#which i completely dont feel like when im in bed. im fine until i wanna do the fun thing which requires me to be outside of bed
barbietoiles · 9 months
Yuri qtubbo save me......... Save me yuri qtubbo........
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braxlrose · 1 year
You should do a bill!sub x reader. He has to whimper 🤭
sub bill sub bill sub bill sub bill sub bill sub bill
okay so i actually have two requests for sub!bill so ill add in that one too.
request: what about dacryphilia but for bill. like riding him till hes crying but when you try to get off of him he just pulls you back asking for more, i mean being so fucked out he is bucking into you. from my favorite anon ;)
word count: 768
tw: handcuffs, (implied) mommy kink sort of? (it was only said twice), sub!bill, dom!reader, dacraphilia, hickies, overstimulation, dom/sub dynamics, implied drinking, begging.
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It was 11 'o clock at night. you had and bill had just gotten home from a party, both of you a little bit tipsy. Both of you had sweat running down your forehead because of all the dancing and people around you.
"Mmm bab..baby~" Bill came up behind you while you pulled off your sweaty clothes that had been sticking to your skin all night. A smirk crawled onto your face while bills arms wrapped around you, moving closer to your breasts. You raised an eyebrow slightly but didn't pay any attention to bill which ended up with him and his cute little face in a pout.
"Ba~byyy.." Bill now whispered with his hands on your hips and his chin resting on your shoulder, looking up at you.
"What is it bill?" you asked in a monotone voice, turning around to look at him.
"i want you.." His fingers intertwined with yours as he leaned in with a dopey smile on his face.
"Well im real tired baby, how about another day." you teased. It was pretty obvious you wanted him too after you strutted past him in your panties and bra. A pout stayed on bills face and the begging began. baby please. i need you so bad. my dick hurts. i know you want it too. youre so pretty baby. pretty please. please. please. please. mommy?
That was all enough to make you pull down your cute little strawberry panties and bra. which is what led to now.
"AaaAh baby please...slow down..slow down slow down slooooww down...." Bill had his head thrown all the way back as you rode his dick. his hands were handcuffed to the bed and he was completely sprawled out in front of you, all cute and naked. he had hickies all over his chest. you even made some in the shape of a heart surrounding his left nipple.
"But baby you're making me feel so fucking good. don't you like making me feel good? don't you, pretty boy?" and he did. he loved making you feel good. he loved every single second of it.
bill nodded his head, whispering barely coherent i love yous. his eyes were all glossy and his eyeliner was smeared everywhere. you had put a little lipstick on his lips too just to smear it around. why wouldn't you? you just loved your messy boy. "Please..." he whispered out to you, "I wanna touth..touch you..pleasth..un...uncuff me...." his words began to slur with a lisp as more teared poured out of his pretty brown eyes. you loved hearing him beg for you. it was like music to your ears. and as much as you loved to tease and edge your pretty boy, you loved hearing him happy. and you loved his slim fingers digging into your squishy thighs. so with that, you leaned forward, his dick slipping out of you causing a loud whine to leave bill, and you uncuffed him.
"AaAaahh~ put it back in...put it back in mommy...please...please..please please please please pleaseeeee." You raised an eyebrow and grabbed his face roughly.
"which one of us is in charge? because i thought it was me until you started ordering me around. you wanna be in charge baby. fine. go ahead and be in charge." you leaned over to the other side and him and got off of his stomach and laid down next to him.
"no. no. no...no. no. no. i dont wanna be in charge. im sorry....im sorry..do whatever you want with me please..im sorry.." drool started to form in the corners of his mouth along with the tears running down his face. he was so pretty like this. when he begged.
"I thought you wanted to order me around, baby?" You crossed your arms, squishing your boobs a bit.
"No, i didn't mean it. i didnt know what i was saying..please..ill make you feel good please.." you ran your heads over his head and down to his temple, rubbing it a bit. you looked at him with puppy dog eyes and bit your lip.
"Fine. but i hear you make one peep and im stopping." he nodded fast and laid back in his position. his dick looked so cute. it was all shaven clean and the tip was bright red. you touched it a bit to slide it back in you and that made his dick go crazy. it even slapped his stomach. that always made you smile. You finally grabbed his dick and slid it inside of you, making you throw your head back. "Mmm...i love this dick baby. its so perfect for me..you know that?" you were testing him. he was supposed to answer you whenever you asked him a question. he always did. that was a rule. but he also didn't want to make you mad. he wanted you to keep riding him until he passed out.
You smiled at him once he didn't answer you. he was such a good boy. you loved good boys. brats were little shits who didn't know their place, in your opinion. but bill was never like that. Bill knew what you wanted, what he wanted, and he was happy. you two were both happy.
you kept riding him for the next couples minutes with his fingers pressing into your hips. they were definitely gonna leave bruises. his eyes were closed again and he was biting at his lip so hard, trying not to make any noise. your little messy boy didn't even notice he was bucking into you. you could hear his breathing getting louder and his grip on your hips was tightening. that went on for another minute or so until you both twitched and came together. the loudest squeal that you have ever heard came out of bills drool-soaked mouth. it was so perfect. you began to lift yourself off of him but he didn't let go of your hips.
" i wanna stay i'side..." you carassed his cheek and grabbed a wipe off the counter to wipe off his sweaty makeup before leaning down to lay on his chest.
"whatever you want, baby."
A/N: i didn't proofread for sorry for any spelling mistakes. i hope this was up to your guys's liking!!
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vroerry · 1 year
Hi. So, to start, i dont know the difference between oneshot and short fanfic, im not used to those words yet, im sorry ;n; so make it whichever one of those two you feel like and would have fun with! Id like a nice little story to read, not just headcanons alone if possible.
Ive been thinking about this idea that takes place after Kazuichi Soda gets yelled at by Sonia in the Dangan 2 game, and they all storm off in their own directions. But then, reader tries to go comfort Kaz and one thing leads to another~
I suppose a touch of angst would be appropriate for such a story, but i dont want it to be just that, or too focused on that. Thats the lead up to the NSFW, which is the focus.
Reader goes and finds Kaz in the night after everyone went seperate ways, comforts him, they talk, hes probably a bit snippy, but then calms down. These 2 were buddies, not dating, but then all the ~stuff~ happens, and, you get the rest. Sexy stuff ought to cheer the man up lol. You fill out the "how" of this scenario. Howd they end up in bed? Have fun with it.
Im sure reader would feel bad for Kaz, not wanting him to be in distress. Maybe reader has been secretly pining for Kaz, but that doesnt HAVE to be a detail, im kinda making this all up quickly, throwing in lots of details, and you decide what sticks~ The others on the island didnt see each other for the rest of that night, so they could definitely get alone time no problem. Maybe after he calms down a bit, reader comes up behind him and hugs him, sweet and somber.
Idk about location, because the others would be in their cottages, but the motel should be free at this point, so maybe there so they can be loud and not care.
Can i PLEASE have reader taking kaz's hat the morning after because her hair is so messed up, like "gimmi that shit, your hair looks fine as hell, im the mess today i need hat." Maybe something in the end about them trying to act natural the next day around the others, you know? Perhaps some hickeys gave it away or somethin, whatever you think up and wanna write is cool.
Gender neutral or female reader is cool if ya dont mind. And idk what genre to label it as like you asked in your rules. Slight angst with mostly NSFW? Idk how to genre, i apologize ;-;
Thank you for reading, i look forward to your future works, whatever youre inspired to do is cool. Take it easy<3 ~Tiara👑
I'm so freaking sorry for the wait😭 My life took a heavy turn, but I'm fine now!
When I tell you I took my sweet time to play around with this scenario~
Also, difference between short fanfic and oneshots: It might be made up by me??? For me a short fanfic is multiple parts, 10 at tops, each part being around 1600 words at least?? So the entire fic is maximum around 16k words.
But now, to the fanifc:
A comforting touch
Kazuichi Souda x fem reader, NSFW
words: 1380
Another day on the islands, another day to end in chaos. Just the usual Jabberwock Island drama in the middle of a damned killing game.
Everything was fine, everything was going well, until Kazuichi decided to express his love for Sonia again. And this time, it did not end well. And you were the one that was in charge of finding Kazuichi. Again.
"Just make sure he doesn't do anything stupid" Hajime asked you and sent you off on your way.
"I will!" you replied and took went on a journey to find your buddy. Ever since you've ended up in this situation, he made you weirdly comforted. His goofiness, his fun aesthetic, everything. Except for when he was driving Sonia, and after that everyone else, insane. Even you struggled to understand his obsession with her, but brushed it off. It's his business not yours. It's his business not yours...
When you started looking for him, the sun was still up, but soon the moon took his place on the sky with the stars and you were completely clueless about his whereabouts.
"Let's see..." you thought to yourself. "What did I miss...?" The locations quickly ran through your head. Library, check. Theater, check. Cottages, check. First island entirely? Check.
"The motel!" you said out loud. "Well, I doubt he'd be there but... it's worth a shot" you wondered and decided to give it a go. You made your way to the third island and immediately headed for the motel. The abandoned looking building looked the same as ever, and the smell of musk was just as strong as before. You slowly opened the door and called out to the seemingly empty building.
"Kaz? Are you here...?" you walked inside and started looking around. "I just want to make sure you're okay, bud... I've been looking for you for hours..."
No response.
You continued to walk around the dusty place, stopping every now and then in front of doors.
"Kazu? Please be here, I have no other idea where to look for you... We can do whatever you want... Just be okay..."
Still nothing.
You sighed.
"Fuck, maybe I was wrong..." with a heavy heart you started to get to the exit. "I hope he's alright..." as you started walking away, a door behind you opened. You quickly turned back to see Kazuichi standing in the doorway.
His hair was the usual mess, he cried his eyeliner off.
"I'm sorry" he mumbled. "Were you that worried?"
"It's okay! Oh god, I finally found you..." you said and went back to him. "Thank god you're okay... Would a hug be okay?"
"Yeah..." he replied and you wrapped your arms around him and so did he.
"It's going to be okay... I promise, Kaz... You'll apologise to her tomorrow and everything will be fine..."
"I will..." Kazuichi said. "I... i went overboard... I didn't want to upset her..." he slowly let go of you.
"I suppose... You don't want to go back there, right?" He shook his head in response.
"I don't want to be near anyone right now... Well, aside from you, I guess... But if you don't want to stay, you can go back..."
"No, it's fine" you brushed the offer off. "I'll stay here with you... I promised the others and myself that I'd keep an eye on you..."
"Alright then.. I guess... we can stay here..."
"Do you... uh... want to talk about everything that happened..?" you ask. He stays silent for a bit.
"Let's sit down..." he said and went back to the room he was hiding in. You followed him.
He sat on the bed and gently tapped the space next to him.
"C'mere... Let's have a... chat..." he smiled at you gently and rested his back against the wall. You sat next to him with a curious look as he speaks up.
"So... I know I fucked up... Miss Sonia didn't deserve that" he mumbles, looking down with a guilty expression. "But at the same time.. I... don't really know how else to show her how I feel... My parents never really... taught me how to handle emotions... But it doesn't matter now... She's got real close with that demon lord or whatever he calls himself"
"Kaz..." you sigh. "I know, rejection sucks but... I'm sure you're going to find someone that knows how to take care of you, someone who loves you for you..." you smile at him and pat his shoulder. "Even if that person isn't Sonia... There must be someone out there.."
"Where?" Kazuichi frowns. "I won't ever find my match and you know it... I'm like that one sock at the bottom of the drawer, always lonely and"
You suddenly press your lips on his, making him shut up in the middle of his dialogue.
"That someone is right here, Kaz..." you whisper to his lips. "I may or may not destroy our friendship but I don't care... I am that person..."
"Man... what since when why..." he starts asking every question that comes into his mind. Nonetheless, you quickly. make sure he stays silent.
"Just shut up and enjoy the moment" you kiss his soft lips once again, wrapping your arms around him. Pulling him close, not letting him escape your touch.
Kazuichi's eyes slowly flutter close, as he kisses you back, letting himself go under your touch.
Your hands start to wander around his chest. Slowly caressing each spot through his overall then zipping it down to reach under it...
"Are you surre this is a good idea?" he breathed out.
"Do you feel better?"
"Yes" he whispered.
"Then yes..." you kissed his lips again. "It is a good idea.." You smiled and slowly tugged his overal off his chest.
You now began placing passionate kisses all over him. Starting right under his ears, steadily working your way down his neck, stopping at the collarbone and then repeating the said path in reverse. Now going up, every now and then gently sucking on his skin, leaving hickeys. He let out soft sighs of pleasure, his eyes fluttering after each kiss.
"Let me take care of you too" he tried to switch things up but you stopoped him with a firm expression.
"I am the one comforting you" you took your shirt off, making him blush and his eyes lit up in excitement.
"Actually...Keep going" he said with sparkling eyes, as you went down on him with a sly smile. You kissed him like there was no tomorrow, making sure all of your love went through. All the love, admiration, and comfort. Everything that was boiling inside you whenever you thought about Kazuichi But despite your order, his hands began wandering too. Pushing your clothes down, guiding you into his lap.
"Ride me" he pleaded.
"Any time" you replied and began grinding your hips. Back and forth in his lap. Kazu groaned, feeling the pressure of yourbody. His patience on edge, his mind wishing for the clothes to disappear. Both of you bit down on your lips to keep the silence. , Trembling, shaky breaths leaving his mouth he spoke up again.
"We can be as loud as we want... Just please ride me already" he pleaded again, whining under you. He was so on edge, so impatient. So ready for everything to come crashing down.
"I’ll get right to the point, I promise...” you continued to rock yourself back and forth, putting more and more pressure on his body. Even you started to tremble and placed your hands on his chest for support. Gently grabbing onto his small pecks, feeling muscle tensening at your touch. 
"Don't just promise me. Do it"
The next morning the two of you were walking back to the first island. Hand in hand, smiling as the sun was coming up.
"So.... We're together?"Kazuichi asked.
"I am not sure" you replied. "All I know is that..."
The two of you entered the first island. You quickly grabbed his hat and placed it on your head.
"That I need your stupid hat... My hair is a mess..."
"Mine too!" he tried to get his hat back.
"Yours is alway a mess, Kazu. Mine not" you giggled. He rolled his eyes.
"Love you dork,.. And your comforting touch..."
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filmbyjy · 2 years
Currently procrastinating doing my homework cuz I’m stupid and it’s so overwhelming it’s actually ridiculous and it got me thinking… What enhypen members do you think would help distract you vs which ones would force you to do your work lol (I have some ideas but I wanna hear your opinion) and how would they distract/motivate you? Not me thinking about neck kisses with Jay
aww :(( you aren’t dumb. its understandable that you get overwhelmed with homework sometimes (I get overwhelmed too considering my homework consists of drawing and making 3D models)
but anyways, if I were to put them in categories…
distracts you (sfw): sunoo & ni-ki + sunghoon & maybe jay if he needs your attention
sunoo and ni-ki would definitely force you away from your work. like they are more important than homework☝️ screw homework🗣️ you can forget about completing it. if you get detention because of them then they will apologise and give you hugs. still dont expect them to help you. they will also do it constantly. you’re going to have to resist them unfortunately😔
simple, sunghoon hates homework. as for jay, if baby is feeling needy for your attention then he will hug you and pull you away from it – soft jay :((
how they distract you: by literally jumping on you and whining for your attention like a cat or dog / pokes your cheeks constantly until you give into them (which happens often) / hugs you tight
makes you do it (sfw): jungwon + jake, heeseung & most of the times jay
come on now. do you really think leader nim or jay will let you neglect your homework🤨 he will literally sit you down and force you to finish it☝️ but of course, he will give you a treat after completing it. CUDDLES☺️
jake and heeseung dont really force upon you to do your homework. rather they encourage you and maybe help you with it a little if you dont understand it
how they motivate you: by making a deal “if you do this/finish this, we can cuddle or do something together.” / they will give treats in the middle like snacks / making promises / kisses to motivate (yes I imagined jay doing this)
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nsfw – hyung line only⬇️ MDNI‼️
distracts you (nsfw): heeseung & sunghoon (actually on occasions jay and jake if they cant keep it their pants + i’m also a whore for them💗)
LORD THESE TWO HAVE NO PATIENCE I TELL YOU. especially sunghoon☝️ that man hates homework and school with a passion. like imagine doing homework and sunghoon peeps over your shoulder. literally scoffs and pushes you down on the bed whilst shoving his tongue down your throat. ah yes, what an amazing boyfriend😍
heeseung has slightly more patience than hoon but like he still doesn’t care and will just pull you away from the homework. probably doesn’t literally shove his tongue but he will tilt your face so you will face him and he kisses you passionately😀
for jay and jake, they usually do not distract you from doing your homework but like if they do, it’s usually them being horn dogs and need help. I know everyone says jake cant keep it in his pants but like when it comes to homework, he prioritises it more before giving himself an reward. unless of course, he can’t wait. much like jay
how they distract you in nasty way😀: by grinding up against you / I’d like to say sunghoon will literally grab your hand and place it on his dick before saying along the lines of “im hard. I need you.” / for jay’s case, i’d say pressing kisses from your ear to your jaw, neck and shoulders. gives you goosebumps. so good luck not getting distracted.
makes you do it (nsfw): jay & jake
okay jay, like I said before in the sfw version. jay prioritises homework > anything else. he thinks you should complete it and be done with it so you don’t have to anything to worry about later on. however, you would be the one distracted since HE IS LOOKING SO DAMN FINE SITTING DOWN ON THE COUCH WHILE MANSPREADING😩
also mentioned before I said jake would prioritise homework. its like jay. he knows its important so its great to do the important task first before worrying about the high sex drive he has. he doesn’t distract you and encourages you to do it despite his dick twitching everytime his eyes travel down your body (mf is a horny teen I swear)
how they reward you: after doing your homework, they give you what you deserve with tons of praises. “good girl/you did so well.” lord🫠 / makes love to you to show you, you are amazing and they love you🥺
so yeah, that’s my take on this :D
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melodythemaybegorl · 20 hours
✨ Fuck Off You Stupidass Piece of Shit ✨
Warning: extremely long vent post ahead with All of the swearing
Context: i went on a camping trip a month agoish, it was great, would do again. ~However~ when i went on the annual nature hike walk Thing. i happened to ya know, over work my very poor body. Especially my legs, seeing as how my right (& left) knee likes to just Ya Know, be in various amounts of pain randomly when it decides I've 'overworked' it again.
