#which finally all came together into a nasty asthma attack
dragontamer05 · 1 year
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Look I don't disbelieve that being out in the dead of winter, including having to bathe outside and any mounting stress caused his Asthma to flare up.
However I do think it's a missed opportunity to bring back up his previously mentioned Cat Allergy.
My boy has literally been living in close proximity to a -big- cat for several days (week? don't remember how much time had passed) at this point. Even if frequently kept in a cage/away from the others there is still likely going to be fur every where, especially considering he went into Beast's tent and hid in her trunk, which those clothes are gonna be covered in fur/dander.
Like if Sebastion's brief contact with the Tiger was enough for Ciel to want to be wary and keep his distance till he cleaned off then literally living in a close environment with said animal it's a wonder he's not at least sneezing more while there.
They could have had Sebastion asking the Doctor, after mentioning possible causes for a Asthma flare up/ to return after not having had one for several years,
"What about allergies?"
Or maybe later when Ciel tries to convince everyone he's fine now and that Obviously it was because he'd spent too much time around that Tiger, but now that they're a way from the Circus he'll be fine.
Idk do something with that
You make a point to bring up / remind us of his cat Allergy at the start of the arc and then give us Ciel having an Asthma attack but don't think to connect the two?
Especially cause right before the attack as I mentioned he was in Beast's tent, and had to hide in her trunk of clothes/stuff that any one who has a cat even if you've cleaned it there's always gonna be fur every where always.
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lost-girl-2021 · 1 year
OMG THAT ASTHMA ATTACK ASK WAS HEART-WRENCHING!!!! Could we maybe have a part two?
Okay, no Quaritch in this causeeee Idk, this is how it ended up. I can also write another part where we get a Quaritch moment if people are interested, but this is it for now cause I gotta get ready for my step-brother's rehearsal dinner loll.
The first thing Spider saw when he woke up was Lo'ak. The boy was using Spider's legs as a pillow, drool seeping into the bedspread. He blinked, snorting quietly. At his other side, Kiri looked nearly identical to her brother, red hair in a mess around her face as she, too, drooled onto Spider's blanket. At least she had the decency to lean against the bed itself and not his legs, which had grown a little tingly.
He looked around the room, sighing softly. He recognized the children's wallpaper and monitor covered in stickers from a nasty bout of the flu when he was ten. He was in the hospital. Worse than that, he was stuck in the children's wing of the hospital. He pushed Lo'ak off of his legs as gently as he could with shaky hands, his chest feeling sore as hell when he sat upright. He rubbed his eyes, taking in a deep breath right as the door opened.
Mrs. Sully— Doctor Sully, in that moment —looked pissed. Which really wasn't anything new when it came to Spider. If anything, it was pretty normal. He'd gone to great lengths to avoid the woman altogether since starting high school. But, with Lo'ak on one side and Kiri on the other, he had no way to escape her glare.
"I would think that after nine years with it, you would know to keep your inhaler on you at all times." She finally said as she reached the foot of his bed.
Great, I'm surrounded by Sully's.
"I'm . . . sorry." He whispered, feeling pathetic as he said it. He really had been stupid— it was stupid of him to forget something he literally depended on to survive.
Mrs. Sully tsked, shaking her head. "Do not forget again, Spider."
He nodded solemnly, glancing down at his friends again. "Um . . . I know that Kiri volunteers here, but why is Lo'ak . . . ?"
The woman rolled her eyes. "Kiri told them when you were brought in. He hasn't left your side since. 'Teyem only left because he had to drive Tuktirey home."
"They . . . " He looked through the window at the dark sky. "They've been here all day?"
"Yes. Jake left to speak with your parents." Her face twisted once more. "They claimed they could not leave work to be with you."
Ouch. Spider hadn't thought they would stay at his bedside— not that he'd expected anyone to stay with him —but they hadn't even stopped by? He tried to hide his frown.
The doctor sighed. "Your . . . he wanted to stay with you, but the social worker didn't think it was appropriate. Given the reason behind your attack, I didn't think it was either."
That seemed . . . odd, though. Because, Spider remembered . . . he remembered Quaritch in the car. And Spider hadn't been— well, he'd been panicking and losing consciousness, but, for a moment, it had felt . . . nice. He'd been holding him and pushing the ever-crazy hair from his face. Mr. Sully was in the front seat, shouted words mushing together. And Spider had felt weirdly . . . safe.
He didn't know what to make of that.
Lo'ak stirred from his sleep, blinking up at Spider with red-tinged eyes. A smile split across his face and in the next moment, Spider was smushed against a bony chest, arms tight around him. The jostling woke Kiri, who immediately wrapped around his back, pinning the shorter boy between them.
He laughed, grinning into the jumble of arms. It didn't really matter what Quaritch had done, because Spider would never feel safer than he did surrounded by his friends.
@brakke-dino @onlyreadz
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itskateak · 4 years
Mint Ice Cream & Bubblegum Kisses - Chapter Six
(Bucky Barnes x Single Dad!Reader)
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Chapter Summary: Bucky offers to help Y/N take Peter Parker and Angelica out for the day since they've been causing chaos and getting into trouble. The hiking trail behind the compound seems like the perfect place.
Word Count: 3.8K
Warnings: Some Language (Sam and Bucky were military men shh), Sam Wilson being a great friend and actual character instead of a 2D support, Anxiety attack, Mentions of time-correct homophobia, Fluff, Sam and Bucky being Bros, Sam Wilson being an Ally
A/N: For those who don't know, my best friend is in the hospital and I had to take a break from being online and writing for a bit. He's doing great right now and is getting much better :) - also, I know I have a thing for Bucky and that log crossing a river. Okay just let it happen. It's cute. 
And as a final side note, I really hope I’m putting more character into Sam Wilson. I wanted to expand on Bucky and Sam’s friendship more in this chapter and to build Sam as an actual character. I’ve read countless stories where he’s just a prop to get Bucky and the reader together or to just be Best Friend to Bucky and go along with anything. Sam Wilson is his own person and I really, really hope that he’s got some life in him in this one. Feedback on that would be nice if anyone wants to give it :)
Taglist is open! PM me, send an ask, or @ me on a chapter to let me know you’d like to be tagged! Strikethrough means I couldn’t tag you, but I will send you a message with a link to the new chapter when I update. :)
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Y/N checked his messages quickly, head tilted as he waited for it to update. Over weekends, he decided to work three hours each day to make sure nothing important and time-sensitive came in. He was close to the end of those three hours, which wasn't eventful at any point. Just low-level information relating to other movements that he'd already taken note of earlier that week.
He watched the few messages come in and glanced over them. Nothing seemed to be important other than Gamora saying that they would be stopping by to drop off Peter Quill for a recovery period. Something about an injury he gained through his own stupidity. He responded with a confirmation and said that Monday afternoon would be best since the landing strip would be clear.
"Do you have a minute?" Bucky called from the doorway. He smiled, but it looked a little forced. His posture was closed off and he looked physically tense.
"Always. What's up?" Y/N pushed away from his desk and closed the programs on his screen since he didn't need them anymore.
"Uh...I'm kind of...having an anxiety attack or something." Bucky said though it sounded more like he was questioning himself. He ducked his head sheepishly for a moment. "And Steve and Sam are not here and I dunno what to do."
"Oh. Okay." Y/N was taken by surprise for a moment. "Uh, come on in. Let's see if we can calm you down."
Bucky nodded and sat rigidly on the edge of the couch, his arms wrapping around his stomach. His fingers bunched up the fabric of his shirt and he gasped suddenly. He cracked a slight smile and snorted. "Didn't realize I was holding my breath."
"Breathing's important, Bucky. Do you know what set this off?" Y/N asked, pulling his chair up to the side of his desk and giving his full attention to Bucky.
"Loud noise. Not even sure what it was. It took me off-guard and...then I fell off the obstacle course." Bucky grimaced and took a deep breath, his eyes closing for a moment. "I...have a fear of fallin'. Ever since I fell off the train."
"Is it the height or the feeling of falling itself?" 
"The feel. I hate it." Bucky wrinkled his nose up in disgust. "I can still remember the feeling of my stomach in my throat."
"Hey, don't think about that. No need to get yourself even more worked up." Y/N paused, trying to find a random question to distract him with for a little bit. Maybe taking his mind off the things causing him anxiety would help calm him down. "Tell me about something Steve did in school. Did he ever get into big trouble?"
"Oh, yeah. This one time - it was like sixth grade, I think - he nearly got us suspended for a week. Johnny Sarsburg, a boy in our class who picked on Stevie for being short, was this tall and burly kid. Real jerk of a guy." Bucky moved his arms and laced his hands together. He leaned forward, resting his forearms on his thighs. "One day, Steve got fed up with all the nicknames. Shorty Stevie, Munchkin Man...they went on and on. So, Stevie stood up to him. Thank God I was there, though."
