#which is a potato that has been baked very long and you cannot usually eat the skin
cinnonym · 1 year
Regarding jacket potatoes: I think it is perhaps because they are still wearing their little jackets, or skins. As opposed to some other situations where they would be peeled. This seems like what the US calls a baked potato, except we have slightly different toppings: cheese, sour cream, chives, bacon bits. Lots of butter, of course.
Oh!! That is an excellent theory and makes total sense to me, thank you for weighing in!!
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secret-engima · 4 years
I’m kinda curious what oz and team strq’s relationship is like in your ‘always i dreamed’ verse is like. got any headcanons to share?
Now I could make this very angsty but I’m in a fluff mood so all aboard the (mostly) fluff train.
-Oz 100% becomes Team STRQ’s exasperated sibling figure and an adopted member of the team. They now refer to themselves only as Team STORQ (stork) because this is their Sad Headmaster Man. Ozpin is wary at first, but there is no stopping Raven once she decides to adopt and the others follow her lead.
-They have successfully moved into his apartment by the time they are fourth years, even if they hide this fact so Oz won’t get in any trouble for it. Just- this team of semi-feral and totally feral teens moving in and setting up shop in his too big apartment/could practically be a house inside another building that he inherited from the previous Oz. Taiyang is now the group cook, Qrow keeps flopping on the couch to play video games with the console he brought home from SOMEWHERE, Summer likes to maintain their weapons on the kitchen table and Raven is always down for sidling up next to his armchair to listen to him read aloud from whatever book he’s reading.
-Note that this is all the far side of a slippery slope for these kids, and it wasn’t an entirely fast process with Ozpin being stubbornly aloof afraid to make personal connections and Team STRQ being wary of their mysterious “only a few years older” Headmaster. But after Raven gets attached (read: breaks into his apartment at one point by accident because she had come to the conclusion someone had kidnapped him and discovered to her surprise that she could portal to him, which meant she was more attached than she thought) there is no escape. The adoption of Sad Wizard Man was inevitable.
-Team STRQ manages to hold a veneer of propriety in public right up until they graduate. Then they give it two weeks and promptly stop caring what the public will think and start openly hanging out with Ozpin. Qrow and Tai will drag him off on “guy hangouts” that USUALLY end in a narrow escape from trouble or even the police (Qrow’s luck at work), Summer will lure him into taking the day off to go book shopping with her, and if he stays in his office for too long doing paperwork when he should be clocking out and eating dinner/sleeping, Raven with calmly open a portal, march through, and then potato sack him back through the portal. No she doesn’t care if anyone is in the room to witness, Ozpin is terrible at self care and Raven is here to ensure he takes care of himself. Even if she has to force him to take breaks.
-All of Vale knows the rumors that Ozpin is in a relationship with all of Team STRQ by like- the end of the year after they’ve graduated, but these disaster children are 1000% platonic. They’re just like cats rather than conventional people. Sibling shenanigans and cuddle piles on the couch are all part of how they express affection and Raven and Qrow don’t care what society says and Tai and Summer have learned not to care either.
-Ozpin teaches all of them how to dance. Being a quasi-immortal means you know a lot of different dancing styles, and after Team STRQ gets curious he’s happy to teach them. His favorite is swing dancing but shhh.
-Ozpin is a school Headmaster and has memories stretching back thousands of years and many, many lifetimes. He knows how to comport himself with dignity and reserve, how to sit back and strategize rather than leaping into a situation before looking. He is unquestionably the Braincell of the group.
-Until he’s not.
-Qrow and Raven take far too much glee in coaxing Oz to act his *physical* age rather than the layers of mental age he has going on. And since he’s only in his twenties still when they graduate, that means they manage to talk him into doing some Really Stupid Stuff. Luckily, being a quasi-immortal and two ex-bandits means they are very good at escaping without being caught.
-Of course Team STRQ are involved in the Salem Thing, and so they do take orders from him, but off the clock they’re his gremlin siblings and he loves them fiercely. He honestly expects them to treat him differently after he tells them about Salem and the curse thing (they set up shop in his apartment back when they thought he was just a sad, too-young Headmaster who needed a Team of his own), but other than Summer acting weird and thoughtful for a few days to process and Tai stress baking to wrap his head around the “immortal queen of grimm exists” thing they go right back to treating him like they always have. So what if he’s a tangled ball of memories and magic limping around in a green scarf? He’s *always* been like that, now they just know why he can curse fluently in long dead languages.
-Ozpin still gives Raven and Qrow birb powers, Raven and Qrow proceed to take turns, when not on mission or otherwise busy, to perch on Ozpin’s shoulder for the day. All of Beacon knows about Ozpin’s “pet birds” by now and there are a lot of urban legends about it, but no one realizes that these birbs are his feral Branwen siblings keeping an eye on him and making sure he takes a lunch break while working.
-Because, as previously established, Ozpin kinda sucks at self care. Comes from having too many lifetimes worth of self-sacrificing mentality all blended around in one’s head.
-Raven fully abuses her portal powers to keep her family together. She and Tai have a nice place on Patch and Oz missed the flight over for the night when he was planning (read: ordered by Summer) to take the weekend off? No problem. Ozpin forgot something back at his apartment? Hi Glynda don’t mind her. Nice apartment by the way but Raven’s just passing through. (Glynda: sighs in annoyance but this has been happening for years and she doesn’t bother to care anymore)
-The Branwen twins were raised in a bandit camp, which means groups sharing economically sized (small) tents, which means sharing sleeping space. This means these two birbs have no concept of “propriety” when it comes to snoozing when there are loved ones around. It took a long time, but they slowly infected Tai and Summer with this lack of care too, and so when they got attached to Ozpin and discovered that this boy had possibly the largest bed ever (also inherited from his predecessor for reasons lost on Oz, since heaven knows Osamu had no interest in intimate relations), the result was inevitable. More than once Ozpin has woken up to discover that all of Team STRQ had migrated over to his bed at some point in the night and were passed out in varying positions and proximities on it. There is in fact enough room for them to all sleep without touching, but by morning Ozpin usually finds himself in the center of a tangled cuddle pile anyway with Taiyang serving as the space heater center and the others all clinging to one limb or another, either each other’s or Oz’s.
-It’s ... nice. It reminds him of lifetimes *lonng* ago when families all tended to live in one or two room houses. Or lifetimes when he had blood siblings who did this.
-Even though he knows this is flirting with death for them, because Salem would love to ruin this happiness he has, but he knows he cannot convince them to stay away, and he’s been starved for positive touch for lifetimes and he is ultimately a weak man who makes mistakes. And even knowing this will likely be one of them, he cannot bring himself to escape the pile.
-It just ... feels so good to not be alone. At least for one lifetime.
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thebibliosphere · 5 years
I just wanted to put out the ask to you joy, and any others. I have been diagnosed with food allergies, and I have two thoughts / questions. One, has anyone ever had an allergy that was present, then went away? My doctor diagnosed me as allergic to eggs, and then when I went back 6 months later, that allergy was gone, and replaced with two others (foods that I had been eating up to that point, and was now allergic to.) Next, what's a good pasta replacement for allergy to rice corn and wheat?
Hi @lilnizzie I’m going to throw this under a cut as it got pretty long, but I hope you are able to view this. Let me know if the readmore breaks it.
Allergies can and do fluctuate... but not typically in that way for most people.
Some people grow out of allergies, while others grow into them. And then there’s the people like me whose bodies cannot regulate histamine, (something which we all produce and need for important cell functions like healing and keeping us safe from pathogens) and who can develop fluctuating allergies depending on how overstimulated their mast cells are, which are the cells that regulate histamine release into the tissue and blood.
You may have seen me refer to my condition as MCAS, or mast cell activation syndrome. Basically, those all-important cells of mine don’t work quite right, and as part of that, I have developed a severe histamine intolerance or HIT for short.
So for instance, eggs, particularly the white of eggs, are high in histamine (the yolk is not, weird how that works right?) and some folk with histamine regulation problems (HIT) may not be able to eat them at all, while others are able to eat the yolk, or some folks like me who are able to eat eggs as part of an ingredient (say, cornbread) provided our “histamine bucket” isn’t overflowing.
Which okay, how do I explain this... so have you heard the phrase “window of tolerance?” As in, your threshold for being able to cope with things? Well, they used to refer to this reaction as being “histamine window of tolerance”, but since more research has come to light that suggests our inability to self regulate histamine is down to a stacking effect, hence the analogy of the bucket. The more you put into an already full bucket, the more things will overflow, and before you know it you are dealing with the overspill of problems.
This can either be caused by diet, elemental factors such as pollen, dust, pet dander, etc. etc., heat, cold, exercise, and yes, even stress. (This is because mast cells are in every tissue in the body, including the brain, and they do not like stress hormones, no they do not.) For some people, the reactions are mild and fleeting and may even be mistaken for hayfever, causing only minor ailments that can be regulated by taking anti-histamines. Some others are unfortunate enough to develop full-blown MCAS (or other mast cell issues) and are at risk of anaphylaxis and must carry an epi-pen at all times. I’m one of the latter. If it helps, think of it as a sliding scale disorder, with mild HIT on one end, and “What-in- the-name-of-God-is-this?!?” level of reactions on the other.
The condition can be managed, usually through diet and lifestyle changes for those with a mild case of HIT, and with the addition of mast cell stabilizing meds for those with the more severe MCAS.
So, why am I detailing all of this? Well, it might help to know that yes, the body can and does go off the deep end sometimes, and healthy people can and do develop new allergies over time. But I’ll level with you, all the foods you listed up there are poorly tolerated by folks with HIT when their “buckets” are full, and your fluctuating egg allergy might also be a clue that something isn’t quite working the way it ought to.
Of course, I’m not a doctor and I cannot give you any real concrete advice, only my own experiences of learning to manage this condition over the last 8 months after an astute nutritionist looked at all my food intolerances and allergies, and finally after years of suffering, offered me a diagnosis.
But what I will say, given that you’re already talking to an allergist, is that it might not be a bad idea to get your blood tryptase levels checked. It’s not an entirely accurate test, as you need to be in the midst of a flare to get a result, but for some folk it can tell the doc right off the bat if something is going awry, making it a good first stage in ruling out more severe conditions which may be causing your allergic responses to fluctuate in this way.
Now, I know that’s a whole wall of text right there, and I’d hate for you to be reading it and panicking, so allow me to say, if you do have issues with regulating histamine on your own, it is manageable. Since getting my diagnosis 8 months ago, I am a lot more stable than I have been for...probably my entire life tbh (Sure my pernicious anemia didn’t help, but the MCAS is its own ordeal.) I’m even getting to eat more foods as my body stabilizes and stops being in a state of continual meltdown. Which is amazing! Fruit! Iconic!
Sure there are some foods I’ll never be able to eat again, but eh, there’s better things in life :)
Also, just in case anyone recs it in the comments or reblogs, yes there is such a thing as a low histamine diet, but it is not a long term solution and should ideally only be carried out under medical supervision. The low HIT diet is extremely low on nutrients, and if done for too long can cause all sorts of other health issues. I was left on mine for over 2 years by a negligent doctor, and am only just now starting to recover from the extreme malnourishment this caused. Apparently, the longest you should do it for is 2-4 weeks to see if symptoms improve, and then you try adding foods back in one at a time to see what you can tolerate. Who knew? (I wish I had.)
Again, not a doctor, I can’t diagnose you and I am not even saying this is what your problem is, but given what you’re asking me, I feel it prudent to share my knowledge about the wonderful world of fluctuating allergies that seem to come and go with no rhyme or reason.
As for things you can supplement, oatmeal can be used to create a savory dish that is similar to rice. I used to cook mine up with a stock cube to make it savory, then add my vegetables into. It was like a very Scottish version of risotto, but I liked it lol. ETD tells me it tastes like “stuffing” which I dunno if that’s good or not, but he always eats it when I make it. If you have issues with stock cubes, cooking it up with salt and using things like fresh herbs will have a similar effect.
You may also be able to use things like coconut flour, or spelt flour, though not everyone can eat spelt if they have a wheat issue, so watch out for that. Tapioca flour is also an option, as are nut flowers if you’re trying to bake. Watch out for a lot of boxed gluten-free stuff though, xanthum gum is typically derived from corn.
Another option would be to make “vegetable mash” which is basically what it sounds like. I like to use potato for mine because it’s one of the few carbs I can get, mash it up, then dice in my other veggies (and meat of choice) and that’s basically how I avoided grains for as long as I did. Sweet potato works well for this too. Basically, if you have to avoid grains, which it sounds like you do, veggies are a good way to keep your carbs up.