Unfortunately for my mental health my brain Needs to daydream in order to Process Shit™️ subconsciously. Now, this wouldn't be such a big deal if i could do that while reading, playing a video game or some other activity. Sadly only stuff i can do on auto pilot counts for Day Dreaming Time which for me personally includes the following: walking/pacing, swinging on a swing set/similar playground equipment on and eating. (sometimes) Theoretically i could do so while sitting still but uhm, i kinda need something more engaging then That
Which again leaves us to my Knee Problem, seeing as my preferred method out of all of these is swinging/waling around without feeling like a tiger in a Fuckin cage. (sorry but im feeling extremely frustrated by this) Seeing as it's been a month tho my leg is (mostly) fine. Which means I'm able to walk to the nearby park & swing away until my body physically tells me to get the fuck off.
Again not that bad, UNFORTUNATELY seeing as I'm fairly young with zero self defense training aside from the instinct to kick a bitch like a donkey I'm not allowed to walk around after dark, (extremely reasonable i agree completely) but i happened to reach my brain's internal storage of shit until it feels like it needs to take a step back & process... which it can't do until i walk. which I can't do because it is Night Time and even Then my knee is fuckin complaining. This means I'm very very frustrated & more than a little mad. Seeing as how my brain is sending "Go Touch Grass" while body is going "madam we woke up at 6 pm after sleeping at 9 sthm am and it's 4 am go the Fuck to sleep, also I'm sick of you're shit."
WHICH BTW I BEEN HAVING THE WORST TIME DOING SO CAUSE ONE OF MY BIG BOI BLANKETS GOT POOP ON IT & THE OTHER GOT PISSED ON. So far the best way I've found to Go the F To Sleep has been cuddling with mom because cuddling with mom is Great and allows my pickyass brain to stfu about not being able to nest properly. also my bed is uncomfy as shit without Proper Nesting Materials which means I haven't really been able to recharge alone properly either!!!
I know all very small problems but it's kinda all piled up together in a giant ball of Complete & Utter Bullshit.
Further Warning:
self pity & hate train is here y'all, if ya dont wanna read that please & kindly heck off. No disrespect intended but this is a random post on the Internet under a read more, you put in some tiny amount of effort to get this far. Also it should be noted that the swearing rockets up a few notches, again you don't have to read further. (Apologies if this is a bit over the line for bitchiness, have a lovely day regardless)
and!! i should be able to fix the blanket problem except my dumbass forgot how to do laundry AGAIN cause i haven't had the proper motivation to do Fuckin Anything for years now, plus my stupidass self pity train hasn't been properly derailed enough for me to figure out how to trick myself into Actually Doing Stuff! I've just been complaining about it like a useless little Bitch! Which i am! i barely fuckin do anything cause i just sit there in a guilty spiral of guiltyness doin fuckall. Just, what the fuck man.
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bl00dgutsgl0ry · 3 years
Rivalry Put To Rest
Pairing - Zhongli x Fem!Reader
Warnings - Arranged marriages (non of that under age like child marriages though fuck that yuck, these are obviously of age adults i just really wanna make that clear jesus), praise kink, modern AU, just lovely soft sex with my favorite man :'^).
Word Count - 2.4k
Other Comments - Dude it’s been so long since ive actually written anything im so sorry. But i couldn't resist writing this. I know i promised xiao but he will come in time. This is a little bit of a slow burn, or at least the sex doesnt start right away lol i want this to be nice and soft. P.s. youre on birth control so dont worry about no condom lol.
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You did not like this idea. Why your parents were still forcing you into this was beyond you seeing as how you were a fully grown ass adult. You just couldn’t stomach the disappointment you would be seen as in their eyes. You were the daughter to the CEO of one of the most well known Law Firms in Teyvat. Zhongli was the son of another CEO who controlled your Rival company. Yours's and his parents wanted to finally settle the bad blood between the firms by having the two of you get married. You knew damn well the benefits of doing this was, god forbid if your Fathers firm went underwater, you would still be secure with Zhongli as your husband.
It’s not that you didn’t like Zhongli, and he certainly was not ugly; you just couldn’t stand your freedom to choose who you really wanted to marry being ripped from you. It was non negotiable though, so you had to go through with it. Zhongli didn’t seem to mind at all, he thoroughly enjoyed his very brief moments he had with you before, and was frankly excited to get more of those moments. He just hoped you didn’t resent him or blame him for this.
You both of course had an extravagant wedding, why would you not when your family was one of the wealthiest in Teyvat. You were grateful to your parents for letting you invite a few of your friends, and it seemed Zhongli had done the same. There was almost like a crowd formed around you two at the after party, you talking to your friends, and him with his. Zhongli had offered you his arm to hold onto, but you politely declined, feeling that even just holding his arm was too intimate for you.
“Already trouble in paradise for the two lovebirds?” One of Zhongli’s friends had chuckled, a red head with a stupidly smug smile tugging at the corners of his mouth as you shot a look at him. Your friend Ningguang frowned, turning to look at your now husband.
“Control your dog, Mr. Zhongli.” You let out a chuckle, when you heard Zhongli’s friend scoff.
After a while, it was customary for the newlyweds to go on their honeymoon; so after a couple of hours you had to bid farewell to your friends and family. You approached the jet the two of you would be taking, with Zhongli carrying the luggage not far behind. You went ahead and boarded, while your new husband spoke with the pilot and the crew, sighing to yourself.
“Come on (y/n) suck it up, this honeymoon will be over sooner than you know it.” You mumbled to yourself, settling into the high class jet.
“Did you say something (y/n)?” You jumped, not expecting to hear Zhongli’s voice. “Ah.. My apologies, I did not mean to startle you.” You sighed and shook your head, waiving your hand to dismiss the apology.
“You’re fine Zhongli, I’m just… Nervous is all.” He hummed in response, nodding as he settled himself into the jet.
“I understand (y/n), I really do apologize about this being thrusted into your lap. I know this isn’t the ideal circumstances for a young woman to go through.” You nodded, glad that he understood your hesitance to the situation. Zhongli really wasn’t a bad guy.
“It’s really not your fault Zhongli, I understand you probably had no more say in it than I.” You gave him a reassuring smile, the first genuine smile to grace his line of sight. Without noticing he found himself smiling back, relieved that you didn’t see him with any contempt. A comfortable silence settled, as the jet took off towards your destination.
It wasn’t a long flight, and along the way you were able to make small talk, slowly learning more about Zhongli. After two short hours, you felt the jet jump slightly against the ground before steadying itself on the runway. After a few more moments, you both departed, Zhongli once again handling the luggage, leaving your side to retrieve it.
Before you knew it, you were at the house you would be staying at for your honeymoon. It sat on a beautiful beach side shore, with a large open patio looking out over the ocean. By the time you guys had arrived it was already around 10:00 o’clock at night, so the crescent moon was high in the sky as you both stepped out onto the patio. The moon and stars gleamed against the inky black water, with the rhythmic beating of the waves lulling you both into a comfortable silence. You stood next to your husband and finally for the first time that night, actually took in his face.
The light of the scenery exposed the beauty Zhongli held in his face, the pale light bouncing off his cheekbones and illuminating his golden irises as he looked out over the sea. He must’ve felt you staring because moments later those golden eyes were locked on yours.
“Do you like the scenery (y/n)?” You gave a quick nod before ducking away from his gaze, a red flush rising to your face. You heard him chuckle for a moment before shifting.
“I know what is customary to happen on our honeymoon, and I do not want you to feel pressured to fulfill that part of our relationship.” You flushed even more as you suddenly found the pattern of the wood to be very interesting. You had completely forgot that sex was usually something people did on honeymoons. It seemed normal, because generally the people who get married have had a relationship before this so nothing felt awkward about the topic. Obviously that wasn't the case in this situation, but there was something in you that kind of wanted to. Something in you that felt comfortable enough with him to do it, you already trusted him which shocked you. What if he wasn’t though? What if he was uncomfortable with the thought of having sex with you right now which is why he brought it up so suddenly?
“Thank you Zhongli, you’re too kind. You’ve truly been so understanding through this entire thing.” You looked back up to him finally, and found a gentle smile on his face. He nodded and hummed before turning back to the house.
“We should probably get to bed, it’s already fairly late.” You nodded, pulling out your phone to check the time. You both walked about into the house together. “There is another room down the hall from the master bedroom if you don’t want to sleep in the same bed. It’s smaller so I could always take it.” There he goes, being considerate and kind; handling your thoughts and feelings like glass that would break any second. You remained silent for a moment contemplating on what he had said, before gently shaking your head.
“No, no, it’s fine. I want to share the bed with you.” You smiled up at him, and he looked almost surprised with your willingness, but the shock didn’t last for long before he smiled back at you and nodded; offering you his arm to hold on to, which you shakily took. You both reached the bedroom, where he had placed all of your guy's luggage before letting you go to retrieve your sleeping clothes as he did the same. You went into the bathroom, to give yourself and him some privacy before slowly re-entering. Zhongli was in a pair of brown silk pants with golden accents and a black short sleeve shirt. Your eyes met each other, and Zhongli smiled when he saw you.
“I know that these were unideal circumstances to get married, but I’m happy it is you who is my spouse. I can only hope you think the same of me, and that at some point you can genuinely feel connected to me.” You blushed as he said this, genuinely taken aback by the sincerity in his voice. You feel bad for dreading and almost resenting Zhongli when you were first notified about the engagement, once finding out just how compassionate and caring the man before you was. Slowly, the two of you made your way into the large king sized bed. There was a large gap between the two of you, large enough to comfortably fit another person. Your mind raced a mile a minute trying to decide whether or not you should scoot in a little closer to the man next to you.
And so you did, without taking another moment to think about it you shifted closer to Zhongli until your side gently pressed against his. You felt Zhongli stiffen beside you for a brief moment, and for a split second you regretted scooting in; that was until you felt him roll over onto his side and wrap a strong arm around your torso. You could really take in Zhongli’s scent like this and you noticed that he smelled like amber rum, chestnuts, and a hint of vanilla. It wrapped you in a warmth that lulled you into a comforting silence as the two of you laid together like this.
You rolled onto your side, letting Zhongli’s arm now rest against your waist. Your noses were almost touching as the two of you stared into each other's eyes. You saw his eyes dart down to your lips for the briefest of seconds, letting yourself do the same.
“Zhongli…” Your voice was barely above a whisper. “Can I kiss you?” You saw Zhongli’s eyes widen as his gorgeous eyes met yours, not expecting you to ask him that.
“I would love nothing more… Darling.” You flushed at the mild pet name, before softly placing your lips onto his. It felt as time skidded to a halt, as the two of you moved against each other with the grace of a slow dance. Soon enough it became heated, as you changed positions and straddled his hips. You could feel his boner pressing against you through his pants, and it made warmth bloom in your chest.
“You really want to do this right? You don’t feel pressured my dear?” You smiled at Zhongli’s questions, nodding before he could get another one out. It felt good to be so concerned about, so doted over.
“Yes Zhongli, I really want to do this with you. I trust you.” This time it was Zhongli’s turn to flush, an elegant smile gracing his lips. Before long, the both of you were out of your sleeping clothes and back on top of one another. Your back was to the silken bed sheets, as Zhongli was on top of you lining his hard cock up with your eager pussy. Zhongli gave you one last look before slowly entering you inch by inch. To say he was huge would be an understatement, so he knew he had to take it slow with you so as to not hurt you in any way. Zhongli needed this to be a good experience with you, he would never forgive himself if he hurt you or made this unenjoyable in any way at all.
The noises you were making and the way your hands were clawing at his back reassured him that he was doing everything right so far, always stopping after pushing in a few inches to give you time to adjust. Without thinking, Zhongli's mouth just started moving as words spilled out.
“You’re doing so good for me my angel, you’re taking me so well. You’re too good for me.” With the praise spilling out of Zhongli’s mouth, you couldn’t help but unleash a flurry of loud moans, as he bottomed out. He stood still for a couple moments, making sure you were nice and comfortable, until he felt you trying to move against him; trying to get him to move in and out of you.
“If you were ready for me to move, all you needed to do was ask my gem.” You let out a whine like moan, that evolved into a guttural groan when he finally started to thrust in and out of you. Your nails raked across his skin, surely leaving marks for you to admire after this was all said and done. He wasn’t skipping out on the marks either, as he sucked and bit at your skin, still throwing out praise every time his mouth left your skin. His fingers dug into your hips, as he sped up. He just couldn’t help himself, your wet quivering pussy just felt way too good wrapped around him; sucking him in every time he pulled out.
“I can’t believe it took us getting into an arranged marriage to finally meet, my god where have you been all my life.” Zhongli had begun to groan, obviously getting close to tipping over the edge, with the way his thrusts continued to get sloppier every so often. You moaned in response, too blissed out of your mind to form actual words. Zhongli’s head fell against your shoulder, his ebony black hair hanging off his shoulders.
With a few more strokes, Zhongli had both of you tumbling over the edge and cumming in unison. All that could be heard in your room was the quiet crashing of waves and the combined panting of the both of you. After a few moments of Zhongli getting his breath back he tumbled down next to you, sweaty shoulders touching. A couple seconds of silence passed before you spoke up in a raspy broken voice.
“It took us so long because I’m technically your rival.” You were giggling slightly, when Zhongli let out a loud chuckle.
“I guess you are right my dear, but now we are joined together. And I cannot wait to see what comes of our joining.”
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I have a request for a smut for Mitch Rapp and a fem!reader: basically enemies to lovers. They (think they) hate each other but in reality they just REALLY wanna shag each other (Stan kinda suspects it). The seggssual tension between them grew to the point where neither can take it anymore and they shag! That's it for the plot. Feel free to make it the filthiest piece of filth that has ever seen the filth of day. They can punch the other, kick the other, pull the others hair! I am a okay with either of them getting staped. Biting and scratching are on the table. They can use fire... I hope you can turn this to a smut for me. I really enjoy reading your smuts!
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pairing: mitch rapp x fem!reader
warnings: smut → seggsual tension that can be cut with a knife, oral (male receiving), degrading kink, rough penetrative sex, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it).
word count: 1.4k
a/n: ahh omg i love the b9-9 reference!!
+ i've added this other request here too bc they had the same vibe to it - hope that's okay anon!