"Don't tell me he tried to kick this kid's ass." 
"He tried to kick the kid's ass." Bucky nodded with a tone full of disappointed frustration.
"Oh, no." Y/N snickered behind his hand. 
"So, it was recess and Johnny came up to us. Stevie tried to hide behind me for a second, but I shoved him away. Johnny started picking at him and picking at him. Steve straightened up and clenched his fists, looked Johnny in the eye, and said: I may be short, but I'll always be a bigger man than you." Bucky laughed, breaking out into a smile for the first time. He ran a hand through his hair. 
"He didn't!" Y/N could see Steve Rogers, the man who had no regard for his own personal safety and hated bullies, doing something so ridiculous but just so...Steve.
"He did! Johnny didn't like that so much, so he cocked back his fist and came at Steve. Stevie tried to fight back, but he really wasn't a fighter back then. Just looking at a running track could make him break into an asthma attack and thinking about lifting a book could've snapped his spine."
Y/N snickered, shaking his head. Bucky was looking far more relaxed than he did when he came in. His shoulders weren't rigid and he wasn't gasping for breath. Though, it looked like his hands were slightly trembling still. "So, how'd it turn out?"
"At some point, I grabbed Steve around the waist and tried to haul him away. But Johnny didn't like that either, so he went after me. Now, I was a bit of a troublemaker so I knew how to fight. I wasn't lookin' to get into trouble, but Stevie had dragged me into a mess. Had to clean it up, like I do now." Bucky winked and chuckled. "The teachers had to come break it up and we had to explain what happened. Johnny was suspended for a week and our parents said they'd punish us at home, so we got off easy." 
"Even at home?"
"Oh, no. My dad was pissed and Stevie's mother almost hung him out with the laundry. But at least we weren't suspended like Johnny was." He leaned back against the couch and sighed. "Did you just distract me?"
"Maaaaybe. How're you feeling?" Y/N laughed and checked the clock. His time was up which meant the rest of the day was his to do whatever he wanted.
"Better. Not like I'm choking on my own air, at least. I'm still wired, though." Bucky held his right hand up to show how it was still shaking a bit.
"Wanda told me about a hiking trail behind the compound. We could go check that out and get Peter and Angelica outside for a bit. If you're up for that, of course." Y/N offered. He secretly hoped Bucky would take him up on the offer. He wanted the chance to talk to him more when they were both completely sober.
"That sounds...great, actually. Besides, I don't think you could wrangle both of them on your own." He said with a teasing lilt and stood. "I'll find Peter and meet you downstairs."
"I need to shut my computers down first." Y/N pushed his chair back and moved his mouse to wake his monitors. "If you find my kid before I do, send her my way."
"Roger that."
✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ ... ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ ... ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ 
Peter was walking a few feet ahead with Angelica on his back, bouncing her every so often to make her squeal and laugh. There was a light breeze rustling through the branches of the trees, which were providing the right amount of shade from the late autumn sun. The weather was that perfect balance of warm and cool. Just right for a light jacket. The trail wasn't well used, evidence provided by the undergrowth creeping along the edges of the path, threatening to overtake it. 
Y/N and Bucky were casually talking as they followed the kids. The conversation flowed easily between them like they'd been friends for years. 
"So, she's how old, again?" Bucky asked, hitching his chin toward Angelica.
"Eight. Nine next Wednesday." Y/N smiled wistfully, watching his daughter shoot a bright smile at him over her shoulder. He'd been so afraid that this move would've negatively affected her and caused her to be miserable. But she had never looked happier or carefree. She'd always been a solemn little girl with many worries on her shoulders.
"She's growin' fast, huh?" Bucky smiled, too, shaking his head as another loud squeal floated back to them.
"Too fast. She's always gonna be my little girl, though." Y/N glanced up as a couple of birds flitted from one tree to the next. "I'm glad she's happy here and finding her place. She doesn't say it, but I know she feels like an outsider sometimes."
"Why's that?" Bucky asked, sinking his hands into his pockets.
"I know she feels out of place among friends a lot. The fact her mother isn't around and she doesn't have a second parent...some kids can be really mean about that." He sighed. "And it's not like that's her fault. But she feels that way and I don't know how to help her."
"Why would she think it's her fault?" Bucky stepped closer as if he knew the topic needed to be kept quieter to not disturb the girl a few feet ahead.
"I don't know where she got the idea, honestly. Her mother did leave a note when she left and part of the reason she left...well, Angelica wasn't exactly planned." Y/N muttered the last part to make sure it didn't reach his kid. He loved her, he really did. At first, he'd been terrified at the prospect of being a father when he wasn't ready. But the moment he held that little girl in his arms, he was smitten. "And her mother said some...nasty things in the letter about her."
"I can't imagine how that would've been for you." Bucky gave a sympathetic grimace. "Sorry, I didn't mean to bring up bad memories."
"No, it's okay. I don't talk about it much because it's in the past and we're doing great without that woman." He shrugged and smiled. "I kept the letter, though, as precautionary measures in case she ever decides to come back and fight for custody. I doubt that would happen, really, but the court system is so messed up and might not rule in favor of me despite the fact I've raised her."
"If a court of law can see how much you love that kid and how much she loves you and is happy with you and still not let her stay with you, then I might have to return to my vigilante days." Bucky joked, though he sounded and looked serious.
"Bucky, no."
"I'd do it."
"I know, but no." Y/N laughed and shook his head. "Thanks for the offer, but I think an appeal would work better."
"Okay, you have a point," Bucky said. "So, I've never asked but what got you on the team? Steve didn't tell me and Stark won't because he's still mad about game night five months ago."
"I caught four embezzlers in the compound by hacking into the hidden servers that keep backups of pretty much everything, even if it's been wiped from the main servers. I would've gotten away with it if I hadn't tripped the single silent alarm monitored by FRIDAY. Tony promoted me shortly after I handed the information over to Grace Stevens in accounting." Y/N explained with a smile. "I thought I was fired or being thrown in jail. Those were the most terrifying few minutes of my life."
Bucky whistled. "That's impressive. Even Nat couldn't get through Stark's security lines to retrieve deleted footage of him drunkenly singing karaoke in his lab."
"I might have to go digging for that to earn a favor from Nat." Y/N took his phone out and made a reminder, causing Bucky to start laughing. His eyes crinkled up at the corners with his bright smile. "Oh, Pete, be careful! That might be slippery!"
Peter was halfway across the large fallen tree trunk over the moderately moving river. He turned his head to listen to Y/N and nodded, shifting his grip on Angelica. He moved slower then, watching his footing to make sure they didn't fall.
"So, we're gonna cross that?" Bucky asked, eyeing the log warily. Falling. He hates falling. That's right, Y/N thought. Of course, he'd be uncomfortable with something like this because he might fall.
"I guess. Wanda said there's lakeside access across the river and down the path." Y/N stopped at the tree, watching to make sure the kids made it across safely. He trusted Peter, considering the kid was a literal superhero and gymnast, but he was also a dad and his Dad Instincts were kicking in. "You gonna be okay with crossing?"
"If I don't fall, I will," Bucky forced a smile, but Y/N could see the anxiety behind it. 
"Here, take my hand. We'll cross together and we'll go slow. I'll make sure you won't fall." Y/N held his hand out to Bucky and tried his best to ignore the small jolt of electricity that shot through his veins when Bucky accepted it. "Come on."
"If I fall, I'm dragging you with me," Bucky said with a joking tone, but there was a shake to his voice as he stepped onto the log after the man holding his hand.
"Valid." Y/N snorted before focusing on where he was putting his feet. He couldn't slip and risk giving Bucky a heart attack. He was trusting him to get him across this river safely. "If you need to stop at any point, just tell me and we can."
"Nope. Just keep moving even if I start to freeze up because if I stop, I won't move again." Bucky was able to flash a quick lopsided smile even though he was doing something that ultimately terrified him. 
"You got this, Bucky!" Angelica shouted from the other side, bouncing on her feet like a highly-caffeinated bouncy ball. "You're almost there!"
Y/N grinned to himself. Leave it to his kid to become a cheerleader for them without even knowing that Bucky really needed that encouragement. He swore his daughter had supernatural abilities of knowing what someone needed when they needed it. When she was much younger, there had been nights where he was stressed about making ends meet and she would crawl into his lap and hug him tightly until he forgot what was bothering him.
Lost in thought for just the brief moment spelled ruin for him. His foot slipped on a wet spot and he lost his balance.
Bucky grabbed his arm and pulled him back, keeping him steady until he regained his footing. He chuckled. "Jeez, Y/N. I thought you'd be saving me from falling and not the other way around."