Anyway, I hope some of this was helpful... I feel like I rambled, but... yeah, I know way too much about this kind of thing for someone who went to school for liberal arts lol
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Survey #284
“mama, we’re all full of lies / mama, we’re meant for the flies”
When was the last time you changed a lightbulb? About a month or so back I had to change Venus’ heat lamp. Who was the last person you sent an e-mail to? I emailed my older sister the OneDrive link to her holiday pictures I did. When was the last time you visited the dentist? What about the optician? It’s been quite a few months since I went to the dentist for a normal cleaning. I haven’t seen an eye doctor in around a year or so because it’s a less pressing matter, and we can’t afford to buy me new glasses anyway. I desperately need them. Do you sleep on your side, your back or your front? My side, stomach, or like a contortion of both. Would you rather drive or be the passenger? Let me be shotgun controlling the music and I’m set for a long ride. When was the last time you received a handwritten letter? Sara sent me one I think two years ago for my birthday. If you have pets, do you buy them gifts for Christmas or their birthdays? Ha, yes. We don’t know either’s exact birthday though, so we don’t really “celebrate” those. Do you know how to ride a bike? How about ride a skateboard? A bike, yeah. I don’t know how to skateboard, though. Did you get enough sleep last night? How much sleep is enough sleep for you? No. I don’t even know what “enough sleep” is. I’m always tired. What are your favourite condiments? Do you use those often? Ketchup and honey mustard probably top the list, considering they’re the ones I use most. Peanut butter: crunchy or smooth? Do you have a favorite brand? I trust no one who can enjoy crunchy peanut butter. I like Skippy quite a bit. Do you have any life-threatening allergies? No. Have you had to take a COVID test yet? Was it positive or negative? I haven’t needed to take one. Do you think it’s okay to keep cats indoors for their entire lives? They SHOULD be. Cats are very destructive and disruptive predators of once-stable environments. They fuck up the food chain and have done a lot of damage to native populations. This is coming from a person whose house was an absolute NEST for cats to the point they were taken away. They lived outside, and I can only imagine the harm they really caused. Of course, as a kid, I didn’t understand this, but as an educated and experienced adult when it comes to this subject, it’s saddening to look back on. Please, keep your cats inside. AND FIXED. Hence our cat empire lmao. Do you think people should need a license in order to keep animals, just to make sure they knew how to properly take care of them? That would actually be LOVELY. If only. Not that it would entirely prevent illegal ownership, but I like to think most people are law-abiding citizens… Which meal of the day is your favorite? What’s your favorite thing to eat for that meal? BREAKFAST! Cinnamon rolls just gotta top the list. When was the last time you bounced on a trampoline? Would you ever want to go to one of those indoor trampoline parks? It has to have been so, so many years. My knees could NEVER take that now. I’m not interested in that. What’s your favorite thing to put on a baked potato? Butter, American cheese, and bacon bits… yum. Have you ever made money selling stuff online? What was it you were selling? I don’t think so, at least not successfully. Do you have a valid passport? When was the last time you used it? No. What was the last song you sung along to? I’m unsure. I rarely sing along to songs. What was the last piece of fruit you ate? What about the last vegetable? Fruit: apple. Vegetable: ummm I’m actually unsure. Probably broccoli. Have you ever lied to the police or a customs official? Were you ever found out? No. Are you much of a procrastinator, or would you rather get things out of the way so you can relax? I am a HEAVY procrastinator. When was the last time you took an exam of any kind? I don’t know. Probably not since I was in school. What snacks/drinks from your childhood do you wish they still made? Ah man, I know there’s some… just too many to dig through to try and remember. Are you a fan of techno? Yeah, sometimes. Who's your favorite horror movie villain/monster? I don’t particularly like one over the other. What's an 'obsession' of yours that most people would find odd or amusing? Probably how much I love Mark, given that being a “fangirl” is usually seen as juvenile. What's the sweetest thing another person has said or done for you? Probably Colleen letting me live with her while I was homeless for a month or two. Said to me, actually from Colleen’s sister; I was having a crying episode over Jason and she just grabbed my head and told me with such passion that I was so beautiful, strong, and deserved the world. Safe to say I started crying more lmao but at least it wasn’t from sadness. What's the absolute best feeling in the world? Being in love. Does the person you have feelings for know you feel that way? Yeah. Do you like Tim Burton? Um, duh. How do you feel about hypnotism? I don’t believe it works. It’s just the power of suggestion. How do you feel about Pink Floyd? I’m not a big fan, but I like some songs. What’s your preferred way of keeping fit? Is it something you make time to do on a regular basis? You assume I AM fit… but I really am trying to change that with WiiFit again, once the living room is cleaned up. I plan to insert it into my morning routine. Have you ever raised a puppy? Would you want to or would you prefer to adopt an adult rescued dog? Yes, Teddy. Right now I don’t want another dog, but hypothetically, I’d absolutely go for an adult rescue. Who was the last person to come to your house? Were they an expected visitor? My younger sister. Yes. If you work, is your job the same everyday, or does it vary depending on what you have on? N/A Would you ever be interested in owning your own business? Why or why not? Well, I want to be a freelance photographer, so… It’s not off the ground enough for me to *officially* call it a business, but while it’s absolutely so exciting to picture, it’s also very anxiety-inducing, the idea of it (hopefully) getting to that point since I’m dumb as fuck in regards to business stuff. Do you have your driver’s license? If so, did you find it easy or difficult to learn and pass your test? Ugh, I don’t. I need it so badly, I know, but right now, I couldn’t even if I wanted to because my vision is too bad to possibly pass that part, and I can’t afford to see an eye doctor + get a new prescription. If you have pets, how often do you buy them new treats and toys? Venus is a snake, so… yeah, lol. She needs a bigger terrarium, though, but a 40 gallon is expensive. Roman gets a new toy every now and then, but he doesn’t play with them as much anymore. If you had to work a job that required you to do shifts, would you rather work the early, late or night shift? Early. Get it over with. Do you have a favorite type of survey to take? Yeah; I like the ones that make me think or are just questions I definitely haven’t seen before but are also interesting. Some random questions are way too specific to apply to most people. On a typical day, how long do you spend out of the house? Even before the pandemic, usually zero time. Do you live in a close-kit community? Well we’re the new family on the block, so it’s hard to tell quite yet. People were welcoming, though. Do you have a vlog? NOOOOOOOOOO. If not, have you ever considered starting a vlog? No, I would feel WAY too fuckin awkward. Did you go to AM or PM kindergarten? AM. What are your favorite YouTube channels to watch? The whole world knows Markiplier is my true favorite channel, but lately I’ve really been digging pet (particularly reptile or tarantula) channels, Snake Discovery in specific. I’ve been bingeing the fuck outta them. I’ve officially become the “I know more than you” Petco meme lmao. Which relative(s) do you look the most like? Idk. Have you ever watched a live birth video? FUCK no. I never would. That could be so fucking scarring to middle school kids, for Christ’s sake. I’ve never understood why they show them in a lot of health classes. Have you ever given birth? Fuck to the no; never plan to, either. Have you ever wished you were born the opposite gender? Nah. Have you ever worn overalls? Ugh, as a kid. They’re so hideous to me now. If you’re a girl, how old were you when you started your period? I was in the 6th grade, so 11-12. Is your mom mentally stable? I mean she has depression, but otherwise, yeah. What color hair did your first crush have? I can’t really remember who my first crush was with certainty… but I think I might. If I’m right, blond. What was the name of your first crush? ^ in minds, I think Aaron. Did you ever play on Mamamedia.com? Doesn’t ring a bell. Do you remember your first email address? Haha, yeah, it’s still my current one… Did you name your Lego characters? I was more of a Lincoln Logs kid. Do you take medication for anxiety or depression? Both. If so, does it work? Does it help you? Or does it make you feel worse? I’d probably be dead without at least my mood stabilizers. Have you ever had a bag stolen? I don’t believe so. Who was your best friend in high school? Hannia. What book or movie gave you nightmares as a child? Ha, no books or movies, I think, but remember King Ramses from that episode of Courage the Cowardly Dog? Oh, trust me, I HAD NIGHTMARES. What song makes you cry? The most, probably “Eternally Yours” by Motionless In White. I physically cannot listen to it. Does anyone know who your first crush was besides you? Maybe Mom? Idk. How many teachers have you had crushes on? None. Did you make your Barbie dolls get crushes on each other? I actually don’t remember? I don’t think we had any male Barbies, and of course as a little kid raised in the South especially, I didn’t even realize homosexuality was a thing, so we never considered the girls dating. Did your Barbie dolls go on dates? ^ How old were you when you had your first kiss? 16. Do you have scars from self-harm? No, they’re long faded and were thankfully never very severe. Did your hair change at all when you went through puberty? Yep, it gradually turned brown. Are you taller, shorter, or the same height as your mom? We’re the same height. Would you ever consider adopting a child? I don’t want kids, period. The only possible case I see is being a stepmom, but even then I can’t visualize me being one to an actual kid-kid. Just like, maybe a mid-teen and above. Do you trim your own hair? No. What are all the things you remember being for Halloween? I’m very surprised that I don’t remember many at all. I know I was a witch multiple times. What was the name of the first pet that you loved? I adored almost every pet my family has ever had. Our first was a stray cat named Chance we took in. INCREDIBLE animal. What color was your nursery? I have zero clue. Do you exercise regularly? Ugh, no, but I genuinely plan on changing that once the living room is cleaned up and Mom moves into her room. I’m very serious about starting Wii Fit again. I WAS gonna start walking once we moved here, but I found I was too scared to alone. I’m way too paranoid. Do you have a healthy BMI? lol What photo editing software do you use? Lightroom, Photoshop, and very rarely PhotoScape if I’m being lazy with watermarking my photography. Do you live somewhere with lots of livestock or wild animals? Livestock, yeah. You pass cows all the time around here. If you’re in a more wooded area, you’ll find roadkill kinda frequently, sadly. Would you rather live somewhere rural or urban? Rural. It’s the only thing that sucks about our new home – we’re in the suburbs. Is there anything (a hobby, for example) that’s guaranteed to always make you feel better when you’ve had a bad day? Not 100%, really. If the day was truly awful, sometimes nothing helps. If you’re struggling with your mental health, who are you most likely to open up to, or would you bottle it up instead? I vent to my mom the most. What room of your house do you spend the most time in? Is this through choice or necessity? My room, and it’s by choice. The second room that I wanna make my “office” is still LOADED with stuff from moving. If you could design your own garden, what would you have in it? Do you think that dream is ever going to be achievable for you? I don’t want a garden. Does it take you a long time to fall asleep at night? What do you if you’re really struggling to get to sleep? It can take me very, very long. I dread lying down some nights just because I know I’ll be tossing and turning for a good while. If I’ve tried to sleep for a long time to no avail, I do what you shouldn’t do and get back on the laptop. Do you think it’s cruel when people keep exotic animals as pets? Or do you think it’s okay as long as they have the space, time and money to dedicate to them? This depends on the animal and situation. I do believe some rescue cases are justified for the animal’s survival, but as the question mentions, you need to be able to provide adequately for it to be moral imo. I do NOT support exotic pet ownership for the average person. If you eat meat, is there a particular animal you’d never eat? If you don’t eat meat, what’s the reason for it? I could never eat a “pet” animal, nor an animal hunted mostly for sport. Even in survival cases, I’d have a hard time eating a wild animal.
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imnoexpertblog · 6 years
Carbs - I'll Eat Them While I Can
Its Monday! I ate the worst that I have eaten in months over the weekend. Granted, I had two birthday gatherings for my 22nd so it makes sense. But I am still regretful. I feel bloated and I can’t wait to get my free bag of detox tea this week. It was also Mother’s Day weekend which means we had a couple of get-togethers for that as well. Baby and Nugget got me a card with a gift certificate for my first professional massage! Baby also made me my own Mother’s Day brunch at home! It was an omelet with everything I love; mushrooms, onion, cheese, salsa, bacon, sausage. Mmmm, so good. It was really sweet of Baby to get me something for Mother’s Day. I would not expect anything, considering we are not married and I am obviously not Nugget’s mother. They both know I love and treat him as if he is my own though and it was just really nice to be recognized as a motherly role in this life. Baby’s family also wished me a Happy Mother’s Day, along with mine. I wasn’t expecting so many people to say that to me! It was very new to me and honestly very exciting. I do everything with my two men in mind so this was a great day to be appreciated a little extra. I’m just happy everyone can see how much I love these two. I hope your Mother’s Day was as great as mine, whether you’re a mother or not. Now let’s talk about some food!
Baby is going Keto. I know very little about it, other than the fact that it’s a high fat and low carb diet, which is great for him because he is definitely a meat-eater. I am sure that once I consume the food that he cannot eat that we still have in the house, I will most likely give it a shot too. It’s really hard to change something so large in your lifestyle, like your diet. It’s even harder when the person you live with has a completely opposite outlook or mindset. I wouldn’t want to be stuck eating something less appetizing while I watch my partner down my favorite snacks that I can no longer have. Baby has learned quite a bit about the Keto diet and I am eager the find more out, as well. He lost about six pounds in eight days, I believe he said. One of my best friends at work, Ryan, has been on his Keto diet for about five or six weeks now and has lost over 15 pounds and kept it off. Good for them! I wouldn’t do it do lose weight, I have already lost 30 pounds since late July of 2017. I would do it for health purposes and to see if I feel better without all the carbs I usually take in. I will get more into it once I actually learn about it. Baby is making me watch the Keto-related The Magic Pill documentary on Netflix tomorrow so I will have to let you all know how that knows and what I think about it. As much as I think it would suck to have to give up carbs, there’s still so much you get to eat. Baby said it’s the most enjoyable diet he’s ever tried. We will see!
Straight from Keto to Carbs. I wanted to tell you about overnight oats. I have wanted to give these a whirl for years but just tried them this weekend. Emily, also featured in my last food blog, told me to try these for work! I love them and I will for sure be eating these until my ingredients are all gone (and I will have to try Keto). Using a mason jar (the standard size, I’m pretty sure), layer approximately ½ cup rolled oats, 1 tbsp chia seeds, whatever fruit you like, and a bit of brown sugar or vanilla extract. An awesome flavor combo is peanut butter and banana. After all that, pour in 2/3 cup of your choice of milk; 2%, almond, coconut, etc. I also add in about 1/3 cup of Greek yogurt to thicken it up. Pop it in the fridge overnight and you’ll have your quick and easy breakfast in the morning! The chia seeds offer a great complex carb to provide long-lasting energy without having to take in a bunch of calories. The fruit you’re getting from this meal is also a great way to start the day. “Chocolate covered strawberry” could have strawberries and chocolate chips in it. Peanut butter and honey is super good. “Cinnamon apple” would be delicious. “Peaches and cream” could consist of peach slices and sweet cream! For “raspberry cheesecake,” add cream cheese and raspberries. To make it chocolate based, add cocoa powder. This sky is the limit! Grab come mason jars next time you’re out and give these a go.
