#which is silly... when he started singing it in the movie my mom literally rolled her eyes 😭 i love her
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rustystars ¡ 3 months ago
saw the wicked movie yesterday LOVED IT. boo boo hiss hiss obviously i have my problems with it but when they all started singing i felt like a little kid again :) it was really fun
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holidaywishes ¡ 4 years ago
Why I HATE The Muppet Christmas Carol
So I was watching The Muppet Christmas Carol today and realized, I’d never actually seen it before. I thought I had but, upon watching it, realized none of it looked familiar. What I really noticed about 10 minutes into the movie was how much I hated it and, once it ended, I thought “surely I can’t be the only one?”
Well according to Google, I’m in the vast minority. In fact, this article from the Independent has the exact opposite take on it. So, I thought I’d take to Tumblr to really air out my frustrations.
I should point out here that I watch A Christmas Carol every year and I watch the stage play almost every other year it seems. While I love the original 1938 version, the 1951 version with Alastair Sim is my favourite and I feel I’m a bit of a “purist” or “traditionalist” because of all this. That being said, let’s get into it:
Let’s start at the top, shall we?
Listen, I realize this movie is made for kids but having these two stupid Narrator Muppets follow Scrooge around to provide “colour commentary” is completely unnecessary. Yes, different renditions of the film have narrators, with 2009 having Cratchit in that role, but they usually aren’t there for the entire thing. It’s usually just the start and end.
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Next up, those damn Marley Ghosts. First of all, there was only ONE MARLEY. There weren’t brothers. It wasn’t The Marley’s were dead to begin with. It was: Marley was dead to begin with. I get taking liberties but you can’t just add a second Marley like it’s nothing. Not when the entire STORY that Dickens wrote hinged on Marley and Ebenezer being BESTIES and business partners.
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Let’s talk about all the songs. A Christmas Carol was not and is not a Musical. There shouldn’t be anything but actual Christmas Carols in any of the depictions. I hate it. Like with a burning passion. Every time any of the characters started to sing, I rolled my eyes. It didn’t need to be done, no matter how cute the song was. Sorry not sorry. Especially the Marley Ghosts song, like just stop. Why do you exist? Just stop.
You know what really grinds my gears with this movie? It has NO DEPTH. They managed to take out all of the parts of the story that made Scrooge’s change of heart so meaningful. They took out it’s grit and made it seem like Ebenezer Scrooge was always a miser which wasn’t the case. They made it seem like he hated his nephew for no reason, just that he was silly for falling in love and getting married and loving Christmas. WHAT HAPPENED TO HIS SISTER? Fanny loved Ebenezer and Ebenezer loved his sister, so much so that when she died giving birth to his Nephew, Fred, he blamed him for it and it caused Scrooge great pain to see the boy all grown up knowing that his sister wasn’t able to. So, when he finally has his change of heart at the end, he has to address his sisters death. It’s integral to his development. Without it, he just fears his death and feels for Tiny Tim but his feelings for his Nephew wouldn’t have changed. His wanting to be in his Nephew’s life would still be for selfish reasons, nothing more. What about the kids that hid under the Ghost of Christmas Presents robe? Ignorance and Want? Sure, it wasn’t a huge deal for this depiction, but it was in the original story so why take it out? It adds a much needed bridge from Ghosts of Christmases Present to Yet To Come so you can understand how bleak the future would be if Scrooge doesn’t change his ways. Then there’s Belle. Who makes a brief appearance but there’s no grit to her. She’s so one dimensional. The fact that they took out the line “a new idol has replaced me/I release you, Ebenezer,” truly pissed me off. Like just let her have the upper hand for a second to add some tension. The tears just didn’t come from any scene in this movie the way it did with all the others.
Fozziwig and Mom’s... Why? Just why? Mrs. Fezziwig, being the wife of Mr. Fezziwig, made for some great comedic relief. The two of them as a couple are boisterous and very much in love and the scene was full of life. As a mother and son it just had nothing to offer. Literally, I don’t think Mrs. Fozziwig actually speaks so she’s pointless in this version whereas in other versions she pokes fun at Mr. Fezziwig and it’s adorable.
Next? Obviously, Miss Piggy being Mrs. Cratchit. Particularly that part where she eats a bunch of chestnuts even though they have a family of five and are supposed to have enough for everyone. Mrs. Cratchit would never!
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There’s more that I hate but these are the things that really annoyed me. My main thing, I guess, is that if you’re going to adapt a classic Christmas story, why would you change so much of it that takes away from the moral of the story? I don’t know. Maybe it is just me, maybe it’s because I have such a soft spot for the originals even though I grew up with the Muppets...
I recommend watching the 1938 version and the 1951 version because Alastair Sim is a f***ing gem. Then if you want more, watch the 2009 Animated version with Jim Carey but also! Ebbie, which is a made for TV version with a female Scrooge, is really good. Also, I recommend watching The Man Who Invented Christmas because it’s like the back story of how Dickens wrote the story.
What do you think? Do you agree with the Independent or with me? Let me know! I’m actually super interested to hear everyone’s thoughts.
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dc41896 ¡ 5 years ago
Valentine’s Special
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Pairing: Lewis Tan x Black Reader
Warning(s): None💕
A/N: So this was supposed to come out on Valentine’s Day, but things got a little hectic so I couldn’t finish it when I wanted. However although it’s a little late, I hope you guys like it!! 😊
“I wanna be, where the people are. I wanna see, wanna see em dancing!”
“Not today you don’t girl trust me,” you speak to yourself, taking a bite of your Hershey’s bar.
Being with Lewis, you know there would be times that he’d be away filming. And while you were understanding how that was part of the job, that didn’t take away the pain of being away from him. Especially on days like today.
Although it was adorable seeing everyone with their Valentine’s Day cards and gifts, it did put you more in your feelings since you were alone. He messaged you earlier in the morning saying how much he missed and loved you, and had a beautiful bouquet of various flowers sent to the apartment, which made you smile, but it wasn’t the same as having him physically there.
So here you were, sitting on the couch watching Disney movies and eating chocolate to try to brighten your mood.
“Alright bish grab ya stuff and let’s go!!,” your best friend, Hailey, shouts coming through your front door.
“Remind me to take back my key,” you respond sitting up.
“1. Rude 2. You’re not having a pity party because you’re alone today are you?”
“No. I can’t just watch Disney movies in peace?”
“You can, but I know you and when you watch the princess movies, that means you’re in your feelings,” she answers with a smug smile as if to say “tell me I’m wrong I dare you.”
“Ok I may be a little in my feelings because Lewis isn’t here.”
“Mhmm I know.” Sitting beside you on the couch, she lightly rubs your back as she embraces you in a hug.
“It’s gonna be ok. Mr. Long, Tan, and Handsome will be back before you know it.”
“I can’t stand you,” you laugh smacking her arm as you both pulled away. Ever since they first met, they were always going back and forth with each other. It was as if they were long lost siblings with how much teasing they did.
“Alright now go and get dressed so we can go out! I’m not letting you stay in this apartment all day.”
“Fine, I’ll go,” you dramatically sigh, standing up to do as you were told.
“Ohh and do a full beat too! You might be in your feelings, but as your bestie I’m also not letting you out looking any less than the queen you are.”
“Aww thanks LeLe!”
“You’re welcome! Now hurry up because I’m starting to get hungry.”
“And you call me the rude one,” you laugh walking to your room to get ready.
“Y/N!!! You look so pretty in that!!!,” Hailey gushes like a proud mom sending her daughter off to prom.