++ also [y/l/n] means your last name (but i think we've all read fanfics long enough to know that lmao)
•:•.•:•.•:•:•:•:•:•:•:• ☾ ☼ ☽ •:•.•:•.•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•
requests for the sleepover are open🖤!
request guidelines here✨!
smut night masterlist
taking in Mitch’s attire for the first time that night, it was apparent to you that Mitch was quite the attractive man.
But Mitch rapp was anything but attractive. He was repulsive. Rude. Had nearly gotten you killed so many times on a mission due to his inability to stick to plans, especially if they were made by you.
His tie hangs lose around the white collared button down shirt. His blazer thrown onto the couch that he planned to sleep on. Stan suggested that you share a room, never knowing nor predicting when the bad guys could attack. It was better, and safer, for the two of you to stay together.
Slipping the tie from around his neck, he throws it to wear his blazer lays, his eyes darting up to you. You, sitting cross-legged on the bed, quickly averted eye contact. You hear a slight huff of amusement coming from him, which only makes you roll your eyes. God, what you would do to share a room with literally anyone but him.
Your pj shirt hung low on your chest - almost a little bit too low. Mitch, for only a second, glances at your cleavage. His mind wanders into places he’s never really though that hard about before. He wanders what it would be like to suck those perfect tits of yours. If it wasn’t for the tv, he would’ve made an awkward coughing sound to release some of the built up tension in the room. You can feel the tension too. Building and building. The room getting hotter with each breath you took. You stand from the bed, going over to the small tea station to turn on the kettle.
“Want some tea?” You ask, not daring to look at him. For some unknown reason, you’re afraid to.
“sit.” He demands, his eyes glaring into you with such intensity. You return the glare, clenching your jaw as he nods to the bed.
“We need to talk about what happened today-"
“We have nothing to talk about. You did your usual shit and I did mine.”
“Don’t speak to me like that.”
“Like what? At least I’m not the one trying to get us all killed,” you spat, folding your arms over your chest. Mitch stalks over to you, his eyes dark with lust.
“Say that again. I dare you,” his voice is so low, you’re not sure if it scares you or turns you on.
“You always try to get us killed. That’s why your plans never work." you try so hard not to falter your voice, but he’s making it so difficult when he’s standing in front of you, with such a dominant demeanour, you thought you might as well submit to him now. He knocks your legs apart with his knee.
“Same could be said about you. Just remember that,” he growls in your ear. Without thinking, you grab him by the collar and thrash him down on the bed beside you. You stable him, pinning his wrists beside his head.
“Now, miss feisty. Might want to save your energy for tomorrow,” he chuckles, not even the least surprised that you’ve just done that.
“Don’t patronise me, rapp. You’re lucky I don’t just kill you now,” you purr in his ear, feeling his hips knock against yours. The feeling of his hardening cock poking at your thigh is something you’d never thought you’d ever get to experience with him.
Mitch flips you over, you know the grip on your wrist is going to bruise. "don't forget that i'm just as capable, darling."
roughly, he pushes off you, unzipping the pants of his suit. His jaw clenched, skin so hot and heated you can see the veins protruding through his hands.
"suck." he demands through gritted teeth. Your jaw drops as you just stare at him. he couldn't be serious? His eyebrows raise in anticipation - the same look he gives our targets when they try and plead their case to let them live.
You sigh, pushing yourself off the bed and onto the floor. Your hand pumps his cock up and down slowly, wanting to test the waters a little bit - or so you told yourself.
"[y/n], dont." he spits out, roughly gripping your hair in a makeshift ponytail. Without needing to be told twice, you take him in your mouth, gagging as he thrusts into your mouth. he couldn't even for a second let you be in control. typical man.
You bob your head faster, moaning around him at the tight grip he still has in your hair.
"you like when im rough with you, huh? you dirty little slut." His jaw clenches as you clasp your hand around his wrist. "get up."
you do as you're told, and stand on your feet. Roughly and hasty, he practically rips your pjs off before pushing you on the bed.
"don't make me get the tie, [y/l/n]," he smirks as he hovers over you. You gulp and wrap your arms around his neck, pulling him down into a rough kiss. He may be on top, but you can still be in charge.
HIs hand snakes down between your bodies, teasing and toying at your clit. He pinches it gently, clenching his jaw to restrain a dark laugh as you breathe heavily against him, not wanting to make a sound. you were not about to give him that satisfaction.
his calloused fingertips circle heavenly around your clit. He wants you to at least let out one moan, and he was going to make you do it - whatever it takes.
He leans back, eyes burning into your soul as he watches you. You bite your tongue from within your mouth, restraining every ounce of your body to not contort in pleasure.
"i could make this easy for you, you know. you're choice," he arches an eyebrow in amusement, his finger slipping into your entrance with such ease.
"oh please," you scoff, rolling your eyes in annoyance - although you're sure it was from the pleasure rather than his haughtiness.
"fine," he practically rips his hand away, you bottom lip immediately receding into your teeth to control the whines that wanted to come out. He wasted no time in lining himself up at your entrance. You look at him with pleading eyes, to which he catches before he slides in.
His thrusts are slow at first, wanting to tease you as much as possible.
"oh come on. even i can do better than that," you challenge, pushing him off before straddling his hips. You sink down on him, his hands on your ass. He kneads them before slapping hard as you bottom out. An unexpected yelp slips from you, followed a dark chuckle comes from him.
You bounce roughly on him, leaning back on your hands as they rest on his thighs. His hands trail all over your body, wanting to explore very inch possible. He'd never admit it, to himself or especially you, but he's always wanted to do this. So of course, he's not wasting any opportunity. as far as you've both silently agreed, this is a one time thing.
Mitch slaps your breast, causing another yelp to escape from your swollen and desperate lips. You sink all the way down on his cock until he's completely inside you, before gyrating your hips. Both of you moan loudly, the pleasure feeling all too right to not let out a sound.
Roughly, mitch picks you up and places you on the bed next to him before he holds your legs up to his chest. He thrusts into you and fucks you hard - slow, but hard.
"fuck, oh my god," you give in to the pleasure, his cock feeling all too good not to.
"see, that wasn't so hard was it?" Mitch's malicious teasing causes you to roll your eyes but once again let out a moan. the wall takes it from the bedframe, thumping intensively with each hard thrust of his hips. Both of you couldn't control your moans, and it was only a matter of time before the next door guests came knocking on the door to complain.
The two of you are close - much closer than either of you liked to be. Mitch knew it too, from the way you clenched around his cock, you moans becoming louder and more high-pitched. He spreads your legs apart, which you gracelessly wrapped around his waist to draw him in closer. His hand, once again slips between you both and rubs your clit in circles.
"mitch..." you breathe, scratching your nails mercilessly down his back.
"let it go, babygirl," he grunts before leaning down towards you ear. "at least i'll have the satisfaction of making you cum."
"don't get too cocky now. I'm still not finished with you yet."
291 notes · View notes
violetnotez · 4 years
HC: The Boys Taste Their S/o’s Chapstick
Anonymous:  could I request headcannons for shinso, mirio, denki, sero, and bakugo kissing their s/o and tasting their chapstick ? Or if you want or when they realize their s/o takes care of them in really subtle ways that they didn’t really notice it at first ? i love your blog so much 🥺❤️
Hey babe omg Im so happy you like my blog!!!! Also this ask OMG I have been wanting to write it for so long!!!! Im a sucker for these super cute and fluffy headcanons, so thank you so much for the idea!
Pairings: Shinso x reader, Mirio x reader, Denki x reader, Sero x reader, Bakugo x reader
Warnings: some might get suggestive, but none of these are full blown NSFW! Just a sprinkle of spiciness, thats all!
。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆ 。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆ 。・:*:・゚
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Flavor: Cherry Vanilla
Your currently trying to get ready for bed with Shinsou, his purple hair cascading against the pillow as he’s scrolling through Insta
defintely looking at cat vids
Youre just BEAT from the day- work, school, practice, whatever your life entails it just felt so incredibly tiring today
Of course, Shinsou seems to have other plans
Once he sees you come out of the bathroom, your hair wet, your skin dewy from washing, your body only wearing one of his oversized shirts and some small shorts....
man is gonna wanna be allllll over you
“Damn, kitten who allowed you to look that hot,” he’d purr, his eyes drinking you in as he propped his body on his elbows to get a better look
You’d roll your eyes, a smile on your lips-
Lowkey a perv for his s/o fight me on this
Once you sit down on the bed, its over
Shinso’s hands are all over you, his palms trailing under your shirt as he leaved lazy kisses on your neck
“Cmon, baby, lets have a little fun before we sleep....”
Just tell him your tired, and he’ll comply, turning super fluffy and cuddly in a matter of minutes
Reluctantly tho this boi is horny when hes horny
“Ahh my kitten’s tired? Fine then, you need your rest.”
He’ll lean in to give a sweet kiss, unknowingly of how flavorful you taste now with your chapstick
And OHOHOHO after that its OVER
The taste of vanilla bursts in his mouth, the scent of cherry becoming more prominent-
When did you start tasting so good?
He honestly wont know how to react- he’ll shake his head and blink a few times, “The hell-?” spilling out of his lips
He grabs you buy the chin, his thumb swiping against your lips gently
Once he sees the faint red sheen on his digit, it kinda dawns on him whats going on
You catch on to his confusion, a small giggle spilling out of you as you tell him its just chapstick you bought since your lips felt dry
He’ll just give you a lazy smirk, his lilac eyes a royal purple as he eyes you
This man cant HELP HIMSELF
He’ll lean in for another kiss, this one lasting much longer and more passionate as he tried to capture that taste again
“Do me a favor and keep wearing that kitten,”
M I R I O 
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Flavor: Birthday Cake
Im so proud of fidning this picture im sorry it just matches so well
You had just gotten out of the locker room, your UA uniform a little wrinkled from being balled up while you were training
You walked out the metal doors, your lips feeling much softer than usual- you were in desperate need of chapstick after that particular lesson
Thanks UA for having training grounds that blow up every 5 seconds and spray dust everywhere
But thankfully Neijire is the best person ever and hooked you up with some super cute chapstick
Since it was new and just sitting in her book bag, she just told you to keep it
You had to admit though, you really liked it- the packaging was pretty cute, it was nice on your skin, but the SMELL
You felt like a bakery was near you every step you took
And everytime you licked your lips it tasted like sweets, which was an amazing addition
Makes ya wonder how safe it is to consume makeup 👀
Mirio is the cutest boyfirend though-wherever your class is, he waits for you outside and walks with you until you have to go your seperate ways
So, as usual, he’s waiting for you outside the locker room, a wide grin plastered on his face
Once he sees you walk out of the doors, he’s already bounding over, his arms swinging cause hes always just so happy to see you 
“Hey sunshine!” he greets you like any other day, his voice just radiating happiness
Some days though, Mirio will kiss the top of your head as he grabs your hand and walks you to his class
Other days, he’s a little more bold, instead leaning down to give you a kiss on your lips as he snakes his hand around your waist
You can tell he’s feeling a little more *frisky cause he’s got this mischievous glint in his eyes
ehhhh why not indulge him?
So you get on your tippie toes, leaning in to him and planting a quick kiss on his lips
But thats when Mirio gets confused- did you eat something?Is it cake? CInnamon roll? Cookie? But whatever it is, it tastes GOOD
“Sweetie, did you buy something from the vending machine?” he asks, a confused grin on his face as he eyes you
You laugh, not realizing that Mirio would be affected by your new chapstick too, 
“Oh no, its just a chapstick Niejire gave me, I think its cake batter flavored- do you like it?”
Mirio licked his lips , savoring the lingering flavor on his skin
“You batter belive it!”
*cue the groaning
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Flavor: Pina Colada
So Mina, bless her little music crazed heart, somehow won a pack of tickets from a radio station to a new water park opening up not too far from UA
It was superrrrr expensive to get in, but the music station hooked all you guys up with VIP tickers, a private cabana, food, THE WORKS
You had been running around with the group all day
(except Bakugo- he either went to the lazy river or the surfing simulator thignie cause Kaminari said he would wipe out and wanted to prove him wrong)
Everybody else wanted to do everythingggg, from ride the craziest rides to trying all the food the park had
By the end of the day, you were completely beat and just wanted to rest
Mina was sitting beside you in  the cabana (again, thank you radio station for hooking some teens up!), just searching it for snacks the boys hadnt eaten
“Aww cmon, really?! We have chapstick but no food?!”
Your head instantly perked up at the sound- chapstick? God, you could deifnitely use some right now from all that chlorine and sun...
You asked Mina to toss you one, the pink skinned girl throwing you a tube as she grumbled about how “piggy” boys were
You checked the flavor on the tube, the fruits on the side label instantly telling you it was something tropical
As you were putting it on, the boys of Bakusquad were bounding up the steps, their feets covered in sand-
“Guess what?! We got Bakugo to go in the wave pool! Isnt that crazy! It had sand on the bottom, like a real beach-”
Kirishima was just gushing and super excited, Bakugo looking like a pissed off wet cat next to him
You sat up quickly, happy to see your boyfriend, his spiky hair all wet from the day and his boxers dripping
As Kirishima and Sero were messing with an extremely annoyed Bakugo, you went and grabbed the boys some towels, giving the last one to your boyfriend
“Aww thanks babe,” he gushed out, his hands grabbing the towel gingerly as he leaned to kiss you
But wait- you tasted- really sweet?
Kaminari pulled back slightly, a small smirk on his lips, cause damn, that tasted really good
“Did you eat some fruit or something? Cause you taste super yummy babe-”
You  pointed to your lips as you told him how Mina found some free chapstick lying around in the cabana
Kaminari just gave you this really blissed out stare as he sneaked one more peck from you- he was kinda wishing his friends weren't here, cause hed totally be making out with you with that yummy stuff on your lips...
“Do me a favor and dont take that stuff off, okay? Until we get back to the dorms,”
He sent you a small wink, weaving behind you inconspicously, and giving your bottom a playful pinch
(Also before you left Kamianri most definitely dumped the whole jar of chapsticks into his backpack)
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Flavor: Peppermint
You and Sero had just gotten coffee from a little cafe when it starts to rain
Like alottttttttttt
And of course it happens when your right outside, waiting for your ride to take you back home
So you two are just standing there like weirdos with the rain POURING, Sero holding up his jacket over both of your heads
But honestly, it’s not doing much to block out the rain, so honestly-why not have some fun?
You run out of the fabric, instantly feeling your whole body get drenched as you start twirling and laughing
“He-hey wait, babe!”
Sero’s gonna be laughing, and now y’all playing a wierd game of tag
Aghhhhhh so cute tho 🥺🥺
He catches you pretty quickly, his tape grabbing your waist and pulling you to him,,,
You instantly collide with his chest, your cheeks rosy from running around so much and your hands resting on his chest
Sero gives you the biggest grin, his finger under your chin and raising it to look at him
“You know your the biggest tease I know?”
He laughs, placing a kiss on your lips-and omg why are you minty? and it feels soooo good to him, cause honestly mint isn’t a bad flavor-
“Hey babe whatcha got on your lips? Did you eat-gum or something?”
You just laugh and tell him it’s some chapstick you got (imagine the mint eos U KNOW THE ONE)
He asks if it’s the egg chapstick OML 💀
Yes Sero the egg chapstick
His lips are parted a little, his eyes wider than usual cause he’s lowkey confused on how he liked that so much
But he send you another huge grin before he kisses you again-
“I think your gonna need to wear that more for me, yeah?”
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Flavor: Cinnamon
Bakugo has ben practically forcing you to wake up at ungodly hours with him to train
He says its cause “youre getting weak” but really he’s a total simp for having such close contact with you
Also he’s a little brat and put his all into it  so you cant ever beat him, which boosts his ego for some reason?
