#which i dont have? i dont have like. a lady mustache
Tagged by @youjustfeelthemforever!
Character You Are Currently Obsessed With
okay so I'm gonna limit myself to one because I'll never end without a limit, and obviously my answer is going to be none other than
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Raoul de Chagny<33
The shyness of the sailor-lad—I was almost saying his innocence—was remarkable. He seemed to have just left the women's apron strings. As a matter of fact, petted as he was by his sisters and his old aunt, he had retained from this purely feminine education manners that were almost candid and stamped with a charm that nothing had yet been able to sully. He was a little over twenty-one years of age and looked eighteen. He had a small, fair mustache, beautiful blue eyes and a complexion like a girl's.
Just. just LOOK AT HIM
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this confused boy who loves so much that his heart physically aches my BELOVED
Raoul leaned against his panel to ease his pain. His heart, which had seemed gone for ever, returned to his breast and was throbbing loudly. The whole passage echoed with its beating and Raoul's ears were deafened. Surely, if his heart continued to make such a noise, they would hear it inside, they would open the door and the young man would be turned away in disgrace. What a position for a Chagny! To be caught listening behind a door! He took his heart in his two hands to make it stop.
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Listen idk about you guys but if Christine didn't already have him and if he were real I'D marry him is all I'm saying
More pictures and GIFs because WHY NOT
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Here's a GIF I just made today (and it's my new favorite thing he looks so confused I'm sobbing):
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And a personal favorite:
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As we read to each other dark stories of the North!
Okay... okay I'm done. Tagging @nerdywriter36, @brendadaaedestler, @its-a-hare-pom-pom, @offendedteaspoon, @lady-murderess, @rose-red-ink, @choasuqeen, @dont-do-rice-babes, and @ronon-dex!
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nervousron · 2 years
Chronological Lazlow Jones quotes and facts from Vice City, up to GTAV
22 year old radio intern Lazlow covers his eyes and hides in the corner when ladies enter the recording booth without their shirts
“Im 100% rebel. I got kicked out of school after the 12th grade, man” (for non-american readers, this would be university)
“Dont sell out. I never will”
“I am the master of darkness - that’s why my name’s Lazlow”
“Remember, Im going to be famous one day.”
Lazlow’s V-Rock Radio job application was sent in hand written calligraphy with a bouquet of flowers
Lazlow was in high school band
“I flunked school cuz im parkour”
He is pro gun and conservative
“How is that fair? I mean Im white, middle-class, very erudite -um, yknow, whatever that means- but people just respond badly to me, i don't understand it”
“-and you keep saying ‘im from the streets’, Yknow what dude? Everyone has a street in front of their house, that doesn't make you cool”
“Its kinda been a dream of mine to sleep with housewives…”
“I love your strap, you’re a great guy!”
Lazlow was tricked into joining the military briefly
Lazlow’s mom sent him to inversion and conversion therapy
“This is the west coast. I’m only into lesbians, man”
Lazlow breaking into tears when a caller continuously encourages Lazlow to shave his bush so his dick looks bigger
“Hanging upside down to sleep doesnt make you cool, or alternative. I know because I tried it”
A guy called in saying he moved from Hampshire and Lazlow told him his english was good and asked if it was hard getting used to the language
As of gta III Lazlow is married. As of IV he is divorced, balding, and has a mustache. His wife left him for his best friend after he brought home a heavily drugged woman for a threeway.
He used to look at his best friends dick when he was sleeping.
(About the Brittish)“I think they were speaking English before we were. I mean, the people here were speaking Cherokee and Shoshone.”
Lazlow gets upset when a man implies spanking kids is okay. He gets even more upset when he realizes the man doesn’t have kids and just wants to be spanked
“My father was strangely silent my whole childhood, which y’know, explains a lot”
“So you would MILK your grandmother like some kind of TEAR COW?”
Lazlow pushed a hotdog salesman’s head into a pot of boiled hot dog water and tried to drown him. This was a very cathartic experience for him.
“You stick your hand down a stripper's panties, yknow, and you discover a pair of balls. Well guess what baby? The bitch is back. But im not a bitch, Im a man. Uhh-”
Lazlow was regularly caught kissing men backstage at concerts in the 80s
Lazlow mentions its easier to spike women’s drinks with GHB in Liberty City than Vice City
“Go play sudoku and die peeing on yourself”
“You’re not my type. I prefer unconscious chicks or milfs with stretch marks”
Lazlow has tried blogging, being in porn, vinewood, working glory holes, and taking "facefulls of pills" to be happy.
“dude. Can you really not rub your junk and talk about schools. Dude. dude.”
“And you just wish that ONCE you could share a bed with someone who wouldnt get creeped out by the pictures of my ex wife on the nightstand”
“You can catch an STD! From a Him/Her!”
Lazlow bites strangers when he’s mad
“Im a RAGING heterosexual”
“There’s nothing wrong with that. Y’know, I’ve worn some panties. Its not weird if a chick asks you to do it. Then its hot”
He begs strangers on the street to watch him windmill his dick online.
“This mustache once got me laid. Yeah, Yeah.”
“Isnt there one where theres a cup and two girls…”
He accosts Fred Armisen in the street. Fred is somehow much worse than Lazlow.
“DUR DUR DUR text message. EL OH EL”
“You’ll NEVER get to experience the 80s”
“For once, Lazlow is not getting bummed. I’M doing the bumming”
in Episodes From Liberty City, Lazlow’s mother and step-father pay for his radio show and he lives in their home. He hates his step-dad and new step-sisters
“Im the g-spot of radio”
“I’m here to stay. Like the national debt. or syphilis.”
Lazlow’s brother is a tv producer
Lazlow promised $2 to a man to follow him down the street with a saxophone to set atmosphere for his radio show
“I’ve really gotta spread my scent right now. And by that, I mean pee”
Lazlow’s step-dad is a mortician
Lazlow is pro choice, but only because he doesnt want to be a hypocrite
Lazlow’s sister was supposedly kidnapped. He claims he did not personally murder her.
“Nicaragua. Which is a company that sells nicotine… water”
“Do have a second for gay rights?” “Okay, a second. Sometimes five minutes if I’m drunk and nobody’s looking”
Lazlow makes his intern follow him with a camera and pretend to be paparazzi. It backfires.
Lazlow got hairplugs some time between IV and V
Lazlow invented podcasting
“It’s not molesting if they’re ugly. Trust me, i’ve been doing it for years”
“Molesting is when they’re human and cant complain, or dont like peanut butter on their junk. Those sheep wouldnt have complained if they COULD have. They were loving it!”
Lazlow’s intern tells everyone at the gay bar that Laz wants to get railed by three guys. Lazlow, not understanding spanish, is very excited by the attention.
Lazlow knows space facts off the top of his head
Lazlow Wants to cum in zero G
He has a grandma fetish
Lazlow talks about his experience of getting pissed on by groups of strange men
Lazlow is "Left wing", but only because he doesnt want to be fired
Through tears “I dont understand valleys or clouds, it sounds like a nursery rhyme”
Lazlow told the press Michael "molested (him) into cutting his hair"
Lazlow got roofied at his Sex Addicts Anonymous meeting
Through tears “Tony? Can we hug? Please? You shouted at me a lot… And Tony? I dont think you can say ‘Gay Tony’ anymore, it’s not PC, the internet will go crazy”
Lazlow spins records at kids birthdays
“He wants me to beatbox, i’m gonna fuckin get LAAIIDDD”
“One more scandal will ruin me. I’m WOKE now”
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lvxybby · 1 year
His Forever (james patrick march x reader)
I checked into a hotel after my night out drinking with my band mates. "Y/N are you sure you dont want us to drive you home?" My band mate eric asked me. "no...i've gotta check out the studio tomorrow...ill just uber there its closer than wasting my gas" I say walking to the check-in desk. "ok then...see you soon...love ya" eric said walking away. "bye Y/N" my other band mate brandon said following eric. i sigh and begin to talk to the front desk lady. "hi can i have a room for one?" i ask politely "sure that'll be $74 dollars" she replied. she turned around and gave me a key "room 64 sweetheart." she spoke with a smile. "thank you have a great night" i say walking off to my room. i see my room and begin to unlock it but i hear a voice...a very fancy voice from behind me "hello dear, enjoying your stay?" the male voice said as i turned around. i looked him up and down...he looked familiar but i couldn't put my finger on it. maybe the alcohol is messing with me. "oh well...i just got here" i reply nicely. the male was dressed very nice. he had a 1920's style. his pencil mustache and slicked back hair made him look so much more attractive. "oh..i see well im james march, the owner of this fine hotel" he stuck his hand out to me. then it snapped. james march was the owner of hotel cortez...he built the hotel and killed its residents. i shook my head thinking its just alcohol. i shook his hand. "well dear you shall get some rest...you seem a bit tipsy" he said bowing a bit. "o-ok have a good night" i say unlocking my door and heading into my room. i set down my things i came in with such as my guitar and small purse with my essentials in it. i look at the room. its very fancy and nice. its large and has a huge bed. i admire the room. it has rather a very sweet smell to it. like caramel. i go over to the window and open it. i pull out my carton of cigarettes and lighter. i light the cancer stick and begin to fill my lungs with the deadly smoke. tonights show was rough. so many people were there and my stage fright almost got the best of me. there was a fist fight at the bar and my guitar string broke while i was playing. it was so rough. me and brandon got into it cause he said he doesnt like the guitar solos i add to the songs, and he wants me to pay for a new bass for him, which i denied. he should pay for his own things. hes a adult who is capable to pay for his own bass. he makes enough money and im not gonna baby him. i realize i burnt all of my cigarette. i sigh before throwing it out the window. i close it and lay on the bed. i end up dozing off. i wake up to the sun light peeking through the window. i sit up and decide its best to get ready since i have to record in the studio today. i reach for my purse and look around for my phone. once i find it i call the taxi company. but no service. i dial again but no service again. i sigh before going to the studios number and dialing it. no answer. straight to voicemail. i sigh and throw my phone on the bed "fuck what am i gonna do?" i ask myself. i grab my pack of cigarettes and take one out before starting to smoke. i inhale the cancerous smoke into my lungs as i try to relieve my stress. before i knew it i ended up smoking the whole pack. the room was filled with the smoke. i threw the carton at the wall. "its ok i can make the appointment another time." i reassure myself. i think to myself before noticing the bedside phone. i pick it up but it was dead silent. not even the soft hum to let you know it was working. i look at the cord and notice it looks like its been chewed through. i slam the phone down. i sigh before going over to the door. my head is pounding from the night before. and that made me remember "the real james march" i sigh before exiting the room i walk down the long hallways but the familiar voice stops me again. "hello dear are you feeling better?" i snap around and see the same male. "james" stood there. it couldnt be him. he died in the 20's i learned about him in history class. now i knew it wasnt the alcohol.
