#which is a fact i'm now suddenly having a hard time believing wtf
teddybeartoji · 3 days
ok anyway idk how i feel abt that toji piece buuuut . fuck it we ball am i right or am i righttttr
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capybaraonabicycle · 1 year
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I'll send it in as an ask bc replying in tags is too much of a hassle now, bit basically it was one of the best doctor/rose fics i've ever read, and i failed to save it and now i can't find it anywhere no matter how hard i try. Worst thing is, i can't even remember if o read it in English or in Russian, i was so invested in the story and the writing was so organic the language kind of melted away, it was projected directly into my brain. It had a motiff with stargazing and images you see on the Moon, so i think it was rpobably called something like Moon Rabbit, but there's nothing on ao3 with that title.
It starts with Rose and Ten golfing (i think) somewhere in space, and it's early days for Ten so Rose didn't have time to adjust to the change so she's a bit apprehensive and keeps trying to see Nine in him and it was all tied up into the Moon imagery somehow? Suddenly she gets a call from Mickey telling her to come home asap and not tell the Doctor, so she does, and there's Nine (!) alive and well. They meet up in secret from Ten and he tells her that "no Rose wtf i didn't just transform into another dude, i was beamed away from the TARDIS and this one's an imposter (basically confirming all of her fears from just after the regeneration) and he's civil with Mickey? couldn't be me" (ok this part i might've imagined afterwards lmao, but it's basically right, he convinces Rose by perfecrly matching Nine's character, which, for Rose, is more Doctor-y than Ten ever was so the latter has to be the fake one right?)
There's this whole angsty thing about how she missed him and how hard it was for her to adjust to the regeneration, and the matter of trust was explored really well bc she doesn't really know who to trust like 70% of the fic, and then there's the Doctor (Ten, who's the real one obv) who is hurt by the fact that she would just go against him like that but he understands why she would do that, the dynamics and emotions were just *chef's kiss*
Turns out that "Nine" is a unique model of a TARDIS from the Time War so it can shapeshift and pretend better than other TARDIS's apparently and also read minds (that's how it's able to trick Rose). Also turns out that TARDIS's could be male or female (i wasn't with the author on this one) and this new TARDIS was male and our TARDIS was female, so when the dude learned that most of the TARDIS's were gone after the war he came to the conclusion that he had to breed to make new TARDIS babies? (i'm even less with the author here, but when i'm describing it it sounds even worse than i remember, it was much more elegant and i guess reasonable in the original text) Of course our TARDIS doesn't want that bc the process kinda sucks, i guess it was dangerous for her? i don't remember. But yeah, once the Doctor and Rose sort their thing out they have to hunt the dude TARDIS down and get rid of him. At the end he passes through time i guess and an early human glimpses him in the sky like a fallen star and comes up with a fictional story about a warrior and a maiden this warrior was chasing or something, and that's how humanity started making stories.
This fic is SO GOOD despite the weird bits, and i will forever be sad that i didn't think to bookmark it or something. I'll leave this here, firstly bc i think it answers some of the questions you might have and retelling is better than nothing, and secondly because maybe someone will see this post and recognise the fic - unlikely but i can't pass up this chance of finding it
Oh wow that sounds amazing! Mostly the trust part! It would be SO easy to make a companion doubt that the other is the Doctor when you can perfectly pose as an incarnation they know better. Because they're human and us humans, we like to cling to what we know. That concept is just - Idk I feel like it's slightly blowing my mind and now I really want to read this fic.
I agree on the TARDIS thing. In my mind it is uncommon for a TARDIS to have a gender at all. I believe 'our' TARDIS does have a gender but she just ran with it and picked one because the human strays kept going on about it. So her gender's basically 'she/her' - pronouns plus the colour blue with some mischief sprinkled in - or something; you know what I mean.
Plus, I am a tentative fan of the loom thing so if timelords already don't get 'born' I do not believe TARDIS-s would mate for reproduction at all. I would rather assume a TARDIS gets made when there's an imbalance in the space-time-continuum on the quantic level that gets augmented by randomly appearing resonance and then the moment the TARDIS appears it has always been existing since the dawn of time. Or something along those lines. Probably the process can be fabricated some way and timelords have perfected exploiting it. Like they do.
Not like I have been thinking much about TARDIS genders OR reproduction, tbh. In my mind they just are 🤷‍♀️
Anyway, apart from those points that fic sounds absolutely amazing and I think I would also love those moon metaphors. So if someone knows it and could send it to us, that would be great? <3
I also totally get the 'I have no idea what language this was in' feeling, I have that all the time. Not with dw fic though because so far I have read 1 work in German and 1 work in translated Russian and half a work in French and all the other times I strictly stick to English. It just works better in that language for me and there is an abundance of fic in English anyway :) We are so blessed to be in a huge fandom. Although a tiny one WOULD make finding your fic a lot easier.
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throwaway-yandere · 2 years
🐠 Anon
Good thing, no work today, bad think, they kicked me out to go to the shop for ingredients for cooking
Also it's been snowing again for almost all day today
Now skipping over the fact that I hate winter
Faceless Ayato better un-shadowbans you or it's going to be hunting season for him as a prey lol
If I punch faceless Ayato in the void of his face, does my hand vanishes inside? Or I hit something?? Does he has nerves there???
Also about Diluc/Dainsleif working better for creepypastas
1. I'm pretty sure that in 2020 I saw some creepypasta about dainsleif
2. I have sketch somewhere of Childe as Jeff (friend's dare for me on their birthday lmao)
Also, does anybody remember when Albedo was trending because of that glitch where his whole body, clothes etc were black/void except for his face? Like just face, not including eyes that were also black??
Was scared for a moment thinking you got fired or something– I remember romanticizing snow as a kid and wanting to experience it but now that I'm technically an adult this sounds painful cuz I'm incredibly lazy lol–
... bro you raise some good fricking questions.
Yandere Faceless!Ayato with a void for a face. I want that. I want that so bad.
Imagine trying to squirm from his grip by elbowing his face and you feel N O T H I N G. Just the void. And imagine if he gets pissed and you start seeing his floating eyes visibly twitch and you feel his chest rumble for what you couldn't distinguish between amused laughter... Or pure anger.
Me rambling about dain & diluc don't mind this lol:
Okay suddenly got the motivation to explain back lol
Why creepypasta!Dainsleif works:
I remember seeing some posts about how Dain always looks at the camera when you're taking photos... Which, I don't think is necessarily true, but his eye design makes it seem like that
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Look at him. Look at this jerk and his chilling stare in my low graphics android screenshot lmao
The bastard just have that "I'm always watching" vibes. Why would he be the protag on my SAGAU au? (Because you're a Dainsleif simp in need of content ansy that's why–) It's because out of all the characters, Dainsleif's probably the most likely candidate of being self-aware. (That, and you're a simp ansytea–)
Dainsleif has such an ominous title too, being the Bough Keeper or iirc something along the lines of "the one who picks up branches" in CN makes him sound so ominous. He probably collects the "branches"/memories of the Leylines. Who knows. Maybe he found a way to connect to your world.
And. Just. This line:
"I know all that I need to know."
It's so ominous. It's short but I absolutely fricking love the way Yuri Lowenthal said it.
He'd make a good genshin!Lost Silver I swear it. He'd pass the assignment. Him and his weird zalgo looking "element" lmao.
Why creepypasta Diluc works. And it's definitely not biased:
Based on personal experience lmao–
I'm not joking. 99% of this is based on personal experience. Why do I have C2 Diluc in my main and C0 in my second (which i only use to pull when there's freemogems)
My first Diluc came home on standard at 77th pull. I remember this well, thinking wow that's lucky!!! I got my older sibling's favorite!!! As a AR49 Kaeya main before, I wasn't too thrilled since I believed in Kaeya supremacy. Diluc's alright, no real malice against him!!!