"You're lucky I'm nice 'cause I would've just shoved you off this log and let you wash down the river." Y/N retorted though he couldn't keep his expression stern and a smile broke out. "So, that spot's slippery. Be careful."
"Oh, I was just planning to plant my foot on it and run the rest of the way." Bucky teased, appearing way more at ease than Y/N expected he would. Maybe that's what happens when someone has to save their non-fearful friend from falling.
Once they were on the other side and on solid ground, there was a pause of silence between everyone before they all burst into laughter.
"Mr. Barnes, your face when Mr. L/N slipped! You were so surprised!" Peter bent over, trying to catch his breath. 
"Y/N, I thought you were a goner for a moment. And if I hadn't already had a hand on you, I probably would've just let you fall." Bucky was barely able to speak through his laughter, smile so wide his eyes were crinkled up. 
"Oh, I see how it is!" Y/N acted offended. "See if I ever team with you on game nights again."
"Ooh, he's serious." Angelica giggled, wiping tears from her eyes. 
"I'm sorry, Y/N but I was not risking falling just to save you if I hadn't already had your hand." Bucky took deep breaths, also wiping his face with his jacket sleeve. 
"What happened to till the end of the line?" Peter asked, taking deep breaths. 
"That's a me and Steve thing. And even then, I'd just let his dumbass fall." Bucky winced. "Sorry, language."
Angelica grinned broadly with a mischievous glint in her eye. "Oh, don't worry. Papa swears a lot more than you might think. He thinks I don't hear  him mutter things under his breath, but I do."
"You little snitch!" Y/N exclaimed. "I can't believe you!"
"Oh no...Angelica, we gotta go!" Peter scooped Angelica up and dashed down the trail. Y/N started to give chase but slowed down as they turned the bend. 
Bucky followed at a slower pace, shaking his head in amusement. He caught up to the father who was straightening his jacket. "You're not going after them?"
"Nah. I just made them think there was an actual threat. They'll probably get all the way to the lake before they realize I'm not actually chasing them." Y/N grinned. "So, want to tell me about that game night five months ago?"
"It started when Nat brought vodka back from a mission in Russia and decided not to tell us it was hundred-proof..."
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"Hey, Buck. How's your day?" Sam asked as he entered the training room with a towel around his neck and a water bottle in hand. "Sorry that Steve and I dipped on you."
"Don't worry about it. It's alright," Bucky grunted before setting down the set of weights he'd been lifting. "My day was pretty good. Except when Stark accidentally set off an explosion in the lab while I was running the obstacle course. Scared the hell out of me and then I fell off."
"Shit, man. You okay?" Sam placed his water bottle and towel on a bench near Bucky. "I know you don't like falling and loud noises so that just seems brutal."
"My adrenaline kept it low but I still started to freak out after I cleaned up." He admitted before taking a drink of his own water and using his shirt to wipe some of the sweat from his forehead. "Y/N helped me out with that."
"You went to Y/N? Why not Bruce or Wanda? Hell, even Nat?" Sam arched his brow and there was a hint of something behind his eyes.
"Dunno. He's nice, ya know? I figured he'd have some experience with that kind of stuff. Having a kid would teach you how to calm someone down when they're freaking out and I've seen him chill Angelica out faster than she could even process why she was upset." Bucky said, sitting down on a bench to give himself a break. He'd been in the training room for an hour already and it was about time to take a breather. "After that, we took Angelica and Pete out on that hiking trail Wanda found just to get them outside since they were causing trouble and everyone needed a break."
"Hey, as long as you found a way to calm down and not have a panic attack, I won't knock it. Happy for you, man. You're doing really good recently." Sam started to set up the machine he liked to use. Can't have a tree without the trunk, you know what I'm saying? Sometimes Bucky really didn't like Sam, but he was a great friend and great company when he wasn't being an annoying shit. But then again, he could be an annoying shit when he wanted to be. "Proud of you, man. Long road, but you're sticking with us."
"Yeah, yeah. Save the sappy shit, would you?" Bucky leaned his head back against the wall, taking deep breaths. "The hike was nice. Though Y/N almost fell off the log when we were crossing the river. I caught him before he did, but if he hadn't been holding my hand, I would've let him fall."
"You told him about your issue with falling?" Sam straddled the bench and rested his forearms on his thighs. "Dude, it took you like eight months to tell me about that and he's been here four months."
"Don't take it personally, Wilson." Bucky shrugged with a smile. "He's just got that calming feel to him. He's easy to trust and he's just really nice."
"And you were tellin' me to quit with the sappy shit? Do you hear yourself?" Sam cracked a smile as well. "I like Y/N, too. He's a good fit for the team."
Bucky nodded, agreeing. There had been something missing in the team dynamic for a while that no one could quite name or place, but Y/N and his kid had certainly brought it. The game night had really shown some of Y/N's full personality away from his daughter, though Bucky liked having Angelica around a lot. She was bubbly and sweet and brought a little bit of light on his bad days.
But Y/N...Y/N was just so thoughtful and selfless. It was obvious when he'd walked into his office that Y/N had no idea how to help him and was taken aback, but he'd helped him anyway. He showed genuine interest in the story Bucky had been telling him and even invited him along to an outing. They hadn't exactly hung out outside of the team nights and work hours. It was nice and he liked the idea of getting to see Y/N more often out of that stuff.
"Wait, don't tell me...Barnes, do you have a crush on Y/N?" Sam asked with a cocky grin.
"What? No!" Bucky said far too quickly, his face starting to flush. He was lucky he was already a little red from training, but Sam knew otherwise. His grin widened.
"You totally do!"
Bucky went to defend himself again but he sighed and turned his head away while Sam started to snicker. "Fine. Maybe I do a little."
"Man, I didn't take you for one to like guys," Sam said.
"Is...that an issue?" Bucky asked warily, his heart starting to flutter in his chest. For most of his life, he'd shoved that part of him aside and hidden it. Sure, he fooled around with a couple of guys in the forties but it never went very far. And war made people do desperate things. But he was worried that even now, he'd have to keep that part of him tucked away and ignore it.
"Hell, no. My best friend in college was the most flamboyant gay guy I've ever met. Smart as a whip and a beautiful musician. I don't give a shit, but I don't wanna hear about all the details. And that goes for women, too. That stays private, man." Sam wrinkled his nose up and it made Bucky chuckle. "I don't know how it was back then, but people are a lot more accepting now than they were. They legalized same-sex marriage a few years back. And if anyone gives you shit about it, I'll kick their asses."
"Thanks, Sam. That means a lot." Bucky smiled. "But if you tell anyone that I have a thing for Y/N, I'll kick you off the helicarrier again."
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Taglist: @shadowolf993​ @supernaturalwintersoldier​ @booty-ass-hoe​ @fightmemacbeth​ @pastel-boy-sungjae​ @unsure-username​ @myybebe​ (it works!! ^-^)
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disastrousjest · 4 years
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Confessions of 2020..
(tw: covid mention, mental health mention)
I wanted to post a little something that might put out some insight for my followers, friends, mutuals alike. With the recent battle I had with some personal blogs attacking me over some posts I made because of the images, regardless of the purpose of the post. I just wanted to let everyone aware of why that sent me over the edge and why I handled it the way I did. Please note: I will not be apologizing for what I said, I do feel as though those that tried to reach out to me did not realize the purpose of the post. And while I understand now I should just tag things like that differently, I will not be apologizing for stating the fact that this is a rp  blog and I do not appreciate personal blogs attacking me over something like that. That being said, I will not be bullied off tumblr or this account. Because I love JJBA and Joseph Joestar. So for future reference, if you don’t like my content, unfollow it. Don’t bother sending me nasty remarks because I do not have the time for those types of things.  But I wanted to open the doorway to some insight for you all who have been paying attention or who just might care to know why I came off so incredibly outraged by that little bit. Because to me it was just the topping of a whole bunch of bullshit as is 2020.  This whole shithole of a year began in March. I got promoted at work to salary. That’s 35k a year my friends and that’s a hell of an upgrade for someone who barely makes a living wage right now and came from a working poor family. I really thought my life was gonna turn around. For once my fiance and I wouldn’t have to struggle so hard and we could afford to do everything we talked about doing. Well guess what--2 weeks after the announcement of my promotion my work place shut down because of Covid-19. Nothing new, lots of people and places were shut down. So fine, it pushed back my transfer and such. That wasn’t a big deal.  Enter June 2020. We re-open and my manager calls me into his office to talk to him about said mentioned promotion. They are suspending it, means it could be pushed back until we could lift the restrictions. Understandably so, I would just have to keep my old position, an hourly one, until they were called back. Now the months pass, June becomes July and enter August.  I find out about a week before the company announces it at the start of August, the position I was promoted to has been eliminated indefinitely. There is a chance they could come back, but right now they have no idea when or if that’ll happen. Which means that whole part of my department no longer exists at my place of work. I mean it’s a good thing I had my hourly position to fall back into or I’d lost my job. But that salary raise? Gone. 