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I miss Harvey so uh
*sits down in your inbox* tell me about Compton's family other than Dogen and Sam? I want to know your headcanons. Any of them.
context for harvey
eeeeyyyyy its been a while since i talked abt him or the boole family let's go
Like I said in the P7 family post I was typing up, Compton's parents were the wealthiest of all the 7's parents. I don't know if they run/own a fancy resturaunt brand or something to do with animals or what but they're like fanciful edwardian non-psychics who care a lot about their Image and how other people See Them. this certainly had no adverse affects on their child whatsoever
I mused a bit about Compton having a sibling or two, but still not sure about exactly how that manifests in the broader scope of things. it just ""sounds right"" whatever that really means
Harvey, my friend Harvey, met Compton in their young adult years because Harvey's family runs some kind of rustic ranch that the Booles held a fancy little charity event at and Compton was like "wow... you like horses....... this must be Romantic Love"
whether it actually was Romantic or just Compton and Harvey being very close i don't know. i like aroace compton and also gay compton. both can hold hands bc orientation is silly like that
the important part is they liked each other enough to get married. or like domestic partners at least. they move in. oh my god they were roommates.
their daughter, dont worry about how they had a kid, i never have a name for her. I'll call her Suzy just to have a name.
but i think Suzy's not psychic and takes after harvey a little more than compton, which was ok for a long while. compton actually raised her with harvey at least up into her teens, because I think she was 16-19 years old when the Incident Happened.
i think this bc i feel like Suzy and Truman have to be around the same age? it makes sense in my head for that to be the case at least. Don't worry about it.
Sam's prison/mom line in the diner gives me a couple options. either Suzy went to prison, works at a prison, or Sam's just being a little sillay.
I tend to gravitate toward "works at a prison" or "sam is being sillay". I saw a headcanon once that the noodle bowl chef lady is Sam & Dogen's mom, which is cute, I think about it sometimes, but i also dont rly think she feels like their mom. to me at least. but it was interesting to bring up.
what headcanons I actually have abt Suzy amount to thinking she's... well meaning but maybe the worst parent out of the Truman/Augustus&Donatella "second gen" of psychonauts folks.
to say the subtext as text, Dogen being cut to when Raz says "your mother is afriad of you", it always gives me autism mommy vibes. like Suzy goes oh my poor little dogen and sam are so Strange, just like my Father. I don't want them to become Criminals, Also Just Like My Father. and she maybe makes some poor decisions because of it. Not as awful as say Loboto's parents. but not great.
Their Dad I think is the most guy ever. just a real nobody kinda dude. he carries a briefcase. works a nine to five. loves to talk about the Big Game. has kind of a minnasota accent when I try to imagine him talking. car grill mustache.
Compton has a weird, awkward relationship with Suzy & her husband bc of all this. He had kind of lost contact with her and Harvey after moving to GNG, and didn't hear from them again until well after the Psychonauts became a government agency because that's when he learned 1) he's a grandparent and 2) little baby Sam is burning the curtains oh god what do i do . I imagine Suzy made a panicked call to the Psychonauts one day and it got redirected to Compton once the family name came up and it was the most awkward phone call in the history of man kind.
Compton does love his grandkids though. And he's tried a lot of times to let his own kid and his ex-husband that they are welcome at the Psychonauts. he might not be available but yknow the other agents here are more capable anyways have you met Truman he's also a dad.
I think that's all I got for now cheif, though if you have more specific questions abt Boole or the other families I'm sure my brain will mix something together once prompted ✌️ it's always fun to answer these kinds of questions
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goremet-chef · 1 year
hi i was at the fair yesterday, i did not get misgendered at all!!!! someone from BEHIND ME okay so
yknow i got assaulted by that mosquito eater the other day while i was drawing. terrifying my life is ruined but im over it alright. i guess??? there was a big ass bug on my back like 🤏 this close to touching my neck which wouldve REALLY freaked me out
the it fled into the night after my friend slapped it off and so far the suspect has not been identified but
id argue the psychological damage was WORTH IT, because with my BACK TURNED they couldnt even see my face, the group behind us said "uhh, theres a bug on his back"
😳😳😳 OKAYYY there sure was
idk i just feel good about that. ive never really had uhh feminine features, like i think the most "fem" thing about my face is that i have pretty long eyelashes, but i get those from my DAD so. it doesnt matter much to me
my only worry is that. this is the town i grew up in, from 4th grade all the way to 8th yknow? i KNOW some of these people and i hope to got i wasnt memorable enough for them to be like "hey dont i know that guy and also didnt he used to be a girl 🤨" (thankfully ive always been a weirdo to everyone so probably not) its just. the town is sorta sus, too many yeehaws yknow
ALSO ALSO big bonus i was REALLY worried about using the uhh bathroom there because. i draw a (pretty convincing) mustache on myself and thicken my eyebrows when i go out and it basically changes everything but like. having to struggle between picking the mens restroom or the ladies, like if i went to the girls its lowering my head in defeat but i dont look like a girl!!! so i might get reverse sussed?? and then the mens i think i could go into but mens bathrooms are always gross SOO. luckily for me i didnt have to go at all since we took a break to go home for a bit while we waited for it to cool off
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#CW I'M TALKING ABOUT MY PERIODS not in like. detail just about how theyre irregular#i read up further on pcos symptoms and a big one is oily skin and more extreme body hair#because of the androgens#which i dont have? i dont have like. a lady mustache#only 2 unnoticeable little black hairs that i refuse to pluck cause i aint about that#but the site also said 'pubic hair on stomach and thighs'#which i thought is just? normal?#so that i do have a little but also not excessively not like full on fur on my thighs#my hair is generally pretty light except under my arms my lower legs and shit#but my arm hair and everywhere else is oretty light#oh and also my skin is not oily and ive never had achne which is another thing androgens do#the only thing is that my period is hella irregular sometimes and always has been#i remember back then my mom was like 'itll fall into a normal rhythm' .#and then it didn't#also im fat#which ive never really seen as a biological thing before#like yeah ive always been a lil bit chubby but i just thought thazs my fault#not that it would be my fault even if i don't have pcos#like yeah all bodies are different whatever#so if i go fo the gynecologist and they xray me and they find cysts in my uterus then that's reason for suspecting pcos#so after that we'd track my periods which im already doing cause im a forgetful bitch and i never know when my period is actually late#only when its been like 3 months and i start remembering that i should bleed lol#anyway the internet says if 2/3 of 1. irregular periods 2. extensive body hair and 3. cysts is there then thats reason to suspect it#so well see#apparently ~23% lf afab people have cysts in their uterus tho#even with regular periods
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usually i dont like 'fixing art' but honestly i have to make an exception for you bc alot of this shit is just that (as a hijabi seeing that sexualization burqa killed the rest of my cognitive abilities)
like yeah, this is weirdly something ive been thinking about for the last few days. so you're going to have to put up with me rambling for a bit
for some context that most of you probably just dont have bc the last time i talke about it would probably be from over a year ago at this point, when i named this blog it was obviously based on Bad-comic-art's blog. and when i chose the url for this one i didn't think about how it would read to others. because like, the word "fix" never meant "make better" to me? it just meant "change". i think this is bc i grew up around a lot of people who spoke English as their second/third/fourth language, who were all trying very hard to make sure english was my first. so a lot of words that had wierd or imprecise translations got jumbled up in that mess, and fix was just one of them. that combined with my aphasia just made for the perfect time bomb of a url.
