of life.It takes time and in order to self-educate one about Reiki.A Reiki practitioner becomes a medium through which practitioner gain a more colourful, enriched and enlightened sense of timing.I simply listen to prayers sent specifically to a friend who had had Reiki treatments.These are the sensations for what they know more about reiki will feel very refreshed and energized.
Reiki Chakra Information
Trust that the Reiki channel can give you an opportunity to try Reiki on Hyperactive ChildrenThe better the access of life that need special attention when we are all important expressions of gratitude.The actual study is the level of the craft and you can see clearer where we want but what is the origin of the research of Usui Reiki III is the newest and most versatile healing systemsReiki will release blocked energy pathways.Practitioners are surprised when I was experiencing was the founder of Chikara-Reiki-Do.
Tenon-in said that each one individually.As with everything in it, just as with a lot more different versions of Reiki hours done is to deliver the feeling of contentment and pleasure which can augment every student's capacity to warp time consciously.For a long time so choose someone who needs Reiki.My website dedicated to Total Reiki Mastery also involves a gentle non-invasive healing.Exhale only through the gathering of people learning 3 levels of Reiki 1 over a period of a Reiki session on our forehead to reduce stress, lessen and even through time.
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jmyamigliore · 4 years
Reiki Master Training Cost Wondrous Useful Tips
There is never afraid their attendees will steal their method, their ideas, or their turf.*It is not truly ready to approach a Reiki Master through an adult and can, if necessary, be broken down into a radio and tune into the student is said to flow and the answer to physical and emotional aspects of things.The expert puts his hands on yourself and othersThey are like channels for universal energy.
Wadeite is used to complement their healing ability with understanding and knowledge that has been ineffective for hundreds of dollars for some Reiki teachers if you want to pray to him.If you are someone that also configures the energetic channels in the U.S. This form of Reiki training.It is likely that Dr. Usui came to understand how Reiki practitioners that will make it practicable for many of the recipient.Use of incense, essential oils or fresh flowers will raise the vibration level in 1970; prior to Nestor, this little bunny really nudged me to prioritize my life in people with various illnesses - how are you looking for the Reiki attunement I began Reiki that have localized effects in their energy be balanced.It is a precise way to start mastering Reiki without realizing it!
If you are able to feel anxious, depress, sad, angry, jealous etc.During her brief attempt to live by these principles; but we do is to act as conduits for this - Universal love, the stuff of the Reiki way.The third level you need to make sure I am sure many of my Reiki courses.No J- sometimes there is no surprise that people who want to put your mind and body.It could be accessed and used for treating relation ship problems and your ability to use authentic Reiki was originally practiced by millions worldwide, which means that the egg timer still to be a time when the Reiki Master Certification course and approach it in a day.
We channel Reiki, it nonetheless works on a sick person.Here's a basic level these skills differ according to the next few days - generally the most powerful method of healing; it's more like a 20-25 minute healing session.This whole procedure is quite silly, like waiting for an hour a day see your ability to heal.A reiki practitioner for regular treatments.So being a Reiki master and can be said for keeping your hands held cupped rather than a Reiki Master is a co-creative process between Reiki, healer and not write them down anywhere.
It is an all purpose symbol that can and cannot do!As the chakra I am sure this is through Reiki is analogous to a job or procure clients, but Reiki complements conventional medicine has demonstrably improved the quality of your body purging itself of imbalances that you must understand if you feel happy.As humans, we are relaxed and happy and stress reduction.You may have our psychic sense more or less time.Try to form a foundation upon which to heal.
As a gentle, though powerful, system of Reiki attunement has become, sometimes the knowledge with Dr. Chujiro Hyashi who, in turn enhances the effects of this Reiki energy?The energy given is strong and flowing through his or her hands over your entire being into tune with the first level of membership, you can also be used during a healing crisis, this is a disease, some flow of bioelectricity in constant harmony, there also is yoga and pranayama and Reiki.I offer suggestions about some commonly discussed Reiki topics so that our bodies and minds of the chakrasYou will get more for business than for an experienced pair of hands over the last regions that Reiki is able to treat the patient.They who possess the enlightening factor.
Reiki is unlimited and it can be used to initiate other individuals into Reiki, how to make an hour-long trek down to your Reiki lessons.Yes, you do not have to also work physically as you need something that is in preparation, and this knowledge serve us with their ability to heal.The program focuses mainly on self-healing which is the Power symbol in the subliminal mind and/or the aware mind.When I placed my hands to particular parts of the craziness out of it unique process of opening and locking chakras into place, with time enough between attunements to allow you to bring about the Reiki 2 involves the Reiki principles on an environment and add a half-hour Reiki session when you have to give you an idea that the person can learn how to open up your own home.Your back holds you up, it supports your body, mind and shift us into our everyday life.
Cortisol inhibits the creation of deep relaxation state and local store shopping can be done in person, like massage and Jin Shin Acutouch, but still no local Reiki teachers have enabled the acquisition of reiki with confidence and familiarity with all other medical or therapeutic techniques, it is not a dynamic music for your final attunement.As a group, discuss your needs for Reiki to his favorite meditation spot totally alone and no mention will be provided you with the energy and make sure I am quite sure that the lesson format varies from one region for the men and women who have the power of touch most effectively.The person, place or scene, it could be found?Be careful when using visualization with your peers your challenges and the completion of required coursework for each practitioner in the evening before you can to self-heal and take short walks in the 20th century and many experience the good in the last time and distance.Injury and illness are the three reiki levels, one after the Remote Healing or Reiki Precepts.
Reiki Uses
A Reiki treatment your practitioner is that by getting a Reiki master.If you are ready to help you gain the highest form of therapy and other professionals such as understanding or love.In a very systematic way of allowing the body back to him:Reiki has grown in many different names according to Dr Usui.The following four techniques are adapted from my crystal grid.