Okay second account time let's test our luc– Oh, it's Diluc. Guess I finally have a proper dps in that account and not Kokomi!!! (that's a lie I still use Kokomi as a DPS.)
Alright, back to main! I'm gonna do a 10 pull in the standard again and I'm chanting "C4 KAEYA C4 KAEYA C4 KAEYA" with my eyes closed and oh I got C1 Qiqi! Love my lil zombie dps but wrong cryo sword character but– C1 DILUC WTF OH NO WRONG BROTHER WRONG BROTHER–
But it's fine! It's great– I've never gotten lucky in the standard! I always reach hard pity so having a double 5 star is so "w o w"!!!
Okay cool it's been weeks since then, let's try our luck in Nahida's banner!!! We've been saving up for her since Cyno!!! It'll be fine!!!
... You... You can fill in the blanks–
Okay but in a less personal answer: diluc makes a good fricking creepypasta if you think about his feral phase. Like, the phase where he was absolutely phckass mad and killed fatui members without a vision.
You imagining him in that phase? Good.
Now imagine him phcking g l i t c h i n g. Imagine him in anguish, complaining that the codes are cruel to him. Diluc doesn't seem to care that Venti is his archon– what more for his creators?
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astrojoy · 2 years
Id thought I'd share some cool findings. If you're into history and/or paranormal stuff then this is probably for you :)
So little fact, I have a spirit that stays in this house whose a veteran. I didn't know what war or anything. All I knew was there's a memorial grave beside the house by itself and I can feel their energy from time to time. Now I must say, I'M NOT good at history. Never have been. Not unless I study really well and let's just say my memory and focus are really bad in highschool. So I wouldn't know any of the stuff historic info that may be in this
However as a psychic medium, I do hear ghosts, get visions, the usual psychic bundle xD. That being said, I used to astral travel all the time. Either because I knew how or someone would try and take me there (long story but moving on)
First time I astral travelled at this house, I appeared in the living room. I heard a radio on and the living room was dimly lit. I looked over at the radio and it was a really old style, looks like this emoji so much ngl -> 📻 (idk how it will show up but it's the brown radio version). Either way, it sounded like news of some kind. Then I heard a mans voice from the right that said "Defend the walls" and I was back in my body
Now this is when I told myself I would try my hardest to not astral travel again. I would rather not get caught up in the energy this house holds. So with that being said, everything was fine for months. My psychic abilities weren't as good as they are now (since now I have an inner voice/spirit hearing/much clearer)
So about a month ago I was chilling by myself. Sometimes I hear ghosts talking amongst themeselves or trying to tell me something, to which I either reply "please leave me alone" or I give a simple answer (I'm protected/close to my guardian so I'm gonna be fine. I make sure nothing attaches onto me/I only have a childhood friend ghost that's stays around me ^^)
So of course I hear random messages they say. Suddenly I was thinking and my thoughts were interrupted by "1945" some of you know where this is going. I didn't know wtf this date was about until I looked it up curiously. It's the year ww2 ended. Wild right?
Moving forward. These last 2 or so weeks I've been having a ghost come around me and take pictures. That's sounds weird do I'm gonna explain. I keep having visions of flashes of light followed by camera sounds. Then I hear a ghost say "I believe you" or things like "I see you", "he remembers". You know how CONFUSING this is for me? I was like "what what what did I do something? Whats happening" so anyways. Sometimes I will hear my friend spirit or guardian (don't know which one) have small disputes with other spirits. Like "go away" "get out" (it's like a protection thing) but it's not always ofc :)
Last night I didn't sleep. So this morning I was incredibly tired. Now when I'm like this and if I try and fall asleep I'm more susceptible to having my psychic switch go "CLICK ✅" when I'm just trying to sleep. It's because I'm put into a temporary meditation state right before I go unconscious. That happened 🙄😂. I started hearing spirits voices (sounded like a cafeteria/gathering, that's how many) until suddenly I had a quick visions/moment where I saw a spirit (not really physically, it was all blurred it was mostly their voice) and I heard him say "he remembers" and then I jolted up slightly in shock. I was like, man I just wanna sleep CMON 😂😂. I asked my guides or guardian if they could escort them out and luckily they did because I got some good sleep afterwords. (Thanks angels 💖) (PS, at that moment btw they were right beside my bed looking at me. You know how uncomfortable that is? I like my personal space and they were in it which is why I wanted them to go xd)
That's just so far :) I think they may be communicating with me a lot because they know they can. Idk how spirits detect a psychic or not but it may be soulfully as well. Since I've had a spirit tell me my soul was really beautiful (it was from what I saw I can't even lie man. I normally am hard on myself but dayum the gold and white was blinding 😂). So maybe they notice souls too? I also don't know why spirits get wrapped up in their timelines and stay down here on earth. Maybe a sudden death could make them feel like they're still in their time??? UNSURE. Still experiencing. Goodbye now :3 have a lovely day
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daegall · 3 years
pairing: Ice hockey player! Sungchan x figure skater! reader
genre: fluff
warnings: umm is falling on your ass like 3 times a warning ALSO IDK THIS MIGHT BE CHEESY.................
a/n: whooo!! this is part of @knet-bakery's nostalgic melodies event!! though this will be posted while in supposed to be on a mini hiatus, i hope it still goes well and nothing wrong happens! enjoy bubs <33
🎶: fool - nct 127
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You were very proud to announce to your closest friends and family that you've been accepted to your university's figure skating team! It was, and still is, one of your biggest accomplishments. First you got into your dream school, then your dream team, what's next, you're dream boy?
You feel your chest tighten and breathing stop as you enter your uni's ice rink, the cold sensation of the ice instantly nipping at your warm skin. It's not like you mind, you've felt it all your life, it was your favorite feeling.
The sound of skates scraping against the ice fills your ears, swarming around your body and swirling especially in your heart, the nostalgic sound of it feeling so nostalgic to you.
It was crazy how much time you spent on the ice.
They beckon you over, to which you instantly rush up to them with buzzing excitement coursing through your veins.
Just as you get right next to them, and greet them enthusiastically, a bunch of boys come out of the changing room with red and blue uniforms, laughing and chatting loudly with each other as they get onto the ice.
Just as you get right next to them, and greet them enthusiastically, a bunch of boys come out of the changing room with red and blue uniforms, laughing and chatting loudly with each other as they get onto the ice.
Woah, you think. It's the gators!
You've seen them play before, and they are really no joke. They gave the best team players, fastest skaters, and the most strategic moves. They have so many international transfers as well.
You recognize each and every one of them, every one but a certain tall, shy boy. There's a sudden rush of warmth that spreads through your face and ears, and your eyes widen as you see him skate gracefully in the ice.
"Woah, aren't they great? Y/n didn't you- oh gosh are you blushing?"
Your palms instantly fly up to cover your face, shaking your head no, "N-no! I'm just cold!"
They all know it's bullshit, you've never been so red because of the cold, and you would literally skate all night with only a t-shirt when the team was opening for players. There is no way you're just cold. He
"Whatever you say, Y/n. Come on, let's get our skates."
You give them a tight nod, picking your duffle back up into your arms. You give the hockey players one last glance, and already find the new member looking right at your direction. A squeak erupts from your throat, before you scurry off into the changing rooms quickly.
You didn't expect to be skating at the same time as the hockey players, but you guess it's how the first practice of the semester goes. Each of the coaches are at the benches, talking to each other excitedly as they talk about each of their new skaters.
You're only doing a few spins on the ice, your nerves making it somehow colder, when you catch the new guy looking at you again. You try to brush it off, but to no avail. You slip and fall.
It's alright, most of the skaters here have already done the exact same thing, some taking a fall even worse than yours. You groan and pat your lower back and butt in pain, before getting up quickly to start yet once again. It's a painful, but daily routine.
