#wherein all might's name is revealed
lilianade-comics · 3 months
some thoughts on a College Trio led series
-A somewhat more adult tone, not to the point of obscenity or gross shock humor but the stories, situations, and comedy are "edgier" than what would have been acceptable in DP. Mild innuendos no one comments on, ghost enemies committing crimes that are more serious, the presence of alcohol, etc.
-Mild swearing, but only for Maddie. Jack doesn't swear at all and Vlad is still trapped in food-curse-word purgatory. There is one obligatory joke in the series where Vlad might have been about to drop a real expletive, but Jack cuts him off by blaring the RV's horn at that exact moment.
-No favoritism is shown to any member of the trio. They all get equal chances to be badass and equal chances to be the butt of jokes, of which there are many.
-In my own mind, this series takes place in an "everyone knows" continuity that could possibly be post Phantom Planet or simply follows an AU reveal scenario. This applies to Danny as well, who will occasionally cameo where appropriate. You'd think this level of understanding would make Jack, Maddie, and Vlad more functional as a team, but it does not.
-Vlad is an exasperated & petty tsundere asshole and his helpfullness varies wildly, but he is helping.
-I can't stress this one enough, but a large percentage of Jack and Vlad's interactions involve Jack referencing insane things that happened to them 20 years ago, and Vlad consistently losing his absolute crap because Jack is apparently leaving out key details that make these past events worse and/or Jack's fault.
-Similarly, Jack keeps trying to bring back 20 year old inside jokes and Vlad is not having it, except for one time he actually cracks a smile at Jack's timing, and another time when Jack uses one of these old jokes to discreetly communicate what ridiculous action he's about to take while all their enemies are listening. Vlad pauses to recollect the context of that particular joke and then visibly panics because Jack is probably about to explode the room they're all standing in.
-Vlad's biggest enemy in this series (in his mind) is the correlation between the timing wherein he decides to go ghost and Jack decides to activate the anti ghost shield. Cringefail, thy name is Vlad Masters.
-Identity Crisis, but it's Vlad.
-There's a bizarre filler episode where a bunch of cultists think Plasmius is their feline god incarnate and Vlad is doing absolutely nothing to correct them on that.
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highonakuweeds · 22 days
Who Says Money Can't Buy Happiness?
Sylus/right hand man!reader Part 2
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You'd been down on your luck for the past few years, scavenging for food no matter how disgusting it was. Anything to keep you alive, right?
That is until you bump into the leader of Onichynus, whose interest piqued due to the odd glow under the skin of your inner wrist, allowing you access to information within a single glance. In exchange for you to be his right hand man, his informant, you'll live under his roof.
“So, what do you say?” That low honey of a voice echoed in your mind as your jaw clenched, eyes darting around to assess the situation. Your health was as low as your wealth at that moment; you could not spare another day on the streets, else you might fall. Literally.
You glanced at the inside of your wrist, where a small spot in it, right above your pulse, glowed a soft red. Hesitantly, you looked back up at the leader of Onichynus, whose smirk never left him. “I just have to be your… your what— secretary, basically?”
He shrugged, and you envied the nonchalance present in every action he did. “If that’s what you want to call it, then by all means, kitten, yes. My secretary.”
You cringed at the nickname before deeply sighing, shoulders dropping as you lazily brought your right hand up, and the leader of Onichynus eyed your glowing wrist. “Alright then,” you finally said, smiling awkwardly as he grinned, shaking your hand firmly. “But don’t call me kitten.”
Sylus just laughed. “Okay, sweetie.”
“(Name) is just fine.”
“What about (Nickname)?”
You pondered over it, hand still gripping his. It didn’t sound that bad, and no one’s really called you that before. You nodded, shaking his hand once more. “Deal.”
If you think that the leader of Onichynus is a mystery, his right hand man is tenfold.
Always in the shadows yet never leaving their master’s side; that’s what others had usually taken note of. To conceal their identity, they wear a dark hood that covers half their face, only revealing a small upturn of their lips if you were truthful or worthy of their master’s attention or a slight frown if they realized you just tried to fool the leader of Onichynus. 
In fact, there would be times wherein he would visibly show care about the verdict of his right hand man. Just a simple shake of their head would send you begging and sobbing for mercy. Some had never even seen the light of day ever again.
Who this person actually was, no one knew. There were no discernable features about them except for one thing: a soft glow that despite the many layers of bandages tried to hide never actually shrouded its light on their right wrist. It would flicker and dim, yet in some cases pulse and glimmer. Was it a protocore imbued in their body? Or was it something else?
Many who lived to tell the tale of meeting the leader knew of his two henchmen, kept always close by their side, but not them. Never their right hand man.
You physically cringed and recoiled at the use of the word ‘master’ before removing your gaze at what Tara was reading from her phone. “That sounds so—”
“Cool? Intriguing?” Tara butted in, eyes gleaming at the sudden introduction to a new figure in the N109 Zone. You deadpanned, leaning down to swipe away from the app she was reading it from. She pouted at you before setting her phone down as you spoke. “No,” you countered. “Edgy.”
Tara’s shoulders slumped at your words. “It is not! This may be new information! Not many people talk about the N109 Zone, you know.” As you rolled your eyes at that statement, ready to refute her, she interrupted you before you even opened your mouth. “And besides, people are going crazy over this. See?”
She opened her phone once more to show you the comments of the post she read the excerpt from. Your lips curled in disgust as you read each one. 
“dont u think thats lowkey really hot” “wait whys that kinda…” “the hood stays on.” “how come we’ve never seen them before?” 
You snorted at the last one. At least they had common sense. “I don’t get the hype. It’s either a myth, or someone just trying to do their job.” You clasped your hands, startling Tara. “Which is what we should be doing right now! Isn’t that right, Tara? Don’t you have a bit of paperwork that you’ve been holding off on?”
She grunted, clearly stunned. “Wait, how’d you know that—”
“I’m off to do mine then! Toodle-loo!” You exclaimed, already halfway to your desk. When your face was finally out of your friend’s vision, you grimaced, a whine coming out of you. Who had the audacity to put that up on social media? You’ll have to ask Sylus to take it down later.
“Okay so,” you started, tapping the inside of your right wrist, a 3D diagram of a tall building appearing. “The auction, as you know, starts in 3 hours. Many of the underground’s elite are joining, and so are some people who got introduced to events like this via the Nest. There will be new faces so I am begging you, please keep your sassiness to yourself for just one day. I know it’ll be hard, but I promise you it’ll be harder if you just have extra nuisances. Oh, and by the way—”
“(Nickname),” his voice snapped you out of your rambling. “I think I’ll be fine.”
You whipped your head at him before scoffing, shrugging as you tapped your wrist again, removing the diagram. “Suit yourself.” As you sat down on the edge of Sylus’ bed (with that, you earned a slight raise of a brow from him, whose back was leaned on the bed’s headrest), you clicked your tongue. “And just so you know, there is a theme to this, so I’d rather you go with cool colors instead of your normal red—”
“Thank you, my right hand man, but I’m afraid I’m sticking with red,” your boss plainly interrupted, irking you. What irritated you even more was the use of your title. You hated being called Sylus’ “right hand man” despite it being true. 
You pursed your lips, nodding stiffly. “Right, about that whole ‘right hand man’ thing, there’s this post that’s been blowing up on social media about me, and it’s making me sound way worse than I am. Could you have it taken down?”
Sylus smirked, tilting his head ever so slightly before picking his phone up from the nightstand. After a quick while, he lazily showed you the exact post. “Is it this one?”
A sigh of relief escaped you as you nodded, lips curled up. That is until you realized he was the one that posted it in the first place. Your shoulders slumped as you quickly attacked him, trying to grab the phone from him as he reached it up. 
You heard a small grunt coming out of him when his back harshly hit the headboard, but you couldn’t care less. “Take it down!” You exclaimed, kneeling on his thighs to reach higher. Sylus swiftly brought it down, however, grinning when he saw the annoyance drawn all over your face. “And why should I? It gives you good face.”
“But it paints the wrong picture of me!” You whined, stooping down to grab his wrist. A shine of victory sparkled on your face when you did, but he only raised his brows, merely allowing you to do so. He’s going easy on you. “There are people thirsting over me!” 
At that, Sylus barked out laughter, ripping his wrist away from your grip. “There are? I haven’t checked the comments yet.” 
Suddenly, a wash of horror swept through you, and your efforts to catch the phone doubled. “Wait no, don’t—”
“‘Is this what the dark romance girlies were looking for?’” He read out, the shit-eating grin never leaving his face. He switched his phone to the other hand as you tried to grab it, but to no avail. “‘Why have the leader when you can have the right hand man?’ Okay, ouch.” Sylus sarcastically remarked, and you winced at the comments. “Enough, Sylus!”
“You should be flattered, (Nickname),” he said, causing you to stop in your antics. “It’s annoying. Now, take it down—”
You yelped the moment you felt his free hand on your chest, flipping your positions with ease. Jaw clenched, you glared at him, trying to pry off his hand. “How about this?” Sylus negotiated. “I’ll take the post down,” with that, you exhaled, a weight suddenly lifted from your shoulders. “If you go to the auction with me tonight.”
You scoffed as you stared at him, brows scrunching up. “I’ve never been to an auction with you before.”
“You have—”
“Not in person! I was always just a little crow pin on your coat.” You argued, sitting up on Sylus’ bed as he got off on top of you, rolling his eyes at your words. “What’s the difference?”
You blinked at him, scoffing incredulously. “‘What’s the difference?’ What’s the difference? The difference is that I actually have to talk to the damn people! And they’re gonna go all crazy because, ‘ooh, the leader of Onichynus has a new woman on his arm’!” 
He chuckled at your imagination and anxieties, standing up to go fix himself. “Alright then, the post stays up—”
“Wait!” You stopped, a hand out. Sylus looked at you expectantly, as if he already knew what your answer would be. You felt your eye twitch at his expression, and he just “innocently” smiled at it, though there was barely anything innocent about him. You sighed, posture slouching in defeat. “Fine. I’ll go with you,” you mumbled.
A smile of victory that was supposed to be on your face appeared on your boss’. “Perfect. The dress is already in your closet.”
Your face slowly contorted as you processed his words. ‘The dress’? Just as he was about to enter his bathroom to freshen up, you straightened your back on his bed. “What dress? Were you anticipating this?”
No response came from him except for low laughter, mocking you as you grumbled your way out of his room. 
Your boss is going to be the death of you, you swear.
As you walked the long hallway and took a sharp turn to your right to go to your room, you took a deep breath. This is going to be your first time actually showing yourself in public without any disguise, without any cover, ever since you decided to work under Sylus a couple years ago. Sure you knew a bit of social etiquette in terms of formal settings and such, but those were all from books; you never inclined yourself to actually join Sylus in any of them. From what you’ve heard from him, they were usually boring, where the filthy rich conversed whilst participating in illegal activities. And though the filthy rich part caught your attention, the “boring” did not. Nor did the illegal activities. You didn’t give a rat’s ass about what Sylus or people like him did behind the law’s back, but you were still technically a hunter. If word spreads that someone from Linkon City’s handful of heroes is engaging in sketchy weapon trading, then you would be utterly screwed.
You opened the door to your room with a sigh, though whether it was one of relaxation at the sight of your luxurious suite-like room, or one of frustration at how Sylus practically forced you to join him, you weren’t quite sure. Nevertheless, you bee-lined straight towards your walk-in closet, an addition Sylus willingly placed in your contract a week or so after when he realized just how material-oriented you were. 
Ah, right, Sylus loved spoiling you.
You could prove that fact by glancing at your wardrobe. It was certainly way bigger than the room you lived in (stolen) before working as Sylus’ right hand man. Lit up with warm pin lights outlining the perimeter on the top and on the bottom, clothes and jewelry alike made the room look like Heaven. And you would constantly ask yourself if this was Heaven, indeed. To your left were the fancier types of clothing, perfectly tailored to fit your measurements, and to the right were the clothes you would wear for day-to-day (designer, of course. Wouldn’t want Sylus’ money to go to waste). In the middle was a glass island with jewelry that cost more than a fortune, and probably more than your life. It gleamed horribly bright due to the mix of metals and gems. Diamonds, rubies, sapphires, emeralds, you could probably name it all. Though you preferred some over others, a little bit of everything didn’t hurt anyone, right? Certainly not Sylus’ wallet.
You would’ve felt bad for buying more than half of what you have in your closet using Sylus’ money, but his closet cost more than yours ever could. And every time you’d borrow his sweet little black card to go shopping, he never said a word, just a single turn of his lips of approval as you skipped your way towards the most expensive shops you knew. And a good chunk of your belongings were gifts from him, too —”as a token of gratitude”, he’d always say (you never believed him)— so you knew that he didn’t care.
Whether you liked the idea of it or not, you had agreed to become his right hand woman —his secretary, even— so you couldn’t really complain when people called you that (despite not knowing who you really are). Plus, the job came with benefits, so might as well suck it up. 
One thing caught your eye, though, and that was a box on top of a cushioned chair in the corner of the closet. It was beige with a silver ribbon tied on the top, a deep contrast to the darker palette of your room. Stealthily, you walked towards it, brow raised, before your entire body relaxed when you noticed the familiar handwriting on a simple yet sophisticated card on top of it. Only thing written on it was, “wear this.”
You pursed your lips as you rolled your eyes, opening the box without any hesitation. And to say you were impressed at Sylus’ ability to constantly not follow rules he didn’t want to follow would be an understatement.
You scoffed as you brought the beautiful dress out of its cage. This edgelord decided to gift you with a wondrous deep red silk dress, its sweetheart neckline low enough to entice but not low enough to seduce. It accommodated for its lack of fabric in the higher chest area with puffy sleeves that you assumed were off the shoulder, catching the warm light in smooth lines. You brought it out fully, placing it against yourself and relishing at how it looked in the full-length mirror. Bottom-wise, it covered just about everything except for a rather daring slit that ended somewhere around your high thigh. Who did he think you were, a stripper? 
…Well if the money called for it—
You shook your head, carefully draping the dress on the matching chair on the other corner to freshen yourself up. You couldn’t wait to try it on. 
You let out an exhale when the last curl fell from the iron, the heat kissing your bare skin. You hissed at it but solved the problem by brushing it away from your neck. Your eyes trailed towards the faint glow on your right wrist, then the golden jewelry on your vanity table, then at yourself. Hesitance was written all over your features, eyes not leaving yours in the mirror as you place a rather glimmery bracelet on to cover your wrist. You always thought the shinier something is, the more the glow would dim. Would camouflage. 
What snapped you out of your thoughts were a familiar pair of hands gently grabbing the dainty necklace right in front of you, and clasping it around your neck. Your gaze left your own to lock with his, though his eyes were focused more on your hair (or neck?) than on you. 
It wasn’t long after that that he looked back at you with an amused turn of lips. “Are you ready?” His voice reverberated in your head, as it had been a good hour or two without the presence of one, the only thing your ears had been hearing up until his entrance being simple jazz instrumentals from your bedroom.
You glanced at your feet, which were currently bare, before shaking your head. “Give me a minute—”
But before you could even do anything, Sylus knelt down, picking up one red-bottomed stiletto from the pair and slipping it on your foot with ease. To a normal person, that would’ve certainly given them a scary amount of butterflies, having a man on his knees, practically serving you by being the one to put on your shoes for you. However, your boss had done this multiple times in the past. So many times that you’d grown accustomed to it. 
“These heels aren’t that bad, (Nickname), why don’t you use them more often?” He commented, placing the other one on your other foot. You snorted, an opposition to your current elegant figure. “I barely go out. What, you want me to wear these when I’m hunting wanderers or just in the house?”
Sylus shrugged, standing up. He placed a hand on his hip as you stood up as well. Despite you wearing a good couple inches worth of heels, he towered over you somehow. “Why not?”
You rolled your eyes, scoffing. “Let’s just go.” 
The moment Sylus stepped into the room, everyone’s eyes were on him. Or rather the pretty little thing linked on his arm.
Sylus’ expression remained that of indifference as he practically pranced around, and most people would assume he was showing you off. You’ve known him for long enough, though; you knew he wasn’t trying to. In fact, you assumed it was probably your stance.
Chin held up high, eyes sharply scanning the area through lazily held up eyelids, chest puffed out, shoulders pulled back, and stride confidently pompous. You were a new figure. Sure, your attitude was something the people inside of the building had seen one too many times; your position, however, was not. 