Rewind back to July. I get very very VERY sick. And have to test for covid-19 the first time. Only because I am so sick and have a roommate with asthma I have to quarantine myself for 14 days. So 14 days I am locked in my bedroom alone, sleeping alone after 3 years of being with someone in bed. My meals are being left at the door for me and the only room I am allowed to enter is the bathroom, but only after it has been sanitized. Only for my results to come back negative. And now... we enter September 2020. Two major things started in September. The first, our old, senior dog became very ill. Started losing weight, wasn’t eating, losing hair, etc. So we knew his time was coming soon enough. Mid-September, I wake up one morning while our dog is dying mind you, and I cannot move my body from the waist down. Every time I tried, I’m greeted with a shot of pain straight up my spine that feels something like a hot poker being stabbed right through my spinal cord. Very very painful. I end up bed-ridden for a day or two because I cannot move. So once the pain subsides, I go see a chiropractor. Shocking (not really) announcement that my sway back--to which I was diagnosed with 10 years prior from a bad car accident--has gotten worse. What does  that mean exactly? Well--my spine bends in like a S for those who don’t know, which means my lower back dips inward deeper inside my body and my tail bone curves out. Now along that dip there are 3 or 4 vertebrae that are especially messed up. The bones have become staggered out of place on top of one another, just from the muscles pulling the bones out of shape since my spine doesn’t flex the way it’s supposed to anymore. (And it hasn’t for years). The pain before this was tolerable, it would ache from time to time but never like this. Now I am crippled more or less.  Here’s what that means: my mobility became extremely limited. At first in the am when I woke up I couldn’t move from the waist down for the first hour or two after I woke up. Then when I was finally able to move, I had to use my forearms to literally drag my lower body upright (still painful). Once I was able to manage that, I had to gage how strong my legs were to support my weight. And at first walking wasn’t terrible, but as the treatments began--doctor appointments, spinal adjustments, and physical therapy--to correct my spinal issue, nerve damage became clear. So now on top of this horrible pain, I had to deal with weak legs. Because of nerve damage, my right leg especially became weak. On days my back would hurt especially bad, my right knee would collapse out from under me. Which meant falling to the ground and not being able to stand up or walk for sometime there after.  Now imagine dealing with not being able to support your own body, not being able to hardly walk and your dog dying at the same time. So while I”m trying not to focus on the fact that my mobility is limiting me on what I can and can’t do, my fiance is upset about this. Our dog (then weighed about 100 or more pounds) could no longer walk either. His back legs and hips were giving out as his health declined. I did not have the strength in my own legs to help carry him because his weight hurt me too much and would cause me to collapse. I had to watch my fiance struggle with this practically all by herself while I sat on the floor, only able to use my arms to help with what I could because my legs and back were too weak to do the work.  This carried on into October. Our dog passes away and that alone is hard for me. I still kind of wonder if I wasn’t so weak when he got sick if I could have helped prolong his life just a little longer. I couldn’t hardly look at him when he passed and I couldn’t look at anyone else. I was very angry that my legs and back had failed me. They had failed everyone. So yes, that weight still lingers over me. It was so bad that when it came time to take turns digging his grave, I struggled with the shovel. Because I couldn’t stand up or be bent over to move the dirt, I got on my hands and knees and I took that shovel in my hands and used my arms and shoulders to dig. I wasn’t going to continue to be useless because of my limited mobility. I felt I already let him down and everyone else by not being able to help take care of him while he was still alive and sick. This was the least I could do.  November comes. Things are calm now, for a while. Not bad. I finally get some braces to help with my back issues (which still continue). I keep on with my physical therapy, trying to heal and help my fiance through her mourning over the dog. My mobility slowly begins to improve, though the doctor informs me it will be a very slow process. Small steps he says. But he is still confident he can fix my spine without back surgery so I can walk again, like a regular person. The limit I am able to stand and walk increases with the help of my braces and I begin taking herbal supplements and drinking herbal teas to increase the rate of my recovery. It seems to be working better than over the counter medication. The rest of 2020 seems promising.  Here comes December. On the night my fiance and I decide to go out on a date to celebrate our 5 years together. I get a phone call from work. One of my co-workers tested positive for Covid-19 and I was exposed. I am now suspended from work without pay until my test results come back negative. A real mood killer for the night. It gets better, we get home and despite the dinner being pretty somber the rest of the night seems fine. We watch movies and spend time together, finish wrapping gifts for Christmas. Then we realize the cat is missing. He’s been missing all day and all night. Nobody has seen him.  Two days prior, I had taken my cat to the vet because he was sick. Again, weight loss, losing hair, etc. I was worried he may be sick. Well it’s cold outside and here it’s been snowing so it’s very cold. I set something of mine outside and a literbox for smell. And then a plate of food. ....that was almost 4 days ago. There’s been not a sign of him. I called the county shelter and they didn’t have him. My fiance suggests he was sick so... maybe he got out of the house and went somewhere to die. My gut tells me he’s not coming back. And my heart is breaking, again. Again. I am wondering if I did something wrong. If I would have kept a better eye on him, I knew he wasn’t  feeling right. I somehow feel like I let him down.  And  then I logged into tumblr and saw those comments. Those asks people were sending about the damn images I posted for the 12 days to Christmas. And they just kept coming. I deleted the other ones, I stopped replying to them and finally just deleted the post. The Christmas spirit had been sucked out of me. I feel as though the world has began to mock me for believing the year could get better back in November. I know one thing, the holiday won’t be as bright this year. Not for me. I hope everyone stays safe and has a good holiday. Maybe 2021 will be more promising, but I”m not banking on it. Not anymore. Thanks for reading.  I hope you all understand now why I have been so slow with my replies lately. As my mood goes up and down because I have been struggling with the weight of all this and depression, just trying to hang on from losing hope that for one I will be able to walk again normally and then just the loss of my animals... everything. I can’t write and I refuse to send bad quality responses and starters for you all. I hope this puts some insight  on why I was so horribly upset the other day.   So thank you to all my friends and everyone who has been so patient with me on all my blogs. Jotaro (dmgdstar) and Johnny (rotatingstar) and this one of course. I will be catching up to everything very soon. I’ve already made a good dent in them.  Your patience is always appreciated. 
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The Perfect Blend - Chapter 4
Characters: Tenth Doctor (aka James Noble); Rose Tyler; Clara Oswald; Amy Pond; Jeanne Poisson; Donna Noble; Sylvia Noble; Wilfred Mott; Mickey Smith; Martha Jones; Clyde Langer
Tags: Human AU; fake relationship AU; coffee shop AU; stalkerish!Reinette; hurt/comfort; angst; romance; fluff; Christmas; New Year; New Year’s kiss
Story Summary:
Trying to escape from an predatory ex-girlfriend who will not accept their break-up, James Noble (aka The Doctor) finds himself in a coffee shop where he meets a barista (aka Rose Tyler) who makes him the perfect cup of tea and lends a sympathetic ear to his tale of woe.
Chapter Summary: In which Mickey feels the need to connect the dots…
Chapter Notes: You’d think, with all this time in social isolation, I’d be more productive! Alas…
Hugs and kisses to the brilliant @rose--nebula and mrsbertucci for looking over this chapter. They kindly did this days ago, and I kept forgetting to post! Oops! LOL
Anyway, hope you enjoy. <3
Read also at: AO3; Tsp (when approved); FF
James felt cold panic clutch at his throat, stealing his breath. Here it was, late afternoon on New Year’s Eve, and he had yet to secure a date for the gala. He’d had no time to continue his quest today, as he’d spent the entire day at the University, setting up his fireworks display and tinkering with the holographic projectors. Then he’d rushed home to change into his (unlucky) tuxedo. Not that he believed in such superstitious nonsense, but he couldn’t help but notice, nothing good ever came of him wearing that blasted black suit.
On his return trip to the Uni for another quick systems check before guests started to arrive, he’d walked by Pete’s Coffee Dimension and, despite running late, had been drawn inside. He’d been tempted by the thought of a nice, fortifying cup of something hot, maybe even the “best cuppa in London”, and in the back of his mind, had been thinking maybe the pretty barista he had met there on his last visit would be there this time too. He’d been hoping to bask in her quiet compassion, even for just a few minutes before his life turned completely to hell.