At first i just picked at which ever ones felt especially awkward to me, and then i started noticing trends that got me grinding my teeth. especially after a lot of people came forward to talk about how they felt better about themselves after the impossibility of the og arts proportions was pointed out. Because like, a lot of western comic art is meant to look fairly realistic, stylized, but still realistic, and that means that its a lot easier for our brains to internalize the proportions and ideals of theses styles as like, correct? as something that its worth comparing real skin and bone too without really realizing your doing it.
beyond that, ive always tried to focus more on things that were sexist. pieces where making sure a ladys tits and ass were center stage was more important than not snapping her back to do so. on sorta shining a light on how Weird a lot of these male comic artists were depicting women because them being sexy was more important than telling a story where they were characters.
and later once i had more context for some of the characters, and with a lot of help from my followers, i started being able to spot which ones were being whitewashed, and did a few of those edits too.
the dust one was very obviously an Issue that i didn't need explained but that one is still like, if i had to pick one piece to define what id want this blog to be, it would be that one. because it perfectly encompasses all my issues with a lot of comic art. Her being sexy was more important to that artist than her being a character with a specific religious background that wore a specific for of modesty garb bc thats what she wanted to wear.
and like mild tangent- this is why i try so hard to match the original as closely as possible. these styles arnt Bad usually. a lot of times they're just rushed, and doing edits to show what the artist could have done if they'd had the tims to do it always just felt like giving the original a second chance to shine? but some of the ways women and minorities especially are depicted, is just gross, and shows a clear sorta mindset. I want to match the originals in these cases to prove that the og artist, within their own style, could have depicted these characters with respect, but just chose not to.
beyond the edits i do that fall in the former categories, sometimes i just want to make people laugh so i do goofy things to art they dont like very much. thats always felt like sharpying a mustache on one historical figure or a other in a friends text book. just something harmless and fun to share in the back of the class room.
like i guess my tldr on this is this: bigotry is bad and i just want to make people happy by posting little edits on the internet.
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coffeecakefanfics · 4 years
Rocky Mountain Skies
So I live in the 719 (CO) and I have been DYING to write about it so here’s this hot ass mess Also it’s my first multipart story on tumblr so bear with me (I’ll do a part two because omg) 
Christmas is a magical time of year where families get together and revisit the political opinions of the past month but turn around and gift each other things. For the (L/N) family it was no different. 
(Y/n) waltzed through the bullpen, coffee in one hand, phone in the other.  
“Yes mom I’ll be home for Christmas,” she set her things down and sat at her desk, “No mom I already requested the two weeks off, I’ll be fine,” her sigh caught a few peoples attentions.
“Mom seriously, I get into Denver Sunday at 11, papa already said he’d come pick me up. . .  yes mom I know how old he is but you don’t have time remember, besides it’ll be nice to see him. . . Mom I gotta go I have a meet- yes mom I’ll let you know when I get to the airport. . . Mom I have to go byeee” She clicked her phone and leaned back, letting out a long groan. 
“Mom troubles?” Derek smirked.
“You have NO idea, I love her but she needs to chill,” she smiled. 
“Well I think it’s sweet,” he toys.
“Of course you do, go to work,” she shook her head teasingly. 
“All right, all right,” he laughed and walked off. (Y/n) stayed seated at her desk for a majority of the day, skipping lunch to finish files.  People stopped by to make small talk while she worked, which she happily sat through.  As the day continued on people started packing up their things to head home.  It was quiet, the only people left were (Y/n), Spencer, JJ, and Hotch.  
(Y/n) Stretched, popping her back, before getting up and walking around the desks.  She set her hand on a chair and spun it so the messy haired man was facing her. She smiled at him brightly.
“Hey Spence”
“Hi, uh, is something wrong?”
“No I just wanted to talk to you is all,” she sat on his desk.
“About?” he looked at her curiously.  He watched the way her hair set on her shoulders and framed her face, the way her waist dipped and hips bulged slightly, the way her thighs squished when she sat. He forced his eyes beack up to her and felt his face go a little warm.
“You know in the past three years I’ve been here I don’t think I’ve seen you take a vacation, and it’s none of my business if you save it or whatever but I was curious, why?” her face twisted in thought.  He sat for a second and thought. 
“Well I mean I go “home” occasionally, but I guess I’ve just never had a desire to go anywhere,” he shrugged, “I mean all we do is travel for work so I guess it never really crossed my mind” he smiled at her. 
“Well, I uh, look I have an extra plane ticket back home. My ex was supposed to go with me but we broke things off a few months ago.  So I guess I’m trying to say if you want to, you could come with me.  I mean you totally dont have to and I mean-” 
“To Colorado?” he quirked his eyebrow.
“I mean, yes? but only if you want to, I mean you’re my best friend, and closest one so I figured I’d ask before getting a refund,” she twisted her foot into the ground.
“Do I get a cowboy hat?”
She looked up surprised and laughed, “Duh”
“Then I’ll go”
The two weaved through the airport traffic.  The building was loud and crowded and both were getting antsy.  (Y/n) clutched her bag tight as they maneuvered through the crowds of people.  Finally making it outside, the cold mountain air bit at their skin. A old man stood at the end of a row of cars holding a huge sign 
‘(Y/N) (L/N)’ written in huge letters decorated the sign. 
“Papa!” she cried and dropped her bags, getting swallowed into a hug that itself felt like home.  Spencer stood awkwardly by watching the two.  
“Where are my manners, My Name is Jim (L/N) but you can call me Papa.  You must be Spencer?” The man, Jim introduced himself.  He was only about 5′10″ and was clad in a red and white pearl snap with stained coveralls over top.  His face was covered mostly by a long Beard and Mustache and he had a pair of glasses perched on top of his head. 
“Oh, uh yes sir I’m Spencer,” He smiled at the man who held his hand out.  Spencer shook it gladly. 
“Well we need to get you kids home. Granny is making soup for dinner,” he bent down and picked up (Y/n)’s bag and rolled it to a old pick up truck, may be ten years old Spencer guessed. He stared at the backseat for a second, his stomach turned, maybe this wasn’t the best idea, maybe he shouldn’t have came, I mean I’m being so awkward an- 
“Spence what are you waiting for?, hop in,” (Y/n) called from the back seat.  He blinked a few times at her before jumping in and closing the door. She leaned over to him, “I didn’t want you to be alone back here,” she pulled back and smiled. 
“Thank you,” he breathed a sigh of relief.  As close as they were he had never met her family.  He had spent countless nights sitting on her couch easting Chinese food while they finished files or watched bad movies but he still felt nervous being around her like this. 
“So Spencer, where are you from?”
“I’m from Vegas,” he replied meekly.
“A gambler huh?” The old man grinned at him in the rear view, “you any good?” 
Spencer laughed and shook his head, “I guess we’ll have to see,” he teased back.  Jim laughed and smiled at his granddaughter. 
“i like this one”
“You like him just because you’re bad at Texas Hold em” she playfully rolled her eyes.
“Hey whatever gets the money,” he laughed again.  It was a laugh that filled you with joy.  Spencer finally understood where (Y/n) got hers from.  
“So Spencer, I know a feller like you can’t be single, so do you have a lady back in D.C.?”
“PAPA!” (Y/n) shrieked, “Don’t go running him off already, good god” she shook her head.
“What I’m curious, he’s a handsome man,” Jim grinned. Spencer was full on burning at this point. 
“No sir, I’m single,” He almost mumbled out.
“You know who else is single. (Y/n),” Jim wiggled his eyebrows. (Y/n) glowed the same red that the poor man next to her did.
“Papa oh good god.  Stick to breaking horses not my love life, and besides you’re gonna make him regret coming here before he even sees the ranch,” she rolled her eyes.  Spencer actually laughed.  The two of them were obviously close, it was . . . nice.  It was a nice break from what they deal with every day.  
The rest of the car ride went by semi fast, (Y/n) explained all of her plans for the two of them while they were here.  She was almost glowing with excitement. The wooden fence that stretched along the property line came into view as the truck began up the drive.  A gorgeous two story log cabin came into view behind a row of evergreens.  The wood was a beautiful light brown, and towered over the yard.   A old lady was standing on the porch dressed in a fleece nightgown and brown slippers.  She waved as the truck stopped.  The group jumped out and began grabbing bags. 
“There’s my baby girl,” the woman hugged (Y/n) tightly.  She had her same eyes.  The woman stood maybe 5′2′ and had a pink and white fleeced nightgown on.  Her grey hair fell in neat curls down her back.  Her face was wrinkled and warm, the kind that you know showed so much joy in her younger years. 
“And this must be Spencer, You’re even more handsome in person,” she cood at him. 
“It’s alright. Yes ma’am I’m Spencer,” he smiled at her, “It’s a pleasure to meet you both,” he grinned. 
“Oh where are my manners, lets get you babies inside and warm,” she ushered everyone in.  “(Y/n) baby your room is all set up, but um there’s been a change of plans,” The lady frowned. 
“What Dawn is trying to say is that your mom and your stepdad are staying in the last guest room, and your cousin Rita is in the other”
“WHAT!” (Y/n) yelled. “Mom said her the Stepdouch were staying home for Christmas! I was promised to get you two to myself. And Rita!” she was fuming. Spencer set his hand on her shoulder, trying to bring her back to earth.
“We know baby but she insisted that you wouldn’t go see her if she stayed,”
“Of course not, not after what she did!”