“Hah, that really the best you got?” he scoffs down at you, his calloused hands pinning you to the ground as his body cages you in for the umpteenth time
Honestly, its hard to fight when your 1) annoyed about loosing and 2) have your hot as hell boyfriend pining you to the ground
But thankfully
He was starting to overheat, his breathe coming out in low pants as  strands  of hair began sticking to his forehead
You felt one of his palms begin to slip ever so slightly near you, and on instinct you knew you had to do something, you finally had an opening-
so you caused a distraction 
Your hands quickly flew to the nape of his neck, pressing his head down to your so you could kiss him square on the lips
Bakugo was completely confused in the best way possible- he didnt expect that to happen, but hell, hes not complaining-
until his lips start to tingle
“-the hell?!” he sputters out, his mind trying to figure out what was going on just before you successfuly flip him over, with you now on top
You stared down triumphantly at your boyfriend, not knowing how well that worked- until you noticed how shiny Bakugo lips look
He begins mashing his lips together, trying to rub it off since you had his hands pinned down
“The hell is on my lips? Agh, dont tell me its that weird ass lip stuff that supposed to make your lips bigger or something-’’
Ummmmm how does he know about lip plumping lip gloss? Question for a another day-
“Its chapstick silly,” you giggle, “-cinnamon”
Honestly, he’s gonna like it-this boy likes spicy things and the fact that “spicy” sensation came from his s/o....shoooottttt he is in love
Of course
He’s gonna act like it’s wierd or something, cause HES wierd
“Cinnamon? You couldn’t get something normal like cherry or grape?”
You scrunch up your nose, cause yeah your not for those flavors AT ALL, and Bakugo finds his chance
He quickly flips you over, your back now against the floor and his body on top of yours
“Cmon, baka don’t tell me thats seriosuly all you got-“
Don’t remind him that you were able to flip him over tho he’ll turn red and tell you to shut it
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maria-akira · 4 years
good girls don't get used: michael langdon x fem! reader
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summary: michael langdon, your ex, falls into a bet wherein he has to (fake) date you. if he falls in love again, he loses and doesn't get the prize.
warnings: private school au, fuckboy!michael, slight mention of sexual topics + i didnt proofread this mwahaha
this fic is inspired by the song 'good girls (don't get used)' by beach bunny.
i don't know if other private schools have bells, because mine doesn't :(
italicized bold words are direct lyrics from the song. but in this chapter, there are none since this is like an intro :)
"Dude, shut the fuck up."
"Are you kidding? She really said that?"
"You really think that's gonna happen?"
"Who's class do you have first?"
Voices of different students flooded the white and grey hallways of the school. Different friend groups and teachers can be seen roaming the halls, getting stuff from their respective lockers as they waited for the bell to ring.
"Y/N! Do you mind if I borrow your calculator? I forgot mine at home and Math is my next class." She said while panting.
"Sure, here it is. If you lose it, I'd probably drop kick your ass." Y/N let out a small laugh and grabbed the calculator from her locker, giving it to her friend.
"Gosh, Y/N. I'll never lose it! I'll give it back during recess. Thanks again!" She flashed Y/N a smile and waved bye, before returning to her locker.
Y/N looked at herself in the mirror she had on her locker, fixing the tie that always seemed to be out of place whenever she checked. Her hair was neat, complete with a white headband that complimented the color of her school's uniform.
A few seconds later, the bell rang and everybody started rushing. Different couples were seen kissing before they parted ways for the mean time.
Cringe. Y/N thought. She shrugged it off and held her books tightly to her chest, walking to her next class.
Walking straight into the classroom, she noticed a group of guys dart their eyes to her direction as she entered. They gave her weird smirks. In return, she stared back at them while she made her way to her seat and never broke eye contact. Eventually, she noticed a familiar face among the group.
Michael, her ex.
How the fuck is he in my English class? She thought, along with a whole hundred thoughts roaming around her head. Michael stared back at her, giving her a wink.
Y/N's face gave a hint of disgust, "The fuck do you want, Langdon?" She stood up from her seat and walked over to Michael, pushing his other friends. She heard his friends coo and tease Michael for his act towards her.
Michael put up his hands in defense, "Chill, is it bad to wink at a pretty girl like you?" He said with a smug look, while he grazed his hand over her arm.
"Shut the fuck up, Langdon. Don't you ever touch me." Y/N slapped his hand away, his friends taken aback from her actions. As she walked back to her seat, the teacher entered as well.
Y/N put her face in her hands. By now, a million thoughts were in her head. It's been 2 years since Michael and her broke up, and since then, she made a promise to herself that she would never fall in love with men like him. She was so tired of all the tears and sleepless nights that Michael gave her.
She let out a sigh and lifted her head from her hands. The soft light from the windows filled her eyes after the darkness formed by her hands, causing her to rub her eyes to adjust from the light.
The rest of the hour went smoothly for Y/N, after English class was recess, her most favorite time of the day— aside from going home, of course.
She glanced at her watch, 10:28 AM.
2 more minutes, and English will be over. She thought.
She averted her gaze back on the white board full of scribbles about some writing lesson she clearly did not listen to. She looked over to her classmates and friends, Well they aren't listening either. She laughed at the thought.
As soon at the bell rang, everyone started packing up their notebooks, textbooks, and whatever they had on their table. Every student was seen rushing out of every classroom in hopes of being the first ones in line for the cafeteria.
On the way there, Y/N bumped into her friend group. "Hey Y/N! We heard about happened in English class. Michael is really in your class?" A friend of hers mentioned, "Yea, and apparently that son of a bitch winked at me, such a disgusting ass motherfucker. he should keep his fuck boy ass to himself." Y/N spat out, earning a chorus of 'oh's' from her friends.
When they arrived at the cafeteria, the line was painfully long, all of them groaned in frustration and they had no choice but to wait for the line to move. But once it did, it was faster than usual. After Y/N and her friends received their food, they left the cafeteria to eat at their usual place.
The school rooftop.
A few students know that staying in the school rooftop is permitted, which was why Y/N and her friends loved eating there.
When they arrived at the rooftop, they saw the usual people that they always encounter while staying there. The view was beautiful, there was no doubt about it. The small garden in the rooftop gave a beautiful and elegant touch.
Though there were a few chairs and tables, Y/N and her friends always preferred to eat on the floor. So, they laid the linen cloth on the ground and sat on it. Y/N was wearing the skirt uniform, thus she removed her tux and placed it on her legs to prevent her skirt from lifting.
They shared a few giggles while they ate their meals, laughing about some life experiences, or whatever they wanted to talk about.
Y/N loved this. She loved how she and her friends would have little moments like these, it was like an escape from reality.
The rest of the day went smoothly for Y/N. She didn't fall asleep in any of her classes, which in this case was a very big accomplishment for her.
As soon as she arrived home, her little brother, Aaron, rushed towards her. "Y/N!! I missed you!" He chimed, Y/N kneeled down onto his level and gave him the tightest hug. "I missed you too, Aaron!" Her mom came into the room and smiled. Y/N stood up and gave her mom a hug as well.
"How was school?" Her mom asked, Y/N placed her tux on the coat hanger by the door. "It was fine, Mom. Where's Dad?" Y/N walked over to the fridge and poured herself a glass of milk, "He'll be home soon, he still has a meeting right now." She took a sip of her milk, "Oh, okay. I'll be upstairs doing school work." The glass of milk that was once full, now empty.
She took her things upstairs and plopped herself on the bed. Out of nowhere she felt a vibrating noise from her bag, she rummaged through her bag to find her phone and once she did, a message was see on her lockscreen.
Unknown Sender has sent you a message.
She unlocked her phone and went to her messages.
Unknown Sender: hey ;)
Her eyebrows furrowed. What the fuck?
(Y/N): hi? whos this?
read 2:29 pm
Unknown Sender: oh shit you deleted my number? damn.
"Huh? I don't recall deleting anyone's number..." She went to her recently deleted contacts and it showed nothing.
(Y/N): im sorry, i haven't deleted anyone's number recently, maybe you have the wrong number?
read 2:32 pm
Unknown Sender: im pretty sure you know me, Y/N.
They know my name. And her heart started pounding.
(Y/N): and im pretty sure i dont, so just reveal yourself before i report this number
read 2:35pm
Unknown Sender: ayo chill 😬 its me michael.
"Michael fucking Langdon? You've got to be fucking me right now." She felt rage fill her, slamming her keyboard.
(Y/N): langdon what the fuck do you want? i made it very clear that i dont want you talking to me.
read 2:40 pm
Before Michael could reply, she changed his contact name to 'Motherfucker'
You have changed Unknown Sender's contact name as 'Motherfucker'
Motherfucker: damn you still mad at me after 2 years? gosh (Y/N). whats with the nickname?
(Y/N): of course im still mad, asshole. ill never forget what you fucking did.
read 2:43 pm
Motherfucker: i thought you forgave me 🥺
(Y/N): FORGIVE YOU???? god langdon you're so fucking stupid, i will never forgive you. you didnt even say sorry in the first place!
Pissed off, Y/N blocked his number. "That fucking asshole." She mumbled to herself.
"Hey! Y/N!" A familar voice called out from the crowd. Y/N removed one earbud and turned around to find the voice that called her.
Once she saw the shiny blonde locks from that stood out in the crowd, she immediately ran in the opposite direction in hopes of avoiding him.
It was Michael, again.
"Y/N wait!" Michael called out again, chasing her
For some reason, Michael was able to catch her. He pulled Y/N into an empty science laboratory and they were both panting.
"What the fuck do you want this time, Langdon?" Y/N was catching her breath, fanning herself with her hand.
"Okay. First off, sorry for the sudden message. I know I pissed you off and that wasn't my intention at a—"
"What was your intention then?" She cut him off.
Michael panicked.
"Uh, you know? I just wanna talk to you again. Clear the bad air between us.."
Y/N let out a laugh, "Clear the bad air?? Oh gooood Langdon, you are really so stupid! You know what? You just made it worse." She pushed him off and walked out of the room,
"Whatever it is your planning, Langdon, I'm telling to stop it. I don't wanna talk to you or even go near you."
Michael was dumbfounded. She changed so much. He thought to himself.
2 years ago, Y/N was the sweetest, most innocent girl he knew. Playing with her feelings was Michael's biggest regret, and he's starting to feel it again.
Michael was about to leave the room until he felt a buzzing from his pocket, He pulls out his phone to see who was calling him.
Duncan, one of his bestfriends.
Michael answered the call, "Hello?"
"What's the update on your little girl?"
"She still doesn't trust me."
"That's sad man."
"I know. She changed alot. "
"What do you mean by 'changed'?" Duncan emphasized,
"I can't point it out, Dunc."
"Whatever you do, don't chicken out. I promise this bet is worth it."
"Fine, I trust you."
Call Ended.
Michael ran his fingers through his hair in frustration and left the room before the bell rang.
It was the last subject of the day. Most students were falling asleep or on their phones.
Y/N was scribbling weird things on the back of her notebook, when suddenly the bell rang. She packed up her stuff and stood up from her seat. Before she could leave the room, she saw a familiar face again.
Michael stood by the doorway of her classroom, the strap of his bag over one shoulder while he looked for Y/N among the other students.
Y/N ignored Michael and walked past him, but he grabbed her by the arm and pulled her towards him.
"Langdon! What the fuck do you want?!" She screamed, all of the students averting their attention to her.
Michael put a finger on his lips, shushing her. "Let's go somewhere private, yea?"
Before she could object, Michael dragged her outside towards the parking lot.
"Okay this is actually something serious—"
"Woah‐woah! Easy now. I actually need your help, with school..."
Michael rubbed her shoulders, looking straight into her eyes. For once, Y/N believed him. His eyes were speaking the truth.
"Okay, fine. Shoot."
"I can't believe I'm saying this.."
"Don't waste my time, Langdon."
"Fine! I'm failing."
Y/N's mouth hung open. Michael was one of the top students in their batch and this was obviously a huge surprise for her.
"Oh, really? What am I gonna do about that?" She crossed her arms and cocked her head to the side.
"Can you please help me? Like, tutor me?" At this point, Michael was desperate.
"Um, no thanks. Just fuck some other girl's pussy for your grades." Y/N pushed him away, but Michael stopped her again.
"I'm serious, Y/N. I really need your help."
"Why me?"
Now that made Michael nervous.
"Because you happen to be the top of our batch right now?"
"Fine! Under one condition."
Michael was curious, "What?"
"If I do this tutor shit, we're doing it at my place. I can't tutor you in your messy ass room." Y/N said. She always remembered how messy Michael's room was when they were together. He would only clean when he was scolded by Y/N.
"That's fine by me."
"Okay then. 5pm, sharp."
She walked away, but Michael pulled her again.
"Let me go! What do you want now?" Y/N said, clearly annoyed.
"Unblock my number, silly." Michael chuckled,
"How are you supposed to know if I already arrived?"
"Theres a doorbell, dimwit. I'll be downstairs waiting for you."
"Bye, Michael. I'll see you later." Y/N flashed him a small smile and continued to walk away.
Once he saw Y/N reach the bus stop, he started walking to his car, until someone tapped him on his shoulder.
"Hey Michael, whats the update? I saw you talking to her." It was Duncan. His brown hair was lightly gelled back and the first two buttons of his white dress shirt were undone.
"I'm still trying to win her back, I lied to her that I was failing so she could tutor me. That way, it'll be easier."
Duncan smirked, "That's my boy! When will this tutor thing start?"
"Later, 5pm."
"Hmm, that's good. Remember, if you fall in love again, bet's over."
"I won't."
tags mwah: @kitwalker02 @sojournmichael @angelicmichael @deademobitch @iheartfrogs101 @tatestripedsweater @mrs-march-ahs
i hope you guys enjoyed this. i wrote this while doing schoolwork </3
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minahoeshi · 3 years
you were loved the most of all.
Ushijima Wakatoshi x reader | break-up angst
summary: You should've known that when Ushijima Wakatoshi found it easy to fall in love with you, it might be even easier for him to fall out of it. But who expects the worst when it comes to loving someone as seemingly perfect as him, anyway?
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Chapter 1 of 2
Chapter 2 of 2
He said it was easy to fall in love with you. He said he didn’t know when exactly, at which place, nor for what reason. Simply one day, Ushijima Wakatoshi found himself looking at you with the epiphany that maybe there’s something more meant to happen between you and him. There you stood before him that day, the person he could promise love to. (And there he stood before you that moment, the boy whose promises you found yourself believing in no matter what.)
So maybe that’s why it was even easier for him to fall out of love. When he told you he was no longer in love with you, it didn’t matter to you to ask when exactly, at which place, or for what reason. Even the universe itself is meant to fizzle out one day along with the death of the stars. Just one more person drifting away from you like a lone planet with no real orbit shouldn’t leave you broken. You are used to this. You won’t fall apart.
But you break anyway.
It was snowing outside when he decided to tell you to end things now before it hurts both of you even further. Not that the snow has anything to do with the coldness creeping up your chest threatening to spill out of you in endless sobs. You were glad, though. That at the very least, he remained honest with his feelings. He never left you guessing. Every time, he never forgets to tell you what’s on his mind. His honesty is something he thought was necessary.
“I understand, don’t worry. Thank you for telling me right away. I know you’re also considering me–” you tell him and choke up. There are tears running down your face but you’re not worried about that. Wakatoshi never let you mask your emotions around him. For the longest time, he reminded you to feel free to be completely bare with him. All the good and the bad, he said. Don’t be afraid to show them to me. I will always understand.
He steps closer and puts you between his arms. You feel his chin on top of your head as you lean your face into his chest. You’re sobbing now. “I’ll be fine, Toshi. We’ll be fine.”
He kisses the top of your head and lets you stay in his arms for minutes. “I loved you then, and I love you still. It’s just that they’re no longer the same kind. I will stay if you ask me to, okay? Anything you want.”
This only makes you cry harder. He’s always been too good. And even in breaking your heart, he’s too good. You want him to hold on. You want to ask him to stay with you for years and years. Even with a different kind of love, you’ll let him be as long he’s close by. But someone like him who has dreams beyond yourself shouldn’t ever be with someone like you who still lacks certainty toward anything.
“Just for tonight,” you ask, still crying. “Can I stay?”
“of course,” he replies. Anytime you want. Anything you want. It has always been this way.
Because humans are creatures of routines and familiarity, you spend that night the way you usually do when you’re at his place. You cook dinner with him and eat on the dining table, sharing stories and laughter. You keep adding food to his plate and he smiles as you giggle at everything you find funny.
It’s okay, it’s okay. You’ll be okay. You’ll be fine.
You clean the kitchen and stay in the living room. He leans on the couch as you lay down with your head on his lap. You keep talking and laughing. He goes along, sometimes adding things to make you laugh even more, sometimes simply agreeing, sometimes asking questions. You keep it loud and light, afraid of the silence. Inside you, it’s so heavy, your heart might just fall off. This will be the last, you tell yourself. You want to be happy for now. While he’s still here.
