#which i thiiiink is my tag for their relationship?
greypetrel · 9 months
HI ARJA I’m so curious about your moby dick AU lol you always have the best AUs
HI ROWAN I'm glad you asked! :D It's gonna be a big ass rant, so it's under the cut. I'm very excited about this AU, it tackles some things I love and have first-hand experience of, so yeah, I'll be chatty about it ahahahah.
I've posted a chapter at random on AO3 and you can find some snippets in the whale au tag!
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So, it's "Zoologist Aisling who thinks whales are the best thing after sliced bread saves Cullen, who happens to have survived a shipwreck caused by a whale". Shenanigans happen.
It was an idea of @shivunin (thank you again) and I'm currently trying to give it a little outline not to go totally at random. I am thinking about characters background, it's a non-magical AU and so stuff needs to be adapted. The title of the WIP is old, I realised after that... You know, it's a Moby Dick INSPIRED thing. The first idea was having Aisling as Melville and Cullen as Ishmael teaming up to write Moby Dick. Cullen has the sailing parts, Aisling filling in with conspiracy theories about whalers and spite over naturalists. And both of them inserting a gay relationship because I'm still a big part of the Bi!Cullen agenda, and that book is terribly gay.
I did realise later on that there's a limit to the horrors I'm willing to put characters through and write, and cannibalism is really NOT one. I also moved it to another period and to the 1900s because I already did research for another original project and I'm more familiar with it.
The title of the file will change when I'll have a better one for this AU.
For now I do have a background for Aisling, what she's in Nantucket to do, and I'm so happy to say @melisusthewee jumped on the bandwagon aboard with Quinn and Horatio, but I'm letting her introduce you to them in this. I'll just say that Aisling refers to Quinn as "Mr Arch-Nemesis".
She's in Nantucket for a research over sperm whales behaviour, restore her family's name (dad was a scholar too, but alas, he was caught being a member of the Fenian society and giving money to the Irish revolutionaries... She's the Royal Society's favourite person, yes) and hopefully put a brake on whale hunting (the 1900s saw the peak of killed whales, you can bet miss "I'd adopt a dragon if Bull didn't constantly prevent me to try and befriend one" won't be ok with it). Dorian and Josephine -whom I couldn't fathom being there with her, seriously I can't picture Dorian on a ship if not in first class, unless he was beaten unconscious before boarding and dragged on. Josie finances ships, sure... but being on board of one and working? A whole different thing. So, they're Aisling friends, but they stayed in London to get her fundings.
Cullen needs to find reason to get to the sea again, he was a harpooner and worked on ships all his life... After being the sole survivor, he needs to find his centre back and get on with it. The crazy whale fangirl may or may not help him on this.
And there was only one bed, of course. (have I already said that Moby Dick is VERY gay?) (I had a blast reading it, thank you so much @salsedinepicta for making me curious about it! <3 Also if you want to throw your characters in this GO ON.)
I thiiiink I may change names and design and also do something fully original. I'm particularly enthusiastic about it because it allows me to tackle stuff I experienced in my life (I did some sailing! Very little and purely recreational, but still) and to re-use some research I already did for another original project which I love dearly, but it's definitely more than I can chew on my own. If I don't chicken out because the place is linked to some trauma, I maaaaay add a part in the seaside town I spent a lot of time growing up.
But again, let's see how it goes, researching on Italy isn't the easiest thing ever if you're not aiming at Rome or the Renaissance, and we're talking about a pretty regional side of Italy. I have good hopes because the people are very very very much into their own history and claiming it back, so I may find some good infos without spitting too much blood.
it's a work in progress, but there's gonna be more about this!
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tim-lucy · 2 years
do you also agree with the others who are saying that it seems they’re rushing chenfords relationship already? i’m worried we’re missing out on seeing so many small details already and i hope they don’t try to rush them into anything 😩
Hi!! To be honest, I stopped going in ship tags and things around Season 3, so I'm not really sure what's being said 😅
But I guess I agree and disagree! It's so hard because of the show's format. I love The Rookie (clearly!) and I think they're excellent when it comes to characters and relationships, but the absolute worst when it comes to the timeline LMAO. I forget what happened exactly, but when the first True Crime episode aired, I remember someone pointing out how the day on the body cam footage was waaaay off. It was time-stamped 2021 or something when it was still their rookie year? The rookie year that started in 2018 (I think) LOL.
The rookie year really forces them to keep things moving at a certain speed and it's never seemed like they plan ahead enough? For example, they suddenly needed Aaron to become a P2 so he could be Tim's aid which means they had to throw a time jump in there. Everyone else's rookie year was dragged out for 3 seasons and Aaron got through soooo quickly.
I'm sure it's largely because Nolan, Lucy, and Jackson's training was the focal point of the show, but Aaron's training still feels abrupt and insignificant in comparison. Now, they're in the opposite situation with Celina. They only get her as Nolan's rookie for a year, and I would think they'd want to play that out? So theoretically...would they not want time to move at a snail's pace again? I think it would coincide well with the beginning of Tim and Lucy's relationship, so I'm a little stuck on why so much time is passing between episodes again.
SO SORRY I feel like my rambling went all the way around the world and back. Basically, because they're best friends, I'm not surprised they fell into an established relationship so quickly. But it is definitely new territory for them, so I am surprised that we didn't witness the gradual transition onscreen. I thiiiink 5x11 picked up the morning after 5x10 and you could really see the subtle shift in how they acted after their first "official" date. That little time jump between 5x11 and 5x12 glossed over a lot of things I wish we would've seen!!
I'm choosing to assume that they're pushing the timeline along for reasons we'll later find out about, but I don't think any show has ever stumped me as much as The Rookie hahahahaha :D
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goose-books · 3 years
for the document titles game mrm...
forbidden quark notes
darkling [act two]
forbidden quark notes but of course! quark notes is the general document where i just. throw stuff that i’m thinking about quark that usually makes no sense <3 but i can offer you a conversation between shade and marble! aka heirs to a magical cult who have a tense relationship based around being... foils, among other things. (context here: marble’s been out traveling for eight months.)
Shade looks sideways at him. Marble’s hands flash. In sign language: “Sorry.”
Shade’s sorry, too, for what he didn’t say but thought about saying. But he doesn’t say that; he answers with, “Don’t treat me like a liability.”
“If either of us is a liability…” Marble’s hands go still, the equivalent of an implicatory trailing-off.
His face is blank as ever, but Shade knows him, knows it’s meant to lighten the moment. He allows his mouth to curve up very slightly, a calculated cool movement. And then, before he can think about it, he signs: “If I’d been really low, I would have called you.”