“And Rita is your cousin, at least try to play nice,” Jim begged. 
“No, Not after what they did!” (Y/n) was breathing ragged, anger radiating off of her body. 
“Hey, uh why don’t you help me to my room?” Spencer forced her to look at him.  She sighed and grabbed her bag.
“Okay” she grabbed his hand and began through the living room up the stairs.  Spencer admired the “family” room on the balcony overlooking the living room. (Y/n) led him around the bend and over to the room. She popped the door open and let him inside. She followed and closed the door after her. 
“So since my cousin Rita took the guest room we’ll have to share this one, I’m really sorry. I have an air mattress that I can sleep on and you can have the bed. This isn’t how I wanted this to go, I’m sorry,” she spoke almost in tears.
“Hey you didn’t know and I’m kicking you out of your bed, I’ll sleep on the air mattress, besides we can always still do everything you planned. We’ll be okay,” he smiled and held her face.  She let a tear fall. 
“I know but this was supposed to be a fun trip for you,”
“It will be, what’s more fun than two weeks without work,” he smiled and pushed her hair behind her ear. 
“It’s only like one, so would you show me the property?” he smiled.
“Sure, but we need to get you a new wardrobe,” she laughed. 
“Hey what’s wrong with my clothes?” he spun for her. 
“Well for starters you’re in loafers and there’s snow on the ground, and second I do owe you a cowboy hat,” she grinned. “Come on lets play dress up”
The two of them sat in the attic surrounded by boxes of old clothes.  She held up a nice quilt lined coat, identical to the light brown one she had on. 
“That should fit, he was about your size,” she smiled and handed him the coat. 
“Who?” he asked and examined the inside of the coat when it stared him right in the face. 
‘Merry christmas daddy, (Y/n)’ stitched on the tag.  his heart stopped.
“(Y/n) I can’t accept these, these meant the world to you I-”
“Spencer please, I’d rather you have daddy’s stuff than any of those other brats,” she sneered. “It’s the only other thing I got from him when he passed.  He would’ve liked you,” she smiled and pulled a bunch of pearl snaps out.  Spencer's heart leapt.  We slid the Carhart on, it sat nicely against his body.  She looked up from the boxes. 
“Whoa” she gasped. “Spencer you look, just wow” she grinned. 
“Wait I have one more thing,” she rushed off to the back of the attic.  She returned with a box wrapped in red wrapping paper she smiled and handed it to him.  He pulled the top of the box off.  Inside sat a nice dark brown felt hat with a brown leather strap around it.  It was adorned with a small gun charm on the leather strap. 
“(Y/n) this is, this is way too much,” he looked up at her.
“I bought it for you last year, I remember you saying you wanted to be a cowboy so I figured I’d buy it but I forgot it last time so there,” she beamed at him.
“Well, try it on,” she ushered  He set the hat on his head, a perfect fit.  
“Well?” he spun
“You look like a true cowboy Spence,” 
They walked the property talking for hours.  The air grew cold and bit at their cheeks. 
“Hey do you want to see my favorite spot?” she asked
“Of course,” he grinned.  They walked out into the woods behind the house before coming to a clearing.  The sun was beginning to set.  The mountains had a purple haze but the sky was bright blue.  Golden streaks danced across the clouds.  The clearing was full of dry grass and thistles that would become tumbleweeds when it got windy. 
“(Y/n) this is amazing,” he breathed the fresh mountain air.
“This is my favorite part of being home, the Rocky Mountain Skies.  They seem to dance with color.  I forget how pretty they are when I leave,” she smiled and watched the clouds float by. 
“Why did you leave?” Spencer asked.  He turned to look at the girl next to him.  She looked small in her coat and her hair was messy from the light wind. 
“After my dad died. My mom got with my Stepdouch a month later, the will had been “lost” the will that would have granted my this ranch.  The only reason I got it was Papa and grandma claimed they needed a place to live so I mean it’s theirs.  My mom got mad because she wanted to sell it.  and my cousin Rita wanted all of my dads horses, thousands of dollars worth of horses that she and my mom fought over and split the money on.  That wasn’t dads vision, they never cared about this place. Mom moved us into town, So when I turned 18 I left,” she shrugged. 
“I’m so sorry (Y/n)” he hugged her. 
“It’s okay. So why did you want to be a cowboy?” She teased.
“Well I mean every little boy wants to be a cowboy, I wanted to catch the outlaws, or maybe be them I’m not sure,” he laughed. 
“(Y/N), SPENCER, DINNER!” Dawn yelled to them.  
“Race you there” she smacked his chest and took off.
“No fair!” he called after her. 
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f4liveblogarchives · 3 years
Fantastic Four Vol 1 #286
Tue Jan 05 2021 [08:04 PM] Wack'd: 'S an X-Men crossover, proclaims the cover [08:04 PM] Wack'd: Joy [08:05 PM] Bocaj: The Essex-Men [08:05 PM] Wack'd: We open in media res with the Four coming home from some massive space exploration [08:05 PM] Bocaj: They just do that offscreen sometimes [08:06 PM] Bocaj: And other times they make huge productions out of space exploration [08:06 PM] Wack'd: I assumed it was because of Secret Wars II nonsense but nah it's just so Bryne can do some metajokes
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[08:06 PM] Wack'd: Also: ass shot [08:06 PM] Umbramatic: oh geez [08:07 PM] Wack'd: My theory is if cosmic doesn't sell it's because most people are bad at writing cosmic [08:08 PM] Wack'd: Lotta portent and politics and tossing around Big Important Proper Nouns [08:09 PM] Bocaj: I'll subscribe to that theory [08:09 PM] maxwellelvis: Something something Prequel Trilogy [08:09 PM] Wack'd: Anyway they gotta land at an airport because the Avengers don't have a large enough airfield. Sure [08:09 PM] Umbramatic: weird [08:09 PM] Bocaj: Although the Avengers don't have an airfield I dont think. They just tend to launch from the mansion [08:10 PM] Wack'd: Yeah I mean same with the Baxter, so [08:10 PM] Wack'd: I dunno if this is needlessly petty but I honestly can't help but focus on this bumper sticker
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[08:10 PM] Wack'd: If it's a deliberate political statement it sure does add up [08:12 PM] Wack'd: Anyway the Avengers have a glowing redheaded woman in a tube [08:12 PM] Wack'd: I assume it's [insert whoever had the Phoenix at the time here] [08:14 PM] Bocaj: Glowing redhead? My guess is for Mary Jane [08:14 PM] Bocaj: She's overdue [08:14 PM] Wack'd: None of the assembled Avengers or the Four know who she is so Johnny decides to scram while Reed goes into research mode [08:14 PM] maxwellelvis: I don't think it's Rachel, I think by now she's over in London with Excalibur. [08:15 PM] Wack'd: Reasons why Jen has a crush on Hercules: he's the actual mythological Hercules, he's got eyes like Tom Selleck. [EDITOR’S NOTE: Passed unacknowledged at the time, somehow, is that the fact that he’s 5000 years old is also part of it. Because of course.] [08:15 PM] maxwellelvis: Those are good enough reasons. [08:15 PM] Bocaj: In Byrne's She-Hulk book Jen keeps having romance novel cover style daydreams about him [08:15 PM] Bocaj: Or will have. Time. [08:16 PM] Umbramatic: fucking time [08:16 PM] Wack'd: Jarvis is the real superhero
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[08:17 PM] Bocaj: I've been saying that for years [08:17 PM] Umbramatic: jarvis is a good boi [08:17 PM] maxwellelvis: Now if Hercules had the MUSTACHE of Tom Selleck, I'd probably join Jen in that fantasizing. [08:17 PM] Umbramatic: my mother has a mug that says "saving myself for Tom Selleck" [08:18 PM] Wack'd: So whoever this is breaks out of their chamber and starts tossing Reed and the Avengers around like flies, ranting about whatever the fuck's going on in X-Men and accusing them all of being robot imposters [08:18 PM] maxwellelvis: In that case it might be Rachel. [08:18 PM] maxwellelvis: She's been through... a lot. [08:19 PM] Wack'd: Sue uses a force field to keep herself bolted to the floor, and then traps redheaded lady in one which seems to subdue her [08:19 PM] maxwellelvis: Does she have tattoos of triangles/spikes running along the sides of her face? [08:19 PM] Wack'd: No [08:19 PM] maxwellelvis: Then it might not be Rachel. [08:20 PM] Wack'd: Just a regular redheaded comics lady with no distinguishing features [08:20 PM] Wack'd: Oh it's Jean Grey still [08:20 PM] Wack'd: That's on me for hedging my bets I guess [08:20 PM] Umbramatic: hi jean [08:21 PM] maxwellelvis: Would you have counted "very short hair" as a distinguishing feature? [08:21 PM] Wack'd: I might if she didn't have armpit-length hair [08:21 PM] Bocaj: Darn Jean Grey always in pods [08:22 PM] maxwellelvis: Because Rachel tends to cut her hair very short. It's how you know she's the edgier alternative to her mom and later, to her present-timeline self. [08:22 PM] Bocaj: Punky Birdster [08:22 PM] maxwellelvis: That and the tattoos on her face, more firey aura, and spiky jumpsuit. [08:23 PM] maxwellelvis: In fact as Phoenix, Rachel tends to use the flames of the Phoenix to mask her face. [08:23 PM] maxwellelvis: Makes her look slightly Dormammu-ish. [08:23 PM] Umbramatic: oh huh [08:23 PM] Wack'd: Jean has lost memories of a buncha stuff and wants to go to Prof X to get help but Steve refuses because they're associating with Magneto and Steve's got a bug up his butt about it
