#which is also complicated bc i don’t even want a poly Relationship. like yes i very much do but not a romantic one
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callixton · 11 months ago
like sorry i got a taste of my ideal future only to have it immediately ripped away and treated as a joke and/or a conquest and sorry that that has had some lasting effects on me. didn’t feel good man
like. i have grown SO much in my understanding of myself and i would like to think as a person as well but also in some ways i think i have regressed sm in the past year. like i know what future feels right now and i do not regret the difficulty getting here bc of what it taught me but. man do i wish i didn’t feel so awful expressing that or living that
#this is my version of a homoerotic friendship that haunts you for the rest of your life i think. with a spin#and then i shortly after got into a monogamous relationship which i didn’t know would be monogamous#and in doing so learned more about how i feel in relationships (bad) and therefore what i need#i miss him too :( i have just been so overwhelmed and exhausted lately and we have not had any time to see each other#and i promised that our friendship wouldn’t drift and it is but not bc i want it to :( if i have energy after a rehearsal someday i’m gonna#- ask to come over#anyway. and also that i am having the most intense streak of not really wanting to have sex but desperately wanting to get hit of my life#those two things usually coincide even if the actions are distinct but it’s really just the one rn#it really is mostly the being in college without transportation and how the limits my autonomy tbh#fuck inaccesible public transit soo bad#oh that’s what i was gonna say. i see couples on screen who are so obviously in love and i used to want that#and now i just feel. No desire. like i don’t know if there was ever personal desire so much as i wanted to feel what They were feeling but#- it’s gonna and i’m really uninterested in getting it back. however i see a poly relationship and get so jealous .#*gone. and by getting it back i mean wanting something that is in practice unpleasant for me lol#which is also complicated bc i don’t even want a poly Relationship. like yes i very much do but not a romantic one#i am working through some things i think. clearly#ted talks
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mageofseven · 2 years ago
Hi there! I love your blog; I found it in 2022 and fell in love with your writing, and was disappointed to see you weren’t active anymore. I stumbled across you again when a mutual reblogged one of your more recent fics, and I’m so happy to see you’re back (and indeed alive)!
If it’s possible, could I request headcanons or a scenario (whichever you prefer) for poly!mc (who is dating all 7 brothers. And the dateables if you feel like it) announcing they’re pregnant, but bc they’ve been sleeping with all of the boys, they have no clue who the father is? I totally understand if you don’t want to write this.
Haha, yes I am alive. I had to leave for multiple reasons; one being the most common reason: life, man 😅
Still, thank you so much for checking out my stories even when I was away! It's always good to hear that people get enjoyment out of the things I write.
Also, another Nonnie recently requested some poly!MC where they date the brothers so I think they'll be happy to read this too~
I think I will add the unDatables to this as well because I've developed an extra strong love for them lately 🥰💕
How MC Found Out:
MC discovered she was pregnant through Simeon.
Angels have a special the ability to sense life (or in this case, pre-life) and this man had been sensing something different within the human for a few weeks now.
When he discovered that the blurry feeling attached to MC was a baby though, he didn't know how to bring it up.
He didn't know how his Feather would feel about her condition, but assumed that if she wanted a child, she would have brought up with at least one of the men that she loved so dearly.
The angel could just sense that this would be hard on her
And he was right.
MC cried into his embrace, scared of how the other men would react.
No matter how much she thought about it, the human couldn't pinpoint which man could be the father. I mean, it's not like she writes down in a notebook every time she sleeps with one of them.
And what if the one who is the father doesn't want their baby? Or what if the others are upset because its not theirs? Or...what if none of them wanted to be with her now that she'll be a mom?
He reminded her that the other men were good people who loved her just as dearly as he did.
MC had to tell the others and Simeon was going to support her every step of the way.
With Simeon's help, she gathered all of the men at HoL and tearful announced that she was pregnant, that someone in this room was going to a father.
The only emotion he let show on his face was shock
But there was so much more swirling around in his chest.
The idea that this child could be his truly scared him.
I mean, he's already a father...and a terrible one at that, he felt.
He did not want this baby to be his; he did not want a second child to risk hurting.
Still, if this child was his then he wouldn't abandon them; abandon MC.
Regardless of whose child they are, Lucifer was going to be there for his Love no matter what.
Summary? This man is scared shitless and doesn't want the child, but is ready and willing to support MC.
Unlike Lucifer, he is obviously upset.
I mean, MC is freakin' pregnant.
And that means either he's gonna be a dad and has to get his shit together
Or one of the others, even one of his own brothers, knocked up his Human and honestly, he's not okay with that.
Yeah, he knows this poly relationship thing means he has to share his girlfriend but he did not sign up for one of his brothers to knock up MC.
Honestly has no fucking clue what he wants.
I mean, yeah, he's always kinda wanted a kid, but not now.
One look at the tears flowing down his girlfriend's cheeks though was all he needed to toss all of that that complicated shit aside and promising her that she doesn't gotta worry because The Great Mammon is gonna be here for her no matter what.
Summary: Scared, confused, but has MC's back just like always.
Levi.exe has stopped working
Which, in fairness, happens a lot because of this women
But it's not funny this time!
Like Mammon, he's both terrified of it being his kid and not being his kid.
Unlike Mammon though, the third brother isn't sure he could handle it if the baby turns out not to be his.
Honestly, he's not too sure what he'd do if the baby's not his.
Hell, he's not sure what he'll do if it is.
This man just wants to hide away in his room indefinitely.
Summary: PANICKING, doesn't think he wants the kid, just wants to hide away.
This is one of the last things the wrath demon wants to hear, but he also acknowledges that this was bound to happen at some point.
I mean, he's not exactly found of children.
Even if this child isn't his, the man still has the issue of his Kitten becoming a mom and essentially making him a step dad.
As much as he hates the idea, he acknowledges that this is the best alternative.
Leaving MC over this is not even an idea that the fourth brother is humoring
But he'd also rather that the child not be of his flesh and blood.
Has decided to never let MC hear such thoughts from him though.
Summary: logical but adverse, does not want the child to be his, but will stay by his Kitten's side no matter what.
Immediately runs up to his Dolly to hug her
And kisses her tears away.
Promises her that everything will be okay and this is a happy thing!
Plus, he'll be by her side through it all, no matter what!
Tries to get the other men in the room to speak up too and tell her everything is fine
Because hello! Crying MC over here! Get your priorities in order!
Summary: Worried about MC, will be happy regardless of whether the child is his or not, and is fiercely supportive.
Boy's brain is buffering
Like he was so confused at first about why his Muffin was so upset.
Like, there's gonna be a baby here in HoL! How can that not be a happy thing?
Then he remembered how his twin dislikes kids and realized that he doesn't know how the other men feel about them.
Suddenly becomes very upset for MC and walks up to give her a big hug
But is very mindful about how tight he hugs her because he understands that his Muffin is basically a walking plus one right now so he needs to be gentle.
Tells her that he's here for her and her baby no matter what.
Yes, Beely would love it if the baby was his own, but will still love this child if it's not because it's his Muffin's.