Marble doesn’t hesitate a single beat: “And I would have come home.”
It turns Shade’s stomach. It sets a much less calculated smile to tugging at his lips. “Just like that? Across the country?”
“Right away.”
Shade can’t look at his face anymore, because he doesn’t want to witness Marble’s blinding earnesty; he focuses instead on the broad pale hands. “So much for your grassroots groups.”
“Fuck my grassroots groups.”
“You’re a jackshit politician, Marble.”
“You’re a good one. I don’t hold that against you.”
I missed you, Shade thinks but does not say. I missed you, I missed you, I missed you.
choke is another item on the "things to post once i actually have the brainpower to post a full piece” list; it’s a short story based off of othello (but like. with lesbians) that i wrote, like... the night i finished othello dkfhsdkhfbdsfks. hands you the first line:
You always said I could tell you my secrets, so here’s number one: I didn’t know he was going to kill you when I married him.
and darkling [act two] aka the darkling act i just finished editing yesterday! apparently i’m just throwing excerpts into these asks like darts huh.
“Rory,” Leovald says. Quieter. Breathing hard.
Rory waves.
“You don’t think I’m crazy.”
“Oh, don’t you know, we’re all mad here! I’m mad, you’re mad--” “Rory.”
Much quieter. Near desperate.
Rory clings to the photo in their hands and kicks a leg against the desk hard and says, “No, I don’t think you’re crazy,” and they almost say, “I think you’re an asshole, but I don’t think you’re crazy,” but what they say near-accidentally is, “Do you think you’re crazy?” a lot more aggressively than they mean it.
Leovald doesn’t answer. He just stands there, propping himself up on the desk, panting. And then the tension drains from his shoulders, quite suddenly, like he’s been punctured and deflated. He pulls his swivel chair out, collapses into it like a landslide, puts his face in his hands and breathes.
(ask me about my stupid, stupid document titles)
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suckishima · 4 years
what are some of your other themed tags? ive noticed the some one even better for kagehina one and a few others? im curious how you chose them too!
Ah, okay! So I’ve only started using them for a couple weeks and I haven’t been too good about it either lol, but I wanna fix that bc going through that kind of thing is really fun for me lol.
My somebody even better tag is sorta, uh complicated lol. It IS for kagehina, but like, more specifically for either canon things or fanon stuff that is very closely related to canon. Basically, even though I definitely see Hinata and Kageyama as narrative soulmates, I don’t really ship them romantically in a canon setting. Like, I just can’t see them as they are, or have been, in canon, ever like holding hands or going on dates, etc. Their relationship/partnership/rivalry in canon is SO strong and specific and nuanced that to me it sort of takes up this space in my mind that can’t really be classified as like any one kind of “normal” relationship between two people, if that makes sense. So, that’s what the tag is for, it’s for things that feel like and relate to the specific aspect of their relationship that involves them being continually inspired by each other while simultaneously pushing the other further, in a way that only they can do for each other as they continually revolve around each other throughout their lives lol.
HOWEVER, I do still think they’re cute as a ship in a more fanon-only setting and use the regular kagehina tag for things that fall more into that category.
Then for the theme tags:
coach what should i eat is for anything related to the hunger/food/drive theme. I liked that quote for it bc when Hinata first asks Ukai what he should eat was the first time I really like actively noticed the theme being used. I liked how Hinata’s reaction to realizing he needed to change perspective was to think hard about everything, and that that made him hungry. And his first instinct when he was hungry, was to ask his coach of all people what he should eat. And Ukai, of course, knew immediately what Hinata meant. Plus then it transitions from there to that moment of Hinata biking up the hill to his house (which is another symbol of his drive bc he’s willing to do that work, while building his stamina, just to go to school far from his home), while Washijo’s monologue about height and hunger is overlaid on top of that.
this is still volleyball is for things related to self care/personal maintenance in how it relates to volleyball, but then also how it relates to everyday life too. the quote comes from takeda’s speech to hinata during the kamomedai match. i feel like this one is mostly self explanatory, but i really liked how the message is about how just caring for yourself and your basic needs is not only and important life skill, but an important volleyball skill - which in the context of hq!! makes it wrap back around to being an even more important life skill, because of how much volleyball means to the characters - hinata and kageyama the most specifically though. this one feels kind of silly to talk about lol, bc when i explain it i feel like i’m just talking about how much i like volleyball, and like “duh of course self care and personal maintenance are important” but it’s the WAY it’s shown in hq!! that i think is so powerful lol. kita’s whole character is a great example of the theme, but i mostly love how we get to see hinata slowly learn the importance of it throughout the series
and then my connect tag is in a more general way, basically just my tag for love throughout the series. anything involving love and the human connection will get tagged under the “connect” tag. it’s about friendship, and teammates, and unlikely relationships on the same side of the court as well as across the net, that are all formed bc of their shared love of the sport that literally can’t function if they can’t connect to each other both emotionally and physically. (this is the tag i’ve started consciously using the most recently tho so i need to go back and add it to things lol)
i thiiiink that’s it? i’m considering adding another for themes surrounding inarizaki’s banner and how “yesterday is just muscle” or the “what will you become tomorrow” line, but at this point the themes are all overlapping a bit lol and even though i understand the differences, in a lot of places they’re all connected (lol) and happening at the same time, soooo we’ll see if i end up doing that lol.
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paintedrecs · 4 years
For the fandom talk meme thingy: C (not trying to start drama I swear), I, K, R, and X. =D
C - A ship you have never liked and probably never will.
Hmmm, there are a few ways of answering this. One is by listing all my NOTPs, which would be excessively long and ultimately boring because it essentially boils down to “anyone else with either member of my OTP.” I monoship my primary pairings, so I’m pretty strict on what I do and do not like. 
(With the way fandom is now, I should clarify that NOTP means that I personally do not like a ship and I therefore go out of my way to avoid it - by muting terms, carefully filtering tags and search results, curating my own space, etc. It doesn’t mean I think the ship is badwrong or that anyone else should stop shipping it. It just means I do not ever want to see it.)
This feels a little less specific on that front, though, maybe more just: people like this and I’m meh about it?
So Allydia comes to mind. I don’t hate it, and if the Sterek’s good enough I’ll still read a fic with them as a background pairing, but I don’t ever like it as a romantic ship. While I ship Lydia with lots of different characters, including Cora, I’ve always seen Allison as straight, so I suppose that’s part of it? And I love Lydia & Allison as bffs - I see them as entirely platonic, like Scott & Stiles, so introducing romance just doesn’t work for me.
Another one is Sheriff Stilinski/Peter Hale. I...I don’t understand it. Unlike the last answer, this background pairing will prevent me from reading a Sterek-central fic.