"Do me a favor, okay?" You tell him as you're nearing slumber. "Let me leave first tomorrow. Maybe stay in bed, maybe pretend you're asleep. But tomorrow, don't get out of the room until I've left the house." Your voice shakes, feeling yourself wanting to sob.
"I don't want to wake up to another empty bed but I don't want to see your face when I wake up too," you curl into him even further. "I'm sorry for being selfish. I'm sorry I still don't really know what to do. And I know you wake up pretty early and you know, do stuff, but just for tomorrow, please?"
Wakatoshi didn't really understand why. He originally planned on cooking breakfast for you and taking you to the train station. He would watch you board the train and he'd make sure to smile at you as he waves. You always waved back. That's how it works. Even after fights, and even after especially bad nights, you'd still do the same. Watching you leave with a smile was how you both knew you'd still be fine the days after. That nothing much can affect your relationship. For years, this has been the routine.
But tomorrow, he knows he has to give way. He knows what he said hurt you. It would be wrong of him to do what he wants simply because he's used to.
Tomorrow's the last, he realises. And then if you want, he'd never see you again.
You wake up pretty early. The sky is a calm shade of blue, the world outside still waking up. You check the time on your phone and find it's 6 AM. Last night, you slept with your back on him. The sight before you is the other end of his bedroom and you notice just how much of yourself you've managed to leave around his place. Pieces of just one other person in his life, scattered in places around his world pretending that’s just where they belong. You didn't mind leaving things behind back then. You never really thought of the day that you might’ve to take back all of them. Just how does one pick up parts of themselves when they thought they’ve finally found a place for them to stay?
But as you stand up, you conclude that when things end, traces shouldn’t be left behind. He didn’t decide to break up only to be reminded of you even after you’re no longer close to him. So you go and pick every little thing that's yours. Even your jacket and sweaters and a few pairs pyjamas in his closet. You'll just take his things from your place too and hand it to Tendou's shop. Coming back here won’t do you any good. Him coming to your place instead wouldn’t either.
Collecting all your things, even the ones you can't use anymore, you leave the bedroom and enter the living room. You don't have many belongings here aside from some DVDs and books. You only take the books and leave the rest for him. You've always preferred reading anyway.
Setting your bag and things aside on the sofa, you go ahead and wash yourself in the bathroom and bring your toothbrush and some other products with you when you're done. You then head to the kitchen to cook him something light to eat for breakfast . You knew you didn't have to. He knows how to cook. It has always been him cooking breakfast for you. When you could, you’d rather stay in bed until the very moment you must start preparing to go to uni or work. But you did anyway. He's probably in his bed, awake. He has never been a heavy sleeper. With all the moving you did around his room, he was bound to wake up if he wasn't already.
You make him a simple omelette and write a small message on top of it with ketchup. "Good luck with practice today!"
You've already cleaned everything you used, preferring to wash and set utensils as soon as you're done with them. That way, when you're sitting down to eat, there won't be any cluster around to distract you.
You put the ketchup down and decide that should be enough. You'll stop here. You should go now.
Ushijima is sitting on his bed. He's been awake since 5 AM when he usually goes on his run. It isn't the first time he chose to stay with you instead of going out, but he can't help but feel heavy this time. He stayed in for you. But as the minutes pass by, it seems that he simply cannot find the courage to sit up and face you.
He wants to sink into his bed.
There's knock on the door followed by sentences uttered softly. "Toshi, I'm going now. There's breakfast on the table. Make sure to eat before you go."
There goes the heavy feeling again. Maybe if this keeps up, he might just actually sink and never get back up.
You've done that a few times. Leaving while he's still in the room. You don't even open the door. You simply knock and tell him you're about to go, always reminding him to eat before he goes too.
But this will be the last, he thinks. If you leave now, will he never see you again?
chapter 2 will be up soon not rly sure when tho. (it's up now the link is at the top)
also, im not entirely sure but i think i didnt use any pronouns or gendered nouns for this except "girl" in the 1st paragraph which i erased just now? if i'm right, then i hope everyone reading this get to feel as though theyre rly the person in the story. unless ofc u dont want that bc this isnt the happiest ushitoshi x reader fic u can find🥲. but thanks for reading!!!! m so sorry for typos nd other errors as well. i kinda cant read my own writings bc sometimes doing so makes me wanna smack myself in the head and never write again nd i hate that so now im leaving my mistakes to the gods nd hope they love me enough or smth. but yes thank u sm again for reading!!!!
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Do you have to go pt2
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Mature content ahead* SMUT, fluff , light angst at the very end
summary: Jaebum was finally home for a day and his muscles were clearly in pain. You give him an oil message which leads to many other things. Somehow you still end up disappointed in the end.
You woke up feeling steady breathing on your neck and muscular arms holding your waist. You nearly forgot that jaebum had a day off today; It felt good to wake up together after such a while. You yawned and turned around facing jaebum and you noticed how ethereal he looked. His messy black hair rested on his forehead and he had a slight stubble. You loved this look on him. It made him look more like your boyfriend and not the idol that thousands of girls die over.
You laid there for a moment just looking at him so lost in your thoughts that you didn’t even realise that jaebum was now wide awake looking back at you with a smirk on his face. ”I know im sexy but  are you really planning to just stare at me the whole day today or...” You both begin laughing as you playfully hit his chest. After a moment jaebum pulls you close again and snuggles close to you, his nose against your back ready to go back to sleep. ”Oh no dont think your going to sleep again its already 12″ you say while moving away from him and removing the covers from both your bodies.
He groans instantly hugging himself “Its so cold can we not just stay in bed today?” You wanted to go on a whole rant about how he was never home and this was probably gonna be the only day for a few weeks you were gonna get together, and that you didn’t wanna waste it all just sleeping. But you knew if you said this it would turn into something much more serious. There was no point arguing with jaebum over something like this especially when you missed spending time with him so much. 
“Im gonna go shower and then you can go when im done and then we can head out somewhere” You wait for a response and all you hear is a mumble from jaebum saying something along the lines of ‘so bossy’ whilst wrapping himself in a blanket again with his eyes closed. You sigh whilst  heading to the bathroom and have a quick shower followed by your skincare routine. You expected to have to come and have to wake up jaebum again but he was sitting and using his phone at the edge of the bed. He got up wordlessly and headed for the bathroom once you had entered the bedroom. You put on one on jaebums loose shirts with shorts and headed downstairs to make some breakfast. 
After a while when you headed back upstairs to call jaebum for breakfast you saw him sitting on the bed holding his shoulder with a frown on his face. It was clear that he was in pain but he never liked to admit it in front of you. You walk towards him and as soon as he realises that your coming he lets go of his shoulder and heads for the wardrobe only in his towel. ”Wait, dont get dressed yet” you say while reaching for something in the drawer. “Why? do you want me to seduce you?” he says with a sexy expression followed by a laugh from the both of you .Now holding a bottle of message oil, you ushered him towards the bed. ”I’m gonna give you a message” his expression falls when he realises you saw him earlier sulking on the bed. 
“No its fine its gonna go back to normal soon anyways” he says whilst adjusting his towel which was about to drop. “Shush lay down on your stomach on the bed right now” you say while pouting and crossing his arms. He coos while looking at you and steps closer to you pressing a gentle kiss on your pouting lips. ”Okay okay you can give me a message” he says while laying down on the bed the towel still covering his lower half. You take a seat at the bottom of his back where you could see the two dimples. You apply the oil to your hands before messaging jaebums shoulders with as such strength as you could get. You went to his back after his shoulder and you felt satisfied hearing his groans. You seat yourself on his thighs messaging his lower back and eventually you were done with his back. 
“Okay turn around now” you say while getting up from his legs. He turns around and his towel lightly slips and you could see his dick , and for some reason he was half hard. A light blush covered your cheeks as you fixed the towel so it was covering him properly. When you looked up at jaebum ,he was smiling and he had a weird look in his eyes you couldn’t really understand .”So are you not gonna give me a message anymore because you saw-”.You cut him off straight away by taking a seat on his lower stomach and putting more message oil on your hands and this clearly shut him up You made sure not to make any eye contact with him as you rubbed your hands together and then began messaging his shoulders. Jaebum tilted his head back and squeezed his eyes shut biting his lips to prevent any sound coming out.
He had been tired and his muscles had been aching for a while now so when you gave him a message it felt too good. You continued to focus on the task at hand and before you realised it you were sitting directly on top of jaebums dick which was merely covered by the towel. You continued messaging him until you heard a really loud moan followed by “you’ve messaged me enough”, He quickly gets you of him and switches your positions so he was now straddling you. By now his towel was nowhere to be seen and he was exposed in front on you. You gulp while looking up at jaebum and you can see hunger in his eyes. He leans down and kisses you and his tongue enters your mouth straight away. He continues to kiss you and you push him away as you run out of breath.  
He looks at you also completely out of breath and straight away reaches for the hem of his shirt that you were wearing. You put your arms up so he could remove the shirt and his eyes fall straight away to your breasts. You had not worn a bra since you were at home and now you were glad you didn’t. He pushes you back down so your back touches the bed and begins to kiss down your neck. He continues to kiss down until he reaches to your breast. He fondles one of your breast with one hand while he marks the other. You let out a moan and you could feel that you were becoming restless. ”I cant wait any longer” you say completely blissed out looking at jaebum with hooded eyes. 
“Then ride me” 
He lays down and waits till you remove your shorts and panties and straddle him. His hands immediately reach to your hips squeezes them as you lean down to kiss him. He could feel your wet heat on his dick and the fast heart beat of your clit. It was driving him crazy. He pulled away from the kiss and tapped your thighs motioning for you to lift them up a bit. You held onto his shoulders and closed your eyes as he aligned his dick with your entrance. After a second you slipped down on his cock letting out incoherent sounds and jaebum tilted his head back and squeezed his eyes shut in relief.
It had been such a while since you had been intimate with jaebum and at this point you were both very needy. You stayed seated on him as he waited for you to adjust. It was definitely not the first time you and jaebum were having sex but since it had been a while it took you some time to adjust to his size. You felt jaebum move underneath you so you opened your eyes. You could see his hooded eyes and the way he was biting his lips and it was making you feel even needier then you felt before. You began to move and each time you moved you could feel jaebums dick drag against your walls. It felt heavenly. You slowed down your pace now getting tired and as soon as jaebum noticed this he began to thrust up into your heat. You leaned your head on his shoulder as he kept moving himself in and out of you as fast as he could.
”Im gonna-” you couldnt finish your sentence because of the knot you were feeling at the bottom of your stomach .He didn’t respond to what you said but instead moved his hand down to your clit to help your release. You let out even louder moans at the feeling of his fingers circling around your clit fast and mercilessly. And before you knew it you were coming with a loud moan followed by jaebums name. You were so blissed out that you didnt even realise jaebum had pulled out and you were now laying with your back on the bed. He inserted his cock back inside you and you wrapped your legs around his waist as he pounded into you harder and faster. You felt so sensitive after just coming but you wanted jaebum to finish to. You opened your eyes to see the look on his face he always had before he was about to cum.
You watched as he sped up hitting even deeper spots inside you as he grunted. With a last powerful thrust that nearly made you scream he came inside you. You could feel his warm juices fill you up and you groaned at the feeling. He laid down and pulled you on top on him his now half softened dick still inside you. You both stayed there wordlessly for a few moments in bliss. Just as you were laying there you heard jaebums phone ring. You both just ignored it pretending you couldn’t hear it because you both were so sleepy. After it rang the second time jaebum pulled out and you let out a small groan at the feeling of all his cum seeping out of you. He picked up his phone and it was his manager. “You guys have an interview today in like 30 minutes and all the other boys are here. i dont know why your still not here i messaged you early in the morning.” Jaebum didnt make any eye contact with you as his manager spoke. He answered back calmly “Ill be there in 20 ill get dressed from home no need to get an outfit for me” 
After that you blanked out not really hearing the rest of the conversation. You watched jaebum as he cut the phone and looked at you. You were sat on the bed completely naked and your body was littered with love bites. You had tears in your eyes which you were not aware about and to jaebum you looked like a lost puppy. He came closer to you kissing you on the lips quickly and putting the covers up so your body was covered.”Im so sorry i have to go now i promise ill be home soon.” You hummed with a small smile and that clearly reassured him that you were not upset as he straight away headed to the shower. You sat there alone in bed lost in your own thoughts and in less then 5 minutes jaebum was out the shower and getting dressed. 
You watched him as you sat feeling like shit. You still had his cum dripping down your thighs and onto the bedsheets. Your body was covered in marks and your hair was a mess. With a final goodbye jaebum was out the door and you were completely alone. Again. You knew jaebum wasn’t gonna be home soon. You were right.
 Before you knew it you both were in the same routine where you would barely see each other. It was starting to take a toll on you and for the first time in your relationship you felt like a decision had to be made. You couldn’t live like this any longer. 
Okay but IM SO SORRY IF THE SMUT WAS BAD. It was a struggle to write.
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Danganronpa Imagines #3
Danganronpa V2 Boys With An S/O That Has Trouble Getting Out of Bed
I'm not writing Teruteru because he makes me uncomfortable
Hajime Hinata:
Hajime will always get up in his own time, usually fairly early when compared to you
he will never rush you out of bed, though. he’ll get ready for the day and then come right to you
he’ll just kinda sit with you for a while, making sure that you stay awake more than anything.
after a while you’ve almost completely woken up, but actually getting out of bed is still a challenge
Hajime understands this, and leaves the room for a moment to bring to you breakfast. 
he’s not the best cook in the world, but as long as you have something to eat, he’s happy
“here you go, S/O. it’s not much, but I thought you could do with some food to give you energy” 
his food is actually quite a bit better than he tells you it is
after eating, you’re usually sat on the edge of the bed for a while, before you’re finally able to stand up and start the day.
Ultimate Imposter:
They usually wake up super early, as they’re used to it taking hours for them to get ready each morning
they arent quite sure what to do with all the free time they have now that they don’t have to spend ages putting on a disguise
so they come knocking at your door
all they hear on the other end is a very tired sounding “come in”
they walk in to see you, still huddled up under your covers
you let them know that you’ve acctually been trying to get out of bed for a while now. 
they look at you for a second before excusing themselves, promising to be back as soon as they can
they come back with a tray piled high with all different kinds of breakfast foods
“Teruteru was in the kitchen and was kind enough to make you a breakfast.”
they leave it on the desk on your room and bring you small pieces of food every now and then, sat on the end of your bed just talking to you
after a while you start to get up and get the food for yourself
and soon enough, you’re walking back to the kitchen with them to return the tray.
Fyuhiko Kuzuryu:
he doesnt really understand whats so hard about waking up, surely you just stand up out of bed
he thinks you’re hurt the first time you tell him that you cant
once you’ve convinced him that your fine (which takes longer than you’d expect) he just kinda sits with you for a minute
he eventually stands up. 
“well, im not going to let you sit here and pity yourself, if you cant get yourself out of bed, i’ll just have to help.”
he tries to lift you at first, this does not go well. 
then he decides to take it one step at a time by helping you sit yourself up. 
he talks to you the whole time about all the things that he has to do today
turns out the clan expects a lot of him
gradually, bit by bit, you’re sitting on the edge of the bed, just listening to Fuyuhiko talk. 
eventually, he runs out of things to say
“well, im gonna go get breakfast, you coming S/O?”
you decide that you might as well, and it never even crosses your mind that he managed to get you up so effortlessly. 
Gundham Tanaka:
he thinks you’ve been cursed like sleeping beauty and instantly tries finding a spell that could break it
he also lets the devas help, though they mostly come up to you begging for attention, at least its keeping you awake
he tries spell after spell, marking different magic circles in the carpet with his feet and proclaiming all sorts of incantations
you know that theres no use in trying to tell him that it wont work, so you just watch him
he seems so focused and in his element, like he had been waiting for this moment for forever. 
after what seems like forever, he finally gives up.
“i have tried every spell i know, S/O. it seems that this curse is too powerful even for me to break
you assure him that its fine, you actually feel a bit more woken up, and ask if he wants to go get breakfast
it takes him until after you’ve eaten to realise that the spells worked.
Kazuichi Soda:
kazuichi isn't really one to remember things like knocking all the time
so when he comes barging into your cottage as you try to will yourself out of bed, it does startle you a bit 
“woah, S/O, are you like. okay? are you sick or something”
you reassure him that you arent sick, you just have trouble getting out of bed sometimes
surprisingly, he says he understands. some days it just feels like the days gonna suck, so you dont wanna go through with it.