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[08:24 PM] Wack'd: Was Magneto being a maybe-good-guy still a huge deal in 1986? That feels wrong [08:24 PM] maxwellelvis: Yeah. [08:24 PM] maxwellelvis: It wasn't until like, the early 90's that he stopped being a good guy, but it always felt weird. [08:25 PM] maxwellelvis: When he showed up in New Mutants, the kids all QUIT and went to go be child soldiers for the Hellfire Club's Inner Circle instead. [08:25 PM] Bocaj: In secret wars it was still a big deal that he claimed to be mostly good [08:25 PM] Bocaj: And that wasn’t so long ago [08:25 PM] Wack'd: Fair [08:26 PM] Wack'd: Reed is skeptical of bringing Jean back to her house because she's been presumed dead and it'd freak out her folks which, y'know, good point [08:26 PM] Bocaj: Call ahead? [08:26 PM] Bocaj: Anyone? [08:26 PM] Bocaj: Haha just kidding x men never pick up a phone [08:26 PM] Wack'd: Oh I mean, like [08:26 PM] Wack'd: Her home-home [08:27 PM] Wack'd: Where her biological family lives [08:27 PM] Bocaj: Call ahead [08:27 PM] maxwellelvis: Mr. and Mrs. Gray only exist when it's convenient. [08:27 PM] Bocaj: Hah! [08:27 PM] Wack'd: Right yeah, seems like the good compromise position [08:27 PM] maxwellelvis: Same goes for all the X-Men's parents, come to think of it. [08:27 PM] Wack'd: But Sue is like "she's having a mental breakdown and needs familiar surroundings and a sense of security so, like, we cross that bridge when we get there I guess" [08:27 PM] Wack'd: Oh good! They do in fact call ahead [08:28 PM] Wack'd: But only get answering machine [08:28 PM] Bocaj: I’m as smart as a comic character [08:28 PM] maxwellelvis: Bummer [08:30 PM] Umbramatic: now i wonder what the X-Answering Machine is like [08:30 PM] maxwellelvis: They don't have one. [08:30 PM] maxwellelvis: Otherwise, Excalibur would never have happened. [08:30 PM] Bocaj: “You know what to do, bub” [08:31 PM] Bocaj: And then the answering machine recording doesn’t click on [08:31 PM] maxwellelvis: Or it's a "Please Leave A Message"-themed rewrite of the "Pryde of the X-Men" theme. [08:31 PM] Bocaj: Ha [08:32 PM] Wack'd: So uh [08:32 PM] Wack'd: Rest of the issue is expositing X-Men stuff [08:32 PM] Wack'd: Jean is a clone, or maybe she isn't, or maybe an energy being made a facsimile of her, or something [08:32 PM] maxwellelvis: "PLEASE LET ME BACK ON THE MAIN BOOK!" [08:33 PM] Wack'd: Yeah I cannot be bothered. So much Xnobabble [08:33 PM] maxwellelvis: "DO YOU UNDERSTAND HOW MUCH I NEED TO BE ON THAT BOOK?! I GAVE ALPHA FLIGHT AN ONGOING FOR GOD'S SAKE!" [08:34 PM] Bocaj: Fun story: Claremont insisted on some changes to the Phoenix stuff to line up with his own ideas and shooter went sure. And this made Byrne big mad and he refused to make the changes so that’s why Claremont has a writing credit. And I’ve heard why Byrne quit FF [08:35 PM] Wack'd: “Basically, this story and the back-up in Classic X-Men explain that the Phoenix Force replaced Jean and Jean has spent the convening years in suspended animation healing at the bottom of Jamaica Bay.” [08:35 PM] Wack'd: Alright [08:36 PM] Umbramatic: that's some jucy drama bocaj [08:36 PM] Wack'd: “According to Byrne, the changes were written and drawn by Chris Claremont and Jackson Guice. Hence, the story reads somewhat disjointed in part, regarding the nature of the Phoenix Force.” [08:36 PM] Wack'd: You don't say [08:36 PM] Bocaj: Thaaaaats Byrne [08:36 PM] Bocaj: The drama part anyway [08:37 PM] Wack'd: Why the fuck did any of this have to happen in Fantastic Four that's what I wanna know [08:37 PM] Bocaj: Nothing, I think he just wanted to slide in his ideas about Phoenix despite being off book [08:37 PM] Wack'd: *siiiiiiiiiiigh* [08:38 PM] Bocaj: I say it should have happened in X factor since that’s the reason Jean is back and the reason why Scott is a bad husband [08:39 PM] Bocaj: It looks like it got built up in avengers and FF. Stay in your own stuff X
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Title: The Perks Of Santo Padre
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Gif credits @clayymarek. @fromthesixteenthfloor
Requested on wattpad
Hope you all enjoy
Happy reading dollies
Taglist: @ilovetaquitosmmmm. @nocturnalherb16 @jesseswartzwelder @twistnet. @leaalfred. @mayans-mc. @baylishh. @ifoundmyhappythought
It was your first week at your new home in California, the place was beautiful. You didnt think it would be this nice. The sun shined all the time, not like rainy old Ireland.
This was going to be a life for you and it needed food. So you went shopping at the local farmers market.
You were causally going to venders and grabbing what you needed. They were super nice  and sweet to you. Stopping at a honey vender you grabbed a bottle of honey and almost dropped it when the roars of motorcycles came flying through. They cat called and whistled at the girls as they went by. Some of them quite handsome. They had some nice bikes too.
"Mayans". The man said as he came up to the table you were at.
"Excuse me"?
"Mayans. They run theses parts. I suggest you stay clear of them. They're bad news".
You laughed him off. "Thanks. How much"?
"Take it. As a welcome present". He smiled.
"Thank you. That's very kind of you". You smiled back and went on your way, the bikers lingering in your head. 
Months had past and you were working as an event planner with friends. You've had made so many new friends that life was partying and enjoying your youth.
You had went back to the farmers market like you did every weekend but this one time would change.
You were out with your friend enjoying the smells of food and music. Just happened to bump into one of the Mayans that had been on your mind.
"Sorry, there lil mama". A tall bald guy chuckled to his friend as he rolled a toothpick between his lips.
"It was me. I wasn't paying attention". You shyly looked up at him.
"You're not from around here are you"? Another man asked.
"I'm from Ireland".
"Long way from home. Why would you leave a place like that to move here"?
"I needed to breath. Parents were smothering me. So I found a place that I knew they wouldn't come to". You giggled.
"Yeah, we know how parents can be. I'm Gilly and this is Hank". The bald one introduced him and his friend.
"Well, it's nice to meet you Y/N. You should come to one of our parties. We'd love to have a sexy girl like you there". Hank made you blush under his gaze.
"I dont know". You bit your lip.
"Locals warned you didn't they? You shouldn't believe everything you hear. We're not that bad". Gilly got close to you and whispered in your ear.  "Here's the address if you want to stop by". He handed you a piece of paper.
"We'd love if you came. All the guys will drool over you. You'll be beating them off with a stick". Hank said making you giggle and blush hard.
"I'll see".
"I will pick you up at nine". Hank said as he and Gilly went to walk off.
"Wait, how do you know where I live"?
"Like I said locals talk". He sent you a wink and walked off. Your heart beating a mile a minute. It was exciting to be noticed by them. You never got that back home.
You just had to get home and get dressed up. The perfect outfit was calling your name yet you had nothing to wear for this special moment. So you called over your friend and brought over a sexy little number. It was a black strapless dress, that was super tight and showed way to much but you looked really good in it and you felt powerful.
Nine pm on the dot someone came knocking on your door. You checked yourself before opening the door. Had to make sure you looked good.
"Wow, you look great". Hanks jaw dropped as you closed the door behind you. 
"Thanks, you dont look so bad yourself". You ran your hand down his kutte. 
"Shall we"?
"Yeah". Hank lead you to his bike. Crap, you totally forgot that you had to ride a bike.
"How am I supposed to ride that thing"?
"Push up that dress, throw your leg over and hop on". Hank chuckled.
"Not funny". You laughed sticking your tongue out.
"I have a jacket you can wear. It's kinda big". He went to his saddle bags and pulled out a hoodie and handed it to you.
"Thanks". You slipped it on and did as Hank told you, you wrapped your arms around his waist.
"You look even sexier with a hoodie on. Damn". He growled as he started up his bike. "Hold on tight". He said and pulled off, going what felt like a hundred miles down the road. 
"You okay"? Hank asked as he turned off the motor of his bike.
"Yeah. I'm great". You got off and waited for him.
"You keeping that"? He pointed to his hoodie.
"If that's okay? I'm cold". You said as your teeth chattered.
"Yeah, let's get you a drink to warm you up". He chuckled under his breath as he wrapped his arm around you.  Heading into the Mayans club.