I - Has Tumblr caused you to stop liking any fandoms, if so, which and why?
This turned into a complicated and kind of roundabout answer, so I’m putting the rest of the questions under a long-post cut!
I stopped frequenting tumblr for two main reasons:
that whole weird purge thing that made me think everyone was leaving, so I just gave up, which might’ve been premature cause it seems like folks are still going strong on here
the emergence of antis, specifically within the Voltron fandom (although they’re everywhere at this point)
There’s a saying in fandom now: 
“Why is the younger fandom generation like this?!??” “Tumblr raised them.”
For me, for years, tumblr was a really wonderful space where I had a lot of great conversations and read very thoughtful threads that helped me to learn some important things about myself, other people, and a world much wider than my own.
But I was an adult when I joined this site, and it really does seem like there’s a whole new crop of kids who have no actual context for ideas like social justice, the need for canonical representation in our media, and a lot of other things that eventually got folded into a big ball of disconnected rhetoric that they now fling as hard as they can at the heads of fandom creators who are committing the ultimate sin of creating content for ships they don’t like.
It’s late, and I don’t feel like getting into a whole Essay Rant about all that.
So on an entirely personal level, I quit running appreciatejack (my Check Please/zimbits/Jack Zimmermann blog) because someone sent me really vile hate for daring to ship Shiro/Keith from Voltron (two unrelated adults in a cartoon). It’s why I turned my ask boxes/anon/chats off on most of my blogs, and then eventually just...got tired of running them.
When I started up appreciatederek, I got a couple asks from people who wanted to know if it was going to be multiship or just Sterek, and when I said it was Sterek, they presumably went off to find other things they were into, because I never heard from them again. Y’know, the reasonable reaction. And then the rest of it was wonderful: finding content for it, and getting responses from people who enjoyed that content.
I thought appreciateshiro would be similar, but it was all so messy from the very start. The Sheith tag was FULL of hate. I was initially checking it every day, trying to find artists and writers and gif-makers to reblog and encourage and support, like I’d done in Sterek fandom, but instead I’d spend literal hours blocking people who came into that tag just to talk about how much they hated the ship.
Every day, I’d look for content for my OTP, and every day I’d come away from it angry and sad and frustrated. I never seemed to run out of people to block. And they never, ever seemed to run out of hate.
It was exhausting. It made me reluctant to go on tumblr at all. And eventually I just...sorta stopped.
So the answer to this question is more, I guess, “fandom made me stop liking tumblr, and in the process I stopped liking most fandoms.”
I’m sure you can kinda tell from the fandoms I’m currently the most invested in.
I love Sterek, and I will always love Sterek. Part of that’s the ship itself, of course, and part is because I had an incredible fandom experience with it. People within this fandom are still really great - always so welcoming and super excited about new content, even so many years on.
Otherwise, my current fandoms are kiiiiinda tiny:
Xanatowen (Gargoyles), which currently consists of exactly 2 people and 12 fics (3 of which are mine).
Trevorcard (Castlevania), which only has ~200 fics on AO3.
Taibani (Tiger & Bunny), which is an oldish fandom with only ~600 fics on AO3.
Remember, I came from a fandom that has SIXTY THOUSAND fics.
So while I feel very lonely and very sad about the low content levels in these fandoms, they’ve also given me the space to let go of some of my fandom hurt & anger and remember what it’s like to just...peacefully love something. I really miss just loving things and talking about loving those things and searching for other people who also love those things without running into....thousands upon thousands of people who HATE that you love that thing.
(Until I wrote all that out just now, I actually hadn’t realized how much this had still been hanging over me, or why I was so hesitant to come back to “reclaim” a space I’d once been super active and happy in. Essay over! Next questions.)
K - What character has your favorite development arc/the best development arc?
Answered here!
R - Which friendship/platonic relationship is your favorite in fandom?
Answered here! 
X - A trope which you are almost certain to love in any fandom.
Found family. This is probably a big part of why Sterek was my first real fandom, because the idea of Pack makes it incredibly natural to build out relationships beyond just the central romantic pairing. 
It doesn’t have to be a werewolf thing, though. I’m honestly not hugely fond of the whole puppy piles concept - I’m less interested in “biological urges make characters literally physically all snuggle up together in bed” than I am in the actual build of the friendships, and the concept of choosing people who will become the family you’ve been missing for whatever reason.
Maybe it’s reconnecting with biological family, or maybe it’s discovering that your friends have been filling that space for you all along, without you even fully realizing it. (The concept of “home” is another big one for me. Home is where your heart is etc etc.)
And hey! Now I can pull back in another question from earlier: about “pairings” that I might not have initially considered. As I suspected, I do have more! Mostly platonic.
For instance: Derek and Sheriff Stilinski becoming bffs. I thiiiink I can probably tie my ABSOLUTE LOVE of this concept back to HalfFizzbin’s can't be hateful, gotta be grateful. And then Cupboard Love really has to be the source of ALL my alive!Hales feels, which also includes folding Stiles into their family.
Fic is largely responsible for building out Derek’s relationship with Boyd, Erica, Isaac, his sisters...making them into an actual pack and friends and family in the way the show never bothered. And frankly while I don’t like canon!Scott at all at this point, I love his friendship with Stiles in fics, and I absolutely believe Stiles and Lydia would be amazing friends once he got past his crush on her. I’d point to another fic here, owlpostagain’s will to follow through, as the ultimate source for major Team Human feels.
So yeah. I’m always going to be drawn to stories about family, in whatever form that takes, particularly if it’s one that’s a little bit off the normal white-picket-fence path.
In Tiger & Bunny, it’s Barnaby joining the Kaburagi family, and learning how to be a dad and a friend to his new husband’s daughter.
In Gargoyles, I’m completely obsessed with the (canonical!) idea of a family that consists of a man, his wife, their son, and the chaotically loyal fae babysitter/tutor/third parent. It is not a stretch to tweak this the tiiiiiiniest bit to turn it into a nontraditional family structure of a man, his wife, his son, and his fae boyfriend. Honestly.
In Castlevania, the fic that made me sob my eyes out at one point does something the show would absolutely never. It gives Alucard the time to rebuild his physical home while befriending the people in the little town that crops up around it. It’s about Trevor and Alucard falling in love, but it’s also about them making a place for themselves in a world where that kind of comfort and stability and friendship is so badly needed.
I think we all kinda need that in our world right now. So I love being able to find it in fic, for the characters who’ve grown to mean something to me.
