#where my sam pang heads at
website-com · 1 year
cannot BELIEVE he waited until AFTER i left for the revival. unbelievable.
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roanofarcc · 3 months
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pairing: trevor lefkowitz x ghost bride!reader
summary: since your death, weddings at Woodstone have been a source of bitterness for you but that doesn’t stop trevor from attempting to cheer you up with a dance
word count. 1.6k || masterlist
warnings: fem!reader, mentions of death, dead!reader
a/n: this is my first ghosts fic so please be gentle! I love the idea of a ghost bride and debated on making it into an OC or reader story. I think I like having it be in little one-shots! it’s a crime more hasn’t been written for trevor (or any of the show’s characters). feel free to request for trevor or any other ghosts characters <3
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“Are you going to mope around for eternity?” Sasappis asked you, standing arms crossed in front of a beautiful garden decorated to the nines. The backdrop to your sulking was stunning flowers tied in bunches and pastel dresses moving around the patio-turned-dance floor. 
“Is that not the point of being a ghost?” you replied, jutting out your feet forever stuck in kitten heels and skin-colored pantyhose. Sass lightly kicked your foot with his and nodded his head to the corner just off the dance floor where the rest of the ghosts danced and laughed. A part of you was jealous of how easily they enjoyed themselves at weddings and how they were not plagued with an eternal hatred for them and what they represented. 
It always felt like a cruel joke, even though it never had anything to do with you, when Sam and Jay hosted a wedding at their B&B. As much as you loved the couple, you couldn’t stand what most considered a joyous event. The union of two people in love, not tainted by tragedy, grew your restatement each time. Weddings were a part of the business and helped Sam and Jay bring in the money they desperately needed to fix up the mansion, but that didn’t mean you had to enjoy yourself. Instead, you spent each event sulking on the sidelines, ignoring the pang in your chest, and avoiding your ghostly counterparts' advances to cheer you up. The only thing that would’ve cheered you up was a do-over of your big day that was ruined by a strike of unluckiness, resulting in your untimely death.  
Sass narrowed his gaze at you but decided against saying whatever he wanted to. Instead, he turned on his heel and headed back to the ghosts. You adverted your gaze back down to the beads sewn into your dress, picking at them with the wish you could pull the garment apart with your hands, but since it was what you died in, it would forever stick to you. 
A slow song played through the DJ’s speakers as the sun slowly began to set over the yard. Strung lights glittered warmly, bathing the attendees in a golden glow. The bride had looked radiant since she arrived at the mansion days ago, and all day you had to watch her and her husband’s love run circles around you. Your malice wasn’t aimed directly at the happy couple, but rather at what they represented and the reminder of what you almost had. 
Someone appeared beside you, their presence clouding your solitude-sulking. “What a bunch of losers,” the person said, causing you to turn your head and meet Trevor. “I mean, seriously, this song was lame when I went to weddings and people are still dancing to it? I get the appeal of throwbacks but let’s pick this snooze-fest up a little, am I right?” 
You rolled your eyes. “What do you know about weddings?” 
“I happen to have been invited to a lot of them, thank you very much. Well, the receptions and bachelor parties, usually. Those weddings had a lot more alcohol and single bridesmaids.” You said nothing in response, hoping your dimly lit mood would shoo Trevor away. You were mistaken, though. If anything, your silence only encouraged him further. He moved in closer to your side, standing with his hands on his hips as he gazed out across the crowd. “I think they may need some help livening things up a bit. Care to join me?” 
He often tried to do that, brighten your mood by offering to dance with you. And every time you turn him down, not because you didn't want to, but because you’re worried that the second you start to enjoy yourself at a wedding, tragedy will follow a second time around. You liked Trevor and couldn’t stand the thought of enjoying yourself only to hurt yourself, again, or him. In your head, as long as you moped around, everything would stay the same as they were, which you loved more than you’d admit aloud. You liked your ghost-mates and you liked Sam and Jay. If you somehow brought some unfortunate curse upon any of them because you enjoyed yourself just as you had on your own wedding day, you weren’t sure you could cope with that a second time around, not when you hardly coped with it from the first time. 
“Trevor…” you sighed, defeated and slumped-shouldered. 
Normally, he dropped it after that. He usually sat quietly at your side until his excitement and urge to join the party overwhelmed him and he resumed dancing with Flower or attempting to play pranks on the livings with Thorfinn. That time, however, he took you by surprise. He moved directly in front of you, face set with a certain tone of seriousness that was odd. 
“Nope,” he said, simply. “You are not moping for eternity. I won’t let you.” 
“That’s not your choice.” 
He smirked, cheekily and annoying but stupidly charming. Those three words suited him too well. Trevor extended his hand out, making a grabbing motion with his hand. “One dance, that’s all I’m askin’. That’s all I need to change your mind.” You tightened your grip on the skirt of your dress, unbudging at his request. “One dance. Please?” His voice was a little lower, pleading almost. 
One dance. You never got to dance at your wedding. Something bad could happen, it probably would. 
Trevor’s fingers grazed your knuckles, tapping them lightly and looking at you in a way, underneath the golden light, that made you consider it. He noticed your hesitation and dropped his hand back down at his side. 
“Okay,” he said after a beat before he turned away with a little frown on his lips that made you feel even worse. 
There was something wrong with you, maybe it was some kind of ghostly side effect of dying on your wedding day; perhaps you were doomed to live in the murky waters of what-if and why. 
The bride and groom were in the middle of the patio dance floor, spinning each other around in quiet fits of laughter and bodies pressed as close as they could get with the bride’s fluffy dress. They were married, dancing as two halves of a whole with nothing bad lingering over their heads. There was no impending doom, aside from you sitting on the outskirts. The doom was you and your mind, rippled with jealousy, sadness, and a million questions of what exactly you could have done differently that day. But the truth was, there was nothing you could have done. Fate was fate, as Flower had once said in one of her more insightful conversations. Fate was messy and included bear attacks, arrows in necks, and accidents. Fate found you there, at the Woodstone mansion forever a fiancee but now entangled with the fates of your ghost friends who also found themselves there forever. 
Forever was such a long, made even longer with eternity hanging on your shoulders. How many more weddings would you sit there, watching and sulking in your own unhappiness that others wanted to fix for you? 
Something between a groan and a sigh left your lips as you stood up, letting your wedding dress fall back down to the ground in the pristine condition you had died in it in. “Trevor,” you said again, louder as you called after him. He stopped, slowly turning around with a confused quirk of his brow. You nervously picked at the beads again, but that time wasn’t to pick them off but rather settle them back in place in a similar way to how you had picked at them awaiting your turn to walk down the aisle. A dance was not nearly as monumental as that, but it carried a weight that pressed down on your chest. 
“One dance,” you said. He stared at you for a moment like he wasn’t sure he had heard you right. It wasn’t until Thor punched him in the arm with a hardy laugh and Hetty pushed him forward towards you. 
Trevor approached you, smoothing out his tie. “Really?” he asked. 
You nodded. “If anything bad happens, I’m blaming it on you," you said only half joking.
He smiled, wide and toothy and the way that made you subconsciously want to copy it. “The worst thing that’ll happen is me stepping on your feet. I haven’t slow danced since prom.” Despite that, he dramatically bowed and extended his hand. “May I have this dance,” he said in a terrible accent. You couldn’t help but laugh lightly, some of that weight lifting from where it hurt your chest. 
Once you accepted his hand, he all but dragged you to a quiet corner of the dance floor, away from where any livings would walk through you two, and away from the other ghosts and their suggestive smirks and comments pointed at the two of you. 
When you danced, with his feet clumsily trying to avoid stepping on yours and hands rested on your waist, nothing bad happened. You did not die a second time around, nor did tragedy strike in the way you feared. The only thing that occurred was dancing, peppered with occasional laughter and a quick apology when Trevor stepped on your skirt and halted your movements. You recovered with a shake of your head and a slight lead in the dance, which he didn’t voice but silently appreciated.
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samdeancass · 5 months
The New, Old Devil
Pairing: Castiel x fem!reader
Genre: Angst, Fluff
Characters: Lucifer, Y/N, Sam, Dean, Castiel
Description: Ever since Lucifer took over Cas's vessel, he can't help but wonder why Cas is so infatuated with Y/N, so he decides to take a look for himself.
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The day you found out Castiel had said yes to Lucifer was the worst. It felt as though your heart had been ripped from your chest. You didn't know if you would see your Cas again or if Lucifer would ever let him go after this. You spent your days in your room, pitch black, with an empty place beside you where Cas should be. Sam and Dean were becoming increasingly worried about you; you hardly ever ate, and it wasn't enough when you did. You didn't really sleep and never came out of your room.
"I'm worried about her, Dean. This is the first time I've seen her like this. It's like she's a shell of who she used to be. Dean, we need to do something." Dean nods in response but with slumped shoulders. "I know we need to do something, but it's not as if he's just gonna waltz back in here, right?"
Coincidentally, the bunker sunk into a dark red hue, and the warning sirens sounded. Both the brothers stood and rushed from the kitchen towards your room. For the first time in a while, you stepped out into the hallway, completely bewildered by what was happening. "Guys, do we know what it is?" Just as Sam was about to answer, a low chuckle sounded from the end of the hallway. "It's not a what, angel; it's a who."
Your blood ran cold as you instantly knew who the voice belonged to, but a pang exploded in your chest at the pet nickname Cas calls you. Sam and Dean stood before you to shield you from Lucifer's eyes. "What are you doing here, Lucifer?" Dean growled as the devil began to stalk forward, keeping his eyes trained on you. "Well, I'm a little intrigued, actually. The little angel inside has not stopped rabbiting on about his love, and I wanted to come and see why, in fact, he loves you so much."
The brothers lunged forward at the devil, but he easily swooshed them away, sending them clanging into the surrounding walls. A sinister smile snuck onto his face as he was now toe to toe with you. Inside, you were screaming with fear but weren't about to let Lucifer know. He placed his hand on your cheek, and you instinctively leaned into it, recognizing Cas's warm, soft skin. "So beautiful and full of love." "Please let him go, Lucifer. I need him; I need my Castiel back." The fear inside you turned to sadness and anguish as you took in the form before you. He looked like Castiel and felt like Castiel, but he didn't sound like him. His whole demeanour had changed, and it was something that you weren't prepared for. Stray tears betrayed you and fell down your cheeks, the achiness of your heart becoming too much to handle.
The figure standing before you seemed to be having an internal battle with the two angels, one trying to keep control and the other trying to gain it. It began thrashing around, its eyes widening. Sam and Dean rose from where they were and ran towards you, wrapping you in their arms for protection. It suddenly stopped, and you warily looked over to see who had won. The eyes were squinted slightly with its head tilted and a small smile. "Hello, angel." You ran towards Cas and jumped on him, wrapping your arms and legs around him; he brought you closer into him with an arm around your waist and a hand on the back of your head.
"I've missed you so much, Cas. I've been so empty without you." Cas carefully placed you down and gently kissed your forehead. "I've missed you too, angel. But you know I can only stay briefly." Tears welled up again as your head slumped down. "I need you, Cas, here, with me and the boys." Cas glanced up and nodded at the brothers, acknowledging their presence. "Thank you both for taking such good care of her. I cannot repay you enough." They both nodded in response as he set his attention back on you. "I must do this, my love. I wanted to contribute to the fight; this was the only way I could think. I'll be back here soon enough. I love you so much, Y/N." He pressed a loving kiss to your lips before turning away and disappearing.
You turned to the brothers and ran into their arms, the only comforting solace you had left. You knew Cas would return to your arms soon, but it didn't stop your heart from aching for him.
Tags: @akshi8278
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My Sister’s Keeper
Dean went to hell and Sam left his little sister (16/17 yo) to fend for herself. Dean gets back and he is pissed with Sam and they have to find her. Fluff
Warnings- swearing, angst, fluff lol
A/N- I kind of changed the way Dean was brought back. Instead of going right to Bobby he found Sam first. Let me know if you think I should do a part 2?
“She’s a fucking kid Sam,” Dean let out an angry yell. He couldn’t believe that Sam had ditched their baby sister when she needed him the most. His heart ached as he thought about the times he reassured her that when he was in Hell she would always have Sam and that he would take care of her. He knew that she still wasn’t convinced and it made leaving so much harder, but he had no choice. After all, Dean had raised her and Sam had left them both multiple times. His heart panged when he thought about where she could be all alone. The look of horror on his face when he came to realization, “A young girl at that!” Dean grimaced. God forbid someone touched a hair on her head, they would be dead and Dean would make sure of it. He couldn’t imagine his baby sister alone and scared fending for herself. Sure she was tough, but she was just a kid and he knew her better than she knew herself. He knows that when she claims she’s okay after a hunt, its clear she isn’t as her body betrays her words and she trembles until he or Sam rub her back and let her know that she’s safe. It doesn’t take an idiot to notice the flash of panic on her face after a door slams or a loud noise is heard. Or when they have to calm her down during a panic attack or comfort her in the middle of the night during a nightmare. Or the way she clings to Sam or Dean’s shirt every night when she falls asleep. She was tougher than hell, but at the end of the day she’s just a kid who was forced to live this life. Dean looked at Sam and saw the look of regret that filled his face. “You better fucking find her Sam or I swear to God,” Dean trailed off grabbing his phone to call Bobby, putting it on speaker phone. The phone rang a few times until Bobby picked up, “Hello?” “Hey Bobby it’s Dean, have you heard from Y/N,” Dean asked as he shot a look at Sam. Bobby replied, “I talked to her last week and she said her and Sam were getting close finding you a way out,” Sam’s heart panged as he realized that she told Bobby he was with her so no one would worry about her. She never wanted to be a bother to anyone and he felt even worse knowing she was trying everything in her power to get Dean back while he ran off with a demon. Something that none the less probably cost her her soul. He should have been with her and he will never forgive himself for leaving. But he thought he was doing the right thing in the moment. Now looking back at it he wasn’t sure how he thought that because right now he was terrified at the thought of her being alone or worse, hurt. Sam’s emotions were interrupted by Bobby speaking again, “And I can see that it worked. Welcome back boy.” “Thanks Bobby, do you have an address of where she might be?” Dean replied. Bobby hummed “No, but I have a town.” Dean let out a sign of relief. He grabbed the keys and turned to Sam, “You better hope she’s safe Sam. Let’s go.”
They got into the car and Dean took off. They were about 3 hours out from the town that Bobby sent over. Luckily it was a pretty small town and there was one motel that they could pretty much pinpoint where she could be staying. The car ride was agonizingly quiet and Sam was forced to be stuck in his thoughts on how awful of a brother he’s been. He was too worried about killing Lilith while she was too busy trying to find a way to bring Dean back. He was fucking selfish and he should have been focused on his only living sibling left that was trying to bring back their other non living sibling. He decided to break the silence, “Dean I’m so fucking sorry, I screwed up man and I screwed up bad. I’ll never fucking forgive myself.” Dean scoffed, “Yeah you shouldn’t be able to forgive yourself Sam. She’s just a kid, I don’t understand how you could EVER leave her like that. She needed you the most and you left her. We don’t even know if she’s alive,” Dean gripped the steering wheel and pressed the gas harder thinking the worst possible scenario. He continued, “She found a way to bring me back and we know how that story ends Sam.” Sam filled to the brim with guilt, “I’ll fix everything, I promise Dean, I won’t let anything else happen to her.” The car went back to silence as both brothers continued to hope their baby sister was alright.
It was around 1am when they finally arrived at the motel. The engine roared as Dean turned the car off. They got out and hurried to the front desk. “Hi. how can I help you?” The man behind the desk asked. They both pulled out their FBI badges and stated who they were looking for. The guy pointed them to a room and they rushed to what they were hoping was Y/N’s room. She’s always been a light sleeper so when Dean started to pick the lock to her door, she immediately heard it. Her heart dropped and she grabbed her knife to give her a fighting chance against her intruders. She quickly glided across the motel room and put her back against the wall. It was pitch black, but she could make out two figures. One was much taller than the other, but they were both pretty big which made her gulp. There was no one way she could take on the both of them and she knew that. They picked the lock with ease and started to make their way into her room. They took a few steps in and that’s when Y/N charged at them. The taller one of the two immediately turned around and just before she could make contact with him, he grabbed her. She immediately dropped her knife as he pinned her wrist back and slammed her against the wall. She let out a yelp and braced her head for impact, but instead of feeling the hard wall against her head it was the palm of a hand. She was confused, but she still whimpered terrified. “Please,” she cried, “please don’t hurt me.” As she pleaded, the light to the motel room flicked on and she was finally able to make out the person in front of her. “Hey hey it’s alright,” it was Sam. “Sammy,” she whimpered. Still clearly dazed, confused, and frightened. Sam loosened his grip on his sister and wrapped his large arms around her small frame, “Yeah, hey shhhh bug I got you. I’m so sorry. I’m so so sorry.” She cried, flinging her arms around him and holding him tight like he could disappear at any moment. To be fair, he could disappear at any moment and he did. They stayed like that for a few moments before rage took over her. She pulled away, crying and started hitting him. “How could you Sam,” she cried. Slapping his chest and hitting him over and over again, “How could you fucking leave me. I-I needed you Sam. I needed you and you left me,” she sobbed. She was weak with exhaustion, but Sam let her hit him because he deserved every single blow even if it barely hurt him.
Dean stood back watching his little sister. He was taken aback by how fragile she looked. She definitely lost weight as she was much skinnier. He noticed dark heavy bags under her eyes like she had been crying every single day for months straight. He couldn’t take it anymore, his sister was clearly suffering and he wasn’t around to help her. In fact, no one was around to help her. He couldn’t watch her crumble any longer so he came up behind her and embraced her. He pinned her frailing arms down with his and held her in a tight hug from behind. She fought against him, crying when Dean calmly spoke, “Hey hey hey Y/N/N I’m going to need you to relax for me alright?” She stood frozen, “De?” “Yeah, I got you sweetheart, I got you. I’m so sorry,” He released his hold as she turned around and launched herself onto him. Dean wrapped his arms around her and she gripped onto Deans shirt for dear life. She whimpered, “De I was so scared.” Dean felt his heart drop even further, “I know kid, I know. Shhhh it’s okay, I’m here. I got you.” Dean tightened his grip on her and rested his clenched jaw on her head shooting Sam a look. Sam watched them both, feeling sick to his stomach. How could he have done this to his baby sister? This is no life for a kid. He knew that too and that’s why the pit in his stomach only grew bigger. A sob interrupted Sam’s thoughts as Y/N’s emotions began to escalate. He watched as she collapsed, falling into their older brothers arms. Dean quickly sunk to the floor with her as her breathing hitched. He could feel her heart hammering against her rib cage and knew he needed to get her out of her panicked state before she passed out. “Hey hey hey hey Y/N/N breathe for me sweetheart, breathe.” She felt her chest start to tighten which frightened her even more. Her breathing was erratic at this point and she dug her finger tips into deans arms. “Hey kid, you’re having a panic attack okay? It’s alright. I’ve got you. You’re safe okay?” She nodded still trembling, still gasping. He repositioned her so she was sitting in between his legs with her back pressed against him to feel the rise and fall of his chest. “I need you to breathe with me. Can you do that sweetheart?” Dean felt her nod and continued “Yeah? Okay. We’re going to breathe out for 10. Come on bug 10…9…8…7…” She matched Dean’s breath which ended up hitching on 7. Dean reached down to rub her arms, “Keep going kid. You got it. 3…2…1…” He walked her through breathing in and out a few more times until he felt satisfied enough to where he knew she wouldn’t pass out. He sighed in relief, wrapping his arms around her and resting his chin on her head, “That’s it sweetheart, I got you.” He could still feel her heart pounding though so he pulled her onto his lap like he did when she was a child and ran his fingers through her hair. “It’s alright, I’m here now and I’m not leaving. You’re safe with me kiddo. I’ve got you.”
She sat on the floor with Dean for what felt like hours while he comforted her. Eventually Sam made his way over unable to see his baby sister hurt any longer. He sat down and brushed her hair away from her face, “I’m so sorry bug. You have every right to be upset with me. I let you down and I caused you so much pain. I just thought I was doing the right thing for all of us. If I could go back in time, I would change it. I’m so incredibly sorry for everything, but I’m here now and I’m not leaving you ever.” Sam let a few tears escape his eyes. Y/N reached to grab his hand, “I forgive you Sammy. I’m sorry for hitting you.” Sam chuckled. His baby sister was too nice for her own sake. “I deserved it,” he said. She shot her head back up and looked between her two brothers. “How did you get out?” She asked, not knowing if she really wanted to know the answer. She was scared that a crossroads demon finally took Sam up on his offer for his soul. Her heart rate picked up again while she waited for her brothers to give her an answer. “I don’t know how I got out. I thought it was either you or Sam who figured it out, but Sam didn’t,” he trailed off looking at her with worried eyes. She blinked, “No it wasn’t me. I tried Dean, I tried so hard to save you. I- I tried. I’m so sorry. I-I couldn’t figure it out.” Dean’s face softened, “Hey sweetheart it’s okay. Thank you, but I wish it wasn’t put on you in the first place. I would have never wanted this for you. I’m so sorry.” He could tell she was filled with so much guilt when she shouldn’t be. It crushed him and he rubbed her arm, “I’m here now.” Y/N had so many questions, but all she knew was that she was back with her brothers and that’s all that mattered to her. She was exhausted and eventually let the darkness flow over her. “Get some rest kid, we’ll be here when you wake up,” she heard Dean say. She could finally sleep peacefully knowing she had both of her brother back.
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schrodingerspsycho · 1 year
Another Shot - Chapter 1
Pairing - Sam Carpenter x Reader
Warnings - None
Word Count - 1.5k
Summary - Enemies to Lovers. An unexpected reunion throws you for a loop.
Help Palestine by clicking this link!🇵🇸
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You heard the bell above the door ring and started making your way to the front counter. It was a slow day and Tara, your new coworker and friend, was already up there, but you liked talking with the customers. You saw she was already helping the group and planned on hanging back in case she needed anything. That was until you recognized the tall woman grinning down at her.
“Sam?” You approached the counter cautiously, and her face fell when she saw you. “I didn’t think I’d ever see you again.”
“Y/N.” Her icy tone paired perfectly with the cold look in her eyes. You glared back at her. You couldn’t believe she had the gall to treat you this way; as if you were the one who-
“Wait, you two know each other?” Tara’s eyes darted between you, undoubtedly trying to decipher the tension that hung in the air.
“Yes,” you replied, without sparing her a glance. “We used to… hang out. Back in Modesto.”
“What are you doing in New York?” Sam asked, and you felt the pang of a long-forgotten hurt pierce your heart.
“I told you I was saving up to start classes at NYU,” you said, the bite in your voice sounding more like a whine. “You know moving here was my dream. We talked about it so many times.”
“Well, I must’ve forgotten,” she said unapologetically. “It’s been a long time.”
“Yeah,” you snapped back. “It has.”
“Woah,” breathed the guy standing behind Sam. The girl next to him slapped his arm.
“Why don’t you introduce us to your friend, Tara?” she blurted with a forced smile. “Since they’re already well acquainted with Sam.”
“Yes! This is my friend Mindy and my boyfriend Chad,” she said, and they waved at you. You smiled back at them, determined to leave Sam in the past where she belonged. “And this is Y/N. They were my trainer when I first started, and they’re my favorite person to work with.”
“Aww, thanks, T,” you smiled, placing an affectionate hand on her shoulder. Sam’s eyes flashed toward you dangerously, and you relished the fact that you could piss her off so easily. It was far from the comeuppance she deserved, but the small satisfaction almost took away the sting of seeing her again. “I’ll let you take care of your friends here. Let me know if you need anything.”
“Yeah, okay,” she nodded.
“It was nice to meet you,” you said, waving to Chad and Mindy. You couldn’t help but glare at Sam as you left, your emotions getting the better of you. “Of all the fucking people that could’ve shown up tonight,” you muttered to yourself, “why did it have to be her?”
You busied yourself with wiping down the trays, trying your best to keep your mind off of Sam. Fortunately, you were still an expert at that, and soon you were so engrossed in your task that you didn’t see Tara approaching you.
“Hey, what’s your beef with my sister?” she demanded. She didn’t sound angry, which was a relief, but she showed no intention of letting the matter go.
You shook your head, avoiding her eyes. “It’s nothing.”
“That was not nothing!”