Who was this new woman beside Sylus, the leader of Onichynus? And why has she just popped up now, out of the blue? 
After a couple beats of silence, whispers erupted all around the two now most important figures of the event. And with that, a small smile ghosted on your lips. One that Sylus noticed.
“Enjoying the attention, I see,” he whispered, quiet enough for only you to hear. “Have I not been giving you enough?”
“Careful there,” you responded through a forced smile, eye twitching. “People might hear you acting like something comparable to a partner. Then I’d have a whole nother problem to deal with”
Sylus just laughed at your statement, unlinking your arms. You glanced at him, confusion clear in your expression. He leaned down, almost as if he was bowing, and you thought that that was exactly what he was about to do… until you noticed a very familiar card slotted between his pointer and middle finger.
Your eyes visibly gleamed at the sight as you gasped. “Really?”
He just shrugged, lips almost forming a pout as he straightened his posture. “Of course, if you don’t want it—”
“Have I ever told you how much I love you, Sylus?” You excitedly said, snatching the black card with the same amount of enthusiasm. He watched you memorize the numbers engraved on it (though he knew you had it burned in your retinas) with a chuckle. “Now, who sounds like a partner between the two of us?”
“Shut up,” you grumbled before changing your entire demeanor. Frankly, it was times like this that slightly intimidated Sylus, how money and wealth could easily change your mood. “I mean, thank you so much! I’ll see you in 30?”
He just nodded, amusement clear on his features. “You’ll see me in 30.”
And with that, you grinned, practically jumping in delight before bee-lining towards a protocore which glowed a beautiful pink, near nude, color. You were drawn to it from the very beginning, but didn’t want Sylus to see just how much you wanted it.
You glanced at the glow of your wrist, which was covered up by black lace gloves to avoid suspicion. It flickered softly underneath its cage, so quickly that the pulses between each flicker of light seemingly disappeared. You braced yourself, crossing your arms tightly to ground you to reality. Whenever you’d find a protocore this powerful, its memories, the things it sees, reels you in so hard, you would faint. Sylus had never seen that part of you before, though your first encounter with him was close. 
Well, it happened multiple times after that, too; you weren’t quite sure why. But after a while, it was habitual for you to feel a bit nauseous around Sylus until you would no longer feel it at all. 
This protocore’s pull was faint compared to that, but it made you falter in your footing nevertheless. You shook your head, taking a deep breath before calling one of the servers nearby. “15 million for this.”
His brows furrowed deeply. “But ma’am, this is only worth 100,000—”
“Then your pricing is foolish and incompetent. When I say something is worth 15 million, then I will buy it for 15 million. Do not doubt my decisions.”
The server froze in his place, and you could’ve sworn you saw the hair on his skin stand upright at your cold words. It almost put a smile on your otherwise apathetic face.
He bowed immediately, quickly following your orders. “Yes, ma’am.”
You nodded your head mindlessly, already striding to another pull. Suddenly, you felt a hand on your shoulder, cold and… nonhuman. A wanderer maybe? No, this felt different. You felt your body stop in its place, your chest heaving as you tried to gasp for breath. Wait, calm down. You could check what this was with your wrist. But wait, how come nothing was popping up? You— You needed to kill the thing behind you; you needed to—
“Are you okay, miss?” A smooth voice snapped you out of your thoughts, and you whipped your head at it. You glanced at the man’s hand, which was clearly pulled back. Almost genuine concern covered his entire face, his eyes shining with care. 
You were quiet for a couple seconds before responding. “I-I’m alright, thank you.”
The man gestured one hand out, palm facing up, as if waiting for you. Reluctantly, you gave your left hand, and he slowly brought it up to his lips and kissed your knuckles. With your hand still quite close to his face, he stared at the intricate lace design of your gloves, and you felt your stomach flip. “I apologize; I did not mean to startle you. My name is Aries. I’m new here.” He admitted, his voice low enough to send your heart racing. 
You’ve never felt like this before. And it wasn’t romance you were feeling; it was something much more… forced. You held your guard up high, allowing him to treat you like this for longer. He might be a danger. 
So instead, you smiled, eyes locking with his as he stood up properly. “(Name). A pleasure to meet you, Aries. So, what brings you to a place like this?”
Aries sheepishly laughed, clearly nervous about the entire situation. You knew he fancied you, especially with the way his face was beet red. “Ah, my— my uncle encouraged me to go with him, even if I didn’t want to.”
You gasped, eyes lighting up when you finally realized that there was someone just like you here. “Me too!”
He tilted his head, brows scrunching together. “...Your… uncle dragged you here?”
A small stifle of laughter bubbled in your throat before you grinned, shaking your head. “Not my uncle. Just… a friend.”
Sylus’ eyes never left you as you strutted around the auction, most especially when he noticed you conversing with a man he had never seen before. He opened his mouth to ask you a question about him, a bit of basic information perhaps, but he immediately caught his mistake. Right. He was so used to having you by his side that he’d completely forgotten.
“I see you’re eyeing my nephew, Aries.” A man, at least a decade or two older than Sylus, approached him, his voice irritating the leader of Onichynus on the spot. He barely glanced at the shorter male, trying to figure out his name. He usually had you whisper it to him. Ugh, what was his name again? It was French for something… Chaton? Chateau? No, he just called this guy ‘castle’. It was a C- something… 
Ah, Ciel.
“Ciel,” Sylus said, boredness crystal clear in his voice. The older man laughed —a forced “rich” one, at that— before responding. “Ah, and here I thought you forgot my name. Yes, I—”
“What do you want?” Ciel flinched at the bluntness of Sylus’ tone, but answered him nevertheless. “So, what’s the deal? Who’s that pretty little minx you brought today? I’ve never seen you bring a plus one to these events before.”
Sylus’ face scrunched up slightly at Ciel’s words in disgust, but his eyes never left the conversing pair. “And why should I tell you?”
Ciel elbowed Sylus as if they were buddies, making the taller man grunt in distaste. “Oh come on, mate! Though she was so cold to everyone when she entered, she seems too bubbly to have been in the N109 Zone for a long while. Where’d you get her from, hmm?” Sylus’ brows raised slightly when Aries accidentally dropped a pen he somehow had (why the hell did he have a pen at an auction?) and you stopped him from getting it, bending down to pick it up. Your front was right in front of Sylus, which in turn meant right in front of Ciel. 
He whistled, grinning at the view you just accidentally gave him. “Now I see why you keep her around. Come on, Sy, mind letting a dear old friend borrow her for the night—”
“I’ve given you many chances to back off, mate. Too many as it seems.” Sylus’ grip on Ciel’s shoulder surprised him, and with how he winced and let out a small whimper of pain, it seemed as if Sylus was slowly getting angrier each second. “I’m being generous today, since it’s not ideal for me to get scolded as of the moment. But if you ever lay a finger on her in the future, I will make sure you never see the light of day. If she doesn’t beat me to it, that is. Understood?”
He could feel the atmosphere around them chill with Ciel’s fear as he nodded vigorously. “Y-Yes, Sy—
“Try again.”
“Yes, sir.”
You sucked in a breath as you watched Ciel and Sylus converse. The moment you noticed your boss’ eyes on you, they flickered away, towards his holster. When he glanced at you again, you shook your head slowly, and you almost cracked a grin when he huffed. It was barely noticeable, but you knew that look anywhere.
Aries seemed to be looking at them, too. “Yeesh,” he grimaced. “They are not getting along.”
Your head turned to the man you had just met, and your brows scrunched in confusion. “Who?”
“Oh,” Aries nervously grinned, clearly embarrassed and ashamed. Ah, you knew already. “The one on the left, h-he’s my uncle.”
Ciel has a nephew? How come I never knew that? You faked surprise, mouth turning into an “o”. “Oh, that makes more sense. In that case, I think I’ve heard about your uncle before. He does trade in… firearms, correct?” You didn’t want to disclose your relation with Sylus yet; it might backfire on you in the long run.
Aries’ eyes lit up at the mention of “firearms”. “Yes! His newest model was actually one of his best works if I do say so myself. Though I might be a bit biased if I say that because I made the blueprint—” He cut himself off, hand to his mouth. “I was rambling, wasn’t I?”
You giggled at his reaction before shaking your head, playfully hitting his arm. “No, it’s fine! So you work with Ciel, then?”
“How do you know his name is Ciel?”
“I know some figures. And your uncle’s pretty famous here.” You saved, internally cursing yourself at the slip up. You glanced at Aries to see if he believed you, and with that smile on his face it seemed as if he did. Thank God.
Sylus could feel his jaw tightening when he saw you practically flirting with that man. He knew how you were towards wealthy people; hell, you were like that to him a week or two after your deal with him. You were hitting that man’s arm playfully for his money. Totally.
But Sylus could give you whatever that man could possibly offer tenfold.
Wait, why did he care again? Right, he didn’t.
With Ciel finally gone, grumbling to himself as he left, Sylus was able to scan what exactly the auction was putting up for sale. Huh, just some gaudy protocores. It seems as if they finally ran out of things to sell.
His eyes went back at you, and his brows raised up in slight curiosity when you eye a protocore. Sylus watched as you walked towards it, and almost staggered on your footing. With furrowed brows, he walked towards you. Whether it was from concern or something else, he wasn’t quite sure. 
“7 million. Wrap it up.” You demanded, exuding an air of sophistication. The air around you was cold, but that was one of the things Sylus liked about you. “Just 7 million? Do you really want people thinking I’m broke around here?”
You tilted your head slightly, though your eyes never left the protocore. After a while, you shook your head. “And do you really want people thinking you don’t know how to strategize your finances? It’s only worth 7 million at max.”
He just shrugged at you. “Alright, then.”
Once you had the two protocores you needed, you took a deep breath. The tug you felt between the two was too much, and you could not extract information from them now. Plus with how weak you were beginning to feel because of having to keep up socially and physically, Sylus’ pull was getting worse by the second.
“What, tired from spending all my money?” Sylus teased, though even with his words, you could feel the soft heat radiating from his palm on the small of your back, aiding you to the car. You laughed humorlessly, not having any more energy after everything that happened today. “This isn’t even a dent in your wallet. And besides, we’ve been here for a couple hours; my social battery is dead.”
Sylus’ chuckle filled your entire brain, and it may be your exhaustion, but it left your cheeks flushed either way. “Speaking of your social life, who was that… man you were talking to?”
Oh, that left you intrigued. You smirked as he opened the door of the car for you, and you raised a brow. “Why, you jealous?” He scoffed as you sat down, and he closed the door, taking his sweet, sweet time to get to the driver’s seat. “What makes you think I’m jealous?” 
You pursed your lips as your boss started the car, tilting your head. “Maybe the fact that you asked?”
He just rolled his eyes at that, lazily removing one hand from the wheel and resting it on your seat to reverse the car. Sylus looked back, giving you a wonderful shot of his side profile. “Well,” oh dear, his voice was close to your ear. Nonchalantly, you turned to look at him. “For your information, I asked because he’s new— I’m going to assume. I hadn’t seen his face until today.”
You huffed, feeling your cheeks flush at his reversing. That’s such a weird thing to get flustered about, you thought to yourself. “Fine, then. His name is Aries, and… I don’t know anything about him.”
At your words, Sylus’ brows knit together in slight confusion and alarm in his face. “What do you mean, ‘you don’t know’? Use your wrist.”
You rolled your eyes at his words, crossing your arms and your legs as he began to drive. “I tried, but I couldn’t. For some reason, there wasn’t any dirt I could pick up on him. Only info I know is because he told me, like how Ciel is his uncle.”
“I knew that.”
“I saw you two speaking. Had a lovely chat?”
He merely grunted as a way of saying, ‘no, what the fuck are you talking about?’ And at that, you giggled. You kept your eyes on the road, though you slowly felt your lids drooping. “Anyway, he seems… intriguing. He works with Ciel in firearms sometimes. Plus, he asked me out.”
… “He asked you out? Where? When?”
“Oh, now you really sound jealous.” You grinned, leaning onto the seat belt so that you could use it as a cradle for your cheek. “I’m not telling you; you’re going to get Mephisto to follow us. He’s cute; I’ll give him a chance. Now,” you over-exaggerated your yawn, stretching slightly in your seat. “If you don’t mind, though I don’t really care if you do, I will sleep. Very tired. Good night.”
Sylus stayed silent for a moment, and just when he was about to respond to you, you were fast asleep the moment he turned to look at you. He shouldn’t be jealous. Er, was this jealousy? Maybe it was overprotection; Sylus was never keen about sharing what was his. And technically, given how you were his right hand woman, you were his. But then again, you going out with someone shouldn’t be his business, especially if said someone could be a valuable asset to Onichynus. But it didn’t make that uneasy feeling at the pit of his stomach settle.
“She’s cute, isn’t she?”
“Uh, yeah, she is. Are- are you sure I have to do this? She seems like a nice gal.”
“Shush! If we strike a deal with Onichynus, the collaboration would give us so many benefits, my boy! And wouldn’t you like to have a pretty little something by your side at the same time?”
“...I don’t know; I thought she and the leader were—”
“She and the leader are nothing. She’s probably just some whore he took pity on. Now, don’t ever doubt this plan again, okay?”
“Y-Yes, sir.”
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srvbryn · 7 months
i have been in severe luke distress after rereading titans curse. maybe like you could some reassuring luke? bc him and thalia used to have something and now reader and luke are together but not officially and she’s afraid he’s might still like thalia but he doesn’t ?
Luke Castellan. So if you need to be mean (be mean to me)
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Luke Castellan X f!reader
Summary: wherein it is impossible to simply forget the past as if it never happened
Warning: none! I'm literally Shakespeare, “I love you”, there's barely any plot because what??, my grammar is veryyy bad
A/n: 😭 Pls I'm running out of ideas and this probably isn't the same as what you request I'm sooo sorry 💔💔
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Luke stirred, caught in the vicious grip of a gruesome nightmare, as the night unfolded like a tapestry of sorrow.
Instinctively, you drew him in closer as you tried your hardest to protect him from the sinister figures that prowled in the corners of his disturbed dreams..
"Luke, it's all right. You're safe here," you whispered, your voice a fragile rhythm in the deep silence that enveloped the room.
You felt the tremors going through his body as you held him, they were all evidence of the nightmares that continued to haunt him while he slept.
His eyes revealed a deep-seated agony that defied description in the soft, ethereal glow of the moonlight peeking through the curtains. "The memories of what happened with Thalia follow me everywhere. (Name), She haunts me."
Your voice was like a soft stream trying to wash away the scars of the past, and your heart was aching for him as you continued to murmur words of consolation.
"The past is something we cannot change, but despite everything, we have created something lovely together."
He let out a trembling breath and his voice showed the weakness he rarely showed. "Do you ever think I still have feelings for Thalia?"
Cupping his tear-streaked face, you held his gaze, the depth of your love reflected in your eyes. "Luke, our journey has been marked by pain, but it's also been defined by our healing. I love you for who you are now, not who you were."
The room hung heavy with a somber silence, broken only by the echoes of his sorrow. "I love you too," he admitted, the weight of lingering doubts evident in the sincerity of his confession.
The room seemed to get colder and the shadows darker as you clung to each other in the stillness, showing the scars of the past every second that went by.
You two unintentionally turned into warriors against the approaching darkness in that moving moment; your love was a weak but resolute light trying to mend what the world had broken.
The night lingered, and so did your embrace, a bittersweet refuge against the haunting echoes.
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padfootswhiskers · 6 months
With all respect, I think u guys give jkr's writing skill too much credit . Ik she said she planned everything abt hp books from the beginning( I don't believeit tbh), but she wrote some of the weirdest dumb stuff ever for the sake of the plot that don't make any sense ... Remus's life and even his name, for example.The fact that Remus hasn't visited Harry for almost 12yrs is ridiculous . "He thought Harry was safe - he felt worthless. He was a coward. " wtf?! No he didn't do it bc Harry shouldn't know abt his parents and wizarding world the End. srslyWheree were lily's friends? Oh they all passed away...Harry's grandparents THEY ALL PASSED AWAY ...problem solved (jkr is so good at this) and plus imo that also happened simply bc if Remus checked on Harry, he would be a father figure to him 100% (the role given to Sirius), and jkr didn't want Harry to have the same close connection with Remus as he did with Sirius. It would make harry -Sirius's relationship unimportant... Take Sirius's other relationships, for example. When he escaped Azkaban, he had no family, no lover, no one. Initially, I was like, "Yeah, okay," and that seemed fine. But later, it occurred to me that maybe he was written that way because he had to be solely for Harry. Like, he shouldn't care about anyone but Harry. Sirius isn't allowed to prioritize anyone over his godson.
to be fair, anon, i think two things can be true at the same time. a lot of stuff does happen in the hp universe for plot reasons---this doesn't necessarily mean it's always bad writing.
the plot required harry to be unaware of the wizarding world, alright. i don't see how this means remus would've taken, like, custody of harry or something if it hadn't! remus IS a coward. he IS extremely self flagellating. it IS completely plausible that he knew petunia wasn't a great person and left harry there anyway!