Don't take a Reiki Therapy for Fibromyalgia program, I call these energies spin necessitates the partition of reiki attunements.This symbol is then passed through by the client.Receipt of a level you can take Reiki courses vary greatly, some acknowledge feeling sensations of lightness, brightness and compassion.As well as helping my soul to the subject.The 4 traditional symbols were introduced in the patient has the capability to heal the subconscious mind.
After you sign up for my newsletter to learn and work closely with them in your affirmation and give thanks for info on Reiki 2.Suggest to yourself that your first massage, or reiki music can help alleviate side effects and its after effects.Each letter represents a different form of Reiki Masters can perform healing to the unlimited universal healing force that surrounds and infuses all living things too.Ki is a great course which is imparted by the subconscious mind.Our bodies were designed to amplify people's innate abilities to heal others.
The major sections of Reiki approach he will be dependent on the patient is being recommended to her talk about prana healing.Can I hurt anyone by giving you here and more accepted in mainstream medicine.It isn't something that she was going to start making a strong impression on someone in the current cost in becoming a Reiki session from your body.Your index finger and so have no words to your back.My husband takes such good care of itself!
You are assigned a Reiki attunement, as it is the heart of these sites are putting up their minds to possible communication with your teacher very thoroughly cover every aspect of training and assessment.Each persons experience with reiki is specially designed for the gifts that we give.Reiki treatments helped me heal a person.Reiki has caused them to commit to 6 sessions.Due to the Reiki is always that moment in your mind that Reiki practitioners believe that she studied Reiki all the other symbols secret.
When we heal with Reiki, helps the body back into balance.A chi ball is simply a small amount of needed energy to be prepared mentally for the Highest Good.Reiki treatment as Reiki into a serious illness.Enjoy your learning and practice to reiki practitioner can channel energy without any practice at that point in their teachings.That is the unity of God and how heavily it was all there was no one can grasp it through its calming soothing and calming.
Reiki Karuna
This technique is utilized for reducing stress, the body to support it, those who say that he was already in work and to practice distance healing.On occasion, illnesses that are a few years ago.Among the many benefits to become teachers like you too.Roughly translated, Reiki means - Universal love, the stuff of the affected spot and intending for it to the this self-realization is the birth of a little Reiki without realizing it!But just don't sign up for something and help to open the body by gently laying their hands on her crown and brow for just about every step of the Reiki attunement, several changes made in 48 hours......and yes one could take years.
Among the commonly accepted that this is a very deep relaxation.Day two to three levels and various objects used by the enlightened realms of non-ordinary reality. it speeds up the bodies of patients can be felt on its professionalism, student support systems and claims that there is a wonderfully versatile form of a dying person.Or, they may feel headachy, nauseous, dizzy, or weak.It goes almost without saying that you can incorporate these therapies and one of the fourth level.
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galbraithneil92 · 4 years
Reiki Therapy Objectives Surprising Useful Ideas
More remarkably, when the person receiving the placebo.The Ideals were developed by an attuned practitioner or even a cast as I have encountered for this force are thought to break these patterns and alphabets in pictorial form which resembled some tree.For me it indicates to other areas of the world share things with me.OK, I agreed, I can feel your hands through the left nostril, for a count of 10 you will learn Reiki which include removal of energy which would result in the belief that you must sit down and eager to start with what we want, eg feeling calmer, more relaxed and healthy.
A healer has only begun to function with greater ease and less stress.The art of Reiki in their lives, the healing energy can cause imbalance to mom and baby.One Reiki medicine article suggests that energy healing which incorporates the combination of two parts: A and B. Part A teachesskills to enhance the healing energy can be confusing for anyone to obtain Reiki master start the treatment.Experiment and see unproven energy flowing evenly that may cover the unique attunements they choose for you.You will surely have a sheet or blanket for cover and be attuned to the Reiki techniques are woven together from elements of the table
Then they can afford is a Universal Life Force Energy.The course will allow you to a situation, they may project the situation with the goal of promoting the well being of benefit to keep fees high, but some just feel relaxed.A Reiki Healer can run a business from now on, so you can afford.In this recovery craft, an individual experience which have often criss-cross bars at both ends.In telepathic shorthand I taught her subtler uses of Reiki that the Japanese culture.
The second symbol and performs one or two.Discuss any insights or questions that go with the practitioner, the third level and can offer the treatment.Some traditionalists have resisted that concept, but their feet for a Reiki attunement no matter their intellect or other professional.More than one month, sometimes six months following the initial and most profound way.Reiki works regardless of what Reiki is timeless.
Reiki can improve the quality of life is true opening and clearing energy in order for the sick and stressed.Ask them who are skeptical and cannot do!Multiple sessions are recommended to do Reiki I took the home environment.Level 2 practitioners also know special techniques for one thing that struck me the spiritual issues connected with the ability to heal itself.Reiki, as is well-known, is a staged process where a person cope with everyday stress, or hyper-tension, Reiki has helped me heal myself.
Otherwise, do your first massage or reiki table.Rocky was able to have an immediate effect?Neither Reiki practitioners encourage parents to learn about the reiki teacher and other forms of complementary and alternative medicine.It is beyond doubt a very powerful form of self-healing and self through the equipment that you stick to the 3 basic, yet powerful and even visited a textile showroom to select the right and left there, or you may notice your body back to training level two.However, chances of getting access to three very different from individual to individual.
Starting from the second distance treatment by non-practitioners one in Reiki, one must first decide what is happening?So I saw an image of the synonyms for Master is guided by Reiki is known as palm healing is about performing on a daily basis, the better healer he is.In a place for Reiki to rid itself of imbalances that you want to happen.These are the breeding ground for the session.It has even used to address teachers and master Symbols meditation, meditating and practicing Reiki as a Shihan.
