#which is Saying something
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mayasaura · 2 years ago
Harrow got so unbelievablely horny dreaming about Gideon's rolled up sleeves exposing her lean, taut muscle, a little dewy with sweat and steam but you know what.... thinking about it. Gideon does not disrobe basically ever, except in private to bathe. A tantalizing glimpse of forearm may legitimately be the most Harrow's imagination has to work with
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frownyalfred · 2 months ago
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enjoying this reddit post about the SWAT convoy leader in The Dark Knight and how hilarious literally all of his dialogue is
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amperceter-art · 1 month ago
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Tilts slightly off balance of steamgoth and tumbles directly into punky mad scientist
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yesterdayiwrote · 3 months ago
That Gasly stat being repeated as fact by supposed serious F1 publications, really does show how lazy the journalism in F1 has become.
The World Destructors Championship is just a fanmade spreadsheet on Reddit that has no real scientific merit to it. It's a rough estimation based on the information they can gather and who the person who runs it deems responsible for any individual incident.
It's factually worth as much as the "Sexiest F1 Driver" list...
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grape-jucie-dog · 2 months ago
-sips more hot chocolate-
Hypothetically, if I made Zeus an even BIGGER asshole, and tortured Athena SO MUCH that I make Fighting to be Loved (written by the awesome writer @mer-acle btw, check that out if you haven't) look like a calming walk in the park on a warm spring day with flowers everywhere...
How would you all feel?
... Hypothetically of course.
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desperatelyfragile · 26 days ago
there is a tangible shift occurring within me that worsens with each day i don’t see new images of louis . i wont lie. i worry for y’all. you are not safe here.
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teemhaunts · 2 months ago
seal neptune because the voices
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raayllum · 1 year ago
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Carried away
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mixxdpunch · 2 years ago
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Ranpoe will never NOT be funny because Poe is some rich bastard, meanwhile Ranpo spent a part of his childhood as a homeless orphan. Poe spends his money whimsically while Ranpo probably still has a stash of candy in his desk in case of emergencies that's like 6 years old
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walkthebass · 1 year ago
"Might've been. I have no memory of it." <- Stede about most of Izzy's existence tbh.
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yutamayo · 2 months ago
Realizing the decision to analyze Killing Stalking will lead my blog to become much more unhinged so fr just letting y'all know that I can and will, in fact, get worse.
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spreta-invidia · 8 months ago
It’s been a week and I haven’t stopped being disappointed about House Darry.
But that detail is just the thing my brain picked out to focus on as a fulcrum around which I could think out my big issues with HotD S2 (or rather post S1.08).
Why is the plot so different? Literally diametrically opposed from the book? I know adaptations have to make changes. And I actually LOVE the idea of Daemon being haunted at Harrenhal, even though it is, again, exactly the opposite. That phrasing in FAB (no weird things are reported as happening to Daemon while he was in the haunted castle) is mouthwatering for a writer, right? It doesn’t say it didn’t happen. So okay, work with that. What does a haunting look like, in the context of the Daemyra conflicts of the show and the stated events in the book? Daemon rallying lords, looting this castle for its wealth, haunted at night with dreams and visions of Rhaenyra, Laena, and maybe Viserys, while the Riverlords bicker amongst themselves. Maybe Lord Vance (of Wayfarer’s Rest, obvs) is unsure of a woman’s leadership while Lord Piper gets his badass line about still having his sword. Maybe Lord Darry gets in a fight with Lady Mallister because she objects to Jaehaerys’ death and he’s in camp “a son for a son”. And Daemon is trying to piece them into an army while he’s falling apart. Maybe the culmination of this is him telling Elmo Tully to kill his father and take his place, and then realizing he’s thinking about Viserys and damn does he hate and love his brother all at once (thus making the juxtaposition of Daemon’s lines in S2.03 and S2.04 mean something for his character.) This all accomplishes the same things (Daemon haunted and forced to learn lessons, Riverlords chaotic, creepy Alys, etc) with similar scenes as in the show and similar numbers of actors, without making huge changes from the source material.
So why all these changes? I mean, I don’t know the end of the season (though I’ve read some speculation and possible leaks ofc), but at some point, don’t we have to start wondering, to quote David Benioff of all people, “What the hell is this plot?” What does it show that they’ve twisted the book story to accommodate their narrative of Daemon’s complete failure at the expense of his wife and queen and their kids? (Personally I think it shows their bias and judgements.)
