#where my gay weebs at
dittobooty · 2 years
I know it's already been said before but if you listened to Magnet in middle school you're a lesbian now and if you listened to Butterfly On Your Right Shoulder you're a gay twink
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rubberbandballqueen · 2 years
i think it's really funny that history was my least favorite academic subject in school considering how much i actually love to dig around for the stuff when it comes to things i'm interested or personally invested in, so i think that what was really going on in school was that i'm just not that interested in the united states
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mcytblrsexymen · 2 years
Highlights from the Mod Chat pt 3.
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[ID: discord message from a capricious and willful god, reading: shoutout to the fact that the quackity and etho girlies still seem to be deciding to ship them now love whatever was happening over there with that alliance. godbless]
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[ID: discord message from LITTLE FRAUD JOCKEY, reading: I might do a little joe fraud but at most i'll do like. 20 votes. me: wow I wish I had the dedication to sit down and force myself to do a task also me, from 330am to 8am this morning: I love voter fraud I love voter fraud I love voter fraud I love voter fraud I love voter fraud I love voter fraud I love foter fraud I love voter fraud it has been reacted to nine times with the pushpin emoji]
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[ID: discord message from [binarual + bisexual] I love everyone in the notes like "oh no I voted for them both how could they be in the same poll now!" Well, you see.]
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[ID: discord conversation, reading: SAD GAYISMS for SEXYLAMPNAP: yeah but tumblr/4chan was more popular as a hateship Fiendish Bots/Glorious Sideblogs: there's a sentence]
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[ID: discord message from [binarual + bisexual], reading: Twitter is so good at reading]
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[ID: discord message from classically trained drabbler, reading: hahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahhahha no you may quote me on that if you wish]
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[ID: discord message from gay for infographics, reading: No and the reason is big number make me happy to put on the infographic]
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[ID: Discord message from VOTE FOR TECHNOBLADE, reading: Scar would approve of the fraud]
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[ID: discord message, reading: anon: like, do we have... any other plans for when the poll ends? Erotic Mushroom Indoctrination: ...nap? a capricious and willful god: yeah nap classically trained drabbler: an adult beverage (this message has been reacted to ten times with the Clap emoji) undercover weeb: pizza VOTE FOR TECHNOBLADE: Buying discount love candy after work (this message has been reacted to nine times with the elmo fire emoji)]
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[ID: discord message from gay for infographics, reading: New nickname thanks to ma sœur! Now if there's ever another mod chat post and I have said a funny thing, my name doesnt have to be censored ahahaha this message has been reacted to four times with the Laugh emoji]
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[ID: discord conversation, reading: Fiendish Bots/Glorious Sideblogs: I think it either has to be defaults or "recognized sexist skin" and my brain is just too slow to pick out what that means alone, right now fake GeorgeNotFound fan: beautiful typo Fiendish Bots/Glorious Sideblogs: oh no]
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[ID: discord message from Fiendish Bots/Glorious Sideblogs, reading: god bless ren and martyn's open homoeroticism it has been reacted to 3 times with the pushpin emoji]
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[ID: discord message from charlie slimecicile enoyer, reading: i think it'd be funny to let the blog collect dust for a few years to recover and then out of nowhere on a completely different, unrelated date, drop a series of polls where the only option for all of them is ethoslab and also one for pix. It has been reacted to 3 times with the 100 emojij]
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[ID: discord message from classically trained drabbler, reading: "get your head in the game" is a very normal sportsball phrase that did not originate in high school musical y'all are just loser ners how am i a sports expert here]
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[ID: discord message from classically trained drabbler, reading: also voter fraud makes autism brain go brr too good]
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[ID: discord message reading: literally who the fuck is joe hills but I AM seriously considering doing it for the bit this has been reacted to with the Handshake emoji three times]
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[ID: discord message from Fiendish Bots/Glorious Sideblogs, reading: Just had to explain both tumblr and Minecraft to my doctor]
802 notes · View notes
tubbytarchia · 4 months
Jimmy EVO thoughts
This is a loooong thread of summarized thoughts (cough 5500 words) of Jimmy in Evo, though mostly his and Martyn's Property Police relationship and how it leads into future treatment of Jimmy, as well as general Jimmy character analysis. Plus some Netty thoughts and such in relation to Jimmy too
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Obligatory: I talk about characters only
The following is separated into categories, somewhat, but 90% of that is property police related... Netty and misc thoughts are down below
Shoutout once again to my friend for pointing out some stuff I missed or better than I could
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(Martyn's self portrait. Idk felt appropriate)
1. Jimmy and Martyn (Property police) thoughts
Jimmy and Martyn overall are pretty cute and supportive and protective of one another but there are many many instances that Martyn unfairly scolds and plays him down. But then he'll turn around and show some form of care towards Jimmy which leaves me feeling conflicted. The way Martyn treats Jimmy here pretty effortlessly leads into Jimmy's further mistreatment in future SMPs imo
I'm gonna start off with a lot of negative aspects to the Property Police dynamic but trust me ok I've noted down all the cool and nice things too at a later point. As I said they're overall cute and nice!!! There's just a lot... to note... (I'm a big solidwood fan ok. sobs)
1.1 Martyn's caretaker role and the "chief"
All throughout, Martyn keeps bringing up this made-up character "chief" who they speak of as both a sort of boogeyman as well as a parental figure (Jimmy later says the chief is his father)? Like Jimmy causes trouble and Martyn goes "ahh I'm gonna have to tell the chief about this" to which Jimmy tries to plead his case. Or Martyn would express needing the chief to weigh in on whether Jimmy's doing a good enough job as Property Police. This makes sense though given Martyn's self-assigned caretaker role
Martyn largely acts like he needs to be taking care of Jimmy and doesn't trust him when he's alone (will be talked about in depth at the next point) and makes up this police chief character to spook Jimmy but also to, again, serve as some kind of replication of a parental figure... Jimmy himself talks about the chief that way too, saying stuff like "the chief told me to be careful"
There's some kind of pride essential to Martyn that he gets from taking on some kind of provider role, and/or it might be essential to him being able to show affection, at least at this point in time and at least towards Jimmy
Martyn likes to feel depended on and Jimmy does make it feel that way. He's constantly considering Martyn, following him around, supporting him. When he's not there, he frequently talks about him, how he's not here today but will be another time, how he's taking a break, how they'll be doing stuff together later... How they both agree that Jimmy doesn't fare well on his own (and how Jimmy and other people in Jimmy's life will hold onto this belief)
In one episode they're both finding these vacation apartments to buy? and Jimmy goes "can we be next to each other though? I'll miss you too much if we don't" :(
At some point Netty's appalled by how poor Jimmy is so he and Martyn make plans to mine together, and they decide to mine in different directions only for Jimmy to go back to Martyn anyway
I'm so sorry to be a weeb and use a screenshot from Free! of all things but this is Martyn and Jimmy. I don't make the rules
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There's also a moment where Jimmy says "I think I might need you" to which Martyn goes "is this you confessing your love to me?" and then they do this bit where they act out the chief talking to them "you can love who you want to love. As long as you do your job right". So basically the chief is validating gay marriage. Awesome
Anyway, Jimmy at several points gets told off by Martyn because he's "fine" and doesn't need Jimmy following him around but what else is he gonna do… you cant just leave him on the street like a lost puppy…
At one point in the SMP, they all get together to take on the ender dragon (after which Grian left). Unfortunately, they don't end up in one End dimension and instead, they all have to fight the Enderdragon by themselves. Jimmy does fantastic. He's very focused and gets it done in spite of a few struggles. He even says "those endermen made me so angry. I haven't been so angry in awhile" when it really didn't show that he was THAT angry when a bunch of them piled on him. He stayed focused and finished the job... Sigh. He can be so confident and competent and good, if only he didn't get played down so frequently just for often getting excited and tunnel visioned easily...