Summary: Confusion melts into concern, wants the baby to be his but will love it even if its not, agrees with Asmo that MC is the priority and wants everyone to be on the same page.
"You gotta be kidding me."
Believes this is one of the worst things to happen to him
And is now becoming paranoid that maybe he's the one who fucked up.
I mean, they always used protection, but those runes aren't foolproof.
All it could have took was his hand to be just slightly sloppy when drawing the rune below her navel beforehand for the whole thing to be faulty
And the sloth demon didn't always check his work, so to speak.
Does not, under any circumstances, want this kid to be his.
Hell, he doesn't want this kid to exist at all.
But that's not his decision and he knows this.
He felt like things were going so good and now its ruined.
Still...the man was still indebted to her. He killed his Human once before and it was the worst mistake of his life.
He can't take it back; that's why aims to just make her happy
So this man isn't going anywhere, no matter how miserable he gets.
Summary: angry at himself and paranoid, does not want the child at all, but is going no where while his Human needs him.
The prince's initial feeling was excitement.
I mean, MC's pregnant! He could be a dad!
And honestly, this man would love nothing more than to have a child with his Queen.
He understands why MC is upset and is very vocal with comfort, telling her that she'll get through this, that they will all get through this.
Another man that would be okay with the child not being his.
Don't get him wrong; he wants that child to be his so badly
But will also be accepting if it turns out that they're not.
If the child is not his, he will still be good them to them and his Queen
But also plans on asking MC in the future if she could give him one of his own.
Please MC, make this man a Daddy 🥺
Summary: Excited and tries to help the situation, really wants the baby to be his, stands by his Queen no matter what.
Pursed his lips at the news, but ultimately says nothing.
Is pained just by seeing his Dear's tears, but hesitates to step forward and comfort her because of the other men already doing so.
This situation was one of the reasons why he wasn't too pleased about this poly relationship.
The butler didn't necessarily mind sharing his girlfriend with the other men
Nor did he mind that her baby might have been conceived with one of the other men.
What he did mind, however, was just how spread thin she seemed some days.
MC put so much effort in keeping the peace and trying to keep things fair for the men, even when it became mentally exhausting
So for her to be made afraid of the very reactions of the men who could have been the one to have brought her into this situation?
Grows a bit of resentment towards some of the others.
Barb couldn't hold much sympathy for them while knowing all that MC has done for them.
Will stick by her and her child no matter what.
Hopes that this child is not his, but only because his power to see into the future is genetic and when you lack the skill to control it, it can be mentally torturous.
Barb would never wish such a thing on a child hence why he'd prefer it to not be of his blood.
Summary: Concerned for MC and resentful of the men who are making this worse for her, does not want the child to be his because of a genetic issue, but is prepared to take care of MC and the child.
Frowned upon hearing this announcement.
It wasn't because of the pregnancy though.
In truth, the sorcerer was more or less ambivalent about children.
I mean, he did well enough with them and got along well with Luke
But its never exactly been a priority to have his own.
Honestly, Soli didn't even mind the idea of his little Minx carrying the baby of another man; I mean, they all agreed to share her and things like this happen sometimes.
What bothered him was how upset she was.
Told his little Minx that there was nothing to be afraid of.
There's this saying that it takes a village to raise a child and in truth, MC had quite the village in front of her.
Things will work out; it will just take some time.
Summary: Concerned for MC, does not care if the child is his or not, prepared to weather through this storm with his little Minx.
Kept an arm around her while she broke the news to the others.
The angel wished he could take her suffering away, but could only stand with her as she cried.
Has never stopped supporting her since the moment he sensed her pregnancy and will continue to support her.
These other men, many of whom he'd consider a friend, surely will understand.
The situation is difficult, yes, but MC needs them all now more than ever.
Does not truly stop to consider if this child is his or not.
Angels generally don't procreate. Then again, that is because the method of doing so is forbidden in the Celestial realm.
Yes, he and MC have a pretty active bedroom life
And yes, he has just as much of a chance of being the father as the other men
But such thoughts have not even occurred to him yet because he's been so focused on MC and her feelings.
Still, if the child does end up being his, he will love it dearly.
If the child ends up not being his, he will still love it dearly.
This child is his Feather's after all so he will make sure they grow up safe and loved.
Summary: Solely focused on MC's wellbeing, hasn't realized the fact that he himself could be this child's father, will fervently support the woman during this hard time.
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idkmanwtfishumanityanymore · 9 months ago
#1 ABSOLUTELY NOTHING WEIRD. (18+, suggestive, cursed ships (unless making fun of them) ect)
#2 tkl related questions are allowed, but keep them to a minimum as this will be under the Normal TSAMS tags, and I don’t want to get harassed 👍
#3 Don’t be too simpy- I will become very uncomfy-
#4 No fucked up homophobia or transphobia shit, literally gtfo if you don’t like that some of my characters are queer when they aren’t in canon. AND NO RACISM obviously. #5 DO NOT get pissy with me for being slow to answer asks- my depressed ass needs to work up motivation to get asks done and even go on tumblr-
#6 Specify what you’re asking to, especially if you’re asking BloodMoon- Put M!BloodMoon (/M!BM) when referring to the manifested twins, and AU!BloodMoon (/AU!BM) when referring to the twins in the AU please!
It’s a mostly peaceful AU, redemption arcs have happened, viruses controlled people, but people did still die- some multiple times- (they’re being brought back though Dw)
Sun and Moon are a little happier than the canon variants, bc most of the drama hasn’t happened in this au-
HarvestMoon *did* die, but not by StitchWraith or (technically) Monty. It was Creator’s fault (who will not be in the AU)
KC is actually a good father!
Ruin has rebuilt SolarFlare (‘Flare for short) and is working on bringing back Harvest, but some complications have occurred while trying to bring it back- and Harvest is now a child (Bloody’s a big brother!)
Ruin did still do all the Bombtober/October takeover 2.0 bullshit, but it was completely under the influence of Creators virus- Ruin is much different now and is disgusted by his past actions.
SOLAR IS ALIVE! HE DIDN’T DIE! Bc Ruin has no vendettas against all Creators- he doesn’t even know what the council is- (Which means yes, it still exists.)
ForkFace and Jack are starting a relationship together! (I made this AU way before Jack was canonically a child please don’t call me a pedo/proshipper i’m debating whether or not to remove that part entirely tbh)
Forky is MtF, and goes by Franklin when not being referred to as ForkFace/Forky.
Eclipse and Lunar have somewhat made up! There’s still some underlying trauma and resentment on Lunar’s part, and a never ending out of guilt with Eclipse, but they’re actually civil and can joke around with eachother!
Eclipse has also apologized to the others for everything he did, so far Lunar is the only one actually giving him a chance- mainly to move past his own trauma. (Sun doesn’t Hate him anymore, just won’t accept the apology until he’s seen undeniable proof that Eclipse has truly changed, Moon still hates his guts, Earth never really had much of a problem with him so she doesn’t really have to do anything, KC is heavily thinking on whether or not to accept Eclipse as his son again, and the twins still want him dead for being the source of their trauma)
Ruin and Solar kinda like eachother a little bit, but not enough to start an actual relationship- idk if that’ll change tbh.