Wearing a dark blue slightly asymmetrical mini skirt with a grey long sleeve top, you give a small twirl while batting your lashes.
“Yasss look at how bomb my best friend looks y’all!!,” she says while holding her phone and circling around you.
“Shh there are other people in this store!,” you whisper, laughing as you try to block the camera.
“They’ll be alright. Ohh you know what would look super cute with that?! These boots!”
Black, suede, and fitted like sock, the block heeled booties were gorgeous and would definitely go well with the outfit. That is until you saw the price.
“Um did you see the price though? These boots are $80! Put that together with this outfit I’m looking at $150.”
“Don’t worry about it, I got it taken care of.”
“Hailey if you’re thinking about stealing so help me-,”
“No! What kind of person do you think I am?,” she gasps, feigning as if she’s been offended. “My friend works here and owes me a few favors so I got all this at a good price.”
“Wait, you mean you already paid for this?!”
“And the shoes,” Hailey adds, showing off the boot as if she was on the Price is Right.
“I know you’re gonna try to say no, but I’m your friend and want to treat you to something nice, also don’t worry about my hookup she won’t get in trouble I promise.”
You still wanted to protest and tell the employee to redo everything, but then again everything was already done so there was nothing you could really do.
“Thank you Hailey, you really didn’t have to do this. I promise to pay you back,” you smile hugging her.
“I know I didn’t have to, I wanted to though! And if you try to give me money I’ll smack it out of your hand and stuff it back in your purse!,” she laughs.
“So rude and violent. Alright let me change and we can go eat, I know you’re starving.”
“Orrr...you can just wear that out the store!”
“Is that allowed?”
“Yea! Right Kasey?,” she asks turning towards the brunette behind the counter, who nods with a smile before walking over to the two of you to help take off the tags.
Singing to the top of your lungs as you drove through town listening to the radio, you were happy to finally have your mind off of feeling alone. And yea you still missed Lewis, but having your friend keep you company definitely took some of those sad feelings away. You still tried to check here and there to see if he updated his stories, but Hailey always managed to take your phone just as you opened the app.
“The point of today is to get you OUT of your feelings not back into it,” she’d always say before cutting your screen off and handing it back to you.
After some time, you finally arrived to your destination making you instantly turn to look at Hailey in disbelief.
“I thought the point was for me to not be in my feelings?,” you ask, arms crossed in front of you. “This is where Lewis and I went on our first date.”
“Ok first of all, we’ve known about this place way before you and fist of fury started dating so this is equally our spot as much as it is yalls. Second, I’m sorry that they have bomb milkshakes which I’m in the mood for and know you’re always down for, so let’s go.”
Sliding out of the car, you both enter the unusually empty diner. Hailey literally bouncing as she entered the booth with her menu in hand, and you missing Lewis more than ever as you reminisce on your first date and the other good times you’ve had.
“Here let me take your picture. Not only do you look super cute, but you can send it to your man to show where you went today.”
“Nooo just let me order my food please,” you groan like a toddler begging to play longer.
“Me taking your picture is not gonna affect you ordering,” she replies with a laugh. “Now c’mon smile.”
With your chin propped on your hand, you smile before taking a couple more pictures making silly faces.
“Ok so far this one is my favorite and I think you’ll love it too.”
Turning the phone towards you, you immediately feel tears threaten to fall and surely mess up your makeup. While you were smiling, over your shoulder was Lewis sitting in the booth behind you, with a finger over his lips as he winked while holding a small black box.
“Happy Valentine’s Day love!,” he smiled as you turned around to face the love of your life.
“Are you serious right now?!,” you ask, watching as he gets down on one knee.
“Yes I am, and I hope you feel the same when I ask you Y/F/N Y/M/N Y/L/N if you don’t mind spending the rest of your life with me and be my wife?”
“Yes, of course I’ll be your wife!,” you smile as he slides the circular diamond ring on your finger before kissing you.
“Aww I’m gonna be a maid of honor!,” Hailey claps making both you and Lewis laugh.
“Wait aren’t you supposed to be filming in Canada?”
“I am, but we got a break for a couple of days so I planned this whole thing out with the help of jabber jaws over here,” he replies tilting his head towards Hailey.
“Listen you just got engaged and I’m trying to be nice jolly green giant,” she retorts making him roll his eyes.
“You were the one that bought the outfit too weren’t you? And that explains why someone said I should do a full beat.”
“Yea I gave Hailey my card info and told her to treat you to anything you wanted. Whatever store you were in, I called to make sure there were no problems with her trying to use it. Also might I add you look gorgeous as always.”
Leaning in, Lewis kisses you again pulling you closer towards him as Hailey jokingly gags, making him flick her off before pulling away.
“Well it looks like my job here is done, so I’m gonna leave you love birds to it.”
“What about your milkshake?”
“Oh I’m still gonna get it. I know you guys probably want some alone time though so I’ll see you later,” she waves as she stands up beside the booth. “Also if my future niece/nephew happens to be conceived tonight, I will gladly accept them being named after me.”
“Bye Hailey,” you and Lewis reply at the same time with a laugh.
“And thanks for helping Hailey, this couldn’t have happened without you,” he adds with a smile.
“No problem, yall are my family you know I’d do anything for you guys.” Blowing you both kisses, she grabs her Oreo milkshake before walking out the glass doors to get in her car.
“So you like your surprise?”
“I love it, which reminds me,” you start before smacking him in the arm. “How could you play with my emotions like that?!”
“Ow! I didn’t do it to be mean, it was for your surprise. I sowwy!,” pouting his lips, he gently joins his forehead with yours before continuously pecking your lips until you giggled.
“Alright in this case you’re forgiven. But try not to make a habit out of it, I don’t know if my heart can take it.”
“Anything you say Mrs. Tan,” he smiles chuckling as he places an arm around your shoulders and kisses your forehead.
Taglist: @crushed-pink-petals @fumbling-fanfics @honeychicana @lady-olive-oil @themyscxiras @melinda-january @lovelymari4 @beautym3 @nunubug99 @felicity-x0 @ellixthea @jojolu @jnk-812 @brwn-sgr @captainsamwlsn @itshinothey @wildfirecracker @nina-sj
If anybody wants to be tagged, has asked to be tagged but don’t see your name, or only wants to be tagged for certain people I write for just let me know🤓!
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27emailsicantsend ¡ 5 years ago
Christmas Eve: A Rina Fic
Author’s Note: Literally no one asked for this, I just wanted to write it. 😂 I’m also in the process of making a part two to this fic for New Year’s Eve, so I’ll link it when I’m finished!
“Both of my parents are working...” Ej sighed.
“Ok, well- moving on!” Miss Jenn said awkwardly as she looked over at Carlos. “What will you be doing for Christmas?”
Carlos smiled at Seb and placed a hand on his desk. “We’ll be singing Christmas Carols door to door”.
“Oh how wonderful! Please make sure to send me copies,” Miss Jenn requested.
Carlos gave her a look of disbelief, “what kind of co-captain would I be if I didn’t send my leading lady a copy? Of course, you will get one”.
Miss Jenn gave an amused giggle. She brought her composure back. “Ricky? How about you? And your dad? Right? You’ll be with your dad Christmas Eve? He shouldn’t have to be alone”.
Ricky grimaced uncomfortably. He didn’t mind Miss Jenn liking his dad, or even them dating, but she asks about him... a LOT. And the last time she asked, she asked if he wore the skinny jeans she bought him for Christmas. Apparently it “outlined” his figure nicely.