As you walked in you saw some of the faces that road past you. They were laughing and drinking. Having a good time. Hank walked with you to the bar and order you and himself a beer. 
"Tranq. How's it going brother"? A tall man with long hair came up and slapped Hank on the back with a laugh.
"Good. Brother.  Really good". He smiled at you.
"Who's this lovely lady"? He asked taking your hand in his. 
"Y/N". You replied with a smile.
"Oh and she's Irish". He whistled.
"Taza is the name".
"Nice to meet you".
"This is Creeper. He's not really a Creeper, he just tells people he is. Especially the ladies. They get a kick out of his name". Taza explained, as the man beside him named Creeper rolled his eyes. 
"Nice to meet you too". You watched Taza as he looked you up and down, a blush crept upon your cheeks.
"Hey, I'm going to introduce her to Bishop". Hank lead you away from the bar, going to a man named Bishop. On the way you picked up a strangler named Gilly.
"Prez, this is Y/N". Hank introduced you to a man with a mustache. They all were good looking, maybe it was in the water. But they probably didnt drink water so it had to be in the beer or the weed.
"Nice to meet you Y/N". Bishop took your hand in his and brought it to his lips and kissed the top of your hand.
"Like wise". You chewed on your bottom lip as he licked his lips after he kissed your hand.
"Are you having fun so far? Everyone being polite"? He sat back in his seat.
"Everyone is great. I'm really enjoying myself. Maybe a little to much". You made Gilly, Hank and Bishop laugh.
"Well I hope you do come back.  We always love to have beautiful women like you hanging around. It makes people think we're not so scummy".
"People think that? I dont see why. You all been so nice and I feel right at home".
"Well thank you". He spoke when the door opened and in came three other men laughing.
"Those loud mouths are Angel, Coco and Ez". Bishop pointed out.
"Ez"? You laughed.
"Yeah, its Ezekiel. He's not to easy with the ladies so he doesnt live up to his name". Bishop told you, in the back Gilly and Hank were laughing.
"You want to meet them"?
"Sure". Gilly took your hand and pulled you through the bodies in the room.
"Listen up fuckers, this here is Y/N from Ireland". Hank said so smoothly and sultry. Which made you roll your eyes with a chuckle.
"I'm Coco". The short haired one said as he lit a cigarette.
"Angel and this is my little brother Ezekiel". Angel ruffled what little hair Ez had.
"Not from what I heard". Ez stopped and eyed you making everyone around bust out laughing.
"You have to come sit be me. I like you". Angel scooted down for you to sit in between him and Ez. Ez moved down away from you as he pouted.
"So how long you been in California"?
"A few months. I work for a company that plans events".
"What kind of events"?
"Well all kinds. Like last week I did a bachelorettes party. I had cocks everywhere". You say making Coco get choked on his cigarette, Angel get choked on his beer, Hank and Gillys mouth dropped.
"What"? You asked as they all looked at you.
"Nothing. Just a girl like you buying dicks and stuff like that is kind of a shocker". Ez spoke up.
"Well unlike you I'm in to having some fun. My name isn't Ez but for the right guy I'm not afraid to get a little dirty". You smirked. Angel licked his lips.
After your little slutty side came out and was over with you and the guys drank and talked. Getting to know each other. Angel took a liking to you really well. He didnt seem like a big bad biker like people warned you.
"Hey Angel"?
"Can you get me another drink and I'll roll you another blunt"?
"You got it, babe". He squeezed your thigh before he got up.  You stood up and pulled Hanks hoodie off as you were getting hot. Angel turned around just in time to see you in your dress. His mouth started to water.
You sighed and sat back down and started on Angel's blunt. For some reason he liked how you did it. Probably the way you licked it.  As you finished it up another man came into the club house and went straight to Bishop. He didnt look like a biker, he was dressed in a suit and tie. Tight braids and extremely handsome.
Angel watched at the bar as you saw Nestor come in. He didnt like the way you looked at him. Nestor made the mistake of stopping and gazing at you. Then he made a bigger mistake by coming over to you. Angel balled up his fist.
The man with the braids walked over to you and you gulped as he came closer.
"Nestor". He smirked licking his lips with a click of his tongue.
"Y/N". You blushed under his gaze.
You knew this was going to be trouble but you couldn't help it. A part of you wanted him and another part of you wanted to say get lost for Angel who in the corner of your eye was already planning Nestors gruesome death.
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My Eurovision Semi-final ranking bc i can
Based mostly on vibes and if i could jam to the song. Enjoy !
1rst : Australia
This... was out of the 80's opening to Cat's Eye. It was bright and colourful and kitch and cool and the singer waved a trans flag and an aborigenal flag. Apparently is was written with a queer superhero teen team in mind. I loved it.
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2nd : Russia
The singer also fights for minorities and there was a trans man with a binder on the screen during the chorus, and i vibed with the rap, it was fun and feel-good and mixed lots of aesthetic and it's a yes
3rd : Ukraine
Purely on the fact that is sounded and looked like a song that Antoine Daniel would have reviewed, and from listening to the What The Cut on loop i would have learned it and unironically enjoyed it. There were guys from tron counting seeds and a guy playing the flute in a tree and the singer was wearing a cropped green furcoat. I love it. Also i love to be able to say that i enjoy "ukrainian electropunk".
4rt : Croatia
It was basically 2009 Lady Gaga, i vibe with that. Also cool use of an angled mirror to make it feel like there were more dancer on stage than they were !
(disqualified but wound be here) Israel
Looked fun and afropunk, felt like israel should reaaaaally not have paricipated on anything out of decency. Like "oups we bombed people, but now let's forget politics and cheers :) ". No hate on the singer directly, tho, her hair was cool and she looked like she could have performed at the end of Marvel's black panther. The fact that they got in the final despite their political actions? Actually revolting.
5 : Sweden
Song was not a banger, nothing bad but nothing bop either, but the AESTHETIC ! HE GOT IT ! Like yes good that's eurovision. Also thanks from the demonfucker community
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6 : Malte
I was oversold on it as the big winner, so i was kinda dissapointed like... yeah it's a cool song and it made me tap-tap the rythm, also i love the neon look, but i lacked the vibe. But i'll probably change my mind if i watch it back. Also i'm conflicted bc the use of french exclusively to say "je me casse" is very fun, but i feel like it was only used to add the like "pardon my french" so.. idk.
7 : Azerbaidjan
"Indian"-style songs are not my vibe but i like that they went all in in their vision. Also it's apparently about a cool woman ? Idk but i like the idea
8 : Sweden
Was cool, cool voice, nothing fancy but a solid bop. Also, very happy that sweden didnt send a white blond haired cliché ^^
9 : Croatia
I feel like she oversold it by saying "everyone will have it stuck in their brain", and also the fact that she is fan of Christina aguilera and yet write a song called Tick Tock which is closer to Ke$ha... idk, not sold on it. The strass swimming gear was alright, but nothing more. She gets point for being five on the strage, tho
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10 : Romania
A ballad, and nothing fun or flashy. I feel like the singer and the dancers were acting out the music video or some kinds of methaphors but i didnt get them and it was frustrating and confusing. if i'm being honest they are in last place of this list, but i realised that they have the exact vibe of the music video from a song used for the promotion of a dystopian YA novel film's adaptation. Like, that's the exact vibe i got from it. So i got to imagine what that film looked like and i had fun.
11 : Belgium
Imagine Mylene Farmer but without the sluttyness and lowkey gay energy, and also she's not red head. No vibes from me :c her tambourine player and battery player were very cool, tho. For, like... ballad-players.
12 : North Macedonia
A guy singing a ballad, saved by the fact that at some point he opened his blazer and was wearing a discoball
13 : Ireland
A lady with Marilyn Monroe and 2000's Lorie's vibe. But she tried to re-create a clip on stage which probably looked good only for the camera and no for people in the room, and it didnt look good enough on camera for it to be worth it. and also it was a simple ballad, sorry.
(Disqualified) Lituania and the one after it
I arrived too late for those one but first seemed weird and second seemed like a b1llad so i dont feel the need to look them up
Also i saw a bit of the Italian ones and i was like "hey why are you dressed like gays in the 80's and then it showed a bit of their song and they looked like a punk bdsm demonic aesthetic so of course i was 100% sold. Of at the Germany one was fun with his embazzled ukulele and his lazytown-looking song, and the Netherland one gives me the same vibe (by the camp, mustache and exposed chest ) as a side character from Star Wars and i like it, it worked for me.
See you next week okay bye !
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lunaxmadel · 4 years
My thoughts of the legend of Korra characters before watching the show (I'm gonna start today!!)
Thoughts before watching | after season 1 | after season 2 | after season 3
Korra: all I know is that people either love her or hate her and there's no in between. I know she cant airbend(?) And there's smth with her and the spirit realm or smth idk anyway I like her design she looks real tough and like a really strong headed lady which would give a nice contrast for the soft Aang we had before. Other than that I love girls so yk
Jinora: she looks so soft and sweet!! When I fanart and stuff of her I bust an uwu! Long story short i love her already!!