Sun is closeted Bi and consistently denying that he’s queer (I’m going to make KidsCove canon, fuck you /silly)
Moon is asexual, but figuring out if he’s still aro. (He probably is though, so he’s not gonna be doin’ anything romantic anytime soon)
Because everything isn’t going to shit left and right, EARTH AND MONTY ARE ENGAGED!! Earth is actually the one who proposed, Monty still gets weepy thinking about that day <3
Monty is still genderfluid and has their other body (feminine form) but as I don’t have the character slots on GC to make that form, all appearances of Monty will be their masculine form.
Franklin and Jack are somewhat interested in trying out bein in a poly relationship, and are planning to eventually ask ‘Flare to join their relationship, as they both like it and ‘Flare likes them too.
KC may or may not be with Glamrock Freddy romantically-
Characters who will not make gacha-appearances bc I don’t have designs for them and don’t plan to make them: Gemini (Castor and Pollux), Nebula, Dazzle, StitchWraith, Foxy, FC, Freddy (normal) Golden, Puppet, (might actually make Puppet’s feminine form tbh though) and Francine.
Character sexualities and gender-identities (everyone is asexual bc 1; Robots can’t fuck, and 2; I’m extremely uncomfy thinking about these characters actually fucking anyone bc I’m a sex-repulsed asexual TwT:
Sun: Closeted biromantic asexual, demi-boy (He/they)
Moon: Asexual and questioning aromantic, demi-boy (They/him)
Lunar: Panromantic asexual, questioning poly, non-binary. (They/Them)
Eclipse: Closeted gay-asexual, questioning gender-identity (He/Him for the time being)
BloodMoon: AroAce, non-binary (they/them)
HarvestMoon: AroAce, non-binary (It/it’s)
Solar: Gay-Asexual, also questioning gender-identity (He/him for the time being)
Ruin: Omniromantic (male preference) asexual, genderfluid (Usually He/They, but sometimes She/they)
Jack: Polycurious-Panromantic-asexual, cis (He/Him)
Franklin: Polycurious-Panromantic-asexual, Transgender MtF (She/Her)
Earth: Omniromantic (no preference) asexual, demi-girl (She/They)
Monty: Omniromantic asexual (but EXTREMELY dirty minded), genderfluid (usually They/Them by default, switches frequently between masc (He/Him) and fem (She/Her)
‘Flare: Biromantic asexual, questioning poly, non-binary (They/It)
KC: Biromantic asexual, genderfluid (Usually He/They, rarely she/her)
They started out as appearances in dreams of mine, and wherever they’d make any kind of physical contact, (Usually grabbing my arm or poking at me like I’m roadkill) there’d be claw marks in the same spots when I’d wake up.
After a while of staying in my dreams, I started seeing them OUTSIDE of my dreams, and they weren’t just my normal hallucinations- my cats can see and interact with them, they can hold things, uses devices, mess with lights, play an Xbox, ect- and whatever they consume, the correct amount of whatever it was disappears afterwards- so they’re also able to consume things.
not sure Wtf they really are, but they’re goofy as hell, and are keeping me sane, so I’m not complaining.
they watch the channels with me, (yes- including lore, even when I tell them not to, they hide away and watch it from behind me or sm) and the April 14th incident really messed them up- they’re terrified of losing eachother </3
they have the braincell count as an orange cat, aka 0.
do NOT mention anything laser-related around them, please and thank you- they will have a full blown panic attack from the trauma of dying to that stupid barrel-laser-thing </3 (this isn’t a rule btw, just a warning)
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Edit: ECLIPSE HAS RECENTLY MANIFESTED. I know next to nothing about him because he’s more elusive and reclusive than the
M-BM!Twins, and I’ve only seen him like. Twice. But uh, I know he’s kinda mopey abt something so uh. He’s gonna be available for asks too👍
DOUBLE EDIT: Because Dazzle got a more gacha-friendly design, Dazzle will now be featured visually. A post abt her is already uploaded.
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yourbookcouldbegayer · 3 years ago
I'm currently starting a old wip again and realized one of my main three doesn't have a love interest. So, I started writing one for her, but now it's turned into poly relationship. My problem is I'm afraid to write it and it's not any better with my other two ocs bc they are both guy and I HAVE NEVER WRITTEN SUCH RELATIONSHIPS BEFORE........
I'm not experienced in the love field of writing and now I'm panicking bc i fear my children will die alone💀😭
I don't know anyone who could help me in my friend group/family
First off I’d say that you shouldn’t feel obligated to put all of your characters into relationships. It is absolutely fine to have character who aren’t in relationships because they don’t want to be, because they have other things to focus on on, because they just got out of a relationship and don’t want to jump into another right off the bat. It’s totally up to you of course but just putting it out there that you should write what you want and if that’s having your characters be in relationships then go for it, nothing wrong with it, but there’s also nothing wrong with just not wanting your characters to be put into romantic situations.
As for what polyam relationships are like. They’re really a lot like any other relationship only there’s more people involved. I think this tends to make people panic of make things far to complicated but there’s not very much of a difference truly, yes somethings are different but not extensively so.
Some things to keep in mind:
Communication - You know that trope where everything could be solved if the two characters just talked to one another. Yeah. Think of this trope when writing a polyam relationship because that trope is exactly what you don’t want in a polyam relationship. Discussions of boundaries, the nature of the relationship between all people involved, talking about jealousy or even just discussing date night. These are all things that require strong communication in a polyamorous relationship. Trust is also crucial in a polyam relationship.
Polyamory vs Cheating - Polyamory isn’t cheating, it doesn’t stem from seeing two people at the same time without them being aware. It stems from trust, attraction (physical/romantic), and a bond between those involved. In a polyamorous relationship everyone knows one another and whether or not all people involved have met in person they are all aware of one another’s existence.
Not everyone is together all the time - Again when people write polyam dates and things it’s usually with all parties present. Which in reality isn’t always the case. This is a minor thing but it’s become sort of a large trope of the “three person date” (or more depending in how many people are in that relationship). Scheduling conflicts do arise and not everyone is available all the time.
Just treat a polyam relationship as you would any other. It may have more people involved but it’s still a normal relationship.
- Mod Noah
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imbeccablee · 5 years ago
for ship ask: 5, 13, 32!
5. Do you have any poly ships?
Oh, tons! 
My biggest one would probably be sorikai—Sora, Kairi, and Riku—from kingdom hearts. They’ve been besties for years in game and each of their goals in game is to, basically, return home and make sure the other two are safe. They’re best friends and i love them!!
There’s also Jlaireby, which is Jim, Claire, and Toby from Trollhunters. I ship them for the same reasons as stated above. These three have such good chemistry and they love each other so much!!!
There are various poly ships in MHA that are pretty cute too, like izuku, ochako and iida, or those three and todoroki, or kirishima, bakugou and kaminari, but I don’t actively ship these as much.
