#which is a sport in itself lemme tell you
autumnapricot · 4 months
will there be sexual content between charles and max in the fic? This wont affect my interest and i know its kind of a weird question im just super curious to see where this is going lol
hello anon,
no worries at all, it‘s a completely valid question!
in will o‘ the wisps itself there will be no sexual content between max and charles, no. i feel like there is a lot for them to go through and take care of as characters individually and also figure out together first before we‘d get to that point and i thought it would be too rushed to fit it into the storyline, which is something i didn‘t want for them.
i have possibly been thinking about maybe maybe MAYBE writing a sequel in which we would cover more intimate moments like these because i would love for them to have those „on-screen“ but again, that is a big maybe and i can‘t promise anything yet! i would love to write it though! (for now i need to finish wotw first lol! ik ik i‘m slow sorry🥲)
thank you for your question and reading along! <3
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limalosershq · 2 months
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WELCOME, JUNE! OR IS THAT VIOLET MENDEZ? EITHER WAY, YOU'RE A LIMA LOSER AROUND HERE NOW! Remember to look at our checklist here and then send in your account within 24 hours, if you need more time just let us know! That way I can send you the link to the discord server and you can get to plotting with everyone there. We all look forward to rping with you and once again, welcome to the mayhem of show choir!
NAME/ALIAS: june PRONOUNS: any! AGE (21+): 21+ TIMEZONE: aest ACTIVITY: with uni and work, lemme say 6/10!
NAME: violet mendez FACECLAIM: isabella gomez AGE/BIRTHDAY: twenty, september 16th GLEE CLUB: vocal adrenaline SONG CHOICE: two birds - regina spektor MAJOR/MINOR/GRADE: freshman studying music composition  LOCATION: living off-campus in akron, with a large amount of roommates she barely sees. OCCUPATION: employee at rinky dinks. CLUBS/EXTRACURRICULARS/SPORTS: member of carmel’s gay straight alliance 
Violet comes from a family of performers. As a matter of fact, she comes from a family of Vocal Adrenaline performers. Both of her parents and all three of her older siblings attended Carmel and took home trophies during their time on the team, and they are now financial supporters of VA. This meant that Violet’s spot was quite literally handed to her. The only issue? Violet’s debilitating stage fright. Sure, she can hold a tune and do a box-step, but the second there are people in the audience, she’s falling over her own feet, which hasn’t exactly made her many friends.
When she’s not on stage, Violet does actually have a knack for writing music. She has no interest in performing the songs herself, but hopes they end up in the hands of someone really awesome some day. In a dream scenario, she’d be the ghost writer for some big mainstream pop star. All of the royalties and praise for the music, without any of it being on Violet’s name itself.
One thing that helps Violet feel like she’s less of an anxious mess is her best friend and confidant, Snake Gyllenhaal. Yeah, he’s her pet snake. He also happens to be perhaps the world’s only vegan ball python, which does make him a little less badass. A snake that refuses to eat meat and eats tofu instead? Probably about as cool as Violet herself.
Uh, well…no. I wanted to study veterinary medicine when I was a kid actually. But if I did that then I’d have to deal with the disappointed and disapproval stares of my family every time we spoke and I think I’d rather die than live through that so…yeah, music at Carmel it is! 
I had heard about it from my family, but I honestly thought they were trying to prank me. Like, people really take glee club seriously, don’t they? I don’t think the other teams are all that bad, they all seem nice enough…Don’t tell my parents I said that.
See, there’s another thing! I don’t see why Lima is so bad either! It’s quaint, I like driving through there sometimes when I wanna clear my head. If that makes me a loser, then sue me. And my life is…well, it’s heading somewhere! Currently to be decided, I guess.
0 notes
Cold rain and bruises - Harry Hook x reader - oneshot
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*Hurt/comfort fic* *warning; talk of abuse; physical and alcohol abuse* 
You jumped awake at the loud and sudden rapid knocks that echoed from your front door, just barely disguised by the rain that shrouded the isle this humid night. “the fuck” you whispered to yourself, slowly reaching out to grab your switchblade and slid out of bed. You stepped heel to toe silently as you crept closer to your door, stopping as the knocks sounded again, this time just slightly quieter and faster, as if panic was setting into the person's bones.
You waited for a few seconds before starting at the door again, furrowing your brows as you stopped just against it and heard the quiet sounds of someone…hiccupping? You pressed your ear against the door and frowned as the thick wooden door didn’t hide the sound of fabric rustling against itself as someone knocked against your door again, this time almost defeated and so quiet that if you weren’t next to the door you wouldn’t have heard it.
The person hiccupped again and you slowly opened the door, flipping open your switchblade just in case. You swung the door open as the watery red-rimmed eyes of Harry Hook peered at you, his chin was crumbled as he pressed his lips together tightly. “Harry?” you gasped, eyes widening as you looked upon the soaked disheveled form of your long-time best friend and sorta-maybe-boyfriend.
“what happened-why are you-come in! you’re gonna get sick standing out in that!” you gently grabbed onto his wrist and pulled him into your apartment, closing the door with your foot and quickly locking it again. You turned and flicked up the hallway light switch, gasping as you turned to look back at Harry.
Still wet blood caked the side of his head and was congealing into his soaked hair, his left eye turning red as his right cheek had a large curved welt growing with a thin bleeding cut on the bottom near his jaw. His neck had a red slowly turning purple hand mark that started at his throat and his wrists were rope burned and just starting to bleed “Harry” you cooed, you set down your switchblade and stepped up to him and cupped his face gently, biting your lip as he seemed to melt into you. “what happened?” he bit the inside of his lips, shaking his head a bit as a hiccup erupted from his lips and tears slipped down his cheeks and fell to the floor.
You let out a quiet sigh of distress and looked around your apartment, trying to remember if you had a first aid kit handy, the tension in your shoulders released ever so slightly when you remembered there was one in your bathroom closet. You looked back up at Harry and gently lifted your hands from his face, making him open his eyes ever so slightly in curiosity, and trailed them down to his shoulders, pushing off his waterlogged jacket and guiding his arms out “Harry?” you asked gently, letting the heap of heavy leather drop to the floor, reminding yourself to clean it up once you had Harry dry and taken care of “where’s your hook?” you had noticed as you took off the jacket that his precious hook had been missing the entire time.
“it’s-it’s on the ship” Harry croaked weakly, hiccupping again as you slid his soaked top off, raising his arms to help you in your effort. You narrowed your eyes at the welts and reddening marks that were appearing on Harry's torso, clenching your jaw at the several thin slices on his arms and the ones just peeking over his shoulders.
“which ship?” you undid the belts from around his waist and dropped them onto the floor, the red scarf around his hips joining them moments later.
“da’s” Harry sniffed, his teeth beginning to chatter and body starting to shake as the freezing rain started to set in his bones. You took his hand and gently pried the rings from his fingers, holding them in your palm and sliding his gloves off his hands. Harry intertwined his fingers with yours, sighing a bit as the heat of your hand transferred to his.
“well, we can go get it later yeah?” Harry gave you a numb nod as you glanced back at your bathroom and then turned back to him “how bout a bath?” Harry sniffed and nodded again, reaching his free hand up and wiping his jaw from the still flowing tears. You glanced down at his pants and shoes and gestured at them, Harry getting your meaning and leaning against the wall to undo his boots as you walked into your bathroom and started to run a hot bath, thankful that you had decided not to use them your hot water for the night.
You heard a loud crash and rushed back out of the bathroom, cooing sightly at the sight of Harry sitting on the ground against the wall, the small bookcase next to him on its side with its contents strewn across the floor “Harry?” he hiccupped again, his teeth clattering loudly in your quiet apartment as he curled in on himself, the new cuts on his back making themselves known as he did so.
You moved to sit in front of him and reached towards him, gently cupping his face again and caressing his cheek “hey, you don’t have to tell me what happened, but you're freezing and going to get sick if we don’t get you into the tub and that’s gonna suck for you. and I don’t think you are gonna want to wake up with a headache and sore throat huh?” Harry shook his head slightly, grabbing onto your hands as you stood and took your hands off his cheeks and held them out for him.
You pulled him to his feet, clicking your tongue as you looked down at his boots, which he had only gotten as far as undoing the knot of his left boot before he had fallen. “come on, into the bathroom”
Harry leaned against you and held his other hand on the wall as you guided him into the thankfully large bathroom. You guided Harry to sit against the bathroom counter and let out a low sigh, putting your hands on your hips and tilting your head at the shivering Harry, whose teeth continued to clatter against each other “I need to take off your boots and pants, it's up to you if you’re comfortable taking off your underwear.” Harry's pale face and ears turned a light pink as he realized that you would have to get…near his area to take off his pants.
He sniffed and attempted to take off his boots again but lost his balance, yelping as he tipped to his side. You quickly caught him and pushed him back up against the counter, sighing and resting your forehead against his chest “just-just lemme do it” Harry let out a small grumble but moved his hands from your hips, when did those get there? And onto the counter, looking to the side as you kneeled down and undid the laces to his boots and quickly slid them off along with his socks, wincing as you finally saw his swelling right ankle “Harry what the hell happened?” you asked quietly, standing and unbuttoning his pants, sliding them down his thighs and off his legs.
Now, all that Harry was left in was his dark blue boxer-briefs and some bracelets, his cheeks and ears now dark red. “come on” you whispered, guiding Harry to the tub and gently setting him into the steaming water, Harry let out a small sigh of relief as the hot water settled into his skin, the chatter of his teeth and the intense shivering soon stopping as he relaxed in the water.
You frowned as small droplets of red started to flow through the water around Harry's back. And put your hands on your hips, eyeing the bloody mark on the side of his head. You kneeled next to the tub and reached toward him, taking a moment to wipe the still running tears off his cheeks, and gently grabbed his chin to turn his head towards you so you could examine the possible injury.
You let out a heavy sigh of relief as the blood had no source from his head, he must have fallen on something or something else with blood on it hit his head. You looked at Harry, a soft smile growing on your lips as you locked eyes with him, his striking blue ocean eyes seeming to stare into your soul. “you okay?”
He didn’t answer, just sniffing again and leaned his head back against the tub as a couple more tears dripped off his jaw. You furrowed your brows and looked at the tub, it was big enough for two people…
You stood and walked out of the bathroom, ignoring Harry's eyes on your back as you walked away from him.
Harry shrunk in on himself as millions of thoughts started to run through his head, what if his dad found out about him being here? What if next time, he took his anger out on you? What if he wasn’t there to protect you? What if- he perked up as you returned to the room, quickly looking away with red burning cheeks as you appeared in only a sports bra and some old shorts of yours that you didn’t care if they got ruined. You took the first aid kit from the closet and set it on the counter, grabbing two large towels from the closet as well and setting them next to the kit. You looked at the tub and nodded to yourself before moving towards Harry “scooch” he quickly obeyed, biting his lip as you stepped into the tub behind him and sat down, your legs sliding around his and your hands guiding his head to rest on your chest.
Harry closed his eyes in content as your right hand immediately started to scratch at his scalp, something that always calmed him down quickly. With your other hand you finally turned off the water as the tub was finally filled enough to cover the two of you to your necks. You sighed, leaning back against the edge and rested your hand on Harry's chest, your thumb caressing it as your other hand dutifully scratched at his scalp.
Harry closed his eyes and almost fell asleep as you took care of him, the heat from the water feeling like a comfortable blanket as he calmed down from the nightmare that he had experienced only an hour ago. “can I wash your hair?” you whispered, smiling as Harry nodded against your chest. You grabbed a shampoo bottle Harry had left forever ago and set it on the edge next to you and started to scoop water onto Harry's hair, while it had been soaked when he arrived it was still freezing and cold shampoo on cold wet hair was not fun.
Harry almost seemed to purr as you poured the shampoo into your palm and started to rub it into his hair and scalp, you chuckled slightly as he cuddled into your neck, leg twitching as Harry's hand slid from his stomach and gripped onto your thigh.
The blood caked on the side of his head started to drip down his cheek and jaw and melt into the water as you rubbed at it gently with your palm, sighing in relief as Harry showed no sign of discomfort from your action. You grabbed the small cup to your left and filled it with the hot water, pouring it carefully over Harry's head and rinsing out the shampoo.
You smiled at the small hum that came from Harry as you did so and reached out to grab the conditioner that Harry had also left forever ago and squirted just a bit into your palm, giggling as Harry curled against your hands as you rubbed it into his head. You glanced at the clock on the bathroom wall and let out a tired sigh, it was half-past 2 am and you were exhausted, Harry had to have been as well, so you decided to wrap up the bath and get his wounds all fixed up before you shoved him in your bed for the night.
You rinsed out the conditioner and started to get out of the tub, giving Harry a comforting smile as he whined at you and grabbed one of your towels for Harry. Harry grabbed onto your hand as you held it out to him and hauled him out of the tub.
You smiled again as Harry looked down at you with red-rimmed eyes as you rubbed the towel against his hair, drying it quickly before moving to the rest of him, gently patting him dry around the areas he was hurt.
Harry nursed his ankle as you dried yourself off and grabbed your aid kit. You drained the tub and guided Harry to sit on the edge so you could properly care for his wounds.
You started with the several long cuts on his back, wincing as Harry gasped in pain as you pressed a cloth soaked with disinfectant to the cuts. Thankfully they weren’t too deep, but you would need to wrap them so they didn’t get infected from the isle air or any of Harry's work on Uma’s crew, but you were sure once Uma found out about Harry's injuries, she would restrict his work so he could heal properly.
You grabbed a pack of sterile bandages and ripped open the package, placing the bandages on the cuts and wrapping them to his back with gauze. Harry's hand gripped tightly onto your thigh as you worked, forehead pressed tightly to your shoulder.
You caressed his jaw as you finished, and pulled back, cleaning the cuts on his cheek, arms, and chest. You examined the darkening bruises on his neck and eye and left it alone as you wouldn’t be able to do anything other than maybe put ice on it. You moved onto his wrists, soaking a rag with cold water and gently cleaning the rope burn and small cuts. You gently wrapped them to keep infection out and moved on to his ankle, moving your fingers around the swollen part and humming as Harry hissed in pain and jerked his foot away as you pressed against just below the bone of his ankle “I think you sprained it, it's definitely not broken because if it was you would have been screaming in pain the entire time” you missed Harry’s sigh of relief and turned to grab some gauze to wrap his foot.
Harry closed his eyes and scrunched his nose in slight pain as you wrapped his foot. You quickly finished and stood to put away your kit and grabbed the towels “let’s get you into something dry, I think I have some of your extra clothes in my dresser” you turned back to Harry and grabbed his hands, helping him to your room and tossed the towels onto your bed so Harrys still wet underwear didn’t get your duvet wet.
Harry sighed in relief as he finally completely lifted off his ankle. He watched you dig through your dresser and took out one of his accidentally abandoned sweaters, a pair of his underwear, and black sweatpants that he had left here a couple of months ago.
He caught them as you gently tossed them to him and turned back to your dresser to grab a fresh change of clothes for yourself to change into. Harry felt his face burn as you took off your bra and shorts and quickly changed into the clothes, he had seen you naked multiple times but it didn’t change the butterflies in his stomach when he saw you like that.
He muttered aloud that he was changing and stripped out of his boxer-briefs, struggling slightly to put on the new pair and his sweat pants. He got as far as getting on the underwear getting his legs through the pants before he tipped forward off your bed, grunting as he slammed into you. “I got ya” you muttered, grabbing the waistband of the pants and tugging them up and over his hips, giving Harry a reassuring smile as he turned red once again and buried his face in your neck.
“Come on, let's go to sleep” it took a few moments to get Harry into the queen-sized bed and setting his ankle on a pillow. You tossed the blankets over the two of you and curled up, your hand resting inches away from Harry's arm, just close enough to let him know you were there but far enough to not crowd him.
You laughed silently as Harry wrapped his arm around you and pulled you into his side, you lifted your head and rested it gently on his chest, taking a deep breath and finally relaxing after the stressful past hour.
“darling?” you let out a small hum at Harry‘s ‘question’ “can…can I tell yeh-“ Harry went silent again, and you could imagine him biting his lip in distress of whether or not to tell you about whatever happened to him.
“if you feel comfortable enough to do it” you muttered back sleepily, tossing your arm around his torso and curling your hand around his neck, scratching at the hair at the bottom of his neck gently.
“I….me da’” your hand froze against his neck…his father did all this to him? “he got drunk an’…I guess I fucked up abou’t somethin’ or whatever but he” Harry sniffed and you felt something drop into your hair. You lifted your head and set your chin on his chest, watching as tears started to pour down his cheeks again as his chin crumbled and hiccups erupted from his lips again. “he got so angry with meh an-an’ he hit me in the face wit’h ‘is ‘ook” your eyes drifted to the curved welt on his cheek, rage bubbling in your stomach.  “I think I hit the ground too hard cuz I blacked-and-an I woke up with all” he gestured to himself “tha’ and-it was dark an’ cold an’ raining and I just-“ he took a wobbly breath, his grip on your waist tightening “yeh were the first person I thought of ta go to that wouldn’t judge me” he ended with a whisper, sniffing as you leaned up and pressed a soft kiss to his jaw.
“I'll never judge you for something that wasn’t your fault, you can come to me at any point in the day for whatever, I won't care what the story is, I'll always be here with open arms” Harry hiccupped and pulled you up and further on top of him, burying his face in your neck.
“Thank yeh” he whispered, pressing his lips to your collarbone and holding onto you tightly. He pulled back from your neck, eyes drifting to your lips to your eyes, silently asking for permission to kiss you.
You answered with pressing your lips to his softly, tilting your head and closing your eyes as Harry chapped lips pressed back into yours. You pulled back as Harry's hands started to drift down and gave him a soft smile “we can continue that kinda thing on a day where you’re not hurt okay?” Harry sniffed again, and nodded, his hands following you as you slid off his chest and buried yourself into his side. He turned on his side facing you and curled around you, letting out a heavy sigh through his nose as he finally let go of the tension he had felt since he walked in on his dad on the ship.
Harry perked up from the tray of food as two customers at a nearby table started to talk “hey did you hear about Hook?” Harry froze at that thinking they were talking about him and the news of his beating had gotten around.
“No? what happened?”
“He got his ass kicked by (y/n), something about revenge for someone, and now he’s hanging by his ankles in the town square off the lamp pole” the two pirates laughed to themselves as Harry stared at them with wide eyes.
His eyes shifted to the front doors of the chip shop, a smile blooming on his face as you stepped through the doors and set your sword into the check and walked toward him, his hook held tightly in your hand.
You walked around the table and set his hook next to his arm, patted his back, and sat down on his other side. Uma emerged from the kitchen a moment later and set a tray full of food in front of (y/n), smirking at her war chief and rubbing Harry's shoulder for a moment before getting back to her work.
Harry stared at (y/n) for a few moments before going back to his food, trying to keep the mushy grin from spreading on his lips.
@queer-cosette @sephiralorange
@lunanight2012 @daughter-of-the-stars11
@musicarose @random-thoughts-003
@remembered-license @jatp-rules-my-life​
@imtryingthisout​ @thecaptainsgingersnap​
@verboetoperee​ @rintheemolion​
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mrs-gucci · 3 years
Glad I Caught You {blacksmith!Clyde Logan x Reader} [blurb]
Blacksmith Clyde + a chance encounter + passionate kisses 😘
author’s notes: hello, hello! this is my first sunday funday request for event #2, thank you tons for submitting!! <3 requests are open all day long today, so please keep them coming in! here’s the details/guidelines post for this week’s sunday funday event. please read before sending anything in, thank you kindly :)
warnings: fluff. meet-cute. making out.
no tw’s :)
word count: a touch over 1k
clyde’s taglist peeps! @icarusinthesea @goddessofsprings​ my general taglist peeps! @safarigirlsp​ @babbushka​ ​@mrs-zimmerman​ @dirtytissuebox​ @thepalaceofmelanie
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You slip the kerchief up over your nose, masking your identity to the village. Your father is a powerful nobleman, but widely despised by the public due to his controversial politics. Thus, you’re a prime target for kidnappings or ransom deals, which is why each time you sneak out, you must cover yourself in order to keep safe.