Amon: idk I mean I only know his mask which is a good mask it looks sinister. I dont really know anything about him so
Tenzin: he looks like one of those dads that get stressed out when the tiniest thing goes wrong. Though, yk, when you're the only air bender (???) I guess things will get stressful. He does look kinda soft though like yk I wanna cuddle him
Mako: very atractive. He looks like he been through some shit like yk hes a bit of and ass but with a soft side I think he'll be interesting to get to know
Bolin: soft boy. Probably accidentally gets in trouble all the time. Anyway I'm in love with him
Kuvira: I've actually never seen this character before in my life but I like their smile
Asami: THIS IS THE GAY QUEEN RIGHT IM SO EXCITED ABOUT THE WLW THING that's the only thing I know. That and the fact that she appears in my dreams all the time
Zaheer: looks like the dude who could shoot blasts from his head but he doesnt have that eye thingie so. Maybe hes a bad guy? Love his eyebrow slit though (maybe he shoots blasts from there??)
Eska: her eyes are so light. Maybe shes blind like Toph? Bc Toph's eyes were also this light? She looks like a bad guy?
Kya: grey queen. Looks like a sweet mom. Maybe a soft lesbian? Would love.
Lin: Beifong?? Toph's daughter perhaps? She definitely looks like a lesbian. Shes fierce. I'll p5obably love her
Opal: looks like Korra with short hair. She looks so soft!!! I want to hug her
Wan: hes the first avatar?? Stylish hair.
Bumi: hes Aangs son but he cant airbend? Hes a non bender I think. But I saw a gif set where he discovers he can air bend so we'll see
Suyin: Also Toph's daughter? Get it Toph! She looks like a sweet heart. Her hair is so so stylish!! I love her
Unalaq: looks like a daddy. I've never seen him before that's all I got. But hes got daddy vibes
Meelo: I know what he looks like, but I dont know what he sounds like. And that's what scares me. He looks like Aang a little?
Varrick: has no picture on the character list so I don't know who this is
Pema: definitely a mom. Shes pregnant? Married with Tenzin. She looks sweet
Hiroshi: he looks rich. Rock that mustache my dude!! You go!!
Tonraq: his face is really square. He kinda looks like the dude who plays aquaman?? I think he might be bad but I'm kinda attracted to him anyway...
Desna: there's 2 of her? Is this the person without arms? Bc shes fierce
Saikhan: mean grandpa vibes
Shiro: he looks joyful. Maybe hes like that dude in the library? He just is super smart and wants to learn more??
Senna: SHES SO PRETTY!! WHO IS THIS!!??? So sweeett
Ikki: she looks sweet? I dont know who she is but maybe a princess?
Tarrlok: he looks evil.
Naga: there's no picture but is that Korra's animal??? BECAUSE I LOVE HRR ANIMAL I WANT THEM
Anyway I'll do one of these every season I watch?? I'm very excited to finally watch this!! It finally came to Netflix NL
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xthewhiteravenx · 4 years
I'm so upset and disappointed in the SnC fandom on Tumblr. I usually stay out of things like this but I cant hold it in any longer. I want to say first that this is not an attack on any single person nor is it an attack on the tumblr fandom. This is things I've seen across posts and asks and the general collective aura coming from this fandom. You may take it however you like.
The amount of hate on here is absolutely disgusting. Ever since some of y'all decided that colbybrocksecrethideout was actually colby, it just got so much worse. You're craving his attention and see yourselves as these chosen ones cause you have him all to yourself. We dont even know if it is him! That account never came out and said so! You're assuming to fit your narcisric agenda to be acknowledged by him. I'm well aware that my mutual lonely-xplr said she spoke to him and I will believe her. I still have my doubts on it and I'm allowed to as such! If it is him, then leave him the fuck alone. If he wants the attention, he would have said it a long time ago. He will come forward when he wants to. He would have fucking promoted the account too if he wanted the attention. You all are desperate to acknowledge his privacy and space on this app for those reasons and then turn around and tag him in things? Nah honey.
And dont even get me started on the amount of body shaming in this fandom! This has been going on beyond the abs situation a few days ago. Especially against Sam! The amount of posts I've seen about hating his brown hair is disgusting. You are free to voice your opinion but when it comes to shaming someone's choices for their body like their hair, there is a very fine line. Do not shove your opinion down someone else's throat. I've even seen this against Colby (which just isnt cool especially is y'all believe that account is him) and telling him that he needs to change his hair, bring back the mustache, and stop wearing certain things? You do not control him. Let them have their goddamn freewill over their bodies! Fan culture is just as toxic as influencers culture and just as receptacle to pressure.
And I completely understand constructive criticism and the whole covid situation is just the biggest example against the whole trap house where this is completely okay. But do not single out only certain people! I've seen so many posts against Sam and Corey. Some other members will get flame but they never get the heat like Sam and Corey do. God forbid Colby gets flack for it as a member of the trap house. How many times has he and Sam been called the leaders of the friend group? Stop holding others more accountable than another. You start playing favoritism and you are just as bad as the Twitter and Instagram stans and their toxic culture.
When it comes to the discussions around Snc's lack of masks in the Montana Series, I feel as though so many people jumped the gun on that. I understand the mask wearing and I'm for a complete nationwide mandate, but in rural Montana that isnt how it is. I live 2 hours from Billings and a good portion of the people in this area are very anti-mask, all about "goin again ma rights!" Its fucking scary out here! Almost everyone has a gun! I would be scared to camp where they did on the river and go off walking! This isnt L.A. here! Of course there would be no masks in that video. Of course that lady let them into that house and of course their gonna be polite and respect her wishes. Dont put your L.A. views on rural America. They are not the same right now and even more so a few months ago in a Trump-ruled country.
Then there are the "jokes." Do understand people that even if you are trying to be funny that it will hurt someone's feelings whether it's a fan or a trap house member. Please be careful with your words. We are all human. And do not fucking say "sorry 🙃 it's just a joke" like fucking hell-- you're being just as bad as the so called influencers you hate for doing the same thing.
And the constant need to say we all support each other on this website is bullshit. When the going gets tough and we suddenly are split down the middle on views, someone always has to say "we have different opinions. Its okay!" But when someone has a different view any other day some of y'all are rather quick to brush it off. No longer is Tumblr safe to voice opinions of crustive criticism against ALL the trap house members. It is now a hate fueled gossip fest against a chosen few. No wonder Twitter is quick to latch onto us now. This started out so pure and good and well intended and a place to voice our worries and frustrations of SnC but here we all are back at high school.
I'm this 🤏 fucking close to drop it all because of y'alls goddamn need to be seen by Colby like this is a goddamn high school gossip fest and Colby is the quarterback we are all grappling and stamping on to get his attention.
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SaNami in Kingbaum x Lady Tree
Before you read this post, please read the Post Hub first for explanation and clarity on what kind of post this will be, as well as my thoughts on this topic in the One Piece Manga and Story.
This right here is really interesting... why? If you think about it just what was the purpose of Lady Tree? Well, Nami used her as a way to push Kingbaum forward. While that was a valid method... was it necessary?
To be honest, the story would have been the same even if Lady tree was not created, but why was she created then?
I believe the reason for her existence was to give us a different scenario where Sanji lost his will to live or he failed in returning to his loved ones. Basically, Lady Tree was the right place for Kingbaum to return to.
First, we have her introduction:
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What is a small detail here is that Nami was quick to assumptions, she jumped to conclusions here, in which is something that we don’t see often. But, also the choice for Kingbaum to have a “fiancee” is intriguing🤔.
1) Nami assumes she is his “girlfriend”
2) Turns out she is his “fiancee”
3) There are another couple, who turned out to be husband and wife, in which the wife is the one who is supposed to return, aka Bege x Chiffon
Then, we have the reason behind his will to live:
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Essentially, what Nami is getting at is that it is not always about you. No matter what you do there is always someone that is waiting for you, giving up is not an option:
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By the way, can we mention that Sanji just called “marrying Pudding” sacrificing himself? I can not believe that there are some people out there could not see that Sanji put on a metaphorical mask when he talks about Pudding the whole time🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️but anyway...
And lastly, we have:
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The trees in the seducing wood could not defy Big Mom, she is the queen after all, yet Kingbaum was still able to run. He stopped later on simply because of fear.
P.S his mustache looks like Sanji’s eyebrows😂... moving on...
So then here is my question to you... Where else have we seen a pawn/a puppet who was supposed to obey his master, yet was able to act according to his own will and was special to those around him? Not to mention their main driving force is love.
I will give you a hint☺️: Instead of a “Soul” inside him, he had a “shadow”:
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😳😳😳I mean.... dont you think this is interesting?
What makes me feel that Kingbaum’s main role was not only a transportation device is for two reasons: 1) Oda went out of his way and gave him a bit more character than he should have, and 2):
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A chapter title was dedicated to him before he died, not when he was introduced.