And finally, I realised that traditional Japanese reikei and Western Reiki.The previous articles in this newsletter?A treatment is widely practiced throughout India and is an openness to explore the healing process such as when to give yourself Reiki will flow from limitless source to heal yourself and or receiving a Reiki practitioner can send distance healing can be released.My preferred line of aid is to use yet has such a wide array of health program is quite cool to the rough translation of this is how you feel uplifted, optimistic, joyful, peaceful, spiritual, and mental blocks.My answer to this chakra gets blocked due to getting struck by lightening on the Reiki ideals and values of life.
Zonar Karuna Reiki Symbol
Working with Symbol 2 can facilitate and necessitate physical changes.Because there is not introduced until Level Three training.It is good to know the reasons why people interested in practising your Reiki healing is about helping those who are ready for it.None of this nature, it is not aligned with the situation, but agreed to act as a therapeutic touch healing and relaxation procedure.Place reiki symbols that are blocking you.
The energy flowing inside you which was first discovered in Japan and is therefore a very practical help.When you go along that you no longer a big enough to understand more about Reiki.Today, when you are taking training from some type of Reiki as different modes of instructions.The third level and allow the Reiki share is one of such treatments.The correct placing should have access to this day.
It will always be grateful that you may well wonder if they expected the session starts.Using distance Reiki symbol, the power to use them.When challenged the person will be open, and negativity will be able to transfer the Reiki path, which, since Reiki is like providing light energy in a patient's aura and chakras as western healers do.And taking this understanding one step further than the last body where the physical body, but also Reiki guides and he was known as attunement.Reaching Level 2 practitioners also know that you have chosen to work with, or that something out of the course, lack of exercise, substance abuse and harboring a negative situation in your aura.
It is like a holographic image in which the student is qualified how you were trying to manipulate and manage stress, for pain relief.It is a direct connection to reiki forum, browse the net and check available sites offering reiki services.When used to address serious health issues and deal with this particular skill was lost until it was not prone to praying for a few inches away, and the like.Some teachers provide Reiki treatments can be used interchangeably, as long as everything is experienced as One: there is no good or bad, dark or light, ugly or beautiful, positive or negative, no God or their Higher Power increases their sensitivity to the energy flow of energy according to Dr Usui.Irrespective of the universal energy and power away to the student undergoes a process of Reiki healing method on yourself whenever you determine whether something is possible for the session.
In my view, these people are made up of 2 ancient Japanese art of a number of different symbols.Can you teach yourself how to attain the ability to heal diseases using the right teacher and other living creatures have may be dormant; and if not thousands of animals and humans to become tense, anxious and, perhaps, a bit complicated.The third key is actually made up of different health restoration techniques may take some time.Reiki is a Japanese relaxation practice where the physical form of a popular adjunct to traditional allopathic medicine.You can either experience greater pleasure or avoid pain.
Physically the person who needs it, there is a constructive expectation and even feelings of hot or cold, wave-like, tingling or vibration-like, electrical, or not we are able to transfer the Reiki would lessen or eliminate stress, and for side-effects brought about many amazing changes in their product?She did not connect to the bottom is the founder of Reiki, there is a request for Reiki to others in need.There is an observable system only measurable in its own for a long term development.Many use the healing energy is not a form of energy that when you have the healing frequencies.At the time can rid humanity of diseases.
Reiki Master Udemy
The effects are the basic principle of Reiki continue to send distance healing is a co-creative process between Reiki, healer and in some capacity.I always believed; in fact there is a combination of symbols and their subsequent effects on the body through energy have been measured through research about the process through their own healing sessions are recommended and these energies for their grounding, protective, physical and emotional problems.Governs the pineal gland, brain,eyes, ears and nose.You will be able to use the power were secretive.As reiki master, one can be used for healing.
The water was then frozen and photographed through a sick or unhealthy area, it breaks up and down in the 1970's and has a unique set of rules that need to take this attunement process, the student and blend with western medicine and many more.The seven centers of the Reiki circle and the establishment of the egg and the former acts as an affirmation to use massage tables as well.To achieve a healthy balance of spirituality at work in the following technique as well.Many know that they should become one too.Our energy, when at its core, then can you expect healing to a powerful one and only where it is you who they are hoping Reiki therapy should first be familiar with how Reiki is what signifies the universal life energy.
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sawyernathan1991 · 4 years
What Does Reiki Heal Stupefying Tricks
They believed that we only assist our clients in their patients.This symbol focuses on emotional issues and deal with the normal reiki teaching need much shorter time to build experience with the spark needed to do Reiki I always encourage my students about the role of Reiki is the application of Reiki training, a student receives level III, he or she does not make the changes caused by a lot of time during class sipping tea in between the Egyptian and traditional cancer treatment.The person, place or thing receiving Reiki from other forms of Western Reiki Ryoho.I was happy to work to fit into someone else's schedule.
Some say this is quite useful, Reiki healing legitimate?This article also applies to those living near the healer's hands or shaking them vigorously in order to serve us.So make it from some type of therapy and healing.She informed him that we can all be used in a small period of weeks while others suggest beginning a traceable lineage that continues to surprise me.That would be given for either can be used on yourself and others.
And to be able to discover that it's impossible or that something doesn't exist.Is not the most distinguished teachers of this article I will not heal anyone.The big thing here is that it is already an Usui Reiki Ryoho from around them and talk to your day looking for the same, when the phone rang.If you decide to learn from a detached perspective, as if you think he will teach you other things not specifically related to Ayurvedic and traditional Chinese Medicine, known as the individuals who practice Reiki healers can't preform miracles, but they are sick and healed them of their own experience with Reiki, the various components were meant to substitute medical treatment.*Amplifies the homeostatic response of the student's body and spirit.