“but if you never actually get up and try to make the day a good one, then how are you going to prove those feelings wrong?”
he does have a good point, but you’re still finding it difficult to summon up the energy
he decides that if you cant get out of bed, he’ll do it for you
before you can even protest hes picked you up and carried you outside
it’s embarrassing, as you can see other classmates on their way to the restaurant 
he is also readily showing Sonia how strong he is by making sure she can see the two of you. 
eventually you get him to put you down, telling him that you would get out of bed if it meant he never did that again.
Nagito Komaeda:
he fully understands, of course he does
he also understands that you wouldn't drag yourself out of bed for someone as worthless as him
but he starts telling you that you should do it for yourself. 
you’re a shining beacon of hope, and you shouldn't feel like you arent even worth getting out of bed. 
his speech, as usual, isn't very effective and leads into him just being self deprecating
but this time he get’s really deprecating
to the point that you are actually beginning to grow worried
you shoot up out of bed to give him a hug
“ah, S/O is finally awake. did my little motivational speech work then?
you tell him that he can think that if he wants, you just dont want him saying those things anymore
you remind him that he’s an ultimate too, no matter how insignificant his talent may seem
you decide to go grab breakfast together, if anything just so you can make sure that Nagito’s okay.
Nekomaru Nidai:
This man has so much energy
you arent even sure if its energy anymore, he might just be that loud.
you know that its him knocking right away and sleepily call for him to come in
“hey S/O. i didnt see you at the restaurant so i thought id come see if everything is alright
you say that yeah, you’re fine, you just cant really find the energy to get out of bed
he knows just the thing. yell.
he tells you that it doesnt matter what you yell, just yell something as loud as you can and the adrenaline will start rushing in no time. 
it takes you a minute to grow comfortable with the idea, but eventually you do loudly tell him good morning.
it turns into a game, you two just yelling good morning to each other
eventually you go from sitting up, to sitting on the edge of the bed, to full on standing and jumping up and down
he was right, the adrenaline really does come rushing
you both head to the restaurant laughing, you a little more smug now that you know the key to his energy
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moon-goddess-posts · 3 years
Hi I saw your requests were open and I’d like to request maybe Kaeya comforting his s/o once they’re rejected from the knights of favonious. They’ve tried really hard to get accepted but got rejected for some reason.
Hi! I'm so sorry it took long to answer your request 😭😭 school has been pretty rough and my motivation has been dying but here it is!
Kaeya comforting s/o
Hurt/comfort, fluff, slight angst, slightly suggestive 🤨
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You trained so hard for this day, practiced everything from knightly poses to helping the city as much as you could for hardly any pay. Some told you it was over working but you desperately wanted to be accepted. You wanted to continue helping others and you longed for the next step of that. But life wasn't always fair. You were on your way to try outs, people cheered for you with their hearts believing you were more than capable to become a knight. Excitement filled your bones and nervousness kicked in as you were greeted with the Knights of Favionus doors.
With giving everything you've got in the try outs, you were sure you'd be able to get accepted. You worked so hard right? Had the gods witnessed your hard work as well? Walking back home, so many thoughts raced through your head. Days went by waiting for a note, you never gave up on waiting for a response and you dreamed of wearing the uniforms and going on so many missions. Even possibly working with your boyfriend the calvary captain, Kaeya. You had met during your practice on becoming a knight and he was impressed to say the least.
Finally after a week of waiting, a letter came in. Reality kicked in as you read the note.
"We would like to inform you that unfortunately the Knights of Favionus believed you didn't meet the requirements to become a knight. We were impressed by your mastery of your swordsmanship but it was not what we were looking for. Please don't be discouraged, there are always other try outs being hosted.
Thank you for your hard work
-Knights of Favionus"
"What...?" Confusion and sorrow began creeping in. Had this been a mistake? But your name had been at the beginning so it couldn't have been.
"Was I really not good enough?" You had worked so hard for this opportunity, had they turned a blind eye to what you've been doing? Tears started seeping out of your eyes and you didn't hold them back. So many thoughts raced through your head to the point of insanity. You were laughing hysterically as tears slipped down your face. You wanted to rip your hair out, all that training, all that practice, all those times Kaeya trained with you, the times he believed in you. It was for nothing. All of it was for nothing. Laughs turned into loud sobs, into cracked whimpers and weeps. How would you face everyone now?
You didn't leave your house for several days, completely ignoring the fact that there was people out there who need your help, who wanted to see you. Knocks were at your door but you didn't bother to answer until your heard a particularly familiar voice.
"Kaeya, he can't see me like this! Not when I'm such a wreck!"
"Hey its me Kaeya, please open your door. I know what happened and im really worried about you," his voice wasn't like usual, it had a mix of sadness and worry.
"G-give me a second please!" You rushed to the bathroom to try and freshen up, making sure he didn't notice how puffy your eyes were. You opened the door and saw kaeya, you wanted to cry again, cry into his arms, but you held in your tears.
"I'm here now..." was the only thing he said before pulling you into a tight embrace. You couldn't help but cry again, but this time it was comforting. You felt safe as you let someone finally help you, maybe that was what you were missing. The ability to ask for help in difficult situations. All this time you had thought being a knight was only helping and protecting others, but you also lacked the trust for them to have your back as well. More tears flowed out like a faucet at that realization.
Kaeya didn't dare speak a word as you both embraced each other for some time. You didn't notice being carried until you felt the familiar sensation of your bed.
"Kaeya...I dont know what to do...I worked so hard for it, I wanted to work with you as well, I wanted to help people more," choked sobs came out and Kaeya rubbed your back.
"Becoming a knight is just a title. I recognized your hard work, and so many others have. Jean was the one who made the decision, i'll talk to her about it tomorrow."
"N-no its fine i just...I dont know, was I not good enough?" You gripped his shirt.
"You were and will always be good enough my love, you've done so many good things for this city and you're so humble about it too. Even without being a knight, so many others see you as one." You were glad for Kaeya's reassurance, the tears started to slow down and you started to get sleepy.
"Stay here i'll get you water ok?"
"Mmhm..." you let him go and started getting under the covers. Few minutes later he came back with the water and some of your favorite snacks.
"Would you mind sitting up for me?" You followed his instructions and grabbed the cup of water gulping it down.
"Would you like to eat these snacks or get out of the house and order something from Good Hunter?" You've been stuck in your house for almost a week and you longed for fresh air.
"I wanna go outside." He gave you a warm smile and nodded his head.
"I'm gonna go take a shower and get ready"
"Alright ill be here if you need anything, I love you darling" Kaeya said genuinely, which made you blush.
"I-love you too," you rushed to the bathroom and he chuckled
Freshly out of the shower, you grabbed a new pair of clothes and it felt weird being in something other than pajamas. As you were about to put your shirt on you heard a knock.
"Ah, dont come in im not done changing yet!" Kaeya didn't listen though and barged in anyway.
"Kaeya! I told you not to come in!" You were blushing profusely.
"Hm? Whats wrong? No need to be shy, I've seen it all before" he smirked and walked toward you.
"Thats not the point!" He didn't seem to stop coming towards you while you covered yourself with the shirt you were about to put on. You slowly felt his hands creep over you waist and you flinched from the cold sensation.
"You always feel so warm," he whispered in your ear, now his hands going up further and his lips on your neck.
"Kaeya...I thought we were going out..."
"Haha we are, I just missed you too much. I'll be done soon..." you felt his smile on your neck and you closed your eyes. His hands, his lips, his voice, it made you realize how much you missed him too. You hung on to him waiting for Kaeya to be done with his little shenanigan. His hands and lips left your body suddenly which made you whine and he laughed.
"Shall we get going? Oh right, you still have to get dressed" he snickered.
"GET OUTT!" you shoved him out the door and he still kept laughing. You hated but loved his teasing. He hadn't even kiss your lips but you already felt so hot all over. As you put on your shirt, you hoped he'd give you more after dinner. Once you were fully dressed, you walked out the door with Kaeya.
"You look absolutely stunning" kaeya kiss your hand and you rolled your eyes, you loved him anyway.
"You better finish where you left off after you take me out." You looked at him in the eye and a smile tugged at his lips.
"Oh? After you were so embarrassed back there? Will you be able to handle it?" You playfully punched his shoulder and he laughed out.
"Are you done?" You said
"Yes yes, let's get going for real" he smiled and took your hand. You smiled back already forgetting what had happened to you.
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binunus · 4 years
college bf!jinjin
a/n yes yes yes 100x yes, here's the next installment of the college bf!astro series hehe, hope you enjoy it love 😙
{request: Would it be possible to get a college boyfriend Jinjin too?? I super loved the Bin one you did!!!! Thank you in advance 💜}
→ genre: fluff, smut
→ word count: 3k
alright theydies
jinwoo–like everyone else in astro–makes me hella hard and soft at the same time so this is gonna be fun
major: music engineer technology
i saw that one ddoca where he was directing all the members for his song and just !!! grr bark bark
literally a fucking sweetie
one of the kindest people you will ever meet in your life
his face is so gentle, especially when he smiles
and then you hear his voice and you're like woah why is it so deep and raspy hey
and then he laughs or giggles and you're like ahh that looks more like you hehe
roommates with university famous dancer!rocky bc i love rap line
such a good roommate and hyung omg
will always make sure rocky eats dinner or takes a shower before going to bed even though he’s exhausted from dance practice or whatever
always shows off how talented rocky (and the rest of the boys) is
very chill
which is a bit of a surprise to everyone bc one of his best friends is literally myungjun
anyway, how do you two meet??
you're a vocal performance major
coincidentally, the same major as myungjun
oh god so you can bet he really played matchmaker for you two
you and myungjun were doing a duet together for one of your final projects during your second year
and you two were joking around like
damn, we should record this, we sound pretty fire
*cue myungjun immediately calling jinjin*
jin: hyung why are you yelling it's literally 6 pm
anyway, it was spontaneous but you and myungjun end up going to one of the recording studios in the music building where jinwoo very often frequents at
you're like a bit shy, like wtf myungjun you didn't tell me that your friend was cute?? you would have worn something better than sweats and a tank
jin's so nice ugh, just imagine him smiling at you as he introduces himself
literally you melted
his fit? bucket hat, glasses, shorts and a tee
it was so casual, but why did he look so cute??
myungjun convinces jinwoo to let you guys record in the studio
it took him just 10 minutes to set up the equipment and everything
you were just looking at him like ooo looks so professional
sksksk im gross
myungjun goes first bc you were nervous
and yeah duh he was a natural, but you couldn't help but admire jinwoo in his prime
he looked so attractive in the producer chair just like instructing mj in the booth
he didn't even know what kind of song you guys were singing, but he directed him so smoothly so that the best parts of myungjun's voice came out
mj joking around: why's your mouth open, y/n? amazed at my voice?
you roll your eyes: sure if that's what you want to believe
your thoughts: ah haha i was totally not oogling your best friend myungjun, totally not
and then it was your turn to go in the booth
you don't know why, but you were hella nervous singing in front of them–or more so, in front of jinwoo
which is dumb bc you're literally a vocal performance major, you sing in front of strangers all the damn time
but you really wanted to impress him for some reason??
okay, you had no reason to be nervous because as soon as you opened your mouth?? jinnie?? literally awestruck
he's heard a lot of singers, obviously bc he's had to record so many of them
but you?? your voice?? a literal siren for him–but in a good way!
your singing entranced him
and then you looked out of the booth to see him just staring at you and your throat went dry
your voice cracked, you've never felt more embarrassed in your life
you: ah! oh my God I'm so sorry, that was horrendous
myungjun's laughing at you, what a nice duet partner
but jin just smiles bc you're whining and hiding your face in your hands
you were so cute??
jinwoo: it's okay y/n, you were doing really good. let's try that again, okay?
he was so sweet about it, ugh you were blushing
you end up recording again, and this time you made the smart decision to close your eyes and just try and focus on the lyrics
and shit, if jinjin wasn’t already a bit interested in you before, he definitely was now
because the way you looked completely immersed in the song and lyrics
his heart skipped like ten miles i dont know
myungjun just knew from the way jinwoo was staring at you
you didn’t get his number from the first meeting
bitch you were too shy, you just squeaked out a “thank you, hope myungjun and I weren’t too much of a bother”
jin: hyung’s always a bother, but you were totally fine
mj: hey!
anyway you leave with a bit of regret, like you should have at least gotten his snapchat or social media or something
or make a dumb excuse to try and see him again
ah but mj was already ten steps ahead of you and jinjin ;)
when you get back to your apartment, there’s a text from myungjun like
“come back to jinwoo’s studio tomorrow for the final mix of our duet”
you immediately jump at the opportunity: okay! what time?
damn could you be any more obvious??
this time you actually tried to look cute, like you were going to see jinwoo again, you couldn’t look like a rat
you get to the studio at the time myungjun told you and you’re like?? oh it’s just jinwoo here?? maybe myungjun’s running a bit late??
jinwoo: oh hey y/n! wasn’t expecting to see you again so soon
you: ???? myungjun told me to come here to listen to the final mix...
jinwoo being shy: he didn’t tell me about that haha
you’re embarrassed, about to turn on your heel and book it
maybe also thinking of murdering myungjun on the way back to your place
but then jinwoo grabs your wrist before you could leave
and you literally felt a spark at his touch, it made you jump a little bit
jin: you can stay if you want–I mean, you came all this way already, I’d be a bit of jerk if I just make you leave
you: I-uh-don’t wanna intrude
he just shakes his head with a smile: you’re not, don’t worry. besides, I’m actually working on your song right now, you can tell me what you think
and that’s how you end up hanging out with jinwoo alone in the studio
you were obviously very awkward and nervous at first
what do you say to him? should you ask him questions? what if you’re bothering him? god you don’t want to sound like an idiot
jinwoo noticed your nervousness––and yes he was nervous too, but he just hid it better than you
he hands you a pair of headphones: here, listen to what I have done so far
you’re like pleasantly surprised??? you and myungjun sound so professional?? like damn put this out on spotify or something
you’re smiling and jinwoo just feels like a huge sense of relief like phew okay you like it so far
and then you two just get to talking while he’s still mixing
you ask him how he got into music and his major and all that fun stuff
you find out that jin’s always loved music and the actual producing aspect of it, he hopes to be a music producer one day and he just flirts with you like
“hey maybe one day you can sing my songs on stage”
and you’re like ??? me??? 
jin: you have one of the best voices I’ve ever heard, it would be an honor for me
ugh jinwoo stop im blushing
you two end up ordering food and eating at the studio bc he promised himself that he wouldn’t leave until he finished your duet and you didn’t wanna leave him alone tf
you and jinwoo exchange numbers this time hehe
before you leave, he’s like “this was nice y/n, you should come over and keep me company more often :) if...you want of course”
you: i’d be happy to! just text me any time :)
internally you’re screaming like yes !! 
you can bet that you start spending a lot of your free time with jinwoo in the music studio
sometimes it’s just you two
sometimes myungjun and their other friends make appearances too
and that’s how you get introduced to their friend group
myungjun to either of you: you’re spending a lot of time with jin/yn lately ;)
about a month after meeting each other, jinwoo asks you out on a date
with the encouragement of astro
it was all expected let’s be honest
cliche first date at the movies, but like you both loved it
wouldn’t be surprised if astro was spying on you two, sitting like a couple rows behind and watching your every move
but shhh if they did, you and jinwoo didn’t notice
the transition from liking each other →  going on dates →  making it exclusive went so smoothly
you and jin were hooked on each other after the first couple meetings that it just seemed so right
myungjun will never stop saying that he’s the reason why you two are in a relationship
you and the other boys grow very fond with each other–particularly sanha
and that was important for jinwoo bc the guys are like his family and it’s basically a dream for him that his partner and friends are close too
sanha is his child do not @ me
so by osmosis, sanha becomes like your baby too
the two of you literally coddle sanha, it’s cute okay
they all go to you and jin for relationship advice sksksk
bc to them, you two just seem so made for each other :’) 
the !! sweetest !! most perfect !! boyfriend
will walk you to class in the morning even if his class is all the way across campus
and you’re like: jinwoo it’s okay, i can see you after this class, you might get late!