“It’s in the past,” you declared. “If you really want to know, you can ask her what she did. But I don’t want to talk about it.”
Her brows were knotted together in a troubled expression, her voice losing the loud confidence she always had. You didn’t have to know Sam to know she hadn’t told her little sister anything about the years she’d been away. But unfortunately for you, you did. You sighed.
“It was personal shit. You don’t need to worry about it. But it would be best if you take her order whenever she comes in here.”
Tara nodded and headed back to the front of the diner. Even though it was half an hour early, you decided to clean the bathrooms. Anything was better than having to face Sam again.
“Okay, what was that?” Mindy whispered loudly as they sat down.
“What was what?” Sam said, refusing to meet her eyes.
“That thing between you and Tara’s coworker! What did they do? I haven’t seen you that unhappy to see someone since Ghostface!”
Sam closed her eyes and shook her head. “What? No, that’s not… no.”
“Oh, c’mon! You used to “hang out” back in Modesto? What does that mean?”
“Hey, that’s Sam’s private business. She doesn’t have to talk about it if she doesn’t want to,” Chad said, ignoring his sister’s gasp of betrayal. Then he turned to Sam with the most adorable, pleading expression he could muster. “But I’ll buy you a milkshake if you tell us what happened.”
Sam raised an eyebrow. “Are you trying to bribe me? With a milkshake?”
“Is it working?”
“No, it’s not,” she replied, smiling in spite of herself. Mindy slapped Chad’s arm.
“Damn it, that totally would’ve worked when we were kids! Why aren’t you cute anymore?”
“Hey, I’m cute! I’m very cute, ask anyone! You think I’m cute, right, Sam?”
Sam just rolled her eyes. She was glad that after all these years the twins were still the same goofballs they’d always been, but that didn’t mean they weren’t a pain in the ass sometimes.
“-No, wait, shut up! We have to get to the bottom of this!” Mindy exclaimed, interrupting the argument she had started. She turned back to Sam, still far too excited considering what she was probing her about. “Please, you have to tell us! I’m literally going to die if I don’t hear this tea!”
Sam sighed and rubbed her eyes. She knew they weren’t going to stop. “We were friends, and then we had a fight. There’s really nothing else to report.”
“You are such a terrible liar, you know that?” Mindy smirked. “Fine, if you won’t tell us, we’ll figure it out on our own.”
Sam groaned, knowing she meant they planned to use Tara to get to her. But it wouldn’t work this time. Not even her beloved baby sister could get her to relive what had happened with you. At least, not for anyone to hear. That dreadful night had been replaying in her head from the moment she saw you, merciless in its vividity.
Luckily, the twins dropped the interrogation, and she didn’t see you again for the rest of the night. But the damage was done. You were in New York City and back in her life. Of all the places Tara could’ve chosen to go to school- to work- why did you have to be there too?
Sam tried not to think about you, she really did. But she’d never been good at keeping you off her mind, at least not on her own. She was thankful for the chaotic distraction the twins provided with their constant light-hearted bickering, but when they left for the bodega to get a midnight snack, she was left alone with her memories of you.
Before she could spiral too much, Sam heard the front door open. At first, she was relieved to see Tara. But she should’ve known better.
“Hey, how was the rest of your shift?”
“It was fine,” Tara replied with a tight-lipped smile. “What happened between you and Y/N?”
“I asked them, and they told me to ask you what you did.” There was a look of apprehension in her eyes, but it wouldn’t be outdone by her morbid curiosity. “Sam, what happened?”
“It was nothing.”
“Don’t give me that “it was nothing” bullshit! I’ve never seen you freeze the way you did when you saw them, and I didn’t think Y/N could get that angry!” Tara took a deep breath and Sam shrank under her gaze. “You know I don’t judge you for whatever you did while you were gone, but the tension between you two was palpable. And you know the kind of tense shit I’ve seen.”
Sam swallowed, stuffing her hands into her back pockets and shifting her gaze to the floor. Tara waited patiently, and when she finally spoke, her voice was soft and shaking. “Let’s just say that when I knew Y/N, I was at a very bad point in my life. I did a lot of things that I regret. But there’s nothing I can do about it now.”
“That’s not an explanation,” Tara said, throwing her hands up exasperatedly. “I have to work with them every day now, I think I deserve to know what happened!”
“But you don’t, though,” Sam said, finally meeting her eyes and sounding as tired as she felt. “You can be friends with them if you want, I don’t care, but what happened between us doesn’t concern you, Tara! You need to leave it alone.”
“I’m going to bed,” she stated, turning around swiftly and cutting off Tara’s attempted apology. She shut her bedroom door without a backward glance and leaned against it, covering her face with her hands. She wouldn’t cry for you. She refused to give you that kind of power.
A few miles away, in your own second-floor apartment, you didn’t grant yourself the same respect.
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artyandink · 3 months
𝙾𝙻𝙳 𝙵𝙰𝚂𝙷𝙸𝙾𝙽𝙴𝙳 | bartender!dean winchester
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Summary: Dean Winchester needs a job after his little brother left for Stanford, and he’s good at mixing drinks. You happen to work at Harvelle’s Roadhouse, which is the place he chose to work at. He finds a family. He finds a new life. But he also finds you. But you have problems of your own.
A/N - My first reader series, do make sure to comment and/or reblog feedback. Set with S1/2 Dean cause I love our baby boy 😁 and pretend group chats exist on old phones lol
A/N - Sorry guys again, posting’s gotten erratic! But here’s chapter four!
four - cosmopolitan
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The sun had begun its slow descent below the horizon, casting long shadows across the road as Sam Winchester drove through the seemingly endless stretch of rural America. The familiar hum of his car’s engine was a comforting constant amidst the turmoil of his thoughts. The message from Dean had been cryptic enough to stir his concern. It had been a while since Sam had seen his brother, and the Roadhouse, a legendary haven for hunters, seemed an unusual place for Dean to spend his time.
Sam had left behind more than just academic life; he had temporarily stepped away from the normalcy he had fought so hard to achieve. The quaint college life, with its predictable routines and its bubble of safety, was a stark contrast to the unpredictable and often dangerous world of hunting that he had grown up in. As the miles slipped by, he found his mind drifting back to those times — the thrill of the hunt, the camaraderie with Dean, and the constant struggle against forces that most people didn’t even know existed.
The Roadhouse itself was something of a legend in hunter circles. He had heard about it from Dean and their father, John Winchester. Run by Ellen Harvelle and her daughter Jo, it was a sanctuary where hunters could find rest, resources, and most importantly, a sense of community. Sam’s curiosity was piqued, and he found himself wondering what had driven Dean to this place. Dean had always been the more steadfast of the two, embracing the hunting life with a fervor that Sam had never fully shared. For him to seek refuge here suggested something deeper was at play.
As Sam pulled up to the Roadhouse, the building’s rustic charm was immediately apparent. It stood proudly against the backdrop of the fading light, its wooden exterior weathered but sturdy. Neon signs flickered in the windows, and the sound of classic rock music wafted through the air. Sam’s heart quickened with a mix of anticipation and anxiety as he parked the car and stepped out.
He pushed open the heavy wooden door, the creak of the hinges announcing his arrival. The interior was dimly lit, filled with the scent of aged wood, spilled beer, and the faint aroma of fried food. A jukebox played softly in the corner, and a few patrons were scattered around, engaged in hushed conversations. Sam’s eyes quickly scanned the room, landing on a familiar figure hunched over the bar. Dean.
Dean Winchester, with his rugged good looks and perpetual aura of confidence, looked strangely out of place in his solitude. His shoulders were slumped, and his usually bright eyes were shadowed with fatigue. Sam felt a pang of concern; it was rare to see his brother so visibly weighed down.
“Dean,” Sam called out, his voice cutting through the ambient noise.
Dean’s head snapped up, his eyes widening in surprise. “Sammy?” He slid off the barstool, a genuine smile spreading across his face as he approached his younger brother. “What are you doing here?”
Sam returned the smile, though he couldn’t shake the feeling of unease. “I got your message. Thought I’d come see what’s going on.”
Dean’s expression flickered with confusion. “Message? I didn’t send you a message, Sam.”
Sam frowned, pulling out his phone to show Dean the text he had received. It was brief, but enough to raise his suspicions: Need to talk. Roadhouse.
Dean stared at the screen, his brow furrowing. “I didn’t send this. But since you’re here, it’s good to see you, man.”
Sam couldn’t help but chuckle at Dean’s characteristic nonchalance. “Yeah, it’s good to see you too. But seriously, what’s going on? Why are you here?”
Dean shrugged, his smile fading slightly. “Just needed a break. Figured the Roadhouse was as good a place as any to clear my head.”
Sam didn’t buy it for a second. He knew his brother too well. Dean was evading, deflecting. “Come on, Dean. You don’t take breaks. What’s really going on?”
Dean sighed, glancing around the room before motioning for Sam to follow him to a quieter corner. They settled into a booth, the worn leather seats creaking under their weight. Dean took a deep breath, his gaze fixed on the table.
“It’s Dad,” he said finally, his voice barely above a whisper. “We had a fight. A bad one.”
Sam’s heart ached for his brother. He knew all too well the strain their father’s relentless drive had put on them both. “What happened?”
Dean ran a hand through his short-cropped hair, frustration evident in every movement. “Same old story. He’s obsessed with finding the demon that killed Mom. And he expects me to be right there with him, every step of the way. I just… I needed some space, you know?”
Sam nodded, understanding all too well. Their father’s obsession had been a constant shadow over their lives, dictating every decision, every move. “I get it, Dean. I really do. But you know you don’t have to carry this burden alone. We’re in this together.”
Dean’s eyes softened, the tension in his posture easing slightly. “Thanks, Sammy. I just… I don’t know. Sometimes it feels like it’s all on me. Keeping us together, keeping Dad from going off the deep end.”
Sam reached across the table, gripping his brother’s shoulder firmly. “We’re family, Dean. We look out for each other. Always.”
Dean gave a small nod, the corners of his mouth lifting in a faint smile. “Yeah, I know. It’s just hard sometimes.”
For a moment, they sat in comfortable silence, the bond between them a palpable force. Sam felt a surge of protectiveness towards his older brother. Despite Dean’s tough exterior, he was still just a man carrying the weight of their family’s legacy.
“So,” Dean said, breaking the silence, “how’s life at Stanford? Still planning on marrying that girl of yours?”
The question brought a genuine smile to Sam’s face. “Jess is great. She’s been really supportive, even with all the craziness. And yeah, we’re still planning the wedding.”
Dean’s smile widened, a rare moment of unguarded happiness. “That’s good, man. I’m happy for you. You deserve it.”
Sam’s heart swelled with gratitude. Despite everything, Dean had always been his biggest supporter. “Thanks, Dean. It means a lot coming from you.”
As they caught up on each other’s lives, the Roadhouse continued its quiet hum around them. Ellen Harvelle moved behind the bar with practiced ease, her sharp eyes taking in the brothers’ reunion. She had seen many hunters come and go, each with their own stories, but the Winchesters held a special place in her heart. She knew the weight of their family’s mission and the toll it took on them.
“Hey, Ellen,” Dean called out as she approached their table. “Two beers, please.”
Ellen nodded, her expression softening. “On the house, boys. It’s good to see you two together.”
Sam smiled gratefully. “Thanks, Ellen. We appreciate it.”
As Ellen brought over the beers, she lingered for a moment, her eyes flicking between the brothers. “You boys take care of each other, you hear?”
Dean nodded, raising his bottle in a silent toast. “Always do, Ellen.”
With a final, approving nod, Ellen returned to the bar, leaving the brothers to their conversation. Sam took a sip of his beer, savoring the cold, bitter taste. It had been a long journey, both literally and figuratively, to get here. But as he looked at Dean, he felt a renewed sense of purpose. No matter what challenges lay ahead, they would face them together.
“So, what’s the plan?” Sam asked, leaning back in his seat.
Dean’s eyes glinted with mischief. “Well, I was thinking we could have a few, get wasted.”
Sam laughed, shaking his head. “You never change, do you?”
Dean’s grin was infectious. “Wouldn’t have it any other way, Sammy.”
For a brief moment, it felt like they were kids again, dreaming of adventures and making plans that defied the expectations of their reality. The Roadhouse, with its walls steeped in history and its patrons seasoned by life’s battles, seemed to embrace them in a cocoon of camaraderie and understanding. Here, amidst the shadows and the flickering lights, they found a sense of normalcy, however fleeting.
The jukebox in the corner switched to a familiar tune, and Dean’s face lit up. “Remember this one?” he asked, tapping his foot to the beat.
Sam chuckled. “Yeah, Dad used to play it all the time on those long drives.”
Dean’s eyes took on a faraway look, as if he were back in the Impala, driving down endless highways with their father at the wheel. “Those were the days, huh?”
“Yeah,” Sam agreed, though his memories of those days were tinged with a longing for something more. “But we’ve got a lot of good days ahead of us too.”
Dean clinked his bottle against Sam’s, a silent agreement passing between them. Whatever the future held, they would face it side by side.
As the evening wore on, the Roadhouse filled with more hunters seeking respite. The conversations grew louder, the laughter more boisterous. Sam and Dean remained in their corner, catching up on lost time and revelling in the simplicity of being together.
When Dean was mid whiskey and mid conversation, you came back from a supply run, swinging the keys to your car on your finger. His attention was immediately caught by your infectious smile, his lips parted as he took you in, the halo he always saw around your head contradicted by the sinful amount of beer he knew was in the shopping bag you carried.
Sam’s eyes followed Dean’s, and his foot tapped his older brother’s with a smirk. “Who’s that?”
Dean snapped out of it, licking his lips and his eyes briefly followed your heavenly, sinful ass in those jeans before contradicting himself. “Who’s who?”
“Yeah, you heard me.” He laughed, shaking his head. “You’re looking at her like she’s God’s gift to men.”
“She’s no one. I mean, she’s someone, but not like that.” Dean swollen, then smirked slightly. “She’s hot.”
“Knew it.”
“Look, can we change the subject? Don’t want anyone sharing my secrets like we’re in Mean Girls.”
Eventually, the topic turned back to their father, and Sam felt compelled to ask, “Do you think Dad’s okay?”
Dean’s expression grew serious. “Honestly, I don’t know. He’s been so focused on finding the damn demon that I think he’s losing sight of everything else. But we’ll figure it out. We always do.”
Sam nodded, though he couldn’t shake the feeling of unease. Their father’s obsession had driven a wedge between them more than once, and he feared what might happen if it continued unchecked. But for now, he chose to focus on the present, on the fact that he was here with his brother, and that they had each other’s backs.
As the night deepened, the Roadhouse’s patrons began to thin out. Ellen and Jo moved through the room, tidying up and exchanging friendly banter with the remaining hunters. Sam and Dean finally stood, stretching their legs and preparing to call it a night.
“You got a room here?” Sam asked, following Dean towards the back.
“Nah, I’m hooked up with a friend,” Dean replied. “I’ll see if Ellen’s got one for you.”
Ellen appeared at that moment, as if summoned by their conversation. “Need a room, Sam?”
He nodded gratefully. “If you’ve got one, that would be great.”
“Of course,” she said with a warm smile. “Anything for a Winchester.”
As she handed Sam a key, she added, “You boys get some rest. Tomorrow’s another day.”
Sam and Dean thanked her, then made their way to their respective rooms. As Sam closed the door behind him, he felt a sense of peace settle over him. Despite the uncertainty and the challenges that lay ahead, he knew they would face them together. And that made all the difference.
Lying on the bed, Sam stared up at the ceiling, his thoughts drifting back to Stanford, to Jess, and to the life he had momentarily left behind. He missed her, missed the normalcy of their life together, but he also knew that this was where he needed to be right now. With his brother, navigating the complexities of their family and their shared destiny.
He closed his eyes, the sounds of the Roadhouse fading into the background. Tomorrow would bring new challenges, but for now, he allowed himself the luxury of rest. He was home, in a sense, and that was enough.
As the night stretched on, the brothers drifted into a restless sleep, their dreams filled with memories of the past and visions of the future. The Roadhouse stood as a silent witness to their reunion, a testament to the enduring strength of family and the bonds that could never be broken.
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The Roadhouse buzzed with the usual hum of conversation and clinking glasses, but in a quieter corner, Ruby and Meg were engrossed in a conversation that had nothing to do with hunting or the supernatural world. Their connection, an unexpected development in the turbulent lives of hunters and demons, had grown stronger over time, becoming a source of intrigue and tension for both.
Ruby, known for her badass demeanor and sharp tongue, was an enigma to many. She exuded confidence and danger, her presence a stark reminder of the dark world they lived in. But beneath the tough exterior was a complexity that few had the opportunity to see. Her interactions with Meg had begun to reveal layers of vulnerability and conflict that she usually kept well hidden.
Meg, on the other hand, was a stark contrast. With her flirtatious and friendly nature, she had a way of making even the most hardened hunter feel at ease. Her playful banter and mischievous glint in her eyes masked a depth of cunning and intelligence that was not to be underestimated. To Ruby, Meg was a puzzle—one that she found herself increasingly drawn to, despite her better judgment.
They sat at a small table, the ambient light casting a warm glow on their faces. Meg’s laughter, a light, musical sound, filled the air as she recounted a humorous story about a hunt before she got to the Roadhouse.
“And then,” Meg said, her eyes sparkling with amusement, “the guy actually thought he could outrun a werewolf in those ridiculous shoes. Can you believe it?”
Ruby smirked, her dark eyes glinting with amusement. “People are idiots.”
“Yeah, but it makes our job more interesting,” Meg replied, leaning back in her chair, her gaze fixed on Ruby. “So, what’s your story, Ruby? Why does a badass like you hang out in a place like this?”
Ruby shrugged, trying to maintain her usual air of indifference. “Maybe I’m here for the company.”
Meg’s lips curved into a teasing smile. “Is that so? And what kind of company are you looking for?”
Ruby felt a flush creep up her neck, caught off guard by Meg’s directness. She wasn’t used to feeling this way—unsure, off balance. “Good company,” she said evasively, taking a sip of her drink.
Meg’s gaze softened, a hint of genuine curiosity replacing her playful facade. “You know, Ruby, you don’t always have to be the tough one. It’s okay to let your guard down sometimes.”
Ruby’s eyes flickered with a mix of emotions—surprise, uncertainty, and something deeper that she couldn’t quite identify. “And what makes you think I have my guard up?”
Meg leaned forward, her expression earnest. “Because I see it. You act like nothing can touch you, but I know there’s more to you than that.”
Ruby’s heart pounded in her chest. This was territory she wasn’t accustomed to navigating. Feelings, emotions—they were dangerous, unpredictable. But something about Meg made her want to take that risk, to explore the unknown.
“You don’t know anything about me,” Ruby said, though her voice lacked its usual bite.
“Maybe not,” Meg conceded. “But I’d like to.”
The sincerity in Meg’s eyes was disarming. Ruby looked away, struggling to keep her composure. She was Ruby, the demon with a mission, the one who always had a plan. Yet here she was, feeling vulnerable and exposed.
“Why?” Ruby asked, her voice barely above a whisper. “Why do you care?”
Meg’s smile was gentle, devoid of her usual flirtatious edge. “Because I see something in you that’s worth knowing. Something real.”
Ruby’s mind raced, her internal conflict intensifying. She wanted to push Meg away, to protect herself from the potential pain and complications. But a part of her also longed for the connection, for the possibility of something more.
“You don’t know what you’re getting into,” Ruby warned, her eyes darkening with intensity.
Meg’s gaze remained steady, unflinching. “Maybe not. But I’m willing to find out.”
The weight of Meg’s words hung between them, heavy with unspoken possibilities. Ruby felt a surge of emotions—fear, hope, desire—all clashing within her. She had spent so long guarding herself, building walls to keep others out. But Meg was chipping away at those walls, and Ruby wasn’t sure if she wanted to stop her.
Their conversation was interrupted by Jo Harvelle, who approached their table with a knowing look. She had been observing the growing bond between Ruby and Meg with a mixture of curiosity and concern.
“Hey, Ruby, Meg,” Jo greeted, her tone casual but her eyes sharp. “Mind if I join you?”
Ruby glanced at Meg, who gave a slight nod. “Sure, Jo,” Ruby replied, her voice neutral.
Jo pulled up a chair and sat down, her gaze shifting between the two women. “I couldn’t help but notice you two seem to be getting along pretty well.”
Meg grinned. “We’re just having a little chat, Jo. Nothing to worry about.”
Jo raised an eyebrow. “Right. Well, Ruby, can I talk to you for a minute? Alone?”
Ruby hesitated, glancing at Meg. “Sure,” she said finally, standing up.
Jo led Ruby to a quieter corner of the Roadhouse, away from prying eyes and ears. She turned to face her, arms crossed. “What’s going on, Ruby?”
“What do you mean?” Ruby asked defensively.
“You know what I mean,” Jo said, her tone serious. “You and Meg. What’s going on there?”
Ruby sighed, running a hand through her hair. “I don’t know, Jo. I really don’t.”
Jo’s expression softened slightly. “Look, Ruby, I know you’re tough and all, but feelings are complicated. And they can get messy if not handled properly. Look at Dean and our golden girl, he can barely keep a lid around her.”
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The Roadhouse had long emptied of its usual patrons, the last lingering traces of conversation and laughter dissipating into the night. The dimly lit interior was a stark contrast to the darkness that enveloped the world outside. It was after closing time, and only a few stragglers remained, lost in their own thoughts or nursing their drinks in solitude.
You sat at a table in the corner, your mind a whirlwind of emotions. Dean Winchester, the enigmatic hunter with a devil-may-care attitude, had captured your attention from the moment you had met. His rugged charm and unwavering determination had drawn you in, despite the dangers that lurked in his world.
Tonight, however, there was a tension in the air that you couldn’t ignore. Dean’s usual easygoing demeanor was tinged with unease, his eyes darting towards the door with a mixture of anticipation and dread. You couldn’t help but feel a sense of foreboding, a gut feeling that something was about to happen.
Your thoughts were interrupted by the sound of heavy footsteps approaching, the familiar creak of the door signaling an unexpected arrival. You turned to see a figure silhouetted against the dim light of the entrance—a figure you recognized all too well.
John Winchester.
Dean’s father, a man shrouded in mystery and shadow, stood in the doorway, his presence commanding attention. His eyes scanned the room, settling on Dean with a mixture of disappointment and frustration.
“Dean,” John said, his voice cutting through the silence like a knife. “We need to talk.”
Dean tensed at the sound of his father’s voice, his shoulders stiffening as he rose from his seat. “Dad,” he said, his tone guarded. “What are you doing here?”
John stepped further into the room, his gaze never leaving Dean’s face. “I came to talk some sense into you, son. You can’t keep running away from your responsibilities.”
Dean’s jaw clenched, his fists balling at his sides. “I’m not running away, Dad. I’m just… taking a break.”
“A break?” John’s voice rose with incredulity. “This isn’t a vacation, Dean. We have a job to do—a duty to our family.”
Dean’s eyes flashed with anger. “I know that, Dad. But I can’t do it anymore. Not like this.”
John took a step forward, his expression hardening. “You think you can just walk away from this life? From everything we’ve fought for?”
Dean squared his shoulders, his gaze unwavering. “I’m not walking away, Dad. I’m choosing to live my own life, on my own terms.”
The tension in the room was palpable, a silent battle of wills playing out between father and son. You watched, your heart pounding in your chest, unsure of what to do. Dean’s infatuation with you had been evident from the start, but you had never imagined it would lead to a confrontation of this magnitude.
As the argument escalated, John’s frustration boiled over. In a sudden burst of anger, he lunged towards Dean, his hands outstretched as if to grab him. Instinctively, you sprang into action, placing yourself between them with a forcefulness you didn’t know you possessed.
“Stop!” you shouted, your voice echoing through the room.
John froze, his eyes narrowing as he regarded you with a mixture of surprise and disdain. “And who the hell are you?”
“I’m someone who’s not going to let you lay a hand on Dean,” you replied, your voice dripping with anger. “He’s had enough of your controlling bullshit, and I’m not going to stand by and watch you bully him into submission.”
Dean’s eyes widened in surprise, his gaze flickering between you and his father. He had never seen you like this—fierce, unyielding, and utterly fearless. In that moment, he felt a surge of gratitude and admiration, mixed with a newfound sense of protectiveness.