Okay, not everything we eat is going to be very good for us. So, let me tell you about my jalapeno popper burgers. Yes. They are as good as they sound. Of course, I will tell you how to make them, but I don’t always measure everything, so forgive me if I leave out measurements. 1) Beef. Get 2 pounds of it. Season it. Onion salt, garlic powder, pepper, cumin. Mix that up. 2) The jalapeno popper filling. Mix 6 oz. of cream cheese, 1 cup of shredded cheddar cheese, 2 minced jalapenos (I don’t always include all the seeds), and garlic powder. 3) Shape the burgers into 8 thin patties to make four stuffed burgers. 5) Spoon filling onto four of them, and place the other four on top of them. Pinch the sides of the patties together. Cook in a skillet over medium heat for about 5 minutes each side. You will want to bake them in oven at about 350 degrees because these can be pretty thick. 5 minutes will keep them at medium, bake for longer for a more well-done burger. I serve these with pepper jack cheese and lettuce on toasted buns. I also put the lettuce underneath the patty to catch the grease, that way your bottom bun is not soggy. Add any condiment you like or slap some extra filling on top of the patty if you end up with any! Cook times will vary depending on the size and thickness of the burger. Adjust whatever you need in order to make these perfect for you. I love these with sweet potato fries.
Wow, I want those burgers so badly now. Baby and I have been on a burger kick lately. I have probably eaten 10 in the last couple weeks. No complaints from me, though. Burgers are my favorite. We actually have gotten Nugget to eat burgers now! A little backstory, Nugget would only eat about three things when I met him and his father. He’d eat chicken nuggets, pizza, and pb&j sandwiches. I also saw him eat the frosting off a donut once. In the last 8-9 months, Baby and I have gotten him to start eating hot dogs, corn, burgers, spaghetti, green beans, eggs, yogurt, ravioli, baked beans, a ton of fruit, cereals, just a bunch of stuff. This is a continuous adventure with him and it’s going really well as of about four months ago. It used to be very hard to have him open up to some things but he just ate a sloppy joe for the first time (I am pretty sure) tonight! I grew up with the option to eat what everyone was eating, or nothing at all. Eating nothing at all was barely even an option, but my mother never served me what she wouldn’t eat herself. She never pushed brussel sprouts or peas on me, for example. I always ask Nugget to try something before he thinks he doesn’t like it. I also try not to tell him that I don’t like something before he tries it. He has discovered he likes peas and I hate peas. I just won’t tell him that. I also know to be sensitive with him when it comes to texture; I can tell he has a hard time with the texture of some foods rather than the taste. But getting him to eat more foods has been a big success in our household these past few months! Is it hard to get your kids to eat? Do you have any tricks? Comment below! We will chat health and beauty soon. I hope your Monday isn’t too rough on ya!
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hannahindie · 7 years
Angels Can’t Cook
Characters: Castiel x Reader, Dean Winchester (brief) Word Count: 2,514 Warnings: Some language, Cas being freaking adorable, Dean being a little shit. You know, the usual. A/N: I wrote this for @roxyspearing’s “We have a gif for that” challenge! My gif is below, and though it didn’t quite go the way I originally planned, I absolutely love how it turned out.
Beta’d by my wonderful writing soulmate, @trexrambling: “Famous last words. Also, that flower lady is my new favorite side character.” Dude, me too. Maybe I should write a fic with just the side characters coming together to save Sam and Dean. hahah
and also @pinknerdpanda, who is my literal twin: “HxlhskyrhlAgdjhflfi. *Flails* I love this so much!!!” I thoroughly enjoy making you flail.
As always, tags are at the bottom. If you’d like to be added, please let me know!
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“Sir?” The store employee cautiously approached the man standing in front of the meat case. “Sir, do you need help?”
The trenchcoated figured turned to face her, his eyes narrowed and head tilted, “Is this the best burger that you have?”
“Umm, yes, this is all the ground beef that we have.”
“Is it...organic?”
She forced herself to pull her eyes away from his bright blue ones and looked down at the case. “Well, some of it is. There are signs next to each one that tells you which is organic and which isn’t.”
He looked back down, his head still tilted slightly as he stared at the options. “What is the difference between organic and non-organic? Are they not all made from slaughtered cows?”
The girl looked back at him, her eyes wide as she wondered if he was being serious. “Umm...well, it’s more about what they’re fed and how they’re raised...and that sort of thing…” she trailed off.
He looked up and locked eyes with her again, “I see. Do you care about organic beef?”
“I mean...I care that the animals are treated well, although non-organic is cheaper so I guess it comes down to how much money I have for groceries that week. If I can afford organic, I try to support good farming practices.” Why was she telling this stranger about her shopping habits?
“I do not believe money will be an issue today, so in light of how Y/N feels about farm animals, I think I will choose the organic.” He picked up two packages of ground beef, then looked back to the girl and smiled, “Thank you, Lilly. I appreciate your help today.”
He left the confused girl behind and wandered off towards the fresh vegetables, his eyes trained on the crumpled piece of paper in his hand. His shopping cart was full almost to the brim, but he wanted to make sure that he found everything Y/N might like. He had spent the past three weeks observing her food choices, things she loved and things she absolutely hated, and was fairly positive that he had gathered enough information to create a dinner that she would enjoy.
“Why don’t you do something nice for her? Actions speak louder than words, man. Actions.” Dean’s voice echoed in his mind as he gathered corn on the cob, cucumbers, and a large container of spring mix and added them to his cart and, after a moment of deliberation, threw in a container of raspberries, a dozen apples, and a couple of kiwis. He made his way to the front of the store, but a bright splash of color caught his eye, and he changed direction.
“Can I help you?” He looked up to see an older woman with wispy silver hair pulled into a bun smiling at him.
“I am not sure. I would like to surprise my...friend. I do not know her favorite flowers, though.” He frowned, disappointed that he had not thought of it earlier.
“Hmm...well, let’s see.” The woman came from behind the counter and, only giving his overflowing cart a cursory look of thinly veiled amusement, began looking through the premade bouquets. “What’s she like, this friend of yours?”
“She is like a summer storm, warm and strong, but also like a hidden meadow, beautiful and wild.”
She looked up at him in surprise, “That is...very descriptive.” She put her hands on her hips as she thought, “None of these are going to work. Wait just a second, hon.” She disappeared into the room behind the counter and Cas stood silently, his eyes roaming the store as he waited patiently for her to come back.
“Alright, how about something like this?” Cas looked towards the voice and couldn’t help but smile widely at the bouquet she was holding out. It was filled with wildflowers, a rainbow of color sprinkled with baby’s breath, the stems held together with a burlap ribbon and fastened with a small pearl brooch.
“That is beautiful. I cannot think of a better way to describe Y/N using a floral arrangement. How much will that be?”
She looked from Cas to the cart, then back to him, “Is all that food for her?” He nodded proudly, and she smiled. “The flowers are on me, hon. She’s a lucky gal to have such a good...friend,” she said with a wink. Cas nodded and made his way to the checkout. This was turning out to be easier than he had anticipated.
Cas looked down at his flour caked hands and sighed. His assumption of this being easier than he’d anticipated was turning out to be short lived. He looked at the recipe again, then back down at the sticky mess that was supposed to be dough. Y/N had mentioned that when she was younger, her mother had baked the best bread she’d ever tasted. Of course, he didn’t have that recipe, but he figured any homemade bread would be suffice for what he had planned. What he didn’t plan was how difficult it would be to get it the right consistency. Baking was much more exact than the other things he had cooked today, and he was about to give up on the idea of serving warm, fresh bread with the soup course of his extravagant dinner plans.
“What in the everloving hell happened in here?”
Cas gathered the sticky mass of unusable dough and dumped it unceremoniously into the trash can. “I am making dinner for Y/N. You told me that actions speak louder than words, so I am taking an action, Dean.” He walked over to the sink and began scrubbing his hands.
“Yea, but I didn’t mean you had to destroy the kitchen in the process! Y/N just cleaned in here, she’s going to to murder you, man.” Cas turned around in time to see Dean wrinkle his nose as he looked down in one of the bubbling pots on the stove. “What...what is that?”
“It is tortellini. Y/N said she loves tortellini, and since she orders it at every restaurant that serves pasta, I believe that my assumption of it being her favorite food is accurate.”
“You're not wrong, but how long has this been boiling for? You’re supposed to take it off and drain it, it only takes, like...five minutes. They don’t even look like tortellinis anymore, it’s just soggy noodles and floating cheese.” He turned off the burner and moved the pot from the hot surface. “What else are you trying to make?”
Cas gestured to another pot on the stove as he pulled out the loaf of french bread he had bought as a backup, “Mashed potatoes. She loves mashed potatoes, so I made them from scratch. I found some that you could add water to, but it did not feel as personal that way.”
Dean nodded, “Not bad, buddy.” He grabbed a wooden spoon and scooped out a mouthful. The moment it hit his tongue, Dean groaned and spit it back out. He glared at the flavorless mass as it hit the floor with a wet thud.
Cas looked at him, his brows knitted in concern, “What is wrong?”
Dean wiped the offending potatoes from his mouth and tossed the spoon down on the counter, “Do you even know what salt is? Pepper? Any kind of seasoning at all?”
“They are mashed potatoes, I thought that that was all I needed to do.”
Dean’s eyes widened, “You thought you...just what...where’s the butter? Where is it?” He flung the refrigerator door open and began digging around. “Do we have milk? You’ve got to use milk and butter, Cas, or else it’s just...smashed potatoes. There’s no flavor, just a sad paste that no one wants to eat.”
“I do not need help, Dean, I am managing just fine on my own.” Cas grabbed a bowl and began pouring salad into it. He started cutting up carrots with a little more force than was necessary.
“I’m sorry, but I gotta disagree. It looks like all you’ve managed to do-” he stopped abruptly, and Cas glanced over to see a look of horror on Dean’s face. He looked from the stove top back up to Cas’ face, his mouth hanging open. “What...did...you...do?”
“I cooked steak,” Cas said with a shrug before returning back to his carrots.
“No, no, no, that’s not what you did. You made leather...you...destroyed...how? How did you do that? Cooking is not that difficult. You know what, it’s fine, it’s okay. You don’t eat, so obviously that’s the problem here. It looks like you bought enough food to feed us for a month, so I’ll just cook something up real quick and you can take the credit.”
“I said I can do it myself. I am making dinner for Y/N, not you.”
Dean rolled his eyes, “No, you are making poison for Y/N. None of this is edible, man. Just let me help. Angels just aren’t cut out for this, obviously. I’ll cook it, you deliver it.”
Cas slammed the knife he’d been using onto the counter and ripped off the apron he was wearing, “Bite me, Dean. I was only trying to do something nice for Y/N, like you told me, and clearly I have made a mistake.”
“Aw, come on, I didn’t mean anything by it…” He trailed off as Cas disappeared. “Bite me? He’s been around me for way too long.” Dean turned back and looked at the kitchen, his hands on his hips. “And of course I’m going to have to clean this up before Y/N comes back.” His eyes land on the bouquet of flowers Cas had carefully arranged in a glass jar he had scrounged from the pantry and smiled. Cleaning up the mess would be worth it if those two got their shit together.
“What happened in here?!”
Dean flinched, then turned and gave Y/N a smile, “We were, uh...experimenting with food. You know, like those..uhh...gastro pubs you hear about all the time.”
She crossed her arms and frowned as she surveyed the mess, “Gastro pubs? And who is we? You had better clean this mess up, because I’m not doing it. Ugh, I can’t believe you. Gastro pubs…” She turned and walked out of the kitchen, still mumbling to herself. Dean grabbed a towel and a fresh trash bag, resigning himself to his fate.
“So much for that nap I was going to take,” he grumbled as he began tossing things into the trash.
Y/N was laying in bed, still frustrated by the mess she’d found in the kitchen. She had spent hours in there, cleaning and organizing, and Dean had destroyed it in one fell swoop. “Gastro pub,” she muttered as she angrily flipped the page of the book she was trying, and failing, to read. She wasn’t sure why it had frustrated her so much. Dean was usually pretty good at cleaning up after himself, but she was exhausted, and all she wanted was a little appreciation for what she’d spent so much time on.
A knock on the door interrupted her thoughts, and she laid her book down, “Come in.”
The door creaked open slowly and Cas walked in, a large pizza in one hand and a beautiful bouquet in the other. “Hello, Y/N. Would you like some dinner?”
She smiled and nodded towards the empty spot next to her on the bed, “Sure thing, Cas. That’s really sweet of you.”
He sat the flowers on her desk and shut the door behind him, “I am sorry about the mess in the kitchen. I know that you spent a lot of time cleaning, and I promise I will make sure it is spotless.”
She tilted her head, “What are you talking about?”
“Dean said that I should do something nice for you, and so I decided to make your favorite foods for dinner. It has become very obvious that I do not have the skills necessary to do that. Reading instructions is one thing, actually doing it is quite another. I may have gotten frustrated with Dean and left the mess behind.” He sat the pizza between them on the bed, “I hope that pizza is okay. I will go clean up after myself.” Cas moved to stand up, and Y/N put a hand on his arm to stop him.
“Stay...please?” He settled back onto the bed and Y/N flipped the box open, “Why did you want to do something nice for me?”
Cas cleared his throat and looked at her from the corner of his eye, his fingers drumming nervously against his thighs. “Dean said that actions speak louder than words, and I thought perhaps cooking your favorite things would be a good way to show my affection for you.”
Y/N froze, her pizza lingering halfway to her mouth, and she swallowed thickly as she sat it back down. “You have affection for me?”
He looked down at his hands, “Yes, I believe that would accurately describe how I feel towards you.” He was surprised when Y/N covered one of his hands with her own. He looked up to see she was staring at him, a small smile turning up the corner of her mouth.
“Well, that’s good, because I was starting to think that maybe I was the only one that felt that way.” Cas’ brows raised and Y/N’s heart began to race. She had wanted to say something to him for months; but how does someone tell an angel of the Lord that she’s falling in love with him?
“You...also feel affection towards me?”
Y/N nodded, her hand moving from his own to his cheek, his five o’clock shadow rough against her palm, “Yea...I do.” His eyes searched hers, and for a moment she was lost in the bright cerulean depths. She wondered, not for the first time, how something could be so blue. She moved the pizza onto her night stand and shifted so that she was facing Cas. She leaned in and kissed him softly, smiling against him when she felt his arms wrap around her waist. After a moment, she pulled back to look at him, “I didn’t know that angels knew how to kiss.”
“I am not sure that they typically do. I have learned a lot from the pizza man.”