13. Has a ship ever broken your heart?
I don’t think so. I tend to ship the characters most likely to get together, so there’s normally no like “too bad these characters won’t ever get together”, and most of the time the shows I watch have happy endings. Also when it comes to romance, I normally respect whatever the writers choose to make canon, even if I didn’t really ship it (see allur//ance from vol//tron)
32. Share five must-read fics
Yesterday Upon the Stair by pitviperofdoom
Midoriya Izuku has always been written off as weird. As if it's not bad enough to be the quirkless weakling, he has to be the weird quirkless weakling on top of it.
But truthfully, the "weird" part is the only part that's accurate. He's determined not to be a weakling, and in spite of what it says on paper, he's not actually quirkless. Even before meeting All-Might and taking on the power of One For All, Izuku isn't quirkless.
Not that anyone would believe it if he told them.
I am absolutely in love with this fic!!! it’s an au where Izuku has a quirk that allows him to see ghosts and it follows all the way to the Eri arc. It’s so so sooooo good and i HIGHLY recommend it.
Occurrences in the Lives of a Couple of Hopelessly Oblivious Dorks series by Cipher032
A series on the roller coaster that is high school relationships, platonic and otherwise, as Deku and Ochako proceed through their high school careers.
Includes New Horizons and Roads Well Traveled.
Yes this is a series and not a specific fic, but both New Horizons and Roads Well Traveled are really good!!! Either fic is from the point of view of Ochako and Izuku respectively and are about how the two of them navigate their second year while dealing with the ups and downs of their friendship and also as they figure out exactly how they feel for each other. It’s incredibly in character and I absolutely love how Cipher is writing it!!
Catching Up by EchoFour
After a couple of rogue gems put her life at risk, Connie questions everything. She's loved being a Crystal Gem for four years. Training and fighting at Steven's side give her whole life meaning. But as Steven has learned more about the power he possesses and grasped more of it for his own, she's worried she can't keep up.
But Connie Maheswaran has never been the kind of person to give up just because of a little thing like human limits. Whatever it takes, whatever she has to risk, she will find a way to catch up.
This was an incredibly interesting take on best girl Connie Maheswaran and also just a really cool idea in general. It’s now part of a series that has a sequel in the works, and it has some of that adorable Connverse, as well as one of my FAVORITE stevonnie scenes I’ve ever read in one of the later chapters sooooo yeah. FANTASTIC FIC.
The Third Option by Uncertainty_Principle
Homecoming A/U.
Ben and May divorced before Peter’s parents died, so when Ben is murdered Peter goes into foster care. It takes just a tiny taste of superpowers for Peter to decide he doesn’t want to put up with his horrible foster father anymore—the streets are infinitely more appealing. All he wants is to be Spider-Man anyway.
So he leaves.
Simple, that is, until Iron Man needs Spider-Man’s help. Peter isn’t about to turn down an opportunity to fight alongside Tony Freaking Stark, but he also isn’t going to let his hero know that his recruit is a fifteen-year-old homeless dropout. So they strike a deal. Peter will help Tony. In return, the mask stays on.
And that’s when things get complicated.
This fic, man........................ this fic.................... fucking heartbreaking. it’s written so god damn well. it has such DELECTABLE iron dad................ it is Not a happy fic but it’s so so so so so GOOD................................................... im love
 and finally
Kingdom Hearts Ψ by HouseofSannae
An alternate take on what Could Have Been
yes this is another series. yes it is Incredibly Long. yes it is REALLY. FUCKING. GOOD.
it was plotted and started pre-kh3 and it’s incredibly intriguing!!! very wonderful character development and realistic relationships, both good and bad, between different characters. No seriously though, this characterization is So Good. I only have two complaints, one of which is serious and the other of which is just bc im me lol.
1. Recently it’s been a little on the nose about its Life Lessons, if you will. It has good messages and stuff, but sometimes it feels kind of forced. Do Not Let This Stop You From Reading Though. It’s So Good.
2. Sora is in nearly every fic but rarely has an essential part to it and It’s Blasphemy. not really, but i love sora, he’s my son, and the fact he’s kinda been pushed to the backburner the whole time. it make SENSE why bc he doesn’t exactly need the development BUUUUUUUT i love him and want more of him.
well, there you go! a couple of fics that i absolute adore!! thanks for asking rex!!
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shellheadtmarc · 6 years ago
fallout bullshit round two, this time featuring zetta reynolds, because zetta is another hugely important person to tony in context and it probably looks like the trashiest shit without the actual behind the scenes context that hasn’t gotten threaded bc mala and i are both slow as fuckin christmas.
okay.  buckle up.
+ once upon a time, before the world became chernobyl on steroids, there was a company called stark industries.  the owner of said company was tony stark, and moonlighted in a group of extremely unique people who called themselves the avengers as the high tech armored superhero called iron man.  tony was atoning for all the weapons he’d built and designed over the years, especially in understanding, through his own brush with death, how devastating those weapons could be.  he was also incredibly outspoken against the government and what it was doing with regards to its own people with regards to personal liberties and freedoms.  this company - which offered safety nets for employees that did find themselves being investigated by the government in forms such as legal fees - employed a lot of people.  one of those people was zetta reynolds, who worked in the boston branch.
+ if tony ever met zetta before the bombs, he honestly can’t remember it.  it’s been a very long time for him.  her files are probably still somewhere on the stark dataspine, though he’s never gone digging for them.  who she was and who he was are people that don’t really exist anymore.  that world doesn’t really exist anymore.
+ one of the first things that should be noticed - and actually not incredibly obvious - is that tony and zetta are actually very similar.  they’re both brilliant.  they’ve answered the fate that’s been handed to them with anger - though in separate directions.  they’re both incredibly fiercely protective over the people they love.  they have the same sense of humor.  they both had super shitty childhoods that have shaped them as adults.  it’s why when they get along everyone around them should be terrified, and when they fight everyone should be even more terrified.  the major difference between them, surface-wise, anyway, is that zetta is incredibly loyal to the railroad, and tony considers them to be too tunnel-visioned without an “after” plan to be sustainable long term.
+ honestly, they even favor physically somewhat.  big dark eyes, dark curly hair, killer jawlines.  this is going to be important soon, pay attention.
+ zetta is the sole survivor of vault 111.  you know what that means.
+ tony and zetta hook up fairly early on in his time in the commonwealth.  and by hook up i mean sleep together.  but wait, you say, isn’t tony already probably running with maccready??  yes, i answer, he is!  but tony and mac aren’t a thing for a while, and zetta and tony never really are.  it’s like…a one time thing.  that’s it.  in the end, they’re close?  but it ain’t really like that between them.  they wouldn’t work - tony’s too open in being demonstrative.  it’s gross.  he loves her, in her his own way, but it’s just not that kind of love.  she’s someone he can trust implicitly, and that’s a thousand times better in the wasteland that being stupid in love with her.
+ since this is tony’s companion verse, that’s what he is:  he’s one of zetta’s companions.  except it’s not fallout 4 flavor mechanics companions it’s more…equal partners in interest with reclaiming the commonwealth.  he’s as often off doing his own thing as he is helping her with something - and most of their stuff has to do with the settlements, not questlines.  it should also be noted that, between her, stephen, tony, elle, thor, and loki, questlines are split up among them because it’s unrealistic to expect one person to do all of them.  anyway, between all of them, they rub their heads together and make magic shit happen in the commonwealth.