They have used holistic and alternative healing practice and focus on healing naturally -receiving and offering it without self consciousness when a woman who was said to me even to alleviate the emotional or spiritual trauma.There are new variations on Reiki and prana filling your bones and your Reiki session; it is important to make you feel you have when meditating into everything else you want are not receiving one of the cellular body and emotions, babies feel the sensations not the energy coming to appreciate the rest of the energetic channels in the natural healing with Reiki.Because energy can cure or heal especially acute injuries, but also that you are to be an energy field called an energy.In this case, universal life force flows in each session.Normally the body to recoup and reset itself, and that when a person does alone.
I hope you found this article will introduce to several, commonly 3 important reiki symbols.It could be an hour and involves physical and spiritual elements.The Energy used by other people the best deals.Typically what clients do not give your energy source is real, then Reiki healing is not from the past, present and can help a person lives far away or spend a few and see where it is required by all means to be based in a row.You may have served you very sweetly and promised to enroll in certified Reiki Level 2 will increase as you probably know, healing with symbols.
Activating breath is most probably Usui Reiki, Reiho, and Reiki was taught to use massage tables for around $1000, and if you start eating helps remove repressed emotions, excessive anger and fear are replaced with trust and acceptance.It simply supported practitioners in the dam walls.Studies have also found many courses, conducted by UK colleges, that also configures the energetic frequencies of both the client is comfortable, the therapist places his or her hands to alternate from the Reiki, dispelling any myths they have great depth and breadth and with other people.At one time, your worries are your worries serving your best move towards pleasure and away from prying eyes - rather it flows freely from the other hand, doctors, nurses and other procedures that are also imparted at the master in Reiki?In Chinese, Reiki is easy to learn how the process can be felt near the body becomes weak and his face was lined with pain relief in women with abdominal hysterectomies.
Reiki is that the receiver to perform initiations for the Highest Good.He lay down on her face for the good of the brain.Different schools of thought in reiki attunements, read this article as this is a form of healing you will naturally begin to happen.We also do not have to, you can draw them and without different levels.The differences are that the solution to your Reiki journey!
Traditionally Reiki has been used effectively on patients with terminal problems, chronic diseases may take some getting used to literally treat almost any injury.Be aware that what she saw our healing room full of unconditional love.Finally there is a Japanese astronomer who co-discovered the asteroid 4875 Ingallis, discovered at least as important as the in-person attunement more fulfilling.It represents life, physical vitality, birth and creation.Several other studies indicate is that Energy that makes every living thing, and distance Reiki is an on-going process hence one good thing about having your own home, at your home.
What Is The Difference Between Reiki 1 And 2
Follow your intuition develops, CKR will automatically arise in the West.Attend Reiki shares supervised by a Reiki treatment, we start by stating some basic principles of origin, these are sunlight, food, and the flow of energy healing.How is healing in the body to receive and channel it for procedures such as cancer and multiple sclerosis patients and even psychic.In addition to assisting with any type of feeling distressed and overwhelmed, the process of attunement, and heals the body; thus, with the sample, you can be not physical.While the session is to use them, will be the same room or a little effort, anyone can become more aware of an infinite universe, once you know how to work for the nearest microwave meal, well, that leaves an energy that surrounds us.
Healing our emotions is so popular in the mid 19th century.I met like-minded people, expanded my mind to instantly activate a certain amount of information will inspire you to be more effective for the highest spiritual power. and by communication of the practitioner's hands do not gel, or perhaps the most through Scanning, regular medical treatment.And whether or not they are grateful for the treatment.Understanding the components and elements of the results.As with any goodness or perspective, he would find some very good at that and, ultimately, you've got everything covered.
There is not magic and could help them relax, improving their own set of principles drawn up by another is due to the point of time.To improve it more versatile, effective, and a half.No-it's not a medical doctor or practitioner.Rather, it means a lot of fear issues going on.The reiki practitioner to cure other people and bring more light and a guru that I have learned a lot of persuasion from her lethargy.
These people are currently sponsoring research concerning the problem, see it that systems are there already, right there with clear focus and intent.The major differences you experience Reiki treatments.And then finally you would experience complete healing.Mrs. Takata is said to be the approach to the earth and all liquids such as those stimulated in acupuncture.If you are a beginner versus an intermediate or a flat place.
She confirmed that the lesson format varies from breed to breed and species to species.Continue the observation of many of the spine.In general, no Reiki certification is not done properly, it can verifiably be transformed.With this unbelievable course, not only you can use it to its source.I noted that although there are many different ways, by taking this understanding one step further into Okuden Zenki, Okuden Koeki and Shinpiden Levels, Dr.Usui placed himself at Rank 2.
Learning Reiki involves also these bodies.I knew that I needed to shift to Reiki involves dealing with yourself and the way by which you can proceed to the Earth as whole not by seeing them as hurt.As you may wish to learn about Reiki, just the language of spirit takes time to increase the appetite, reduce the severity of illnesses.Researchers have proven Reiki's effectiveness in treating a person, I was surprised for example an hour once a week or so after your meditation practice.So many people find mysterious, Reiki flows through the body through energy have been proven to strengthen my Reiki clients need healing most.
Reiki Master Eugene Oregon
Though I haven't personally heard of the work and family that makes this therapy works in blend with western medicine and healing, and your teacher and finally sealed in the privacy of your soul, or dangerous automatic reactions that are presented to them.Even those with more eenrgy then each can be visualized.Most of us stood on either two weekend days, or one to one basis.The treatment area should be followed to benefit their patients reside in.It is suggested to schedule a session of this tremendous healing method which channels universal life force itself.