“The pizza man...you know what, I’m not going to question it.” She kissed him again and gasped when he flipped her onto her back.
“What about the kitchen?” Cas whispered, his blue eyes locked with her y/e/c ones.
“Sounds like a job for Dean, if you ask me,” she said with a wink. “Besides, I think you’ve got another job to do in here.”
“I would not call it a job-”
“Shut up and show me what the pizza man taught you.”
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Forever Tags: @trexrambling @pinknerdpanda  @wheresthekillswitch @emilywritesaboutdean @arryn-nyxx @emptywithout @escabell @charliebradbury1104 @jarpadandjensenaremyheroes  @deanssweetheart23  @canadianjelly @super-not-naturall @aubreyreadsstuff @dean-winchesters-babydoll @melissaj616 @fandomismyspiritanimal @keepcalmandcarryondean @assbutt-still-in-hell @owllover123 @rosie-winchester @amionthetumbler @duubaduu @hiimaprofessionalfangirl @goldenolaf25 @authoressskr @nanie5 @mrssamfuckingwinchester @zincomms @kathaswings @crazynerdandproud @barbedwireandbubblegum @sandlee44 @boxywrites @justanotherdeangirl @smalltowndivaj @captainradicalpassion @myloveforyouxx @atc74 @mrsbatesmotel53 @there-must-be-a-lock @masksandtruths @thelittleredwhocould @jotink78 @amanda-teaches @ilsawasanacrobat @squirrel-moose-winchester @mjdoc90 @anticipate1003 @mrswhozeewhatsis @mindsunleashed @mogaruke
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healthierlife4u · 4 years
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Skin beauty and diet tips for today’s working women PLUS healthy snack tips
Most professional women barely have the time to apply makeup or pay attention to skin and beauty tips. Holding down a full time job, bringing up a couple of kids, and having a husband takes all your time. Time for skin beauty tips is non- existent. One would have to make a point of taking out time for oneself, to pay attention to these issues. This is a point that all working women should bear in mind. Every working women needs to take out time for herself.
 Professional working women need to have access to some tried and true skin and beauty tips. With very little time to spare, skin beauty tips that are quick can refresh and renew her look in an instant. A woman who is taking on several roles does not even have time to think about applying makeup. Using a little concealer and powder on blemishes or those dark circles under your eyes can make a difference and take less than two minutes. You should also apply eye drops to keep those eyes nice and bright. Give your eyes definition with a single coat of mascara. Enhance eyes with a light coat of eye shadow. These skin beauty tips should only take a few seconds.
  Related:  The best skin and beauty tips for busy ladies 
  Lipstick or lip stain will draw attention and lip-gloss will make your lips look fresh and soft. Try whichever you prefer as the mood takes you. A few different types of hair accessories are always a good investment when it comes to skin and beauty tips. Pinning your hair up or back only takes about 30 seconds and always gives that sophisticated look. Hairspray and hair gel help to preserve and hold the look and style. Before leaving, spray a little perfume or body spray. It only takes about seven minutes to put on a whole new look. Give yourself those seven minutes.
 Low carb snack ideas  Low carb diets are a popular way for busy women to lose weight. Minimizing the intake of carbohydrate rich foods like potatoes, breads, and pastas can help encourage weight loss. These diets are often difficult to maintain during hunger attacks between meals. Low carb snacks are a quick and easy way to maintain a diet and enjoy eating tasty foods.
  Related:  The Red Tea Detox: Proven to reduce appetite and promote weight loss! Click here 
  Low carb snacks are generally not available pre-packaged or are loaded with sugars and starches. Preparation is required beforehand, so it’s usually best to make these snacks the day before or have them purchased and on hand in case of sudden hunger. Pre-portioning the snacks is also important to maintain a diet, and to help prevent overeating.
 Low carb snack examples   Nuts are fast and easy low carb snacks. They can be toasted or eaten raw, and can be purchased pre-salted. Ensure before purchasing that the nuts have no added sugar. Nut butters like peanut butter, acorn butter, and almond butter can be spread over vegetables or other mediums to make a quick delicious snack.  Vegetables of all kinds can be transformed into healthy snacks or eaten raw. Stuffing vegetables with cheese and grilling or baking them is fast and healthy. Mushrooms are purchased bite sized and can be stuffed, grilled, or marinated. Fruit has less healthy options when eaten any way but raw. Try mixing diced fruit, chopped nuts, and granola clusters with yogurt.  Boiled eggs are fast and easy to make, and extra taste can be added with salt. If extra time is available, deviled or another kind of stuffed egg can be prepared. Try using cheese, fish, sausage, and other low carb ingredients to create a personalized stuffed egg recipe.  Salads can be premade and customized to fit personal tastes and diets. Try substituting lettuce leaves for spinach. Check all salad dressings before using to ensure they fit in with the chosen diet. Cheese, grilled meats, fruits, vegetables, eggs, and nuts can all be added to a salad to make it a low carb snack.  Roll-ups are Asian influenced snacks that allow ingredient swapping. Wrap vegetables, spreads, and cheese in meat. These can be a kind of carb free sandwich. Lettuce can also be used as the wrap, with egg, tuna, or chicken salad inside.  Jello is a sweet and inexpensive snack that can be enhanced by adding nuts and various fruit. Ensure that any purchased Jello is sugar-free. Many flavors are available to suit any taste. Jello is quick and easy to make, or can be stored in the refrigerator for later.   Benefits of a low carb diet  Are they Really Good for Dieting? 
 Low Carb Foods have become a favorite in today’s lifestyle. However, a few people are wondering if Low Carb Foods are really good for dieting. The answer to this question is a big definite YES. However, anyone can over do a diet. Many people have become addicted to Low Carb Foods not realizing that the body needs some high-energy foods as well. There is a huge controversy about whether or not a low carb diet benefits or harms people more than it helps. Many doctors have determined that there are long-term risks of developing very serious diseases. They concluded that there were side effects such as weakness, dizziness tiredness, and in some cases insomnia, and nausea. Many people do not believe this as there has been no substantial proof that this sort of diet will harm you.
  Related:  Top 7 home remedies for faster weight loss 
  A  Low Carb Food  diet will be one of the best decisions you can ever make. It will not only help you lose weight it will also help prevent health problems.
 Low Carb Foods produce a lot of insulin, which your body needs to help fight diseases, and they are great for losing weight. That is why so many doctors and nutritionists insist that you go on a Low Carb Food diet. These diets are recommended for people that are obese and need less carbohydrate and more proteins and fats. These foods are also used to treat epilepsy and diabetes. Insulin is an effective hormone that is produced by the pancreas. It is to lower your body’s blood sugar level when it gets low. Carbohydrates convert this hormone much faster than the fatty cells and the protein cells. Insulin will alert your body when to release the stored fat to your body. Some fats cannot be used for energy so the insulin will prevent them from being released, thus a person cannot gain any weight.
 Low Carb Foods are stored in the body as and are quickly released into the blood stream. Some Low Carb Food diets use them to produce less insulin so that the body will burn more fatty tissues. High fiber foods, such as vegetable and fruits, broccoli, spinach, and other greens will boost your Low Carb Food diet. However, you should stay clear from foods that have high preservatives, and cured types of meat. Preservatives have lots of unwanted elements in them that are not good for you. Fish is a very good Low Carb Food as well as cheese products. Some foods to stay away from while you are on your Low Carb Food diet are breads, rice, pasta, deserts, potatoes, and other starchy and sweet foods.
 People should stay on Low Carb Food, it is much better to portion out a good food plan; for instance, instead of over filling your plate with the food that you like, you should cut back to one piece of meat, and one dip of potatoes, but try to stay away from bread. Also, do not run to the fridge in between meals. Once your body gets used to not eating as much, eating will then stop being an addiction.
 Remember that you are in charge of your body; your body is not in charge of you.
   Look at Geri’s results with the  Fat Burning Fingerprint  below…
     The post  Skin beauty and diet tips for today’s working women PLUS healthy snack tips  appeared first on  Technology Watchpost .
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pastel-catboy · 4 years
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Skin beauty and diet tips for today’s working women PLUS healthy snack tips
Most professional women barely have the time to apply makeup or pay attention to skin and beauty tips. Holding down a full time job, bringing up a couple of kids, and having a husband takes all your time. Time for skin beauty tips is non- existent. One would have to make a point of taking out time for oneself, to pay attention to these issues. This is a point that all working women should bear in mind. Every working women needs to take out time for herself.
 Professional working women need to have access to some tried and true skin and beauty tips. With very little time to spare, skin beauty tips that are quick can refresh and renew her look in an instant. A woman who is taking on several roles does not even have time to think about applying makeup. Using a little concealer and powder on blemishes or those dark circles under your eyes can make a difference and take less than two minutes. You should also apply eye drops to keep those eyes nice and bright. Give your eyes definition with a single coat of mascara. Enhance eyes with a light coat of eye shadow. These skin beauty tips should only take a few seconds.
  Related:  The best skin and beauty tips for busy ladies 
  Lipstick or lip stain will draw attention and lip-gloss will make your lips look fresh and soft. Try whichever you prefer as the mood takes you. A few different types of hair accessories are always a good investment when it comes to skin and beauty tips. Pinning your hair up or back only takes about 30 seconds and always gives that sophisticated look. Hairspray and hair gel help to preserve and hold the look and style. Before leaving, spray a little perfume or body spray. It only takes about seven minutes to put on a whole new look. Give yourself those seven minutes.
 Low carb snack ideas  Low carb diets are a popular way for busy women to lose weight. Minimizing the intake of carbohydrate rich foods like potatoes, breads, and pastas can help encourage weight loss. These diets are often difficult to maintain during hunger attacks between meals. Low carb snacks are a quick and easy way to maintain a diet and enjoy eating tasty foods.
  Related:  The Red Tea Detox: Proven to reduce appetite and promote weight loss! Click here 
  Low carb snacks are generally not available pre-packaged or are loaded with sugars and starches. Preparation is required beforehand, so it’s usually best to make these snacks the day before or have them purchased and on hand in case of sudden hunger. Pre-portioning the snacks is also important to maintain a diet, and to help prevent overeating.
 Low carb snack examples   Nuts are fast and easy low carb snacks. They can be toasted or eaten raw, and can be purchased pre-salted. Ensure before purchasing that the nuts have no added sugar. Nut butters like peanut butter, acorn butter, and almond butter can be spread over vegetables or other mediums to make a quick delicious snack.  Vegetables of all kinds can be transformed into healthy snacks or eaten raw. Stuffing vegetables with cheese and grilling or baking them is fast and healthy. Mushrooms are purchased bite sized and can be stuffed, grilled, or marinated. Fruit has less healthy options when eaten any way but raw. Try mixing diced fruit, chopped nuts, and granola clusters with yogurt.  Boiled eggs are fast and easy to make, and extra taste can be added with salt. If extra time is available, deviled or another kind of stuffed egg can be prepared. Try using cheese, fish, sausage, and other low carb ingredients to create a personalized stuffed egg recipe.  Salads can be premade and customized to fit personal tastes and diets. Try substituting lettuce leaves for spinach. Check all salad dressings before using to ensure they fit in with the chosen diet. Cheese, grilled meats, fruits, vegetables, eggs, and nuts can all be added to a salad to make it a low carb snack.  Roll-ups are Asian influenced snacks that allow ingredient swapping. Wrap vegetables, spreads, and cheese in meat. These can be a kind of carb free sandwich. Lettuce can also be used as the wrap, with egg, tuna, or chicken salad inside.  Jello is a sweet and inexpensive snack that can be enhanced by adding nuts and various fruit. Ensure that any purchased Jello is sugar-free. Many flavors are available to suit any taste. Jello is quick and easy to make, or can be stored in the refrigerator for later.   Benefits of a low carb diet  Are they Really Good for Dieting? 
 Low Carb Foods have become a favorite in today’s lifestyle. However, a few people are wondering if Low Carb Foods are really good for dieting. The answer to this question is a big definite YES. However, anyone can over do a diet. Many people have become addicted to Low Carb Foods not realizing that the body needs some high-energy foods as well. There is a huge controversy about whether or not a low carb diet benefits or harms people more than it helps. Many doctors have determined that there are long-term risks of developing very serious diseases. They concluded that there were side effects such as weakness, dizziness tiredness, and in some cases insomnia, and nausea. Many people do not believe this as there has been no substantial proof that this sort of diet will harm you.
  Related:  Top 7 home remedies for faster weight loss 
  A  Low Carb Food  diet will be one of the best decisions you can ever make. It will not only help you lose weight it will also help prevent health problems.
 Low Carb Foods produce a lot of insulin, which your body needs to help fight diseases, and they are great for losing weight. That is why so many doctors and nutritionists insist that you go on a Low Carb Food diet. These diets are recommended for people that are obese and need less carbohydrate and more proteins and fats. These foods are also used to treat epilepsy and diabetes. Insulin is an effective hormone that is produced by the pancreas. It is to lower your body’s blood sugar level when it gets low. Carbohydrates convert this hormone much faster than the fatty cells and the protein cells. Insulin will alert your body when to release the stored fat to your body. Some fats cannot be used for energy so the insulin will prevent them from being released, thus a person cannot gain any weight.
 Low Carb Foods are stored in the body as and are quickly released into the blood stream. Some Low Carb Food diets use them to produce less insulin so that the body will burn more fatty tissues. High fiber foods, such as vegetable and fruits, broccoli, spinach, and other greens will boost your Low Carb Food diet. However, you should stay clear from foods that have high preservatives, and cured types of meat. Preservatives have lots of unwanted elements in them that are not good for you. Fish is a very good Low Carb Food as well as cheese products. Some foods to stay away from while you are on your Low Carb Food diet are breads, rice, pasta, deserts, potatoes, and other starchy and sweet foods.
 People should stay on Low Carb Food, it is much better to portion out a good food plan; for instance, instead of over filling your plate with the food that you like, you should cut back to one piece of meat, and one dip of potatoes, but try to stay away from bread. Also, do not run to the fridge in between meals. Once your body gets used to not eating as much, eating will then stop being an addiction.