John’s expression hardened, his fists clenched at his sides. “You don’t know what you’re talking about. This is between me and my son.”
“No,” you said, stepping closer to John until you were mere inches apart. “This is between you and me. And if you think for one second that you can intimidate me, you’ve got another thing coming.”
The room seemed to hold its breath as the standoff continued, the air thick with tension and uncertainty. You refused to back down, your eyes locked with John’s in a silent battle of wills. But you won, and John turned on his heel, walking straight out without a word.
You now knew why Dean was such a lost soul.
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fantasylandbitch · 1 year
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Summary: You stay the night at Sam and Tara’s apartment where Sam gives you her spare clothes to put on before bed when a sudden nightmare strikes you both causing you and Sam to become closer before Ghost Face makes his presents known.
Warnings: Long Story, Fluff, 
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 2.5 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 4.5 Chapter 5 Chapter 5.5  Chapter 6 Chapter 6.5 Chapter 7 Chapter 7.5 Chapter 8 Chapter 8.5 Chapter 9 (Chapter 9.5 Coming Soon)
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When Sam wakes up the next day, she reaches out for your body ready to embrace you, only to feel a cold empty space next to her on the mattress, and opening her eyes she realizes that she's alone in her bedroom. A pang of sadness and longing settles in her chest as she sits up, she begins contemplating, wondering if sleeping next to you was nothing but a dream as she walks to the bathroom to wash up before heading to the kitchen to get something to eat.
“Good morning Sam” she hears Mindy say catching Sam outside her room when Tara pipes up.
“Don’t bother with the laundry” causing Sam to look at her little sister with a confused look while she takes a seat at the table.
“Why?” She asks when Quinn chimes.
“Y/n did everybody’s laundry before she left for work this morning”
And Sam mentally kicks herself in the ass before Chad brings over her breakfast and Sam notices that the breakfast is inside a semi thin container, asking everyone a question “Did you guys order these?”
And Ethan replies “We didn’t.…Y/n..bought us this,” he says stuffing his face causing Chad to finish his sentence.
“Y/n bought breakfast from a store she’s helping in lower Manhattan, it’s called A Mothers Love, A Woman's Bakery” he explains.
Sam nods as she opens her container as she was graced with a Mexican style omelet completed with a side of black beans and cut up sweet potatoes taking her first bite and humming as her taste buds are lit up with different flavors.
“I think it's nice that Y/n bought us breakfast, she's so sweet,” Anika says, causing Sam to lookover in her direction when Mindy voices her concerns.
“Do you guys think it was safe for Y/n to drive this morning?” and Sam tilts her head.
“Why did something happen?” she asks and Tara explains.
“When we saw her last she looked as if she didn’t get proper sleep”
And Sam nods thinking about you now as the conversation ended. After Sam finishes up her breakfast she quickly retrieves her keys and wallet before going to work and on the way out she asks Tara for your number and her little sister nods, picking up her phone and sending it to her “I’ll go check on her after work. See you guys later."
Later that day at the Colonial Lanes Bowling Alley where Sam works and after working for six hours talking to customers about the prices they have, what they do at the bowling alley, and helping resolve customer complaints Sam was able to go on break. The whole day she couldn't stop thinking about what her sister and roommates said about you, and it worried her that you would even think of driving with less than no sleep, so while on break she saved your number to her phone that her sister sent her and called you. The phone rings a bit causing Sam to go out the back door for a smoke before you finally pick up or so she thought.
"Hello who is this?" a woman says with a relatively thick spanish accent on the phone.
"Hi I was just calling for Y/n-" Sam starts.
"Give me a sec to get her honey" the woman interrupts.
As Sam waits on the phone she hears the clanging of pots, something sizzling, and a stove alarm going off in the background before hearing your voice that sounded far away.
"Hey mami!" the woman yells.
"Yes Tía? I'm helping a customer" and the spanish woman sounds a little eager to give you the phone.
"Let me take over before my wife comes back with a chancla and besides there's a beautiful woman on the phone for you," she says causing Sam and you to laugh.
"A beautiful woman on the phone?..Hello?" you say answering the phone as Sam takes a moment to formulate her thoughts.
"Hey it's Sam sorry to bother you at work," she says wanting to hang up the phone now.
"Oh, Erika wasn’t lying there is a beautiful woman on the phone," you flirted playfully as you walk to the backroom of the shop closing the door behind you while Sam smiles behind her phone "What's up? Is everything okay with Tara? I have a spare inhaler for her in the car." You say and that bit of information makes Sam short circuit.
"Tara's fine she's-wait you have a spare inhaler in your car for Tara?" she says with surprise and you nod even though she can't see you.
"Yeah I actually have several but they're not all in my car..but that's beside the point" Sam takes a deep breath "What's really wrong Sammy?" you ask and Sam softens at her nickname.
"Nothing everyone at the apartment wanted me to call you to see if you were alright” she says hiding how she really feels.
And it takes you a bit to think of what to say next “Oh yeah? Thats very sweet of them but I’m fine really I just couldn’t sleep last night but I hope everyone liked their breakfast” you say.
Sam smiles looking down at her shoes “Everyone really loved it actually” she says before you ask her a question.
“Hey Sam, does the number three mean anything to you?” and Sam thought that was a weird question for you to ask but muses you anyway.
“Not that I know of no but depending on which position it's in it could mean either being overthrown or you need to trust your friends for guidance, why?” and you were going to say more until Sam's phone alarm goes off, making her jump “Shit, I have to go back to work. How about we pick this up later okay?”
And you nod “Yeah that would be great, later” before getting off the phone.
"Hey mami," Erika says to you and you look up to find her and her wife by the door smiling softly at you.
“Why don’t you take a nap in the office for now” Luna suggests and you shake your head.
“Maybe after making a few designs” and they nod before bringing you something to eat as you work and that is what you did for the next few hours designing, then redesigning, and then making a good design and then it repeated until you fell asleep. When later came, the door bell sings letting the owners know that someone walked into their shop and when Erika and Luna looked up they see a women clad in combat boots, jeans, and a gray henley, automatically knowing who she was looking for, so they send her to the back where you slept. As Sam enters the office she looks around the room seeing your designs before her eyes land on your sleeping figure in the chair making her smile as she was half holding back from taking a picture of you and half enjoying watching you sleep as she took a seat in front you, when you started to stir awake in her presence.
“Hey you” you say rubbing your face.
Causing Sam to smile “Hey sleepy head.”
And when you removed your hand from your face the sun peers through the window hitting your features just right causing Sam to stop breathing for a moment, as the sun casts a silhouette across your face highlighting your soft jawline and making your e/c eyes look absolutely captivating causing Sam to get up from her chair before asking you a question.
“Would you like to join me to go grocery shopping?”
And you nod while still waking up as you get up from your chair to pack your designs away before walking out of the store saying your goodbyes as you and Sam walk to your car to drive to go to the grocery store where as soon as the cold air hit you were awake. While you were at the grocery store, Sam sends you her half of the grocery list so you both can find the items that she needed for the apartment and after searching around for items, it finally came down to three items. The last remaining items were Milk, tomato sauce and cold cuts. Luckily for you and Sam, you both didn't have to go far, so you both ended up going down the same aisle searching for different perishables when your eyes landed on the tomato sauce. When you find it you call Sam for help.
“Hey Sam?” you call as she was behind you picking up milk.
“Yeah, what's up?” she responds before picking up cold cuts to use for sandwiches.
"Can you get this tomato sauce for me, it’s on the top shelf,” you ask as Sam turns around reaching up for the tomato sauce for you, and as she brings the sauce down to put in your cart she looks down at you with a smile.
“Here you go” and you look up at her smiling back.
“Thank you,” you say while you both look at each other almost getting lost in each other's eyes when someone pushes past her causing her to put her arms around you protectively, shielding you with her body while throwing looks at the offender passing by and after the person disappears she gently turns you towards the direction of the registers with her hand holding onto your waist briefly. After getting the groceries and scanning them you guys headed back to your car so you can drive Sam back to her apartment and when you guys arrive there you two decided to make conversation to the point where you both didn’t realize you were at the front door to which you pull the keys from Sams pocket and unlock the door letting her walk in first, before yourself not realizing that Tara was watching how you were conversing with her older sister.
“Hey, Y/n can I talk to you?” Tara asks as you put the grocery bag on the counter.
“Yeah? What’s up?” you say stopping what you were doing to give her your full attention.
“You can’t date anyone in this apartment…except Ethan and Quinn.”
And you gave her a questioning look “I’m confused, so you're allowed to go after the King of Smiles behind you on the couch and I’m stuck with a Sex Positive Advocate and a Charming Fact Checker?” You say offended before starting to take the groceries out of the bag “That is so unfair Tara” you say not noticing that Mindy and Anika are listening to your conversation.
"Yeah well, while I'm grounded and even when I'm not my sister is off limits" Tara admits to you.
Before your eyes catch the news on the tv as it mentioned Sam's name and a few others like Richie and Amber to which Chad calls Sam into the living room and it dawns on you about why you had the dream. Your subconscious was telling you that danger was close to the people you now call family and this revelation causes you to become silent and withdrawn as the volume of the tv was interrupted by Sam as she mutes the tv telling the core 4 to pack up but they don’t get very far. Everyone's phones in the apartment started ringing causing you to look at your own when the hairs on your skin started to stand up as you saw the picture of Sam's ex show up on your phone when you know he was supposed to be dead. 
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Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 2.5 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 4.5 Chapter 5 Chapter 5.5  Chapter 6 Chapter 6.5 Chapter 7 Chapter 7.5 Chapter 8 Chapter 8.5 Chapter 9 (Chapter 9.5 Coming Soon)
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Tía means Aunt
Mami is a slang word for mommy, attractive woman, close female friend
Chancla means Slipper
Scream 6 : A Love so Understanding Playlist
208 notes · View notes
gretavangroupie · 1 year
Vigilance (Chapter 6)
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Word count: 14.1k
Warnings: 18+ as always, drinking, language, fluff, angst, smut, violence.
This story is a very special collaboration with my best pal @gretavanmoon.
You hit send, delivering the new hire paperwork to your new boss from the comfort of your brand new apartment. The final class of your degree and your advisor was able to help set you up to accept an internship at Collective Artist Management. The company you had your eye on for months. You had set up email alerts last fall hoping to see the listing for an intern come up, and on that lonely New Years Day you saw the job posting. You applied immediately knowing there would likely be hundreds of people desperate for the opportunity. 
You spoke to your advisor about it, and somehow she knew someone and the internship was suddenly yours. The only stipulation being that you would finish out your degree and move to Nashville, Tennessee. A city you had never been to, with no friends, no family and no sense of comfort. But maybe this was the fresh start you needed, still haunted by the ghosts living in your hometown. 
Things with Jake never got better, never seeing him again after that fateful day. Never even speaking about it. He left for tour and you left for school. All there was was silence. Your heart broke into a million pieces. You thought you'd be with him forever. Funny how life takes your plans and turns them inside out. 
You dreaded each holiday spent at home, knowing there would be a chance they would all be there. But to your surprise they never were. Three Thanksgivings passed with empty place mats, Christmas came and went each year, never to see any of their smiling faces. They had moved on from this life and had started anew. Sam kept in touch the first few months after you and Jake ended things, but eventually he dropped off too. You tried not to take it personally, knowing that they were onto bigger and better things, but you still felt that pang of sadness not only of losing Jake, but losing your best friend too.
For a while you would watch them through social media. Watch them tour, watch them live out the dream they always told you they would. But at a certain point it started to do more harm than good. So, you did what you had to do and you blocked them. All of them. It hurt and you hated it but you couldn’t bear it anymore. They changed. You changed. You weren’t in their orbit anymore. It was easier to not know, than to know anything at all.
So you put your head into the books, burying yourself in your classes, soaking up every bit of knowledge you could. Ending each semester with perfect grades and the years breezing by. You always imagined yourself in Los Angeles or maybe even New York. Never Nashville. But again, life has a funny way of skewing your plans, so here you found yourself. A new city with new people, wishing and hoping that maybe you would be able to fill the hole in your heart with new friends and new lovers. Leaving the past behind you, as much as it hurt. 
The first week of your internship was spent going over everything crucial to know in the job. Where to be, where not to be and who you should and should not talk to. You learned about the labels you worked with, labels you no longer worked with and you met your boss, Allison. 
You would be working as an Artist Liaison Intern. A long fancy title for unpaid coffee runner, and fulltime errand girl. In reality you would be helping coordinate flights, travel visas, help schedule cars and bus transportation, even help plan parties. There were really no limits on this job title and you were more than thrilled to be working with Collective. You knew after your first year of college that you wanted to work in music. Work with bands and artists like the ones you grew up with. While it hurt to think that they helped pave this path for you, you thought that maybe the pain of it all was just the universe pushing you towards the life you were destined to have. 
Your boss Allison started each day with a checklist of what needed to get done, and then would delegate tasks to you. Recently they had all been tasks that would eventually come together to build the pieces of the Label Release Party. A party for all of the bands and artists releasing new albums in the coming year for that particular label. The client for this quarter's party was UMG.
You were handed a binder of information from the last party and began to delve into the specifics of what exactly needed to get done. Each day was spent alongside Allison and her team building the foundation of this party taking place in just two months. Over 30 artists would be there, and UMG had no budget, so you and the team almost had full reign over the entirety of the party.
The nights were long and the interns from other departments became the new friends you were hoping for all along. Dragging you to bars after work each night, drinking away the stress of each day. You were beginning to feel happy here in this new city. Happy with your new friends, and happy with the life you were building for yourself. Allison had mentioned the possibility of the internship turning into a full time position more than once so you were sure to be on your ‘A’ game at all times, really hoping that you wouldn't have to leave at the end of all of this. 
As the date of the party drew nearer, so did the anxiety. Was everything perfect? Would the label be happy? Couple that with the stress of your impending Graduation and you were borderline losing it. Allison seemed more than happy with your work and with the party only a few days away, everything began to fall into place exactly as you hoped it would.
APRIL 2021
Smoothing your black dress out with your palms, you look yourself over in your full length mirror one last time before rushing out the door. You wobble down the stairs in your heels and make quick strides to your car. As you put the key in the ignition you slide your heels off and throw them into the passenger seat. You back out of the parking space and try to remember to take deep breaths. Everything you had worked for was banking on tonight. The fate of your job was banking on this. One slip up could make or break you, and you would be damned if you let another good thing get away.
Your heels clacked loudly against the tile floor of the lobby. The label had insisted on the party being hosted somewhere ‘cool and hip’ so when Allison suggested The Blue Room at Third Man Studios they were instantly sold. It was large enough to hold a crowd but intimate enough to feel exclusive. As you stepped into the main space you saw all the decorations and all of the things you had been preparing come to life. The signs, the food, the table placement… everything was perfect.
Allison rushed over as soon as she saw you, frantic with her hands full of paperwork. “We have an hour until artists start showing up. Do you have the flash drive?” she asks.
“Of course, it’s in my bag. I got it from Hazel this morning.” You say handing her the small metal drive.
“Thank god, you’re a lifesaver. I really couldn’t have done all of this without you.” she says, accepting it and walking off, before turning to look over her shoulder. “By the way, the job is yours, welcome to the team.”
Your jaw dropped and she smiled and walked away rushing off to the sound booth. You did it.
You spent much of the evening on cloud nine, running around tending to the needs of the guests and helping with catering and even at the bar. The slideshow went off without a hitch and the artists seemed more than happy with the display the team had procured for each one of them. You watched in awe as each artist flashed across the screen, standing to be recognized. As it reached the final few artists a name flashed across the screen that almost took your breath away. The single from the impending album played in the background as the slide read ‘Greta Van Fleet’. 
You’re sure the blood drained from your face as you nervously scanned the room looking for the guys and their representation. In the far left corner of the room you saw Josh, standing with his drink accepting the applause the crowd gave him. He looked so different since the last time you saw him. Granted it had been almost three years since you blocked them all, never once searching them or the band knowing it would send you back to square one. Hearing their new music playing now was the first you had heard them in years. Josh’s voice had matured and their sound had become rock solid. They truly did make it. The guitar playing sent a shock right to your heart though, reminding you that you could very well be in the same room as him right now. You scanned the table where Josh sat but found only him. Part of you was thankful that it was only him but the other part of you felt punched in the gut at the stupid hopefulness you felt. 
As your eyes fixate on Josh, you quickly realize that if he sees you he will want to talk so you tear your eyes away hoping to keep a low profile for the rest of the night. You keep your head low working at the bar and keeping to yourself, that is until Allison found you, pulling you away from your quiet task.
“Want to go meet some of the people you will be working with? Wait, you want the job right?” she asks.
“Of course I do! Yes!” you reply eagerly. 
“Then let's go!” she says pulling you behind her. 
She ushers you around the room, introducing you to executives, co-workers you hadn’t met yet, and even a few artists you’d be working with. Your head was spinning as you tried to process all the new information coming in while simultaneously keeping an eye out for Josh, doing your damndest to avoid him.
After a few hours people began to slowly filter out and you started to collect empty place settings and pack the nameplates back into the little box you plucked them from. Feeling like the coast was clear you slipped your heels off as you worked paying no mind to the few guests still lingering near the bar. 
You heard the doors open to the room and you saw the familiar fluff of curls cross the room, back to the table he was previously seated at, scanning over it before grabbing his keys. As you watched him, his eyes flicked upward meeting yours.
You look away quickly hoping he wouldn’t recognize you, but you kick yourself because it’s Josh, and you knew he would. He inevitably makes his way over to you, rushing, pushing chairs out of the way in order to get to you as quickly as possible.
“Y/N?” he questions, as he stands in front of you. 
You turn slowly to face him, as you nod. “Hi, Josh.”
Expecting to be met with anger or resentment you furrow your brow waiting for his next words, but instead of that you are met with a beaming smile.
“Oh my god, it is you. I…I thought it was you earlier, but I couldn’t tell. I convinced myself that it couldn’t be. I… Oh my god, how are you? What are you doing here?” he asks, shocked.
“Well…I kind of live here now. I work for Collective Artist Management.” you say nervously. “I graduate next month.”
His hand reaches out and lands on your arm, and you smile to yourself. Typical Josh, always touching. “Y/N, that is amazing! You fucking did it, huh!” he says gripping your arm. “You live here? In Nashville?”
“Yeah, I moved here at the end of January, beginning of February… something like that. Been working and trying to meet new people and get to know my new city.” you reply.
“How did we end up in the same city again?” he laughs, a sound you have sorely missed. 
A smile strung across your face at the sound, bringing back the memories you have tried so hard to bury deep inside your brain. He pulls his phone from his pocket, and taps the screen a few times before flashing it to you. “Is this still your number?” he asks.
You examine the screen seeing your name and the emojis you selected all those years ago, still sitting peacefully next to it. “Yep, that’s me.” you reply.
“Good, can we uh… can I text you? Maybe we can get drinks tomorrow or something?” he asks.
“Yeah, that would be fine. I’m sure I have a lot to catch up on.” you laugh. 
A giggle leaves his chest as he replies, “Yeah, just a bit. I’ll talk to you tomorrow?”
“Yep, talk to you then.” you say, before being pulled into his chest for a hug. As his arms wrap around your neck you catch a whiff of him, and you are instantly catapulted back to a time you have tried so hard to forget. 
He releases you and walks away shoving his hands in his pockets tossing you a smile over his shoulder.
Your mind is positively reeling, you had no idea that he lived in Nashville. Where were the others? When did they move here? Obviously they had made it pretty big if they were signed with UMG…
As the night wrapped up and you drove yourself home you let your mind wander down those old dusty paths you had roped off for so long. You thought of Sam and your last conversation with him about Elle. How things weren’t going too well and things were only getting harder. 
You thought of Danny and Josh and the last time you heard them play. But mostly you thought of Jake and how you left things, broken and beyond repair.
As you showered the night off of you, you thought some more, wondering if meeting Josh for drinks was a good idea. Not sure if you wanted to reopen those old wounds. Though the more you thought about it, years had passed. You had changed. He had clearly changed, filling out more and carrying himself more authentically. You felt compelled to know this new Josh so you decided you would go, and you would leave the past behind you. 
The text from Josh came in the early afternoon, startling you from your book.
Josh: Fable Lounge at 8?
You: See you then!
You rifled through your closet for what had to be an hour. What the hell do you wear to meet up with an old friend in a new city? At a swanky bar nonetheless? Your bed was littered with different items of clothing strewn about, a pile for maybe, a pile for no, a pile for absolutely not. After a half hour of madness, you finally decided on some tight jeans with a black tank and green bomber jacket. You let your hair hang naturally, it had grown quite long, and you decided to let your natural waves be. Simple makeup and some winged eyeliner, and you were out the door. 
Thankfully, Josh was already at the bar when you arrived, having a casual conversation with the bartender pouring his drink. You walked up and took the stool to his right, trying to take him by surprise.
“Heyyyy, there she is!” He brought you in for a hug. “It’s so good seeing a familiar face in town. Whatcha drinking tonight?”
“Rum and Coke” you reply.
He nods his head to the bartender and he begins to make it. The two of you sat, drank, and laughed, catching up on each other's lives. After a round or two, you felt your body begin to relax. 
“Don’t have anyone steady in your life?” he asked, sipping from the side of his glass. 
“No, nothing serious.” You suddenly became shy, and he knew why. “Things just haven’t felt right...in a while. Ya know?”
“Do I know?” He asked from the side of his mouth. 
You sighed heavily. “Of course you know, Josh. You’ve always known.” you reply.
He smiled his know-it-all smile, “Hmm... Well… maybe you’ve found yourself back in the right place again.” He smirked, and lightly clinked his glass to yours. The blood drained from your face. What on earth did that mean?
You heard the door open behind you, catching Josh’s attention as a smile played upon his lips. Turning to see what he was looking at, the blood drained from your face. Oh. My god. In walked Danny, Sam, Jake, and…a girl. On Jake’s arm. 
“SURPRISE! Look who I found!” Josh moved his stool to reveal you, as all of their jaws dropped simultaneously. 
“Josh, what the fuck!” You said quietly in his ear, gritting your teeth through a fake smile. 
Rounds of hugs came quickly from Sam and Danny, while Jake and the mystery girl stayed quietly far enough away that they didn’t feel the need to partake in your greetings. 
Sam immediately made his way over to your barstool. You inhaled a quick breath to prepare yourself for this. You spun the swivel stool and faced him. What you came face to face with wasn't at all what you expected. 
He was taller, had filled out a bit, and god damn, he was absolutely gorgeous. His hair was a bit longer, rested below his shoulders, and was finger-tousled. His skin seemed to glow, especially in this lighting. It looked so soft, you had to stop yourself from reaching out to touch it. He had just a little bit of dark peach fuzz around his lips and chin that countered the silken look of his skin, but it suited him well. His eyes, though. They hadn’t changed. Deep brown, sanpaku shaped, and they still squinted into little half moons when he smiled too hard. Which he did, the second you turned to face him. 
“Y/N?! Are you kidding me?! What are you doing here? With Josh, nonetheless!” He shoved Josh’s shoulder from behind, causing him to choke a little on the drink he was swallowing. 
“Why didn’t you tell me we had an old friend in town?!” Sam asked him without taking his eyes off of you. 
His fucking smile.
He was grinning ear to ear, genuinely happy to see you. His perfectly straight and white teeth sat behind his gorgeous lips. You always envied the hell out of his smile. 
Before you could speak, he was lifting you off the stool into a giant bear hug that felt more like a back-cracking than a formal hello. He set you back down to your feet and you gathered yourself, flustered by his newfound confidence. 
“Surprise? I guess?” You returned his beaming smile, and you felt him lower his head and catch your eyes, taking you all in. In another unexpected instance, you found his hand on yours, lifting it to spin you around. When you had done your full turn, he met your gaze again. 
“You look spectacular. Haven’t changed a bit,” he said with a knowing wink. 
But, you had changed. Though you had long since lost your freshman 15, you had gained it back in all the right places, finally forming into the full shape of a grown woman. You’d let your hair grow, and decided to change up your style a bit. New city, new you, of course. 
Sam took the bar stool next to you, leaving the rest of his group behind. You cleared your throat, mind flashing with dread as you caught Jake in your peripheral, sitting three stools down. Thankfully Josh and Danny separated the two of you. Sam motioned to the bartender and ordered a tequila soda. Next, his elbow was on the bar, head leaning into his hand, looking directly at you. You downed the rest of your drink as you met his gaze. 