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hushedwildtales · 6 years
open boredom tag by @radwrites
relationship status: single
lipstick or chapstick: neither (i’m bad. i rly should use something for my chapped af lips :/)
three four fave foods: bbq pork bao, chicken biryani, and some rly nice crispy (but not too crispy) chicken tenders with those fries that are like, crispy, but also kinda melt-in-your-mouth? peak comfort food right there
song stuck in head: had enough - lower than atlantis
last movie watched: ??? i thiiiink it might have been the most recent Predator movie. which was meh. the acting was good, the story was... okay. i think the writing could have been better.
top three shows: i’m gonna go with you on this one and pick my current top three: Killjoys, Westworld (!!! it’s so good right?!), aaaaannnnnddd... MacGyver (the new series with Lucas Till), maybe? idk, i’m not watching a lot of shows rn, a lot of them are on break
book currently reading: i am a bad writer who doesn’t get around to reading a lot of books. but i’m desperately waiting for the next installment of a fic?? it’s an Overwatch/Pacific Rim crossover that is Good Shit. (the last book i was in the middle of was the third book of The Expanse series, which i’m blanking on the title of, but then i got busy and stopped reading... awkward)
last thing I googled: ... i just googled how to correctly format a series title to make sure i wasn’t being weir italicizing The Expanse...
time: 7:06pm
dream trip: Eurasia, but an emphasis on the Mediterranean countries, cuz i LOVE the architectural styles of a lot of the major cities in those areas, and also the weather is lovely
anything you want: my computer to stop being a little bitch about me typing today?? i can i can assure you i didn’t click up to the top of the post sixty million times, but something about my computer or my browser or whatever sure as shirt seemed to think i did... :/ (also, my food to magically heat itself or some cake would be rly awesome right about now)
i’m not gonna tag anyone but if you see this and wanna do it feel free to do it and say i tagged you!!
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Hello and welcome ;)
(others will be available depending on if I feel like it + by popular demand)
Adalia - Lilyana - Oliver - Rhett - Stephanie - Sophie
If you wanna know more about them read their toyhouse page! Or read the webcomic silly
Blog owned and managed by @bubblellop . I'm Ollie, mostly known as Bubble :]
This ask blog is about the amazing hit webcomic @themagicaltwins , which was created by me, so this is clearly NOT biased <3
Why does this exist? Well your honor I was in a silly goofy mood. This is a mostly joke/shipost blog so if you are one of the 3 people who actually were there to witness the old ask blog, then just know the vibe will be VERY different lol
For those who are not in the 0.1%, this specifically means that the blog won't be following a written storyline. BUT they will be tied to the current updates to the official webcomic. So therefore characters behaviors and relationship with eachother will most likely be changing!
However spoilers for the main webcomic will be avoided as much as possible. (I'll try my best)
When asking be sure to specify if it's directed at a specific person, or a group of people. If you want to ask something to ME directly, either specify (hey Ollie!/ So Bubble...)
Stating the obvious but no suggestive/weird asks directed at any underaged characters shitlips :) just making it clear <3
m!as are allowed!! Bet you haven't heard THAT in a long time.
Ask as much as you want please don't worry about dumping a bunch of asks, highly encouraged actually please plelasepleaseodkrjels
I thiiiink that's everything? The only things that will be "in character" will be when answering asks, the rest is just me unless stated otherwise. But to make it clearer I'll use the ooc tag <3
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xuaryxth · 7 years
Get to know me better
Tagging: @flightless-suzaku @kookiie-bear and anyone else who wants to.. sorry if the peeps I tagged already did this but  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Drink: Pepsi Phone call: My grandpa when he accidentally called me instead of my grandma Text message: "JIN, TAE, AND JUNGKOOK HAVE ALL FUCKING DONE NICO NICO NI BEFORE AND I NEVER KNEW” to my friend who cringes every time I do nico nico ni and knows BTS because of me Song you listened to: I thiiiink it was Christmas music Time you cried: The other night when my rabbit died...
Dated someone twice: Teeeechnically.. we had broken up for a month and then gotten back together... Though when I think of ‘dating someone twice’ it’s like when you dated someone else in between both times with that person. Kissed someone and regretted it: Not that I remember... at least not an instant regret... like maybe a couple months after the break up when you don’t even want to think of them anymore Been cheated on: Nope Lost someone special: Only animals... Been depressed: It’s always varying levels of depression with me. So yes... Gotten drunk and thrown up: I’ve never actually been drunk before, maybe a little tipsy but that’s it.
Prussian Blue, Teal, and Black
Made new friends: I suppose...? MUTUALS, ARE WE FRIENDS? I CAN’T READ SIGNALS, YOU NEED TO TELL ME Fallen out of love: No Laughed until you cried: Yup, I think it was a BTS video.. or a kpop video in general Found out someone was talking about you: Not in the last year, no. Met someone who changed you: Again, not this year. Found out who your friends are: I guess? I have like 2 close friends and they have yet to betray me. Kissed someone on your Facebook list: Nope How many Facebook friends do you know in real life: Most, if not all. I think a couple are my friends from skype Do you have any pets: A cat and 2 birds Do you want to change your name: Nope... I wanted to go by my middle name, Raven for a while. but that thought always comes and goes What did you do for your last birthday: I went to a movie... I don’t remember which one since it was back in February. What were you doing at midnight last night: Playing a Nancy Drew game Name something you can’t wait for: I dunno... Christmas sINCE I LOVE CHRISTMAS SO MUCH When was the last time you saw your mom: A couple months ago... I live with my grandparents and she lives 2 hours away. What are you listening to right now: Christmas music  Have you ever talked to a person named tom: I knew a guy named Thomas in high school... but no one ever called him Tom... Something that is getting on your nerves: Nothing I can think of. Pretty chill rn Most visited website: Tumblr and Youtube Hair colour: Brown Long or short hair: I don’t have a preference but my hair is currently shoulder length, which is longer than I’ve had it in like 7 years Do you have a crush on someone: Nope What do you like about yourself: Nothing tbh... Blood type: AB+. When I found out, the people wanted to overlook my age to get me to donate. I was 16 at the time but you have to be 17 to donate Nickname: Jess, Xuary on the injternet Relationship status: Single as the last pringle Zodiac: Pisces Pronouns: She/Her Favourite tv show: I dunno... I like anime a lot?  Tattoos: None yet Right or left handed: Right Surgery: Several; knee surgery, tonsil removal, ear tubes for hearing, teth removed, I had adenoids removed twice. Sport: Nope Pair of shoes: Not wearing any currently, but my current pair is either a pair of light up high tops or fuzzy winter boots Eating: Nothing... I’m pretty hungry honestly Drinking: Pepsi I’m about to:  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Waiting for: Family to get home so we can make spaghetti for dinner Want:  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Get married: Maybe someday. if the right person shows up. Haven’t been in a relationship of any kind since middle school soooo... Career: Not employed and no idea what I want to do with my life.