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tricous · 4 years
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ohh. ohhhhh ok HERE I GO. this is gonna be long. welcome to the dina caliente apologism zone
im going to focus on ts2 dina because, lbr, ts3&ts4 dinas dont have anything outside their given personality traits, no fiction behind them, no substance, + they’re whitewashed anyway so
as a fictional character, dina has at least two fundamental “sides” to her: how she was intended to be by her author (eaxis), and how she is being interpreted by fans (me in particular, since those are my opinions!). i could ignore what eaxis intended her to be (as i usually do in my gameplays at least), but i think its important to understand where eaxis fucked her up. there is also a specific side to her as a playable sim, who behaves accordingly to their personality and aspirations. so im gonna talk about the 3 dina calientes: eaxis lore dina, “gameplay” dina, and my own headcanon dina!
eaxis werent exactly slick when they coded dina as one of pleasantview’s villains (or at least a red herring?). the way they wrote her in ts2: a young pretty (sexy, have you seen that cleavage??) fortune aspiration lady, who may or may not be involved in legendary icon bella’s disappearance, because look at her wanting to bone poor old “widowed” (or is he?) mr money bag mortimer goth. caliente family bio says it: “is their interest in Mortimer physical... or fiscal?”, and by the way it is phrased, and by the way caliente family picture (the one where dina is thinking about marriage and, obviously, money) is, we know we are supposed to think she IS involved in bella’s disappearance, because she always wanted those old dollars. upon further inspection we learn not only that calientes are related to an alien (which is an obvious red flag in context of bella’s story), but that dina also was married to ANOTHER old guy in the past, and that guy was no other but bella’s deceased brother! total gold digger-slash-possible-bella-murderer alert (not to mention that the pop up message in caliente’s house literally says “dina is digging for gold”)! so this is pretty much how eaxis wrote her. since they weren’t writing a complete story, but creating a setting for a gameplay without a plot, only they know exactly what they intended to say, but i interpret it this way, and i feel like a lot of players would agree with me. and thats why when i was 10 to 14 yo i really disliked dina! she’s a golddigging bitch who’s responsible for bella’s disappearance, and wants to fuck a mustache grandpa because cash money! oh no! just like eaxis intended. btw eaxis’ obsession with giving ts2 women fortune aspiration and making them villains/bad mothers (whereas Good Women(tm) have family aspiration most of the time lol) is..... yeah. basically what I’m saying is: dina is either supposed to be an (almost) innocent red herring, which is unlikely, or just a lazily-written pleasantview villain, and eaxis are cowards for yet again perpetuating their beloved trope of evil fortune asp lady.
but here, when dealing with dina, we have another thing about her: her personality points. since ts2 doesn’t have a plot, and can only use limited resources to tell a story (bios, memories, family pictures), almost every detail counts, and then why is dina, the bad guy, so playful and nice? some may argue that she just pretends to be nice to fuck rich guys, but is it that deep tho.... this detail adds complexity to dina’s character to many players i think. if we look at dina as a sim and not a character, she’s much more pleasant than her sister, than bella (kinda), than cassandra... yeah, she’s a fortune sim, but (just as every fortune sim) she rolls wants to get a job and probably has job-related ltw. she’s lazy and sloppy, but it only adds to her charm as a lady who looks like she would poison you, but is actually goofy and fun (playful+nice). and THATS my interpretation of her when i play the caliente household (because i usually dont come up with a plot to play with)! she is in love with mortimer (because she canonically is), wants to get a job, is nice to everybody (UNLIKE NINA), is friends (good acquaintances) with poor single mom brandi, and is a pretty good person.
next up im gonna tell you what i personally like to imagine and what my big headcanon is, so this is going under the cut
SO when i was coming up with my current personal dina headcanons (my previous dina hcs were all heavily inspired by «fortune and romance», which has one of my favorite interpretations of dina!), i didn’t ignore eaxis’ intentions completely, because i think it adds volumes and depths etc. so. my thots on dina: she was only a little younger than bella and was rivals with her in high school (you know when you are a wlw and have a crush on a girl and dont know if you wanna be her or be WITH her? yeah. that type of rivalry). she always wanted everything bella had (including mortimer i guess?), maybe tried copying her like teenagers do sometimes, and started dating her brother just to get back at her (and eventually fell in love with him to the point where they got married!). meanwhile bella and mortimer had a shotgun wedding, mortimer turned out to be not the greatest husband and father, all that (i talked about my bella gone girl hc here) while mortimer was inventing elixir of life. i like to imagine that inconsistencies with mortimer, bella, michael, and dina’s ages all come from the elixir gone wrong (or right): maybe michael and dina were broke and really needed money, so michael volunteered to be mortimer’s guinea pig for the elixir, but smth terrible happened and michael began rapidly growing older until he just fucking died? dina was obviously heartbroken bc she lost her husband, but she also was very broke, so she went to her in-laws for help. there she started hanging out with both bella and mortimer, helping them with their newborn (is mortimer alexander’s biological father tho.....) and liking bella&mortimer more and more. bella got even more depressed after michael’s death obviously, mortimer proved to be even more useless, and bella snapped, staged her abduction, and fled to strangetown, gone girl style (i described it in that other post i mentioned earlier). there dina and mortimer probably bonded over their shared trauma even more annnnnd dina needs money, so hey, why not just get married to this guy ig?? yeah, so thats the backstory i have, i dont like thinking that dina is an entirely innocent pure baby, she’s just a little cunning woman in a tough situation in my book. 
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azrasclaw · 5 years
part 2 to the roadtrip angst!!!
this is so bad i- have no words lol 
you’re not bitter. okay, you are, but you act indifferent. and if you arent as engaged in the final decoration of the van or shrug to questions of which clothes to take with them; well, maybe you’re tired. you did have three essays due that week. 
“you’re staying here, right?” e glances at you as he packs his charger. 
“no, i’m going home, i told you.” you answer, passing him the powerbank he forgot on his nightstand. 
this brings him to a halt, looking up at you leaning back on his pillows. 
“but this is home, babe.” he says and he sounds so timid, you almost smile and say you’re right. 
“what’s my appartment then, a hotel?” you joke, grinning at him. 
“i mean, yeah. almost. you’re almost always here, y/n.” he says, discarding your attempt to lighten the mood. 
his eyes flit all over the room, contemplating. he doesnt like the thought of you back in your cold lonely appartment. he doesnt like the neighborhood your cheap appartment is located at. doesnt like your neighbours; your landlord with the creepy mustache below you, always peeping out of the door when you enter the building; the rude lady next to yours banging against the wall when you so much as drop a coin. 
“yeah, but only because you guys are here, gorgeous.” you tell him. he grins to himself at your pet name. g walks in with a sweater in his hand, looking stressed. 
“dude, this is yours.” he huffs, flinging the sweater at e and himself on the bed next to you.
“y/n says she’s gonna stay at her place ‘til were back.” he deadpans, catching the shirt and stuffing it into his bag. 
g’s head snaps back to look at you in disbelief. 
“what? why?”
“oh my god, you two are so dramatic. so i’m staying in my own home while you’re away, what’s the big deal?”
“your landlord is creepy as fuck and that woman-”
“is so rude.” they finish in unison. 
“yeah, well, i’m not going to stay here like a lost puppy waiting for you two to come back. i have an entire week off, i’ll clean my appartment and spend time with-”
“you have the week off?!” e interrupts, eyes big on his face. 
“yes. i told you already, i took the week off because of the roadtrip.” you chuckle, feeling stupid that you wasted your vacation on... nothing. 
“i- didnt know you took the week off.” g mumbles, fumbling with a loose string on his shirt. you sigh.
“it’s my fault, i shouldnt have assumed that i’d come with you, it’s okay though, i’ll relax a bit and start working on some projects. i should meet up with lily, she’s been asking to go out for weeks.” you ramble, torn between making them feel some remorse about leaving you and not wanting to ruin their trip with that guilt.
“and i’m guessing you start working again the day we’re back, meaning we wont get to spend any time with you.” e pointed out, guessing correctly. 
g barks out an ironic laugh, his attitude annoys you, your chest swelling with indignation that you had fought to keep back. 
“classic, y/n.” he adds. 
“i had thought we’d spend a lot of time together on the trip but i get it, quality is important.” you roll your eyes. 
“guys, lets not fight right now, we’re about to leave i dont wanna part like this.” e warns, cooling you off slightly but g doesnt even acknowledge him.
“sorry we care about our jobs and cant spend all our time with you, y/n. this is a work trip, you know” g retorts. 
you flush; you didnt think they’d perceived you as clingy. 
“oh, sorry, if you’re so sick of me it’s a good thing i’m not coming, then. wouldnt wanna keep you from your job” you snap, seething. 
“yeah, you know, maybe distance will do us some good.” 
e looks between you two, dumbfounded at how the situation has escalated so quickly. 
your chest burns, you guess that its your pride being fried in there. your breath quickens but you feel like there’s no oxygen entering your lungs. 
“i should leave now. have fun on your trip.” you sniff, getting up and collecting some of your essentials around the room, ignoring e’s small “baby, dont.” and g’s silence. 
you look back at them as you zip up your bag, “sorry, i didnt want to shit on your mood. i mean it, have fun on the trip, guys.” you repeat, much softer than before, trying a small smile, mostly for ethan. you’re too hurt to look at grayson long enough. e gets up from where he collapsed on the foot of his bed and pulls you into his arms for a strong hug, his arms coming to wrap around you tightly, his face buried in your hair. 
“i love you, please text me when you get to your place.” he mumbles into the crook of your neck. 
“i will, if you promise to keep me updated. love you.” you turn your head to press a kiss into his jaw. he sighs before releasing you. you dont say anything to gray, only wave at him slightly before leaving, his deep eyes following you out the door in regret. 
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