But the barista hadn’t been there, sadly, just some bloke, who was pleasant enough, James supposed. He’d told James the barista’s name was Rose (a beautiful name that suited her perfectly!) and had just disappeared behind the counter to prepare him a cuppa, spouting some cryptic, vague assurances that he had the answer to all of James’ problems.
James was not reassured. He ran his hands through his hair and down his face. His heart was thrashing out of his chest. Blimey, he needed that cuppa… If he could only get it down his anxiety-tight throat.
Jeanne would be at the gala tonight, on his arm or not. She had her own ticket, he knew. And she would be relentless (proper predatory-level relentless) when she saw he’d come alone.
Despite his many varied (and increasingly desperate) attempts to do so, he hadn’t been able to find anyone who was suitable (or willing) to be his plus-one for tonight. He couldn’t ask his work colleagues. Most of them were considerably older than he and happily married, and he honestly didn’t think for a minute he’d be able to pull off a convincing act of love with any of those few who didn’t have prior attachments. He’d made some hesitant requests of the students and junior scientists he knew from various labs throughout the Science department, but they either all had plans for the evening (quite right, too!) or had just told him in no uncertain terms that they didn’t want to get involved in his dating debacle (also… quite right, too!)
There had been one graduate student whom he’d been hopeful about. She worked in the lab next to his and was sweet and smart, and he had always gotten along quite well with her. He also knew her to be unattached and, while not the sort to party, thought she would enjoy a festive evening at the gala. But Petronella Osgood had nearly passed out from an anxiety-induced asthma attack the moment he proposed his ruse, and James had spent the evening in the A&E with her as she recovered from the trauma. He decided right then, he wouldn’t press the matter with her any further. He didn’t wish to cause her any more stress, and upon further consideration, decided he would rather suffer the horrors of Jeanne on his own, than subject the poor girl to a potential confrontation with the French woman and her nasty temperament.  
With his options rapidly dwindling, he’d even considered paying for an escort, but after some frantic research, he’d discovered that even the semi-reputable ones were ridiculously pricey, and while he would have had no trouble financially, it was a bloody waste of money. Surely Jeanne had already cost him enough. Besides, quite frankly, the idea of using an escort was… weeell… repugnant.
As a last-ditch measure, he’d called on his friend, Jack Harkness, a pan-sexual playboy, and a true friend, through and through. He’d expected Jack to be more than happy to help him stage a fake coming-out, announcing he was gay. Afterall, Jack had been trying to get into James’ pants for years, though not in any serious way. He was a tease, but he understood that James considered him to be a friend only… no benefits of a sexual nature attached. But, as it turned out, Jack had picked this festive season to finally set aside his lecherous ways and settle down. He’d announced to James that he had a new boyfriend, Ianto Jones, with whom he was “exclusive” and had lots of “plans for private New Year celebrations.”  
And now… James was out of time. Doomed. And he was spending his last precious moments of a Jeanne-free life, hiding in a coffee shop, like the coward he was, desperate for a cuppa and a glimpse of an absentee barista.
He heaved a great, sad sigh, and taking off his glasses, allowed his head to sink into his hands, despair overcoming him.
 “Rose! Rose!” Mickey hissed at her through the pass-through.
Rose rolled her eyes at Martha (who giggled in response) and sighed. “Honestly, Micks, can I not leave you alone for five minutes without something going wrong?” she teased as she approached the opening to the coffee bar. “What’s up?”
“Well, I might not bother to tell you now, since you’re being like that.”
“C’mon, Micks…”
“Oh, alright. I have a customer who’d like one of your cups of tea. Wanna put the kettle on?”
“That’s it? That’s what you wanted to tell me?”
“Yup. You know I don’t have the knack you have for making a good cuppa.”
“He’s not wrong,” Martha piped up from behind Rose.
“Oi,” Mickey protested, “I can make a decent cuppa, but as long as Rose is here… Besides, we don’t want the place to get a bad rep from my one substandard cups of tea. Oh, and yeah, it’s for here, so put it in one of the china cups and bring it out when it’s ready, yeah?”
“Bossy!” Rose chided with a grin.
“Someone needs to take charge, otherwise the two of you would be frittering away the time, blathering on about who-knows-what.”
“The nerve! I’ll have you know we’ve completely cleaned the storage room and done inventory, while you’ve made a couple of espresso shots and wiped down a few tables.” Rose turned to Martha. “Are you seriously planning to marry this one?”
Martha’s eyes gleamed. “For better or for worse, that’s what I hear. I guess this is the worse.”
Mickey grumbled at them. “Just hurry and get out here with that cuppa, yeah.” Then he turned and stomped away, out of Rose’s line of sight.
 Five minutes later, Rose rushed out from the kitchen, with a hot teapot of Darjeeling, a couple of complimentary biscotti, and a china cup and saucer on a tray. She paused briefly to pick up the milk from the fridge, then raised her head and stepped out from behind the service counter. She stopped short at the sight before her.
It was him. The Doctor.
She twisted around to look behind her, taking in Mickey’s cheeky grin. “I’m gonna kill you,” she mouthed, her cheeks burning.
“Go on,” her friend mouthed back, gesturing her out into the seating area with a sweeping motion of his hands. Martha stepped up behind him and Rose sighed as she watched the young woman’s eyes light up when Mickey whispered to her who the customer was. She clapped her hands silently together, bounced on her toes, and motioned to Rose in no uncertain terms to move her arse out there and deliver the tea.
Shaking her head at her friends, Rose turned back to the seating area and, taking a deep, fortifying breath, she moved toward the Doctor’s table.
He was sat there with his head in his hands, looking miserable, his gorgeous fringe spilling through his fingers. He was wearing a tuxedo, so she assumed he had somewhere to be tonight and couldn’t help but wonder why he was here instead. Unless it had something to do with that ex-girlfriend of his…
But that wasn’t Rose’s business. He had ordered a cuppa, and she would deliver it to him. That was her job. Nothing more to it than that.
Then why, she wondered, was her heart throbbing somewhere in the region of her throat? Why was her mouth as dry as ash and her palms hot and sweaty? Why did she feel that faint, fluttering hope rising in her chest again, the one she’d felt every time the bell over the door had rung over the last few days? The difference was, this time, the source of that hope was actually sitting right in front of her, waiting for her to deliver him a cuppa.
She fought back her giddiness. I have to remain impartial, she told herself. She’d probably find out he wasn’t as wonderful as her memory (and imagination) had made him seem. He’d probably turn out to be a right arse. And maybe that would be for the best. After all, despite her protests to the contrary, she knew Clara was right: she’d been mooning about him since his first visit, prior to Christmas. She needed to get on with her life, and not spend her time fantasising over men she wasn’t nearly accomplished enough to date. Yes, surely, he was a truly horrible person.
With that fortifying thought in mind, she stepped up to his table.
 James’ head shot up out of his hands when he heard the soft sound of a throat clearing hesitantly. He’d been so lost in his troubles, he’d not noticed anyone approaching his table. His bleary eyes struggled to make out the source of the sound: a haze of pink and yellow. He picked up his glasses and snapped them onto his face.
Instantly, a most welcome sight came into focus before him. The pretty barista… Rose… was standing before him, cheeks flushed the colour of her namesake, and holding a tray that held what he knew was certain to be the best cuppa in London. His troubles seemed to instantly recede in her presence. (Of course, he warned himself, they hadn’t actually receded, just been put on the backburner of his brain for a blessed few minutes.)
“Hello.” She offered him a shy smile and flushed a deeper shade of red.
He waggled his fingers at her. “Hello.”
“Hello…” she bit her bottom lip endearingly, “…Doctor.”
“That’s me!”
She nodded her head rapidly, fervently agreeing with this statement.
“Is that my tea?”
“Oh, blimey! Yeah… course…” With shaking hands, she unloaded the contents of the tray onto the table. “Would you like me to pour?”
He nodded this time, his usually non-stop gob failing him.
She set his cup in front of him and, lifting the little teapot, poured out his tea with a practiced flair, allowing a few bubbles to form on the surface. “For good luck…” she murmured, as she set the pot down.
“I’m sorry… what?”
“Oh… the bubbles… in your cup… they’re supposed to predict good fortune or some such rot. Generally, financially, but if they cling to the side of the cup… erm… like these ones…” her voice dropped to nearly subaudible levels and she averted her eyes from his, “…they foretell romance.”
She picked at the little knit cozy covering the pot. “Erm, yeah… each bubble represents a… well… a kiss.”
He beamed at her, covering her fidgeting hand with his. It was warm and soft, and fit perfectly under his. “Thank-you… Rose? Right?”
She met his gaze with wide, wondering eyes and nodded again, a bashful smile tugging at one corner of her mouth. “Erm… yeah. Rose. Rose Tyler.”