It's implied that the others thought he was gone for good when Jimmy finally made it back to the overworld after some... bliss in the great void? Of course he starts asking himself about Martyn and expressing hope that Martyn's alive. He and Martyn eventually communicate here and there but still don't meet up for awhile longer. Jimmy for this time period is surviving pretty much independently, and even when Martyn starts turning up in his episodes more again, there's much less of Jimmy following Martyn around like he used to, and I think Martyn took note. It feels like he took note that Jimmy no longer depended on him and kinda fucked off a little bit. This would carry over to stuff like 3L as reasoning for why Martyn acted the way he did towards Jimmy? Evidently caring about him yet pushing him away, even after Jimmy asked to join him, even after Martyn himself told Jimmy that he thought Scott was using him
(Headcanony here, but I still jive with the idea that there was some kind of watcher/listener/Evo members confrontation at the end that forced that world to come to an end, from which Jimmy and Pearl were spared as they went on to quickly be part of new worlds unlike the others. And then some of them eventually returning like Martyn, but not Netty, and the idea that Martyn now holds some kind of resentment towards Jimmy for not having gone through that and never being able to understand how Martyn feels, in spite of still caring about Jimmy, having wanted to spare him from whatever went down to begin with. This, combined with him seeing Jimmy become more independent, when Jimmy was always waiting for him and wanted to make him proud for surviving on his own, and missed and needed him even if Martyn doesn't think so. This will be reinforced at later points here too)
1.2 Martyn's lack of trust in Jimmy and Jimmy's self-deprecation
Apparently whenever Jimmy's on the server without Martyn, he just becomes a troublemaker and Martyn goes "I don't trust you half the time", granted, lightheartedly, but this notion will keep being repeated. His first reaction to the property police being faulted for anything, or Jimmy being hesitant with telling him something, is to assume and accuse Jimmy of messing something up. Eg when there is a scene resembling a protest built outside their base, Jimmy questions what they've done to be opposed, to which Martyn goes "What have YOU done?". This leads to/deepens Jimmy's need to prove himself to be good and competent, and his hesitancy to let Martyn know/fear of Martyn finding out when he's messed something up
Jimmy gets himself utterly blown up by Grian's prank, Martyn's not there so he goes "guys, you cannot tell Morty (Martyn), he will kill me". He sounds genuinely pretty upset too "I don't- I don't know anymore." He's not even nice to their current dog, with him walking around pretty aimlessly before going to their dog who's standing up and repeatedly trying to make it sit, sternly saying "Sit down, sit down." when previously he's shown a lot of affection towards their dogs (though honestly uncertain how much of it has been totally genuine when he has also joked about a dog dying before it can be nametagged and stuff)
Martyn's not around and look what happens - exactly what Martyn has drilled in. Of course Jimmy is flustered and upset, and of course he doesn't want Martyn to know- for Martyn to comment again about his lack of trust in him by his lonesome, or about his unsuitability for his job as a cop. It only makes sense that Jimmy comes to believe he's incapable of handling himself alone and that he needs to rely on someone. It's only natural he follows Scott around in 3L without question when Scott doesn't trust him to something. It's only natural that even with Tango, at the start of DL, he voices concern to Bdubs that he's afraid Tango will yell at him for having done a bad job begging for resources. (Ofc Tango doesn't but it's really fucking sad!! That Jimmy's been conditioned to consider that!!)
Another example of "Jimmy's incompetency" is when Jimmy's dog has been taken hostage for awhile, but they find it almost instantly when Martyn comes back on. Jimmy says he needed the dog to keep him company and expresses a lot of grievance over the dog's living condition in the hole it was kept in, while Martyn questions if he even put in that much of an effort to try and find it. They joke about and Jimmy agrees to him not doing well on his own. (Also I'm not sure what to take away from the fact that the dog was kept in oddly good conditions and Jimmy still feeling bad for the dog...? Aside from the lack of sunlight ofc, it had room and water and a bed)
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At some point (spoken more of in the Netty section), Jimmy gives Netty all his resources he gathered from their mining trip together and then asks "did you get a picture? Did you get a picture of that?". Naturally Netty comments on his need to immortalize his good deeds but you can't blame the guy when the people around him, especially his best pal Martyn, keep calling him a bad cop and not trusting him to be good when he's left alone. It makes sense for Jimmy to want proof of him being good to show Martyn...
Start of Evo ep 46, Salems says in chat something along the lines of "be good now Jimmy, no one's here to watch over you" to which Jimmy replies "I'm always good tyvm!!" And then proceeds to praise himself for the rest of the episode despite having difficulty dealing with the property police station being flooded. Eg sees that he has a bucket in one of his chests and going "Good job Jim good job" etc. He's trying so hard and then turns around to see more water and goes "this makes me sad" :(
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(It was genuinely really bad lol this image does not do it justice)
Jimmy's self deprecation is also present in Evo even when it's not being brought on by anyone else, only himself. Eg under the video in which he got miserably blown up by Grian's prank, he has his pinned comment: "I was excited okay. I did not see the plates, don't ruin the comment section! Thank you. I am a noob though. HA!" and at the start of a different episode, Jimmy says to the audience "You didn't miss me, did ya? I know you didn't miss me" :(
There's also the time where he, Martyn and Netty do a race all individually and in the end it's revealed that Jimmy was the last one by a second and he repeatedly goes "oh wow so funny let's laugh (mock laughter)". Something about this one... Sure they joked about him coming last a few times through the episode but that felt kind of out of left field. Why is he so mocking... why are you being so SO mean to yourself Jimmy...
Jimmy is pretty frequently insisting on being a good cop even when the situation doesn't call for it because "people have been having a go at me lately". This notion of Jimmy being a bad cop extends further yet when Martyn's mayor campaign begins
1.3 Martyn's mayor arc, Jimmy's reinforced unsuitability and getting caught in the crossfire
Martyn runs for mayor, during which Jimmy is unwaveringly backing him, ofc. Following him around, propping him up... At one point Martyn even says "You're the best run-in partner I could've asked for"
But then things start falling apart and Martyn starts to a go a little bit mad. He wants to give up and Jimmy is basically pleading with him saying stuff like "but I've done so much to back to you" but Martyn's not hearing it "You've done nothing". (what a switch from that last paragraph lol)
Back to the Property Police station being flooded - Jimmy was openly supporting Martyn's mayor campaign but he didn't cause any of the destruction during the fallout when Martyn gave up. It was all Martyn and in retaliation the property police base has been significantly flooded and plastered with vines and Jimmy's the one to have to clean it all up. This doesn't get acknowledged (in Jimmy's POV at least). This is also very true in other SMPs like X Life, that Jimmy largely suffers due to no bad actions of his own but rather the crossfire of others'
It's always Martyn being on break... It's always Jimmy saying "the chief gave him days off!" and Martyn saying "I need a break from you and everything". Has anyone considered maybe Jimmy needs a little break too.. Has anyone considered that Jimmy also feels bad for not having his efforts recognized... He's always there to prop Martyn up to largely get deprecated in return in spite of everything he does (and isn't that a familiar theme with Jimmy...)
Anyway, next episode Martyn's back and Jimmy wants to show him something nice he made for him for being torn up about the mayor thing, but Martyn's immediate reaction is "what did you do!?". Well, the nice thing Jimmy made was a padded cell and he trapped Martyn in there for a bit for having gone a little mad lol
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Martyn for a short period of time ends up becoming mayor anyway, during which he hits and berates Jimmy quite a bit (clenches fist) and reasons why Jimmy would always be second in charge at most because people don't want him as mayor. They do this whole bit where Jimmy replaces all the previous signs directed towards Tatiz (the last mayor) for them to say nice things about Martyn instead cause it's not like anyone's gonna know they're all just done by Jimmy... and then Martyn doesn't even let him into the office and punches him and Jimmy fake sniffles away
Martyn has another meltdown over the Watchers being against him becoming mayor, though Jimmy's still supporting him through it even as Martyn's playing him down. At the very end of the episode, Martyn jumps down a well when he says he's gonna go sleep so Jimmy's like "oh. Don't drown, we still need you" and Martyn sounds genuinely kind of gut-wrenchingly defeated when he replies "apparently not". Good time to remember Martyn's pride in feeling needed
Next time Martyn's on, he's on a quest to exile himself, saying he's going to find the next portal and leave and never come back. Jimmy is valiantly following him around and basically pleading for him to stay and that they need him (I think it's just you Jimmy... it's you who needs him...). Him saying "we've been on the force for 9 years, does that not mean anything to you?" makes for a painful parallel to Martyn accusing Jimmy of not caring about property police in 3L... Paraphrasing a bit, but the back and forth between Martyn and Jimmy: "You can explain to Netty why I'm leaving. I didn't want to explain to anyone but you've forced it on me. I'm happy to leave, everything's fine" - "Alright, fine. Fine, I accept it, no I accept it, I'm coming to wave goodbye" - "You coming with me, or?" - "No, I'm not leaving all this behind, but I'll come wave goodbye". Even with Jimmy giving up or having implied giving up on trying to convince Martyn to stay, he still wants to follow him, to at least say goodbye... Jimmy also says he's tearing up as Martyn's digging down to the stronghold where he plans to make his exit. Martyn drops into the stronghold with a bunch of mobs though and Jimmy goes "yess kill him, kill him!" (because that'd bring Martyn back to spawn and halt his self exile) before jumping down and helping defend Martyn anyway... Ultimately Martyn fails because the portal isn't even there and he dies to a creeper. Later, when Martyn's back, this is largely treated as a bad dream and that Martyn was just in a daze
I'm not sure exactly where this thought started but at some point Jimmy starts to express having to become mayor himself (and then at a later point, as mentioned above, Martyn explaining why people would never want him as a mayor). Jimmy says things like "I'm gonna end up being the mayor aren't I?" when things get tentative and unstable with Martyn, and "I reckon anything that comes - if a situation comes along again where someone has to take charge and i-in- lead and vote for something or even go for something... think Pete Bills should take it- I think Pete Bills should take it, and, you know... Give his best shot"
This is significant to me because Jimmy wanting to be in any kind of leading role, but never managing it, is a theme that comes up frequently in his POVs. Jimmy is already treated as being at the bottom of some player perceived hierarchy, and as such constantly teased and played down, which naturally, for the others, makes it unlikely if not absurd for him to be in leadership positions, and this imo carries over to his relationships
He hardly has authority and when he tries to enforce it, he gets disregarded, discouraged and/or made fun of, eg in ESMP2. He hardly if ever gets authority in 3L FH (flower husbands), or ESMP2 fWhimmy, or, Evo Solidwood to an extent. The whole mayor deal is very resemblant of what would go on to happen in X Life too. Where Jimmy is happy to be part of "Jeremyism" with Joel as the leader, though he enforces very little power, but when that position is about to be handed over to Scott, Jimmy desperately tries to get himself to be the leader instead, and upon failing, begs Joel to retain his position, only to end up following Scott's lead anyway without further vocal protest
Jimmy taking charge, in relationships or otherwise, almost always gets shut down. Pensive