Hugs or kisses: I prefer hugs Lips or eyes: Eyes despite my issues with making eye contact Shorter or taller: Taller Older or younger: Doesn’t matter Nice arms or nice stomach: Nice arms Hook up or relationship: Relationship Troublemaker or hesitant: Hesitant AF Kissed a stranger: Yep. Played the Pocky game at a convention when I was younger Drank hard liquor: Had Tequila. I hate the taste of alcohol though Lost glasses/contact lenses: I don’t know where my glasses currently are.. They’re somewhere in the house Turned someone down: Yep Sex on the first date: Nope Broken someone’s heart: Nope Had your heart broken: Yep Being arrested: Nope Fallen for a friend: Nope Cried when someone died: Not had any people close to me die yet. But I know I will bawl my eyes out when it happens
Yourself: HA! no Miracles: Yes Love at first sight: Dunno. Guess not... Might be different if I experienced it Santa Claus: I believe in the joy and childish wonder he represents. I believe in the idea and concept of him Kiss on the first date: Depends on the date and person.
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gizkasparadise · 7 years
top 5 and bottom 5 kudos fic
rules: tag the person who tagged you, always post the rules, answer the questions, and add the date! i was tagged by the fab @tryalittlejoytomorrow !.
What are your five most popular works? 
1.In Tandem (Han x Leia, 1k, 1814 kudos, one-shot December 2015)
Leia tries to picture Han as a father. She envisions her infant son being asked to hold a plasma torch as dad attempts to weld a coupling that’s come undone for the fifth or sixth time.
Han tries to picture Leia as a mother. He sees his kid, with tons of hair.
Lots and lots of hair.
i thiiiink this was my first TFA fic? or at least close to my first one. it has a podfic version that was done by the lovely sisi_rambles here and translated into chinese by the wonderful blankv here!
2. Van Gogh and Vodka / (Bellamy x Clarke, 28K, 1553 kudos, 5/6 June 2015)
Clarke Griffin’s new dormmate is a bully.
modern day college roommate au awww yeah. if only the 100 hadn’t made me so angry as a show i probably would’ve finished it. and who knows i might one day anyway since there’s only an epilogue left idk
3. Stars Don’t Come Down (Rey x Kylo, 104k, 1084 kudos, 26/26 August 2017)
Ben doesn’t know who it is, but he’s looking for someone.
 part two of the crossroads series! which is probably my most ambitious writing project that’s not work related ever and RECENTLY COMPLETED AW YEAH. the series is being translated into russian by the great AnnaVictoria here!
4. Life Stories are Second Date Material (Bellamy x Clarke, 3k, 1070 kudos, 1/1 November 2014)
Bellamy Blake hates picking up his sister from her job at the local coffee shop. A blonde pre-med student makes him hate it a little less.
look im a sucker for coffee shop aus forever
5. Stay in Motion (Jyn x Cassian, Baze x Chirrut, Han x Leia, 6k, 1057 kudos, 5/? January 2017)
Jyn’s eyes dart to the exit. A man in long-sleeved blue shirt and a brown vest speeds by. Stops. Doubles back. He grips the frame of her white door like something is about to blow him away.
“We did it!” He cries, eyes wide and teeth bared in a smile.“WE DID IT!”
Cheers, she realizes. They weren’t screams. They were cheers.
Short stories set in a universe where the Rogue One crewmembers survive
co-writing project with @starforged and @ignitesthestars !! 
What are your five least popular works?
not counting the original fics i’ve posted on ao3 (because duh), these are it:
1. meeting again (Sang Hwa x Sung Kyeong, 573 words, 10 kudos, 1/? June 2017)
He pitches forward, head-first into his half-eaten kimbap. A single cry follows him into the dark:
And that’s how Sang Hwa starts dating his wife.
Short snapshots of how Sang Hwa & Sung Kyeong fell in love.
lol turns out romantic relationship fic for a korean zombie horror movie is a Niche (there’s 4 works total in Train to Busan on ao3)
2. Like an Island (Meetra Surik/The Exile + Revan + Malak, 782 words, 25 kudos, 1/1 January 2013)
pre-games. Revan has a conversation and Meetra makes a choice. No one can go home again.
lol a repost from my experimental livejournal writing days. uff
3. The End of Giants (Meetra Surik/the Exile + Revan + Malak, 428 words, 36 kudos, 1/1 January 2013) 
Revan survives, the Exile dies, and Malak rests.
another livejournal survivor
4. Eyes Fixed on the Sun (Meetra Surik/the Exile x Malak, implied Revan x Exile x Malak, 1.5k, 37 kudos, 1/1 January 2013)
The parts of the lightsaber line up perfectly. The memories that accompany them do not.
Nobody checking for my KOTOR fic!
5. Spirals (Cullen x mage!Trevelyan, 6k, 38 kudos, 2/20 August 2017)
An ex-Andrastian mage without a Circle. A former Templar in need of purpose. And a tear in the sky that truly does bring all sorts of people together.
i just picked this one up again after…two years of doing nothing with it so hopefully it’ll go up :|
tagging @starforged, @ignitesthestars, @mnemehoshiko, and @anythingtomakeyoustay!