+ so.  about that one night stand tony and zetta have.  see, tony’s tinkered on himself.  he got his hands on some institute flavor fev while back in nyc, broke it apart, made it what he wanted, and put it back together (much like 616 extremis) and used himself as a lab rat to test it.  friendly, frequent reminder he’s not a super mutant, the same way 616 tony was never a true extremis enhancile.   he thought he’d kept the coding to make himself sterile in it.  turns out not so much - he’s an engineer, not a biochemist, and there he and zetta are finding out yeah so uh.  that drunken one night stand resulted in a baby.  she uses stephen as a doctor, because he’s prewar, too.  makes sunday dinners all kinds of interesting.
+ quinn is just quinn.  their plan is to let him decide what last name he wants to use when he gets older, and between zetta’s bunch and tony’s bunch, not only are quinn and duncan (and synth shaun, because honestly he can’t be forgotten…how did we end up with a set of all little boys how did this happen i sure don’t know) the three safest kids in the commonwealth, they have a massive extended family that include a sorcerer supreme, norse gods, spies, the entire railroad, the minutemen, super mutants, and superheroes.  he’s got all of zetta and tony’s smarts and looks, and that means r i f p world when he gets older.
+ they share custody, obviously.  i mean, it’s not like it’s a legal arrangement, it’s the commonwealth, but it’s the principle of the thing.  anyway, outside of the lovenest zetta built for her bunch on spectacle island (casa del deacon) that everyone’s supposed to stay out of but tony and only then when he’s there to get quinn (if you can’t see tony rolling his eyes about it i need to step up my game), honestly…the whole group lives in…well, i wouldn’t quite completely call it a commune really, but they’re like a neighborhood where everyone on the street is related to everyone else.  they come and go as they need to, but it actually satisfies tony’s need to keep everyone as close as possible.  sunshine tidings and nahant (the town around croup manor) are the usual suspects, though you’ve got fort hagen, as well.
+ to clarify:  after the one whole night, later tony’s in a monogamous relationship with maccready, zetta (depending on verse iteration) is either with deacon?  or in a poly relationship with ferran (who is a whole other kettle of fish right there) and deacon.  sometimes her husband riley survives the gunshot from kellogg just barely and they’re able to bring him round with the same super soldier serum mix rhodey got popped with before the bombs, using the immortality serum traded to the government by jack cabot.  it’s…it’s complicated don’t worry about it.
+ they’re enough alike and work in the same fashion enough that they make good emotional punching bags for each other.  zetta knows she can fling everything she’s got at tony and that he can take it, and the opposite is just as true, and it spares some hapless settler from facing the brunt of either of their tempers (because if you don’t think tony stark has a temper i have News For You).  on the flipside, they’ve gone through practically the same nightmare and can be vulnerable with each other, though that’s far less likely.
+ zetta reynolds would happily punch howard stark in the face.  well.  she’d happily punch anyone in the face that has done tony dirty on some level, once he’s one of “hers”.  and don’t think for a second he wouldn’t go the mat just the same for her. 
ask about muse connections : accepting : anon
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yukipri · 8 years ago
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YOI Future!Verse ABO AU - Timeline + Basics
*second image slightly larger in full view
So for this AU, the comics are kinda all over the place in terms of timeline, and the timeline itself isn’t particularly rigid in my mind either ^ ^; There’s some complicated world-building and a lot of stuff that I don’t really mention but is just part of the overall AU in my mind. So here’s a reference for not just you but me that should help give context for the comics that are out and also give you a hint as to the kinds of scenarios you can expect within this AU in the future.
-A/B/O (yes that’s alpha/beta/omega dynamics aka omegaverse) with unnecessarily complicated world-building, mpreg, and OC children.
-Yuuri-centric poly marriage, the main ship(s) are Victor x Yuuri, Yurio x Yuuri, Phichit x Yuuri, Minami x Yuuri, all simultaneous, with additional  Chris x Yuuri and Otabek x Yuuri later in the timeline. Relationships among other members of the family are more or less platonic. (If this isn’t your thing, no need to comment, PLEASE SKIP by hitting the J key)
-The relationship is completely requited and consensual among all parties. This AU does not contain any adultery, endgame unrequited, or past and done with relationships among the main family members.
-No underage romantic/sexual relationships but some characters have crushes while they are underage that are not acted upon.
-Don’t take anything too seriously this is legit my “I don’t want to think, just lemme self-indulge and please roll with it” AU >.>;;
-all subject to change on my whims
This INTRO POST covers some of the basics of how ABO works in this AU, and the following text assumes you’ve read it.
Here’s an even more detailed world-building post
For links to the other comics in this AU, check out the “Future!verse ABO” section of my YOI Art Masterpost HERE!
Please keep ship bashing out of the comments/tags. Don’t like, just skip <3 Thank you.
Okay with all the warnings? LONG text post beneath cut!
Timeline [titles of works in this AU in brackets]:
-5 years pre-canon, Yuuri moves to Detroit.
-4 years pre-canon, Phichit comes to Detroit and becomes Yuuri’s roommate. He presents as alpha around half a year after they meet.
-more or less “canon” YOI
-year following canon - Yurio presents as alpha (and ends up suffering in skating as a result), Vic sweeps gold at all competitions [Yurio presenting comic #1]
-2nd year following canon - Yurio wins gold at Worlds, Yuuri wins gold at the GPF, Vic takes silver at both. (when are the Olympics? who knows!)
-2 years after canon - Yuuri and Victor officially take over coaching Yurio from Yakov, and the three of them also start formally dating.
-3 years after canon - Yuuri and Victor retire, they and Yurio get 3-way married, Yuuri’s pregnant with twins and takes a 3 year leave from full time work (tho he occasionally swaps coaching with Victor) and temporarily relocates back to Hasetsu.
-6 years after canon - kids are 2+, Yuuri returns to full time work, Minami asks Yuuri to be his coach and Yuuri decides to do that instead of returning to co-coaching Yurio with Vic [preview comic + Coach or No? comic + half a year later, Minami’s devotion comic]
-7 years after canon - kids are 3+, Yuuri’s still coaching Minami, and there’s rumors that Yuuri’s pregnant again but this time with Phichit’s kid. Yuuri marries Phichit before the end of the year. [Intro comic (latter part)]
-10 years after canon - Minami also marries Yuuri, and Yuuri gets pregnant with his fourth child.
[EDIT: Chris and Otabek also join after this, details to come]
[note: future comics will be scattered anywhere along this timeline I see fit]
Points to note about this AU:
-In this universe, many countries allow omegas (and oftentimes ONLY omegas) to have multiple spouses because omegas are more likely to give birth to alphas, which many countries want more of. There’s a lot of stigma against poly marriages but it’s legal if an omega is involved. (mentioned in intro post)
-The country our family lives in will be irrelevant/ambiguous in most of my comics, but you can assume they have several houses and occasionally move between them. During his three year hiatus Yuuri stays mostly in Hasetsu bc he wanted to raise them in a quieter, more low-profile location and wanted the support of his family (plus his family home is an onsen. Marvelous for aching). Vic + Yurio + Minami once he becomes Yuuri’s student all home rink wherever the family’s main location happens to be at the time.