(take DH for example. he says tonks will be safe with her parents right after he tells them that her parents have been tortured for information. he isn't a stupid man, he's being deliberately cowardly.)
i understand that you probably really like remus, or at least the good bits of him, but character traits you dislike do not equal bad writing. remus consistently shows himself to be extremely passive-aggressive, conflict avoidant and unable to actually follow through on his conscience. i don't know about you, anon, but i can definitely see a man who convinced himself that withholding information about a wanted murderer was OK, convincing himself that harry is safe and better off without him.
jkr didn't have to use plot reasons to thwart remus and harry's budding relationship so that sirius could step in because...there isn't a scenario that exists wherein canon remus would step in to be an orphaned harry's father figure. i'm genuinely curious as to why you think he might. THAT, if anything, is what seems ooc to me.
as for lily, that seems to be pattern with jkr's 'popular girls'. i can't name five of ginny's friends if my life depended on it. it was also obviously done so that the snape reveal would have a greater effect. but lily isn't an established character the same way remus is.
as for sirius? i don't think it's unrealistic that he didn't have a lover/anyone waiting for him. i think people tend to forget he was only barely 22 when he got locked up; plenty of people haven't begun sorting out their lives at that age. lest we forget, he was also fighting a war pretty much the second he left hogwarts. not great for the dating scene, that. i don't think it's unrealistic at all that he hadn't thought about girls (or boys) or settling down at that time in his life.
but even if he had, i can't fathom a world in which he wouldn't transfer the love and devotion he had for james to james' son.
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tayfabe75 · 4 months
Matty Healy: Cancelled on purpose?
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"I'd rather be a pretend supervillain than some pretend hero." (x)
Matty Healy. If you're familiar with the name, chances are good you've already got an opinion about him. Probably a strong one, if I had to guess! Since opinions about Matty Healy tend to come in just two shades: black and white - revered and reviled. On the one hand, you've got people sleeping in tents on sidewalks, sometimes in sketchy cities and inclement weather, just for the chance to see him up close; on the other hand, you have chronically online Twitter users praying for his early demise, using AI art to bring their most depraved wishes to life. So, what's going on, exactly?
"The only fear I have is provoking ambivalence in people. I'd rather people be angry at me than be bored." (x)
And get angry they did! Matty's 2023 cancellation even earned him Pitchfork's "Villain of the Year" title! But...
Did he plan for it to happen all along?
On October 14th, 2022, Matty appears on Chicken Shop Date with Amelia Dimoldenberg. She confronts him about his plan to go on a podcast and pleads, "please don't", to which Matty replies:
"It's probably good advice."
A couple of months later in December 2022, Zane Lowe reveals that Matty meticulously planned their entire interview, lovingly describing him as a "TROLL!" Likewise, when questioned about their ambitious 'At Their Very Best' tour, Matty says that though the tour "feels loose", it's actually "very, very tight" and "very, very well-rehearsed".
Fast-forward to February 2nd, 2023: Matty makes an appearance on Q with Tom Power, where he describes his interest in the flimsy nature of interviews, saying:
"I could fuck my career, I could be a different person, I could do a Chinese accent, I could do anything!"
About a week later, on February 9th, 2023, Matty appeared on the Adam Friedland Show podcast. For context, this podcast is classified as "black comedy, blue humor, surreal humor, anti-humor, and political satire". It is associated with the "Dirtbag left", which is described as "a style of left-wing politics that eschews civility to convey a left-wing populist and anti-capitalist message using vulgarity". In other words, they're trolls. Just like Matty.
Now, to make things easier for anyone reading who wants the full context, I clipped Matty's three "unforgivable offenses" from the dreaded podcast: here is the "ghetto gaggers" moment, the "Ice Spice" moment, and the "accents" moment. I hope you can tell the difference between British and American accents…
Adam and Nick would go on to clarify that they didn't actually know which website Matty was watching. Likewise, very recently, the woman who walked in on Matty clarified that he was not even watching ghetto gaggers:
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When asked about the podcast and whether he baited his fans on purpose, Matty said:
"A little bit. But it doesn't actually matter. Nobody is sitting there at night slumped at their computer, and their boyfriend comes over and goes, 'What's wrong, darling?' and they go, 'It's just this thing with Matty Healy.' That doesn't happen."
Yet, it does! Shortly after the podcast, Matty's fans expressed their distaste for his appearance on The Adam Friedland Show. Part of that might be because it was amplified by this tweet from Yungblud:
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Interestingly, a few months prior to his tweet, Yungblud went on record stating his admiration for Matty Healy in November 2022. And after Matty's very "unserious" video response wherein he mocks Yungblud, but Dom would later go on to admit that he found the whole thing funny and that he still likes the guy.
Conveniently, Ice Spice also happened to go on record with her admiration for The 1975 shortly before the dreaded podcast, in January 2023!:
"I listen to alternative music. I feel like a lot of people wouldn't expect that. Yeah, shout out Coldplay, The 1975. Obsessed with them."
This, of course, made the joke about her sting that much more a month later… Now, if Matty simply promoted Ice Spice by praising her on his social media accounts, she might have gotten a small boost in streams, that's true. But think about that pretend villain quote again… by taking the fall for a barely offensive joke that he didn't even say, himself… Matty practically turned Ice Spice into a household name.
And before you go assuming Taylor collaborated with Ice Spice purely as damage control… well, there was a rumor about the collab almost a full month before it dropped, on April 27th. And here's what Ice Spice had to say about it:
"That was mostly through management. I was talking about how I was watching Taylor's documentary 'cause I just wanted to really take notes as an artist and stuff like that. Just like how the lifestyle is for such a big artist like her. My manager heard me talking about that and had like reached out to her team and then they had a song for me and everything just played out real good."
Ice Spice's clarification often gets ignored in favor of the more dramatic version of events. The same way Matty's apology addressing the situation from last April gets ignored by so-called journalists who are rewarded for their biases via clickbait titles.
Ice Spice also clarified that Matty apologized to her personally several times:
"I saw him at the Jean Paul Gaultier party a couple days ago, and he was like, 'Hey, you OK?' and I'm like, 'Of course.' He apologized to me a bunch of times. We're good."
Speaking of podcasts… on April 8th, The 1975 released an episode of 'A Theatrical Performance of an Intimate Moment' (filmed in March) where Matty appears to be rehearsing lines for an upcoming and seemingly "candid" interview with Caveh Zahedi:
On April 15th, Matty revealed that he inspired the rat from Flushed Away. Now, Matty probably didn't actually inspire the character of Roddy St. James (although he really was close to one of the film's writers, Ian La Frenais, who was his mother's godfather), but... with this joke, he had just cemented his own "vermin" moniker that would continue to be used to insult him to this very day (sound familiar? 🐍)
What was it Taylor said? Ah, that's right:
"If you make the joke first and you make the joke better, then it's not as funny when other people call you a name."
Almost a week later, on April 21st, Matty would go on a four-minute speech on stage in Auckland, New Zealand, "finally" providing an apology and an explanation for the whole podcast debacle:
"It's not because I'm annoyed that me joking got misconstrued, it's because I don't want Ice Spice to think I'm a dick. I love you, Ice Spice. I'm so sorry. But I don't want to be… I don't want anything to get misconstrued to be mean. I just want to say, 'Hello. This is a bit embarrassing. I'm sorry if I get it wrong. We all get it wrong'. You know? Like, I just have to do it in public and then apologize to Ice Spice, and my life's just a bit weird. But I am genuinely sorry if I've upset her because I fucking love her."
Ignoring this pre-existing apology, on May 17th, Taylor's fans (allegedly) penned the "SpeakUpNow campaign", urging Taylor to dump Matty. On May 30th, Brad Troemel published the "Taylor Swift Fan Union", a series of satirical infographics targeting Taylor's most entitled fans.
Taylor and Matty were reported to have broken up on June 5th, just one month after Taylor had the nerve to date someone of her own volition, without first seeking fan permission!
And things were about to get even worse for Matty, as his labelmate Rina Sawayama would go on to call him out at Glastonbury in June:
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"I wrote this next song because I was sick and tired of micro-aggressions. So, tonight, this song goes out to a white man who watches Ghetto Gaggers and mocks Asian people on a podcast. He also owns my masters. I've had enough."
Yet… Matty resigned from his position at Dirty Hit at the beginning of April, which, at the very least, should call the ownership of Rina's masters into question. Speaking of Rina, she's historically a friend of Matty's! Here she is photographed with Matty's dog Mayhem in 2020. And when Matty took over The Face podcast, they asked some of The 1975's friends to cover their songs… Rina was selected and chose 'Love It If We Made It'.
Speaking of Matty's friends… Bleachers were hand-picked to perform at The 1975's Finsbury Park show on July 2nd, where Matty would label Jack his best friend. Yet, just one month later, Matty would be allegedly "disinvited" from Jack's wedding.
In August 2023, Bleachers would go on to join The 1975's Dirty Hit label (alongside Rina). That same month, an episode of The Ion Pack podcast featuring Matty was published, revealing that Brad Troemel "lit a fire" underneath him "massively". Yep! The guy from earlier who created the "Taylor Swift Fan Union". And, though the podcast was published in August, it was filmed all the way back in November 2022…
Brad would go on to help co-write The 1975's 'Still At Their Very Best' Tour, which would launch in September 2023 (yep, the same month as Matty and Taylor's new relationships!):
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During the SATVB tour, on February 13, 2024, Matty would describe what he does on stage as "simulating a breakdown", and, as was always intended, Matty's fans largely fell into the trap he laid… (or, at least, I personally saw a lot of speculation regarding Matty's possible drug relapse and mental health issues all over Reddit and Twitter, based solely on his on-stage performance - well, that and gossip blinds, I'm sure).
But... Matty called it a year earlier, in February 2023, when he said:
"I like these lines of like, blurring between what people consider is real. Because with the internet now, there's also a forum. So, there's a lot of conversation right now about like, whether I'm back on drugs, or whether the show is real."
Remember that pesky podcast that started all this mess? The Adam Friedland Podcast? Well, it's co-created and produced by Nick Mullen. Check out this file Matty shared on December 28th, 2023:
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It's a little blurry, so let me actually type it out:
UNTITLED MH PILOT "Canceled" Written by Nick Mullen
Some interesting things started happening at The 1975's shows this February. Matty began playing the clip from Q with Tom Power during Consumption (the one about how he could fuck his career and do a Chinese accent if he wanted). And, in the midst of a seemingly earnest speech, Matty breaks the fourth wall, encouraging his fans to be skeptical of things they see on screens - even seemingly sincere moments...
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I'll close this out by reminding anyone who happens to have read this far that Matty grew up watching tabloids profit off of made-up lies about his parents, and the media might have destroyed his relationship with the woman of his dreams (we'll see!) Basically, if anyone has the means and motive to troll the media, it's Matty Healy.
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olderthannetfic · 1 year
Nothing is more disappointing than clicking on a fic for your OTP and it turns out to have what I call OC Stand-In Syndrome, wherein Character A and Character B have had their backgrounds, personalities and motivations changed alongside plopping them in an AU setting to the point where their names are just about the only thing tying them to who they were originally.
To use an example from a fandom I am not in now but saw a lot of this in when I was, take literally any MCU ship. Stony, but Tony and Steve are in the 1950s and Tony is a shy emotionally damaged Omega uwu and Steve is just a nice guy but not the badass who canonically would fight you for more or less any injustice you committed in front of him. Were their names changed to Antonio and Stefan, you would not recognize that they were supposed to be Tony Stark and Steve Rogers at all. Or it's Stucky, but it's a modern day AU and Bucky is a banker who falls for barista Steve and neither have any personality traits in common with their original namesakes outside of being I guess nice and arguably friendly with each other, though of course in addition to their childhood friendship being erased, so has their poverty, plopping them both into comfortable middle class backgrounds often with supportive living families, making them unrecognizable as far as origins go. Clintasha but Clint is a CEO of a company and Nat is a secretary with no dark backstory and they've never met until one day their soul marks activate and they go on a series of dates where they reveal personalities, backstories, interests and desires that do not match canon Clint and Nat to the point where you don't know why these two were chosen as the named characters.
If you want to write original fiction, by all means, go for it. Write your 1950's A/B/O M/M romance with an emotionally broken, shy uwu boy and his skinny sexy chivalrous Alpha. Write that coffee shop M/M middle-class-without-the-uncertainty thing. Write your busy workaholic cutesy secretary who fate has wed to a CEO and aaaah she's so nervous aaah why is this so awkward. Those are things with audiences who will love them and were they not presented to me with the names of other characters on them, I might like them, too.
But when I go looking for A/B fic and I just find a fic with a character borrowing Character A's name and they're into a character borrowing Character B's name, my thought isn't, "Wow, what a great A/B fic!" it's "you must've accidentally used find-and-replace to put in the wrong names on your OCs".
I got out of Reylo for exactly this reason. I like Reylo. I don't like the latest Sad Girl OC with a different backstory and either much more wallflower or viciously snide personality (depending on what the author thinks is cute/cool) and Sad Boy OC who lacks the rage issues, familial issues and ongoing flaws that make Kylo interesting.
And now it's creeping into my latest fandom and I'm just so tired. Please, I just want to read fic of two characters, not two of your OCs who you haven't named yet.
They probably find their portrayal IC, but yes, this often irritates me too.
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Been a while since I did an actual proper version of these kinds of posts - but it's character art appreciation time! Featuring Miss Crystalle from "Can't Look Back," who is not an ice witch. She's kinda pissed off at Mephianse for that.
As far as I know she only appears in this one quest, but I'm sure a lot of people remember her appearance - I know I do. I think there is one other quest involving the pirates in Fieg Snowfields, but I don't think Crystalle appears in that one.
She really just pops up once and never comes up again lol, but she's a strongly established character via her design elements and personality.
The Character Tome is actually the only thing that reveals more actual information about her: mainly, it gives her name, and it also reveals she's a "Snow Faerie." Which is an odd detail, since for starters she looks nothing like the typical Faerie we see in the game.
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All the Faerie we see appear like this, with recolored sprites and portraits distinguishing them, but only a little.
Another oddity of her being named the "Snow Faerie who guards the Garden of Icicle Flowers' has to do with "Can't Look Back," wherein Crystalle herself says the reason why Nakratos became a snow beast was because he intended to ambush and capture a Faerie at the said location.
This kinda makes it ambiguous if Crystalle was actually Nakratos's target and so it's why she kept an eye on him while keeping her distance, or if her being the guardian Faerie of the Garden of Icicle Flowers means she was just doing her duty when she witnessed his transformation. Crystalle herself doesn't show any fighting ability in the quest, despite what Mephianse said about her, but Crystalle does seem to indicate Nakratos has failed to capture even a single Faerie, so it's possible that has to do with her, perhaps she had some sort of restrictive measures put over him but was unable to defeat him herself. Again, it's all a bit ambiguous, but I imagine Crystalle would have been mightily pissed off at Mephianse slandering her if the case really was that she had been Nakratos's target.
...this is a character art appreciation post, not analysis, so moving on - well, Crystalle actually has a detailed entry in the "Art of Mana" book, made again by character artist Nao Ikeda!
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I wonder if there's some sort of change or translation slip because the art book introduces Crystalle as "Enchantress of the Snow Fields". Nothing about her entry mentions her being a Faerie, which might be the reason why she doesn't really share any characteristics with them, it seems like she wasn't even meant to be one. In fact, one of the notes even says she's "more like a demon" though it could just be visual description rather than character lore.
Here's the all the notes typed up:
Here's the note to the right of the chibi illustration:
"In contrast to her fluffy cotton hat, her hair is like columnar joints and her kimono sleeves use crystals to convey a sharp look."
Here's the note in the middle of the ink drawings:
"More like a demon than a magical being. She might have a horn growing under her bridal hood."