“Yes, Miss Jenn,” Ricky said, slightly through his teeth. “It’ll just be my dad and I”. She looked hopeful- Ricky crushed that quickly. “But we were probably going over to Nini’s to help her, her mom’s, Kourtney and her family bake cookies. They give them to the homeless shelter every year”. Ricky hesitated over every part of his remark, especially the part about Nini.
He had spent all of his time with Gina before she moved, then when he thought she wasn’t coming back, he kissed Nini. He liked Nini, right? And they dated and now she finally liked him, so what was the problem? Well... it’s Gina. She moved back and ever since things have been... weird between them. They smile awkwardly at each other in the hallway, almost hugged opening night during the last scene but decided against it, and one time they almost had a conversation more than five sentences when Gina asked Ricky about the missed science homework. But then Big Red came in and saved the day himself. Gina gave a gracious thank you and eye roll and walked away.
Gina’s head was eyeing the marks on her desk, so Ricky couldn’t tell if she was upset or not at the mention of Nini. She traced the writings on the wood with her finger as Miss Jenn asked everyone else in the cast circle about their holiday plans.
Big Red was going to play video games and seemed saltier than usual that Ricky was bailing on their annual video game plans to spend time with Nini, Ashlyn invited EJ to fly down with her family since her sister was in college and ended up not being able to make the family trip in time. EJ had the money to cover the costs and gave a delighted, “yes!”
All eyes shifted to Gina, who was last to be asked. “Oh, you know, we’ll be doing all sorts of fun plans. Decorating the tree, making treats, watching movies... Christmas is... great”. Ricky knew Gina was lying.
The bell gave a sharp ring. Carlos was in the background yelling, “ok everyone! Pre-order for mine and Seb’s Christmas CD is on the piano! 40% off if you order now!... Red! Phone numbers ONLY please. Stop drawing that!...”
Ricky tried to run up and stop Gina, but she was about two steps ahead of him. Just as he began to speak, Gina bolted out and he felt an arm on his shoulder. Miss Jenn.
“H-h-hey, Miss Jenn,” Ricky said, avoiding eye contact.
She placed a firm arm around his shoulders as she walked him to the door, speaking without taking a breath. “Listen, I know you’re going to be busy with Nini and I’m sure your dad doesn’t have any plans, so if your dad wants I won’t be doing anything. I would love to have some company that night. My mom got me this ham, but I don’t really want to eat it all by myself- oh! And then you two can have leftovers and I’m sure you guys needs ham leftovers, right? Well, if he wants to hang out with me or something like I said I won’t be busy so he can just let me know,” Miss Jenn pushed Ricky out the auditorium door. “Ok bye now!” She shut it enthusiastically as Ricky shook his head trying to make sense of what happened.
Ricky looked around the semi-crowded hallway as students made their way to their classes. Gina was long gone.
Miss Jenn breathed a quick sigh from behind the door, perked up, flattened her skirt, and swiftly made her way to the piano to pick up some extra sheet music.
“Miss Jenn?” She heard a soft voice come from opposite stage.
“Gina?” Miss Jenn’s face crumpled as she double checked the closed door. “I thought? I saw?... you leave that way?...”
“There’s a door on that side of the stage too”.
“Oh, yeah, right.”
“Anyway...” Gina gritted her teeth awkwardly, “want some help?”
“Umm... sure, Gina”. Miss Jenn smiled delightfully. “There’s some chairs that need to be stacked”.
Gina made her way over to the chairs. She stacked two in silence and began the third by asking, “so you don’t have plans for Christmas Eve?”
Miss Jenn froze. “What?! No! I have tons of them. Family, friends... so many wonderful people-“
Gina cut her off. “I heard you tell Ricky you didn’t”.
Miss Jenn lowered her head while she meekly straightened her papers on the piano top.
“It’s ok, Miss Jenn. I don’t have any either”.
“Well, that’s interesting Gina, considering you told the entire class you did,” Miss Jenn shot back defensively.
Gina threw her hands up, surrendering, “ok, ok, I’m caught. I just didn’t want anyone worrying about me. My mom is my only family around, but she’s working. So yeah, it’s just me. But... I was planning on just watching YouTube tutorials on how to make eclairs and build puzzles that day anyway... and I think those are activities you can do with two people”.
Miss Jenn finally made eye contact with Gina, “...do you like ham?”
Gina grinned, “love it”.
Christmas Eve
Nini was pulling the last batch of sugar cookies out of the oven while Ricky and Kourtney were slapping on globs of green, blue and red frosting on the cooled ones.
“Oh no...” Dana, Nini’s mom, said scrolling through her phone.
“What?” Nini asked as she started sliding cookies onto the cooling rack.
“The weather... it looks like a bad storm is rolling in tonight. The homeless shelter will be incredibly hard to get to with traffic and this storm. I don’t know, Nini, I don’t think we should go”.
“But mom, we do this every year!” Nini protested. “And what would we do with all of these?!”
Ricky used his finger to take some frosting off of his chin and eat it. Nini glared at him as if her eyes were to say “not the time”.
“Oh. Sorry,” Ricky set down his currently half frosted cookie and knife.
Kourtney got up and gave Nini a side hug as she rested her head on Nini’s shoulder.
“There’s got to be something we can do”. Ricky’s dad, Mike, interjected.
“Well, It’s not the exact same, but we could give them to some people around the area. And we can always make cookies again for New Years or something and bring them then,” Carol suggested.
“That works,” Nini looked disappointed, but accepting considering the circumstance.
Gina was adjusting the fork next to the paper plate at her small table. It wasn’t much, but Gina really tried to make the place nice for her special guest. She turned on her fireplace, hung up two socks with duct tape, set out some holiday paper plates and plastic ware, and even cut and taped a bunch of paper snowflakes all over the house. She had strung some lights and put up the few Christmas decorations she found in a small box in her attic. She didn’t have a tree, so she put up a faux one on her tv screen from a channel that showed it with Christmas music playing in the background. It wasn’t much, but it made Gina giddy.
Gina heard her doorbell ring. She swung the door open fast and immediately her eyes fixated on Miss Jenn’s arms. In one she was carrying her cooked ham and the other had a small gift bag and her purse. Gina couldn’t afford to get Miss Jenn anything and immediately felt horrible.
“Uh... um... come on in,” Gina stammered.
Miss Jenn looked around as she placed the items on the kitchen counter. “Gina, it’s beautiful”.
“Oh, it’s nothing,” Gina said sheepishly.
Miss Jenn set a gentle hand on Gina’s shoulder. “Really, it looks great”.
Gina bit her lip thoughtfully. “Well, how about that ham?”
“Oh yes! I have just the thing for it!” Miss Jenn zipped open her purse and pulled out a plastic handle with a cover. When she slid the cover off it revealed a giant knife- to which Gina’s eyes widened with surprise.
“Uhm... you don’t carry that around with you... all the time... do you miss Jenn?”
“Oh no, of course not silly,” Miss Jenn said as she made the first carve into the ham. “I can’t carry it at airports,” she said as she winked playfully at Gina.
Right when Gina was about to say Christmas was cancelled, she heard the doorbell ring again.
“Weird. I didn’t invite anyone else,” Gina thought outloud.
“Nini? Ricky?” Gina said, her face puzzled. She heard the knife clud! in the background and Miss Jenn scurry to the front door. “Mike?!” She said, enthusiastically.
Nini, Ricky, Mike, and Kourtney were all standing in the doorway holding a giant plate of cookies.
“What are you guys doing here?”
“We brought cookies!” Ricky said as he tried to present them with a fancy hand gesture.
Kourtney, unable to keep her mouth shut, piped in, “No offense, but Miss Jenn what are you doing here?”
Nini shot Kourtney a look.