1.4 Martyn's also kind to Jimmy though...
But then there are times like Martyn showing concern towards his wellbeing, voicing fear of him hurting himself, saying things like "I was worried you hurt yourself"
There are times like Salem cornering Jimmy and Martyn going "Salem, back it up, go back a few blocks, get away from him". Times like them talking about food and Jimmy says he's the priority so he should eat. Martyn naturally questions it and then chases him around for a bit, threatening to hit him, but then throws him the food anyway without arguing against it...
Something about Martyn not being entirely against the padded cell that Jimmy made for and trapped him in briefly. Martyn willingly goes in there when "he's had a thought" and says for Jimmy to trust him to stay in there even though one of the doors is broken and keeps opening. Something about Jimmy's ideas being given a chance and made use of even when its. a fucking padded cell
There's an episode that starts with Martyn calling Jimmy upset and a loser as is not at all unusual (grrr) but then he goes all soft "How you doing, you alright? Sorry I've been away" and all I can do is shake my fist, unable to quite punch him. There's something here about Martyn struggling to express affection, really well showcased in the bread incident too, without having a go at Jimmy first as if it were a balance that he needs to keep in check, rather than being nice to Jimmy just... because.
There's a trap they build, mostly Martyn, and he claims "Jimmy was such a big support" and Jimmy naturally goes "I didn't really do much" but all Martyn replies is "well its this kind of trap that having two people work on it would have been difficult..." thank you for validating Jimmy and not making a joke out of him for "doing less"
There's this kind of respect towards Jimmy here largely absent from a lot of other people in other SMPs...
Jimmy shushing Martyn and Martyn actually shuts up. Wow basic decency and respect towards my son !!! Jimmy suggests a viewer suggested bevarage name for their little pub thing, and Martyn says it's bad, but when Jimmy reinforces a little later that he thought it was good, Martyn encourages him to put up a sign for it anyway.
It's not just Jimmy who's being accused of having done something etc. Jimmy's also more assertive towards Martyn and asking him if he's sure he's not done anything bad. And also holding Martyn accountable. This is largely a saving grace for Solidwood to me as opposed to some other Jimmy relationships in select SMPs because it goes both ways here even if still in uneven portions...
There's also Jimmy's antics being played into it as opposed to being disregarded or made fun of. A lot of it tends to be turned back around to making fun of Jimmy and then that's it, that's the joke, but with Martyn, he participates in the jokes. Jimmy can just ask for silly stuff or be silly and Martyn will easily go along or provide without knocking him or anything. Jimmy "can I get a cool intro please" and Martyn will just do it without question. The whole thing they had with Evo news (genuinely please go watch this one tiny animatic of one of their "Evo News" segments on Jimmy's channel, it's so adorable). Or whatever other cringy joke bits they do. Mmgh I just wish this was the case with more people than just Martyn
This kind of stuff, a lot of the time does still involve teasing Jimmy, but it's fun... It's not just fun on Jimmy's expense, it's fun that involves him, and that makes this endlessly more enjoyable to me than the "lol Jimmy is incompetent and stupid and deserves no rights" jokes with no further nuance to them. Those do very much appear in Evo still, and do hurt me, although I see no harm to them as long as they're less frequent and as such don't become fully stale after the first few times, but at least it's not. coughempiresseason2cough cough.
Idk where else to put this but Martyn and Jimmy start the "Property Police" bit in episode 2 already and it goes on for pretty much the entire series. They both adopt specific names for it though. Jimmy decides on “Pete Bills” but it’s mostly just him who ever uses it. Martyn picks “Morty” and Jimmy continues calling Martyn that for the entire series. Kind of cute of them to have nicknames for one another, Morty and Timmy respectively, even if it was Grian who started the Timmy bit
1.5 Setting Jimmy up for failure
This kind of casual hitting and deprecation from Martyn is what I think leads to Jimmy's further minimization and need of dependency, which I brought into question way back at the start. While Property Police is largely pretty carefree and accountability and such isn't always one-sided and can go both ways, there are so many things to point to in retrospect as frontrunners for repeating themes in how Jimmy gets treated by others, and how he views himself. A lot of Martyn's treatment of Jimmy both within and after Evo make me grit my teeth but there's these saving factors... Where Martyn evidently does really care, and he'll at least sometimes express as much... What gets in the way is his tendency to be hot-headed and selfish, and skewed in his ways of affection and pride
It's so fucked up how Jimmy's led to believe to have been at fault for so many things that happen to him through all the deprecation and reinforcement of him being the worst player of the bunch. How when he apologizes, no one tells him he's no need to.
Before one of the portal hops, when everyone’s having a meeting to switch versions, someone trapped Jimmy in 4 Iron doors (idk who, Jimmy cut it out) but Grian goes "don’t worry I have a way to get you out of there" and blows the doors up with TNT. He then asks Jimmy to clean it up and Jimmy's all "sorry I'll clean it up" and he keeps apologizing. Another time when Jimmy loses a race in evo and Mini punches him "you're stupid, Jimmy, you're stupid, you should have won that race" to which Jimmy briefly flees before going back to him to apologize (doesn't that sound familiar...grrr)
It started with Martyn, who Jimmy followed around, supported, needed and missed, and then X Life Joel (Jeremyism) and then 3L Scott etc. Jimmy doesn't need to depend on anyone, that's just how his fucked up love life and expectations of affection (and when whether or not he deserves any) have gone, cause I feel the need to reinforce that Jimmy is very good and capable, he is!! If the damn Enderdragon fight is anything to go by if nothing else!! He should start murdering people!! Anyway
Appropriate time to think again about Martyn, in 3L, voicing concern over Scott slapping Jimmy around, when he has also admitted to using Jimmy ("Sometimes I feel that you use me" - "I 100% do")
For further similarities, few times Martyn scolded Jimmy, like when Jimmy accidentally kills Martyn at one point with a single pickaxe swipe and Martyn scolds him like "alright, now you get back on the surface, bring all my stuff back to me" and Jimmy can only stutter and make a few whimpers. His “How were you on that low H- How… Hmph :(“... I want someone to hold Jimmy so badly you don’t understand... or the time Jimmy and Martyn were standing by the blaze spawner to get double spawning rate, when for some reason Jimmy decides to leave and take a little gander alone at which Martyn very angrily goes "did you just leave? You can't do that! Are you guys seeing this teamwork??". He's getting scolded... No blazes were spawning and he got anxious and needed to go for a walk Martyn it's okay...
Also like. He lived and slept in the same room as Jimmy all throughout. Something about Jimmy only ever being part of at least SOMEWHAT nice relationships when he's sleeping together with that person and not alone. coughs
2. Jimmy and Netty (and Martyn) thoughts
Seeing as Netty's skin is a bush baby and she built a treehouse, I'm still sticking with the headcanon that little Martyn and Jimmy just found this creature (Netty) in the woods one day. Anyway
Martyn, Jimmy and Netty are on a goose chase and I found it really cute how they came across a decent water crossing, Martyn asks Netty in chat "boats or swim?" meanwhile Jimmy is already swimming off and Netty doesnt answer and just jumps in after Jimmy. He and Netty also fall down the exact same hole simultaneously later, it’s adorable.