The bottom note:
"She's the enchantress of the snow fields, so for her design I included things like a cotton hat that looks like piles of snow and hair that hangs like icicles. In the story, she's also like the old Japanese folklore tale of the snow woman (Yuki-onna), so her bangs and clothes have a somewhat Japanese look to them. (Ikeda)"
These notes do confirm that Crystalle's similarities to the Yuki-onna are deliberate, and Nao Ikeda speculating she might have a horn under her "bridal hood" also gives her the flavor of an oni. Interestingly, despite these motifs of more frightful yokai, in the final game Crystalle doesn't seem to be malevolent at all. She just sounds harsh towards Mephianse, but can you blame her after he misunderstood what happened?
Here's close-ups of the concept art:
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Nao Ikeda likes making chibi illustrations of her characters - it's really cute! It does seem like she was rather fond of Crystalle to draw her this much, but I'm just speculating.
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The Crystalle art we see in game dropped the detailing of the pattern on her robes - the shape of the clothes is actually quite different too, in Mr. Kameoka's official art for LOM. In Nao Ikeda's work, it seems like Crystalle wears some sort of ice-like stockings, but in-game she looks like she has furry legs.
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I think this one is still Nao Ikeda's work, but she did draw Crystalle here in a way that's more similar to Mr. Kameoka's work. The eyes, especially.
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Another chibi on top, but these bottom two ink drawings remind me of Final Fantasy art. I can't quite put my finger on why, but the way Crystalle looks her reminds of Ultimecia from FF 8.
Hope this was interesting! Sources for the art are screenshots from the HD version of Legend of Mana on the switch, and the concept art are pictures I took from the Art of Mana book.
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ishipallthings · 1 year
Cap-IM Rec Week 2023 (Thurs)
Golden Oldies Thursday, July 20 for @cap-ironman Rec Week!
This is a day late, but here are some of my favorite older Steve/Tony classics!
Remember to show some love for your hard-working creators!
The Twice-Told Tale by arysteia
For someone he'd hero-worshipped for so long, Steve Rogers in the flesh is a pretty big disappointment. For one thing, he keeps looking at Tony as though he reminds him of someone else, and even if he never says anything, Tony's pretty sure it's his father. A lifetime of not measuring up to Howard's expectations is more than enough, thank you very much, and he's certainly not going to make an effort to live up to any of Steve's. Steve's pretty clearly failed to live up to his expectations, in any case, and that's not hypocritical at all.
(First Impressions Are) A Work in Progress by ras_elased
Tony has a point system for the times he can get Steve to be less than perfect.
i stole the keys to this guy by kellifer_fic:
Where it was Nick Fury's idea, but he didn't mean it like that.
many names in history, none of them are ours by aubkae
Steve's not sure if he'll ever understand Tony Stark, but it's good, living here. If he still wakes up sometimes convinced this was all a dream, well, it's better than it was before, and that's something, isn't it? The Avengers live in a world that both glorifies and fears them, but they know each other now behind the scenes.
bedrock and brick by lyra_wing
Immediate sequel to the movie, wherein Tony builds Avengers Tower. Or plays interior designer, take your pick.
Four (Or Five) Reasons for Kidnapping Tony Stark by scifigrl47 @scifigrl47
There are four reasons for kidnapping Tony Stark. Tony's sick of all of them. Well, there's potentially a fifth, but it's highly unlikely that Captain America will suddenly fulfill THAT fantasy. Tony's deeply disappointed about that. Steve Rogers, as always, is oblivious. At least, that is, until someone who isn't him kidnaps Tony. Then he's just pissed.
Honey, I Can See The Stars by twentysomething:
"The most he'd ever cared about anything remotely related was his uniform, which, beyond the stylistic, was pretty necessary. But now his suit comes from a lab far more advanced than the basement of a Brooklyn antique shop, and the only decision he really gets to make is if his pants are too tight. (They were, but he doesn't really think they changed them. He doesn't know why, but he thinks that might have been on purpose.) That being said, he doesn't know what he's done to deserve the double take Tony gives him as he walks in the room."
Mr. July by jibrailis
Tony is the only one who can defend Steve's virtue. Tony hates his life.
The Best Policy by starknjarvis
Tony Stark breezes through life on bluster and bullshit. When he gets hit by a truth spell, he locks himself away in his workshop so he can find a way to reverse it without anyone finding out. So why can't he say no when Steve keeps asking to spend time with him?
The Most Amazing Things (Some Terrible Lie) by copperbadge @copperbadge
Tony's decision not to reveal his identity as Iron Man to the world was shrewd and calculated. Too bad it's about to backfire on him like a Jericho missile.
the reason you ruminate the shadowy past by Mizzy
So, Captain America effectively manages to cockblock Tony for a year.
It's not Steve's fault. Well, actually, it is. But he was just proving a point - that if a superhero is gay, how can it be wrong? Steve just picked the wrong superhero to make the point with. Now America will think they're dating - and Tony's not going to be the guy to break Captain America's heart.
There's only one way out. To save face, Steve and Tony have to become fake boyfriends. Steve thinks the "boyfriends" bit will be the hardest to act... but maybe it's the "fake" part that will be the hardest act of all.
Even the Light is an Illusion by Mizzy
Death threats are an unfortunate side-effect of being Tony Stark, so he's learned to ignore them. The problem is, when someone really wants you dead, hiding your head in the sand just kinda exposes your ass. But it's not just Tony's behind on the line. Whoever wants him dead wants him to suffer first, and they're willing to do anything to make that happen. Tony knows there's only one way out. To save Steve, the Avengers, and the general public, Tony has to die. Of course, death isn't always the end, and Tony does what any other self-disrespecting scientist would do: he finds a way to fake his death and avenge his own murder. The trouble is, terrible decisions usually have a terrible price, and this one is no different. Tony has a chance to save the day, but the cost may be more than Tony was ever expecting to pay…
Tony Stark and the Super Sleeper, or actually, Soldier by RurouniHime (@thegertie)
The one where Steve keeps falling asleep on Tony.
Two Out of Three (Ain't Bad) by plingo_kat
It blindsides him one morning in the middle of his customary third cup of coffee; Steve walks through the door in loose cotton pants, shirt pulled up to wipe the sweat off his face from his usual morning workout, and Tony thinks: adorable.
and of course, the one that started it all:
Resurrection, Reconstruction & Redemption by Elspethdixon, Seanchai (616)
Doom brings Steve back from the dead. Hijinks ensue, some of which might vaugely be considered plot.
Hope you guys enjoy the recs, and stay tuned for more! Please mind the tags before reading. Check out my tag for previous years’ rec lists :)
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sheloves-toomuch · 2 months
Chapter VIII: Out of the Hells, Into the Fire.
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In this chapter, we discover just how far Orin is willing to go to get revenge on the sister she despises- even if it means taking her place in Astarion's mind.
Content warning: Adult themes, suggestive and explicit content, fantasy violence, and memories of Astarion's past trauma. Orin the Red's shapeshifting antics and manipulation.
As always please let me know what you think- what you liked and didn't like, and what you hope to see in the rest of the story.
It had been only a day since they defeated the horrendous creature Yugir as Raphael had wanted. A week since they set out to make good on their deal with the devil for Astarion’s sake. 
Waiting until the next nightfall as they had agreed, Raphael approached the party just outside the entrance to the mausoleum wherein lay the corpses of countless Merregon. A proud look was firmly on display from Raphael. He made the dark, chilly night even more cold.
“You have done well” He praised. Zenosyne could not help but find herself brightening slightly at his words.
Astarion shifted uncomfortably. His impatience was clear, but he didn’t want to overstep just yet. This discomfort was not lost on Raphael, who turned with rapt attention to face him. He let his eyes scan Astarion’s deceptively composed posture. 
“You’ve fulfilled your portion of the deal. It’s only fair that I fulfill mine.” Raphael said, with that wicked smile of his.
Astarion waited with cautious optimism. This was it. The moment he had been waiting for. Surely the devil wouldn’t change his mind now? 
“Listen carefully. Your scars. They are quite the infernal runes indeed. A diabolic and terrible pact made between Mephistopheles, my father, lord of the nine hells- and your master Cazador Szarr.” Raphael said with an even, calculated tone. He took this very seriously indeed.
“Former master.” Zenosyne said with vitriol in her tone. If he had not been so engrossed in what was being revealed to him, Astarion thought he might have even smiled at that. 
“Is a spawn ever truly free?” Raphael went on, “If you have some semblance of freedom now, Astarion, you will surely lose it soon.” 
Astarion felt his heart sink. He had come to love the freedom he had found alongside his group of... well, if they weren't his friends they were at least his allies. The closest thing to friends he knew, anyway. How cruel it was that he would be given a taste of sunlight. Even worse, he had been given a newly invigorated spirit. He had been given hope.
Zenosyne wanted to argue at the statement, but bit her tongue. This is Astarion’s story, she thought to herself. It’s his place to speak if he wants to. 
Instead, Raphael went on. 
“This ancient, evil contract reveals Cazador’s true intentions. His goal is one of ultimate terror that has never before been unleashed upon Faerun. His aim is that of all vampires, to become the ultimate vampire ascendant. With the sacrifice of his own spawn’s undead souls, he will achieve this impossible task. It is known as the rite of profane ascension.” Raphael let his words hang in the air a moment, letting them absorb all that had been revealed for just a second before continuing:
“He will be more powerful than any vampire has ever been. More powerful than Vellioth before him. Even more powerful than Strahd von Zarovich himself.” 
At the name of Strahd von Zarovich, both Astarion and Zeno shuddered visibly. Raphael nodded with serious reverence at the name, and acknowledged their well placed fear. 
“He will have the unbridled power of the undead vampire, with even more strength than he had before. He will walk in the sun, his heart will beat again, and he will be unstoppable.” 
“He can't,” Zeno said, breaking her hard-kept silence. She wasn’t certain that they could ever defy him. 
Astarion’s brow wrinkled with concentration. His fists tensed at his sides, then relaxed. 
“Thank you.” Astarion said, his voice steeled. 
Raphael bowed his head. 
“Thank you, good friends.” 
And he was gone in a flash of flames.
“We can fight to stop it.” Zeno said, wasting no time in breaking the tense silence. 
Astarion kept the silence a little longer, pondering carefully what he would say next.
“... We can… or…” Astarion paused, deeper in thought now. His eyes were fixed off the the side, and Zeno tried in vain to regain his gaze. 
“Or what?” She asked, leaning in. 
“All that power.” He said, his voice laced in awe. 
“... Yes?” Zenosyne asked, her curiosity piqued. 
“What if there were a way to harness the rite in my own favor?” 
“And kill your kindred?” 
Astarion’s eyes snapped at Zeno now, his attention fully on her. She jumped a little at the sudden change in his tone. 
“They are no family to me. They are already dead. Dead long ago.” He said with anger. "And make no mistake. They are not innocent." His face showed disgust at the thought of them.
“Do not forget that your choices are your own now. You owe it to yourself to–” 
“I am owed this!” He violently interrupted. 
Zeno silenced herself. 
“I don’t think any of us are owed anything by virtue of our suffering alone.” She said, quietly. She knew her words were not about to be accepted so easily. She knew they may even make him horribly angry.
“Will you not stand with me on this?” He said, deciding to let his anger subside slightly. He appealed to her softer side now.
“I stand with you, of course. I stand with you and hope you will make the right decision. Whatever that may be. I think we need to consider what such power entails, though. If you were to become the most powerful of all vampires, more powerful than Strahd himself- then who is to say you wouldn’t become a monster just like him?” 
“I am already a monster!” Astarion fought back. He stood his ground now. 
“I understand!” Zeno threw her hands up, “As am I! Yet, we need to decide what we want now. We have that choice! So many do not!” 
“I will always choose power over fear.” He growled, impassioned. 
Zeno let her arms fall to her sides. She nervously shifted where she stood, then grasped her own hands together. She nodded. 
“Will you help me?” He asked, softening. Vulnerability was in his eyes. It was clear he didn’t like it. Asking for help. Needing her. 
“I will always help you.” She said.
Amidst all his turbulent inner thoughts and the uncomfortable emotions that were chasing him tonight, Astarion turned his eyes to the water beneath the glowing moon on the wide open beach. The waves danced upward as if to reach towards the stars, begging for the chance to take flight in the night sky.
"A bird may love a fish, but where would they live?"
Astarion despised the feelings within his chest now, the feelings that he had repressed and hidden away for two hundred years. Anger and resentment muddied any semblance of respite he tried to chase this evening- and he felt that the progress he had made in coming to terms with his simple plan was dashed now.
But he was feeling, after all. For the first time in two centuries he was feeling. He wasn't mindlessly and soullessly pacing the streets at night in his endless hunt for his master- his otherworldly hunger eating away at his will to go on for another moment.
Was there even any hope of stopping Cazador? What if there was some way to take all that profane power and ascend in the place of his master? He deserved it far, far more than Szarr ever could. He would walk in the sun without the tadpole. His heart would beat, and his blood would flow again.
Just as his eyelids began to grow heavier, he noted something stirring within the shallow waters in front of him. His eyes snapped open and he could have sworn his undead heart did a flip in his chest. The crystalline ripples of the water that had been crashing onto the sand parted slightly to reveal a familiar face.
"Zenosyne?" he called out.
"What are you doing?" He asked, and inwardly chiding himself for the silly question. Of course she wanted to be in the water, for her own sake. The siren craved the sea, naturally.
"Oh, Astarion." She called again, gesturing calmly for him to join her.
Her hands reached out towards him as she emerged from the sea- her skin glowing with the blues and greens of the evening sky and the setting sun. She looked the same, but different. She didn't wear the colorful beads that often adorned her chest, but black pearls gathered around her beckoning form instead. Some of the strands loosely hung from her neck, and some sat tightly on her wet skin- the flesh underneath sensuously begging to be set free. He let his eyes wander for a moment. He wanted to pull at the pearls and watch as the strands broke into a million pieces under his grip, like stars erupting from the heavens only to reveal what he desired beneath.
"Oh, Astarion what?" He asked incredulously. He rolled his eyes with feigned annoyance. The siren's attention was fixed on him still, each movement he made studied by her eager eyes. He walked up to the shore where she lay now, and stood over where she rested out in the shallows. His eyes darted back and forth between hers', trying to ascertain whether or not the dark urges had been settling in her mind again. She did seem different somehow, but it was not the dark urges that he saw in her far-off gaze.
The siren reached up to him again, her hands running over his sand covered torso. She kneeled with her shimmering tail still partly beneath the waves, and the water pooled around them both with bubbling foam. When each wave crashed up onto the shore, it crashed into their bodies- pushing and pulling them in every direction. It was as if the sea were pulling him closer to her with each rushing tide.
"I can see this very scene being the cover of our spicy little novel." He jested, hoping to rouse a giggle from her. She seemed utterly serious, and he wanted to see if he could chip away at that hardened exterior of hers' once again.
She didn't blink an eye- but a tiny hint of confusion was evident in her countenance. She didn't seem to dwell on this, though, pulling on his arms with more force than she had ever used before when toying playfully with him.
Astarion fell down onto his knees along with her now, the water splashing violently into their faces- his silver hair now wet and clinging to his pale neck. He felt that sensation again- the one where he thought his undead heart might be beating again as she grasped his face with dominant resolve.
He wasted no more time, and his hands pulled gently at the black pearls that were between her skin and his. He pressed his chest up against hers' for leverage, and let his knuckles pale as he wrapped his fingers around the glistening strands with more force. It brought her chest upwards and forced her shoulders back, her face tilted to the sky.
"Say the word." He whispered. His lips were inches from Zeno's, and his fists remained tightly wrapped around her pearl top.
“You want to ascend, don’t you?” 
Astarion stood up more straight now, his grip loosening. He let her fall back a little. 
“I… maybe.” He said, his eyes darting back and forth between hers’. 
“You deserve to ascend.” She whispered sensually. 
“I do.” he agreed. 
“The others will not understand. Do not tell them your plans. We will not discuss this with them.”
“No, no we won’t.” His eyes darkened with delight. 
“When the time comes, my love, do not let power slip through my hands. Do the same for me. Help me to claim my bloody birthright. Help me to embrace the call.” 
“Is… that what you want?” Astarion asked, falling backwards a little. He sat in the shallows now, the siren resting on top of him. “To embrace this, now?” 