-Victor is the catalyst for a lot of things in their relationship, including first proposing invoking the right of an omega to have multiple mates to get poly married. He cares the least about following traditional social expectations and has the confidence to proactively encourage the others to embrace the strange and unconventional if that’s what happens to work for them. While extremely jealous of outsiders, he is self-proclaimed “extremely greedy” and is set on creating the happiest future he can for what started as just Yuuri, but ends up being the entire growing group of people he considers his family.
-Yuuri and Phichit have been in a steady, ambiguous but definitely not purely platonic relationship since pre-canon. Yuuri helped Phichit through his presentation as alpha, and Phichit helped Yuuri through all his heats in Detroit. The Russians are fully aware of their bond and all parties consent to this relationship, though at first Vic and Yurio aren’t entirely sure what to make of it and why Phichit hasn’t pushed for more. Phichit’s not in any rush to officiate his relationship with Yuuri because he’s not planning on going anywhere. Plus, he doesn’t want to make things any more hectic than they already are after Yuuri marries the Russians. Phichit gets closer to the Russians during the 7 years post canon, at which time everyone feels that it’s time for him and Yuuri to also get married.
-Yurio had an ambiguous but growing crush on Yuuri since pre-canon but he’s in strict denial about it even though it’s becoming painfully and almost comically obvious to everyone except him and Yuuri. Things come to a head after he presents and Victor is helping him learn about his new status as an alpha and ends up outing Yurio’s feelings in the process. Yurio expects Victor to flat out crush his chances with Yuuri and is surprised when Victor is oddly encouraging, though it’s a mystery as to why. During their time at St. Petersburg, Yurio feels anxious that Victor and Yuuri’s retirement is getting closer and demands they stay with him as coaches and ends up accidentally confessing at the same time, sparking their three-way relationship which he realizes was Victor’s goal all along.
-Yuuri was worried about marrying Yurio while he was so young but Yurio wanted to get married early because he knew he’d regret it forever if his grandfather was unable to make the wedding. Yurio’s super worried about his grandfather bc Yurio’s always away, his grandfather lives alone in a pretty isolated area and his health isn’t great. After Yurio gets married, Kolya visits Hasetsu and hits it off with Yuuri’s parents, and after that it doesn’t take long to convince him to move in with them which certainly puts Yurio’s mind at ease. Kolya loves helping with the kids and is very happy to be their caretaker when their parents have to inevitably travel away from home.
-Phichit retired relatively early from professional figure skating to pursue his dream of creating his own ice show, which means learning not just the skating part but production design, acting, and everything else. His primary passion is entertaining his audience after all. During one of his theater internships he gets scouted as an actor, thinks it could be a good learning experience, and that lead to others gigs, leading to him becoming a pretty popular growing celebrity. This, combined with his super popular blog he runs about Yuuri’s kids (aided by his “employees,” the Nishigori triplets), has made him pretty high profile even outside the skating community.
-Minami is very openly and unashamedly in love with Yuuri but never pushes for a romantic relationship, being genuinely content and happy with whatever he can get (not that he doesn’t gloat around the Russians when he does get attention). Minami more or less moves into Yuuri’s house when he has kids and is absolutely besotted with them, self-appointing himself as Yuuri’s assistant and taking care of them constantly to the point where Yuuri has to scold him to focus on figure skating. He then also moves in with Yuuri when he gets a separate house from his parents with his current husbands and is sort of a permanent fixture in their family. The Russians bemoan how sometimes it seems the kids like Minami more than them. It seems natural and inevitable to everyone but Minami that he’d also eventually marry Yuuri, but Minami is so shocked when Yuuri proposes that he cries. (Minami’s is the only case where Yuuri proposes; in all previous marriages, his mates proposed to Yuuri)
-While he’s “currently” not really interested in permanently settling down with them, Chris pops by a lot and everyone’s used to him pretty much joining in on whatever he feels like; he’s very much an open lover, his casual relationship with Victor long preceding canon.
-Their other regular family member is Otabek, who isn’t nearly as sexually open but adores spending time with the kids. Yurio suspects Otabek may have a very slowly growing romantic interest in Yuuri and is wondering if he should discuss the possibility of him joining, but the timing doesn’t seem right so they’re content as is for now.
-For now none of them have changed their last names, as they aren’t sure how to hyphenate so many names. When his mates suggested they all take Katsuki, Yuuri wasn’t too thrilled because he’s very fond of their last names. They figure they can always change later if they want.
-They all wear their wedding bands on their left ring fingers. While his mates have more or less standard rings, Yuuri wears very thin bands so he can have them all on simultaneously, each a different color to match his mates’. Victor’s ring is white gold, Yurio’s yellow gold, Phichit’s black gold, and Minami’s is rose gold. Yuuri and Victor still wear their gold bands on their right hands as it symbolizes their unique bond during their time as coach and student. Shortly before his last competition, Minami gets a matching piercing with Yuuri, and in retaliation Yurio and Victor eventually get matching tiny tattoos on the inside of their fingers.
-The kids all call Victor, Yurio, and Phichit some variation of “dad” regardless of biological father and Yuuri some variation of “mom.” To the older three kids, Minami is their beloved “Ken-chan” because they knew him prior to him formally becoming Yuuri’s mate, but the youngest also calls him “dad.” Neither the kids nor fathers show any particular favoritism through blood connection and the kids get especially upset when outsiders try to single them out based on parentage.
Character presentations:
As mentioned in the Intro post, things are a bit more complicated and on a spectrum rather than cleanly divided three A/B/O categories. But the charas in this AU present as follows:
Yuuri - Omega, but leaning heavily towards the beta center of the spectrum. By U.S./international standards he’s technically classified as beta despite being able to bear children. Is not particularly sensitive to alpha pheromones and his own scent tends to be hard to notice. Usually has incredibly mild heats with main symptoms being pre-heat hunger and drowsiness. Went through most of his early life being told that he’s a very “unsexy/boring omega,” which tbh he’s been totally cool with, and he’s used to passing as a beta.
His “nonexistent omega pheromones” turns out to be a bit of a lie; he smells unbearably good to people he opens up to, but ONLY after he unintentionally lets them see who he is, so to strangers he smells beta. Yuuri is bad at opening up to people so has been under this misunderstanding for most of his life. Things change quite a bit after Victor becomes Yuuri’s coach, and Yuuri unintentionally learns how to open up his pheromones during performance and even more in his personal life.
This results in everyone who sees Yuuri perform being able to scent Yuuri’s pheromones, and for the first time in his life Yuuri gets noticed by strangers. Unused to the attention and still convinced that everything’s a misunderstanding and he has no scent, Yuuri always severely underestimates the impact of his pheromones on others which has his mates/future mates going into overdrive with protectiveness. Yuuri’s heats also become more severe based on the amount of alpha pheromones present in his vicinity.