jin being pouty: i just wanna spend more time with you :(
im in love with jinjin
loves holding your hand, even when you two are in the studio and he’s mixing something for class or just for fun, he’s still holding your hand
whenever he makes a composition, you’re the first person he shows
really values what you think of his work
vice versa, when you have a song you need to sing, you always ask him to listen to you first
you don’t sugarcoat with each other when it comes to music
will ask you to sing literally all the time
jinwoo gives the best hugs :’)
it’s just so comforting, one of his hands strokes your hair, while the other one rubs your lower back
you know what kind of picture im creating?? yeah
ooooof baby you go with him when he gets his tattoos
you hold his hand through it the entire time even though he probably didn’t feel much pain from it
and like his big ass chest tattoo??? are you drooling??? 1000%
when jinwoo realizes that you get ??? turned on?? by his tattoos, you bet he begins to walk around shirtless in your apartment
is this my transition to down and dirty? yes it is
your first time with him was mmm rough and it’s all thanks to that chest tattoo
you and jinwoo have been steamy before, like makeout sessions and dry humping, and oral (both receiving), but the actual action of fucking? y’all haven’t done it before that night
ofc he’s being a little tease and walking around shirtless
he was always touching you though, not explicitly, but like say you were washing the dishes, he would walk past you and brush his hand passed your waist and he’d whisper in your ear like: sorry baby excuse me
and like he’s done this the whole day so just at one point you lose it and literally push him against the wall and start making out with him
ah he knew you were gonna crack
and god you were so turned on at this point that you were not having any of that soft shit, like you needed him to fuck you asap
jinwoo fucks you so hard your first time together that you couldn’t walk the next day
oh boy he likes to bite
yes he’s the sweetest, but in the bedroom?? lowkey a bit of a masochist
it’s okay bc you don’t mind a little bit of pain ;)
daddy!! kink!! i dont make the rules
will call you baby girl/boy
he’s the dom, like will very rarely let you dom him
very private with your sex life, you won’t catch him teasing you in public with other people around
and if you try, like say if you whisper daddy in his ear or something while you are hanging out with the guys, oof it’s gonna be a rough night for you
alright but studio sex
has he recorded your moans before?? or you two having sex in the booth?? yes
debatably, studio sex happens more than bedroom sex, but that’s only because most of jinwoo’s time is literally in the music building
jinwoo dirty talk !! with his sexy ass raspy voice !! 
ugh jin moaning in your ear what a good girl/good boy you are for him while he’s just fucking you
will slightly degrade you?? like yes you are his cocksleeve
but he also praises you a lot during sex too
ooh you better hope you don’t have a gag reflex bc he’s all into throat fucking
favorite position is actually missionary, believe it or not
he loves seeing you come undone for him
eye contact during sex?? yes
like he will make sure you’re looking at him when you cum, periodt
favorite place to cum is your face oops
also very much into cockwarming
most of the time, your sessions are rough just bc your vibes are like that
but when they’re soft and slow?? and like making love?? 
literally the most passionate man ever
jin makes it all about you and your pleasure when he’s being gentle
after care is full of kisses and cuddles and I love yous
always makes sure you drink water after having sex
stay hydrated kids
and jinwoo’s back to being the bestest boyfriend :’)
first i love you was when you two were in bed together
you both just woke up and were cuddling
jin was watching the video you sent him of you practicing this one song for an upcoming performance
and you were still drowsy, so you were literally drifting in and out of sleep while he was listening to your video
and jinwoo was just awestruck, he’s always been in love with your voice from the get go, but the way you executed this song? even though it was just practice? his chest was constricting
you’re like mumbling when the video stops: i still need to work more on the bridge, my tone gets a bit flat during it, right?
and he just smiles softly at you even though your eyes are closed and you can’t see him
he thought it was perfect already, you were perfect already
and he just calls your name: y/n
you: hmm??
jin: I love you
and suddenly you’re awake and meeting his eyes
they were so genuine and serious and full of love, you don’t even hesitate to say it back
honestly not the jealous type, he’s so patient and trusting and knows that you’re crazy about only him
will constantly reassure you about any of your insecurities: body, voice, school, your relationship, anything
jinwoo just has such a calming aura around him that you can’t help but feel like, as long as he’s by your side everything will be okay
the two of you have many deep talks together, especially at night before going to sleep, it’s what makes your relationship so solid
jinwoo just knew that he wanted to marry you, even early on into your relationship
there was no one that supported him more in his dreams, no one that he’s ever truly felt connected with, no one that he’s shared all his deepest fears with than you
and like after a year of dating like he couldn’t picture a future without you in it
he’s a romantic :’)
shortly before graduating, he makes a song about you and he’s actually singing in it
ugh main vocal jinjin rise
and he shows it to you in the music studio where you first met
and it’s about how much he loves you and admires you and treasures you
basically a proposal but not really
and you’re so touched, like literally moved to tears because it was so beautiful
and lowkey he was cringing at hearing his singing voice but you still loved it nonetheless
and afterwards, jinwoo was like: I wanna spend the rest of my life with you y/n, I’m not asking you to marry me right now, obviously I’ll propose to you in a better way in the future, but I’m serious about you and I can’t imagine being with anyone else.
you jump into his lap and kiss him and just keep saying I love you in between kisses
and jinwoo’s all smiley and giggly like: do you feel the same??
and you hit his arm all jokingly, yes of course you do
you just sit on his lap and he’s hugging you while the two of you are listening to more of his projects and jinwoo’s just thinking like wow I love this person so much
maybe the two of you do owe it to myungjun for playing matchmaker
i guess mj can be the best man at your wedding
y’all this was so soft??
but yes jinnie’s the best bf/husband material out there
im in love with him
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leossmoonn · 3 years
Damn Do a annie x stefan imagine with stefan helping annie explore y/n's wardrobe, basically she loves her moms clothes and stefan finds a really hot lingerie hidden - he puts annie to sleep and whoosh nsfw😌
ahhh this is so cute <3 also for the nsfw it has degradation and daddy kink so dont read if youre not ok with that lol
so annie wants to play dress up and stefan’s like “alright well, at long as we dont make a mess.”
and annie goes into your side of the closet and starts to look at the dresses, which are way too big for her but shhh. and she goes into the jewelry section and shoes
so stefan decides that while annie is picking out stuff to dress up in, he would do some cleaning on his side of the closet. its not like super messy, its just a little lol. and so while he is looking through his shoe boxes and putting shoes in them, he opens a box that had red lingerie in it and stefan’s like
“😳 ive never seen this before” and annie walks over and is like
“whats that!” and stefan closes it quickly and is like “just some old clothes of uh... mom’s”
“oh can i wear?” annie asks and stefan’s like “no, its dirty and way too uh, small for you to fit, sorry baby. but you can keep lookin through her stuff and we can have a fashion show.”
and annie’s like “ok!” and she goes back to doing her own thing and stefan opens the box again, heart racing as its two small pieces of lingerie that he was sure wouldnt cover anything. before he could get wrapped up in his thoughts tho, he sets it down and puts it away so he can focus on annie, but he knew he would confront you abt it later
and so you get home from work and stefan waits until you all eat dinner and put annie to bed before saying anything, but throughout that whole time you notice him acting sus (*among us music*— im so sorry) lol and when youre getting ready for bed you ask him whats up
youre in the bathroom brushing your teeth whike stefan is back in the bedroom and youre like
“hey, stef! you ok today?”
and stefan’s like “um, yeah, why?” and you just say “well you were just acting kind of weird. like you wanted to say something.”
and so then stefan enters the bedroom with your lingerie in his hands, a questioning look on his face. and your eyes widen and youre like “oh shit.” and hes like
“well i was fine today until i found this in one of my shoe boxes”
and youre like “hahahah yeah... oops”
and stefan goes up behind you bc youre still facing the mirror and hes like “when were you gonna show me then?”
and youre like “um... your birthday?”
and hes like “but thats not for another month. you were planning of starving me of this for a month?”
and you chuckle nervously as you feel his breath on your neck and his hands close in on your hips. “y-yeah?”
“hm, well,” he hums. “since ive found it, why dont you put it on for me now, okay, baby?”
and you check the time, seeing as it wasnt that late and youre like “alright.”
and he sets the clothing down and goes to the bed to wait for you. and so you change in the bathroom, adjusting the straps and whatnot, and so then you open the bathroom door nervously, going into a flattering pose ad you present yourself to stefan. and once he looks up and sees you— oh my god, that man is just enamored and very much turned on. he cant stop staring at you for like 10 mins and you start to get wet from his stare and so you say
“you gonna come and fuck me or just stare?”
and stefan smirks and uses his vampire speed to pick you up and toss you over to the bed. and he starts kissing you. its wet, hot, and delicious. your tongue immediately meet and there’s electricity shooting through your veins as he caresses your hips, feeling over the soft material of your lingerie.
and his lips trail down your neck and you weave your fingers through his hair, moaning softly as he sucks on your sweet spot. and then his right hand goes down to your clothed cunt, running his finger tips over your covered slit and you suck in a deep breath, whining his name
“s-stefan,” you squeak out and he just laughs mockingly and says “god your underwear is soaked and ive barley touched you. that desperate, huh? you a desperate little whore?”
and you arch your back as you feel his fingers slide under your panties and you try to speak, but your breath gets caught in your throat and he says
“use yours words, princess”
and you say in a really breathy voice “y-yeah, youre whore, daddy.”
(pls its too early to be writing this 😭)
and he smiles at you, his eyes going dark with lust. “yeah, that’s right. now be daddy’s good girl and spread your legs for me, okay?”
and you say “yes daddy.” and you immediately open them. and he then slides a finger into you, groaning at how wet you are. his right hand then goes to your breasts, massaging them through your bra. and so then you take your bra off and stefan chuckles, then diving his head down.
and as he takes your nipple into his mouth, he slides another finger into your heat, curling them and finger-fucking you. his thumb reaching up to your clit and he starts to rub the abc’s over the sensitive bud while his teeth clamp around your nipple softly, pulling slightly. and he looks up at you, getting impossibly more turned on as he sees your head thrown back in pleasure. your hand his in his hair, constantly pulling at the tufts. and your back is arched and youre trying bot to moan too loud so you dont wake up annie, but you cant help it.
and once you feel yourself nearing your orgasm, stefan starts to rub your clit faster, pumping his fingers into your harder
and youre practically screaming “stefan! stefan! o-oh, daddy, oh.”
and you thrust your hip up, riding out your orgasm. and you collapse on the bed, a sheer lining of sweat over your forehead. and stefan pulls his fingers out of your pussy, sucking his first finger. and he notices your stare and puts his middle finger in your mouth, watching as you take it all in and swirl around, tasting yourself.
he groans at the sight and takes his finger out of your mouth, going down to his belt and unbuckling it. and he looks at you as you take off your underwear and says
“you wanna do this?”
and youre “yes yes yes. please i need you.”
and he smiles and says “good. im gonna absolutely ruin you.”
and wetness starts to pool between your thighs at his words and you scoot up on the bed as he climbs up. you open your legs up wide for him, watching as he guides his dick to your entrance. he gently slides it up down your entrance, breathing in deeply as he can feel your wetness. he then looks into your eyes and you give him a nod. and then he enters you slowly, both of your moaning and groaning. he stretches you out nicely, and you fit him like a glove.
he enters you completely before pulling and then slamming into you again. your eyes go wide and youre moaning loudly, your nails digging into his shoulders.
“a-ah! stefan! ooh,” you praise him.
and he just rams into you and he hits your g-spot perfectly. you cant help but wrap your legs around his waist and dig your ankles into the base of his spine.
you feel yourself coming close and your back is arching as the knot in your belly unravels. stefan feels your walls tighten around him and his thrusts become more sloppy. and as you two cum, you put your hands on each others mouth to cover up the sounds of your moans.
you too come down from your high, stefan peeling himself off of you and collapsing beside you. you roll to face him, whining in pain. and hes like
“awe no did i go to hard?”
and youre like “no. it was perfect. really really hot. im just a little sore”
and hes like “im sorry baby. ill clean you up yeah?”
and you smile and nod and say “i should wear lingerie more often”
and stefan laughs and is like “you do that, youre getting fucked everyday”
and youre just like “oh well...” hehe
stefan conceps masterlist
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honesthammie · 3 years
Te amo
I am working on a few of the other prompts and a part 2 to prompt 4 the soulmate au I just recently got another puppy and I still have uni work to do so I'm a bit behind schedule with these and I'm so sorry. Hopefully this little kinda songfic makes up for it.
13th doctor x female reader
Warnings: swearing as usual, fluffy, sad thoughts, twist the original songs meaning, long as fuck.
Probably terrible as its my first songfic
I don't know much Spanish so some of the examples later on are Google translated and I know it can be wrong so I do apologise for any mistranslations
This is based off Rhiannas song Te Amo but I'm switching it up a little. I dont why 13th doctor came into my head when I was listening to it but it gave me this lil oneshot idea so enjoy! The picture is not mine but the rainbow effect added is done by me! Same for the picture later on.
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I've been travelling with this amazing alien for a whole year now. The adventures are always amazing if she's there! The others sometimes complain and say its boring, especially on a junk planet but to see her face light up with excitement makes my day and it well worth the dirt we cover ourselves on by the time we are done. And when she finds something that she thought was useful and it turns out, it's not her scrunch is amazing.
Okay, I'll admit it. I'm in love with this alien. I know, weird, a human and an alien together? But I can't help it! I'm completely besotted with her. If she even looks in my direction, my legs go to jelly and I get butterflies. I know, cheesy. But thats exactly how I feel around her. I barely want to touch her because I nearly fainted the last few times. And I fear she may pick up on how I'm distancing myself from her. I don't want to break her heart and leave, the thought of her look kills me as is so I'm trying to get her to kick me off.
It doesn't seem to be working though. I've been distancing myself since I found out about how I feel, which is now 6 months ago and she's trying to get me to be as close as I was with her.
I'll tell her. On one of our amazing adventures but I can't do it straight forward, it's making me sick with anxiety just thinking about it. I'll fancy it up, make her work it out. Whenever we are next to each other and the moment is right, I'll tell her in another language!
I finally get out of bed after I finished writing in my diary. I slip some comfy clothes on and head out to the TARDIS library and hope no one is there, especially her. I'll be distracted and right now, I need to concentrate. I wonder the warm halls, grateful that the TARDIS had considered my preferences. I think the TARDIS likes me more than the others because I talk to her and show her gratefulness for taking us somewhere amazing and I chat to her regularly and I try to involve her in my conversations. The others find it weird, except for the Doctor, she just smiles and joins in with me. Im still learning how to translate her but I think I've sort of got it.
I reach my hand forward and grab the aged bronze doorknob and open to the giant room. There were so many floors that an elevator had to be used to access some of them as the Doctor said "walking would literally take weeks to reach some floors". Thankfully the TARDIS organises them to make them easier to find. I looked forward and saw an interactive map in front of me. My hands touched the screen and many subjects and categories came up. Anything ranging from kiddie tales to straight up smut, I have a feeling either River or Missy are to blame for that addition.
I've never met them but the TARDIS showed me videos from her database and brought books to my attention about them. They both seem very dirty minded people so I'm not surprised those are there. I wonder if the Doctor has ever stumbled upon this section or is it for none Doctor eyes only? If she does know about them, has she ever read one? No, don't go there you stupid brain! She probably doesn't know!
I quickly stop that train of thought and catch my breath. I've never thought about those kinds of things about anyone before. Stupid Timelord, making me go all weird and think dirty things. Now my face is all red, I really hope I'm alone in here. I quickly focus back to the task at hand, finding a new language to learn. The TARDIS seemed to know where to go and blue arrows appeared, guiding me to the right section in what could be a maze.
As I walking, I felt excitement rise within me. What if she felt the same way? What if she was impressed by how far I wanted to go just to say those 3 words? Would her hazel honey eyes sparkle with delight? Would she scronch her nose in amazement?
Before I knew it, I'd arrived at the language learning section and there were many alien languages but the TARDIS seemed to have a better idea of what would be perfect for me as a white hardback book fell off the 4th shelf onto the wooden floor. I picked it up and noticed how smooth the cover was and how old yet unused it looked. The white was a little off, almost a dull cream from ageing which made the gold writing harder to read. The title was simple:
Spanish basics and need to knows.
I did always find Spanish in school fun to learn, more than French or German anyway and I don't wanna stereotype this into a typical French is the language of romance. I never really found it romantic sounding compared to Spanish.
I picked up the book and quickly flicked through to the right page and took a note on my phone as to what the translation was and put the worn book away. I quietly thanked the TARDIS and rushed out of the library and back into my room where I could practice without getting caught.