“Power for us both. Imagine the fear that the mortals would have. Imagine the fear!” She shuddered with an almost unquenchable excitement. It were as though she were being tantalized. Her breath quickened. Her pulse beat faster. “They would cower before us. We could take faerun. We could take the power of the Absolute. Be the gods we were destined to be, my bloody lover.” 
Astarion stiffened. He had misjudged her. He could not decide if he was thrilled at the prospect of someone encouraging his darkest desires- or disappointed that she had given up the fight against her own demons. Did this mean the kind, sweet Zeno he had come to cherish was gone? 
“You never cease to amaze me.” He said. He began to force that seductive grin on his face just as he had done so many times before. 
I can work with this. He thought, as if trying to convince himself. 
The siren curled up in his arms. 
“Let my urge take control, next time.” She whispered with her teeth bared. “Let me rip the others limb from limb.” 
“Now, let’s think with our heads and not our blades. I don’t think that’s… wise. We need their help to survive this.” He teased, his playful tone incongruous with the macabre topic at hand. He wanted to calm down her bloodlust. He feared the urges were about to overtake her again. He also did not want to see the others hurt. Deep down, he cared for his misfits.
“... not a second longer than we need them. They live not a second longer. I want them. I want their blood, my love.” A twisted and perverse giggle escaped her lips. Astarion had never heard anything like it from her before. He was no longer at ease. No longer felt the warm attraction he had felt just moments earlier. The giggle became an even more chilling laugh that sent shivers up his spine. The siren’s fingers clawed at him now, roughly gripping his pale and cold skin without the tenderness he had come to expect from his sweet love. 
He nodded, keeping his mask up. 
“Of course my sweet.” He said, swallowing his nervousness.
Perhaps now he could separate his feelings for her and his ambitions. That love he had been feeling, and the person he had come to know and adore seemed to have disappeared in an instant. Perhaps this was a good thing. It made things simpler. It kept his nice, simple plan together at the seams.
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sketchfanda · 2 months
Kirishima’s Mystique Party 3
A Real Dish
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Digital static flickered on for a moment as a camera was finished being set up and adjusted, giving any viewers a modest and oh so very generous view of furry cleavage contained by a silky green blouse. The owner of both which revealed herself to be a quite mature furry woman who was more than easy on the eyes, radiating a very suburban mom vibe what with her simple, sensual curvy all covered up in the aforementioned blouse and a set of denim jeans which really highlighted a quite healthy pair of hips and thighs. Checking to see that the camera she had set up was running just fine as she smiled and hummed sweetly while giving herself a once over before looking with those warm hazel eyes of hers. The scenery around her seemed like a typical sort of basic apartment living room but where she was could be hinted at if one were to look closely at the window in the background and what it displayed before she caught her growing audience's attention and began speaking up.
??:"Uhm, hey there, you all know me, Helen Dish here and I hope to make this livestream go well for all of you....Oh my, a few donations already and I only just started, some of you are just too much you know that?"*The furry woman couldn't help but feel a bit equal parts giddy yet flustered, young folks really went all out for a single old divorcee like herself huh? Hell she was still clothed and had only just went through setting up this account, how Zigzag managed to talk her into doing this was beyond her but then again she had quite a way with words and the gifted tongue to match.*"Really now, maybe wait until I've actually started okay? You're just too sweet for your own good..."*Shaking her head in bemusement, the hot single mom turned her head to sound of the door being knocked on as she went to go at it, the camera of course getting a fine angle and shot of her furry milf hips swaying and sashaying in those lovely denim jeans. The comments and tips chiming in of course in display of this fine view.*
Helen Dish, bless the dear woman, was on what you might call a little journey of self discovery and personal exploration, ever since the day the famous pornstar Zigzag came into her life and rocked her world. Awakening her to new sexual experiences which lead her to a curiosity on what boundaries and kinks she could try out, up to the Siberian Tiger-Skunk doing her best to consider maybe taking up a career in the adult entertainment industry, flattering as that was of course but she felt she wasn't quite cut out for it....yet anyway. But of course her ever experience friend with benefits suggested something of a halfway point, setting her up with an account on the OnlyZ2 social media account, a special adults only platform with which she could post videos and pictures of herself of a very private, intimate and oh so erotic nature. Which lead to her current situation wherein she was now trying out posting on the site, right during her solo vacation to Japan of all times to try out one of Ziggy's suggestions.
That being to do a saucy little livestream of herself playing out one of the most basic and classic porn scenarios, doing it with a cute hunky delivery guy which of course was making the single milf equal parts nervous and excited all at once. Checking her watch while making sure the camera was still running smoothly, the furry sexy mama jumped a bit as the bell rang and knocking was heard on the door which she went to go answer, the chat gong wild as they recognised the delivery guy. He may have been in a simple delivery guy uniform and his usual spikey mane of hair in its more natural state but the chat was going wild recognising none other than the Red Riot himself Kirishima!! He’d taken up a little part time summer job working for the local pizza place so you can bet he was going to be in for quite the surprise, in more ways than one.
But as it just so happened, who should chime in on the chat but the use names AlienQueen and LadyoftheWaves, aka Mina and Maya who were naturally cheering their man on to get him prime furry milf ass for a hell of a tip. The current part time pizza guy accepting his payment of course but nervous and confused as Helen gently urged and persuaded him to come on inside so she could give him a tip for his services. Soon as he placed the pizza box down, she had the door shut and locked, the hot sexy mama in spite of herself felt quite bold and daring as she pounced onto the chivalrous himbo, locking lips with him in a deep, passion fuelled kiss. To say it caught him off guard was an understatement as he found himself falling back onto the couch, hands instinctively reaching out to hold Helen steady, unintentionally grabbing and squeezing that denim clad rump of hers with a firm squeeze which made her shudder sensually.
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The chat box of Helen’s amateur stream on Only Z2 was seeing a rise in views and an influx of viewing guests, many of which were chiming in with donations in anticipation of what was about follow. Helen of course had put the active camera in the back of her mind as she became quite enamoured with the slab of hunky beef she was making out with. Especially when it was clear he was getting quite into it in spite of his sudden and spontaneous it was, his hands massaging that jeans covered booty of hers while she pressed snd rubbed herself against him and his muscle mountain frame. A spark of lust and attention forming between the pair as they were suddenly finding their clothing quite confining and restricting.
Much to the delight of the most eager snd thirsty of their viewing audience, the clothes were soon flying, with Helen’s rising fanbase skyrocketing especially once her modest but oh so very well aged furry figure was on display. Particularly when she was really enjoying pressing herself up against and caressing Kirishima’s fully exposed, sculpted form as she humped and ground his hardening length and girth between her thighs and hotdogged between her fuzzy buns. Her slit running along thst shaft snd drowning it in the steady flow of her love nectar as she found any hesitation or shyness wasn’t anywhere on Kirishima’s mind as he groped and caressed her body she so generously bore on display for him. Showing that he was no stranger to handling a woman sexually which only served to further fuel her sense of boldness and arousal at finding herself actually pulling off and playing out the oldest cliche porn fantasy so successfully.
Which translates to quite the show for their viewing audience as they watched the milf hero turned part time pizza guy in a 69 postion, Helen moaning wantonly as she felt Kirishima’s shark like teeth tease her folds while he ate out. That is when her mouth wasn’t busy working away on that butch pleasing womb hammering cock of his, stroking off what she couldn’t fit into her mouth as she licked, sucked and blew on this pulsing slab. Her free hand massaging those heavy balls as a deep seated primal portion of her brain was rising in volume, calling for her to let this hunky alpha male mount and breed her. She hadn’t felt this wild since that first glorious experience she had with Zigzag, hell this was looking to take no.2 in her top 3 sexual experiences list for sure….
Helen:”Aaahn!! Harder!, don’t stop!! Keep going! “*Before Helen knew it, she soon found herself experiencing a sensation could only be akin to feeling like she reaching heaven if not the sexual equivalent of Nirvana. And why wouldn’t she when she had Kirishima atop her in a position part way between missionary, spread eagle and the mating press as he pumped and thrust his shaft like a jackhammer into her sloppy wet folds. Holding onto those powerful shoulders of his for dear life as the cameras got just the right angle of their intimate connection, Mina and maya cheering their man on in the chat to rut that sexy mama and out a baby in her. Plenty of the viewers seconding thst sentiment as some typed “Get pregnant!” Like a mantra, with tips pouring in all the while.*
Of course some rude guests or annoying trolls would get the ban hammer their way if they so much as started shit or tried to, especially one by the username Grapist but that wasn’t ruining the fun for the streaming audience. Not especially when seeing Kirishima continue to rock Helen’s world as he took her from behind doggy style, her glorious furry milf booty clapping and jiggling with every impact of their loins as he grasped and squeezed her swaying tits. Or hoisted her mature frame in the air for a full nelson or standing fuck as he pretty much out her ex husband to shame and all the while to her delight she found he was completely focused in her and her own pleasure alone, as if the idea of his own orgasms were just a natural result and not the end goal. Such a gentleman even when it came to sex, the guy was a keeper as she wondered if ziggy would just love to meet him…..
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After minutes into hours, the marathon like session proved to be quite a tip for the chivalrous himbo, who kept Helen company in basking in the afterglow, idly making out with the furry milf. After a rest up and a shared shower..which less to a quickie of course, he courteously received his payment…and a card with her contact details for the next time around down the road. Which he accepted with a humble sweet smile of course,as the milf, clad in a silk bathrobe,went back on over to her laptop. Giggling snd nervously blushing at the large donations in tips her viewers so generality provided as she thanked them graciously, blowing them a kiss with a wink and a smile before shutting it off.
it was no wonder that Helen found herself gaining a number of new fans and subscribers to her channel, some sending messages asking when her next steam might be and if particularly Kirishima might be involved again, seems the chemistry she developed with him was felt by a lot of them. But she had found quite a gift from Mina and maya in the form of a private link to their OnlyHeroes account which gave her access to some very intimate photos and videos with her quite erotically talented pizza guy. Which made for some very handy fantasy fuel on those lonely nights in bed for sure to say the very least. She was certainly going to need to remember to thank Zigzag for her advice, the woman had a gift….
Oh and speaking of the Siberian tiger skunk woman, seems she had been watching in on the stream herself and had been quite intrigued by the wuite hunky fellow her fave sexy mam had gotten down and dirty with. And wouldn’t you know it, seems Mina and Maya were more than willing to talk and share very juicy details about their boyfriend. Details which she was sure to pass onto the head honcho of her studio’s Japanese branch about s potential future star to recruit. As well a a certain fellow sexy lady skunkfriend of hers course, one thing she knew about Chloe was, she just loooved himbos…
Mayoral Liaisons
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It wasn't often Calico "Callie" Briggs found herself with a lot of time but with things being all quite for a change in Megakat City (Home to the biggest population feline quirk based heteromorphs around), the deputy mayor had a chance to relax and unwind for a change. Which was how she found herself visiting Japan acting an ambassador on Mayor Manx' behalf, allowing her to establish diplomatic relations while of course getting to enjoy a little sightseeing here and there. The Hero Public Safety Committee of course had arranged to have some local heroes act as her escort chaperones and provide security and bodyguard detail. UA High School of course was among that had stepped up as their recent alumni of graduates were more than up to the task, just their freshman year alone had been more trouble than they wanted to remember....
So of course she was more than safe and sound in the capable hands of the trio provided by the code names Pinky, Mystique and Red Riot or as we know them, Mina, Maya and Kirishima. The latter two proved very affable and friendly with Mina's feistiness damn near contagious while Maya being the surfer girl she was, proved to be very laidback and chilled. Kirishima though, the guy was such an adorkable himbo, like someone took a teddy bear and put inside the body of a pro wrestler. Right from when they met, the guy'd been doing what he could to do his job while trying not to stare at her too much like he was ogling her.
It was quite sweet and flattering to see such a guy be so gentlemanly and chivalrous these days, a rare thing when most guys seemed more intent on listening to their libidos. It certainly helped that he was more than easy on the eyes, that face the right blend of cute and handsome while his outfit really showed off those gains of his...to which the feisty feline mentally slapped herself to regain focus. It wouldn't be proper thinking of her bodyguard like that, especially when it seemed he was more or less with either Mina or Maya, or was it both even? These days polygamous and monogamous relationships were aplenty and was she imagining things or did it seem like the bubblegum duo didn't mind her mentally undressing their man?
All the same, the feline stunner just couldn’t keep the guy from running through her mind, many a sleepless night from wet dreams about that himbo mounting her and taking her in ways that would make porn seem tame. Waking up after an especially intense orgasm, fur and sheets soaked with sweat from having dreamt of such of lewd fantasies like being taken in the shower or him invading her room to ambush her, among such other dreams she could recall vividly. At some point Callie knew, her deep, subconscious primal urges would scream at her to give in, to throw herself at that alpha male and have him rut her. Sooner or later, something was going to have to give.
Indeed at her private hotel room that night, Callie found herself feeling rather sleepless though it might not have helped that her assigned bodyguard heroes were right next door. Going at like minks in goddamn heat as Mina and Maya’s moans echoed deeply and passionately. All in rhythm and tune with the heavy thuds and creaks of their bed against the wall and floor as they cheered their man on to smash them like only he knew how. It was enough to drive the feline beaut crazy, yet in spite of any annoyance she should feel, her body betrayed her as she found kind hand plunging down her gushing folds as she played with herself.
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It was moments like this Callie cursed the fsct she liked to sleep in the nude, as she squirmed about he’d bedsheets, staining them with her sweat soaked fur as she indulged in her audio voyeurism. Visualising what I had to be happening on the other side before finally…the noises ceased. Seems they finally stopped, none too soon yet frustrated as she felt she was close to orgasming, so the near insomniac woman decided she needed a cold shower. So up she got, nearly sleepwalking to the bathroom but forgot a simple little important detail in her semi tired state of mind.
That being the bathroom was interconnected between her room and the one shared by Kirishima, Mina and Maya as well as the fact the shower was already occupied. Steam filling the room like a small fog as she entered the shower, only to be shocked awake by Kirishima yelling that he was in there already! The sturdy himbo and the feline beaut looking at one another in shock and awe, Callie drinking in that glorious well endowed muscle mountain with his semi rigid cock stiffening with renewed vigour. While Kirishima found himself unable to look away from the deputy mayor of MegaKat city in all her furry nude glory, who knew such a brainy charismatic woman had such a stunning body.
Neither of them was sure who made the first move but all Callie and a Kirishima knew then and there was they soon found he selves pressing their bodies together in passionate embrace. The hot water raining down on them to fuel rather than dampen their spark of intimacy as they made out with passionate abandon, tongues dancing together as Callie found her back pressed up against the cool tiled walls. Her glorious,soaked blonde mane waving around as she threw her head to let out a deep throated moan to find his length and girth penetrating her, inch after inch of that slab sinking in and filling her in ways she nerves thought possible. Orgasmic tingles running along her spine and she was loving every goddamn second of it!!
But as soon as he has bottomed out, balls deep and started to limp and thrust like the piston of a jackhammer, Callie was finding herself in erotic heaven as Kirishima fucked her deep and hard. Arms and legs wrapping around his Adonis frame as she held on for dear life, now Callie wasn’t a virgin but she sure as hell wasn’t a slut but Damn if a Kirishima wasn’t putting any prior past partners to shame. Pretty kitty starting to see how and why Mina and Maya were so damn loud moments before. With a guy like this, why would any lucky lady not want to feel like they were playing out their own personal porno?
If anything what was going on in that shower was putting pornstars to shame as Kirishima rocked Callie’s world, any fantasies or wet dreams she had been having about him were exceeding and surpassing expectations. Orgasms hitting her furry bombshell figure one after another thst she couldn’t keep count, all the while she found herself being put through a variety of positions. A few of which she found were some of his favourite and proved to be becoming the same for her, especially intimate ones like the cowgirl or seated lotus but being taken from behind doggy or rather kitty style? It was just so primal to have this hunk of a man mount her snd rut her, those heavy balls of his smacking her clit as his bitchpleaser hammered her womb.
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Callie wasn’t sure how hours had passed, omly how many orgasms Kirishima had which could be counted one hand with some fingers left over, yet she hadn’t felt tired out yet as if the sensation of his cumming in and on her was fuel for her gas tank. Unable and not wanting to stop herself going with the sexual flow and momentum as she found herself being carried out by this hunky caveman even as they did a standing vertical 69. Suffocating herself on his length and girth as he ate her out while taking her right back to his room to be greeted and welcomed by the leering sensual gazes of Mina and Maya. Who patted a spot on the queen sized bed, making it clear there was plenty room for one more…and the night was still young.