The coaches stand to call all team members, each on different sides of the rink. To your dismay, you're all the way on the other side from your teammates and coach. You quickly get up to skate to them, but the second you get up you're tumbling back down because of a weight pushing you.
"A-ah! I'm so sorry! I didn't see you..."
Your head snaps up at the unfamiliar voice, and your own voice disappears when you see the same cute new member from the hockey team.
There's an awkward moment between you two as you just stare at each other, breaths being stolen away by one another, but remaining breathless. Your heart pounds dangerously loudly in your ears, swelling in a way you've never felt before.
It feels like forever, before the boy helps you up with an apologetic pat at your lower back.
That’s all you think of for the rest of the week, in the middle of class, eating lunch, heck, when you’re late to class, his awkward smile and gleaming eyes permanent in your memories.
Your teammates tease you to no end, calling you out whenever the boy, who you’ve learned his name is Sungchan, comes within just 15 meters from you.
It’s no different for him himself, it all started when Donghyuck teased him of how red he was and how he would always glance at you that day. He was never one to believe in love at first sight, but suddenly it was his whole love life the moment he helped you up from the ice.
Fortunately for the both of you, you got to see each other without being teased out of your minds. At first, you doubted why you signed up for economy, but now you keep looking at the clock to see how far 5th period was.
Maybe coincidence, maybe fate, you don’t really care. Just the fact that you get to sit next to him in econ made your heart thump quickly.
But, even with such time, you two were still too shy to make a move. It was so obvious you wanted to, but it was like a mutual agreement that the time will come, when the time will come.
You kind of regret it though, you hate that you have to be so self conscious around him, when there are your teammates, always walking up to random dudes and asking them random shit.
You think this and curse to yourself as you open the ice rink doors, the cool wind blowing at your face for the nth time this week.
Just as you get sight of the ice, a familiar red and blue jersey flies from one side of the rink to the other, and you can’t help but wish it’s Sungchan.
It might just be fate, for your crush was there, with a hockey stick, playing around and doing all kinds of tricks with the puck.
You are once again, blow away at his skills, eyes traveling with him and observing every move he makes. It’s 8:45 pm, just 2 hours before the rink closes for the day. You thought you were the only one planning on training this evening.
You take in a deep breath, mentally preparing yourself for some awkward moments, before placing your duffle bag on the benches.
Just as you step on the ice with your skates, Sungchan turns around, and is shocked to see you on the ice with him. He instantly loses focus and topples over suddenly, causing both him and you to gasp.
“Oh my god! Are you okay?”
As your voice gets clearer and closer, the boy feels his heart start to shake, and the same feeling of when you fell on the ice fluttering within his body.
“Y-yeah! I’m fine, r-really,”
Your expressions still twist in worry, and despite your mind freaking out and not knowing what to do, you still offer him a hand.
It feels like strikes of electricity or sparks running through your body as Sungchan’s cold, gloved hand envelops yours. You tug him upward gently, your heart beating in your ears loudly like drums.
Sungchan sends you an awkward, shy smile, one that you reciprocate with just as much nervousness shading it. Despite being in an ice rink, with literally just a shirt and yoga pants, you’re burning up. You haven’t even warmed up yet.
You mutually, but silently, agree to split the ice, the right side for you, the left for Sungchan.
Youreally can’t help but sneak a few glances at him as he practices, sometimes even going as far as staring without realizing. It’s not like it’s too easy for him either, your movements are so graceful and full of effort, he can feel the hard work radiate off of you. Many times did you want to help each other when one fell, but decided not to since it’s so common for people on the ice.
At some point of the individual practice, Sungchan accidentally hits his puck all the way to your side. He internally panics, hesitating to go in your zone to take the puck. The second he’s taking a step into your side, the puck is flying back in front of him.
Alarmed, Sungchan’s head whips up, shocked and very much delighted to see you, with a bright smile on your face and sparkling eyes.
He’s stunned. How could someone so perfect, suddenly become even better?
“Bring it on, Jung!”
A smile finds itself instinctively on Sungchan’s lips, before he’s retrieving the puck again and dribbling it around. Your confidence starts to waver at his determined stare, instead a chill of excitement running through your body.
Before you know it, you’re chasing Sungchan around the ice, attempting to steal the puck from him. It’s of course, not that easy, for someone who hasn’t played since the 8th grade. Though, you still impress your crush a lot, with your speed and stamina, you could train to be a hockey player.
The silent playfulness is turned vocal, with laughs and groans whenever one falls or fails to steal the puck. You can barely pick up the pace because of how much you’ve laughed at this point, just tagging along behind Sungchan as he teasingly tells you to catch up.
At last, you have a chance to steal the puck. Without any hesitation, you skate faster, and swerve the puck your way. The way your stick clashed with Sungchan’s made him shocked, not to mention your speed and swiftness too.
Sungchan is racing after you, ready to take the puck back to his possession, but he’s too late, you’ve hit, and it goes straight into the goalpost.
With a breathy laugh, you throw your hands into the air, and throw Sungchan a big, proud grin. He only pants with a smile, and gives you a much appreciated thumbs up.
“How are you so good?” At the question your ego is nibbling on, you smirk smugly and shrug, “I used to play ice hockey a lot with my dad and cousins.”
You get the puck back from the goal, and start dribbling it around the rink with skill. Oblivious to the adoring loom Sungchan gives your way, you attempt to shoot the puck at him. He catches it with no problem, “You’re so damn cool,”
At that, you slip painfully onto your back.
You lay no mind though, sitting straight back up and staring at your crush with big, surprised eyes, “W-what?”
Sungchan only laughs, wiping his forehead with his gloved hand, “Nevermind that,” he skates towards the exit of the ice, smiling shyly down at his skates.
Now’s a good time, right?
“H-hey,” you hum back a response, knowing your words would catch in your throat if you spoke. Sungchan bites his lip shyly, “You wanna go out sometime?” A soft gasp leaves your lips.
“L-like a date?”
“I mean, y-yeah. A date,”
Unwanted fireworks go on in your body, exploding with joy and giddiness from the suggestion of a date.
You both grin like fools once the other is out of sight, replaying whatever happened over and over on repeat.
There, in the ice, minutes after being asked out by your crush, you are unaware of the bright and fun future you have with him, unaware of the black hole you call love, falling deeper and deeper for him.
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vivithefolle · 4 years
I'm a bit confused. You said in one post that you thoroughly dislike Hermione and that you had no respect for her at all. Yet ... you like Romione? idk, it seems contradictory tbh. I like when Romione shippers acknowledge her flaws and messed up moments but when someone that dislike and even hate her character that much ships Romione and I see them posting about them and calling them "cute" just seems weird
I’ll share with you my whole thought process so you can understand where I’m coming from:
Itty-bitty Vivi who read Harry Potter for the first time (at 13/14, so not so itty-bitty I guess, oops): Woaaah Hermione and Ron yaay!!! They're awesome I love them! They're my OTP always and forever!! Best thing to happen in Harry Potter!! JKR is a genius!
Slightly less itty-bitty Vivi discovering the Harry Potter fandom online (thankfully years after the ship wars, else I probably wouldn't have survived): Why is there so much hate towards Ron? And why are people so opposed to Romione?? It was meant to be since the first book! Or, okay, the second book is when I realized it was gonna happen, but still! Oh well, here is a fic where Hermione berates Ron for everything and he is the only one actually working for their relationship. Cool, more Romione!
Even less itty-bitty Vivi starting her own Tumblr and going around, adding her grain of salt to debates and talking about stuff: Yeah! Ron is great! He's done bad things of course but Hermione has done her fair share of bad things too! Actually, now that I'm rereading the books, I'm reminded of this person I used to call a friend, who was quite smart and cultured but would often be very harsh to me because they claimed it was “for your own good" and “because I'm more mature than you"… I still wanted to be around them, because they were just so smart and passionate, but we often rowed and eventually they really just went too far and tried to make ME out to be the bad guy and most people believed them because they had a reputation as someone cool and logical while I was known for being emotional… wait, what the fuck, that's… that's exactly what happens in the fandom with Ron and Hermione! What the fuck, was I Ron? Admired their intelligence, praised and supported them, fell in love even but was met with scorn and open disdain?!… no, no, come on. Hermione wasn't that bad.