Anna steps up behind you and drapes the heavy winter’s cloak over your shoulders, pulling the hood up over your tightly braided hair.
“Milady, I know you will not heed my advice, but I shall say it nonetheless. Going into the village is reckless and you put yourself at great risk. I implore that you take a guardsman with you for protection in case something happens.”
The corners of your eyes scrunch up as you offer your lady in waiting a smile.
“Anna, you know I love you dearly, but I insist that you worry too much. I shall be fine, and you forget that I’m trained in knife-wielding.” You pull up your dress enough to show your ankle, where a small blade sits sheathed in a leather case. “I never leave the castle without it. I promise, I will be alright.”
“Still so stubborn, just like when you were as a girl.” She shakes her head with a soft chuckle.
Your arms wrap around her in an embrace and she gives you a kiss on the cheek before pulling away. You nod before you sneak down the corridors of the palace, making your way down to the stables.
Per your request to your trusted groom, your horse sports his inconspicuous village tack as he happily munches on fodder in his stall. You mount and ride off towards the village before anyone can catch sight of you or attempt to foil your plans. 
The sun is out today, a rarity for this time of year. It reflects brightly off yesterday’s freshly fallen snow and your eyes squint as you guide your horse down the path.
He knickers softly when you reach the open gates, slowing his gait to a slow jog as you make your way through the seas of villagers in the marketplace. A vacant post presents itself just inside the gates and you dismount, tying him up and pulling the apple from your pocket. He’s appreciative of this gesture, quickly taking a large bite from the fruit.
You smile, giving him a few neck scratches before heading off down the cobblestone street. An array of farm animals run amuck, usually followed by their owners or the merchants trying to fetch them. The pungent stench of both human and animal waste clouds the air surrounding the market, only reprieved by the occasional overpowering scent of iron forging. 
With your cloak, it’s quite difficult to see out of the corners of your eyes. Usually, it doesn’t present issues, but today’s marketplace is much more crowded than usual...
You’re suddenly knocked by the rear end of a horse, causing you to fall backwards. A sharp gasp leaves your lips as you tumble towards the cobblestone, but a large, strong hand grips your wrist and saves you from colliding with the ground.
His hands are dirtied, but you don’t mind at all, simply grateful for his heroic act. He pulls you up and your hood falls down, which causes a panic to flare within you. You scramble to pull it up immediately, clearing your throat before looking up at your savior, who shows clear recognition in his eyes. Oh gods, he knows.
“Thank you very much, kind sir.” Your eyes roam over his face, his insanely handsome face. You can feel your cheeks begin to warm.
He nods with a small smile, cheeks reddening a bit. “’s no problem at all, miss. Sorry ‘bout the horse knockin’ ya, he really don’t like his hooves bein’ done.”
“Yes, clearly so.” You laugh softly, biting your lip. As you look around, you can see that more than a few sets of eyes have fallen to you, and anxiety begins to grip you.
“C’mere milady, I’ll take ya in my workshop ‘till things cool down.” He whispers, taking your hand.
You’re grateful for his kindness and you quickly follow him inside. He tells his apprentice to take over duties while he stays in here with you. The two of you sit on stools by the crackling fireplace.
“Yer more than welcome to, um, take yer coverin’ off. No one’s gon’ see ye in here. I understand if ye don’t want to, just thought I’d offer since that thing don’t look all too comfortable.”
You really shouldn’t...
You flip your hood down and pull down the covering, exposing your entire face to the kind stranger. You offer him a smile.
“Thank you, again. I’m greatly in your debt, mister...?”
“Clyde.” He fills in the gap. “And ya don’t owe me anythin’, milady. Jus’ doin’ ma job as a citizen.”
A rush of bravery comes over you and you stand, walking over to stand in front of him. Your eyes dart to the floor before looking back up at him, chewing your lip before stepping up in between his naturally spread legs.
“Are you absolutely sure there’s nothing I can do to thank you, Clyde?”
Clyde swallows harshly, jaw clenching as you lean in a bit. His eyes dart between your gaze and your lips. Instinctively, he leans in too.
“Y-Ya really don’t...”
His lips suddenly crash against yours, hand reaching out for your hip as he stands up. He towers over you, lips dancing with yours. 
You’re surprised at his sudden boldness, but you’re certainly not complaining, matching his enthusiasm. His large hands come to cradle your cheeks, but he quickly pulls away, cringing.
“Oh ma...’m sorry, I forgot I had dirt on ‘em...here, lemme get a--”
You pull him back down and effectively interrupt his offer. He smiles against your lips, licking into your mouth just as he had before. The two of you kiss and kiss, hands cautiously exploring each other’s bodies until you’re pulled apart by Clyde’s apprentice.
He blushes and the tips of his ears are bright red, biting his lip after pulling away. You smile, keeping your hands on his chest.
“Thank you, Clyde.”
[event #2 AU: medieval] send me a character (one that I write for), a setting, and 3-5 “plot” words, and I’ll write a drabble, blurb, or oneshot for you!
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wizkiddx · 3 years
I lovelovelovelove ur writing. Was thinking if u could do one where readers relationship w tom exposed bcos someone recognises her but she isnt famous? And its all backwards and caught out sort of thing
thanks for being so kind! also I feel like me narrator-y voice has gone WAY too far, what do u guys think? I won't be offended promise I just think it sounds so fucking annoying rn
Tom Holland x reader
summary: you run into possibly the most infuriating family members the one time u and ur boy are showing PDA
warnings = none I think :)
It was a late late evening, on the last train of the night towards manchester, the British countryside plunged into darkness that appeared as a blank, black canvas out the rounded-rectangular windows. 
And although the serene surroundings were calming, the regular and rhythmic movement of the carriage on the tracks - you were more on edge. Your relationship with Tom had yet to be revealed to the world - though you’d travelled as part of his extended entourage before under the guise of a ‘family friend’. So now it just being you, Tom, Harry, Andrew and Rachel - you felt more exposed. Of course, you were incredibly grateful that Tom had planned this weekend away for the two of you (after a work commitment, hence the presence of his manger, makeup artist and Harry). But it was scary.
Coming out of Euston station, the earlier time meant the train had been more of a hive of activity. Kids running up and down the aisle, inevitably recognising Tom and then asking for a photo. Enough that you’d had to move a few seats down the carriage, so no one would associate you travelling with the a-lister. 
But after you’d past Birmingham and the clocks past eleven pm, everything had quietened down and Tom convinced you to come and sit next to him on the table of four.  Andrew and Rachel were taking use of their little duo seat across for you to catch up on some well needed beauty sleep. They’d all been working with Tom doing promo for his most recent movie in London so it’d been pretty 24/7.
That left you, with all the energy, contrasting greatly with the two flagging Holland boys. 
“Lets play heads up!” You announced to the much less enthusiastic faces round the tables. 
“You can’t play that quietly and the whole carriage dont want to listen to you screeching.” Harry rolled his eyes whilst slightly ripping into you, then picking up his phone - thinking that would shut you up.
“I can play quietly!” You huffed, looking for Tom for backing… which never came. He didn’t even need to try and defend himself before you whacked his chest in false-annoyance. 
“ It’s not a bad thing, just passion.” Tom murmured, desperately attempting to sweet talk your round - which of course, was not going to happen. 
“No way! I’ll prove it to you!” 
“Nonono darling, look I’m tired.” He straight refused, wrappings his arms round your shoulders to try and cage you in. He ended up with his back pressed against the window and your back against his chest. “Lemme just relax with my best girl.”  You huffed in reply, worming round in his clutch before eventually giving up and relaxing your head onto his collar bone. For the reasons previously mentioned, you did not for a second believe he was serious with this PDA. Just sitting next to each other was risky enough,  now he was very clearly hugging you in a public place. Arching your neck back, you were shocked he already had his eyes shut - looking perfectly contented and relaxed. 
“T, are you serious?” You whispered, making him crack one eye open with a questioning look. Instantly he knew what you meant, I mean, it was him that was most worried about people finding out about you - for your sake. His horror stories of previous relationships hadn’t helped, to the point now only your mum dad and siblings knew about your relationship to Tom - mainly for the sole reason your nan was the biggest gossip in the world and could NOT be trusted. 
“Course love, it’ll be fine no ones around and I got my cap on. No one will notice us.”
Foolproof. Or so you both thought. 
And honestly for an hour or so you relished in the fact that in a public space, your boyfriend was showing you physical affection. It was exciting, which meant as Tom’s arms grew lax round you as he slumped slightly in the chair your energy only increased. No one else was being any use either - Harry had his head in his arms on the table and similarly neither Rachel nor Andrew were conscious enough to keep you company. Finally you settled on playing a game on your phone whilst also ever so softly wiggling round on Tom’s chest, purely because you enjoyed the little huffs and the way he’d squeeze you tighter as he snoozed. 
You were engrossed in shitty little iPhone game when a person who was walking down the aisle slowed down, drawing your attention away from the phone. And then your heart literally dropped because you instantly recognised your uncle and cousin, who was 12. Worse though, they had most definitely clocked you. 
Of all people, your uncle and boy cousin too. Possible the best (or worst depending on your point of view) at winding you up, at messing  with you, for genuinely causing all chaos and mischief with you. They were most certainly not going to be discrete. They’d rib you till your dying day. 
“Y/n?” Your uncle spoke first, noticing the that the group you with all seemed to be asleep, so at least trying to be a bit sensitive. Not that it mattered on Tom’s part though, you instantly bolted up and away from him, making him groan as he slowly woke up. 
“Er yeh, I-um  fancy seeing you guys here. Why were you in London?” Because yes half your family did live in manchester - a fact you felt slightly guilty about, considering you couldn’t fit in a quick and explainable reason as to  why you were in that area of the UK during a ‘pop in’. So you’d chosen to keep the whole trip a secret too.
“We’ve been at the footie, could ask you the same question.” Your uncle smirked, noticing toward Tom, who now was blinking his eyes heavily - looking with furrowed brows between the two of you. 
Because yes, the cap had been great to stop people recognising Tom. Neither of you were to expect it’d be you that’d be YOU stopped by someone who noticed you. 
“Oh um… well er this is my friend Tom, he’s got a work thing in manchester so thought I’d tag along. What was the score?” Yes you described your boyfriend of 9 months as a friend, when it was clear to everyone you were more than that. Though frankly, you still felt sick introducing him as ‘boyfriend’ - that itself was cringe as hell. The reference to football was an in-vain attempt to distract them with the most-boring-sport-in-the-world talk. If only Tom had kept his mouth shut. 
“Sorry mate” His voice was a little hoarse, making him force a cough before stretching his hand out. “I’m Tom”
“Nice to meet you, I’m Ritchie and this is Matt” Your uncle motioned to his twelve year old son who was smiling politely but his expression seemed to drop as he made eye contact with Tom. Blissfully unaware, Tom shook Ritchies hand your a soft smile. 
“How do you guys-“
“I’m her uncle. Tell you what, didn’t imagine bumping into my niece on the 11:30 train to manchester.” 
Tom’s face fell and he froze. You’d both been caught out. Massively. It couldn’t get worse, till it did. 
“Y/n is that Spiderman?” Because yes, Matt was prime Marvel fanboy age. And yes, of course his favourite hero was Spiderman. And yes, this would probably be the most exciting day of his life. And the most embarrassing of yours. 
It was at this point Harry was sufficiently disturbed, enough to make him sit upright whilst also backing away into the corner of the booth, watching from afar.
“I-uh” You didnt really want to say it, for the sake of that meant he was revealing this secret you’d guarded with your life. But at the same time, you had this overwhelming sense of pride for Tom because “yeh, yes he is spiderman.” Matt started jumping up and down like an overexcited boyband fan which made you laugh, heart swelling as Tom chuckled along beside you.
Yes by no means was this ideal. And yes you were now forced to tell your family (so ultimately the world) about your relationship. Maybe that wasn’t so bad though?
hope u enjoyed + thank you for reading <333
tagging: @hollandfanficlove @hallecarey1
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viktoriakomova · 3 years
Wait why do people hate Andrea Joyce?
i cant speak for anybody else but i dont like her because basically her whole job is to do stupid little vignettes of athletes and interview them on the floor immediately after they compete. theres no journalistic value to anything she's doing, its just to ~flesh out~ the ~characters~ for the viewers, ostensibly the viewers who otherwise aren't very invested in the competition and/or don't know much about the sport itself (the locals or the normies, as we i would say).
its not just gymnastics either, she works for nbc so she does a bunch of other sports. similar to how al trautwig would commentate other sports besides gymnastics for nbc broadcasts except for the other sports he actually bothered to be knowledgeable and have something valuable to say other than what he did for gymnastics which was being intentionally obtuse so that tim and elfi/nastia could correct him in an attempt to teach the audience something about the sport they're watching
and in some ways i feel bad for her bc thats like her "role" on the broadcasts and idk if she's purposefully being annoying or if that's nbc sports producers pushing her to do those featurettes and ask those questions. but yeah they trot her out to do asinine little micro-reports on every major mainstream broadcast (nationals in the olympic year or the year before the olympics, olympic trials, and of course the actual olympic games) or tell an anecdotal story about a gymnast while they're warming up between rotations to fill the time. a great example of this is the ragan smith bead story in 2016 lmaoooo. she did somehting else with bailie key's stickers in 2015 (but i put a lot of the blame for that on kim zmeskal (the coach of both girls) bc shes the one who 1) did something that childish with her teenage gymnasts in the first place and 2) told the press about it) i posted something about that i'll find it and reblog it if i can lol
where i have a major problem with her, objectively, is when she doesnt give the athletes space to decompress after they compete (again this could very well be the fault of the producers but i think at this point shes been doing it for over a decade now and she probably has the social capital with nbc to tell them no and/or refuse to do it...). for example she (they) MADE jordyn wieber talk to her for a minute or two ON CAMERA after QF in london when she was still ACTIVELY SOBBING because she got bumped from the AA final. she was the reigning world AA champion from 2011 and was being hyped by nbc throughout the pre-olympic season as THE usa gymnastics it-girl, all for her lifelong dream to come crashing down on the first day she competed :/ its obviously cruel to do that to a 17 year old girl whose dreams unceremoniously ended just minutes prior BUT ITS JUICY TELEVISION AND A GREAT STORY LINE SO LEMME SHOVE A MICROPHONE RIGHT IN YOUR FACE :) BECAUSE RATINGS :)
and like i said, she doesnt just do gymnastics (which imho makes it worse because when you know that, its obvious that she isn't hired to do this job because she knows the sport. although lowkey that's obvious based on the fluff questions she asks the athletes, it's got nothing to do with the sport it's just to build a kind of familiarity or affection with the athletes than nbc is pushing as the headlining stars of the olympics). she does figure skating too and the interviews/reporting she does there are just as empty and trivial as what she does for gymnastics. although the interviews she did with adam rippon are fucking hilarious (mostly because she has no idea how to react) and i highly recommend
she also did swimming stuff in 2012 iirc (she probably does several sports but i only really watch gymnastics and figure skating) and she would be asking swimmers questions WHILE THEY WERE STILL SOAKING WET AND OUT OF BREATH. LITERALLY RIGHT AFTER THEY FINISHED THE RACE. LIKE 30 SECONDS AFTER THEY CLIMBED OUT OF THE POOL.
tl;dr :
she just kind of embodies everything wrong with nbc's coverage of the olympics and treatment of the athletes whose combined decades of hard labor make the media feeding frenzy every 4 years (every 2 years if we're counting the winter games too) possible. its dehumanizing and reductive and serves no meaningful purpose to anybody's appreciation or enjoyment of the sports they're watching. its a totally superfluous job and nobody would miss it or even notice it was gone if it were eliminated overnight
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aomineavenue · 4 years
Homesick (Miya Atsumu x f!Reader) | 006. dinner disaster
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Summary: Six years ago, L/N Y/N wouldn’t exactly say that she loves her life. It had always been problematic but her best friend, Miya Atsumu, since she was eight when she moved to Hyōgo, has always been there for her, and she wouldn’t change it for the world. However, things would always fall apart for her ever since, so she should have expected of such. Running away from her problems seemed like the easiest route to take at the time, so what happens when the past comes barging back into her life demanding answers? Will she be able to confront her demons?
Pairings: Miya Atsumu x f!Reader
Updates: irregular.
Genre: Angst, ANGST I LOVE ANGST, a lil bit of fluff here and there.
Warnings: Language, etc. (Will be mentioned once posted because I don’t want spoilers huehue)
Disclaimer: I do not own any characters except for the reader and my ideas. I do not claim any images used for content in this fic, everything goes out to their respective creators unless it is mentioned that it is mine.
Status: ongoing. | series masterlist
↩ confessions | dinner disaster | realizations  ↪
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mia’s note(s): 
can you find the easter eggs in here? 
i am sorry, i am not very fond of this chapter lmao i told you guys im bad at writing that isn’t angst man 
i hope you guys enjoy anyway, lemme know what you guys think!! and tell me if you find the easter eggs mwa mwa
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You nod eagerly as you shut the menu in your grip, completely ignoring Reiji’s protests from beside you as the rest of the individuals seated around the table either watch in amusement or curiosity. “I believe there is always a three special course meal that changes every day according to the chef, we’d absolutely love that.”
At the sight of Reiji’s features scrunched up in horror, you inwardly squealed in victory. 
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Years have flown by, you’re both practically strangers at this point. Yes, strangers. Just two strangers who know every shameful secret, every hidden freckle, and even every fatal flaw in each other. Who were you kidding anyway? Six years have gone by just like that, but you knew it yourself, deep down that you still strongly cared for the man that now stood before you, his eyes the only thing you could focus on, not even the soft chatter of the other guests or the soft instrumental melody produced by the restaurant’s speakers could capture your attention and disrupt your thoughts. Mesmerized, that is what you are. What even. 
It has been six years and to this day, he still completely steals your breath away. 
Not that it should surprise you or anything. Despite everything, how he had hurt you back when you were both 17 and in your second year in senior high school back in 2013, or the hurtful words that spilled from his mouth from the running emotions that day back at the sports complex when the truth revealed itself, you couldn’t bring yourself to hate him or even be angry. You’ve thought of this a billion times since you left Hyōgo. You have imagined a billion scenarios, trying your best to prepare yourself because you knew. You knew that it was inevitable to stay hidden, to keep your secret hidden. A part of you always knew you were going to meet him again. Not that your reunion was delightful or anything. It was nowhere near such. No matter how many scenarios you created in your head, it had not been enough for you to prepare for any form of response. 
You hadn’t realized it at first when you had met him on that day because of the emotions running high through your veins, but now, standing in front of him, your eyes drank him up completely. Of course, you notice the differences from six years ago. It wasn’t as if he was going to stay how he had been back then, nor was it difficult to notice the changes from the boy you used to adore. Looking at him now, it was clear as day that he had grown up from the charming boy next door to a breathtaking man that you can’t seem to tear your gaze away. 
As your name rolls off of his tongue, you snap out of your trance, blinking a couple of times. Thankfully, you suppressed your emotions quick enough from allowing the warmth that wanted to creep across your cheeks. God, how embarrassing. Did he notice you were practically devouring him with your eyes? Hopefully not. 
However, despite his handsome features, you are suddenly reminded of the last conversation that the two of you shared and it was enough for you to push your mushy thoughts to the very back of your head. Ah, right. You remembered now, before being distracted by Atsumu’s ridiculously handsome face, you were going to give Asuma and Reiji a good smack. If only you had known of this setup, you would have never agreed. Jumping back to reality, you were about to take a step back, wanting to leave the premises, only to be held back by Reiji, gripping onto your arm to stop you. 
You were cut off from your protests, Reiji moving closer to whisper in your ear with the all too familiar tone he uses on you during arguments. Before he could even finish his sentence, you already knew that the excuses you have in mind were no use. There was no room for negotiations. “Stop being stubborn and sit down. Do this for your kids. It’s not like it’s a date or anything.” 