 Remember that you are in charge of your body; your body is not in charge of you.
   Look at Geri’s results with the  Fat Burning Fingerprint  below…
     The post  Skin beauty and diet tips for today’s working women PLUS healthy snack tips  appeared first on  Technology Watchpost .
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Skin beauty and diet tips for today’s working women PLUS healthy snack tips
Most professional women barely have the time to apply makeup or pay attention to skin and beauty tips. Holding down a full time job, bringing up a couple of kids, and having a husband takes all your time. Time for skin beauty tips is non- existent. One would have to make a point of taking out time for oneself, to pay attention to these issues. This is a point that all working women should bear in mind. Every working women needs to take out time for herself.
 Professional working women need to have access to some tried and true skin and beauty tips. With very little time to spare, skin beauty tips that are quick can refresh and renew her look in an instant. A woman who is taking on several roles does not even have time to think about applying makeup. Using a little concealer and powder on blemishes or those dark circles under your eyes can make a difference and take less than two minutes. You should also apply eye drops to keep those eyes nice and bright. Give your eyes definition with a single coat of mascara. Enhance eyes with a light coat of eye shadow. These skin beauty tips should only take a few seconds.
  Related:  The best skin and beauty tips for busy ladies 
  Lipstick or lip stain will draw attention and lip-gloss will make your lips look fresh and soft. Try whichever you prefer as the mood takes you. A few different types of hair accessories are always a good investment when it comes to skin and beauty tips. Pinning your hair up or back only takes about 30 seconds and always gives that sophisticated look. Hairspray and hair gel help to preserve and hold the look and style. Before leaving, spray a little perfume or body spray. It only takes about seven minutes to put on a whole new look. Give yourself those seven minutes.
 Low carb snack ideas  Low carb diets are a popular way for busy women to lose weight. Minimizing the intake of carbohydrate rich foods like potatoes, breads, and pastas can help encourage weight loss. These diets are often difficult to maintain during hunger attacks between meals. Low carb snacks are a quick and easy way to maintain a diet and enjoy eating tasty foods.
  Related:  The Red Tea Detox: Proven to reduce appetite and promote weight loss! Click here 
  Low carb snacks are generally not available pre-packaged or are loaded with sugars and starches. Preparation is required beforehand, so it’s usually best to make these snacks the day before or have them purchased and on hand in case of sudden hunger. Pre-portioning the snacks is also important to maintain a diet, and to help prevent overeating.
 Low carb snack examples   Nuts are fast and easy low carb snacks. They can be toasted or eaten raw, and can be purchased pre-salted. Ensure before purchasing that the nuts have no added sugar. Nut butters like peanut butter, acorn butter, and almond butter can be spread over vegetables or other mediums to make a quick delicious snack.  Vegetables of all kinds can be transformed into healthy snacks or eaten raw. Stuffing vegetables with cheese and grilling or baking them is fast and healthy. Mushrooms are purchased bite sized and can be stuffed, grilled, or marinated. Fruit has less healthy options when eaten any way but raw. Try mixing diced fruit, chopped nuts, and granola clusters with yogurt.  Boiled eggs are fast and easy to make, and extra taste can be added with salt. If extra time is available, deviled or another kind of stuffed egg can be prepared. Try using cheese, fish, sausage, and other low carb ingredients to create a personalized stuffed egg recipe.  Salads can be premade and customized to fit personal tastes and diets. Try substituting lettuce leaves for spinach. Check all salad dressings before using to ensure they fit in with the chosen diet. Cheese, grilled meats, fruits, vegetables, eggs, and nuts can all be added to a salad to make it a low carb snack.  Roll-ups are Asian influenced snacks that allow ingredient swapping. Wrap vegetables, spreads, and cheese in meat. These can be a kind of carb free sandwich. Lettuce can also be used as the wrap, with egg, tuna, or chicken salad inside.  Jello is a sweet and inexpensive snack that can be enhanced by adding nuts and various fruit. Ensure that any purchased Jello is sugar-free. Many flavors are available to suit any taste. Jello is quick and easy to make, or can be stored in the refrigerator for later.   Benefits of a low carb diet  Are they Really Good for Dieting? 
 Low Carb Foods have become a favorite in today’s lifestyle. However, a few people are wondering if Low Carb Foods are really good for dieting. The answer to this question is a big definite YES. However, anyone can over do a diet. Many people have become addicted to Low Carb Foods not realizing that the body needs some high-energy foods as well. There is a huge controversy about whether or not a low carb diet benefits or harms people more than it helps. Many doctors have determined that there are long-term risks of developing very serious diseases. They concluded that there were side effects such as weakness, dizziness tiredness, and in some cases insomnia, and nausea. Many people do not believe this as there has been no substantial proof that this sort of diet will harm you.
  Related:  Top 7 home remedies for faster weight loss 
  A  Low Carb Food  diet will be one of the best decisions you can ever make. It will not only help you lose weight it will also help prevent health problems.
 Low Carb Foods produce a lot of insulin, which your body needs to help fight diseases, and they are great for losing weight. That is why so many doctors and nutritionists insist that you go on a Low Carb Food diet. These diets are recommended for people that are obese and need less carbohydrate and more proteins and fats. These foods are also used to treat epilepsy and diabetes. Insulin is an effective hormone that is produced by the pancreas. It is to lower your body’s blood sugar level when it gets low. Carbohydrates convert this hormone much faster than the fatty cells and the protein cells. Insulin will alert your body when to release the stored fat to your body. Some fats cannot be used for energy so the insulin will prevent them from being released, thus a person cannot gain any weight.
 Low Carb Foods are stored in the body as and are quickly released into the blood stream. Some Low Carb Food diets use them to produce less insulin so that the body will burn more fatty tissues. High fiber foods, such as vegetable and fruits, broccoli, spinach, and other greens will boost your Low Carb Food diet. However, you should stay clear from foods that have high preservatives, and cured types of meat. Preservatives have lots of unwanted elements in them that are not good for you. Fish is a very good Low Carb Food as well as cheese products. Some foods to stay away from while you are on your Low Carb Food diet are breads, rice, pasta, deserts, potatoes, and other starchy and sweet foods.
 People should stay on Low Carb Food, it is much better to portion out a good food plan; for instance, instead of over filling your plate with the food that you like, you should cut back to one piece of meat, and one dip of potatoes, but try to stay away from bread. Also, do not run to the fridge in between meals. Once your body gets used to not eating as much, eating will then stop being an addiction.
 Remember that you are in charge of your body; your body is not in charge of you.
   Look at Geri’s results with the  Fat Burning Fingerprint  below…
     The post  Skin beauty and diet tips for today’s working women PLUS healthy snack tips  appeared first on  Technology Watchpost .
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striving-toward-170 · 4 years
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Skin beauty and diet tips for today’s working women PLUS healthy snack tips
Most professional women barely have the time to apply makeup or pay attention to skin and beauty tips. Holding down a full time job, bringing up a couple of kids, and having a husband takes all your time. Time for skin beauty tips is non- existent. One would have to make a point of taking out time for oneself, to pay attention to these issues. This is a point that all working women should bear in mind. Every working women needs to take out time for herself.
 Professional working women need to have access to some tried and true skin and beauty tips. With very little time to spare, skin beauty tips that are quick can refresh and renew her look in an instant. A woman who is taking on several roles does not even have time to think about applying makeup. Using a little concealer and powder on blemishes or those dark circles under your eyes can make a difference and take less than two minutes. You should also apply eye drops to keep those eyes nice and bright. Give your eyes definition with a single coat of mascara. Enhance eyes with a light coat of eye shadow. These skin beauty tips should only take a few seconds.
  Related:  The best skin and beauty tips for busy ladies 
  Lipstick or lip stain will draw attention and lip-gloss will make your lips look fresh and soft. Try whichever you prefer as the mood takes you. A few different types of hair accessories are always a good investment when it comes to skin and beauty tips. Pinning your hair up or back only takes about 30 seconds and always gives that sophisticated look. Hairspray and hair gel help to preserve and hold the look and style. Before leaving, spray a little perfume or body spray. It only takes about seven minutes to put on a whole new look. Give yourself those seven minutes.
 Low carb snack ideas  Low carb diets are a popular way for busy women to lose weight. Minimizing the intake of carbohydrate rich foods like potatoes, breads, and pastas can help encourage weight loss. These diets are often difficult to maintain during hunger attacks between meals. Low carb snacks are a quick and easy way to maintain a diet and enjoy eating tasty foods.
  Related:  The Red Tea Detox: Proven to reduce appetite and promote weight loss! Click here 
  Low carb snacks are generally not available pre-packaged or are loaded with sugars and starches. Preparation is required beforehand, so it’s usually best to make these snacks the day before or have them purchased and on hand in case of sudden hunger. Pre-portioning the snacks is also important to maintain a diet, and to help prevent overeating.
 Low carb snack examples   Nuts are fast and easy low carb snacks. They can be toasted or eaten raw, and can be purchased pre-salted. Ensure before purchasing that the nuts have no added sugar. Nut butters like peanut butter, acorn butter, and almond butter can be spread over vegetables or other mediums to make a quick delicious snack.  Vegetables of all kinds can be transformed into healthy snacks or eaten raw. Stuffing vegetables with cheese and grilling or baking them is fast and healthy. Mushrooms are purchased bite sized and can be stuffed, grilled, or marinated. Fruit has less healthy options when eaten any way but raw. Try mixing diced fruit, chopped nuts, and granola clusters with yogurt.  Boiled eggs are fast and easy to make, and extra taste can be added with salt. If extra time is available, deviled or another kind of stuffed egg can be prepared. Try using cheese, fish, sausage, and other low carb ingredients to create a personalized stuffed egg recipe.  Salads can be premade and customized to fit personal tastes and diets. Try substituting lettuce leaves for spinach. Check all salad dressings before using to ensure they fit in with the chosen diet. Cheese, grilled meats, fruits, vegetables, eggs, and nuts can all be added to a salad to make it a low carb snack.  Roll-ups are Asian influenced snacks that allow ingredient swapping. Wrap vegetables, spreads, and cheese in meat. These can be a kind of carb free sandwich. Lettuce can also be used as the wrap, with egg, tuna, or chicken salad inside.  Jello is a sweet and inexpensive snack that can be enhanced by adding nuts and various fruit. Ensure that any purchased Jello is sugar-free. Many flavors are available to suit any taste. Jello is quick and easy to make, or can be stored in the refrigerator for later.   Benefits of a low carb diet  Are they Really Good for Dieting? 
 Low Carb Foods have become a favorite in today’s lifestyle. However, a few people are wondering if Low Carb Foods are really good for dieting. The answer to this question is a big definite YES. However, anyone can over do a diet. Many people have become addicted to Low Carb Foods not realizing that the body needs some high-energy foods as well. There is a huge controversy about whether or not a low carb diet benefits or harms people more than it helps. Many doctors have determined that there are long-term risks of developing very serious diseases. They concluded that there were side effects such as weakness, dizziness tiredness, and in some cases insomnia, and nausea. Many people do not believe this as there has been no substantial proof that this sort of diet will harm you.
  Related:  Top 7 home remedies for faster weight loss 
  A  Low Carb Food  diet will be one of the best decisions you can ever make. It will not only help you lose weight it will also help prevent health problems.
 Low Carb Foods produce a lot of insulin, which your body needs to help fight diseases, and they are great for losing weight. That is why so many doctors and nutritionists insist that you go on a Low Carb Food diet. These diets are recommended for people that are obese and need less carbohydrate and more proteins and fats. These foods are also used to treat epilepsy and diabetes. Insulin is an effective hormone that is produced by the pancreas. It is to lower your body’s blood sugar level when it gets low. Carbohydrates convert this hormone much faster than the fatty cells and the protein cells. Insulin will alert your body when to release the stored fat to your body. Some fats cannot be used for energy so the insulin will prevent them from being released, thus a person cannot gain any weight.
 Low Carb Foods are stored in the body as and are quickly released into the blood stream. Some Low Carb Food diets use them to produce less insulin so that the body will burn more fatty tissues. High fiber foods, such as vegetable and fruits, broccoli, spinach, and other greens will boost your Low Carb Food diet. However, you should stay clear from foods that have high preservatives, and cured types of meat. Preservatives have lots of unwanted elements in them that are not good for you. Fish is a very good Low Carb Food as well as cheese products. Some foods to stay away from while you are on your Low Carb Food diet are breads, rice, pasta, deserts, potatoes, and other starchy and sweet foods.
 People should stay on Low Carb Food, it is much better to portion out a good food plan; for instance, instead of over filling your plate with the food that you like, you should cut back to one piece of meat, and one dip of potatoes, but try to stay away from bread. Also, do not run to the fridge in between meals. Once your body gets used to not eating as much, eating will then stop being an addiction.
 Remember that you are in charge of your body; your body is not in charge of you.
   Look at Geri’s results with the  Fat Burning Fingerprint  below…
     The post  Skin beauty and diet tips for today’s working women PLUS healthy snack tips  appeared first on  Technology Watchpost .
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purplesurveys · 4 years
survey by lets-make-surveys
1 - Who was the last person to give you a gift? What was the reason for it? My manager, Bea. She had a box of cream cheese buns delivered to my place last Wednesday as a Christmas gift. I’ve honestly personally been having a difficult time around her since she tends to sound just a teeny bit mean in our Viber conversations, but when I met her in person last Friday she turned out to be extremely nice. Her sending over a gift cemented that sentiment for me. It’s just the way she types, I guess.
2 - Are you a good cook? If so, who taught you? What’s your favourite thing to cook? I don’t consider myself a cook in any sense of the word. If I do learn how to cook one day, the dish I’d want to be known for is something complex and can be enjoyed by a large group, like paella.
3 - When was the last time something in your house broke? Did you manage to fix it or did you need to buy a replacement? Nothing too big. It was probably just one of our lightbulbs. Yeah, my parents have those replaced fairly quickly.
4 - Is any part of your body hurting right now? What caused that pain? My lower back as usual because I always put myself in the shittiest positions/postures. I can also feel a mild headache coming in from my right temple. I cannot wait for this week to be over, holy shit.