Vivi rereading Half-Blood Prince (and no, this wasn't about the canaries, but about what Hermione was doing after): Oh my god she was that bad.
Vivi as she ponders alternately: Wait, what about JK Rowling? What does she think about all that? What was her intention, what did she want to accomplish with the characters? I know books belong to their readers but if I want as objective an analysis as possible I must try to understand her thought process while she wrote.
Vivi learning about a staple of British literature called “literary alchemy”: The quarreling couple!! Sulfur and Mercury, the Red King and the White Queen, who must marry for the story to end happily!! And their union is represented by… a rose!! Oh my god, that is brilliant, that is so cool! Romione was ALWAYS going to happen, I knew it! Ha!
Vivi discovering the “[Ron] needed to make himself worthy of Hermione” quote: Wha… but… what? Worthy? As if Hermione was some sort of precious trophy or whatever? What the hell? Wait, Ron had to make himself worthy of her but Hermione didn't have to make herself worthy of him? Is it because Ron is the boy or some shit like that??
Vivi going through JK Rowling's interviews and finding sexism and double-standards galore: Yep, it's because he's the boy. And that bit about Hermione being based off herself when she was younger… ouch. And to top it off the scriptwriter pretty much worshipped Hermione…
Vivi rereading the books again: Is it just me, or does Ron hardly ever get any praise or acknowledgement from the adult characters? Meanwhile Harry and Hermione get stuff like “as good as Charlie Weasley" or “brightest witch of her age"! And, damn, I used to side with Hermione because I love cats, but she was completely awful in POA! She apologized but then the plot made her out to be right even then?? And I always thought her Yule Ball entrance was kinda over-the-top, but damn if that's not compensating for something! Also what the hell, I get that Harry is suffering and all but will someone PLEASE pay attention to the fact that Ron is being bullied BY A FOURTH OF THE STUDENT BODY AND NOBODY SEEMS EVEN REMOTELY CONCERNED????? Also what the hell is wrong with the sixth book, I never liked it much but it's like it's trying to make every character look bad, wtf?? And, and, holy shit I never noticed but Ron was asking legit questions during the Horcrux Hunt debate but Harry kept deflecting or mocking him but it's still Ron who had to apologize in the end??? And I've read a whole post about how Hermione punching Ron is the appropriate reaction for a very small child and not a supposedly “mature" character, and that Harry had to SHIELD RON FROM HER, oh my god?? It's… oh my god, what the fuck is wrong with JK Rowling?
Vivi, in denial: Well, Harry Potter is decidedly not a romance. It's about love, but romantic love is quite far down the priority list when it comes to it. JKR has herself confessed that she wasn't too good at writing romance, and I don't blame her because writing romance is hard. But I did enjoy Romione! When I was little I saw it coming from a mile away, granted I was already savvy in literature but that must have been because she was doing something right! And then the sixth book happened… the sixth book which… which was released after the Harry Potter movies were being filmed, wasn't it?
Vivi looking up the timelines: Oh my god. Oh my god it's even worse, the movies were being discussed before Goblet of Fire came out. Come to think of it, I always found that the Trio felt… different, after Prisoner of Azkaban. Harry and Ron especially felt like they had gotten dumber? And Hermione was suddenly explaining everything when exposition used to be split between her and Ron…
Vivi, in mourning: So that's what happened. Ron ended up being shortchanged to make Hermione look better, because Rowling was fonder of Hermione than she was of Ron, and the scriptwriter too come to think of it. Curse you, Steve Kloves!!!
Vivi, who is nothing if not what Pokémon fans call a nostalgiafag: But… but… yeah, it sucks that Ron was shortchanged, and actually yeah it's a freaking travesty and I WILL freaking spread the world about this, mark my words, but, but I still… I can't help it, when Hermione “looked up at Ron and her frostiness seemed to melt" I melt too. When Ron compliments Hermione or tries to take care of her as much as he can I… it still does something to me, I still find myself rooting for them even if I know there's the awful sixth book and the stupid post-Locket beatdown. Their kiss, for God's sake, I've just realized that Ron may have swept Hermione off her feet physically, but it's Hermione who jumped him, you could say Hermione metaphorically swept Ron off his feet!! God damn it, that's good, that's so good!
Vivi, at war with herself: No, I can't let myself be blinded by nostalgia!! The facts are that Hermione shows borderline abusive - even actually abusive - behaviour, this can't be denied! I don't want to root for an abusive relationship! I don't want to root for a relationship that relies on my favourite character being dumbed down to work!!!
Vivi, about to uncover the secrets of the universe: … wait a second. I don't have to.
Vivi, having an epiphany: Reading Solstice Muse's Romione fanfics gives me such happiness because she just gets the characters! She doesn't portray Hermione as perfect and never fucking up, and she always treats what happens to Ron with respect… Well, especially since she can't play them off as a joke since she often makes Ron the POV character. But, yeah! I can still like Romione… if it's well-written. Which, well, isn't the case in the original books… at least, isn't the case anymore after Rowling's bias got the best of her. Even though they do have their great moments.
Vivi, finding purpose in her life: I am going to spread awareness. I am going to tell the world. Fuck, just rereading the books, I've noticed how blatant the favouritism is and how unbalanced it can be. No wonder the fandom seems to collectively scoff at Ron - the books themselves do whenever it's convenient for them! The fandom plays favourites, because the author herself played favourites, and the worst part is that she didn't even realize it! Imagine you spend your life getting into traumatic situations out of love for your friends who always receive compassion and validation for their feelings about said traumas, but YOUR trauma is hardly touched upon and in the rare case it is, it's only to be mocked or used against you… Fuck! You're a piece of work, JKR! And the fandom just swallows it whole like a bunch of lobotomized snakes! Screw it! Screw it, I'm going to say it like it is, and I'm going to say it LOUDLY! People are going to hear about what Ron goes through and we'll see if Harry and Hermione look like the only ones worthy of therapy then!!
Present day Vivi, as she scrolls through the (heavily filtered) Romione tag on AO3: Ugh, another Drarry… and another… and another… oh, a Hinny-centric fic for a change, cool but I'm looking for more Romione than that, sorry. Gah, why is it that Romione appears as a secondary ship everywhere but they can't get their own stories? I've just seen a Snupin come up for God's sake! Oh, finally, a full Romione!! *clicks* … … … awww that was so sweet. Kudos! Okay back to the search… oh, another one!! *clicks* … … … it's Ron-bashing. It's Ron-bashing and it's not tagged Ron-bashing and that's why it showed up in my search AND I'M GOING TO FREAKING RIOT-
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hiro-gari · 4 years
Do you accept a submission? If you do, can I submit headcanons or AUs to you? 😳✨ I have many AU hcs for Batarou that I wanna share but idk if any of them are good enough, hopefully you wont mind I'm so sorry if it's weird 😅🙏
So I was wondering about Soulmate AU in which there's no soulmarks but instead the couple would experiencing some "soul-bonding" once they have met. Thus, prior the encounter, they wont know who's gonna be their soulmate, sometimes a few unfortunate people don't even meet their own soulmate in their entire life.
The moment Garou and Badd met each other for the first time, their souls were bonded and they could feel the other's emotions: happy, sad, angry, in pain, etc. Not the kind that they could read each other's mind, but more leaning on empathy. Garou and Badd were very baffled to find out they're indeed soulmates in the middle of fight, to suddenly feeling strange emotions that were not their own. Expect them be like, "Wtf are these feelings I have now- OH SHIT HE'S MY SOULMATE?? OH GODDAMMIT--". But in the end they still fighting eachother as they're still enemies, unfortunately.