Grumbling underneath your breath at how much of an ass he was, he only replies with a chuckle as he releases his grip on your arm, neither of you realizing the green-eyed monster’s gaze that followed the whole interaction. The two of your friends took their seats, greeting the rest of the party, while you’re left standing there before Atsumu. As you stood there face to face, you didn’t realize the two occupants around the table sharing hushed whispers amongst each other, berating each other for bringing other people along. Meeting his gaze once more, you give him a small nod, “Atsumu. Shall we then?” 
He nods, his voice cracking slightly because of his nerves, “Yeah.” 
However, as you turn to greet the rest of the party, you feel your shoulders grow tense at the realization of what your two friends did once again. They had occupied seats around the table, leaving the only available seats next to each other for you and Atsumu. If it’s one thing you hated, it was when your friends become the meddling monkeys that they are. 
Not wanting to cause a scene, you inwardly groan and occupy the seat next to Reiji, leaving the seat next to you for Atsumu. In spite of your irritation, you find yourself flashing a half-hearted smile at the three across from you. 
“Hi!” the one in the middle greets you happily with an enormous smile plastered across his face, “I’m Hinata, it’s nice to meet you.” He extends his arm across the table, holding out his hand for you to shake, which you gladly take. 
“Nice to meet you too,” you respond with a nod of your head as you release your grip from his hand, just in time to retrieve the menu that the waiter had passed throughout the group. Flipping it open, you avoid the glances from Bokuto and Osamu, who looked as if they were itching an interaction from you, but because of your irritation, you definitely didn’t want to talk to them just yet, they probably had helped your friends in setting this up. “So Hinata-san, I’m assuming you're Bokuto’s teammate?” you ask before tearing your gaze away from his to examine the menu in your hands. You don’t notice the frown that briefly appeared on Atsumu’s lips. 
“Oh, Hinata’s just fine!” he waves his hand with a laugh, “Yes, I’m Bokuto and Atsumu’s teammate. We actually wanted to bring our friend Sakusa here too, but he said he has an emergency at some hospital.” 
"Hmm…" you hum, letting your eyes scan the menu, thinking you might as well enjoy the food, "Oh, I hope everything is okay with your friend Sakusa and it’s nothing too serious, but now that we're here, might as well enjoy and run Rei's wallet dry. Right, Rei?"
You tilt your head a bit, glancing over at Reiji from the corner of your eye with a sly smirk forming on your lips. Ah, the man could only let out a nervous chuckle, knowing full well what you were planning as he recalls a similar scenario a few months back in the very same restaurant that put a dent to his savings because of the ridiculous price of the meals you had ordered that night. Not tearing your gaze away from your best friend, you call for the waiter's attention, who quickly responds by walking over and pulling out his tiny notepad to jot down your table's order. 
"Hello, I'm Daiki and I'll be your waiter for the night." He greets with a friendly smile, not realizing the awkward atmosphere among the group, "What will we be having?" 
Clicking your tongue against the roof of your mouth, you give Reiji an innocent grin before turning your gaze over to the waiter to return his smile with your own, "Hello, Daiki. You see, my friends here aren't really sure what to order, but I told them not to worry since I've been here so many times, so I'll be ordering for everyone!" 
"Excellent, ma'am!" He nods his head, matching your enthusiasm.
You nod eagerly as you shut the menu in your grip, completely ignoring Reiji’s protests from beside you as the rest of the individuals seated around the table either watch in amusement or curiosity. “I believe there is always a three special course meal that changes every day according to the chef, we’d absolutely love that.” 
At the sight of Reiji’s features scrunched up in horror, you inwardly squealed in victory. 
It was going to be a long night.
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Mayuzumi Asuma and Suwa Reiji were now considered dead.
To you, at least. And somehow, you knew that, despite them avoiding meeting your gaze alongside with the other three across from you who freely interacted with each other, they themselves knew what they were getting themselves into. They were digging their graves for this stunt they have pulled. 
You’d got to give Reiji credit, though. Despite pushing his buttons by ordering everyone the high priced three course meal, he wasn’t his usually squirmy and irritating self. You had at least expected sharing a heated argument with him after such a display, but instead of giving in, he continued to pursue his plan with the others. 
Oh, they think they were so slick, as if you hadn’t caught on with their little plan. Not a date, they say. It might as well be one, since they’re bluntly ignoring your attempts to converse with them. All was missing was some privacy. At first you hadn’t thought about it when you had tried to share a conversation with Hinata, it was only right for you to get to know someone; you were just being nice. However, before Hinata could respond to your question, Bokuto had dragged him into a conversation about volleyball. You brushed it aside, not thinking anything rude of it, as you knew Bokuto would often speak with anyone out of the blue. It was just how he is. 
You hadn’t even thought about it the second time around when this time; you tried conversing with Osamu, wanting to know about how his business is going so far. Except, the conversation between you and Osamu never happened due to the fact that Asuma had cut you off mid-sentence, engaging the man in a ridiculous conversation about healthy diets. Like, what the heck was that all about? Asuma and healthy diets just don’t sit well with you. Nevertheless, you brushed it aside, shifting your attention to the first course meal of the night that had been placed before you. 
They think they were so smart, trying to pull it off. Ah, but no. You had caught on with their little plan the third time around when you tried to join in Bokuto and Hinata’s conversation. You were instantly shot down by Reiji, shifting the conversation to another topic that only they could understand. 
They were dead men. All of them. 
Placing your chopsticks down, you turn your head towards Reiji’s direction with a false innocent smile curling upon your lips. “Reiji, dear.” 
Ah there it was, catching the nervous bob of his Adam’s apple in this throat with your gaze. "Yeah?"
"I hope you know—” 
Hinata cuts you off by standing up abruptly from his seat, waving frantically towards someone’s direction, “Ushijima-san!” 
You blink before turning your head to look at whoever Hinata was waving to, catching a glimpse of a tall, muscular man nodding towards Hinata’s direction in greeting, a woman trailing close behind him. Not wanting to be rude, you return to your previous position to face Hinata that was seated across from you, “Was that the Ushijima Wakatoshi?” 
Hinata nods as he sits back down, a huge smile on his face. “Yeah, I’m sure you know about him.” 
“I suppose,” you lift your shoulders up in a shrug as you pick up your chopsticks once more, completely forgetting to reprimand Reiji’s actions much to his relief, “I was volleyball manager back then in high school, so I would know a few things, including some players.” 
“Where did you go to school?” Hinata asks, tilting his head a bit as he looks at you curiously. You wonder, briefly, had Atsumu not mentioned you at all since the incident at the sports complex? Weird. 
As you were about to reply, the man seated on your left answers for you. “She went to the same school as me, Shouyou-kun. She was our manager.” 
Hinata stares at you for a second, blinking a couple of times before realization hits him, his eyes widening, “I remember you now! You were that pretty manager!” 
The men around the table chokes and sputters their food, causing you to scrunch up your nose in disgust. Atsumu is first to respond after clearing his throat, “What? I mean, yeah. She was our pretty manager.”  
“I remember her because it was the first time I saw Tsukishima look stupid over a girl,” Hinata chuckles, shaking his head. “But, how come I only saw you once? Were you a third year at the time?” 
Suddenly, the tension was back in the air. You catch from the corner of your eye, Atsumu growing tense from Hinata’s question, and you had to fight the urge to show your own emotions. Everyone else was silent, probably waiting for you or Atsumu to answer. “Ah, I left high school towards the end of our second year, and moved to Kanagawa. I had my hands full at the time, so I didn’t return to high school.” 
“But wh—” Hinata gets cut off by his own yelp, making you raise a brow in confusion. He turns his head towards Osamu’s direction, wincing slightly, “Osamu-san!” 
Osamu lets out a laugh, not looking anywhere near apologetic. “Ah, sorry buddy. I was reaching over Bokuto but you were in the way.” 
An awkward atmosphere engulfs around the table once more. This dinner was certainly not going according to Osamu and Reiji’s plan. Opting to avoid the awkward glances from the other individuals, you turn your attention over to focus on your food while Osamu and Reiji were sending glares towards each other once they realized your attention elsewhere. The two had talked with Atsumu earlier, devising a plan for the two of you to talk things through. Originally, Osamu suggested that the dinner should be just you and Atsumu, but Reiji declined such an idea because of two reasons. First, you would completely decline yourself to go to a dinner and leave Atsuhiro in the hospital despite your mother being present, Reiji knew you too well that the idea of dinner at a fancy restaurant without your sons was a big no. That is, unless a friend of yours were to force you by dragging you to the restaurant. And second, if you were to be left with Atsumu alone, Reiji fears that you would leave almost immediately. 
And he was right for both. If he hadn’t dragged you here himself, you wouldn’t have bothered to go. And if he hadn’t stopped you earlier, you would have ran out the moment you saw Atsumu. However, they hadn’t expected this. Reiji hadn’t expected Osamu to bring two other people, while Osamu hadn’t expected that Reiji was going to bring someone else along. Yes, it was a disaster. 
Reiji had opted to bring Asuma along, because he knew you were going to be suspicious if it were just the two of you going for dinner. You would have accused him of coddling you like a child, it was something he would do now and then when he wanted you to release all the emotions you had kept bottled up. It’s not that you didn’t appreciate him for it, he just knows that if he did such a thing during such an emotional time, you would push him away when Reiji wanted to speed things along. As much as Reiji disliked the father of his favorite twins, he wasn’t going to deprive the little boys any longer of the chance of finally getting to know their father. If he was going to force everything on you, he would do it. He, too, has grown tired of your decisions of run away. 
Osamu on the other hand, only decided to accompany his brother himself but as he and his brother were leaving the apartment, the other two barged out of Bokuto’s room claiming to be starving from the lack of food the past couple of hours because of some intense gaming session on the PlayStation 4 that Bokuto brought along with. Not being quick on their feet, the twins had blurted out they were going out to eat. They unfortunately could not decline the two balls of sunshine. 
Clearing his throat, hoping to shift the tension in the air. “Anyway,” Osamu starts before tearing his glaring gaze away from Reiji over to where Ushijima was seated across the room, “Who is that girl Ushijima is with?” 
“She kinda looks familiar,” Bokuto hums, placing his chopsticks down after finishing his first course meal, shifting his gaze over to Ushijima’s table. 
“That’s the heiress of the Akita Empire,” Asuma answers, “Pretty woman, she is. I didn’t know she was dating anyone.” 
Hinata lets out a gasp of excitement, his eyes going wide. “I wonder if Ushijima-san is really dating her!” 
“Maybe you can ask him at the party…” Bokuto suggests while the rest of his words are drowned out by you, growing bored with the night as you wonder when you can possibly leave. 
Despite drowning out the conversation around the table and focusing on the food, Atsumu pulls you in with his voice from the side, “Hey, I’m sorry about this. I told Osamu and Reiji it was a bad idea from the start.” 
Ah, so it was those two who had planned the whole thing out. You let out a sigh, turning your head to face him to answer, your voice low to keep the others out of the conversation, “There’s nothing that we can do now.” 
“Would you have preferred that it was just the two of us?” he asks, hope laced in his voice. 
Lightly nibbling on your bottom lip, you tear your gaze away from him. Did you? You actually wanted to talk to Atsumu after having the talk with your sons. You were going to express your disappointment towards Reiji and his plan full of flaws. Had they planned this for the two of you to talk? If so, this was stupid to begin with. Something so serious between the two of you and Atsumu should be discussed within private walls, and this was nowhere near private. So maybe, yes. Perhaps, if the two were you alone, then it would have been better. “I guess,” you finally admit, “Maybe the two of us can talk things through properly when this is over. I think it’s time. For now, I hope you can accept my apologies.” 
“And I hope you accept m—” 
Hinata’s loud voice booms excitedly, “Oh remember that party!” 
The two of you snap your attention over to Hinata, the disappointment clear in your features for the disruption. What were they talking about? However, curiosity gets the best of you and you entertain him anyway. “What party?” 
“The Christmas party last year!” Hinata announces with a chuckle, “At first, I was thinking why Reiji-san and Asuma-san here look so familiar then I remember I attended the party with Bo-kun and the others!” As if on cue, the moment those words left Hinata’s mouth, Atsumu and Bokuto visually stiffened, causing you to grow more curious. 
“Ah, that party.” you let out a laugh, nudging Reiji with your elbow, “He’s talking about your all-time favorite party.” 
A scowl makes its way to Reiji’s features, “Please, do not remind me of that horrendous party. I had to move rooms just because of that, and I replaced the mattress too.” 
“You’re so dramatic,” you drawled, laughing along with Asuma as you remember Reiji going crazy the next day after the party. “Just because your guests did the dirty on your bed—” Reiji cuts you off by pinching your side, which causes you to let out a yelp in both pain and surprise.
Osamu interjects with a grin, “Actually, I have a feeling that Sakusa would have died hearing such information. But I would be pissed off too, Reiji. That’s nasty. I would have moved out the whole place entirely.” 
“Right?” Reiji exclaims by throwing his hands in the air, “I couldn’t step inside the room without wanting to poke my eyes out.” 
“That’s why we no longer let Atsumu drink too much because he’ll probably do that again,” Hinata adds, laughing along. 
Once again, silence. 
“Wait, what?” Reiji asks, the first to break the silence. “That was you?” 
Bokuto smacks Hinata’s head before looking away awkwardly. Hinata, on the other hand, takes a minute to realize his mistake before flickering his gaze back and forth from Atsumu over to you, waiting for his mistake to backfire in his face. The rest of the individuals around the table turn their attention over to Atsumu, waiting for his response. 
You were the first to defend him, letting out a laugh. “Okay, enough of this. Let’s leave the past in the past. Let’s not make things awkward, it’s not like Atsumu and I are dating or anything,” 
“Tsumtsum!” a squeal echoes throughout the restaurant and all you could think now was “What now?” 
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365days365movies · 2 years
31 (Films) to Life: The Killing (1956)
Who doesn’t love a good heist movie?
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I tell you, I really wanted to watch Rififi, but I genuinely couldn’t find it outside of DVDs sold by the Criterion Collection, and...nah. I will eventually collect Criterion DVDs, but I’m trying to stick to streaming for the time being. So one day, Rififi, you will be mine to watch and own! In the meantime, I’m stuck thinking about the other heist films I have seen. Because I love me a good heist, and there are a lot of movie heists. While Rififi definitely started a bunch of trends in the genre, it’s exploded and expanded to ridiculous heists. Here are some of the ones I’ve seen:
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The Pink Panther (1963) - 72%
A comedy classic and the launching point of an entire franchise of films, this is a classic-if-unorthodox heist movie. It’s fun, yeah, but it’s a little plodding at times, and not my favorite of the franchise (by a country mile, actually). I’m a fan of the franchise and Clouseau, but don’t go in expecting much of the bumbling inspector; he’s actually the side character of this movie.
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The Italian Job (1969) - 80%
This movie is a helluva lot of fun, lemme tell you. It’s British as fuck, and it’s fully aware of its cultural identity in the best ways. But more important that that is the stellar production itself. Real talk, this has one of the most fun and engaging driving sequences I’ve ever seen, and I’m including movies in the Fast & Furious & Family film franchise. I mean it, it’s fucking crazy fun. That said, though, its acting is OK (save for the amazing Michael Caine and Noël Coward), the writing is similarly OK, and the direction is pretty standard outside of those action sequences. If not for those parts, this movie probably would have a lower score. But I can’t recommend it enough, if only for those sick-ass car chases and a genuinely well-executed heist.
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Point Break (1991) - 88%
Talk about a hell of a lot of fun! This movie is a crazy-ass ride from start to finish. A bank robbery plot in which the robbers wear the masks of presidents, while also indulging in extreme sports along the way, as well as being an undercover cop story? I mean, Jesus Christ, how is this a good movie? It just...is. It really is! Other than being an excellent showcase for actors Keanu Reeves and Patrick Swayze and director Kathryn Bigelow, it’s an engaging and enrapturing heist movie with an intense personal relationship at its heart and center. A ‘90s classic, and a movie that I want to watch again, right now.
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Mission: Impossible (1996) - 68%
Check out my Review (Part One | Part Two | Epilogue) for my full thoughts on this one. Sorry if it’s a little rough; it was my second movie for this blog. I’ve definitely gotten better since then (lies, filthy filthy lies). Looking back at this movie, I can comfortably say that this movie is a fun-ass ride in a lot of ways. Is the plot a little cliché and predictable? Sure. Is the acting the best acting I’ve ever seen? No, but it’s fine. Is Tom Cruise Tom Cruise? Oh, he’s the Cruisiest. But does this movie feature kickass action scenes that include flying a helicopter into a tunnel in order to chase a man on top of a moving train? FUCK ME YEAH IT DOES AND IT FUCKING ROCKS
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Ocean’s Eleven (2001) - 90%
Goddamn, do I fucking love the Ocean’s movies. Granted, I haven’t seen 8, and Twelve was a bit of a tire fire, but it’s real hard to top that first one for me. A perfect ensemble cast, a brilliantly twisted and executed heist, the memorable setup to the heist...this movie is fantastic, and I will brook no criticism of the first film. Except maybe for Don Cheadle’s accent. It’s...it’s not amazing.
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Inside Man (2006) - 88%
Do me a favor: watch Inside Man. It’s an underappreciated film, in my opinion, and has one of the best heist twists I’ve ever seen in a movie. While it follows the investigation into the heist about as much as the robbery itself, it’s a ridiculously engaging story, held together by solid acting from everyone involved. We’re talking Denzel, Clive Owen, Jodie Foster, and Christopher goddamn Plummer. Just trust me on this one: watch Inside Man and thank me later.
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Inception (2010) - 96%
I mean...it’s Inception. It’s either one of the best movies you’ve ever seen, or it’s one of the most confusing. I lean on the former, since it never really confused me much, but it’s also genuinely a great movie. A mind-bender with solid performances and an oft-disputed ending, this one is a modern must-see classic. Don’t sleep on it if you know what’s good for you.
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Tower Heist (2011) - Wait...wait, I’ve seen this movie?
Wait a minute...I’ve seen this movie IN THEATERS? I...but...yeah. Yeah, I actually did see it! And it...it kinda sucked, but not bad enough to remember it at all. It’s a bad movie, but not memorably so. Tower Heist is the sugar-free Gatorade of movies. It has some flavor, but you don’t necessarily enjoy drinking it, and you tend to forget it afterwards outside of a weird aftertaste that you can only describe as Gabourey Sidibe’s fucking horrendous West Indian accent. Like...it’s bad. That’s actually the only thing I remember about this movie. And again, I saw this IN THEATERS! For some reason.
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Baby Driver (2017) - 94%
Oh my God, do I fucking adore Baby Driver. I also saw this one in theaters, but I remember it SO fucking well. This movie is...it’s just...the car chases...the heists and the action...the music, OH MY FUCKING GOD THE MUSIC...watch this movie. Watch this movie! If you haven’t seen this movie, WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING RIGHT NOW? Get off this hellsite, and WATCH. FUCKING BABY DRIVER. NOW.
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Avengers: Endgame (2019) - 96%
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But with all that said and done, it’s finally time to add another heist film onto my list. You may have noticed some glaring omissions up there, and I promise you, some of those are on my list. But for starters, I’m going with a sometimes ignored classic, and an early film from directing dynamo, Stanley Kubrick. This film, The Killing, is considered one of the first big American heist films, and one of the fonts of the genre, as well as once of the best films noir ever made. And hey, this month, who am I to say no to film noir? So enough navel gazing!
Plot (by Stanley Kubrick)
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Johnny Clay (Sterling Hayden) is out of the game. He was a professional criminal, recently out of prison and now looking to marry his sweetheart, Fay (Coleen Gray). But he’s going for one last score first. The plan is foolproof. He and a group of co-conspirators will steal $2 million from a racetrack, during a major race. On his side are crooked cop Randy Kennan (Ted de Corsia), looking to get out from under a loan shark’s thumb; bartender Mike O’Reilly (Joe Sawyer), who will set up a distraction with roughneck Maurice Oboukhoff (Kola Kwariani); sharpshooter Nikki Arcane (Timothy Carey), who will shoot one of the racehorses ON THE TRACK as another distraction; and teller George Peatty (Elisha Cook Jr.), whose only role is to give access to the backroom.