Or, being generous, what does it show that they’ve twisted Daemon’s book storyline to accommodate him learning about his flaws at the expense of his wife and kids? I actually think it’s hugely important to show the results of the toxicity of the patriarchy on men, but I’m not sure it’s helpful if that’s at the expense of the storylines of the women around them.
Maybe Rhaenyra is going to ride into Harrenhal in episode 8 with Syrax and the Riverlords will fall to their knees when she gives them an epic speech. I don’t know. Her arc this season seems to be learning about not being passive and indecisive (traits she had either grown past or did not have until S1.08 and her reconciliation with Alicent), so I do think it’s likely her arc will culminate in taking control of her Riverlands or northern army. But I think it’s important to note that in FAB, the Riverlords didn’t rise for Rhaenyra’s husband. Daemon was like, “hey, wanna go to war for our queen?” and they overwhelmingly said YES, not because of a male figurehead but because of oaths and memories of a princess. (Though I’m sure the presence of a dragon-riding prince helped.) You can still have conflict within that “yes”, but it’s important that the support was THERE. That’s important to Rhaenyra’s arc. I would argue it’s key to it, but they’ve largely voided it in the show.
At a certain point, having Daemon constantly screw up and having everyone HATE him does two things: makes Daemon look incompetent and frankly idiotic and makes him a wholly unsuitable consort, and it makes the story of the Blacks hugely about him. Rhaenyra’s on thin ice with her council in large part because of Daemon. The Riverlands are chaotic and not rallying largely because of Daemon. Rhaena’s feelings of inferiority over not being able to claim a dragon are largely because of Daemon. Etc.
I get the idea that Daemon has to work out all his feelings about Rhaenyra being more powerful than him out in order to rise to the occasion. I don’t think that’s a terrible character idea. Some of the stuff the show did with him was very interesting early on, but I’m also expected to believe that his character is the exact same person he was in episode one, and that all Rhaenyra has learned is how to be a carbon copy of her father, vis a vis her dealings with Daemon, when fifteen year old Rhaenyra knew better? (I know the stress of Viserys’ death was an earth shattering moment for them, and they came apart then while book!Daemyra didn’t, but I can’t believe neither of these characters changed or grew at ALL, especially after their unity in S1.08.)
I also think this largely spoils the end of their arc. Daemon is going to die in maybe ten episodes? They’ve spent five episodes having him work through this phase of going against his queen, and I’m sure it’s going to continue til S2.07. Only his ultimate act, his climactic moment, is… going against his queen. I get the right reason vs wrong reason thing (also I truly believe Daemon never turned against Rhaenyra even as he disobeyed her, but that’s beside the point). If Daemon weren’t dying in maybe ten episodes, I might think this was compelling. I love that thing Emma said about them being too proud to be vulnerable to one another and I think it would have been very powerful in season three after the war had cracked their foundations.
Ultimately who knows what the show is going to do? They’ve literally reversed so much of the stuff from the book, maybe Daemon will survive Gods Eye and become the Three-Eyed Raven and also the Shrouded Lord. Maybe the battle will have nothing to do with Rhaenyra’s letter or Daemon’s choices. But if they follow the book storyline…?
Their conflict is too late to be formative and too early to be climactic. It’s just there. It’s just Daemon being a chaotic liability and Rhaenyra being Viserys 2.0. And the biggest issue: if they solve these problems, it will be just in time for the same thing to happen again. (Again, unless Daemon is the Shrouded Lord or something.)
And really, couldn’t they have just let House Darry love the Targaryens? Asking for a friend. (That friend is Lord Darry.)
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vibingandthrivingouthere · 2 months ago
kicking my feet and giggling over mergwaine
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nowjumpinthewater · 3 months ago
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theysangastheyslew · 28 days ago
Welllllp guess who has two thumbs and caved and went to see the movie and even though she stepped out during THAT scene still wound up crying the whole way home?
This bitch 👍 👍
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freewayshark · 4 months ago
I have exactly zero idea what I think might be happening in 8.08 outside of the car accident call but I’m feeling weirdly anxious lmfao. Not even about bucktommy but just At Large
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