“Celebrating Christmas?” Miss Jenn said with a strained smile.
“Come on in”. Gina has to force the words out of her mouth. As soon as she turned around, she rolled her eyes and mouthed “whyyyyy”.
The gang let themselves in. The teens put the cookies on one of them empty counters in the kitchen and Mike made his way over to the ham. “Hey, Jenn, did you carve this?”
Jenn perked up, “yes, why?” She said with a confident smile.
“Well... uh... it’s great... it’s just you carved into the bone and that might break the knife”. Jenn’s eyes widened in embarrassment.
“It’s ok! You did great”. Mike tried to save himself.
“No, I actually don’t know how to carve a ham”. Miss Jenn got a calculated look in her eyes. “But maybe you could teach me?”
Mike looked at the kids, knowing they had more stops to go. “Would you guys be alright if I helped Miss Jenn with this ham?”
Everyone said yes, minus Nini who said no, but when she realized she was the only one, quickly changed her answer to yes.
Gina heard the doorbell ring again.
“What the-?” She asked outloud. She opened up her door and “The First Day of Christmas” was belted in her face by none other than Carlos and Seb. They barely got through the first day before Gina hushed them and stepped onto her small porch.
“What are you guys doing here?!”
“Caroling!” Carlos chimed, before noticing everyone else in the window. “What are they doing here?!” He asked offended. “Are you having an official cast party without me?! Gina! How could you? I thought we were frie-“.
Gina cut him off, slightly annoyed. “Will you be quiet? It’s not! I lied. Ok? I didn’t have anyone coming over for Christmas so I invited Miss Jenn and then the Three Musketeers and their father randomly showed up and they’re the last people I want here”.
“Gina, the more the merrier. Seb and I’s families can wait. Let’s make sure you get a Christmas to remember”.
Carlos then pushed past Gina and went into her house. “Hellooooo everyone!” He greeted. The other three ran over and gave him and Seb enthusiastic hugs.
Gina accepted her fate and walked back inside.
About fifteen minutes later, she was showing Kourtney how she found her “tree channel” on the TV when another knock came on the door.
Gina opened it up, now officially confused. “Red? What on Earth could you be doing here?”
He was carrying a small Christmas bag. “Well, I heard there was a party here-“
“Yeah,” Gina perched her lips, “anyway, Ricky also left this at my house and I heard he was here so I made sure to bring it with me. I also brought video games!”
Red let himself in and that was when Gina noticed the giant black backpack stuffed to the brim hanging from his back.
Gina yelled out to the empty street, “anyone else want to join? Apparently there’s a party at my house!”
And as if, on cue, Gina saw two more figures appear. Ashlyn and EJ. “Hellloooo! We heard there was a party here!” Ashlyn hollered carrying a giant pack of soda’s and EJ with chips and other treats in his arms.
“You two are supposed to be in Denver!”
“We were,” stated Ashlyn, “but my flight was with my sister- which EJ took- and it ended up being cancelled because of the storm. My whole family is there so we’re stuck here”.
“Storm? What storm?” Gina asked puzzled.
“Dude, you didn’t hear?” EJ asked.
“No, dude,” Gina retorted in a salty tone, “I didn’t”.
“Well, it’s massive. People are being told that after 6- so like fifteen minutes from now- we need to stay indoors. It’s supposed to be icy and snow like fifteen inches. It’s crazy. So we decided to come here, hopefully beating the storm. Besides, when Carlos declares a party, we have to be there”.
Gina sighed as she gave up. She should have expected a Carlos-party at her house sometime, might as well be now. She let the two, now shivering, in.
She called her mom and explained the situation. Her mom was surprisingly ok with all of the people there, mostly because there was adult supervision. Unfortunately, because of the storm, her mom wouldn’t be back until tomorrow. The office was requesting people stay to be safe, so the entire city was basically on lockdown at this point.
Gina made her way back to the kitchen. Everyone was scattered and chatting throughout her house. She found Miss Jenn and Mike finishing up the ham. She gently tapped Miss Jenn on the shoulder. “Um... Miss Jenn... some more people showed up”.
Miss Jenn must have really been in her own thoughts because she jumped back into Mike’s arms when she noticed all the new people that had arrived since Mike. They awkwardly pushed away from each other and brushed their clothes off.
“Oh... I’m going to need more ham”.
Gina saw Ricky approaching her and tried to push past Red and Ashlyn having a rousing conversation about dinosaurs.
“Hey, Gina!” She heard him call. She pretended not to hear him as she pushed through Red and Ashlyn. Ricky shook his head in frustration and returned back to Nini.
“Everything ok?” Nini asked cautiously.
“Yup. Just fine. Can we please just get back to... whatever we were doing?”
“We were just talking Ricky”.
“Yeah um, never mind. I’m going to get a drink,” Ricky said as he made his way to a canned Dr. Pepper.
About twenty minutes later, Carlos saw Gina sitting alone in her home office. She was sitting in a giant, faded swivel chair- her back to the doorframe, staring somberly out the window.
Carlos sighed dramatically. “OOOhhhh”. This caused Gina to jump, swivel around quickly, and glare at him.
He sighed even more dramatically as he fell against the doorway, palm to his forward, “OOOOHHHHHHH”.
“Yes, Carlos?” Gina asked, unamused.
“Well,” Carlos said, sauntering to a chair, his antics still high. He fell dramatically in the chair as he whimpered, “I’m just so. bored. at this amazing party you threw”.
“So I was thinking we should play a game”.
“Carlos, I own like, no board games”.
“Oh that’s fine!” Carlos perked up. “Charades doesn’t need board games,” he said with a wink. He popped up and held out his hand fashionably toward her.
Gina smiled and shook her head as she took his hand and they ran out to the living room. She noticed they were all already sitting around, a bag with paper strips sat neatly in the center of her coffee table. “Attention! Attention! We are ALL playing charades. No one gets a choice. Pick a teammate,” Carlos demanded royally.
Carlos ran over and grabbed Seb’s hand. Ashlyn and Red looked at each other and shrugged. Jenn scooted closer to Mike in the kitchen. Which left Nini, EJ, Ricky, and Kourtney sitting on the couches and Gina awkwardly standing in the corner.
“I call Gina,” Ricky said without hesitation. Both Nini and Gina gave him weird looks.
“Well then...” Carlos said apparently discomfited, “ I guess that leaves Nini, EJ, and Kourtney on the other team. That’s fine. Throuples are fun!” Carlos didn’t even hesitate with his last statement, but it made the entire room incredibly tense.
“Well go on!” Carlos pushed Gina in Ricky’s direction. “Go sit by your teammate”. Gina sat down next to Ricky, who was now perfectly settled in between her and Nini on the two seater couch.
“We’ll go first!” Miss Jenn volunteered. The game was fun, but Jenn was incredibly competitive and rubbed the fact she and Mike were winning in everyone’s face. Red and Ashlyn cheated the entire time which made Carlos annoyed. And Nini was barely giving any spirit to her team. Gina and Ricky cooperatively played together- at first it was awkward, but about two turns in they were already high-fiving and celebrating their victories and secretly celebrating their opponents losses.
It was the fourth round and it became Gina and Ricky’s turn again. She reached in the grocery bag and pulled out a little white paper with Seb’s handwriting poorly written on it. It read “Gabriella”. She got horrible flashbacks of seeing Ricky and Gina kiss during the show and after the show. Behind stage. Where they still don’t know she saw them.
“Uhh... umm...” she made an elephant trunk draping her arm from her nose and flailing her hand.
“Elephant!” Ricky yelled gleefully.