5 - Do you have anything exciting planned for the upcoming weekend? I’ll have to do some more Christmas shopping because last Sunday I wore the wrong pair of shoes, got a couple of blisters which made it hurt to walk, and was unable to get more gifts than I had planned for that day. I suppose gift shopping is exciting; I love days where I get to take myself out.
6 - If you could spend two weeks in any city in the world, which city would you pick and why? If the pandemic isn’t an issue, New York. I feel like I need to get lost in a really loud, busy, bright, this-city-never-sleeps kind of environment for a while.
7 - When was the last time you tripped or fell in public? if there was nobody around to see you, did you still feel embarrassed? Oh this is tricky. I haven’t been out much so I haven’t embarrassed myself like this in public in a while. I do remember tripping somewhere, but to save face I made the extra effort to look annoyed with myself and to immediately get back to texting, lol. I think it was in school, but I’m really not 100% sure.
8 - The last time you made a sandwich, what did you put in there? An egg sandwich spread that my mom added a twist to by adding crabsticks. Turned out surprisingly very well, and now I ask her to add crabsticks whenever she’s in the mood to make a stock of egg sandwich spread.
9 - How many hours sleep did you get last night? Was that enough for you or could you have slept for longer? I think it might’ve been 8? which technically should be enough; but work is really tiring. I never feel well-rested enough no matter how long I was able to sleep for.
10 - What’s your favourite time of day? What’s your favourite thing to do at that time? 6 PM, because it’s the end of my shift. My favorite thing to do is for sure closing my tabs and windows related to work.
11 - Where did you go the last time you left your house? I went to Feliz - for the first time since March - and did some Christmas shopping for a couple of my cousins, and then I stayed at Starbucks.
12 - Are you tired right now? Will you be going to bed anytime soon? I’m tired, but I’m not going to bed yet as it’s only 6:45 PM and I’ve yet to eat dinner, anyway. I’ll probably start sleeping by a little after 10, as usual.
13 - How many times a week do you get takeaway coffee, if you get it at all? It’s kinda unnecessary these days considering I work from home. I can see myself going to the Starbucks drive-thru 2-3 times a week for coffee if I regularly went to the office, though.
14 - What radio station do you listen to the most? They’re local and you wouldn’t know about them, but I typically switch between 93.1 and 99.5.
15 - If you eat steak, how do you like it cooked? What sauces or sides do you like to go with it? Rare to medium rare is fine; as long as I can still see the blood oozing from it. Mashed potatoes is a great side.
16 - Do you prefer sweet or savoury pancakes? What toppings do you have on them? Sweet. I’ve never encountered savory pancakes, actually; what are those like? :o I usually put maple syrup, peanut butter, and whipped cream on mine. It’s my waffles that I prefer to be savory, since I like eating fried chicken with them.
17 - Are you someone who cracks their joints a lot? Which one(s) do you tend to crack and click the most? I can only do so on my fingers and ankles, so I crack and twist those whenever they start to feel tense.
18 - Have you ever taken medication or tablets to help you sleep? is this something you do on a regular basis? No. I don’t have a lot of trouble falling asleep...it’s staying in sleep I have a trouble with, actually. Nightmares are a regular occurence now, which has meant it’s been a while since I’ve looked forward to going to bed. It’s pretty dumb and childish but most of my dreams have been happy, past scenarios with my ex. It feels like heaven while I’m in those dreams, but I cry uncontrollably as soon as I wake up which is why as happy as those dreams are I still categorize them as nightmares haha. It sucks.
19 - For you, what’s the worst thing about getting up in the morning? What about the worst thing about going to bed tonight? I’m handling one client who has been a gigantic pain in the ass ever since they onboarded with us, and they make work a dreadful experience for me every morning. When it comes to going to bed, like I said, the nightmares aren’t fun to go through. The happier they are, the emptier I feel upon waking up.
20 - Do you prefer regular or diet soft drinks? Never been interested in soft drinks, though the few times I tried to drink some I do remember taking a preference to diet versions.
21 - What do you tend to wear if you’re just hanging about the house for the day? I just go with a comfy cotton t-shirt and a pair of shorts. I might start to wear socks more often as it’s begun to feel a lot colder these days, too.
22 - When was the last time you dyed your hair? Did you do it yourself or get it done at a hairdresser? I’ve never had my hair dyed, but I’d love to try it soon. I’ll definitely have it done at a hair salon as I cannot trust myself with things like hair dye and bleach.
23 - Does having to wear a mask stop you doing things? Is this because you struggle wearing one or you just don’t like it? It makes it a little difficult to breathe and mine and everyone’s sentences gets super muffled, but it’s such a tiny thing to complain about when wearing a mask keeps you and everyone safe. I’d rather ask someone to repeat what they said multiple times than have either of us test positive for the virus.
24 - Have you ever witnessed a car accident? Or have you perhaps been involved in one yourself? Were you at fault? I have never seen a car crash as it happened in real time, but of course I’ve witnessed a lot of aftermaths. I’ve been in a few (either on my own or with my family), but all have been very minor accidents.
25 - When was the last time you baked a cake? What cake was it? Like 6th grade, for home economics. It was a rainbow cake from when that was a thing in 2010.
26 - Do you like wearing bows or accessories in your hair? They’re cute; I just don’t care much for them enough to want to buy a bunch of hair bows and clips.
27 - How many books do you read in a year? Do you enjoy reading or do you have to really force yourself to sit down and read? I will read a handful of wrestling memoirs in a year. I grew out of the hobby a long time ago, which I find really sad because reading was my happy place as a kid and served as comfort from when I used to be a loner in school. I keep saying I’ll get back to it someday, but it never happens and I don’t want to attempt making promises anymore.
28 - If you have pets, where did they come from? A breeder, a rescue or maybe a friend who bred their pet? We got Kimi from my grandma, who had a dog that recently gave birth to puppies. Mom got Cooper from a breeder. As much as I feel bad about it as I’ve always been a proponent of adopt don’t shop, I’m also glad because Cooper is guaranteed a happy life and future with us. Arlee was adopted from PAWS.
29 - Do you make your bed every morning when you get up? I’ve been awful at being consistent with it. So no, I don’t really.
30 - When was the last time you got takeaway food? Was it good? Dad got us Jollibee for dinner last night, and hell yes it was good.
0 notes
workingtolovemyself · 4 years
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Skin beauty and diet tips for today’s working women PLUS healthy snack tips
Most professional women barely have the time to apply makeup or pay attention to skin and beauty tips. Holding down a full time job, bringing up a couple of kids, and having a husband takes all your time. Time for skin beauty tips is non- existent. One would have to make a point of taking out time for oneself, to pay attention to these issues. This is a point that all working women should bear in mind. Every working women needs to take out time for herself.
 Professional working women need to have access to some tried and true skin and beauty tips. With very little time to spare, skin beauty tips that are quick can refresh and renew her look in an instant. A woman who is taking on several roles does not even have time to think about applying makeup. Using a little concealer and powder on blemishes or those dark circles under your eyes can make a difference and take less than two minutes. You should also apply eye drops to keep those eyes nice and bright. Give your eyes definition with a single coat of mascara. Enhance eyes with a light coat of eye shadow. These skin beauty tips should only take a few seconds.
  Related:  The best skin and beauty tips for busy ladies 
  Lipstick or lip stain will draw attention and lip-gloss will make your lips look fresh and soft. Try whichever you prefer as the mood takes you. A few different types of hair accessories are always a good investment when it comes to skin and beauty tips. Pinning your hair up or back only takes about 30 seconds and always gives that sophisticated look. Hairspray and hair gel help to preserve and hold the look and style. Before leaving, spray a little perfume or body spray. It only takes about seven minutes to put on a whole new look. Give yourself those seven minutes.
 Low carb snack ideas  Low carb diets are a popular way for busy women to lose weight. Minimizing the intake of carbohydrate rich foods like potatoes, breads, and pastas can help encourage weight loss. These diets are often difficult to maintain during hunger attacks between meals. Low carb snacks are a quick and easy way to maintain a diet and enjoy eating tasty foods.
  Related:  The Red Tea Detox: Proven to reduce appetite and promote weight loss! Click here 
  Low carb snacks are generally not available pre-packaged or are loaded with sugars and starches. Preparation is required beforehand, so it’s usually best to make these snacks the day before or have them purchased and on hand in case of sudden hunger. Pre-portioning the snacks is also important to maintain a diet, and to help prevent overeating.
 Low carb snack examples   Nuts are fast and easy low carb snacks. They can be toasted or eaten raw, and can be purchased pre-salted. Ensure before purchasing that the nuts have no added sugar. Nut butters like peanut butter, acorn butter, and almond butter can be spread over vegetables or other mediums to make a quick delicious snack.  Vegetables of all kinds can be transformed into healthy snacks or eaten raw. Stuffing vegetables with cheese and grilling or baking them is fast and healthy. Mushrooms are purchased bite sized and can be stuffed, grilled, or marinated. Fruit has less healthy options when eaten any way but raw. Try mixing diced fruit, chopped nuts, and granola clusters with yogurt.  Boiled eggs are fast and easy to make, and extra taste can be added with salt. If extra time is available, deviled or another kind of stuffed egg can be prepared. Try using cheese, fish, sausage, and other low carb ingredients to create a personalized stuffed egg recipe.  Salads can be premade and customized to fit personal tastes and diets. Try substituting lettuce leaves for spinach. Check all salad dressings before using to ensure they fit in with the chosen diet. Cheese, grilled meats, fruits, vegetables, eggs, and nuts can all be added to a salad to make it a low carb snack.  Roll-ups are Asian influenced snacks that allow ingredient swapping. Wrap vegetables, spreads, and cheese in meat. These can be a kind of carb free sandwich. Lettuce can also be used as the wrap, with egg, tuna, or chicken salad inside.  Jello is a sweet and inexpensive snack that can be enhanced by adding nuts and various fruit. Ensure that any purchased Jello is sugar-free. Many flavors are available to suit any taste. Jello is quick and easy to make, or can be stored in the refrigerator for later.   Benefits of a low carb diet  Are they Really Good for Dieting? 
 Low Carb Foods have become a favorite in today’s lifestyle. However, a few people are wondering if Low Carb Foods are really good for dieting. The answer to this question is a big definite YES. However, anyone can over do a diet. Many people have become addicted to Low Carb Foods not realizing that the body needs some high-energy foods as well. There is a huge controversy about whether or not a low carb diet benefits or harms people more than it helps. Many doctors have determined that there are long-term risks of developing very serious diseases. They concluded that there were side effects such as weakness, dizziness tiredness, and in some cases insomnia, and nausea. Many people do not believe this as there has been no substantial proof that this sort of diet will harm you.
  Related:  Top 7 home remedies for faster weight loss 
  A  Low Carb Food  diet will be one of the best decisions you can ever make. It will not only help you lose weight it will also help prevent health problems.
 Low Carb Foods produce a lot of insulin, which your body needs to help fight diseases, and they are great for losing weight. That is why so many doctors and nutritionists insist that you go on a Low Carb Food diet. These diets are recommended for people that are obese and need less carbohydrate and more proteins and fats. These foods are also used to treat epilepsy and diabetes. Insulin is an effective hormone that is produced by the pancreas. It is to lower your body’s blood sugar level when it gets low. Carbohydrates convert this hormone much faster than the fatty cells and the protein cells. Insulin will alert your body when to release the stored fat to your body. Some fats cannot be used for energy so the insulin will prevent them from being released, thus a person cannot gain any weight.
 Low Carb Foods are stored in the body as and are quickly released into the blood stream. Some Low Carb Food diets use them to produce less insulin so that the body will burn more fatty tissues. High fiber foods, such as vegetable and fruits, broccoli, spinach, and other greens will boost your Low Carb Food diet. However, you should stay clear from foods that have high preservatives, and cured types of meat. Preservatives have lots of unwanted elements in them that are not good for you. Fish is a very good Low Carb Food as well as cheese products. Some foods to stay away from while you are on your Low Carb Food diet are breads, rice, pasta, deserts, potatoes, and other starchy and sweet foods.
 People should stay on Low Carb Food, it is much better to portion out a good food plan; for instance, instead of over filling your plate with the food that you like, you should cut back to one piece of meat, and one dip of potatoes, but try to stay away from bread. Also, do not run to the fridge in between meals. Once your body gets used to not eating as much, eating will then stop being an addiction.
 Remember that you are in charge of your body; your body is not in charge of you.
   Look at Geri’s results with the  Fat Burning Fingerprint  below…
     The post  Skin beauty and diet tips for today’s working women PLUS healthy snack tips  appeared first on  Technology Watchpost .