After Garou went to Monster Association, transformed into a monster, then was defeated by Saitama, Badd could feel Garou's anguish and helplessness feeling. Without any hesitation Badd comes to defend Garou along with Tareo, because even after all that was happened he's still his own soulmate, and Badd also realized that Garou isn't really a bad guy or even a "monster". That inside the broken monster shell and all the self-proclaimed as "Ultimate Evil", there's a "pure-hearted" human who actually wanted to be an ideal hero.
Garou, who could feels Badd's genuine heart contents on wanting to save him and believing on him, was surprised at his attempt on defending him. He had thought Badd already hated him once he knows his soulmate is an enemy or when he saw Garou's Monster form. But Badd proves him wrong as he's standing unyielded to shield Garou from all the other S-Class heroes' accusing eyes. It gives Garou a new hope that one day Badd and him would be reconciliated or have a new fresh start.
Hence Garou ran away from the battlefield, silently thanking Saitama, Tareo, and Badd. Saitama, an extraordinary hero who made him realized his mistakes and giving a new purpose. Tareo, an innocent child who always looking up on him as a hero and consider them as friends, even coming back to defend him so bravely. Badd, his unexpected soulmate who has incredible spirit and softhearted nature, also accepted him as who he is and surprisingly ready to love him (from what Garou feels by their soul-bonding). Garou hoped someday he would ready to met them all.
During the time Garou went fugitive, Badd still can feel Garou's personal feelings despite he doesn't know his whereabouts. On the other side, Garou always feels Badd's worry, longing, curious feeling towards him. And a bit side of secretly pining. Then to make Badd a bit relieved, Garou let Badd knows he's safe and has the same feeling for him through their bond.
One day, they accidently meet again, this time Badd wont let Garou ran away from him for the third times. After lots of civil conversations, Garou has agreed to befriend Badd first before they take the next step of romantic relationship. Badd started to visit Garou's hideout place bringing homemade food or just casually hanging out. Sometimes Badd would asked Garou to visit his house on weekends to have sleepover.
At some point after they're dating, Badd offered Garou to live together with him. Imagine years after Garou and Badd being together, they're finally learned and understanding each other from their soul-bonding, cherishing each other with love to keep their happiness forever. Of course they had moments where they have lover's spat or heavy angst time (either it's about their revealing past or people disapproving their forbidden relationship), but it wont weakened their love as in fact it strengthen them.
Garou and Badd know their relationship isn't perfect, but they're absolutely love all of the imperfectness it feels so true for them. And slowly, people would see them as a perfect match made in heaven 💖
Sorry if this is too long! I ended up rambling too much aaa forgive me 🙇 I hope you wouldn't mind this Soul-bonded Soulmate AU Batarou 😅💦😉👍💝💐
Yes yes you can ABSOLUTELY send me headcanons/AU’s/fics anything (please)!! As long as you don’t mind if I join in 😁
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hhhh got me in my feelings UGH
They’d be trying so hard to fight each other as enemies but cannot possibly ignore the overwhelming emotions that follow each strike 😭 I can just see Badd like
“Keep your damn feelings outta my head you crazy bastard!”
And them both getting so frustrated trying to fight each other but not able to keep from holding back at that point aww
But ACK I can just imagine the whirlwind of emotions Badd would be getting following Garou’s fight with Saitama 😓 he’d come flying like a bat outta hell pun definitely intended to get him out of there 🥺💗
Thank you so much for sharing this with me! I love hearing your ideas sm 🥰
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deanothecheynosaur · 5 years
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The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina Part 3 (2020)
Ok, I have already completed the season, but I'm still gonna break it down episode by episode and give my thoughts during in retrospect. If you have not seen Parts 1 or 2, I recommend you start there.
Chapter 21: The Hellbound Heart
So, Sabrina (Kiernan Shipka) is trying to get Nick Scratch (Gavin Leatherwood) back out of hell and separated from Lucifer (Luke Cook). If you had forgotten, during part 2 Sabrina found out that Lucifer Morningstar was her biological father, and they trapped Lucifer inside of Nick. She enlists Roz (Jaz Sinclair), Harvey (Ross Lynch), and Theo (Lachlan Watson) to help. Besides the fact that their all besties, I have no idea what help Harvey or Theo would be. Theo is at least loyal and listens to reason. Harvey just goes off all the time. Roz is the most useful with her "cunning." Anyway. Before they figure out how to get to Hell, Mrs. Wardwell (Michelle Gomez) comes back to Baxter High with a new obsession with Dante's Inferno. But she's not possessed by Lilith (Michelle Gomez) anymore; Lilith is too busy defending her title as Queen of Hell. Also, props to Michelle Gomez. She flawlessly played two very different characters this season. Meanwhile, Zelda (Miranda Otto) and Hilda (Lucy Davis) are trying to save the coven because their powers are all fading. They aren't sure what to do with the remaining students or what to tell them. All of their powers are a gift from Lucifer, but he's not really in the position (or the mood) to be giving them any powers. Down in New Orleans, Ambrose (Chance Perdomo) and Prudence (Tati Gabrielle) are on their mission to find her father. When they come up short, they turn to Voodoo Priestess Mambo Marie (Skye P. Marshall) to help them with a different kind of magic. Dorian Gray (Jedidiah Goodacre -that is quite a name-) helps Sabrina and friends to get into Hell as long as they bring him a magic flower. They go in without any real plan, as you do. Seriously. Not even a map. Wtf. Luckily, they walked into the Shores of Sorrow and met Caliban (Sam Corlett), who told them to follow the river of blood because "all blood leads to Pandemonium." That's the capitol city of Hell I guess? They have lots of fun on the way, and when they get there, Lilith says that Sabrina has to deal with the Kings of Hell for her, but Lucifer tells Sabrina that she has to take the throne for herself. It has to be a Morningstar. Well, she does, but the Kings aren't convinced. Then our friend Caliban shows up again, naming himself Prince of Hell, and challenging Sabrina for the throne. It is worth noting that Caliban is ridiculously hot. And generally shirtless. Sabrina accepts the throne to get Nick out of Hell. Which is problematic for a lot of reasons, but most of all that she decides to do this BEFORE separating him from Lucifer. So she's just gonna keep Nick/Lucifer tied up in the dungeon until she finds another flesh acheron to hold Lucifer. What could go wrong?
I really expected it to take longer for Sabrina to get to Nick, but considering the very twisted maze part 3 went down, getting to Pandemonium is pretty minor. Also, Sabrina's whole "I'ma do what I want and not tell my aunts so they don't stop me" is getting old.
Chapter 22: Drag Me to Hell
This one is a little less convoluted. Sabrina finds out that one of her duties as Queen is to drag souls to Hell. Specifically souls who have made a deal with the devil. We can infer from this that the only people who go to Hell are those who have sold their soul, so it would be far easier to not go there than some people in the real world would have me believe. The first soul, a cute old man who wanted to be chess Grand Champion, Sabrina decided to show mercy and sent him to heaven. Didn't go over super well with the Kings of Hell. Also, Sabrina is now a cheerleader at Baxter High. They call themselves the Ravenettes. There's a dance team from my high school called the Raiderettes, so that confused me for a sec. Lots more singing pop songs then actual cheers though. Reminds me of the Jailhouse Rock scene in Riverdale. I digress. Zelda has decided to reopen the academy and that she and Hilda were going to teach. Hilda was more voluntold. Agatha (Adeline Rudolph) doesn't really respond well. Prudence and Ambrose discover that Father Blackwood (Richard Coyle) is in Loch Ness, which is apparently super magical and can bend time and space? Idk, but I was highly disappointed that we didn't see Nessie. They see him at the very end of the episode looking like Mr. Bean at the end of the live action Scooby-Doo movie. They take him back to Greendale and use him to hold Lucifer so Nick can be free. Because what the world needs is Blackwood and Lucifer together. Back to Brina. Her second soul to collect (apparently this is a daily task for the ruler of Hell but she only does these two so there's a plot hole) is the ice cream man, Jimmy Platt (Matty Finochio). He tells her that he would like to extend his contract again by eating the heart of an innocent child. Sabrina confronts Lucifer about this later, apparently it didn't have to be a child, just an innocent soul. Adult virgins, beware. Sabrina tells Jimmy no (obvi) but Jimmy has already hidden the kid. So now she has to find this kid and collect his soul before the end of the day or there will be a coup in Hell. Sabrina wisely decides on just Roz to help her with this one. Roz is also the one who warns Sabrina against transporting herself into a freezer with no more information, but as per usual Sabrina goes anyway. Jimmy put warding sigils on the walls, so she's stuck and powerless. Luckily, Lilith knows what the fuck she's doing (as opposed to Sabrina who only thinks she does) and saves Sabrina. Sabrina takes Jimmy to Hell, but nobody is impressed. Caliban officially challenges her to find the unholy regalia- the three most powerful infernal objects, starting with Herod's crown.