Phichit - Alpha. Presented at sixteen while he was rooming with Yuuri. While smack dab in the center of the alpha range, he is extremely good at suppressing his pheromones due to his culture, his body’s natural biology, but most importantly extreme discipline and practice. As such he tends/chooses to pass as beta in his daily life, which allows him to remain close to Yuuri without anyone asking questions. His regular milder scent means people tend to underestimate him, but when provoked he can remove all restraints and intimidate the crap outa people with scent alone. Yuuri has always smelled amazing to him, and he didn’t know why no one else seemed to notice until Victor’s teaching revealed how Yuuri’s unique scent works.
Victor - Alpha. Very much on the far extreme end of the spectrum. Both due to his culture and how his body is, he tends to leak pheromones everywhere all the time and is very, very noticeable. Yet despite his often overwhelming presence, he is very good at keeping his emotions from coloring his pheromones and remains hard to read. He admittedly did not notice Yuuri’s scent at all until the banquet, and even then it was faint, leading to him assume that Yuuri’s a beta. During their time together he starts thinking Yuuri’s scent is getting stronger which confuses him greatly for a long time until he talks to Phichit and realizes what’s happening. While he’s glad he’s helped Yuuri access his full performance potential, he has mixed feelings about now having to beat off droves of suitors attracted by Yuuri’s scent after seeing him perform.
Yurio - Alpha. Presented at sixteen, and has very similar body chemistry to Victor. Being on the extreme end of the spectrum means more extreme sensitivity to pheromones and more extreme physical changes. More than his growth spurt, the near painful new awareness of pheromones becomes a huge barrier to his skating until he gets used to it, rendering him incapable of being in crowds of people or even stepping outside at first. During this time, the only scent he can stand and actually finds immensely comforting is Yuuri’s. Yuuri assumes it’s because his mild, unoffensive, and “unsexy” scent is soothing to Yurio’s new haywire alpha instincts, since even the scents of other omegas has Yurio feeling nauseous and sprinting to the bathroom. Victor pieces together that Yurio may be scenting Yuuri the way he is because of pre-existing emotional connections and romantic interest. Unlike Victor, Yurio’s emotions tend to bleed out heavily into his pheromones, though he does get a bit better at controlling himself with time.
Minami - Gamma (gamma-alpha). As a gamma, Minami is usually more or less beta, but changes in the pheromones in his environment/his own emotions/mental state can drastically change his pheromone output, how sensitive he is to those pheromones, and even physical factors like stamina. Unlike Phichit, he can’t really control how people perceive his pheromones. His gamma secondary is both helpful and challenging for his skating, because it means he can get a major power up whenever he’s in serious performance mode but it’s near impossible to recreate in daily practice. In addition, it’s risky to depend on “going alpha” because there’s no guarantee his emotions and environment will allow him to shift secondaries at the time and there are also benefits to performing as a beta. Training with Yuuri has helped stabilize him a ton, as being constantly bathed in the pheromones of the omega he loves has kept him in better touch with his alpha side. He tends to be full alpha the whole time whenever Yuuri is in heat.
(others, briefly)
Chris - Alpha
Otabek - Alpha
Leo - Beta
Guang-Hong - Omega
Georgi - Beta
Mila - Alpha
Seung-Gil - Alpha
JJ - Delta
Emil - Beta
Mickey - Gamma (gamma-omega)
Sara - Gamma (gamma-alpha)
Yakov - Beta
Lilia - Alpha
Minako - Alpha
Yuuko - Omega
Nishigori - Beta
Mari - Alpha
Yuuri’s parents - both beta
NOTE: International/most professional sports and other gender-divided things in this AU are NOT divided into “mens” and “womens.” There are standard tests and some sport-specific tests that measure an individual’s projected natural physical potential (such as strength, stamina etc.) and pheromone level. These are used to try to group athletes into the “tier” that best matches their physical abilities, indiscriminate to gender identity, and the number of tiers depends on the sport. Juniors may or may not be separated into tiers at all, but either way are re-tested prior to competing as adults or post-presenting and may be re-categorized. For pair skating/ice dancing/other sports that are traditionally man-woman duos in our universe, a pair’s eligibility is calculated based on a combined numerical value of their physical/pheromone points, which cannot be less than or greater than a certain range.
Figure skating has two tiers and Yuuri/Victor/Yurio/most of the gang compete in “Tier 2,” which tends to be more dominated by alphas/beta men. Some changes: Mila (alpha) and Sara (gamma-alpha) also compete in Tier 2, whereas Guang-Hong (omega) and Mickey (gamma-omega) compete in Tier 1. With his more beta-like physique and impressive stamina, Yuuri was told that despite being an omega he was on the border so could choose his tier and he chose Tier 2 to be in the same group as Victor. Most of the male figure skaters in the cast are alpha/beta because they all compete in the same Tier.
OC Kids
NOTE: They all have hyphenated last names with Katsuki first so they’ll be together alphabetically. They all attend international school in wherever country they happen to be in at the time and are all raised English/Japanese/Russian/Thai multi-lingual though I’ll probably be too lazy to show it in comics ^ ^; Full Name Explanations for the kids
Am open to suggestions for names for the pets  I’ve been calling them “dog,” “dog mini,” “cat,” and “ham” in my head bc that’s admittedly what I often call my pets in rl oops
-Yasha Katsuki-Nikiforov (older fraternal twin, conceived when Yuuri is 27 and Victor is 31) - Looks near identical to his twin except for coloration and hair part differences. Looks angelic but is a master at manipulating adults. Has perfected the poker face and is hard to read. In contrast to his ever cheerful smile he can be extremely blunt and rude. Doesn’t really care to make friends outside his siblings. He doesn’t admit to being as dependent on his little brother as Shura is on him but they’re very much inseparable. Takes great joy in terrorizing Yakov.
-Shura Katsuki-Plisetsky (younger fraternal twin, conceived when Yuuri is 27 and Yurio is 19) - The other near-identical twin, he is almost always glued to Yasha’s side. It’s partly out of competitiveness, but mostly because they both just want to do everything together. Despite their similar appearances, he’s the polar opposite of his brother in many ways. He chooses not to appear friendly to outsiders, but is also completely incapable of hiding his emotions and is very much an open book. He’s openly hostile and fiercely jealous of anyone who tries to take away his siblings’ attention, but is extremely affectionate to those he loves.
-Arisa Katsuki-Chulanont (3 years younger daughter, conceived when Yuuri is 30 and Phichit is 27) - Charming, friendly, and easy to please, she seems like she’d be the easiest child to raise after her brothers. Unfortunately, she has both her adoring older brothers wrapped around her little finger and realizes very early on that she can ask them to do almost anything for her. Combined with her rather sadistic streak, this leads to quite a few extreme mischief incidents the likes of which the twins would not have been able to conceive of by themselves. She’s terrifyingly smart and has a knack for reading people both in person and on social media, which she takes to very early. Unlike her more aloof, intimidating, or just plain unapproachable older brothers, their sister is extremely sociable, likable and popular among her peers...or she would be, if said terrifying older brothers didn’t scare them off first with their possessiveness and jealousy. This has lead to her becoming somewhat of an elevated queen on a pedestal, from whom the other kids can only wish they could get a smile or a few words of praise.