“What the hell are you doing here, Y/N?” He said quietly through a giant smile. 
“Well, my internship brought me here, actually. Remember I was in school? I majored in Music Management and Marketing, so I took an internship and I’ve been working at Collective Artist Management learning how the logistics of the industry work.” you say proudly.
You sipped hard on your skinny straw, getting nothing but watered-down rum. “I basically buy plane tickets, help plan tours and throw big parties for a living now. Anyways, we hosted UMG’s new release party the other night. And, lo and behold, I ran into Josh. Well, he ran into me. We got to talking… He invited me out for drinks. But- he failed to tell me he was bringing the whole family. I didn’t even know you guys lived here.” You rolled your eyes to the side to look toward Josh, but he didn’t hear you. 
“That’s amazing. Leave it to the universe. So, you’re living here now?” His gaze was dreamy and intense, like he was hanging on your every word. He folded the straw in half over the lip of his glass, and sipped it from the side. 
“Yeah. For now, at least.” You grinned at him, and he returned it. 
The drinks continued to flow, and the conversation did too. Danny had made his way over to you, embracing you in one of his all-too-familiar bear hugs and it felt like no time had passed at all. Josh told 5 or 6 stories, Danny announced that he was finally going to purchase his dream guitar tomorrow, and Sam explained, in detail, all the restaurants you just had to try as soon as humanly possible. 
Jake…and the girl, Sophia, you learned….stayed put in their seats, adding very little to the conversation, and never once giving you the greeting everyone else did. 
“Shots?! Anyone want a shot? Let’s do shots.” Classic Samuel. He clapped his hands together, successfully signaling the bartender. Your face was now well on its way to feeling warm and numb from the liquor, and you threw your head back in aggravated laughter. The bar had gotten significantly more crowded, and the atmosphere was heady. 
“Sam, I have to get up tomorrow!” You objected while the bartender lined up the shot glasses. 
“Yeah, at what, 11am? You’ll be fine, don't be a baby.” he smirked.
You rolled your eyes. What was this, high school again? 
“Besides, we’re celebrating! It’s a reunion!” He slapped the bar top candidly. 
The six of you crowded into a small circle and raised the tiny glasses into the air. You ever so briefly made eye contact with Jake from across the circle, and he looked away as soon as your eyes could focus. 
“To new memories and old friends, may we be ever compliant with what time throws toward us, and may we accept with grace and dignity!” Josh bellowed, slightly slurry. Everyone clinked glasses and downed the warm liquor. You welcomed it, though these people felt like home, you couldn’t have felt more out of place. 
You turned back to the bar, wiping your mouth of the droplets that had escaped your lips. Sam joined you in his original seat. His eyes were locked onto the side of your face and you almost felt them burning holes into the side of your skull. 
“What, Samuel?” You said sharply through a tight smile. 
He smiled a curt half smile, his eyes hooded but confident. “Let’s get out of here.” He nodded his head toward the door. You might have choked on your spit if you had been a tad bit more drunk. Your eyebrows raised in shock. 
“What? L-like...leave? You and-” you motioned to yourself and him, questioning if you had heard him right. 
“I hate this fuckin bar. It’s too uptown for me. Not my style, ya know?” Sam said, standing up and pulling out his wallet. “I know someplace else that is more our speed.” 
You were speechless, unsure of what to say. But you were well on your way to being more than tipsy, feeling just right, on the brink of confidence overtaking your personality. What the hell, right? You could afford to learn about a few new bars in town, and you were with your best friend. Well, old best friend. And the man at the other end of the bar couldn’t seem to care less if he spoke to you tonight or not. Not that you cared. 
After Sam paid his bill and yours, which you didn’t object to out of old habit, he clinked the pen closed and replaced his wallet. “Let’s go!”
In a rush of hands whisking you from your chair, the two of you were quickly pacing toward the door, hand in hand. 
“See you guys later, we’re going to get into some trouble. Get the bail money ready, bitches!” Sam hollered to his brothers still seated at the bar. 
You didn’t know what to add except a quick shrug and a passing wave of goodbye. You met Jake’s eyes as Sam pulled you past, and the look on his face was unreadable. Pissed? Maybe. Sad, confused, silent.
The outside air was enough to sober you up and make you feel more drunk all at once. The two of you paced down the sidewalk quickly; your arm tucked under Sam’s. 
“Where are we going?” You pressed. 
“A fun place. Don’t worry about it.” His hair was blowing in the chilled air, and his face was as happy as you remembered it to always be. Carefree Sammy, always so eloquently unbothered by anything. 
As you walked into the next bar, you were met with a darker, more relaxed atmosphere. The place was small, and instantly felt cozy. Wooden walls, a lava lamp on the bar, plastic chairs at the tables, and a jukebox on the far wall. Ah, yes. Definitely more your speed. 
“Rum and coke?” Sam asked as you approached the bar. 
“Yes please.” you responded. 
The night continued on, the two of you laughing, sharing old stories, getting significantly more intoxicated…but neither of you daring to touch on the subject that was lingering in the air. 
Honestly, you didn’t want to bring it up. You knew it would happen sooner or later, but time had passed. Things had changed. People had moved on. You were adults now. And you were enjoying yourself, things were light and airy and giggly with your old friend again. It felt like old times. Cheerful, breezy, nostalgic. Sam brought about an air of peace that you had so missed. 
“I can’t buhlieve my old friends are FAYYYMOUS!” you raised your voice overtop of the old rock song playing from the jukebox, hand landing on Sam’s knee. 
He looked at you a little sideways. 
“Have you really not kept up with our music, Y/N?” He acted a little offended. “We’ve toured the world, released two albums...we kinda uh, won a Grammy...” he laughed through the last word. 
Your eyes widened and your stomach flipped. How could you tell him that you’ve been actively ignoring and going out of your way to block out every word involving their band name on your social media? How could you explain that seeing their faces on your screen or hearing them play in your car brought back such sickening memories that it put you in depressive episodes for days?
Even seeing them here, now, in the flesh made you feel so uneasy it was hard to think straight. 
“I heard one of your songs playing in the grocery store once.” You swallowed hard. “Safari Song, I think? It was wild, just minding my own business, picking through the fruit bins, listening to my old best friends play on the radio in a super public setting.” 
He was silent. 
“I knew you guys had made it, but honestly, I...kind of… Don’t seek you out. It really just…hurts? Kind of. I don’t know. After everything.” you stammer.
Sam placed his hand on your knee and leaned forward. “No, I get it. I really do. It would be strange. But, hopefully one day you’ll come to a show. Let us show off for you a little bit?” He smiled a cheesy smile. 
You half cocked a smile back, and put a strand of hair behind your ear. “Yeah! Maybe one day.”
You knew going to see them play would be absolutely mind blowing. Watching their fans go nuts, hearing their new music and how they’ve grown as musicians, watching Jake. Your stomach felt sick at the thought. 
When the night was growing toward a close, and the bar had begun to empty, you and Sam found yourselves two of the only few people left at the bar, heavily and drunkenly engaged in a game of quarter bounce. You’d had a blast with him this evening, and you’d be lying if you said you hadn’t noticed how the neon was glowing off of his skin, radiating and accentuating his perfectly developed features. 
Or how sexy it looked when he pulled his hair back into a low bun when the game got intense, a few strands falling into his face…You sincerely flushed when he kissed you on the cheek after making three quarters in a row. He beamed with contentment, comfort, warmth. Never letting the smile fall from his face the whole night. He was being his goofy self, making you laugh until your stomach muscles hurt, but all the while you found yourself intensely and overwhelmingly attracted to him. For the first time you saw him. Not his brother. 
“You cheated! That’s not fair!” He practically yelled. “You don’t get three chances, it’s in the rule book!”
“What rule book, Sam? The rule book doesn’t exist!” You slurred through hearty giggles, knowing well and good that you had in fact, cheated. 
He walked over to you slowly, taking his pointer finger and playfully poking you in random spots across your face. You tried to swat him away, to no avail. 
“Cheater!”  *poke* 
“Cheater!”  *poke* 
“Pumpkin!” *poke*
“EATER!” he taunted.
You grabbed his hand to pull it from your face, he knew he was pissing you off. He sturdied his arm, which in turn pulled your whole body into him. You suddenly found yourselves chest to chest, faces impossibly close. 
His nose bumped yours, and normally you would back off, feeling awkward and embarrassed. But his eyes darted down to your lips, and back up to your eyes. Your lips were mere centimeters from his. You could feel his breath, warm and heavy, exhaling lightly onto your partially parted lips. His eyes traveled slowly back down to your lips, and you felt his sturdied arm relax. Your heart began to pound in your ears. You’ve never been this close to Sam before. His hand was still on yours, and without moving his face away, he turned your hand into his, and interlaced your fingers. You swallowed hard, tasting the essence of his tequila on your tongue. 
“I don’t like pumpkin.” was all you could whisper before his lips were crashing onto yours in the most heated, yet cautious way. His lips were warm and soft, and he let out a small exhale through his nose at the contact. God, your stomach fell straight to the floor; he felt so sweet. You felt his body relax, and his fingers tighten around yours. After a few seconds of exhilaration, you parted, the both of you darting your eyes back and forth between each others. Each of you exploded into lighthearted and drunken giggles. He let your hand go, and you stood, taking all of him in with your eyes. 
“I love pumpkin,” he said through a chuckle. 
A ten minute walk down the sidewalk, and a short but exhausting trek down side streets found you and Sam approaching his front door. A little bungalow of a place tucked away from the main part of whatever neighborhood you were in. You were still sufficiently intoxicated, probably more so than you truly needed to be. But you were high on the night, on the festivities, and on Sam’s lips. You suddenly felt all your inhibitions melting into the ground below you. 
“This is me,” he said, fumbling with the keys as he unlocked the door. When you got inside, he walked over to a tiny lamp and switched it on, sending a light orange glow into the small but spacious area. You kicked off your shoes and hung your jacket on a chair. You made your way to his couch. You plopped down and let it begin to relax you. 
“Another drink, or some water?” He asked lovingly. 
“How about both?” You replied. 
“Excellent choice.” he smiled, disappearing to the kitchen.
He returned promptly with two glasses full of some type of iced amber liquid and two bottles of water. 
“Cheers,” he mumbled quietly as he sat down next to you on the couch. 
“Cheers, Sammy.” you smiled.
Your head was spinning. From the alcohol, from the kiss, from seeing Jake’s brand new face after so long of not seeing him every day. 
The kiss. Your drunken state brought the memory of what happened just now at the bar, amplified, back to the forefront of your mind. You sipped from the glass, then chugged some water. For the second time tonight, you felt Sam’s eyes boring into the side of your face. You slowly turned to look at him. Your face went hot when you met his sultry gaze. Good god, he was so beautiful. Even more so, now, in his matured state and in this dim lighting. You felt your heart flutter. 
“Yeeees?” You teased. 
Sam rested his head on the back of the couch. His breath hitched.  “I’m gonna ask you a question, Y/N. And I need you to answer honestly.”
That shouldn’t be too hard, as the alcohol had given you quite the air of confidence, suddenly at just the perfect spot of leaving you feeling like you had no filter.
He put his head down, and was toying with a frayed string on his shirt. “Did you- ever? Umm... Did you ever feel anything for-” 
He was stumbling over his words. You raised your head to look at him with more attention, brows furrowing trying to show him that you were listening. 
He huffed. “Did you ever love me, y/n?” Your name rolled off his tongue effortlessly, like he’d spoken it one million times, because in reality, he had. 
Your eyes widened. You opened your mouth to speak, but nothing came out. 
“I know you loved me, but... I felt so strongly for you for so many years, but I never had the guts to tell you. I was too-” he cut off his words again. You felt like you may pass out at his confession. He stared up at the ceiling, letting his words finally fall. 
“You were my absolute best friend. Like, even more so than my brothers or Daniel. It was different with you. I could tell you anything and you’d never pick on me or judge me. I trusted you with my secrets. And I think you trusted me with yours.” he said.
He reached down to grab your hand once again, interlacing your fingers like you had at the bar. “I always thought, you know, one day I’ll do it, I’ll get the balls to tell her. Then- everything happened...” he stammered off, both of your brains revisiting a dark place that you’d had tucked away in the very deepest crevices of your brain. 
He turned to look at you now. 
“I think I always knew about you and Jake. Even before he told me. At the time, I don’t think I did. But looking back now, I think I knew it. In my bones, ya know? I just kept lying to myself because I always thought it’d be you and me in the end.” 
You felt a tear fall directly from your eye and onto your chest. He gingerly brought his hand up to your face and wiped it away. 
“After all this time, and even after Elle and our careers and everything getting busy and taking off..I think I realized that I’m not in love with you anymore. I finally feel…like I can break myself free of the chains you held me in for so many years.” He smiled, his words weren’t meant to hurt you, just let you know.  “I think I finally fell away from you, y/n. And it feels…” 
“It feels what, Sammy?” You asked through another tear. 
He huffed again. 
“Huh, I dunno. Liberating? If that’s the word.” He laughed a little. You couldn’t help but smile. You turned and wiped your tears away, letting out a choppy sigh. 
“Dammit, Sam. You made me emotional.” you said, laughing at yourself. You rolled your head back again. You allowed a few moments to pass, silently. 
“No.” You said, finally. 
“No what?” he asks.
You paused, collecting your words. “I never loved you like that.”
Sam took a deep and quick breath through his teeth, readjusting himself on the couch. “I didn’t think so.” 
The two of you sat in silence for a few minutes, taking turns sipping your drinks and exchanging looks. 
“So, now that we’ve established that we aren’t in love with each other, want to talk about that sweet little kiss at the bar?” Sam said in his normal cheeky tone. You realized you were still holding hands. His thumb was lightly massaging the back of your hand. It felt like pure electricity. 
“Honestly Sam, I don’t want to talk about it.” You answered. You took the last bit of your drink, and placed the glass on the coffee table. You took his drink from his hand, and placed it next to yours. You moved your body so that you were able to throw your leg over top of his, and bring yourself to carefully sit on his lap, facing him. 
“I just…kind of want to kiss you again.” you said quietly in a questioning tone, watching his face closely to gauge his reaction. Of course, his eyes widened, and the look on his face was hilarious. Pure and utter surprise. His head lulled back against the couch, and once your words and action had settled in his mind, he put on that seductively shy smile. 
“Do you, now? I thought we didn’t have feelings for each other?” he peeked at you through one eye, hands beginning to grip tightly on your thighs. 
“We don’t. But that doesn’t mean I don’t find you…attractive.” you twirled a piece of his hair between your fingers. The silky brown strands, thick and plush.
“I’ve always found you attractive, y/n. Caught my eye the first day I saw you.” His hands were squeezing harder now, moving slowly from your straddled knees up to your upper thighs. 
“Gorgeous from the get go. All the guys in school fawning over you.” He continued intermittently squeezing the thickness of your thighs, eyes scanning over your whole body as if he was committing every inch to memory.
“Guys coming up to me to see if they could ask you out...as if I’d have any problem with it.” His thumbs had now inched impossibly close to your heat, gripping the fold where your legs met your hips. He dug the pads of his thumbs into your groin, eliciting the tiniest sound to escape your lips.
“Everyone wanted you...but you were mine…my best friend. I can’t tell you how many times I had to stop myself from sneaking you away into the basement…” his hands were still working your muscle at a sickening pace, thumbs rubbing small circles close, but not close enough. 
“But I must say, when I saw you at the bar tonight…” his hands moved from your thighs to your ass, gently but tightly squeezing. “…I knew I wasn’t going to be able to take my eyes off of you for the rest of the night.” His voice had grown low and gravely. His normal frivolous attitude had shifted into something darker and more sinister, and you’d be lying if you said you weren’t absolutely craving seeing more of this side of him. 
“Of course I was always attracted to you too, Sam. I mean, God, look at you.” He shied away at your words, a rosy blush filling his cheeks. “Watching you play your guitar was always my favorite. Everyone knows you as the bass player, but I always knew you could do both. Talented at both.” You brought your forehead to rest on his.
“You fell into another world when you played. Played anything, really. So talented. I always caught myself having to drag my eyes away from your hands...” you found his hand and intertwined your fingers again. “Just because I didn’t have the same feelings for you then, doesn’t mean that I never wanted to…do this.” your voice trailed off, sticky and full of lust. 
You brought your hands to his face, tracing his beautiful cheekbones with your thumbs. You weren’t sure what had come over you. Curiosity, mostly, and drunken and immense attraction to this man in front of you. Your mind flashed with every warning sign and inhibition it could to stop you from doing this- your friendship with Sam, everything with Andy, the fight, Jake….
You worked to ignore every single red flag your body was throwing at you, and to just go with what felt right right now. 
And what felt right was kissing Sam again. 
So you did. 
This time, it was slow and mellow, testing the waters and seeing how he felt. You slowly moved your lips across his, sweetly taking your time and allowing for this strange adjustment. You pulled away to catch his eyes, and in seconds, he had his hands back on your waist, harshly pulling you closer toward him, and down onto his hardening length in his jeans.
He found your lips again, and parted his slightly to allow you more access. You took the opportunity, and deepened the kiss, lightly flicking your tongue across his lips, testing the uncharted waters. He met your tongue with his, and damned if he didn’t taste sweet. Your hands found his hair, and tangled into the roots, which only spurred him on. Your brain was flipping and flying everywhere at once, but you liked it. 
He tightened his grip on your waist again, and dug his thumbs into your sides, eliciting a sharp breath from you. You parted, meeting eyes. You both began to laugh, and again, you rested your forehead on his. 
“This is...weird.” you said. 
“Yep. Very weird.” He parroted back. Suddenly he was lifting you from his lap and laying you down on your back on the couch. He climbed to lay on top of you, and what began as innocent explorative kissing quickly shifted into a heated, frenzied makeout session. Your kisses became raw and wanting, you were both fighting for control as you let your instincts take over. 
He was an excellent kisser, and you took advantage of that. All four hands were gripping and fighting and pulling, trying to find any kind of purchase that may assist in getting each other undressed. The sounds he was making were causing you to absolutely pool with desire for him. You were both panting and sweating at this point. Both of you unsure what step to take next. Cautious, flustered, embarrassed… But wholeheartedly comfortable and yearning for him. And him for you. 
“Sam,” you asked. 
“Y/N” he answered. 
“Will you umm, take my shirt off?”
Without another word, he was lifting himself off of you and removing your shirt above your head. You realized he had never seen you in a bra before. His eyes were blown out with lust just from looking at you, and seeing him look at you that way ignited something in your chest. 
You felt a strange and wanting passion burning, one that felt uninhibited and carnal. For Sam. With Sam. Your best friend. Why did all of this feel so good?
You decided to go with your gut. You were both consenting adults, just looking for a little fun. What did you have to lose? 
Jesus Christ, what is happening right now? Am I dreaming?
She looked absolutely stunning in nothing but her bra. A pretty little maroon lace thing. You gave her a smile and a look of admiration, hoping that she didn’t feel any kind of shyness toward you. 
You’ve wanted this for so long, so many years. You thought it was never going to happen. Especially after so much time being apart, but look where the universe has landed you.
“You’re really gorgeous, y/n. Seriously.” you implore.
You were returned a sweet smile. “Thank you, Sammy.” 
Her smile made your heart melt. “Can I take yours off?”
“Mmhm, absolutely babe.” She sat up and grasped the shoulders of your tee shirt, pulling up and taking the shirt off. She let it fall to the floor. Her eyes raked over your torso, sparkling slightly in the moody light. Beautiful. 
As you took in the sight of her upper half, you noticed something. Right on her ribs. A tattoo. 
“What’s that? I never knew you had a tattoo..” you asked. 
“Oh yeah...I got that a really long time ago. On a whim-” she tried to push the subject away. 
“It’s a constellation, right? Stars…oh it’s the Little Dipper.” you eyebrows furled. 
What? Where had you seen this before? Old images fluttered through your mind.
Shit…Jake’s guitar. His carvings.
You lifted your head to speak, to ask her if it was a tattoo for Jake. Did he have the same one? She cut you off before you could ask. 
“It’s a long story...for another time, Sam.”
You decided to leave it at that. 
She made her way on top of you again now, in the original straddled position. “Hm, you like it here, huh?” You joked, and began peppering her jawline with tiny kisses. She let her head fall back, giving you access to her neck, and you swore you could have taken her right then and there. 
Her skin was so soft, and tasted so sweet. And the floral smell of her hair was making your head spin. She cawed a little bit at your touch, which enticed you to bring your hands, ever so carefully, to her breasts. You gave them a small squeeze, and bravely slipped your hands underneath the bra, gently massaging, keeping your mouth on her pressure points. 
She inhaled sharply at the new sensation, and gave the prettiest little moan, spurring you on again. You found her nipples, and gently twisted them between your fingers. That, she loved. 
“Shhhhit Sam,” she groaned, then backed away and looked directly into your eyes. In seconds her mouth was attached to yours, bringing back the intense kissing from moments ago. These kisses were deep, forceful, and intentional. Your tongues were wrestling, exploring each other’s mouths as your hands began to haphazardly grab anything and everything. You mewled into her mouth as she grabbed a fistful of hair on the back of your head, pulling it back to look at her as she craned over you. She grinded her hips down onto you again, making the need for her all the more difficult to bear. Both of you were insanely starved for one another. 
You decided it was time to move. You couldn’t wait any longer, and you had barely done anything but land one foot on second base. You grabbed underneath her thighs, standing and lifting her with you. She giggled. You met eyes again, this time with a question written on your face. Her arms were wrapped around your neck, hands lightly massaging the back of your head. 
“Can I take you in my room?” You asked, more confidently than you anticipated. 
Her eyelids were half open, her hair a mess, anticipation dripping from her aura. 
“Please,” was all she stated. 
You walked her down the short hallway into the back bedroom; you were thankful it wasn’t too messy in there. Not like she would care anyway. She never did. 
There was only the significantly bright moonlight coming through the windows, and you decided to not turn on the lamp. The pale blue light was already illuminating her skin in the most beautiful way. You gently set her down on the bed, never breaking from her kiss. She began to scoot herself backwards up the bed, you crawling overtop of her, following her lead. When she found herself in a position she was satisfied with, she settled a little bit and broke away. 
“Can we get under the covers?” She asked. You smiled knowing you’d give her anything in the world right now. 
“Sure, we can,” you replied. “Are you cold?”
“Kinda, just want to feel comfy.” She responded breathlessly. You stood from the bed and reached under her to pull the comforter down. Before crawling underneath, she made a show of unbuttoning her jeans, and pulling them and her panties all the way off. Good god. 
You followed suit, undoing your belt and letting your pants and underwear hit the floor. You crawled in next to her, heart pounding, mouth dry, and skin absolutely on fire with want for her. Condom? Yes, in the drawer. Got it. 
For a minute, the two of you laid in complete darkness save for the blue light barely tinting the room. Your faces were close, your breathing steady but labored from the intensity of the past half hour. You couldn’t quite see her face in the darkness, but somehow, it made it all the more alluring. Maybe it was better to have one of your senses muddled, it would also help with the anxiety you felt rushing through your bloodstream. I can’t believe this is actually happening. You ran your fingers lightly over her arm, down her side and back up to her face, bringing a sense of intimacy back after the shift. 
“You okay with doing this?” She asked shyly. 
“I’m absolutely okay with doing this.” You maneuvered to roll her to her back, resting on your elbows on either side of her head, face to face. 
“Don’t take this the wrong way, y/n, but my feelings for you have drifted. They’re almost gone, actually...please don’t take that as anything malicious. I’m still very much in love with the person that you are. You’re one of the most important people in my life, even if the last time we saw each other we left on a…less than high note.” You breathed, long and heavy.  “Life’s short, I don’t have any ill feelings toward you. The past is in the past. You’re one of the only people I’ve ever had in my life that I’m completely comfortable with. And to be completely honest, I’ve felt very comfortable learning about you in…this...way…so far…so if you’re okay with it, I’d really like to fuck you senseless.” 
She burst out with laughter, covering her face through deep belly laughs. “God, I missed your dumb ass.” She playfully slapped you across the arm. “I feel the same, Sammy. This doesn’t have to be that serious. Just two friends making each other feel good.”
“Exactly.” And you meant it. The only feelings you felt for her right now were lust. Respectful, platonic, gorgeous lust. 