This is a pretty typical Sabrina episode- she's way in over her head, but she either doesn't realize it or won't admit it. I'm never quite sure, but it seems like she genuinely doesn't know. I also don't remember if it's this episode or the next, but Harvey is suddenly feeling under a lot of pressure to have sex with Roz. But it never shows Roz being pushy about it, so idk wtf is going on in Harvey's head (besides convincing himself he's over Sabrina).
Chapter 23: Heavy is the Crown
For this one, Sabrina enlists Ambrose to help her find the crown because Ambrose is the most well read warlock ever due to his permanent house arrest. It's in Riverdale. They use a special compass to find it in a maple tree that the Blossom's use for syrup. If you've seen Riverdale, this probably has more significance and is less surprising. They steal the crown (somehow without realizing zombie King Herod is still in the tree). Sabrina wants to destroy it, but Ambrose wants to tap into its power to help the coven. Unsurprisingly, this does not work out well for them initially because Herod follows the crown and would very much like it back. Zelda is failing at getting respect from the students at the academy, and there's weird Lucifer beetles crawling in ears and controlling people. In other news, a carnival came to town! Obviously this has something to do with the larger plot because otherwise it would be a side note. Harvey, Roz, Sabrina, Nick, and Theo are all going together. Theo wants to invite the new guy, Robin (Jonathan Whitesell), because Theo is crushing hard. Robin is nerdy cute, I guess. I did think it was cliche to give the queer guy green streaks in his hair though. Harvey says tells Theo to invite him as part of the group, which Theo does, and Robin agrees. They all go to the carnival: Roz, Sabrina, and Theo ignorantly happy, Harvey struggling with his masculinity, Nick struggling with his ordeal, and Robin just happy to be there. Roz "sees" the carnival ringmaster as a satyr (or a faun depending on your preference for Greek or Roman deities, but they do tend to prefer Greek in this show), but she decides she was imagining things. Mrs. Wardwell talks to the fortune teller Circe (Lucie Guest) to try to find out what happened to her during the three months that Lilith was using her "skin suit." She doesn't get any concrete answers because that's not how fortune tellers work, Mary. Harvey stumbles across a snake charmer dancer woman in a tent full of pervy dudes and is almost entranced. Hilda goes to the carnival with her bf Dr. C, who proposes. Idk why she needed to throw her cotton candy on the ground during that, but I'm also on a sugar detox, so... Prudence and Ambrose are cleaning up Blackwood's mess by putting a living doll spell on Judas and Judith to hide them and putting his weird time warping monster fish egg thing in a fish tank. Yeah. No Nessie, but a weird egg. It's fine, I'm not bitter. Back at the carnival, Sabrina and Nick get attacked by Herod (who stole his crown back from Ambrose but knows it was Sabrina stealing it initially). Ambrose saves them, but Caliban pops in, steals the crown, and wins the first round of the challenge. At the very end, we find out why the carnies are important: they're pagans who worship the old gods and trying to resurrect The Green Man to rid the world of flesh since the Satanic witches have all but lost their powers. There is more than one voodoo practitioner, idk why they're not considered more of a threat because they're much more independently magical. They need a virgin to complete the rebirth, and that's why Robin (dun dun dun) was hanging out at the high school. Our potential virgins are Theo, Harvey, and Mrs. Wardwell.
I chose not to believe that Robin was actually bad because I want Theo to be happy. I chose to believe that even if he was using Theo, Robin was just trying to take his virginity to prevent him from being the sacrifice. Also, Sabrina is basically trying to force Nick to be normal even though she compared his symptoms to PTSD. Girl stop. He needs a sec.
Chapter 24: The Hare Moon
Zelda and Hilda have decided that the coven needs to celebrate the hare moon for the coming of spring to bolster good will. Sabrina isn't enthused (maybe because it requires her singing a song of summer into the forest to release a rabbit). Lilith tells Sabrina that they need celestial power to restore their strength, so she goes to Dorian, who has an angel trapped in one of his paintings (as all art collectors do). Sabrina drains some blood from the angel for her coven, but leaves in the process because she hears some screaming. Then she stumbles upon Nick and some sex demons doing BDSM. She's less than thrilled, especially since Nick low-key blames her for it. And Dorian has drank 90% of the angel blood, but they can't take anymore with killing him. So Hilda suggests using the little blood to make an oil mixture and take a moon bath under the hare moon (rub oils all over your skin and lie outside under the full moon) to absorb the celestial energy from the moon. During the daytime ceremony, they meet the pagans. Things don't go well. Zelda makes a bunch of petty insults, Hilda pisses off Circe, and Nick kills me the snake that bit Dorcas (Abigail Cowen). Circe puts a curse on Hilda to become a spider, and
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warnerbro · 8 years
can't keep my hands to myself.
Boo: [So Boo's walking. FINALLY. He feels like he can run. He can, but he's supposed to take it easy. RigHT. He's out and about. Buying groceries. Cleaning his parent's house, working on the plants outside. I guess it's summer? Cilla's apparently has been around, and I'm sure they've agreed to hang out, which is what they are doing??? She walks up. There is a grin. Because it never fades okay. And somehow they've never touched upon that last conversation at lunch right? right. But I'm sure like Celine Dion it all came back, and yeah, Boo's totally remember why, how and exactly when he fell in love Cilla all over again. And it's painful, because he knows he should stay away but fight him, he won't. So she's walked up, Boo gives her a ~Hey, and crossed his arms over his chest.]
Cilla: [Cilla's walking a veRY thin line right now, heading over to Boo's parents' place again and again, especially with her fiance not knowing that that's what she's doing, but now that it was the position she'd put herself in, she couldn't imagine wanting to change it. It wasn't like she was doing anything wrong. They were just friends again, that was all. Donnie would freak out over just that, but that didn't make it wrong. Just friends. No big deal, right? None. So, she comes up to the house, and sees Boo, that big grin on his face as usual nowadays, and she gives a soft smile back.] ~Hey back.
Boo: So, i'm gonna need you to change your shoes. [he looks down at her feet.] No holes in my grass. Fresh new, nice grass. [There's a sigh and an ulterior motive. An idea in mind-- because member that one lake? they gOIN.]
Cilla: [She looked down in confusion, then right back up to Boo.] You say that like I bought an extra pair of shoes with me. [GOD THE LAKE I DIE.]
Boo: Well I'll just have to carry you then. [because when isn't he carrying Cilla at this point?]
Cilla: [And, as I'm sure it has multiple times in these past few months, her face heats up.] You're supposed to ~take it easy~, Boo.