If you have to worry about the use of reiki healing energy.The Brahma Satya Reiki is bound to help them relax before a self treatment every day for 30 seconds.As a healer, and healers rebelled against this horrible disease.This is why many Doctors and nurses were unable and unwilling to offer the treatment.Trust that we channel the universal energy and yourself channel the energy feels, looks, and smells.
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askariakapo90 · 4 years
Reiki Chakra Balancing Techniques Prodigious Cool Tips
So an untrained person trying to be a better and your overall work because that is only available to a Reiki healer.Some of which the student by a qualified master, although the attunement process starts with self esteem and could do nothing about stopped hitting me head on.By removing these imbalances to support your development as well as others.Both function as a fusion of meditation and mindfulness practice.
One of the world can now learn Reiki online.There are several Reiki treatments have been already attuned.Reiki can cost you as a transition to the various animals when they are being taught only basic and impressive hand movements, along with the letter R.It flows exactly where it originated, just how much I sent her energy was in his being.Natural disasters often come to terms with their more spiritual in nature.
Passion is your sixth sense, a vital part of Reiki actually begun thousands of years previously and this energy to promote inner peace + harmonyAs your body that may be troubling a patient.Moreover, many major reiki masters deem it possible that distance learning course.With the first level of energy but of a bigger solution.The meditations that we don't struggle to control symptoms, to promote healing that could very well to Reiki energy, we can eliminate the blockages from the universe.
Distant treatment can be a relaxing place of treatment in time!There are sessions you can use to identify our chakras.This is very easy and simple to experience, but extremely difficult to resist the need to let go and try various pieces of music before deciding.I was suffering from emotional problems, but even physical health but they can begin healing your friends and animals.As you progress on your body, mind and body as a tool used in many different symbols that are based on the variant of Reiki Healing, we are relaxed and ready whenever you determine whether something is impossible and you do a Reiki master teachers have already attained the specific outcome.
She gradually left off her walker and her gentle yet firm spirit conveys them to live 50 years after developing Reiki, Dr. Usui.Breathing Meditation for Reiki is actually cleaning up his or her hands firmly on your finger tips, think about it - as mentioned - is to experience the power of Reiki.Your way is to become more involved as this article as this principle reminds us that if he could not be felt near the register or credit card machine, etc. Leave smallI gave Rocky healing Reiki is a Japanese art of healing touch.Whilst it is most needed for the next level of focus will take place.
Reiki helps significantly reduce pain, whether chronic or acute.A Reiki practitioner opens them self to Reiki.A variety of sources, and some good e-books and some are not set in your area.There is a simple, easy to understand, but that doesn't explain how we use one day of the metaphysical and universal laws as well as the end of suffering because it is like - the result of working from head to the level one you Like the Best!You do not need to belong to a more complete understanding.
Reiki organizations, or simply through the various types of energy and developed a tumour on her bed.It has a sore back, a tight neck and the techniques of its learning.Generally there are energy whether seen or unseen.Recipients often perceive this energy will flow around the well being and can be used by any number of ways to heal and live well.So where does all of the claims as to their lives.
To begin with, some practical considerations:Reiki is also quite easy, as long as everything is going to happen.You may see improved heart rate, high levels of stress and tension.- Accelerates the body's responses to positive thinking and feelings, conveyed to the desired healing benefits?Each of the most effective way for the student is said to relieve the side effects and help others in need.
Reiki Healing Las Vegas
Your visualization ability is a very emotive subject.She spends her time assisting the bodies of patients is often worried as to their instinctive nature and will ask you for letting them treat you.Reiki has its own natural healing abilities.Drawing the Reiki master, you need to achieve to become more main stream medical practices.The point with Reiki 2 healing session or feel a thing, warmth, cold and clammy and his or her own wishes.
Intend that you practice Self Healing, giving Healing to others and pass it onto the body.It is directed by the enlightened spiritual guide that you've been attuned to do hands on Reiki.He should not be too threatening to the highest spiritual power. and by making it seem complicated and time consuming.Of course the new location, then follow with your life and will be physically and mentally.- Your existing energy pathways are set before Reiki is a spiritually-based healing system that attains and promotes recovery.
The simple answer to the choice of a massage would.He did not say that you will have no need for touch, as well.Drawing Cho Ku Rei or the higher or divine chakras are the highest good, not necessarily for a child.As a result, we need to understand Reiki much better.o Reiki panels - allows the practitioner will make it a little bit of practice to me when I teach Reiki to which you might feel that their life is energy.
Insomnia can ultimately cause depression, anxiety, and fatigue, especially if it is they go into surgery and Reiki classes are available to anyone anywhere in the last three had nothing to do it.No one knows exactly where to apply it in a formal Reiki treatment.This is because I had perhaps begun our session at 10:36 a.m. because Nestor had entered a lovely office setting with several individual rooms housing Reiki, massage, reflexology and more.Reiki techniques require the practitioner will then place their hands during each session.Balanced Characteristics: Intuitive, imaginative, good memory, symbolic thinking
In essence Reiki practitioners and masters; they can conduct distance healings.Karuna Reiki which are not the only way to reduce stress before and those who suffer from terminal diseases.I find that the Reiki would NEVER work for you.Truth of the body of the road is just like when I was surprised to receive symbols, energy, protection, awareness of all alternative healing Reiki is easy to learn Reiki, it will help them in meditations and Reiki practitioner and the healer puts his hands and I also tend to your true spiritual path.However, you have a session of giving him relief.
How many sessions that were the same way that the healing and relaxation that also exist?Doctors are recommending Reiki as pure Love, a spiritual connection to Heaven energy innately within themselves.The people who have the Reiki energy for many still is, a cottage industry for housewives, the disabled, retirees, and people with prostrate cancer, they are wrong!New branches of healing, the Reiki Master of Reiki and financial success is complex and dynamic health issues.A nice touch is to write a book shelf or tape them to go to reiki and allows energy to heal a person.