“Alright then, come fuck me senseless Sammy.” 
You laughed as you dipped down, laying a hot, wet kiss right between her breasts. You landed a few more right beneath the swells, unintentionally finding a sensitive spot. Her back arched. 
“Mmm...I plan on it, babe. But first…”
You then drug your tongue right down the center of her chest and stomach, tracing her sternum down to between her hips. 
She hummed with surprised anticipation, instinctively running her hands through your hair to pull the strands back that had fallen from the hair tie. 
You slowly began to run your tongue along the outsides of her lips, teasing her. She groaned a sound that you didn’t recognize. 
“Too personal?” you asked, half joking, half truly wanting permission. 
“You really think I’m going to turn this down, Sam?” She responded, giving you the go ahead. 
With that, you dipped your tongue languidly straight from her opening to the top, stopping at her clit and running circles over it with slow, intentional waves. 
Her body language let you know she was okay with it, as she immediately had a tighter grip on your hair. You began to go to work after that. She tasted like heaven. Just how you’d always imagined. But you’d never tell her that. 
You switched between quick and sharp movements to slow, calculated swirls, paying special attention to her reactions and banking them away in your memory. She was writhing, legs falling open as wide as they could only to close again and squeeze around your head. You brought a hand up to tease at her entrance, not entering all the way so as to add to her anticipation. 
Her body was shaking and spasming as you felt like you were bringing her closer to the edge. You moved your eyes to look up at her, and she met your gaze. Fucking beautiful. She smiled deviously again, mouth cocked open in pleasure. She gave one last final tug on your hair before she toppled over the edge, her body quivering and vibrating through the orgasm. 
You sat up, her hand meeting your mouth to wipe off her wetness. 
“Jesus Christ Sam. Tell me again why you never snuck me away to the basement?” She said through pants of exasperated breaths. 
You met again in a heated kiss, her pulling you into her by your hair, neck, shoulders…anything she could get ahold of to close the gap between you. 
You felt her reach between you and take your length in her hand. She wasted no time in letting you know what she wanted, the strokes of her hand rough and depraved.
“Wait,” you said. 
You reached into your bedside table and tore a condom off the long strip, opened its contents and removed it. 
“Look at you being responsible...” She giggled as you slid it over yourself. 
“Hey, I haven’t talked to you in years, I’m not trying to jeopardize my future love life because of silly old you.” You knew that would get under her skin. 
“You asshole!” She punched your shoulder. “I’m clean and healthy, I’ll have you know. I’m the one that should be worried, Mr. ‘We’ve traveled the world and won a Grammy' blah blah bla-" 
You quickly placed your free hand over her mouth, effectively muffling her words. 
“Shhhhhh, I’m trying to fuck you senseless.” you tease.
No sooner than you had finished your sentence, she bit hard into your hand, pulling your middle finger into her mouth. Her tongue was rolling and nibbling and sucking, it sent a chill down your spine and all the blood rushed straight to your dick. She might kill you tonight. 
That was enough to send you over the edge, no more fucking around. You rolled your body on top of her, and pulled your knee up to spread her legs. Your finger was still in her mouth, and your hand was covering it. 
“Y/N, are you… a brat?” You grabbed your length in your other hand, and began teasing at her entrance, eliciting a little moan from her. She arched her back into you, looking for more. 
She shook her head side to side, “huh uh” she spoke through your hand, smiling giddily. Then she pulled your finger into her mouth impossibly deep, you could feel the back of her tongue on your fingertip. She swallowed. God, your head was spinning like a top. 
“Hmm really?” you growled, bringing your mouth to her ear. “Because it seems like you might be.” On your last word, you pressed your dick into her, filling her to the hilt. You left your hand across her mouth, forcing her to stay quiet. Her eyes shot closed at the feeling of you filling her. 
You stayed still, taunting her, letting her get used to the feeling. When in all reality, you were taking the moment in. You wanted to savor it, feel it completely. You wished you could take the condom off, feel her completely and wholly. She felt so warm and so tight, you could only imagine what she felt like skin to skin. 
She spit your finger from her mouth. “What happened to the senseless part, Sam?” 
You took that as an invitation to go ahead. You began slow thrusts, so as not to move things along too quickly. Immediately she was writhing beneath you, hands moving up and down your back and into your hair. You did your best to find a rhythm, but she was making things impossibly difficult with her reactions. Shit. She felt amazing. 
You began to pick up the pace a little, grabbing her leg and bending it to wrap around your waist. Apparently, that was the right spot. Your moves were sensual. Senseless, but sensual. You let your head fall to her ear, biting the lobe and running your tongue behind it. 
“Fuuuuck yes, Sam,” she spat out breathlessly. You were beginning to lose composure, but were far from being finished with her. Her sounds alone could send you into a frenzy at this point. She began to whine a little as you blew cold air onto the places your tongue had left. 
You sat up, grabbed her hips and propped yourself up on one knee, towering above her. This new angle was stellar, you had a full view, though dark and still slightly under the covers, of what was happening. You watched yourself slide in and out of her, and began to slow your pace. 
“Take it off, Sam.” she said in a demanding tone. 
“What?” You breathed. 
“Take the condom off.” 
You fumbled your words. “Sh-really? Are you sure? I was just joking earlier, I’m clea-"
“Sam, I trust you more than I trust anyone in my life. Take it off.” she pleaded.
Who were you to deny her that? You removed yourself from her, and the two of you worked together to slide it off. 
The air had changed just a little. You peered down to her blissed-out face. “I wanna feel you.” she whispered. 
The rush of blood to all your extremities was enough to knock you over. She had no idea what she was doing to you. Her natural confidence was newfounded, she always had it but, damn. This was something else. 
She pushed you backwards, and switched your places. You found yourself underneath her again. You immediately reached for her warmth, wanting to touch her. You found her clit, and began making small swirls over top of it. You reached down a bit further, and gathered up her wetness, bringing it to make everything impossibly slick. She tilted her head back in a moan. 
“God, babe. You’re so wet. Is that all for me?” You asked in a teasing tone. 
“No idiot, it’s for me,” she playfully rolled her eyes as you laughed. 
“Touché.” You walked right into that one. 
You quickened your swirls with your thumb, and added a finger inside her. 
“Shitttt Sam, really?” You began pumping your finger in and out while continuing your assault on her clit. After a few seconds of undoing her, she grabbed your hand and pulled it away, then lifted herself to let you enter her again. The raw contact had the two of you falling onto one another, bodies instantly turning into puddles as she slowly sat all the way down, and bottomed out. 
“Jesus Christ, y/n….ffffuck meee, you feel so-” you could do nothing else but sit up slightly, finding her lips again and bringing her to a deep and sensual kiss. All the while moaning hard into her mouth. There were no words to describe how good she felt. Velvety smooth on you. 
She began bouncing slowly up and down, almost breaking contact completely before setting herself back down again. Her hands were on your pecs, squeezing and kneading them as her head rolled from side to side with pleasure overcoming her face. She was absolutely stunning. 
You reached up to grab a fistful of her hair, you wrapped it all around your hand tightly and pulled hard, bringing her face close to yours. Your foreheads rested on each other as she continued riding her way into oblivion. Both covered in a sheen of sweat, you found yourselves enraptured in pure ecstasy. 
The eye contact, the hitched breaths, the quick and deep kisses…you should have been doing this a long long time ago. Her sounds were becoming more and more strangled, like she was going to tumble over the edge at any minute. You began lightly rubbing her back, and she sat back up, stopping the bounce, now simply grinding in circles. 
“You’re so fuckin beautiful, y/n.” She smiled deviously, and you reached up a hand to her throat, squeezing gently. “That ok?” You asked. 
“Fuck yeah, it’s okay,” she replied. 
Yep. She’s going to kill you tonight. 
You felt yourself twitching inside her, and you knew it wouldn’t be long. Luckily, you could tell she was beginning to come apart herself. You reached for her clit again with your free hand, letting her take the reigns while she held onto you for dear life. 
The sounds she was making were nearly pornographic; you were glad you didn’t live in an apartment. She reached a hand up to grasp the wrist of your hand on her throat, squeezing it tightly, signaling you to do the same and you obliged. Suddenly she was collapsing and falling apart, soaking you in the process. You watched as she rode herself through it, pupils blown out and face beautifully contorted. She smiled when she came back to. 
“God damn I wish you could see yourself…” you trailed off again. She began bouncing harder now, quickly bringing you to the brink. 
“Where do you…I’m-” she quickly hopped off of you, squatted down, and took your length in her mouth, pumping with her hands and mouth. That was all it took…you exploded into a million pieces, sending your streams into her mouth. She squeezed your thighs on the come down, and left no mess behind. 
Once you landed back on earth, she removed her mouth, and chuckled. You were left breathless, wordless, mindless- everything was gone from your brain. 
“Are you fucking serious, y/n?” you said through labored breaths. “I think that was the hottest- you’re literally-” you stammer. You couldn’t even form sentences. You covered your face in disbelief as she climbed up to lay next to you. 
You could do nothing else but pull her into a tight squeeze. “Where have you been all my life?” You ask through an expectant smile. 
She lifted her head and looked at you sarcastically. 
“Oh yeah, up my brother’s ass.” You replied, just waiting for her next playful blow to your shoulder. 
“There it is. I’m sorry. I deserved that one.” you said, massaging your collarbone. 
“Don’t be a dick Sam, that’s a touchy subject.” she scoffed.
You sighed. “I know it is, I won’t pick on you anymore, college girl.” you tease again.
That one landed you a pillow to the face. 
“Sam, I’m serious. Quit while you’re ahead.” she warned. 
“Ok, ok sheesh.” You paused and pulled her in closer, softly kissing her lips. “I am ahead, aren’t I?”
You decided to not delve anymore, ruin a good feeling. You let yourself drift off to sleep, curled up to the once love of your life, who surprisingly, at this point, no longer held you completely captive. For some reason, even after all of tonight’s events, your heart didn’t beat the same for her anymore.
You woke up the next morning tangled in your sheets, but no longer tangled up with her. She had found her spot on the other side of your king bed, perfectly comfortable in her own space. Your head pounded a little from the dehydration setting in. 
The sound of crunching gravel had you snapping your head towards the window as you heard a car pulling up, stopping in front of the house. You rubbed your eyes and hopped over to the window, peeking out the blinds. Shit. Jake. You’d forgotten he was bringing a portfolio of paperwork over for you to sign off on for the label. You shook her awake. 
“Hey, y/n, wake up, hey!” Her eyes opened one at a time as she craned her neck to look at you. 
“Listen, Jake just pulled up, don’t go anywhere.” She shot up out of the bed, and at the same time, you both realized you were still completely nude. 
“SHIT!” You both chimed, clobbering over the bed trying to find clothes to dress yourselves. 
She was pulling a pair of your sweatpants on and you were pulling your shirt over your head as you heard the front door open. You forgot he had a key. 
“Sammy boyyyy! Awakennn!” you heard Jake beckon from the front door. You motioned to her to be quiet with a finger over your lips as you walked out, closing the door behind you. 
“Good morning brother. You’re awfully chipper for it to be this early,” you said through a yawn, trying to sound as nonchalant as possible. You walked over to start a pot of coffee. 
“And you’re awfully fully dressed to have had what looks to be a rendezvous last night, hm?” he quipped back. 
Fuck. That was fast. 
You turned around slowly to see her green coat hanging from his finger. He looked around, noticing her boots on the floor, and her purse hanging on the back of the chair. You had no words. 
“Didn’t bother to take her home after getting into some trouble last night? Or was the trouble you got into here?” he scoffs.
His voice was deeply quiet, but not mad. He seemed to just want you to explain. 
Just then, you heard your bedroom door close. And here she came, waltzing through your home like she owned the place, donned in your tshirt and sweatpants. Oh hell. 
“Good morning, sunshines! How is everyone this morning?” she asked, like absolutely nothing in the world could faze her. Jake was taken by surprise, you noticed his body language instantly turn from confrontational to timid. 
“Jake…hey. It’s really good to see you.” She sweetly walked over to him, and took him in a completely professional hug. “I’m sorry we didn’t get to talk much last night, Sam and I got caught up in some nostalgic conversation.” 
He was still holding her jacket. Neither of you spoke a word, but instead just stood, too stunned to reply. 
After the longest pause, Jake finally spoke. “Uh yeah, hey y/n.. it’s good to see you too. It’s been..umm..a while.” You could tell by his tone that though he was trying to be cordial, he was dying to have his own nostalgic conversation with her. 
“It has.” she replied, crossing her arms. The three of you stood in awkward silence for a few beats. 
“Hey Sam, um, I’ve gotta be at work in a bit, could you run me home?” she asked.
“Yeah, yep. I can do that.” You said, rushing around and looking for your keys. 
“Thanks.” She started walking back toward your room to gather her things. “Jake, see ya around.” And she was out of sight. 
You felt the weight of the world crashing down on you from just one look from your brother. He stared at you silently seething before he finally spoke, “Just sign the fucking papers and take them back to Josh.” He tossed her jacket across the table, and left your house without another word. 
“Do you have any regrets?” You asked her as the two of you sat cross-legged on the end of your bed. 
She took a deep cleansing breath, and shook her head. 
“No. I really don’t.” You felt relief completely wash over your body, as you were scared that in your drunken state last night, you may have made the wrong decisions. 
“Do you?” She side-glanced to you, afraid of the answer you were going to give. 
You mirrored her action. “Nope.”
“Still don’t have any feelings for me anymore?” She pressed. 
You let this one sit with you for a second.  “Honestly, I don’t think I do, y/n, as strange as that sounds.” She agreed with a nod. “But I had a really good time last night. Like a really good time.”
She smiled. “I did too. Who would have thought that sleeping with your best friend actually wouldn’t be weird?” The two of you sat in relieved silence. “I’m glad we can be honest with each other again. I missed that.” she said sweetly. “I missed you.”
Three years ago, those words would have made your life turn upside down and fall into a frenzy, but, her words didn’t sting. They didn’t make your stomach do flips. Instead, they gave you a strange sense of comfort and sentimentality. A sense of familiarity. 
She was so endearing, enrapturing. You still felt a draw to her, something deep and archaic, that you couldn’t explain. You suddenly felt an innate pull to chase that feeling again and again, not having any idea where it might land you. And also not caring where it did. 
You flung the door to your Jeep open, and hopped inside, slamming the door shut behind you. You were seething with anger. Anger and betrayal and disappointment. You gripped the steering wheel with white knuckles, and felt a sharp pain radiate through your right hand. The lasting effects of your fractured hand still hanging around even after all this time. You scoffed at the irony. Her, still tying you to some of the worst pain you’ve ever experienced in your life. 
You thought you were free of it. Did you miss her? Of course. Things were left on terms that weren’t great. But the phone worked both ways. She didn’t try. She faded away so quickly. 
You thought you’d proven yourself time and time again of wanting to be with her, and only her. But it wasn’t good enough. She had her reasons, and they made sense from the outside looking in. But not to you. Not for you. 
She was gone.  And you thought it was for good this time. You’d finally found separation and ripped the band aid off. You found what felt like happiness again, in Sophia. And now, here she was again, crashing into your new life like a freight train. Into Sam’s life. And apparently into his bed. 
You were speeding down the highway, eyes crossing at the feeling of betrayal from your brother. How could he do this? But more importantly, why were you so affected?
A few hours later, you pulled into the parking lot of the practice studio in a cloud of dust from the gravel. You put it in park, and removed your sunglasses. You saw stars. Maybe you shouldn’t have had that last drink. You flipped down the visor and checked your appearance. Eyes bloodshot, cheeks red. Perfect. You popped a piece of gum into your mouth, and replaced the sunglasses. You were the last one to arrive, as usual. 
“Where the hell have you been? I’ve been calling and calling. And I thought I was the one always late.” Josh spat as soon as you opened the front door. “God, you reek of bourbon. You idiot, are you drunk?” 
You straightened up, and leaned in closely to your twin. “Please. Stop. Talking.”  you all but slurred. He held his hands up in surrender. 
“As long as you can fucking play... I can’t believe you drove like this. Stupid, really.” He spoke as he turned and walked toward the booth. 
You joined everyone after taking your guitar from the case and plugging it in. 
“Jacob.” Sam said in a blank tone. 
“Samuel.” you answered short and clipped. You cleared your throat. “Alright. Let’s get going.”
The tension was thick. The air was heavy. You felt flush, and you were starving. A headache had begun to creep its way into your forehead. You made it through the first few songs without too much trouble, thanking your muscle memory for doing its job while you struggled to even see straight. As time went on, though, you began to struggle a bit. 
“Christ Jake, I can’t catch your cues if you don’t play them!” Josh yelled. “We’ve got to get this shit tight.” 
“Just do it again.” You spoke. 
You heard a collective scoff come from Danny and Sam. You turned to see them rolling their eyes in aggravation. 
“Do either of you have something to say? Because I’d like to hear it if so.” You raised your voice, pushing the guitar to hang around your back. 
“You sound like shit, Jake! Just get it together so we can wrap this up.” Sam answered in his whiny youngest sibling tone. It struck a nerve. 
“Wrap it up? You heard Josh, we’ve got to get this tight. We aren’t going anywhere until we hit it. Besides, where the fuck do you want to go in such a hurry, hm?” You felt heat rising in your face. You knew exactly where he was going. 
“You’re the one who keeps fucking up! We all sound fine. Maybe you shouldn’t have gone to the bar at 2 pm.” The last bit of his sentence trailed off under his breath. 
“Son of a bitch, here we go,” you heard Danny mumble, setting his sticks on the drumhead. 
“For your information, Samuel, it’s none of your business what I do with my free time. So I’d shut it before you really piss me off.” You swung your guitar back around to the front. 
“I don’t know, I think it’s kind of all of our business what you do in your free time, seeing as how it might constitute you coming to practice fully fucking drunk and unable to play the simplest of chord progressions...” he spat as you cut him off. 
“OK Sam. Since we should know everything about each other at all times, why don’t you tell the family what you were doing last night, then? And this morning? Come on, we need details… No secrets anymore.” Your words were flying now, rage filling you to the brim. You held your fingers against your lips, eyes meeting Sam’s and sincerely waiting to hear what kind of reply he had. 
Josh and Danny waited in anticipation, all eyes on Sam. You felt the alcohol still pulsing through your veins, vision still blurred. 
He cleared his throat. 
“Alright, fine. I was with y/n. We went out. Got drunk. And she came back to my house.” He stopped there. It was silent for a few beats. 
You felt absolutely defeated. Heartbroken. Truly let down, and the tone of your voice matched it. 
“Sam, did you sleep with her? Did you sleep with my girl?” You felt your lip quiver just a little, succumbing to the encompassing blur that the emotions and whiskey had left you in. 
He looked behind you, then met your eyes. He bit the inside of his cheek, and nodded slowly. 
There was no way to describe the feeling that overtook you. The only way to explain it was just plain sickness. Not madness. Not fury. 
You turned around to face away from everyone as you collected your thoughts. The silence that fell on the room was deafening. You quickly pulled the plug on your guitar, tossing the cord to the floor.
“Let’s just... Meet back up tomorrow morning. It seems like we all might need some time.” Josh thankfully spoke up. “Jake, I'm driving you. Let’s go.” 
Josh didn’t say much on the drive, and you were a bit relieved. You needed a second to just sit and stare at nothing. Your head was still spinning and all you could do was lean it against the headrest and close your eyes. After a few minutes of Josh’s reckless driving, he slammed a water bottle to your chest. 
“Chug it, asshole. We’re here.” You slumped down in your seat, feeling like the world had dropped all around you. You unbuckled your seatbelt and slowly trudged your way up the walkway, following far behind Josh who was waiting at the door. 
When you made it inside, you immediately went to the fridge and pulled out yesterday’s leftovers. Not even bothering to heat them, you dug in. 
“Jesus, you are fucked up,” Josh said, taking a seat at the island. 
“I haven’t eaten in 20 hours.” you said, monotone. 
“She’s really got you in your feelings again, doesn’t she? I thought we were past this.” Josh said, crossing his arms.  “Lay it out for me, brother. I’m here to listen. Tell me what’s going on so I can try to help before the band implodes.”
You took a deep breath, throwing the to-go box in the trash and screwing the top off the water bottle. “I don’t want to. You can just go home. Thank you for the ride, though.” you muttered, walking into the living room to hopefully pass out on the couch until tomorrow. 
“Oh no you don’t.” you could hear Josh’s footsteps behind you. You felt slightly aggravated, and the headache was getting worse. 
“Josh, you saw what happened at the studio! It should be self explanatory! Do I need to recount every fuckin detail?” You raised your voice to him.
“Have you talked to Sam about it? Or did you just assume their situation?” He asked. The question actually stunned you. 
“What do you mean assume their situation? He told me! He told all of us!” Your arms were raising with your voice now. 
Josh kept his calm and collected, as always. “Yeah, but have you talked to her?” He asked again, with no emotion in his voice. 
“When the fuck would I have had time to talk to her? I just saw her for the first time since they left the bar last night. All cuddled up in conversation over there, didn’t even bother to say hello.” you were rambling now. Placing blame where it didn’t need to be placed out of resentment. 
Josh just sat with his arms crossed raising a brow in question. 
“Why didn’t you go say hello? Like the rest of us did? Just because Sophia was there? You and y/n aren’t together anymore. It’s been years. It would have been perfectly okay for you to go and catch up with an old friend.” He said matter-of-factly. “But you just sat there, and kept to yourself. Kind of rude, honestly.”
You let out an exasperated sigh and fell harder into the couch, laying out with your legs outstretched. 
“No, it wouldn’t have been okay, Josh. It wouldn’t have been perfectly okay and you know that.” You covered your eyes with your hand. “Shit will never be perfectly okay between me and her. It’s like the universe just fucks us over any chance it gets. I thought I was free of it, moving here. Finding Sophia. But everytime she comes around again it’s like my whole world turns itself upside down. Why can’t I just move on?” you plead.
You felt yourself spilling your feelings to your brother. Thanks a lot, Bourbon. 
“And now we see her for the first time in fuckin years, and she hooks up with Sam? Are you fuckin kidding me?! She completely forgot about everything we went through together? Everything I said and did…she just disappeared. After I tried so damn hard for us.”
Josh sat stoic, milling over your words. He knew something you didn’t. 
“Just let it be, brother. You have a serious girlfriend now. They’re adults. We’re all adults. Not much you can change in this situation.” Josh had a look on his face that you knew too well. 
You sat up quickly, “You talked to her, didn’t you? Before we got to the bar. What did she say?” You pressed. 
He stood up grabbing his keys, “She said exactly what you think she said, Jake. Now go to sleep. You look like hell.” And with that, he left the house. 
‘She said exactly what you think she said.’ 
Coming from someone who shares your brain cells, you knew what he was implying. 
Maybe she does still feel the same. 
“Thanks for the ride, Sammy. I’ll talk to you later?” You asked, hopping out of Sam’s car. 
“Yeah, see you this weekend!” he says, putting the car into drive and pulling away.
You walked upstairs to your apartment door, and let yourself in. You plopped down your bed, mind absolutely racing with the past day’s occurrences. 
Excitement from seeing Josh and everyone again for the first time in years, in your new city. 
Giddiness and some confusion from the whirlwind of sleeping with Sam. 
And pure anxiety from simply being in the same building as Jake. And his new girlfriend. You still held resentment toward him, and the way things were left between you. The way he never reached out again. The way he let you slip through his fingers so easily.
You let your mind trip and stumble over every detail, while watching your ceiling fan spin slowly above you. You tried to keep your eyes locked on one fan blade while it spun, following it around in circles for it to only make your eyes dizzy and lose track of it.  It was funny, the metaphor that wrote itself in your mind. You did nothing but chase Jake around in circles for years, only to lose track of him time and time again. 
Fate was funny. And you didn’t understand why your mind was so heavy on him after having a very satisfying go-around with his brother last night. You covered your face with your hands. 
You SLEPT with Sam! Moreover, you essentially initiated it! You felt embarrassed and ashamed, the normal guilt that always follows a one-night stand. What the hell were you thinking last night? You didn’t have feelings for Sam like that. You never have. 
But you let him know that. And he understood. The feeling, or lack thereof, was mutual. You took a deep breath, and tried to talk yourself through the mantra of “Sex is okay between friends. Consenting adults. It doesn’t have to have meaning. It’s a natural, carnal, physical need.”