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George, despite his minor role, is arguably the main character of the movie. His reason for participation is his spoiled, rude, asshole of a wife, Sherry Peatty (Marie Windsor). And I’m gonna say this right now: FUCK Sherry. She is genuinely one of the least likeable characters I’ve seen in these films so far. Which is goddamn saying something. While George shouldn’t tell her any details of the crime (which he does to impress her), she’s still the villain of this film who ruins EVERYTHING.
See, George tells Sherry about the crime while she’s whining about not living in a fucking mansion (SHUT UP SHERRY), and he’s trying to impress her. But she’s cheating on him (because OF FUCKING COURSE she is) with Val Cannon (Vince Edwards), a young buck who’s definitely not an asshole at all, I’m sure. Fuck Sherry. Anyway, she tells Val about the crime plans, and tells him to stick them up for it so that they can run away together with the money and live it up. God, fuck Sherry. I’m sorry, revisiting this now makes me remember how horrible she is.
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Anyway, the boys ready themselves for the plan, although Sherry almost ruins everything by spying on them for the sake of Val’s planning robbery of their robbery. She flirts with Johnny a little, convinces sadsack George that she actually loves him and definitely would never betray him for some stupid fucking money. FUCK SHERRY. After that hiccup, the plan goes forwards properly. What is the plan?
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Race day! Maurice starts a fight at the bar, spurred on by the bartender. George uses the distraction to open the door to the payroll room. Johnny slips in, puts on a clown mask, and forces the clerks inside to shove money in a bag. He throws it out the window, where it’s caught by the cop, who drives the bag to a motel and leaves it in a predesignated room. Meanwhile, as a further distraction, Nikki shoots one of the leading horses on the track. However, due to an unfortunate altercation with a black security officer (James Edwards), his getaway is messed up, and he’s shot and killed by the arriving police. But other than that, the job goes off without a hitch, and the men meet at Johnny’s apartment. Except for one.
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Johnny’s late. Why? Traffic. Like, literally traffic slows him down. Because of this, he isn’t at the apartment for the rendezvous...or for the stickup by Val. Val and a few guys come in and attempt to steal the money, but surprise! George shoots him! And in turn, Val shoots...everybody else. Yeah, there’s a gunfight in the apartment, and everybody dies...except for George. He’s shot and bleeding out, but he stumbles out of the apartment to confront the person responsible. And as he does, Johnny finally rolls up to see George shot and stumbling to his car. Realizing that something’s gone wrong, Johnny takes the money to the desert and shoves it into a suitcase, which he has trouble closing.
George, meanwhile, makes his appointment with his traitorous wife. And I’ll say it again: FUCK SHERRY. This whole thing is her fault. I know it’s 1956, but just divorce the dude! Would’ve saved everyone here, you asshole. Anyway, George goes home, realizing that Sherry’s betrayed him and caused all of these deaths. She’s been packing a suitcase, only to realize that her shitty plan has gone horribly wrong. And in revenge, unfortunately, George shoots and kills her before dying of his own wounds. It’s rough. Also, fuck Sherry.
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Anyway, George is a little fucked. Desperate to get away with $2 million, he grabs Fay and runs to the airport to flee to Boston. But goddammit, the suitcase full of money is too big to be brought as a carry-on, and needs to be checked in! That’s a no-go, and Johnny goes full Darren at the airport trying to take it with him. Unfortunately, he’s forced to check it as luggage. Nothing can get worse at this point though...right?
Well, remember, it’s an old suitcase that doesn’t close correctly. It’s loaded on a luggage cart, but when the driver swerves to miss a woman’s adorable pet dog, the suitcase flies off, popping open and releasing $2 million everywhere. As Johnny watches. And as the police arrive. Um...
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Fuck Sherry, but this movie is great! 
The Killing is one of Kubrick’s earlier classics, and it definitely shows his unique directorial stylings. It also shows the typical bleakness that I expect from his movies, because DAMN, this one ends sad and hopeless for everybody...who survived. I found myself mostly rooting for the group, save for one turning point with Nikki the sharpshooter. That confrontation with the security guard is...rough to watch.
But OK, what did I like about this movie specifically? Well...
Review: 90%
Cast and Acting - 9/10: This is going to be a little controversial, but almost everybody is hamming it up just a little bit in this movie, even as compared to other movies of the tie. Now, there’s nothing at all wrong with that, and I actually sort of love that about the movie, but I was always aware that most people were acting. With two major exceptions: the women. Coleen Gray gets star-billing in this movie, despite being in it for, like 10 minutes. But she does great in the role of the beleaguered fiancée who just wants to be happy with her beau. But she’s knocked far and away by professional asshole Marie Windsor as Sherry. Fuck Sherry, sure, but I love Marie Windsor. She does a stellar job, and really does deserve more attention as the statuesque beauty that she is. She was known as the queen of B-movies, and I definitely want to see her again!
Plot and Writing - 10/10: I just released my recap and review for Rashomon, which is an essentially perfect film, and I gotta say, I had to rewatch the movie for that one. This movie? I remember the story almost perfectly. It’s a straightforward heist movie, and let me say that again: it’s s straightforward heist movie. Do you understand how difficult that is? I’ve seen a number, as stated, and I doubt I can properly remember all of their plots with the same accuracy as this film. It’s a well-constructed plot, for one. It’s also, unsurprisingly, great in terms of writing. Classic film noir in almost every important way, Stanley Kubrick‘s plot and Jim Thompson‘s dialogue pair beautifully in this film.
Direction and Cinematography - 10/10: Well, come on, it’s Stanley Kubrick! The man is one of the greatest directors the world has ever seen, and that didn’t change with this film. Some interesting shots and angles all throughout, alongside some great lighting choices and shot compositions (thank you to Lucien Ballard for that one). Top notch, and that’s no surprise.
Production and Art Design - 8/10: This movie takes place in the 1950s, and it looks like it takes place in the 1950s. I mean...yeah. Honestly, this category may be nothing to write home about, but it is very well done regardless. So, yeah, good job, but I’m not recommending this film for the production and art design.
Music and Editing - 8/10: The score by Gerald Fried is surprisingly tense and bombastic for this kind of movie, and it oddly fits very well. Dramatic and booming, it makes an impact...while you’re watching. Sorry, Gerry, I genuinely forgot about the score until I looked it up to write this review. It’s great, of course, but not the most memorable score I’ve ever heard. As for editing by Betty Steinberg, it’s genuinely fantastic. To make a heist movie, editing has to be silky smooth. We’re talking clean editing that can be used to tell a cohesive narrative, and this film gets it very right. Great job, Betty!
Great movie, and often considered one of the best noir films every made. I am inclined to agree, as I genuinely really enjoyed this movie! That said, this is an underrated film that needs to be given more attention. So, let’s talk next about a film that’s gotten a lot of attention. Like...a lot of attention. 
Like...all of the attention.
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Next: The Godfather (1972); dir. Francis Ford Coppola
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juniorfics · 3 years
Favorite color
mina x GN!reader
written by: R
word count: 1.8k
Warning!: one-sided pining, the word dude used as slang, slight angst, and just a wee bit of internalized homophobia (but only for like, a paragraph) ((also, mina might be slightly out of character, so..sorry about that :p))
y/n was distraught.
No, distraught wasn't the right word...conflicted maybe? Well, whatever the correct word is, they were feeling it.
Allow me to give a bit of context; you see, y/n was crushing on someone. Quite aggressively, actually. they couldn't stop thinking about them. the way they smiled, the way their hair bounced slightly when they walked, the way they could brighten a room so easily with only their presence. Yes, y/n was crushing, but that wasn't the issue. they've had many crushes before. So many, some would see it as a bit of a problem. No, the crushing itself wasn't a huge deal, rather, it was who the crush was on. The gender of the person, to be more specific.
y/n was always more attracted to guys, never finding herself attracted to females in any sort of romantic way. But ever since their first year of high school had begun, it seemed to them that that might not be the case anymore. All because of a certain pink-haired individual. Well, pink hair is a bit of an understatement. Everything about her is pink! Her hair, her skin, her personality, everything! And it suited her too, the color pink. She was a very bright and optimistic person, looking to the bright side of things as often as she could, making others happy by just simply being herself. Not to mention she was very pretty to look at, but that’s more of an opinion that can vary from person to person.
It's pretty safe to say that y/n was more than a bit confused when these feelings first emerged. they can practically pinpoint the moment it happened- when all this crushing began. It was during the school festival, back when they were all still first years. To be more precise, it was when 1-A was performing their concert. The two of them hadn't been in the same class at the time, in fact, y/n wasn't even planning on going to the concert at all, but their friend had convinced them that it would be fun, and they eventually caved, agreeing to go only if he would buy them a strawberry-banana crepe afterward. They had managed to get good seats near the front and patiently waited for the show to start. Then, the lights went out, the curtains opened, and a bunch of people, including their friend, began shouting out the name of one of the girls on stage. ‘Fanboys..’ they thought, waiting for the show to start. Then, before they knew it, the music started, and a bunch of dancers came out. That's when they saw her- Ashido. they had remembered her from the sports festival, as well as seeing her in the hallway a few times. they thought nothing of it and continued enjoying the show. But then, something happened that would change y/n’s perception of the world forever- Ashido had winked.
Granted, Ashido hadn't winked directly at her, rather to that general area of the audience, but y/n saw it nonetheless, and suddenly, their heart had started beating faster, their face steadily increasing in temperature, their hands went clammy and their mouth went dry. Why were they feeling like this? they had never reacted to anything as subtle as a wink this aggressively before. Plus, they had never developed a crush for someone this quickly before, ever! Even their fastest crush had taken a day to develop. ‘Wait, crush? No, I can't have a crush on her! That-that's impossible!’ they thought, shaking their head. they had tuned out the rest of the concert at this point. ‘I don’t like her! No, I can't like her! I like guys! Dudes! Men! people who portray as masculine! I don't like girls! Never have, never will!’ they thought, the words sounding like screams to them. 'And besides! The wink probably wasn't even for me. There's no way she could even see me among all these other people! Yeah, it was probably just to the crowd.’ that's what they told themself, but there was a small voice in the back of their mind that stayed with them for the rest of the day, once the concert was over, while they were eating the crepe they were promised, while they were lying in their bed in the middle of the night; “what if it was for me? What if she did see me? What if she winked at me?’
Over the next few months, they had come to terms with their emotions, accepting the fact that they did, indeed, have a crush on Ashido. Well, less of a crush, more of an obsession. But hey, this was how they always handled these things. their feelings were still a bit confusing, but they couldn't just ignore them. they promised themselves a long time ago that they would always acknowledge their feelings, no matter who they were for. So this has become y/n’s current dilemma. They were already halfway through their second year and they hadn't even made an attempt at confessing. However, a few weeks ago, they decided that they would confess on the last day of April.
Which just so happened to be today.
y/n was extremely nervous. they were gonna confess her feelings, of course they were nervous! But they told themself they would, and that's what they were gonna do.
The final bell rang, and school was officially over. y/n practically jumped out of their seat, speed walking out of the classroom, and into the hallway. This was it! they were gonna confess her feelings! they had to find Ashido first, though. Luckily, they had memorized Ashido’s schedule, and what hallways she normally took, so this wouldn't really be a problem. Yes, a bit stalkerish, but it came in handy for moments like this. Finally, they got to the hallway they needed to be at and waited for a moment. Soon enough, a bunch of footsteps, along with idle chatter, got closer and closer, and closer, until-
“Aghhh, today’s training was super tough today! I'm so soreee…”
“Right? I can barely feel my legs, it's like I'm walking on jello,”
“It doesn't help that midterms are coming up as well, my brain is just as sore,”
y/n watched as the friend group passed by, not even noticing them. Just when they were far enough so it didn't seem creepy, they walked out, clearing their throat.
The group turned around, signs of confusion on their faces. The girl in question stepped towards them slightly, a small bounce in her step.
y/n’s face tinted pink. they hoped it wasn't too noticeable. “U-uh, hi. I-i know you don't know me, b-but do you think I could talk to you for a sec? I-it won't take long, promise!” they blurted out, hands behind their back.
Ashido smiled, thinking it was probably a shy fan or something. “Yea, of course! What's up?”
There was a small silence.
“...a-alone?” y/n muttered, their face getting slightly redder.
Ashido blinked. “Oh, alright!-” she turned to her friends, making a small shooing motion with her hand.- “you guys go on ahead! I'll catch up later,”
“Well, okay. Just don't take too long, or we're gonna get boba tea without you!” the blonde one joked, waving behind him as the other two followed after him. Ashido stuck her tongue out at them, before chuckling and turning back to face y/n.
“So, what were you saying?” she said, smiling at them.
y/n almost had a heart attack. ‘So cute..’ they thought, fidgeting with the hem of their shirt. “W-well, I just wanted to-”
“Wait...you’re the crush dude, right?” Ashido questioned, snapping her fingers as if she had an ‘aha!’ moment.
y/n blinked. “...c-crush dude?”
“Yea! I've heard about you from some of the general student kids!”
“O-oh...well I just wanted to tell you that-”
“Wait, WAIT! Don't tell me...you like one of my friends, right?”
“H-huh? No, that's not-”
“Lemme guess, it's Denki, isn't it? Wait, no, you don't really seem like you’d be into him...what about Hanta? He's pretty cool, and you guys would look good together! Ooh, did you want me to tell him to you? Cause I can do that if you want-”
“ASHIDO!” y/n yelled, getting frustrated. Ashido froze, looking at y/n. She admits that she does have a tendency to talk over people, but she definitely didn't expect someone like y/n to flat out yell at her. y/n took a deep breath, looking back at Ashido.
“Look, i-I'm sorry I yelled, it's just- I have something really important I wanna tell you.” they looked at the ground, their blush getting darker. Ashido wasn't saying anything, so they began speaking again.
“I-i don't like any of your friends...I like you, Ashido. A-and I'm not entirely sure if you swing that way or anything, to be honest, I didn't think I did either, but here I am!” they chuckled nervously, staring at their shoes. “A-anyway, what I'm trying to say is, y-you don't have to reciprocate, I-i just thought you should know.”
they looked up, finally ready to see Ashido's reaction, and- blank. Her face was completely blank. y/n could feel tears welling up in their eyes. Had they said something wrong? Who were they kidding, of course they had. they had confessed to a girl. Ashido probably thought they were super weird. To make matters worse, they’ve never even spoken to each other before this! y/n had completely screwed up. If there was any sort of chance that they could've been friends, let alone romantic partners, it was all gone now. they sniffed, wiping their eyes. they turned around, not wanting to hear any of the comments they expected.
“Hey, wait!”
they froze, turning back around. Ashido was a few steps closer now, a look of concern on her face. She looked like she had to say something, but couldn't find the words to do so. After a few seconds of silence, she spoke, clearly nervous.
“Well, first of all, thank you for telling me. I appreciate it. And, um…” her face began getting pinker. “I...I wouldn't mind going on a date. A-as long as you’re comfortable with it, of course.” she smiled, rubbing the back of her neck.
A date? y/n couldn't believe it. they were speechless. they didn't think they were weird, or a freak, or anything? “You...you don't think I'm weird? We’ve never even talked..”
“Well, that may be true, but that's what dates are for, right? To get to know someone better! Plus, it would be nice being seen in public with someone as cute as you!” she winked, a huge grin on her face.
‘C-cute?!?!? She thinks I'm cute!! Omgomgomgomgomgomgomgomg-’ y/n’s face was practically as red as an apple, but so was Ashido's, so they felt a little bit better about it.
“Y-yeah, a date sounds wonderful,” they said, fidgeting with the hem of their shirt again. “I-i’m free on the 4th!”
“Alrighty then! Here, gimme your phone.”
They then traded numbers, and Ashido ran off to meet up with her friends again, promising to work out the details later. y/n smiled.
Yep, there was no denying it- pink was definitely their favorite color.
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First Kisses (Haikyuu - pt. 2)
Title: First Kisses (Haikyuu - pt. 2) 
Genre: fluff (possibly even more than the first though I make no promises) 
Pairing: Daichi/Asahi/Nishinoya/Tanaka/Ennoshita x reader (separate) 
Notes: Though there wasn/t much demand, I couldn’t help myself. Seriously. The lack of immediate continuity actually made me mad. Otherwise, I felt the need to continue the saga with the second and (rest of the) third years! 
Anyway, here goes nothing!
Part 1 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Masterlist 
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Daichi Sawamura
ok, lemme get this out first
this man would be an amazing boyfriend
and this would be matched with his s/o
someone very responsible and calm, but they aren’t afraid to turn into a momentary crackhead and pull a few pranks
either way, the first kiss would for sure happen on a date
i can imagine that it would be in a movie theater
but not in the back or the very front
somewhere in the middle of the theater
now, you two had decided to go see a movie for the next date 
(consider this one your third or fourth. i can’t imagine that he’d do this on the first or second date, y’know?) 
you two had struggled on choosing a movie, but you did eventually decide
imagine whatever movie you like, but
i think the movie would be a really cheesy teen drama
something along the lines of ‘five feet apart’ or midnight sun’. definitely something with some big upstanding issue in their romance
either way, when the movie hits a romantic climax (like the first kiss or something)
he looks at you 
the way the artificial light from the screen lights up your features makes him question if you’re a human being and not an angel or sparkling fictional being 
the way that your eyes are lighting up with an odd mix of joy and sadness
everything fell perfectly
he wanted to kiss you right then and there, and though he had been wanting to kiss you since the end of your second date
sadly, he was doubting whether or not this was the right moment
what he didn’t know (or notice, rather) was that you knew he was looking at you 
and you decided to take the initiative
so you turned his head to face you once you redirected your attention and he turned away blushing
you leaned up and kissed him
slow, sweet, passionate and a little shy
it only turned more delicate when he cupped your cheek in his big calloused hand
the feeling made you lean in a little more
once you two had to break away for air, you two stared into each others eyes
you decided to peck his lips once again
he chuckled a little, but nonetheless, he draped his arm over your shoulders and you laid your head on his shoulder 
overall, the kiss? 
gorgeous. perfect. ten out of ten. 
it was very experienced, too, so there were no worries there. 
the gentleness of the experience was something that the both of you envied from other couples 
and you two achieved that
ahaHA. you thought that dadchi over here would be the first person to initiate the kiss? 
think again! he would be too caught up in if his s/o wanted to kiss him, change my mind-
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Asahi Azumane
this big teddy bear
he would most definitely go for someone gentle and kind
he is shy bby, so he might choose someone fairly social
but also aware and not overbearing
he just wants love-
as for the kiss, i find that the kiss would probably happen at school
just the one off chance that he got bothered by the gangster comments
it was getting to be between hours (class and lunch), and he was hiding in a closed off area of the school
he had texted you that he might be a little late to lunch 
and the message scared you
this boy hides what he is feeling, so when he sends a text, that was code for ‘come find me in our spot i’m sad and need comfort.’ 
but like i’m crying just writing that like- 
so with that knowledge, you let your friends know that you’re gonna be a little late to lunch 
and once the final seconds of the period hit, you were out the door
you immediately ran to the quiet area 
and hugged your gentle giant boyfriend
no words needed to be said, but he did lean into your touch 
eventually, you knew that you needed to say something
this boy needs reassurance, and you have just that
you tap his shoulder and tilt your head to the floor
and the two of you sit next to each other
you have your hand over his that’s resting on the ground 
and though the silence is comforting, you know words are what need to be used here
so you speak 
“you know i love you, right?” 
cue his nod 
“you know that i don’t think you are anything even remotely close to dangerous, right?”
stillness, but a hesitant nod
“so if i were to tell you that what those people are saying isn’t true, would you believe me?”