When they make it to where the new portal is, Netty hits Jimmy into some water, to which Jimmy of course shakes his fist, and then later Netty accidentally nudged him to his death by fall. Jimmy said she will pay for her crimes, but it was an accident Jimmy... she didn't mean it that time... And then Netty's slowly crawling towards Jimmy with her head down, occasionally looking up with puppydog eyes no doubt. You know the cubito body language. But Jimmy's just shaking his head at her.... Jimmy feels bad though, I think, so he went up to her but she thought he was going to attack and ran away
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Jimmy POV vs Netty POV (yeah I don't blame her for getting scared lol) Jimmy's disappointed though and says "I'm done with her" :(
In a later episode, Jimmy is helping Netty gather resources for her library. They go mining together, both having very little to their name and almost no torches, Jimmy mistakenly asks Netty for sticks before realizing he already has plenty but Netty gives him hers anyway and they rejoice and laugh about it... She also says "in real life I would actually trust you with my life but in Evo I do not want anything to do with you, you are too mischievous". Because this mentions the CCs specifically, and I'm strictly talking about characters, I'm not gonna think about it much but idk, I like that Netty's reasoning is "You're too mischevious" and they're just laughing about it. Netty's and Jimmy's banter in general is just really cute. There's a point where she's saying "Stop trying to make that a thing!" in response to Jimmy using this phrase "fan dabi dozi" with his own little inflection and when Jimmy asks "does it irritate you?" she says no, it makes her laugh. It's something about the way Netty does very much tease Jimmy but there's much less maliciousness in it than there is for some other people doing the same. She's not as quick to fault or accuse him, and she's quicker to laugh things off in unison and not at Jimmy
When they're done mining, Jimmy offers and gives her all the resources that he mined, to Netty's very genuine surprise though. Jimmy reasons "that's the whole reason I came with you" and like, yeah, he's right, this was established lol, but still... He's not being taken for granted... Netty didn't just assume he'd hand his resources over... And then Netty's New Years resolution is "to make Jimmy be less mean" ???? Netty.......
In spite of the few hiccups that I find hard to excuse though, Netty's attitude towards Jimmy is very similar to Martyn's when he's being nice. Basically what I already said a paragraph ago. Their banter is largely cute (when it involves Martyn, too, they make for a very fun and cute trio) and she spends the last episode with Jimmy and Pearl and it's very bittersweet
Other Jimmy things
There's a bit they do at the beginning of an episode where Jimmy attempts to propose marriage to Martyn. "Oh my god you need to see this, you need to see this, basically I've been... I've been thinking a lot lately and um-" - "Mate I'm already taken" (Martyn whips out the rose that Netty gave him early on and that he's kept in his hotbar ever since (mad cute btw))
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At the very start of the SMP, Jimmy and Martyn immediately run off together and they're very sweet but anyway when Jimmy finds his first iron, he calls Martyn over to remember the occasion. Martyn then whips out 3 iron like “oops I already got some” but. Something about Jimmy treasuring the moment like that… Something about him and resources…
Jimmy is also claustrophobic apparently, with Martyn commenting about feeling bad about making him crawl through a tight space although Jimmy says it's fine. I'm just... thinking about 3L FH... their secure, claustrophobic base at the edge of the world away from everyone else... and Jimmy's few attempts of reaching out... Jimmy..... sorry this isn't about 3L uhhh
When Netty questions why Jimmy's bad at handling Creepers, he says "it's my parents"?? With the previous implication that the "chief" figure is Jimmy's dad, did the chief not teach him how to fight... This is kinda funny but also kinda sad because it makes me think of him being treated as the runt of the litter and no more, he was not the favorite child...
Zee throughout Evo is in direct opposition of the property police, being one of the two members of the mafia. He's responsible for doing and helping in many pranks aimed against the property police. In spite of this, near the end of the SMP, when he has reason to be upset with Jimmy, he's ultimately pretty nice about it... Jimmy's been stealing all his chickens from his chicken farm and not leaving any for Zee, but even then Zee is not that confrontational with him about it... Jimmy tries to derail, Zee catches on, Jimmy insists whilst also admitting to it and Zee's like "haha ok go on". Jimmy also tried to kill him but Zee caught on and killed him instead, but because it was with lava and all of Jimmy's stuff burned as a result (including all of Zee's TNT that he'd just stolen), Zee felt bad and gave him all the diamonds he had... Zee has 3 reasons to be upset with Jimmy, and Jimmy is usually the runt of the litter, the punching bag, and yet... Thank you Zee for being relatively kind to my son
Hello insane person for reaching this point. When my life series merch is ready I will start giving people like you discount codes at the ends of these posts. wink10 for 10% off. Remember it. Go read my X Life Jimmy thoughts too if you haven't. please
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sukimas · 1 year
I feel like I'm about to do something monumentally stupid by asking this, but, what was truly going on back then? I've always been on the periphery on purpose even as I slowly wormed into the franchise by 2021 just to avoid the worst of it, but the 2010s are a complete blank outside of faint feelings.
A lot less fluency in Japanese ("moonrunes") on the whole. Translators were few and far between, and many of them only translated things that personally interested them (granted, translation today is similar, it's just that there are a lot more of 'em). With this, and without the Touhou games on steam, and with Touhouwiki much smaller (it was founded in 2009, as opposed to Wikipedia's 2001), access to canon material was more difficult. There was also a lot more wilful ignorance of canon, too- and equivocation between what was popular canon and fanon due to this (because "nobody cares about Touhou for the games".) As translators became more common and the games became more widely available (culminating with HSiFS being released on Steam) there was a bit more of a push of of "hey, you know, the canon is actually pretty interesting and isn't at all like the fanon? the fanon is fine, it's fun, but it's not the same thing". There was a lot of pushback to this, though- use of the "Everyone has their own Gensokyo" quote from a rather famous doujin in contexts where it didn't really fit (everyone has their own Gensokyo, but claiming that that is ZUN's Gensokyo is something different entirely).
And then Alternative Facts in Eastern Utopia released, creating a VERY hard line between canon enjoyers and canon ignorers (due to political splitting that was already present but increased significantly). It's cooled off some since then, but a lot of people new to Touhou are completely unaware of the absolute battle it was to even discuss canon material. Many of them see older fans' insistence on "X isn't canon" as just being annoying spoilsports- and while some of that may be true, headcanon and theory aren't intended to be dissuaded for the most part. What people are generally trying to head off is genuine falsehood, which was absolutely pervasive for decades in EN fandom. Now, that's not to say that there isn't annoying fanon on JP side, but it's generally more "this is my interpretation" than "ZUN SAID NONE OF THE GIRLS ARE GAY".
(Which is, by the way, one of the common arguments that the pro-fanon side used to use back in the day. Interestingly enough. This is primarily due to the shipping side of Touhou fandom being very well aware that few of these relationships come anywhere close to canon, while the fanoneer side was distinct in that they believed their interpretations WERE canon- or at least as important as it. It's also a lie, by the way- it was a quote from a weeb version of The Onion.)
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funishment-time · 2 months
Kokichi/ general with
87 75. 73 25 and 22?
ooh, kokichi-centric! i assume this is for this ask game since it's the only one i've reblogged that goes so High!
87.)Headcanon on Pregame V3 Characters?
i have lots, but generally, my Main Headcanon with all V3 characters is that part of Tsumugi's "fictional" story is right: there is an Ultimate Hunt going on. their pregame selves are actually a memory-wiped disguise, not their true selves. the Monokubs really did give them back their talents and base memories, just also threw a bunch of fake ones in there too. and there is indeed a reality show going on but...well, i won't get into it here. long story short V3 is a reversal of Danganronpa 1 in many ways.
it's basically just what a lot of people headcanon already but in reverse. i think there's a lot to play with there psychologically still.
for Kokichi specifically, i imagine he was a timid weeb guy who really wanted to be an edgelord so bad but just didn't have the Audacity. i'm reminded a little of Charlie MoistCritikal's story about how in college he wore a CD around his neck and acted like a douche to pretend to be a Mysterious Anime Character. like that. that's what pregame!Kokichi wanted to be.
75.) Unpopular Headcanon?
general: that a lot of relationships in the main timeline wouldn't happen if they weren't backed against a wall, esp with the protagonists. i don't think Kyoko would care much for Makoto in a Normie World, but i don't think she'd care much for most folks. i don't think Kaede would be any closer to Shuichi than her other classmates either (and i'm someone who's gung-ho for a platonic soulmates thing with them). which is fine really! lots of interpretations and timelines to explore
for Keech: that Kokichi is 99% gay but would have a crush on a rare girl, like Kaede
73.) Popular Headcanon?
general: a lot of characters are actually plus-sized.
for Keech: that Kokichi is 99% gay. i guess technically he'd be bi or pan in my mind (see above) but i don't personally view him as one that cares for labels, and it's mostly guys he likes to play with
25.) Favorite Anthology Chapter?
i haven't read all the Translated/Fanslated anthologies, only the DR1 ones. (i'm not sure where to find the others. if anyone could link them to me, let me know.) but i loved the comics about Junko and Mukuro before Muki really had a defined personality of her own, and she was kind of just the annoyed older sister being dragged along on her crazy younger sister's stupid schemes. i'm reminded of the one where they temporarily adopt Mondo because he can't get a girl and become the Despair Triplets. crack central.
i also like the one where a blank-faced Kyoko just hides in things like a cat to find out where people might hide a body. and the one where she throws a horseshoe crab into a pot of stew everyone's making. they are genuinely close to how i imagine Kyoko really is on a personal level: just kind of a Beautiful Freak who doesn't interact with reality very much
22.) Favorite Random/Unnecessary Moment?