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crohnsdigest · 4 years
Udo’s Choice® Ultimate Oil Blend
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Certified organic, Udo's Oil is a seed oil formulated to contains the perfect ratio of 2:1 of Omega 3 and 6. What's more, it's the richest vegan source of omega 3 and 6 fatty acids available in Ireland. These essential fatty acids play a key role in many functions including heart, brain and vision health to help you look and feel amazing, inside and out. How much Udo’s Oil should I take? We recommend one dessertspoon for every 25kg of body weight per day to get optimum benefit. It’s best to start with one spoon and build up to your optimum amount. A small number of people can feel a little nausea as the body adjusts, so if this happens, reduce the amount you take and build up gradually.  Most people need a little more in winter than summer. Can the oil be added to hot foods?  Yes, steamed veggies, baked potatoes, soups, etc, but after they are served. Can I stir-fry with the oil? Please do not do this. Heat damages the properties of the oil so you will lose all the wonderful benefits. It is no problem to add the oil to warm food once it has been served. How long can Udo's Oil be left out of the fridge? Our instruction is to make sure it is stored in the fridge. Stability tests have shown that there is no change/loss in stability for 3 days out of fridge. To get the longest life for the oil, this needs to be in the fridge.  What is the shelf life of Udo's Oil? Unopened - 12 months if refrigerated, up to 2 years if frozen and 8 weeks once opened. What is the difference between the capsules and the liquid oil? You need to take a lot more tablets for the same benefits. It takes 14 capsules to give you 1 tbsp of the liquid oil. The capsules are for convenience and travelling. Can I take Udo's Oil while Pregnant and Breastfeeding? Yes, firstly because Udo’s Oil does not contain either Vitamin A or D. Secondly, EFA’s are required by infants for proper brain development, particularly between the third trimester of pregnancy and 18 months of age. Pregnant women can become quite deficient in EFA’s as the foetus draw these from the mother. As well as the possibility of being physically depleted, this can have a knock-on effect on your mood during the challenging childrearing days. The addition of sufficient EFA’s to a mother’s diet is known to alleviate post-natal depression and stress. Supplementation with Udo’s Oil while pregnant and breastfeeding will ensure that both, mother and baby, receive sufficient EFA’s. Another great benefit is to your skin – lubricated skin is more elastic, less likely to tear or create stretch marks and returns more easily to its former tautness. How much Udo’s Oil should a woman take while nursing? The recommendation for pregnant women and new mothers is 1 tablespoon per 25kg of weight. While pregnant, as your weight increases with the growth of the baby, your need for essential fats will increase.  Will the Udo’s Oil a nursing mother ingests affect the baby’s digestion? Not usually; these essential fats are required throughout infancy and beyond. Is Udo's Oil suitable for children and babies? Yes, Udo’s Oil can be given to babies over six months old, preferably mixed in food instead of off the spoon, starting with a teaspoonful, and increase with age as follows: 1-3 years - 2 tsp 3-10 years - 1 Tbsp 10 yrs and up - the full 2 Tbsp How do I know I’m getting the right amount? Your body is intelligent. It knows its own hierarchy when it comes to your health and prioritises your most vital organs. Heart and Brain are high on the list and will be first to take what they need from your oil. After your vital organs and glands are satisfied then come your joints and all soft tissue. Next, your skin, the outermost organ. When you feel your skin becoming smooth and velvety soft, then you can be sure the rest of the vital cells everywhere in your body are getting the optimum amount of Udo’s Oil. You’ll feel the difference. Why is the ratio of Omegas we take so important? Dr Udo Erasmus spent 15 years experimenting on getting the most beneficial ratio of Omegas we require daily. For example, he found that using Flax seed oil (linseed) alone, which is very rich in Omega 3 but low in Omega 6 can lead to dry eyes, painful finger joints, fragile skin and skipped heartbeats and lowered immune function. These are the symptoms of Omega 6 deficiency as they are crowded out by the Omega 3’s. Too much of a good thing! Long years of experience led Udo to blend a combination of oils which give you Omega 3:6:9 in a ratio of 2:1:1. He has reliably found this to be the most effective and beneficial blend. Is Udo’s Oil considered a raw food? Yes it is. Minimal heat is involved in its pressing, no enzymes are destroyed and it is not pasteurised at all. Can Coeliacs take Udo’s Oil?  Is it gluten free? Yes – because the oil does not contain any gluten from oats, it remains behind in the seed cake after the oil has been separated. Is Udo's Oil suitable for diabetics and will it interfere with the pill/blood thinning medication/other medication? Diabetics and people taking the blood thinning agent Warfarin may need to monitor their requirement for the medication more frequently. Omega 3′s in particular are useful for thinning the blood – this will not happen overnight, but rather over a period of time. EFA’s also help to lower the glycemic index of foods which may reduce the requirement for insulin –  again, this must be monitored by a GP and will not occur overnight. Does Udo's Oil lower Cholesterol? How long will it take? Omegas alone can help lower cholesterol, but only slightly. It’s phytosterols that block absorption and re-absorption of cholesterol from the gut, lowering levels by up to 25%. Unlike most other supplementary oils, Udo’s Oil contains a rich 65mg per tablespoon, an ample amount to help balance your cholesterol levels. The length of time it takes to notice results depends on your starting level but is usually 3-4 months.  It’s high in fat, will it make me fat? Is it ok for my heart? The oil blend has a reputation for reducing weight, particularly if related to fluid retention. EFA’s slow down digestion (a good thing) so we absorb more from the foods we eat. Udo recommends the oil is best taken with green foods as we will absorb more nutrients. If, however, the oil is taken together with carbohydrates, starches and sugars, we will absorb more and may increase weight rather than reduce weight. The golden rule is – take with green foods to reduce weight, or take with carbohydrates and starch to help gain weight. The fats in Udo’s Choice are the good fats which increase bad fat burn-off, which is good for both, heart and waistline. EPA/DHA: Is Udo’s Oil a source of EPA and DHA? The traditional source of EPA and DHA is from the oils of cold water fish and marine animals. Among land animals it comes from the brain and glandular tissues. Modern scientific research has found out that these oils deteriorate very rapidly after an animal dies!! These two fatty acids are manufactured in the animal body - and in human bodies - from Omega-3. EPA and DHA are normal constituents of our cells, especially abundant in brain, nerve, visual, adrenal, and sex gland cells, the most bio-chemically active tissues in our bodies. However, in order for our bodies to produce EPA and DHA from Omega-3, the cells have to be healthy. Degenerative conditions may impair our body's ability to make them. Fish and marine animals do produce these fatty acids in their bodies, but they get much of what they require from brown and red algae. Omega 3 - Fish versus Plant source; which is better? The Omega-3 EFA in the Udo’s oil is transformed by the body into the EPA and DHA as it needs it. Omega-3 in seeds is more stable, less processed and the body has better metabolic control over the transformation process. These EFA’s are readily available in fish oil. Fish oils are faster acting. The other concern with many fish oils on the market is that they may go rancid very fast. As well fish oils may contain high levels of mercury and other toxic metals. How is Omega-3 used by the body? What about conversion of omega 3 to EPA and DHA? Half of the Omega-3 intake gets burned for energy. 10-20% per day is converted into EPA/DHA, but this conversion depends, in part, on the ratio of Omega-3 to Omega-6. The conversion is slowed down by excess Omega-6 intake, so they need to be properly proportioned and balanced. The conversion may be hindered by a lack of nutrients like zinc, magnesium, and copper, B3, B6, Vitamin C and E. Women convert Omega-3 to DHA/EPA better than men (36% vs. 16%) Conversion of Omega-3 to DHA also depends on how much DHA is already present in the body. 95-99% of the population does not get enough Omega-3, and what is not present cannot be converted. Saturated and trans-fatty acids can also hinder conversion. Omega-3 and Omega-6 from organic seed oils are very easily used by the body. Taking all these variables into account makes it difficult to generalize but at minimum people are able to convert ALA to DHA at a rate of 2-5% and 5-10% for EPA. This means that one tbsp of Udo’s Oil, which has 6500mg of Omega-3, will give between 130 and 325mg DHA and 325-650mg of EPA. GLA: What is GLA? Gamma Linolenic Acid – part of the breakdown of linoleic acid, or Omega-6. In terms of the GLA content, is it possible to get too much GLA? Almost impossible. There is only a minute amount of GLA in the blend, and since the body makes GLA from omega 6, you really cannot get too much from the oil. The omega 3 in the blend keeps everything in balance. click here to buy udos choice Read the full article
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healthierlife4u · 4 years
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Skin beauty and diet tips for today’s working women PLUS healthy snack tips
Most professional women barely have the time to apply makeup or pay attention to skin and beauty tips. Holding down a full time job, bringing up a couple of kids, and having a husband takes all your time. Time for skin beauty tips is non- existent. One would have to make a point of taking out time for oneself, to pay attention to these issues. This is a point that all working women should bear in mind. Every working women needs to take out time for herself.
 Professional working women need to have access to some tried and true skin and beauty tips. With very little time to spare, skin beauty tips that are quick can refresh and renew her look in an instant. A woman who is taking on several roles does not even have time to think about applying makeup. Using a little concealer and powder on blemishes or those dark circles under your eyes can make a difference and take less than two minutes. You should also apply eye drops to keep those eyes nice and bright. Give your eyes definition with a single coat of mascara. Enhance eyes with a light coat of eye shadow. These skin beauty tips should only take a few seconds.
  Related:  The best skin and beauty tips for busy ladies 
  Lipstick or lip stain will draw attention and lip-gloss will make your lips look fresh and soft. Try whichever you prefer as the mood takes you. A few different types of hair accessories are always a good investment when it comes to skin and beauty tips. Pinning your hair up or back only takes about 30 seconds and always gives that sophisticated look. Hairspray and hair gel help to preserve and hold the look and style. Before leaving, spray a little perfume or body spray. It only takes about seven minutes to put on a whole new look. Give yourself those seven minutes.
 Low carb snack ideas  Low carb diets are a popular way for busy women to lose weight. Minimizing the intake of carbohydrate rich foods like potatoes, breads, and pastas can help encourage weight loss. These diets are often difficult to maintain during hunger attacks between meals. Low carb snacks are a quick and easy way to maintain a diet and enjoy eating tasty foods.
  Related:  The Red Tea Detox: Proven to reduce appetite and promote weight loss! Click here 
  Low carb snacks are generally not available pre-packaged or are loaded with sugars and starches. Preparation is required beforehand, so it’s usually best to make these snacks the day before or have them purchased and on hand in case of sudden hunger. Pre-portioning the snacks is also important to maintain a diet, and to help prevent overeating.
 Low carb snack examples   Nuts are fast and easy low carb snacks. They can be toasted or eaten raw, and can be purchased pre-salted. Ensure before purchasing that the nuts have no added sugar. Nut butters like peanut butter, acorn butter, and almond butter can be spread over vegetables or other mediums to make a quick delicious snack.  Vegetables of all kinds can be transformed into healthy snacks or eaten raw. Stuffing vegetables with cheese and grilling or baking them is fast and healthy. Mushrooms are purchased bite sized and can be stuffed, grilled, or marinated. Fruit has less healthy options when eaten any way but raw. Try mixing diced fruit, chopped nuts, and granola clusters with yogurt.  Boiled eggs are fast and easy to make, and extra taste can be added with salt. If extra time is available, deviled or another kind of stuffed egg can be prepared. Try using cheese, fish, sausage, and other low carb ingredients to create a personalized stuffed egg recipe.  Salads can be premade and customized to fit personal tastes and diets. Try substituting lettuce leaves for spinach. Check all salad dressings before using to ensure they fit in with the chosen diet. Cheese, grilled meats, fruits, vegetables, eggs, and nuts can all be added to a salad to make it a low carb snack.  Roll-ups are Asian influenced snacks that allow ingredient swapping. Wrap vegetables, spreads, and cheese in meat. These can be a kind of carb free sandwich. Lettuce can also be used as the wrap, with egg, tuna, or chicken salad inside.  Jello is a sweet and inexpensive snack that can be enhanced by adding nuts and various fruit. Ensure that any purchased Jello is sugar-free. Many flavors are available to suit any taste. Jello is quick and easy to make, or can be stored in the refrigerator for later.   Benefits of a low carb diet  Are they Really Good for Dieting? 
 Low Carb Foods have become a favorite in today’s lifestyle. However, a few people are wondering if Low Carb Foods are really good for dieting. The answer to this question is a big definite YES. However, anyone can over do a diet. Many people have become addicted to Low Carb Foods not realizing that the body needs some high-energy foods as well. There is a huge controversy about whether or not a low carb diet benefits or harms people more than it helps. Many doctors have determined that there are long-term risks of developing very serious diseases. They concluded that there were side effects such as weakness, dizziness tiredness, and in some cases insomnia, and nausea. Many people do not believe this as there has been no substantial proof that this sort of diet will harm you.
  Related:  Top 7 home remedies for faster weight loss 
  A  Low Carb Food  diet will be one of the best decisions you can ever make. It will not only help you lose weight it will also help prevent health problems.
 Low Carb Foods produce a lot of insulin, which your body needs to help fight diseases, and they are great for losing weight. That is why so many doctors and nutritionists insist that you go on a Low Carb Food diet. These diets are recommended for people that are obese and need less carbohydrate and more proteins and fats. These foods are also used to treat epilepsy and diabetes. Insulin is an effective hormone that is produced by the pancreas. It is to lower your body’s blood sugar level when it gets low. Carbohydrates convert this hormone much faster than the fatty cells and the protein cells. Insulin will alert your body when to release the stored fat to your body. Some fats cannot be used for energy so the insulin will prevent them from being released, thus a person cannot gain any weight.
 Low Carb Foods are stored in the body as and are quickly released into the blood stream. Some Low Carb Food diets use them to produce less insulin so that the body will burn more fatty tissues. High fiber foods, such as vegetable and fruits, broccoli, spinach, and other greens will boost your Low Carb Food diet. However, you should stay clear from foods that have high preservatives, and cured types of meat. Preservatives have lots of unwanted elements in them that are not good for you. Fish is a very good Low Carb Food as well as cheese products. Some foods to stay away from while you are on your Low Carb Food diet are breads, rice, pasta, deserts, potatoes, and other starchy and sweet foods.
 People should stay on Low Carb Food, it is much better to portion out a good food plan; for instance, instead of over filling your plate with the food that you like, you should cut back to one piece of meat, and one dip of potatoes, but try to stay away from bread. Also, do not run to the fridge in between meals. Once your body gets used to not eating as much, eating will then stop being an addiction.
 Remember that you are in charge of your body; your body is not in charge of you.
   Look at Geri’s results with the  Fat Burning Fingerprint  below…
     The post  Skin beauty and diet tips for today’s working women PLUS healthy snack tips  appeared first on  Technology Watchpost .
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pastel-catboy · 4 years
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Skin beauty and diet tips for today’s working women PLUS healthy snack tips
Most professional women barely have the time to apply makeup or pay attention to skin and beauty tips. Holding down a full time job, bringing up a couple of kids, and having a husband takes all your time. Time for skin beauty tips is non- existent. One would have to make a point of taking out time for oneself, to pay attention to these issues. This is a point that all working women should bear in mind. Every working women needs to take out time for herself.