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juliasacads · 7 years
LAST: 1. Drink: water 2. Phone call: my boyfriend  3. Text message: i texted my boyfriend to text me after his training! 4. Song you listened to: never know - 6lack
5. Time you cried: earlier (happy tears, tho)
HAVE YOU: 6. Dated someone twice: yeah 7. Kissed someone and regretted it: YES 8. Been cheated on: yes 9. Lost someone special: yeah 10. Been depressed: yea 11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: nope LIST 3 FAVORITE COLORS: 12-14: pastel pink, white, gold IN THE LAST YEAR HAVE YOU: 15. Made new friends: yes!!   16. Fallen out of love: no i fell deeper :-) 17. Laughed until you cried: don’t remember but i think so 18. Found out someone was talking about you: lmao yeah 19. Met someone who changed you: yes 20. Found out who your friends are: yes 21. Kissed someone on your Facebook list: yeah GENERAL: 22. How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: almost all  23. Do you have any pets: no :( 24. Do you want to change your name: hmm no 25. What did you do for your last Birthday: don’t remember cos it was last year hahah nothing special tho but i remember i was with family! 26. What time did you wake up: 6am for school 27. What were you doing at midnight last night: i was asleep 28. Name something you can’t wait for: my birthday! 29. When was the last time you saw your mom: like 5 minutes ago 30. What is one thing you wish you could change in your life: my reputation, tbh 31. What are you listening to right now: antidote - travis scott 32. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: yeah i think so 33. Something that is getting on your nerves: boys who disrespect girls 34. Most visited websites: facebook, twitter, tumblr, youtube, google LOST QUESTIONS. I JUST PUT IN RANDOM INFO ABOUT ME 35. Mole/s: 1 on my cheek, 1 near my ear,on my arm and my knee (theyre all small tho)  36. Mark/s: i have a birthmark on my butt lol 37. Childhood dream: definitely wanted to be a princess 38. Hair color: dark brown 39. Long or short hair: short? it’s shoulder length  40. Do you have a crush on someone: yes 41. What do you like about yourself: i like that i’m capable of leading 42. Piercings: i have ear piercings 43. Blood type: i have no clue lol 44. Nickname: julia 45. Relationship status: taken 46. Zodiac: leo
47. Pronouns: she/her 48. Favorite TV Show: pretty little liars for life 49. Tattoos: none 50. Right or left hand: right 51. Surgery: neverr 52. Hair dyed in different color: no 53. Sport: volleyball in grade 7, track and field grade 10, triathlon/decathlon grade 8-10 55. Vacation: all around the philippines 56. Pair of trainers: trainers like shoes?? currently my stan smiths MORE GENERAL: 57. Eating: i just ate chicken curry 58. Drinking: i love water 59. I’m about to: pee, tbh 61. Waiting for: my boyfriend to come back from his training
62. Want: money 63. Get married: in the future 64. Career: i have no idea :( but i’m leaning towards being in marketing WHICH IS BETTER 65. Hugs or kisses: hugs for dayss 66. Lips or eyes: eyess 67. Shorter or taller: i don’t mind both!
68. Older or younger: i’m fine with both! 70. Nice arms or nice stomach: hm nice arms 71. Sensitive or loud: loud 72. Hook up or relationship: relationship 73. Troublemaker or hesitant: i prefer the term risk taker HAVE YOU EVER: 74. Kissed a Stranger: nope 75. Drank hard liquor: nope 76. Lost glasses/contact lenses: noope 77. Turned someone down: yep 78. Sex on the first date: nah 79. Broken someone’s heart: i thiiiink 80. Had your heart broken: yea
81. Been arrested: no 82. Cried when someone died: yea 83. Fallen for a friend: yees DO YOU BELIEVE IN: 84. Yourself: yes 85. Miracles: yes 86. Love at first sight: yes 87. Santa Claus: no, but i like to pretend! 88. Kiss on the first date: hm it’s alright OTHER: 90. Current best friend name: christine 91. Eye color: dark brown 92. Favorite movie: right now its spiderman homecoming
i tag anyone else who wants to do this!
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bumblepuppy · 7 years
I was tagged by @oceansinmychest sooo
Rules: Answer the questions and tag 9+ people you want to get to know better.
Relationship: Single Favorite color: Cerulean, probably?  Pets: My beautiful and terrible cat, Noisette. Wake up to: Generic phone alarm chime, but my Friday alarm is ‘Friday I’m In Love’ by The Cure. Also I wake up every day to my beautiful and terrible cat making sweet chirping sounds at me and biting my hands. Cats or dogs: I love both! But cats suit my lifestyle more. Coke or Pepsi: Neither tbh. I don’t drink soda that often, and when I do it’s ginger ale. Day or night: Night! Text or call: Text... unless I know you really well then it’s all night skype phone calls. ;D Lipstick or chapstick: Lipstick! I don’t wear it as often as I’d like to because I don’t like how people always comment on it, but I think it looks nice on me. Last book I read: Goshh I really don’t know! According to Goodreads it was The Girl in the Road by Monica Byrne, which I listened to at work and accidentally played out of order. It was a surprise child toucher book sooo it wasn’t that good! Last song I listened to: “Holiday in Cambodia” by the Dead Kennedys Last movie I watched: I thiiiink it was The Fall? Top 3 TV shows: Twin Peaks, The Twilight Zone, Breaking Bad. I’m gonna guess that I’m not supposed to choose animated shows because I’d have more trouble with that! Top 3 characters: I know that limiting this to three will hurt me but here it goes: Susan Calvin (Asimov’s robot stories), Thomas MacLaine (my beautiful son), Jacuzzi Splot (I haven’t gotten any Baccano love in this post yet, what gives) Top 3 ships: Gaahh I dunno... I’m falling pretty deep into Taakitz hell right now, which is good. Nice and Jacuzzi are my eternal fave het couple. I like LapiDot and AmeDot in equal parts.
I’m not gonna tag anyone, but feel free to do this yourself!
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dickie-gayson · 7 years
I’ve been tagged by @lockey-locke (forever ago) thanks!