Hiro's dumb fucking stories about his life. the UFO burger abduction and the 100% unnecessary aside about how his dad burned down their house because he was smoking in bed (i assume that's why Mrs. Hagakure mentions she's divorced in UDG) and even Makoto's like ???? god bless Yasuhiro
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maxknightley · 8 months
Could you elaborate a little more on the “at least I’m not that guy” mentality being toxic? Asking in good faith bc I do that all the time and I think you’re on to something but I’d like to hear more about what makes it toxic.
the thing is that you're gonna have dickish thoughts and there's not much you can really do about that besides. y'know. go "wow that sucks." but if you let it seep into your actual worldview, and in turn affect the way you treat other people, you're gonna be shitty
as an example: I'm a fat woman, and because I live in a fatphobic society, I am at times sensitive about my weight. sometimes I see someone fatter than me and my immediate thought is "wow, at least I'm not as big as they are." and it's one thing if that's a passing shitty thought, but another thing altogether if I decide to become The Girl That Thinks She's Better Than Other People Because She's Not As Fat As They Are.
it's the same impulse where someone is like "well yeah I'm gay but at least I'm not one of those fags who can't shut up about being gay." it's the same impulse as "sure I'm autistic but at least I'm high-functioning." if you allow these to become pillars of your self-conception and the way you navigate the world, you're gonna act shitty.
(the reason I provided "well I might be a weeb but at least I'm not shitty about it" as an example where this mentality isn't corrosive in the same way is because there is - imo - a tangible, meaningful difference between someone who Enjoys Foreign Pop Culture and whatnot vs. someone who has a bunch of weird, uninterrogated racist-or-otherwise-unpleasant assumptions about the world. and sometimes you see that second kind of guy and go "okay wow I need to avoid being that kind of guy.")
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bullet-prooflove · 10 months
Hiii could u pls write 32)  “I’m always ready for a war again” for Tim Bradford. Thanks sm
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Part One: Monster - Tim learns the reason you've been keeping your relationship a secret.
Part Two: The Gaslight (NSFW) - Tim tracks you down a month into your leave of absence.
Part Three: Stalemate - Captain Ashmore discovers your relationship with Tim.
Part Four: Foul Play - Ashmore employs another tactic in his hunt for you.
Part Five: Prayer - Tim comes face to face with his worst fear.
It’s past one in the morning and Captain Anthony Ashmore sits in his office, his left hand curled around a crystal tumbler of scotch and whilst an ice pack rests on his right, soothing the pain that ebbs across his split knuckles. The skin is raw and bruised already, he knows that it’ll be worse tomorrow. It doesn’t matter because there’s a catharsis in the pain. He got what he wanted, it’s all over now.
As he sits there, he thinks of you lying at his feet, beaten, broken, bloodied. The faint rasp of your breathing echoing in his ears before he’d knelt down beside you, his thumb trailing over your lower lip, smearing the blood like lipstick.
Goodbye my love, he had whispered before he kissed you.
He can still taste the copper in his mouth. It tastes bitter and sweet.  He’d placed his palm on the centre of your chest then, pressing down hard as that last breath had left your body.
It’s a powerful feeling, taking someone’s life, looking into their eyes during their final moments.
He hopes it’s Bradford that finds you, that the Sergent looks at you and knows that he did this, that he’s the one that killed you.
“He makes me come, in a way you never could.” You’d spat in his face when he’d confronted you about those pictures.
It’s those words that make him lose control, the sting of them, the knowledge that a man so far beneath him has brought you pleasure, that you think he’s better then Anthony. He doesn’t remember the first blow, or any of them really, only the rage that ate through his veins like a wildfire when he imagined Bradford’s hands on you, his name on your lips as he fucked you.
It’s only in the aftermath that he’d realised what he’d done, how far he’d gone. He’s done something similar once before, the night he put a gun in your mouth when he’d seen you and Hasim embracing. He hadn’t realised your partner was gay at that point, that him and his husband had just been cleared for adoption. That had been the catalyst for the divorce. You never documented it, just like you didn’t document all the other times he lost his shit.
Everything he did was because he loved you and you just couldn’t see it.
When they come to arrest him, he doesn’t expect it. He thought he’d covered his tracks, leveraging a few friends to provide him with an alibi, a late-night poker game. All three are well established fellow cops, it should have been enough. Afterall the other evidence is circumstantial. The bruises on his knuckles were from where someone had tried to mug him, he’d been too embarrassed to report it, he’d tell them.
What he hadn’t reckoned on was the video. He doesn’t remember seeing any cameras on the premises when he’d scouted the house previously which means you’d installed them not long before he’d arrived tonight.
It’s a set up; he realises as the handcuffs are fastened on his wrists. Something you’d orchestrated to catch him in the act. You’ve spent months evading him and then tonight when he’d drove past the house, the living room light had been on, and it was like a moth to a flame.
He laughs when he realises what you’ve done, it’s a hollow twisted sound that scratches across Angela’s nerve endings as she hauls him towards the door. Anthony’s always been taken by how well you can outthink a perp, it’s one of the things he’d loved about you.
“Fuck, she got me.” He says shaking his head. “She got me good.”
@redpool @malindacath @anime-weeb-4-life @burningpeachpuppy @viridianphtalo @vermillionwinter
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AITA for telling the truth about punching my stepson?
I am a 29 year old gay trans man. I recently married my husband (51M) and have been trying to bond with my stepson (21M). My husband raised my stepson alone from when he was 10 when my husband's ex-wife stepped out of the picture, and they are very close. He didn't start dating again until about 5 years ago and didn't realize he was attracted to men until a few years ago. He and his son lived in a conservative area until his son went off to college, and his son was kind of confused and upset about his father dating men, and when he found out I was trans he said some hurtful things which gave our relationship a rocky start. He's been much better but our relationship has always been a little awkward and stilted.
He's a big straight cis guy- like he was a linebacker in high school, and was planning on joining a frat until my husband, who is a worrier, talked him out of it and I'm a fat gay trans nerd. We have pretty much nothing in common and he didn't like that his dad was dating a man let alone a trans man who's only 8 years older than him. Between COVID and his college we also haven't spent much time together.
In February my husband and I got married and moved closer to the city where my stepson is in school. He was living on campus when we got married and is living with some friends during the summer, but he does laundry at our house and comes over for dinner at least once a week. We've been trying to get to know each other but it's awkward. My husband really really wants us to be closer and has tried to come up with activities we all enjoy to do together so it'll be less awkward.
He likes sports and martial arts and I did aikido as a kid for weeb reasons so I offered to take us to a beginner martial arts class and to take him and his friends out to dinner sometimes because they're college students and I work in computer programming, and though I have going out with friends money now, I remember the appeal of free food in college.
He took me up on the class and I thought things were going well but then one week he took me up on the food thing and his friends were uncomfortable because I'm 29 years old and he introduced me as his stepdad and they were what I would describe as playfully trans and homophobic. I brushed it off because it's a weird situation and i figured they were trying to diffuse the tension.
The next week when we got to class one of his friends was there. He and his friend spent the class hanging out with each other and ignoring me which hurt but I tried to brush it off.
When we got to sparring towards the end of class I was paired with my stepson and so we were sparring normally.
Full disclosure I've taken a few self defense classes and have been assaulted. This is not an excuse but it is the reason for the next bit.
My stepson's friend was goading us while we were sparring and stepped a little too close which knocked us both off our game and when my stepson went in for a normal grab, I freaked out a little and fully decked him in a totally illegal move. The second it happened I stepped away and started apologizing like crazy.
My stepson's nose was bleeding and the instructor was immediately right there to help him. My stepson said it was fine and laughed it off and said he was just bummed he would have to sit out the rest of class but he'd come up with a good story to tell girls and it would get him dates.
The friend also apologized for getting too close.
The instructor said he had been about to call for us to stop because we were too close to other people and he could see that I had panicked and that it would be okay because everyone signed waivers, but I should probably hold off sparring for now and we'd talk about what set me off so it wouldn't happen again. He was really nice about it, apparently he teaches self defense to survivors and recognized my reaction.
My stepson and I sat out the rest of class and I apologized a few more times and he kept brushing it off before he finally snapped and said it was fine because I punch like a girl anyway. He then got a ride with his friend.
When I got home I immediately went to my husband to tell him what happened and apologize and ask what he thought I should do to fix the situation. When I got to my husband he said that my son had already called him and told him everything and that neither he nor my stepson were upset with me. That these things happen and I shouldn't blame myself. I asked how I should make it up to my stepson and my husband said i didn't need to do anything and something like accidents happen or something. I just kind of let it go and decided to see how things went the next time I saw my stepson.
The next time my stepson came over, it became apparent that my stepson had lied to my husband about what happened. My husband believed that "some anxious chick" from the class had been the one to freak out and punch my stepson.
I wanted to be honest with my husband but I didn't want to upset my stepson and between the "punch like a girl" and the "some anxious chick" I felt like there's something more going on with why he lied to my husband. I wanted to talk to my stepson about it but he's been ignoring me since telling me that I punch like a girl.
My stepson ignored me and I avoided talking about the whole situation to my husband for about 10 days. It was causing me constant guilt and anxiety but I really wanted to talk to my stepson first.