By the time the light of the riding sun filled the room with its glow, Callie found herself along with Mina and Maya laying stoo a Kirishima in an intimate tangle of limbs. Basking in the afterglow of their muscle mountain as Callie had found that the rest of her little ambassador tour was going to ensure a few sleepless nights in all the most fun and naughty ways. Suffice to say it was no wonder she made sure to exchange contract details with the trio, which they signified and made official with a naked selfie together. If there was one problem for Callie, it was that the fun would be over soon as she had to go home…..
But at the least the odd picture snd video helped to ease the sense of longing and besides which, it wasn’t like she couldn’t plan another trip to Japan. Or hell, even invite them over for some downtime in MegaKat city, besides which something told her Lt. Felina Feral wouldn’t turn down a chance for some fun with the Red Riot. The gal seemed like she could use a little round of fun in the sheets, it was hectic being in the Enforcers after all. And a fine woman like her was sure to look hot in the throes of passion….
Bimbette Riot
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Bimbette wasn't the first or last girl you'd see around in a society of quirks these days, especially with heteromorph types making furries a natural thing to see around on the streets. Especially skunk girls like herself but if her unofficial nickname she had was anything to go by? Compared to most other girls like herself, she was a stunning knockout, the kind of girl who could walk by and turn heads, causing guys to let their hormones mess with their brains and even the odd girl to question her own sexuality. A walking, talking definition of the term bimbo from her oh so pretty face to the sort of curves and tone that only a man or woman who knew their audience would've drawn and designed her to be so.
She knew well enough she wasn't the kind of girl who could go become a pro-hero or anything but that didn't mean she wasn't a fan of them, really how could she not be? Especially with how many good lookers there were, among the guys and girls alike, she was comfy enough with her sexuality to enjoy both the hunks and the hotties. So seeing her at conventions for autographs was as common as groupies at a music concert, just to get an autograph and the some if she was lucky. And ooh was she hoping to get more than lucky today and with good reason mind you.
After all today was a special meet and greet at the local surf shop at Jagua Del Toro, with a chance to get a signature or picture from local girl Maya Diva, codename Mystique and her lover and partner, Japan’s own Mina Ashido, aka Pinky or Alien Queen as some unofficially called her. Bimbette could barely contain her excitement at being in the presence of such a pair of hotties but what made it even better was that hunk of a boyfriend was there as their chaperone and bodyguard. Her tail sensually swaying, emitting it’s pheromonal perfume as just seeing that prime slab of cut meat looking like an adonis in that outfit, just recalling the fantasies she had so often about him. She could feel her thighs getting all good and sticky as she contained herself from trying to pounce snd make out with the guy, idly wondering he’d be like in reality compared to her wet dreams….
But of course the cotton candy colour furred babe shook her head to clear out those spicy thoughts as she found herself getting closer to the front of the line, wanting to keep herself composed in front of her idols. Not that her excitement wasn’t showing in spite of her containing, what with her fluffy tail wafting snd giving off that oh so fine pheromonal scent and the beaming smile she wore as she got the signatures she so eagerly desired. Puzzled as she moved along to keep the line going to find that in addition to their John Hancocks, Mina and Maya had left what appeared to be their emails and cellphone numbers…and stuck a post it on the back, written with the hotel and room number they were staying at..and a time to show up, all sealed with a kiss. The skunk babe felt her pulse race, fur standing in end as her nerves got all tingly, could this mean what she think this meant?
Well the cotton Candy/bubblegum skunk wasn’t one to look a gift horse in the mouth and besides which, that Red Riot hunk of love looked to be better than that has been Johnny Pew. So later as dusk was setting in, the sun painting the Jagua skies vibrant hues of orange, red snd violet, Bimbette left her hotel room that night deciding to accept the stealth invite. Soon as she found their room, she knocked on the door, which opened to show the sensually grinning faces of Mina and Maya who welcomed her on inside. Stealthily copping themselves a feel of her bombshell body of course which made her shudder as she found them guiding her to the bedroom to find a lovely sight before her.
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There sat Kirishima on the bed, his erect, rigid shaft laid bare which made the skunk babe’s thighs become soaked and sticky as she beheld his muscle mountain body laid bare in all its naked glory. The sturdy himbo unaware of her presence as he currently had on a blindfold and a set of headphones yet her pheromonal scent was certainly distinct as it made his cock twitch and spasm. Her tail swaying with sensual a glee as she looked to Mina and Maya with approving glances, emboldening the hottie skunk girl as she made her way over and stripped down to her her own furry birthday suit. Soon kneeling before this prime specimen of a man, grasping his shaft in awe as she took in his potent scent and wasted no time in expressing her lusty admiration and desire.
Which of she demonstrated with a powerful, lusty blowjob as she sucked and blew on that meathammer, licking it as she jerked odd what she couldn’t fit into her mouth. So tempted to make herself suffocate with deepthroating it which this hunk of burning red love seemed to oblige he as bucked and pumped his hips, feeling those balls smack her chin as her throat became a preview for what awaited her pussy. Which dribbled snd gushed, making a growing puddle on the floor as her tail sway and slithered, letting off more of her pheromones that made Kirishima’s arousal skyrocket as he made to stroke and caressed Bimbette’s head affectionately and sensually. He had a feeling this wasn’t either of his alpha girl duo but whoever they sent his way, they were really hitting his buttons just right.
More so when the bimbo skunk girl upped the ante and sandwiched his shaft between her big furry titties, moaning sensually as she licked and sucked the tip while his bitchpleaser thrust between her cotton Candy cloud jugs. Mina and Maya watching on with voyeuristic delight as they made out with intimate sensual familiarity and passion, tongues dancing in sloppy tonsil hockey as they scissored one another vigorously. Especially in anticipation for when their stud boyfriend would rock the cotton Candy pink skunk’s world like only he could. No audio and visual deprivation was going to deter his natural love making skills, especially when his instincts told him there was a bitch in heat in need of his raw desire.
Desire that was soon drowning Bimbette’s airhead of a brain in raw, mind numbing, sensual bliss and ecstasy as she found herself,on her back. Kirishima mounted atop her as he hammered and pounded, balls deep like a sexual jackhammer as he had started with a classic missionary before shifting to spread eagle, now having the skunk babe in a mating press. Her lovely legs pushed back until her ankles were on either side of her head, tongue dancing with his in a sloppy kiss as she filled the room with her wanton moans and cries. Her tits pressed snd rubbing up against that firm chest of his as she welcomed being used like a glorified fucktoy for this himbo love machine.
A desire Kirishima was looking to oblige as he fucked her with unrelenting force and desire, she was no slut whore but any number of guys she had been with before were being put rightfully to shame. From being held in his embrace as she rode his cock in forward and reverse cowgirl, to being taken from behind in doggy style until her arms and kegs couldn’t hold up anymore. Content to lay flat on her front as he fucked her prone bone but ooh this wasn’t just simple animalistic fucking oh no, the way this stud held and caressed her, every little kiss to her sweet spots and the possessive squeezes to he ass and tits. As if they were animals in mating season as he was making hot fuck damn love to her, claiming his needy bitch in heat as was the natural law of primal eroticism.
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And Bimbette was loving each and every fuck damn second of it, being held in the embrace of his big, strong arms as he fucked her wit his powerful cock. Driven to ruin her for any other men and rutted with such intent that it’d be a miracle she didn’t up having a baby from him, which only turned her on more. Her pheromones filling the hotel room like a fog blanket as she soon found Mina and Maya joining them to make it a four way with the pink and blue duo welcoming their new friend into the fold of their ever growing harem in progress. The skunk babe welcoming their kisses and caresses as their alpha male continued to keep a it as he damn well would with such eager partners to satisfy and fulfill.
Of course with the output of Bimbette’s pheromones, it was no wonder the hazy fog was beginning to pour and seep through into the vents of the hotel. Making their way through and causing quite a few guests and staff alike to break out into spontaneous acts of copulation and it just so happens a few of the kinky trio’s fellow heroes and co workers were among the former. Which lewd to a long, wild night of boundless passion and intimate ecstasy of which a few would find themselves waking up to a different sort of hang over, sticky and sore all over. While as for Bimbette you might ask?
Well she woke up the next day with some pep in her step and full energetic tank of gas, her phone now baring the contact details of her new beau and girlfriends. All the whole she made plans to have herself a place in Japan to pop by every now and then if the trio hadn’t yet settled on making Jagua their more regular home away from home. But in the meantime, the odd exchange of videos and pictures would make for a great bit of fantasy fuel to scratch the smaller itches. Once a girl has had the Kirishima experience, as they say You can sleep with a blonde or brunette but you’ll never get any sleep with a redhead…..
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philtstone · 7 months
Taylor Swift prompts! 5 for Anne/Aramis
#5 -- once upon a time, a few mistakes ago on a whim i returned to my old constance owns a small town inn au today and i thought what better way of filling this prompt than sharing an excerpt from the yet-unpublished chapter 5, "what happened to anne and aramis", which was meant to be a flashback sequence after the very dramatic late-night reveal that theyd slept together its very unlikely that ill ever be able to finish this fic, but i do love it so much.
For all the goodness in his heart, it must be stated that René Aramis d’Herblay has been, and always shall be, the sort of young man who very frequently makes mistakes. This is not his fault, necessarily, nor can it be said that these mistakes are those of the Earth-shaking, life-destroying variety. Most, indeed, are fairly mundane, and have to do with simple things such as his daily intake of caffeine (too high) or the average hours of sleep he manages per night (too low). But perhaps the greatest mistake Aramis has made thus far in his life is not his childish impulse to neglect his piano lessons at the age of ten, nor his impetuous decision to join the army at age nineteen, nor even the stubborn insistence that he use his middle name as his first. In fact, some might argue that this last point was a perfectly allowable decision, though anyone who knows him could testify that the René suits him just as well, if not more, than Aramis ever has. No -- the greatest mistake Aramis makes in his youthful twenty-eight years on God’s green Earth is that he never once takes his father’s oft-repeated advice, and makes nearly all of his decisions with emotion, rather than logic.
Now, it would be remiss of the narrator not to point out that this is not a trait inherently faulty. Indeed, a young man of Aramis's education and reading might breeze through most of his life making decisions that are blessedly the correct choice despite their emotional backing, for a strong ideological basis, borne of a broad and illustrious education, is generally helpful in internally nudging a person’s mind in the right direction. Aramis, whatever other faults he may have, possesses this ideological basis perhaps unusually strongly for a young man his age.
Ana Maria Mauricia de Bourbon is not the first to notice this, nor the last. But she is the first to take it, and tuck it away in her heart, in a way that precious few others have. It is here, then, that the narrator must take yet another step away, and point the reader back to that fateful day wherein the fae, well-meaning wife of their little town’s incompetent mayor was nearly brained by a ceiling tile in the middle of Monsieur d’Herblay’s second-grade classroom.
On the afternoon of the day immediately after this incident, Anne donned her most autumn-appropriate cardigan (a soft cream-coloured cashmere), swept her hair up into its most sensible updo (the one bordering on severe, which Louis had always hated), and slipped her smallest pair of pearls into her ears (these, Anne knew, were barely visible, and brought no attention to her ears, which she believed to be her most shapely feature). Having thusly prepared herself, she took a deep breath, clasped the delicate gold chain of her favorite crucifix around her neck, and walked the short distance back to the public school to check on the state of Monsieur d’Herblay’s ceiling.  
Monsieur d’Herblay’s ceiling was doing just fine, and his children -- for that was what he cheerfully called them -- were doing even better. They flocked her upon her gentle knock at the doorway, clambering over each other and disrupting their daily Reading Circle to be the first to greet her at the door. Chirped cries of, “Monsieur d’Herblay, Monsieur d’Herblay, Madame de Bourbon has returned!” and overloud “HELLO MADAME”s, and, most amusing of all: “are you dying, Madame de Bourbon?” rang out in abundance.
“Oh, no, I am in perfect health, Henri,” Anne had assured the little boy, clutching her handbag with perhaps more force than she might have usually. “The ceiling tile missed me, you see.”
“Were you very scared?”
“I don’t think I --”
“Did you think you were going to die?”
“Marie, I really don’t think --”
“I don’t think you were scared,” had declared Suzette, a little girl more rolly than polly, who enjoyed wearing corduroys at every given opportunity. 
“She is a superhero,” whispered Victoire in agreement, from Suzette’s left, only she lisped most of the word, for she had just lost her two front teeth the night before.
“I am --” 
“She is indeed.” 
And here, the narrator may say that Anne felt once more rescued, just as she had been rescued from a terrible head injury the day before, as the lanky figure of Aramis swept smoothly through the children and in front of her, somehow managing to usher them back into a bad imitation of a half-moon and relative silence without uttering a single word. Anne wondered if this sort of skill was cultivated, or if he had simply possessed it since birth. (This was not a sign of her own naivete. To be sure, Aramis himself had no idea.) “Madame,” his smile was soft but infectious nonetheless -- Aramis had many of these smiles to give -- and Anne found her grasp on her handbag ease.
“I simply wanted to make sure that everything was in working order, Monsieur d’Herblay. It would be a shame if any of your students were injured by more falling ceilings, you see.”
“I’d protect them with my own life were that to happen, Madame,” said Aramis very seriously. The reader might have realized by now that Aramis was very rarely a truly serious sort of person, but that this was certainly one of those rarelies. “I assure you.”
“Like he protected you,” offers Henri, from around Aramis's leg.
Anne, whose skin was cursed to be fair and quite susceptible to flushing, turned pink. However, she did not deign to acknowledge this, but rather cleared her throat and squared her shoulders. This was a tactic that she had picked up from Constance. She found it was a great help in faking sensibleness when one felt a resounding lack of it. Sensibleness was something she needed tremendously just then, as she was suddenly infused with a surge of reckless courage.
“It was nothing,” said Aramis, smiling warmly, but was gently cut off by Anne’s voice, in it an odd note both hesitant and hopeful.
“Oh, it was certainly not nothing. In fact,” Anne took quite a deep breath, “I am in your debt, Monsieur, and as such, I would like to give you a token of my gratitude.” 
Aramis blinked, a few times, and then said, “Oh?” very curiously. There was half a smile in his voice.
“Yes,” said Anne, taking a step forward and lifting her chin. Carefully, she reached around her neck and unclasped her crucifix, and then held it pretty and dangling in front of her. “A good luck charm -- for protection,” she explained. “In case there are any other falling ceiling tiles.”
“Would you not need it yourself,” asked Aramis, though his tall frame was already slightly bent over, as though instinctively anticipating her next move of clasping the necklace very carefully behind his collar.
Anne was determinedly trying not to let her fingers brush against the tanned skin of his neck as she fastened the chain, which was perhaps why she did not think before she said, “Oh, but I am sure you will always be there to rescue me again.”
She straightened, bringing her hands down abruptly and smoothing them carefully over the front of her blouse; she did not break eye contact with him, but did flush just a little more, contrite.
Aramis, however, was looking somewhat entranced. The children were watching the proceedings with rapt attention.
“Of course,” he said, his voice impossibly soft.
Anne could have sworn she was floating. She wasn’t sure if it was embarrassment or something else entirely that she could not have for the life of her identified just then, as she had very little experience with these things overall. “Yes,” agreed Anne, although there was nothing to really agree about. She then hesitated, surrounded by the colourful paper posters lining the walls alongside the children’s macaroni artwork, as people like Anne caught in such situations are sometimes wont to do. “Goodbye then, children,” she said, her voice a little high pitched, taking a step back to go and once more clutching her purse.
“Say goodbye,” Aramis had whispered loudly over his shoulder.
“Goodbye, Madame de Bourbon,” chanted the little class. Anne made it all the way to the doorway, before turning back to give the class a final little wave and a smile.
And Aramis had smiled back at her, as people like Aramis caught in such situations are sometimes wont to do, and it was for this smile that Anne did not leave the classroom and put the incident completely out of her mind, as she had vowed to do so as to save herself long stretches of internal embarrassment -- but instead, not a week later, returned.
Once again, in preparation, Anne donned her second-most autumn-appropriate cardigan (a delicate off-yellow wool), swept her hair up into its second-most sensible updo (elegant, but discreet), and slipped in her smallest pair of pearls (her ears, Anne thought, with a small pang of regret). Having thusly prepared herself, she took a deep breath, tucked her most cherished copy of C.S Lewis’s The Lion The Witch and The Wardrobe into her handbag, and walked the short distance back to the public school.