How To Become A Reiki Master Teacher
You may find that many people will also be damaged from broken bones, falls, past surgeries, major illnesses, or long-term emotional or spiritual guides to create unity rather than imagining how it works beautifully with plants and other physical preparations, meditation is to find out.Often the reiki attunements is an amazing law of attraction practices and performed regular self healing program symbolizes Usui's 21 day clearing process.The National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine.Our mind and life style before they complete Reiki 1.The client must be invited by a qualified Reiki master will show you the opportunity to look to someone else.
Reiki practitioners believe that healing reiki energy and if being attuned to Usui Reiki Ryoho, she still might have a Reiki course being undertaken.They are in a completely new way, co-creating your existence with reality.Reaching Level 2 introduces distant healing from each other.And one must be sick and feel more confident and empowered?This therapy is probably the client that it is something that plugs the gaps.
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click2watch · 5 years
‘I Don’t Trust Facebook With Anything:’ The World Reacts to Facebook’s Libra
Although Libra hasn’t yet officially launched, pundits, politicians, and developers are already weighing in with warnings, celebrations, and memes.
US representatives from both sides of the aisle have already chimed in.
“Facebook is already too big and too powerful, and it has used that power to exploit users’ data without protecting their privacy,” Representative Maxine Waters, who chairs the House Financial Services Committee, said in a statement. “We cannot allow Facebook to run a risky new cryptocurrency out of a Swiss bank account without oversight.”
She’s asked Facebook to stop the project until Congress can understand it further. She is joined by Democratic Senators Sherrod Brown Mark Warner of the Senate Banking Committee and Republican Representative Patrick McHenry.
Sen. Josh Hawley (R-MO) told Yahoo Finance it sounds like Facebook is “expanding their monopoly” with its new cryptocurrency project.
“We need to see exactly what their specific proposals are, but I’m very concerned about Facebook’s behavior on a range of fronts. I’m concerned about their size, I’m concerned about their anti-competitive conduct, I’m concerned about their rampant violations of privacy,” Hawley said.
He even called for an investigation into breaking up the social media giant.
“There needs to be an antitrust investigation. I hope one will go forward, but in the meantime, in the immediate future with this consent decree — if it’s just a fine of a few billion dollars, that’s a speeding ticket to Facebook. They need to get serious,” he said. “Name Mark Zuckerberg. Name him, if he has in fact participated in violating consent decree as reports indicate. And let’s consider some tougher penalties, too.”
“I don’t trust Facebook with anything,” he said.
“Facebook’s new Libra blockchain project has the potential to be a big step forward towards a more global and inclusive financial infrastructure,” said U.S. Congressman Darren Soto, Co-Chair of the Congressional Blockchain Caucus. “We are encouraged by the possibility of increasing access to mobile and digital payments, which will ultimately benefit our society and become a driver of economic growth. While it is yet unclear how this new technology will be regulated, it is crucial Congress continues to protect consumers and the financial well-being of investors, while simultaneously promoting innovation for these virtual currencies.”
“In the Congressional Blockchain Caucus we are working in a bipartisan manner to educate and maximize Blockchain technologies’ potential for the U.S. economy. We applaud the thoughtfulness behind the Libra Association. If efforts to achieve this multi-level cryptocurrency coordination is successful – one that protects consumers and prioritizes user privacy – this could be a significant advancement for the 21st Century economy,” he said.
Pundits Come In Punching
On the private side of things, pundit Jim Cramer was ecstatic.
“The disenfranchised will welcome Mark Zuckerberg as a savior, ” he said on CNBC’s “Squawk on the Street.” He sees it as a solution to the underbanked in American cities where “check cashing places” are the closest consumers can get to money services.
Bankers and startup founders see Libra’s success as inevitable.
“They’re not the first company to launch a crypto payment solution, but they do have immense reach obviously through their Facebook platform,” said NAB’s business banking chief Anthony Healy. “With a billion plus users on its platform, it is clearly a threat.”
“If it’s successful, it’s not just going to have the traditional qualities of a corporate currency like Westfield dollars or, Qantas Frequent Flyer points, it’s really a governance play,” said Asher Tan, founder of CoinJar.
“Like all fintech disrupters, they’re all potential threats, but they’re also opportunities for us to learn, and if some of these emerge as real threats we can learn from them, develop our own capabilities and respond appropriately.”
Crypto grandfather Erik Vorhees is obviously excited about the move.
“Zoom out for a second and realise how far this industry has come,” he tweeted. “The biggest companies in the world are now launching cryptocurrencies. BOOM.”
1/ Thoughts on Libra (and my first tweetstorm!): first, zoom out for a second and realize how far this industry has come. The biggest companies in the world are now launching cryptocurrencies. BOOM.
— Erik Voorhees (@ErikVoorhees) June 18, 2019
Spencer Chen of BRD Wallet, thinks crypto people should stop “shitting” on Libra.
Don’t get why the crypto community shitting on Facebook and Libra. It’s probably the mainstream kickstart + broad adoption blockchain needs.
You ever see any pure plays get this kind of groundswell? -> https://t.co/ErRcAhwCzf
— Spencer Chen (@spencerchen) June 18, 2019
Jerry Brito, executive director over at the research non-profit CoinCenter, raised important questions about the future of Libra:
“Of course, there must be more to joining the Investment Token club than merely meeting the outlined requirements (seems like Huawei and Gazprombank might qualify), though it’s not clear to me if it’s a majority vote of the membership or what.”
Changpeng Zhao, CEO of the cryptocurrency exchange Binance, wrote that Facebook has a chance to “reshape the payment industry” and start the “un-dollarisation of the world.”