Last night my husband mentioned that my stepson's bruise is finally completely gone and I broke down and told him everything. He was upset with both his son and me. He said that he could understand me accidentally hitting his son but keeping it from him made him feel like it was malicious. He said he needed time to process, so we didn't really talk about it, or at all after that. Between me punching his kid and lying and his son also lying and blaming a woman for it, my husband is mad at both of us, as apparently his son calling me a 'woman' to upset my husband has been a thing.
Evidently he called my stepson about it because when my stepson came by the house to get his laundry today, he was furious with me for "narcing on us" and allowing his dad to "blow things out of proportion."
I know lying in the first place was bad, but aita for telling my husband the truth after my stepson and I had seemingly agreed to keep it secret, especially without talking to my stepson first?
What are these acronyms?
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heidengamedev · 3 months
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Welcome to my gamedev blog!
My name's Heiden and I'm a solo developer with a passion for quirky emotional narrative games!
Work In Progress:
Who's That Mokemon?! (Working Title)
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Being made for Yaoijam 2024. A comedy RPG where two boys go on an adventure to break the sleeping curse on their village! Will feature 64 creatures to wrangle, train and evolve. Form your very own mokemon party, kiss your rival and discover the secrets of the island!
There's no way I'm going to be able to finish during the two month jam, but will be diligently working on it during the jam!
Finished Games (in reverse chronological order):
Hug Embassy (2024)
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Hug Embassy is looking for a new intern! Could that be you? A short 10k VN with hugging mini-games that can be played in-browser in a single sitting.
Available for Windows and Browser. Free.
Half Haunt Halloween (2023)
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Move back home to your supernatural family and earn enough money to prevent the electrical company from shutting off your power! A 30k tragicomedy money raiser about making do with what you've got when the whole system is rigged against you. Also your little brother is a weeb. Nya~!
Available for Windows and Mac. Commercial Release.
A Heart of Butterblue (2023)
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City girl Phebe has just inherited a farm. Her father was also just murdered and her grandfather is mysteriously missing. But she's mostly focused on adapting to her new routine.
A 30k horror western VN/farm sim with fully playable farming mechanics (plant, water, harvest, sell, plant), a foraging system, active clock and three characters to get close to and attempt to befriend.
Available for Windows, Mac, Linux, and Steam. Free.
Tomorrow for Mar (2022)
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Cast spells on a large cast of quirky characters as Mar attempts to pass their university final while battling the world's most obvious crush. Awkward.
A 2.5D VN with puzzles.
Available for Windows, Mac, Linux, and Steam. Commercial Release.
Also available in French and Italian.
Ziva and the Wolves (2021)
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Ziva is dying and there is no cure. Two knights both want the same legendary sword for opposing reasons. The three of them travel deep into the depths of the Goddess' temple to determine the fate of their lives.
A 5k VN with puzzles that take the form of SRPG battles.
Available for Windows and Mac. Free.
Heart is Muscle (2021)
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Flex your way to become mayor! The town of Swoleville elects their mayor by way of a flexing contest, and poor Boro has just lost to his archrival. He's got 24 hours to contest the results but also-- the world might be ending?!
A comedy RPG/VN about getting stronger, helping people and saving the world!
Available for Windows, Mac, Linux and Steam. Commercial.
A New Don (2021)
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Fia is set to inherit the title of Donna in one week, but has to survive the rest of the family's murder attempts first to get there! Features a nameable giant pet hog.
A 24k mafia-themed otome thriller with two LIs each with their own ending and a slew of bad ends.
Available for Windows, Mac, Linux and Browser. Free.
Also available in Spanish.
Kill the Prince?! (2020)
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A prince is being married against his will. An assassin(?) is hired to take care of the issue. Wait, what? This game is gay?
A 5k comedy VN with espionage mechanics and four weird outfits to dress our assassin up in.
Available for Windows, Mac, Linux and Browser. Free.
Also available in Portuguese and French.
The Girl With The Gray Hair Awakens (2019)
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A girl wakes up in a room with no memory and no color. Die, continue, die, continue again, and you might break the cycle.
Made in 72 hours as a 'flash gamedev challenge'.
Available for Windows, Mac, Linux and Browser. Free.
The Bog's Heart (2018)
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Travel deep into the heart of the bog to find a cure for Meg's mom! But also your dog starts talking? That can't be normal.
A short (~5k) VN with puzzles made for Acejam 2018.
Dr. Frank's Build-A-Boyfriend (2017)
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Dr. Frank's ex-boyfriend just stole his research and he's out for REVENGE. Build yourself the hottest bestest boy ever to SHOW UP his STINKY EX!!!!!
A 18k black comedy with point and click elements and a crafting system as well as a customizable custom made boyfriend!
Available for Windows, Mac, Linux, Steam, Nintendo Switch, Playstation Store, Microsoft Store.
Itch.io and Steam version Free. Console Port with New Epilogue Commercial.
Elvine (2013)
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Elvine flees a horrible attack on her village to the ruins of an old castle. There she awaits news of the outside world while the ghosts of the past creep up on her...
A 32k somber otome game with two LIs and four endings. The first game I ever made!!! Look at how far I've come, omg.
Available or Windows, Mac and Linux.
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olderthannetfic · 1 year
CDawgVA being a white cishet weeb who's fond of crossdressing, BL, talking about and exploring queer culture and joking about being gay for his friend Chris has done so much to deradicalize weebs I've seen online. His content really humanizes queer people and he's just so casual about how normal he sees us that it rubs off of his audience. And you have to appreciate responding to the trolls who Photoshopped his face onto porn by going, "Where's Chris?!" and "Oh come on, I'm not THAT pale!" *a few seconds later, as chat disagrees* "I'M NOT!" on stream instead of getting mad. It made everyone laugh and kind of signaled that no, he's not actually hurt by being called queer. It's not an insult to him. It's just another kind of person, and that message in weeb spaces is really valuable.
I always shake my head at people who want to twist things into "it's really awful that he reads BL, actually!" because why, other than queerphobia, would you want to turn to someone who's helped a lot of weebs get over their queerphobia and go, "No, stop that"? Who does that help?
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redux-sikfox · 4 months
Dunno how to start this post off, so I guess Happy Pride Month! And this post is just like... About me? No rhyme or reason or explanations. Just talking to myself really.
Guess I can start off saying I'm AFAB and have been attracted to men for most of my life. Started off in high school, not knowing why I was intimidating and not being the target of people's affection outside of friendship. To thinking relationships were a lot of hard work, but was still kinda sad not ever being included. Or not really having a connection with my friends because everyone was dating someone so I didn't have that core experience that people could talk about and share stories with.
Graduated and started working, and found that people actually found me attractive. School just wasn't a good space for that kind of thing for me because I was a quiet weeb who liked to ignore everyone and listen to music, and also had no sense in fashion. Now I'm testing out new fashion (as much as I can with a dress-code at work) and seeing what I like.
Then, slowly realizing that I was ace because a lot of the guys who were interested in me kinda just wanted to hook up, and I wasn't down with that. Which got me called 'she's secretly a man' by a lot of guys at work. Then I got confused about being Ace for awhile because I like to write smut a lot, though I tend to write mostly MLM. So then I worried if I was fetishizing gay men. So I toned it down a lot. Around this time, "Fetishizing" was huge and everyone was pointing fingers for dumb reasons, so I shoved that part of me down except for in certain groups where I felt like I was safe.
Two jobs later and I hear about people becoming trans more often. Never thought it would be me, though I've hated my body since I was 16. I just didn't connect the dots that there were people out there who hated their bodies/gender just like me who could do something about it. But surgeries scare me so I figured, I'm not trans. Trans are for people who can get those surgeries, and medication, and who look like the gender they want to be. But I still wasn't happy being me. So I figured I was agender or non-binary.
Nowadays, I know that that's not how it works. And you can still be trans without getting any of that stuff. And me being attracted to men? Turns out, I'm just attracted to masculine people. Men, women, in between. And that attraction made me want to be masc too. Found that out sometime last year into this one. I'm in my 30s now.
Straight logic says that I'm still a woman because my body hasn't changed and I'm still attracted to men. But pride logic states that I am whatever I wanna be; to be comfortable in my own skin, and I think I'd rather listen to that than be forced into a box. Labels can be confusing. So just be what you want to be. You don't have to prepare a speech. You don't have to justify anything. And things will change as you grow. You could be one thing one year, and something completely different in the next.
So in the end, I guess those guys at work were right. I am a man. And being attracted to other men/masculine people, I would have never dated any of those bumpkin fucks. And I still write my MLM smut. Though I am trying to branch out a bit. Not because I'm worried about what other people think anymore, but because I'm learning new things and testing what I like.
Still very ace right now. And that's okay. My writing lets me live through whatever I think I want without the commitment or ordeal of being with someone. But that may change in the future too. I won't know til it happens. There's literally no rush. I might go back to being non-binary one day, who's to say? No one knows. Not even me. I like being a safe space for people, and I've had thoughts about that. If I commit to being a guy, will that scare certain people away that would have felt more comfortable with me if I was a woman or neutral?