Rules: Once you have been tagged you are supposed to write 92 truths about yourself. At the end, choose 25 people to tag. (25 people holy shit)
[1] Drink: lemonade (surprisingly, im too lazy to make coffee atm) [2] Phone Call: My cousin [3] Text Message: ngl the last text message i sent was on October 30, 2015. i never text...or call..or use my cell phone for anything other than music lmfao [4] Song you listened to: Party Monster by The Weeknd (a remix) [5] Time you cried: sometime earlier this month. my family’s a shitshow
HAVE YOU EVER… [6] Dated someone twice: never dated anyone ever lmao [7] Been cheated on: nope [8] Kissed someone and regretted it: never kissed anyone like that either lol (aro ace for life yo) [9] Lost someone special: Yeah  [10] Been depressed: since my earliest teen years lol [11] Gotten drunk and thrown up: Yes, yes I have lmfao just recently tbh
LIST 3 FAVOURITE COLOURS: [12] Purple [13] Blue [14] Green  not even gonna change these cus same [finger guns]
IN THE LAST YEAR HAVE YOU… [15] Made new friends: online? yep irl? good one lmfao [16] Fallen out of love: nopers [17] Laughed until you cried: Uhhh i think so??  [18] Found out someone was talking about you: funny story, most of the friends i made heard about me from others and i was almost always met with an ‘oh! i’ve heard about you!’ and im always like ???i dont do anything tho?? but this year? yee  [19] Met someone who changed you: nope [20] Found out who your true friends are: I have one (1) friend irl so...i guess? [21] Kissed someone on your Facebook list: haaaaa, good one. nope [22] how many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: tbh i go one facebook like once ever few months. i dont even remember what friends i have [23] Do you have any pets: Yep! I have a russian blue cat named Reverend Tholomew Plague (Rev for short). we also have another russian blue mix named Sophie and a rottweiler named Nyx [24] Do you want to change your name: Nah, im good. i used to want to when i was little, but not anymore [25] What did you do for your last birthday: i dont even remember tbh, and i mean that in the ‘i just have a shitty memory’ way, not the fun way  [26] What time did you wake up: tbh i just woke up at like....2:30pm lol [27] What were you doing at midnight last night: playing video games :D [28] Name something you cannot wait for: THE DC MOVIES. JUSTICE LEAGUE!! BATMAN!! AQUAMAN!! WONDER WOMAN!! SHAZAM!! FLASH!! CYBORG!! GREEN LANTERNS!! N I G H T W I N G!!! AND ALSO INJUSTICE 2 (but im too broke af lmfao) [29] When was the last time you saw your mother: not to get depressing here but it was when she died, November 24th, 2014. she had cancer. [30] What is one thing you wish you could change about your life: i’d like to prevent something from happening when i was younger that really fucked me up, i guess. [31] What are you listening to right now: Fortune Days by The Glitch Mob  [32] Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: I....don’t remember. maybe? lmfao [33] Something that is getting on your nerves: my family and also people who want to be rude ‘for the lolz’ [34] Most visited website: Tumblr probably, or an rpg site im a member of [35] Elementary: not sure what this question is implying lmao elementary wasnt bad [37] College: never been there. i was accepted to York University tho but i didnt go once i found out my mom had cancer my senior year so i can help the family. wanna go one day tho   [38] Hair colour: naturally brown, but i have it dyed black/blue atm [39] Long or short hair: i prefer medium to long hair. mine’s about medium-ish rn [40] Do you have a crush on someone: lol nope [41] What do you like about yourself? I can sometimes make people laugh. [42] Piercings: not anymore. i had snakebites tho [43] Blood type: i feel u, it’s p much coffee at this point. but i thiiiink AB positive or something like that, but i dont remember. [44] Nickname: any form of Victoria, really. [45] Relationship status: Single [46] Zodiac sign: Sagittarius (if you believe in that whole ‘missing zodiac sign’ thing, it’d be Ophiuchus) [47] Pronouns: She/her [48] Favourite TV show: I dont’ really ever watch tv tbh. Young Justice I guess?? [49] Tattoos: ngl i have the Assassin Creed symbol on my side because im a fckn neeerd [50] Right or left handed: Right-handed
FIRST… [51] Surgery: None [52] Piercing: none anymore [53] Best friend: Breanna
[54] Sport: Baseball i thiiink [55] Vacation: Maryland im pretty sure  [56] Pair of trainers: i can hardly remember three days ago, how tf am i gonna remember my first pair of trainers lmfao
RIGHT NOW… [57] Eating: chicken and waffles [58] Drinking: nothing but im making coffee [59] I’m about to: finish responding to other things ive been tagged in then write [60] Listening to: Que Tengo Que Hacer by Daddy Yankee [61] Waiting for: DC to stop killing me. my fav characters to be happy  [62] Want: D E A T H [63] Get married: NOPE [64] Career: i’d like to be an author
WHICH IS BETTER… [65] Hugs or kisses: pass on both pls. but if i had to choose, i’d say hugs. [66] Lips or eyes: eyes [67] Shorter or taller: i wish i was taller lol so i guess taller? [68] Older or younger: idk man [70] Nice arms or nice stomach: tough one. i like drawing both. arms? [71] Sensitive or loud: def sensitive. i hate loudness [72] Hook up or relationship: neither preferrably lol [73] Troublemaker or hesitant: i’m the think-before-you-act type, so i guess hesitant
HAVE YOU EVER… [74] Kissed a stranger? nope [75] Drank hard liquor? yup [76] Lost glasses/contact lenses? nope  [77] Turned someone down: yep [78] Sex on first date? that would imply i’ve been on a date lmao nope [79] Broken someone’s heart? i dont know?? maybe? [80] Had your own heart broken? not romantically but yes [81] Been arrested? nope [82] Cried when someone died? yep [83] Fallen for a friend: nope
DO YOU BELIEVE IN… [84] Yourself? lmaooo good one  [85] Miracles? i can only hope  [86] Love at first sight? not really  [87] Santa Claus? nope [88] Kiss on the first date? you’re really asking the wrong person these questions lmfao [89] Angels? not sure on that note tbh
OTHER… [90] Current best friend’s name: Breanna  [91] Eye colour: Gray [92] Favourite movie: that’s a tough one. ummm....i really love The Crow
I tag (totally not 25 people): @aoida-blue @mines-bigger-than-yours @bitchimightbe @ltheravenl @deadsrobinscircle @snartoto
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rockin-llama · 8 years
92 (I think it was 92???)
tagged by @fxvixen​ ayyyyye pretty ladayyy
rules: fuck the rules (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
[1] drink: water
[2] phone call: this solicitor that won’t leave me alone. Really, I need to get on a do-not-call list
[3] text message: “xo”from my Mom
[4] song you listened to: “Waving Through a Window”
[5] time you cried: ummm, maybe a few nights ago while reading? I don’t really keep track, I get emotional over books.
[6] dated someone twice: as in, date the same person twice (no) or date two or more people (yes)?
[7] been cheated on: yes
[8] kissed someone and regretted it: not really. There was this really drunk kiss with my half-aunts husbands nephew. Which even though that’s far enough away from being incest it still weirded me out when I sobered up. Plus I can’t remember his name for the life of me.
[9] lost someone special: yeee
[10] been depressed: ah, haha, hahaha
[11] gotten drunk and thrown up: gotten drunk, yes. Never to the point of throwing up though. I’ve felt pretty sick the next day though.
[12] Blue. Like, a deep blue. Not so dark that it looks black, but, like, deeeep.
[13] I’ve always liked dark greens, but they don’t really look too good on me.
[14] Rolanberry Red
[15] made new friends: yep
[16] fallen out of love: not really
[17] laughed until you cried: oh yeah
[18] found out someone was talking about you? Bitch, who wouldn’t talk about me.
[19] met someone who changed you: maybe??
[20] found out who your true friends are: What constitutes as a “true friend”? I’ve always been perplexed by that notion. A friend is a friend. I just talk about different things with different people.
[21] kissed someone on your facebook list: Bet y’all’d like to know who ;) (that was me channeling inner middle-school Marina)
[22] how many of your facebook friends do you know in real life: Now, this is something that I have to pick over. “in real life”. Like, if I have you on facebook I’m considering you as a part of my life (does that make sense??) And a lot of my facebook friends I have met through playing online games. So, no, I haven’t met them in real life (yet, someday I will take a massive road trip) but I consider us friends outside of playing games. So my answer is yes, all of my facebook friends I know in real life.