“Rooooose Tyyyyler.” He rolled the words in his mouth, enjoying the sound and feel of them. “Weeeell, thank-you, Rose Tyler. Not that I believe in superstitions and portents, but I am prepared to suspend my disbelief for tonight. I am more than willing to entertain the possibility that you have changed my fortune with your expert tea pouring. Maybe tonight won’t be the disaster I thought it was going to be, after all.”
“That’s the spirit!” Rose cheered.
“Would you join me?” He reflexively squeezed her hand. “For a cuppa, that is?”
“Yeah. Yeah, I’d… I’d like that. I’m sure I can find an extra cup around here somewhere. Coffee shop and all, yeah.”
 Mickey rocked from one foot to the other, his frustration building with each passing minute. “What are they on about?” he grumbled, gesturing at Rose and the Doctor. “Look at them! Look!”
Martha arched her brow at him. “Yeah, I see them.”
“What the hell is he waiting for, then? They’re obviously into each other. He’s holding her hand and they’re makin’ eyes at each other. It’s sickening, really. So why the hell doesn’t he just ask her out to that gala of his? Urrrrgh!”
“I think he may need a little help with that.”
“What? Why? She’s beautiful and available and–”
“Yeah, but from his point of view, she’s at work. And who knows what else is going on in his head. Maybe he just needs another little nudge.”
“Blimey, he needs more than a nudge. He needs someone to connect the bloody dots.”
“Off you go then, Mickey-Matchmaker. Go connect those dots.”
“Me? Why me? Don’t you think this might require a woman’s touch?”
“Look, this was your idea…”
Mickey glowered at his fiancée.
“Not that I think it’s a bad idea. Like you said, they’re obviously… attracted.”
“Attracted? They’re practically undressing each other with their eyes!”
“Right. All I’m saying is you need to go out and finish the job.”
“What about you? You just gonna stand here whilst I make a fool of myself?”
Martha flashed him a cheeky grin. “Yeah, something like that. Consider it moral support.”
“Pffft, moral support, my arse.” He scowled. “Well, since you’re obviously gonna leave me high and dry… here goes!” He took a step out toward the table where Rose and the Doctor were lost in each other’s gazes but pulled up short at Martha’s next words.
“Oh, and by the way, for my part, I already contacted Amy.” She arched a smug brow.
“She can’t wait to help out. Champing at the bit, she is!” Then Martha added in a stage-whisper, “So Rose will have no excuses. Don’t let her worm her way out of this.”
 James sat staring blankly at the bloke (Rickey?), a piece of biscotti half-way to his mouth. His brain had surged into overdrive, processing information and probabilities, but it seemed to have forgotten it was connected to his gob, which opened and closed uselessly. He looked over at Rose who gawped back at him with an expression that probably mirrored his own.
He had to admit, the bloke’s plan had merit. He could see himself falling for this girl. If he was being honest, he was already teetering at the edge. He’d just never considered asking a total stranger to accompany him to the gala (apart from his fleeting research into escorts), and he wasn’t entirely sure Rose was even vaguely interested. For one thing, it was all very last minute, the epitome of last minute; frankly, if he could define last minute, this would be it. Secondly, weeell, while she obviously didn’t have any plans to celebrate the New Year, she had plans… working-type plans, plans that were obviously very important to her. And much more important than his stupid University Gala. And, C, no three… thirdly, why the hell would she even want to go out with him? He thought he’d felt some attraction between them, but she didn’t know anything about him… zip, zilch, nada, nought! He could be an axe-murderer for all she knew, a rapist, a–
His rambling thoughts screeched to a halt as he saw her expression morphing from shock and bewilderment to…
“What the actual fuck, Mickey?” she hissed at the young man who stood before them with a proud grin on his face. Her face was now fiery with embarrassment and anger. “How dare you?”
James tugged on his ear and watched, helpless, as Rickey’s grin collapsed. “But it’s perfect, babe, don’t you see?” James had to give the man credit. He’d never be able to face the wrath this bloke was facing, despite having survived Donna (and Aunt Sylvia) for many years. “He needs a date. You need to get a life. Simple.” Rickey (the idiot) ploughed on, clearly oblivious or indifferent to the immediate threat to his existence.
“Oh, I need to get a life, do I?” Rose snarled. “What is all of this, then?” She gestured around the shop. “Seems to me I have a life. A perfectly good life, thank-you very much. I don’t need you–”
“Yeah? Well, me and Martha, we think you do. Babe, you never see beyond these four walls, except to go upstairs–”
“To my home!”
“Home then. My point is, you never leave this building, except to pick up things for the shop.”
“This is my dream…”
“Look, Rickey…” James interjected, shooting a glance at Rose, who was glaring at her friend with pursed lips.
“It’s Mickey!” Mickey snapped.
“Right, sorry… Mickey then… Look, mate, I appreciate what you’re trying to do, and I certainly wouldn’t say no to having Rose on my arm at the Gala this evening, but–”
Rose swept around to face him, the fire in her eyes dying out and a smile twitching at the corners of her mouth. “You wouldn’t?”
James ran his hand through his hair again (he must look a mess…) “Weeell, no… no, of course not… I’d be honoured… Would you like to come?”
“Well, yeah…”
“Would you, though?”
“I just thought because you don’t really know me…”
“Yeah, I thought because you don’t really know me… and I just… I just work in a shop; you might not want me to…”
“Oh, I’d love you to come,” he gushed.
James sensed, rather than saw Mickey backing slowly away. His attention was riveted on the beautiful, blushing woman sitting before him. She beamed at him, her tongue touching the corner of her mouth. “Okay.”
He beamed in return, but his smile quickly dropped away, doubts racing back to the front of his mind. “But you… I mean, you don’t know the first thing about me….” He glanced down at the remains of his biscotti, pushing the crumbs around with a restless finger.
Rose’s hand closed over his, stopping his fidgeting. “I know a little… and,” she fixed him in her warm gaze, “I’d like to know more… But, oh God… oh no! I don’t have anything to wear. Certainly nothing that would do for an event like this one!”
“All taken care of,” a young woman James hadn’t noticed before piped up from the service counter. “Amy is more than happy to lend you something. It’s all arranged.”
“But, Martha…”
“No excuses!” Mickey added. “You’re going! You deserve to get out and enjoy yourself.”
Rose turned her nervous smile back to James and shrugged her shoulders. “I guess I’m going, then. That is if you’d still like me to come.”
James felt his spirits soar. For the first time in weeks he didn’t feel like he was plunging head-first into the depths of despair. Maybe his tux wasn’t such a portent of doom, after all. “Oh, yes!” He swept to his feet and offered her his hand. “It’s a date!”
“Yeah…” she chirped, standing and lacing her fingers with his, “…I guess it is!”
“Oh, yes!” he repeated. “Allons-y, Rose Tyler.”
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etlunainmorte · 5 years
🎸 Saved By The Siren 🎸
~ A Nero X Reader set in an Alternate Universe.
~ This is dedicated to one of my friends, @shadowrosess , who loves Nero, and to you, Nero fans! I hope you like this.
~ Enjoy!
"I QUIT!" The band's lead vocalist raged as she slammed the door closed on the way out, startling the other contestants.
"YEAH! FUCK YOU!" The band's lead guitar screamed back, making the other people shook their heads.
But, who could really blame him? Nero and Lady just couldn't get along well from the start.
"YA MESSED UP BIG TIME, PSYCHO!" Nico, the band's bassist shrieked hysterically at him as she pointed her cigar stick at him.
"Guys, we really need a vocalist now,or we're gonna get disqualified." Lucia, the timid drummer nervously spoke from the corner of the room, not wanting to be shout at by the ever grumpy Nero.
"The man who never alters his opinion is like standing water,... and breeds reptiles of the mind." V, the ever calm keyboardist, quoted, not once taking his eyes off his William Blake illustrated collection.
Nero face palmed.
Ever since that incident involving Lady erupted, of her planning to leave the band for a much more popular one to become famous, Nero has been on a rampage, picking unnecessary fights with her and, therefore, almost ruining the band.
And who could just put them together but him? Not Nico, who just messes around ( one time, she almost set the old and smelly studio they were practicing in on fire with the cigar butt she carelessly threw away ), not Lucia, who was just too timid and shy to ever lead any kind of group ( she almost depleted the band's funds by having no guts to refuse the cute little scouts that always come knocking in to sell them all sorts and flavors of cookies ), and definitely not V, who was either busy reading, or busy being a regular member of the National Orchestra as a Concertmaster ( who was so talented as heck, he rejected the last twenty or so who auditioned as vocalist, only accepting Lady because he wasn't there to see or hear her sing due to one of his asthma attacks ).
So, simply put, they're all doomed.