I have a lot of thoughts about these types of things. But I think it's important to prioritize yourself first before others. Because if they don't think I'm good enough, they can always find others that meet that criteria. I think I'm good enough, and I have a lot of friends who think the same. I'm like a special interest only few people have, ya know? And I think a lot of people fall under that. You won't be palatable for everyone, and that's okay.
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pastelsalmonsworld · 1 year
My personal timeline as a multi shipper
Here’s my controversial MHA (I know I know) ship timeline. I see a pattern of simply liking a ship because the two characters had an interesting interaction or exclusive to Izuocha, where Ochako can only likes Izuku. This is in order by timeline. I want to to spread this to show people that you are not hated by 100% of a group of anybody. We are all multi-faceted beings. My ships are based on interesting dynamics not canon-ness thereby superiority. This list is based on a timeline, not my interest.
‘Shipping’ in my case is simply enjoying the characters in a fanart or fa fiction outside of canon which is deemed more than is needed to understand the charcters. Support romantic or otherwise fanart with mainly two characters basically. It doesn’t even mean I see how they would be together in canon. Before bakudeku, I read most of these at the same time. I felt I had to have one ship only at some points too which isn’t true.
Maybe shipping for me is just liking an aspect of a story.
Izuocha. I liked this ship because it seemed like it was going to be obviously canon. I enjoy a lot of canon-ships like NaruHina, KanaTanjiro or just about any of my favorite shoujo and boys love pairings. Also a few spare girls love comics too; cute! I just thought that’s how it was. First friend and supportive and obvious.
Kacchako. I enjoyed their fight in the Sports Festival arc of mha because Katsuki didn’t hold back. I agreed with most of the crowd, he’s /kind of/ insane in how he acts at his point in the series. I fully believed he would go Sasuke or Villain route in this part of the series. I liked that he didn’t treat her differently because she’s a girl despite his intentions. Ochako put up her best fight and found something new in herself that she hadn’t before; the wit and quick thinking to fight back against a super strong unrestrained Enemy. I ended up seeing a BEAUTIFUL fanart of him sitting at a desk and Ochako sitting at a wind that was amazingly rendered. I read a lot of— let’s just say extremely out of pocket fan fiction about this rare pair. I felt insecure about this ship because it got made fun of online. Also Bakugo’s ‘nothing frail about her’ comments in the relationship connection extras. Regardless, interesting, fun, imaginative, unexpected.
KiriBaku. This seems to be the mostly widely /accepted/ ship in my opinion. I feel like it has the most support in the American fandom. Kiri was super popular at the time I joined my hero and I was deep in the weeb-tok era of 2019 through 2021(anyone else miss the “Iwa-Chan, kageyama!/ I know that I’m gonna slaughter dis” sound? And OH the cosplays). MAN I miss it it was so fun and less dodgy than boring-ass takes and blind fighting on twitter. I was a bakudeku hater at this time because I blindly believed the death threats were true. I didn’t hate the ship personally feel deep down but I thought actual death threats would’ve been too far. I often dumped mean and repetitive comments on anti-bakudeku tiktoks. I really enjoyed an actor au where the author switched the moha characters to playing their Japanese voice actors. Baku go/okamoto really wanted to play a canon gay character in the drama they were actors in but Izuku got it first which caused his continued resentment of izuku because he assumed he was not gay. It was really fun and some of the fics were very memorable and wholesome. Good times! At the transition between these two ships the fandom was all happy and the fanfics were funny and Bakugou was being supportive of his friends in his own way at this point.
Bakudeku. The plot twist of the century. But, not really. See, I hated bakudeku mostly because I wanted to fit in with the popular opinion and simple “they hate each other!!”. In order to seem normal and not insane since it was so hated. Again, I already thought bakugo’s character because it humanizes a bully in a realistic way. I usually live for those crazy ass villains anyway; it’s just anime. Death Note??? But obviously, I never would have put Bakugou in Izuku together. Rewatching season 1 that shot was terrible as fuck and heart wrenching and I feel so bad again after watching and I can see why I absolutely hated Katsuki when I watched mha. I can see why people still hate him. Again, I started looking at the fanart out of spite and saw a lot of fanart with one of them looking at the other back and watching them from behind. It’s really true to the series. It is so heart wrenching to watch and read. That’s why I like reading it. I’ve read SOO many fics where either of them die mostly Izuku, because of the suicide comment, but eventually with the event of black whip, mostly Katsuki for obvious reasons. There’s a deep theme of saving and winning and even the horror of death when you love someone so obviously I was captivated. Some fics, and I mean A LOT, basically predicted word for word the hospital scenes. I don’t like ‘I know your secret power’ tropes, but it’s there. There’s just so much between them it’s crazy. The way /The Way You Used To by: edema ruh/ has like the exact hospital scenes that LATER!!!! Happened in the manga… the death, the emotional power-ups, the connection of a separate soulmate ( ‘nother person in your body thing like the vestiges) quirk, PLUS ofa transactions inspired by two heros that canonically seem like they’re about to happen. You’ve got the Volume cover and everything to show for it too. Themes of almost Spider-Man and Gwen???? I rewatched Spider-Man 2 and it’s like huh??? And also Izuku is inspired by spider-man as well? Oh SHIT, is bakugo Izuku’s failed save? I’m gonna be SO FUCKINNG MAD if that happens, but I’m one of those people who enjoys angst a lot at the same time and I will appreciate it. I’m so everything for this ship for this ship platonic friendship or not I may just ship their friendship
TodoIIda. Usually, I don’t find a lot of my ships seeming canon except for this one. I already know that any important relationship or friendship between characters can be shipped but since they aren’t seen interacting on screen much next to the scene where iida saves him instead of going ahead, it really stuck. That must have been Horikoshi’s intention because he came back to them recently like they matter to each other. I JUST remembered the stain arc and how IIda and Shouto’s can relate on wanting revenge. Iida’s motto to help someone anywhere any time relates to Todoroki’s helplessness as a child. They’re important to each other. Friends, family.
Togachako. I didn’t consider this a ‘ship’ per se until recently, but I was obsessed with how Toga wanted become Ochako and the people she loves also how they like the same boy I guess?? Izuku seems oblivious and somehow even unrelated to their relationship even though it started it. There was this one cosplay tiktok with a poppy sound on it and I was OB- SESSED. I told you I love me some crazy simpy villains and Toga is just that. Unexpected was how Ochako starts to focus on her specifically and want to save her. I was NOTTT expecting her to say she was jealous of her smile. I was so sad when Himi said she didn’t want to talk to Chako anymore so I was PUMPED to hear people spreading the misleading togacjako canon on twitter. Toga biromantic/sapphic vampire whose blood-sucking is like kissing, is getting blood from ochsko for the rest of her life. I don’t know if toga really cares anymore. I also enjoy their possible relationship to Yuki-onna. Would love if something came out of them in canon, though I just realized toga explicated said she wanted to go out with Izuku so why can’t she do it for ochako?
dabihawks. I was SO confused why people shipped this when they barely showed their interactions. I only realized when a mostly canon style fan manga dubbed did a dabihawks comic. I then realized they are are almost the same childhood reflections of each other, neglected, abused by their parents
As an end note, I learned that every ship dynamic has to be romantic, but usually it is because of recent fan culture. I’m 15 but I know a lot about older fandom because I was an avid Kaichou Wa Maid Sama fan and used the less popular fan fiction.net. People are a lot nicer on fanfixtion sites than on social media sites, I’ve learned also older fandoms didn’t get massively hated on like MHA does. There’s just more people in the world who watch now. Remember to be yourself because there’s always someone feeling just like you out there, I promise. Chaio;3
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festaventurine · 8 months
anyway i had a yuri light novel concept involving Vtubers and net culture--- one of my many yuri romcom concepts actually. i have a lot of romcom lesbian OC brainrot for a while and i guess i'll just reveal it one by one here a little because having it on my head only kind of sucks after a while but i'm not ready to write everything yet. and tumblr is probably my safe place to do this while making it a lot more searchable with tags
setting / chara names are Japanese bcos I'm a weeb who does feel comfortable writing it more like that. but i'd like to take notes from indie Vtuber communities internationally so pls do not mind it much!
This one's temporarily called Offcam-Collab. There are slight cw on mentions of children exploitation and neglect due to the basic concept of the protagonist.
The introvert Iino Mieru is an unfortunate girl who is a victim of an exploitative family vlogging since young age. While her siblings thrive and survived and gained fame and strength on their own, she grew even more introverted with the infamy. Everyone knows her embarrassing childhood stories even long after her careless parents stopped as they got caught by the police due to a case of neglect and child exploitation.
In college age, she now lives with her siblings as a leeching NEET--- though she made money being on Youtube by doing clips and video edits for Vtubers.