he nods
silence looms yet again, and he scoots closer to you 
you do the same, and grip his hand to which he responds
after a few minutes of calm quiet, you look up at asahi
he has his eyes locked on the old wall
and you can’t help yourself
you lift your hand and tilt his head so his eyes can meet yours
you start to lean up to kiss him with a comforting smile on his face
and as he visibly relaxes, you kiss him
it’s not too long, not too short
but it was exactly what he needed, and he didn’t know it
the kiss itself was very shy, though
as much as you would’ve liked to say that you were 100% confident in your kiss, you weren’t
but that’s okay with asahi and yourself 
you two wouldn’t have traded a kiss so loving and soft for the world
you pull away with a slightly bigger smile, and asahi’s face is red
you’re blushing too, but when he flashes you a small smile, you turn even redder
eventually you two settle and go to lunch
so, overall, the kiss is very comforting and soft
it isn’t very long, but it doesn’t border on a peck, but you know that it didn’t cut your breath off too much 
it wasn’t very confident, but due to the softness, it was very clean (again, for lack of a better word)
10/10, softest kiss with the softest boi
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Nishinoya Yuu
let’s get one thing straight
this boy is whipped for you and everyone knows it
and it’s all due to your personality
so your appearance probably wouldn’t matter much to him
someone kind, chivalrous and very intelligent is who i think he’d go for
otherwise, the kiss would probably happen, yet again
seriously though, whether it was a practice game or not, doesn’t matter.
i imagine that karasuno is at training camp 
(and we’ll just pretend that things worked out better for them in the games) 
either way, they are in the second set
they’re riding a deuce, back and forth
tension is high, the players are starting to lose momentum.
the team managers (including you) overlooking the match are on the edges of their seats. 
it isn’t until karasuno snags two back-to-back points that tensions drop and the crows start a small celebration
unlike yaku’s though, this is an immediate reaction from noya
he runs off the court and to the bench where he jumps at you and just
BIG romantic gesture, of course
the kiss was very messy and excitable
just like your upbeat libero! 
but it still held a lot of meaning for the both of you 
while daichi is trying not to scream, the rest of the team is either watching in disgust, jealousy, or are ‘awwing’ at the situation
(let’s be honest, though - daichi would silently be cheering you and noya on, he just has to keep up the captain responsibilities,y’know?) 
it was fast, full of (accidental) teeth, and a little messy, but it was very loving and passionate
and he didn’t want to let go
whenever you tried to pull away he’d giggle a little and pull you back in
it’d take daichi or coach ukai to pry him off you 
and they’d be a little angry
but who can be completely angry when the second-year’s ‘it’ couple just had a romantic breakthrough? 
anyway, it’d leave you flustered and just 
reader.exe has stopped working
but you enjoyed it and noya couldn’t wipe the smile off his face for the rest of the day
general summary: unintentionally rough, but very passionate and very excited (if you know what I mean - nothing naughty)
more messy than the both of you thought, but it was perfect for the moment
ok, but like seriously- 
he’d be an amazing boyfriend, change my mind-
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Ryuunosuke Tanaka
let’s kickstart this with his s/o
very feminine, but also very brash 
someone that knows what they’re worth but isn’t afraid to be a little (again) ‘feminine’ 
possibly another athlete
maybe a volleyball player...? *wink wink*
this is gonna sound horrible but
i can’t picture him OR noya having their first kiss unless it’s at a volleyball game
like, it’s not as if they go anywhere else, they just seem like the sports-kiss kinda people
heres the twist 
HE is watching YOU play this time
being the ace of your team, the pressure is on when your team is struggling to keep the points up in the third set
it’s a literal game of back and forth, and you’re about ready to lose your shit
but you need to remain calm or else the team morale will drop
you’ve been pushing, but after the rotation, things have been going worse than before
tanaka is watching all of this go down with the rest of the boys volleyball club 
and while everyone (excluding tsukishima) is stressed, tanaka is BY FAR the one stressing the most
his baby and their team are losing rapidly at this point
c’mON gET thE ROtAtiON sO MY BabY CaN GeT THe PoINt! 
is what he’s thinking, though he knows that’s not going to work 
(i mean, maybe it would. if he thinks that thought hard enough-)
either way, the other team calls a time out, and while they are elaborating on what to do
tanaka shouts from the stands 
and that little (pfFT WHO ARE WE KIDDING-) action gave you the hope to continue the game
when the game starts back up, everyone is back on track and scoring point after point. 
it’s starting to scare the living crap out of your opponents
but the boys watching the game are rooting even louder
as the game comes to an end, and your team is only one point away from the total win
you spike the ball, and the opposing players freeze
EASILY one of your most powerful spikes 
and EASILY the action that leads to tanaka trying to prevent himself from running away right then and there
(though he was failing physically, daichi was holding him back by his jacket lol)
as your team lined up and left, that was when tanaka had the overwhelming urge to tackle you 
(he didn’t, which you’ll see later, but you found the thought endearing after he told you)
your team is gone, the Karasuno boys team is getting ready to leave
(daichi is still holding tanaka back) 
when some of the boys are gone and your team is starting to load themselves into their vehicles, you spot tanaka
you signal that you are gonna go to your teammate
“go for it! i can wait, y/n.”
when you walk over there, you thank daichi and hug tanaka
the hug triggers tears
(”you did so well i-”) 
but like, seriously, imagine the inspiration and pure joy he feels - who wouldn’t be crying?
when you realize this you pull away
THIS moment is when he takes his chance
he cups your face when you two pull apart from the hug and just kisses you 
passionate, messy, emotional
that and so much more
it is made up of things that can’t be put into words
when you pull away, you two are both super giggly
and hesitant to leave each other
so you spring the suggestion that he joins your team for the celebratory dinner 
(he agrees) 
anyway, the kiss is very much him
very brash, but very emotional, and very proud (in a good way) 
10 out of 10, would recommend tanaka kisses
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Chikara Ennoshita
now, this man does not get enough love
and i want to provide for you ennoshita fans
that being said, his girlfriend is most likely someone close to him
laid-back, intelligent, and carrying an amount of grounded energy 
you two would probably even be in the same class 
(this boy is smart, okay? i feel like he’d be drawn to his s/o’s intelligence)
that being said, the place where the kiss would happen? 
ok, get this - study session
the one where he is tutoring noya and tanaka at tanaka’s house
but after that 
think ‘hey, i’m hungry - you wanna get some food?’ ‘oh god, please-’ 
over ramen after a study session
you two had just helped those two lovable knuckleheads with their studies
it was chaotic, it was draining, and you were barely thriving
though you did enjoy tutoring 
and ennoshita found that slightly odd
but endearing 
and it made him silently gush 
‘holy- s/o is an angel. how did i get a literal angel.’
the two of you were making small talk, and discussing the upcoming exams
questions that revolved around arranging study dates and how you think you’d do 
no doubt that the both of you were gonna do well, it just happened to come up 
and allow the both of you to hype each other up just a little bit
just very calmly
either way, you two had discovered something that
you were hungry
your stomach growled on the walk to your house, and while you were slightly embarassed, ennoshita was gushing at your reaction
he had immediately decided to make a detour
“you can’t go home hungry, s/o. i’ll get you some ramen.” 
you were blushing, but you were aware of the fact that your parents wouldn’t want to see you cooking something at 11 pm
you two ran to coach ukai’s shop and, while he was very wary since it was near closing, he shrugged it off
(you two didn’t know it, but he always found you two perfect for each other. he found your relationship adorable, and he left you two to your own business because of that)
you two grabbed some ramen, ennoshita paid (much to your mild chagrin), and you two waved goodbye and left for your house again
eventually, you two decided to settle on a bench after eating and walking became a chore
it was then that ennoshita was able to truly relax
and observe you 
and see your adorable chipmunk cheeks as you were eating
and he just knew
he knew that this was the night that he was waiting for 
when you were finished with your ramen and stood up to throw it away, he grabbed your wrist
very light, very feather-like, but it was firm in a metaphorical sense
you could tell he was waiting for something so you stopped
“what’s going on?” 
he simply stood up and cupped your cheek
and he kissed you
it was soft, it was gentle
with it being under the starry night sky, too - oh my the both of you were in awe 
easily an ironically romantic situation when you stop and consider that it was you dropping an empty cup of ramen on the concrete
you were reaching up to wrap your arms around his neck
and once you did, the cup fell and the two of you pulled away 
you both peeked down at the ground before chuckling a little and pecking each other on the lips 
to conclude: romantic, romantic, r o m a n t i c
this boy is so gentle, so sweet, and so loving and honestly- 
the kiss was too 
no other words for it except ‘slightly ridiculous’ and ‘beautiful’
242 notes · View notes
Hell and Back Pt. 2
Peter Parker x bisexual!reader
Peter Parker x fem!reader
Peter Parker x black!reader 
Peter Parker x villain!reader 
Warnings: Language, hospital mentions, mentions of drug abuse, allusions to suicide, allusion to self harm, self deprecating thoughts, a gun, mentions of knives, mentions of the dead, anxiety, signs of abuse, abusive and toxic relationships, and fainting.
Word Count: 6.1k 
Songs: Pleaser-Wallows, 505-Artic Monkeys, Sweater Weather- The Neighborhood, Daddy Issues- The Neighborhood, Paper Planes- M.I.A, We come running- Youngblood Hawke, Young dumb and broke- Khalid, Do I wanna know- Artic Monkeys, Break the Rules- Charli XCX
“I smiled, I know as much as we get into petty arguments or try to annoy each other on purpose but I’d go to hell and back for those girls. And that’s exactly what I was going to do.” 
A/N: There might be some typos and grammatical errors sorry for those, I you want to be added to the Taglist just message me about or comment it. I’ll have a google form for it soon. 
Series Masterlist   Previous Part   Next Part
When I saw my little sisters, that all went away. Sure I still called them a lot but nothing could compare to actually seeing them in person. Sapphire launched herself into my arms and I stumbled back a bit.
“I missed you too,” I said.
I hugged Aaliyah too. When I entered the apartment I heard voices. My dad’s and some feminine voice. 
I walked in to find some woman who couldn't be older than 25 in my kitchen. Talking and laughing with my dad. I didn’t want to assume anything or start a scene so I just went into my room to catch up with my sisters. 
We were talking about some kid who gave me a DMT pen once and I was tripping balls which I probably shouldn’t be talking about, but I want them to feel comfortable enough to come to me. Makes it easier to keep them safe. 
Our dad opened the door and hung in the doorway.
“Hey… Y/N do you mind coming here for a sec?”
“Yeah sure…” 
I stepped out of the room. 
“Is something wrong?” It wasn’t often that he initiated a conversation that would end positively.
“No,no, not at all, I just want you to meet someone,” 
When I entered the kitchen the same woman from before was still there. My dad walked over to her and wrapped his arm around her shoulders. 
“This is my girlfriend, Camilla” 
I knew it . I knew it! I was trying not to be hostile toward her every problem I had was towards my dad so I smiled and waved to her.
“Camilla this is Y/N,” he pointed to me. 
“Well I’ll let y’all get acquainted,” He said before leaving the room.
I sat on the kitchen island and waited for her to say something first. 
“Look, I would just like to put it out there that I’m not trying to replace your mom in anyway.”
“Thanks I appreciate it,” 
“Also, are you okay now?” She asked in a low voice.
“Huh?” I questioned.
“Your dad said you ran away,” Of course he did “and I saw the news with your school at the Washington Monument.” So I guess she knew more about me then expected. Not surprised she was the one to ask me and not my so called dad.  
“Thanks for your concern but I’m fine, and sorry to cut this conversation short but I’m drained.” 
“Oh, okay, have a nice night,” 
“You, too,” 
I didn’t have time to think about anything. I just made it back to my room and face planted onto my bed. My whole being was sore including my brain. I didn’t have the energy to change my clothes, to shower, to think about my dad being a pathological liar or anything else that happened today.
I was awoken by my dad. I didn't know how long I slept but the sun was out. I can’t remember the last time I was able to sleep while the sun was up. 
“Hey we’re going out, for family bonding and I want you there with us,”
We ain’t ever been a family before why start now. Is what I really wanted to say but I sucked it up because again I hadn’t seen my sisters in a while. 
The movie was really boring. If we’re being honest. 
I pulled Aaliyah and Sapphire aside as my dad and Camilla were deep in conversation. 
“You know how I was staying at Wade’s house right?” 
They both nodded.
“What did dad tell you about this,” 
Sapphire just shrugged and Aaliyah was the one to post.
“I dunno he didn’t say much like usual he just kinda said you just left,” 
I felt my jaw tightening as I processed her words, my fist clenching by my side. 
“Oh, oh okay,” I breathed in through my nose and out through my mouth a couple times “Well I just want you to know I’d never leave y’all without a very good reason, and I never won’t come back,” 
By the time we got back to the house it was around twelve since we watched another movie and went to a restaurant. Then got ice cream. This is the most money my dad could’ve possibly spent on me in a long time. I mean he didn’t because I didn’t get anything and bought my own ticket. I didn’t want him to be able to use the fact he bought me stuff against me. I’d gotten tired of the “after I’ll I’ve done for you,” excuse. 
I couldn’t sleep. No matter what I tried I couldn’t sleep. I tried NyQuil, melatonin, and even tea. The tea really did more harm than good. 
This was an extremely stupid thing to do so don’t follow my lead but I was bored. 
I grabbed a lot of useless shit from the floor of my room and made my way to the roof. I poured hand sanitizer on it and set it on fire. Putting aside the fact that it was really weird the fire was oddly beautiful. I sat there watching it for a minute before stomping it out. 
I was going to text my friend Carmen but I realized she was supposed to be asleep and I didn’t want to get her in trouble. 
I ended up scrolling through Zillow for a while then that turned into me applying for like four jobs. In which turned into me making spamming multiple friends saying we needed to hang out.
While I was on Zillow there was a relatively cheap apartment in Queens. Which was close to my school. It kept drawing me in for some reason. I bookmarked the tab.
Before I knew it the sun was up. I figured if I couldn’t sleep I would go on a walk to the park. 
When I got back to the complex everyone was still asleep except my dad who walked outside like he was waiting on me. He grabbed my arm, squeezing it tightly. 
He basically told me I looked like a prostitute. I was running so my sports bra and leggings were actually pretty appropriate. He said that I was probably going out to fuck people and that’s where I always was. I opened my mouth to defend myself.
“Actually I was just going to the-“ I was cut off by a sharp sting on my cheek. 
He fucking slapped me. Hard at that. He then grabbed my arm even tighter than before dragging me into the house.
 I don’t know what hurt worse my face or that fact that I wouldn’t be able to blame him being drunk on all the times he’d hit me before. He was just an ass.
  By the time I made it back to my room it felt like my body was burning itself from the inside out. My face was red and so was my arm from my elbow to almost my wrist. To try to cool myself down I took a cold shower and took some Tylenol. 
I still couldn’t sleep but tonight it was because it was so hot. I really needed a fan in my room. It was already 6 so I just decided to get a head start at the school. Not without taking pictures of my bruises before covering them with green concealer and foundation. I wore a hoodie for good measure. 
I felt dizzy and decided it was probably best not to skate at the moment and I’m 90% sure I fell asleep on the subway.  Apparently we had an art project due which I had no idea existed in the first place so I wasn’t going to that class today. Even though I did truly love Ms. Kramer. I was just gonna skip and go to Bri’s class. Which just happened to be chemistry. 
I wasn’t surprised Mr. Cobwell asked no question when I walked in. I ate lunch in his class a couple times, he was chill. He continued on talking about Quantum Theory. 
I made Flash move from his seat next to Bri which he immediately did. I guess he was scared of me now. 
“Hey,” I said, placing my non bruised side of my face on the desk.
“Hey,” She whispered back. “What class are you supposed to be in?” 
“Why are you there? You love art,” 
“I’m not feeling it today,” 
“Alright,” she nodded.
“Lemme use your AirPods,” 
She reached into her bag handing them over going back to taking notes. That didn’t last long.
“What ya watching?” She asked.
“Bad Girls Club,” I smiled knowing she liked this show. 
“What season?” 
“7,” I whispered because now I felt too weak to waste my energy on speaking. I placed the phone on my lap and she took the other AirPod and before I knew I class was over with Tasha throwing trash everywhere.
I figured I was feeling sick because my blood sugar was low or something so I drank some Apple juice at lunch and called it a day.
Now time for Physics. I hate physics. Why would science ever require so much math? 
It was so hot. Like on the face of the sun, hot but I couldn’t take my hoodie off because I felt like I’d sweat my foundation off. 
“Are you okay?” Peter asked me “You look pale,” I swear if he doesn’t learn to mind his business.
“I’m fine,” I told him, not sure if I was trying to convince him or myself, I gestured to his notebook. “Do your work,” 
“Alright fine,” he said reluctantly, glancing at me once before getting back to writing whatever we were supposed to be doing down.
 I pulled my hoodie back over my head and sat up in my seat about to try to do my work again. But it was so hot and I was so dizzy that I couldn’t focus.
The world began to swirl and I knew the switch in my brain was going to flip off. I just didn’t have time or enough energy to tell anyone. 
When I woke up I was in a bed in the nurse's office and the first thing I noticed was I didn’t have my hoodie. Shit. I used to make fun of people for passing out because how does your own body clock out on you? Until it started happening to me like last year. 
I went into the bathroom and sure enough the giant bruise on my cheek and arm were kinda visible. 
Again shit.
I patted my forehead with a cold paper towel because the nurse’s bathroom actually had paper towels unlike all the others, before the nurse came back. 
“Hello, Are you feeling okay?” 
I nodded. She smiled down at me before giving me water and checking my temperature. 
“You have a fever,” she said after looking down at the thermometer “We called dad to come and pick you up but we got no answer. Is there anyone else that can come and take you?” 
I shook my head, not trusting my voice. 
I drank some more of the water before speaking up. 
“I have a friend who’s at this school she could maybe drop me off?” 
“I’m not sure if that’s allowed,” she said. 
“You know what? Go back to class, get your friend and come right back.”
I pushed off the bed and headed out of the nurses office surprised to find Peter sitting on the bench outside it. 
“Are you okay?” He asked me again 
“Yes I’m okay” I nodded. Apparently I wasn’t as okay as I thought because I almost tripped over my leg trying to move. But Peter immediately reached his hand out to stabilize me. And I don’t know why that made me as angry as it was but I said “I don’t need you to help,” harsher than I need to. 
“Sorry,” I said calmly almost immediately after. 
“It’s okay,” He said scratching the back of his neck.
“If you don’t mind me asking where’d these bruises come from,” 
“I fell,” was all I said. He looked skeptical but that was all he was going to get, I didn’t need CPS all up in my business. That’s also payback for him lying to me about “cat scratches”. 
“Can you do me a favor?” I asked.
“Yeah, anything,” he said. 
“Can you go get Briana from Mr. Dell’s class for me?” 
“Yeah I’ll be right back,” he said before sprinting down the hallway. I giggled at his giddiness. It was still extremely hot everywhere my body was tingling. 
Bri ran towards me 
“Oh my god are you okay,” 
“I’m fine, I just need you to talk to the nurse with me real quick,” 
She apparently didn’t have her car with her today so she was a no go. 
“I’m sorry girl,” she said, pulling me into a hug. 
“It’s okay, go back to class now,” I said.
“Alright feel better,”
I walked back out of the office to find none other than Peter still waiting there.
“So what happened?” He asked.
“Looks like I’m walking home,” I smiled sarcastically. “Yay,”
“I can walk you home,”
“No, thank you” 
“I insist,” I laughed again 
“I still think that word is funny,” I said.
“Okay, now let me walk you home,” 
We were walking in no general direction. No one but MJ and Bri know my address and  I’d like  to keep it that way. 
“Wait, you need food,” He claimed.
We ended up at this place called Delmar’s Deli. I’d passed it a couple times while walking home and during my less legal “hobby”. I really wasn’t hungry at all. I took all of like two bites from my sandwich claiming I’d take it to go before throwing it away. It wasn’t bad, it was quite good, actually I just wasn’t hungry. 
“My aunt is a nurse at an emergency room, she can check you out,” I hate anything that's anything like a hospital at all brings terrible memories, but I didn’t want him to know where I lived so I agreed. I’d ditch him then.  
It took us a while to get there but by the time we did I had to stop and catch my breath. He offered to walk me home and got me food. What a Spiderman thing to do. I’d say I had much solid proof to go on by now.  
“Peter!” The gorgeous brunette woman came over to the waiting room “What are you doing here don’t you have school?” 
“Yeah but my friend-“ When her eyes ghosted over to my face she cut herself off. “Oh my God are you okay,” she referred to my bruises “What happened to you?” 