“Yeah, sure,” Gina said and then swiftly exited the room.
“That’s weird...,”Seb said under his breath. “I’m pretty sure I didn’t put elephant in there...”
Ashlyn chimed in, “let’s keep going,” which was perfect, because it broke the tension. Red ran over to Gina who was walking quickly to her bedroom. “Are you still playing?”
“Umm... no... I’m gonna take a break. Games wear me out,” she said as she let out a half-hearted laugh. “Just have Nini be Ricky’s partner or something”.
“Ok...” Red said as he awkwardly exited the room, slightly tripping on her bedroom frame.
Gina grabbed the small box filled with thick string and began braiding an intricate design on a bracelet she had been working on the past week.
She heard a small tap on the door and looked up from her bracelet.
“Hey Nini, what’s up?”
“Are you alright?” Nini asked, approaching and slowly sitting on the edge of Gina’s bed.
Gina sat up from laying on her stomach and let her back fall into her pillows. She began fumbling with her bracelet again.
“I’m good. Why wouldn’t I be?”
“Well... you left the game kind of... abruptly?”
Gina shrugged.
“Alright, I’m just going to ask. I don’t want to beat around the bush. Is this about Ricky and me?”
Gina scoffed. “Hah! No. Why would it be? Why would I care if the guy I got close to and hung out with for weeks turned around and found someone else right after I left? We were just friends. No big. It’s chill or whatever..”
This stung Nini a little- because it’s what she did to Ricky.
Nini let out a breath. She couldn’t believe what she was about to say next.
“Ricky liked you too”.
Gina dropped the bracelet.
“What?! I- I- mean... what?!! I never said I liked him”.
“It’s ok, Gina. It was obvious you did. I couldn’t blame you. I was pretty jealous. And yes, Ricky and I are together, but things haven’t been the same since. He never said he liked you, but he talks about you non-stop. And he’s the one who suggested we bring you cookies tonight- honestly, I tried to stop him. I don’t think he ever stopped liking you”.
Gina didn’t understand.
“W-why are you telling me this? You said you’re together with him”.
“Because I think I’m realizing what I realized before I got back with him the second time. I don’t want someone who’s only half-in. I deserve to have someone who wants me completely and so do you”.
“Are... you saying you want me to be with Ricky?”
“I’m saying, let’s see where things go”. Nini gently touched Gina’s hand. “But please don’t let some boy come in between our friendship and this party. I thought we were starting to become friends again before you moved”.
Gina laughed thinking of Thanksgiving and almost getting to have a sleepover. “We were, weren’t we?”
“So come just enjoy Christmas with your friends, ok? No matter what happens, we’re all family and that’s what matters”.
Gina smiled. Nini grabbed her hand and they walked downstairs. Everyone was eating ham and smiling and joking around. Gina was glad Nini came when she did. She would have been bummed to miss out on everything.
“Hey Gina! Glad to see you join us again!” Jenn said with a big grin.
“There’s some ham left on the stove!” Mike piped in, standing next to her.
Gina made herself a plate and walked quietly around the room. She saw an empty seat next to Ricky.
“May I sit here?” She said with a soft smile.
Ricky’s face beamed. “All yours”.
Nini glanced over at them and smiled. She went and sat at the small table with Kourtney and Ashlyn.
Red, Carlos, Seb, Gina, and Ricky sat and laughed and cracked jokes about the play and things that went wrong that none of the audience would have noticed. Gina couldn’t help but feel right at home with them. She and Ricky exchanged a small glance and she blushed as she looked away.
“Hey, do you want to play the switch, Ricky?” Red asked.
“It wouldn’t be a normal Christmas Eve without it”.
The night passed with video games, the girls doing each other’s hair, a lot of snacks, a small living room karaoke session, and a wild game of sardines. People had began to fall asleep in random places throughout Gina’s house. Some on the floor, couches, her mom’s bed and even Jenn had an emergency blow up mattress in her car she brought in.
Red and Ricky were the only other two up still playing video games at about 3 am. Gina decided to turn in and go to sleep.
Ricky jumped up and ran over to her while Red pretended not to listen.
“Hey Gina?”
“Thanks for letting us stay here. It was really nice of you guys.”
“Well, we didn’t really have a choice,” Gina giggled. “It was over -45 outside. You would’ve frozen immediately”.
“True,” Ricky smiled.
They stood in silence for a moment.
“Good night, Ricky”.
“Good night, Gina. Merry Christmas”.
Gina began to walk to the staircase, laid her hand on it, turned around and gave a soft smile to Ricky, and then walked back up the stairs.
The next morning, Gina went into her hall closet and got out the emergency stash of tooth brushes her mom keeps. Because they have times when they frequently run low on money, her mom keeps a large collection of necessaries handy (when she does get paid), for emergencies. Things like soap, shampoo, tooth paste, and tooth brushes that are long lasting are among the stored parts.
She placed a tooth brush and mini tooth paste from previous dentist visits next to each person, so when they woke up at least they could brush their teeth.
She then went into the kitchen and got out a frozen loaf of toast to thaw and the filled carton of eggs. It wasn’t much, but hopefully it could tide everyone over until the city was cleared to be on the roads again. Nini and Mike were among the first to wake up, with Jenn and Red the last. (Red also woke up in his own drool puddle, but no one was surprised. Ricky was just thankful he didn’t bring any of his “sleeping gear”).
Everyone sat around and ate breakfast, called families, and watched Elf. During Elf, Gina noticed Nini lay her head on Ricky’s shoulder, feeling like their conversation last night was too good to be true. But she could have sworn she caught Ricky giving her a couple glances...
The morning was quickly dissembling when Gina watched Nini and Ricky walk off to another room after the movie finished while everyone else helped clean up decorations and garbage from the day before.
Seb was on his phone when he screeched, “FINALLY. WE CAN GO HOME”.
Carlos looked at him, concerned. “Seb, honey, you ok?”
Carlos just shook his head and giggled. They were definitely the first to leave. Red, Ashlyn and EJ were next. Mike walked Miss Jenn to her car, while Nini and Kourtney were in Gina’s room talking. Gina was watching Mike give Jenn a hug when she heard Ricky’s voice behind her.
“You think she’s going to be my new mom?”
“I don’t know. Would you be upset if she was?”
Ricky smiled. “I don’t know”.
Gina watched them talk a few more seconds and then turned around. “Listen, Ricky, about last night...”
“It’s no worries. I get it’s been a little weird between us...”
“A little?!-“
“-ok a lot-”
“-We’ve hardly talked! I mean I get you’re in a relationship and all-“
“What relationship?”
“... with Nini?” Gina asked confused.
“Yeah... I think we decided during Elf to put the breaks on that”.
“Is that why you left?”
“Yeah... Nini feels like she needs to find herself without someone.... whatever that means”.
Gina felt a little tingle swirl in her stomach. She repressed the smile that was beginning to take over her face.
“Well... that’s just a big bummer then”. The statement came out a lot more sarcastic than Gina intended, but luckily Ricky didn’t notice because he giggled back.
“Yeah, a real bummer”.
Nini and Kourtney came down the stairs.
“Ready to go?” She smiled at Ricky.
“Sure,” he smiled back politely.
“Thank you so much,” said Kourtney to Gina.
“Yes, thank you. We owe you. You sure you’re going to be ok? I don’t want to leave you alone on Christmas,” echoed Nini.
“I promise, I’m good. My mom will be home in like, an hour, tops. You guys go enjoy your missed time with your families. They need it too,” Gina reassures them.
“Ok, well, Merry Christmas,” Nini said.