[23] do you have any pets: Jellicle (Jelli for short) is my kitty cat at my parents house. Unfortunately I can’t have free-roaming pets in the house I’m renting so I only have a beta fish, Hemingay, a bonsai tree (Groot 2.0, the first one was stolen off my porch), and a philodendron named Phil.
[24] do you want to change your name: Nada
[25] what did you do for your last birthday: uh, pretty sure I was playing video-games
[26] what time did you wake up: 10ish
[27] what were you doing at midnight last night: reading
[28] name something you cannot wait for: to move to the mountains and have a horde of huskies
[29] when was the last time you saw your mother: about 4 days ago
[30] what is one thing you wish you could change about your life: I wish i had a little more motivation??
[31] what are you listening to right now: my fan running in the background
[32] have you ever talked to a person named tom: yes, I know a lot of toms. What the fuck is up with this question?
[33] something that is getting on your nerves: people who don’t hit “reply all” in a group email. For real peeps, we’re all seniors in college. You should know this by now.
[34] most visited website: uhhhh, I’m honestly not sure. Tumblr is definitely up there, but even though I hardly ever post stuff I open facebook out of habit.
[35] elementary: what about elementary? Are you asking what school I attended? Who my teachers were? If I ever pulled the fire alarm? WEll, I didn’t pull the fire alarm, but I did like to flood the bathroom sinks and report to the teacher that “someone clogged the sinks again”. I was a weird child.
[37] college: comme ci, comme ca. I’m pretty much only taking online classes this semester.
[38] hair colour:  so up until I was around 12 my hair was white blonde. When i hit puberty though it slowly started changing color. I now have light brown hair, but in the summer it has blonde highlights.
[39] long or short hair: shoooooooort. I have an undercut that leads to one side being shaved.
[40] do you have a crush on someone: ehh. I’m attracted to a lot of people but i’m not interested in starting a relationship at this point in my life.
[41] what do you like about yourself? So it’s very cliche, but I fucking love my eyes. They range from green to gray to blue. And I have abnormally large pupils so they really accent them. People in high school just assumed I was high all the time.
[42] piercings: dude, guys, peeps, I love piercings. And I am majorly attracted to people with piercings. I have my double lobes done and an industrial bar on my left ear. If I didn’t bite my lips so much I would consider getting a lip ring because I fucking love them.
[43] blood type: AB- , yeah, I’m one of those people
[44] nickname: Mina/ Mina Bina, Rina, MooMoo (thanks Final Fantasy)
[45] relationship status: pining for dogs
[46] zodiac sign: virgo
[47] pronouns: she/her
[48] fav tv show: hmmmm, D. Gray-Man (does that count as a tv show? I don’t watch tv)
[49] tattoos: I have so many tattoo plans. I want the fuckign white tree of Gondor on my back.
[50] right or left handed: right, but I eat properly with my fork in my left hand.
[51] surgery: I had seven stitches in my chin when I was seven years old. Buuuuuut, I’m having major surgery this summer to reduce the size of my boobs. It’s gonna be a grand ol’ time. (hellooooo pretty bras)
[52] piercing: first lobes when I was 7
[53] best friend: I mean, I always call Staci my best friend. And we’ve known each other for our entire lives.
[54] sport: Technically I played soccer in kindergarten, but I wasn’t good at it.
[55] vacation: there’s pictures of toddler-me running naked towards the ocean in Florida with my mom chasing after me with my swimsuit.
[56] pair of trainers: oh fuck if i know, they were most likely blue and from JCpenney’s
[57] eating: cough drops
[58] drinking: coffee (I know, it’s a disgusting mix with cough drops)
[59] i’m about to: pretend the college didn’t just call me to pay my bill, lol too bad my voicemail inbox is full  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
[60] listening to: “Wildfire” - Keston Cobblers Club (it’s incredibly catchy, I strongly recommend)
[61] waiting for: the day I live in the mountains with dogs.
[62] want: for me to decide what I want for dinner
[63] get married: I guess I’d like to be married someday. But I often like to disappear and just be by myself, so, someone very understanding and able to give space would be needed.
[64] career: right now I work full-time as a Kitchen and Transportation Manager at a daycare. It’s amazing. So, I’m basically a fancy lunch-lady. But i’m also a full-time student. One day I will be a famous author and able to support myself through writing (hah_)
[65] hugs or kisses: So I really love hugs. Probably because you don’t get judged by hugging people platonically. And i’m always cold, so body contact is a major thumbsup imo. Buuuuut, I do also like kissing. But kissing kind of involves a hug (at least, most of the time?) In short, hugs are better just because they’re involved in both.
[66] lips or eyes: eyes
[67] shorter or taller: I like my fruity drinks tall, but since I am also a fan of a Manhattan I’m used to short cups as well.
[68] older or younger: I like how many of these questions aren’t even questions, they’re just assuming you know what they’re asking. And I’m a little peeved that I know exactly what the assumption is. idc
[70] nice arms or nice stomach: I like necks. Like, damn, especially since chokers are back in fashion now allllll of my attention is drawn to the neck.
[71] sensitive or loud: are you insinuating that loud people can’t be sensitive?
[72] hook up or relationship: neither here nor there
[73] troublemaker or hesitant: ???
[74] kissed a stranger? kinda
[75] drank hard liquor? yeeeeees (see earlier comment about Manhattans)
[76] lost glasses/contact lenses? kinda? I misplace my glasses all the time when I’m cooking
[77] turned someone down: yes
[78] sex on first date? ehh, there’s a lot of “depends” that can go into this
[79] broken someone’s heart? *shrugs*
[80] had your own heart broken? *shrugs* you’re assuming I have a heart to begin with
[81] been arrested? ;) ... no
[82] cried when someone died? yes
[83] fallen for a friend: muahahaha
[84] yourself? yeah, most of the time
[85] miracles? I’m not a firm believer in praying your worries away, so if that’s the type of miracle you’re asking my answer is “no”. However there have been some major moments of coincidence. I’m putting my money on aliens getting bored.
[86] love at first sight? Does my cat count? I saw her and knew immediately that I wanted to adopt her.
[87] santa claus? only if I can live in the North Pole
[88] kiss on the first date? yeeeee, most likely
[89] angels? Coming from a scientific point of view, I know for certain that the probability of humans being the only advanced race out there is practically nil. Therefore, I have no right to say whether or not angels exist somewhere. I know my late-grandma always did, she prayed to them every morning.
[90] current best friend’s name: Staci! I said it earlier, probably, but I’ve been working on this for a few days and don’t feel like scrolling all the way up.
[91] eye color: I thiiiink I also said this. But blue, gray, greenish
[92] favorite movie: Princess Mononoke
i’m tagging No one! Ha!
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