-Yuuji Katsuki-Minami (3 years younger than Arisa, conceived when Yuuri is 33 and Minami is 27; not pictured in the family portrait on this post bc not born yet) - Looks JUST like Yuuri when he was younger (+ tooth). Extremely happy and energetic and outgoing, he follows his older siblings everywhere. He’s extremely trusting and gullible, but while the other siblings sometimes like to tease Shura, Yuuji is coddled and protected. Has super powerful puppy eyes and uses them unintentionally to maximum effect. Really loves food and shouting nice things about everyone.
the adults sigh very loudly and wonder how their kids turned out this way...oh wait...
-a large poodle (Makkachin passed away from old age…;_;)
-a toy poodle
-Potya - Yurio’s now very old and crotchety cat
-Phichit’s hamster that likes to taunt said cat
Thanks for reading! Again, for links to the other content in this AU including comics, illustrations, and headcanon posts, check out the “Future!verse ABO” section of my YOI Art Masterpost HERE!
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turnoffthestars · 4 years ago
3, 7, 12, 21, 39, 77, 94
3. Do you really think there is somebody for everybody?
Yes and no. I think it would be more accurate to say there could be someone for everybody if that’s what they wanted. There’s like almost 8 billion people on the planet, like we can’t even comprehend what that actually means in terms of the variety of all the different kinds of people who are out there. Just through sheer statistics alone, every person should be able to find somebody who fits with them. Multiple somebodies, if we’re getting specific. I don’t believe in the whole fairytale “one true love” thing, I think there’s any number of people out there we could be happy with, it’s just about like timing and if we find them.
7. Are you in love? Do you want to be?
I don’t think I’m in love yet. I definitely have some pretty strong feelings for this person I’ve been seeing, but I don’t think I’m in love with them yet. Which is good, and kind of intentional. I’m really not trying to jump into another relationship immediately, I like the slow burn vibes that we have going on. They make me really happy and they make me laugh a lot and I’m really comfortable with them, I trust them a lot and they make me feel safe. But I’m not trying to fall in love with them quickly at all, especially since they’re gray romantic and I don’t want them to feel pressured into feeling any kind of way for me. I’m fine with this taking however much time it takes. Do I want to be in love? Well, I like being in love. But I don’t need to be right now. I like feeling like the person I fall for really truly deserves it and like understands what a big thing that is for me, like it really takes somebody special for me to feel that way for them. I don’t think I was ever in love with my ex, so it’s been years since I’ve been in love and I feel like enough time has passed for me to be emotionally ready for it, but I don’t want to rush it, and I am a little worried that me falling in love with this person I’m seeing is going to make things complicated bc I don’t know if they’ll ever feel the same way for me. And right now, things with them are good. The dynamic we have currently feels good and makes me happy, so I really don’t want to fuck that up.
12. Do you have the feeling you’ve lost something you might have had in another life- whether it be a person, a place, a world, a language, etc?
This kind of leads into a longer thing for me. Short answer, yes, but not in a way that feels personal. It’s kind of part of my belief system. I just think that happens every lifetime to people and it’s normal.
21. Do you have somebody, whether it be a friend or a stranger, who you think you could have loved if the circumstances were different?
Oh yeah totally. A bunch of people. My friend Kevin and I have discussed on a number of occasions that if we were both into people of our respective genders, we’d probably already be a couple, but we’re not, so we’re just best friends. A lot of my closer friends are like that. It would have been easier if I could have been romantically interested in a bunch of my closer friends, but it just didn’t happen that way and that’s okay too.
39. Do you know what you want out of life?
Vaguely, yeah. I like surprises and adventures so I’d never want my life to be too planned out in advanced or I’d be bored and have to change something anyway. But currently, I wanna make it out of poverty, like live comfortably enough where I don’t have to count every penny and I don’t have to stress about whether or not I’ll have enough money to cover all my bills. I’d like to really do something with my music and my writing, like something that feels to me significant and important. And I want somebody to love who plans to stay with me. I’m open to poly and all that, I’m not really dead set on things having to look one specific way, but I am, at heart, a big softhearted baby and I need to have somebody to give all this love to. But I’ve also realized lately that I create from the same place that my love comes from, so I need whoever I fall in love with to not ask me to give all of myself to them, because I know myself well enough to know if they ask me, I’ll give it, and that leaves me with nothing for myself and nothing to create from, which makes me unhappy.
77. Is there comedy in all tragedy and tragedy in all comedy?
Well yeah, absolutely. Nuiance is a big part of what makes both those concepts succeed and be meaningful. I think things are rarely ever just one thing, and if comedy and tragedy were ever just comedy or just tragedy, I think they’d lack depth. Everything is kind of connected by nature, that’s just how it be.
94. How would you describe yourself when you love? Do you love forcefully, unconditionally, gently, quietly, desperately?
Uh lmao that’s a question. Kind of a big answer. I’ve recently been kind of redefining how I see myself. I’ve finally closed the book on enough of my childhood trauma to be able to evaluate myself for the kind of person I am in spite of it. I’m a really loving person to begin with, baseline. I’m gonna assume this question is about romantic love and I’ll skip the other details to try to save some space. I think unconditional romantic love is unhealthy. I’ve been abused by someone who I tried to love romantically and unconditionally and it’s just too easy for that to turn unhealthy. You need to put conditions on it. Not conditions like “do these things or I won’t love you” but conditionally like love by itself can’t be the only reason you’re with someone. If someone doesn’t treat you the way you want to be treated, with respect, with support, with kindness, that love can’t be a reason to stay. I had to learn the hard way that just because you love somebody doesn’t mean that’s enough of a reason to stay, and that doesn’t mean you should excuse poor treatment just because you love them and you want to exemplify that whole “unconditional love” thing. It’s a recipe for abuse. When I love somebody, I love with my whole self. It’s deep and colorful. It’s baseline warm like sitting in front of a fireplace under a blanket with someone else and a cup of tea during a nighttime winter storm. It’s gentle but fierce. There’s nothing I wouldn’t do for someone I love, and I’m glad to do whatever I can for them. It can be big and dynamic, romantic, dramatic. I love doing grand gestures and stuff like that, to whatever standard the person in question is comfortable with. It inspires my art, whether I tell them about it or not. I love with all of me until there’s too much of it for me to hold, and then I take that extra and make something immortal with it. Music, art, some part of a story. Repeatedly telling someone how much you love them doesn’t show the true depth of feeling enough to be satisfactory to me. If I love you, I’m going to paint the world with it. Few things last forever, but if I love you to the point where I’m willing to risk getting hurt AGAIN after three failed engagements, I’m going to make something with it that will last, so even if the relationship doesn’t last, the beauty of that love will remain immortalized so even when it’s just a memory, you can still see the colors of it and remember how real it was. If I love you, I’m going to make something beautiful with that love and I’m going to show it to you, and even if the rest of the world doesn’t know it was for you, I will and you will, and that’s enough for me.
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