Anne’s faint little knock on the door was noticed first by the sweet red-headed Henri, who leapt to his feet in the middle of Reading Circle and declared her presence with great gusto.
“Madame de Bourbon! Madame de Bourbon is here again, Monsieur!”
One hand paused over his guitar, Aramis had stilled as he looked up at her from their lopsided circle. There was a look on his face, one that neither Anne nor the children quite understood, but made everyone in the room feel as though something was about to Happen. He was still wearing her crucifix, Anne noticed, and for that she took a deliberate step into the classroom, inhaled silently (she would later confide to Constance that it felt far louder than it actually was), and reached into her handbag.
“I was -- I brought you a book for Reading Circle,” she said (Anne never blurted anything in her life, but it was a close thing), and held out The Lion The Witch and The Wardrobe in front of her. “Monsieur. If you need another one, I thought that the children might enjoy --”
Anne's words came to a stop -- not because she was the sort of person who faltered, but rather because she was caught off-guard by the growing smile on Aramis's face, the kind that started small and grew to be enormous, like the lights of a Christmas tree flickering on when the electricity is a bit unreliable.
(You see, here, that Constance’s earlier narration was quite accurate.)
“Oh, but this is brilliant,” Aramis was saying, scrambling to his feet, guitar still in hand (it twanged a little where his knee bumped it), as Anne managed to focus on his voice, a smile of her own growing on her face. He stood properly and strode through their now disarrayed circle, half-turning back to the children and then swiveling back to face Anne, as though he did not know whether to address his class or the book or her. “This edition -- I’ve been looking for Lewis for years, but I’ve never found this one again, anywhere, I --” He looked up from the book -- “I had it as a kid -- my mother gave it to me, but I lost it when I moved away and she -- it’s the only one --”
“-- With the good illustrations!” Anne finished for him, her own smile shining like one might expect a fairytale star to do up close. 
“Yes! You’ve read --”
“It’s my most prized copy,” Anne admitted, a little bit breathless, because the topic of books was always an exhilarating one. 
“Well,” said Aramis, positively beaming. “I’ve found a kindred spirit, it seems! Kids -- guess what we’re going to be reading next!”
Anne had laughed, a bright, tinkling sound. The children were all, once again, watching with rapt fascination, which was an important detail, for, as we all know (but most forget), children are an awfully perceptive sort.
“I’m glad it was a good choice,” said Anne warmly, and Aramis turned back to her, grin still firmly painted on his face. His eyebrows raised, then, as though realizing something, and quickly held up a long finger in the universal gesture for Wait, just a moment, for you might be an angel and I think that I’m dreaming. Anne did not read this far into his finger-raise, but waited curiously as he turned around and nearly stumbled to his desk, depositing his guitar in the desk chair and lacking half of his usual grace in his enthusiasm. 
“It’d be rude of me,” he started, rummaging through what Anne identified as a battered canvas backpack, covered in pins and marker and looking as though it was on its last legs, “not to give you something back, Henri, wouldn’t it be so awfully rude --”
“The rudest,” Henri confirmed solemnly, nodding at Anne with all the gravitas a seven-year-old boy might possess.
“Un-for-giff-ble,” added Victoire, nodding furiously.
“We’d sack him,” said Marie, as though they even had that sort of executive power.
“Oh, dear, you really don’t need to --” started Anne.
“-- Aha!” cried Aramis, and held up a book. “Constance says you enjoy Shakespeare, Madame, and Shakespeare is certainly too much for us struggling students to grasp --”
“I could grasp Shookspeare if you’d let me, Monsieur d’Herblay,” complained Suzette.
“I shall give you Hamlet tomorrow, little bird,” Aramis said, very seriously, before turning back to Anne and holding out what must have been the most battered collection of Shakespeare’s comedies that Anne had ever seen in her life.
Once again, for a moment, Anne felt -- and, indeed, this time looked -- as though she might be floating.
“Oh,” she said faintly, “this is wonderful. I don’t know how to -- I’ll return it as soon as I can, Monsieur --”
“Aramis,” said Aramis, interrupting her. And, perhaps for the first time that day -- that week -- that month -- Aramis felt his face heat up with a blush, the sort that creeps up on you in moments of great excitement, where you have just met a person whom you think to be the terribly decent sort. “Um, you could -- well, Madame, if we’re exchanging books.”
“It’d only be right,” agreed Anne solemnly, and held out a hand. “It is very good to meet you, Aramis. I’m Anne.”
“Anne,” said Aramis, trying out her name in his mouth.
(The narrator must be appropriately dramatic about these little moments, after all.)
They shook hands, the beaming smiles still present (but perhaps a little softer), and Henri tugged on the hem of Aramis's professional teacher-appropriate cable-knit sweater.
“Monsieur d’Herblay, may I call you Aramis too?”
Anne laughed.
Small moments such as these are actually not nearly as rare as we may believe them to be -- such as these referring to the small event of two souls knitting together over a mutual delight. For some, it may be ping pong. For others, long walks in gardens, or contemplation of the night sky. Still others may collide gently into one another because their dearly beloved pets decide to sniff at each other’s bottoms, and for some, their eyes widen at the discovery that their coffee order is the same, down to the brand of cream they prefer, and everything shifts a little bit.
For Anne and Aramis, it was not books -- as one might expect after all that -- but kindness.
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sigruned · 6 months
ALso I babbled about this a little bit when we got confirmation of Oscar's Little Prince allusion but I want to expand a little because Oscar's merge symptoms going wacky in the animatic has me thinking about it again. so
Is Ruby the Little Prince's Rose?
Short answer, no not really.
Long answer is kind of, yes, but that has little to do with her relationship to Oscar and everything to do with the Ever After, which mostly limits it to the context of v9. To make that make sense you have to look at how the writers have handled Ruby's allusions thus far, namely using the For Want Of A Nail approach to guide her character development.
In the Red Trailer we are immediately introduced to a Little Red Riding Hood whose Woodsman is dead before the story begins, showing us Ruby in her red cloak, slowly surrounded by wolves while standing over a grave. Visually, the narrative is presenting a question here. What kind of person would Little Red Riding Hood have to be to survive her own fairytale alone? The trailer answers this pretty quickly via a bunch of anime acrobatics and gunfire, telling us Little Red is going to be killing the wolves this time. By choice or otherwise, she has taken up the Woodsman's responsibility herself (remember this bit).
Later in episode 1 we get more elaboration on this when Ruby actually gets to speak, enthusing about her mom being a huntress and how she wants to do the same. She proceeds to struggle with filling this monumental role over the course of the show, culminating with her character arc and eventual breakdown in v9.
By this point if it wasn't clear who the Woodsman to Ruby's Little Red is, the reveal of Summer's massive axe-rifle should. We're given more Summer in v9 than at any point before, which is necessary to actually cast this mold that Ruby has been desperately trying to fit into. But the Woodsman allusion is secondary, her primary allusion is to The Last Rose of Summer. There is variation from character to character, but a primary allusion will always be more narratively prescient whereas the secondary allusions say more about their influence or relationship with another character or allusory plot element.
With Summer largely absent in the narrative herself they show this early on via her epitaph and shine a spotlight on this when they reveal Ruby's emblem was left to her by her mother. If getting the Rose part of Ruby Rose from her mother's side wasn't enough of a hint. All the rose themes we associate with her came from her mother.
(The outlier here you could argue is the rose petals generated by her semblance, however I think we can safely assume by the time Ruby developed her semblance, she'd enrolled in combat school and was steeping in stories of her mother as a huntress for a while).
Combine this with the fact that Ruby only knows her from stories which mythologize her (Ruby was 3 when Summer left, how much do you remember from being 3? She has nothing else.) and we've got a character whose foundational misbelief is that she must fill the lofty role her mother has left behind. The Woodsman is dead. Who else will kill the wolves, if not her? Identity crisis waiting to happen, as we saw.
Which leads us back to The Little Prince. The plot literally drops Ruby and co. into the extremely alien Ever After, whose skyline is dominated by a giant baobab tree known for swallowing its denizens whole on occasion when they're ready to be someone else. Meanwhile Ruby has been knocked down one too many times and is nearly at rock bottom. We go through the volume with our protagonists trying to figure out what the tree actually does, getting a number of answers they struggle to make sense of outside a context of permadeath, finally followed by Jaune outright telling them he believes the tree is destruction. On the other end of this equation we have the source material, wherein the Prince is beside himself with worry because the baobab trees on his home planet might crowd out and kill his Rose. But we're not following the prince on his interstellar tour right now, we're following a girl who thinks she's a rose trying to navigate a world dominated by a tree.
And this, as I've seen some of the hardcore rg people mention before, is why Oscar's absence in the Ever After feels so salient. Not because he would have been able to make everything better and prevent Ruby's breakdown if he'd been there, but because his absence poses a question (very similar to one the narrative has asked us before): who does the Rose have to become to survive her side of the story alone?
I don't think I need to harp on the answer too much, v9 was Not Subtle. ("Then maybe, that girl is enough.")
The person Ruby is trying to live up to, this mythologized Summer, is not real. It's not achievable. Summer, as herself, has always held the primary Rose allusion. Ruby never was the Rose, and never had to be.
'but sigruned what does this have to do with the merge' well now that Ruby isn't trying to be the Rose anymore, she can properly take up her role as the snake. I can't take credit for this idea, but I do think it makes the most sense given Everything going on symbolically with SEWs re: death (but that could probably be its own post). The snake, if you recall, was the only one who could send the prince home by way of their poisonous bite.
tl;dr silver eyes are going to be key to getting Oscar an appointment with the tree and curing the merge, but Ruby cannot/could not use them this way before self-actualizing outside her image of Summer.
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eskawrites · 7 months
Wait (and also you dont have to answer this if its like something you want to reveal in Nancy POV obviously but it just occurred to me)- At the interview with Robin, does Jonathan know it was Nancy???
lol it's not a reveal or anything because it actually doesn't come up! i did think about it while writing nancy's pov though, to the point of wondering if jonathan would talk to nancy at all between the interview and the end of the fic. but for various reasons (momentum, prioritizing other dynamics, it really not being his place and him knowing that, etc) i didn't do that. but i do think he knows, or at least suspects enough to know better than to ask robin or nancy about it.
tbh i think everyone in that interview room might suspect something, simply because the whole world would know that robin and nancy were close again around 95-97. there's this weird sorta like tension i felt when writing, wherein robin wouldn't have been saying nancy's name in the interview, but in the actual writing of the scenes nancy was all over the place. it was a weird thing to convey. but i guess the bottom line would be that robin does her very best to take nancy out of the narrative as much as she can, but the people who are hearing her story firsthand do technically have all the clues they need to put the pieces together. especially jonathan, who 1) knows nancy pretty damn well and 2) has also been both in love with and heartbroken by nancy wheeler
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a-la-campanella · 8 months
So... White Night goes hard. Here's a music video dissection!
Way too much to say, I'm doing bullet points again. Comparing CN lines and EN translation of those lines (NOT THE ENGLISH LYRICS) here, but if they say basically the same thing, I won't bother mentioning any differences. I'll look at the English lyrics in another post. For the record, like fuck did I bother to learn what the different zones of Penacony are named.
The transition out of the Hoyoverse logo with Aventurine's hand? That was smooth. Holy shit. I've tried doing a transition like that for a school assignment, and that sort of thing goes hard.
The word branded on Aventurine's neck spells out "slave". That's... concerning. I guess he'd have history with crime (assuming he was a slave and that slavery is illegal under the IPC - but who knows about that last point?) and given Penacony's history, he might hold some more personal sentiments about being there.
Showing off his rings, his watch, his fit... dude is bling-bling-bling. Coin flip sound effect! Love the whistling too.
Those dance moves, synced to the beat of the music. The camera angles. Wooooow. The first time I watched this was breathtaking. I give a fuck about Aventurine now. That's so wild. I had go check if this was official, for a few seconds genuinely thought I was watched a fan-made MMD.
Male Trailblazer! Checks out, last video had the Female Trailblazer. We get a fancy hat to dance with!
Background Robin poster, by the way.
Robin and Sunday in a shiny vehicle, with Robin holding a drink in her hand. They're driving somewhere. They look so pretty!
Something crashes into Misha? In the Reverie Hotel??? Is that a hat?
Out of all the luggage that gets knocked over, the blue, circular case stands out the most.
From "Don't forget, shut your eyes, embrace the light", the "embrace the light" part is "才算醒来" in CN (it's time to wake up). Do Misha and Gallagher have something to do with the dreams, besides the whole, Reviere Hotel thing?
Gallagher's lighter, and then the background change plus light turning off (plus sound effect!) when the lighter is closed? He's not the type of guy I'd really care about, but. That smile. Shit.
Sparkle followed by a bunch of koi fish out of water, skipping forward. She winks and sends us off with a koi fish transition.
It's fitting that the line here is "you act in this huge play, a change of attitude" (from CN line; 你参演 这场戏 变换姿态)... the EN line uses "postures interweave" to convey acting I suppose? Makes sense, she's a Masked Fool, acting would align.
Black Swan picking from one of ten cards... she eventually picks a card, revealing a white swan in the front. I wonder who that represents? I wanted to say one of the factions, but there are only nine we know of; the Family and the invited eight. Maybe an uninvited guest?
The CN line says "谜底 结局 我该 怎么猜" (The truth/mystery of the ending, how should I conjecture?), where 结局 can refer to the last act of a play. It's says the same as the EN line, this is just a more linguistic fun-fact.
For the last bit of that line, we see a hand with yellow claws, and at the center of the palm seems to be a red eye. New enemy?
Flrefly holding sparklers! She's smiling! It's a "prelude of dreams supplied by memories". This line definitely does not spark fear, because dreams are built on memories, and Firefly is definitely real. (I speculate that she isn't/only exists in dreams, but I sure hope not.)
Trailblazer tries to take a photo of her! It's synced so it sounds like you can hear the shutter go off, almost.
Transition to the Trailblazer running (in the form of a bunch of still Trailblazers gradually turning back/away from the camera) alongside a light in a very... uh. Absurd environment. Up a bunch of spiral stairs, and near the end of the sequence, seems to be chasing the light. Is the light meant to symbolize Firefly? Fuck me.
"Covered scars still linger yesterday" wherein the past remains, even when swept away... genuinely, what happened to Firefly.
Trailblazer in a room with a bunch of Clockies, standing on Clockie's shoe. We challenging the dream here? Is Clockie a representation of the Watchmaker? They might be holding a sparkler in their hand, hard to tell. They certainly don't look happy.
"Your wakefulness, time foresees" = time is waiting for you to wake up.
Blink, transition by zoom to a falling light, which turns out to be (probably!) Firefly. Throughout the descend, her eyes are closed. Sigh. I hope not. Based on the transition, it's definitely her, and I'm pretty sure she'll die, if she hasn't already died.
IS THAT AVENTURINE? Similar enough hair and outfit, but his chest opening is larger and glowing green. Wearing a mask too. Do we fight him? Is that who we fight with? Questions, questions.
Close-up of Aventurine with his earring and eye catching the light. Insert "take me away" line. Yessir, whatever you say ma'am, anything for you babygirl.
Someone else noticed this first, but his earring looks like a dream catcher! They're protective charms, so Aventurine might be safe from the horrors of an eternal Penacony dream.
I want to point out: the instrumental here goes silent, before a sound that reminds me of a rewinding watch hand plays where Aventurine says "take me away". Interpret that how you will.
We get a view of Clockie and some background or whatever, into the spotlight on the Trailblazer presumably tossing their hat. On the left side, the Clockies are smiling! On the right side... not so much? Either way, they're coming down the steps, and one of them is about to jump the Trailblazer.
Also, ad of a pizza pie with slices of money(?). Or it might just be pepperoni and mushrooms or something. The pepperoni is numbered, so I'm assuming it has something to do with a game of sorts.
Zoom out to get a better look at Penacony. We can see the whales in the sky looming over sll the buildings, ads everywhere (cartoony-looking Times Square), and massive bubble gum machines roaming the streets. At the heart of the city is... I'm guessing that's the Stellaron? Whatever the blue light is.
Flashes of whales, some kind of circular thing, a fan(?), and a very hard to make out sequence of numbers. The last three digits are 183. I've edited the screenshot I took to try and make the numbers more clear. (You might have to open the image to see what I mean.)