Worried about her future, her brother Neo and twin sister Meiru decided to reconnect with one of her only childhood friends to the house; Shiina Kiyoko aka Kii-chan upon finding her in the same college Meiru was in. They invited her to their house without telling her at first.
Unknown to her siblings though; Mieru aka Mii-chan had a crush on Kii-chan back in the days-- she was her first love. They had an awkward reunion at first and Mieru had a gay panic, but as she learned that Kii-chan is still the same as before they were separated, Mieru wanted to take a step forward, too....
Well, it came to some form immediately. Due to an accident in her room, Kiyoko learned that Mieru was doing a clip for a popular Vtuber on her PC. Kiyoko revealed that it was her dream to be a Vtuber idol of a certain big agency.... but she had no portofolio at all and didn't know where to start.
Mieru, realizing that Kii-chan deserves to shine as bright as a star more than she wanted to be her lover, decided to help her in her dream with her knowledge of content creation that her parents had been using out of her in the past.
Thus started Mii-chan's journey as the shadow, nameless producer of an indie Vtuber project, Kagerou Shiori-- aiming to be 'reincarnated' in her dream agency.
....It's a romcom, but I have a lot of ideas for drama too.
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headcanons-n-shit · 1 year
good evening i have been allowed to Spin(tm) and that should never happen so here we go
Modern-ish au
Hancock is a weeb, yes, but he's a weeb with capital, business sense, and contacts, and thus he runs one of the most respectful little Doman goods shops you can find outside of Little Doma. Yes he's spent many a late night making sure his shit is authentic, yes he has to charge pretty big markups to barely make ends meet, yes his customers are mostly shitty students or the anime-obsessed, yes sometimes he wonders if this is even worth it or if he should just go back to trading stocks in Ul'dah.
But also the old Doman ladies who can't make the half-hour each way trip to Little Doma every week are absolutely charmed that he, an ijin, speaks perfect Doman, and he carries all the snacks they like, and he always wants to hear about their grandchildren or about the recent drama from mahjong night, and he always manages to get their festival foods and ingredients in on time (even if he has to pull extra hours and every time his suppliers cut it a little close). He's learning the Steppe tongue, slowly, from the Xaela pair that come in ever wednesday to make sure their children remember the taste of home, and he's finally figured out how to greet the odd veena in the language of the Skatay (although the finer sounds of Golmorian still escape him).
Even if it means he lives in a tiny little flat, even if it means near-sleepless nights spent looking for spare gil in the books to pay rent and pinching his pursestrings on his own groceries, this place gives him something Ul'dah never did:
a community.
A community that just so happens to include one Ash'a Amari.
Ash'a is a miqote, a Bozjan expat who spent his twenties and early thirties running refugees past Imperial lines to ships waiting to take them away to the relative safety of Eorzea, and Eorzean supplies to Bozjan resistance fighters on the front lines, until a single missed iud ended that career (and nearly ended his life).
Nowadays he's wheelchair-bound, working as a tattoo artist out of the tiny spot in the mall bc despite yugiri putting in a good word for him that's about the most the Thieves' Guild is willing to shell out for him. And that's alright. His legs might not work, but his hands are as steady as ever, and if the client is willing he hires some of the local kids to do art for him, and he does all of the thieves' ink for free, and if there's a little literal magic to his work, well. He's never had any complaints.
(and maybe, every now and then, once the lights are out and the shutters are closed, one of the thieves will slip in through the back door, and the bed where customers lay in the daytime will become an impromptu operating table, and Ash'a steady hands will save lives once again, and in the morning there will be oddly gruff faces cleaning The Waking Sands from top to bottom, but a bit of gil changes hands and no one questions a thing)
And the tension of the story doesn't come from the fact that the Thieves' Guild is currently having a problem with Imperial Assassins (not like Ash'a can do anything about it, really), or even that every time the store dips into the red Hancock nearly has a fucking heart attack trying to figure out how to make ends meet.
Nah, the plot comes from where it absolutely should in these kinds of stories:
nosey Doman grandmamas.
bc dearest Hinata, bless her heart, has been on Hancocks case for so. long. now. About how "having a lady around would make things so much easier on you, wouldn't it?" Extolling the virtues of her own (single) daughters, her friends' (single) daughters, the (single) daughters she knows adjacently from Little Doma. And Hancock, bless his heart, doesn't have it in him to tell this well-meaning woman that he is very, very gay.
And thankfully! He doesn't have to! bc Ash'a pops his head into the store one day around noon bc "the microwave in my back room broke and there's no way im eating these noodles cold, can I please use yours", and Hancock accepts eagerly bc he will take literally any out from yet another matchmaking session, and suddenly Hinata is connecting dots (she's not connecting shit).
The next time mahjong night comes around, she insists that Hancock should bring that "nice miqote lad from next door he's so fond of"
And it spins(tm) from there.
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bullet-prooflove · 8 months
Flavours: Che 'Taza' Romero (feat: Michael 'Riz' Ariza)
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Tagging: @drabbles-mc @ficnation @keyweegirlie @aconfusedidentity @anime-weeb-4-life, @danzer8705 @adaydreamaway08 @librarian1002 @creativitybeware @mortal--soul @buddinglinguist
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Riz has always known that Taza was gay. He picked up on it early within their friendship. Whilst his brothers took women to bed, he played cards and sipped whiskey at the poker table. There were other signs, the occasional flicker of interest when a man walked by, the shyness in his gaze if their eyes met. Riz has spent his entire life observing people’s behaviour, back in the orphanage and then in the whorehouse, he knows attraction when he sees it.
The change in Taza is subtle. It starts with small, bashful smiles and develops into lingering touches, ones where Taza doesn’t want to let go. That’s how Riz knows that it’s turns intimate, he remembers being the same when him and Songbird had first gotten together, and he had been trying to keep it under the radar.
They’re sitting at a table in the breakroom, sharing a coffee when Riz tries to approach it. They’ve been mapping out the operational aspects of the programmes at the community centre when Riz sets down his pen.
“It’s nice to see you happy.” He says quietly.
His eyes stray to Ben who’s talking to the pink haired girl from the coding course Bottles has been running. Taza follows his gaze before he clears his throat and turns his attention back to the paperwork in front of him.
“Che…” Riz says and that gets Taza’s attention because no one in the MC ever calls him by his first name. “I’ve been known to try a different flavour from time to time, it’s not my favourite flavour but it’s not a bad one.”
“Your favourite flavour wears black silk and sings like an angel.” Taza responds as he toys with his own pen between his fingers.
“And yours wears button up shirts and has a beard that I am very envious of.” Riz counters, rubbing his palm across his jawline.
There’s silence between the two of them before Taza breaks it.
“Were you worried that the others would find out?”
“Neron did find out. He saw the guy coming out of my room the next day.” Riz tells him, his lips twitching up into a smile. Taza can only imagine the sight that Neron was subjected to. Riz’s poor one night stand, fucked out and wrecked as Riz kissed him goodbye on the doorstep of the motel room. He’s seen younger man do it a thousand times before when he’s been with women, he can’t see it changing with a guy. “It didn’t bother him either way.”
Taza sighs, twisting the pen between his fingers.
“Things are different now.” Riz says, using his hands to articulate. “We’re different now. The club isn’t the same as it was. Nobody’s going to shame you for loving who you love, especially not the people who care about you.”
“It’s not about shame, not entirely.” Taza tells him, his voice rough. “I lost someone when I was with Vatos Malditos, my David…”
Taza swallows hard against the ache in his chest. There’s an anguish when he talks about David, it sits in the space underneath his ribs, squeezing his heart like a fist.
“He was killed when El Palo found out about the two of us, he slit his own brother’s throat. That hate, the memory of it, makes it hard to move forward.”
Something like that it stays with you, it gives Riz insight into his friend’s mentality. He understands why Taza has kept his sexuality a secret, why he hasn’t allowed himself to experience the joy or the pleasure of losing yourself in a lover. It devastates Riz, that the man he respects has suffered so much, that he’s been forced to suppress the truth about who he is.
“I’m sorry.” Riz says, his palm coming to rest upon Taza’s arm, squeezing it tightly. He can’t convey how he means those words because Taza has given him so much over the years. He taught him to embrace who he was, to channel his negative emotions into something healthier, it was Taza who gave him his love of music, who bought him his first guitar when he was just a broke teenager.
“I love Ben.” Taza tells him earnestly. “He’s bright, vibrant and he’s so unashamed about who he is. He deserves better than to be some dirty secret.”
“Then don’t let him be one.” Riz says forcefully. “What happened to David was horrible but we’re not Vatos Malditos and Bishop is not El Palo. You’ve seen him with these kids, he doesn’t care if their LGBTQ or not, as long as they’re happy, it’s the same with you.”
Taza’s gaze flickers up to meet Riz’s. He sees a lifetime of hurt in those eyes, of fear and shame but he also sees hope, hope for a future where Taza can be with the man he loves without violence, without tragedy.
“Maybe it’s time to make a change.” Riz tells him, leaning back in his seat. “Maybe it’s time you allowed yourself be happy.”
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