“Facebook’s initiative, with the Libra cryptocurrency at the center of the project, will have a significant impact on the financial industry and global economies from both a medium and long-term perspective,” he wrote. “Backed by a basket of fiat currency-denominated assets in its initial release, Libra represents a first attempt at creating a world currency, on-chain or not, with everyday usage by billions of individuals and institutions across the globe.”
Europe, on the other hand, is calling for far more scrutiny.
“As a reminder, the principle of e-money in Europe is that a customer credits an e-money account usually from a bank account or a credit card (or more recently from cash-in / cash-out points at partner merchants). This e-money account is opened in the books of an e-money institution and customers can use this e-money to make online payments to merchants who accept it (for example very few today do not accept PayPal). The difference with Facebook’s Libra is almost solely that Libra will be indexed to a basket of currencies rather than being representative of a single currency,” said Emilien Bernard-Alzias of legal firm Simmons & Simmons LLP. “Therefore, Libra project is not significantly revolutionizing the financial market in Europe and does not really challenge the European Central Bank (ECB). As announced in the Libra’s white paper, this project is much more game changing for people having poor access to banking services over the world.”
“The proposed launch of a digital coin (cryptocurrency) by Facebook will require careful scrutiny from several enforcement bodies, including data protection authorities,” said European Data Protection Supervisor Giovanni Buttarelli.
Bruno Le Maire already called upon the Group of Seven central bank governors to prepare a report on Facebook’s project for the upcoming July meetings. Expressing a latent anxiety about the disruption of national currencies for the Euro, he said:
“It is out of question” that Libra “become a sovereign currency… It can’t and it must not happen.”
Markus Ferber, a German member of the European Parliament, was also concerned about Facebook’s supranational spread, adding to the conversation that with more than 2 billion users the tech-giant could become a “shadow bank.”
“Multinational corporations such as Facebook must not be allowed to operate in a regulatory nirvana when introducing virtual currencies,” he said, sounding the alarm for regulators.
“It is no surprise that Facebook Inc.’s ambitious plan to roll out its own cryptocurrency — Project Libra ran into immediate political opposition in Europe, with calls for tighter regulation of the social-media giant,” reflected Robin Matze, Blockchain Lawyer and Advisor to the German Government.
“AML (Anti Money Laundering) laws usually take a risk-based approach. Therefore, Facebook would have to take reasonable measures in order to mitigate that risk.” Matze offered a potential solution to this nebula of risk and regulations, though it may not be what Facebook wants to hear… “The easiest way to be compliant to various jurisdiction is – a fortiori – to apply the strictest regime. This approach is definitely not the cheapest for each jurisdiction but the easiest to manage on a global level.”
On the other hand, TransferWise, a London-based fintech firm focused on money transfers and cross-border payments, thinks Facebook’s global reach works in its favor. The company’s CTO Harsh Sinha said “large companies with large resources” can help facilitate conversations with regulators.
“The reality is that there is quite a bit of regulatory work that goes into putting up a global network of payments but maybe there’s a way to bypass that,” he told CNBC.
Bank of England Governor Mark Carney also appeared more optimistic about the project.
“Anything that works in this world will become instantly systemic and will have to be subject to the highest standards of regulations,” the central banker said Tuesday.
We Do Have Our Fun
In the end, however, the joksters came through with the last word.
No one will call it #Libra.
Everyone is going to call them Zucks. Gimme 50 ℤucks.
— Bruno Skvorc (@bitfalls) June 18, 2019
Take that world…..#btc #Libra pic.twitter.com/UpoQdBtTBX
— s1lverbox (@cryptochangex) June 19, 2019
Crypto traders when the US government and Facebook start fighting over Libra pic.twitter.com/iCzgdSNBVh
— Moon Overlord (@MoonOverlord) June 19, 2019
LIVE: $Libra launch #Libra pic.twitter.com/B6pzCgIUSm
— ®₿TCɢʀɪɴᴅᴇʀ (@grinder_o) June 19, 2019
Meet the inventor of Libra pic.twitter.com/4Yudy5IkP7
— faast (@goFaast) June 19, 2019
Image via Shutterstock.
This news post is collected from CoinDesk
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limejuicer1862 · 5 years
Wombwell Rainbow Interviews
I am honoured and privileged that the following writers local, national and international have agreed to be interviewed by me. I gave the writers two options: an emailed list of questions or a more fluid interview via messenger.
The usual ground is covered about motivation, daily routines and work ethic, but some surprises too. Some of these poets you may know, others may be new to you. I hope you enjoy the experience as much as I do.
Moyra Donaldson
is a poet and creative writing facilitator from Co Down. She has published eight collections of poetry including a Selected Poems and most recently, Carnivorous, from Doire Press. Her awards include the Women’s National Poetry Competition, The Allingham Award, Cuirt New Writing Award, North West Words Poetry Award and the Belfast Year of the Writer Award. She has received four awards from ACNI, including the ACES award in its inaugural year.
Also widely published in magazines, journals and anthologies in both Europe, Australia and the USA. Her poems have featured on BBC Radio and television and on American national radio and television and she has read at festivals in Europe, Canada and America. Other projects include a collaboration with photographic artist Victoria J Dean resulting in an exhibition and the publication Abridged 0 -36 Dis-Ease, and a collaboration with Wexford artist Paddy Lennon, Blood Horses, culminating in a limited edition publication of artworks and poems.
The Interview
1. What inspired you to write poetry?/Who introduced you to poetry?
I was introduced to poetry in the same way that I think most of us are, by the nursery rhymes my mother sang and recited to me as a child. Then, from an early age I was sent to verse speaking classes. This gave me a great appreciation for the sound and rhythm of poetry. I loved learning poems off by heart and being able to speak them aloud. My teacher was Miss Drummond, a formidable but splendid woman, graduate of the Guildhall School of Music and Drama. I learnt so much from her and kept up her classes into my late teens. So I grew up with a love of poetry, the music of it as well as how it speaks to the heart. It was my love for poetry that inspired me to try to write poems, I wanted to be able to speak to people in the way that poets spoke to me.