Boo: [he shakes that big head of his,] Nope. Don't believe in that. Plus, I'm sure I could run a mile right now. But I did have some plans in mind. [ ... for us.......... to hang out.... only.... no other ideas... i swear. ]
Cilla: [She doesn't care, she still feels concern. Like, geez, dude. R E S T.] Plans, huh~? [There is a /hint/ of innuendo in her voice, but honestly, she doesn't mean for it to be that way.] Alright, then. Just don't hurt yourself.
Boo: [So he makes her cover her eyes the whole way fyi, though I'm sure she's been here reCENTLY WITH DONNIE IRPRIp, and I don't know how they get there. maybe cil just walks like a normal person, maybe boo carries her, maybe they take a car because i'm sure it's not actually walking distance but either way Cilla has a blindfold okay. And they arrive because fastFORWARD. ]
Cilla: [Her eyes are still covered I'm presuming, and she's getting this air of deja vu, because this has totally happened before, and she's being lead by Boo, I suppose. She has an idea of what this might be, because, okay, Boo. I see you. But not really, I'm blindfolded.] Can I take this off now?
Cilla: [The blindfold drops, and YUP, it's the lake. Good deja vu instincts. She gets this REALLy big smile on her face, because, no, she probably hasn't been here in awhile. Take that. Then she turns her smile from the pretty sunset, back to Boo.] You dweeb.
Boo: [car door slam.] Says the one who was just wearing a blindfold...............................
Cilla: [And she's just gonna INFORM HIM of the fact that it's been awhile.] I haven't been here in ages.
Boo: [So i'm gonna say they are walking towards now? he picks at some plants along the way sure.] Before I moved back home, I would have said the same thing. [ NEW YEARS EVE ] I had forgotten how great it is. How pretty the sky gets, when you're gone for so long you just lose a certain appreciation for some things [THINGS AND YA MAYBE HE MEAN SPEOPLE. OR ONE SPECIFIC ONE WHO IS RIGHT NEXT TO HIM MHM.]
Cilla: Yeah, it's gorgeous. [And she's nodding in agreement with him, and though Parrish sees that double meaning, Cilla does not.] It's like practically nothing's changed. Like, all this time, and it all feels-- looks the same.
Boo: [did i mention he's carrying a blanket, because he is. and they are gonna sit. okay. well he does at least. he leaves room for her. let's watch the sunset k. he nods at her words, though, I'm sure he disagrees to much of an extent. Things are completely changed. And somewhere along all of that time spent away from Cilla and the lake, it's almost too much of a memory that once was. It's something he definitely wants back, but he doesn't press.] It feels the same... [he agREES to tHA TFINE.]
Cilla: [Yup. And that's really all she meant. That it feels the same, but she backtracked on herself yikes. So, she takes a seat on the blanket, almost wearily, because, sitting on a blanket at sunset together? Yikes again. There she is, looking at the pretty sunset, contemplating what the hap is fuckening. She's gonna contemplate and enjoy the view. Sorry bro.]
Boo: [fine we can do silence. we can do painful silence. Because Boo can just sit on with her while contemplating ALL of his horrible life choices especially where they all started... which was ThanKSGIVING A LONG TIME AGO.]
Cilla: [Cilla is now growing tense under thIS WEIGHTY SILENCE, because silences... never good, man. Sometimes worse than screaming. Yup. She shifts a little uncomfortably, throwing a side-glance at Boo who doesn't really seem all that fazed by the fact that they are /just sitting there/. 12 years ago this would have been no problem; normal even. Now it spoke volumes more-- because was he in the middle of thinking too hard too? Geez. More silence growing on.]
Boo: [he feels said side glance, k, he chooses to ignore it for awhile, as his eyes are pressed on the sunset in front of him, but he's having his quiet time. Contemplation runs wild, because yes, he is thinking way too hard, as I'm sure he has been since he tore his god damned acl, and so finally addressing Cilla's side glace he speaks.] What..? [there's a half smile half laughter because stop being weird]
Cilla: [She's torn away from her hap fuckenings because of Boo's voice, and so she turns to him, shifting yet again so she's angled towards him fully.] I'm just-- thinking. I don't know.
Boo: Oh. [he sighs a little too contently because nothign can ruin this moment for him. okay. he's happy. watching the sunset with his old best friend.] Penny for your thoughts?
Cilla: [She sighs, not so contently, because she's SO LIKE, WTF TO EVERYTHING, AND SHE CAN'T GET OVER IT.] I... don't know, Boo. I don't know. I'm thinking about too much. I don't know.
Boo: So... stop thinking? [ya because life's so easy when you're boo warner.]
Cilla: [Nothing but a straight up look of 'are you joking'?]
Boo: [he laughs.] Fine. [retract because bad advise.] What are you thinking about?
Cilla: [She pauses. What exactly does she want to divulge about her thoughts? Geez.] I don't know. This. Right now. Everything. I don't know.
Boo: [it doesn't occur to him, any one of her thoughts. They do not occur to him, because all this time it was one sided. His resurfacing memories-- it was just his guilt, his regret all coming back.] I... [hopefully it was.] I feel it too. [ he picks at some grass at the edge of the blanket I'ms ure.]
Cilla: ... What do you feel? [that's what you get. just that.]
Boo: Just... Memories. [there's a shrug.] That's it. [downcast look. he goes quiet because that's what you get.]
Cilla: [She sighs, because she thought maybe she was getting somewhere as far as him explaining why she was suddenly someone he wanted to see after all of this time, but, of course. No dice. So, maybe she needed to be more straightforward?] Boo... It's not like it was. That's-- clear. What-- What changed? [she didn't even look at him asking this question. I'm sure the sun's down by this point. I guess, so like, harder to see facial expressions now.]
Boo: ["What's changed?"] Ha. [There's a chuckle, a silent one, and maybe only air comes out of his mouth, as that question completely baffles him.] I think that's the thing. [he stares off into the sunset, as I'm sure they are avoiding eye contact.] Nothing ever changed for me, Cilla.
Cilla: [She shakes her head at that, too quickly. Way too quickly, like she's trying to press the escape button on the metaphorical computer of life, yes.] No, don't... Don't say that. You--... [she paused, taking in a breath. and suddenly she became much more serious. more allie on a dock in the rain kind of serious.] Then why? Why didn't you try to fight for me? Why didn't you say something-- other than-- other than how much you couldn't stand me. I know I didn't make it easy, but--... but that didn't change anything for me either! [we are the epitome of allie rn.]
Boo: You didn't make it easy??? You didn't make it easy? Ha. You made it really god damn hard, Cilla! [gives her an ARE YOU SERIOUS look because?!?] You'd made up your mind about me based off of one stupid mistake. [hands in his hair old boo warner is coming because omg he's gonna puLL HIS HAIR OUT ALL OVER AGAIn.]
Cilla: You don't have to remind me of the things I did. I remember. And I know all the things I said, and I know all the things I did, Boo, but... Just because I said one thing, it didn't mean that it was over for me. And it wasn't. It wasn't over for me! And I waited for you for /so long/. But now it's-- [she glances down at her engagement ring and then back to Boo.] it's too late. [she shrugs, probably holding back patented Cilla tears.]
Boo: Well guess what, Princess, it wasn't over for me, either. [deADPAn.] If that wasn't completely obvious. No matter what you did, no matter how much I tried to... No matter which Rocket got in the way...[ his weight on his now shakey palms bcs hearing this is, let's be completely honest, is music to Boo's ears. Not her tears-- though, he sure was used to them by now, but GDI, that was all he needed to hear for what was to come next.] It's not too late. [ shaking his HEAD BCS NOPE, and just to show her that is completely undeniably not over, he's gonna grab that stupid pretty face of hers and kiss those god damn lips.]
Cilla: [The back of Cilla's mind was screaming, but there was an even louder screaming coming from the front of her mind, blocking the things in the back that were saying 'stop while you're ahead'. Because, honestly, all she'd wanted to hear all these years were those words coming from him. She was ready to respond, but before she could realize what was going on, Boo was kissing her. And as much as she wanted to tell herself that she should stop, she couldn't. She just pressed further into him, because it'd been 12 years too long, man.]