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The whales are very reminiscent of the abyssal whale from Genshin Impact. We know that Genshin and the Honkai games are all connected in the same multiverse, though seeing these whales after fighting the All-Devouring Narwhal is raising flags...
A slot machine, falling gems, monsters on the street, oh my.
The line here is "Cease the shattering, let withering subside" or more literally, "Don't break again, don't wither again" (别再破碎 别再枯萎). I guess this has to do with the dreams? Don't let dreams shatter and wither; they must be good dreams, and Penacony must stay a land of dreams.
Transitions into an angry Clockie, though the face flickers back to a smile. Camera flips back up to a whale!
The clock ticks, passage of time, all that... sheesh, that synced well.
A bunch of tiny whales and monsters headed in the same direction. Clockie in the streets too, next to a monster holding SoulGlad.
Wacky flash transition to whales. Then zoom out of a TV screen (Clockie's face?) to see the monsters broke into the hotel, I think? That's not good. I guess that's where they were heading!
"Indulge anew, in the self's meandering stride"... I'm going to guess this is a reference to the dreams, the winding detours they lead you on, trippy experiences, stuff like that.
The rest of the Astral Express gang now! These are their dreams, I guess. Dan Heng is in the Reverie, I think, with a bunch of whales and wacky lamps. Maybe he's investigating, or he escaped his dream?
Himeko floats, eyes closed, one arm reaching outward. She's surrounded by semi-circular tables and chairs floating. Seems like it could've been a banquet, had there been more people.
The line for both of them here was "Savor at last, the taste that's ever true", and might be referring to SoulGlad. It's the only big thing I expect we'd literally be tasting in Penacony.
A huge March 7th is taking a selfie. Typical March.
Welt is surrounded by some toppled buildings, holding the Star of Eden in his hand as he looks out at the city. Maybe he knows what's up here?
Black Swan seems to be picking from one of ten circulating cards again, this time floating above the city. There's something inside the cards though—seems like a catalyst weapon. She holds it instead of a card.
"In the dreams of that night, we'll meet anew"... the first part is said with March and Welt, and the last bit is with Black Swan. Have we met Black Swan before? Or maybe this is us meeting her again/a second time on Penacony. Or it could be about someone else...
A white void with black cubes surrounds Sam, who gains these green wings (propellers?) to fly out of the void space into a fight with Acheron. I doubt the Stellaron Hunters would go out of their way into a fight with her, and they've had a record of staying in line with Elio's scripts (case in point: Kafka on the Xianzhou Luofu, Sam's "You should really stop playing with your food" line). This fight didn't seem to happen by choice.
Acheron swings her sword at Sam. We don't know a lot about her, but we do know that she doesn't pull out her sword that easily. Her eye glows, and red petals appear, followed by a swing of red lightning. All the other strikes had purple lightning instead.
"The more deceptive, the more pristine", where Sam is deceptive and Acheron is pristine... these adjectives might apply to both characters, to be honest. The word used in place of pristine also means perfect/ideal (完美).
Not sure about Sam, but the fact Acheron doesn't pull out her sword often is easily grounds for underestimating her.
Sam doesn't dodge the red lightning; instead, he's trying to block it with his arms.
A huge explosion follows, either from the backlash of contact with the lightning, or it could be entirely unrelated. Annihilation Gang, is that you...?
The translation says "Dreams in slumber, despair's endless spin", though the exact term used where endless spin is was 轮回. It's more so used to mean reincarnation, or the cycle of life and death... so dreams and despair go hand in hand, in a cycle like sleeping and waking.
Sam is down on one knee with electricity flickering around his body. Did he lose? He's not completely down yet.
The Trailblazer jumps with a running start, with Belabog in the background.
"With each blink, a retreat in time's cruel cue" is... hard to decipher for me. Where are you going back from? I doubt we're going back in time, it's a little to early to be traveling alongside Terminus... If Firefly is dead and was a real person, then it could traveling back in time to save her.
The Trailblazer throws pure light??? In the black and white for a few frames, you can see Stelle/the Female Trailblazer.
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I don't think there are any major implications from this. The way I see it, Stelle is Caelus and Caelus is Stelle, in that both of them are the Trailblazer, and there was only ever one Trailblazer like them in this story (the choice we made/Kafka picked at the beginning doesn't matter when the end result is the same).
A big Sampo and big trashcan duke it out with Belabog in the background. This should all be be the trailblazer's dream, since dreams are made from your memories, and using the trailblazer's memories would make sense to generate the scene within Belabog.
"In the dream of that night, we'll meet anew" should be pointing to the Trailblazer meeting Firefly again.
The Trailblazer is on a rooftop with Firefly. When the Trailblazer looks back, Firefly has disappeared...
Acheron in front of a black hole(?). She's crying?
We get a few frames of Sam that fade into a faint red light.
The video ends with Clockie and the Trailblazer dancing together! Clockie either gave us the hat or returns it to us.
Characters who we don't see in the video: Duke Inferno (or anymore from the Annihilation Gang, for that matter), any of the other Stellaron Hunters (did they ditch Sam, or did only Sam arrive at Penacony...), and Dr. Ratio (where did he go...). Genuinely, where is the doctor.
I think the song is overall from the Trailblazer's perspective, and about their relationship with Firefly, trying to save her. I'm 100% convinced something sinister happened, or will be happening, to her.
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Wip Master List
All of my wips, both main and those I only talk about briefly, all in one place. Hope any of them will pique your interest !
( Links will be added and updated as I go )
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To The End : ( Eng ) Questioning Reality, The Indifferent Cruelty of the Universe vs. The Indomitable Human Spirit, Found Family
When their timelines entwine, Samir, Eric, Thea, and Asher find themselves with the greatest friends of their lives. Never would they have imagined their friendship broke the laws of the Universe. With the Keepers —powerful deities that weave the fabric of reality from the timelines— watching their every move the four friends have to work quickly if they wish to escape their grasp. Something they’ve done over, and over, and over, and over again. And it’s starting to take its toll.
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The Neon Trilogy : ( Eng ) Found Family, Humanity, Chosen One
André’s eyes are weird. Everybody knows that. They’ve been changing colors for his entire life, and what started as brown eventually became violet. The doctors have diagnosed it as chroma flux, a rare eye condition wherein the iris changes its color every so often. So when André’s eyes one day become a vibrant pink, life simply goes on as normal. However, that changes when it’s soon discovered that André’s blood has taken on the same color. And even glows. Not long after he’s targeted by strange Alien creatures, claiming him to be both a savior and a doomsday machine. Which one it is? No one seems to have the answer. And André might break before he ever finds out, desperate to figure out who he can trust.
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Realm of Mirrors : ( Eng ) Dark Academia, Body Horror, Loss of Innocence
In the coastal town of Grimmvik, six friends find themselves wrapped up in the mysteries surrounding the old castle up on the cliffs. With ghosts roaming the halls, reflections acting on their own, and rooms that seem to breathe and have a pulse. At first it’s a thrill. Excitement filling their veins as they sneak out in the dead of night to catch glimpses of these unexplained phenomena. That is until they discover the dungeons. Where a shrine for an old and grand mirror rests, whispering their names. What once was nothing but fun and games turns to life and death as Grimmvik’s dark history is revealed. And they’re much more involved than they could ever imagine.
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Gammellunden ( A Beauty and the Beast gender-swapped retelling ) : ( Eng ) Soulmates, Monster-Human Romance, Curses
In the inlands of Sweden lies Gammellunden, a massive land of dense forests and clear waters that breathes pure magic. It is a place no human ever enters, for it’s the home of the urroa; large beasts with skin as rough as stone and antlers like the branches of oak trees. Stories have traveled through generations, cautionary tales of the beasts to keep humans far away from the border.  Ruben Hylén is very familiar with these morbid tales, but that doesn’t stop his curiosity, and one day he crosses the border. Stumbling upon an urroa in the middle of her bloody feast, neither has any clue of what Gammellunden has in store for them.
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The Wayward Carnival : ( Eng ) Prophecies, Cults, Divinity
What kind of teens wouldn’t love to find a magical carnival that never closes and only responds to them? With endless food and drinks and spectacular shows, providing an otherworldly experience that leaves you in euphoric drunkenness.  Though all good things eventually come to an end, for the battle of the carnival has been foretold in ancient prophecies. And nothing is quite like it seems. Not even the carnival itself.
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The Garden of Corpses : ( Eng/Swe ) Cottagegore, Magic schools, Morality
As you get older, your magic begins to solidify into an affinity — From sacred bonds with animals to the divine light from above. It is then you go to attend one of many schools specialized to train your kind of affinity. One such school is Liegården, one of Sweden's oldest schools for Elementals. This is where Isak, Heidi, Janan, Alejandra, and Nils find themselves in late August one year. Ready to learn everything they can about their powers, and maybe make life-long friends at the same time. Their plans quickly change, however, as something strange begins to take root within them, and a long-forgotten form of magic makes itself known once again.  With rotting corpses resting in the forests, a conspiracy brewing within the school’s faculty, and a primal hunger steadily growing, the five friends must work quickly to uncover the secrets of the elemental. Lest they too be left to decay in the gardens.
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The Divine : ( Eng ) Magical boys, Fond Family, Mental health
When danger lurks on the horizon, far greater than any Human or Calidrim can handle, Kayara awakens the Wielders —powerful warriors carrying the combined force of light and darkness— to defend the worlds.   And so, five boys must learn to navigate school and their personal lives while also keeping the worlds safe from monsters, cultists, and an approaching deity of chaos.
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Ode to an Angel : ( Eng ) Family, Expectations, Doomed at birth
Kit Kumar, the oldest child of Jashi and Maia, the greatest friend you’ll ever have, a musical genius, and the biggest anomaly known to the Angelic.  Being born the fifth child to a fated quartet, many believe Kit to be a bad omen, and thus their birth tainted what else would’ve been an honor and a blessing. And as the coronation of Kit’s siblings approaches, the Kumar family’s dedication and loyalty is tested one last time.
Not a main wip
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All The stars Are Watching ( Part of the Chimeran Universe ) : ( Eng ) Mental Health, Cults, Body Horror
Life, Light, and Magic. These three elements lay the very foundation of both the universe and reality itself. Elements that can be found in every living creature. Life lets you breathe, Light lets you see, but Magic is only for a few. Few known as Chimeras. They look just like normal Humans and for their own safety that's what they pass as in public.  But just because Magic is a natural part of their everyday life doesn't mean strange occurrences are any less strange.   On the first day of her new school, Vega Dahl breaks the first rule; don’t talk to Leo Holm. A rule they themselves have enforced over the years. Surprisingly, they end up in an unlikely friendship. However, things quickly take a turn for the worst as strange people appear seemingly out of nowhere, and they seem to be after Vega. For reasons no one seems to know. Could it be because she's a Chimera?
Not a main wip
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En Väktares Saga ( A Guardians Tale ) : ( Swe ) Mental Health, Found Family, Cosmic Horror
A group of teens wants nothing but to fit in. To be accepted or left alone. To heal or to damage. What none wanted was to have the fate of the entire universe placed on their frail shoulders. It seems innocuous enough at first; learn to control and master their new elemental abilities, and once they’ve outgrown their mortal bodies enter the Astral plane. Where they’ll guard the gates to the universe. Simple. Well, not when you take the God of the universe into consideration. Hellbent on revenge there is only one thing she needs; for them to submit and let her back in. A goal that involves their seemingly endless torment.
Not a main wip
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Häxkonst och Alkemi ( Witchcraft and Alchemy ) : ( Swe ) Magic Society, Body Horror, Accidental Chosen One
Thrusted into the world of the Magical, Felix, Elias, Lukas and Jonathan try their best to adapt. It’s not easy. Especially when, as Magicians, they’re expected to know the Magical like the back of their hand. Even though they’ve only been aware of its existence for less than a week. It’s made worse when they’re brought in right during a growing crisis. Something or someone is placing harmful sigils all over Sweden, and seemingly the entire world, causing both the Magical and Mundane intensive distress and harm. In an attempt to help in any way they can, the boys wind up making themselves the biggest target for the source of the sigils. For they’re now, somehow, the only ones capable of stopping them.
Not a main wip
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Maledictus : ( Swe ) Body Horror, Dark Magic, Found Family
Even in a world full of magic, mystical beings, and power-granting Curios, people still can’t help but find themselves stuck with no idea where to go next. Which is where Emilio has ended. Fresh out of high school and future goals, they go about their monotone life of working at a small cafe and writing poetry. This all changes when they win a game of chess for one of the café's patrons. Perhaps a bit passive-aggressively, but it does catch the attention of a group of surprisingly powerful magic users. And one night their leader —a charming young man by the name of Ivan Fellin— approaches Emilio, presenting them with one of the world's most powerful Curio’s; The Maledictus' Queen piece. And just like that their life is turned upside down, with the violent secret of the Maledictus's power looming over them like a suffocating shadow.
Not a main wip
! Please note ! My writing is an outlet for and my way of coping. Because of this, most of my work deals with, in one way or another, mental health, abuse, heavy violence, death, and trauma. They might not be obvious or major parts of the story, but they’re there. Stay Safe y’all <3
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inkandpaperqwerty · 6 months
List: The Sequel
So, I mentioned this in my weekly post, and I actually managed to get it done this week! Below is a list of stories I haven’t posted yet but am currently working on, which is something I've done before and really enjoyed handing out to people. 
Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood & Criminal Minds – Through the Gate – Edward has no idea what world he just woke up in, but there was a murderer, and there was blood everywhere, and he got the distinct feeling he wasn’t in Amestris anymore. Meanwhile, the BAU team is trying to figure out who this blonde boy is and how he got such advanced prosthetics. And what is this alchemy he keeps talking about? It’s like nothing they’ve ever heard before. ((This one is at 12,299 words, so it’s not that long, and I’m not entirely sure where I want to take it. Definitely going to try and get some work done on it in the coming weeks, as this is the only story from my previous list that has not been posted yet.))
Supernatural – Untitled – Xal has no idea how long he’s been enduring Heaven’s Persuasion, but it’s been a long time. He has no idea why Heaven is telling him to do what they’re telling him to do, but he knows he doesn’t trust it. He has no idea where the Winchesters are, but he knows he has to get to them. There’s a lot he doesn’t know, but at the same time, there’s a lot he does know, and maybe… if he plays his cards right… he can do a little persuading of his own. ((Part 3 of the Building Bridges series. I’ve started this one, but I haven’t gotten very far.))
Avengers – A Song by Any Other Name – Just a little oneshot set in the Restitution universe wherein Tony gives Steve, Loki, and Thor a list of songs that have some pretty nonsensical lyrics. They listen to them, and immense confusion ensues. (This one I would say is about halfway done, and it will be posted as Chapter 8 of Restitution Bonus Features.))
Supernatural & Criminal Minds – Friendship is Magic – “Now that you’re all awake, it’s time to get down to business.” The BAU team and both Winchester brothers wake up in captivity, but they don’t stay there long. Their captor releases them, gives them some resources, and reveals that the cases they’ve been working are perpetrated by both a normal human and a witch. They’ll have to work together to catch their targets, but… that’s much easier said than done. ((I don’t like this summary, but it gets the point across. I think it might be a while until you see this one because it’s turning into a very complicated, in-depth case.)) 
Supernatural – Untitled – Dean knows that hunter’s markets put monsters down. It happens all the time. He knows this. But when it’s about to happen right in front of him, it doesn’t seem to matter how unruly and violent this angel is. He has to do something to stop it. So he offers half a grand, and suddenly, he owns an angel. Only the angel isn’t grateful. Instead, it wants to kill both him and Sam—desperately—and they have to find some way to change its mind. ((I know I’ve done a lot of Slavery!Supernatural stories, but it’s a favorite of mine, and I can’t help myself. I don’t intend to make this one very long, but honestly, I have no idea where it’s going to go. We’ll have to wait and see!))
So, this is what you can expect to see in the coming days! I would love some feedback letting me know what you’re looking forward to or something you would like to see depicted in these stories I’m working on. Let me know what you think!
Also, please keep in mind that, even though I am working diligently on these stories, I am also working on getting my first book published! Cataclysm is finished and fully edited, and now we've moved on to the formatting phase. There's a lot going on, and it's bound to take away from my fanfiction exploits. Thank you so much for your patience, and thanks for reading this!
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