The others copied this sentiment with some goodbye’s and a giant group hug before they headed out the door.
Nini smiled as she locked the door behind them and went over to the kitchen counter. The gifts! They had been so wrapped up in the fun, they never opened the gifts. Gina hurried and look at the tags to see who they belonged to so she could return the presents to their rightful owners.
The one from Miss Jenn was definitely for her so she decided not to make that call... but who’s was Red’s for? Gina looked at the tag.
To: Gina
From: Ricky
Gina set both presents down at the table and slowly pulled the paper maché from the gift bag from Miss Jenn. She had given Gina a handmade ornament that looked like a little cartoon version of herself with a small name plaque that read “Taylor”. Gina smiled as she stared at the detailing on the little figurine. It was so thoughtful and she appreciated Miss Jenn coming over in the first place. Regardless of what actually happened last night, Gina couldn’t help but appreciate how much fun she would have had with Miss Jenn alone. She really was an amazing teacher.
Then she pulled the other little bag towards her and carefully pulled the paper out of it. Inside was a knitted scarf. There were multiple colors in no particular pattern and parts of it had looser seams than others. Gina wrapped the scarf around her neck- it smelt like Ricky. It smelt like home.
Just then she heard the door bell ring. She stood up to answer it, but then realized her scarf was still on. She fought it like a snake wrapped around her neck. When it was finally done suffocating her, she ran to the door.
She swung it open and Ricky bolted in, slamming the door behind him.
“I forgot to give you your present!!!”
Gina giggled, “no you didn’t.” She nodded toward her table.
Ricky giggled. “It’s so bad. I’m so sorry. I was just trying to do this really nice thing-“
“Ricky, stop,” Gina said as she laid a hand on his shoulder. “I love it”.
Ricky blushed as he hung his for a second.
He began to walk back towards the door but as he reached for the handle, he dropped his hand. “Oh and Gina?”
“I meant what I said about how nice it was that you let us stay here. I don’t even think I realized how much I appreciated it when I said it”.
He then leaned over and gave Gina a soft peck on the cheek, making her entire body relax with this one small moment.
“Merry Christmas, Gina”.
She smiled and said, “Merry Christmas,” softly as he closed the door behind him.
Gina then walked over, wrapped her colorful scarf around her neck, put her little ornament up to her cheek, and did a small happy dance. This happy dance broke into full on spins. And as she moved and hummed throughout the bottom half of her house, she promised to herself that she would not forget about her best Christmas ever.
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amplesalty ¡ 5 years ago
Christmas 2019: Day 9 - The Christmas Hope (2009)
On the ninth day of Christmas, my true love gave to me...
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Nine months of gestation!
On reflection, I can see that the past two entries on this years list have been a bit of a downer. Far too centered in talk of mental illness, depression and the like. Let’s perk things up a bit with...*checks notes*...shit.
Right now millions of people across the planet (or galaxy as it were) are enjoying/not enjoying the end to a very different cinematic trilogy. Me? I have a long overdue wrap up to attend to that started many moons ago thanks to a certain little film about a certain pair of shoes based on a certain song. Quite why I���m doing this know I don’t know. I can only suspect that I’ve seen one too many reflective social media posts now that we’re reaching both the end of a year and decade, perhaps I’m subconsciously wanted to sort out unfinished business, hence looking at stuff like this, Christmas Story Live and the Christmas Carol Musical.
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The movie starts with Traci here recording herself singing a song before commenting ‘American Idol here I come!’. The camera pans all through her house looking at pictures of her daughter, soppy picture frames with ‘I LOVE YOU MOMMY’ written on them and no sign of a boyfriend/husband so she has the basis for a feel good story if she does make it on. Might need to jazz it up somewhere along the line if we’re to really tug at the audiences heartstrings but it’s a start. This actress would go on to play Vicky in the live action Fairly Odd Parents movies so that’s another tie in to a previous entry. Apparently there’s a third one of those and I’m not sure if I’ve seen it.
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She literally runs into a couple on her way to work, knocking their teddy bear to the floor which they graciously give to her when she mentions that her daughter would love it. This is Nathan and Megan from The Christmas Blessing, sadly both recast. Actually, maybe that’s a good thing. Not sure I’d be able to take NPH seriously after all those H&K movies recently. Nathan is a bit more of a ginger this time around, rather than the dirty blonde thing NPH has going on. Megan is expecting and they have about a bajillion teddies so they don’t mind passing one along. Hey, someone probably got you that as a gift. Be grateful!
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Meanwhile, the police arrest a drug dealer and find she has a malnourished baby in her apartment so in swoop child services to save the day.
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Mr. T feels your pain.
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I hope you weren’t getting too attached to Traci by the way because about fifteen minutes into the film, shortly after making a heartfelt promise to her daughter that they were going to decorate the Christmas tree once she got home from work and that she had a very special present for her this year, she promptly gets run over.
Have you ever crossed the road, and looked the wrong way? A car's nearly on you? So what do you do? Something very silly; you freeze. Your life doesn't flash before you, cause you're too fucking scared to think, you just freeze and pull a stupid face.
I know I shouldn’t be surprised given this is one of those melodramatic, Hallmark movies and this whole series has been overly morbid up to this point but it still kinda threw me. Here we are all nice and happy, Traci’s going about her day and there’s a nice Christian, soft rock Christmas ballad playing in the background and then BOOM, SUV to the face.
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Then it cuts to her daughter, Emily, going through the Christmas decorations before settling on a angel which she ponders on for a moment before looking to the heavens as she’s having this moment of intuition.
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But when child services pop their head in again to take her away, they find that all their usual helpers are fully booked for the holidays so what else can they do? One of the workers, Patricia, has no choice but to take her home. It’s not by the book but, damnit, it’s Christmas and we’re going to give this kid some degree of stability. By sheer coincidence, Patricia happens to be the mother of one Sean Addision who was the kid that died following a car accident the start of Christmas Blessing which caused Nathan to have his Dr Cox crisis of confidence moment. These movies are just ridiculous to how everyone's lives are so intertwined.
Like, up to this point, we met Traci who then bumped into Nathan and Megan, before going to work and having a young, troubled teen skip out on his bill but Patricia was in at the same time and tipped really generously to make up for it. That same kid then pretty much steals her bag following accident and also knew Sean who was mentoring him in one of those Big Brother mentoring programs.
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Patricia’s husband, Mark, is played by James Remar, he of The Warriors fame and, more pertinent to this blog, he was in the Miracle on 34th Street remake and one of the segments in the Tales from the Darkside movie. Theirs is a very frosty relationship currently owing to the death of Sean, there’s no sense of chemistry between these two and I’m surprised they’re actually as close in age as they are, Remar only 4 years older. Feels like there’s more of like a 10-20 year gap. He gets on very well with Emily though, they have this instant rapport whilst Patricia is more distant which is understandable. She obviously has to keep things professional as she can’t get too attached to these kids and doesn’t want them getting attached to her, plus there’s probably ongoing issues from Sean’s death, maybe she’s not prepared to slip back into that motherly role again. Which you can tell by that dinner she serves; rolls of wafer thin ham, cherry tomatoes, carrot sticks and celery? That’s just what all the kids want.