“Did Flash do this to her?” She asked Peter and I had to stifle a laugh at that. I wish he would try to lay a finger on me. 
“No, she just told me she fell, we’re here cause she fainted and I don’t know if the school nurse is very capable of actually helping,” 
Is this a new thing Peter just decides to randomly worry about me for no good reason and forces me into taking care of myself. Because I hate it. 
“Oh, ok,” She nodded her head. “Grab one of those questionnaires over there,” She pointed to the sign in table. “Are your parents going to come too?” She asked and I shook my head. 
She and Peter moved over to the side and started talking about something I had no interest in. I grabbed the questionnaire and sat on the edge of the closest seat.  
1. What’s your age?
That’s easy 15.
2. Specify your race 
African American of course.
3. Select your highest level of education
Some high school
4. What’s your marital status? 
Single never married. Unless you count that un-ordained wedding I once had.
5. Specify your employment status
A student. 
6. Have you ever been treated in an emergency room (specify age)? 
Yes, as a child. 
7. Have you ever been rushed to the hospital? If yes, do you remember why?
Okay wow. Yes. 
I sat on the cold bathroom floor, vision blurry from tears forming in my eyes. 
“Y/N, you okay in there?” I heard my brother ask after lightly rapping his fingers on the door. 
“Yeah, I’m okay!” 
No I wasn’t. I wasn’t okay at all. In fact I was the farthest thing from okay. I glanced down at my thighs, you could see cuts from the night before and scars peeking out from underneath my shorts. I was sobbing at this point. 
“I’m so sorry,” I whispered. I wasn’t sure if it was for myself or to everyone I knew I’d hurt by this. I already had the headache. I was just waiting for the rest of the pills to kick in. 
I was holding onto the sink for support when the left side of my body started to feel tingly. The whole situation felt hazy. I was shaking hard before I fell, taking almost everything on the sink with me. 
My head hit the bathmat and I could feel my heart slowing and hear my breath become shallow. I heard the doorknob jingle and that was the last thing before a feeling of true bliss and peace took over my body. 
I could hear screams and sirens and I knew I was in an ambulance. Slowly I awoke with wires all over my body and an IV in my wrist. My limbs were dead weight, I couldn’t move. 
A single tear fell from my eye alerting me off my surroundings. I quickly came back to myself. I made up the excuse of a family emergency and left.
I ended up halfway across the city. Then in Brooklyn visiting a friend. 
I knocked on the window of Aaron’s apartment. I could see Miles sitting on the couch.
“How’ve things been over here?” I asked once I was settled on the couch as well. 
“Uh, pretty tame, and you?” 
“There was that whole elevator stunt and I almost fucking died which was fun.” 
“Forgot you never take anything seriously,” He rolled his eyes. 
I laughed in response “Well one of us has got to be fun for us since it’s clearly not you,” 
“In celebration of me not dying I’m making sundaes,” 
“Alright,” He said leaning back on the couch. 
“Hey uh, When’s Aaron coming back?” I asked, getting the whipped cream out of the fridge.
“I’m not sure,” 
This is actually like really fucking dangerous. Like it could kill me. It’s just I was already in pain and had a headache. I also wasn’t thinking. I’d already made the sundaes. I turned around so Miles couldn’t see what I was doing before I- Okay I’m not going to do this. Get it together God you’re acting like an addict. The amount of people who’ve died from inhalants were insane. There it is again death. 
“Drawn anything new lately?” I asked, wanting to get my mind off of the topic of death that seemed to be plaguing my brain lately.  
“Some small sketches,”
I got the text that’d I been waiting for. I’d been talking to Aaron for the past few days. I’m not sure how Miles would feel about that. So I haven’t said anything. 
But I got the text. 
Staten Island Ferry 3pm
I immediately popped up from the couch.
“I have to go like right now, it’s an emergency,” 
I sprinted towards the door almost running into the punching bag in front of me. 
It’d been a week and things were looking up. I had a great day yesterday without the use of any drug. But nothing good ever lasts too long. I didn’t have to worry about that now. What I needed to worry about, was getting Peter to stop falling on his ass. 
I tried not to laugh at him and failed. 
“It’s not funny,” he said, pulling me down with him as I reached out to pull him up. Soon he was laughing too. 
I felt a vibration in my pocket and saw that Aaron texted me. 
hey the results from the search came in.
what???? don’t play with me I’m on my way right now. 
“Uh hey I gotta go sorry,” 
“No it’s fine I probably should get home too,” He pushed off the ground reaching down for me. 
“Do you wanna do this again tomorrow?” He asked a hopeful glint in his eye once we were both on our feet.
“Yeah sounds nice,” I smiled.
“Okay,” He nodded.
“Okay,” I echoed heading off. 
Ned was being fucking stupid.
“NO!” I slammed my hands down on the table “You don’t stab anyone especially if you plan on using bleach to clean up the blood. At least use vinegar and lemon,”
“Okay, jeez,” he said reeling back, “How would you do it then?” 
Before I could say anything MJ spoke up
“You could just use a needle full of air in between their toes, Their heart would fail” 
“Orrr,” I said spinning around on top of the table towards Ned. “You could overdose them on potassium and by the time the police get there the potassium in their blood is back at a normal level,” 
“Yeah that works too,” MJ stated going back to whatever she was drawing.
“You guys scare me,” Ned muttered making me smile. 
“Where’s Peter?” I asked and Ned pointed across the room. 
There he was sitting by Liz. It was cute I knew about his little crush on her. I’m sure the whole school did. Glad it’s working out for him. However that did not stop the pain in my stomach. 
I got up from the table because suddenly I did not want to be at school anymore. 
“Where are you going?” MJ looked up at me.
I shrugged. In all honesty I had no I idea where I was going. Somehow I always end up at Wade’s house when I don’t know where I want to go. He wasn’t home but I had a key. I can’t remember if he gave it to me or I stole if we're being honest. 
Clearly I hadn’t passed by a mirror in a while because damn. I look terrible. 
My eyes were red and circled with a dark hue from lack of sleep. I still had a yellowing bruise on my cheek. I was pale. I looked to be on the verge of death. 
I looked frail, like at any second I’d just fall apart. 
It was so unfair. My bones dragged down my body. The pieces of my soul that were mined out and removed from my mind. There’s a hole leaving me forever longing and I cannot fill nor feel. Hiraeth, a beautiful word for a ugly feeling. longing for a home that I never truly had, a home in which I’d never return. I would like to drift to where my spirit lies. It’s in the eyes of you and me and everyone in between. Drifting on a small boat in the sea. Viridian. Yes! That's the place I would like to be, that's where my soul lies yes you see.
 I kept punching his punching bag over and over again. Until I was on my back on the floor begging my lungs to allow air into them with Time (Is) by Solange playing on loop. Something put it into my head that I had to kill Vulture. I’d never directly killed anyone but that was gonna change. Having people killed or knowing someone was going to kill someone and not doing anything about isn’t killing anyone in my book, but I’m sure it would be in Spidey’s
That’s literally Liz’s dad though…
Okay maybe I’d just get him locked up. Great now I gotta be a snitch. That’s new. I showered not even caring about my hair now my curls were sticking to my face. I was freezing now though. I didn’t know whether to be glad that my body wasn’t on fire anymore or be upset that I was covered in goosebumps. 
Wade’s laptop was sitting right there on his bed. I was only taking a shower but, I think I should be allowed to watch Netflix and he wouldn’t mind, I was already on his account anways. 
After like 3 episodes into this random show there was a folder that was calling to me for some reason. 
It’d be okay to take a sneak peek. I thought to myself. 
I clicked on it and it was locked. I guessed the password in like three tries. He’s really gotta up his password game. It opened to multiple folders, one with my mom's name. Okay I had to click this then. 
I opened it which opened to more folders one titled ‘In Case of My Death’. 
Okay, okay cool my mother has had a video of what to do all if she died all along. This would’ve come in handy five years ago. 
There were three videos with the names of myself and my sisters. I clicked on mine then paused it. 
Then unpaused it again. 
I couldn’t do it. Okay, yes I could. I played it again. As soon as I heard the beginning of the word “hi”. I shut the computer off. I couldn’t do this. Couldn't do it because I was weak, I couldn’t handle myself. I was stupid and weak and a fucking disappointment. Guess my dad had been right all these years. I knew there was always some truth to the words he spoke only a matter of time until I started acknowledging it. 
I don’t remember coming home to the apartment. And I definitely don’t remember writing all over the walls of my dad’s room. But I had a marker in my hands and it looked like a toddler had gone to town. 
Holy Shit 
He was actually going to murder me, in cold fucking blood.  I trashed, the living room area, his room, and then mine. I was not coming home tonight. Looks like I’d need to find a new home now. At this point that sounded like a pretty solid plan. 
I text my sisters a quick text ‘stay at grandma’s house tonight dad is going to pissed like Super Sayian mode’ before grabbing my go-bag which was: a bag of the essentials, like hygiene a couple shirts, shorts, hoodies, pants, and of course the flash drive can't forget the flash drive. 
The flash drive that’s driving me crazy. I’d yet to open it though.  I knew I was crazy because I did all this while fucking sobbing.
I wandered around for hours. Making my way to Brooklyn, Manhattan, Harlem, AND actual New York City.  
Somehow I still ended up at Olivia’s door at the end of the day. I honestly believe we were soulmates. Most people don’t know you get many soulmates in a lifetime. I think Olivia and I would be the karmic kind. A karmic relationship is meant to help you grow, but it is never meant to last—it's often playing out a bad experience from a past life. I’m guessing I hadn’t grown yet because here I was.
She opened the door after a second. I’m surprised she did because I used our special knock so I knew she knew it was me. 
“I can’t fucking do this anymore,” I screamed in her face. 
“You're the one going off and being secretive and shit, like you’re scared I’m gonna hurt you or something,” she yelled walking up the stairs. 
I followed after her, 
“Maybe you would hurt me. I don’t know you are insane,” I said, tears brimming my eyes. 
“Just because you have fucking daddy issues, doesn’t mean you have to carrying them into every part of your life,” 
“I have daddy issues?” I screamed soon turning into me choking on a laugh making an unhinged noise “Oh, I have fucking daddy issues, now? Oh, okay,” I nodded. 
“Your parents didn’t even fucking want you,” I pointed at her. “At least my mom stuck around before she died,” 
“You’re an asshole, you know that?” 
“Yeah well right back at you,” 
“You’re fucking psychotic! Literally you’re so much like your dad and you don’t even know it, You’re trying to please him and he doesn’t give two shits about you, Wake up Y/N! Wake up.” 
“I’m hard on you because I love you so much,” She claimed, but her love was suffocating. 
“Oh yeah? I asked “Well i don’t know how much more of this ’love’ I can take,” 
“Fine then,” She screamed. 
“Fine,” I said before she slammed the door in my face leaving me standing out in the cold crying. 
That wasn’t even the worse we’d said to each other. It was the first but not the last time we’d break up either. I do believe we loved each other though in our own twisted way. Well at least I know I loved her. 
“Hey,” She said softly as she could sense I was due to break at any second. My cheeks were probably tear stained. 
“Hey,” I whispered back. 
“Are you okay?” She asked. 
“No,” I shook my head. One thing I liked about her is I didn’t have to fake it around her, because masking my real emotions was so draining. At least I didn’t have to do it with everyone. 
“Wanna talk about it?” 
“Okay,” she said softly “My parents aren’t home, so you don’t have to worry about them,” not surprised. 
I nodded before she grabbed my hand bringing me inside.
“I missed you,” she said stroking my hair as I laid on her bed, my head in her lap. 
“I missed you too,” I wasn’t lying my head drifted to her from time to time. It wasn’t that I wanted to get back together I just missed her presence.  
She smiled sadly at me running her finger over the bags on my eyes. 
“Heavy is the head that wears the crown,” She quotes.
“Yeah well, ’m not queen or princess and definitely don’t have a crown, so we don’t gotta worry ‘bout me,” I said. 
“You’re a princess to me,” I gave a genuine yet tired smile at that.
“You can go to sleep, it’s okay,” She said.
That was the first time I was actually able to fall asleep and without medicine or having to go on a walk or do anything really. 
I woke up in the bed alone only to find Olivia sitting at her kitchen island eating spaghetti. 
She smiled when she saw me coming into view. 
“Sleep well?” She asked.
“Yeah surprisingly,” How long had I been asleep for I wondered.
“It’s 10 pm,” She said, still being able to read me. 
I made my way over to her and sat across her.
“So what’s really going on with you miss Y/N?” She questioned. 
I shrugged “I don’t know, nothing,”
“Are you trying to convince me or yourself? Cause I’m not buying,” 
I explained to her how my dad was being weird and how I wanted to move out now. How I had pretty much vandalized the house. How I found the video of my mom. Just everything. Well maybe not everything I didn’t tell her about Vulture because I feel like she’d try to do something and I didn’t want her to get hurt. 
“Oh wow, damn... holy shit. Are you gonna watch your moms video?” She asked. Huh I hadn’t thought about that.
“I mean of course I will, yeah,” I nodded “Probably, I don’t know I’m scared,”  
“Wouldn’t you rather just push the fear back and watch then wonder the rest of your life what it says.” 
I sighed. Can't argue with that logic.
“I’m assuming you came here because you need a place to stay?” She said. 
“Yes, I need a place to stay just for a while but I don’t want it to seem like I’m just using you I can find somewhere else,” 
“Now it’s fine stay as long as you need but my dad gets back at the end of the month and we both know he doesn’t like you,” She chuckled at the last sentence and I laughed too. 
I was on the ferry heading towards Staten Island now. I knew the sale was for these weird alien shits but that's pretty much all I knew. I figured I’d sort of “out bid” the buyers then get rid of everything. By outbid I mean straight up steal. Some guy in a white pickup truck is officially my target. Thorn was still on hiatus. Meaning no knives unless you count the pocket knife I always had on me, no suit. I did have a trejo though, you know just in case. I couldn’t help my mind from drifting to Pop Smoke’s “I got it on me”. I let out a small laugh.  
I was hiding behind some car waiting for a crack in the plan to slip in. 
That was until Spiderman showed up. It’s like he had a sixth sense to ruin all of my plans. 
Well abort mission. Just as I started walking around to get to the side of the boat. The van I was next to had Vulture literally coming out of it. I knew it’d looked familiar. 
I made it up to the top deck looking down on everything unfolding. So a quick rundown,  the FBI was here, meaning Tony Stark or someone with government clearance probably did something because I highly doubt that Spiderman, the Spiderman that I’ve seen hit a window like a bird while swinging, had any government clearance. 
See now I was looking to find a good time to make my escape. That was until that purple alien shit started spewing stuff beams of light through the ship. And fuck, I look away for one second and the new Shocker guy was gone. I turned around and saw he was running in another direction. I chased after him the rubber of my sneakers squeaking on the deck. 
I jumped down onto Shocker’s back sending us both to the floor before he pushed me off. I was definitely going to be sore tomorrow and I’m pretty sure I heard something pull in my leg. 
He jumped off onto the Vulture and I knew I couldn’t do anything anymore. Not like I was just going to shoot them down in public. I saw the light shooting down the middle of the ferry. I was gonna make a run for it but the loud squeal noise was so loud I fell over. Soon I was slung back into what I think was a bench not entirely sure I just knew it hurt like a bitch. 
I’m pretty sure I feel unconscious for like 30 seconds. 
But that was enough because the boat had already split in half and I couldn’t get to the deck or a lifeboat. However Spider-Man was frantically trying to get it together. 
I was trying to be hopeful because everything was looking up, as the parts of the ship got closer together but I think we all know the saying ‘what goes up must come down’ 
Over the ringing in my head I could assume that things were fixed because people were cheering. One thing that comes from cheering is movement and if I learned anything from the elevator it’s that moving in a very unstable metal death box is not a good idea. 
The ship was falling apart again until it wasn’t. It was pushed back together by I could only assume would be our government clearance guy Tony Stark. I looked out the window and yep there he was. 
As soon as I got on solid ground I called my sisters.
“Hiii!” I exclaimed. “Where are you, are you okay?” 
“Yes we’re fine, and where at grandma’s house like you told us to go to where else would we be,” I could almost hear the eye roll in Liyah’s voice. 
“Okay little Miss attitude stay there until I can feel everything out with dad,” 
“Okay I love you guys,” I said, getting a small “love you too” from Sapphire. 
“I know,” was the response I got from Liyah. I almost gasped the audacity of this child. 
“Say it back,” 
“Say it back,” She mocked, evoking laughter from both sides of the call. 
“Okay love you too byeeee,” She said hanging up. 
I smiled, I know as much as we get into petty arguments or try to annoy each other on purpose but I’d go to hell and back for those girls. And that’s exactly what I was going to do.
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lifeisadoozy · 4 years
thanks for tagging @hecckyeah
are you named after someone? technically no. i'm named after the month. april. because my birthday's on april fool's day. and my dad thought a name was cool, so he used that name as my middle name.
last time you cried: yesterday. had some terrible cramps and i was just super tired.
do you have any kids? no. but i plan to. once i found myself a husband lol.
do you use sarcasm a lot? funny story...i used to have no idea what sarcasm is. like i know what it is, but i didn't know that there's a word to describe it. so then a friend of mine explained it to me and i was like 'oh! yeah i do that a lot.'
what's the first thing you notice about people? their attitude. which is probably weird. but the way they're standing or how they talk. kinda gives me a little bit of insight to who they are. but it's not always reliable. no first impressions really are. but other than that, it would probably be the way they're dressed? or their eyes.
eye color? black. but under the light or the sunshine it would be slightly dark brown.
scary movie or happy ending? dude. i can't watch horror movies. it keeps me up at night. so happy ending. for sure.
any special talent? umm. i can wiggle my ears? is that a talent? i can play the piano, guitar and uke, but that's normal. umm. i speak 3 different languages and 1 dialect. but a lot of people do too. so, not really?
what country were you born in? indonesia, born and raised til i was 11.
what are your hobbies? singing in the shower, playing the piano, guitar and uke, reading fanfics (obvi lol), listening to music and just doodle, paint, i love a good walk, watching youtube videos, usually i would find new shows to watch but i'm not in the mood for it lately, writing...i forgot about writing lol. i do that too.
do you have any pets? nope. i want one so bad!!
what sports do you play/have you played? NETBALL. lemme tell you, i love netball. i haven't played it in like 5 years, but i loved it! and i used to play touch rugby for my house at school. i love a good badminton game (though i'm no good at it). i still play table tennis. my grandpa was so good at table tennis. i wish i had his talent at it.
how tall are you? okay, so i have no idea how tall i am in feet and inches, so i'll tell you in metric: 154 cm. i am incredibly short.
favourite subject in school? i haven't gone to school school for over 4 years and classes in uni probably doesn't count. but from what i remember, i loved english language, english literature, music, drama, history, and business. i loved my biology class, but not the subject itself. and i hated math. couldn't do it, but i could teach it. which is weird. i guess i work well backwards? like from the answers i can get to the question.
dream job: when i was a kid, it was singer and actor (which is probably like other kids too cuz you watch and look up to celebrities). then it turned into a doctor (but then i realized i'd have to learn science and my brain went no❤️). then it became historian for a good year. but when i finished my IGCSE, it became a business woman. which turned into a psychologist throughout uni. technically, a psychologist who writes on the side. then that fell through. but the one thing that i really really love is interacting with kids. and my dream job since i was little, prior to the singer and actor phase, is to teach because that's what my mom did. so i guess little me knows what she's talking about, right? cuz now i'm pursuing that dream. wml.
and ta-da. that's me in a nutshell. and if you can't tell, i'm a rambler too. anyways, i'm tagging @sekretny13 @daisyspancakes @msalyasimmonsfitz @if-we-had-a-monkey and literally anyone who wants to do it. it's been fun💕
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the-sanders-sides · 4 years
bummed out birthdays and bad baking
a fic for roman’s birthday! the other sides seem to have forgotten roman’s birthday (again)  and roman is sad. but wait, all hope is not lost! it seems like someone does care about him!