You laughed at yourself, raising your eyebrows.
It was an excellent lay. 
And you’d be lying to yourself if you said you wouldn’t be willing to hook up with him again. Visions of his face and his body and his hands on you replayed in your mind’s eye. Purely physical. Pure lust. Mirrored bodies that already understood each other so well, the physical touch was just an extension of it.
But it wasn’t Jake. Nothing has ever been like Jake. Before or after. After Andy, Jake let you know what it felt like to make love, not just have sex. He cared about his every movement, every touch, intentional. You’ve never felt a connection like that with anyone ever before. You had a hunger for him that was unlike anything you’ve ever experienced. Insatiable and honest, no barriers or boundaries, and the feeling of complete and utter love. 
But you knew you’d never get that feeling back. You’d only be chasing it around in circles for the rest of forever, slipping up and losing track of him over and over. 
You sat up and attempted to clear your head. Sam had invited you to a party this weekend, and it was already Thursday. You only questioned going for a split second, until Sam’s begging puppy dog eyes wrapped you into saying yes. You had always had a hard time denying those eyes.
Maybe you’d end up back at home that night. But, more than likely, you wouldn't.
You knew it would be Sam’s bed you’d wake up in, and furthermore, you’d like it.
Outtake: Plan A
Taglist: @gretavansara@jordierama@starshine-wagner@gretavanfvckface@gretavanmoon@gvfjess @misshunnybeebee@fretaganvleet@gvfpal@joshkiszkas@ascendingtostardust @raviolilegs@sammysprincess@gvfpal@objectsinspvce@lallisonl@gvfpal@raviolilegs@jaketlover@ascendingtostardust @indigostreakmorgan @jakemarrymeibeg @fakeplastiqtree @radmads-gvf
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acciotherapists · 11 months
Have a writing request-Watching episode 2 of season 2 opening scene (with Loki using his magic on someone) gave me an idea of an ask. Loki gets to know and care for a mortal girl but said mortal is going through a bad relationship (mean/horrible boyfriend) but the reader pushes it off all the time but it gets way worse and Loki finds out and gets very protective and uses his magic on the soon to be ex- boyfriend of the mortal (like ep 2 scene)
Sure thing! I hope you enjoy!
Loki x f!reader
Warnings: Abusive relationship dynamics, reader's boyfriend is toxic, abuse is implied, Loki being an adorable bean
“Everything alright?” Loki asked as my phone buzzed for the 10th time that night.
I nodded, swiping away the angry message. Where are you? Get home now!
Sam and I had been dating for nearly a year and he’d been slowly getting angrier and more out of control. The final straw was last night when he’d come home drunk and said some vile things. I’d left that night and asked Tony if I could stay at the tower for a few nights. He’d agreed without any questions and Loki seemed happy when I’d entered the library to read. We'd been friends for a few years, careful not to cross the boundary into anything more, though the flirtation was always there... at least until I met Sam. Since then things had been different between us. He was still my closest friend but I had to put distance there, afraid of angering Sam.
“You know I don’t believe you, right?” Loki replied, placing his book on the table and moving to sit next to me. “What’s going on?”
I stood, ignoring the pang in my chest at his proximity. “Nothing, Loki.” I grabbed my phone and book, leaving the library without another word.
I could hear the team laughing in the kitchen and I entered the room to find Wanda making a breadstick dance on the table as music blasted from the speakers. I leaned against the doorframe, watching as the breadstick moved to the beat of the music. Laughter escaped my lips and Loki turned to face me.
“Is she making a breadstick dance?” I laughed as he nodded.
He shrugged. “We were bored. Made for good entertainment while I waited for you to join us.”
“You were waiting for me?”
There was a hint of red in his cheeks but he simply shrugged, placing a hand on my back and leading me into the room. My phone buzzed and I swiped away the message without reading it. It was Sam again. I tried to put it out of my mind and focus on the group’s conversation but my phone kept buzzing. I looked down at the latest message. When I find you, Y/n, you’ll regret it.
“What the hell, Y/n?” Loki asked and I turned, realizing he was looking at my phone. He’d read the message.
“What is it?” Tony asked as the team turned to us.
“Y/n’s boyfriend is threa-.”
I placed a hand over his mouth. “Loki,” I hissed in warning as Tony watched us, waiting for an answer. 
“My boyfriend is just messing around.”
Loki moved his head, freeing himself from my hold. “That’s not ‘just messing around,’ Y/n. He’s threatening you!”
“Dammit, Loki! Just leave it alone!” I shouted, standing up from the table and making my way to the guest room, locking the door behind me. It wasn’t long before I heard a knock on my door.
“It’s Loki… please let me in, little mortal.”
I rolled my eyes, opening the door for him. “What?” I hissed.
“I’m sorry, darling… I realize that wasn’t the best way to handle that but when I saw what he said to you…” His eyes flashed dangerously before he took a breath, calming himself. “Is he always like this?”
I shrugged. “We just had a fight. I figured I’d let him cool off for a bit.”
He scoffed. “You’re not going back there.” He brushed a thumb over my cheek, wiping away a stray tear I didn’t realize had fallen. My phone buzzed again and I looked down at the screen. Baby, please. Just come home. I’m sorry about our fight. I can make it up to you.
“See, he’s already starting to cool off.”
“Darling… that’s not healthy.”
“Just let it go, Loki,” I sighed, preparing to send a message but he grabbed my phone. “What the hell, Loki!” I reached for the phone but he made it disappear, grabbing my hands gently.
“I promise I’m doing this for you… it’s for your own good.” He placed a kiss on my forehead and disappeared from sight.
“Dammit, Loki!” I shouted but it was no use. He was gone.
Loki typed a quick message to Sam from Y/n’s phone, asking him to meet at a coffee shop not far from their home. The bastard responded instantly and Loki prepared to leave the tower, hoping Y/n would forgive him someday.
Loki scoffed as he saw Sam holding flowers, staring down at his phone, before searching for Y/n again. He seemed confused as Loki approached. 
“Laufeyson? What are you doing here? Where’s Y/n?”
Loki chuckled, crossing his arms. “She won’t be coming.”
“What the hell did you do to her?”
“What did I do to her?” Loki growled. “What did you do to her?”
“You know how Y/n can be sometimes. She probably over exaggerated our fight.”
“She didn’t say anything about it. What I’m referring to are the messages you keep sending her.”
Sam scoffed and Loki approached, towering over him. “You dare threaten her?” Loki growled, his voice low and dangerous. Sam backed away, his eyes wide with fear before beginning to run.
Loki chuckled, walking in the direction Sam had run. “I don’t mind a game of cat and mouse.”
It wasn’t long before Loki cornered Sam in an alley, surrounded by several duplicates.
“What the hell, man!” Sam shouted. “Quit with the magic and fight fair!”
Loki chuckled. “It’s not a fair fight… you saw to that the moment you threatened her.” Suddenly two shadows of Loki appeared behind Sam and grabbed his arms, restraining him to the wall.
“What do you want?!” Sam shouted.
“I want you to leave her alone. When she inevitably realizes you are no good for her… you are to leave her alone. Do not threaten her. Do not contact her. Ever. If I find you so much as within ten feet of her I will do so much worse than kill you,” Loki said with a threatening smile.
“And until then?”
Loki scoffed. “I’m sure it won’t be long.”
“She’ll take me back. She always does.”
The shadows pulled Sam’s arms tighter as Loki spoke. “If she chooses to give scum a second chance then so be it. I will respect her decision. But if you hurt her… or threaten her again I will find you. Understood?”
Sam nodded and the shadows released him. He collapsed to the ground, holding his arms which had been stretched too far.
“Get out of my sight,” Loki hissed and Sam scurried away.
I was pacing the room as Loki entered and handed me my phone.
“What the hell, Loki? Where have you been?”
“I had to take care of something,” he replied, grabbing a cup of coffee before turning to face me. “What do you see in him?”
He took a sip before placing the cup back on the counter. “In Sam… what do you see in him?”
I shrugged. “He was a good guy when we met… he made me feel safe.”
“Do you love him?”
I sighed. “Why does it matter, Loki?”
“Because the possibility of you loving him is the only reason he’s still alive.”
“Loki… what did you do?”
“Just answer the question, Y/n,” he ordered, though his voice was soft as he approached me, placing a hand on my cheek. 
“No.” My breath hitched as he wiped away a stray tear I didn’t realize had fallen. “No… I don’t love him.”
“Then why stay? Why put up with that? You deserve so much better than him.”
“Like I said… he made me feel safe.”
“My little mortal… Please tell me you aren’t going back to him.”
“I don’t have anywhere else to go, Loki. I can’t live here for the rest of my life.”
“Why not?”
I chuckled, shaking my head. “Tony’s an old friend… and he puts up with a lot but I can’t ask him to let me live here.”
“Stay with me.”
I swallowed thickly as he moved closer, his lips hovering over mine. “Leave him… I can’t lose you and I’m afraid, darling… I’m afraid of how bad this could get.”
My heart was racing as his lips brushed against mine. So close… yet so far.
“Stay with me, little mortal.”
My eyes locked with his as I nodded and he sealed our promise. 
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foxintheferns · 4 months
Wild Heart - Chapter Seven
A Twilight - Paul Lahote Fanfiction
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🔙Previous Chapter
Blood pumps loudly behind my ears, my heart heaves painfully. I wanted it to stop. I needed it all to stop. Heavy paws pound against the ground beneath me, I can feel my body moving but I barely register how.
I have no idea where I’m headed.
Her face. It keeps repeating in my brain, images of the side of her face as her head fell back in a laugh at something Jacob had said, what had been so funny? A pang of pain rings through me sharply. A tortured sound of agony escapes from my mouth and I violently shake my head back and forth mid stride, an attempt to physically rid myself of the repulsive feeling.
Her soft eyes had been closed. Flashes of memory, of her dark lashes and long, soaking hair that waved down around her head like a wild, wet halo. Her nose, her cheeks, her chin. Her skin looked soft, her smell was filling my senses from across the cliff, salty water atop of sweet skin and a scent that was impossibly and utterly beautiful to me, repulsively addictive.
She’d looked at me.
Her eyes. Green and stormy; they’d ripped me apart. The moment she’d looked at me, I couldn’t even feel anymore.
Couldn’t fucking think.
I can’t.
I can’t feel like that. I felt myself pooling, a puddle of a man. I’d wanted to feel her, to let her in.
In to see me. To see everything.
I can’t.
I know what this is. I know the word for it, I know how Sam feels it for Emily. I know how Jared feels it for Kim.
But I can’t. I’m not meant to. Not me.
Why did she have to come here? Who is she? Why do I feel her everywhere, why is my body aching, screaming, the further I go, the more distance I put between her and I?
Sudden images of my mother, gentle and kind, flicker through my vision, in between the flashes of her. The softness I’d felt for her opened up a writhing, dark pit within me that I’d forced closed years ago.
My mother.
And my father.
A growl rips through my chest, my paws stretching even further out in front of me in each powerful stride, claws digging fiercely through the soft earth as I pull myself forward, whipping through trees and branches. Rage rips through me with a ferocity I can’t understand, an anger that brings red across my vision. The growl in my throat tears through me, tugs at me until it’s forced out in a long, wretched howl. My legs don’t stop moving, my muscles don’t stop pushing.
I hate this. I hate me.
I hate her.
I refuse to feel it. I won’t.
I can’t.
Sam’s voice breaks through my clouded head, a quiet echo compared to the fierce screaming of my own thoughts.
Paul! Paul, come back! We can help you, she-
I fight him, pushing him away, pushing harder into my stride. Images of her flood my vision again as his thoughts bring forth his own new memories of her as well, images of her gentle face as she had looked up at Sam in confusion after I’d left. Another howl, this one filled with a snarling cry, rips from within me. I slam him away from me, his own thoughts a betrayal to me, to the intention I have of getting away. I manage to clear my head for only a singular moment. Only a moment, and only to convey one clear, simple truth to my Alpha.
I can’t.
A/N: Next chapter in the works! Will be up this week 🥰
Taglist: @carrrieeexu @living-that-best-life @hotheadwolf @avis15 @gugi7171773 @neo-grey @bbywonu @wilmasvensson @lostwandererkat @littlep2014 @cyuuttee @itsthesamegen @a-moonchilds-life @Elleirbag50 @Foxmp
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oneofstarkskids · 2 years
don't say that
pairings: bucky barnes x reader
genre: angst?
warnings: infidelity, codependency, !TOXIC RELATIONSHIP!
summary: based on taylor swift's song illicit affairs
*𝚗𝚘𝚝 𝚖𝚢 𝚐𝚒𝚏*
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You check the time. The numbers glow on your phone, "8:15."
You slip the device into your pocket and rush over to the door, quietly inching it open and peeking out.
All clear.
You pulled your hood over your head.
It was around this time that Steve went to sleep. Tony would be in the lab and honestly so would Bruce. Nat would either be doing extra training or watching a movie. Peter would be out on patrol and Wanda would be forcing Vision to watch sitcoms.
You hurried down the hall towards the elevator, careful not to make too much noise.
Once you were inside the elevator, you checked your phone to see if he had texted you. He hadn't.
The metal box you were standing in dinged indicating that it was time to get off. The doors slid open and you quickly grabbed your keys and made your way to the parking garage.
You almost had an entire panic attack upon seeing Sam coming in from the side door. For a moment you debated sprinting back up to your room, but it was already too late.
He called your name. "What're you doing out here?" He asked curiously.
"I was going to go for a run," you lied.
Sam made a face, "You!?"
You rolled your eyes and played it cool despite your racing heartbeat.
"Yeah! Is that so hard to believe?" You asked defensively.
He raised his hands in mock-surrender, "Hey. More power to you. Be careful out there."
With that, Sam went over and pressed the button for the elevator.
You waited until he was surely all the way up to whatever floor he was going to and let out a sigh of relief.
You pulled your keys out of your pocket and unlocked your car.
Making sure to take the back roads, you drove to the destination he told you to meet him at.
You pulled up to a bar in the middle of nowhere. And there it was, his black Harley-Davidson motorcycle in one of the empty spots.
Upon seeing his silhouette through your tainted car window, your heart fluttered.
It reminded of you of the first time you felt that. It was one of Tony's extravagant parties. The two of you had despised each other , but when he saw you on the terrace looking like your whole world had just come crashing down he couldn't help but comfort you.
He walked through the open doors and leaned against the railing before glancing at you, "Bad day?"
You scoffed sarcastically, "Bad week."
His face twitched in a way that you could tell he was trying to say something. "Wanna talk about it?"
You looked down, "No. Not really."
"Not with me?" He sounded genuinely hurt.
Your eyes met his, searching for sincerity. He looked like a wounded puppy.
"It's not you. I just...I don't like confronting my emotions I guess," you laughed.
He chuckled, "Yeah. I get that."
You stared at him for a little too long. He was entrancing. The strands of hair framing his face swayed in harmony with the chilled breeze of the night and the moon reflected on his sparkling eyes.
Snapping back to reality, you turned your attention to the party. "Where's your girlfriend?"
He shrugged, "Making small talk I guess."
For the first time, you felt a pang of jealousy in your chest. He hadn't denied that she was his girlfriend. Nat had told you they were dating, but now you knew for sure.
If Nat knew what you were doing now she would be so incredibly disappointed. You knew it was wrong, and it wasn't like you didn't feel badly. You felt horrible. You felt disgusting, but he told you that he'd leave her. He just had to find the right time.
You shut off the car and got out. He grinned when he saw your flushed face.
"What'd you do, go for a run?" He joked.
You buried your face into his chest, "No but I almost got caught by Sam. Burns the same amount of calories."
He kissed the top of your head and wrapped his arms around you.
His fingers grazed your back, like they did that very first night.
"I have to go," you laughed as he kissed you again and held you in his arms. He played with your hair and drew circles on your back.
He whined, "Nooo, stay the night."
"You know I can't do that," you whispered.
He laughed, taking everything as a joke like he always does, and went to the bathroom.
You sat in his bed and tried to memorize what his room looked like in case this didn't last.
He came back a few moments later and helped you get your jacket on. He pulled you into him from behind and kissed your neck.
He stayed there and hummed in delight.
"What're you doing?" You laughed.
"Your shampoo smells so good," he smiled.
You turned around to face him, "Really? You like it?"
He nodded and kissed you deeply. That was when you heard keys jingling against the door. You pulled away, eyes wide and he quickly rushed you into the kitchen.
After distracting his girlfriend and leading her a couple halls away, you ran out of the apartment and practically flew down the stairs.
Tears blurred your vision and as soon as you got into the car, you broke down.
A few days later, you were at the store. You saw a perfume that was the same scent as your shampoo. You smiled remembering that he liked it and wondered if you should buy it.
You decided not to because you didn't want to leave any trace of yourself for his girlfriend to find.
"I love you," he whispered.
You frowned and pulled away from him, "Don't say that."
He furrowed his brows, "Don't say that!? Why not?"
"Because it's not true," you said as you looked at the ground.
"It is true. I said it, so it's true," he responded in frustration.
You shook your head and prayed that you would keep your composure, but the tears were already slipping out.
You fucking hated that. You hated that you cried when someone raised their voice and you hated what you were doing with him.
His expression softened, "Hey." He walked over to you and pulled you back into his arms, "Don't cry. It's okay."
You hated that you loved him back.
Usually his soft whispers and kisses would calm you down. He made you feel like everything was okay.
But not this time.
It had been three months since he told you that he'd leave her and he still hadn't, despite his claims of not being in love with her to begin with.
You were at a team meeting. Fury was going over assignments and the two of you were standing on opposite sides of the room.
He smirked at you, sending chills up your spine.
You felt your face get hot and quickly looked away, but you couldn't stop the slight upturn of your lips as you desperately tried to ignore him.
After the meeting ended, you were right behind Steve walking out the door when you felt someone pull you back by your waist. His hand reached over your shoulder and shut the door.
You turned around and gawked at him, "We're at work!"
He grinned, "So? Nobody saw anything."
"But what if they did," you scolded.
"They didn't." He said firmly.
You let your head fall back against the door. Sneaking around was exhausting and he was not making it any easier.
He kissed your jaw, "Don't worry. I'll leave her. I promise. Then we won't have to sneak around anymore."
You pulled away from him.
"Are you ever going to leave her?" You yelled, tired of keeping secrets.
He yelled right back, "Of course I will, why are you acting like such a kid."
"A kid!? Seriously?" You scoffed.
He took a deep breath of frustration and slowly made his way towards you before placing a hand on your arm, "C'mon baby, can we talk about this somewhere else. Somebody's going to come out of that bar if you keep shouting."
"Don't call me fucking baby," you shook him off.
Now he was pissed.
"What the hell do you want from me?" He cursed, "Nothing's fucking good enough for you."
You argued, "Don't you get it!? I don't want to sneak around anymore. I'm tired of it! I'm afraid, Bucky! Look at me, I'm a mess!"
You loved him. You really did, unlike you'd ever loved anyone. In fact, you doubted you would ever love anyone more than you love him.
But you were tired of feeling like you weren't good enough.
"I feel like an idiot for believing you," you shouted as you wiped away angry tears. "And even more so for crying in front of you."
Bucky's eyes glistened with tears of his own. Your words cut him deep.
Bucky laughed as Nat looked at you for an answer.
You shrugged, "Don't ask me."
Bucky had been signaling to you to tell you to meet him upstairs. Nobody understood what he was saying, but you did.
You laughed to yourself and shook your head.
Natasha raised an eyebrow at you.
Bucky loved you. And maybe he loved you selfishly, but he really did love you.
"Please, doll. Don't leave," his voice strained with emotional pain and fear.
"I didn't mean to hurt you. Please, just- I'll break up with her tonight if that's what you want. Don't go," he hugged you and buried his face into your shoulder as he clung to you.
You'd do anything for Bucky. Even if it meant that you were ruining yourself in the process. You'd do it again and again and again, because you loved him.
Maybe a little too much.
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skeletonsslut · 1 year
i’m sorry.
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pairing: sam winchester x female!reader
warnings: character death (reader), angst, tears, general pain
summary: after the heartbreaking and gruesome death of y/n l/n, sam listens to the only thing left of her: tapes.
notes: this is poorly written and not proofread by any means. also written at 4am :)
wc: 1028
“Hello? Check one, check two. Uh, well, hi, it’s Y/N, but you already know that,” She cuts herself off with a small chuckle — one that doesn’t go unnoticed by Sam. Her melodic laugh rings repeatedly through his mind, bouncing off of the walls of his head, on an endless loop. He hasn’t heard her laugh in so, so long and he’d do anything to hear it again — well, with these tapes in front of him, he’d have to be a bit more specific — he’d do anything to hear her laugh again, in person. Or, even better, to see her, full of life and standing in front of him, saying what he saw was all kind of sick dream. That’s all he wants.
But, realistically, that just wasn’t going to happen. Sam wasn’t naïve, and he wasn’t dumb. He knew he wasn’t getting her back. Not after her body was mangled and torn by a hellhound ten feet in front of him. No, not after he falsely promised her that he wouldn’t let anything get her and, no, definitely not after he stared at the flames licking up the pyre, engulfing her lifeless body in flames. Not when he knew for a fact that the love of his life was dead.
“Uh, okay. I’m gonna be honest, I didn’t really plan this out before I hit the button, so I’ll just start,” Her voice pauses, and Sam inhales a shaky breath. If he had known how refreshing (but simultaneously heartbreaking) it would be to hear her voice again, he would have listened to these tapes way earlier.
“I guess what I should say first is, I’m sorry,” the tapes play, her voice coming out a bit staticky… not clear enough for Sam to close his eyes and pretend that it’s really her in front of him and not just a Walkman, “and that’s true. I am. I’m sorry for leaving you so soon, and I’m sorry I’m hurting you. But I’m not sorry for the deal I made. I could never apologize for that.”
Sam feels a pang in his heart, tears forming in his eyes, “I saved you. You died. You died and… I couldn’t let it stay that way. Dean was broken. Hell, so was I. And… I guess maybe it’s selfish of me. I’m selfish because I’m letting them take me so soon, because I settled for only one more week with you. Selfish that I sold my soul for your life because I was too weak to see you like that. I’m ready to admit that. But it’s also more than that. People need you, Sam. Dean needs you, and the world needs you. The world needs Sam Winchester.”
But I need you is what he wants to tell her. He wants to scream and yell and cry and hug her and love her. He wants to tell her that the world needs her, too. He wants to tell her that, yes, she was being selfish! He wants to ask her how she could even do this to him. He even wants to tell her he thinks he might hate her for this, but he knows he doesn’t, and he knows he couldn’t. If she was in front of him now, he wouldn’t even think to say any of that. He’d grip her tight and tell her he loves her and he’d never let her go.
“I know it’s not what you want to hear, but I’m glad I made the deal. I wouldn’t take it back, Sam. Not for the world. You know why?” She pauses, sounding as if she’s getting a bit teary herself despite her efforts to keep her composure for her listener, “Because you are my world.”
Sam’s breath hitches and he clamps his eyes together tighter.
“But what I am sorry for,” Y/N draws a quivering breath that can be heard on the tapes, “is all the time we’re going to lose. I’m sorry we won’t ever get to hug again, kiss again. I’m sorry we won’t get another movie night, that we won’t be able to stay up reading lore until our heads feel like they’ll explode. I’m sorry I’ll never get the time to buy you one of those cheesy NASA certificates, you know, where you name a star? ‘Cause I really was gonna do that,” Sam can hear her bittersweet laugh and it makes him miss her that much more, “I’m sorry that we won’t ever get to see that one nerd museum in Missouri you were always talking about. And…” She pauses again and he hears ruffling, fabric, “I’m sorry we won’t get that family we talked about starting.”
Tears slip down his cheeks and he can’t be bothered to wipe them, too immersed in the tapes, hanging off her every word. She pauses for a long moment, trying to collect herself. Sam supposed she didn’t want to be a mess on the tapes, trying to stay strong for Sam.
“I love you, and I’m not sorry for that.” She says when she speaks again, “I’m not sorry for being a part of your life. I don’t regret any of it, the monsters, the chaos, the fighting, I don’t mind it. Not when I have you. You make it better. You make me better.”
She pauses for another long moment, and the only noise is the crackling of the tape before she speaks up again.
“Thank you for letting me love you, Sam Winchester.”