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At least she’ll read Emily a bedtime story, ‘I’ll Love You Forever’ which documents a mother who sings to her song that she’ll love him forever, even when he becomes a rebellious teenager who thinks it’s lame for her to do that. This leads to the very strange visual of him cradiling her in his arms on a rocking chair and singing it to her when she’s old and frail, a mirror image of how she first sang to him when he was a baby. This really hits Patricia in the feels as she felt distant from Sean as he seemed closer to his father, wanting to impress him by picking the sports and classes he thought his father wanted him to take. She even seems to partly blame her husband for their sons death as he switched around his work schedule to come home early for Christmas, which in turn led to Sean coming home early too. If he’d just come home on the day he intended this never would have happened! That seems grossly unfair. Even when she passed along a family heirloom in the form of her fathers watch, he was unimpressed and even managed to break it whilst horsing around with a friend in his room.
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The massively tangled web of these characters comes into play again when Megan is going through some things and finds an old Christmas gift which sends Nathan into some sort of Nam flashback. Turns out Sean was holding it as he was wheeled into the hospital and Nathan had taken it upon himself to make sure it found its way to its intended destination but he just forgot about it over the years. I actually went back to check this and ,yeah, that is in the previous movie. I had this whole thing pegged as just a series of independent stories with loose connections throughout but no, apparently they had whole plot points planned out in advance.
Nathan and Patricia do interact several times as she takes the crack baby to the hospital to be checked up. There’s this strange level of frustration akin to An American Tail where Nathan keeps getting little flashbacks in his head but he’s never quite able to connect the dots.
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But of course he eventually does and the present turns out to be, say it with me now, the broken watch! Perhaps more meaningful though is the accompanying note which reveals Sean intended to study social work at college because he wanted to help kids just like his mom. This seems to serve as a form of closure for her but I feel like you could already start drawing that sort of conclusion. I mean, the guy was already in that Big Brother program so you were clearly already having some sort of influence on him.
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Strike two of the big overly emotional finale comes when it’s suggested Emily puts the angel atop the tree which promptly makes her bolt out of the room. Everyone is left thinking they’ve upset her but she comes back clutching a picture which she wedges onto the tree, a picture not of her mother as I had suspected but of Sean. She says he is her angel and she feels like whenever she’s felt all alone, he’s been there to help here. Awww.
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The big showstopper though is the troubled kid finally coming good and, after realising who everyone is in this story, returns Traci’s bag to the Addison home. Inside was her camera and on that camera was the video from the very start of the movie. Turns out she wrote that song as a Christmas gift for Emily.
Though, I feel the writers fell short of a grand slam here. Near the end, Nathan shares the story with Megan about giving the gift to Sean’s parents and how it gave him his own little bit of closure after how much Sean’s death affected him back then. Megan goes into labour shortly afterwards and I was fully expecting them to decide to call the baby Sean but no such luck.
Christmas Blessing was lacking a little bit in the big emotional ending so it feels like this one is making up for that and then some. It’s not as cheesy as that song from Christmas Shoes but still delivers that overly sentimental feeling. Again, it’s something I am loathed to admit but it got to me a little bit. This whole movie has that same morbid energy as the other two but in a slightly different way, the first two felt like you spent the entire movie watching people who were on deaths door before something happened at the end to soften the blow. Here they just give you the death right up front and everyone is left to cope with the aftermath and reflect on how deal with it. It’s like an encapsulation of everything that Nathan has gone through over these movies, facing death in his personal and professional life but coming to terms with it.
You know what’s bullshit though? No sign of the eponymous Christmas Shoes anywhere. They’re even in the box of stuff that Megan finds the old Christmas present in. How can you make this your big conclusion and not bring them back? You brought them back the last one, you couldn’t have Megan tag along and give them to Emily at the end as some sort of passing of the torch? It was her destiny, Nathan got them for his dead mother, Charlie got them for his dead mother, those shoes have been robbed of their purpose in life.
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eleactric ¡ 8 years ago
More than This-Stiles Stilinski (/Theo Raeken) {Part 17}
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[click here for part 1-16 / masterlist]
A/N: This chapter is really fluffy and was fun to write :) There is one chapter left and after that i think it’s time for the Epilogue...*sigh* i’ll miss this :( But until then, enjoy the rest of the story! (Btw, Theo WILL appear again before this story ends, don’t worry, i’ll do my baby justice)
*warnings* cursing, that’s all i think? maybe typos lol
I woke up what felt like twenty minutes later to loud rumbling coming from downstairs. My head was resting on a warm pillow that smelled oddly familiar, even though I was at Scott’s house. Suddenly said pillow started to move and a low groan send vibrations to where I was laying. When I slowly opened my eyes and became fully conscious, I remembered the events that took place last night and realized that the pillow was in fact the chest of Stiles, who had just woken up too.
A part of me feared that now, that he’s probably sober, he might regret the things he said and done yesterday, and that he felt uncomfortable with me in a bed together.
That fear quickly vanished when he raised his hand to wipe the hair out of my face that had fallen out of the messy bun I made the previous night, his smile bright but his eyes still sleepy. ,,G’morning.” He mumbled, his voice hoarse.
I smiled back at him, absently playing with his soft brown hair.
Our moment of peace was destroyed when the rumbling got louder and we could make out the voice of Scott’s mom Melissa, who had just come home.
From what I had heard she was freaking out about why the hallway was so wet, and why Scott and Kira were asleep on the couch and not in his room.
,,Oh shit, come on sleepyhead, we should help him out.” I demanded, lightly pushing him out of the bed, which earned me an annoyed groan.
We awkwardly walked down the stairs and into the living room, where Scott and Kira sat on the couch uncomfortably, hair messy from just waking up.
Melissa looked at us, then back at Scott and back at us again, scanning us from head to toe.
,,And why in the hell are you all wearing Scott’s clothes?”
,,Melissa, don’t worry it’s not like we hosted and orgy here or something.” Stiles tapped her lightly on the shoulder, pure shock on her face.
Scott glared at him, shaking his head frantically to signalize him to stop talking.
,,Stiles is just joking! We were…taking a walk yesterday evening and it started raining like crazy so Scott invited us in and gave us dry clothes. Then we watched some movies and these two fell asleep before me and Stiles did, we didn’t want to drive home so late so we slept here.” I was quite satisfied with my explanation even though Melissa didn’t seem to believe me completely.
,,Well, as long as you didn’t break anything.” She said and we all tensed up.
,,Yeah, alright. I’m going to go change and you can all…leave.” Melissa said, a forced smile on her face while she walked upstairs.
,,You think she believed us?” Stiles asked, which earned him a neck slap from Scott.
 Scott’s mom was taking a shower in the bathroom and I had just finished up getting dressed in Scott’s bedroom. Since my clothes hadn’t dried up yet, I was forced to wear his clothes until I got home. A light knock on the door and I turned around, allowing whoever the person was to come in.
Stiles, still in Scott’s clothes, like me, came in, a shy smile across his face.
,,Hey, Kira told me she wanted to spend the day with Scott so I offered that I could drive you home instead of her, I mean, if it’s okay for you?” he questioned, running a hand through his messy hair.
I smiled, liking the idea of spending some extra time with him. For some reason last night stirred something inside of me, like it brought us closer together. I mean the sleeping part, because the whole other love confession thing, was something I tried my best to ignore. There was this fear I had that it was all because of the alcohol and his vulnerable state, and I didn’t want to get my hopes up.
,,Sure, sounds good. I’m just grabbing my phone and my keys and I’m ready to go.” I said a little too excited, but he didn’t seemed to notice. And if he did, he didn’t mind, because the grin on his face was just as wide as mine.
,,Awesome. I’m waiting outside, could take a while to start the jeep anyways.”
And with that he was out the door, running down the stairs with loud feet, to which I laughed to myself.
Luckily it was a sunny day, so I didn’t have to steal a warmer jacket from Scott or something. Grabbing my phone as well as my keys and shoving them in the pockets of my – or his – sweatpants, I went to go into the living room to say goodbye to Scott and Kira.