2,115 words, platonic dlamp, hurt/comfort, cw for negative self talk and maggots. characters: roman, remus, virgil, patton, logan, janus, character thomas (mentioned)
Happy Birthday to me. Happy Birthday to me. Happy Birthday dear Roman. Happy Birthday to me. 
Roman blew out the single candle he placed on the cupcake he conjured for himself. He smiled bitterly. Another year, another day of disappointment. It was nearing the end of his birthday day, and the other sides still didn’t care. Why would they anyway? He hid himself away too much. He only talked to them when necessary, and when he did, he was a jerk, and they were rightfully jerks right back at him. Of course the other sides didn’t care about something as insignificant as Roman’s birthday.
“Ohhh, Roman!” Remus called rising into Roman’s room without knocking. Roman flinched seeing the other’s signature green. He put his cupcake down on the desk beside him and drew his sword in case there was a need to block an incoming mace. 
“Happy birthday, Remus,” Roman said coldly.  
“I got you a cake, Rom!” Remus said. He giggled as he held it out for Roman to take. Roman took the pink three tiered cake and set it down. He eyed it suspiciously, cut it in half with his sword and watched maggots squirm inside it. Roman turned around and held a hand to his mouth trying not to retch. His face crinkled in disgust.
“Mm, maggots, nice. You outdo yourself every year, Remus,” Roman cringed, grimacing. He painfully laughed as he turned around, using a hand to block the cake out of his field of view, but his attempts were fraught, because Remus was eating the cake with his hands and the disgusting creatures were writhing all over his brother. Roman's shoulders tensed, and he turned around again. This time, he actually felt a bit of vomit in his mouth that time. 
“Want some?” Remus asked.
“No thanks bro, you can have it all. I appreciate the thought.” Roman quickly conjured a normal strawberry cake for Remus and covered his eyes as he turned around to face his brother. 
“This is for you,” he said. Remus took the cake and set it down on the floor beside him. He smashed it with his mace and looked disgusted. 
“Is this strawberry? What the fuck, that’s disgusting. I think I’m gonna vomit. Oh god, I need to go to my room. Can I take the cake I made you?” 
“Please do!” Roman cried, and Remus did. Roman uncovered his eyes, and relaxed when he saw all that was left in his room was strawberry cake splatter. He snapped his fingers to make the mess of a cake disappear and picked up the cupcake he left on his desk. He couldn’t help but think of maggots crawling around in his treat. He gulped. Remus had really gotten to him this time. “I’ll enjoy this later. Better put it in the fridge,” Roman muttered. 
Finding his way to the side’s shared kitchen, Roman left his room and wandered through the hallways of the mindscape. As he approached the kitchen, he heard a few voices. His hand hovered over the doorknob as he listened. Eventually, he was able to make out who was there: Logan, Patton, Virgil, and Janus. 
“Patton, you’re gonna burn it again if you do that,” Logan said.
“Am not!” Patton rebutted. Virgil laughed. 
“You may be a dad, but your cooking skills are pretty- How do I say this gently?” Virgil asked. “They’re good. You’re good at cooking anything other than pasta,” Janus lied. Roman heard Patton huff, and his heart fell. 
Roman’s thoughts spiraled, as did his self-esteem. As he walked back to his room he pondered why the others would exclude him so. Why would they not invite him to a cooking night? They always cooked together! How long had they been doing this without him? Could they really not stand him? Was he not good enough? Would he ever be good enough? 
Roman sighed when he got to his door. He looked at the red, white, and gold decorations he had painstakingly painted years ago and scowled. He hated it. He hated his work and his creations. It looked so disgusting. He scrutinized the door, picking out and filing away in his mind every mistake he found. Every mistake made him feel worse, and he was enjoying this weird form of hurting himself. 
After enough of criticizing himself, Roman entered his room. He set his cupcake down on the same desk as before, sat down on the desk chair, and opened his journal which had been lying there. 
June 4th
No birthday wishes for me this year. Except for Remus of course, but he doesn’t count. It’s his birthday too. But that makes three in a row, I think. I know they stopped caring about me since I became a major jerk, and I haven’t been able to fix that, no matter how hard I try. I see my mistakes everywhere. My door is all messed up. I think I might get rid of it. There are other things I’d like to get rid of, but it’s a dangerous train of thought to go down. It’s strange being self-esteem and having a low one myself. I suppose that means Thomas’s is pretty low too. That’s… not something I like. But being him, I’m not going to get better until he does, and he’s not going to get better until I do. What a vicious cycle. 
A knock on Roman’s door startled him from his writing, and he quickly closed the journal and shoved it in a desk drawer. He got up and walked over the door. He took a deep breath and put on his happy face before opening the door. He was surprised to find Virgil on the other side.
“Hey Virge! What’s up?” Roman asked with a smile that didn’t quite reach his eyes. Virgil just rolled his eyes and walked inside. He sat on Roman’s spinny desk chair and spun around. 
“Cut the crap, Princey. Your place reeks of fear and… despair?” Virgil tapped his chin, “No, actually I think it’s disappointment.”  Roman closed the door and shook his head. 
“My dear brother brought me a cake of maggots. It was horrifying. It’s still a bit touching though,” Roman explained. He walked over to his bed, flopped backwards on it, and closed his eyes. Virgil hummed. “Is that feeling sense why you’re here?”
“Nah, I also got you something. Took ages to get Remus to conjure this and not have some gross trick,” Virgil said. Roman’s eyes shot open. 
“You got me something? What for?” 
“Don’t tell me you forgot your own birthday. That’d be a new low,” Virgil said. Roman’s face flushed. Virgil fished something out of his jacket pocket and threw it at Roman. It hit the prince right in the face and bounced off him onto the bed. Virgil winced as Roman yelped.
“Ow! Why did you think that was a good idea? Thomas isn’t exactly a sports star,” Roman complained. Virgil snickered. Roman picked up the mystery object and looked at it.
“Black lip-”
“Yeah, sorry the lipstick is black. I kept trying to get Remus to make it rainbow, but he could not make anything that bright and full of joy. So we settled on black, and I made sure it was normal.” Roman’s heart flooded with joy and he couldn’t help the big, real smile that appeared on his face. Someone cared. Someone really cared about him.
“You emo, don’t you dare apologize. I love it! Thank you so much!” Roman squealed. He got up and rushed over to Virgil and gave him a big hug. Virgil stiffened up, so Roman let go. 
“Yeah, yeah, whatever…” Roman poked the other side and grinned even more.
“You like me! Admit it!” Roman teased. Virgil crossed his arms. 
“I’m not saying anything! Anyway, can you help me with something in the kitchen?” 
“Yeah, sure! Lemme just put this on before we go,” Roman said, holding up the lipstick.  Virgil nodded, and Roman walked over to his vanity across the room and carefully watched the mirror as he applied the makeup. At the end, he smacked his lips together making a pop! noise and turned around. Virgil smiled.
“It suits you,” he said. Roman beamed.
“Of course it does. I make everything look good!” Roman declared. “C’mon, I’ll go help you in the kitchen now.”
The two left the room and walked side by side to the kitchen, but as the closer they got to the room, the more dread built up in Roman’s core. Sure, Virgil remembered and did something so unbelievably thoughtful for him, and Roman was forever thankful for it. Yet, the other sides had been baking without him. They always did that together. Or at least that’s what they had Roman think. He really was worthless if the others had to lie about baking without him to keep him happy. The pair got to the kitchen door, but Virgil stopped Roman before he went in.
“You sure you’re okay, Princey? I can feel waves of anxiety bounding off of you,” Virgil asked.
“Of course I am! What ever would I be upset about? You know what they say, nervousness and excitement is one in the same,” Roman feigned. He noticed his real smile had contorted itself into a fake smile and made sure to keep it up.
“I don’t believe you. You know it’s okay to feel bad, right?” Roman laughed. 
“Obviously! Even I’m not that stupid.” Virgil raised an eyebrow.
“So you think you’re stupid then. Just not ‘that’ stupid.” Roman rolled his eyes. 
“Virgil, there’s no need to worry about me. I know my own worth. I am the ego, after all,” Roman said. Before Virgil could continue this, he walked inside the kitchen and saw Janus, Patton, and Logan surrounded by multiple burned batches of brownies. 
“Oh sh-” 
“Virgil, you were supposed to keep him out of the kitchen until we gave the signal!”
“What’s going on? Why are you guys hiding things from me?” Roman asked. Janus shrugged.
“Uhh, surprise?” Patton said, picking up one of the brownie batches and handing it to Roman. Roman looked at the brownies that were still in the baking tray and saw the messy icing on them that read ‘Happy Birthday Roman! We love you!’ with a small doodle of a crown next to it. Roman’s fake smile dropped entirely and his mouth was agape in shock. 
“He doesn’t like it,” Virgil said dejectedly. 
“Like it… I- I,” Roman broke out into a grin, “I love it!” He set the brownies down on the counter across from him and engulfed the other sides into a big hug. He felt his eyes get teary and tried to blink them away, but he’d be lying if he said some tears didn’t end up on Janus’s cape. “T-Thank you. So much. I didn’t think…”
“You didn’t think we’d remember your birthday. We’ve forgotten in the past. It was quite awful of us, and we would like to apologize for it, as well as make up for it now,” Logan said. Roman nodded and pulled away from the hug. Everyone else followed and dispersed as well. 
“I know I’ve been a big jerk and I don’t deserve all this…”
“Falsehood. You have been rude or a jerk in the past, but we all have as well. Do you think we don’t deserve to be celebrated because of that?” Logan asked. 
“Obviously not, you guys are wonderful!” 
“See my point?” Roman’s eyes widened. 
“Oh. You guys think I’m wonderful?” Roman asked quietly. Patton enveloped Roman in another hug. 
“Of course we do kiddo!” Patton exclaimed. 
“You’re our hero,” Janus said. Roman closed his eyes and buried himself into Patton’s embrace. 
“Thank you. I love you all so much. Sometimes I forget it’s not a one-sided feeling. So, wanna eat the brownies?” Roman asked. 
“You might wanna conjure some. Who knows how edible those are,” Virgil muttered. 
“Nonsense! You all poured so much time into these. I’m going to eat them!” The five sides brought the tray of brownies to the dining table, sat down, and dug in. The kitchen that night was filled with laughter and cries of disgust asking how brownies could be messed up this badly. 
June 5th
So apparently I was wrong. I got birthday wishes this year from everyone. I woke up today after the little party we had in the kitchen feeling happy. I feel inspired and creative and good. And I think Thomas feels pretty good today as well. Maybe this will be our first step in healing. I sure don’t want this feeling to go away.
a/n: hope u enjoyed!! i liked writing it! it was wild writing a fic for roman and not leaving him sad at the end, but it’s his birthday and i needed to give him some joy :p (roman stans be like we hurt roman because we relate too hard)
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messrprcngs · 4 years
BASED ON the song dreams by dua lipa SUMMARY : robin knows that the likelihood of finding a girlfriend in a small town like hawkins is slim-to-none, and that any girl she likes is more likely to call her a creep than reciprocate her affections. robin knows this, and yet it doesn’t stop her from having romantic dreams about her friend y/n l/n, much to her dismay. PAIRING : robin buckley x female!reader WARNINGS : slight angst, cursing, plenty of pinning and longing. y’all should be used to this by now WORD COUNT : 2525 with lyrics, 2413 without lyrics A/N : i’ve had this in my drafts for so long and never finished it until now. also, for any nonbinary readers : i am so sorry that i have no oneshots that are explicitly gender neutral all the way through please forgive me i promise that i will make it up to you.
robin peaked out from scoops ahoy's kitchen to get a look at the line.
shit, she thought. there, third from the front, was y/n.
robin had known it was her as soon as she'd heard her tinkling laugh; she'd know that laugh anywhere. she'd been hoping against hope that it wasn't her, but apparently luck was not on her side today, because there was y/n in all her ethereal beauty.
she can’t be here today! not today! why today?
last night my fantasies became oh-so true you said you wanted me as much as i want you if i said it hadn't crossed my mind then oh baby, i'd be lying it just got complicated, i don't know what to do
seeing y/n in scoops ahoy wouldn’t have been so much of a problem if it wasn’t for the dream robin had had the previous night. the dream about her.
in the dream, y/n had told her that she was in love with her, despite what she knew everyone else would say about it, and that she wanted to be with her. really be with her, with all the mushy cheek kisses and hand-holding crap that robin typically hated. and dream-robin had been eating that shit up; boy, had she been eating it up.
robin had thought about y/n like that before, sure - would even go so far as to say that she had a crush on the girl - but had never felt for her as powerfully as she did in that dream. had never felt so full of hopeless longing for her that she was ready to burst. had never felt the way she’d felt for tammy thompson for anyone else since graduating.
she’d been unprepared, then, for the slew of emotions that startled her awake, and was even more unprepared to see y/n today. seeing her made things complicated - more complicated than they already were - and robin didn’t think she could handle that.
can i get it like that, that, that ? lemme know ‘cause i really like that, that, that when you go and i know it’s not real, but the way that i feel i just need to know ( know, know, know )
she knew so very well that it had just been a dream, that it wasn't real, and that y/n was the kind of girl that attracted - and was attracted to - guys. the kind of girl who didn’t like girls the way robin did.
but that didn’t stop robin from wanting her with the entirety of her being. she wanted someone as kind, as curious, as intelligent, as beautiful - both inside and out - as y/n was.
and even though it had been a dream, robin desperately wanted what y/n had said in that dream to have been true.
realizing that she had been staring, robin pulled her head out of sight quickly. god, she hoped no one had seen her staring, because what would they say about her then, if anyone’d seen her looking at y/n the way she had been? very unfriendly and anti-gay things, robin was sure of it.
falling against the wall next to the kitchen door, robin let herself replay the dream from the previous night in her head. god, it really had been a wonderful dream . . .
in my dreams you'd say you need me, believe me in my dreams you'd say you love me, say you'll never leave my dreams in my dreams
robin had been asleep for at least a good hour and a half when she heard the click, click, click on the glass of her bedroom window. her hearing was still fuzzy from sleep, but somehow she knew exactly what the sound that had woken her was.
she sat up and pushed her covers off with a grumble, eyes still half-lidded. her feet touched her bedroom floor, and in less than a second robin was standing in front of her window, which was funny, seeing as she didn’t recall taking any steps.
she rubbed the sleep from her eyes with her left hand so that she could properly see, while her right reached up to push the curtain to the side. robin blinked her eyes open when she was through and looked out into the darkness of the night. 
her eyes bugged out of her head when she saw y/n standing on the grass beneath her window, hand full of pebbles from the neighbors’ yard, sporting a smile that was somehow shy and devilish all in one.
she had clearly seen robin pull the curtain open, judging by the look on her face, but she didn’t seem to care enough to stop the next pebble - it hit robin’s window with a soft click.
cursing under her breath and not bothering to dwell on the fact that she was pretty sure y/n had no clue where she lived, robin pushed the window up as quietly as she could and stuck her head out to glare down at the girl below her.
"y/n?" robin whisper-shouted, trying her best not to wake up her parents. "what the hell are you doing here? it's 1:30 in the morning!" she hadn’t checked the time when she’d gotten out of bed, but somehow she knew that that was the correct time.
y/n just continued to grin up at her. the pebbles were no longer in her hand. y/n raised her eyebrows in a clear question, and robin felt something in her gut pulling her towards her closet.
she let it drag her there, and opened the closet door to find a rope ladder she didn’t remember having piled on the floor.
in the blink of an eye robin was back by the window, opening it all the way and throwing the rope ladder down to y/n. it was almost as if y/n hadn’t had to climb at all, because by robin’s next blink she was at the top of the rope ladder, grinning at her from outside.
“hey robin,” y/n said softly as she climbed though the window. her grin had softened now; she looked more like the y/n robin was used to. she found herself relaxing.
instead of greeting her as well, robin grumbled, “you didn’t answer my question.”
“what question?”
robin rolled her eyes. “the ‘what are you doing here?’ question, dingus,” she said.
“oh, that,” y/n replied. a tinkling laugh that sent shivers up robin’s spine followed. “i came here tonight to tell you something," she said, stepping closer.
robin gulped, and though she wanted to look down at the floor to avoid eye contact, it was like her eyes were glued to y/n; she was unable to take them off of her, no matter how hard she tried. she was frozen in place, with nothing to do but watch the pretty girl in front of her.
“o-oh?” she asked, voice catching in her throat. she mentally cursed herself and her inability to keep it cool.
“yeah,” came y/n’s reply, voice barely above a whisper. she was getting ever closer, though it was taking much longer than robin knew it should have; time was very, very wonky.
but then she blinked, and there was y/n, standing so close to her that they were sharing breath.
"and what is it you came to tell me, n/n?" robin sounded just as breathless as she felt. she glanced from y/n’s eyes down to her lips and back up again. "what's so important that you couldn't wait 'til tomorrow to tell me?"
y/n was silent for a long, drawn out moment, and a sick feeling began to gnaw  away at robin’s stomach. she knew that if y/n didn't tell her whatever it was soon, she probably never would, and she would miss out on something great.
“i came to tell you that i need you,” y/n breathed, and robin felt her head begin to spin.
robin was astonished. “what?” she croaked, voice catching on the vowel. she hadn’t been expecting y/n to say that. “what do you mean, you need me?”
“i mean exactly what i said. i need you robin.” robin’s eyes were frozen on y/n’s, and she watched as y/n’s gaze flickered down to her lips for a brief moment before meeting hers again. “i need you so, so much.”
“i don’t understand,” robin replied, and the thinness of her own voice surprised her. she was vaguely aware that head was beginning to hurt, too; a dull, barely-there throb at the base of her neck. y/n was blurring at the edges now, as if robin’s vision was sliding in and out of focus.
“i’m in love with you.”
robin sucked in a quick, sharp breath at that. her head was pounding now, and her blood was rushing in her ears. “i - what?”
y/n rolled her eyes. she would’ve looked exasperated if it wasn’t for the fond smirk that graced her lips. in a flash, y/n was standing impossibly closer, and robin had just enough time to wonder why her soft palm was cupping her cheek before she kissed her.
robin didn’t even remember closing her eyes, but the next thing she knew, light was exploding behind her eyelids, and a pleasant warm, fuzzy feeling was crawling it’s way up and settling itself in her belly. kissing y/n was nice. she tasted like lemon and cherry, and her lips were cool and soft against robin’s, which were warm and chapped.
just as robin was beginning to melt into the kiss, though, a loud crash sounded from somewhere down the hall from her room. robin jumped away from y/n, turning to stare at her closed door. her previously fuzzy eyesight had cleared up, and she could see her door in stunning clarity. it was almost too clear.
“i should probably go,” y/n said, and robin whipped back around to face her.
“what? why?”
“because i don’t want to get you in trouble with your parents for having a friend sneak over in the middle of the night, and i don’t want my parents figuring out i’m gone.”
robin knew that this was logical, but couldn’t stop herself from blurting out, “friend?”
y/n’s eyebrows drew together in confusion for a moment, and then a look of realization passed over her face and she laughed softly. “you think i meant we’re just friends, hmm?”
robin nodded dumbly. her vision was blurring at the edges again.
“i meant that that’s what they’ll think if they catch me in here. they’ll think we’re just friends. we’re not just friends, robin. i kissed you, after all, didn’t i?”
again, robin nodded. she blinked, once, twice, and then they were in front of her window. y/n crawled out onto her roof legs first, and when it was just her upper half that was left to go through the window, y/n propped herself up on the window sill with her elbows. “don’t i get a goodbye kiss?” she asked, and robin smiled.
she leaned down, and just as their lips brushed, robin was startled awake.
robin shuddered. fuck, that dream sent chills up her spine in the best possible way, even if parts of it hadn’t been at all realistic.
she wanted to be able to hold y/n like dream robin had. why couldn’t she hold y/n the way dream robin had?
because y/n doesn’t like girls, she answered herself, and robin sighed. the world was so unfair.
she was startled out of her thoughts upon hearing steve’s loud, overly cheerful voice greeting another very special customer.
“y/n!” she heard steve say. “what, couldn’t stay away from your favorite ice cream scooper?”