 Professional working women need to have access to some tried and true skin and beauty tips. With very little time to spare, skin beauty tips that are quick can refresh and renew her look in an instant. A woman who is taking on several roles does not even have time to think about applying makeup. Using a little concealer and powder on blemishes or those dark circles under your eyes can make a difference and take less than two minutes. You should also apply eye drops to keep those eyes nice and bright. Give your eyes definition with a single coat of mascara. Enhance eyes with a light coat of eye shadow. These skin beauty tips should only take a few seconds.
  Related:  The best skin and beauty tips for busy ladies 
  Lipstick or lip stain will draw attention and lip-gloss will make your lips look fresh and soft. Try whichever you prefer as the mood takes you. A few different types of hair accessories are always a good investment when it comes to skin and beauty tips. Pinning your hair up or back only takes about 30 seconds and always gives that sophisticated look. Hairspray and hair gel help to preserve and hold the look and style. Before leaving, spray a little perfume or body spray. It only takes about seven minutes to put on a whole new look. Give yourself those seven minutes.
 Low carb snack ideas  Low carb diets are a popular way for busy women to lose weight. Minimizing the intake of carbohydrate rich foods like potatoes, breads, and pastas can help encourage weight loss. These diets are often difficult to maintain during hunger attacks between meals. Low carb snacks are a quick and easy way to maintain a diet and enjoy eating tasty foods.
  Related:  The Red Tea Detox: Proven to reduce appetite and promote weight loss! Click here 
  Low carb snacks are generally not available pre-packaged or are loaded with sugars and starches. Preparation is required beforehand, so it’s usually best to make these snacks the day before or have them purchased and on hand in case of sudden hunger. Pre-portioning the snacks is also important to maintain a diet, and to help prevent overeating.
 Low carb snack examples   Nuts are fast and easy low carb snacks. They can be toasted or eaten raw, and can be purchased pre-salted. Ensure before purchasing that the nuts have no added sugar. Nut butters like peanut butter, acorn butter, and almond butter can be spread over vegetables or other mediums to make a quick delicious snack.  Vegetables of all kinds can be transformed into healthy snacks or eaten raw. Stuffing vegetables with cheese and grilling or baking them is fast and healthy. Mushrooms are purchased bite sized and can be stuffed, grilled, or marinated. Fruit has less healthy options when eaten any way but raw. Try mixing diced fruit, chopped nuts, and granola clusters with yogurt.  Boiled eggs are fast and easy to make, and extra taste can be added with salt. If extra time is available, deviled or another kind of stuffed egg can be prepared. Try using cheese, fish, sausage, and other low carb ingredients to create a personalized stuffed egg recipe.  Salads can be premade and customized to fit personal tastes and diets. Try substituting lettuce leaves for spinach. Check all salad dressings before using to ensure they fit in with the chosen diet. Cheese, grilled meats, fruits, vegetables, eggs, and nuts can all be added to a salad to make it a low carb snack.  Roll-ups are Asian influenced snacks that allow ingredient swapping. Wrap vegetables, spreads, and cheese in meat. These can be a kind of carb free sandwich. Lettuce can also be used as the wrap, with egg, tuna, or chicken salad inside.  Jello is a sweet and inexpensive snack that can be enhanced by adding nuts and various fruit. Ensure that any purchased Jello is sugar-free. Many flavors are available to suit any taste. Jello is quick and easy to make, or can be stored in the refrigerator for later.   Benefits of a low carb diet  Are they Really Good for Dieting? 
 Low Carb Foods have become a favorite in today’s lifestyle. However, a few people are wondering if Low Carb Foods are really good for dieting. The answer to this question is a big definite YES. However, anyone can over do a diet. Many people have become addicted to Low Carb Foods not realizing that the body needs some high-energy foods as well. There is a huge controversy about whether or not a low carb diet benefits or harms people more than it helps. Many doctors have determined that there are long-term risks of developing very serious diseases. They concluded that there were side effects such as weakness, dizziness tiredness, and in some cases insomnia, and nausea. Many people do not believe this as there has been no substantial proof that this sort of diet will harm you.
  Related:  Top 7 home remedies for faster weight loss 
  A  Low Carb Food  diet will be one of the best decisions you can ever make. It will not only help you lose weight it will also help prevent health problems.
 Low Carb Foods produce a lot of insulin, which your body needs to help fight diseases, and they are great for losing weight. That is why so many doctors and nutritionists insist that you go on a Low Carb Food diet. These diets are recommended for people that are obese and need less carbohydrate and more proteins and fats. These foods are also used to treat epilepsy and diabetes. Insulin is an effective hormone that is produced by the pancreas. It is to lower your body’s blood sugar level when it gets low. Carbohydrates convert this hormone much faster than the fatty cells and the protein cells. Insulin will alert your body when to release the stored fat to your body. Some fats cannot be used for energy so the insulin will prevent them from being released, thus a person cannot gain any weight.
 Low Carb Foods are stored in the body as and are quickly released into the blood stream. Some Low Carb Food diets use them to produce less insulin so that the body will burn more fatty tissues. High fiber foods, such as vegetable and fruits, broccoli, spinach, and other greens will boost your Low Carb Food diet. However, you should stay clear from foods that have high preservatives, and cured types of meat. Preservatives have lots of unwanted elements in them that are not good for you. Fish is a very good Low Carb Food as well as cheese products. Some foods to stay away from while you are on your Low Carb Food diet are breads, rice, pasta, deserts, potatoes, and other starchy and sweet foods.
 People should stay on Low Carb Food, it is much better to portion out a good food plan; for instance, instead of over filling your plate with the food that you like, you should cut back to one piece of meat, and one dip of potatoes, but try to stay away from bread. Also, do not run to the fridge in between meals. Once your body gets used to not eating as much, eating will then stop being an addiction.
 Remember that you are in charge of your body; your body is not in charge of you.
   Look at Geri’s results with the  Fat Burning Fingerprint  below…
     The post  Skin beauty and diet tips for today’s working women PLUS healthy snack tips  appeared first on  Technology Watchpost .
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ourmomzone-blog · 5 years
The Money Secret!
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"The Root of All Evil" or "The Bloom of Success" - Here is a little story passed down through the generations you may have heard or not ... but as far as the topic of money goes, it's worth repeating.
The "Secret"
A young man in his early years in the work field was depressed as he thought he was unsuccessful in that he had been working for several years and had nothing to show for it. No bank account to speak of and little in his pocket.
He remembered meeting an elderly man during his youth and also remembered how successful the older man was and thought that one day he would like to be like him. The young man especially marveled at the material things the older man had acquired and knew of his financial success.
So, quite despondent at his own failure and desperate to seek advice or additional learning to better himself he sought out the older man and arranged to meet him. He thought that if he could talk to him the older man would reveal his treasured "secret" on how he attained his wealth.
They met in a quiet setting and the younger man told his story of how he had worked for a number of years and though he tried very hard, he found it extremely difficult to save any money after his obligations and had little to show for all the years he worked. He asked the older man if he would share his secret and tell him how he managed to acquire his wealth.
The older man who might have been of any culture and denomination of faith as this is not a matter of importance, chuckled under his breath and it made the young man feel uncomfortable and embarrassed that he thought he had offended the man for asking. But before he could apologize for his abruptness and inquisitiveness, the old man spoke.
"My son, I have no "secret" regarding my wealth."
And the young man replied, "Oh, but you must have. You must have a greater wisdom than others as you are rich and it is well known that you have much money."
"Well, Yes, it is true that I am wealthy", said the old man, "but how I acquired my wealth is no secret. I shall be glad to let you know."
The young man leaned toward him and showed an astute attentiveness eagerly waiting for the old man's next words that would reveal a mystical magical mystery.
Then the old man spoke. "Son, It is really very simple. Every week you perform your duties and receive a wage, right?" The young man nodded in assent. "Well," continued the old man. "And you dole out your wages to pay your rent, the grocer, your doctor bills, your dentist bills, correct?" Again, the young man nodded. "Well, how much do you pay yourself?" the old man asked. The young man suddenly had an astonished look on his face. "Pay myself?" he blurted out. "Yes," said the old man. "Yourself. You worked just as your doctor did and as your dentist did, didn't you? How much did you pay yourself for the week you worked?" The young man didn't know what to say and sat motionless and stunned.
"You see, my son, that is the "secret" you are looking for which is no secret at all. Pay yourself first before you pay any of your other bills. Pay yourself a wage you estimate you are worth for the week you worked and place the amount you pay yourself into savings. Pay your remaining bills from the balance left. In a short time you will see how easy it is to accumulate a fortune."
They shook hands and the young man thanked the older man for his "secret" and more so for his wisdom. The young man went away determined to put into practice what he had just learned from the old man. The old man went away with a smile on his face and a warm thought that he had brightened the life of the young man with his "secret".
The young man returned home that evening more enthused and energetic than he had been in a long time. He began to think about what the old man had said. "Simple, the old man said. More simple though in words rather than in actuality. "Pay yourself first." Sounds logical enough but then what amount should it be? It is true, I worked an entire week and I have nothing to show for it. Could this be the answer. Could this be as simple as it sounds. He tossed it back and forth and back and forth again. Well, it's certainly worth a try. I'll definitely give it a try this pay day." And he did. And so began the young man's climb to fortune. In no time at all he began to see an accumulation of savings and it made him feel good. "He was right, the old man was right and it really was very simple."
Sound easy? And simple? The secret to success? Well, it could very well be if every thing goes well and falls into place. But life doesn't always work that way. Obstacles keep popping up in a lifetime. Unforeseen expenses too. But aside from paying yourself which is a very nice position to be in, there are other quite apparent remedies available.
Also available, however, is the constant bombardment of advertisements consistent and persistently flashing before the consumer coupled with the equally availability of credit to the point of morally illegal. All of which prompts one to evaluate his or her own financial condition and make a most important decision as to the style of life, the priorities in the picture of one's finances and the goals to set for the future.
Life Style
The average family [census always indicates 4 with the absurd ½ individual members] usually is content with an average life style of a home, nice furnishings (renewed periodically), seasonal clothing and a yearly vacation. Most families are conservative and live within their means but in an electronic cyberspace age things are easily uncontrolled and the urge to live beyond means appears to be easier and easier. While it is difficult it is most important to remain within your income boundaries and not become indebted via credit cards and/or equity loans.
Single persons, some with career employment, supplying expense accounts and the life style, of course, have greater financial means but on a personal basis can easily exceed their own financial means attempting to keep up.
So it is important and best to determine how you want to live. That is, dinner and dancing, theatre and shows, cruises and travel, all beyond your means or a more quiet within your budget routine enjoying the best things in life which are free.
The Secret The illustration above of the old man's "secret" is basically very sound. Take the time to make a list of income vs. expenses. That is, the usual amounts expected to be expended monthly. The positive difference between the two would be a basis for the sum weekly deposited as "the wages to yourself."
Realistic Figures
Begin with a simple account of monthly income, single or joint for couple. List all monthly expenses and begin with the deposit illustrated above if the figures permit. If not, it is time to make adjustments. The income figure more than likely will remain the same so it is necessary to cut back or eliminate certain expenses. Don't be discouraged if this cannot be done immediately. It may take time to make the adjustments work into the plan. Some changes can be made immediately while others will take time. For instance, one might eliminate the lawn services at $30 a week and perform this chore oneself. A credit card balance might not be paid at once but additional charges on that card can and should be avoided. A careful review of the list can produce like changes in favor of a larger available monthly income. Some other ways follow.
Ways to Save
Make Use of Coupons/Discounts, etc.
While the internet, magazines and the daily mail are all diluted with ads, flyers and brochures of every kind and nature for coupons, discounts, promotions and super deals and sometimes they become irritably annoying, there is a great deal of saving to be had in perusing them. Supermarkets, fed by food manufacturers constantly compete with one another and it is wise to scan through the leaflets left at your mailbox to shop and compare.
It is not necessary to eat steak and potatoes every night. Ask Granma how she stretched the big pot of pea soup (with the Easter ham bone) and two loaves of oven baked bread between her family of six. Or Mom how she made two pounds of pasta (she got on sale) with sauce feed ten. There are a zillion low cost meals and recipes available and many are more delicious than filet mignon.
Fast food eating becomes a habit and is costly. Many times half the food ordered is left on the table uneaten. Break the habit and try to prepare less expensive but nutritional foods at home.
Department stores push seasonal sales throughout the year as well as appliances as new models with innovative ideas will appear shortly. Don't buy spontaneously. Read the newspapers and scan the internet for the best offers. It is not necessary to have the newest model in the latest color. Save big bucks by buying the clearance model but be sure to get your guarantees, etc.
The car, be it the family sedan or the mod single convertible, is a great possession. But in today's world, it has become one of the most money-eating necessities. When possible, plan your ride economically. Set down your chores in order of destination that is, line up your stops in an order so that you're not driving back and forth using too much gas. Go one way on one day stopping at all stores in one direction and go the other way on another day when you have accumulated chores in that direction. Don't use precious gas sitting in heavy traffic at lights on a Saturday or Sunday if it's not necessary. Drive on "off hours" on weekdays.
Shop around for car insurance. The insurance companies, like all other businesses, compete for your business. Find the best rates for your needs.
Credit Cards
Check out your cards. Yes, "cards" plural. Most people have more than one and some have as many as they can get. Look at the interest rates not only for the amount you charge, but also for the amount of cash you withdraw. And how about those "late fees". The original credit card was established for the ladies of the wealthy gentry. Today, while it is a most convenient way of shopping, no cash required in the store, it has become a pitfall with some actually addicted. Be sure not to go beyond your means, beyond the ability to pay for the items charged or the cash withdrawn. The only way to manage them is to make a payment above the amount shown due. To pay only the amount shown due means that the interest shown charged will be added to the balance and then you are paying interest on that interest! So, it amounts to "two steps forward and three back." Stay within your buying power. [If you only net $2,000 a month income, it is unrealistic to imagine that you can pay out $2,500.] If you find yourself being overwhelmed and out of control buying on credit, do not hesitate to cut up the card(s) and make every effort to pay down the balance(s). You'll find you will not only feel better for having no debt but you'll also sleep better at night.
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