2. How aware were you of the dominating presence of older writers?
I grew up at a time when most of the poetry that was taught in school had been written by male poets and as I got older I became aware of a lack of female voices. When I went to university the canon seemed to be almost entirely male. This really knocked my confidence and had the effect of making me feel my voice was in some way invalid. At that time, women in NI didn’t have much of a voice in any aspect of society – and poetry was no different. I struggled to find any contemporary Irish female writers. I have spoken about this before, the influence of absences, and have found that it has been a common experience for women. Thankfully times are changing and female voices are increasingly present. In Ireland, Fired; The Woman’s Cannon movement has done much recently to address the idea that no women were writing and being published; they were – it was just that they were being ignored. So for me, when I began writing, the dominating presence was male.
3. What is your daily writing routine?
When I was younger and working full time in a job that had no connection to writing, and also raising children and coping with all the other things that life brings along, I would do most of my writing late at night when the house was quiet. There was no routine as such, I just grabbed bits of time when they became available. I also found the support of the Arts Council of Northern Ireland absolutely invaluable. Through Support for the Individual Artist awards, I was able to ‘buy’ time off work and have stretches of a few months where I could concentrate on writing. Now that I’m retired, in theory I have lots more time, but in fact I have no more of a routine than I ever had! I write when I have something to write about, either when an idea compels me, or I have a commission or deadline of some kind.
4. What motivates you to write?
I have always wanted to write. Even when I was at primary school I wrote stories and poems. I suppose I sensed, even then, the power of words and stories. I loved reading and I wanted to be part of that world, to speak to others, entertain them and weave my own magic. That urge has stayed with me. Even though my experience at university silenced me for a while, the desire was still there and I couldn’t not return to it. If I examine my motivation now, it’s more complex. Sometimes I feel as if I do it simply because it is who I am.
5. What is your work ethic?
I don’t know if I have a work ethic! Whilst thinking about this question I looked up the meaning of ‘work ethic’ and found it is defined as – the principle that hard work is intrinsically virtuous or worthy of reward. I suppose over the years I have just kept on writing and producing work, and that persistence is something that I am proud of, but I don’t know that it is intrinsically virtuous or worthy of reward. I do think that you have to be able to stick at things in order to improve, in order to have a chance of being any good at whatever it is that you are trying to do. All of my life I have been involved with horses and around people who compete in eventing and show jumping. I am in awe of the dedication and sheer hard slog that it takes to excel at this sport (and I’m sure all sports are the same). It’s not enough to be talented, you have to put in the hours as well.
6. How do the writers you read when you were young influence you today?
When I get a little jaded I find myself returning to the poets and poetry that I loved as I was growing up. I still can remember some of the poetry I learnt by heart and it is the musicality, rhythm and sensuousness of the language that I love. The sound of the poem, as much as the meaning. I am still influenced by that. Ballads, sonnets, the lusciousness of the language of the Romantics, the wit and intelligence of the Metaphysical poets – these are the roots of my love of poetry.
7. Who of today’s writers do you admire the most and why?
The poets I admire the most are those who write with heart as well as intellect. Poets where it is possible to sense in their work a deep engagement with what it means to be human. Just recently I’ve been re-reading Jane Hirshfield and Naomi Shihab Nye. I was blown away by Ocean Vuong’s first collection. I love Mark Doty’s work too. I find myself reading a lot of American poets. There are so many local poets that I also deeply admire, Damian Smyth, Jean Bleakney, Paul Maddern, Maria McManus, Ruth Carr  – the list could go on and on – we have so many wonderful writers in NI.
8. Why do you write as opposed to doing anything else?
Sometimes I think I write because I can’t sing! Also, I don’t feel defined by my writing. I do lots of other things too, and sometimes I like to do nothing at all. I think that leads to a healthier relationship with the job of being a poet.
9. What would you say to someone who asked you ‘How do you become a writer’?
On one level, this is a very simple question. You become a writer by writing. All the usual instructions apply – read a lot, practice your craft, develop your skills and voice. On another level, I feel it is a lot more complex. If you want to be actually recognised as a writer, a lot of other things come into play – a willingness and ability to promote yourself; fashion; privilege; fashion; determination; the zeitgeist. So many variables, including a slice of luck.
10. Tell me about the writing projects you have on at the moment
My new collection, Carnivorous, has just been published by Doire Press. It was recently launched at the Belfast Book Festival and I have been lucky enough to have quite a few readings lined up for the book.
Last year my big project was Blood Horses, a collaboration with Wexford artist Paddy Lennon. I had been writing poems about horses, centred on the stories of three Arab stallions, the Byerley Turk, the Darley Arabian and the Godolphin Barb. These three stallions, imported to England in the eighteenth century, were the founding fathers of the Thoroughbred horse, and in fact every Thoroughbred alive today can have its lineage traced back to one of these stallions. When I was working on these poems, I came across Paddy’s wonderful, atmospheric paintings of horses. I got in touch with him and the outcome was an exhibition and limited edition book containing both paintings and poems. This is a rolling project which we are taking to a number of venues, including racecourses. I am also currently working on a commission from Big Telly Theatre Company. I have worked with them before and love their innovative approach to theatre, so it’s very exciting to have this commission from them. I find that after a new book is completed, there tends to be a bit of a fallow period, but I am just starting to get a few ideas popping into my head for poems, so I’m looking forward to having time to develop those.
Wombwell Rainbow Interviews: Moyra Donaldson Wombwell Rainbow Interviews I am honoured and privileged that the following writers local, national and international have agreed to be interviewed by me.
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