A few weeks have passed since I picked up the new words and practiced them until I was confident and had the TARDIS' approval that I was saying it right. Today the Doctor wanted to take us to this party in the 18th century and we all decided to dress for the part once we landed.
Yaz was wearing a beautiful black and red ballroom gown, accented with little bows around the bottom and lace cuffs. She had her black hair curled into a ponytail. It was simple and cute, much like her style normally. Graham and Ryan wore similar suits but Graham wore green accents and Ryan wore yellow accents.
I let the TARDIS pick my dress. She picked a black and dark blue ballroom gown with blue roses on the bottom. It had black lace underneath and blue lace as the cuffs. The gown also seemed to glitter slightly in the light making me sparkle very subtly. I put my comfy boots on as you couldn't see my shoes as I walked anyway so why did it matter? With all the running we do, I'm not risking my ankles with heels, thank you very much. I had my (h/c) hair in (fave style). It suited my dress perfectly.
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I nearly choked on oxygen when I saw how hot the Doctor looked in her suit. It took me a few moments to realise we match. We both blushed at the realisation. Of course the TARDIS makes us match! No wonder why she was more than eager to help me pick an outfit! Stupid sentient ship, shipping us already!
I quickly cleared my throat and complimented everyone on how amazing they looked but I just couldn't take my eyes off the Doctor for long. She was like a magnet for my eyes. Someone help before she realises!
"Don't we all look brilliant? Perfect for the party! 18th century Yorkshire to be exact! What a great century for you guys. Now then, this party is for Nobles and higher, as per usual in these times. Ryan, I suggest you keep in mind about any racist comments that may come out. But as long as you say your Graham's personal butler, you should be welcomed with little resistance. And Yaz, I want you to be (y/n)'s personal maid. That does mean you'll have to follow your so called "masters" around and do anything they ask unfortunately and Graham, (y/n), please act like the others around you and use them. Unfortunately this is the only way all 5 of us can join the party. You'll be fine as long as you bite your tongues. Now the Noble Edward Collins is the host so be sure to thank him for inviting you, even though you technically weren't. And try not to get too drunk, I know what you humans are like! Now follow me." The Doctor explained. I was going to tell the Doctor today, but I guess, I'll have to wait.
The Doctor opened the doors and we were in a cupboard under some gorgeous marble stairs. As we walked towards the party I noticed some family portraits along the walls. They were a very beautiful looking family. The mother had long blonde hair and pale blue eyes. The father was buff, long brown hair and daring brown eyes. There were two children, a girl and a boy. The girl had long brown hair and sparkling blue eyes, whilst the son had blonde hair and brown eyes. They also had a brown greyhound dog laying by the sons feet. The son must be the host, Edward. He looked not much older than 10 in the last painting but the daughter was no where to be found in the portrait and theu all looked mournful. Is she dead and is that the picture capturing the moment of grief? Why would anyone want that? It's so strange, even for this time period.
The Doctor held me and Yaz close, stopping us in our tracks. My heart was racing at the simple touch. But as soon as the touch was there, it was gone. "I hope its okay with you (y/n) but you're going to have to be married to someone."
My heart stopped for a moment and I nearly choked on air. "What? Why?"
"Because women like yourself would have been married as young as 13 or 14. Now your only choices are me and Graham. You can't choose Ryan as he's supposed to be a butler and you can't choose Yaz as she's your maid. The choice is yours, I just need to know wether or not I should refer to you as my darling wife or not?"
What. The. Fuck.
Why did her even calling me that l, turn me on? Obviously, I'm going to choose her but I'm going to have to perfect my reasoning here.
"As much as I love Graham, it's going to be awkward if I have to kiss him or anything because he's like my grandad! I guess you'll do Timelord. Come on then husband, we don't want to be late to the dancefloor!" I spoke clearly hoping she didn't notice how excited I actually was to have even a hint of a relationship with her. It may be fake but ill take anything when it comes to her.
We arrived at the welcome committee and handed our cards over, aka the psychic paper. We were going as Mr and Mrs (last name). The Doctor was holding my hand this entire time and it's driving me insane. I don't know if she can feel my racing pulse under her fingers but if she can I hope she puts it down to excitement! We walked down the most grandest staircase you would ever lay your eyes on.
First we walked around, greeting everyone as they came up to us or if she dragged me to someone she knew, but not personally. She was cute when she was fangirling over these people. Yaz found it annoying as she just wanted to party but I couldn't help it. The way her eyes shimmer with recognition was more beautiful than any galaxy she could ever take us. Sometimes her eyes flickered with admiration and it did make me have jealousy for just a moment before I remembered, I'm staying with her and they aren't .
As the party moved on we met the host Edward. He looked a lot different than in his paintings. He was around 20 years old now and his blonde hair was below his shoulders. He looked a lot like his father with his muscley build. And he was very charismatic which I did not like as he poured all his charm into the Doctor. Does everyone here know that he's gay or does he see through the Doctors disguise? Either way, it was rubbing me the wrong way. I quickly excused myself with Yaz and walked into the bathroom.
"I did not like him. I do not like this Edward guy. Something about him rubs me completely wrong. He's handsome but something is telling me he knows the Doctor isn't a man."
"I felt the same way. He knows something we don't. Before we go out there again, do you mind if I ask you a question?" Yaz asked. My mind was racing a hundred miles an hour. She knows. The jig is up with Yaz. "How do you feel about her, honestly? One minute you 2 are inseparable, then you distance yourself and now you are a nervous wreck around her! I won't judge but I just want to make sure my theory is correct."
Shit. I guess I really was obvious. Does she know?
"If your theory is about me falling hopelessly in love with the Doctor then you'd be correct. I can't help it. I'm going to tell her how I feel without being completely stupid. I just need a right moment to say it." I spoke with a heavy sigh. Hopefully, Yaz can help create that moment thay I need. She nods her head and opens the door. We walk back to the Doctor and notice Edward has gone to other guests and she was talking to Graham. I looked around and saw Ryan flirting with a pretty lady near the food table. Why am I not surprised?
A few hours had passed and the Doctor seemed bored with standing and talking so I made a plan in my head. I grabbed her hand and pulled her to the dancefloor as the next song came on. I didn't quite know how to dance properly but I knew the basics if it. She has to lead and I simply follow suit. It took a few moments but I got the hang of it with the Doctors help. Soon we were dancing so gracefully underneath the most beautiful candelabra that lit up her face perfectly.
Her hair swayed to our perfect dance ever so gently. Her eyes sparkled with amusement and her lips were in a permanent smile. She even laughed a couple of times. Then as the music slowed down to a pace that was perfect, I grabbed her waist and looked her. My heart was going crazy and my legs were about to buckle but I had rehearsed my lines. I can do this.
"Hey Doc. Its been an amazing time with you but I can't continue this without being honest with you. But everytime I get close, I back down in fear. So I'm going to let you figure it out. Doctora te amo. Entiendo que si no sientes lo mismo y me iré si quieres. (Doctor i love you. i understand if you don't feel the same way and i'll leave if you want.)" I spoke with as much passion and intention as I could. I looked into her eyes and saw her confused and trying to work out what I said. I would find it cute if my heart was beating right out of my chest. "Well, I've had a great time but I'm fucking knackered. I'm calling it night. I'll be heading to the TARDIS if you need me."
"I'll come with ya. I'm knackered as well and we both need each other to undo the corsets and mine is starting to hurt a little bit. How we used to do this for a full day, everyday, is beyond my understanding. As beautiful as we look, I don't think its worth the pain this will bring in the morning." Yaz spoke with a slight mumble as proof of her mental state and finishing with a yawn. I chuckled at her state and walked back to the TARDIS with a small amount of chat along the way.
She is right though. These corsets really do hurt you after a while, I'm glad I chose not to wear heels or else I'll be fucked for in the morning. I would literally scream. I think the Doctor had the right idea in wearing a suit, no pain. I do feel bad for leaving her but I just need some space after basically admitting everything that's been built up within me for too damn long. Maybe I should tell Yaz how it went and maybe she can help determine if the Doctor is happy or not.
We walked back into the wardrobe room and I helped Yaz out of her corset. She immediately sighed in relief. She finished getting herself into comfy clothes and started to untie my ribbon.
"So did you tell her?"
"Sort of. I basically told her everything but in Spanish. I just hope it doesn't change anything, except in a positive way, of course! If she wants me gone, I've told her that it's fine and I understand. She's very socially awkward and as cute as I find it, it may not help me in this situation. Do you have any clues on how she may react once she figures it out?"
Yaz stopped untying my corset for a moment and placed 1 finger upon her chin in thought. Her eyes were almost shut and seemed almost completely black in the light. After what seemed like forever, she took her finger off her chin and beamed a toothy smile. Her eyes sparkled as she remembered something and seemed to gleam slightly menacingly. A smirk replaced her smile soon after.
"There's a few times she's shown affection towards you. And I mean romantic affection. She always chooses to hold your hand over anyone else's if given the choice. She always steps I'm front of you when an enemy threatens to kill us all or hurt us in anyway. When you go wandering around on your own, she's terrified thats she's lost you forever to an enemy we don't even know of!" Yaz starts explaining carefully as if she's worried on how to word it.
"Those are just friendly affec-"
"I wasn't done. I was warming up." Yaz interrupts me as I was about to go into a self deprecating speech on how I'm just a friend to everyone and never a lover. "She always looks to see your face on adventures because she secretly loves your reactions, bad or good. When the Master revealed himself, she looked straight at you for support on how she should react. When she came back from the Kasavin, she ran straight to you and made sure you were ok first before any of us. When we were in the Tsungra medical ship, the first person she asked for was you! Whilst she was unconscious on board the ship, she kept mumbling your name, over and over again. When she saw how gorgeous you looked today, I thought she'd take you right there on the spot! She fucking loves you (y/n)! You're just so unbelievably blind to it all!"
Yaz was almost red with rage. Did she really do all that, for me? The TARDIS mustve read my mind and seemed to hum positively in reply. If everything Yaz said is true then she'll be so happy about it and maybe we can be a thing! But then again, maybe losing so many in a similar position as me will turn her away. Maybe her soul is awry and she's asking why right now.
Once I had gotten changed I went to sleep almost straight away, I suppose all that dancing and social ques having tired me out more than I thought.
I woke up to a soft knock on my door. I rubbed my (e/c) eyes and told them I'd be a few minutes as I've only just woken up. It wasn't until I finished brushing my (h/c) hair that I remembered what happened yesterday. All the panic rushed within me at once and I nearly threw up. I took several deep breaths and opened the door.
"GRAHAM THANK FUCK ITS YOU!" I almost shouted at him. He looked a little bewildered for a moment before he seemed to remember what brought him here in the first place.
"Hello Love, I'm here because Doc wanted to speak with you privately in the library. She says that the TARDIS will guide you to her location. She seemed a little off after you and Yaz left. Did something happen? Is everything ok?" Graham asked cautiously. He must be so confused.
"Sort of. I'll explain more when I get back but what do you mean by "a little off"?"
"Well she seemed lost in all sense of the word. She kept muttering "Te Amo" all the time. She was all over the place aswell. She got me and Ryan back here not long after you guys. Something about not trusting Ryan to not get alcohol poisoning without her around. She hasn't really left the library since if I'm honest. She's been in there for 12 hours. I only know she wants you because she whattsapped me on my phone. Whatever is going on, please sort it out, she's starting to really worry me. She hasn't been the same since that Master guy came around." Graham spoke clearly, albeit confused. I nodded my head and walked in the opposite direction to him and hoped the TARDIS would take me there quicker than normal. I want to treat this like a plaster, rip it off in one go.
Sooner than I realised, I grabbed the all too familiar door knob of the library. I took a deep breath and walked in. A blue line appeared towards the interactive map. I awakened the console and I saw a black screen with a few words on it. It looked like a message with how it was presented.
Hello (y/n)! Don't walk until you calm. Breath deeply and try not to panic. I promise you, all will work out in the end. I see more than you realise and I know my thief better than anyone whoever stepped foot into my being. I know of her main problem about the situation. If she loves you, drink this. It won't hurt, she'll know what it is.
I should have been surprised by this new knowledge that she could speak to me, in a way, but I've seen so much and I am so tender hooks so I didn't take much notice of it. I quickly sat down and tried to control my breathing. After about 5 or so minutes, I felt calm enough to finally meet up with her and hear what she has to say.
I followed the blue line carefully until I spotted her in a comfy room. She mustve gotten changed at some point as she was wearing her usual rainbow outfit, minus the jacket. She was sat on a deep purple sofa, legs curled into her body. Her shoes were on the carpeted floor underneath her, seemingly forgotten for the moment. There were many books surrounding us from many cultures and spieces. One wall had a cozy wood burning fireplace crackling within the silence that surrounded us.
Her face was scrunched within deep thought. Her eyes sparkling with an emotion that I couldn't quite put my finger on; hope, sorrow or excitement? Her lips had a small smirk gracing them and her teeth had bitten a small part of it. Her hands were holding a book in a way where I couldn't quite see what it was.
I didn't want to disturb her as she looked so ethereal with the warm glow of the fire highlighting her in the perfect way. Unfortunately, it's plaster time and I wanted this sorted sooner rather than later. I took a deep breath took in the picture for memory.
"Hey, Graham said you wanted to talk to me? Is everything ok?" I asked gently and as softly as I could so she was carefully brought out of her little world. I didn't want to scare her. She raised her eyes from her book for a moment and bookmarked the page she was at with a little TARDIS paperclip. She placed the book on the table at the side of her and patted the seat next to her.
As I sat down my nerves were through the roof. She gave nothing away as she stared at me for a minute, as if assessing something about me.
"Why are you so nervous? Calm down. You are right, It is to do with last night. You left pretty abruptly after basically confessing your feelings to me. I was so confused, not just about what you said but about myself and what I wanted to do about you." The Doctor spoke monotonously. Did she mean get rid of me? "I had to first of all, find out what you said, well done on learning a new language by the way, one even I'm not fluent at. I'm guessing the old girl had something to do with that idea. Not that, you aren't smart enough but you don't know what languages I do or don't know."
The Tardis seemed to chuckled at the accusation and I simply nodded my head. "I wanted to buy myself time and to impress you."
"You impressed me a long time ago Miss (l/n). That is just a cherry on top. After I figured out what you said, no thanks to my old friend here, I went through a lot of thinking. I've not been in many relationships and you know my history regarding the ones I have been in. You know, River and Missy? And I have such a bad past with it ending in nothing but tears for me. I always lose those I care for deeply." She spoke with tears spilling from her gorgeous eyes. I grabbed her face gently and wiped away the stray tears that managed to escape their home.
"That was when you were a man. You're a woman now, everything is so different. Relationships can be heartbreaking. I know what you're main problem is and the TARDIS has a solution to that. I just need you to tell me the truth. How do you feel about me? Do you want me to stay or not?" I stated holding the small shot glassed amount of liquid in my hand. The liquid was golden and sparkled slightly in the light. There were specks of orange and silver within it and it was as hot as a nice cup of (hot drink). Her eyes sparkled with hope and shock. Her lips were smiling wide. And she seemed to giggle at the sight of it. She held it for a moment as if examining it like a rare artefact, maybe it was. Either way, I trust her judgement and if she's happy about it, then so am I. Once she had analysed the drink, she practically leapt into my arms and pushed me down on my back. She smelled of custard creams and the TARDIS which was odd but completely her and I couldn't imagine her smelling any other way.
"That does solve our problem! What she has just given you is the rarest liquid in the universe seeing as only one thing in the entirety of space can produce it. That drink is known as the nectar of the chosen ones. It's rare as the race that used to make them has practically gone extinct. There's only 3 left in the known universe and you're living in one. That drink is the blood of the TARDIS. It grants you immortality if you drink it. It is said to resemble your favourite beverage no matter who you are. However, it only lasts 100 years and you must drink it every century or else your body clock will kick in and you will age and be as mortal as you are now." She speaks with a warning as we sit up holding holds.
"I have no problem with that. I would sacrifice everything if it meant I got to call you mine. Just please tell me and I'll drink it." I told her with adoration in my eyes.
She held me close and planted a soft and gentle kiss to my lips. It was short but it sent more fireworks than you can imagine through my body. I knew I had found her. She grabbed my waist and whispered next to my ear:
"Te Amo"
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