Boo: [HERE WE GO AGAIN. With his hands in Cilla's hair there is some much kissing going on. and on a blanket, in front of the lake and the sun is going down. She's pressed all to close, and his heart is beating so hard and loud in his chest, that the only way to silence it, was too pull her closer. Yes, he'd die happy, there, and then, rolling around on a blanket and kissing the love of his life RIP.]
Cilla: [THERE IS BLANKET ROLLING AND SO MANY KISSING, and yes, all thoughts except for the ones about book warmer are all gone from her mind, just like that. She's weak, swooning even. But, nope. We can't continue this here. Because book warmer needs to do some lifting in this situation. SO. She pulls back, almost a mirror from Christmas, minus the snow. But that same ~look~ is there.] Take me back to your house.
Boo: [and as much as Boo wants to go on, as much as he wanted to continue everything good that was going on there on that goddamn blanket. He doesn't. All he needed was that one kiss to prove Cilla was right, and he got it, right? And maybe that oNE just so happened to turn into more than a kiss, and maybe she WAS looking at him with those big beautiful eyes, so just like normal old Cilla Dodgeson always had-- she left him breathless, weak, and completely under her spell. Huffing for air, and trying to still his heart, he nodded. So he stopped. He shook his head, he pulled away, and let out an inaudible groan and himself sure. He stared at her. His lips on a raging fire because they had been deprived of something so great, but rose to his feet, and held out his hand for her. like come on let's go find a kitchen table instead.]
Cilla: [So, without another word, she grabbed his hand and stood from the blanket. Logic, at this point, is all but turned off for Cilla, as it tended to do when it came to *coughcough* physicality with Boo Warner. So, she waited for him to lead the way, breathin all heavy, and all excited for the kitchen table. Yup.]
Boo: [So he leads her to the car, holding her hand all the way there. He stop to open the car door for her, but I'm just gonna say before letting her step in he gives her one more kiss. just becAUSE HE CAN. So the car ride I'm sure is going to be painfully silent, and so they arrive back home. Boo pulls into the drive way, and ya he's going to sit there and stare at her again. Keys out of the ignition. He sighs and plants them eyes on her, and gives her a look, like are we doing this.]
Cilla: [She doesn't ALLOW herself to turn her thinking back on, even while she's just sitting in the car. That would be far too dangerous. But, when the car stops, and Boo just looks at her, she reads that unspoken question, and with the biggest sigh, she says nothing, but she just grabs him by the shirt and pulls him towards her, pressing lips together, and holding that kiss for at least twelve long, hard seconds. Then she pulls back, raising an eyebrow like, 'dOES THAT ANSWER YOUR QUESTION']
Boo: [Boo Warner had never felt so in over his head in his life, that was until Cilla kissed him once more. Just as a car ride was easy to calm him, there were her lips to remind him of everything he had missed out on. And as cruel that reminder happened in a car of all places, the look in her eyes sealed his fate. So she pulled away, and he pulled on the car door handle, and he was out in a matter of seconds, because there was no more waiting. they weren't kids anymore, there wasn't time to waste. He had a lady to kiss, even more, so when he circled back around the car to meet her, he pressed his lips so hard against hers, that sure she was raised up, and sure he was definitely lifting her up and it wasn't BEFORE LONG UNTIL makING OUT against the car got old, so there they go ACROSS THE ThreSHOLD OF HTE WARMER RESIDENCE, and torn acl? NOPE, against, the car, against the front doorway, and YEP.]
Cilla: [Again, everything seemed to be calling back to when they were teenagers. The car, the way she felt, the way she was being lifted up into Boo's arms, the fear that something was going to interrupt them. Everything was the same. She was no longer in control. Every action was a reaction to Boo, and yup, she was against a doorway. Was she now trying to get clothes off? You guessed it. Difficult, given she's pressed against a door. But she's trying with all of her might to get some form of clothing off. Oooooooh boy.]
Boo: [Where were his clothes? Mostly gone, yep. Her's? Surely, some were being ripped off now? And where were they? It was hard to keep track from all the bumping into furniture, and into hallways and out of them. There weren't words to express 1. how passionately, 2. how carefully, and 3. how intensely that boy-- or rather full grown man was handling that lady. There were too many emotions boiling over and he'd be cruel to stiffle any of it from that woman, so he didn't. With every kiss, with every touch, with every breath, he made sure that she was aware of how exactly he was feeling, felt, and would always feel. As there were so many emotions for her in the past- he'd admired her, he loved her, he hated her, but in every moment of his life, he'd always just wanted her. He was thankful that there on that kitchen table she was giving herself to him, or rather-- just her clothing, sh, in returen and surely if she wanted to she could take his heart and lock it away in that old locket of hers, seal it shut, and toss away the key. Just like their first time, just like every other time they had spent together with their bodies entwined it would never be enough to fully express how much that wonderful human being meant to him. So he placed careful nibbles at the nape of her neck as the wooden table served as a pillow to his head, I GUESS>]
Cilla: [Her head was swimming. With what? Too many things, and all of them about how she was feeling in this moment. Emotionally, that is. (Though...) She couldn't keep track of where they were, where various pieces of clothing had fallen, when the last time she took a breath in was... She was lost; one hundred percent, completely lost. And, really, it all felt too much like a dream. (One that she'd had-- too many time over the past 12 years.) But it had to be real. It had to. Because while it felt like a dream, it also felt too /real/ to not be reality. The dreams never felt like this; never had this much pure emotion. Because, suddenly, she was sixteen again, and every touch Boo gave felt like the first one all over again, and it was like she was floating. Because, everything made her remember just /how much/ it had never been over, or would ever be over. It made her realize that this was an inevitability. So, when his lips moved to her neck, giving her a chance to speak, though completely breathless, here we go--] I want to make you-- forget you've ever /ever/-- been with anybody else. It's just me.
Boo: [She spoke, and her words sent tingles up his spine. TINGLES. HELP. BUT Little did she know that it was already just her. Or it would be, from now until he was old and dead. Nail in the coffin, as he nodded, because, Princess, go on, and make me forget, k. so in between breaths his lips found their way back to hers, and his hands surely pinned hers against that stupid dumb kitchen table-- until finally he scooped her back up in his arms and they were moving again, and headiNG toWARDS THE BEDROOM. with her legs wrapped tightly around his waist, help bye. ican't]
Cilla: [Ups-a-daisy she goes, wrapped up around him again in a lovely quick trip to the bedroom, with lots of kisses along the way. Then she's on a bed, and now that she's not pinned down somewhere, she's going to take this opportunity to roll herself on top, and this is where the forgetting starts, because boy howdy, she's not a little sixteen year old anymore, damn it. She is a GROWN-ASS WOMAN, and she knows what she's doing. So, her hands are going to his hair, and her lips are going to his neck. And forget chaste pecks, son. That's not happening here. Nope. The goal here is to leave Cilla marks. M a n y Cilla marks. This is her territory. Deal with it.]
Boo: [So, sure, there they went, crashing down into the soft mattress, or rather-- there went Boo. He was joined,of course, and in her natural state, Cilla Dodgeson was driving Boo Warner completely insane. Mark after each and every mark, he grew restless, and it probably showed as his fingers were completely tangled in her hair. So he dealt with it. Yeah, because he had to, but it wasn't for long, as he was determined to rip the remaining clothes off of that woman. And once they were, he kissed her once more. It was a peck of a kiss, and he pulled away to catch his breath, but somewhere in between, his eyes landed on hers, and even more so, it all came flooding back. The memories. That feeling inside of him, that juvenille, young feeling of complete happiness-- the one feeling he'd lost so long ago, when he lost her. It came back. So he stared for as long as patience allowed, until he finally kissed her, tenderly as he pressed her closer to him and definitely rolling them over and definitely bye]
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