More like fucked up.
All of a sudden, Nero's phone vibrated. He took it out from his pocket and saw that his dad was calling him.
"Ugh, him again?" Nero muttered, not really wanting to answer the call.
"Answer that call, ya don't want him to come in here and drag ya away from him like a brat." Nico suggested calmly.
And so, with a deep sigh, he answered the call -
"What are you doing right now,... scum?"
"Fuck off, Vergil!"
"Don't you disrespect me in front of your so - called peers. If I hear that you get beaten by Dante's band once more, I will have no choice but to take away that wailing and foul - smelling instrument of yours, drag you out of there, myself, and send you to boarding school in Berlin."
"Don't you ever dare lose,... scum."
And with that last threat, Nero's father hung up. The place was almost filled with loud applause and cheers a few seconds later as the last band just finished performing. The door opened, and in came the dynamic guitar and singing duo of Dante and Trish.
The sight of Nero's ( and Vergil's ) rival Dante looking so proud and confident that he'll win this battle of the bands made his stomach churn. And before he could even turn away to not be noticed by the man, his father's younger brother saw him and immediately went towards him.
"Hey, nephew! How's it going?" Dante greeted as he put a heavy arm around Nero.
"Piss off, Dante!" Nero growled.
"Ooh! What's with the little puppy growl? Oh! Let me guess: Lady left you, didn't she?"
"FUCK. OFF!" Nero pushed Dante away in anger, his uncle's taunt proving that his statement was, indeed, real.
But, Dante just smiled and chuckled at him as he shook his head helplessly. "Oh, well, I wonder how Vergil would react to this news?!"
"Maybe he'll come down here and take away your second hand guitar! Or! Maybe," Dante taunted once more as he stalked closer to Nero like a predator. " ...he'll send you to that military boarding school in Berlin!"
"SHUT THE FUCK UP!" Nero finally exploded as he grabbed Dante's collar.
"No! You shut up, DEAD WEIGHT!"
"Okay, okay! Guys, stop!" Nico intervened, successfully drawing Nero out before he could make a nasty scene in front of the people.
"What do we have here?" One of the organizers who saw the argument came in and asked.
"Oh, nothin'! Nothin' to worry 'bout!" Nico lied as she laughed hysterically.
The organizer only shook his head and left. After that, the door opened and a head popped out from it.
"SWEET SURRENDER?!" The person called the name of their band.
"Yeah! We're here!" Nero answered unwillingly, flinching at his own words.
"Good luck, kid! Adios!" Dante mocked once more as he saluted on his way out.
"I'll send you my autograph." Trish said as she blew all of them a good bye kiss and gave V a very sultry look, to which the poet only ignored.
All of four of Sweet Surrender's members looked at each other.
"What do we do now?" Lucia, who was already in panic mode from the start, stuttered as she clutched her drum sticks.
"We perform as usual." Nero replied.
"What if we fail? Yer dad's gonna send ya to boardin' school fer real!" Nico added as she pushed the rim of her glasses up the bridge of her freckled nose.
"Stop saying that, will you? I will sing in place of that bitch."
"But, Nero! That song is meant to be sung as a duet! This will not work! This will be a disaster!"
"Whoa, Lucia! Calm down! Trust me. We'll get through this!"
After those words, Nero, Nico, and Lucia turned to V, expecting him to say some words of encouragement.
And to this, the poetic musician only answered, "A man can't soar too high,... when he flies with his own wings."
"Okay, V. You're an interesting guy but, you're right." Nero responded as all of them faced the door that led to the stage. "Let's get this show on the road!"
However, no matter how hard V tried to give them enough words of motivation, courtesy of William Blake, they just couldn't shake the foreboding feeling.
That something bad was going to happen.
Nico, Lucia, and V may have done their best to perform their parts, but Nero's song, which was supposedly a duet, just couldn't, would not, work out. It just felt wrong.
And not even a few minutes in and they were already being booed by their audience. This made Lucia even more nervous and stopped playing altogether. Nico tried to pitch in for her but failed miserably because she lacked proper practice. V, on the other hand, remained calm as he multi - tasked, playing both Lucia and Nico's part on his keyboard.
"LOSER!" A girl from the crowd shrieked as she threw her candy wrappers at Nero. Some people took this as an opportunity to throw things at them.
"Look at them! They look so pathetic!" Dante laughed from the back of the crowd, enjoying Sweet Surrender's downfall. "I guess it's boarding school for Nero now - "
"HEY, GUYS! So sorry I'm late!"
Everyone in the room went dead silent as one unknown girl wearing a floral dress came up the stage and joined Nero.
"I'm sorry. Who are you?" Nero questioned as he watched the girl take hold of one of the microphones.
The girl just winked at him and gave him a confident smile. "We're gonna do this, right?"
"ONE, TWO, THREE, FOUR!" Lucia bravely screamed at the top of her lungs as she tapped her sticks together for their cue. And with the wailing of Nero's guitar, they played their song once more.
"Oh, oh! Oh, oh, oh! So jet lagged!" Nero started singing. "What time is it where you are?"
"I miss you more than anything." The mysterious girl sang, her beautiful voice surprising Nero, and the rest of the band.
"And back at home you feel so far."
"Waitin' for the phone to ring."
"It's gettin' lonely livin' upside down. I don't even wanna be in this town. Tryin' to figure out the time zone's makin' me crazy!"
"You say good morning when it's midnight. Going out of my head, alone in this bed. I wake up to your sunset. And it's driving me mad, I miss you so bad. And my heart, heart, heart is so jet - lagged! Heart, heart, heart is so jet - lagged! Heart, heart, heart is so jet - lagged, is so jet - lagged!"
"Oh, oh!" Nico, Lucia, and V sang at the same time the people stopped booing them and started bobbing their heads along with the song, actually enjoying the performance. And by the time the unknown girl started singing, the crowd started to finally cheer for them.
"What time is it where you are?" She candidly sang as she winked once more at Nero, who really enjoying their performance.
"Five more days and I'll be home."
"I keep your picture in my car."
"I hate the thought of you alone."
The girl took the mic out from the stand and pointed at the crowd. "I've been keepin' busy all the time just to try to keep you off my mind. Tryin' to figure out the time zones makin' me crazy!"
She, then, went over to Nero's side and by the time they're singing on the same mic, the crowd just went wild cheers.
"You say good morning when it's midnight. Going out of my head, alone in this bed. I wake up to your sunset, And it's drivin' me mad, I miss you so bad. And my heart, heart, heart is so jet - lagged! Heart, heart, heart is so jet - lagged! Heart, heart, heart is so jet - lagged, is so jet lagged!"
"Oh, oh! Oh, oh, oh!"
"I miss you so bad."
"I miss you so bad."
"I miss you so bad."
"I miss you so bad."
"I wanna share your horizon."
"I miss you so bad."
"And see the same sun rising."
"I miss you so bad."
"And turn the hour hand back to when you were holding me."
"You say good morning, when it's midnight. Going out of my head, alone in this bed. I wake up to your sunset. And it's drivin' me mad, I miss when you say good morning, but it's midnight. Going out of my head. Alone in this bed. I wake up to your sunset. And it's drivin' me mad, I miss you so bad. And my heart, heart, heart is so jet - lagged! Heart, heart, heart is so jet - lagged! Heart, heart, heart is so jet-lagged, is so jet-lagged, is so jet - lagged!"
"Oh, oh!"
"So jet - lagged!"
Nero and his friends, so was Dante, who was still watching, couldn't believe the amount of love they received from the audience.
All thanks to this mysterious girl.
"That was crazy!" Nero told her the moment they went back to the room. "You're really awesome!"
"Thanks!" The girl answered with that charming smile of hers.
The smile that made Nero's heart skip a beat. She's just,... so beautiful, and charming, and,...
"What's your name?" Nero asked her.
"Oh, you can call me (Y/N)."
"Heya, (Y/N)! I'm Nico." Nico introduced herself even before Nero could shake her hand.
"Hello, Nico!"
"I'm Lucia, the,... drummer,... at the back. You know,..." Sweet Lucia shyly introduced herself.
"You were awesome back there, Lucia!"
"Really?!" The girl's face lit up in excitement.
"And I'm Nero. Nice to meet you." He said as he was finally able to touch her smooth hands.
"Same here, Nero." And she gave him that charming smile with that cherry colored lips again.
"Hey, where's V?" Nico asked, eyebrows furrowed in confusion.
"At the back, hiding from Trish." Lucia answered.
"Poor tattooed Shakespeare,..." Nico shook her head in disbelief.
"They're gonna announce the winner!" Lucia excitedly said as she pulled her friends back to the stage,...
... only for them to get disappointed when the host announced Dante and Trish's name.