We hugged each other tightly and I promised Scott I would wash his clothes and give them back to him as soon as possible, but he said I didn’t need to rush it. Kira asked me to give her a call later so we could have a chat, and I told her I wouldn’t forget it.
When I walked out of the door I could already hear the sound of the motor and I saw Stiles sitting in the jeep, a victorious look on his face because he got it started.
I quickly got into the passenger seat, putting my seatbelt on immediately, due to my obsession with responsible driving.
,,Ready?” he turned to smile at me and I nodded. ,,Sure am.”
After a while I noticed Stiles had taken a different route than normal, and I was sure we passed my street already.
,,Uhm, didn’t we have to turn left at that corner?” I questioned, turning my head around to the little rusty street sign.
,,If I would want to drive you home, yeah.” He kept his gaze on the road, a devilish smirk on his face.
,,Stiles, cut the serial killer act, I’m starting to think you want to kidnap me.”
My voice was serious, but that didn’t wipe the amused expression of his face.
,,Well to be fair, I am kind of kidnapping you, just not for serial killer purposes.” He chuckled and I sighed in annoyance.
,,Stilinski, stop playing. Where the hell are you taking me?”
He turned his head to look at me, which made me nervous even though we were stopping at a red light.
,,(y/n), look outside. When was the last time it was this sunny and beautiful outside?” (yes, I’m aware BH is supposed to be in California)
,,Elaborate.” I simply said, looking at him suspiciously.
He sighed heavily, rolling his eyes because I obviously didn’t get the point.
,,Let me rephrase that, when was the last time you’ve been to the beach?”
Excitement instantly filled me at the thought of bare feet walking over hot sand, warmed by the sun, the smell of salty water filling my nose as the silent roar of the waves sounds like music to my ears, like my favorite song. My face lit up and I placed a hand on his thigh, turning to him.
,,Stiles Stilinski, are you saying you’re driving me to the beach right now?” When his smile grew and he winked at me, I couldn’t help a high pitched squeal followed by loud laughter.
I rolled down the window on my side of the jeep and my hair, all messy, flew around my head because of the wind. But I didn’t care, enjoying the feeling of the warm breeze on my skin way too much.
We listened to our favorite songs on the four hour long drive ( Beacon Hill is like…not close to the beach ok), playing them as loud as the speakers of Stiles’ old jeep allowed, singing along and making complete fools of ourselves. We stopped at a gas station twice, Stiles filled up the jeep while I went to the toilet and bought us some snacks.
After a while I glanced to my right, an indication of blue water seen in the distance and I knew that we were close.
Once we found a parking spot, I jumped out so fast I almost tripped. Just before I reached the sand, I pulled off my shoes and socks, and then ran straight to the water.
The beach was long and clean, luckily not filled with many people which was rare, especially on a sunny day like this. The sight in front of me was drop dead gorgeous. Sun hitting the water, making it sparkle like tiny little starts dancing across the waves. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, inhaling the smell of the sea. I can’t remember the last time I felt this happy.
I started running and spinning along the beach, dancing like an idiot were the waves hit the sand.
Turning around I saw Stiles sitting in the sand, chuckling to himself while watching my little show.
I used my hands to from an ‘o’ in front of my mouth and yelled in his direction.
,,Why don’t you move your lazy ass and join me?”
He threw his head back, and although I couldn’t hear it, I could see that he was full out laughing, a warmness suddenly building around my heart at the sight of his happiness.
Stiles finally got up and made his way to me, pulling off his shirt while doing so. I was so focused on his with sweat glistening, well build body, that I missed his arms reaching out to quite literally swoop me off my feet. He had picked me up bridal-style in an instant, running in the water. I squealed and screamed, punching his chest, begging him to put me down. The last thing I remember him saying was ,,As you wish.”, before he released me and I flopped into the icy cold water.
As much as I loved the smell and the sound of the ocean, the taste was something I did not found pleasing at all. When I got up I started coughing, the water filling my mouth and my nose, salt and sea weed on my tongue making me gag. Stiles however, still standing in ankle-deep water, was hunched over, his hand grabbing his stomach while he laughed so hard I thought his lungs might burst.
,,Ha ha ha” I mimicked his laugh, grimacing silly ,,Very fucking funny. You do realize that you’re completely wet too now right?”  I pointed out, motioning to his damp pants.
His laugh died down, a slight grin replacing it as he eyed me, his gaze wandering all over my body.
,,Can’t say I’m complaining.” He flirted, while I noticed that the shirt I was wearing was now see through and tightly clinging to my body, especially my breast.
I used his moment of weakness to my advantage, practically body slamming him into the water that was only a few inches deep, but still enough to completely soak him.
We spent the rest of the day at the beach, lying on an old bench together so our clothes could dry up. It would have been quite relaxing, if for one, we had another bench so his elbow wouldn’t have pressed inside my rib the whole time and he would stop complaining about my legs being above his, and if the parents that had built themselves a freaking camp next to us, would have raised their three children, because these brats would not fucking stop kicking sand at us.
When it was about five, we decided it would be best to head back to the jeep, since the drive home would take a few hours.
 ,,All I’m saying is, without her dragons, she wouldn’t be a fan favorite character!”
I groaned in frustration, this discussion was exhausting as shit. I had recently started watching Game of Thrones, currently started with season 5. Stiles, who had started watching it too, asked me about my favorite characters. When the first one I named was Daenerys, he rolled his eyes. Ever since then, we could not stop arguing about this.
,,What are you EVEN TALKING ABOUT Stiles. She is a fan favorite because people like seeing strong, leading women. And because she has a heart okay?” I defended her, not letting anyone bash a character I was enthusiastic about.
He gripped at his hair, his eyes squinting. ,,(y/n), this is GAME OF THRONES were talking about here, who cares about someone haven a good heart?!” ,,I DO!”
,,OKAY!” he yelled, leaving me stunned. After moments of silence, we broke out in laughter.
,,We’re ridiculous.” I said, shaking my head in disbelief about our silly argument.
It was already dark outside, the colorful lights of the shops and the headlights lighting up the street, a few stars gracing the sky.
,,You’re ridiculous.” He mumbled, trying to provoke me. I was about to comeback, when I saw a sign a little ahead of us, an idea popping to my mind.
,,Don’t turn here. Drive that way!”  I pointed to said sign, grabbing his wrist to stop him from turning right.
,,(y/n) why the hell…” his eyes found my target and he looked at me in the ‘are you kidding’ kind of way. ,,Splashy Swim Center ? Are you serious?”
I nodded eagerly ,,Why not?”
,,Uhm, maybe because we’ve just been to the beach and took a nice cold bath with our clothes on.. in the freaking ocean?”
,,Stiles pleeeeease.” I pouted ,,I always wanted to sneak into a public pool in the middle of the night.”
When a car honked behind us, Stiles sighed and drove in the direction of the Swim Center, as I sat back in the seat proudly.
It didn’t take long to find a parking spot, since the Swim Center was closed and nobody was allowed in there right know. I dragged Stiles behind me as I began to check the place out, searching for the best way to sneak in. I had always seen it in movies or read it in books, two people breaking into a public pool at night and having it completely to themselves.
,,This is going to be easy as hell. We just have to climb the fence. It’s not guarded or anything, and I can’t spot any security cameras either.” I rested my hands upon my hips, looking at the fence in front of me.
,,This is going to get us in jail.” Stiles moaned, rubbing his hands across his face.
Hopefully not.
@sweetvengeancee @sassysweetstories @yesimaginethefun @prncssofwonderland
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