“oh yeah,” came y/n’s reply, “i love the little metal guy you use to scoop up people’s ice cream, steve. where is he?”
robin’s face split into a grin, and imagined steve’s cocky smile sliding right off his face, replaced by a straight mouth and narrowed eyes as clearly as if she were watching it happen.
“haha,” steve said humorlessly. “very funny.”
and there was that goddamn laugh again, light and beautiful. “i always am, steven.”
“don’t call me that,” he grumbled back. “just give me your damn order, y/n.”
robin didn’t have to listen to know what she would say; she had served y/n enough time to know her usual by heart.
it was quiet out front, save for the ceaseless mall-chatter, until steve said something that made robin’s stomach drop down into her feet.
“hey,” he said, and his voice was softer now than it normally was. “would you wanna, i dunno . . . go see a movie with me sometime?”
robin nearly choked on her own spit. was steve really asking y/n out?
it appeared that he was, and y/n was fucking laughing again, so fucking sweet and fucking perfect, and not fucking because of her. despite her gut telling her not to, robin peaked her head back out of the kitchen and watched, horrified, as y/n smiled her big, perfect smile at steve.
“what, you mean like on a date?” she asked, and her voice was as sweet as ever. as sick as robin felt, she couldn’t tear her eyes away from the nightmare that was playing out in front of her.
“yeah,” steve replied, looking down awkwardly at the ice cream he was holding. “if you wanna. you don’t . . . er, you don’t have to. you know - you know what, just forget i -”
y/n cut him off. “i’d be happy to go see a movie with you, steve.”
steve’s head snapped back up so fast that a pang shot through the back of robin’s neck. “really?” his voice jumped up an octave at the end. he cleared his throat. “i mean, cool. cool, cool, cool.”
though robin could hardly see his face from the angle she was at, she could just see one corner of his mouth turned up in a small smile, and felt a pang in her chest. y/n was making him so happy.
as if just remembering the ice cream he was holding, steve swore under his breath and handed it to y/n, then reached behind the counter and grabbed a pile of napkins, which he handed to her as well. she took them both gratefully, and while she may have imagined it, robin was sure that y/n had let her hand rest against steve’s for a second longer than was normal.
“thanks for the ice cream, stevie,” she said, eyes big an innocent.
“n-no problem, y/n.”
she smiled sweetly at him and waved. “bye, steve!”
“bye, y/n! see you - see you later!”
y/n turned and walked away from the counter, and robin watched her as she left the store, heart thumping heavily. she knew it. she knew it. she knew she had no chance with y/n. she had even less of a chance now that steve had asked her out. robin didn’t stand a chance against steve. she didn’t stand a chance against any boy that wanted to ask y/n out, really. because girls like y/n didn’t like girls the way that robin did.
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reds-self-ships · 3 years
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🔎 The Adventure of the Detection Club
Chapter 6: By The Book
Table of Contents & Trigger Warnings
Redford opened the rather well-worn looking ledger. “This is our current list of members, as up-to-date as yesterday morning, when I updated it ahead of Dexter being officially sworn in as a member. The check means that they’ve paid their dues for the month—which Harris Thomas unfortunately didn’t for several months in a row, as such he was expelled, and Dexter Collins was due to serve as his replacement.”
“I see,” said Ryunosuke. “So why did Dexter Collins get offered membership after Harris Thomas was expelled?”
“It’s a particular rule of our organisation; fully-paid membership is capped at seven members, per club constitution. Of course, we have honorary members, but they bear the name alone. Bit like an honorary degree. Just because you’re considered an honorary doctor doesn’t necessarily mean you can walk into a hospital grab a scalpel and set to work, you know?”
Redford quickly jotted down a list of the organisation’s members, and handed it over to Ryunosuke.
“Oh thank you. Let’s see here…”
Redford Ninate – President of the Detection Club
Christina Agatha – Vice President of the Detection Club
Arthur Conan Doyle
Dexter Collins – Most recent admission
Alan Edgar Doe
Raymond Chalmers
Hannah Sophia
Harris Thomas – Expelled, but now deceased.
“‘Arthur Conan Doyle’? Why does that name sound so familiar to me…” said Susato. “Wait a minute, isn’t that Iris’s agent?”
“Oh yes, I believe he may well be. Doyle represents quite a few authors nowadays, given that he’s now officially wound up his medical practice. Bit of an odd fellow at times though, but his medical knowledge is second-to-none.
“Christina’s a pharmacology student in the university, specialising in poisons. She’s rather well-known for her work. After a nursing student read one of her novels, she was able to accurately recognise the symptoms of cyanide poisoning in a toddler, so she was considered prime candidate for the vice presidency.
“Raymond Chalmers is…well…a bit of an odd fish if you catch my meaning.”
“Odd how?”
“Well his style of writing is a little…how could I put it…grittier than most. He’s an American exchange student, as is Doe. But Doe’s work is more psychological than Chalmers’s work.”
“And what about Hannah Sophia or Dexter Collins?”
“Hannah Sophia’s written plenty of psychological thrillers herself, but she’s getting more into the old-school kind of stuff nowadays. As for Dexter, his work’s impressive, if a little droll at times for my tastes. But, he met the requirements for admission so we quite literally couldn’t say ‘No thanks’ to him.”
“I see. All good to know. Did they all get along well with Harris?”
“To my knowledge, yes. But as I mentioned earlier, we crime fiction writers always value our secrets, so they could’ve been in a darn fight club or something with the man and I could’ve never been any the wiser. It might be an idea to investigate every lead possible before you end up ruling anybody out.”
“I’ll bear that in mind,” said Ryunosuke, making a mental note. “But what, exactly, did you mean about the admission requirements?”
“You mean to become a member?”
“Er, yes please.”
“It’s a rather simple process, actually. First of all, there must be a vacancy. And a vacancy is either through a member being expelled for contravening the organisation’s constitution or bringing it into disrepute, being jailed for more than a month, failing to pay dues, or, naturally, if the member were to die.
“Second of all, you must be nominated by an already-existing Detection Club member, and submit a completed work of crime fiction to be brought forward for consideration by all other members of the club.
“Thirdly, the club members must vote for who, exactly, to admit. However, we rarely use this particular clause. All but the president of the club vote. That way we can ensure there’s always an odd number, preventing the need for any run-offs or tie-breakers.”
“I see. I should make a n—”
Redford handed a note over to the lawyer. “I’ve already made a note of that for you.”
“Er, thank you,” said Ryunosuke, putting the note into his pocket. By the time this particular investigation was finished, it was looking more and more likely than not that the court record was going to be about as thick as a crime novel itself.
“I’ve got all the contact details of club members located within this folder, and you can consider this my official permission to use all of the contact details within—as well as any resource of the Detection Club where necessary—for official use during the course of this investigation. Thankfully, club rules allow for that too.”
“These club rules all sound to be incredibly specific, Red,” said Ryunosuke.
“You wouldn’t believe how specific they are. I’m allowed to do that under Rule 1345, Section A1, Subsection B64, Paragraph 223.”
“H-How many?!”
“Rule 1345, Section A1, Subsection B64, Paragraph 223. It makes more sense than Rule 8262, Section Z26, Subsection G223/X, Paragraph 2: ‘The club’s hot cocoa supplies may only be obtained from Bradley Cocoa Inc.’—I’m more of a Neville Cocoa Co. fan myself. If you want to, some other day when I’m not under investigation for murder, I could bring you for some cocoa. My treat, of course.”
Ryunosuke’s cheeks seemed to be going redder and redder than his client’s namesake. “I—I’d like that a lot, th-thank you…” he stuttered out, before there came the noise of a typewriter clattering to the ground outside.
“G-Get off o’ me ya great bawbag!” cried a voice. “You there, Sholmes! What the hell d’ye thing ye’re doing?! Tell ‘em to lemme go!”
Ryunosuke exclaimed: “What—?!”
Redford exclaimed: “—the hell—?!”
Susato exclaimed: “—is this—?!”
They quickly stepped out from the office to find Mr. Sholmes, Athelney Jones, and several police constables wrestling a man to the ground, with Sholmes desperately trying his best to try and fit a pair of handcuffs onto him in order to try and keep him restrained.
“Get…offa…me!” cried the man, standing up like a giant that had been rudely awakened from his slumber.
The man was tall and well-built, sporting well-combed fair-brown coloured hair and a rather well-kept handlebar moustache. Compared to Redford or even to Mr. Sholmes, he looked to be a giant amongst everyone that was stood in the room that day.
But what really drew the gathered crowd’s attention was the fact that he seemed to be wearing an outfit that was much too small for him; an outfit in the form of a small silver tiara, a green sleeveless top, a pink tutu and ballet slippers, with what looked to be a pair of wings cut out from cardboard strapped to his back and a long wooden stick with a star attached to the end of it.
“Sholmes! What the hell d’ya think yer playin’ at?”
“Arthur?!” exclaimed Redford. “You know you can’t come in here right now, not whilst the police are still investigating!”
“Sorry…Did you just say Arthur?” asked Susato.
“Yes, this is Arthur Conan Doyle.”
“One of your lot then, eh?” asked Jones, folding his arms with a sneer on his face.
“Not only that, Detective Jones. But this man…” Sholmes spun into the centre of the room and pointed at Conan Doyle with a flick of his fringe. “…is the true criminal that you’ve been searching for all along!”
“It was Arthur All Along? Come off it.”
“If anything, he should be prosecuted for crimes against my eyesight,” said Ryunosuke out loud, not quite sure where to look, given that the outfit that the man was wearing was far too small for him and far too revealing for everybody else.
“I’m quite sure of it. After all, I have perfectly intact logic and reasoning that can explain all.”
“Such as?”
“Well then I’ll show you then. It’s officially time for…Herlock Sholmes’s Dance of Deduction!”
“Oh this’ll be something to look forward to!” cried Redford excitedly, taking out his notebook and already beginning to rapidly scribble notes.
“Trust me when I say it isn’t…” said Ryunosuke, slumping over and fixing the defence attorney band that had slipped slightly down his arm.
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gwenbrightly · 4 years
The Little Mermaid Incident (aka the beach day everyone deserves)
Crossposted from ffnet. I’ve been meaning to do a beach day themed chapter for Of Milk and Cookies for awhile now, so here it is!
“This feels… weird…” Lloyd commented absently, digging his toes into the sand. Kai gave his brother an odd look.  
“The sand feels weird?”
“No. This. Being here, at the beach to relax without the threat of an evil warlord bent on world domination looming over us?” he explained, tilting his face toward the sun and enjoying its warmth. Nya slung an arm around his shoulders.
“After everything you’ve been through, you’ve earned it, Lloyd. Taking today to chill and have fun is exactly what you need! And just look how happy your dad is.” she told him, watching as the former villain helped his wife spread out a picnic blanket not far away. The sound of laughter floated over to them. Lloyd grinned.
“I wasn’t sure, at first. If they were gonna figure stuff out. You know?” he admitted hesitantly, “But they’ve both been really great about it so far.”  
Kai gave his hair a ruffle and said, “I’m really happy for you, green bean.”  
“Me too,” Nya agreed, “now let’s get over there and join the others before Cole completely buries Jay.”
“Yeah, that’s probably a good idea.” Lloyd noted with a laugh. The two ninja in question were throwing sand at each other with gusto. The buckets they had brought for sand castles had been long forgotten. He followed Kai and Nya as they approached them, ignoring his slight limp. The lingering effects of his injuries made it difficult to completely forget the events leading up to this moment, but he was happy to put the memories out of his mind for now.  
“Do I even want to know what’s happening right now? I thought you were gonna make a scale model of the city.” asked Nya as she ducked a wayward clump of wet sand. Jay gave her a look that clearly meant save me.  
“We were. But dirt clod over here decided it’d be funny to bury me instead…” he complained.  
“So I know this looks bad but-” Cole began to protest before Kai interrupted him.
“Nah, I can definitely see the appeal in torturing Jay.”
“Hey!” the master of lightning glared at Kai, “not helping.”
“Listen. You know those pictures where people bury their legs in sand and make it look like they have mermaid tails and stuff? I was just thinking it’d be funny to take one of those and send it to Zane.” Cole explained, resisting the urge to toss more sand at his best friend. They had all been a bit disappointed that their nindroid brother couldn’t wouldn’t be joining them til later in the day, but they understood his desire to spend as much time as possible with his father. There was no way of knowing how much longer they had. Lloyd’s eyes lit up.  
“Oh, that does sound like fun!”
“Okay but I don’t see why I have to be the mermaid,” Jay said, giving Cole a dirty look, “Nya’s like, way prettier.”  
“Um… thank you?” she replied. Her cheeks flushed slightly at his awkward compliment.  
“Well, I mean, your hair could almost pass for red in this light.” Cole offered.  
“And you did grow up in a junkyard. I’m sure you do have whozits and whatzits galore lying around.” Nya added.  
“And thingamabobs. He’s definitely got at least twenty of those.” Lloyd joined in with glee.  
“But who cares. No big deal. He wants mooore.” Kai began to sing. He wasn’t going to pass up this opportunity to mess with Jay.  
“Jay wants to be where the people are. Jay wants to see, wants to see them dancing,” the others joined in loudly and more than a little off key, “Walkin' around on those, Whad'ya call 'em?”
“Oh, feet!” Nya practically shouted. Jay shook his head in resignation. His family had become far too invested in this for his liking.
“O-okay fine. I’ll do it. But only if you stop singing about me like that.”  
“Thanks for being such a good sport, buddy.” Cole told him, slapping his back. He sighed and then plopped himself down on a particularly nice-looking patch of sand.  
“Well, might as well get comfortable, I guess. I expect to look fabulous by the time this is over.” the master of lightning joked, already scooping up whatever sand was within arm’s reach.
“Oh, don’t worry. You will.” his girlfriend promised. Lloyd nodded enthusiastically.  
“We got you covered.” he declared before grabbing a bucket and wandering off in search of seashells to decorate with. This beach was much nicer than the one on the island. He hadn’t enjoyed that experience very much; it had been gloomy and cold and had quite honestly been full of traumatizing experiences. But here there was sun, and warmth and pretty shells, and sea glass that had washed up with the tide. It was peaceful. Lloyd found himself wishing they’d done this sooner. His parents probably weren’t going to appreciate all his newfound treasures, though. Most of the things he’d put in his bucket were not going to be donated to Jay’s new look. He smiled with delight, spotting another sand dollar to add to his collection.  
“Yo, Lloyd, get your butt over here.” the Green Ninja heard Kai shouting in the distance. He pocketed it and trotted back to the others. They had managed to completely bury Jay’s legs while he was gone and now Cole was carving a scaly design into the sand-tail.  
“Oh, yes. These will work great!” Nya exclaimed, rooting through his Lloyd’s bucket. He snatched away some of his more precious finds before she could claim them for Jay.  
“Betcha I could help you make a lanyard with one of these pieces of sea glass later, if you want? I saw a tutorial on Ninterest that looked cool.” she offered. Lloyd considered this for a moment. It would make a nice gift for his mother – a peace offering to show that he was doing his best to let go of their rocky past.
“Sure, that’d be neat.” he agreed.  
“Okay, you two. Show me the goods. I get full veto power on anything that isn’t mermaidy enough.” Jay told them, doing his best to hold still so he wouldn’t disturb the sand piled on his legs.
“Is that even a word?” Kai wondered. The master of lightning gave him a look.  
“It is now. I’m a mermaid so I would know.”
Nya rolled her eyes and held up one of the shells she’d snagged from Lloyd.  
“Whaddya think, Ariel, is this one a keeper?” she asked her boyfriend. He examined it carefully.  
“Ooh yeah, I like it.” he replied.  
“What about…” Lloyd took his time choosing another shell, “This one? “
“Nah, that one has a piece chipped off, see? Mermaid princesses don’t wear chipped shells.”
“More for me, then.” Lloyd shrugged, happy to return the shell to his collection. They cycled through more shells and eventually they began to run out of places to put them.  
“Please tell me that was the last of them? If we add any more shells, Jay’s gonna start looking tacky.” said Cole.  
“It is. Unless you wanna fight Lloyd to the death for his ‘favorites’ or something.” Nya assured him.
“I just think they’re cool, okay?” Lloyd defended, pulling the bucket closer.
“How about we take that picture, now.” Kai suggested gently. Jay nodded in agreement. He was starting to lose feeling in his feet.  
“Please. As fun as this has been, I can’t hold still much longer.”
They called Garmadon, who wisely refrained from asking questions, over to take the picture for them on Cole’s phone. He waited patiently as they arranged themselves so that everyone was visible, the sight of his son so happy making it all worthwhile. Once everyone was in position (which was an adventure in itself), they smiled brightly while the former warlord snapped several pictures.
“Thank you,” Cole said as he took his phone back from Garmadon and flipped through the images, “guys! These are gold!”
The others crowded around so they could see too. Nya turned to Jay, who was still half buried, and offered her hands.
“Want some help up?” she asked.
“Sure,” he grinned, wanting to see himself in all his mermaid glory before Cole sent the picture to Zane. The master of lightning grabbed his girlfriend’s hands and prepared to be launched from his sandy prison. Unfortunately for both of them, Nya yanked a bit too hard. They both ended up sprawled on the sand, prompting Cole to take even more pictures. Kai and Lloyd snickered as the two struggled to disentangle themselves.  
“You better not post those on Chirp.” Nya muttered. The master of earth shrugged in a way that made it clear he planned to do exactly that the first chance he got.  
“Alright, lemme see.” Jay demanded once he was back on his feet. Cole tossed him his phone. He smiled broadly when he saw the results of his mermaidy suffering.
“Oh, yes. I can’t wait to see Zane’s reaction to this.”
“I don’t know about the rest of you, but I could do with a bit less sand covering my entire body. I’m gonna go rinse off.” Nya declared, heading for the water. Lloyd watched absently as she, Jay, and Cole raced towards the waves after sending Zane a copy of their shenanigans. Kai stood next to him. He didn’t seem interested in joining the others.  
“You’re not gonna go swimming?” Lloyd asked.
“Nah. Water’s not really my thing. And besides. You look like you’ve got something on your mind.” Kai told him.
“I’m just… wondering what happens next, that’s all.” Lloyd explained. Kai regarded him carefully for a moment before responding. There were a lot of unknowns now that the world was beginning to return to normal. But that didn’t mean Lloyd should be stressing out about the future. So Kai settled for something simple.  
“You get to be a kid, Lloyd. You go home and find a good hiding place for all that stuff you’ve got in your bucket. You spend time with your parents and stay up way too late reading comic books,” his brother cracked a grin at this, “Maybe even get Nya to help you with your multiplication tables so you can stop counting on your fingers – don’t think I haven’t noticed that. But at the end of the day, whatever you decide, it’s your choice. I know eventually Master Wu will have stuff for you to do, but in the meantime? Just be a kid, okay? You deserve that much.”
“O-okay. I think I can do that.” Lloyd decided. He hadn’t exactly gotten to just be a kid lately. It sounded… nice.
“Good.” Kai told him, ruffling his hair.  
“Thanks.” he replied, giving the older boy a hug. Returning it, Kai said, “It’s what big brothers do, green bean.”  
They stood there in silence for a few minutes, just enjoying the peacefulness of the afternoon. The sound of Nya screeching as Jay dunked her could be heard in the distance, bringing them back to reality.
“You sure you don’t wanna go in the water?” Lloyd broke the silence.
“Would… would you believe me if I told you I can’t swim?” Kai admitted, looking sheepish. Lloyd stared at him for a moment, trying to figure out if he was lying.
“You do realize you were the first to suggest swimming back to ninjago when we got stuck on the island, right?” he said at last.
“I… yes that is true…” the master of fire stated. Lloyd smacked him.
“Dude, you need serious help. You could’ve died.” he exclaimed.  
Kai held up his hands in surrender.
“I know, I know. Getting myself killed would’ve been a dumb move.”
“The dumbest,” Lloyd agreed, dragging him towards the water, “but you’re at least gonna come put your feet in. And we are so revisiting this later.”
“Okay, but I take no responsibility for any splashing that might happen as a result of your pestering.” joked Kai, giving in to Lloyd’s demands with little protest. After all, the sun was bright and the water was cool, and in this moment, the world was at peace. Whatever the future held could wait.  
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