(Y/N) noticed Nero's sadness and placed a reassuring hand on his shoulders. The boy smiled at him and shook his head.
"Thank you, (Y/N)."
"No, Nero. Thank YOU."
They were about to make way for Dante and Trish to perform their encore when the people started yelling their name!
"OH, MY GAWD! THEY WANT US BACK!" Nico shrieked as she happily jumped up and down.
"Then, we're gonna give 'em what they want. Isn't that right, Nero?!" (Y/N) confidently announced as she nudged the boy's arm, who still couldn't believe what just happened.
"Okay! We're gonna do this!" Nero took his guitar and positioned himself in front of the mic once more. "Where's V?!"
"Right here." The poet calmly said as he reappeared and faced his keyboard once more.
"ONE! TWO! THREE! FOUR!" Lucia gave the cue, finally confident for their sweet, sweet encore.
After that, it was safe to say that nobody's instrument, foul - odored, second - hand, or no, got taken away by an angry parent. There were no more old, combustible and smelly practice rooms because they were invited by a talent manager named Morrison to perform to much better and popular places. There were no more girl scouts selling one particularly shy drummer some cookies because they were now being offered M&Ms and more backstage and for free. One skinny poet has to run and hide more often from crazed fangirls because someone released his photos and videos on Instagram, which quickly became viral. And no one got sent to a boarding school in any part of Europe.
And (Y/N) and Nero?
Let's just say that their first duet was the start of a truly sweet and meaningful romance.
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mr-smichaelis · 5 years
Sebastian was pulled from sleep a little too quickly for his liking.
He hissed softly, hearing a nasty cough come from the boy next to him, following a thick sniffle.
He peeked an eye open, seeing Ciel sitting up, coughing once more, hearing him catch his breath. He sat up slowly, brows furrowed, hair an atrocious mess. “Ciel? Are you alright?” He asked worriedly, knowing that the coughing could result in an unwanted asthma attack.
Ciel shook his head, grabbing a tissue from the bedside table, before wiping at his runny nose. He felt miserable. His muscles felt achy, as if he had a long, hard workout the night before. His shaking frame slowly stood up, stumbling to the connected bathroom. Sebastian saw how uneasy Ciel was walking, so he bolted up to help him.
“Woah, woah. Easy there. What’s the matter? Are you feeling sick?” He asked the younger, an arm wrapped around his waist as he walked him to the bathroom. All Ciel did was nod, letting out a snippy “Obviously,” before coughing harshly once more, and gagging as a result. His blue eyes were puffy, and his cheeks were insanely pale. He walked unsteadily to the toilet, dropping down in front of it with another productive cough.
He shoved Sebastian off his back with a rough hand, feeling smothered. He shut his eyes as he leaned over the toilet bowl. “I don’t feel well.” Is all he stated through gritted teeth, breathing shallow. He knew that if he took a deep breath, a coughing fit would ensue, and he’d throw up quicker than he anticipated.
The heat radiating off of his body caused sweat to form on his neck and chest, his nightshirt sticking to his body. He took in a sharp breath, which lead to another hacking fit, followed by a loud gag. He quietly vomited into the toilet, gripping his stomach. The soothing hand of Sebastian rubbed up and down his back as fluids dripped from his nose and lips. A couple tears from his blue eyes fell down his cheeks.
This isn’t how he wanted to spend his long weekend. He did not see this coming.
Sebastian flushed the toilet, before dampening a cloth with cold water. He crouched next to Ciel, wiping at his mouth and nose softly. “That was quite the fit, wasn’t it?” He cooed softly, avoiding the teasing and prodding for another time. The older man didn’t get sick as often as Ciel, luckily, so he was always there to take care of him.
Ciel let Sebastian clean up his face, eyes drooping slightly. He hurt everywhere. His head throbbed from the gagging, he felt congested, and he could feel the mucus buildup in his throat. His stomach felt empty and tender. It didn’t necessarily hurt, since the vomiting was from his harsh coughing.
“Do you think you’ll be sick again?” Sebastian asked, and he was answered with a soft shrug. “Let’s get you comfy again. I’ll get a trash can and a couple other things for you. Couch or bed?” He continued, knowing that Ciel was probably getting frustrated with all his rambling and questions.
Ciel appreciated the worry coming from his boyfriend, but god, he was irritated. “Couch.” He said, knowing that he would probably just be carried down the stairs. Sebastian nodded, slowly lifting Ciel, helping him lock his legs around his waist. He slowly carried him down the stairs, making his way to the beautifully designed lounge.
Sebastian set him on the couch, popping out the leg rest. “I’m going to go grab a few things. Just stay put.” He spoke, keeping his voice gentle. He left Ciel on the couch, heading back up the stairs to retrieve a wastebasket, a change of clothes, some cold medicine, tissues, and a thin blanket. He came back, setting the things down, before making a second trip to the kitchen for a glass of water and a banana. He returned to Ciel, who let out a weak cough.
Since Ciel didn’t take liquid medicine, they had tablets he could swallow. Sebastian put two in his hand, along with the glass of water. He made sure Ciel had a decent grip, before turning away to grab his new change of clothes.
Ciel took the medicine with no fuss, before setting the glass of water on the side table. His body trembled gently, but also had a gleam of sweat. Sebastian began to unbutton his damp, sweaty shirt, replacing it with a clean one. He left the front unbuttoned, knowing it might get a little too hot for Ciel.
Sebastian set the tissues and banana on the side table next to the water. He lay the thin blanket over Ciels lower waist, hearing soft breaths come out of his mouth, since his nose was a little to stuffy to breathe out of. He placed the cold rag on his forehead, leaving a kiss in his hair.
Ciel coughed again, clearing his throat loudly. He looked and sounded miserable. The boy patted the spot next to him on the couch, silently asking Sebastian to sit next to him. Of course, his lover did so without hesitation after shutting the blinds.
Sebastian hated when Ciel was sick, he missed his attitude that was too big for his little body, his constant questions, and his positively alluring smile whenever he sweet talks him. He heard a quiet whimper come from Ciel, before feeling a tight grip on his larger hand. He squeezed back, leaving a soft kiss on his knuckle.
Ciel felt his eyelids begin to flutter close, and he sighed softly, resting his head on Sebastian’s shoulder. He coughed again, before spitting into the wastebasket next to the couch. He leaned back where he was, relaxing once again. He drifted off slowly, breathes turning as heavy as they were last night.
Ciel was woken up by a coughing fit about two hours later. He instantly felt the coldness to his left, feeling that Sebastian wasn’t there. He coughed into his fist, worry instantly filling his body, until hearing the water running upstairs from the shower. He turned his head, eyes falling on the glass of water awaiting next to him. He took a small sip, feeling it soothe his irritated throat.
He wished Sebastian would’ve told him he was going to go shower, as clingy as it sounds. He didn’t want to be alone for more than five minutes while he was sick. A frown tugged at his lips, and he fought the urge to cry out for the man upstairs. He patiently waited for Sebastian to come back to him, distracting himself with lightly snacking on the banana that was left for him earlier.
After another 10 minutes, he heard footsteps that care from the stairwell. He looked up, seeing Sebastian dressed in comfortable clothes, hair wet and pushed back. A smile filled Sebastian’s lips, noticing that Ciel was finally awake. “Oh, you’re awake! I’m sorry I didn’t wake you up when I went to shower, I figured you’d still be asleep when I came back down.” He said, heading back over to the boy on the couch.
Ciel jutted his lower lip out innocently, setting his bland snack back on the table. “I’m glad you ate a little something. How’re you feeling..?” Sebastian asked, intertwining his fingers with Ciels youthful ones. It took him a moment to reply, as he shifted to see if his body still ached as much as it did earlier. “A little better from the medicine...” Ciel whispered, lips dry and tongue white. His nose wasn’t running, but was still incredibly stuffy. He was a mouth breather for the time being. He always took breathing through his nose for granted.
Sebastian used the back of his hand to feel Ciels forehead. “You’re still a little warm, as expected... I’m glad you feel a bit better, Sweetheart.” He spoke, which made Ciel melt on the inside. Sebastian sat back down next to him, wrapping an arm around his waist. “Would you like to go back to sleep?” He asked, already knowing what the response would be. His boyfriend looked more than exhausted.
Ciel nodded, head falling to the side again as he leaned against Sebastian’s chest. He gripped at the front of his shirt, legs resting over his longer ones. He nestled closely, feeling a large hand rub up and down his thigh. His eyes closed again, the smothering feeling finally disappearing for the day. He wasn’t sweating as much as he was.
After a few minutes of resting their eyes, Ciel and Sebastian fell asleep together, with the younger curled into his chest, and Sebastian watching over him carefully.
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