The tape clicks to a stop and a breath Sam didn’t know he was holding was released. He opened his lids and glanced down at the Walkman with glossy eyes, finally reaching to wipe his tears off his cheeks when he realizes he isn’t anywhere near done.
A small shoebox filled with cassettes lays in front of him, and he fishes another out, looking at the title. Her neat handwriting spells out, ‘memories’, and he worries the inside of his cheek as he stares. He clicks open the Walkman, pulling the tape he’d just listened to out. He looked at the words scribbled across the front of it — I’m sorry.
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hearts-hunger · 1 year
sweet peach || sam kiszka x reader
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Read on AO3 | Masterlist
Summary: Sometimes, you want special attention from Sam. He reminds you that all you have to do is ask.
Pairings: Sam Kiszka x Reader | Genres: fluff, angst, emotional hurt/comfort | Word Count: 3k | Chapter Warnings: none, I think?
A/N: This is, like, Hollow To The Touch's fluffier sister fic. Idk why Sam conjures these angsty stories in me, but I sure do like writing them! I hope you like it too! ♡
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“Look! Here it comes.”
You pointed to the model train that wove its way through swaths of flowers and low-hanging palms, a delighted smile on your face as it passed you by and chugged up to the miniature bridge suspended overhead. You followed it until it came back down to steam through a scale-model town complete with shops and a train station. 
“You sure do like that train, don’t you?”
You looked behind you and grinned at your boyfriend. “How could you guess?”
He chuckled, watching with you as the train continued to another part of the greenhouse. Sam had surprised you yesterday with a weekend getaway trip to the Biltmore, and you’d been telling him excitedly about the model train exhibit in the greenhouse since you’d gotten in the car.
“Isn’t it gorgeous in here?” you asked, looking at a display of lovely pink and orange orchids. 
He hummed in agreement. “Hey,” he said, gesturing to the small sign in the display. “These are your special orchids, honey.”
You smiled, seeing that the sign read peach dendrobium orchid. Sam had called you “peach” since your first date where you’d worn a soft pink dress, and the nickname had stuck.
“They are my special orchids, aren’t they?” you said happily. You glanced at the camera that rested against his chest, wondering if he’d offer to take a picture of you with the orchids, but he gave the flowers one last look and headed on to look at a different display.
You bit the inside of your cheek. You knew it wasn’t fair, but you didn’t want to have to ask him to take your picture; you wanted him to do it because he wanted to do it.
Pushing the thought aside, you joined him at the model greenhouse.
“There’s us,” he said. He looked over your shoulder. “And I think your train’s coming back.”
You watched the little tunnel to your right until the train came through.
“That’s my dream job, I think,” you said.
He smiled. “What, model trains?”
“Yeah,” you said, following the train through the flowers to the next exhibit. “It would be so fun to build all this stuff and set the track up, don’t you think?”
“I think it would drive me crazy to set up all this little stuff,” he said, but he wasn’t unkind. “I’m glad you like it, though. We should get a model train for your Christmas village this year.”
You smiled up at him. “Could we?”
He shrugged. “Sure. You’ll just have to keep Josh from staging train robberies with all your little village people.”
You laughed and went to take his hand. Just as your fingers glanced his, though, he took his camera and snapped a few pictures of the greenhouse roof through a spray of palm fronds.
You swallowed another pang of hurt and put your hands in your dress pockets, following him as he continued down the brick path through the greenhouse that led out to the garden.
Sam wasn’t the most overtly lovey-dovey boyfriend, that much was just a fact. You’d known it going in, and you’d convinced yourself it wasn’t that big of a deal. Most of the time, it wasn’t — you knew that he loved you, and he showed you as much as he told you. He was patient and kind and gentle with you all the time. He remembered little things you told him, things even you’d forgotten you’d mentioned to him. He was forever finding little ways to serve you, from carrying your bags to getting you coffee to everything in between, and he was the Olympic world champion of writing little love notes and leaving them where you’d be sure to find them throughout the day. He loved you, and there was no way you could ever doubt it.
But, as far as public displays of affection went, they just weren’t his thing. He preferred not to kiss in public, and hand-holding was usually met with a sort of willing indifference. He didn’t really think to take pictures of you when you were out and about, and you always had a tough time getting him to dance with you at parties. You’d learned to be okay without those things; besides, when you were home and you gave him even the slightest bit of prompting, he’d shower you with kisses and affectionate touches and spontaneous dance parties until you thought your heart would break.
But every once in a while, when you wanted it when you weren’t at home and you wanted him to start it, it would hurt. You guessed today was one of those days.
You trailed behind him out in the garden, watching the butterflies drift from flower to flower. In the shade of the long, vine-covered pergola a few paces away, a couple giggled and took a selfie as he kissed her cheek.
“Hey, peach.”
You tore your gaze away from the couple, trying to ignore the jealousy gnawing at you. “Yes?”
Sam beckoned you over, and your heart jumped for a moment; you practically skipped to his side and waited for him to take your hand or put his arm around your shoulder or something.
He nodded to the huge, wine-colored tulip amid a few pink ones. 
“Can you hold that purple one closer to the pink ones?” he asked, hunkering down and getting his camera ready.
Your heart dropped to your shoes, again. “Oh. Uh, sure.” 
You did as he said, holding the flower just so in order for him to get the perfect picture. Photography had become a hobby of his lately, especially with his fancy new film camera, and you usually enjoyed indulging his desire to get a very specific shot. Today, though, you felt embarrassed to be standing awkwardly, holding a flower for your boyfriend who didn’t even care about you.
You grimaced. That last thought had been uncharitable, and you knew it wasn’t true. Still, you couldn’t ignore the bitterness and hurt that was welling inside you with an alarming quickness.
“Perfect,” he said, grinning up at you. “Thanks, peach.”
You managed a tight smile. “You’re welcome, honey.”
Sam tried to engage you in conversation as you meandered through the garden, but you couldn’t quite muster up any enthusiasm for talking.
“It’s a great day for strolling through a garden, huh?”
“I’m glad I’m spending this beautiful sunny day with you.”
“I think we should buy the Biltmore and have a baby for every bedroom, what do you think?”
“Okay.” You registered what he’d said a second too late. “Wait, what?”
He gave you a slightly worried smile, cocking his head at you as if looking at you from a different angle would reveal something.
“You okay, peach?” he asked gently.
You wilted, knowing you were being rude. “Yes. I’m sorry I wasn’t listening.”
“That’s alright, honey.” He held the waist-high gate open for you as you walked to another part of the grounds. “We can go back to the hotel for a power nap or something. Or go do that wine tasting thing in the village if you’re tired of just walking around.”
“I don’t care what we do,” you said, and you smiled to soften it. “Really. I’ll do whatever you want to do.”
He frowned. “But it’s your vacation.” He ducked under a low-hanging willow branch. “You’re supposed to be the one calling the shots.”
You sighed. If that was true, Sam would be smothering you in kisses and telling every person you walked by how much he loved you and how beautiful you were.
“I hear you sighing, peach,” he said. He unfolded his map of the grounds and tried to figure out where you were. “Are you gonna tell me what’s wrong, or do I have to twenty-questions it out of you?”
“Not twenty questions,” you said, embarrassed.
“No?” He peered over the map and through the winding shrub garden. “Glad to hear it. So, what’s wrong?”
“Nothing,” you lied. “Sometimes I just like sighing.” You sighed again to prove your point.
He laughed. “Okay.” He put his map away and looked back at you.
“Would you like to go to the azalea garden or the Italian garden?” he asked. “Or somewhere else, keeping in mind that I am perfectly happy to go anywhere you want?”
You felt a sharp sting of guilt at how petulant you’d been acting. Sam didn’t deserve for you to be moody, especially not on a trip he’d planned for you, and certainly not when he’d never set the expectations you were upset with him for not meeting.
“I’d like to go to the Italian gardens,” you said meekly. “Please.”
He smiled and gave a grand, theatrical gesture to his left. “Right this way, my lady.”
You walked close to each other as you set a leisurely pace for the Italian garden, and you twisted your fingers together to keep from reaching out and taking his hand. You didn't think he wouldn’t mind if you did, but you didn't like to want things from him that he didn't want from you. You twisted the worn pearl ring he’d gotten you at an antique store forever ago around and around on your finger.
You came through the opening in the hedgerow to the long stretch of ponds lush with water lilies. Little statues were interspersed between the ponds, and you took your time wandering around to see the flowers and the koi fish that swam among their roots.
When you came near to the house, Sam stopped at a statue of a woman and a child dancing with flowers in their hair. The woman was nude from the waist up, one hand extended upwards in her dance, the other holding on to the child’s hand.
“It’s called ‘The Dancing Lesson’,” Sam told you. “Very ‘Flower Power’, don’t you think?”
You couldn’t help but laugh. “Yes, I’m sure your song is what the artist had in mind.”
He smiled, pleased he’d amused you with his joke. He raised his camera and took his time getting the picture he wanted.
“She’s beautiful,” he said, and your heart twisted with foolish jealousy. When he reached out to touch the statue, you turned and walked up the steps to the library terrace a few feet away.
“Peach, wait!”
You ignored him. You didn’t want to turn back and see him touching the statue and taking pictures of it and saying how beautiful it was. You didn’t want to feel jealous over a stupid statue, of all things.
“Peach, honey, hold on.”
Sam caught up to you and took your wrist in a gentle grip to make you stop. You felt a full-body shiver of delight at his touch that only made you feel worse.
“Let go,” you said, pulling out of his grip. He released you without protest.
“I’m sorry for grabbing you,” he said, thinking he’d upset you with his touch instead of his lack of it. “I wasn’t trying to be a jerk.”
Neither of you said anything for a moment. You started to twist your ring uncomfortably again.
“What’s going on, honey?” he asked. “Are you sick?”
You shook your head.
“Okay,” he said. “Are you hungry?”
Again, you shook your head. It seemed like he was having to do twenty-questions with you after all, but you hated to tell him what had gotten you so upset when it wasn’t really his fault.
He started to say something else, but a tour group came out of the double doors that led from the library out to the shaded terrace. He gently steered you out of their way and found a bench in the far corner, pulling you to sit with him.
“Let’s just sit here a minute and cool off, okay?” he said. 
You nodded. 
“And when you’re ready,” he said, “I’d really like for you to tell me what’s going on.”
You bit the inside of your cheek. “There’s nothing going on.”
“Peach,” he said, gentle. “I don’t lie to you, so I don’t want you to lie to me. Alright?”
You nodded, but you didn’t say anything. He put his hand over yours after a moment, and you wished it hadn’t been a crisis that had drawn him to hold your hand.
“I want to fix it, honey,” he said, and you knew he meant it. “I didn’t plan this trip so we could sit here and be upset with each other. Help me figure out how to get my sweet peach back to her usual chirpy self.”
You felt the sting of tears. “Your sweet peach?”
“You are, aren’t you?” He squeezed your hand. “Come on, my sweet peach. Tell me what’s bothering you so much.”
“I want you to hold my hand,” you said, almost in a whisper.
He held your hand tighter, the one he was already holding. “Okay. What else?”
You didn’t say anything for a moment. You knew he deserved the truth, and he was being so patient with you; you looked up and met his eyes even though you wanted to run and hide.
“I want you to hold my hand in the garden,” you said, and your voice was wobbly. “When we walk together. I want you to hold my hand.”
He nodded after a moment. “Okay. I will. Have you... have you wanted me to this whole time?”
A tear rolled down your cheek, and before you could reach up and try to hide it, Sam had touched his fingers to your cheek and brushed it away.
“I’ll take that as a yes,” he said quietly. He tucked your hair behind your ear. “That makes me sad, peach. I wish you would have asked. You know I would have loved to hold your hand if you asked me to.”
“I know,” you said, and you hated yourself for how bitter you still felt. You raised his hand to your face; he splayed his fingers and cradled your cheek.
“So why didn’t you, honey?” he asked.
You met his eyes, desperate to make him understand.
 “I don’t want to make you do it if you don’t want to,” you said, the words spilling out of you now. “I always feel like I’m asking for things you don’t want to give, and then something like this happens and you say you’ll hold my hand and take pictures of me and whatever else I want, but isn’t it just because I asked you to do it and not because you want to do it?”
You stood, agitated and ashamed at your behavior. 
“I don’t ask because I don’t want to be needy and clingy, but...” You gave a helpless laugh and wrapped your arms around yourself. “I guess that ship has already sailed.”
He didn’t answer right away. You couldn’t bear the silence, and you walked over to the terrace railing and looked out over the mountains in the distance.
You heard him join you, and you let out a shaky breath when he brushed his thumb over the strap of your dress.
“I forgot to tell you how pretty you are in this dress,” he said. “I think you’re prettier than any of the flowers in the garden, peach.”
Your throat felt tight. “So why didn’t you take a picture of me?”
He sighed. “You know I’m not good at that kind of stuff, honey. It’s not that I don’t want to, it just... doesn’t occur to me. You have to ask.”
He tugged gently on a lock of your hair. “And I know you don’t want to have to ask. I understand that. But it doesn’t make you clingy to ask, and it doesn’t mean I don’t love you because I don’t think to do those things for you. I’m trying to be better about it, to be more... aware of it. But it’s not going to happen overnight, sweetheart.”
The guilt in his voice tore at you. You turned to face him.
“Do you have something you want to ask me?” he said, tender and sweet.
“Can you hold my hand?” you asked quietly.
A smile flickered across his face. “Of course I can.”
He took your hand in his and squeezed it gently. 
“Can I...” You wavered, even though he’d said you could ask. His smile was soft.
“Does my sweet peach want a... kiss?” he asked.
You blushed and gave a bashful nod.
“A kiss for my sweet peach, then,” he said, and gave you a gentle, chaste kiss. “See how easy it is? You don't ever have to worry that you're asking for something I won't give, honey. I promise.”
You leaned your head against his chest. “I’m sorry I didn’t just ask, Sam. I'm sorry about... all of this. It’s not fair of me to expect you to read my mind.”
“No, it isn’t,” he agreed. “But I understand why you were upset. Thank you for apologizing.”
You looked up at him. “Will you forgive me?”
“Already done.” He kissed your temple. “I promise to pay better attention and try my best to initiate more. You’ll just have to take it easy on me, okay?”
You cherished the way his touch lingered. “Okay.”
You walked together, hand in hand, back to the greenhouse and around to the azalea garden. The shrubs were in full bloom in every shade of pink, purple, and white, and birds flitted to and fro as they sang.
“Sam, look!”
Your voice was hushed as you walked carefully, quietly over to a bird’s nest in a cradle of pink flowers.
“Look how pretty they are,” you said, looking over the fragile little eggs inside.
You looked over your shoulder at his voice, a smile on your face, and heard the camera shutter before you saw he was taking a picture.
“Sam,” you chided, bashful even though you were happy he’d done it.
“It’s a beautiful picture, honey,” he said. “Stay just like that.”
You did as he said, and you felt a rush of eager butterflies when he lowered the camera after he’d taken another picture. The way he was looking at you spoke more than any words, and you twined your fingers with his as you came close to him again.
“Will you give me a kiss?”
He grinned and did as you said, quick and sweet and gentle. “I like it when you ask me for what you want, peach. I always love to give it to you.”
You brushed his soft hair behind his ear. “I love you very much, Sam.”
He smiled, sunshine-soft and full of tenderness.
 “My sweet peach,” he said gently. “I love you very much too.”
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sam taglist: @lil-twilight-glow @dannythedog
gvf taglist: @malany-gvf @spark-my-nature @eearevee @madneedshelp @demonrat444 @josh-iamyour-mama
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sorry if tumblr didn’t tag you — it’s stupid sometimes. but i’m real thankful for you, sweet peaches! and if you’re a new bestie and would like to be added to my taglist, check out the form right here!
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Please Dom Samuel Laffery where hes degrading the reader and making them beg for his touch and juet teasing them to no end!! Also I absolutely love your fics, you’re so talented!! ❤️❤️❤️
Hiiii, nonnie, I'm so sorry but I got extremely lost in the sauce 🫠 The degradation part is very much in there and I'll see if the other things find a way into another fic for Sam, okay? 🫶🏻
Secular Temptations
Summary: Pepaw gets a blowie at the family function.
Pairing: Samuel Lafferty x fem!Reader
Word Count: ~1.1k
Content Warnings: Smut Under The Banner Of Heaven 18+!, Oral (M Receiving), Face Fucking, Breeding Kink, Semi-Public, Misogyny…So, So, So Much Misogyny, Plenty Of Humiliation And Degradation, Brother Sam Being Nothing But A Mean Fucker, He's Basically Talking Himself Hard, A Lot Of Cussing, Religious Delusions, Slapping That Basically Counts As Domestic Violence, Manhandling
A/N: He's so disgusting, I want him! 🤧
Tagging the horny horde:
@crypticsewerslut @quicksilversg1rl @cc-luvr @icarus-star @milsthouqhts @roryculkinsgf @roryculkinsbf @spookyorchid @arch1viste @whoareyoi @angelsanarchy @b4sementgrl @blueberrypancakesworld
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You go down just like Holy Mary
Mary on a, Mary on a cross
Not just another Bloody Mary
Mary on a, Mary on a cross
- Mary On A Cross By Ghost
Clutching your arm, his fingers threatening to not only bruise you but actually sprain the bone, Samuel dragged you with him into the guest room and threw the door behind him shut with a violently loud pang.
"What is your behavior all about, woman, huh?", He practically threw you against the wall, your back hitting it first, "Acting like a wanton whore for all of my family to see!"
"What are you talking about, Sam?" You stared at him with eyes wide open.
"What am I talking about? Are you serious right now!?" He took a step towards you and before you could even do so much as duck down or flinch, the full palm of his hand had struck your face in a stern smack.
It made you wince out as the pain spread through the entire side of your face, your cheek red and pulsing.
"I am talking about how you put yourself on display out there like a bitch in heat! How you parade around in that skimpy, little dress of yours, handing out the damned lemonade to my brothers and leaning down to oh so innocently pick flowers with your behind practically in my face!" Samuel was in such rage that the vein on his forehead started to pulse with every word he spat into your face.
"I was really just picking flowers, helping the kids.." You hardly dared to speak and got scolded for it immediately afterwards.
"You better shut up when your husband is talking to you! Do you understand!" He yelled right at you, the volume of his menacing voice making you cower.
As an answer you gave him a shaky nod of your head.
"Remember how it is written down in the holy Scriptures?", He raised his index finger in a taunting manner and started citing, "Mosiah 2:17: And behold, I tell you these things that ye may learn wisdom; that ye may learn that when ye are in the service of your fellow beings ye are only in the service of your God. You, as my wife, are to serve me!"
He redirected his finger to point at him.
"Come here.", Samuel demanded sharply, "I will make you shut up and remind you where your place in this is."
Immediately, you followed his order and took a step towards him.
"Fine and now kneel before your husband and serve me." With cold eyes, he followed your statue as you sank down to your knees, your cheeks now not only burning red with pain but also a sense of shame and guilt for misbehaving so much.
"Go on, woman!" His ruthless tone cut right through you.
Without breaking eye contact, you raised your hands to unbuckle his belt and to unbutton his pants before pulling the zipper down, his rock hard cock already straining against his shorts. A first few drops of pre-cum forming a wet spot on the fabric.
Although your knees already hurt from the unyielding, wooden floor, you couldn't help but notice how your mouth watered a little.
"There you go.." He commented as you pulled his shorts down at the waistband, allowing his cock to slap against his beige button-down.
Without any hesitation, you leaned in, lips opening up to swallow his entire length until you nearly gagged over the tip pushing against the roof of your mouth.
"Fuck…", Samuel groaned in a dragged out exahle, "That's an obedient wife."
You started to move your head, slowly, careful to not overstimulate yourself right away, giving your throat the chance to adapt to his cock filling you out like that. In gently paced bumps of your head you stroked your lips over his length over and over, the tip leaving and entering again with a lewd, wet squelch but it wasn't enough to him.
Getting gradually more impatient with you, Sam grabbed a good fistful of your hair and started thrusting his throbbing cock into your throat, face-fucking you unceremoniously. With every hard and reckless thrust you felt the need for a good gasp of air getting stronger, pulling and tearing at the inside of your lungs as the shallow inhales you took by nose weren't nearly sufficient enough.
"That's how you shall serve me.", He stated, his breaths turning raggedy, "As soon as I pumped my cum down your ungrateful whore throat and we are out of here I'm going to fuck you hard. Bend you over the kitchen counter and remind you who owns you. Maybe I'll finally fuck a child into that pathetically empty womb of yours. How would you like that, huh?"
You couldn't keep it together for much longer, the back of your throat already gagging and cramping around his girth.
"You should show yourself thankful for all that I've done for you. Got you out of the gutter, remember? Nearly ruined my reputation in the community for marrying a worldly woman out of pure generosity." His hips faltered more and more and you felt how his balls tightened up against your saliva smeared chin.
"Is everything alright, Samuel?", The clueless voice of his older brother Dan inquired through the door, "We're about to say Grace over dinner."
"We'll be right there!", Samuel answered, his voice hitching as the first salty ropes of his cum shot down your throat, "I was just having a much needed conversation with my wife about….about her table manners!"
"Okay, but don't take too long, yeah? Ron looks like he's about to devour all of us if we don't eat soon." You heard Dan chuckle and joke through the door before fading steps indicated that he was going downstairs again.
While you swallowed his load bit by bit, Samuel withdrew himself from your mouth with a moist plop before he tucked himself into his pants again.
"Maybe you should say Grace at the dinner table, no? Would suit you just fine."
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sacredbbl · 6 months
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Fraternity Fever
Jake X Reader
CW:weed, alcohol, oral, sexual intercourse
Chapter 5
Jake POV
You grabbed her hand as you walked to your Jeep. You were always the driver when the whole group decided to go somewhere, it had been decided that it was safer than letting the others drive, and plus when you drove you got to choose exactly when you all went home. Jayden and Josh had decided to drive separately. You watched as Y/N sat in your passenger seat, and Danny and Sam climbed into your backseat.
“She took my seat!” Sam whined as he closed the door, a scowl on his face.
“Sam, shut up! I’m literally paying for dinner,” she joked, turning her head slightly to look at him, her eyes glistening in the sunlight.
“Yeah, Sammy boy, shut up!” you chuckled back and slowly put your hand on her thigh while pulling out of the driveway.
It wasn’t too long of a drive - only about twenty minutes - before you decided where you wanted to go. Of course, Sam wanted some weird indie place where they choose what you eat. You all had settled on somewhere quiet, somewhere that wouldn’t be too busy. Live music was a common occurrence here, and thus it was somewhere that you went quite often. It was a good way to learn about new bands and become introduced to new kinds of music.
As expected, it wasn’t too busy when you walked in. Only a few of the tables were taken, and there was still a booth available in the back corner. A soft sigh left your lips in relief. You were seated quickly, you and Y/N across from Danny and Sam. You could constantly feel their eyes on you, watching your every movement. Your hand didn’t leave her thigh as you perused through the menu. The conversation had slightly lulled, catching the two boys whispering to each other, sneaking glances at you.
As Sam’s face began to contort into a smile, you swiftly shot your leg out, connecting with his shin. He jumped, furrowing his eyebrows at you.
“Hey! What was that for?” he complained, like a child who had just been scolded.
“You know exactly what that was for, now be quiet, it’s time to order.”
As the waiter made his way over, you noticed his eyes perusing through the group, before finally landing on Y/N. You found yourself feeling a pang of possessiveness, moving your hand from her thigh, to wrapping it around her shoulders, pulling her into you slightly. She didn’t seem to notice the interaction, simply calming under your touch. The waiter seemed to catch the message quickly, turning his eyes to Danny.
As the boys ordered, you leaned towards her, whispering the cheesiest line that you could think of - “So, I guess you’re not on the menu?”
She chuckled, shaking her head at you. You would have given your life to replay that moment over, and over - her laugh filled your ears, and left them ringing. It was the most beautiful sound you had ever heard and you couldn’t help but want to do everything in your power to hear it again.
You found yourself feeling almost anxious around him. Yeah, you had spent time alone with him before, but this felt different. This time he had made a choice. He had chosen you over his fears. You replayed the conversation over, and over in your head.
“I’m here, and I’m here for good.”
You didn’t fight the smile that came across your lips, taking a moment to look over at him as the waiter explained the specials of the night. His eyes were beautifully illuminated in the dim, warm lights. His hair had been pulled back behind his ears, resting on his shoulders. You could have spent the entire night just looking at him.
“Helloooooooo…. Y/N?” a voice interrupted your train of thought. You flinched, finding the eyes of Danny to be looking back at you.
“Oh! Uh.. I..” you began, falling over your words. You had been too caught up to decide what you wanted to eat. You turned towards Jake for help, who quickly obliged.
Somehow, he ordered perfectly for you.
You hummed a quiet “thank you” before resting your head onto his shoulder, the smile returning to your face. You were right where you wanted to be and you couldn’t have been happier. As the boys spoke amongst themselves, you found yourself looking around the restaurant - you hadn’t been here before.
A couple was sat in one of the booths across from you, leaning on their elbows, talking to each other in quiet whispers. They seemed content - with not a single care in the world. Your eyes softened as you watched before turning your attention back to your own table.
“Y/N, what’s got you so distracted tonight?” Sam asked, a slight tinge of concern in his voice.
“Oh, I’ve just got an assignment due soon, trying to come up with a title for it” you replied, almost impressing yourself with your ability to lie on the spot.
In reality, it was Jake.
The way that his hand had found a resting place on your shoulder. The way that his thumb was running over and back, across your arm. The way that he looked at you, with the love of a thousand suns within his eyes. He listened to you like you were the only person on earth, hanging on to every word like it would be the last thing that he would ever hear.
Oh how quickly things can change.
Just a few days ago, he wouldn’t have let you even look at him twice, and here you were, resting on his shoulder, talking to his brothers.
As you considered how the situation had changed, two more joined you. You furrowed your eyebrows, tilting your head slightly.
“What took you two so long? We ordered for you,” Jake spoke before you could, almost as if he was reading your thoughts.
Josh frowned slightly, before jumping into a rant about the traffic, how Jake was impossible to follow when he was driving, how Jayden had picked terrible music, how you hadn’t told him what restaurant you were going to.
“You’re such a diva,” you giggled, poking him as he slid in beside you. He was quick to protest, causing Danny to laugh, shaking his head. It wasn’t long before the food came, sitting up in your seat in order to reach the table.
As you removed yourself from him for a moment, you saw Jake’s face frown ever so slightly in your peripheral vision. You smiled softly at him, resting a hand on his knee, seemingly calming his mind.
Sam ate like he had never been fed before - finishing his meal in inhuman speeds. As he sat back, he pulled his phone from his pocket, clearly typing, before elbowing Danny. Catching the hint, Danny pulled his own phone out, clicking onto a notification, and laughing.
Jake POV
As you followed her eyes, towards where the boys were sat, it quickly clicked that they were texting each other. And so, you flew up in your seat, grabbing the phone from Danny and sitting back down. In fairness to him, he did his best to grab it back from you, almost leaping over the table, before giving up, both him and Sam hanging their heads.
Fuck Ass Sam: No bro they’re literally eye-fucking each other there’s no chance theyre not getting it on ill bet you ten dollars rn
You: Yeah sure LMAO you know what he’s like. Lick em’ and kick em’
Fuck Ass Sam: PLSSSS bet or no bet?
You: Okay fine, bet.
Fuck Ass Sam: I’m just gonna ask him
You: No you won’t that’s the dumbest thing you’ve said all day, what would you even ask?
Fuck Ass Sam: “Hey brother are you fuckin’ that girl bc if youre not im gonna!”
As you read the texts, your eyes shot up. “Wow.” you hummed, turning the phone away from her so that she wouldn’t see. You didn’t want her to know the way that the two of them spoke about her.
You sat up in your seat once more, before locking the phone, and placing it back down onto the table.
“I’m going to say this once, and let me make it crystal fucking clear. If I ever see you, or hear you talking about her like this again, you’re done. You’re out of the frat, and you’re out of my life. I’m not fucking playing.” Your voice was still, noticing Josh turning around to look at you.
He pulled the phone back up from the table, unlocking it, and reading over the texts. He hummed quietly, nodding his head.
“Let’s not fight right now, guys, come on, let’s just eat, we can talk about it later,” he offered, clearly doing his best to deescalate the situation. He knew better than anyone what your temper was like, and how quickly it could get nasty.
“I’ve got nothing else to say. I’ve said my piece,” you replied, taking the phone from Josh’s hands and pushing it across the table back to Danny.
Noticing Y/N’s eyes on you, you turned, before shaking your head slightly. “Believe me when I say that you don’t want to know.” She nodded slightly, before returning to her previous position, eating her food in silence.
“Dude, calm down. It was just-” Sam began, moving his hands as he spoke. A frown fell over his face, his eyebrows furrowing as he tried to explain himself. Danny cut him off quickly, elbowing him into the ribs.
“Let it go. Let it go.” he repeated, before Sam finally gave up.
As you turned away from them, you heard a quiet whisper from Danny. “I’ll try to talk to him later.”
The meal seemed to drag on after the interaction, filled with awkward silences only interrupted by Josh rambling on about his day.
As soon as it was over, you almost raced to the car, the rest of them piling in after you. Josh suggested dropping Jayden back home, which Y/N agreed to, saying that she was going to stay over for just a little longer before going home.
Unlocking the door, you made your way inside, her hand in yours, before sitting down onto the couch. Sam followed after, sheepishly. He knew that he was in trouble, and he would take Josh being mad at him over you any day.
You stared at him as he sat onto one of the seats across from you, Danny joining soon after. They exchanged glances between each other, clearly not wanting to be the first one to speak.
“Jake, we were only joking, we didn’t think you’d actually read them,” Danny began, his voice low.
“Yeah, we were just playing! You two have been so weird and confusing and…” Sam chimed in, before his voice trailed off.
“I don’t care that you were joking. You said what you said. You know better than to play with these kinds of things, Danny. And you, Sam, I would have thought that you would have learned your lesson after last time.”
You remembered the argument that had been started once you found out that Sam had been sleeping with Ashlee. It had been the worst fight that the two of you had ever had, ending up sitting in the kitchen with Josh as he ran a wet rag over your knuckles, apologizing over and over.
It had taken months for you two to calm down at each other and had very nearly torn the entire family apart.
As you spoke, Sam’s face dropped. He seemed to have forgotten about what had happened and how you had reacted.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, it won’t happen again, Jake, I swear, never again!” he argued, his face soft. You nodded your head towards the two of them, before speaking once again.
“You were warned after the last time what would happen if I ever found you trying to pull that shit again. We won’t be talking about this again, this is your final chance, and I mean it.” Your voice was cold as you spoke before you pulled yourself up from the couch, leaving the two to stew in their thoughts.
Y/N followed you up the stairs, having not said a single word to anyone since you left the car. You could tell that she was confused, but certainly preferred that over her knowing what had actually happened.
You walked after him, finding yourselves on the balcony once more. The breeze infiltrated your skin, forcing a chill up your spine.
He sat onto one of the chairs, pulling you down onto his lap. You pulled your knees up, laying across him, his fingers gently wrapping around strands of your hair, pulling them through before allowing them to fall once again.
“Are you gonna tell me what all that was about?” you asked, your voice quiet. You could tell that it had had an effect on him - you’d never seen him speak to anyone like that, especially Sam.
“It doesn’t matter, it’s over now. Nothing for you to worry your pretty little head about,” he replied, planting a soft kiss onto your forehead. It was clear that he was doing his best to protect you. You trusted him, taking his word for it.
You stayed like that for a few minutes, before the cold finally got to you. He noticed your shivers, picking you up with ease, and making his way inside. He shut the door behind him, before sitting you onto the bed.
“Jake I gotta go, I told Jayd-” you began, before he pulled you into him. He was warm, and his touch made you completely lose your train of thought, relaxing into him.
“Just text her n’ tell her you’re busy,” he hummed, his voice low. He had buried his head into the crook of your neck, barely able to hear him.
“I can’t, I gotta-” you began once more, being cut off once again.
“Stay with me. Please”
With that, your mind was made up. You stayed with him that night, intertwined with each other. Each and every time you would stir, his arms would wrap around you once more, pulling you further into him.
He tended to speak in his sleep, mumbling about the most random things. You found yourself laying awake into the early hours, turning around to face him. You knew that you’d be tired in the morning, but in all honesty, you didn’t care. You just wanted to watch him, to take in everything that you could about him, his face had softened significantly. He had pulled his hair into a low bun to keep it out of the way. Even his smell was enchanting - you found yourself inhaling deeper than you thought that you could, wanting to remember each and every moment that you had with him.
He had you wrapped around his little finger, to say the least, but it was right where you wanted to be.
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Above Snakes - Time
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A quick revisit with my favorite cowboys! This epilogue has been in the works for quite some time now and I’m excited to finally be sharing it with you!
Pairings: Sam Kiszka X Danny Wagner *so much slash baby
Warnings and tags: 18+ ONLY!! minors please please look away!! smut smut smut including: kissing, hand jobs, fingering, teasing, orgasm denial, m/m unprotected sex, swearing, drinking, oh and talking about feelings, cowboys AU
Word count: 3.4k
Sam stood back in the yard and admired the work head been putting in all afternoon, his hands turned outwards with his wrists against his hips so that the layer of dirt coating his hands and stuck underneath his nails didn’t get his shirt any dirtier than it already was. Danny had already got onto him about all the stains in his clothes after taking up doing the laundry. Although in Sam’s mind grease and dirt were a part of working on a ranch, he consciously tried his best to keep the smearing of his fingers against his jeans and raggedy button downs to a minimum so that Danny wouldn’t give up on washing them all together. Last thing Sam wanted was to go back to doing his own laundry- he hated that.
Without Sam noticing Danny approached him from behind, sliding a hand against his back and leaning over to offer his appreciation with a simple “looks good, I think she’s going to love it”. Commenting on the line of flowers trailing up the sidewalk to the porch of Danny’s grandparents house. The large decorative pots that sat on the steps to the porch, once dried out and abandoned, were now filled with new healthy colorful assortments Sam had carefully picked out to be easy to take care of and bloom the longest.
Sam twisted at the waist to face Danny, a scoff finding its way out along with “no thanks to you, where the hell have you been?”
“I’ve been in the backyard. Sarabeth told me she thought the neighbors cat had kittens underneath the shed so I went to go check it out” Danny replied, unphased by Sam’s attitude. He leaned in closer to whisper into Sam’s ear, “besides, I don’t know how you expected me to get any work done with you wearing these tiny ass shorts”. Then he gave Sam’s ass a quick squeeze, causing him to push him off and jump away, his hands flying behind him to guard his bottom.
“Well? Did you find any kittens?”
“I did find one baby, I think the rest left it because it’s a runt. I don’t think it’s old enough to eat on its own either…” Danny trailed off, trying his best to give Sam his best pleading eyes.
Sam sighed, “you want to bring it home with us don’t you?”
“We can’t just leave it here, it’ll die by itself”.
“Well let me see it first,” Sam reluctantly started to give in, “if it looks like it has fleas or it’s sick we’re finding somewhere else for it to go”.
“Right, okay” Danny grabbed Sam’s hand, not minding the dirt still covering it, and pulled him along the side of the house. “Wait here, I’ll go get her”.
“How do you know it’s a her?!” Sam hollered after him as Danny momentarily disappeared behind the gate and reemerged with a bath towel cradled to his chest.
“I’m not sure yet, but I think that’s what she is”. Danny stepped closer, Sam straining his neck to get a peak at what he had in his arms.
“Umm Danny, I hate to break it to you, but that is not a kitten”.
Danny chuckled, making sure he had a good grip before pulling the towel away some more, fully revealing what he’d found. “I never said it was a kitten, only that Sarabeth thought it was kittens”.
“That’s a fucking opossum. Big difference between that” Sam pointed at the creature in Danny’s hands, “and a kitten”.
“I don’t think they’re all that different”
Danny shrugged, making sweet eyes at the tiny creature that had captured his affection.
Sam felt a sudden pang of absurd resentment for the helpless animal, he knew if Danny brought that thing home he’d be giving it all his attention and he’d have to be up every four hours to bottle feed it for the first few nights. Of course first he’d have to untangle Sam’s clingy limbs from him each time he crawled out of the bed.
Eventually though he gave in, remembering how he’d reluctantly taken in a helpless Danny and that how turned out rather well for him in the end. Yeah, when he thought about it like that he didn’t despite the vermin so much.
“Alright, let’s finish up here and we will go by the feed store on the way home”.
Sam used the water hose in the front yard to rinse off his hands as Danny said his goodbyes.
“Thanks for the flowers Sam!” Sarahbeth held the door open for Danny since he still had his arms full. She stepped far enough away from Danny when he walked past her, being more than excited to get the thing that scratched under the shed out of there, but not wanting anything to do with it when she also found out it wasn’t a kitten.
While Danny walked through the narrow wooden aisles of the old country feed store looking for everything he needed to give the baby opossum its best chance at life, Sam stayed near the front of the store studying a display rack of crisp new cowboy hats.
“What do you think?” Sam asked when Danny returned to check out. He’d plucked a simple white hat with a thin braided leather band and placed it on top his head.
Danny stopped in his tracks. The sun was setting behind Sam, blinding rays of molten yellow and orange shining through the shop windows casting his form in shadow, but Danny could still see his awkward uncertain smile.
“You have one now, maybe I should get one too”.
“Absolutely you should” Danny replied, quickly setting his things down onto the cashier's counter and calling for check out assistance. He was in a hurry to get home now so he could show Sam just how good he looked in that cowboy hat.
“Come on, I want to take you somewhere” Sam grabbed the truck keys off the countertop where he’d tossed them just half an hour earlier.
“But we just got home” Danny briefly complained until he saw Sam head to the fridge next and pull out a brand new twelve pack with one hand, and grabbed the quilt that hung off the side of the couch with his other.
“You coming or not?” Sam asked again, kicking his screen door open with his foot and tossing the beer and blanket into the bed of the truck.
Danny willingly jumped back into the passenger’s seat, having grown much more accustomed to Sam’s driving as they took off out of the ranch and back down the familiar stretch of highway. About halfway before reaching town Sam took the turn Danny recognized led out towards his family’s property, though instead of taking the left that headed up the hill he continued onwards until they came across a dirt path carved into the overgrown grass in a pair of parallel tracks.
The truck jumped down the path, Sam having to actually use both hands on the steering wheel so it wouldn’t jerk out of his grip until they reached the small pond that lay at the bottom of the hillside.
He pulled up right next to the pond, throwing the truck into park and pulling the keys from the ignition.
The sun had begun its final descent into the horizon, casting a glow of kaleidoscopic colors that resembled a watercolor rainbow across the sky.
Danny helped Sam lower the tailgate and fan out the quilt on the truck bed before Sam tore open the twelve pack and handed Danny a sweaty can.
“What made you want to come out here?” Danny questioned once they got settled, their feet dangling off the hitch.
Sam kicked Danny’s boot gently and took a long drink. “No reason really. Just haven’t been out here in a while. Wanted to come with you”.
Danny wrapped his leg around Sam’s in a little tussle until Sam kicked him harder but then scooted even closer until their thighs were pressed flush against each other and their shoulders were brushing with each lift of their cans.
After a moment of silence Danny spoke up again. “You said you come out here to think. What are you thinking about?”
“A lot of things” Sam vaguely replied, his eyes were distant as they scanned the openness around them for any signs of wildlife, ducks, rabbits, the occasional chicken that wandered way too far from the house.
“I guess I’m thinking about how happy I am”.
“Is that so?” Danny took another drink. He didn’t want to be presumptuous in assuming he’d had anything to do with Sam’s good mood, but when Sam reached over and laced their fingers together he knew it was his silent way of saying, yeah it’s because of you.
“There’s something I’ve been meaning to tell you” Sam began as he watched the colors slowly start fading from the sky, replaced by a blue haze and the first stars of the night shining through. “Remember when I told you that I was afraid to fall in love?”
Danny stared at Sam as he continued to avoid eye contact, no doubt too embarrassed to face him dead on as he bared his feelings- something Sam wasn’t always the best at doing. “Yeah, I remember”.
“Well, I don’t think I’m scared anymore”.
Danny considered how to respond. He wanted to ask Sam does that mean you’re in love then? Because I am. I’m absolutely in love with you, but instead he settled on “what made you change your mind?”
“Honestly?” Sam tossed his head back, moving the hand that held his beer onto the truck bed behind him to lean on. “The thought of losing you was a lot scarier. I know it must’ve been so much worse for you, but I was mortified at the idea of leaving you there. In the end I got you back but Jake, god Jake…” he trailed off, not needing to say much about the state his brother was in right now. Everyone could see it, and everyone hurt for him.
At least something good came from that whole ordeal, Danny thought again to himself. He tried not to mull over what had happened, but occasionally he still looked over his shoulder when in town, thinking there’d be someone who recognized and still blamed him.
“I’m here Sam” he squeezed his hand, his silent way of saying and I’m not leaving any time soon.
Two beers in Sam and Danny were both on the last of their half of the pack, but they had barely begun on the third when Danny had Sam pinned underneath him against the quilt.
“Do you want to head home?” Danny asked once it was clear things were starting to get a little heated.
“No” Sam snaked his fingers into the raven curls that hung loosely at Danny’s neck, holding him firmly in place. His hair melded with the blackened sky, eyes sparkling just as bright as the stars that twinkled behind him. He was beautiful, and Sam would never understand what he’d done to deserve him. Honestly, he probably didn’t deserve him, but he wasn’t going to be the one to voice that matter.
“I want you right here, right now”.
“Right here hmm?” Danny teased as he lifted Sam’s shirt and ran his palm up his torso, stopping to flick his thumb over his nipple.
Sam bit his lip, nodding his head as he watched a mischievous smile spread across Danny’s face only mere inches above his own.
“Or here?” He let his hand trail back down, cupping Sam over his tiny shorts causing him to buck his hips up against his palm.
“Are you going to give me what I want? Or am I going to have to take it?” Sam challenged back, pulling Danny by the back of his neck back down into a fierce kiss.
Danny wasted no more time unbuttoning Sam’s shorts and freeing his hardened length, working him over hard and fast until Sam was grunting and moaning into his mouth.
Breaking the kiss for a moment, Danny pushed Sam’s shirt further up his chest until he was lifting his arms to help him peel it off. Before the shirt was all the way off though, Danny stopped and twisted it tightly, wrapping it around Sam’s wrists and pinning them above his head. Next he spit into his palm and returned it to his aching cock, his fist sliding over with even more ease now.
It didn’t take long for Sam to start squirming, trying to fight the urge to thrust his hips up with each downward stroke of Danny’s hand, working together to meet his end.
“Time Danny! Time” he begged, his body tensing as he held himself back. He couldn’t finish yet, not when there was so much more they could do.
“I thought this is what you wanted?” Danny teased, only slowing down his pumping a little bit. “You told me to give you what you want”.
“No” Sam pouted, tugging against his makeshift restraints that Danny held firmly in place.
“Then what do you want?” Danny leaned closer, kissing and licking at Sam’s neck as he started to shake from the pent up orgasm he was denying himself.
“I want you to let me ride you” he answered, his voice barely over a whisper.
Danny chuckled, “I should’ve known, it is your favorite isn’t it”.
Sam nodded his head vigorously, sighing with relief when Danny finally let him go. Danny stood, pulling his own shirt off by grabbing his collar and tugging it over his head in one fell swoop, then jumped off the back of the truck.
“Where are you going?” Sam questioned, sitting up to untangle his hands from his own shirt, almost missing Danny stripping out of his pants next.
“In here” Danny replied, opening up the passengers side door and slipping into the cab of the truck. When Sam didn’t immediately follow, he stuck his head back out, “you coming or not?”
Sam kicked his shorts off and climbed his way off, hurrying over to the door Danny had left open for him.
It was a tight fit, but not as tight as Sam was when he gave up on prepping and sunk down onto Danny in the seat, letting his knees slide against the rough worn down fabric until he was fully rested in his lap.
“Fuck Sam, you’ve got to give me a minute” Danny gripped his sides and let his forehead fall against Sam’s chest, Sam slowly grinding his hips back and forth ever so slightly until the movement became more comfortable.
Once Sam managed a good circular shape, Danny leaned his head back onto the seat and grabbed those gyrating hips, making Sam start an up and down motion next.
Their moans echoed in the cab of the truck, their hot breaths as they panted from the exertion of the act fogging over the windows. Deciding he needed more, Sam reached back and landed one hand on the dash of the truck, the other coming up once he had his balance to press his palm against the roof and he started sliding and fucking himself even harder onto Danny.
“Christ Sam you’re so fucking hot”. Not having to help him move anymore, Danny’s hands were free to roam the expanse of Sam’s chest, which was now on full display for him. His thumbs traced the lines that tiny beads a sweat forms when rolling down and dissipating into nothing at his flexing stomach. He pressed his palm there next, causing Sam to choke out a sob and toss his head back, his own cock barely getting any attention besides when it brushed up against Danny’s knuckles.
“I’m gonna cum” Sam cried, only seconds before he was releasing- the salty cream mixing with the salty sweat.
Even without hardly any warning, Danny was already so close to the edge himself that when he felt the warmth spread over his hand he came as well, filling Sam up to the point he could’ve sworn he felt it beneath his palm as well.
“Fuck it’s hot in here” Sam groaned, staying as still as possible to try and not get the seat messy. “Hold on, don’t move”.
He pushed off the dash and leaned over Danny, reaching behind him to push open the rear window and see if he could reach his discarded shirt.
Danny squeezed his side, making Sam pull back and look at him to see what was wrong. He realized then that Danny’s softening length was still buried inside him, and his movements were causing Danny to wince from the unintentional stimulation.
“Oh, sorry” Sam lifted his hips, gaining that extra few inches he needed to reach through the window and pull his shirt through.
After a halfway decent clean up job, they climbed out of the truck and back into the bed, Danny leaning against the back of the cab and pulled Sam into his hold.
The midnight summer breeze swept over Sam’s torso in a gentle caress of warmth and coolness combined in one. The days were finally starting to grow longer and hotter, his work jackets replaced by flannels and ultimately completely discarded all together for just an old T-shirt he could get dirty and sweaty in. It was the dried sweat on his skin that created a chill when the wind blew tonight, but he was unbothered by it because his back was pressed against a warm chest and strong arms encircled his shoulders.
“I must smell worse than the horse stables right now” Sam commented, though he wasn’t planning on moving away from the embrace behind him any time soon.
The chest he rested on jumped up and down as Danny chuckled lowly, and his arms wrapped tighter around Sam’s shoulders as if to assure him he wasn’t letting him move either. “I smell pond water, grass, rust, the stars” Danny listed off the few things in their surroundings that he could pick up a scent on besides Sam, who he could smell but oddly enough wasn’t bothered by it at all.
“You can’t smell stars” Sam argued, though he leaned back further to rest the back of his head against Danny’s shoulder so he could gaze up at the patterned specks in the sky.
“Yes you can. It always smells different outside at night time than it does during the day”.
“I never noticed” Sam replied wondering how he’d spent so much time outside and never once thought to compare the two.
“You can smell the clouds? When they’re heavy and it’s about to rain?” Danny asked, enjoying nothing more than having these innocent conversations together. He never much cared for debate, but sometimes he’d pick the opposite point of view from Sam just to hear what he had to say. He enjoyed the way Sam’s mind worked even if he could get lost up there every now and then.
“Yeah, I can” Sam agreed. Though he didn’t really consider that a logical argument, he’d let it slide.
“Well, then I say you can smell the stars”.
Sam didn’t respond, only wondered to himself what aromas Danny picked up on that he didn’t. He believed him anyways, and decided if the stars did smell like anything to him, then they smelled like Danny.
They smelled like the old scratchy quilt blanket they had thrown around their legs, like the opened cans of beer long forgotten on the edge of the truck bed. Better yet they smelled like hair, and flesh, and bone, and the breath on his cheek as Danny turned to place a kiss against the bridge of his nose.
That was the big difference between day and night for Sam. That during the day they they stayed hard at work- though still had some lighthearted fun every now and then, but at night he had Danny all to himself in bed. Or in this case the back of the truck parked out in the middle of nowhere on his family’s land.
Tugging on Danny’s right arm, Sam pulled it around his shoulder so it completely wrapped around his collar and snuggled closer to him.
He most certainly didn’t deserve this man, but he chose the brightest start up in the sky he could find and promised himself that he’d spend every night changing that. So when the time came to finally tell Danny he loved him, he would.
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